# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """Container stage""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type from hpccm.primitives.baseimage import baseimage class Stage(object): """Class for container stages. Docker may have one or more stages, Singularity will always have a single stage. # Parameters name: Name to use when refering to the stage (Docker specific). The default is an empty string. separator: Separator to insert between stages. The default is '\\n\\n'. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize stage""" self.__layers = [] = kwargs.get('name', '') self.__separator = kwargs.get('separator', '\n\n') def __iadd__(self, layer): """Add the layer to the stage. Allows "+=" syntax.""" # The name of the stage should reflect the name the user # provided in the baseimage primitive (via the _as parameter). # This violates the encapsulation of the baseimage primitive. if layer.__class__.__name__ == 'baseimage' and not = layer._baseimage__as if isinstance(layer, list): self.__layers.extend(layer) else: self.__layers.append(layer) return self def __len__(self): """Return number of layers""" return len(self.__layers) def __str__(self): """String representation of the stage""" return self.__separator.join(str(x) for x in self.__layers) def baseimage(self, image, _distro=''): """Insert the baseimage as the first layer # Arguments image (string): The image identifier to use as the base image. The value is passed to the `baseimage` primitive. _distro: The underlying Linux distribution of the base image. The value is passed to the `baseimage` primitive. """ if image: self.__layers.insert(0, baseimage(image=image,, _distro=_distro)) def runtime(self, _from=None, exclude=[]): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a previous stage. This method invokes the runtime() method for every layer in the stage. If a layer does not have a runtime() method, then it is skipped. # Arguments _from: The name of the stage from which to copy the runtime. The default is `0`. exclude: List of building blocks to exclude when generating the runtime. The default is an empty list. # Examples ```python Stage0 += baseimage(image='nvidia/cuda:9.0-devel') Stage0 += gnu() Stage0 += boost() Stage0 += ofed() Stage0 += openmpi() ... Stage1 += baseimage(image='nvidia/cuda:9.0-base') Stage1 += Stage0.runtime(exclude=['boost']) ``` """ # If the name of the stage is not explicitly specified, use # the name of the Stage if available, otherwise 0 (Docker's # default) if not _from and _from = elif not _from: if hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY: logging.warning('Multi-stage Singularity containers require a named first stage') _from = '0' instructions = [] for layer in self.__layers: runtime = getattr(layer, 'runtime', None) if callable(runtime) and layer.__class__.__name__ not in exclude: inst = layer.runtime(_from=_from) if inst: instructions.append(inst) return self.__separator.join(instructions)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, unused-import """Container recipe""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from six import raise_from from distutils.version import StrictVersion import logging import os import sys import traceback import hpccm import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type from hpccm.Stage import Stage from hpccm.building_blocks import * from hpccm.primitives import * def include(recipe_file, _globals=None, _locals=None, prepend_path=True, raise_exceptions=False): """Include a recipe file # Arguments recipe_file: path to a recipe file (required) _globals: a dictionary representing the global symbol table _locals: a dictionary representing the local symbol table prepend_path: If True, prepend the path of the main recipe to the recipe_file. If the recipe_file is an absolute path, then the path is not prepended regardless of the value of this parameter. raise_exceptions: If False, do not print stack traces when an exception is raised. The default value is False. """ if _locals is None: # caller's locals _locals = sys._getframe(1).f_locals if _globals is None: # caller's globals _globals = sys._getframe(1).f_globals # If a recipe file is included from another recipe file, some way # is needed to find the included recipe if it specified using a # relative path (relative to the including recipe file). Since # recipe files are exec'ed, the value of __file__ is this file, # not the recipe file. In order to make including recipes in other # recipes using relative paths more intuitive, prepend the path of # the base recipe file. if (prepend_path and hasattr(include, 'prepend_path') and not os.path.isabs(recipe_file)): recipe_file = os.path.join(include.prepend_path, recipe_file) try: with open(recipe_file) as f: # pylint: disable=exec-used exec(compile(, recipe_file, 'exec'), _globals, _locals) except Exception as e: if raise_exceptions: raise_from(e, e) else: traceback.print_exc() exit(1) def recipe(recipe_file, cpu_target=None, ctype=container_type.DOCKER, raise_exceptions=False, single_stage=False, singularity_version='2.6', userarg=None, working_directory='/var/tmp'): """Recipe builder # Arguments recipe_file: path to a recipe file (required). cpu_target: A CPU microarchitecture string recognized by archspec. ctype: Enum representing the container specification format. The default is `container_type.DOCKER`. raise_exceptions: If False, do not print stack traces when an exception is raised. The default value is False. single_stage: If True, only print the first stage of a multi-stage recipe. The default is False. singularity_version: Version of the Singularity definition file format to use. Multi-stage support was added in version 3.2, but the changes are incompatible with earlier versions of Singularity. The default is '2.6'. userarg: A dictionary of key / value pairs provided to the recipe as the `USERARG` dictionary. working_directory: path to use as the working directory in the container specification """ # Make user arguments available USERARG = {} # pylint: disable=unused-variable if userarg: USERARG = userarg # alias # Consider just 2 stages for the time being stages = [Stage(), Stage()] Stage0 = stages[0] # alias # pylint: disable=unused-variable Stage1 = stages[1] # alias # pylint: disable=unused-variable # Set the CPU target hpccm.config.set_cpu_target(cpu_target) # Set the global container type hpccm.config.g_ctype = ctype # Set the global Singularity version hpccm.config.g_singularity_version = StrictVersion(singularity_version) # Set the global working directory hpccm.config.g_wd = working_directory # Any included recipes that are specified using relative paths will # need to prepend the path to the main recipe in order to be found. # Save the path to the main recipe. include.prepend_path = os.path.dirname(recipe_file) # Load in the recipe file include(recipe_file, _locals=locals(), _globals=globals(), prepend_path=False, raise_exceptions=raise_exceptions) # Only process the first stage of a recipe if single_stage: del stages[1:] elif len(Stage1) > 0: if (ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY and hpccm.config.g_singularity_version < StrictVersion('3.2')): # Singularity prior to version 3.2 did not support # multi-stage builds. If the Singularity version is not # sufficient to support multi-stage, provide advice to # specify a sufficient Singularity version or disable # multi-stage. logging.warning('This looks like a multi-stage recipe. ' 'Singularity 3.2 or later is required for ' 'multi-stage builds. Use ' '--singularity-version=3.2 to enable this ' 'feature or --single-stage to get rid of this ' 'warning. Only processing the first stage...') del stages[1:] elif ctype == container_type.BASH: logging.warning('This looks like a multi-stage recipe, but ' 'bash does not support multi-stage builds. ' 'Use --single-stage to get rid of this warning. ' 'Only processing the first stage...') del stages[1:] r = [] for index, stage in enumerate(stages): if index >= 1: r.append('') r.append(str(stage)) return '\n'.join(r)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """KNEM building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import hpccm.templates.envvars from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_build import generic_build from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment class knem(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars): """The `knem` building block install the headers from the [KNEM]( component. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH`) should be modified to include knem. The default is True. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing. The default values are `ca-certificates` and `git`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/knem`. version: The version of KNEM source to download. The default value is `1.1.4`. # Examples ```python knem(prefix='/opt/knem/1.1.3', version='1.1.3') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(knem, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', ['ca-certificates', 'git']) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/knem') self.__repository = kwargs.pop('repository', '') self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '1.1.4') # Setup the environment variables self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include')) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_build( base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, branch='knem-{}'.format(self.__version), comment=False, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, install=['mkdir -p {}/include'.format(self.__prefix), 'cp common/*.h {}/include'.format(self.__prefix)], runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, prefix=self.__prefix, repository=self.__repository, **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('KNEM version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python k = knem(...) Stage0 += k Stage1 += k.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('KNEM') self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """GNU compiler building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.ConfigureMake import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.git import hpccm.templates.ldconfig import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.tar import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class gnu(bb_base, hpccm.templates.ConfigureMake, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.git, hpccm.templates.ldconfig, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.tar, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `gnu` building block installs the GNU compilers from the upstream Linux distribution. As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the GNU compilers. The toolchain can be passed to other operations that want to build using the GNU compilers. # Parameters cc: Boolean flag to specify whether to install `gcc`. The default is True. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default value is `--disable-multilib`. This option is only recognized if a source build is enabled. cxx: Boolean flag to specify whether to install `g++`. The default is True. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`) should be modified to include the GNU compiler. The default is True. extra_repository: Boolean flag to specify whether to enable an extra package repository containing addition GNU compiler packages. For Ubuntu, setting this flag to True enables the `ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test` repository. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, setting this flag to True enables the Software Collections (SCL) repository. The default is False. fortran: Boolean flag to specify whether to install `gfortran`. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the GNU library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the GNU library directory. The default value is False. This option is only recognized if a source build is enabled. openacc: Boolean flag to control whether a OpenACC enabled compiler is built. If True, adds `--with-cuda-driver` and `--enable-offload-targets=nvptx-none` to the list of host compiler `configure` options and also builds the accelerator compiler and dependencies (`nvptx-tools` and `nvptx-newlib`). The default value is False. This option is only recognized if a source build is enabled. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `bzip2`, `file`, `gcc`, `g++`, `git`, `make`, `perl`, `tar`, `wget`, and `xz-utils`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `bzip2`, `file`, `gcc`, `gcc-c++`, `git`, `make`, `perl`, `tar`, `wget`, and `xz`. This option is only recognized if a source build is enabled. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/gnu`. This option is only recognized if a source build is enabled. source: Boolean flag to control whether to build the GNU compilers from source. The default value is False. version: The version of the GNU compilers to install. Note that the version refers to the Linux distribution packaging, not the actual compiler version. For Ubuntu, the version is appended to the default package name, e.g., `gcc-7`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the version is inserted into the SCL Developer Toolset package name, e.g., `devtoolset-7-gcc`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, specifying the version automatically sets `extra_repository` to True. If a source build is enabled, the version is the compiler tarball version on the GNU FTP site and the version must be specified. The default is an empty value. # Examples ```python gnu() ``` ```python gnu(fortran=False) ``` ```python gnu(extra_repository=True, version='7') ``` ```python gnu(openacc=True, source=True, version='9.1.0') ``` ```python g = gnu() openmpi(..., toolchain=g.toolchain, ...) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(gnu, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__cc = kwargs.get('cc', True) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get('configure_opts', ['--disable-multilib']) self.__cxx = kwargs.get('cxx', True) self.__extra_repo = kwargs.get('extra_repository', False) self.__fortran = kwargs.get('fortran', True) self.__openacc = kwargs.get('openacc', False) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/gnu') self.__source = kwargs.get('source', False) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', None) self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory self.__commands = [] # Filled in below self.__compiler_debs = [] # Filled in below self.__compiler_rpms = [] # Filled in below self.__extra_repo_apt = [] # Filled in below self.__runtime_debs = ['libgomp1'] self.__runtime_rpms = ['libgomp'] # Output toolchain self.toolchain = toolchain() if self.__source: self.__build() else: self.__repository() # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __configure_toolchain_on_build(self): directory = posixpath.join(self.prefix, 'bin') if self.__cc: self.toolchain.CC = posixpath.join(directory, 'gcc') self.toolchain.CFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('gcc', self.__version) if self.__cxx: self.toolchain.CXX = posixpath.join(directory, 'g++') self.toolchain.CXXFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('gcc', self.__version) if self.__fortran: self.toolchain.FC = posixpath.join(directory, 'gfortran') self.toolchain.F77 = posixpath.join(directory, 'gfortran') self.toolchain.F90 = posixpath.join(directory, 'gfortran') self.toolchain.FFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('gcc', self.__version) self.toolchain.FCFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('gcc', self.__version) if "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" in self.environment_variables: self.toolchain.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = self.environment_variables["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] def __build(self): """Build compilers from source""" if not self.__version: raise RuntimeError('The compiler version must be specified when performing a source build') # Determine which compiler frontends to build languages = [] if self.__cc: languages.append('c') if self.__cxx: languages.append('c++') if self.__fortran: languages.append('fortran') if self.__openacc: languages.append('lto') # Download source from web tarball = 'gcc-{0}.tar.xz'.format(self.__version) url = '{0}/gcc-{1}/{2}'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version, tarball) self.__commands.append(self.download_step(url=url, directory=self.__wd)) # Unpackage self.__commands.append(self.untar_step( tarball=posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), directory=self.__wd)) # Download prerequisites self.__commands.append( 'cd {} && ./contrib/download_prerequisites'.format( posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'gcc-{}'.format(self.__version)))) # Configure accelerator compiler and dependencies if self.__openacc: # Build nvptx-tools # Download self.__commands.append( self.clone_step(repository='', branch='master', path=self.__wd)) # Configure nvptx_tools = hpccm.templates.ConfigureMake(prefix=self.prefix) self.__commands.append(nvptx_tools.configure_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'nvptx-tools'))) # Build self.__commands.append(nvptx_tools.build_step()) self.__commands.append(nvptx_tools.install_step()) # Cleanup self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'nvptx-tools')])) # Setup nvptx-newlib self.__commands.append('cd {}'.format(self.__wd)) self.__commands.append( self.clone_step(repository='', branch='master', path=self.__wd)) self.__commands.append('ln -s {0} {1}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'nvptx-newlib', 'newlib'), posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'gcc-{}'.format(self.__version), 'newlib'))) # Accelerator compiler # Configure accel = hpccm.templates.ConfigureMake(prefix=self.prefix) self.__commands.append(accel.configure_step( build_directory=posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'accel_objdir'), directory=posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'gcc-{}'.format(self.__version)), opts=['--enable-languages={}'.format(','.join(languages)), '--target=nvptx-none', '--enable-as-accelerator-for=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu', '--disable-sjlj-exceptions', '--enable-newlib-io-long-long', '--disable-multilib'])) # Build self.__commands.append(accel.build_step()) # Install self.__commands.append(accel.install_step()) # Configure host compiler if self.__openacc: self.configure_opts.extend(['--with-cuda-driver=/usr/local/cuda', '--enable-offload-targets=nvptx-none={}/nvptx-none'.format(self.prefix)]) self.configure_opts.append('--enable-languages={}'.format(','.join(languages))) self.__commands.append(self.configure_step( build_directory=posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'objdir'), directory=posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'gcc-{}'.format(self.__version)))) # Build self.__commands.append(self.build_step()) # Install self.__commands.append(self.install_step()) # Environment self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.prefix, 'bin')) if self.ldconfig: self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.prefix, 'lib64'))) else: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.prefix, 'lib64')) # Setup toolchain self.__configure_toolchain_on_build() # Cleanup self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'gcc-{}'.format(self.__version)), posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'objdir')])) if self.__openacc: self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'accel_objdir'), posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'nvptx-newlib')])) def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if self.__source: # Build dependencies if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'file', 'gcc', 'g++', 'git', 'make', 'perl', 'tar', 'wget', 'xz-utils'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'file', 'gcc', 'gcc-c++', 'git', 'make', 'perl', 'tar', 'wget', 'xz'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') else: # Set libfortran version depending on the Ubuntu version if self.__fortran: if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('20.0'): self.__runtime_debs.append('libgfortran5') elif hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('18.0'): self.__runtime_debs.append('libgfortran4') elif hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('16.0'): self.__runtime_debs.append('libgfortran3') else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unrecognized Ubuntu version') # Setup the environment so that the alternate compiler version # is the new default if self.__version: alternatives = {} if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if self.__cc: alternatives['gcc'] = '$(which gcc-{})'.format( self.__version) if self.__cxx: alternatives['g++'] = '$(which g++-{})'.format( self.__version) if self.__fortran: alternatives['gfortran'] = '$(which gfortran-{})'.format( self.__version) alternatives['gcov'] = '$(which gcov-{})'.format( self.__version) elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: # Default for CentOS 7 toolset_path = '/opt/rh/devtoolset-{}/root/usr/bin'.format( self.__version) if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): # CentOS 8 toolset_path = '/opt/rh/gcc-toolset-{}/root/usr/bin'.format(self.__version) if self.__cc: alternatives['gcc'] = posixpath.join(toolset_path, 'gcc') if self.__cxx: alternatives['g++'] = posixpath.join(toolset_path, 'g++') if self.__fortran: alternatives['gfortran'] = posixpath.join(toolset_path, 'gfortran') alternatives['gcov'] = posixpath.join(toolset_path, 'gcov') else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') for tool,alt in sorted(alternatives.items()): self.__commands.append('update-alternatives --install {0} {1} {2} 30'.format(posixpath.join('/usr/bin', tool), tool, alt)) def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('GNU compiler') if self.__source: # Installing from source self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) else: # Installing from package repository self += packages(apt=self.__compiler_debs, apt_ppas=self.__extra_repo_apt, release_stream=bool(self.__version), # True/False scl=bool(self.__version), # True / False yum=self.__compiler_rpms) if self.__commands: self += shell(commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __repository(self): """Setup installation from a package repository""" if self.__cc: self.__compiler_debs.append('gcc') self.__compiler_rpms.append('gcc') self.toolchain.CC = 'gcc' self.toolchain.CFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('gcc') if self.__cxx: self.__compiler_debs.append('g++') self.__compiler_rpms.append('gcc-c++') self.toolchain.CXX = 'g++' self.toolchain.CXXFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('gcc') if self.__fortran: self.__compiler_debs.append('gfortran') # libgfortran runtime deb is set is __distro() self.__compiler_rpms.append('gcc-gfortran') self.__runtime_rpms.append('libgfortran') self.toolchain.F77 = 'gfortran' self.toolchain.F90 = 'gfortran' self.toolchain.FC = 'gfortran' self.toolchain.FFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('gcc') self.toolchain.FCFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('gcc') # Install an alternate version, i.e., not the default for # the Linux distribution if self.__version: if self.__extra_repo: self.__extra_repo_apt = ['ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test'] # Adjust package names based on specified version self.__compiler_debs = [ '{0}-{1}'.format(x, self.__version) for x in self.__compiler_debs] if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): # CentOS 8 self.__compiler_rpms = [ 'gcc-toolset-{1}-{0}'.format(x, self.__version) for x in self.__compiler_rpms] else: # CentOS 7 self.__compiler_rpms = [ 'devtoolset-{1}-{0}'.format(x, self.__version) for x in self.__compiler_rpms] def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python g = gnu(...) Stage0 += g Stage1 += g.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('GNU compiler runtime') if self.__source: self.rt += copy(_from=_from, dest=posixpath.join(self.prefix, 'lib64'), src=posixpath.join(self.prefix, 'lib64')) if self.ldconfig: self.rt += shell(commands=[self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.prefix, 'lib64'))]) else: self.rt += environment(variables=self.environment_step( include_only=['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'])) else: self.rt += packages( apt=self.__runtime_debs, apt_ppas=self.__extra_repo_apt, release_stream=bool(self.__version), # True / False scl=bool(self.__version), # True / False yum=self.__runtime_rpms) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """OFED building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import posixpath import hpccm.config from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from import shell class ofed(bb_base): """The `ofed` building block installs the OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution packages that are part of the Linux distribution. For Ubuntu 16.04, the following packages are installed: `dapl2-utils`, `ibutils`, `ibverbs-utils`, `infiniband-diags`, `libdapl2`, `libdapl-dev`, `libibcm1`, `libibcm-dev`, `libibmad5`, `libibmad-dev`, `libibverbs1`, `libibverbs-dev`, `libmlx4-1`, `libmlx4-dev`, `libmlx5-1`, `libmlx5-dev`, `librdmacm1`, `librdmacm-dev`, and `rdmacm-utils`. For Ubuntu 16.04 and aarch64 processors, the `dapl2-utils`, `libdapl2`, `libdapl-dev`, `libibcm1` and `libibcm-dev` packages are not installed because they are not available. For Ubuntu 16.04 and ppc64le processors, the `libibcm1` and `libibcm-dev` packages are not installed because they are not available. For Ubuntu 18.04, the following packages are installed: `dapl2-utils`, `ibutils`, `ibverbs-providers`, `ibverbs-utils`, `infiniband-diags`, `libdapl2`, `libdapl-dev`, `libibmad5`, `libibmad-dev`, `libibverbs1`, `libibverbs-dev`, `librdmacm1`, `librdmacm-dev`, and `rdmacm-utils`. For RHEL-based 7.x distributions, the following packages are installed: `dapl`, `dapl-devel`, `ibutils`, `libibcm`, `libibmad`, `libibmad-devel`, `libmlx5`, `libibumad`, `libibverbs`, `libibverbs-utils`, `librdmacm`, `rdma-core`, and `rdma-core-devel`. For RHEL-based 8.x distributions, the following packages are installed: `libibmad`, `libibmad-devel`, `libmlx5`, `libibumad`, `libibverbs`, `libibverbs-utils`, `librdmacm`, `rdma-core`, and `rdma-core-devel`. # Parameters prefix: The top level install location. Install of installing the packages via the package manager, they will be extracted to this location. This option is useful if multiple versions of OFED need to be installed. The environment must be manually configured to recognize the OFED location, e.g., in the container entry point. The default value is empty, i.e., install via the package manager to the standard system locations. # Examples ```python ofed() ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(ofed, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__deppackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__extra_opts = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__powertools = False # enable the CentOS PowerTools repo self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', None) self.__symlink = kwargs.get('symlink', False) self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__deppackages = ['libnl-3-200', 'libnl-route-3-200', 'libnuma1'] if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('18.0'): # Give priority to packages from the Ubuntu repositories over # vendor repositories if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('22.0'): self.__extra_opts = ['-t jammy'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('20.0'): self.__extra_opts = ['-t focal'] else: self.__extra_opts = ['-t bionic'] self.__ospackages= ['dapl2-utils', 'ibutils', 'ibverbs-providers', 'ibverbs-utils', 'infiniband-diags', 'libdapl2', 'libdapl-dev', 'libibmad5', 'libibmad-dev', 'libibverbs1', 'libibverbs-dev', 'librdmacm1', 'librdmacm-dev', 'rdmacm-utils'] else: # Give priority to packages from the Ubuntu repositories over # vendor repositories self.__extra_opts = ['-t xenial'] self.__ospackages = ['dapl2-utils', 'ibutils', 'ibverbs-utils', 'infiniband-diags', 'libdapl2', 'libdapl-dev', 'libibcm1', 'libibcm-dev', 'libibmad5', 'libibmad-dev', 'libibverbs1', 'libibverbs-dev', 'libmlx4-1', 'libmlx4-dev', 'libmlx5-1', 'libmlx5-dev', 'librdmacm1', 'librdmacm-dev', 'rdmacm-utils'] if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.AARCH64: # Ubuntu 16.04 for ARM is missing these packages for missing in ['dapl2-utils', 'libdapl2', 'libdapl-dev', 'libibcm1', 'libibcm-dev']: if missing in self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages.remove(missing) elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.PPC64LE: # Ubuntu 16.04 for Power is missing these packages for missing in ['libibcm1', 'libibcm-dev']: if missing in self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages.remove(missing) elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: self.__extra_opts = [r'--disablerepo=mlnx\*'] if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): self.__deppackages = ['libnl3', 'numactl-libs'] self.__ospackages = ['libibmad', 'libibmad-devel', 'libibumad', 'libibverbs', 'libibverbs-utils', 'libmlx5', 'librdmacm', 'rdma-core', 'rdma-core-devel'] self.__powertools = True else: self.__deppackages = ['libnl', 'libnl3', 'numactl-libs'] self.__ospackages = ['dapl', 'dapl-devel', 'ibutils', 'libibcm', 'libibmad', 'libibmad-devel', 'libmlx5', 'libibumad', 'libibverbs', 'libibverbs-utils', 'librdmacm', 'rdma-core', 'rdma-core-devel'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('OFED') if self.__prefix: commands = [] # Extract to a prefix - not a "real" package manager install self += packages(ospackages=self.__deppackages) self += packages(download=True, extra_opts=self.__extra_opts, extract=self.__prefix, ospackages=self.__ospackages, powertools=self.__powertools) # library symlinks if self.__symlink: self.__deppackages.append('findutils') commands.append('mkdir -p {0} && cd {0}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib'))) # Prune the symlink directory itself and any debug # libraries commands.append('find .. -path ../lib -prune -o -name "*valgrind*" -prune -o -name "lib*.so*" -exec ln -s {} \;') commands.append('cd {0} && ln -s usr/bin bin && ln -s usr/include include'.format( self.__prefix)) # Suppress warnings from libibverbs commands.append('mkdir -p /etc/libibverbs.d') self += shell(commands=commands) else: # Install packages using package manager self += packages(extra_opts=self.__extra_opts, ospackages=self.__ospackages, powertools=self.__powertools) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python o = ofed(...) Stage0 += o Stage1 += o.runtime() ``` """ if self.__prefix: self.rt += comment('OFED') if self.__deppackages: self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__deppackages) # Suppress warnings from libibverbs self.rt += shell(commands=['mkdir -p /etc/libibverbs.d']) self.rt += copy(_from=_from, dest=self.__prefix, src=self.__prefix) return str(self.rt) else: return str(self)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """'multi' OFED building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.annotate from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.mlnx_ofed import mlnx_ofed from hpccm.building_blocks.ofed import ofed from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.label import label from import shell class multi_ofed(bb_base, hpccm.templates.annotate): """The `multi_ofed` building block downloads and installs multiple versions of the OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution (OFED). Please refer to the [`mlnx_ofed`](#mlnx_ofed) and [`ofed`](#ofed) building blocks for more information. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. inbox: Boolean flag to specify whether to install the 'inbox' OFED distributed by the Linux distribution. The default is True. mlnx_oslabel: The Linux distribution label assigned by Mellanox to the tarball. Please see the corresponding [`mlnx_ofed`](#mlnx_ofed) parameter for more information. mlnx_packages: List of packages to install from Mellanox OFED. Please see the corresponding [`mlnx_ofed`](#mlnx_ofed) parameter for more information. mlnx_versions: A list of [Mellanox OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution for Linux]( versions to install. The default values are `3.4-`, `4.0-`, `4.1-`, `4.2-`, `4.3-`, `4.4-`, `4.5-`, `4.6-`, `4.7-`, `5.0-`, and `5.1-`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing OFED. For Ubuntu, the default values are `libnl-3-200`, `libnl-route-3-200`, and `libnuma1`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `libnl`, `libnl3`, and `numactl-libs`. prefix: The top level install location. The OFED packages will be extracted to this location as subdirectories named for the respective Mellanox OFED version, or `inbox` for the 'inbox' OFED. The environment must be manually configured to recognize the desired OFED location, e.g., in the container entry point. The default value is `/usr/local/ofed`. # Examples ```python multi_ofed(inbox=True, mlnx_versions=['4.5-', '4.6-'], prefix='/usr/local/ofed') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(multi_ofed, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__inbox = kwargs.get('inbox', True) self.__mlnx_oslabel = kwargs.get('mlnx_oslabel', '') self.__mlnx_packages = kwargs.get('mlnx_packages', []) self.__mlnx_versions = kwargs.get('mlnx_versions', ['3.4-', '4.0-', '4.1-', '4.2-', '4.3-', '4.4-', '4.5-', '4.6-', '4.7-', '5.0-', '5.1-']) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/ofed') self.__symlink = kwargs.get('symlink', False) self.__commands = [] # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __distro(self): if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['libnl-3-200', 'libnl-route-3-200', 'libnuma1'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): self.__ospackages = ['libnl3', 'numactl-libs'] else: self.__ospackages = ['libnl', 'libnl3', 'numactl-libs'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" # Mellanox OFED for version in self.__mlnx_versions: self += mlnx_ofed(annotate=False, oslabel=self.__mlnx_oslabel, packages=self.__mlnx_packages, prefix=posixpath.join(self.__prefix, version), symlink=self.__symlink, version=version) # Inbox OFED if self.__inbox: self += ofed(prefix=posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'inbox'), symlink=self.__symlink) self += shell(commands=['ln -s {0} {1}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'inbox'), posixpath.join(self.__prefix, '5.0-0'))]) # Annotations self.add_annotation('mlnx_versions', ', '.join(self.__mlnx_versions)) self.add_annotation('inbox', self.__inbox) self += label(metadata=self.annotate_step()) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. """ self.rt += comment('OFED') if self.__ospackages: self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) # Suppress warnings from libibverbs self.rt += shell(commands=['mkdir -p /etc/libibverbs.d']) self.rt += copy(_from=_from, dest=self.__prefix, src=self.__prefix) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """PGI building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import LooseVersion import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import re import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.tar import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class pgi(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.tar, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `pgi` building block installs the PGI compiler from a manually downloaded package. Note: The [NVIDIA HPC SDK]( has replaced the PGI compilers. The [nvhpc](#nvhpc) building block should be used instead of this building block. You must agree to the [PGI End-User License Agreement]( to use this building block. As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the PGI compilers. The tool can be passed to other operations that want to build using the PGI compilers. # Parameters environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `PATH`, and potentially other variables) should be modified to include the PGI compiler. The default is True. eula: By setting this value to `True`, you agree to the [PGI End-User License Agreement]( The default value is `False`. extended_environment: Boolean flag to specify whether an extended set of environment variables should be defined. If True, the following environment variables will be defined: `CC`, `CPP`, `CXX`, `F77`, `F90`, `FC`, and `MODULEPATH`. In addition, if the PGI MPI component is selected then `PGI_OPTL_INCLUDE_DIRS` and `PGI_OPTL_LIB_DIRS` will also be defined and `PATH` and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` will include the PGI MPI component. If False, then only `PATH` and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` will be extended to include the PGI compiler. The default value is `False`. mpi: Boolean flag to specify whether the MPI component should be installed. If True, MPI will be installed. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing the PGI compiler. For Ubuntu, the default values are `gcc`, `g++`, `libnuma1` and `perl`, and also `wget` (if downloading the PGI compiler rather than using a tarball in the local build context). For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `gcc`, `gcc-c++`, `numactl-libs` and `perl`, and also `wget` (if downloading the PGI compiler rather than using a tarball in the local build context). prefix: The top level install prefix. The default value is `/opt/pgi`. system_cuda: Boolean flag to specify whether the PGI compiler should use the system CUDA. If False, the version(s) of CUDA bundled with the PGI compiler will be installed. The default value is False. tarball: Path to the PGI compiler tarball relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. This parameter is required. # Examples ```python pgi(eula=True, tarball='pgilinux-2019-1910-x86_64.tar.gz') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(pgi, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__arch_directory = None # Filled in __cpu_arch() self.__arch_pkg = None # Filled in by __cpu_arch() self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__libnuma_path = '' # Filled in __distro() self.__runtime_commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() # By setting this value to True, you agree to the PGI End-User # License Agreement ( self.__eula = kwargs.get('eula', False) self.__extended_environment = kwargs.get('extended_environment', False) self.__fix_ownership = kwargs.get('fix_ownership', False) self.__mpi = kwargs.get('mpi', False) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/opt/pgi') self.__system_cuda = kwargs.get('system_cuda', False) self.__system_libnuma = kwargs.get('system_libnuma', True) self.__tarball = kwargs.get('tarball', '') self.__version = '' # Filled in by __setup() self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='pgcc', CXX='pgc++', F77='pgfortran', F90='pgfortran', FC='pgfortran') # tarball parameter is required if not self.__tarball: raise RuntimeError('PGI install package must be set') # Set the CPU architecture specific parameters self.__cpu_arch() # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() self.__basepath = posixpath.join(self.__prefix, self.__arch_directory) self.__basepath_llvm = posixpath.join(self.__prefix, '{}-llvm'.format( self.__arch_directory)) # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('PGI compiler version {}'.format(self.__version)) # Use tarball from local build context self += copy(src=self.__tarball, dest=posixpath.join(self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.__tarball))) if self.__ospackages: self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += shell(commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __cpu_arch(self): """Based on the CPU architecture, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.PPC64LE: self.__arch_directory = 'linuxpower' self.__arch_pkg = 'openpower' elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64: self.__arch_directory = 'linux86-64' self.__arch_pkg = 'x64' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown CPU architecture') def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['gcc', 'g++', 'libnuma1', 'perl'] if self.__mpi: self.__ospackages.append('openssh-client') self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libnuma1'] if self.__mpi: self.__runtime_ospackages.append('openssh-client') self.__libnuma_path = '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['gcc', 'gcc-c++', 'numactl-libs', 'perl'] if self.__mpi: self.__ospackages.append('openssh-clients') self.__runtime_ospackages = ['numactl-libs'] if self.__mpi: self.__runtime_ospackages.append('openssh-clients') self.__libnuma_path = '/usr/lib64' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __environment(self, runtime=False): """Define environment variables""" e = {} pgi_path = posixpath.join(self.__basepath, self.__version) mpi_path = posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'mpi', 'openmpi') if LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('19.4'): mpi_path = posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'mpi', 'openmpi-3.1.3') if runtime: # Runtime environment if self.__mpi: # PGI MPI component is selected e['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(mpi_path, 'lib'), posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'lib')) e['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(mpi_path, 'bin')) else: # PGI MPI component is not selected e['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'lib')) else: # Development environment if self.__extended_environment: # Mirror the environment defined by the pgi environment module e = {'CC': posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'bin', 'pgcc'), 'CPP': '"{} -Mcpp"'.format( posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'bin', 'pgcc')), 'CXX': posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'bin', 'pgc++'), 'F77': posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'bin', 'pgf77'), 'F90': posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'bin', 'pgf90'), 'FC': posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'bin', 'pgfortran'), 'MODULEPATH': '{}:$MODULEPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'modulefiles'))} if self.__mpi: # PGI MPI component is selected e['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(mpi_path, 'lib'), posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'lib')) e['PATH'] = '{}:{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(mpi_path, 'bin'), posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'bin')) e['PGI_OPTL_INCLUDE_DIRS'] = posixpath.join( mpi_path, 'include') e['PGI_OPTL_LIB_DIRS'] = posixpath.join(mpi_path, 'lib') else: # PGI MPI component is not selected e['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'lib')) e['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'bin')) else: # Basic environment only if self.__mpi: e['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(mpi_path, 'lib'), posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'lib')) e['PATH'] = '{}:{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(mpi_path, 'bin'), posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'bin')) else: # PGI MPI component is not selected e = {'PATH': '{}:$PATH'.format(posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'bin')), 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'lib'))} return e def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # Use tarball from local build context tarball = posixpath.basename(self.__tarball) # Figure out the version from the tarball name match = re.match(r'pgilinux-\d+-(?P<year>\d\d)0?(?P<month>[1-9][0-9]?)', tarball) if match and match.groupdict()['year'] and match.groupdict()['month']: self.__version = '{0}.{1}'.format(match.groupdict()['year'], match.groupdict()['month']) else: logging.warning('could not determine PGI version') self.__version = '19.10' self.__commands.append(self.untar_step( tarball=posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), directory=posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'pgi'))) flags = {'PGI_ACCEPT_EULA': 'accept', 'PGI_INSTALL_DIR': self.__prefix, 'PGI_INSTALL_MPI': 'false', 'PGI_INSTALL_NVIDIA': 'true', 'PGI_MPI_GPU_SUPPORT': 'false', 'PGI_SILENT': 'true'} if not self.__eula: # This will fail when building the container logging.warning('PGI EULA was not accepted') flags['PGI_ACCEPT_EULA'] = 'decline' flags['PGI_SILENT'] = 'false' if self.__system_cuda: flags['PGI_INSTALL_NVIDIA'] = 'false' if self.__mpi: flags['PGI_INSTALL_MPI'] = 'true' flags['PGI_MPI_GPU_SUPPORT'] = 'true' flag_string = ' '.join('{0}={1}'.format(key, val) for key, val in sorted(flags.items())) self.__commands.append('cd {0} && {1} ./install'.format( posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'pgi'), flag_string)) # Create siterc to specify use of the system CUDA siterc = posixpath.join(self.__basepath, self.__version, 'bin', 'siterc') if self.__system_cuda: self.__commands.append('echo "set CUDAROOT=/usr/local/cuda;" >> {}'.format(siterc)) # Create siterc to respect LIBRARY_PATH # self.__commands.append(r'echo "variable LIBRARY_PATH is environment(LIBRARY_PATH);" >> {}'.format(siterc)) self.__commands.append(r'echo "variable library_path is default(\$if(\$LIBRARY_PATH,\$foreach(ll,\$replace(\$LIBRARY_PATH,":",), -L\$ll)));" >> {}'.format(siterc)) self.__commands.append(r'echo "append LDLIBARGS=\$library_path;" >> {}'.format(siterc)) # Override the installer behavior and force the use of the # system libnuma library if self.__system_libnuma: self.__commands.append('ln -sf {0} {1}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__libnuma_path, ''), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, self.__version, 'lib', ''))) self.__commands.append('ln -sf {0} {1}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__libnuma_path, ''), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, self.__version, 'lib', ''))) # Some installed files are owned by uid 921 / gid 1004. # Fix it so that all files are owned by root. if self.__fix_ownership: self.__commands.append('chown -R root.root {}'.format( self.__prefix)) # Cleanup self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'pgi')])) # and must be symlinks to the system # libnuma library. They are originally symlinks, but Docker # "COPY -from" copies the file pointed to by the symlink, # converting them to files, so recreate the symlinks. self.__runtime_commands.append('ln -sf {0} {1}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__libnuma_path, ''), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, self.__version, 'lib', ''))) self.__runtime_commands.append('ln -sf {0} {1}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__libnuma_path, ''), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, self.__version, 'lib', ''))) # Set the environment self.environment_variables = self.__environment() self.runtime_environment_variables = self.__environment(runtime=True) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python p = pgi(...) Stage0 += p Stage1 += p.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('PGI compiler') if self.__runtime_ospackages: self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) pgi_path = posixpath.join(self.__basepath, self.__version) src_path = pgi_path if (LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('19.4') and hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64): # Too many levels of symlinks for the Docker builder to # handle, so use the real path src_path = posixpath.join(self.__basepath_llvm, self.__version) self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=posixpath.join(src_path, 'REDIST', '*.so*'), dest=posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'lib', '')) # REDIST workaround for incorrect # symlink if (LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('18.10') and LooseVersion(self.__version) < LooseVersion('19.10') and hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64): self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'lib', ''), dest=posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'lib', '')) if self.__mpi: mpi_path = posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'mpi', 'openmpi') if LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('19.4'): mpi_path = posixpath.join(pgi_path, 'mpi', 'openmpi-3.1.3') self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=mpi_path, dest=mpi_path) if self.__runtime_commands: self.rt += shell(commands=self.__runtime_commands) self.rt += environment(variables=self.environment_step(runtime=True)) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """SENSEI building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import hpccm.templates.git from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_cmake import generic_cmake from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment class sensei(bb_base, hpccm.templates.git): """The `sensei` building block configures, builds, and installs the [SENSEI]( component. The [CMake](#cmake) building block should be installed prior to this building block. In most cases, one or both of the [Catalyst](#catalyst) or [Libsim](#libsim) building blocks should be installed. If GPU rendering will be used then a [cudagl]( base image is recommended. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. branch: The branch of SENSEI to use. The default value is `v2.1.1`. catalyst: Flag to specify the location of the ParaView/Catalyst installation, e.g., `/usr/local/catalyst`. If set, then the [Catalyst](#catalyst) building block should be installed prior to this building block. The default value is empty. cmake_opts: List of options to pass to `cmake`. The default value is `-DENABLE_SENSEI=ON`. libsim: Flag to specify the location of the VisIt/Libsim installation, e.g., `/usr/local/visit`. If set, then the [Libsim](#libsim) building block should be installed prior to this building block. The `vtk` option should also be set. The default value is empty. miniapps: Boolean flag to specify whether the SENSEI mini-apps should be built and installed. The default is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. The default values are `ca-certificates`, `git`, and `make`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/sensei`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. vtk: Flag to specify the location of the VTK installation. If `libsim` is defined, this option must be set to the Libsim VTK location, e.g., `/usr/local/visit/third-party/vtk/6.1.0/linux-x86_64_gcc-5.4/lib/cmake/vtk-6.1`. Note that the compiler version is embedded in the Libsim VTK path. The compiler version may differ depending on which base image is used; version 5.4 corresponds to Ubuntu 16.04. The default value is empty. # Examples ```python sensei(branch='v2.1.1', catalyst='/usr/local/catalyst', prefix='/opt/sensei') ``` ```python sensei(libsim='/usr/local/visit', vtk='/usr/local/visit/third-party/vtk/6.1.0/linux-x86_64_gcc-5.4/lib/cmake/vtk-6.1') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(sensei, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__branch = kwargs.pop('branch', 'v2.1.1') self.__catalyst = kwargs.pop('catalyst', '') self.__cmake_opts = kwargs.pop('cmake_opts', ['-DENABLE_SENSEI=ON']) self.__libsim = kwargs.pop('libsim', '') self.__miniapps = kwargs.pop('miniapps', False) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', ['ca-certificates', 'git', 'make']) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/sensei') self.__repository = kwargs.pop('repository', '') self.__vtk = kwargs.pop('vtk', '') # Set the cmake options self.__cmake() # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_cmake( base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, branch=self.__branch, comment=False, cmake_opts=self.__cmake_opts, prefix=self.__prefix, repository=self.__repository, **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('SENSEI version {}'.format(self.__branch)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def __cmake(self): """Setup cmake options based on users parameters""" # Configure if self.__catalyst: self.__cmake_opts.extend( ['-DENABLE_CATALYST=ON', '-DParaView_DIR={}'.format(self.__catalyst)]) if self.__libsim: self.__cmake_opts.extend( ['-DENABLE_LIBSIM=ON', '-DLIBSIM_DIR={}'.format(self.__libsim)]) if not self.__miniapps: self.__cmake_opts.extend( ['-DENABLE_PARALLEL3D=OFF', '-DENABLE_OSCILLATORS=OFF']) else: self.__cmake_opts.append('-DCMAKE_C_STANDARD=99') if self.__vtk: self.__cmake_opts.append( '-DVTK_DIR={}'.format(self.__vtk)) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python s = sensei(...) Stage0 += s Stage1 += s.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('SENSEI') self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """UCX building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from six import string_types from distutils.version import StrictVersion import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.downloader import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_autotools import generic_autotools from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class ucx(bb_base, hpccm.templates.downloader, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `ucx` building block configures, builds, and installs the [UCX]( component. An InfiniBand building block ([OFED](#ofed) or [Mellanox OFED](#mlnx_ofed)) should be installed prior to this building block. One or all of the [gdrcopy](#gdrcopy), [KNEM](#knem), and [XPMEM](#xpmem) building blocks should also be installed prior to this building block. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. branch: The git branch to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the default branch for the repository. commit: The git commit to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the latest commit on the default branch for the repository. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default values are `--enable-optimizations`, `--disable-logging`, `--disable-debug`, `--disable-assertions`, `--disable-params-check`, and `--disable-doxygen-doc`. cuda: Flag to control whether a CUDA aware build is performed. If True, adds `--with-cuda=/usr/local/cuda` to the list of `configure` options. If a string, uses the value of the string as the CUDA path. If the toolchain specifies `CUDA_HOME`, then that path is used. If False, adds `--without-cuda` to the list of `configure` options. The default value is an empty string. disable_FEATURE: Flags to control disabling features when configuring. For instance, `disable_foo=True` maps to `--disable-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. enable_FEATURE[=ARG]: Flags to control enabling features when configuring. For instance, `enable_foo=True` maps to `--enable-foo` and `enable_foo='yes'` maps to `--enable-foo=yes`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH`, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `LIBRARY_PATH`, and `PATH`) should be modified to include UCX. The default is True. gdrcopy: Flag to control whether gdrcopy is used by the build. If True, adds `--with-gdrcopy` to the list of `configure` options. If a string, uses the value of the string as the gdrcopy path, e.g., `--with-gdrcopy=/path/to/gdrcopy`. If False, adds `--without-gdrcopy` to the list of `configure` options. The default is an empty string, i.e., include neither `--with-gdrcopy` not `--without-gdrcopy` and let `configure` try to automatically detect whether gdrcopy is present or not. knem: Flag to control whether KNEM is used by the build. If True, adds `--with-knem` to the list of `configure` options. If a string, uses the value of the string as the KNEM path, e.g., `--with-knem=/path/to/knem`. If False, adds `--without-knem` to the list of `configure` options. The default is an empty string, i.e., include neither `--with-knem` not `--without-knem` and let `configure` try to automatically detect whether KNEM is present or not. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the UCX library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the UCX library directory. The default value is False. ofed: Flag to control whether OFED is used by the build. If True, adds `--with-verbs` and `--with-rdmacm` to the list of `configure` options. If a string, uses the value of the string as the OFED path, e.g., `--with-verbs=/path/to/ofed`. If False, adds `--without-verbs` and `--without-rdmacm` to the list of `configure` options. The default is an empty string, i.e., include neither `--with-verbs` not `--without-verbs` and let `configure` try to automatically detect whether OFED is present or not. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `binutils-dev`, `file`, `libnuma-dev`, `make`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `binutils-devel`, `file`, `make`, `numactl-devel`, and `wget`. If the `repository` parameter is set, then `autoconf`, `automake`, `ca-certificates`, `git`, and `libtool` are also included. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/ucx`. repository: The location of the git repository that should be used to build UCX. If True, then use the default `` repository. The default is empty, i.e., use the release package specified by `version`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default value is empty. url: The location of the tarball that should be used to build UCX. The default is empty, i.e., use the release package specified by `version`. version: The version of UCX source to download. The default value is `1.9.0`. with_PACKAGE[=ARG]: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance, `with_foo=True` maps to `--with-foo` and `with_foo='/usr/local/foo'` maps to `--with-foo=/usr/local/foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. without_PACKAGE: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance `without_foo=True` maps to `--without-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. xpmem: Flag to control whether XPMEM is used by the build. If True, adds `--with-xpmem` to the list of `configure` options. If a string, uses the value of the string as the XPMEM path, e.g., `--with-xpmem=/path/to/xpmem`. If False, adds `--without-xpmem` to the list of `configure` options. The default is an empty string, i.e., include neither `--with-xpmem` not `--without-xpmem` and let `configure` try to automatically detect whether XPMEM is present or not. # Examples ```python ucx(cuda=False, prefix='/opt/ucx/1.4.0', version='1.4.0') ``` ```python ucx(cuda='/usr/local/cuda', gdrcopy='/usr/local/gdrcopy', knem='/usr/local/knem', xpmem='/usr/local/xpmem') ``` ```python ucx(repository='') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(ucx, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Parameters self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__configure_opts = kwargs.pop('configure_opts', ['--enable-optimizations', '--disable-logging', '--disable-debug', '--disable-assertions', '--disable-params-check', '--disable-doxygen-doc']) self.__cuda = kwargs.pop('cuda', True) self.__default_repository = '' self.__gdrcopy = kwargs.pop('gdrcopy', '') self.__knem = kwargs.pop('knem', '') self.__ofed = kwargs.pop('ofed', '') self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/ucx') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__toolchain = kwargs.pop('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '1.9.0') self.__xpmem = kwargs.pop('xpmem', '') # Set the configure options self.__configure() # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Set the download specific parameters self.__download() kwargs['repository'] = self.repository kwargs['url'] = self.url # Setup the environment variables self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include')) self.environment_variables['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_autotools( annotations={'version': self.__version} if not self.repository else {}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, comment=False, configure_opts=self.__configure_opts, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, preconfigure=['./'] if self.repository else None, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, toolchain=self.__toolchain, **kwargs) # Container instructions if self.repository: if self.branch: self += comment('UCX {} {}'.format(self.repository, self.branch)) elif self.commit: self += comment('UCX {} {}'.format(self.repository, self.commit)) else: self += comment('UCX {}'.format(self.repository)) else: self += comment('UCX version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def __configure(self): """Setup configure options based on user parameters""" # CUDA if self.__cuda: if isinstance(self.__cuda, string_types): # Use specified path self.__configure_opts.append( '--with-cuda={}'.format(self.__cuda)) elif self.__toolchain.CUDA_HOME: self.__configure_opts.append( '--with-cuda={}'.format(self.__toolchain.CUDA_HOME)) else: # Default location self.__configure_opts.append('--with-cuda=/usr/local/cuda') else: self.__configure_opts.append('--without-cuda') # GDRCOPY if self.__gdrcopy: if isinstance(self.__gdrcopy, string_types): # Use specified path self.__configure_opts.append( '--with-gdrcopy={}'.format(self.__gdrcopy)) else: # Boolean, let UCX try to figure out where to find it self.__configure_opts.append('--with-gdrcopy') elif self.__gdrcopy == False: self.__configure_opts.append('--without-gdrcopy') # KNEM if self.__knem: if isinstance(self.__knem, string_types): # Use specified path self.__configure_opts.append( '--with-knem={}'.format(self.__knem)) else: # Boolean, let UCX try to figure out where to find it self.__configure_opts.append('--with-knem') elif self.__knem == False: self.__configure_opts.append('--without-knem') # OFED if self.__ofed: if isinstance(self.__ofed, string_types): # Use specified path self.__configure_opts.extend( ['--with-verbs={}'.format(self.__ofed), '--with-rdmacm={}'.format(self.__ofed)]) else: # Boolean, let UCX try to figure out where to find it self.__configure_opts.extend(['--with-verbs', '--with-rdmacm']) elif self.__ofed == False: self.__configure_opts.extend(['--without-verbs', '--without-rdmacm']) # XPMEM if self.__xpmem: if isinstance(self.__xpmem, string_types): # Use specified path self.__configure_opts.append( '--with-xpmem={}'.format(self.__xpmem)) else: # Boolean, let UCX try to figure out where to find it self.__configure_opts.append('--with-xpmem') elif self.__xpmem == False: self.__configure_opts.append('--without-xpmem') # Workaround for format warning considered an error on Power if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.PPC64LE: if not self.__toolchain.CFLAGS: self.__toolchain.CFLAGS = '-Wno-error=format' def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['binutils-dev', 'file', 'libnuma-dev', 'make', 'wget'] if self.repository: self.__ospackages.extend(['autoconf', 'automake', 'ca-certificates', 'git', 'libtool']) if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('18.0'): self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libbinutils'] else: self.__runtime_ospackages = ['binutils'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['binutils-devel', 'file', 'make', 'numactl-devel', 'wget'] if self.repository: self.__ospackages.extend(['autoconf', 'automake', 'ca-certificates', 'git', 'libtool']) self.__runtime_ospackages = ['binutils'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __download(self): """Set download source based on user parameters""" # Use the default repository if set to True if self.repository is True: self.repository = self.__default_repository if not self.repository and not self.url: tarball = 'ucx-{}.tar.gz'.format(self.__version) self.url = '{0}/v{1}/{2}'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version, tarball) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python u = ucx(...) Stage0 += u Stage1 += u.