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Welcome to part 2 of our 5 part series on applied psychology and its relationship with outreach for link building and inbound marketing. In the 1st part we discussed the principle of reciprocity, how people are more receptive to any opportunities you approach them with, if you offer something to them first. In particular, we discussed how the primary driving factors behind reciprocity are gratitude and familiarity, as opposed to the pure cost-benefit analysis we might expect. In this 2nd part, we’ll discuss the concept of anchoring, an important influence on how people perceive options and make decisions. This psychological effect tells us that the way we frame things and the order in which we present things to people can have a pretty dramatic effect on how people perceive what we are seeing and, more importantly, how they decide to make decisions using this information. It’s not hard to see how that kind of effect can mean the difference between getting response to an email or getting thrown in the trash. How should we be presenting ourselves to make the best of this effect, and avoid the worst of it? Let’s start by elaborating on the concept with some of the research. The First Anchoring Effect: The Focusing Effect One example of anchoring is called “the focusing effect,” or the “focusing illusion.” Consider one experiment ran by David Schkade and Daniel Kahneman, where people from Southern California and from the Midwest were asked to rate their own life satisfaction, as well as what somebody’s satisfaction would be in either of the two locations. On average, people assumed that satisfaction was higher in Southern California. But it wasn’t. People in both places rated their own life satisfaction the same. When evaluating living in another location, people weighed the importance of climate and cultural opportunity more heavily than more conspicuous factors like crime rates and natural disasters. In a review of the literature on income and happiness, Kahneman and colleagues found a similar result. Past a certain point, income has very little to do with life satisfaction, but people dramatically overestimate how important income is to life satisfaction. Why? Again, because income is such a conspicuous factor. Using The Focusing Effect In Your Outreach Have you seen an email like this before? Subject: Your urgent reply is needed Congratulations, you won! We are attempting to deposit the sum of $10,546,321 in your bank account but the bank is rejecting the funds. Please send us the following information: Phone Number: _____________ Attach Copy Of Your ID _____________ Okay. How quickly did your eyes glaze over? If you’re like most of us, you probably knew about what to expect, as soon as you saw the subject line “Your urgent reply is needed.” If that wasn’t enough, “Congratulations, you won!” would have done it. And finally, of course, asking for your personal information was a red flag. Why am I showing you this spam email? The focusing effect tells us that we tend to make decisions that are influenced more heavily by the most conspicuous factors. What if the body of the email were completely legit? Odds are you wouldn’t have gotten that far. The most conspicuous part of the email is the subject line, and it’s the most generic spam subject line you’ve ever seen. You immediately know what to expect. Another conspicuous factor is the lack of a name. At no point does this email address us by name. If the subject line wasn’t enough to convince us to send this to the spam folder, the fact that they don’t mention our name in the first line immediately puts us off. Now, I haven’t yet told you anything about outreach you don’t already know. Of course you should include somebody’s name in the subject line and in the opening line of the email body. Of course, the subject line is the most important part of your email. So why go through this exercise? To draw your attention to the psychology behind what is happening with these principles that you already understand, so that it’s clearer why this next example is also likely to fail: Subject: Hi [name], a link on one of your pages is broken Hi [name]. I am [name] and I am the Director of Marketing at [agency name]. I have spent over ten years in the field of SEO and I have experience working with companies like [name], [name], [name], and [name]. You can see some of my work at [link]. I am contacting you to let you know that a link on this page is broken: [link] You may want to replace it with this link to a project of ours: [link]. Now, we are off to a much better start with this email. They refer to us by name in the subject line and the opening line of this email. The most conspicuous part of the email, the subject line, makes it clear what we should expect from the email, and that subject is very relevant to anybody who runs a website. In fact, many marketers will surely look at this email and wonder what the problem is. I’ve received enough emails like this to know that there are plenty of them out there. We’ve also made this very mistake in some of the earlier years of our career, but we’ve noticed a big change in response rates after changing our approach. The most conspicuous thing about this email is the disconnect between the subject line and the opening lines. The subject line suggests we are getting a friendly email from somebody who noticed a flaw on our site, but the opening paragraph looks like a sales pitch. Many marketers might not recognize it as such. They probably see it as “demonstrating expertise” or something similar, a psychological effect in its own right that probably deserves its own blog post in the future. But, I guarantee you that is not how your recipients are seeing it. Opening with a value demonstration of this kind is one of the most conspicuous factors that separates spam from relevant email. It is the “congratulations, you won!” of outreach. Don’t get me wrong. Plenty of legitimate emails do start out with a value demonstration like this. But enough spams employ this tactic for it to be a conspicuous factor that causes recipients to mark the email as spam, right away. Not a whole lot would need to be changed for this email to actually work. Here is how I probably would have written it: Subject: Hi [name], a link on one of your pages is broken Hi [name]. I noticed that a link on this page is broken: [link] I actually wrote a post on this topic recently, so feel free to use it instead: [link] For an idea of who I am you can take a look at my about page or one of my most popular posts: Notice the difference? Aside from moving the value demonstration to the bottom, I also removed the formal sounding language and replaced it with a more personal tone, as well as made the value demonstration optional by linking to pages on my site. In doing so, I’ve removed all of the conspicuous factors that the recipient might associate with spam. The tone of the language alone is a major conspicuous factor. Taking this approach makes it feel much more like a helpful email from somebody who noticed a broken link, which of course is exactly what it is. But the previous email didn’t feel like one. Now, no matter how informal the tone, recommending the link as a replacement is conspicuously self-serving, but there’s an important difference. I’ve led by showing them where the broken link is, not how wonderful I am. The recipient is definitely going to fix the link, and that gives reciprocity a chance to do its work. The Second Anchoring Effect: The Adjustment Heuristic We don’t just anchor our decisions on what’s most conspicuous. We’re also incredibly susceptible to the first piece of information we’re given. This is called the adjustment heuristic. In an article published in the ScienceMag, Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman uncovered a unique way of predicting the number of African countries in the UN. This was based on the number on which a roulette wheel lands. On the other hand, Dan Ariely found that people were willing to bid more money on items if they were asked to write down the last two digits of their social security number, if those last two digits were high. As if that weren’t bad enough, even being aware of this effect doesn’t stop it, even when people are offered real money. As a result of this bias, people are more likely to perceive a wine as inexpensive if wines are listed from most to least expensive, for example. This phenomenon is called the adjustment heuristic, which causes us to evaluate everything we say in one context as an adjustment from what we were first exposed to. Using The Adjustment Heuristic In Your Outreach What does the adjustment heuristic have to do with outreach? The focusing effect discussed above means that when somebody is reading your email, they are going to start by comparing your email to the others that they’ve seen based on only the most conspicuous differences, rather than by taking a close look and making an entirely educated judgment. In contrast, the adjustment heuristic means that any conclusions people come to about your email will be viewed as adjustments from their first impression, which makes the first few words very important in setting the tone for the rest of the email. No matter how many conspicuous factors you successfully address and deal with properly, there’s one you can never do anything about in your initial email. That conspicuous factor is the fact that the recipient simply does not know who you are. That is the most conspicuous difference between spam and non-spam. The impact of this effect is hard to shake, which is why you need a very solid reason for reaching out to them, one that gives them enough reason to pay attention. Since you can’t change the fact that you don’t know each other (yet), understanding the adjustment heuristic is incredibly valuable here. Because everything you say is evaluated relative to the first words out of your mouth, you need to make the context very clear. Open up with something that indicates genuine connection, and what you say afterwards is more likely to be seen within that context. Let’s look at an example of an email that fails to use the adjustment heuristic properly: Subject: [name], I liked your post about [topic] Hi [name], I really liked your post about [topic]. I especially agree with the part about [topic]. It’s always been my experience that [elaboration] and what you said really hit the nail on the head for me, so kudos. I wrote a post about [topic] here: [link]. Can you link to it? This is another example of an email that many marketers might think is pretty good. It’s certainly not one of the worst, though. It gives context for the email, and it clearly demonstrates that the sender has done their research before sending the email. So what’s the problem? The adjustment heuristic tells us that the most expensive wines on a wine list look more expensive if they’re listed at the bottom. For similar reasons, after anchoring this email on how much they loved this blog post, asking for a link just seems even more manipulative and self-serving than if the email had just led with that. You may be wondering what a better approach could possibly be. After all, leading with “I wrote a post about [topic] here, can you link to it?” clearly isn’t a good approach either. Here’s how I might approach a similar email: Subject: Hi [name], I liked your post about [topic] and thought you might find mine interesting Hi [name], I just came across your blog post about [topic] here: and it reminded me of a similar post I thought you’d like here: It’s always been my experience that [elaboration] and what you said really hit the nail on the head. When you mentioned [elaboration], I thought you’d be interested to know [detail]. [More elaboration]. If so, feel free to reference my post in the future. I won’t lie. There’s a decent chance that fewer people will actually open this email than the first one. However, I have noticed that emails like this are more likely to receive a response or earn a link. There’s nothing charming about feeling manipulated by somebody who emailed you to say they loved your post, then reveals that the only reason they are contacting you is for a link. It’s much better to set the appropriate tone for the goal of the email, right off the bat. Here, we’ve anchored the discussion on the similarity of our posts and how ours is relevant to them. In doing so, we’ve kept the subject line relevant to them as well as to the actual motivation behind the email. Our email doesn’t take a sudden turn for the worse that alienates the recipient. The adjustment heuristic tells us that there’s no value in trying to be sneaky. The longer we put off our “terrible secret” the more terrible it will seem. Your recipients are running a business too, or at least trying to earn attention online. They understand the need for promotion and they’ll understand as long as your email is relevant to them. They won’t appreciate you disguising a pitch as a compliment. If you want to learn more about the psychology of outreach, take a look at Part 1 to learn about the principle of reciprocity. Stay tuned for part 3. 3,080 total views, 2 views today
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It’s a Great Time to Be a Builder: Highlights from Werner Vogels’ AWS re:Invent 2023 Keynote by Gary Porter, Senior Solution Architect, Professional Services, Rackspace Technology During this year's re:Invent conference, AWS CTO Dr. Werner Vogels, known for sharing unique stories, revisited the concept of the 'Frugal Architect,' a theme he initially introduced in 2012. This figure embodies a shift back to a period of increased cost-consciousness across the industry, a focus that Vogels says remains crucial yet is often overlooked. The Frugal Architect embodies strategies for designing, measuring and optimizing AWS infrastructure in a cost-effective manner. Vogels highlighted the intriguing relationship between costs and other architectural elements — particularly sustainability. He illustrates this connection using AWS's own experiences in developing services like Amazon S3 and DynamoDB, demonstrating how cost considerations can align with broader goals like sustainability. In his presentation, Vogels further elaborated on the alignment of business and technology decisions within AWS's architectural framework. He emphasized that these decisions should not be made in isolation, but rather in a manner that complements and enhances the overall structure of AWS. To illustrate this, Vogels recounted AWS's evolution of AWS Lambda, detailing its transition from a back-end T2 system to its current foundation on Firecracker technology, which also powers AWS Fargate. Vogels also addressed the concept of observability through a personal anecdote about energy conservation in his hometown. He shared how the strategic placement of energy meters in highly visible locations around town led to increased awareness and a subsequent reduction in energy consumption among residents. This story underscores the significance of having easy access to data on resource usage, and demonstrates that even small adjustments can greatly impact behavior and efficiency. This principle of observability and actionable insights is directly applied to many of AWS's latest offerings, highlighted below. AWS has launched myApplications, a feature that enhances the AWS Management Console experience by offering a comprehensive dashboard for monitoring and managing an application's cost, health, security and performance. It streamlines the creation and organization of applications, allowing for easy optimization and one-click access to key AWS services, and integrates seamlessly with AWS tools and infrastructure-as-code solutions for efficient application management. Amazon CloudWatch Application Signals: Amazon CloudWatch Application Signals is designed to address the complexities of monitoring distributed systems with multiple interdependent services. It eliminates the need for manual telemetry integration, and offers a pre-built dashboard for key application metrics like request volume, availability and latency. This tool simplifies setting Service Level Objectives (SLOs) for critical operations and enhances troubleshooting by correlating telemetry across various monitoring methods. It also fosters team collaboration in managing distributed systems by providing an integrated, user-friendly platform for application performance analysis. In his presentation's second segment, Vogels explored the philosophical perspectives of Plato and Aristotle on the ideal society, with a focus on Plato's vision from ‘The Republic’ of a technology-assisted world. This led to a discussion on how Symbolic AI and Embodied AI are applied. Showcasing the positive impacts of AI, organizations like the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and Thorn are using AI to make significant contributions to the fields of agriculture and law enforcement. These endeavors inspired Vogels as he set out to create a beneficial machine-learning system, selecting radiology as his focus. He developed a system for identifying strokes through brain hemorrhage scans, highlighting the critical nature of time in such medical emergencies. This system, now publicly available as "Explainable Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection for Radiologist Workflow Prioritization," showcases the crucial role of rapid data processing in saving the lives of stroke patients. The creation of this system underscores Vogels’ main assertion that ‘There's never been a better time to be a builder.’ He spotlighted Amazon Q as an AI assistant designed for developers. This tool can give advice, comment on and explain code, and even write code on-demand. Amazon Q is a game changer for developers, who need to remain proficient in various technologies and AWS features. It enables the quick adoption of new technologies and assists with correctly configuring features to align with best practices. Vogels saved a special surprise for attendees who stayed until the very end: the announcement of an eagerly anticipated and much-requested feature from Amazon Inspector. Amazon Inspector is now supporting CI/CD container image security scanning. It was a nice easter egg that underscored the innovation and continuous evolution at AWS. Rackspace University Enables Execution through Education January 23rd, 2024 Our Journey through AWS re:Invent 2023 Highlights — Recap and Wrap-up December 7th, 2023
Document Scanning Services Near Me Unlock the potential of streamlined document management with Record Nations. Our dedicated team specializes in document scanning solutions for both individuals and businesses, revolutionizing the way you handle your documents. In Greensboro, our document scanning services are meticulously designed to assist businesses in downsizing their office spaces, making the transition to a paperless environment, or ensuring rock-solid compliance. Whether you have an extensive volume of documents to digitize or just a handful, Record Nations Greensboro can help. Experience the utmost security and convenience with Greensboro’s leading document scanning service. Allow us to elevate your business or household efficiency through our expert document scanning services, or simply find a convenient drop-off location near you for smaller-scale solutions. If you’re unsure about the scope of your project, don’t hesitate to reach out to our service experts. We’re here to guide you toward the perfect service option for your unique needs. Contact us for a free quote today! Don't Know How Many Boxes Or Sheets You Have? Use this handy calculator to convert other volumes into numbers of boxes and number of sheets if you are unsure. Service Options in Greensboro Unlock the power of efficiency with our cutting-edge document scanning service. We'll convert your mountain of paperwork into easily accessible digital files, enabling lightning-fast retrieval and secure sharing. Say goodbye to the clutter, reduce storage costs, and gain a competitive edge in the digital age. We also offer large format scanning services. Digital Records Storage Secure your company's future with a state-of-the-art digital records storage solution. Digital storage enables superior encryption techniques and cloud-based platforms ensure your vital information is protected while providing 24/7 access from anywhere on the planet. Streamline your document management, fortify data security, and meet compliance standards effortlessly. Shield your business from data breaches and regulatory headaches with our document destruction service. Our certified shredding experts leave no trace, ensuring your sensitive documents are obliterated beyond recognition. Trust us to safeguard your reputation and the environment, as we recycle responsibly. Offsite Records Storage Achieve the utmost security and accessibility for your critical records through our reliable offsite records storage service. Our esteemed partners provide a secure sanctuary for your essential documents, employing cutting-edge security protocols. Experience peace of mind knowing your records are kept in a climate-controlled facility, saving office space and making retrieval easier. Benefits of Scanning Services Increase Efficiency & Improve Workflow The documents and files that you scan can be integrated into digital workflows, streamlining business processes and reducing manual data entry and paperwork. This can lead to faster decision-making and improved customer service. Enhance Security & Disaster Recovery Scanned documents can be encrypted and backed up, enhancing data security and providing safeguards against physical document loss due to disasters like fire, floods, or theft. In addition, you can set up access controls to verify who can view which files. Improve Accessibility & Collaboration Digital documents can be accessed remotely, making it easier for employees to work from different locations or access important information while on the go. In addition, multiple employees can easily share and work on the same file at once. Optical Character Recognition With OCR scanning, your files can be easily searched for and edited as soon as it’s uploaded into your files or document management system. Improve Document Retrieval Scanned documents are indexed and can easily be searched and retrieved using keywords or metadeta. This eliminates the need for manual searching through paper files, saving time and improving productivity. Why Choose Record Nations Get matched to a partner in 3-5 minutes. They will work with you to get a quote based on your specifications. We have partners all over the United States and Canada. Record Nations has over two decades of experience matching customers to the right services. Partnered with the Best We are partnered with hundreds of partners nationwide providing you with the best, secure options in your area. Homes generate many sensitive documents. Simply storing paper files can leave residences vulnerable to identity theft and other breaches of privacy. Record Nations can help you safely scan and store your files, such as tax documents, mail, credit card statements, health information, IDs, and more with any service frequency you may require. Mobile and off site scanning as well as climate controlled storage facilities are affordable options for residents ready to begin protecting their privacy. Healthcare practices are required by law to protect patient privacy in certain ways. Record Nations, alongside our nationwide network of providers, is invested in compliance and safety. We understand that no scanning and storage plan is one-size-fits-all. That’s why we can match you with a variety of services, frequencies, and providers in your area that are sensitive to privacy regulations. Record Nations provides highly secure scanning and storage services for any volume of documents. Legal practices handle thousands of pieces of confidential information daily and need a safe way to store them electronically and physically. Our network of document management partners provide compliant methods for document management that build trust amongst employees and clients. Ensure your files do not fall into the wrong hands - trust our experienced partners. Each small business is unique, which is why Record Nations has unique scanning and storage solutions. Find the most affordable local services for your project in just minutes when you contact our experts. Find convenient and affordable methods for effectively storing financial documents, mail, employee information, and more both physically and electronically. We can help you create a document retention plan, provide information on what to scan, and keep your information confidential. Record Nations serves a variety of homes and businesses everyday. Our providers service many different industries and sizes of document management project. If your project is unique in scope, size, location, or anything else, our experts are eager to help! Get free, no obligation quotes on off site storage and secure scanning anywhere in the area. Start Scanning Today 1. Assess. Consider what materials need to be scanned as well as the rough amount. Consider if you need physical and/or digital storage as well as destruction services. 2. Contact. Call, email, live chat, or fill out the form to talk with a real member of the Record Nations team. One of our experts will answer your questions, provide information on services, and match you with customized quotes and partners. 3. Match. After one of our team members provides you with quotes from local businesses, you choose what service fits your needs best. 4. Schedule. Schedule your service with a member of our provider network. 5. Scan. Depending on the service you choose, have your materials securely scanned with one of our secure partner services. Frequently Asked Questions What is document scanning? Document scanning is the process of converting physical documents into digital format. It involves using a scanner or specialized equipment to capture images of paper documents and store them as electronic files. How do I calculate the number of documents I have to scan? With our easy-to-use conversion calculator, you can determine how many boxes of paper you have based on your current method of storage. If you need additional help, give us a call and we can walk you through it. How secure is the scanning process? The level of security in the scanning process depends on the document scanning service. Our service providers are reputable and ensure the utmost security measures throughout their practices. We at Record Nations prioritize confidentiality and integrity through measures such as physical security, restricted access, encryption, and secure destruction of original documents. Do I need to prepare the documents before sending them for scanning? In general, documents should be organized and free from any debris or damage. Staples, paperclips, and other bindings should be removed to ensure the scanning process is smooth and efficient. What types of documents can be scanned? Almost any type of document can be scanned, including paper documents; photographs; large format documents; medical records; legal documents; financial records; blueprints; microfilm and microfiche; X-rays; and more. Document scanning services can handle documents of different sizes, shapes, and formats. Why should I scan my documents? Scanning documents offers several benefits, including reducing physical clutter, making documents searchable, enabling easy backups, and enhancing document accessibility and sharing. It also helps in disaster recovery and saves physical storage space.
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This week, Betsy and Dan talk about decorating kids’ rooms. These are great projects and can be a lot of fun: you’ll get to use colors you might not typically use and you really get to put your creativity on display! But how do you create something that the kids will love–with all their favorite colors–without having the whole thing turn into, quite literally, a circus? That’s what we talk about in this episode, so give it a listen! - Involve Your Kids With the Decorating! (0:30) - What Do We Do When the Kids Pick Crazy Colors? You Compromise! (4:32) - My Son Embarrasses Me In Public (5:00) - Pick a Lighter Version of the Color (8:02) - Pick a Muted or Muddier Version of the Color (10:11) - Paint an Accent Wall (13:43) - Doors, Window Frames, Ceilings . . . (15:0o) - Accessories (16:30) - Choose the Right Paint and the Right Finish (17:30) - The Right Paint (17:57) - The Right Finish (21:46) - Our First Email Question! (23:06) Benjamin Moore Waterborne Ceiling Paint In the podcast, we mentioned ceilings as a potential area to bring in some color. If you’re going to give that a try (and you should, because it’s a very cool idea that’ll payoff with great results!) then you should definitely be using Benjamin Moore’s Waterborne Ceiling Paint. It’s specifically formulated for ceilings, and provides an ultra flat finish that easily hides common ceiling imperfections. It’s easy to work with, has minimal spatter and dries very quickly for fast recoats. - Superior hide for a flawless finish - Flattest finish offered by Benjamin Moore - Conceals common surface imperfections - Easy application with fantastic results - Formulated for minimal spatter Recommended Paints for Kids’ Rooms We covered 4 different products that would be perfect. Here’s a quick summary in case you didn’t have a note pad to jot all the good ideas down while the podcast was playing: Hallmark Ceramic Paint by RepcoLite Hallmark is our Premium interior paint. It’s created with Ceramic microspheres and provides exceptional washability and durability even in our matte finish. Hallmark is available in a Matte, Eggshell, Satin Sheen, and Semi-Gloss. Aura by Benjamin Moore Aura delivers remarkable durability and offers the most advanced way to bring color to life. Using Benjamin Moore’s exclusive Color Lock® technology, Aura paint brings you discernibly richer, truer color. Aura is ideal for kids’ rooms whenever you’re using colors with poor coverage or if you’re covering over other bright and bold colors. The reason? Aura’s specifically formulated to cover and hide better than any other paint out there. If you don’t want to fuss with 3 or 4 coats, choose Aura! Regal by Benjamin Moore Regal paint stands up to today’s active lifestyles in colors and finishes that create the home you’ve always imagined. A premium quality coating featuring Advanced Particle Technology® which includes our proprietary 100% acrylic resin. This makes the finish itself more durable, providing for superior uniform coverage as well as easier touch-ups. Additional benefits include spatter resistance for easier clean-up, and superior coverage for a flawless finish in fewer coats. Natura by Benjamin Moore Natura Waterborne Interior Paint continues Benjamin Moore’s commitment to providing the most environmentally friendly paint. Natura goes beyond zero VOC* to offer zero emissions** and no harsh fumes***, making it a safer paint for your family and the environment, all without compromise to performance or color selection. Natura is truly “Green Without Compromise®.” Carefree by RepcoLite While we didn’t mention Carefree in the podcast, we certainly should have! Carefree is a tremendous product for walls, will give you great washability and durability, and will price out below all of the other products here! If you’re working on a budget, Carefree might be a great option to consider. Recommended Finishes for Kids’ Rooms When it came to finishes, we strongly recommend either Satin Sheen or Semi-Gloss for your trim, doors, and furniture. Semi-Gloss finishes hold up well and wash up readily. For your walls, however, our favorite choice is an Eggshell Finish. It’s dull enough to hide wall imperfections (Betsy kept referring to the dings and dents made by someone bouncing a ball of the wall . . . perhaps something she was guilty of long ago) but it also has enough of a finish to be washable. We drew from a lot of articles and posts when we gathered info for this podcast. Here are just a few of them if you’d like to read further! - Let them Help: Decorating With Your Kids’ Input! - 3 Ways To Compromise WIth Your Kids About Paint Colors - 9 Designers Share Their Advice for Decorating With Children
Musculoskeletal pain is one of the leading causes of years lived with disability, which constitutes a substantial burden on society This study was done in a global transcontinental population dependent on a single physiotherapy centre of a UN level II Hospital in Naquora, Lebanon (catering predominantly to the military population of >39 countries serving in UNIFIL Lebanon) between Jan 2014 to Dec 2019. The patients were of various musculoskeletal injuries (including sports injuries- both acute and chronic) requiring conservative treatment, predominantly physiotherapy – using physiotherapy-based equipments followed by different rehabilitation exercises. Literature lacks any study involving the predominantly adult military population cohort of various parts of the globe with similar lifestyles and duties treated in a single centre. Patients from more than 39 countries spread across various continents are included in this study. It is a retrospective observational study comprising hospital-based cohorts of patients who did not need any operative intervention for the treatmentand were essentially managed onservatively using physiotherapy equipments and rehabilitation exercises on OPD/inhospital admission basis. They underwent necessary diagnostic tests and then multiple sittings of physiotherapy as part of the individual treatment protocol. Data was collected from the UNIFIL Hospital registers. SWD, IFT ,TENS and other physiotherapy equipments and rehabilitation aids were used in the treatment. The study shows back complaints more common in all populations and more disabling than other injuries each year throughout the study. Foot and ankle complaints were the least reported symptoms in the centre. Regionwise, the local population was the largest clientele followed by Asians & thereafter equally by the found in the March to September months because of more outdoor sports activities during these months due to the congenial weather conditions. Back complaints are the most common complaints compared to the peripheral limbs and extremities complaints. All continents are equally affected irrespective of their original race, culture and climate. Dedicated hospital staff and good physiotherapy equipments are essential to treat such patients. Timely consultation to specialist doctors help to mitigate such ailments early by conservative means. SWD and IFT effectively treats both acute and chronic musculoskeletal complaints than single isolated SWD or IFT therapy. Since this study is a retrospective observational non-interventional study not involving any new drug/ implant /equipment. Hence, trial registration is not applicable in this study. The study is purely of academic and research interest and the security classification of this research study is unclassified category.
In the midst of a severe drought, California Gov. Jerry Brown has enacted the state’s first mandatory water cuts. The restrictions are aimed at curbing municipal water consumption by 25 percent from 2013 levels, acting on 400 local water-supply agencies. Noticeably exempt, however, is the state’s largely corporate-controlled agricultural industry, which uses 40 percent of the state’s water and makes up just 2 percent of its economy. Fossil fuel companies, which used 70 million gallons of water for fracking last year and an estimated 2 million gallons each day, won’t face any restrictions either. In an op-ed calling for Brown to include agribusiness in the cuts, Ted Rall asked, “Isn’t it easier and cheaper to regulate the water consumption habits of a few thousand huge farms than of millions of individual households?” Growing almonds alone, in fact, requires more water than the metro areas of Los Angeles and San Francisco combined over the same time period. Unsurprisingly, it’s wealthy Californians who tend to consume more water than their lower-income counterparts, according to a recent UCLA study. As one Los Angeles-based community organizer told the Los Angeles Times, “South L.A. and East L.A.,” two poorer areas of the city, “have done their part. Now the affluent communities need to ante up.” While class-based differences in water consumption are important to point out, there’s a bigger issue at hand. Both of these arguments, along with the media’s renewed vilification of water-intensive almond products, are missing perhaps the restrictions’ most troubling facet. Responding to California’s drought isn’t about shaming consumers, governors or even crops, it’s about making a blueprint for life in a climate-impacted world that isn’t driven by the logic of austerity. In all likelihood, California’s hydro-cuts will be just the first in a long line of drastic, last-ditch policy proposals to emerge from state capitols as climate change’s impacts become more widely felt. As such, organizers, face a key opportunity to reframe the story about who’s responsible for both California’s water shortage, and the climate crisis writ large. Without a serious course correction, Gov. Brown’s cutbacks may well set the stage for a new and troubling wave of climate adaptation policies that blame individuals for industry’s externalities, and open the floodgates to back-door privatization. Asked why larger, water-hungry businesses were not included in the restrictions, Brown told ABC’s Martha Radditz that “They’re not watering their lawns or taking long showers” — which he apparently sees as the bigger problem. As Andreas Malm recently wrote in Jacobin, “ours is the geological epoch not of humanity, but of capital.” Laying out the contours of what he calls the Anthropocene myth, Malm explained that most popular conceptions on how to confront climate change, even among the sympathetic, fall back on “species-thinking, humanity-bashing, undifferentiated collective self-flagellation,” and an, “appeal to the general population of consumers to mend their ways and other ideological pirouettes that only serve to conceal the driver.” In other words, humanity is left stagnant, scape-goating our basic (fictional) flaws for a problem that’s the collective creation of the 1 percent, rather than the 99 percent. Now, with Gov. Brown chiding his state’s citizens for their wasteful ways, we’re seeing the Anthropocene myth play out in real time — and real, inadequate policy. As in the case of fiscal austerity, demonizing individual taxpayers or consumers is a shoddy way to navigate society out of a crisis, but it may be a great path to privatization. Writing for Oil Price, a fossil fuel industry trade magazine, business consultant and finance professor Michael McDonald argued that, “Regardless of one’s views on the efficiency of government or the effectiveness of corporations, it is clear that the world is entering a new era where water is now fair game as an economic resource.” Three of the word’s major privately-owned water companies, RWE/Thames, Veolia and Suez/ONDEO, are now setting their sites on the United States’ long-public water infrastructure. The problem facing California is a microcosm of sorts for climate change itself, and all the more reason why adequately confronting it has implications well beyond the state’s borders. That’s not to say the drought — California’s most intense since record keeping began in 1895 — shouldn’t be taken lightly. NASA scientist Jay Famiglietti warned that California has just one year of water left in its reserves, which have been steadily drained as a result of the climate-exacerbated drought. The drive to tackle this problem by focusing on spendthrift households is strikingly similar to that of austerity policies that try to slash deficits by scaling back and then privatizing such amenities as health care, public transportation and even water. The basic reasoning is the same: The masses are at fault for mismanaging resources, and the market can do it better. Rations, as some have framed the cutbacks, carry a less ominous connotation than austerity, though, stirring up heroic images of patriotic families in World War II conserving bread in bomb shelters as part of a collective national effort to stop the Nazis. The climate crisis is not a war, however, and neither is war itself the economic boom it was in the 1940s, when it brought with it fat defense contracts that saw the country through the last painful hump of fall-out from the Great Depression. Inspiration for plotting a course out of this crisis, instead, should come from the period that followed the World War II — namely, rebuilding. According to author Naomi Klein, “If enough of us stop looking away and decide that climate change is a crisis worthy of what some have called a ‘Marshall Plan for the Earth,’ then it will become one, and the political class will have to respond, both by making resources available and by bending the free market rules that have proven so pliable when elite interests are in peril.” A “Marshall Plan for the Earth,” unfortunately, is unlikely to emerge from a political narrative dominated by talk of shorter showers and smaller lawns. Thankfully, campaigners aren’t starting from scratch. It may have been the Occupy movement — and the dramatic, if predictable, collapse of U.N. climate negotiations two years earlier in Copenhagen — that gifted the environmental movement with the ability to name an enemy outside of themselves and humanity at large. The movements for divestment from fossil fuels and against the Keystone XL pipeline have each named clear corporate targets, and gradually started shifting the movement’s mainstream from individualistic talk of banning bottled water and riding more bikes to taking on greedy executives’ social license to operate. In California, green groups should be asking themselves every free market fundamentalist’s favorite question: How do we use this crisis to our advantage?
Rob just retired as the Outdoor Correspondent for the Albany, New York Times Union Newspaper. His articles covered all aspects of the outdoors including hunting, fishing, camping, paddling, and conservation. Rob also writes for a variety of national and even overseas magazines on fly fishing, bowhunting, and the outdoors. His favorite outdoor activities are traditional bowhunting, fly fishing, and fly tying. Rob StreeterRob StreeterRob Streeterreelance Outdoor writerRob Rob has written three books. His first is "The New York Fly-Fishing Guide" (Amato Publications), and his second is "Warmwater Fly-Fishing, finding and catching warm water species." His new book, "The Greats of Adirondack Fly Fishing is NOW AVAILABLE at the Products section of the website! Outdoor Writer, Photographer, Videographer Rob has filmed and produced two fly-fishing DVD's. "Tying and Fishing for Smallmouth Bass," and "Tying and Fishing for Panfish." Rob also has a video channel on YouTube and will have more videos coming soon! And Custom Wading Staffs (See the Flies Page) Rob Streeter © 2018 All Rights Reserved
Money Matters: What a government shutdown means for personal finance As we write this column, Congress is on the precipice of allowing the federal government to shut down. It has happened 12 times since 1981, most recently for 16 days in 2013. If it happens, many consumers’ personal finances would be impacted in a myriad of ways, and journalists will need to explain how. If it doesn’t happen, bookmark this column and save it for the next time a shutdown occurs or seems probable. Those most directly affected would be “non-essential” federal government employees – essentially everyone except members of the military, law enforcement officers, some national security officials, air traffic controllers, VA health care workers, etc. – are furloughed without pay. In the most recent shutdowns, those workers received back pay once the government reopened, but there’s no guarantee in the law that such a retroactive payment of salaries will occur in this instance. Some “non-essential” federal employees who work for entities with their own budgets separate from the full federal spending plan will continue to work, e.g., postal carriers and Amtrak employees. The workers who process social security, Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps will keep working. Federal courts will stay open, but since they are staffed by some “non-essential” federal workers, proceedings may very well be disrupted. If you use the last government shutdown as a guide, it’s reasonable to expect severe economic disruption, and disruption to many programs and services, as outlined in a 2013 report from the president’s Office of Management and Budget. The Federal government shutdown: - Halted permitting and environmental and other reviews, delaying job-creating transportation and energy projects. For example, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) was unable to process about 200 Applications for Permit to Drill, delaying energy development on Federal lands in North Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, and other states. - Hindered trade by putting import and export licenses and applications on hold. For example, because the Treasury Department’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau was unable to issue export certificates for beer, wine, and distilled spirits, more than two million liters of U.S. products were left sitting at ports unable to ship. - Halted Federal loans to small businesses, homeowners, and housing and healthcare facility developers. The Small Business Administration (SBA) was unable to process about 700 applications for $140 million in small business loans, and the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) was unable to process over 500 applications for loans to develop, rehabilitate, or refinance around 80,000 multifamily rental units. - Delayed the Alaskan crab fishing season, costing fisherman thousands of dollars in lost revenue. Because the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was unable to apportion harvest levels, the start of the season was delayed for three to four days. The fishing industry estimates these delays cost fisherman thousands of dollars of lost revenue per day, since days lost at the beginning of the season cannot be made up later. - Disrupted tourism and travel by closing national parks and the Smithsonian. The National Park Service (NPS) estimates that the shutdown led to over $500 million in lost visitor spending nationwide, a significant economic hit to communities surrounding national parks and monuments. - Significantly impacted small businesses that contract with the Federal government. Compared with the same period last year, small business contracts with the Department of Defense (DOD) dropped by almost one-third during the shutdown, and spending dropped 40 percent. - Delayed aircraft purchases and deliveries by closing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)’s Aircraft Registry. The General Aviation Manufacturers Association estimates that this delayed 156 aircraft deliveries valued at $1.9 billion. - Delayed Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of medical products, devices, and drugs. This delayed businesses in moving products to market. - Deprived businesses of important information about the state of the economy. During the shutdown, Federal statistical agencies were unable to release data and reports ranging from the [monthly] jobs report and the Consumer Price Index to the Energy Information Administration’s reports on petroleum, diesel prices, heating oil, and natural gas storage. Businesses count on these data to make investment, pricing, and other decisions. - Stalled weekly progress in reducing the backlog of veterans’ disability claims, which was previously being reduced at a rate of almost 20,000 claims per week. - Delayed … tax refunds. - Prevented hundreds of patients from enrolling in National Institutes of Health (NIH) clinical trials. - Forced Head Start grantees serving nearly 6,300 children to close their centers … (before re-opening with the help of private philanthropists or their state). - Delayed home loan decisions for … rural families. - Led the FDA to delay … food and feed domestic inspections and … food safety inspections under State contracts. These routine inspections enable FDA to determine compliance with law and ensure that unsanitary conditions and practices that may result in foodborne illness are addressed. - Prevented the timely and complete investigation of … airplane accidents by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). - Delayed workshops for … military service members to help them transition to civilian life and employment. - Forced cut-backs in Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) flu season surveillance and monitoring, leaving local public health authorities without access to complete national flu season data for two weeks. - Brought new Federal research activities to a standstill, with 98 percent of National Science Foundation (NSF), nearly three-quarters of NIH, and two-thirds of CDC employees furloughed. - Required the National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to furlough four out of the five Nobel Prize-winning researchers … employed by the Federal government. - Halted Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) inspections …, including hazardous waste facilities, chemical facilities, and drinking water systems. - Denied assistance to almost 500 small businesses seeking to keep their workplaces safe, because many States had to shut down the federally-funded Consultation Program. Obviously, the severity of the disruptions this time will depend on how long the shutdown lasts. But as you can see from the list above, the number of personal finance story ideas is long – quite long indeed.
Going on a vacation is very exciting! The thought of chilling and sunbathing on the beach and sipping on margaritas just makes everything seem so unreal and just something that you would really want to experience right now. However, to achieve that perfect vacation, you might want to put a little effort into planning your travel itinerary to make sure that everything goes as planned and that you are able to make the most out of you vacation time. In case you have not been one to plan your vacation, then it is high time you start! Grab that calendar, check the dates of the holidays, and start jotting down the dates when you want to travel. To give you a little bit more help, you can use the sample vacation planning templates that we have included in this very article. Want to find out more about vacation planners? Just keep reading! Vacation Planner Template Vacation Planner Schedule Template Vacation Calendar Planner Vacation Planner in PDF Tips for Planning Your Dream Vacation Planning a trip, whether local or overseas, can be quite a challenge as it takes a bit of effort and can be quite time-consuming. However, if done right, you will be able to enjoy your trip and you will surely not regret every single moment of it. We’ve got you covered from budget plans, insurance, packing tips, places where you should explore eating, getting the visas (for international travels), and everything else related to traveling! Are you ready? Let us start creating priceless memories and stay away from stress even just for a little bit. Here is our step-by-step guide! Choose Where You Want to Go First things first, you want to plan where you want to go first. Pick a destination that suits your budget and piques your interest. Whether or not you are traveling locally or overseas, the main point is to have fun with the people you are traveling with or on your own if you are going to go on a backpacking adventure. Make sure that you plan your vacation time especially if you have a limited amount of vacation leaves. Make sure that you plan your trip accordingly. You also have to do research regarding when the best time of the year is to go to to your dream destination. However, if you choose to go on the peak seasons, you should be prepared for price hikes and for the crowd. Book the Flight All throughout the year, there are a lot of seat sales going on for airline travel. It is a matter of great timing when it comes to these sales as airline ticket promos get sold out in a matter of minutes. To get notified about cheap and affordable flights to your dream destination, you can sign up for the airline company’s newsletter. There are also websites that allow you to have a comparison of prices for different airlines. If you opt to use such websites, it will be just a matter of checking which one/ones are great choices for your budget. Pick the Accommodation When it comes to your accommodations, you want to make sure that you get the best value for your money. You may want to stay in a hotel, in apartments, in backpacker or couch surfer houses, or a house. A ton of times, if you opt to book your vacation with travel agencies, the accommodation that they will offer will most likely be a hotel, which is not bad but can be too expensive if you are traveling with kids or if you are traveling with a large group. Instead, you can find apartments, condominiums, or houses up for short-term rent on certain websites, such as Airbnb, that just might suit your budget and your needs. Getting Around the Destination Sure, there are a couple of travel packages available that will make transfers and tours very convenient. However, going on public transport can be more adventurous and can actually save you more money. So if you want to take public transport, research if there’s a need for you to purchase cards for the buses and trains or if they accept cash. You may also want to rent a car. You can find a lot of car-for-rent websites that can help make going around town easier. What is a vacation if you do not go to the tourists spots? For sure just typing “[Name of place] tourist spots” on your browser’s search bar, you are sure to get a ton of suggestions. You just now have to make a schedule regarding when you want to visit each of the tourist spots you want to visit. Search how far each tourist destination is from each other and see whether or not you can do all in one day. You should also consider and make a list of the following activities: - Free things you can do or amount of free time you have - Famous parks and playgrounds - Famous food avenue or restaurant - City tours - Day/evening trips You can check out blogs as well as videos of the places you want to visit. Where to Eat They say that there are a lot of things that you can learn from a destination just by eating the food that is native to them and is one of the things that travelers look forward to during a vacation. It would be a good idea to research about famous cafes, restaurants, and pubs. You may also research about the local delicacies and the best craft beers available in the country or state. Check Your Passport This is very important especially if you are planning on traveling abroad. Check when your passport will expire. If the country you will be traveling to requires a visa, apply for a visa way before you start booking for flights, around 8 weeks minimum, and know what the requirement documents are needed. Double-check the requirements with the embassy. Make Copies of Documents Make several copies of important documents such as your passports, reservation forms, accommodations, flight itinerary, booking slips, credit cards, and other valid identifications. Print out about two hard copies and have soft copies available on your smartphone. Purchase Travel Insurance Better safe than sorry. You want to protect yourself from anything that might go wrong. Travel insurance is meant to protect you from trip cancellations, loss of personal belongings, damaged luggage by the airline, and other unfortunate events that might occur during the trip. If you can, limit your luggage to one handheld luggage or one luggage that you will check in. Consider the following when it comes to packing your stuff: - Know the weather or climate of your destination. - Have a change of clothes in your carry-on luggage just in case your checked-in luggage does not arrive with you. - Know what the activities you will be doing and pack accordingly. - Know where you will be staying. If you are staying at a hotel, no need to bring a lot of toiletries and towels. If you are staying somewhere else, bring a towel that dries up easily. - Charge all of your gadgets and bring a universal wall adapter. Everything can be done online nowadays. Airline companies actually allow you to check-in a few days to a few weeks before your flight date. Take a rest from the hassle and check-in online immediately once online check-in is already available. Vacation Planner Checklist Vacation Schedule Planner Vacation Itinerary Planner in Word You now know a few things about planning your vacation, it is now time for you to start planning that trip and have a lot of fun. For more information, you can check out Effective Vacation and Travel Checklist. 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The latest window innovations offer much more than just a pretty view. New windows are more durable, energy efficient and safe than ever. If you haven’t replaced your windows in the past 20 years, you might be surprised by how much has changed. “Years ago, windows were just something to plug a hole, let in light and keep out the elements,” says Dave Lincoln, a home improvement expert for Sears Home Services. While windows today still cover the basics, new innovations in window design mean they’ve also come a long way in terms of safety, energy efficiency, durability and aesthetics. “Typically all windows manufactured today will do a better job reducing sound when compared to windows of a decade or century ago,” Lincon says. Here’s a deeper look at how windows have improved. 6 Ways Windows Are Better than Ever 1. MULTI-PANE WINDOWS Double- and triple-pane windows help maximize energy efficiency and reduce noise. 2. ARGON GLASS FILLER Argon gas—a dense gas that helps reduce heat transfer, drafts and cold spots—is now commonly encased between the layers of glass on multi-pane windows. 3. SOUND REDUCTION New vinyl windows reduce more outside noise than ever before thanks to increased insulation and the chambered construction of the frames. TIP! Double- and triple-pane windows help to provide an additional buffer. 4. ENERGY EFFICIENCY Low-e coatings on glazing or glass can reduce energy loss by as much as 50%, the Department of Energy reports. TIP! Low-e coatings can also prevent fabrics from fading. 5. INCREASED DURABILITY Improved technology helps prevent windows from warping, and seals are better at resisting the elements and keeping in the insulating gas. 6. SAFETY FEATURES High-impact windows have laminated glass with an inner layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) resin adds an extra safety level: Glass shatters but won’t break because the laminate holds the shattered glass together, similar to a car windshield
Almost everyone in the modern world seems to have a home security system these days. It doesn’t matter if it’s a baby monitor that lets you talk to your child through it or a doorbell that alerts you when someone is at the door, there is always a security system around you. Try to think about the location of your home in the variables Bay Point and TX. There is at least one security system in your home, even if you do not have a fancy home security system. The smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector that you find on your ceiling is most likely the one that will alert you to the presence of smoke. You would be surprised to know that those types of home security systems are available in the county of Harris. Considering upgrading your home security system or investing in a new one? Is this something you are interested in? There is a good chance that you are wondering what they cost, if so. Despite the fact that there is a charge when you buy it at the beginning, there are other charges that you may not think of right away. Installing a security system is not as simple as picking it up from a store, because there is a lot more that goes into it. Keep reading in order to determine which type of alarm is right for you, how much it costs, and whether it is worth the money. Types of Alarms You need to determine what kind of security system you want in Bay Point, TX before you can calculate the cost. It is important to note that prices vary depending on the size, type, and features of the alarm system. You can also get motion sensors, doorbell cameras and other security cameras that can act as alarms for you home alarm system. Home security systems can be classified into two main types, monitored and unmonitored, and both types are available in VarCounty County. In both of these systems, you will be alerted when something goes wrong with your house, but how they report this information will differ from system to system. There is no monitoring system on an unmonitored system, so if there is an alarm, you will have to call the authorities, if it is necessary. This alert will, however, be forwarded to a professional who is tasked with watching over your home with a security system that is monitored. If necessary, they will call the authorities and see what set off the alarms and determine what caused them to go off. Depending on whether a home security system is monitored or unmonitored, there are also various types of home security systems available. There are many different types of cameras that can monitor your front door, from one that detects intruders to one that detects smoke, and many other types. Regardless of which security system you are looking for, you will be able to find one to suit your needs. Additionally, there are many wireless and wired home security systems available in Bay Point and TX that are also popular. In the same way that monitored and unmonitored systems have their own benefits, they also come with different prices as well. Despite being more reliable than its wireless counterpart, the wired version is also more expensive to purchase due to its higher reliability. In spite of the fact that you may believe you can just buy a security system, install it, and move on, you will need to take into consideration the costs along the way. Installation, maintenance, monthly fees, and taxes are a few of the things you need to take into consideration. In the beginning, you may feel tempted to install your own security system when you purchase your security system for the first time. Having just spent money on the item, it might seem a bit ridiculous to spend more to have it installed after you have just spent money on it. There is no doubt that installing a security system in your home by one of the professionals from Archangel Alarm Services is the best way to ensure that your security system works as it should and keeps your home safe. As far as the cost of installing one of these systems goes, it will depend on several factors, such as how complicated the installation process is as well as how many of them you want. There will be a higher cost involved if you select a complex system. Obviously, if you just need to hang a few cameras, you will be able to get away with a DIY project without spending a lot of money. There are, however, more extensive installations that can cost up to $200 if they are undertaken by a professional. As a result, if you are planning to install home security systems throughout the entire house, then you can expect to pay even more for your home security system. In addition, you may be charged an activation fee for certain devices, which will be billed to you after the device has been installed. Maintenance fees may not be an issue for some time, but eventually, they will be one of the things you need to worry about. There will always be a time when something will break. There are a number of things you should make sure that you pay attention to when something is not working as it should when you have something as essential to your protection as a security system. Changing the sensor can be one of the most inexpensive ways of performing maintenance, and it can only cost around $10 in some cases. Getting your system repaired or replaced if necessary is not something you should let your fear of a large price tag keep you from doing. Compared to a monitored home security system, an unmonitored system is much less expensive as you do not need a professional to monitor your house, thus costing you a lot less. Depending on how you choose to have these systems monitored, you will have to pay a different amount for them. As an example, if an operator uses a GSM chip to monitor your home on a regular basis, the monthly fee could range anywhere between $20 and $65 if you choose to do it yourself. There is an average price range of $10 to $65 a month for home insurance, but prices may vary depending on your location. Last but not least, you should consider what taxes or permits you may have to get in Bay Point and TX. The cost of taxes on your security system varies based on where you live, and therefore it is hard to pinpoint exactly how much you will have to pay. Depending on where you live, you may also have to obtain a permit before you can install home security systems inside your house in order to be able to do so. In order to know what to expect in terms of permits and taxes, you should check your local laws regarding those issues. Is It Worth It? Do you think that your Harris County home is worth it to have a security system installed? In the event that you are willing to pay the price in order to make sure your home is protected and safe, then you should not wait a second longer. Costs will vary based on the type of system you purchase, your location, and the features of your system. Despite the fact that there is no guarantee of how much you will spend, you can be sure that you will be getting the best security system, one from Archangel Alarm Services, Bay Point, TX, no matter how much you purchase. You can get 24/7 professional monitoring from Archangel Alarm Services as they will professionally install systems like smart home devices. You can contact Archangel Alarm Services at 281-946-2739 if you are ready to take on the challenge of installing a home security system in your home. You will never have to worry again about someone breaking into your home when you choose our services. Hardwired systems are by far the most reliable however, there’s always a risk of the wired being damaged and hardwired systems involve more labor during installation. Some wireless security systems can function during power outages. It depends on how the security system communicates with the monitoring center. If the Internet or VoIP is used, then the alarm system will lose connectivity in the event of an Internet outage. Besides guarding against intruders, some home security systems protect against environmental disasters by detecting heat, smoke and moisture. Alarms and text alerts can help prevent or minimize damage from fire and water. Modern indoor/outdoor video surveillance for home security is full color, full motion and high resolution. The best security cameras have night vision and quickly adapt to changes in lighting. Some allow remote monitoring and control via a mobile device or desktop computer.
