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OMB noted that the guide and the practices suggested in it will help federal agencies as they implement GPRA. | The guide and practices suggested it won't help at all. | 0contradiction
The National Technology Assistance Project (NTAP) coordinated by the Legal Aid Society of Orange County will help grantees with management or technology issues arising from their grants. | The Legal Aid Society of Orange County does not provide any assistance to grantees. | 0contradiction
he's a very considerate person but he also thinks a woman should be taken care of and and in the home and she should vote but after she talks to her husband about how she ought to vote | He believes a woman has the right to vote without having to consult with anyone. | 0contradiction
For something different, look for Roman glass jewellery or fashionable filigreed Yemenite earrings and necklaces (in Jerusalem, Jaffa, and other places that are craft-oriented). | Don't look for glass or Yemenite jewelry, its overdone. | 0contradiction
It was exciting, albeit in a slightly childish way, to see your name on that signboard, confirming that you still had your cushy job in this historic broadcasting center. | It was commonplace to see your name on the sign. | 0contradiction
The altitude of 670 m (2,200 ft) produces refreshing breezes, and explains why several wealthy British expats have chosen to build quintas here and why so many affluent Madeirans still flee the hot Funchal summer up into these hills. | No British expats with financial means have decided to build quintas here. | 0contradiction
San'doro fell away, clutching his right ear from the concussion of the blast. | San'doro fell from playing basketball. | 0contradiction
Come, will you not walk back with us too, Monsieur Poirot? | You should go back alone, Mr. Poirot. | 0contradiction
LSC grantees go to considerable lengths to focus services on the client-eligible population. | LSC grantees do not care about offering services to those who are eligible. | 0contradiction
Artistically and culturally Egypt reached its zenith during the New Kingdom and many of the most renowned Pharaohs reigned during this time. | The New Kingdom is not considered to have produced any artistic or cultural works of anthropological significance. | 0contradiction
A second adjustment is conducted as part of the mortality, morbidity, and visibility valuation procedures to incorporate the effect of changes in income over time on WTP. | No adjustments can be made when regarding mortality procedures. | 0contradiction
right and uh usually i cut those little cherry tomatoes up and put some color into it you know and i'll lay those on top of my salad you know to make it look nice and things like that | I don't like the color of cherry tomatoes so I don't put them in my salad. | 0contradiction
Do you think, said Mrs. Vandemeyer scornfully, "that I am the kind of woman to sell my friends?" | Mrs. Vandemeyer said "I will sell my friends". | 0contradiction
That went quick, he already had a tried and true mix of additives, preservatives, and stabilizers ready, which had always worked just fine. | It was a long process since he had to acquire each of the ingredients before he could start. | 0contradiction
Under my plan, sales taxes would only be not eliminated on certain socially desirable purchases, but also good shoppers would receive an anti-tax, a bonus for their beneficent purchases. | My plan says that people will pay more tax on their beneficent purchases. | 0contradiction
In this climate popular hostility was trained against powerful private interests and gave new life to anti-Masonry as a political movement. | Public interests gave new life to anti-masonry. | 0contradiction
The pride of Turin, as in so many Italian cities, is not in one monument but in a glorious square, the Piazza San Carlo and Piazza Santa Cristina, one of the most beautiful in Europe. | A monument is the pride of Turin. | 0contradiction
There's an admission charge, you must be at least 21 to enter, and you must present your passport or other official identification each time you go. | People under 21 years of age can enter the area. | 0contradiction
Inquire at the tourism office or check local publications for schedules. | The schedules won't be available for a few months this year. | 0contradiction
The attraction is more than plutonic, it is also physical. | The attraction has always been based on the same thing. | 0contradiction
A downtown shop called El Oaxaqueo offers a place where Mixteco speakers can find Oaxacan newspapers and beaded jewelry made by indigenous people. | El Oaxaqueo only has Chinese papers. | 0contradiction
His whimsy can be downright charming. | His whimsy is awkward and uncomfortable. | 0contradiction
yeah i think we're trying to stay uh stay friendly with uh the uh the Brazilian and and Argentinean governments because they're producing so much uh agricultural exports | I think we're trying to remain on the good side of Russia and China because they produce a lot of agriculture. | 0contradiction
The increased ammonia demand from a multipollutant rule is estimated to increase to about 1,040,000 tons per year by 2020. | Ammonia demand is decreasing at a rapid rate. | 0contradiction