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('UCX') self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """MVAPICH2 building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import re from copy import copy as _copy import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig import hpccm.templates.sed from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_autotools import generic_autotools from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class mvapich2(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig, hpccm.templates.sed): """The `mvapich2` building block configures, builds, and installs the [MVAPICH2]( component. Depending on the parameters, the source will be downloaded from the web (default) or copied from a source directory in the local build context. An InfiniBand building block ([OFED](#ofed) or [Mellanox OFED](#mlnx_ofed)) should be installed prior to this building block. As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the MPI compiler wrappers. The tool can be passed to other operations that want to build using the MPI compiler wrappers. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. check: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make check` step should be performed. The default is False. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default values are `--disable-mcast`. cuda: Boolean flag to control whether a CUDA aware build is performed. If True, adds `--enable-cuda --with-cuda` to the list of `configure` options, otherwise adds `--disable-cuda`. If the toolchain specifies `CUDA_HOME`, then that path is used, otherwise `/usr/local/cuda` is used for the path. The default value is True. directory: Path to the unpackaged source directory relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. If this is defined, the source in the local build context will be used rather than downloading the source from the web. disable_FEATURE: Flags to control disabling features when configuring. For instance, `disable_foo=True` maps to `--disable-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. enable_FEATURE[=ARG]: Flags to control enabling features when configuring. For instance, `enable_foo=True` maps to `--enable-foo` and `enable_foo='yes'` maps to `--enable-foo=yes`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`) should be modified to include MVAPICH2. The default is True. gpu_arch: The GPU architecture to use. Older versions of MVAPICH2 (2.3b and previous) were hard-coded to use "sm_20". This option has no effect on more recent MVAPICH2 versions. The default value is to use the MVAPICH2 default. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the MVAPICH2 library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the MVAPICH2 library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `byacc`, `file`, `flex`, `make`, `openssh-client`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `byacc`, `file`, `flex`, `make`, `openssh-clients`, and `wget`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/mvapich2`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. version: The version of MVAPICH2 source to download. This value is ignored if `directory` is set. The default value is `2.3.4`. with_PACKAGE[=ARG]: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance, `with_foo=True` maps to `--with-foo` and `with_foo='/usr/local/foo'` maps to `--with-foo=/usr/local/foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. without_PACKAGE: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance `without_foo=True` maps to `--without-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. # Examples ```python mvapich2(cuda=False, prefix='/opt/mvapich2/2.3a', version='2.3a') ``` ```python mvapich2(directory='sources/mvapich2-2.3b') ``` ```python n = nvhpc(eula=True) mvapich2(toolchain=n.toolchain) ``` ```python mvapich2(configure_opts=['--disable-fortran', '--disable-mcast']) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(mvapich2, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__configure_opts = kwargs.pop('configure_opts', ['--disable-mcast']) self.__cuda = kwargs.pop('cuda', True) self.__gpu_arch = kwargs.pop('gpu_arch', None) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', []) self.__preconfigure = [] self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/mvapich2') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() # Input toolchain, i.e., what to use when building # Create a copy of the toolchain so that it can be modified self.__toolchain = _copy(kwargs.pop('toolchain', toolchain())) self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '2.3.4') # MVAPICH2 does not accept F90 self.toolchain_control = {'CC': True, 'CXX': True, 'F77': True, 'F90': False, 'FC': True} # Output toolchain self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77', F90='mpif90', FC='mpifort') # Set the configure options self.__configure() # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Setup the environment variables # Set library path self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) self.runtime_environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) self.runtime_environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) if self.__cuda: # Workaround for using compiler wrappers in the build stage self.environment_variables['PROFILE_POSTLIB'] = '"-L{} -lnvidia-ml -lcuda"'.format('/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs') # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_autotools( annotations={'version': self.__version}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, comment=False, configure_opts=self.__configure_opts, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, preconfigure=self.__preconfigure, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.runtime_environment_variables, toolchain=self.__toolchain, url='{0}/mvapich2-{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version), **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('MVAPICH2 version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['byacc', 'file', 'flex', 'make', 'openssh-client', 'wget'] self.__runtime_ospackages = ['openssh-client'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['byacc', 'file', 'flex', 'make', 'openssh-clients', 'wget'] self.__runtime_ospackages = ['openssh-clients'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __set_gpu_arch(self): """Older versions of MVAPICH2 (2.3b and previous) were hard-coded to use the "sm_20" GPU architecture. Use the specified value instead.""" def __configure(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # MVAPICH2 does not accept F90 self.__toolchain.F90 = '' # Workarounds when using the NV compilers if (self.__toolchain.CC and re.match('.*nvc', self.__toolchain.CC) and not self.__toolchain.CFLAGS): self.__toolchain.CFLAGS = '-fpic -DPIC' self.__configure_opts.append('ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu=no') if (self.__toolchain.F77 and re.match('.*nvfortran', self.__toolchain.F77) and not self.__toolchain.FFLAGS): self.__toolchain.FFLAGS = '-fpic -DPIC' if (self.__toolchain.FC and re.match('.*nvfortran', self.__toolchain.FC) and not self.__toolchain.FCFLAGS): self.__toolchain.FCFLAGS = '-fpic -DPIC' # CUDA if self.__cuda: cuda_home = "/usr/local/cuda" if self.__toolchain.CUDA_HOME: cuda_home = self.__toolchain.CUDA_HOME # The PGI compiler needs some special handling for CUDA. # if self.__toolchain.CC and re.match('.*pgcc', self.__toolchain.CC): self.__configure_opts.append( '--enable-cuda=basic --with-cuda={}'.format(cuda_home)) # Work around issue when using PGI 19.4 self.__configure_opts.append('--enable-fast=O1') if not self.__toolchain.CFLAGS: self.__toolchain.CFLAGS = '-ta=tesla:nordc' if not self.__toolchain.CPPFLAGS: self.__toolchain.CPPFLAGS = '-D__x86_64 -D__align__\(n\)=__attribute__\(\(aligned\(n\)\)\) -D__location__\(a\)=__annotate__\(a\) -DCUDARTAPI=' if not self.__toolchain.LD_LIBRARY_PATH: self.__toolchain.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = posixpath.join( cuda_home, 'lib64', 'stubs') + ':$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' else: if not self.__toolchain.LD_LIBRARY_PATH: self.__toolchain.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = posixpath.join( cuda_home, 'lib64', 'stubs') + ':$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' self.__configure_opts.append( '--enable-cuda --with-cuda={}'.format(cuda_home)) # Workaround for using compiler wrappers in the build stage self.__preconfigure.append('ln -s {0} {1}'.format( posixpath.join(cuda_home, 'lib64', 'stubs', ''), posixpath.join(cuda_home, 'lib64', 'stubs', ''))) self.__preconfigure.append('ln -s {0} {1}'.format( posixpath.join(cuda_home, 'lib64', 'stubs', ''), posixpath.join(cuda_home, 'lib64', 'stubs', ''))) # Older versions of MVAPICH2 (2.3b and previous) were # hard-coded to use the "sm_20" GPU architecture. Use the # specified value instead. if self.__gpu_arch: self.__preconfigure.append( self.sed_step(file='', patterns=[r's/-arch sm_20/-arch {}/g'.format(self.__gpu_arch)])) else: self.__configure_opts.append('--disable-cuda') def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python m = mvapich2(...) Stage0 += m Stage1 += m.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('MVAPICH2') # TODO: move the definition of runtime ospackages self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """CMake building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import posixpath import re import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.tar import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from distutils.version import LooseVersion from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from import shell from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment class cmake(bb_base, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.tar, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `cmake` building block downloads and installs the [CMake]( component. # Parameters bootstrap_opts: List of options to pass to `bootstrap` when building from source. The default is an empty list. eula: By setting this value to `True`, you agree to the [CMake End-User License Agreement]( The default value is `False`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing. The default values are `make` and `wget`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local`. source: Boolean flag to specify whether to build CMake from source. If True, includes the `libssl-dev` package in the list of OS packages for Ubuntu, and `openssl-devel` for RHEL-based distributions. For x86_64 and aarch64 processors, the default is False, i.e., use the available pre-compiled package. For all other processors, the default is True. version: The version of CMake to download. The default value is `3.25.1`. # Examples ```python cmake(eula=True) ``` ```python cmake(eula=True, version='3.10.3') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(cmake, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__bootstrap_opts = kwargs.get('bootstrap_opts', []) # By setting this value to True, you agree to the CMake # End-User License Agreement # ( self.__eula = kwargs.get('eula', False) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', ['make', 'wget']) self.__parallel = kwargs.get('parallel', '$(nproc)') self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local') self.__source = kwargs.get('source', False) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '3.25.1') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('CMake version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += shell(commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables={'PATH': '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin'))}) def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" if not self.__source and hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64: # Use the pre-compiled x86_64 binary self.__binary() elif not self.__source and hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.AARCH64 and LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('3.20'): # Use the pre-compiled aarch64 binary self.__binary() else: # Build from source self.__build() def __binary(self): """Install the pre-compiled binary""" runfile = 'cmake-{}' if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.AARCH64: runfile = 'cmake-{}' elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64 and LooseVersion(self.__version) < LooseVersion('3.20'): runfile = 'cmake-{}' runfile = runfile.format(self.__version) if LooseVersion(self.__version) < LooseVersion('3.1'): runfile = 'cmake-{}'.format(self.__version) # CMake releases of versions < 3.1 are only include 32-bit # binaries: if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__ospackages.append('libc6-i386') elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: self.__ospackages.append('glibc.i686') else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') url = '{0}/v{1}/{2}'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version, runfile) # Download source from web self.__commands.append(self.download_step(url=url, directory=self.__wd)) self.__commands.append('mkdir -p {}'.format(self.__prefix)) # Run the runfile if self.__eula: self.__commands.append( '/bin/sh {0} --prefix={1} --skip-license'.format( posixpath.join(self.__wd, runfile), self.__prefix)) else: # This will fail when building the container logging.warning('CMake EULA was not accepted') self.__commands.append( '/bin/sh {0} --prefix={1}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__wd, runfile), self.__prefix)) # Cleanup runfile self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, runfile)])) def __build(self): """Build from source""" tarball = 'cmake-{}.tar.gz'.format(self.__version) url = '{0}/v{1}/{2}'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version, tarball) # Include SSL packages if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__ospackages.append('libssl-dev') elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: self.__ospackages.append('openssl-devel') else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') # Download source from web self.__commands.append(self.download_step(url=url, directory=self.__wd)) self.__commands.append(self.untar_step( tarball=posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), directory=self.__wd)) # Build and install if not self.__bootstrap_opts: self.__bootstrap_opts.append( '--parallel={}'.format(self.__parallel)) self.__commands.append('cd {} && ./bootstrap --prefix={} {}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'cmake-{}'.format(self.__version)), self.__prefix, ' '.join(self.__bootstrap_opts))) self.__commands.append('make -j{}'.format(self.__parallel)) self.__commands.append('make install') # Cleanup tarball and directory self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'cmake-{}'.format(self.__version))]))
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """MKL building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell class mkl(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `mkl` building block downloads and installs the [Intel Math Kernel Library]( You must agree to the [Intel End User License Agreement]( to use this building block. # Parameters environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `PATH`, and other variables) should be modified to include MKL. The default is True. eula: By setting this value to `True`, you agree to the [Intel End User License Agreement]( The default value is `False`. mklvars: MKL provides an environment script (``) to setup the MKL environment. If this value is `True`, the bashrc is modified to automatically source this environment script. However, the MKL environment is not automatically available to subsequent container image build steps; the environment is available when the container image is run. To set the MKL environment in subsequent build steps you can explicitly call `source /opt/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64` in each build step. If this value is to set `False`, then the environment is set such that the environment is visible to both subsequent container image build steps and when the container image is run. However, the environment may differ slightly from that set by ``. The default value is `True`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing MKL. For Ubuntu, the default values are `apt-transport-https`, `ca-certificates`, `gnupg`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default is an empty list. version: The version of MKL to install. The default value is `2020.0-088`. # Examples ```python mkl(eula=True, version='2018.3-051') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(mkl, self).__init__(**kwargs) # By setting this value to True, you agree to the # corresponding Intel End User License Agreement # ( self.__eula = kwargs.get('eula', False) self.__mklvars = kwargs.get('mklvars', True) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '2020.0-088') self.__year = '2019' # Also used by 2018 and 2020 versions self.__bashrc = '' # Filled in by __distro() if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch != cpu_arch.X86_64: # pragma: no cover logging.warning('Using mkl on a non-x86_64 processor') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('MKL version {}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__ospackages: self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) if not self.__eula: raise RuntimeError('Intel EULA was not accepted. To accept, see the documentation for this building block') self += packages( apt_keys=['{}.PUB'.format(self.__year)], apt_repositories=['deb all main'], ospackages=['intel-mkl-64bit-{}'.format(self.__version)], yum_keys=['{}.PUB'.format(self.__year)], yum_repositories=['']) # Set the environment if self.__mklvars: # Source the mklvars environment script when starting the # container, but the variables not be available for any # subsequent build steps. self += shell(commands=['echo "source /opt/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64" >> {}'.format(self.__bashrc)]) else: # Set the environment so that it will be available to # subsequent build steps and when starting the container, # but this may miss some things relative to the mklvars # environment script. self.environment_variables={ 'CPATH': '/opt/intel/mkl/include:$CPATH', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64:/opt/intel/lib/intel64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'LIBRARY_PATH': '/opt/intel/mkl/lib/intel64:/opt/intel/lib/intel64:$LIBRARY_PATH', 'MKLROOT': '/opt/intel/mkl'} self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['apt-transport-https', 'ca-certificates', 'gnupg', 'wget'] self.__bashrc = '/etc/bash.bashrc' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = [] self.__bashrc = '/etc/bashrc' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python m = mkl(...) Stage0 += m Stage1 += m.runtime() ``` """ return str(self)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """conda building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import LooseVersion import logging import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from import shell class conda(bb_base, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `conda` building block installs Anaconda. You must agree to the [Anaconda End User License Agreement]( to use this building block. # Parameters channels: List of additional Conda channels to enable. The default is an empty list. environment: Path to the Conda environment file to clone. The default value is empty. eula: By setting this value to `True`, you agree to the [Anaconda End User License Agreement]( The default value is `False`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing Conda. The default values are `ca-certificates` and `wget`. packages: List of Conda packages to install. The default is an empty list. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/anaconda`. python2: Boolean flag to specify that the Python 2 version of Anaconda should be installed. The default is False. python_subversion: The Python version to install. This value is ignored if the Conda version is less than 4.8. The default is `py310` if using Python 3, and `py27` if using Python 2. version: The version of Anaconda to download. The default value is `23.1.0-1` if using Python 3, and `4.8.3` if using Python 2. # Examples ```python conda(packages=['numpy']) ``` ```python conda(channels=['conda-forge', 'nvidia'], prefix='/opt/conda') ``` ```python conda(environment='environment.yml') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(conda, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__arch_pkg = '' # Filled in by __cpu_arch() self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__channels = kwargs.get('channels', []) self.__environment = kwargs.get('environment', None) # By setting this value to True, you agree to the # corresponding Anaconda End User License Agreement # self.__eula = kwargs.get('eula', False) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', ['ca-certificates', 'wget']) self.__packages = kwargs.get('packages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/anaconda') self.__python2 = kwargs.get('python2', False) self.__python_version = '2' if self.__python2 else '3' self.__python_subversion = kwargs.get( 'python_subversion', 'py27' if self.__python2 else 'py310') self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '4.8.3' if self.__python2 else '23.1.0-1') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory if not self.__eula: logging.warning('Anaconda EULA was not accepted. To accept, see the documentation for this building block') # Set the CPU architecture specific parameters self.__cpu_arch() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('Anaconda') self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) if self.__environment: self += copy(src=self.__environment, dest=posixpath.join( self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.__environment))) self += shell(commands=self.__commands) def __cpu_arch(self): """Based on the CPU architecture, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.PPC64LE: self.__arch_pkg = 'ppc64le' elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64: self.__arch_pkg = 'x86_64' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown CPU architecture') def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" if LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('4.8'): miniconda = 'Miniconda{0}-{1}_{2}-Linux-{3}.sh'.format( self.__python_version, self.__python_subversion, self.__version, self.__arch_pkg) else: miniconda = 'Miniconda{0}-{1}-Linux-{2}.sh'.format( self.__python_version, self.__version, self.__arch_pkg) url = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__baseurl, miniconda) # Download source from web self.__commands.append(self.download_step(url=url, directory=self.__wd)) # Install install_args = ['-p {}'.format(self.__prefix)] if self.__eula: install_args.append('-b') self.__commands.append('bash {0} {1}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__wd, miniconda), ' '.join(sorted(install_args)))) # Initialize conda self.__commands.append('{0} init'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin', 'conda'))) self.__commands.append('ln -s {} /etc/profile.d/'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'etc', 'profile.d', ''))) # Activate if self.__channels or self.__environment or self.__packages: self.__commands.append('. {}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'etc', 'profile.d', ''))) self.__commands.append('conda activate base') # Enable channels if self.__channels: self.__commands.append('conda config {}'.format( ' '.join(['--add channels {}'.format(x) for x in sorted(self.__channels)]))) # Install environment if self.__environment: self.__commands.append('conda env update -f {}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.__environment)))) self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join( self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.__environment))])) # Install conda packages if self.__packages: self.__commands.append('conda install -y {}'.format( ' '.join(sorted(self.__packages)))) # Cleanup conda install self.__commands.append('{0} clean -afy'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin', 'conda'))) # Cleanup miniconda download file self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, miniconda)])) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python c = conda(...) Stage0 += c Stage1 += c.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('Anaconda') self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=self.__prefix, dest=self.__prefix) self.rt += shell(commands=[ '{0} init'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin', 'conda')), 'ln -s {0} /etc/profile.d/'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'etc', 'profile.d', ''))]) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Charm++ building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import LooseVersion import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.sed import hpccm.templates.tar import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell class charm(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.sed, hpccm.templates.tar, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `charm` building block downloads and install the [Charm++]( component. # Parameters basedir: List of additional include and library paths for building Charm++. The default is an empty list. check: Boolean flag to specify whether the test cases should be run. The default is False. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `PATH`, and other variables) should be modified to include Charm++. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the Charm++ library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the Charm++ library directory. The default value is False. options: List of additional options to use when building Charm++. The default values are `--build-shared`, and `--with-production`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. The default values are `autoconf`, `automake`, `git`, `libtool`, `make`, and `wget`. prefix: The top level install prefix. The default value is `/usr/local`. target: The target Charm++ framework to build. The default value is `charm++`. target_architecture: The target machine architecture to build. For x86_64 processors, the default value is `multicore-linux-x86_64`. For aarch64 processors, the default value is `multicore-arm8`. For ppc64le processors, the default is `multicore-linux-ppc64le`. version: The version of Charm++ to download. The default value is `6.10.2`. # Examples ```python charm(prefix='/opt', version='6.8.2') ``` ```python charm(target_architecture='mpi-linux-x86_64') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(charm, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__basedir = kwargs.get('basedir', []) self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.get('check', False) self.__options = kwargs.get('options', ['--build-shared', '--with-production']) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', ['autoconf', 'automake', 'git', 'libtool', 'make', 'wget']) self.__parallel = kwargs.get('parallel', '$(nproc)') self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local') self.__target = kwargs.get('target', 'charm++') self.__target_architecture = kwargs.get('target_architecture', '') self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '6.10.2') # Version 6.9.0 dropped the 'v' from directory name if LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('6.9.0'): self.__installdir = posixpath.join( self.__prefix, 'charm-{}'.format(self.__version)) else: self.__installdir = posixpath.join( self.__prefix, 'charm-v{}'.format(self.__version)) self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() # Set the CPU architecture specific parameters self.__cpu_arch() # Construct series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('Charm++ version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += shell(commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __cpu_arch(self): """Based on the CPU architecture, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.AARCH64: if not self.__target_architecture: self.__target_architecture = 'multicore-arm8' elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.PPC64LE: if not self.__target_architecture: self.__target_architecture = 'multicore-linux-ppc64le' elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64: if not self.__target_architecture: self.__target_architecture = 'multicore-linux-x86_64' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown CPU architecture') def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" tarball = 'v{}.tar.gz'.format(self.__version) url = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__baseurl, tarball) # Download source from web self.__commands.append(self.download_step(url=url, directory=self.__wd)) # Charm++ does not install nicely into a separate directory, # even with "--destination". So just untar it into the # destination directory prefix. self.__commands.append(self.untar_step( tarball=posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), directory=self.__prefix)) # Charm++ is hard-coded to use pgCC rather than pgc++ when the # PGI compiler is selected. Replace pgCC with pgc++. # But... PGI is not really supported by Charm++: # if 'pgcc' in self.__options: self.__commands.append( self.sed_step( file=posixpath.join(self.__installdir, 'src', 'arch', 'common', ''), patterns=[r's/pgCC/pgc++/g'])) # Construct options string options = [] if self.__options: options.extend(self.__options) if self.__basedir: options.extend(['--basedir={}'.format(x) for x in self.__basedir]) # Build self.__commands.append('cd {} && ./build {} {} {} -j{}'.format( self.__installdir, self.__target, self.__target_architecture, ' '.join(options), self.__parallel)) # Set library path libpath = posixpath.join(self.__installdir, 'lib_so') if self.ldconfig: self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step(directory=libpath)) else: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(libpath) # Check the build if self.__check: self.__commands.append('cd {} && make test'.format( posixpath.join(self.__installdir, 'tests', 'charm++'))) # Cleanup tarball and directory self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball)])) # Set the environment self.environment_variables['CHARMBASE'] = self.__installdir self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__installdir, 'bin')) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Example ```python c = charm(...) Stage0 += c Stage1 += c.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('Charm++') self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=self.__installdir, dest=self.__installdir) if self.ldconfig: self.rt += shell(commands=[self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib_so'))]) self.rt += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """NCCL building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import posixpath import hpccm.templates.downloader import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_build import generic_build from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.config import get_cpu_architecture from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment class nccl(bb_base, hpccm.templates.downloader, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `nccl` building block installs the [NCCL]( component. # Parameters branch: The git branch to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the default branch for the repository. build: Boolean flag to specify whether NCCL should be built from source. The default value is False. commit: The git commit to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the latest commit on the default branch for the repository. cuda: Flag to specify the CUDA version of the package to download. The default is `11.6`. This option is ignored if build is True. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH`, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `LIBRARY_PATH`, and `PATH`) should be modified to include NCCL. The default is True. This option is ignored if build is False. make_variables: Dictionary of environment variables and values to set when building NCCL. The default is an empty dictionary. This option is ignored if build is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to building. The default values are `make` and `wget`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/nccl`. This option is ignored if build is False. repository: The location of the git repository that should be used to build NCCL. If True, then use the default `` repository. The default is empty, i.e., use the release package specified by `version`. version: The version of NCCL to install. The default value is `2.12.10-1`. # Examples ```python nccl(cuda='11.0', version='2.7.6-1') ``` ```python nccl(build=True, version='2.7.6-1') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(nccl, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__build = kwargs.pop('build', False) self.__build_environment = '' # Filled in by __configure self.__default_repository = '' self.__distro_label = '' # Filled in by __distro self.__cuda = kwargs.pop('cuda', '11.6') self.__make_variables = kwargs.pop('make_variables', {}) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/nccl') self.__src_directory = kwargs.pop('src_directory', None) self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '2.12.10-1') self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory if not self.__build: # Install prebuild package # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() self += comment('NCCL {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += packages( apt=['libnccl2={0}+cuda{1}'.format(self.__version, self.__cuda), 'libnccl-dev={0}+cuda{1}'.format(self.__version, self.__cuda)], apt_keys=['{0}/{1}/'.format(self.__distro_label, get_cpu_architecture())], apt_repositories=['deb{0}/{1} /'.format(self.__distro_label, get_cpu_architecture())], yum=['libnccl-{0}+cuda{1}'.format(self.__version, self.__cuda), 'libnccl-devel-{0}+cuda{1}'.format(self.__version, self.__cuda)], yum_keys=['{0}/{1}/'.format(self.__distro_label, get_cpu_architecture())], yum_repositories=['{0}/{1}'.format(self.__distro_label, get_cpu_architecture())]) else: # Build from source # Set the build options self.__configure() self.__download() kwargs['repository'] = self.repository kwargs['url'] = self.url # Setup the environment variables self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include')) self.environment_variables['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) self.__bb = generic_build( base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, build = ['{} make -j$(nproc) install'.format( self.__build_environment)], comment=False, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, directory='nccl-{}'.format(self.__version) if not self.repository else None, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, **kwargs) self += comment('NCCL') self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def __configure(self): """Setup build options based on user parameters""" e = {} e['PREFIX'] = self.__prefix if self.__make_variables: e.update(self.__make_variables) l = [] if e: for key, val in sorted(e.items()): l.append('{0}={1}'.format(key, val)) self.__build_environment = ' '.join(l) def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['apt-transport-https', 'ca-certificates', 'gnupg', 'wget'] if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('18.0'): self.__distro_label = 'ubuntu1804' else: self.__distro_label = 'ubuntu1604' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): self.__distro_label = 'rhel8' else: self.__distro_label = 'rhel7' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __download(self): """Set download source based on user parameters""" if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['make', 'wget'] if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: self.__ospackages.append('which') if self.repository: self.__ospackages.append('git') # Use the default repository if set to True if self.repository is True: self.repository = self.__default_repository if not self.repository and not self.url: self.url = '{0}/v{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python n = nccl(...) Stage0 += n Stage1 += n.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('NCCL') if self.__build: self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=self.__prefix, dest=self.__prefix) self.rt += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) else: self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self.rt += packages( apt=['libnccl2={0}+cuda{1}'.format(self.__version, self.__cuda)], apt_keys=['{0}/{1}/'.format(self.__distro_label, get_cpu_architecture())], apt_repositories=['deb{0}/{1} /'.format(self.__distro_label, get_cpu_architecture())], yum=['libnccl-{0}+cuda{1}'.format(self.__version, self.__cuda)], yum_keys=['{0}/{1}/'.format(self.__distro_label, get_cpu_architecture())], yum_repositories=['{0}/{1}'.format(self.__distro_label, get_cpu_architecture())]) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Boost building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import re import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.tar import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell class boost(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.tar, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `boost` building block downloads and installs the [Boost]( component. # Parameters b2_opts: List of options to pass to `b2`. The default is an empty list. bootstrap_opts: List of options to pass to ``. The default is an empty list. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH`) should be modified to include Boost. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the Boost library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the Boost library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `bzip2`, `libbz2-dev`, `tar`, `wget`, and `zlib1g-dev`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions the default values are `bzip2`, `bzip2-devel`, `tar`, `wget`, `which`, and `zlib-devel`. prefix: The top level installation location. The default value is `/usr/local/boost`. python: Boolean flag to specify whether Boost should be built with Python support. If enabled, the Python C headers need to be installed (typically this can be done by adding `python-dev` or `python-devel` to the list of OS packages). This flag is ignored if `bootstrap_opts` is set. The default is False. sourceforge: Boolean flag to specify whether Boost should be downloaded from SourceForge rather than the current Boost repository. For versions of Boost older than 1.63.0, the SourceForge repository should be used. The default is False. version: The version of Boost source to download. The default value is `1.76.0`. # Examples ```python boost(prefix='/opt/boost/1.67.0', version='1.67.0') ``` ```python boost(sourceforge=True, version='1.57.0') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(boost, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__b2_opts = kwargs.get('b2_opts', []) self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__bootstrap_opts = kwargs.get('bootstrap_opts', []) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__parallel = kwargs.get('parallel', '$(nproc)') self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/boost') self.__python = kwargs.get('python', False) self.__sourceforge = kwargs.get('sourceforge', False) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '1.76.0') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory if self.__sourceforge: self.__baseurl = '' # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('Boost version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += shell(commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'libbz2-dev', 'tar', 'wget', 'zlib1g-dev'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'bzip2-devel', 'tar', 'wget', 'which', 'zlib-devel'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # The download URL has the version format with underscores so # pull apart the full version to get the individual # components. match = re.match(r'(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<revision>\d+)', self.__version) v_underscore = '{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(match.groupdict()['major'], match.groupdict()['minor'], match.groupdict()['revision']) tarball = 'boost_{}.tar.bz2'.format(v_underscore) url = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__baseurl, tarball) url = url.replace('__version__', self.__version) # Python support requires pyconfig.h which is not part of the # standard Python install. It requires the development # package, python-dev or python-devel. So skip Python unless # it's specifically enabled. if not self.__bootstrap_opts and not self.__python: self.__bootstrap_opts.append('--without-libraries=python') # Download source from web self.__commands.append(self.download_step(url=url, directory=self.__wd)) self.__commands.append(self.untar_step( tarball=posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), directory=self.__wd)) # Configure self.__commands.append( 'cd {} && ./ --prefix={} {}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'boost_{}'.format(v_underscore)), self.__prefix, ' '.join(self.__bootstrap_opts))) # Build and install self.__b2_opts.append('-j{}'.format(self.__parallel)) self.__b2_opts.append('-q install') self.__commands.append('./b2 {0}'.format(' '.join(self.__b2_opts))) # Set library path libpath = posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib') if self.ldconfig: self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step(directory=libpath)) else: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(libpath) # Cleanup tarball and directory self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'boost_{}'.format(v_underscore))])) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python b = boost(...) Stage0 += b Stage1 += b.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('Boost') self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=self.__prefix, dest=self.__prefix) if self.ldconfig: self.rt += shell(commands=[self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib'))]) self.rt += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Catalyst building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import posixpath import re import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.CMakeBuild import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.tar import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class catalyst(bb_base, hpccm.templates.CMakeBuild, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.tar, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `catalyst` building block configures, builds, and installs the [ParaView Catalyst]( component. The [CMake](#cmake) building block should be installed prior to this building block. A MPI building block should be installed prior to this building block. If GPU rendering will be used then a [cudagl]( base image is recommended. # Parameters cmake_opts: List of options to pass to `cmake`. The default is an empty list. edition: The Catalyst edition to use. Valid choices are `Base`, `Base-Essentials`, `Base-Essentials-Extras`, `Base-Essentials-Extras-Rendering-Base`, `Base-Enable-Python`, `Base-Enable-Python-Essentials`, `Base-Enable-Python-Essentials-Extras`, and `Base-Enable-Python-Essentials-Extras-Rendering-Base`. If a Python edition is selected, then the [Python](#python) building block should be installed with development libraries prior to this building block. The default value is `Base-Enable-Python-Essentials-Extras-Rendering-Base`. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`) should be modified to include ParaView Catalyst. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the Catalyst library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the Catalyst library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `git`, `gzip`, `make`, `tar`, and `wget`. If a rendering edition is selected then `libxau-dev`, `libxext-dev`, `libxt-dev`, `libice-dev`, `libsm-dev`, `libx11-dev`, `libgl1-mesa-dev` are also included. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `git`, `gzip`, `make`, `tar`, `wget`, and `which`. If a rendering edition is selected then `libX11-devel`, `libXau-devel`, `libXext-devel`, `libXt-devel`, `libICE-devel`, `libSM-devel`, `libglvnd-devel`, `mesa-libGL-devel` are also included. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/catalyst`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. version: The version of Catalyst source to download. The default value is `5.6.1`. # Examples ```python catalyst(prefix='/opt/catalyst/5.6.0', version='5.6.0') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(catalyst, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.cmake_opts = kwargs.get('cmake_opts', []) self.__edition = kwargs.get('edition', 'Base-Enable-Python-Essentials-Extras-Rendering-Base') self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/catalyst') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() # Input toolchain, i.e., what to use when building self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '5.6.1') self.__url = r'\&version={0}\&type=catalyst\&os=Sources\&downloadFile={1}' self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory # Validate edition choice if self.__edition not in [ 'Base', 'Base-Essentials', 'Base-Essentials-Extras', 'Base-Essentials-Extras-Rendering-Base', 'Base-Enable-Python', 'Base-Enable-Python-Essentials', 'Base-Enable-Python-Essentials-Extras', 'Base-Enable-Python-Essentials-Extras-Rendering-Base']: logging.warning('Invalid Catalyst edition "{0}", defaulting to ' 'Base-Essentials'.format(self.__edition)) self.__edition = 'Base-Essentials' self.__basename = 'Catalyst-v{0}-{1}'.format(self.__version, self.__edition) # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('ParaView Catalyst version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += shell(commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['git', 'gzip', 'make', 'tar', 'wget'] if 'Rendering' in self.__edition: self.__ospackages.extend([ 'libxau-dev', 'libxext-dev', 'libxt-dev', 'libice-dev', 'libsm-dev', 'libx11-dev', 'libgl1-mesa-dev']) if 'Rendering' in self.__edition: self.__runtime_ospackages.extend([ 'libxau6', 'libxext6', 'libxt6', 'libice6', 'libsm6', 'libx11-6', 'libgl1-mesa-glx']) elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['git', 'gzip', 'make', 'tar', 'wget', 'which'] if 'Rendering' in self.__edition: self.__ospackages.extend([ 'libX11-devel', 'libXau-devel', 'libXext-devel', 'libXt-devel', 'libICE-devel', 'libSM-devel', 'libglvnd-devel', 'mesa-libGL-devel']) if 'Rendering' in self.__edition: self.__runtime_ospackages.extend([ 'libX11', 'libXau', 'libXext', 'libXt', 'libICE', 'libSM', 'libglvnd', 'libglvnd-opengl', 'mesa-libGL']) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # The download URL has the format contains vMAJOR.MINOR in the # path and the tarball contains MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION, so pull # apart the full version to get the MAJOR and MINOR components. match = re.match(r'(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)', self.__version) major_minor = 'v{0}.{1}'.format(match.groupdict()['major'], match.groupdict()['minor']) tarball = self.__basename + '.tar.gz' url = self.__url.format(major_minor, tarball) # Download source from web self.__commands.append(self.download_step( url=url, directory=self.__wd, outfile=posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball))) self.__commands.append(self.untar_step( tarball=posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), directory=self.__wd)) # Configure # Catalyst has a shell script that sets configuration # options. Use that in place of cmake. configure = self.configure_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.__wd, self.__basename), opts=self.cmake_opts, toolchain=self.__toolchain) configure = configure.replace('cmake', '{}/'.format(posixpath.join(self.__wd, self.__basename))) self.__commands.append(configure) # Build self.__commands.append(self.build_step()) # Install self.__commands.append(self.build_step(target='install')) # Set library path libpath = posixpath.join(self.prefix, 'lib') if self.ldconfig: self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step(directory=libpath)) else: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(libpath) # Cleanup self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), posixpath.join(self.__wd, self.__basename)])) # Set the environment self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.prefix, 'bin')) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python c = catalyst(...) Stage0 += c Stage1 += c.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('ParaView Catalyst') if self.__runtime_ospackages: self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=self.prefix, dest=self.prefix) if self.ldconfig: self.rt += shell(commands=[self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.prefix, 'lib'))]) self.rt += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """OpenMPI building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import re from copy import copy as _copy from six import string_types import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.downloader import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_autotools import generic_autotools from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class openmpi(bb_base, hpccm.templates.downloader, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `openmpi` building block configures, builds, and installs the [OpenMPI]( component. As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the MPI compiler wrappers. The tool can be passed to other operations that want to build using the MPI compiler wrappers. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. branch: The git branch to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the default branch for the repository. check: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make check` step should be performed. The default is False. commit: The git commit to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the latest commit on the default branch for the repository. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default values are `--disable-getpwuid` and `--enable-orterun-prefix-by-default`. cuda: Boolean flag to control whether a CUDA aware build is performed. If True, adds `--with-cuda` to the list of `configure` options, otherwise adds `--without-cuda`. If the toolchain specifies `CUDA_HOME`, then that path is used. The default value is True. disable_FEATURE: Flags to control disabling features when configuring. For instance, `disable_foo=True` maps to `--disable-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. enable_FEATURE[=ARG]: Flags to control enabling features when configuring. For instance, `enable_foo=True` maps to `--enable-foo` and `enable_foo='yes'` maps to `--enable-foo=yes`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`) should be modified to include OpenMPI. The default is True. infiniband: Boolean flag to control whether InfiniBand capabilities are included. If True, adds `--with-verbs` to the list of `configure` options, otherwise adds `--without-verbs`. The default value is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the OpenMPI library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the OpenMPI library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `bzip2`, `file`, `hwloc`, `libnuma-dev`, `make`, `openssh-client`, `perl`, `tar`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `bzip2`, `file`, `hwloc`, `make`, `numactl-devl`, `openssh-clients`, `perl`, `tar`, and `wget`. If the `repository` parameter is set, then `autoconf`, `automake`, `ca-certificates`, `git`, and `libtool` are also included. pmi: Flag to control whether PMI is used by the build. If True, adds `--with-pmi` to the list of `configure` options. If a string, uses the value of the string as the PMI path, e.g., `--with-pmi=/usr/local/slurm-pmi2`. If False, does nothing. The default is False. pmix: Flag to control whether PMIX is used by the build. If True, adds `--with-pmix` to the list of `configure` options. If a string, uses the value of the string as the PMIX path, e.g., `--with-pmix=/usr/local/pmix`. If False, does nothing. The default is False. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/openmpi`. repository: The location of the git repository that should be used to build OpenMPI. If True, then use the default `` repository. The default is empty, i.e., use the release package specified by `version`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. ucx: Flag to control whether UCX is used by the build. If True, adds `--with-ucx` to the list of `configure` options. If a string, uses the value of the string as the UCX path, e.g., `--with-ucx=/path/to/ucx`. If False, adds `--without-ucx` to the list of `configure` options. The default is False. url: The location of the tarball that should be used to build OpenMPI. The default is empty, i.e., use the release package specified by `version`. version: The version of OpenMPI source to download. This value is ignored if `directory` is set. The default value is `4.0.5`. with_PACKAGE[=ARG]: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance, `with_foo=True` maps to `--with-foo` and `with_foo='/usr/local/foo'` maps to `--with-foo=/usr/local/foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. without_PACKAGE: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance `without_foo=True` maps to `--without-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. # Examples ```python openmpi(cuda=False, infiniband=False, prefix='/opt/openmpi/2.1.2', version='2.1.2') ``` ```python openmpi(repository='') ``` ```python n = nvhpc(eula=True) openmpi(toolchain=n.toolchain) ``` ```python openmpi(configure_opts=['--disable-getpwuid', '--with-slurm'], ospackages=['file', 'hwloc', 'libslurm-dev']) ``` ```python openmpi(pmi='/usr/local/slurm-pmi2', pmix='internal') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(openmpi, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__configure_opts = kwargs.pop('configure_opts', ['--disable-getpwuid', '--enable-orterun-prefix-by-default']) self.__cuda = kwargs.pop('cuda', True) self.__default_repository = '' self.__infiniband = kwargs.pop('infiniband', True) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', []) self.__pmi = kwargs.pop('pmi', False) self.__pmix = kwargs.pop('pmix', False) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/openmpi') self.__recursive = kwargs.pop('recursive', True) self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() # Input toolchain, i.e., what to use when building # Create a copy of the toolchain so that it can be modified # without impacting the original self.__toolchain = _copy(kwargs.pop('toolchain', toolchain())) self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '4.0.5') self.__ucx = kwargs.pop('ucx', False) # Output toolchain self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77', F90='mpif90', FC='mpifort') # Set the configure options self.__configure() # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Set the download specific parameters self.__download() kwargs['repository'] = self.repository kwargs['url'] = self.url # Setup the environment variables self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_autotools( annotations={'version': self.__version} if not self.repository else {}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, comment=False, configure_opts=self.__configure_opts, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, preconfigure=['./'] if self.repository else None, prefix=self.__prefix, recursive=self.__recursive, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, toolchain=self.__toolchain, **kwargs) # Container instructions if self.repository: if self.branch: self += comment('OpenMPI {} {}'.format(self.repository, self.branch)) elif self.commit: self += comment('OpenMPI {} {}'.format(self.repository, self.commit)) else: self += comment('OpenMPI {}'.format(self.repository)) else: self += comment('OpenMPI version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def __configure(self): """Setup configure options based on user parameters""" # CUDA if self.__cuda: if isinstance(self.__cuda, string_types): # Use specified path self.__configure_opts.append( '--with-cuda={}'.format(self.__cuda)) elif self.__toolchain.CUDA_HOME: self.__configure_opts.append( '--with-cuda={}'.format(self.__toolchain.CUDA_HOME)) else: # Default location self.__configure_opts.append('--with-cuda') else: self.__configure_opts.append('--without-cuda') # PMI if self.__pmi: if isinstance(self.__pmi, string_types): # Use specified path self.__configure_opts.append( '--with-pmi={}'.format(self.__pmi)) else: self.__configure_opts.append('--with-pmi') # PMIX if self.__pmix: if isinstance(self.__pmix, string_types): # Use specified path self.__configure_opts.append('--with-pmix={}'.format( self.__pmix)) else: self.__configure_opts.append('--with-pmix') # InfiniBand if self.__infiniband: self.__configure_opts.append('--with-verbs') else: self.__configure_opts.append('--without-verbs') # UCX if self.__ucx: if isinstance(self.__ucx, string_types): # Use specified path self.__configure_opts.append( '--with-ucx={}'.format(self.__ucx)) else: self.__configure_opts.append('--with-ucx') # Workaround when using the NVIDIA compilers if self.__toolchain.CC and re.match('.*nvc', self.__toolchain.CC): if not self.__toolchain.CFLAGS: self.__toolchain.CFLAGS = '-O1' # PIC workaround when using the NVIDIA compilers if self.__toolchain.FC and re.match('.*nvfortran', self.__toolchain.FC): if not self.__toolchain.FCFLAGS: self.__toolchain.FCFLAGS = '-fpic -DPIC' def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'file', 'hwloc', 'libnuma-dev', 'make', 'openssh-client', 'perl', 'tar', 'wget'] if self.repository: self.__ospackages.extend(['autoconf', 'automake', 'ca-certificates', 'git', 'libtool']) self.__runtime_ospackages = ['hwloc', 'openssh-client'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'file', 'hwloc', 'make', 'numactl-devel', 'openssh-clients', 'perl', 'tar', 'wget'] if self.repository: self.__ospackages.extend(['autoconf', 'automake', 'ca-certificates', 'git', 'libtool']) self.__runtime_ospackages = ['hwloc', 'openssh-clients'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __download(self): """Set download source based on user parameters""" # Use the default repository if set to True if self.repository is True: self.repository = self.__default_repository if not self.repository and not self.url: # The download URL has the format contains vMAJOR.MINOR in the # path and the tarball contains MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION, so pull # apart the full version to get the MAJOR and MINOR components. match = re.match(r'(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)', self.__version) major_minor = 'v{0}.{1}'.format(match.groupdict()['major'], match.groupdict()['minor']) tarball = 'openmpi-{}.tar.bz2'.format(self.__version) self.url = '{0}/{1}/downloads/{2}'.format( self.__baseurl, major_minor, tarball) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python o = openmpi(...) Stage0 += o Stage1 += o.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('OpenMPI') self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """NVIDIA HPC SDK building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import logging import re import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.downloader import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.rm from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class nvhpc(bb_base, hpccm.templates.downloader, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.rm): """The `nvhpc` building block downloads and installs the [NVIDIA HPC SDK]( By default, the NVIDIA HPC SDK is installed from a package repository. Alternatively the tar package can be downloaded by specifying the `tarball` parameter, or a local tar package may used instead by specifying the `package` parameter. You must agree to the [NVIDIA HPC SDK End-User License Agreement]( to use this building block. As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the NVIDIA compilers. The tool can be passed to other operations that want to build using the NVIDIA compilers. # Parameters cuda: The default CUDA version to configure. The default is an empty value, i.e., use the latest version supported by the NVIDIA HPC SDK. This value is ignored if installing from the package repository. cuda_multi: Boolean flag to specify whether the NVIDIA HPC SDK support for multiple CUDA versions should be installed. The default value is `True`. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH`, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `MANPATH`, and `PATH`) should be modified to include the NVIDIA HPC SDK. The default is True. eula: By setting this value to `True`, you agree to the [NVIDIA HPC SDK End-User License Agreement]( The default value is `False`. extended_environment: Boolean flag to specify whether an extended set of environment variables should be defined. If True, the following environment variables `CC`, `CPP`, `CXX`, `F77`, `F90`, and `FC`. If False, then only `CPATH`, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `MANPATH`, and `PATH` will be extended to include the NVIDIA HPC SDK. The default value is `False`. mpi: Boolean flag to specify whether MPI should be included in the environment. The default value is `True`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing the NVIDIA HPC SDK. The default value is `ca-certificates`, `gnupg`, and `wget` for Ubuntu, and `ca-certificates` for RHEL-based Linux distributions. If not installing from the package repository, then for Ubuntu, the default values are `bc`, `debianutils`, `gcc`, `g++`, `gfortran`, `libatomic1`, `libnuma1`, `openssh-client`, and `wget`, and for RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `bc`, `gcc`, `gcc-c++`, `gcc-gfortran`, `libatomic`, `numactl-libs`, `openssh-clients`, `wget`, and `which`. package: Path to the NVIDIA HPC SDK tar package file relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. prefix: The top level install prefix. The default value is `/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk`. This value is ignored when installing from the package repository. redist: The list of redistributable files to copy into the runtime stage. The paths are relative to the `REDIST` directory and wildcards are supported. The default is an empty list. tarball: Boolean flag to specify whether the NVIDIA HPC SDK should be installed by downloading the tar package file. If False, install from the package repository. The default is False. toolchain: The toolchain object to be used to configure the HPC SDK with a specific GNU toolchain. The default is empty, i.e., use the default GNU toolchain. url: The location of the package that should be installed. The default value is ``, where `X, `Y`, and `Z` are the year, version, and architecture whose values are automatically determined. version: The version of the HPC SDK to use. Note when `package` is set the version is determined automatically from the package file name. The default value is `23.5`. # Examples ```python nvhpc(eula=True) ``` ```python nvhpc(eula=True, tarball=True) ``` ```python nvhpc(eula=True, url='') ``` ```python nvhpc(eula=True, package='nvhpc_2020_207_Linux_x86_64_cuda_multi.tar.gz', redist=['compilers/lib/*']) ``` ```python n = nvhpc(eula=True, ...) openmpi(..., toolchain=n.toolchain, ...) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(nvhpc, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__arch_directory = None # Filled in by __cpu_arch() self.__arch_label = '' # Filled in by __cpu_arch() self.__cuda_multi = kwargs.get('cuda_multi', True) self.__cuda_version = kwargs.get('cuda', None) self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup_tarball() # By setting this value to True, you agree to the NVIDIA HPC # SDK End-User License Agreement # ( self.__eula = kwargs.get('eula', False) self.__extended_environment = kwargs.get('extended_environment', False) self.__hpcx = kwargs.get('_hpcx', False) self.__mpi = kwargs.get('mpi', True) self.__nvhpc_package = '' # Filled in by __distro() self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk') self.__redist = kwargs.get('redist', []) self.__stdpar_cudacc = kwargs.get('stdpar_cudacc', None) self.__tarball = kwargs.get('tarball', False) self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', None) self.