audio | transcript
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bonds since the interim order of the court of the twelfth of april till the | 3.92 |
we are now on the eleventh of march. yes, my lord. in the last twenty | 8.48 |
six days, what extent of matching has been done by you? | 4.12 |
what steps have you taken in the last twenty six days? | 3.96 |
the application is absolutely silent on that. | 4.36 |
we can put a detailed affidavit on that my lord because i am not. | 9.52 |
it should have been disclosed in the affidavit. i agree, my lord. it is state | 4.36 |
bank of india, which is coming to us, we expect that there should be a | 4.28 |
degree of candour on the part of the state bank of india, that this is | 9.36 |
what the work which we have done. | 4.6 |
the work is at this stage. | 1.2 |
yes. i appear for state bank, and we need a little more time to comply | 6.88 |
date to the eci. that should be no problem my lord. sbi must disclose details | 5.04 |
we need an extension of time to carry out the balance of the exercise, which | 8 |
remains. | 0.52 |
we have sought to explain the problem, and the work is going on. | 3.32 |
because each form. | 0.68 |
it will have to be form by form. | 2.76 |
work is going on to what extent you have reached? | 3.96 |
my lord, work is going on form by form. | 3.08 |
they will. | 2.24 |
if your lordships want, i can give you the exact detail of how many we | 6.44 |
have covered and how many more we can cover. | 4.04 |
of each electoral bond encashed by the political party, which will include data of encashment | 4.2 |
but they did a rough calculation, my lord, it will take about three months more. | 4.84 |
because i will tell, my lord my other concern. | 3.12 |
i have another big concern, my lord. i cannot make a mistake in this. | 4.48 |
i'll get sued by the donor. | 2.68 |
i'll get sued by people, because i cannot by mistake say, a got it, when | 7.92 |
b had it. | 0.8 |
you are doing under the highest court of this country, so where is the question | 7.24 |
of you being sued? | 2.28 |
i am sorry, my lord? | 1.52 |
whatever you are doing, you are doing under the directions of highest court of the | 5.24 |
and denomination of encashment of each bond. | 3.32 |
country. | 1 |
no. no. no, my lord. if i make a mistake, if i say mister x | 3.96 |
got it instead of mister y got it, in a hurry to give the numbers.i | 5.88 |
could create havoc there because ultimately. | 2.92 |
as we take it, mister salve, you are accepting that there's no difficulty in giving | 6.44 |
names of the donors who purchase the bonds and the amount they purchased the bonds. | 4.16 |
you have got no difficulty having giving details of the political parties who have purchased | 7.24 |
the particular bonds. | 1.28 |
the only difficulty is matching the bond, purchased bond, with that. | 5.96 |
but in twenty six days, you must have carried out at least some, say ten | 4.88 |
the only problem which we are now trying to collate the information and create is | 4.36 |
thousand bonds you have been able to collate. | 2.28 |
five thousand bonds you have been able to collate. | 3.96 |
quite frankly, what i saw, they were struggling with it. | 6.6 |
they were making charts, which we saw were not matching and. | 4.16 |
i will tell, my lord, what has happened. | 4.4 |
i will tell, my lord, candidly what has happened. | 5.36 |
if i'm not mistaken, it was pointed out to us that the bonds had some | 5.28 |
number which under some instrument, they were able to dot that is all has to | 3.76 |
be done. | 0.68 |
yes, yes, yes. | 1.44 |
because we are having to actually reverse a whole process. | 3.48 |
that number is not to be found in the application for purchase or in the | 3.92 |
first set of documents. | 2.24 |
the problem is that number, when number was generated, that number has been scrambled and | 5.8 |
put elsewhere, and that number has been kept secret. | 3.76 |
now my lord, putting that will require tracing it into each transaction. | 3.28 |
at this stage of the interim order and i'm saying what happened at that time. | 5.12 |
the kind of information which your lordship asked was a macro information. | 7.32 |
that is no problem. | 2.28 |
in pursuance of the interim order, in pursuance of the interim order, election commission of | 4.72 |
india has filed details before us. | 2.96 |
the standard operating process we had put in, made sure that there was no connection | 6.6 |
in whatever they have. | 1.12 |
.in separate silos if we can use that expression. | 3.56 |
the registry has placed that in a secured, in secured custody with us. | 4 |
please direct them to open it here right now, because since we were deciding a | 2.84 |
point of constitutional validity, we didn't consider it necessary either during the course of the | 5.96 |
hearing or thereafter. | 2.64 |
so, we can ask them to open it and we will ask the election commission | 4.12 |
of india to divulge whatever there is and we'll ask sbi to then divulge what | 4.64 |
we have asked them to do. | 1.84 |
whatever has been placed before us. | 2.72 |
between the date, name of the purchaser in our core banking system, and the bond | 7.48 |
see, mister sharma, whatever has been placed by you before us in compliance with the | 4.48 |
judgment we will direct, that to be open right now. | 2.16 |
and your lordship directed us to give it to the eci. so, we'll give it | 4.36 |
to the eci. or your lordship wants us to file it directly in court. i | 5.4 |
think better through the eci. no. mister salve, you comply with the order of the | 6.48 |
court. to give it to the eci. whatever eci has placed in the court, we | 4.8 |
will direct that to be opened. | 4.4 |
we'll ask our court to make a copy of it, a digitized copy, for the | 9.76 |
safekeeping of the court. and then we will return it back to the, the rest | 5.12 |
we'll return it back to eci for them to upload it on their website. | 5.76 |
number, because we, as a bank were supposed, were told that this is supposed to | 5 |
what eci has already, there's no problem. | 2.64 |
we will give the eci in the time. | 1.6 |
if your lordships in three months we will go and give it to the eci. | 5.48 |
and as and when they get it, they can upload it. | 3 |
we want to make sure we get every bond number right, every donor right. | 4.12 |
this otherwise, is going to create havoc for today for donors who come and say | 7 |
this is not my bond. | 1.2 |
i did not purchase this. | 1.88 |
you put the wrong number on my bond. | 2.24 |
i did not give this, so and so. | 2.32 |
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