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Last year we were pretty thrilled to get 3,000-plus responses in a month.
Last year, we received over 3 million responses in a single month.
At the scene of your nocturnal adventures, the Bournemouth nursing home.
They were not allowed out of their rooms at night in the nursing home.
The technology might usefully be applied in local races, in which it's hard to sort out the platform of every potential state senator, judge, school board official, and city council member.
Due to confusion at the polls, many localities have expressed interest in reducing the use of technology during elections, favoring low or no-tech solutions instead.
His speech over, Reich is lambasted by a John, and Reich's answer elicits an eruption of Wrong!
Reich accepted what was said without hesitation or doubt.
Whole stalls are devoted to them, made from silver and gold, metal, wood, glass, plastic, and best bargain of all colorful varnished papier mach?? from Kashmir.
No stalls of any good or bad quality materials were built for them.
) There remains the possibility that these methods will not yield lifelong bliss.
It's not possible that these methods wont yield lifelong bliss.
COST DRIVER - Any factor that causes a change in the cost of an activity or output.
Cost driver doesn't change activity or output cost
The other horrifying consequence of a greatly extended life span--Strom Thurmond's ass.
The perfect shape of Strom Thurmond's ass is a consequence of lives cut short.
3) President Clinton banned federal funding of research on human cloning.
Clinton approved funding for human cloning.
We cannot meet our needs with previous federal funding levels, especially since the economy has worsened since the census was completed, she said.
Since the economy has worsened, it's finally possible for us to meet our needs with previous federal funding levels.
Over 60 bobbin mills once dotted the Windermere area.
There were at the most 20 bobbin mills in the Windermere area.
uh i use a Sun work station at work but i'm i'm in the process of purchasing Amiga to use it as my desktop computer but research work though i use a Sun Sparc station
I would never buy an Amiga desktop computer. .
go out and do the entire yard and you i mean you don't have to put clumps of it just very lightly cover the entire yard
Don't put it on your yard, at all.
Nonetheless, Lind says, the strategy of maximal realism means it would have been better to have started the defense, and continued it until the casualties became too high for domestic politics to bear, than to have taken the minimal realism course of not starting the fight.
Minimal realism is much better than maximal realism according to Lind.
Many guides point out a green healthy plant in the courtyard as a regeneration of the original.
No guides have any information on the green plant in the courtyard.
(Serbia also tried to ally with Israel over their shared enmity with Muslims.)
America and China tried to ally due to their love of McDonald's
Increased fuel economy achieved by a reduction of engine deposits is estimated to be over $295 million for the same time period.
There has been a decrease in the fuel economy.
right the one that's like you get additional they'll pay a little bit more i think for the different procedures we just have the basic right now and
People such as yourself pay more and get less, with no added benefits.
Just as saving more of the anticipated budget surpluses would enhance future budgetary flexibility, increasing private saving would also improve the federal government's budget outlook.
Increased savings does not improve federal government's budget outlook.
In addition, disclosures, such as those required to be reported to the SEC on Form 8-K,9 should be improved to be more transparent and helpful to regulators in determining the reasons and circumstances surrounding auditor changes.
The disclosure process no longer exists.
If that is not enough, there are also swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna, and gymnasium.
There is a pool but no sauna.
At the end of a bumpy dirt road as far north as you can go in Guadeloupe is the magnificent Pointe de la Grande Vigie.
In the capital of Guadelope is the amazing Pointe de la Grande Vigie.
You must let me know if anything further comes to light.
You don't need to speak to me anymore.
The nuns in the convent here preserve their seclusion; visitors must have special permission to enter.
The nuns do not make any effort to protect their seclusion and visitors can come and go whenever they wish, without having to obtain permission.
Before turning off the coastal plain into the Valley of the Kings, one of the most impressive Theban temples comes into view on the left, that of Queen Hatshepsut.
Queen Hatshepsut's temple is located in the Valley of the Kings.
Some black female celebs (Dionne Warwick) shill for phone-psychic scams that exploit poor black women.
Female celebrities don't fall for phone scams.
it it's a shame it's
It's not a shame.
so do you have any credit cards
You don't have a credit card.
Drew was breathing as fast as if he had charged across the sun-baked plaza at a run, when he came into the general store which supplied Tubacca with nine-tenths of the materials necessary for frontier living.