__url = kwargs.get('url', None) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '23.5') self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory self.__year = '' # Filled in by __get_version() self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='nvc', CXX='nvc++', F77='nvfortran', F90='nvfortran', FC='nvfortran') if StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('23.5'): self.__cuda_version_default = '12.1' if StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('23.1'): self.__cuda_version_default = '12.0' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('22.11'): self.__cuda_version_default = '11.8' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('22.5'): self.__cuda_version_default = '11.7' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('22.2'): self.__cuda_version_default = '11.6' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('21.11'): self.__cuda_version_default = '11.5' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('21.7'): self.__cuda_version_default = '11.4' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('21.5'): self.__cuda_version_default = '11.3' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('21.2'): self.__cuda_version_default = '11.2' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('20.11'): self.__cuda_version_default = '11.1' else: self.__cuda_version_default = '11.0' # Set the CPU architecture specific parameters self.__cpu_arch() # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Figure out the version information self.__get_version() # Set paths used extensively self.__basepath = posixpath.join(self.__prefix, self.__arch_directory, self.__version) # Construct the series of steps to execute if self.package or self.__tarball or self.__url: self.__setup_tarball() # Set the environment self.environment_variables = self.__environment() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('NVIDIA HPC SDK version {}'.format(self.__version)) if self.package: # Use package from local build context self += copy(src=self.package, dest=posixpath.join(self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.package))) if self.__ospackages: self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) if self.package or self.__tarball or self.__url: # tarball install self += shell(commands=self.__commands) else: # repository install if StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('22.9'): # signed packages self += packages( apt_keys=[''], apt_repositories=['deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/DEB-GPG-KEY-NVIDIA-HPC-SDK.gpg]{} /'.format(self.__arch_label)], ospackages=[self.__nvhpc_package], yum_repositories=[''], _apt_key=False) else: self += packages( apt_repositories=['deb [trusted=yes]{} /'.format(self.__arch_label)], ospackages=[self.__nvhpc_package], yum_repositories=['']) if self.__toolchain: # Regenerate the localrc using the compilers from the specified # toolchain compiler_bin = posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'compilers', 'bin') args = ['-x'] if self.__toolchain.CC: args.append('-gcc {}'.format(self.__toolchain.CC)) if self.__toolchain.CXX: args.append('-gpp {}'.format(self.__toolchain.CXX)) if self.__toolchain.F77: args.append('-g77 {}'.format(self.__toolchain.F77)) self += shell(commands=['{0} {1} {2}'.format( posixpath.join(compiler_bin, 'makelocalrc'), compiler_bin, ' '.join(args))]) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __cpu_arch(self): """Based on the CPU architecture, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.AARCH64: self.__arch_directory = 'Linux_aarch64' if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__arch_label = 'arm64' else: self.__arch_label = 'aarch64' if StrictVersion(self.__version) < StrictVersion('20.11'): self.__cuda_multi = False # CUDA multi packages not available elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.PPC64LE: self.__arch_directory = 'Linux_ppc64le' if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__arch_label = 'ppc64el' else: self.__arch_label = 'ppc64le' elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64: self.__arch_directory = 'Linux_x86_64' if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__arch_label = 'amd64' else: self.__arch_label = 'x86_64' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown CPU architecture') def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: version = self.__version.replace('.', '-') if self.__cuda_multi: self.__nvhpc_package = 'nvhpc-{}-cuda-multi'.format(version) else: self.__nvhpc_package = 'nvhpc-{}'.format(version) if not self.__ospackages: if self.package or self.__tarball: self.__ospackages = ['bc', 'debianutils', 'gcc', 'g++', 'gfortran', 'libatomic1', 'libnuma1', 'openssh-client', 'wget'] else: self.__ospackages = ['ca-certificates', 'gnupg', 'wget'] self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libatomic1', 'libnuma1', 'openssh-client'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if self.__cuda_multi: self.__nvhpc_package = 'nvhpc-cuda-multi-{}'.format(self.__version) else: self.__nvhpc_package = 'nvhpc-{}'.format(self.__version) if not self.__ospackages: if self.package or self.__tarball: self.__ospackages = ['bc', 'gcc', 'gcc-c++', 'gcc-gfortran', 'libatomic', 'openssh-clients', 'numactl-libs', 'wget', 'which'] else: self.__ospackages = ['ca-certificates'] self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libatomic', 'numactl-libs', 'openssh-clients'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __environment(self): """Define environment variables""" e = {} # Development environment if self.__extended_environment: # Mirror the environment defined by the environment module e['CC'] = posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'compilers', 'bin', 'nvc') e['CPP'] = 'cpp' e['CXX'] = posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'compilers', 'bin', 'nvc++') e['F77'] = posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'compilers', 'bin', 'nvfortran') e['F90'] = posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'compilers', 'bin', 'nvfortran') e['FC'] = posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'compilers', 'bin', 'nvfortran') cpath = [ posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'comm_libs', 'nvshmem', 'include'), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'comm_libs', 'nccl', 'include'), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'compilers', 'extras', 'qd', 'include', 'qd'), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'math_libs', 'include')] ld_library_path = [ posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'comm_libs', 'nvshmem', 'lib'), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'comm_libs', 'nccl', 'lib'), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'math_libs', 'lib64'), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'compilers', 'lib'), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'cuda', 'lib64')] path = [ posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'comm_libs', 'nvshmem', 'bin'), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'comm_libs', 'nccl', 'bin'), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'profilers', 'bin'), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'compilers', 'bin'), posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'cuda', 'bin')] if self.__mpi: cpath.append( posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'comm_libs', 'mpi', 'include')) ld_library_path.append( posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'comm_libs', 'mpi', 'lib')) path.append( posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'comm_libs', 'mpi', 'bin')) elif self.__hpcx and StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('23.5'): path.append( posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'comm_libs', 'hpcx', 'bin')) elif self.__hpcx: # Set environment for HPC-X if StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('22.2'): hpcx_version = 'latest' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('21.11'): hpcx_version = 'hpcx-2.10.beta' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('21.9'): hpcx_version = 'hpcx-2.9.0' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('21.7'): hpcx_version = 'hpcx-2.8.1' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) < StrictVersion('21.5'): hpcx_version = 'hpcx-2.7.4' hpcx_dir = posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'comm_libs', 'hpcx', hpcx_version) hpcx_ucx_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_dir, 'ucx', 'mt') #hpcx_ucx_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_dir, 'ucx') hpcx_sharp_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_dir, 'sharp') hpcx_nccl_rdma_sharp_plugin_dir = posixpath.join( hpcx_dir, 'nccl_rdma_sharp_plugin') hpcx_hcoll_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_dir, 'hcoll') hpcx_mpi_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_dir, 'ompi') hpcx_oshmem_dir = hpcx_mpi_dir cpath.append(':'.join([ posixpath.join(hpcx_hcoll_dir, 'include'), posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_dir, 'include'), posixpath.join(hpcx_sharp_dir, 'include'), posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'include'), '$CPATH'])) e['HPCX_DIR'] = hpcx_dir e['HPCX_HCOLL_DIR'] = hpcx_hcoll_dir e['HPCX_MPI_DIR'] = hpcx_mpi_dir e['HPCX_NCCL_RDMA_SHARP_PLUGIN_DIR'] = hpcx_nccl_rdma_sharp_plugin_dir e['HPCX_OSHMEM_DIR'] = hpcx_oshmem_dir e['HPCX_SHARP_DIR'] = hpcx_sharp_dir e['HPCX_UCX_DIR'] = hpcx_ucx_dir e['LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join([ posixpath.join(hpcx_hcoll_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_nccl_rdma_sharp_plugin_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_sharp_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'lib'), '$LIBRARY_PATH']) ld_library_path.append(':'.join([ posixpath.join(hpcx_hcoll_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_nccl_rdma_sharp_plugin_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_sharp_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'lib', 'ucx'), '$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'])) e['MPI_HOME'] = hpcx_mpi_dir e['OMPI_HOME'] = hpcx_mpi_dir e['OPAL_PREFIX'] = hpcx_mpi_dir e['OSHMEM_HOME'] = hpcx_mpi_dir path.append(':'.join([ posixpath.join(hpcx_hcoll_dir, 'bin'), posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_dir, 'bin'), posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'bin'), '$PATH'])) e['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = ':'.join([ posixpath.join(hpcx_hcoll_dir, 'lib', 'pkgconfig'), posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_dir, 'lib', 'pkgconfig'), posixpath.join(hpcx_sharp_dir, 'lib', 'pkgconfig'), posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'lib', 'pkgconfig'), '$PKG_CONFIG_PATH']) e['SHMEM_HOME'] = hpcx_mpi_dir if cpath: e['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format(':'.join(cpath)) e['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(':'.join( ld_library_path)) e['MANPATH'] = '{}:$MANPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'compilers', 'man')) e['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format(':'.join(path)) return e def __get_version(self): """Figure out the version information""" if self.package: # Figure out the version from the package name match ='nvhpc_\d+_(?P<year>\d\d)0?(?P<month>[1-9][0-9]?)', self.package) if (match and match.groupdict()['year'] and match.groupdict()['month']): self.__version = '{0}.{1}'.format(match.groupdict()['year'], match.groupdict()['month']) self.__year = '20' + match.groupdict()['year'] else: raise RuntimeError('could not parse version from package name') else: match ='(?P<year>\d\d)\.\d+', self.__version) if match and match.groupdict()['year']: self.__year = '20' + match.groupdict()['year'] def __setup_tarball(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # Download / copy package if not self.package: if self.__url: self.url = self.__url else: baseurl = '{0}/nvhpc_{1}_{2}_{3}_cuda_{{}}.tar.gz'.format( self.__version, self.__year, self.__version.replace('.', ''), self.__arch_directory) if self.__cuda_multi: self.url = baseurl.format('multi') else: self.url = baseurl.format( self.__cuda_version if self.__cuda_version else self.__cuda_version_default) self.__commands.append(self.download_step(wd=self.__wd)) # Set installer flags flags = {'NVHPC_ACCEPT_EULA': 'accept', 'NVHPC_INSTALL_DIR': self.__prefix, 'NVHPC_SILENT': 'true'} if self.__cuda_version: flags['NVHPC_DEFAULT_CUDA'] = self.__cuda_version if self.__stdpar_cudacc: flags['NVHPC_STDPAR_CUDACC'] = self.__stdpar_cudacc if not self.__eula: # This will fail when building the container logging.warning('NVIDIA HPC SDK EULA was not accepted') flags['NVHPC_ACCEPT_EULA'] = 'decline' flags['NVHPC_SILENT'] = 'false' flag_string = ' '.join('{0}={1}'.format(key, val) for key, val in sorted(flags.items())) # Install self.__commands.append('cd {0} && {1} ./install'.format( self.src_directory, flag_string)) # Cleanup remove = [self.src_directory] if self.url: remove.append(posixpath.join(self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.url))) elif self.package: remove.append(posixpath.join(self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.package))) self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step(items=remove)) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python n = nvhpc(redist=[...], ...) Stage0 += n Stage1 += n.runtime() ``` """ if self.__redist: self.rt += comment('NVIDIA HPC SDK') if self.__runtime_ospackages: self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) redistpath = posixpath.join(self.__prefix, self.__arch_directory, self.__version, 'REDIST') libdirs = {} for r in self.__redist: src = posixpath.join(redistpath, r) if '*' in posixpath.basename(r): # When using COPY with more than one source file, # the destination must be a directory and end with # a / dest = posixpath.join(posixpath.dirname(redistpath), posixpath.dirname(r)) + '/' else: dest = posixpath.join(posixpath.dirname(redistpath), r) self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=src, dest=dest) # If the redist path looks like a library directory, # add it to LD_LIBRARY_PATH if '/lib' in posixpath.dirname(r): libdirs[posixpath.join(posixpath.dirname(redistpath), posixpath.dirname(r))] = True if self.__redist and self.__mpi: mpipath = posixpath.join(self.__basepath, 'comm_libs', 'mpi') self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=mpipath, dest=mpipath) libdirs[posixpath.join(mpipath, 'lib')] = True self.runtime_environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(mpipath, 'bin')) if libdirs: liblist = sorted(libdirs.keys()) liblist.append('$LD_LIBRARY_PATH') self.runtime_environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join(liblist) self.rt += environment( variables=self.runtime_environment_variables) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """CGNS building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import re from copy import copy as _copy import hpccm.config from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_autotools import generic_autotools from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class cgns(bb_base): """The `cgns` building block downloads and installs the [CGNS]( component. The [HDF5](#hdf5) building block should be installed prior to this building block. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. check: Boolean flag to specify whether the test cases should be run. The default is False. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default value is `--with-hdf5=/usr/local/hdf5` and `--with-zlib`. disable_FEATURE: Flags to control disabling features when configuring. For instance, `disable_foo=True` maps to `--disable-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. enable_FEATURE[=ARG]: Flags to control enabling features when configuring. For instance, `enable_foo=True` maps to `--enable-foo` and `enable_foo='yes'` maps to `--enable-foo=yes`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/cgns`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `file`, `make`, `wget`, and `zlib1g-dev`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions the default values are `bzip2`, `file`, `make`, `wget` and `zlib-devel`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. version: The version of CGNS source to download. The default value is `4.1.2`. with_PACKAGE[=ARG]: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance, `with_foo=True` maps to `--with-foo` and `with_foo='/usr/local/foo'` maps to `--with-foo=/usr/local/foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. without_PACKAGE: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance `without_foo=True` maps to `--without-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. # Examples ```python cgns(prefix='/opt/cgns/3.3.1', version='3.3.1') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(cgns, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.pop('check', False) self.__configure_opts = kwargs.pop('configure_opts', ['--with-hdf5=/usr/local/hdf5', '--with-zlib']) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/cgns') self.__toolchain = kwargs.pop('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '4.1.2') # Set the configuration options self.__configure() # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_autotools( annotations={'version': self.__version}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, check=self.__check, comment=False, configure_opts=self.__configure_opts, directory=posixpath.join('CGNS-{}'.format(self.__version), 'src'), prefix=self.__prefix, toolchain=self.__toolchain, url='{0}/v{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version), **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('CGNS version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def __configure(self): """Setup configure options based on user parameters""" # Create a copy of the toolchain so that it can be modified # without impacting the original. self.__toolchain = _copy(self.__toolchain) # See, Known Bugs if not self.__toolchain.LIBS: self.__toolchain.LIBS = '-Wl,--no-as-needed -ldl' if not self.__toolchain.FLIBS: self.__toolchain.FLIBS = '-Wl,--no-as-needed -ldl' # See if (not self.__toolchain.FFLAGS and self.__toolchain.FC and re.match('.*pgf.*', self.__toolchain.FC)): self.__toolchain.FFLAGS = '-Mx,125,0x200' def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['file', 'make', 'wget', 'zlib1g-dev'] self.__runtime_ospackages = ['zlib1g'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'file', 'make', 'wget', 'zlib-devel'] if self.__check: self.__ospackages.append('diffutils') self.__runtime_ospackages = ['zlib'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Example ```python c = cgns(...) Stage0 += c Stage1 += c.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('CGNS') self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import __all__ = ['amgx', 'apt_get', 'arm_allinea_studio', 'boost', 'catalyst', 'cgns', 'charm', 'cmake', 'conda', 'fftw', 'gdrcopy', 'generic_autotools', 'generic_build', 'generic_cmake', 'gnu', 'hdf5', 'hpcx', 'intel_mpi', 'intel_psxe', 'intel_psxe_runtime', 'julia', 'knem', 'kokkos', 'libsim', 'llvm', 'magma', 'mkl', 'mlnx_ofed', 'mpich', 'multi_ofed', 'mvapich2_gdr', 'mvapich2', 'nccl', 'netcdf', 'nsight_compute', 'nsight_systems', 'nvhpc', 'nvshmem', 'ofed', 'openblas', 'openmpi', 'packages', 'pgi', 'pip', 'pmix', 'pnetcdf', 'python', 'rdma_core', 'scif', 'sensei', 'slurm_pmi2', 'ucx', 'xpmem', 'yum'] from hpccm.building_blocks.amgx import amgx from hpccm.building_blocks.apt_get import apt_get from hpccm.building_blocks.arm_allinea_studio import arm_allinea_studio from hpccm.building_blocks.boost import boost from hpccm.building_blocks.catalyst import catalyst from hpccm.building_blocks.cgns import cgns from hpccm.building_blocks.charm import charm from hpccm.building_blocks.cmake import cmake from hpccm.building_blocks.conda import conda from hpccm.building_blocks.fftw import fftw from hpccm.building_blocks.gdrcopy import gdrcopy from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_autotools import generic_autotools from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_build import generic_build from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_cmake import generic_cmake from hpccm.building_blocks.gnu import gnu from hpccm.building_blocks.hdf5 import hdf5 from hpccm.building_blocks.hpcx import hpcx from hpccm.building_blocks.intel_mpi import intel_mpi from hpccm.building_blocks.intel_psxe import intel_psxe from hpccm.building_blocks.intel_psxe_runtime import intel_psxe_runtime from hpccm.building_blocks.julia import julia from hpccm.building_blocks.knem import knem from hpccm.building_blocks.kokkos import kokkos from hpccm.building_blocks.libsim import libsim from hpccm.building_blocks.llvm import llvm from hpccm.building_blocks.magma import magma from hpccm.building_blocks.mkl import mkl from hpccm.building_blocks.mlnx_ofed import mlnx_ofed from hpccm.building_blocks.mpich import mpich from hpccm.building_blocks.multi_ofed import multi_ofed from hpccm.building_blocks.mvapich2_gdr import mvapich2_gdr from hpccm.building_blocks.mvapich2 import mvapich2 from hpccm.building_blocks.nccl import nccl from hpccm.building_blocks.netcdf import netcdf from hpccm.building_blocks.nsight_compute import nsight_compute from hpccm.building_blocks.nsight_systems import nsight_systems from hpccm.building_blocks.nvhpc import nvhpc from hpccm.building_blocks.nvshmem import nvshmem from hpccm.building_blocks.ofed import ofed from hpccm.building_blocks.openblas import openblas from hpccm.building_blocks.openmpi import openmpi from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.building_blocks.pgi import pgi from hpccm.building_blocks.pip import pip from hpccm.building_blocks.pmix import pmix from hpccm.building_blocks.pnetcdf import pnetcdf from hpccm.building_blocks.python import python from hpccm.building_blocks.rdma_core import rdma_core from hpccm.building_blocks.scif import scif from hpccm.building_blocks.sensei import sensei from hpccm.building_blocks.slurm_pmi2 import slurm_pmi2 from hpccm.building_blocks.ucx import ucx from hpccm.building_blocks.xpmem import xpmem from hpccm.building_blocks.yum import yum
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Intel Parallel Studio XE building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.sed import hpccm.templates.tar from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.intel_psxe_runtime import intel_psxe_runtime from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class intel_psxe(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.sed, hpccm.templates.tar): """The `intel_psxe` building block installs [Intel Parallel Studio XE]( You must agree to the [Intel End User License Agreement]( to use this building block. # Parameters components: List of Intel Parallel Studio XE components to install. The default values is `DEFAULTS`. If only the Intel C++ and Fortran compilers are desired, then use `intel-icc__x86_64` and `intel-ifort__x86_64`. Please note that the values are not consistent between versions; for a list of components, extract `pset/mediaconfig.xml` from the tarball and grep for `Abbr`. daal: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library environment should be configured when `psxevars` is False. This flag also controls whether to install the corresponding runtime in the `runtime` method. Note: this flag does not control whether the developer environment is installed; see `components`. The default is True. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `PATH`, and others) should be modified to include Intel Parallel Studio XE. `psxevars` has precedence. The default is True. eula: By setting this value to `True`, you agree to the [Intel End User License Agreement]( The default value is `False`. icc: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel C++ Compiler environment should be configured when `psxevars` is False. This flag also controls whether to install the corresponding runtime in the `runtime` method. Note: this flag does not control whether the developer environment is installed; see `components`. The default is True. ifort: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel Fortran Compiler environment should be configured when `psxevars` is False. This flag also controls whether to install the corresponding runtime in the `runtime` method. Note: this flag does not control whether the developer environment is installed; see `components`. The default is True. ipp: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel Integrated Performance Primitives environment should be configured when `psxevars` is False. This flag also controls whether to install the corresponding runtime in the `runtime` method. Note: this flag does not control whether the developer environment is installed; see `components`. The default is True. license: The license to use to activate Intel Parallel Studio XE. If the string contains a `@` the license is interpreted as a network license, e.g., `12345@lic-server`. Otherwise, the string is interpreted as the path to the license file relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. While this value is not required, the installation is unlikely to be successful without a valid license. mkl: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel Math Kernel Library environment should be configured when `psxevars` is False. This flag also controls whether to install the corresponding runtime in the `runtime` method. Note: this flag does not control whether the developer environment is installed; see `components`. The default is True. mpi: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel MPI Library environment should be configured when `psxevars` is False. This flag also controls whether to install the corresponding runtime in the `runtime` method. Note: this flag does not control whether the developer environment is installed; see `components`. The default is True. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing Intel MPI. For Ubuntu, the default values are `build-essential` and `cpio`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `gcc`, `gcc-c++`, `make`, and `which`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/opt/intel`. psxevars: Intel Parallel Studio XE provides an environment script (``) to setup the environment. If this value is `True`, the bashrc is modified to automatically source this environment script. However, the Intel runtime environment is not automatically available to subsequent container image build steps; the environment is available when the container image is run. To set the Intel Parallel Studio XE environment in subsequent build steps you can explicitly call `source /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin/ intel64` in each build step. If this value is to set `False`, then the environment is set such that the environment is visible to both subsequent container image build steps and when the container image is run. However, the environment may differ slightly from that set by ``. This option will be used with the `runtime` method. The default value is `True`. runtime_version: The version of Intel Parallel Studio XE runtime to install via the `runtime` method. The runtime is installed using the [intel_psxe_runtime](#intel_psxe_runtime) building block. This value is passed as its `version` parameter. In general, the major version of the runtime should correspond to the tarball version. The default value is `2020.2-14`. tarball: Path to the Intel Parallel Studio XE tarball relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. This parameter is required. tbb: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel Threading Building Blocks environment should be configured when `psxevars` is False. This flag also controls whether to install the corresponding runtime in the `runtime` method. Note: this flag does not control whether the developer environment is installed; see `components`. The default is True. # Examples ```python intel_psxe(eula=True, license='XXXXXXXX.lic', tarball='parallel_studio_xe_2018_update1_professional_edition.tgz') ``` ```python i = intel_psxe(...) openmpi(..., toolchain=i.toolchain, ...) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(intel_psxe, self).__init__(**kwargs) # By setting this value to True, you agree to the # corresponding Intel End User License Agreement # ( self.__eula = kwargs.get('eula', False) self.__components = kwargs.get('components', ['DEFAULTS']) self.__daal = kwargs.get('daal', True) self.__icc = kwargs.get('icc', True) self.__ifort = kwargs.get('ifort', True) self.__ipp = kwargs.get('ipp', True) self.__license = kwargs.get('license', None) self.__mkl = kwargs.get('mkl', True) self.__mpi = kwargs.get('mpi', True) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/opt/intel') self.__psxevars = kwargs.get('psxevars', True) self.__runtime_version = kwargs.get('runtime_version', '2020.2-14') self.__tarball = kwargs.get('tarball', None) self.__tbb = kwargs.get('tbb', True) self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='icc', CXX='icpc', F77='ifort', F90='ifort', FC='ifort') self.toolchain.CFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('intel') self.toolchain.CXXFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('intel') self.toolchain.FFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('intel') self.toolchain.FCFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('intel') self.__bashrc = '' # Filled in by __distro() self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch != cpu_arch.X86_64: # pragma: no cover logging.warning('Using intel_psxe on a non-x86_64 processor') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('Intel Parallel Studio XE') self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += copy(src=self.__tarball, dest=posixpath.join(self.__wd, self.__tarball_name)) if self.__license and not '@' in self.__license: # License file self += copy(src=self.__license, dest=posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'license.lic')) self += shell(commands=self.__commands) if self.__psxevars: # Source the mpivars environment script when starting the # container, but the variables not be available for any # subsequent build steps. self += shell(commands=['echo "source {0}/compilers_and_libraries/linux/bin/ intel64" >> {1}'.format(self.__prefix, self.__bashrc)]) else: self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['build-essential', 'cpio'] self.__bashrc = '/etc/bash.bashrc' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['gcc', 'gcc-c++', 'make', 'which'] self.__bashrc = '/etc/bashrc' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __environment(self): basepath = posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'compilers_and_libraries', 'linux') cpath = [] ld_library_path = [] library_path = [] path = [] env = {} if self.__daal: env['DAALROOT'] = posixpath.join(basepath, 'daal') cpath.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'daal', 'include')) ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'daal', 'lib', 'intel64')) library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'daal', 'lib', 'intel64')) if self.__icc: cpath.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'pstl', 'include')) ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'compiler', 'lib', 'intel64')) path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'bin', 'intel64')) if self.__ifort: ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'compiler', 'lib', 'intel64')) path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'bin', 'intel64')) if self.__ipp: env['IPPROOT' ] = posixpath.join(basepath, 'ipp') cpath.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'ipp', 'include')) ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'ipp', 'lib', 'intel64')) library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'ipp', 'lib', 'intel64')) if self.__mkl: env['MKLROOT'] = posixpath.join(basepath, 'mkl') cpath.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'mkl', 'include')) ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'mkl', 'lib', 'intel64')) library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'mkl', 'lib', 'intel64')) if self.__mpi: # Handle libfabics case env['I_MPI_ROOT' ] = posixpath.join(basepath, 'mpi') cpath.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'mpi', 'include')) ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'mpi', 'intel64', 'lib')) path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'mpi', 'intel64', 'bin')) if self.__tbb: cpath.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'tbb', 'include')) ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'tbb', 'lib', 'intel64', 'gcc4.7')) library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'tbb', 'lib', 'intel64', 'gcc4.7')) if cpath: cpath.append('$CPATH') env['CPATH'] = ':'.join(cpath) if library_path: library_path.append('$LIBRARY_PATH') env['LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join(library_path) if ld_library_path: ld_library_path.append('$LD_LIBRARY_PATH') env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join(ld_library_path) if path: path.append('$PATH') env['PATH'] = ':'.join(path) return env def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # tarball must be specified if not self.__tarball: raise RuntimeError('Intel PSXE tarball not specified') # Get the name of the directory that created when the tarball # is extracted. Assume it is the same as the basename of the # tarball. self.__tarball_name = posixpath.basename(self.__tarball) basedir = posixpath.splitext(self.__tarball_name)[0] # Untar self.__commands.append(self.untar_step( tarball=posixpath.join(self.__wd, self.__tarball_name), directory=(self.__wd))) # Configure silent install silent_cfg=[ r's/^#\?\(COMPONENTS\)=.*/\1={}/g'.format( ';'.join(self.__components)), r's|^#\?\(PSET_INSTALL_DIR\)=.*|\1={}|g'.format(self.__prefix)] # EULA acceptance if self.__eula: silent_cfg.append(r's/^#\?\(ACCEPT_EULA\)=.*/\1=accept/g') # License activation if self.__license and '@' in self.__license: # License server silent_cfg.append(r's/^#\?\(ACTIVATION_TYPE\)=.*/\1=license_server/g') silent_cfg.append(r's/^#\?\(ACTIVATION_LICENSE_FILE\)=.*/\1={}/g'.format(self.__license)) elif self.__license: # License file silent_cfg.append(r's/^#\?\(ACTIVATION_TYPE\)=.*/\1=license_file/g') silent_cfg.append(r's|^#\?\(ACTIVATION_LICENSE_FILE\)=.*|\1={}|g'.format(posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'license.lic'))) else: # No license, will most likely not work logging.warning('No Intel Parallel Studio XE license specified') # Update the silent config file self.__commands.append(self.sed_step( file=posixpath.join(self.__wd, basedir, 'silent.cfg'), patterns=silent_cfg)) # Install self.__commands.append( 'cd {} && ./ --silent=silent.cfg'.format( posixpath.join(self.__wd, basedir))) # Cleanup runfile self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, self.__tarball_name), posixpath.join(self.__wd, basedir)])) # Set the environment self.environment_variables = self.__environment() def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Install the runtime from a full build in a previous stage""" return str(intel_psxe_runtime(daal=self.__daal, eula=self.__eula, icc=self.__icc, ifort=self.__ifort, ipp=self.__ipp, mkl=self.__mkl, mpi=self.__mpi, psxevars=self.__psxevars, tbb=self.__tbb, version=self.__runtime_version))
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """packages building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import hpccm.config from hpccm.building_blocks.apt_get import apt_get from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.yum import yum from hpccm.common import linux_distro class packages(bb_base): """The `packages` building block specifies the set of operating system packages to install. Based on the Linux distribution, the building block invokes either `apt-get` (Ubuntu) or `yum` (RHEL-based). This building block is preferred over directly using the [`apt_get`](#apt_get) or [`yum`](#yum) building blocks. # Parameters apt: A list of Debian packages to install. The default is an empty list. aptitude: Boolean flag to specify whether `aptitude` should be used instead of `apt-get`. The default is False. apt_keys: A list of GPG keys to add. The default is an empty list. apt_ppas: A list of personal package archives to add. The default is an empty list. apt_repositories: A list of apt repositories to add. The default is an empty list. download: Boolean flag to specify whether to download the deb / rpm packages instead of installing them. The default is False. download_directory: The deb package download location. This parameter is ignored if `download` is False. The default value is `/var/tmp/packages_download`. epel: Boolean flag to specify whether to enable the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository. The default is False. This parameter is ignored if the Linux distribution is not RHEL-based. extract: Location where the downloaded packages should be extracted. Note, this extracts and does not install the packages, i.e., the package manager is bypassed. After the downloaded packages are extracted they are deleted. This parameter is ignored if `download` is False. If empty, then the downloaded packages are not extracted. The default value is an empty string. force_add_repo: Boolean flag to specify whether adding a repository should be considered successful no matter the actual result. This parameter is only valid for yum repositories. The default value is False. ospackages: A list of packages to install. The list is used for both Ubuntu and RHEL-based Linux distributions, therefore only packages with the consistent names across Linux distributions should be specified. This parameter is ignored if `apt` or `yum` is specified. The default value is an empty list. powertools: Boolean flag to specify whether to enable the PowerTools repository. The default is False. This parameter is ignored if the Linux distribution is not RHEL-based. release_stream: Boolean flag to specify whether to enable the [CentOS release stream]( repository. The default is False. This parameter is only recognized if the Linux distribution is RHEL-based and the version is 8.x. scl: Boolean flag to specify whether to enable the Software Collections (SCL) repository. The default is False. This parameter is only recognized if the Linux distribution is RHEL-based and the version is 7.x. yum: A list of RPM packages to install. The default value is an empty list. yum4: Boolean flag to specify whether `yum4` should be used instead of `yum`. The default is False. This parameter is only recognized if the CentOS version is 7.x. yum_keys: A list of GPG keys to import. The default is an empty list. yum_repositories: A list of yum repositories to add. The default is an empty list. # Examples ```python packages(ospackages=['make', 'wget']) ``` ```python packages(apt=['zlib1g-dev'], yum=['zlib-devel']) ``` ```python packages(apt=['python3'], yum=['python34'], epel=True) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(packages, self).__init__() self.__apt = kwargs.get('apt', []) self.__apt_key = kwargs.get('_apt_key', True) self.__apt_keys = kwargs.get('apt_keys', []) self.__apt_ppas = kwargs.get('apt_ppas', []) self.__apt_repositories = kwargs.get('apt_repositories', []) self.__aptitude = kwargs.get('aptitude', False) self.__download = kwargs.get('download', False) self.__download_directory = kwargs.get( 'download_directory', posixpath.join(hpccm.config.g_wd, 'packages_download')) self.__extra_opts = kwargs.get('extra_opts', []) self.__extract = kwargs.get('extract', None) self.__epel = kwargs.get('epel', False) self.__force_add_repo = kwargs.get('force_add_repo', False) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__powertools = kwargs.get('powertools', False) self.__release_stream = kwargs.get('release_stream', False) self.__scl = kwargs.get('scl', False) self.__yum = kwargs.get('yum', []) self.__yum4 = kwargs.get('yum4', False) self.__yum_keys = kwargs.get('yum_keys', []) self.__yum_repositories = kwargs.get('yum_repositories', []) # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """String representation of the building block""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if self.__apt: ospackages = self.__apt else: ospackages = self.__ospackages self += apt_get(_apt_key=self.__apt_key, aptitude=self.__aptitude, download=self.__download, download_directory=self.__download_directory, extra_opts=self.__extra_opts, extract=self.__extract, keys=self.__apt_keys, ospackages=ospackages, ppas=self.__apt_ppas, repositories=self.__apt_repositories) elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if self.__yum: ospackages = self.__yum else: ospackages = self.__ospackages self += yum(download=self.__download, download_directory=self.__download_directory, extra_opts=self.__extra_opts, extract=self.__extract, epel=self.__epel, force_add_repo=self.__force_add_repo, keys=self.__yum_keys, ospackages=ospackages, powertools=self.__powertools, release_stream=self.__release_stream, scl=self.__scl, repositories=self.__yum_repositories, yum4=self.__yum4) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution')
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """HDF5 building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import re from copy import copy as _copy import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_autotools import generic_autotools from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class hdf5(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `hdf5` building block downloads, configures, builds, and installs the [HDF5]( component. Depending on the parameters, the source will be downloaded from the web (default) or copied from a source directory in the local build context. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. check: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make check` step should be performed. The default is False. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default values are `--enable-cxx` and `--enable-fortran`. directory: Path to the unpackaged source directory relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. If this is defined, the source in the local build context will be used rather than downloading the source from the web. disable_FEATURE: Flags to control disabling features when configuring. For instance, `disable_foo=True` maps to `--disable-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. enable_FEATURE[=ARG]: Flags to control enabling features when configuring. For instance, `enable_foo=True` maps to `--enable-foo` and `enable_foo='yes'` maps to `--enable-foo=yes`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH`, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `LIBRARY_PATH`, `PATH`, and others) should be modified to include HDF5. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the HDF5 library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the HDF5 library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `bzip2`, `file`, `make`, `wget`, and `zlib1g-dev`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions the default values are `bzip2`, `file`, `make`, `wget` and `zlib-devel`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/hdf5`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. version: The version of HDF5 source to download. This value is ignored if `directory` is set. The default value is `1.12.0`. with_PACKAGE[=ARG]: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance, `with_foo=True` maps to `--with-foo` and `with_foo='/usr/local/foo'` maps to `--with-foo=/usr/local/foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. without_PACKAGE: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance `without_foo=True` maps to `--without-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. # Examples ```python hdf5(prefix='/opt/hdf5/1.10.1', version='1.10.1') ``` ```python hdf5(directory='sources/hdf5-1.10.1') ``` ```python n = nvhpc(eula=True) hdf5(toolchain=n.toolchain) ``` ```python hdf5(check=True, configure_opts=['--enable-cxx', '--enable-fortran', '--enable-profiling=yes']) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(hdf5, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.pop('check', False) self.__configure_opts = kwargs.pop('configure_opts', ['--enable-cxx', '--enable-fortran']) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/hdf5') # Create a copy of the toolchain so that it can be modified # without impacting the original self.__toolchain = _copy(kwargs.pop('toolchain', toolchain())) self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '1.12.0') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Set the download specific parameters self.__download() # Set the environment variables self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include')) self.environment_variables['HDF5_DIR'] = self.__prefix self.environment_variables['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # PIC workaround when using the NVIDIA compilers if self.__toolchain.FC and re.match('.*nvfortran', self.__toolchain.FC): if not self.__toolchain.FCFLAGS: self.__toolchain.FCFLAGS = '-fpic -DPIC' # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_autotools( annotations={'version': self.__version}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, check=self.__check, configure_opts=self.__configure_opts, comment=False, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, toolchain=self.__toolchain, url=self.__url, **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('HDF5 version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'file', 'make', 'wget', 'zlib1g-dev'] self.__runtime_ospackages = ['zlib1g'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'file', 'make', 'wget', 'zlib-devel'] if self.__check: self.__ospackages.append('diffutils') self.__runtime_ospackages = ['zlib'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __download(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # The download URL has the format contains vMAJOR.MINOR in the # path and the tarball contains MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION, so pull # apart the full version to get the MAJOR and MINOR components. match = re.match(r'(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)', self.__version) major_minor = '{0}.{1}'.format(match.groupdict()['major'], match.groupdict()['minor']) tarball = 'hdf5-{}.tar.bz2'.format(self.__version) self.__url = '{0}/hdf5-{1}/hdf5-{2}/src/{3}'.format( self.__baseurl, major_minor, self.__version, tarball) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python h = hdf5(...) Stage0 += h Stage1 += h.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('HDF5') self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """NVIDIA Nsight Systems building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import hpccm.config from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment class nsight_systems(bb_base): """The `nsight_systems` building block downloads and installs the [NVIDIA Nsight Systems profiler]]( # Parameters cli: Boolean flag to specify whether the command line only (CLI) package should be installed. The default is True. version: The version of Nsight Systems to install. The default value is `2022.5.1`. # Examples ```python nsight_systems(version='2020.5.1') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(nsight_systems, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__arch_label = '' # Filled in __cpu_arch self.__cli = kwargs.get('cli', True) self.__distro_label = '' # Filled in by __distro self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '2022.5.1') # Set the CPU architecture specific parameters self.__cpu_arch() # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('NVIDIA Nsight Systems {}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__ospackages: self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) if self.__cli: package = 'nsight-systems-cli-{}'.format(self.__version) else: package = 'nsight-systems-{}'.format(self.__version) self += packages( apt_keys=['{0}/{1}/'.format(self.__distro_label, self.__arch_label)], apt_repositories=['deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nvidia.gpg]{0}/{1}/ /'.format(self.__distro_label, self.__arch_label)], # force_add_repo=True, ospackages=[package], yum_keys=['{0}/{1}/'.format(self.__distro_label, self.__arch_label)], yum_repositories=['{0}/{1}'.format(self.__distro_label, self.__arch_label)], _apt_key=False) def __cpu_arch(self): """Based on the CPU architecture, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.AARCH64: self.__arch_label = 'arm64' elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.PPC64LE: if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__arch_label = 'ppc64el' else: self.__arch_label = 'ppc64le' elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64: if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__arch_label = 'amd64' else: self.__arch_label = 'x86_64' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown CPU architecture') def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['apt-transport-https', 'ca-certificates', 'gnupg', 'wget'] if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('22.04'): self.__distro_label = 'ubuntu2204' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('20.04'): self.__distro_label = 'ubuntu2004' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('18.0'): self.__distro_label = 'ubuntu1804' else: self.__distro_label = 'ubuntu1604' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): self.__distro_label = 'rhel8' else: self.__distro_label = 'rhel7' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution')
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """libsim building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell class libsim(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `libsim` building block configures, builds, and installs the [VisIt Libsim]( component. If GPU rendering will be used then a [cudagl]( base image is recommended. # Parameters build_opts: List of VisIt build script options. The default values are `--xdb` and `--server-components-only`. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`) should be modified to include Libsim. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the Libsim library directories should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the Libsim library directories. The default value is False. mpi: Boolean flag to specify whether Libsim should be built with MPI support. VisIt uses MPI-1 routines that have been removed from the MPI standard; the MPI library may need to be built with special compatibility options, e.g., `--enable-mpi1-compatibility` for OpenMPI. If True, then the build script options `--parallel` and `--no-icet` are added and the environment variable `PAR_COMPILER` is set to `mpicc`. If True, a MPI library building block should be installed prior this building block. The default value is True. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `gzip`, `make`, `patch`, `tar`, `wget`, `zlib1g-dev`, `libxt-dev`, `libgl1-mesa-dev`, and `libglu1-mesa-dev`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `gzip`, `make`, `patch`, `tar`, `wget`, `which`, `zlib-devel`, `libXt-devel`, `libglvnd-devel`, `mesa-libGL-devel`, and `mesa-libGLU-devel`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/visit`. system_cmake: Boolean flag to specify whether the system provided cmake should be used. If False, then the build script downloads a private copy of cmake. If True, then the build script option `--system-cmake` is added. If True, then the [cmake](#cmake) building block should be installed prior to this building block. The default is True. system_python: Boolean flag to specify whether the system provided python should be used. If False, then the build script downloads a private copy of python. If True, then the build script option `--system-python` is added. If True, then the [Python](#python) building block should be installed with development libraries prior to this building block. The default is True. thirdparty: Boolean flag to specify whether third-party components included by the build script should be retained. If True, then the build script option `--thirdparty-path` is added and set to `<prefix>/third-party`. The default is True. version: The version of Libsim source to download. The default value is `2.13.3`. # Examples ```python libsim(prefix='/opt/libsim', version='2.13.3') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(libsim, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__arch = None # Filled in by __cpu_arch() self.__buildscript = r'build_visit{0}' self.__mpi = kwargs.get('mpi', True) self.__opts = kwargs.get('build_opts', ['--xdb', '--server-components-only']) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__parallel = kwargs.get('parallel', '$(nproc)') self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/visit') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__system_cmake = kwargs.get('system_cmake', True) self.__system_python = kwargs.get('system_python', True) self.__thirdparty = kwargs.get('thirdparty', True) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '2.13.3') self.__url = r'{0}/{1}' self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', posixpath.join( hpccm.config.g_wd, 'visit')) # working directory # Set the CPU architecture specific parameters self.__cpu_arch() # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('VisIt libsim version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += shell(commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __cpu_arch(self): """Based on the CPU architecture, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.AARCH64: # Bug in the VisIt build config self.__arch = 'linux-intel' elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64: self.__arch = 'linux-x86_64' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown CPU architecture') def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['gzip', 'make', 'patch', 'tar', 'wget', 'zlib1g-dev', 'libxt-dev', 'libgl1-mesa-dev', 'libglu1-mesa-dev'] self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libxt6', 'libgl1-mesa-glx', 'libglu1-mesa', 'zlib1g'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['gzip', 'make', 'patch', 'tar', 'wget', 'which', 'zlib-devel', 'libXt-devel', 'libglvnd-devel', 'mesa-libGL-devel', 'mesa-libGLU-devel'] self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libXt', 'libglvnd', 'mesa-libGL', 'mesa-libGLU', 'zlib'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # The download URL format contains MAJOR.MINOR.REVSION and # MAJOR_MINOR_REVISION buildscript = self.__buildscript.format( self.__version.replace('.', '_')) url = self.__url.format(self.__version, buildscript) # Download source from web self.__commands.append(self.download_step(url=url, directory=self.__wd)) # Set options env = [] opts = self.__opts if self.__mpi: env.append('PAR_COMPILER=mpicc') opts.extend(['--parallel', '--no-icet']) if self.__parallel: opts.append('--makeflags -j{}'.format(self.__parallel)) if self.__prefix: opts.append('--prefix {}'.format(self.__prefix)) if self.__system_cmake: opts.append('--system-cmake') if self.__system_python: opts.append('--system-python') if self.__thirdparty: thirdparty_path = posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'third-party') opts.append('--thirdparty-path {}'.format(thirdparty_path)) self.__commands.append('mkdir -p {}'.format(thirdparty_path)) # Build self.__commands.append('cd {0} && {1} bash {2} {3}'.format( self.__wd, ' '.join(env), buildscript, ' '.join(opts))) # Set library path libpath = posixpath.join(self.__prefix, self.__version, self.__arch) suffix1 = 'lib' suffix2 = posixpath.join('libsim', 'V2', 'lib') if self.ldconfig: self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(libpath, suffix1))) self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(libpath, suffix2))) else: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{0}:{1}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(libpath, suffix1), posixpath.join(libpath, suffix2)) # Cleanup self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd)])) # Set the environment self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python l = libsim(...) Stage0 += l Stage1 += l.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('VisIt libsim') if self.__runtime_ospackages: self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=self.__prefix, dest=self.__prefix) if self.ldconfig: libpath = posixpath.join(self.__prefix, self.__version, self.__arch) suffix1 = 'lib' suffix2 = posixpath.join('libsim', 'V2', 'lib') self.rt += shell(commands=[ self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(libpath, suffix1)), self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(libpath, suffix2))]) self.rt += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """LLVM compiler building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import LooseVersion, StrictVersion import logging import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class llvm(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars): """The `llvm` building block installs the LLVM compilers (clang and clang++) from the upstream Linux distribution. As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the LLVM compilers. A toolchain can be passed to other operations that want to build using the LLVM compilers. # Parameters environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH`, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`) should be modified to include the LLVM compilers when necessary. The default is True. extra_tools: Boolean flag to specify whether to also install `clang-format` and `clang-tidy`. The default is False. openmp: Boolean flag to specify whether to also install OpenMP support. The default is True. toolset: Boolean flag to specify whether to also install the full LLVM toolset. The default is False. upstream: Boolean flag to specify whether to use the [upstream LLVM packages]( This option is ignored if the base image is not Ubuntu-based. version: The version of the LLVM compilers to install. Note that the version refers to the Linux distribution packaging, not the actual compiler version. For RHEL-based 8.x Linux distributions, the version is ignored. The default is an empty value. # Examples ```python llvm() ``` ```python llvm(version='7') ``` ```python llvm(upstream=True, version='11') ``` ```python l = llvm() openmpi(..., toolchain=l.toolchain, ...) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(llvm, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__apt_keys = [] # Filled in below self.__apt_repositories = [] # Filled in below self.__commands = [] # Filled in below self.__compiler_debs = [] # Filled in below self.__compiler_rpms = [] # Filled in below self.__extra_tools = kwargs.get('extra_tools', False) self.__openmp = kwargs.get('openmp', True) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) # Filled in below self.__runtime_debs = [] # Filled in below self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in below self.__runtime_rpms = [] # Filled in below self.__toolset = kwargs.get('toolset', False) # Current LLVM trunk version self.__trunk_version = kwargs.get('_trunk_version', '17') self.__upstream = kwargs.get('upstream', False) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', None) # Output toolchain self.toolchain = toolchain() self.toolchain.CC = 'clang' self.toolchain.CFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('clang') self.toolchain.CXX = 'clang++' self.toolchain.CXXFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('clang') # Set the packages to install based on the Linux distribution # and CPU architecture self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __setup(self): """Based on the Linux distribution and CPU architecture, set values accordingly.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__ospackages = [] if self.__upstream and not self.__version: self.__version = self.__trunk_version if self.__version: if LooseVersion(self.__version) <= LooseVersion('6.0'): self.__compiler_debs = ['clang-{}'.format(self.__version)] self.__runtime_debs = [ 'libclang1-{}'.format(self.__version)] # Versioned OpenMP libraries do not exist for # older versions if self.__openmp: self.__compiler_debs.append('libomp-dev') self.__runtime_debs.append('libomp5') else: self.__compiler_debs = ['clang-{}'.format(self.__version)] self.__runtime_debs = [ 'libclang1-{}'.format(self.__version)] if self.__openmp: self.__compiler_debs.append( 'libomp-{}-dev'.format(self.__version)) self.__runtime_debs.append( 'libomp5-{}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__upstream: # Upstream packages from if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.PPC64LE: raise RuntimeError('LLVM upstream builds are not available for ppc64le') self.__apt_keys = [''] self.__apt_repositories = self.__upstream_package_repos() self.__runtime_debs.append( 'llvm-{}-runtime'.format(self.__version)) self.__ospackages = ['apt-transport-https', 'ca-certificates', 'gnupg', 'wget'] self.__runtime_ospackages = self.__ospackages # Setup the environment so that the alternate compiler # version is the new default self.__commands.append('update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang $(which clang-{}) 30'.format(self.__version)) self.__commands.append('update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ $(which clang++-{}) 30'.format(self.__version)) # Install and configure clang-format and clang-tidy if self.__toolset or self.__extra_tools: self.__compiler_debs.extend([ 'clang-format-{}'.format(self.__version), 'clang-tidy-{}'.format(self.__version)]) self.__commands.append('update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang-format clang-format $(which clang-format-{}) 30'.format(self.__version)) self.__commands.append('update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang-tidy clang-tidy $(which clang-tidy-{}) 30'.format(self.__version)) # Install and configure all packages if self.__toolset: self.__compiler_debs.extend([ 'clang-tools-{}'.format(self.__version), 'libc++-{}-dev'.format(self.__version), 'libc++1-{}'.format(self.__version), 'libc++abi1-{}'.format(self.__version), 'libclang-{}-dev'.format(self.__version), 'libclang1-{}'.format(self.__version), 'liblldb-{}-dev'.format(self.__version), 'lld-{}'.format(self.__version), 'lldb-{}'.format(self.__version), 'llvm-{}-dev'.format(self.__version), 'llvm-{}-runtime'.format(self.__version), 'llvm-{}'.format(self.__version)]) self.__commands.append('update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/lldb lldb $(which lldb-{}) 30'.format(self.__version)) self.__commands.append('update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/llvm-config llvm-config $(which llvm-config-{}) 30'.format(self.__version)) self.__commands.append('update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/llvm-cov llvm-cov $(which llvm-cov-{}) 30'.format(self.__version)) else: # Distro default self.__compiler_debs = ['clang'] self.__runtime_debs = ['libclang1'] if self.__openmp: self.__compiler_debs.append('libomp-dev') self.__runtime_debs.append('libomp5') if self.__toolset or self.__extra_tools: self.__compiler_debs.extend(['clang-format', 'clang-tidy']) if self.__toolset: self.__compiler_debs.extend([ 'libc++-dev', 'libc++1', 'libc++abi1', 'libclang-dev', 'libclang1', 'lldb', 'llvm-dev', 'llvm-runtime', 'llvm']) elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: # Dependencies on the GNU compiler self.__ospackages = ['gcc', 'gcc-c++'] # Version that appears in paths below compiler_version = '' if self.__version: if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): # Multiple versions are not available for CentOS 8 self.__compiler_rpms = ['clang', 'llvm-libs'] self.__runtime_rpms = ['llvm-libs'] compiler_version = '8' if self.__openmp: self.__compiler_rpms.append('libomp') self.__runtime_rpms.append('libomp') if self.__toolset or self.__extra_tools: self.__compiler_rpms.append('clang-tools-extra') if self.__toolset: self.__compiler_rpms.append('llvm-toolset') else: # CentOS 7 self.__compiler_rpms = [ 'llvm-toolset-{}-clang'.format(self.__version)] self.__runtime_rpms = [ 'llvm-toolset-{}-runtime'.format(self.__version), 'llvm-toolset-{}-compiler-rt'.format(self.__version)] compiler_version = '4.8.2' if self.