Helix and WinkBed are two of the most popular box-spring mattresses on the market today. Also, they’re hybrid mattresses that combine foam and springs. Don’t be fooled by the similarities between these beds; each is better suited to different types of sleepers. - How Much Does A Mattress Cost? Factors Influencing Mattress Price Update 02/2024 - Layla vs. Novosbed Mattress Comparison: Which Is Best? Update 02/2024 - Zenhaven vs. Brentwood Cedar Mattress Comparison: Which Is Best? Update 02/2024 - Casper vs. Saatva Mattress Comparison: Which Is Best? Update 02/2024 - Avocado vs. Zenhaven Mattress Comparison: Which Is Best? Update 02/2024 Is the WinkBed better than the Helix? You can find out in our in-depth comparison of WinkBed vs. Helix! From firmness and feel to construction, performance and more, we’ve directly compared the WinkBed Luxury Firm model against the Helix Midnight. Let’s take a look at these beds and see how they measure up. WinkBed vs. Helix Get a feel for which mattress is ideal for you by comparing the WinkBed and Helix mattresses. WinkBed Vs. Helix Overview Both the WinkBed Luxury Firm and the Helix Midnight are excellent hybrid mattresses, but they’re better suited to specific kinds of sleepers. Listed below are the people most likely to prefer sleeping in each of the following beds: Who Should Get The WinkBed? - Mattresses for those who are looking for a little additional comfort. - People who prefer the sensation of a traditional innerspring mattress will enjoy this mattress. - Those who require further assistance. Check out our comprehensive evaluation of the WinkBed mattress. Who Should Get The Helix? - People who want to save money. - Those who like a more laid-back vibe at the top. - Sleeping on your side. Check out our detailed Helix mattress review to get up close and personal. WinkBed Vs. Helix Mattress Video Comparison Do you want to see how these beds work? Check out our video comparison of WinkBed vs Helix! Mattresses will be evaluated by Marten, who will tell us about his experiences sleeping in all positions on each mattress.[youtube url=”https://youtu.be/Lf5RfBB0TnE” width=”600″ height=”400″ responsive=”yes” autoplay=”no” mute=”no”] Key Similarities Between The WinkBed And Helix? They may be created by distinct mattress companies, but the Helix and the WinkBed have many features in common. An overview is provided here. - Both firms that sell the beds have excellent customer service policies. - This is a hybrid mattress with coils encased in a layer of comfort. - In terms of stiffness, they’re really similar. - Breathable mattresses are essential for both mattresses. Key Differences Between The WinkBed And Helix? Even though the WinkBed and Helix share a few features, they are not the same bed. Here’s a look at some of the differences between these beds. - Both the WinkBed mattress and the Helix Midnight mattress come in a variety of firmnesses and feel. - WinkBed provides a more traditional innerspring mattress sensation, whereas Helix’s top layer is more slow-moving. - For increased lumbar support, the WinkBed has zoning, but the Helix lacks this function. - The Helix is less expensive than the WinkBed at full pricing. Firmness And Feel Differences Examining the firmness and feel of two beds can quickly reveal important similarities and differences. In order to determine if a mattress is suitable for your chosen sleeping position and other sleep requirements, several elements must be considered. As a result, let’s compare the WinkBed and the Helix for firmness and comfort. How Firm Are The WinkBed And Helix Mattresses? The WinkBed Luxury Firm and the Helix Midnight, both 7-out-of-10 firmness ratings, are comparable in construction. The average firmness rating in the industry is 6.5/10, therefore both of these beds are stiffer than the norm. Of course, the degree of stiffness varies from person to person. You may prefer a harder or softer feel on one or both of these mattresses, depending on your weight and personal preferences. Sleeping On The WinkBed And Helix Mattresses Each of these mattresses was personally tested by us. In the following, you’ll find an outline of our previous work history in each of the positions listed. We found the WinkBed Luxury Firm to be a comfortable and supportive mattress for back sleepers. Zoning added lumbar support that kept our spines in proper alignment during the night. While side sleeping on this mattress, we felt a tad too much pressure. The Softer model or another side sleeper mattress should be considered for those who prefer to sleep on their sides. The WinkBed’s Luxury Firm model provided good support for stomach sleeping. If you want to sleep in this position for a long period of time, you may want to consider the Firmer model. We slept soundly on the Helix Midnight’s back and were blissfully unaware of our surroundings. We found this position to be an excellent mix of comfort and support. The Helix provided better side-sleeping pressure reduction than the WinkBed. This is presumably due to the slower-moving comfort layers, which provide some figure shaping at the shoulder and hip. We didn’t get enough support for our spine while sleeping on the Helix’s stomach rest. If you like to sleep on your stomach a lot at night, you’ll want to look for a mattress designed specifically with that sleeping position in mind. What Do The WinkBed And Helix Mattresses Feel Like? The pillow-top on top of the WinkBed gives it an innerspring sensation. The mattress is sensitive and springy, making it easier for sleepers to move around on top of it. Balanced hybridity characterizes the Helix. Memory foam’s slow-moving feel can be found in its upper layers. With a little bounce provided by the coils, this mattress isn’t as responsive as the WinkBed. Average Weight Sleepers – 130lbs – 230lbs The WinkBed Luxury Firm mattress is ideal for back sleepers of average weight, as it provides both pressure alleviation and spinal support (including especially good lumbar support). There are a number of options for side sleepers of average weight; the Helix mattress is one option. Average-weight stomach sleepers should have no problem with the WinkBed. The Helix is a good option for back sleepers of average weight, but the WinkBed provides additional spinal support. On the Helix Midnight, side sleepers of average weight should expect adequate pressure relief. For stomach sleepers of average weight, the Helix may not be supportive enough. Heavyweight Sleepers – Over 230lbs Those who weigh more over 250 pounds can rest comfortably on the WinkBed Luxury Firm, although other people may prefer the WinkBed Plus (which is made specifically for larger people). WinkBed may be excessively firm for heavier side sleepers, who are more likely than lighter side sleepers to break through to firmer layers of support. The WinkBed is a good option for stomach sleepers who weigh more than 230 pounds, but most people in this group will prefer the WinkBed Plus, which provides extra support for the lower back and shoulders. A heavyweight sleeper might want to avoid the Helix Midnight. Even if it isn’t excessively hard for side or stomach sleeping, it’s unlikely to be supportive enough for back or stomach sleeping. Our finest mattresses for heavy individuals might be of interest to you. Lightweight Sleepers – Under 130lbs For the most part, the WinkBed Luxury Firm should be a good fit for light sleepers. In terms of back and stomach sleepers, it’s supportive enough, and it should provide ample pressure relief for side sleepers. It’s worth noting, though, that those who sleep on their sides are likely to benefit more from the Helix Midnight. Additionally, the Helix Midnight is a good fit for all types of light sleepers, regardless of their preference. This mattress is ideal for back and stomach sleepers, as well as those who prefer to sleep on their sides. Mattress Construction Differences The WinkBed Luxury Firm and the Helix Midnight have given us a taste of what it’s like to sleep on their surfaces. Now, let’s get down to the nitty gritty of each of these beds and examine their construction! By going through each mattress piece-by-piece, we’ll show you how different materials affect performance and comfort. WinkBed Luxury Firm has a Tencel cover with many layers of gel-infused foam tufted into the surface of the mattress. Tencel and gel infusion assist keep the mattress surface cool, and this suppleness is augmented by a gel infusion. With its Soft Touch Design cover, the Helix Midnight is (surprise!) quite comfortable. Moreover, it’s really breathable. Its gel-infused foam comfort layer is included into the WinkBed’s cover, above, as a pillow top. This foam, combined with gel, gives some softness to the mattress’s surface and helps keep the sleeper cool. Memory Plus Foam, a custom Helix blend with the slow-moving feel of memory foam, is the Helix Midnight’s major comfort layer. There’s a transition layer of slightly harder, high-grade polyfoam beneath this Memory Plus Foam that adds some bounce. There is a layer of individually-wrapped coils that provides additional lumbar support in the WinkBed’s support layer. Helix’s base layer consists of coils that are individually coiled and reinforced around the perimeter to give extra edge support. In addition to the coils, the mattress is structurally supported by a layer of high-density foam at the bottom. Compared to the Helix, the WinkBed is a little shorter at 12″ in height. Helix vs. WinkBed Compared Side-by-Side[table] |Jersey knit and polyester |Polyfoam, dynamic foam, memory foam, micro coils |Coils and foam |The coils and foams are designed to breathe, an optional cooling cover is available |Tencel, cooling gel, pocketed coils |Gentle Cradle/Deep Hug |Minimal, Moderate Deep Level Bounce |Adjustable Base Compatible |Products ship within the United States and Canada |Free within the continental United States |Made in the USA WinkBed And Helix Mattress Size Options And Price Interested in learning more about the WinkBed and/or Helix mattress sizes and pricing? Welcome! You’ve arrived at the ideal location! Take a look at the graphs below to get an idea of how things are trending. |38″ x 75″ |38″ x 80″ |54″ x 75″ |60″ x 80″ |76″ x 80″ |72″ x 84″ |38″ x 75″ |38″ x 80″ |54″ x 75″ |60″ x 80″ |76″ x 80″ |72″ x 84″ If you want to save money, be sure to look into WinkBed and Helix mattress coupons. WinkBed And Helix Performance Differences There are a few things to keep in mind before making a decision on one of these mattresses. Temperature regulation, edge support, motion transfer, and more were all put to the test on both beds. Let’s have a look at the results! Sleeping Hot Or Cold This ended up being a draw! Both mattresses have a variety of cooling characteristics. There is plenty of ventilation through the WinkBed thanks to its cooling Tencel cover and gel-infused memory foam. The Helix has a cooling cover and coils that allow for a lot of airflow. Check out our other cooling mattresses if you’re a hot sleeper. Here, the Helix Midnight takes the cake. In terms of absorbing motion and minimizing disruptions, its memory foam comfort layer does a fantastic job. As a result, it could be a better option for couples. Even though the Helix Midnight has a reinforced border, in our opinion, the WinkBed provides better overall edge support. We felt more secure when sitting or sleeping down towards the mattress’s edges. The WinkBed is expected to prevail. You may rest assured that it won’t sink in too quickly because it’s made of heavier material. For example, WinkBed’s lengthier warranty is evidence of this. Off-gassing was observed from the WinkBed and Helix. Within a few days, this should go away. At the time of our review, these mattresses did not make any noticeable noise while we moved around on them. The coils in both mattresses may begin to creak as time goes on, but this is not a deal-breaker. Partners can easily switch positions on the greatest sex mattress. Here, the WinkBed should be a better fit due to its greater bounce and responsiveness. Should I Buy Helix or WinkBed? Is there a bed out there that’s just right for you? If you’re still unsure about which mattress is best for you, have a look at the rankings below to see how each one compares. We Would Recommend Buying Helix if You are Looking for: - A guided recommendations. Helix has created a sleep questionnaire that helps customers figure out which of their products are most suited to their individual needs in terms of comfort, support, and temperature regulation. - Multiple comfort options. There are nine types to choose from, each catering to a distinct sleeping style. Six of these beds are available in a deluxe version with additional cooling and mattress toppings. The brand also sells products that may be used on both the inside and the outside, each with a unique level of comfort. - Comforting pressure relief. A little more foam and a little less coils than the WinkBed, this choice has greater space. Pressure is relieved by contouring materials in the first two levels. We Would Recommend Buying WinkBed if You are Looking for: - An environmentally friendly product. The cover and foam components of WinkBed are both certified to the highest standards. To lessen environmental impact, the springs are made from recycled steel. - Multiple comfort options. There are three levels of firmness to choose from: mild, medium-firm, and medium. For those who are heavier than average, there is a plus-sized option. - Enhanced support. Sleepers can expect consistent support from edge to edge with an edge-to-edge coil system. There should be enough back support in places like the lumbar region, thanks to various zones of coil layer support. That’s all there is to it! Big-and-tall models are available from both manufacturers, which cater to a wide range of customers. For those looking for additional stress alleviation and a guided shopping experience, Helix is the best option. If you’re looking for better assistance and environmentally responsible techniques, WinkBed is for you! If you’d want a more in-depth look at both companies, you can check out our in-depth reviews.
New Briefing Paper on small arms control and on women, peace, and security National actors working in small arms control and on women, peace, and security (WPS) share commitments to reduce suffering, maintain peace and security, and contribute to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yet, while these cross references are increasingly commonplace in the international policy framework, this does not often translate into harmonized references in national action plans (NAPs) on WPS and small arms control. Meaningful Partners: Opportunities for Collaboration between Women, Peace and Security, and Small Arms Control at the National Level—a new Briefing Paper from the Small Arms Survey’s Gender-Responsive Arms Control project, led by Gender Coordinator Callum Watson—identifies potential avenues for future work to better harmonize efforts related to WPS and small arms control, and improve the effectiveness of both policy areas in achieving their objectives. For more, check out: - The Women, Police, and Insecurity Agenda: Argentina's Response to Surging Femicide and Domestic Gun Violence by Its Security Forces—a blog that discusses the alarming rise in gender-based violence and domestic violence in Argentina, and the government’s response to it - Driven into their Arms: Exploring Gendered Motivations of Violent Extremism—a blog post that explores complex gendered nuances behind violent extremism - Gender-responsive Small Arms Control: A Practical Guide—a handbook that provides a roadmap for mainstreaming gender into the small arms project cycle - The Gender-Responsive Arms Control page - Outputs discussing gender dynamics regarding firearms in our Resource Library Other news from the Survey: - New Briefing Paper on the arms, ammunition, and explosives used by extremist groups in Mali - New Briefing Paper on arms transfers to Afghanistan between 2002 and 2021 - New Situation Update on how the war in Ukraine has affected civilian perspectives on firearm possession - New INSIGHT papers on illicit firearms ammunition and other explosive munitions, and privately made firearms (PMFs) in the European Union - New update to the Global Violent Deaths (GVD) database
[Editor's note: This article refers to the months of June-August as "summer," even though in Australia itself, they comprise the winter.] As Australia endured a spike in COVID-19 infections late summer of 2021, another trend had become apparent — a rise in the spread of online disinformation and conspiracy theory content emerging from the country, and seized upon by COVID-19 skeptics and vaccine opponents thousands of miles away, primarily in the U.S. and U.K. In August, a make-up artist in the city of Melbourne posted a video clip recorded at a police station, which was falsely presented to millions around the world as proof of Australia's rapid descent into brutal COVID-era authoritarianism. Her apparent journey "down the rabbithole" of online conspiracy theories, and the way in which the video spread throughout the world in a matter of hours, could be a warning of what's to come, as Australia's federal and state officials push to maximize vaccine uptake, and ensure compliance with yet more restrictions, with many Australians already experiencing lockdown fatigue. Throughout 2020, Australia seemed — to the outside world at least — immune from the very worst ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Border closures and strict lockdowns kept infections and fatalities low, to the extent that by December, the city of Melbourne, with a population of just over 5 million — around the same as the state of South Carolina — saw no new cases for a month. In November, the world-famous Sydney Opera House reopened its doors, and in the whole of 2020, the virus claimed 909 lives in a population of 26 million — just one death for every 28,000 people — as opposed to nearly 372,000 in the United States — a death for every 891 people. However, 2021 brought changing fortunes to Australia. The emergence of the delta variant caused several spikes in infections across various states, and significant outbreaks in New South Wales and Victoria — home to the country's two major population centers, Sydney and Melbourne, respectively. The summer of 2021 saw stringent new lockdowns, stay-at-home orders and curfews in and around those two cities, along with anti-lockdown protests, increasing social tensions, and a slow distribution of vaccines. Australia's COVID-19 strategy, widely acclaimed as a model of common sense and scientific rigor, appeared on the brink of unravelling, and the rest of the world stood up and took notice — including anti-vaccine and anti-lockdown activists and conspiracy theorists, keen to latch on to any stray fragments of evidence that would undermine their own governments' travel restrictions and vaccine rollouts. A spike in online misinformation has followed. In August, for example, the New South Wales (NSW) government announced plans for a vaccination drive targeting 16- to 18-year-old high school students in several neighborhoods, in and around Sydney, which had the most worrying recent COVID-19 infection data. The Qudos Arena (also known as the Super Dome) would be opened up and 24,000 students invited and encouraged to get their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine over the week of Aug. 9-14. Conspiracy theorists in the U.S. and the U.K. jumped into action, falsely claiming officials in NSW were planning to kidnap thousands of children and forcibly inject them en masse in the stadium: "Anecdotally, we have seen and heard from our networks of an increase in Covid-related misinformation since the beginning of the NSW outbreak," said Chris Cooper, executive director of Reset Australia, a group that advocates for enhanced regulation of online threats to democracy. Michael Jensen, associate professor at the University of Canberra's Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis, said his anecdotal observation was also that such misinformation "has surged again with the emergence of the delta variant," and was now being primarily driven by the increased emphasis on vaccination. He added: Vaccine misinformation is a defense mechanism for those who wish to not get vaccinated. Some people likely never outgrow their anxieties about vaccinations. This makes the issue more problematic than the general factors that incline people to believe conspiracies. Peter Bodkin, FactCheck editor at the Australian Associated Press, told Snopes he had observed a "significant increase in Covid-related [misinformation], particularly relating to vaccines, following outbreaks of the Delta variant." He pointed to one especially glaring example of how misleading content can be wrested from its original context, on the ground in Australia, and then distorted and embellished in the hands of unscrupulous actors outside the country. When pictures and short video clips emerged earlier in the summer of young people fainting in Australian vaccination centers — a common and well-known minor side effect of any vaccination — American conspiracy theorist Stew Peters falsely claimed the images were proof that three students had died as a result of the vaccination drive. As Bodkin said: That started out with people sharing unverified videos in Australia of people passed out, supposedly in vaccination centres; next it made its way to US conspiracy shows, by which time the claim was that the students had died, and then that misinformation about deaths started being picked up on social media in Australia as fact and fed back through the misinformation ecosystem here. Later in August, yet another fragment of evidence emerged online, and its rapid promulgation throughout the world illustrated a now familiar pattern: a video recorded "on the ground" in Australia, wrenched from its original context and shared by a local woman left frustrated and radicalized by the pandemic, and then seized upon by unscrupulous actors thousands of miles away. The Werribee Incident Beginning on Aug. 19, a 58-second video clip was viewed millions of times on Twitter alone and presented as evidence that authorities in Australia were brutally separating children from their parents, in order to forcibly vaccinate them against COVID-19, or to place them in quarantine after testing positive for the virus. "Australian gestapo kidnaps daughter from her father's arms to forcibly inject her with an experimental drug," read one widely shared tweet. "Reports [that] children testing positive for Covid are now being separated from their parents," read another. The next day, the retired England cricket captain Kevin Pietersen promoted the video to his 3.7 million Twitter followers, adding, "This is absolutely disgusting!" In reality, of course, the incident shown in the video had nothing whatsoever to do with COVID-19 restrictions. On Twitter, police in the state of Victoria directly addressed Pietersen's exclamations, explaining "This is inaccurate," and insisting that the clip "was in no way related to Covid/vaccinations or testing." A police spokesperson later told Snopes the incident took place on Aug. 14, at a police station in Werribee, a suburb of Melbourne. The separation of the man and child was no more or less than a "family incident," the spokesperson added. (Snopes contacted representatives for Pietersen, asking for his response to Victoria Police's refutation of the conspiracy theory around the video, but we did not receive a reply of any kind. As of Sept. 1, Pietersen's tweet remained online). The earliest posts containing the footage that we could find were published on Aug. 19 by Hava Buday — a 30-year-old beauty therapist and entrepreneur who lives in Melbourne. On TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, she shared the minute-long clip, along with the hashtag #lockdown — a clear signal to viewers that the scene playing out before them was undoubtedly connected to the COVID-19 pandemic. In an introduction to the footage, Buday tells the camera: I watched a video today where a child was ripped off his father. Then the father got assaulted. They were separating them ... Do you know how you have traumatized that child now, Australian government? ... This is where compliance will lead us... So if you want to keep seeing more of this shit, you keep complying with every mandate they fucking tell you to. Snopes sent several questions to Buday about the original source of the Werribee video, her response to Victoria Police's explanation of the incident, and her own emergence as an anti-lockdown online activist and commentator. We did not receive any response, despite repeated attempts to contact her. In her public social media profiles, at least, Buday presents an interesting case study in how the COVID-19 pandemic has served to radicalize people who, by all appearances, seemed to have little interest in politics previously. For the past eight years, her Instagram profile contained no hint of politics, apart from a few Black Lives Matter-themed photos in June 2020, and no inkling of any belief in conspiracy theories. It suggested a well-adjusted and sociable woman with an interest in travel, fashion, animals and Turkish culture. Even during the lockdowns and stresses of 2020, she posted selfies from various beauty spots, along with videos containing homemade recipes for iced coffee, Turkish rice, and sucuk and eggs — a traditional Turkish breakfast dish. In the summer of 2021, amid a fresh wave of lockdowns, that appeared to have changed. In June, Buday posted videos that hinted at a shift in focus, advising followers about the health benefits of dandelions and nettles, and warning that "the water we drink that contains fluoride actually has no minerals for our body." In July, she posted a seven-minute informal lecture on "systematic conditioning and differences between conspiracy theorists and truth seekers," using hashtags like #theawakening and #truthseeker — known QAnon and conspiracy theorist signifiers. By August, her anger and frustration were on full display, and her adoption of the language of conspiracy theories and New Age spirituality appeared complete. In a video posted to Instagram on Aug. 16, she began, "Listen here, Australian government, I'm fucking sick of your shit," and went on to accuse the government of conservative Liberal Party Prime Minister Scott Morrison of "killing people with injections." A week later, she smiled into the camera while pronouncing: "All these low-vibrational people — the ones that are in deep slumber, constantly trying to shut down the neurodivergence and my beautiful woke souls — they're not coming to the new world." "You can't even go outside and scream 'Fuck!'" she complained, in another video on Aug. 16. Three days later, she posted footage of the Werribee police station incident, along with the hashtag #savethekids — yet another nod to QAnon and conspiracy theorist terminology. The kind of frustration and cabin fever expressed by Buday in her more recent videos is hardly unique, especially in Australia, whose national COVID-19 policy was built on the successful use of relatively strict lockdowns and restrictions, back in 2020. Now, the prospect of yet more lockdowns, among a population that could have been forgiven for thinking they had nearly defeated the virus for good, could provide fertile ground for the spread of non-compliance, conspiracy theories, and vaccine hesitancy. Cooper, from Reset Australia, told Snopes he thought the new wave of restrictions in 2021 was playing a role in the rise of misinformation: The prolonged lockdowns are obviously causing many Australians hardship, stress and frustration. And we know that these lockdowns create the perfect environmental factors that pull people down rabbit holes. We're all online more, we're worried and looking for answers, and we're all trying to find engaging content to alleviate a bit of the boredom. Facebook algorithms are designed to pull us in and keep us online — but they don't discriminate on what they're engaging us with. If we want to stop the spread of misinformation online we actually need transparency about how these algorithms are operating and how we can moderate or disrupt their rabbit hole tendencies. However, several of the experts with whom we spoke pointed to at least one significant point of encouragement: whatever disinformation they might encounter online, Australians can expect virtual consensus from political leaders — with a few notable exceptions — about the importance of vaccination and lockdowns, especially by comparison with other countries — the U.S., in particular. "Every major political party is pro-vaccination," said Tauel Harper, a media and communication lecturer at the University of Western Australia. He added: Anti-lockdown rhetoric is engaged in sparingly by our conservative party - the Liberal National Party (LNP), which holds power federally and also in the state of NSW. Generally, though, the lockdowns have been held to be very effective at limiting the spread of COVID and most states are relatively untouched by COVID as a result, so speaking against lockdowns is politically problematic. Public health officials, especially in the major population centers of NSW and Victoria, will no doubt be hoping that that consensus on vaccination holds strong in the face of weaponized disinformation and a potentially increased proliferation of online "rabbit holes" in locked-down homes across Australia.
SOIL HEALTH PARTNERSHIP | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2016 As the Soil Health Partnership embarks on its third year, the organization has high hopes for network expansion and ground-breaking soil data results that will contribute to a sea change in farming. The partnership held its third annual Soil Health Summit in Indianapolis Jan. 21-22, hosting more than 140 attendees, including farmers, agriculture industry leaders, environmental groups and university representatives. 2016 Soil Health Summit attracted more than 140 people Soil Health Summit: Achieving the ‘Next Frontier’ in Agriculture Listen to the AgriTalk broadcast from the Summit View the photo album Full coverage from AgWired “It’s very striking to me that the agricultural community is awakening to the positive impact soil health can have on the environment, crop yields and farm economics,” said Nick Goeser, SHP director. “Our annual Soil Health Summit brings progressive leaders together to learn about the research, innovations and technology taking place in the realm of soil health.” Demonstration farmers in the program collect data with the help of field managers and their agronomists in practices like cover crops, nutrient management and conservation tillage. Listen to farmers discuss changes in their practices: Partners from Monsanto, The Nature Conservancy and Environmental Defense Fund make this effort possible. “Economics are key to changing practices on the farm – we’ve heard that again and again,” Goeser said at the summit. “Although early in our data collection process, we’re in this for the long haul. We continue to improve data collection and our analytics process. We are also working on how we will put that research in your hands. Our research means nothing if it isn’t published to be used by our farmers and beyond.” A small expo rounds out the summit The first day of the summit featured presentations on cover crop economics, precision land management, and panel discussions from farmers and industry collaborators. On the second day, participants shared thoughts on the data collection, further collaboration opportunities and communication within the partnership and with those interested in the results. “These farmers are pioneers and innovators,” said Chris Novak, NCGA CEO, during the summit’s closing address. “They are taking risks to build data that prove soil health improvements mean economic benefits from better yields, and environmental risk mitigation. We thank them for their leadership.”
Denso cabin air filters are engineered for optimal airflow and filtration, meeting all OE specifications. Filter media is electrostatically charged to capture ultra fine particles such as cigarette smoke and diesel carbon. Up to five layers of filter media trap particles down to .001 micron. Reduces allergens by filtering out pollen, dust, pollutants and other air borne contaminants. Provides maximum airflow with minimum air noise.
FERMA president warns of changing external environment One of the most important challenges facing risk managers today is that posed by the changing external environment, warned Marie-Gemma Dequae, FERMA president, in an exclusive interview with StrategicRISK’s FERMA daily. “By ‘changing external environment’ I mean not only climate change with, for example, the increased incidence of flooding in the UK and other parts of Europe, but also aspects like the scarcity of some goods and the price increases of raw materials in some areas,” commented Dequae. Speaking of the interdependency of risks and how one incident could have a knock on effect creating problems for many other parts of business, Dequae said: “If you have major flooding in an agricultural region which damages crops, other industries are affected and lose business… Taking the example of a crop loss through flood, this has repercussions for many transport companies, packaging companies and so on.” “These changes mean that risk managers have a responsibility to build good structures and procedures within our companies to capture these risks and to update and manage them,” she said. Citing the increasing role of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) countries—and possibly eluding to the Chinese governments recent launch of a company to invest its vast foreign reserves—Dequae counseled: “More and more European businesses are becoming active in these regions but it is not a one-way trend. For example, Chinese enterprises are looking to take over or invest in European businesses. This means heightened competition for Europe.” On getting the value of risk management across to senior management, Dequae said: “We need to have the tools to establish these important risks and use the communication lines upwards to get the message on what we are doing about them across. If the board considers that what you are doing is valuable for the company, it will take notice.” She added: “We have to be careful not to adopt a bureaucratic non-flexible ERM system which focuses purely on things like risk registers and risk reporting.”
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Comments are invited on the work described below. Please see the Public Involvement section for details on submitting comments. Point of Contact. If additional information is desired, please contact the regulator, Jim Ellis, telephone number: (501) 324-5295, mailing address: Little Rock District Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Division, PO Box 867, Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-0867, email address: [email protected] Project Information. Pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S. Code 1344), notice is hereby given that Mr. John Parker Fort Smith Airport Commission 6700 McKennon Boulevard, Suite 200 Fort Smith, Arkansas 72903 has requested authorization for the placement of dredged and fill material in waters of the United States (WOUS) associated with clearing and grubbing vegetation, and filling wetlands, open waters (borrow pits), and a pond. The proposed project would impact (fill) jurisdictional wetlands, open waters (borrow pits) and a pond. Water flow enters the project area through Little Massard/Spivey Creek, a perennial stream, and flows to the northeast through the central part of the project area where it enters Massard Creek which then flows into the Arkansas River. The proposed project is located in the SW 1/4 of section 36, T. 8 N., R. 32 W., Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas. The basic purpose of the project is to reduce wildlife habitat by filling wetlands, open waters (borrow pits), and a pond. The overall purpose of the project is to provide safe aircraft operations at the Fort Smith Regional Airport by clearing vegetation and filling jurisdictional wetlands, open waters (borrow pits), and a pond that are currently providing habitat to wildlife that can interfere with aircraft activities. The project is water dependent. To accomplish the project, clearing and grubbing existing vegetation, grading, and filling of wetlands, open waters (borrow pits), and a pond is required. The site will be graded and 2.79 acres of wetlands and 0.81 acres of open waters (borrow pits) and a pond will be permanently filled with approximately 10,500 cubic yards of on-site soil material. The cleared and graded area will be planted in native grasses and a 50-foot vegetative buffer (25 feet measured from the top of bank on both sides of the stream) of Little Massard/Spivey Creek will be established. Typical best management practices such as silt fencing and other construction methods will be used to mitigate impacts to water quality and other resources. The applicant has only investigated the alternative of No-Action due to the nature of the proposed project. The applicant stated that the No-Action alternative would not meet the purpose and need of the project nor comply with the Federal Aviation Administration’s regulations found at 14 Code of Regulations (CFR) part 139.337. The applicant stated that mitigation in the form of avoidance is not practicable due to the purpose and need of removing the wetlands, open waters (borrow pits), and a pond that currently pose a danger to aircraft operations. Minimization is not practicable at the project site due to the locations of WOUS. Compensatory mitigation requirements for impacts to the wetlands, open waters (borrow pits), and a pond will be assessed utilizing the 2002 Charleston Method and the 2011 Little Rock District Stream Method. The applicant proposes to mitigate for unavoidable impacts by purchasing credits from a Corps approved mitigation bank that services the area. The applicant must submit a detailed compensatory mitigation plan before a decision is made whether to issue or deny the permit. The location maps and drawings for the proposed work are shown on the enclosed sheets (Sheets 1 through 4 of 4). Water Quality Certification. By copy of this public notice, the applicant is requesting water quality certification from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) in accordance with Section 401(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act. Upon completion of the comment period and a public hearing, if held, a determination relative to water quality certification will be made. Evidence of this water quality certification or waiver of the right to certify must be submitted prior to the issuance of a Corps of Engineers permit. Cultural Resources. A Corps staff archeologist will review topographic maps, the National Register of Historic Places, and other data on reported sites in the area. The District Engineer invites responses to this public notice from Native American Nations or tribal governments; Federal, State, and local agencies; historical and archeological societies; and other parties likely to have knowledge of or concerns with historic properties in the area. Endangered Species. Our preliminary determination is that the proposed activity will not affect listed Endangered Species or their critical habitat. A copy of this notice is being furnished to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and appropriate state agencies and constitutes a request to those agencies for information on whether any listed or proposed‑to‑be‑listed endangered or threatened species may be present in the area which would be affected by the proposed activity. Floodplain. We are providing copies of this notice to appropriate floodplain officials in accordance with 44 CFR Part 60 (Floodplain Management Regulations Criteria for Land Management and Use) and Executive Order 11988 on Floodplain Management. Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines. The evaluation of activities to be authorized under this permit, which involves the discharge of dredged or fill material will include application of guidelines promulgated by the Administrator, Environmental Protection Agency, under authority of Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Act. These guidelines are contained in 40 CFR 230. Public Involvement. Any interested party is invited to submit to the above-listed POC written comments or objections relative to the proposed work on or before October 17, 2016. Substantive comments, both favorable and unfavorable, will be accepted and made a part of the record and will receive full consideration in determining whether this work would be in the public interest. The decision whether to issue a permit will be based on an evaluation of the probable impact including cumulative impacts of the proposed activity on the public interest. That decision will reflect the national concern for both protection and utilization of important resources. The benefit, which reasonably may be expected to accrue from the proposal, must be balanced against its reasonably foreseeable detriments. All factors which may be relevant to the proposal will be considered including the cumulative effects thereof; among those are conservation, economics, aesthetics, general environmental concerns, wetlands, historic properties, fish and wildlife values, flood hazards, floodplain values, land use, navigation, shoreline erosion and accretion, recreation, water supply and conservation, water quality, energy needs, safety, food and fiber production, mineral needs, considerations of property ownership and, in general, the needs and welfare of the people. The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, state, and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal. To make this decision, comments are used to assess impacts on endangered species, historic properties, water quality, general environmental effects, and the other public interest factors listed above. Comments are used in the preparation of an Environmental Assessment and/or an Environmental Impact Statement pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act. Comments are also used to determine the need for a public hearing and to determine the overall public interest of the proposed activity. Any person may request in writing within the comment period specified in this notice that a public hearing be held to consider this application. Requests for public hearings shall state, with particularity, the reasons for holding a public hearing. The District Engineer will determine if the issues raised are substantial and whether a hearing is needed for making a decision. NOTE: The mailing list for this Public Notice is arranged by state and county(s) where the project is located, and includes any addressees who have asked to receive copies of all public notices. Please discard notices that are not of interest to you. If you have no need for any of these notices, please advise us so that your name can be removed from the mailing list. Approximate Coordinates of Project Center Latitude: 35.33114 Longitude: -94.36308 UTM Zone: 15 North: 3910618.5 East: 376116
3 Ways to Use Custom Printed Kraft Paper to Promote Your Brand A retail brand should stick out and catch consideration without distancing customers in a bustling existence where we are attacked with great many messages consistently. While there are many prospects accessible, utilizing Custom printed retail kraft paper bags is one that many shops might disregard. It’s basic, modest, and powerful! 1. Materials for Packaging When you want to shield a delicate item prior to transportation or wrap more modest items inside a bigger bundle, why not utilize the opportunity to raise mark mindfulness or inclination another buy? You can achieve this by utilizing kraft paper that has been Custom printed with your logo or one more customized message. Consider the retailing behemoth Macy’s. They’ve integrated their notable symbol into dunnage and transporting materials, similar to kraft paper, for the shipment of adornments and aromas. With internet purchasing and resulting delivering turning into a critical part of each retailer’s business, marked kraft paper is a brilliant promoting apparatus. 2. Enriching Exhibits Each retail show presents a story to captivate clients. Why not convey that account all the more really by wrapping the display region’s surfaces in Custom printed kraft paper with the brand, proper fine art, or in any event, informing that supplements the show? By and large, flexographic printing permits you to arrange new runs of different presentation wrapping supplies as often as possible, keeping up with shows looking new, new, and alluring. 3. Custom Printed Kraft Paper Bags Assuming your retail items fit well in a shopping sack, a marked sack made of eco-accommodating normal kraft paper could establish a connection with clients accustomed to plastic bundling. Your shoppers might leave your store conveying a designated promotion wherever they go on account of the minimal expense of flexographic printing and the versatility of Custom printed kraft paper. Your creative mind is as far as possible to utilizing kraft paper to advance your image. How paper bundling is bound to change the business During the pandemic, everybody took in the benefit of focusing on their wellbeing and security. Accordingly, there has been a shift toward a more manageable lifestyle. Producers and customers the same have started to look for options with low natural and wellbeing impacts in any business. Remembering this, the bundling business has previously begun to choose more supportable arrangements, similar to paper, to lessen any regrettable natural effect. Paper-based bundling materials are made from inexhaustible assets that are replanted consistently to guarantee a consistent inventory. Paper bundling is savvy, useful, adaptable, and harmless to the ecosystem. Since paper bundling is both lightweight and tough, it is a profoundly adaptable material. Consider the earthy colored paper pack: it tends to be utilized to convey food, accumulate yard clippings, as a book cover for youngsters, treated the soil, or put away to be reused as a paper sack. The choices are boundless! During the Covid-19 pandemic, the paper bundling area confronted various snags, including organizations moving their obtaining away from China and assessing the materials utilized in bundling. Notwithstanding, over the long run, it has been perceived as a flexible and financially savvy approach to pressing for safeguarding, protecting, and shipping a wide scope of items. This kind of bundling can be custom-made to match the necessities of the customer or the requirements of the item. Paper bundling is an essential part of its lightweight nature, biodegradability, and recyclability. The ascent in internet shopping during the pandemic has additionally expanded the utilization of Custom Printed Kraft Paper bags The bundling business has for quite some time been perceived for carrying worth to essentially every industry. The paper bundling market represents over 30% of the all out piece of the pie and leads any remaining bundling classes. Developing buyer familiarity with manageable bundling and tough ecological security rules have supported customer mindfulness and impact, legitimizing the paper it industry’s future to bundle. As customer inclinations change, the bundling business has experienced various deterrents. In any case, the business is on the runway by embracing updated advancements, for example, aseptic bundling, paper bundling, and biodegradable bundling, among others, to build the timeframe of realistic usability of food products. Besides, with the gigantic ascent of India’s internet business area, this industry will keep on flourishing. Quick Custom is the best approach to pursue the environmental bundling direction — one of India’s preeminent creators and providers of paper bags and pockets. As individuals become progressively intrigued by harmless to the ecosystem bundling, Fast Custom Boxes Packaging attempts to make the world an all the more naturally amicable spot by advancing and fabricating bags produced using reused paper or agro-squander. Self-guideline is better than authorizing guidelines. Buyers are worried about how brands are shielding the climate, and organizations should recognize this.