The general store was a place that Drew never visited, because he didn't have to.
money seems to be too big of an issue with with with with with with what's going on today and i i think i think that we may not you know that may be
Money as an issue doesn't get talked about enough
The Domestic Violence Legal Assistance Program fills the gap of legal resources for domestic violence survivors who can't afford an attorney.
The Domestic Violence Legal Assistance Program gives help to rich people.
it's on eleven ninety
It is only seventeen thirty-eight.
Cete d'Azur
Cete d'Azur does not exist.
He carried the precious papers in an oilskin packet which he wore next his skin.
There were no papers on him.
The official Maison de la France Web site (<>) is also a good starting place; the section called Discover the Regions of France directs you to local Web sites of tourist offices around France.
Local websites are not a good idea for tourists to check out.
Of course, I was not an intimate, and I did not see him in his private moments.
They knew him intimately.
And you can even descend into caves to see ancient rock drawings.
The caves do not feature any rock drawings.
This may be the last chance to reverse the process."
There will definitely be more chances to reverse the process.
American Of the cavalcade of impersonator shows, this one is skewed heavily toward the modern era.
This impersonator show is themed after the fifties.
In effect, the grant challenges MALS to raise at least $100,000 a year in 2003 and 2004.
MALS had to raise $45.
He was always in the market for photographs of celebrities smoking, kind of the Larry Flynt of respiratory disease.
Celebrities are never photographed while smoking.
The attacker faced Drew directly.
The attacker fled.
The student loan agency Nellie Mae says the average college graduate's student-loan debt has reached at least $19,400.
The student loan agency Nellie Mae says the average college graduate's student-loan debt has reached at least $50,0000
or i'll go you know do a
I won't go.
The building you see today was commissioned by Justinian and completed in 537, although many repairs, additions, and alterations have been made over the centuries.
The building you see here is actually a modern replica.
nice talking to you too Beth bye
I hate talking to you, John.
Rather the whole effect of change, of a broadening of horizons.
There have been no changes at all.
Her hands crackled-
Her hands were soft.
He nodded his head gravely.
He shook his head.
In Beit Sahour, the eastern side of Bethlehem, you'll find Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic sites commemorating the Shepherd's Field, where it is believed the Star of Bethlehem was first seen by Bethlehemites tending their sheep.
Shepherd's Field isn't in Bethlehem
in composition themes and i keys and things are something to me that remain a mystery no matter how many times i bang on them i have a pretty good mathematical concept for what's involved
I perfectly understand composition themes and keys.
Pleased to meet you, said the American.
The American quietly stood there staring at his friend.
Ramses was too proud to accept defeat, commissioning obelisks that celebrated his victory.
Ramses always accepted defeat publicly.
four in a row i don't know if that could ever be duplicated again or not
I'm pretty sure four in a row can be repeated.
He was standing hawklike on a slight rise in the sandy earth, motionless and silent.
He was kneeling on a slight rise in the sandy earth.
yes yes not getting paroled lets say in so many years i mean if your going to sentence somebody lets say twenty years let them stay twenty years
Should be paroled in a certain amount of years, they shouldn't stay the full sentence.
Lowering the cut point on these screening instruments improved sensitivity without loss of specificity among females.
No improvements could be made to the screening instruments.
I do not believe that anyone could be so monstrous as to accuse me of what you say." Poirot nodded thoughtfully, like a man whose mind is made up.
I accepted that they placed the blame on me.
There's no one else.
Now I have to go grocery shopping today.
you know indebted or nearly underneath uh the debt that we have
We are completely free from debt.
37Social insurance does not include programs established solely or primarily for Federal employees, such as pension and other retirement plans.
Social insurance have several programs focused on federal employees.
Anubis (God of Mummification) has a small temple here and you will clearly see his jackal-headed form on the walls.
The God of Mummification had a head of a horse.
um-hum well he didn't have much choice really
He had many options but he did what he could.
and we won't mention any names
We will mention every name.
if they would ever happen to have a drug problem suppose that they could feel comfortable coming to me and saying i got a problem
If they had a drug problem, I wouldn't help them.
Take it easy, and you'll find the trip well worthwhile.
Going too quickly will not lead to an enjoyable time.
yeah yeah because my wife and i saw it in the theatre we really liked it
We regret our visit to the theatre.
The sight of his money flowing liberally unnerved him deeply, even when it flowed to something he valued.