__openmp: self.__compiler_rpms.append( 'llvm-toolset-{}-libomp-devel'.format(self.__version)) self.__runtime_rpms.append( 'llvm-toolset-{}-libomp'.format(self.__version)) if self.__toolset or self.__extra_tools: self.__compiler_rpms.append('llvm-toolset-{}-clang-tools-extra'.format(self.__version)) if self.__toolset: self.__compiler_rpms.append('llvm-toolset-{}'.format(self.__version)) # Setup environment for devtoolset self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '/opt/rh/llvm-toolset-{}/root/usr/bin:$PATH'.format(self.__version) self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '/opt/rh/llvm-toolset-{}/root/usr/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(self.__version) else: # Distro default self.__compiler_rpms = ['clang'] if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): # CentOS 8 self.__runtime_rpms = ['llvm-libs'] compiler_version = '8' if self.__openmp: self.__runtime_rpms.append('libomp') if self.__toolset or self.__extra_tools: self.__compiler_rpms.append('clang-tools-extra') if self.__toolset: self.__compiler_rpms.append('llvm-toolset') else: # CentOS 7 self.__runtime_rpms = ['llvm-libs', 'libgomp'] compiler_version = '4.8.2' if self.__extra_tools: # pragma: no cover logging.warning('llvm extra tools are not available for default CentOS 7, specify a LLVM version') if self.__toolset: self.__compiler_rpms.append('llvm') # The default llvm configuration for CentOS is unable to # locate some gcc components. Setup the necessary gcc # environment. if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.AARCH64: self.environment_variables['COMPILER_PATH'] = '/usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-redhat-linux/{}:$COMPILER_PATH'.format(compiler_version) self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '/usr/include/c++/{0}:/usr/include/c++/{0}/aarch64-redhat-linux:/usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-redhat-linux/{0}/include:$CPATH'.format(compiler_version) self.environment_variables['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '/usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-redhat-linux/{}'.format(compiler_version) elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64: self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/{}/include:$CPATH'.format(compiler_version) else: # Packages for CentOS + PPC64LE are not available raise RuntimeError('Unsupported processor architecture') else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('unknown Linux distribution') def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('LLVM compiler') if self.__ospackages: self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += packages(apt=self.__compiler_debs, apt_keys=self.__apt_keys, apt_repositories=self.__apt_repositories, scl=bool(self.__version), # True / False yum=self.__compiler_rpms) if self.__commands: self += shell(commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __upstream_package_repos(self): """Return the package repositories for the given distro and llvm version. The development branch repositories are not versioned and must be handled differently. Currently the development branch is version 14.""" codename = 'xenial' codename_ver = 'xenial' if (hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('22.0') and hpccm.config.g_linux_version < StrictVersion('23.0')): codename = 'jammy' if self.__version == self.__trunk_version: codename_ver = 'jammy' else: codename_ver = 'jammy-{}'.format(self.__version) elif (hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('20.0') and hpccm.config.g_linux_version < StrictVersion('21.0')): codename = 'focal' if self.__version == self.__trunk_version: codename_ver = 'focal' else: codename_ver = 'focal-{}'.format(self.__version) elif (hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('18.0') and hpccm.config.g_linux_version < StrictVersion('19.0')): codename = 'bionic' if self.__version == self.__trunk_version: codename_ver = 'bionic' else: codename_ver = 'bionic-{}'.format(self.__version) elif (hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('16.0') and hpccm.config.g_linux_version < StrictVersion('17.0')): codename = 'xenial' if self.__version == self.__trunk_version: codename_ver = 'xenial' else: codename_ver = 'xenial-{}'.format(self.__version) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unsupported Ubuntu version') return [ 'deb{0}/ llvm-toolchain-{1} main'.format(codename, codename_ver), 'deb-src{0}/ llvm-toolchain-{1} main'.format(codename, codename_ver)] def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python l = llvm(...) Stage0 += l Stage1 += l.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('LLVM compiler runtime') if self.__runtime_ospackages: self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += packages(apt=self.__runtime_debs, apt_keys=self.__apt_keys, apt_repositories=self.__apt_repositories, scl=bool(self.__version), # True / False yum=self.__runtime_rpms) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """Mellanox OFED building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import LooseVersion, StrictVersion import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.annotate import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.tar import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.label import label from import shell class mlnx_ofed(bb_base, hpccm.templates.annotate, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.tar, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `mlnx_ofed` building block downloads and installs the [Mellanox OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution for Linux]( # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. oslabel: The Linux distribution label assigned by Mellanox to the tarball. For Ubuntu, the default value is `ubuntu16.04`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default value is `rhel7.2` for x86_64 processors and `rhel7.6alternate` for aarch64 processors. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing OFED. For Ubuntu, the default values are `findutils`, `libnl-3-200`, `libnl-route-3-200`, `libnuma1`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based 7.x distributions, the default values are `findutils`, `libnl`, `libnl3`, `numactl-libs`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based 8.x distributions, the default values are `findutils`, `libnl3`, `numactl-libs`, and `wget`. packages: List of packages to install from Mellanox OFED. For version 5.0 and later on Ubuntu, `ibverbs-providers`, `ibverbs-utils` `libibmad-dev`, `libibmad5`, `libibumad3`, `libibumad-dev`, `libibverbs-dev` `libibverbs1`, `librdmacm-dev`, and `librdmacm1`. For earlier versions on Ubuntu, the default values are `libibverbs1`, `libibverbs-dev`, `libibmad`, `libibmad-devel`, `libibumad`, `libibumad-devel`, `libmlx4-1`, `libmlx4-dev`, `libmlx5-1`, `libmlx5-dev`, `librdmacm1`, `librdmacm-dev`, and `ibverbs-utils`. For version 5.0 and later on RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `libibumad`, `libibverbs`, `libibverbs-utils`, `librdmacm`, `rdma-core`, and `rdma-core-devel`. For earlier versions on RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `libibverbs`, `libibverbs-devel`, `libibverbs-utils`, `libibmad`, `libibmad-devel`, `libibumad`, `libibumad-devel`, `libmlx4`, `libmlx4-devel`, `libmlx5`, `libmlx5-devel`, `librdmacm`, and `librdmacm-devel`. prefix: The top level install location. Instead of installing the packages via the package manager, they will be extracted to this location. This option is useful if multiple versions of Mellanox OFED need to be installed. The environment must be manually configured to recognize the Mellanox OFED location, e.g., in the container entry point. The default value is empty, i.e., install via the package manager to the standard system locations. version: The version of Mellanox OFED to download. The default value is `5.6-`. # Examples ```python mlnx_ofed(version='4.2-') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(mlnx_ofed, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__deppackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__key = '' self.__oslabel = kwargs.get('oslabel', '') self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', ['ca-certificates', 'gnupg', 'wget']) self.__packages = kwargs.get('packages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', None) self.__symlink = kwargs.get('symlink', False) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '5.6-') # Add annotation self.add_annotation('version', self.__version) # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('Mellanox OFED version {}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__prefix: self += packages(ospackages=self.__deppackages + self.__ospackages) else: self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += packages( apt_keys=[self.__key], apt_repositories=['{0}/{1}/mellanox_mlnx_ofed.list'.format(self.__version, self.__oslabel)], download=bool(self.__prefix), extract=self.__prefix, ospackages=self.__packages, yum_keys=[self.__key], yum_repositories=['{0}/{1}/mellanox_mlnx_ofed.repo'.format(self.__version, self.__oslabel)]) if self.__prefix: commands = [] if self.__symlink: commands.append('mkdir -p {0} && cd {0}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib'))) # Prune the symlink directory itself and any debug # libraries commands.append('find .. -path ../lib -prune -o -name "*valgrind*" -prune -o -name "lib*.so*" -exec ln -s {} \;') commands.append('cd {0} && ln -s usr/bin bin && ln -s usr/include include'.format( self.__prefix)) # Suppress warnings from libibverbs commands.append('mkdir -p /etc/libibverbs.d') self += shell(commands=commands) self += label(metadata=self.annotate_step()) def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__deppackages = ['libnl-3-200', 'libnl-route-3-200', 'libnuma1'] if not self.__oslabel: if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('22.0'): self.__oslabel = 'ubuntu22.04' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('20.0'): self.__oslabel = 'ubuntu20.04' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('18.0'): self.__oslabel = 'ubuntu18.04' else: self.__oslabel = 'ubuntu16.04' if not self.__packages: if LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('5.0'): # Uses UPSTREAM libs self.__packages = ['libibverbs1', 'libibverbs-dev', 'ibverbs-providers', 'ibverbs-utils', 'libibmad5', 'libibmad-dev', 'libibumad3', 'libibumad-dev', 'librdmacm-dev', 'librdmacm1'] else: # Uses MLNX_OFED libs self.__packages = ['libibverbs1', 'libibverbs-dev', 'ibverbs-utils', 'libibmad', 'libibmad-devel', 'libibumad', 'libibumad-devel', 'libmlx4-1', 'libmlx4-dev', 'libmlx5-1', 'libmlx5-dev', 'librdmacm-dev', 'librdmacm1'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): self.__deppackages = ['libnl3', 'numactl-libs'] else: self.__deppackages = ['libnl', 'libnl3', 'numactl-libs'] if not self.__oslabel: if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): self.__oslabel = 'rhel8.0' else: if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.AARCH64: self.__oslabel = 'rhel7.6alternate' else: self.__oslabel = 'rhel7.2' if not self.__packages: if LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('5.0'): # Uses UPSTREAM libs self.__packages = ['libibverbs', 'libibverbs-utils', 'libibumad', 'librdmacm', 'rdma-core', 'rdma-core-devel'] else: # Uses MLNX_OFED libs self.__packages = ['libibverbs', 'libibverbs-devel', 'libibverbs-utils', 'libibmad', 'libibmad-devel', 'libibumad', 'libibumad-devel', 'libmlx4', 'libmlx4-devel', 'libmlx5', 'libmlx5-devel', 'librdmacm-devel', 'librdmacm'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python m = mlnx_ofed(...) Stage0 += m Stage1 += m.runtime() ``` """ if self.__prefix: self.rt += comment('Mellanox OFED version {}'.format( self.__version)) if self.__deppackages: self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__deppackages) # Suppress warnings from libibverbs self.rt += shell(commands=['mkdir -p /etc/libibverbs.d']) self.rt += copy(_from=_from, dest=self.__prefix, src=self.__prefix) return str(self.rt) else: return str(self)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Arm Allinea Studio building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import logging import posixpath import re import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.tar import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class arm_allinea_studio(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.tar, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `arm_allinea_studio` building block downloads and installs the [Arm Allinea Studio]( You must agree to the [Arm End User License Agreement]( to use this building block. As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the Arm Allinea Studio compilers. The toolchain can be passed to other operations that want to build using the Arm Allinea Studio compilers. However, the environment is not automatically configured for the Arm Allinea Studio compilers. The desired environment module must be manually loaded, e.g., `module load Generic-AArch64/RHEL/7/arm-linux-compiler/20.3`. # Parameters environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`MODULEPATH`) should be modified to include Arm Allinea Studio. The default is True. eula: By setting this value to `True`, you agree to the [Arm End User License Agreement]( The default value is `False`. microarchitectures: List of microarchitectures to install. From 22.0 version, only `generic` is available. Available values are `generic`, `generic-sve` for version 21.1, and `neoverse-n1`, `thunderx2t99` are valid for versions <= 20.3. Irrespective of this setting, the generic implementation will always be installed. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing Arm Allinea Studio. For Ubuntu, the default values are `libc6-dev`, `lmod`, `python`, `tar`, `tcl`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `glibc-devel`, `Lmod`, `tar`, and `wget`. prefix: The top level install prefix. The default value is `/opt/arm`. tarball: Path to the Arm Allinea Studio tarball relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. If this is defined, the tarball in the local build context will be used rather than downloading the tarball from the web. version: The version of Arm Allinea Studio to install. The default value is `22.0`. Due to differences in the packaging scheme, versions prior to 20.2 are not supported. # Examples ```python arm_allinea_studio(eula=True, microarchitectures=['generic', 'thunderx2t99'], version='20.3') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(arm_allinea_studio, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__directory_string = '' # Filled in by __distro() # By setting this value to True, you agree to the # corresponding Arm Allinea Studio End User License Agreement # self.__eula = kwargs.get('eula', False) self.__installer_template = '' # Filled in by __distro() self.__microarchitectures = kwargs.get('microarchitectures', ['generic']) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__package_string = '' # Filled in by __distro() self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/opt/arm') self.__tarball = kwargs.get('tarball', None) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '22.0') self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='armclang', CXX='armclang++', F77='armflang', F90='armflang', FC='armflang') self.toolchain.CFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('clang') self.toolchain.CXXFLAGS = hpccm.config.get_cpu_optimization_flags('clang') if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch != cpu_arch.AARCH64: # pragma: no cover logging.warning('Using arm_allinea_studio on a non-aarch64 processor') if not self.__eula: raise RuntimeError('Arm Allinea Studio EULA was not accepted. To accept, see the documentation for this building block') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('Arm Allinea Studio version {}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__ospackages: # EPEL necessary for Lmod self += packages(epel=True, ospackages=self.__ospackages) if self.__tarball: self += copy(src=self.__tarball, dest=self.__wd) self += shell(commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if StrictVersion(self.__version) <= StrictVersion('20.3'): self.__directory_string = 'Ubuntu-16.04' self.__package_string = 'Ubuntu-16.04' self.__url_string = 'Ubuntu16.04' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_version <= StrictVersion('18.04'): self.__directory_string = 'Ubuntu-18.04' self.__package_string = 'Ubuntu-18.04' self.__url_string = "ACfL" else: self.__directory_string = 'Ubuntu-20.04' self.__package_string = 'Ubuntu-20.04' self.__url_string = "ACfL" self.__installer_template = 'arm-compiler-for-linux_{{}}_{0}.sh'.format(self.__directory_string) if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('22.04'): python2_package = "python2" else: python2_package = "python" if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['libc6-dev', 'lmod', python2_package, 'tar', 'tcl', 'wget'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): self.__directory_string = 'RHEL-8' self.__package_string = 'RHEL-8' if StrictVersion(self.__version) <= StrictVersion('20.3'): self.__url_string = 'RHEL8' else: self.__url_string = 'ACfL' else: self.__directory_string = 'RHEL-7' self.__package_string = 'RHEL-7' if StrictVersion(self.__version) <= StrictVersion('20.3'): self.__url_string = 'RHEL7' else: self.__url_string = 'ACfL' self.__installer_template = 'arm-compiler-for-linux_{{}}_{0}.sh'.format(self.__directory_string) if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['Lmod', 'glibc-devel', 'tar', 'wget'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # Use a tarball. Figure out the version from the tarball name. if self.__tarball: tarball = posixpath.basename(self.__tarball) # Figure out the version from the tarball name match = re.match(r'arm-compiler-for-linux_(?P<year>\d\d)\.0?(?P<month>[0-9][0-9]?)', tarball) if match and match.groupdict()['year'] and match.groupdict()['month']: self.__version = '{0}.{1}'.format(match.groupdict()['year'], match.groupdict()['month']) else: # The download URL has the format MAJOR-MINOR in the path # and the tarball contains MAJOR.MINOR, so pull apart the # full version to get the individual components. match = re.match(r'(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)', self.__version) major_minor = '{0}-{1}'.format(match.groupdict()['major'], match.groupdict()['minor']) tarball = 'arm-compiler-for-linux_{0}_{1}_aarch64.tar'.format( self.__version, self.__package_string) url = '{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}'.format(self.__baseurl, major_minor, self.__url_string, tarball) # Download source from web self.__commands.append(self.download_step(url=url, directory=self.__wd)) # Untar package self.__commands.append(self.untar_step( tarball=posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), directory=self.__wd)) # Install install_args = ['--install-to {}'.format(self.__prefix)] if self.__eula: install_args.append('--accept') if self.__microarchitectures and StrictVersion(self.__version) <= StrictVersion('20.3'): install_args.append('--only-install-microarchitectures={}'.format( ','.join(self.__microarchitectures))) if StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion("21.1"): arch_string = "" else: arch_string = "_aarch64" package_directory = 'arm-compiler-for-linux_{0}_{1}{2}'.format(self.__version, self.__package_string, arch_string) self.__commands.append('cd {0} && ./{1} {2}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__wd, package_directory), self.__installer_template.format(self.__version), ' '.join(install_args))) # Cleanup tarball and directory self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), posixpath.join(self.__wd, package_directory)])) # Set environment self.environment_variables['MODULEPATH'] = '{}:$MODULEPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'modulefiles')) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python a = arm_allinea_compiler(...) Stage0 += a Stage1 += a.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('Arm Allinea Studio') paths = [] # Redistributable libraries from redistributables.txt # The allowed list of redistributable libraries does not # include all Arm Allinea Studio libraries that get typically # linked; consider using '-static-arm-libs'. # OpenMP and Fortran runtime libraries compiler_redist_path = posixpath.join( self.__prefix, 'arm-linux-compiler-{0}_Generic-AArch64_{1}_aarch64-linux'.format( self.__version, self.__directory_string), 'lib') paths.append(compiler_redist_path) self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=[posixpath.join(compiler_redist_path, lib) for lib in ['', '', '', '', '']], dest=posixpath.join(compiler_redist_path, '')) # Performance libraries microarch_string = { '20.3': { 'generic': 'Generic-AArch64', 'generic-sve': 'Generic-SVE', 'neoverse-n1': 'Neoverse-N1', 'thunderx2t99': 'ThunderX2CN99' }, '21.1': { 'generic': 'AArch64', 'generic-sve': 'AArch64-SVE' }, '22.0': { 'generic': 'AArch64' } } for microarch in self.__microarchitectures: armpl_arm_redist_path = posixpath.join( self.__prefix, 'armpl-{0}.0_{1}_{2}_arm-linux-compiler_aarch64-linux'.format( self.__version, microarch_string[self.__version][microarch], self.__directory_string), 'lib') paths.append(armpl_arm_redist_path) self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=[posixpath.join(armpl_arm_redist_path, lib) for lib in ['', '']], dest=posixpath.join(armpl_arm_redist_path, '')) armpl_gcc_redist_path = posixpath.join( self.__prefix, 'armpl-{0}.0_{1}_{2}_gcc_aarch64-linux'.format( self.__version, microarch_string[self.__version][microarch], self.__directory_string), 'lib') paths.append(armpl_gcc_redist_path) self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=[posixpath.join(armpl_gcc_redist_path, lib) for lib in ['', '']], dest=posixpath.join(armpl_gcc_redist_path, '')) paths.append('$LD_LIBRARY_PATH') # tack on existing value at end self.runtime_environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join(paths) self.rt += environment(variables=self.environment_step(runtime=True)) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """yum building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import posixpath import hpccm.config from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from import shell class yum(bb_base): """The `yum` building block specifies the set of operating system packages to install. This building block should only be used on images that use the Red Hat package manager (e.g., CentOS). In most cases, the [`packages` building block](#packages) should be used instead of `yum`. # Parameters download: Boolean flag to specify whether to download the rpm packages instead of installing them. The default is False. download_directory: The deb package download location. This parameter is ignored if `download` is False. The default value is `/var/tmp/yum_download`. epel: - Boolean flag to specify whether to enable the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository. The default is False. extract: Location where the downloaded packages should be extracted. Note, this extracts and does not install the packages, i.e., the package manager is bypassed. After the downloaded packages are extracted they are deleted. This parameter is ignored if `download` is False. If empty, then the downloaded packages are not extracted. The default value is an empty string. force_add_repo: Boolean flag to specify whether adding a repository should be considered successful no matter the actual result. The default value is False. keys: A list of GPG keys to import. The default is an empty list. ospackages: A list of packages to install. The default is an empty list. powertools: Boolean flag to specify whether to enable the PowerTools repository. The default is False. This parameter is only recognized if the distribution version is 8.x. release_stream: Boolean flag to specify whether to enable the [CentOS release stream]( repository. The default is False. This parameter is only recognized if the distribution version is 8.x. repositories: A list of yum repositories to add. The default is an empty list. scl: - Boolean flag to specify whether to enable the Software Collections (SCL) repository. The default is False. This parameter is only recognized if the distribution version is 7.x. yum4: Boolean flag to specify whether `yum4` should be used instead of `yum`. The default is False. This parameter is only recognized if the distribution version is 7.x. # Examples ```python yum(ospackages=['make', 'wget']) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(yum, self).__init__() self.__commands = [] self.__download = kwargs.get('download', False) self.__download_args = kwargs.get('download_args', '') self.__download_directory = kwargs.get( 'download_directory', posixpath.join(hpccm.config.g_wd, 'yum_download')) self.__epel = kwargs.get('epel', False) self.__extra_opts = kwargs.get('extra_opts', []) self.__extract = kwargs.get('extract', None) self.__force_add_repo = kwargs.get('force_add_repo', False) self.__keys = kwargs.get('keys', []) self.__opts = ['-y'] self.ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__powertools = kwargs.get('powertools', False) self.__release_stream = kwargs.get('release_stream', False) self.__repositories = kwargs.get('repositories', []) self.__scl = kwargs.get('scl', False) self.__yum4 = kwargs.get('yum4', False) if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro != linux_distro.CENTOS: # pragma: no cover logging.warning('Using yum on a non-RHEL based Linux distribution') # Set the CPU architecture specific parameters self.__cpu_arch() # Construct the series of commands that form the building # block self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += shell(chdir=False, commands=self.__commands) def __cpu_arch(self): """Based on the CPU architecture, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64: if not self.__download_args: self.__download_args = '-x \*i?86 --archlist=x86_64' def __setup(self): """Construct the series of commands to execute""" if self.__extra_opts: self.__download_args += ' ' + ' '.join(self.__extra_opts) self.__opts.extend(self.__extra_opts) # Use yum version 4 is requested. yum 4 is the default on # CentOS 8. yum = 'yum' if self.__yum4 and hpccm.config.g_linux_version < StrictVersion('8.0'): self.__commands.append('yum install -y nextgen-yum4') yum = 'yum4' if self.__keys: self.__commands.append('rpm --import {}'.format( ' '.join(self.__keys))) if self.__repositories: # Need yum-config-manager if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): # CentOS 8 self.__commands.append('yum install -y dnf-utils') else: # CentOS 7 self.__commands.append('yum install -y yum-utils') for repo in self.__repositories: if self.__force_add_repo: self.__commands.append( '(yum-config-manager --add-repo {} || true)'.format(repo)) else: self.__commands.append( 'yum-config-manager --add-repo {}'.format(repo)) if self.__epel: # This needs to be a discrete, preliminary step so that # packages from EPEL are available to be installed. self.__commands.append('yum install -y epel-release') if (self.__powertools and hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0')): # This needs to be a discrete, preliminary step so that # packages from PowerTools are available to be installed. if not self.__repositories: # dnf-utils will be installed above if repositories are # enabled self.__commands.append('yum install -y dnf-utils') self.__commands.append('yum-config-manager --set-enabled powertools') if (self.__release_stream and hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0')): # This needs to be a discrete, preliminary step so that # packages from release stream are available to be installed. self.__commands.append('yum install -y centos-release-stream') if (self.__scl and hpccm.config.g_linux_version < StrictVersion('8.0')): # This needs to be a discrete, preliminary step so that # packages from SCL are available to be installed. self.__commands.append('yum install -y centos-release-scl') if self.ospackages: packages = [] for pkg in sorted(self.ospackages): packages.append(' {}'.format(pkg)) if self.__download: # Download packages # Need yumdownloader self.__commands.append('yum install -y yum-utils') self.__commands.append('mkdir -p {0}'.format( self.__download_directory)) download = 'yumdownloader --destdir={0} {1} \\\n'.format( self.__download_directory, self.__download_args) download = download + ' \\\n'.join(packages) self.__commands.append(download) if self.__extract: # Extract the packages to a prefix - not a "real" # package manager install self.__commands.append('mkdir -p {0} && cd {0}'.format( self.__extract)) regex = posixpath.join( self.__download_directory, '(' + '|'.join(sorted(self.ospackages)) + ').*rpm') self.__commands.append('find {0} -regextype posix-extended -type f -regex "{1}" -exec sh -c "rpm2cpio {{}} | cpio -idm" \;'.format(self.__download_directory, regex)) # Cleanup downloaded packages self.__commands.append( 'rm -rf {}'.format(self.__download_directory)) else: # Install packages install = '{0} install {1} \\\n'.format(yum, ' '.join(self.__opts)) install = install + ' \\\n'.join(packages) self.__commands.append(install) if self.__epel or self.ospackages: self.__commands.append('rm -rf /var/cache/yum/*')
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """AmgX building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_cmake import generic_cmake from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment class amgx(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `amgx` building block downloads, configures, builds, and installs the [AMGX]( component. The [CMake](#cmake) building block should be installed prior to this building block. Installing an MPI building block before this one is optional and will build the [AMGX]( library with MPI support. Some Eigensolvers make use of the MAGMA and/or MKL libraries and are only available if the paths to these libraries is specified as shown below in the cmake_opts. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. branch: The git branch to clone. AMGX releases are tagged, that is, specifying `branch='v2.1.0'` downloads a particular AMGX version. The default is `master`. cmake_opts: List of options to pass to `cmake`. The default value is an empty list. See the ["Building"]( section of the AMGX documentation of the specified library version for more details. Some options are `CMAKE_NO_MPI:Boolean` (default=`False`) - build without MPI support even if the `FindMPI` script finds an MPI library. `AMGX_NO_RPATH:Boolean` (default=`False`) - by default CMake adds `-rpath` flags to binaries, this option disables that. `MKL_ROOT_DIR:String`, `MAGMA_ROOT_DIR:String` - MAGMA/MKL are used to accelerate some of the Eigensolvers. These solvers will return "error 'not supported'" if AMGX was not build with MKL/MAGMA support. commit: The git commit to clone. The default is empty and uses the latest commit on the selected branch of the repository. directory: Build from an unpackaged source directory relative to the local build context instead of fetching AMGX sources from a git repository. This option is incompatible with `repository`/`branch`/ `commit`. The default is `None`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to downloading, configuring, and building. The default value is `[git]`. prefix: The top level install location. The default is `/usr/local/amgx`. repository: The git repository to clone. The default is ``. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. # Examples ```python amgx(branch='v2.1.0') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(amgx, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__branch = kwargs.pop('branch', 'master') self.__cmake_opts = kwargs.pop('cmake_opts', []) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', ['git', 'make']) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/amgx') self.__repository = kwargs.pop('repository', '') # Set the environment self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include')) self.environment_variables['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_cmake( annotations={'branch': self.__branch}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, branch=self.__branch, comment=False, cmake_opts=self.__cmake_opts, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, repository=self.__repository, **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('AMGX branch {}'.format(self.__branch)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python a = amgx(...) Stage0 += a Stage1 += a.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('AMGX') self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """NetCDF building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import LooseVersion import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_autotools import generic_autotools from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment class netcdf(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `netcdf` building block downloads, configures, builds, and installs the [NetCDF]( component. The [HDF5](#hdf5) building block should be installed prior to this building block. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. check: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make check` step should be performed. The default is False. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default value is an empty list. cxx: Boolean flag to specify whether the NetCDF C++ library should be installed. The default is True. disable_FEATURE: Flags to control disabling features when configuring. For instance, `disable_foo=True` maps to `--disable-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. enable_FEATURE[=ARG]: Flags to control enabling features when configuring. For instance, `enable_foo=True` maps to `--enable-foo` and `enable_foo='yes'` maps to `--enable-foo=yes`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH`, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`) should be modified to include NetCDF. The default is True. fortran: Boolean flag to specify whether the NetCDF Fortran library should be installed. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the NetCDF library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the NetCDF library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `ca-certificates`, `file`, `libcurl4-openssl-dev`, `m4`, `make`, `wget`, and `zlib1g-dev`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions the default values are `ca-certificates`, `file`, `libcurl-devel` `m4`, `make`, `wget`, and `zlib-devel`. prefix: The top level install location. The default location is `/usr/local/netcdf`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. version: The version of NetCDF to download. The default value is `4.7.4`. version_cxx: The version of NetCDF C++ to download. The default value is `4.3.1`. version_fortran: The version of NetCDF Fortran to download. The default value is `4.5.3`. with_PACKAGE[=ARG]: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance, `with_foo=True` maps to `--with-foo` and `with_foo='/usr/local/foo'` maps to `--with-foo=/usr/local/foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. without_PACKAGE: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance `without_foo=True` maps to `--without-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. # Examples ```python netcdf(prefix='/opt/netcdf/4.6.1', version='4.6.1') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(netcdf, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl_c = '' self.__baseurl_cxx = '' self.__baseurl_fortran = '' self.__check = kwargs.pop('check', False) self.__cxx = kwargs.pop('cxx', True) self.__fortran = kwargs.pop('fortran', True) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/netcdf') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '4.7.4') self.__version_cxx = kwargs.pop('version_cxx', '4.3.1') self.__version_fortran = kwargs.pop('version_fortran', '4.5.3') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Set the download specific parameters self.__download() # Setup the environment variables self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include')) self.environment_variables['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # Setup build configuration comments = ['NetCDF version {}'.format(self.__version)] self.__bb = [generic_autotools( annotations={'version': self.__version}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, check=self.__check, comment=False, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, directory=self.__directory_c, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, url=self.__url_c, **kwargs)] # Setup optional CXX build configuration if self.__cxx: comments.append('NetCDF C++ version {}'.format(self.__version_cxx)) self.__bb.append(generic_autotools( annotations={'version': self.__version_cxx}, base_annotation='{}-cxx4'.format(self.__class__.__name__), check=self.__check, comment=False, directory='netcdf-cxx4-{}'.format(self.__version_cxx), # Checks fail when using parallel make. Disable it. parallel=1 if self.__check else '$(nproc)', prefix=self.__prefix, url='{0}/v{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__baseurl_cxx, self.__version_cxx), **kwargs)) # Setup optional Fortran build configuration if self.__fortran: comments.append('NetCDF Fortran version {}'.format(self.__version_fortran)) self.__bb.append(generic_autotools( annotations={'version': self.__version_fortran}, base_annotation='{}-fortran'.format(self.__class__.__name__), check=self.__check, comment=False, directory='netcdf-fortran-{}'.format(self.__version_fortran), # Checks fail when using parallel make. Disable it. parallel=1 if self.__check else '$(nproc)', prefix=self.__prefix, url='{0}/v{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__baseurl_fortran, self.__version_fortran), **kwargs)) # Container instructions self += comment(', '.join(comments)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += [bb for bb in self.__bb] def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['ca-certificates', 'file', 'libcurl4-openssl-dev', 'm4', 'make', 'wget', 'zlib1g-dev'] self.__runtime_ospackages = ['zlib1g'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['ca-certificates', 'file', 'libcurl-devel', 'm4', 'make', 'wget', 'zlib-devel'] if self.__check: self.__ospackages.append('diffutils') self.__runtime_ospackages = ['zlib'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __download(self): """Set download source based on user parameters""" # Version 4.3.1 changed the package name if LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('4.3.1'): pkgname = 'netcdf-c' tarball = 'v{0}.tar.gz'.format(self.__version) else: pkgname = 'netcdf' tarball = '{0}-{1}.tar.gz'.format(pkgname, self.__version) self.__directory_c = '{0}-{1}'.format(pkgname, self.__version) self.__url_c = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__baseurl_c, tarball) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python n = netcdf(...) Stage0 += n Stage1 += n.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('NetCDF') self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += self.__bb[0].runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Generic autotools building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import os import posixpath import hpccm.templates.ConfigureMake import hpccm.templates.annotate import hpccm.templates.downloader import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig import hpccm.templates.rm from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from hpccm.primitives.label import label from import shell from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class generic_autotools(bb_base, hpccm.templates.ConfigureMake, hpccm.templates.annotate, hpccm.templates.downloader, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig, hpccm.templates.rm): """The `generic_autotools` building block downloads, configures, builds, and installs a specified GNU Autotools enabled package. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. annotations: Dictionary of additional annotations to include. The default is an empty dictionary. branch: The git branch to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the default branch for the repository. build_directory: The location to build the package. The default value is the source code location. build_environment: Dictionary of environment variables and values to set when building the package. The default is an empty dictionary. check: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make check` step should be performed. The default is False. commit: The git commit to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the latest commit on the default branch for the repository. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default value is an empty list. devel_environment: Dictionary of environment variables and values, e.g., `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`, to set in the development stage after the package is built and installed. The default is an empty dictionary. directory: The source code location. The default value is the basename of the downloaded package. If the value is not an absolute path, then the temporary working directory is prepended. disable_FEATURE: Flags to control disabling features when configuring. For instance, `disable_foo=True` maps to `--disable-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. enable_FEATURE[=ARG]: Flags to control enabling features when configuring. For instance, `enable_foo=True` maps to `--enable-foo` and `enable_foo='yes'` maps to `--enable-foo=yes`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment should be modified (see `devel_environment` and `runtime_environment`). The default is True. export_build_environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the build environment should be exported, or merely set on the configure command line. The default is False. install: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make install` step should be performed. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. The default value is False. libdir: The path relative to the install prefix to use when configuring the dynamic linker cache. The default value is `lib`. make: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make` step should be performed. The default is True. package: Path to the local source package relative to the local build context. One of this parameter or the `repository` or `url` parameters must be specified. postinstall: List of shell commands to run after running 'make install'. The working directory is the install prefix. The default is an empty list. preconfigure: List of shell commands to run prior to running `configure`. The working directory is the source code location. The default is an empty list. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local`. It is highly recommended not use use this default and instead set the prefix to a package specific directory. recursive: Initialize and checkout git submodules. `repository` parameter must be specified. The default is False. repository: The git repository of the package to build. One of this parameter or the `package` or `url` parameters must be specified. _run_arguments: Specify additional [Dockerfile RUN arguments]( (Docker specific). runtime: The list of files / directories to copy into the runtime stage. The default is an empty list, i.e., copy the entire prefix. runtime_environment: Dictionary of environment variables and values, e.g., `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`, to set in the runtime stage. The default is an empty dictionary. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. url: The URL of the package to build. One of this parameter or the `package` or `repository` parameters must be specified. with_PACKAGE[=ARG]: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance, `with_foo=True` maps to `--with-foo` and `with_foo='/usr/local/foo'` maps to `--with-foo=/usr/local/foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. without_PACKAGE: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance `without_foo=True` maps to `--without-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. # Examples ```python generic_autotools(directory='tcl8.6.9/unix', prefix='/usr/local/tcl', url='') ``` ```python generic_autotools(preconfigure=['./'], prefix='/usr/local/zeromq', repository='') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(generic_autotools, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__annotations = kwargs.get('annotations', {}) self.__build_directory = kwargs.get('build_directory', None) self.__build_environment = kwargs.get('build_environment', {}) self.__check = kwargs.get('check', False) self.__comment = kwargs.get('comment', True) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get('configure_opts', []) self.__directory = kwargs.get('directory', None) self.environment_variables = kwargs.get('devel_environment', {}) self.__export_build_environment = kwargs.get('export_build_environment', False) self.__install = kwargs.get('install', True) self.__libdir = kwargs.get('libdir', 'lib') self.__make = kwargs.get('make', True) self.__postconfigure = kwargs.get('postconfigure', []) self.__postinstall = kwargs.get('postinstall', []) self.__preconfigure = kwargs.get('preconfigure', []) self.__recursive = kwargs.get('recursive', False) self.__run_arguments = kwargs.get('_run_arguments', None) self.__runtime = kwargs.get('runtime', []) self.runtime_environment_variables = kwargs.get('runtime_environment', {}) self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" if self.__comment: if self.url: self += comment(self.url, reformat=False) elif self.repository: self += comment(self.repository, reformat=False) elif self.package: self += comment(self.package, reformat=False) if self.package: self += copy(src=self.package, dest=posixpath.join(self.__wd, os.path.basename(self.package))) self += shell(_arguments=self.__run_arguments, commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) self += label(metadata=self.annotate_step()) def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # Get source self.__commands.append(self.download_step(recursive=self.__recursive, wd=self.__wd)) # directory containing the unarchived package if self.__directory: if posixpath.isabs(self.__directory): self.src_directory = self.__directory else: self.src_directory = posixpath.join(self.__wd, self.__directory) # sanity check if not self.src_directory: raise RuntimeError('source directory is not defined') # Preconfigure setup if self.__preconfigure: # Assume the preconfigure commands should be run from the # source directory self.__commands.append('cd {}'.format(self.src_directory)) self.__commands.extend(self.__preconfigure) # Configure build_environment = [] if self.__build_environment: for key, val in sorted(self.__build_environment.items()): build_environment.append('{0}={1}'.format(key, val)) self.__commands.append(self.configure_step( build_directory=self.__build_directory, directory=self.src_directory, environment=build_environment, export_environment=self.__export_build_environment, toolchain=self.__toolchain)) # Post configure setup if self.__postconfigure: # Assume the postconfigure commands should be run from the # source directory self.__commands.append('cd {}'.format(self.src_directory)) self.__commands.extend(self.__postconfigure) # Build if self.__make: self.__commands.append(self.build_step()) # Check the build if self.__check: self.__commands.append(self.check_step()) # Install if self.__install: self.__commands.append(self.install_step()) if self.__postinstall: # Assume the postinstall commands should be run from the # install directory self.__commands.append('cd {}'.format(self.prefix)) self.__commands.extend(self.__postinstall) # Set library path if self.ldconfig: self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.prefix, self.__libdir))) # Add annotations for key,value in self.__annotations.items(): self.add_annotation(key, value) # Cleanup remove = [self.src_directory] if self.url: remove.append(posixpath.join(self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.url))) elif self.package: remove.append(posixpath.join(self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.package))) if self.__build_directory: if posixpath.isabs(self.__build_directory): remove.append(self.__build_directory) self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step(items=remove)) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python g = generic_autotools(...) Stage0 += g Stage1 += g.runtime() ``` """ if self.prefix: if self.__comment: if self.url: self.rt += comment(self.url, reformat=False) elif self.repository: self.rt += comment(self.repository, reformat=False) if self.__runtime: for src in self.__runtime: if '*' in posixpath.basename(src): # When using COPY with more than one source file, # the destination must be a directory and end with # a / dest = posixpath.dirname(src) + '/' else: dest = src self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=src, dest=dest) else: # Copy the entire prefix self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=self.prefix, dest=self.prefix) if self.ldconfig: self.rt += shell(commands=[self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.prefix, self.__libdir))]) if self.runtime_environment_variables: self.rt += environment( variables=self.environment_step(runtime=True)) if self.annotate: self.rt += label(metadata=self.annotate_step()) return str(self.rt) else: # pragma: no cover return
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """GDRCOPY building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath from six.moves import shlex_quote from distutils.version import LooseVersion import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_build import generic_build from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class gdrcopy(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `gdrcopy` building block builds and installs the user space library from the [gdrcopy]( component. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH`, `LIBRARY_PATH`, and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`) should be modified to include the gdrcopy. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the gdrcopy library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the gdrcopy library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to building. The default values are `make` and `wget`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/gdrcopy`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. version: The version of gdrcopy source to download. The default value is `2.2`. # Examples ```python gdrcopy(prefix='/opt/gdrcopy/2.1', version='2.1') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(gdrcopy, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Parameters self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', ['make', 'wget']) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/gdrcopy') self.__toolchain = kwargs.pop('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '2.2') # Since gdrcopy does not use autotools or CMake, the toolchain # requires special handling. make_opts = vars(self.__toolchain) if 'CFLAGS' in make_opts: # CFLAGS is derived from COMMONCFLAGS, so rename. See # make_opts['COMMONCFLAGS'] = make_opts.pop('CFLAGS') # Version 2.2 changed the flag to lowercase prefix and the lib directory if LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('2.2'): make_opts['prefix'] = self.__prefix libdir = 'lib' else: make_opts['PREFIX'] = self.__prefix libdir = 'lib64' make_opts_str = ' '.join(['{0}={1}'.format(key, shlex_quote(value)) for key, value in sorted(make_opts.items())]) # Setup the environment variables self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include')) self.environment_variables['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, libdir)) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, libdir)) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_build( annotations={'version': self.__version}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, # Work around "install -D" issue on CentOS build=['mkdir -p {0}/include {0}/{1}'.format(self.__prefix, libdir), 'make {} lib lib_install'.format(make_opts_str)], comment=False, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, directory='gdrcopy-{}'.format(self.__version), libdir=libdir, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, url='{0}/v{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version), **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('GDRCOPY version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python g = gdrcopy(...) Stage0 += g Stage1 += g.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('GDRCOPY') self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """NVIDIA Nsight Compute building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import os from distutils.version import StrictVersion import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_build import generic_build from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment class nsight_compute(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars): """The `nsight_compute` building block downloads and installs the [NVIDIA Nsight Compute profiler]]( # Parameters eula: Required, by setting this value to `True`, you agree to the Nsight Compute End User License Agreement that is displayed when running the installer interactively. The default value is `False`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to building. When using a runfile, the default values are `perl` for Ubuntu and `perl` and `perl-Env` for RHEL-based Linux distributions. Otherwise, the default values are `apt-transport-https`, `ca-certificates`, `gnupg`, and `wget` for Ubuntu and an empty list for RHEL-based Linux distributions. prefix: The top level install prefix. The default value is `/usr/local/NVIDIA-Nsight-Compute`. This parameter is ignored unless `runfile` is set. runfile: Path or URL to NSight Compute's `.run` file relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. version: the version of Nsight Compute to install. Note when `runfile` is set this parameter is ignored. The default value is `2022.4.0`. # Examples ```python nsight_compute(version='2020.4.0') ``` ```python nsight_compute(eula=True, runfile='') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(nsight_compute, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__arch_label = '' # Filled in __cpu_arch self.__distro_label = '' # Filled in by __distro self.__eula = kwargs.get('eula', False) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/NVIDIA-Nsight-Compute') self.__runfile = kwargs.get('runfile', None) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '2022.4.0') self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', posixpath.join( hpccm.config.g_wd, 'nsight_compute')) # working directory # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Disables deployment of section files to prevent warning # when there is no home or home is read-only: self.environment_variables[ 'NV_COMPUTE_PROFILER_DISABLE_STOCK_FILE_DEPLOYMENT' ] = '1' if self.__runfile: # Runfile based installation if not self.__eula: raise RuntimeError('Nsight Compute EULA was not accepted.') self.__instructions_runfile() else: # Package repository based installation # Set the CPU architecture specific parameters self.__cpu_arch() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions_repository() def __cpu_arch(self): """Based on the CPU architecture, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.AARCH64: self.__arch_label = 'arm64' elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.PPC64LE: if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__arch_label = 'ppc64el' else: self.__arch_label = 'ppc64le' elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64: if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__arch_label = 'amd64' else: self.__arch_label = 'x86_64' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown CPU architecture') def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: if self.__runfile: self.__ospackages = ['perl', 'wget'] else: self.__ospackages = ['apt-transport-https', 'ca-certificates', 'gnupg', 'wget'] if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('22.04'): self.__distro_label = 'ubuntu2204' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('20.04'): self.__distro_label = 'ubuntu2004' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('18.0'): self.__distro_label = 'ubuntu1804' else: self.__distro_label = 'ubuntu1604' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: if self.__runfile: self.__ospackages = ['perl', 'perl-Env', 'wget'] if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): self.__distro_label = 'rhel8' else: self.__distro_label = 'rhel7' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __instructions_repository(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('NVIDIA Nsight Compute {}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__ospackages: self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += packages( apt_keys=['{0}/{1}/'.format(self.__distro_label, self.__arch_label)], apt_repositories=['deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nvidia.gpg]{0}/{1}/ /'.format(self.__distro_label, self.__arch_label)], # force_add_repo=True, ospackages=['nsight-compute-{}'.format(self.__version)], yum_keys=['{0}/{1}/'.format(self.__distro_label, self.__arch_label)], yum_repositories=['{0}/{1}'.format(self.__distro_label, self.__arch_label)], _apt_key=False) # The distro packages do not link nsight-compute binaries to /usr/local/bin self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '/opt/nvidia/nsight-compute/{}:$PATH'.format(self.__version) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __instructions_runfile(self): """Fill in container instructions""" pkg = os.path.basename(self.__runfile) install_cmds = [ 'sh ./{} --nox11 -- -noprompt -targetpath={}'.format( pkg, self.__prefix) ] # Commands needed to predeploy target-specific files. When # connecting through the GUI on another machine to the # container, this removes the need to copy the files over. install_cmds += [ 'mkdir -p /tmp/var/target', 'ln -sf {}/target/* /tmp/var/target'.format(self.__prefix), 'ln -sf {}/sections /tmp/var/'.format(self.__prefix), 'chmod -R a+w /tmp/var' ] kwargs = {} if self.__runfile.strip().startswith(('http://', 'https://')): kwargs['url'] = self.__runfile else: kwargs['package'] = self.__runfile self.__bb = generic_build( annotations={'runfile': pkg}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, comment = False, devel_environment={'PATH': '{}:$PATH'.format(self.__prefix)}, directory=self.__wd, install=install_cmds, unpack=False, wd=self.__wd, **kwargs ) self += comment('NVIDIA Nsight Compute {}'.format(pkg), reformat=False) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb self += environment(variables=self.environment_variables)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Intel MPI building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import LooseVersion import logging import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class intel_mpi(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `intel_mpi` building block downloads and installs the [Intel MPI Library]( You must agree to the [Intel End User License Agreement]( to use this building block. # Parameters environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `PATH`, and others) should be modified to include Intel MPI. `mpivars` has precedence. The default is True. eula: By setting this value to `True`, you agree to the [Intel End User License Agreement]( The default value is `False`. mpivars: Intel MPI provides an environment script (``) to setup the Intel MPI environment. If this value is `True`, the bashrc is modified to automatically source this environment script. However, the Intel MPI environment is not automatically available to subsequent container image build steps; the environment is available when the container image is run. To set the Intel MPI environment in subsequent build steps you can explicitly call `source /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/ intel64` in each build step. If this value is to set `False`, then the environment is set such that the environment is visible to both subsequent container image build steps and when the container image is run. However, the environment may differ slightly from that set by ``. The default value is `True`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing Intel MPI. For Ubuntu, the default values are `apt-transport-https`, `ca-certificates`, `gnupg`, `man-db`, `openssh-client`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `man-db` and `openssh-clients`. version: The version of Intel MPI to install. The default value is `2019.6-088`. # Examples ```python intel_mpi(eula=True, version='2018.3-051') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(intel_mpi, self).__init__(**kwargs) # By setting this value to True, you agree to the # corresponding Intel End User License Agreement # ( self.__eula = kwargs.get('eula', False) self.__mpivars = kwargs.get('mpivars', True) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '2019.6-088') self.__year = '2019' # Also used by 2018 versions self.__bashrc = '' # Filled in by __distro() # Output toolchain self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77', F90='mpif90', FC='mpifc') if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch != cpu_arch.X86_64: # pragma: no cover logging.warning('Using intel_mpi on a non-x86_64 processor') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('Intel MPI version {}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__ospackages: self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) if not self.__eula: raise RuntimeError('Intel EULA was not accepted. To accept, see the documentation for this building block') self += packages( apt_keys=['{}.PUB'.format(self.__year)], apt_repositories=['deb all main'], ospackages=['intel-mpi-{}'.format(self.__version)], yum_keys=['{}.PUB'.format(self.__year)], yum_repositories=['']) # Set the environment if self.__mpivars: # Source the mpivars environment script when starting the # container, but the variables not be available for any # subsequent build steps. self += shell(commands=['echo "source /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/ intel64" >> {}'.format(self.__bashrc)]) else: # Set the environment so that it will be available to # subsequent build steps and when starting the container, # but this may miss some things relative to the mpivars # environment script. if LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('2019.0'): self.environment_variables={ 'FI_PROVIDER_PATH': '/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/libfabric/lib/prov', 'I_MPI_ROOT': '/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/lib:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/libfabric/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'PATH': '/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin:/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/libfabric/bin:$PATH'} else: self.environment_variables={ 'I_MPI_ROOT': '/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'PATH': '/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin:$PATH'} self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['apt-transport-https', 'ca-certificates', 'gnupg', 'man-db', 'openssh-client', 'wget'] self.__bashrc = '/etc/bash.bashrc' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['man-db', 'openssh-clients'] self.