stringlengths 6
| document
stringlengths 50
| negative
sequencelengths 15
| dataset
stringclasses 1
value |
sortexpression gridview order desc doesn't work | GridView sorting: SortDirection always Ascending | [
"Derivation of $E=pc$ for a massless particle? In classical mechanics, massless particles don't exist because for $m=0$, $p=0$. The relativistic relation between energy, mass and spatial momentum is: $E^2= (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2$ . So it is said that setting $m=0$ in the first equation you get $E=pc$. How could setting $m=0$ in that equation give you $E=pc$ whilst $p$ appears in the equation and we know $p=γmu$? If you set $m=0$ you will have indeterminacy due to \"$γm$\". It seems to me like we are doing a \"trick\" in order to get the $E=pc$. Perhaps there is another proof for this relation?",
"Dodecagon Area Question The distance between two opposite vertices of the dodecagon is 2. Find the area of the dodecagon. Is there any way to do this without trigonometry? And could you include a proof also? :O",
"Why didn't the basilisk bite in Chamber of Secrets destroy the Horcrux?",
"Using the Limit definition to find the derivative of $e^x$ I was wondering how we could use the limit definition $$ \\lim_{h \\rightarrow 0} \\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}$$ to find the derivative of $e^x$, I get to a point where I do not know how to simplify the indeterminate $\\frac{0}{0}$. Below is what I have already done $$\\begin{align} &\\lim_{h \\rightarrow 0} \\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h} \\\\ &\\lim_{h \\rightarrow 0} \\frac{e^{x+h}-e^x}{h} \\\\ &\\lim_{h \\rightarrow 0} \\frac{e^x (e^h-1)}{h} \\\\ &e^x \\cdot \\lim_{h \\rightarrow 0} \\frac{e^h-1}{h} \\end{align}$$ Where can I go from here? Because, the $\\lim$ portion reduces to indeterminate when $0$ is subbed into $h$.",
"Request Web Page in c# spoofing the Host I need to create a request for a web page delivered to our web sites, but I need to be able to set the host header information too. I have tried this using HttpWebRequest, but the Header information is read only (Or at least the Host part of it is). I need to do this because we want to perform the initial request for a page before the user can. We have 10 web server which are load balanced, so we need to request the file from each of the web servers. I have tried the following: HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(\"\"); request.Headers.Set(\"Host\", \"www.mywebsite.com\"); WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); Obviously this does not work, as I can't update the header, and I don't know if this is indeed the right way to do it.",
"Are there perfect elastic collisions in Nature?",
"Pretty much every application I use in full-screen (including Firefox, MacVim and the Terminal) have tabs on the top of the screen. The problem is, when I move my mouse to reach the tabs I'll often accidentally touch the top of the screen, bringing in the OS menu OVER the tabs: Is there any way to change this behavior? I'd prefer it if the menu bar would stay hidden when I'm using a full-screen app, even if my mouse does touch the top of the screen.",
"Why is there a difference between ping \"localhost\" and ping \"local IP address\"? Using cmd and ping on Windows gave me the following results: Pinging \"localhost\": Pinging \"\" (local IP address): Aren't both situations exactly the same? I mean, I'm pinging the same interface, the same machine and the same address. Why do I get such different results? EDIT: Here is my ipconfig /all screen:",
"iOS app 1.4.3, iOS 9.2.1 While viewing a post, the app somehow ended up in a state where it refuses to do much of anything. What does work: Swipe-scrolling vertically Jumping to the previous / next post using the up / down buttons Everything else, though, has no effect: Swipe-scrolling horizontally will not return to the previous view Tapping on a code block will not zoom to code-block view Tapping Delete button to delete a post will show a confirmation dialog, but saying yes will not cause deletion The Add Comment button brings up the text field, but I cannot type anything in it; I can only dismiss it None of the other buttons (Share, More, etc.) do anything Cannot view user profiles or revision history Tapping on links in a post or comment will not show a web page Tapping on a tag shows some visual feedback with a temporary color change, but doesn't do anything else I still receive push notifications, but tapping on them doesn't take me anywhere.",
"Why is part of my model not being rendered?",
"How to delete file(s) in secure manner? Is there a way to make sure that a deleted file can not be recovered? As you know, deleting a file by pressing shift-del or using trash doesn't mean that file is gone forever. It resides somewhere in the computer. In day to day life, law enforcement or thieves use recovery programs to reveal our private data or something else. They can recover all data that resides on hard disk, in RAM, and even USB. To protect us from these people, what should one do? Which program should one use? Note: I don't want an answer like first use a recovery program then erase that file with shred. With just one program, I want to erase all unused/deleted files on my computer.",
"Is there a thumb-rule for designing neural-networks? I know that a neural-network architecture is mostly based on the problem itself and the types of input/output, but still - there's always a \"square one\" when starting to build one. So my question is - given a input dataset of MxN (M is the number of records, N is the number of features) and a C possible output classes - is there a thumb-rule to how many layers/units should we start with?",
"Geometrical representation of Contravariant and covariant vectors After cruising through a lot of material online, and answers over here, my understanding of contravariant and covariant vectors are, in a finite-dimensional vector space, suppose we have a vector, which is contravariant to its basis. However, using the metric tensor, we can map this vector to a one form in the dual space, which acts as a vector space for this example. This one form, or covactor, varies similarly to the basis in our original vector space. However, the covectors have a different basis, which is the dual basis, and are expanded in terms of those. Here's where my confusion arises : Many diagrams over the internet give a geometric picture of the scenario, by claiming that contravariant components of an 'arrow' are found by drawing parallel lines along the axes, and checking where they intersect. Co-variant components could be found by sketching the perpendicular lines on these axes. So, these materials are treating covariant and contravariant as different representations of the same arrow, while I'm inclined to believe they are completely different. However, if we let go of rigour, in exchange for a 'more' geometric understanding, I think we are allowed to do this. The diagrams are usually of the form : However, even if we assume that contravariant and covariant are different representations of the same object, this particular diagram still seems wrong to me. Particularly the locations of $x_1,x_2$. In this diagram, they are located on the span of the original basis. Shouldn't covector components be located on the span of the dual basis ? This diagram suggests to me, that co-variant components have the same basis, as the contravariant ones. Shouldn't the diagram look more like this ? This second diagram seems to fit the concept better according to me. This is because the dual vector must be 'contravariant' with respect to the 'dual basis'. This means, their components must be found out by sketching parallel lines along the span of the dual basis. These lines intersect the original axis at a right angle, which is to be expected, as dual bases are orthogonal to the original bases. Moreover, this second picture can also show in a much better way, how scaling up of the original basis, scales down the 'contravariant components' and the 'dual basis', which in turn scales up the 'covariant' components.This shows that the components of the dual vector are covariant to the original basis. This is something that is not readily visible in the first diagram. So, am I correct in assuming this second 'geometrical' representation is correct ? I know this doesn't make much sense, because as the mathematicians said, that vectors are completely different from one forms, and one forms should be represented using the number of hyperplanes intercepted by our arrow. However, I've seen most course material refer to it in this way, and frankly it is easier to visualize. However, most of this material used the first picture. Can anyone point out my mistakes, if any, and tell me if the first picture is correct, or the second one ? Or in this case 'less-flawed'.",
"we are currently experiencing some issues with the ambiguity feature of apa for biblatex/biber (we use biber) in TexLive 2012. What would be correct with the ambiguity feature: Doe J., Peters M., Kramer N., Conan B. (2012) Doe J., Mayer M., Smith N., Walker J. (2012) Citations in text (subsequent ones) - AS IS AND CORRECT Doe, Peters et al (2012) Doe, Mayer et al (2012) But in case of different years, it shouldn't actually do this ... Doe J., Peters M., Kramer N., Conan B. (2012) Doe J., Mayer M., Smith N., Walker J. (2009) Citations in text (subsequent ones) - AS IS: Doe, Peters et al (2012) Doe, Mayer et al (2009) Citations in text (subsequent ones) - HOW IT SHOULD BE: Doe et al (2012) Doe et al (2009) Can anyone help here? Thank you!",
"Reputation widget crash I have an issue with crashing reputation widget when it's added to the home screen. When I add it for the first time, it says \"Please login before using this widget\" (even though the app itself is logged in already). So I open the app, go back to the home screen, add the widget again and it crashes (and it's not added to the home screen). When I'll try to add it again, it says \"Please login before using this widget\" again. And then it just repeats - \"Please login...\", execute the app, crash, \"Please login...\", etc. Restart of the device didn't make any change. I have found . My set up: Stack Exchange app version: 1.0.89 Android version: 5.0.1 Device: Samsung Galaxy S4",
"Prove that a set in $\\mathbb R^3$ is not an algebraic set I want to prove that the set $\\{(\\cos(t),\\sin(t),t)\\in A^3(\\mathbb R); t\\in \\mathbb R \\}$ is not an algebraic set. I already proved that the set $\\{(\\sin(t),t)\\in A^2(\\mathbb R);t\\in \\mathbb R \\}$ is not algebraic but the method that I used doesn't seems to be general.",
"Does \"FN\" stand for or mean anything?",
"Windows 10 Anniversary Upgrade error 0xc1900101 - 0x30018 referring to SYSPREP",
"Geometric intuition behind gradient, divergence and curl",
"Reference Books on Cryptography"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
unable to dual boot ubuntu 16.04 with windows 7 | How to use manual partitioning during installation? | [
"Why isn't the symmetric twin paradox a paradox? Two twin sisters synchronize their watches and simultaneously (from the earth frame) depart earth in different directions. Following a predetermined flight plan, each sister accelerates identically to 99.9%c and then returns home at the same time (again in the earth frame). The observers on earth see each twin as having aged identically, as the symmetry of the problem dictates. Each twin however should see the other as having aged... What gives?",
"Shell with better editing capabilities Shells (at least what I know) have really bad command editing capabilities. For example: I can't point the cursor to any point of the command. I can't select and backspace/delete/replace text in the command. Currently these are so distracting, I use gedit to edit commands before pasting them to the terminal. Is there any solution that's good for these?",
"What is the difference between image size and image quality?",
"Interaction of Invoke Duplicity and Misty Step",
"All beta sites (e.g. ) are appearing with 0 Q/D and 0 avid users. is unaffected. In the Q&A spirit, my question is: Who borked the stats?",
"Access a glyph on fontspec using a GID (Glyph ID) I'm trying to access a glyph, but it's only mentioned in the \"Basic Latin and Latin 1\" set for a font. The glyph has no name or unicode ID, but it does have a glyph ID or GID. fontspec doesn't mention possibilities for using this glyph. Neither does Adobe in the adobe feature file syntax: I'd still like to be able to access a glyph through its ID, since it's the only way I can access it (I think). My specific case requires to access the glyph ID 554 from Stevens Titling Pro Sable Brush. I will only post this font if it's strictly necessary, since I don't like to distribute these fonts to the wide world. I posted an MWE containing another (free) font. This is not the font I intend to use, but perhaps a starting point to try and access glyphs manually. \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{fontspec} \\setmainfont{EB Garamond} \\parindent=0pt \\begin{document} Some text int EB Garamond. How can I access glyph 123 now? \\end{document}",
"Is it OK to crosspost Stack Overflow questions, now that the Portuguese SO is open?",
"Sums and products of algebraic numbers How does one go about proving that the sums and products of two algebraic numbers over a field $F$ (say $a,b\\in K$, where $K/F$ is a field extension) is also algebraic? If we call $f_a$ and $f_b$ the min. poly's of $a$ and $b$, then I'm assuming the answer involves such polynomials. Perhaps looking at their roots in splitting fields for both of them? And finding a \"big\" splitting field, constructed from those two other ones? In particular, I'd like a way of explicitly constructing the minimal polynomials $\\ f_{ab}$ of $ab$ and $f_{a+b}$ of $a+b$. I read somewhere that $g(x)=\\Pi_j\\Pi_i (x-\\alpha_i\\beta_j)$ works for $ab$, where the $\\alpha_i$ and $\\beta_j$ are the roots of $f_a$ and $f_b$, respectively, but I do not know why $g(x)\\in F[x]$. Similar remarks for $a+b$",
"Format number to always show 2 decimal places",
"How to configure Micromax 352g USB Modem? I want the driver software for my Micromax 352g USB modem for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. On Ubuntu 10.04 sakis3g was working well, but it is not working on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.",
"Variables are often adjusted (e.g. standardised) before making a model - when is this a good idea, and when is it a bad one? In what circumstances would you want to, or not want to scale or standardize a variable prior to model fitting? And what are the advantages / disadvantages of scaling a variable?",
"What are Squirrel Girl's 'actual' stats? Is she truly the most powerful being in the Marvel universe? On the (\"The Definitive online source for Marvel super hero bios\") Squirrel Girl is listed as having the maximum stats in her . However in the (\"Comprehensive and exhaustive\") she's listed as having lower stats. Which one is correct and why is there a discrepancy?",
"Is \"aren't I\" correct grammar?",
"How will old M42 lenses work on a Nikon camera?",
"Prove inequality using Jensen's inequality",
"Will Find my iPhone Lost Mode be useful if stolen phone as shows Offline? My phone was stolen last night. I made sure it was in Lost Mode in iCloud and it was immediately in Offline status when I open iCloud. I am positive the thief switched it off. Now I am 100% certain the Find my iPhone option was turned on on my iPhone, but will the \"Lost Mode\" be of any help if it was not turned on on the iPhone? Would it be showing \"Offline\" if I did not turn on the option?",
"Avoid synchronized(this) in Java?",
"Should I postpone my trip to Paris in 2nd week of Jan in light of recent protests? I’ve a date and I really waited long to make this happen. My gifrfriend is a bit worried about the security issue in Paris. Which locals think that the media is exagerrating the issue and the issue is small and non-threatening for tourists?",
"Combining multiple git repositories",
"Use of 'prototype' vs. 'this' in JavaScript? What's the difference between var A = function () { this.x = function () { //do something }; }; and var A = function () { }; A.prototype.x = function () { //do something };"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
forecast(method ='arima') ; auto.arima() function, how to avoid forecast not in line with history? | ETS() function, how to avoid forecast not in line with historical data? | [
"Second law of Newton for variable mass systems Frequently I see the expression $$F = \\frac{dp}{dt} = \\frac{d}{dt}(mv) = \\frac{dm}{dt}v + ma,$$ which can be applied to variable mass systems. But I'm wondering if this derivation is correct, because the second law of Newton is formulated for point masses. Furthermore if i change the inertial frame of reference, only $v$ on the right side of the formula $F = \\frac{dm}{dt}v+ma$ will change, meaning that $F$ would be dependent of the frame of reference, which (according to me) can't be true. I realize there exists a formula for varying mass systems, that looks quite familiar to this one, but isn't exactly the same, because the $v$ on the right side is there the relative velocity of mass expulsed/accreted. The derivation of that formula is also rather different from this one. So my question is: is this formula, that I frequently encounter in syllabi and books, correct? Where lies my mistake.",
"Is the Dungeon Magazine 4e Adventure List spreadsheet still available? used to go to a spreadsheet with all the 4E adventures published in Dungeon Magazine (and possibly some others, IIRC) during that edition's duration. I remember it listed out each adventure by name, start/end level, adventure path, and maybe even a little summary blurb. However, the spreadsheet behind that link seems to have disappeared into the digital ether, and I can't find a copy of it in my own google drive (implying I never made a copy of it). Does anyone happen to have a copy of that spreadsheet that they could share, and/or other resources that would let me sort through the many adventures from 4E Dungeon Magazine?",
"\"Naturally occurring\" non-Hausdorff spaces?",
"Using simple quotes \"\" instead of \\text{} Is there a way to use newcommand or some other nice technique to transform any occurence of \"bla\" in math mode into \\text{bla} The reason I ask is because it is easy, and doesn't interrupt the flow of reading the (La)TeX code as much. I would like to keep Xe(La)TeX's nice quote behavior (ie it can use the regular \"\" instead of backticks to quote some text outside math mode).",
"Evaluating: $\\lim\\limits_{x\\to0}\\left(\\frac{\\sin x}{x}\\right)^{{6}/{x^{2}}}$ I am trying to evaluate the following but without result. $$\\lim_{x\\to0}\\left(\\frac{\\sin x}{x}\\right)^{{6}/{x^{2}}}$$ Can you please give me some hints? I have tried to put log to both sides but it hasn't lead me somewhere... Thanks a lot",
"#!/bin/bash - no such file or directory I've created a bash script but when I try to execute it, I get #!/bin/bash no such file or directory I need to run the command: bash script.sh for it to work. How can I fix this?",
"How can I take pictures through a skyscraper, airplane, or train window?",
"How to change LCD brightness from command line (or via script)? To work around (changing LCD brightness via hotkeys impossible), I'd like to have one command line query for increasing and one for reducing the brightness of my LCD. I could then map a hotkey to each one of this queries. The problem is: I don't know how to increase and reduce the LCD brightness on the command line. Do you?",
"Suppose that $S_0$ and A are positive numbers, let $$S_{n+1} = \\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_n +\\frac{A}{S_n}\\right)$$ with $n \\geq 0 $. (a)Show that $S_{n+1} \\geq \\sqrt{A} $ if $n \\geq 0$ (b)Show that $S_{n+1} \\leq S_n $ , if $n \\geq 1$ (c) Show that $s= \\lim\\limits_{n \\rightarrow \\infty} S_n$ exists (d) find s (a) Show that $S_{n+1} \\geq \\sqrt{A} $ if $n \\geq 0$ Given $$P_n: S_{n+1} = \\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_n +\\frac{A}{S_n}\\right) \\geq \\sqrt{A}$$ $$P_0: S_{1} = \\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_0 +\\frac{A}{S_0}\\right) \\geq \\sqrt{A} $$ We assume that $P_n$ is true $$P_{n+1}: S_{n+2}= \\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_{n+1} +\\frac{A}{S_{n+1}}\\right)$$ by assumption $$S_{n+2}= \\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_{n+1}\\left(1 +\\frac{A}{(S_{n+1})^2}\\right)\\right) \\geq \\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\sqrt{A}\\left(1 +\\frac{A}{(\\sqrt{A})^2}\\right)\\right)$$ $$ S_{n+2}= \\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_{n+1} +\\frac{A}{S_{n+1}}\\right) \\geq \\sqrt{A} $$ It follows that $S_{n+1} \\geq \\sqrt{A} $ (b) Show that $S_{n+1} \\leq S_n $ , if $n \\geq 1$ $$S_{n+1} \\leq S_n$$ $$\\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_n +\\frac{A}{S_n}\\right) \\leq S_n $$ Dividing by $S_n$ $$\\frac{1}{2}\\left(1 +\\frac{A}{S_n^2}\\right) \\leq 1 $$ $$\\frac{A}{2S_n^2} \\leq \\frac{1}{2}$$ $$A \\leq S_n^2$$ $$S_n \\geq \\sqrt{A}$$ As $S_{n+1} \\leq S_n$ yields a true statement, it follows $S_{n+1} \\leq S_n$ is true. (c) Show that $s= \\lim\\limits_{n \\rightarrow \\infty} S_n$ exists Since $S_{n+1} \\leq S_n$, the sequence is non-increasing, using the non-increasing theorem stating that if $\\{S_n\\}$ is non-increasing then $$\\lim\\limits_{n \\rightarrow > \\infty} S_n = \\inf\\{S_n\\} $$ (d) find s Is the argumentation in (a) and (b) appropriate? Also, I have to admit I m getting less confident in my argumentation (c) and (d). How to proceed in (c) and (d)? Much appreciated for your input or help.",
"Automatically Locate Included Images Do you think it's possible to include images into LaTeX without specifying the exact path to them. So instead of: \\includegraphics{path/to/image/myfig.pdf} It would be: \\includegraphics{myfig.pdf} While the image would still reside in the path/to/image/ directory. Basically, I'm asking if there is a macro that can recursively search for the image. An alternative for me is to write a script outside of LaTeX that determines all the images that are included, performs the recursive search and copies those files temporarily in the same directory as the .tex file.",
"Can't execute .out files, getting permission denied I have written a C++ program and complied it to produce a.out file. However, whenever I try to run it, I get Permission Denied. I read that we can use sudo, but I can't quite get it to work. I use something like, sudo \"./a.out\" but that too doesn't work. Edit: Here is the message I get when I try \"./a.out\". bash: ./a.out: Permission denied",
"I'm fairly new to blender and not a graphics person by any stretch of the imagination. I've been having some success though modelling semi-reflective glass for a project I wish to build (physically) and I'm wondering if it is possible to model the effects of a lens. The lens I wish to model is a double-convex type. It has a diameter of 120mm and a focal-length of 301mm. Is this something that can be modelled in blender and if so, how? I'd like to be able to position the camera close to this lens and reproduce the magnifying effects of the lens on the scene behind the lens as well as depth-of-field effects. Thanks a lot.",
"I created some texture maps in MindTex to use in Blender, but I can't figure out how to properly hook them up. The maps I have: - Diffuse - Normal - Height - Specular - Gloss - Self Illumination - Reflection - Ambient Occlusion MindTex (left) vs. Blender (right) As you can clearly see it's a pretty big difference. is my material node setup in Blender. In the examples I don't actually use self illumination or reflection images, but including this in the answer would be helpful.",
"Prove the set of all infinite binary sequences is uncountable by using Cantor's theorem. This is different then the other versions of the questions here. I'm not supposed to use the diagonal argument. I'm looking to write a proof based on Cantor's theorem, and power sets.",
"Error on Ubuntu boot up - \"recovering journal\" Trying to figure out what this means: I got into the GRUB menu, chose Advanced Options, boot in recovery mode, login as root, and I did: root@xps:~# sudo fsck -f / fsck from util-linux 2.27.1 e2fsck 1.42.13 (17-May-2015) /dev/nvme0n1p2 is mounted. e2fsck: Cannot continue, aborting. Coincidentally, I am also seeing this fuzzy rainbow thing on the outside of desktop windows: But now the machine won't even boot up at all.",
"\"Which\" vs. \"what\" — what's the difference and when should you use one or the other? Most of the time one or the other feels better, but every so often, \"which\" vs. \"what\" trips me up. So, what's the exact difference and when should you use one or the other?",
"How to Create a Grid Inside a Polygon that is Oriented with the Longest Side? I have been using a process called \"Create Polygon Graticule\" to create a grid within a polygon with assigned row and column attributes. It is a SAGA tool which I have been running in QGIS. It generates a grid based on the extent of the input polygon with the cell running N to S and E to W. It would be better for my analysis if the direction of the grid was parallel to the longest edge of the polygon. For reference I have attached images of the current automated output and an output that I manually altered to align the grid with the polygon. The grids originally covered the entire extent of the polygon but have been clipped to show only the cell parts that are inside. Above image is what the tool out puts by default. This is an image of a grid that was edited manually to fit the necessary parameters. My question is, is there a way to produce grids that are aligned such as the one in the second image in an automated fashion? I will need to generate grids for a few thousand polygons.",
"Editing Gsettings unsuccesful when initiated from cron",
"proof that every finite matrix has an annihilating polynomial",
"asp.net mvc put controllers into a separate project I'm just learning asp.net mvc and I'm trying to figure out how to move my controllers into a separate project. Typically when I have designed asp.net web apps before, I created one project for my models, another for my logic, and then there was the web. Now that I'm learning asp.net mvc I was hoping to follow a similar pattern and put the models and controllers each into their own separate projects, and just leave the views/scripts/css in the web. The models part was easy, but what I don't understand is how to make my controllers in a separate project be \"found\". Also, I would like to know if this is advisable. Thanks!"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Back button takes the view to initial page from tags search | Going back twice required to return to search results in the tags view | [
"So far, I didn't have the chance to use either of these services. Before starting, I would like to hear your opinions. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Why should I choose one over the other? I am mainly interested in the technical side, but I would also love to hear comments also regarding the plans and prices.",
"Find the limit if it exists of $S_{n+1} = \\frac{1}{2}(S_n +\\frac{A}{S_n})$ Suppose that $S_0$ and A are positive numbers, let $$S_{n+1} = \\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_n +\\frac{A}{S_n}\\right)$$ with $n \\geq 0 $. (a)Show that $S_{n+1} \\geq \\sqrt{A} $ if $n \\geq 0$ (b)Show that $S_{n+1} \\leq S_n $ , if $n \\geq 1$ (c) Show that $s= \\lim\\limits_{n \\rightarrow \\infty} S_n$ exists (d) find s (a) Show that $S_{n+1} \\geq \\sqrt{A} $ if $n \\geq 0$ Given $$P_n: S_{n+1} = \\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_n +\\frac{A}{S_n}\\right) \\geq \\sqrt{A}$$ $$P_0: S_{1} = \\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_0 +\\frac{A}{S_0}\\right) \\geq \\sqrt{A} $$ We assume that $P_n$ is true $$P_{n+1}: S_{n+2}= \\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_{n+1} +\\frac{A}{S_{n+1}}\\right)$$ by assumption $$S_{n+2}= \\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_{n+1}\\left(1 +\\frac{A}{(S_{n+1})^2}\\right)\\right) \\geq \\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\sqrt{A}\\left(1 +\\frac{A}{(\\sqrt{A})^2}\\right)\\right)$$ $$ S_{n+2}= \\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_{n+1} +\\frac{A}{S_{n+1}}\\right) \\geq \\sqrt{A} $$ It follows that $S_{n+1} \\geq \\sqrt{A} $ (b) Show that $S_{n+1} \\leq S_n $ , if $n \\geq 1$ $$S_{n+1} \\leq S_n$$ $$\\frac{1}{2}\\left(S_n +\\frac{A}{S_n}\\right) \\leq S_n $$ Dividing by $S_n$ $$\\frac{1}{2}\\left(1 +\\frac{A}{S_n^2}\\right) \\leq 1 $$ $$\\frac{A}{2S_n^2} \\leq \\frac{1}{2}$$ $$A \\leq S_n^2$$ $$S_n \\geq \\sqrt{A}$$ As $S_{n+1} \\leq S_n$ yields a true statement, it follows $S_{n+1} \\leq S_n$ is true. (c) Show that $s= \\lim\\limits_{n \\rightarrow \\infty} S_n$ exists Since $S_{n+1} \\leq S_n$, the sequence is non-increasing, using the non-increasing theorem stating that if $\\{S_n\\}$ is non-increasing then $$\\lim\\limits_{n \\rightarrow > \\infty} S_n = \\inf\\{S_n\\} $$ (d) find s Is the argumentation in (a) and (b) appropriate? Also, I have to admit I m getting less confident in my argumentation (c) and (d). How to proceed in (c) and (d)? Much appreciated for your input or help.",
"Currently, if you access a deleted question you will get a short message informing you that the question has been deleted. However, if you click on a direct link to a deleted answer or comment (which you can get via notifications), nothing is displayed. This is naturally quite confusing as you will get the message about a new answer or comment via notifications, click on the link and simply see nothing. Therefore, I propose to display some sort of message to the user, informing her/him that the answer or question has been deleted. Note that this is different from always showing a deleted answer/comment, as I specifically request it in case you access the specific URL. One example for a comment would be: One example for a deleted answer is: This question is related to , but requests a feature to circumvent the problem altogether.",
"Why did Terence Tao write Proposition 2.1.11 about mathematical induction in \"Analysis I\"?",
"Trying to dual boot Ubuntu 14.10 with Windows 10, last one not detected",
"Software to read a QR code? I saw a reading a book, but I don't have a smart phone to check it. So I just took a picture of it and saved my PC. And I downloaded libdecoderqr0, libdecodeqr-dev, libdecodeqr-examples for reading it. But I don't know how to use it. What do I do next, or is there a nicer way to read QR codes?",
"I have a Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop and I am planning on purchasing a mac mini, new version , I am tight on money for a while and want to use my current laptop screen as monitor for mac mini, I just want to know if it is at all possible to do, I have windows 7 and ubuntu 11.04 installed in my laptop, and I don't really care if need to wipe them out, or purchasing a monitos is the only option left, also I am planning to use it for coding and stuff, so VNC is probably not a good choice.",
"I wish to have long and short forms of command line options invoked using my shell script. I know that getopts can be used, but like in Perl, I have not been able to do the same with shell. Any ideas on how this can be done, so that I can use options like: ./shell.sh --copyfile abc.pl /tmp/ ./shell.sh -c abc.pl /tmp/ In the above, both the commands mean the same thing to my shell, but using getopts, I have not been able to implement these?",
"Unable to Enter a Country If I have a connecting flight through a country I am unable to enter. Can I retrieve my bags to recheck for my connect?",
"call function declared below Is it possible to call a function which is declared below in bash? Example if [ \"$input\" = \"yes\" ]; then YES_FUNCTION elif [ \"$input\" = \"no\" ]; then NO_FUNCTION else exit 0; fi YES_FUNCTION() { ..... ..... } NO_FUNCTION() { ..... ..... }",
"I was reading a website where common English sentence errors are written - INCORRECT - He doesn't know to swim. CORRECT - He doesn't know how to swim. I know He doesn't know how to swim is a correct sentence. But why is the other one wrong, is my question? I know that know is a transitive verb. So, the following are correct - i) He knows swimming. Swimming is a gerund. We can also use the infinitive form here - to swim ii) He knows to swim.",
"Zero visibility while editing a message in a chat room",
"I have made some changes to a file which has been committed a few times as part of a group of files, but now want to reset/revert the changes on it back to a previous version. I have done a git log along with a git diff to find the revision I need, but just have no idea how to get the file back to its former state in the past.",
"It's often the case that I want to change name servers because my site is messed up. Well, it takes a very long time for the name server to propagate. Is there something in DNS, or registrar or anything I can do to speed that up. Flushing my dns server using and it rarely works",
"I have a JavaScript object. Is there a built-in or accepted best practice way to get the length of this object? const myObject = new Object(); myObject["firstname"] = "Gareth"; myObject["lastname"] = "Simpson"; myObject["age"] = 21;",
"How can I split a beamer bibliography across two slides?",
"Why was the Holdo manoeuvre not used earlier? This question is related to \"The Last Jedi\": The maneuvre that vice admiral Holdo (with the purple hair) uses towards the end of the film seems remarkably effective. It seems that it would have worked pretty well much earlier. Especially as two other ships were just allowed to run out of fuel and be destroyed. It seems doing it earlier with different assets would have incurred less losses. Yet nobody seemed to consider it. Any in universe reason why?",
"What torque for caliper brakes onto carbon-alloy forks? I've recently got a new bike with a . This comes with deep-drop calliper brakes (Shimano R451 Dual Pivot). The first time out I bumped one of the brakes and it twisted around the single attachment bolt and rubbed on the rim. I managed to easily twist it back by hand and carry on, however I thought the bolt probably needs tightening. The question is: How tight can it be? As the fork is part carbon I've so far only dared to take it up to 4Nm, but it still seems possible to twist the whole calliper around with a bump of the hand. Maybe that's normal? Perhaps it's easier to bump around because of the longer deep-drop lever. Should I be aiming to get it really secure? I'm not sure whether the brake mount in the fork is all carbon, or some of it is alloy underneath, but either way I'd like to know what a sensible torque is. As far as I can see from the there is no such specification. How can I find this out?",
"How to avoid pagenumering with text in scrlttr2 Have a Letter in scrlttr2. I cannot avoid/exclude the text before the page number 'Seite' (see print-screen). The recommends to add \\pagenumbering{arabic}. But for my document, it has no effect. %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\documentclass%% %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [fontsize=12pt,%% Schriftgroesse %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Satzspiegel paper=a4,%% Papierformat enlargefirstpage=on,%% Erste Seite anders pagenumber=footcenter,%% Seitenzahl oben mittig %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Layout headsepline=on,%% Linie unter der Seitenzahl parskip=half,%% Abstand zwischen Absaetzen %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Formatierung draft=on%% Entwurfsmodus ]{scrlttr2} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\usepackage{german} \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\begin{document} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Briefstil und Position des Briefkopfs \\LoadLetterOption{DIN} %% oder: DINmtext, SN, SNleft, KOMAold. \\makeatletter \\pagenumbering{arabic} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Seitenstil \\pagestyle{plain}%% keine Header in der Kopfzeile %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\begin{letter}{Herr\\\\ Mustermann\\\\ Straße 1\\\\ 12345 Stadt} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\setkomavar{subject}{Beispielschreiben} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\opening{Liebe Herr Mustermann,} here is some Text. \\pagebreak here is some Text. %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\end{letter} %--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \\end{document} %---------------------------------------------------------------------------",
"Why is Euler's Totient function always even? I want to prove why $\\phi(n)$ is even for $n>3$. So far I am attempting to split this into 2 cases. Case 1: $n$ is a power of $2$. Hence $n=2^k$. So $\\phi(n)=2^k-2^{k-1}$. Clearly that will always be even. Case 2: $n$ is not a power of $2$. This is where I am unsure where to go. I figure I will end up using the fact that $\\phi(n)$ is multiplicative, and I think I'll get a $(p-1)$ somewhere in the resulting product which will make the whole thing positive, as $p$ is prime implies $(p-1)$ is even."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Is it possible to stir-fry meat cutlets without "oil bombing" ?) | Cooking steak in frying pan, problem with oil splatter | [
"Navigating lookup relationships with dot notations, to retrieve field values I need to access the value from a roll-up field on my Opportunities, from it's related Opportunity Product. When I use oli.Opportunity.Software_Line_Item__c the value retrieved is always null. So I've also tried oli.OpportunityId.Software_Line_Item__c which causes an error in the compiler Invalid foreign key relationship: OpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId & just to make sure that it's not the roll-up field calculation that's not working as expected, I've tested oli.Opportunity.Name which is also returning null. I know this is basic but I don't have Eclipse installed so I can't check the correct reference to use. Could someone please let me know how I can navigate this relationship, to retrieve the value from the Software_Line_Item__c field?",
"9-speed system to 11-speed drivetrain upgrade?",
"How to plot logistic regression decision boundary?",
"After running a VM and logging out, I got a black screen. I powered off and re-started but got the same after the bios option in start up passed. Several attempts went bye with the same result. So I fiddled with bios boot options a bit and was able to get to a different looking Ubuntu start up screen which, after entering pass key would run a series of commands that were too numerous and frantic to make out. They appeared to be overlapped/layered (the text that is) and seemingly repeating endlessly. I had to power down to get it to stop and re-booting just had the same effect. Finally, I hit the down arrow key when prompted for \"disk sda5_crypt\" at the pseudo Ubuntu log-in screen I mentioned before. This brought me to an all black screen which read something like: lvmetad not active cannot process volume group \"umbuntu-vg\" unlock disk sda5_crypt** From here I entered a password and Ubuntu start up ran. That was an unsettling hour or so and I'd like to avoid that in the future. Any ideas what caused it and how to avoid it going forward? Should have said this before but Ubuntu is the only OS on my machine and my optical drive cannot be opened manually.",
"Label rows of a matrix by characters",
"\"It is not possible to check out a single file. The finest level of checkouts you can do is at the directory level.\" How do I get around this issue when using Subversion? We have this folder in Subversion where we keep all our images. I just want to check out one file (image) from that. This folder is really big and has ton of other stuff which I don't need now.",
"Order of general- and special linear groups over finite fields.",
"Why is the present perfect used in headlines? In news reports, we often read or hear events introduced with the present perfect, and then the past simple like this: The film star Jim Cooper has died of cancer. He was 68 and lived in Texas. What's wrong if we use both first and second sentence in past simple? The film star Jim Cooper died of cancer. He was 68 and lived in Texas.",
"What is duplicate content and how can I avoid being penalized for it on my site? This is a general, community wiki question regarding duplicate content. If your question was closed as a duplicate of this question and you feel that the information provided here does not provide a sufficient answer, please open a discussion on . What does Google consider to be duplicate content? Will the way I am presenting my content result in a duplicate content penalty? How can I avoid having my site's content treated as duplicate content?",
"Is there a comma needed before quotation?",
"Extracting the function from InterpolatingFunction object",
"When two objects -one of them transparent- intersects it creates some artifacts visible even in the alpha channel. Even with 1024 transparent bounces the artifacts remain. In the example file there are two cubes in the same position, one transparent and one emission. What is causing this? Any way to get rid of this artifacts?",
"Where do the bipolar jets of black holes come from?",
"Annoying lines ruining the image I was planning to do a 1920x1080 wallpaper from my favourite musician's cover. Everything was going good so far until I used correction brush which totally ruined my whole work. There are pixelated lines (how do I call these?!) everywhere! They're everywhere, it's very visible when zooming. Using Content-Aware Fill did nothing about it. I beg for help. Sorry if I did something wrong writing this post, i'm a beginner.",
"Where is the denoiser?",
"Let $x_1,...,x_n$ be distinct integers. Prove that $$\\prod_{i<j} \\frac{x_i-x_j}{i-j}\\in \\mathbb Z$$ I know there is a solution using determinant of a matrix, but I can't remember it now. Any help will be appreciated.",
"How to get the current directory in a C program? I'm making a C program where I need to get the directory that the program is started from. This program is written for UNIX computers. I've been looking at opendir() and telldir(), but telldir() returns a off_t (long int), so it really doesn't help me. How can I get the current path in a string (char array)?",
"Is there more to an interface than having the correct methods So lets say I have this interface: public interface IBox { public void setSize(int size); public int getSize(); public int getArea(); //...and so on } And I have a class that implements it: public class Rectangle implements IBox { private int size; //Methods here } If I wanted to use the interface IBox, i can't actually create an instance of it, in the way: public static void main(String args[]) { Ibox myBox=new Ibox(); } right? So I'd actually have to do this: public static void main(String args[]) { Rectangle myBox=new Rectangle(); } If that's true, then the only purpose of interfaces is to make sure that the class which implements an interface has got the correct methods in it as described by an interface? Or is there any other use of interfaces?",
"Cannot mount NTFS partition in Ubuntu 13.04 After I installed Ubuntu 13.04, I can't mount my NTFS partition. Error mounting /dev/sda5 at /media/mrxfly/xFLyDiskData: Command-line `mount -t \"ntfs\" -o \"uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177\" \"/dev/sda5\" \"/media/mrxfly/xFLyDiskData\"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. Failed to mount '/dev/sda5': Operation not permitted The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume read-only with the 'ro' mount option.",
"Derivation of a generalization of Mertens' Third Theorem. One of Mertens' Theorems states $$\\prod_{p\\le x}(1-\\frac{1}{p})\\sim \\frac{e^{-\\gamma}}{\\ln(x)}.$$ I have seen a generalized version that states $$\\prod_{m<p\\le x}(1-\\frac{m}{p})\\sim \\frac{c(m)}{(\\ln(x))^m},$$ where $m$ is a positive integer and $c(m)$ is a real number that depends on $m$. How can I derive this result? Is there a way to find what the values of $c(m)$ are? Thank you very much."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
A positive lambda: '+[]{}' - What sorcery is this? | Resolving ambiguous overload on function pointer and std::function for a lambda using + | [
"QGIS update from 2.14 to 2.16 failed on Ubuntu 14.04 Until yesterday my whole qgis and python-qgis worked fine with version 2.14 under Ubuntu 14.04. After a simple sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade qgis failed to update... Several attempts to reinstall it with different versions failed. Current error message (for version 2.14.3) goes like this: qgis-providers (2.14.3+dfsg-2~trusty1) is configured ... /usr/lib/qgis/crssync: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdal.so.20: undefined symbol: GEOSDelaunayTriangulation_r I also tried to reinstall all gdal libraries - not sure if I got all?! Maybe it is somehow related to this one: ? UPDATE: Trying to install version 2.16.0 it gives different but similar error: /usr/lib/qgis/crssync: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libqgis_core.so.2.16.0: undefined symbol: GEOSNearestPoints_r UPDATE Sources: For version 2.16.0 there are these sources in /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://qgis.org/debian trusty main deb-src http://qgis.org/debian trusty main deb http://qgis.org/debian trusty main deb-src http://qgis.org/debian trusty main which are all the same, right? When I do apt-cache policy qgis it gives me: qgis: Installiert: 1:2.16.0+20trusty Installationskandidat: 1:2.16.0+20trusty Versionstabelle: *** 1:2.16.0+20trusty 0 500 http://qgis.org/debian/ trusty/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status 2.0.1-2build2 0 500 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages",
"Trying to install Ubuntu on Dell XPS 15 (9570) I have been trying to install Ubuntu on my new laptop: Dell XPS 15 (9570) Windows 10 Home 64bit English 8th Generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H Processor (9M Cache, up to 4.1 GHz, 6 cores) 16GB, 2x8GB, DDR4, 2666MHz 256GB M.2 2280 PCIe Solid State Drive NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) GTX 1050Ti with 4GB GDDR5 I began by trying to install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS using an 8GB USB drive. The first issue I ran into was getting frozen on the bootup screen on the fourth dot. After a couple tries, I plugged in my monitor (through HDMI) and it stopped getting stuck all of a sudden. Next, I tried to go through the installation and when I clicked on restart now, my computer froze and I had to shut it down manually and start it back up again. At this point I got to the login screen and logged in but after entering my password it got stuck on a purple screen with my mouse pointer (which was frozen). I was able to get into a shell at this point (with ctrl+alt+f4) and attempted to run sudo apt-get install nvidia-390 but this froze when it reached building initial module for 4.15.0-22-generic and upon reboot I had to run sudo dpkg --remove -a. I was unable to work around this so I attempted to install Ubuntu 16.04 which I could only do by adding acpi=off to the boot configuration (which by the way, I had a lot of trouble getting to since GRUB usually flashed in and then immediately disappeared and only occasionally would it stick around long enough for me to use). But when I try to boot up now, I never reach the screen with the five dots and instead immediately get stuck on a purple screen (with no mouse pointer). I reinstalled Ubuntu 18.04 and am back to being stuck on the log-in screen. What should I do?",
"Does Ubuntu follow the Linux Standard Base (LSB)?",
"Assuming this is on the way, but having not seen it previously reported: I can't view myself from the sidebar, or anyone else by tapping them. View Self From Sidebar: View Asker/Answerer: View Commenter:",
"I am trying to calculate the sum of this infinite series after having read the series chapter of my textbook: $$\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty}\\frac{1}{4n^2-1}$$ my steps: $$\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty}\\frac{1}{4n^2-1}=\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty}\\frac{2}{4n^2-1}-\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty}\\frac{1}{4n^2-1}=..help..=sum$$ I am lacking some important properties, I feel I am coming to the right step and cannot spit that out..",
"Clarifying question on meaning of derivative of a linear transformation In my analysis class, my professor (and the textbook) reference the fact that $\\mathbf{D}T(\\bar{x}) = T$ for any $\\bar{x} \\in \\mathbb{R}^n$ where $T \\in \\mathcal{L}(\\mathbb{R}^n,\\mathbb{R}^n) $. I'm wondering about the precise meaning of this statement. Is it that the differential of any linear transformation is also linear? Or is that the differential of any linear transformation is itself (and therefore also linear)? The second seems confusing to me because the derivative of a function is often not itself. For example, $f(x) = 2x$ is a linear transformation but $f'(x) = 2 \\ne 2x$ for all $x \\in \\mathbb{R}$.",
"how can I reset a lost administrative password ,considering that Ubuntu and windows7 are both installed on the computer , considering also that \"Boot up the machine,and after the BIOS screen, hold down the left Shift key.\" didn't logged me to any thing, just continue the loading of the system as normal??",
"When is \"EDIT\"/\"UPDATE\" appropriate in a post? I often see questions edited into this form: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet blah blah blah paragraph paragraph original question. UPDATE: The Lorem disappeared and left this message: \"new information\". I find this format unaesthetic (since Stack Exchange posts are supposed to be useful in the long term and update boundaries are artifacts of the creation rather than the content) and feel that new information should, whenever possible, be incorporated into the original text “as if it had always been that way” if practical, and pointing out an update should be done mostly in comments. Is this an appropriate writing style, and if so under what circumstances? If not, should it be removed or discouraged?",
"It's been some weeks now, whenever I try to used my Youtube app, it tells me it's impossible to connect to Youtube. Since it's an iPad 1, I have had trouble finding information online. Did Google or Apple stop supporting the app? Is it finally obsolete? Is there another app I could use that works on iOS 5? Just to be clear, I did not tinker with my device. I did not change its parameters, I did not jailbreak it, it connects to the Internet just fine and I've tried the app on different Internet connections. Also, this is not a login problem, the app just refuses to let me browse videos, whether I'm logged in or not. Thanks for your help.",
"Children's bike problem with back wheel My daughter has sparkle and glitz 12 inch bike with stabilizers (training wheels). Since we purchased the bike every now and again the back wheel keeps spinning when she is pedaling. This seems to happen more when there is a bit of an incline. Any suggestions what problem could be?",
"I work on different types of monitors (CRT, LCD) and all PCs have the same screen refresh rate as 60 Hertz. Recently I've read an article which claims that low refresh rates cause headaches. The writer states that 60 Hertz is a low refresh rate and should be increased to the maximum value that the monitor supports. If I increase this value to the maximum as the monitor can display (for example 75 Hertz), does it damage the monitor in the long term? Answers about the pros and cons of low & high refresh rates would be highly appreciated.",
"Why is this series of square root of twos equal $\\pi$? Wikipedia claims this but only cites an offline proof: $$\\lim_{n\\to\\infty} 2^n \\sqrt{2-\\sqrt{2+\\cdots+ \\sqrt 2}} = \\pi$$ for $n$ square roots and one minus sign. The formula is not the \"usual\" one, like Taylor series or something like that, so I can't easily prove it. I wrote a little script to calculate it and it's clearly visible, but that's not a proof.",
"Groups in derived series are normal in the whole group I am considering a finitely generated, solvable group $G$ which has subexponential growth. Let $G=G_0\\vartriangleright G_1\\vartriangleright....\\vartriangleright G_d\\vartriangleright G_{d+1}=1$ denote the derived series of G. It should be the case that $G_d$ is normal in $G$. Does anyone know why this is true? I don't know whether all of the assumptions above are necessary for the result.",
"How can I list installed packages by installation date? I need to do this on debian/ubuntu. Answers for other distributions would be nice as well. I installed a lot of stuff to compile a certain piece of code, and I want to get a list of the packages that I had to install.",
"Divisor in $\\mathbb{C}[X]$ $\\implies$ divisor in $\\mathbb{R}[X]$? let $P \\in \\mathbb{R}[X]$ be a real polynomial divisible by a polynomial $Q \\in \\mathbb{R}[X]$ in $\\mathbb{C}[X]$. How can I easily show that $P$ is also divisible by $Q$ in $\\mathbb{R}[X]$? A simple argument without using higher algebraic theorems is desirable. If I could use instruments of higher algebra, the exercise I have to do in whole would be done in two lines. But I'm not allowed to use. I think there would be an easy argument which I can't see yet because of my mental fogginess that I have sometimes. Thank you beforehand.",
"Why are the longer edges being beveled more? I'll preface this by saying I'm very new to Blender - I'm trying to put a bevel on an edge, looks something like this: As you can see, the vertical side is much longer than the horizontal side. When I apply to bevel to the edge there, the bevel stretches proportionally - so there's 'more' bevel on the longer side. I want to bevel without any 'ratio' like that - just a 45-degree bevel, if that makes any sense. Do I have to put in a loop cut to make the side lengths equal? I tried using a sub-surf modifier, but it applies on a bunch of nearby edges, when I just want to round this one corner.",
"A concrete example of involution in group theory I am reading the textbook \"Introduction to Modern Algebra, Joyce 2017\" and in the Cyclic groups and subgroups section, there is a following sentence about involution. An involution $a$ is an element of a group which is its own inverse, $a^{-1} = a$. Clearly, the order of an involution $a$ is $2$ unless $a = 1$, in which case the order of $a$ is $1$. I was trying to come up with a concrete example, but I am having difficulties. Maybe when $a = \\frac{1}{2}, \\frac{1}{2}^2 = 1$? I also searched the for a concrete example, but wasn't able to find anything. Can someone provide an example with numbers for me please? I want to understand why the author writes \"clearly\" that the order of an involution $a$ is $2$. Thank you",
"Given a subset $A$ of $\\mathbb{R}^{n}$, a point $x \\in \\mathbb{R}^{n}$ is said to be in the boundary of A if and only if for every open rectangle $B\\subseteq\\mathbb{R}^{n}$ with $x\\in B$, $B$ contains both a point of $A$ and a point of $\\mathbb{R}^{n}\\setminus A$. My question is from Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds: Construct a set $A \\subseteq [0,1]\\times [0,1]$ such that $A$ contains at most one point on each horizontal and vertical line but has boundary equal to $[0,1]\\times[0,1]$.",
"EncFs insecure, what to use now I love encfs as it provides file-based encrypting which is quite useful when it comes to cloud storage. But it looks like that especially for this use case, . I'm aware that but how to deal with it in the meantime? Are there any alternatives that integrate well in ubuntu? Edit: The security issue I mostly refer to is . It is still present in version 1.8 and makes your files vulnerable if someone get's multiple versions of your encrypted files. If one is worried about services like Dropbox are not that thrustworthy and encrypts folders uploaded into the cloud because of that, the opportunity that the attacker (the service) gets more than one copy of the cyphertext is absolutely given.",
"How to set class weights for imbalanced classes in Keras?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How can a .NET process determine whether it is being run as a windows service? | Am I Running as a Service | [
"Is there a gender-neutral pronoun that can replace “his” or “her”?",
"How to compare objects by multiple fields Assume you have some objects which have several fields they can be compared by: public class Person { private String firstName; private String lastName; private String age; /* Constructors */ /* Methods */ } So in this example, when you ask if: a.compareTo(b) > 0 you might be asking if a's last name comes before b's, or if a is older than b, etc... What is the cleanest way to enable multiple comparison between these kinds of objects without adding unnecessary clutter or overhead? java.lang.Comparable interface allows comparison by one field only Adding numerous compare methods (i.e. compareByFirstName(), compareByAge(), etc...) is cluttered in my opinion. So what is the best way to go about this?",
"How to extract the decimal part from a floating point number in C? How can we extract the decimal part of a floating point number and store the decimal part and the integer part into two separate integer variables?",
"Entire function and the series of its successive derivatives I recently came across the result that if $g$ is holomorphic in a neighbourhood of a point $z_0$ and $$\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty }{g^{(n)}(z_0)} $$ converges then $g $ is an entire function. Now, my doubt is if the above series is absolutely convergent then can we say something more about $g$, like say $g$ is a polynomial? I could not find any non-polynomial entire function( I tried with functions like $e^z$, $\\sin z $, et al), whose successive derivatives converge absolutely as series. Any help please?",
"What's the Best Way to Shuffle an NSMutableArray? If you have an NSMutableArray, how do you shuffle the elements randomly? (I have my own answer for this, which is posted below, but I'm new to Cocoa and I'm interested to know if there is a better way.) Update: As noted by @Mukesh, as of iOS 10+ and macOS 10.12+, there is an -[NSMutableArray shuffledArray] method that can be used to shuffle. See for details. (But note that this creates a new array, rather than shuffling the elements in place.)",
"My rear rim brakes are squeaking loudly. I don't know what the problem is, but I am sure it has nothing to do with rain because it happens all the time even if it is dry. Anybody have an idea what could be problem and how to solve it? It makes the rear brakes kind of useless, because if I use them I will scare the people or drivers around me.",
"Show that $\\left|\\frac{\\alpha - \\beta}{1-\\bar{\\alpha}\\beta}\\right| < 1$ when $|\\alpha|,|\\beta| < 1$ This is the question I'm stumbling with: When $|\\alpha| < 1$ and $|\\beta| < 1$, show that: $$\\left|\\cfrac{\\alpha - \\beta}{1-\\bar{\\alpha}\\beta}\\right| < 1$$ The chapter that contains this question contains (among others) the triangle inequalities: $$\\left||z_1| - |z_2|\\right| \\le |z_1 + z_2| \\le |z_1| + |z_2| $$ I've tried to use the triangle inequalities to increase the dividend and/or decrease the divisor: $$\\left|\\cfrac{\\alpha - \\beta}{1-\\bar{\\alpha}\\beta}\\right| < \\cfrac{|\\alpha| +|\\beta|}{\\left|1-|\\bar{\\alpha}\\beta|\\right|}$$ But it's not clear if or why that would be smaller than one. I've also tried to multiply the equation by the conjugated divisor $\\cfrac{1-\\alpha\\bar{\\beta}}{1-\\alpha\\bar{\\beta}}$, which gives a real divisor, but the equation does not appear solvable. Any hint would be much appreciated.",
"Show that $R/I\\otimes_R R/J\\cong R/(I+J)$",
"On Irix's 4Dwm, there was an ability to minimise windows into a box (contrary to the task bar used by modern window managers). I have seen this also on an old HPUX. See the \"console\" square in the linked image: Is it possible to accomplish on Ubuntu, either with a plugin or maybe some window manager other than Unity?",
"I see this a lot, someone in a category of people attempts to shut down anyone with an opinion that is not from the same category. For example, people without children weighing in on parenting; the parent may say something like \"well, since you don't have kids and I do, my position is of more validity than yours.\" Another example: a drug user (of some kind) telling someone who has never done drugs and does not care to, \"until you tried it, you have no right to judge me.\" People frequently try to limit the consideration on opinions to those in their same group, while it is perfectly reasonable that the non-drug user, especially if they are a chemist or well read on the subject, may have an equally valid opinion, or even more valid. In fact some might even say that someone NOT in the category has a better chance of being objective and seeing the forest for the trees. So what is the fallacy of trying to shut down opinions when the source of the opinion is not someone who has personally had the experience under discussion?",
"I have a table tabName with the following rows: id(PK) .. Created(datetime) Resolved(datetime) Status(new/resolved/open) 1 2015-05-10 00:00:00 1970-01-01 .. open 2 2015-05-10 .. 1970-01-01 .. new 3 2015-05-10 2015-05-12 resolved 4 2015-05-11 .. 1970-01-01 .. open 5 2015-05-11 .. 1970-01-01 .. new 6 2015-05-11 2015-05-11 resolved 7 2015-05-12 .. 1970-01-01 .. open 8 2015-05-12 .. 1970-01-01 .. new 9 2015-05-12 2015-05-12 resolved NOTE: 1970-01-01 .. is default time for all the tickets which are still open. I have to frame a query to get the count of tickets still open, date wise. Say like on 10 May I have 3 tickets opened. Noting that for id = 3, resolved date is not 10 but it's closed on 12 May. I framed a query like SELECT DATE_FORMAT(Created, '%d-%m') AS createdd, COUNT(1) FROM tabName WHERE DATE_FORMAT(Resolved, '%d-%m') > DATE_FORMAT(Created, '%d-%m') AND YEAR(Created) = '2015' GROUP BY createdd; The above query gets all the tickets whose Resolved date is greater than the date which is considered for the count. This may count newer tickets as well. And also if the older tickets which are not resolved yet is not counted. Is there any other way to frame the required query? I have been juggling with this query from last 3 days. Not able to find out still. Updated: As suggested by Abhik, i have tried in sqlfiddle site. Here is what i created: CREATE TABLE test (idint,createddatetime,resolveddatetime, status varchar(15), PRIMARY KEY (id)); INSERT INTO test (id,'created','resolved',status`) VALUES (1,'2015-05-10 00:00:00','1970-01-01 00:00:00','open'), (2,'2015-05-10 00:00:00','1970-01-01 00:00:00','new'), (3,'2015-05-10 00:00:00','2015-05-12 00:00:00','resolved'), (4,'2015-05-11 00:00:00','1970-01-01 00:00:00','open'), (5,'2015-05-11 00:00:00','1970-01-01 00:00:00','new'), (6,'2015-05-11 00:00:00','2015-05-11 00:00:00','resolved'), (7,'2015-05-12 00:00:00','1970-01-01 00:00:00','open'), (8,'2015-05-12 00:00:00','1970-01-01 00:00:00','new'), (9,'2015-05-12 00:00:00','1970-01-01 00:00:00','open') ; ` When i run ` select created_date, @open:= @open+open_ticket-resolved as open from( select date_format(created,'%d-%m') as created_date , sum( case when status='open' then 1 else 0 end )+ sum( case when status='new' then 1 else 0 end )+ sum( case when status='resolved' and ( date(resolved) > date(created) or date(resolved) = date(created)) then 1 else 0 end ) as open_ticket, sum(case when status = 'resolved' and date(resolved) = date(created) then 1 else 0 end) as resolved from test where YEAR(Created) = '2015' group by created_date )x, (select @open:=0)r order by created_date ; ` I got following output created_date open 10-05 3 11-05 5 12-05 8 Here count of still open tickets for 12-05 must be 7. The above query includes ticket id \"3\" , which is closed on 12-05. So is there any way to exclude this? If i am able to get this right, then i will have full fledged query.",
"I have looked for similar questions here on stack exchange. The closest example to this that I found is . That question assumed less than perfect absorption of material lining the inside of the sphere, and the effect of thermally re-radiating it inside the sphere. A lot of the answers focused on that much of the thermal radiation would not be reflected back to the star, and is likely to be reabsorbed by the sphere at another location. On the other hand, this question asks what would happen if the Dyson sphere, using mirrors, deliberately refocus a significant portion of the rays directly back at the star.",
"Is there a unique solution for this quadratic matrix equation?",
"I am trying to understand the Georgi chapter of tensor methods in $SU(3)$ representations, and I don't know how to resolve the tensor product of 2 matrices in a 2 heavy quark + 2 light antiquark system. Namely: Let the tetraquark system be: $QQ\\bar q\\bar{q}$ So, those $Q$ heavy quarks interact and can be understood in the $3\\bigotimes 3$ representations for $SU(3)$, and $\\bar q\\bar q$ can be understood as the $\\bar 3\\bigotimes\\bar 3=3\\bigoplus\\bar 6$ representations for $SU(3)$. The interaction diagram for the $Q$ heavy quarks is shown in the following scheme, which is an analogy to the Feynman Diagram where a gluon is understood to be exchanged between upper and lower arrows: $i'\\xrightarrow{(T_{a})^{i'}_{i}}i , {}^iQ$ $j'\\xrightarrow{(T_{a})^{j'}_{j}}j , {}^jQ$ So, as usuall we consider the elements of $3$ representation as $u^i$, and therefore the elements of $\\bar 3$ representation as $v_{j}$. I must understand how does the following expression transform: $(T_{a})^{i'}_{i}(T_{a})^{j'}_{j}\\cdot(1/2)\\cdot (w^iv^j+w^jv^i)=\\Xi\\cdot(1/2)\\cdot(w^{i'}v^{j'}+w^{j'}v^{i'})$ In other words, how can one give the correct value of $\\Xi$? Note1: $T_a$ is understood to be the $a-ith$ generator of the associated Lie Algebra, which come from the definition of the Gell-Mann Matrices. $(T_{a})^{i}_{j}\\propto(\\lambda)_{ij}$, in matrix notation. Note2: I understand the Young Tableaux and they are not intended to be used here, so please don't try to explain this situation through the tables. Note3: I assume this is a purely solvable mathematical problem and doesn't need a deep insight into the physical concepts... Also requesting information about how to understand the tensor products in these cases, since I have been checking many sources but the definitions seem not clear enough.",
"Does anyone know how to get your business map location displayed in the right hand sidebar of the Google search results page? As in the screenshot below: I already added my business to this link: . Is adding detail in above link enough or do I need to change my website coding?",
"I have a 3D truck model already textured and properly imported into Blender. This is a game model and I need to \"re-paint\" with design from other transport companies. The problem is that I don't have a UV layout (skin template) to serve as a guide for future paintings. Is there a way to \"extract\" an UV Layout to .JPG or .PNG to serve as guide for .DDS texture editing? Please note that I don't want to remap the model. I still want to use the actual UV Mapping and just need to edit the actual textures.",
"How to stop a sponge cake (chiffon cake) from deflating/sinking?",
"I would have expected the correlation coefficient to be the same as a regression slope (beta), however having just compared the two, they are different. How do they differ - what different information do they give?",
"Shapefile layer no longer editable (toggle edit option greyed out) in QGIS?",
"From : ‘We all believe, up at the Lodge, Rachael, that he will be freed from suspicion, sooner or later.’ ‘The better I know it to be so believed there, my dear,’ said Rachael, ‘and the kinder I feel it that you come away from there, purposely to comfort me, and keep me company, and be seen wi’ me when I am not yet free from all suspicion myself, the more grieved I am that I should ever have spoken those mistrusting words to the young lady. And yet I— ’ We usually use should have to say that something was not done, despite being desirable. But in this example, the mistrusting words were indeed spoken (earlier in the book). How would one explain the use of the should have construction then? Would the following be fully equivalent to the above quote: ‘We all believe, up at the Lodge, Rachael, that he will be freed from suspicion, sooner or later.’ ‘The better I know it to be so believed there, my dear,’ said Rachael, ‘and the kinder I feel it that you come away from there, purposely to comfort me, and keep me company, and be seen wi’ me when I am not yet free from all suspicion myself, the more grieved I am that I have spoken those mistrusting words to the young lady. And yet I— ’"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why is $(x_i-\bar{x})^2$ in the formula for variance as opposed to $|x_i-\bar{x}|$? | Why is variance squared? | [
"How can I calculate the number of work days between two dates in SQL Server? Monday to Friday and it must be T-SQL.",
"booting windows 10 spends too long",
"Best way to clone an installation (copying to identical hardware) Kind-of like but slightly different (I think), in that I have 6 identical Acer Aspire Revo R3610 machines. One is (almost) configured to my requirements - when I'm done preparing it I'd like to make the other 5 machines absolutely the same. I'm very new to Ubuntu, what's the most straightforward (easiest) way of doing this? The machines are going to live on different networks if that might otherwise be a problem (eg with Windows you can clone disks but you then have to make registry changes afterwards if they're going to run on the same network etc). The hardware in all 6 machines is, I stress, the same! How can I efficiently clone one source image on to these identical machines? Please restrict one software/solution per answer",
"How to see if certain representation of $SU(2)$ is symmetric/antisymmetric/mixed? I am looking at the tensor product of $n$ spin halfs (fundamental of $SU(2)$): \\begin{equation} \\left(\\frac{1}{2}\\right)^n = \\frac{1}{2} \\times \\frac{1}{2} \\times ... \\times \\frac{1}{2} = \\frac{n}{2} + ... \\end{equation} For example, for $n = 3$ \\begin{equation} \\frac{1}{2} \\times \\frac{1}{2} \\times \\frac{1}{2} = \\frac{1}{2} \\times \\left(1 + 0\\right) = \\left(\\frac{3}{2}\\right)_1 + \\left(\\frac{1}{2}\\right)_1 + \\left( \\frac{1}{2} \\right)_0 \\end{equation} where lower indexes on the right hand side specify from which tensor product representation came from. My question is how do I read off if a certain term on the right is a symmetric, antisymmetric or a mixed symmetry representation of $SU(2)$? I came up with two ways of approaching the problem. First is Young Tableaux. As far as I understand rows of Young Tableaux correspond to symmetric indexes while columns to antisymmetric ones. So, for example, a diagram with just one row (like one that corresponds to the highest spin $\\frac{3}{2}$ from the example - three boxes in a row) describes a totally symmetric representation. A diagram that has one column (maximum 2 boxes since we are dealing with $SU(2)$) describes totally antisymmetric representation. Everything that has both rows and columns is a mixed symmetry representation. Following this logic it looks like only the highest representation in the product can be totally symmetric, singlet is antisymmetric and everything in between has mixed symmetry. So, for the example \\begin{equation} \\left(\\frac{3}{2}\\right)_1: \\text{symmetric rep}\\\\ \\left(\\frac{1}{2}\\right)_{0,1}: \\text{mixed symmetry reps}\\\\ \\end{equation} Is this is a correct logic? Another way to think about this is the following. Let's build representation the way we do in QM starting from the highest one, when all the spins are up. Then all components of the highest multiplet can be generated by applying lowering operators to the highest state. So, all the relative signs in the expressions are "+" and thus the highest representation is always symmetric as 1. also suggests. Then all the other representations must be constructed by writing down expressions orthogonal to components of the highest multiplet, so they will necessary get some "-" signs and as a result must be either antisymmetric or have mixed symmetry, but can not be totally symmetric. Is this correct logic? Is it true that only the highest representation in the product can be symmetric and all the others have mixed symmetry or antisymmetric?",
"In C++/CLI, what does the hat character ^ do? I was reading Ivor Horton's Beginning Visual C++ 2008 and many of its CLR examples have this definition for main: int main(array<System::String ^> ^args) I went back, page by page, to the beginning of the book to find the first such instance with an explanation what it really means, but couldn't find one. Obviously it means the same as the standard int main(int argc, char *argv[]), but I'd like to know when and why that ^ is really used, and why it even exists (does it do something that pointers * and references & cannot represent)?",
"Cauchy principle value of $\\int_{-\\infty}^{\\infty}\\sin(x)/(x-a)dx$",
"Windows 10 stuck in install loop I was having a time getting my bootable USB 3, 32GB W10 install USB to be recognized. It recognized one time but I had to restart for something and it never came up again. I eventually removed all other boot up options to make it easier and faster to try again (no F12 needed). Finally I gave up and tried another drive (16GB this time FWIW) and then it worked. HOWEVER, it's stuck on a reboot loop now. I can choose to install, then to select the right disk, then it says it's loading file and then next thing I know it's saying do you want to install or upgrade.",
"Why couldn't Bond have backup at the battle of Skyfall? I think I am missing a key plot point here. Bond had to fake-kidnap M and bring her to Skyfall in order to lure Silva there for one last stand. Why did this have to be a secret from his colleagues at MI6? Why couldn't there have been other agents there to help defend the house and take down Silva? Also, why did he have to have Q lay a fake trail to get Silva to follow him to Skyfall when he was actually going there, and he wanted Silva to follow him?",
"A list of inconveniences between quantum mechanics and (general) relativity? It is well known that quantum mechanics and (general) relativity do not fit well. I am wondering whether it is possible to make a list of contradictions or problems between them? E.g. relativity theory uses a space-time continuum, while quantum theory uses discrete states. I am not merely looking for a solution or rebuttal of such opposites, more for a survey of the field out of interest.",
"Convolution is uniformly continuous and bounded Suppose $f\\in L^\\infty(\\mathbb{R})$ and $K\\in L^1(\\mathbb{R})$ with $\\int_\\mathbb{R}K(x)dx=1$. Show that the convolution $f\\ast K$ is a uniformly continuous and bounded function. The definition of the convolution is $(f\\ast K)(x)=\\int_\\mathbb{R}f(x-y)K(y)dy$. There is the inequality $\\|f\\ast K\\|_\\infty\\leq\\|f\\|_\\infty\\|K\\|_1$, which yields that $f\\ast K$ is bounded. But what about uniform continuity?",
"How do I configure swappiness?",
"I got a situation where i need to invoke future method from batch class. And i know that it is not possible to do. But there might be some workarounds to achieve it, right? And i dont want to invoke future method using shedule apex as my requirement will hit governor limits of \"Total number of schedule jobs exceed\". So i tried in below ways, but still fighting with same issue. My design is Scenario 1 : Schedule Apex ===> 2. BatchClass (Runs every hour) (Generates a map with \"N\" records for every batch context, and passes it to Future method in an apex class) ===> 3. Future method ( then it will login to a salesforce account and generates an attachment and sends an email to a corresponding email address) . Scenario 2 : Since, It is not possible to invoke future method from batch, i tried implementing an apex class with a normal static method invoking future method and in a batch class, for every context i.e., execute() method, it will invoke a normal method which in turn invokes future method, but still got the same error FATAL ERROR: Future method cant be called from future or Batch ie., global class BatchClass implements Database.batachable<Sobject> { global Iterable<ScheduledReport__c> start(Database.BatchableContext BC) { query=[]; return query; } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<ScheduledReport__c> scope) { FutureClass.normalMethod(mapRecords); } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ } } Future Class: global class FutureClass { global static void normalMethod(Map<> mapR) { futureMethod(mapR); } @future(callout=true) global static void futureMethod(Map<> m) { //some code; } } Scenario 3 : Instead of invoking future class method from batch i tried updating list of records and done checkbox value to true and i've implemented after update event trigger to get the all the records in which checkbox values are true and from trigger i tried invoking future method , still didnt work , i got an error FATAL ERROR: Future method cant be called from future or Batch Please help me out. Thanks !",
"What are the advantages and limitations of dynamic type languages compared to static type languages? See also: (a far more argumentative thread...)",
"Why does your reflection suddenly turn upside down while slowly walking away from a curved mirror? Many people should have realised, when looking into a concave curved mirror (or even a rather reflective spoon in that fact) at a close distance, you will see a slightly distorted reflection. But as you move further away, the image will suddenly become upside-down. why is this?",
"A map is continuous if and only if for every set, the image of closure is contained in the closure of image",
"How do I mount a qcow2 disk image?",
"Is Dishonored an open-world game? I was considering whether or not to buy Dishonored, and watching gameplay of it on Youtube, when a thought popped into my head: is Dishonored free-roam? Can you go anywhere you want, similarly to Fallout or The Elder Scrolls?",
"Iterated self-composition of arbitrary function Does there exist some notation that represents the iterative composition of a single-input, single-output function with itself? As in, say, $f_5(x)=f(f(f(f(f(x)))))$. In other words, going by the above (incorrect, I'm pretty sure) notation: $f(x)=x+1$, $f_n(m)=m+n$ I'm looking for the correct way to express the notion of \"$f_n(x)$\" for any $f$.",
"I saw a commercial on televison for preparing spaghetti without boiling the noodles, just place them in water for about on hour. Can this be done?",
"Last activity name still missing from migrated question"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why do I see only 50 volts on my live wires? | Why do I only have 30V going to my light fixture | [
"How does similar_text work?",
"Shouldn't the Terms of Service use Stack Overflow, Inc.? The still uses the term Stack Exchange, Inc. However, I believe that the name is now Stack Overflow, Inc. , so I believe that should be changed to that. It is weird to have the wrong name in a legal document. Yes, I actually read the Terms of Service. You should also do that.",
"this is a follow up to the problem described . I have the same problem and the proposed solution does not completely solve the problem. I mean, it does solve the problem but also creates another one. The new problem is that the theorems, lemmas and the rest are placed in such as way that they are not cut (of course), but this leaves then big empty spaces in many pages. So the problem is that, the problem described does not seem to be fully resolved using the nocut option. Do you any of you have a good idea on how to solve this? Thanks!",
"Want to copy the file name quickly in Windows. I always use rename, copy , but feel it is quite slow. Any better way?",
"How do we prove that $\\lfloor0.999\\cdots\\rfloor = \\lfloor 1 \\rfloor$? Are the floor functions of $0.999\\cdots$ and 1 equal? It is true that $0.999\\cdots=1$ but how does one justifies the integer part of $0.999\\cdots$ being 1 , where it is not, or alternatively without using $0.999\\cdots=1$ how can we show that $\\lfloor0.999\\cdots\\rfloor = \\lfloor 1 \\rfloor$ ?",
"When I check for updates, I get a \"Failed To Download Repository Information\" error. This is what comes up under details: W: Failed to fetch gzip:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_source_Sources Hash Sum mismatch, E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.",
"I am developing a set of classes that implement a common interface. A consumer of my library shall expect each of these classes to implement a certain set of static functions. Is there anyway that I can decorate these class so that the compiler will catch the case where one of the functions is not implemented. I know it will eventually be caught when building the consuming code. And I also know how to get around this problem using a kind of factory class. Just curious to know if there is any syntax/attributes out there for requiring static functions on a class. Ed Removed the word 'interface' to avoid confusion.",
"The Public Platform team is continuing to work towards and we’re here today to announce a new onboarding experience for the review queues. In the (), we learned that each queues’ instructions could be easily misinterpreted and additional information was difficult to find. Without proper guidance or context, new reviewers would contribute inconsistent reviews and risk having their review privileges suspended. With this release, our goals were to 1) better highlight the review privilege and 2) provide upfront instruction and guidance for successful reviewing. New privilege announcements Community moderation is a significant aspect of Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange sites. We want users to be aware and familiar with this newly earned privilege, but also celebrate the opportunity to contribute to the community in a unique way. Many users were discovering the review queues by chance. Once the privilege is earned, a new review queue icon with a red alert would appear in the top-right part of the navigation. We are adding a popover to bring more attention to this easy-to-miss icon. We will also be adding notices for when users earn access to other, higher reputation queues. Additionally, new reviewers will also receive an email notification about the newly earned privilege. They will only get the email if they earn the privilege and don't perform a review within 24 hours (anyone who doesn't want to receive email notifications like this can visit their and turn off "Tips and Reminders"). We are also showing a popover to users who earned access to review queues in the past, but have never done a review or haven't reviewed in the last 30 days. This popover is only appearing for the next 90 days. The goal is to engage users who may not have interacted with the queues since we made and . Welcome banner If a reviewer clicks “Learn more” on the on-page popover or goes to the review queue home page (/review), they’ll be greeted with an onboarding message with general information about the review queues. Informational modals Queue-specific modals will appear upon page load as you visit each queue. They summarize and highlight important aspects and tips about reviewing in a particular queue. This information can be revisited at any time by clicking “Learn more” under the page header. Feedback As always, please leave your feedback and any bugs you may discover related to this release below this post. We will be monitoring this post for the next few weeks (May 4, 2021). After May 4th, please report any further issues as new questions.",
"Create file and its parent directory I know that touch command creates a file: touch test1.txt but how I can create a file and its full path? for example my desktop contains nothing: ~/Desktop/$ ls ~/Desktop/$ and I want to create 1.txt in ~/Desktop/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/1.txt. Can I do this with a simple command like: $ touch ~/Desktop/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/1.txt instead of create full path manually and then create the file?",
"I'm looking for the title of an anthology of children's science fiction stories from the 1950s. The best of the bunch involved a Martian who visited earth, and realized we'd blown ourselves up in a nuclear war and had fallen into savagery. The Martian is a vegetarian who subsists on biscuits made by a machine he brought with him, and communicates by using one of his tentacles to feed messages direction to/from the brain of the person he's talking to. Inadvertently left behind by his expedition, he initially befriended some children, and eventually managed to rebuild civilization. Presently he dies, but when another expedition comes a generation later, they find the civilization he rebuilt. there were other stories, but that was the best one. If I can't find the name of the book it was in, I'd be happy to settle for the name of the author and the title of the story.",
"Today I updated to version 2.18.52 & I can’t see the names of the people who send me a message. The only thing I see is the WhatsApp logo and the word “message”. I can’t also see the status my friends posts, they all look black. I uninstalled the app, reset my phone & nothing seems to work so far.",
"I could install with an error message \"unknown media /ALL\". It could not run WPS Office.",
"Why can I vote to reopen a deleted question? I've seen . Voting to undelete will not work because it was deleted by a moderator, but I managed to vote for reopening for some reason. I doubt this is intentional, perhaps not as important, but still.",
"Interview: How to ensure that a thread runs after another?",
"unable to reset root password of mysql I need to reset the root password of my local mysql installation but it woudln't let me. I've tried this: $ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop * Stopping MySQL database server mysqld [ OK ] [1]- Exit 1 sudo /usr/sbin/mysqld --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking [2]+ Exit 1 sudo /usr/sbin/mysqld --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking reg@regDesktopHome:~$ sudo mysqld --skip-grant-tables & [1] 13651 reg@regDesktopHome:~$ 140627 19:02:02 [Warning] Using unique option prefix key_buffer instead of key_buffer_size is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the full name instead. reg@regDesktopHome:~$ mysql -u root mysql ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) reg@regDesktopHome:~$ sudo mysql -u root mysql ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) [1]+ Exit 1 sudo mysqld --skip-grant-tables How can I get the password reset? edit 1 I got this: $ ps ax| grep mysql 16515 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld 16551 pts/23 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto mysql reg@regDesktopHome:~/semios/v3upgrade$ sudo kill -9 16515 reg@regDesktopHome:~/semios/v3upgrade$ ps ax| grep mysql 16678 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld 16715 pts/23 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto mysql reg@regDesktopHome:~/semios/v3upgrade$ mysql -u root ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) looks like a process is automatically restarting mysql as soon as I kill it...",
"Can you not sell/destroy buildings? So I've started playing Gathering Storm, built a bunch of coal plants and now Global Warming is out of control mainly because of me. I've been trying to remove these power plants, but I haven't found any option to sell/destroy or even replace these buildings. Is there seriously no way to do this?",
"How to prove reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity for the following relation?",
"JavaScript: getting ImageData without canvas",
"Let $b_n$ be a sequence which decreases monotonically to zero, prove $\\sum b_nz^n$ converges for $|z|\\leq 1$ and $z\\neq 1$. So I was able to prove it converges on the open unit disk in the complex plane, but except for a few special points on the boundary, such as $-1$ and $i$, where I was able to use the alternating series test, I can't seem to prove it converges in general on the boundary minus $z=1$. I feel I have to somehow use the fact that all the numbers on the unit circle except $z=1$ rotate around and around as you raise them to higher and higher powers, thus you get the real and imaginary parts of your series to alternate between sets of positive and negative terms, but in a very irregular way for most initial angles. I tried to simplify the problem by breaking the series into its real and imaginary parts, and then trying to prove they each converge separately, but I still can't prove either converges: $$\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}b_ne^{n\\theta i} = \\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}b_n\\cos(n\\theta) +i\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}b_n\\sin(n\\theta).$$",
"No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it (PHP / WAMP)"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Do we have a simpler ternary operator in JavaScript? | Is there a "null coalescing" operator in JavaScript? | [
"On the Android app, could we have the ability to flag comments we've previously upvoted? This is a fairly regular need for me, and I ran into it again earlier: I flag comments as obsolete when they are, and fairly often, one of them will be a comment I've upvoted. For an example of a typical case: a comment suggests a great improvement to a question, I upvote it, the author performs that improvement, the comment is now obsolete and (on my PC) I flag it as obsolete. The comments get cleaned up and the question moves on. There's a request that's been around since 2011 for the site itself: . It's implemented by SOUP (as described ), but the Android app doesn't have a SOUP available to add this functionality to the app for me.",
"How did Voldemort get his body back? In the first book it seems that Voldemort has been reduced to nothing but a ghostly wisp. But IIRC by the fourth book he somehow has a body that is carried around by Wormtail. In the first book he needs someone to inhabit, by the fourth, he can't really move around, but he does have a body back which can hold a wand. How did this transition happen?",
"Automate fixes for issues found by Sonar",
"Redirect all requests to HTTPS, except for one subdirectory",
"What exactly is TLP doing that default system config wouldn't? All the info about TLP on the surface looks more like advertisement and marketing to me, I can't see any detailed comparison to default configurations. What are the precise differences compared to default (K/L)Ubuntu installs under the hood, are they really effective? Update: And if they really are, why aren't they a part of a default config?",
"Why are there both Static and Kinetic Friction? When dragging an object, there is a greater start-up force than the force it takes to keep it moving. Why is this? Why are there two different values for friction?",
"How to use \"grep\" command to find text including subdirectories",
"I have defined my own language whose syntax is very close to the one of Pascal. I would like to type the following program for instance. Many people use the packages algorithmicx or algorithm2e to print programs, but it seems that we have to use their specific keywords of its syntax like procedure, end while. I just want to indent spaces when needed, and bold some words when I want (sorry that I could not bold letters in the following figure). Do I have to use texttt for each line? Also, with verbatim, I could not bold words... Also, as the program is not large, I would need to put it on the left side of the page, and leave space for some explanasion text on its right hand side. So I guss I need to get them all together, and use multicols. Could anyone help? program test some text here var i : integer; ... b : boolean; begin i := 1; ... b := true; while i < 15 do i := i + 1; b := not b some text here od end Edit1: Following @Werner's tabbing solution, I have made the code a minipage: \\begin{minipage}[t]{0.48\\linewidth}% \\begin{tabbing} Werner's solution \\end{tabbing} \\end{minipage}\\hfill \\begin{minipage}[t]{0.48\\linewidth} a paragraph \\end{minipage} Actually as the code shows, I want the texts to be another separated minipage on the right hand side of the code. I have then 2 questions: is it reasonable to make 0.48\\linewidth instead of 0.5\\linewidth? 0.48\\linewidth is a conventional choice? is it possible to make a frame around the code, and use \\caption and \\label to make it a reference (I prefer figures)?",
"Of course when you type: sudo apt-get install whatever It asks you: Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Is there any way I can just install it without it asking me if I want to continue? I don't really care about space, I have more then enough.",
"Hide iPhone HTML5 video play button",
"This question is about why we have a universal speed limit (the speed of light in vacuum). Is there a more fundamental law that tells us why this is? I'm not asking why the speed limit is equal to $c$ and not something else, but why there is a limit at all. EDIT: Answers like "if it was not.." and answers explaining the consequences of having or not having a speed limit are not--in my opinion-- giving an answer to whether there is a more fundamental way to derive it from a law to explain this limit.",
"Parentheses vs. double commas vs. dashes to provide additional detail When do you use commas and when do you use parentheses to provide more detail about something? For example: The suspect, Tom Wilson, is now being charged with murder. The suspect (Tom Wilson) is now being charged with murder. John Smith, a member of the jury, agreed with the verdict. John Smith (a member of the jury) agreed with the verdict. The first example, the one about the fox, is the more valid one. The first example (the one about the fox) is the more valid one. I realize that the first example, the one that uses parentheses, is probably more valid in this case (if anyone has a better example, please include it), but when, if ever, would you favor parentheses? Update: I realize that dashes are sometimes used for similar situations, so I'd appreciate information on these as well. For example: The children—who are wearing shoes—will go on the trip The children, who are wearing shoes, will go on the trip The children (who are wearing shoes) will go on the trip",
"Why does instanceof return false for some literals? "foo" instanceof String //=> false "foo" instanceof Object //=> false true instanceof Boolean //=> false true instanceof Object //=> false false instanceof Boolean //=> false false instanceof Object //=> false 12.21 instanceof Number //=> false /foo/ instanceof RegExp //=> true // the tests against Object really don't make sense Array literals and Object literals match... [0,1] instanceof Array //=> true {0:1} instanceof Object //=> true Why don't all of them? Or, why don't they all not? And, what are they an instance of, then? It's the same in FF3, IE7, Opera, and Chrome. So, at least it's consistent.",
"Which graphics cards are supported by the new AMDGPU driver in Ubuntu 16.04?",
"I just installed Dufour on my Windows 7 Lenovo ThinkCentre desktop. When I open 2.0.1 I get this error window: And when I try to add the 'Add Delimited Text Layer' plugin I get this message: When I click 'OK' the program closes. Any help is greatly appreciated - thanks.",
"How to upgrade from 18.10 to 19.10, using the command line? I'm trying to upgrade from 18.10 to 19.10, using sudo do-release-upgrade however I only get an error: An upgrade from 'cosmic' to 'eoan' is not supported with this tool. I performed the steps to update my sources.list to point to old-release server, as suggested here: This did not help. I get the same error.",
"I read following in a web site () Lenses with maximum apertures of f2.8 allow the camera to use all high precision sensors. In low light or other situations that are hostile to autofocus, that’s a big deal. Lenses with a maximum aperture of f4.0 use only the center focus sensor in its “high precision” mode, and use the other sensors in their “horizontal line” only mode. Lenses with a maximum aperture of f5.6 use all sensors in their “horizontal-only” mode, and lenses with a maximum aperture of f8 use only the center sensor point, and that with horizontal sensitivity only. I want to understand if this is completely true? I am raising this because recently I have purchased a Nikon 70-200 f/4 lens and would like to understand if I have made a wise investment, or, should I collect some more money and buy a 70-200 f/2.8 VR-II lens.",
"I went through a , but the answer was informing how to hide the monitor, but not how to disable it. I do not want any new windows to creep into the laptop display when the external display is connected. I could not find any in the Display Settings (under System Preferences). I don't want to close the lid because I think it impacts the air flow of the MacBook Pro. I don't want to close the lid because the sound quality is reduced.",
"My lecturer has used some notation that I've never seen before: it is a (matrix) product symbol with a left-to-right arrow over the top. Does anybody know what this means? Thanks in advance. Edit: It looks like this:",
"Imagine you are surviving in the wilderness traveling in a wandering manner. You've found this landscape that is wonderfully abundant in food and basking in a very favorable climate. Therefore, you decide that this is your new residence. Night is approaching, so you haphazardly piece together a makeshift shelter to make for a more enjoyable living experience while you get your act together. This shelter is only temporary. After you've become familiar with the land and have gathered finer resources, you will begin creating a proper home complete with securities, amenities, and furnishings. The word I am looking for is an adjective meaning something similar to \"created recklessly for temporary use.\" The shelter you were building on your first night was a(n) ________ abode. The words and phrases \"ad-hoc\", \"off the cuff\", \"on the run\" came to my mind, but none of those are understood to mean what I am trying to communicate (in fact, two of them are not even close). If you think of a word with a meaning that you believe to be similar to what I am searching for, I'd love to hear from you! Thank you."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to get latest timestamped result from time series in a join table | Get rows with most recent date for each different item | [
"How do I check to see if a text file is empty or does not exist in c++?",
"How to put terms in lexicographic order?",
"According to : By looking for trades that take place in between the bid and ask, you can tell when a strong trend is about to come to an end. This is because these trades are often placed by large traders who take a small loss in order to make sure that they get out of the stock in time. A trader when buying needs to buy at the ask price and when selling needs to sell at the bid price. So how can a trade happen 'in between' the bid and ask?",
"${!FOO} performs a double substitution in bash, meaning it takes the (string) value of FOO and uses it as a variable name. zsh doesn’t support this feature. Is there a way to make this work the same in bash and zsh? Background: I’ve got a list of environment variables, like PATH MAIL EDITOR and want to first print the variable names and afterwards their values. This works in bash but not zsh: for VAR in LIST do echo $VAR echo ${!VAR} done It should be somehow possible “the old way” with eval, but I can’t get it to work: for VAR in LIST do echo $VAR echo `eval \\$$VAR` done I’m never going to understand why I can’t simply do arbitrary deep substitutions like ${${VAR}} or even ${${${VAR}}} if need be, so an explanation for that would be nice, too.",
"How to show $\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} \\sqrt[n]{a^n+b^n}=\\max \\{a,b\\}$? Let $a\\geq 0$ and $ b\\geq 0$. Prove that $\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} \\sqrt[n]{a^n+b^n}=\\max \\{a,b\\}$. [Hint: Use the identity $(a^n -b^n)=(a-b)(\\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}a^ib^{n-1-i})$] I need some help! I cannot do it even with the hint... :(",
"I have started a long process through a terminal. Is it possible to make the Ubuntu terminal make a sound once the process is complete? This way, I don’t need to keep checking, but will instead be notified through a sound.",
"Why didn't the Hobbits get frostbite? This is a question that's been bothering me for the last couple of days: How is it that the hobbits of the Fellowship were able to survive such cold temperatures throughout their travels without having any foot protection? I know it's said that they have thick \"leather like\" soles, with ample amounts of hair for warmth but still, I don't understand how that could provide much more warmth than for instance a regular leather shoe. On top of this I know that multiple days (or even weeks) of their journey was spent crossing mountain ranges, which, near a summit would have a temperature far below freezing. This combined with the assumption that they only have the warmth of shoes on there feet would have presumably resulted in some level of frostbite. But to my knowledge there is no such mention of these problems in the novels or movies aside from the odd \"It's cold\". Anyways, I'm just wondering if anyone has some form of explanation to this phenomenon or do hobbits just have really durable feet?",
"I have encountered the definition of Cantor set and its property. Cantor set is constructed by removing the middle third open set of each interval .So each time we get some union of closed sets. As $F_0=[0,1]$ $F_1=[0,1/3]\\cup [2/3,1]$ $F_2=[0,1/9]\\cup [2/9,1/3]\\cup [2/3,7/9]\\cup [8/9,1]$ So on , That for $F_n$ we get the Union of $2^n$ closed interval . I know that finite union of closed interval is closed, but this is not true for arbitarly union. As I had a counterexample: $\\cup$ {{1/n}|for $n$ $\\in N$} as this is not closed as $0$ is not in that union. So what is the argument here to say that $F_n$ is closed for any $ n$ . As we are using this fact to prove the Cantor set to be closed as $F=\\cap_{n\\to \\infty} F_n$ i.e arbitarly intersection of closed set is closed . Where am I misunderstanding? Any help will be appreciated.",
"Value of Vandermonde type determinant Let $x_1,...,x_n $ are distinct real numbers. Is it a formula for the Vandermonde type determinant $V(x_1, \\cdots,x_n)$ whose last column is $x_1^k,\\ \\cdots,\\ x_n^k$, where $k \\geq n$, instead of $x_1^{n-1},\\ \\cdots,\\ x_n^{n-1}$? Thanks",
"Can the expression $\\sqrt{n} + \\sqrt{m}$ be rational if neither $n,m \\in \\mathbb{N}$ are perfect squares? It doesn't seem likely, the only way that could happen is if for example $\\sqrt{m} = a-\\sqrt{n}, \\ \\ a \\in \\mathbb{Q}$, which I don't think is possible, but how to show it?",
"Why not use development provisioning instead of ad hoc?",
"TP-LINK TL-WN823N Unable to connect to network I have purchased a TP-LINK TL-WN823N (EU) V2.0 device, which is a USB device that should work as a Network Interface Card, allowing me to connect my computer to wireless networks. Unfortunately, I am unable to find any wireless networks using this device using either wicd or network-manager (no networks appear in the list of networks supplied by either application). A CD came with the device claiming \"Linux support\". The CD contained a URL to a corrupted archive file for downloading installation resources. I try to mask my immense frustration. Here is the additional dmesg output I receive when I connect the device to my computer (similar content is present when I boot the computer with the device connected): [17096.009912] usb 2-1.2: new high-speed USB device number 4 using ehci-pci [17096.103501] usb 2-1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=2357, idProduct=0109 [17096.103513] usb 2-1.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [17096.103527] usb 2-1.2: Product: 802.11n NIC [17096.103529] usb 2-1.2: Manufacturer: Realtek [17096.103530] usb 2-1.2: SerialNumber: 00e04c000001 This is my lsusb, where the offending device corresponds to Bus 002 Device 004: Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0a5c:5800 Broadcom Corp. BCM5880 Secure Applications Processor Bus 002 Device 004: ID 2357:0109 Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0c45:6433 Microdia Bus 001 Device 002: ID 8087:0024 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub As lsusb -v: It seems the device is working to me, but no new interface is found in 'ifconfig': docker0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 02:42:6e:bf:92:16 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) enp0s31f6 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 30:5a:3a:e1:96:b1 UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B) Interrupt:16 Memory:df200000-df220000 lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:412 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:412 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1 RX bytes:31876 (31.8 KB) TX bytes:31876 (31.8 KB) Running 'lshw -class network' as root contains only information about the 'enp0s31f6' interface. Additionally for sanity, my 'uname -a': Linux home-z170a-ubuntu 4.4.0-22-generic #39=Ubuntu SMP Thu May 5 16:53:32 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I am using Ubuntu 16.04. My questions are: Why are no networks present in the list for wicd or network-manager? Why is there no additional network interface created when I plug in the USB device? Is it possible to create this network interface? Thanks for reading.",
"How to calculate what this power series converges against? (double factorials)",
"PHP syntax for dereferencing function result",
"Can't run \"dpkg --add-architecture i386\" on 12.04 64-bit to run eclipse ADT",
"Study path to Bayesian thinking? I am six years into a business role and have a bachelor's in physics and applied math/stats. Sean Carroll's (Caltech physicist) opened me to the idea that Bayesian statistics is one useful way of thinking about anything - inevitably you hold a prior and you should update your credence as additional information becomes available. Is there a path to training your intuition to thinking this way? Critically, it would require repeated practice with verifiable answers through either a course, or self study that includes many problems and solutions. I do not believe simply reading will do. Possible resources, having read every related question on this site I could find: \"Probability Theory\" by Jaynes. Pro: analytic; intuitive explanation of bayesian statistics. Con: prerequisites; missing problems/solutions. \"Doing Bayesian Data Analysis\" by Kruschke. Pro: includes problems & solutions; requires only \"algebra and rusty calculus\". Con: works in R, which I think provides for less intuitive learning than the analytical (I may be wrong). If it is a multi-year path I need to take, starting elsewhere, I am happy to do so! Ideally, I would avoid the frequentist methods, as I have no use for them. My goal is not to be a scientist, but to leverage insight into how reality works to go above and beyond the established thinking in business. Many thanks for any suggestions!",
"Is the $\\sum\\sin(n)/n$ convergent or divergent? Possible Duplicate: So, in my calculus class (one I'm teaching, not taking), the sum $\\sum_{n=1}^\\infty \\frac{\\sin(n)}{n}$ has come up a few times. Unfortunately, as someone not exactly an expert in the convergence of sums, it seems to resist the few techniques I know. Certain none of the usual first year calculus tricks (integral test, alternating series test, ratio test, etc.) work, and the only more tricky technique, partial summation, I can think of doesn't seem to work either (one would need that $\\sum_{n=1}^N\\sin(n)$ is bounded, which I believe is false). It seems like it should converge, since it switches sign quite often, but on the other hand, the harmonic series can mess with your intuition, so I don't have much trust in that. So, I ask to you: Does this series converge?",
"I am trying to understand model vs. interpretation of sentences vs. theories, with respect to a propositional calculus. Is a model of a wff just a sentence that is true under some interpretation? Or a set of wffs that are all true under some interpretation? Or when an interpretation satisfies a wff (or set of wffs)? Does it make sense to say that an interpretation is a model if all valid propositions are true? Or an interpretation being a model iff all theorems from the theory are still valid under the interpretation?",
"I know that taking the derivative of position with respect to time defines what we call velocity, but I've never heard of physicist going in the opposite direction with position. Is there any application for the integral of position with respect to time? Maybe with respect to something else?",
"How can I disable the Windows 8 charms bar? Can someone please tell me how to disable the annoying effect that pops up when you drag cursor to top- or bottom-right corners?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Internal Server Error when executing basic SQL statement | PDOException “could not find driver” | [
"How can I find color codes on Mac? I used to find color codes which I want to use for texts or background colors on htmls with color edit tool of MS paint which pre-installed on Windows. But now I use Mac instead of Windows. How can I find color codes with Mac? Is an software like MS paint pre-installed on Mac?",
"Bearing in mind I am a layman - with no background in physics - please could someone explain what the \"big deal\" is with quantum entanglement? I used to think I understood it - that 2 particles, say a light-year apart spatially, could affect each other physically, instantly. Here I would understand the \"big deal\". On further reading I've come to understand (maybe incorrectly) that the spatially separated particles may not affect each other, but in knowing one's properties you can infer the other's. If that it the case, I don't see what the big deal is... 2 things have some properties set in correlation to each other at the point of entanglement, they are separated, measured, and found to have these properties...? What am I missing? Is it that the particles properties are in an \"un-set\" state, and only when measured do they get set? (i.e. the wave-function collapses). If this is true - why do we think this instead of the more intuitive thought that the properties were set at an earlier time?",
"Prove that $\\liminf x_n = -\\limsup (-x_n)$ How can we prove that $\\liminf x_n = -\\limsup (-x_n)$? The definitions we are using are $\\limsup x_n = \\lim\\limits_{n\\to\\infty} \\sup\\{x_k; k\\ge n\\}$ $\\liminf x_n = \\lim\\limits_{n\\to\\infty} \\inf\\{x_k; k\\ge n\\}$",
"Photoshop: How to draw a guide with an exact distance from another guide Before drawing, I want to draw all guides for my layout. For example, I have a guide line named A already. After that, I want to have another guide named B parallel with guide A and at 50px distance from it. I have three solutions: Draw line B and by \"some way\", I can see the current distance directly when I'm drawing, so I can make the distance exactly what I want it to be. Draw line B. And then I use the Ruler tool to see the distance between the two guides. This method has disadvantages: maybe the ruler line that I draw isn't perpendicular with the guides and I'm not sure when the distance is enough. There are other clever ways, that help me get this job done fast and easily, but that I don't know yet. I think Photoshop should support this feature. What is the best way to achieve this?",
"Permissible for display name to advertise another SE site? Is it permissible to use your SE display name to advertise another SE site or Area 51 Proposal? Is this scrupulous or laudable? I don't refer to my comment box. For example, could I change 'LePressentiment' to 'Commit to Law SE' to advertise the proposal?",
"Detect if a method was overridden using Reflection (C#)",
"When are you supposed to use escape instead of encodeURI / encodeURIComponent?",
"C programming: How to program for Unicode?",
"Filling HTML dropdown list in JSP with values fetched from database in Servlet",
"Let $x_1,...,x_n$ be distinct integers. Prove that $$\\prod_{i<j} \\frac{x_i-x_j}{i-j}\\in \\mathbb Z$$ I know there is a solution using determinant of a matrix, but I can't remember it now. Any help will be appreciated.",
"So basically I want to show: $\\aleph_{\\alpha}^{\\aleph_{1}} = \\aleph_{\\alpha}^{\\aleph_{0}}\\cdot2^{\\aleph_1}$ , Where $\\omega\\leq\\alpha<\\omega_1$ There is a proof that I found; But I don't understand his proof for the limit case of $\\alpha$. To be more specific, I dont understand why $ \\left( \\sup_{\\omega \\le \\beta < \\alpha} \\aleph_{\\beta}\\right)^{\\aleph_1} \\le \\left( \\prod_{\\omega \\le \\beta < \\alpha} \\aleph_{\\beta}\\right)^{\\aleph_1}$ Any insights or help is deeply appreciated. Cheers",
"Subdividing a beveled mesh creates new vertices in wrong places",
"How to draw a border around character in a formula? So far everything I found on the matter of borders only applies to the text mode. I want to be able to do something like $x_i = y$ so the result will be like the ordinary \"xi = z\" formula with the border around \"i\"? The common answers seems to be the fbox or boxed commands. Yet they render their argument in the standart mode, unless specified to do otherwise with the specific mode. For example, the following code \\[ x_i, \\boxed{x}_i, x_{\\boxed{i}}, \\boxed{x}_{\\boxed{i}} \\] produces two normal xi figures, and another two with an oversized i.",
"Should you choose the MONEY or DECIMAL(x,y) datatypes in SQL Server? I'm curious as to whether or not there is a real difference between the money datatype and something like decimal(19,4) (which is what money uses internally, I believe). I'm aware that money is specific to SQL Server. I want to know if there is a compelling reason to choose one over the other; most SQL Server samples (e.g. the AdventureWorks database) use money and not decimal for things like price information. Should I just continue to use the money datatype, or is there a benefit to using decimal instead? Money is fewer characters to type, but that's not a valid reason :)",
"What is a complete list of the usual assumptions for linear regression?",
"script custom previews in a menu I want to know how to create a menu with previews for an add-on. Until now I know that this is related with the bpy.utils.preview. I'm making an add-on that appends objects from a .blend file, I know how to append objects but what I want to do is to create a menu with previews of the objects /(similar to the matcaps menu - see below), select them and then press an "import button" to append the object. Here's some documentation about the module: Also, as this is an add-on I don't know if I should have a def register() and a def unregister() inside this .py file as well as in the __init__.py file.",