He was very liberal and carefree with how he spent his money.
well it was nice talking to you i think i'm going to have to catch my daughter before she eats any more candy when i'm on the phone that's her sign that she can do what she wants to do
We can keep talking because my daughter is asleep in her bed right now.
Thirty years may seem like a long time to someone nursing a grievance since the pitched battles of the late '60s, but in the sweep of history--on the heels of 90 years of Jim Crow and 200 of race slavery--it's nothing.
30 years is an extraordinarily long time for a civil rights marcher, even in the grand scope of history.
Local villagers have relied on them as shelter during monsoons or epidemics, so the murals have disappeared, but the magnificent sculpture has survived.
The murals managed to survive, however the sculpture did not.
and this is the man that was in front of you oh well they'll weed him out
This man was never in front of you.
But capital-gains and estate-tax cuts of almost any sort will surely favor the well-to-do in the long run.
Only the poor could benefit from capital-gains and estate-tax cuts.
It runs in a straight line north from O'Connell Bridge, and the best way to view it is to walk down the central island, making excursions to the left and right at the zebra crosengs.
You can't see it at all.
Helpful guides take you down the long corridors and through the most interesting rooms.
There are no guides available at the event.
The improvements in roads and means of transportation that had in part been responsible for the decline of the yeoman economy now made it possible for more visitors to view the natural beauty of the Lakes region.
The roads and means of transportation declined in quality.
oh okay you're right you're right
You are wrong.
Participants in 401(k) plans can be particularly harmed in situations where their accounts are heavily invested in employer stock, either because their employer matches their employee contributions in the form of such stock or because they themselves make significant investments in their employer's stock using their own voluntary contributions.
Participants in 401(k) plans can't be particularly harmed where they have their accounts mostly invested in employer stock
What did Jon expect? He fled and I'm not surprised he did, said Ca'daan.
Jon, Ca'daan and the other man stayed together.
1) In other words, there is a definitive number, according to the Pentagon.
There is only an estimate, according to the Pentagon.
Some analysts argued that the research supports two politically important 1) Humans have had so little time to diverge genetically that the differences between human races are trivial, and 2) our common ancestors came from Africa (Cro-Magnons) and drove the Europeans (Neanderthals) to extinction.
Human's dna is drastically different between races.
Since top athletes inevitably are drawn from the healthiest sector of the population, a generally superior system of health care means a bigger pool of people to draw from.
Athletes are generally unhealthy and tend to cause increases in health care.
To News Quiz participants, investigation is not theological (angels?)
In all aspects of life, investigation is theological.
'Chaperones and cab-fare.'
I don't need anything.
A telegram?
A telephone call.
He was hailed for his life-affirming approach to the traumas of the 20 th century
He was often overwhelmed by trauma.
I was being watched!
No one was watching me.
The Department prepared an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis in connection with the interim rule.
The interim rule did no play any part in the analysis.
However, since 1991, BEA has featured GDP as the primary measure of economic activity because GDP is consistent in coverage with indicators such as domestic investment and productivity.
Productivity is an indicator but domestic investment is not.
However, if leave is used, a deviation of less than 1 hour could be considered material.
If no deviation is used it can be considered material
7 Beginning in fiscal year 2000, FHWA appraised senior executives on these corporate management strategies.
No work has been accomplished by the management executives.
Then the Serbs, in defiance of a cease-fire and NATO and U.S. warnings, shelled the area around the massacre site.
The Serbs abide by the cease-fire around the massacre site.
and uh we really seem to be pleased with her and um
We hate him.
i drive a Honda Prelude and
I don't know how to drive so I don't own a car
In the meantime, Albright had promoted the United Nations' disastrous Safe Havens policy, which placed masses of unarmed Bosnian civilians under the protection of minuscule numbers of U.N. (but no U.S.) troops--that is, left them at the mercy of Serb paramilitaries, who systematically set about driving them from their homes and killing them.
There was more than enough troops for protecting the Bosnians.
Or is Delta merely trying to soothe the nerves of the anxious business traveler who hopes to arrive at the next meeting with his clothes unwrinkled?
Is Spirit Airlines trying to attract more business travelers?
Scouts' Honor
Scouts are liars.
But at least it came on a nice paper plate.
It was served on the finest china.
Some of these purposes are related to the Government's powers to raise taxes, which are nonexchange revenue, and to enforce laws.
The government cannot increase taxes.
um-hum you don't and so i moved because i moved the day probably a week after one of the apartments blew up
It doesn't worry me that the apartments blew up.