__bashrc = '/etc/bashrc' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python i = intel_mpi(...) Stage0 += i Stage1 += i.runtime() ``` """ return str(self)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """MVAPICH2-GDR building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import posixpath import re import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class mvapich2_gdr(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `mvapich2_gdr` building blocks installs the [MVAPICH2-GDR]( component. Depending on the parameters, the package will be downloaded from the web (default) or copied from the local build context. MVAPICH2-GDR is distributed as a binary package, so certain dependencies need to be met and only certain combinations of recipe components are supported; please refer to the MVAPICH2-GDR documentation for more information. The [GNU compiler](#gnu) or [PGI compiler](#pgi) building blocks should be installed prior to this building block. The [Mellanox OFED](#mlnx_ofed) building block should be installed prior to this building block. The [gdrcopy](#gdrcopy) building block should be installed prior to this building block. As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the MPI compiler wrappers. The toolchain can be passed to other operations that want to build using the MPI compiler wrappers. Note: Using MVAPICH2-GDR on non-RHEL-based Linux distributions has several issues, including compiler version mismatches and libnuma incompatibilities. # Parameters arch: The processor architecture of the MVAPICH2-GDR package. The default value is set automatically based on the processor architecture of the base image. cuda_version: The version of CUDA the MVAPICH2-GDR package was built against. The version string format is X.Y. The version should match the version of CUDA provided by the base image. This value is ignored if `package` is set. The default value is `10.2`. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`) should be modified to include MVAPICH2-GDR. The default is True. gnu: Boolean flag to specify whether a GNU build should be used. The default value is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the MVAPICH2-GDR library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the MVAPICH2-GDR library directory. The default value is False. mlnx_ofed_version: The version of Mellanox OFED the MVAPICH2-GDR package was built against. The version string format is X.Y. The version should match the version of Mellanox OFED installed by the `mlnx_ofed` building block. This value is ignored if `package` is set. The default value is `4.7`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installation. For Ubuntu, the default values are `cpio`, `libnuma1`, `openssh-client`, `rpm2cpio` and `wget`, plus `libgfortran3` if a GNU compiled package is selected. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `libpciaccess`, `numactl-libs`, `openssh-clients`, and `wget`, plus `libgfortran` if a GNU compiled package is selected. package: Specify the package name to download. The package should correspond to the other recipe components (e.g., compiler version, CUDA version, Mellanox OFED version). If specified, this option overrides all other building block options (e.g., compiler family, compiler version, CUDA version, Mellanox OFED version, MVAPICH2-GDR version). pgi: Boolean flag to specify whether a PGI build should be used. The default value is False. release: The release of MVAPICH2-GDR to download. The value is ignored is `package` is set. The default value is `1`. version: The version of MVAPICH2-GDR to download. The value is ignored if `package` is set. The default value is `2.3.4`. Due to differences in the packaging scheme, versions prior to 2.3 are not supported. # Examples ```python mvapich2_gdr(version='2.3.1') ``` ```python mvapich2_gdr(package='mvapich2-gdr-mcast.cuda10.0.mofed4.3.gnu4.8.5-2.3-1.el7.x86_64.rpm') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(mvapich2_gdr, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__arch = kwargs.get('arch', hpccm.config.get_cpu_architecture()) self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__cuda_version = kwargs.get('cuda_version', '10.2') self.__gnu = kwargs.get('gnu', True) self.__gnu_version = kwargs.get('gnu_version', '4.8.5') self.__install_path_template = '/opt/mvapich2/gdr/{0}/mcast/no-openacc/{1}/{2}/mpirun/{3}' self.__mofed_version = kwargs.get('mlnx_ofed_version', '4.7') self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__package = kwargs.get('package', '') self.__package_template = 'mvapich2-gdr-mcast.{0}.{1}.{2}-{3}-{4}.el7.{5}.rpm' self.__pgi = kwargs.get('pgi', False) self.__pgi_version = kwargs.get('pgi_version', '19.10') self.__release = kwargs.get('release', '1') self.version = kwargs.get('version', '2.3.4') self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory # Output toolchain self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77', F90='mpif90', FC='mpifort') # Validate compiler choice if self.__gnu and self.__pgi and not self.__package: logging.warning('Multiple compilers selected, using PGI') self.__gnu = False elif not self.__gnu and not self.__pgi: logging.warning('No compiler selected, using GNU') self.__gnu = True self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__install_path = '' # Filled in by __setup() # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('MVAPICH2-GDR version {}'.format(self.version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += shell(commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['cpio', 'libnuma1', 'libpciaccess0', 'openssh-client', 'rpm2cpio', 'wget'] if self.__gnu: self.__ospackages.append('libgfortran3') self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libnuma1', 'libpciaccess0', 'openssh-client'] if self.__gnu: self.__runtime_ospackages.append('libgfortran3') self.__installer_template = 'cd / && rpm2cpio {} | cpio -id' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['libpciaccess', 'numactl-libs', 'openssh-clients', 'wget'] if self.__gnu: self.__ospackages.append('libgfortran') self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libpciaccess', 'numactl-libs', 'openssh-clients'] if self.__gnu: self.__runtime_ospackages.append('libgfortran') # The RPM has dependencies on some CUDA libraries that are # present, but not in the RPM database. Use --nodeps as a # workaround. self.__installer_template = 'rpm --install --nodeps {}' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands and environment variables, i.e., fill in self.__commands and self.environment_variables""" if self.__package: # Override individual settings and just use the specified package package = self.__package # Deduce version strings from package name match ='(?P<cuda>cuda\d+\.\d+)\.(?P<mofed>mofed\d+\.\d+)\.(?P<compiler>(gnu\d+\.\d+\.\d+)|(pgi\d+\.\d+))-(?P<version>\d+\.\d+)', package) cuda_string = match.groupdict()['cuda'] mofed_string = match.groupdict()['mofed'] compiler_string = match.groupdict()['compiler'] self.version = match.groupdict()['version'] else: # Build the version strings based on the specified options if self.__gnu: compiler_string = 'gnu{}'.format(self.__gnu_version) elif self.__pgi: compiler_string = 'pgi{}'.format(self.__pgi_version) else: logging.error('Unknown compiler') compiler_string = 'unknown' cuda_string = 'cuda{}'.format(self.__cuda_version) mofed_string = 'mofed{}'.format(self.__mofed_version) # Package filename package = self.__package_template.format( cuda_string, mofed_string, compiler_string, self.version, self.__release, self.__arch) self.__install_path = self.__install_path_template.format( self.version, cuda_string, mofed_string, compiler_string) # Download source from web url = '{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}'.format(self.__baseurl, self.version, mofed_string, package) self.__commands.append(self.download_step(url=url, directory=self.__wd)) # Install the package self.__commands.append( self.__installer_template.format(posixpath.join(self.__wd, package))) # Workaround for bad path in the MPI compiler wrappers self.__commands.append('(test -f /usr/bin/bash || ln -s /bin/bash /usr/bin/bash)') # Workaround for using compiler wrappers in the build stage cuda_home = '/usr/local/cuda' self.__commands.append('ln -s {0} {1}'.format( posixpath.join(cuda_home, 'lib64', 'stubs', ''), posixpath.join(cuda_home, 'lib64', 'stubs', ''))) # Cleanup self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, package)])) # Setup environment variables self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__install_path, 'bin')) # Workaround for using compiler wrappers in the build stage self.environment_variables['PROFILE_POSTLIB'] = '"-L{} -lnvidia-ml"'.format('/usr/local/cuda/lib64/stubs') # Set library path libpath = posixpath.join(self.__install_path, 'lib64') if self.ldconfig: self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step(directory=libpath)) else: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(libpath) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python m = mvapich2_gdr(...) Stage0 += m Stage1 += m.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('MVAPICH2-GDR') self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += copy(src=self.__install_path, dest=self.__install_path, _from=_from) if self.ldconfig: self.rt += shell(commands=[self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.__install_path, 'lib64'))]) # No need to workaround compiler wrapper issue for the runtime. self.rt += environment( variables=self.environment_step(exclude=['PROFILE_POSTLIB'])) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """HPC-X building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import posixpath import re import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.tar import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class hpcx(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.tar, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `hpcx` building block downloads and installs the [Mellanox HPC-X]( component. # Parameters buildlabel: The build label assigned by Mellanox to the tarball. For version 2.16 the default value is `cuda12-gdrcopy2-nccl2.18`. For version 2.15 the default value is `cuda12-gdrcopy2-nccl2.17`. For version 2.14 the default value is `cuda11-gdrcopy2-nccl2.16`. For versions 2.12 and 2.13 the default value is `cuda11-gdrcopy2-nccl2.12`. For versions 2.10 and 2.11 the default value is `cuda11-gdrcopy2-nccl2.11`. This value is ignored for HPC-X version 2.9 and earlier. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment should be modified to include HPC-X. This option is only recognized if `hpcxinit` is False. The default is True. hpcxinit: Mellanox HPC-X provides an environment script (``) to setup the HPC-X environment. If this value is `True`, the bashrc is modified to automatically source this environment script. However, HPC-X is not automatically available to subsequent container image build steps; the environment is available when the container image is run. To set the HPC-X environment in subsequent build steps you can explicitly call `source /usr/local/hpcx/ && hpcx_load` in each build step. If this value is set to `False`, then the environment is set such that the environment is visible to both subsequent container image build steps and when the container image is run. However, the environment may differ slightly from that set by ``. The default value is `True`. inbox: Boolean flag to specify whether to use Mellanox HPC-X built for Inbox OFED. If the value is `True`, use Inbox OFED. If the value is `False`, use Mellanox OFED. The default is `False`. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the Mellanox HPC-X library directories should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the HPC-X library directories. This value is ignored if `hpcxinit` is `True`. The default value is False. mlnx_ofed: The version of Mellanox OFED that should be matched. This value is ignored if Inbox OFED is selected. The default value is `5` for HPC-X version 2.10 and later, and `5.2-` for earlier HPC-X versions. multi_thread: Boolean flag to specify whether the multi-threaded version of Mellanox HPC-X should be used. The default is `False`. ofedlabel: The Mellanox OFED label assigned by Mellanox to the tarball. For version 2.16 and later, the default value is `gcc-mlnx_ofed`. For earlier versions, the default value is `gcc-MLNX_OFED_LINUX-5`. This value is ignored if `inbox` is `True`. oslabel: The Linux distribution label assigned by Mellanox to the tarball. For Ubuntu, the default value is `ubuntu16.04` for Ubuntu 16.04, `ubuntu18.04` for Ubuntu 18.04, `ubuntu20.04` for Ubuntu 20.04, and `ubuntu22.04` for Ubuntu 22.04. For HPC-X version 2.10 and later and RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default value is `redhat7` for version 7 and `redhat8` for version 8. For HPC-X version 2.9 and earlier and RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default value is `redhat7.6` for version 7 and `redhat8.0` for version 8. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing Mellanox HPC-X. For Ubuntu, the default values are `bzip2`, `libnuma1`, `openssh-client`, `tar`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based distributions the default values are `bzip2`, `numactl-libs`, `openssh-clients`, `tar`, and `wget`. prefix: The top level installation location. The default value is `/usr/local/hpcx`. version: The version of Mellanox HPC-X to install. The default value is `2.16`. # Examples ```python hpcx(prefix='/usr/local/hpcx', version='2.16') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(hpcx, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__arch = hpccm.config.get_cpu_architecture() self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__bashrc = '' # Filled in by __distro() self.__buildlabel = kwargs.get('buildlabel', None) self.__hpcxinit = kwargs.get('hpcxinit', True) self.__inbox = kwargs.get('inbox', False) self.__mlnx_ofed = kwargs.get('mlnx_ofed', None) self.__multi_thread = kwargs.get('multi_thread', False) self.__ofedlabel = kwargs.get('ofedlabel', None) self.__oslabel = kwargs.get('oslabel', '') # Filled in by __distro() self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) # Filled in by _distro() self.__packages = kwargs.get('packages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/hpcx') self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '2.16') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory if not self.__buildlabel: if StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('2.16'): self.__buildlabel = 'cuda12-gdrcopy2-nccl2.18' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('2.15'): self.__buildlabel = 'cuda12-gdrcopy2-nccl2.17' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('2.14'): self.__buildlabel = 'cuda11-gdrcopy2-nccl2.16' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('2.12'): self.__buildlabel = 'cuda11-gdrcopy2-nccl2.12' elif StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('2.10'): self.__buildlabel = 'cuda11-gdrcopy2-nccl2.11' if not self.__mlnx_ofed: if StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('2.10'): self.__mlnx_ofed = '5' else: self.__mlnx_ofed = '5.2-' if not self.__ofedlabel: if StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('2.16'): self.__ofedlabel = 'gcc-mlnx_ofed' else: self.__ofedlabel = 'gcc-MLNX_OFED_LINUX-{}'.format(self.__mlnx_ofed) # Output toolchain self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77', F90='mpif90', FC='mpifort') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('Mellanox HPC-X version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += shell(commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__oslabel: if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('22.0'): self.__oslabel = 'ubuntu22.04' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('20.0'): self.__oslabel = 'ubuntu20.04' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('18.0'): self.__oslabel = 'ubuntu18.04' else: self.__oslabel = 'ubuntu16.04' if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'libnuma1', 'openssh-client', 'tar', 'wget'] self.__bashrc = '/etc/bash.bashrc' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__oslabel: if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): if StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('2.10'): self.__oslabel = 'redhat8' else: self.__oslabel = 'redhat8.0' else: if StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('2.10'): self.__oslabel = 'redhat7' else: self.__oslabel = 'redhat7.6' if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['bzip2', 'numactl-libs', 'openssh-clients', 'tar', 'wget'] self.__bashrc = '/etc/bashrc' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # For version 2.8 and earlier, the download URL has the format # MAJOR.MINOR in the path and the tarball contains # MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION, so pull apart the full version to get # the individual components. version_string = self.__version if StrictVersion(self.__version) <= StrictVersion('2.8'): match = re.match(r'(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<revision>\d+)', self.__version) version_string = '{0}.{1}'.format(match.groupdict()['major'], match.groupdict()['minor']) if self.__inbox: # Use inbox OFED if StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('2.10'): # Version 2.11 and later include an extra label self.__label = 'hpcx-v{0}-gcc-inbox-{1}-{2}-{3}'.format( self.__version, self.__oslabel, self.__buildlabel, self.__arch) else: self.__label = 'hpcx-v{0}-gcc-inbox-{1}-{2}'.format( self.__version, self.__oslabel, self.__arch) else: # Use MLNX OFED if StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('2.10'): # Version 2.10 and later include an extra label self.__label = 'hpcx-v{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}-{4}'.format( self.__version, self.__ofedlabel, self.__oslabel, self.__buildlabel, self.__arch) else: self.__label = 'hpcx-v{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}'.format( self.__version, self.__ofedlabel, self.__oslabel, self.__arch) tarball = self.__label + '.tbz' url = '{0}/v{1}/{2}'.format(self.__baseurl, version_string, tarball) # Download source from web self.__commands.append(self.download_step(url=url, directory=self.__wd)) # "Install" self.__commands.append(self.untar_step( tarball=posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), directory=self.__wd)) self.__commands.append('cp -a {0} {1}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__wd, self.__label), self.__prefix)) # Set the environment if self.__hpcxinit: # Use hpcxinit script if self.__multi_thread: self.__commands.append('echo "source {0}" >> {1}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, ''), self.__bashrc)) else: self.__commands.append('echo "source {0}" >> {1}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, ''), self.__bashrc)) self.__commands.append('echo "hpcx_load" >> {0}'.format( self.__bashrc)) else: # Set environment manually hpcx_dir = self.__prefix if self.__multi_thread: hpcx_ucx_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_dir, 'ucx', 'mt') else: hpcx_ucx_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_dir, 'ucx') hpcx_sharp_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_dir, 'sharp') hpcx_nccl_rdma_sharp_plugin_dir = posixpath.join( hpcx_dir, 'nccl_rdma_sharp_plugin') hpcx_hcoll_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_dir, 'hcoll') hpcx_mpi_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_dir, 'ompi') hpcx_oshmem_dir = hpcx_mpi_dir hpcx_mpi_tests_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_dir, 'tests') if StrictVersion(self.__version) >= StrictVersion('2.7'): hpcx_osu_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_tests_dir, 'osu-micro-benchmarks-5.6.2') hpcx_osu_cuda_dir = posixpath.join( hpcx_mpi_tests_dir, 'osu-micro-benchmarks-5.6.2-cuda') else: hpcx_osu_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_tests_dir, 'osu-micro-benchmarks-5.3.2') hpcx_osu_cuda_dir = posixpath.join( hpcx_mpi_tests_dir, 'osu-micro-benchmarks-5.3.2-cuda') hpcx_ipm_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_tests_dir, 'ipm-2.0.6') hpcx_ipm_lib = posixpath.join(hpcx_ipm_dir, 'lib', '') hpcx_clusterkit_dir = posixpath.join(hpcx_dir, 'clusterkit') self.environment_variables = { 'CPATH': ':'.join([ posixpath.join(hpcx_hcoll_dir, 'include'), posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_dir, 'include'), posixpath.join(hpcx_sharp_dir, 'include'), posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'include'), '$CPATH']), 'HPCX_CLUSTERKIT_DIR': hpcx_clusterkit_dir, 'HPCX_DIR': hpcx_dir, 'HPCX_HCOLL_DIR': hpcx_hcoll_dir, 'HPCX_IPM_DIR': hpcx_ipm_dir, 'HPCX_IPM_LIB': hpcx_ipm_lib, 'HPCX_MPI_DIR': hpcx_mpi_dir, 'HPCX_MPI_TESTS_DIR': hpcx_mpi_tests_dir, 'HPCX_NCCL_RDMA_SHARP_PLUGIN_DIR': hpcx_nccl_rdma_sharp_plugin_dir, 'HPCX_OSHMEM_DIR': hpcx_oshmem_dir, 'HPCX_OSU_CUDA_DIR': hpcx_osu_cuda_dir, 'HPCX_OSU_DIR': hpcx_osu_dir, 'HPCX_SHARP_DIR': hpcx_sharp_dir, 'HPCX_UCX_DIR': hpcx_ucx_dir, 'LIBRARY_PATH': ':'.join([ posixpath.join(hpcx_hcoll_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_nccl_rdma_sharp_plugin_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_sharp_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'lib'), '$LIBRARY_PATH']), 'MPI_HOME': hpcx_mpi_dir, 'OMPI_HOME': hpcx_mpi_dir, 'OPAL_PREFIX': hpcx_mpi_dir, 'OSHMEM_HOME': hpcx_mpi_dir, 'PATH': ':'.join([ posixpath.join(hpcx_clusterkit_dir, 'bin'), posixpath.join(hpcx_hcoll_dir, 'bin'), posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_dir, 'bin'), posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'bin'), '$PATH']), 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH': ':'.join([ posixpath.join(hpcx_hcoll_dir, 'lib', 'pkgconfig'), posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_dir, 'lib', 'pkgconfig'), posixpath.join(hpcx_sharp_dir, 'lib', 'pkgconfig'), posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'lib', 'pkgconfig'), '$PKG_CONFIG_PATH']), 'SHMEM_HOME': hpcx_mpi_dir} # Set library path if self.ldconfig: self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(hpcx_hcoll_dir, 'lib'))) self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_dir, 'lib'))) self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(hpcx_nccl_rdma_sharp_plugin_dir, 'lib'))) self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(hpcx_sharp_dir, 'lib'))) self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'lib'))) self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'lib', 'ucx'))) else: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join([ posixpath.join(hpcx_hcoll_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_mpi_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_nccl_rdma_sharp_plugin_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_sharp_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'lib'), posixpath.join(hpcx_ucx_dir, 'lib', 'ucx'), '$LD_LIBRARY_PATH']) # Cleanup tarball and directory self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), posixpath.join(self.__wd, self.__label)])) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python h = hpcx(...) Stage0 += h Stage1 += h.runtime() ``` """ return str(self)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Generic build building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import os import posixpath import hpccm.templates.annotate import hpccm.templates.downloader import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig import hpccm.templates.rm from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from hpccm.primitives.label import label from import shell class generic_build(bb_base, hpccm.templates.annotate, hpccm.templates.downloader, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig, hpccm.templates.rm): """The `generic_build` building block downloads and builds a specified package. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. annotations: Dictionary of additional annotations to include. The default is an empty dictionary. build: List of shell commands to run in order to build the package. The working directory is the source directory. The default is an empty list. branch: The git branch to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the default branch for the repository. commit: The git commit to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the latest commit on the default branch for the repository. devel_environment: Dictionary of environment variables and values, e.g., `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`, to set in the development stage after the package is built and installed. The default is an empty dictionary. directory: The source code location. The default value is the basename of the downloaded package. If the value is not an absolute path, then the temporary working directory is prepended. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment should be modified (see `devel_environment` and `runtime_environment`). The default is True. install: List of shell commands to run in order to install the package. The working directory is the source directory. If `prefix` is defined, it will be automatically created if the list is non-empty. The default is an empty list. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. The default value is False. libdir: The path relative to the install prefix to use when configuring the dynamic linker cache. The default value is `lib`. package: Path to the local source package relative to the local build context. One of this parameter or the `repository` or `url` parameters must be specified. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is empty. If defined then the location is copied as part of the runtime method. recursive: Initialize and checkout git submodules. `repository` parameter must be specified. The default is False. repository: The git repository of the package to build. One of this parameter or the `package` or `url` parameters must be specified. _run_arguments: Specify additional [Dockerfile RUN arguments]( (Docker specific). runtime: The list of files / directories to copy into the runtime stage. The default is an empty list, i.e., copy the entire prefix. runtime_environment: Dictionary of environment variables and values, e.g., `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`, to set in the runtime stage. The default is an empty dictionary. unpack: Unpack the sources after downloading. Default is `True`. url: The URL of the package to build. One of this parameter or the `package` or `repository` or parameters must be specified. # Examples ```python generic_build(build=['make ARCH=sm_70'], install=['cp stream /usr/local/bin/cuda-stream'], repository='') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(generic_build, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__annotations = kwargs.get('annotations', {}) self.__build = kwargs.get('build', []) self.__comment = kwargs.get('comment', True) self.__directory = kwargs.get('directory', None) self.environment_variables = kwargs.get('devel_environment', {}) self.__install = kwargs.get('install', []) self.__libdir = kwargs.get('libdir', 'lib') self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', None) self.__recursive = kwargs.get('recursive', False) self.__run_arguments = kwargs.get('_run_arguments', None) self.__runtime = kwargs.get('runtime', []) self.runtime_environment_variables = kwargs.get('runtime_environment', {}) self.__unpack = kwargs.get('unpack', True) self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" if self.__comment: if self.url: self += comment(self.url, reformat=False) elif self.repository: self += comment(self.repository, reformat=False) elif self.package: self += comment(self.package, reformat=False) if self.package: self += copy(src=self.package, dest=posixpath.join(self.__wd, os.path.basename(self.package))) self += shell(_arguments=self.__run_arguments, commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) self += label(metadata=self.annotate_step()) def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # Get source self.__commands.append(self.download_step(recursive=self.__recursive, wd=self.__wd, unpack=self.__unpack)) # directory containing the unarchived package if self.__directory: if posixpath.isabs(self.__directory): self.src_directory = self.__directory else: self.src_directory = posixpath.join(self.__wd, self.__directory) # sanity check if not self.src_directory: raise RuntimeError('source directory is not defined') # Build if self.__build: self.__commands.append('cd {}'.format(self.src_directory)) self.__commands.extend(self.__build) # Install if self.__install: if self.__prefix: self.__commands.append('mkdir -p {}'.format(self.__prefix)) self.__commands.append('cd {}'.format(self.src_directory)) self.__commands.extend(self.__install) # Set library path if self.ldconfig: self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.__prefix, self.__libdir))) # Add annotations for key,value in self.__annotations.items(): self.add_annotation(key, value) # Cleanup remove = [self.src_directory] if self.url: remove.append(posixpath.join(self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.url))) elif self.package: remove.append(posixpath.join(self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.package))) self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step(items=remove)) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python g = generic_build(...) Stage0 += g Stage1 += g.runtime() ``` """ if self.__prefix: if self.__comment: if self.url: self.rt += comment(self.url, reformat=False) elif self.repository: self.rt += comment(self.repository, reformat=False) if self.__runtime: for src in self.__runtime: if '*' in posixpath.basename(src): # When using COPY with more than one source file, # the destination must be a directory and end with # a / dest = posixpath.dirname(src) + '/' else: dest = src self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=src, dest=dest) else: # Copy the entire prefix self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=self.__prefix, dest=self.__prefix) if self.ldconfig: self.rt += shell(commands=[self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.__prefix, self.__libdir))]) if self.runtime_environment_variables: self.rt += environment( variables=self.environment_step(runtime=True)) if self.annotate: self.rt += label(metadata=self.annotate_step()) return str(self.rt) else: #pragma: no cover return
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """MPICH building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import re from copy import copy as _copy import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_autotools import generic_autotools from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class mpich(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `mpich` building block configures, builds, and installs the [MPICH]( component. As a side effect, a toolchain is created containing the MPI compiler wrappers. The tool can be passed to other operations that want to build using the MPI compiler wrappers. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. check: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make check` and `make testing` steps should be performed. The default is False. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default is an empty list. disable_FEATURE: Flags to control disabling features when configuring. For instance, `disable_foo=True` maps to `--disable-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. enable_FEATURE[=ARG]: Flags to control enabling features when configuring. For instance, `enable_foo=True` maps to `--enable-foo` and `enable_foo='yes'` maps to `--enable-foo=yes`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`) should be modified to include MPICH. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the MPICH library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the MPICH library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `file`, `gzip`, `make`, `openssh-client`, `perl`, `tar`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `file`, `gzip`, `make`, `openssh-clients`, `perl`, `tar`, and `wget`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/mpich`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. version: The version of MPICH source to download. The default value is `3.3.2`. with_PACKAGE[=ARG]: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance, `with_foo=True` maps to `--with-foo` and `with_foo='/usr/local/foo'` maps to `--with-foo=/usr/local/foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. without_PACKAGE: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance `without_foo=True` maps to `--without-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. # Examples ```python mpich(prefix='/opt/mpich/3.3', version='3.3') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(mpich, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.pop('check', False) self.__configure_opts = kwargs.pop('configure_opts', []) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/mpich') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() # Input toolchain, i.e., what to use when building self.__toolchain = kwargs.pop('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '3.3.2') # Output toolchain self.toolchain = toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77', F90='mpif90', FC='mpifort') # Set the configuration options self.__configure() # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Set the environment variables self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_autotools( annotations={'version': self.__version}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, check=self.__check, comment=False, configure_opts=self.__configure_opts, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, # Run test suite (must be after install) postinstall=['cd {0}/mpich-{1}'.format(hpccm.config.g_wd, self.__version), 'RUNTESTS_SHOWPROGRESS=1 make testing'] if self.__check else None, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, toolchain=self.__toolchain, url='{0}/{1}/mpich-{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version), **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('MPICH version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def __configure(self): """Setup configure options based on user parameters""" # Create a copy of hte toolchain so that it can be modified # without impacting the original self.__toolchain = _copy(self.__toolchain) # MPICH does not accept F90 self.__toolchain.F90 = '' # Workaround issue with the PGI compiler # if self.__toolchain.CC and re.match('.*pgcc', self.__toolchain.CC): self.__configure_opts.append('--disable-fast') def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['file', 'gzip', 'make', 'openssh-client', 'perl', 'tar', 'wget'] self.__runtime_ospackages = ['openssh-client'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['file', 'gzip', 'make', 'openssh-clients', 'perl', 'tar', 'wget'] self.__runtime_ospackages = ['openssh-clients'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python m = mpich(...) Stage0 += m Stage1 += m.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('MPICH') self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """XPMEM building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_autotools import generic_autotools from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment class xpmem(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `xpmem` building block builds and installs the user space library from the [XPMEM]( component. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. branch: The branch of XPMEM to use. The default value is `master`. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default values are `--disable-kernel-module`. disable_FEATURE: Flags to control disabling features when configuring. For instance, `disable_foo=True` maps to `--disable-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. enable_FEATURE[=ARG]: Flags to control enabling features when configuring. For instance, `enable_foo=True` maps to `--enable-foo` and `enable_foo='yes'` maps to `--enable-foo=yes`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH`, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `LIBRARY_PATH`) should be modified to include XPMEM. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the XPMEM library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the XPMEM library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. The default value are `autoconf`, `automake`, `ca-certificates`, `file, `git`, `libtool`, and `make`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/xpmem`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. with_PACKAGE[=ARG]: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance, `with_foo=True` maps to `--with-foo` and `with_foo='/usr/local/foo'` maps to `--with-foo=/usr/local/foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. without_PACKAGE: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance `without_foo=True` maps to `--without-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. # Examples ```python xpmem(prefix='/opt/xpmem', branch='master') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(xpmem, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Parameters self.__branch = kwargs.pop('branch', 'master') self.__configure_opts = kwargs.pop('configure_opts', ['--disable-kernel-module']) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', ['autoconf', 'automake', 'ca-certificates', 'file', 'git', 'libtool', 'make']) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/xpmem') self.__repository = kwargs.pop('repository', '') # Setup the environment variables self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include')) self.environment_variables['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_autotools( base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, branch=self.__branch, comment=False, configure_opts=self.__configure_opts, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, preconfigure=['autoreconf --install'], prefix=self.__prefix, repository=self.__repository, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('XPMEM branch {}'.format(self.__branch)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python x = xpmem(...) Stage0 += x Stage1 += x.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('XPMEM') self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """SLURM PMI2 building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_autotools import generic_autotools from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment class slurm_pmi2(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `slurm_pmi2` building block configures, builds, and installs the PMI2 component from SLURM. Note: this building block does not install SLURM itself. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default is an empty list. disable_FEATURE: Flags to control disabling features when configuring. For instance, `disable_foo=True` maps to `--disable-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. enable_FEATURE[=ARG]: Flags to control enabling features when configuring. For instance, `enable_foo=True` maps to `--enable-foo` and `enable_foo='yes'` maps to `--enable-foo=yes`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH` and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`) should be modified to include PMI2. The default is False. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the PMI2 library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the PMI2 library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. The default values are `bzip2`, `file`, `make`, `perl`, `tar`, and `wget`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/slurm-pmi2`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default value is empty. version: The version of SLURM source to download. The default value is `21.08.8`. with_PACKAGE[=ARG]: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance, `with_foo=True` maps to `--with-foo` and `with_foo='/usr/local/foo'` maps to `--with-foo=/usr/local/foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. without_PACKAGE: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance `without_foo=True` maps to `--without-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. # Examples ```python slurm_pmi2(prefix='/opt/pmi', version='20.11.9') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(slurm_pmi2, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__environment = kwargs.pop('environment', False) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', ['bzip2', 'file', 'make', 'perl', 'tar', 'wget']) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/slurm-pmi2') self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '21.08.8') # Setup the environment variables self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include', 'slurm')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_autotools( annotations={'version': self.__version}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, comment=False, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, environment=self.__environment, install=False, make=False, postconfigure=['make -C contribs/pmi2 install'], prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, url='{0}/slurm-{1}.tar.bz2'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version), **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('SLURM PMI2 version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python p = slurm_pmi2(...) Stage0 += p Stage1 += p.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('SLURM PMI2') self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Python building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import hpccm.config from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from import shell class python(bb_base): """The `python` building block installs Python from the upstream Linux distribution. # Parameters alternatives: Boolean flag to specify whether to configure alternatives for `python` and `python-config` (if `devel` is enabled). RHEL-based 8.x distributions do not setup `python` by [default]( The default is False. devel: Boolean flag to specify whether to also install the Python development headers and libraries. The default is False. python2: Boolean flag to specify whether to install Python version 2. The default is True. python3: Boolean flag to specify whether to install Python version 3. The default is True. # Examples ```python python() ``` ```python python(python3=False) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(python, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__alternatives = kwargs.get('alternatives', False) self.__devel = kwargs.get('devel', False) self.__python2 = kwargs.get('python2', True) self.__python3 = kwargs.get('python3', True) self.__debs = [] # Filled in below self.__rpms = [] # Filled in below if self.__python2: if (hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU and hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('22.0')): self.__debs.append('python2') else: self.__debs.append('python') self.__rpms.append('python2') if self.__devel: if (hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU and hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('22.0')): self.__debs.append('python2-dev') else: self.__debs.append('python-dev') self.__rpms.append('python2-devel') if self.__python3: self.__debs.append('python3') self.__rpms.append('python3') if self.__devel: self.__debs.append('python3-dev') self.__rpms.append('python3-devel') # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('Python') self += packages(apt=self.__debs, yum=self.__rpms) if self.__alternatives: alternatives = ['alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python2'] if self.__devel: alternatives.append('alternatives --install /usr/bin/python-config python-config /usr/bin/python2-config 30') self += shell(commands=alternatives) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python p = python(...) Stage0 += p Stage1 += p.runtime() ``` """ return str(self)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """OpenBLAS building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_build import generic_build from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class openblas(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `openblas` building block builds and installs the [OpenBLAS]( component. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`) should be modified to include OpenBLAS. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the OpenBLAS library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the OpenBLAS library directory. The default value is False. make_opts: List of options to pass to `make`. For aarch64 processors, the default values are `TARGET=ARMV8` and `USE_OPENMP=1`. For ppc64le processors, the default values are `TARGET=POWER8` and `USE_OPENMP=1`. For x86_64 processors, the default value is `USE_OPENMP=1`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to building. The default values are `make`, `perl`, `tar`, and `wget`. prefix: The top level installation location. The default value is `/usr/local/openblas`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. version: The version of OpenBLAS source to download. The default value is `0.3.21`. # Examples ```python openblas(prefix='/opt/openblas/0.3.1', version='0.3.1') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(openblas, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__make_opts = kwargs.pop('make_opts', []) # Filled in by __cpu_arch() self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', ['make', 'perl', 'tar', 'wget']) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/openblas') self.__toolchain = kwargs.pop('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '0.3.21') # Set the make options self.__make() # Setup the environment variables if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_build( annotations={'version': self.__version}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, build=['make {}'.format(' '.join(self.__make_opts))], comment=False, directory='OpenBLAS-{}'.format(self.__version), devel_environment=self.environment_variables, install=['make install PREFIX={}'.format(self.__prefix)], prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, url='{0}/v{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version), **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('OpenBLAS version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def __make(self): """Based on the CPU architecture, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if not self.__make_opts: if self.__toolchain.CC: self.__make_opts.append('CC={}'.format(self.__toolchain.CC)) if self.__toolchain.FC: self.__make_opts.append('FC={}'.format(self.__toolchain.FC)) if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.AARCH64: self.__make_opts.extend(['TARGET=ARMV8', 'USE_OPENMP=1']) elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.PPC64LE: self.__make_opts.extend(['TARGET=POWER8', 'USE_OPENMP=1']) elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64: self.__make_opts.extend(['USE_OPENMP=1']) else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown CPU architecture') def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python o = openblas(...) Stage0 += o Stage1 += o.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('OpenBLAS') self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """PMIX building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_autotools import generic_autotools from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment class pmix(bb_base,hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `pmix` building block configures, builds, and installs the [PMIX]( component. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. check: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make check` step should be performed. The default is False. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default is an empty list. disable_FEATURE: Flags to control disabling features when configuring. For instance, `disable_foo=True` maps to `--disable-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. enable_FEATURE[=ARG]: Flags to control enabling features when configuring. For instance, `enable_foo=True` maps to `--enable-foo` and `enable_foo='yes'` maps to `--enable-foo=yes`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH`, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, and `PATH`) should be modified to include PMIX. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the PMIX library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the PMIX library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `file`, `hwloc`, `libevent-dev`, `make`, `tar`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `file`, `hwloc`, `libevent-devel`, `make`, `tar`, and `wget`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/pmix`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default value is empty. version: The version of PMIX source to download. The default value is `4.1.2`. with_PACKAGE[=ARG]: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance, `with_foo=True` maps to `--with-foo` and `with_foo='/usr/local/foo'` maps to `--with-foo=/usr/local/foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. without_PACKAGE: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance `without_foo=True` maps to `--without-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. # Examples ```python pmix(prefix='/opt/pmix/3.1.4', version='3.1.4') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(pmix, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.pop('check', False) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/pmix') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '4.1.2') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Set the environment variables self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include')) self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_autotools( annotations={'version': self.__version}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, check=self.__check, comment=False, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, url='{0}/v{1}/pmix-{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version), **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('PMIX version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['file', 'hwloc', 'libevent-dev', 'make', 'tar', 'wget'] if self.__check: self.__ospackages.append('perl') self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libevent-2.*', 'libevent-pthreads-2.*'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['file', 'hwloc', 'libevent-devel', 'make', 'tar', 'wget'] if self.__check: self.__ospackages.append('perl') self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libevent'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python p = pmix(...) Stage0 += p Stage1 += p.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('PMIX') self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Intel Parallel Studio XE runtime building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import LooseVersion import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch, linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell class intel_psxe_runtime(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars): """The `intel_mpi` building block downloads and installs the [Intel Parallel Studio XE runtime]( You must agree to the [Intel End User License Agreement]( to use this building block. Note: this building block does *not* install development versions of the Intel software tools. Please see the [intel_psxe](#intel_psxe), [intel_mpi](#intel_mpi), or [mkl](#mkl) building blocks for development environments. # Parameters daal: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library runtime should be installed. The default is True. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `PATH`, and others) should be modified to include Intel Parallel Studio XE runtime. `psxevars` has precedence. The default is True. eula: By setting this value to `True`, you agree to the [Intel End User License Agreement]( The default value is `False`. icc: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel C++ Compiler runtime should be installed. The default is True. ifort: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel Fortran Compiler runtime should be installed. The default is True. ipp: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel Integrated Performance Primitives runtime should be installed. The default is True. mkl: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel Math Kernel Library runtime should be installed. The default is True. mpi: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel MPI Library runtime should be installed. The default is True. psxevars: Intel Parallel Studio XE provides an environment script (``) to setup the environment. If this value is `True`, the bashrc is modified to automatically source this environment script. However, the Intel runtime environment is not automatically available to subsequent container image build steps; the environment is available when the container image is run. To set the Intel Parallel Studio XE runtime environment in subsequent build steps you can explicitly call `source /opt/intel/psxe_runtime/linux/bin/ intel64` in each build step. If this value is to set `False`, then the environment is set such that the environment is visible to both subsequent container image build steps and when the container image is run. However, the environment may differ slightly from that set by ``. The default value is `True`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing Intel MPI. For Ubuntu, the default values are `apt-transport-https`, `ca-certificates`, `gcc`, `gnupg`, `man-db`, `openssh-client`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `man-db`, `openssh-clients`, and `which`. tbb: Boolean flag to specify whether the Intel Threading Building Blocks runtime should be installed. The default is True. version: The version of the Intel Parallel Studio XE runtime to install. The default value is `2020.2-14`. # Examples ```python intel_psxe_runtime(eula=True, version='2018.5-281') ``` ```python intel_psxe_runtime(daal=False, eula=True, ipp=False, psxevars=False) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(intel_psxe_runtime, self).__init__(**kwargs) # By setting this value to True, you agree to the # corresponding Intel End User License Agreement # ( self.__eula = kwargs.get('eula', False) self.__daal = kwargs.get('daal', True) self.__icc = kwargs.get('icc', True) self.__ifort = kwargs.get('ifort', True) self.__ipp = kwargs.get('ipp', True) self.__mkl = kwargs.get('mkl', True) self.__mpi = kwargs.get('mpi', True) self.__psxevars = kwargs.get('psxevars', True) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__tbb = kwargs.get('tbb', True) self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '2020.2-14') self.__year = self.__version.split('.')[0] self.__bashrc = '' # Filled in by __distro() self.__apt = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__yum = [] # Filled in by __setup() if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch != cpu_arch.X86_64: # pragma: no cover logging.warning('Using intel_psxe_runtime on a non-x86_64 processor') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Construct the list of runtime packages to install self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('Intel Parallel Studio XE runtime version {}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__ospackages: self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) if not self.__eula: raise RuntimeError('Intel EULA was not accepted. To accept, see the documentation for this building block') if int(self.__year) >= 2019: apt_repositories = ['deb{0} intel-psxe-runtime main'.format(self.__year)] else: # The APT keys expired and had to be reissued. They were only # reissued for 2019 and later. Blindly (and insecurely!) trust # the 2018 and earlier repositories. apt_repositories = ['deb [trusted=yes]{0} intel-psxe-runtime main'.format(self.__year)] self += packages( apt=self.__apt, apt_keys = ['{0}/GPG-PUB-KEY-INTEL-PSXE-RUNTIME-{0}'.format(self.__year)], apt_repositories=apt_repositories, aptitude=True, yum=self.__yum, yum_keys=['{0}/setup/RPM-GPG-KEY-intel-psxe-runtime-{0}'.format(self.__year)], yum_repositories=['{0}/setup/intel-psxe-runtime-{0}.repo'.format(self.__year)], yum4=True) # Set the environment if self.__psxevars: # Source the psxevars environment script when starting the # container, but the variables not be available for any # subsequent build steps. self += shell(commands=['echo "source /opt/intel/psxe_runtime/linux/bin/ intel64" >> {}'.format(self.__bashrc)]) else: # Set the environment so that it will be available to # subsequent build steps and when starting the container, # but this may miss some things relative to the psxevars # environment script. self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['apt-transport-https', 'ca-certificates', 'gcc', 'gnupg', 'man-db', 'openssh-client', 'wget'] self.__bashrc = '/etc/bash.bashrc' elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['man-db', 'openssh-clients', 'which'] self.__bashrc = '/etc/bashrc' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __environment(self): """Manually set the environment as an alternative to""" basepath = '/opt/intel/psxe_runtime/linux' ld_library_path = [] path = [] env = {} if self.__daal: env['DAALROOT'] = posixpath.join(basepath, 'daal') ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'daal', 'lib', 'intel64')) if self.__icc: ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'compiler', 'lib', 'intel64_lin')) if self.__ifort: ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'compiler', 'lib', 'intel64_lin')) if self.__ipp: env['IPPROOT' ] = posixpath.join(basepath, 'ipp') ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'ipp', 'lib', 'intel64')) if self.__mkl: env['MKLROOT'] = posixpath.join(basepath, 'mkl') ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'mkl', 'lib', 'intel64')) if self.__mpi: env['I_MPI_ROOT'] = posixpath.join(basepath, 'mpi') ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'mpi', 'intel64', 'lib')) path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'mpi', 'intel64', 'bin')) if LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('2019'): env['FI_PROVIDER_PATH'] = posixpath.join( basepath, 'mpi', 'intel64', 'libfabric', 'lib', 'prov') ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join( basepath, 'mpi', 'intel64', 'libfabric', 'lib')) path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'mpi', 'intel64', 'libfabric', 'bin')) if LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('2020'): ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join( basepath, 'mpi', 'intel64', 'lib', 'release')) if self.__tbb: if int(self.__year) >= 2020: ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'tbb', 'lib', 'intel64', 'gcc4.8')) else: ld_library_path.append(posixpath.join(basepath, 'tbb', 'lib', 'intel64', 'gcc4.7')) if ld_library_path: ld_library_path.append('$LD_LIBRARY_PATH') env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = ':'.join(ld_library_path) if path: path.append('$PATH') env['PATH'] = ':'.join(path) return env def __setup(self): """Construct the list of packages, i.e., fill in self.__apt and self.__yum""" if (self.__daal and self.__icc and self.__ifort and self.__ipp and self.__mkl and self.__mpi and self.__tbb): # Everything selected, so install the omnibus runtime package self.__apt = ['intel-psxe-runtime={}'.format(self.__version)] self.__yum = ['intel-psxe-runtime-{}'.format(self.__version)] else: if self.__daal: self.__apt.append( 'intel-daal-runtime={}'.format(self.__version)) self.__yum.append( 'intel-daal-runtime-64bit-{}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__icc: self.__apt.append( 'intel-icc-runtime={}'.format(self.__version)) self.__yum.append( 'intel-icc-runtime-64bit-{}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__ifort: self.__apt.append( 'intel-ifort-runtime={}'.format(self.__version)) self.__yum.append( 'intel-ifort-runtime-64bit-{}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__ipp: self.__apt.append( 'intel-ipp-runtime={}'.format(self.__version)) self.__yum.append( 'intel-ipp-runtime-64bit-{}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__mkl: self.__apt.append( 'intel-mkl-runtime={}'.format(self.__version)) self.__yum.append( 'intel-mkl-runtime-64bit-{}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__mpi: self.__apt.append( 'intel-mpi-runtime={}'.format(self.__version)) self.__yum.append( 'intel-mpi-runtime-64bit-{}'.format(self.__version)) if self.__tbb: self.__apt.append( 'intel-tbb-runtime={}'.format(self.__version)) self.__yum.append( 'intel-tbb-runtime-64bit-{}'.format(self.__version)) # Set the environment self.environment_variables = self.__environment() def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python i = intel_psxe_runtime(...) Stage0 += i Stage1 += i.runtime() ``` """ return str(self)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """pip building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import logging import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.rm from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from import shell class pip(bb_base, hpccm.templates.rm): """The `pip` building block installs Python packages from PyPi. # Parameters alternatives: Boolean flag to specify whether to configure alternatives for `python` and `pip`. RHEL-based 8.x distributions do not setup `python` by [default]( The default is False. args: List of arguments to pass to pip. The default is `--no-cache-dir`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to installing PyPi packages. For Ubuntu, the default values are `python-pip`, `python-setuptools`, and `python-wheel` for Python 2.x and `python3-pip`, `python3-setuptools`, and `python3-wheel` for Python 3.x. For RHEL-based distributions, the default values are `python2-pip` for Python 2.x and `python3-pip` for Python 3.x. packages: List of PyPi packages to install. The default is an empty list. pip: The name of the `pip` tool to use. The default is `pip`. requirements: Path to pip requirements file. The default is empty. upgrade: Boolean flag to control whether pip itself should be upgraded prior to installing any PyPi packages. The default is False. # Examples ```python pip(packages=['hpccm']) ``` ```python pip(packages=['hpccm'], pip='pip3') ``` ```python pip(requirements='requirements.txt') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(pip, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__alternatives = kwargs.get('alternatives', False) self.__args = kwargs.get('args', ['--no-cache-dir']) self.__epel = False self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', None) self.__packages = kwargs.get('packages', []) self.__pip = kwargs.get('pip', 'pip') self.__requirements = kwargs.get('requirements', None) self.__upgrade = kwargs.get('upgrade', False) self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory self.__debs = [] # Filled in below self.__rpms = [] # Filled in below if self.__ospackages is None: if self.__pip.startswith('pip3'): self.__debs.extend(['python3-pip', 'python3-setuptools', 'python3-wheel']) self.__rpms.append('python3-pip') else: self.__debs.extend(['python-pip', 'python-setuptools', 'python-wheel']) self.__rpms.append('python2-pip') if (hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS and hpccm.config.g_linux_version < StrictVersion('8.0')): # python2-pip is an EPEL package in CentOS 7.x self.__epel = True elif (hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU and hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('20.0')): # python-pip is not supported in Ubuntu 20.04 logging.warning('pip2 is not supported in Ubuntu 20.04. Use pip3.') elif self.__ospackages: self.__debs = self.__ospackages self.__rpms = self.__ospackages # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('pip') if self.__debs or self.__rpms: self += packages(apt=self.__debs, epel=self.__epel, yum=self.__rpms) if self.__alternatives: self += shell(commands=[ 'alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python2', 'alternatives --install /usr/bin/pip pip /usr/bin/pip2 30']) if self.__pip: if self.__args: self.__pip = '{0} {1}'.format(self.__pip, ' '.join(self.__args)) cmds = [] if self.__upgrade: # pip version 21 and later no longer support Python 2 if self.__pip.startswith('pip3'): cmds.append('{0} install --upgrade pip'.format(self.__pip)) else: cmds.append('{0} install --upgrade "pip < 21.0"'.format( self.__pip)) if self.__requirements: self += copy(src=self.__requirements, dest=posixpath.join( self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.__requirements))) cmds.append('{0} install -r {1}'.format( self.__pip, posixpath.join(self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.__requirements)))) cmds.append(self.cleanup_step(items=[ posixpath.join(self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.__requirements))])) if self.__packages: cmds.append('{0} install {1}'.format(self.__pip, ' '.join(self.__packages))) self += shell(commands=cmds)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """apt-get building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import os import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.sed import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.common import linux_distro from import shell class apt_get(bb_base, hpccm.templates.sed, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `apt_get` building block specifies the set of operating system packages to install. This building block should only be used on images that use the Debian package manager (e.g., Ubuntu). In most cases, the [`packages` building block](#packages) should be used instead of `apt_get`. # Parameters aptitude: Boolean flag to specify whether `aptitude` should be used instead of `apt-get`. The default is False. download: Boolean flag to specify whether to download the deb packages instead of installing them. The default is False. download_directory: The deb package download location. This parameter is ignored if `download` is False. The default value is `/var/tmp/apt_get_download`. extract: Location where the downloaded packages should be extracted. Note, this extracts and does not install the packages, i.e., the package manager is bypassed. After the downloaded packages are extracted they are deleted. This parameter is ignored if `download` is False. If empty, then the downloaded packages are not extracted. The default value is an empty string. keys: A list of GPG keys to add. The default is an empty list. ospackages: A list of packages to install. The default is an empty list. ppas: A list of personal package archives to add. The default is an empty list. repositories: A list of apt repositories to add. The default is an empty list. # Examples ```python apt_get(ospackages=['make', 'wget']) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(apt_get, self).__init__() self.__apt_key = kwargs.get('_apt_key', True) self.__aptitude = kwargs.get('aptitude', False) self.__commands = [] self.__download = kwargs.get('download', False) self.__download_directory = kwargs.get( 'download_directory', posixpath.join(hpccm.config.g_wd, 'apt_get_download')) self.__extra_opts = kwargs.get('extra_opts', []) self.__extract = kwargs.get('extract', None) self.__keys = kwargs.get('keys', []) self.__opts = ['-y', '--no-install-recommends'] self.ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', []) self.__ppas = kwargs.get('ppas', []) self.__repositories = kwargs.get('repositories', []) if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro != linux_distro.UBUNTU: # pragma: no cover logging.warning('Using apt-get on a non-Ubuntu Linux distribution') # Construct the series of commands that form the building # block self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += shell(chdir=False, commands=self.__commands) def __setup(self): """Construct the series of commands to execute""" if self.__extra_opts: self.__opts.extend(self.__extra_opts) apt_get_download = 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get download {}'.format(' '.join(self.__opts)) apt_get_install = 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install {}'.format(' '.join(self.__opts)) if self.__keys: for key in self.__keys: if self.__apt_key: self.__commands.append( 'wget -qO - {} | apt-key add -'.format(key)) else: self.__commands.extend([ 'mkdir -p /usr/share/keyrings', 'rm -f /usr/share/keyrings/{}.gpg'.format( os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(key))[0]), 'wget -qO - {0} | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/{1}.gpg'.format( key, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(key))[0])]) if self.__ppas: # Need to install apt-add-repository self.__commands.extend(['apt-get update -y', apt_get_install + ' software-properties-common']) for ppa in self.__ppas: self.__commands.append('apt-add-repository {} -y'.format(ppa)) if self.__repositories: for repo in self.__repositories: if repo.startswith('http'): # Repository is a URL to a repository configuration file self.__commands.append( self.download_step(directory='/etc/apt/sources.list.d', url=repo)) else: # Repository is a configuration string self.__commands.append( 'echo "{}" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hpccm.list'.format(repo)) if self.ospackages: packages = [] for pkg in sorted(self.ospackages): packages.append(' {}'.format(pkg)) self.__commands.append('apt-get update -y') if self.__download: # Download packages # Assign mode 777 to work around warnings # Ubuntu 16: Can't drop privileges for downloading as file # Ubuntu 18: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file self.__commands.append('mkdir -m 777 -p {0} && cd {0}'.format( self.__download_directory)) self.__commands.append(apt_get_download + ' \\\n' + ' \\\n'.join(packages)) if self.__extract: # Extract the packages to a prefix - not a "real" # package manager install self.__commands.append('mkdir -p {0}'.format( self.__extract)) regex = posixpath.join( self.__download_directory, '(' + '|'.join(sorted(self.ospackages)) + ').*deb') self.__commands.append('find {0} -regextype posix-extended -type f -regex "{1}" -exec dpkg --extract {{}} {2} \;'.format(self.__download_directory, regex, self.__extract)) # Cleanup downloaded packages self.__commands.append( 'rm -rf {}'.format(self.__download_directory)) # Cleanup repository file(s) for repo in self.__repositories: if repo.startswith('http'): # Repository is a URL to a repository # configuration file self.__commands.append( 'rm -f {}'.format( posixpath.join('/etc/apt/sources.list.d', os.path.basename(repo)))) else: # Repository is a configuration string # Use '|' as separator to try to avoid conflicts or # the need to escape the repo string. self.__commands.append( self.sed_step( file='/etc/apt/sources.list.d/hpccm.list', patterns=[r'\|^{}$|d'.format(repo)])) else: if self.__aptitude: self.__commands.append(apt_get_install + ' aptitude') install = 'aptitude install -y --without-recommends -o Aptitude::ProblemResolver::SolutionCost=\'100*canceled-actions,200*removals\' \\\n' install = install + ' \\\n'.join(packages) self.__commands.append(install) else: self.__commands.append(apt_get_install + ' \\\n' + ' \\\n'.join(packages)) self.__commands.append('rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*')