Using Electron Orbitals to Predict Chemical Reactions Complete the form below to unlock access to ALL audio articles. As chemistry has gotten more advanced and the chemical reactions more complex, it's no longer always practical for researchers to sit down at a lab bench and start mixing chemicals to see what they can come up with. Tom Miller, a professor of chemistry at Caltech; Matt Welborn, a postdoctoral scholar at the Resnick Sustainability Institute; and Lixue Cheng, a chemistry and chemical engineering graduate student, have developed a new tool that uses machine learning to predict chemical reactions long before reagents hit the test tube. Theirs isn't the first computational tool developed to make chemistry predictions, but it does improve on what is already in use, and that matters because these sorts of predictions are having a big impact in the field. "They allow us to connect underlying microscopic properties to the things we care about in the macroscopic world," Miller says. "These predictions allow us to know ahead of time if one catalyst will perform better than another one and to identify new drug candidates." They also require a lot of computational heavy lifting. Miller points out that a substantial fraction of all supercomputer time on Earth is dedicated to chemistry predictions, so increases in efficiency can save researchers a lot of time and expense. The work of the Caltech researchers essentially provides a change of focus for prediction software. Previous tools were based around three computational modeling methods known as density functional theory (DFT), coupled cluster theory (CC), or Møller–Plesset perturbation theory (MP2). Those theories represent three different approaches to approximating a solution to the Schrödinger equation, which describes complex systems in which quantum mechanics plays a big role. Each of those theories has its own advantages and disadvantages. DFT is something of a quick-and-dirty approach that gives researchers answers more quickly but with less accuracy. CC and MP2 are much more accurate but take longer to calculate and use a lot more computing power. Miller, Cheng, and Welborn's tool threads the needle, giving them access to predictions that are more accurate than those created with DFT and in less time than CC and MP2 can offer. They do this by focusing their machine-learning algorithm on the properties of molecular orbitals—the cloud of electrons around a molecule. Already existing tools, in contrast, focus on the types of atoms in a molecule or the angles at which the atoms are bonded together. So far, their approach is showing a lot of promise, though it's only been used to make predictions about relatively simple systems. The true test, Miller says, is to see how it will perform on more complicated chemical problems. Still, he's optimistic on the basis of the preliminary results. "If we can get this to work, it will be a big deal for the way in which computers are used to study chemical problems," he says. "We're very excited about it." This article has been republished from materials provided by Caltech. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source. Reference: Welborn, M., Cheng, L., & Miller, T. F. (2018). Transferability in Machine Learning for Electronic Structure via the Molecular Orbital Basis. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. Retrieved from http://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechAUTHORS:20180724-153741211
AAAS publishes six respected peer-reviewed journals. With the arrival of the steam engine and the commercial revolution , there was, nonetheless, an increased understanding that each one types of energy as defined by Newton weren’t equally useful; they didn’t have the identical energy high quality This realization led to the development of the laws of thermodynamics , in which the cumulative energy high quality of the universe is seen as always declining: the entropy of the universe will increase over time. We actively have interaction the wider neighborhood through events, social media, public lectures and faculties applications. Statistical analysis performs a fundamental position in lots of areas of both the pure sciences and social sciences. Mathematics , which is classed as a proper science , 55 56 has both similarities and differences with the empirical sciences (the pure and social sciences). Analysis – our researchers operate on the highest levels internationally across a breadth of disciplines, contributing to the shop of human data, finding applications that profit society and informing educating programs which place our college students for the worldwide market place. ScienceDaily options breaking information concerning the latest discoveries in science, well being, the surroundings, technology, and extra – from major information companies and leading universities, scientific journals, and research organizations. His exits in 2016 alone included Science portfolio companies HelloSociety (acquired by New York Instances), FameBit (acquired by Google) and Greenback Shave Membership (acquired by Unilever). For instance, knowledge in regards to the working of natural things was gathered lengthy before recorded history and led to the development of advanced abstract thought. A 2006 National Science Basis report on Science and engineering indicators quoted Michael Shermer ‘s (1997) definition of pseudoscience: ‘”claims presented so that they appear to be scientific regardless that they lack supporting proof and plausibility”(p. As a result of the paranormal refers to events or phenomena… which are past the scope of regular scientific understanding,” researchers have long acknowledged that the paranormal intersects with regular” everyday life. We are dedicated to bringing science to the group and creating excitement about scientific analysis and discovery. The research carried out on the Faculty of Science is very diverse, starting from mathematics, info science, astronomy, physics, chemistry and bio-pharmaceutical sciences to biology and environmental sciences.
Bengaluru Startup’s ‘Charzer’ Lets Electric Bikes Charge in Stores For Rs 25/Hour By the end of October 2020, 100 IoT-powered electric vehicle charging stations will go live in Bengaluru, thanks to ‘Charzer'. Sometime in early 2019, Shwetabh was forced to drag his electric scooter for nearly three hours in Bengaluru because he could not find a spot to charge it. This inspired his friend, tech entrepreneur Sameer Ranjan Jaiswal, to come up with a unique idea – electric vehicle charging stations at kirana stores. A resident of BTM Layout, Shwetabh had to travel over 20 km to reach the International Tech Park, Bangalore (ITPL) for a work-related meeting. On his way back, however, his electric scooter ran out of charge. Shwetabh stopped at every shop he could find asking establishment owners whether he could charge his scooter’s portable battery there. 8 Best Dosa Places in Bengaluru For an Epic Breakfast Looking for the best places for dosa in Bengaluru? Here are 8 iconic eateries in Bangalore most recommended by dosa connoisseurs.Read more > Not one shop owner allowed him to charge his scooter battery at their establishment fearing that it may damage their electricity connection. Finally, as he arrived in Koramangala, he paid a shopkeeper Rs 150 to charge his scooter battery for 20 minutes so that he could at least get back home. At the time Shwetabh vowed never to travel in an EV, but Sameer assured him that a proper solution was just around the corner. By the end of October 2020, 100 IoT-powered electric vehicle charging stations will go live in Bengaluru thanks to ‘Charzer’, a startup established by Sameer and his team in February 2020. Called Kirana Charzers, the Bengaluru-based startup claims these low cost, compact and low maintenance EV charging stations can be installed at small shops and by individuals, which will allow them to earn an additional source of income. Working in the EV segment for over four years, Sameer and his team had earlier established FAE Bikes, which is an EV scooter rental and fleet management startup. “The incident involving my friend Shwetabh last year really pushed us into thinking about charging infrastructure and building something which could be adopted on a mass scale. We thought about what exists on every street in the city, and these are small kirana shops. If we can offer a solution with which these small shops can also earn money by setting up these charging installations, the EV ecosystem in the city could really expand. The biggest hindrance to the expansion of the EV segment in this country has been the lack of charging infrastructure,” says Sameer, speaking to The Better India. The startup began developing the Kirana Charzer in the middle of last year. After months of research and developing prototypes, they launched the Kirana Charzer in February 2020 at MOVE, a global platform for major players across the transport industry, in London. “The response there was overwhelming. In fact, we weren’t ready for it. We had done market surveys and already sold a few Kirana Charzers, but weren’t expecting the sort of response we got there. Before we knew it, our first batch of 200 charging stations was already sold out. We had made only 200 because we didn’t have access to large scale manufacturing. Now, we have orders for 2,000+ Kirana Charzers still pending,” he says. Partnering with manufacturers in Bengaluru and Chennai, the startup was supposed to start manufacturing and delivering these charging stations by the end of April. But things came to a halt thanks to COVID-19. It has only been more than a fortnight since they have actually started delivering these units. Their initial focus is on fulfilling 150 orders in Bengaluru. Author Meets to Curated Picks: 7 Iconic Bookstores in Bengaluru You Must Visit While Bengaluru citizens often recommend Blossoms and Sapna Book House to bookworms, here are 7 amazing bookstores that offer a good collection and more.Read more > “We have more than 2000 orders to fulfil, and they have come from 62 cities across 22 States from tea shop owners to malls and other big commercial establishments,” says Dheeraj Reddy, co-founder and COO, speaking to The Better India. For the benefit of small business owners One of the unfortunate outcomes of COVID-19 has been the heavy financial losses small businesses have taken. With the idea of supplementing their (small shop owners) regular income, the upfront cost of these EV chargers had to be minimal. “We removed a lot of fancy features that are present in a typical EV charging station. Our Kirana Charzer unit has been priced at Rs 10,000. If no charging is happening at the station, the shop owner incurs no additional expense. The additional expense arises only when a vehicle is getting charged. Shop owners also don’t have to make any special arrangements like a separate electricity connection. We wanted to develop something that fits in the existing establishment. It’s a compact solution, does not require a lot of space, and it can work with a basic single-phase electricity connection,” informs Sameer. The Kirana Charzer is a 3.3 KW charging station, which will be available to all small commercial establishment owners. For a two and three-wheeler EVs, based on the current battery technology available, it would take about 2.5 to 3 hours to ensure a 100% charge. However, surveys contend that customers will, on average, charge their vehicles for 45 to 50 minutes – instead of 3 hours. An EV owner will have to pay about Rs 25 per hour to charge their vehicles at any one of these small commercial establishments. However, shop owners have been given a little flexibility on this front. If their shop is in a very commercial area, they can charge a 10% premium as well. But what is the expected revenue shop owners will likely see? “We need to wait for more on-ground data, but based on our minimalistic projections, which assume 10% daily utilization per charger (2 to 2.5 hours of utilization per day for a single charger), these shop owners will make an additional income of Rs 1500-2000 per month based on the current economic scenario and number of EVs. They can break even on these charging stations within 10 months based on our projections,” says Dheeraj. He goes on to argue that these figures can change with greater EV adoption. “With 20% daily utilization, they can make Rs 3,000 to 4,000 per month. If the number of EVs in a city like Bengaluru even reaches 5% of the total on-road vehicles in the city, these shop owners are expected to earn about Rs 6,000 to 7000 per month just by hosting our product. The return on investment here makes sense for small shop owners. Customers have not quite flocked to EVs because of range anxiety. That has to be eliminated, but a smart, scalable and RoI focussed charging solution can change everything,” he adds. “Once these units are sold to these small establishments, we are not charging any annual maintenance cost (AMC) or other fixed costs. These charging stations will be listed on the Charzer app. EV owners can locate them, reserve a charging slot in advance and pay for it through the app. Any transaction that happens on the app, the revenue share on charging in the Charzer network stands at 80% for Kirana shop owners and 20% for us,” says Sameer. In the coming year, Charzer is looking to establish 1,00,000 charging stations across the country. Today, India has barely 250 EV charging stations combined. Compared to China, which stands at 5,16,000 based on numbers published at the end of 2019 and Europe with 1,70,149 public charging stations as per Statista, India is seriously lagging. Sameer believes trends are looking up for EV adoption because the cost of ownership is much less today than it was five years ago. “Since people want to avoid public transport because of COVID-19, EVs make so much more sense. There are many reasonably priced lower speed and lower battery range models in which the cost of ownership is similar to using public transport. Once a proper charging infrastructure exists, there will be much greater adoption of EV. Despite the government’s real push towards EV, it’s the customer who has to buy into it. For our expansion, we have recently entered the market again to raise funding from angel investors,” he adds. At the moment, the startup is working on multiple propositions to expand without necessarily having to dip in for more funding. “Some people are even eager to partner with us and become EV charging entrepreneurs. We are coming up with a model where highly motivated and visionary individuals can partner with us and also participate in expanding this charger network for the future of EV mobility in their respective places. This could be a franchise model or something else altogether. We can do ten times more if people are willing to invest with us and replicate what we are doing in their own city or area,” says Dheeraj. (Edited by Vinayak Hegde) This story made me
By Shelley Inglis Here’s how global climate negotiations work and what’s expected from the Glasgow summit. Over two weeks in November, world leaders and national negotiators will meet in Scotland to discuss what to do about climate change. It’s a complex process that can be hard to make sense of from the outside, but it’s how international law and institutions help solve problems that no single country can fix on its own. I worked for the United Nations for several years as a law and policy adviser and have been involved in international negotiations. Here’s what’s happening behind closed doors and why people are concerned that COP26 might not meet its go. What is COP26? In 1992, countries agreed to an international treaty called the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which set ground rules and expectations for global cooperation on combating climate change. It was the first time the majority of nations formally recognized the need to control greenhouse gas emissions, which cause global warming that drives climate change. That treaty has since been updated, including in 2015 when nations signed the Paris climate agreement. That agreement set the goal of limiting global warming to “well below” 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 F), and preferably to 1.5 C (2.7 F), to avoid catastrophic climate change. COP26 stands for the 26th Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC. The “parties” are the 196 countries that ratified the treaty plus the European Union. The United Kingdom, partnering with Italy, is hosting COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, from Oct. 31 through Nov. 12, 2021, after a one-year postponement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Why are world leaders so focused on climate change? The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s latest report, released in August 2021, warns in its strongest terms yet that human activities have unequivocally warmed the planet, and that climate change is now widespread, rapid and intensifying. The IPCC’s scientists explain how climate change has been fueling extreme weather events and flooding, severe heat waves and droughts, loss and extinction of species, and the melting of ice sheets and rising of sea levels. U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres called the report a “code red for humanity.” Enough greenhouse gas emissions are already in the atmosphere, and they stay there long enough, that even under the most ambitious scenario of countries quickly reducing their emissions, the world will experience rising temperatures through at least mid-century. However, there remains a narrow window of opportunity. If countries can cut global emissions to “net zero” by 2050, that could bring warming back to under 1.5 C in the second half of the 21st century. How to get closer to that course is what leaders and negotiators are discussing. What happens at COP26? During the first days of the conference, around 120 heads of state, like U.S. President Joe Biden, and their representatives will gather to demonstrate their political commitment to slowing climate change. Once the heads of state depart, country delegations, often led by ministers of environment, engage in days of negotiations, events and exchanges to adopt their positions, make new pledges and join new initiatives. These interactions are based on months of prior discussions, policy papers and proposals prepared by groups of states, U.N. staff and other experts. Nongovernmental organizations and business leaders also attend the conference, and COP26 has a public side with sessions focused on topics such as the impact of climate change on small island states, forests or agriculture, as well as exhibitions and other events. What is COP26 expected to accomplish? Countries are required under the Paris Agreement to update their national climate action plans every five years, including at COP26. This year, they’re expected to have ambitious targets through 2030. These are known as nationally determined contributions, or NDCs. The Paris Agreement requires countries to report their NDCs, but it allows them leeway in determining how they reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The initial set of emission reduction targets in 2015 was far too weak to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. One key goal of COP26 is to ratchet up these targets to reach net zero carbon emissions by the middle of the century. Another aim of COP26 is to increase climate finance to help poorer countries transition to clean energy and adapt to climate change. This is an important issue of justice for many developing countries whose people bear the largest burden from climate change but have contributed least to it. Wealthy countries promised in 2009 to contribute $100 billion a year by 2020 to help developing nations, a goal that has not been reached. The U.S., U.K. and EU, among the largest historic greenhouse emitters, are increasing their financial commitments, and banks, businesses, insurers and private investors are being asked to do more. Other objectives include phasing out coal use and generating solutions that preserve, restore or regenerate natural carbon sinks, such as forests. Another challenge that has derailed past COPs is agreeing on implementing a carbon trading system outlined in the Paris Agreement. Are countries on track to meet the international climate goals? The U.N. warned in September 2021 that countries’ revised targets were too weak and would leave the world on pace to warm 2.7 C (4.9 F) by the end of the century. However, governments are also facing another challenge this fall that could affect how they respond: Energy supply shortages have left Europe and China with price spikes for natural gas, coal and oil. China – the world’s largest emitter – has not yet submitted its NDC. Major fossil fuel producers such as Saudi Arabia, Russia and Australia seem unwilling to strengthen their commitments. India – a critical player as the second-largest consumer, producer and importer of coal globally – has also not yet committed. Other developing nations such as Indonesia, Malaysia, South Africa and Mexico are important. So is Brazil, which, under Javier Bolsonaro’s watch, has increased deforestation of the Amazon – the world’s largest rainforest and crucial for biodiversity and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. What happens if COP26 doesn’t meet its goals? Many insiders believe that COP26 won’t reach its goal of having strong enough commitments from countries to cut global greenhouse gas emissions 45% by 2030. That means the world won’t be on a smooth course for reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 and the goal of keeping warming under 1.5 C. But organizers maintain that keeping warming under 1.5 C is still possible. Former Secretary of State John Kerry, who has been leading the U.S. negotiations, remains hopeful that enough countries will create momentum for others to strengthen their reduction targets by 2025. The cost of failure is astronomical. Studies have shown that the difference between 1.5 and 2 degrees Celsius can mean the submersion of small island states, the death of coral reefs, extreme heat waves, flooding and wildfires, and pervasive crop failure. That translates into many premature deaths, more mass migration, major economic losses, large swaths of unlivable land and violent conflict over resources and food – what the U.N. secretary-general has called “a hellish future.” This article was originally published on The Conversation and has been republished under a creative commons license. For the original, click here. Shelley Inglis is the Executive Director of the University of Dayton Human Rights Center. Disclaimer: The ideas expressed in this article reflect the author’s views and not necessarily the views of The Big Q.
Families in British Columbia need a break. They need life to be more affordable, and the B.C. government can help make that happen. Premier David Eby’s cabinet shuffle this week gives his new government the opportunity to show taxpayers that it takes the rising cost of living seriously. Eby’s new cabinet needs to cut taxes and pay down the provincial debt to help B.C. families being crippled by the rising cost of living. Since becoming premier several weeks ago, he’s done just the opposite. Eby is increasing taxes on gasoline, diesel, home heating, used cars and homes. At the same time, the Eby government has announced a $5.7 billion budgetary surplus, up $4.4 billion from previous projections. There is ample money in the budget to cut taxes, which are only helping to fuel the inflation fire. B.C. families are paying record-breaking prices for fuel and groceries. Gasoline prices are the most expensive on the continent and reports say that as many as 20 per cent of Canadians are skipping meals to make ends meet. Inflation has caused the largest rise in food prices since the 1980s. Families are on track to spend $1,000 more on groceries in 2023 than they did in 2022. Within the next year, the average family in the Lower Mainland will pay around $10,000 in gas taxes at the pumps. And, with the bitterly cold winter we’re having, taxes on natural gas will cost the average family $212 to heat their homes this winter. Everyday working British Columbians cannot afford to pay the tax burden levied against them by the politicians in Victoria. Eby could start delivering relief by axing the second carbon tax. Unlike other provinces, B.C. has two carbon taxes. The first carbon tax adds 11 cents per litre to the cost of gasoline and 13 cents per litre of diesel. It’s going to be more than tripled in the next eight years. The second carbon tax is a B.C. government fuel regulation that makes gasoline and diesel cost even more. Axing the second provincial gas tax would save drivers 17 cents a litre of gasoline. That’s around $13 every time you fill up a minivan. Scrapping the second carbon tax would also save about 19 cents a litre of diesel, which would shave $172 off of the cost to fill up a big rig truck that delivers all of our groceries and supplies. Provinces across the country and 51 national governments have all cut taxes recently to help improve affordability. It’s time for British Columbia to do the same. Eby also desperately needs to tackle the provincial debt. Why does government debt matter? Consider this: instead of making interest payments on the provincial debt this year, the province could have hired 41,000 new nurses. That’s right: 41,000. Eby and his new cabinet need to follow the lead of other provinces by cutting taxes and lowering the debt burden so that we can give less money to bondholders on Bay Street and focus on the priorities that matter to British Columbians. Eby likes to talk the talk on affordability and has promised to deliver real results for British Columbians. If he’s serious about affordability and delivering results, then he needs to put his money where his mouth is. Eby needs to cut taxes and pay down the provincial debt to save families money. Carson Binda is the British Columbia director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.
Vista Verde Retreat: Yoga & Adventure in Portugal's Green Heart Escape to the serene landscapes of Sintra, Portugal, on a journey designed to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit. Each day begins with the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee, followed by yoga and meditation with Courtney to align, stretch, and heal. From here, we’ll explore the region with exciting excursions, such as a beach day, hike and wine experience, memorable boat day, and a trek to see the surrounding palaces and parks of Sintra. Close out each evening with a variety of yoga sessions, ensuring you get the best sleep of your life each night. With the promise of tranquility, adventure, and self-discovery, Courtney invites you to find your inner balance and create lasting memories in Portugal. Join us for a transformative experience in this enchanting destination and step up your yoga game in Sintra's fairytale setting. Twice daily yoga Enjoy morning and evening yoga with guided meditation to start and end your days by pouring your attention into yourself. freshly catered meals Locally sourced meals will leave you feeling revitalized and rejuvenated from the inside out. Most meals included. Explore the beauty of Portugal with multiple group excursions, including a catamaran tour and a historic hike! A healing environment in nature Connect to the beautiful nature surrounding you through guided experiences and during your down time. Your daily retreat schedule will look something like the below, with an excursion on most days and plenty of free time for you to relax and explore on your own. 7:00 am – Coffee 8:00 - 9:30 am – Morning Yoga + Meditation 9:30 - 10:30 am – Breakfast 12:00 - 3:00pm – Excursion 3:00 - 6:00 pm – Free time 6:00 - 7:00 pm – Optional evening flow 7:00 - 9:00 pm – Dinner Casa do Valle in Sintra, Portugal, is a picturesque guest house surrounded by lush gardens, a swimming pool, and stunning mountain and palace views. Situated on a historic vineyard slope, this former wine-producing property has been revitalized, offering an orchard that yields fruit year-round and a profusion of blooming flowers. Located just 400 meters from Sintra's Old Town Center, it provides a tranquil escape from tourist crowds while still being within walking distance of key attractions and the Lisbon train line. With 11 double rooms, a fully equipped guest kitchen, and multilingual hosts, Casa do Valle ensures guest comfort while emphasizing sustainability and local support, all in a safe and fair environment for their staff and collaborators. Included in price: 6 nights at Casa do Valle Lunch days 2, 3, 5, 6 Dinner days 1, 3 Shuttle to/from Lisbon airport Twice daily yoga with Courtney Historical Hike with visit to Palaces and Park Hike & Wine experience Beach day with dinner at a local restaurant Boat day – sailing catamaran Courtney is a 500hr E-RYT Yoga Instructor and has taught yoga for almost a decade. She owns The Rising Heart, a yoga and wellness school that teaches new teachers how to teach and implement the Yogic life. She specializes in alignment and the merging together of mind and body to integrate the soul. You can expect intentional, dynamic, and individually curated instruction through your experience. With deep knowledge of the body, Courtney also offers yoga massage and hands-on assisting. Some of her favorite things, outside of yoga, are dogs, beaches, laughing, and play!
All five Northeast governors who converged in Government House Yola on November 24 – 25, 2023, on their way from the Lamido Aliyu Mustafa International Airport Yola are the Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri’s unique selling points as Governor of Adamawa State. The Lamido Aliyu Mustafa Flyover and the first great interchange in the northeast; massive business activities along the Galadima Aminu Way; courtesy of the peace being enjoyed in Adamawa; and the social investment of the Fintiri government, the new roads that link Atiku Abubaka Way, Justice Buba Ardo Way, and Ahmadu Bello Way, the bubbling students’ activities at the Adamawa State Polytechnic, and the coordinated movements of the Fresh Air New Metro Buses. These activities define Fintiri’s style of administration: urban renewal, human capital development, and using today’s resources to cater for tomorrow’s needs while distinguishing the needs and wants of the entire people of Adamawa. The 9th Northeast Governor Forum in Yola came at the right time in Adamawa, while its communiqué reflected the needs of the region while taking cognizance of the peculiarities of each of the six states. In his opening remarks, Gov. Fintiri said the governors are committed to the course of the Northeast Governors’ Forum, which is to work to develop long- and short-term strategies and capacity-building solutions for meeting both the present and future challenges in the region. Governor Fintiri also said they’re united by their common challenge of low-rated economic development indices. However, most development experts said the Northeast governors are gradually and collectively winning the war against their common challenges: Boko Haram insurgency, banditry, farmer-herder conflict, out-of-school children, poverty, illegal mining, kidnapping, unemployment, and deforestation. The governors have put the merchant of conflict out of business because the IDP camps in the region are getting empty day by day, pupils are returning to school, farmers have returned to their farms, and most communities have returned to their earlier peaceful social settings, with more opportunities being opened for people to enhance their wellbeing. The Northeast governors are engaging critical stakeholders for the development of the region in their efforts to stand together and move together to put the six states on the right pedestal of development. A simple example is Adamawa State, where Governor Fintiri was able to change the ugly narratives in the area of social order in the post-insurgency period. For instance, the Fintiri Wallet, a social investment programme providing capital for small businesses among youth and women, has successfully freed many families from the prison of poverty and provided productive jobs to young people and women, especially in the areas affected by the insurgency. The First Northeast Governors Forum meeting took place in Gombe in 2020, and the forum has consequently produced encouraging results indicating the worthiness of this course. Now the northeast speaks with one loud, clear voice and is being heard. In Yola, the six governors resolved to continue cooperation among the six states and fight climate and environmental degradation. The governors call on the Federal Ministry of Works and relevant federal agencies to look at the poor federal infrastructure and energy in the region. They resolved to build 60 and 50 megawatts of coal and solar power plants in each of the six states. The governors appreciated the improved security situation in the region and resolved to work together and cooperate with all security agencies in the design of the security architecture in the region. Ahmadu Fintiri congratulated the five of them for winning re-election and also for their victories at the Governorship Tribunals and the Court of Appeal, saying it’s a reflection that their people believe in them. For example, in Adamawa, after the much-heated April 15th 2023 rerun governorship election and the unfortunate incidents that happened during the election period, the state remained calm and progressive, and Governor Fintiri remained undeterred in his usual way of taking bold decisions Zayyad I. Muhammad, Abuja
Extraordinary Policy and Resources Committee - 22 December 2021 - meeting cancelled EXTRAORDINARY POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE NOTICE AND AGENDA For an Extraordinary meeting to be held on Wednesday 22 December 2021 at 7.30pm in the Penn Chamber, Three Rivers, Northway, Rickmansworth. Members of the Policy and Resources Committee:- Sarah Nelmes (Chair) Chris Lloyd (Leisure) Dominic Sokalski (Vice-Chair) (Resources & Shared Services) Andrew Scarth (Housing) Matthew Bedford (Infrastructure & Planning Policy) Roger Seabourne (Community Safety & Partnerships) Stephen Giles-Medhurst (Transport & Economic Development) Alex Hayward Debbie Morris Phil Williams (Environmental Services, Climate Change & Sustainability) Joanne Wagstaffe Chief Executive 14 December 2021 The Council welcomes contributions from members of the public to aid discussions on Part I agenda items at the Policy and Resources Committee meetings. Details of the procedure are provided below: Members of the public will be entitled to register and identify which Part I item(s) they wish to speak on from the published agenda for the meeting. Those who wish to register to speak should notify the Committee team by e-mail ( [email protected] ) 48 hours before the meeting. Please note that contributions will be limited to no more than three minutes. For those wishing to observe: The Council have a limited number of people who can attend the meetings in person for any Part I business. To request one of the places as an observer, please contact the Committee Team by email at [email protected] 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. In accordance with The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 any matters considered under Part I business only of the meeting may be filmed, recorded, photographed, broadcast or reported via social media by any person. Recording and reporting the Council’s meetings is subject to the law and it is the responsibility of those doing the recording and reporting to ensure compliance. This will include the Human Rights Act, the Data Protection Legislation and the laws of libel and defamation. The Policy and Resources Committee meeting will not being broadcast/livestreamed. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. NOTICE OF OTHER BUSINESS Items of other business notified under Council Procedure Rule 30 to be announced, together with the special circumstances that justify their consideration as a matter of urgency. The Chairman to rule on the admission of such items. 3. DECLARATION OF INTERESTS To receive any declarations of interest. 4. OTHER BUSINESS – If approved under item 3 above. 5. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC If the Committee wishes to consider the remaining item in private, it will be appropriate for a resolution to be passed in the following terms:- “that under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined under paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Act. It has been decided by the Council that in all the circumstances, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.” (Note: If other confidential business is approved under item 3, it will also be necessary to specify the class of exempt or confidential information in the additional items.) 1. HERTS BUILDING CONTROL To receive a report. 2. OTHER BUSINESS – If approved under item 3 above. For any enquires on the agenda please email the Committee Team at [email protected]
Question: Do You Tape Reporters During Media Interviews? I recently received the following email from Christopher Holcroft, an Australian public relations pro. He writes: “I have found these days more and more journalists who conduct phone interviews are recording them on voice recorders. To ensure there is complete transparency and to keep within my country’s federal laws, I ask the journalist if they are recording. I then ask do they mind if I record for my records. This recording has now put both the journalist and yourself on the path to a complete record of what was said. Nothing can be mistaken. Also, if the journalist skews their article/story you have a complete record to seek correction if required. The recording is also great for your bosses as it protects you and what you said versus what the journalist thought you said and reported. I also encourage all interviewees to bring a voice recorder to media interviews and openly place it on the table next to the journalist so there is no mistake you are also recording the event for truthfulness. This way you can send a copy of the interview to your bosses before the story is aired or published.” In my two decades as a journalist and public relations practitioner, I’ve seen three media relations practices that were once largely verboten become acceptable, at least in some circumstances: Asking reporters for their questions in advance, requesting to see a copy of their stories before they run, and recording raw copies of interviews. (To be clear, the first two practices are only acceptable in certain cases, but they’re more common today than they were a decade ago.) One obvious reason for the apparent increase in taping interviews is technology: Whereas taping once required us to carry a separate piece of equipment (three, actually: the recorder, a cassette, and fresh batteries), smartphones make it easy today for anyone, at any time. I suspect another reason is that social media has gotten us accustomed to living more public lives, so journalists who might have viewed tape recorders as an intrusive irritant a generation ago are more likely to view it as an inevitability today. I understand the merits of the “record every interview” argument well, and have encountered many clients who employ such a policy. For some clients, particularly those dealing with highly controversial and potentially litigious issues, I agree that keeping an audio or video trail makes sense. Personally, though, I don’t advise it to our clients as a general practice. Setting a tape recorder on the table immediately creates a climate of mistrust. Therefore, you might reserve its use for times when: you have a reasonable suspicion that the interviewer has an agenda and is not to be trusted; the news outlet is unfavorable toward your work; the topic is of great economic and/or reputational consequence. If you do decide to record an interview, make sure you remain on the right side of the law. You can find out if your state requires one- or two-party consent here. What are your practices regarding taping media interviews? Please leave your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below.
Zoo Berlin is committed to protecting the songbirds of Southeast Asia. - Project name Prigen Conservation Breeding Ark (PCBA) Various songbirds (Passeri) - IUCN threatened status - Project location - Greatest threat Developing a breeding programme; reintroducing birds into their natural habitat The bird kingdom contains some 4,000 species of songbird, including the Java sparrow, the hill myna, and the Bali myna. Scientists believe that songbirds originated in Australia and slowly spread to Southeast Asia. Today, they are at home all over the world. A particularly rich variety of songbird species can be found in the tropical rainforests of Southeast Asia – particularly those of Indonesia. The archipelago is home to more than 1,500 bird species – roughly a third of which are found nowhere else in the world. However, for a number of years, Indonesia’s songbird population has been in sharp decline. The rapid disappearance of these birds is tied to a cultural tradition in the region. Aviaries have always been popular in Indonesia, and roughly one in five households has a bird as a pet. Fierce competition also exists among songbird keepers, as owning the most talented songbird with the most beautiful song not only confers higher social status, it also has a financial incentive. The tradition of songbird competitions still enjoys widespread popularity, and has now grown into a genuine sporting event with a following comparable to that of football in Europe. That means there is real money to be made from the sale of songbirds. Songbirds hatched in the wild are believed to possess more beautiful songs than their relatives bred in captivity. What’s more, it is often easier to catch birds in the wild than it is to breed them, as many captured birds die shortly after being shut in a cage. Indonesian songbirds are also hunted for export, consumption, and medicinal use. Demand for the birds is therefore high, negatively affecting hundreds of species and millions of individual birds every year. Back to the woods Zoo Berlin and other German zoos worked with animal park Taman Safari Indonesia to build a local breeding and conservation station in East Java. This facility is now actively breeding threatened songbird species in order to release them back into their original habitat. Zoo Berlin also participated in the EAZA campaign Silent Forest, which works to build global awareness of the serious threat facing the world’s songbirds. We will continue to work with many other zoos to provide the financial support, human resources, and additional expertise required to save the songbirds of Southeast Asia from extinction.
Time to discover Mexico’s Nayarit While it may be best known for its beaches, the state of Nayarit offers visitors a chance to discover some of Mexico’s undiscovered magic. Providing visitors with all of the elements that make up a quintessential Mexican experience, Nayarit also gives them the chance to get off the traditional tourist trail, visitors and find an authenticity and magic that cannot be found elsewhere. Most travellers have heard of Riviera Nayarit – a string of beach towns stretches from the Bay of Banderas all the way up the entire state. Beginning with Nuevo Nayarit (once called Nuevo Vallarta), the Riviera Nayarit also includes popular hotel and resort destinations like Bucerias, La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, the luxury enclaves of Punta de Mita, the bohemian hotspot of Sayulita, and the smaller, sleepier villages like San Francisco, Lo de Marcos, Guayabitos, and San Blas. These beach towns are what put Nayarit on the tourist trail, and where visitors will find the majority of the state’s luxury resorts, boutique beachfront hotels, wellness retreats, and all-inclusives. But the state of Nayarit is so much more than just its stunning coastline. It’s also a hot spot for gastronomy tourism, eco-tourism, adventure, and cultural exchange. Away from the beach and into the mountainous, jungle-covered interior of Nayarit, a world waiting to be discovered unfolds. Nayarit is home to thick jungles and looming volcanoes, pockets of indigenous communities, unique cuisine, Magical Towns and diverse wildlife. The capital of Nayarit is Tepic, a city whose rich legacy can be seen through its architecture, museums, and traditions. Tepic was founded in 1531 as the capital of the Kingdom of New Galicia, a region that was made up of what is now Jalisco, Colima, Nayarit, Aguascalientes, Durango, Sinaloa, and San Luis Potosi. It was a major centre for trade, commerce, and European society. A walk around downtown Tepic is like taking a step back in time to its Spanish-influenced past. Stepping away from Tepic, visitors come face to face with the state’s natural beauty as well as its indigenous cultures. Surrounding Tepic are majestic mountains, which hold many of the state’s secrets, from its adventure and ecotourism offerings to its Magical Towns and native communities. The town of Amatlán de Cañas, for example, feels paused in time. Surrounded by mountains and sliced by rocky canyons, this town is known for its historic temples and its many hot springs spas, as well as three beautiful waterfalls. Another attraction near Tepic is the Los Toriles archaeological site, home to 93 historic structures, including a pyramid dedicated to the Aztec god, Quetzalcoatl. For culture seekers, Nayarit has four very distinct and special Magical Towns. This includes the world-renowned bohemian beach community of Sayulita, as well as the towns of Compostela, Jala, and Mexcaltitán. Compostela is a rich epicenter of coffee culture and a visit here means getting up close and personal with some of Mexico’s finest coffee. Visitors interested in learning about coffee culture can also combine a visit to Compostela with jungle activities like rafting, cycling, and hiking. Travellers who want to learn more about the indigenous communities of Nayarit can head to the Sierra del Nayar, a region of Nayarit characterized by mountain ranges, jungle, and native communities who have kept their traditions and customs alive. The groups that settled in the Sierra del Nayar are the Coras, Huicholes, Tepehuanos, and Mexicaneros. A visit to the community of El Nayar is the best place to learn about these communities. The main ethnic groups here are the Cora and Huichol and their Holy Week has been designated an Intangible World Heritage by UNESCO. The event features men painted in body paint from head to toe, fighting ritual battles with wooden swords, dances, feasting, and much more. The State of Nayarit became Mexico’s latest Viticulture destination expanding Mexico’s Wine Region with the opening of Meseta del Cielo vineyard. Located in Juanactlan in the Municipality of Jala at 1900 meters above sea level, the vineyard is the first one in the state of Nayarit with more than four hectares of land where Syrah and Macabeo grapes adapt to perfection in its soil. For wildlife lovers, a visit to Tepic can end back at the coast in the beach village of San Blas. Characterized by its mangroves and protected areas, San Blas has been a haven for birdwatching for decades. It’s one of Nayarit’s best examples of sustainable tourism, with eco-conscious hotels and activities at its focus, thus creating a rich and abundant community of wildlife. The Islas Marías (Las Tres Marías) are a small archipelago of islands located in the eastern Pacific Ocean, lying at a distance of 58 miles from the coast of Mexico’s Nayarit state. The island chain was mostly uninhabited except for the Maria Madre Island, which until 2019 held a prison. In 2010, the Islas Marías was designated as a UNESCO biosphere reserve, a specially protected biodiverse region. The Tres Marías Islands are home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, including the Tres Marías raccoon and the Tres Marías cottontail rabbit. The reserve is a prime spot for whale shark watching and is an important nesting and feeding site for large colonies of sea birds, sharks, and sea turtles. What’s new in 2024 The airport, Riviera Nayarit Airport (TPQ), is now Riviera Nayarit International Airport, creating border and customs operations that will allow flights from other countries to fly in directly. New hotel openings in 2023 and 2024 take in such brands as Vidanta, Fairmont, Rosewood, Westin, Omni, Four Seasons Autograph Collection and more Marriott developments. The Rosewood Mandarina is set to open in 2024. A Ritz-Carlton Reserve is expected to open by 2025. Montage International is working on the development of both a Montage and a Pendry resort within the 1,500-acre, private peninsula masterplan in Punta Mita with a target of 2026. In a joint effort to promote sustainability in travel and tourism, the Mexican state of Nayarit joins the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) Hotel Basics initiative. This alliance seeks to establish criteria for global sustainability standards in the hotel industry and marks a significant step towards a greater commitment to caring for the environment and developing its communities. And also of note is the fact that the state of Nayarit is now a Virtuoso destination with Riviera Nayarit.
provides quiet cleaning without compromising performance, so there s no need to wait to run a wash cycle while entertaining and enjoying meals, even in open concept kitchens. Advanced Clean Water Wash System uses microfiltration to continuously remove food particles during the wash and rinse cycles and circulates clean water to dishes in all three racks. This allows dirty cookware and delicate glassware to be washed together in the same load. Culinary Caddy® Utensil Basket provides convenient space in the lower rack for tall utensils like whisks and spatulas, overflow silverware and small items that need to be secured for cleaning and drying. Durable Stainless Steel Interior offers the beauty and benefits of stainless steel inside the dishwasher. It resists streaks, stains and odors, while retaining heat to help improve drying. Designed with efficiency in mind. Saving you water, energy and money with quality wash and dry performance. *Compared to dishwashers meeting the minimum 2023 Department of Energy efficiency standards Express Wash Cycle cleans in less time, so you always have the dishes you need while prepping, cooking and entertaining. Extended ProDry™ Option extends the ProDry™ Cycle time by 15 minutes for loads that need extra drying time. Fan-Enabled ProDry™ System combines a heating element and fan for optimal drying performance. It circulates hot air around dishes after the wash cycle to give them a thorough dry. To activate, select the ProDry™ Option or Extended ProDry™ Option. FreeFlex™ Third Rack The largest third rack available has a deep, angled design that fits 6" glasses, mugs and bowls. It features rotating wash jets to clean items in the rack, a drying bar with tabs that help wick moisture off glasses and a removable utensil tray for cooking tools. LED Interior Lighting illuminates inside the dishwasher when the door is open, allowing clearer visibility for easy loading and unloading. Leak Detection System provides peace of mind with three levels of protection against potential sources of leaks, from multiple sensing points with a water flow monitor and drip tray. If the system detects a problem, the dishwasher will stop filling, drain the tub and alert that service is needed. Resists smudges and fingerprints. The specialized coating for stainless steel is easy to clean with just water and a soft cloth, so you can spend more time cooking and less time cleaning up the kitchen. uses sensors to measure soil levels throughout the cycle and adapts wash time and water temperature as needed for tough messes or lighter loads, because no two meals or the dishes that result are exactly the same. Sani Rinse Option Sanitizes dishes by eliminating 99.999% of food soil bacteria. eliminates 99.999% of food soil bacteria by adding a high-heat final rinse to sanitize dishes. SatinGlide® Max Rails in Third and Middle Racks Premium rails with ball-bearing glides allow racks to move effortlessly, even when fully loaded. Six Stemware Holders in Middle Rack secure wine glasses along the sides of the rack to prevent them from moving around during the wash cycle. are tucked away on top of the dishwasher door for a clean look to match your kitchen style. An indicator light on the front of the door changes colors to subtly display cycle progress. Adjustable Rows in Middle and Lower Racks fold down to make room for dishes in a variety of shapes and sizes like roasting pans, serving bowls, colanders and dutch ovens. Adjustable Middle Rack adds flexibility to fit tall items like a stand mixer bowl. Lower the rack to place large dishes inside or raise it to make room for platters, pitchers, blender jars and more in the rack below.
Clean water is essential to health and a significant priority for all people, everywhere. Uganda stands as a captivating nation, characterized by its breathtaking beauty and the indomitable spirit of its people. Emerging from a challenging history, Uganda continues to confront formidable obstacles, particularly in the realms of poverty, education, and health. In this dynamic landscape, Tupendane, a non-profit faith-based Christian organization, plays a pivotal role. We channel our resources towards supporting and uplifting Ugandan communities through various humanitarian initiatives. Our efforts focus on addressing fundamental needs, ensuring children's education, advancing freshwater projects, promoting vocational education, and fostering sustainable development through mechanized farming. Beyond these initiatives, Tupendane extends a helping hand to the local church by providing essential resources such as Bibles, literature, and training. Our mission is rooted in nurturing hope and resilience among the people of Uganda, recognizing and respecting their autonomy as they strive to chart a course toward a brighter future.
During Movin’On global sustainble mobility summit, Michelin launched two innovations that address major challenges in future mobility. One of them is WISAMO, an inflatable wing sails that can be fitted on merchant ships as well as pleasure craft. This inflatable wing sails harness the wind, a free source of propulsion. Thanks to this revolutionary design, it is possible to reduce fuel consumption and lower CO2 emissions. WISAMO system is suitable for ro-ro ships, oil/gas tankers, or bulk carriers, it can also be fitted as an original equipment on newbuilds. WISAMO project team claims that this wing’’s range of use is one of the market’s broadest with proven effectiveness on many points of sail. It features retractable telescopic mast, it’s easy for any ship to enter harbors and makes passes under bridges. Overall, this new system helps improve ship’s fuel efficiency by up to 20%. In collaboration with Michel Desjoyaux, a world-renowed skipper and ambassador of project, Michelin’s research teams have perfected its development. Through his input and technological knowledge, this seasoned sailor allows WISAMO to be tested in actual maritime shipping conditions. Wind energy is clean, free, and non-controversial, it promises to improve environmental impact of merchant ships. WISAMO Inflatable Wing Sails project is part of Michelin’s project to support greener maritime mobility in advance of future regulations. WISAMO System is planned to be fitted first on a merchant ship in 2022.
Travel During Year of the Tiger: Where to See Tigers in the Wild Welcome to the Year of the Tiger! Once every dozen years, the Lunar New Year celebrates the largest of all cats, one that Asian astrologers describe as uplifting, brave, and independent. All excellent qualities for the year ahead. Over 1.5 billion people around the world celebrate Lunar New Year. Festivities continue in some cultures for about two weeks, but the influence of the Tiger lasts the year. Year of the Tiger may inspire many of us to take a new interest in these magnificent striped creatures, even to see them in real life. Responsible travel should be any big cat-lover’s top priority. Many of us are very conflicted about zoos, where species survival and educational programs at excellent facilities is weighed against keeping wildlife in captivity and conditions at poor facilities. Attractions with captive tigers are condemned by experts and conservationists. Seeing tigers in the wild is a life-changing experience. Once, tiger species ranged widely across Asia. Tiger species with names like Siberian and Sumatran and Royal Bengal illustrate just how far tigers once roamed. Just in the last century, tigers have lost 95% of their habitat, and experts estimate that fewer than 4000 tigers remain in the wild. Like many famous megafauna, it’s thought that responsible photo-safari tourism can help create an economic motive to help ensure the survival of these majestic creatures and their habitat. Where to Travel: Tiger reserves exist in a number of Asian destinations including Siberia, Russia, as well as Bhutan, Nepal and Bangladesh. Today, about 70% of the world’s wild tigers live in India, which has dozens of tiger reserves. Travellers can book vetted, professional guided tours that both maximize their chances of seeing a tiger and protect these rare, magnificent creatures. Central India’s Madhya Pradesh is known as the country’s ‘Tiger State.’ It is said to be the setting of Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book, and has some of the country’s most accessible and reputable reserves, often former private hunting reserves for local maharajas. Kanha Tiger Reserve has famously picturesque dense forest as well as wide-open grasslands and lakes. The National Park is a protected, 750-square mile eco-system that’s home to apex predator tigers and also nurtures lots of other wildlife, including local deer, sloth bears, leopards and other species from monkeys to mongoose. Pench Tiger Reserve is a National Park partially in Madhya Pradesh and is named for the river running through its hundreds of square miles. It’s famous for regular sightings of tiger mothers and their cubs. The most famous, Collarwali, nicknamed “the great mother,” gave birth to a remarkable 29 cubs in her long, 17-year life before she died of natural causes in January, 2022, the longest-living tigress in the park. Loving park wardens draped her remains with wreaths of flowers, prayers were said, and a traditional funeral pyre honored the passing of one of conservation’s great creatures. Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve in Rajasthan is the cradle of tiger tourism in India, and has been home to some of its most famous and beloved tigers. A robust population and great many lakeside and waterhole adjacent vantage points make this one of the best places in India to view tigers. The reserve also contains ancient Mughal fort ruins on the edge of a lake; seeing tigers against a backdrop like that reminds travellers how much these noble great cats are creatures of legend in their natural homelands. When to Travel: Tigers can be seen year round in India’s reserves. July through September is monsoon and breeding season, and most tiger reserves are closed. In the hot, pre-monsoon months of April and May, water-loving tigers spend lots of time around the waterholes with their cubs, which gives the best opportunities for sightings.
