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Larry King, Iconic TV And Radio Interviewer, Dies At 87
The 25-year host of CNN's "Larry King Live" had been hospitalized after contracting COVID-19.
Tobacco: Now It's in Ice Cream
If you order an ordinary chocolate milkshake or banana split when the same menu includes tobacco-scented sodas and peppercorn floats, does that mark you as cowardly and dull -- or very brave?
Inside The Mind Of 23-Year-Old Who Says He Fears His Own Thoughts Of Mass Murder
Recent reports say there have been more mass shootings in the US in 2015 than days in the year. Karen says she fears her
Andy Samberg & Erin Heatherton In 'Grown Ups 2': Who Wore It Better? (PHOTOS, POLL)
So we feel obligated to ask: who wore it better? It seems like every week there's another model jumping from the runway to
The Life Out Loud: Turning Dreams Into Reality With Vision Boards
Have you ever tried making a vision board? It's often one of the first assignments I give my coaching clients -- a powerful visual way of creatively connecting with your hopes and dreams.
Fears Of Political Instability Loom Ahead Of Italian Constitutional Referendum
If markets are any gauge, the next time a government doesn’t get what it wants in a popular vote will be this weekend in
Vehicle Crashes Into French Soldiers In Paris Suburb, Injuring 6
Police shot and arrested the suspect.
I Never Wanted to Be a Mommy
When cancer came a callin' when I was 11 and I was informed my chances of ever giving birth to a child were nil, I didn't really give it much thought... Except I cried as I wrote in my little pink diary with the lock on it about how I was missing an "over e" and that meant I couldn't have a baby.
10 Game-Changing Snacks
It's entertaining season. You're hosting a March Madness party and need to impress your foodie friends. We get it. Here are 10 recipes to step up your hors d'oeuvre game.
The 6 Best Grad Schools for Finding a Husband
If you wasted your four precious undergraduate years having casual flings, making friends, or studying, there is only one solution: Get back to one of the major universities below and find yourself a guy before it's too late.
Trump Hides Behind The Storm
On 9/11, as the World Trade Center collapsed and the Pentagon was in flames, Jo Moore, an adviser to one of British prime
Baby Porcupine Rescued From Dead Mother's Womb After Car Accident (VIDEO)
A Maine man went to look for mushrooms, but instead, came home with something much cuter and charismatic. Jared Buzzell was
Donald Trump Learns The True Risks Of Staring At The Sun During An Eclipse
5 Simple Ways To Fight The Patriarchy From Your Phone
Google Event Cancelled Due To Hurricane Sandy
In the meantime, find out how to track Hurricane Sandy online (here) with our handy Twitter and Facebook page rundowns. You
First Look At 'Gone Girl' Shows Ben Affleck As Nick Dunne
“I don’t want to give away too much, because if you know the book, you know that there are set of reveals that you would
Trump Shifts To Infrastructure As James Comey Prepares To Testify
An opportunity to provide some counter-programming to the drumbeat of Russia news.
Christmas In Space 2013 Falls Between Two Challenging Spacewalks
Six space travelers living in orbit definitely aren't home for Christmas today, but that doesn't mean they won't get into
Dispatch From Ethiopia: Curse of the Church Forests
I've traveled to northern Ethiopia to work with locals on forest sustainability. As a conservation biologist, I'm one of Mother Nature's sleuths, trying to find, identify, and determine the health of this country's declining native trees -- before they completely disappear.
Add Some Sparkle To Your Decor With A Sequin Throw Pillow
Repurposing at its finest.
Global Coalition Aims To Outpace Epidemics With New Vaccines
“Without investments in research and development, we will remain unequipped when we face the next threat."
Relief to Drop The Mask
I was existing day-to-day like a hamster running in the wheel of its cage. Always on the move, but going nowhere.
Lena Dunham's Style Is Fine 'As Is,' Says Bergdorf's Betty Halbreich
Luckily, Dunham herself isn't looking to change anything about her look or the way she's portrayed on television. She proudly
Rex Tillerson Warns Grads Of Living In ‘Alternative Realities’
Gee, wonder who he's talking about.
Parents Need Sleep Help During Hours When Live Assistance Is Hard To Come By
Parents often need live advice on kids' sleep during the times when such advice is not available, a new study reveals. The
So, We Went to Cuba for the Weekend...