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """FFTW building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_autotools import generic_autotools from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment class fftw(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `fftw` building block downloads, configures, builds, and installs the [FFTW]( component. Depending on the parameters, the source will be downloaded from the web (default) or copied from a source directory in the local build context. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. check: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make check` step should be performed. The default is False. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. For x86_64 processors, the default values are `--enable-shared`, `--enable-openmp`, `--enable-threads`, and `--enable-sse2`. For other processors, the default values are `--enable-shared`, `--enable-openmp`, and `--enable-threads`. directory: Path to the unpackaged source directory relative to the local build context. The default value is empty. If this is defined, the source in the local build context will be used rather than downloading the source from the web. disable_FEATURE: Flags to control disabling features when configuring. For instance, `disable_foo=True` maps to `--disable-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. enable_FEATURE[=ARG]: Flags to control enabling features when configuring. For instance, `enable_foo=True` maps to `--enable-foo` and `enable_foo='yes'` maps to `--enable-foo=yes`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH`) should be modified to include FFTW. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the FFTW library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the FFTW library directory. The default value is False. mpi: Boolean flag to specify whether to build with MPI support enabled. The default is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. The default values are `file`, `make`, and `wget`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/fftw`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. version: The version of FFTW source to download. This value is ignored if `directory` is set. The default value is `3.3.10`. with_PACKAGE[=ARG]: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance, `with_foo=True` maps to `--with-foo` and `with_foo='/usr/local/foo'` maps to `--with-foo=/usr/local/foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. without_PACKAGE: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance `without_foo=True` maps to `--without-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. # Examples ```python fftw(prefix='/opt/fftw/3.3.7', version='3.3.7') ``` ```python fftw(directory='sources/fftw-3.3.7') ``` ```python n = nvhpc(eula=True) fftw(toolchain=n.toolchain) ``` ```python fftw(check=True, configure_opts=['--enable-shared', '--enable-threads', '--enable-sse2', '--enable-avx']) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(fftw, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.pop('check', False) self.__configure_opts = kwargs.pop('configure_opts', []) self.__directory = kwargs.pop('directory', '') self.__mpi = kwargs.pop('mpi', False) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', ['file', 'make', 'wget']) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/fftw') self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '3.3.10') # Set the configure options self.__configure() # Set the environment variables if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_autotools( annotations={'version': self.__version}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, check=self.__check, configure_opts=self.__configure_opts, comment=False, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, # PGI compiler needs a larger stack size postconfigure=['ulimit -s unlimited'] if self.__check else None, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, url='{0}/fftw-{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version), **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('FFTW version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def __configure(self): """Setup configure options based on user parameters and CPU architecture""" if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64: if not self.__configure_opts: self.__configure_opts = ['--enable-shared', '--enable-openmp', '--enable-threads', '--enable-sse2'] if hpccm.config.test_cpu_feature_flag('avx'): self.__configure_opts.append('--enable-avx') if hpccm.config.test_cpu_feature_flag('avx2'): self.__configure_opts.append('--enable-avx2') if hpccm.config.test_cpu_feature_flag('avx512'): self.__configure_opts.append('--enable-avx512') else: if not self.__configure_opts: self.__configure_opts = ['--enable-shared', '--enable-openmp', '--enable-threads'] if self.__mpi: self.__configure_opts.append('--enable-mpi') def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python f = fftw(...) Stage0 += f Stage1 += f.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('FFTW') self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Julia building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import re import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.tar import hpccm.templates.wget from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell class julia(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.tar, hpccm.templates.wget): """The `julia` building block downloads and installs the [Julia]( programming environment. # Parameters cuda: Boolean flag to specify whether the JuliaGPU packages should be installed. If True, the `CUDAapi`, `CUDAdrv`, `CUDAnative`, and `CuArrays` packages are installed. Note that the `CUDAdrv` package must be rebuilt when the container is running to align with the host CUDA driver. The default is False. depot: Path to the location of "user" Julia package depot. The default is an empty string, i.e., `~/.julia`. The depot location needs to be writable by the user running the container. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`) should be modified to include Julia. The default is True. history: Path to the Julia history file. The default value is an empty string, i.e., `~/.julia/logs/repl_history.jl`. The history location needs to be writable by the user running the container. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the Julia library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the Julia library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to building. The default values are `tar` and `wget`. packages: List of Julia packages to install. The default is an empty list. prefix: The top level installation location. The default value is `/usr/local/julia`. version: The version of Julia to install. The default value is `1.5.1`. # Examples ```python julia(prefix='/usr/local/julia', version='1.3.1') ``` ```python julia(depot='/tmp', history='/tmp/repl_history.jl') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(julia, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__arch_directory = None # Filled in by __cpu_arch() self.__arch_pkg = None # Filled in by __cpu_arch() self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__cuda = kwargs.get('cuda', False) self.__depot = kwargs.get('depot', None) self.__history = kwargs.get('history', None) self.__ospackages = kwargs.get('ospackages', ['tar', 'wget']) self.__packages = kwargs.get('packages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local/julia') self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '1.5.1') self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory # Set the CPU architecture specific parameters self.__cpu_arch() # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" self += comment('Julia version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += shell(commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) def __cpu_arch(self): """Based on the CPU architecture, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.AARCH64: self.__arch_directory = 'aarch64' self.__arch_pkg = 'aarch64' elif hpccm.config.g_cpu_arch == cpu_arch.X86_64: self.__arch_directory = 'x64' self.__arch_pkg = 'x86_64' else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown CPU architecture') def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # The download URL has the format MAJOR.MINOR in the path and # the tarball contains MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION, so pull apart the # full version to get the individual components. match = re.match(r'(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<revision>\d+)', self.__version) major_minor = '{0}.{1}'.format(match.groupdict()['major'], match.groupdict()['minor']) tarball = 'julia-{0}-linux-{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__version, self.__arch_pkg) url = '{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__arch_directory, major_minor, tarball) # Download source from web self.__commands.append(self.download_step(url=url, directory=self.__wd)) self.__commands.append(self.untar_step( tarball=posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), directory=self.__wd)) # "Install" self.__commands.append('cp -a {0} {1}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'julia-{}'.format(self.__version)), self.__prefix)) # Install packages if self.__cuda: self.__packages.extend(['CUDAapi', 'CUDAdrv', 'CUDAnative', 'CuArrays']) if self.__packages: # remove duplicates self.__packages = sorted(list(set(self.__packages))) # convert into PackageSpec() entries self.__packages = map( lambda pkg: 'PackageSpec(name="{0}")'.format(pkg) if not pkg.startswith('PackageSpec') else pkg, self.__packages) # Comma separated list of package packages_csv = ', '.join('{}'.format(pkg) for pkg in self.__packages) julia = posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin', 'julia') # Install packages in the default location alongside Julia # itself. julia = 'JULIA_DEPOT_PATH={0} {1}'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'share', 'julia'), julia) self.__commands.append( '{0} -e \'using Pkg; Pkg.add([{1}])\''.format(julia, packages_csv)) # Startup file if self.__depot: # The "user" depot path mist be writable by the user # running the container. Modify the Julia startup file to # modify the "user" depot from ~/.julia to another # location. startup = posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'etc', 'julia', 'startup.jl') self.__commands.append('echo "DEPOT_PATH[1] = \\"{0}\\"" >> {1}'.format( self.__depot, startup)) # Set library path libpath = posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib') if self.ldconfig: self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step(directory=libpath)) else: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(libpath) # Cleanup tarball and directory self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step( items=[posixpath.join(self.__wd, tarball), posixpath.join(self.__wd, 'julia-{}'.format(self.__version))])) # Setup environment self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) if self.__history: self.environment_variables['JULIA_HISTORY'] = self.__history def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python j = julia(...) Stage0 += j Stage1 += j.runtime() ``` """ return str(self)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """SCI-F building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import os import posixpath import hpccm.base_object import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from import shell class scif(hpccm.base_object): """The `scif` building blocks installs components using the [Scientific Filesystem (SCI-F)]( Other building blocks and / or primitives should be added to the `scif` building block using the `+=` syntax. If not generating a Singularity definition file, SCI-F should be installed using the [`pip`](#pip) building block prior to this building block. If not generating a Singularity definition file, this module creates SCI-F recipe files in the current directory (see also the `file` parameter). # Parameters _arguments: Specify additional [Dockerfile RUN arguments]( (Docker specific). _env: Boolean flag to specify whether the general container environment should be also be loaded when executing a SCI-F `%appinstall` block. The default is False (Singularity specific). file: The SCI-F recipe file name. The default value is the name parameter with the `.scif` suffix. name: The name to use to label the SCI-F application. This parameter is required. _native: Boolean flag to specify whether to use the native Singularity support for SCI-F when generating Singularity definition files. The default is True (Singularity specific). # Examples ```python pip(packages=['scif']) s = scif(name='example') s += openmpi(prefix='/scif/apps/example') s += shell(commands=[...]) ``` """ __runtime_called = False def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize scif building block""" super(scif, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__appenv = [] self.__appfiles = [] self.__apphelp = [] self.__appinstall = [] self.__applabels = [] self.__apprun = [] self.__apptest = [] self.__arguments = kwargs.get('_arguments') self.__env = kwargs.get('_env', False) self.__name = kwargs.get('name', None) if not self.__name: raise RuntimeError('"name" must be defined') self.__native = kwargs.get('_native', True) self.__scif_file = kwargs.get('file', '{}.scif'.format(self.__name)) def __iadd__(self, item): """Add the item to the corresponding type list. Allows "+=" syntax.""" if isinstance(item, list): for i in item: self.__add(i) else: self.__add(item) return self def __add(self, item): """Break the item down into its constituent primitives and append each primitive to the appropriate list""" primitives = self.__primitives(item) for p in primitives: ptype = p.__class__.__name__ if ptype == 'comment': self.__apphelp.append(p) elif ptype == 'copy': self.__appfiles.append(p) elif ptype == 'environment': self.__appenv.append(p) elif ptype == 'label': self.__applabels.append(p) elif ptype == 'runscript': self.__apprun.append(p) elif ptype == 'shell': if p._test: self.__apptest.append(p) else: self.__appinstall.append(p) else: raise RuntimeError('unrecognized primitive type: {}'.format(ptype)) def __scif_recipe(self): """Generate the SCI-F recipe instructions, merging primitives of the same type because SCI-F does not support duplicate sections.""" recipe = [] if self.__appenv: appenv = self.__appenv[0].merge(self.__appenv, _app=self.__name) recipe.append(appenv) if self.__appfiles: appfiles = self.__appfiles[0].merge(self.__appfiles, _app=self.__name) recipe.append(appfiles) if self.__apphelp: apphelp = self.__apphelp[0].merge(self.__apphelp, _app=self.__name) recipe.append(apphelp) if self.__appinstall: appinstall = self.__appinstall[0].merge(self.__appinstall, _app=self.__name, _appenv=self.__env) recipe.append(appinstall) if self.__applabels: applabels = self.__applabels[0].merge(self.__applabels, _app=self.__name) recipe.append(applabels) if self.__apprun: apprun = self.__apprun[0].merge(self.__apprun, _app=self.__name) recipe.append(apprun) if self.__apptest: apptest = self.__apptest[0].merge(self.__apptest, _app=self.__name, _test=True) recipe.append(apptest) return recipe def __primitives(self, item): """Item is a building block or a primitive. A building block consists of one or more other building blocks or primitives. Ultimately, every building block consists of primitives. "Flatten" the item to a list of its constituent primitives. """ return [i for i in self.__iter_flatten(item)] def __iter_flatten(self, iterable): """Recursively flatten""" try: for i in iter(iterable): for f in self.__iter_flatten(i): yield f except TypeError: # not iterable yield iterable def __str__(self): """String representation of the building block""" scif_recipe = self.__scif_recipe() if (self.__native and hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY): # Take advantage of Singularity's native support for SCI-F. return '\n'.join(str(x) for x in scif_recipe) else: # Generate an external SCI-F recipe file and manually call scif # Temporarily switch container format to Singularity to write # the SCI-F recipe file preserved_ctype = hpccm.config.g_ctype hpccm.config.set_container_format('singularity')'Writing {}'.format(self.__scif_file)) with open(self.__scif_file, 'w') as f: f.write('\n\n'.join(str(x) for x in scif_recipe)) # Restore original container format hpccm.config.g_ctype = preserved_ctype # Container instructions to copy the SCI-F recipe file # into the container and then run scif c_scif_file = posixpath.join('/scif/recipes', os.path.basename(self.__scif_file)) instructions = [] instructions.append(comment('SCI-F "{}"'.format(self.__name))) instructions.append( copy(src=self.__scif_file, dest=c_scif_file)) instructions.append( shell(_arguments = self.__arguments, chdir=False, commands=['scif install {}'.format(c_scif_file)])) return '\n'.join(str(x) for x in instructions) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. The entire `/scif` directory is copied into the runtime stage on the first call. Subsequent calls do nothing. # Examples ```python s = scif(...) Stage0 += s Stage1 += s.runtime() ``` """ if not scif.__runtime_called: scif.__runtime_called = True return str(copy(_from=_from, src='/scif', dest='/scif')) else: return ''
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """PnetCDF building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import LooseVersion import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_autotools import generic_autotools from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class pnetcdf(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `pnetcdf` building block downloads, configures, builds, and installs the [PnetCDF]( component. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. check: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make check` step should be performed. The default is False. configure_opts: List of options to pass to `configure`. The default values are `--enable-shared`. disable_FEATURE: Flags to control disabling features when configuring. For instance, `disable_foo=True` maps to `--disable-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. enable_FEATURE[=ARG]: Flags to control enabling features when configuring. For instance, `enable_foo=True` maps to `--enable-foo` and `enable_foo='yes'` maps to `--enable-foo=yes`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH`, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `LIBRARY_PATH`, and `PATH`) should be modified to include PnetCDF. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the PnetCDF library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the PnetCDF library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. The default values are `file`, `m4`, `make`, `perl`, `tar`, and `wget`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/pnetcdf`. toolchain: The toolchain object. A MPI compiler toolchain must be used. The default is to use the standard MPI compiler wrappers, e.g., `CC=mpicc`, `CXX=mpicxx`, etc. version: The version of PnetCDF source to download. The default value is `1.12.1`. with_PACKAGE[=ARG]: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance, `with_foo=True` maps to `--with-foo` and `with_foo='/usr/local/foo'` maps to `--with-foo=/usr/local/foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. without_PACKAGE: Flags to control optional packages when configuring. For instance `without_foo=True` maps to `--without-foo`. Underscores in the parameter name are converted to dashes. # Examples ```python pnetcdf(prefix='/opt/pnetcdf/1.10.0', version='1.10.0') ``` ```python ompi = openmpi(...) pnetcdf(toolchain=ompi.toolchain, ...) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(pnetcdf, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.get('baseurl', '') self.__configure_opts = kwargs.pop('configure_opts', ['--enable-shared']) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', ['file', 'm4', 'make', 'perl', 'tar', 'wget']) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/pnetcdf') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__toolchain = kwargs.pop('toolchain', toolchain(CC='mpicc', CXX='mpicxx', F77='mpif77', F90='mpif90', FC='mpifort')) self.__url = None # Filled in by __download() self.__version = kwargs.get('version', '1.12.1') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Set the download specific parameters self.__download() # Set the environment variables self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include')) self.environment_variables['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_autotools( annotations={'version': self.__version}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, comment=False, configure_opts=self.__configure_opts, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, # For some compilers, --enable-shared leads to the following error: # GEN # /usr/bin/ld: .libs/libpnetcdf.lax/libf77.a/strerrnof.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.data' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC # .libs/libpnetcdf.lax/libf77.a/strerrnof.o: error adding symbols: Bad value # Apply the workaround postconfigure=['sed -i -e \'s#pic_flag=""#pic_flag=" -fpic -DPIC"#\' -e \'s#wl=""#wl="-Wl,"#\' libtool'] if '--enable-shared' in self.__configure_opts else None, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, toolchain=self.__toolchain, url=self.__url, **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('PnetCDF version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libatomic1'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: pass else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') def __download(self): """Set download source based on user parameters""" # Version 1.11.0 changed the package name if LooseVersion(self.__version) >= LooseVersion('1.11.0'): pkgname = 'pnetcdf' else: pkgname = 'parallel-netcdf' tarball = '{0}-{1}.tar.gz'.format(pkgname, self.__version) self.__url = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.__baseurl, tarball) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python p = pnetcdf(...) Stage0 += p Stage1 += p.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('PnetCDF') if self.__runtime_ospackages: self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Kokkos building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.downloader import hpccm.templates.envvars from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_cmake import generic_cmake from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment class kokkos(bb_base, hpccm.templates.downloader, hpccm.templates.envvars): """The `kokkos` building block downloads and installs the [Kokkos]( component. The [CMake](#cmake) building block should be installed prior to this building block. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. arch: List of target architectures to build. If set adds `-DKokkos_ARCH_<value>=ON` to the list of CMake options. The default value is `VOLTA70`, i.e., sm_70. If a CUDA aware build is not selected, then a non-default value should be used. branch: The git branch to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the default branch for the repository. check: Boolean flag to specify whether the build should be checked. If True, adds `-DKokkos_ENABLE_TESTS=ON` to the list of CMake options. The default is False. cmake_opts: List of options to pass to `cmake`. The default is `-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE`. commit: The git commit to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the latest commit on the default branch for the repository. cuda: Flag to control whether a CUDA aware build is performed. If True, adds `-DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA=ON` and `-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(pwd)/../bin/nvcc_wrapper` to the list of CMake options. The default value is True. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`) should be modified to include Kokkos. The default is True. hwloc: Flag to control whether a hwloc aware build is performed. If True, adds `-DKokkos_ENABLE_HWLOC=ON` to the list of CMake options. The default value is True. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `gzip`, `libhwloc-dev`, `make`, `tar`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions the default values are `gzip`, `hwloc-devel`, `make`, `tar`, and `wget`. prefix: The top level installation location. The default value is `/usr/local/kokkos`. repository: The location of the git repository that should be used to build OpenMPI. If True, then use the default `` repository. The default is empty, i.e., use the release package specified by `version`. url: The location of the tarball that should be used to build Kokkos. The default is empty, i.e., use the release package specified by `version`. version: The version of Kokkos source to download. The default value is `3.2.00`. # Examples ```python kokkos(prefix='/opt/kokkos/3.1.01', version='3.1.01') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(kokkos, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__arch = kwargs.pop('arch', ['VOLTA70']) self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__check = kwargs.pop('check', False) self.__cmake_opts = kwargs.pop('cmake_opts', ['-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE']) self.__cuda = kwargs.pop('cuda', True) self.__default_repository = '' self.__hwloc = kwargs.pop('hwloc', True) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', []) self.__powertools = False # enable the CentOS PowerTools repo self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/kokkos') self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '3.2.00') if self.repository: self.__directory = '' else: self.__directory = kwargs.pop('directory', 'kokkos-{}'.format(self.__version)) # Set the CMake options self.__cmake() # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Set the download specific parameters self.__download() kwargs['repository'] = self.repository kwargs['url'] = self.url # Setup the environment variables self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}/bin:$PATH'.format( self.__prefix) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_cmake( annotations={'version': self.__version}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, cmake_opts=self.__cmake_opts, comment=False, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, directory=self.__directory, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('Kokkos version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages, powertools=self.__powertools) self += self.__bb def __cmake(self): """Set CMake options based on user input""" # Set options if self.__arch: for arch in self.__arch: self.__cmake_opts.append('-DKokkos_ARCH_{}=ON'.format( arch.upper())) if self.__check: self.__cmake_opts.append('-DKokkos_ENABLE_TESTS=ON') if self.__cuda: self.__cmake_opts.append('-DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA=ON') self.__cmake_opts.append( '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(pwd)/../bin/nvcc_wrapper') if self.__hwloc: self.__cmake_opts.append('-DKokkos_ENABLE_HWLOC=ON') def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['libhwloc-dev', 'make'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['hwloc-devel', 'make'] if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): # hwloc-devel is in the CentOS powertools repository self.__powertools = True else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') if self.repository: self.__ospackages.extend(['ca-certificates', 'git']) else: self.__ospackages.extend(['gzip', 'tar', 'wget']) def __download(self): """Set download source based on user parameters""" # Use the default repository if set to True if self.repository is True: self.repository = self.__default_repository if not self.repository and not self.url: self.url='{0}/{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python k = kokkos(...) Stage0 += k Stage1 += k.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('Kokkos') self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Generic cmake building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import os import posixpath import hpccm.templates.CMakeBuild import hpccm.templates.annotate import hpccm.templates.downloader import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig import hpccm.templates.rm from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from hpccm.primitives.label import label from import shell from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class generic_cmake(bb_base, hpccm.templates.CMakeBuild, hpccm.templates.annotate, hpccm.templates.downloader, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig, hpccm.templates.rm): """The `generic_cmake` building block downloads, configures, builds, and installs a specified CMake enabled package. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. annotations: Dictionary of additional annotations to include. The default is an empty dictionary. branch: The git branch to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the default branch for the repository. build_directory: The location to build the package. The default value is a `build` subdirectory in the source code location. build_environment: Dictionary of environment variables and values to set when building the package. The default is an empty dictionary. check: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make check` step should be performed. The default is False. cmake_opts: List of options to pass to `cmake`. The default value is an empty list. commit: The git commit to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the latest commit on the default branch for the repository. devel_environment: Dictionary of environment variables and values, e.g., `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`, to set in the development stage after the package is built and installed. The default is an empty dictionary. directory: The source code location. The default value is the basename of the downloaded package. If the value is not an absolute path, then the temporary working directory is prepended. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment should be modified (see `devel_environment` and `runtime_environment`). The default is True. install: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make install` step should be performed. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. The default value is False. libdir: The path relative to the install prefix to use when configuring the dynamic linker cache. The default value is `lib`. make: Boolean flag to specify whether the `make` step should be performed. The default is True. package: Path to the local source package relative to the local build context. One of this parameter or the `repository` or `url` parameters must be specified. postinstall: List of shell commands to run after running 'make install'. The working directory is the install prefix. The default is an empty list. preconfigure: List of shell commands to run prior to running `cmake`. The working directory is the source code location. The default is an empty list. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local`. It is highly recommended not to use this default and instead set the prefix to a package specific directory. recursive: Initialize and checkout git submodules. `repository` parameter must be specified. The default is False. repository: The git repository of the package to build. One of this parameter or the `package` or `url` parameters must be specified. _run_arguments: Specify additional [Dockerfile RUN arguments]( (Docker specific). runtime: The list of files / directories to copy into the runtime stage. The default is an empty list, i.e., copy the entire prefix. runtime_environment: Dictionary of environment variables and values, e.g., `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` and `PATH`, to set in the runtime stage. The default is an empty dictionary. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. url: The URL of the package to build. One of this parameter or the `repository` or `package` parameters must be specified. # Examples ```python generic_cmake(cmake_opts=['-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release', '-D CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/cuda', '-D GMX_BUILD_OWN_FFTW=ON', '-D GMX_GPU=ON', '-D GMX_MPI=OFF', '-D GMX_OPENMP=ON', '-D GMX_PREFER_STATIC_LIBS=ON', '-D MPIEXEC_PREFLAGS=--allow-run-as-root'], directory='gromacs-2018.2', prefix='/usr/local/gromacs', url='') ``` ```python generic_cmake(branch='v0.8.0', cmake_opts=['-D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE', '-D QUDA_DIRAC_CLOVER=ON', '-D QUDA_DIRAC_DOMAIN_WALL=ON', '-D QUDA_DIRAC_STAGGERED=ON', '-D QUDA_DIRAC_TWISTED_CLOVER=ON', '-D QUDA_DIRAC_TWISTED_MASS=ON', '-D QUDA_DIRAC_WILSON=ON', '-D QUDA_FORCE_GAUGE=ON', '-D QUDA_FORCE_HISQ=ON', '-D QUDA_GPU_ARCH=sm_70', '-D QUDA_INTERFACE_MILC=ON', '-D QUDA_INTERFACE_QDP=ON', '-D QUDA_LINK_HISQ=ON', '-D QUDA_MPI=ON'], prefix='/usr/local/quda', repository='') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(generic_cmake, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__annotations = kwargs.get('annotations', {}) self.__build_directory = kwargs.get('build_directory', 'build') self.__build_environment = kwargs.get('build_environment', {}) self.__check = kwargs.get('check', False) self.cmake_opts = kwargs.get('cmake_opts', []) self.__comment = kwargs.get('comment', True) self.__directory = kwargs.get('directory', None) self.environment_variables = kwargs.get('devel_environment', {}) self.__install = kwargs.get('install', True) self.__libdir = kwargs.get('libdir', 'lib') self.__make = kwargs.get('make', True) self.__postinstall = kwargs.get('postinstall', []) self.__preconfigure = kwargs.get('preconfigure', []) self.__recursive = kwargs.get('recursive', False) self.__run_arguments = kwargs.get('_run_arguments', None) self.__runtime = kwargs.get('runtime', []) self.runtime_environment_variables = kwargs.get('runtime_environment', {}) self.__toolchain = kwargs.get('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__commands = [] # Filled in by __setup() self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory # Construct the series of steps to execute self.__setup() # Fill in container instructions self.__instructions() def __instructions(self): """Fill in container instructions""" if self.__comment: if self.url: self += comment(self.url, reformat=False) elif self.repository: self += comment(self.repository, reformat=False) elif self.package: self += comment(self.package, reformat=False) if self.package: self += copy(src=self.package, dest=posixpath.join(self.__wd, os.path.basename(self.package))) self += shell(_arguments=self.__run_arguments, commands=self.__commands) self += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) self += label(metadata=self.annotate_step()) def __setup(self): """Construct the series of shell commands, i.e., fill in self.__commands""" # Get source self.__commands.append(self.download_step(recursive=self.__recursive, wd=self.__wd)) # directory containing the unarchived package if self.__directory: if posixpath.isabs(self.__directory): self.src_directory = self.__directory else: self.src_directory = posixpath.join(self.__wd, self.__directory) # sanity check if not self.src_directory: raise RuntimeError('source directory is not defined') # Preconfigure setup if self.__preconfigure: # Assume the preconfigure commands should be run from the # source directory self.__commands.append('cd {}'.format(self.src_directory)) self.__commands.extend(self.__preconfigure) # Configure build_environment = [] if self.__build_environment: for key, val in sorted(self.__build_environment.items()): build_environment.append('{0}={1}'.format(key, val)) self.__commands.append(self.configure_step( build_directory=self.__build_directory, directory=self.src_directory, environment=build_environment, toolchain=self.__toolchain)) # Build if self.__make: self.__commands.append(self.build_step()) # Check the build if self.__check: self.__commands.append(self.build_step(target='check')) # Install if self.__install: self.__commands.append(self.build_step(target='install')) if self.__postinstall: # Assume the postinstall commands should be run from the # install directory self.__commands.append('cd {}'.format(self.prefix)) self.__commands.extend(self.__postinstall) # Set library path if self.ldconfig: self.__commands.append(self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.prefix, self.__libdir))) for key,value in self.__annotations.items(): self.add_annotation(key, value) # Cleanup remove = [self.src_directory] if self.url: remove.append(posixpath.join(self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.url))) elif self.package: remove.append(posixpath.join(self.__wd, posixpath.basename(self.package))) if self.__build_directory: if posixpath.isabs(self.__build_directory): remove.append(self.__build_directory) self.__commands.append(self.cleanup_step(items=remove)) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python g = generic_cmake(...) Stage0 += g Stage1 += g.runtime() ``` """ if self.prefix: if self.__comment: if self.url: self.rt += comment(self.url, reformat=False) elif self.repository: self.rt += comment(self.repository, reformat=False) if self.__runtime: for src in self.__runtime: if '*' in posixpath.basename(src): # When using COPY with more than one source file, # the destination must be a directory and end with # a / dest = posixpath.dirname(src) + '/' else: dest = src self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=src, dest=dest) else: # Copy the entire prefix self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=self.prefix, dest=self.prefix) if self.ldconfig: self.rt += shell(commands=[self.ldcache_step( directory=posixpath.join(self.prefix, self.__libdir))]) if self.runtime_environment_variables: self.rt += environment( variables=self.environment_step(runtime=True)) if self.annotate: self.rt += label(metadata=self.annotate_step()) return str(self.rt) else: # pragma: no cover return
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """MAGMA building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import posixpath import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_cmake import generic_cmake from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment class magma(bb_base, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `magma` building block configures, builds, and installs the [MAGMA]( component. The [CMake](#cmake) building block should be installed prior to this building block. Either the [MKL](#mkl) or [OpenBLAS](#openblas) building block should also be installed. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. cmake_opts: List of options to pass to `cmake`. The default value is an empty list. gpu_target: List of GPU architectures to compile. The default values are `Pascal`, `Volta`, and `Turing`. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. The default values are `tar` and `wget`. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/magma`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default is empty. version: The version of MAGMA source to download. The default value is `2.5.3`. # Examples ```python magma(prefix='/opt/magma', version='2.5.3') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(magma, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__cmake_opts = kwargs.pop('cmake_opts', []) self.__gpu_target = kwargs.pop('gpu_target', ['Pascal', 'Volta', 'Turing']) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', ['tar', 'wget']) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/magma') self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '2.5.3') # Set the cmake options self.__cmake() # Setup the environment variables self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include')) self.environment_variables['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_cmake( annotations={'version': self.__version}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, comment=False, cmake_opts=self.__cmake_opts, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, url='{0}/magma-{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version), **kwargs) # Container instructions self += comment('MAGMA version {}'.format(self.__version)) self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) self += self.__bb def __cmake(self): """Setup cmake options based on users parameters""" # GPU architectures if self.__gpu_target: self.__cmake_opts.append('-DGPU_TARGET="{}"'.format( ' '.join(self.__gpu_target))) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python m = magma(...) Stage0 += m Stage1 += m.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('MAGMA') self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """Building block base class""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import hpccm.base_object class bb_instructions(hpccm.base_object): """Base class for building block instructions.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block instruction class""" super(bb_instructions, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__instructions_bb = [] def __iadd__(self, instruction): """Add the instruction to the list of instructions. Allows "+=" syntax.""" if isinstance(instruction, list): self.__instructions_bb.extend(instruction) else: self.__instructions_bb.append(instruction) return self def __getitem__(self, key): """Return the specified element from the list of instructions""" return self.__instructions_bb[key] def __len__(self): """Return the size of the list of instructions""" return len(self.__instructions_bb) def __str__(self): """String representation of the building block""" return '\n'.join(str(x) for x in self.__instructions_bb if str(x)) class bb_base(bb_instructions): """Base class for building blocks.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(bb_base, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Runtime instructions are kept in a separate list from the # "regular" instructions self.rt = bb_instructions()
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """NVSHMEM building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import os import posixpath import hpccm.templates.downloader import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig import hpccm.templates.rm import hpccm.templates.tar from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_build import generic_build from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from import shell class nvshmem(bb_base, hpccm.templates.downloader, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig, hpccm.templates.rm, hpccm.templates.tar): """The `nvshmem` building block builds and installs the [NVSHMEM]( component. # Parameters binary_tarball: Path to NVSHMEM binary tarball relative to the build context. The default value is empty. Either this parameter or `package` must be specified. cuda: Flag to specify the path to the CUDA installation. The default is `/usr/local/cuda`. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH`, `LIBRARY_PATH`, and `PATH`) should be modified to include NVSHMEM. The default is True. gdrcopy: Flag to specify the path to the GDRCOPY installation. The default is empty. hydra: Boolean flag to specify whether the Hydra process launcher should be installed. If True, adds `automake` to the list of OS packages. The default is False. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the NVSHMEM library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the NVSHMEM library directory. The default value is False. make_variables: Dictionary of environment variables and values to set when building NVSHMEM. The default is an empty dictionary. mpi: Flag to specify the path to the MPI installation. The default is empty, i.e., do not build NVSHMEM with MPI support. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to building. The default values are `make` and `wget`. package: Path to the NVSHMEM source package relative to the build context. The default value is empty. Either this parameter or `binary_tarball` must be specified. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/nvshmem`. shmem: Flag to specify the path to the SHMEM installation. The default is empty, i.e., do not build NVSHMEM with SHMEM support. version: The version of NVSHMEM source to download. The default value is `2.2.1`. # Examples ```python nvshmem(mpi='/usr/local/openmpi', version='2.1.2') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(nvshmem, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__binary_tarball = kwargs.pop('binary_tarball', None) self.__cuda = kwargs.pop('cuda', '/usr/local/cuda') self.__gdrcopy = kwargs.pop('gdrcopy', None) self.__hydra = kwargs.pop('hydra', False) self.__make_variables = kwargs.pop('make_variables', {}) self.__mpi = kwargs.pop('mpi', None) self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', ['make', 'wget']) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/nvshmem') self.__release = kwargs.pop('release', '0') self.__shmem = kwargs.pop('shmem', None) self.__src_directory = kwargs.pop('src_directory', None) self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '2.2.1') self.__wd = kwargs.get('wd', hpccm.config.g_wd) # working directory # Set the download specific parameters self.__download() kwargs['url'] = self.url if self.__src_directory: kwargs['directory'] = self.__src_directory # Setup the environment variables self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include')) self.environment_variables['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format(posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib')) # Add packages if self.__hydra: self.__ospackages.append('automake') if self.__version and not self.__binary_tarball and not self.package: self += comment('NVSHMEM {}'.format(self.__version)) else: self += comment('NVSHMEM') self += packages(ospackages=self.__ospackages) if self.__binary_tarball: # Shorthand for the tarball file inside the container tarball = posixpath.join(self.__wd, os.path.basename(self.__binary_tarball)) self += copy(src=self.__binary_tarball, dest=tarball) self += shell(commands=[ # Untar binary package self.untar_step( tarball=tarball, # remove the leading directory, e.g., install in # /usr/local/nvshmem not # /usr/local/nvshmem/nvshmem_<version>_<arch>. args=['--strip-components=1'], directory=self.__prefix), # Install Hydra process launcher '{0}/scripts/ {1} {0}'.format( self.__prefix, self.__wd) if self.__hydra else None, # Remove temporary files and cleanup self.cleanup_step(items=[tarball])]) self += environment(variables=self.environment_variables) else: # Build from source # Set the build options self.__configure() self.__bb = generic_build( build = [ '{} make -j$(nproc) install'.format( self.__build_environment), './scripts/ {1} {0}'.format( self.__prefix, self.__wd) if self.__hydra else None], comment=False, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, **kwargs) self += self.__bb def __configure(self): """Setup build options based on user parameters""" e = {} e['NVSHMEM_PREFIX'] = self.__prefix # Default to 0 unless MPI/SHMEM is requested e['NVSHMEM_MPI_SUPPORT'] = 0 if self.__cuda: e['CUDA_HOME'] = self.__cuda if self.__gdrcopy: e['GDRCOPY_HOME'] = self.__gdrcopy if self.__mpi: e['NVSHMEM_MPI_SUPPORT'] = 1 e['MPI_HOME'] = self.__mpi if self.__shmem: e['NVSHMEM_SHMEM_SUPPORT'] = 1 e['SHMEM_HOME'] = self.__shmem if self.__make_variables: e.update(self.__make_variables) l = [] if e: for key, val in sorted(e.items()): l.append('{0}={1}'.format(key, val)) self.__build_environment = ' '.join(l) def __download(self): """Set download source based on user parameters""" if not self.package and not self.repository and not self.url: self.url = '{0}/source/nvshmem_src_{0}-{1}.txz'.format(self.__version, self.__release) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python n = nvshmem(...) Stage0 += n Stage1 += n.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('NVSHMEM') if self.__binary_tarball: self.rt += copy(_from=_from, src=self.__prefix, dest=self.__prefix) self.rt += environment(variables=self.environment_step()) else: self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """rdma-core building block""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from six import string_types from distutils.version import StrictVersion import posixpath import hpccm.config import hpccm.templates.downloader import hpccm.templates.envvars import hpccm.templates.ldconfig from hpccm.building_blocks.base import bb_base from hpccm.building_blocks.generic_cmake import generic_cmake from hpccm.building_blocks.packages import packages from hpccm.common import cpu_arch from hpccm.common import linux_distro from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.toolchain import toolchain class rdma_core(bb_base, hpccm.templates.downloader, hpccm.templates.envvars, hpccm.templates.ldconfig): """The `rdma_core` building block configures, builds, and installs the [RDMA Core]( component. The [CMake](#cmake) building block should be installed prior to this building block. # Parameters annotate: Boolean flag to specify whether to include annotations (labels). The default is False. branch: The git branch to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the default branch for the repository. commit: The git commit to clone. Only recognized if the `repository` parameter is specified. The default is empty, i.e., use the latest commit on the default branch for the repository. environment: Boolean flag to specify whether the environment (`CPATH`, `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, `LIBRARY_PATH`, and `PATH`) should be modified to include RDMA Core. The default is True. ldconfig: Boolean flag to specify whether the RDMA Core library directory should be added dynamic linker cache. If False, then `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is modified to include the RDMA Core library directory. The default value is False. ospackages: List of OS packages to install prior to configuring and building. For Ubuntu, the default values are `libudev-dev`, `libnl-3-dev`, `libnl-route-3-dev`, `make`, `pkg-config`, `python3-docutils`, `pandoc`, and `wget`. For RHEL-based Linux distributions, the default values are `libnl3-devel`, `libudev-devel`, `make`, `pkgconfig`, `pandoc`, `python-docutils`, and `wget`. If the `repository` parameter is set, then `ca-certificates` and `git` are also included. prefix: The top level install location. The default value is `/usr/local/rdma-core`. repository: The location of the git repository that should be used to build RDMA Core. If True, then use the default `` repository. The default is empty, i.e., use the release package specified by `version`. toolchain: The toolchain object. This should be used if non-default compilers or other toolchain options are needed. The default value is empty. url: The location of the tarball that should be used to build RDMA Core. The default is empty, i.e., use the release package specified by `version`. version: The version of RDMA Core source to download. The default value is `31.2`. # Examples ```python rdma_core(prefix='/opt/rdma-core/31.2', version='31.2') ``` ```python rdma_core(repository='') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize building block""" super(rdma_core, self).__init__(**kwargs) # Parameters self.__baseurl = kwargs.pop('baseurl', '') self.__default_repository = '' self.__ospackages = kwargs.pop('ospackages', []) self.__prefix = kwargs.pop('prefix', '/usr/local/rdma-core') self.__runtime_ospackages = [] # Filled in by __distro() self.__toolchain = kwargs.pop('toolchain', toolchain()) self.__version = kwargs.pop('version', '31.2') # Set the Linux distribution specific parameters self.__distro() # Set the download specific parameters self.__download() kwargs['repository'] = self.repository kwargs['url'] = self.url # Setup the environment variables self.environment_variables['CPATH'] = '{}:$CPATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'include')) self.environment_variables['LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{0}:{1}:$LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib'), posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib64')) self.environment_variables['PATH'] = '{}:$PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'bin')) if not self.ldconfig: self.environment_variables['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = '{0}:{1}:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.format( posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib'), posixpath.join(self.__prefix, 'lib64')) # Setup build configuration self.__bb = generic_cmake( annotations={'version': self.__version} if not self.repository else {}, base_annotation=self.__class__.__name__, comment=False, devel_environment=self.environment_variables, directory='rdma-core-{}'.format(self.__version) if self.url else None, prefix=self.__prefix, runtime_environment=self.environment_variables, toolchain=self.__toolchain, **kwargs) # Container instructions if self.repository: if self.branch: self += comment('RDMA Core {} {}'.format(self.repository, self.branch)) elif self.commit: self += comment('RDMA Core {} {}'.format(self.repository, self.commit)) else: self += comment('RDMA Core {}'.format(self.repository)) else: self += comment('RDMA Core version {}'.format(self.__version)) # pandoc is in EPEL on CentOS 7 and PowerTools on CentOS 8 self += packages(epel=True, ospackages=self.__ospackages, powertools=True) self += self.__bb def __distro(self): """Based on the Linux distribution, set values accordingly. A user specified value overrides any defaults.""" if hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.UBUNTU: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['libudev-dev', 'libnl-3-dev', 'libnl-route-3-dev', 'make', 'pkg-config', 'python3-docutils', 'pandoc', 'wget'] self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libnl-3-200', 'libnl-route-3-200', 'libnuma1'] elif hpccm.config.g_linux_distro == linux_distro.CENTOS: if not self.__ospackages: self.__ospackages = ['libnl3-devel', 'libudev-devel', 'make', 'pkgconfig', 'pandoc', 'wget'] if hpccm.config.g_linux_version >= StrictVersion('8.0'): self.__ospackages.append('python3-docutils') else: self.__ospackages.append('python-docutils') self.__runtime_ospackages = ['libnl', 'libnl3', 'numactl-libs'] else: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError('Unknown Linux distribution') if self.repository: self.__ospackages.extend(['ca-certificates', 'git']) def __download(self): """Set download source based on user parameters""" # Use the default repository if set to True if self.repository is True: self.repository = self.__default_repository if not self.repository and not self.url: self.url = '{0}/v{1}.tar.gz'.format(self.__baseurl, self.__version) def runtime(self, _from='0'): """Generate the set of instructions to install the runtime specific components from a build in a previous stage. # Examples ```python r = rdma_core(...) Stage0 += r Stage1 += r.runtime() ``` """ self.rt += comment('RDMA Core') self.rt += packages(ospackages=self.__runtime_ospackages) self.rt += self.__bb.runtime(_from=_from) return str(self.rt)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """User primitive""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type class user(object): """The `user` primitive sets the user name to use for any subsequent steps. This primitive is the null operation for Singularity. # Parameters user: The user name to use. The default is an empty string. # Examples ```python user(user='ncognito') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize primitive""" self.user = kwargs.get('user', '') def __str__(self): """String representation of the primitive""" if self.user: if hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.DOCKER: return 'USER {}'.format(self.user) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY: return '' elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.BASH: return '' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown container type') else: logging.error('No user specified') return ''
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """Comment primitive""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import re import textwrap import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type class comment(object): """The `comment` primitive inserts a comment into the corresponding place in the container specification file. # Parameters _app: String containing the [SCI-F]( identifier. This also causes the comment to be enclosed in a Singularity block to named `%apphelp` (Singularity specific). reformat: Boolean flag to specify whether the comment string should be wrapped to fit into lines not exceeding 80 characters. The default is True. # Examples ```python comment('libfoo version X.Y') ``` """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Initialize primitive""" #super(comment, self).__init__() try: self.__string = args[0] except IndexError: self.__string = '' self._app = kwargs.get('_app', False) # Singularity specific self.__reformat = kwargs.get('reformat', True) def __str__(self): """String representation of the primitive""" if self.__string: # Comments are universal (so far...) if (self._app and hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY): return '%apphelp {0}\n{1}'.format(self._app, self.__string) if self.__reformat: # Wrap comments return textwrap.fill(self.__string, initial_indent='# ', subsequent_indent='# ', width=70) else: # Just prepend but otherwise apply no formatting return re.sub('^', '# ', self.__string, flags=re.MULTILINE) else: return '' def merge(self, lst, _app=None): """Merge one or more instances of the primitive into a single instance. Due to conflicts or option differences the merged primitive may not be exact merger. """ if not lst: # pragma: nocover raise RuntimeError('no items provided to merge') s = [] for item in lst: if not item.__class__.__name__ == 'comment': # pragma: nocover logging.warning('item is not the correct type, skipping...') continue s.append(item._comment__string) return comment('\n'.join(s), reformat=False, _app=_app)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """Working directory primitive""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type from import shell class workdir(object): """The `workdir` primitive sets the working directory for any subsequent operations. As a side effect, if the directory does not exist, it is created. # Parameters directory: The directory path. # Examples ```python workdir(directory='/path/to/directory') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize primitive""" #super(workdir, self).__init__() = kwargs.get('directory', '') def __str__(self): """String representation of the primitive""" if if hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.DOCKER: return 'WORKDIR {}'.format( elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY: s = shell(commands=['mkdir -p {}'.format(, 'cd {}'.format(]) return str(s) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.BASH: logging.warning('workdir primitive does not map into bash') return '' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown container type') else: logging.error('No directory specified') return ''