What You Will Learn: • Having the right tools, the know-how, and adequate service information allows for proper diagnosis and repair • Fixing the root cause of the problem, and not just the symptom is required to ensure proper repair and prevent comebacks • Dynamic circuit tests are far superior to static circuit tests This series of vehicles gave us a run for our money, but it all came together in the end with the correct tools and information in hand. The running water pump We had a 2011 BMW X5 35i E70 with 148,312 miles on the odometer. We received the vehicle with a complaint from the vehicle owner that his battery was going dead. At first, he just wanted us to check the battery and replace it, but we explained that the proper way is to diagnose the vehicle for the cause of a parasitic draw. His description of the battery going dead multiple times indicated that our suggestion would be the diagnostic path to take. The BMW owner listened to our explanation and authorized us to diagnosis the problem. My tech, Franklin was assigned to this vehicle and followed a proper diagnostic game plan. It included the following: - A visual inspection - Vehicle DTC / health scan - Testing of the battery, starter and charging system, followed by RTFI (reading the friggin’ information) After all the previous tests were performed, the following DTCs were displayed: - 378F BSD (bit n date) message from the electric coolant pump - Missing static fault currently missing (Car Access System) - D904 K‐CAN wiring - 6EC4 80PP DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) Steering Angle Sensor Adjustment and about 10 more codes (Figure 1) that had nothing to do with the water pump staying on. Gaining diagnostic direction The battery test resulted in a failure, so we recommended replacing it. The starter and charging system test performed as designed, making our next step digging into service information. In ALLDATA, we found a TSB for the BMW BSD and Local Interconnected Network (LIN) yielding an issue with the water pump as described in the 378F code. The bit-serial data interface is a single-wire data bus that the electric coolant pump communicates on. What else is on this bus? The following components are connected to the digital motor electronics (DME), or ECU: - Intelligent battery sensor - The electric coolant pump - The oil condition sensor That information allows us to target our diagnosis on those components that have influence on allowing the water pump to operate. If there is an issue with any of them, that would be the reason the water pump would still operate with the key / fob out of the ignition. With the information we just reviewed Franklin proceeded to check the BSD system carefully due to the issue of the water pump that was staying on. He figured more heads were better than one and contacted our friend Pierre Respaut, a BMW expert, who advised him to disconnect the battery sensor to see if the water pump would stop running. Since the disconnected battery sensor failed to stop the pump from running, his next step was to disconnect the alternator, and that also made no difference. Franklin lastly disconnected the oil level sensor that also controls the water pump, but that still did not resolve the problem. Pierre, Franklin, and I thought the best thing to do now to protect the new battery (that had already been installed and coded to the DME) from going dead was to disconnect the radiator switch that controls the water pump. Our next step was to call the BMW owner and recommend a water pump that must have had an internal failure causing this vehicle’s parasitic draw. Franklin explained to the BMW owner that the water pump is a bit different on this engine. He told the owner that the pump is used for heat management that determines the current cooling requirement regulating the cooling system that utilizes the water pump to achieve proper results. Under conditions where engine cooling is not needed the water pump can even be switched off completely. On a cold engine condition for example where a proper warm up is required to provide even temperature the water pump may not be turned on until a certain engine temperature is achieved. If the engine is not running but the coolant or oil is very hot the water pump will be commanded to operate even with the vehicle locked. This was the problem that killed the battery. Believe it or not, the vehicle owner decided not to replace the water pump because it was too expensive. We reconnected the radiator switch to prevent the engine from overheating and causing damage, followed by disconnecting the negative terminal to the battery to prevent it from going dead. As of this writing, he has still not returned and must disconnect and connect the battery negative terminal every time he enters or exits the vehicle. You can’t fix stupid, can you? The locked trunk Our next vehicle is 2011 BMW 335i Convertible (with 72,629 miles) that came in with a report of no radio and no warning tones (Figure 2). My tech, Bill, first spoke to the vehicle owner then performed a visual inspection, followed by performing a full vehicle scan using the OPUS IVS legacy software. The result of the scan was an amplifier that failed to communicate, and other modules that needed updates (but had nothing to do with the issue on this vehicle) (Figure 3). As with most Euro vehicles, there are often water intrusion issues associated with electrical problems. This BMW convertible was no exception. As Bill was performing his visual inspection, he noticed the usual clogged drains (Figures 4, 5 + 6). This was the first time this vehicle had been to our shop; otherwise, the drains would have been cleaned. When any vehicle comes in for service or inspection, we make it a habit to remove leaves, pine needles and other debris from the cowl and trunk areas. We use an air vacuum that we have in each bay to remove anything we cannot remove by hand. Bill took pictures to show the vehicle owner the issue and told her she would need to stop by the shop periodically to have us make sure no debris is present. Since the drains were clogged, our first step was to get them free of debris and properly flowing again. Bill had assigned the job to Mary (our newest tech and former student of mine). Mary lives over four hours away and drives to my shop to work in a professional environment and learn from master techs such as Bill, Franklin, and me. Her job for this BMW was to clean the drains and work on getting the trunk unlocked. The trunk would not open with the key fob command or the trunk release button ever since the vehicle owner disconnected the battery (while trying to fix this problem). Bill located the wiring diagram in Mitchell ProDemand to see where the wires from the trunk to the switch were located. Bill located the wires under the dash that were buried in the right-side kick panel and discovered that they were connected to a module before going to the switch. Bill made an executive decision to cut the wires that were connected to the module instead of taking a chance of manually energizing the circuit and damaging it. He located the wires and double checked the wiring diagram before proceeding to cut them. After the wires were cut Bill had Mary supply power and ground to the correct wires that were connected to the trunk latch. The results of her action were the trunk latch now released, allowing access to the trunk area. Once they were in, Bill proceeded to check the amplifier located on the left side of the trunk (Figure 7). Mary then temporarily connected the cut wires to make sure the trunk would release from the fob command and trunk release button. Since both worked as designed, she proceeded to repair the wires properly with solder and shrink tubing before retesting. In the meantime, Bill tested the Media Oriented Systems Transporter network (MOST). It is a fiber optic system that transmits light signals for communication between ECUs (Figure 8). Before condemning any part (and in this case the amplifier) just because there is a DTC for the component would be the wrong move to make. Remember that the system needs to be tested first to confirm that the fiber optics are good. You ask, how do you check the fiber optic system? Well, there are two ways available. One with a fiber optic bypass loop tester (that is an excellent tool for diagnosing and bypassing MOST components). The other way is to use a laser pointer to check if light comes out of the other end of the fiber line, confirming that there is no damage or restriction to the MOST lines. Bill confirmed that the fiber lines were good using both test methods, leaving the amplifier as the issue. Once again poor maintenance practices were the cause of this BMW problem. We provided pricing to the BMW owner, but she thought it was too expensive and decided to live without a radio and chimes. Let’s see how long that lasts before she needs her music back. All lit up The owner of a 2014 Mercedes Benz SL550 (with 34,767 miles) has a complaint that the rear taillights would stay on after the vehicle was parked and locked (Figure 9). Franklin performed a scan of all modules and found no codes related to the rear lights staying illuminated. After he “RTFI” he discovered what we already knew from our previous experience with these Benz’s, that the signal acquisition module (SAM) had a problem. He asked the owner if the vehicle was involved in an accident or if someone had worked on the vehicle recently, she said neither one was true. The customer also explained that this issue had just started a couple of weeks ago when the lights stayed on and eventually prevented the engine from cranking over. Franklin checked all voltage and ground feeds, finding them all within specification. That only left the SAM that could cause the problem. We ordered the new SAM and installed it followed by using our Opus IVS.We then contacted their tech support to code the module. Using the Opus IVS tech support saved us time doing it ourselves, allowing us to catch up on other work that we had backed up. Franklin rechecked the vehicle after the module coding was complete and found all DTCs were cleared and everything worked like it should, the Benz was fixed. The next vehicle was a 2011 VW Tiguan SEL 2.0L Turbo with 132,514 miles, and a list of customer complaints, including oil leaking, low power, engine coolant leaks, water leaks, mildew smell, dimming lights and hard starting. This vehicle seemed to be a complete mess. The tires were as bald as my head, along with the brakes being down to metal, lights out, axle boot ripped and to make matters worse, water leaks inside the vehicle. I always say the best tools we have are our brain, eyes, ears, nose, and hands; and look at what we seen and felt that led us to locating the problem, a wet headliner (Figure 10). The headliner issue led us to check the moon roof drains, where we located broken drain tubes that were the cause of the big water leak. We followed the water trail to the trunk area, where we found over two inches of water (Figure 11). We had to remove the headliner to get access to the moon roof tubes and replace them with new ones prior to checking the drain system for proper operation. Once the tubes were draining as designed, we dried everything up and reinstalled the headliner. That fixed the water leak, mildew smell, and some of the lighting issues, but there were more. We tested the battery, starter, and alternator. We found the alternator to be defective; the battery was just low and needed to be charged and retested. The oil, coolant leaks and low power were due to a turbo issue. We replaced the turbocharger after receiving the owner's approval. This resulted in a leak-free engine and the vehicle was now fixed and running like new again. This vehicle is a 2005 BMW Z4 2.5L with 128,089 miles on it. It’s having a problem getting a passing grade for New York state emissions inspection. The vehicle’s monitors would not become "ready” after the battery went dead with the vehicle sitting around for a while. We checked the vehicle by performing a full vehicle scan and found that there were no DTCs and one emissions monitor “not ready.” We switched scan tools to the eScan (from Automotive Test Solutions) because its plotted data is easier to see. Over the years, I noticed that there is a load of issues with the cooling system that prevent the monitor from becoming “ready.” Using the eScan, we can see instantly if there are problems with the cooling system. If we notice the time to temperature is not in the “green” after the engine is up to operating temperature, we go into Sharpshooter, under the Temperature tab. There, we will check to see what the issue is (Figure 12). The results of the test were that the engine was heating up too fast. This problem can be caused by a thermostat that is out of calibration, coolant issues or a few other problems (even if the engine is not overheating and supplying good heat). Bill installed an OE thermostat and BMW antifreeze/coolant and made sure the time to temperature was good when he finished. Since the monitor was still “not ready,” he asked the owner if he wanted us to drive the vehicle, or did he want to drive it himself. The vehicle owner chose to drive the vehicle himself after Bill and I explained how to drive the vehicle and making sure not to fill the gas tank more than 75 percent of full. Well, we should have known that the vehicle owner who loves driving this Z4 like a race car would not stay in the parameters to get the monitors “ready.” We had to print out the drive cycle and tell him to stay under 65 miles per hour. Finally, he paid attention (since his car inspection was going to expire in days). The BMW needed to pass, or he was risking a ticket. The owner followed our driving recommendations, and all the monitors were “ready.” The vehicle now passed New York State emissions inspection. The fix was two parts, one the engine needed a new thermostat and antifreeze/coolant and two it needed to be driven properly. Wipers won’t work Our last vehicle was a 2007 VW Tiguan that came in with a complaint about the wiper not always working. We checked the vehicle out and found that the wiper motor was not operating as designed. Before we replaced the wiper motor, we checked the voltage and ground supplies. We always load the circuit up to mimic the intended load of the wiper motor making sure that voltage and ground is supplied properly (Figure 13). We use a headlight that pulls about five to six amps to make sure the circuit can carry a load. Many techs make a mistake of not testing the circuit dynamically, instead relying on open-circuit testing, which could indicate a false positive. Since we had a circuit that was working properly, we ordered a new wiper motor and installed it. Problem solved! In the end, the challenge isn't the nightmare-vehicles you must face. It's being sure you understand how the systems function and have the know-how and tooling to diagnose the issues.
Throwing one piece of plastic into the trash may not seem significant but doing that hundreds of times a day is a different story. Many companies are adding sustainability goals to their corporate social responsibility initiatives in an effort to reduce scrap and their environmental footprint. This includes the reduction of single use materials to prevent volume in landfills. These trends can impact cable installers for a few reasons, but reusable cable ties such as VELCRO® Brand ONE-WRAP® Fasteners are a great alternative to align with sustainability goals. Data Centers Become Greener with Reusable Components In the digital era, data centers are the heart and brains for business operations and data storage. There are a lot of materials that go into serving and maintaining them, from the copper in the CAT 6A cables to the metals in the cabinets. With so many fabricated materials required, many companies are re-thinking what goes into their operations in order to achieve their environmental goals. This green push will audit materials, costs and energy use. Additionally, certain government regulations are pushing businesses to seek alternatives to single-use materials. The European Union recently introduced a tax on single-use plastic products, based on volume. This tax could evolve to impact additional businesses in more locations, including data centers. How can cable installers adapt to these environmental objectives, without compromising on the connectivity that their customers heavily rely on? The answer is to reuse materials. VELCRO® Brand Reusable Cable Ties Reduce Scrap & Align with Environmental Goals VELCRO® Brand ONE-WRAP® cable ties and tape answer the need to reduce or eliminate single use materials. Anytime cables need to be moved, these fasteners can be cycled up to 2,000 times which means for each hook and loop tie used, it can save up to 2,000 cut plastic ties. Technology is quickly evolving in the digital era. This often requires frequent moves, adds and changes within cable installations. If your installation needs to replace a few cables, that will create a pile of snipped plastic ties. With VELCRO® Brand ONE-WRAP® Tape, there is no scrap. Simply unfasten, reposition and refasten. Velcro Companies has manufacturing locations worldwide to address regional needs and reduce lead times. This can reduce the number of trucks on the road and airplanes in the sky that need to haul more inventory across seas and borders. VELCRO® Brand ONE-WRAP® Tape is trusted by many cable installers worldwide and aligns with many industry standards. Don’t risk having to re-do an installation because it violates a new regulation; invest in the future with VELCRO® Brand ONE-WRAP® Tape. Other blog posts:
Juliet Jacques pays tribute to Mark Fisher aka k-punk, who died on Friday 13th January, 2017. Our thoughts are with Mark's family, friends and colleagues at Repeater. Please donate to this collection organised by Mark's friends, comrades and colleagues to raise money for his wife and son, in the hope that it will allow them space to grieve and come to terms with their loss, and reduce the number of things they have to deal with at this devastating time. It feels particularly cruel to have lost Mark Fisher at this moment, when his passionate and incisive voice is needed more than ever. A rare example of a popular British academic, Mark was renowned for his work on culture, politics, and mental health, from the Cybernetic Culture Research Unit in the late 1990s, through his influential k-punk blog of the mid-2000s, to his publications with Zero and Repeater Books, most famously Capitalist Realism (2009), but also Ghosts of My Life (2014) and most recently The Weird and the Eerie (2017) Mark was notable for confronting life’s harshest realities head-on, offering an unflinching analysis of neoliberalism and how it enforced its hegemony by colonising the minds of its subjects. His work on depression epitomised his approach: he took something that has been characterised as a modern epidemic and moved it from a medical context to a social one, emphasising that we live at a time when class consciousness and collective politics are at a historical low, and when the promotion of cruelty, selfishness and self-blame have become integral to the maintenance of the established order. That may sound bleak, but Mark always offset that by seeking out hope wherever he could find it. This was often in film, television, or music: he kept an open mind towards underground and popular culture, being unforgiving of anything created for the wrong reasons but celebratory of anything that he felt expressed the possibility of a better world. He understood the worth of working within the mainstream, and being prepared to sacrifice one’s own sense of personal integrity if it meant changing minds on a large scale. Capitalist Realism sold more than 10,000 copies, an astonishing achievement for a short theoretical text about politics and mental health issued via a small publisher. Typically, said his friend Simon Reynolds, Mark did not quite appreciate how incredible this was, having long suffered from the impostor syndrome that Bertrand Russell and W. B. Yeats said was characteristic of the greatest minds. Capitalist Realism helped to establish Zero Books, and its successor, Repeater, as a launchpad for radical writers, particularly younger ones those who had developed their voices outside the increasingly suffocating frameworks of mainstream media, and who in many cases had been part of the online circles centred around k-punk – a cornerstone of the ‘golden age of blogging’. He introduced many of us to each other, and gave us the confidence to combine the cultural, personal, and political in ways that felt thrilling and liberating. He always wrote with intensity, and urgency, and although he didn’t always get it right – the fallout from one piece on identity politics and radical activism was especially difficult for many of those who he had influenced – his output was never less than challenging, and I and many others still felt that Mark was on our side, however exasperating life on that side could be. Personally, I was always grateful that Mark continued to encourage my work in a climate that often felt hopeless, and I was proud to call him my friend. Numerous writers on politics and culture have said that they felt the same; many of us owe our shared exchanges and experiences to Mark, so he will remain a vital presence, a ghost of our lives as we struggle to make sense of what feels like an ever-colder, more complex world. I urge you all to return to Mark’s work and run with the baton that he was kind enough to hand to us.For Mark (Read at the Writers Resist: London event on 15 January 2017)
In today's fast-paced world, sustainability is more crucial than ever, and one area where we can make a significant impact is our fashion choices. By embracing sustainable fashion, we can minimise our carbon footprint, reduce textile waste, and promote ethical practices within the industry. In this blog post, we'll explore ten valuable tips to help you dress sustainably and create a wardrobe that is both stylish and eco-friendly. 1. Avoid Fast Fashion: 2. Buy Timeless Clothing: 3. Choose Quality over Quantity: 4. Shop Vintage and Second-Hand: 5. Support Sustainable Businesses: As the demand for sustainable fashion grows, more brands are embracing eco-friendly practices. Seek out and support companies that prioritise sustainability, ethical sourcing, and fair trade. By aligning your values with your purchasing decisions, you encourage positive change within the industry. 6. Rent Clothing: For special occasions or statement pieces you may only wear once, consider renting instead of buying. Numerous clothing rental platforms offer a wide range of options, allowing you to experiment with different styles without the commitment of ownership. Renting reduces the need for excessive consumption and helps decrease textile waste. 7. Participate in Clothes Swaps: Hosting or attending clothes swap events can be a fun way to refresh your wardrobe sustainably. Gather friends, family, or even colleagues and exchange clothing items you no longer wear. It's an excellent opportunity to find unique pieces while reducing textile waste and fostering a sense of community. 8. Mend Clothing: Extend the life of your clothing by learning basic sewing skills or supporting local tailors. Instead of discarding garments with minor damage, mend them. Whether it's replacing a button, fixing a seam, or patching a small tear, simple repairs can breathe new life into your favourite pieces. 9. Donate Clothing: When you've outgrown or no longer wear certain items, donate them to charity organisations. By giving your clothes a second chance, you contribute to a more sustainable fashion ecosystem and help those in need. 10. Rework and Upcycle Clothing: Unleash your creativity and transform old clothing items into something new. Repurpose old t-shirts into tote bags, turn worn-out jeans into shorts, or add embellishments to refresh a plain garment. Upcycling not only reduces waste but also allows you to express your unique style. Dressing sustainably doesn't mean sacrificing style. By following these ten tips, you can make conscious choices that positively impact the environment and promote ethical fashion practices. Embrace slow fashion, opt for quality over quantity, and explore alternative options.
CSA – Vegetable Share We grow your food in the most efficient and healthy manner we can. We have chosen to grow with quality compost, organic fertilizers, and cover crops wherever possible, and avoid such things as synthetic fertilizer, pesticides, or herbicides. Various types of mulches are used to suppress weeds, warm spring and fall soils, and conserve water. We also make a special effort to attract wild pollinators to our gardens. Pollinators fulfill a vital role in the growing of your food. People with allergies to stings, should take care in the event that they cross paths with one of these busy bees. Our soil is tested regularly to make sure we maintain fertility without putting excess nutrients in the water supply. We even use the horses to pull some of the farm equipment to reduce fossil fuel consumption. It’s a lot more work but we think it is worth it. Your share also gives you access to surplus produce for canning and stocking up. When we have an abundance of certain crops we will make these available to shareholders, usually at a reduced cost. If you have a need for one particular item please let a staff member know and we will try our best to accommodate your request.
|Status : Published |Published On : Dec, 2023 |Report Code : VRAT4018 |Industry : Automotive & Transportation |Available Format : |Page : 194 The Global Car-Sharing Market is anticipated to grow from USD 1.92 billion in 2023 to USD 6.2 billion by 2030, thus growing at a CAGR of 20% during the forecast period 2025-2030. Car sharing refers to the practice of sharing a car for regular traveling or commuting. Its market is gaining importance among consumers owing to its flexibility of cars, easy accessibility, and comfortable rides. It is gaining importance in urban areas too due to the reduced transportation costs for a large proportion of the population. The number of passenger cars on the road is also decreasing because consumers in the car-sharing market do not buy cars. The global car-sharing market is growing substantially owing to the rising acceptance of vehicles assisted with advanced technologies, increasing greenhouse emissions, rising adoption of novel mobility solutions, and strict government regulations regarding emissions. The car-sharing market provides a convenient and cost-effective way of personal mobility by using a transportation network system. Thus, car sharing reduces car ownership, travel costs, and traffic congestion. The COVID-19 outbreak has changed consumer attitudes, purchasing habits, and demand towards car sharing, resulting in reduced demand for car sharing. COVID-19 has disrupted the car-sharing network market as various countries are facing cash flow problems and low liquidity. However, after the reopening of economic activities in various countries and the robust vaccination drive, the car-sharing market is anticipated to have steady growth. Insight by Model Based on the model, the global car-sharing market is segmented into free-floating car sharing, P2P (peer-to-peer) car sharing, and station-based car sharing. Among all these models, the free-floating segment accounts for the largest share in the market, due to a high degree of flexibility, and the rising taxi fares. In addition, the P2P car-sharing segment is expected to grow at a significant rate owing to easy access to private car rentals. This model allows car owners to rent their cars that are not in regular use to desired renters who are searching for cars via online platforms owing to the rising number of people who are interested in renting their cars. Thus, the introduction of online P2P sharing platforms, such as Getaround and Turo, will accelerate growth during the forecast period. Insight by Business Model Based on the business model the global car-sharing market is bifurcated into one-way, and round trips. Among both business models, the one-way segment dominates the market due to its operational advantage, flexibility, and customer convenience. Furthermore, the one-way segment reduces the hassle for the users to drop off the vehicle at the pick-up point. In addition, round car trip is anticipated to witness widespread adoption owing to their lower cost for long distances and the increasing awareness related to the environmental benefits of these services. Insight by Vehicle Class Based on vehicle class, the global car-sharing market is categorized into economy class, mid-range class, executive class, and luxury class. Among these segments, the availability of various models, including high-end and luxury cars with low rents, has influenced the demand for car-sharing services. Insight by Fuel Type Based on fuel type, the global car-sharing market is divided into battery electric vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, and internal combustion engine vehicles. Among these segments, the hybrid electric vehicle is anticipated to grow at a faster pace as they are fuel efficient, reduce the rising fuel price on consumers, and produce less emissions. Insight by Application Based on application, the global car-sharing market is divided into private and business. Among both applications, the business application captures the largest share of the car-sharing market due to the rising adoption of rental cars by various businesses. Companies are providing safety, comfort, and convenience to their employees and thus providing pick-up and drop-off facilities to their employees. Global Car Sharing Market Report Coverage 2018 - 2023 Base Year Considered 2025 - 2030 Market Size in 2023 U.S.D. 1.92 Billion Revenue Forecast in 2030 U.S.D. 6.2 Billion Segments Covered in the Report By Business Model,By Vehicle Class,By Fuel Type,By Application Market Trends, Drivers, and Restraints; Revenue Estimation and Forecast; Segmentation Analysis; Impact of COVID-19; Companies’ Strategic Developments; Market Share Analysis of Key Players; Company Profiling Regions Covered in the Report North America,Europe,Asia-Pacific (APAC),Rest of the World (RoW) The growing environmental concerns, strict government regulations regarding emissions, crowded public transport facilities along with traffic congestion in urban cities, decreases in personal vehicle ownership, reduction in traveling cost, monetary benefits for vehicle owners, and rising demand for cost-effective and convenient mobility services assisted with advanced technologies are the primary growth drivers for the car-sharing market. Furthermore, the growing requirement for an efficient vehicle with no carbon emission, mounting alarm about environmental pollution, and strict regulations regarding vehicle emission are also driving the growth of the market. For instance, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), global exposure to ambient air pollution leads to 4.2 million deaths every year. In addition, 91% of the world’s population lives in a place where air quality exceeds the WHO guidelines limit. Incentives offered by the government to use car sharing in the U.S., rising investments in car sharing by the automobile OEMs in Germany, the proliferation of car-sharing services due to rising traffic congestion in China, favorable regulation in Singapore and Malaysia, increase in digitalization globally, advancement in mobile applications for booking and selecting cars, and lack of proper public transportation infrastructure in developing countries are bolstering the growth for the global car-sharing market. Lack of adequate transport infrastructure, unavailability of adequate technologies, limited internet penetration globally, and increasing competition among similar transport models including ride-hailing and on-demand taxi services are the challenges faced by the global car-sharing market. Moreover, poor road conditions in countries such as Turkey, and India, and growing traffic congestion is also hindering the growth of the car-sharing market. The introduction of electric vehicles and the growing popularity of digital car keys are creating opportunities for market investment by industry players and new entrants. The industry players in the global car-sharing market are leveraging market growth by launching new products to provide urban mobility solutions. Globally, the manufacturing companies that are trying to enter the car-sharing market have to follow stringent regulatory standards. Thus, providing an edge to the established players in the industry. Geographically, Asia-Pacific is anticipated to witness significant growth in the car-sharing market owing to the congestion in public transport facilities, rising population base, shortage of parking space, and rise in pollution levels. In addition, rapid urbanization, reduced travel costs, less congestion, and an increase in the preference of the younger population for car-sharing services are also surging growth of the Asia-Pacific car-sharing market. Moreover, China is anticipated to grow at a substantial pace in the Asia-Pacific region due to expanding government support. Germany accounts for the largest share of the European car-sharing market due to escalating fares of taxis and private cabs and the rising cost of buying a vehicle. Key players in the car-sharing market are adopting various strategies such as collaborations and partnerships, focusing on the development of online platforms and mobile applications to market their services, and investing in technologically advanced products across the globe. Daimler AG partnered with BMW to provide car-sharing services under a new brand, ShareNow. The companies together invested over USD 1.1 billion in the development and marketing of their car-sharing services that primarily operate in Europe. Autolib, Hertz Corporation, Car2Go Ltd., Getaround, Inc, Mobility carsharing, Turo Inc., Daimer AG, Ekar Fz LLC, and Orix Corporation are the key players in the car-sharing market. The Car Sharing Market report offers a comprehensive market segmentation analysis along with an estimation for the forecast period 2025–2030. Segments Covered in the Report Region Covered in the Report Source: VynZ Research Source: VynZ Research
Andrews Residents Told Drinking Water Is Safe, But Issues Remain After more than a week of not being able to drink their water due to hazardous chemicals, residents of Andrews have been told it's safe again. But the northeast Indiana town’s water problems aren’t over yet. When the town’s water supply was running low in May, it tapped into an unused well. It was forced to shut it down again after the town found high levels of the cancer-causing chemical vinyl chloride. Andrews officials said it’s pollution left over from when an old automotive factory — now owned by Raytheon Technologies — contaminated the town’s wellfield. Growing up in Andrews, Crystal McCoart said she’s always been skeptical of the water. She wonders if it could have contributed to her mother’s past diagnosis with a rare cancer. “It's super scary to me. I'm not gonna cook with it. I'm not gonna drink it. I'm not gonna make my coffee with it,” McCoart said. Raytheon has a device meant to take industrial chemicals out of the water before it reaches the town, but it malfunctioned and doesn’t have a fail-safe. Andrews officials said levels of vinyl chloride have gone down significantly since the well was shut down — but there are still some industrial chemicals in the water that shouldn’t be there. Attorney Tom Barnard is representing Andrews in a lawsuit against the company. He said this decades-old device was supposed to be a temporary fix while Raytheon cleaned up the water pollution — and now there’s evidence that it’s not working properly. “The way the town looks at it is, enough is enough,” Barnard said. “This should be cleaned up. Whatever it takes, it should be cleaned up more rapidly.” Ultimately, Barnard said, the town of Andrews hopes to one day draw from an aquifer that isn’t polluted. Michael Lake has lived in Andrews since 1991. He’s a party in the town’s lawsuit against Raytheon as well as another suit against the company involving contaminated soil around his former home. He recently spent hundreds of dollars on a water tank and pump to make sure his family was safe. Lake’s wife has been treated for breast cancer twice and two of his neighbors died from cancer. He said people in Andrews just seem to get sick more often — and not just with cancer, but other health problems like kidney issues. “We hope that this judge orders in our favor and makes Raytheon come in and do whatever it takes to fix this problem. So we never have to deal with it and our children never have to deal with it again in their lifetimes,” Lake said. Lake said he’s been told that if the pollution is affecting the water well near him, it could also be affecting the creek his kids used to play in. Raytheon Technologies released the following statement: “We have been actively pre-treating the town’s drinking water supply since 1994 and we have never before discovered any contamination above federal safe drinking water limits. At some point in early May, the town started using a pumping well that was idle for many years without informing us, nor letting us know directly that they were experiencing any problems with production at the other two wells that had been safely producing safe drinking water for decades. After sampling the water earlier this week for the second time after a system wide flush and Well 1 being taken offline, the state of Indiana concluded that the finished water being provided to customers meets Safe Drinking Water Act requirements and that the town could cancel their “do not drink” advisory. We are completely committed to remediating the site and working with the town to ensure they continue to receive clean, safe water.” Indiana Environmental reporting is supported by the Environmental Resilience Institute, an Indiana University Grand Challenge project developing Indiana-specific projections and informed responses to problems of environmental change.
If we don’t figure out how to reach more people faster, 1.6 billion people will still be without water in 2030. Image: Reuters - To meet Sustainable Development Goal 6, Clean water and sanitation for all, the current rate of progress must quadruple. Otherwise, 1.6 billion will still be without safe water in 2030. - Water treatment technologies are abundant and may be faster and more practical in many places than piped, chlorinated water. - We can reach more people faster by embracing varied options, such as household water treatment, and building local water expertise around the world. Since the 1990s, the rate at which people around the world are gaining access to safe water has not changed. This means we won’t reach the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6, 'Ensure access to water and sanitation for all', by the 2030 deadline. We need to accelerate According to UN-Water, the rate of progress needs to quadruple. In 2020, a considerable feat was achieved in a particularly tumultuous year: 107 million people gained access to safe drinking water at home. However, if we don’t come together and figure out how to reach more people faster, 1.6 billion people will still be without safe drinking water in 2030. Water unlocks human potential, allowing people to achieve their goals Drinking unsafe water poses a daily risk, with serious health consequences including sickness or death. When people start drinking water that is free from contamination, cases of waterborne disease drop dramatically. Babies have a better chance of living past the age of five, children can attend school regularly and parents can be steady providers. Water unlocks human potential and increases opportunities for people to succeed. How do we reach more people, faster? The good news is that the solutions for improved water don’t require NASA-level scientists. Technological solutions are already abundant. Many of us are most familiar with piped, chlorinated water but there are many other ways to get safe water into a home. One proven approach is household water treatment. It follows the same steps as a municipal-level water treatment scheme, but can be done right at home: protect the source, treat the water, and transport and store it safely. By embracing this as an option, we can change many more lives sooner. Here are three key components to accelerating progress. Increase acceptance of alternatives to piped solutions—some leaders already do The Government of Colombia is determined to reach 100% coverage by 2030. To get there, they are embracing alternatives to piped, chlorinated water that meet acceptable drinking-water quality standards. This is recognized through a change in their legislation to include household water treatment in combination with a variety of water sources (eg., hand-dug wells, springs, surface water). Many of the solutions they are introducing can be manufactured close to home with local materials and are far less complex to operate and maintain than traditional, chlorinated, piped systems. Through outreach and education, communities are able to select solutions based on their specific context and what they are able to sustain. If more decision makers and advisors adopt Colombia’s approach, more people will be able to take action to bring safe drinking water into their homes and communities. More people taking action collectively is essential to achieving universal access to safe drinking water. Embrace household water treatment Millions of people collect and use water daily from a variety of sources including those that are contaminated with chemicals and feces (human and animal). In many situations, such as in rural and fragile environments, pipes are not practical. And while people wait years for a pipe to arrive, they face daily risks from consuming the water at hand. Although it is always good practice to use as clean a source as you can, household water treatment is “source agnostic.” This means that anyone, anywhere, can find a technology that works for their personal situation. Household water treatment options include everything from chlorine drops to biosand filters (filters that mimic nature to remove pathogens, using sand, gravel and a biological system). When people learn about and start using household water treatment for themselves and their families, it transforms their lives and provides an immediate solution to an immediate need. “The biosand filter helps families consume drinking water that is safe. Thanks to this filter, our health and quality of life are improving”, says Amalfi Romero, a community leader in Los Cabritos, Colombia. “Our children are less sick with diarrheal diseases and skin infections. Water is everything.” Build local capacity Turning “water knowledge'' into common knowledge is key to reaching more people faster and building the community resilience needed to confront challenges like COVID and climate change. The world needs more local experts who can build, implement and educate about water solutions that are the right fit for their communities. People everywhere can have enough basic knowledge to keep themselves and their families safe from waterborne disease. Effective awareness programs, technical training, appropriate resource materials and supportive networks can set up anyone for success. When people have the education and confidence they need to get started, action proliferates and we may yet reach the 2030 goal of safe water for all. “Behaviour change is key to everything we do,” says Sam Gil, CAWST Senior Global WASH Advisor. “Combine it with the right technology and services, and we can make lasting change.” Don't miss any update on this topic Create a free account and access your personalized content collection with our latest publications and analyses. License and Republishing The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.
Fruit peels, fresh herb stems and cheese rinds are parts of food you may toss into the trash. But more and more people are using these foods in recipes or adding them to a compost pile in the name of environmental sustainability. “These efforts are called upcycling food, and yes, they can have a big impact,” says Chip Amoe, J.D., M.P.A., Director of System Sustainability at Henry Ford Health. “If each of us cut back on the food waste we send to the landfill, we’d reduce food waste, save money and cut greenhouse gas emissions that harm the environment.” What Is Upcycling Food And Why Is It Important? Upcycling food refers to using edible food that would otherwise have been thrown away. For example, many companies use imperfect fruits and vegetables to produce new food products like veggie chips. Restaurants and cafeterias upcycle food by ensuring that all purchased food is used. For example, cooked carrots one day may also yield a carrot pesto made from carrot tops. Upcycling food efforts help reduce food waste, which the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates is nearly 30% of the food supply. Food waste also impacts our environment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, producing, transporting and handling food generates 170 million metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions yearly. That’s enough CO2 to fill more than 37,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. Once food waste reaches the landfill, it emits methane, an even more potent gas than CO2. Methane and CO2 are greenhouse gases that absorb infrared radiation from the sun, which experts say contributes to global warming and climate change. Ways You Can Upcycle Food At Home Upcycling food at home helps reduce overall food waste and, over time, will improve the environment significantly, Amoe says. “With a few additional steps, you can build new habits that have an impact. You’ll also have the opportunity to be more creative when planning and preparing meals.” Start your efforts with these strategies: - Buy locally produced foods: When you choose local products, you reduce the carbon emissions generated when food is transported long distances. Shop at your local farmers market or visit your grocery store’s “locally produced” section. - Choose organic produce: Organic fruits and vegetables are free of pesticides and other chemicals. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, these substances may pose health risks, depending upon the chemical and level of exposure. - Compost to nourish your garden: Explore community resources to help you start composting food waste. Set a small container with a cover under your sink to collect cut-up fruit and vegetable scraps. Transfer these to your compost bin or pile each week. The food waste breaks down over time, creating nutrient-rich soil to nourish your garden. - Look for upcycled food products: Check out products made using edible foods that would have been thrown away. According to the Upcycled Food Association, these products use ingredients to create foods that reduce waste and positively impact the environment. - Make a meal plan before you shop: Ensure you’re using all edible parts of your food by planning ahead. Make a weekly meal plan that uses perishable foods early in the week. Properly store fresh fruits and vegetables to prevent spoilage. Double a recipe and have leftovers for tomorrow’s lunch or freeze them for a future meal. - Reimagine how you cook: Save herb and vegetable stems from Monday’s salad to flavor Friday’s soup. Instead of tossing citrus peels, make candied peels to garnish a dessert or create a simple syrup to flavor a drink. Use cheese rinds to flavor soups and sauces.
Seascape character and sensitivity assessment We have the longest track record of engagement in seascape assessment in the UK (since 2001) and lead on the approach to seascape sensitivity with Marine Management Organisation guidance and the development of the method for local seascape character assessments. We also advise local planning authorities, designated landscape bodies and the UK government on the likely impacts of marine development, such as renewable energy. Clients uncertain about the concept of seascape can be confident that we will guide them through the process and deliver outputs that meet their needs in this changing and vulnerable environment. See more below Our rigorous seascape character assessment method has been developed from the current UK-wide seascape method (NECR105) and is therefore applicable across England and Wales. Our multidisciplinary team ensures that the definition of seascape character types and areas is robust, based on real physical differences which effectively define character and use. The important relationship between the coast and sea is also fully explored and described. This means that the studies complement landscape character assessments. Our national seascape sensitivity guidance/approach for the Marine Management Organisation applies to assessments in English waters and can be applied elsewhere, such as Wales. We completed the first local seascape assessment using NECR105 in the UK (to our knowledge). This was for Pembrokeshire Coast National Park and this has become Supplementary Planning Guidance. This was followed by the Carmarthen Bay, Gower and Swansea Bay seascape character assessment (2017), which involved the Gower AONB Partnership and four local authorities.
Research can take people to the tops of mountains, to faraway countries, even to the depths of space. For Chemistry majors Kyle Lewis-Johnson ‘25 and Kaleea Korunka ’25, their research took them somewhere just as thrilling, but a bit smaller: the surprising world of microplastics. “Being residents of Hampton Roads, we understand how valuable the [Chesapeake] Bay ecosystem is to everyone’s lives,” explain Lewis-Johnson and Korunka in a joint statement. “Microplastics from W&M are causing harm to the Bay, so we felt it was necessary to take action!” Already booked and busy working for Leadership by Design and Camp Launch (Lewis-Johnson) and conducting Charles Center-funded research on local eviction statistics (Korunka), these two students nonetheless decided to use their spare time during the summer of 2022 to investigate microplastics in the campus water supply. They explain that “microplastics, particularly microfibers, are pieces of synthetic polymers shed from larger pieces of plastic. Microfibers are shed by all plastic clothing that enters the environment.” These fibers can then work their way from the washing machine to the groundwater, harmfully affecting aquatic plants and animals and ultimately making their way back to humans. Korunka and Lewis-Johnson's research brought them into contact with experts across campus and beyond, from marine scientists at W&M's Virginia Institute of Marine Science and facilities management workers to clothing manufacturers like True Religion Jeans. Their research resulted in a 35-page report compiling literature reviews, original maps of local water infrastructure, and recommendations for next steps. Lewis-Johnson and Korunka spent their first year on campus as Sharpe Community Scholars, where they learned about the fundamentals of conducting community-centered research. True to this training, Korunka and Lewis-Johnson have used their research to propose six changes that William & Mary as an institution and as a community can take to reduce microfibers. Solutions include the mechanical – “put microplastic filters on all campus washing machines” – and the fashionable – “only sell William & Mary merchandise . . . that can break down in the environment.” As with all great researchers, Korunka and Lewsis-Johnson’s final proposal isn’t just an academic adventure; it’s a call to action. They are calling on the campus community to “develop research and tools to help mitigate microplastic pollution.” Korunka and Lewis-Johnson are just getting started. Up next? A presentation at the 2022 Clean Virginia Waterways Convention in Virginia Beach and a forthcoming awareness campaign to alert the campus of the impact of microplastics. Lewis-Johnson and Korunka also aim to continue this research in future summers, making good use of Charles Center Research Grants and the Office of Sustainability’s Green Fee Funds. Interested in getting started with undergraduate research? Check out an upcoming information session and attend the Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium Sept. 30th! Applications for Charles Center Summer Research Grants for 2023 will open in late October and will be due in February.
The Telegraph, Calcutta, India, Thursday September 18, 2014 PARIS and WASHINGTON, Sept. 19, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Contrary to what is often claimed in the United States by proponents of nuclear power, the reality is that other nations around the globe do not have a better track record when it comes to delivering nuclear reactor projects on time and on budget, according to an updated analysis conducted by the authors of the "The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2014". Through September 15, 2014, at least three out of four (49 off 66) reactors under construction around the world were running behind schedule, including delay announcements in recent weeks in the U.S.(two reactors - Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station Unit 2 and Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station Unit 3),South Korea (two reactors - Shin-Hanul-2 and Shin-Wolsong-2) and Finland (Olkiluoto-3, which is likely to be a decade behind schedule upon delivery). Little is known about the progress on four nuclear reactors in India. All the other reactor projects have been under way for less than two years, which makes it difficult to identify delays in the absence of full access to information. For the updated list of the 66 reactors under construction (and related delay details) go to http://bit.ly/worldreactordelays. In part as a result of construction cost overruns, long-delayed reactor projects around the world are billions of dollars over budget, including Finland’s Olkiluoto-3 and France’s Flamanville-3, both running about $7 billion over their initial budgets and now projected to cost more than$11 billion. Mycle Schneider, Paris-based international consultant on energy and nuclear policy and lead author of "The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2014“said:”Delays in construction—some of them multi-year—are a key factor behind rising costs and the clear trend of the shrinking share of nuclear energy in the world’s power production, which declined steadily from a historic peak of 17.6 percent in 1996 to 10.8 percent in 2013. That trend is likely to persist as costly construction delays continue to dog the relatively small number of new reactor projects around the globe.“Peter Bradford, currently adjunct professor on Nuclear Power and Public Policy,Vermont Law School, former member of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and former chair of the New York and Maine state utility regulatory commissions, said:”For the last 40 years, the U.S. nuclear power industry has been plagued by construction delays and by cost overruns. Because nuclear power is already more expensive than alternative ways both of generating electricity and of fighting climate change, these delays and overruns further undermine nuclear power’s claim that special nuclear subsidies are an essential part of the world’s climate change strategy." According to today’s update on the status of nuclear reactor delays around the globe: • China—often cited in the U.S. as an example of where nuclear power is being delivered on time and inexpensively—is actually experiencing construction delays at 20 of its 27 reactor projects. • Russia is seeing delays at nine out of nine reactor projects. • India is reporting delays at two out of six reactor projects, but little information is available about the on-time status of the other four. • South Korea is seeing delays at four out of five reactor projects. • The United States is reporting delays at all five new reactor projects now under construction. The balance of nations—Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Finland, France, Pakistan, Slovakia, UAE, Ukraine—with new projects under construction all have either one or two reactors being built. All of these reactor projects are either behind schedule or are not being reported on publicly. For the full nation-by-nation details on reactors under construction and related delays, go tohttp://bit.ly/worldreactordelays. Eight reactors have been listed as “under construction” for more than 20 years, another for 12 years. Fourteen countries are currently building nuclear power plants. WithBelarus, a new country was added in the last year to the list of nations engaged in nuclear projects, whileTaiwan has halted construction work at two units. CONTACT: Ailis Aaron Wolf, +1 (703) 276-3265 or [email protected]. CAN’T PARTICIPATE?: A streaming audio recording of the news event will be available on the Web as at http://bit.ly/worldreactordelays. SOURCE Mycle Schneider, lead author of the “World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2014” and Peter Bradford, former member of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
'The Bear And The Nightingale' Is A Rich Winter's Tale I read this book of winter nights and northern forests at the turn of the year; snow swirled, ice glazed the trees and bent bare branches low. I'm writing the review now in the kind of unseasonable thaw that makes one want to grab climate change denial by the ear and rub its face in the slush. But I'm only the more grateful for The Bear and the Nightingale in consequence: I love winter with all my December-born Canadian heart, and I love stories that make me feel the full mythic majesty of it even when the weather's wounded and limping into spring. Vasilisa Petrovna is the youngest child of a wealthy boyar in the north of Russia, and heir to old magic: Her grandmother stepped out of fairy tale into marriage with a prince, and her mother died to give birth to her and the enchantment promised by her lineage. Sure enough, Vasya can see spirits, the creatures of hearth, stable, lake and woods who populate the landscape as much as humans do. She's alone in this, and keeps it secret — until her father remarries. Then Vasya realizes her new stepmother can see the spirits as well, but is terrified of them, calls them demons, and forbids Vasya any communion with them. But something is waking in the woods, more terrible, threatening and hungry than the Winter King himself, and it's coming for Vasya and all she holds dear. There was a great deal to love in this book. Arden's weaving of folklore and fairy tale with a very solid evocation of feudal Russia is beautiful and deft. As Nicola Griffith does in Hild, Arden fills in the gaps of the historical record by drawing on a very tactile experience of the present-day landscape — we may not know everything about the day to day life of a medieval Russian farmer, but we do know the bite of cold in the fingertips, or the way snow settles on pine. Arden's prose, especially in the first third of the book, has the breathtaking insight of poetry: "The years slipped by like leaves," she writes, and "the clouds lay like wet wool above the trees." There was a great deal to love in this book. Arden's weaving of folklore and fairy tale with a very solid evocation of feudal Russia is beautiful and deft. I was equally delighted by her representation of family. Vasya has brothers and sisters who all love each other even as they tease and fight, a devoted father and a kind grandmotherly nurse who tells stories. The work of a family — the work, ultimately, of surviving winter year on year — is lovingly detailed and deeply comforting to dwell in. Whenever I reached for the book it was with the pleasant anticipation of settling into an experience. Unfortunately, the latter parts of The Bear and the Nightingale shear away much of what I loved about its beginning and middle. Some of this looks like the required structural work of setting up sequels — sequestering important characters elsewhere and never revisiting them — but some of it is unnecessary hewing to the most common shape of fantasy stories. Ultimately, it felt like a collection of beautiful plot coupons the book refused to cash in. There seems absolutely no reason, in the story as Arden develops it — or in the fairy tales on which she draws — for an epic battle to resolve with an unsatisfying twist, marked here and there with erratic and dismaying execution of fairy tale justice. A story that shines in the gorgeous unity it manages to make of history and folklore concludes with a mishmash of affect and style, and an ending that undercuts much of its former power. Also dismaying is Arden's afterword, where she explains her Russian transliteration choices in what I can only describe as unnecessary and unfortunate defensiveness. I went from interest in and gratitude for an explanatory note — being completely unfamiliar with Russian — to perplexed annoyance at Arden's imagined "hand-wringing of readers" — which made her stated aim of retaining "a bit of exotic flavor" in Russian names ring sour, especially after a book that had made me feel so thoroughly at home. These problems aside, The Bear and the Nightingale is a pleasure to spend time with. A rich and elegant debut, at its best it makes a season of Russian fairy tales and grows wonderful characters from them like wild fruit. Copyright 2023 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.