Cuba was the flavor of the Caribbean, the iron balconies and street music of New Orleans, the political suppression and fear of Russia, the poverty of Mexico, the quaint sidewalk cafes of Europe, the corner parks of New York City, the family love of Miami and no boats.
Making Homemade Vanilla Extract Is Easier Than You Think
Just do it.
Engagement Ring Follies
In the end, the hullabaloo over the ring seems like a whole lot of noise that can often distract women from appreciating the real everlasting bond between husband and wife: friendship.
The Painting Tool That Will Replace Your Wallpaper
While stencils have long ruled the roost as the best paint-driven alternative to wallpaper, we've discovered a much more
Baby's Birth On A Rescue Boat In The Mediterranean A Symbol Of Hope For Refugees, Migrants
Newman's family was rescued by MSF after crossing the sea as they traveled from Libya to Italy.
Donald Trump Goes After The Free Press Yet Again
The president suggested it might be time to "challenge" NBC's "license" to broadcast.
The First Year Home May Be Most Dangerous For Vets’ Mental Health
"Stigma remains pervasive in society and many veterans still do not seek help when needed."
Shia LaBeouf Arrested During Trump Performance Art Piece
There are claims that a comment about Hitler prompted the incident.
Shailene Woodley Goes Super Blonde
Pumpkin Ravioli With Brown Butter-Sage Sauce
While I'm usually wont to use up all the pumpkin puree I own in pumpkin pies, quick breads and cake rolls, this season I've discovered a new, savory use: Pumpkin ravioli.
Do Kids Really Need Preschool?
Preschool must all too often be purchased for a hefty price. In fact, preschool expenses are one of the most surprising costs of having a young child. So many of us pay the asking price, but is that cost really necessary? Are there less expensive options? And is preschool itself really all that important?
Not All Trump Voters Oppose DACA -- But His Staunchest Fans Mostly Do
New polling suggests the president's opinion could sway some, but not all, of his base on the issue.
Drop Step Lunge -- Alternating
Once your back foot makes contact with the ground, square your hips, chest, and feet so they are all facing forward. Then
Rosemary Brain Benefit: Study Shows Link Between Herb Chemical And Brainpower
"This compound is present in rosemary but has not previously been demonstrated to be absorbed into blood plasma in humans
Dwyane Wade's Ex-Wife Siohvaughn Funches-Wade Speaks Out
Keep in touch! Check out HuffPost Divorce on Facebook and Twitter. Dwayne Wade's ex-wife Siohvaughn Funches-Wade took to
Help! My Son Is a Tech Junkie!
My son told me the other day that what he wants to do when he grows up is be "the guy who reviews video games on YouTube." So not even the guy who creates the video games, but the guy who stays home all day, sits on the couch and videotapes himself playing them.
VOTE: Which Olympic Sport Is Your Best Workout Match?
If you're anything like us during these Olympic Games -- a.k.a. glued to the screen -- you might be feeling the itch to get
Grimes Suggests Male Producers Tried Pressuring Her Into Sex
"It's a pretty hostile environment," she said of the music industry.
This 11-Year-Old Perfectly Sums Up The Problems In Ferguson
China On Track To Develop Indian Railways As Xi Heads To South Asia
Beyond Boston: A Road Trip to Concord and Lexington
Unlike Paul Revere, you don't need to look to Boston's Old North Church for two lanterns to see that you should hit the road for Concord and Lexington, Mass.
49ers Coach Strongly Defends Kaepernick
15 Celebrities Who Were Not Okay After Adele's New Single Dropped
It's barely been a week since Adele released her first single in three years, and the Internet — well the world at large
Is There Any Hope for Peace in the New Year?
The kind of worship needed in 2015 cannot happen in a mega church, or any church that is obsessed with church growth. It is participation in the life of a local church that is so rooted in a neighborhood that they become hospitable to those they would otherwise leave out.
What Greece's Latest Defiant Move Really Means For Europe
GPS Guide: Debbie Gisonni Turns To Nature For Inner Peace And Balance
GPS Guides are our way of showing you what has relieved others' stress in the hopes that you will be able to identify solutions
Vivienne Westwood Slams Michelle Obama's Style In The New York Times
What a famous designer said about her style.