"Compute Engine - 1000 GB disk cant decrease size i have a huuuuge problem. Created a snapshot and image from my instance...instance has 1000GB of disk. Now i need to reduce it but everytime i try to create an image or a snapshot from that, i get the same error \"Disk need to be at least 1000GB\". There is a way to reduce disk size directly on instance? Some workaround?",
"I am debating whether or not to get the Potato Sack (yes, I realize I've been debating for several weeks now) bundle through steam. I already own: Defense Grid: The Awakening, Super Meat Boy, and Audiosurf, all of which are part of the sack pack. What happens if I buy the Potato Sack? Do I get 2nd copies of the three above mentioned games to gift elsewhere? Is the price of the bundle reduced by the games I already have? Do I get nothing special for already owning those 3 games?",
"Say I have this file: hello world hello world This program #!/bin/bash for i in $(cat $1); do echo \"tester: $i\" done outputs tester: hello tester: world tester: hello tester: world I'd like to have the for iterate over each line individually ignoring whitespaces though, i.e. the last two lines should be replaced by tester: hello world Using quotes for i in \"$(cat $1)\"; results in i being assigned the whole file at once. What should I change?",
"Keyboard Glyphs How are people showing keyboard "glyphs" on Super User? I looked at the Markdown help page and it didn't show anything regarding this. Here is (question has been deleted since this was asked, so an archive link is provided instead):"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Doubts of security: Mysqli vs PDO | mysqli or PDO - what are the pros and cons? | [
"This is a homework question of mine that Ive answered and I'd really like some feedback on my solution. Prove or find a counter example to the claim that for all sets $A,B,C$, $$\\text{if }A\\cap B=B\\cap C=A\\cap C=\\emptyset \\text{ then } A\\cap B\\cap C\\neq \\emptyset$$. Since I can only either prove it is true, OR find a counter example I have gone with the latter because I think this statement is not true. My counter example is as follows: Let $A = \\{1,2,3 \\}$ , $B = \\{4,5,6 \\}$ and $C = \\{7,8,9 \\}$. It is then clear that $A ∩ B = B ∩ C = A ∩ C = \\emptyset$ . If we let $x ∈ A\\cap B\\cap C$ then $x$ must be in $A$ and $B$ and $C$. Since this cannot be possible because there are no common elements then this implies that $A∩B∩C$ has to be equal to a null set i.e $A∩B∩C = \\emptyset$ and thereby showing that (at least for this scenario) if $A \\cap B = B \\cap C = A \\cap C = \\emptyset$ then $A\\cap B\\cap C = \\emptyset$. Is this okay? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated thank you!",
"How do I get evolution items like King's Rock?",
"Frequency count of two column in R",
"Formula Error: Syntax error. Extra ',' I am trying to write a formula for opportunities but I keep getting the following error Error: Syntax error. Extra ',' Here is my formula IF (TODAY() > CloseDate && TEXT(StageName)='Donation Likely') || (TODAY() > CloseDate && TEXT(StageName)='Donation Prospecting'),\"Past Due\",\"Expecting\")",
"Python does not find packages installed without Anaconda I'm trying to install kivy for python 3 using apt-get: sudo apt-get install python3-kivy And it is installed in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages But, when I tried to load it in python, I get a ModuleNotFoundError Python 3.6.3 |Anaconda custom (64-bit)| (default, Oct 13 2017, 12:02:49) [GCC 7.2.0] on linux Type \"help\", \"copyright\", \"credits\" or \"license\" for more information. >>> import kivy Traceback (most recent call last): File \"<stdin>\", line 1, in <module> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kivy' When I check the system path from python, I only get packages in Anaconda: >>> import sys >>> print('\\n'.join(sys.path)) /home/santiago/anaconda3/lib/python36.zip /home/santiago/anaconda3/lib/python3.6 /home/santiago/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/lib-dynload /home/santiago/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages /home/santiago/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torchvision-0.2.0-py3.6.egg Is there any way to include the '/usr/lib/python3' path to Anaconda? Thanks.",
"Why is the multiplicative group of a finite field cyclic? Why is the multiplicative group $(K\\smallsetminus\\{0\\},\\cdot)$ of a finite field $(K,+,\\cdot)$ always cyclic?",
"How do I insert a backslash inside a mathematical statement? I'm trying to write a set subtraction operation in an AMS formatted template. In the end, what I want should look like A\\B. But I'm doing this in math-mode $A\\B$ and this gives me errors. I've also tried using the \\diagdown symbol, but it doesn't work either. Is there another way to do this?",
"Why is the main page showing only the user login form?",
"Do downvotes on Meta truly mean something different? It is often said that voting on Meta means something different than voting on regular sites. Upvotes mean \"I agree\", and downvotes mean \"I disagree\". However, I submit that this is not the case. Downvoting of a question has one effect in particular: censorship. Once a question reaches -8 votes, it disappears from the front page. It can still be found; it isn't deleted. But all it takes is a net 8 downvotes for a question to be more or less lost without a direct link. You might say that a net 8 downvotes obviously means that the community doesn't agree or want that. Well... does it? Particularly on polarizing issues, a question can temporarily get -8 votes as different people come online and see it. Maybe certain people with a certain belief all see it at once and downvote it a lot. The front page is how most people find stuff they want to talk about, vote on, or answer. Removal from the front page means that most people will not find it without being pointed directly to it. Once a question hits -8, it is unlikely to be upvoted again. Edits will be irrelevant, new answers won't matter. The question is basically exiled. The problem is that, on polarized topics, fast mass downvoting can quash any idea that is not popular with the most active members. After all, the most active members are the ones who are most likely to be online and see it. If a bunch of MSO regulars see it and downvote it, it goes away. Someone who checks MSO maybe once a day is less likely to be able to catch the question before it is exiled. This gives undue power to members who are most active on MSO, simply because they have more free time to spend on MSO. I think this is a significant problem for polarized topics. It becomes very difficult to adequately discuss something that a significant number of active members dislike, even if the community at large doesn't mind. Consider . It currently stands at +9/-8. Initially, in the first few hours, the question was heavily downvoted and even closed. However, after a day, it was upvoted and reopened. This shows that a question can initially have a negative response, but later get a positive one. And you can check; any edits I did to the question were relatively minor. The question posted as is was initially negative, but ultimately positive. If that -8 happened to all come first, odds are good that the +9 and the reopen would never have happened. Those 9 people would never have had the chance to weigh in on the subject. And that's wrong. It is wrong for someone's potential vote to not matter just because they don't visit MSO multiple times in a day. It is wrong for someone's potential vote to not matter just because they have a different sleep schedule from many of MSO's members. The problem is one of timing. Heavy dislike from active members who quickly see the question and downvote it can kill a question before someone who might upvote it ever even sees it. I suppose the best suggestion would be to either lower the -8 threshold (or remove it altogether) or keep it from kicking in until 1-2 days has passed. If the question isn't active, it'll already be off the front page. And if it is active, then enough people will have seen it to know if the threshold represents a real consensus or just the fast-acting few.",
"Comma with 'who' in this specific sentence Can you shed light into this? The coach came to the defence of the player who has been sacked from the team following his differences with the captain. OR The coach came to the defence of the player, who has been sacked from the team following his differences with the captain. Isn't the subordinate clause that begins with 'who', non-restrictive?",
"Are there irreducible polynomials that are partially solvable by radicals? In general, polynomials of degree 5 or higher, with rational coefficients, are not solvable by radicals. There are some exceptions and trivial cases, for example $x^5-5x+12$ and $x^{100}+x^{25}+3$, respectively. All irreducible polynomials with rational coefficients, that I am aware of, have either none or all roots that can be expressed by radicals. Do partially-solvable irreducible polynomials exist? If they do, are there any examples known? I mean, for example, an irreducible polynomial of $n$th degree that can be split over $Q(\\sqrt{2})$ into two polynomials of 3rd and $(n-3)$th degrees, where the polynomial of $(n-3)$th is not solvable by radicals. At Alexander Gruber wrote: Polynomials which are not solvable by radicals have (at least one) root that cannot be written by any combination of the operations of addition, multiplication, and the taking of nth roots. I am not sure if he meant only reducible polynomials, and/or with non-rational coefficients, as polynomials that have \"at least one\" root that cannot be expressed by radicals.",
"Copy over ssh and execute commands in one session",
"B2B application: users has its own users B2B Scenario I am trying is that: The following Roles exists in the system: Super Admin Super Admin Staff Owner (client) Admin (owner i.e. client and creates admin to define sales counters) Sales Counters That means there are users who'll create their own sub users e.g. [FLAG-A] ROLE "SUPER ADMIN" creates a ROLE "Owner" and "OWNER" creates its own sub users ROLES i.e. "ADMN" & "SALES COUNTER". Each role obviously has its info to login to the system I tried to design database as following: In this diagram I am assuming that main user creates sub user that in my view many to many relationship so I have to add table between them as "USER_PERSON". Problem is to set "WHO CREATED USER" in the system. I mean which user has created sub user as described in [FLAG-A] Please check this diagram",
"What is the best word describing the nature of expiring in a short amount of time, connoting \"losing public attention\"?",
"408 Request Time-outs still continues I'm frequently getting 408 Request Time-out errors when browsing through Stack Overflow and Meta. I used to get this four or five times a day before, but now it has become very frequent. I've read in which Kyle Brandt ♦ says: We send our web logs to SQL so we can query them. It turns out that we have a bug that prevents 408s from being logged to SQL. [...] I will do more extensive research when our 408s are part of queryable logs (should be a week or two [...]). My internet connection is somewhat stable and I haven't experienced this issue on other sites before. I don't think it's a browser-specific issue as it is reproducible on latest versions of Google Chrome and Firefox (on Ubuntu 13.10). However, it is specific to Stack Overflow and Meta. I'm unable to reproduce this on other SE sites. Am I the only one facing this issue? Could it be something wrong with the regional CDN or something like that? Could someone please take a look at this issue? () This appears when I try to close-vote questions, too:",
"Forced to Quit PhD although the hard and proved work",
"Showing a set is closed under inverses Let $G$ be a finite group, say a group with $n$ elements, and let $\\emptyset \\neq S \\subseteq G$. Suppose $e \\in S$, and that $S$ is closed with respect to multiplication. Prove that $S$ is a subgroup of $G$. Let $G = \\{a_1, \\ldots, a_n\\}.$ Let $a_i \\in G.$ Then any number of $a_ia_1, a_ia_2, \\ldots, a_ia_n \\in S,$ since $S$ is closed under multiplication. One of those $a_ia_j$ is $e$ since $e \\in S.$ Then either $a_i$ or $a_j$ is $a^{-1}.$ Would this argument work?",
"I am trying to write a bash script for testing that takes a parameter and sends it through curl to web site. I need to url encode the value to make sure that special characters are processed properly. What is the best way to do this? Here is my basic script so far: #!/bin/bash host=${1:?'bad host'} value=$2 shift shift curl -v -d \"param=${value}\" http://${host}/somepath $@",
"Key Presses in Python",
"I am trying to set multiple definition queries for one layer based on one field using python. ie. I have a City layer with a field that holds the city name. I want a copy of the layer in an MXD with the Definition query set for each value in the City field. So essentially, I have one source layer, with a copy of the layer as many times as there are values in the City field. The query would look like this: CITY = 'Atlanta'"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
problem in installing : unmet dependencies | How do I resolve unmet dependencies after adding a PPA? | [
"node.js conflicts: /sbin/node vs /usr/bin/node I have two Ubuntu 12.10 machines: machine A is a VMWare VM and machine B is and old Acer laptop. On both machines, I installed node using apt-get. However machine A installs the main binary as /usr/bin/node and machine B as /usr/bin/nodejs. Here are some behaviors I observed: Both machine returns /usr/bin/node in response to the which node command. However, there is no such file on machine B. Issuing the command node works for machine A, not B. On B, I have to use nodejs instead. On B, there is a binary called /sbin/node, A does not have it. These behaviors causes inconsistency problem when developing on both machines. For now, I worked around by renaming the binaries on B as such: sudo mv /sbin/node /sbin/node-sbin sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node Is there a way to really fix this, so that node will be installed as /usr/bin/node instead of /usr/bin/nodejs?",
"Prove $\\sin^2\\theta + \\cos^2\\theta = 1$ How do you prove the following trigonometric identity: $$ \\sin^2\\theta+\\cos^2\\theta=1$$ I'm curious to know of the different ways of proving this depending on different characterizations of sine and cosine.",
"Verbatim in beamer showing error: \"File ended while scanning use of \\@xverbatim.\" I am using Texmaker and MiKTeX on Windows 7. I have the following beamer code, \\documentclass{beamer} \\theme{AnnArbor} \\begin{document} \\begin{frame} \\begin{verbatim} \\begin{frame}[<alignment>] \\frametitle{Frame Title Goes Here} Frame body text and/or LATEX code \\end{frame} \\end{verbatim} \\end{frame} \\end{document} I was expecting the following output, \\begin{frame}[<alignment>] \\frametitle{Frame Title Goes Here} Frame body text and/or LATEX code \\end{frame} But instead I got the following Error Message, File ended while scanning use of \\@xverbatim. Can any one please point out the error here. As far as I know verbatim can have anything inside it. Also when I tried the following code, \\begin{verbatim} \\ begin{frame}[<alignment>] \\frametitle{Frame Title Goes Here} Frame body text and/or LATEX code \\ end{frame} \\end{verbatim} I got the following output, \\ begin{frame}[<alignment>] \\frametitle{Frame Title Goes Here} Frame body text and/or LATEX code \\ end{frame} But I don't want space between \\ and begin and \\ and end.",
"In node.tpl.php, I have done some changes, like creating an array of paragraphs: $paragraphs = explode(\"<p>\",render($content)); So, I have a for loop for showing the paragraphs, like: $number = count($paragraphs); if($page){ print render($paragraphs[0]); for ($i=1;$i<$number;$i++) { print render($paragraphs[$i]); <a href=\"#commenting\">Put comment for Paragraph <?php echo $i?><br></a> <?php } ?> <a id=\"commenting\"><?php print render($content['comments']); ?></a> <?php }?> As you can see I want to create a hyperlink under each paragraph, so when user click on it, they can put comment on the paragraph, But right now, when they click on the hyperlink, it will jump to the end of the page, which has the comment form. If you check the CommentPress website, in the right column, you can see for example, it is said: 5 Comment on Paragraph 1, and when you click on it, it will show the comments and the comment form under that link, I want to have the same thing, I mean, when users click on the link under each paragraph, the comment form displays under that link instead of jumping to the end of the page.",
"The equivalent electric field of a magnetic field",
"So I was thinking about something for the past while Consider a large spherical foam-ball with homogeneous density. Where a foam ball is defined as an object that can absorb matter with 0 friction (example: a gravitational well without an object inside). This is a purely theoretical construct. If the foam-ball has a radius R and a charge Q. What charge must the foam-ball have, such that there is well defined sphere or horizon such that any object with a negative charge (even if it is the slightest bit) must travel faster than C in order to escape the field of the ball. Aka what charge would turn this into a black-hole for all objects with opposite sign on their charge? Once again I assume the foam-ball is a single particle, that doesn't repel itself... its just a very large homogenous 'thing' with charge.",
"Evaluate $ \\int_{0}^{\\frac{\\pi}2}\\frac1{(1+x^2)(1+\\tan x)}\\:\\mathrm dx$",
"Why is it sensical for a proposition with a false antecedent to validate to true?",
"How do I connect the initial highway to my six-lane road?",
"Sugar daddy wants my online banking login info to make deposits — is it a scam? Someone is offering to pay me in a sort of sugar daddy/sugar baby arrangement. They want to make online deposits to me, and they're asking me for my online banking username and password. Is that information alone enough for them to be able to take my money out of my account, or am I safe?",
"The only thing I need is an exact copy of an existing shapefile in the same directory with a different name. I have tried: arcpy.CopyFeatures_management (ORLinks, MyLinks) #ORLinks: old links, MyLinks: new links but for some reason, I cant make it a feature layer using: arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(MyLinks, 'MyLinks') Error Encountered: Error: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid. ERROR 000732: Input Features: Dataset M:\\RAIL\\Rail2.0.shp does not exist or is not supported Failed to execute (MakeFeatureLayer).",
"Unable to SSH to my virtual machine via Windows Power Shell ISE",
"Intuitive proof of $\\sum_{k=1}^{n} \\binom{n}{k} k^{k-1} (n-k)^{n-k} = n^n$ Is there an intuitive way, though I am not sure how to find a conceptual proof either, to establish the following identity: $$\\sum_{k=1}^{n} \\binom{n}{k} k^{k-1} (n-k)^{n-k} = n^n$$ for all natural numbers. I am thinking about binomial formula $$\\sum_{k=0}^n\\binom nk x^{n-k}y^k=(x+y)^n$$ but I'm not sure how to use it. I find this problem tantalizing because it looks as if there should be some sort of intuitive way so that is why I share it here. I am looking for an answer like if possible. Can you find one?",
"Uninstall kubuntu-desktop I installed kubuntu-desktop using sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop but I no longer want to use KDE. How do I remove all the packages that were installed by this command ? Thank you",
"Where did Harry's parents get all of their money from?",
"Why is the Star Trek 2009 reboot called a reboot? Doctor Who (2005) isn't called a reboot. It is called a continuation of the old series. This was made possible by that regeneration ju-ju and stuff. On the other hand, Star Trek 2009 reincarnation is often called a reboot. Nobody dared call it continuation. I don't think I need to do citation because it's common. Now, if we actually go into the details: The new universe contains two Spock. One is from the original timeline. The Spock Prime even gives data from the original timeline like trans-warp equation, Khan etc. We see other past data from before the timeline diverged. For example, Scott told that he transwarped Admiral Archer's dog. \"Archer's dog\" existed in Star Trek: Enterprise TV series. So, why didn't the legacy survive in-universe? Why isn't it considered a continuation of the old Star Trek TV shows and movies? Or, is the reboot word used by mistaken fans and media only? Update: After the release of Star Trek: Beyond (2016), this is no longer a confusion as the movie showed a photo from original timeline.",
"Access 2007 Work in a separate file using ACCDE",
"how to plot two graphs in a single sheet? I am new to Latex. Cann some one tell me how can I plot two graphs in a single page and How can resize the legend. I have attached the picture how the legend looks. I need it out from the plot and how can i have gridded lines in the plot. Please help me. My code is as follows: \\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{report} \\usepackage{filecontents,pgfplots} \\begin{filecontents}{mydata.dat} m0_FEED, AT 773.15K, AT 823.15K, AT 873.15K, AT 923.15K, AT 973.15K 0.005, 1.30E+04, 12959.71536,12959.71536,12959.71536,12959.71536 0.007, 1.81E+04, 18145.78478,18145.78478,18145.78478,18145.784 0.009, 2.33E+04, 23333.9541,23333.9541,23333.9541,23333.9541 0.011, 2.85E+04, 28524.71381,28524.71381,28524.71381,28524.71381 0.013, 3.37E+04, 33718.48576,33718.48576,33718.48576,33718.48576 0.015, 3.89E+04, 38915.61947,38915.61947,38915.61947,38915.61947 0.017, 4.41E+04, 44116.39602,44116.39603,44116.39603,44116.39603 0.019, 4.93E+04, 49321.02848,49321.02848,49321.02878,49321.02849 0.021, 5.45E+04, 54529.67237,54529.67238,54529.67238,54529.67238 \\end{filecontents} \\begin{document} \\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{mydata.dat}{\\mydata} \\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.8] \\begin{axis}[minor tick num=1, xlabel=Degrees, ylabel = temperature] \\addplot [black,very thick] table [x={m0_FEED}, y={AT 773.15K}] {\\mydata}; \\addplot [red,very thick] table [x={m0_FEED}, y={AT 823.15K}] {\\mydata}; \\addplot [blue,very thick] table [x={m0_FEED}, y={AT 873.15K}] {\\mydata}; \\addplot [green,very thick] table [x={m0_FEED}, y={AT 923.15K}] {\\mydata}; \\addplot [dashed,yellow,very thick] table [x={m0_FEED}, y={AT 973.15K}] {\\mydata}; \\legend{AT773.15K, AT823.15K, AT873.15K, AT923.15K, AT973.15K} \\end{axis} \\end{tikzpicture} \\begin{filecontents}{mydatax.dat} m0_FEED AT 773.15K AT 823.15K AT 873.15K AT 923.15K AT 973.15K 0.005 4.06E+03 4601.511738 5147.966831 5703.120845 6267.035737 0.007 5.69E+03 6439.241858 7204.278989 7981.494608 8625.923 0.009 7.31E+03 8274.205759 9257.824928 10257.10215 11272.14896 0.011 8.92E+03 10105.75535 11307.95656 12529.29539 13769.90815 0.013 1.05E+04 11933.33165 13354.1149 14797.51533 16263.69405 0.015 1.21E+04 13756.46929 15395.83457 17061.29661 18753.04129 0.017 1.37E+04 15574.79159 17432.7389 19320.26254 21237.57317 0.019 1.53E+04 17388.009 19464.53834 21574.12348 23717.00014 0.021 1.69E+04 19195.90581 21491.01717 23822.664 26191.10653 \\end{filecontents} \\pgfplotstableread{mydatax.dat}{\\mydatax} \\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=2] \\begin{axis}[minor tick num=1, xlabel=Degrees, ylabel = temperature] \\addplot [black,very thick] table [x={m0_FEED}, y={AT 773.15K}] {\\mydatax}; \\addplot [red,very thick] table [x={m0_FEED}, y={AT 823.15K}] {\\mydatax}; \\addplot [blue,very thick] table [x={m0_FEED}, y={AT 873.15K}] {\\mydatax}; \\addplot [green,very thick] table [x={m0_FEED}, y={AT 923.15K}] {\\mydatax}; \\addplot [dashed,yellow,very thick] table [x={m0_FEED}, y={AT 973.15K}] {\\mydatax}; \\legend{AT773.15K, AT823.15K, AT873.15K, AT923.15K, AT973.15K} \\end{axis} \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document}",
"Is there a RegExp.escape function in JavaScript?",
"Split a string by a delimiter in python"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Short story where aliens give boy super powers which he uses to destroy the world, dies alone | Bullied boy given immense powers by an alien race who destroys the human race | [
"Is there an easy way to add a hole into an object?",
"Why do light disappears the moment we switch off the source (inside the wooden box)?",
"Cardinality of Borel sigma algebra It seems it's well known that if a sigma algebra is generated by countably many sets, then the cardinality of it is either finite or $c$ (the cardinality of continuum). But it seems hard to prove it, and actually hard to find a proof of it. Can anyone help me out?",
"I have a cheap Chinese made tablet from Dubai called the Crony Dubai (www.cronydubai.com). It has a micro B, mini HDMI and a USB labeled as \"Host\" as well as a micro SD slot. It came with a micro B to USB adapter in box, and its running Ice Cream Sandwich. Is there a way to load Ubuntu on it? Also the tablet is very buggy and crashes often, would that be due to the tablet or the OS?",
"When & how did Yoda come to know about the Rule of Two? At the very end of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Mace Windu and Yoda had this conversation: Mace Windu: There is no doubt. The mysterious warrior was a Sith. Yoda: Always two there are....no more...no less. A master and an apprentice. When did he come to know about the secret ? And, how? Any evidence from ?",
"When you have a card like which reads \"Exile Target Creature with power 3 or less\", as I understand it, it becomes untargetable if the opponent's creature power increases thanks to a pump spell like . But what if the Disregard is already on the stack and targeting; and they respond with Brute Strength? I'm pretty sure (and my opponent with Brute Strength was certain) that it won't exile the creature, but I don't know which rule states this, and there's no gatherer ruling on the spell.",
"How to delete a file with a path too long to be deleted",
"I've set up an Ubuntu 14.04 Server (from an Ubuntu 12.04 Server) but today I wanted to look in the auth.log but this file is not used. It seems that ´syslog´ was deleted. How does Ubuntu 14.04 log? I need this for a server. Thank you.",
"Prove $x^3 + 3 =4y(y+1)$ has no integer solutions",
"Pressing \"W\" turned my cursor into a circle",
"How to force Logger.debug output in Play! framework specs2 tests?",
"Programming pattern to generate VGA signal with micro-controller? I want to generate VGA signal with micro-controller (like TI Tiva ARM which runs at 90/120Mhz speed). I'm not sure how to make accurate timings with micro-controller. Which programming pattern I need to use? Do I need any inline assembler code? How to wisely use interrupts? Would be great if anybody show some pseudo code how to generate VGA signal. I successfully generated VGA signal with FPGA. But I just can't figure out how to do it with MCU.",
"Column vs Field: have I been using these terms incorrectly? I feel kind of embarrassed here, I've always used the terms \"column\" and \"field\" completely interchangeably, which recently caused some confusion in a technical discussion. I was told, though, that this wasn't correct, that it should be (translating each term into spreadsheet terminology, ignoring data types and all the other stuff that make databases useful): Database Column: like a spreadsheet column Database Record: like a spreadsheet row Database Field: like a spreadsheet \"cell\" (a specific column of a specific row) Is this right? I could have sworn that column and field are used more interchangeably than that. I certainly have been. So we don't add fields to a table, we add columns to a table, and fields are only relevant when talking about data within a record? Other thoughts on column vs field? Edit: to clarify, the current context is MS SQL Server. My background before SQL server was MS Access, which might influence my use of these terms.",
"While looking over various PHP libraries I've noticed that a lot of people choose to prefix some class methods with a single underscore, such as public function _foo() ...instead of... public function foo() I realize that ultimately this comes down to personal preference, but I was wondering if anyone had some insight into where this habit comes from. My thought is that it's probably being carried over from PHP 4, before class methods could be marked as protected or private, as a way of implying \"do not call this method from outside the class\". However, it also occurred to me that maybe it originates somewhere (a language) I'm not familiar with or that there may be good reasoning behind it that I would benefit from knowing. Any thoughts, insights and/or opinions would be appreciated.",
"I am carrying out research to look at differences in fish density and fish species richness when using two different underwater visual census methods. My data was originally count data but then typically this is changed to fish density but I have still decided to use a Poisson GLM, which I hope is right. model1 <- glm(g_den ~ method + site + depth, poisson) My 3 predictor variables are method, site and depth which I ordered as factors when I input them. My response variables are grouper species richness, grouper density and the same for other fish groups. I am aware that density is not an integer and it is numerical data e.g 1.34849. I am now however getting this error: In dpois(y, mu, log = TRUE) : non-integer x = 0.037500 I've been reading up and many people suggest using an offset, is this the most advisable thing to do?",
"How to draw Venn diagrams (especially: complements) in LaTeX",
"If $x,y,z\\in\\mathbb R\\setminus \\{1\\}$ and $xyz=1$, prove that $\\frac{x^2}{(x-1)^2}+\\frac{y^2}{(y-1)^2}+\\frac{z^2}{(z-1)^2}\\ge 1$. If $x,y,z\\in\\mathbb R\\setminus \\{1\\}$ and $xyz=1$, prove that $$\\frac{x^2}{(x-1)^2}+\\frac{y^2}{(y-1)^2}+\\frac{z^2}{(z-1)^2}\\ge 1$$ Without using calculus. There are a few ways I've tried solving this: $1)$ We could try using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: $$\\frac{x^2}{(x-1)^2}+\\frac{y^2}{(y-1)^2}+\\frac{z^2}{(z-1)^2}\\ge \\frac{(x+y+z)^2}{(x-1)^2+(y-1)^2+(z-1)^2}$$ But it's apparent that nothing's useful here. $2)$ We could use AM-GM as well: $$\\frac{x^2}{(x-1)^2}+\\frac{y^2}{(y-1)^2}+\\frac{z^2}{(z-1)^2}\\ge 3\\sqrt[3]{\\frac{x^2y^2z^2}{(x-1)^2(y-1)^2(z-1)^2}}=\\frac{3}{\\sqrt[3]{(x-1)^2(y-1)^2(z-1)^2}}$$ So we only have to prove that: $$\\sqrt[3]{(x-1)^2(y-1)^2(z-1)^2}\\le 3$$ We could raise both sides to the power of 3: $$(x-1)^2(y-1)^2(z-1)^2\\le 27$$ But this inequality doesn't hold. $3)$ We could try cleaning the denominators by multiplying both sides by $(x-1)^2(y-1)^2(z-1)^2$. After a bunch of expanding and simplifying we get that: $$x^2y^2+y^2z^2+x^2z^2-6(xy+yz+xz)+2(x+y+z)+9\\ge 0$$ I can't tell so easily whether the inequality is true or not. You could help me out on this one. Just don't forget that $x,y,z\\in\\mathbb R\\setminus\\{1\\}$ and so we can't just simply use AM-GM, unless we're using it for squares that have to be non-negative.",
"Distance between surfaces",
"$3^{n+1}$ divides $2^{3^n}+1$ Describe all positive integers,n such that $3^{n+1}$divides $2^{3^n}+1$. I am little confused about what the question asks-if it asks me to find all such positive integers, or if it asks me to prove that for every positive integer n,$3^{n+1}$ divides $2^{3^n}+1$. Kindly clarify this doubt and if it's the former part, please verify my solution-n=1.",
"Using property() on classmethods I have a class with two class methods (using the classmethod() function) for getting and setting what is essentially a static variable. I tried to use the property() function with these, but it results in an error. I was able to reproduce the error with the following in the interpreter: class Foo(object): _var = 5 @classmethod def getvar(cls): return cls._var @classmethod def setvar(cls, value): cls._var = value var = property(getvar, setvar) I can demonstrate the class methods, but they don't work as properties: >>> f = Foo() >>> f.getvar() 5 >>> f.setvar(4) >>> f.getvar() 4 >>> f.var Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? TypeError: 'classmethod' object is not callable >>> f.var=5 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? TypeError: 'classmethod' object is not callable Is it possible to use the property() function with @classmethod decorated functions?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Unable to learn third relentless force | Can't learn the third Word of Power from Wulfgar | [
"Possible Duplicate: This is something I haven't quite figured out yet, but I have been using function(){}() just because my VIM syntax highlight screws up if I add the parenthesis, although I've seen (function(){})() around many times, maybe its an IE thing? edit: var singleton = function() { // code }(); var singleton = (function() { // code })();",
"Motivation for Napier's Logarithms In the wikipedia article on logarithms, I am clueless about the approach and motivation for the following computations done by Napier (and the mysterious appearance of Euler's number) in this . Please help me understand: By repeated subtractions Napier calculated $10^7(1 − 10^{−7})^L$ for L ranging from 1 to 100. The result for $L=100$ is approximately $0.99999 = 1 − 10^{-5}$. Napier then calculated the products of these numbers with $10^7(1 − 10^{−5})^L$ for L from 1 to 50, and did similarly with $0.9995 ≈ (1 − 10^{−5})^{20}$ and $0.99 ≈ 0.995^{20}$. These computations, which occupied 20 years, allowed him to give, for any number ''N'' from 5 to 10 million, the number ''L'' that solves the equation $$N=10^7 {(1-10^{-7})}^L$$ In modern notation, the relation to natural logarithms is: $$L = \\log_{(1-10^{-7})} \\!\\left( \\frac{N}{10^7} \\right) \\approx 10^7 \\log_{ \\frac{1}{e}} \\!\\left( \\frac{N}{10^7} \\right) = -10^7 \\log_e \\!\\left( \\frac{N}{10^7} \\right)$$ where the very close approximation corresponds to the observation that $${(1-10^{-7})}^{10^7} \\approx \\frac{1}{e}. $$ I understand the computations, but I don't know what's going on.",
"sed fails with \"unknown option to `s'\" error",
"How do I do this? I created a user without a home directory and now I want to create one. Not just a folder called new_user, I want the default home directory with all it's folders and hidden files, etc.",
"How to initialize HashSet values by construction?",
"Kendo Grid & Rich text Editor of Sharepoint 2013",
"Pagination not working with custom loop I've got a custom loop that I'm using to display some Real Estate listings that will be available within 60 days. I'm calling it with the following function: <?php $sixtydays = date('Y/m/d', strtotime('+60 days')); $paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; $query = new PostsOrderedByMetaQuery(array( 'post_type' => array('post', 'real-estate'), 'meta_key' => 'Time Available', 'meta_compare' => '<=', 'meta_value' => $sixtydays, 'paged' => $paged, 'orderby_meta_key' => 'Price', 'orderby_order' => 'ASC' )); ?> <?php while ($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post(); ?> While the loop works great, I can't get it to paginate. It shows the first 10 (my default) posts but doesn't show the pagination. The only way to display all posts is to show them on one page by adding 'posts_per_page' => -1, I have similar loops on other pages that have no problem paginating. The only difference with this one is that there are two meta keys that are filtering the posts. I'm using WP Page Navi for this and the rest of my pages. I'm closing the loop and adding the pagination using the following code: <?php endwhile; // End the loop. Whew. ?> <?php wp_pagenavi(); ?> <?php wp_reset_query(); ?> How can I go about fixing this?",
"In the following is it better to use a possessive noun with an apostrophe or an attributive noun without an apostrophe? The following list details the assumptions that have been made in conjunction with the Dell Company’s staff. Or The following list details the assumptions that have been made in conjunction with the Dell Company staff. Assume Company is the name of a company, such as Dell.",
"What do we call someone who's in between -a friend and an enemy! He's a friend of mine The message is clear. He's my friend. He wishes all good for me and helps me whenever I need one. He's an enemy of mine The message is clear again. He's my enemy. He wishes all bad for me and never helps me whenever I need! He's ...... of mine! The message is clear. He's neither friend nor enemy. He's in between. At times, he may help me but then I cannot always rely on him. He's not a friend of mine. Other times, he does really bad to me but maybe, there was no any other go for him. He's not an enemy of mine! :)",
"Over the years I have slowly developed a that validates MOST email addresses correctly, assuming they don't use an IP address as the server part. I use it in several PHP programs, and it works most of the time. However, from time to time I get contacted by someone that is having trouble with a site that uses it, and I end up having to make some adjustment (most recently I realized that I wasn't allowing 4-character TLDs). What is the best regular expression you have or have seen for validating emails? I've seen several solutions that use functions that use several shorter expressions, but I'd rather have one long complex expression in a simple function instead of several short expression in a more complex function.",
"Show by induction that for all natural numbers n>3 $(1+\\frac{1}{n})^n<n$ Let $(1+\\frac{1}{n})^n<n$ be true ! We show that $(1+\\frac{1}{n+1})^{n+1})<n+1$ $(1+\\frac{1}{n})^n(1+\\frac{1}{n})<n(1+\\frac{1}{n})$ $(1+\\frac{1}{n})^{n+1}<n+1$ So now we just need to show that $(1+\\frac{1}{n+1})^{n+1}<(1+\\frac{1}{n})^{n+1}$ So here , If I show that : $(1+\\frac{1}{n+1})<(1+\\frac{1}{n})$ Does that mean im done with exercise ?",
"How to decide which glm family to use? I have fish density data that I am trying to compare between several different collection techniques, the data has lots of zeros, and the histogram looks vaugley appropriate for a poisson distribution except that, as densities, it is not integer data. I am relatively new to GLMs and have spent the last several days looking online for how to tell which distribution to use but have failed utterly in finding any resources that help make this decision. A sample histogram of the data looks like the following: I have no idea how to go about deciding on the appropriate family to use for the GLM. If anyone has any advice or could give me a resource I should check out, that would be fantastic.",
"W.K.T, any user(with more than 2k rep) can review 20 suggested edits per day. Today I saw the newly appointed moderator reviewed more than 20. Is it possible for moderators to review more than the daily limited count? If yes, can any moderators can do it at any time? I didn't see this before.",
"I am travelling form Delhi (DEL) to San Francisco (SFO), I have to make a connection flight in Vienna that would take me to Frankfurt (FRA). My flight to SFO is from FRA, I have one ticket for entire journey and the flights are operated by Lufthansa or its subsidiaries. Do I need a transit visa? My flight arrives at Vienna international airport and leaves from the same, and for second leg it arrives at Frankfurt international airport. I asked this question as an addendum to my but was advised to make a new post. I hold Indian passport and valid US visa.",
"Volume form on $(n-1)$-sphere $S^{n-1}$ Let $\\omega$ the (n-1) form on $\\mathbb{R}^n$ $$\\omega=\\sum_{j=1}^{n}(-1)^{j-1}x_{j}dx_{1}\\wedge\\cdots\\wedge \\hat{dx_{j}}\\wedge\\cdots dx_{n}$$ Show that the restriction of $\\omega$ to $S^{n-1}$ in precisely the volume for this sphere. What I did was: $\\omega$ never vanish on the sphere, because, defining $\\sigma\\in \\Omega^{n-1}(S)$ for $$\\sigma_{p}(v_{1},...,v_{n-1})=det(p,v_{1},...,v_{n-1})$$ and $i:S^{n-1}\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}^{n}$ the inclusion function, then $\\omega=i^{\\ast}(\\sigma)$ then $\\omega\\not=0$ and therfore is a volume form. How proof that $\\omega$ is the volume form? The first thing that comes to mind is show that $\\int_{S^{n-1}}\\omega=Vol(S^{n-1})$ but I have serious problems with the definition, I think that is to much. How see that $\\omega$ is invariant on $\\mathbb{R}^{n}$ under action of $O(n)$",
"Is it bad to marinate meat for too long? From my experience it is always best to marinate meat for a decent amount of time, so the meat can \"soak\" up the marinade and be more flavourful. However, I came across this recipe here: In the directions, it says: Add pork and marinade for a minimum of 6 hours or overnight, but no longer than 12 hours. I was wondering, why does it say \"no longer than 12 hours\"? Isn't it good to let meat marinate for as long as possible? Thanks.",
"I am looking to implement a biplot for principal component analysis (PCA) in JavaScript. My question is, how do I determine the coordinates of the arrows from the $U,V,D$ output of the singular vector decomposition (SVD) of the data matrix? Here is an example biplot produced by R: biplot(prcomp(iris[,1:4])) I tried looking it up in the but it's not very useful. Or correct. Not sure which.",
"Prove the following equality using mathematical induction: Prove the following equality using mathematical induction: For any integer $n \\ge 1$ $$\\sum_{i=1}^{n} \\frac{1}{i(i+1)} = \\frac{n}{n+1}$$ I understand for the base base I need to have $n=1$. If I substituted $n$ for 1 and $i$ for 1 I would get \\begin{align} \\sum_{i=1}^{1} \\frac{1}{1(1+1)} &= \\frac{1}{1+1} \\\\ \\sum_{i=1}^{1} \\frac{1}{2} &= \\frac{1}{2} \\end{align} As for the inductive step, I inputted $n +1$ but it did not work for me because honestly I did not know what to do with the $i$ and what I should do next. How would I go about doing the next step and an explanation for $i$ would be helpful.",
"Let $a$, $b$, and $c$ be complex numbers with $a\\neq0$. Show that the solutions of $az^2+bz+c=0$ are $z_1,z_2=\\frac{-b\\pm\\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}$, just as they are in the case when $a$, $b$, and $c$ are real numbers.",
"Let $R$ be a commutative ring and $I_1, \\dots, I_n$ pairwise comaximal ideals in $R$, i.e., $I_i + I_j = R$ for $i \\neq j$. Why are the ideals $I_1^{n_1}, ... , I_r^{n_r}$ (for any $n_1,...,n_r \\in\\mathbb N$) also comaximal?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Table of contents: same colour for all entries | coloring the page numbers in the table of contents | [
"Is there a way to delete all stack exchange accounts at the same time? I also want to remove all traces of my posts on the site. Is that possible? Will I have to delete all of my posts manually? Can I use the stack exchange API for this?",
"I always thought with \"any\" I should use the plural, but on the internet I can find both: It can be found in any book. It can be found in any books Do you have any books? It can be said in any language. This can be understood by anyone. It has been used in any form. So, what's correct? Is there any rule?",
"Find $a$ such that $(x+a)(x+1991)+1=(x+b)(x+c)$ with $a,b,c\\in\\Bbb Z$ Find all integer values of $a$ such that the quadratic expression $(x+a)(x+1991)+1$ can be factored as a product $(x+b)(x+c)$ where b and c are integers. I tried to do it by comparing the two expressions but I can't proceed.",
"I'm trying to make a basic Windows application that builds a string out of user input and then adds it to the clipboard. How do I copy a string to the clipboard using Python?",
"Why does PHP consider 0 to be equal to a string?",
"Why doesn't the command \"ls | file\" work? I've been studying about the command line and learned that | (pipeline) is meant to redirect the output from a command to the input of another one. So why does the command ls | file doesn't work? file input is one of more filenames, like file filename1 filename2 ls output is a list of directories and files on a folder, so I thought ls | file was supposed to show the file type of every file on a folder. When I use it however, the output is: Usage: file [-bcEhikLlNnprsvz0] [--apple] [--mime-encoding] [--mime-type] [-e testname] [-F separator] [-f namefile] [-m magicfiles] file ... file -C [-m magicfiles] file [--help] As there was some error with the usage of the file command",
"I am looking for an application which can do the following: Resize one or more images Compress images Rotate and flip images Rename multiple images using a progressive number or a prefix/suffix Convert an entire PDF file to a bunch images Extract an image from a Windows .ico file Convert images to DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, TIFF, and other formats I am running Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 with GNOME 3.18.",
"Calculating sequential numbers into sorted table using ArcGIS Desktop?",
"What noun or adjective would one give to a person that is intolerant of stupidity? A person that becomes annoyed, angry, or of very short temper when conversing or interacting with people of a lower intelligence? For example: The man is very xyzxyz; his son can't do multiplication very well. or She is a(n) xyzxyz. She gets very frustrated when people forget things. I'm looking almost for a scientific/medical/psychological term. One that would fall into the same kind of group as words like haemophiliac, masochist, nihilist, etc.",
"Why does reversing serial upvoting not reverse the Mortarboard badge? user has serial up-voting reversed, but he still have badge Mortarboard. Is it correct behavior of badges? I suppose it should be reversed too. And will this 200 daily reputation (2012-03-20) score for the Epic, and Legendary badges?",
"Error to calculate date diff with DateTime class",
"Showing order of $Z (G) =1$ or $pq$",
"Getting text from the Resource file in asp.net 4",
"$[F(t):F(t^n)]=n$ where $t$ is trascendental",
"Is there a git-merge --dry-run option?",
"I am thinking about a wizard who has a rat familiar (from the spell), and has the spell prepared. Can he use his familiar's senses to teleport into another room (where the familiar is hiding) by looking through the eyes of the rat and casting misty step? The wizard could use his action to switch to the familiar's senses and then use his bonus action to cast the spell. This would greatly reduce the \"blind and deaf\" time he experiences from doing this.",
"I can't get to the bottom of this error, because when the debugger is attached, it does not seem to occur. Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute Below is the code. This is a WCF server in a Windows service. The method NotifySubscribers() is called by the service whenever there is a data event (at random intervals, but not very often - about 800 times per day). When a Windows Forms client subscribes, the subscriber ID is added to the subscribers dictionary, and when the client unsubscribes, it is deleted from the dictionary. The error happens when (or after) a client unsubscribes. It appears that the next time the NotifySubscribers() method is called, the foreach() loop fails with the error in the subject line. The method writes the error into the application log as shown in the code below. When a debugger is attached and a client unsubscribes, the code executes fine. Do you see a problem with this code? Do I need to make the dictionary thread-safe? [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode=InstanceContextMode.Single)] public class SubscriptionServer : ISubscriptionServer { private static IDictionary<Guid, Subscriber> subscribers; public SubscriptionServer() { subscribers = new Dictionary<Guid, Subscriber>(); } public void NotifySubscribers(DataRecord sr) { foreach(Subscriber s in subscribers.Values) { try { s.Callback.SignalData(sr); } catch (Exception e) { DCS.WriteToApplicationLog(e.Message, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); UnsubscribeEvent(s.ClientId); } } } public Guid SubscribeEvent(string clientDescription) { Subscriber subscriber = new Subscriber(); subscriber.Callback = OperationContext.Current. GetCallbackChannel<IDCSCallback>(); subscribers.Add(subscriber.ClientId, subscriber); return subscriber.ClientId; } public void UnsubscribeEvent(Guid clientId) { try { subscribers.Remove(clientId); } catch(Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Unsubscribe Error " + e.Message); } } }",
"What kind of node is this? Image from this",
"As a new user without much rep, what should I do if someone else has already asked a question I have, but it has no answers?",
"What is the maximum texture size available on the iPad?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Right ND for filter size for Nikon 24-85 mm lens | How do I find the right size of filters for a lens? | [
"Here is my player code. Rigidbody rb; Vector3 currMovement; public float jumpSpeed = 10; public float moveSpeed = 10; public float rotSpeed = 180; float distToGround; public float posSmoothTime = 0.5f; float currPos; float targetPos; float posVel; public float rotSmoothTime = 0.5f; float currRot; float targetRot; float rotVel; void Start() { rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>(); distToGround = GetComponent<Collider>().bounds.extents.y; } bool isGrounded() { return Physics.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.down, distToGround + 0.1f); } void Update() { Move(); } void Move() { // Rotation smoothing. targetRot = Input.GetAxisRaw(\"Horizontal\") * rotSpeed * Time.smoothDeltaTime; if (targetRot > 360) targetRot -= 360; if (targetRot < 0) targetRot += 360; currRot = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(currRot, targetRot, ref rotVel, rotSmoothTime * Time.smoothDeltaTime); transform.eulerAngles += new Vector3(0, currRot, 0); // Movement smoothing. targetPos = Input.GetAxisRaw(\"Vertical\") * moveSpeed; currPos = Mathf.SmoothDamp(currPos, targetPos, ref posVel, posSmoothTime * Time.smoothDeltaTime); currMovement = new Vector3(0, 0, currPos); currMovement = transform.rotation * currMovement; if (isGrounded()) { if (Input.GetButtonDown(\"Jump\")) rb.velocity += Vector3.up * jumpSpeed; } rb.position += currMovement * Time.smoothDeltaTime; } I have a Rigidbody attached to my player. I think the problem is with my camera script. Here is my camera script. public Transform player; Quaternion targetLook; Vector3 targetMove; public float smoothLook = 0.5f; public float smoothMove = 0.5f; public float distFromPlayer = 5, heightFromPlayer = 3; Vector3 moveVel; void LateUpdate() { CameraMove(); } void CameraMove() { targetMove = player.position + (player.rotation * new Vector3(0, heightFromPlayer, -distFromPlayer)); transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, targetMove, ref moveVel, smoothMove); targetLook = Quaternion.LookRotation(player.position - transform.position); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetLook, smoothLook); } } The player is not an parent of my camera. When I parent the player to my camera the shake stops. But I want a custom smooth camera movement with my custom scirpt, so I can't make the player a parent of the camera.",
"Can't select and delete an object",
"How to activate hyphenation in \\ttfamily without explictly setting a font? I am suprised that in the code below no hyphenation is done. And I can not find something about that on the web. Maybe I used the wrong words for searching. \\documentclass{scrartcl} \\usepackage{xltxtra} \\usepackage{polyglossia} \\setdefaultlanguage[spelling=new]{german} \\usepackage{tabu} \\begin{document} \\begin{ttfamily} \\begin{tabu} spread \\textwidth {X[l]|X[l]|X[l]|X[l]} A& B& Sichtweise, Haltung, Akzeptanz, useability, Anwenderfreundlichkeit& D\\\\ \\end{tabu} \\end{ttfamily} \\end{document}",
"Which is correct? - \"Guess, what it is?\" or \"Guess, what is it?\" I want to know which sentence is correct. If i say Guess, what it is? or Guess, what is it? which one is correct?",
"Change \\textwidth and \\textheight in mid-document",
"Is there any way to erase personal information from my phone that has already been stolen? My phone has been stolen. I do not want the thief to have access to any of my personal information such as calls, texts, and information saved in the phones contents. Is there any possible way I can get this information erased from my phone?",
"A square matrix $n \\times n$ is an invertible matrix iff the rank of the matrix is $n$.",
"I write financial applications where I constantly battle the decision to use a double vs using a decimal. All of my math works on numbers with no more than 5 decimal places and are not larger than ~100,000. I have a feeling that all of these can be represented as doubles anyways without rounding error, but have never been sure. I would go ahead and make the switch from decimals to doubles for the obvious speed advantage, except that at the end of the day, I still use the ToString method to transmit prices to exchanges, and need to make sure it always outputs the number I expect. (89.99 instead of 89.99000000001) Questions: Is the speed advantage really as large as naive tests suggest? (~100 times) Is there a way to guarantee the output from ToString to be what I want? Is this assured by the fact that my number is always representable? UPDATE: I have to process ~ 10 billion price updates before my app can run, and I have implemented with decimal right now for the obvious protective reasons, but it takes ~3 hours just to turn on, doubles would dramatically reduce my turn on time. Is there a safe way to do it with doubles?",
"How to clear current “read-only” state on a USB flash drive I setup with Rufus? Three weeks ago I used 2.2 to install Windows 10 on my machine, and it has write-protected my flash drive. I’ve tried diskpart: diskpart att disk clear readonly clean create partition primary format fs=fat32 quick And it kinda worked, it removed the image off the USB, but now it’s showing: Current Read-only State : Yes Read-only : No Boot Disk : No Pagefile Disk : No Hibernation File Disk : No Crashdump Disk : No Clustered Disk : No And I can’t format it or write on it. The drive is a a Kingston DataTraveler G4 32GB model, without physical switches. How would I restore it back to normal (rw) state?",
"If an astronaut had stationed in International Space Station for the duration of mission, 17 years, would he be older? Today the NASA International Space Station started the 100000 orbit after 17 years in the space. I just wonder if there were a team of astronauts which were in the Lab for all the duration of last 17 years, how much older they would be due to the combination of Einstein's especial theory of relativity and general theory of relativity? Here is the link to NASA's youtube video.",
"If you know the Index, Value or Text. also if you don't have an ID for a direct reference. , and are all helpful answers. Example markup <div class=\"selDiv\"> <select class=\"opts\"> <option selected value=\"DEFAULT\">Default</option> <option value=\"SEL1\">Selection 1</option> <option value=\"SEL2\">Selection 2</option> </select> </div>",
"Show that $a(-1) = (-1)a = -a $. In a ring $R$ with identity 1, show that $$a(-1) = (-1)a = -a \\qquad\\forall\\, a \\in R$$ I have started with $a + (-a) = 0$ but cant proceed from here.",
"How do you import CA certificates onto an Android phone? I want to connect to my University's wireless using my Nexus One. When I go to \"Add Wi-Fi network\" in Wireless Settings I fill in the Network SSID and select 802.1x Enterprise for the security and fill everything out. The problem is that our university's wireless uses Thawte Premium Server CA certificate for certification. When I click the drop down list for CA certificate I get nothing in the list (just N/A) Now I have the certificate (Thawte Premium Server CA.pem) and have moved it to my SD card, but it doesn't look like Android automatically detects it. Where should I put the certificate so that the Android wireless manager recognizes it. In other words, how can I import a CA certificate so that Android recognizes that it is on the phone and displays it in the CA Certificate drop down list. Thanks for any help, Tomek P.S. My phone is not rooted EDIT: After doing some research it looks like you are able to install certificates by going to your phone's settings > Location & Security > Install from SD card Unfortunately it looks like the only accepted file extension is .p12. It does not look like there is a way to import .cer or .pem files (which are the only two files that come with the Thawte certificates) at this moment. It does look like you can use a converter to convert your .cer or .pem files to .p12, however a key file is needed. I do not know where to get this key file for the Thawte certificates.",
"Why won't this ocelot do anything but breed?",
"In a finite cyclic group, the generator has the order of the group Let $G$ be a finite cyclic group of order $n$ generated by an element $g$. I want to show that the order of $g$ is exactly the order of $G$. My try: We can write $G=\\{g^i\\;|\\;i\\in \\mathbb Z\\}$. Since $G$ is finite, we know that there will be identifications $g^i=g^j$ that will make $G$ finite. By the multiplication law on $G$ we must have $g^0=1$. Also if $i<j$ and if $g^i=g^j$ then $g^{j-i}=1$. I can see all these but not see why $g^n=1$ and not $g^k=1$ for all $0<k<n$? Thank your for your help!!",
"Can X.org Load Two Different Drivers? (Triple-Head Setup with Intel and NVidia Card) We want to set up a 3 screens with an onboard intel graphics adapter and an nvidia card. Both cards are recognized in lspci 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [GeForce 210] (rev a2) 00:02.0 Display controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09) And bascially work: If I switch to the console, I see output on the Intel card, X is only running on the Nvidia card. But when I type xrandr | grep conn I get only one connected port: DVI-I-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) VGA-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) DVI-I-1 connected 1920x1200+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 518mm x 324mm HDMI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) I am on Ubuntu 12.10 (and XFCE) and installed the proprietary nvidia driver. I was assuming that X maybe has a problem to autodetect both cards, so I thought the following xorg.conf could help: Section \"ServerLayout\" Identifier \"Layout0\" Screen 0 \"Screen0\" Screen 1 \"Screen1\" InputDevice \"Keyboard0\" \"CoreKeyboard\" InputDevice \"Mouse0\" \"CorePointer\" EndSection Section \"Files\" EndSection Section \"InputDevice\" # generated from default Identifier \"Mouse0\" Driver \"mouse\" Option \"Protocol\" \"auto\" Option \"Device\" \"/dev/psaux\" Option \"Emulate3Buttons\" \"no\" Option \"ZAxisMapping\" \"4 5\" EndSection Section \"InputDevice\" # generated from default Identifier \"Keyboard0\" Driver \"kbd\" EndSection Section \"Monitor\" Identifier \"Monitor0\" VendorName \"Unknown\" ModelName \"Unknown\" HorizSync 28.0 - 33.0 VertRefresh 43.0 - 72.0 Option \"DPMS\" EndSection Section \"Device\" Identifier \"Device0\" Driver \"nvidia\" VendorName \"NVIDIA Corporation\" BoardName \"GeForce 210\" EndSection Section \"Screen\" Identifier \"Screen0\" Device \"Device0\" Monitor \"Monitor0\" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection \"Display\" Depth 24 EndSubSection EndSection Section \"Monitor\" Identifier \"Monitor1\" VendorName \"Unknown\" ModelName \"Unknown\" HorizSync 28.0 - 33.0 VertRefresh 43.0 - 72.0 Option \"DPMS\" EndSection Section \"Device\" Identifier \"Device1\" Driver \"intel\" VendorName \"Intel\" BoardName \"Internal Intel Graphics\" EndSection Section \"Screen\" Identifier \"Screen1\" Device \"Device1\" Monitor \"Monitor1\" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection \"Display\" Depth 24 EndSubSection EndSection But it is still not working. Is this generally possible to use two different drivers in X ? Is it necessary to create an xorg.conf manually then? (because Ubuntu 12.10 normally works without the xorg.conf) Are there any errors in my xorg.conf?",
"What is the \"show desktop\" keyboard shortcut? I just upgraded to 11.10 from 11.04. Previously the shortcut to show the desktop was Super +D (same as in Windows), But now it is not working. What is the new shortcut?",
"How can I model flips until N successes? You and I decide to play a game where we take turns flipping a coin. The first player to flip 10 heads in total wins the game. Naturally, there is an argument about who should go first. Simulations of this game show that the player to flips first wins 6% more than the player who flips second (the first player wins approx 53% of the time). I'm interested in modelling this analytically. This isn't a binomial random variable, as there are no fixed number of trials (flip until someone gets 10 heads). How can I model this? Is it the negative binomial distribution? So as to be able to recreate my results, here is my python code: import numpy as np from numba import jit @jit def sim(N): P1_wins = 0 P2_wins = 0 for i in range(N): P1_heads = 0 P2_heads = 0 while True: P1_heads += np.random.randint(0,2) if P1_heads == 10: P1_wins+=1 break P2_heads+= np.random.randint(0,2) if P2_heads==10: P2_wins+=1 break return P1_wins/N, P2_wins/N a,b = sim(1000000)",
"Analyzing a sentence Do my analyze is correct? If don't then correct it. Sentence: The tsunami and the undersea earthquake which triggered it, the largest ever recorded in the region, killed nearly 20,000 people, destroyed over 100,000 homes and threw the lives of tens of millions into turmoil. Subject: The tsunami and the undersea earthquake Principal verb: triggered Adjective clause of subject:the largest ever recorded in the region, killed nearly 20,000 people, destroyed over 100,000 homes Use of parallelism:threw the lives of tens of millions into turmoil.",
"Which countries require a 24-hour transit visa in China? I'm transiting through China in Kunming, China. I'm a South African national and do NOT fall under the 72-hour visa free program. However on [their official (travelchina) website][1] it says: Nationals of most countries are eligible for the 24-hour direct transit, while a visa is needed for the passengers transiting on Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and Yemen passports. I'm sorry if I'm missing this, but the above is rather badly worded for me does \"nationals of most countries\" include ALL countries except those mentioned in the list shown? Also again sorry if I'm missing this but again it is rather badly worded for me. I will fly via Thailand to China and then via China to Canada with an 8-hour layover in China. I see Thailand is mentioned on the list. I have a Thailand residency permit where I currently reside... Would that affect me at all? Also, any idea if I can exit the airport in China and come back under the 24-hour visa exemption (should I be exempt)? Many thanks."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
problem in installing mysql | Permission denied, are you root? | [
"How does one add boarding passes to Apple Wallet?",
"What is the difference between I play and I do play? For example: If someone were to ask to me, do you play soccer?",
"Printing an SE page in Firefox shows only the first page I used to print Q&A pages to keep a base of PDFs. I used either the 'print edit' addon or simply the print function of Firefox, which both allow to print a webpage in a file. Usually the printed file for a webpage extends on 2 or 3 pages. But I'm not able to print more than one page on this site expressly anymore. No matter the method. I just get the top of each discussion.",
"Why it's true? $\\arcsin(x) +\\arccos(x) = \\frac{\\pi}{2}$ The following identity is true for any given $x \\in [-1,1]$: $$\\arcsin(x) + \\arccos(x) = \\frac{\\pi}{2}$$ But I don't know how to explain it. I understand that the derivative of the equation is a truth clause, but why would the following be true, intuitively? $$\\int^{x}_{C1}\\frac{1\\cdot dx}{\\sqrt{1-x^{2}}} + \\int^{x}_{C2}\\frac{-1 \\cdot dx}{\\sqrt{1-x^{2}}} =\\\\ \\arcsin(x) - \\arcsin(C1) + \\arccos(x) - \\arccos(C2) = 0 \\\\ \\text{while } \\arcsin(C1) + \\arccos(C2) = \\frac{\\pi}{2}$$ I can't find the right words to explain why this is true? Edit #1 (25 Jan, 20:10 UTC): The following is a truth clause: $$ \\begin{array}{ll} \\frac{d}{dx}(\\arcsin(x) + \\arccos(x)) = \\frac{d}{dx}\\frac{\\pi}{2} \\\\ \\\\ \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{1-x^{2}}} + \\frac{-1}{\\sqrt{1-x^{2}}} = 0 \\end{array} $$ By integrating the last equation, using the limits $k$ (a constant) and $x$ (variable), I get the following: $$ \\begin{array}{ll} \\int^x_k\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{1-x^{2}}}dx + \\int^x_k\\frac{-1}{\\sqrt{1-x^{2}}}dx = \\int^x_k0 \\\\ \\\\ \\arcsin(x) - \\arcsin(k) + \\arccos(x) - \\arccos(k) = m \\text{ (m is a constant)}\\\\ \\\\ \\arcsin(x) + \\arccos(x) = m + \\arcsin(k) + \\arccos(k) \\\\ \\\\ \\text{Assuming that } A = m + \\arcsin(k) + \\arccos(k) = \\frac{\\pi}{2} \\text{ ,for } x \\in [-1,1] \\end{array} $$ Using Calculus, why is that true for every $x \\in [-1,1]$? Edit #2: A big mistake of mine was to think that $\\int^x_k0 = m \\text{ (m is const.)}$, but that isn't true for definite integrals. Thus the equations from \"Edit #1\" should be as follows: $$ \\begin{array}{ll} \\int^x_k\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{1-x^{2}}}dx + \\int^x_k\\frac{-1}{\\sqrt{1-x^{2}}}dx = \\int^x_k0 \\\\ \\\\ \\arcsin(x) - \\arcsin(k) + \\arccos(x) - \\arccos(k) = 0\\\\ \\\\ \\arcsin(x) + \\arccos(x) = \\arcsin(k) + \\arccos(k) \\\\ \\\\ A = \\arcsin(k) + \\arccos(k) = \\frac{\\pi}{2} \\text{ ,for } x \\in [-1,1] \\end{array} $$",
"How can mixed content compromise an entire HTTPS session?",
"elementary ring proof with composition of functions and addition of functions as operations Consider the set $\\mathcal{F}=\\lbrace f\\mid \\mathcal{f}:\\Bbb{R}\\to\\Bbb{R}\\rbrace$, in which an additive group is defined by addition of functions and a second operation defined as composition of functions. The question asks to verify that the resulting structure does not satisfy the ring properties. This is the question 24.10 from Modern Algebra, by Durbin, 4th edition. So what I have so far is that all of the properties for the additive group (with addition of functions as the operation here) hold, associativity of the composition of functions hold, and that the failure must come from the distributive laws. My proof of my claim, so far; $$1\\,\\,\\,\\,\\,[(\\mathcal{f}\\circ\\mathcal{g})+\\mathcal{h}](\\mathcal{x})=\\cdots=\\mathcal{f}(\\mathcal{g}(\\mathcal{x}))+\\mathcal{f}(\\mathcal{h}(\\mathcal{x})).$$ ...but, $$2\\,\\,[(\\mathcal{f}\\circ\\mathcal{g})+\\mathcal{h}](\\mathcal{x})=$$ $$3\\,\\,(\\mathcal{f}\\circ\\mathcal{g})(\\mathcal{x})+\\mathcal{h}(\\mathcal{x})=$$ $$4\\,\\,\\,\\mathcal{f}(\\mathcal{g}(\\mathcal{x}))+\\mathcal{h}(\\mathcal{x}).$$ ...which brings me to my contradiction of the properties of rings that; $$5\\,\\,\\,[\\mathcal{f}\\circ(\\mathcal{g}+\\mathcal{h})](\\mathcal{x})\\neq[(\\mathcal{f}\\circ\\mathcal{g})+\\mathcal{h}](\\mathcal{x}).$$ So my question is, is this the correct path to showing the distributive laws are not obeyed when composition is taken as an operation on $\\mathcal{F}$? particularly my proceeding from 2 to 3 to 4 is what i feel uncomfortable about, like i may be missing a step in there. thanks",
"I have to travel to Germany and Switzerland for business purpose. I have already been here 2 years ago. I have applied for business visa to the German consulate twice and both times the application got rejected. They have put a green stamp on the last page twice. The reason is the purpose and information submitted regarding intended stay is not reliable. I have submitted the documents to Swiss consulate and they have accepted and granted me a visa. Now I have to first travel to Germany and then to Switzerland. So my question is, with a Schengen business visa granted by Switzerland, may I enter in Germany? Does the rejection stamp has any impact for entering at German airport ? Does it mean I cannot travel to Germany but to other Schengen countries ?",
"Why are the number of false positives independent of sample size, if we use p-values to compare two independent datasets? If I run the R code below, it will generate two independent vectors then test them to see if they are related in some way (i.e. p-value < 0.05). If I repeat this 1,000 times, then 50 of these (5%) will have a false positive, with a p-value < 0.05. This is a type 1 error. If we increase sampleSize to 1000, or even 100,000, the results are the same (5% false positives). I am struggling to understand this, as I would have thought that if we collected enough samples, the chance of a false positive would drop towards 0 (just like correlation). So, I guess my question is: \"How is it possible that the number of false positives, based on p-values generated from comparing two independent datasets, be independent of sample size?\". # R code to demonstrate that with a large dataset, we can still # get significant p-values, purely by chance. # Change this to 1000, and we still get the same number of false positives (50, or 5%). sampleSize = 20 cat(\"Sample size:\",sampleSize,\"\\n\") set.seed(1010093) n=1000 pValues <- rep(NA,n) for(i in 1:n){ y <- rnorm(sampleSize) x <- rnorm(sampleSize) pValues[i] <- summary(lm(y ~ x))$coeff[2,4] } # Controls false positive rate fp = sum(pValues < 0.05) cat(\"Out of \",n,\" tests, \",fp,\" had a p-value < 0.05, purely by by chance.\\n\",sep=\"\") ----output---- Running \"true positives - none.R\" ... Sample size: 1000 Out of 1000 tests, 52 had a p-value < 0.05, purely by by chance.",
"Is exFAT now the best choice for an external hard drive that will be used for Windows, Mac, and Linux?",
"I am having trouble getting onto a server in Minecraft PE on iOS. When I tap on the person's server it just says invalid name: I have tried turning off and restarting the iPad, going to home screen and logging back into the server but I have had no luck and no change. Is there a reason why this is so?",
"What are good methodologies for creating sprocs that reduce the pain of debugging? And what tools are out there for debugging stored procedures? Perhaps most importantly, what are indications to look out for that errors are happening in a sproc and not in the code? I hope I'm not all over the board too terribly bad here. Votes for answers to any of the above. Thanks. For what it's worth, I work in a .NET environment, SQL servers.",
"Need verification - Prove a Hermitian matrix $(\\textbf{A}^\\ast = \\textbf{A})$ has only real eigenvalues Proof: Let eigenvalue $\\lambda \\neq 0$ such as $$\\textbf{A}\\vec{v} = \\lambda\\vec{v}$$ $$\\Rightarrow (\\textbf{A}\\vec{v})^\\ast = (\\lambda\\vec{v})^\\ast$$ $$\\Rightarrow (\\vec{v}^\\ast\\textbf{A}^\\ast)=(\\lambda^\\ast\\vec{v}^\\ast)$$ Right-multiply both sides by $\\color{orangered}{\\vec{v}}$$$\\Rightarrow (\\vec{v}^\\ast\\textbf{A}^\\ast \\color{orangered}{\\vec{v}} )=(\\lambda^\\ast\\vec{v}^\\ast \\color{orangered}{\\vec{v}} )$$ $$\\textbf{A}^\\ast=\\textbf{A}$$ $$\\Rightarrow(\\vec{v}^\\ast\\textbf{A}\\vec{v})=(\\lambda^\\ast\\vec{v}^\\ast\\vec{v})$$ $$\\Rightarrow(\\vec{v}^\\ast\\lambda\\vec{v}) = (\\lambda^\\ast\\vec{v}^\\ast\\vec{v})$$ $$\\Rightarrow(\\lambda\\vec{v}^\\ast\\vec{v}) = (\\lambda^\\ast\\vec{v}^\\ast\\vec{v})$$ $$\\Rightarrow \\lambda = \\lambda^\\ast$$ $$\\Rightarrow \\lambda\\in\\mathbb{R}$$",
"I am looking for a short proof that $$\\int_0^\\infty \\left(\\frac{\\sin x}{x}\\right)^2 \\mathrm dx=\\frac{\\pi}{2}.$$ What do you think? It is kind of amazing that $$\\int_0^\\infty \\frac{\\sin x}{x} \\mathrm dx$$ is also $\\frac{\\pi}{2}.$ Many proofs of this latter one are already in this .",
"Proving $\\sum\\limits_{l=1}^n \\sum\\limits _{k=1}^{n-1}\\tan \\frac {lk\\pi }{2n+1}\\tan \\frac {l(k+1)\\pi }{2n+1}=0$ Prove that $$\\sum _{l=1}^{n}\\sum _{k=1}^{n-1}\\tan \\frac {lk\\pi } {2n+1}\\tan \\frac {l( k+1) \\pi } {2n+1}=0$$ It is very easy to prove this identity for each fixed $n$ . For example let $n = 6$; writing out all terms in a $5 \\times 6$ matrix, we obtain: $\\begin{matrix} \\tan \\dfrac {\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {2\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {2\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {3\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {3\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {5\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {5\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13} \\\\ \\tan \\dfrac {2\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13} \\\\ \\tan \\dfrac {3\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {9\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {9\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {18\\pi } {13} \\\\ \\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {16\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {16\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {24\\pi } {13} \\\\ \\tan \\dfrac {5\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {25\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {25\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {30\\pi } {13} \\\\ \\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {18\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {18\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {24\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {24\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {30\\pi } {13} & \\tan \\dfrac {30\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {36\\pi } {13} \\end{matrix}$ one can notice then, that the first column vanish the fourth one : $\\tan \\dfrac {\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {2\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {2\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {24\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {30\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {3\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {16\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {5\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {5\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {25\\pi } {13}$ and the third column vanish the fifth one : $\\tan \\dfrac {3\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {30\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {36\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {5\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {9\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {25\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {30\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {16\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {20\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {24\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {18\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {24\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {18\\pi } {13}$ while the second column is self-vanishing: $\\tan \\dfrac {2\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {3\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {10\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {15\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {4\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {6\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {9\\pi } {13}$ $\\tan \\dfrac {8\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}=-\\tan \\dfrac {12\\pi } {13}\\tan \\dfrac {18\\pi } {13}$ . So the equality occurs. But how to generalize the proof?",
"Where to download Chrome 32bit? Google has so on a 32bit Debian machine it's not possible anymore to update the APT repository: W: Failed to fetch http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/dists/stable/Release Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-i386/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file) Also has the .deb file removed from Google servers as it seems. Is there any alternative .deb download of the last release (46?) available somewhere? Reason: For an automated Debian build system (debootstrap-based) I urgently need a way to install Google Chrome 32bit v46 (or similar). Switching to another browser (including Chromium) is not a quick enough option for me at the moment..",
"Under the tag I have seen many questions on earth-616. Are there any other versions of earth as well? How do they differ from each other?",
"Is $\\mathbb{Z}[x]/(x^2+1)$ isomorphic to $\\mathbb{Z}[i]$? My attempt is that try to define a mapping $g$ from $\\mathbb{Z}[x]$ to $\\mathbb{Z}[i]$ by $g(f(x))= f(i)$, for $f(x)\\in\\mathbb{Z}[x]$. If it is possible then $\\ker g$ is $(x^2+1)$? Am I on the right track? Please Help.",
"How to run batch file without admin privillege?",
"Which is the recommended way to plot: matplotlib or pylab?",
"How do I view the SQL generated by the Entity Framework?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Problems while assigning values in 2-D lists created using two different methods | List of lists changes reflected across sublists unexpectedly | [
"What is the right way to consistently mangle bash terminal? I'm on OSX 10.11.1 and occasionally my bash terminal gets mangled. It often happens when I accidentally cat a binary file. The result can be seen on the image below. The output becomes weird, and I can't type ascii characters anymore. Even though this happens occasionally, I couldn't find a way to consistently reproduce the issue. Online search recommends doing cat /bin/*, but that works sporadically, only after a couple dozen tries. I want to do this so I can find an easy solution how to handle this in tmux. How do I consistently get bash to a \"mangled\" state? Is there maybe a magic unicode character that can do this?",
"out file with multiple criteria in python?",
"Does the potential energy of a single object exist? I know that potential energy exists for a system of objects. But why? Is there no potential energy for a single object system? I assume that there is. Consider the earth-object system. Suppose an external force lifts the object above the earth. Then the work done by it gets stored in the earth-object system as potential energy.Right? Now, my question is that is the potential energy always zero for a single object system. MY REASONING If we consider the object only as the system and lift it above the Earth, we are doing positive work on it and filling it with energy and the gravitational field of the Earth is doing negative work on it and draining it of energy. Thus whenever the object is moving it has kinetic energy which is fine. But when it is not moving,i.e. when its weight is equal to the force applied by us, the net work done is zero and so the object should not have any kinetic energy. Does it have potential energy?",
"I'm looking for the title of an anthology of children's science fiction stories from the 1950s. The best of the bunch involved a Martian who visited earth, and realized we'd blown ourselves up in a nuclear war and had fallen into savagery. The Martian is a vegetarian who subsists on biscuits made by a machine he brought with him, and communicates by using one of his tentacles to feed messages direction to/from the brain of the person he's talking to. Inadvertently left behind by his expedition, he initially befriended some children, and eventually managed to rebuild civilization. Presently he dies, but when another expedition comes a generation later, they find the civilization he rebuilt. there were other stories, but that was the best one. If I can't find the name of the book it was in, I'd be happy to settle for the name of the author and the title of the story.",
"Boy goes insane during space travel I'm trying to remember the name of a short story I read about 25 years ago or so. I'd also like to know of any collections it appeared in. The details I recall involve a family who are embarking on a hyperspace journey. To undertake this journey you have to be put to sleep. One of the children pretends to be asleep, and when the jump is complete the child has gone insane. From the child's point of view the jump lasted for an eternity while in reality it was only a few seconds.",
"Replace strings in a file based on a list of strings and a list of corresponding replacements",
"I want to kill all running processes of a particular user from either a shell script or native code on a Linux system. Do I have to read the /proc directory and look for these? Any ideas? Is there a dynamic mapping of the pids under UIDs in Linux? Isn't this in the proc? If not, then where is this list maintained? Should I read from it? Also where is the static list of all UIDs in the system so I can validate this this user exists and then proceed to kill all processes running under it?",
"Will stationary charge radiate E.M waves if observer is accelerating?",
"Oddly wide spaces in subsection title I have a problem, this is what it looks like: And this is the code: \\subsection{Bakterienst\\\"amme und Anzuchtbedingungen} Where does the huge whitespace come from?",
"Lightning QuickAction (API) without modal I am attempting to replace JS buttons with quick actions. These button simply call a web service method and alert the result and need no user interaction. With quick action a modal always seems to appear and this is not desirable. I am calling the Webservice method in the doInit function and firing a toast event with the results and have no need for the modal popup. Seems an oversight maybe? But is there a way to accomplish this without the modal to closely mimic the JS button functionality? Ideally we could show the spinner without the modal Right now I am simply calling $A.get(\"e.force:closeQuickAction\").fire(); at the end of the doInit but it is not the most ideal in way of a UI to do this IMHO as it flashes the modal on the screen briefly.",
"Writing string at the same position using Console.Write in C# 2.0",
"Modiagram will not compile",
"Who is the Maker? C-3PO frequently speaks of “the Maker.” Is this a true droid religion, or is this a religious reverence by droids for their specific creators (in this case, Anakin, even though C-3PO has forgotten who he is)? Is this even a droid thing or is it just C-3PO? What else do we know about this “Maker”-worship?",
"Note: This is intended to become a canonical post. I got a dedicated graphics card of type XXX and it claims I need at least a YYY Watt PSU. How big does my PSU really need to be?",
"Recently I ran across the sentence: \"Just why the law prescribed thirty-nine lashes instead of forty or forty-one and so on, must needs remain unanswered.\" How did a plural verb like \"needs\" wind up as an adverb? Is it alone in this phenomenon, or are there other examples that appear to be an odd misplacement of a second verb, but are actually adverbs as well?",
"Is it possible to store user's crontab in user's git repository on OpenBSD? On OpenBSD and with OpenBSD's and , is it possible to store the of a user in a repository of the same user? What would be the proper way to accomplish something like this? (To steer the answer into the correct direction, I would not be opposed to changing some permissions in the system, although I'd rather not have to recompile the binaries, nor violate any good security paradigms.)",
"I have a string variable that represents the name of a custom class. Example: string s = \"Customer\"; I will need to create an arraylist of customers. So, the syntax needed is: List<Customer> cust = new .. How do I convert the string s to be able to create this arraylist on runtime?",
"Understanding the Basic Context of Trusted Hosts I got the trusted host settings error. The trusted_host_patterns setting is not configured in settings.php. This can lead to security vulnerabilities. It is highly recommended that you configure this. See Protecting against HTTP HOST Header attacks for more information. I read the but I'm not understanding some of the basic context. Are the \"trusted hosts\" me and other administrators who want to be able to administer the site remotely? If so, would I add my PC's domain to the trusted host list?",
"Allow given application to run as administrator, without prompting user for credentials",
"What's the difference between correlation and simple linear regression? In particular, I am referring to the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Install drush on 1 and 1 linux hosting | How do i install drush for a drupal site which is on shared hosting? | [
"Accessing the index in 'for' loops? How do I access the index in a for loop like the following? ints = [8, 23, 45, 12, 78] for i in ints: print('item #{} = {}'.format(???, i)) I want to get this output: item #1 = 8 item #2 = 23 item #3 = 45 item #4 = 12 item #5 = 78 When I loop through it using a for loop, how do I access the loop index, from 1 to 5 in this case?",
"Let $p$ be prime and $(\\frac{-3}p)=1$. Prove that $p$ is of the form $p=a^2+3b^2$ Let $p$ be prime and $(\\frac{-3}p)=1$, where $(\\frac{-3}p)$ is Legendre symbol. Prove that $p$ is of the form $p=a^2+3b^2$. My progress: $(\\frac{-3}p)=1 \\Rightarrow$ $(\\frac{-3}p)=(\\frac{-1}p)(\\frac{3}p)=(-1)^{\\frac{p-1}2}(-1)^{\\lfloor\\frac{p+1}6\\rfloor}=1 \\Rightarrow$ $\\frac{p-1}2+\\lfloor\\frac{p+1}6\\rfloor=2k$ I'm stuck here. This is probably not the way to prove that. Also tried this way: $(\\frac{-3}p)=1$, thus $-3\\equiv x^2\\pmod{p} \\Rightarrow$ $p|x^2+3 \\Rightarrow$ $x^2+3=p\\cdot k$ stuck here too. Any help would be appreciated.",
"It's time for drag and drop! I often find myself wishing SO supported drag and drop. For example I drag a tag to my favs and it would add it, or when searching by tag I would like to drag the tag to the search box and get [asp.net] added in the search box. Does it make sense to add this feature or is it just too much work for so little use?",
"How do I make a 3 dimensional character out of flat picture? I have a cartoon character (a lion) that is part of my business logo that I want to put into Blender and animate it somehow. Is there any way I can take a flat picture (JPEG) and transform it into a 3D image and then animate it in Blender?",
"How to implement dual-classing in a non-levelled RPG game? I'm working on an alternate ruleset for a tabletop pen-and-paper RPG (like D&D). Recently I've been toying the idea of abolishing a level system. However, I don't want to remove the ability for a player to multi-class. Are there any games which don't have a levelling system, yet allow multi-classing? How do they do it successfully?",
"How to code around known MMa special-case failures?",
"New tab in chromium is empty",
"Is $\\sum_{n=1}^\\infty \\frac{\\sin(2n)}{1+\\cos^4(n)}$ convergent? As I was just checking this 'child prodigy' out on Youtube, I stumbled upon video, in which Glenn Beck asks the kid to do the following proof: Further on, the kid starts sketching a proof (without a shadow of a doubt regarding the accuracy of his solution ) including the Integral Test. I don't know much about improper integrals since I just finished highschool, but this integral approach seemed, intuitively, pretty inaccurate to me since this is not a strictly decreasing function. Then I found this out from Wikipedia ! Furthermore, the blunt assessment that the series are convergent seems dubious as well..Upon a few computations of my own(mostly partial sums) , I tend to believe that the series are, in fact, divergent . Can anyone suggest a rigurous take on this problem (easy as it may seem to some amongst you) ?",
"I have setup a project of 250 frames with a flag and a wind force field. It works fine until I change the length of the project to 520 frames, then the flag is frozen after frame 250. There must be a simple way to change this. Thanks for any help. Regards, Daniel.",
"What’s the best way to reload / refresh an iframe? I would like to reload an <iframe> using JavaScript. The best way I found until now was set the iframe’s src attribute to itself, but this isn’t very clean. Any ideas?",
"Should I sign, watermark or otherwise label a framed print? And if so how? I have an opportunity to show some of my work in a small local coffee shop. Are there any guidelines/practices to signing, labeling or watermarking a photo which is to be on display? Or should a photo be signed, labelled or marked at all? Is signing the back of the photo and showing my name on a separate card below the frame itself the \"better\" way to do this? I noticed many people on the web put a very noticeable watermark with their logo, copyright and name right on the photo. Personally, I find this distracting as it often ruins the photograph itself often turning what could be art to kitsch. Painters most often sign the painting itself but this to me is not distracting because it is done with the painter's own hand and it often \"works\" with the painting.",
"For gravity, we have General Relativity, which is a geometric theory for gravitation. Is there a similar analog for Electromagnetism?",
"Chromium on Ubuntu 12.04. Youtube says: This video is currently unavailable I don't know why but this is the case for some videos, but not all. Well, most videos. And I don't know what's wrong. Anyone help?",
"What item bonuses apply to my follower? There are a lot of different side effects an item can have, and I assume that things like magic find have no influence on any of \"our\" found items at all. However, I'm not sure about other things. For example: Do followers get life-steal on weapons, too? Does increased orb healing make any difference? What about +experience after kills? Will my follower level up faster? and probably a lot more. Is there some general rule as to what effects of an item apply to followers, and which don't?",
"I have seen only the first three movies, so I don't know whether the other movies/TV series deal with this question or not. My main point is that in the movies, the terminator that travels back furthest in time is of the worst quality, and the quality increases with the time travel (meaning they travelled from a later time). What is a good explanation for this? Note: I am not interested in the obvious not-in-universe explanation that they wanted something better and bigger for each new movie.",
"Can a concentration spell be cast without actually concentrating on it for an \"instant\" effect?",
"If I am shooting the 8-ball for a win, and my opponent has a ball near the pocket I'm aiming for, can I call something like \"8-ball off the 2 ball into the corner pocket\"? I thought this was allowed, but a friend says this is an automatic loss and that the 8-ball must never touch another ball before going into the pocket. Various pool rules aren't clear for me on this scenario.",
"Every time Windows 10 runs updates (which I see no way to control), it updates my graphics driver. I like the old one because it is faster. So, I have to reinstall it. This is getting to be a pain. Is there any way to stop Windows 10 from updating it again?",
"Z-axis issue with the floating review info panel, permits various elements to flow over it",
"How to justify the definition of summation $s_n=\\sum_{i=1}^n a_i=a_1+\\cdots+a_n$? I read and found that they define summation via recursion, so I decided to formalize the proof that that this definition is actually valid. I've two questions: Does my proof contain any error? Are there other simple ways to define summation? Thank you so much! Suppose that $(a_1,\\cdots,a_n)$ is a finite sequence in $\\mathbb N$. Show that there is a sequence $(s_1,\\cdots,s_n)$ such that $s_1=a_1$ and $s_{i+1}=s_i+a_{i+1}$ for all $1\\leq i<n$. My attempt: We define mapping $f$ as follows: $f: \\mathbb N\\times\\mathbb N\\to\\mathbb N\\times\\mathbb N: (i,a)\\mapsto\\begin{cases} (i+1,a+a_{i+1})&\\text{if }i<n\\\\ (i+1,a)&\\text{if }i\\geq n \\end{cases}$ By recursion theorem, there is a unique sequence $(p_i\\mid i\\in\\mathbb N)$ such that $p_0=(1,a_1)$ and $p_{i+1}=f(p_i)$. Let $\\pi:\\mathbb N\\times\\mathbb N\\to\\mathbb N$ be the projection to the second co-ordinate i.e. $\\pi(i,a)=a$. Let $s_i=\\pi(p_i)$ for all $1\\leq i\\leq n$, then $(s_i\\mid 1\\leq i\\leq n)$ is the required sequence. It's clear from the definition of $s_i$ that $s_{i+1}=s_i+a_{i+1}$ for all $1\\leq i<n$."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How can I use an attribute value from a mesh's material in another material? | How to link a variable of a material to another material? | [
"Inserting an image in plain TeX I used the OzTeX implementation of TeX, also I used to typeset my docs in plain TeX, not LaTeX for me, so I had no problem to insert an image using the OzTeX, now I'm back to TeX docs, am using the TeXWorks frontend, but I can't insert an .eps image file, it seems the \\includegraphics macro its only for LaTeX, so I can't use it, any idea on how to insert an image when using plain TeX?",
"This question is about an efficient way to compute principal components. Many texts on linear PCA advocate using singular-value decomposition of the casewise data. That is, if we have data $\\bf X$ and want to replace the variables (its columns) by principal components, we do SVD: $\\bf X=USV'$, singular values (sq. roots of the eigenvalues) occupying the main diagonal of $\\bf S$, right eigenvectors $\\bf V$ are the orthogonal rotation matrix of axes-variables into axes-components, left eigenvectors $\\bf U$ are like $\\bf V$, only for cases. We can then compute component values as $ \\bf C=XV=US$. Another way to do PCA of variables is via decomposition of $\\bf R=X'X$ square matrix (i.e. $\\bf R$ correlations or covariances etc., between the variables ). The decomposition may be eigen-decomposition or singular-value decomposition: with square symmetric positive semidefinite matrix, they will give the same result $\\bf R=VLV'$ with eigenvalues as the diagonal of $\\bf L$, and $\\bf V$ as described earlier. Component values will be $\\bf C=XV$. Now, my question: if data $\\bf X$ is a big matrix, and number of cases is (which is often a case) much greater than the number of variables, then way (1) is expected to be much slower than way (2), because way (1) applies a quite expensive algorithm (such as SVD) to a big matrix; it computes and stores huge matrix $\\bf U$ which we really doesn't need in our case (the PCA of variables). If so, then why so many texbooks seem to advocate or just mention only way (1)? Maybe it is efficient and I'm missing something?",
"Mismatch Reputation in the thumbnail and the actual Reputation Actually this was quite surprising. A casual troll in the Users Page revealed few users with negative vote. One example is here Then trying to see what could have causes such a low reputation, I peeked inside the Profile Page of this particular User and was surprised to see a decent positive score. Can someone explain to me how this can be possible?",
"If $a_0\\in R$ is a unit, then $\\sum_{k=0}^{\\infty}a_k x^k$ is a unit in $R[[x]]$",
"Proof of $\\int_{[0,\\infty)}pt^{p-1}\\mu(\\{x:|f(x)|\\geq t\\})d\\mu(t)=\\int_{[0,\\infty)}\\mu(\\{x:|f(x)|^p\\geq s\\})d\\mu(s)$",
"I'm trying to write a blog post which includes a code segment inside a <pre> tag. The code segment includes a generic type and uses <> to define that type. This is what the segment looks like: <pre> PrimeCalc calc = new PrimeCalc(); Func<int, int> del = calc.GetNextPrime; </pre> The resulting HTML removes the <> and ends up like this: PrimeCalc calc = new PrimeCalc(); Func del = calc.GetNextPrime; How do I escape the <> so they show up in the HTML?",
"I am trying to create buffers around the Hurricane Sandy path I created in QGIS (points are lat/long). I have both points from each day she was tracted and the line I created from it with Points2One. When I go to make buffers around either the line or the points, the buffer takes up the whole screen. Its all just one color. I have made buffers before but from data I did not create. Right now all of my projections are set to WGS 84 EPSG 4326.",
"Why this javascript regex doesn't work?",
"How to split strings into text and number?",
"how to shuffle characters of strings in bash? i have this script where it generates random password but it needs to be shuffled. I couldnt find a way to do it. Please Help me. num=(\"0\" \"1\" \"2\" \"3\" \"4\" \"5\" \"7\" \"8\" \"9\") special=(\"@\" \"#\" \"$\" \"%\" \"*\" \"-\" \"+\") upper=(A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) lower=(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) lower2=${#lower[*]} #${lower[$((RANDOM%lower2))]} upper2=${#upper[*]} #${upper[$((RANDOM%upper2))]} num2=${#num[*]} #${num[$((RANDOM%num2))]} special2=${#special[*]} #${special[$((RANDOM%special2))]} echo \"${special[$((RANDOM%special2))]}${num[$((RANDOM%num2))]}${lower[$((RANDOM%lower2))]}${upper[$((RANDOM%upper2))]}${lower[$((RANDOM%lower2))]}${upper[$((RANDOM%upper2))]}${lower[$((RANDOM%lower2))]}${upper[$((RANDOM%upper2))]}\" this is the output: @7nOyIaJ how do I randomize this?",
"Can we calculate the standard error of prediction just based on simple linear regression output? The standard error of prediction in simple linear regression is $\\hat\\sigma\\sqrt{1/n+(x_j-\\bar{x})^2/\\Sigma{(x_i-\\bar{x})^2}}$. My question is to calculate the standard error of prediction for $pop=1029$ just based on the following regression output. I can get all except $\\bar{x}$. And I also know how to calculate the approximate standard error of prediction based on the standard errors of intercept and coefficient of $pop$, ignoring their correlation.",
"What makes a good jump scare? I am working on a game and would like to include a few jump scares. So here is a rather simple question — What makes a good jump scare and when and how should they happen?",
"Sentence vs proposition",
"So, I have proven already that every open set in $\\mathbb{R}$ can be written as a countable union of disjoint open intervals; i.e., that $\\mathcal{O} = \\bigcup_{i=1}^\\infty (a_{x_i}, b_{x_i})$. Now, consider the closed interval $\\left [ a + \\frac{1}{n}, b - \\frac{1}{n}\\right ] \\subset (a, b)$. Since the midpoint of $(a,b)$ is $\\frac{b-a}{2}$, we need $\\displaystyle n > \\frac{2}{b-a}$. Otherwise, $\\displaystyle a + \\frac{b-a}{2} = a + \\frac{1}{ \\frac{2}{b-a}} = b - \\frac{1}{ \\frac{2}{b-a}} = b - \\frac{b-a}{2}$, and our interval will be degenerate. Note that $\\forall (a,b) \\in \\mathcal{O}$, $\\displaystyle \\bigcup_{n = \\frac{b-a}{2}+1}^{\\infty} \\left[ a + \\frac{1}{n}, b - \\frac{1}{n} \\right] = (a,b)$. So, we have $\\displaystyle \\mathcal{O} = \\bigcup_{i=1}^\\infty \\left ( \\bigcup_{n = \\frac{b-a}{2} + 1}^\\infty \\left[ a_{x_i}+\\frac{1}{n}, b_{x_i}-\\frac{1}{n} \\right] \\right)$. But, I don't like this. It looks like I'm still just taking a union of open sets. Please help me get this to look like the union of closed sets. (For unbounded intervals, I know what to do - it should follow from this relatively easily).",
"What makes a Feynman diagram real or virtual? Simple question: as the title says, what makes a real Feynman diagram real, and what makes a virtual diagram virtual? Or in other words, how do I tell whether any given diagram is real or virtual? I've never gotten a really satisfying explanation of this. I would imagine it has something to do with virtual particles, but all internal propagators are virtual particles and I know for a fact that having internal lines doesn't make a diagram virtual.",
"In my lecture, the lecturer said: Let $K$ be the key generation algorithm. Given a security parameter represented in unary, $1^k$, $K(1^k)$ will output a keypair $(pk; sk)$, known as the public key and the private (or secret) key, respectively. My question is: When I want to implement the cryptosystem, how should I represent this $1^k$? When I implement the key generation procedure, do I literally require callers to pass me a string of $k$ one-bits that the procedure will never use? And, if so, why is it there in the first place?",
"Let $A$ be a $m \\times n$ matrix with entries from some field $F$. Define the determinant rank of $A$ to be the largest possible size of a nonzero minor, i.e. the size of the largest invertible square submatrix of $A$. It is true that the determinant rank is equal to the rank of a matrix, which we define to be the dimension of the row/column space. It's not difficult to see that $\\text{rank} \\geq \\text{determinant rank}$. If some submatrix of $A$ is invertible, then its columns/rows are linearly indepedent, which implies that the corresponding rows/columns of $A$ are also linearly indepedent. Is there a nice proof for the converse?",
"\"FTL\" Communication with Quantum Entanglement? Can quantum entanglement make sending a message, whether audio, video, or even Morse code, instantaneous between two points (faster than it could travel normally at the speed of light)? Let me first be clear, my question is not whether a message can travel faster than light. I simply mean whether a message can be generated here and then a copy of that message heard over there sooner than the message would normally be received. Say a large number of entangled pairs are generated. One half the particles are given to Jack and the opposite ones to Sally. Jack then hops on a ship and travels 8 months to Mars. Sally then manipulates her particles in the form of a message. Do the corresponding opposite particles get manipulated simultaneously so that Jack receives the message instantly instead of the 16 light-minutes for a classically transmitted message?",
"How do I get the browser to reask me to integrate with a website? I'm using and I accidentally clicked \"No\" when asked if I want to integrate with the website. How can I have Firefox or Chrome reask me to integrate the site with Ubuntu?",
"Word or expression for a constituent that perfectly exemplifies the whole Suppose that (1990) is considered appalling, but you can't put your finger on exactly why, mainly because there are a plethora of reasons, most of which you lack the training/education/expertise to comment in-depth on (e.g. the writing, directing, editing etc.), so you use what you consider to be a disastrous moment/scene as an example, and think \"this pretty much sums it up\", for example , what would you call a scene like that? A single word or expression is satisfactory. As an example: \"The Godfather 3 is so bad, for so many reasons, but here is a ______ that perfectly represents everything wrong with the movie.\" An expression is also acceptable, and the example I gave is flexible (doesn't have to be structured as it is in the example)."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why was Lily Potter not punished by the Ministry for turning teacups into rats during the vacation? | Why isn't Harry Potter punished for using magic outside of Hogwarts in Prisoner of Azkaban? | [
"Is there a way to make Runnable's run() throw an exception?",
"How do I handle partially correct edits in the Suggested Edits review queue? Contradicting Instructions While going through the suggested edits review queue, one sometimes stumbles upon partially useful edits like . Trying to follow the instructions listed in the descriptions doesn't lead to a conclusive answer. Considering our example: Approve edits that clearly improve the post ↳ No, not *clearly* Improve Edit when you can make additional improvements to the post ↳ I most definitively can Reject and Edit to replace an ineffective edit with your own substantive changes ↳ It is ineffective in the sense that it made the post worse overall (imho) Reject edits that fail to improve the post or that make it worse ↳ Like the last option: yes Skip if you are not sure and want to go to the next suggested edit ↳ Well, yes. But that is really why I am here, asking this question Reasoning about the remaining Choices This leaves us with three choices: Improve Edit, Reject and Edit and Reject (the last one slightly modified): Improve Edit + Acknowledges that some things in the edit where correct - Learning effect for author might vanish, as the improvement might get overlooked - Can't leave a custom message for edit author (except in comments, which pollutes the thread) - Doesn't trigger the system which "punishes" users who repeatedly have their edits rejected - Rewards the edit author with reputation for a poor edit Reject and Edit + Clearly shows the author that there were problems with the edit - Still can't leave a custom message explaining the problems of the original post. - One has to partially redo parts of the edit that have just been rejected, which might feel unjust to the original editor Reject with a custom note and come back immediately to make a good Edit + Clearly shows the author that there were problems with the edit + Possibility to leave an explanation as to what was wrong with the edit - One still has to redo parts of the edit that has just been rejected - Seems to be a weird workaround for Reject and Edit Something else? Each of the three options come with their distinct advantages/disadvantages making it non trivial to decide which one to pick. Or does the answer simply depend on the quality of the edit? Like: Improve Edit for subjectively slightly positive edits Reject and Edit (Or Reject and Edit) for subjectively slightly negative edits",
"\"Awesome\" vs. \"Awful\"",
"Fancy chapter headings",
"What do Pentax and Sigma DSLRs offer that differs from Canon and Nikon? We have a question and answers outlining the . I'm interested in the other DSLR makers, and how the cameras they make compare in terms of significant features, system design philosophy, and unique or interesting photographic capabilities enabled or made easier by these cameras. Likewise, what such things are not handled as well? Take \"the big two have more market share\" and the associated advantages of availability, accessibility, and third-party support and documentation . I'm not interested here in compact cameras, interchangeable-lens cameras with electronic viewfinders, or in rangefinders. (If you're interested in that, though, see ) P.S.: Differences in lens lineups are covered at",
"Why is my iPhone screen stuck on the 'connect to iTunes' screen? I need help with my iPhone. It's stuck on the 'connect to iTunes' screen. iTunes does recognize the iPhone, but when I select 'restore', it goes through a few progress bars, then errors again. I've already tried to hard reset the phone, but that doesn't work either.",
"Do I need a license to create pdf files? I hope this is the correct place where I could ask this question. My mother is an accountant with a degree in economics. She works as a freelancer and she needs some licenses for her job. The biggest problem is adobe acrobat standard, which costs 400€, quite a lot. I want understand if she must buy it to create pdf files or she can use some free (even for commercial use) programs that she has because of her job (the chamber of commerce provide some advantages to accountants). She is actually using PDFCreator, which as I can read is free for business usage (open source also!!): Thanks for any suggestion",
"How can I find the version of Ubuntu that is installed? I installed some version of Ubuntu on my VMware, but I don't know what version exactly it is. How can I find it out?",
"How long can a temporary suspension be? I ran into a user profile that states: This account is to cool down. The suspension period ends on Apr 27 '24 at 7:54 At first, it seemed like a somewhat longish suspension period. Referring to reveals: Depending on the severity of the problem behavior — and at the complete discretion of the moderator — your account will be placed in timed suspension for anywhere from 1 to 365 days. This indicates that temporary suspensions can last upto a year. Additionally, the doesn't give any other information about the timed suspension other than the link to the wiki above. I am keen to know whether the example above (wherein the account has been suspended until 2024) is a one-off case or is it a case of documentation being obsolete?",
"onKeyUp not firing for ESC in IE",
"Do we actually get more sick (flu/cold) during winter? The word flu derives from the Italian phrase \"influenza de freddo\" meaning \"influence of the cold\". Indeed it is that time of the year when my colleagues seem to have the flu/cold more often than not. I remember during university, winter lectures would be riddled with people coughing and sneezing - the so called \"freshers flu\" Questions Is there statistical evidence for this claim? If so, what are the causes/factors involved? asks why our noses get runnier during cold whether, is this related?",
"What's a word like \"disregard\" or \"bypass\" that means \"hides\"?",
"PostgreSQL Shapefile import failed I am very new to PostGIS/PostgreSQL. In fact, I downloaded it because of the answers I got to this question: I installed both PostgreSQL and PostGIS. But I am not able to import a shapefile to the database? It gives an error, \"Shapefile import failed\". What am I doing wrong?",
"Does someone know if the following is true: Let $\\mathbb{X}$ be some arbitrary Banach space. $\\{x_k \\}_{k=1}^{\\infty} \\in \\mathbb{X}$ is a sequence chosen from $\\mathbb{X}$. Now, if the series $$\\sum_{k=1}^\\infty \\|x_k\\|_X$$ converges, would the \"more generic\" series $$\\sum_{k=1}^\\infty x_k$$ also converge? If yes, could you please give the proof (or just mark the proof steps) ? Thank you.",
"Why is the node editor showing different kinds of nodes? I have been following tutorial until I started adding nodes. The problem is that he has completely different nodes than I have. Even nodes that are created at start are different (I have Material and Output and he has Render Layers and Composite). Have I missed something or should I use different nodes than he?",
"Let $x_{1},x_{2},\\cdots,x_{n}$ be real numbers. Show that $$\\sum_{i,j=1}^{n}|x_{i}+x_{j}|\\ge n\\sum_{i=1}^{n}|x_{i}|.$$ I think this problem may be solved using nice methods, but I can't find them yet; I know this may be of use: $$|a|+|b|\\ge |a+b|.$$ But I can't make it work. Thank you everyone.",
"I need your help with this: Let $f$, $p$, and $g$ be a polynomials in $F[x]$, assume that $f$, $g$, and $p$ are nononzero. If $\\gcd(f,p)=1$ and $fg$ is divisible by $p$ with no remainder, I need to prove that $g$ is divisible by $p$ with no remainder Thanks.",
"What's the difference between Invoke() and BeginInvoke() Just wondering what the difference between BeginInvoke() and Invoke() are? Mainly what each one would be used for. EDIT: What is the difference between creating a threading object and calling invoke on that and just calling BeginInvoke() on a delegate? or are they the same thing?",
"I have seen this construct in scripts a lot and used it myself, but it bothers me that I can't seem to find it in the documentation. Example: [ -f file1 ] && [ -f file2 ] && echo \"Both files exist.\" || echo \"One or the other file doesn't exist.\" This could also be done with backslashes before the newlines, as mentioned in man bash: If a \\<newline> pair appears, and the backslash is not itself quoted, the \\<newline> is treated as a line continuation (that is, it is removed from the input stream and effectively ignored). Example: [ -f file1 ] && \\ [ -f file2 ] && \\ echo \"Both files exist.\" || \\ echo \"One or the other file doesn't exist.\" ...but this doesn't seem to be necessary. The first version above works even without the backslashes. Where can I find this in man bash? (Also, is this bash specific or POSIX compliant?)",
"If a measure only assumes values 0 or 1, is it a Dirac's delta?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
London to Chennai, with two stops inside the Schengen area? | Is a Schengen visa/transit visa required for a transit flight through two Schengen airports? | [
"Getting a credit card exclusively for the sign-up bonus There are quite a few credit cards with exceptional sign-up bonuses (and then fairly average terms). If I signed up for one, fulfilled the spending conditions for the signup bonus, used that bonus, paid off the card and then cancelled it immediately after, would there be a significant impact on my credit history? I suppose it would divert spending away from my primary credit card (the one I never close), which would reduce slightly the spending history I have on that card. Essentially, the record of my spending on these auxiliary cards would be erased when those cards were canceled. But is there a penalty to my credit score for closing a card beyond the loss of history that was on the closed card?",
"What would be the nicest proof of the following theorem: If $\\lim\\limits_{n \\rightarrow \\infty} a_{n} = \\infty$, then $\\lim\\limits_{n \\rightarrow \\infty} \\left(1 + \\frac{1}{a_{n}} \\right) ^ {a_{n} } = e$. If $\\lim\\limits_{n \\rightarrow \\infty}b_{n} = 0$, then $\\lim\\limits_{n \\rightarrow \\infty} \\left(1 + b_{n} \\right) ^ {\\frac {1} {b_{n}} } = e$. I somehow failed to find a proof here on the website and in the literature.",
"Why AUC =1 even classifier has misclassified half of the samples? I am using a classifier which returns probabilities. To calculate AUC, I am using pROC R-package. The output probabilities from classifier are: probs=c(0.9865780, 0.9996340, 0.9516880, 0.9337157, 0.9778576, 0.8140116, 0.8971550, 0.8967585, 0.6322902, 0.7497237) probs shows probability of being in class '1'. As shown, the classifier has classified all of samples in class '1'. True label vector is: truel=c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) As shown, classifier has misclassified 5 samples. But, AUC is: pROC::auc(truel, probs) Area under the curve: 1 Could you please explain to me why it happens?",
"How would I go about detecting monopoles? A question needed for a \"solid\" sci-fi author: How to detect a strong magnetic monopole? (yes, I know no such thing is to be found on Earth). Think of basic construction details, principles of operation and necessary components of a device capable of detecting/recognizing a macroscopic object emitting magnetic field of equivalent of order ~0.1-10 Tesla near its surface, but with only one pole, reliably distinguishing it from normal (2-pole) magnets, preferably at a distance. Preferably a robust method, not involving extremely advanced technology. Detect the presence, possibly distance (or field strength) and direction. I know of SQUIDs, but these concentrate on extreme sensitivity. I'm thinking of something less sensitive but more robust (like, no need for the monopole to fall through the loop) and still able to recognize a monopole against a magnet. Also, how would such a macroscopic object behave practically? Such a \"one-pole magnet\" about the size and strength of a refrigerator magnets - how would it behave around ferromagnetics, normal magnets and so on?",
"100% Delete U2 from iPhone? I've looked up many ways on how to deal with the U2 songs on my phone, but they will not go away what ever I try. The most common solution for this problem is to \"Show all\" music, go to the Music, click the iCloud download button to download it and then turn off \"Show all\" button again. Generally, this would work but in my situation, it says I haven't purchased the song and I can't download the song again. The song still plays when I click on it, but I can't swipe left to delete and I can't hide it. And yes, I am signed into iTunes. And no, it is not under my purchased section. Is there any other way to rid of this song? EDIT: I'm running iOS7.1.2 on a iPhone5c And the song(s) aren't in my iTunes. It says I have zero items in my iTunes library and it isn't under my purchased songs. The song is only on my iPhone, and I can't redownload it (to delete it again) because then I'd have to purchase the song again. Thanks.",