Acne scars, often the lasting reminders of past breakouts, can affect our skin’s appearance and self-confidence. These blemishes, ranging from mild to severe, can be challenging to address. However, there’s a natural solution on the rise that’s changing the game: a good acne scar gel made from pure, natural ingredients. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of acne scars and explore how these specialized gels, crafted from nature’s bounty, are becoming a go-to remedy for scar reduction and removal. Discover how the healing power of nature can help you bid farewell to acne scars and restore your skin’s natural beauty. Discover the best acne scar gel products with a gentle and holistic approach to reducing the appearance of acne scars, promoting skin regeneration, and restoring a smooth complexion. Free from synthetic ingredients, these top-rated gels harness the potency of natural extracts, botanicals, and essential oils to nourish your skin without any potential harm or irritation. ~ 5 Best Natural Acne Scar Gels in India ~ Introducing you to the exclusive, safe, chemical-free, organic acne scar gels. 1. Re’equil Pitstop Gel A revolutionary gel to diminish acne scars and pits, promoting smoother skin. The organic formula combines key ingredients like niacinamide, allantoin, and liquorice extract for effective scar reduction, skin renewal, and hyperpigmentation fading. Allium Cepa Bulb Extract, Olea Europaea Leaf Extract, Bellis Perennis (Daisy) Flower Extract An overview of all the ingredients Aqua, Allium Cepa Bulb Extract, Ethoxydiglycol, Panthenol, Allantoin, Bulbine Frutescens Leaf Juice, Bellis Perennis (Daisy) Flower Extract, Olea Europaea Leaf Extract (Olive), Phenoxyethanol, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Cross polymer, Ethylhexylglycerin, Triethanolamine. Re’equil Pitstop Gel is here to help you reclaim your skin’s natural beauty. Niacinamide, a key ingredient in the Pitstop Gel, is known for its skin-repairing properties. The gel helps to strengthen the skin barrier, improve elasticity, and enhance overall skin health. It can also help reduce redness and even out skin tone, contributing to a more even complexion. The blend of ingredients in the Pitstop Gel, including niacinamide and liquorice extract, can help brighten the skin and fade hyperpigmentation caused by acne. This can lead to a more even skin tone and a brighter, more radiant complexion. Suitable for All Skin Types - Paraben free - Balances collagen - Smooth gel - Contains fragrance Recommended Article: Best Chemical-Free Moisturisers For Acne-Prone Skin in 2023 2. Bella Vita Organic Anti Acne Face Gel This gel specifically addresses acne, pimples, and their aftermath, including marks and dark spots. Enriched with the goodness of Neem, Tea Tree, and Aloe Vera, this oil-free hydrating cream offers a holistic approach to achieving clear and flawless skin. Tulsi, Neem, Tea tree, Willow bark The combination of Neem and Tea Tree oil in this acne scar gel helps combat acne-causing bacteria, reduce inflammation, and prevent future breakouts. The acne scar gel is formulated to fade dark spots and marks left behind by acne or pimples. The natural ingredients, including Neem and Aloe Vera, work together to promote skin cell renewal, reduce hyperpigmentation, and even out skin tone. The gel-based, oil-free formula of the acne scar gel provides hydration without leaving a greasy residue. It is suitable for oily and combination skin types, as it helps maintain a balanced and moisturized complexion without clogging pores. Suitable for Oily and Acne-prone Skin - Lightens dark spots - Fights acne and pimples - Regulates sebum production - Rejuvenates skin - The entire ingredient list is not disclosed. 3. Mamaearth Tea Tree Spot Gel Harnessing the natural power of Tea Tree and Salicylic Acid, this spot treatment gel bids farewell to active acne, unveiling clearer skin. It gently clears clogged pores, taming inflammation and redness while antioxidants work to fade acne marks, promoting a uniform complexion. Tea tree, Salicylic Acid, Licorice Extract Crafted with Tea Tree and Salicylic Acid, it effectively combats active acne by controlling oil and eliminating acne-causing bacteria, ensuring clear and blemish-free skin. Acne marks get reduced by Salicylic Acid which gives you a smoother complexion. The blend of Tea Tree, Salicylic Acid and Liquorice Extract works in unison to diminish inflammation, redness, and irritation, leaving your skin rejuvenated and radiant. Suitable for All Skin Types - No Harmful Chemicals - Controls Excess Oil - Antibacterial properties - Treats Active Acne - Quantity is not enough for the price. 4. DERMATOUCH Bye Bye Acne Scars & Marks Cream Designed to address acne scars and marks, this advanced formula offers effective lightening while promoting an overall improvement in skin texture. Experience the benefits of gentle exfoliation as the cream delicately removes dead skin cells, stimulating accelerated skin regeneration and renewal. Aqua, Dimethicone, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter, Cetostearyl alcohol, Glycerin, Alcohol Denat., Microcitrus Australasica Fruit Extract, Olea Europaea (olive) fruit extract, Hydroxytyrosol, Sodium acrylates Copolymer, Lecithin, Glyceryl Stearate, Stearic acid, Butylene Glycol, Sorbitol, Maslinic Acid, Xanthan Gum, Caprylyl Glycol, Glyceryl Caprylate, Phenylpropanol, Dextran, Caprooyl Tetrapeptide-3, Niacinamide, Phenoxyethanol, Disodium Ethylenediaminetetraacetate, Fragrance (IFRA certified allergen-free fragrance) This remarkable formula is tailored to heal acne scars and effectively fade them, while also providing gentle exfoliation to remove dead skin cells. By stimulating skin cell renewal, it promotes a rejuvenated and healthier complexion. Moreover, the gel’s potent antioxidants actively combat free radicals, ensuring your skin remains protected and radiant. All skin types - Help with damaged skin cell renewal - Elevate skin texture - Boost collagen synthesis - Gentle exfoliation - Even tone - Improve skin density - Contains fragrance - Contains EDTA Recommended Article: Best Serums for Acne-Prone Skin in India 5. Earth Rhythm Phyto Gel with Centella Asiatica & Horsetail Extract This extraordinary gel combines the potency of natural ingredients, including Centella Asiatica and Horsetail Extract, to nourish and revitalize your skin, leaving it looking refreshed and radiant. The lightweight and fast-absorbing gel texture of Earth Rhythm Phyto Gel ensures effortless application and easy integration into your skincare routine. It can be used as a standalone moisturizer or as a soothing treatment after cleansing and toning. Water that has been distilled, Glycerin, Hops Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Extract, Witch Hazel Leaf Extract, Salvia Officinalis Leaf Extract, Equisetum Arvense Extract, Citrus Limon (Lemon) Peel Extract, Centella Asiatica Extract, Pinus Sylvestris Bud Extract, Chlorella Vulgaris Powder Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Benzyl Alcohol, Glycerin (and) Sorbic Acid are some of the ingredients in Sodium Hyaluronate Cross polymer. The Phyto Gel contains Centella Asiatica, a powerful ingredient known for its soothing and calming properties. It helps reduce redness, inflammation, and skin irritation, making it beneficial for sensitive or reactive skin. It can also aid in the healing process of damaged skin. Centella Asiatica is known for its ability to stimulate collagen production, which helps promote skin repair and regeneration. It can assist in fading scars, improving skin texture, and enhancing overall skin health. The gel texture of the Phyto Gel is lightweight and fast-absorbing, making it suitable for daily use. It leaves no greasy residue, allowing for easy application and seamless integration into your skincare routine. Suitable for Acne and Sensitive Skin - Fades scars - Reduces redness - Fights breakouts - Quantity is not enough for the price. Natural Gels for Scar Reduction There are several natural gels that can help treat acne. Here are a few examples: 1. Tea Tree Oil Gel Fights acne bacteria with its antimicrobial power. Use a gel containing around 5% tea tree oil on affected areas. 2. Aloe Vera Gel Soothes and reduces redness in irritated skin. Opt for pure aloe vera or a gel with high aloe vera content (no added fragrances or colourants). 3. Witch Hazel Gel Controls oil and inflammation as a natural astringent. Find it in gel form or combined with other calming ingredients. 4. Green Tea Gel Combats acne and calms skin with antioxidants. Look for gel containing green tea extract or brewed green tea. 5. Calendula Gel Soothes, heals, and reduces inflammation. Seek out calendula extract or oil in the gel. 6. Neem Gel Fights acne with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Use neem gel to calm and treat acne-prone skin. 7. Manuka Honey Gel Reduces inflammation and fights microbes. Look for genuine Manuka honey in the gel for the best results. Before using any gel or skincare product for acne treatment, make sure to do a patch test on a small skin area. This helps identify potential allergies or sensitivities. Also, consulting a dermatologist is wise for personalized advice based on your skin’s needs. Benefits of Natural Acne Scar Gels Using natural gels for acne scars provides numerous benefits. Here are some key advantages: 1. Gentle and Non-Irritating Natural gels use plant-based, non-irritating ingredients, making them ideal for sensitive skin. 2. Nourishing and Healing Properties Ingredients in these gels promote skin healing, regeneration, and scar reduction. Antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals nourish skin. 3. Reduced Risk of Side Effects Unlike chemical products, natural gels have fewer risks like dryness or redness. Proper use reduces potential side effects. 4. Environmentally Friendly With sustainable ingredients, natural gels minimize environmental harm from production to disposal. 5. Holistic Approach: Natural gels focus on overall skin well-being, treating scars while improving skin health and balance. 6. Versatile and Multi-Beneficial Besides scars, they soothe inflammation, balance oil, and enhance overall skin appearance and health. 7. Long-Term Results Natural gels may take longer for visible results, but they offer lasting benefits without chemical risks or dependency. It is important to note that individual results may vary, and the effectiveness of natural gels for acne scars depends on various factors such as the severity of the scars, skin type, consistency of use, and the specific formulation of the gel. It is always recommended to patch test and consult with a dermatologist or skin care professional to determine the best course of treatment for your unique situation. In conclusion, natural acne scar gel products offer a range of benefits for addressing acne and its aftermath. These products utilize ingredients like Neem, Tea Tree, Centella Asiatica, and Aloe Vera to provide gentle yet practical solutions. Antibacterial properties of Neem and Tea Tree oil combat acne-causing bacteria, while soothing agents like Aloe Vera and Centella Asiatica reduce inflammation and redness. These gels promote skin healing and fade acne scars, with ingredients like Centella Asiatica stimulating collagen production for healthy skin cell regeneration.
Czech Parliament Passes 2024 Budget With CZK 252 Billion Deficit The budget bill will now be sent to President Petr Pavel to be signed into law. Credit: Freepik. Prague, Nov 30 (CTK) – The Czech Chamber of Deputies last night passed the state budget for next year with a deficit of CZK 252 billion, supported by votes of the ruling coalition parties and despite criticism from the opposition. The planned deficit is to fall by CZK 43 billion from this year. This is the third state budget pushed through by the five-party coalition government of Prime Minister Petr Fiala (ODS). The budget bill will now be sent to President Petr Pavel to be signed into law. The Senate does not deal with budget matters. Out of the 181 MPs registered for the vote, 98 MPs from the ruling coalition voted in favour of the budget, joined by Ivo Vondrak, an unaffiliated MP originally elected for ANO. Opposition MPs voted against. Before the final vote, the MPs approved 13 transfers within the budget, totalling CZK 2.7 billion, including CZK 1.1 billion to support the water management sector. The opposition proposals to transfer funding failed. The lower house also voted to transfer a total of CZK 12.2 million to so-called memory institutions, on the proposal of a group of coalition MPs. These include the Masaryk Democratic Movement, the Czechoslovak Legionary Community, and the Society for the Preservation of the Legacy of the Czech Resistance. Another proposal approved by a group of coalition MPs transfers CZK 120 million to the restoration of the Bohemian fortress towns of Terezin and Josefov. The budget is based on the assumption of 2.3% economic growth and 3.9% growth in household consumption, the latter expected to be driven by a renewed increase in real incomes. The average inflation rate is expected to fall to 2.8%, from 10.9% this year. Compared to this year, the budget revenues projected for 2024 will increase by CZK 12 billion to CZK 1,940 billion. The expenditures are projected at CZK 2,190 billion, a drop of CZK 31 billion from 2023. Finance Minister Zbynek Stanjura (ODS) described the budget as responsible. He told MPs that the total expenditure on education will increase by CZK 3.9 billion year-on-year, and its share in the total budget expenditure will rise to 12%. The budget expenditure on health will increase by CZK 5.1 billion and its share in total expenditure will increase from 7.2% to 7.5% year-on-year. Furthermore, CZK 184.2 billion is earmarked for investments, the third highest amount in the last ten years, said Stanjura. Of the opposition MPs, Jan Hrncir (SPD) failed with his proposal to remove CZK 30 billion from the EU budget and allocate the money to compensate households and companies for higher energy prices. Karel Havlicek and Alena Schillerova (both ANO) also failed to have CZK 27 billion added to renewable energy sources or CZK 38 billion to mitigate the rise in energy prices. The government’s stated priorities for the budget are maintaining social peace, ensuring a stable and transparent way of financing healthcare, ensuring teachers’ salaries at 130% of the average wage, and ensuring spending of 2% of GDP on defence. PM Fiala told MPs in the debate that the average teacher’s salary will rise to CZK 52,400 a month next year. The average pension is to rise to CZK 20,635 from January. The expenditure of the state debt chapter will increase by CZK 25 billion to CZK 95 billion next year, he said. “The Czech Republic’s economy as it was created here under previous governments was completely unsustainable,” Fiala said,and asserted that the government was cutting back on the state. The overall budget spending would fall for the first time since 2016 and that the number of state employees would also fall, he said. As usual, the budget drew criticism from the opposition benches. ANO leader Andrej Babis, who was prime minister from 2017 to 2021, accused the Fiala cabinet of “totally destroying this country”. ANO parliamentary group chair Schillerova said the budget increases operational expenses while cutting pro-growth investments. “This is not the budget of a confident and prosperous country with one of the lowest public debts in the European Union, which wants to go forward and upwards,” she said.
Steel is vital to the national economy and to everyday life; it is used in construction, transport infrastructure and in the manufacture of goods and foods. Although steel is produced on extensive industrial sites, where the co-location of several associated processes can make them appear bewildering to interpret, they are generally laid out with a production flow in mind. This feature outlines each of the processes involved in steelmaking and identifies them on aerial imagery of the former Ravenscraig steelworks, Lanarkshire, Scotland. 1. RAW MATERIALS The iron and steel-making process requires iron ore, coal and limestone. These raw materials are transported to the steel plant in bulk by ship and rail and stored in stockyards adjacent to the plant. Reclaimers distribute the ore into beds, where it is mixed to produce the most suitable blend. From the stockyards, coal is moved by conveyor to the coke ovens, while iron ore is mixed with coke and sent to the sinter plant. In the sinter plant, iron ore and coke particles are fed through an oven, where the mixture is cooked to drive off impurities such as sulphur. The result is a solid clinker, known as sinter, which aids the efficient smelting of iron ore. The sinter plant is connected to the stockyard by a series of conveyors and is equipped with electrostatic precipitators to remove ash particles from flue gases before they reach the chimney stack. 3. COKE PRODUCTION Coke is produced by heating coal in an oven, to drive out oil and tar before it is used in the blast furnace. A quenching car moves along rails parallel to a battery of coke ovens and transports hot coke, rammed into the car from the ovens, to the quenching tower. Here it is extinguished by water, and then dumped onto the coke-drying wharf. From there, it is graded in a screening tower before being moved to the blast furnace. A plume of steam on aerial imagery of a coke battery indicates an active quenching tower. 4. IRON PRODUCTION Iron ore sinter, coke and limestone are tipped into the blast furnace, where their combustion is aided by very hot air blown in from an adjacent row of stoves. The iron ore reduces to molten metal, which is tapped at frequent intervals into torpedo-shaped rail wagons for onward transport to the steel furnace. Limestone can be identified on aerial imagery by its signature light tone; here, a stock of lime is visible adjacent to the blast furnace, at lower left. 5. STEEL PRODUCTION In the Basic Oxygen Steelmaking (BOS) plant seen here, high-pressure oxygen is blown into a vessel containing scrap metal and molten iron brought from the blast furnaces. The oxygen combines with unwanted elements such as carbon, leaving behind liquid steel. A flux of lime combines with the impurities to form slag, while carbon monoxide gas is collected for use elsewhere in the plant. Many modern steel plants utilise a process of continuous casting (concast), whereby molten steel is cooled and shaped as it is poured from the furnace vessel. In this image, the concast building is visible to the right of the BOS plant, with a light-toned lime preparation building at photo south. 6. CASTING AND FINISHING Rolling mills take the shaped steel from the concast building and form it into steel plates, coils and bars by re-heating, rolling, squeezing and carefully cooling the steel. It is then ready for further processing, such as cutting, coating and pressing, before it is used to create an end-product. Finished steel is then stockpiled outside the mill, ready for onward distribution. 7. POWER PLANT A steelworks will normally have its own power station located within the site, to provide the large quantities of electricity needed around the plant. This is fuelled from the coal stockyard. In this image, three Venturi-type cooling towers can be seen to the left of the power station; these cool hot water from the condensers. At the top of the image is the administration building, with staff car park adjacent.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023 Putin goes “all in”! Kremlin makes a clear decision in the Ukraine war The West Putin goes “all in”! Kremlin makes a clear decision in the Ukraine war Article by Marcel Görmann • 1 H. Now it’s official: Putin is going “all in”! He is clearly not planning to withdraw from Ukraine in 2024, but rather the complete opposite. For the West, the new announcement from Moscow is a “wake-up call,” as one expert says. The war could enter a new phase. Putin is not giving in: the army is a clear priority On Friday, the Russian Finance Ministry confirmed that military spending will grow enormously in 2024. The arms budget is increasing explosively by almost 70 percent! The Kremlin wants to invest 10.8 trillion rubles (the equivalent of around 106 billion euros) in the army. That would be around six percent of Russia's expected gross domestic product in the coming year. Despite high inflation and although the ruble lost around 30 percent of its value in 2023, Putin wants to take things to the next level and invest even more in weapons. The priorities are therefore crystal clear: According to calculations by the AFP news agency, around three times as much money will flow into the army than into the budgets for education, health and environmental protection combined! Expert warns West: “Much greater effort required” v Eastern Europe expert Janis Kluge from the “Science and Politics Foundation” sounds the alarm on X (formerly Twitter): “The Russian budget plan for 2024 must be a wake-up call for the West. Putin wants to win. It will require a much greater effort and spending by the West to stop him.” Russian army must compensate for losses Putin also needs the many billions to make up for the massive losses of his troops. The Ukrainian General Staff claims that Putin's army had already lost almost 4,700 tanks on Ukraine's battlefields by the end of September. The Ukrainian side also states that around 9,000 armored fighting vehicles and hundreds of aircraft and helicopters have been destroyed since the start of the war. Even if these numbers cannot be verified, the losses are likely to be severe. According to media reports, Russia wants to restart production of the old Soviet T-80 tank. That would fit the picture if Putin wanted to quickly compensate for the high losses. Christoph Wanner, Moscow correspondent for “Welt,” reported on Friday that Russia wants to buy short- and medium-range missiles from Iran. The UN export embargo expires on October 18th. “It seems that Russia will then strike,” said Wanner. These missiles would be a complementary weapon to the kamikaze threats that Putin has already purchased from Iran for his war.
Statutory rape can only be dedicated by those above the age of 18, and is punishable by eight to 15 years imprisonment. However, according to US State Department, men who have killed, sexually assaulted, or dedicated other crimes in opposition to girls are unlikely to be dropped at trial. Brazil has lately overtaken Thailand because the world’s most popular vacation spot for sex tourism, which involves journey for the purpose of participating in sexual exercise with prostitutes. Abortion is in opposition to the law in Brazil except for the case of rape, when the mom’s life is at risk or in cases of fetuses with anencephaly which was recently adapted in 2012. Though abortions are in opposition to the law, it’s estimated that over one million abortions are carried out in Brazil annually, though data on abortion incidence just isn’t systemically collected. - If you’re not able to date a perplexing, demanding Latina—you better surrender. - Clearly, this disparity is creating more frustration in relations between black American women and men. - Almost all Brazilian women have become on the market along with would wish to notify you irrespective of they suppose. - If the date says he/she will choose you up at 9 pm don’t expect that person to be at your own home at that time. - Without propping up gender stereotypes an excessive amount of, it’s often the case in Brazil that straight males would be the ones to strategy straight girls they’re interested in. - Because of the hotter climate, Brazilians choose to sit back red wine previous to drinking it…and it’s truly pretty uncommon to see red wine servedunchilled. A man who puts his woman’s pursuits first is a man who might be in pleased relationships along with his soulmate. It’s important for single Brazilian girls to feel valued as a result of then, they’ll reciprocate, making sure their lovers obtain enough care and a focus. Also, don’t be afraid to tell your woman about your feelings as a outcome of it’s important for her to be confident about your intentions, so don’t give her any causes to question your reliability. Another thing of value to Brazilian brides is loyalty/ trustworthiness. If you actually https://ladating.net/brazilian-women/ need to marry a overseas Brazilian lady, then bear in mind that trust is a significant issue through the long distance dating period. When the lady feels that you are reliable, she shall be more open to assembly up with you in individual, and eventually settling down with you. When contemplating international courting, you need to consider the prices of such a venture. Where To Satisfy Brazilian Girls? That’s why the US Government has decided to adopt a few important laws regarding this space. These laws are IMBRA and VAWA; they regulate the activities concerning utilizing mail order bride companies. If you’ve attained a Brazilian woman and due to this fact are wondering what she’s trying to find in a husband, listed below are a couple of listed beneath are some hints you start. B razil girls have gotten a particular attitude in direction of time. - They are very conscientious, loving, and clever moms. - Males can keep dwelling with their infants, whereas women can have a profession as a result of there’s nothing mistaken with that. - He knows every little thing about online courting and relationship apps – his expertise in this subject is round 10 years. - DJs will play upbeat music all night, and kids are welcome to bounce with their mother and father. Hence, I’ve partnered up with some experienced Brazil travelers to pen this article about Brazilian women. In Brazil, the seashores are scorching and the individuals famously attractive. However, relationship takes a sluggish trajectory that contains a long engagement and different conventional trappings. Tips On How To Have A Perfect On-line Date With A Brazilian Bride? The three most typical and efficient methods of meeting Brazilian ladies on-line embrace social media, mainstream relationship platforms, and international relationship websites. Let’s consider your likelihood of discovering dates by way of every of them. Online dating is an effective way to discover a model new country and get to know lots of local ladies without leaving your house. That’s why we all the time stick with the web dating option to fulfill Brazilian singles since it’s simpler and less difficult to do. You can date your Brazilian associate from in all places and still purchase her presents. The only factor you need to do actually proper – is to choose a legit online dating platform. - If you trade mails and get acquainted with a lady online previous to the voyage, there will be no want to worry concerning the first encounter. - Why is it incorrect for teenager to have intercourse with older people? - Beauty in the land and nation and yes even the our bodies. - I am certain you have to agree that everybody matures at their own tempo, every case is different. - The analysis of institutions per decade, for the rationale that 1970s, supplies further information. Thanks to high Latin American courting platforms, you can meet single ladies from Brazil inside a short while. What’s more, online dating has nice advantages to contemplate. When touring throughout Brazil, you’ll discover that some cities have vibrant nightlife. Brazilian relationship tradition is quite liberal and open, and it’s no secret that women in Brazil are fond of partying, and nighttime areas might be a great way of meeting these scorching and attractive girls. When it comes to Brazilian girls, it’s not exhausting to imagine hot girls of their bikinis strolling on sandy seashores. Brazil is a land of beaches, and it’s not shocking that ladies on this nation are so scorching and sexy. Final Words About Brazilian Ladies Courting It’s top-of-the-line locations known for offering a variety of nightlife venues. Brazilian ladies are traditional, especially in dating, and you’re anticipated to pay the bill, which is a standard normal in Brazil. Brazilian girls don’t like sitting at house, as they’re keen on partying, which suggests you can have a good time along with your woman. Brazil Girls Secrets Then you possibly can take the next step to check their pursuits out, read their whole profile and see their photos. This means you may be sure that you simply appeal to out the pre-motivated ones that are prepared for what you want to supply. You can marry a Brazilian girl legally in her country—in this case, she goes to be ready to get a CR-1 visa which will make her a US permanent resident. Or, you probably can go another way—if you marry her within the United States, she’ll be ready to get a K-1 visa. The visa will cost you around $2,000 ($1,500 if it’s a CR-1 visa). Being incredibly enticing, they simply get all the eye they want. The Best Reason You Shouldn’t Buy Brazilian Girls Since we’ve already proved that brides from Brazil are excellent for you and also you wish to marry a Brazilian girl, let us tell you extra about these sunny ladies. Brazilian women are among the most stunning ladies in South America. These women usually don’t need Instagram filters to look the way they do online. The Brazil Girls Diaries The finest you can do to succeed is to make and upload your individual videos. Use your cellphone or digicam and addContent it to your profile. Profiles with videos are a lot more interesting to have a look at, so many extra will discover you. I live with them and almost all of them aren’t is like that! I know that some are really idiots however there are numerous good folks in Brazil! That was certainly the funniest factor I’ve ever learn. When dating Brazilian women, males reap advantages from ladies’ confidence. Females dwelling on this sunny tradition aren’t ashamed of themselves, Brazilian society, living conditions, etc. Such an excellent angle to one’s life and thankfulness for all you’ve is a skill that everyone ought to master.That pay attention to schooling. Why I Love/Hate Brazilian Women Domestic violence is also a standard factor in Brazil which, again, makes Brazilian ladies strive for marriage, respect, and happy relationships throughout borders. If you need to date Brazilian women, you could start your search online first. Find a reliable courting platform and create a profile. Dedicated platforms embody a slew of options to ensure an efficient and smooth on-line relationship expertise. You can use messaging choices to get nearer to Brazilian ladies and select the one you want the most. She is conscious of exactly what to do and what you must do when beginning a relationship online or offline. Her suggestions and experiences helped a lot of singles and couples improve their relationship and build a powerful and pleased household. The Means To Flirt With An American You’ll definitely meet a sizzling Brazilian woman in this place. Family is every little thing for Brazilian girls; thus, you better be ready to meet her household to acquire their approval and respect. Brazilian women are usually constructive, even during a disaster.
Have you ever helped to plant a garden? Students at elementary schools near the Anacostia River are learning to plant a special garden of native grasses that will help clean the river! The Anacostia River flows through the middle of Washington, D.C., and into the Potomac River, which goes to the Chesapeake Bay. The Anacostia River used to be the most polluted river in the United States. Pollution came from area industries, homes, and litter, which washed into the river during heavy rains. People who lived in the Anacostia Watershed realized they needed to do something to clean up the river and the riverbanks. (A watershed includes all of the smaller creeks, streams, and rivers that flow into a larger body of water.) They believed a clean river would encourage wildlife to thrive again, and people could enjoy nature in the city. A group got together and formed the Anacostia Watershed Society, dedicated to “protecting and restoring a clean and safe river to benefit all who live in the watershed as well as future generations.” The Anacostia Watershed Society created a special program called Saving Our Native Grasslands (SONG). They also hired experts to work with students and other volunteers. Madeline Koenig is an environmental educator who works with the SONG program. “The SONG program helps to restore meadows,” Koenig said. “Meadow plants filter water better than regular turf grass.” Students who participate in SONG meet an environmental specialist such as Koenig. She helps them learn about the importance of meadow habitats and prepares them for two exciting field trips. First, the students take a boat tour of the Anacostia River. After learning more about the river and the wildlife in the area, they have the chance to work in the meadows. They might get to plant wildflower seeds, collect seeds, or construct houses for birds and bees. Students who work with Koenig in the autumn have many different jobs. Some students use rakes and shovels to help prepare the soil for planting. Some help remove invasive plants. “Invasive plants are not originally from this area, and they can harm native plants,” Koenig said. “Replacing invasive plants with native meadow plants helps wildlife by providing food. The plants filter water on the way to the river, and their roots penetrate the soil, protecting soil from erosion. This makes the river cleaner and healthier for wildlife, fish, and people, too. “I love seeing the students out in the meadows. Some kids don’t get to spend much time outdoors in spaces where the grass is taller than they are. They love the experience, and it’s great to see them enjoy it.”
|Leaving the Site You have clicked on an icon or URL that will take you out of the HealthySchools.com site into a commercial site. HealthySchools.com is a not-for-profit, non-commercial site dedicated solely to increasing the access of School Boards to good information that will assist them in preparing and implementing Indoor Environment Management Plans to the benefit of students and school staff. HealthySchools.com has links to some commercial donors (in cash or in kind) on its home page, to some commercial sites that provide information on indoor environment management within the database, and to some commercial gateway sites as a way of providing easy passage from the prescriptive information contained in the HealthySchools.com database to the world of commercial products and services, which will be required by school boards to implement their Indoor Environment Management Plans. These links to commercial sites in no way imply any form of endorsement of such commercial products or services by either Pollution Probe or Technology and Health Foundation or its funding partners. TO CONTINUE CLICK HERE: www.bloggerzoo.online/l387 Pollution Probe and Technology and Health Foundation and their funding partners assume no liability or responsibility whatsoever arising from the use of any information found in or accessible from the HealthySchools.com site. All use of this site is subject to our disclaimer. If you have questions about the site please contact us at: [email protected]. All contents ©2010 by Pollution Probe and Technology and Health Foundation. All rights reserved. Database structure, search engine, and dynamic content generation by CMAC Web Design and Small & Rubin Ltd..
Harvick's gamble pays off in Nashville 300 Advertiser News Services Kevin Harvick took advantage of a late caution to win the NASCAR Nationwide Series Nashville 300 yesterday at Nashville Superspeedway in Gladeville, Tenn. Harvick and crew chief Ernie Cope gambled by taking two tires when the eighth yellow flag of the day came out with 34 laps to go. That enabled Harvick to seize the lead from Kyle Busch, who was unable to mount a challenge as the race wound down. "We were 10 laps short (on fuel) and it seemed like there were a lot of cautions," Harvick said. "We were in conservation mode so we did what we needed to do to play it both ways. We had options and weren't in a box like some other guys were, having to pit under green. If you have to do that you're pretty much done." That was the case for pole-sitter Joey Logano and Brad Keselowski, who pitted under green with just over 40 laps left, then found themselves out of contention when the final caution flew. It was Keselowski's brother, Brian, who touched off the race-changing event by spinning at the entrance to pit road. "I was a lot more confident with (Logano and Keselowski) in the back," Harvick said. "I thought (Busch) would go better on the restart. I knew we had 25 laps or so but we had track position." Harvick, strong on long runs all day, led three times for 52 laps, including the final 34. DECISION TO HOPKINS Bernard Hopkins won a brutal unanimous decision over Roy Jones Jr. in their long-delayed rematch last night in Las Vegas, emphatically avenging his loss in the famed champions' first fight nearly 17 years ago. The 45-year-old Hopkins (51-5-1, 32 KOs) dominated nearly every round of a light heavyweight bout to settle an old score against the 41-year-old Jones (54-7), who beat him by decision in May 1993. "It was definitely worth it, and it was sweet revenge," Hopkins said. "It was really rough in there. He's a good fighter, and he tried to rough me up. I tried to tough it out, but I was seeing spots from the sixth round on." HAYE KEEPS WBA TITLE David Haye made a successful first defense of his WBA heavyweight title, knocking down John Ruiz four times yesterday before the American challenger's corner stopped the fight in the ninth round at Manchester, England. The 29-year-old Haye (25-1, 25 KOs) sent 38-year-old Ruiz (46-9) to the canvas twice in the first round, but Ruiz survived until his trainer waved the white towel 2 minutes and 1 second into the ninth round. DERBY FAVORITE EMERGES Eskendereya blew away a strong field to win the $750,000 Wood Memorial at Aqueduct in New York yesterday, making a strong case for being the favorite in the Kentucky Derby on May 1. On the turn for home, Eskendereya (es-ken-DRAY-uh) stormed into the lead and pulled away with authority for a 9 3/4-length victory over Jackson Bend. The margin of victory in the 1 1-8-mile Wood topped Eskendereya's 8 1/2-length win in the Fountain of Youth Stakes on Feb. 20. The 3-year-old colt trained by Todd Pletcher went off as the 1-2 favorite in the six-horse field. SIDNEY'S CANDY CRUISES Sidney's Candy led all the way in winning the Santa Anita Derby at Arcadia, Calif., by 4 1/2 lengths yesterday, with 4-5 favorite Lookin At Lucky finishing third. Sidney's Candy, who earlier won the San Vicente and San Felipe on the same synthetic surface, ran 1 1-8 miles in 1:48.00 to win the West Coast's major prep for the May 1 Kentucky Derby. Setsuko finished second in the 10-horse field. AMERICAN LION WINS American Lion won the Illinois Derby by 2 3/4 lengths over Yawanna Twist yesterday at Hawthorne Race Course in Cicero, Ill., to set up a run at the Kentucky Derby. Ridden by David Romero Flores, American Lion broke in the lead and raced easily out in front until the head of the stretch, when 6-5 favorite Yawanna Twist and Edgar Prado drew even. The horses fought stride for stride down the stretch, until the 1-16 pole when American Lion pushed ahead to cover the 1 1-8 miles in 1:51.31.
Portfolio - Y Senedd One of Wales' most prestigious buildings, located in Cardiff Bay INTRODUCTIONOne of Wales' most prestigious buildings, located in the Cardiff Bay area, it was designed and constructed at the turn of the 21st Century, and forms a part of the everyday life for the people of Wales. It's design, innovative for its time included many sustainable features, among which was a natural ventilation system to serve certain areas of the building. This system utilised an under croft plenum which transported outside air into the occupied spaces via attenuators and two stage motorised dampers through builders work trenches incorporating stainless steel floor grilles. Tempering of the fresh air was by means of a heat emitter fitted in the trench. This fresh air was introduced under the dictates of carbon dioxide and temperature sensors placed in the spaces, to ensure that good indoor air quality was maintained throughout the diverse range of occupation and climatic conditions. PROBLEMSFollowing concerns raised by the building occupants a detailed survey was carried out and the single most important finding was the inadequacy of the heating emitter to provide tempering of the incoming air effectively, as most of the fresh air was able to by pass the heater in the trench and enter the space at almost outside ambient temperature levels. This meant that those occupants situated close to the floor grilles complained of cold draughts. A secondary problem was that the originally installed motorised dampers were not efficient in shutting off completely and this allowed air flow into the space, even when closed. Coupled to this, given the area of dampers installed, the thermal properties of the dampers severely compromised the thermal properties of the overall building envelope. SOLUTIONFollowing detailed study by the Engineering Consultants it was decided to replace the existing heat emitters in the trench with fixed heating elements mounted directly to the motorised dampers. This would ensure full contact between the incoming air and the heating medium. This would eliminate the cold blocks of air being introduced into the occupied space. In conjunction with this solution it was decided to replace the existing motorised dampers with high quality, double skinned, insulated dampers with guaranteed low leakage and excellent thermal properties. Additional changes and improvements to the existing control system was proposed and agreed. THE WORKSThe works involved removing and replacing 21 No. existing motorised dampers with Ruskin Air Management Vengen insulated models all 930 mm high, comprising a 320mm high winter section with heating coil arrangement and a 630mm high summer section with no heating provision. The damper sections varied in length from 2000mm up to 5650mm long their installation involved the removal of the existing attenuators, removal of the existing motorised dampers, installation of the new Vengen motorised damper assemblies coupled with the heating coils. Finally, the existing attenuators were repositioned and fixed to the new dampers. Practical difficulties with carrying out the works involved restricted access allowing works only during unoccupied times and the bulk of the work carried out in the under croft with a headroom of only 1000mm. The heating coils were then connected to the existing low pressure hot water system and the completed installation commissioned.
2022-04-11 AP NEWS Beijing, China – BYD and Shell have signed a strategic cooperation agreement to help accelerate the energy transition and improve charging experience for BYD’s battery electric vehicle (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) customers, enlarging customer value. The partnership will start in China and Europe and will extend to other regions across the globe. A BYD Han EV at Shell Recharge site Based on the agreement, BYD and Shell will collaborate in the areas below: · For private and commercial customers of BYD’s BEVs and PHEVs, BYD and Shell will form a pan-European Mobility Service Provider (MSP) partnership, offering them membership access to 275,000 charging points through Shell roaming network. Both BYD and Shell will also jointly develop Fleet Solutions and Depot Charging services for BYD customers in Europe. · Both companies will seek to provide integrated home energy solutions such as dynamic tariff scheduling, solar integration, home batteries, Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) charging in different regions across the world. · Both parties will explore opportunities to build BYD-Shell EV hubs in key European markets, providing customers with the experience of BYD premium designs and advanced new energy vehicle technologies, as well as seamless charging and digital services jointly developed by both parties for greater user experience. · Both BYD and Shell will refer customers to participate in the Accelerate to Zero (A2Z) decarbonisation programme, which enables corporate fleets to reduce emissions to zero and net-zero across various markets in Europe. · Both BYD and Shell intend to collaborate on global research and development in the areas of battery performance and advanced charging. · Globally, Shell will seek to help BYD generate cost-saving and better hardware performance with Shell E-Fluids and coolants. Both parties also intend to form a joint venture to develop EV charging networks across China. The joint venture is expected to operate a network of more than 10,000 charging points in Shenzhen, China, with a plan to expand to more locations in China. Wang Chuanfu, Chairman and President of BYD said, “The automotive industry is undergoing significant centurial changes, and the development of new energy vehicles is an irresistible trend. Shell is the world's leading energy company, with businesses worldwide, making extraordinary contributions to meeting growing energy demands. BYD is willing to sincerely cooperate with Shell and seize the historic chance of new energy vehicles, providing consumers with high-quality service in charging facilities and new energy vehicles consumption and creating vital development opportunities.” István Kapitány, Global Executive Vice President of Shell Mobility said, “Shell has significant ambitions to both grow our Mobility business in China as well as to help drivers globally to decarbonise by switching to EVs. This partnership represents a significant step forward in both of these ambitions. Together with BYD, we want to deliver a charging experience that is as fast, convenient and comfortable as possible. Both our brands support innovations that enrich the experience of our customers around the world, and this partnership offers exciting opportunities to make the EV experience even better.” John Lee, Secretary of the BYD Board, General Manager of BYD Investment Division said, “Shell is a world-renowned longevous brand, dedicated to providing more and cleaner energy solutions to power progress; BYD is a global leader in the new energy industry, who endeavored to make continuous technological innovations for a better life. Shell and BYD have similar mission and can complement each other in many ways. The cooperation in charging business is just a beginning. In the future, with the powerful alliance between us, I believe there will be enormous opportunities of our collaborations.” Jason Wong, Executive Chairman of Shell Companies in China said, “China is the leader in electric vehicle manufacturing and adoption globally. A total of more than 3.5 million electric cars and plug-in hybrids were sold in 2021, up about 160 percent from 2020. The new infrastructure of EV charging will be much needed. We are glad to collaborate with BYD to explore opportunities in expanding the EV charging network in China and continuously improve charging experience for EV customers. By working with more partners collectively we will be able to build an ecosystem to accelerate the energy transition and make contributions to China’s 2030 and 2060 carbon targets.” BYD (Build Your Dreams), a Warren Buffet-backed company, is a multinational high-tech company devoted to leveraging technological innovations for a better life. BYD is a relentless advocate of sustainable development, successfully expanding its renewable energy solutions, including Auto, Electronics, New Energy, and Rail Transit globally, with operations in more than 400 cities in over 70 countries and regions overseas. Its creation of a Zero Emissions Energy Solution, comprising affordable solar power generation, reliable energy storage, and cutting-edge electrified transportation, has made it an industry leader in the energy and transportation sectors. With industry-leading technologies such as the Blade Battery, DM-i super hybrid technology, and the e-platform, BYD sold nearly 600,000 electric passenger vehicles in 2021 and had achieved a cumulative production and sales volume of electric passenger vehicles over 1.5 million units. Shell is the world’s largest mobility retailer by number of service stations – over 46,000 locations in around 80 markets worldwide. Shell intends to operate more than 500,000 EV charge points worldwide by 2025, including more than 30,000 Shell Recharge charge points at Shell forecourts and destinations such as supermarkets. Asia-Pacific: Mia Gu, [email protected] tel: +86-755-8988-8888-69666 Europe: Penny Peng, [email protected] tel: +31-102070888 North America: Frank Girardot, [email protected] tel: +1 213 245 6503 Brazil: Adalberto Maluf, [email protected] tel: +19 3514 2554 Africa: Nikki Li, [email protected] tel: +86-18938862670
ROSACEA / SKIN REDNESS Everyone wants to have clear, smooth fresh skin but sometimes due to weather conditions and some health or skin conditions, people suffer from different types of skin disorders and ailments. Such one skin disorder is rosacea which is the redness of the skin. Various theories regarding Rosacea have evolved over the years but information regarding the disorder’s origin still remains unknown. The facial blood vessels dilate and therefore the increased blood flow near the skin surface makes the skin look flushed and red. Numerous environmental and lifestyle factors cause this redness of the skin. Sometimes acne-like bumps appear on the redder part of the face these could be as a result of microscopic skin mites, irritation of follicles, sun damage of connective tissue, blood flow, skin bacteria, psychological factors or abnormal immune or inflammatory response. Not one definite theory has been proven but certain potential pathways have been identified that seem to cause inflammation. Rosacea happens to be a chronic skin disorder rather than a short-term condition which is usually characterized by remissions and relapses. Common symptoms include itching, stinging and facial burning. Sometimes people with rosacea also experience edema the swelling of face which is quite noticeable in initial stages. No certain time limit can be defined how long the rosacea will continue but the signs and symptoms seem to increase severely if treatment is not sought. Those who did not get treatment had their condition advance from early to middle within a year. There are some lifestyle modifications, medical therapies for rosacea treatment to keep from the triggers and control its signs and symptoms. Those who happen to have visible blood vessels and red face getting a laser treatment for rosacea or other light-based treatments can be effective. Sometimes the clearing could last for years but clear skin is achieved. A series of treatment sessions are required to see evident results. Getting a laser treatment for rosacea tends to be helpful in the long run. Laser and Intense Pulsed Light Treatment: Another solution to successfully improve visible blood vessels and redness can be possible with intense pulsed light IPL or vascular laser treatment for rosacea. These kinds of rosacea treatment also improve flushing. IPL and laser machines used for rosacea treatment emit narrow beams of light that are pointed towards the visible blood vessels of the skin. These beams generate heat thus damaging the dilated veins and causing them to shrink so they no longer can be seen from the skin. With IPL and laser treatment for rosacea, minimal scarring or damage is caused to the surrounding area. Although most of the laser treatment causes pain, most of the people do not require being under anesthesia. Laser treatments have temporary and mild side effects that last for few days only: - Swelling and redness of skin - Crusting of the skin - Blisters and infections can arise in very rare cases. It is wise to get the advice of your dermatologist first before choosing any treatment for the skin. Health Medica provides quality laser treatment and IPL treatment for rosacea.