In Your Face: The Hidden History of Plastic Surgery and Why Looks Matter
We know that there are some specific attributes that most objectively "attractive" faces have in common. These attributes are most recently described in In Your Face, a new book by Australian plastic surgeon Dr. Bryan Mendelson.
Malia And Sasha Obama Step Out In Style For Kids' Inaugural Concert (PHOTOS)
So we meet again, Michelle Obama's bangs.
Bruce Randolph Nelson Talks “M. Butterfly” and LGBTQ Issues (AUDIO)
This week I talked with actor Bruce Randolph Nelson about starring in M. Butterfly at Baltimore’s Everyman Theatre now through
People Are Obsessed With 1 Part Of The Canada Winter Olympic Team's Outfit
"They're ridiculous and I'm obsessed," one fan wrote on Twitter.
Sex Degrees of Separation in Your Wedding Party -- Do You Have Enough?
Have you ever sat at a wedding counting the different people around you who have slept together? Instead of focusing on the pretty bouquets and beautiful bridesmaids, were you smirking because the two bridesmaids on the end don't speak to each other because they've both slept with the best man -- recently?
Virgin Airlines 'Mission: Galactic' Will Send Most Frequent Flier To Space (VIDEO)
Branson said that his Galactic spaceship will be ready to take fare-paying customers into space by December 2013, according
5 Unique Kitchen Islands To Consider Right Now
The kitchen island is the perfect place to make a strong style statement, to employ a truly special piece, and to make an investment -- it is, after all, probably one of the few things in the kitchen everyone is sure to see and use. That's why I always say, do something different.
MLK's Fight for Economic Justice
As many of us fight today for an increase in the minimum wage, an end to job discrimination, including that based on sexual orientation, full employment, and an end to poverty, we are continuing the struggle for which Dr. King gave his life.
Paul Ryan's Approach To Poverty Is Straight Out Of The 19th Century
Vaccines Not Linked To Long-Term Effects In Kids: Study
As any new parent knows, vaccines are a pain in the tuchus--and not just for the infant. A baby born in the U.S. today is
Oh, the Places You Will Chemo
There isn't much to laugh about when it comes to breast cancer, but I made the decision when I was diagnosed six months ago to make it my business to try and distract myself from all the treatment and doctors and side effects. To wit, I offer up a poem.
HUFFPOLLSTER: Americans’ Views Of This Election Are Pretty Dismal
And they don’t think the parties are helping.
Smoothing the Start of the School Year
A mindful transition from summer to the school year, done gradually and purposefully before school actually starts, will go a long way towards easing that transition. Here are some tips for starting the school year off smoothly.
Elizabeth Warren Tells Wall Street It Can't Write Its Own Rules
When industry insiders are in charge of regulating themselves, that's a problem.
The Least Obese U.S. Metro Area Is...
The obesity rate in Boulder is 12.4 percent -- much lower than the U.S. metro area with the highest obesity rate, which is
10 Days for Busy Dads to Reconnect With Fun, Joy, and Passion
Dads, in the midst of your busy, hectic and frenzied lives there are flashes of joy -- a smile on the face of your child, landing a new client, laughing over an IPA with your friends, acknowledgement from your boss of a job well done or finally making it all the way through a CrossFit class.
Squash Blossoms: The Summer French Fry
These gorgeous, pale-orange flowers emanate from zucchini and squash and can be found at farmers markets, or if you've played your cards right, from your own garden.
Now That Queers Can Get Married, Should We? A New Web Series Explores
"Romantic relationships are changing, and we’re suggesting that the whole system may need to change with them."
Ricky Martin Talks Homophobia And Showing 'Tush' On TV
The "American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace" star discussed with Ellen DeGeneres his role as the fashion designer's boyfriend.
Is This Why Exercise Is So Good For Prostate Cancer Patients?
A new study could help explain why exercise seems to be a boon for men with prostate cancer. For the new study, presented
The 'Pitch Perfect 2' Super Bowl Trailer Is Aca-Here
Gwen Stefani Shares Adorable Vacation Snap With Son Apollo
Gwen Stefani got to spend some quality one-on-one time with son Apollo, and she's got the adorable picture to prove it.  The
Keep Cats And Squirrels Out Of Your Garden With This Easy Trick
** Do you have a home story idea or tip? Email us at [email protected]. (PR pitches sent to this address
Jeanne Shaheen Calls For Senate Hearings Into Russia's Interference In U.S. Elections
She warned of the "sobering possibility that Russia is employing the tactics it has used to influence elections in places like Ukraine and Georgia, this time in the United States.”