The cooler climate makes jungle walks here a special pleasure, not least of all for the myriad brightly colored butterflies around the waterfalls, with almost a dozen officially listed. | All of the waterfalls in the forest have been listed. | 0contradiction
In 1603 James VI of Scotland was thus crowned James I of England, marking the Union of the Crowns. | James could not be king of both England and Scotland at the same time, so in 1603 he was forced to choose between them. | 0contradiction
The cover story castigates the International Olympic Committee for shoddy drug testing, a bigger scandal, the story says, than the ongoing host-site bribery imbroglio. | The cover story made no mention of the International Olympic Committee. | 0contradiction
However, unlike the DOT system that is applicable to all of the Department's rules, the other agencies' multidimensional systems focused on just a few rules, or even a single rule. | The DOT system is applied to half the Department rules. | 0contradiction
On festival days worshippers blanket the statue with flowers. | Flowers are not placed on statues at any point. | 0contradiction
no i served on on both a criminal and a a civil um jury and in my criminal trial he pled guilty um to the first to to kidnapping and so we went through the second part of the trial because in Texas there are two parts first of all to find if they are guilty or innocent he already said he's guilty so then then we go through the trial to determine what uh punishment should be meted out | Innocence and punishment are decided at the same time in trials in Texas. | 0contradiction
do you really need to have that certification | I don't think you need that certification at all. | 0contradiction
well it's it's a bidding war between teams and it's also popularity contest between sports to see who can get the biggest uh paycheck | Teams are not allowed to compete against each other in buying players. | 0contradiction
small island | The island is huge! | 0contradiction
'That's somethin' I approve of.' | I don't like that at all. | 0contradiction
you know the other half but didn't read the i read the half where she was in her later years and it was absolutely excellent and it was very descriptive of of people with money back then and uh affluents in in England uh uh that you know were associated to the king and all and it was | I haven't even picked it up yet. | 0contradiction
Man Bites Dog is a great headline. | One example of a terrible headline would be Man Bites Dog. | 0contradiction
The cloud of doom over Lamar Alexander's campaign. | Lamar Alexander's campaign is breaking records and gaining steam. | 0contradiction
sure they should have them go out and doing stuff cleaning up or picking up dirt or weeds or who knows what something for the for the state since the state is paying for them they should get some kind of kind of work out of them | They shouldn't be doing anything for the state because the state is not incurring their costs. | 0contradiction
yeah it's unfortunate because yeah you know even even though you you think of them as a whole family when you do things sometimes you separate them without even realizing it | It's unfortunate that you separate them without realising it but that's because you don't really think of them as a whole family. | 0contradiction
i like Penn State my dad both my mom and dad went to Penn State so | I like UCLA and my parents went to Berkley. | 0contradiction
The rule is that you must be psychologically and physiologically identical to our profiles of Benjamin Franklin, as close to indistinguishable as possible.' | You don't have to be anything like Ben Franklin. | 0contradiction
now are if you if you if you pay your your monthly charge do you then pay separately for classes you're taking | I see, so the classes are free even without the monthly charge? | 0contradiction
'My job is to organise.' | My job is to shuttle people back and forth by bus. | 0contradiction
Market prices per tael (34 grams/1.2 ounces) of gold are set daily. | The price of gold only changes once per month. | 0contradiction
The floral decorations defied the seasons, and fruits of the earth as far apart as May and November found themselves miraculously side by side. | The floral decorations had fruits from one season only. | 0contradiction
oh i see so if you have fresh dirt they'll | Oh I see if you have fresh grass they will | 0contradiction
yeah yeah they're scattered all over really you got them in Iran and Turkey and they sort of just meander around but they they hold true that Northern Iraq is theirs and uh i don't know it it was certainly foreseeable right after the war i mean it should have been obvious if it it was obvious to me it should have been obvious to the people in Washington there should have been some plans to | They don't hold anything and they're mostly in South Iraq. | 0contradiction
we'll small maybe do our small part to fix them up | We will play a big role in getting them fixed up. | 0contradiction
Needless to say, most of 'the field,' as we refer to the collective entity that constitutes our grantee programs, was already frightened and concerned because of the funding drops, new restrictions and competition fears. | The grantees were excited to see an increase in funding. | 0contradiction