3. DYNAMICS - PHYSICS OF SPACE AND TIME Development of Global Mechanics has explained the gravity-energy-mass equivalence when unifying force of gravity with electromagnetic energy, and the elucidation of how mass creates within the reticular structure of matter or Global Aether. Likewise, Global Mechanics gives clues to development of Global Dynamics that studies causes of movement. After Newton's Laws, two problems emerged regarding dynamics in space and time, effect of gravitational lens of light and anomalous precession of the perihelion of Mercury. Einstein's relativistic mechanics resolved both glitches, although incorrectly in our opinion. Besides, General Relativity is also incompatible with both Quantum Mechanics and Global Mechanics. Nevertheless, Paul Gerber explained the precession of the perihelion of Mercury in 1898 with same formula. Furthermore, Relativistic Mechanics alters basic concepts of dynamics by playing down the very same space and time, especially when reversing concept of velocity. Quantum Mechanics, in turn, discovers new conflicting ideas within Newton's Laws of Dynamics, the world of the atom and elementary particles. Global Dynamics not only resolves the problem of curvature of light and anomalous precession or small deviation in the orbits of the planets but also it distinguishes between different types of movement apropos their causes or nature of forces that bring them about. Study of causes of motion in Global Physics has implied the advent of a new perspective in classification of different types of forces and energy. Therefore, Newton's Laws of Dynamics need a small quantitative adaptation and a large conceptual change, especially in its scope of application. Before explaining the mechanisms and forces of movement of light, and the bodies in free fall –their motion upon the LUM Aether (Luminiferous, universal, and mobile), Global Aether or through both–, we will analyze the basic elements of dynamics, such as space, time, movement or velocity, acceleration, and force. 3.a) Concept of space Both time and space are conventional concepts or mental elaborations to understand this world and try to represent the dynamics of the reality. Concept of space is necessary for a definition of movement. In spite of spatial notion being simple, the human brain has problems managing three spatial dimensions in many branches of knowledge. Therefore, we have to be especially careful with scientific definition of space, not to make it more complex than necessary. As always, the brunt of science regarding space and time consists of establishing some conventional patterns that can apply in all situations, can allow for comparisons, and are as simple as possible. The result will allow a powerful understanding of the reality, which will enable greater scientific and technological development of society. Furthermore, Global Dynamics allows us to understand an important characteristic of the concept of relativistic space. We hope the following example will help understanding different nature of space in Global Dynamics and Theory of Relativity. It is not an exact example but it comes close and, at times, it can help apprehending relativistic texts. Example of crossing a river Imagine we have to cross a small river and there is no bridge. We will have to find a place with stones, so we can cross by jumping stone to stone, to the other side without getting wet. Relativistic dynamics would state that the river is seven meters wide where we can cross if we jump onto seven stones. That is, if a month later someone puts another stone to make it easier to jump across, relativistic mechanics would state that the width of the river is eight meters. Also, if a stone disappears dragged away by the water, or by a stone thief, then it would be six meters. This chaos is due to Theory of Relativity not allowing stones in the riverbed. In other words, it ignores the Global Aether as medium support for gravity field and mass. We should not confuse gravitational field –LUM Aether (Luminiferous, universal, and mobile)– with Global Aether. Likewise, we should no mix the gravitational field drag effect on electromagnetic energy that explains the Michelson-Morley experiment with Merlin effect. The second component of atractis causa in the gravitational interaction –Merlin effect– clarifies the phenomena of the curvature of light in gravitational lens and anomalous precession of the orbit of Mercury and of the planets in general, as we will see when discussing movement of free falling bodies. In Global Dynamics, there are other divergences between relativistic space and Euclidean space due to mathematical effects of relativity of time and its different causes, but this is not the time to analyze them. In any case, if Global Aether confirms, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity immediately vanishes. 3.b) Nature of time Basic elements of Global Physics are space, time, and Global Aether, since everything else derives from them. Time has various meanings as we have commented in section Theory of time in the Metaphysics book, Equation of Love. As far as dynamics and scientific method, relevant concept should be absolute and objective time because it fulfills scientific objectivity, and is much simpler. Although we perceive reality in many forms and, mathematically, some models offer very precise calculations, it does not seem that the Imperial System of Measurements is as simple as the International System of Units (SI), ignoring relativistic units from the latter. There are things that, for their significance, should be proven, or be able to be directly proven if they want to belong to science and not just to philosophy. We think that no one or anything has traveled in time, except travel in absolute time, which we are all familiar. Likewise, no one has seen space-bending, and later straightening; or movement through other physical dimensions that only exist in abstract terms (Contradictus in terminus). For a truly functional and efficient concept of movement, the unit of time should be independent from energy. Currently, the second is certainly relative, given that it depends on the vibrations of the Cesium atom, the period of which derives from certain energy levels that depend, in turn, on many factors. Second definition takes into account some of them, but others not; so it keeps dependent on them, like velocity and gravity. We only need to change time definition, or better said definition of second established in 1967 by the International System of Units, so it does not depend anymore on environmental changes. Besides easing reasoning, the new definition of time would allow us to discuss dynamics in Euclidian space and absolute time by specifying both simultaneities of events and cause-effect sequence. It is worth remembering that relativistic time denies simultaneity and that certain branches of Quantum Mechanics openly defend the inexistence of the cause-effect sequence, which is certainly indispensable, even in philosophy. No doubt, the opposite is mad science. The physical experiment of the Invisible Clock, proposed by Global Physics, directly deals with controversial measurements of time and the god Chronos. The idea of this name is to highlight the fact that clocks alter with velocity and gravity. A perfect clock would be an invisible one, in the sense of being independent from any condition; that is, it may not be enough to be invisible, but the idea it conveys is still valid. Regarding the problem of simultaneity in Special Relativity, we propose the scientific experiment of the Abrujuela’s Train, keeping in mind speed of light and rotational movement of the Earth. In short, we believe absolute time, for scientific purposes, to be a monotonous, uniform, constant and growing function.
A CFO teaching plan is an extensive project designed to equip financial professionals with the skills, understanding, and proper mindset required for moving the complex and dynamic world of contemporary finance. This extensive program moves beyond the conventional comprehension of financial administration, delving in to the realms of management, strategic decision-making, and successful communication. Participants are confronted with a diverse curriculum that covers financial examination, chance administration, regulatory compliance, and emerging developments in the financial Start a Virtual Cfo Firm The program’s structure often includes active workshops, case studies, and real-world simulations to supply hands-on experience in tackling complicated financial challenges. Professional market specialists and effective CFOs usually function as teachers and facilitators, giving invaluable ideas and useful wisdom. Working out plan realizes the growing position of CFOs, acknowledging that they are no further confined to pure number-crunching but are integrated strategic lovers in organizational success. One key focus of the CFO education program is creating financial leaders who can push organizational development and sustainability. Management segments highlight successful connection, staff administration, and the capacity to arrange economic strategies with over all organization objectives. As corporations run in an significantly globalized and interconnected setting, CFOs need a worldwide perception, and training applications frequently incorporate international economic administration concepts. Strategic economic decision-making is another cornerstone of the CFO instruction program. Players learn how to determine and mitigate dangers, produce data-driven choices, and optimize financial sources for sustainable growth. The program aims to foster a practical mindset, enabling CFOs to assume difficulties and capitalize on opportunities in a quickly adjusting company landscape. Moral concerns and compliance are woven in to the cloth of working out plan, instilling a strong feeling of corporate responsibility. CFOs should steer complicated regulatory environments, and this program equips them with the knowledge and methods to make sure moral financial practices and compliance with applicable laws and standards. Marketing is an essential element of the CFO education program, providing individuals with the chance to get in touch with friends, teachers, and industry leaders. The trade of some ideas, activities, and most useful techniques plays a role in a rich learning setting and increases the qualified system of ambitious and recognized CFOs alike. In summary, a CFO teaching program is a major experience that moves beyond specialized financial skills, striving to shape well-rounded economic leaders effective at steering agencies through the challenges of the modern company landscape. Via a blend of theoretical understanding, realistic experience, and mentorship, players emerge with the self-confidence and acumen needed to exceed in the challenging role of a Main Economic Officer.
There’s no doubt that the IOC’s decision last week marks a huge symbolic victory for Brazil, South America, and the rest of the developing world. But could the arrival of the 2016 Olympics do more harm than good for Rio de Janeiro’s poorest residents? It could depend, in part, on how the Brazilian government plans to beef up security in advance of the Games. Security crackdowns in Rio de Janeiro have often amounted to police raids on the sprawling shantytowns, home to a third of the city’s population, where drug traffickers have ensconced themselves. The resulting gun battles have killed scores of innocent bystanders--predominately poor and working-class residents of the favelas--thus contributing to the stunning 2,069 murders that happened in Rio last year. Yes, the traffickers themselves are ruthless, exerting a mafia-like control over the shantytowns they occupy and burning buses full of civilians to retaliate against police pushback. But Brazilian police have fed the cycle of violence by acting outside the law, committing extrajudicial killings and massacres that human rights groups and the U.N. itself have denounced. (Off-duty police officers have even taken to forming their own gang-like militias, which now control some 15 percent of Rio’s slums.) It’s a legacy of Brazil’s oft-forgotten military dictatorship, whose worst atrocities were often carried out by the country’s division of “military police” and who were never held accountable for their crimes. As a result, certain divisions of the military police have continued to act with impunity in an otherwise burgeoning democracy--and the favela crackdowns bring out their worst instincts. Such police “occupations”--as Brazilian authorities call them--have continued under Rio’s new mayor, Eduardo Paes, a centrist elected on a law-and-order platform. Having clinched the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics, Paes will likely have carte blanche to do what he wants on the security front. Given the high visibility of Rio's gang violence, Brazilian authorities could be under greater pressure to ramp up the bloody raids on the hilltop favelas, which are tucked right alongside Rio’s wealthiest neighborhoods. But there are signs that there could be other, more subtle crackdowns in which police go out of their way to target some of Rio’s poorest residents. Inspired by Rudy Giuliani’s Zero Tolerance policies, Paes has begun to a war against petty crime through a new program called Shock of Order. It currently targets street vendors for creating undue “visual pollution,” and it’s likely that Paes will ramp up his campaign in advance of the Games. Certainly, Rio won’t be the first Olympic city to resort to such measures--even liberal Vancouver is trying to force its homeless into shelters in advance of the 2010 Winter Games, and China made no secret of its repressive crackdown in the lead-up to last year’s Olympics. But Rio de Janeiro’s history of using ham-fisted tactics to combat violence makes me worry that the city’s working poor will end up in the crosshairs in run-up to the Games. That being said, being thrust on the world stage could also give Brazilian authorities the opportunity to finally do things right. The IOC evaluation of the city’s security situation praised a pilot community-policing program, where officers patrol the shantytowns on a day-to-day basis, instead of conducting commando-style raids. More notably, Sao Paulo has seen its homicide rate drop substantially since the city began prioritizing investigative police work and building closer ties between the military police and the civilian police. Such reforms would not only ensure a more secure environment for the World Cup and the Olympics, but also lay the foundation for a long-term crime-fighting strategy. As my colleague Jason Zengerle has noted, the economic benefits of hosting the Games are often overblown, and Rio itself admits that it never followed through with all the infrastructural developments it promised for the 2007 Pan-American Games, despite going millions of dollars over budget. That being said, the right kind of investments in security could ensure that there’s more payoff than blowback for Rio’s underclass.
By Matthew Ehret On April 14th, President Putin re-iterated his January 15th, 2020 call for a new system to be created led by the 5 nuclear powers of the United Nations Security Council and guided by the UN Charter’s principles. The Kremlin stated that: "The meeting was initiated by the [Russian] President as a visionary meeting and, naturally, the video conference format that is widely used now for crisis management does not possibly create the necessary atmosphere for such a visionary conversation, even more so for the heads of five members of the Security Council.” Putin had earlier described this intended meeting in the following terms: "The founding countries of the United Nations should set an example. It is the five nuclear powers that bear a special responsibility for the conservation and sustainable development of humankind. These five nations should first of all start with measures to remove the prerequisites for a global war and develop updated approaches to ensuring stability on the planet that would fully take into account the political, economic and military aspects of modern international relations.” Just two days before his announcement, Putin held his 3rd phone conversation in three days with President Trump where both men discussed joint cooperation on coronavirus mitigation, oil prices, as well asjoint collaboration on space exploration and lunar mining which both nations have made strong national priorities. While Russia has embarked fully onto China’s Belt and Road Framework in recent years, both through the Eurasian Economic Union’s merging with the BRI since 2015 and also with the new and exciting Polar Silk Road extension of this traditionally east-west project into the high north, ALL THREE nations have increasingly found a common objective in space with Russia and China jointly signing a treaty to cooperate on lunar development throughout the coming decade. This space orientation which hasn’t been seen in many decades vectors around lunar mining, asteroid defense, and exploration. Based on this breathtaking drive to create a multipolar new system premised around space, the Health Silk Road to fight COVID-19, and cooperation on the Polar Silk Road, I believe it is a good time to review some very important, yet often overlooked history. In conducting this exercise we should not be surprised to find that that the current alignment of forces and ideas called for by President Putin were established during the 1941-1944 period led by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his loyal collaborator/Vice-President Henry A. Wallace who had planned a grand design for a US-Russia-China World Order founded upon principles enshrined in the Atlantic Charter and enunciated in Wallace’s 1942 "Century of the Common Man” speech. The Wallace/FDR Fight for a Multipolar World Order While serving as FDR’s Vice President, Wallace wrote in his 1944 book Our Job in the Pacific: "It is vital to the United States, it is vital to China and it is vital to Russia that there be peaceful and friendly relations between China and Russia, China and America and Russia and America. China and Russia complement and supplement each other on the continent of Asia and the two together complement and supplement America’s position in the Pacific.” In another 1944 piece Two Peoples-One Friendship (Survey Graphic Magazine), Wallace described the destiny of the US-Russian arctic relations centered on infrastructure development with transportation connections across the Bering Strait: "Of all nations, Russia has the most powerful combination of a rapidly increasing population, great natural resources and immediate expansion in technological skills. Siberia and China will furnish the greatest frontier of tomorrow… When Molotov [Russia’s Foreign Minister] was in Washington in the spring of 1942 I spoke to him about the combined highway and airway which I hope someday will link Chicago and Moscow via Canada, Alaska and Siberia. Molotov, after observing that no one nation could do this job by itself, said that he and I would live to see the day of its accomplishment. It would mean much to the peace of the future if there could be some tangible link of this sort between the pioneer spirit of our own West and the frontier spirit of the Russian East.” Expressing a mode of long term thinking and sensitivity to the Asian psyche rarely seen by westerners, Wallace wrote that "Asia is on the move. Asia distrusts Europe because of its "superiority complex”. We must give Asia reason to trust us. We must demonstrate to Russia and China, in particular that we have faith in the future of the Common Man in those two countries. We can be helpful to both China and Russia and in being helpful can be helpful to ourselves and to our children. In planning our relationships today with Russia and China, we must think of the world situation as it will be forty years hence.” So What Went Wrong? While much can be said about this chapter in world history, in short; a complex political coup was launched. This coup saw Wallace lose the Vice Presidential nomination to Harry S. Truman in 1944, who found himself in the White House with Roosevelt’s unexpected death on April 12, 1945. Truman’s immediate belligerence to Russia caused Russia’s cancellation of its $1.2 billion subscription to join the World Bank agreed to in 1944, and Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech enshrined the bi-polar dynamic of Mutually Assured Destruction as the bedrock of the post war age of nuclear terror. As Truman unleashed the "Truman Doctrine” of US foreign entanglements in the new Cold War against Russian expansion starting with America’s enmeshment into the Greece-Turkey conflict orchestrated by London in the Spring of 1947, Churchill said in Fulton Missouri: "Neither the sure prevention of war, nor the continuous rise of world organization will be gained without what I have called the fraternal association of the English speaking peoples. This means a special relationship between the British Commonwealth and Empire and the United States.” The Truman doctrine and Special Relationship represented the total reversal of the "community of principle” policy to avoid "foreign entanglements” advocated by George Washington, John Quincy Adams and adopted by FDR and Wallace. Wallace Fights Back Before being fired from his post as Commerce Secretary in 1946 for giving a speech calling for US-Russia friendship, Wallace warned of the emergence of a new "American fascism” which Eisenhower confirmed in his 1961 Military Industrial Complex speech. Wallace said: "Fascism in the postwar inevitably will push steadily for Anglo-Saxon imperialism and eventually for war with Russia. Already American fascists are talking and writing about this conflict and using it as an excuse for their internal hatreds and intolerances toward certain races, creeds and classes.” In his 1946 Soviet Asia Mission, Wallace said "Before the blood of our boys is scarcely dry on the field of battle, these enemies of peace try to lay the foundation for World War III. These people must not succeed in their foul enterprise. We must offset their poison by following the policies of Roosevelt in cultivating the friendship of Russia in peace as well as in war.” Henry Wallace did not disappear as his enemies would have liked, but became a third party candidate for the 1948 presidency acquiring the support of leading patriots and artists, not the least of whom included the great African American activist/singer Paul Robeson who set into a motion a process that blossomed under Martin Luther King’s Civil Rights movement. Wallace’s presidential speeches are a stirring call to action which can educate and inspire today’s generation. It is a tragic reminder that the American people, having just heroically given so much to stop a global fascist movement during WWII, failed to stop the emergence of a new fascism in America itself and did not vote for Wallace when they had the chance. A Last Chance? Although John F. Kennedy did attempt to revive the spirit of FDR and Wallace during his three years in office, his early assassination, (followed by those of his brother, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X), sabotaged the re-awakening of the true constitutional America. Today, the great infrastructure programs driven by the spirit which epitomized the New Deal under Wallace and FDR has come alive in the surprising Belt and Road Initiative and emerging Polar Silk Road, Health Silk Road and Space Silk Road. Russia and China have thus found themselves in the ironic role of having become more American than the America which the world has known for the past half century. So let us take the opportunity that the current crisis has forced upon us to make the Wallace/FDR Grand Design a reality once more by joining hands with the Multipolar Alliance. The better constitutional traditions of America demand that this course be taken now more than ever, and the spirit of win-win cooperation represented by the New Silk Road holds the keys to forever ending the interconnected afflictions of famine, war, and empire from the world. The author can be reached at [email protected]
There’s a piece posted on foxnews.com, originally broadcast on the Fox News Channel the other day, about a military father who’s facing foreclosure on his home (“Hero Faces Foreclosure”). The story begins with the words, “All he wants to do is welcome his son home from a tour of duty in Iraq.” To be clear, there is nothing about his military son’s service, his experiences in Iraq, his financial contribution to his father’s domicile – nothing – that links his service to his father’s financial position. The story was clearly an attempt to leverage for sympathy the military tour of duty of the son of a guy who’s enduring a foreclosure experience he shares with thousands of other Americans. The father has been fighting with his bank over his attempt to take advantage of the government’s home mortgage modification plan. Somehow, his son’s military service – which has no bearing on the issue – has become woven into the story. For the benefit of those who might read this and not know, let me make a disclosure, lest they think I’m being cold-hearted about what I’m going to write here. I retired from the Marine Corps after 24 years and served combat tours in four different conflicts. Both of my sons are Marines. The oldest has deployed overseas twice and his brother deploys in the fall. I understand what I’m going to write about as both, a service member and a father of service members. With that out of the way, let me say that there is absolutely nothing about being the father of a deployed military person that should suggest your responsibility to meet your debt obligations are different from everyone else’s. Let me take it a step further. Unless a military person’s deployment causes him or her to fail to meet an obligation, he or she shouldn’t expect to be excused from it. The military hierarchy itself expects its members to be financially responsible. When there are extenuating circumstances that arise beyond the service members’ control due to their service, the military hierarchy does a pretty good job of advocating for them, but it otherwise expects members to stand on their own feet and meet their obligations. There are also a number of excellent laws in place to protect vulnerable military members such as the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act. While not perfect and complete, the government does a pretty good job of keeping deployed military people from being exploited. I don’t care much for well-intended efforts in the media and among politicians to take up for military members when it wasn’t the military person’s service itself that caused the hardship. Doing so makes our military people seem whiny and inept, and the vast majority of them are not. It also has the potential to diminish the public’s perception of the military person’s ability to balance military duties with everyday civilian issues and challenges when the vast majority are more than capable of handling them. I would advise military members and parents of military members who complain too much about not being appreciated at home that their complaints are really off target today. Today’s military members are not fighting the “Forgotten War” that our Korean War veterans fought, and they’re not being mistreated when they return home like many of our Vietnam veterans were. Americans have come a long way in that regard. Especially considering today’s climate at home, I would also counsel military members and their parents that too many complaints about not being appreciated is unbecoming of a person who truly understands the nobility of service and sacrifice. Fussing too much about one’s service (and giving) tends to diminish the sense of good in what’s been done. Parents should also understand that complaining about their service member’s circumstances – whatever they are – detracts from the virtue of what their children have done. Service is what it is, and it is valuable in and of itself whether it’s appreciated or not. The only things that can diminish the good in service are actions that make it cease to be selfless.
Firth of Forth The Firth of Forth is the estuary or firth of the River Forth , where it flows into the North Sea to the north, and West Lothian , the City of Edinburgh , and East Lothian to the south. The river is tidal as far inland as Stirling , but generally it is considered that the inland extent of the firth ends at the Kincardine Bridge. A large number of towns line the shores, as well as the petrochemical complexes at Grangemouth and Burntisland, the commercial docks at Leith, oilrig construction yards at Dalgety Bay and Methil and the naval dockyard at Rosyth, with numerous other industrial areas including the Forth Bridgehead area. The Kincardine Bridge and the famous Forth Road Bridge and Forth Rail Bridge carry traffic across the Firth. The inner Firth, i.e. between the Kincardine and Forth bridges, has lost about half of its former intertidal area as a result of land being reclaimed, partly for agriculture, but mainly for industry. The Firth is important for nature conservation. The Firth of Forth Islands SPA (Special Protection Area) is host to over 90,000 breeding seabirds every year. Firth of Forth islands Towns and villages on the shoreline Places of interest along the Firth - Bass Rock - Cramond Island - Inchmickery with Cow and Calf - Isle of May - Blackness Castle - Dalmeny House - Hopetoun House - Ravenscraig Castle - Scottish Fisheries Museum - St. Fillan's Cave - St. Monans Windmill - Tantallon Castle
Ringling Brothers and Barnun and Bailey Circus‘ traveling elephants from Asia will retire early and make their home at the Ringling Bros. Center for Elephant Conservation® in Florida. Over the last few months, center staff members have been preparing the place for the new arrivals. There are currently other Ringling Brothers and Barnun and Bailey Circus elephants, bringing the count to 42. It was announced that by 2018 all of the circus elephants will move to the conservatory, but the staff have been working to get all of the elephants to their new home before the announced date. The Feld Entertainment, Inc, the parent company for Ringling Brothers, plans to focus on Asian elephant conservation and pediatric cancer research. The circus, Greatest Show on Earth will continue, without elephants in the performances, while the company focuses on other ventures.
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Booker, 44, will become the first black senator from New Jersey and heads to Washington with an unusual political resume. He was raised in suburban Harington Park as the son of two of the first black IBM executives, and graduated from Stanford and law school at Yale with a stint in between as a Rhodes Scholar before moving to one of Newark's toughest neighborhoods with the intent of doing good. He's been an unconventional politician, a vegetarian with a Twitter following of 1.4 million - or five times the population of the city he governs. With dwindling state funding, he has used private fundraising, including a $100 million pledge from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, to run programs in Newark, a strategy that has brought his city resources and him both fame and criticism. Booker was elected to complete the 15 months remaining on the term of Frank Lautenberg, whose death in June at age 89 gave rise to an unusual and abbreviated campaign. If he wants to keep the seat for a full six-year term - and all indications are that he does - Booker will be on the ballot again in November 2014. Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican with a national following of his own, appointed his attorney general, Jeffrey Chiesa, to the Senate temporarily and scheduled a special election for a Wednesday just 20 days before Christie himself is on the ballot seeking re-election. Christie said he wanted to give voters a say as soon as legally possible. Democrats challenged the timing, saying Christie was afraid of appearing on the same ballot as the popular Booker. But courts upheld the governor's election schedule. Booker had a running start on the election. Before Lautenberg died, Booker passed up a chance to run against Christie this year, saying he was eyeing Lautenberg's seat in 2014, in part so he could complete a full term as mayor - something he won't do now that he's heading to Washington. He won an August primary against an experienced Democratic field including two members of Congress and the speaker of the state Assembly in a campaign that was largely about ideas. The general election was about deeper contrasts, both ideological and personal. Lonegan stepped down as New Jersey director of the anti-tax, pro-business Americans for Prosperity to run. Lonegan, who is legally blind, got national attention as mayor of the town of Bogota when he tried to get English made its official language. After two runs in Republican gubernatorial primaries and as the leader of successful campaigns against ballot measures to raise a state sales tax and fund stem-cell research, Lonegan was a favorite of New Jersey's relatively small right wing. The two candidates portrayed each other as too extreme for the job. Throughout the campaign, Lonegan was aggressive, criticizing Booker during a string of homicides in Newark, holding a red carpet event in rally to mock the time Booker spent fundraising in California and declaring that "New Jersey needs a leader, not a tweeter." Lonegan also criticized Booker when a Portland, Ore., stripper revealed a series of not-so-salacious Twitter messages she'd exchanged with Booker, who's single. The topic resurfaced last week when Lonegan fired a key adviser after a profane interview in which the adviser suggested Booker's words were "like what a gay guy would say to a stripper." Lonegan had called it "strange" that Booker won't say whether he's gay. Booker, for his part, has said his sexuality should not matter to voters and has been elusive on the subject. At a debate this month, Lonegan responded to Booker's comments about the need for environmental regulations to clean a river through Newark. "You may not be able to swim in that river," he said. "But it's probably, I think, because of all the bodies floating around of shooting victims in your city." Booker seemed stunned at the remark, and his campaign has criticized Lonegan for it.
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Hey, ever wondered which is more effective for your car’s performance – gas treatment or octane booster? Well, it’s a common dilemma for car enthusiasts and those looking to optimize their engine’s efficiency. Gas treatment, as the name suggests, helps clean your fuel system and remove any deposits that may hinder your engine’s performance. On the other hand, an octane booster increases the octane rating of your fuel, allowing for better combustion and power. So, which one should you choose? Let’s explore the benefits and considerations of each to help you make an informed decision for your vehicle. Understanding Gas Treatment Definition and Purpose of Gas Treatment Gas treatment refers to the process of adding specific chemicals or additives to gasoline or fuel in order to improve its performance, enhance fuel efficiency, and protect various components of the fuel system. The primary purpose of gas treatment is to address common issues such as fuel line clogging, carbon deposits, and the negative effects of ethanol-blended fuels. How Gas Treatment Works Gas treatments work by introducing certain chemical compounds into the fuel system, which then interact with the gasoline or fuel. These compounds are typically designed to remove and prevent the buildup of deposits, improve fuel atomization, and enhance the overall combustion process. Gas treatments also contain detergents that help clean the fuel injectors, valves, and combustion chambers. Additionally, some treatments include rust inhibitors that protect metal surfaces within the fuel system from corrosion. Common Contents of Gas Treatments Gas treatments usually contain a combination of detergents, dispersants, corrosion inhibitors, lubricants, anti-oxidants, and anti-wear agents. These additives work together to improve fuel stability, reduce carbon deposits, enhance fuel combustion, and protect the fuel system components from wear and tear. It is important to note that the specific composition of gas treatments may vary depending on the brand and intended use. Benefits of Gas Treatment Improves Fuel Efficiency One of the key benefits of using gas treatment is that it can significantly improve fuel efficiency. By reducing the formation of carbon deposits and ensuring proper fuel atomization, gas treatments allow for better combustion and more efficient fuel utilization. This, in turn, leads to increased mileage and cost savings at the pump. Cleans Fuel System Gas treatments contain detergents that help dissolve and remove carbon deposits, varnish, and other contaminants that can accumulate in the fuel system over time. Regular use of gas treatments can effectively clean fuel injectors, valves, and combustion chambers, ensuring optimal fuel flow and combustion. A cleaner fuel system translates into smoother engine operation and improved overall performance. The use of gas treatment can also contribute to reduced emissions. By promoting more complete combustion, gas treatments help minimize the production of harmful pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and unburned hydrocarbons (HC). This not only benefits the environment but also helps vehicles comply with emissions regulations in many regions. Extends the Life of the Engine Gas treatments contain lubricants and anti-wear agents that help protect vital engine components from premature wear and damage. By reducing friction and providing increased lubrication, gas treatments can prolong the life of the engine. This is particularly important in older vehicles or those that are subjected to demanding driving conditions. Understanding Octane Booster Definition and Purpose of Octane Booster Octane booster, as the name implies, is a product designed to increase the octane rating of gasoline. The octane rating is a measure of a fuel’s ability to resist knocking or detonation. Octane boosters are typically used to address issues related to insufficient octane levels in gasoline, which can lead to engine knocking and reduced performance. How Octane Booster Works Octane boosters typically contain chemicals that increase the octane rating of gasoline when mixed together. These compounds work by altering the combustion characteristics of the fuel, allowing it to resist premature detonation or knocking. Octane boosters can improve the flame propagation rate and combustion stability, enabling engines to operate more efficiently and deliver better performance. Common Contents of Octane Boosters Octane boosters commonly contain compounds such as toluene, xylene, methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT), or other specialty chemicals. These substances have high octane ratings and are used to increase the overall octane level of the fuel. It is worth noting that the specific composition of octane boosters may vary depending on the brand and intended application. Benefits of Octane Booster Reduces Engine Detonation and Knock The primary advantage of using octane booster is its ability to effectively reduce engine detonation and knock. By increasing the octane rating of the fuel, octane boosters provide an added level of protection against the potentially damaging effects of premature combustion. This is particularly important in high-performance engines or vehicles that operate under demanding conditions. Improves Engine Performance Octane booster can significantly improve engine performance. By reducing knocking and improving combustion, octane boosters allow engines to operate at higher compression ratios and higher power outputs. This can result in increased horsepower, torque, and overall acceleration, making vehicles feel more responsive and delivering a more enjoyable driving experience. Provides Better Fuel Combustion Octane boosters enhance fuel combustion by allowing for more controlled and efficient burning of the fuel-air mixture within the engine. This results in improved combustion stability, reduced fuel wastage, and increased thermal efficiency. Better fuel combustion also leads to cleaner exhaust emissions and reduced carbon buildup within the engine. Comparing Gas Treatment and Octane Booster When comparing the performance effectiveness of gas treatment and octane booster, it is important to consider the specific issues each product is designed to address. Gas treatment primarily focuses on improving fuel efficiency, cleaning the fuel system, reducing emissions, and extending engine life. On the other hand, octane boosters are specifically formulated to increase the octane rating of the fuel and reduce engine detonation and knock. Therefore, the performance effectiveness of gas treatment is more comprehensive, while octane booster primarily addresses engine performance-related issues. Gas treatments generally tend to be more affordable compared to octane boosters. Gas treatments are designed for regular use and typically come in larger containers, providing multiple treatments per bottle. Octane boosters, on the other hand, are specialized products that are specifically used to increase octane levels. As a result, they are often priced higher compared to gas treatments. Price consideration is an essential factor for many vehicle owners when deciding between gas treatment and octane booster. Ideal Use Cases Gas treatment is an ideal choice for regular maintenance and preventive care of the fuel system. It is suitable for vehicles that experience issues related to fuel efficiency, carbon deposits, and general fuel system cleanliness. Octane booster, on the other hand, is more appropriate for vehicles that require a higher octane rating to avoid knocking or detonation, such as high-performance engines or vehicles used in racing. Octane booster is typically used as a temporary solution, during specific situations where higher octane fuel is not readily available. Potential Drawbacks of Gas Treatment Potential to Damage Engines While gas treatments are generally safe to use, there is a potential risk of damaging engines if used improperly or in excessive amounts. Some treatments may contain harsh chemicals that can cause harm to sensitive engine components or rubber seals and gaskets. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines when using gas treatments to avoid any potential damage. Impact on Older Vehicles In some cases, using gas treatment in older vehicles with significant carbon deposits or fuel system issues may temporarily exacerbate certain problems. As the treatment dissolves the deposits, it can potentially dislodge them, leading to clogged fuel filters or injectors. It is advisable to address any known issues with the fuel system before using gas treatment in older vehicles. While gas treatments are generally more affordable compared to other automotive additives, the cumulative cost of regularly using gas treatment over an extended period of time should be considered. Depending on the frequency of use and the specific brand, the cost can add up over the lifetime of a vehicle. It is important to weigh the potential benefits against the long-term costs when deciding on the regular use of gas treatment. Potential Drawbacks of Octane Booster Possible Engine Damages Similar to gas treatment, there is a potential risk of damaging engines when using octane booster incorrectly or in excessive amounts. The chemicals in octane boosters can adversely affect the fuel system components if not used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It is crucial to follow the recommended dosage and guidelines provided by the manufacturer to avoid any potential engine damage. Potential Negative Impact on Newer Engines Modern engines are designed to operate optimally with specific octane ratings as recommended by the manufacturer. Using octane boosters in newer engines that do not require higher octane fuel can potentially lead to negative effects. The altered combustion characteristics and increased resistance to knocking may not be suitable for the engine’s design, resulting in decreased performance or even damage in the long run. It is advisable to consult the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations before using octane boosters in newer engines. Legal Considerations in Some Regions In certain regions or countries, the use of octane boosters may be subject to legal regulations. Some jurisdictions may restrict the use of certain chemical compounds found in octane boosters due to environmental concerns or safety considerations. It is important to familiarize oneself with local regulations and comply with any restrictions or requirements before using octane boosters. Gas Treatment Versus Octane Booster for Different Engine Types Comparison for Newer Engines For newer engines that do not require higher octane fuels, gas treatment is generally the preferred choice. Gas treatments provide a more comprehensive solution by addressing fuel system cleanliness, fuel efficiency, and emissions reduction. Newer engines are typically designed with advanced fuel systems that already incorporate measures to prevent carbon buildup and optimize combustion efficiency. Regular use of gas treatment can help maintain the engine’s efficiency and prolong its lifespan. Comparison for Older Engines Older engines, especially those with carburetors or fuel injectors prone to clogging, can benefit significantly from gas treatment. Gas treatments can effectively dissolve carbon deposits, clean injectors, and valves, and help prolong the life of the engine. While octane booster may address engine knock issues in older engines, gas treatment provides a more holistic approach to fuel system maintenance. Comparison for High-Performance Engines High-performance engines often require higher octane fuels to prevent knocking and allow for higher compression ratios. In such cases, octane booster becomes a crucial tool to ensure optimal performance and protect the engine from potential damage. While gas treatment may provide some secondary benefits in terms of cleaning and emissions reduction, the primary focus for high-performance engines is on achieving the required octane rating. General Recommendations for Using Gas Treatment & Octane Booster Following Manufacturer Guidelines It is essential to follow the recommended dosage and instructions provided by the manufacturer when using gas treatments or octane boosters. Each product may have specific guidelines that should be adhered to for safe and effective use. Ensuring Regular Maintenance Gas treatments and octane boosters should not be seen as a substitute for regular maintenance of the vehicle. It is important to continue following the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule, which includes oil changes, air filter replacements, and other routine inspections and repairs. Use Based on Specific Needs The decision to use gas treatment or octane booster should be based on the specific needs of the vehicle and the desired outcomes. Gas treatments are ideal for routine maintenance and improving fuel efficiency, while octane boosters are more suitable for addressing engine knock issues or optimizing performance in high-performance engines. Conclusion: Choosing Between Gas Treatments and Octane Boosters Balancing Cost and Benefits When deciding between gas treatment and octane booster, it is important to consider the cost-benefit ratio. Gas treatments generally offer a more comprehensive range of benefits, including improved fuel efficiency, cleaner fuel system, reduced emissions, and extended engine life. Octane boosters, on the other hand, are primarily focused on increasing octane levels and preventing engine knock. Assessing the specific needs of the vehicle and weighing the potential benefits against the cost of the product is crucial in making an informed decision. Accepting Trial and Error Approach Every vehicle is unique, and the effectiveness of gas treatments and octane boosters may vary depending on numerous factors. It may be necessary to try different products or combinations to find the one that works best for a particular vehicle. Accepting a trial and error approach can lead to finding the most suitable gas treatment or octane booster for optimal performance and efficiency. Importance of Personalization of Decision Ultimately, the decision between gas treatment and octane booster should be personalized based on the specific requirements, preferences, and priorities of the vehicle owner. Some individuals may prioritize fuel efficiency and general engine cleanliness, while others may focus on performance optimization or addressing knocking issues. Considering the unique needs and objectives allows for a more tailored approach to choosing the most suitable product. Considering Environmental Impacts Environmental considerations should also be taken into account when selecting between gas treatment and octane booster. Gas treatments often contain detergents and other additives designed to reduce emissions and promote cleaner burning of fuel. Octane boosters, depending on their specific composition, may have varying environmental impacts. Awareness of the potential environmental effects and choosing products that align with sustainable practices can contribute to minimizing the overall carbon footprint of the vehicle. In conclusion, both gas treatment and octane booster offer benefits for vehicle owners seeking to improve fuel efficiency, enhance engine performance, and maintain a clean fuel system. Gas treatments provide a comprehensive approach by addressing overall fuel system health and reducing emissions, making them an ideal choice for regular maintenance. Octane boosters, on the other hand, focus specifically on increasing the octane rating and preventing engine knock, which is important for high-performance engines or vehicles requiring higher octane fuels. Ultimately, the decision should be based on individual needs and priorities, while considering factors such as cost and potential environmental impacts. By following manufacturer guidelines, conducting regular maintenance, and making informed choices, vehicle owners can optimize the performance and longevity of their engines while minimizing their impact on the environment.
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Waste Collection Grangecon Waste Collection in Grangecon All Removals is a specialist waste collection company managing both small-scale and large-scale waste collection jobs, for the homeowners and businesses of Grangecon. We are completely dedicated to collecting and properly getting rid of your rubbish in a professional method. We’re Grangecon best ranked waste collection company, which implies we can use unbeatable action times and worth for money. We don’t require to charge for the blockage charge and as we have lorries all over Grangecon, we never ever have to drive too far for your clearance. In Grangecon we’re able to have cars on website within a matter of hours and can arrange night and weekend rubbish collections. In case you’re questioning, there isn’t much we can’t take from your house or service, or outdoors. Expert, Responsible Waste Collection Grangecon Our focus with our service is providing an expert & environment-friendly waste collection in Grangecon. We will keep you totally notified of expenses and timings throughout our easy process, as we want our consumers to have total understanding of the services we attend to them. Affordable and efficient– those are our pledges with waste collection in Grangecon, and that’s why everybody enjoys us. We have made waste collection services as open for clients as possible, by being open 6 days a week, from 7am to 6pm most days. This ensures that both property and business customers will be able to schedule a All Removals van to come and eliminate their junk at a hassle-free time. There’s absolutely nothing worse than a service that is tough to use due to the fact that of opening hours, so that’s why we operate in this way– to make rubbish elimination & collection in Grangecon as easy for you as possible. Waste Collection service can always be combined with: house removals, man with a van, office removals, furniture removals, piano removals, waste clearance and collection, commercial removals. As well as this, we are likewise fully guaranteed and accredited by the Environment Agency to clear all forms of junk and we will always get rid of your scrap lawfully; our prime goal is to maximize recycling and lessen land fill use. We extend our work to all corners of Grangecon, and surrounding locations, the AllRemovals vans go the extra mile to bring you a trusted rubbish removal & collection service in Grangecon. 5 Benefits customers enjoy with the 24/7 waste collection Providing 5 star waste collection is what we do, and have actually been doing at 24/7 waste collection for over 10 years– since our business was developed. The high quality of our waste collection Grangecon services is just one of the reasons that customers pick us. Find out more listed below! - Local groups– we have groups located all around Grangecon all set to come and take your rubbish away on the extremely exact same day of your call. - There are no surprise charges with us, you just pay for the quantity of waste we collect and dispose. - Our waste clearance services come with a guarantee and regular quality assurance. - We work 7 days a week, and even offer same day services, when you need one. - We are a business that takes care for the environment, and make certain all recyclable waste is recycled. Grangecon (Irish: Gráinseach Choinn, meaning “Granary of the Hound”) is a village in County Wicklow, Ireland. It has a population of about 200 people, and is located between Baltinglass and Dunlavin. While the name Grange Con is said to be of Celtic origin the earliest recorded history of it is from the Middle Ages when the Abbot of Baltinglass Abbey had a castle built there. The monks are also said to have had a mill there powered by the local stream. Most of the surrounding land belonged to the Abbey at the time. Following the dissolution of the monasteries, Thomas Eustace was in 1541 made Viscount Baltinglass and granted the lands of the Abbey including the Castle and lands at Grangecon. These were forfeited in 1581 following a rebellion by the third Viscount and subsequently granted to Sir Henry Harrington. It appears that these lands remained in the Harrington family for a number of generations. The house at Grangecon Demesne later became the seat of the O’Mahony clan and remained so until about 1930 when Pierce O’Mahony, the last “the O’Mahony” died. See for more detailed information about the O’Mahony connection with Grangecon. Some ruins of an older castle still exist in the grounds but these are quite minimal. Grangecon Demesne is now home to the well-known Grangecon Stud, breeder of top grade thoroughbred racehorses. All Removals is a reliable Irish company that aims to ensure a smooth moving experience to all of its customers.Our removal firm has a full Dublin coverage and serves areas in All Ireland too. We can help with cross-country (Ireland) and international removals as well. we make it faster With All Removals it takes few minutes to complete an appointment, secure and fast. Available at your location We cover all Dublin and counties around but at the same time we offer our services to almost all Ireland. on time delevery 98% off all our appointment are exactly in time and our customers always save their time and enjoy.