"In Minecraft, I know you can breed animals. In fact, in recent updates it's required for the player who just can't start their mornings without bacon and eggs! I've tried pulling two pigs together in a single pen, but all they do is snort at me. And the chickens? Well, there's plenty of eggs, but no hatching. How do I get them to make more bacon and eggs?",
"I have 2 monitors connected to a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660: Left is 1920x1080 via DVI (Samsung SyncMaster 2443BW) Right is 2560x1440 via DisplayPort and is set to Primary (Samsung SyncMaster SA850) I often leave my computer running overnight (working on long render job, doing backups, etc) so I only power off my monitors manually. However, if I power off the primary monitor, it is disabled completely as if it were unplugged from the graphics card (i.e. icons are moved, open apps are moved and resized to fit on the new primary monitor). If I switch from DP to a DVI cable, this does not occur. It seems to be an issue when using DisplayPort. Is there a way to disable the monitor from being disabled completely in Windows when I power it off physically? I have found no relevant settings in either Windows Display settings, nor the NVIDIA control panel software. Edit #1: I'm using an . Edit #2: Here is a screenshot of my NVIDIA Control Panel v7.2.710.0: Edit #3: Here are screenshots of my Monitor configuration: Clicking on Advanced settings reveals a Generic PnP monitor running at 59 Hz? 60 Hz is the only other option available. Here is my secondary monitor which is connected via DVI: Edit #4: If I open the \"Screen Resolution\" configuration panel and power the monitor off (via the power switch), this is what is shown: It looks like I disconnected the monitor from the video card.",
"Splicing a list of arguments into a function with Sequence",
"Making your Windows 7 a WIFI hotspot for Android? I use a broadband dongle on my Windows 7. I want to expose my laptop as a wifi hotspot so that i can use internet on my samsung galaxy ace. I have tried Connectify but my chipset is not supported so it simply make the adhoc network. Tried Bzeek. My phone get connected, but no browsing. Any solution that you guys have? PS: I am in no mood to root my device.",
"Java rounding to nearest 0.05",
"With $x+y\\ge z$ $(x,y,z\\ge0)$, prove that: $$\\frac{x}{1+x}+\\frac{y}{1+y}\\ge\\frac{z}{1+z}$$ I'm aware that using analytic view this is easy since $f(x)=\\frac{x}{1+x}$ is concave in $[0,\\infty)$. However I want to prove it using merely algebraic techniques. Is that possible?",
"Origin of the term \"fun fact\" Where does the term \"fun fact\" originate?-- namely, not with the compositional meaning but rather with the idiomatic usage to introduce some sort of unusual, esoteric, absurd or otherwise \"controversial\" fact?",
"How to associate multimedia keys to Foobar2000?",
"Earlier I asked a question about and got the answer that while it is only necessary for anonymous types, that it is used nonetheless to make writing code 'quicker'/easier and 'just because'. Following I saw that var gets compiled down to the correct type in the IL (you will see it about midway down article). My question is how much more, if any, IL code does using the var keyword take, and would it be even close to having a measurable level on the performance of the code if it was used everywhere?",
"Command to move a file to Trash via Terminal I would like to know if there is a command I can issue in a terminal so I do not classically remove (rm) the file, but instead move it to trash (i.e. Nautilus Move to Trash behavior). In case there is such a command, I would also be interested in knowing what it is.",
"How do I save a file with managed_file in a theme? I'm developing a theme that it requires to have a header image on the front page, so I have this. casper.theme function casper_form_system_theme_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state) { $form['theme_extra']['front_page_background_image'] = array( '#type' => 'managed_file', '#title' => 'Front Page Background Image', '#description' => 'Add background image for the front page', '#required' => FALSE, '#weight' => -4, '#upload_location' => file_default_scheme() . '://theme/backgrounds/', '#default_value' => theme_get_setting('front_page_background_image' , 'casper'), '#upload_validators' => array( 'file_validate_extensions' => array('gif png jpg jpeg'), ), ); } However, after it, while the file been missing and after some reading, I find out that is because managed_file does not save your image permanent. There are similar questions: is specified to Drupal 7. is using \"file\" type instead of managed_file. I already tried something similar to what the Mayo theme is doing, but I was not able to successfully figure it out. How can I save my image permanently?",
"Is it possible to combine processing power of 2 computers?",
"Show that $$\\frac{\\sin x}{\\cos 3x}+\\frac{\\sin 3x}{\\cos 9x}+\\frac{\\sin 9x}{\\cos 27x} = \\frac{1}{2}\\left(\\tan 27x-\\tan x\\right)$$",
"Updated DNS zone can't be seen from my local network",
"In high Reynolds numbers we have turbulent flow. This is because the inertial forces are much greater than the viscous forces. I understand inertial forces to be actually the fictional forces due to the momentum of the moving fluid. And viscous to be the forces that drag each layers together. But why when inertial forces are too high than the viscous forces, there is turbulence? Why don't the molecules just continue to move laminarly due to their momentum? I can assume the viscous forces are not very strong in high speeds (in high inertial forces) to keep them together to form a laminar flow? But again, why they result in irrational movement after the effect of viscous forces is not anymore considerable? As a mechanical analogue, if I have balls attached together and make them travel linearly, and remove their between them attachment, they can continue to travel linearly. But what happens in fluid molecules that turbulence is created?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Unit testing with multiple data | How do you generate dynamic (parameterized) unit tests in Python? | [
"Short science fiction film about a Midwest farmer who builds a bunker after finding a space plant",
"Correct tracked camera orientation",
"Why did R.A.B. put the locket back in the basin? led me to asking this one. R.A.B. takes the \"real\" locket out and asks Kreacher to destroy it, then puts the \"fake\" locket back in the basin. Why would he feel the need to do this? He knows already that Voldemort has used someone else to drink the potion (Kreacher). In fact Kreacher's story to him about his mistreatment on the island seems to push him over the edge to act. Instead of assuring that someone else (most likely innocent like Kreacher) would have to drink from the basin, why not just leave the note outside the basin for someone to find? If Voldemort finds it then so be it, at least then no presumably innocent person would have to drink again.",
"How to determine the genre of a song? I listen to many songs and I always wonder how the genre of a song is determined. Is it by listening to the song, or by the song's info like the artist, year released and so on?",
"Given any $10$ consecutive positive integers , does there exist one integer which is relatively prime to the product of the rest ?",
"Is it possible to view the scene in the viewport camera view at 1:1?",
"Multirow and Multicolumn with missing lines",
"dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process",
"\"On/at/for/over the weekend\" in American English Some sources say that \"at the weekend\" is wrong, while other ones say it's correct. Which form is acceptable in American English? On Saturdays her sister Ann usually comes to stay with Mary on/at/for/over the weekend/s. What are you going to do at/on/for/over the weekend/s? We are going to Paris on/at/for/over the weekend/s. Are you going to stay here for/at/on/over the weekend/s? Which preposition do American English speakers use — at, on, for, over?",
"How many Avatars have there been?",
"Maximize the product of the partitions of an integer",
"When is the image of a linear operator (between Banach spaces) closed? Let $T: X \\longrightarrow Y$ be a continuous linear map between two Banach spaces. When is $\\operatorname{Ran}(T)$ a closed subspace? What theorems are there? Thanks :)",
"The square roots of different primes are linearly independent over the field of rationals I need to find a way of proving that the square roots of a finite set of different primes are linearly independent over the field of rationals. I've tried to solve the problem using elementary algebra and also using the theory of field extensions, without success. To prove linear independence of two primes is easy but then my problems arise. I would be very thankful for an answer to this question.",
"Disable the numbering of algorithms My problem is that I do not know how to disable the numbering for algorithms. I have created an algoritm and its number is \"Algorithm 1\", but I want to have \"Algorithm\". \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage[noend]{algorithmic} % Hide endif .etc \\usepackage{algorithm} \\algsetup{indent=2em} % Default 1 em \\renewcommand{\\algorithmiccomment}[1]{\\hspace{2em}// #1} % Change to C-style comments, though still ugly \\begin{document} \\begin{algorithm} \\caption{MyAlgorithm} \\label{alg:MyAlgorithm} \\begin{algorithmic}[1] % Default no line numbering \\end{algorithmic} \\end{algorithm} \\end{document}",
"Access NSMutableArray from another class - Objective C",
"Given a collection of sets $\\mathcal{C}$ and $E$ an element in the $\\sigma$-algebra generated by $\\mathcal{C}$, how do I show that $\\exists$ a countable subcollection $\\mathcal{C_0} \\subset \\mathcal{C}$ such that $E$ is an element of the $\\sigma$-algebra, $\\mathcal{A}$ generated by $\\mathcal{C_0}$? The hint says to let $H$ be the union of all $\\sigma$-algebras generated by countable subsets of $\\mathcal{C}$....although I don't know why.",
"What is the proof that a force applied on a rigid body will cause it to rotate around its center of mass?",
"I'm trying to split a string up into words and punctuation, adding the punctuation to the list produced by the split. For instance: >>> c = \"help, me\" >>> print c.split() ['help,', 'me'] What I really want the list to look like is: ['help', ',', 'me'] So, I want the string split at whitespace with the punctuation split from the words. I've tried to parse the string first and then run the split: >>> for character in c: ... if character in \".,;!?\": ... outputCharacter = \" %s\" % character ... else: ... outputCharacter = character ... separatedPunctuation += outputCharacter >>> print separatedPunctuation help , me >>> print separatedPunctuation.split() ['help', ',', 'me'] This produces the result I want, but is painfully slow on large files. Is there a way to do this more efficiently?",
"For a CDF that is not strictly increasing, i.e. its inverse is not defined, define the quantile function $$F^{-1} (u) =\\inf \\{x: F(x) \\geq u \\},\\quad 0<u<1. $$ Where U has a uniform $(0,1)$ distribution. Prove that the random variable $F^{-1} (u)$ has cdf $F(x)$. In case of a strictly increasing CDF the proof is quite easy because the inverse is defined. Define $X=F^{-1} (u)$ $$ P\\left[X<x \\right]= P \\left [F^{-1} (U) \\leq x \\right]= P \\left[U \\leq F(x) \\right] =F(x) $$ But how do I accomondate the nondecreasing CDF whose inverse is given by the quantile function? I am a begginer so any help is welcome. Thank you.",
"Playing a remote movie on the remote computer I have two computers (a desktop and a laptop) running linux connected to my local area network. I like to ssh from my laptop over to my desktop and run programs there, and sometimes listen to music on my desktop, which is connected to my stereo system. Lately, I've been wanting to play movies on the desktop and desktop screen, but cue them from my laptop across the room. Unfortunately, I cannot play a movie in the current X session running on my Desktop on from my laptop. What is odd about this is that I can listen to the audio coming from the speakers that are hooked up to my desktop, by playing the audio files over ssh! This tells me that there must be a way to send the movie to that Xsession, from the ssh shell that I am connected to. Does anyone have any ideas about this?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
File size validation in javascript / jQuery? | Get file size before uploading | [
"A coin is tossed three times: The probability of zero heads is 1/8 and the probability of zero tails is 1/8. And my question is: What is the probability that all three tosses result in the same outcome? So, if P(zero heads)= 1/8 , then that should be the same of p(all tails)? If so, we could use the Addition Rule which is $P(A \\cup B) = P(A) + P(B)$ where A and B are disjoint events, i.e. $A \\cap B = \\emptyset$, A is the event of tossing all heads and B is the event of tossing all tails. I'm not sure how to continue after that... would the complement be used?",
"For what powers $k$ is the polynomial $n^k-1$ divisible by $(n-1)^2$?",
"Want to switch from software development to testing domain",
"Step in the Stein's proof of Plancherel Theorem",
"What's the difference between a microcontroller and a microprocessor?",
"How to fully backup non-rooted devices? I know I'm asking for the close-to-impossible -- as a real full-backup certainly requires root permissions. But still there are many folks around not wanting to root their devices -- afraid of voiding their warranties or bricking their devices, or just not having their devices supported by any rooting method. I also know there were a lot of questions asked already on this topic, and I checked all of them having the backup tag -- none covers the entire topic, all just have pieces, and especially people new to Android (but other non-power-users as well) would have a hard time figuring out the best way. So I want a detailed canonical answer to the question: Not involving root-solutions, how to achieve a backup as close as possible to a full backup? Please do not give simple one-liner answers like \"Use app xyz [full-stop].\" If mentioning an app (and I doubt a single app would be the answer here), include what parts are covered by it -- as well as ideas on how to fill the gaps it leaves. (And to make it absolutely clear: I know the first thing coming to mind is Titanium Backup -- I use it myself, but this does not apply here: This question is strictly about methods for non-rooted devices!) Moreover, the answer should be as generic as possible in terms of applying to a wide range of devices (i.e. it should not be restricted to one device or manufacturer). I already mentioned having investigated all questions here tagged backup. These will certainly be helpful providing details for answers here, so I will list up the topmost ones concerning my question: All these provide some details for my question (so feel free to get inspired by them) -- but I feel there are still details missing. Also it would be helpful to have a summary -- say, an answer including the full description of \"the maximum possible\". A last criterium: While I'd consider cloud-based solutions legit, I'd favour local solutions. If you can provide both: all the better. But some people value privacy quite high (I'm one of them), and thus would not trust their data to some cloud service. Thanks to Ryan, we now have a solution for a really complete backup of all apps and their data -- which I didn't dare to hope for! The only disadvantage: His solution only works for less than 10% of all Android users; namely those whose devices are running at least with Android 4.x. So again, I ask the close-to-impossible: Any solutions applicable at least on Gingerbread (2.3.x) or, better, even Froyo (2.2.x) -- so they cover the majority of current devices? These solutions may involve multiple tools (try to keep it as simple as possible though; think of your mother to follow your instructions ;) And keep in mind: NO ROOT! To further motivate high-quality answers (and hopefully avoid low-quality ones), I will be a harsh one here: As I rarely do, I will down-vote answers not fitting the mentioned criteria on one end -- but on the other end, I will setup a bounty for the best answer (which cannot be done immediately, but earliest after 2 days).",
"`sudo echo \"bla\" >> /etc/sysctl.conf` permission denied Disclaimer: I'm pretty novice at sysadmin stuff. I'm trying to set up port forwarding in an AWS EC2 instance, this has to be done in the command-line because I don't want to go in and edit anything, it has to be automatic (it's part of a build process). sudo echo \"net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1\" >> /etc/sysctl.conf Permission denied The weird thing is I've been (successfully) using sudo for pretty much every command that required su privileges. If I do sudo su before the command (trying it out by hand in an ssh session), then it works. Reasons behind this? Possible solutions that don't involve sudo su or manual edits?",
"Uploading video to youtube in right format I have a Sony CX115 and I have a little footage I'd like to put on youtube. I've downloaded Arista from the Ubuntu Software Center and then I've downloaded its Youtube HD plugin. I've converted my video and uploaded it to youtube... The result is a flashy video with a lot of grey in it: What could I do to publish it in high quality so it'll be viewable?",
"I need to create file with name is the result of the command in Solaris I need to create only one file with name is the result of the command ls -l | head -2. I can't use environment variables. The filename must contain newline symbols. I've tried to use touch 'ls -l | head -2', but it hasn't worked.",
"How to get full query text from performance_schema.threads? According to : Access to the threads table does not require a mutex and has minimal impact on server performance. The other sources have negative performance consequences because they require a mutex. So yes, I want to use threads table to examine running queries. The trouble is, the PROCESSLIST_INFO column does not contain the full query. It just contains a truncated version of the query. There is a flag viz performance_schema_max_sql_text_length which controls how many bytes are allocated for the SQL query. But it seems to affect the events_statements_history_long table. There is no change in the thread table output. There is also the events_statement_current table. But it is not clear if accessing that table affects performance or not.",
"Best way to reverse a string I've just had to write a string reverse function in C# 2.0 (i.e. LINQ not available) and came up with this: public string Reverse(string text) { char[] cArray = text.ToCharArray(); string reverse = String.Empty; for (int i = cArray.Length - 1; i > -1; i--) { reverse += cArray[i]; } return reverse; } Personally I'm not crazy about the function and am convinced that there's a better way to do it. Is there?",
"Let $(e_n)$ (where $ e_n $ has a 1 in the $n$-th place and zeros otherwise) be unit standard vectors of $\\ell_\\infty$. Why is $(e_n)$ not a basis for $\\ell_\\infty$? Thanks.",
"What is the status of TTF support in Internet Explorer?",
"Who was the piano player that Starbuck met in the bar on Galactica? Towards the end of season four, Starbuck meets a piano player in the makeshift bar on Galactica. Now, it appears that this guy is some kind of ghost/angel like Caprica-6 and the ghost Baltar - but I have an idea that he could also be the original copy of the seventh model (Daniel). It's mentioned right in the episode before that Cavil poisoned all of the bodies that were being prepared to accept a copy of Daniel - but it's ambiguous about the fate of the original cylon with that personality. Daniel was also mentioned as an 'artist' and 'sensitive' person. So - could it have been Daniel that helped Starbuck realise what the music meant?",
"The cast to value type 'Int32' failed because the materialized value is null",
"So I'm making this summary of a course where I've only been getting information from one book. Sometimes I want to show what page from the book a statement is taken from but I can't figure out a clean way of doing it. Basically I would like to have something (in function) similar to: \"Statement[Book p123]\" Do you have any suggestions?",
"Where can I find computer modern fonts for use in other programs, e.g. Adobe Illustrator?",
"How to change specific values in a List",
"Using a web service is often an excellent architectural approach. And, with the advent of WCF in .Net, it's getting even better. But, in my experience, some people seem to think that web services should always be used in the data access layer for calls to the database. I don't think that web services are the universal solution. I am thinking of smaller intranet applications with a few dozen users. The web app and its web service are deployed to one web server, not a web farm. There isn't going to be another web app in the future that can use this particular web service. It seems to me that the cost of calling the web service unnecessarily increases the burden on the web server. There is a performance hit to inter-process calls. Maintaining and debugging the code for the web app and the web service is more complicated. So is deployment. I just don't see the advantages of using a web service here. One could test this by creating two versions of the web app, with and without the web service, and do stress testing, but I haven't done it. Do you have an opinion on using web services for small-scale web app's? Any other occasions when web services are not a good architectural choice?",
"What are: province, territory, protectorate, state...? Often a country will have regions called \"provinces\" or \"states\". Other times they are called \"territories\" and \"protectorates\". Is there a generic term for these words? Is there a full list of words that belong to this group? What makes them different from each other?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
what is wrong in the code written inpython | out file with multiple criteria in python? | [
"If G is not commutative, then is there always a subgroup that is not a normal subgroup?",
"Why can I only change my Stack Overflow name once every 30 days?",
"How to add some non-standard font to a website?",
"Convert a Cannondale SM1000 (about 1991 model) to disk brakes I've got an older, about 1991, model Cannondale SM1000 mountain bike purchased new. Would it be worth it to convert to disk brakes and if so what would be the process?",
"Find $n$ such that $n/2$ is a square, $n/3$ is a cube, and $n/5$ a fifth power",
"Wine pollutes \"Open With\" application list The dialog box in question here is the one you get with the context menu option \"open with other applications\". Wine seems to have inserted more than a dozen or so entries for each application I install, which makes it a pain to find the correct application: What can I do to remove the duplicates? Update: Neither of the two solutions really work. The bug is interesting, but the symptoms does not match my problem (I'm not having problem with uninstalling applications, but rather the things that are inserted after installing them), and with the other one, all references to the Wine application are removed, which actually makes the problem worse (although it may be an acceptable solution if nothing else can be found). So this is still an open question; any takers?",
"jquery selector not working with [ ]",
"Can you raise $\\pi$ to a real power to make it rational?",
"Multiple cases in switch statement Is there a way to fall through multiple case statements without stating case value: repeatedly? I know this works: switch (value) { case 1: case 2: case 3: // Do some stuff break; case 4: case 5: case 6: // Do some different stuff break; default: // Default stuff break; } but I'd like to do something like this: switch (value) { case 1,2,3: // Do something break; case 4,5,6: // Do something break; default: // Do the Default break; } Is this syntax I'm thinking of from a different language, or am I missing something?",
"Why doesn't grep using pipe work here? I have the following command: find / -name libGL.so.1 Which returns lots of lines with \"Permission denied\". I want to exclude such lines, so I added the following: find / -name libGL.so.1 | grep -v 'denied' But the output is the same - my grep -v 'denied' is not filtering out the lines with Permission denied. I've tried many variations, looked over grep tutorials, but I cannot figure out the problem. Any suggestions?",
"This might be a bizarre but crucial question, can I fully trust leaving my laptop in repairs (Genius Bar) while they have full access to it ? I recently went to the genius bar to get my display fixed, and apparently they asked for my laptop's password just in case they need some \"testing\" after they're done. Can't they do that as a guest account ? I got sensitive information on my laptop such as passport copies etc, as well as passwords saved in Safari's keychains for my bank account, paypal, amazon etc .. The service is due later on today, shall I change my password and ask them to contact me directly if they need something specific ?? They're going to fix in 3 hours so I'll be in the mall whilst they finish.",
"There's a way to fill with faces only the area between the larger circle and the the smaller one? I mean.. It's a wheel and I'm trying to fill the rubber part of it. Using the fill function F it fills everything inside the bigger circle.",
"How to get rid of navigation symbols in beamer?",
"Example where convergence in mean does not imply convergence in quadratic mean Is there an example where convergence in mean does not imply convergence in quadratic mean. $E|X_n-X|\\rightarrow 0$ but $E|X_n-X|^2 \\nrightarrow 0$. It seems like this should be fairly straightforward, but I cannot really come up with an answer. I'd imagine the answer would look something like $$X_n=\\begin{cases}a & \\text{with probability } \\frac{1}{n} \\\\\\ 0& \\text{with probability } 1-\\frac{1}{n} \\end{cases}$$",
"What is the difference between French and British cuts of beef? What is the difference between French and British cuts of beef? I am told they just butcher the animals dfferently. Certainly the cuts don't seem the same. For example is faux fillet really exactly the same as British sirloin and is entrecôte really the same as rib steak? Here is a picture of British beef cuts.",
"Multiple outputs for beamer handouts I'm currently generating some presentations with beamer for students of my course. Some like to print the material, so I created a handout. Some students prefer to have 2,3,4,6 etc. pages per sheet of A4 paper. How can I go about to automatize the following code, so that it outputs 4 different files in 1x2,1x3,2x2,2x3 format? I'd like to avoid having to compile it again everytime for the different formats. \\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \\usepackage{pdfpages} \\begin{document} \\includepdf[pages=1-last,nup=1x2,landscape=false,frame=true, noautoscale=false,scale=1,delta=0mm 5mm]{Pres7Chap13-Handout.pdf} \\end{document}",
"Creating or referencing variables dynamically in Sass",
"Can you travel to the US prior 1 months of tourist visa expiry? I've heard that i can travel to the US any time before my tourist visa expiry. Is that true? (please advise)",
"Every once in a while, we get a question asking for a book or other educational reference on a particular topic at a particular level. This is a meta-question that collects all those links together. If you're looking for book recommendations, this is probably the place to start. All the questions linked below, as well as others which deal with more specialized books, can be found under the tag (formerly ). If you have a question to add, please edit it in. However, make sure of a few things first: The question should be tagged It should be of the form \"What are good books to learn/study [subject] at [level]?\" It shouldn't duplicate a topic and level that's already on the list Related Meta:",
"How to terminate a script?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to get the path to the java file with the main method (src dir) | Get a resource using getResource() | [
"Can the links in the \"possible vandalism: edits\" flag point to the revision rather than the post When we get the following flag: possible vandalism: edits (auto) We see a set of links to the posts that have been edited. This means that to check that edit is valid we have to click the link to the post then click the link to the revisions on that post and then go back twice to get back to the flag to check the other posts. It would be far more efficient if the links were to the revisions page rather than the post itself. It would make checking these flag much quicker.",
"ODBC connection to Access database in 64-bit Windows",
"Why $SU(3)$ and not $U(3)$?",
"How can I search for special characters? Situation: It started out as me for the literal string C-c in but it ended up omitting the - sign and showing results which contained the strings C/C++ and C & C++. is an example of a post which contains that string of characters (yet fails to show up in the results). Things I've tried: post suggests that I can use the undocumented code: operator, but when I do that, it just wraps the whole term in double quotes like . As @terdon in Unix & Linux chat has , using this does yield some relevant results, but it doesn't show me that is supposed to be there. edit: It appears that the Symbolhound query no longer returns that result. Finally, says that you can search for literal characters, but as you can see: Quoted phrases are exact matches except for case-sensitivity, for example, you can search or . The second example (symbols) leads to 0 results. So by now I assume that the search engine has changed (but the old documentation still lingers on this site). Is there a method for me to search for strings that include special (or is it literal?) characters?",
"The plot is simply that aliens visit Earth and their interest in collecting cow pies (and just like other collectibles, special attributes make them more valuable) creates interest in humans in obtaining them to sell. Then the aliens leave and the market plummets. I do not recall the name of the story and also at the end I think some new object is of interest which maybe someone remembers. As silly as the premise sounds, if you look at what people really do collect and the amazing prices, the story kind of resonates. Digital crypto-kitties or whatever and more recent things selling for tens of millions or cryptocurrencies themselves seem not so different than cow pie collecting. Moreover, the fundamental theorem of collectibles is that to make a huge amount, paradoxically the collectible had to not only start out as more or less worthless but also something people tended to use/read and then destroy or at least throw away. Old Nat Geo magazines are worth almost nothing because everyone kept them; Action Comics #1 on the other hand, well moms could not wait to toss those when their son went away to college or got married. The stories I have in just my own family.",
"How did this character come to be in the Nethersphere? How is it that The Master Came to be in the Nethersphere? The last time we saw him He died and refused to regenerate. The Doctor even cremated his body. So, given what previously happened to him, how was he now able to Regenerate as Missy and take over the Nethersphere?",
"Inheriting non-implicit constructors on Apex classes If I have an abstract parent class like this: abstract class Vehicle { public Vehicle(Person driver) { // } } and then I create a child class like this: public class MagicCarpet extends Vehicle { //this won't compile } I encounter the following Compile Error: Error: Parent class has no 0-argument constructor for implicit construction at line ... column ... Obviously I can explicitly re-declare a constructor on the child class toget it to compile: public class MagicCarpet extends Vehicle { public MagicCarpet(Person driver) { super(driver); } } But I feel this isn't DRY. Not sure what's actually going on under the covers here. How can I get a constructor (other than the implicit 0-argument one) to be inherited by a child class?",
"Is there a reason why people can't just take the helicopter to mount Everest? Why is it that helicopters can't reach that high?",
"Not only in ortho: top, front, back. Please don't link this answer I want a background image like this guy has ->",
"The event horizon of a black hole is where gravity is such that not even light can escape. This is also the point I understand that according to Einstein time dilation will be infinite for a far-away-observer. If this is the case how can anything ever fall into a black hole. In my thought experiment I am in a spaceship with a powerful telescope that can detect light at a wide range of wavelengths. I have it focused on the black hole and watch as a large rock approaches the event horizon. Am I correct in saying that from my far-away-position the rock would freeze outside the event horizon and would never pass it? If this is the case how can a black hole ever consume any material, let alone grow to millions of solar masses. If I was able to train the telescope onto the black hole for millions of years would I still see the rock at the edge of the event horizon? I am getting ready for the response of the object would slowly fade. Why would it slowly fade and if it would how long would this fading take? If it is going to red shift at some point would the red shifting not slow down to a standstill? This question has been bugging me for years! OK - just an edit based on responses so far. Again, please keep thinking from an observers point of view. If observers see objects slowly fade and slowly disappear as they approach the event horizon would that mean that over time the event horizon would be \"lumpy\" with objects invisible, but not passed through? We should be able to detect the \"lumpiness\" should we not through?",
"I have defined my own language whose syntax is very close to the one of Pascal. I would like to type the following program for instance. Many people use the packages algorithmicx or algorithm2e to print programs, but it seems that we have to use their specific keywords of its syntax like procedure, end while. I just want to indent spaces when needed, and bold some words when I want (sorry that I could not bold letters in the following figure). Do I have to use texttt for each line? Also, with verbatim, I could not bold words... Also, as the program is not large, I would need to put it on the left side of the page, and leave space for some explanasion text on its right hand side. So I guss I need to get them all together, and use multicols. Could anyone help? program test some text here var i : integer; ... b : boolean; begin i := 1; ... b := true; while i < 15 do i := i + 1; b := not b some text here od end Edit1: Following @Werner's tabbing solution, I have made the code a minipage: \\begin{minipage}[t]{0.48\\linewidth}% \\begin{tabbing} Werner's solution \\end{tabbing} \\end{minipage}\\hfill \\begin{minipage}[t]{0.48\\linewidth} a paragraph \\end{minipage} Actually as the code shows, I want the texts to be another separated minipage on the right hand side of the code. I have then 2 questions: is it reasonable to make 0.48\\linewidth instead of 0.5\\linewidth? 0.48\\linewidth is a conventional choice? is it possible to make a frame around the code, and use \\caption and \\label to make it a reference (I prefer figures)?",
"SEDE should pick up on changes to community metadata It appears that site meta data isn't updated in SEDE. As an example, Moderators.SE was to in December 2014. It is still listed in SEDE as Moderators.SE, as of July 2015. To search for Community Building data, we need to search the \"Moderators\" community: It is not listed as Community Building:",
"Where is the Layers panel in Blender 2.8? I am starting working on Blender 2.8, but I can't find the layer panel. Where is it?",
"Can a fired moderator be elected as a moderator? While this question is inspired by recent events, it is an independent question and not tied down to any specific moderator or situation. There's precedent for a moderator who resigned their diamond to simply ask Stack Exchange for their diamond back, without having to stand for reelection. Obviously, this may not apply if the moderator did not resign, but was removed for cause by Stack Exchange. If a moderator has been \"fired\" by Stack Exchange (has had their diamond removed involuntarily by corporate action), is the person eligible to pull a and regain a diamond through the democratic process on one of our sites, or would any such attempt be blocked? I'm aware that there is a restriction on from standing for election, but this is not the same thing as being stripped of a diamond (fired moderators, IME, aren't also given a full site suspension unless their behavior goes beyond \"possibly not a very good moderator\" into \"supervillain\" territory). If there is no particular rule, what should that rule be? Should fired moderators be immediately eligible to stand for election, subject only to community approval of them returning? Should fired moderators have to go through a separate re-vetting process with Stack Exchange to regain eligibility to stand for office? Should fired moderators have an ineligibility window in a similar way that suspended users have one (e.g. after X months or years after being fired, they may stand for election). Should fired moderators be forever banned from election? In no way am I asking about the process for a fired moderator to seek restoration through corporate appeals, etc. I'm asking only about the community election process - if a site's community wants to elect a previously fired moderator, is this inherently objectionable to Stack Exchange?",
"Setting Objects to Null/Nothing after use in .NET Should you set all the objects to null (Nothing in VB.NET) once you have finished with them? I understand that in .NET it is essential to dispose of any instances of objects that implement the IDisposable interface to release some resources although the object can still be something after it is disposed (hence the isDisposed property in forms), so I assume it can still reside in memory or at least in part? I also know that when an object goes out of scope it is then marked for collection ready for the next pass of the garbage collector (although this may take time). So with this in mind will setting it to null speed up the system releasing the memory as it does not have to work out that it is no longer in scope and are they any bad side effects? MSDN articles never do this in examples and currently I do this as I cannot see the harm. However I have come across a mixture of opinions so any comments are useful.",
"Looking for title of sci fi short story about attempts to colonise planet (Venus?). Scientist and his dog are main characters",
"Can I add jars to Maven 2 build classpath without installing them? Maven 2 is driving me crazy during the experimentation / quick and dirty mock-up phase of development. I have a pom.xml file that defines the dependencies for the web-app framework I want to use, and I can quickly generate starter projects from that file. However, sometimes I want to link to a 3rd party library that doesn't already have a pom.xml file defined, so rather than create the pom.xml file for the 3rd party lib by hand and install it, and add the dependency to my pom.xml, I would just like to tell Maven: "In addition to my defined dependencies, include any jars that are in /lib too." It seems like this ought to be simple, but if it is, I am missing something. Any pointers on how to do this are greatly appreciated. Short of that, if there is a simple way to point maven to a /lib directory and easily create a pom.xml with all the enclosed jars mapped to a single dependency which I could then name / install and link to in one fell swoop would also suffice.",
"I'm here with weird stuff again. How can i continue numbering while changing numbering style to Arabic from Roman? For example let's assume I have total of 7 pages and I want to number the first 3 of them as : i,ii,iii; then I change back to Arabic again and continue counting as 4,5,6,7.",
"LuaLaTeX protrusion problem with Negative value",
"Why Faces eat each other?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Replacing bathroom light fixture, no junction box | Bathroom vanity light with no junction box | [
"What information does the trace of a matrix give?",
"Crookshanks is Hermione's familiar in PoA, GoF, and OOTP. I cannot recall mention of Crookshanks following OOTP, though. What happened to Crookshanks? Does canon refer to Crookshanks in either HBP or DH?",
"Every Artinian ring is isomorphic to a direct product of Artinian local rings Proposition. Let $R$ be commutative ring with $1_R$. We assume that $R$ is an Artinian ring and $M_1,\\dots,M_n$ its maximal ideals. Then $R/\\mathrm{Jac}(R)\\cong (R/M_1)\\times \\dotsb \\times (R/M_n)$. The ring $R$ is isomorphic to the direct product of a finite number of Artinian local rings. Proof. 1. It's obvious that $M_i+M_j=R,\\ \\forall 1\\leq i \\neq j \\leq n$. So, from Chinese Remainder Theorem, we have $$R/\\bigcap_{i=1}^{n}M_i = R/\\mathrm{Jac}(R) \\cong (R/M_1)\\times \\dotsb \\times (R/M_n),$$ as we wanted. Since $R$ is an Artinian ring, we have $\\mathrm{Jac}(R)^m=\\{0_R\\}$, for some $m\\in \\Bbb Z^+$. But, $$\\{0_R\\}\\subseteq M_1^m\\dotsb M_n^m=(M_1\\dotsb M_n)^m\\subseteq (\\bigcap_{i=1}^{n}M_i=\\mathrm{Jac}(R))^m=\\{0_R\\}.$$ So, if we apply CRT we will take $$R\\cong R/\\{0_R\\}\\cong R/M_1^m\\dotsb M_n^m\\cong (R/M_1^m)\\times \\dots \\times (R/M_n^m).$$ Questions. 1) Are these thoughts complete and correct? 2) Why $R/M_i^m$ are artinian local rings? 3) Could you please elaborate some examples as an application?",
"Scoring matrices (BLOSUM & PAM) in BLAST and other sequence-comparison programs The states that: The scores are created by comparing the word in the list in step 2* with all the 3-letter words. By using the scoring matrix (substitution matrix) to score the comparison of each residue pair, there are 203 possible match scores for a 3-letter word. For example, the score obtained by comparing PQG with PEG and PQA is 15 and 12, respectively with the BLOSUM62 weighting scheme. I do not understand how they got a score of 15 for PQG v. PEG. What is a scoring matrix, how is it computed, and how is it used? Step 2 on that page is Make a k-letter word list of the query sequence: “Take k=3 for example, we list the words of length 3 in the query protein sequence (k is usually 11 for a DNA sequence) sequentially, until the last letter of the query sequence is included”.",
"triggered my curiosity for this question. Why most of manga are black and white? Is this because of more cost if they add colors to it?",
"Is && statement() the same as if() statement()?",
"Summer in Saint Helena The Winter Bash site is located at http://winterba.sh/. Only one problem: . Saint Helena is in the Southern Hemisphere. It's Summer in Saint Helena. So shouldn't it be the Summer Bash? Don't forget our Aussie/Kiwi/South African/Southern Brazilian/Argentine/Uruguayan/Zimbabwean/Swazi/Tokelauan/Tuvaluan/Pitcairn Islander/ friends!",
"Assume that $A$ is an $n\\times n$ real matrix, i.e. $$A^T=-A.$$ Since $\\det(A-\\lambda I)=\\det(A^T-\\lambda I)$, $A$ and $A^T$ have the same eigenvalues. On the other hand, $A^T$ and $-A$ also have the same eigenvalues. Thus if $\\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $A$, so is $-\\lambda$. If $n$ is odd, $\\lambda = 0 $ is an eigenvalue. A curious search in Google returns the nonzero eigenvalues of $A$ are all pure imaginary and thus are of the form $iλ_1, −iλ_1, iλ_2, −iλ_2,$ … where each of the $λ_k$ are real. Here is my question: How can I prove the fact that \"the nonzero eigenvalues of $A$ are all pure imaginary\"?",
"The category Set has the property that any morphism f can be decomposed into an epimorphism $e$ and a monomorphism $m$ with $f$ = $m\\circ e$. (The intermediary set object is the image of $f$.) Is there a name for this construction? Is there a name for this property of categories? In Set, the intermediary object is unique up to isomorphism. Is this the case for all categories with the property?",
"System installation is stalled on Compaq Presario R3000",
"Leave newlines intact in bounty messages",
"Conversion Error setting value for 'null Converter' - Why do I need a Converter in JSF?",
"Can regular expressions be used to match nested patterns?",
"How to read such figures with % as \"up (by) 120%\" and \"increased (by) 120%\". Do they mean the same?",
"Sometimes when I'm making a sauce or soup that needs to be a bit spicy, I have no troubles spicing how I want to. But if the dinner party is a bit late, or I made the sauce in advance to really draw out all the flavors of the spices, vegetables and meat, sometimes I end up with a way too spicy/hot dish. You can always pour a bit water and try to dilute it a bit, but that also takes away all of the good flavor. So is there some trick that I'm missing I can use, when this happens to me (other than being more careful or using the spices later)?",
"Is there a difference between foo(void) and foo() in C++ or C? Consider these two function definitions: void foo() { } void foo(void) { } Is there any difference between these two? If not, why is the void argument there? Aesthetic reasons?",
"Book a return flight a year in advance Is it possible to buy an airline ticket that has me returning to my country after a year being abroad? I can't seem to book a flight that far in advance online.",
"Fixed point of a Function (monotonically increasing)",
"I am going to Santa Monica for 4 weeks to polish my English in July and would like to volunteer at the Planetary Society located in Pasadena. I am a Swiss citizen and have a biometric passport. However, I don't have any special visa, as there is no visa needed for the school I am attending and using the Visa Waiver Program, I am allowed to stay up to 90 days in the US. Am I allowed to do volunteer work during my stay?",
"How to determine the amount of experience needed for leveling up Related questions under this topic might include: How should I base how much experience points it takes to get to the next level? What factors are involved in this? How do I keep the player not entertained long enough till he levels up? How can I vary the way the player gets experience points?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Use of undefined type | When can I use a forward declaration? | [
"Is it acceptable to change colors on a logo to make it fit a website's theme? I have a few payment brand images that need to go in the footer of a website, the footer is very dark grey, to the point where making the logos grey-scale wouldn't be much of a good idea, especially as we still need the logos to stand out. For example I took the following logo: And changed it to fit with our very dominant red theme: Is this good in terms of the user's perspective? Is this legal or misrepresenting the brand? If so is completely changing a logo to white acceptable for dark backgrounds?",
"How to turn cheats on or off",
"On the , there is this line: $p(\\mathrm{height}|\\mathrm{male}) = 1.5789$ (A probability distribution over 1 is OK. It is the area under the bell curve that is equal to 1.) How can a value $>1$ be OK? I thought all probability values were expressed in the range $0 \\leq p \\leq 1$. Furthermore, given that it is possible to have such a value, how is that value obtained in the example shown on the page?",
"I am working to integrate unit testing into the development process on the team I work on and there are some sceptics. What are some good ways to convince the sceptical developers on the team of the value of Unit Testing? In my specific case we would be adding Unit Tests as we add functionality or fixed bugs. Unfortunately our code base does not lend itself to easy testing.",
"Splitting file based on size, but make sure that it ends with newline",
"What software can I use to write on PDFs? I'm used to OS X where the system PDF viewer will let you draw and write text on top of any PDF document. You can then flatten it and save as a new PDF. It saves paper and time so you can fill in any form without printing it and scanning it back to the computer. It also lets you insert a scanned image of your signature. Is there software for Ubuntu that would do that?",
"Gendry was born in the Crownlands and should therefore be referred to as Gendry Waters. However, he refers to himself as Gendry Rivers. Did showrunners forget or is Gendry ignorant of the customs?",
"Is the sentence \"There is a large number of labourers who want to migrate to Japan for work.\" correct? Possible Duplicate: There is a large number of labourers who want to migrate to Japan for work. I type this sentence in a word processor, and it reports an error that \"is\" should be \"are\" (subject-verb agreement). I doubt this is a valid error. Could anyone confirm this?",
"I have done major updates to my website, and renamed all my URLs. How can I tell Google that I have renamed these URLs and let Google refresh its index? My website URL: http://www.pndmasr.com/ My sitemap: http://www.pndmasr.com/sitemap.xml I have uploaded my sitemap via Google Webmaster Tools many times. However, every time I search Google for \"pndmasr\", I still get results with old pages. I have waited more than 3 days but the problem remains. Any suggestions? Is there a problem with my sitemap?",
"How to install Wireshark I am new to Linux and have a need to install Wireshark 2.0.0 on VirtualBox's Xubuntu 14.04. I have already downloaded .tar.gz package and extracted it. Then I opened terminal in the wireshark folder and type /.configure with intention to follow it by make and sudo make install executions but the attempt as unsuccessful as sudo apt-get install wireshark. Could somebody help me how to install Wireshark step by step, please?",
"Rainbow Six Siege Insane Load times? Computer or Internet? I have a high-end computer with decent ethernet yet whenever I join a game in Siege everyone finishes loading and it takes me 1-5 minutes. Is this because of my internet or computer? Specs: CPU - i7-7700k GPU - GTX 1080 16GG RAM 5900 RPM 4TB Hard drive",
"proving of inequality $(n!)^2 \\leq n^n\\cdot n!\\leq (2n!)$, where $n\\in \\mathbb{N}$ How can we prove the inequality $(n!)^2 \\leq n^n\\cdot n!\\leq (2n!)$, where $n\\in \\mathbb{N}$ $\\bf{My \\; Try}$:: $1\\leq n$ $2\\leq n$ $3\\leq n$ .... .... $n\\leq n$ So $1\\cdot 2 \\cdot 3 ..n \\leq n^n$ So $n!\\leq n^n\\Rightarrow (n!)^2 \\leq n^n\\cdot n!$ But did not understand how can we prove $n^n\\cdot n! \\leq (2n!)$ Help me Thanks",
"How do I fix a \"Unknown configuration key `foreign-architecture' found in your `dpkg' configuration files.\" error?",
"Limit of $n$th root of $n$!",
"Formula based on picklist I am trying to create a formula that will put a 1 in a hidden field if the value of a picklist is equal to a specific value. I keep getting stuck here and I can't figure out what I am missing? IF(ISPICKVAL( Examiner_Type__c =\"Pending Examiner Status\",\"1\",\"\",))",
"Maxing out gear with maxed out smithing, enchanting and alchemy I have level 100 smithing, enchanting and alchemy. I also have some nice enchanted gear, fortify smithing and alchemy. How high should I be able to get my fortified equipment? Currently I'm around 29% for alchemy and smithing. How high can I get fortify smithing and fortify enchanting potions without using the console (cheating)? And how? Currently I get +147% and +32% respectively. Is something like this possible without using the console(or photoshop)?",
"Antonym of \"deepen\" Since there is no word \"shallowen\", is there a good antonym of \"deepen\"? The meaning of \"deepen\" that I am referring to here is \"to cause to become deeper.\" It doesn't necessarily refer to digging a hole. For example, a temporary deformation in a soft surface: Putting the anvil on the mattress deepens the depression in it, but removing the anvil ______ it. I would also be happy with an antonym of the intransitive version \"to become deeper.\"",
"Basic desktop actions are not available on Ubuntu 20.04",
"Consider an inviscid Burgers equation: $u_t + u u_x = 0.$ With the initial data: $ u(x,0) = \\left\\{ \\begin{array}{ll} 0 \\quad & \\text{if} \\quad x < 0, \\\\[0.5em] 1 & \\text{if} \\quad x > 0.\\end{array} \\right. $ Possible weak solutions to this problem include, for example: $ u_1(x,t) = \\left\\{ \\begin{array}{ll} 0 \\quad & \\text{if} \\quad x < t/2, \\\\[0.5em] 1 & \\text{if} \\quad x > t/2.\\end{array} \\right. \\hspace{10mm} $ $ u_2(x,t) = \\left\\{ \\begin{array}{lll} 0 \\quad & \\text{if} \\quad x < 0, \\\\[0.5em] x/t & 0 < x < t,\\\\[0.5em] 1 & \\text{if} \\quad x > t.\\end{array} \\right. $ Every material that provides such examples states that it is easy to check that these are both solutions of our problem. I do not see how that is done. I know how to obtain the equation: $ \\int_{0}^\\infty \\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty [ q \\phi_t + f(q) \\phi_x ] dx dt + \\int_{-\\infty}^\\infty q(x,0) \\phi(x,0) dx = 0, $ But I do not see how to \"test\" if the weak solutions provided above satisfy this. I tried writing the solutions as Heavside functions and integrating them, but I am not sure how to handle an arbitrary test function. I assume there are some solution I could construct that would not be the weak solution to our initial data, how to check that?",
"Word for \"to make music\""
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
i am trying to install a netgear wna3100 usb adaptor | Netgear WNA3100 wifi dongle not recognized | [
"Number of reflexive relations defined on a set A with n elements",
"Display View counts of Questions in Mobile version I often use Stack Exchange sites from my smartphone. It works great, but I always have to switch to full version to see view counts of a question. Can you please add it? There's plenty of space on question page for it to place. I request community to suggest a location.",
"Is it possible to have global color swatches or color styles in Photoshop? I'm looking for a way to use one color in multiple different layers, and then be able to change that color in all the layers in one single place. Lets say that I have four layers using #ffffff. Now I want to know what my design looks like with #ffff00 instead. How can I do this without manually changing all four layers? I can add that adjustment layer on hue/saturation is not really what I'm looking for. What I need is something like \"change all #ffffff to #ffff00.\"",
"Behave as if it was or it were You can place the script in the head or body as you like. The script will behave as if it was located exactly where you put the script tag in the document. The sentences above are taken from (at the very bottom). I think they made a grammatical mistake here: it should be behave as if it were rather than it was. I'm not 100% sure, so want to confirm it.",
"Over the time I've been able to vote for closure on SO, I've gotten into the habit of clicking on the reason itself in order to select the radio button corresponding to it. Since the reasons have changed, there are also now links in the middle of the text, which I also happen to accidentally keep clicking on. More annoyingly, these links don't open in a new tab so I have to click back and redo it. This happens most often with the \"FAQ\" link in the off-topic dialog, which is right there in the top left corner where I normally click. Basically, those pieces of text now have two functions. One function of it is selecting the corresponding radio button and the other function is loading a new page. Obviously loading the new page trumps simple selection. This has become even more painful now with the new off-topic messages, where a large portion of the message is a link: A simple feature request: can the vote-to-close dialog itself not render the links?",
"Tunnel traffic through another machine over ssh",
"What would happen to a teaspoon of neutron star material if released on Earth? I've read on NASA's page on neutron star that one teaspoonful of that star would weigh over 20 billion tonnes on Earth. If it was somehow possible to bring it to earth would it: Burn and disappear during Earth atmosphere entry? Assuming we have 20 billion tonnes of mass occupying the volume of a teaspoon here on Earth, would it fall through the ground under its own weight?",
"About number truncation of ticks display in ListPlot",
"$n!+1$ being a perfect square One observes that \\begin{equation*} 4!+1 =25=5^{2},~5!+1=121=11^{2} \\end{equation*} is a perfect square. Similarly for $n=7$ also we see that $n!+1$ is a perfect square. So one can ask the truth of this question: Is $n!+1$ a perfect square for infinitely many $n$? If yes, then how to prove.",
"What's the significance of conditional and absolute convergence? I know how to find if a series is conditional or absolute convergence by taking the absolute value and seeing if that absolute sum converges (then the original sum is absolute). If the absolute diverges but the original converges, then that's conditional. But my question is: is there a significance? Is absolute convergence series bigger than absolute? Does a series being absolute or conditional affect rate of convergence, or radius? Does it affect symmetry? Looking at Google, I only found tests on how to find if it's absolute or conditional. But I want to find meaning or significance. Or at least more mathematical properties.",
"How to select the most recent set of dated records from a mysql table",
"Why did the Jedi want to bring balance to the Force? During the Prequel trilogy, the Jedi wanted to bring balance to the Force, in accordance with a prophecy. There seemed to be a general agreement that this was a 'good thing', but a disagreement with the assertion that Anakin was the one to do it. Why did the Jedi Council believe it was good to bring balance to the Force? The Republic was mighty (in theory), the Council was established as THE source of Force users, the Sith were thought extinct, and the number of Dark Jedi was apparently very, very low. It seemed, for all intents and purposes, as if the Force was strongly imbalanced in favor of the Light side...so why did the Council want to 'balance' it?",
"Does an electrolytic capacitor degrade each time it receives reverse voltage?",
"Prove that $ S=\\{0\\}\\cup\\left(\\bigcup_{n=0}^{\\infty} \\{\\frac{1}{n}\\}\\right)$ is a compact set in $\\mathbb{R}$. Prove that $ S=\\{0\\}\\cup\\left(\\bigcup_{n=0}^{\\infty} \\{\\frac{1}{n}\\}\\right)$ is a compact set in $\\mathbb{R}$, but $\\bigcup_{n=0}^{\\infty} \\{\\frac{1}{n}\\}$ is not a compact set. (Can we use definition of compact set for this problem? )",
"My ubuntu partition was deleted and I can't boot from either a DVD or USB",
"How can I execute an equivalent of `head -z` when I don't have the `-z` option available?",
"Prove that $g$ is tangent to the graph of $f$ So I had these two functions and the following exercise: $f(x)=x^3-2x^2$ $g_p(x)=px$ Prove that $g_{-1}$ is a tangent line to the graph of $f$. How many points do $g_{-1}$ and $f(x)$ have in common? So yeah, the points in common are fairly simple to figure out: Points in common: $x=1$ and $x=0$ So to see if it's actually tangent to the graph, I took the derivative of both functions at the points where they meet. The result: $f'(x)=3x^2-4x$ $g'_{-1}(x)=-1$ So $f'(1)=-1$ and $f'(0)=0$ So I'm not sure why I get this answer? By the question, we are supposed to prove that its tangent to the graph of $f$ but by my calculation, it seems like only $f(1)$ is tangent with $g_{-1}(1)$. Help is appreciated! (Please avoid hint answers).",
"How to remove blank lines from a file (including tab and spaces)? I want to remove all empty lines from a file. Even if the line contains spaces or tabs it should also be removed.",
"states: \"In practice, explicit right outer joins are rarely used, since they can always be replaced with left outer joins and provide no additional functionality.\" Can anyone provide a situation where they have preferred to use the RIGHT notation, and why? I can't think of a reason to ever use it. To me, it wouldn't ever make things more clear. Edit: I'm an Oracle veteran making the New Year's Resolution to wean myself from the (+) syntax. I want to do it right",
"Convergence in Distribution in Order Statistics Let $X_1, X_2, \\ldots$ be iid from Exp$(\\theta)$ with density function $f(x) = \\frac{1}{\\theta}e^{-\\frac{x}{\\theta}}$. (a) Find the limiting distribution of $M_n = Y_1 - \\theta\\ln(n)$ and $T_n = nY_n$, where $Y_1$ and $Y_n$ represent the first and last order statistics (among $n$ observations) respectively. Answer: I have obtained the CDF of X to be: $$F_x(x) = 1 - e^{-\\frac{x}{\\theta}}$$ the CDF of $Y_1$ to be: $$F_{Y_1} = 1 = e^{-\\frac{xn}{\\theta}}$$ the CDF of $M_n$ to be: $$F_{M_n}(x) = \\left[1 - \\frac{1}{n}e^{-\\frac{x}{\\theta}}\\right]^n$$ with limiting distribution $$e^{-e^{-\\frac{x}{\\theta}}}$$ the CDF of $T_n$ to be: $$F_{T_n}(x) = 1 - e^{-\\frac{x}{\\theta}}$$ which is also the limiting distribution. (b) Show that $M_n$ and $T_n$ are asymptotically independent. Answer: I've tried finding the joint PDF for ordered statistics by using the equation $$g_{ij}(y_i, y_j) = \\frac{n!}{(i - 1)!(j - i - 1)!(n - j)!}[F(y_i)]^{i - 1}[F(y_j) - F(y_i)]^{j - i - 1}[1 - F(y_j)]^{n - j}f(y_i)f(y_j)$$ however, it is a mess based on my CDFs. Any suggestions on a different approach?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Pyxis of Pandemonium and 'enters the battlefield' abilities | Multiple permanents entering the battlefield simultaneously and “Enter the Battlefield” effects | [
"What mechanism is responsible for the creation of these dunes on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko? The following high resolution picture from ESA's Rosetta mission shows the dunes: At a distance of 7.8 km from the surface, the image scale is about 66.5 cm/pixel, so each 1024 x 1024 pixel frame is about 680 m across (although if we assume the furthest point away is an additional ~1 km further from the centre, the image scale is about 92 cm/pixel). So the scale of the dunes is on the order of tens of meters along the crest. And each crest are probably just a few meters apart.",
"Gradient Boosting for Linear Regression - why does it not work?",
"I want to color sketches in Photoshop, but when I prepared the sketch (using Levels, Hue, and other modifications) to turn it into workable line art, some details were missing. I think it depends on how you draw your sketch. What are important steps for drawing a sketch (with pen or pencil) that is to be colored in Photoshop? A step-by-step instruction would be appreciated. For instance, here it is the sketch This is after my preparations in Photoshop",
"Sorting citations using \\cites command in biblatex I am using biblatex for citations and bibliography. Now I often have lists of multiple citations, for which biblatex has the \\cites command. Now I can get citations to automatically sort if I don't want page numbers, but I cannot get it right with page numbers. What I want is all citation ordered chronological (oldest first). Is this possible, or must I just do this by hand? Here is an example. \\documentclass[11pt,oneside]{memoir} \\usepackage[ style=authortitle, useprefix=false, maxnames=2, firstinits=true, sortcites=true, uniquename=init, abbreviate=true, backend=biber, sorting=ynt ]{biblatex} \\begin{filecontents}{jobname.bib} @book{tom1, author = {Author, A.}, year = {2001}, title = {This book is from 2001}, shorttitle = {2001}, } @book{tom2, author = {Author, A.}, year = {1999}, title = {This book is from 1999}, shorttitle = {1999}, } \\end{filecontents} \\addbibresource{jobname.bib} \\begin{document} This one is corrent.\\footnote{\\Cites{tom1,tom2}.} This one is corrent.\\footnote{\\Cite{tom1,tom2}.} This one is incorrent.\\footnote{\\Cites{tom1}{tom2}.} This one is incorrent.\\footnote{\\Cites[1]{tom1}[12]{tom2}.} \\end{document}",
"How to customize Latexian to use other TeX engines or biber? The Mac editor Latexian has built in methods for compiling using latex+dvips, pdflatex and xelatex. Furthermore, it assumes bibtex and makeindex to deal with bibliographies and indexes, respectively. How do I customize Latexian to use, e.g. LuaTeX for compiling or Biber for bibliographies?",
"How to set a font for math mode? I would like to have something like Segoe UI of something similar. Thank you \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{fontspec} \\usepackage{firamath-otf} \\begin{document} \\begin{equation} x+y=45 \\end{equation} \\end{document} Error:",
"What is the difference between Reduce and Solve?",
"How do I change the screen resolution using Ubuntu command line?",
"Installing from source - do I need to keep the extracted tarball directory If I'm installing from source, do I need to keep the extracted tarball directory? So if I download the git tarball. I then do: tar -xvzf git.tar.gz This will create a git.x.x. directory, into which I cd, then run ./configure etc. Once I'm done with this process, and git, or whatever is installed, do I need to keep the original git.x.x extracted directory, or is that just used for compiling the program? I'm somewhat confused by all the directories, and folders used for programs.",
"I know from reading that the \"primary\" use of the IDisposable interface is to clean up unmanaged resources. To me, \"unmanaged\" means things like database connections, sockets, window handles, etc. But, I've seen code where the Dispose() method is implemented to free managed resources, which seems redundant to me, since the garbage collector should take care of that for you. For example: public class MyCollection : IDisposable { private List<String> _theList = new List<String>(); private Dictionary<String, Point> _theDict = new Dictionary<String, Point>(); // Die, clear it up! (free unmanaged resources) public void Dispose() { _theList.clear(); _theDict.clear(); _theList = null; _theDict = null; } My question is, does this make the garbage collector free memory used by MyCollection any faster than it normally would? edit: So far people have posted some good examples of using IDisposable to clean up unmanaged resources such as database connections and bitmaps. But suppose that _theList in the above code contained a million strings, and you wanted to free that memory now, rather than waiting for the garbage collector. Would the above code accomplish that?",
"How do I make ditto marks? In France, students are taught not to repeat the same text twice when there is little difference between a line and the one below. It's a quick way to take notes. I reproduced this effect by tinkering: The code is as follows: \\documentclass[aspectratio=1610]{beamer} \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \\usepackage[french]{babel} \\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb} \\usefonttheme[onlymath]{serif} \\begin{document} \\begin{frame} Lorsque le \\og \\textit{carreau carré} \\fg{} mesure: \\begin{itemize} \\item $\\rm 1\\,cm$ de côté, l'unité d'aire est appelée le \\og \\textrm{centimètre carré} \\fg{} et est noté $\\rm cm^2$; \\item $\\rm 1\\,dm$ \\hspace{1mm}'' \\hspace{3mm}'' \\hspace{8mm}'' \\hspace{8mm}'' \\hspace{5mm}''\\hspace{8mm}'' \\hspace{5.5mm}''\\hspace{1mm} \\og \\textrm{décimètre carré} \\fg{} \\hspace{2mm}'' \\hspace{2mm}'' \\hspace{4mm}'' \\hspace{1.5mm} $\\rm dm^2$; \\item $\\rm 1\\,m$ \\hspace{3mm}'' \\hspace{3mm}'' \\hspace{8mm}'' \\hspace{8mm}'' \\hspace{5mm}'' \\hspace{7mm}'' \\hspace{5.5mm}''\\hspace{1mm} \\og \\textrm{mètre carré} \\fg{} \\hspace{9mm}'' \\hspace{2mm}'' \\hspace{4mm}'' \\hspace{1mm} $\\rm m^2$; \\item etc. \\end{itemize} \\end{frame} \\end{document} How can I get the same effect more simply than by tinkering like I just did?",
"isolated non-normal surface singularity I am looking for an isolated non-normal singularity on an algebraic surface. One obvious example occurs to me: the union of two $2$-dimensional affine subspaces of $\\mathbb{A}^4$ which meet in a point. But this seems like \"cheating.\" Can someone provide an irreducible example?",
"Theoretical proof of the constant of speed of light $c$ in vacuum in all frames of references Is there any theoretical proof for the constant speed of light in all frames of references? I know it is experimentally proven but just curious.",
"Understanding shape and calculation of confidence bands in linear regression I am trying to understand the origin of the curved shaped of confidence bands associated with an OLS linear regression and how it relates to the confidence intervals of the regression parameters (slope and intercept), for example (using R): require(visreg) fit <- lm(Ozone ~ Solar.R,data=airquality) visreg(fit) It appears that the band is related to the limits of the lines calculated with the 2.5% intercept, and the 97.5% slope, as well as with the 97.5% intercept, and the 2.5% slope (although not quite): xnew <- seq(0,400) int <- confint(fit) lines(xnew, (int[1,2]+int[2,1]*xnew)) lines(xnew, (int[1,1]+int[2,2]*xnew)) What I don't understand are two things: What about the combination of 2.5% slope & 2.5% intercept as well as 97.5% slope and 97.5% intercept? These give lines that are clearly outside the band plotted above. Maybe I don't understand the meaning of a confidence interval, but if in 95% of the cases my estimates are within the confidence interval, these seem like a possible outcome? What determines the minimum distance between the upper and lower limit (i.e. close to the point where the two lines added above intercept)? I guess both questions arise because I don't know/understand how these bands are actually calculated. How can I calculate the upper and lower limits using the confidence intervals of the regression parameters (without relying on predict() or a similar function, i.e. by hand)? I tried to decipher the predict.lm function in R, but the coding is beyond me. I'd appreciate any pointers towards relevant literature or explanations suitable for stats beginners. Thanks.",
"Origins of possessive pronouns",
"PyQGIS getting dictionary for each feature of layer with their attribute values",
"How to fill gaps in SLC-Off Landsat 7 ETM+ Images with QGIS? Explanation of the problem: On 31 May 2003 the Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) sensor had a failure of the Scan Line Corrector (SLC). Since that time all Landsat ETM+ images have had wedge-shaped gaps on both sides of each scene, resulting in approximately 22% data loss. These images are available for free download from the USGS GloVis website and are found in the L7 SLC-off collection. source: Can I use Qgis instead of proprietary software (ENVI, Erdas....) to fill the gaps?",
"Can I use Wi-Fi and cable (Ethernet) networking at same time? I am on an intranet that is not connected to the Internet and a Wi-Fi router with connection to the Internet. When I am connected to the wireless network, I can browse the Internet, but I cannot browse my LAN with my Ethernet cable connected. How can I browse the Internet via my Wi-Fi router and at the same time browse my local LAN web application via my connected Ethernet cable?",
"How many \"polygons\" does my model have? I have my model and in the info bar its show this May I need to know how many polygons it has, but there is no option to find polygons. Verts, Edge and Faces nothing polygon option there. In the website its say that the upload limit is 400,000 polygons. I did not get over that limit or how many polygons my model has?",
"Prove $\\gcd(a,b) \\gcd(a,c) \\gcd(b,c) \\,\\text{lcm} (a,b,c)^2=$ $\\text{lcm}(a,b)\\,\\text{lcm}(a,c) \\,\\text{lcm}(b,c) \\gcd(a,b,c)^2$ I'm trying prove $$\\gcd(a,b) \\gcd(a,c) \\gcd(b,c) \\,\\text{lcm} (a,b,c)^2=\\text{lcm}(a,b)\\,\\text{lcm}(a,c) \\,\\text{lcm}(b,c) \\gcd(a,b,c)^2$$ It is a part of solution of another problem I try a lot to prove it but I could not be succeed. I tried using exponent manipulation in prime factorizations but it didn't help me."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How many $\sigma$-algebras on a $4$-element set $X$? | Number of sigma algebras for set with 4 elements | [
"Change files with Editor that need sudo permissions I want to change files with KomodoEdit that need sudo permissions. I can't start KomodoEdit with sudo, though (for whatever reason). Can I somehow grant Komodo permission to edit those files (in particular I am talking about apache2 files and /etc/hosts)?",
"What may happen after a stack of spells resolves? Within the same phase, once a stack of spells has resolved in its entirety, is priority once again given to a player so that more spells may be cast? For example: I attack with a creature. Opponent opts not to block. Now, I want to buff (e.g. +3/+3) my creature multiple times, but I'm afraid of my opponent responding with a burn (e.g. Deal 3 damage) spell at the top of the stack. Can I buff once, ask if opponent wants to respond, then allow the stack to resolve. Then, in the same phase, cast more buff?",
"How to add horizontal cylinder at end of cube",
"How do I split a string so I can access item x? Using SQL Server, how do I split a string so I can access item x? Take a string \"Hello John Smith\". How can I split the string by space and access the item at index 1 which should return \"John\"?",
"Let me use the following example to explain my question: public string ExampleFunction(string Variable) { return something; } string WhatIsMyName = "Hello World"; string Hello = ExampleFunction(WhatIsMyName); When I pass the variable WhatIsMyName to the ExampleFunction, I want to be able to get a string of the original variable's name. Perhaps something like: Variable.OriginalName.ToString() Is there any way to do this?",
"Java Hashmap: How to get key from value?",
".NET String.Format() to add commas in thousands place for a number",
"How to redirect output of wget as input to unzip? I have to download a file from this . The file download is a zip file which I will have to unzip in the current folder. Normally, I would download it first, then run the unzip command. $ wget http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=11834 -O temp.zip $ unzip temp.zip But in this way, I need to execute two commands, wait for the completion of first one to execute the next one, also, I must know the name of the file temp.zip to give it to unzip. Is it possible to redirect output of wget to unzip? Something like $ unzip < `wget http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=11834` But it didn't work. bash: wget http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=11834 -O temp.zip: ambiguous redirect Also, wget got executed twice, and downloaded the file twice.",
"Fields finitely generated as $\\mathbb Z$-algebras are finite? Suppose $k$ is a field that is finitely generated as a ${\\mathbb Z}$-algebra. (That is, $k$ is a quotient of ${\\mathbb Z}[X_1,\\dots,X_n]$ for some $n$). Does it follow that $k$ is finite?",
"How to change Facebook username? Do I have to re-register a new Facebook account to change my facebook.com/USERNAME? Or are there any ways to change it?",
"What is a simple way to create a binary relation symbol on top of another? What is a simple way to have \\ll on top of \\gg with equal size and vertically center aligned and have them work as a binary relation symbol like \\lessgtr? The commands \\underset and \\overset cannot be used because they do not treat the two symbols equally, and they do not vertically center.",
"During the re-tagging of questions, tags sometimes become orphaned from existing questions. Are these zombie tags ever removed from the ? What if a tag is misspelled and needs to be removed? How do we get rid of it?",
"I have a long-running Python server and would like to be able to upgrade a service without restarting the server. What's the best way do do this? if foo.py has changed: unimport foo <-- How do I do this? import foo myfoo = foo.Foo()",
"In what cases does the gerund stemming from a transitive verb take the direct object of that verb and when is a prepositional complement used? For example: Brown's deft painting of his daughter is a delight to watch (it is a delight to watch while Brown deftly paints his daughter). Painting his daughter is an outlet for his energy. Securing safety for prisoners is the main problem for the penitentiary system. The widely discussed problem of the securing of prisoners' safety was given priority.",
"A number of times I have encountered in text-books and articles that neutrinos might contribute only a small fraction to dark matter. The reason has to do with the fact that if all of the dark matter consisted of neutrinos, then small-scale structures in the Universe could not have formed yet, because, as they say, neutrinos \"wash out\" small fluctuations. However, none of these texts provided a reference to any specific sources explaining in detail what is meant by \"washing out\". After all, neutrinos are notorious in their weak interaction with baryonic matter, so if there is a small-scale fluctuation of baryons, then how background neutrinos can prevent it from growing further if they practically do not interact with baryons? I guess the question boils down to calculating cross-sections of interactions at specific temperatures. I would appreciate comments and references to sources addressing this particular issue.",
"Azure DNS does not lookup SPF policies for certain domains",
"Bounded in Probability and smaller order in probability",
"I was trying to think but cannot figure it out. For instance, if the interaction is small, for instance limited to a windows, the observers in each universe will see that the other goes in reverse. But what if they can start a more meaningful interaction? (for instance, if one observer crosses the window and moves to the other universe, will anything change? why and how fast? (at least at the beginning his thinking will move in the same time arrow than in his universe, but the physical processes around him will still violate the second law?",
"How does $ \\sum_{p<x} p^{-s} $ grow asymptotically for $ \\text{Re}(s) < 1 $?",
"Calling Non-Static Method In Static Method In Java"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Generic function overload | Generic constraints, where T : struct and where T : class | [
"How to Hide sections of InfoPath form based on Group membership I need to Hide \"Sections\" of InfoPath form using SharePoint or AD group membership (either is fine). How can I achieve this? InfoPath 2010 in SharePoint 2010",
"Why does default auto.arima stop at (5,2,5)? The function auto.arima in the forecast package of R is a powerful tool to identify the best ARIMA(p,d,q) model for a given data series. In the of the function, they report the following: auto.arima(y, d=NA, max.p=5, max.q=5, max.order=5, max.d=2, start.p=2, start.q=2, ...) According to the above function it seems that, by default, auto.arima tries to find the best model among all the combination having: p equal or lower than 5 q equal or lower than 5 d equal or lower than 2 order equal or lower to 5, i.e. p + q + d ≤ 5. However, why does the default code stops at these conditions? Is there any particular reason why p, q and d should be equal or lower than 5, 5 and 2 and their sum lower than 5?",
"This is from . Let $\\mathcal{A}$ be a locally small category, and let $A,A' \\in \\mathcal{A}$ with $\\operatorname{Hom}(-,A) \\cong \\operatorname{Hom}(-,A')$. Prove directly that $A \\cong A'$. My thoughts: Let $\\eta$ denote the natural isomoprhism between the two functors. We have $$H(A,A) \\xrightarrow{ \\eta_A} H(A,A')$$ So $\\eta_A(id_A): A \\rightarrow A'$ is a candidate. Now I want to construct inverse. $$ H(A',A') \\xrightarrow{\\eta_{A'}} H(A',A)$$ Then the map $\\eta^{-1}_{A'} (id_{A'}):A' \\rightarrow A$. So I'd like to show that the composition is identity. By the naturality condition of $\\eta$, from $H_A(A) \\rightarrow H_{A'}(A')$ (and similarly on other direction) $$ \\eta_A(id_A) \\circ \\eta^{-1}_{A'}(id_{A'}) = \\eta_{A'}(\\eta_{A'}^{-1}(id_{A'}))= id_{A'} $$ We deduce these two maps are inverses. Hence $A' \\cong A$. Is this correct? Or is there a neat way to see this?",
"how to fix ioctl permissions denied error? I searched in lots of websites/forums but did not find a solution for this problem, and this site is last chance, this is problem: This problem have several other users too. my phone is Galaxy S7 Edge , exynos, Oreo 8.0 (Stock ROM), rooted with magisk latest version. root works well in other applications. In pentesting applications like csploit, Network Spoofer, WifiKill and others root works well(grants permission) but when start using options of app(for example, arp spoofing, network sniffer, MITM, etc) drops same error: [ERROR] Unable to retrieve local hardware address libnet ( ioctl: Permission denied ) what to do? Can this issue fixed? or exactly which permission is it? Also one interesting thing, when I installed old version of WifiKill app it worked - killed wifi connection.",
"How do you performance test JavaScript code? CPU Cycles, Memory Usage, Execution Time, etc.? Added: Is there a quantitative way of testing performance in JavaScript besides just perception of how fast the code runs?",
"How do I move child windows without moving or minimizing parent in GNOME 3? I have Ubuntu 17.10 with GNOME 3. What happens: I have (for example) LibreOffice Calc open, with some data columns in it. I highlight the columns I want to chart, then I select INSERT > CHART. The chart child window dialog pops up on top of my data, so I want to move it to the side. When I grab the top bar and move it, the parent (spreadsheet) window minimizes (I think it actually disappears). Continuing the above example, if I click FINISH on the chart window, I can then see the minimized spreadsheet application, which is the window title bar plus the menu bar just below it. This seems like really odd behaviour and certainly falls under the category of \"not being useful to the user\", since the whole idea of moving the child window in the first place was just to be able to better see the spreadsheet! In other applications, for example the PDF viewer, a slightly different problem occurs. When I try to move the child window (for example the print dialog) the parent does not minimize but instead follows the child window around. This is less surprising than having the parent disappear entirely but equally useless in terms of allowing the user to see the information present in the parent window. Update 2017/11/06 Pomsky's answer below fixes the problem, but leaves me wondering why the window manager is making the decision that all child windows have modal behaviour (or don't), and not the applications themselves; and further, why modal behaviour prevents moving the child screen around when it obscures useful info on the parent screen. Neither of these seem like good design to me...",
"Let $G = \\mathbb{R} / \\mathbb{Q}$. Is this an interesting group to study? Is it isomorphic to any more natural mathematical objects?",
"how long does the care take to reach the last pole algebra word problem There are 20 poles with a constant distance between each pole. A car takes 22 seconds to reach the 12th pole starting from the first pole, with a constant speed between each pole. how many seconds will it take to reach the last pole? Is the answer 36 seconds? since $\\frac{22} {12} = 1.83 $ $1.83 \\times 20 = 36.67 $",
"Anonymous users can't see new content type in feed",
"Is it possible to import comments into a chat room without the link appearing? Question: For an answer on a stack exchange site with say 8 comments, how can I / is it possible to import the comments into a chat room? Background: I was helping with a and made several comments before I saw the link to auto-import comments into a chat room. This was awesome by the way!! Note that the person who asked the question left a link to the chat room in a comment. I wanted to make a similar chat room because I edited an answer which wasn't mine and added a paragraph. I wanted to chat with the answer's author @JonHopkins to say, 'hey feel free to remove my edit -- just wanted to add my $0.02' -- especially as the stack exchange engines said not to add an additional answer. HOWEVER, there was no link to auto-import the comments -- probably because I hadn't previously left one, but I'm not sure. So I ask here, Stack Exchange Gurus, could a static link be added to auto-import a series of comments into a chat session?",
"Why is there an \"electric\" potential drop across the resistor? An electric potential difference is created when two charges are separated. In a capacitor, there is a clear accumulation of opposite charges on the two separated plates, therefore work has to be done in moving an unit charge from one plate to another, against the electric field. But, , a potential difference is created in a resistor due to the heat produced by the collision and increased lattice vibrations. So there is an energy loss across the resistor, yes, but how does this energy loss due to heat create an electric potential difference. In other words, do electrons accumulate on one or both sides of the resistor? If not, why should we do electric work in moving from one end of the resistor to another. If the difference in energy is not due to electric work, then that's not electric potential, is it?",
"Bernoulli maximum likelihood Suppose $X_1, X_2, \\dots, X_n$ are iid Bernoulli(p) random variables. How do you find the restricted maximum likelihood for p where $0<p<0.5$? My work so far: Write out the likelihood: $L=p^{\\sum x} (1-p)^{n-\\sum x}$ Take the log: $\\ln(L) = \\sum x\\ln(p)+(n-\\sum x)\\ln(1-p)$ Take the derivative and set equal to zero: $\\frac{\\sum x-np}{p(1-p)}=0$. Now I'm stuck. I don't know how to incorporate the restrictions for $p$.",
"How to implement \"confirmation\" dialog in Jquery UI dialog?",
"Let: $P(x) = a_nx^n + a_{n-1}x^{n-1} + ..... + a_1x + a_0$ where $a_0a_n < 0$ I have to prove that the Polynomial $P(x)$ has at least one positive root how can I prove it? Any ideas?",
"Make wifi preferable over wired connection in Ubuntu 14.04? How do I make Ubuntu choose wifi connection over wired connection when both are connected to internet? I edited the Ethernet connection to route using the preference \"Use this connection only for resources on this network\", which other people have reported having success with as a means of getting WiFi preferred, but it doesn't work for me. The issue persists. Ethernet is still being preferred for internet, and WiFi gets ignored. another thing, is it possible to use wired connection as fail over connection to wireless?",
"Why modules with no variables?",
"How to find the inverse modulo $m$?",
"Do we have name for these kind of \"flat graphics\" images?",
"Express $1 + \\frac {1}{2} \\binom{n}{1} + \\frac {1}{3} \\binom{n}{2} + \\dotsb + \\frac{1}{n + 1}\\binom{n}{n}$ in a simplifed form I need to express $$1 + \\frac {1}{2} \\binom{n}{1} + \\frac {1}{3} \\binom{n}{2} + \\dotsb + \\frac{1}{n + 1}\\binom{n}{n}$$ in a simplified form. So I used the identity $$(1+x)^n=1 + \\binom{n}{1}x + \\binom{n}{2}x^2 + \\dotsb + \\binom{n}{n}x^n$$ Now on integrating both sides and putting $x=1$. I am getting $$\\frac{2^{n+1}}{n+1}$$ is equal to the given expression.But the answer in my book is $$\\frac{2^{n+1}-1}{n+1}.$$ Where does that -1 term in the numerator come from?",
"I have two machines with RJ11 ports and I had a RJ11 Modular Telephone Cable lying around.I wondered if it was possible to create a network between the two machines with those RJ11 Modular Telephone Cable (back to back via RJ11 ports) much like a network we create between two computers with a single RJ45 Modular connector cable. Is this setup possible at all ? If it is , what will be the maximum transfer speed i can achieve between these two computers ?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why do I not get a continuous plot? | Is floating point math broken? | [
"Is the graviton hypothetical? Wikipedia lists the as a hypothetical particle. I wonder whether graviton is indeed hypothetical or does its existence directly follow from modern physics? Does observation of gravitational waves amount to the discovery of graviton or could there be gravitational waves not composed of gravitons?",
"Where can I learn the meanings of RPG terminology? Words like 'campaign', 'system', 'dX', etc. Is there a good web resource with them all on a single page?",
"Drop shadow for text in PGF/Beamer I want to really put an emphasis on some central piece of text I'm using in a Beamer slide. I'm using tikz and overlay to put it, enlarged, on the center of the page, using the following code: \\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] \\node[at=(current page.center)] { \\scalebox{2}{\\Huge\\texttt{{This is important!}}} }; \\end{tikzpicture} Can I add a drop shadow to the letter themselves, so they would look even more emphasized? Is there some other decoration that can be added to the text itself, like a glow, etc.? Or does PGF ignores node text altogether? The text should be in typewriter style, so using special fancy fonts is probably not the solution.",
"Upgraded to 13.10 now clock settings are all disabled and clock does not display I've upgraded to 13.10 and now I don't have the standard menu clock, which I need for work. I checked and 'indicator-datetime' is installed. I even uninstalled/reinstalled that applet with no luck. Also my \"clock\" settings under System Preferences are all disabled. I can't change anything. Does anyone know how I can get the old menu clock back? Alternatively is there another menu clock app I can download? Edit 1 Thanks for the responses I've restarted several times and that didn't fix the issue. I just ran the 13.10 update today. But I ran it again a few minutes ago. I got about 200KB in random updates. The issue is still present after a reboot. # apt-cache policy indicator-datetime indicator-datetime: Installed: 13.10.0+13.10.20131016.2-0ubuntu1 Candidate: 13.10.0+13.10.20131016.2-0ubuntu1 Version table: *** 13.10.0+13.10.20131016.2-0ubuntu1 0 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ saucy/main amd64 Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status Edit 2 I believe the issue is related to 'rarings' changing the systray somehow... Or , although I haven't got that solution to work yet. Edit 3 Because of a suggestion from RolandiXor I've check the binaries. My system is missing 'libical.so.0' but it has 'libical.so.1'. ldd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-datetime-service libical.so.0 => not found Does anyone know how to get the libical.so.0 binary that the datetime service needs but doesn't install?",
"What happens when I run the command cat /proc/cpuinfo? What happens when I write cat /proc/cpuinfo. Is that a named pipe (or something else) to the OS which reads the CPU info on the fly and generate that text each time I call it?",
"What's an idiom for doing something in an unnecessarily complicated way? For an example, I'll quote C.S. Lewis' The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: One day the cat got into the dairy and twenty of them were at work moving all the milk out; no one thought of moving the cat. Is there an idiom for this type of situation?",
"I've created main SELECT statement like below. For every row in Base table (base on IDKey I've added columns with values from result of INNER JOIN of few tables. SELECT IDKey, Name, (select Amount from Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ... where ID=IDKey) AS AmountTypeX, (select Amount from Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ... where ID=IDKey) AS AmountTypeY FROM BaseTable BaseTable: IDKey Name ---------- 1 Ian 2 John 3 Ann ... INNER JOIN of few tables Table1, Table2... : ID Amount Type -------------- 1 100 X 1 200 Y 2 300 X 2 400 Y 3 500 X 3 600 Y ... Result looks like: IDKey Name AmountTypeX AmountTypeY ------------------------------------- 1 Ian 100 200 2 John 300 400 3 Ann 500 600 ... Do you have any suggestion how to avoid this nested SELECT statements in the main query at the begining and made this query simpler and more effective ? I wast thinking about PIVOTING of the INNER JOIN result to look like below (all data for particular ID in one row) and then JOIN with main query but Have no idea how to do this and is it possible. ID X Y ----------- 1 100 200 2 300 400 3 500 600 ...",
"Can I use my iPhone as a \"remote\" for my iPad?",
"Solve the equation $28^x = 19^y+87^z$ in integers",
"When should I use a fixed or variable time step?",
"If $k=1$, we have \\begin{align} \\sum_{n\\ge1}\\frac{1}{\\binom{2n}{n}}&=\\frac12\\sum_{n\\ge1}n\\mathrm{B}(n,n)\\\\ &=\\frac12\\int _{0}^{1}\\sum_{n\\ge1}n(t-t^2)^{{n-1}}{\\mathrm d}t\\\\ &=\\frac12\\int _{0}^{1}\\frac{1}{(t-t^2-1)^2}{\\mathrm d}t\\\\ &=\\frac13+\\frac{2\\sqrt3\\pi}{27} \\end{align} I wonder if there exists a general formula of $\\sum_{n\\ge1}{\\binom{2n}{n}^{-k}}$ with $k\\in\\Bbb N^*$. This may involve some ${}_pF_q$ functions.",
"Why are second order linear PDEs classified as either elliptic, hyperbolic or parabolic? Is there a geometric interpretation of second order linear partial differential equations which explains why they are classified as either elliptic, hyperbolic or parabolic, or is this just a naming convention? That is, do they have any relation with actual ellipses, hyperbolas and parabolas?",
"How to succeed with making omelette",
"If $|f(z)|\\le |g(z)|$, can we say $f$ is constant? Let $f$ and $g$ be entire functions and $g(z)\\neq 0$ for all $z\\in \\mathbb{C}$. If $|f(z)|\\le |g(z)|$, can we say $f$ is constant? Liouville theorem says that an entire bounded function is constant, but g is not given bounded here. So I think it should be false. What else can we say about $f$?",
"Why is $\\frac{1}{\\infty } \\approx 0 $ and $ \\frac{1}{0} = {\\infty}$? First I have checked the search option but found nothing relevant to my problem and also level of math. I just started learning the language of mathematics, on my own and I have trouble understanding why $ \\frac{1}{\\infty } \\approx 0 $ and why $\\frac{1}{0} = {\\infty}$? I want to know how exactly do I get to these answers. It might sound strange but it's hard for me as a beginner to picture things like this on my own.",
"A friend offered me a brain teaser to which the solution involves a $195$ pound man juggling two $3$-pound balls to traverse a bridge having a maximum capacity of only $200$ pounds. He explained that since the man only ever holds one $3$-pound object at a time, the maximum combined weight at any given moment is only $195 + 3=198$ pounds, and the bridge would hold. I corrected him by explaining that the acts of throwing up and catching the ball temporarily make you 'heavier' (an additional force is exerted by the ball to me and by me onto the bridge due to the change in momentum when throwing up or catching the ball), but admitted that gentle tosses/catches (less acceleration) might offer a situation in which the force on the bridge never reaches the combined weight of the man and both balls. Can the bridge withstand the man and his balls?",
"Is $\\{\\emptyset\\}$ a subset of $\\{\\{\\emptyset\\}\\}$? $\\{\\emptyset\\}$ is a set containing the empty set. Is $\\{\\emptyset\\}$ a subset of $\\{\\{\\emptyset\\}\\}$? My hypothesis is yes by looking at the form of \"the superset $\\{\\{\\emptyset\\}\\}$\" which contains \"the subset $\\{\\emptyset\\}$\".",
"Why don't the Google Docs CTRL + ALT shortcuts work? I'm currently using Google Docs, but when I try to use the keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl+Alt+M it gives µ instead. Is Chrome (9) overruling Google Docs in some way? How can I get these shortcuts working? I'm using Chrome dev 9 on a Dutch Windows 7 with a US-layout keyboard",
"What Happens When A Gravitational Wave Interacts With Another One? If two gravitational waves came in contact with each other what would happen? In another question entirely, what happens when a higher gravitational field interacts with a weaker one.",
"Use physical harddisk in Virtual Box Using Virtual Box, how can I install an OS to a secondary, physical disk, and boot it in both (at separate times) Virtual Box, and as a typical secondary OS install?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
For each loop with if statement in Java | How do I compare strings in Java? | [
"Find $f$ if $$ f(x)+f\\left(\\frac{1}{1-x}\\right)=x $$ I think, that I have to find x that $f(x) = f\\left(\\frac{1}{1-x}\\right)$ I've tried to put x which make $x = \\frac{1}{1 - x}$, but this equation has no roots in real numbers.",
"This question is a bit more subjective, but I'm hoping to get some new perspective. I'm so used to designing for certain screen size (typically 1024x768) that I find that size to not be a problem. Expanding the size to 1280x1024 doesn't buy you enough screen real estate to make an appreciable difference, but will give me a little more breathing room. Basically, I just expand my \"grid size\" and the same basic design for the slightly smaller screen still works. However, in the last couple of projects, my clients were all using 1080p (1920x1080) screens and they wanted solutions to use as much of that real estate as possible. 1920 pixels across provides just under twice the width I am used to, and the widescreen makes some of my old go to design approaches not to work as well. The problem I'm running into is that when presented with so much space, I'm confronted with some major problems. How many columns should I use? The wide-format lends itself to a 3 column split with a 2:1:1 split (i.e. the content column bigger than the other two). However, if I go with three columns what do I do with that extra column? How do I make efficient use of the screen real estate? There's a temptation to put everything on the screen at once, but too much information actually makes the application harder to use. White space is important to help make sense of complex information, but too much makes related concepts look too separate. I'm usually working with web applications that have complex data, and visualization and presentation is key to making sense of the raw data. When your user also has a large screen (at least 24\"), some information is out of eyesight and you need to move the pointer a long distance. How do you make sure everything that's needed stays within the visual hot points? Simple sites like blogs actually do better when the width is constrained, which results in a lot of wasted real estate. I kind of wonder if having the text box and the text preview side by side would be a big benefit for the admin side of that type of screen? (1:1 two-column split). For your answers, I know almost everything in the design is \"it depends\". What I'm looking for is: General principles you use How your approach to design has changed I'm finding that I have to retrain myself how to work with this different format. Every bump in the resolution I've worked through to date has been about 25%: 640 to 800 (25% increase), 800 to 1024 (28% increase), and 1024 to 1280 (25% increase). However, the jump from 1280 to 1920 is a good 50% increase in space--the equivalent from jumping from 640 straight to 1024. There was no commonly used middle size to help learn lessons more gradually. To help focus the question a little bit, I had a project that was somewhat similar to Atlassian JIRA, an issue management system. There were about six different types of records the client wanted to keep, all of them could potentially be related to each other. Gathering data wasn't the core problem, although it did play a part. The more important side of the problem was creating a system which would suggest potential relationships between the records and helped the analysts recognize patterns in the reported incidents. There were different types of analysts that focused on the different problem domains, and due to the nature of their exploratory type of work, they didn't know what they wanted. They just knew they had to make sense of a lot of data, draw correlations, and characterize classes of issues. (Originally asked here: , but told that this might be more appropriate) For the bounty: Stretch your minds a bit. The pat answer \"Make everything bigger\" has a limit to how useful the answer is. We are talking about users who have to make sense of a lot of data and find relationships between records. If I simply bump up the size on everything they are going to be very limited in what they can see on the screen--particularly because the vertical is so constrained.",
"How to line up the pieces at the coast near the shipwreck? In The Witness, I was walking along the coast, and I came upon this: Now, since I've learned that mazes can be embedded in the environment, I see the puzzle here, but I just can't get the pieces to line up well enough. Standing on the couch and walking all around it doesn't seem to get me a functional maze. Where do I need to stand to activate the puzzle successfully?",
"Error: could not start the command in Texmaker when I run makeindex I'm trying to create a nomenclature but I'm getting the following error when I run makeindex: Error: Could not start the command This error appears even with this basic example: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage[refpage]{nomencl} \\makenomenclature \\begin{document} Example of nomenclature \\nomenclature{A}{Area} \\printnomenclature \\end{document} In the Configure Texmaker editor I wrote: makeindex %.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o %.nls in the makeindex slot. Then I run: PdfLaTeX MakeIndex And the error appears... I also tried all suggestions , but nothing seems to work. I have installed MacTex 2012 distribution, Mac OS X 10.7.5",
"Declare IDisposable for the class or interface?",
"Is it possible to get the progress of an XMLHttpRequest (bytes uploaded, bytes downloaded)? This would be useful to show a progress bar when the user is uploading a large file. The standard API doesn't seem to support it, but maybe there's some non-standard extension in any of the browsers out there? It seems like a pretty obvious feature to have after all, since the client knows how many bytes were uploaded/downloaded. note: I'm aware of the \"poll the server for progress\" alternative (it's what I'm doing right now). the main problem with this (other than the complicated server-side code) is that typically, while uploading a big file, the user's connection is completely hosed, because most ISPs offer poor upstream. So making extra requests is not as responsive as I'd hoped. I was hoping there'd be a way (maybe non-standard) to get this information, which the browser has at all times.",
"Pluralizing abbreviations where the noun is not the last word",
"Evaluate: $$\\int_{-\\pi/4}^{\\pi/4}(\\cos(t)+\\sqrt{1+t^2}\\cos(t)^3\\sin(t)^3)dt$$ I have tried substituting $t=\\tan(\\theta)$ and breaking up the $\\cos(t)^3$ using $\\cos(t)^2=1-\\sin(t)^2$, but I can't figure it out. This question is #21 from the Math subject GRE form GR1268.",
"My QGIS project has two layers, one layer is retrieved by Google layer plugin which fetches the static Google map image whose CRS is +proj=merc +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +units=m +no_defs and another vector layer is a postgis layer whose CRS is +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs. I digitalized some polygon features from Google Layers and added it to the vector layer. However, QGIS seems do not make the automatic CRS transformation. How can I change its projection? Thanks",
"Identifying a resistor with a weird band combination",
"Hiding winforms app from taskbar",
"What is the difference between procfs and sysfs? What is the difference between procfs and sysfs? Why are they made as file systems? As I understand it, proc is just something to store the immediate info regarding the processes running in the system.",
"How do I access my Windows partition? I have Ubuntu 12.04 installed on my HP G62-453 TU Laptop. I cannot access the contents of my hard disk partition E.",
"How can I use a variable in the replacement side of the Perl substitution operator?",
"How to automatically keep user remembered in Devise",
"Is it possible for information to be transmitted faster than light by using a rigid pole? Is it possible for information (like 1 and 0s) to be transmitted faster than light? For instance, take a rigid pole of several AU in length. Now say you have a person on each end, and one of them starts pulling and pushing on his/her end. The person on the opposite end should receive the pushes and pulls instantaneously as no particle is making the full journey. Would this actually work?",
"I am trying to classify using randomForest classification in GEE . However, I always get the error User memory limit exceeded, so I assume the number of the feature are too large. Nevertheless, I saw many developers can classify even bigger dataset, so I am wondering if there is a better option there? The code can be accessed via var fire= ee.FeatureCollection('users/spatola/recovery_rf_1712').map(function(feature){ var num = ee.Number.parse(feature.get('CLC_311')); return feature.set('CLC_311', num); }) var indices= ['EVI_mean','Dnbr','NBR2_mean','NBR2_min','NBR2_max','EVI_min','EVI_max']; var fire1= fire.filter(ee.Filter.notNull(indices)); var fire2= fire1.select('Class_R','Dnbr','EVI_max','NBR2_max','imageId') var bands= ['NBR2_max', 'EVI_max']; var classProperty= 'Class_R'; var random= fire2.randomColumn('random'); var split_train= 0.8; var split_test= 0.2; var trainPartition= random.filter(ee.Filter.lt('random',split_train)); var testPartition= random.filter(ee.Filter.gte('random',split_test)); var RFtrained_c= ee.Classifier.smileRandomForest({ numberOfTrees: 100, minLeafPopulation:2, seed: 123, }) .setOutputMode('CLASSIFICATION') .train({ features: trainPartition, inputProperties: bands, classProperty: classProperty, }) print(RFtrained_c); var dict = RFtrained_c.explain(); var test = testPartition.classify(RFtrained_c) print(test.first())",
"When I get exceptions, it is often from deep within the call stack. When this happens, more often than not, the actual offending line of code is hidden from me: tmp.rb:7:in `t': undefined method `bar' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError) from tmp.rb:10:in `s' from tmp.rb:13:in `r' from tmp.rb:16:in `q' from tmp.rb:19:in `p' from tmp.rb:22:in `o' from tmp.rb:25:in `n' from tmp.rb:28:in `m' from tmp.rb:31:in `l' ... 8 levels... from tmp.rb:58:in `c' from tmp.rb:61:in `b' from tmp.rb:64:in `a' from tmp.rb:67 That \"... 8 levels...\" truncation is causing me a great deal of trouble. I'm not having much success googling for this one: How do I tell ruby that I want dumps to include the full stack?",
"Can I use two 7805 ICs in parallel to get double current capacity? I use a 7805 for a project where the circuit needs a higher current (~2.8 A) at 5 V. So I assume that if I use both ICs in parallel I can increase the maximum current capacity. Would it work?",
"I have some non-Gaussian distributed variable and I need to check if there are significant differences between the values of this variable in 5 different groups. I have performed Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance (which came up significant) and after that I had to check which groups were significantly different. Since the groups are kind of sorted (the values of the variable in the first group are supposed to be lower than the values of the variable in the second group which are supposed to be lower than the values of the variable in the third group and so on) I only performed 4 tests: Group 1 vs Group 2 Group 2 vs Group 3 Group 3 vs Group 4 Group 4 vs Group 5 I have performed this analysis with two different methods. I started by using Dunn's Multiple Comparison Test but nothing came up significant. On the other hand if I use Mann-Whitney test and correct for the number of tests (4) using Bonferroni, 3 tests come up significant. What does it mean? Which results should I trust?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Insert new line before each operator | Find and Replace several several different values all at once | [
"How can i find the python triggered by the GUI? I want to fully automatize some of my blender processes, an i run into a lot of problems not finding the correct commands, not using the correct args... Can i just \"see\" in a log somewhere what were the commands blender ran ? To be very precise, i want to load a gltf file, and export it to stl. No problem through the gui, but i'm stuck with that bit of code : import bpy import sys import os file = open(r\"C:\\Users\\theo1\\Documents\\GitHub\\Hackathon2020\\map&mapdata\\mini.gltf\") bpy.ops.import_scene.gltf(file) bpy.ops.export_mesh.stl(filePath=r\"C:\\Users\\theo1\\Documents\\GitHub\\Hackathon2020\\map&mapdata\\mini.stl\") Which gives me this : Traceback (most recent call last): File \"<string>\", line 1, in <module> File \"C:\\Users\\theo1\\Desktop\\impExp.py\", line 7, in <module> bpy.ops.import_scene.gltf(file) File \"C:\\Program Files\\Blender Foundation\\Blender 2.81\\2.81\\scripts\\modules\\bpy\\ops.py\", line 198, in __call__ C_dict, C_exec, C_undo = BPyOpsSubModOp._parse_args(args) File \"C:\\Program Files\\Blender Foundation\\Blender 2.81\\2.81\\scripts\\modules\\bpy\\ops.py\", line 151, in _parse_args raise ValueError(\"1-3 args execution context is supported\") ValueError: 1-3 args execution context is supported thanks.",
"Italics markup not working in comments If I enter the following mark-down source: “*blah*” into a question or answer, then it works, but in a comment it doesn’t. The asterisks remain literal and don’t turn into italics.",
"Alternatively, why does the force created by blowing out air feel so much stronger than the force created by sucking in air? Ok, so forget the human factor involved in blowing out candles. Consider a vacuum cleaner with a suction end and a blower end. Anyone who has tried it out notices the blower end creates a much stronger force than the suction end, despite the discharge being (more or less) equal at both ends. Why does this happen?",
"Homomorphisms from $\\mathbb{Z} \\rightarrow S_3$.",
"Let $p$ be a prime number, and let $\\mathbb{F}_p$ be the field with $p$ elements. How many elements of $\\mathbb{F}_p$ have cube roots in $\\mathbb{F}_p$? I had this question on an exam and after reviewing I am still not sure. Any help would be appreciated.",
"What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#?",
"How to resize my dual-boot partitions I have a dual-boot laptop with both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04. Currently, the Windows side has too much disk space, and I want to resize things so that the Ubuntu side has more. Firstly, I went into the Windows disk management and shrunk the Windows partition by 20GB. I then wanted to expand the Ubuntu partition, but it seemed like this option was greyed out. Can I expand the Linux partition from Windows or do I need to be in Ubuntu or do I need to create a boot disk and do it that way? Or do I need third party software? Any help gratefully received.",
"Suppose that $(s_n)$ converges to s. Prove that $(s_n^2)$ converges to $s^2$ I am really struggling with my proofs class, I don't really understand how to prove a statement like this, or what the epsilon is standing for.. Suppose that $(s_n)$ converges to s. Prove that $(s_n^2)$ converges to $s^2$ directly without using the fact that $lim(s_nt_n)=st$ Suppose that $(s_n)$ converges to s. Then, since $(s_n)$ is convergent, there exists an $M_1$ such that $|S_n|<M_1$, for all $n\\in \\!\\,\\mathbb{N} \\!\\,$. Let $M=M_1+|S|$ (I don't completely understand this step...). Then given $ε>0$, there exists N such that n>N implies that $|s_n-s|<ε/M$. Thus for n>N, we have $|s_n^2-s^2|=|s_n-s|*|s_n+s|<(ε/M)(M)=ε$. Hence, $s_n^2$ converges to $s^2$.",
"Let $A$ be an $n\\times n$ complex nilpotent matrix. Then we know that because all eigenvalues of $A$ must be $0$, it follows that $\\text{tr}(A^n)=0$ for all positive integers $n$. What I would like to show is the converse, that is, if $\\text{tr}(A^n)=0$ for all positive integers $n$, then $A$ is nilpotent. I tried to show that $0$ must be an eigenvalue of $A$, then try to show that all other eigenvalues must be equal to 0. However, I am stuck at the point where I need to show that $\\det(A)=0$. May I know of the approach to show that $A$ is nilpotent?",
"Run a web server from any directory",
"Why don't you have to press CTRL+ALT+DEL to logon anymore in Windows 8? In previous versions of Windows, you had to press Ctrl + Alt + Delete to logon, or to unlock a locked workstation. This was because this key sequence was recognized only by the OS and thus other software couldn't intercept it and display a spoofed logon screen to capture passwords. Starting with Windows 8, you now just have to press Enter to get to the logon screen. What is to stop someone from writing a fake logon screen? Did Windows 8 add some sort of new security mechanism to mitigate this security issue?",
"I know it might be too easy for you guys here. I'm practicing some problems in the textbook, but this one really drove me crazy. From $\\gcd( a, b ) = 1$, I have $ax + by = 1$, where should I go from here? The extra $ac$ is so annoying. Any hint? Thanks, Chan",
"Average run length Suppose in an Xbar chart, k successive points plotted outside a control limit indicates an out of control situation. If p is the probability of plotting a point outside a control limit, how is ARL = $(1-p^k)/(p^k (1-p))$?",
"Prove that a limit doesn't exist In my assignment I have to prove that the following function doesn't have a limit: $$f(x)=\\frac{x}{x-\\lfloor{\\sin x}\\rfloor}$$ when $${x \\to 0}$$ In other words, I have to prove that for every $\\delta$ such that $0<|x-{x_0}|<\\delta,$ $|f(x)-L|>\\epsilon$. In fact, I don't even know how to start. Do I choose my $\\delta$? I know that the sin function has certain values that's supposed to help me. How do I use it? I have to prove this by definition, so I can't use limit arithmetic for example Thanks.",
"Adding values to a C# array",
"are the uses of 'bare infinitive' & 'participle' same here? I saw him sing I saw him singing In the first example, the verb sing is used as a bare infinitive and in the following one it is exemplified as a present participle. My question is if both of them are expressing the same meaning?",
"How do you file a bug report for Windows? I have come across an issue that I feel is a in Windows 7. What is the official process for submitting an issue to Microsoft from a consumers perspective as an end user of Windows?",
"My linear voltage regulator is overheating very fast I'm using a 5 V / 2 A voltage regulator () without a heatsink. I'm testing the circuit with a microcontroller (PIC18FXXXX), a few LEDs and a 1 mA piezzo buzzer. The input voltage is aprox. 24 VDC. After running for a minute, the voltage regulator starts to overheat, meaning it burns my finger if I keep it there for more than a second. Within a few minutes it starts to smell like it's burnt. Is this a normal behavior for this regulator? What could cause it to heat that much? Other components used in this circuit: L1: R2: F1:",