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """Raw primitive""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type class raw(object): """The `raw` primitive inserts the specified string, without modification, into the corresponding place in the container specification file. Generally, the string should be functionally equivalent for each container format. Wherever possible, the raw primitive should be avoided and other, more portable, primitives should be used instead. # Parameters docker: String containing the Dockerfile instruction (Docker specific). singularity: String containing the Singularity instruction (Singularity specific). # Examples ```python raw(docker='COPY --from=0 /usr/local/openmpi /usr/local/openmpi', singularity='# no equivalent to --from') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Raw primitive""" #super(raw, self).__init__() self.__docker = kwargs.get('docker', '') # Docker specific self.__singularity = kwargs.get('singularity', '') # Singularity # specific def __str__(self): """String representation of the primitive""" if hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.DOCKER: return str(self.__docker) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY: return str(self.__singularity) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.BASH: return '' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown container type')
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """Shell primitive""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type class shell(object): """The `shell` primitive specifies a series of shell commands to execute. # Parameters _app: String containing the [SCI-F]( identifier. This also causes the Singularity block to named `%appinstall` rather than `%post` (Singularity specific). _appenv: Boolean flag to specify whether the general container environment should be also be loaded when executing a SCI-F `%appinstall` block. The default is False. _arguments: Specify additional [Dockerfile RUN arguments]( (Docker specific). chdir: Boolean flag to specify whether to change the working directory to `/` before executing any commands. Docker automatically resets the working directory for each `RUN` instruction. Setting this option to True makes Singularity behave the same. This option is ignored for Docker. The default is True. commands: A list of commands to execute. The default is an empty list. _test: Boolean flag to specify whether to use `%test` instead of `%post` and `%apptest` instead of `%appinstall` as the Singularity section headings (Singularity specific). # Examples ```python shell(commands=['cd /path/to/src', './configure', 'make install']) ``` ```python # Cache Go packages shell(_arguments='--mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/go-build', commands=['cd /path/to/go-src', 'go build']) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize primitive""" #super(wget, self).__init__() self._app = kwargs.get('_app', '') # Singularity specific self._appenv = kwargs.get('_appenv', False) # Singularity specific self._arguments = kwargs.get('_arguments', '') # Docker specific self.chdir = kwargs.get('chdir', True) self.commands = kwargs.get('commands', []) self._test = kwargs.get('_test', False) # Singularity specific def __str__(self): """String representation of the primitive""" if self.commands: # Remove empty items from the list of commands self.commands = [x for x in self.commands if x] if hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.DOCKER: if self._app: logging.warning('The Singularity specific %app.. syntax ' 'was requested. Docker does not have an ' 'equivalent: using regular RUN!') if self._appenv: logging.warning('The Singularity specific _appenv argument ' 'was given: ignoring argument!') # Format: # RUN cmd1 && \ # cmd2 && \ # cmd3 s = ['RUN '] if self._arguments: s[0] += self._arguments + ' ' s[0] += self.commands[0] s.extend([' {}'.format(x) for x in self.commands[1:]]) return ' && \\\n'.join(s) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY: if self._arguments: logging.warning('The Docker specific _arguments was given: ' 'ignoring statement!') # Format: # %post [OR %appinstall app_name] # cmd1 # cmd2 # cmd3 if self._app: s = ['%appinstall {0}'.format(self._app)] if self._test: s = ['%apptest {0}'.format(self._app)] # Do not `cd /` here: Singularity %appinstall is already # run in its own working directory at /scif/apps/[appname]. # %appinstall commands do not run in regular Singularity # environment. If _appenv=True load environment. if self._appenv: s.append(' for f in /.singularity.d/env/*; do . $f; ' 'done') else: if self._appenv: logging.warning('The _appenv argument has to be used ' 'together with the _app argument: ' 'ignoring argument!') s = ['%post'] if self._test: s = ['%test'] # For consistency with Docker. Docker resets the # working directory to '/' at the beginning of each # 'RUN' instruction. if self.chdir: s.append(' cd /') s.extend([' {}'.format(x) for x in self.commands]) return '\n'.join(s) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.BASH: s = [] if self.chdir: s.insert(0, 'cd /') s.extend(self.commands) return '\n'.join(s) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown container type') else: return '' def merge(self, lst, _app=None, _appenv=False, _test=False): """Merge one or more instances of the primitive into a single instance. Due to conflicts or option differences the merged primitive may not be exact merger. """ if not lst: # pragma: nocover raise RuntimeError('no items provided to merge') cmds = [] for item in lst: if not item.__class__.__name__ == 'shell': # pragma: nocover logging.warning('item is not the correct type, skipping...') continue cmds.extend(item.commands) return shell(commands=cmds, _app=_app, _appenv=_appenv, _test=_test)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """Runscript primitive""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import shlex from six.moves import shlex_quote import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type class runscript(object): """The `runscript` primitive specifies the commands to be invoked when the container starts. # Parameters _args: Boolean flag to specify whether `"$@"` should be appended to the command. If more than one command is specified, nothing is appended regardless of the value of this flag. The default is True (Singularity specific). _app: String containing the [SCI-F]( identifier. This also causes the Singularity block to named `%apprun` rather than `%runscript` (Singularity specific). commands: A list of commands to execute. The default is an empty list. _exec: Boolean flag to specify whether `exec` should be inserted to preface the final command. The default is True (Singularity specific). # Examples ```python runscript(commands=['cd /workdir', 'source']) ``` ```python runscript(commands=['/usr/local/bin/']) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize primitive""" #super(wget, self).__init__() self._args = kwargs.get('_args', True) # Singularity specific self._app = kwargs.get('_app', '') # Singularity specific self._exec = kwargs.get('_exec', True) # Singularity specific self.commands = kwargs.get('commands', []) def __str__(self): """String representation of the primitive""" if self.commands: if hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.DOCKER: if self._app: logging.warning('The Singularity specific %app.. syntax was ' 'requested. Docker does not have an ' 'equivalent: using regular ENTRYPOINT!') if len(self.commands) > 1: logging.warning('Multiple commands given to runscript. ' 'Docker ENTRYPOINT supports just one cmd: ' 'ignoring remaining commands!') # Format: # ENTRYPOINT ["cmd1", "arg1", "arg2", ...] s = [] s.extend('"{}"'.format(shlex_quote(x)) for x in shlex.split(self.commands[0])) return 'ENTRYPOINT [' + ', '.join(s) + ']' elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY: if self._exec: # prepend last command with exec self.commands[-1] = 'exec {0}'.format(self.commands[-1]) if len(self.commands) == 1 and self._args: # append "$@" to singleton command self.commands[0] = '{} "$@"'.format(self.commands[0]) # Format: # %runscript # cmd1 # cmd2 # exec cmd3 if self._app: s = ['%apprun {0}'.format(self._app)] else: s = ['%runscript'] s.extend([' {}'.format(x) for x in self.commands]) return '\n'.join(s) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.BASH: logging.warning('runscript primitive does not map into bash') return '' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown container type') else: return '' def merge(self, lst, _app=None): """Merge one or more instances of the primitive into a single instance. Due to conflicts or option differences the merged primitive may not be exact. """ if not lst: # pragma: nocover raise RuntimeError('no items provided to merge') cmds = [] for item in lst: if not item.__class__.__name__ == 'runscript': # pragma: nocover logging.warning('item is not the correct type, skipping...') continue cmds.extend(item.commands) return runscript(commands=cmds, _app=_app)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import __all__ = ['baseimage', 'blob', 'comment', 'copy', 'environment', 'label', 'raw', 'runscript', 'shell', 'user', 'workdir'] from hpccm.primitives.baseimage import baseimage from hpccm.primitives.blob import blob from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from hpccm.primitives.copy import copy from hpccm.primitives.environment import environment from hpccm.primitives.label import label from hpccm.primitives.raw import raw from hpccm.primitives.runscript import runscript from import shell from hpccm.primitives.user import user from hpccm.primitives.workdir import workdir
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """Copy primitive""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import posixpath import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type class copy(object): """The `copy` primitive copies files from the host to the container image. # Parameters _app: String containing the [SCI-F]( identifier. This also causes the Singularity block to named `%appfiles` rather than `%files` (Singularity specific). _chown: Set the ownership of the file(s) in the container image (Docker specific). dest: Path in the container image to copy the file(s) files: A dictionary of file pairs, source and destination, to copy into the container image. If specified, has precedence over `dest` and `src`. _from: Set the source location to a previous build stage rather than the host filesystem (Docker specific). _mkdir: Boolean flag specifying that the destination directory should be created in a separate `%setup` step. This can be used to work around the Singularity limitation that the destination directory must exist in the container image prior to copying files into the image. The default is False (Singularity specific). _post: Boolean flag specifying that file(s) should be first copied to `/` and then moved to the final destination by a `%post` step. This can be used to work around the Singularity limitation that the destination must exist in the container image prior to copying files into the image. The default is False (Singularity specific). src: A file, or a list of files, to copy # Examples ```python copy(src='component', dest='/opt/component') ``` ```python copy(src=['a', 'b', 'c'], dest='/tmp') ``` ```python copy(files={'a': '/tmp/a', 'b': '/opt/b'}) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize primitive""" #super(copy, self).__init__() self._app = kwargs.get('_app', '') # Singularity specific self.__chown = kwargs.get('_chown', '') # Docker specific self.__dest = kwargs.get('dest', '') self.__files = kwargs.get('files', {}) self.__from = kwargs.get('_from', '') # Docker specific self._mkdir = kwargs.get('_mkdir', '') # Singularity specific self._post = kwargs.get('_post', '') # Singularity specific self.__src = kwargs.get('src', '') if self._mkdir and self._post: logging.error('_mkdir and _post are mutually exclusive!') self._post = False # prefer _mkdir if self._app and (self._mkdir or self._post): logging.error('_app cannot be used with _mkdir or _post!') self._mkdir = False # prefer _app self._post = False def __str__(self): """String representation of the primitive""" # Build a list of files to make the logic a bit simpler below. # The items in the files list are dictionaries with keys 'src' # and 'dest'. files = [] if self.__files: # Sort to make it deterministic files.extend([{'dest': dest, 'src': src} for src, dest in sorted(self.__files.items())]) elif self.__dest and self.__src: files.append({'dest': self.__dest, 'src': self.__src}) else: # No files! return '' if hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.DOCKER: if self._app: logging.warning('The Singularity specific SCI-F syntax ' 'was requested. Docker does not have an ' 'equivalent: using regular COPY!') # Format: # COPY src1 \ # src2 \ # src3 \ # dest/ # COPY src1 dest1 # COPY src2 dest2 # COPY src3 dest3 base_inst = 'COPY ' if self.__chown: base_inst = base_inst + '--chown={} '.format(self.__chown) if self.__from: base_inst = base_inst + '--from={} '.format(self.__from) # Docker does not have the notion of copying a set of # files to different locations inside the container in a # single instruction. So generate multiple COPY # instructions in that case. instructions = [] for pair in files: dest = pair['dest'] src = pair['src'] c = [base_inst] if isinstance(src, list): c[0] = c[0] + src[0] c.extend([' {}'.format(x) for x in src[1:]]) # Docker requires a trailing slash. Add one if missing. c.append(' {}'.format(posixpath.join(dest, ''))) else: c[0] = c[0] + '{0} {1}'.format(src, dest) instructions.append(' \\\n'.join(c)) return '\n'.join(instructions) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY: # If any of the files are being staged in /tmp or /var/tmp, # issue a warning or error depending on the Singularity # version. # if (not self.__from and any(f['dest'].startswith(('/var/tmp', '/tmp')) for f in files)): msg = 'Singularity 3.6 and later no longer allow a temporary directory to be used to stage files into the container image. Modify the recipe or, in many cases, use --working-directory or hpccm.config.set_working_directory() to specify another location.' if hpccm.config.g_singularity_version >= StrictVersion('3.6'): raise RuntimeError(msg) else: logging.warning(msg) # Format: # %files # src1 dest # src2 dest # src3 dest # %files # src1 dest1 # src2 dest2 # src3 dest3 section = '%files' if (self.__from and hpccm.config.g_singularity_version >= StrictVersion('3.2')): section = section + ' from {}'.format(self.__from) if self._app: # SCIF appfiles does not support "from" section = '%appfiles {0}'.format(self._app) # Singularity will error if the destination does not # already exist in the container. The workarounds are to # either 1) prior to copying the files, create the # destination directories with %setup or 2) copy the files # to a path guaranteed to exist, "/", and then move them # later with %post. Option 1 is the "pre" approach, # option 2 is the "post" approach. flat_files = [] post = [] # post actions if _post is enabled pre = [] # pre actions if _mkdir is enabled for pair in files: dest = pair['dest'] src = pair['src'] if self._post: dest = '/' if isinstance(src, list): for s in src: flat_files.append(' {0} {1}'.format(s, dest)) if self._post: post.append(' mv /{0} {1}'.format(posixpath.basename(s), posixpath.join(pair['dest'], s))) if (self._mkdir and posixpath.dirname(dest) != '/' and posixpath.basename(dest) != dest): # When multiple files are to be copied to the # same destination, assume the destination is # a directory pre.append(' mkdir -p ${{SINGULARITY_ROOTFS}}{0}'.format(dest)) else: flat_files.append(' {0} {1}'.format(src, dest)) if (self._mkdir and posixpath.dirname(dest) != '/' and posixpath.basename(dest) != dest): # When a single file is to be copied to a # destination, assume the destination is a # file. pre.append(' mkdir -p ${{SINGULARITY_ROOTFS}}{0}'.format(posixpath.dirname(dest))) elif self._post: post.append(' mv /{0} {1}'.format(posixpath.basename(src), pair['dest'])) s = '' if pre: s += '%setup\n' + '\n'.join(pre) + '\n' s += section + '\n' + '\n'.join(flat_files) if post: s += '\n%post\n' + '\n'.join(post) return s elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.BASH: logging.warning('copy primitive does not map into bash') return '' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown container type') def merge(self, lst, _app=None): """Merge one or more instances of the primitive into a single instance. Due to conflicts or option differences the merged primitive may not be exact merger. """ if not lst: # pragma: nocover raise RuntimeError('no items provided to merge') files = {} for item in lst: if not item.__class__.__name__ == 'copy': # pragma: nocover logging.warning('item is not the correct type, skipping...') continue if item._copy__files: files.update(item._copy__files) elif isinstance(item._copy__src, list): # Build a files dictionary from src / dest options. # src is a list. for s in item._copy__src: files.update({s: item._copy__dest}) else: # Build a files dictionary from src / dest options. files.update({item._copy__src: item._copy__dest}) return copy(files=files, _app=_app)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """Base image primitive""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import re import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type from hpccm.primitives.comment import comment from import shell class baseimage(object): """The `baseimage` primitive defines the base image to be used. # Parameters _arch: The underlying CPU architecture of the base image. Valid values are `aarch64`, `ppc64le`, and `x86_64`. By default, the primitive attemps to figure out the CPU architecture by inspecting the image identifier, and falls back to system architecture if unable to determine the CPU architecture automatically. _as: Name for the stage. When using Singularity multi-stage recipes, this value must be specified. The default value is empty. _bootstrap: The Singularity bootstrap agent. This default value is `docker` (Singularity specific). _distro: The underlying Linux distribution of the base image. Valid values are `centos`, `centos7`, `centos8`, `redhat`, `rhel`, `rhel7`, `rhel8`, `rockylinux8`, `ubuntu`, `ubuntu16`, `ubuntu18`, `ubuntu20`, and `ubuntu22`. By default, the primitive attempts to figure out the Linux distribution by inspecting the image identifier, and falls back to `ubuntu` if unable to determine the Linux distribution automatically. _docker_env: Boolean specifying whether to load the Docker base image environment, i.e., source `/.singularity.d/env/10-docker*.sh` (Singularity specific). The default value is True. image: The image identifier to use as the base image. The default value is `ubuntu:18.04`. AS: Name for the build stage (Docker specific). The default value is empty. This parameter is deprecated; use `_as` instead. # Examples ```python baseimage(image='nvidia/cuda:9.1-devel') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize the primitive""" #super(baseimage, self).__init__() self.__arch = kwargs.get('_arch', '') self.__as = kwargs.get('AS', '') # Deprecated self.__as = kwargs.get('_as', self.__as) self.__bootstrap = kwargs.get('_bootstrap', 'docker') self.image = kwargs.get('image', 'ubuntu:18.04') self.__distro = kwargs.get('_distro', '') self.__docker_env = kwargs.get('_docker_env', True) # Singularity specific # Set the global CPU architecture. User the user specified # value if available, otherwise try to figure it out based on # the image name. self.__arch = self.__arch.lower() if self.__arch == 'aarch64': hpccm.config.set_cpu_architecture('aarch64') elif self.__arch == 'ppc64le': hpccm.config.set_cpu_architecture('ppc64le') elif self.__arch == 'x86_64': hpccm.config.set_cpu_architecture('x86_64') elif'aarch64|arm64', self.image): hpccm.config.set_cpu_architecture('aarch64') elif'ppc64le', self.image): hpccm.config.set_cpu_architecture('ppc64le') else: # Unable to figure out the architecture, so use the # default, which should be the architecture of the machine # running HPCCM pass # Set the global Linux distribution. Use the user specified # value if available, otherwise try to figure it out based on # the image name. self.__distro = self.__distro.lower() if self.__distro == 'ubuntu': hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('ubuntu') elif self.__distro == 'ubuntu16': hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('ubuntu16') elif self.__distro == 'ubuntu18': hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('ubuntu18') elif self.__distro == 'ubuntu20': hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('ubuntu20') elif self.__distro == 'ubuntu22': hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('ubuntu22') elif self.__distro == 'centos': hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('centos') elif self.__distro == 'centos7': hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('centos7') elif self.__distro == 'centos8': hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('centos8') elif (self.__distro == 'rhel' or self.__distro == 'redhat'): hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('rhel') elif self.__distro == 'rhel7': hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('rhel7') elif self.__distro == 'rhel8': hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('rhel8') elif self.__distro == 'rockylinux8': hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('rockylinux8') elif'centos:?7', self.image): hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('centos7') elif'centos:?8', self.image): hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('centos8') elif'rockylinux:?8', self.image): hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('rockylinux8') elif'centos|rhel|redhat', self.image): hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('centos') elif'ubi:?7', self.image): hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('rhel7') elif'ubi:?8', self.image): hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('rhel8') elif'ubuntu:?16', self.image): hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('ubuntu16') elif'ubuntu:?18', self.image): hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('ubuntu18') elif'ubuntu:?20', self.image): hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('ubuntu20') elif'ubuntu:?22', self.image): hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('ubuntu22') elif'ubuntu', self.image): hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('ubuntu') else: logging.warning('Unable to determine the Linux distribution, defaulting to Ubuntu') hpccm.config.set_linux_distro('ubuntu') def __str__(self): """String representation of the primitive""" if hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.DOCKER: image = 'FROM {}'.format(self.image) if self.__as: image = image + ' AS {}'.format(self.__as) return image elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY: image = 'BootStrap: {0}\nFrom: {1}'.format(self.__bootstrap, self.image) if (self.__as and hpccm.config.g_singularity_version >= StrictVersion('3.2')): image = image + '\nStage: {}'.format(self.__as) image = str(comment('NOTE: this definition file depends on features only available in Singularity 3.2 and later.')) + '\n' + image # Singularity does not inherit the environment from the # Docker base image automatically. Do it manually. if self.__docker_env: docker_env = shell( chdir=False, commands=['. /.singularity.d/env/10-docker*.sh']) image = image + '\n' + str(docker_env) return image elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.BASH: return '#!/bin/bash -ex' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown container type')
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """Label primitive""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type class label(object): """The `label` primitive sets container metadata. # Parameters _app: String containing the [SCI-F]( identifier. This also causes the Singularity block to named `%applabels` rather than `%labels` (Singularity specific). metadata: A dictionary of key / value pairs. The default is an empty dictionary. # Examples ```python label(metadata={'maintainer': 'jane@doe'}) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize primitive""" #super(label, self).__init__() self._app = kwargs.get('_app', '') # Singularity specific self.__metadata = kwargs.get('metadata', {}) def __str__(self): """String representation of the primitive""" if self.__metadata: if hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.DOCKER: if self._app: logging.warning('The Singularity specific %app.. syntax ' 'was requested. Docker does not have an ' 'equivalent: using regular LABEL!') # Format: # LABEL K1=V1 \ # K2=V2 \ # K3=V3 keyvals = [] for key, val in sorted(self.__metadata.items()): keyvals.append('{0}={1}'.format(key, val)) l = ['LABEL {}'.format(keyvals[0])] l.extend([' {}'.format(x) for x in keyvals[1:]]) return ' \\\n'.join(l) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY: # Format: # %labels # K1 V1 # K2 V2 # K3 V3 keyvals = [] for key, val in sorted(self.__metadata.items()): keyvals.append('{0} {1}'.format(key, val)) if self._app: l = ['%applabels {0}'.format(self._app)] else: l = ['%labels'] l.extend([' {}'.format(x) for x in keyvals]) return '\n'.join(l) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.BASH: logging.warning('label primitive does not map into bash') return '' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown container type') else: return '' def merge(self, lst, _app=None): """Merge one or more instances of the primitive into a single instance. Due to conflicts or option differences the merged primitive may not be exact. """ if not lst: # pragma: nocover raise RuntimeError('no items provided to merge') labels = {} for item in lst: if not item.__class__.__name__ == 'label': # pragma: nocover logging.warning('item is not the correct type, skipping...') continue labels.update(item._label__metadata) return label(metadata=labels, _app=_app)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """Environment primitive""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type class environment(object): """The `environment` primitive sets the corresponding environment variables. Note, for Singularity, this primitive may set environment variables for the container runtime but not for the container build process (see this [rationale]( See the `_export` parameter for more information. # Parameters _app: String containing the [SCI-F]( identifier. This also causes the Singularity block to named `%appenv` rather than `%environment` (Singularity specific). _export: A Boolean flag to specify whether the environment should also be set for the Singularity build context (Singularity specific). Variables defined in the Singularity `%environment` section are only defined when the container is run and not for subsequent build steps (unlike the analogous Docker `ENV` instruction). If this flag is true, then in addition to the `%environment` section, a identical `%post` section is generated to export the variables for subsequent build steps. The default value is True. variables: A dictionary of key / value pairs. The default is an empty dictionary. # Examples ```python environment(variables={'PATH': '/usr/local/bin:$PATH'}) ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize primitive""" #super(environment, self).__init__() # Singularity does not export environment variables into the # current build context when using the '%environment' section. # The variables are only set when the container is run. If # this variable is True, then also generate a '%post' section # to set the variables for the build context. self._app = kwargs.get('_app', '') # Singularity specific self.__export = kwargs.get('_export', True) # Singularity specific self.__variables = kwargs.get('variables', {}) def __str__(self): """String representation of the primitive""" if self.__variables: keyvals = [] for key, val in sorted(self.__variables.items()): keyvals.append('{0}={1}'.format(key, val)) if hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.DOCKER: if self._app: logging.warning('The Singularity specific %app.. syntax ' 'was requested. Docker does not have an ' 'equivalent: using regular ENV!') # Format: # ENV K1=V1 \ # K2=V2 \ # K3=V3 environ = ['ENV {}'.format(keyvals[0])] environ.extend([' {}'.format(x) for x in keyvals[1:]]) return ' \\\n'.join(environ) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY: # Format: # %environment [OR %appenv app_name] # export K1=V1 # export K2=V2 # export K3=V3 # %post # export K1=V1 # export K2=V2 # export K3=V3 if self._app: environ = ['%appenv {0}'.format(self._app)] else: environ = ['%environment'] environ.extend([' export {}'.format(x) for x in keyvals]) if self.__export and not self._app: environ.extend(['%post']) environ.extend([' export {}'.format(x) for x in keyvals]) return '\n'.join(environ) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.BASH: return '\n'.join(['export {}'.format(x) for x in keyvals]) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown container type') else: return '' def merge(self, lst, _app=None): """Merge one or more instances of the primitive into a single instance. Due to conflicts or option differences the merged primitive may not be exact merger. """ if not lst: # pragma: nocover raise RuntimeError('no items provided to merge') envs = {} for item in lst: if not item.__class__.__name__ == 'environment': # pragma: nocover logging.warning('item is not the correct type, skipping...') continue envs.update(item._environment__variables) return environment(variables=envs, _app=_app)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """Blob primitive""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type class blob(object): """The `blob` primitive inserts a file, without modification, into the corresponding place in the container specification file. If a relative path is specified, the path is relative to current directory. Generally, the blob should be functionally equivalent for each container format. Wherever possible, the blob primitive should be avoided and other, more portable, operations should be used instead. # Parameters docker: Path to the file containing the Dockerfile blob (Docker specific). singularity: Path to the file containing the Singularity blob (Singularity specific). # Example ```python blob(docker='path/to/foo.docker', singularity='path/to/foo.singularity') ``` """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize primitive""" #super(blob, self).__init__() self.__docker = kwargs.get('docker', {}) # Docker specific self.__singularity = kwargs.get('singularity', {}) # Singularity # specific def __str__(self): """String representation of the primitive""" if hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.DOCKER: return self.__read_blob(self.__docker) if hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY: return self.__read_blob(self.__singularity) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.BASH: return '' else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown container type') def __read_blob(self, path): """Read the blob from a file""" b = '' try: if path: with open(path, 'r') as f: b = else: logging.warning('Blob file not specified') except IOError: logging.error('Error opening blob {}'.format(path)) return b
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """zipfile template""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import hpccm.base_object class zipfile(hpccm.base_object): """zipfile template""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize zip template""" super(zipfile, self).__init__(**kwargs) def unzip_step(self, zipfile=None, directory=None): """Generate zip command line string""" if not zipfile: logging.error('zip file is not defined') return '' if directory: return 'mkdir -p {0} && unzip -d {0} {1}'.format(directory, zipfile) else: return 'unzip {}'.format(zipfile)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """CMakeBuild template""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from six.moves import shlex_quote import copy import posixpath import hpccm.base_object class CMakeBuild(hpccm.base_object): """Template for cmake workflows""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize CMakeBuild template""" super(CMakeBuild, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__build_directory = None self.cmake_opts = kwargs.get('opts', []) self.parallel = kwargs.get('parallel', '$(nproc)') self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local') # Some components complain if some compiler variables are # enabled, e.g., MVAPICH2 with F90, so provide a way for the # caller to disable any of the compiler variables. self.toolchain_control = kwargs.get('toolchain_control', {'CC': True, 'CXX': True, 'F77': True, 'F90': True, 'FC': True}) def build_step(self, target='all', parallel=None): """Generate cmake build command line string""" if not parallel: parallel = self.parallel return 'cmake --build {0} --target {1} -- -j{2}'.format( self.__build_directory, target, parallel) def configure_step(self, build_directory='build', directory=None, environment=[], opts=None, toolchain=None): """Generate cmake command line string""" change_directory = '' if directory: src_directory = directory build_directory = posixpath.join(directory, build_directory) change_directory = "mkdir -p {0} && cd {0} && ".format( build_directory) else: # Assume the build directory is a subdirectory of the source # directory and we are already in the build directory src_directory = '..' # Cache this for the build step self.__build_directory = build_directory e = copy.copy(environment) if toolchain: if toolchain.CC and self.toolchain_control.get('CC'): e.append('CC={}'.format(toolchain.CC)) if toolchain.CFLAGS: e.append('CFLAGS={}'.format(shlex_quote(toolchain.CFLAGS))) if toolchain.CPPFLAGS: e.append('CPPFLAGS={}'.format(shlex_quote(toolchain.CPPFLAGS))) if toolchain.CXX and self.toolchain_control.get('CXX'): e.append('CXX={}'.format(toolchain.CXX)) if toolchain.CXXFLAGS: e.append('CXXFLAGS={}'.format(shlex_quote( toolchain.CXXFLAGS))) if toolchain.F77 and self.toolchain_control.get('F77'): e.append('F77={}'.format(toolchain.F77)) if toolchain.F90 and self.toolchain_control.get('F90'): e.append('F90={}'.format(toolchain.F90)) if toolchain.FC and self.toolchain_control.get('FC'): e.append('FC={}'.format(toolchain.FC)) if toolchain.FCFLAGS: e.append('FCFLAGS={}'.format(shlex_quote(toolchain.FCFLAGS))) if toolchain.FFLAGS: e.append('FFLAGS={}'.format(shlex_quote(toolchain.FFLAGS))) if toolchain.FLIBS: e.append('FLIBS={}'.format(shlex_quote(toolchain.FLIBS))) if toolchain.LD_LIBRARY_PATH: e.append('LD_LIBRARY_PATH={}'.format(shlex_quote( toolchain.LD_LIBRARY_PATH))) if toolchain.LDFLAGS: e.append('LDFLAGS={}'.format(shlex_quote(toolchain.LDFLAGS))) if toolchain.LIBS: e.append('LIBS={}'.format(shlex_quote(toolchain.LIBS))) configure_env = ' '.join(e) if configure_env: configure_env += ' ' configure_opts = '' if not opts and self.cmake_opts: opts = self.cmake_opts if opts: configure_opts = ' '.join(opts) configure_opts += ' ' if self.prefix: configure_opts = '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX={0:s} {1}'.format( self.prefix, configure_opts) cmd = '{0}{1}cmake {2}{3}'.format( change_directory, configure_env, configure_opts, src_directory) # Add an annotation if the caller inherits from the annotate template if callable(getattr(self, 'add_annotation', None)): self.add_annotation('cmake', '{1}cmake {2}'.format( change_directory, configure_env, configure_opts, src_directory).strip()) return cmd.strip() # trim whitespace
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """git template""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import posixpath import re import subprocess import hpccm.base_object class git(hpccm.base_object): """Template for working with git repositories""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize template""" super(git, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.git_opts = kwargs.get('opts', ['--depth=1']) def __verify(self, repository, branch=None): """Verify that the specific git branch and the remote repositories exist""" cmd = 'git ls-remote --exit-code --heads {0}'.format(repository) if branch is not None: cmd = 'git ls-remote --exit-code {0} | grep "{1}"'.format(repository, branch) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout,stderr = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: return 'git repository "{}" or branch "{}" do not exist\n cmd: "{}"\n stdout: "{}"\n stderr: "{}"'.format( repository, branch, cmd, stdout, stderr ) return None def clone_step(self, branch=None, commit=None, directory='', path='/tmp', repository=None, verify=None, lfs=False, recursive=False): """Clone a git repository""" if not repository: logging.warning('No git repository specified') return '' if branch and commit: # pragma: no cover logging.warning('Both branch and commit specified, ' + 'ignoring branch and using commit...') if not directory: # Use the final entry in the repository as the directory, # stripping off any '.git'. This is the default git # behavior, but the directory may be explicitly needed # below. directory = posixpath.splitext(posixpath.basename(repository))[0] # Copy so not to modify the member variable opts = list(self.git_opts) # Commit has precedence over branch if branch and not commit: opts.append('--branch {}'.format(branch)) # recursive clone with submodules if recursive: opts.append('--recursive') opt_string = ' '.join(opts) if commit: # Likely need the full repository history, so remove # '--depth' if present opt_string = re.sub(r'--depth=\d+\s*', '', opt_string).strip() # Verify the commit / branch is valid if verify == True or verify == 'fatal': error = self.__verify(repository, branch) if error is not None: if verify == 'fatal': raise RuntimeError(error) else: logging.warning(error) # If lfs=True use `git lfs clone` lfs_string = " " if lfs: lfs_string = " lfs " # Ensure the path exists # Would prefer to use 'git -C', but the ancient git included # with CentOS7 does not support that option. clone = ['mkdir -p {0}'.format(path), 'cd {0}'.format(path), 'git{0}clone {1} {2} {3}'.format( lfs_string, opt_string, repository, directory).strip(), 'cd -'] if commit: clone.extend(['cd {0}'.format(posixpath.join(path, directory)), 'git checkout {0}'.format(commit), 'cd -']) # Add labels if the caller inherits from the labels template if callable(getattr(self, 'add_annotation', None)): self.add_annotation('repository', repository) if branch: self.add_annotation('branch', branch) if commit: self.add_annotation('commit', commit) return ' && '.join(clone)
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """downloader template""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging import posixpath import re import hpccm.base_object import hpccm.config from hpccm.common import container_type class downloader(hpccm.base_object): """Template for downloading source code""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize template""" self.branch = kwargs.get('branch', None) self.commit = kwargs.get('commit', None) self.package = kwargs.get('package', None) self.repository = kwargs.get('repository', None) self.src_directory = None self.url = kwargs.get('url', None) super(downloader, self).__init__(**kwargs) def download_step(self, allow_unknown_filetype=True, recursive=False, unpack=True, wd=hpccm.config.g_wd): """Get source code""" if not self.repository and not self.package and not self.url: raise RuntimeError('must specify a package, repository, or a URL') if sum([bool(self.package), bool(self.repository), bool(self.url)]) > 1: raise RuntimeError('must specify exactly one of a package, repository, or a URL') # Check if the caller inherits from the annotate template annotate = getattr(self, 'add_annotation', None) commands = [] if self.url: # Download package commands.append(hpccm.templates.wget().download_step( url=self.url, directory=wd)) if unpack: commands.append(self.__unpack( self.url, wd, allow_unknown_filetype=allow_unknown_filetype)) if callable(annotate): self.add_annotation('url', self.url) elif self.package: # Use an already available package if unpack: commands.append(self.__unpack( self.package, wd, allow_unknown_filetype=allow_unknown_filetype)) if callable(annotate): self.add_annotation('package', self.package) elif self.repository: # Clone git repository commands.append(hpccm.templates.git().clone_step( branch=self.branch, commit=self.commit, path=wd, recursive=recursive, repository=self.repository)) # Set directory where to find source self.src_directory = posixpath.join(wd, posixpath.splitext( posixpath.basename(self.repository))[0]) # Add annotations if callable(annotate): self.add_annotation('repository', self.repository) if self.branch: self.add_annotation('branch', self.branch) if self.commit: self.add_annotation('commit', self.commit) if hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.DOCKER: return ' && \\\n '.join(commands) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.SINGULARITY: return '\n '.join(commands) elif hpccm.config.g_ctype == container_type.BASH: return '\n'.join(commands) else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown container type') def __unpack(self, package, wd, allow_unknown_filetype=True): """Unpack package and set source directory""" match_tar ='(.*)(?:(?:\.tar)|(?:\.tar\.gz)|(?:\.txz)' r'|(?:\.tgz)|(?:\.tar\.bz2)|(?:\.tar\.xz))$', posixpath.basename(package)) match_zip ='(.*)(?:(?:\.zip))$', posixpath.basename(package)) if match_tar: # Set directory where to find source self.src_directory = posixpath.join(wd, return hpccm.templates.tar().untar_step( posixpath.join(wd, posixpath.basename(package)), directory=wd) elif match_zip: self.src_directory = posixpath.join(wd, return hpccm.templates.zipfile().unzip_step( posixpath.join(wd, posixpath.basename(package)), directory=wd) elif allow_unknown_filetype: # Unclear what the file type is. For instance, this can # happen if a site uses a URL redirector and the shortened # URL does not include the file extension. In most cases, # tar can figure it out. However, note that the src # directory is set to None since there is no way to infer # what the directory structure might be inside the # archive. logging.warning('unrecognized package format') self.src_directory = None return hpccm.templates.tar().untar_step( posixpath.join(wd, posixpath.basename(package)), directory=wd) else: raise RuntimeError('unrecognized package format')
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """sed template""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from six.moves import shlex_quote import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import hpccm.base_object class sed(hpccm.base_object): """sed template""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize sed template""" super(sed, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.sed_opts = kwargs.get('opts', []) def sed_step(self, file=None, in_place=True, patterns=[]): """Generate sed command line string""" if not file: logging.error('file is not defined') return '' if not patterns: logging.error('patterns is not defined') return '' # Copy so not to modify the member variable opts = list(self.sed_opts) if in_place: opts.append('-i') opt_string = ' '.join(opts) quoted_patterns = ['-e {}'.format(shlex_quote(patterns[0]))] quoted_patterns.extend(' -e {}'.format(shlex_quote(x)) for x in patterns[1:]) quoted_pattern_string = ' \\\n'.join(quoted_patterns) return 'sed {0} {1} {2}'.format(opt_string, quoted_pattern_string, file)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """tar template""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import re import hpccm.base_object class tar(hpccm.base_object): """tar template""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize tar template""" super(tar, self).__init__(**kwargs) def untar_step(self, tarball=None, directory=None, args=None): """Generate untar command line string""" if not tarball: logging.error('tarball is not defined') return '' opts = ['-x', '-f {}'.format(tarball)] if directory: opts.append('-C {}'.format(directory)) if'\.tar\.bz2$', tarball): opts.append('-j') elif'\.tar\.gz$', tarball): opts.append('-z') elif'\.tgz$', tarball): opts.append('-z') elif'\.tar\.xz$', tarball): opts.append('-J') elif'\.txz$', tarball): opts.append('-J') elif'\.tbz$', tarball): opts.append('-j') elif'\.tar$', tarball): pass else: logging.warning('File type not recognized, trying anyway...') if args: opts.extend(args) if directory: return 'mkdir -p {0} && tar {1}'.format(directory, ' '.join(opts)) else: return 'tar {}'.format(' '.join(opts))
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """environment variables template""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import hpccm.base_object class envvars(hpccm.base_object): """Template for setting environment variables""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize template""" super(envvars, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.environment = kwargs.get('environment', True) self.environment_variables = {} # Use only if the runtime environment is incompatible with the # non-runtime environment, e.g., PATH contains different # values. Otherwise, try to use the filtering options. self.runtime_environment_variables = {} def environment_step(self, include_only=None, exclude=None, runtime=False): """Return dictionary of environment variables""" if runtime: e = self.runtime_environment_variables else: e = self.environment_variables if self.environment: if include_only: return {x: e[x] for x in e if x in include_only} elif exclude: return {x: e[x] for x in e if x not in exclude} else: return e else: return {}
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import from hpccm.templates.CMakeBuild import CMakeBuild from hpccm.templates.ConfigureMake import ConfigureMake from hpccm.templates.annotate import annotate from hpccm.templates.downloader import downloader from hpccm.templates.envvars import envvars from hpccm.templates.git import git from hpccm.templates.ldconfig import ldconfig from hpccm.templates.rm import rm from hpccm.templates.sed import sed from hpccm.templates.tar import tar from hpccm.templates.wget import wget from hpccm.templates.zipfile import zipfile
# Copyright (c) 2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """annotate template""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from six import string_types from six.moves import shlex_quote import hpccm.base_object class annotate(hpccm.base_object): """Template for setting annotations""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize template""" super(annotate, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.annotate = kwargs.get('annotate', False) self.base_annotation = kwargs.get('base_annotation', True) self.__labels = {} def add_annotation(self, key, value): if isinstance(self.base_annotation, string_types): key = 'hpccm.' + self.base_annotation + '.' + key elif self.base_annotation: key = 'hpccm.' + self.__class__.__name__ + '.' + key self.__labels[key] = shlex_quote(str(value)) def annotate_step(self): """Return dictionary of annotations""" if self.annotate: return self.__labels else: return {}
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """rm template""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import hpccm.base_object class rm(hpccm.base_object): """Template for cleaning up files and directories""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize template""" super(rm, self).__init__(**kwargs) def cleanup_step(self, items=None): """Cleanup files and directories""" if not items: logging.error('items are not defined') return '' return 'rm -rf {}'.format(' '.join(items))
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """ldconfig template""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import posixpath import hpccm.base_object class ldconfig(hpccm.base_object): """Template for manipulating the dynamic linker""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize template""" super(ldconfig, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.ldconfig = kwargs.get('ldconfig', False) def ldcache_step(self, conf='hpccm.conf', directory=None): """Add a directory to the dynamic linker cache""" if not directory: logging.error('directory is not defined') return '' return 'echo "{0}" >> {1} && ldconfig'.format( directory, posixpath.join('/etc/', conf))
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """ConfigureMake template""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function from six import string_types from six.moves import shlex_quote import copy import hpccm.base_object class ConfigureMake(hpccm.base_object): """Template for autotools configure / make / make install workflow""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize ConfigureMake template""" super(ConfigureMake, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.configure_opts = kwargs.get('opts', []) self.parallel = kwargs.get('parallel', '$(nproc)') self.prefix = kwargs.get('prefix', '/usr/local') # Some components complain if some compiler variables are # enabled, e.g., MVAPICH2 with F90, so provide a way for the # caller to disable any of the compiler variables. self.toolchain_control = kwargs.get('toolchain_control', {'CC': True, 'CXX': True, 'F77': True, 'F90': True, 'FC': True}) # Process --disable, --enable, --with, and --without options self.__opts = [] for k in kwargs: # handles both --with and --without if (k.startswith('disable') or k.startswith('enable') or k.startswith('with')) and kwargs.get(k): opt = '--{}'.format(k.replace('_', '-')) if isinstance(kwargs.get(k), string_types): self.__opts.append('{0}={1}'.format(opt, kwargs.get(k))) else: self.__opts.append(opt) def build_step(self, parallel=None): """Generate make command line string""" if not parallel: parallel = self.parallel return 'make -j{}'.format(parallel) def check_step(self, parallel=None): """Generate make check command line string""" if not parallel: parallel = self.parallel return 'make -j{} check'.format(parallel) def configure_step(self, build_directory=None, directory=None, environment=[], export_environment=False, opts=[], toolchain=None): """Generate configure command line string""" change_directory = '' src_directory = '.' if directory: if build_directory: src_directory = directory change_directory = 'mkdir -p {0} && cd {0} && '.format( build_directory) else: change_directory = 'cd {} && '.format(directory) e = copy.copy(environment) if toolchain: if toolchain.CC and self.toolchain_control.get('CC'): e.append('CC={}'.format(toolchain.CC)) if toolchain.CFLAGS: e.append('CFLAGS={}'.format(shlex_quote( toolchain.CFLAGS))) if toolchain.CPPFLAGS: e.append('CPPFLAGS={}'.format(shlex_quote( toolchain.CPPFLAGS))) if toolchain.CXX and self.toolchain_control.get('CXX'): e.append('CXX={}'.format(toolchain.CXX)) if toolchain.CXXFLAGS: e.append('CXXFLAGS={}'.format(shlex_quote( toolchain.CXXFLAGS))) if toolchain.F77 and self.toolchain_control.get('F77'): e.append('F77={}'.format(toolchain.F77)) if toolchain.F90 and self.toolchain_control.get('F90'): e.append('F90={}'.format(toolchain.F90)) if toolchain.FC and self.toolchain_control.get('FC'): e.append('FC={}'.format(toolchain.FC)) if toolchain.FCFLAGS: e.append('FCFLAGS={}'.format(shlex_quote( toolchain.FCFLAGS))) if toolchain.FFLAGS: e.append('FFLAGS={}'.format(shlex_quote( toolchain.FFLAGS))) if toolchain.FLIBS: e.append('FLIBS={}'.format(shlex_quote( toolchain.FLIBS))) if toolchain.LD_LIBRARY_PATH: e.append('LD_LIBRARY_PATH={}'.format(shlex_quote( toolchain.LD_LIBRARY_PATH))) if toolchain.LDFLAGS: e.append('LDFLAGS={}'.format(shlex_quote( toolchain.LDFLAGS))) if toolchain.LIBS: e.append('LIBS={}'.format(shlex_quote( toolchain.LIBS))) if export_environment: configure_env = 'export {} &&'.format(' '.join(e)) else: configure_env = ' '.join(e) # Build set of configuration command line options optlist = [] if not opts: if self.configure_opts: optlist.extend(self.configure_opts) if self.__opts: optlist.extend(self.__opts) else: optlist = opts # Remove duplicates and sort options configure_opts = ' '.join(sorted(list(set(optlist)))) # Prefix is always the first option if self.prefix: configure_opts = '--prefix={0:s} {1}'.format(self.prefix, configure_opts) cmd = '{0} {1} {3}/configure {2}'.format(change_directory, configure_env, configure_opts, src_directory) # Add an annotation if the caller inherits from the annotate template if callable(getattr(self, 'add_annotation', None)): self.add_annotation('configure', '{1} {3}/configure {2}'.format( change_directory, configure_env, configure_opts, src_directory).strip()) return cmd.strip() # trim whitespace def install_step(self, parallel=None): """Generate make install command line string""" if not parallel: parallel = self.parallel return 'make -j{} install'.format(parallel)
# Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-few-public-methods """wget template""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import print_function import logging # pylint: disable=unused-import import hpccm.base_object class wget(hpccm.base_object): """wget template""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize wget template""" super(wget, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.wget_opts = kwargs.get('opts', ['-q', '-nc', '--no-check-certificate']) def download_step(self, outfile=None, referer=None, url=None, directory='/tmp'): """Generate wget command line string""" if not url: logging.error('url is not defined') return '' # Copy so not to modify the member variable opts = self.wget_opts if outfile: opts.append('-O {}'.format(outfile)) if referer: opts.append('--referer {}'.format(referer)) opt_string = ' '.join(self.wget_opts) # Add annotation if the caller inherits from the annotate template if callable(getattr(self, 'add_annotation', None)): self.add_annotation('url', url) # Ensure the directory exists return 'mkdir -p {1} && wget {0} -P {1} {2}'.format(opt_string, directory, url)