CJD Is Highly Transmissible Neurodegenerative disease is the fastest-growing cause of death in the world. It’s quietly become a public health disaster and it will get worse. Alzheimer’s disease and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) are essentially the same disease at different points on the same spectrum. Misdiagnosis, suppression of diagnoses, misinformation and mismanagement are contributing to the epidemic. Alzheimer’s disease and CJD are part of a spectrum disease called transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE). The operative word is “transmissible.” One of the most drastic prion diseases is Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD). About 70 percent of all people who develop CJD die within one year of being diagnosed–some only last a few months. Prions (PREE-ons) are a deadly and unstoppable form of protein that migrates, mutates, multiplies and kills with unparalleled efficiency. Prions cause fatal neurodegenerative disease in humans and animals by converting the cellular version of prion protein into a toxic form that erodes the brain and body. Prion disease often is described as a wasting disease that causes a loss of body mass and brain mass. “Prion diseases or transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a family of rare progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect both humans and animals. They are distinguished by long incubation periods, characteristic spongiform changes associated with neuronal loss, and a failure to induce inflammatory response,” says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A variety of factors can trigger neurodegenerative disease, including genetics, head trauma and neurotoxins. Dr. Stanley Prusiner, an American neuroscientist from the University of California at San Francisco, earned a Nobel Prize in 1997 for discovering and characterizing prions and prion disease. President Obama awarded Prusiner the National Medal of Science in 2010 to recognize the importance of his research. Prion disease also is known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE). The operative word is “transmissible.” Prusiner claims that all forms of TSE are caused by infectious prions. “I learned that scrapie, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and kuru were transmissible by injecting extracts of diseased brains into the brains of healthy animals,” Prusiner said. “Whether prions are responsible for common neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease is a possibility that should not be ignored”. TSE is a spectrum disease that varies in severity and symptoms. It depends on which region of the brain is impacted first and by what prion mutation. Few cases are identical in terms of symptoms and diagnoses. When the presenting symptom is memory loss, the diagnoses flow along the following chart. In humans, the prion spectrum includes Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and an extremely aggressive version known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The difference between these diseases is very slight and often indistinguishable to neurologists. For example, millions of people have the severe form of Alzheimer’s disease, which is known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). CJD is the most severe form of prion disease in humans. CJD often kills within weeks or months of diagnosis (a definitive confirmation requires an autopsy). According to neuroscientists Dr. Laura Manuelidis, at least 25 percent of Alzheimer’s diagnoses are actually CJD, which is further up the prion spectrum. CJD, without dispute, is extremely infectious to caregivers and loved ones, but it has not been declared a reportable disease across the U.S. and many other nations. Millions of cases of deadly CJD are being misdiagnosed as Alzheimer’s disease. Millions of patients and caregivers are being misinformed, misguided and exposed to an aggressive prion disease. “It is well known that CJD is transmissible via surgical or medical procedures involving prion-infected brain tissue. Our finding of infectious prions in skin is important since it not only raises concerns about the potential for disease transmission via common surgeries not involving the brain, but also suggests that skin biopsies and autopsies may enhance pre-mortem and post-mortem CJD diagnosis,” said Wenquan Zou, Associate Professor of Pathology and Neurology and Associate Director of the National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine. “The level of prion infectivity detected in CJD skin was surprisingly significant, but still much lower than that in CJD brains. Further investigation is necessary to determine whether extra precautions should be taken during non-neurosurgeries of CJD patients, especially when surgical instruments will be reused.” “Infectious prions are detectable in skin samples of patients with sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease,” Zou said. “The prion-induced diseases are significant because they are infectious diseases that can be transmitted interspecies and intraspecies. Prions generated in the brain are detectable in skin tissue far earlier than the prion-caused brain damage.” Prion infectivity is highly concentrated in CJD patient brain tissue, but it’s also in all bodily fluids and tissue. Inter-personal CJD transmission has occurred after patients were exposed to surgical tools previously contaminated by CJD brain tissues. It’s happening due to many other pathways. All prion diseases are devastating and some progress faster than others. Mad Cow Disease has been shown to lie dormant in animals for as long as 2.5 to 5 years, and in humans it can lie undetected for years. Others, however, progress rapidly. Doctors can only diagnose CJD conclusively by doing a brain biopsy or an autopsy. Diagnostic tests, MRIs, spinal fluid tests and electroencephalograms can also lead professionals towards an accurate diagnosis of CJD. Prion disease is highly contagious, incurable and fatal. Despite all of the smoke and mirrors, prion disease is prion disease. It’s killing more and more mammals, including humans, every year. The hype about species barriers is ridiculous, reckless and irresponsible. Prions are such a formidable threat that the U.S. government enacted the Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002, which included a provision to halt research on prions in all but two laboratories. It classified prions as select agents that pose an extreme risk to food, water and health systems. Unfortunately, the Center For Disease Control quietly took prions off the list about two years ago because the classification threatened to criminalize some multi-billion dollar industries and many industry practices. Victims should be quarantined because prions are in the urine, feces, blood, saliva, mucus, skin and cell tissue of all victims–all human byproducts that are washed, dumped, or flushed down sinks and toilets. One can assume that the waste is extra infectious when it comes from funeral homes, nursing homes, hospitals, dental offices, veterinarians, slaughterhouses and some laboratories. There are many sources and pathways for deadly prions. However, we can’t ignore the biggest pathways. The cruel irony of prion disease is that victims become part of the greater problem. Studies confirm that people and animals dying of prion disease contaminate the environment around them. Infectious prions are in the urine, feces, blood, skin, mucus and saliva of each victim. These infectious bodily fluids are contributing to the rapid spread of Alzheimer’s and other mutations of prion disease. “There has been a resurgence of this sort of thinking, because there is now real evidence of the potential transmissibility of Alzheimer’s,” says Thomas Wiesniewski M.D. a prion and Alzheimer’s researcher at New York University School of Medicine. “In fact, this ability to transmit an abnormal conformation is probably a universal property of amyloid-forming proteins (prions).” A study published in the journal Nature adds to the evidence about the transmissibility of Alzheimer’s disease between people. A second study by the same scientist in early 2016 supports the claim. Meanwhile, there is absolutely no evidence to the contrary. Even wildlife and sea mammals are contracting brain disease from people because of the dumping of infectious waste on farms, ranches and forests. Spouses of those with Alzheimer’s disease are 600 percent more likely to contract the disease, which is further evidence that it is a transmissible disease. Caregivers, family members and others are in harm’s way. Surgical instruments infected with prions, for example, are impossible to sterilize and hospitals throw them away. Meanwhile, caregivers and family members are not warned. CJD victims are not quarantined. They are sent home to die in many cases. Reckless. Many factors are contributing to the epidemic. Prions are now the X factor. Industry and government are not accounting for prions or regulating them. They are ignoring the threat completely, which violates the Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 in the United States. Other nations also are ignoring laws developed to protect food, air and water. There are proven strategies to help avert neurodegenerative disease, including smart nutrition, exercise and prion aversion. There is not a cure for prion disease, but smart nutrition can ease the symptoms. Smart nutrition also can help you and your family avert neurodegenerative disease. Preview and order the eBook now to defend yourself and your family. Gary Chandler is a prion expert. He is the CEO of Crossbow Communications, author of several books and producer of documentaries about health and environmental issues around the world. Chandler is connecting the dots to the global surge in neurodegenerative disease, including Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, chronic wasting disease and other forms of prion disease. The scientific name for prion disease is transmissible spongiform encephalopathy.
Asbury Park, NJ — Anbaric Development Partners, a leading developer of electric transmission projects, released the following statement today from Janice Fuller, President, Mid-Atlantic, regarding the passing of New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) President Joe Fiordaliso: “Today we mourn the passing of President Fiordaliso — an unwavering ally in New Jersey’s clean energy transition and longtime public servant. President Fiordaliso’s visionary leadership on offshore wind and historic commitment to move New Jersey toward a clean energy future will leave a lasting positive impact on the state of New Jersey and its residents. I offer my deepest condolences to his family and many friends during this time.” About Anbaric Development Partners Anbaric is a US-based company focused on planning and scaling renewable energy. Anbaric develops clean energy infrastructure to accelerate the deployment of renewable energy across North America, specializing in the design, development, financing, and construction of large-scale electric transmission and storage systems. For more information visit anbaric.com.
Realism was a significant art movement that emerged in the mid-19th century as a reaction against romanticism. Realist artists sought to portray life as it truly was, focusing on everyday subjects and ordinary people. They aimed to depict the world with accuracy and honesty, eschewing romanticized or idealized portrayals. In this article, we will explore the techniques and methods realists used to portray life in their art. Key Features of Realism Realism as an art movement emphasized the following key features: - Depiction of everyday life: Realists focused on portraying ordinary people engaged in everyday activities. They depicted scenes from daily life, such as work, domestic chores, and social interactions. - Attention to detail: Realist artists paid close attention to detail, striving for accuracy in their representation of objects, scenes, and people. They aimed to capture the nuances and subtleties of the world around them. - Observational painting: Realists often painted from life, observing their subjects directly rather than relying on imagination or idealization. This approach allowed them to capture the authenticity and immediacy of the moment. - Natural lighting: Realist artists paid particular attention to the use of natural lighting in their paintings. They often depicted scenes illuminated by natural light, which added a sense of realism and depth to their work. - Emphasis on social issues: Realists frequently addressed social issues in their art, highlighting the struggles and realities faced by ordinary people. They sought to bring attention to the injustices and inequalities of society. Techniques Used by Realist Artists Realist artists employed various techniques to achieve their goal of portraying life with accuracy and honesty. Some of the key techniques used by realists include: - Direct observation: Realist artists often painted or drew directly from life, observing their subjects in real-time. This approach allowed them to capture the true essence of their subjects and their environment. - Use of plain backgrounds: Realist artists often used simple, plain backgrounds to focus the viewer’s attention on the main subject of the painting. This technique helped to create a sense of realism and simplicity in their work. - Attention to detail: Realist artists paid meticulous attention to detail, capturing even the smallest nuances in their subjects. This attention to detail helped to create a sense of realism and authenticity in their work. - Realistic colors: Realist artists used a naturalistic color palette to accurately depict the colors of the world around them. They avoided exaggerated or artificial colors, opting instead for hues that closely resembled those found in nature. - Capturing everyday moments: Realist artists focused on capturing everyday moments and scenes, depicting the beauty and drama of ordinary life. They sought to find inspiration in the simple and mundane aspects of existence. Themes Explored by Realist Artists Realist artists explored a wide range of themes in their work, reflecting the diverse realities of life. Some of the key themes explored by realist artists include: - Social class: Realist artists often depicted the disparities between social classes, highlighting the struggles of the working class and the privileges of the upper class. - Urbanization: Realist artists portrayed the rapid urbanization of society, capturing the bustling city streets, crowded tenements, and industrial landscapes of the 19th century. - Industrialization: Realist artists tackled the impact of industrialization on society, depicting the harsh working conditions, pollution, and exploitation experienced by workers in factories and mines. - Rural life: Realist artists also depicted rural life, exploring the simplicity and beauty of the countryside as well as the challenges faced by farmers and rural communities. - Family life: Realist artists portrayed the dynamics of family life, capturing intimate moments between family members and reflecting the joys and struggles of domestic relationships. Impact of Realism on Art and Society Realism had a profound impact on both art and society, challenging traditional artistic conventions and sparking social change. Some of the key impacts of realism include: - Realism in literature: Realism in art influenced the development of realism in literature, with authors such as Gustave Flaubert, Leo Tolstoy, and Charles Dickens writing novels that portrayed life with the same accuracy and honesty as realist painters. - Social reform: Realist artists played a crucial role in bringing attention to social issues and advocating for social reform. Their art helped to raise awareness of the injustices and inequalities of society, sparking debates and calls for change. - Shift in artistic focus: Realism marked a shift in artistic focus from idealized and romanticized subjects to the everyday realities of life. Realist artists emphasized the beauty and significance of ordinary moments and everyday experiences. - Critique of society: Realist artists offered a critique of society, exposing its flaws and hypocrisies through their art. They challenged conventional notions of beauty and morality, shedding light on the harsh realities of life. - Legacy in modern art: The legacy of realism can be seen in modern art movements such as social realism, photorealism, and hyperrealism, which continue to explore themes of social justice, authenticity, and truthfulness in art. Realist artists sought to portray life with accuracy and honesty, focusing on everyday subjects, ordinary people, and social issues. They used techniques such as direct observation, attention to detail, and realistic colors to capture the nuances and complexities of the world around them. Realism had a profound impact on art and society, challenging traditional artistic conventions, sparking social change, and shaping the development of modern art. By depicting life as it truly was, realist artists left a lasting legacy that continues to inspire and provoke thought today.
Sometimes criticism twirls around itself, as in going from judging buildings to questioning its tools, even its essence. When this happens, it is through cover-up, on the pretext of a conventional theme, or plain opportunity. The collection of texts that Luis Fernández-Galiano has just published is an example of such surreptitious exercise in reflective criticism, which, under the excuse of discussing certain things, gets into other matters, showing the author’s intellectual muscle. Luis Fernández-Galiano is Spain’s most brilliant and influential architecture critic of the past 30 years, and his talents as analyst, writer, cultural entrepreneur, and intellectual shine through in 23 writings orchestrated with the rigor and music that is the hallmark of the house. Two groups of articles scan the years of impetus and excess prior to the crash of 2008, then tackle the convulsive times of crisis. Always with discursive and literary quality, the texts are short essays united by an ecological sensibility that brings them close to current problems like the pandemic and climate change, while binding them to the intellectual genealogy of the author, a pioneer in these subjects thanks to works like Fire and Memory of 30 years ago. The compositional rigor, precision of judgment, Anglo-Saxon objectivity, Orteguian clarity, copious literary, philosophical, and social references, masterly metaphors, and obsessive penchant for Pythagorean harmonies and alliterations, are traits of Fernández-Galiano’s prose. The texts tackle matters like the shape of our territories and cities, the emptying of the countryside, the bubble-world, the risk society, environmental ideologies, the consolidation of the Anthropocene and birth of the ‘Urbanocene.’ And their provenance is clear: from pieces written for El País to the forewords of Arquitectura Viva. Maybe out of an urge for stocktaking or a need to give form to a legacy, Fernández-Galiano has since 2019 published his critical writings, almost in full, in two pairs of volumes, Alexandrine Years and Great Expectations, which are a monumental chronicle of architecture in the past 40 years. The much smaller scope of Textos críticos has advantages. One is the purging of texts which may have aged less well, while situating the discourse in pressing debates of today. The other is the autobiographical nature of the book, throwing light not only on what the author has said but also on what he is like intellectually. Textos críticos is a self-reckoning. He still expounds on some of his key causes, such as the compact city or the need for a new culture of living, but Fernández-Galiano’s ecological commitment now has little to do with the optimism of before; it is borne not out of ideological militancy, but out of a critical distancing which harbors no illusions about the power of the word or of architecture. The same distancing with which the author treats himself in the closing microbiography: a brief lucid trip through the ideological and aesthetic mutations of one who has known to detect the mutations of the interesting times it has been his lot to live.
Is the summer heat killing your wallet? A water saving irrigation system in Kansas City will save you money. When summer is in full force and your lawn is taking a beating from the sun, it can be impossible to keep your lawn green. Perhaps your first idea for a solution would be to increase the amount of water your lawn receives. It makes sense, the more hydrated the greener it will be. However, while you’re busy saving your lawn – it shouldn’t be killing your wallet. You need a water saving irrigation system in Kansas City. How does a water saving irrigation system in Kansas City save me money? Ensuring that the most appropriate amount of water is used by your sprinkler system is the focus of water conservation. Aspen Lawn and Landscape will help you determine the right number of days to water based on the current temperature and humidity; to adapting your sprinkler system to accommodate for new plantings vs well-established items; water conservation gives you the best bang for your buck, all year long. Ensure your irrigation is running properly. Besides the proper settings for a water saving irrigation system in Kansas City, check if your system is running at full efficiency. If your sprinkler system has a few years of wear, a part isn’t running properly or if you’re concerned it was installed inefficiently – Aspen Lawn and Landscape can visit your home to evaluate the performance and efficiency of your sprinkler system with our sprinkler maintenance service. Trust a professional provider to fix any issue with your irrigation system. Aspen will ensure the correct amount of water is delivered to your entire yard – whether watering in sun or shade, watering grass or beds. Sprinkler systems are the most efficient way to ensure your yard gets the hydration it needs without over-watering. Save money this season with our best practices for a water saving irrigation system in Kansas City.
For some years, South Africa’s mining industry has been in decline. Diminishing reserves, a drop in commodity prices, currency fluctuations, energy reliability, and deteriorating infrastructure have all played a part. From a GDP contribution of over 20% in 1980, the sector contributes just 8% today. This doesn’t spell the end of the industry, but rather opens up space for ingenuity and transformation. If mining companies are to stay relevant, take advantage of the opportunities that still remain, and contribute to adjacent sectors, they need to be implementing systems and processes that will help drive future growth. One of the critical ways they can do this is through skills development. The benefits of skills development in mining The mining industry is not unaware of the importance of skills development. Learnerships, bursaries, portable skills, internships and adult education programmes are all deeply embedded in the way the industry works. Between 2016 and 2020, companies spent over R6bn on skills development every year. More than 15,000 tertiary-level students were supported in this time, and over 5,000 apprenticeships were granted. This is not to suggest, however, that all mining companies view skills development in the same light — or invest in it as they should. For some, skills development is little more than a B-BBEE Scorecard-driven, box-ticking exercise that sees only a modicum of effort. These companies largely fail to reap the potential benefits it offers. Those who endeavour to proactively drive skills development, however, often see the following: Improved health and safety: A strong focus on skills development and training means that employees are likely to work safer. In an industry with the risks that mining poses, this is non-negotiable. Employees need to be literate in order to understand the warning signs in their work areas, and properly trained so that the chances of injuries and fatalities are reduced, even eliminated. Better productivity and loyalty: As knowledge improves and skills are sharpened, skills development programmes also help to make employees more productive. This has a knock-on effect on operational efficiencies, profits and business sustainability. And it also helps employees feel valued, which contributes to creating a loyal and dedicated workforce. Stronger social licence to operate: Community-based skills development helps to improve mining companies’ standing in their surrounding areas. This helps to boost their social licence to operate among people whose buy-in is critical, and to limit social and economic tensions. It also helps to improve local economies as skilled workers go on to find employment or start their own businesses. The mining industry’s sustainability depends on proper skills development interventions, and an acute awareness of the specific skills required. The skills that matter There are different types of skills development interventions that companies may choose from, depending on the abilities of their workforce and their business objectives. Skills development programmes typically cover an assortment of training in soft skills, technical skills and entrepreneurial skills. All are important. At Optimi Workplace, our workplace solutions cover tailored, non-accredited occupational learning courses to formal, accredited skills development programmes. They include basic literacy and numeracy courses for employees, MQA-approved learnerships, senior leadership training, and community development programmes. Technical skills training has become increasingly important with the industry’s adoption of advanced technologies. In many instances, new innovations are being put in place to create safer, more efficient and more cost-effective operating environments. But these technologies run the risk of causing job losses if companies don’t adequately retrain and redeploy their staff. Companies that care for and consider their staff through these transitions are likely to stay relevant down the line. As for entrepreneurial skills, these skills open entirely new doors to economic growth. Skills development helps to empower and develop employees and community members both within the mining industry and beyond. Many of the same skills, especially much-needed digital skills, are relevant for other sectors, including construction, manufacturing and agriculture. People who are properly trained are likely to find gainful employment elsewhere. The opportunity also exists for skilled employees to become entrepreneurs and business owners, so taking the pressure of the mining industry and ensuring the growth of the broader economy. There are also countless instances where these business owners go on to become suppliers to the industry, helping to close a mutually beneficial procurement loop. As the mining industry continues to change, skills development needs to be an abiding priority. The sector’s future success depends on it. Bheki Masuku is a sales manager at Optimi Workplace, one of South Africa’s leading providers of workforce and community education and training for the public and private sector. Source : Zawya
Cancer: Understanding the Ayurvedic Perspective, Causes, and Holistic Management Abstract: Cancer, a formidable disease affecting millions worldwide, is a complex condition with multifactorial causes. Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a unique approach to understanding cancer and its management. This scholarly article delves into the Ayurvedic perspective of cancer, its causes (Nidana), the role of doshas, symptoms (Lakshana), the pathogenesis (Samprapti), and Ayurvedic principles for holistic management (Chikitsa). Recognizing the significance of Ayurveda in the fight against cancer can provide valuable insights into integrative approaches for prevention and supportive care. I. Introduction: Cancer is a devastating disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that can invade and destroy normal tissues. In Ayurveda, cancer is often referred to as “Arbuda,” and its understanding and management are deeply rooted in the principles of this ancient healing system. II. Ayurvedic Perspective of Cancer: Ayurveda views cancer as a manifestation of an imbalance in the three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The formation of cancerous growths is believed to result from the vitiation of doshas and the accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body. III. Nidana (Causes) of Cancer: Ayurvedic texts mention various causes for the development of cancer. Some common factors include: - Unhealthy Diet: Consuming excessive processed, oily, and spicy foods can lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body. - Environmental Toxins: Exposure to environmental pollutants and carcinogens can increase the risk of cancer. - Emotional Stress: Chronic stress and emotional disturbances can disrupt the balance of doshas and weaken the body’s defense mechanisms. - Genetic Predisposition: Family history and genetic factors may contribute to an individual’s susceptibility to cancer. - Unhealthy Lifestyle: Sedentary habits, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can exacerbate doshic imbalances and contribute to cancer development. IV. Lakshana (Symptoms) of Cancer: The symptoms of cancer can vary depending on the affected organ and stage of the disease. Some common symptoms include: - Unexplained Weight Loss: Rapid and unexplained weight loss can be a warning sign of cancer. - Fatigue and Weakness: Cancer can cause chronic fatigue and a feeling of weakness. - Pain and Discomfort: Persistent pain and discomfort in specific areas may indicate cancer. - Changes in Skin or Moles: Unusual changes in the skin or moles should be examined. - Persistent Cough or Hoarseness: Chronic cough or hoarseness may be associated with certain cancers. V. Samprapti (Pathogenesis) of Cancer: The pathogenesis of cancer in Ayurveda involves the vitiation of doshas, leading to the formation of toxins (ama). These toxins accumulate and lead to the development of cancerous growths. VI. Chikitsa (Management) of Cancer: Ayurvedic management of cancer is based on the principles of balancing doshas, eliminating toxins, and rejuvenating the body. Some key treatment modalities include: - Panchakarma: Detoxification therapies like Virechana (therapeutic purgation) and Basti (medicated enema) help eliminate accumulated toxins from the body. - Herbal Medications: Ayurvedic herbs with anti-cancer properties, such as Ashwagandha, Turmeric, and Tulsi, are used to support cancer treatment. - Diet and Lifestyle: Adopting a balanced diet, practicing stress-reducing techniques, and engaging in regular physical activity are vital components of cancer management. - Rasayana Therapy: Rejuvenating therapies help strengthen the body and support immunity. VII. Integrative Approaches and Supportive Care: Integrative cancer care combines conventional medical treatments with complementary therapies like Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, and acupuncture to provide comprehensive support to cancer patients. These integrative approaches aim to improve quality of life, alleviate side effects of treatments, and enhance overall well-being. VIII. Conclusion: Ayurveda offers profound insights into understanding cancer and its management through a holistic approach. By addressing the root causes and imbalances, Ayurvedic principles complement conventional cancer treatments and provide valuable support for patients. Emphasizing preventive measures and adopting a healthy lifestyle can contribute to cancer prevention and overall well-being. If you or someone you know is dealing with cancer, seeking guidance from an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner can be beneficial in integrating Ayurvedic principles into the comprehensive care plan. At AyurVite Wellness, our team of qualified Ayurvedic doctors is dedicated to providing personalized treatment and support to individuals on their cancer journey. We value your feedback and insights. If you have any questions, experiences, or suggestions related to cancer management and Ayurveda, please share them in the comment box below. Together, let us contribute to the collective knowledge and awareness in the pursuit of health and healing. For expert consultation and Ayurvedic support for cancer management and other health conditions, please visit https://www.ayurvitewellness.com/treatment to book an appointment and take the first step towards holistic well-being. Thank you for reading, and may this knowledge empower you with wisdom and hope in the face of challenges.
Athleta is an American women’s activewear company that was founded in 1998 in Petaluma, California. The company is known for its high-quality, stylish, and functional activewear that is designed for women of all shapes and sizes. Athleta also has a strong focus on sustainability and social impact. In 2008, Athleta was acquired by Gap Inc., the parent company of Old Navy, Banana Republic, and Gap. Under Gap Inc., Athleta has expanded its product offerings and retail footprint. The company now has over 200 stores in the United States and Canada. Athleta is known for its innovative fabrics and technologies. The company’s signature fabric, Luon, is a four-way stretch fabric that is both soft and supportive. Athleta also uses a variety of other fabrics, including recycled materials, in its products. Athleta is a popular choice for women who are looking for high-quality, stylish, and functional activewear. The company is also known for its commitment to sustainability and social impact. Here are some of the pros and cons of Athleta: - High-quality fabrics and technologies - Stylish and functional designs - Variety of products to choose from - Commitment to sustainability and social impact - Wide range of sizes and price points - Some products can be expensive - Not as many stores as some other activewear brands Who is Athleta For? Athleta is a brand specializing in women’s activewear, tailored to cater to women who embrace active lifestyles. Their apparel is meticulously crafted to blend functionality, comfort, and style, ensuring that women who engage in a diverse array of activities, from yoga and running to hiking and swimming, can confidently pursue their passions. In addition to their commitment to fashion and function, Athleta places a strong emphasis on sustainability. They prioritize the use of eco-friendly materials and adhere to environmentally conscious practices throughout their production processes. Athleta also champions initiatives dedicated to empowering women and girls. Through strategic partnerships with organizations that advocate for girls’ education and leadership development, they actively contribute to the advancement of women’s causes. Athleta caters to women who highly value the trifecta of comfort, style, and sustainability in their activewear choices. It’s a brand tailored for those who are enthusiastic about leading vibrant, active, and health-conscious lives. Here are some of the reasons why women choose Athleta: - The company offers a wide range of sizes and styles to choose from. - The clothes are made from high-quality materials that are both comfortable and supportive. - The clothes are designed to be functional for a variety of activities, from yoga to running. - The company is committed to sustainability and social impact. - If you are looking for a new activewear brand to try, I would definitely recommend Athleta. Athleta Products Offering Athleta offers a wide variety of activewear for women, including: Yoga: Athleta is known for its yoga apparel, which is made from high-quality fabrics that are both comfortable and supportive. The company offers a variety of yoga pants, tops, shorts, and jackets for all levels of yogis. Running: Athleta also has a great selection of running apparel, including dri-fit shirts, shorts, and jackets. The company’s running apparel is designed to wick away sweat and keep you cool and comfortable during your runs. Training: Athleta’s training apparel is perfect for any type of workout, from HIIT to strength training. The company offers a variety of leggings, shorts, tops, and jackets that are designed to provide support and flexibility. Sweatshirts: Athleta also has a great selection of sweatshirts and hoodies for lounging or running errands. The company’s sweatshirts are made from soft, comfortable fabrics that will keep you warm and cozy. Dresses and rompers: Athleta also offers a small selection of dresses and rompers that are perfect for athleisure wear or for running errands. The company’s dresses and rompers are made from breathable fabrics that will keep you cool and comfortable. Bras and underwear: Athleta also has a great selection of bras and underwear for women. The company offers a variety of styles and sizes to choose from, so you can find the perfect fit for your body. In addition to these categories, Athleta also offers a variety of other activewear items, such as hats, socks, and bags. The company also has a line of children’s activewear. Athleta’s products are available online and at Athleta stores. The company also offers a loyalty program called Athleta Loves, which gives members exclusive discounts and benefits. Athleta Promotions & Discounts - Sign up for email alerts: You can get 20% off your first order when you sign up for Athleta’s email alerts. - Refer a friend: You can get $25 in rewards when you refer a friend who makes a purchase. - Loyalty program: Athleta Loves members get exclusive discounts, early access to sales, and free shipping on orders over $50. - Birthday gift: Athleta Loves members get a birthday gift of up to $5 off their purchase. - Coupon codes: Athleta often offers coupon codes that can be used for discounts on select items. You can find these codes on the Athleta website, in the Athleta app, or on social media. - Sales: Athleta has sales throughout the year, so you can often find great deals on its products. - Clearance: Athleta also has a clearance section where you can find discounted items. Athleta Shipping & Return Policy - Shipping: Athleta offers free shipping on orders over $50. For orders under $50, shipping is $5.95. Athleta ships to all 50 states, as well as Canada and Mexico. - Returns: Athleta offers free returns on all orders. You can return your items by mail or in store. To return an item by mail, you will need to create a return shipping label on the Athleta website. To return an item in store, you can bring it to any Athleta store. - Return period: You have 60 days to return or exchange items purchased from Athleta.com. For items purchased in store, you have 30 days to return or exchange them. - Refunds: Athleta will refund the cost of the returned merchandise as soon as it is processed. You’ll be refunded in the form of an Options gift card. - Final sale items: Final sale items cannot be returned or exchanged. These items will be marked as “final sale” on the Athleta website and in stores. Athleta Pricing & Sizing Athleta’s pricing is generally in the mid-range to high-range for activewear. Prices typically range from $20 to $100 for tops, $40 to $150 for bottoms, and $60 to $180 for bras. However, there are often sales and promotions that can save you money. Athleta’s sizing is generally true to size. However, some items may run a bit big or small, so it’s always a good idea to check the size chart before you make a purchase. Athleta also offers a size inclusive range, from XXS to 3X. Athleta is known for its high-quality activewear. The company uses a variety of fabrics, including recycled materials, in its clothing. Athleta’s clothing is also designed to be functional for a variety of activities, from yoga to running. Here are some of the factors that contribute to Athleta’s high quality: - Fabric: Athleta uses a variety of high-quality fabrics in its clothing, including Luon, a four-way stretch fabric that is both soft and supportive. Athleta also uses recycled materials in many of its products. - Construction: Athleta’s clothing is made with careful attention to detail. The seams are strong and well-made, and the stitching is neat and tidy. - Fit and finish: Athleta’s clothing is designed to fit well and flatter the body. The company offers a variety of sizes and styles to choose from, so you can find the perfect fit for your body. - Durability: Athleta’s clothing is designed to last. The fabrics are resistant to pilling and fading, and the stitching is strong and durable. Here are some reviews from customers about Athleta’s quality: “I love Athleta’s clothing! It’s so soft and comfortable, and it’s held up really well over time.” – Sarah J. “I’ve been wearing Athleta for years, and I’ve never been disappointed. The quality is amazing, and the clothes always look great.” – Emily S. “I’m a big fan of Athleta’s commitment to sustainability. I love that they use recycled materials in their clothing.” – Jessica B. Is Athleta Worth It? Taking everything into account, I’d recommend giving Athleta a look. For those residing in the United States and perusing this Athleta review, this environmentally conscious brand offers an extensive selection of modern activewear, boasts widespread availability, and offers a generous return policy. The shopping process is also user-friendly, allowing you to browse based on your specific activity or clothing preferences. It’s entirely possible that you’ll stumble upon your new favorite pair of yoga pants or a versatile all-season jacket that will serve you well for years to come. If you’re looking for alternatives to Athleta for activewear and sportswear, several brands offer similar products. Here are some Athleta alternatives to consider: Lululemon: Lululemon is another popular activewear brand that is known for its high quality and stylish designs. The company offers a wide range of products, including yoga apparel, running apparel, and training apparel. Lululemon is also a bit pricier than Athleta. Patagonia: Patagonia is a well-respected outdoor clothing company that also offers a line of activewear. The company is known for its commitment to sustainability and its use of recycled materials. Patagonia’s activewear is a bit more expensive than Athleta’s. Nike: Nike is a household name when it comes to sportswear. The company offers a wide range of activewear, including yoga apparel, running apparel, and training apparel. Nike’s activewear is a bit more affordable than Athleta’s. Under Armour: Under Armour is another popular sportswear brand that offers a line of activewear. The company is known for its moisture-wicking fabrics and its performance-enhancing apparel. Under Armour’s activewear is a bit more affordable than Athleta’s. Beyond Yoga: Beyond Yoga is a newer activewear brand that is quickly gaining popularity. The company is known for its comfortable and stylish designs. Beyond Yoga’s activewear is a bit more expensive than Athleta’s. Alo Yoga: Alo Yoga is another newer activewear brand that is known for its stylish designs. The company offers a wide range of yoga apparel, as well as running and training apparel. Alo Yoga’s activewear is a bit more expensive than Athleta’s. Where To Buy Athleta Did a particular aspect of this Athleta review pique your interest? You have the option to purchase their clothing directly through their website at athleta.gap.com or visit their physical stores, conveniently situated in numerous cities across the United States. Overall, Athleta is a popular and well-respected activewear brand. The company has a good reputation for quality, style, and sustainability. However, some customers have had issues with pricing and customer service. If you are looking for high-quality, stylish, and sustainable activewear, Athleta is a good option. However, it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks before you make a purchase. How to contact Athleta I hope you found this Athleta review helpful! For more information, get in touch with the brand directly through the following channels: - Phone: 1-877-328-4538 - Live chat on the website - Email: Head over to the “Contact Us” page and fill out the form - Social media: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.c
EverGen (TSX.V: EVGN) (OTCQX: EVGIF), a leading Canadian renewable energy company and Canada’s renewable natural gas (“RNG”) infrastructure platform, acquires, develops, builds, owns, and operates a portfolio of RNG, waste-to-energy and related infrastructure projects. “Waste-to-energy technologies, such as those of EverGen, are in use today, reducing dependence on finite fossil fuels and putting would-be trash to good use in a green manner,” a recent article reads. “RNG is a carbon-neutral fuel that can be produced from multiple organic feedstocks, including food and animal waste and wastewater, that is processed in an anaerobic digester into products such as fertilizer and soil amendments or biogas that is further refined to be an essentially identical replacement for conventional natural gas. EverGen designs and builds the system and facilities, collecting organic feedstock from its partners, such as municipalities and farms. The RNG output can be used locally or sold to utilities. For instance, EverGen has several agreements with FortisBC – where the RNG is fed into the existing natural gas pipeline. At its Sea to Sky Soils facility in British Columbia, EverGen keeps organic waste out of landfills by turning it into high-quality soil amendments and blends for use on farms, gardens and landscapes.” To view the full article, visit https://ibn.fm/lbNNt About EverGen Infrastructure Corp. EverGen, Canada’s RNG infrastructure platform, is combating climate change and helping communities contribute to a sustainable future. Headquartered on the West Coast of Canada, EverGen is an established independent renewable energy producer, which acquires, develops, builds, owns and operates a portfolio of renewable natural gas, waste to energy and related infrastructure projects. EverGen is focused on Canada, with continued growth expected across other regions in North America and beyond. For more information, visit the company’s website at www.EverGenInfra.com. NOTE TO INVESTORS: The latest news and updates relating to EVGIF are available in the company’s newsroom at https://ibn.fm/EVGIF About Green Energy Stocks Green Energy Stocks (GCS) is a specialized communications platform with a focus on electric vehicles (EV), as well as other emerging market opportunities in the green sector. The company provides (1) access to a network of wire services via NetworkWire to reach all target markets, industries and demographics in the most effective manner possible, (2) article and editorial syndication to 5,000+ news outlets (3), enhanced press release services to ensure maximum impact, (4) social media distribution via the InvestorBrandNetwork (IBN) to millions of social media followers, and (5) a full array of corporate communications solutions. As a multifaceted organization with an extensive team of contributing journalists and writers, GCS is uniquely positioned to best serve private and public companies that desire to reach a wide audience of investors, consumers, journalists and the general public. By cutting through the overload of information in today’s market, GCS brings its clients unparalleled visibility, recognition and brand awareness. GCS is where news, content and information converge. To receive SMS text alerts from Green Energy Stocks, text “Green” to 844-397-5787 (U.S. Mobile Phones Only) For more information, please visit https://www.greennrgstocks.com Green Energy Stocks is part of the InvestorBrandNetwork.
In the intricate domain of diesel engines, electrical systems play a pivotal role in powering crucial components, enabling efficient operation, and facilitating diagnostic capabilities. This comprehensive guide illuminates the multifaceted landscape of electrical systems for diesel mechanics, exploring components, troubleshooting techniques, maintenance practices, and the indispensable role of electrical systems in modern diesel engines. Understanding Electrical Systems in Diesel Engines - Functional Overview: Explaining the electrical systems’ roles in engine starting, fuel injection, emissions control, and auxiliary components. - Key Components: Discussing batteries performance tuning australia, alternators, starters, wiring harnesses, sensors, and control modules integral to electrical systems. Battery Systems and Maintenance - Battery Basics: Understanding battery types, voltage ratings, and their role in providing initial cranking power. - Maintenance Practices: Exploring battery checks, terminal cleaning, and routine inspections for optimal performance and lifespan. Charging Systems and Alternators - Alternator Functionality: Delving into alternators’ roles in recharging batteries and powering electrical systems during engine operation. - Charging System Checks: Understanding voltage regulation, belt tension checks, and diagnostics for alternator health. Starting Systems and Starters - Starter Operations: Explaining starter motors’ function in initiating engine cranking and the components involved in the starting process. - Starter Troubleshooting: Discussing diagnostics for starter failures, solenoid issues, and worn components affecting starting efficiency. Wiring and Harnesses - Wiring Basics: Understanding wiring systems, circuit diagrams, and the significance of proper insulation and connections. - Wiring Inspections: Emphasizing visual checks, continuity tests, and repairs for damaged or corroded wiring. Sensors and Control Modules - Sensor Functions: Discussing the roles of sensors—temperature, pressure, speed sensors—in monitoring engine parameters. - ECU and Control Modules: Exploring engine control units and modules responsible for regulating engine functions based on sensor inputs. Diagnostic Tools and Techniques - Multimeters and Testers: Highlighting the use of diagnostic tools for voltage checks, circuit testing, and troubleshooting. - Scan Tools and Code Reading: Exploring the utilization of scan tools to retrieve error codes and interpret engine data. Safety Protocols and Compliance - Safety Standards: Emphasizing adherence to safety protocols when working with electrical systems, including protective gear and lockout/tagout procedures. - Regulatory Compliance: Discussing compliance with industry regulations and standards for electrical systems in diesel engines. Environmental Impact and Efficiency - Emissions Control: Exploring how electrical systems contribute to emissions control and compliance with environmental regulations. - Efficiency and Energy Conservation: Discussing the role of efficient electrical systems in reducing fuel consumption and overall engine efficiency Visit My Site. Training and Skill Development - Specialized Training: Encouraging mechanics to pursue training in electrical systems to enhance diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities. - Continuous Learning: Emphasizing the need for staying updated with evolving electrical technologies through ongoing education. The Diesel Mechanic’s Guide to Electrical Systems provides an insightful roadmap into the intricate world of electrical components powering modern diesel engines. Beyond mere functionality, these systems represent the backbone of engine operations, diagnostics, and efficiency. In the realm of diesel engines, the mastery of electrical systems isn’t just about understanding components—it’s about harnessing their power, ensuring reliability, and enabling precision in engine operations. This guide underscores the diesel mechanic’s vital role in unraveling the complexities of electrical systems, ensuring engines run efficiently and reliably across diverse applications.