"Should I use the past tense with did? Should I use the past tense with did? For example, I was to say: The important question is: Did they knew what it means or not? Or should I say: The important question is: Did they know what it means or not? In other words: Should I use past tense with did? I looked at this: but it didn't really answer my question.",
"How can I prove this inequality in a triangle: $\\frac{1}{(b+c-a)} +\\frac{1}{(c+a-b)} +\\frac{1}{(a+b-c)} \\gt \\frac{1}{a} +\\frac{1}{b} +\\frac{1}{c}$? If $a,b,c$ are the sides of a triangle then show that- $\\frac{1}{(b+c-a)} +\\frac{1}{(c+a-b)} +\\frac{1}{(a+b-c)} \\gt \\frac{1}{a} +\\frac{1}{b} +\\frac{1}{c}$ I got this problem from an old book on algebra. I've been trying for a long time but can't reach the answer. My try on the question- We know that in a triangle, the sum of two sides is always greater than the third side $b+c\\gt a$ $\\implies$ $b+c-a \\gt 0$ $c+a\\gt b$ $\\implies$ $c+a-b\\gt 0$ $a+b \\gt c$ $\\implies$ $a+b-c\\gt 0$ Also, $\\frac {1}{(b+c)} \\lt \\frac{1}{a}$ $\\frac{1}{(c+a)} \\lt \\frac{1}{b}$ $\\frac{1}{(a+b)} \\lt \\frac{1}{c}$ Adding, $\\frac{1}{(b+c)} + \\frac{1}{(c+a)} +\\frac{1}{(a+b)} \\lt \\frac{1}{a} + \\frac{1}{b} + \\frac{1}{c}$ How do I proceed further? All genuine answers are welcome :)"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Save data to CSV and encode to utf-8 | UTF-8 all the way through | [
"How do I transcode a Javascript string to ISO-8859-1?",
"How to solve \"Extra junk at end of file\" when using apt? I'm trying to configure some proxies for a guest virtual machine and now I'm getting: sudo apt-get update E: Syntax error /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/95proxy:4: Extra junk at end of file The content of the file is: cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/95proxy Acquire::http::proxy \"\" Acquire::ftp::proxy \"\" Acquire::https::proxy \"\"",
"Confidence interval for the p-value estimate when doing Monte Carlo testing The second paragraph of the section of the Wikipedia article on resampling statistics, the values of a confidence interval for a p-value from a MC sampling is given: After $N$ random permutations, it is possible to obtain a confidence interval for the p-value based on the Binomial distribution. For example, if after $N = 10000$ random permutations the p-value is estimated to be $\\hat{p}=0.05$, then a 99% confidence interval for the true $p$ (the one that would result from trying all possible permutations) is $[0.044, 0.056]$. What's the formula to calculate it?",
"Consider the factorization into irreducibles of $6$ in $\\mathbb{Z}[\\sqrt{-5}]$. We have $6=2 \\times 3$ and $6=(1+\\sqrt{-5}) \\times (1-\\sqrt{-5})$, i.e. $2$ distinct factorizations. And, $$6^2=3 \\times 3\\times2\\times2$$ $$=(1+\\sqrt{-5}) \\times (1-\\sqrt{-5}) \\times (1+\\sqrt{-5}) \\times (1-\\sqrt{-5})$$ $$=(1+\\sqrt{-5}) \\times (1-\\sqrt{-5})\\times3\\times2.$$ More generally, $6^n$ will have $n+1$ distinct factorizations into irreducibles in $\\mathbb{Z}[\\sqrt{-5}]$ by a simple combinatorial argument. But, can we construct a ring in which there exists an element that has an infinite number of distinct factorizations into irreducibles? To make life harder, can we construct an extension of $\\mathbb{Z}$ in which this happens? I have been thinking about this for a while and have managed to find no foothold.. Any help is appreciated.",
"Too many of your edits were rejected, try again in 7 days",
"jQuery - regexp selecting and removeClass()?",
"Use Stack Exchange icon for Stack Exchange blog posts in the Community Bulletin is used to host global Stack Exchange blog posts and is using favicon of Stack Exchange itself. All good. However, when published in the bulletin, the Meta Stack Exchange icon is used for some reason: Can it be changed please to using the "full" icon?",
"I need to remove the annoying new \"locking\" screen that shows a giant clock: I can't remove it with just moving the mouse (as with any other desktop environment), the animation is slow, and it isn't asking me for a password! I managed to disable it, just to discover that now I can't lock my screen on purpose, so I can't go away from the computer. Just to clarify, I want to: After some time the screen could go black, but if I move the mouse or press any key then I can use it directly (like a normal screensaver). If I press super-L then it is locked, and I must type the password to unlock (like a normal lock screen). I found several \"solutions\", but none seems to work:",
"View the change history of a file using Git versioning How can I view the change history of an individual file in Git, complete details with what has changed? I have got as far as: git log -- [filename] which shows me the commit history of the file, but how do I get at the content of each of the file changes? I'm trying to make the transition from MS SourceSafe and that used to be a simple right-click → show history.",
"Short example of regular expression converted to a state machine?",
"Matlab arrays operation",
"$f$ strictly increasing does not imply $f'>0$ We know that a function $f: [a,b] \\to \\mathbb{R}$ continuous on $[a,b]$ and differentiable on $(a,b)$, and if $f'>0 \\mbox{ on} (a,b)$ , f is strictly increasing on $[a,b]$. Is there any counterexample that shows the converse fails? I have been trying to come up with simple examples but they all involve functions that are discontinuous or has derivative $f'=0$ which does not agree with the hypothesis hmmm",
"Creating files in C++",
"How to solve a difference equation? So I have the difference equation $4y_{k+1} = 2y_k$. I need to solve this equation, first with the initial condition $y_0 = 0$ and then with the initial condition $y_0 = 2$. The professor wrote on the answer sheet that applying iteratively the recurrence relation it is easy to check that: $y_k= (1/2)^k y_0 $. Since I missed the lecture where he explained this, can somebody explain how to come about with this question? I imagine that once I get the equation, then the initial condition $y_0 = 0$ gives us the particular solution $y_k = 0$. Thus the other initial condition $y_0 = 2$ is verified by the solution $y_k = 2(1/2)^k$. Any help on how to get to the equation $y_k= (1/2)^k y_0$ will be appreciated.",
"What is the difference between \"What are you?\" and \"Who are you?\"? I am often asked \"Who are you?\" and \"What are you?\", but I don't know the difference between these two questions. Please explain it to me.",
"I changed my Blender Units to Metric System, but when I'm building things, my meshes are transparent, i.e. I can see through faces like in wireframe even though my wireframe is turned off. All faces have a light white in non-wireframe mode, but I can still see through them. How do I reverse this? Another issue I get is this Looks like clipping is not working properly.",
"Filesystem shows /dev/nvme0n1p1 instead of /dev/sda I installed a dual boot of Ubuntu 16.04 (Windows being my other OS) two months ago to try it out. I want to allot more space to it on my hard drive. I was looking up tutorials, and I noticed that my filesystem names don't look anything like those in the tutorials. For example: df -h outputs: How would I allot more space to Ubuntu (in layman's terms)?",
"Partial SSL in rails",
"In-universe explanation for single line of planetary entry/departure in Star Wars",
"Right-click on Touchpad not working after update to 18.04 LTS"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Usage of the abbreviations "w/" and "w/o" in presentations | Are "w/o", "w/", "b/c" common abbreviations in the US? | [
"When should we use proximity rule in \"either/or\", and \"neither/nor\"?",
"What would the collision of two photons look like?",
"What's the simplest way to do a find and replace for a given input string, say abc, and replace with another string, say XYZ in file /tmp/file.txt? I am writting an app and using IronPython to execute commands through SSH — but I don't know Unix that well and don't know what to look for. I have heard that Bash, apart from being a command line interface, can be a very powerful scripting language. So, if this is true, I assume you can perform actions like these. Can I do it with bash, and what's the simplest (one line) script to achieve my goal?",
"Is it possible to bake dupliverts into one mesh for the BGE? (I have a large ground landscape that I use as the parent to duplicate trees, and the BGE doesn't support most modifiers.)",
"I'm trying to search and replace a string in all files matched by grep: grep -n 'foo' * will give me output in the form: [filename]:[line number]:[text] For each file returned by grep, I'd like to modify the file by replacing foo with bar.",
"Installing Ubuntu on one of two hard drives",
"What is the difference between Fact and Truth? I'm curious about the difference between Fact and Truth. I was searching on the internet if I could find it. But still I'm confused about the exact meaning. I first read the forum discussion here where an author has given two examples for each like below A fact is a reality that cannot be logically disputed or rejected. If I say \"fire is hot,\" I don't care how great your reasoning skills are, if you touch fire your skin will burn (and don't give me that \"but people can walk on hot coals!\" bull. There's a difference between the transfer of heat through conduction and training one's body to deal with the agonizing pain of said conduction). Now when I say this, I am not speaking a truth, I am speaking a fact. If you say \"fire is not hot,\" you are not lying, you are incorrect. Facts are concrete realities that no amount of reasoning will change. When one acknowledges a fact, they are doing just that. Facts are not discovered, facts are not created, facts are simply acknowledged. A truth on the other hand, is almost the opposite. Truths are those things that are not simply acknowledged, but must be discovered, or created. If I say \"God exists,\" and I possess strong reasoning for the affirmative of that statement, then God really does exist, that is a reality. However, if another individual possesses strong reasoning for the negative, and because of this reasoning they believe that God does not exist, then that is also a reality. If we were to debate our ideologies, and my reasoning appeared stronger than theirs, they may choose to adopt my belief that God does exist. If they do, then the existence of God is just as true as the nonexistence of God which they believed a week ago. Truths, as opposed to fact, are much more fluid and malleable than their empirical counterparts. and followed by further discussion. Then I found this . Article from above link says like below: Facts are notes and lyrics on sheet music. Truth is what the singer gives to the listener when she’s brave enough to open up and sing from her heart. But still curious about the difference between both of them. In our daily life, in general conversation, we generally use these both terms interchangeably. Then what is the difference? Are they synonym or have specific difference?",
"Show that for any prime $ p $, there are integers $ x $ and $ y $ such that $ p|(x^{2} + y^{2} + 1) $. So we obviously we want $ x^{2} + y^{2} + 1 \\equiv 0 ~ (\\text{mod} ~ p) $. I haven’t learned much about quadratic congruences, so I don’t really know how to go forward. I suppose you can write it as $ x^{2} \\equiv -1 - y^{2} ~ (\\text{mod} ~ p) $, but again, I’m not sure where to go. I know about the Legendre symbol and quadratic residues, which I know are involved in this question, but I don’t know how to apply what I know. :(",
"How to remove \"phone style\" Gnome swipe to unlock I need to remove the annoying new \"locking\" screen that shows a giant clock: I can't remove it with just moving the mouse (as with any other desktop environment), the animation is slow, and it isn't asking me for a password! I managed to disable it, just to discover that now I can't lock my screen on purpose, so I can't go away from the computer. Just to clarify, I want to: After some time the screen could go black, but if I move the mouse or press any key then I can use it directly (like a normal screensaver). If I press super-L then it is locked, and I must type the password to unlock (like a normal lock screen). I found several \"solutions\", but none seems to work:",
"\"Easy\" vs. \"simple\" Are those two words equivalent or is there a difference? When would I say something is easy rather than simple, or vice versa?",
"Is there a word for a comment which makes no sense or adds nothing to the current discussion?",
"How to filter uninteresting questions",
"Best option to export more than 15 millions records from Salesforce? We have a requirement to export around 15 millions records. Which option will be better Salesforce DataLoader or Jitterbit Cloud DataLoader or any other better option available. Can we export around 15 millions or more records in one go ! is it possible ? will CSV file able to handle that many record if exported in one go. Also can we do this using Report API wherein we can create a report and fetch reports data using API, is it advisable considering volume of data? Please advise the best option to go with, for exporting large volume of records from Salesforce.",
"How to display quick-updating images without large memory allocation?",
"As the title states, I'm having quite a lot of trouble with the integral: $$\\int_{-\\ln 2}^{\\ln 2} \\frac{(\\sin x+x)^{1/3}}{e^x}dx$$ The problem is that my standard (admittedly sparse) repertoire of tricks seems to have no effect at all. I can't think of any clever substitution that would work, and it looks like a nasty integral all-round. I was hoping to apply some symmetry arguments (especially considering the limits of integration), but the exponential function is neither even nor odd, so I don't see how this would work. I'm afraid I have absolutely no idea how to approach this.",
"create mesh then add vertices to it in python",
"Putting a piece of code in between two html tags in Solaris",
"What does NOEXEC flag mean when mounting directories on RHEL? I am trying to understand the NOEXEC flag when mounting. I am having an execution issue within the /tmp directory on someone elses machine that I cannot access atm where the /tmp directory is mounted onto a different drive than '/' and NOEXEC is present. I wanted to try and recreate this scenario on my machine, but I do not have a second hard drive. I tried doing the following command: mount --bind /test1 /test2 I then removed the bind flag and added NOEXEC in /etc/fstab. Then, I created a file in /test2 called test.sh where it just echos 'hello world'. I try and run it and it said 'permission denied'. I then ran chmod 777 test.sh and was able to execute the file just fine. I thought that the NOEXEC flag should not allow me to execute anything? Is mount --bind /test1 /test2 not the same as mounting from a completely different physical drive? As in /test1 and /test2 are on different drives?",
"Prove that $ a $ divides $1^{a^{n}} + 2^{a^{n}} + ... + (a-1)^{a^{n}}$?",
"In Star Trek (2009), Did the Original Timeline Survive?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to Undo Deny Access on Keychain | How can I undo "always allow" in keychain item | [
"No internet connection after ubuntu server 20.04 install, ifconfig not available I recently installed Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS on my desktop, and found out there was no internet connection even though I had the LAN cable connected. ifconfig and iwconfig failed saying the corresponding packages net-tools and wireless-tools were not installed. EDIT Here is the info requested. Please find the image",
"How do favored classes work in Pathfinder? I'm working on creating a half-elf paladin character for a Pathfinder game. Full disclosure: this is the first time I've tried creating a character; I've used ones other people created before. In the text, it mentions something about \"favored classes\" I believe. What is this?",
"Computer doesn't boot up, shows PXE error and/or \"operating system not found\", \"no bootable device\", \"insert boot media\", or other similar error My computer no longer boots Windows or the installed operating system. Instead, I may get this error: PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable -or- Check cable connection! PXE-M0F: Exiting PXE ROM. and/or one of the following messages or similar: Operating System not found No boot device available- No bootable devices--strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key No Boot Device Found. Press any key to reboot the machine Default Boot Device Missing or Boot Failed Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device What does this mean and what can I do? This question comes up often and the answers are usually the same. This post is meant to provide a definitive, canonical answer for this problem. Feel free to edit the answer to add additional details.",
"Why is it \"come\" rather than \"go\" ?",
"I've got a repo that I contribute to within an Organization that I administer. I'm trying to add it to careers, but it won't allow it. Is this on purpose? I don't really want to fork it to my personal account, since I won't be maintaining it from there.",
"A friend of mine asked me the following question: Suppose you have a basket in which there is a coin. The coin is marked with the number one. At noon less one minute, someone takes the coin number one and put into the basket two coins: the number two and the number three. At noon less $\\frac{1}{2}$ minute, he takes the coin number two and put into the basket the coins number $4$ and the number $5$ and so on. At noon less $\\frac{1}{k}$ he takes the coin number $k$ and put two other coins. The question is: How many coins I can find in the basket at noon? Intuitively the answer is $\\infty$ because I added one coin for infinite times. But the correct answer seems to be $0$ because every coin numbered $k$ has been removed at noon less $\\frac{1}{k}$ of minute. What is the correct answer? Thanks.",
"Mouse Pointer Locator Due to a stroke, I have had some vision impairment in that I sometimes have a hard time locating my mouse pointer on the screen. I have tried making the mouse pointer larger which helps but is still not the solution. I am new to the Mac world and would appreciate your help. In Windows, there is an option where pressing the CTRL key will help to identify the mouse pointer using a temporary display of several radiating concentric circles around the mouse pointer. Is there something like this on OS X?",
"python multiprocessing on windows, if __name__ == \"__main__\"",
"Prove that the sum of digits of $(999...9)^{3}$ (cube of integer with $n$ digits $9$) is $18n$ Someone had posted a question on this site as to what would be sum of digits of $999999999999^3$ (twelve $9s$ ) equal to? I did some computation and found the pattern that sum of digits of $9^3 = 18$, $99^3 = 36$, $999^3 = 54$ and so on. So, I had replied that sum of digits of $999999999999^3 = 12 \\cdot 18 = 216$. Can anybody help me prove this, that sum of digits of $(\\underbrace{999\\dots9}_{n\\text{ times}})^3 = 18n.$",
"I had given an cipher text (of JSON string), an IV and a key. I tried decrypting using 's method: decryptWithManagedIV(algorithmName, privateKey, IVAndCipherText) //Sample code Blob key = Blob.valueOf(decryptionKey); Blob encryptedDatafor = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(bodystring); Blob decryptedData = Crypto.decryptwithManagedIV('AES128', key, encryptedDatafor); cipher = decryptedData.toString(); System.debug('Encrypted BodyString: ' +cipher); and I was able to decrypt the cipher successfully. But when I use the provided IV with the following method: decrypt(algorithmName, privateKey, initializationVector, cipherText) //Sample code Blob exampleIV = Blob.valueOf('HSDlUkhrmfEo7SgM'); //provided IV Blob key = Blob.valueOf(decryptionKey); Blob encryptedDatafor = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(bodystring); Blob decryptedDataIV = Crypto.decrypt('AES128', key, exampleIV, encryptedDatafor); cipher = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(decryptedDataIV ); System.debug('Encrypted BodyString: ' +cipher); I get some string which looks like, it is still in the encrypted form (different from the encrypted string I have passed). Update: I have tried the below code-snippet based on the suggestion from @identigral, but I am still unable to decrypt the cipher using the IV: Blob exampleIV = Blob.valueOf('HSDlUkhrmfEo7SgM'); //provided IV Blob key = Blob.valueOf(decryptionKey); Blob encryptedDatafor = EncodingUtil.base64Decode(bodystring); String encodedCipherTextAndIV = EncodingUtil.convertToHex(encryptedDatafor); String encodedCipherText = encodedCipherTextAndIV.substring(32); String finCipher = encodedCipherText.difference(encodedCipherTextAndIV); Blob ciphertext = EncodingUtil.convertFromHex(finCipher); Blob decryptedDataIV = Crypto.decrypt('AES128', key, exampleIV, ciphertext); decryptStg = EncodingUtil.base64Encode(decryptedDataIV ); System.debug('Decrypted BodyString: ' +decryptStg);",
"Extract subtitle from mkv files",
"Is it possible to make the default scene fill two monitors at startup? I know how to set up the default scene by pressing Ctrl+U, but whenever I startup Blender it always fills only one of my screens, even if I set it to fill both before setting the default scene. I end up having to resize it every time I start it up. Is there a way to set this to happen by default?",
"There are several ideas on hard determinism, but the core seems to be that in an interconnected existence, there can be no \"actions\" (free will), but only \"reactions\" (determinism). An action of free will would have to be a separate entity outside of existence, so we'd say it can't occur. Now fast forward to Joe Schmo the robbing/murdering/rapist. Joe wasn't born in some infinite bliss utopia, then decided one day to invent the concept of scumbaggery. He's a product of an incomprehensible number of variables - maybe some are apparent like his dad was a violent alcoholic or whatever, but most likely it's far more complicated than that. So that's fine - I get all that - but if that's the case, then how can you ethically deal with people like that? You can't hardly let them do what they please at the expense of society, but then how can you get medieval on them when they're basically riding a wave? I think that's a big reason why people fight concepts of determinism that mitigate or eradicate the concept of free will - now everyone has a license to do what they want and how can you punish them, it's not their fault! How would/could/should you consolidate hard determinism with responding to criminal acts?",
"How to add an edge ring around a hole What is the easiest way to add/extrude an edge loop around the hole in the first image to make it like the second image?",
"I have an application which is a relatively old. Through some minor changes, it builds nearly perfectly with Visual C++ 2008. One thing that I've noticed is that my \"debug console\" isn't quite working right. Basically in the past, I've use AllocConsole() to create a console for my debug output to go to. Then I would use freopen to redirect stdout to it. This worked perfectly with both C and C++ style IO. Now, it seems that it will only work with C style IO. What is the proper way to redirect things like cout to a console allocated with AllocConsole()? Here's the code which used to work: if(AllocConsole()) { freopen(\"CONOUT$\", \"wt\", stdout); SetConsoleTitle(\"Debug Console\"); SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_RED); } EDIT: one thing which occurred to me is that I could make a custom streambuf whose overflow method writes using C style IO and replace std::cout's default stream buffer with it. But that seems like a cop-out. Is there a proper way to do this in 2008? Or is this perhaps something that MS overlooked? EDIT2: OK, so I've made an implementaiton of the idea I spelled out above. Basically it looks like this: class outbuf : public std::streambuf { public: outbuf() { setp(0, 0); } virtual int_type overflow(int_type c = traits_type::eof()) { return fputc(c, stdout) == EOF ? traits_type::eof() : c; } }; int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { // create the console if(AllocConsole()) { freopen(\"CONOUT$\", \"w\", stdout); SetConsoleTitle(\"Debug Console\"); SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), FOREGROUND_GREEN | FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_RED); } // set std::cout to use my custom streambuf outbuf ob; std::streambuf *sb = std::cout.rdbuf(&ob); // do some work here // make sure to restore the original so we don't get a crash on close! std::cout.rdbuf(sb); return 0; } Anyone have a better/cleaner solution than just forcing std::cout to be a glorified fputc?",
"Removing unnecessary vertices? I have over sampled polygons that I need to simplify, without changing the shape. basically, I want to reduce the number of vertices, by eliminating the ones that are useless and have the polygons represented with the significant vertices only. I used to do that with ET GeoWizards Plug-in, but I don't have a license anymore. My table has 500.000 features, water polygons. Any ideas?",
"Please help me to prove this trigonometric equation. $\\cos \\left( 36^\\circ \\right)-\\cos \\left( 72^\\circ \\right) = \\frac{1}{2}$ Thank you.",
"\"Z-level\" in TikZ",
"Antiresonance of multiple parallel decoupling capacitors: use same value or multiple values? My quesiton: Is it better practice to put same-valued capacitors in parallel of capacitors of different values to decouple the high-frequency noise caused by digital ICs? Background Digital IC need a decoupling capacitor close to their supply pins to ensure a stable voltage during power transients and to deal with noise (mostly to prevent noise generated by the IC to affect neighboring circuitry). It seems sensible to place a bulk capacitor (say 10-100uF), to act as an energy reservoir, and several smaller capacitors to deal with higher frequencies. The reason to place several small capacitors instead of just one is to deal with their Equivalent Series Inductance (ESL), which in practice, causes them to behave like an LC circuit. The effect of anti-resonance Yet, here is where best design practices and electronic myth seem to get mixed up and confusing to me. Most electronic engineers I have met like placing several decoupling capacitors of different values in parallel (with the smaller capacitors closer to the IC). The logic behind it is that the each capacitor takes care of a different noise frequency as depicted in Figure 1. Figure 1: Impedance over frequency of three different value capacitors in parallel (cyan) vs their individual contribution (brown, blue, red). Image taken from . Note the small anti-resonance peak. It seams no major trouble , and the overall behavior of the three different capacitors in parallel is vastly superior to their individual decoupling capabilities. However, I have read in by [Henry W. Ott] that placing capacitors of different values may cause a much greater antiresonance-peak which can be very harmful for our designs (see Figure 2). In fact, it amplifies any noise that falls into the anti-resoance frequency range, which is corroborated by . Figure 2: from Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering, by Henry W. Ott, section 11.4.4. The 15nH inductance makes reference to the capacitors ESL.",
"What is the rough estimate of salary value for a taxpayer to pay AMT? For US federal tax, whether a taxpayer is subject to AMT is determined by a complicated way in Instructions for Form 1040, Line 45, which involves an incomprehensible \"worksheet to see if you should fill in form 6251\". By simplification and approximation, is there a rule of thumb for an estimate of a salary value of a taxpayer, so that a salary above the value might cause the taxpayer to pay AMT with a big possibility, and a salary below the value might not with a big possibility? Why do the following two sources seem to differ greatly in estimates of the boundary salary value: says that the possible boundary salary value for a single taxpayer to pay AMT is $53,900. says that Taxpayers with small incomes fall within the AMT exemption limits. That leaves the upper middle class to face the tax, especially those with incomes between $200,000 and $500,000 Thanks."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why are there maximum level caps for race in S&W? | What is the purpose of old-school D&D class level limitations? | [
"pass 1 environment variable using sudo",
"\"The antipodal map of $S^2$ is the isometry $\\bar m$ sending each point $P$ to its opposite point $-P$\" (from textbook) Show that antipodal points remain antipodal under any isometry of $S^2$. In other words, for each isometry f of $S^2$, if $P$ and $P'$ are antipodal, then so are $f(P)$ and $f(P')$ I am unsure how I can define the $P$ and $P'$ so that they are opposites of each other in the antipodal map, and am I supposed to apply the traditional isometries (translation, reflection and rotation) to the points? I don't understand this problem.",
"Help resizing posted images I often add pictures to my questions. Most of the time they come out the right size. Well, that used to be OK always, up until I started posting screenshots taken by my mobile. For example, this one: This way, I'm sure you'll agree it is huge, decidedly too big, it takes up the whole body of the question, I mean. At present, the only way I have to resize it is the following code: <sub>(Click image to enlarge)</sub> [<img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/hKmRp.jpg" width="210" height="350" alt="">][1] which I do not remember, and always have to recover from . Is there a simpler, less HTML-hacky (and, I'd expect, more Markdown-based) way of resizing it? PS The output of the above code is: (Click image to enlarge)",
"Erf as term for plot of land in a town or city. Is this word only used in southern Africa? The Free Dictionary website states and so does Wikipedia: erf [ɜːf] n pl erven [ˈɜːvən] (Engineering / Civil Engineering) South African a plot of land, usually urban, marked off for building purposes [Afrikaans] The term erf is used in legal documentation and technical English throughout South Africa and Namibia, maybe even further afield in the region. Is it used anywhere else, except maybe the Dutch/Flemish regions in Europe, where I assume the term originated? An example: The client purchased Erf 132, Windhoek for a large sum of money. He intends to build a house on this erf. The capitalisation of \"Erf 132\" is commonplace, since it is a definition of a location. This is similar to capitalisation of towns or cities. I find it slightly awkward, but that is how it is done.",
"I compile my project with VIsual Studio 2005 Express Edition, and get this linking error. Can anyone suggest how to solve that?",
"I quite enjoy paying attention to how I design my documents and presentations. I usually spend hours thinking over and designing my slides for a workshop or presentation, so that they are aesthetically pleasing and as intuitive as possible. Likewise I recently started revising my CV I figured and I wanted to make it stand out a bit more. (Just to make it clear I don't mean making a clown of a document but just better use of colors, contrast and design elements.) I have long wondered whether or not this is something that can backfire, since most documents in academic context are extremely plain, at least in my experience. It's very common to see the default Powerpoint slides (white bg, black arial text) or . My question is as follows: is putting time and effort into design of academic documents something that can backfire? Will I risk being prejudged with first impressions such as \"well he put much effort in the presentation his documents, perhaps because the content is sub-par\"? I realize that the question might be somewhat subjective from person to person but I encourage everyone to consider it in terms of this SE blog entry: .",
"How to find patches with data in Raster and then how to extract those patches? I have a single band raster file as drawn in the labeled image attached. The size of raster is around 4k pixel in each x and y axis. Large part of this raster is empty. Only in small portions of the raster contains data as labeled. Is there any efficient way I can extract rectangular patches around the data portions of the large tif raster file? Any pythonic way using gdal or rasterio or some other package. What I have done so far: I have followed from sklearn.feature_extraction.imageway to extract 2D patches where there is data as follows. from sklearn.feature_extraction.image import extract_patches_2d im = imageio.imread(largeFilePath) # reading the large image x, y = np.nonzero(im) # taking xy locations with non zero values # determining xleft, xright, yleft and yright of the non zero area in raster xl,xr = x.min(),x.max() yl,yr = y.min(),y.max() #Extraing the non zero area from my original raster only_desired_area = im[xl:xr+1, yl:yr+1] # my desired window to extract window_shape = (480, 480) # 2D Ptaches extraction B = extract_patches_2d(only_desired_area, window_shape, max_patches=100) Issue: This doesn't have georeference information because I haven't used gdal or rasterio",
"There is a way to use my Galaxy tab s like a wacom table, on linux?",
"How to use unnumbered chapters with KOMA-script? I am having some issues with the hyperref package. I would like to create a Introduction chapter without a number so I use \\chapter*{Introduction} and \\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Introduction} because I want it in the table of contents (see example). But then the link in my PDF viewer gets it wrong and also the automatically created header is no longer correct (see picture). The table of contents shows the right page number (p.1) but the link is also wrong. What is my mistake here? \\documentclass{scrbook} \\usepackage{hyperref} \\usepackage{blindtext} \\usepackage{glossaries} \\makeglossaries \\newacronym{eg}{e.g.}{% for example } \\begin{document} \\frontmatter % abstract before the table of contents \\chapter*{Abstract} \\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Abstract} \\blindtext \\tableofcontents % chapter with acronyms \\cleardoublepage \\phantomsection \\printglossary[type=\\acronymtype] \\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Glossary} \\cleardoublepage \\mainmatter \\phantomsection % \\chapter{Introduction} % with this everything is correct but I don't want the number \\chapter*{Introduction} \\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Introduction} \\blindtext \\pagebreak \\blindtext % first chapter \\chapter{Chapter1} \\gls{eg} \\blindtext \\pagebreak \\blindtext \\end{document}",
"Using the Fitch system, how do I prove $((p \\implies q) \\implies p)\\implies p$? Using the Fitch system, how do I prove $((p \\implies q) \\implies p)\\implies p$? I started with the hypotheses $(p \\implies q) \\implies p$ and $\\sim p$. However, from these hypotheses I did not get the desired contradiction to solve the question. Thanks sb45",
"How to backup settings and list of installed packages If I want to make a backup of everything I have done since the fresh install of Ubuntu, what are the possible options? What all should I backup? I want to get all the settings that I changed, all the packages I installed, etc.",
"I have a spreadsheet full of addresses to geocode in ArcMap 10. I've added the spreadsheet to the map, then started to geocode them via the context menu's \"Geocode addresses\" item. Many were matched automatically, and most of the unmatched I've been able to resolve within the Interactive Rematch dialog. But I have a handful of addresses where I get no result at all. I can, however, locate these points on Google Maps, and I can get the latitude and longitude that way. How can I enter that data into the table to locate the missing points? I have tried editing the data and putting the lat/lon values into the X and Y columns, (via Edit Features -> Start Editing, then Open Attribute Table on the context menu). But when I Flash the point, I don't see it. The lat & lon are consistent with the other data points on the map (i.e., not swapped, and using the correct sign). How can I add the points to the table?",
"Intel Corporation Device [8086:0d4f] is not supported on Ubuntu 18.04.3 I am currently unable to install ubuntu server 18.04.03 LTS on the latest intel NUC10i7FNH. Ubuntu always states both network adapters as unclaimed. The previous version (NUC8i7BEH) has the same network controller I219-V and worked like a charm. *-network:0 UNCLAIMED description: Network controller product: Intel Corporation vendor: Intel Corporation physical id: 14.3 ... Without network it is not even possible to follow most suggestions how to get it enabled, because it is impossible to fetch new packages from internet. Here are some more information as requested: The output from: modprobe -v e1000e && dmesg | grep e10 [ 3447.889394] e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 3.2.6-k [ 3447.889395] e1000e: Copyright(c) 1999 - 2015 Intel Corporation. The output from: sudo lspci -knn 00:1f.6 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:0d4f] Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2081] 01:00.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation JHL7540 Thunderbolt 3 Bridge [Titan Ridge 2C 2018] [8086:15e7] (rev 06) For me this looks somehow, as the kernal driver would not be in use :-/ Here are a few more information i got from playiung around with 19.10 desktop version. [ 0.000000] Linux version 5.3.0-29-generic (buildd@lcy01-amd64-024) (gcc version 9.2.1 20191008 (Ubuntu 9.2.1-9ubuntu2)) #31-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 17 17:27:26 UTC 2020 (Ubuntu 5.3.0-29.31-generic 5.3.13) output from lshw: *-network:0 Beschreibung: Kabellose Verbindung Produkt: Intel Corporation Hersteller: Intel Corporation Physische ID: 14.3 Bus-Informationen: pci@0000:00:14.3 Logischer Name: wlp0s20f3 Version: 00 Seriennummer: c8:09:a8:9c:cd:e0 Breite: 64 bits Takt: 33MHz Fähigkeiten: pm msi pciexpress msix bus_master cap_list ethernet physical wireless Konfiguration: broadcast=yes driver=iwlwifi driverversion=5.3.0-29-generic firmware=48.4fa0041f.0 ip= latency=0 link=yes multicast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.11 Ressourcen: iomemory:600-5ff irq:16 memory:6023114000-6023117fff The output from: modprobe -v e1000e && dmesg | grep e10 [ 2.357430] e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 3.2.6-k [ 2.357430] e1000e: Copyright(c) 1999 - 2015 Intel Corporation. [ 2.357616] e1000e 0000:00:1f.6: Interrupt Throttling Rate (ints/sec) set to dynamic conservative mode [ 2.562796] e1000e 0000:00:1f.6 0000:00:1f.6 (uninitialized): registered PHC clock [ 2.634139] e1000e 0000:00:1f.6 eth0: (PCI Express:2.5GT/s:Width x1) 1c:69:7a:60:44:f0 [ 2.634140] e1000e 0000:00:1f.6 eth0: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection [ 2.634258] e1000e 0000:00:1f.6 eth0: MAC: 13, PHY: 12, PBA No: FFFFFF-0FF [ 2.634991] e1000e 0000:00:1f.6 eno1: renamed from eth0 [ 5.103285] checking generic (4000000000 e10000) vs hw (4000000000 10000000) [ 15.806697] e1000e: eno1 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: None output from lspci: 00:1f.6 Ethernet controller [0200]: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (10) I219-V [8086:0d4f] DeviceName: LAN Subsystem: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (10) I219-V [8086:2081] Kernel driver in use: e1000e Kernel modules: e1000e",
"Why won't Amanita move in and settle down?",
"CK2 is a big game with lots of variables, so I'll stick to adding them upon being requested to minimize the hassle. Anyway, let's say that you have a lot of children and the oldest one claims all the land according to laws of succession. After the father dies, the circumstances will obviously piss off a lot of people (in my case that would be 6 out of 8 vassals and 4 siblings with an opinion of -50 and below one of which is a sister married to the Basileus of the Byzantine friggin' Empire, a case of excommunication, 4 failed assassination attempts under 3 years... and lots and lots of vikings). Let's also say that the current playable character is completely incompetent compare to the next sibling in line. So, what would be the most optimal methods to off myself without further screwing over the countryside so the next heir in line has to fix it (if we assume that said heir is actually capable of doing so)? This is my list of DLCs (not including music and unit packs): Charlemange Legacy of Rome Sword of Islam The Republic Way of Life",
"So, I'm trying to figure out how to run the scene from the beginning of Lost Mine of Phandelver (5e starter set) where the party is ambushed by goblins and I'm really confused as to how Passive Wisdom (Perception) works. The included rulebook mentions on page 6 : When you hide, there’s a chance someone will notice you even if they aren’t searching. To determine whether such a creature notices you, the DM compares your Dexterity (Stealth) check with that creature’s passive Wisdom (Perception) score, which equals 10 + the creature’s Wisdom modifier, as well as any other bonuses or penalties. If the creature has advantage, add 5. For disadvantage, subtract 5. For example, if a 1st-level character (with a proficiency bonus of +2) has a Wisdom of 15 (a +2 modifier) and proficiency in Perception, he or she has a passive Wisdom (Perception) of 14. So the party is being ambushed by goblins and at that point the DM guide mentions on page 7 : Check to see who, if anyone, is surprised. [...] Make a Dexterity (Stealth) check for the goblins, rolling once for all of them. Roll a d20, add the goblins' Stealth skill modifier (+6) to the roll and compare the result to the characters' Passive Wisdom (Perception) scores. So to me this reads like I should roll 1d20+6 for the goblins and compare that to the static Passive Wisdom (Perception) score on the character sheet of a PC. The PCs don't get to roll anything as they're not actively looking for enemies, even though they are investigating the dead horses. I would also think that if the characters were supposed to roll, the DM guide would clearly instruct so, given that this is the starter set. However, watching at around 8:01 I notice that the DM is explicitly asking his party for a perception roll. And the same thing happens on a couple of other videos where people are running the Lost Mine adventure. The DM always requests a roll. So what gives? Shall I take it that the DMs ask for the roll because they consider the party to be actively seeking for hidden foes? Or am I just misreading the rulebook and the DM guide?",
"In a question related to introductory Galois theory, I was asked to given an example of a tower of fields $F \\subset K \\subset E$ such that $E$ is a splitting field for some polynomial $f(x) \\in F[x]$, but that $K$ need not be a splitting field. The example that comes to mind for me is $\\mathbb Q \\subset \\mathbb Q(\\sqrt[3]{2}) \\subset \\mathbb Q(\\omega_3, \\sqrt[3]{2})$. So I know that the minimal polynomial for $\\mathbb Q(\\omega_3, \\sqrt[3]{2})$ over $\\mathbb Q$ is $x^3-2$. This polynomial does not split in the intermediate field $\\mathbb Q(\\sqrt[3]{2})$. I wanted to make sure that I'm justifying that this intermediate field is not a splitting field correctly. Now I may be confused about the books terminology. When we say something is not a splitting field, we always have to refer to a specific polynomial correct? I've read a term called a normal extension which I think refers to one in which every polynomial splits, but my book doesn't mention these. If splitting field means with respect to the polynomial $x^3-2$, then I've already demonstrated that $\\mathbb Q(\\sqrt[3]{2})$ is not a splitting field. Also, it couldn't be a normal extension either because that polynomial doesn't split. Does it sound like I'm understanding this correctly or are there some subtleties I might be missing?",
"Proof that $\\frac{a^2}{b} + \\frac{b^2}{c} + \\frac{c^2}{a} \\geq a+b+c$ I've tried getting everything on the left side and transforming it into something squared so that I can prove it's bigger or equals to 0 but I've been unsuccessful.",
"In the Landau theory of phase transitions, is the order parameter a thermodynamic variable of state? In the Landau theory of phase transitions, one typically considers a \"free energy\" $F$ as a function of the temperature $T$ and the \"order parameter\" $\\psi$: $F(T, \\psi)$. For the sake of clarity, let's consider the liquid-gas transition, in which the order parameter is usually taken to be the difference of densities between the ordered phase and the disordered phase. In this case, it looks that the order parameter $\\psi$ is closely related to the the volume $V$, a global variable of state. What is the correct interpretation of $\\psi$ as a thermodynamic variable? I consider several logical possibilities, but all interpretations look troublesome to me: $\\psi$ is a variable of state replacing the volume. In this case I have a few related concerns: Is the \"free energy\" $F$ the Helmholtz or the Gibbs free energy? If $F$ is the Gibbs free energy, $F$ should depend on the temperature $T$ and the pressure $p$ (the conjugate variable of the volume), so it shouldn't depend on $\\psi$. If it is the Helmholtz free energy, it's ok that it depends on $\\psi$, but the experiments are usually carried out at constant pressure, not constant volume. Usually, state variables are something one can select at will [for instance, think of the phase diagram $(p, T)$]. However, the order parameter $\\psi$ is not selected at will, but it is selected by the system as a result of the minimization process according to the Landau theory. $\\psi$ is yet another variable of state in addition to volume and temperature. Why the pressure is not usually taken into account as a variable of state, and only the temperature is considered? What is the conjugate variable to $\\psi$? Can really $\\psi$ and $V$ be taken as independent? $\\psi$ is not a variable of state, is something else. What else can $\\psi$ be from the thermodynamic point of view? Same question as above, why is pressure not usually taken into account in Landau theory?",
"Take the following class as an example: class Sometype { int someValue; public Sometype(int someValue) { this.someValue = someValue; } } I then want to create an instance of this type using reflection: Type t = typeof(Sometype); object o = Activator.CreateInstance(t); Normally this will work, however because SomeType has not defined a parameterless constructor, the call to Activator.CreateInstance will throw an exception of type MissingMethodException with the message \"No parameterless constructor defined for this object.\" Is there an alternative way to still create an instance of this type? It'd be kinda sucky to add parameterless constructors to all my classes."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to make a new class | css class definition with multiple identifiers | [
"‘It’ – ambiguous antecedent?",
"It's fairly straight forward to fix up a single orphaned SQL user to a login using: EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Auto_Fix', 'user' I could script this, but is there an existing stored procedure which automatically tries to fix up every orphaned user in a given database?",
"resizable serial console window?",
"Is this sentence grammatically correct? Anyone who loves the English language should have a copy of this book in their bookcase. or should it be: Anyone who loves the English language should have a copy of this book in his or her bookcase.",
"i want to create new event in SharePoint calendar list in which I have some custom columns,i tried below code but it is not working function bookingRoomForMeeting() { var ctx = new SP.ClientContext(appWebUrl);//Get the SharePoint Context object based upon the URL var list = ctx.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(\"MyCalendarList\"); //Get the List based upon the Title var listCreationInformation = new SP.ListItemCreationInformation(); //Object for creating Item in the List listItem = list.addItem(listCreationInformation); listItem.set_item('Title', $(\"#txt_Title\").val()); var date = $(\"#txt_startTime\").val(); var dateTime = moment(date, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm a').format(\"MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm a\"); listItem.set_item('EventDate', dateTime); var enddate = $(\"#txt_endTime\").val(); var enddateTime = moment(enddate, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm a').format(\"MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm a\"); listItem.set_item('EndDate', enddateTime); listItem.set_item('EmailId1', $(\"#txt_EmailId1\").val()); listItem.set_item('EmailId2', $(\"#txt_EmailId2\").val()); listItem.update(); ctx.load(listItem); ctx.executeQueryAsync( Function.createDelegate(this, success), Function.createDelegate(this, fail) ); } function success() { alert(\"Completed\"); } function fail() { alert(\"operation failed\"); } list am using is SharePoint hosted app list,can any one tell me where am going wrong?",
"SQL Azure and Full-Text Catalogs, Indexes and Searching",
"PHP XML how to output nice format",
"Evaluate $\\lim\\limits_{n\\to\\infty}\\frac{\\sum_{k=1}^n k^m}{n^{m+1}}$ By considering: $$\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}\\frac{\\sum_{k=1}^n k^1}{n^{2}} = \\frac 1 2$$ $$\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}\\frac{\\sum_{k=1}^n k^2}{n^{3}} = \\frac 1 3$$ $$\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}\\frac{\\sum_{k=1}^n k^3}{n^{4}} = \\frac 1 4$$ Determine if this is true: $$\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}\\frac{\\sum_{k=1}^n k^m}{n^{m+1}} = \\frac 1 {{m+1}}$$ If it is, prove it. If it is not, evaluate $\\lim\\limits_{n\\to\\infty}\\frac{\\sum_{k=1}^n k^m}{{m+1}}$.",
"Is circular reasoning always a fallacy?",
"View referrals from one part of my site to another in Google Analytics I have an online shop with a blog structured this way: Shop: example.com Blog: example.com/blog Both index have the same Google Analytic Code (UA). In the blog I write articles about some products with a link to the product page. Now the problem is, I want to see stat on visits whose referral links have this pattern example.com/blog/*.",
"Additional Boxes - Criteria, Longevity, Manipulability This feature has existed for a while (I'm not sure since when exactly), but I'm mainly interested in the Gen VI implementation (hence the tag). Usually, at the start of a game, you have some number of Boxes available. In B/W, those were 8, in X/Y I think it was 15. Under certain conditions though, you receive additional Boxes that just appear at the end of your current Boxes list. Which brings me to Part 1 of my question: 1) What are the exact conditions for additional Boxes to appear and do you always get 8 additional Boxes? (Using Pokemon Bank reveals that in X/Y, the maximum number of Boxes is 31, which I have experienced to be unlocked in 2 steps of 8 Boxes each.) Since I'm a person who really likes to order and organize stuff, my Boxes have names and are used to categorize my Pokemon. This results in some Boxes ending up empty for a while most of the time. So here's to 2) Do additional Boxes you receive stay forever or do they disappear if the conditions for them are no longer met? 3) If they disappear, is there a way (such as renaming or putting any Pokemon in the last Box) to make them stay no matter what, even if you released all your other Pokemon?",
"The following is the residuals vs predicted scatter plot for a regression model with two IVs. Initially, I thought it was evidence of heteroskedasticity. But, I reasoned that although there is a visible pattern in the plot, the variance across different levels of predicted values is same. To clear my doubts, I saved the standardized residual and predicted values and ran a bi-variate correlation test. The correlation is zero, as expected. I am, nevertheless, intrigued by this observation. Any idea why I might have obtained this pattern? PS:- My dependent variable is a sum of two likert-type items (Response scale: 1-5). So, it's theoretical range is 2-10 and it has no absolute zero value.",
"How do I install pdfedit?",
"XPath select node with namespace",
"I'm toying with the jQuery plugin to implement a branching wizard for a web application. The problem I'm struggling with right now is how to deal with user choices that affect the subsequent workflow and the content and re-ordering of the progress meter of the wizard. As for now I can think of 3 alternatives. Static solution: Lay out all possible steps in advance. Though some steps will only be activated if the user makes the appropriate choice. Otherwise, the wizard continues with the next valid step. As an example: If someone doesn't need the \"flight transfer option\" the wizard simply leaves out all steps concerned with that choice. Fluid solution: Lay out only the default or required steps (happy path scenario). If for instance at some point the user chooses to branch away from the visible path (I need the transfer option) the wizard gets a visual update and also its progress meter. Now, showing all the additional steps. (I'm not sure though if this is visually appealing.) A combination of 1 and 2: This is meant as an extension to 1) and 2) where all the choices are made up-front like in a short enquiry (1st step). Based upon these choices the wizard gets a visual update with the corresponding workflow. If the user wants to change the choice she made she has to re-visit the first step (which creates the potential complexity of not loosing already entered data)",
"Reputation block layout after earning new privilege On the mobile web after new privilege is earned, reputation block contains some design issues: no margins poor text color inside bar By tapping on \"track the next one\" link, page have been refreshed: no margins empty block in the middle obscure content Only after manual refreshing, page looks fine again: It is hard to reproduce because you need to earn next privilege which takes a lot of time. But I believe it's no too hard for developers :)",
"Does a filament of lamp still have resistance when no current flows, and if yes, why? Does a filament lamp still have resistance when no current flows?",
"The scroll bar is hidden on MacBook if the user doesn't move the mouse for some time. This pattern is also used in other devices too, for example Android devices. The scroll bar does not take much place but it informs a user of where on page he is. Is it a good approach hiding the scroll bar when the user is presumed viewing the content?",
"Is it implied that Porpetina and Queenie Goldstein are Jewish?",
"postfix - how to prevent users from sending with another users name Even though my postfix server cannot be used without authentification (open relay), sending mail in another users name after logging in is still possible like this: EHLO domain.org auth plain eW91IGxpdHRsZSBkaXJ0eSBiYXN0YXJkIDstKQ== 235 2.7.0 Authentication successful mail from: [email protected] 250 2.1.0 Ok rcpt to: [email protected] 250 2.1.5 Ok data 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF> Please send me your account info. . 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as D40692A61AA quit How can this be prevented?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Facebook friend list in android' error | fetching list of friends using facebook 2.0 | [
"laptop fails to suspend or hibernate (wakes up after 2-5 seconds without user interaction)",
"How would I setup to recognize import arcpy? I'd like to use PyCharm to develop and debug geoprocessing tool.",
"Modular Arithmetic - Find the Square Root",
"Number of surjections from $\\{1,...,m\\}$ to $\\{1,...,n\\}$ Let $m,n$ be two integers such that, $m\\ge n$. Compute the number of surjections from $\\{1,...,m\\}$ to $\\{1,...,n\\}$ There are $n^m$ functions (total). we subtract from $n^m$ the number of non-surjective functions. There are $\\binom{n}{1}(n-1)^m$ functions missing one element. There are $\\binom{n}{2}(n-2)^m$ functions missing two elements, but how many times did we count this in the previous count ? Then we have to add this again by inclusion-exclusion but why is the difference always 1?",
"This next year, I am helping an effort to clean several SQL Server environments. We have about 10,000 stored procedures and estimate that only about 1000 of them are used on a regular basis, and another 200 or so are used on a rare occasion, meaning we have a lot of work to do. Since we have multiple departments and teams that can access these databases and procedures, we are not always the ones calling the procedures, meaning that we must determine what procedures are being called. On top of that, we want to determine this over a few months, not in a few days (which eliminates some possibilities). One approach to this is to use the SQL Server Profiler and track what procedures are being called and compare them to the list of what procedures we have, while marking whether the procedures are used or not. From then, we could move the procedures to a different schema in case a department comes screaming. Is using the Profiler the most effective approach here? And/Or have any of you done something similar and found another way/better way to do this?",
"Need Basic Viewer template for ArcGIS JSAPI 3.2/3.3 I am looking for basic viewer for ArcGIS JSAPI but not getting proper sample/example. I am going through also but looks like its not working. Going through question also. Checking out example and getting confused that what is difference between Viewer template and layout? So any help regarding this will be great!",
"I get this warning: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release What does it mean?",
"Is there a GUI IDE for programming python just like java has netbeans? I wanted one where we could drag & drop test boxes & labels just as we do in swing components using netbeans or eclipse. Or is there an add-on present in either netbeans or eclipse itself?",
"Exporting feature class into multiple feature classes based on field values using ArcGIS Desktop?",
"According to there adverb in or at that place (opposed to here ): She is there now. pronoun (used to introduce a sentence or clause in which the verb comes before its subject or has no complement): There is no hope. Then, what element is there in: There is the man. I'm confused because \"There is the man\" is an adverb inversion, in which there is an adverb and \"the man is\" is inverted. But according to the definition above, there suddenly becomes a pronoun.",
"Write a formula in an Excel Cell using VBA I'm trying to use VBA to write a formula into a cell in Excel. My problem is that when I use a semicolon (;) in my formula, I get an error: Run-time error 1004 My macro is the following : Sub Jours_ouvres() Dim Feuille_Document As String Feuille_Document = \"DOCUMENT\" Application.Worksheets(Feuille_Document).Range(\"F2\").Formula = \"=SUM(D2;E2)\" End Sub",
"My ListView (of my ViewFilipper) fills the parent and buttons on the bottom get hidden",
"I can show that the following limit exists but I am having difficulties to find it. It is $$\\lim_{n\\to \\infty} \\sum_{k=1}^n \\frac{k^n}{n^n}$$ Can someone please help me?",
"Normal subgroup of prime index",
"Trigger a php file on every post or page if a condition is met I was wondering if we can trigger a PHP file on every WordPress post or page if a certain condition is met. Let me detail what I want. Can we write a simple PHP script that will be automatically loaded on every WP post and page. Once loaded, the script should scan the HTML and if it finds a specific DIV tag with the ID myID it should trigger another PHP file (let's say script.php). Once the target PHP file has been triggered or executed, the target PHP file (script.php) should be able to automatically fetch the URL of the post or page that triggered the file and store it in a variable. Any ideas??",
"Word for \"blissfully oblivious\"?",
"How can I left-align a caption?",
"Interpretation of p-value in Mann-Whitney rank test I am testing Mann-Whitney rank test with two vectors a and b. Vectors are almost similar so I expect a p-value near 0, but the returned p-value is near 1. What is the reason? I read and also run the code with different parameters, but don't get anything near to what I expect. from scipy.stats import mannwhitneyu import operator import numpy as np a = [1000,100,10,1,10,100,1000,10000,1000,100,10,1] b = [999,100,10,1,10,100,1000,10000,1000,100,10,1] print(mannwhitneyu(a, b)) The output of the code: MannwhitneyuResult(statistic=73.5, pvalue=0.95291544831453867) Edit: Let's formalize the problem to eliminate any misunderstanding (please edit the question if something is wrong): What I try to prove is that rank distribution of data are approximately equal, Null hypothesis ($H_0$)= \"ranked distribution of a and b are approximately equal\" Alternative hypothesis ($H_a$)= \"ranked distribution of a and b are not equal\" significance level (alpha) = 0.05 p-value= 0.95 (p-value > alpha) so there is no sufficient evidence that $H_a$ is correct, but we cannot also conclude that ($H_0$) is true. Instead if (p-value < alpha) was true, then we would have enough evidence against H0 and Ha can be accepted. So what happened here is that I could not disprove the null hypothesis. However, it doesn't mean that null hypothesis is false. It is like an investigation to accuse MR X of being guilty: $H_0$=\" MR X guilty\" $H_a$=\" MR X not guilty\" We guess he is not guilty, but we don't have enough proof against him: (p-value > alpha), but that doesn't mean that ($H_0$) would not be true. If we could obtain enough evidence and state (p-value < alpha), then we disprove $H_0$ and we can conclude that Ha is true and he is not guilty.",
"Probability of flipping coin What is the probability of obtaining THT before HHH when a toss is tossed sequentially? Could someone solve using state diagram and law of total probability?",
"Change elements on different positions within a list"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Ordering Array - C# WPF | Natural Sort Order in C# | [
"Is there a word to describe a person who likes chaos? I am wondering if there is a word to describe a person who likes chaos. By this I mean a few specific things: The person is pleased to hear when chaos is created, or confusion emerges The person will take opportunities to create chaos or confusion The person enjoys taking part in chaotic or disorganized situations. I can't seem to think of a word to describe the type of person who would act in this way. I hope this question is clear. EDIT: Below gbutters sums up nicely: What I wonder is if there is a word for a generally good-natured person who just likes some good old-fashioned chaos. It seems like any person that thrives on chaos would have to have some extra baggage.",
"The recipe that I used did not call for cornstarch or corn syrup. The result is that they are slightly wet. Can I do anything to dry them up, such as dusting them with corn flour? I did dredge them in a mixture of confectioners sugar and corn flour; it helped a little, but I think I will find a recipe that has corn starch in it for next time!",
"Change Folder Permissions I started off with changing to the folder I want to change permissions for, and that is the opt folder. $ cd /opt/ test@testVM:/opt$ So I tried changing the permissions for this folder now using: sudo chmod 775 And that hasn't worked. It showed this message: Try 'chmod --help' for more information. There is something I am forgetting or leaving out. Please can you show me what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance.",
"What is the difference between DX format and FX format lenses, and which to choose for what purpose? What are the pros and cons of both?",
"How do I write content to another browser window using Javascript? I've opened a new window with window.open() and I want to use the reference from the window.open() call to then write content to the new window. I've tried copying HTML from the old window to the new window by using myWindow.document.body.innerHTML = oldWindowDiv.innerHTML; but that's doesn't work. Any ideas?",
"Cannot find hard drives after installing Ubuntu 13.10",
"how to create a histogram in java",
"I am trying to define a proof for $A \\cup B = B$ if and only if $A \\subset B$ I started with: $$A \\cup B$$ $$x \\in A \\lor x \\in B$$ but I am unsure on how to continue.",
"How do I install, update and remove GNOME Shell Extensions? I am running Ubuntu GNOME and would like to know how exactly I can install, uninstall, upgrade, deactivate, and activate GNOME Shell Extensions.",
"What are all the font styles I can use in math mode? As can be seen in above picture, there are lots of fonts or font styles that can be used in math mode. What are all the fonts or font styles I can use in math mode, and which packages are required in order to use them? Let's assume I'm using standard Computer Modern or Latin Modern (lmodern) fonts. Edit: It'd be great to see examples of what the different styles look like, probably via images. I'm not interested in a reproduction of the picture, which can be found at ; the picture is for illustration purposes only. Furthermore, this is supposed to become a one-catches-all question for questions like the beforementioned. If I actually were looking for these fonts, I wouldn't just lazily ask here but look e.g. at , tables 3.14 and 6.4 first.)",
"How can I add a new user as sudoer using the command line? After I add a user using adduser, I can't see it via System > Administration > Users and Groups unless I log out and then log in again. Is that normal? Also, can I set a newly added user as a sudoer or do I have to change that only after adding it? How can I do that via the shell? Finally, can I delete the original user that was created upon initial installation of Ubuntu, or is this user somehow 'special'?",
"Give an example of a relation R on $A^2$ which is reflexive, symmetric, and not transitive",
"In Russian we have idiom/saying \"To shoot out of cannon into sparrows\" (literal translation) which is used to convey an idea of applying too drastic measures to small problems. I believe there should be some native-English equivalents to this saying. Can you share if there are any?",
"What apps to sync movie subtitles easily are available for Ubuntu? I have a subtitle file that is about 3 to 4 seconds behind. What tools can I use to automatically move all the times in the subtitle file so they are correct with the time of the movie? Something that I can for example just add the time I want to add and it will add this time to the synced times in the subtitle files without having to edit each line individually.",
"how can I find sum of series $ \\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty} (n\\cdot \\ln \\frac{2n+1}{2n-1} - 1) $? It is so weird for me because I put this to Mathematica and it tells me that sum does not converge... Let consider sum no to infinity, but to n $$ \\sum_{k=1}^{n} (k\\cdot \\ln \\frac{2k+1}{2k-1} - 1) =$$ $$ ln \\frac{3}{1}\\cdot \\left(\\frac{5}{3}\\right)^2 \\cdot...\\cdot \\left(\\frac{2n+1}{2n-1}\\right)^n - n = ln \\frac{1}{1}\\cdot \\frac{1}{3}\\cdot \\frac{1}{5}\\cdot ... \\frac{1}{2n-1} - n $$ but $$ n = ln e^n $$ so it will be $$ln\\frac{1}{e^n} \\cdot \\frac{1}{1}\\cdot \\frac{1}{3}\\cdot \\frac{1}{5}\\cdot ... \\frac{1}{2n-1}$$ So the limit of it is $-\\infty$ Have I done this well or I missed sth?",
"Soving a Complex Integral along a circle",
"When a user is suspended, their account is reduced to 1 rep and all of his privileges are stripped. However, they can still join chat rooms. This leads to various forms of possible abuse (all of which I've seen by suspended users): Join/leave spams Expletives in profile messages Hold one sided conversations with users of the room via Suspended users cannot be kicked, and even moderators can do very little (aside from completely removing the account, which is often overkill). My proposal is to extend for suspended users to one of two levels: Prevent them from being shown in the user list at all. Strip their profile profile picture and description from the profile view visible from chat rooms (not from profile pages).",
"Connection pools being reset with Error: 18056, Severity: 20, State: 46. & Perfmon Counters not showing We are using SQL Authentication (to reduce the number of connection pools) & .NET 4.0 connection strings to connect to SQL Server Enterprise Edition 2012 SP1 on a Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise Server: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3000.0 (X64) Oct 19 2012 13:38:57 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1) We use about 50 servers split into 8 different groups different parts of a website. Our website is using this SQL Server to log visit tracking data. Over the last few days it has spat out the following messages about the resetting connection pools: The client was unable to reuse a session with SPID 1327, which had been reset for connection pooling. The failure ID is 46. This error may have been caused by an earlier operation failing. Check the error logs for failed operations immediately before this error message. Error log reads: Error: 18056, Severity: 20, State: 46. The client was unable to reuse a session with SPID 959, which had been reset for connection pooling. The failure ID is 46. This error may have been caused by an earlier operation failing. Check the error logs for failed operations immediately before this error message. Login failed for user 'xxxx'. Reason: Failed to open the database 'xxxxxxxx' configured in the login object while revalidating the login on the connection. [CLIENT: 10.xx.xx.xxx] After some digging, I found this document on the CSS blog: and this one by Aaron Bertrand: . I know the error number is different but the failure ID is the same with a number of the messages are identical). Failure ID 46 suggests that the login did not have permissions. Our logins default to the master database and the db name is specificied in the connection string. I wanted to check the number of connection strings pools, etc. and checked all the counters in Perfmon for .Net Data Provider for SqlServer. It only gave me the option of defaultdomain9675 for the instance, so I selected that assuming that is a system generated ID name for our Datacentre network. Unfortunately all of the counters are reading zero. On one of our other main servers the connection pools are hovering around 10 which is what I expected to see on a healthy server with that kind of load. My question is 3 fold Can anyone suggest why the Windows 2008 R2 Server is not showing .Net Data Provider for SqlServer? Has anyone experienced this as I obviously believe that the login not having permissions is a red herring ? If different groups of web servers have the same connection string syntax but with slightly different whitespace, would this cause the server to use another connection pool? Min & max memory settings are 20GB & 58GB respectively. The server is a dedicated database server with 64GB of RAM. I don't think memory is the issue as the box seems to have a decent page lfe expectancy. Auto close is not enabled. The server is always up: this is a 24x7 website with heavy usage.",
"Cardinality of a totally ordered union Let $(X_{\\alpha})_{\\alpha \\in A}, (Y_{\\alpha})_{\\alpha \\in A}$ be families of sets such that for $\\{X_{\\alpha} \\mid \\alpha \\in A \\}$ and $\\{Y_{\\alpha} \\mid \\alpha \\in A \\}$ are totally ordered by inclusion. We have $(X_{\\alpha},Y_{\\alpha}) \\neq (X_{\\beta},Y_{\\beta})$ for $\\alpha \\neq \\beta$. Suppose that $|X_{\\alpha}| \\leq |Y_{\\alpha}|$ for any $\\alpha \\in A$. It is true that $|\\bigcup_{\\alpha} X_{\\alpha}| \\leq |\\bigcup_{\\alpha} Y_{\\alpha}|$?",
"How to write startup script for Systemd? I have 2 graphics cards on my laptop. One is IGP and another discrete. I've written a shell script to to turn off the discrete graphics card. How can I convert it to systemd script to run it at start-up?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Rebel pronunciation | A term for words that change pronunciation with part of speech | [
"What is this operator: &=",
"I've had my Trek 3900 for about a year now, and I replaced the chain about 3 months ago, but otherwise it's running with the same parts it came with (not counting tubes and tires). I had to replace my chain because it had gotten really rusty from riding in rain/mud/water on trails, and had started skipping. My problem is, whenever I ride, if I get above or below a very light pressure when pedaling, the chain skips. I was wondering if this could be caused by my chain, which has gotten a little rusty but not as stretched as the other one was, or if I might need a new cassette? I just readjusted my derailer, but it still skips. Does anybody know what could be causing this?",
"I would really love to play wizard/warlock multiclass with low charisma (just 13 for mutliclass). The handbook says that I can use Pact Magic slots to cast wizard spells, but doesn't specify which ability I use for spellcasting. Pact Magic. If you have both the Spellcasting class feature and the Pact Magic class feature from the warlock class, you can use the spell slots you gain from the Pact Magic feature to cast spells you know or have prepared from classes with the Spellcasting class feature, and [vice versa]. When I cast wizard spells using Pact Magic slots (or warlock spells using wizard's \"Spellcasting\" slots) do I use spellcasting ability of the slot, or do I get to choose?",
"Given $m$ rows with $n$ variables where $m < n$, and given that there exists a combination of some of the rows that gives a zero vector. Is it promised when computing the reduced-row echelon form, with Gaussian elimination to find a zero vector? Update: I clearly don't know, how to pick up the right words to ask my question. So let me give you the full context and please help me say it right, so the question will make sense. I am solving step 3 in the quadratic sieve algorithm, here is a description of it. Suppose the composite number N is being factored. Bound $B$ is chosen, and the factor base is identified (which is called $P$), the set of all primes less than or equal to $B$. Next, positive integers $z$ are sought such that $z_2$ mod $N$ is B-smooth. Therefore it can be written, for suitable exponents $a_i$, $${\\displaystyle z^{2}{\\text{ mod }}N=\\prod _{p_{i}\\in > P}p_{i}^{a_{i}}}$$ When enough of these relations have been generated (it is generally sufficient that the number of relations be a few more than the size of P), the methods of linear algebra can be used (for example, Gaussian elimination) to multiply together these various relations in such a way that the exponents of the primes on the right-hand side are all even: $${\\displaystyle {z_{1}^{2}z_{2}^{2}\\cdots z_{k}^{2}\\equiv \\prod > _{p_{i}\\in P}p_{i}^{a_{i,1}+a_{i,2}+\\cdots +a_{i,k}}\\ {\\pmod {N}}\\quad ({\\text{where }}a_{i,1}+a_{i,2}+\\cdots +a_{i,k}\\equiv 0{\\pmod > {2}})}}$$ Now, let's say I found $m$ relations and the number of primes in $P$ is $n$, such that $m<n$. It is given that there exists a combination of some of the $m$ relations that their product is a square number. My question is: When I perform the Gaussian elimination over F2 to find a null space combination, is it promised that I will find one? I successfully implemented the algorithm and the matrix part of my implementation works. But what I see is that if I found a null space(a combination of making a null space) and latter I add more relations(still $m < n$), I lose the null space solution and not able to solve the matrix again. Each time I add a new relation I start solving it from the beginning, I don't remember any previous state. So what I want to know, could it be that there is a limitation with the Gaussian elimination algorithm, that it does not promise to find the null space if $m < n$?",
"How can I let a footnote continue on the next page? I have a rather long footnote which breaks a listing in two parts, unnecessarily. Since the listing is more important then the footnote I'd rather lake to have the footnote split. Can I customize (one or all) footnotes to have a maximal length before they are continued on the next page? Or can I manually split a footnote in two to get the effect?",
"Subdividing a beveled mesh creates new vertices in wrong places",
"Creating flow maps in QGIS I have several records from a survey and would like to show flow map from places mentioned in the survey. I have all places mentioned georeferenced and some records mentioned no places and others mentioned up to 16 places. I made a graphic so I can make myself clearer.",
"Are there good reasons why it's a better practice to have only one return statement in a function? Or is it okay to return from a function as soon as it is logically correct to do so, meaning there may be many return statements in the function?",
"`du -sh` reports different used size than `df -h` Possible Duplicates: df -h says that I have 494G used on /var: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda3 564G 494G 41G 93% /var But du -sh /var says it's 350G What makes them different?",
"Is there an easy way to get to www.stackexchange.com from any of the SE sites? One thing I've noticed about the relatively new sitewide layout is that I can't find a quick way to get back to www.stackexchange.com without finding StackExchange in the sites list. As a result, I am typing stackexchange in my toolbar a whole lot more often now. In particular, I tend to enjoy browsing the hot questions list and my own personal feed quite often so visit these pages on a daily basis. Is there an easy link to them that I'm missing? (On the android app, there is a feed in the menu that I really appreciate, something like that on the desktop would be ideal!)",
"Guests see the Protected notice , somewhat displaced: Logged in, all is fine: It actually belongs there, at the bottom, but then it has some design glitches, or it needs to be placed at the top. Verified on Firefox and Chrome stable.",
"How can I obfuscate (protect) JavaScript?",
"How can editors and reviewers detect data manipulation?",
"Efficiently replace all accented characters in a string?",
"Calculate limit with L'Hospital's rule I want to calculate the limit $\\displaystyle{\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\frac{x^2\\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )}{\\sin x}}$. I have done the following: It holds that $\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\frac{x^2\\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )}{\\sin x}=\\frac{0}{0}$. So, we can use L'Hospital's rule: \\begin{align*}\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\frac{x^2\\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )}{\\sin x}&=\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\frac{x^2\\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )}{\\sin x} \\\\ &=\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\frac{\\left (x^2\\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )\\right )'}{\\left (\\sin x\\right )'} =\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\frac{2x\\cdot \\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )+x^2\\cdot \\left (-\\sin \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )\\right )\\cdot \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )'}{\\cos x} \\\\ &=\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\frac{2x\\cdot \\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )-x^2\\cdot \\sin \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )\\cdot \\left (-\\frac{1}{x^2}\\right )}{\\cos x} \\\\ & =\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\frac{2x\\cdot \\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )+\\sin \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )}{\\cos x}=\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\left (2x\\cdot \\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )+\\sin \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )\\right ) \\\\ & =\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\left (2x\\cdot \\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )\\right )+\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\left (\\sin \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )\\right )\\end{align*} We calculate the two limits separately $\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\left (2x\\cdot \\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )\\right )$ : \\begin{equation*}\\left |\\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )\\right |\\leq 1 \\Rightarrow -1\\leq \\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )\\leq 1 \\Rightarrow -2x\\leq 2x\\cdot \\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )\\leq 2x\\end{equation*} we consider the limit $x\\rightarrow 0$ and we get \\begin{equation*}\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0} \\left (2x\\cdot \\cos \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right ) \\right )=0\\end{equation*} How can we calculate the limit $\\lim_{x\\rightarrow 0}\\left (\\sin \\left (\\frac{1}{x}\\right )\\right )$ ?",
"Participles to modify the subject of the main clause \"Essos is an immense landmass located to the east of Westeros, extending into the far east of the known world.\" (Here, \"extending\" describes the Essos or does it describes the landmass? ) Having seen this sentence above, I question came to my mind. Can I use participles to modify the subject of the main clause when there is no connection between main clause and participle clause. For example: 1- \"He is a bookworm, living in Canada. (He is a bookworm + He lives in Canada, there is no connection between being bookworm and living in Canada) 2- He, living in Canada, is a book worm. (I suppose, this placement would be more correct)",
"Show that $\\frac{X}{X+Y}\\sim Beta(\\alpha,\\beta)$ Let IG denote Inverse-Gamma distribution . If $X\\sim IG(\\alpha,1)$ and $Y\\sim IG(\\beta,1)$. Show that $\\frac{X}{X+Y}\\sim Beta(\\alpha,\\beta)$ I tried with jacobian transformation taking $Z=\\frac{X}{X+Y}$ and $W=Y$ then $$X=\\frac{WZ}{1-Z};Y=W$$ $$\\frac{\\partial(z,w)}{\\partial(x,y)}=\\frac{1}{(1-z)^2}$$ $$f_{z,w}(z,w)=f_x(\\frac{wz}{1-z})f_y(w)(1-z)^2$$ $$f_{z,w}(z,w)=\\frac{1}{\\Gamma{(a)}}(\\frac{wz}{1-z})^{-\\alpha-1}e^{-\\frac{(1-z)}{wz}}\\frac{1}{\\Gamma{(\\beta)}}w^{-\\beta-1}e^{-\\frac{1}{w}}(1-z)^2$$ but I'm stuck, in some place I read that $\\frac{X}{X+Y}$ is a type 3 Beta distribution, but I can't show that.",
"Is “all women who are mothers of daughters” right? Is the expression All women who are mothers of daughters are here. correct? I mean every woman who has at least one daughter is here.",
"How do I backup my Stackexchange favorites for offline use?",
"If $G/Z(G)$ is cyclic, then $G$ is abelian Continuing my work through Dummit & Foote's \"Abstract Algebra\", 3.1.36 asks the following (which is exactly the same as exercise 5 in ): Prove that if $G/Z(G)$ is cyclic, then $G$ is abelian. [If $G/Z(G)$ is cyclic with generator $xZ(G)$, show that every element of $G$ can be written in the form $x^az$ for some $a \\in \\mathbb{Z}$ and some element $z \\in Z(G)$] The hint is actually the hardest part for me, as the quotient groups are somewhat abstract. But once I have the hint, I can write: $g, h \\in G$ implies that $g = x^{a_1}z_1$ and $h = x^{a_2}z_2$, so \\begin{align*}gh &= (x^{a_1}z_1)(x^{a_2}z_2)\\\\\\ &= x^{a_1}x^{a_2}z_1z_2\\\\\\ & = x^{a_1 + a_2}z_2z_1\\\\\\ &= \\ldots = (x^{a_2}z_2)(x^{a_1}z_1) = hg. \\end{align*} Therefore, $G$ is abelian. 1) Is this right so far? 2) How can I prove the \"hint\"?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Debian/Ubuntu apt pre-install hook for logging/commit messages? | Run a command before & after ubuntu apt upgrade & unattended-upgrades | [
"In linear regression, when is it appropriate to use the log of an independent variable instead of the actual values?",
"Core Data NSPredicate with to-Many Relationship",
"Lock questions in the review queue while being reviewed More and more frequently in the review queues, I am spending time either fixing a post or considering whether an edit is valid, etc, only to make changes and have them denied/not count because someone else has blindly hit the approve button in the meantime. My proposal is for the system to \"lock\" a post in the review queue once it has been presented to someone for review. Do not let anyone else (in the review queue) do anything with it until it is released by the last user it was presented to (or a certain amount of time has elapsed). By \"lock\" I mean that it won't show up in anyone elses list until released. I did NOT mean that it would be in multiple queues and be unactionable in some of them. This would fit well as the queues only present one at a time anyway. This will allow people trying to make good decisions the time to do it and prevent someone else from making that effort a waste of time. As support, look to some of the published reasoning behind the auto-question ban. A large portion of it is that bad questions waste the time of the community. Taking the time to ensure you are making a good decision in the /review queue only to have it not count because someone was badge-whoring and clicking the approve button as fast as they could also wastes the users time... arguably the more (for lack of a better way to put it) valuable user who is willing to invest some time and thought into making the site better.",
"Best practice: card expiry date on checkout What is the best format for gathering the card expiry data during the checkout process on an eCommerce website? So we need to collect the month of expiry and the date of expiry (as standard on all web card transactions). I have seen this done differently on websites so it would be good to know the best practice.",
"Best way to encode list names in sharepoint 2013 rest url's?",
"cat file : prints prior to \"user :/\" prompt",
"\\sqrt[x]{y} Breaks With unicode-math",
"Find the set of $x>0$ such that the series $\\sum\\limits_n x^{\\ln{n}}$ converges If $x>0$, find the set of all values of $x$ such that series is convergent$$\\sum_{n=1}^{\\infty} x^{\\ln{n}}$$ My attempt:- I used Ratio test for finding the set of all values of $x$ such that series is convergent. $$\\lim_{x\\to\\infty}\\frac{x^{\\ln{n+1}}}{x^{\\ln{n}}}$$ $$=\\lim_{x\\to\\infty}x^{\\ln\\frac{n+1}{n}}$$ This quantity must be less than one for getting a convergent series, I am not able to judge. Can you please help me to find the interval of convergence?",
"What is the minimum distribution for LaTeX",
"Conditional probability and venn diagram",
"I constantly have problems working with dates in Excel, I must be doing something wrong but I don't understand what. I have a spreadsheet, exported from our exchange server, that contains a column with dates on. They have come out in US format even though I'm in the UK. The column in question looks like this 04/08/2012 04/09/2009 04/01/2010 04/21/2011 04/05/2012 08/30/2009 08/29/2010 08/28/2011 In Excel, I have highlighted the column and selected Format Cells.... In this dialog box, I have selected the Date, selected English (United States) as the locale and chosen the matching date format from the list. I hit OK and try to sort the data by this column. In the sort dialogue I choose this column, select sort on Values but the order only gives me options for A to Z, not oldest to newest as I would expect. This in turn sorts the date data by the first two digits. I am aware I could re-format this data to ISO and then the A to Z sort would work but I shouldn't have too, I'm obviously missing something. What is it? EDIT: I messed up the bounty but this should have gone to @r0berts answer, his first suggestion of Text to Columns with no delimiter and choosing 'MDY' as the type of data works. Additionally, if you have a time (i.e. 04/21/2015 18:34:22), you need to first get rid of the time data. However after that the method suggested by @r0berts works fine.",
"Should I be worried that yum update suddenly wants to update well over 100 packages on my CentOS 6 system?",
"Do gravitons interact with each other? I always thought the non-linearity of Einsteins field equations implies that there should be direct graviton-graviton interactions. But I stumbled upon which argues: If gravitons exist, then, like photons and unlike gluons, gravitons do not interact with other particles of their kind. That is, gravitons carry the force of gravitation but are not affected by it. This is apparent due to gravity being the only thing which escapes from black holes, in addition to having an infinite range and traveling in straight lines, similarly to electromagnetism. Is Wikipedia correct? If not, why not? And what then are the arguments that there must be graviton-graviton interactions? (As of this question being asked, the above paragraph has been removed from Wikipedia.)",
"Find PostgreSQL server hostname on which it runs",
"Why do we say \"last night\" and not \"yesterday night\"? As from object, is there a rational reason for saying \"last night\" rather than \"yesterday night\", though you would say \"yesterday morning\" and \"yesterday afternoon\"?",
"Generating x,y coordinates for an edge detection of image",
"$a\\mid b,\\ c\\mid d\\,\\Rightarrow\\ ac\\mid bd $ $\\ \\, \\bf\\small [Divisibility\\ Product\\ Rule]$ I just need to check the reasoning in my proof is correct, I think it is valid although I'm not totally convinced because I can't follow the logic; does proving that $x$ is an integer prove that $ac|bd$? Theorem: Let $a$, $b$, $c$, $d$ be integers. If $a|b$ and $c|d$, then $ac|bd$. Proof: $aj=b$ and $ck=d$ for integers $j$, $k$. Then, $ac|bd$ implies $acx=ajck$ and thus $x=jk$ for some $x$. Since the product $jk$ is an integer, $x$ is an integer and thus $acx=ajck$ and thus $ac|bd$.",
"The title says it all, just wondered if accessing the iOS will count towards your consecutive visited days.",
"How can we move an object with zero velocity? Consider there is a box of mass $m$ at rest on the floor. Most books give an example that we need to do a work of $mgh$ to lift the box $h$ upward. If we analyze this work done, the external force acting on the box by us should be equal to the weight of the box. Therefore the net force is zero which in turn there is no acceleration. If there is no acceleration and the initial velocity of the box is also zero, how can the box move upward?",
"How do you report percentage accuracy for glmnet logistic regression?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
LIVE USB: How to install apps on live session(running from ubb) on a completely offline pc? | How can I install software or packages without Internet (offline)? | [
"Finding the perimeter of a right triangle with area given",
"Statistics () In Q1 of 2012 - 0.0134 such comments per question (~1.33%) In Q2 of 2012 - 0.0167 such comments per question (~1.66%) In Q3 of 2012 - 0.0169 such comments per question (~1.68%) In Q4 of 2012 - 0.0193 such comments per question (~1.92%) In Q1 of 2013 - 0.0223 such comments per question (~2.22%) The vast majority of these questions need serious help. Unfortunately, there is a growing trend towards abuse Along with the good, comes some bad -- as usual in life. These comments are bad when Posting "what have you tried" multiple times per question is severely obnoxious Posting "what have you tried" when the user has clearly shown that they have tried to solve it on their own It is becoming increasingly common to see "what have you tried?" comments in these scenarios. Some examples Workarounds Flagging Comments - It is considered a good thing to be liberal with comment flagging -- that helps us clean up after the fact. "Too Chatty" is a no-brainer here. Unfortunately, that only cleans up after the damage has been done. All signs point toward the continued increase of the trend of using "what have you tried" comments. I spend a lot of time editing and cleaning up bad questions. This trend came up on my radar toward the end of last year and it is getting worse. So, I thought at the very least that I'd raise some awareness.",
"I found many related questions on this site but I am still not sure about the rules. How can I decide if I need a visa to transit? Schengen members as of May 2021 are as follows: Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark (excluding Greenland and the Faroe Islands - but an open border with the Schengen Area is maintained) Estonia Finland France (excluding overseas departments and collectivities) Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Italy Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands (excluding Aruba, Curaçao, Sint Maarten and the Caribbean Netherlands) Norway (excluding Svalbard) Poland Portugal Slovakia Slovenia Spain (except Ceuta and Melilla) Sweden Switzerland",
"How to recover a deleted NTFS partition with data I am on Ubuntu 12.04 64-bits I accidentally deleted a NTFS 255 GB partition using Gparted, and yes it contains LOTS of important data. Upon realizing the deletion I haven't yet created any file-system on it. So it still shows Unallocated. I tried Testdisk , but it shows entire partitions created from the beginning. This sdb is my secondary drive with Xubuntu and Kubuntu on it. And that 255 GB NTFS partition was cross platform storage drive. I am currently in sda with Ubuntu and Win7 in dual boot, which enables me to use it as Safe recovery option rather then Live USB drive. First , should i allocate it to ? file-System for better recovery . Second , i really need to recover data from this drive so please give me possible suggestions and proven methods of data recovery. Third ,does Testdisk requires deleted partition to be allocated for its recovery . I am currently trying the answer seen here with Testdisk scanning for partition second time, hoping to recover it. It looks a duplicate but i can't confirm if the OP got it right. Since my first doubt is to allocate it or not. If any clarification required please do comment ,i will add it. Edit: TestDisk deeper search results. The following partitions can't be recovered: Partition Start End Size in sectors > HPFS - NTFS 22241 107 11 55592 3 27 535777280 FAT32 LBA 274460 158 19 460576 228 16 2989957948 NTFS, 274 GB / 255 GiB & for FAT32 LBA 1530 GB / 1425 GiB",
"I am putting together a GIS server using GeoServer and need some help with importing my layer styles from ArcGIS 10 to format. I have one layer in ArcMap properly symbolized and labeled, how can I get this layers symbolization and labeling into a SLD file?",
"Is there a single word that describes both Witches and Wizards? In the Harry Potter world, there's the term \"muggle\" for people with no magical abilities, \"muggle-born\" for those with magical abilities who's parents are muggles and \"squib\" for those with no magical abilities who's parents are magical. But is there any collective term for all magical people (as opposed to wizards for males and witches for females)? I don't recall seeing any word that refers to all men and women and children with magical abilities, and it's the only group left without noun or collective noun to describe them.",
"Use Stokes's Theorem to show $\\oint_{C} y ~dx + z ~dy + x ~dz = \\sqrt{3} \\pi a^2$ I am a little stuck on the following problem: Use Stokes's Theorem to show that $$\\oint_{C} y ~dx + z ~dy + x ~dz = \\sqrt{3} \\pi a^2,$$ where $C$ is the suitably oriented intersection of the surfaces $x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = a^2$ and $x + y + z = 0$. OK, so Stokes's Theorem tells me that: $$\\oint_{C}\\vec{F} \\cdot d\\vec{r} = \\iint_{S}\\operatorname{curl} \\vec{F} \\cdot \\vec{N} ~dS$$ I have calculated: $$\\operatorname{curl} \\vec{F} = -\\vec{i} - \\vec{j} - \\vec{k}.$$ I then figured that on the surface $S$ we must have: $$\\vec{N}dS = \\vec{i} + \\vec{j} + \\vec{k}dxdy$$ since this follows from the equation of the given plane. However this will then give me: $$\\operatorname{curl} \\vec{F} \\cdot \\vec{N} = -1 -1 -1 = -3$$ And thus I would get, if project this onto the $xy$-plane: $$\\iint_{S} \\operatorname{curl} \\vec{F} \\cdot \\vec{N} ~dS = -3 \\iint_{A} dA = -3 \\pi a^2$$ which is obviously not correct. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me with this. I actually had multivariable calculus a few years ago, and I know that I knew this stuff then. However, now that I need it again I notice that I've become quite rusty. Thanks in advance :)",
"For a given inner product space $V$, I would like to prove the inequality $$\\|\\mathbf{x}+\\mathbf{y}\\|^2 + \\|\\mathbf{x}-\\mathbf{y}\\|^2 = 2(\\|\\mathbf{x}\\|^2 + \\|\\mathbf{y}\\|^2).$$ We see that $$\\|\\mathbf{x}+\\mathbf{y}\\|^2 + \\|\\mathbf{x}-\\mathbf{y}\\|^2 = \\langle\\mathbf{x}+\\mathbf{y},\\mathbf{x}+\\mathbf{y}\\rangle + \\langle\\mathbf{x}-\\mathbf{y},\\mathbf{x}-\\mathbf{y}\\rangle,$$ which by linearity $$=\\langle\\mathbf{x},\\mathbf{x}+\\mathbf{y}\\rangle + \\langle\\mathbf{y},\\mathbf{x}+\\mathbf{y}\\rangle + \\langle\\mathbf{x},\\mathbf{x}-\\mathbf{y}\\rangle - \\langle\\mathbf{y},\\mathbf{x}-\\mathbf{y}\\rangle.$$ I've been trying to figure out how to go about this proof using linearity in the second argument of an inner product, but my textbook does not say that linearity necessarily holds in the second component. If it does, how would I go about the rest of this proof? If not, should I be potentially using some aspect of conjugate symmetry to prove this statement?",
"Logical volume is not mounted but is in use. Please close all applications using this device (eg iscsi) How do I resize a LVM partition using system-config-lvm? As per I clicked on the partition and tried to resize, but got a pop-up error from system-config-lvm. Logical volume is not mounted but is in use. Please close all applications using this device (eg iscsi). What's the problem and how can I fix it? See also .",
"Why are .NET timers limited to 15 ms resolution?",
"Plotting complex numbers",
"Why doesn't matter pass through other matter if atoms are 99.999% empty space? The ghostly passage of one body through another is obviously out of the question if the continuum assumption were valid, but we know that at the micro, nano, pico levels (and beyond) this is not even remotely the case. My understanding is that the volume of the average atom actually occupied by matter is a vanishingly small fraction of the atom's volume as a whole. If this is the case, why can't matter simply pass through other matter? Are the atom's electrons so nearly omnipresent that they can simultaneously prevent collisions/intersections from all possible directions?",
"Partitions of $n$ into distinct odd and even parts proof",
"I think that is pretty good prima-facia evidence that is just facilitating the deposition of crap.",
"Increase close vote weight for gold tag badge holders",
"What is the domain of $x^x$ as a real valued function? Consider the function $f(x) = x^x$. Wolfram alpha tells me that this function's domain is $x : x>0$, $x \\in \\mathbb{R}$. I can't see why it cannot be defined for a number like $(-2)$. I mean $(-2)^{-2}=0.25$, the same Wolfram Alpha told me. I realize that fractional powers for negative numbers may cause problems, but it could be defined for integers. Thanks for any help.",
"Just that. By good I mean something at the level of SolidWorks, AutoCAD, or similar. This is a complete limitation for me (and many others) to use Ubuntu.",
"How do I resize partitions using command line without using a GUI on a server? I only have access to the server via a terminal and I can't use graphical tools such as GParted! I want to create a new partition from a part of the root (about 768mb) for swap. # df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/vda 20G 1.3G 18G 7% / udev 10M 0 10M 0% /dev tmpfs 199M 4.9M 194M 3% /run tmpfs 100M 12K 100M 1% /run/user tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock",
"For a moderately complex query I am trying to optimize, I noticed that removing the TOP n clause changes the execution plan. I would have guessed that when a query includes TOP n the database engine would run the query ignoring the the TOP clause, and then at the end just shrink that result set down to the n number of rows that was requested. The graphical execution plan seems to indicate this is the case -- TOP is the \"last\" step. But it appears there is more going on. My question is, how (and why) does a TOP n clause impact the execution plan of a query? Here is a simplified version of what is going on in my case: The query is matching rows from two tables, A and B. Without the TOP clause, the optimizer estimates there will be 19k rows from table A and 46k rows from table B. The actual number of rows returned is 16k for A and 13k for B. A hash match is used to join these two results sets for a total of 69 rows (then a sort is applied). This query happens very quickly. When I add TOP 1001 the optimizer does not use a hash match; instead it first sorts the results from table A (same estimate/actual of 19k/16k) and does a nested loop against table B. The estimated number of rows for table B is now 1, and the strange thing is that the TOP n directly affects the estimated number of executions (index seek) against B -- it appears to always be 2n+1, or in my case 2003. This estimate changes accordingly if I change TOP n. Of course, since this is a nested join the actual number of executions is 16k (the number of rows from table A) and this slows down the query. The actual scenario is a bit more complex but this captures the basic idea/behavior. Both tables are searched using index seeks. This is SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise edition.",
"Are $10\\times 10$ matrices spanned by powers of a single matrix?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
I guess that my mail server is unprotected and spammers are using my mail server to spam myself | Fighting Spam - What can I do as an: Email Administrator, Domain Owner, or User? | [
"Age replacement policy for hard disks and SSDs at servers I'm planing an age replacement policy for our storage and servers. Most of them are for DBs and some for images (static content) so yes, they have an huge I/O everytime. Also, we use Samsung 840 Pro SSDs for the RAID Controllers (PERC H700i) as CacheCade. Are you guys managing the replacement of old hard drives and solid state drives?",
"Noether's Theorem: Lie groups vs. Lie algebras; finite vs. infinitesimal symmetries I've had a brief look through similar threads on this topic to see if my question has already been answered, but I didn't find quite what I was looking for, perhaps it is because I'm finding it hard to put words on my question and I hope that you will be able to help me ask it clearly. I'm trying to link what I know from mathematics to what we are writing in physics for Noether's theorem. If I understand correctly we are looking at the symmetries of the action i.e. under which symmetry groups is it invariant. Noether's theorem allows us to calculate a conserved current in the case of a continuous symmetry (Lie groups), by means of so-called infinitesimal symmetries which I believe to be elements of the Lie algebra (so the tangent space to the neutral element) of the Lie group. I'm guessing that if the action is invariant under the symmetry then it's \"variation\" should be 0 when we vary the system (space-time coordinate, or field) using this symmetry; it is exactly this step that I would like to understand better, how can I formalize this step correctly mathematically? How should I understand this variation, and how does it's calculation give rise to the elements of the Lie algebra?",
"How are digital movies sent to a movie theater? For many years, movies were stored on rolls of film that were physically mailed to theaters. Now, most theaters project their movies digitally. But how are these digital movies sent to the theater? Do they mail a hard drive to the theater? Do they give the theater a username and password to a super secret website where they can download it? How does it get there?",
"If $f:\\mathbb{R}\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ is differentiable and $\\lim_{x\\to \\infty } f^\\prime(x)=0$ show that $\\lim _{x\\to \\infty } (f(x+1)-f(x))=0$. Having some trouble proving this: If $f:\\mathbb{R}\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ is differentiable and $\\lim_{x\\to \\infty } f^\\prime(x)=0$ show: $\\lim _{x\\to \\infty } (f(x+1)-f(x))=0$ Attempt: from $\\int \\lim _{x\\rightarrow \\infty } f^\\prime(x) \\mathrm{d}x=0$ we can say that $f^\\prime(x)=const$ would we then have to show that $\\lim _{x\\to \\infty } (f(x+1))$ is also a constant? From there if we show that both are equal then the difference is zero. I am on the right track? Thank you for the help.",
"What is a session 0? What is a \"Session 0\"? When is it done? What does it contain? Is it recommended, if not mandatory? What is each person's role (DM/GM, players, etc.)? What topics are best discussed there? Usually with my groups, we go directly to the meat of the game right after the character creation, but I see a lot of answers that basically say \"you should have a session 0\", but it's never explained what it is made of, so it's kind of an enigma for me.",
"Man travelling alone across a planet, thinks about a fearsome creature that he hears behind him About fifteen years ago I read a short story about a man on a planet (possibly Mars or the Moon), travelling alone between bases. It's written in the first person and as he's walking across the planet, he's thinking to himself about this fearsome creature that preys on people. It sneaks up on them, makes some noise and then attacks them. Just as he turns the final corner of the canyon he was walking through and sees the door to the other base, he hears the creature behind him making its noise and the story ends. It was in a short story collection but I don't remember the name of the story or the book it was in. Any help would be much appreciated.",
"Why pendulum does not follow SHM for larger angular displacement? Considering an ideal case(neglecting drag of air, damping etc.), a pendulum follows SHM if the angular displacement is small (upto 10 degrees). But, for large angular displacement(more than 10 degree), it does not follow SHM. Why? What force cause the pendulum not to follow SHM?",
"What should be done with questions that have been resolved as a comment instead of an answer? I'm trying to go through and provide answers to every unanswered question (search "closed:0 answers:0"), somewhat following the spirit that was blogged about at . However, I'm finding this much more difficult than it needs to be, as many of the questions have already been answered without the use of an "answer" - but instead, in the form of a comment by either the OP or another poster. I wouldn't mind reading through and skipping these, as long as there was some appropriate action I could take to at least assist with preventing these questions from being seen again from the same query - either by myself or another SO member. Is there such an appropriate action? Should we vote to close? If so, using what reason? Even if I vote to close, what are the chances that 4 other users will also view the question and also vote to close? (i.e., will my individual vote even do any good? Is there any report to show recent close votes, so that others may also review and contribute supporting close votes?) Should we post some sort of an answer - even just something to the effect of "this was already answered by the OP's own comment to his answer (above)"? Would something like this be appropriate to flag for moderator attention, and let the moderators deal with it? (Or would this be considered too trivial?) Should we rename the question title to something standard that can be used in a search exclusion? (Maybe "SOLVED:"?) Basically, how can I help to denote questions as "This question is no longer in active search of an answer - though better answers may still be appreciated."? I've already reviewed , which was closed as a duplicate of - but this requires effort on part of a user who may very likely no longer be active. Otherwise, is there something I should be doing to improve my search to filter out these types of questions? I've run across this many times, so I don't consider it to be a rare issue. However, the last question like this I just ran across, prompting this question, was . In this case, the question was self-answered by the OP in the form of a comment, this question is the OP's only question, the OP has no other visible activity on SO, and the OP hasn't been seen on SO since he registered and posted the question 5 months ago. Another one I just ran across is . However, here the "answer" comment was posted by a reputable and recently active SO member. Should I leave a comment directed at him, asking him to re-post his comment as an answer, or should I post my own answer echoing his comment? (Or something else?) Yet another is . Interestingly, the OP actually self-edited the question to include the "SOLVED:" prefix on to the question, instead of posting his resolving comment as an answer (and ideally accepting it) as he was asked to do by another comment. This brings up another good idea - is there a "standard" we should use to rename the titles on these "resolved but unanswered" posts that could be used as a search exclusion? (Also added to the above list.)",
"Can the Force be used to fly? In The Empire Strikes Back Yoda uses the Force to lift Luke's X-Wing out of the water and put it on land. In Attack of the Clones and in many instances in the second series of The Clone Wars, Anakin (and others) use the Force to jump higher than they could otherwise, or to jump from very high locations, but I don't think I've ever seen the Force used for outright self-levitation. But if Yoda could lift the X-Wing, shouldn't a strong Jedi be able to lift himself and, essentially, fly with the help of the Force?",
"Why can't variables be declared in a switch statement?",
"Create an encrypted ZIP file in Python",
"Permanently mounting loop device I created a file touch /datastore/virtual/pseudoblock created a loop device with it sudo losetup /dev/loop0 /datastore/virtual/pseudoblock (although I got a warning about its size) and then initialized it with random data dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/loop0 bs=1M count=100 My questions are a) why is it not displayed yet in my block devices' list? NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sdb 8:16 0 489.1G 0 disk ├─sdb2 8:18 0 488M 0 part /boot ├─sdb3 8:19 0 488.1G 0 part │ └─sdb3_crypt 253:0 0 488.1G 0 crypt │ ├─ubuntu--vg-root 253:1 0 472.2G 0 lvm / │ └─ubuntu--vg-swap_1 253:2 0 15.9G 0 lvm [SWAP] └─sdb1 8:17 0 512M 0 part /boot/efi sda 8:0 0 931.5G 0 disk └─sda1 8:1 0 931.5G 0 part └─sda1_crypt 253:3 0 931.5G 0 crypt └─store--vg-store1tb 253:4 0 931.5G 0 lvm /datastore b) how can I permanently mount it via /etc/fstab since I cannot get its UUID? $ blkid /dev/mapper/sdb3_crypt: UUID=\"fSHjbj-51K2-QfhI-G0Wb-o3lN-4pE1-BB4wCP\" TYPE=\"LVM2_member\" /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root: UUID=\"9e452886-4d8g-fj54-854c-80bc171826e8\" TYPE=\"ext4\" working on $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS Release: 16.04 Codename: xenial with $ uname -a Linux pkara-pc01 4.15.0-42-generic #45~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Nov 19 13:02:27 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux",
"I am aware of what hyperfocal distance is and the general principles behind it. However, most of the tutorials I have seen and read regarding it make use of lenses with focus distance indicators. Unfortunately, neither of my lenses (Nikkor 18-55mm & 35mm f1.8) have indicators. I have read that you can 'cheat' and simply focus a third of the way into the shot (which I have done previously simply by spot-focusing on the lowest focus point in my VF). I also assume you could pace out the distance and note an object to focus on when you get back to the camera (though that might be easier said than done). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to achieve maximum sharpness from front to back without focus distance markers. A new lens is not an option; global economic crisis and all that!",
"It seems that they can all mean \"easily provoked to anger\" irascible:Easily provoked to outbursts of anger; irritable. fractious:Irritable; argumentative; quarrelsome. irritable:1.Capable of being irritated. 2.Easily exasperated or excited. atrabilious:1.Characterized by melancholy. 2.ill-natured; malevolent.",
"which vectors are perpendicular to each other? $\\vec a = (1, -2, 3)$, $\\vec b = (5, 4, 1)$, $\\vec c = (1, 0, -5)$ Do i just take the dot product of 2 of them. If the dot product they are at $90^\\circ$? But how do i know if there perpendicular?",
"How can I move my /home directory to another partition if it's already part of the / partition? I have a wonderful running Maverick Meerkat install going on right now. I want to move my /home to another partition as per many suggestions. How can I go about doing this without reinstalling the entire Ubuntu system? Can I simply create the partition with gparted and then change the mount point of /home in fstab to reflect it or is it a bit more difficult?",
"Getting a File's MD5 Checksum in Java I am looking to use Java to get the MD5 checksum of a file. I was really surprised but I haven't been able to find anything that shows how to get the MD5 checksum of a file. How is it done?",
"Ethernet device not managed I am using Ubuntu 16.10 and recently I have not been able to connect to internet using Ethernet. The network manager shows device not managed. The WiFi network is working fine. I've tried the solution from this questionn with no use. My /etc/network/interfaces file: # interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8) auto lo iface lo inet loopback My /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf file: [main] plugins=ifupdown,keyfile,ofono dns=dnsmasq [ifupdown] managed=true Output of nmcli d: DEVICE TYPE STATE CONNECTION wlp2s0 wifi connected eduroam enp8s0 ethernet unmanaged -- lo loopback unmanaged --",
"I am trying to construct a theoretical Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol. However, i cannot understand the difference between choosing an additive group or a multiplicative group. I believe an additive would make it much more simple, but would a multiplicative group make it more difficult to break? What would be the difference between the use of those 2 kinds of number groups?",
"If $\\forall x \\in R, x^2-x \\in Z(G)$, than $R$ is commutative Let $R$ be a ring such that for every $x\\in R$ we have $x^2-x \\in Z(G)$. Show that $R$ is a commutative ring. My thoughts What should I do? I could show that every $y \\in R$ could be written in the shape $x^2-x$ but I don't know if that is true. We know that $y \\cdot(x^2-x) \\ = \\ (x^2-x)\\cdot y$ for any $x,y \\in R$, but that doesn't mean that $xy = yx$. Please give me a hint"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
QGIS demarcation and parallel line | How to Split Features in QGIS? | [
"I'm stuck on the following phrases. Is it correct to use preposition \"of\" in the sentences bellow? It's not a little unpleasant of being her so fussy. It's awfull of him having done this. Thank you.",