The Convent's other residents are refugees from bad marriages or abuse of one kind or another. | There are no abuse victims who have fled to the Convent. | 0contradiction
The girls wield branches of the holy sakaki tree and dance to an orchestra composed of wooden clappers (hyoshigi), plucked zither (koto), mouth organ (sho), and the oboe-like hichiriki, together with flute and drum. | Only the men are allowed to participate in the religious ceremonies. | 0contradiction
West of Damascus Gate and Highway 1 is the new city of West Jerusalem. | Highway 1 is west of the new city of West Jerusalem. | 0contradiction
There was that lieutenant with the supply wagons. | The lieutenant had lost his supply wagons here. | 0contradiction
Bush : Standards set by agencies that rely upon science. | The agencies used no science at all when setting their standards. | 0contradiction
well right now the place where i'm living the yard was basically neglected for the about the last twenty five years so i've been trying to rebuild and reestablish the entire lawn and after three years of working at it i've i've been amazed at just what a little bit of doing help out things to the lawn has really brought it back instead instead of mowing it the same direction every time changing one day you'll or one one one time you'll cut it cut the lawn the long way then you'll go the opposite way instead of going lengthways you go width and it helps the grass come back | The yard where I'm living is and always has been pristine. | 0contradiction
Information technology also makes it easier for businesses to deal with the risks associated with fluctuating currencies. | Information technology is detrimental for a small business. | 0contradiction
But what does it mean? | Of course, I know all about it. | 0contradiction
Thus, the net avoided cost measure implies the absurdity that a government must fund the entire delivery network if it wants to fund the cost of universal service. | The net avoided cost measure says it's the best solution for the government to fund the network. | 0contradiction
Below, dark refers to the day when the show does not play at all. | When it is dark, one can expect to see a show playing. | 0contradiction
So let's recognize this current enthusiasm for currency unification as what it an intellectual fad, not a deep insight. | Currency unification is the key to global economic success. | 0contradiction
Helen Gurley Brown, about the many plus sides to sexual harassment. | Helen Gurley Brown believeves that Sexual Harassment is great. | 0contradiction
Allow me to interest myself in my coffee-cups, and I will respect your coco. | There was coco in all of the cups. | 0contradiction
Guess having the lights down low in the Oval Office all those times really paid off ... | The Oval Office is required to be fully lit at all times. | 0contradiction
Section 607 permits agencies, in complying with sections 603 and 604, to provide either a quantifiable or numerical description of the effects of a rule or more general descriptive statements if quantification is not practicable or reliable. | Agencies can submit a general descriptive statement on a rule because sections 607 and 603 disagree with one another. | 0contradiction
States like Minnesota and New Jersey spend three times more than California to meet the poor's legal needs, Connecticut and Massachusetts spend more than twice as much, and countries like England, Canada, Australia, Scotland and New Zealand spend anywhere from two to 14 times more proportionately than California, despite the fact that California has the world's sixth largest economy. | Minnesota spends much less than California on legal assistance for the poor. | 0contradiction
The five local programs in addition to Bronx Legal Services and Brooklyn Legal Services Corp. | The Bronx Legal Services was disbanded. | 0contradiction
Whether you want to watch Mike Tyson pulverize his opponents, bet on the New York Giants at a sports book, or play 18 holes of golf, all it takes is the right toys and/or plenty of cash. | All activities are free and open to the public. | 0contradiction
i need to look into it more you know it's you know it sometimes even with the newspaper they say they'll only take certain types of paper you know they won't take paper that's shiny | They take all types of paper. | 0contradiction
Recognizing that certain types of proposed service innovations merit consideration under specialized procedures, the Commission has adopted several sets of rules that are customized for defined categories of Postal Service requests. | All types of proposed service innovations should be considered. | 0contradiction
He closed his eyes as the woman's screams turned into wet gasping. | The woman was silent. | 0contradiction
Before long, however, many of these projects went bust, and Nelson had to turn to his family for financial assistance to ward off bankruptcy. | Nelson's projects were very successful, and he bought his family a new house. | 0contradiction
Ah, here he is!" The two men rose to greet the new-comer. | The two men did not acknowledge the newcomer. | 0contradiction