# BSD License # # Copyright (c) 2016-present, Miguel Gonzalez-Fierro. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name Miguel Gonzalez-Fierro nor the names of its contributors may be used to # endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific # prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR # ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import numpy as np import sklearn.metrics as sklm from datasets import LearningTask def get_metrics(data, pred): if data.learning_task == LearningTask.REGRESSION: return regression_metrics(data.y_test, pred) if data.learning_task == LearningTask.CLASSIFICATION: return classification_metrics(data.y_test, pred) if data.learning_task == LearningTask.MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION: return classification_metrics_multilabel(data.y_test, pred) raise ValueError("No metrics defined for learning task: " + str(data.learning_task)) def evaluate_metrics(y_true, y_pred, metrics): res = {} for metric_name, metric in metrics.items(): res[metric_name] = float(metric(y_true, y_pred)) return res def classification_metrics(y_true, y_prob, threshold=0.5): y_pred = np.where(y_prob > threshold, 1, 0) metrics = { "Accuracy": sklm.accuracy_score, "Log_Loss": lambda real, pred: sklm.log_loss(real, y_prob, eps=1e-5), # yes, I'm using y_prob here! "AUC": lambda real, pred: sklm.roc_auc_score(real, y_prob), "Precision": sklm.precision_score, "Recall": sklm.recall_score, } return evaluate_metrics(y_true, y_pred, metrics) def classification_metrics_multilabel(y_true, y_pred): metrics = { "Accuracy": sklm.accuracy_score, "Precision": lambda real, pred: sklm.precision_score(real, pred, average="weighted"), "Recall": lambda real, pred: sklm.recall_score(real, pred, average="weighted"), "F1": lambda real, pred: sklm.f1_score(real, pred, average="weighted"), } return evaluate_metrics(y_true, y_pred, metrics) def regression_metrics(y_true, y_pred): metrics = { "MeanAbsError": sklm.mean_absolute_error, "MeanSquaredError": sklm.mean_squared_error, "MedianAbsError": sklm.median_absolute_error, } return evaluate_metrics(y_true, y_pred, metrics)
# Copyright (c) 2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY # OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import time import pandas as pd import numpy as np import dask.dataframe as dd import dask.array as da from dask.distributed import Client from dask_cuda import LocalCUDACluster import xgboost as xgb try: import catboost as cat except ImportError: cat = None try: import lightgbm as lgb except (ImportError, OSError): lgb = None try: import dask_xgboost as dxgb except ImportError: dxgb = None try: from sklearn.experimental import enable_hist_gradient_boosting from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingClassifier as skhgb except ImportError: skhgb = None try: from sklearn.experimental import enable_hist_gradient_boosting from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingRegressor as skhgb_r except ImportError: skhgb_r = None try: from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier as skgb except ImportError: skgb = None try: from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor as skgb_r except ImportError: skgb_r = None try: from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier as skrf except ImportError: skrf = None try: from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor as skrf_r except ImportError: skrf_r = None try: from cuml.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier as cumlrf except ImportError: cumlrf = None try: from cuml.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor as cumlrf_r except ImportError: cumlrf_r = None from datasets import LearningTask class Timer: def __init__(self): self.start = None self.end = None self.interval = None def __enter__(self): self.start = time.perf_counter() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.end = time.perf_counter() self.interval = self.end - self.start class Algorithm(ABC): @staticmethod def create(name): # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements if name == 'xgb-gpu': return XgbGPUHistAlgorithm() if name == 'xgb-gpu-dask': return XgbGPUHistDaskAlgorithm() if name == 'xgb-gpu-dask-old': return XgbGPUHistDaskOldAlgorithm() if name == 'xgb-cpu': return XgbCPUHistAlgorithm() if name == 'lgbm-cpu': return LgbmCPUAlgorithm() if name == 'lgbm-gpu': return LgbmGPUAlgorithm() if name == 'cat-cpu': return CatCPUAlgorithm() if name == 'cat-gpu': return CatGPUAlgorithm() if name == 'skhgb': return SkHistAlgorithm() if name == 'skgb': return SkGradientAlgorithm() if name == 'skrf': return SkRandomForestAlgorithm() if name == 'cumlrf': return CumlRfAlgorithm() raise ValueError("Unknown algorithm: " + name) def __init__(self): self.model = None @abstractmethod def fit(self, data, args): pass @abstractmethod def test(self, data): pass def __enter__(self): pass @abstractmethod def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): pass # learning parameters shared by all algorithms, using the xgboost convention shared_params = {"max_depth": 8, "learning_rate": 0.1, "reg_lambda": 1} class CumlRfAlgorithm(Algorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = shared_params.copy() del params["reg_lambda"] del params["learning_rate"] params["n_estimators"] = args.ntrees params.update(args.extra) return params def fit(self, data, args): params = self.configure(data, args) if data.learning_task == LearningTask.REGRESSION: with Timer() as t: self.model = cumlrf_r(**params).fit(data.X_train, data.y_train) return t.interval else: with Timer() as t: self.model = cumlrf(**params).fit(data.X_train, data.y_train) return t.interval def test(self, data): return self.model.predict(data.X_test) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): del self.model class XgbAlgorithm(Algorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = shared_params.copy() params.update({ "nthread": args.cpus}) if data.learning_task == LearningTask.REGRESSION: params["objective"] = "reg:squarederror" elif data.learning_task == LearningTask.CLASSIFICATION: params["objective"] = "binary:logistic" params["scale_pos_weight"] = len(data.y_train) / np.count_nonzero(data.y_train) elif data.learning_task == LearningTask.MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION: params["objective"] = "multi:softmax" params["num_class"] = np.max(data.y_test) + 1 params.update(args.extra) return params def fit(self, data, args): dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(data.X_train, data.y_train) params = self.configure(data, args) with Timer() as t: self.model = xgb.train(params, dtrain, args.ntrees) return t.interval def test(self, data): dtest = xgb.DMatrix(data.X_test, data.y_test) return self.model.predict(dtest) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): del self.model class XgbGPUHistAlgorithm(XgbAlgorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = super(XgbGPUHistAlgorithm, self).configure(data, args) params.update({"tree_method": "gpu_hist", "gpu_id": 0}) return params class SkRandomForestAlgorithm(Algorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = shared_params.copy() del params["reg_lambda"] del params["learning_rate"] params["n_estimators"] = args.ntrees params.update(args.extra) return params def fit(self, data, args): params = self.configure(data, args) if data.learning_task == LearningTask.REGRESSION: with Timer() as t: self.model = skrf_r(**params).fit(data.X_train, data.y_train) return t.interval else: with Timer() as t: self.model = skrf(**params).fit(data.X_train, data.y_train) return t.interval def test(self, data): return self.model.predict(data.X_test) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): del self.model class SkGradientAlgorithm(Algorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = shared_params.copy() del params["reg_lambda"] del params["learning_rate"] params["n_estimators"] = args.ntrees params.update(args.extra) return params def fit(self, data, args): params = self.configure(data, args) if data.learning_task == LearningTask.REGRESSION: with Timer() as t: self.model = skgb_r(**params).fit(data.X_train, data.y_train) return t.interval else: with Timer() as t: self.model = skgb(**params).fit(data.X_train, data.y_train) return t.interval def test(self, data): return self.model.predict(data.X_test) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): del self.model class SkHistAlgorithm(Algorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = shared_params.copy() del params["reg_lambda"] del params["learning_rate"] params["n_estimators"] = args.ntrees params.update(args.extra) return params def fit(self, data, args): params = self.configure(data, args) if data.learning_task == LearningTask.REGRESSION: with Timer() as t: self.model = skhgb_r(**params).fit(data.X_train, data.y_train) return t.interval else: with Timer() as t: self.model = skhgb(**params).fit(data.X_train, data.y_train) return t.interval def test(self, data): return self.model.predict(data.X_test) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): del self.model class XgbGPUHistDaskAlgorithm(XgbAlgorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = super(XgbGPUHistDaskAlgorithm, self).configure(data, args) params.update({"tree_method": "gpu_hist"}) del params['nthread'] # This is handled by dask return params def get_slices(self, n_slices, X, y): n_rows_worker = int(np.ceil(len(y) / n_slices)) indices = [] count = 0 for _ in range(0, n_slices - 1): indices.append(min(count + n_rows_worker, len(y))) count += n_rows_worker return np.split(X, indices), np.split(y, indices) def fit(self, data, args): params = self.configure(data, args) n_workers = None if args.gpus < 0 else args.gpus cluster = LocalCUDACluster(n_workers=n_workers, local_directory=args.root) client = Client(cluster) n_partitions = len(client.scheduler_info()['workers']) X_sliced, y_sliced = self.get_slices(n_partitions, data.X_train, data.y_train) X = da.concatenate([da.from_array(sub_array) for sub_array in X_sliced]) X = X.rechunk((X_sliced[0].shape[0], data.X_train.shape[1])) y = da.concatenate([da.from_array(sub_array) for sub_array in y_sliced]) y = y.rechunk(X.chunksize[0]) dtrain = xgb.dask.DaskDMatrix(client, X, y) with Timer() as t: output = xgb.dask.train(client, params, dtrain, num_boost_round=args.ntrees) self.model = output['booster'] client.close() cluster.close() return t.interval def test(self, data): dtest = xgb.DMatrix(data.X_test, data.y_test) self.model.set_param({'predictor': 'gpu_predictor'}) return self.model.predict(dtest) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): del self.model class XgbGPUHistDaskOldAlgorithm(XgbAlgorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = super(XgbGPUHistDaskOldAlgorithm, self).configure(data, args) params.update({"tree_method": "gpu_hist", "nthread": 1}) return params def fit(self, data, args): params = self.configure(data, args) cluster = LocalCUDACluster(n_workers=None if args.gpus < 0 else args.gpus, local_directory=args.root) client = Client(cluster) partition_size = 1000 if isinstance(data.X_train, np.ndarray): X = dd.from_array(data.X_train, partition_size) y = dd.from_array(data.y_train, partition_size) else: X = dd.from_pandas(data.X_train, partition_size) y = dd.from_pandas(data.y_train, partition_size) X.columns = [str(i) for i in range(0, X.shape[1])] with Timer() as t: self.model = dxgb.train(client, params, X, y, num_boost_round=args.ntrees) client.close() return t.interval def test(self, data): if isinstance(data.X_test, np.ndarray): data.X_test = pd.DataFrame(data=data.X_test, columns=np.arange(0, data.X_test.shape[1]), index=np.arange(0, data.X_test.shape[0])) data.X_test.columns = [str(i) for i in range(0, data.X_test.shape[1])] dtest = xgb.DMatrix(data.X_test, data.y_test) return self.model.predict(dtest) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): del self.model class XgbCPUHistAlgorithm(XgbAlgorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = super(XgbCPUHistAlgorithm, self).configure(data, args) params.update({"tree_method": "hist"}) return params class LgbmAlgorithm(Algorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = shared_params.copy() params.update({"max_leaves": 256, "nthread": args.cpus}) if data.learning_task == LearningTask.REGRESSION: params["objective"] = "regression" elif data.learning_task == LearningTask.CLASSIFICATION: params["objective"] = "binary" params["scale_pos_weight"] = len(data.y_train) / np.count_nonzero(data.y_train) elif data.learning_task == LearningTask.MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION: params["objective"] = "multiclass" params["num_class"] = np.max(data.y_test) + 1 params.update(args.extra) return params def fit(self, data, args): dtrain = lgb.Dataset(data.X_train, data.y_train, free_raw_data=False) params = self.configure(data, args) with Timer() as t: self.model = lgb.train(params, dtrain, args.ntrees) return t.interval def test(self, data): if data.learning_task == LearningTask.MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION: prob = self.model.predict(data.X_test) return np.argmax(prob, axis=1) return self.model.predict(data.X_test) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.model.free_dataset() del self.model class LgbmCPUAlgorithm(LgbmAlgorithm): pass class LgbmGPUAlgorithm(LgbmAlgorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = super(LgbmGPUAlgorithm, self).configure(data, args) params.update({"device": "gpu"}) return params class CatAlgorithm(Algorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = shared_params.copy() params.update({ "thread_count": args.cpus}) if args.gpus >= 0: params["devices"] = "0-" + str(args.gpus) if data.learning_task == LearningTask.REGRESSION: params["objective"] = "RMSE" elif data.learning_task == LearningTask.CLASSIFICATION: params["objective"] = "Logloss" params["scale_pos_weight"] = len(data.y_train) / np.count_nonzero(data.y_train) elif data.learning_task == LearningTask.MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION: params["objective"] = "MultiClassOneVsAll" params["classes_count"] = np.max(data.y_test) + 1 params.update(args.extra) return params def fit(self, data, args): dtrain = cat.Pool(data.X_train, data.y_train) params = self.configure(data, args) params["iterations"] = args.ntrees self.model = cat.CatBoost(params) with Timer() as t: return t.interval def test(self, data): dtest = cat.Pool(data.X_test) if data.learning_task == LearningTask.MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION: prob = self.model.predict(dtest) return np.argmax(prob, axis=1) return self.model.predict(dtest) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): del self.model class CatCPUAlgorithm(CatAlgorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = super(CatCPUAlgorithm, self).configure(data, args) params.update({"task_type": "CPU"}) return params class CatGPUAlgorithm(CatAlgorithm): def configure(self, data, args): params = super(CatGPUAlgorithm, self).configure(data, args) params.update({"task_type": "GPU"}) return params
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY # OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import os import sys import argparse import json import ast import psutil import algorithms from metrics import get_metrics from datasets import prepare_dataset def get_number_processors(args): if args.cpus == 0: return psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) return args.cpus def print_sys_info(args): try: import xgboost # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel print("Xgboost : %s" % xgboost.__version__) except ImportError: pass try: import lightgbm # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel print("LightGBM: %s" % lightgbm.__version__) except (ImportError, OSError): pass try: import catboost # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel print("Catboost: %s" % catboost.__version__) except ImportError: pass print("System : %s" % sys.version) print("#jobs : %d" % args.cpus) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Benchmark xgboost/lightgbm/catboost on real datasets") parser.add_argument("-dataset", default="all", type=str, help="The dataset to be used for benchmarking. 'all' for all datasets.") parser.add_argument("-root", default="/opt/gbm-datasets", type=str, help="The root datasets folder") parser.add_argument("-algorithm", default="all", type=str, help=("Comma-separated list of algorithms to run; " "'all' run all")) parser.add_argument("-gpus", default=-1, type=int, help=("#GPUs to use for the benchmarks; " "ignored when not supported. Default is to use all.")) parser.add_argument("-cpus", default=0, type=int, help=("#CPUs to use for the benchmarks; " "0 means psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)")) parser.add_argument("-output", default=sys.path[0] + "/results.json", type=str, help="Output json file with runtime/accuracy stats") parser.add_argument("-ntrees", default=500, type=int, help=("Number of trees. Default is as specified in " "the respective dataset configuration")) parser.add_argument("-nrows", default=None, type=int, help=( "Subset of rows in the datasets to use. Useful for test running " "benchmarks on small amounts of data. WARNING: Some datasets will " "give incorrect accuracy results if nrows is specified as they have " "predefined train/test splits.")) parser.add_argument("-warmup", action="store_true", help=("Whether to run a small benchmark (fraud) as a warmup")) parser.add_argument("-verbose", action="store_true", help="Produce verbose output") parser.add_argument("-extra", default='{}', help="Extra arguments as a python dictionary") args = parser.parse_args() # default value for output json file if not args.output: args.output = "%s.json" % args.dataset return args # benchmarks a single dataset def benchmark(args, dataset_folder, dataset): data = prepare_dataset(dataset_folder, dataset, args.nrows) results = {} # "all" runs all algorithms if args.algorithm == "all": args.algorithm = "xgb-gpu,xgb-cpu,xgb-gpu-dask,lgbm-cpu,lgbm-gpu,cat-cpu,cat-gpu" for alg in args.algorithm.split(","): print("Running '%s' ..." % alg) runner = algorithms.Algorithm.create(alg) with runner: train_time =, args) pred = runner.test(data) results[alg] = { "train_time": train_time, "accuracy": get_metrics(data, pred), } return results def main(): args = parse_args() args.cpus = get_number_processors(args) args.extra = ast.literal_eval(args.extra) print_sys_info(args) if args.warmup: benchmark(args, os.path.join(args.root, "fraud"), "fraud") if args.dataset == 'all': args.dataset = 'airline,bosch,fraud,higgs,year,epsilon,covtype,newsgroups' results = {} for dataset in args.dataset.split(","): folder = os.path.join(args.root, dataset) results.update({dataset: benchmark(args, folder, dataset)}) print(json.dumps({dataset: results[dataset]}, indent=2, sort_keys=True)) output = json.dumps(results, indent=2, sort_keys=True) output_file = open(args.output, "w") output_file.write(output + "\n") output_file.close() print("Results written to file '%s'" % args.output) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
# MIT License # # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE # Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. import os from enum import Enum import pickle from urllib.request import urlretrieve import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn import datasets import pandas as pd import tqdm pbar = None def show_progress(block_num, block_size, total_size): global pbar if pbar is None: pbar = tqdm.tqdm(total=total_size / 1024, unit='kB') downloaded = block_num * block_size if downloaded < total_size: pbar.update(block_size / 1024) else: pbar.close() pbar = None def retrieve(url, filename=None): return urlretrieve(url, filename, reporthook=show_progress) class LearningTask(Enum): REGRESSION = 1 CLASSIFICATION = 2 MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION = 3 class Data: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,too-many-arguments def __init__(self, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, learning_task, qid_train=None, qid_test=None): self.X_train = X_train self.X_test = X_test self.y_train = y_train self.y_test = y_test self.learning_task = learning_task # For ranking task self.qid_train = qid_train self.qid_test = qid_test def prepare_dataset(dataset_folder, dataset, nrows): if not os.path.exists(dataset_folder): os.makedirs(dataset_folder) prepare_function = globals()["prepare_" + dataset] return prepare_function(dataset_folder, nrows) def __prepare_airline(dataset_folder, nrows, regression=False): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals url = '' pkl_base_name = "airline" if regression: pkl_base_name += "-regression" local_url = os.path.join(dataset_folder, os.path.basename(url)) pickle_url = os.path.join(dataset_folder, pkl_base_name + ("" if nrows is None else "-" + str(nrows)) + ".pkl") if os.path.exists(pickle_url): return pickle.load(open(pickle_url, "rb")) if not os.path.isfile(local_url): retrieve(url, local_url) cols = [ "Year", "Month", "DayofMonth", "DayofWeek", "CRSDepTime", "CRSArrTime", "UniqueCarrier", "FlightNum", "ActualElapsedTime", "Origin", "Dest", "Distance", "Diverted", "ArrDelay" ] # load the data as int16 dtype = np.int16 dtype_columns = { "Year": dtype, "Month": dtype, "DayofMonth": dtype, "DayofWeek": dtype, "CRSDepTime": dtype, "CRSArrTime": dtype, "FlightNum": dtype, "ActualElapsedTime": dtype, "Distance": dtype, "Diverted": dtype, "ArrDelay": dtype, } df = pd.read_csv(local_url, names=cols, dtype=dtype_columns, nrows=nrows) # Encode categoricals as numeric for col in df.select_dtypes(['object']).columns: df[col] = df[col].astype("category") # Turn into binary classification problem if not regression: df["ArrDelay"] = 1 * (df["ArrDelay"] > 0) X = df[df.columns.difference(["ArrDelay"])].to_numpy(dtype=np.float32) y = df["ArrDelay"].to_numpy(dtype=np.float32) del df X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=77, test_size=0.2, ) if regression: task = LearningTask.REGRESSION else: task = LearningTask.CLASSIFICATION data = Data(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, task) pickle.dump(data, open(pickle_url, "wb"), protocol=4) return data def prepare_airline(dataset_folder, nrows): return __prepare_airline(dataset_folder, nrows, False) def prepare_airline_regression(dataset_folder, nrows): return __prepare_airline(dataset_folder, nrows, True) def prepare_bosch(dataset_folder, nrows): filename = "" local_url = os.path.join(dataset_folder, filename) pickle_url = os.path.join(dataset_folder, "bosch" + ("" if nrows is None else "-" + str(nrows)) + ".pkl") if os.path.exists(pickle_url): return pickle.load(open(pickle_url, "rb")) os.system("kaggle competitions download -c bosch-production-line-performance -f " + filename + " -p " + dataset_folder) X = pd.read_csv(local_url, index_col=0, compression='zip', dtype=np.float32, nrows=nrows) y = X.iloc[:, -1].to_numpy(dtype=np.float32) X.drop(X.columns[-1], axis=1, inplace=True) X = X.to_numpy(dtype=np.float32) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=77, test_size=0.2, ) data = Data(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, LearningTask.CLASSIFICATION) pickle.dump(data, open(pickle_url, "wb"), protocol=4) return data def prepare_fraud(dataset_folder, nrows): if not os.path.exists(dataset_folder): os.makedirs(dataset_folder) filename = "creditcard.csv" local_url = os.path.join(dataset_folder, filename) pickle_url = os.path.join(dataset_folder, "creditcard" + ("" if nrows is None else "-" + str(nrows)) + ".pkl") if os.path.exists(pickle_url): return pickle.load(open(pickle_url, "rb")) os.system("kaggle datasets download mlg-ulb/creditcardfraud -f" + filename + " -p " + dataset_folder) df = pd.read_csv(local_url + ".zip", dtype=np.float32, nrows=nrows) X = df[[col for col in df.columns if col.startswith('V')]].to_numpy(dtype=np.float32) y = df['Class'].to_numpy(dtype=np.float32) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=77, test_size=0.2, ) data = Data(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, LearningTask.CLASSIFICATION) pickle.dump(data, open(pickle_url, "wb"), protocol=4) return data def prepare_higgs(dataset_folder, nrows): url = '' local_url = os.path.join(dataset_folder, os.path.basename(url)) pickle_url = os.path.join(dataset_folder, "higgs" + ("" if nrows is None else "-" + str(nrows)) + ".pkl") if os.path.exists(pickle_url): return pickle.load(open(pickle_url, "rb")) if not os.path.isfile(local_url): retrieve(url, local_url) higgs = pd.read_csv(local_url, nrows=nrows) X = higgs.iloc[:, 1:].to_numpy(dtype=np.float32) y = higgs.iloc[:, 0].to_numpy(dtype=np.float32) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=77, test_size=0.2, ) data = Data(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, LearningTask.CLASSIFICATION) pickle.dump(data, open(pickle_url, "wb"), protocol=4) return data def prepare_year(dataset_folder, nrows): url = '' \ '.zip' local_url = os.path.join(dataset_folder, os.path.basename(url)) pickle_url = os.path.join(dataset_folder, "year" + ("" if nrows is None else "-" + str(nrows)) + ".pkl") if os.path.exists(pickle_url): return pickle.load(open(pickle_url, "rb")) if not os.path.isfile(local_url): retrieve(url, local_url) year = pd.read_csv(local_url, nrows=nrows, header=None) X = year.iloc[:, 1:].to_numpy(dtype=np.float32) y = year.iloc[:, 0].to_numpy(dtype=np.float32) if nrows is None: # this dataset requires a specific train/test split, # with the specified number of rows at the start belonging to the train set, # and the rest being the test set X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, shuffle=False, train_size=463715, test_size=51630) else: print( "Warning: nrows is specified, not using predefined test/train split for " "YearPredictionMSD.") X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=77, test_size=0.2, ) data = Data(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, LearningTask.REGRESSION) pickle.dump(data, open(pickle_url, "wb"), protocol=4) return data def prepare_epsilon(dataset_folder, nrows): url_train = '' \ '/epsilon_normalized.bz2' url_test = '' \ '/epsilon_normalized.t.bz2' pickle_url = os.path.join(dataset_folder, "epsilon" + ("" if nrows is None else "-" + str(nrows)) + ".pkl") local_url_train = os.path.join(dataset_folder, os.path.basename(url_train)) local_url_test = os.path.join(dataset_folder, os.path.basename(url_test)) if os.path.exists(pickle_url): return pickle.load(open(pickle_url, "rb")) if not os.path.isfile(local_url_train): retrieve(url_train, local_url_train) if not os.path.isfile(local_url_test): retrieve(url_test, local_url_test) X_train, y_train = datasets.load_svmlight_file(local_url_train, dtype=np.float32) X_test, y_test = datasets.load_svmlight_file(local_url_test, dtype=np.float32) X_train = X_train.toarray() X_test = X_test.toarray() y_train[y_train <= 0] = 0 y_test[y_test <= 0] = 0 if nrows is not None: print("Warning: nrows is specified, not using predefined test/train split for epsilon.") X_train = np.vstack((X_train, X_test)) y_train = np.append(y_train, y_test) X_train = X_train[:nrows] y_train = y_train[:nrows] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_train, y_train, random_state=77, test_size=0.2, ) data = Data(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, LearningTask.CLASSIFICATION) pickle.dump(data, open(pickle_url, "wb"), protocol=4) return data def prepare_covtype(dataset_folder, nrows): # pylint: disable=unused-argument X, y = datasets.fetch_covtype(return_X_y=True) # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg if nrows is not None: X = X[0:nrows] y = y[0:nrows] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=77, test_size=0.2, ) return Data(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, LearningTask.MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION) def prepare_newsgroups(dataset_folder, nrows): # pylint: disable=unused-argument X, y = datasets.fetch_20newsgroups_vectorized(subset='all',return_X_y=True) # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg if nrows is not None: X = X[0:nrows] y = y[0:nrows] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=77, test_size=0.2, ) return Data(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, LearningTask.MULTICLASS_CLASSIFICATION)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2018, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of NVIDIA CORPORATION nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ``AS IS'' AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR # PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR # CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR # PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY # OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import sys import json import os import csv TIMINGS = ["train_time", "test_time"] METRICS = ["AUC", "Accuracy", "F1", "Precision", "Recall", "MeanAbsError", "MeanSquaredError", "MedianAbsError"] ALLMETRICS = TIMINGS + METRICS def load_perf_data(json_file): file = open(json_file, "r") data = json.load(file) file.close() return data def load_all_perf_data(files): data = {} for json_file in files: dataset = os.path.basename(json_file) dataset = dataset.replace(".json", "") data[dataset] = load_perf_data(json_file) return data def get_all_datasets(data): return data.keys() def get_all_algos(data): algos = {} for dset in data.keys(): for algo in data[dset].keys(): algos[algo] = 1 return algos.keys() def read_from_dict(hashmap, key, def_val="-na-"): return hashmap[key] if key in hashmap else def_val def combine_perf_data(data, datasets, algos): all_data = {} for dataset in datasets: out = [] dset = read_from_dict(data, dataset, {}) for algo in algos: algo_data = read_from_dict(dset, algo, {}) perf = [algo] for timing in TIMINGS: perf.append(read_from_dict(algo_data, timing)) metric_data = read_from_dict(algo_data, "accuracy", {}) for metric in METRICS: perf.append(read_from_dict(metric_data, metric)) out.append(perf) all_data[dataset] = out return all_data def write_csv(all_data, datasets): writer = csv.writer(sys.stdout) header = ['dataset', 'algorithm'] + ALLMETRICS writer.writerow(header) for dataset in sorted(datasets): for row in all_data[dataset]: writer.writerow([dataset] + row) def main(): data = load_perf_data(sys.argv[1]) datasets = get_all_datasets(data) algos = get_all_algos(data) table = combine_perf_data(data, datasets, algos) write_csv(table, datasets) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#Original source: import numpy as np from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score,accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score def classification_metrics_binary(y_true, y_pred): m_acc = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) m_f1 = f1_score(y_true, y_pred) m_precision = precision_score(y_true, y_pred) m_recall = recall_score(y_true, y_pred) report = {'Accuracy':m_acc, 'Precision':m_precision, 'Recall':m_recall, 'F1':m_f1} return report def classification_metrics_binary_prob(y_true, y_prob): m_auc = roc_auc_score(y_true, y_prob) report = {'AUC':m_auc} return report def classification_metrics_multilabel(y_true, y_pred, labels): m_acc = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) m_f1 = f1_score(y_true, y_pred, labels, average='weighted') m_precision = precision_score(y_true, y_pred, labels, average='weighted') m_recall = recall_score(y_true, y_pred, labels, average='weighted') report = {'Accuracy':m_acc, 'Precision':m_precision, 'Recall':m_recall, 'F1':m_f1} return report def binarize_prediction(y, threshold=0.5): y_pred = np.where(y > threshold, 1, 0) return y_pred
#code based on from timeit import default_timer class Timer(object): """Timer class. Examples: >>> big_num = 100000 >>> t = Timer() >>> t.start() >>> for i in range(big_num): >>> r = 1 >>> t.stop() >>> print(t.interval) 0.0946876304844 >>> with Timer() as t: >>> for i in range(big_num): >>> r = 1 >>> print(t.interval) 0.0766928562442 >>> try: >>> with Timer() as t: >>> for i in range(big_num): >>> r = 1 >>> raise(Exception("Get out!")) >>> finally: >>> print(t.interval) 0.0757778924471 """ def __init__(self): self._timer = default_timer def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.stop() def start(self): """Start the timer.""" self.start = self._timer() def stop(self): """Stop the timer. Calculate the interval in seconds.""" self.end = self._timer() self.interval = self.end - self.start
import pandas as pd def _get_nominal_integer_dict(nominal_vals): """Convert nominal values in integers, starting at 0. Parameters: nominal_vals (pd.Series): A series. Returns: d (dict): An dictionary with numeric values. """ d = {} for val in nominal_vals: if val not in d: current_max = max(d.values()) if len(d) > 0 else -1 d[val] = current_max+1 return d def _convert_to_integer(srs, d): """Convert series to integer, given a dictionary. Parameters: srs (pd.Series): A series. d (dict): A dictionary mapping values to integers Returns: srs (pd.Series): An series with numeric values. """ return x: d[x]) def convert_cols_categorical_to_numeric(df, col_list=None): """Convert categorical columns to numeric and leave numeric columns as they are. You can force to convert a numerical column if it is included in col_list Parameters: df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe. col_list (list): List of columns. Returns: ret (pd.DataFrame): An dataframe with numeric values. Examples: >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'letters':['a','b','c'],'numbers':[1,2,3]}) >>> df_numeric = convert_cols_categorical_to_numeric(df) >>> print(df_numeric) letters numbers 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 """ if col_list is None: col_list = [] ret = pd.DataFrame() for column_name in df.columns: column = df[column_name] if column.dtype == 'object' or column_name in col_list: col_dict = _get_nominal_integer_dict(column) ret[column_name] = _convert_to_integer(column, col_dict) else: ret[column_name] = column return ret def convert_related_cols_categorical_to_numeric(df, col_list): """Convert categorical columns, that are related between each other, to numeric and leave numeric columns as they are. Parameters: df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe. col_list (list): List of columns. Returns: ret (pd.DataFrame): An dataframe with numeric values. Examples: >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'letters':['a','b','c'],'letters2':['c','d','e'],'numbers':[1,2,3]}) >>> df_numeric = convert_related_cols_categorical_to_numeric(df, col_list=['letters','letters2']) >>> print(df_numeric) letters letters2 numbers 0 0 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 4 3 """ ret = pd.DataFrame() values=None for c in col_list: values = pd.concat([values,df[c]], axis=0) values = pd.Series(values.unique()) col_dict = _get_nominal_integer_dict(values) for column_name in df.columns: column = df[column_name] if column_name in col_list: ret[column_name] = _convert_to_integer(column, col_dict) else: ret[column_name] = column return ret
import os import pandas as pd import arff import numpy as np from functools import reduce import sqlite3 import logging from libs.planet_kaggle import (to_multi_label_dict, get_file_count, enrich_with_feature_encoding, featurise_images, generate_validation_files) import tensorflow as tf from keras.applications.resnet50 import ResNet50 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _FRAUD_PATH = 'fraud_detection', 'credit_card_fraud_kaggle', 'creditcard.csv' _IOT_PATH = 'iot', 'sensor_stream_berkeley', 'sensor.arff' _AIRLINE_PATH = 'airline', '' _FOOTBALL_PATH = 'football', 'database.sqlite' _BCI_PATH = 'bci', 'data.npz' _HIGGS_PATH = 'higgs', 'HIGGS.csv' _KAGGLE_ROOT = 'planet' _PLANET_KAGGLE_LABEL_CSV = 'train_v2.csv' _PLANET_KAGGLE_TRAIN_DIR = 'train-jpg' _PLANET_KAGGLE_VAL_DIR = 'validate-jpg' def _get_datapath(): try: datapath = os.environ['MOUNT_POINT'] except KeyError:"MOUNT_POINT not found in environment. Defaulting to /fileshare") datapath = '/fileshare' return datapath def load_fraud(): """ Loads the credit card fraud data The datasets contains transactions made by credit cards in September 2013 by european cardholders. This dataset presents transactions that occurred in two days, where we have 492 frauds out of 284,807 transactions. The dataset is highly unbalanced, the positive class (frauds) account for 0.172% of all transactions. It contains only numerical input variables which are the result of a PCA transformation. Unfortunately, due to confidentiality issues, we cannot provide the original features and more background information about the data. Features V1, V2, ... V28 are the principal components obtained with PCA, the only features which have not been transformed with PCA are 'Time' and 'Amount'. Feature 'Time' contains the seconds elapsed between each transaction and the first transaction in the dataset. The feature 'Amount' is the transaction Amount, this feature can be used for example-dependant cost-senstive learning. Feature 'Class' is the response variable and it takes value 1 in case of fraud and 0 otherwise. Given the class imbalance ratio, we recommend measuring the accuracy using the Area Under the Precision-Recall Curve (AUPRC). Confusion matrix accuracy is not meaningful for unbalanced classification. The dataset has been collected and analysed during a research collaboration of Worldline and the Machine Learning Group ( of ULB (Universite Libre de Bruxelles) on big data mining and fraud detection. More details on current and past projects on related topics are available on and Please cite: Andrea Dal Pozzolo, Olivier Caelen, Reid A. Johnson and Gianluca Bontempi. Calibrating Probability with Undersampling for Unbalanced Classification. In Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM), IEEE, 2015 Returns ------- pandas DataFrame """ return pd.read_csv(reduce(os.path.join, _FRAUD_PATH, _get_datapath())) def load_iot(): """ Loads iot data Sensor stream contains information (temperature, humidity, light, and sensor voltage) collected from 54 sensors deployed in Intel Berkeley Research Lab. The whole stream contains consecutive information recorded over a 2 months period (1 reading per 1-3 minutes). I used the sensor ID as the class label, so the learning task of the stream is to correctly identify the sensor ID (1 out of 54 sensors) purely based on the sensor data and the corresponding recording time. While the data stream flow over time, so does the concepts underlying the stream. For example, the lighting during the working hours is generally stronger than the night, and the temperature of specific sensors (conference room) may regularly rise during the meetings. Returns ------- pandas DataFrame """ dataset = arff.load(open(reduce(os.path.join, _IOT_PATH, _get_datapath()))) columns = [i[0] for i in dataset['attributes']] return pd.DataFrame(dataset['data'], columns=columns) def load_airline(): """ Loads airline data The dataset consists of a large amount of records, containing flight arrival and departure details for all the commercial flights within the USA, from October 1987 to April 2008. Its size is around 116 million records and 5.76 GB of memory. There are 13 attributes, each represented in a separate column: Year (1987-2008), Month (1-12), Day of Month (1-31), Day of Week (1:Monday - 7:Sunday), CRS Departure Time (local time as hhmm), CRS Arrival Time (local time as hhmm), Unique Carrier, Flight Number, Actual Elapsed Time (in min), Origin, Destination, Distance (in miles), and Diverted (1=yes, 0=no). The target attribute is Arrival Delay, it is a positive or negative value measured in minutes. Link to the source: Returns ------- pandas DataFrame """ cols = ['Year', 'Month', 'DayofMonth', 'DayofWeek', 'CRSDepTime', 'CRSArrTime', 'UniqueCarrier', 'FlightNum', 'ActualElapsedTime', 'Origin', 'Dest', 'Distance', 'Diverted', 'ArrDelay'] return pd.read_csv(reduce(os.path.join, _AIRLINE_PATH, _get_datapath()), names=cols) def load_football(): """ Loads football data Dataset of football stats. +25,000 matches, +10,000 players from 11 European Countries with their lead championship Seasons 2008 to 2016. It also contains players attributes sourced from EA Sports' FIFA video game series, including the weekly updates, team line up with squad formation (X, Y coordinates), betting odds from up to 10 providers and detailed match events (goal types, possession, corner, cross, fouls, cards etc...) for +10,000 matches. The meaning of the columns can be found here: Number of attributes in each table (size of the dataframe): countries (11, 2) matches (25979, 115) leagues (11, 3) teams (299, 5) players (183978, 42) Link to the source: Returns ------- list of pandas DataFrame """ database_path = reduce(os.path.join, _FOOTBALL_PATH, _get_datapath()) with sqlite3.connect(database_path) as con: countries = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * from Country", con) matches = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * from Match", con) leagues = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * from League", con) teams = pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * from Team", con) players = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM Player_Attributes;", con) return countries, matches, leagues, teams, players def load_bci(): """ Loads BCI data Contains measurements from 64 EEG sensors on the scalp of a single participant. The purpose of the recording is to determine from the electrical brain activity when the participant is paying attention. Returns ------- A tuple containing four numpy arrays train features train labels test features test labels """ npzfile = np.load(reduce(os.path.join, _BCI_PATH, _get_datapath())) return npzfile['train_X'], npzfile['train_y'], npzfile['test_X'], npzfile['test_y'] def load_higgs(): """ Loads HIGGS data Dataset of atomic particles measurements. The total size of the data is 11 millions of observations. It can be used in a classification problem to distinguish between a signal process which produces Higgs bosons and a background process which does not. The data has been produced using Monte Carlo simulations. The first 21 features (columns 2-22) are kinematic properties measured by the particle detectors in the accelerator. The last seven features are functions of the first 21 features; these are high-level features derived by physicists to help discriminate between the two classes. The first column is the class label (1 for signal, 0 for background), followed by the 28 features (21 low-level features then 7 high-level features): lepton pT, lepton eta, lepton phi, missing energy magnitude, missing energy phi, jet 1 pt, jet 1 eta, jet 1 phi, jet 1 b-tag, jet 2 pt, jet 2 eta, jet 2 phi, jet 2 b-tag, jet 3 pt, jet 3 eta, jet 3 phi, jet 3 b-tag, jet 4 pt, jet 4 eta, jet 4 phi, jet 4 b-tag, m_jj, m_jjj, m_lv, m_jlv, m_bb, m_wbb, m_wwbb. Link to the source: Returns ------- pandas DataFrame """ cols = ['boson','lepton_pT','lepton_eta','lepton_phi','missing_energy_magnitude','missing_energy_phi','jet_1_pt','jet_1_eta','jet_1_phi','jet_1_b-tag','jet_2_pt','jet_2_eta','jet_2_phi','jet_2_b-tag','jet_3_pt','jet_3_eta','jet_3_phi','jet_3_b-tag','jet_4_pt','jet_4_eta','jet_4_phi','jet_4_b-tag','m_jj','m_jjj','m_lv','m_jlv','m_bb','m_wbb','m_wwbb'] return pd.read_csv(reduce(os.path.join, _HIGGS_PATH, _get_datapath()), names=cols) def load_planet_kaggle(): """ Loads Planet Kaggle data Dataset of satellite images of the Amazon. The objective of this dataset is to label satellite image chips with atmospheric conditions and various classes of land cover/land use. Resulting algorithms will help the global community better understand where, how, and why deforestation happens all over the world. The images use the GeoTiff format and each contain four bands of data: red, green, blue, and near infrared. To treat the images we used transfer learning with the CNN ResNet50. The images are featurized with this deep neural network. Once the features are generated we can use a boosted tree to classify them. Link to the source: Returns ------- A tuple containing four numpy arrays train_features y_train validation_features y_val """ csv_path = reduce(os.path.join, (_KAGGLE_ROOT, _PLANET_KAGGLE_LABEL_CSV), _get_datapath()) train_path = reduce(os.path.join, (_KAGGLE_ROOT, _PLANET_KAGGLE_TRAIN_DIR), _get_datapath()) val_path = reduce(os.path.join, (_KAGGLE_ROOT, _PLANET_KAGGLE_VAL_DIR), _get_datapath()) assert os.path.isfile(csv_path) assert os.path.exists(train_path) if not os.path.exists(val_path): os.mkdir(val_path) if not os.listdir(val_path):'Validation folder is empty, moving files...') generate_validation_files(train_path, val_path)'Reading in labels') labels_df = pd.read_csv(csv_path).pipe(enrich_with_feature_encoding) multi_label_dict = to_multi_label_dict(labels_df) nb_train_samples = get_file_count(os.path.join(train_path, '*.jpg')) nb_validation_samples = get_file_count(os.path.join(val_path, '*.jpg')) logger.debug('Number of training files {}'.format(nb_train_samples)) logger.debug('Number of validation files {}'.format(nb_validation_samples)) logger.debug('Loading model') model = ResNet50(include_top=False) train_features, train_names = featurise_images(model, train_path, 'train_{}', range(nb_train_samples), desc='Featurising training images') validation_features, validation_names = featurise_images(model, val_path, 'train_{}', range(nb_train_samples, nb_train_samples+nb_validation_samples), desc='Featurising validation images') # Prepare data y_train = np.array([multi_label_dict[name] for name in train_names]) y_val = np.array([multi_label_dict[name] for name in validation_names]) return train_features, y_train, validation_features, y_val
#code from import numpy as np import pandas as pd def get_fifa_stats(match, player_stats): ''' Aggregates fifa stats for a given match. ''' #Define variables match_id = match.match_api_id date = match['date'] players = ['home_player_1', 'home_player_2', 'home_player_3', "home_player_4", "home_player_5", "home_player_6", "home_player_7", "home_player_8", "home_player_9", "home_player_10", "home_player_11", "away_player_1", "away_player_2", "away_player_3", "away_player_4", "away_player_5", "away_player_6", "away_player_7", "away_player_8", "away_player_9", "away_player_10", "away_player_11"] player_stats_new = pd.DataFrame() names = [] #Loop through all players for player in players: #Get player ID player_id = match[player] #Get player stats stats = player_stats[player_stats.player_api_id == player_id] #Identify current stats current_stats = stats[ < date].sort_values(by = 'date', ascending = False)[:1] if np.isnan(player_id) == True: overall_rating = pd.Series(0) else: current_stats.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True) overall_rating = pd.Series(current_stats.loc[0, "overall_rating"]) #Rename stat name = "{}_overall_rating".format(player) names.append(name) #Aggregate stats player_stats_new = pd.concat([player_stats_new, overall_rating], axis = 1) player_stats_new.columns = names player_stats_new['match_api_id'] = match_id player_stats_new.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True) #Return player stats return player_stats_new.ix[0] def get_fifa_data(matches, player_stats): ''' Gets fifa data for all matches. ''' #Apply get_fifa_stats for each match fifa_data = matches.apply(lambda x :get_fifa_stats(x, player_stats), axis = 1) return fifa_data def get_match_label(match): ''' Derives a label for a given match. ''' #Define variables home_goals = match['home_team_goal'] away_goals = match['away_team_goal'] label = pd.DataFrame() label.loc[0,'match_api_id'] = match['match_api_id'] #Identify match label if home_goals > away_goals: label.loc[0,'label'] = "Win" if home_goals == away_goals: label.loc[0,'label'] = "Draw" if home_goals < away_goals: label.loc[0,'label'] = "Defeat" #Return label return label.loc[0] def get_overall_fifa_rankings(fifa, get_overall = False): ''' Get overall fifa rankings from fifa data. ''' temp_data = fifa #Check if only overall player stats are desired if get_overall == True: #Get overall stats data = temp_data.loc[:,(fifa.columns.str.contains('overall_rating'))] data.loc[:,'match_api_id'] = temp_data.loc[:,'match_api_id'] else: #Get all stats except for stat date cols = fifa.loc[:,(fifa.columns.str.contains('date_stat'))] temp_data = fifa.drop(cols.columns, axis = 1) data = temp_data #Return data return data def get_last_matches(matches, date, team, x = 10): ''' Get the last x matches of a given team. ''' #Filter team matches from matches team_matches = matches[(matches['home_team_api_id'] == team) | (matches['away_team_api_id'] == team)] #Filter x last matches from team matches last_matches = team_matches[ < date].sort_values(by = 'date', ascending = False).iloc[0:x,:] #Return last matches return last_matches def get_last_matches_against_eachother(matches, date, home_team, away_team, x = 10): ''' Get the last x matches of two given teams. ''' #Find matches of both teams home_matches = matches[(matches['home_team_api_id'] == home_team) & (matches['away_team_api_id'] == away_team)] away_matches = matches[(matches['home_team_api_id'] == away_team) & (matches['away_team_api_id'] == home_team)] total_matches = pd.concat([home_matches, away_matches]) #Get last x matches try: last_matches = total_matches[ < date].sort_values(by = 'date', ascending = False).iloc[0:x,:] except: last_matches = total_matches[ < date].sort_values(by = 'date', ascending = False).iloc[0:total_matches.shape[0],:] #Check for error in data if(last_matches.shape[0] > x): print("Error in obtaining matches") #Return data return last_matches def get_goals(matches, team): ''' Get the goals of a specfic team from a set of matches. ''' #Find home and away goals home_goals = int(matches.home_team_goal[matches.home_team_api_id == team].sum()) away_goals = int(matches.away_team_goal[matches.away_team_api_id == team].sum()) total_goals = home_goals + away_goals #Return total goals return total_goals def get_goals_conceided(matches, team): ''' Get the goals conceided of a specfic team from a set of matches. ''' #Find home and away goals home_goals = int(matches.home_team_goal[matches.away_team_api_id == team].sum()) away_goals = int(matches.away_team_goal[matches.home_team_api_id == team].sum()) total_goals = home_goals + away_goals #Return total goals return total_goals def get_wins(matches, team): ''' Get the number of wins of a specfic team from a set of matches. ''' #Find home and away wins home_wins = int(matches.home_team_goal[(matches.home_team_api_id == team) & (matches.home_team_goal > matches.away_team_goal)].count()) away_wins = int(matches.away_team_goal[(matches.away_team_api_id == team) & (matches.away_team_goal > matches.home_team_goal)].count()) total_wins = home_wins + away_wins #Return total wins return total_wins def get_match_features(match, matches, x = 10): ''' Create match specific features for a given match. ''' #Define variables date = home_team = match.home_team_api_id away_team = match.away_team_api_id #Get last x matches of home and away team matches_home_team = get_last_matches(matches, date, home_team, x = 10) matches_away_team = get_last_matches(matches, date, away_team, x = 10) #Get last x matches of both teams against each other last_matches_against = get_last_matches_against_eachother(matches, date, home_team, away_team, x = 3) #Create goal variables home_goals = get_goals(matches_home_team, home_team) away_goals = get_goals(matches_away_team, away_team) home_goals_conceided = get_goals_conceided(matches_home_team, home_team) away_goals_conceided = get_goals_conceided(matches_away_team, away_team) #Define result data frame result = pd.DataFrame() #Define ID features result.loc[0, 'match_api_id'] = match.match_api_id result.loc[0, 'league_id'] = match.league_id #Create match features result.loc[0, 'home_team_goals_difference'] = home_goals - home_goals_conceided result.loc[0, 'away_team_goals_difference'] = away_goals - away_goals_conceided result.loc[0, 'games_won_home_team'] = get_wins(matches_home_team, home_team) result.loc[0, 'games_won_away_team'] = get_wins(matches_away_team, away_team) result.loc[0, 'games_against_won'] = get_wins(last_matches_against, home_team) result.loc[0, 'games_against_lost'] = get_wins(last_matches_against, away_team) #Add season result.loc[0, 'season'] = int(match['season'].split('/')[0]) #Return match features return result.loc[0] def create_feables(matches, fifa, bookkeepers, get_overall = False, horizontal = True, x = 10, all_leagues = True, verbose = True): ''' Create and aggregate features and labels for all matches. ''' #Get fifa stats features fifa_stats = get_overall_fifa_rankings(fifa, get_overall) if verbose == True: print("Generating match features...") #Get match features for all matches match_stats = matches.apply(lambda x: get_match_features(x, matches, x = 10), axis = 1) #Create dummies for league ID feature if all_leagues: dummies = pd.get_dummies(match_stats['league_id']).rename(columns = lambda x: 'League_' + str(x)) match_stats = pd.concat([match_stats, dummies], axis = 1) match_stats.drop(['league_id'], inplace = True, axis = 1) if verbose == True: print("Generating match labels...") #Create match labels labels = matches.apply(get_match_label, axis = 1) if verbose == True: print("Generating bookkeeper data...") #Get bookkeeper quotas for all matches bk_data = get_bookkeeper_data(matches, bookkeepers, horizontal = True) bk_data.loc[:,'match_api_id'] = matches.loc[:,'match_api_id'] #Merges features and labels into one frame features = pd.merge(match_stats, fifa_stats, on = 'match_api_id', how = 'left') features = pd.merge(features, bk_data, on = 'match_api_id', how = 'left') feables = pd.merge(features, labels, on = 'match_api_id', how = 'left') #Drop NA values feables.dropna(inplace = True) #Return preprocessed data return feables def convert_odds_to_prob(match_odds): ''' Converts bookkeeper odds to probabilities. ''' #Define variables match_id = match_odds.loc[:,'match_api_id'] bookkeeper = match_odds.loc[:,'bookkeeper'] win_odd = match_odds.loc[:,'Win'] draw_odd = match_odds.loc[:,'Draw'] loss_odd = match_odds.loc[:,'Defeat'] #Converts odds to prob win_prob = 1 / win_odd draw_prob = 1 / draw_odd loss_prob = 1 / loss_odd total_prob = win_prob + draw_prob + loss_prob probs = pd.DataFrame() #Define output format and scale probs by sum over all probs probs.loc[:,'match_api_id'] = match_id probs.loc[:,'bookkeeper'] = bookkeeper probs.loc[:,'Win'] = win_prob / total_prob probs.loc[:,'Draw'] = draw_prob / total_prob probs.loc[:,'Defeat'] = loss_prob / total_prob #Return probs and meta data return probs def get_bookkeeper_data(matches, bookkeepers, horizontal = True): ''' Aggregates bookkeeper data for all matches and bookkeepers. ''' bk_data = pd.DataFrame() #Loop through bookkeepers for bookkeeper in bookkeepers: #Find columns containing data of bookkeeper temp_data = matches.loc[:,(matches.columns.str.contains(bookkeeper))] temp_data.loc[:, 'bookkeeper'] = str(bookkeeper) temp_data.loc[:, 'match_api_id'] = matches.loc[:, 'match_api_id'] #Rename odds columns and convert to numeric cols = temp_data.columns.values cols[:3] = ['Win','Draw','Defeat'] temp_data.columns = cols temp_data.loc[:,'Win'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_data['Win']) temp_data.loc[:,'Draw'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_data['Draw']) temp_data.loc[:,'Defeat'] = pd.to_numeric(temp_data['Defeat']) #Check if data should be aggregated horizontally if(horizontal == True): #Convert data to probs temp_data = convert_odds_to_prob(temp_data) temp_data.drop('match_api_id', axis = 1, inplace = True) temp_data.drop('bookkeeper', axis = 1, inplace = True) #Rename columns with bookkeeper names win_name = bookkeeper + "_" + "Win" draw_name = bookkeeper + "_" + "Draw" defeat_name = bookkeeper + "_" + "Defeat" temp_data.columns.values[:3] = [win_name, draw_name, defeat_name] #Aggregate data bk_data = pd.concat([bk_data, temp_data], axis = 1) else: #Aggregate vertically bk_data = bk_data.append(temp_data, ignore_index = True) #If horizontal add match api id to data if(horizontal == True): temp_data.loc[:, 'match_api_id'] = matches.loc[:, 'match_api_id'] #Return bookkeeper data return bk_data def get_bookkeeper_probs(matches, bookkeepers, horizontal = False): ''' Get bookkeeper data and convert to probabilities for vertical aggregation. ''' #Get bookkeeper data data = get_bookkeeper_data(matches, bookkeepers, horizontal = False) #Convert odds to probabilities probs = convert_odds_to_prob(data) #Return data return probs
#Source: """Profile mem usage envelope of IPython commands and report interactively""" from __future__ import division # 1/2 == 0.5, as in Py3 from __future__ import absolute_import # avoid hiding global modules with locals from __future__ import print_function # force use of print("hello") from __future__ import unicode_literals # force unadorned strings "" to be unicode without prepending u"" import time import memory_profiler from IPython import get_ipython import threading # keep a global accounting for the last known memory usage # which is the reference point for the memory delta calculation previous_call_memory_usage = memory_profiler.memory_usage()[0] t1 = time.time() # will be set to current time later keep_watching = True watching_memory = True input_cells = get_ipython().user_ns['In'] def start_watching_memory(): """Register memory profiling tools to IPython instance.""" global watching_memory watching_memory = True ip = get_ipython()"post_run_cell", watch_memory)"pre_run_cell", pre_run_cell) def stop_watching_memory(): """Unregister memory profiling tools from IPython instance.""" global watching_memory watching_memory = False ip = get_ipython() try:"post_run_cell", watch_memory) except ValueError: pass try:"pre_run_cell", pre_run_cell) except ValueError: pass def watch_memory(): # bring in the global memory usage value from the previous iteration global previous_call_memory_usage, peak_memory_usage, keep_watching, \ watching_memory, input_cells new_memory_usage = memory_profiler.memory_usage()[0] memory_delta = new_memory_usage - previous_call_memory_usage keep_watching = False # calculate time delta using global t1 (from the pre-run event) and current # time time_delta_secs = time.time() - t1 num_commands = len(input_cells) - 1 cmd = "In [{}]".format(num_commands) # convert the results into a pretty string output_template = ("{cmd} used {memory_delta:0.4f} MiB RAM in " "{time_delta:0.2f}s, total RAM usage " "{memory_usage:0.2f} MiB") output = output_template.format(time_delta=time_delta_secs, cmd=cmd, memory_delta=memory_delta, memory_usage=new_memory_usage) if watching_memory: print(str(output)) previous_call_memory_usage = new_memory_usage def pre_run_cell(): """Capture current time before we execute the current command""" global t1 t1 = time.time()
import os import multiprocessing def get_number_processors(): try: num = os.cpu_count() except: num = multiprocessing.cpu_count() return num
import os import numpy as np import glob from tqdm import tqdm import shutil from keras.preprocessing import image from keras.applications.imagenet_utils import preprocess_input def labels_from(labels_df): """ Extracts the unique labels from the labels dataframe """ # Build list with unique labels label_list = [] for tag_str in labels_df.tags.values: labels = tag_str.split(' ') for label in labels: if label not in label_list: label_list.append(label) return label_list def enrich_with_feature_encoding(labels_df): # Add onehot features for every label for label in labels_from(labels_df): labels_df[label] = labels_df['tags'].apply(lambda x: 1 if label in x.split(' ') else 0) return labels_df def to_multi_label_dict(enriched_labels_df): df = enriched_labels_df.set_index('image_name').drop('tags', axis=1) return dict((filename, encoded_array) for filename, encoded_array in zip(df.index, df.values)) def get_file_count(folderpath): """ Returns the number of files in a folder """ return len(glob.glob(folderpath)) def threshold_prediction(pred_y, threshold=0.5):# TODO: Needs to be tuned? return pred_y > threshold def read_images(filepath, filenames): """ Read images in batches """ img_data = list() for name in filenames: img_path = os.path.join(filepath, name+'.jpg') img = image.load_img(img_path, target_size=(224, 224)) x = image.img_to_array(img) x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0) img_data.append(preprocess_input(x)) return np.concatenate(img_data) def chunks(l, n): for i in range(0, len(l), n): yield l[i:i + n] def featurise_images(model, filepath, nameformat, num_iter, batch_size=32, desc=None): """ Use DL model to featurise images """ features = list() img_names = list() num_list = list(num_iter) num_batches = np.ceil(len(num_list)/batch_size) for num_chunk in tqdm(chunks(num_list, batch_size), total=num_batches, desc=desc): filenames = [nameformat.format(index) for index in num_chunk] batch_images = read_images(filepath, filenames) img_names.extend(filenames) features.extend(model.predict_on_batch(batch_images).squeeze()) return np.array(features), img_names def generate_validation_files(train_path, val_path, num_train = 35000): """ Creates the validation files from the train files. """ num_train_ini = get_file_count(os.path.join(train_path, '*.jpg')) assert num_train_ini > num_train order = 'mv ' + train_path + '/train_{' + str(num_train) + '..' + str(num_train_ini) + '}.jpg ' + val_path os.system(order)
from sklearn.metrics import (confusion_matrix, accuracy_score, roc_auc_score, f1_score, log_loss, precision_score, recall_score, mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, r2_score) import numpy as np def classification_metrics_binary(y_true, y_pred): """Returns a report with different metrics for a binary classification problem. - Accuracy: Number of correct predictions made as a ratio of all predictions. Useful when there are equal number of observations in each class and all predictions and prediction errors are equally important. - Confusion matrix: C_ij where observations are known to be in group i but predicted to be in group j. In binary classification true negatives is C_00, false negatives is C_10, true positives is C_11 and false positives is C_01. - Precision: Number of true positives divided by the number of true and false positives. It is the ability of the classifier not to label as positive a sample that is negative. - Recall: Number of true positives divided by the number of true positives and false negatives. It is the ability of the classifier to find all the positive samples. High Precision and low Recall will return few positive results but most of them will be correct. High Recall and low Precision will return many positive results but most of them will be incorrect. - F1 Score: 2*((precision*recall)/(precision+recall)). It measures the balance between precision and recall. Args: y_true (list or array): True labels. y_pred (list or array): Predicted labels (binary). Returns: report (dict): Dictionary with metrics. Examples: >>> from collections import OrderedDict >>> y_true = [0,1,0,0,1] >>> y_pred = [0,1,0,1,1] >>> result = classification_metrics_binary(y_true, y_pred) >>> OrderedDict(sorted(result.items())) OrderedDict([('Accuracy', 0.8), ('Confusion Matrix', array([[2, 1], [0, 2]])), ('F1', 0.8), ('Precision', 0.6666666666666666), ('Recall', 1.0)]) """ m_acc = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) m_f1 = f1_score(y_true, y_pred) m_precision = precision_score(y_true, y_pred) m_recall = recall_score(y_true, y_pred) m_conf = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) report = {'Accuracy': m_acc, 'Precision': m_precision, 'Recall': m_recall, 'F1': m_f1, 'Confusion Matrix': m_conf} return report def classification_metrics_multilabel(y_true, y_pred, labels): """Returns a report with different metrics for a multilabel classification problem. - Accuracy: Number of correct predictions made as a ratio of all predictions. Useful when there are equal number of observations in each class and all predictions and prediction errors are equally important. - Confusion matrix: C_ij where observations are known to be in group i but predicted to be in group j. In multilabel classification true predictions are in the diagonal and false predictions outside the diagonal. - Precision: Number of true positives divided by the number of true and false positives. It is the ability of the classifier not to label as positive a sample that is negative. - Recall: Number of true positives divided by the number of true positives and false negatives. It is the ability of the classifier to find all the positive samples. High Precision and low Recall will return few positive results but most of them will be correct. High Recall and low Precision will return many positive results but most of them will be incorrect. - F1 Score: 2*((precision*recall)/(precision+recall)). It measures the balance between precision and recall. Args: y_true (list or array): True labels. y_pred (list or array): Predicted labels. labels (list): Label index or name. Returns: report (dict): Dictionary with metrics. Examples: >>> from collections import OrderedDict >>> y_true = [0,1,2,0,1] >>> y_pred = [0,1,0,1,1] >>> result = classification_metrics_multilabel(y_true, y_pred, [0,1,2]) >>> OrderedDict(sorted(result.items())) OrderedDict([('Accuracy', 0.6), ('Confusion Matrix', array([[1, 1, 0], [0, 2, 0], [1, 0, 0]])), ('F1', 0.52), ('Precision', 0.4666666666666666), ('Recall', 0.6)]) """ m_acc = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) m_f1 = f1_score(y_true, y_pred, labels, average='weighted') m_precision = precision_score(y_true, y_pred, labels, average='weighted') m_recall = recall_score(y_true, y_pred, labels, average='weighted') m_conf = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, labels) report = {'Accuracy': m_acc, 'Precision': m_precision, 'Recall': m_recall, 'F1': m_f1, 'Confusion Matrix': m_conf} return report def classification_metrics_binary_prob(y_true, y_prob): """Returns a report with different metrics for a binary classification problem. - AUC: The Area Under the Curve represents the ability to discriminate between positive and negative classes. An area of 1 represent perfect scoring and an area of 0.5 means random guessing. - Log loss: Also called logistic regression loss or cross-entropy loss. It quantifies the performance by penalizing false classifications. Minimizing the Log Loss is equivalent to minimizing the squared error but using probabilistic predictions. Log loss penalize heavily classifiers that are confident about incorrect classifications. Args: y_true (list or array): True labels. y_prob (list or array): Predicted labels (probability). Returns: report (dict): Dictionary with metrics. Examples: >>> from collections import OrderedDict >>> y_true = [0,1,0,0,1] >>> y_prob = [0.2,0.7,0.4,0.3,0.2] >>> result = classification_metrics_binary_prob(y_true, y_prob) >>> OrderedDict(sorted(result.items())) OrderedDict([('AUC', 0.5833333333333333), ('Log loss', 0.6113513950783531)]) >>> y_prob = [0.2,0.7,0.4,0.3,0.3] >>> result = classification_metrics_binary_prob(y_true, y_prob) >>> OrderedDict(sorted(result.items())) OrderedDict([('AUC', 0.75), ('Log loss', 0.5302583734567203)]) """ m_auc = roc_auc_score(y_true, y_prob) m_logloss = log_loss(y_true, y_prob) report = {'AUC': m_auc, 'Log loss': m_logloss} return report def regression_metrics(y_true, y_pred): """Returns a report with different metrics for a regression problem. - Mean Squared Error: MSE is a risk metric corresponding to the expected value of the squared (quadratic) error. It has the disadvantage of heavily weighting outliers. - Mean Absolute Error: MAE is a risk metric corresponding to the expected value of the absolute error or L1 loss. Not as sensitive to outliers. - R Square: R2 is statistical measure of how close the data are to the fitted regression line. It's best possible score is 1.0 and it can be negative (because the model can be arbitrarily worse). A score of 0 means that the variables are not linearly correlated. - Root Mean Squared Error: RMSE is the square root of MSE. It also gives a relatively high weight to large errors. Args: y_true (list or array): True values. y_pred (list or array): Predicted values. Returns: report (dict): Dictionary with metrics. Examples: >>> from collections import OrderedDict >>> y_true = [5,1,0,7,1] >>> y_pred = [6,0.7,0.4,10,20] >>> result = regression_metrics(y_true, y_pred) >>> OrderedDict(sorted(result.items())) OrderedDict([('MAE', 4.74), ('MSE', 74.25), ('R2', -9.088315217391303), ('RMSE', 8.616843969807043)]) >>> y_true = [5,1,0,7,1] >>> y_pred = [6,0.7,0.4,10,2] >>> result = regression_metrics(y_true, y_pred) >>> OrderedDict(sorted(result.items())) OrderedDict([('MAE', 1.1400000000000001), ('MSE', 2.25), ('R2', 0.6942934782608696), ('RMSE', 1.5)]) """ mse = mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred) mae = mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred) r2 = r2_score(y_true, y_pred) report = {'MSE': mse, 'MAE': mae, 'R2': r2, 'RMSE': np.sqrt(mse)} return report def precision_at_k(y_true, y_pred, k=None): """Precision at K. Args: y_true (list or array): True values. y_pred (list or array): Predicted values. k (int): Limit of predicted values. Returns: result (float): precision at k (max=1, min=0) Examples: >>> y_true = [5,1,0,7,2] >>> y_pred = [2,5,0,1,7] >>> precision_at_k(y_true, y_pred, k=3) 1.0 >>> y_true = np.array([5,1,0,7,2]) >>> y_pred = np.array([9,0,8,1,7]) >>> precision_at_k(y_true, y_pred, k=3) 0.3333333333333333 """ predictions = y_pred[:k] num_hit = len(set(predictions).intersection(set(y_true))) return float(num_hit) / len(predictions) def recall_at_k(y_true, y_pred, k=None): """Recall at K. Args: y_true (list or array): True values. y_pred (list or array): Predicted values. k (int): Limit of predicted values. Returns: result (float): recall at k (max=1, min=0) Examples: >>> y_true = [5,1,0,7,2] >>> y_pred = [2,5,0,1,7] >>> recall_at_k(y_true, y_pred, k=3) 0.6 >>> y_true = np.array([5,1,0,7,2]) >>> y_pred = np.array([9,0,8,1,7]) >>> recall_at_k(y_true, y_pred, k=3) 0.2 """ predictions = y_pred[:k] num_hit = len(set(predictions).intersection(set(y_true))) return float(num_hit) / len(y_true) def discounted_cumulative_gain(y_true, y_pred, k=None): """Discounted Cumulative Gain (DCG). Info: Args: y_true (list or array): True values. y_pred (list or array): Predicted values. k (int): Limit of predicted values. Returns: result (float): DCG Examples: >>> y_true = [5,1,0,7,2] >>> y_pred = [2,5,0,1,7] >>> discounted_cumulative_gain(y_true, y_pred, k=3) 5.130929753571458 >>> y_true = np.array([5,1,0,7,2]) >>> y_pred = np.array([9,0,8,1,7]) >>> discounted_cumulative_gain(y_true, y_pred, k=3) 6.0 """ order = np.argsort(y_pred)[::-1] y_true = np.take(y_true, order[:k]) return (y_true / np.log2(np.arange(y_true.shape[0]) + 2)).sum() def exponential_discounted_cumulative_gain(y_true, y_pred, k=None): """Exponential Discounted Cumulative Gain (eDCG). Info: Args: y_true (list or array): True values. y_pred (list or array): Predicted values. k (int): Limit of predicted values. Returns: result (float): eDCG Examples: >>> y_true = [5,1,0,7,2] >>> y_pred = [2,5,0,1,7] >>> exponential_discounted_cumulative_gain(y_true, y_pred, k=3) 19.130929753571458 >>> y_true = np.array([5,1,0,7,2]) >>> y_pred = np.array([9,0,8,1,7]) >>> exponential_discounted_cumulative_gain(y_true, y_pred, k=3) 32.0 """ order = np.argsort(y_pred)[::-1] y_true = np.take(y_true, order[:k]) return ((2 ** y_true - 1) / np.log2(np.arange(y_true.shape[0]) + 2)).sum() def normalized_discounted_cumulative_gain(y_true, y_pred, k=None): """Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain (nDCG). Info: Args: y_true (list or array): True values. y_pred (list or array): Predicted values. k (int): Limit of predicted values. Returns: result (float): nDCG (max=1, min=0) Examples: >>> y_true = [5,1,0,7,2] >>> y_pred = [2,5,0,1,7] >>> normalized_discounted_cumulative_gain(y_true, y_pred, k=3) 0.4599812921368268 >>> y_true = np.array([5,1,0,7,2]) >>> y_pred = np.array([9,0,8,1,7]) >>> normalized_discounted_cumulative_gain(y_true, y_pred, k=3) 0.537892328558952 """ return discounted_cumulative_gain(y_true, y_pred, k) / discounted_cumulative_gain(y_true, y_true, k) def normalized_exponential_discounted_cumulative_gain(y, y_pred, k=None): """Normalized Exponential Discounted Cumulative Gain (neDCG). Info: Args: y_true (list or array): True values. y_pred (list or array): Predicted values. k (int): Limit of predicted values. Returns: result (float): neDCG (max=1, min=0) Examples: >>> y_true = [5,1,0,7,2] >>> y_pred = [2,5,0,1,7] >>> normalized_exponential_discounted_cumulative_gain(y_true, y_pred, k=3) 0.1292116839006246 >>> y_true = np.array([5,1,0,7,2]) >>> y_pred = np.array([9,0,8,1,7]) >>> normalized_exponential_discounted_cumulative_gain(y_true, y_pred, k=3) 0.21950735175253772 """ return exponential_discounted_cumulative_gain(y, y_pred, k)/exponential_discounted_cumulative_gain(y, y, k)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # This script computes a table that maps each byte to its bitwise reverse. def reverse_byte(v): return sum(1 << (7 - bit) for bit in range(8) if (v & (1 << bit)) != 0) tab = [reverse_byte(v) for v in range(256)] print('static const u8 bitreverse_tab[256] = {') for i in range(0, len(tab), 8): print('\t', end='') for j, v in enumerate(tab[i:i+8]): print(f'0x{v:02x},', end='') if j == 7: print('') else: print(' ', end='') print('};')