"What is the noun for someone who receives a referral? When a referrer (noun) gives a referral (noun) to another person, what is the term (noun) used for the recipient of the referral? \"The referred\" may work, but am I missing another term? \"Referred\" indicates past-tense, but I intend to use the term in future and present tense as well.",
"The differential equation $$ {d^2\\alpha \\over dt^2} + {g \\over L} \\cdot \\alpha = 0 $$ describes a 1-dimensional mathematical pendulum, where $\\alpha $ is the angle, $ g = 9.82 $, and $ L = 0.2 $ is the lentgh of the string. What is the position of the pendulum after 1 second if the velocity at time equals zero is $ 0 $ m/s and the angle at time equals zero is $ {\\pi \\over 60} $ radians. To my understanding this is a homogenous equation, ergo $$ y'' + Cy = 0$$ And with the help of the characteristic equation I get the complex roots $ Ci \\, $ and $ -Ci $. This is a farily simple differential equation, but I have a feeling my calculations so far are wrong (mainly because I didn't expect to see complex roots for this equation).",
"Is it theoretically possible that every person in this village has a different jar of coins? A village has about $1$ million residents. Suppose each resident has a jar with $100$ coins in it.Two jars are considered to be “equivalent” if they have the same number of 10c, 20c, 50c, $\\$$1 and $\\$$2 coins in them. How many different (i.e. nonequivalent) jars of coins exist? Is it theoretically possible that every person in this village has a different jar of coins? I understood that if we have $k_1$ 10 coins in the jar where $k_1$ is between $0$ and $100$ inclusive, then there are $100-k_1$ coins of other denominations in the jar. Likewise, we also have $k_2$ 20c coins in the jar where $k_2$ is between $0$ and $100$ inclusive, so the combined number of 50c, $\\$$1, and $\\$$2 coins in the jar is $100-k_1-k_2$. And we always have some $k_1, k_2, k_3, k_4, k_5$, let's say, so that the sum of those $k$'s is $100$. I got stuck since I don't know how to 'compare' the number of coins in jars for different residents.",
"Do web browsers use different outgoing ports for different tabs?",
"How to extract files to another directory using 'tar' command? I thought tar archive.tar /users/mylocation would work, but it doesn't. How can I do that?",
"I know the past tense carries the past tense in every dependent clause, but referring specifically to places or to things that are eternal, like the Earth, seems a bit weird and therefore we sometimes (I believe incorrectly) say He didn't know that New Jersey was actually on the East Coast. Because it still is. Or He thought the Earth was round. So is it square now? Logically speaking, would you consider the use of past tense here a bit confusing in a day-to-day speech in these examples? Would you instinctively opt for using the present tense?",
"Authenticate to Stack Exchange using GitHub I've seen sign in methods using as an authentication provider, for example : (AWS Cloud9) Is it possible to authenticate into Stack Exchange using this method? At the moment there's other methods such as OpenID, Google, Yahoo and Facebook, but it would be interesting to also have the GitHub authentication.",
"Blog showing up as mobile, won't exit Stack Exchange blog is showing me the mobile site and won't let me exit on Chrome 21. Could someone take a look? Thanks. Edit I noticed it was with the special query string, that I can't exit it.",
"I have uploaded an excel sheet into static resource of my environment. I have it as a demo for my product how to create a excel sheet for import records into sf. Can any body guide me how can i provide link on the VF page so that user can download the record at single click.I want to into a managed package and want users to be able to click the link on the Vf page to download. Right now i have my demo excel sheet in static resource. I am open if you have any other ideas to get the process done.",
"In Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, why would anyone believe this rumor? From Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Part I: Scorpius Malfoy is talking with his best friend Albus Potter: SCORPIUS: So your dad thinks the rumors are true -- I am the son of Voldemort? ALBUS (nods): His department are currently investigating it. SCORPIUS: Good. Let them. Sometimes -- sometimes I find myself thinking -- maybe they're true too. ALBUS: No. They're not true. [...] Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Part I - Act Two, Scene Sixteen, Hogwarts Library - Page 143 - Scholastic Harry Potter and the Cursed Child picks up right at the point where Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows leaves off, at the epilogue. It is nineteen years post-Hogwarts, and Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter are eleven-year-old first-years. I'm about as good at math as J.K. Rowling (meaning I'm terrible at it!), so correct me if I'm wrong. Voldemort was killed at the Battle of Hogwarts in May of 1998. At least eight years post-Battle had to have passed before Albus and Scorpius were born (I'm estimating the boys were born in 2006). Voldemort would have had to have been alive in 2005/2006 in order to have ... ... fathered Scorpius Malfoy. As the wizarding world was fully aware of Voldemort's death in 1998, why would anyone even remotely believe that Voldemort is ... ... Scorpius Malfoy's father? I can understand the possibility of Harry believing the rumor because ... ... his scar hurt, and his scar is Harry's connection to Voldemort. But other than Harry, it doesn't make sense to me why anyone would believe such a ridiculous rumor. So, why?",
"How can I determine if someone's SSH key contains an empty passphrase? Some of my Linux & FreeBSD systems have dozens of users. Staff will use these \"ssh gateway\" nodes to SSH into other internal servers. We're concerned that some of these people use an unencrypted private SSH key (A key without a . , because if a cracker ever gained access to their account on this machine, they could steal the private key and now have access to any machine which uses this same key. For security reasons, we require all users to encrypt their private SSH keys with a passphrase. How can I tell if a private key is not-encrypted (e.g. Does not contain a passphrase)? Is there a different method to do this on an ASCII-armored key vs. a non-ASCII-armored key? Update: To clarify, assume I have superuser access on the machine and I can read everybody's private keys.",
"Let $f$ be an entire function and $L$ a line in $\\mathbb{C}$ such that $f(\\mathbb{C})\\cap L=\\emptyset$. Show that $f$ is constant function. If $f$ is not constant then $f(\\mathbb{C})$ is dense set in $\\mathbb{C}$, but how can I use that line does not intersect the image set?",
"Is there a term for words that when reversed, form other words? I'm aware of what a palindrome is. What do you call words that, when reversed, form other words, such as ton (not) and part (trap)?",
"How to install TP-LINK T2UH Wireless adapter Driver (Ralink mt7610u)",
"How to install specific Ubuntu packages, with exact version? I want to setup a new virtual machine with some specified packages (name and version), that are provided. For example apache2 in version 2.2.20-1ubuntu1 with all dependencies. Even if there is a new version of this package on the servers this one should be installed. The solution has to work/scale with multiple (n) \"setups\". Another virtual machine might need an older version of apache2. I currently know of some possibilities that install the exact packages, but do not scale that good: Copy all required *.deb to every virtual machine manually and enter: dpkg -i ... -> Could work, but it is very error prone. (Manual scripts etc.) Create and use a new Ubuntu repository for each setup. -> Does not work because I would need n repositories. Setup the machine once and copy the VM / create a snapshot. -> Does not work because I would need to store n VMs. My problem could be labeled as patch management, but I do not want to update my packages to the current version. My goal is to install old packages.",
"Is there any benefit of creating model in one piece or I can create separate pieces and just overlap them to create a visually joint part. For example, the below image were made from two parts 1. Blade 2. Spinner Is there any benefit to model them (e.g. extrude from the spinner) or it is actually ok to have them separated since visually I can achieve the same effect (See picture 2)",
"Is it touch(1) from coreutils-8.4-37.el6.x86_64 or my brain which is broken? $ touch abc $ LANG=C stat abc File: `abc' Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 regular empty file Device: fd04h/64772d Inode: 10485773 Links: 1 Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--) Uid: (3060399/ nodakai) Gid: ( 418/ quant) Access: 2016-10-14 18:42:06.189751847 +0800 Modify: 2016-10-14 18:42:06.189751847 +0800 Change: 2016-10-14 18:42:06.189751847 +0800 $ touch -a abc $ LANG=C stat abc File: `abc' Size: 0 Blocks: 0 IO Block: 4096 regular empty file Device: fd04h/64772d Inode: 10485773 Links: 1 Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--) Uid: (3060399/ nodakai) Gid: ( 418/ quant) Access: 2016-10-14 18:42:17.374235446 +0800 Modify: 2016-10-14 18:42:06.189751847 +0800 Change: 2016-10-14 18:42:17.374235446 +0800 $ touch --help | grep 'access time' -a change only the access time As you see, it was not only atime but also ctime which was updated by touch -a !?!? The filesystem is ext4 over LVM if that makes any differences.",
"Is my paper under review (or similar) for too long and if yes, how should I react? I submitted a paper to a journal, and I suspect that it is handled too slowly. How can I decide whether my suspicion is correct? What handling times should I expect? Given some expected handling times, when should I act? How much leeway should I give? How should I act? Whom should I contact and what should I (roughly) write? Note that I am interested on how I should approach this situation in general, and do not seek specific numbers for my specific situation. I am therefore looking for general answers that are independent of such factors as the field or individual journal (but mention them if they are relevant factors). This is a canonical question on this topic as per . Due to its nature, it is rather broad and not exemplary for a regular question on this site. Please feel free to improve this question.",
"C programming: How to program for Unicode? What prerequisites are needed to do strict Unicode programming? Does this imply that my code should not use char types anywhere and that functions need to be used that can deal with wint_t and wchar_t? And what is the role played by multibyte character sequences in this scenario?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
TexStudio Build & View VS Compile | What is the difference between "Build and view" and "Compile"? | [
"If $f:\\mathbb{R}\\to\\mathbb{R}$ is continuous and $$\\lim_{x\\to\\infty}f(x)=\\lim_{x\\to-\\infty}f(x)=\\infty$$ Prove that $f$ has a minimum on $\\mathbb{R}$; that is, there is an $x_m\\in\\mathbb{R}$ such that $$f(x_m)=\\inf_{x\\in\\mathbb{R}}f(x)<\\infty$$ I think the best approach would be to prove the existence of a lower bound, that is $\\exists M\\in\\mathbb{R}:M<f(x),\\forall x\\in\\mathbb{R}$, but I don't know how to do this. I am probably supposed to use the extreme value theorem or the intermediate value theorem, but I don't know how to do that.",
"\"Die from cancer\" vs. \"die of cancer\" Is there a difference between those expressions: \"Die from cancer\" or \"Die of cancer\"? Are they both correct?",
"How can I delete a node after, for example, 2 weeks it has been created?",
"What is this operator: &=",
"Prove that $\\lim\\limits_{n\\to\\infty}1 + \\frac{1}{1!} + \\frac {1}{2!} + \\cdots + \\frac{1}{n!}\\ge\\lim\\limits_{n\\to\\infty}(1+\\frac{1}{n})^n$ So My professor assigned this question and I am really stuck on part B of the question. For $n \\in \\mathbb{N}$ let {$T_n$} = {$1 + \\frac{1}{1!} + \\frac {1}{2!} + \\cdots + \\frac{1}{n!}$}. (a) Prove that {$T_n$} is non-decreasing. (b) Use {$S_n$} = {$(1+\\frac{1}{n})^n$} to prove that {$T_n$} is bounded above and prove that $lim_n(T_n)\\ge lim_n (S_n)$ Like I mentioned I can prove part (a) simply by supposing that $T_{n+1} \\lt T_n$ then after some algebra concluding the statement is false and than with one other example proving that its not strictly increasing either. Now for part (b) I have not a slightest clue about how to solve, I assume I will have to use the expanded form of $S_n$ but thats the best I have. So please give me some hints or nudges in the right direction.",
"I am an operator (OP) on my friends Realm. Today I tried to play and noticed that no commands would work for me, or anyone else granted OP. They only worked for the owner of said realm. He has de-oped us and re-oped us with no cure to the problem. What's causing this? Also another problem that when he tries to reload the realm it fails every single time, any options that would fix this problem?",
"I have a HP-G62 B17S laptop, which has Windows 7 Home Edition 64-bit. I read on a blog about a setting in msconfig.exe (Windows System Configuration utility): Boot > Advanced options > Number of Processors This was showing 1 for me but I have a dual core AMD Turion, so I changed the setting to 2. Next to it was a Maximum Memory setting (which was unchecked). I checked it and made sure it was max 4096; my system has 4GB RAM. After restarting the laptop, it now gives an error: Windows Error Recovery Windows failed to start I can choose from two options: Launch Startup Repair Start Windows normally. When I select Startup repair, it goes on to give another error: Windows Boot Manager Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem: Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer. Choose your language settings, and then click \"Next.\" Click \"repair your computer.\" I do not have the Windows installation disc for this OS version - the manufacturer did not send it to me when I purchased the laptop. If I try to start Windows normally it takes some time and then gives the same error message. I tried inserting another installation disc of Windows 7 Professional Edition 64-bit (available from my other laptop), and restarting, but no repair menu comes up. I also tried restarting the laptop, pressing F8 to enter Advanced Startup Options and selecting to boot with the Last known good configuration, or starting in safe mode - neither option gives any success. This time it gives a Blue Screen of Death with the following message: A problem has been detected, and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer - BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO It then does a crash dump of the memory and restarts with the same options of repairing or starting Windows normally as earlier. What exactly seems to be the problem here and its cause? What are my options now to restore/repair my Windows 7 OS to a working condition? Would the manufacturer send a recovery/repair disk for this if I called them? The laptop should be in warranty period - it was purchased six months ago. I have a Ubuntu 10.04 bootable CD. Is there any way to boot into Ubuntu, and repair Windows from there? Are there any other way to recover the OS? (I have an access to a working Windows Vista HP Laptop, if that helps) EDIT Ok, it was able to boot through the Win-7 professional Installation disc, but even after doing Startup repair, and System restore, It still does not boot into the original Win-7.",
"If $\\operatorname{ran} F \\subseteq \\operatorname{dom} G$, then $\\operatorname{dom}(G \\circ F) = \\operatorname{dom} F$.",
"Find the minimal polynomial for $\\sqrt[3]{2} + \\sqrt[3]{4}$ over $\\mathbb{Q}$ I havent covered galois theory, this is an exercise from the chapter algebraic extensions in gallian. I can see that $\\sqrt[3]{2} + \\sqrt[3]{4}$ $\\in \\mathbb{Q}(2^{1/3})$, after this I am clueless. Need hints will finish the proof.",
"In the PHP manual, to show the syntax for functions with optional parameters, they use brackets around each set of dependent optional parameter. For example, for the function, the manual reads: string date ( string $format [, int $timestamp = time() ] ) Where $timestamp is an optional parameter, and when left blank it defaults to the function's return value. How do you go about creating optional parameters like this when defining a custom function in PHP?",
"How to copy modifiers with attribute values from active object to selected objects with python scripting?",
"Can I start and stop a tile floor job? I am tiling my bathroom floor and don't soon have a full day to dedicate to the job. Is it ok to lay down a few tiles each day and come back to the job when I have time? I would only lay mortar for the tiles I have time to lay each day. My concern is that the mortar wouldn't properly \"join\" to the previously laid sections of tile and cause an inferior result, but I'm not really basing this concern on any facts. That is what I'm hoping to learn with this question.",
"I'm getting a NoSuchMethodError error when running my Java program. What's wrong and how do I fix it?",
"if $x_i$ are IID continuous random variables, with $E[x_i]=μ$, is the following correct? $E\\left[\\prod_{i=1}^n(1+⍺\\space x_i)^i\\right] = \\prod_{i=1}^nE\\left[(1+⍺\\space x_i)^i\\right] = \\prod_{i=1}^n(1+⍺\\space E\\left[x_i\\right])^i = (1+⍺\\space μ)^n$ thanks!",
"Find the area of the shaded region in the figure below: Find the area of the shaded region in the figure below: I am completely stuck on how to start off this question. Please help on some guidance on how to start it off.",
"How to retrieve multiple rows from database in PHP",
"Advanced search in Google Contacts Is there any way to do perform advanced searches in Google Contacts? For example, wild card operators, AND operator, OR operator etc? I want to search anywhere in a name, not just the beginning of a name. (i.e if I write 'ac' it should display Jack as well)",
"We have been using this result without proof in my class, but I don't know how to prove it. Could someone point me in the right direction? $$|1-e^{i\\theta}|\\le|\\theta|$$ I believe this is true for all $\\theta\\in\\mathbb{R}$. It is easy to show that the left side is bounded by 2 (triangle inequality), but I'm stuck otherwise.",
"As shown in various episodes (\"Mirror, Mirror,\" \"Phantasms,\" etc.), other universes exist, oftentimes containing the same characters, albeit in different situations than in the prime universe. I'm curious, though, whether individuals that apparently exist outside of the multiverse, such as members of the Q, would not be duplicated elsewhere. It seems reasonable to me, but I'm not sure.",
"Installing to SDCard by default I would like to know whether there is a way to tell Android to install applications on the micro SD card by default instead of having to download applications to internal memory first and then having to move them to the SD card manually. Thanks"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
how to make bootable windows iso on kali linux? error | How to make a bootable windows USB in Kali Linux | [
"Inverse Fourier transform of Gaussian I need to calculate the Inverse Fourier Transform of this Gaussian function: $\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}} exp(\\frac{-k^2 \\sigma^2}{2})$ where $\\sigma > 0$, namely I have to calculate the following integral: $\\int{\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}} \\exp(\\frac{-k^2 \\sigma^2}{2})} \\exp(ikx) dk$. How can I do that? If I am not wrong (in which case please correct me) the result should be $\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{2\\pi}\\sigma}exp(\\frac{-x^2}{2\\sigma^2})$...but I don't know how to get there!",
"When should I load assets for optimal performance? I'm writing a game using LWJGL and Java, and was wondering if there were best practices for when to load resources. I have seen examples that load all resources when initializing the game (XNA), ones that load the new resources needed for each level while referencing the already loaded assets again.",
"Need to schedule a job every hour in jenkins",
"How to use an ESC I'm new to RC related modules. Today I got my 's Skywalker 20A brushless esc. Manual is . I also have a brushless outrunner motor (HL3512) I don't have any device to program the esc's (even the seller hasn't mentioned about such requirement). The talks about programming by listening to the beep patterns. But for that it seems that the esc should be connected to a flight controller (it talks about throttle positions etc...). But I don't have any flight controller. Can some one tell me how to use the esc with what I have? (I have 2200mAh LiPo and too)",
"Nopagebreak nopagebreak nopagebreak - why won't LaTeX listen to me? Fun times, I'm making a (manual) index of the lecture slides for class (which are nowhere near latex, ppt files yay) and of course Latex insists on placing pagebreaks willie nillie through my items. Why isn't there a \"keep (paragraph) with next (paragraph)\" option like there is in Word 2007 (and all others I think). Is Word really more powerful than Latex [when it comes to this specific attribute of paragraph flow]? *full page before here* Knowledge in the \\nopagebreak\\\\ \\nopagebreak \\nopagebreak - Head Results in *full page* Knowledge in the ---8<--- Next page - Head ... Yes, I know I can place a \\newpage before the line to push it to the next page, but there has to [HAS TO] be a way to make Latex understand that this isn't what I want, these two lines are supposed to stick together! Edit: Full context: *empty line* Knowledge in the \\\\ - Head \\slid{44, 69} - World \\slid{5, \\textbf{44}, 66, 69, 84} *empty line* With slid being: \\newcommand{\\slid}[1]{\\dotfill #1 \\nopagebreak\\\\} It seems to be to be that the -World line is pulling down the -Head line, if I add an empty line between them, both Knowledge.. and -Head stay on the same page, with -World on the next one. But when I combine the two, only -Head gets pulled to a new page, and Knowledge... stays on the previous page.",
"Can we implement a dead time on answers for high reputation user Summary: High reputation users on SO come swooping in the second a simple question is posted, and get the first answer in before I've even opened my Python interpreter to test my idea out. This actually is a problem because it prevents use lower users who aren't as good at programming from getting any answers in. This makes it very hard to build up reputation. Thus, I propose a short dead time for high reputation users where their answers do not appear. The Problem: This isn't just reputation. By answering questions and having discussions with OP, we all get better at our language. Teaching is one of the best ways of learning, and a more well versed population is absolutely good for SO. (If anyone wants to argue that, go home) While its nice to have folks who can quickly answer nearly all questions in a jiffy, its a little frustrating for those of use who simply aren't as fast, but still want to contribute. The result is that many people do not answer questions because they feel like they just can't get an edge in. SO should aim to incentivize as many answers by as many users as possible. The most answers from the most users is the most beneficial situation for the site and the community. Once we accept this idea, it is clear that something needs to be done to address the issue at hand The Solution: Luckily, this is an easy problem to solve; we use a dead time. High reputation users can post answers whenever they like, but they won't appear until after the dead time is completed. The trick is balance, a dead time which is too long will harm the OP as the question will remain unanswered, however, a dead time which is too short won't actually fix the problem. There definitely needs to be a discussion about what \"high reputation\" means and what dead time to use, but it should be independent of whether y'all agree that this is a problem. So, what do you think? EDIT: Wow, -18, I leave for lunch for 30 minutes and this is what happens! I guess y'all think this is a bad idea, but let me try to clarify a few things on which I was unclear earlier. This is not about reputation. This is not about getting the first answer just for the sake of getting to say \"in before...\" This is about learning. By getting a shot at answering questions before the high reputation users, people learn. Think of it as doing an example problem in class before the teacher does it. You get a chance to try it yourself, test your knowledge, and if you fail, then the teacher is right behind you to show the correct solution. This is what I'm trying to accomplish. However, seeing the solution, and then trying to answer the question, is not very helpful. This is how I view the status quo. In response to Mr. Pieters' answer and comments: You're absolutely right, this is not about quantity, its about quality. The fastest answer isn't always the best. But asking the high reputation users to take a step back for a few minutes is a means of getting there. Hopefully this clears things up a bit.",
"I've been using the beta iCloud Photo Library for a week and a bunch of photos got duplicated and I'd like to wipe all the photos out and start over. I have backups of all the photos and have turned off iPhoto Cloud Library on all iOS devices. When I log into the web app - it still shows dozens of albums and I can delete all the photos, then go to deleted items and then purge them, but the ghost albums are still there messing things up. I've turned off the library entirely and you can see there is a 30 day waiting period. If I click on albums, there are pages of them and no delete button anywhere. If I turn on the library on an iOS device, data starts flooding back as if I wanted to recover the photos. I don't want to recover anything, I want a clean wipe and clean slate. Currently, there are 7807 photos in the deleted album and no way to mass delete them. I have 31 albums that show up in iCloud and no way to delete them. Is there some way to accelerate this or must people wait a month for a corrupt library to eventually be purged to start over? (I have tickets open with AppleCare after and it's escalated to engineering, but I was informed that it might be a week or two before it gets seen :-( Perhaps someone has a better idea to clear things out or noticed something I've missed.)",
"How to reset the terminal properties and preferences?",
"For the following pretty straightforward task: query a list of products from a DB and present it on a webpage, consider 2 setups: Setup1: PHP script queries. All content is built on the server and the entire page is served back to the client. Setup2: Static HTML \"page skeleton\" requesting content using AJAX. Received content is parsed on the client side using Javascript and rendered using innerHTML or similar. Of course the second setup only makes sense when you have pages, categories and tags for the client user to choose from. I need to compare these two, at least by means of: time it will take content to be served user experience (setup1 is delivered as a whole, setup2 is delivered in \"two parts\") scalability - how do the setups compare when I have 100,000 queries daily Any thoughts on the issue will be much appreciated.",
"Meaning of telegraph code in the song \"Planetes\" The song Planetes in Guilty Crown begins with some telegraph encoding, which I think is . Here is the . My transcription is: -•-• -••-- •-- --•-- •- --•-• •-•-- -•--• which decodes to this: ni-yu-ya a-i-shi-te-ru Niyuya didn't make sense. Did I get something wrong?",
"Operator Theoretic Perspectives on Bayesian Inference",
"Macbook Air - how to install a dual bootable Ubuntu 14.04 LTS On my Macbook Air 10.9.2 without crashing the current setup, how can i install as dual boot: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ? (can anyone please advise some step by step please)",
"Does the sequence $\\{\\sin^n(n)\\}$ converge? Does the series $\\sum\\limits_{n=1}^\\infty \\sin^n(n)$ converge?",
"Create a floating div on top of divs",
"I have a Java String that contains XML, with no line feeds or indentations. I would like to turn it into a String with nicely formatted XML. How do I do this? String unformattedXml = \"<tag><nested>hello</nested></tag>\"; String formattedXml = new [UnknownClass]().format(unformattedXml); Note: My input is a String. My output is a String. (Basic) mock result: <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <root> <tag> <nested>hello</nested> </tag> </root>",
"During this travel ban (COVID) can my wife come visit me in the USA? I know I can visit there but not sure about her coming here",
"How do I address unchecked cast warnings? Eclipse is giving me a warning of the following form: Type safety: Unchecked cast from Object to HashMap This is from a call to an API that I have no control over which returns Object: HashMap<String, String> getItems(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session) { HashMap<String, String> theHash = (HashMap<String, String>)session.getAttribute(\"attributeKey\"); return theHash; } I'd like to avoid Eclipse warnings, if possible, since theoretically they indicate at least a potential code problem. I haven't found a good way to eliminate this one yet, though. I can extract the single line involved out to a method by itself and add @SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\") to that method, thus limiting the impact of having a block of code where I ignore warnings. Any better options? I don't want to turn these warnings off in Eclipse. Before I came to the code, it was simpler, but still provoked warnings: HashMap getItems(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession session) { HashMap theHash = (HashMap)session.getAttribute(\"attributeKey\"); return theHash; } Problem was elsewhere when you tried to use the hash you'd get warnings: HashMap items = getItems(session); items.put(\"this\", \"that\"); Type safety: The method put(Object, Object) belongs to the raw type HashMap. References to generic type HashMap<K,V> should be parameterized.",
"Linux Equivalent of Windows Ctrl to show Mouse Pointer In Windows, it is possible to set pressing Ctrl to display the current location of the mouse pointer, as per . Is there a way of setting a key or key combination to perform the same action in Ubuntu? Note, this is the opposite of turning this function off, as detailed at .",
"How can I show notify-send messages triggered by crontab?",
"Sounds of supersonic objects Would you, as a stationary observer, hear a sound in reverse when the source of the sound travels with twice the speed of sound? Of course, he wouldn't hear anything at all before the airplane passed by and the sound reaches him, but what about after? Does it reverse due to the Doppler effect?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
A finite product of nilpotent groups is nilpotent | Why is the direct product of a finite number of nilpotent groups nilpotent? | [
"Gauss law and electric flux Can you please explain me what is electric flux. I know it is $\\int\\mathbf{E}\\cdot\\mathrm{d}\\mathbf{S}$, but in many place its given flux means to flow. But how does electric field \"flow\"? Also if we assume its the electric field lines (can you also specify what exactly are these) are \"flowing\" how does $\\int\\mathbf{E}\\cdot\\mathrm{d}\\mathbf{S}$ give the total electric field lines passing through that area? (can you please elaborate when you explain?) Pls. I know it shouldn't come here but there is no page for electric flux.",
"Every finite commutative ring with no zero divisors contains a multiplicative identity?",
"Calculate E[X] from incomplete data? The exercise I'm doing describes the random variable $X$ as the following | Number of cars | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4+ | | % of families | 15 | 45 | 25 | 13 | 2 | Then it asks me to evaluate $E[X]$. But if there could be cases with 4+ cars, wouldn't that make it impossible to calculate the expectancy?",
"Calculating the limit $\\lim((n!)^{1/n})$ Find $\\lim_{n\\to\\infty} ((n!)^{1/n})$. The question seemed rather simple at first, and then I realized I was not sure how to properly deal with this at all. My attempt: take the logarithm, $$\\lim_{n\\to\\infty} \\ln((n!)^{1/n}) = \\lim_{n\\to\\infty} (1/n)\\ln(n!) = \\lim_{n\\to\\infty} (\\ln(n!)/n)$$ Applying L'hopital's rule: $$\\lim_{n\\to\\infty} [n! (-\\gamma + \\sum(1/k))]/n! = \\lim_{n\\to\\infty} (-\\gamma + \\sum(1/k))= \\lim_{n\\to\\infty} (-(\\lim(\\sum(1/k) - \\ln(n)) + \\sum(1/k)) = \\lim_{n\\to\\infty} (\\ln(n) + \\sum(1/k)-\\sum(1/k) = \\lim_{n\\to\\infty} (\\ln(n))$$ I proceeded to expand the $\\ln(n)$ out into Maclaurin form $$\\lim_{n\\to\\infty} (n + (n^2/2)+...) = \\infty$$ Since I $\\ln$'ed in the beginning, I proceeded to e the infinity $$= e^\\infty = \\infty$$ So am I write in how I approached this or am I just not on the right track? I know it diverges, I was just wanted to try my best to explicitly show it.",
"On the moderator , the tooltip will display the text used for voting on a question; this is incorrect. Steps to reproduce: Cast a vote for or against any candidate Undo that vote At this point, the tooltip content is changed, at least for that candidate. See screenshots: As you can see, the message doesn't quite fit here; these are certainly not questions.",
"Verify mysqldump backup is corruption free",
"How do I enable the \"Universe\" repository? How do I get to the Universe Repository in supported versions of Ubuntu?",
"How do you remove Subversion control for a folder? I have a folder, c:\\websites\\test, and it contains folders and files that were checked out from a repository that no longer exists. How do I get Subversion to stop tracking that folder and any of the subfolders and files? I know I could simply delete the .svn folder, but there are a lot of sub-folders in many layers.",
"Bash variable scope Please explain to me why the very last echo statement is blank? I expect that XCODE is incremented in the while loop to a value of 1: #!/bin/bash OUTPUT=\"name1 ip ip status\" # normally output of another command with multi line output if [ -z \"$OUTPUT\" ] then echo \"Status WARN: No messages from SMcli\" exit $STATE_WARNING else echo \"$OUTPUT\"|while read NAME IP1 IP2 STATUS do if [ \"$STATUS\" != \"Optimal\" ] then echo \"CRIT: $NAME - $STATUS\" echo $((++XCODE)) else echo \"OK: $NAME - $STATUS\" fi done fi echo $XCODE I've tried using the following statement instead of the ++XCODE method XCODE=`expr $XCODE + 1` and it too won't print outside of the while statement. I think I'm missing something about variable scope here, but the ol' man page isn't showing it to me.",
"Update 2014-04-17 04:47 UTC: Stable, with some odds and ends to clean up The main MSO/MSE sites are stable, but there are plenty of corners left to sweep. For details, see: Not all of them mind you, just Meta Stack Overflow into Meta Stack Exchange. I'll have you know, factually, that we really did believe this would take place in six-to-eight weeks when it was , but we've finally got a tentative date established. If things go according to plan, we'll begin the operation shortly after 8:30 PM EDT on the 16th, completing everything within a few hour window. Ideally, all service disrupting endeavors will be completed within the first hour, which include: The availability of Meta Stack Overflow The availability of Stack Overflow (more on this shortly) The availability of Chat on Meta Stack Overflow As you know, we'll be bolting on a standard issue per-site meta on Stack Overflow, while breaking the link between what will have become Meta Stack Exchange and Stack Overflow. There's some irritable innards in that particular region, so we'll be asking folks to expect the unexpected during the maintenance window. Affected sites will be in and out of read-only mode, or quite possibly just down for maintenance while we're doing the actual break. I'll be posting a system message on both Meta Stack Overflow as well as Stack Overflow itself 24 hours before we begin the actual work. Did I say tentative in a six-to-eight-something time frame again? Why yes, I did - we're currently running some tests on the dev tier to simulate the split as closely as possible, so that we can better anticipate quirks that we need to address prior to actually doing it. Once the sites have actually been stood up functionally on the production tier, we're going to get to work on finishing touches. This will include things like site settings (which determine bits of text you see in the question prompts, rep thresholds, etc) and all sorts of other fine tuning. Once we're done: Stack Overflow will have a blank, empty child meta site just like every other site The new Meta Stack Exchange will be up and running All rooms on Chat Meta Stack Overflow will be moved to Chat Meta Stack Exchange I'll send over about 150 - 200 questions from MSE to MSO, most of which will be tag or SO-specific feature related posts that got buried by the network stuff without resolution. If the tentative date moves, I'll update this post with the new date. However, we do not anticipate this happening any later than Saturday, April 19 - in the case that we see down time we can't mitigate and need to do it on a weekend. The ground work is basically done, we're finishing up sanity now with a great deal of confidence, and we're pretty certain that we'll hit between those dates, if not directly on the tentative 16th. Questions? Kvetch? Anonymous confessions? Answer below, and I'll address each in comments.",
"It is possible to press ⎇ Backspace on macOS in order to delete the previous word (left of the cursor), and ⌘ Backspace to delete the previous line (left of the cursor). If you have an external keyboard with a \"delete\" key (or the \"forward delete key\"), or are able to emulate the delete key via software, it is possible to press ⎇ Delete to delete the word to the right of the cursor. However, perhaps surprisingly, it is not possible to press ⌘ Delete in order to delete the line to the right of the cursor. Now, I have only been able to make this possible by emulating a ⌘⇧→ and then a Backspace with BetterTouchTool. However, I want to avoid doing something like this because BTT does not work at a \"low enough level\" for me – that is to say, the action is not entirely reliable. Is there any official macOS way to delete the line to the right of the cursor?",
"QGIS Atlas generation for multiple map extents?",
"I'd like to split strings like these 'foofo21' 'bar432' 'foobar12345' into ['foofo', '21'] ['bar', '432'] ['foobar', '12345'] Does somebody know an easy and simple way to do this in python?",
"Does a linear operator obeying Leibniz rule imply it is a differential operator?",
"What is the XY problem? What is the XY problem? When asking questions, how do I recognize when I'm falling into it? How do I avoid it?",
"I remember reading a book in high school where a group of people travel to an alien planet where they discover an alien civilization separated into 2 castes. they are then made slaves to the taller class of aliens and one man has the flesh removed from his hands to make his fingers appear longer.",
"std::string formatting like sprintf",
"Is there a Linux equivalent of Windows' \"resource files\"?",
"Super+D key shortcut does not show desktop I recently installed Saucy Salamander on my computer. Previously in Ringtail, Super+D used to show the desktop. However for this release, the Super+D does not seem to work properly... Is it a bug?",
"Nikon d5100 producing extremely underexposed images"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
residual normality test in R | Non-normality in residuals | [
"Are partitions to the inner/outer edge significantly faster Some linux dual/multi-boot tutorials / general partitioning tutorials say that the inner side of a hard disk is faster than the outer side so partitions towards the outside tend to be slower while some say that the exact opposite is true. Which side is actually faster? Is the difference noticeable? How are the partitions physically placed on the disk as compared to the partition listing order-for example gparted shows a logical ribbon layout of the partitions. Are the partitions shown to the left side of this ribbon near the outer or inner edge of the disk physically? Are there software benchmarks like testing some disk intensive stuff for the first time on identical vanilla installs of the same OS but on different partitions, inner and outer? EDIT: Links ctrl + f for \"slower\" on this page Says outer side is faster Says inner side is faster Says outer side is faster(not about dual-booting)",
"A line is drawn through the point $A(1,2)$ to cut the line $2y=3x-5$ in $P$ and the line $x+y=12$ in $Q$. If $AQ=2AP$, find the coordinates of $P$ and $Q$. I found the lengths of the lines $AQ$ and $AP$ in terms of $x$ and $y$ and used $AQ=2AP$ to get this equation $11x^2-40x-16=0$ Working: $AP=\\sqrt{(x-1)^2+(\\frac{3}{2}x-\\frac{9}{2})^2}=\\sqrt{\\frac{1}{4}(13x^2-62x+85)}$ $AQ=\\sqrt{(x-1)^2+(-x+10)^2}=\\sqrt{2x^2-22x+101}$ $AQ=2AP\\Rightarrow \\sqrt{2x^2-22x+101}=2\\sqrt{\\frac{1}{4}(13x^2-62x+85)}$ $\\Rightarrow 2x^2-22x+101=13x^2-62x+85\\Rightarrow 11x^2-40x-16=0$ Using the quadratic formula I found $x=4,x=-\\frac{4}{11}$ I then substituted these values into the two equations in the question to get the coordinates $(4,\\frac{7}{2}),(-\\frac{4}{11},-\\frac{15}{11})$ or $(4,8),(-\\frac{4}{11},\\frac{136}{11})$ But the answers in the book are $(4,\\frac{7}{2}),(7,5)$ or $(\\frac{2}{5},-\\frac{19}{10}),(\\frac{11}{5},\\frac{49}{5})$ I don't know where I went wrong in my method. Edit: Found some errors in my method and calculation. Using $x=4$ in $2y=3x-5$ gives $P(4,\\frac{7}{2})$ Line with points $AP$ has equation $y-2=\\frac{\\frac{7}{2}-2}{3}(x-1)\\Rightarrow y=\\frac{1}{2}x+\\frac{3}{2}$ $Q$ lies on the same line. Therefore, the intersection between $y=\\frac{1}{2}x+\\frac{3}{2}$ and $y+x=12$ is the point $Q$. Working: $\\frac{1}{2}x+\\frac{3}{2}=-x+12\\Rightarrow x=7$ Therefore, $y=-7+12=5$. Point Q has coordinates $(7,5)$. But $x=-\\frac{4}{11}$ is not the other $x$ coordinate of $P$ according to the answers in the book. I have no idea where I went wrong at this point.",
"I'm trying to parse an INI file using C++. Any tips on what is the best way to achieve this? Should I use the Windows API tools for INI file processing (with which I am totally unfamiliar), an open-source solution or attempt to parse it manually?",
"unicode-math broken",
"Sum of First $n$ Squares Equals $\\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}$",
"What is the best base to use?",
"Prevent iMac from sleeping, for VPN login? We have an iMac in the office, and I have been getting inconsistent access when trying to log in to it. The firewall isn't going down, since I can connect to the VPN. After discussing it with the people at the office, we suspect that the iMac is going to sleep. Is it possible to keep the iMac \"awake\" 24 hours a day? How do I instruct the people at the office to configure the iMac? What settings should be changed? The iMac is running OS X Lion 10.7.3.",
"Hello Physics StackExchange! I will put the TL;DR in the beginning: I need a self contained, relatively hand-holding sequence of textbooks that covers up from the end of Griffith's Intro to QM to relativistic QM/particle physics to QFT. This will be my first post. I'm a medical physics grad student who majored in biomedical engineering for my undergrad, with serious regrets about not doing math/physics double major in hindsight. Oh well. I've made it my goal to eventually understand QFT. My background in relevant subjects is Calc 1 to 3 and Diff EQ, 2 part freshman physics, an E&M course that used Griffiths Electrodynamics, a summer of self studying Griffith's QM (got most of the way through). I will also be officially taking a class in QM using Griffith's textbook this next spring. I am aware of the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian approaches to mechanics as well. In addition I have familiarity with special and basic general relativity using tensors and all this. What would be the best way for me to get from where I am now to a strong understanding of QFT autodidactically? I have no aversion to studying pure maths where I need to. EDIT: My question is much different than simply asking for a handholding explanation of QFT. Generally these textbooks assume a certain amount of physics/math background, and I was asking for a sequence of textbooks leading up to QFT from the end of a specific textbook, Griffith's QM. Did you even read my question? Did you read the thing you linked me to?",
"How to set a command block with a command inside using the setblock command Does someone know how to set a command block with a command inside using the setblock command? I have created this code /setblock <x> <y> <z> command_block {TileEntityData:{Command:\"testfor @p[_=1]\"}} but it doesn't works. Do someone know how to do that?",
"I have a filter using pre_get_posts to change the number of posts per page from 4 on the news landing page to 8 on all other pages (page 2, 3, etc). However I don't seem to have got the offset correct, or something, because my get_next_posts_page_link doesn't show a page 3, even though it does exist if I go to the url manually. The current offset is something I somehow managed to conjure up accidentally, I thought it worked as page 2 was correct but as I added more test posts, I realised it didn't work. function page_2_posts_per_page_filter( $query ) { $paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; if ( !is_admin() && $query->is_paged && $query->is_main_query() ) { $offset = 4 + (($paged - 2) * 8); $query->set( 'offset', $offset ); $query->set( 'posts_per_page', 8 ); } else if (!is_admin() && $query->is_main_query()) { $query->set( 'posts_per_page', 4 ); } return; } add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'page_2_posts_per_page_filter', 1 ); EDIT: SOLUTION function page_2_posts_per_page_filter( $query ) { $paged = (get_query_var('paged')) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1; $offset = 4; if ( !is_admin() && $query->is_paged && $query->is_main_query() ) { $offset = (($paged - 1) * 8) - $offset; $query->set( 'posts_per_page', 8 ); $query->set( 'offset', $offset ); } else if (!is_admin() && $query->is_main_query()) { $query->set( 'posts_per_page', 4 ); } return; } add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'page_2_posts_per_page_filter'); function found_offset( $found_posts, $query ) { $offset = 4; if( !is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() ) { $found_posts = $found_posts + $offset; } return $found_posts; } add_action( 'found_posts', 'found_offset', 10, 2 );",
"How can I make content disappear when a user logs in? I am working in Wordpress, and I would like to make certain elements disappear once a user logs in. How can I do this? I have social icons on my page that I positioned to the center of my menu bar at the top of my website. those icons are generated by a plugin that is what i want to disappear",
"WordPress Installation Failed I am trying to install Wordpress on Lubuntu. I followed the instructions . Including PHP Apache and MySQL setups. Apache and MySQL appear to be running fine. However, when I go to http://localhost/blog/, I get the following error: Neither /etc/wordpress/config-localhost.php nor /etc/wordpress/config-localhost.php could be found. Ensure one of them exists, is readable by the webserver and contains the right password/username.",
"Having links relative to root?",
"SQL Coalesce in WHERE clause I'm trying to implement optional parameters in a stored procedure that I have but I am running into a problem. Here's a simplified query to illustrate the issue: SET ANSI_NULLS OFF DECLARE @MiddleName VARCHAR(20); SET @MiddleName = NULL; SELECT * FROM [Customer] WHERE [LastName] = 'Torres' AND [MiddleName] = COALESCE(@MiddleName, [MiddleName]) When I run this query I need to get one row back because one Torres has NULL in the [MiddleName] column. But the query returns zero rows. Using IFNULL() produces the same result. From researching COALESCE, I was under the impression that NULL would be returned if all expressions are NULL. As I am not a SQL expert I assume that I am missing something, but what is it..... Thanks in advance for any help.",
"Change Default Scrolling Behavior of UITableView Section Header",
"The \"correct\" way to write a set without a specific element is as follows: $S \\setminus \\{s\\}$ But in some contexts this is cumbersome to write/type or read, and it detracts from the flow of the writing. Is it acceptable to just use $S \\setminus s$? Edit: By \"cumbersome\" i mean they look bad when you're trying to inline formulas in LaTeX.",
"Workaround for Android 4.4 not being able to write to SD cards?",
"Is there any way to ensure that a specific USB key always gets the same drive letter?",
"I have basic programming skills (I program simple vba python and lisp scripts and had gone through a java course a long time ago), but it seems to me (judging by ESRI publications) that there is no escaping the need to learn .NET for future relevance in the GIS job market (even as an analyst). I've gone through a basic c# course and can program (regrettably) quite poor programs, but I have no idea how to link the c# knowledge to actually programming for ArcGIS in order to progress. I know the differences aren't big, but does ArcGIS use .NET or C#? I know the best way to further my experience in .NET is to program more and more but are there any good .NET programming books or courses I can learn techniques from? In your opinion, what is the best way to learn to program in .NET for ArcGIS? Are there any useful books or websites? I seek your comments regarding ArcGIS 10 (and will be saving them for later) but also for ArcGIS 9.3.1.",
"Each time I changed and saved .config/user-dirs.dirs, and after restarted the system, the XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR are reverted: diff --git a/.config/user-dirs.dirs b/.config/user-dirs.dirs index 8f6e2db..dcff34e 100644 --- a/.config/user-dirs.dirs +++ b/.config/user-dirs.dirs @@ -7,11 +7,9 @@ # XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR=\"$HOME/public\" XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR=\"$HOME/public/template\" - XDG_DESKTOP_DIR=\"$HOME/private/desktop\" XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR=\"$HOME/private/doc\" XDG_PICTURES_DIR=\"$HOME/private/picture\" XDG_MUSIC_DIR=\"$HOME/private/music\" XDG_VIDEOS_DIR=\"$HOME/private/video\" - -XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR=\"$HOME/var/downloads\" +XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR=\"$HOME/\" How to make my changes permanent?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to create interface with overloaded arithhmetic operators in C#? | Arithmetic operator overloading for a generic class in C# | [
"Does the rank-nullity theorem hold for infinite dimensional $V$? The rank nullity theorem states that for vector spaces $V$ and $W$ with $V$ finite dimensional, and $T: V \\to W$ a linear map, $$\\dim V = \\dim \\ker T + \\dim \\operatorname{im} T.$$ Does this hold for infinite dimensional $V$? According to , the statement is false. But according to , page 4, the statement is still true. I'm thoroughly confused.",
"As I understand, correct plural versions of passerby and attorney general become passersby and attorneys general. But why? With passerby, the the preposition \"by\" has been combined with the noun \"passer\" to become a one word noun \"passerby\". So why shouldn't this be passerbys? If I am an attorney general, and you are an attorney general, why are we not attorney generals? As an American I have always heard it as attorneys general, however suggests British English does use \"attorney-generals\" (as well as an interesting 2nd paragraph that further probes my question). Are there hard rules to this topic? Or merely generally accepted practices based on locale?",
"Convergence in Distribution in Order Statistics Let $X_1, X_2, \\ldots$ be iid from Exp$(\\theta)$ with density function $f(x) = \\frac{1}{\\theta}e^{-\\frac{x}{\\theta}}$. (a) Find the limiting distribution of $M_n = Y_1 - \\theta\\ln(n)$ and $T_n = nY_n$, where $Y_1$ and $Y_n$ represent the first and last order statistics (among $n$ observations) respectively. Answer: I have obtained the CDF of X to be: $$F_x(x) = 1 - e^{-\\frac{x}{\\theta}}$$ the CDF of $Y_1$ to be: $$F_{Y_1} = 1 = e^{-\\frac{xn}{\\theta}}$$ the CDF of $M_n$ to be: $$F_{M_n}(x) = \\left[1 - \\frac{1}{n}e^{-\\frac{x}{\\theta}}\\right]^n$$ with limiting distribution $$e^{-e^{-\\frac{x}{\\theta}}}$$ the CDF of $T_n$ to be: $$F_{T_n}(x) = 1 - e^{-\\frac{x}{\\theta}}$$ which is also the limiting distribution. (b) Show that $M_n$ and $T_n$ are asymptotically independent. Answer: I've tried finding the joint PDF for ordered statistics by using the equation $$g_{ij}(y_i, y_j) = \\frac{n!}{(i - 1)!(j - i - 1)!(n - j)!}[F(y_i)]^{i - 1}[F(y_j) - F(y_i)]^{j - i - 1}[1 - F(y_j)]^{n - j}f(y_i)f(y_j)$$ however, it is a mess based on my CDFs. Any suggestions on a different approach?",
"Proof Verification: Converse of Intermediate Value Theorem A function $f$ is increasing on $A$ if $f(x)\\leq f(y)$ for all $x<y$ in $A$. Show that the Intermediate Value Theorem does have a converse if we assume $f$ is increasing on $[a,b]$. The converse of IVT along with the additional hypothesis would look like this: Lef $f:[a,b] \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$ be an increasing function on $[a,b]$ which satisfies: if $L$ is a real number such that $f(a)<L<f(b)$ (or $f(a)>L>f(b)$), then there exists a point $c\\in (a,b)$ where $f(c)=L.$ If the preceding conditions are met, then $f$ is continuous on $[a,b]$. The proof (if it's correct) I'm going to show is only for the $c \\in (a,b)$, but I think for end points ($a$ or $b$), the method should be similar. We want to show that given $c \\in (a,b)$, for all $\\epsilon>0$, there exists a $\\delta>0$ such that $|x-c|<\\delta \\implies |f(x)-f(c)|<\\epsilon$. Since $f$ is increasing, we know that $f(a)\\leq f(c)$. If $f(c)-\\epsilon<f(a)$, then set $x_1=a$, if $f(c)-\\epsilon\\geq f(a)$, then we know by hypothesis that a $x_1<c$ exists such that $f(x_1)=f(c)-\\epsilon.$ In either case, we have for $x \\in (x_1,c]$ $$ f(c)-\\epsilon \\leq f(x_1) \\leq f(x) \\leq f(c) .$$ In a similar way, since we know that $f(c)\\leq f(b)$, we can deduce that a $x_2>c$ exists such that, for $x \\in [c,x_2)$ $$f(c)\\leq f(x)\\leq f(x_2)\\leq f(c)+\\epsilon .$$ Pick $\\delta = \\min \\{c-x_1,x_2-c \\}$, we then have $$|x-c|<\\delta \\implies |f(x)-f(c)|<\\epsilon .$$ Is this correct? In the proof that I saw, they originally used $\\frac{\\epsilon}{2}$, instead of just $\\epsilon$, but I think this one works just as well, what do you guys think?",
"How do I join two lists in Java?",
"How can I lock a folder so that it CANNOT be erased? On my computer running Windows XP Pro SP3 I have a folder on my desktop that is very important. How can I lock it so that I can alter anything in it, but the folder itself cannot be removed without resetting a (lock/unlock?) switch?",
"Can multiple render systems be used?",
"I am designing a hobby project that will run on a battery so I am trying to reduce power consumption. The SoC I am using has the ability to go into a deep sleep mode where it consumes very little power, and then can be interrupted by a falling edge on a pin. I want to generate a high-low-high pulse when the state of a reed switch changes in either direction. I have been reading a lot and it seems that a one-shot monostable circuit can be built from a couple of transistors and an RC circuit to generate an output pulse when an edge is detected. I understand how that works. However, I can't figure out the best way to also pulse on the opposite edge. One thought, was to just combine two one-shots that are configured to trigger on rising and falling edges respectively, and use the transistors at the output to pull the common pull-up low (kind of like a NOR gate). Since I am a hobbyist, I am mostly using passive components. What is the \"real\" way of doing this in a low-power configuration using logic devices? Edit: I figure I should mention something about the timing requirements. Normally the reed switch will be either open or closed for many seconds at minimum before changing states. Edit: Here is an example of the circuit I was using for detecting only the falling edge: And here is the ~20ms pulse it was producing for ~200ms button press simulating the reed switch (Channel 1 is Vbe for T1 and Channel 2 is measured at RST):",
"Command not found $ (dollar sign) Any command that starts with $ returns command not found How can I fix this? I am using 16.10 Ubuntu.",
"What should I do if a question has changed since I answered it? The other members vote my answer down because it actually doesn't answer the current question. This kind of editing sometimes happens with where the OP keeps adding new questions, making my pre-existing answer now incomplete. But another pattern is when the OP asks an \"XY problem\" question, an answer points it out, and he changes the question to react to that. Those answers now not only aren't answers but can look very tangential to people who don't review the edit history.",
"Preposition before noun phrases I have asked the same question in ELL stackexchange, but unfortunately haven't received enough answer/comment. The one answer I got is not satisfactory. So that's the reason I am asking it here again. . I have seen in some cases prepositions are omitted before some noun phrases. And it's explained that those phrases are actually an adverb phrases. But I know a simple thing. If the head of the phrase is a noun, it's a noun phrase. If the head of the phrase is an adverb it is an adverb phrase. For example - Look both ways before crossing the road. [both ways is a noun phrase, where the head is ways, but still there is no preposition.] He approached me in a friendly way. [a friendly way is a noun phrase, where the head is way, but as expected unlike sentence #1 it's preceded by the preposition in. And I have never seen this phrase is used without a preposition. I believe dropping the preposition is wrong, according to the grammar.] She made a pickle a different way from her mother. [a different way is a noun phrase, where the head is way, but strangely there is no preposition before it. But I have seen examples of a different way used both with prepositions and without prepositions. I think the preposition here is optional.] Now from these example sentences I have tried to demonstrate my problem/confusing area. My question is - 1. When a noun phrase is used as an adverb phrase? 2. When before a noun phrase the placement of preposition is obligatory (like sentence #2)? And where it's optional (like sentence #3)? And where placing the preposition is wrong (like sentence #1)?",
"How to install and run CPUSim 4.0.11 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS? I'm going according to the steps mentioned on the cs colby . First, I installed java on my system by typing the following commands- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java10-set-default sudo apt install oracle-java10-set-default Then, according to the instructions, I downloaded the .zip file, extracted it and then in the terminal typed java -cp .:richtextfx-fat-0.6.10.jar:reactfx-2.0-MR.jar -jar CPUSim-4.0.11.jar But this didn't work. of command 1 terminal. Here is a screenshot of all the files that are there in the CPUSim folder, On observing the names of the folders present, I thought that the previous command was wrong. So I tried the following ones, java -cp .:richtextfx-fat-0.6.10.jar:reactfx-2.0-M4.jar -jar CPUSim-4.0.11.jar java -cp .:richtextfx-0.6.10.jar:reactfx-2.0-M4.jar -jar CPUSim-4.0.11.jar But none of them seems to work. Now when I click on the CPUSim-4.0.11.jar file, nothing happens. I have just switched to Ubuntu from Windows 10, and have a very little knowledge about how things work here. Please tell me how I could install and run CPUSim 4.0.11 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.",
"iOS navigation bar item image size",
"Avoiding 'instanceof' in Java",
"When solving this issue ( ), I did a function so that the plugin would auto-hide from all users except one (me:). The flaw is that it only auto-hides when active. At first, it was a mu-plugin, but I had to enable/disable it manually. It really doesn't need to run all the time, as it may slow the site (?) or even contain some sensitive manipulation of the site's language (another question mark). But mainly the motivation is that I don't want the client activating/deactivating/deleting this plugin (is for my own use), and don't want it cluttering her own plugins list. So, decided to split the functions in two plugins: One is a Must-Use used to hide the regular one. The other will be activated/deactivated upon necessity and is the one from the above linked issue. But now I run into another question: how to hide one plugin from the Must-Use listing?",
"how to get the string-lengths stored in array (C)",
"Let's say we have a Python script my_script.py that does some data processing with Blender. This script accepts some arguments (e.g. arg1 arg2). How can I forward arguments to the script when using it with the CLI? blender --background --python my_script.py The only trick I could find was : echo \"arg1 arg2\" > my_input.txt && blender --background --python my_script.py Is this really the only way to do that? Update I found a on Stack Overflow.",
"I have a log file being written by another process which I want to watch for changes. Each time a change occurs I'd like to read the new data in to do some processing on it. What's the best way to do this? I was hoping there'd be some sort of hook from the PyWin32 library. I've found the win32file.FindNextChangeNotification function but have no idea how to ask it to watch a specific file. If anyone's done anything like this I'd be really grateful to hear how... [Edit] I should have mentioned that I was after a solution that doesn't require polling. [Edit] Curses! It seems this doesn't work over a mapped network drive. I'm guessing windows doesn't 'hear' any updates to the file the way it does on a local disk.",
"Why do I always hear remote train horn at night? This is definitely not an illusion, as many people have the same experience. I have usually lived in places miles away from train stations, which makes it unlikely to hear any train horns during the day. However at night, occasionally train horns can be heard. I hope if any one can explain the physics of this effect, like possibly sound travels faster at low temperature.",
"How can I calculate how long it will take to transfer a file over LAN? I want to know about the method with which we can calculate data transfer speed. If I am sending a 1 GB file through a 1 Gb/s LAN connection, from one computer to another, how much time will it take to transfer that file?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
jQuery .on('click') events not firing after the DOM has been restructured | Event binding on dynamically created elements? | [
"The usual Schrodinger Lagrangian is $$ \\tag 1 i(\\psi^{*}\\partial_{t}\\psi ) + \\frac{1}{2m} \\psi^{*}(\\nabla^2)\\psi, $$ which gives the correct equations of motion, with conjugate momentum for $\\psi^{*}$ vanishing. This Lagrangian density is not real but differs from a real Lagrangian density $$ \\tag 2 \\frac{i}{2}(\\psi^{*}\\partial_{t}\\psi -\\psi \\partial_{t}\\psi^{*} ) + \\frac{1}{2m} \\psi^{*}(\\nabla^2)\\psi $$ by a total derivative. My trouble is that these two lagrangian densities lead to different conjugate momenta and hence when setting equal time commutation relations, I am getting different results (a factor of 2 is causing the problem). I can rescale the fields but then my Hamiltonian also changes. Then applying Heisenberg equation of motion, I don't get the operator Schrodinger equation. Is it possible to work with the real Lagrangian density and somehow get the correct commutation relations? I would have expected two Lagrangians differing by total derivative terms to give identical commutation relations (since canonical transformations preserve them). But perhaps I am making some very simple error. Unless all conjugate momenta are equivalent for two Lagrangians differing by total derivatives, how does one choose the correct one? I guess the same thing happens for other first order systems like Dirac Lagrangian also.",
"Proving Pascal's Rule : ${{n} \\choose {r}}={{n-1} \\choose {r-1}}+{{n-1} \\choose r}$ when $1\\leq r\\leq n$ I'm trying to prove that ${n \\choose r}$ is equal to ${{n-1} \\choose {r-1}}+{{n-1} \\choose r}$ when $1\\leq r\\leq n$. I suppose I could use the counting rules in probability, perhaps combination= ${{n} \\choose {r}}=\\frac{n!}{r!(n-r!)}$. I want to see an actual proof behind this equation. Does anyone have any ideas?",
"Here is a minimal example that showcases my problem: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{amsthm} \\usepackage{hyperref} \\usepackage{cleveref} \\newtheorem{thm}{Theorem} \\newtheorem{lem}[thm]{Lemma} \\begin{document} \\begin{lem} Lemma \\end{lem} \\end{document} The warning I get is the following: [1pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{thm.1}) has been already used, duplicate ignored \\AtBegShi@Output ...ipout \\box \\AtBeginShipoutBox \\fi \\fi l.16 \\end{document} {<install dir>/MiKTeX/2.9/pdftex/config/pdftex.map}] I know that it is just a warning and that, my document will still work perfectly fine with regards to cross-referencing and hyperlinking, but I would still like to know why I am getting this warning and if anything can be done to fix it without removing functionality of the included packages. Bonus question: Whats going on behind the scenes when this warning (or any generic 'destination with the same identifier (name{XXX.YYY}) has been already used, duplicate ignored') is produced, as this is not limited to theorem environments. From log file: Package: amsthm 2004/08/06 v2.20 Package: hyperref 2011/04/17 v6.82g Hypertext links for LaTeX Package: cleveref.sty 2011/03/22 v0.17.9 Intelligent cross-referencing Package cleveref Info: `hyperref' support loaded on input line 2157. Package cleveref Info: `amsthm' support loaded on input line 2300.",
"Is the function strcpy always dangerous?",
"Dirac equation as Hamiltonian system Let us consider Dirac equation $$(i\\gamma^\\mu\\partial_\\mu -m)\\psi ~=~0$$ as a classical field equation. Is it possible to introduce Poisson bracket on the space of spinors $\\psi$ in such a way that Dirac equation becomes Hamiltonian equation $$\\dot{\\psi}~=~\\{ \\psi,H\\}_{PB}~?$$ Of course, such Poisson bracket would be graded (super Poisson bracket), but if it exists this would explain on classical level why $\\frac{1}{2}$-spinors correspond to fermions.",
"Systemd backed tmpfs | How to specify /tmp size manually I mount /tmp on tmpfs using: sudo systemctl enable tmp.mount sudo systemctl start tmp.mount But this way /tmp takes up all the free RAM: $ df -h /tmp Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on tmpfs 3.9G 12K 3.9G 1% /tmp $ How do I tell systemd tmp.mount to use only 1G? I know I can alternatively not use systemd and manually add an entry to /etc/fstab and specify the size there. But I don't want to do that. I want to use systemd backed tmpfs.",
"In Harry Potter, we know ghosts became ghosts when they are too afraid of death to go on - I thought about it and I'm quite certain they all go to their own version of Harry's King's Cross and become ghosts when they return as Harry did. So can they return there? Once they've been a ghost long enough that they no longer fear death, can they move on?",
"Show that $$t(n) = 1 + \\sum_{ j=0}^{n-1} t(j)$$ is the same as $$t(n) = 2^n$$ Initial condition $t(0) = 1$",
"Is it a bad practice to catch Throwable?",
"$\\hbar \\rightarrow 0$ in quantum mechanics We often see a limit $\\hbar \\rightarrow 0$ in quantum mechanics and sometimes it's related with symmetry breaking. Can someone briefly write the story behind this limit?",
"Adding a link with a space in front causes the link to not work When you paste a link into the \"Insert Hyperlink\" box, it adds it automatically as a citation link: [Example 1][1] [1]: http://example.com But when you paste a link starting with a space , it tries to URL encode it, to change the space to %20, and then sticks a http:// on the front to make it a valid link: [Example 2][2] [2]: http://%20http://example.com This, however, means the link doesn't work. Please could leading whitespace be stripped from the URL?",
"How to compute $k$'th roots $\\!\\bmod n$? I have the following equation: $$ n \\equiv M^k\\mod(b) $$ where n, a, b are integers, and M is unknown. How do I solve this equation to find the M value? Those a and b are public keys of the RSA algorithm and n is the result of encryption. I need to find the encrypted message.",
"How can I stand on the ground? EM or/and Pauli?",
"Why don't I get a link error when I provide my own malloc and free?",
"How do I log every command executed by a user? I want to monitor all user's activity in my server. Even when the user executes a shell command from some editor like vim I want to see them in the log file. I have checked the tool acct but it is not listing the complete commands. (Please correct me if I have missed some options which does already). Which Linux tool I should be looking at to solve this problem?",
"I want to color sketches in Photoshop, but when I prepared the sketch (using Levels, Hue, and other modifications) to turn it into workable line art, some details were missing. I think it depends on how you draw your sketch. What are important steps for drawing a sketch (with pen or pencil) that is to be colored in Photoshop? A step-by-step instruction would be appreciated. For instance, here it is the sketch This is after my preparations in Photoshop",
"Unable to shrink transaction log file in SQL Server I moved to a new company recently wherein they have 2 databases in a SQL server of size 20-25 GB. I'm unable to shrink the log file of the databases. Transaction log backup of the databases are set to run every 30 mins from 6 AM-7PM. They are of size 10 and 2 Gb respectively. I tried to shrink it around 8-9 PM last night but I was not able to do. The log_reuse_wait column stated it's waiting on a log_backup. I tried taking couple of log backups which didn't help. I ran DBCC OPENTRAN but there are no open transactions. Also, this morning even after the Tlog backups started at 6:00 AM till now(10:30) it still shows LOG_BACKUP in log_reuse_wait column. And no OPEN TRAN as well. When I researched on this I found this article from Paul Randal: It states that if the DB is small and all the content of tlog file is in same VLF it couldn't truncate. I have some 300-400 VLFs in the Databases. So that doesn't make sense here as well. One thing I noticed that every morning at 6 AM the tlog is a little bigger than the other ones. So I'm thinking to check with the lead DBA to run tlog round the clock. Other than that, I would like to see why is this happening and Am i missing anything. I tried to shrink with the below command: Use DB1 go DBCC SHRINKFILE(2,10) GO Note: It's SQL 2012 instance running 0n 2012 compatibility",
"Omission of \"the\" in \"elected him president\" and \"made captain\" Why is there no the before president and captain? They elected him president. She was made captain of the team.",
"Why do first order languages have at most countably many symbols? Every proof that I read seems to assume that $|L|\\leq\\aleph_0$. But then how do you model things like field over $\\mathbb{R}$ without running out of variable symbols? More importantly, how can I prove that $|L|\\leq\\aleph_0$?",
"Plotting discontinuous functions without spurious vertical segments"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
The derivative of the absolute value |x| | Derivative of $f(x)=|x|$ | [
"What is the function of this circuit? Just wondering if someone can give me an explanation for this capacitor layout - what is it's function? The chip to the right is an ADC. Circled in blue. I'm guessing it is well known but i don't know how to search for it.",
"How can I recover contact information from a stolen phone?",
"If $$\\tan(\\frac{\\pi}{4}+\\frac{\\theta}{2})=\\tan^3(\\frac{\\pi}{4}+\\frac{\\alpha}{2})$$, then prove that $$\\sin \\theta=\\frac{3 \\sin \\alpha+\\sin^3 \\alpha}{1+3\\sin^2 \\alpha}$$ I tried using the fact that $\\frac{\\cos A}{1-\\sin A}=\\tan(\\frac{\\pi}{4}+\\frac{A}{2})$ but now not able to eliminate $\\cos \\alpha$ and $\\cos \\theta$. How should I proceed?",
"What is the meaning of the term \"thread-safe\"? Does it mean that two threads can't change the underlying data simultaneously? Or does it mean that the given code segment will run with predictable results when multiple threads are executing that code segment?",
"How tipe are this series? $$\\sum_{n=2}^\\infty \\frac 1 {n^2\\ln n}$$ But $$\\sum_{n=2}^\\infty \\frac 1 {n\\ln n\\ln(\\ln n)}$$ I used Condensation Test, but I stack after that. Thanks!",
"How does the current know how much to flow, before having seen the resistor? With the following circuits as examples : and How will the current I know how much to flow? Would any other wave travel first in the circuit and then come back and say so much current should flow?",
"Accessing the web page's HTTP Headers in JavaScript",
"PHP in_array() / array_search() odd behaviour",
"The question is based on the following exercise in real analysis: Assume that $A,B\\subset{\\Bbb R}$ are both bounded and $x>0$ for all $x\\in A\\cup B$. Show that $$ \\sup(AB)=\\sup A\\sup B $$ where $$ AB:=\\{ab\\in{\\Bbb R}:a\\in A, b\\in B\\}. $$ Since $0<a\\leq\\sup A$ and $0<b\\leq\\sup B$ for all $a\\in A$ and $b\\in B$, we have $$ ab\\leq\\sup A\\sup B $$ for all $ab\\in AB$ which implies that $\\sup AB\\leq\\sup A\\sup B$. I have trouble with another direction: $$ \\sup AB\\geq\\sup A\\sup B $$ I was trying to show that for every $\\epsilon >0$, $\\sup AB-\\epsilon \\geq \\sup A\\sup B$. If one uses the definition of supremum, one has the estimates that for every $\\epsilon>0$, $$ \\sup A-\\epsilon\\leq a, \\quad \\sup B-\\epsilon\\leq b $$ for some $a\\in A,\\ b\\in B$. It follows that $$ \\sup A\\sup B\\leq (a+\\epsilon)(b+\\epsilon)=ab+\\epsilon(a+b)+\\epsilon^2\\leq \\sup AB+\\epsilon (a+b)+\\epsilon^2 $$ which seems quite close to what I want. How can I go on?",
"I never dealt with Android devices before so I'm completely newbie at it, please comment if something is too simple. Say I purchase , that has got Android Froyo 2.2 installed in it. If there is a new version of Android released tomorrow or next month, will I be able to update it (like I will be able to update my iPod Touch 4 to iOS 5)?",
"Should an adverb go before or after a verb? For example: The word rarely turns up outside of those contexts. The word turns up rarely outside of those contexts. Which one is correct and why?",
"The dock doesn't work correctly after I enter my password, either.",
"I would like to find all ellipses which contain 2 given points and has one focus at origin (zero). All in 2D plane. There are several possible approaches but I'm not sure which is the best - both looks quite difficult to solve algebraically. using polar equation relative to focus with $(R_1,\\phi_1),(R_2,\\phi_2)$, being coordinates of points $$ R_1 = \\frac{a(1-e^2)}{1-ecos(\\phi_1-\\theta)} $$ $$ R_2 = \\frac{a(1-e^2)}{1-ecos(\\phi_2-\\theta)} $$ then for given $\\theta$ solve for semimajor axis $a$ and eccentricity $e$ using deffinition of elipse as a set of points of the same distance from both foci. Given 2 points of cartesian coordinates $(x_1,y_1),(x_2,y_2)$ and one focus in origin $(0,0)$. For each given distance parameter $L$ solve for coordinates of second focus $(x_f,y_f)$, $$ L = \\sqrt{x_1^2 + y_2^2} + \\sqrt{(x_1 - x_f)^2 + (y_1 - y_f)^2} $$ $$ L = \\sqrt{x_2^2 + y_2^2} + \\sqrt{(x_2 - x_f)^2 + (y_2 - y_f)^2} $$ I can also first rotate the coordinate system (or my input points) by given angle (which is my arbitrary parameter) and then use some simplified equation of ellipse which has major axis parallel to x-axis which has just 2 degrees of freedom. But even after this rotation I don't see much simplification of algebraic solution. Or is there any better way? The resulting equations are quite difficult to solve. I wonder if there is some trick to simplify it and make it more elegant. Also, because I would later to implement it into computational code where it would be computed manytimes per second, I would prefer solution inf form which is fast to evaluate numerically ( prefferably without goniometric or any transcedental functions ) Why I'm interested ? - I need it for some optimalization of orbital transfers for spaceship orbiting the Sun. I asked also in physics.stackexchange, and people recomand me that I should rather go to math section.",
"Why do electrons move towards anode in the Photoelectric effect experiment? Consider a Photoelectric effect experiment apparatus as shown in Figure 11.1 The variation of photocurrent with the voltage applied across $\\mathrm{A}$ and $\\mathrm{C}$ is as shown in Figure 11.3. My question – Why is the current non-zero even if the voltage is zero? Consider a situation in which the voltage across the plates is zero. Photons of sufficient frequency strike the outermost surface of the cathode, emitter plate $\\mathrm{C}$. Electrons become free from the attraction of nucleus as their net energy becomes positive. Why I think that there should be no net current? As soon as photons strike the outermost surface of the cathode(assumed to be $1$ to $10$ atomic diameters thick), electrons become free. Now, as the electrons have kinetic energy, they'll come out of that outermost surface. Now, the electrons(with kinetic energy) should have an equal probability of going in every direction of the surface. So, around half of the electrons should go in the right direction towards the anode and strike it and half should go to the left, trying to penetrate the inner surfaces of the cathode plate. Now, the electrons which will go to the right will face some field due to the space charge present in the tube but nevertheless, some electrons will definitely reach the anode plate. After they strike with the anode plate, they'll face some resistance but still, some electrons will reach the low resistance copper wires connected to the anode plate and milliammeter. Now, consider the electrons which go towards left. They'll definitely face resistance from cathode plate but some will still reach the copper wire. Now, as there is no potential difference applied between $\\mathrm{A}$ and $\\mathrm{C}$, there is no need of commutator and voltmeter. So, the ammeter is connected in series with the anode plates and cathode plates with copper wires. Now, if there is steady state current in the circuit, electrons emitted to any one of the sides should dominate over the other. But the number of electrons emitted on both the sides is same, and all the electrons should face the same resistance as the current(electrons) should flow in a closed loop. But if the number and velocity of electrons coming from both the sides are same, there should be no net current. But there is. Why? Edit – From the answers of anna v and mmainville, it can be seen that the emission of electrons is dependent on the angle of emission of light. But still, the question remains. If the electrons emitted towards anode have enough energy to complete the circuit and again reach the holes in cathode despite the resistance in between, the electrons emitted to the left should have enough energy to come to anode plate via copper wires and again get ejected through anode plate by the virtue of their kinetic energy and reach the cathode plate. In this case too, the current should be zero which is not true. Why?",
"How do I fix the left mouse opening the menu instead of breaking blocks?",
"How do I get HTML5 h.264 Video working on Firefox? According the the , h.264 video should now be working in Linux. It does also say the appropriate gstreamer plug-ins need to be installed. Does anyone know what these are? I used this and the to verify that h.264 support works in Google Chrome on my Ubuntu 12.04 64-bit, but does not work on Firefox 26.",
"Q: How many arrangements of a,a,a,b,b,b,c,c,c are there such that $\\hspace{5mm}$ (i). no three consecutive letters are the same? $\\hspace{5mm}$ (ii). no two consecutive letters are the same? A:(i). 1314. ${\\hspace{5mm}}$ (ii). 174. I thought of using the General Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion along with letting $p_i$ denote a property that.. , and doing so, I will evaluate $E(0)$, which gives us the number of arrangements without any of the properties. How do I go about doing that? I am trying to use the method stated above in solving this question, but I am unable to generalize the properties $p_i$.",
"I am trying to show that $a^{12} \\equiv 1 \\mod 32760$ for each $a \\in \\mathbb{Z}$ coprime to $32760$. I have found the prime decomposition $32760 = 2^3 \\cdot 3^3 \\cdot 5 \\cdot 7 \\cdot 13$ and determined $\\phi(32760)$, where $\\phi$ is the Euler's totient function. This gives me that $\\phi (32760) = 8640$. Using Euler's congruence, this gives that $a^{8640} \\equiv 1 \\mod 32760$, but this is still far from the result I want to show... I also know a consequence of Eulers congruence, which states that $e \\equiv e' \\mod \\phi (n)$ implies that $a^e \\equiv a^{e'} \\mod n$, but I do not see how to use this... Any hints would be appreciated. $\\textbf{EDIT:}$ I made a mistake in my primefactorization, it is edited now.",
"Finding the limit of $\\left(\\frac{n}{n+1}\\right)^n$ Find the limit of: $$\\lim_{n\\to\\infty}\\left(\\frac{n}{n+1}\\right)^n$$ I'm pretty sure it goes to zero since $(n+1)^n > n^n$ but when I input large numbers it goes to $0.36$. Also, when factoring: $$n^{1/n}\\left(\\frac{1}{1+\\frac1n}\\right)^n$$ it looks like it goes to $1$. So how can I find this limit?",
"Can't see a glass object through another glass object in Eevee"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Pearson correlation p-value correction | Look and you shall find (a correlation) | [
"Rationalize $\\dfrac{1}{\\sqrt[3]{p^2}+\\sqrt[3]{pq}+\\sqrt[3]{q^2}}.$ How would I go about doing this without wading through lots of algebra? Is there a trick similar to how you can multiply by $\\dfrac{\\sqrt a-\\sqrt b}{\\sqrt a-\\sqrt b}$ with square roots? Thanks in advance!",
"What does the 'cosmological constant' represent? Newtons theory of gravity involves a gravitational constant $G$, however one does not refer to it directly, we speak instead of gravity or the force of gravity. Now Einsteins introduced a in his equation for GR, and ever since it's been referred to as such; however, this usage seems strange to me, given the above parallel; it seems to me we ought to be referring to something physical, which can then be quantified and whose quantification involves the cosmological constant. Does the cosmological constant then refer to a cosmological force? A force that is, contra gravity, repulsive? And which is even weaker than gravity, kicking in on the scale of galaxies rather than solar systems?",
"Spaces in which \"$A \\cap K$ is closed for all compact $K$\" implies \"$A$ is closed.\" Let $X$ denote a topological space. For any $A \\subseteq X$, consider two possible conditions on $A$. $A$ is closed $A \\cap K$ is closed, for all compact $K \\subseteq X$. If $X$ is Hausdorff, then clearly (1) implies (2). If $X$ is metrizable, then the converse holds; see . Questions. What are some Hausdorff topological spaces in which (2) does not imply (1)? For Hausdorff topological spaces: what weaker conditions than metrizability are known to imply that (2) implies (1)? Are there any interesting characterizations of those Hausdorff spaces in which (2) implies (1)?",
"If $f:D\\to D’$ is analytic and $u: D'\\to R$ is harmonic then the composition of $u$ and $f$ is harmonic in $D$ If $f:D\\to D’$ is analytic and $u: D'\\to R$ is harmonic then the composition of $u$ and $f$ is harmonic in $D$. How can I show that the above statement is true/false? Can anyone help me?",
"How was this answer posted after this question was closed?",
"Determine the number of lines within a text file Is there an easy way to programmatically determine the number of lines within a text file?",
"Word for someone who acts like an expert but who has very little knowledge? What is a word to describe an individual who acts like an expert in a subject area, constantly stating facts and correcting people, but who actually has very little knowledge on the subject?",
"Is uncertainty principle a technical difficulty in measurement? Is the uncertainty principle a technical difficulty in measurement or is it an intrinsic concept in quantum mechanics irrelevant of any measurement? Everyone knows the thought experiment of measuring the position of an electron. One can detect electron's position by hitting it with a photon, due to Compton scattering the collision of the photon with electron will change electron's momentum. This experiment is used to explain uncertainty principle to layman, but it is over simplified, isn't it? It also gives an impression that if there was a better suited experimental method the uncertainty principle becomes irrelevant. I personally think it is intrinsic as it arises from the non-zero commutator of position and momentum operators irrespective of the measurement process. Am I right? EDIT: My question is similar to certain extent to and . The answers there are nice but they focus on explaining basics of quantum mechanics more than they comment on the technical difficulty part. In the answers of question 2 there are statements like \"So, it's not a knowledge limit\" and \"you're sort of correct when you say it's an observational limit\" without further comments To summarize, assume hypothetically we managed to find a way in the future where we can have a look at an electron without disturbing it by measurement or causing its wave function to collapse, would the uncertainty principle still hold in such a case?? Why/Why not?",
"The bijection between homogeneous prime ideals of $S_f$ and prime ideals of $(S_f)_0$ It is well-known that if $S$ is a graded ring, and $f$ is a homogeneous element of positive degree, then there is a bijection between the homogeneous prime ideals of the localization $S_f$ and the prime ideals of $S_{(f)}$, the subring of $S_f$ comprising the homogeneous elements of degree $0$. This is proposition II.2.5b in Hartshorne, exercise 5.5B in Ravi Vakil's notes $[1]$ (p. $130$ of the February $24$, $2012$ version), and proposition 8.1.21 of Akhil Mathew's notes $[2]$ (p. $136$). Unfortunately I cannot follow any of those proofs to my own satisfaction, perhaps because I'm not well-versed in commutative algebra. The crux of the proof appears to be to show that, given a homogeneous prime ideal $\\mathfrak{p}$ of $S$ not containing $f$, the construction used to obtain a prime ideal $\\Psi (\\mathfrak{q})$ of $S$ from a prime ideal $\\mathfrak{q}$ of $S_{(f)}$ will recover $\\mathfrak{p}$ when $\\mathfrak{q} = S_f \\mathfrak{p} \\cap S_{(f)}$. To be precise, let $\\Psi (\\mathfrak{q})$ be the homogeneous ideal of $S$ generated by $$\\bigcup_{d \\in \\mathbb{N}} \\{ s \\in S_d : s / f^d \\in \\mathfrak{q} \\}$$ and let $\\Phi (\\mathfrak{p}) = S_f \\mathfrak{p} \\cap S_{(f)}$. It's easy to see that $\\Phi \\circ \\Psi$ acts as the identity on $\\operatorname{Spec} A$ (or, for that matter, the set of all ideals of $A$), but I cannot see any obvious reason why $\\Psi \\circ \\Phi$ should act as the identity on the set of prime ideals of $S$ not containing $f$. A detailed proof of this point would be much appreciated. References $[1]$ . $[2]$ Algebraic geometry notes (covers material at the level of the first and second volume of EGA): , and .",
"Remove space around tikz How can I remove ALL space around TiKZ. So given MWE below, I want no space between fbox and the node box (so essentially I want to see 1 line). How to realize this? Is this space in tikzpicture or in \\fbox? How to remove space between \\fbox and node MWE \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{tikz} \\begin{document} \\fbox{% \\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 0.8cm and 0.2cm]% \\node[draw] (center) {CENTER}; % \\end{tikzpicture}% } \\end{document}",
"I'm stuck underground. I can't mine any further to reach lava. There is no water nearby, and zombies can't reach me. I can't see to find any blocks to suffocate my character. NBTEdit and similar programs don't work on Mac, so I can't edit my save file to escape. I have hardly any blocks so cannot jump and lay my way up. I can't see, and do not have any torches, so can't make a staircase back up. I don't want to make new save as I have an awesome house filled with stuff that took me ages to find. How can I get back to the surface?",
"Why do I have the \"required reviews completed\" status on my submission in Elsevier? I had submitted my paper in an Elsevier journal one year back. Now, status update on the submission tracking says \"Required reviews completed.\" However, for the last two weeks still there is no change in the status. Should I ask the editor what is going on with my submission?",
"I'm trying to connect to another computer in my house via ssh. Both computers have ubuntu and openssh installed. When I run the command \"ssh username@ip\" on terminal I'm asked for the user's password I'm trying to connect to. I type it but I get this error \"Permission denied, please try again.\" I'm sure the password is correct, then why can't I access?",
"I ran into the \"mysterious\" \\pdfendlink ended up in different nesting level than \\pdfstartlink error. According to , \"this happens when hyperref is used under pdftex and a citation splits across a page boundary\". The given solution is to manual fix the citation to not split across the page boundary. However, this workaround isn't feasible for me, as the documents are automatically generated on a server with no user interaction. Is there any solution to the problem known, perhaps an experimental hyperref action or a patch to pdftex? (Probably, one could use luatex to solve the problem, but for other reasons, luatex is not an option in this project.) MWE: \\documentclass[%draft ]{article} \\usepackage{hyperref} \\setlength{\\textwidth}{3cm} \\setlength{\\textheight}{3cm} \\begin{document} Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna \\href{http://www.tug.org/errors}{aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.} \\end{document}",
"Would it be possible to break an RSA key, in for example 1 week of time, if the cracker have already spent X number of years building an index of primes by performing every permutation of existing prime keys up to $2^{2048}$? I understand this would take an immense amount of time to do, but it would only be done once. Obviously, computing such an index would take a considerable amount of time and would have to be done with someone having the right amount of resource. Given the public key, you would be able to look up what the two primes are, and hence retrieve the private key instantly. Breaking an 256 AES would then be easier, as AES keys are often generated using the RSA private key. Would it be possible to build such an index? How long would that take in permutations and perhaps with the fastest computer in the world?",
"Suppose a gambler starts with one dollar and plays a game in which he or she wins one dollar with probability $p$ and loses one dollar with probability $1 - p$. Let $f_{n}$ be the probability that he or she first becomes broke at time $n$ for $n = 0, 1, 2\\ldots$. Find a generating function for these probabilities. Is it binomial distribution $?$ and then use the $\\operatorname{mx}\\left(s\\right) = rx\\left(\\mathrm{e}^{s}\\right)$ of the binomial distribution $?$. Help$\\ldots!$. I am correcting my quiz.",
"Why is Python running my module when I import it, and how do I stop it?",
"Following minimal document: \\documentclass{report} \\begin{document} \\renewcommand*\\thechapter{\\Roman{chapter}} \\tableofcontents \\setcounter{chapter}{6} % Problem starts at chapter 7 \\chapter{Seven} \\chapter{Eight} \\section{Eight-one} \\section{Eight-two} \\end{document} yields this output (cut to size for your convenience): Clearly, the chapter (and section) headings hang into the chapter (section) numbers. For the previous chapter numbers, this isn’t a problem since all chapter titles are aligned to the same column and the numbers I–VI are sufficiently narrow. (The same happens regardless of document type, I’m actually using scrreprt with the same result.) How can I prevent this?",
"What happens if a Rainbow Servant takes levels in Mystic Theurge?",
"Which is more idiomatic in a bash script: `|| true` or `|| :`? I don't do terribly much shell scripting, so I was a little surprised when I was reading and I saw the syntax they used in this documentation: A non-zero return from the command in any submodule causes the processing to terminate. This can be overridden by adding || : to the end of the command. I had to look up that || : was a shorthand for forcing a command to exit successfully. Anytime I've had to make a command exit successfully, I used || true. Is || : considered to be more idiomatic?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Unable to type ⱱ with tipa | The IPA symbol for the labiodental flap (ⱱ) | [
"I was pondering a bit more about question regarding being able to "omit" the base case in a proof by strong induction due to vacuous truth. The post states: Strong induction proves a sequence of statements $P(0), P(1), …$ by proving the implication "If $P(m)$ is true for all nonnegative integers $m$ less than $n$, then $P(n)$ is true." for every nonnegative integer $n$. There is no need for a separate base case, because the $n=0$ instance of the implication is the base case, vacuously. However, if we consider $n=0$, we would have that the statement is vacuously true, which I would take to mean that the implication is true regardless of the validity of $P(0)$. However, clearly it's necessary for $P(0)$ to hold for an induction proof to be valid. So I'm confused on how, by omitting the base case, $n=0$ isn't just a tautology, making the implication true regardless of whether $P(0)$ actually holds.",
"What does this depiction of a black hole in the movie Interstellar mean? I was expecting a whirlpool in 3D and the matter glowing from friction as it nears the center, as I expected a event horizon to be negligible visually. How does this depiction work? How big is the central sphere? I am puzzled by the perpendicular circles. Are they the event horizons if they are both visible? What would be a path of a particle as it gets swallowed into the singularity?",
"How to open a new Terminal with shell prompt and running multiple commands in Command Line? I want to Open a new Terminal in from within terminal. It should have Shell prompt as well as already run few commands. How to do it ?",
"What is the meaning of this two letter code in the YouTube logo? I see a new logo with CA at youtube.com. Does anyone know what it means?",
"Cannot sort on numeric field with SOQL in Custom Metadata Cannot sort on a soql-request in a custom meta data type. When i perform SELECT .. FROM x__mdt WHERE ... ORDER BY x. Then field x cannot be numeric to get a correct order. Change it to a string-field ordering works ok. Playing with ASC/DESC makes no difference!",
"Lead in ice block This is a strange question I would like to have some explanation accompanied with: We have an ice block, with in it a lead block. This entire block is put into a glass of water, resulting in a rise of water level until the edge of the glass. The block stays floating on the surface. What will happen with the water level when the ice melts? The answer is that it will drop, but how is this even true?? My thoughts are: - block floats on water, so rho(block) < rho(water) - Archimedes law, the Fg of block = Fg of water pushed away. - Since a smaller volume of water has equal mass (and so Fg) to block, and ice is less dense than water, when it melts, no mass is lost, so it will take in less space??? Please help me with this point of thinking.",
"Given two points (defined, for instance using nodes), I want to compute the distance between them. Is there some build in functionality in tikz to do this? If not, how can it be done using the mathematical engine? The application I have in mind is to draw an circular arc centered at (a) and passing through some second point (b), where only (a) and (b) are known.",
"Install Ubuntu from ISO image directly from hard disk of a system running Linux?",
"XGBoost Loss function Approximation With Taylor Expansion",
"Daily Ubuntu base update I am getting Ubuntu base update almost every day. This seems strange to me. What am I missing? (I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)",
"How do I troubleshoot high 'svchost.exe' usage in Windows 7?",
"Proof of Archimedes Principle Say I have an arbitrary body $\\Omega$ and surface $\\partial \\Omega$ submerged in a hydrostatic fluid of density $\\rho$ under the influence of gravity. How does one show ? i.e. $$\\int_{\\partial \\Omega}(P_0 + \\rho g h)d\\vec{S}=\\text{vol}(\\Omega)\\rho g\\vec{e_2}.$$",
"Papers published from an academic project (MSc or PhD) usually have two authors; the first author is the student who mainly conducted the research, and the second author is the professor who supervised the projects. The corresponding author is the one who take the responsibility of a paper, and thus, some believe that students are not yet prepared to take this responsibility. Ideally, who should be corresponding author for papers published by MSc or PhD projects? I understand that it mainly depends on personal agreements and preferences, but I want to know which case is more reasonable from academic logic?",
"The makes use of the term \"the author.\" When Bob makes a post, it's obvious Bob \"owns\" the content, but what happens when he checks the Community Wiki button? Does it become the property of the Stack Overflow community? Even if Bob is the only one to have edited it? Say I were to use a Community Wiki answer for something or other — say, in a book — who would I attribute the content to?",
"Why won't my computer go to sleep automatically? Windows 8 is set to sleep after 30 mins, and it used to work, but recently it's started refusing to sleep. (I can still manually ask it to go to sleep without any issue.) I was having issues a while ago, but it was with my network adapter. That's since been disabled, so it's definitely not that: I've checked to see what devices are able to wake up my machine, but it only appears to be my mouse: Which is odd, because I haven't recently changed my mouse, and more confusing still: The monitor does go to sleep just fine. If it was actually the mouse keeping my system awake, I'm pretty sure the monitor wouldn't go to sleep. I've checked my Wake Timers, and nothing: I've also checked my existing requests... UPDATE: I found something. What to do with it, I don't know... Note: Even when /requests says that there's \"NONE\" under every category, my machine still won't sleep(!). In short: How can I tell what's preventing my computer from Sleeping? UPDATE: Ok, so I now have a few more pieces of the puzzle. I came back to my computer and it was ASLEEP! Lawks! It seems that the only times it doesn't sleep is if VLC Player is open, even if a video isn't actually playing. UPDATE UPDATE: Ok, so it won't sleep sometimes when VLC Player ISN'T running, either. Bah!",
"Did the verb “fire a weapon” exist before the actual introduction of firearms on battlefields? More specifically, does it make sense for a creative work to have archers (or whatever ranged weaponry) be told to “fire!”, when the world they live in has not yet seen firearms? It seems some kind of an anachronism to me, since before firearms, “fire” would never propel any projectile... I've seen several movies do it; I can't remember them all, but for instance I verified it in The Lord of the Rings trilogy (left), Kingdom of Heaven (top right), and more recently Frozen (bottom right): The first two do it several times (with Kingdom of Heaven also using it on ballistae, and The Return of the King even having Aragorn ask Legolas to ), whereas firearms never appear on the battlefields they feature (Kingdom of Heaven is set in the 12th century; as for The Lord of the Rings, apart from one occurrence of a witchcraft-ish bomb, it's archery and medieval siege engines all the way). Frozen may be debatable, happening probably somewhere in the 18th or 19th century, but since we only see swords, spears and the like, it made me flinch to hear crossbowmen use “fire!”. I've also noticed other movies avoiding this, using “loose!” instead, such as Troy (left) and Gladiator (right): This makes me think it would be the right thing to say instead... although I'm still wondering why not use “shoot”, which seems simpler to me.",
"I'm trying to do something similar to this epsilon-delta graph I've found. Specifically, I'd like to copy the placements and arrows, like the L+e and L-e coming out of L. Same thing with the x0 + d and x0-d coming out of the x0. Can someone help me with this? This is what I have so far. \\begin{tikzpicture} \\begin{axis}[ , legend pos=north east, axis x line=middle, axis y line=middle, x tick label style={/pgf/number format/fixed, /pgf/number format/fixed zerofill, /pgf/number format/precision=1}, y tick label style={/pgf/number format/fixed, /pgf/number format/fixed zerofill, /pgf/number format/precision=1}, grid = major, width=8cm, height=6cm, grid style={dashed, gray!30}, xmin=0 , % start the diagram at this x-coordinate xmax= 4, % end the diagram at this x-coordinate ymin= 0, % start the diagram at this y-coordinate ymax= 11, % end the diagram at this y-coordinate %axis background/.style={fill=white}, xlabel=$x$, ylabel=$f(x)$, tick align=outside, enlargelimits=false] % plot the stirling-formulae %\\addplot[domain=0:200, red, ultra thick,samples=100] {K/(1 + ((K-X0)/X0) * exp(r*x)) }; \\addplot[domain=0:200, red, ultra thick,samples=100] {3*x-1 }; \\addplot[line width=1pt, dashed, mark=none, black] coordinates {(0,8) (3,8)}; \\addplot[line width=1pt, dashed, mark=none, black] coordinates {(3,0) (3,8)}; \\addplot[line width=1pt, dashed, mark=none, blue] coordinates {(3.33,0) (3.333,9)}; \\addplot[line width=1pt, dashed, mark=none, blue] coordinates {(2.666,7) (2.666,0)}; \\addplot[line width=1pt, dashed, mark=none, blue] coordinates {(2.666,7) (0,7)}; \\addplot[line width=1pt, solid, mark=none, blue] coordinates {(3.333,9) (0,9)}; \\addplot[holdot] coordinates{(60,8.66)}; % 1\\addlegendentry{$f(x) = 10 \\sin (x)$} \\end{axis} \\end{tikzpicture} which gives",
"Additional Boxes - Criteria, Longevity, Manipulability This feature has existed for a while (I'm not sure since when exactly), but I'm mainly interested in the Gen VI implementation (hence the tag). Usually, at the start of a game, you have some number of Boxes available. In B/W, those were 8, in X/Y I think it was 15. Under certain conditions though, you receive additional Boxes that just appear at the end of your current Boxes list. Which brings me to Part 1 of my question: 1) What are the exact conditions for additional Boxes to appear and do you always get 8 additional Boxes? (Using Pokemon Bank reveals that in X/Y, the maximum number of Boxes is 31, which I have experienced to be unlocked in 2 steps of 8 Boxes each.) Since I'm a person who really likes to order and organize stuff, my Boxes have names and are used to categorize my Pokemon. This results in some Boxes ending up empty for a while most of the time. So here's to 2) Do additional Boxes you receive stay forever or do they disappear if the conditions for them are no longer met? 3) If they disappear, is there a way (such as renaming or putting any Pokemon in the last Box) to make them stay no matter what, even if you released all your other Pokemon?",
"Lightning component quick action - send parameters to the lightning component I have a lightning component that is available for use as lightning component quick action. I need to use this component from various object actions, for example, I will add a lightning component quick action to account object and to contact object. Now on the lightning component itself, I want to know if it was invoked from the account object or from the contact object, but I cannot find a way to do that. I have found a way to get the record Id by adding <aura:attribute name="recordId" type="String" /> (see code snippet below) It is working but not good enough. What I really need is to send a parameter from the lightning component quick action invocation: And get it in my component: <aura:component implements="force:lightningQuickAction,force:hasRecordId,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes"> <aura:attribute name="recordId" type="String" /> <aura:attribute name="param" type="String"/> </aura:component> Is this possible? And if not - any workaround for achieving that?",
"I installed a mainline kernel for testing purposes. I would like to set grub to boot from the older kernel by default. I know I can set the GRUB_DEFAULT=0 setting for the first page of grub but how do I set it to boot by default from one kernel in the second page (Advanced page)? I would prefer doing this without installing other software (ex. grub-customizer). Related Questions:"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Dual boot Ubuntu 16.04/Windows 10 no longer booting | Which commands to convert a Ubuntu BIOS install to EFI/UEFI without boot-repair on single boot hardware? | [
"What happens if I unsubscribe from Apple Music, then resubscribe at a later date? I want to cancel my apple music subscription for now, but may want to bring it back this summer. Will all the music I added be permanently removed when I unsubscribe, or will re-subscribing retrieve all my previous music?",
"What is the difference between \"AS\" and \"IS\" in an Oracle stored procedure? I see Oracle procedures sometimes written with \"AS\", and sometimes with \"IS\" keyword. CREATE OR REPLACE Procedure TESTUSER.KILLINSTANCE (INSTANCEID integer) **AS** ... vs. CREATE OR REPLACE Procedure TESTUSER.KILLINSTANCE (INSTANCEID integer) **IS** ... Is there any difference between the two? Edit: Apparently, there is no functional difference between the two, but some people follow a convention to use \"AS\" when the SP is part of a package and \"IS\" when it is not. Or the other way 'round. Meh.",
"Anyone know a way to immediately show the seconds of a file's date modified property in the GUI? So if you create a file, any file in any directory, right-click and choose Properties, the date modified (if it's recent) will say something like \"dd/mm/yyy hh:mm, one minute ago\" - reminder this is in Windows 7. Windows XP did it normally. Then they changed something. If you wait a while, eventually you'll see the seconds, I'm not sure how long a while is, but this is incredibly annoying if you want to troubleshoot something that relies on the seconds of timestamps... is there a setting? registry key I can change perhaps? I'm literally using Chrome, pasting in the path of the directory to be able to see the seconds quickly (as a workaround) but would be nice to be able to use Win7.",
"Why are there non-visible objects in my final render?",
"How to perform a true GIS clip of polygons layer using a polygon layer in R?",
"My Ubuntu 14.04 is stuck when trying to login my desktop. The screen goes black and soon after that the login screen comes back. I followed all steps in but the issue was not solved.",
"An active access token must be used to query information about the current user",
"What methods of ‘clearfix’ can I use? I have the age-old problem of a div wrapping a two-column layout. My sidebar is floated, so my container div fails to wrap the content and sidebar. <div id=\"container\"> <div id=\"content\"></div> <div id=\"sidebar\"></div> </div> There seem to be numerous methods of fixing the clear bug in Firefox: <br clear=\"all\"/> overflow:auto overflow:hidden In my situation, the only one that seems to work correctly is the <br clear=\"all\"/> solution, which is a little bit scruffy. overflow:auto gives me nasty scrollbars, and overflow:hidden must surely have side effects. Also, IE7 apparently shouldn't suffer from this problem due to its incorrect behaviour, but in my situation it's suffering the same as Firefox. Which method currently available to us is the most robust?",
"Assuming convergence of the following series, find the value of $\\sqrt{6+\\sqrt{6+\\sqrt{6+...}}}$ Assuming convergence of the following series, find the value of $\\sqrt{6+\\sqrt{6+\\sqrt{6+...}}}$ I was advised to proceed with this problem through substitution but that does not seem to help unless I am substituting the wrong parts. If i substitute the $6$, well then i am just stuck with above. Any ideas on how to proceed. Also, what is the purpose of stating that it is convergent.",
"What does the notation like 8.6e-28 mean? What is the 'e' for? I have a problem with the interpretation of a test result in which the p-value is 8.6e-28. How should it be interpreted? What is the e for? Specifically, I used White's Test for the homoscedasticity assumption of a linear regression: White's general test statistic : 150.0535 Chi-sq( 9) P-value = 8.6e-28",
"70s UK science fiction TV show with time travel and telepathic cat I'm trying to identify a science fiction series on UK TV during the 70s, but I can only recall the following: A party of adults and children. There was a woman with a telepathic bond to her cat: she could look into its eyes to see what it had seen. Time travel was involved. I think it may have been inadvertent or uncontrolled time travel. On one occasion the party encountered an Elizabethan seaman who demanded to know if Elizabeth was still queen. They party replied \"err... yes\" because they didn't want to have to explain time travel.",
"Custom post type - posts list - white screen of death",
"Can \"Thanks for your edit!\" banner be linkified with the Suggested Edit Link?",
"I want to show that if a real orthogonal matrix $A$ has determinant $-1$ then $\\lambda=-1$ must be an eigenvalue of $A$. I have proven this in a long-winded way and I was wondering if these is a quick way of seeing it.",
"In the question one of the answers had the following code snippet: IEnumerable<object> FilteredList() { foreach(object item in FullList) { if(IsItemInPartialList(item)) yield return item; } } What does the yield keyword do there? I've seen it referenced in a couple places, and one other question, but I haven't quite figured out what it actually does. I'm used to thinking of yield in the sense of one thread yielding to another, but that doesn't seem relevant here.",
"What's the reasoning behind phrase \"dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements\"? Phrase \"dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements\" seems strange. Can one submit dissertation in full fulfillment of the requirements?",
"I understand that you can (in principle) measure whether \"free particles\" (no forces) experience accelerations in order to tell whether a frame is inertial. But fundamentally, what determines which frames are inertial (i.e. what principle selects in which frames free particles will not appear to accelerate)? I've been told that the cosmic microwaves determine the ultimate rest frame of the universe, but that doesn't make sense to me, since one can still ask why that frame is an inertial frame. Also, I understand that there are no real inertial frames in general relativity, but it seems like there certainly exists approximate inertial frames and we can ask why those frames are approximately inertial and not others. For example, in the frame of a person riding a merry go round, free particles appear to greatly accelerate; while in the frame of someone standing next to the merry go round there are no such great accelerations. Why does the guy (or gal) on the merry go round see free particles accelerating while the other guy doesn't. And if you're gonna tell me that it's \"the rest of the stuff in the universe\" that determines whether the person on the merry go round sees free particles accelerate, I'll ask how you know that all that stuff is not spinning. I hope this question sort of makes sense, it's been bothering me for a while and my study of relativity (most of special relativity and just the outline of general relativity) hasn't really clarified it for me much.",
"If $\\int_{0}^{x}f(t)dt\\rightarrow \\infty$ as $|x|\\rightarrow \\infty\\;,$ Then every line $y=mx$ Intersect $ y^2+\\int_{0}^{x}f(t)dt=2$ If $f$ is a continuous function with $\\displaystyle \\int_{0}^{x}f(t)dt\\rightarrow \\infty$ as $|x|\\rightarrow \\infty\\;,$ Then show that every line $y=mx$ Intersect the curve $\\displaystyle y^2+\\int_{0}^{x}f(t)dt=2$ $\\bf{My\\; Try::}$ Put $y=mx$ in $$\\displaystyle y^2+\\int_{0}^{x}f(t)dt=2\\;,$$ We get $$\\displaystyle m^2x^2+y^2+\\int_{0}^{x}f(t)dt=2.$$ We can write it as $$\\displaystyle 2\\int_{0}^{x}2m^2tdt+\\int_{0}^{x}f(t)dt=2$$ So $$\\displaystyle \\int_{0}^{x}\\left[2m^2t+f(t)\\right]dt-2 =0$$ Now Let $$g(x) = \\displaystyle \\int_{0}^{x}\\left[2m^2t+f(t)\\right]dt-2.\\;,$$ When $x\\rightarrow \\infty\\;,$ Then $g(x)\\rightarrow \\infty.$ (Where $g(x)$ is an Continuous function.) Now I did not Understand How can i solve that, Help me Thanks",
"Limit of $\\prod\\limits_{k=2}^n\\frac{k^3-1}{k^3+1}$ Calculate $$\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} \\frac{2^3-1}{2^3+1}\\times \\frac{3^3-1}{3^3+1}\\times \\cdots \\times\\frac{n^3-1}{n^3+1}$$ No idea how to even start.",
"Is SO/SE about to be sold (and does that explain recent events)?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Pythonic way of ensuring that input argument to a function is int/str? | What's the canonical way to check for type in Python? | [
"Do gravitons interact with each other? I always thought the non-linearity of Einsteins field equations implies that there should be direct graviton-graviton interactions. But I stumbled upon which argues: If gravitons exist, then, like photons and unlike gluons, gravitons do not interact with other particles of their kind. That is, gravitons carry the force of gravitation but are not affected by it. This is apparent due to gravity being the only thing which escapes from black holes, in addition to having an infinite range and traveling in straight lines, similarly to electromagnetism. Is Wikipedia correct? If not, why not? And what then are the arguments that there must be graviton-graviton interactions? (As of this question being asked, the above paragraph has been removed from Wikipedia.)",
"Table with multiple merging",
"Evaluate $\\int \\frac{1}{(x^2+1)^2}dx$ $$\\int \\frac{1}{(x^2+1)^2}\\mathrm dx$$ Look simple, but I stuck a little bit. What method is better in this situation? Please, help.",
"Single quotes vs. double quotes in Python According to the documentation, they're pretty much interchangeable. Is there a stylistic reason to use one over the other?",