The Pinacoteca's fine collection is devoted in large part to the Bologna school, most notably the Baroque paintings of Guido Reni, and the Carracci family, of whom Annibale was the most gifted see his Annunciation and Madonna in Glory. | All of the works in the Pinacoteca are from the Florentine school. | 0contradiction
Prior to 1970, the array of mail services provided by the Post Office Department was codified as part of Title 39. | The Post Office Department has only ever offered one mail service. | 0contradiction
Made from a mixture of red wine, lemon and orange juice and peel, brandy, and mineral water with ice, it may strike you as too heavy to be consumed with a meal. | The drink is light and used to wash down food during meals usually. | 0contradiction
In the preamble, HUD states that no further review is necessary. | In the preamble, HUD declares that an in-depth review is needed. | 0contradiction
Much of this energy can be attributed to the residents themselves. | None of the energy is coming from the residents. | 0contradiction
On a train you're not trapped in your seat | You are trapped in your seat in a train. | 0contradiction
Fallon sets its OPEN in a molded plastic case, while Everbrite's mounts on a metal armature. | Everbrite has a wood armature. | 0contradiction
Several organizations had developed quarterly reporting mechanisms to summarize the status of security-related efforts. | Several organizations had developed yearly mechanisms to summarize the status of revenue-related efforts. | 0contradiction
The sights of this town take scarcely a day, but the seductive tranquillity within its perfectly-preserved ramparts is irresistible. | The town has very agitated sights. | 0contradiction
Rocamadour | The Arch de Triumph. | 0contradiction
yeah i have two plots one's ten by ten and one's like fifteen by four it's a long skinny one and | I just have one plot in the shape of a circle. | 0contradiction
Do you mean to say you suspected him as long ago as that? | Does that mean that you never, at any point, suspected him? | 0contradiction
And then he yawned. | He was already asleep. | 0contradiction
Instead of using the money it raised from the IPO to expand, though, it lent the $110 million to other Chinese state enterprises and then watched many of those loans go south. | It raised nothing from the IPO. | 0contradiction
No information will be collected and no party need respond until the collections are approved by the Office of Management and Budget and a control number is issued. | All information will be gathered before approval by the OMB. | 0contradiction
Coin changed hands and cries of argument and foul language flowed. | They all said very polite things. | 0contradiction
Accompanying the discussion of each practice is a case illustration involving a federal agency that has made progress in incorporating the practice into its operations. | There have been no cases where a federal agency has made progress incorporating the practice into its operations. | 0contradiction
yeah that's true you know that's an interesting point that you brought up about the the fact that they essentially always have been under stress uh i would say more in the later latter years even those who stayed home had stress but when you're the one or the two out of ten women staying home on the block uh then the stresses that you do have uh the normal day-to-day stresses caring for children or whatever is occurring | Staying at home with children versus working is not at all stressful. | 0contradiction
And, if you don't mind, Santa, when you send it to my mom, please don't route it through Washington. | Santa, send it through Washington. | 0contradiction
Houston Houston is awful | Houston is the best. | 0contradiction
those are my children we don't have very many activities but | My children are lazy and don't like doing activities | 0contradiction
However, in a few areas, small changes will be proposed that are relatively easy to implement. | Small changes will happen that are difficult to add. | 0contradiction
yeah that that that's really nice that they started doing that because it's the problem is you take them to some place nice and and you know the um even a place where they have to to sit down even if they really get kids they get they get bored in a hurry | Kids can sit quietly and entertain themselves for long periods of time. | 0contradiction
There's not much to the village, though the site is attractive. | The village is very large and unsightly. | 0contradiction
we are lucky enough to now be on a cable system that has four public TV channels | It kind of sucks because we only get 1 public channel on tv. | 0contradiction
In the past there have been several attempts to drain the wetlands, but this damaged not only the Great Morass but also areas of the coral reef offshore. | The attempts to drain the wetlands helped the coral reef offshore. | 0contradiction
[Hersh has] disassembled and obliterated his own career and reputation. | Hersh has bettered his career and status. | 0contradiction
That's Whittington there, getting in now, that big dark man. | Whittington is a small man. | 0contradiction
Subsets and Splits