Jameis Winston Wins 2013 Heisman Trophy In Landslide
In 2012, Manziel became the first-ever freshman to win the award and had a chance to become just the second ever to win the
Christians, It's Time To Care About Our Planet
I was raised in the church,  home schooled by (then) Republican parents, and often heard from the pulpit growing up that
I Love Traveling Solo, Even Though I'm Married
Just because you get married doesn’t mean you should give up the things that you’re most passionate about.
Top 3 Foam Roll Exercises
Foam rolling helps to create and maintain long, smooth muscles by massaging out the knots and releasing trigger points. Here are my three favorite exercises on the foam roller.
Biden Acknowledges Federal Effort To Expand COVID Testing ‘Clearly Not Enough’
The president changed his tone after previously going on the defense in response to questions about the lack of testing in the face of the omicron variant.
Father's Day and America's Veterans
This Father's Day, if you need substance abuse or mental health assistance, ask for it, especially if you are a veteran. Your family needs you and most likely, they love you.
Disney Reveals When You Can Finally Visit The New 'Star Wars' And 'Avatar' Lands
The force will awaken at Disneyland and Disney World in 2019.
Diary Of A Marriage: Husbands Vs. Wives: The Packing Wars
We were standing at our gate in the airport, waiting for our boarding group to be called, and we were nervous. Read more
How To Zest Citrus Without A Microplane
It's nice to cook in a kitchen stocked with every culinary trinket imaginable, but even if you don't have specialized cooking
Why This Ballet Dancer Wants To Stand Out, And Stand Up For Workers' Rights
Sean Aaron Carmon went from wanting to go it alone to committing to collective action.
Senate Punts On Cybersecurity Bill, Heads To Summer Break
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) announced a compromise on the controversial bill.
Super Soul Sunday: Oprah And Eben Alexander Discuss 'Proof Of Heaven' After His Near-Death Experience (VIDEO)
Watch in the video above, as Oprah sits down with neurosurgeon Eben Alexander, whose remarkable near-death experience radically
Move The Starting Line: COO Knows Diverse Teams Yield Creativity
Yes, she knows it sounds odd coming from someone with an undergraduate degree from Northwestern University and a masters
Dairy Queens
Hostel living reminds me of one particular tour adventure I had. We were touring Ireland with the band, and we played a bar gig somewhere in the country where the fee included housing. Whoa. Never in my life had I stayed in such a place.
Durango's Old-Fashioned Charm
With the town's long history of tourism, you'd think the 200-plus stores along Main Avenue would look, well, kind of touristy. They don't.
NFL Upholds Odell Beckham Jr.'s One-Game Suspension
The Giants wide receiver will have to sit against the Vikings.
These Photos Remind Us That Burkinis Are An Awesome Expression Of Personal Style
Some French towns are banning the swimwear, claiming that doing so helps protect women's rights.
9 Ways to Bypass the Autumn Blues
Listen to swaying music in the morning when you are preparing coffee, get amused with it when you commute, or dance to it during afternoons with your children. You will be surprised at how the right rhythms can uplift the level of your energy.
World Cup Captains Want To Wear Rainbow Armbands In Qatar
FIFA has come under pressure from several European soccer federations who want to support a human rights campaign against discrimination at the World Cup.
Wedding Dresses For Your Body Type: Options Beyond The Strapless Gown (PHOTOS)
A year ago we watched the wedding of the decade when Kate Middleton married Prince William in a custom Alexander McQueen
5 Cocktails To Celebrate Bourbon Heritage Month
September is Bourbon Heritage Month, and with the Kentucky Bourbon Festival kicking off early next week, we can't think of a better time to raise a glass to America's native spirit.
'Wegnenn In Wonderland' Photos Take A Sleeping Baby On An Artistic Adventure
From birdcages to carousel rides, baby Wengenn goes on more adventures in his sleep than most people do in their lifestimes
Free People Catalogue Casts Karlie Kloss In A Moody Light
The shoot casts both models as complete opposites: Karlie is dark but feminine and Aline is masculine but light and romantic
Senate Candidate Takes Heat For Implying Obama Supports Her Opponent Because She's Black