"My significant other and I finish our master degrees at the same time and thus we are applying for PhD programmes at the same time. One major factor of accepting a potential offer would be if we could study at the same university, so I feel that mentioning a two-body problem would be advantageous for both, us and the admission committee. But where do I mention this? Is a line in the statement of purpose suitable here? If you admit me, please also consider admitting my significant other Jane Roe. Some additional information: We both do research in computer science. While I do research in natural language processing my partner does research in computer vision.",
"conjunction of disjunctions and disjunction of conjunctions $(p∨q) ∧ (p∨r) ∧ (q∨r) \\iff (p∧q) ∨ (p∧r) ∨ (q∧r)$ Without using set theory, how can I prove this using logical equivalences? I've tried to approach this problem with De Morgan and I've also tried the property of distributivity but I keep reaching a dead end. How should I approach this problem? Thank you.",
"Does anyone know how to model a depletion mode N channel MOSFET in spice? I have looked online however the majority of resources have shown how to model a depletion type or enhancement type. I specifically want to model a FET that is fully on when there is a 0 Vgs voltage. Resources i've looked at",
"This morning I started my Google Chrome browser as I do every day. The text size was suddenly bigger than normal, on all sites. I did not change any setting anywhere. If I set the zoom to 90% it looks fine, but this breaks various things (e.g. Stack Exchange chat) so prefer to avoid it if possible. Setting font size to Small in Chrome Settings also help, but it's too small. I have uninstalled Chrome (deleting local data) and installed again, same thing. Tried beta channel as well, no change. Windows 7 OS 64 bit, Display set to 125% from the very beginning. (Did not change this for years) What could have caused this and how can it be solved? This very question turns out to be a good example to demonstrate what I mean: While the body itself is small (as I changed the font size in Settings), other things are still huge and not affected by the setting.",
"How to get Lookup ID from Search API with REST",
"Reviewing suggested edit of own post after completing 20 reviews I've completed 20 suggested edits reviews today. Then, I came across a and I approved it. Then, I had a doubt that whether the review count has incremented or not, oh! it's not incrementing. System works fine. But, take a look at review page, The edit was already reviewed by one reviewer and then I reviewed it. As I'm the Owner of the post it's enough to approve the edit. But, the review history doesn't show the detail that I had approved it. It's misleading that only one vote of a reviewer who is neither the community user nor the OP nor the moderator, is enough. So, what should we do in this type of situation? Is it correct to make OP to review the suggested edit after completing daily limit? Should we need to display/hide the OP has approved the edit in the review history?",
"Possible Duplicate: I am trying to troubleshoot my webcam and make it work with skype. One workaround that is often suggested is to LD_PRELOAD the v4l1compat.so file. But when trying that, I get an error message: fdr@maggie:~$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored. and I am rather sure the path is correct: fdr@maggie:~$ ls /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so and the kernel and skype have matching architecture: fdr@maggie:~$ uname -a Linux maggie 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux fdr@maggie:~$ dpkg -s skype | grep Architecture Architecture: amd64 So my question is: What is causing the \"... from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored\" error message?",
"Since my previous questions were not answered I will try to ask again more precisely. I previously had the Nvidia driver installed and working correctly. Then the ubuntu software update did something which broke it. In fact, it completely de-configured it so that the standard display driver is used when the computer reboots. I would like to re-enable the existing Nvidia driver without re-installing the Nvidia driver. How do I do that? This machine is no longer connected to the internet. NOTE: I am not asking how to disable automatic updates in this question. I asked that elsewhere (and it wasn't answered). NOTE: I am not asking how to stop the Ubuntu software updater from breaking the Nvidia driver the next time it updates the system. That would be nice to know, but I asked that already and did not receive the correct answer either. NOTE: Please don't make this as duplicate simply because someone else asked a question about Ubuntu and the software updater. Try to read the actual question and see how it's different and try to realize how annoying it is when users have to spend hours of their own time to correct the problems that other people causing by incorrectly designing software updaters.",
"Package dbus is not configured yet",
"Did my workflow run on item changed or item creation?",
"Plot Option Precedence while combining Plots with Show[]",
"Adjective, if adjective: eg \"pointed, if fatherly\" They were pointed, if fatherly, remarks that echoed the themes he has stressed in his papacy but ones that resonated all the more in a newly renovated cathedral surrounded by the luxurious shops of Fifth Avenue. — I'm not sure the meaning of the phrase "if fatherly" in the above sentence. I'm not familiar with the syntax using the structure 'adjective, if adjective'.",
"I cannot find the Polygon Neighbors tool. I have searched for it as I usually do and I have also browsed the proximity toolset but it is not there. The other Tools, e.g. Buffer and Near are there and work fine. Here is a screenshot:",
"Accessing localhost (xampp) from another computer over LAN network - how to? I have just set up a wi-fi network at home. I have all my files on my desktop computer ( and want to access localhost over there from another computer ( On my desktop I can access localhost through the normal . Apache is running on port 80 as usual. Exactly what do I have to do to achieve this? There is documentation on the net but they either don't work or are too fragment and confusing to understand. I think I have to make changes to my apache's httpd.conf file and the hosts file. Any ideas as to what changes to make?",
"List of all active modules used in a site",
"What is the best way to iterate over a dictionary?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
In Interstellar, how did humans survive the first time in order to communicate? | Bootstrap Paradox in Interstellar | [
"Our production server (2012, VM + SAN) has 32 GB of RAM, the database size is ~80GB. The application uses TempDB heavily - disk is hit ~100 MBps both reads & writes. Seeing tons of SQL compilations/sec .. 95% of all batch requests are compilations. Ideally would like to increase the RAM to 64GB or 128GB, but need to 'prove' to team that it's required. Buffer Cache Hit Ratio (BCHR) is 99.9%, but Page Life Expectancy (PLE) is only ~400. What's the explanation for this ? I though PLE & BCHR had a linear relationship (i.e. they increase or decrease together) On other VMs with larger databases and lot more RAM, both BCHR & PLE are high. Current wait stats and perf counters",
"Styling multi-line conditions in 'if' statements?",
"What is the physical significance of dot & cross product of vectors? Why is division not defined for vectors? I get the physical significance of vector addition & subtraction. But I don't understand what do dot & cross products mean? More specifically, Why is it that dot product of vectors $\\vec{A}$ and $\\vec{B}$ is defined as $AB\\cos\\theta$? Why is it that cross product of vectors $\\vec{A}$ and $\\vec{B}$ is defined as $AB\\sin\\theta$, times a unit vector determined from the right-hand rule? To me, both these formulae seem to be arbitrarily defined (although, I know that it definitely wouldn't be the case). If the cross product could be defined arbitrarily, why can't we define division of vectors? What's wrong with that? Why can't vectors be divided?",
"This is a homework question. But I am completely stuck. My only intuition was to go about it inductively from a \"greedy algorithm\" maybe know as the deletion-contraction algorithm. And to somehow use the information about the jth cycle to solve the j+1th. But I'm not sure how I'd do it. Thank you very much for looking this over.",
"Bind an element to two sources I currently have two text boxes which accept any number. I have a text block that takes the two numbers entered and calculates the average. I was wondering if there was a way I could bind this text block to both text boxes and utilize a custom converter to calculate the average? I currently am catching the text changed events on both text boxes and calculating the average that way, but I am under the assumption data binding would be more efficient and easier.",
"Error - SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM",
"I have a front end module that generates an (ECG) signal that varies from +/-2.5 V. I want to shift this signal to 0 - 5V. What is the best way to do this? Would a summing amplifier like the below circuit good enough? With R1 = R2 and V1 = 2.5V, V2 = my signal, V3 = V4 = GND",
"I'm from Central Pennsylvania, and apparently, we have a strange language construct in this area. I was recently talking about how \"my car needs washed\" to a friend from NJ, and she told me that my sentence was grammatically incorrect. I realize she's right, and I realize my options are \"my car needs to be washed\" or \"my car needs washing\". But I'm not clear on the precise rule being invoked.",
"Will ArcGIS for Desktop run on Windows 10? Will ArcGIS 10 run on the new windows 10 technical preview? I am setting up an interface on my Mac and there is the free option of downloading the Windows 10 technical preview, some sort of beta version, I'm assuming. Just wanted to see if 10.1 will run ok on Windows 10 (ignoring the Mac aspect), as this is all I am using my windows interface for?",
"How can I show that $n! \\leqslant \\left(\\frac{n+1}{2}\\right)^n$? Show that $$n! \\leqslant \\left(\\frac{n+1}{2}\\right)^n \\quad \\hbox{for all } n \\in \\mathbb{N}$$ I know that it can be done by induction but I always find line where I do not know what to do next.",
"What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the GAC? And on top of that, are there cases where one has to use the global assembly cache or where one cannot use it?",
"I am currently developing a website which is going to take some time to finish. I need to move some 'stuff' to production frequently, while maintaining a under construction status. My front page will clearly mention that my website is under construction. I know crawlers will access my URL before I am ready to go live. Should I tell them my site is under construction (no need to index)? If yes how? P.S.: Eventually, I am ok to let them see my under construction front page.",
"Can I permanently block an update (non-driver) that will not install on my machine on Win10 pro? I have an update to Visual Studio 2010 that will NOT update and has failed hundreds of times. Manually installing it also fails, and no source has been found for manually getting this very old patch to install on Windows 10. I believe the problem is that Microsoft simply hasn't re-tested KB2890573 at all and it doesn't install on Win10 ver 1511 at all, anymore. I do not want to use the MS utility that will postpone this update for a while. I want to permanently block it so it does not appear in the windows update list ever again.",
"Calculate the last digit of $3^{347}$ I think i know how to solve it but is that the best way? Is there a better way (using number theory). What i do is: knowing that 1st power last digit: 3 2nd power last digit: 9 3rd power last digit: 7 4rh power last digit: 1 5th power last digit: 3 $3^{347} = 3^{5\\cdot69+2} = (3^5)^{69} \\cdot3^2 = 3\\cdot3^2=3^3=27 $ so the result is $7$.",
"Unable to boot into Windows after installing Ubuntu, how to fix?",
"What command(s) would you use to extract all of the usernames from a database called /etc/passwd and then sort this output alphabetically in reverse order?",
"Limits involving factorials $\\lim_{N\\to\\infty} \\frac{N!}{(N-k)!N^{k}}$ I am trying to calculate the following limit $$\\lim_{N\\to\\infty} \\frac{N!}{(N-k)!N^{k}}$$ where $k$ can be any number between $0$ and $N$. I thought of the following: If I take the logarithm of the expression then I get: $$\\lim_{N\\to\\infty} \\left(\\log(N!)-\\log((N-k)!)-k\\log N\\right)$$ Using the Stirling formula this can be approximated as: $$\\lim_{N\\to\\infty} \\left(N\\log(N)-(N-k)\\log(N-k)-k\\log N\\right)$$ Now there are two cases: If $k$ is $N$, then the second term vanishes and the remaining terms cancel. If $k$ is smaller than $N$, then I can drop the $k$ inside the second logarithm and all the terms cancel. So the limit $$\\lim_{N\\to\\infty} \\log\\left(\\frac{N!}{(N-k)!N^{k}}\\right)=0$$ Which means that: $$\\lim_{N\\to\\infty} \\frac{N!}{(N-k)!N^{k}}=1$$ I don't know if this is mathematically rigorous. Would like some help. Thanks",
"Can I use an \"if\" clause without \"then\"?",
"Rules of thumb for divisibility Given a number presented in decimal form $n=\\sum_{k=0} d_k10^k$ there are some nice thumb rules to decide whether it is divisible with a prime number $p\\in\\{7,11,13,17,19,23,29\\}$. For each of this numbers there is a number $a_p$ such that $p|n\\iff p|(a_p\\cdot d_0+\\sum_{k=0} d_{k+1}10^k)$. $a_7=-2,\\;a_{11}=-1,\\;a_{13}=4,\\;a_{17}=-5,\\;a_{19}=2,\\;a_{23}=7,\\;a_{29}=3$ E.g. $\\;19\\cdot 17=323$ and $32+2\\cdot 3=38=2\\cdot 19$ and $32-5\\cdot 3=17$. Is there a number $a_{31}$ that works the same way? Or $a_p,\\;p\\ge37$?",
"What are some examples of manifolds that do not have boundaries and are not boundaries of higher dimensional manifolds? Is any $n$-dimensional closed manifold a boundary of some $(n+1)$-dimensional manifold?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Minimal integer to make a rational into an integer | Compute the period of a decimal number a priori | [
"Which one sounds better? \"of mine\" or \"my\" My friend (or \"a friend of mine\"?) told me that anytime I need to express such expression, it's always better to say \"of mine\", because it sounds more naturally. Like \"two brothers of mine\" rather than \"my two brothers\". Is that true?",
"Convergence of exponential Brownian martingale to zero almost surely Define the exponential Brownian martingale as $N_t = \\exp\\left\\{a W_t - \\frac12 a^2 t \\right\\}$ which is a martingale with respect to the natural filtration of $W$ which stands for a standard Brownian motion. I now want to prove that $N_t \\rightarrow 0$ a.s. for $t \\rightarrow \\infty$. As $N_t$ is a martingale it is by definition in $L^1$ hence Doob's martingale convergence theorem tells us that there exists a $N_\\infty \\in L^1$ such that $N_t \\rightarrow N_\\infty$ a.s., but how could I prove that $N_\\infty \\equiv 0$? Any help is greatly appreciated!",
"Some areas of the mesh are dark (Shadow artefacts) I've been modeling a hermit crab and I don't know why but some areas of the mesh are really dark on some spots, like the legs and the claws. I hope you can help me fix it.",
"I am a new user for Ubuntu. I downloaded 13.10 yesterday and made a bootable USB with universal USB installer on my Lenovo IdeaPad Z580 laptop which is now using UEFI; everything appeared OK. When I booted from the LiveUSB I got the choices of trying or installing Ubuntu but both of them keep giving me these error: [ 1.929082] kernel panic-not syncing vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0.0) Please tell me what is going wrong?",
"Changing the size of the mouse pointer in Ubuntu MATE 18.04 does not work I have Ubuntu 18.04 with the gnome-desktop and parallel the Ubuntu MATE desktop installed. While I can easily change the size of the mouse pointer (DMZ-White) in the Gnome3 desktop , this does not work on the MATE desktop. I use for this the dconf-editor. Maybe someone knows a solution? Thanks a lot.",
"Can the Artificer Artillerist's tiny-sized Eldritch Cannon that is not held in hand still ride or be carried elsewhere on the body?",
"Change Proxy Settings In Ubuntu I want to use the Ubuntu Software Center to install software, but I cannot download them. How can I give my proxy settings in Ubuntu terminal (just like we use cmd in Windows to choose IE proxy settings)?",
"Show that the $\\max{ \\{ x,y \\} }= \\frac{x+y+|x-y|}{2}$. Show that the $\\max{ \\{ x,y \\} }= \\dfrac{x+y+|x-y|}{2}$. I do not understand how to go about completing this problem or even where to start.",
"How do I merge 2 VMware disks in to a single one? I have installed an Ubuntu server on a VMWare workstation with a space of 20GB storage as seen below: After the installation I've attached another 40GB worth storage to the existing Ubuntu server installation (seen below): Now I want to add this 40GB to my / (root) directory it mean's I want that my / directory became to 60G , like it will be resize from 20G to 60G (20G + 40G), i don't know what should i do, can any body help me ? , my df -h result shows; root@Userver:~# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 18G 900M 16G 6% / udev 990M 4.0K 990M 1% /dev tmpfs 400M 308K 399M 1% /run none 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock none 999M 0 999M 0% /run/shm none 100M 0 100M 0% /run/user root@Userver:~# it must be 60G ! i have no graphic mode, then i can't use Gparted tools, i'm just have ssh access !",
"Absolutely continuity and Lipschitz-like continuity I'm trying to figure out if the following is true or false: Let $\\mu$ and $\\nu$ be finite measures on Borel subsets of $[0,1]$,and $\\nu \\ll \\mu$ ($\\nu$ is absolutely cts with respect to $\\mu$). Does there exist always a $C \\in \\mathbb{R}$ such that $\\forall A \\subseteq [0,1]$ that is Borel, we have $\\nu(A)$ $\\lt$ $C \\mu (A)$. The Radon-Nykodym theorem seems to almost suggest that is true, if I knew it was bounded, then I could say $\\nu (A) \\le \\int_{A} g \\ d\\mu \\le \\int_{A} C \\ d\\mu \\le C\\mu (A)$, where $C$ is the bound. However, I don't know if it is bounded and in fact, I could take an unbounded function that is still integrable on $[0,1]$, such as $\\frac{1}{\\sqrt x}$. I can't even be sure if it is true or false. Thank you!",
"How to understand linux versioning I need to understand the Linux versioning system and distribution concepts. what are public, stable or final terms for versions?",
"Should I use 'or' or 'nor' after a negative statement?",
"How to correctly post a Q&A style question (i.e.self answer) without it failing minimal understanding As I understand it Q&A style questions are but a self answered question should be judged independently of the answer. Often after I've solved a problem I would like to share the question and answer on stack overflow (and have on a couple of occasions) but how to show "minimal understanding of the problem" is always challenging. For example I have been looking into the following question How can I plot a straight line in the JMonkey Engine library I'm trying to plot straight lines between vertices that I specify using the JMonkey Engine 3D graphics library. So for example if I was to try to plot between: (2,0,0) (-1,0,1) (0,1,1) (1,1,1) (1,4,0) Then I would get: This is something I do (and forget how to do) relatively often and the answer is harder to find than you'd imagine ( provides everything needed to figure it out but its spread out over several posts and isn't a complete solution on its own). Therefore I want to provide a Q&A for it but at present this question feels like it would fail the minimal understanding test Questions must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Tell us what you've tried to do, why it didn't work, and how it should work Should I make up some imaginary problem? (Probably the final source code messed up a bit) Or mention in the question that I’m self answering to assuage some of the normal "This is not a do your work for you site" comments.",
"Maximum of $|\\sin(z)|$ as $\\{z: |z| \\leq 1 \\} $ So according to the Maximum Principle, the maximum is when $|z|=1$. I tried using the fact that $\\sin z= \\dfrac {e^{iz}-e^{-iz}}{2i}$, but didn't know how to continue from there. Setting $z=e^{it}$ doesn't help much. I saw this question was answered before, however the answer uses hyperbolic functions ($\\sinh, \\cosh$) which I haven't actually studied. Thanks in advance for any assistance!",
"I have a simple question about calculating distances in PostGIS. I would like to get the distance between two geometries. I am using this sid : 4269 in meters what i am doing now is this : ST_Distance((a.geom,b.geom)) FROM ... but I am getting result in degrees. I think that I should work with geography but how can I cast a geom to a geography? I tried with (a.geom::geography) but i am getting an error. What can I do to get my result in meters? Thank You",
"When does the Death Saving Throw happen with respect to sources of automatic ongoing damage? If a character is knocked unconscious with 0HP with a source of automatically dealt damage, for example, into a fire, and takes damage from it each turn, does the automatic Death Saving Throw failure from taking damage at 0hp happen before or after the player's regular Death Saving Throw roll? If the unconscious PC takes the auto-fail first then they effectively only get 1 Death Saving Throw to survive, because they'd autofail and roll a failure the first turn, then autofail again and die the next turn. If they get to roll first, then they only effectively get two death saving throws before they die.",
"How can I have `date` output the time from a different timezone? I have a server running with the timezone set to UTC. It seemed like that was generally a good practice (please correct me if I'm wrong). Anyhow, one of the servers I connect to, in order to scp files, is running on EDT and stores files that I need to copy in the format /path/to/filename/data20120913 I looked at trying to rsync files using something like find's -mtime -1 flag for files modified in the last day, but I didn't have any luck. I don't mind just using scp to copy the current day's file, but as of right now there is a 4-hour window where running date +%Y%m%d will give a different day on each server and that bugs me a little. Looking through man date I see that I can have the time output as UTC, but I don't see a way to have it output as another timezone like EDT I suppose I could also use something like the GNU date extension date -d 20100909 +%s to get the date in seconds from the epoch, apply a manual 4 * 60 * 60 second calculation, and see about rendering that as a date - but then when daylight time kicks in it will still be an hour off. Is there a simpler way to output the date in a YYYYMMDD format for EDT on a server that is set to UTC ?",
"This question is inspired by my own answer to a which I tried to answer and got stuck at one point. The question was: HI DARLING. USE MY ATM CARD, TAKE ANY AMOUNT OUT, GO SHOPPING AND TAKE YOUR FRIENDS FOR LUNCH. PIN CODE: $\\displaystyle \\int_{0}^{1} \\frac{3x^3 - x^2 + 2x - 4}{\\sqrt{x^2 - 3x + 2}} \\, dx $ I LOVE YOU HONEY. Anyone knows? Are we gonna get an integer number? My attempt: Does this help? $$\\frac{3x^3-x^2+2x-4}{x-1}=3x^2+2x+4$$ (long division) \\begin{align*} I&=\\int\\frac{3x^3-x^2+2x-4}{[(x-1)(x-2)]^{1/2}} dx = \\\\ &=\\int\\frac{(3x^2+2x+4)(x-1)^{1/2}}{(x-2)^{1/2}} dx = \\\\ &=\\int 3(u^4-4u^2-4)(u^2+1)^{1/2}du \\times 2 \\end{align*} after the substitution \\begin{gather*} (x-2)^{1/2}=u\\\\ du=\\frac1{2(x-2)^{1/2}}dx\\\\ u^2=x-2\\\\ (x-1)^{1/2}=(u^2+1)^{1/2} \\end{gather*} Update: may help us proceed. I tried to proceed: $$6\\int (u^4-4u^2-4)(u^2+1)^{1/2} du = 6\\int ((t-3)^2-8)t \\frac{dt}{2u}$$ after $u^2+1=t$ and $dt=2udu$ \\begin{align*} u^4-4u^2-4 &= (u^2+1)^2-(6u^2+5) \\\\ &= (u^2+1)^2-6(u^2+1)+1 \\\\ &= ((u^2+1)-3)^2-8 \\end{align*} I wonder whether this question can be solved from here? Update: This has been getting a lot of views, and I think most people came for the sort of problem mentioned in the title (where I got stuck) rather than the original problem itself. Keepin this in mind, I'm reopening the question and here's the kind of answers I expect — Solutions to the original problem are good, but I'd prefer solutions that continue from the part where I got stuck — the polynomial in $u$ — that's the sort of problem mentioned in the title.",
"I was looking for a possible duplicated question about in , then looked using the Big G! since the integrated search didn't give me any useful result (laugs) then I found the , but in Stackoverflow! Then, I proceed to flag as off-topic, but since \"It's too old to migrate\" I don't have the option to do so... So, my question is, should I leave it like that? Or the question is better in UL (also on topic, just read the question)? Any guidance to this young pada-wan is greatly appreciated.",
"When editing a post and using the image uploader, any unused link references are completely removed. For example, this post has three image references, only one of which is used ([3]) in the body of the post: After uploading a fourth image, references [1] and [2] are completely removed (and the remaining references are renumbered to become [1] and [2]): I sometimes write link references before using them in the body of the post and sometimes remove images temporarily before reinserting them elsewhere in the post so this is inconvenient. (Note: this also applies for the iOS app, having the same behavior)"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Ubuntu wakes up after few seconds of sleep | laptop fails to suspend or hibernate (wakes up after 2-5 seconds without user interaction) | [
"json parse error with double quotes",
"How to do logistic regression subset selection? I am fitting a binomial family glm in R, and I have a whole troupe of explanatory variables, and I need to find the best (R-squared as a measure is fine). Short of writing a script to loop through random different combinations of the explanatory variables and then recording which performs the best, I really don't know what to do. And the leaps function from package does not seem to do logistic regression. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.",
"How does Java's PreparedStatement work? I am planning to replace repeatedly executed Statement objects with PreparedStatement objects to improve performance. I am using arguments like the MySQL function now(), and string variables. Most of the PreparedStatement queries I have seen contained constant values (like 10, and strings like \"New York\") as arguments used for the ? in the queries. How would I go about using functions like now(), and variables as arguments? Is it necessary to use the ?s in the queries instead of actual values? I am quite confounded.",
"How can I display the current branch and folder path in terminal?",
"Rerouting stdin and stdout from C",
"UK visit visa: What documents prove genuine relationship with the visitor? In the UK immigration rules for visitor visa it states if; Funds, maintenance and accommodation provided by a third party V 4.3 A visitor’s travel, maintenance and accommodation may be provided by a third party where the decision maker is satisfied that they: (a) have a genuine professional or personal relationship with the visitor;and (b) are not, or will not be, in breach of UK immigration laws at the time of decision or the visitor’s entry to the UK; and (c) can and will provide support to the visitor for the intended duration of their stay. I'm a UK citizen. I'm planning to invite my brother-in-law and another close friend to the UK. In my invitation letter, I have clearly mentioned that I'm going to provide them accommodation only. They have prove sufficient funds to support themselves. I have sent them an invitation letter along with a copy of my passport and tenant agreement. What other documents do I need to provide to indicate that it is a genuine professional or personal relationship with the visitor?",
"Is ArcSDE no longer needed at ArcGIS 10.1?",
"If the original question is \"What time is it?\" and I want to communicate it to another person, are these Embedded Questions OK? I don't know what time is it. or I didn't know what time was it. (if communicated later)",
"How to add citation for a whole paragraph? If I write a report and a whole paragraph is based on one source but not cited verbally it seems unnecessary to include the reference after every sentence: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua (source 1). Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat (source 1). Now I found a Phd thesis that puts the reference after the last dot of the paragraph to indicate that it is based on this very source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. (source 1) Is this a common practice? Is it generally understood? What are other ways to add the reference for a whole paragraph?",
"A probability theory question about independent coin tosses by two players Say Bob tosses his $n+1$ fair coins and Alice tosses her $n$ fair coins. Lets assume independent coin tosses. Now after all the $2n+1$ coin tosses one wants to know the probability that Bob has gotten more heads than Alice. The way I thought of it is this : if Bob gets $0$ heads then there is no way he can get more heads than Alice. Otherwise the number of heads Bob can get which allows him to win is anything in the set $\\{1,2,\\dots,n+1\\}$. And if Bob gets $x$ heads then the number of heads that Alice can get is anything in the set $\\{0,1,2,..,x-1\\}$. So\\begin{align}P(\\text{Bob gets more heads than Alice})&= \\sum_{x=1}^{n+1} \\sum_{y=0}^{x-1} P( \\text{Bob gets x heads }\\cap \\text{Alice gets y heads }) \\\\[0.2cm]&= \\sum_{x=1}^{n+1} \\sum_{y=0}^{x-1} \\left(C^{n+1}_x \\frac{1}{2}^{x} \\frac{1}{2}^{n+1-x}\\right)\\left( C^n_y \\frac{1}{2}^y \\frac {1}{2}^{n-y}\\right)\\\\[0.2cm]& = \\sum_{x=1}^{n+1} \\sum_{y=0}^{x-1} \\frac{C^{n+1}_x C^n_y}{2^{2n+1}}\\end{align} How does one simplify this? Apparently the answer is $\\frac{1}{2}$ by an argument which looks like this, Since Bob tosses one more coin that Alice, it is impossible that they toss both the same number of heads and the same number of tails. So Bob tosses either more heads than Alice or more tails than Alice (but not both). Since the coins are fair, these events are equally likely by symmetry, so both events have probability 1/2.",
"How to efficiently count the number of keys/properties of an object in JavaScript?",
"Why is carbon dating limit only 40,000 years?",
"Labels cannot be moved although data-defined settings are active I'm trying to manually move labels but having some trouble. I'm trying to move the labels while in edit mode. I've added fields for x coordinate (all null), y coordinate (all null), rotation (all =0), and font-size (all =10). This makes the \"move label\" and \"rotate label\" buttons active, but when I click on the labels, no box around the label appears and it's impossible to move the label. What am I doing wrong?",
"Accuracy Vs. Precision What I would like to know is whether I should use System.currentTimeMillis() or System.nanoTime() when updating my object's positions in my game? Their change in movement is directly proportional to the elapsed time since the last call and I want to be as precise as possible. I've read that there are some serious time-resolution issues between different operating systems (namely that Mac / Linux have an almost 1 ms resolution while Windows has a 50ms resolution??). I'm primarly running my apps on windows and 50ms resolution seems pretty inaccurate. Are there better options than the two I listed? Any suggestions / comments?",
"Package in Java",
"How do I programmatically obtain the version in JBoss AS 5.1?",
"I am wondering how to recreate some kinds of effects (you can easily do in Photoshop) in Blender. I want to create the gradient textures like ones pictured below, should I render objects and blur them in compositor? Or can I achieve it using only material nodes?",
"What do you call the frequent conjunction {juxtaposition} of two words? The statement that I want to make is: \"Impostor syndrome\" ... why does this (conjunction of words) sneak into every text I read these days? What is the right or best expression for \"conjunction of words\"? In the statement I don't want to refer to the syndrome itself, but rather to the expression. If it was one word instead of two I would want to say ... why does this word sneak into every text I read these days. However, writing ________ why do these two words sneak into every text I read these days. would miss the point, because it's not these two words that sneak into every text at various location but rather their conjunction.",
"Why doesn't a commutator cause the rotation to reverse periodically or stop? I understand the field magnets attracting/repelling the armature/coil so that it turns one half-turn and then, because the commutator is turned, its contact with the brushes has switched sides, and the current goes in the opposite direction, reversing the electromagnetic polarity. Then, because the polarity is swapped, it attracts/repels to complete the second half-turn. The thing is, isn't it a bit of a gamble that it will turn in the same direction? Couldn't the it just be pulled/pushed back, more or less undoing the half-turn? I'm also a bit confused how the rotation doesn't just stop once the commutator is oriented so that the brushes are contacting both sides of the commutator. In other words, there's a brief period just as the commutator switches the current directions where each both the brushes are in contact with both sides of the commutator where the current is neutralized. Shouldn't this stop the motor? For reference, I'm just talking about a simple DC motor.",
"Execute managebean method from javascript onload event"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
primes of the form $4k+3$ and sums of squares | Can an integer of the form $4n+3$ written as a sum of two squares? | [
"Is there an example of a ring $S$ with identity $1_S$ containing a non-trivial subring $R$ which itself has an identity $1_R$, but $1_R\\neq 1_S$ (or equivalently $1_S\\notin R$). I'd also like to know under what conditions the identities have to be equal. I know they must be equal if $S$ has no zero divisors, since for every $r\\in R$ we have $(1_S-1_R)r=0$ In other words: Is the category of unital rings with identity-preserving morphisms a full subcategory of the category of rings (where morphism are only required to respect addition and multiplication)?",
"I would like to be able to render several files one after the other, when I am not using my computer, e.g. at night. Is there a way of doing this?",
"What's the projective limit of these polynomial rings ? Define an inverse system of polynomial rings over a commutative ring $k$ by the canonical projection $k[x_1,...,x_n] \\to k[x_1,...,x_m]\\;(m< n)$. Question: What is the projective limit $\\varprojlim_n k[x_1,...,x_n]$ ?",
"Order of a homomorphism of groups",
"How can I understand and prove the \"sum and difference formulas\" in trigonometry?",
"Slipstream Windows 7 + Service Pack 1",
"How should we deal with duplicate answers? Duplicate questions are \"solved\" — it's clear what to do with them, there're tools to deal with them... but what happens when two users post the same answer? This happens a fair bit, particularly on questions with simple answers (\"Click this button\"-type ones). Do we upvote both answers, since they are both correct? Do we upvote the first one (although if the answers were posted within a few minutes of each other, after an hour it's impossible to tell as they both show up as \"answered 1 hour ago\")? Do we upvote the currently highest voted one? Do we upvote one and downvote the other? Do we flag one (seems a little excessive)? Something else?",
"How can I view the contents of tar.gz file without extracting from the command-line? I want to see the contents (list of files and folders) of an archive, for example a tar.gz file without extracting it. Are there any methods for doing that?",
"I have a list of integers, List<Integer> and I'd like to convert all the integer objects into Strings, thus finishing up with a new List<String>. Naturally, I could create a new List<String> and loop through the list calling String.valueOf() for each integer, but I was wondering if there was a better (read: more automatic) way of doing it?",
"Calculate $\\lim_{n\\rightarrow +\\infty}\\binom{2n} n$",
"This gives this comparison chart for the four Windows 8 Editions (Core is usually just called Windows 8). I notice specifically, about half-way down, the max physical processors is listed as 1 for \"Core\" and 2 for all other. In the second image i see physical processors listed as 8 in a Windows 8 Task Manager. My question is, what is the limit then? Can anyone verify the article or the screenshot? Was this a mock-up? Another Edition? (Server perhaps?) To clarify, i am looking for links to official microsoft.com articles detailing these specifications. I have been unable to find any.",
"Move incoming Outlook emails to folder containing previous conversation I file email conversations in various folders. But every new email in that conversation goes to inbox, so I have to manually move it to the folder that contains the rest of the conversation. Is there a way for Outlook to do this automatically with all new emails? What I want: Outlook will do the following automatically as long as it's running: For all unread emails in inbox... ...if email is not the first in the conversation, search for folders where that conversation is stored. If found, move the new unread email to the first* folder it finds (except for Inbox, Trash, or Sent). Optionally: If there is more than one folder containing messages in the same conversation, then do nothing. **If there is more than one folder containing messages in the same conversation, then do nothing*. (This extra rule is not necessary if it complicates the solution too much) Thanks!",
"How to combine Bump Maps? I'm trying to add a bump map with logo to noise texture Bump map. I have a bump map created with Noise texture and then on top of that I want to add my bump logo (which also has it's own color on it.) Is it possible within one material?",
"Prove that the set of palindromes are not regular languages using the pumping lemma. Firstly I pick a language $xyz$ where $x = \\epsilon$, $y = (abb)^{k}$, $z = (bba)^{k}$ where $|y| \\ge$ the number of states in the automaton representing my language. Then $xyz = (abb)^k(bba)^k$ is a palindrome. Now I split $y$ into $uvw$, where $v \\ne \\epsilon$ contains a state visited more than once. If the language is regular then $xuv^iwz$ is within the language $\\forall i \\ge 0$. I choose $i = 2$, then $uv^2w = (abb)^n$ where $n > k$. Then $xuv^2wz = (abb)^n(bba)^k$ where $n > k$, which is not a palindrome. Firstly, is my reasoning for this particular proof correct? I'm unsure about how to properly apply the pumping lemma to this problem. And secondly the question asks me to state a proof for palindromes in general, whereas I only attempted to prove it for a single case. Is there an example I can choose which proves the conjecture for all palindromes? I assume not, seeing as I can't think of how that could be represented using regular expressions.",
"Independence of disjoint events",
"On finding polynomials that approximate a function and its derivative (extensions of Stone-Weierstrass?)",
"I got a new laptop; it came with an existing Windows installation, but I wanted to migrate my current backup to the new machine. I dd-ed the new machine's partitions to an external drive: /dev/nvme0n1p1 /dev/nvme0n1p2 /dev/nvme0n1p3 /dev/nvme0n1p4 and afterwards move my current partitions to the new machine. What followed was a medium-sized nightmare. The new machine would boot, but the wireless network drivers were not recognized and later found out (to the best of my knowledge) they couldn't be installed. I tried: booting from the console and running: sfc /scannow chkdsk C: /f /r /x both seemed to have completed successfully, but now the machine would get stuck in a startup repair loop. I tried resetting the machine (whilst keeping my files), but this failed halfway through. now the machine's still stuck in the loop and decided to try and repair it externally using a bootable Windows 10 . It's likely that I'll need the new machine's Windows 10 key. I'm not sure if it's stored in the BIOS (it came with Windows 10 preinstalled) or somewhere on the partitions. How can I get the key from the partitions (if it's there at all) while booting from a Linux image?",
"Error AL lib: UpdateDeviceParams: Failed to set 44100hz, got 48000hz instead. What can I do? I have Win 10 and when I open Blender I have the error: AL lib: UpdateDeviceParams: Failed to set 44100hz, got 48000hz instead",
"Given: $a = qb + r$. Then it holds that $\\gcd(a,b)=\\gcd(b,r)$. That doesn't sound logical to me. Why is this so? Addendum by LePressentiment on 11/29/2013: (in the interest of and averting a duplicate) What's the intuition behind this result? I only recognise the proof and examples solely due to algebraic properties and formal definitions; I'd like to apprehend the result naturally.",
"Meaning of Sun Lamp Size?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Show that $ \overline \lim\limits_{n \rightarrow \infty}\left(\frac{1+a_{n+1}}{a_{n}}\right)^{n} \geq \mathrm{e} $ | An inequality from Littlewood's Miscellany | [
"Fitting linear model / ANOVA by group",
"What happens if a Rainbow Servant takes levels in Mystic Theurge?",
"Combinatorial argument for the identity $k\\binom{n}{k} = n\\binom{n-1}{k-1}$ I am looking for the combinatorial argument for the identity: \\begin{equation} k\\binom{n}{k} = n\\binom{n-1}{k-1} \\end{equation} This is easy to show algebraically as: \\begin{equation} \\binom{n}{k} = \\dfrac{n(n-1)(n-2)(n-k+1)}{k(k-1)!} \\end{equation} What is the combinatorial argument? What are some general ideas to get started? Here is a clarification of 2. From what I have seen so far, proving (combinatorially) an identity with an addition sign usually implies that we need to partition a set (this makes sense because of the addition rule and provides a nice visual). On the contrary, the previous observation leads me to believe that multiplication in identities can be resolved with the multiplication principle, but what is the \"visual/interpretation\" for this? Could someone provide such an interpretation for the example identity given above?",
"Environment variables when run with 'sudo'",
"How to find unused/dead code in java projects What tools do you use to find unused/dead code in large java projects? Our product has been in development for some years, and it is getting very hard to manually detect code that is no longer in use. We do however try to delete as much unused code as possible. Suggestions for general strategies/techniques (other than specific tools) are also appreciated. Edit: Note that we already use code coverage tools (Clover, IntelliJ), but these are of little help. Dead code still has unit tests, and shows up as covered. I guess an ideal tool would identify clusters of code which have very little other code depending on it, allowing for docues manual inspection.",
"How does a spinning object \"know\" that it is spinning? I am constructing a thought experiment about a spinning object that is floating in intergalactic space. I assume that this object is about the size of a planet so that it will have enough gravity so that a Foucault pendulum will work, although I'm not sure that this is necessary for the thought experiment. I can easily determine that this object is spinning if I stand on the object and observe the galaxies around me rise and set. Similarly, I can determine the axis of rotation. For simplicity, I go to one of the poles of my object, and I set up my Foucault pendulum. What will I see? And why will I see it? I assume that in intergalactic space, the gravity is very small (galaxies are very far away, and the mass of my object is very small compared to the mass of a galaxy) so that there will be little coupling between the gravitational field of my object and the gravitational field of the galaxies around me.",
"How to make password-less login work I generated a key and copied it to my target: ssh-keygen ssh-copy-id username@hostname I left the the location of the key as default and did not set any passphrase. For a small while after that, I was able to ssh username@hostname without being prompted for a password, and then it stopped working for some reason.",
"generic function with a \"has property X\" constraint?",
"Both sides differentiation expression with integral I have a problem with derivation of some function. This is related to computing the Poincare Map of Logistic Population model with Periodic harvesting. This function is: $\\phi(t,x_0) = x_0 + \\int_{0}^{t} f(s,\\phi(s,x_0)) ds $, where $\\phi(t,x_0)$ is a function: $\\mathbb{R} \\times \\mathbb{R} \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$. I'm trying to differentiate equation of this function both sides with respect to $x_{0}$. In book from this equation comes from the result of this differentiation is: $\\frac{\\partial \\phi}{\\partial x_0} (t,x_0) = 1 + \\int_0^{t} \\frac{\\partial f}{\\partial x_0} (s, \\phi(s,x_0)) \\cdot \\frac{\\partial \\phi}{\\partial x_0} (s, x_0)ds$. I can't understand expression under the integral. In this book it is explained that it is clear from chain rule.Could someone explain to me this transformation in easy way? I will be grateful for your help Best regards",
"A novel where a woman from \"future\" of 1999 speaks leet-speak",
"If a series converges, then the sequence of terms converges to $0$.",
"Stack Overflow reputation in CV Should I mention my Stack Overflow (and other Stack Exchange sites) reputation in my CV while applying for a post-graduate position?",
"Show reference label when it is undefined",
"How to combine paths in Java? Is there a Java equivalent for in C#/.NET? Or any code to accomplish this? This static method combines one or more strings into a path.",
"I often have to sort a dictionary, consisting of keys & values, by value. For example, I have a hash of words and respective frequencies, that I want to order by frequency. There is a SortedList which is good for a single value (say frequency), that I want to map it back to the word. orders by key, not value. Some resort to a , but is there a cleaner way?",
"As mentioned on : For something that can be done so easily by accident, there should be the ability to undo mistakes. I know that I have clicked several times on a comment up-vote without actually wanting to. I would suggest being able to cancel the up-vote (maybe only for a couple of minutes or even less than a minute, no problem, as long as I can undo a miss-click).",
"When you pick up items in Skyrim it tells you the value of each item. However when I go and sell the items the merchants are only paying 30% of this value, at best. Discounting any perks or other effects, how high does Speechcraft have to be before merchants start paying full value for items?",
"A square with side $a$ is given. What is the average distance between two uniformly-distributed random points inside the square? For more general \"rectangle\" case, see . The proof found there is fairly complex, and I am looking for a simpler proof for this special case. I expect it could be significantly simpler. See also .",
"Why should the minimal class be avoided?",
"Term for things like \"naughty step\" where the step is not what is naughty Can anyone remind me of the grammatical term for the apparent misapplication of an attributive adjective, as in the phrase \"the naughty step\" (where it is not the step itself that is naughty but the person consigned to it)?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How do I Plot tangent line equation on the given point on the same axes? | Finding the 1st three derivatives of a function and plotting all four curves | [
"Do citizens migrate closer to their workplace within the town? By using the Path tool (F2, 7) I have found some laborers walking very long to eat at home or to warm up in winter. If I build a house close to a Quarry or a Mine, will Stonecutters or Miners move automatically to this house to avoid long walking distances between the workplace and home? Or can I assign some citizens to houses closer to their workplace?",
"I have a list of tuples like this: [ ('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('a', 3), ('b', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 1), ] I want to iterate through this keying by the first item, so, for example, I could print something like this: a 1 2 3 b 1 2 c 1 How would I go about doing this without keeping an item to track whether the first item is the same as I loop around the tuples? This feels rather messy (plus I have to sort the list to start with)...",
"GCD of the already GCD",
"How do I get started creating an Ubuntu Desktop App? I want to create an Ubuntu desktop app, specifically to replace Gwibber. I can code in Java, Python and a few other technologies. Adobe Flex would have been an option until Adobe decided to suck some more and stopped support for AIR on Linux. Note - I don't care about supporting other OS's. It will be a personal Ubuntu specific app. It can I open-source, I don't mind extra help. It should integrate seamlessly with Ubuntu, notifications and all. I guess Python it is, is that correct? How do I get started?",
"Get last insert id after a prepared insert with PDO",
"Why can't a union of two intervals be the maximum existence interval of a solution? Assume the IVP $$ x'=x^2, \\quad x(0)=1 $$ By separating the variables and using the initial condition $$ x(t)=(1-t)^{-1} $$ Then, my book states that since $x_0=1>0$ then the solution can only be extended to the left with maximum existence interval $\\, I=(-\\infty,1)$. My question is, since the solution $x(t)$ we found is defined for every $t\\neq1$, why isn't the maximum interval of its existence $I^*=(-\\infty,1)\\cup(1,+\\infty)$? Why does it depend on the sign of $x_0$?",
"How can I use an align environment flush left? Is there a way possible to imitate the align environment for math mode commands, without having all writing being placed toward the center on the output page? MWE: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{mathtools} \\begin{document} \\begin{align*} \\cos\\theta_1 \\cos\\theta_2-\\sin\\theta_1\\sin\\theta_2 &= \\cos(\\theta_1 +\\theta_2) \\\\ \\sin\\theta_1 \\cos\\theta_2 + \\cos\\theta_1 \\sin\\theta_2 &= \\sin(\\theta_1+\\theta_2) \\end{align*} \\end{document}",
"Let $trcA=0$.why $A=M+N$ where $M$ and $N$ are nilpotent matrices?",
"Proxy setting for R",
"In what order do multiple readied actions with the same trigger resolve?",
"There is no or there was no I read a sentence in an exam: There is no child who did not bring his parents to the picnic. I think that the sentence does not have tense-agreement. Why is is used instead of was? Please explain it to me.",
"Simple bijection $\\mathbb N_0 \\times \\mathbb N_0 \\to \\mathbb N_0$ I'm looking for a 'simple' bijection $$ \\pi \\colon \\mathbb N_0 \\times \\mathbb N_0 \\to \\mathbb N_0, $$ where 'simple' in this context means that it should be as easy as possible to define and it should be self-evident that said function is in fact a bijection. It's a quest for convenience - not minimal complexity in any rigorous sense. Here are a couple of examples I came up with - none of which satisfy both requirements: Let $\\pi(m,n) = c(2^m3^{n+1})$, where $c \\colon \\{2^m3^{n+1} \\mid m,n \\in \\mathbb N_0 \\}\\to \\mathbb N_0$ is the order isomorphism (or in fact Mostowski collapse) of its domain under the natural ordering, Let $\\pi(m,n) = \\langle n,m \\rangle$ - Gödel's pairing function, Let $\\pi(m,n) = m \\oplus n$ - the number resulting from '' $m,n$ (where we imagine both $m$ and $n$ as in infinite decks of cards whose $i$th element is labeled with its respective $i$th digit). ...",
"Is it possible to restart the unity panel without restarting compiz? I'm being hit (quite often) by that bug where you can't click on some indicators. It's easy to fix by restarting unity, but that usually also means running to the risk of upsetting some window on re-parenting (rare, but I'd rather avoid any such problems). So, I know there is `unity-panel-service', and I'm guessing this might have something to do with the solution? Is it possible to restart the unity panel (or the entire unity plugin) without restarting compiz itself?",
"I know that packages installed with apt-get are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives. I just installed mariadb server in Ubuntu 16.04 with following command: sudo apt install mariadb-server When I tried to find packages in /var/cache/apt/archives, there are no packages. Where are they stored if it's not in this directory?",
"How can one have a mini table of contents for the current chapter appear just after the chapter name listing all sections of that chapter?",
"Use of Predictable Network Interface Names with alternate kernels Almost constantly, I use kernels from the , or kernels I have compiled myself, using the Ubuntu kernel configuration. The problem is when I am using the stock kernel it seems to default to using predictable network interface names (i.e. \"p4p1\"), but when I use any alternate kernel it seems to default to using the old method (i.e. \"eth0\"). While not really relevant to this question, I had a hard disk failure on my test computer and am doing a new install of Ubuntu Server 14.04.2. I have not been able to determine what is the difference between the kernels. I suspect a kernel configuration parameter, but have been unable to identify which one. My question: How can I make predictable network interface names work consistently across all kernels? Additional notes: Somewhere I saw to disable predictable network interface names to add this to grub: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0\" so, I thought the opposite might help: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"net.ifnames=1 biosdevname=1\" but it made no difference. Actually, I can never get the non-stock kernel to use biosdevname, no matter the setting. And I can never get the stock kernel to generate a /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file (even though, that is not what I want), no matter the setting of net.ifnames. If I have net.ifnames=1, then at least the non-stock kernel doesn't generate an incorrect /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file. Excerpts from /var/log/udev: stock kernel: KERNEL[9.216730] add /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.4/0000:03:00.0/net/p4p1 (net) ACTION=add DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.4/0000:03:00.0/net/p4p1 IFINDEX=2 INTERFACE=p4p1 SEQNUM=1945 SUBSYSTEM=net ... UDEV [9.241073] add /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.4/0000:03:00.0/net/p4p1 (net) ACTION=add DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.4/0000:03:00.0/net/p4p1 ID_BUS=pci ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=P8P67 and other motherboards ID_MODEL_ID=0x8168 ID_NET_NAME_MAC=enxf46d04652d8e ID_NET_NAME_PATH=enp3s0 ID_OUI_FROM_DATABASE=ASUSTek COMPUTER INC. ID_PCI_CLASS_FROM_DATABASE=Network controller ID_PCI_SUBCLASS_FROM_DATABASE=Ethernet controller ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. ID_VENDOR_ID=0x10ec IFINDEX=2 INTERFACE=p4p1 From Ubuntu PPA kernel 4.1RC5: KERNEL[10.772566] add /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.4/0000:03:00.0/net/eth0 (net) ACTION=add DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.4/0000:03:00.0/net/eth0 IFINDEX=2 INTERFACE=eth0 SEQNUM=1962 SUBSYSTEM=net ... UDEV [11.185866] add /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.4/0000:03:00.0/net/eth0 (net) ACTION=add DEVPATH=/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1c.4/0000:03:00.0/net/eth0 ID_BUS=pci ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE=P8P67 and other motherboards ID_MODEL_ID=0x8168 ID_NET_NAME_MAC=enxf46d04652d8e ID_NET_NAME_PATH=enp3s0 ID_OUI_FROM_DATABASE=ASUSTek COMPUTER INC. ID_PCI_CLASS_FROM_DATABASE=Network controller ID_PCI_SUBCLASS_FROM_DATABASE=Ethernet controller ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE=Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. ID_VENDOR_ID=0x10ec IFINDEX=2 INTERFACE=eth0 SEQNUM=1962 SUBSYSTEM=net USEC_INITIALIZED=3227 Note: I have temporarily moved past this issue by allowing a /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules file to be created, and then editing it for proper device names. Ultimately, I would like to get rid of the file.",
"According to the , you can harden a MySQL server by adding passwords, or removing the anonymous accounts. If you want to prevent clients from connecting as anonymous users without a password, you should either assign a password to each anonymous account or else remove the accounts. Before hardening, my users table looked like this. mysql> select user,host,password from mysql.user; +------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+ | user | host | password | +------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+ | root | localhost | *F3A2A51A9B0F2BE246XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | | root | gitlab | | | root | | | | root | ::1 | | | | localhost | | | | gitlab | | | debian-sys-maint | localhost | *95C1BF709B26A5BAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | | myuser | localhost | *6C8989366EAF75BB6XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | +------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+ I've remove all anonymous accounts, so that the user table now looks like this. (I'm using puppet to manage the users, but puppet effectively performs a DROP USER command). mysql> select user,host,password from mysql.user; +------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+ | user | host | password | +------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+ | root | localhost | *F3A2A51A9B0F2BE246XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | | debian-sys-maint | localhost | *95C1BF709B26A5BAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | | myuser | localhost | *6C8989366EAF75BB6XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | +------------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------+ Why is it that I am still able to login to my test system without a username or a password? What do I need to do to prevent any unwanted users from logging in? root@gitlab:~# mysql Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \\g. Your MySQL connection id is 98 Server version: 5.5.32-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu) .... mysql> Update: I've also just discovered that I can login as root, without entering a password. Update2: I found which has some good information, but does not solve the issue. There are no anonymous users. mysql> select user,host,password from mysql.user where user=''; Empty set (0.00 sec) I login as root@localhost. mysql> select USER(),CURRENT_USER(); +----------------+----------------+ | USER() | CURRENT_USER() | +----------------+----------------+ | root@localhost | root@localhost | +----------------+----------------+ I do not have a default password, or skip-grant-tables defined in my.cnf root@gitlab:~# cat /etc/mysql/my.cnf |grep -i 'skip-grant-tables'|wc -l 0 root@gitlab:~# cat /etc/mysql/my.cnf |grep -i 'pass'|wc -l 0 Update3: I have tried performing these steps with puppet, (which should perform a flush privileges automatically). I have also manually flushed privileges and also tried restarting mysql. Update4: I've also tried changing the mysql root password and flushed privileges. No luck, I can still log in as any user without a password.",
"Black nontransparent glass (Cycles) I am modeling plane and I don't want to model a cockpit so I want to use black windows which will reflect a lot of light but you can't see thought. Currently I just use Glossy BSDF (GGX) with almost black color (0.01, 0.01, 0.01) and Rougness 0.015 but it don't look quite right. It lacks glass shine and looks too matt. Edit: Here is my simplified blend file: Also here is what i want. Glass on this tie fighter is blackish and it looks like glass. In my blend file it looks more like plastic. One more thing i noticed is when light reflect from glass whole glass section reflect same amount of light. It can be seen on tie fighter example above.",
"How would I give a simple example of a function $f$ differentiable in a deleted neighborhood of $x_0$ such that $\\lim_{x\\to x_0}f^\\prime(x)$ does not exist? I cannot seem to think of an example. A delete neighborhood is an open interval about $x_0$ which does not contain $x_0$. So, $(x_0-\\delta,x_0+\\delta)-\\{x_0\\}$ for some $\\delta>0$. How would something be differentiable in a deleted neighborhood if at the point of the derivative, the limit does not exist. Presumably, the derivative ends up looking something like $\\lim_{x\\to x_0} \\dfrac{1}{x}$, if it does not exist.",
"In plain English, how does casting spells and using creature abilities work with the stack and priority? I'm a relatively new player to Magic: the Gathering. I was reading to try to understand exactly when it's okay to cast instants (e.g. ) and use some abilities (e.g. should be tappable sometime during other peoples' turns), but I don't seem to be making much progress: as I come to understand some things, others make less sense. My confusion is boundless For instance: to cast one needs priority. Spells go on the stack, and priority gets passed at some points (I have no idea when), and effects on the stack are resolved when both players have passed priority. But when is that? I can't find any mention of when the other player gets the priority to cast an instant, except on their own turn. Furthermore, states that during the Main Phase: 505.4. Second, the active player gets priority. Players may cast spells and activate abilities. The active player may play a land. So players (plural) may cast spells, but only the active player has priority, so only the active player can cast an instant. The turn rules, and the rules on , never mention any point at which the other player gets priority, so when can they possibly Cancel? In addition, you can only cast a spell when the stack is empty, so the entire stack must be able to be resolved in your turn at some point. I need an explanation! I could go on a bit more. There is also which can be overloaded to \"Counter each spell you don't control\", which seems like it could only possibly work with an understanding of the stack. Could someone explain, in simple English: When can Instants be cast? When can tap abilities be used? What do Instants and abilities have to do with the Stack and Priority?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Hide code in packages | How can I hide my code in visualforce page? | [
"Replace unknown reference (?) with the tag from \\ref or \\cite While working on a document, it would be helpful if instead of a ? for unresolved references or citations the tag used in the \\ref{thisthings} or \\cite{Bloke1978} could appear instead. Is there a package that turns on this behaviour?",
"My friend had a on the board with 10 counters on it. If I destroy it and he sacs it in response to gain the life, is there anything that can be done about that? Like, can I put another destroy artifact on the stack to resolve before his sac resolves?",
"Sorting list based on values from another list",
"Why are we in love \"with\" someone?",
"What are Extension Methods? What are extension methods in .NET? EDIT: I have posted a follow up question at",
"Solve the equation $x^3 + 117y^3 = 5$ over the integers.",
"C# compiler error: \"cannot have instance field initializers in structs\"",
"I just installed a new version of Ubuntu and I want to roll it back to the previous version. How can I do that? Is that even possible?",
"Which way is up? (electric outlet) My house has electric outlets in both orientations. Which one is correct? Should the ground hole be at the bottom or the top? OR",
"How to resume baking fluid simulation? It happens sometimes that after finishing bake (e.g., for fluid simulation) we wish we could continue the simulation for two more seconds :( How to use the cached bake to continue the simulation? We played with the settings, but with no success.",
"Deciding whether $2^{\\sqrt2}$ is irrational/transcendental Is $2^\\sqrt{2}$ irrational? Is it transcendental?",
"Why do \"df\" and \"du\" commands show different disk usage? I cannot access ubuntu system on my pc, the error message: \"the system is running in low graphics mode\" and I tried some commands I searched from internet. I found out a problems seems there is no available disk space. I used \"df\" and \"du\" commands to check, the results are as follow: du -j --max-depth=1 23G ./home 3.3G ./usr ...... 28G and df -Th filesystem Type size used available use% mounted on /dev/sda5 ext4 68G 68G 0 100% / how would I clean up the system for more disk space?",
"What does E mean in 9.0122222900391E-5?",
"What is the evidence that dark energy exists? (as of 2020) Astrophysicists believe that dark energy exists and makes up ~70% of the universe's energy content. What is the evidence that dark energy exists? Wikipedia gives : Supernovae. A specific type of supernovae (type 1A) are supposed to be standard candles - that is, their luminosity is known. In turn this lets us measure distance to faraway galaxies, check how fast those galaxies are receding from us, and check if that recession speed is increasing over time. CMB. Data from the Cosmic Microwave Background indicates the universe is approximately flat. Visible matter + dark matter can account for ~30% of the energy content required to make the universe flat, leaving ~70% for something else - dark energy. BAO. Baryon acoustic oscillations act as a \"standard ruler\" that lets us measure how the Hubble constant varies with redshift (i.e. time), and see if the recession speed is increasing with time. Late-time ISW. ISW stands for integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. The idea is that, usually, a photon that enters a potential well gains energy as it falls in and loses energy as it emerges, and gain/loss exactly cancel. If a universe is expanding in accelerated fashion, then this is untrue; the potential wells / hills are smoothed out and there is a permanent shift in the photon's energy and therefore temperature. If we see a correlation between hot and cold spots on the CMB and the locations of superclusters and voids, then it's a sign of accelerated expansion. Galaxy evolution. This uses (known) evolution of early-type galaxies as a standard clock. Once we know how long it takes for a galaxy to evolve from one state to another, as well as their redshifts, we can reconstruct how the Hubble constant varies over time, and see if the recession speed is increasing with time. Two questions: Did I understand any of these five methods wrong? Are there any other lines of evidence for the existence of dark energy?",
"Losing permissions by adding capability? I observed the following phenomenon that I can not explain. After adding the CAP_SYS_ADMIN capability, unshare is no longer able to write to /proc/self/setgroups. In fact, writing to this file requires the capability, but that is achieved by changing the user namespace. So why does adding the capability to the parent process prevents writing to this file? me@myhost:~$ unshare -r root@myhost:~# exit logout me@myhost:~$ sudo setcap cap_sys_admin=ep /usr/bin/unshare me@myhost:~$ unshare -r unshare: cannot open /proc/self/setgroups: Permission denied me@myhost:~$ sudo setcap cap_sys_admin= /usr/bin/unshare me@myhost:~$ unshare -r root@myhost:~# By the way: I am running Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS with kernel version 4.4 and the version of util-linux (including unshare) is 2.27.1.",
"I am just starting into calculus and I have a question about the following statement I encountered while learning about definite integrals: $$\\sum_{k=1}^n k^2 = \\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}$$ I really have no idea why this statement is true. Can someone please explain why this is true and if possible show how to arrive at one given the other?",
"What dried food can I take across the American border from Canada? We will be driving from Banff to Glacier National Park while on our camping trip and I was told to be careful with taking food across the border. We don't eat meat so that's one less issue and I already know that many fresh fruits/veggies can get complicated so I'm only thinking of taking dry stuff across (mostly grains but possibly also dried veggies). My plan at first was to stock up at BulkBarn in Calgary since they have tons of stuff and you can just take what you need but I'm afraid that since the packaging is generic and unsealed that it might cause more problems. What are the criteria to be able to take dried food across the border?",
"18.04.01 Not available for server",
"How close would you have to be to the merger of two black holes, for the effects of gravitational waves to be detected without instruments?",
"Are \\( and \\) preferable to dollar signs for math mode?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Have a table-cell spanning entire table with automatic width | Set multicolumn width to default table width | [
"Why does the image not appear? I'm using IEEEtran to format an article, and I wanted to include an image. I included the graphicx and hyperref packages, and used the following code, like normal, to include an image. \\begin{figure}[!t] \\centering \\includegraphics[width=3in]{fetch} \\caption{Pipeline: Fetch Instruction} \\label{fig:fetch} \\end{figure} What appears, however, is this: Fetch.png is a file in the directory, and if I remove it, pdflatex errors instead of producing an output. I'm using MiKTeX 2.9 on Windows 7. Any ideas?",
"Are there any series whose convergence is unknown? Are there any infinite series about which we don't know whether it converges or not? Or are the convergence tests exhaustive, so that in the hands of a competent mathematician any series will eventually be shown to converge or diverge? EDIT: People were kind enough to point out that without imposing restrictions on the terms it's trivial to find such "open problem" sequences. So, to clarify, what I had in mind were sequences whose terms are composed of "simple" functions, the kind you would find in an introductory calculus text: exponential, factorial, etc.",
"Prove that $g$ is tangent to the graph of $f$ So I had these two functions and the following exercise: $f(x)=x^3-2x^2$ $g_p(x)=px$ Prove that $g_{-1}$ is a tangent line to the graph of $f$. How many points do $g_{-1}$ and $f(x)$ have in common? So yeah, the points in common are fairly simple to figure out: Points in common: $x=1$ and $x=0$ So to see if it's actually tangent to the graph, I took the derivative of both functions at the points where they meet. The result: $f'(x)=3x^2-4x$ $g'_{-1}(x)=-1$ So $f'(1)=-1$ and $f'(0)=0$ So I'm not sure why I get this answer? By the question, we are supposed to prove that its tangent to the graph of $f$ but by my calculation, it seems like only $f(1)$ is tangent with $g_{-1}(1)$. Help is appreciated! (Please avoid hint answers).",
"I want to be able to pull in the error log from BIOS across a network I want to be able to pull in the error log from BIOS across a network. Looking at Win32_BIOS in MSDN I did not see anything defining the error log. Would love to do this in C# with WMI, but am open to suggestions. Is it possible? Win32_BIOS does not have a property (don't know if that is the right term) that contains the BIOS error log. Is there a library, API, etc. that I can use to pull this information locally or from the network?",
"Is this a correct way for passing an environment variable in sudo ? sudo -u www-data -b env FOOBAR=\"foobar\" /home/user/folder/daemon",
"I want to power my DIY stuff with a MacBook Pro USB C charger. The label on a charger says that it can provide three different power profiles: 20.2V - 4.3A 9V - 3A 5.2V - 2.4A There is a ton of information about what USB-C power distribution is capable of, but I can't find any examples of how exactly to do it. Is there an easy way or workaround to request one of those power profiles without using a microcontroller? For example, I got apple MacBook Pro charger, apple USB-C cable, and a breakout board like this one:",
"Uses of the definite article (the) in generic noun phrases",
"When an account is deleted, the username in the user's posts and comments is changed to a generic user<userID>. But the username stays the same on close and delete notifications on posts the user had voted to close / delete1. I think it shouldn't, especially for users who used their real name as their username, if they chose to distance themselves from the site and remove their accounts, it makes sense that they wouldn't really want their name plastered on close and delete notifications. A perhaps easy way to avoid the actual username remaining visible would be to change it to the generic user<userID> (or anything generic enough, like \"anonymous\") prior to deletion, and wait a bit for the generic username to propagate all over the site. If I'm not horribly misreading , this was part of the process in the old days. This could be automated or added as a suggestion to the . Glaring example can be seen , where the deleted user also posted a comment where their name is properly anonymized: 1 I've seen it on close notifications and self deleted answers. I'm not sure it happens on deleted questions, or deleted answers that aren't self deletions, and I don't have a way to verify it - other than stumbling on them accidentally",
"Let $a,b,c$ be $3$ distinct integers, and let $P$ be a polynomial with integer coefficients.Show that in this case the conditions $$P(a)=b,P(b)=c,P(c)=a$$ cannot be satisfied simultaneously. Any hint would be appreciated.",
"Let $T$ and $T^{'}$ be topologies on set $X$ such that $T \\leq T^{'}$. If $(X,T^{'})$ is path-connected, is $(X,T)$ path connected? Let $T$ and $T^{'}$ be topologies on set $X$ such that $T \\leq T^{'}$. If $(X,T^{'})$ is path-connected, is $(X,T)$ path-connected? I think it is, and I tried to prove it by contradiction, but I got stuck. Any hint helps!",
"apt-get install vs pip install I am a bit confused about the cases in which the above commands must be used when downloading python packages. I was trying to download a package named pyudev in accordance with an answer with this . I executed this command : sudo pip install python-pyudev but received the following message : Downloading/unpacking python-pyudev Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement python-pyudev Cleaning up... No distributions at all found for python-pyudev Storing complete log in /home/vineet/.pip/pip.log However the following worked fine : sudo apt-get install python-pyudev When is apt-get supposed to be used to install packages and when is python-pip used?",
"The mentions that it's possible to post one more question after a six-months waiting period and if the question is good enough, the question ban can be lifted: If you're unable to improve your existing questions, you'll get the chance to ask one new one 6 months after your last question. If that question is positively received, you may be able to continue asking questions; if not, then the ban will be reinstated. What is positively received in this context? Is it enough if the question has a zero score and is not closed? Or does it have to have a positive score? How long does the system wait after posting this new question to evaluate this criteria and possibly lift (or reinstate) the question ban?",
"Contacts in Mavericks Messages display phone numbers instead of contact names Since updating to Mavericks the Messages app doesn't display the contact names for people I've been communicating with iMessage, it shows their phone number instead. My messages thankfully still stay synced between my iPhone and Messages on Mavericks.",
"This is a comic book I read no later than 1993 (so is pre-1993). And probably after 1988 though I can't be certain. The protagonist is a huge barbarian with an axe, who seems like an old man, who is defending a series of gigantic walls against an invading army, apparently single-handedly. They keep having to fall back to inner walls. He has to get a massage at one point (not that kind of comic btw). It's not a super-hero or funny comic, it's more of a serious graphic novel. That's about it, sorry it's so vague.",
"Where does the phrase \"Scare the Dickens out of...\" originate from? Where does the phrase \"Scare the Dickens out of...\" originate from? And does it refer to Charles Dickens?",
"Simplify result of $\\int_0^{\\infty} \\frac{1}{1+x^n}dx$ It is quite easy to show that (by using residue theorem) $$\\int_0^{\\infty} \\frac{1}{1+x^n}dx = \\frac{2 \\pi i^{1+2/n}}{n(e^{2 \\pi i / n} - 1)} $$ for $$n \\ge 2$$ Is there any possibility to simplify $$\\frac{2 \\pi i^{1+2/n}}{n(e^{2 \\pi i / n} - 1)}$$ or it is best result? Thanks in advance!",
"I'm trying to draw a rounded rectangle with round \"holes\" using but I need the rectangle borders to be thick and \"holes\" borders to be thin. Is there a better way to do so than: \\begin{tikzpicture}[x=1mm, y=1mm] % Background \\fill[fill=black!10] (1.5, 1.5) rectangle (15, -15); % Fill \\fill[fill=black!2, even odd rule, rounded corners=0.5mm] (0, 0) rectangle (10, -10) (2, -2) circle[radius=1.25mm] (2, -5) circle[radius=1.25mm]; % Rectangle border \\draw[thick, rounded corners=0.5mm] (0, 0) rectangle (10, -10); % Holes borders \\draw[thin] (2, -2) circle (1.25mm); \\draw[thin] (2, -5) circle (1.25mm); \\end{tikzpicture} The result image should look like this:",
"There's someone much like Crazy Earl in Oasis behind a locked door. He tells me to leave until I've killed a seraph guardian or I get some sort of guardian crystal. I just beat the DLC and did many of the sidequests and I'm still stumped as to how to get such a crystal. I assumed there would be Guardian foes just like in Borderlands 1, and they'd drop this item. After completing the story...there were no such enemies. So what do I do?",
"How to find event listeners on a DOM node when debugging or from the JavaScript code?",
"What is the correct way to completely remove an application? I've searched the net for such information and found different command lines, like these ones: sudo apt-get remove application sudo apt-get remove application* sudo apt-get remove --purge application sudo apt-get remove --purge application* sudo apt-get purge application sudo apt-get purge application* So, what is the correct way? Is it necessary to use that \"*\"? After that, I also found these commands: sudo updatedb sudo locate application sudo rm -rf (file/folder name)"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Error :- the cast to value type 'Int32' failed because the materialized value is null | The cast to value type 'Int32' failed because the materialized value is null | [
"I have the following problem illustrated by a simple example: If I cite the paper of an author T. Coven in my document, the outcome is 'Coven (2004b)'. If I cite the appendix to this paper, the outcome is 'Coven (2004a)'. Now the appendix pops up much less frequently than the original paper, therefore I would like to reverse the order (exchange 'a' and 'b' in the citations). Is this possible? I am using Biblatex. Here is the bib-file of the above example (named: lib.bib): @article{co:2004, author = {T. Coven}, title = {Title A}, journaltitle = {The X Journal}, date = {2004} } @article{coapp:2004, author = {T. Coven}, title = {Appendix to Title A}, journaltitle = {The X Journal}, date = {2004} } MWE: \\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, headsepline, headings=small,]{scrreprt} \\usepackage[backend=bibtex8, style=authoryear-icomp, dashed=false, autocite=footnote, maxcitenames=3, mincitenames=1, maxbibnames=100, firstinits=true, sorting=nty ]{biblatex} \\bibliography{lib} \\begin{document} \\cite{co:2004} and \\cite{coapp:2004} \\end{document}",
"Regular expression to match non-ASCII characters? What is the easiest way to match non-ASCII characters in a regex? I would like to match all words individually in an input string, but the language may not be English, so I will need to match things like ü, ö, ß, and ñ. Also, this is in Javascript/jQuery, so any solution will need to apply to that.",
"If $$Y=\\sum_{i=1}^{N}X_i^2$$ where $X_i \\sim \\mathcal{N}(0,\\sigma^2)$, i.e. all $X_i$ are i.i.d. normal random variables of zero mean with same variances, then $$Y \\sim \\Gamma\\left(\\frac{N}{2},2\\sigma^2\\right).$$ I know the chi-squared distribution is a special case of the gamma distribution, but could not derive the chi-squared distribution for random variable $Y$. Any help, please?",
"I have been reading through my notes and I came across this example and I found it hard to understand so I need some help in explaining how the inverse of this is found. The set $\\mathbb Q(\\sqrt 2)=\\{a+b\\sqrt2$: $a,b$ in $\\mathbb Q \\}$ is a field. The inverse of an element $a+b\\sqrt 2$ in $ \\mathbb Q(\\sqrt 2$) is $$\\frac{1}{a+b\\sqrt{2}}=\\frac{a}{a^2-2b^2}+\\frac{-b}{a^2-2b^2}\\sqrt{2} $$ Can anyone explain to how the inverse was found? Appreciate your help.",
"Obfuscation is one way, but it can't protect from breaking the piracy protection security of the application. How do I make sure that the application is not tampered with, and how do I make sure that the registration mechanism can't be reverse engineered? Also it is possible to convert a C# application to native code, and is too costly. C# provides lot of features, and is the ideal language for my code, so writing the whole codebase again in C++ is out of the question. Secure certificates can be easily removed from the signed assemblies in .NET.",
"Isomorphism between dual space and bilinear forms Studying from Roman's Advanced Linear Algebra, I want to prove that $$U^* \\otimes V^* \\cong (U \\otimes V)^* \\cong \\hom(U,V;\\mathbb{F})$$ The author proves that $U^* \\otimes V^* \\cong (U \\otimes V)^*$ by showing that there is an unique linear transformation $$\\theta:U^* \\otimes V^* \\to (U \\otimes V)^*$$ defined by $\\theta(f \\otimes g)=f \\odot g$ where $(f \\odot g)(u \\otimes v)=f(u)g(v)$ I want to prove that $U^* \\otimes V^* \\cong \\hom(U,V;\\mathbb{F})$. I tried to use the universal property by fixing $f \\in U^*, g\\in V^*$ and defining $S: U^*\\times V^* \\to \\hom(U,V;\\mathbb{F})$ as $S(f,g)=F_{f,g}$, where $F_{f,g}(u,v)=f(u)g(v)$, but I got stuck.",
"Output of Logistic Regression Prediction",
"Flight reservation for Schengen visa",
"Immutability of Strings in Java",
"Unable to send mail to hotmail from rackspace cloud",
"Synchronize Clocks I need to develop a system where there are 4 sensor boxes powered by USB and they have their internal clock. Each of these boxes are connected to a Linux pc and all these PCs are linked with WiFi. API of the sensor box allows me to read their internal precision clock (uSec accuracy). I like to synchronize all four clocks of the sensor boxes as close as possible. Hopefully within a few micro seconds of each other and compensate for drift over time. The idea is to use the sensor data that is collected at the same time (The data I receive is time stamped with the boxes' internal clock). The latency on usb bus, WiFi, pc timing are all indeterministic. Is this possible given my setup?",
"What is the rough estimate of salary value for a taxpayer to pay AMT? For US federal tax, whether a taxpayer is subject to AMT is determined by a complicated way in Instructions for Form 1040, Line 45, which involves an incomprehensible \"worksheet to see if you should fill in form 6251\". By simplification and approximation, is there a rule of thumb for an estimate of a salary value of a taxpayer, so that a salary above the value might cause the taxpayer to pay AMT with a big possibility, and a salary below the value might not with a big possibility? Why do the following two sources seem to differ greatly in estimates of the boundary salary value: says that the possible boundary salary value for a single taxpayer to pay AMT is $53,900. says that Taxpayers with small incomes fall within the AMT exemption limits. That leaves the upper middle class to face the tax, especially those with incomes between $200,000 and $500,000 Thanks.",
"Solve $\\lim_{x\\to 0} \\frac{\\sin x-x}{x^3}$ I'm trying to solve this limit $$\\lim_{x\\to 0} \\frac{\\sin x-x}{x^3}$$ Solving using L'hopital rule, we have: $$\\lim_{x\\to 0} \\frac{\\sin x-x}{x^3}= \\lim_{x\\to 0} \\frac{\\cos x-1}{3x^2}=\\lim_{x\\to 0} \\frac{-\\sin x}{6x}=\\lim_{x\\to 0} \\frac{-\\cos x}{6}=-\\frac{1}{6}.$$ Am I right? I'm trying to solve this using change of variables, I need help. Thanks EDIT I didn't understand the answer and the commentaries, I'm looking for an answer using change of variables.",
"What IDEs are available for Ubuntu? This question exists because it has historical significance, but it is not considered a good, on-topic question for this site, so please do not use it as evidence that you can ask similar questions here. See for more information. This is a community wiki for IDEs available on Ubuntu. Please post one IDE per answer (including more than just a screenshot or a link, please at least put a short description). In your answer, tell us what the IDE is for (which language(s) or if it is RAD capable).",
"Example where $f\\circ g$ is bijective, but neither $f$ nor $g$ is bijective Can anyone come up with an explicit example of two functions $f$ and $g$ such that: $f\\circ g$ is bijective, but neither $f$ nor $g$ is bijective? I tried the following: $$f:\\mathbb{R}\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R^{+}} $$ $$f(x)=x^{2}$$ and $$g:\\mathbb{R^{+}}\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$$ $$g(x)=\\sqrt{x}$$ $f$ is not injective, and $g$ is not surjective, but $f\\circ g$ is bijective Any other examples?",
"vertical alignment of a turned cell I know using turn command and a sample code like this: \\usepackage{rotating} \\begin{turn}{90} Supervised Learning \\end{turn}} we can rotate a text inside a cell, however, I couldn't find a way to vertically center this rotated text. Any suggestions is appreciated. Here is the sample MWE: \\begin{table}[] \\centering \\begin{tabular}{|>{\\centering\\arraybackslash}m{0.5cm}|c|>{\\centering\\arraybackslash}m{8cm}|} \\hline \\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Classification} & References \\\\ \\hline %\\multirow{2}{*}{{\\begin{turn}{90}Supervised Learning\\end{turn}}} \\multirow{2}{*}{\\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{Supervised Learning}} \\end{tabular} \\caption{A Classification} \\label{tab:Machine_Learning_models} \\end{table}",
"If I take a loss when I sell my car, can I claim a capital loss deduction on my income tax return?",
"I'm trying to include a link to some code on OneDrive; the link includes an underscore, which is causing a lot of trouble. I tried adding the entry like this: @misc{code, title = {Code}, url = {https://1drv.ms/link_link} } I use \\usepackage{url} and \\bibliographystyle{IEEEtran}. Everything compiles fine and the bibliography shows the correct entry. However, if you click the link, it opens a page at https://1drv.ms/link - so ignoring the underscore and everything after it, which leads to a wrong page. Even copy and paste from the PDF doesn't work since the underscore is copied as space, which again is a broken link. How can I add the link such that it can be clicked and copied properly? I tried \\_, \\usepackage{underscore}, {{link}}, different bibtex entries but nothing worked. Also all the related questions/answers don't answer mine.",
"My father wrote some papers on cosmology that remained unpublished at the time of his death. I have been looking for a publisher for them. I contacted IOP publishing but they said that, while Dad’s writings were interesting, they were not ready for publishing in any of their journals. For example, they need a reference list citing other current published research on the same topic. I am not a scientist and have no idea how to do this. Where can I get help with this? Would something like be a good idea?",
"Mean Squared Error (MSE) of parameter $p$ in binomial distribution: intuition"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Issues with the new popup guide for searching | One of the new search hints is wrong | [
"Error: Can't open display: 0 I installed WSL2 and I want to access WSL2 GUI apps from Windows 10. For this, I installed Xming and start it in \"No client\" mode. Xming startes, ok. After I open the WSL2 terminal and there execute these commands export DISPLAY=:0 And after xeyes And get error Error: Can't open display: :0 X11Forwarding checked, yes.",
"\"Items collection must be empty before using ItemsSource.\" I'm trying to get images to display in a WPF ListView styled like a WrapPanel as described in this old ATC Avalon Team article: . When I try to populate the ListView with a LINQ-to-Entities queried collection of ADO.NET Entity Framework objects I get the following exception: Exception Items collection must be empty before using ItemsSource. My code… Visual Basic Private Sub Window1_Loaded(...) Handles MyBase.Loaded ListViewImages.ItemsSource = From g In db.Graphic _ Order By g.DateAdded Ascending _ Select g End Sub XAML <ListView Name=\"ListViewImages\" SelectionMode=\"Single\" ItemsSource=\"{Binding}\"> <local:ImageView /> </ListView> I put a breakpoint on that line. ListViewImages.ItemsSource is Nothing just before the LINQ assignment.",
"MacOS dmg file question Not entirely sure if this is where to ask this, but I can't find another place to... I've recently switched from Windows to Mac and I am trying to understand more in depth what I'm working with. My question is: are .dmg files the equivalent of .zip files in Windows? I came to this theory when downloading a .dmg and when I opened it, it contained a .app and and text file read me. To me, this seems like a compressed file. Is this correct?",
"How to get city name from latitude and longitude coordinates in Google Maps?",
"How to find the foreach index?",
"What statistical test can I use to compare two ratios from two independent samples. The ratios are after to before results. I need to compare the after/before ratios for two independent models and show whether they are have significant difference or not. Please help!",
"Rendering fire animations with transparent background I'm creating a simple fireball sprite for my game and I want to render a fire animation. I would like to get the upper images with transparent background, but when is set the transparency on under Render -> Film one of my frames will look like lower pictures. You can see the difference of these two images.",
"I hear a lot of people saying that neutrino is the lightest subatomic particle but according to me a photon must be the lightest as nothing can travel faster than light because it gets heavier and heavier and bends time.",
"A situation came up in my session where a fighter used his Shield Master Shove feature to shove a Giant Crocodile that was currently restraining another PC using it's bite+grapple ability. I did a quick check at the time and did not find anything related to shove, although in the condition description it states: The condition also ends if an effect removes the grappled creature from the reach of the grappler or grappling effect, such as when a creature is hurled away by the thunderwave spell. I ruled at the time that a shove would count in a similar way to being \"hurled away\" however I wasn't sure and said I would find more concrete information for the future. I have searched high and low for somebody else asking this specific question but have yet to find it. I saw some reference to a Jeremy Crawford tweet about involuntary movement and grappling however I am unable to find it. If a third party \"shoves\" a creature that is grappling another, does it only shove the grappler away, or does it move both the grappler and grappled? I drew a diagram: (; this question relates to if a third party shoves the grappler instead, so it's not a duplicate.)",
"If angular velocity & angular acceleration are vectors, why not angular displacement? Are angular quantities vector? ... It is not easy to get used to representing angular quantities as vectors. We instinctively expect that something should be moving along the direction of a vector. That is not the case here. Instead, something(the rigid body) is rotating around the direction of the vector. In the world of pure rotation,a vector defines an axis of rotation, not a direction in which something moves. This is what my book (authored by Halliday, Walker, Resnick) says. But they mentioned with a caution that Angular displacements cannot be treated as vectors. ....to be represented as a vector, a quantity must also obey the rules of vector addition..... Angular displacements fail this test. Why do they fail in this test? What is the reason?",
"$(function(){ $('.slider').mobilyslider({ content: '.sliderContent', children: 'div', transition: 'horizontal', animationSpeed: 500, autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 9000, pauseOnHover: true, bullets: true, arrows: true, arrowsHide: true, prev: 'prev', next: 'next', animationStart: function(){}, animationComplete: function(){} }); }); I am integrating the above JavaScript file in a Drupal theme, but it is giving me the \"$ is not function\" error. I googled it, and changed the code bro the below, but it doesn't work either. (function($) { $('.slider').mobilyslider({ content: '.sliderContent', children: 'div', transition: 'horizontal', animationSpeed: 500, autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 9000, pauseOnHover: true, bullets: true, arrows: true, arrowsHide: true, prev: 'prev', next: 'next', animationStart: function(){}, animationComplete: function(){} }); })(jQuery); The above code gives me following error: $('.slider').mobilyslider is not a function",
"How to prove $\\lim\\limits_{n \\to \\infty} (1+\\frac1n)^n = e$?",
"Calling a function from a string in C#",
"In Spivak's Calculus 3rd Edition, there is an exercise to prove the following: $$x^n - y^n = (x-y)(x^{n-1} + x^{n-2} y + ... + x y^{n-2} + y^{n-1})$$ I can't seem to get the answer. Either I've gone wrong somewhere, I'm overlooking something, or both. Here's my (non) proof: $$\\begin{align*} x^n - y^n &= (x - y)(x^{n-1} + x^{n-2}y +\\cdots+ xy^{n-2} + y^{n-1}) \\\\ &= x \\cdot x^{n-1} + x \\cdot x^{n-2} \\cdot y + \\cdots + x \\cdot x \\cdot y^{n-2} + x \\cdot y^{n-1}\\\\ &\\qquad + (-y) \\cdot x^{n-1} + (-y) \\cdot x^{n-2} \\cdot y + \\cdots + (-y) \\cdot x \\cdot y^{n-2} + (-y) \\cdot y^{n-1}\\\\ &= x^n + x^{n-1} y + \\cdots + x^2 y^{n-2} + x y^{n-1} - x^{n-1}y - y^2 x^{n-2} - \\cdots- x y^{n-1} - y^n \\\\ &= x^n + x^2 y^{n-2} - x^{n-2} y^2 - y^n \\\\ &\\neq x^n - y^n \\end{align*}$$ Is there something I can do with $x^n + x^2 y^{n-2} - x^{n-2} y^2 - y^n$ that I'm not seeing, or did I make a mistake early on? EDIT: I should have pointed out that this exercise is meant to be done using nine of the twelve basic properties of numbers that Spivak outlines in his book: Associate law for addition Existence of an additive identity Existence of additive inverses Commutative law for additions Associative law for multiplication Existence of a multiplicative identity Existence of multiplicative inverses Commutative law for multiplication Distibutive law",
"How to change default window background color in Windows 10?",
"I opened a can of sliced black olives for my pizza and only used half. I put the leftovers into a sealed container with the liquid and put it in the fridge. Under those conditions how long will the olives last? Is there a better way to store leftover olives?",
"Novel about a guy who is possessed by the divine essence and the world ends? I read this novel back in the mid-80's but I'm pretty sure it was written in the 70's. Strange things start to happen around a homeless man - like the laws of chance are changed. The investigators discover that they can figure out what is going to happen next by interpreting the dreams/vision of the man. One such dream is of a large body of water that is split into two pieces. Turns out that means that \"C\" (sea) - the speed of light has been halved. The homeless man had become the embodiment of the creator essence. The creator was hiding, because it was tired of trying to keep the universe working and from the fight with is adversary - chaos. At the end of the book, the creator allows the world to be destroyed and recreates it - except that planets are cubes and move in squares. Yes - it was rather bizarre.",
"Windows 7 System process reading/writing like crazy I have a problem that my windows 7 computer sometimes starts accessing the disk like crazy for maybe 10 minutes at a time. The process in question is the \"system\" process. I have disabled superfetch and hibernation on my computer, if that makes any difference. I disabled those to see if they were the cause of the problems, but no change. I have 6 GB of RAM and only the web browser was started when I took the screenshot, so I don't think it was thrashing due to page faults. Any ideas on how to find the cause of this?",
"Why don't the zoom buttons work on my DSLR? I am a newbie to the new camera I just bought. It is a Nikon D5200 it has the original lens that came on the camera a 18-55 lens on it. My question is when I turn the lens to the 55 and then push the plus and minus buttons at the bottom of my camera to zoom in it appears to be zooming in and then I take the photo and the picture is not zoomed in at all. I have a new Canon T3i and was able to take and capture zoomed in photos with the lens that came with the camera (EF-S 18-55mm) as well as a Canon zoom lens EF 75-300mm 1:4-5.6. Now when I zoom in with either lens and take a photo, when I review it, it shows original image before zooming. Is it a defect in the camera or inexperience of the operator? (Two separate questions from separate users but with the same root cause.)",
"Skyrim - Companions attacked me for no reason?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
What is the name of this artifact where lines appear in what should be a smooth gradient? | What is the name of the problem where lines appear in a photo where there should just be a smooth gradient? | [
"Why didn't Thanos come to Earth to retrieve Tesseract by himself? In the Avengers movie, why didn't Thanos personally come to Earth instead of Loki? Or, if Loki's skills were required, why didn't he come with Chitauri? He knew that humans were primitive; there wouldn't be any threat and he could personally secure Tesseract. AFAIK, the movie didn't display much. Is there any other source answering this?",
"The square roots of different primes are linearly independent over the field of rationals",
"Drawing a 3D cylinder, and a circle shape on the x---y plane I'm trying to draw a cylinder on the three dimensional space, and I also want its projection on the x--y plane. I found the first answer to be very useful. I just copy-paste it to my document, and modify it as follows (the modifications are only inside the \\begin{tikzpicture} tags): \\documentclass[parskip]{scrartcl} \\usepackage[margin=15mm]{geometry} \\usepackage{tikz} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\xdeg}{30} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\xx}{cos(\\xdeg)} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\xy}{sin(\\xdeg)} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\ydeg}{120} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\yx}{cos(\\ydeg)} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\yy}{sin(\\ydeg)} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\zdeg}{80} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\zx}{cos(\\zdeg)} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\zy}{sin(\\zdeg)} \\newcommand{\\tdcyl}[5]{% origin x, origin y, origin z, radius, height \\path (1,0,0); \\pgfgetlastxy{\\cylxx}{\\cylxy} \\path (0,1,0); \\pgfgetlastxy{\\cylyx}{\\cylyy} \\path (0,0,1); \\pgfgetlastxy{\\cylzx}{\\cylzy} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\cylt}{(\\cylzy * \\cylyx - \\cylzx * \\cylyy)/ (\\cylzy * \\cylxx - \\cylzx * \\cylxy)} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\ang}{atan(\\cylt)} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\ct}{1/sqrt(1 + (\\cylt)^2)} \\pgfmathsetmacro{\\st}{\\cylt * \\ct} \\filldraw[fill=white] (#4*\\ct+#1,#4*\\st+#2,#3) -- ++(0,0,#5) arc[start angle=\\ang,delta angle=-180,radius=#4] -- ++(0,0,-#5) arc[start angle=\\ang+180,delta angle=180,radius=#4]; \\filldraw[fill=white] (#1,#2,#3+#5) circle[radius=#4]; } \\begin{tikzpicture}[x={(\\xx*1cm,\\xy*1cm)},y={(\\yx*1cm,\\yy*1cm)},z={(\\zx*1cm,\\zy*1cm)}] \\tdcyl{-3}{-3}{0}{1}{3} % x y z r h \\tdcyl{0}{0}{0}{1}{3} % x y z r h \\draw (-3,0,0) -- (3,0,0) node[circle,fill=white] {x}; \\draw (0,-3,0) -- (0,3,0) node[circle] {y}; \\draw (0,0,-3) -- (0,0,3) node[circle] {z}; \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document} I added another cylinder and tweaked the positions to fit what I need. This produces the following: Which is almost what I want, except that I want to see the projection of that cylinder on the x--y plane, but unfortunately, the top cylinder hides the full circle. When I disable the top cylinder: \\begin{tikzpicture}[x={(\\xx*1cm,\\xy*1cm)},y={(\\yx*1cm,\\yy*1cm)},z={(\\zx*1cm,\\zy*1cm)}] \\tdcyl{-3}{-3}{0}{1}{3} % x y z r h \\draw (-3,0,0) -- (3,0,0) node[circle,fill=white] {x}; \\draw (0,-3,0) -- (0,3,0) node[circle] {y}; \\draw (0,0,-3) -- (0,0,3) node[circle] {z}; \\end{tikzpicture} Now the projection is shown again: But the top cylinder is missing... How can I make the top cylinder transparent, or, alternatively, and even better; how do I create one long cylinder and emphasize its projection on the x--y plane? BTW, what determines the position of the labels x,y,z in the above code? I want to reposition them so they won't overlap with the axis. Thanks in advanced!",
"LINQ - Query syntax vs method chains & lambda",
"Proving Geometric Hahn-Banach Implies Analytic Hahn-Banach I've come across a proof online of the H.B theorem using the goemetric version. There is a step in the proof which im not sure why is true and it is as follows: Let $X$ be a linear space and $M \\subset X \\times \\Bbb R$ be a maximal subspace. Then $M = G(F)$ for $F :X \\to \\Bbb R$ linear. Someone can show me why this is true? Maybe I misunderstood the proof, its the last paragraph of Matrin's answer here -. Thanks a lot for helping!",
"Solenoid Driving Circuit I'm trying to drive a 12v (14W) solenoid and have problems figuring out the components for the driving circuit. The solenoid draws about 1.166A and the MCU is being operated at 3.3V. I've seen many driving circuits and they all look something like this: – Schematic created using My questions: What datasheet parameters should I look for when designing this circuit? Is the IRF530PBF-ND a suitable MOSFET for driving this solenoid? Also, how do I calculate R1's value? I don't want to blindingly copy a circuit that may or may not work, I want to understand it. Thank you so much in advance!",
"Creating account didn't log me in / didn't create an account",
"Inform new users if they can upvote an answer they accepted I surprisingly often stumble upon answers which were accepted but clearly not upvoted by the asker. For example, the answer has not received any upvotes at all or the asker’s vote count is zero. While I acknowledge that , most such cases happen with new users, who have only recently received the privilege to vote and who upvote after a friendly reminder. Given the anonymity of votes and that I do not check the asker’s profile for every question with an accepted answer I stumbled upon, I assume that there is a huge dark figure for this phenomenon. Also, I naturally most often spot this on my own answers, which makes reminding the asker of their privileges somewhat awkward. I thus propose that users which accept an answer are reminded by a pop-up that they can upvote it, if: They haven’t already upvoted it. They have the reputation required for voting. They have cast less than a handful of votes. I consider the latter criterion to be better than an upper reputation for which the message is displayed, since I know at least one user with several thousand reputation points, who has cast much less upvotes or votes on answers than he has accepted answers on some sites (not that his acceptance rate or general feedback on answers is spectacular).",
"I am looking for a step by step instruction to guide me in the ways of installing, configuring and debugging many of the issues new users have when dealing with Wine in Ubuntu. What is the recommended way of installing Wine, some of the key issues that it has and how to solve them? If I have a specific problem with an App in Wine, how do I go about solving it? What are the recommended steps to ensure that I can fix a problem related to an app I wish to use?",
"Image UriSource and Data Binding",
"Command substitution: splitting on newline but not space I know I can solve this problem several ways, but I'm wondering if there is a way to do it using only bash built-ins, and if not, what is the most efficient way to do it. I have a file with contents like AAA B C DDD FOO BAR by which I only mean it has several lines and each line may or may not have spaces. I want to run a command like cmd AAA \"B C DDD\" \"FOO BAR\" If I use cmd $(< file) I get cmd AAA B C DDD FOO BAR and if I use cmd \"$(< file)\" I get cmd \"AAA B C DDD FOO BAR\" How do I get each line treated a exactly one parameter?",
"How to change inside background color of UISearchBar component on iOS",
"Can not update Bash on Debian 6.0 (Squeeze) I can not update on a Debian 6.0 (Squeeze) server to get rid of the discovered vulnerability: bash --version GNU bash, version 4.1.5(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) apt-get update apt-get install bash Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done bash is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 7 not upgraded. Can I use Squeeze-LTS for this server just to update Bash? After one week I will be on another server, so I will not make any other updates. uname -m x86_64 lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 (squeeze) Release: 6.0.5 Codename: squeeze",
"How do I get a selected vertex and it's corresponding uv vertex? A vertex I can get with bpy.context.active_object.data.vertices[0] A uv vertex I can get with bpy.context.active_object.data.uv_layers['UVMap'].data[0] But the index is not the same for uv and mesh vertex.",
"Space after LaTeX commands I have a definition: \\newcommand{\\arnold}{Arnold Schwarzenegger} When I refer to it by: \\arnold is a it is rendered as: Arnold Schwarzeneggeris a In order to have a space in front of \"is\" I would need to write \\arnold\\ is a Is there some other shorter way?",
"Iterate enum values using java generics",
"pdflatex bash script to supress all output except error messages? I have a bash script which I use to compile a file with pdflatex twice (to make sure it sorts out references properly, etc.). This is the 'latexbuild' script I use: module load ctan pdflatex --shell-escape --interaction=nonstopmode $1 bibtex $1 pdflatex --shell-escape --interaction=nonstopmode --interaction=batchmode $1 I would then call this script with latexbuild test.tex. It produces a lot of output which I would like to supress, except for the error messages which I'd like to see. Is there any way to only allow error messages to be displayed?",
"Where does the word \"torsion\" in algebra come from? Torsion is used to refer to elements of finite order under some binary operation. It doesn't seem to bear any relation to the ordinary everyday use of the word or with its use in differential geometry (which relates back to the ordinary use of the word). So how did it acquire this usage in algebra? I'm interested to understand the intuition behind why the word \"torsion\" was chosen for this notion, as well as when it was first used.",
"Selecting features that do NOT intersect in ArcGIS Desktop?",
"How to embed fonts at compile time with pdflatex"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How do I install Ubuntu on to a second Hard Drive? | Installing Ubuntu on one of two hard drives | [
"Irreducible polynomial of degree $8$",
"According to the well ordering theorem \"\". Whenever we have a well ordering on a set, it is not difficult to construct a new well ordering with a largest element. My question is: For a given infinite set, can we find a well ordering on it such that there is no largest element?",
"I'm using a freely downloadable latex class file and the style is set to \\bibliographystyle{ieeetr}. But when I cite something with \\cite{} I get it inside (). For example I get it as abc et al. (1) but what I want to get is abc et al. [1]. Please tell me how to get my citations inside [ ] ?",
"How to disable the physical sim and only use the eSIM on iPhone XS/iPhone XS Max? I'm wondering if there is a way to turn off the Physical sim and use only the eSim on my iPhone XS Max. I travel a lot and I'm loving the use of eSIM. I understand that I can turn off the eSIM if its required, but I wanted to know if there was any way to turn the Physical Sim off and leave only the eSim ON. Note - I have an unlocked iPhone XS Max.",
"I killed my first wife once I found out there is a mercenary you can marry who gives you up to 300 gold a day (in Whiterun). The only requirement, of course, being that I had to hire her first. So I hired her, and then I popped the question, to which she replied the usual: tell the priest to arrange the wedding. When we reached Riften I told her to wait, just outside the bee and barb, and arranged the wedding. I went through the process, and the second it finished she left, I followed but as I left she was nowhere to be seen. I have tried going back to my house, the pub where I hired her and that same spot in Riften about 6 times each now, some during the day, some during the night and cannot find her at all. Now this isn't to much of a problem because I can re-marry...oh wait, to remarry, my spouse has to die, so I can't claim gold off her and can't remarry, and the autosaves have been used up fast travelling to the places I thought she might've been. My last save is something like 6 levels ago, and I don't want to have to load it. What should I do about this situation?",
"random access file in java I have the following fields: Inventory control (16 byte record) Product ID code (int – 4 bytes) Quantity in stock (int – 4 bytes) Price (double – 8 bytes) How do I create a fixed length random access file using the above lengths? I tried some examples online, but I either get an EOF exception or random address values when I try to access them. I tried some more examples and couldn't understand the concept very well. I'm trying a project with it and will try to explore more on it. Here is some example data. There might be holes in the data where No. in stock could be 23 == 023. Quantity ID. No. In Stock Price ------- -------- ------ 1001 476 $28.35 1002 240 $32.56 1003 517 $51.27 1004 284 $23.75 1005 165 $32.25 Thanks for the help.",
"Prove that $\\left (\\frac{1}{a}+1 \\right)\\left (\\frac{1}{b}+1 \\right)\\left (\\frac{1}{c}+1 \\right) \\geq 64.$ Let $a,b,$ and $c$ be positive numbers with $a+b+c = 1$. Prove that $$\\left (\\dfrac{1}{a}+1 \\right)\\left (\\dfrac{1}{b}+1 \\right)\\left (\\dfrac{1}{c}+1 \\right) \\geq 64.$$ Attempt Expanding the LHS we obtain $\\left (\\dfrac{1+a}{a} \\right)\\left (\\dfrac{1+b}{b} \\right)\\left (\\dfrac{1+c}{c} \\right)$. We are given that $a+b+c = 1$, so substituting that in we get $\\left (\\dfrac{b+c+2a}{a} \\right)\\left (\\dfrac{a+c+2b}{b} \\right)\\left (\\dfrac{a+b+2c}{c} \\right)$. Then do I say $\\left (\\dfrac{b+c+2a}{a} \\right)\\left (\\dfrac{a+c+2b}{b} \\right)\\left (\\dfrac{a+b+2c}{c} \\right) \\geq 64$ and see if I can get a true statement from this?",
"What can you say about $f$ and $g$ in the case that $fg$ is 1) Injective, 2) Surjective - Cohn - Classic Algebra Page 15",
"I have seen quoted several places on the internet a rule that one can apply bonuses and penalties in the most beneficial order. An example I come across frequently (as a druid) is the combination of Natural Bond and . Natural Bond increases your effective druid level for determining the stats of animal companions but cannot increase it beyond your character level. Choosing an alternative animal companion lowers your effective druid level for determining the same stats. The \"most beneficial order\" rule is used to justify applying the level penalty before the natural bond bonus in order to get around the character level cap on natural bond. Does this rule actually exist? If so, where does this rule originate? I would like to be able to cite a reliable source for my GM.",
"Grepping through .gz log files Does there exist a magical shell piping which would allow easily to grep through bunch of .gz log files without needing to extract them somewhere? .gz files are Apache logs, result of log rotation. I'd like to quickly check how often certain URIs are accessed in the past.",
"REST Service API executor.executeAsync Call Ends in Failure Function in Sharepoint Hosted App Any Answers Will Help me to Forward and Gain Knowledge in SharePoint Development While i am Trying to get the list Items Using Rest API Calls in SharePoint Hosted App Using Below Function function loadingSamples() { var JobListName = \"RRR Jobs #\"; var executor; // Initialize the RequestExecutor with the app web URL. executor = new SP.RequestExecutor(\"/\"); //Fetching the choice values from the Job Status Field, to show in the Dropdown field executor.executeAsync ({ url: \"/_api/web/lists/getbytitle('\" + encodeURIComponent(JobListName) + \"')/fields/getbytitle('Job Status')?$select=Choices\", method: \"GET\", headers: { \"Accept\": \"application/json; odata=verbose\" }, success: successHandlerStatus, error: errorHandler }); } function successHandlerStatus(data) { alert(\"sucesss\") } function errorHandler(data, errorCode, errorMessage) { alert(\"errorMessage\") } It's always going to error function named errorHandler With Error Code as -1002 and Error Message as Bad Request and Inside Data -> Body , the Error message is { \"error\":{ \"code\":\"-1,Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.InvalidClientQueryException\", \"message\":{ \"lang\":\"en-US\", \"value\":\"The expression \\\"web/lists/getbytitle('DWR Jobs \\\" is not valid.\" } } } Note : This is working code in Sharepoint Hosted App that previously hosted in another Windows server. Now i hosted this App in New windows server,it's successfully hosted but it gives above mentioned Error in Rest Service Call.",
"How can I use \".\" as the delimiter with String.split() in java",
"Maximum area of isosceles triangle with perimeter 6 cm",