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Toyota Landcruiser Cabin air filter, 3 stage Carbon air filter Providing healthy, clean air for your vehicle’s occupants Australian made. Part number CAFA411 A new approach to healthy, clean air for vehicle occupants We have taken a new approach to Cabin Air filtration. Our Proudly Australian-made and designed 3-stage carbon cabin air filters have redefined what a Toyota Landcruiser cabin air filter can achieve. Our three layers of Carbon material over 20mm thick versus old-style pleated filters with only a 2 mm thin fabric layer significantly improve filtration. Our custom-made acrylic base supports the carbon filter material. All layers combined give you healthy, clean air inside your vehicle. How Our Filters Work As the polluted air is forced through 1000s of tiny pores constantly swirling and changing direction, it deposits microscopic particles along the way, Though over 20 mm thickness of 3 progressively finer activated carbon filtering layers. Particles stick to the carbon’s rough surface, and the carbon’s microscopic pores absorb noxious odours, gases, and chemicals. The cleaned fresh air exits the Toyota Landcruiser cabin filter into your Vehicle’s interior. Unlike Standard filters, air only passes through a single 2mm thin layer. Carbon Pre-filter Stage Our Toyota Landcruiser Cabin Air Filter 15 mm thick pre-filter Layer of activated carbon filter sponge. This Toyota Landcruiser Pre-filter Traps allergy-causing particles such as pollen, dust, mites, fungus spores, pet hair, organic and inorganic material are the first layer of noxious odour and pollution absorption. 2nd and 3rd Carbon Stages Second and third layers of progressively finer carbon filter material over 4 mm thick. It traps and absorbs hazardous microscopic particles such as Bacteria, Airborne heavy metals, harmful gases, diesel exhaust particulates, chemicals, and ozone as much as possible. All Layers are supported by our low-allergy custom-made acrylic base designed for your air conditioner. As a result, we provide the best possible protection from pollution entering your Toyota Landcruiser Air-conditioning system. Why Our Filters Are Better - In standard cabin air filters, the contaminated air only passes through a single 2 mm thin material layer in an old-style “W-shaped pleated” Toyota Landcruiser cabin air pollen filter. - The contaminated air travels through the entire 20 mm of 3 carbon stages in our Cabin air filter, vastly improving chemical absorption and filtration. - We also designed the Toyota Landcruiser cabin filter to better seal around the filter’s edges and filter housing to reduce contaminates bypassing the filter. Your new premium Toyota Landcruiser Cabin Air pollen filter is designed to be replaced(more often in harsh environments) yearly, as the micropores of the activated carbon Trap & absorb the dangerous contaminates and become less effective over time. Additionally, replacing the Toyota Landcruiser air-conditioner filter annually keeps the air-conditioner working at peak performance. About Our Filters - Our Toyota Landcruiser cabin air filter is Made and Designed in Australia - Using non-Toxic Adhesives - You may find our 25 mm thick filter different in thickness to your old cabin filter. However, it’s a superior, more efficient design that seals around the edge and will be a snug fit in the housing once installed. - Low-allergy Acrylic filter support frames are precision cut to suit your Toyota Landcruiser Air-Conditioner. - We source Activated Carbon from Coconut Shells. - Australian-made recyclable packaging. On some 300 series, the tray has a small plastic divider in the tray. To fit our filter, you must remove the partition to allow our filter to sit flat in the tray(see picture in gallery). Please note if your Landcruiser has the “folding tray” in the 76/78/79 series Landcruiser. This filter will NOT work. You will need our CAFA49B Toyota Landcruiser cabin air filter. To watch our fitting video for this Toyota Landcruiser, CLICK HERE! Toyota Landcruiser Cabin Air Filter Location …… Behind Glovebox Toyota Landcruiser Cabin Air Filter fitting Video if the filter slides in ….. CLICK HERE Toyota fitting video if you have a filter tray and the filter fits in the tray, click here
Hey there! So, you've got yourself a whopping 10-acre lawn that needs some serious attention, huh? Well, you've come to the right place! In this article, we're gonna hook you up with the best mowers that'll make your life a whole lot easier. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the world of lawn care, we've got your back. We are supported by our audience. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, at no extra cost for you. Learn more. Last update on 28th February 2024 / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. Now, let's talk about these mowers. We've handpicked a bunch of options that are gonna rock your world. Picture this – powerful riding mowers that'll have you cruising through your lawn like a boss. Or how about some super-efficient walk-behind mowers that'll get the job done in no time? It's like having your own personal lawn care army! No more slaving away for hours on end, my friend. With the right mower by your side, you'll have a beautifully manicured landscape without breaking a sweat. Say goodbye to those long, tiring mowing sessions and say hello to a lawn that'll make your neighbors green with envy. So, are you ready to dive into the world of top-notch mowers? Let's get this show on the road! Best Mowers For 10 Acres Looking to tackle your 10-acre property with the best mowers available? Look no further. We've compiled a list of top-notch options to help you efficiently maintain your vast landscape. From the Worx Landroid S 20V Robotic Lawn Mower for smaller areas to the EGO Power+ZT4204L Zero Turn Riding Mower for larger spaces, these machines offer power, convenience, and reliability. Additionally, the PowerSmart 80V MAX Cordless Lawn Mower, TIETOC Mini Chainsaw, and SOYUS Electric Lawn Mower are all worth considering for their unique features and performance. The Worx Landroid S 20V 2.0Ah Robotic Lawn Mower is a top choice for those with smaller lawns measuring 1/8 acre or 5,445 square feet. With its fully automated design, this mower takes the hassle out of lawn maintenance. Its patented AIA cutting technology allows it to navigate narrow paths with ease, ensuring a precise and even cut. One standout feature is its compatibility with Worx's Power Share system, which means you can use the same battery with other Worx 20V, 40V, and 80V tools. This saves you money and provides convenience. The included 20V battery and charger make it easy to get started right away. The mower's high-efficiency brushless motor and smart app control add to its reliability and convenience. The target audience for this product is homeowners with small lawns who want an efficient and low-maintenance solution. While the Worx Landroid S is a great option for smaller properties, it may not be suitable for larger lawns. EGO Power+ZT4204L 42-Inch 56-Volt Lithium-ion Cordless Z6 Zero Turn Riding Mower with (4) 10.0Ah Batteries and Charger Included The EGO Power+ZT4204L 42-Inch 56-Volt Lithium-ion Cordless Z6 Zero Turn Riding Mower is a game-changer for those with large lawns. With its (4) 10.0Ah batteries and included charger, this cordless mower provides ample power to tackle 10 acres of land with ease. Its 42-inch cutting deck and 56-volt lithium-ion batteries offer a wide cutting path and long-lasting battery life, ensuring efficient mowing sessions. The zero-turn feature sets it apart from its competitors, allowing for easy maneuverability around obstacles. The major benefits of the EGO Power+ZT4204L include the convenience of cordless technology, eliminating the hassle of gas-powered mowers. It also offers quiet operation and zero emissions, making it environmentally friendly. Moreover, the included batteries and charger provide a cost-effective solution, as there's no need to purchase additional accessories. However, the EGO Power+ZT4204L does have a few drawbacks. The mower's price point may be a deterrent for some buyers, as it's a premium product. Additionally, the weight of the mower may be a consideration for those with limited strength or mobility. The target audience for the EGO Power+ZT4204L is homeowners with large lawns who value convenience, efficiency, and environmental friendliness. If you have 10 acres of land and desire mastery over your lawn care, this cordless zero turn riding mower is a fantastic investment. Say goodbye to the hassle of gas-powered mowers and experience the future of lawn care with the EGO Power+ZT4204L. PowerSmart 80V MAX 21" Cordless Lawn Mower, 3-in-1 Brushless Electric Lawn Mower with 6.0Ah Lithium-ion Battery & Charger (DB2821) The PowerSmart 80V MAX 21' Cordless Lawn Mower is an excellent choice for those with large properties, specifically up to 10 acres of land. Unlike gas-powered mowers, this electric mower offers efficient and reliable performance without the emissions or maintenance. Its brushless electric motor and 6.0Ah lithium-ion battery provide the power and runtime needed to tackle such a task. One of the unique features of this mower is its 3-in-1 function, allowing you to mulch, side discharge, or use the rear bag. This versatility gives you options to suit your preferences and the needs of your lawn. Additionally, the cutting height adjustment feature offers six positions, allowing you to customize the height of the grass for a well-manicured look. The PowerSmart 80V MAX 21' Cordless Lawn Mower is lightweight and easy to use, making it suitable for any terrain, including hills. It's a reliable and convenient option for maintaining large properties. The target audience for this mower is homeowners with extensive lawns or properties up to 10 acres in size. Its unique features, such as the brushless electric motor, 3-in-1 function, and cutting height adjustment, set it apart from competitors. The major benefits include gas-like performance without emissions or maintenance and the ability to choose from multiple cutting options. However, a potential drawback could be the limited runtime of the battery, which may require recharging for larger properties. TIETOC Mini Chainsaw Cordless 6 Inch [Gardener Friendly] Super Handheld Rechargeable Chain Saw With Security Lock & Auto Oiler-System, Small Electric Chainsaws Battery Powered For Wood/Trees Cutting The TIETOC Mini Chainsaw Cordless 6 Inch is an essential tool for maintaining large properties. Its powerful 880-watt motor and manganese steel chain allow for effortless cutting of 6-inch branches. What sets this chainsaw apart from competitors is its cordless design, providing freedom of movement without the hassle of an electrical cord. Additionally, the auto oiler system ensures the chain stays lubricated for smooth cutting. One major benefit of this chainsaw is its lightweight and easy-to-handle design, making it suitable for a wide range of users, including women, the elderly, and arthritis patients. The inclusion of a security lock prevents accidental activation, ensuring user safety. Furthermore, safety baffles are in place to prevent wood splashing, adding an extra layer of protection. The TIETOC Mini Chainsaw is a gardener-friendly tool that simplifies property maintenance. Its large capacity battery and auto chain lubrication system make it convenient and efficient. However, it's important to note that the chainsaw is designed for light to moderate cutting tasks and may not be suitable for heavy-duty use. SOYUS Electric Lawn Mower Cordless, 13 Inch 20V 2-in-1 Lawn Mowers with 30L Collection Bag, Brushless Motor and 5-Position Height Adjustment, 2×4.0Ah Batteries & Charger Included The SOYUS Electric Lawn Mower Cordless stands out among its competitors as an excellent choice for efficiently mowing 10 acres of land. Its 13-inch cutting width and 5-position height adjustment make it capable of handling even the largest lawns with ease. The brushless motor ensures low noise and vibration levels, providing a more pleasant mowing experience compared to other mowers in the market. The 30L grass bag allows for longer mowing sessions without the need for frequent emptying, saving time and effort. Equipped with 2×4.0Ah batteries, this mower offers over 30 minutes of working runtime, allowing users to cover a significant amount of acreage per charge. Its lightweight design makes it easy to maneuver, further enhancing its efficiency. Additionally, the responsive customer service provided ensures that any issues encountered are promptly addressed. The SOYUS Electric Lawn Mower Cordless is a reliable and efficient choice, specifically designed for individuals with larger lawns who prioritize convenience and performance. PowerSmart 80V MAX 21in. Cordless Push Lawn Mower, 3-in-1 Brushless Battery Lawn Mower with 6.0Ah Battery and Charger (DB2821) The PowerSmart 80V MAX 21in. Cordless Push Lawn Mower is an excellent choice for those who need to mow large areas of land, such as 10 acres. What sets this mower apart from its competitors is its powerful 80V MAX battery system, which provides gas-like performance without the hassle of dealing with gas and oil. This means you can enjoy reliable power and a smooth ride, all while being environmentally friendly. One of the major benefits of this mower is its 3-in-1 function, allowing for mulching, side discharge, and rear bag discharge. This gives you the flexibility to choose how you handle your grass clippings. Additionally, the 6 position grass cutting height adjustment allows you to easily adapt to uneven terrain and steep hills, ensuring a clean and even cut. The 21-inch mower deck ensures a wide cutting path, saving you time and effort by covering more ground with each pass. The inclusion of a 6.0Ah battery and charger means you'll have plenty of run time per charge. While the PowerSmart 80V MAX 21in. Cordless Push Lawn Mower has many advantages, it does have a few drawbacks. Some users have reported that the battery life could be improved, especially for larger areas. Additionally, the mower may struggle with extremely thick or tall grass. Sun Joe MJ401E-P2 Electric Lawn Mower, 14 inch, 12 Amp The Sun Joe MJ401E-P2 Electric Lawn Mower is a compact and lightweight mower that weighs only 29 pounds, making it easy to maneuver across rough terrain. It stands out from competitors with its 14-inch cutting width and powerful 12 amp electric motor, making it suitable for property owners with larger cutting decks. The mower features a comfortable seat and easy-to-use controls, ensuring a comfortable mowing experience. However, it may not be the best choice for tackling thicker grass or heavy-duty mowing tasks. The target audience for the Sun Joe MJ401E-P2 Electric Lawn Mower is homeowners with smaller yards who are looking for a reliable and efficient electric mower. Its lightweight design and maneuverability make it ideal for maintaining smaller properties. While it may not have the power and durability of gas-powered mowers, it offers the convenience of being electric and is a great option for those looking for a quieter and more eco-friendly alternative. PowerSmart 40V MAX 17" Cordless Lawn Mower, 3-in-1 Brushless Push Lawn Mower with 4.0Ah Battery & Charger (DB2317) The PowerSmart 40V MAX 17' Cordless Lawn Mower is a top choice for those with large lawn areas, specifically targeting homeowners with up to 10 acres of land. Its standout feature is the 17-inch lawn mower deck with a brushless motor, allowing for faster and more precise mowing. The 3-in-1 feature sets it apart from competitors, offering rear bagging, side discharge, and mulching capabilities. This versatility ensures that you can tailor your lawn maintenance approach to your specific needs. The adjustable cutting height, ranging from 1.18 inches to 3 inches, is another advantage, allowing you to adapt to different grass lengths and environmental conditions. Being lightweight and easy to maneuver, it makes mowing a breeze, even on larger properties. The cordless design eliminates the need for fuel consumption, providing a hassle-free experience. However, one drawback is that the mower may not be suitable for smaller yards due to its size and power. SENIX Gas Lawn Mower, 21-Inch, 140 cc 4-Cycle Briggs & Stratton Engine, 3-in-1 Push Lawnmower, 6-Position Height Adjustment with 11-Inch Rear Wheels, LSPG-M7, Blue The SENIX Gas Lawn Mower is a reliable and efficient option for maintaining large properties like a 10-acre land. Its standout feature is the 21-inch cutting width, which provides a generous cutting deck for tackling big areas. This mower is equipped with a powerful 140 cc 4-Cycle Briggs & Stratton engine, ensuring reliable power and performance. The 6-position height adjustment allows you to customize the cutting height according to your preferences. Maneuvering the mower is made easy with the 11-inch rear wheels, providing excellent mobility on various terrains. The 3-in-1 capabilities of mulching, side discharge, and bagging offer versatility for different mowing needs. Compared to its competitors, the SENIX Gas Lawn Mower offers a larger cutting width and a more powerful engine, making it suitable for larger properties. Its major benefits include efficient mowing performance, reliable power, and easy maneuverability. However, it's important to note that this mower may be overkill for smaller yards and may have a higher price point compared to entry-level models. The target audience for the SENIX Gas Lawn Mower is homeowners or property owners with larger areas to mow, specifically those with 10-acre lands. Its features and capabilities are designed to handle the demands of maintaining such properties. Whether you need to mulch, discharge, or bag, this mower provides a practical and knowledgeable solution for efficient and effective mowing on large-scale landscapes. PowerSmart 80V MAX 22-Inch Self Propelled Cordless Lawn Mower, 3-in-1 Electric Lawn Mower with 6.0Ah Lithium-ion Battery and Charger (PS76822SRB) The PowerSmart 80V MAX 22-Inch Self Propelled Cordless Lawn Mower is a top choice for anyone looking to maintain a large property, like 10 acres of land. Unlike its competitors, this mower is specifically designed to handle rougher terrain, making it perfect for properties with acres of lawn grass. With its wider cutting capacity and powerful 6.0Ah Lithium-ion Battery, it offers excellent performance and efficiency. One major benefit of this mower is its fuel efficiency. Running on a battery rather than gas or oil, it isn't only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective in the long run. While it may not have a Kawasaki v twin-cylinder engine like some other high-end options, it still performs well in terms of power and efficiency. The convenient controls make maneuvering easy, and the excellent battery backup ensures uninterrupted mowing for the entire 10-acre property. The target audience for this mower is homeowners or property owners with large areas of land to maintain. In conclusion, when it comes to mowing 10 acres, it's crucial to choose a mower that's efficient, reliable, and suits your specific needs. With a wide range of options available, it's important to consider factors such as cutting width, power, maneuverability, and durability. By investing in a high-quality mower that meets these requirements, you can ensure that maintaining your 10-acre property will be a breeze.
Regulations Governing Unit Short-Term Camping - Use of the camp properties are issued through the Camping Service of the Cradle of Liberty Council. Your permit covers the proper Scouting use of COL camps and activities within its boundaries. If your unit or part of it expects to plan an activity out of camp, you must advise the camp ranger/ camp master of your trip plan (destination, time of departure, and expected time of return). If the activity is on privately owned land, permission of the landowner is required and must be secured beforehand. In Camp Authority - The camp ranger/ camp masters are authorized to deal with infractions of scout camp rules. If the immediate safety or comfort of others is in jeopardy, those individuals or unit who are violating the rules will be asked to leave. - During the entire time your unit is in camp, the unit must be supervised by a minimum of two registered adult leaders or one registered leader and a non-registered parent of a participation youth. One of whom must be 21 years of age. Coed (Venture) camping activities require the supervision of at least one registered female adult leader and one registered male adult leader. Additional adult participation: The unit short-term camping experience is enhanced by, and often requires, the participation of additional adults beyond the minimum two-deep leadership. Your unit is encouraged to involve additional adults in short-term camping provided that each participant is a registered adult leader, or an unregistered adult designated in writing as acting “in loco parents” for a participating youth. - Every youth participating in your unit’s age- appropriate camping activity (i.e., Cub Scout, Webelo Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity/Venture Scout) on Cradle of Liberty Council property must hold a current BSA registration in the proper age group. Tiger Cubs and non-Scouts (especially younger children are not allowed to participate in unit short-term camping (unless as a part of a pack family weekend). - The speed limit is 5 MPH on all camp roads. All vehicles must park in designated areas as directed by the camp ranger or the camp master. Parking is not permitted on camp roads or in fire lanes. Do not drive around any barrier. You are responsible for any damage caused by your vehicle. - Male and female adult participants must use separate sleeping facilities. (Exception; married couples may share the same tent or the same quarters if appropriate privacy is provided.) - Male and Female youth participants may not share the same sleeping facilities. - Adult and youth participants may not share the same tent. (Exception; A youth may stay in the same tent as his/her parent or guardian for cub scouts only). - All buildings used for sleeping have a smoke alarm for your protection. Do not tamper with the smoke alarms. You should confirm operation upon check-in. At check-out time, the camp master will check it operation. - Propane, kerosene, gasoline, alcohol, etc. and chemical fuel devices may only be used when under the direct supervision of an adult leader. The use of portable heaters is absolutely prohibited. - Open camp sites, build fires in designated areas only. Always have water supply nearby. Fires must be completely out and cold to the touch anytime the campsite is unoccupied. Please leave a courtesy woodpile. - Should be taken to the dumpster at the shop by the main parking lot. - The law of the camp is “THE SCOUT LAW”. - Scouts have all day from 7 AM to 10 PM for activities. After 10 PM confine your unit to the limits of your site, and restrict noise, light, and movement as a courtesy to other campers. - All accidents, injuries, fires, and property damage must be reported to the camp ranger or the camp master. Do not leave camp to go for help except in an extreme emergency. A copy of the medical form should go with injured person to the hospital. Complete a Incident Report Form with the camp ranger. Prohibited Items and Activities: - Outside Firewood. - Personal firearms are not allowed in camp. (only camp rifles, shotguns, and camp ammunition may be used). - Personal bows and arrows are not allowed in camp. - Personal pellet guns, air rifles, slings, etc. are not allowed in camp. - Fireworks are not allowed in camp. - Alcohol beverage of any kind are absolutely prohibited in camp. - NO DRUG or illegal substances of any kind are permitted. NOTE: - Personal medication shall be under the supervision of the unit leader. - Pets are not permitted in camp. - Snowmobiles, motorized bikes, ATV’s and motorcycles are prohibited in camp. Unless permitted by camp ranger. - Smoking is not permitted in any camp building or structure. - Chain saws are not permitted in camp during unit short-term camping. Unless operator is certified by camp ranger. - Standing trees or shrubs, dead or alive, may not be cut down. - The use of portable heaters is absolutely prohibited in camp. - Each unit is requested to participate in a service, conservation, or camp improvement project. Check with the camp ranger one week in advance. - Your unit is financially responsible for any and all damages Arrival and Check-In: Plan your arrival after 6:30 PM Friday evening. Any unit unable to arrive in camp as scheduled must notify the camp ranger/ camp master before 9 PM Friday. Immediately upon arrival and prior to moving to your assigned campsite or cabin, you must check-in with the camp ranger / camp master. You must submit: * Your camping reservation confirmation. * A complete roster of all youth & adults. * Schedule of your unit’s weekend program. Discuss your program (and programming needs) with the ranger/ camp master as soon as possible. Check-Out and Departure: Plan your departure for no later than 12 PM Sunday. Carved initials or graffiti $10.00 per inch Broken/ cracked windows $25.00 and up Torn window screens $20.00 Missing stove knobs $10.00 ea. Torn/ missing shingles $10.00 ea. Broken latrine seats $25.00 Fire extinguisher broken seal $50.00 Broken chair/ bench $50.00 Broken table $100.00 Torn mattress $40.00 Broken smoke detectors $50.00 Broken broom handles $20.00 Trees cut/ hacked $50.00 Note: All charges subject to change without notice. Other charges not listed will be based on actual repair or replacement costs. Facility Cancellation Policy You may cancel up to 60 days prior to your reservation and receive a full refund. Any cancellations made within 60 days of your stay will be refunded 75% unless the facility is re-booked. If the facility is re-booked, a full refund will be made. In the event camp must be closed due to inclement weather, a full refund will be issued.
With so many choices available, choosing the right set of chisels can be a daunting task. Find out which ones are right for you. Bevel-edge chisels are just like any hand tool in that you should have them in your hand to make a decision about which ones to purchase. Bevel-edge chisels come in some different configurations that can be confusing when trying to decide which ones to purchase. In the end, it will boil down to the type of woodworking that you do and the way that you work. They come in various shapes and sizes, different types of steel and from different countries of the world. However, no wood shop should be without a good set of basic chisels for general work so let’s take a closer look at the world of bevel-edge chisels to find out which ones are right for you. This type of chisel is quite common and available at almost any tool store. The handle can be made of wood or plastic and in almost every shape imaginable. The blade of the chisel is secured into the handle by the blade’s tang. There is generally a leather bolster that is installed between the metal of the blade and handle material to reduce the shock of mallet strikes. Most of these chisels also have ferrules where the blade’s tang enters the handle to prevent it from splitting. As the name suggests, the blade edges are bevelled to allow the chisel to work in more cramped spaces. Even though they are bevelled, they generally still have a small vertical surface that makes them great for general chisel work but not so good for dovetails. I think that every woodworker, regardless of the work they do, should have a set of bevel-edge chisels. Butt chisels are easily identified by their short length. These types of chisels were generally used by finish carpenters because the short blade and handle would allow a craftsman to get into tight spaces like in between stair balusters or built-in cabinets during installation. This is not to say that they can’t be used in the shop. In fact, the chisels that I reach for the most are my bubinga-handled Ashley Isles butt chisels. I feel that their reduced length allows me to control the chisel more effectively because the majority of the chisel is in my hand. For any general chisel work the butt chisel is my choice. The main difference with a socket chisel is the manner in which the blade connects to the handle. Instead of the metal blade going into the handle, a small tapered tenon is shaped on the end of the wood handle and then inserted into a socket on the end of the metal blade. The fit of the handle is generally a friction fit. This type of handle works well but you should know that in the cooler months when the humidity is down, the tapered wooden tenon will shrink and become loose or even fall out of the metal socket. If this happens to you, understand that it is not a defective chisel but just the way it is made. Many of my peers use them and simply place a wrap of masking tape where the handle meets the blade to prevent the handle from falling out. These bevel-edge chisels are definitely the ones that look and are put together with the most difference than the others mentioned above. The largest difference is in the blade. Japanese chisels have hard steel that is laminated to softer steel. This lamination gives you good strength (soft steel) combined with keen, tough edges (hard steel). Be warned – the hard chisel edge found on Japanese chisels are hard but brittle in comparison to other chisel steels. Any prying with a Japanese chisel will almost certainly end with a chipped edge. Also, because these chisels were intended for working in softer woods, some exotic hard woods could lead to chipping the edge. I once tried to dovetail ebony and maple together with a Japanese chisel and it didn’t end well. Another big difference is that the back of the chisel is hollow. This is done on purpose to make flattening the back of the blade easier. This is similar in principle to using the Charlesworth ruler technique for sharpening plane irons. It is to reduce the amount of work it takes to hone the back of the chisel. The handles of Japanese chisels are normally made from wood and have a hoop to prevent splitting. On most Japanese chisels, you are required to set the hoop by driving it down the handle about 1/8″ and then peen the protruding wood creating a suitable striking surface for steel chisel hammers that are common in Japan. Choosing the right chisel really boils down to how you work and what feels good to your hand. I have strong feelings about plastic handles on any type of hand tool, so it’s wood for me. I like the control you can get from a short butt chisel while some of my peers insist that the long chisel makes it easier to judge if you are holding it straight. If you work primarily with hard exotic woods like bubinga or rosewood, you shouldn’t be looking at Japanese chisels because their harder edges will fracture. Some other considerations are the type of steel from which they are made. Generally A2 steel holds an edge longer than O1 or high carbon but I feel O1 can be honed to a keener edge than A2. I would prefer to sharpen more often to have the added sharpness than to use a duller chisel for longer (I can hear the letters arriving already). The Japanese chisels have very hard steel but the lamination to a softer metal and the hollow backs make sharpening these chisels quite effortless. In the end, regardless of which bevel-edge chisel you choose, ensure that you keep them sharp and you will have a versatile tool at your disposal. More articles in Hand Tools
since its inception in 1999 CCAMLR, SEAFO, ICCAT, IOTC and CCSBT France, Ukraine, New Zealand and more. Capricorn Marine Environmental We are a company headquartered in Cape Town that specializes in providing expert marine observer services to a diverse range of maritime industries. Our team of highly skilled observers consists of both locally and internationally contracted professionals who possess a wealth of experience in the field. Additionally, we offer comprehensive environmental consultancy services to our clients. CapMarine was founded in 2004 through a partnership with Capricorn Fisheries Monitoring (CapFish) cc, a well-established entity since 1999. We pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence, and we continually strive to maintain our position as a leader in the marine monitoring industry. CapFish and now CapMarine, are leaders in the establishment of Observer Programs in South Africa as well as globally. The evolution of CapMarine underpins the transfer of skills, development of new capacity and responsible leadership. CapMarine runs the international observer programs under the mandate of the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) B-BBEE Level 4 CapMarine supports and promotes economic transformation to address the historical imbalances in South Africa We regularly post interesting information and articles related to our industry. Enjoy reading our articles. CapMarine awarded MSC Grant funding for Hake Longline Fishery improvement project The research initiatives, conducted in collaboration with tertiary institutions, the government department scientists, NGOs and independent scientific monitoring companies, specifically reflect the actions required to close out any conditions of certification raised during the MSC assessment process. How many of you have lain in your bunk, and there’s a big storm outside and the boat is pitching and rolling all over the place?
Caño Hondo is one of the main entry points to Los Haitises National Park (see also Site D34: Los Limones, Los Haitises National Park). This 63,416 ha protected area is characterized by steep-sided karst limestone hills (or mogotes) with small valleys in between. Karst limestone supports moist broadleaf forests, but at Los Haitises there is also a very extensive area of mangroves where the park fronts the bay. Among birdwatchers, Los Haitises National Park is known because it is the last stronghold of the endemic and critically endangered Ridgway’s Hawk. Deforestation and shooting have reduced this species to at most 200 individuals, all of which are found in Los Haitises. Even in the park, however, the bird is threatened by loss of habitat as people continue to encroach on park boundaries for agricultural purposes. The hawk’s greatest problem though stems from local people who shoot it as a chicken-thief because they mistakenly confuse it with the Red-tailed Hawk which does occasionally prey on domestic chickens. Local environmental education campaigns have been launched by the Hispaniolan Ornithological Society and The Peregrine Fund. Although much of the area has been previously deforested for agriculture, the extremely steep mogotes were often left untouched, forming small islands of intact habitat. Typical forest birds include White-crowned Pigeon, Plain Pigeon, Hispaniolan Parrot, White-necked Crow, Broad-billed Tody, Greater Antillean Pewee, Stolid Flycatcher, Black-crowned Palm-Tanager, and Hispaniolan Oriole. Off the coast the mogotes form islands in the bay and are nesting sites for egrets, pelicans, frigatebirds, and boobies. To visit Los Haitises we recommend making the Hotel Paraiso Caño Hondo your base (see Logistics below). About 8 km (5.0 miles) east of the town of Sabana de la Mar, Caño Hondo is a wonderful place to relax, and is ideally situated for boat tours through the mangroves and across the bay, and hiking trips into the park’s interior in search of the hawk and other landbirds. A stay here will provide nice opportunities to see a wide variety of coastal and oceanic birds as well as forest species. Los Haitises should be birded with a local tour guide who knows the area. There are several tour options for the birdwatcher. The first, and most easily accomplished, is to hire a boat and guide for a tour of the mangroves and Samaná Bay. This is by far the most common activity of visitors to the park. The most popular and a pleasant route is to explore the margins of Los Haitises park by boat from Caño Hondo, proceeding down a river through mangroves to the Bahía de Samaná and then stopping at various points to explore caves and trails through lowland broadleaf forest. In the bay look for perched birds on the mogotes which form islands here. This is likely to result in a good list of herons, egrets, gulls and terns. Guided boat tours can be arranged at the Hotel Paraiso Caño Hondo for about $US 50 per person. Boats and guides can also be had at the boat dock or the park office, but you are less likely to get a guide sensitive to the needs of birdwatchers. Serious birdwatchers will inevitably be interested in seeing the critically endangered Ridgway’s Hawk. Here again we highly recommend guides that can be arranged through the Hotel Paraiso Caño Hondo. The hike to look for the hawk begins at the hotel, and after an initial walk through fields and farmlands, you will begin to climb a mogote. The walk usually takes about an hour; the walk there and back, with viewing time, is about 3 hours. With a good guide you will have a strong possibility of seeing this bird, as the hawk has been faithful to a couple of valleys for at least 5 years. Other hikes to the more interior regions of the park are available. One excursion on the Sendero del Bosque Humedo (Moist Forest Trail) involves walking thru the forest from Caño Hondo to Caño Salado to take a short boat ride back to the dock. The trail is 3.8 km (2.4 miles) long and takes approximately 2 hr. Another option is a difficult overland trail from Trepada Alta; this often produces Ridgway’s Hawk sightings but it requires the use of a local guide because of the difficulty of finding the trail. Another attraction is the possibility of seeing the Ashy-faced Owl. Although this endemic bird may be found throughout the country, it is nowhere common, and there are not many dependable places to find them. Juan Céspedes (tel. 809-863-7946, Spanish) keeps track of where this species may be found. An after-dinner drive of a few kilometers from the hotel, along with some time spent calling the bird and spotlighting the tall trees, may be successful. Some of the other hotel guides have been identifying locations as well. Brown Booby, Magnificent Frigatebird, Little Blue Heron, Tricolored Heron, Reddish Egret, Black- crowned Night- Heron, Ridgway’s Hawk, Ashy- faced Owl, Antillean Piculet, Hispaniolan Pewee, White- necked Crow, Worm- eating Warbler Access to Los Haitises National Park is not particularly easy. From Santo Domingo, drive the main coastal highway east towards San Pedro de Marcorís, where you will take the ring road around the city and cross the new highway bridge. Then take the road to the left to Hato Mayor. In Hato Mayor follow signs for Sabana de la Mar. After you pass El Valle you will go through an African oil palm plantation that is known to have Ashy-faced Owls as well as the more common Barn Owls (see Site D33: Monte Plata). As you begin to enter the village of Sabana de la Mar, look for signs on the left for the National Park and Cueva de Arena. Turning left, follow this dirt road for about 8 km (5.0 miles) to a fork in the road; to the left is the Hotel Paraiso Caño Hondo, while to the right is the park’s boat dock. Alternatively, instead of turning left on the dirt road to the Hotel Paraiso Caño Hondo and the boat dock, you may continue straight on the main road into Sabana de la Mar. Here the main park office is located at the north end of town near the pier where the larger ferry boats leave to cross the bay to Samaná. Here you can contact the park authorities and hire a guide who is familiar with the park. - Reserve hours: none - Entrance fee: $RD 100
The Fundación General de la Universidad de Salamanca (General Foundation of the University of Salamanca) was conceived in 1998 as a body pointed to the fulfillment of the purposes of the University of Salamanca, in order to promote University-Business relationships, to contribute to the cultural and professional training of the university graduates, to develop graduate and continuous learning activities, to disseminate scientific and technical knowledge and to detect the needs of I+D+i (research, development and innovation). In conjunction with scientific, technologic and business communities, the Foundation leads projects that contribute to face the challenges our society deals with. In this sense, the Aging has become since 7 years ago in one of their lines of actions through institutional and international collaboration projects. The Aging of Population constitutes a source of creativity, of research, innovation and economic expectation of the first magnitude. That is why the General Foundation of the University of Salamanca has made of Aging a strategic and priority axis; and within the framework of the International Centre on Aging, it works to promote new professions for a different society, promotes research and innovation, and above all, seeks answers that would allow a better understanding of aging and thus contribute to the purpose of achieving a better quality of life for the elderly people. The Fundación General CSIC (General Foundation CSIC) is a private, non-profit entity that acts as a promoter of public-private commitment to research, in order to achieve greater effectiveness and penetration of public research results in society. It was created in 2008 thanks to the support of its patrons and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the most important public research institution in Spain (and third in Europe by volume of scientific production). Its objectives are to promote and articulate private funding for the development of research aimed at responding to the challenges of the economy and society; to support the transfer of knowledge to increase the economic and social value of research results; to strengthen the comprehensive training of scientific professionals and to enhance their educational potential; to encourage society to become more aware of scientific knowledge by making it aware of the decisive role of science in its welfare and development. The Fundación General CSIC acts in collaboration with social institutions interested in the progress of R&D&I in Spain, and acts as an interface with the other agents in the science, technology and innovation system, with the ultimate aim of contributing to the progress of the Spanish production system and responding to society's present and future demands. Within this framework, the FGCSIC has, since its inception, been sensitive to the phenomenon of individual and population aging, considering it to be a source of challenges of all kinds, to which scientific research must try to respond. The Direção-Geral da Saúde (Directorate General of Health) is a government agency of the Health Ministry of Portugal, and is competent to, among other things: to guide and develop public health programs; to improve the health care benefits and the continuous clinical and organizational quality; coordinate and ensure the epidemiological surveillance at the national level; prepare and circulate health statistics, accompany the Atendimiento do Servicio Nacional de Saúde; ensure the production and execution of the National Health Plan; coordinate the activities of the Health Ministry in the field of European and International relations. Since the DGS is responsible for the development of guidelines of public health in Portugal, particularly in the policies for the promotion of active aging, participation in this project will be, without doubt, an important catalyst in this regard. As one of the most aging countries in the world, Portugal pays special attention to the issue of active aging. In this way, the support and participation in initiatives of this nature would allow not only the training of new professionals but also the establishment of an observatory on aging and reference centers for the promotion of active ageing, which is of fundamental interest. The DGS has a presence throughout the Portuguese national territory, and in this project will act, especially, in the set of cross-border territories. The Universidade do Algarve (University of Algarve) in Portugal is a young and dynamic institution that currently has about eight-thousand students. Being the center of reference in southern Portugal, the UAlg is recognized because of its excellence in scientific research, the quality of their teaching and the close relationships it establishes with society. Distributed by its four campuses, three located in Faro and one in Portimão, it offers more than 150 initial and graduate courses, in its various areas of academic training. Research activities are developed mainly within the framework of eight research centers, inserted in the universe of the Foundation for Science and Technology, and twelve Development and Studies Centers. The volume of scientific research projects and the creation of graduate courses associated with the networks whose these Centers give life to, constitute the development guidelines that reflect on the life of the university. Located in southern Portugal, in a region of Mediterranean climate sought by thousands of tourists, the UAlg is based in Faro. The exchange programs of both students and professors with foreign universities of all continents are core strategies for the UAlg, that receives about 1300 foreign students each year, distributed in more than 70 nationalities. The UAlg integrates the global ranking of universities, organized by the publication Times Higher Education (THE), placing it between positions 601 and 800, and in the 6th place among the nine Portuguese universities included in the list of more than 1000 institutions from 77 countries. At the national level, it obtained the best result in the internationalization sector, with relevant results in the knowledge transfer and number of references.
Walker, Texas Ranger is back—and this time, he's wearing Chisos cowboy boots. Austinite and native Texan Jared Padalecki premiered the new Walker television show this week—reimagining a beloved Texas character and setting CW channel records at the same time. Ranger Cordell Walker looks to enforce law and order in the great state of Texas with his trusted Chisos Texas ranger boots. We are thrilled to contribute, even in a small way, to the legacy of Texas television! Chisos boots on our favorite Ranger, Jared Padalecki. They’re as hardy as they come. Walker Texas Ranger is always into serious business; you don’t want to mess with him Somebody better give our lone ranger, Jared Padalecki, a hug (aside from this stuffie) We love a Texas Ranger who can get goofy just as well as he can fire a gun A very Texan Jared Padalecki perusing a magazine with Supernatural—a former show he starred in—on the cover? What a treat! Which Chisos Boots Does Walker, Texas Ranger Wear? Walker wears the Chisos No. 1's in brushed brown. They are a classic round toe with embroidery that highlights the Chisos Mountains in Texas' Big Bend National Park. Every pair sold supports land conservation in the state. And, they are renowned for their comfort and exceptional durability. The real-life Texas Ranger Dress Regulations state that, "Boots commonly known as western boots are required." Any self-respecting dress code should follow suit. During the premiere, we eagerly watched for "Chisos sightings" and weren't disappointed! This is clearly going to be our new favorite show. Jared Padalecki in his element as Walker Texas Ranger following clues to get the bad guys Jared Padalecki looks as Texan as can be in his stylish cowboy boots, denim jeans, and a cowboy hat Walker (Jared Padalecki) and his partner know that sometimes you might have to lose the battle to win the war A Texan Exhibits Texas Friendship Lead actor and executive producer Padalecki ensured that Austin and Texas were showcased in the new show. He and the production crew made special efforts to support local businesses—case in point—and to spread the positive nature of the state to audiences across the country. Here are a few videos of Padalecki being as Texan as can be: Jared is known for his generosity and charity efforts. Notably, he has supported To Write Love on Her Arms, which supports people struggling with mental health. We're proud that he's from San Antonio and a long-time resident of Austin. We're big fans of Jared over here. Wishing him and the entire #WalkerFamily many seasons of success and happiness! How dapper does Jared Padalecki look in his cowboy boots? Pictured here as Walker with his children, Stella and Arlo. An advertiser's poster of Jared Padalecki as Walker Texas Ranger Our love for the great state of Texas—and enthusiasm for cowboy boots—motivates just about all that we do. On this blog, we write about community stories, local news and what goes into making the best damn comfortable cowboy boots money can buy. Y'all make it possible for our little boot shop to exist. Don't hesitate to reach out! Call or text 512-866-7222 or [email protected]
By Hector Forster January 10, 2023 - Weaker iron and steel production in the EU have led to reduced demand for raw materials in the fourth quarter of 2022 and early 2023, particularly for high-grade iron ore and pellets, while coking coal demand was supported by strong energy prices through 2022 and trade restrictions on Russian coal, according to an analysis by S&P Global Commodity Insights Jan. 9. A contraction in hot metal, or pig iron, production rates at major integrated steel works in the EU, the UK, the Balkans and Turkey has cut into demand for iron ore pellets and pulverized coal injection, or PCI, rates, according to market sources. Merchant met coke demand has weakened as inventories of blast furnace coke increased, industry sources said. An EU trade ban on Russian PCI and other coals effective in August 2022 and earlier restrictions led to stronger demand for alternative coals for PCI use. The ban may support coke rates early this year as the volumes and qualities of Russian PCI and anthracite are hard to replace from other origins. Higher thermal coal and energy prices in 2022 raisedcoking coal prices and took away some of the met coal supply. Several blast furnace units in Europe have been idled since September 2022, which cut demand for raw materials. Buyers also found it difficult to justify paying up for pellets to maximize iron production amid lower demand for steel and weaker steel margins. Pellets took the brunt of weaker iron ore demand in some cases, while buyers said they switched to using more lump and sinter in the burden, and some even took on lower quality pellets at prices and terms enabling trade. Pellet premiums have fallen for Q1 based on early settlements, with the Platts Atlantic blast furnace pellet premium assessed at $46/dry mt for January, down from $61/dmt in December 2022. Weaker lump premiums and a confluence of emissions and productivity targets have pushed buyers to demand lower premiums to take on preferred pellet grades in cargoes for Q4 2022 and Q1. A buyer said weaker EU steel output and demand would push pricing discussions much more in favor of pellet customers. If any steel user drops the use of even a small volume of pellets for production-related or other reasons, suppliers will bid against each other which may quickly push prices down to secure sales, the buyer added. By November 2022, daily EU pig iron rates had fallen sharply from higher levels earlier in the year and in 2021, according to the latest World Steel Association data. The Brussels-based industry group is expected to report December and full-year 2022 pig iron and crude steel data in late January. The EU's pig iron production in 2022 may end up declining by close to 8 million mt from 2021. The EU's pig iron productionrebounded marginally to average 169,203 mt/day in November, from 167,118 mt/day in October and just below 202,000 mt/day in June, according to calculations by S&P Global. The lower regional production in the EU contrasted with talk in markets of potentially more severe contractions in output in Q4 2022 and potentially beyond, when factoring in outright capacities of various blast furnaces idled through the EU. Eurofer said in October 2022 that the steel market outlook had worsened both for H2 2022 and 2023, with steel demand receding more strongly than earlier expected, falling by 3.5% for 2022 and 1.9% in 2023. Plants idled and put into maintenance now include ArcelorMittal, US Steel and SSAB furnaces in France, Spain, Slovakia and Finland. Some groups may have boosted utilization or seen support to improve operating rates at some sites, while pig iron rates were already trending weaker before the spate of temporary shutdowns in H2 2022. Tata Steel Europe Tata Steel's operations in the Netherlands and the UK showed relatively resilient output over this period, producing 2.25 million mt of crude steel over October-December, down from 2.4 million mt over July-September, the group said in a Jan. 6 note. Steel producers with onsite coke ovens have been encouraged to keep units active during the downturn in steel demand considering the value of the coke byproducts for internal and external sales and the costs of energy supplied to the site. The high cost of using natural gas to keep idled coke ovens warm to prevent damage and to substitute coke oven gas meant that coal use would be prioritized. Coal miners and suppliers of grades such as high-volatile coals rich in gas have seen stable demand into new 2023 contracts. Polish coal miner and merchant coke producer JSW SA said EU steel production declines were a challenge for coke demand, and with high gas prices steel mills were expected to run captive coking plants at full capacity, leading to an excess and surplus of coke in Europe, in comments to investors Nov. 29, 2022. Crude steel production through integrated blast furnace works, including electric arc furnaces in the EU, was stronger in the first-half of 2022 compared with trends for pig iron, according to Worldsteel data. Weaker EAF rates were seen over some periods amid higher energy costs and good availability, while ArcelorMittal suspended the region's only commercial direct reduction iron (DRI) plant in the middle of 2022 due to high gas prices. Interest in maximizing ferrous scrap for steel production led some producers to use more scrap in processes, including substituting a portion of iron ore in the blast furnace. This allowed emissions savings to be passed onto carbon-accounted flat steel products. Companies such as ThyssenKrupp, Tata Steel, Voestalpine and Kobe Steel are offering dedicated ranges of carbon-accounted certified steel by adapting raw materials and reducing the proportion of iron ore, pig iron and coal-based fuels in use.
An Exciting New Investment for Merlin In-line Inspection Technology 20 March 2020 Cokebusters is delighted to announce the latest investment into in-line inspection technology development. In December 2019, our application for partial funding from SMARTCymru was approved for a project entitled “Rapid prototyping to support development of intelligent inspection systems”. This enabled the recent purchase of an advanced 4 axis machining centre (CNC), which will be used to accelerate the development of various R&D projects related to our in-line inspection (smartpigging) service. The equipment has recently been commissioned, with full technical training provided to a number of Technicians. By using a CNC, we can take complete advantage of increased productivity and consistency, reduced production costs and increased safety and versatility. Acquiring prototype components for use in development of Merlins’ SMARTpigs has always been time consuming and costly. With this new CNC machine, Cokebusters are confident that the high specification parts required can be efficiently produced, whilst also improving our carbon footprint. Dr David Thewsey of Merlin Inspection Technology describes the benefit of this exciting new investment; “By bringing the machining of components in-house, we are no longer reliant on external machining companies for the delivery of machined components. The manufacturing of prototype systems for a number of our in-line inspection development projects can now be accelerated, allowing new technology to be introduced to the market at a much higher pace”. This new investment reflects our ethos to further develop our people, processes and services to ensure we are well placed to serve our new and existing customers with the best possible technologies. Keep your eyes peeled for further developments to be revealed later this year… SMARTCymru supports Welsh businesses to develop, implement and commercialise new products, processes and services developed through research, development and innovation processes. It forms part of an integrated ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) funded suite of programmes. Find out more about SMARTCymru here
Football governance: CMS Committee publishes correspondence from Premier League 9 February 2024 The Culture, Media and Sport Committee has today published the response to its letter to Premier League Chief Executive Richard Masters. - Correspondence from Richard Masters, Chief Executive, Premier League, dated 8 February 2024 - Inquiry: Football governance follow-up - Culture, Media and Sport Committee The Committee asked Mr Masters for clarification on his comments about ‘small clubs’ and the league’s role in the Profit and Sustainability Rules and sanction regime, which he made during an evidence session last month.
More than three out of four design professionals PCA surveyed on preferred materials for sustainable design cited concrete, acknowledging its energy efficiency, durability and reduced maintenance Source: Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Ill. More than three out of four design professionals PCA surveyed on preferred materials for sustainable design cited concrete, acknowledging its energy efficiency, durability and reduced maintenance. “Few, if any, construction materials offer concrete’s wide range of sustainable and environmental benefits,” says PCA President/CEO Brian McCarthy. “This survey shows the design and building community recognizes that concrete can address the issues most important to sustainable development activities.” On a scale of one to five, the online survey’s 500-plus respondents ranked the importance of 22 attributes when selecting building materials, with energy efficiency (4.5 mean rating), durability (4.4), and aesthetics (4.2) topping the field. When survey participants were asked which building material they preferred to meet those attributes, concrete was the most common response for energy efficiency and durability. “Buildings with exterior concrete walls utilize less energy to heat and cool than similarly insulated buildings with wood or steel frame walls,” McCarthy notes. “The superior insulation, air tightness, and mass of the walls can reduce energy for heating and cooling by up to 40 percent. Plus, smaller, more efficient heating and cooling equipment can be installed.” Concrete’s role goes beyond energy efficiency. After measuring attributes’ mean ratings and evaluating how concrete, wood and steel ranked against those qualities, an index revealed green factors” of 4.20 for concrete, 4.03 for wood, and 3.85 for steel. Architects and designers are choosing concrete [and] spreading the word on its effectiveness, says McCarthy, as 63 percent of survey respondents were very likely or likely to recommend using concrete for a sustainable building design, compared to 54 percent that would recommend wood and 53 percent steel.
Heat Pump Service, Heat Pump Tune-Ups & Heat Pump MaintenanceFolcroft, PA, Glenolden, PA & Norwood, PA The success of every heating system is contingent on the excellent appliance performance. With forty years of industry experience, the professional technicians at Creative Comfort Solutions are unrivaled in providing premier heat pump maintenance services in Havertown, PA. Our team of industry veterans focuses on delivering quality, reliability, and comfort to each of our customers. A well-maintained heat pump not only maximizes comfort but also prolongs the lifespan of your system. Our heat pump maintenance Havertown, PA services are a testament to our commitment to your continual comfort. Heat Pump System Maintenance in Havertown, PA A heat pump is a fundamentally essential device alleviating the biting cold of winter and the blazing summer heat, ensuring your home remains a haven of comfort throughout the year. However, the incessant operation requires rigorous maintenance to keep the heat pump resilient against the changing climate and providing unwavering service throughout the year. Insufficient maintenance can lead the pump to break down prematurely, disrupting the comfort of your home. Therefore, investing in professional heat pump maintenance services in Havertown, PA with Creative Comfort Solutions assures the efficiency and longevity of your appliance. Our heat pump maintenance services are extremely thorough and inclusive. They range from exhaustive inspection, cleaning, lubrication, to testing for seamless functioning. Heat pump maintenance is not solely about making your system run smoothly; it also ensures to avert any future problems that could jeopardize the entire function of the system, thus saving money, time, and potential inconvenience for you. Contact us today to learn more about heat pump maintenance and tune-ups In conclusion, the comfort of your home should not be left to chance. Entrust it to us, the professionals at Creative Comfort Solutions, the specialists in superior HVAC services across many Havertown. We aim to cover all your heating, cooling, and indoor air quality needs. Depend on Creative Comfort Solutions for heat pump maintenance and your complete home comfort. Heat Pump Tune-Ups ∴ Heat Pump Maintenance ∴ Heat Pump Service We value your feedback!Review Us on Google Give us a call at 267-776-4229 for a free, no-obligation estimate on a new HVAC system.