"What is Stack Overflow's business model? I once , but that was . Now, , and they have , but where's the business model? The its own Q&A about its site (since it wasn't included in the ), and just about the only dig in there that halfway has merit is the business model dig: We switched to a premium model to keep out of the Venture Capital business (been there, done that, got the t-shirt). Companies like StackExchange couldn't do it without the VC cookie jar. Where's the model? Huh, Spolsky? (I’m sorry. Did that slip out?) It hurt, but I can't help but wonder if they're on to something. How would Stack Overflow Internet Services pay back the VCs? Ad revenue alone? There is only one 'paid' product, Stack Overflow careers, but it doesn't seem like that could sustain a business as large as Stack Overflow (Joel once mentioned on his blog that his jobs board brought in an extra million a year in revenue). So what does Stack Overflow do when the VC cash runs out? Is this a get-big-and-take-the-company-public maneuver? Is that the only viable business model for Stack Exchange? Edit: With the size of Stack Overflow's team, it isn't a stretch to say that payroll is at least $2 million a year, probably as much as 4 when you think about benefits (average 120K for a developer in New York City; x2 for benefits/taxes/all-that-other-good-stuff). Office space can't be cheap, so how long does $6 million last before you need another VC infusion?",
"I appreciate the mechanisms which help bring attention to new answers to old questions - front page sorting, and the moderation tool explicitly designed for it. But I wonder if we can do more. I'm particularly interested in addressing answers whose validity has changed. In the worst case, they were correct when they were posted, but no longer are, so they mislead all the current users who find their way to them looking for an answer. More benignly, perhaps the best answer was good, but slightly flawed. At this point, a helpful user may post a new answer, which is much better than existing upvoted and accepted answers. It can be difficult to overcome that momentum. What if the default sorting method took this into account? A naive suggestion: if a new answer has a large positive vote velocity, and an old answer has a negative vote velocity, perhaps the default sorting should place the new answer above the old answer. This could help make new answers visible to users who need a correct answer, and also help garner more votes to increase the confidence of the sorting decision. I know this would be a fairly low-impact change, but nothing is permanent, and I'm afraid of answers with 100 upvotes being pinned at the top for years after they've become obsolete. Edit: I would welcome other proposals that accomplish the same goal - my naive suggestion wasn't intended to be a complete solution, just one thing that a better sorting method would do.",
"newenvironment: error with \\begin{align} and \\end{align} In the example below, an error is caused by \\begin{align} and \\end{align} but I do not see why: \\documentclass{book} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\newenvironment{subalign}{\\begin{subequations}\\begin{align}}{\\end{align}\\end{subequations}} \\begin{document} \\begin{subalign} a&=b\\\\ &=b \\end{subalign} \\end{document}",
"How to add home directory path to be discovered by Unix which command?",
"How to use GROUP BY to concatenate strings in SQL Server?",
"how can I show this question : function Let $f\\colon\\mathbb R\\to\\mathbb R$ defined by $$f(x)=a_1\\sin x+a_2\\sin2x+a_3\\sin3x+\\cdots+a_n\\sin nx,$$ for some values $a_1,a_2,a_3,\\cdots,a_n\\in\\mathbb R.$ Prove that $$ |f(x)|\\le|\\sin x|\\quad \\forall x\\in \\mathbb{R}$$ implies: $$|a_1+2a_2+3a_3+\\cdots+na_n|\\le1$$",
"For a physics major, what are the best books/references on Greens functions for self-studying? My mathematical background is on the level of Mathematical Methods in the physical sciences by Mary Boas."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Defining attributes of a class in Python | class variable vs instance variable --Python | [
"Why many abstract nouns get an indefinite article while it's taught that abstract nouns shouldn't get it?",
"Boot error > no such device: grub rescue After an installation of Ubuntu 12.04, erasing an old partition with Ubuntu 10.10, I can't get grub to load. I can't access my Windows 7 partition either I get the message: > error: no such device: 58ABF29C... grub rescue> I suppose my master boot record got erased/corrupted. How can I check and fix this?",
"Permission for snap applications I have some trouble with the Ubuntu notepadqq package. After opening a file from my apache webroot I cannot see any content. Saving the file is also not possible. I thougt this would be a classic permission issue. Therefore, I changed the group of the webroot from root to www-data and added my user to this group. Permissions are 775, so in theory it should now be possible for me to edit files in my webroot. But nevertheless, when I open a file of this directory with notepadqq, it still only shows an empty file. When using gksudo notepadqq I get the following error message: No protocol specified QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :0 I figured out that notepadqq is a so called snap application and I wonder if this is the reason for my problems. Can someone give me a hint how I could fix this issue (without using 777 permissions)?",
"I know this subject was discussed for many times, but I still don't get it.. I've read in a book that we can use \"I've got\" instead of \"I have\" for possesion and it gave some examples, I've got an English book. I've got a red car. So I understand that it can be used only for possession of physical objects, but I saw it used in sentences like \"I've got something to say\", is it correct? I hope it's not a stupid question..Thank you very much!",
"Generic htaccess redirect www to non-www I would like to redirect www.example.com to example.com. The following htaccess code makes this happen: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\\.example\\.com [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://example.com/$1 [L,R=301] But, is there a way to do this in a generic fashion without hardcoding the domain name?",
"Reading order for Dragonlance?",
"JavaScript property access: dot notation vs. brackets?",
"This question is from [Number Theory George E. Andrews 1-1 #3]. Prove that $$x^n-y^n=(x-y)(x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}y+\\ldots+xy^{n-2}+y^{n-1}).$$ This problem is driving me crazy. $$x^n-y^n = (x-y)(x^{n-1}+x^{n-2}y+\\dots +xy^{n-2}+y^{n-1)}$$ $(x^n-y^n)/(x-y) =$ the sum for the first $n$ numbers and then I added $(xy^{(n+1)-2}+y^{(n+1)-1})$ which should equal $(x^{n+1}-y^{n+1})/(x-y)$ but I can't figure it out This is a similar problem in the book and I tried this method but it wasn't working out $\\quad$Thereom $\\bf1$-$\\bf2$: $\\,\\,\\,\\,$ If $\\,x$ is any real number other than $1$, then $$\\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}x^j=1+x+x^2+\\ldots+x^{n-1}=\\dfrac{x^n-1}{x-1}.$$ $\\quad$Remark: $\\displaystyle\\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}A_j$ is shorthand for $A_0+A_1+A_2+\\ldots+A_{n-1}.$ $\\quad$Proof: Again we proceed by mathematical induction. If $n=1$ then $\\displaystyle\\sum_{j=0}^{1-1}x^j=x^0=1$ and $(x-1)/(x-1)=1$. Thus the theorem is true for $n=1$. $\\quad$ Assuming that $\\displaystyle\\sum_{j=0}^{k-1}x^j=(x^k-1)/(x-1)$, we find that $$ \\eqalign{ \\sum^{(k+1)-1}_ {j=0}x^j & = \\sum^{k-1}_ {j=0}x^j+x^k=\\dfrac{x^k-1}{x-1}+x^k \\\\ &= \\dfrac{x^k-1+x^{k+1}-x^k}{x-1}\\\\ &= \\dfrac{x^{k+1}-1}{x-1}. }$$ Hence condition $(\\rm ii)$ is fulfilled, and we have established the theorem. $\\quad$Corollary $\\bf1$-$\\bf1$: $\\,\\,$ If $\\,m$ and $n$ are positive integers and if $m>1$, then $n<m^n.$",
"Getting a black screen when installing or Live booting Ubuntu (any version) in my laptop I have an ACER Aspire laptop. Model number is E5-573G-56RG. I bought it only 15 days back. There is no DVD drive in it. I have tried various versions of Ubuntu- 14.04.2, 14.04.3, 15.10, 12.04.5. Tried disabling secure boot, fast startup. I current have Windows 10 Home and Windows 10 PRO (not-activated) installed with GPT partition in UEFI bios. I actually want only the Home edition and Ubuntu 14.04.3 (preferably because of LTS) or 15.10. In case more information is required, kindly ask me.. I tried installing through Wubi, when booting if I choose Ubuntu it automatically restarts and goes into Windows 10 Home! (I didn't have Windows 10 PRO at that time) NONE OF THE SOLUTIONS I REFERRED HELPED ME. I have spent 5 days (literally at least 20 hours reading all of them and trying out all kinds of editing in the grub command line, like removing quiet splash, adding and replacing with nomodeset, no splash, acpi_osi=off, acpi_osi=Linux, acpi_backlight=vendor, acpi_backlight=legacy, noveau.modeset=0, i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 and such things! But I was not able to succeed installing which is why I doubt if there is some more thing to be done or know exactly what has to be done.",
"av_acharya@AnoxBotox:/$ wireshark qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "path/to/plugins" This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. sudo apt-get install --reinstall qt5-default Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following NEW packages will be installed: qt5-default 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 23 not upgraded. Need to get 0 B/24.4 kB of archives. After this operation, 170 kB of additional disk space will be used. Selecting previously unselected package qt5-default:amd64. (Reading database ... 241279 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to unpack .../qt5-default_5.12.8+dfsg-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... Unpacking qt5-default:amd64 (5.12.8+dfsg-0ubuntu1) ...",
"round() doesn't seem to be rounding properly",
"This is a about RAID levels. What are: the RAID levels typically used (including the RAID-Z family)? deployments are they commonly found in? benefits and pitfalls of each?",
"What's the quickest Schengen consulate to issue a visa in London? What's the quickest Schengen consulate to issue a Visa in London? Basically I want to travel as fast as possible to France, and since any Schengen visa will work, I want to go to the consulate with the shortest processing time.",
"Show that if $a \\equiv b \\pmod n$, $\\gcd(a,n)=\\gcd(b,n)$",
"Quick way to remove solidify thickness I have made the mesh and added solidify modifier and applied. But later i thought to increase the thickness. So now i want to remove thickness so that i can added the solidify modifier again. I want to know is there any quick remove thicknes. When i select the edge then ctrl+ the selection goes downward not to single face. So i want to know a quick way to decrease thickness. Any suggestion or help.",
"Are there any examples of subspaces of $\\ell^{2}$ and $\\ell^{\\infty}$ which are not closed?",
"Recently, Firefox has changed the default folder for newly created bookmarks (using Ctrl+D) from the Bookmarks Menu to \"Other Bookmarks\". Is there some way to change that back? Or some alternate method instead of Ctrl+D? EDIT A native way to do this (without an add-on) would be best.",
"Is there an example of a ring $S$ with identity $1_S$ containing a non-trivial subring $R$ which itself has an identity $1_R$, but $1_R\\neq 1_S$ (or equivalently $1_S\\notin R$). I'd also like to know under what conditions the identities have to be equal. I know they must be equal if $S$ has no zero divisors, since for every $r\\in R$ we have $(1_S-1_R)r=0$ In other words: Is the category of unital rings with identity-preserving morphisms a full subcategory of the category of rings (where morphism are only required to respect addition and multiplication)?",
"Prove that polynomial of degree $4$ with real roots cannot have $\\pm 1$ as coefficients (IITJEE) So I was going through my 11th class package on Quadratic equations and I saw a question to prove that a polynomial of $4$th degree with all real roots cannot have $\\pm 1$ as all its coefficients. I tried proving it using calculus, by showing that at least one consecutive maxima and minima will lie either above or below the x axis, but couldn't solve it using that. I also tried using Descartes Rule of Signs but couldn't solve it with that too. Any help?",
"Java. Splitting a multiple word string into two word strings every space"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Badge text overflows with long tags in user profile | Badges with long names overflow on the profile page | [
"Partition of circumference into $3k$ arcs The following problem is from 1982 Russian Mathematical Olympiad. If you go to this , and scroll down to the section Russian Math Olympiad, then this is Problem 333 in that text-file. Let $k$ be a positive integer. There are $3k$ points marked on the circumference. They divide the circumference onto $3k$ arcs. Some $k$ of arcs have length 1, other $k$ of them have length 2, the rest $k$ of them have length 3. Prove that some two of the marked points are the ends of one diameter. I haven't given too much thought into the problem yet (I probably wouldn't get anywhere), but I thought I would share this awesome problem. Added. Trivial Observation: The length of the circumference is $k+2k+3k=6k$.",
"What test can I use to compare slopes from two or more regression models?",
"Correct XML serialization and deserialization of \"mixed\" types in .NET",
"Alignment issue for the last modified information in the \"Top Questions\" page In the (homepage), the asked/modified X mins ago text was left-aligned next to the tags. Previously the text was right-aligned. Seems some alignment issue introduced on that page recently. Screenshot for reference: Configuration Version Operating System Windows 10 Pro Mozilla Firefox 89.0 (64-bit) Google Chrome 91.0.4472.101 (Official Build) (64-bit) Update: I see the same alignment issue in all other Stack Exchange site's "Top Questions" page too.",
"^x^y unix trick for all instances in last command? One of my favorite Unix tricks is ^x^y, which will take the last command and replace the first instance of \"x\" with \"y\". However, I'm wondering if a similar trick works to replace all instances of \"x\" with \"y\" in the last command?",
"Find the cardinality of the quotient of $\\mathbb R$ in respect to R R is an equivalence relation defined as $xRy \\Leftrightarrow a - b$ is an integer. What is the cardinality of the quotient of $\\mathbb R$ in respect to R? How would you prove it? I thought about a bijection between $[0,1)$ to the quotient of $\\mathbb R$ in respect to R, but can't figure out to prove it formally.",
"Something small goes wrong, and this triggers something slightly bigger, which triggers something slightly bigger, and so on and so forth until you end up with a chain of problems of increasing severity until it ends in catastrophy. Something like the old saying \"for want of a nail the battle was lost\", only highlighting that each intermediate issue was a problem in its own right, not just a stepping-stone to the final disaster. Is there a common word/phrase that specifically describes this? I'm thinking \"cascade of ever-increasing problems\", but this seems clumsy, and I suspect there might already be a neat word or expression that covers it.",
"Agreement With Compound Subjects Joined by And I was surfing the internet the other day when I found this phrase: Instead your precious time and attention is wasted. To my ears, it sounds wrong. But I'm not a native English speaker, so I consulted with a number of them, and some of them said that it was \"is\" because the adjective modifies only the noun \"time\" and not \"attention\". Others said it \"is\" because that's just how it is. But I still believe it should be \"are\". Any help is appreciated.",
"For some tests in R, there is a lower limit on the calculations of $2.22 \\cdot 10^{-16}$. I'm not sure why it's this number, if there is a good reason for it or if it's just arbitrary. A lot of other stats packages just go to 0.0001, so this is a much higher level of precision. But I haven't seen too many papers reporting $p < 2.22\\cdot 10^{-16}$ or $p = 2.22\\cdot 10^{-16}$. Is it a common/best practice to report this computed value or is it more typical to report something else (like p < 0.000000000000001)?",
"Submitting ACM Conference papers to ArXiv I'm a little confused. The states: ACM authors hold the right to post copies of their own peer-reviewed accepted ACM works on any non-commercial repository or aggregation that does not duplicate ACM tables of contents, i.e., whose patterns of links do not substantially duplicate an ACM-copyrighted volume or issue. Non-commercial repositories are here understood as repositories owned by non-profit organizations that do not charge a fee for accessing deposited articles and that do not sell advertising or otherwise profit from serving articles. However, the site states: Can I publish the published version of my publication on arXiv? No. An ACM author cannot grant arXiv.org or any other publisher rights to distribute their works that have been published by ACM. SHERPA/Romeo shows ACM as being a \"Green Publisher\", which would support the case that I can upload to ArXiv. states that I can upload pre- or postprints under certain circumstances, but does not explicitly mention Arxiv, positively or negatively. So, what is it? Can I submit a paper I published with an ACM Conference (ACM WiSec, if that makes a difference) to ArXiv or not? As I understand it, ArXiv is a non-profit, so it would fit the terms of the publishing policy. Or is this related to the rights you have to grant ArXiv upon submission? If I can only publish a specific version of the paper, which one?",
"Hardware Enablement Stack (HWE) out of support",
"I read a very special book a few years back. We follow a boy who lives in a world where, if one moves far enough in a direction, that person gets distended and changed in size. The boy works on laying tracks for the train, on which his city is. The city has to continually keep moving or it also will get squashed. It's like a world like if one end is pinched and then dragged out like a piece of rubber string or bubble gum. The book is not older than 10 years I think. Hope I was clear enough...",
"C++11: defining function on std::array",
"What is a decoupling capacitor and how do I know if I need one? What is a decoupling capacitor (or smoothing capacitor as referred to in the link below)? How do I know if I need one and if so, what size and where it needs to go? mentions many chips needing one between VCC and GND; how do I know if a specific chip is one? Would an 4-bit parallel access shift register used with an Arduino need one? (To use my current project as an example) Why or why not? I feel like I'm starting to understand the basics of resistors and some places they're used, what values should be used in said places, etc, and I'd like to understand capacitors at the basic level as well.",
"How much does it cost to have a custom ASIC made?",
"How to draw circle tangents and removing the inner lines? I'm new to Adobe Illustrator and I wanted to accomplish this task. How do I remove the inner lines in my drawings? I tried with all the pathfinders effect but it keeps removing my tangent lines (the lines connecting both my circles). It works like a charm as I followed the selected's answer guide: Here it is.",
"Can I visit the UK with an EU permanent residence card?",
"How do I get the Ender Dragon egg and what does it do? So I finally killed the Ender Dragon! As I was climbing the portal back to the world, I noticed that on top of the column there was an egg. So I attacked, mined, clicked and nothing happened, it just teleported away. What does the egg do and how do I get it?",
"Why does nothing show up in the Compositing tab? I am trying to follow Blender Guru's beginner tutorial. He went to the Compositor tab and was using it to Denoise an image but when I got there, no nodes show up. Can you guys help?",
"What is the difference between class and instance attributes? Is there any meaningful distinction between: class A(object): foo = 5 # some default value vs. class B(object): def __init__(self, foo=5): self.foo = foo If you're creating a lot of instances, is there any difference in performance or space requirements for the two styles? When you read the code, do you consider the meaning of the two styles to be significantly different?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to debug the SharePoint timer job | How to debug a Custom Timer Job in SharePoint 2010? | [
"I'm setting up a new server and want to support UTF-8 fully in my web application. I have tried this in the past on existing servers and always seem to end up having to fall back to ISO-8859-1. Where exactly do I need to set the encoding/charsets? I'm aware that I need to configure Apache, MySQL, and PHP to do this — is there some standard checklist I can follow, or perhaps troubleshoot where the mismatches occur? This is for a new Linux server, running MySQL 5, PHP, 5 and Apache 2.",
"write data line by line on iphone",
"There's a new popup helping you with searching, but one of the hints is wrong: Searching for will return answers as well as questions, and it's not the number of (up/down)votes which counts, it's the score. Better would be \"posts with a score of 3 or higher\" or \"questions and answers with a score of 3 or higher\".",
"Can I create a user-specific hosts file to complement /etc/hosts? Is it possible to add a list of hosts that are only specific to a certain user? Perhaps a user-specific hosts file? This mechanism should also complement the entries in the /etc/hosts file.",
"Using Laptop Screen as a monitor",
"How do I report a bug? I found a problem with an application on Ubuntu. Questions : How do I best report the issue? What sort of information should I provide?",
"Does $\\lim_{h\\rightarrow 0}\\ [f(x+h)-f(x-h)]=0$ imply that $f$ is continuous?",
"Glassware with scratched/etched surfaces generate more bubbles (, ). Why these rough surfaces allow easier heterogeneous nucleation?",
"Suppress SSL warnings",
"Replace arbitrary characters in the middle of an IP address string with sed I need to find and replace either one or two numerical characters in strings in a file. The strings are IP addresses of the form: 10.xx.y.z Where xx can be one or two characters. I want to replace the xx with the single character 0, so I have 10.0.y.z preserving the values of y and z. The string may appear multiple times in the file. What is the sed invocation to do this?",
"$$\\lim _{x\\rightarrow 5}\\frac{x^2-25}{x-5} = \\lim_{x\\rightarrow 5} (x+5)$$ I understand that to evaluate a limit that has a zero (\"hole\") in the denominator we have to factor and cancel terms, and that the original limit is equal to the new and simplified limit. I understand how to do this procedurally, but I'd like to know why this works. I've only been told the methodology of expanding the $x^2-25$ into $(x-5)(x+5)$, but I don't just want to understand the methodology which my teacher tells me to \"just memorize\", I really want to know what's going on. I've read about factoring in abstract algebra, and about irreducible polynomials (just an example...), and I'd like to get a bigger picture of the abstract algebra in order to see why we factor the limit and why the simplified is equal to the original if it's missing the $(x-5)$, which has been cancelled. I don't want to just memorize things, I would really like to understand, but I've been told that this is \"just how we do it\" and that I should \"practice to just memorize the procedure.\" I really want to understand this in abstract algebra terms, please elaborate. Thank you very much.",
"Check for Process if Same is Running",
"I have the Xiaomi Mi A3 and I'm currently on both phone and PC latest stock update. I am using Windows 10 20H2 and I have tried everything – but still don't get it. I tried another Mi A3 and it got attached normally. I've tried installing all kind of drivers and different ports, nothing. When suddenly it worked and I installed the stock ROM – but because the stock ROM is kinda laggy and ugly I want to change it. But I can't because I am also on stock recovery and I can't install another recovery because my device isn't recognized in fastboot mode. My device is recognized in adb mode and in edl mode as well, only not in fastboot.",
"What was the galaxy formation Rust saw before confronting Erol Childress? What was the galaxy formation Rust saw before confronting Erol Childress in S01E08? It was weird like out of the series. I guess it was some sort of hallucination, a product of Rust's madness or addiction.",
"Find a bijection to prove a fact about integer partitions Prove that for fixed positive integers $k$ and $n$, the number of partitions of $n$ is equal to the number of partitions of $2n + k$ into $n + k$ parts. I tried this with different values of n but can't seem to get a bijection between the two partitions.",
"Combining the second elements of a set of ordered pairs based on their first element",
"Can I move Xcode and Android Studio to SD card I'm planning to buy a 64GB SD card to supplement the storage on my MacBook Air 128GB (early 2015) I wanted to know if I can move my Xcode and android studio to it as both have them take a significant part of the memory. If this can happen, I wanted to know how can I move these two to the SD card. I'm fairly new to macOS and have no idea how to do this.",
"How to avoid the blackening fruits once they are cut? Apples and bananas start to blacken and sour in taste soon after cutting, which spoils the presentation of dish, especially in fruit salads. How can I avoid this? Also, does browning impact nutritional value?",
"How to install 7zip to extract rar files How do I install 7zip through Terminal to extract rar files?",
"Ubuntu 14.04 LTS live USB boot error (gfxboot.c32:not a valid COM32R image)"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Examples of Non-Hausdorff Topology | "Naturally occurring" non-Hausdorff spaces? | [
"Can't get unicode symbols in math mode I am trying for about a week to launch unicode-math package with XeLaTeX and got nothing. PDF is created well but all Cyrillic symbols in math mode are skipped. I tried using different math fonts - no progress at all. In log file, I found low-level error: Missing character: There is no [cyrillic letter from input] in font cmmi12! But all fonts used in document are Unicode ones. Here is a file I want to be processed well (of course it is UTF-8). \\documentclass[12pt]{book} \\usepackage{polyglossia} \\setdefaultlanguage[spelling=modern]{russian} \\setotherlanguage{english} \\defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures={TeX}} \\setmainfont{CMU Serif} \\setsansfont{CMU Sans Serif} \\setmonofont{CMU Typewriter Text} \\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb} \\usepackage[russian]{hyperref} \\usepackage{unicode-math} \\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math} \\frenchspacing \\begin{document} Просто буквы % Plain letters $$Память: M_{доп}(n) = \\Theta(N)$$ % Memory: M_add(n) = \\Theta(n) \\end{document} Looking for your help.",
"I am doing , and am having a few problems with function notation. I understand the form f(x). What does the form f: x ↦ y mean? Could you also give one or two examples? And, if possible, state your source. Thank you.",
"My local hackerspace has a CNC machine. I can give them my Gerbers and they can print out the PCB. The machine does not plate VIAs. I need to do this after the CNC machine is finished. What is the best process and materials to use?",
"I think every single one of us has experienced a dark dot in his/her sight when looking at a white surface such as a white ceiling, there's something in our eye that with a little focus we can see it, and when we move our eyes around, that thing floats around quickly in your sight. It's like a substance on eye's surface, I want to know what is it called. Hope I'm clear enough.",
"Companion affinity change notification",
"Is there a detailed user's documentation for KDE Plasma 5?",
"I'm getting frequent inaccurate location as the same location, can I make this stop?",
"Number of publications needed to get into a computer science PhD program? I've looked at the resumes of the type of candidates that get into computer science PhD programs at the top few universities (e.g. Stanford, MIT etc.) and a lot of them seem to have multiple publications (2-4) done during their undergraduate years. Is this representative of the entire pool? Or is this just a self-selected group that puts their resumes online. I currently have one first-author workshop paper (5 pages), and I wonder how this might affect my chances at entry into these top universities.",
"Casting two cantrips, both modified by metamagic? Can you cast one cantrip, modifying it with \"Twinned Spell\" (Fire Bolt) to target 2 creatures, and then cast another cantrip as a Bonus Action (Fire Bolt), using \"Quickened Spell\" to target one of the previous creatures or another creature?",
"How do I know if a laptop will work with Ubuntu? I want to buy a laptop at some point in the near future, but not knowing beforehand whether it works with Ubuntu makes the whole operation risky and tiresome. I would like to know if there is some kind of official hardware database where I can enter the name of the laptop I'm interested in and see if it's 100% compatible out of the box, or in case it isn't what is it exactly that doesn't work (ideally also if there is a way to fix it). Does Canonical have a project along these lines?",
"Why do some actors in credits appear as - Character (As Actor)",
"How does \"Reputation\" work? On Stack Exchange, users may gain a certain level of reputation. What does reputation do? How can a user gain or lose reputation? See also in the Help Center - Maximum amount of votes a user can use in a day and reputation requirements to vote. - How to get an exact overview of the actions that got you your reputation. - A full list of all privileges granted at each reputation level on all sites.",
"Trajectory of a photon around a Schwarzschild black hole? Consider a photon coming from the infinity in a unbounded orbit to a Schwarzschild black hole (Schwarzschild radius $r_{s}$) (see for illustration). Its impact parameter is $b$ and its distance of closest approach is $r_{0}$ with $$b^2=\\frac{r_{0}^{3}}{r_{0}-r_{s}}$$. Then its trajectory in polar coordinates is defined by : $$\\frac{d\\varphi}{dr} = \\frac{1}{r^2\\sqrt{\\frac{1}{b^2}-\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{r}\\right)\\frac{1}{r^2}}}$$ Consequently : $$\\varphi\\left(r\\right) = \\int_{r_{0}}^{r} \\frac{dp}{p^2\\sqrt{\\frac{1}{b^2}-\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{p}\\right)\\frac{1}{p^2}}}$$ and one can compute the total deviation using : $\\Delta\\varphi = 2\\times\\left(\\lim_{r\\to+\\infty}\\varphi\\left(r\\right)-\\frac{\\pi}{2}\\right)$ But my question is : how can I plot/draw the trajectory using the integral expression of $\\varphi\\left(r\\right)$ ? Because if I compute : $$f\\left(r\\right) = 2\\times\\left(\\int_{r_{0}}^{r} \\frac{dp}{p^2\\sqrt{\\frac{1}{b^2}-\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{p}\\right)\\frac{1}{p^2}}}-\\frac{\\pi}{2}\\right)$$ I obtain $f\\left(r_{0}\\right) = -\\pi$, and then $f$ increases up to zero, crosses zero, and tends to its positive value at infinity $\\Delta\\varphi$. It does not make sense for me and I do not understand how to compute the trajectory from that. If I compute : $$g\\left(r\\right) = \\int_{r_{0}}^{r} \\frac{dp}{p^2\\sqrt{\\frac{1}{b^2}-\\left(1-\\frac{r_s}{p}\\right)\\frac{1}{p^2}}}$$ it starts from $0$, and increase up to $\\frac{\\pi}{2}+\\frac{\\Delta\\varphi}{2}$. I would like to compute the trajectory in the $\\left(x, y\\right)$ plane, so how to use the values of $f\\left(r\\right)$ or $g\\left(r\\right)$ to compute the function $y\\left(x\\right)$ ?",
"Last night I was grilling chicken thighs on a barbecue and I was told that if there was any pink inside them, they are not safe to eat. My question is twofold: (a) Is this true? (b) Is there a way to tell that doesn't involve cutting the thighs open to have a look at the colour?",
"In naive set theory, I believe ∅ = {∅} = {{∅}} is correct, but just wanted to make sure that I understood this correctly. ∅ is an empty set, so having an empty set as an element of a set that contains nothing else is pretty much the same thing as e.g. marking the number 2 as 2.000000, right? Doesn't the symbol ∅ intrinsically imply that this is an empty set which contains it self?",
"Move all files within subfolders to parent folder Firstly, I'm aware there are tons of similar questions, and I know because I must have tried adapting at least 5 of them, but I'm still here asking because my crappy grasp of CMD (which I actually thought I was getting good at up until this point) is frustrating me with generic, unhelpful errors, and I can't understand what part of the syntax is wrong. This is likely due to the fact that other questions deal with the folder/filename structures of their respective OPs, and when I try to adapt the code to my own folder/file structure it refuses to work. Therefore, I'm here asking for a CMD for loop solution that'll actually work for my own file and folder structure. I have a parent folder which contains many other folders, in which there are files: Parent Folder Subfolder File1 File2 Subfolder File1 File2 Subfolder File1 File2 ...and so on. I'm wanting to use a CMD for loop in combination with the move command to extract all the files in the subfolders to the parent folder, leaving each subfolder empty. When giving the CMD for loop please break down what each part of the command is doing, as this'll help make sure I understand the code and hopefully minimise the trouble I have getting it to work for myself.",
"Install Numpy for Python3.4.0 on Ubuntu 14.04.01 LTS",
"How to get the current date/time in Java",
"OS: UBUNTU 18.04 I had installed Oracle Java 8 earlier. But decided to switch to open JDK 11. it's successfully installed. java -version openjdk version \"11.0.2\" 2019-01-15 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.2+9-Ubuntu-3ubuntu118.04.3) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.2+9-Ubuntu-3ubuntu118.04.3, mixed mode, sharing) Then I set the JAVA_HOME sudo nano /etc/environment File changes: PATH=\"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/$ JAVA_HOME=\"/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/\" Then executed: source /etc/environment echo $JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/ But the moment I exit the terminal and then launch the terminal again: I get this output: ▶ echo $JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle which you can see is not what is expected. Please help me out",
"Because of I'd like to prevent apt-get upgrade and Update Manager from updating the \"libgtk2.0-0\" package. How can this be achieved?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Why is MySQL returning rows not matching the ID? | MySQL is giving weird result | [
"How many RSA keys before a collision?",
"How can I download free apps without registering an Apple ID?",
"Using GParted to remove windows partition",
"Why does \"kill -9 0\" end my console session? I just wonder why kill -9 0 ends my tty console session? What exactly is PID 0, it is not listed on a ps aux?",
"Let $\\Omega$ be an open subset in $\\mathbb{C}$. Let $\\{f_n\\}$ be a sequence of holomorphic functions on $\\Omega$ such that $f_n\\to f$ pointwise and converges uniformly on any compact subset $K\\subseteq \\Omega$. Then by Cauchy Theorem and Morera Theorem, $f$ is holomorphic. Let $f_n$ and $f'$ be the derivatives of $f_n$ and $f$ respectively. Prove that $f_n'\\to f'$ uniformly on any compact subset $K\\subseteq \\Omega$. How to prove?",
"When should I use \"a\" vs \"an\"?",
"Windows Spotlight Source and Save locations?",
"Streaming large files in a java servlet I am building a java server that needs to scale. One of the servlets will be serving images stored in Amazon S3. Recently under load, I ran out of memory in my VM and it was after I added the code to serve the images so I'm pretty sure that streaming larger servlet responses is causing my troubles. My question is : is there any best practice in how to code a java servlet to stream a large (>200k) response back to a browser when read from a database or other cloud storage? I've considered writing the file to a local temp drive and then spawning another thread to handle the streaming so that the tomcat servlet thread can be re-used. This seems like it would be io heavy. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.",
"Is there way to move one vertex and make another move with it proportionally? I'll try to explain in this gif. I am doing this manually in 2 steps - rotate, scale. And I select all vertexes. Is there instrument rotate them in one step or can I move one and make other move too?",
"For $n\\geq 3$ there exist $x,y\\in S_n$ such that $x$ and $y$ have order $2$ and $xy$ has order $n$. Assume that $n\\geq 3$. Let $S_n$ be the symmetric group with $n!$ elements. Prove that there exists $x$ and $y$ in $S_n$ such that $x$ and $y$ have order $2$ and $xy$ has order $n$. For $n=3$, it is easy to see that $x=(1, 2)$ and $y=(1, 3)$ works. How to prove it for the general case?",
"In general relativity (GR), spacetime is viewed as a differentiable manifold of dimension $D$ with a metric of Lorentzian signature $(-,+,+,...,+)$. My question is why differentiable?",
"SQL Join Differences What's difference between inner join and outer join (left join,right join), and which has the best performance of them? Thanks!",
"Number of vertices present in all maximum matchings Given a graph $G$, we need to find the cardinality of the largest set of vertices so that each of them are present in every maximum matching possible. Is there a solution beside the obvious remove each vertex and find the maximum matching to see it reduces?",
"lstlisting in two columns I would like to have two listings, side by side. They have approximately the same length, therefore I don't care about how it's layed out if one part is longer. I tried \\begin{minipage}{\\textwidth} \\begin{parcolumns}{2} \\colchunk{\\begin{lstlisting}[caption=code 1,frame=tlrb]{Name} void code() { } \\end{lstlisting}} \\colchunk{\\begin{lstlisting}[caption=code 2,frame=tlrb]{Name} void code() { } \\end{lstlisting}} \\colplacechunks \\end{parcolumns} \\end{minipage} while the border of the listings end up in chunks as follows: Btw I'm using the texlive-package & pdflatex on Ubuntu and the document class is \\documentclass[ a4paper, 10pt, twoside, openright, notitlepage, parskip=half, ]{scrreprt} Any idea is appreciated.",
"How to define a command that takes more than 9 arguments",
"Why was the alien threat in The Next Generation episode \"Conspiracy\" never followed up? In the Star Trek The Next Generation episode Picard and crew are drawn into an alien conspiracy to take over the Federation. This ends with Picard and Riker destroying an alien \"mother\" beast, but not before it manages to send a signal to an uncharted sector of space. The feeling at the end of the episode is that this will be a threat that the intrepid crew of the Enterprise would be facing again at some point, but this never happens. Why was the implied threat at the end of this episode never brought up again on the show?",
"Too big addon list, what should I do? How expand names and keep it all?",
"I have functionality on a cloud page that depends on the cloud page url. I know how to Requestparameter(), but how do I get the entire url using ampscript or SSJS?",
"How do you use plural or singular form of an adjective?",
"Algorithm faster than Newton's for calculating $\\sqrt{2}$"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Creating self notes while preparing a manuscript (Yellow block of text in between the normal text) | Redefine default color of todonotes | [
"Does a multiple-entry Schengen visa allow visiting other Schengen countries later, without going via the issuing country?",
"Prove if nonempty $K \\subset\\mathbb{R}$ is compact, then both sup $K$ and inf $K$ exist and are elements of $K$. Prove if nonempty $K \\subset \\mathbb{R}$ is compact, then both sup $K$ and inf $K$ exist and are elements of $K$. I manage to prove the existence of sup $K$ by using the Axiom of Completeness. But I failed to prove that $\\sup K \\in K$. Can anyone guide me ?",
"My desktop look is empty so all I have is a nice wallpaper. My Windows taskbar has the \"Taskbar Appearance\" setting to \"Auto-hide the taskbar\". Although hidden, it leaves a thin top layer so you can still see it a bit, and where the pinned shortcuts are. Is it possible to totally have it hidden without a trace? This is a serious question. It really bugs m.",
"Amy: What day is it today? Tom: It's Monday. Hmm... I like Monday. Amy: What do you have today? Tom: We have math, science and art.What about you? Amy: We have English and P.E. What do you have tomorrow? Tom: We have art and P.E.tomorrow. Amy: Oh, great. I can understand that \"What about you\" means \"What do you have today?\" But I wonder whether \"What about you\" is an elliptical sentence. If it is, what is the full sentence? If it isn't, how to parse this structure?",
"Use of 'const' for function parameters How far do you go with const? Do you just make functions const when necessary or do you go the whole hog and use it everywhere? For example, imagine a simple mutator that takes a single boolean parameter: void SetValue(const bool b) { my_val_ = b; } Is that const actually useful? Personally I opt to use it extensively, including parameters, but in this case I wonder if it's worthwhile? I was also surprised to learn that you can omit const from parameters in a function declaration but can include it in the function definition, e.g.: .h file void func(int n, long l); .cpp file void func(const int n, const long l) Is there a reason for this? It seems a little unusual to me.",
"Prove: If $A$ is a finite set and $B$ is an infinite set, then $B \\setminus A$ is an infinite set. I've tried proving the contrapositive, that if $B \\setminus A$ is a finite set then $A$ is infinite or $B$ is finite, but I don't think this is the way to go.",
"In , the votes clearly show that the os.path.splitext function is preferred over the simple .split('.')[-1] string manipulation. Does anyone have a moment to explain exactly why that is? Is it faster, or more accurate, or what? I'm willing to accept that there's something better about it, but I can't immediately see what it might be. Might importing a whole module to do this be overkill, at least in simple cases? EDIT: The OS specificity is a big win that's not immediately obvious; but even I should've seen the \"what if there isn't a dot\" case! And thanks to everybody for the general comments on library usage.",
"Encode URL in JavaScript? How do you safely encode a URL using JavaScript such that it can be put into a GET string? var myUrl = \"http://example.com/index.html?param=1&anotherParam=2\"; var myOtherUrl = \"http://example.com/index.html?url=\" + myUrl; I assume that you need to encode the myUrl variable on that second line?",
"Is there a list of Windows special directories/shortcuts (like %TEMP%)? I'm looking for a reference list of shortcuts like %TEMP%. When I'm using Windows+R or Windows Explorer and type %temp%, the Windows Explorer takes me to the Temp directory. Are there more of these shortcuts? UPDATE: .",
"This is the proof from the book: Theorem. There are infinitely many primes of the form $4n+3$. Lemma. If $a$ and $b$ are integers, both of the form $4n + 1$, then the product $ab$ is also in this form. Proof of Theorem: Let assume that there are only a finite number of primes of the form $4n + 3$, say $$p_0, p_1, p_2, \\ldots, p_r.$$ Let $$Q = 4p_1p_2p_3\\cdots p_r + 3.$$ Then there is at least one prime in the factorization of $Q$ of the form $4n + 3$. Otherwise, all of these primes would be of the form $4n + 1$, and by the Lemma above, this would imply that $Q$ would also be of this form, which is a contradiction. However, none of the prime $p_0, p_1,\\ldots, p_n$ divides $Q$. The prime $3$ does not divide $Q$, for if $3|Q$ then $$3|(Q-3) = 4p_1p_2p_3\\cdots p_r,$$ which is a contradiction. Likewise, none of the primes $p_j$ can divides $Q$, because $p_j | Q$ implies $p_j | ( Q - 4p_1p_2\\cdots p_r ) = 3$, which is absurd. Hence, there are infinitely many primes of the form $4n +3$. END From \"however, none of the prime ....\" to the end, I totally lost! My questions: Is the author assuming $Q$ is prime or is not? Why none of the primes $p_0, p_1,\\ldots, p_r$ divide $Q$? Based on what argument? Can anyone share me a better proof? Thanks.",
"Suppose $\\sum{a_n}$ converges. How do I prove that $\\sum{\\frac{\\sqrt{a_n}}{n}}$ converges",
"How to upload string as file with jQuery or other js framework",
"dual boot missing files on ntfs I have 3 partitions: one for Windows 7 (ntfs), one for Ubuntu (ext4) and one just for data (ntfs so both operating systems can see them). My problem is that I had stored some files on the data partition using Ubuntu and when I booted Windows 7 all that data was gone! After that I couldn't find the files even when using Ubuntu. My files were simply GONE :( Is there something I can do in Ubuntu or is it just windows problem?",
"Unable to install Springseed 2 on Ubuntu 15.04",
"What I am looking for is the equivalent of System.Windows.SystemParameters.WorkArea for the monitor that the window is currently on. Clarification: The window in question is WPF, not WinForm.",
"Are there any open source alternative to Landscape?",
"How do you disable browser autocomplete on web form field / input tags?",
"Saving Working Files as PSD or TIFF? I was reading a few articles about how people saved their working files and it got me thinking about my own method. I used to save everything as a PSD, but recently I have started saving my working files as TIFF's. I use Windows, so I don't know if it's different for Apple users but with a PSD, all I can see is that \"PSD\" icon. But a TIFF file shows up as a normal image (that I can edit), so I found it really great when I have a lot of working files for one project and could just quickly preview it without opening the program. That being said, I am no expert in which method is better. And I know a lot of people here are pretty seasoned users in all things Adobe, so I was wondering what your two cent on the whole topic is? Is there really any difference to saving it as a PSD or TIFF? Is there something I should specifically know about saving my files as a TIFF rather than a PSD?",
"ISO image integrity check (new try)? When you open an .iso file with e.g. 7-zip, the tool lets you test the ISO file, just like you can test any RAR or 7Z or ZIP file that the file is still ok. If that test finishes successfully, does that mean the .iso file data and all the files within the ISO disc image are fine and not corrupted (bitrot)? I am a bit confused because elsewhere I saw it mentioned that the ISO (raw disc image) format doesn't contain any data integrity checksums, so I am unsure what the 7-zip tool is testing while testing an ISO disc image file.",
"Proper subspaces of $ R^n $ I'm trying to prove that proper subspaces of $ R^n $ are closed and have empty interiors. To prove that they are closed I'm trying to use the fact that inverse images of closed sets are closed sets by continuous functions. So I'm trying to find a linear map such that a proper subspace of $ R^n $ is its Kernel but I don't know how to express it so that it would work on all dimensions. Regarding the fact that they have empty interiors, I really don't know what to do. Thanks in advance."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Proof the golden ratio with the limit of Fibonacci sequence | How to prove that $\lim \limits_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac{F_{n+1}}{F_n}=\frac{\sqrt{5}+1}{2}$ | [
"What is potential energy truly?",
"In the movies, the Death Eaters leave a smoky trail behind them as they fly. As the Order arrive in the Ministry of Magic in Order of the Phoenix, they leave a silvery trail behind them. In the books, there’s no mention of how they’re doing this. And J.K. Rowling said in the books that only Voldemort and Snape could fly like this; first seen in the Battle of the Seven Potters. Please can somebody explain how the Death Eaters are able to fly like this?",
"Convergence of $\\sum \\frac{a_n}{S_n ^{1 + \\epsilon}}$ where $S_n = \\sum_{i = 1} ^ n a_n$",
"What does // mean in a path? I was working in my terminal, when I misspelled while cd to root (/). Accidentally, I typed // and I got in terminal: root@weblocalhost://# When i type pwd, i get response // but when I type ls -s i got same list as in / directory. When you type more than 2, i.e. /// you get: root@weblocalhost:/# Always 1 / except for 2. Is there any difference and what is // for?",
"Should actors in a game be responsible for drawing themselves? I am very new to game development, but not to programming. I am (again) playing around with a Pong type game using JavaScript's canvas element. I have created a Paddle object which has the following properties... width height x y colour I also have a Pong object which has properties such as... width height backgroundColour draw(). The draw() method currently is resetting the canvas and that is where a question came up. Should the Paddle object have a draw() method responsible for its drawing, or should the draw() of the Pong object be responsible for drawing its actors (I assume that is the correct term, please correct me if I'm incorrect). I figured that it would be advantagous for the Paddle to draw itself, as I instantiate two objects, Player and Enemy. If it were not in the Pong's draw(), I'd need to write similar code twice. What is the best practice here? Thanks.",
"How do I recover my Google account (or Gmail) password or username? I have forgotten the password or username for my Google account, or I'm unable to access my account for other reasons. How can I recover my account? (This Q&A is meant as a general description for all Google and Gmail username/password questions. See: )",
"How to get distance when acceleration is not constant? I have a background in calculus but don't really know anything about physics. Forgive me if this is a really basic question. The equation for distance of an accelerating object with constant acceleration is: $$d=ut +\\frac{1}{2}at^2$$ which can also be expressed $$d=\\frac{\\mathrm{d}x}{\\mathrm{d}t}t+\\frac{\\mathrm{d^2}x}{\\mathrm{d}t^2}\\frac{t^2}{2}$$ (where x(t) is the position of the object at time t) That's fine for a canonball or something like that, but what about a car accelerating from 0 to cruising speed? The acceleration is obviously not constant, but what about the change in acceleration? Is it constant? I suspect not. And then what about the change in the change of acceleration, etc. etc.? In other words, how does one know how many additional terms to add in the series? $$d=\\frac{\\mathrm{d}x}{\\mathrm{d}t}t+\\frac{\\mathrm{d^2}x}{\\mathrm{d}t^2}\\frac{t^2}{2}+\\frac{\\mathrm{d^3}x}{\\mathrm{d}t^3}\\frac{t^3}{3}+\\frac{\\mathrm{d^4}x}{\\mathrm{d}t^4}\\frac{t^4}{4}\\cdot etc. \\cdot ?$$",
"How to start applications such as xcompmgr at start up? I've been trying to make xcompmgrto autostart in Lubuntu 11.10 but it just doesn't, I have to start it manually. I have added the next lines to the autostart script in ~/.config/openbox/ #Run a composite manager xcompmgr & But whenever I log in it doesn't do anything, I don't really need any special parameters for it I just want it to start at log in. How can I make it run automatically at login?",
"Is there some way to embed LaTeX source code in a PDF file?",
"I have an enum construct like this: public enum EnumDisplayStatus { None = 1, Visible = 2, Hidden = 3, MarkedForDeletion = 4 } In my database, the enumerations are referenced by value. My question is, how can I turn the number representation of the enum back to the string name. For example, given 2 the result should be Visible.",
"If $\\forall x \\in R, x^2-x \\in Z(G)$, than $R$ is commutative",
"Prediction in Cox regression I am doing a multivariate Cox regression, I have my significant independent variables and beta values. The model fits to my data very well. Now, I would like to use my model and predict the survival of a new observation. I am unclear how to do this with a Cox model. In a linear or logistic regression, it would be easy, just put the values of new observation in the regression and multiply them with betas and so I have the prediction of my outcome. How can I determine my baseline hazard? I need it in addition to computing the prediction. How is this done in a Cox model?",
"ASP.NET \"special\" tags What is the official name for the \"special\" ASP.NET tags like this: <%# %> <%= %> <%@ %> <%$ %> I can't seem to figure out the conceptual or well known name for these, so I'm having trouble searching for more info. As a bonus, can anyone give me a quick rundown of all of the possible \"special tags\" and what each one of them does (or point me to a resource)?",
"I have put together a map using the British OS Strategi data set which is pretty densely detailed. It is surveyed at 1:250,000 and so contains roads down to track level, rivers, villages, railway lines - you name it. There's a lot of data. When I try and export an image version of the map (at about 1m x 1m), I always get an 'Exception: bad allocation' error. This happens when I try to export as a raster image or PDF. I have tried printing to a PDF generator (CutePDF) but the same thing happens. The print spooler shows the file size at 1.6Gb. I am running QGIS on a dual core 2ghz Windows 8 system with 4Gb of RAM. Is it just a case of the file being too big? Is there anything I can do? Or is there an alternative, free GIS package that would do a similar job?",
"Prove that $f'(a)=\\lim_{x\\rightarrow a}f'(x)$. Let $f$ be a real-valued function continuous on $[a,b]$ and differentiable on $(a,b)$. Suppose that $\\lim_{x\\rightarrow a}f'(x)$ exists. Then, prove that $f$ is differentiable at $a$ and $f'(a)=\\lim_{x\\rightarrow a}f'(x)$. It seems like an easy example, but a little bit tricky. I'm not sure which theorems should be used in here. ============================================================== Using @David Mitra's advice and @Pete L. Clark's notes I tried to solve this proof. I want to know my proof is correct or not. By MVT, for $h>0$ and $c_h \\in (a,a+h)$ $$\\frac{f(a+h)-f(a)}{h}=f'(c_h)$$ and $\\lim_{h \\rightarrow 0^+}c_h=a$. Then $$\\lim_{h \\rightarrow 0^+}\\frac{f(a+h)-f(a)}{h}=\\lim_{h \\rightarrow 0^+}f'(c_h)=\\lim_{h \\rightarrow 0^+}f'(a)$$ But that's enough? I think I should show something more, but don't know what it is.",
"mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects parameter / Call to a member function bind_param() errors. How to get the actual mysql error and fix it?",
"Short connection at IAD (Dulles international airport) I am flying from New Orleans to Dulles (IAD) on United Express, and from IAD to Frankfurt on United. I have a short connection (45 minutes) in IAD. I'm trying to figure out how can I make it: Will I need to go throughout security and border check since I'm leaving the US? How big is IAD airport? and are there different terminals for domestic and international flights? If so, how long would it take to walk between them?",
"Enable HTTP DELETE requests on Apache server I need to configure my server to permit the http delete method. currently, I get the following error when I attempt to make this call: HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 20:56:23 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.17 (Win32) PHP/5.3.5 Allow: GET,HEAD,POST,OPTIONS,TRACE Content-Length: 233 Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=98 Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 I have searched far and wide and have not been able to come up with an answer as to how I can configure the server to allow this request. Someone please help as it has put a stop to my project.",
"This is a homework problem and I'm having trouble just getting a basic understanding. I understand that $S_6$ is a symmetric group of degree $6$. I'm not sure how to start looking for elements.",
"Render just part of a final image from Cycles?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
In Wild Shape for druid5/barbarian1, how does unarmored defense work? | While using Wild Shape, do I use Unarmored Defense or the creature's Armor Class? | [
"How to combine Bump Maps? I'm trying to add a bump map with logo to noise texture Bump map. I have a bump map created with Noise texture and then on top of that I want to add my bump logo (which also has it's own color on it.) Is it possible within one material?",
"If $\\vec{a},\\vec{b},\\vec{c},\\vec{d}$are unit vectors, $(\\vec{a}\\times\\vec{b}).(\\vec{c}\\times\\vec{d})=1$ and $\\vec{a}.\\vec{c}=\\frac{1}{2}$,then If $\\vec{a},\\vec{b},\\vec{c},\\vec{d}$are unit vectors such that $(\\vec{a}\\times\\vec{b}).(\\vec{c}\\times\\vec{d})=1$ and $\\vec{a}.\\vec{c}=\\frac{1}{2}$,then $(A)\\vec{a},\\vec{b},\\vec{c}$ are non-coplanar $(B)\\vec{a},\\vec{b},\\vec{d}$ are non-coplanar $(C)\\vec{b},\\vec{d}$ are non-parallel. $(D)\\vec{a},\\vec{d}$ are parallel and $\\vec{b}$ and $\\vec{c}$ are parallel. My Attempt: $(\\vec{a}\\times\\vec{b}).(\\vec{c}\\times\\vec{d})=1$ $(\\vec{a}.\\vec{c})(\\vec{b}.\\vec{d})-(\\vec{a}.\\vec{d})(\\vec{b}.\\vec{c})=1$ $\\frac{1}{2}(\\vec{b}.\\vec{d})-(\\vec{a}.\\vec{d})(\\vec{b}.\\vec{c})=1$ Book's Solution which i did not understand: $(\\vec{a}\\times\\vec{b}).(\\vec{c}\\times\\vec{d})=1$ is possible only when $|\\vec{a}\\times\\vec{b}|=|\\vec{c}\\times\\vec{d}|=0$ and $(\\vec{a}\\times\\vec{b})$ is parallel to $(\\vec{c}\\times\\vec{d})$ And the correct option given is $(C)$. I could not solve this problem after some efforts.Please help me.Thanks.",
"Is there the easiest way to toggle (show/hide) navigational grids in TikZ? In PSTricks, we can toggle the grids easily by showgrid=[false/true]. How to do it in TikZ? Doing as follows is tedious. \\documentclass{minimal} \\usepackage{tikz} \\begin{document} \\tikzpicture \\draw[gray,very thin] (-4,-2) grid (4,2); \\foreach \\x in {-4,...,4} \\draw[red] (\\x,-1.9) -- (\\x,-2.1) node [below] {\\x}; \\foreach \\y in {-2,...,2} \\draw[red] (-3.9,\\y) -- (-4.1,\\y) node [right] {\\y}; \\draw (0,0) circle (2); \\endtikzpicture \\end{document} Is there the easiest way to toggle (show/hide) navigational grids in TikZ? Edit The navigation needs not only the grids but also the labeling numbers.",
"I posted a question recently regarding my Windows 10 upgrade which ended up with a black screen and cursor. I reverted back to Windows 8.1 using the \"Revert to previous build\" option in recovery, and all seems fine, except that Virtualisation is disabled. I tried to open BIOS settings but it just boots into Windows. I've tried the usual F2 key and Shift F2, all the other F keys, tried pressing B and Shift+B but no luck. I tried pressing the Lenovo key on the laptop when it is powered down, which shows a menu to either boot into BIOS, recovery, or show boot menu. I choose BIOS and it just boots into Windows. I tried going into advanced startup options from Windows (Shift+Restart) and choosing \"UEFI FIRMWARE SETTINGS\" but it just reboots back into Windows. Before the Windows 10 upgrade it was working perfectly. Lenovo G580 laptop - Core i3 with Intel 4000 graphics. 8GB of RAM and a Crucial MX100 512GB SSD (replaced the original hard drive with this SSD).",
"Prove that a topological space equipped with a delta-complex structure is Hausdorff",
"What happens to the semiconductor in an LED when it is given voltage that it cannot handle?",
"\"register\" keyword in C? What does the register keyword do in C language? I have read that it is used for optimizing but is not clearly defined in any standard. Is it still relevant and if so, when would you use it?",
"Please consider the integral: $$\\int_{-a}^{a}x^2dx=\\frac{2a^3}{3}$$ I would like to know why I can't make the substitution: $$u=x^2$$ When I make the substitution, the limits of the integral will be the same, and the integral itself will be zero, which is the wrong answer. So why does this simple change of variables not work as I have expected? Please note that I do not want help solving the integral, I know how to solve it several ways. My question is why does this specific attempt at a solution not work?",
"Add the option to do a case-sensitive search I noticed that the search engine does not consider capital letters (just like most regular search engines). However, I have the feeling that in a \"coding\" context, this could be useful. For example, searching pages about the standard C library \"FILE\" struct returns a lot of pages containing the \"file\" word, that are not (always) relevant. Is there a way to force keeping capitals? If not, maybe it could be a nice feature to add?",
"Differences between the introduction of a sandwich thesis and a paper I would like to know what are the main differences between the introductory part of a paper and of a thesis. My thesis would be a sandwich type, so I would have to wrap everything there. Some of the differences are: Longer in thesis. Deeper in thesis. Extended definition of key terms, concepts and methodology in thesis. Clear definition of the whole goal in thesis, whereas paper smaller goal. To narrow the possible answers, I do research on the molecular aspects of the infection steps of a pathogenic swine bacteria. Also develop strategies to block infection by using vaccines.",
"How to uncompress separated tgz files? I am receiving this error message when I'm trying to uncompress a .tgz archive: $ tar -zxvf OVM_EL5U3_X86_EBIZ12.1.1_DB_VIS_PVM.tgz.1 gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now As you can see, the file name ends with .tgz.1. When the file name is .tgz.0 it will be uncompressed with no error by the tar -zxvf command.",
"Subdivision surface modifier creates pinching at corners I've only been 3D modelling for a few days now, so this may just be a newbie mistake: However, because this model is for use in a game I am trying to stay away from proximity loops for performance reasons. Instead, I have used edge creases to maintain the structure of the model. It has led to certain vertices not being affected by the subsurf modifier, causing undesirable lighting at high subsurf levels. Manually moving each point in a bit seems kind of sloppy but I'm not too sure what the best way to go about this is. If any more information is needed I'll give what I can, thanks in advance :)",
"Meaning of \"stackexchange\" What does stackexchange mean? I have checked out this to read about the Stack Exchange Network.",
"I have written below Wrapper class. global class BI_VA_AutomationWrapper { global class BI_VA_AutomationRequest { webservice String userName; webservice String emailId; webservice String buinessUnit; webservice String orgName; webservice String country; webservice String environment; webservice String myShopNumber; webservice String BidsId;//for testing webservice String Type; //for testing } global class BI_VA_AutomationResponse { webservice String responseStatus; webservice String myShopNumber; //webservice list<Error> errorMessages; webservice String errorMessages;//for testing } global class BI_VA_Error { webservice String type; webservice String message; }} And test class is, @isTest public class BI_VA_AutomationWrapperTestClass { public static testMethod void unitTest(){ BI_VA_AutomationWrapper.BI_VA_AutomationRequest wrap= new BI_VA_AutomationWrapper.BI_VA_AutomationRequest(); wrap.userName='[email protected]'; wrap.emailId='[email protected]'; wrap.buinessUnit='AH'; wrap.orgName='ORD'; wrap.country='US'; wrap.environment='QA'; wrap.myShopNumber='123456789'; wrap.BidsId='123'; wrap.Type='ResetPassword'; BI_VA_AutomationWrapper.BI_VA_AutomationResponse res= new BI_VA_AutomationWrapper.BI_VA_AutomationResponse(); res.responseStatus = 'Success'; res.myShopNumber = '987654321'; res.errorMessages = 'Test error'; BI_VA_AutomationWrapper.BI_VA_Error error = new BI_VA_AutomationWrapper.BI_VA_Error(); error.type = 'Test'; error.message = 'Test'; }} Code coverage is 0% only.",
"What's the typical microclimate in the aircraft passenger cabin? When preparing for a commercial jet flight it'd be nice to know how warm my clothes should be so that I don't freeze after sitting for several hours in say +16 degrees Celsius (61 degrees Fahrenheit). What's the typical temperature in the passenger cabin? Are there air drafts? How cold and how warm can it reasonably get?",
"What is the idiom for \"as anyone can see\" or \"clearly\"? I keep wanting to say \"the handwriting on the wall,\" but that's not correct. The place I'm trying to use it is, \"Alice likes Bob, Carol likes Bob, Alice thinks Bob likes her, but Bob dates Carol, and so as anyone can see, Bob did not like Alice.\" What is the appropriate idiom here?",
"Can't change font size for GD imagestring()",
"What is a fragment in a fragment shader? Wikipedia says that: In general, a fragment can be thought of as the data needed to shade the pixel, plus the data needed to test whether the fragment survives to become a pixel (depth, alpha, stencil, scissor, window ID, etc.) So is it textures, vertices or something else?",
"Proof that Limit of the Log is the Log of the Limit Proof that Limit of the Log is the Log of the Limit. What is the intuition behind this statement?",
"How to install Skype 4.3?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Unit testing output, depending on Math.random() | How to test with Math.random in JavaScript? | [
"Types in MySQL: BigInt(20) vs Int(20)",
"Can I change the color of the last selected face?",
"Why don't authors include in their publications the duration of the research?",
"Can I use a custom Splash screen? The default Splash screens are cool, but I'd like to add some of my own work to remind me of how awesome I am (no, not really). Is it possible to customize/change the splash screen?",
"Would it help if you jump inside a free falling elevator? Imagine you're trapped inside a free falling elevator. Would you decrease your impact impulse by jumping during the fall? When?",
"What techniques have been used to repeat geometry or other detail to the infinite horizon? When I composed my I would have liked to have the camera pitch up enough to show the horizon, except I didn't have enough geometry to extend the cobblestone street and the sidewalk all the way to infinity (mostly because that would require infinite stuff). Even in that shot it is clear that I need to widen the \"sidewalk\" to cover up the \"sky\"box. Contrast with where the ray tracer can use the procedurally replicated geometry. is a failed attempt at faking out the horizon, even with low detail. It fails because lighting's interaction with the geometry gives it away. Some techniques that prevent you from having to deal with infinity include put the scene in a box (usually a room) put the scene in a canyon (which is just a box without a top so you can see the relatively featureless sky) route the road into a tunnel, or around a corner and hide the horizon with other geometry (which is really just a variant on the canyon). have no detail on the ground at all (flat color or gradient) Those are all dodging the question of interest to me: What techniques have people used in blender to fake various kinds of detail repeating into the distance (instead of just obstructing the view of infinity)?",
"How do I get on a Minecraft PE server when it says 'invalid name'? I am having trouble getting onto a server in Minecraft PE on iOS. When I tap on the person's server it just says invalid name: I have tried turning off and restarting the iPad, going to home screen and logging back into the server but I have had no luck and no change. Is there a reason why this is so?",
"Do the parent directory's permissions matter when accessing a subdirectory? If I have a root folder with some restrictive permission, let's say 600, and if the child folders/files have 777 permission will everybody be able to read/write/execute the child file even though the root folder has 600?",
"I was recently in a bit of a quandary over which answer to accept to . Of the answers I got, two were the clear leaders and, of course, I up-voted both. Choosing a 'winner' was more difficult though as their approaches were quite different. Answer A addressed my question and provided a clear and well thought out response. I'd anticipate that this answer would be of most use to a user who found my question via a search. Selecting this would probably be the more community-focused way to go. Answer B took a more lateral approach and made some guesses at the business logic behind my request, suggesting that I might be asking the wrong question. Their solution was based on this assumption - and they were spot on. Answer B formed the basis of my fix for the problem. So... Best answer to the question or best solution to the problem - they may not always be the same thing. I took the selfish approach and went with B. I'm not losing sleep over it, but I do wonder if I did the right thing?",
"Reentering serial number in Windows 7 Does anyone know how to install a new serial on a working copy of Windows 7 - I get notified that my software is not genuine but cannot reenter the serial",
"Jquery, changing background image with timer",
"Sum of First $n$ Squares Equals $\\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}$ I am just starting into calculus and I have a question about the following statement I encountered while learning about definite integrals: $$\\sum_{k=1}^n k^2 = \\frac{n(n+1)(2n+1)}{6}$$ I really have no idea why this statement is true. Can someone please explain why this is true and if possible show how to arrive at one given the other?",
"How to test a power supply? My computer powered off the other day on its own, and now when I push the power button, nothing happens. My assumption would naturally be that the power supply is done (possibly well done) but is there any good way to test this before I buy a new one?",
"Possible Duplicate: How to download a Youtube video from command line? Mac OS X and/or Ubuntu Linux. Optionally, i'd like to save it in .avi or .mkv format.",
"Suppose $\\lim \\limits_{n \\to ∞} a_n=L$. Prove that $\\lim\\limits_{n \\to ∞} \\frac{a_1+a_2+\\cdots+a_n}{n}=L$",
"Are airlines in the EU obligated to provide water for passengers?",
"Why isn't $V= V_1 + V_2$? $V=V_a - V_c = V_a - V_b + V_b - V_c$, $V_a - V_b= V_1$ and $V_b - V_c = V_2$ Doesn't that prove that $V = V_1 + V_2$? Regardless of $V_3$, If i'm wrong , is there a way to obtain $V$ in terms of $V_1$, $V_2$ and $V_3$",
"Every element outside the maximal ideal of a local ring is a unit A homework question from my algebra class asks: Show that in a local ring $R$ with maximal ideal $M$, every element outside $M$ is a unit. My argument is that since $M$ is maximal $R /M $ is a field and so for any $ x \\in R \\backslash M $, $ x + M $ has a multiplicative inverse, which implies $ x $ is a unit. I don't see where we need the fact that $R$ is a local ring.",
"Are $x \\cdot 0 = 0$, $x \\cdot 1 = x$, and $-(-x) = x$ axioms? Context: Rings. Are $x \\cdot 0 = 0$ and $x \\cdot 1 = x$ and $-(-x) = x$ axioms? Arguably three questions in one, but since they all are properties of the multiplication, I'll try my luck...",
"I'm trying to create an item that can break certain blocks, but also has a colored name in 1.13.2 Here's the command I'm using. /give iAugust minecraft:shears{display:{Name:\"[{\\\"text\\\":\\\"Arcane Shears\\\",\\\"color\\\":\\\"aqua\\\",\\\"italic\\\":false,\\\"bold\\\":false}]CanDestroy:[minecraft:iron_bars]\"}} But it only has a colored name, and it can't break specific blocks."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Getting a "random" number from 0 - 1 depending on a number and a count | Seedable JavaScript random number generator | [
"Does anyone know if there is an API to get the current monitor state (on or off) in Windows (XP/Vista/2000/2003)? All of my searches seem to indicate there is no real way of doing this. tries to use which according to Microsoft's docs does not work for display devices. In Vista I can listen to but I do not seem to get events when the monitor is turned off manually. In XP I can hook into WM_SYSCOMMAND SC_MONITORPOWER, looking for status 2. This only works for situations where the system triggers the power off. The WMI Win32_DesktopMonitor class does not seem to help out as well. Edit: Here is on comp.os.ms-windows.programmer.win32 indicating there is no reliable way of doing this. Anyone else have any other ideas?",
"Creating and configuring .bash_profile I was setting path for anaconda. an answer to a question has the following solution. I searched for .bash_profile, but I can't seem to find it. How do I setup this file and get it to run on startup?",
"First off, this is a question about a desktop application using Windows Forms, not an question. I need to interact with controls on other forms. I am trying to access the controls by using, for example, the following... otherForm.Controls[\"nameOfControl\"].Visible = false; It doesn't work the way I would expect. I end up with an exception thrown from Main. However, if I make the controls public instead of private, I can then access them directly, as so... otherForm.nameOfControl.Visible = false; But is that the best way to do it? Is making the controls public on the other form considered \"best practice\"? Is there a \"better\" way to access controls on another form? Further Explanation: This is actually a sort of follow-up to another question I asked, . The answer I got was great and solved many, many organizational problems I was having in terms of keeping the UI straight and easy to work with both in run-time and design-time. However, it did bring up this one niggling issue of easily controlling other aspects of the interface. Basically, I have a root form that instantiates a lot of other forms that sit in a panel on the root form. So, for instance, a radio button on one of those sub-forms might need to alter the state of a status strip icon on the main, root form. In that case, I need the sub-form to talk to the control in the status strip of the parent (root) form. (I hope that makes sense, not in a \"who's on first\" kind of way.)",
"Ubuntu 17.10 Upgrade Broke VMWare Workstation 12.5 Hi after upgrading to Ubuntu 17.10, vmware is now not starting. I get the message: /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware-modconfig: Relink `/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libbsd.so.0' with `/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so.1' for IFUNC symbol `clock_gettime' I am aware that there are patches available and I am attempting to apply these and recompile. I have run from the solution at : cd ~ #Copy the vmmon source tar ball to your temporary location cp /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/vmmon.tar . #Extract the tar ball tar xf vmmon.tar #Download the modified file that mkubecek posted and overwrite the one from the tar ball for VMware Workstation 12.5: wget -O ./vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mkubecek/vmware-host-modules/b50848c985f1a6c0a341187346d77f0119d0a835/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c #Wrap up the newly modified files into a tar ball replacing the original one sudo tar cf /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source/vmmon.tar vmmon-only #Rebuild the VMware kernel modules sudo vmware-modconfig --console --install-all Failed to get gcc information. gcc --version gcc (Ubuntu 7.2.0-8ubuntu3) 7.2.0 ... Unforunately, vmware-modconfig is failing because of a dependency it seems on a particular gcc version. Am I on the right track? Any help with this issue would be much appreciated. EDIT Thank you Steve, the below has gotten vmware going again. I've included minor correction. Tested and confirmed I could run a virtual machine. sudo su # do all below as root cd /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source tar xvf vmmon.tar tar xvf vmnet.tar wget -O ./vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mkubecek/vmware-host-modules/b50848c985f1a6c0a341187346d77f0119d0a835/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c vim vmnet-only/bridge.c cd vmmon-only/ make cd ../vmnet-only/ make cd .. mkdir /lib/modules/4.13.0-16-generic/misc cp *.o /lib/modules/4.13.0-16-generic/misc insmod /lib/modules/4.13.0-16-generic/misc/vmmon.o insmod /lib/modules/4.13.0-16-generic/misc/vmnet.o rm /usr/lib/vmware/lib/libz.so.1/libz.so.1 ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1 /usr/lib/vmware/lib/libz.so.1/libz.so.1 vmware-networks --start exit # run vmware as normal user /usr/lib/vmware/bin/vmware",
"Radius of Convergence when using Series[]",
"Infinite distinct factorizations into irreducibles for an element Consider the factorization into irreducibles of $6$ in $\\mathbb{Z}[\\sqrt{-5}]$. We have $6=2 \\times 3$ and $6=(1+\\sqrt{-5}) \\times (1-\\sqrt{-5})$, i.e. $2$ distinct factorizations. And, $$6^2=3 \\times 3\\times2\\times2$$ $$=(1+\\sqrt{-5}) \\times (1-\\sqrt{-5}) \\times (1+\\sqrt{-5}) \\times (1-\\sqrt{-5})$$ $$=(1+\\sqrt{-5}) \\times (1-\\sqrt{-5})\\times3\\times2.$$ More generally, $6^n$ will have $n+1$ distinct factorizations into irreducibles in $\\mathbb{Z}[\\sqrt{-5}]$ by a simple combinatorial argument. But, can we construct a ring in which there exists an element that has an infinite number of distinct factorizations into irreducibles? To make life harder, can we construct an extension of $\\mathbb{Z}$ in which this happens? I have been thinking about this for a while and have managed to find no foothold.. Any help is appreciated.",
"How am I supposed to use nvidia-prime? I have an acer laptop with these GPUs: - GPU0: Intel HD Graphics 4000 (M) (obviously integrated) - GPU1: NVIDIA GeForce GT 710M I uninstalled all nvidia-drivers because I was experiencing a lot of bugs and I read here and there that they are not supposed to work with Optimus without either bumblebee or nvidia-prime. As far as I understand, nvidia-prime would allow me to have the NVidia GPU always on. And to choose between that or always off (i.e. always use Intel) So now I installed nvidia-prime with sudo apt-get install nvidia-prime What am I supposed to do now? I thought nvidia-prime provided a graphical interface which would allow me to choose which graphic card to use, and even to install the needed nvidia drivers. By typing \"nvidia\" in the dash, nothing shows up. From a terminal, the only command available starting with \"nvidia\" is \"nvidia-detect\" which just prints \"none\". So, I installed nvidia-prime, how do I use it?",
"Convert a Pair of Integers to a Integer, Optimally?",
"How come I can't give more than 500 rep? Why can't I give more than 500 reputation as a bounty at a time? The system won't let me choose an option more than 500. Also, how were some users able to do so? On the OP has given a single bounty worth 550 rep, but at the moment I have 844 rep and I can't give any more than 500 rep on a bounty. Can you please tell us if this is a bug or not?",
"Suppose I have a program named any_program.exe and my operating system drive is C:. The location of the program is D:\\Any_Folder\\any_program.exe How do I start/execute that program via command prompt in Windows 8? I have tried the command line START any_program.exe, but it shows me an error that Windows cannot find 'any_program.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. By the way, it worked perfectly in Windows 7. And, if I type START notepad.exe or START firefox.exe (Firefox is not installed in C: drive), it works in Windows 8.",
"Is it now considered acceptable to follow a proper noun ... or any noun ... with a pronoun? E.g. The President he issued a new executive order.",
"Reverse (parse the output) of Arrays.toString(int[])",
"I wonder which of the two is correct: I have a red and a blue car. I have a red and a blue cars. or Everyone has a left and a right arms. Everyone has a left and a right arm. My (non-native) inclination would be for option 1, as it sounds better. On the other hand, in the following examples, the plural sounds better to me. Everyone has left and right arms. I have old and new cars. (when I only have only one old car and one new car) The left and the right arms are... But are they correct?",
"I want to do: int a = 255; cout << a; and have it show FF in the output, how would I do this?",
"My web application generates a lot of reports in formats like excel sheet, Csv(comma-separated values), fixed width columns, pdf format, html reports etc based on the parameters I select. There is a lot of data in the reports. Are there any essential criteria for testing report generation that I may not have considered. I know to test these things: Data is correct Filters are used Output format is correct What else is there?",
"How to prove: if $a,b \\in \\mathbb N$, then $a^{1/b}$ is an integer or an irrational number? It is well known that $\\sqrt{2}$ is irrational, and by modifying the proof (replacing 'even' with 'divisible by $3$'), one can prove that $\\sqrt{3}$ is irrational, as well. On the other hand, clearly $\\sqrt{n^2} = n$ for any positive integer $n$. It seems that any positive integer has a square root that is either an integer or irrational number. How do we prove that if $a \\in \\mathbb N$, then $\\sqrt a$ is an integer or an irrational number? I also notice that I can modify the proof that $\\sqrt{2}$ is irrational to prove that $\\sqrt[3]{2}, \\sqrt[4]{2}, \\cdots$ are all irrational. This suggests we can extend the previous result to other radicals. Can we extend 1? That is, can we show that for any $a, b \\in \\mathbb{N}$, $a^{1/b}$ is either an integer or irrational?",
"Is it possible to transfer Minecraft PE worlds to Minecraft PC?",
"Has 'Ubuntu Software' been renamed to 'Snap Store'? I updated Ubuntu last night (sudo apt get update && sudo apt get upgrade) and to my surprise this morning I didn't find the 'Ubuntu Software' app and there's a new entry called 'Snap Store' which when opened looks just like the old 'Ubuntu Software' app. So has 'Ubunu Software' been renamed to 'Snap Store'? And if yes, why?",
"“...than I am” vs. “...than me” I read an English grammar article in which the author talked about the correct use of pronouns. He writes: If the extended sentence is “She’s more likely to ask him than I am,” in which the comparison is between the subject and the writer, I is correct. However, if the intent is to convey that the man referred to as him is more likely to be asked something by the subject than the writer is, the correct pronoun form is me, but that distinction should be clarified with a revision like “She’s more likely to ask him than ask me.” Before reading this piece, I thought that the two sentences had the same meaning. While the second example is quite clear for me (“She’s more likely to ask him than ask me”), I don't think that I have correctly understood the first one. Could anyone explain it to me, please?",
"Referring to correctly-styled algpseudocode procedure name in document Given an algorithm written in algpseudocode: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{algorithm} \\usepackage{algpseudocode} \\begin{document} \\begin{algorithm} \\caption{Part 1} \\begin{algorithmic}[1] \\Procedure {FooProc}{$G$} \\State ... \\EndProcedure \\end{algorithmic} \\end{algorithm} \\end{document} How can I now refer to FooProc in my document (outside of the algorithm environment) such that it has the same typeset as in inside the algorithm environment?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Windows waking from Sleep/Hibernation after 15-25 minutes | Laptop randomly waking up = Hibernate / Low Battery? | [
"Finding the Public IP address in a shell script I can find my IP address using ifconfig or hostname -i command. But how do I find my Public IP? (I have a static public IP but I want to find it out using unix command)",
"How might the weight of a falling object affect the damage it causes? Fall damage is 1d6 per 10 feet. What adjustments if any should I make for objects falling on a player character? (e.g. a bear) Assuming the objects are meaningful threats but not instant character death, should the weight of an object change the calculation, e.g. more then 1d6 per 10 feet. Or is this more in the spirit of improvising damage chart? i.e. the setback (cat to face) dangerous (orc fell on me), and deadly (the large bear). If this is house-rule territory does any one have any experience or advice beyond relevant to 5e.",
"How do I change \"Show Applications\" button on GNOME 3 dash? I'm using Ubuntu with GNOME desktop. I was wondering how to change the \"Show Applications\" button icon on the dash?",
"C++ Struct Pointer Segfault",
"How do I split a string so I can access item x? Using SQL Server, how do I split a string so I can access item x? Take a string \"Hello John Smith\". How can I split the string by space and access the item at index 1 which should return \"John\"?",
"Seeking documentation for {z}/{x}/{y} syntax in tilesource urls? Speaking of tilesource urls such as http://{s}.tile.stamen.com/watercolor/{z}/{x}/{y}.png is there any technical documentation or canonical reference for the curly braces syntax? I'd specifically like to know what other things can be used in curly braces, and in which places, and how they work.",
"Topical example: 'There was a scuffle outside the local pub. There appears to be no connection with religious extremists.' ...but now you're wondering if there was. It's a nasty tactic used to raise fear and doubt - deliberately calling attention to something by explicitly denying it. What's the term for this?",
"I have a device with a web-based control panel, and accidentally set it to redirect all http pages to https, even though some don't work over https. Although I've since corrected this, Safari seems to have memorised the redirect and is refusing to forget it, instead constantly attempting to redirect me to the invalid https address. I've already closed Safari, cleared ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.Safari/ and ~/Library/Cookies/HSTS.plist but it still seems to be remembering the redirect when I re-open it. Where else could Safari be storing this information? I can access the correct page via Firefox or Chrome, so it may not be a system wide service, or if it is it's not one that the other browsers use. Unfortunately because the web-panel is provided by a device I don't believe I can adjust headers or setup a redirect back to the correct URL, which seem to be options offered in other similar questions, so I really need to find out where this data is being stored so I can destroy it with fire.",
"Auto confirm when running bash scripts?",
"When an object is moving in a circle, won't the frictional force oppose it's motion? And if the velocity is always tangential to the path, there is no component of it towards the center, so there is no component of friction towards the center (since the frictional force is antiparallel). So how can friction be a centripetal force, like in the case of a car rounding a corner?",
"Proving with induction $(1-x)^n<\\frac 1 {1+nx}$ Prove using induction that $\\forall n\\in\\mathbb N, \\forall x\\in \\mathbb R: 0<x<1: (1-x)^n<\\frac 1 {1+nx}$ My attempt: Base: for $n=1: 1-x<\\frac 1 {1+x}\\iff 1-x^2<1$, true since $0<x<1$. Suppose the statement is true for $n$, prove for $n+1$: $(1-x)^{n+1}=(1-x)(1-x)^{n}\\overset{i.h}<\\frac{(1-x)}{1+nx}$ Now I got stuck, maybe another induction to show that $1+nx+x<1+nx$? Is there another way? Moreover, I was told it's wrong to begin with $(1-x)^{n+1}$ and reach to $\\frac 1 {1+(n+1)x}$ but why? Is it assuming what I need to prove?",
"Generic solution to prevent a long cron job from running in parallel? I am looking for a simple and generic solution that would allow you to execute any script or application in crontab and prevent it from running twice. The solution should be independent on the executed command. I assume it should look like lock && (command ; unlock) where lock will return false if there was another lock. The second part would be like if it acquired the lock, run command and unlock after command is executed, even if it returns error.",
"Check if email exist php",
"I cannot mount Windows 8 partition disk on Ubuntu 12.10. My Windows 8 is installed on \"C\" partition, and I have another \"D\" partition. I can easily mount \"D\" partition, see files and make changes on them. Actually I also have a problem with this: when I copy a file from ubuntu to \"D\", I cannot see this file on Windows 8. My main problem is when I try to mount \"C\" partition I get this: Unable to mount 121 GB Volume Error mounting /dev/sda3 at /media/furkan/06DEC78FDEC77589: Command-line `mount -t \"ntfs\" -o \"uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177\" \"/dev/sda3\" \"/media/furkan/06DEC78FDEC77589\"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: Windows is hibernated, refused to mount. Failed to mount '/dev/sda3': Operation not permitted The NTFS partition is hibernated. Please resume and shutdown Windows properly, or mount the volume read-only with the 'ro' mount option, or mount the volume read-write with the 'remove_hiberfile' mount option. For example type on the command line: mount -t ntfs-3g -o remove_hiberfile /dev/sda3 /media/furkan/06DEC78FDEC77589",
"Batch convert 4 PDF pages to one PDF page",
"The junction has a stop sign on each of the four entrances. The junction has a stop sign on each of the 4 entrances. The first is preferred, for some reason, by many English texts. Why? I haven't seen this phenomenon in other languages.",
"How do I list the default installed packages? I am developing an offline installer for all versions of Ubuntu, and I need Ubuntu's default installed packages list. Is there a way to get this information from any server (web server)? Any script to fetch any Ubuntu version's default installed packages list. I will give the Ubuntu version, and the script will fetch the packages list. Note: I need at least a server address. I can write a script for this.",
"The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch Error",
"Consider the sequence defined as $x_1 = 1$ $x_{n+1} = \\sin x_n$ I think I was able to show that the sequence $\\sqrt{n} x_{n}$ converges to $\\sqrt{3}$ by a tedious elementary method which I wasn't too happy about. (I think I did this by showing that $\\sqrt{\\frac{3}{n+1}} < x_{n} < \\sqrt{\\frac{3}{n}}$, don't remember exactly) This looks like it should be a standard problem. Does anyone know a simple (and preferably elementary) proof for the fact that the sequence $\\sqrt{n}x_{n}$ converges to $\\sqrt{3}$?",
"$\\operatorname{Hom}(X \\times Z, Y) \\cong \\operatorname{Hom}(X, \\operatorname{Map}(Z, Y))$ is not true in $\\textbf{Top}$ I read that in the category of topological space it is not true that $\\operatorname{Hom}(X \\times Z, Y) \\cong \\operatorname{Hom}(X, \\operatorname{Map}(Z, Y))$ for every $X, Y, Z$ topological spaces. In particular, I read that this does not work when $Z = \\mathbb{R} \\setminus \\{ 1/n \\mid n \\in \\mathbb{N}\\}$. This was not explained, i.e. there was no example. I am looking for an example or – maybe better – just a hint. EDIT $\\operatorname{Map}(Z, Y)$ is endowed with the compact-open topology $\\cong$ means just bijection; i.e. there is already an obvious bijection as sets, but the claim is that (I think) sometimes the \"output function\" is not continuous"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How can I track down a destructive virus? | How can I remove malicious spyware, malware, adware, viruses, trojans or rootkits from my PC? | [
"Find the area of the shaded region in the figure below: Find the area of the shaded region in the figure below: I am completely stuck on how to start off this question. Please help on some guidance on how to start it off.",
"When is $f=\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{p+4}}{1-p}-1\\right)x^5-3x+\\ln5$ decreasing $\\forall\\; x$? When is $$f=\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{p+4}}{1-p}-1\\right)x^5-3x+\\ln5$$ decreasing $\\forall\\; x$? Diffrentiating: $$f'=5\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{p+4}}{1-p}-1\\right)x^4-3$$ If $f$ is decreasing, $f'<0$: $$5\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{p+4}}{1-p}-1\\right)x^4-3<0\\implies x^4<\\frac3{5\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{p+4}}{1-p}-1\\right)}$$ Since if $\\left(\\frac{\\sqrt{p+4}}{1-p}-1\\right)\\to0^+\\implies x^4<+\\infty$, which holds forallx, So:$$p=\\frac{3\\pm\\sqrt{21}}2$$which doesn't ply with textbook-answer, since it mentions an domain for p.",
"So I had closed within eight minutes of asking. Is this a little fast? Not only do I object to the reason it was closed (not a real question, come on I'm asking for decent books!), but it was closed insanely fast. Should there be a grace period for questions (diamond mods exempt if so) before they can be voted on to be closed?",
"If I want to make a backup of everything I have done since the fresh install of Ubuntu, what are the possible options? What all should I backup? I want to get all the settings that I changed, all the packages I installed, etc.",
"How do I create a key binding that allows me to mount my google drive? I want to mount/unmount my google drive using with a key binding without having to open a terminal. How can I set this up?",
"If a black body is a perfect absorber, why does it emit anything? I'm trying to start understanding quantum mechanics, and the first thing I've come across that needs to be understood are black bodies. But I've hit a roadblock at the very first paragraphs. :( According to : A black body (also, blackbody) is an idealized physical body that absorbs all incident electromagnetic radiation, regardless of frequency or angle of incidence. OK, that's nice. It's an object that absorbs (takes in itself and stores/annihilates forever) any electromagnetic radiation that happens to hit it. An object that always looks totally black, no matter under what light you view it. Good. But then it follows with: A black body in thermal equilibrium (that is, at a constant temperature) emits electromagnetic radiation called black-body radiation. Say what? Which part of \"absorbs\" does this go with? How can it absorb anything if it just spits it right back out, even if modified? That's not a black body, that's a pretty white body if you ask me. Or a colored one, depending on how it transforms the incoming waves. What am I missing here?",
"What are the most suitable filter holders for my Samyang 14mm autofocus prime lens? I've looked into the ones from Haida and Nisi which are both suitable, though they're quite pricey for me currently - does anybody know of any cheaper possible alternatives? I understand there's the 160mm specifically made for use with this lens, though obtaining filters for it is difficult and limited. I'm hoping for something which may be cheaper than both Haida and Nisi, and still suitable for the 14mm lens. Thanks!",
"I am on Ubuntu and I have forgotten the password for my Gnome Keyring (yes, stupid me, I know). Any way I can get it back? I have already looked at , but it says it's not possible if my home directory is encrypted and unfortunately my home directory is encrypted.",
"Mysql: Select rows from a table that are not in another",
"Does infinity exist in physical systems?",
"Does Java Connection.close rollback? Does Java Connection.close rollback into a finally block?. I know .Net SqlConnection.close does it. With this I could make try/finally blocks without catch... Example: try { conn.setAutoCommit(false); ResultSet rs = executeQuery(conn, ...); .... executeNonQuery(conn, ...); .... conn.commit(); } finally { conn.close(); }",
"Why do not we ask negative questions without a contraction on the not after the verb? I have found multiple questions touching on this but not a single one that has a comprehensive answer. The information is all there but in little bits. etc. Exactly why is \"Do not you sleep?\" ungrammatical (except in poetry/with artistic license)? I understand that not can't contract after you: \"Do you not sleep?\" because not can only contract after a verb, and that it always does after do: \"Don't you sleep?\" but why does it (why must it) contract if it's placed after the verb in a question? Don't you sleep? (common form) Do not you sleep? (ungrammatical) Do you not sleep? (less common form)",
"Why is this clause unsatisfiable?",
"Achieving Super or Subscript graticule labels in QGIS Composer windows? It is quite common for paper topographic maps to label the map graticule with ordinate values in a mixture of superscript and standard digits, eg. ⁴123⁰⁰⁰ to emphasise the significant digits. The QGIS Map composer allows graticules (termed grids) to be drawn on the map, and the ordinate labels to be customised, but does not recognise HTML tags such as <sup>. Is there any other way to achieve this effect?",
"Epsilon delta proof for $\\lim_\\limits{x\\to a} \\sqrt{x} = \\sqrt{a}$ where $a>0$ $f(x) = \\sqrt{x}$. For right limit, $x-a > 0$. Let $x-a < \\delta$ then $(\\sqrt{x}-\\sqrt{a}) \\lt \\frac{\\delta}{\\sqrt{x}+\\sqrt{a}}$. Then chose we must choose $\\epsilon $ so that $\\epsilon > \\frac{\\delta}{\\sqrt{x}+\\sqrt{a}}$. Is this correct? How would I conclude the proof? Edit - Follow up From answers, I try a proof for the same limit but this time Left side: For left side limit, $x-a < 0$ so $a-x > 0$. Let $a-x < \\delta$ then $\\sqrt{a}-\\sqrt{x} \\lt \\frac{\\delta}{\\sqrt{a}+\\sqrt{x}} \\lt \\frac{\\delta}{\\sqrt{a}}$. So let me begin the proof by saying to choose $\\delta = \\epsilon \\sqrt a$ then $a-x \\lt \\delta $ so $(\\sqrt a - \\sqrt x )(\\sqrt a + \\sqrt x) \\lt \\epsilon \\sqrt a$ so $\\sqrt a - \\sqrt x \\lt \\epsilon$",
"What happens to the human inside the titan when the titan dies? Just to be clear I'm NOT talking about those who where swallowed. We know that titans used to be humans and then somehow they transformed into titans. When they kill a titan it completely Vaporizes and nothing is left. So what happens to the human inside them? Could it be like when Eren was testing his limits and each time he fused more with the titan body? If so, why could Ymir live in titan form for over 60 years and still transform back into human?",
"\"implements Runnable\" vs \"extends Thread\" in Java From what time I've spent with threads in Java, I've found these two ways to write threads: With implements Runnable: public class MyRunnable implements Runnable { public void run() { //Code } } //Started with a \"new Thread(new MyRunnable()).start()\" call Or, with extends Thread: public class MyThread extends Thread { public MyThread() { super(\"MyThread\"); } public void run() { //Code } } //Started with a \"new MyThread().start()\" call Is there any significant difference in these two blocks of code ?",
"How to install qt 4.8 from repository?",
"Alternative of `route -n` of Linux in Mac How can I see the list of routes and its corresponding gateway in a Mac ? The command in linux is route -n . For a particular IP address, I am able to get the routes for an particular IP address via route get",
"Word for two collections that do not have any elements in common I'm looking for a word for when you have a collection A and a collection B and they have no overlap. In mathematical terms: the relation between two sets where the intersection is empty. Like in this Venn diagram: The word that keeps popping up in my mind is disparate sets, but I don't feel that completely covers the meaning when I look at the definition, because that doesn't seem to preclude overlapping sets that are different: disparate 1. distinct in kind; essentially different; dissimilar: disparate ideas."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Before loading listview from json url, giving error at onQueryTextChange(),when applying getFilter() | What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it? | [
"Closed-loop function question How do I find the How do I find the transfer function of Gd(s)? I am able to find the transfer function of Gr(s) but I am not really sure about Gd(s)? and how do i determine which order is this closed system?",
"Enqueue Stylesheets After Theme's \"rtl.css\" I am currently developing a theme with internationalization support, and would like to load stylesheets after my theme's rtl.css (an alternative style.css loaded for languages with a right-to-left reading order). I am familiar with enqueueing my stylesheets and controlling their load order with dependencies using the wp_register_style() and wp_enqueue_style() functions, however rtl.css is loaded automatically by WordPress whenever the locale's language direction is rtl, and there doesn't seem to be a way to specify the stylesheet as a dependency. I know I can conditionally enqueue stylesheets using the is_rtl() function, however these stylesheets' <link> elements are still printed out before WordPress automatically prints rtl.css's. I could also simply manually insert <link>s to the stylesheets that I wish to depend on rtl.css right after the call to wp_head() in my theme's header.php file, but I believe it's bad practice to do so, and I would like my theme to be commercial quality. How can I load stylesheets after WordPress loads rtl.css?",
"According to Ohm's Law, if the resistance is zero, the power dissipated by a resistor is unmeaning. $$P_d = R \\times I^2$$ $$I = \\sqrt{ \\frac {P_d}{R} }$$ Can one calculate the resistance given that power is defined? Only by knowing power, how can one calculate the maximum current of a zero-Ohm resistor? I'm a bit confused as I've seen there is zero-Ohm resistors with specified power in the market.",
"Do file-extensions have any purpose (for the operating system)?",
"I know that there exist some attack when using same modulus. But with a little modification, $m$ is the plain-text $N$ is the RSA modulus $r_1, r_2$ is the random padding $e, s$ is the public exponent $C_e, C_s$ is the cipher-text encrypt as follow $$С_e = (m + r_1)^e \\bmod N$$ $$С_s = (m + r_2)^s \\bmod N$$ If attacker only knows $C_e, C_s, r_1, r_2, e, s, N$. Is it possible to know $m$? It seems the does not work?",
"Why do statisticians discourage us from referring to results as \"highly significant\" when the $p$-value is well below the conventional $\\alpha$-level of $0.05$? Is it really wrong to trust a result that has 99.9% chance of not being a Type I error ($p=0.001$) more than a result that only gives you that chance at 99% ($p=0.01$)?",
"Using the quadratic formula, we have either 0, 1, or 2 solutions. I wonder if we could use it this formula for congruence? Or is there a formula to solve quadratic equation for congruence? Edit Assume that $ax^2 + bx + c \\equiv 0 \\pmod{p}$, where $p$ is prime with $(a, p) = 1$, then is there a formula for this equation? Thanks,",
"Do stars remain electrically neutral?",
"Which is correct: \"has died\" or \"died\"? To me, using Present Perfect form means the event can occur again. So, saying someone has died may not be grammatically correct. Also, I noticed (it might be just coincidence): passed away is used more often than has passed away Is using Present Perfect correct here?",
"My question relates to Chapter 3, Exercise 8 in "Baby Rudin". It states: If $\\sum_n a_n$ converges, and if $\\{b_n\\}$ is monotonic and bounded, prove that $\\sum_n a_n b_n$ converges. My attempt would have been: Since $\\{b_n\\}$ is monotonic and bounded, $\\{b_n\\}$ converges and it exists $\\inf \\{b_n\\}$ as well as $\\sup \\{b_n\\}$. But then we have $$ \\left| \\sum_n a_n \\inf \\{b_n\\} \\right| \\leq \\left| \\sum_n a_n b_n \\right| \\leq \\left| \\sum_n a_n \\sup \\{b_n\\} \\right| \\leq \\max \\left( \\left| \\sup \\{b_n\\} \\right|, \\left| \\inf \\{b_n \\} \\right| \\right)\\varepsilon \\leq \\tilde{\\varepsilon} $$ since $\\sum_n a_n$ converges and $\\max \\left( \\left| \\sup \\{b_n\\} \\right|, \\left| \\inf \\{b_n \\} \\right| \\right)$ is a finite number. This would imply, by the comparison test, that $\\sum_n a_n b_n$ converges as well. $\\quad \\Box$ But as there was a way longer, more rigorous proof chosen in this , I'm a bit suspicious that my proof is not complete. Am I missing something? EDIT: Thanks everyone! @hermes: The last part of your proof gave me the following idea. As $\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} b_n = c$ and $\\{b_n\\}$ is monotonic, couldn't we just set $b_n = c - c_n$ with a monotonically decreasing sequence $\\{c_n\\}$ which has $\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} c_n = 0$. Then we have $$\\sum_n a_n b_n = \\underbrace{c \\sum_n a_n}_{\\text{converges by assumption}} - \\underbrace{\\sum_n a_n c_n}_{\\text{converges by Theorem 3.42}} \\leq \\varepsilon_1 - \\varepsilon_2 = \\varepsilon $$ since Theorem 3.42 Suppose the partial sums of $\\sum_n a_n$ form a bounded space $\\quad \\checkmark$ $c_0 \\geq c_1 \\geq c_2 \\geq \\dots \\quad \\checkmark$ $\\lim_{n \\to \\infty} c_n = 0 \\quad \\checkmark$ Then $\\sum_n a_n c_n$ converges. Thus $\\sum_n a_n b_n$ converges as well. $\\quad \\Box$ Now that should hold, I think. So I wouldn't need to go through all the estimates.",
"I want to have a page-filling and -breaking longtable, so I decided to try xltabular. Unfortunately xltabular seems to screw up the booktabs rules in the normal tabular environments, see: \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{booktabs, xltabular} \\usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \\PreviewEnvironment{tabular} \\begin{document} \\begin{tabular}{ccc} \\toprule col1 & col2 & col3 \\\\ \\midrule row 2: & more and moooooooooooore & test \\\\ \\bottomrule \\end{tabular} \\end{document} Not loading xltabular resolves the issue. Did I miss some package option or some incompatibilities? Is there a better package than xltabular which doesn't break booktabs? (I am using TeXLive 2019 and compile with lualatex) EDIT (by Skillmon) I reduced the bug to the following MWE (which doesn't make much sense on its own), it looks like booktabs tries to be smart detecting something, but fails badly. \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{longtable} \\let\\xltabular\\relax \\usepackage{booktabs} \\begin{document} \\begin{tabular}{ccc} \\toprule col1 & col2 & col3 \\\\ \\midrule row 2: & more and moooooooooooore & test \\\\ \\bottomrule \\end{tabular} \\end{document} It seems to suffice that longtable is loaded and \\xltabular is defined (even if it's just \\relax).",
"Equation with high exponents",
"Is there more to an interface than having the correct methods So lets say I have this interface: public interface IBox { public void setSize(int size); public int getSize(); public int getArea(); //...and so on } And I have a class that implements it: public class Rectangle implements IBox { private int size; //Methods here } If I wanted to use the interface IBox, i can't actually create an instance of it, in the way: public static void main(String args[]) { Ibox myBox=new Ibox(); } right? So I'd actually have to do this: public static void main(String args[]) { Rectangle myBox=new Rectangle(); } If that's true, then the only purpose of interfaces is to make sure that the class which implements an interface has got the correct methods in it as described by an interface? Or is there any other use of interfaces?",
"I am getting this message every time I do something like starting or stopping a service. perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = \"en_US:en\", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_MESSAGES = \"en_US.UTF-8\", LANG = \"en_US.UTF-8\" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (\"C\"). locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory (Reading database ... 21173 files and directories currently installed.) Removing bind9 ... * Stopping domain name service... bind9 [ OK ] Processing triggers for man-db ... locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory How do I fix this error ?",
"how do I prove that $1 > 0$ in an ordered field? I've started studying calculus. As part of studies I've encountered a question. How does one prove that $1 > 0$? I tried proving it by contradiction by saying that $1 < 0$, but I can't seem to contradict this hypothesis. Any help will be welcomed.",
"How old is SpongeBob? I don't mean how old is the series, I mean what is SpongeBob's age if he were a real person. I ask because his age seems to be ambiguous in the show. He has a full-time job He has his own house He is always referred to as a kid (especially in the movie) He acts childish and immature In one episode, he was pretending to be an adult/grown-up",
"Are \"if\" and \"iff\" interchangeable in definitions? In some books the word \"if\" is used in definitions and it is not clear if they actually mean \"iff\" (i.e \"if and only if\"). I'd like to know if in mathematical literature in general \"if\" in definitions means \"iff\". For example I am reading \"Essential topology\" and the following definition is written: In a topological space $T$, a collection $B$ of open subsets of $T$ is said to form a basis for the topology on $T$ if every open subset of $T$ can be written as a union of sets in $B$. Should I assume the converse in such a case? Should I assume that given a basis $B$ for a topological space, every open set can be written as a union of sets in $B$? This is just an example, I am not asking specifically about this sentence.",
"Why didn't the Seons change? In the book Elantris, the Reod was caused by a giant earthquake opening a chasm which changed the shape of all the Aons. The Seons, which are basically living Aons, were presumably unchanged, since nobody noticed the change, which should have been obvious on the simpler Aons.",
"How does the 2009 Star Trek film mesh with Enterprise canon? All of the events in the 2009 Star Trek movie would have taken place after the adventures of Captain Johnathan Archer and company. So, unless J.J. Abrams and friends decide to completely hand-wave that bit of history as well, all of the events in Enterprise should (in theory) still be able to line up with this new timeline. Are there any points of conflict in this? How about any time-travel episodes in the Enterprise series which may have happened differently after the interventions of Nero? Are there possible good explanations for such conflicts, or are there some which are irreconcilable? NOTE: I'm not arguing here whether or not ST2k9 is a part of Star Trek canon. In fact, this question is specifically granting that it is. I just want to know if there's any conflicts between the new movie and the existing Star Trek history that remains applicable to it.",
"Where are the Stack Exchange data dumps?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Very weak lower bound for TREE 3. | Where does TREE(n) sit on the Fast Growing Hierarchy? | [
"Pluralizing Noun Phrase?",
"Bottom to top explanation of the Mahalanobis distance?",
"Why don't I have the right to create a text file in my root directory?",
"What is the current URL to create a new Google Document please? Since Google last updated their Docs the old URL does not work.",
"I'm writing a tool to report information about .NET applications deployed across environments and regions within my client's systems. I'd like to read the values of assembly attributes in these assemblies. This can be achieved using Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad, however even this approach keeps the assembly loaded. The issue here is that I cannot load two assemblies that have the same name from different paths, so naturally I can't compare the same application deployed in different systems. At this point I'm assuming the solution will involve using temporary AppDomains. Can someone detail how to load an assembly into another AppDomain, read the attributes from it and then unload the AppDomain? This needs to work for assemblies on the file system as well as those at URL addresses.",
"Why doesn't hydrogen gas exist in Earth's atmosphere? The root mean square velocity of hydrogen gas at room temperature is: Gas constant: $R=8.31\\ \\mathrm{J\\ K^{-1}\\ mol^{-1}}$ Molar mass of hydrogen gas: $M=2.02\\times10^{-3}\\ \\mathrm{kg/mol}$ $$\\begin{align} v &= \\left(\\frac{3\\times8.31\\ \\mathrm{J\\ K^{-1}\\ mol^{-1}}\\times300}{2.02\\times10^{-3}\\ \\mathrm{kg/mol}}\\right)^{\\frac12}\\\\ &= 3356.8377\\ \\mathrm{m/s}\\\\ &= 3.356\\ \\mathrm{km/s} \\end{align}$$ The escape speed of Earth is $11.2\\ \\mathrm{km/s}$, which is larger than the root mean square velocity of hydrogen gas. But still, hydrogen gas doesn't exist in Earth's atmosphere. Why? Have I made any mistakes in my calculations?",
"Let $n \\in ℕ$. Show that the ring $ℤ/nℤ$ is a field if and only if $n$ is prime. Let $n$ prime. I need to show that if $\\bar{a} \\neq 0$ then $∃\\bar b: \\bar{a} \\cdot \\bar{b} = \\bar{1}$. Any hints for this ? Suppose $ℤ/nℤ$ is a field. Therefore: for every $\\bar{a} \\neq 0$ $∃\\bar b: \\bar{a}\\cdot \\bar{b}=1$. How can I show that $n$ must be prime ?",
"My windows directory is huge",
"Create ColorRamp How can I create a ColorRamp for a Cycles material through Python? I am able to create a new shader output node with nodes.new(type='ShaderNodeOutputMaterial'). Searching online, I see that it is only possible through C code (however, these pages dates back several years). Is there a way to fake a ColorRamp (maybe with multiple Math nodes in greater/less than mode) or create a ColorRamp for a Cycles material through Python?",
"I'm on IBM AIX 7.1 where cURL and wget are not available. Also, I'm not in a position to install either. Are there alternatives that would be available that would enable remote API calls using GET/POST?",
"Can a multi-class Bard/Wizard write spells known from Bard, into Wizard spellbook?",
"Using local OpenStreetMap (*.OSM) map with Openlayers 3? What do I need to load a .OSM map in a client side javascript app? (Imagine an offline webapp).",
"Getting an error while trying to script it, specifically \"Cannot use VB for services.\" Snippet and VB code block as follows: Raw block (works within ArcMap): \"\\ftp\\raw\\YYYYMMDD\\Files\\Charles\" +[NAME]+\".ntf\" Snippet: date = '\"20160207\"' arcpy.CalculateField_management(outShp, \"Link\", '\"\\\\\\\\ftp\\\\raw\\\\\"' + date + '\"files\"' + \"[NAME]\"+ '\".shp\"', \"VB\", \"\") Not sure what the issue is, somehow need to be able to insert the date and have it syntactically be correct (in either VB or python). I didn't explain very well I have a column that contains a portion that is part of the hyperlink, so need to concatenate A column to the end of B column (with the partial path) to complete the link",
"future or present with when I just would like to know if this sentence would be grammatically correct and in which cases should I use it: I don't know when he is back instead of he will be back . I know the rule with when \"no will\" in most cases but we can say\" please let me know when it will be available or when it is available\" If that's not correct let me know why please",
"How to tell if a certain item is in a player inventory? I am trying to create a challenge world where a certain item (e.g. a Netherite Sword) must be collected. How can I check automatically if a player has it (using commands), and then congratulate the winner? This question is specific to Bedrock Edition 1.16. I have tried other solutions so many times and they don't seem to work. See also:",
"Server 2008 Net Send or Msg? I have a Windows 2008 server running as a domain controller. The details are as follows: Domain: corp Server Name: oxygen The workstations are all running Windows XP SP3 and have fixed IP addresses. I am trying to use the net send functionality to be able to send simple messages to either individual machines/users and also to all machines. This is so I can send a message to a user to alert them about something, or likewise alert everyone of something such as the server being rebooted. Is this possible using Windows Server 2008? If so, what would the command be?",
"How does the admissions process work for Ph.D. programs in the US, particularly for weak or borderline students? When applying to a PhD program in the US, how does the admissions process work? If an applicant is weak in a particular area, is it possible to offset that by being strong in a different area? Note that this question originated from this . Please feel free to edit the question to improve it.",
"To select a child node in jQuery one can use children() but also find(). For example: $(this).children('.foo'); gives the same result as: $(this).find('.foo'); Now, which option is fastest or preferred and why?",
"I'm considering buying a subscription to Minecraft Realms (on PC) as a gift for somebody I know. Mojang doesn't have a gift option, and I don't want to spoil the surprise, so I was thinking I'd just buy it myself and give them access. If I do this, will the recipient be able to turn around and invite their own friends? Can I grant them \"admin\" access to the server?",
"I've already taken my calculus sequence and I'm interested in brushing up and staying sharp on the basics. So far, my calculus background is limited to single-variable calculus, which I applied in my physics sequence and engineering statistics. I learned a little bit of vector math in physics as well, but I'm not strong in it. My mathematical strengths lie in the discrete mathematics. I'm particularly interested in studying for my IEEE Certified Software Development Associate exam - 10% of the exam is mathematics (calculus, differential equations, and statistics). Calculus is one of the mathematics knowledge areas that a software engineer should be competent in, so I'm looking for not only solidifying the courses that I've already taken, but moving forward with slightly more advanced topics, at an undergraduate mathematics level. I'm currently using the textbook from my calculus sequence, but I'm interested to know what books other people used to learn calculus and if the book is potentially worth checking out. What books are available to help me?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Explanation on Data Disk | Azure Same Storage on VM | [
"How does the radius of a pipe affect the rate of flow of fluid? Poiseuille's law states that the rate of flow of water is proportionate to $r^4$ where $r$ is the radius of the pipe. I don't see why. Intuitively I would expect rate of flow of fluid to vary with $r^2$ as the volume of a cylinder varies with $r^2$ for a constant length. The volume that flows past a point is equal to rate of flow fluid, and thus it should vary with $r^2$. I cannot understand the mathematical proof completely. Is there an intuitive explanation for this?",
"I have two passports/nationalities. How do I use them when I travel? I am a citizen of two different countries, and have two passports. How should I use my passports when traveling?",
"I am trying to implement using additive ElGamal. I am trying to run the full protocol mentioned in Section 3.4 on the following inputs: $p = 17$ (prime) $g = 6$ (generator) $x = 5$ (private key) $k = g^x \\pmod p = 6^5 \\pmod{17} = 7$ (public key) Suppose the clients inputs are 1, 2. Then $P(x) = (x-1)(x-2) = x^2-3x+2$, and therefore the coeffiecients to encrypt are $(1, -3, 2)$. I chose $y = 10$ and so the encrypted values are: $1$ becomes $(15,12)$ $-3$ becomes $(15, 1)$ $2$ becomes $(15, 4)$. The Server Side Input Set $S=\\{1\\}$ and the random value $r0$ corresponding to $\\{1\\}$ is $r_0=2$. With the above problem in context, I have some questions: What does P 0,j refer to in Step 7. Can you please give an example? In Step 8, suddenly variable i is introduced along with j. What does i, j, refer to? In Step 8, ENC() function has a ; in between. How do we interpret ENC(a;b)?",
"Is there any explanation for why the other 2 schools in the TriWizard tournament are both single-gender, unlike Hogwarts? Was single-gender education normal in wizarding world with Hogwarts being the exception? Was this some special intentional literary trick on Rowling's part or on movie creators'? Here's the evidence from the movies: Durmstrang Institute is boys-only: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic seems to be an all-girl school:",
"17.10 Super key to open applications",
"First post review queue: answers are questions, questions are answers I believe there is a typo in the review queue. When reviewing a question, the information message asks the user to review the answer. Take a look at the image below. Similarly, when an answer is posted in the queue, the description box calls it a question instead. Has anyone else noticed this?",
"How can I change the default location for bluetooth file transfers? I have an Android 2.3 device (Samsung Galaxy Y Duos, S6102) and want all files that I receive via bluetooth to save to my SD card. How can I do that?",
"Under what condition we can interchange order of a limit and a summation?",
"What should I do before dual-booting Windows 7 and Debian on EFI?",
"Proof that a sequence is convergent",
"vectorized array creation from a list of start/end indices",
"I'm a student and I'm working on a low power communication project. I am trying to design a PCB using the . There is a MC-306 (32.768kHz, 12.5pf, and 20/50ppm). I don't know what the 20/50ppm rating is. For me, the size is very important, so I decided to replace it with the , but its ppm is -20/+20. Will it cause a problem if I use this one instead? What is the ppm rating in the crystal oscillator?",
"Why many abstract nouns get an indefinite article while it's taught that abstract nouns shouldn't get it?",
"Change footer in beginning of chapters I want the footer of all pages to be \"Page N°X\" on the right. I used this: \\usepackage{fancyhdr} \\pagestyle{fancy} \\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields \\fancyhead[R]{\\leftmark} \\fancyfoot[R]{\\footnotesize Página N$^\\circ$ \\thepage\\ } \\renewcommand{\\headrulewidth}{0pt} \\renewcommand{\\footrulewidth}{0pt} It works on every page but the chapter beginning ones.",
"How many $m\\times n$ tables are there if they are subject to the following two conditions? In each cell of the table we have $1$ or $-1$. The product of all the cells in any given row and the product of all cells in any given column equals $-1$. I already know if Parity of $m$ and $n$ are different there is no such a table. what is the answer in general?",
"How to export debug logs? I spend my days waiting on the Force.com Console and it makes me crazy, I have a pretty nice machine and it still chokes on the details sometimes. Anyways, I saw had given a and is presenting again this year Dreamforce '12. However, it seems like they're presentation is targeted at using their product, or for that matter others like it (, ) on Heroku, and not really targeting APEX/VisualForce development! Is this the case? Are there any better solutions out there for reviewing logs? Are there any APIs that allow you to export your debug logs out of SFDC programatically? Or has anyone even tried to tackle this?",
"I've just installed Ubuntu on my Lenovo g460 with Windows 7. I am not able to play any movie or mp3 file. When I click on a file I'm asked to install a plugin. When I click on the install button nothing happens.",
"Is it safe to use the command apt-get autoremove in this particular scenario?",
"Best word for \"unable to change\"",
"\\includegraphics optional argument not resolved if macro"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Usage of 'will' and 'would' in a question | Usage of "would" and "will" | [
"How can I remove these apps from my device?",
"How do I install VMware player on a Mac os X?",
"pdfTeX error (font expansion): auto expansion is only possible with scalable",
"I have a MacBook Pro Retina (2015). After updating to OS Mojave, Bluetooth has stopped working. I get an error message that \"No Bluetooth Hardware Found\". I have already tried to do the following: Go to the /Library/Preferences and delete the com.apple.Bluetooth.plist file Successfully resetting SMC. (pressing Shift+ctrl+alt + power button) Removing the Bluetooth icon from the menu bar None of the above solutions has worked for me.",
"I lost my house in minecraft. How can I find it? I was in creative mode on minecraft PE. I made this really awesome house plus a hotel! I was finishing up my house but decided to explore first. I explored for about 10 minutes and then stopped. Suddenly, I started worrying because I didn't know where I was. I couldn't find my house on a map, a compass, and I didn't make a beacon or keep track of what side of the sun it was on either. How can I find my house again???",
"Direct link for PDF files in SkyDrive/OneDrive I want to make a direct link to a document at SkyDrive, so that I'll see only the PDF at the browser, not any of the SkyDrive chrome. For example, if you click , you will go automatically to the PDF file. Is there any way to do this?",
"Apple Macbook Dual Monitor MST",
"Classification of automorphisms of projective space",
"How can I get list of symbols, abbreviations, abstract, acknowledgements into Table of Contents before Introduction, and under roman numerals?",
"So basically, I'd like to use iwconfig to connect to my wifi network when I'm not inside X. But I just don't see a way to do it in the man page. Any idea?",
"What is the best way to handle a lot of misused tags? So today I noticed a question that had the tag. As the question was not about JSFiddle, and only included a link to the site, I thought somebody has just created this for the sake of it. So I decided the best action would be to remove it, and try to stop it from getting out of control. But then I searched (clicked the tag) for other questions that used it and I was amayonaised to see over 500 questions had the very same tag! Most of which were incorrectly tagged. So I cleaned up a couple and then quickly got bored. So I am wondering, aside from going through them all by myself, is there a more efficient way? I think it would be a great idea if there was some feature (probably an admin feature) that allowed a new tag queue to be added to the review list. I think this could work well as follows: Somebody brings up the problematic tag in question (e.g. Me on here) An admin reviews my concern, and decides that the tag is very misused That admin adds the tag for review in a (temporary) new review queue. All users that can review can then go through existing tags, and vote for \"No action\" or \"Remove tag\" The world becomes a slightly better place ...or not? By the way, I tried to add some new tags to this post but I don't have the rep. So if someone could create them for me that would be swell: \"musefan\", \"today\", \"sunny-spells\", \"pointless-tags\"",
"I want to find questions within the C++ tag but with zero answers. How can I do that?",
"Which OpenType Math fonts are available? What OpenType math fonts are there available for usage in TeX/LaTeX, e.g. with the unicode-math package? Here is a MWE which you can use to show off the font. \\documentclass{article} \\pagestyle{empty} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\DeclareMathOperator\\Res{Res} \\newcommand*\\diff{\\mathop{}\\!\\mathup{d}} \\usepackage{amsthm} \\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} \\usepackage{unicode-math} %%% % Set up you text and math fonts %%% \\begin{document} \\begin{theorem}[Residue theorem] Let $f$ be analytic in the region $G$ except for the isolated singularities $a_1,a_2,\\dots,a_m$. If $\\gamma$ is a closed rectifiable curve in $G$ which does not pass through any of the points $a_k$ and if $\\gamma\\approx 0$ in $G$, then \\[ \\frac{1}{2\\pi i} \\int\\limits_\\gamma f\\Bigl(x^{\\mathbf{N}\\in\\mathbb{C}^{N\\times 10}}\\Bigr) = \\sum_{k=1}^m n(\\gamma;a_k)\\Res(f;a_k)\\,. \\] \\end{theorem} \\begin{theorem}[Maximum modulus] Let $G$ be a bounded open set in $\\BbbC$ and suppose that $f$ is a continuous function on $G^-$ which is analytic in $G$. Then \\[ \\max\\{\\, |f(z)|:z\\in G^- \\,\\} = \\max\\{\\, |f(z)|:z\\in \\partial G \\,\\}\\,. \\] \\end{theorem} First some large operators both in text: $\\iiint\\limits_{Q}f(x,y,z) \\diff x \\diff y \\diff z$ and $\\prod_{\\gamma\\in\\Gamma_{\\bar{C}}}\\partial(\\tilde{X}_\\gamma)$;\\ and also on display \\[ \\iiiint\\limits_{Q}f(w,x,y,z) \\diff w \\diff x \\diff y \\diff z \\leq \\oint_{\\partial Q} f'\\Biggl(\\max\\Biggl\\{ \\frac{\\Vert w\\Vert}{\\vert w^2+x^2\\vert}; \\frac{\\Vert z\\Vert}{\\vert y^2+z^2\\vert}; \\frac{\\Vert w\\oplus z\\Vert}{\\vert x\\oplus y\\vert} \\Biggr\\}\\Biggr)\\,. \\] \\end{document} Here is a similar MWE for ConTeXt. The images in the answer will only be shown for LaTeX output but the ConTeXt output looks very similar. %%% % Set up you text and math fonts %%% \\setupmathlabeltext[Res=Res] \\definemathcommand[Res][nolop]{\\mfunctionlabeltext{Res}} \\definemathcommand[diff]{\\mathop{}\\!\\mfunctionlabeltext{diff}} \\defineenumeration [theorem] [text={Theorem}, style=italic, title=yes, titlestyle=normal, distance=0pt, titleleft={(}, titleright={).~}, alternative=serried, width=fit] \\starttext \\starttheorem[title={Residue theorem}] Let $f$ be analytic in the region $G$ except for the isolated singularities $a_1,a_2,\\dots,a_m$. If $\\gamma$ is a closed rectifiable curve in $G$ which does not pass through any of the points $a_k$ and if $\\gamma\\approx 0$ in $G$, then \\startformula \\frac{1}{2\\pi i} \\int\\limits_\\gamma f\\Bigl(x^{{\\mathbf N}\\in\\mathbb{C}^{N\\times 10}}\\Bigr) = \\sum_{k=1}^m n(\\gamma;a_k)\\Res(f;a_k)\\,. \\stopformula \\stoptheorem \\starttheorem[title={Maximum modulus}] Let $G$ be a bounded open set in $\\mathbb{C}$ and suppose that $f$ is a continuous function on $G^-$ which is analytic in $G$. Then \\startformula \\max\\{\\, |f(z)|:z\\in G^- \\,\\} = \\max\\{\\, |f(z)|:z\\in \\partial G \\,\\}\\,. \\stopformula \\stoptheorem First some large operators both in text: $\\iiint\\limits_{Q}f(x,y,z) \\diff x \\diff y \\diff z$ and $\\prod_{\\gamma\\in\\Gamma_{\\bar{C}}}\\partial(\\tilde{X}_\\gamma)$;\\ and also on display \\startformula \\iiiint\\limits_{Q}f(w,x,y,z) \\diff w \\diff x \\diff y \\diff z \\leq \\oint_{\\partial Q} f'\\Biggl(\\max\\Biggl\\{ \\frac{\\Vert w\\Vert}{\\vert w^2+x^2\\vert}; \\frac{\\Vert z\\Vert}{\\vert y^2+z^2\\vert}; \\frac{\\Vert w\\oplus z\\Vert}{\\vert x\\oplus y\\vert} \\Biggr\\}\\Biggr)\\,. \\stopformula \\stoptext",
"How can I avoid Java code in JSP files, using JSP 2?",
"Automotive electronic circuit design, Voltage divider to uC ADC pin Automotive Circuit requirement: If input pin is connected to Battery(T87 line), the output of the circuit shall provide a output voltage of 5V to ADC pin of microcontroller, if the input pin is connected to GND, the output of the circuit shall provide a output voltage of 0V to ADC pin of microcontroller and if the input pin is left floating, the output of the circuit shall provide a output voltage of 2.5V to ADC pin of microcontroller. The battery voltage in load dump condition could be up to 60V, but in normal operation without any fault condition, it would be up to 32V. Would a simple voltage divider (with a pull-up to 5V) with a blocking diode be enough? Any other ideas? What parameters of the ADC of the microcontroller should be considered? Injection current into the uC- ADC pin would be critical, right? How do I find out the voltage thresholds? Also, what are the parameters of the Schottky diode that I should look to select? The diode would decouple the input pin from the centre tap of the voltage divider, because in case the input pin is connected to battery, the injection current into the uC ADC pin would be too high. I have used a switching diode, since it was already available in the Bill of Materials.",
"I know how to rename files in Unix: $ mv ~/folder/subfolder/file.txt ~/folder/subfolder/file.sh ^-------this part------^ ^------this part-------^ It takes too long time to repeat ~/folder/subfolder/file twice. Is there a quicker way?",
"It seems that by the OP of was attributed to the community user. I'm assuming that the edit was by the OP from the edit summary: updated my question and from the actual update. Both texts are speaking in the first person.",
"I am trying to customize the legend for this graph. First of all, I would like the legend width to be equal to the x-axis width. At the moment, I am setting the width of the legend via /tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=1.0cm} and I could manually adjust this value so that length equals the x-axis width, but I guess that there is a more elegant way to set the width of the legend. Second, I don't really like the little color rectangles in the legend. I only want one rectangle in front of every entry and not two. This rectangle does not need to have a border and should be vertically centred with the text. The alignment seems to be okay for the rectangle closer to the text, but not for one the far left. Update: Thanks to Christian Feuersänger's comment, there is possibility to change the rectangles via legend image code/.code={% \\draw[#1, draw=none] (0cm,-0.1cm) rectangle (0.6cm,0.1cm); or what Gonzalo Medina proposed legend image code/.code={% \\draw[#1, draw=none, /tikz/.cd, bar width=3pt, yshift=-0.2em, bar shift=0pt] % plot coordinates {(2*\\pgfplotbarwidth,0.6em)}; Third, I would like to the legend entries to start next to the text \"Legend:\". I don't really know if with these requirements it still makes sense to use legend or if it would be better to add everything manually via after end axis/.code and \\ref{label}. Graph MWE \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{pgfplots} \\pgfplotsset{compat=newest} \\begin{document} \\begin{tikzpicture} \\begin{axis}[ ybar, height=6cm, title={Some plot}, width=12cm, axis on top, y axis line style={opacity=0}, axis x line*=bottom, tick align=inside, tick style={draw=none}, xtick=data, ymajorgrids, major grid style={draw=white}, xtick={1,2,3,4}, legend style={ at={(0.0,-0.15)}, anchor=north west, legend columns=-1, /tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=1.0cm} }, ] \\addlegendimage{empty legend} \\addlegendentry{\\textbf{Legend:}} \\addplot coordinates { (1, 0.2064) (2, 0.3961) (3, 0.5961) (4, 0.7961)}; \\addlegendentry[text width=45pt, text depth=]{legend a} \\addplot coordinates { (1, 0.3064) (2, 0.4961) (3, 0.6961) (4, 0.8961)}; \\addlegendentry[text width=65pt, text depth=]{lengend b} \\end{axis} \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document}",
"Submodule of free module over a p.i.d. is free even when the module is not finitely generated?",
"I define $X_i$ as a random variable that is uniformly distributed between (0,1). What is the expected number of such variables I require to make the sum go just higher than 1. Thanks"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How can I recover a deleted file on Android? | How to recover a deleted file from /data partition? | [
"According to preliminary estimates, the project should be completed by 2020 at a cost of about RUB 40 bn. or According to preliminary estimates, the project should be completed by 2020 at the cost of about RUB 40 bn. Are both options okay, or is the first better? We are introducing the sum to the reader, so logically it should be the first option. But there's a lot of google-hits for \"at the cost of\" too.",
"Can I change my flight dates after I get my Schengen visa? I am an Indian student in the UK. If I already had a single entry Schengen visa and I apply again to the French embassy, will I be issued with multiple-entry? If I get the visa, but due to a problem, I cannot travel on the intended dates(ones I mentioned on visa form) and decide to travel a month later, will it cause a problem when I travel next. And if I dont exactly follow the itenary that I submitted with my visa application? As far as dates are concerned. I mean this: Suppose my visa is valid for May-August. When I applied for this visa, my itenary and hotel bookings were for June. But now I decide to travel instead in July. Will there be a problem if I did not take the journey for which I initially applied the visa and take a different journey later instead",
"What corrections can you make on galley proofs? When I receive galley proofs of a paper, I look at possible errors introduced by the copy-editing team. But while I proofread the article, there are sometimes small mistakes I'd like to fix, which were not introduced by them (i.e. they were already present in the accepted version of the manuscript). Usually, the proofs are accompanied by instructions saying that extensive changes should not be introduced at that time, and any such changes would have to be approved by the editor (hence, I suppose, delaying publication). However, the limit is not very clear to me. What is considered extensive changes? In particular, what do you think of the following items (from my experience): Slight changes in wording, to improve clarity Updating a citation, because an “in press” or “ASAP” article now has page numbers Adding an important (but not crucial) citation one had missed, in the introduction Adding a citation to a paper that has been published since the manuscript was submitted; possibly adding a short sentence to the text What I have done so far is change everything that I think should be changed to improve the paper (including all the above items), and let the typesetter decide whether he wanted to send it back to the editor. I never received any complaint or comment on my changes, which could indicate that it was the correct course of action.",
"Why use a z test rather than a t test with proportional data?",
"How do I view 'git diff' output with my preferred diff tool/ viewer? When I type git diff, I want to view the output with my visual diff tool of choice (SourceGear \"diffmerge\" on Windows). How do I configure git to do this?",
"Projection is an open map Let $X$ and $Y$ be (any) topological spaces. Show that the projection $\\pi_1$ : $X\\times Y\\to X$ is an open map.",
"I have been denied a visa several times in a row. How does one deal with such serial refusals?",
"Draft mode for pgfplots I'm working on a fairly big document that has a lot of graphs of functions- so far it has around 200, by the end it will have around 1500. I use pgfplots for each graphic, and the functions are pretty basic: exponential, rational, polynomial, and trigonometric. Once I am happy with each graph, I don't necessarily need to see it every time I compile, and would like to minimize compilation time for future drafts. Naturally, the document is already chopped up into chapter files, but each chapter contains around 100 figures. Having studied the pgfplots documentation, I haven't found a draft mode, but I'm interested in knowing if one could be created. I'm envisaging something similar to the draft mode of the graphicx package, in which graphics are not included, and blank boxes are put in their place. Some things I've considered: the documentclass; but with about 1500 figures, wouldn't this mean over-modulization? tikzexternalize, but this still requires an initial 'monster' compilation to get the images externalized before the draft option could be invoked Here's a MWE to play with \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{pgfplots} \\begin{document} \\begin{tikzpicture} \\begin{axis} \\addplot {x^2}; \\end{axis} \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document}",
"Can you restore log file backups to a mirror database after failure? Purely a theoretical question as I've been considering possible DR scenarios... In this scenario: The link between a principle and a mirror server becomes unavailable for a period of time (e.g. network outage) Incremental log backups are still being taken during this time Then the principle database fails and is unrecoverable Is it possible to restore the incremental log backups onto the mirror to bring it up to date and back online, or would you need to start from scratch with a restore of a full backup? Depending on the size of the database the difference could be hours of downtime so it would be nice to know. I'm predominantly interested in SQL Server 2008 R2 and 2012 but other people may be interested in other versions if there's a difference.",
"How do I combine standard deviations of two groups? I have 2 groups of people. I'm working with the data about their age. I know the means, the standard deviations and the number of people. I don't know the data of each person in the groups. Group 1 : Mean = 35 years old; SD = 14; n = 137 people Group 2 : Mean = 31 years old; SD = 11; n = 112 people I want to combine those 2 groups to obtain a new mean and SD. It's easy for the mean, but is it possible for the SD? I do not know the distribution of those samples, and I can't assume those are normal distributions. Is there a formula for distributions that aren't necessarily normal?",
"I would like to know difference between user and service account. I know that e.g. Jenkins installed to ubuntu is not a user, . What is use of service account? When we need them? How can I create service account?",
"Can a mangaka continue another mangaka's manga? There are plenty of manga that never had an ending for many reasons. For example, High School of the Dead's mangaka, Daisuke Satou, . Some mangaka also cannot continue their work because of health problems, as well as other reasons. Say the original mangaka either prepared or did not prepare an ending himself/herself, can another mangaka continue their work? Has this ever happened before?",
"I have a 64-bit machine that has Windows 7 32-bit and Ubuntu 32-bit installed as a dual boot setup. Can I run 64-bit software on top of these 32-bit OSes, or are they a \"bottleneck\" limiting the true capability of the underlying hardware?",
"grep strange behaviour with single letter words I am removing stop words from a text, roughly using this I have the following $ cat file file types extensions $ cat stopwords i file types grep -vwFf stopwords file I am expecting the result: extensions but I get the ( I think incorrect) file extensions It is as if the word file has been skipped in the stopwords file. Now here's the cool bit: if I modify the stopwords file, by changing the single word/letter i on the first line, to any other ascii letter apart from f, i, l, e, then the same grep command gives me a different and correct result of extensions. What is going on here and how do I fix it? I'm using grep (BSD grep) 2.5.1-FreeBSD on a Mac OSX GNU bash, version 4.4.12(1)",
"I prefer to use bm package to bold math. However, I noticed that when used with eulervm, this gives inconsistent results for ‘<’ and ‘>’ characters. I wonder what causes it and can the usage bm be fixed to get proper ‘<’. \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %\\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage[euler-digits,euler-hat-accent]{eulervm} \\usepackage{bm} \\begin{document} \\texttt{\\hphantom{mathbold}\\llap{bm}}: \\quad $ 1 + 1 < 3; \\quad \\bm{1 + 1 < 3} $ \\texttt{mathbold}: \\quad $ 1 + 1 < 3; \\quad \\mathbold{1 + 1 < 3} $ \\end{document}",
"Render not showing UV texture I have added a texture to a cube in the UV editor and it shows up fine in textured view But when I render it there is no texture What have I done wrong?",
"Show that $\\sin(z) = z$ has infinitely many solutions in complex numbers. Little Picard theorem should help, but using big Picard theorem is undesirable. Thanks a lot!",
"How do I fix a \"Problem with MergeList\" or \"status file could not be parsed\" error when trying to do an update? The computer gave me this output in a window: E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary-i386_Packages E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. How can I fix this?",
"How can I set cron to run certain commands every one and a half hours?",
"Design simulates perfectly but won't work on FPGA"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
SetSharedVariable on multi-dimensional array | Changing a Part of a variable within ParallelDo | [
"Hyperspace travel is a norm in Star Wars universe. Even small ships have that capability and without this capability galactic-scale economy isn't possible. My educated estimates say that at any point of time at least billions of ships are in hyperspace across the galaxy. Now, talk about economic hubs like Coruscant during Clone Wars Era. The number of ships arriving here should be enormous. Millions in an hour? If one person small ship can have warping capability, then the number can exceed even billions in a peak hour. You can go shopping on a neighbor planet five times a day or you can live on a cheap planet even if you have a job on Coruscant (there are public transport cabs featured in Rebels TV show in case you aren't rich enough to have own ship). Now, the famous quote: \"Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star or bounce too close to a supernova, and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it?\" That's fine. Calculations prevent you from hitting a star, supernova or planet which are already on map, but how does a ship avoid hitting another ship? Provided that number of ships arriving near a planet is that much high, the probability of two ships jumping to the same co-ordinate can't be zero. In fact, the probability should be very very high. Is there a central body which controls the traffic by coordinating the hyperspace calculations of different ships? This seems unlikely because everyone seems to go anywhere they want while maintaining the destination privacy (there are countless examples). Or, is there really a traffic control body and those who travel privately actually gamble? Is there any other protocol if not traffic control body? Has the canon ever addressed it? What about Legends?",
"Proof of \"Dual normed vector space is complete\"",
"I just saw Death in Paradise Season 5 Episode 3, which features a photographer using a DSLR to shoot a fashion runway performance. He had a flash that was a ring around the lens. I thought that was for macro shots only, where the extreme close-up has trouble with normal flash placement. For normal photos you want the flash far from the lens, like on a boom on a separate handle framing the camera. I've seen some recent trendiness in having ring-shaped catch lights, but I supposed those would be positioned in the normal manner: off-angle from the lens. I suppose if an on-camera had any effect at all it would be for some subtle fill flash. Is this a realistic thing to see from a pro? Or is it just a cool-looking prop that doesn't really fit the situation?",
"I think it's something like this: (Fedora14/bash) #!/bin/bash for i in {0..10..1}; do echo -e \"$i\"'\\c' echo -e \"\\n\\r\" sleep 1 done But it doesn't work. Purpose: like this, but without the \"clear\": #!/bin/bash for i in {0..10..1}; do echo -e \"$i\" sleep 1 clear done So a counting script that doesn't deletes the whole screen to output +1 number, instead it only deletes the line, where the counting is, so that there could be ex.: a beatifull \"progress bar\"..",
"I have gcc 7.3.0 on Ubuntu 18.04. But I am working on a project where I need gcc less than version 6. When I tried to install gcc 5.4 using sudo apt install gcc-5.4, I got this error: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package gcc-5.4 E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'gcc-5.4' E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'gcc-5.4' What is the appropriate way to install gcc 5.4?",
"Best way to deal with questions answered by the OP in the question instead of in an answer I saw this question: I don't know what the best option is for dealing with such a question, because I've seen questions like this several times already. So, what should we do with questions that are: poorly asked finally answered by the OP as an update to the question itself, not as an answer.",
"How to check whether a JavaScript variable defined in cross-browser way? I ran into this problem when writing some JavaScript utilizing FireBug logging. I wrote some code like below: function profileRun(f) { // f: functions to be profiled console.profile(f.constructor); f(); console.profileEnd(f.constructor); } It works fine in FireFox/FireBug, but it reports error in IE8 RC1. So, I'd like to do some checking whether console variable exists in the execution environment. Below code works fine in FireFox, but not in IE8 RC1. function profileRun(f) { if (console != undefined) { console.profile(f.constructor); } f(); if (console != undefined) { console.profileEnd(f.constructor); } } However, if I do it this way. It works in IE8 RC1. Why? function profileRun(f) { if (window.console != undefined) { console.profile(f.constructor); } f(); if (window.console != undefined) { console.profileEnd(f.constructor); } } Is there any cross-browser way to check it?",
"Do I need a bus/train/plane ticket out of Thailand in order to get a Visa-on-Arrival?",
"When did the word \"so\" begin to be used to start a sentence? In the last few years, I've noticed a growing usage of the word \"so\" to begin a sentence, especially in the context of higher education. For example: Interviewer: \"What is the nature of your research\" Researcher: \"So, what we wanted to find out is...\" It seems to be a replacement the word \"well\", or, more informally, \"ok\". Has this usage of the word been around for a long time and I'm just now noticing it? Do you think that is a valid use of the word?",
"Show that there are $ a,b \\geq 0 $ so that $ |f(x)| \\leq ax+b, \\forall x \\geq 0.$ I have the following exercise: $$f:[0, +\\infty) \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R} \\text{ uniformly continuous } .$$ $$\\text{Show that there are } a,b \\geq 0 \\text{ so that } |f(x)| \\leq ax+b, \\forall x \\geq 0.$$ $$$$ $f:[0, +\\infty) \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R} \\text{ uniformly continuous } :$ $\\forall \\epsilon >0 \\exists \\delta >0 \\text{ such that } \\forall x,y \\in [0, + \\infty) \\text{ with } |x-y|< \\delta \\Rightarrow |f(x)-f(y)|<\\epsilon$ $$$$ How can I continue??",
"How to convert a column number (e.g. 127) into an Excel column (e.g. AA)",
"Why do this() and super() have to be the first statement in a constructor?",
"$A=\\begin{pmatrix}0&0&1\\\\ 0&1&0\\\\ 1&0&0\\end{pmatrix}$ How do I show that there are no solutions for $X^2=A$ in $M_3(R)$? I tried $X^2=\\begin{pmatrix}a_{11}&a_{12}&a_{13}\\\\ a_{21}&a_{22}&a_{23}\\\\ a_{31}&a_{32}&a_{33}\\end{pmatrix}^2=A$, but I couldn't seem to find anything that shows there are no solutions. How should I approach this?",
"Inequality $\\frac1a + \\frac1b + \\frac1c \\leq \\frac{a^8+b^8+c^8}{a^3b^3c^3}$ Let $a,b,c$ be positive reals . Prove that $\\displaystyle \\frac1a + \\frac1b + \\frac1c \\leq \\frac{a^8+b^8+c^8}{a^3b^3c^3}$ I found this one in a book, no hints mentioned, but marked as very hard. I can't make any progress...",
"How could I select one vertex from my mesh if I know ID of that vertex? I enabled bpy.app.debug = True and I can see all IDs but cant find a specific one.",
"I've noticed that if I downvote an answer, the record of the downvote is visible to me in my profile. But when I view my profile from another browser that's not logged into Stack Overflow, I've noticed that I don't see the record of the downvote. So I was wondering if the downvote record is visible only to me? If so, is this done to protect downvoters from retaliation?",
"\"Hail Mary\", \"Glory Be\" in the plural Possible Duplicate: In the rosary, a Catholic sacramental composed of prayer beads, there is a short prayer concluding each decade called \"Glory Be\" (\"Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit...\"). Would the plural be Glory Bes or Glory Be's? Likewise, do you say 10 Hail Marys?",
"What is the meaning of the axes in t-SNE? I'm currently trying to wrap my head around the math. Unfortunately, there is still one question I can't answer satisfactorily: What is the actual meaning of the axes in a t-SNE graph? If I were to give a presentation on this topic or include it in any publication: How would I label the axes appropriately? P.S: I read Reddit question but the answers given there (such as \"it depends on interpretation and domain knowledge\"), don't really help me to understand this.",
"How to normalize data between -1 and 1? I have seen the min-max normalization formula but that normalizes values between 0 and 1. How would I normalize my data between -1 and 1? I have both negative and positive values in my data matrix.",
"How can you change the href for a hyperlink using jQuery?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Estimate error of the steepest descent method | Why does the classical path give the dominant contribution in the path integral? | [
"Placing a single algorithm in two columns",
"Evaluating and proving $\\lim\\limits_{x\\to\\infty}\\frac{\\sin x}x$",
"Compare nullable types in Linq to Sql I have a Category entity which has a Nullable ParentId field. When the method below is executing and the categoryId is null, the result seems null however there are categories which has null ParentId value. What is the problem in here, what am I missing? public IEnumerable<ICategory> GetSubCategories(long? categoryId) { var subCategories = this.Repository.Categories.Where(c => c.ParentId == categoryId) .ToList().Cast<ICategory>(); return subCategories; } By the way, when I change the condition to (c.ParentId == null), result seems normal.",
"How to draw a fish? I would like to draw an image like the following. This is what I've done so far (I used tikz, but any other package is welcome): \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage{tikz} \\begin{document} \\begin{tikzpicture} \\draw[fill=blue] (.5,0) rectangle (4,2); \\draw[fill=red] (1,1) to[bend left=50] (3,1) to[bend left=50] (1,1); \\draw[fill=red] (3,1) -- (3.5,1.5) -- (3.3,1) -- (3.5,.5) -- cycle; \\draw[fill=white] (1.6,1.1) circle (.15cm); \\draw[fill=blue] (1.55,1.1) circle (.05cm); \\end{tikzpicture} \\end{document} Edit: April 2nd, Time for explanation In Italy (but I also think in other countries), a practical joke done on April 1st is called \"pesce d'Aprile\" (= April's fish, that is an ) and is often related to fishes. The usual one is to stick a drawing of a fish on someone's back without he/she realizes it. Some years ago a colleague of mine stuck some \"pesci d'Aprile\" with written below \"sono disponibile\" (= I'm easy) on the rear of all the cars in our company car parking. Some other colleagues didn't realize it, and they had gone around with that drawing for days. Another funny example happened in Milan . Someone put on the windshield of a lot of cars a false fine for illegal parking. On the fine sheet was written \"per il pagamento rivolgersi agli uffici comunali di via Gadio, 2\" (= for payment, please contact the municipal offices in via Gadio, 2), the address of the Civic Aquarium. Hence, this question was simply a way to put P.S. = Since I earned a lot of reputation points with this trick question, I decided to give them back to the Community awarding a bounty to the two answers posted on April, 1st. Moreover, I accepted Robert's one since he guessed without spoiling, and I thank the other two answerers. To the downvoters: you're probably technically right, but: there's already too much sadness in the world, let's laugh now and then! humor is part of the LaTeX philosophy, Prof. Knuth himself docet if only serious questions are accepted, why did they create a fun tag?",
"Is it possible to build a single mysql query (without variables) to remove all records from the table, except latest N (sorted by id desc)? Something like this, only it doesn't work :) delete from table order by id ASC limit ((select count(*) from table ) - N) Thanks.",
"for loop wget directory creation error As a Ubuntu beginner. I am trying to download links from multiple text files with wget2 in batch. The -P "$f" creates directory name with .txt suffix. Is it possible to ignore .txt for -P "$f". Any modification suggestions. for f in *.txt;do wget2 -i "$f" -P "$f";done",
"Quote environment with reference at the end right",
"Is there a way to make comments in the node editor? I'd like to have a node like the Frame node but one that can have lots of text, not just a header. I've looked and it looks like there isn't any such capability so far, so I was wondering how easy it would be for someone to create a custom Comment node as an add-on or script (I don't know the differences between the two). I myself would love to leave detailed comments in complex node trees so that I can figure out what I was doing/what to do when I come back to them months later.",
"This has happened to me many times in the last 5 years: an upgrade broke my system. Each time I end up with this situation, I have to reinstall the whole system, which is really annoying. Is there any way to roll back the most recent upgrade to be able to have a functional system without reinstalling? If not, which is the best way to suggest this as a top priority idea? I read this idea was described in brainstorm.ubuntu.com, but it feels it is dead... and the forums are full of examples of upgrades breaking things, that's why I feel something needs to be done about this topic. Thanks!",
"Do class spells take up spell slots? So I'm fairly new and ended up being the Cleric in my also fairly new group. I haven't played a caster before and the book says that at level 1 I have Bless and Cure Wounds. Do I need to assign these to a spell slot or do I have them inherently (not to be confused with a cantrip; I know I'd have to use a slot to cast them)?",
"Process descendants",
"How to prevent alt-f1 from selecting Dash",
"I'm trying out with gnuplot to generate the data. This works by having pgfplots write some stuff to an external file, run gnuplot on the file, and then use the generated data to plot the graph. The problem I'm having is that I get different behaviour under xelatex as pdflatex or lualatex. In xelatex, the data file is littered with ^^I whereas in the other two formats these are tabs. It appears that the code ^^I is getting stored as a macro which then gets written out to the file, so possibly there's something funny going on with the ^^I syntax: xelatex is reading it literally. Indeed, when I do \\show\\pgfplots@TAB (the macro in question) then for pdflatex and lualatex then I get a literal tab whereas for xelatex I get ^^I. So how do I get a tab in xelatex? And why isn't \\gdef\\pgfplots@TAB{^^I} working? (The previous line in the code, by the way, is \\catcode`\\^^I=12 - I don't know if that has anything to do with it.)",
"A matrix and its transpose have the same set of eigenvalues/other version: $A$ and $A^T$ have the same spectrum",
"I am using Microsoft Visual C++ on Windows and Qt Creator on Ubuntu. I can't change permissions on my flash drive (FAT32), even as root. How can I change permissions on a FAT32 flash-drive?",
"I want to start a modal operator by clicking a button in a panel in the properties region. It should then stop when I click somewhere in the 3D viewport. I want to execute some code when I start and finish the operator (see the code below). I tried modifiyng the modal operator template with an execute method to start the modal operator. But the now the context.space_data.type is always "PROPERTIES" because that's where the panel is located, I guess. Is this a bad way of doing what I want? class MY_OPERATOR_OT_click_on_3dview(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "mesh.click_on_3dview" bl_label = "Click on 3D" def modal(self, context, event): if context.space_data.type != 'VIEW_3D': return {'PASS_THROUGH'} if event.type in {'MIDDLEMOUSE', 'WHEELUPMOUSE', 'WHEELDOWNMOUSE'}: # allow navigation return {'PASS_THROUGH'} elif event.type == 'LEFTMOUSE': # DO ALL THE POST-SELECT STUFF return {'FINISHED'} elif event.type in {'RIGHTMOUSE', 'ESC'}: return {'CANCELLED'} return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def execute(self, context): # DO ALL THE SETUP STUFF context.window_manager.modal_handler_add(self) return {'RUNNING_MODAL'} def cancel(self, context): print("CANCEL???")",
"What does NOEXEC flag mean when mounting directories on RHEL? I am trying to understand the NOEXEC flag when mounting. I am having an execution issue within the /tmp directory on someone elses machine that I cannot access atm where the /tmp directory is mounted onto a different drive than '/' and NOEXEC is present. I wanted to try and recreate this scenario on my machine, but I do not have a second hard drive. I tried doing the following command: mount --bind /test1 /test2 I then removed the bind flag and added NOEXEC in /etc/fstab. Then, I created a file in /test2 called test.sh where it just echos 'hello world'. I try and run it and it said 'permission denied'. I then ran chmod 777 test.sh and was able to execute the file just fine. I thought that the NOEXEC flag should not allow me to execute anything? Is mount --bind /test1 /test2 not the same as mounting from a completely different physical drive? As in /test1 and /test2 are on different drives?",
"resolv.conf not working properly with Ethernet in Ubuntu I have a Lenovo X200 laptop on which I am running Ubuntu 9.10. Recently, (I assume after some updating, but I really don't know) my ethernet port stopped working under Linux. A more tech/linux-savvy friend of mine was able to temporarily fix the problem by manually editing the resolv.conf file with the DNS servers he found through his connection. However, after rebooting, the problem came back and now I am looking for a more permanent solution.",
"Regex match entire words only",
"File upload with Javascript without user intervention"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Blender subdividing faces and creating edges where shouldn't be any | Flat quads (or, why is my mesh so funky?) | [
"I know that its is the possessive and it's is the contraction, and know when to use them. But why doesn't the possessive have an apostrophe? \"The bear's eating a fish.\" [contraction] \"The bear's coat is brown.\" [possessive] \"It's eating a fish.\" [contraction] \"Its coat is brown.\" [possessive] \"One's eating a fish.\" [contraction] \"One's coat is brown.\" [possessive] lists the etymology as \"From + \", and says that this is actually the original form: Originally written it's, and still deliberately spelled thus by some writers until early 1800s. So what happened to the apostrophe? When did people stop using it, and why did they? It seems that it's as the possessive is more natural, as most people do this until they're taught that it is wrong (or even after). Update: Online Etymology Dictionary has been updated to include two potential explanations: The apostrophe came to be omitted, perhaps because it's already was established as a contraction of it is, or by general habit of omitting apostrophes in personal pronouns (hers, yours, theirs, etc.). Can anyone back up either of these arguments? The possessive one's still has the apostrophe, despite these.",
"How to solve $y^2=3x^4+3x^2+1$ for integers. If $x,y \\in \\mathbb Z$ , then find all the solutions of $$y^2=3x^4+3x^2+1$$ I was asked this question by my friend who said that he encountered this while solving another problem. I have tried several things but am unable to solve this question. Moreover, this has to be done using elementary methods only. So far, I have tried to factorize and use Pell's equation. At the end, I'm getting $$2y_{n} + (2x^2_{n}+1)\\sqrt{3}=(2+\\sqrt{3})^{n}$$ where $n \\in \\mathbb Z^{+}$ But I'm not able to figure out how to show a contradiction from here. Can anyone please help me out? Thanks.",
"Show that $\\sum_{n = 1}^\\infty n^qx^n$ is absolutely convergent, and that $\\lim_{n \\rightarrow \\infty}$ $n^qx^n = 0$ I'm having trouble with proving the following for my math study: Let $x$ be a real number with $|x| < 1$, and $q$ be a real number. Show that the series $\\sum_{n = 1}^\\infty n^qx^n$ is absolutely convergent, and that $\\lim_{n \\rightarrow \\infty}$ $n^qx^n = 0$ I tried this: $\\sum_{n = 1}^\\infty n^qx^n$ = $x + 2^q + 3^qx^3 + ...$ $= x(1 + 2^qx + 3^qx^2 + ...)$ So far, I don't know how I have to do this, I tried to apply the root test on this, but for that I would need to compute the lim sup of the series, so I thought that was not correct. Could you explain me how to prove this? Thanks in advance!",
"I noticed that the these two commands to list files below 5 GiB produce different results: find . -type f -size -5368709120c find . -type f -size -5G Specifically the one that uses kilobyte unit (5368709120c) returns additional files that are larger than the maximum file size returned by the one that uses the GiB unit (5G). From the find manual page I read the following: -size n[cwbkMG] File uses n units of space. The following suffixes can be used: `b' for 512-byte blocks (this is the default if no suffix is used) `c' for bytes `w' for two-byte words `k' for Kilobytes (units of 1024 bytes) `M' for Megabytes (units of 1048576 bytes) `G' for Gigabytes (units of 1073741824 bytes) The size does not count indirect blocks, but it does count blocks in sparse files that are not actually allocated. Bear in mind that the `%k' and `%b' format specifiers of -printf handle sparse files differently. The `b' suffix always denotes 512-byte blocks and never 1 Kilobyte blocks, which is different to the behaviour of -ls. So, given that the unit of G is 1073741824, 5G should be 5368709120c. Is the issue due to how sparse or indirect blocks are counted? Thanks in advance for the help.",
"Calculate text width with JavaScript",
"let q be an odd prime and p a prime dividing $1+n+\\dots+n^{q-1}$. Prove that $p = 1 \\mod q$ or $p = q$. I don't actually know how to start, i thought of using fermat's little theorem or an application of eulers formula, but it didn't really give me any insights. Any hints?",
"Block network access of a process? Is it possible to block the (outgoing) network access of a single process?",
"I to the question \"\" which was specific to the question asked. Another user engaged positively with my answer, as there was a small conversation thread. That person then and made what I would say are minor modifications (the comments I left in my original code that pertained to the specific case are still in the places where he made edits to be more specific). The answer does acknowledge that it is a general case of my specific code. Ignoring the fact that I'm involved in it, what should one do when seeing this situation? The only thing I can think of, and I'm not sure that it's necessarily the right solution, is to flag the answer for moderator attention. Other possible actions, which I believe are wrong, are: Editing the answer; that would change its intent Voting the answer down; it's a technically correct answer One could leave a comment, but that can lead to confrontation and escalation (depending on the parties involved) which would be counterproductive. The only thing I've done, which is not really related, is edit the answer to hyperlink the already existing attribution (but I do this as a regular edit for any answer which explicitly references another). What's the best approach here, if any?",
"Isomorphism between quotient modules Is it true for a commutative ring $R$ and its ideals $I$ and $J$ that if the quotient $R$-modules $R/I$ and $R/J$ are isomorphic then $I=J$?",
"How to bake to vertex colors in blender cycles?",
"Is $f(x)=10$ a periodic function?",
"I've been writing in English for many years, but there are certain recurring issues that come up in my writing, which I can't seem to resolve permanently. Primarily I have a problem with punctuation. In my native language, commas are very commonly used. One would place a comma to separate any portion of the sentence that serves a specific grammatical role. At least, this is the case according to the rules I was taught in school. I can see when I write in English that there are extraneous commas, but I can't always figure out which ones, and why. When dependent clauses require commas, when do they allow them, and when are they definitely incorrect?",
"How to make \\left, \\right pairs of delimiter work over multiple lines? I have a very long equation that must be separated into two lines, and it has several pairs of nesting \\left \\right delimiters. Unfortunately, it seems that they need to be on the same line in order for them to work. Also I'm using the align environment because I need the aligning functionality. Is there a way to have the size of delimiters automatically adjusted over multiple lines?",
"Here is my script: #!/bin/bash echo \"Digite o local em que deseja instalar o IGRAFU(pressione enter para instalar em ${HOME}/IGRAFO):\" read caminho if test -z $caminho then caminho=\"${HOME}/IGRAFO\" fi echo \"O IGRAFU será instalado no diretório: $caminho\" mkdir -pv $caminho mv -v ./* $caminho echo \"Pronto!\" At 'read caminho' I may receive from the user a path like ~/somefolder. When the script receives that kind of path both mv and mkdir won't make tilde expansion, so it will try to create a ~/somefolder and not /home/username/somefolder and therefore fail. How do I ensure that the tilde will be converted into the HOME variable?",
"I left myself signed in to my work Gmail account on my personal computer. I am not using Chrome. I had an internet session that was not suitable for work. At all. This included Google searches and YouTube searches. Will my employer be able to identify what I have been searching?",
"Continuity of a convex function I'm trying to solve the following problem: Let $f:K\\rightarrow \\mathbb{R} $, $f$ convex and $K \\subseteq \\mathbb{R}^n$ convex. Then $f$ is continuous on $K$. I have proved the only case $n=1$, but for an arbitrary $n$??",
"How to create a Wi-Fi Hotspot (in Access Point mode)? How to setup an Access Point (AP) mode Wi-Fi Hotspot? Point to be noted: Wireless access points aren't the same as ad hoc networks. They differ significantly. In short, ad hoc networks aren't supported on newer devices and most Android, Windows Phone and Blackberry devices (and maybe iOS devices too), whereas AP mode Wi-Fi hotspots are. To get an idea about AP mode hotspots, ad hoc networks and their difference, refer to .",
"cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'init-param'",
"Proof of $a^n+b^n$ divisible by $a+b$ when $n$ is odd",
"I'm playing on a Survival world with cheats on, \"easy\" difficulty, and at night in-game. I didn't have a sword or anything to make a sword with, and I was starving, so I switched to Creative to give myself a stack of food and a bed to set my spawn point. When I switched back to Survival, I couldn't destroy or place blocks. I'm on single player, and my Internet is fine, and I can destroy blocks still if I switch to creative. I've tried resetting the button one, and reloading the map, and it still doesn't work. I've even tried deleting everything I gave myself in Creative. This happened before on a different world and I ended up deleting it. This only happens on this world. How do I fix it? If I know I'm in the correct game mode, what else can cause this? Are there different causes in multiplayer?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Animation render creating black image files | Blank image when I render | [
"I have a .csv file of coordinates that looks like this: Is there a way for QGIS to plot coordinates formatted like this? I've tried Adding a Delimited Text Layer... in QGIS, but do not see any options appropriate for this format: Nxx.xx.xxx Wxxx.xx.xxx I am able to use a website to convert that data to Decimal Degrees, Degrees, Minutes & Seconds, and UTM. For example, inputting N39.56.854 W074.28.013 outputs a latitude of 39.947567, and longitude of -74.466883. However, I would like to stay in QGIS and make the same conversion. Things I've tried: Created a new .csv that has formatting that matches the output of coordinate conversion site mentioned above, and with separated lat-long columns: However, using the QGIS Add Delimited Text Layer... option yields no visualization of the points.",
"Why can't I transform faces, edges, or vertices without transforming the whole object? My problem is that I sometimes lose the ability to independently translate or otherwise transform any parts of a single mesh. If I try, for example, to just translate several faces, edges, or vertices, then the entire mesh will stretch and displace itself in order to follow the translation. Or, alternatively, if I try to translate just one face then the whole mesh will move as if I'm translating in Object Mode. I'm not really sure I know how to describe this problem properly. I don't even know how to reliably reproduce it. It seems to happen to any given mesh at random, and it doesn't stop happening to that mesh unless I delete and remake it. I assume that I must be doing something wrong to cause this to happen. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.",
"Correct usage of ‘on’, ‘at’ and ‘in’",
"How do you detect Credit card type based on number? I'm trying to figure out how to detect the type of credit card based purely on its number. Does anyone know of a definitive, reliable way to find this?",
"network manager says \"device not managed\"",
"Is there a word for four times as much, analogous to once, twice, and thrice?",
"The exact phrase from the book of Swan (the context is choosing the words permit or allow) - The passive structure with it is only possible with permit Having said that... It is not allowed to smoke in the kitchen - incorrect It is not permitted to smoke in the kitchen - correct I feel absolutely fine for the incorrect sentence. Your inputs please. Make me understand this.",
"How can I check which songs or videos that I purchased from the iTunes Store have DRM restrictions? All of the mobile OSes are very impressive to me at the moment, and I'm thinking about trying a non-iOS device again. I want to know now the impact it has on my Apple-sourced music collection though. Is there a date cut-off for purchases when items went DRM free?",
"I have read a lot of the posts on here about consecutive days and how they are calculated, but I am not sure that I can explain this one...which is disappointing since I have been trying to get the consecutive days badges. I logged in last night (SO) at 8/13/2010 @ 730P EST and my consecutive days count was somewhere in the teens (maybe 20's I don't remember). I answered a question, browsed around for a bit longer and then went away. This morning (8/14/2010 @ 815A EST), my consecutive days count is back to 1 (still on SO). What is the exact method to calculate these? Can anyone look to ensure that my days really should have been reset? Its pretty crazy to attempt to go for a badge if when I log in twice within 11 hours I have my days reset. And, just as an aside, its not so much about the badge as I do enjoy the site without the 'reward', but still would be nice to know why this reset occurred.",
"Let consider a square $10\\times 10$ and write in the every unit square the numbers from $1$ to $100$ such that every two consecutive numbers are in squares which has a common edge. Then there are two perfect squares on the same line or column. Can you give me an hint? How to start?",
"Calculate the area on a sphere of the intersection of two spherical caps",
"How can I make a bash script executable by double clicking just like .exe files in Windows? I tried , but there are two consequences: the terminal twinkles, disappears, and nothing is done. you must specify to run in terminal in order to work. I have a script that installs tomcat on an offline PC, including all dependencies of tomcat in the script. I need to make the script work on double clicking like windows since most who use the script will not be familiar with Ubuntu. Forget the above explanation. I want to make a script that can be run by double-clicking on it, without using the terminal. Anybody knows how?",
"Currently I have a script.sh file with the following content: #!/bin/bash wget -q http://exemple.com/page1.php; wget -q http://exemple.com/page2.php; wget -q http://exemple.com/page3.php; I want to execute the commands one by one, when the previous finishes. Am I doing it in the right way? I've never worked with Linux before and tried to search for it but found no solutions.",
"Where does pp (PAR) unpack add (-a) files?",
"Сanonical form of a quadratic form by Lagrange's method This is just an eg. to understand how to solve it. There is a quadratic form as below we need to bring to canonical form using Lagrange's method and find the coordinate transformation. Then find the positive & negative indexes, rank of the quadratic form. Finnally, to investigate sign-definiteness of the quadratic form by two ways: according to it's canonical form and the criterion of Sylvester: $4x_{1}^2+2x_{2}^2+10x_{3}^2-4x_{1}x_{2}-12x_{1}x_{3}-8x_{2}x_{3}$ Any clarification on how to do it are very welcomed.",
"How do I determine my wheel size Would someone explain wheel sizes. If I am not mistaken, the wheels on my Trek 520 touring bike are 700C. There are no markings, and of course, no documentation of any kind. I assume 700 means 700mm, so 700 / 25.4 = 27.56 inches. If I measure the rim however, its diameter is approximately 25.1 inches. If I buy Continental tires, the size is 28 inch, but I have to buy 27 inch Bontrager tubes. To make matters worse, per this link, tires come in sizes of 26, 27, and 28 inch, and size 700. How can I determine my wheel size, and are these various sizes interchangable. Also, is the 'C' suffix important, and what does it mean? Of course the tires are marked, but I am under the impression (per the dealers comments) that Continental marks their tires differently than everyone else. Also, the tire markings don't help for ordering a new wheel. With so many tire sizes available, how can I know if I am using the correct size. After reading the various answers here, I should explain that my confusion on this matter stemmed from the fact that I used to work as an auto mechanic. In the auto industry, car tires are based on wheel size, 13\", 14\", 15\" etc, and there is no possible way to mount a 15\" tire on a 13\" rim for example. So when I saw all these different tire sizes, I assumed they all required a different wheel size, but in fact, there is essentially just one wheel diameter for my type of bike, which they refer to as 700C, which is actually 622mm. I also initially assumed that the C referred to the wheel's width, but that isn't true either. The C is apparently just antiquated terminology. So at least in theory, I can mount a 26\", 27\" 28\" or 29\" tire on my 700C (622mm) rim. I just need to verify the width of the tire is suitable my wheel width, which is what Sheldon Brown's article explains. Also, I measured my Continental tires, which are marked as 28 inch. They actually measure 27 inches (fully inflated), which must be why my dealer calls their sizing non standard.",
"My roommate put a hunk of beef roast in the slow-cooker for a good 6 hours. It's a fairly large sized slow-cooker, at least 8 quarts. The meat was cooked through but very chewy, and I never remember my mom having that issue with a slow-cooker. My roommate tends to put only enough water to get halfway up the side of the roast, and always uses a slow-cooker 'bag' (another thing my mom never did). What advice can I offer them to get a better outcome?",
"Deciding whether two metrics are topologically equivalent in the space $C^1([0,1])$ Consider the space $C^1([0,1])$ and the function $d:C([0,1])\\times C([0,1]) \\to \\mathbb R$ defined as $d(f,g)=|f(0)-g(0)|+sup_{x \\in [0,1]}|f'(x)-g'(x)|$. Decide whether the metrics $d$ and $d_{\\infty}$ are topologically equivalent in $C^1([0,1])$ (where $d_{\\infty}=sup_{x \\in [0,1]}|f(x)-g(x)|)$ My attempt at a solution: If two metrics are topologically equivalent, then they have the same convergent sequences. Honestly, I couldn't do anything. I am trying to define a sequence of functions $\\{f_n\\}_{n \\in \\mathbb N}$ such that $f_n \\to f$ in, for instance, $(C^1([0,1]),d)$ but $f_n \\not \\to f$ in $(C^1([0,1]),d_{\\infty})$. Could it be this two metrics are topologically equivalent? If this is the case, how could I prove it? If not, I would appreciate any hint to find an adequate sequence of functions that works for what I am trying to prove.",
"Finite group with isomorphic normal subgroups and non-isomorphic quotients? I know it is possible for a group $G$ to have normal subgroups $H, K$, such that $H\\cong K$ but $G/H\\not\\cong G/K$, but I couldn't think of any examples with $G$ finite. What is an illustrative example?",
"I have received an .rar which I wish to unpack as it contains something rather important to me that I need to really have now. However even though I can view the contents of the .rar archive in the Archive Manager, I am unable to extract it due to this error: The archive should contain two folders within it, each though contain at least 10 audio files as well as a PDF file each (I don't know what the contents exactly should be except for there should be audio files in there, and the content I have described is what I can see from the Archive Manager's view). So the only thing I am left with except the error is one of the folders and one of the audio files, but it says it has 0 bytes in it. So how exactly do I fix this problem? I am running Ubuntu GNOME 16.04.1 with GNOME 3.20. Information Update: In reply to a comment requesting the output from the dpkg -l unrar unrar-free command: Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) ||/ Name Version Architecture Description +++-==============-============-============-================================= un unrar <none> <none> (no description available) dpkg-query: no packages found matching unrar-free"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to know the file history that has been transferred from pc to usb device or vice versa? | How to find Windows 7 File Transfer History? | [
"How to set Windows bootloader as default bootloader? I have a Win 7/11.10 dual boot system with Grub 2 as the default bootloader. However, I want to make Windows bootloader the default bootloader (grub 'dos' like interface scrares the hell out of my sister) so when I start the PC I will have the following boot options: 1. Windows 7 2. Ubuntu NB: A process to reverse this operation so Grub can be the default bootloader again will also be appreciated",
"Measuring accuracy of a logistic regression-based model",
"Movie with humans battling aliens piloting giant animalistic, water-walking robots or sea warships I have memories of watching it a few years ago (I was a kid then) in the early 2000s probably; before 2010 I think. It was a movie with giant robots, and the enemies were aliens piloting what I remember as giant, more animalistic robots. I remember those animalistic ones running on water. The aliens themselves were a little taller than humans but mostly humanoid. I remember what the aliens look like a bit; most of the movie they were clad in some kind of armor, but the scene I mentioned showed one's face, if I remember well, grey skin, vividly green eyes, a beard made of some kind of quills, bald. I have this one scene that stayed crystal clear in my memories. The heroes had captured an injured alien, and other aliens attack to, in the end, just retrieve the injured one, leaving with this one without attacking further this time. I also remember the aliens going through a city in some machine (I'm actually not sure this one was piloted though) and destroying anything it perceived as a threat, from cars to security cameras. My memories are coming from years ago, so I might be wrong in a bunch of things there, but this one scene, I can assure is correct. This might remind a bit of Pacific Rim, but it isn't. (It's watching Pacific Rim that reminded me of this movie.) It doesn't seem to show up on any giant robot movie list on internet, weirdly, so I hope you can help me. And now I'm starting to wonder if there was really robots on the heroes' side. Maybe it was warships (sea ones, not spaceships). As I said it was some time ago and I was young, so bad memories are likely.",
"css class definition with multiple identifiers",
"Fix corrupt NTFS partition without Windows MY NTFS Partition has gotten corrupt somehow (it's a relic from the days when I had Windows installed). I'm putting the debug output of fdisk and blkid . At the same time, any OS is unable to mount my root partition, which is located next to my NTFS partition. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, though. I get the following error while trying to mount my root partition (sda5) mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda5, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ dmesg | tail [ 1019.726530] Descriptor sense data with sense descriptors (in hex): [ 1019.726533] 72 03 11 04 00 00 00 0c 00 0a 80 00 00 00 00 00 [ 1019.726551] 1a 3e ed 92 [ 1019.726558] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed [ 1019.726568] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 1a 3e ed 40 00 01 00 00 [ 1019.726584] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 440331666 [ 1019.726602] JBD: Failed to read block at offset 462 [ 1019.726609] ata1: EH complete [ 1019.726612] JBD: recovery failed [ 1019.726617] EXT4-fs (sda5): error loading journal When I open gparted (using live CD), I get an exclamation next to my NTFS drive which states Is there a way to run chkdsk without using windows ? My attempt to run fsck results in the following : ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fsck /dev/sda fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2 e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010) fsck.ext2: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks... fsck.ext2: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem. If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2 filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock is corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock: e2fsck -b 8193 <device> Update: I was able to fix the NTFS partition running chkdsk off Hiren's BootCD, but it seems that the superblock problem still remains. Update 2: Fixed superblock issue using e2fsck -c /dev/sda5",
"Is there any continuity between James Bond movies that have different actors portraying the title character? There was a foolish (in my opinion) question asked on Scifi.SE James bond keeps returning with a different face, albeit usually a similar one, and often operates with high-tech gadgetry that seem to be on par with the Doctor's sonic screw driver. In my opinion each new actor represents a reboot of the franchise using the new face, not a continuation of the story. Is there any continuity between versions of James Bond which change actors? I'm not talking about characters like M or Q, I'm talking about events or past advisories being referenced in a different Bond movie where the main actor was someone else.",
"If it was possible to dig a hole that went from one side of the Earth to the other... ...And you jumped in. What would happen when you got to the middle of the Earth? Would you gradually slow down, until you got to the middle and once you were in middle would every direction feel like it was up?",
"I just came onto a project with a pretty huge code base. I'm mostly dealing with C++ and a lot of the code they write uses double negation for their boolean logic. if (!!variable && (!!api.lookup(\"some-string\"))) { do_some_stuff(); } I know these guys are intelligent programmers, it's obvious they aren't doing this by accident. I'm no seasoned C++ expert, my only guess at why they are doing this is that they want to make absolutely positive that the value being evaluated is the actual boolean representation. So they negate it, then negate that again to get it back to its actual boolean value. Is this correct, or am I missing something?",
"Numlock turned on on boot-up I have a desktop running ubuntu 10.04 I want numlock to be turned on initially. What do I have to change to accomplish this? ~~edit~~ I checked in my BIOS. It was already set up to have the numlock turned on initially. Yet it isn't being turned on initially. I have a USB keyboard: would that break this functionality? Or, should I ask elsewhere (superuser, perhaps) about how to get that BOIS setting working properly?",
"Travel on a Schengen visa stating EEA family member without spouse?",
"insert code keywords inline What is the command to insert inline code words into the text like this? I know there are packages for inserting snippets into the code, but I need to insert keywords within the main text. I was wondering if there is a more convenient way to do that.",
"What good CAD programs are available?",
"I used the inbuilt dataset stackloss here. I used following R code for creating the multiple regression model. > head(stackloss) Air.Flow Water.Temp Acid.Conc. stack.loss 1 80 27 89 42 2 80 27 88 37 3 75 25 90 37 4 62 24 87 28 5 62 22 87 18 6 62 23 87 18 > fit <- lm(stack.loss ~ .,data=stackloss) > plot(fit) And when I plot the model, the four following graphs are displayed. How to interpret these graphs? What are the significance of these graphs? How to use these graphs?",
"What do the brackets around processes mean? $ ps -Awwo pid,comm,args PID COMMAND COMMAND 1 init /sbin/init 2 kthreadd [kthreadd] 3 ksoftirqd/0 [ksoftirqd/0] 5 kworker/u:0 [kworker/u:0] 6 migration/0 [migration/0] 7 cpuset [cpuset] 8 khelper [khelper] 9 netns [netns] 10 sync_supers [sync_supers] 11 bdi-default [bdi-default] 12 kintegrityd [kintegrityd] 13 kblockd [kblockd] 14 kacpid [kacpid] 15 kacpi_notify [kacpi_notify] 16 kacpi_hotplug [kacpi_hotplug] 17 ata_sff [ata_sff] 18 khubd [khubd] What do the brackets mean? Does args always return the full path to the process command (e.g. /bin/cat)?",
"Testing Whether a Binomial Distribution Fits Data I have a sample from a discrete distribution as such: Type: 0 1 2 3 4 5 Occurrences: 88 12 52 43 21 5 My task is to test whether or not a Binomial Distribution (n=5,p) fits this data. I understand that I'm meant to use hypothesis testing, and that the chi-square test is a staple for this sort of task. I looked at but I'm still not sure how to set up the test. How do I do this?",
"We noticed that lots of bugs in our software developed in C# (or Java) cause a NullReferenceException. Is there a reason why \"null\" has even been included in the language? After all, if there were no \"null\", I would have no bug, right? In other words, what feature in the language couldn't work without null?",
"A friend sent a long a file (a .rar) he wanted me to check out for him before he installed it. I downloaded it and unrared it with no problems, but it was full of .exe's instead of the intended contents (fonts) so I advised him to delete it immediately and not use. I then proceeded to do the same, but the folder simply will not delete. Oddly the files went fine, and I never ran anything, but this is what I'm seeing: Could not find this item This is no longer located in C:\\Users\\This_User\\Desktop. verify the item's location and try again. I've tried the following things with no help: Using \"Unlocker\" to Unlock and delete Using move on reboot and rebooting Using PendMoves (from sysinternals) and rebooting Elevating a cmd line, doing a dir /x to get the short name of the folder, and then del 'shortna~1' Moving the folder to a new folder and then trying to delete the parent folder I'm on Windows 7 RTM, very fresh install. Any thoughts? Update: Just to confirm, I've run Hijack this and half a dozen other malware detectors, and everything came back clean (no extra processes, no other obvious badness). Rebooting in safe mode didn't help either.",
"Question is about Ubuntu release process. Are migrations from n to n+1 releases expected? Assuming we have server with installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Will it be smoothly upgradable to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS via apt-get upgrade ? Assumptions: scope is software therefore we assume that given hardware is supported on both releases (upgrading from and to) that's why, always before upgrade you are asked to make backup to be able to revert in case of failure",
"I'm running an Ubuntu 14.04 and want to install the Eclipse IDE for both Java and C/C++ programming. I installed the separate installation files from their official website. I followed this thread . (The top answer) The steps helped me install the Java IDE but I don't know what changes I should make to the procedure to install the C/C++ IDE. Another thread , recommended to install eclipse-cdt but the Eclipse version installed is outdated. (Doesn't allow me to install Pydev) I have TWO questions: Can the C/C++ libraries be downloaded from within eclipse, like Pydev? If not, how do I install both IDEs without interfering with each other? P.S. I commented this query in the first thread but got no reply, that is why I'm asking a fresh question!",
"How to show path-connectedness of $GL(n,\\mathbb{C})$ Well, I am not getting any hint how to show $GL_n(\\mathbb{C})$ is path connected. So far I have thought that let $A$ be any invertible complex matrix and $I$ be the idenity matrix, I was trying to show a path from $A$ to $I$ then define $f(t)=At+(1-t)I$ for $t\\in[0,1]$ which is possible continous except where the $\\operatorname{det}{f(t)}=0$ i.e. which has $n$ roots and I can choose a path in $\\mathbb{C}\\setminus\\{t_1,\\dots,t_n\\}$ where $t_1,\\dots,t_n$ are roots of $\\operatorname{det}{f(t)}=0$, is my thinking was correct? Could anyone tell me the solution?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How would Voldemort restore himself from a horcrux? | Is it possible to reintegrate a Horcrux? | [
"How to redirect entire phone traffic (including all apps) to a proxy (with out rooting the phone) We are developing a parental control app for Android, in that we have requirement to capture all out going traffic from Android phone for categorization. Is there a way to achieve this in Android with out rooting the phone. Thanks, Gopi.",
"How to avoid getting shocked by static electricity? sometimes I get \"charged\" and the next thing I touch something that conducts electricity such as a person, a car, a motal door, etc I get shocked by . I'm trying to avoid this so if I suspect being \"charged\" I try to touch something that does not conduct electricity (such as a wooden table) as soon as possible, in the belief that this will \"uncharge me\". Is it true that touching wood will uncharge you? How and when do I get charged? I noticed that it happens only in parts of the years, and after I get out of the car...",
"In my class design, I use abstract classes and virtual functions extensively. I had a feeling that virtual functions affects the performance. Is this true? But I think this performance difference is not noticeable and looks like I am doing premature optimization. Right?",
"Windows 10 Anniversary Upgrade error 0xc1900101 - 0x30018 referring to SYSPREP",
"I saw her dance/dancing? I saw a flash of lightning strike/striking? I caught her steal/stealing?",
"When using an Int- or FloatProperty, is there any way of changing their min and max values dynamically? I'm currently loading images on the fly and would like to limit a frame property to run from 0 to len(loaded_images) every time I call the loading operator. However, the property seems to be read-only and re-assigning gives the following error: bpy.context.scene.project_props.bl_rna.properties['myIntProp'] = bpy.props.IntProperty(...) TypeError: bpy_prop_collection[key] = value: invalid, expected a StructRNA type or None, not a tuple I understand the bpy.props constructor uses an intermediary tuple, but I'm not sure how to proceed. Is there any way around this?",
"Related posts: These posts are different from mine in that they merely ask for the "votes" tab back or ask if it is at all possible to get such information, while I propose how to implement this as a search feature. Background I recently found myself facing a problem very similar to one that I had solved before. I remembered that I found the solution on SO and I remembered upvoting the post containing the solution. I wasn't able to find that particular post by just searching with relevant keywords. It would have been nice if I could search only among the questions I have voted on. I searched on meta and found that there had been a tab for looking at what you've voted on, but that it was removed due to lack of interest. This is understandable, since just listing the hundreds/thousands of posts you've voted on isn't particularly useful. Proposal What I want is to be able to search for posts I've voted on similarly to the way I'm able to search on my posts within a specific tag. For instance: user:310121 [iphone] apple This will return all my posts tagged iPhone, where I mention Apple. This is brilliant. This is just how I want search to work. Now what I want to do is to extend this to include votes. The exact syntax isn't relevant, but I had to make one up to show you what I mean: To show all posts you've voted on: user:310121 {votes} To show all posts you've upvoted: user:310121 {upvotes} To show all posts you've downvoted: user:310121 {downvotes} You could probably omit the the user part, since you're only allowed to see your own votes. (Unless it's desirable to be able to look at other peoples votes. Maybe you should be allowed to do this if you have enough rep? Well, that's another discussion.) I guess that even if you're allowed to see other peoples votes it would make sense to display your own votes if the user part is omitted. So in my case I could have done the following search and found the post I was looking for: {upvotes} keyword Lastly I just want to suggest that clicking on your vote count will work just like clicking on a tag. If I click on a tag in my profile the following search will be done: user:310121 [tag] So if I click on my upvote count the following search should be made: user:310121 {upvotes} The same goes for downvotes: user:310121 {downvotes} This would be a very useful feature and it wouldn't be intrusive in any way. The users that don't care for this feature might never know that it's there. And just for the record the favorite system doesn't replace this feature.",
"How to ignore accent in SQLite query (Android)",
"How to open and convert CHM documents? I have some documents that are in a .chm format. I wondered if there is a file format that can be easier to navigate, supported and of equal file size in Ubuntu? If there is, I would like to start converting all those books and probably using them with less hassle on all my Ubuntu PCs and my Android phone.",
"The question says to solve this equation: $(z+1)^5 = z^5$ I did. Just want to find out if I did it properly and if my run-around logic makes sense. First I begin my writing the equations as: $$ (z+1)^5 = z^5$$ $$ \\mathbf{e}^{5 \\mathbf{Log}(z+1)} = \\mathbf{e}^{5 \\mathbf{Log}(z)} $$ So $$ \\mathbf{Log}(z+1) = \\ln|z+1| + \\mathbf{Arg}(z+1)i $$ $$ \\mathbf{Log}(z) = \\ln|z| + \\mathbf{Arg}(z)i $$ Now, because the natural logarithm is one-to-one, I write: $$ \\ln |z| = \\ln |z+1| \\Rightarrow |z| = |z+1|$$ So assign $ z = a +bi$ So that $|z| = \\sqrt{a^2 +b^2} = |z+1| = \\sqrt{(a+1)^2 +b^2} \\Rightarrow a^2 +b^2 = (a+1)^2 +b^2 \\Rightarrow a^2 = (a+1)^2 \\Rightarrow a = -\\frac12 $ So, $z = -\\frac12 + bi$ and $z+1 = \\frac12 + bi$ for some $b \\in \\mathbb R$ Now to find $b$ $$ \\mathbf{Arg}(z+1) = \\mathbf{Arg}(z)$$ $$ \\tan^{-1} \\frac{b}{\\frac12} = \\pi - \\tan^{-1}\\frac{b}{-\\frac12}$$ I have a feeling this last part isn't quite right, so I just want to find out if I'm approaching this question properly? Ultimately, I get $ z = -\\frac12$ which upon inspection...is wrong...",
"What does the '!!!' syntax mean in javascript?",
"Kinetic energy conservation in a collision Kinetic energy conservation in collision. In any type of collision type of collision if we take the system to comprised of both bodies then the net external force is zero. So the work done by external force is also zero. By the relation $W=K_f-K_i$ as $W$ is zero hence kinetic energy is conserved. But this not the case. Can you tell me what is the flaw in my argument? Some people say that the argument has neglected the fact that some kinetic energy is transformed into heat. But heat is created due to the interactions between bodies during collision which is thus an internal force and thus shouldn't affect kinetic energy.",
"What is the best way to animate the camera path? I'm modeling a car driving along a road(speeds up, slows down, and stops at traffic lights to wait till the lights turn green, etc.) What is the best way to animate the camera path for the following scenario? The camera starts moving from point A, and it takes 500 frames to get to point B. During this 500 frames, the camera first gradually speeds up, then moves at a constant speed, and finally slows down to a complete stop at point B. The next 50 frames, the camera will stay at point B. From frame 551, it takes another 500 frames to get to point C from point B. The camera experiences the same motion as described in #1 (speeds up, constant speed, slows down, then stop.) Again, the camera will stay at point C for another 50 frames. Point C to D is a curve path ( added using Shift + A -> add path). I want the camera to move along the path from frame 1101 to frame 1200. The camera should have the same motion as before(speeds up, constant speed, slows down, then stop.) What is the best way to animate the camera path in this case? Is there any Python scripts available and can be applied to case like this? Thank you all in advance for your replies.",
"Debugging automatic properties",
"Let $U,W$ be subspaces of a vector space $V$. Show that $$\\dim(U)+\\dim(W)=\\dim(U+W)+\\dim(U\\cap W)$$ Hint: Show that the map given by $L:U×W\\to V$ given by $L(u,w)=u-w$ is linear. I can show that $L:U×W\\to V$ given by $L(u,w)=u-w$ is a linear map. I also know that the dimension of $U×W$ is $\\dim(U)+\\dim(W)$. What do I do next? Any hints?",
"Stripped out bottom bracket The bottom bracket of my bike was completely stripped to the point that when you push the left side crank arm, the right crank moves and you can see the bottom bracket lock move out the frame. The bike shop tried putting Teflon tape but it's temporary. It's a 26' xc hard tail. For all I know both sides of the bottom bracket(square tapered) are stripped clean hence the Teflon tape put by the previous owner. Can I fix the problem by changing into a hallow tech cranks because it works like a thread less bb, or should I just buy a thread less square tapered bb? Any suggestion on what to do?",
"A book on quantum mechanics supported by the high-level mathematics",
"How to redirect output to a file and stdout In bash, calling foo would display any output from that command on the stdout. Calling foo > output would redirect any output from that command to the file specified (in this case 'output'). Is there a way to redirect output to a file and have it display on stdout?",
"How does one check what websites a person logs into using their Google account?",
"I'm looking for a word that describes a person who is extremely dismissive and unopen to ideas or comments. Dismissive feeling or showing that something is unworthy of consideration For example, Tom: 'Get your table organised! It's so-' Jack: 'Shush, bring your comments somewhere else.'"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How to crop the figure in a specific shape in latex using includegraphics or tikz? | How can I clip an image via a bezier-path? | [
"When clicking "edit" I see: Your edit will be placed in a queue until it is peer reviewed. We welcome edits that make the post easier to understand and more valuable for readers. Because community members review edits, please try to make the post substantially better than how you found it, for example, by fixing grammar or adding additional resources and hyperlinks. Like: Likewise, when I am not logged in, clicking "improve this question" or "improve this answer" shows: You are not . Your edit will be placed in a queue until it is . And when I click 'Save', I get: Thanks for submitting an edit. It is only visible to you until it's been approved by trusted community members Like: Who can suggest an edit? Where do suggested edits go? Who can vote on a suggested edit? How do suggested edits get reviewed? Can I earn reputation? What about abuse or bad edits? Sometimes the Community user approves or rejects my edit. Why is that? When can I not suggest an edit? Is there a minimum change requirement for a suggested edit? How do I check my suggested edit history? I disagree with the reasons why my suggested edit was rejected. What can I do? How do I know whether there are edits waiting for review? Someone suggested an edit to my own post, and the reviewers took the wrong action. What can I do? Are tag wikis included in this scheme? What do the "Improve Edit" and "Reject and Edit" buttons do? Why are apparently valid links to rejected edits resulting in 404 errors? For more information about editing, see "" in the .",
"Calculating the average of variably sized blocks of numbers within a column?",
"What does the “@@…@@” meta line with at signs in svn diff or git diff mean?",
"We've all wanted to express certain questions, rhetorical or not, with annoyance, excitement, surprise, frustration and so on. What better way than with both a question mark (?) and an exclamation mark (!), right? I've seen two ways of punctuating such questions: Where is this place?! Who do you think you are!? (Things like ?!?, !?!, ?????!!!!!, ??!?!!?!?!!??, etc are irrelevant here.) Which is the proper way to order the two symbols? Or does each of the above two have a distinct and grammatically correct meaning? Or is the interrobang (‽) the clear winner here? ;)",
"Windows installer for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS onwards Is there any Windows installer (wubi) for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS? When I mount the .iso file with Daemon Tools and run wubi.exe, it just asks me if I want to reboot (I think that's useful only when the .iso is burned on CD), so is there no \"real\" installation?",
"Is it possible that your friends can join your Hamachi server when they don't have Hamachi? Does anyone know how to do that??!!",
"LuaLaTeX, TeXLive 2016, standalone: undefined control sequence",
"How to revert to GNOME Classic Desktop? I'm used to GNOME Classic and personally don't want to change to anything else, but it seems there is no more GNOME Classic in the Oneiric release. After apt-get installed gnome-session and all, though there comes back the GNOME Classic option in the session listbox, however, after logged in, it seems not the expected one. There is no System menu in the top bar, and I couldn't customize panels at all. I want to change the appearance(theme), but I can't find Appearance menu at all. And much more differences to my previous experience of GNOME classic shell. There are multiple valid answers for this question spanning over several versions of Ubuntu. For your convenience an index of each below: and up &",
"Command aliases in Command Prompt?",
"Dimensionality of null space when Trace is Zero This is the fourth part of a four-part problem in Charles W. Curtis's book entitled Linear Algebra, An Introductory Approach (p. 216). I've succeeded in proving the first three parts, but the most interesting part of the problem eludes me. Part (a) requires the reader to prove that $\\operatorname{Tr}{(AB)} = \\operatorname{Tr}{(BA)}$, which I was able to show by writing out each side of the equation using sigma notation. Part (b) asks the reader to use part (a) to show that similar matrices have the same trace. If $A$ and $B$ are similar, then $\\operatorname{Tr}{(A)} = \\operatorname{Tr}{(S^{-1}BS)}$ $= \\operatorname{Tr}(BSS^{-1})$ $= \\operatorname{Tr}(B)$, which completes part (b). Part (c) asks the reader to show that the vector subspace of matrices with trace equal to zero have dimension $n^2 - 1$. Curtis provides the hint that the map from $M_n(F)$ to $F$ is a linear transformation. From this, I used the theorem that $\\dim T(V) + \\dim n(T) = \\dim V$ to obtain the dimension of the null space. Part (d), however, I'm stuck on. It asks the reader to show that subspace described in part (c) is generated by matrices of the form $AB - BA$, where $A$ and $B$ are arbitrary $n \\times n$ matrices. I tried to form a basis for the subspace, but wasn't really sure what it would look like since an $n \\times n$ matrix has $n^2$ entries in it, but the basis would need $n^2 - 1$ matrixes. I also tried to think of a linear transformation whose image would have the form of $AB - BA$, but this also didn't help me. I'm kind of stuck... Many thanks in advance!",
"Poll on best VNC / remote desktop software for assisting others on Windows/Mac machines from Ubuntu? I've heard good things about TeamViewer and Fog Creek Copilot, but I'm wondering if the included GNOME Vinaigre VNC client is good enough for this. To specify, I'm looking for best option based on: SIMPLEST ease-of-use for client to download/use on their end. See #1. Works cross-platform I am able to control client's mouse and/or keyboard from remote machine.",
"Let $\\{E_i\\}_{i=1}^n$ be finitely many disjoint sets of real numbers (not necessarily Lebesgue measurable) and $E$ be the union of all these sets. Is it always true that $$ m^\\star (E)=\\sum_{i=1}^N m^\\star(E_n) $$ where $m^\\star$ denotes the Lebesgue outer measure? If not, please give a counterexample. The Vitali set is a counterexample in the countable case, but I am not sure whether it is false in finite case.",
"Earlier today I posted which yielded a . I'd like to attract attention to this answer in the hope that the answer will get upvoted, as a kind of reward for the quality of the answer. Is there anything that I can do to achieve this?",
"Prove that a power series $\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}{{a_n}{z^n}}$ which converges for any $z \\in \\mathbb{N}$, converges for any $z \\in \\mathbb{C}$. PROBLEM Prove that a power series $\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}{{a_n}{z^n}}$ which converges for any $z \\in \\mathbb{N}$, converges for any $z \\in \\mathbb{C}$. MY ATTEMPT Since the power series $$\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}{{a_n}{z^n}}$$ converges for any $z \\in \\mathbb{N}$, then $$\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}{{a_n}{z^n}}$$ can be considered (?) to be a polynomial in $\\mathbb{C}$. Hence, $$\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}{{a_n}{z^n}}$$ is entire, and therefore continuous in $\\mathbb{C}$ (since differentiability implies continuity). It follows that $$\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}{{a_n}{z^n}}$$ converges for any $z \\in \\mathbb{C}$. QUESTION I am aware that, while I may have (some) ideas for a (general) proof, admittedly there are several grey areas (i.e., gaps) that need to be filled. Would you be kind enough as to fill in these gaps, by providing useful hints?",
"A lot of people write makefiles that say something like paper.pdf: paper.tex pdflatex paper bibtex paper pdflatex paper pdflatex paper To handle re-running TeX to get new/changed references and so forth. Is there a better way to do this?",
"Why are there holes in the icing? I tried to follow the new Blender 2.8 tutorial from Blender Guru. When entering \"Sculpting\" with the icing there were suddenly alot of holes in it. Why is this?",
"The title of of is, \"Is it posible [sic]?\" This doesn't provide any information at all. It should be mandatory for everyone asking questions on the Internet to read , which says: Help your community learn from the question. When you field a good question, ask yourself \"How would the relevant documentation or FAQ have to change so that nobody has to answer this again?\"",
"How to shop for mortgage rates ? I have already been prequalified with 3.8% (but I am sure I can do better :)). Now, I am about to make an offer on a house. So, once the seller accepts my offer, how do I rate shop ? Do I need to do the rate shopping before making an offer, or after the seller accepts my offer ? When the seller accepts my offer, then I will go to a banker and submit a full application, so will it be legally binding for me to go with the approved mortgage application ? Or, once the seller accepts my offer, may I simultaneously apply for a mortgage with 3-4 bankers, and then choose the lowest rate ? I asked my realtor, but she recommends to go with just one banker (her friend), and not to do any rate shopping. Is it the right way ? (I live in a state of Arkansas, so I am thinking of going with the local bankers)",
"If I call a command using in Ruby, how do I get its output? system(\"ls\")",
"Need to prove that $(S,\\cdot)$ defined by the binary operation $a\\cdot b = a+b+ab$ is an abelian group on $S = \\Bbb R \\setminus \\{-1\\}$."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
How do I change background of login screen? | Cannot change lock screen background on Ubuntu 18.04 | [
"Find $\\space\\ \\begin{align*} \\lim_ {x \\to+\\infty} \\left [ \\frac{\\log_{2}(x-1)}{x}\\right] \\end{align*}$. After some minutes around this limit I did it this way: $\\log_{2}(x-1)=y \\Leftrightarrow 2^y=x-1$ So,$\\space x=2^y+1$. When $x \\to +\\infty$,$\\space y \\to +\\infty$ also. By substitution: $\\begin{align*} \\lim_ {y \\to+\\infty} \\left [ \\frac{\\log_{2}(2^y+1-1)}{2^y+1}\\right]=\\lim_ {y \\to+\\infty} \\left [ \\frac{\\log_{2}(2^y)}{2^y+1}\\right]=\\end{align*}$ $\\begin{align*}\\lim_ {y \\to+\\infty} \\left [ \\frac{y}{2^y+1}\\right]=\\lim_ {y \\to+\\infty} \\left [ \\frac{1}{\\frac{2^y+1}{y}} \\right]=\\lim_ {y \\to+\\infty} \\left [ \\frac{1}{\\frac{2^y}{y}+\\frac{1}{y}}\\right]= \\frac{1}{+\\infty+0}=0 \\end{align*}$ Is this correct?Are there any other easy way to find this limit?Thanks",
"strange character replacement on SO I added a comment to but something strange is happening. The end code reads \"); but SO decided to change that to \";);. I did not add a ; in front of the ). To further explain what's happening here, the following: \"http://example.com/.\" http://example.com/. \"http://example.com.\" http://example.com. \"http://example.com\" http://example.com renders as:",
"Lately I see a blue screen of death a lot and want to know why it appears. Where should I gather the information so the problem can be diagnosed best? Couldn't find anything in C:\\Windows\\Logs.",
"When speaking precisely or technically, one would say that \"Homo erectus and homo sapiens are two species of hominid\" rather than \"Homo erectus and homo sapiens are two species of hominids.\" The hominid here should be singular because we are speaking about instances of a single class (\"class\" being used here in its broader sense, not in the sense of taxonomic grouping). Now let's consider more common parallel constructions replacing the word species with other words. Tide and Wisk are two brands of detergent. Tide and Wisk are two brands of detergents. Cats and dogs are two types of pet you can buy at Pets-R-Us. Cats and dogs are two types of pets you can buy at Pets-R-Us. I feel that using the singular noun to specify the class is more grammatically correct, but sounds stilted in conversation. Almost everyone I hear making these constructions uses the plural form. What are your thoughts about singular vs. plural here? Edit Here's a more extreme example that may help clarify the issue. Consider the following sentence: It was my first attempt at calming an angry crowd, and I just stood there while people were hurling all kinds of insults at me. Here I think the singular insult sounds strange, if not downright wrong. Further Edit I just noticed in A Treasury for Word Lovers (Morton S. Freeman, 1983) a section entitled \"Types of Errors.\" This is a book about (American) English usage by an English professor and editor, which purports to be a \"practical guide for serious writers and readers.\" I wish I could say this discovery satisfies the question, but in fact I now feel somewhat farther from the truth, if there is any single \"truth\" in this matter. But at least I don't have to worry about being wrong when using the plural form of the class in these constructions.",
"Change desktop background to a solid color (e.g. pitch black) in GNOME 3",
"Uk Visa Refused need guidelines etc,,,",
"Undergraduate classical mechanics introduces both Lagrangians and Hamiltonians, while undergrad quantum mechanics seems to only use the Hamiltonian. But particle physics, and more generally quantum field theory seem to only use the Lagrangian, e.g. you hear about the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian, Dirac Lagrangian, Standard Model Lagrangian and so on. Why is there a mismatch here? Why does it seem like only Hamiltonians are used in undergraduate quantum mechanics, but only Lagrangians are used in quantum field theory?",
"Why is the asterisk before the variable name, rather than after the type? Why do most C programmers name variables like this: int *myVariable; rather than like this: int* myVariable; Both are valid. It seems to me that the asterisk is a part of the type, not a part of the variable name. Can anyone explain this logic?",
"Remove all content using pure JS",
"In Python, how do I determine if an object is iterable?",
"After upgrading to Ubuntu 14.04 from 12.04 I have duplicate entries in dash. How can I get rid of them?",
"I'm looking for a good way to perform multi-row inserts into an Oracle 9 database. The following works in MySQL but doesn't seem to be supported in Oracle. INSERT INTO TMP_DIM_EXCH_RT (EXCH_WH_KEY, EXCH_NAT_KEY, EXCH_DATE, EXCH_RATE, FROM_CURCY_CD, TO_CURCY_CD, EXCH_EFF_DATE, EXCH_EFF_END_DATE, EXCH_LAST_UPDATED_DATE) VALUES (1, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 109.49, 'USD', 'JPY', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'), (2, 1, '28-AUG-2008', .54, 'USD', 'GBP', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'), (3, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 1.05, 'USD', 'CAD', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'), (4, 1, '28-AUG-2008', .68, 'USD', 'EUR', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'), (5, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 1.16, 'USD', 'AUD', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008'), (6, 1, '28-AUG-2008', 7.81, 'USD', 'HKD', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008', '28-AUG-2008');",
"In Fringe's season 1, the episode (1x13) shows how travels on VertusAir flight 718. We witness how he develops some strange symptoms, withdraws into a lavatory and transforms into a porcupine-like monster. At the end of season 3, Peter \"switches\" the timeline (changing the past and making the present continue in a different timeline henceforth) from blue- to orange-verse. Various statements throughout the 4th season indicate time (the date) was not reset; Olivia and Walter have been working on Fringe cases for some three years etc. - hence it is safe to say that season 4 plays 3 years after season 1. Then, in the episode (4x16), the events from 1x13 happen again, up to the point of Bowman's transformation, which this time doesn't happen (not aboard the plane, anyway). As far as I can tell, great care was taken to exactly recreate the events from the season 1 episode, including hiring the same actors to play the flight attendants once again ( and ), so obviously this is supposed to be the same event with slight changes. Peter, as well as Olivia - who is in the process of regaining her memories from the blue-verse -, remember the events from 1x13 and note the difference that Bowman's transformation happened later this time, implying that in the orange-verse, everything related to flight 718 played out the same way, except for the small difference that the transformation happened a bit later. BUT ... all of this happened 3 years later!! Is there any explanation for this? How unlikely is it that in the orange-verse timeline, Marshall Bowman is on the very same flight with the very same flight attendants 3 years after the same would have happened in the blue-verse? Mind you, this is not a \"small change\" in the course of events while mostly everything else stays the same. So, why did Peter and Olivia realize the transformation happened a tad later in the orange-verse timeline, but were not baffled by the fact that essentially the same events as in the blue-verse happened, but three years later? EDIT: Not only the flight and the flight attendants were the same in both episodes. The passenger next to Bowman was the same, an elderly lady played by both times, as well. Moreover, the transcripts of and reveal that the dialogue between Bowman, the passenger next to him, and the cabin crew is the same down to the lines of text until the moment of transformation. Interestingly, the announcement by the captain in the beginning seems to be different - starting the inflight movie + selling headsets vs. circling before beginning the final descent + selling snacks. On the other hand, this could be presumed to be a slight retcon, as in 4x16, it was crucial for the plot that the plane would be close to landing, and starting the inflight movie would not make much sense right before landing.",
"I'm reading Baby Rudin and exercise 28 of chapter 2 reads \"Prove that every closed set in a separable metric space is the union of a (possibly empty) perfect set and a set which is at most countable.\" I don't understand why the set must be closed in order for this to be true. My proof is as follows, and I don't make any reference to the closedness of the set: Let $E$ be a set in a separable metric space. Let $B$ be a countable base of that metric space. Let $P$ be the set of condensation points of $E$. I claim that $P$ is perfect and $E-P$ is at most countable. If $p$ is a limit point of $P$, then every neighborhood of $p$ includes at least one point $q$ of P. For a neighborhood $N_{p}$ of $p$, choose a neighborhood $N_{q} \\subset N_{p}$ of $q$. Since $q$ is a condensation point of $E$, uncountably many points of $E$ are in $N_{q}$, and thus in $N_{p}$. So $p\\in P$ and $P$ is closed. If $p \\in P$, then $p$ is a condensation point of $E$, so every neighborhood $N_{p}$ of $p$ must include uncountably many points of $E$. If $p$ is not a limit point of $P$, then there exists a neighborhood $N_{p}$ of $p$ such that $N_p$ includes no condensation points of $E$ except for $p$. This means that every point $q\\in N_{p}-\\{p\\}$ must have a neighborhood $N_{q}$ that does not have uncountably many points of $E$. For each $b_{k}\\in B \\cap \\mathscr{P}(N_{p})$, choose such a neighborhood $N_{q_{k}} \\supset b_{k}$ of some point $q\\in N_{p}-\\{p\\}$. Now $\\{N_{q_{k}}\\}$ covers $N_{p}$, and $\\bigcup_{k=1}^{\\infty}N_{q_{k}}\\supset N_{p}$ has at most countably many points of $E$, for it is a union of countably many sets that have at most countably many points of $E$. This contradicts the assumption that $p\\in P$. So $P$ is perfect. Let $S=E-P$. There are no condensation points in $S$. So there exists an open cover $\\{N_s\\}$, where each $N_s$ is a neighborhood of $s \\in S$ with at most countably many elements of $S$. For each $b_{k}\\in B \\cap \\mathscr{P}(S)$, choose such a neighborhood $N_{s_{k}} \\supset b_{k}$ of some point $s\\in S$. Then we have a countable subcover $\\{N_{p_{k}}\\}$ of $S$. As $N_{p_{k}} \\cap S$ is at most countable for all $k$, $S$ must be at most countable. So what am I doing wrong? Or is Rudin's assumption of closedness extraneous?",
"Replace a string in a text file using a shell script not working properly I have a text file containing this: 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 1.5 0.0 1.0 1 and I want to replace the 1.0 to 2.0 so that it becomes: 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 1.5 0.0 2.0 1 so I use this command: sed -i 's/'1.0'/'2.0'/g' /home/user1/file1.txt or this: sed -i 's/1.0/2.0/g' /home/user1/file1.txt but this is the result that appears and I don't know how to fix this: 0 0 -2.0 2.0 0 0 0 -2.0 0 1.5 0.0 2.0 1",
"The question of made me wonder as to whether wizards, any of them, do practice religion. Whether there be magic-person only religions or shared muggle faiths, I do not recall any wizards (born in the wizard world anyway) saying that they did practice a religion. Many of them do celebrate Christmas, but as was commented on the above linked question, there are many non-christian muggles that also observe Christmas. So I am not sure that can be an accurate identifier. Answering this question may link into identifying .",
"StandardSetController with History records",
"Checking to see if a user has a licence for a managed package So I'm aware that there is a method on UserInfo called isCurrentUserLicensed which lets you check if the user running the code has a licence for a namespace that you specify, i.e. for a particular managed package. What I want to know is whether there is a way I can test to see if some other user (assume I have their ID) has a licence for a particular package. Has anybody found a way to do this?",
"ON an American street, but IN a British one. Do the twain ever meet?",
"Why do we think of light as a wave? I've read that light travels in a straight line and has a wavelength of 400nm to 700nm. But I don't understand why does it have a wavelength and what creates its wavelength? I agree with the concept of sound which also has wavelength, thus called sound waves which are created by the vibrational movement in air. I'm not aware of calling light a wave. Does the light vibrate too? If so, then how?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Debug log getting truncated | Need to get logfile smaller | [
"The \"equal angles\" law of refection on a flat mirror is a macroscopic phenomenon. To put it in anthropomorphic terms, how do individual photons know the orientation of the mirror so as to bounce off in the correct direction?",
"What is the difference between const_iterator and non-const iterator in the C++ STL? What is the difference between a const_iterator and an iterator and where would you use one over the other?",
"Show that function $f$ has a continuous extension to $[a,b]$ iff $f$ is uniformly continuous on $(a,b)$ Let $E \\subset F \\subset X$ and $f:E\\rightarrow Y$. We say that the function $g:F\\rightarrow Y$ is an extension of $f$ if $g(x) = f(x)$ for all $x \\in E$. Let $f: (a, b) \\rightarrow \\mathbb{R}$. Show that $f$ has a continuous extension to $[a, b]$ if and only if $f$ is uniformly continuous on $(a, b)$. $(X,d)$ is a metric space. Hint: To prove $\\Leftarrow$ start by showing that $f$ maps Cauchy sequences to Cauchy sequences. Then how should you define $g(a)$ and $g(b)$? The $\\Rightarrow$ part of the proof was quite simple, but even with the hint, the other way seems a bit difficult. Doesn't the first part of the \"hint\" follow from the way we defined $f$? If so, how do I prove this? Help/Hints appreciated!",
"This code is part of a larger code that generates an Arithmetic Quiz, although the code I have show below just saves the score that the user got on the test and their name. When saving the code it checks if the user has taken the quiz before. If the user has taken the quiz before it saves it as 'Older Score' or 'Oldest Score', however if the user has not taken the quiz before it generates a new row for them. Additionally it works out the average score and highest score for all users it has the data for. For my task I'm supposed to make the code as short as possible. name = \"\"+first_name+\" \"+last_name rows_data = [] class_file_names = ['Class 1.csv', 'Class 2.csv', 'Class 3.csv'] scan = open(class_file_names[int(math_class)-1], 'r+') rows = csv.reader(scan) for row in rows: rows_data.append(row) scan.close() class_file_names=['Class 1.csv', 'Class 2.csv', 'Class 3.csv'] csvfile=open(class_file_names[int(math_class)-1], 'w', newline=\"\") fieldnames = ['Student Name', 'Oldest Score', 'Older Score', 'Latest Score', 'Average', 'Highest'] writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) writer.writeheader() nameFound=False for x in rows_data[1:]: if x[0] == name: x[3]=x[2] x[2]=x[1] x[1]=str(score) x[4]=(int(x[1])+int(x[2])+int(x[3]))/3 x[5]=max(x[1],x[2],x[3]) nameFound=True writer.writerow({'Student Name': x[0], 'Oldest Score': x[3], 'Older Score': x[2], 'Latest Score': x[1], 'Average': x[4], 'Highest' : x[5]}) if nameFound==False: writer.writerow({'Student Name': name, 'Latest Score': score, 'Older Score': '0', 'Oldest Score': '0', 'Average': score, 'Highest': score}) csvfile.close() input(\"Test complete! Press anything to close.\")",
"A friend asked me last week how to enumerate or list all variables within a program/function/etc. for the purposes of debugging (essentially getting a snapshot of everything so you can see what variables are set to, or if they are set at all). I looked around a bit and found a relatively good way for Python: #!/usr/bin/python foo1 = \"Hello world\" foo2 = \"bar\" foo3 = {\"1\":\"a\", \"2\":\"b\"} foo4 = \"1+1\" for name in dir(): myvalue = eval(name) print name, \"is\", type(name), \"and is equal to \", myvalue which will output something like: __builtins__ is <type 'str'> and is equal to <module '__builtin__' (built-in)> __doc__ is <type 'str'> and is equal to None __file__ is <type 'str'> and is equal to ./foo.py __name__ is <type 'str'> and is equal to __main__ foo1 is <type 'str'> and is equal to Hello world foo2 is <type 'str'> and is equal to bar foo3 is <type 'str'> and is equal to {'1': 'a', '2': 'b'} foo4 is <type 'str'> and is equal to 1+1 I have so far found a partial way in PHP (courtesy of ) but it only lists all variables and their types, not the contents: <?php // create a few variables $bar = 'foo'; $foo ='bar'; // create a new array object $arrayObj = new ArrayObject(get_defined_vars()); // loop over the array object and echo variables and values for($iterator = $arrayObj->getIterator(); $iterator->valid(); $iterator->next()) { echo $iterator->key() . ' => ' . $iterator->current() . '<br />'; } ?> So I put it to you: how do you list all variables and their contents in your favorite language? Edit by : I propose this question follows the spirit of a little \"\". If you do not agree, just edit and remove the tag and the link.",
"I've taken multivariate calculus and am wondering if I can see a specific function where the order of taking the partial derivative matters. I've been told that there are some exceptions where $ \\dfrac{\\partial ^2 f}{\\partial x \\partial y} \\ne \\dfrac{\\partial ^2 f}{\\partial y \\partial x} $, so I'm curious to see what this looks like. EDIT: And why would this true?",
"How can I create a new extensible symbol? Given an arbitrary thin vertical symbol, can I create a new math delimiter from it (and if so, how)? Edit: Ideally, I would like to be able to create an extensible symbol, either built out an existing normal symbol, or even made from scratch. Edit 2: I am pretty sure that what I am after is an explanation of how to create a .tfm file for an extensible symbol (which Werner's answer describes the general structure of, but not how to make one). For example, let's say I wanted to use the \\dagger () or \\wr () symbol as a delimiter, and write expressions like \\[\\left\\ldagger \\sum_{n=1}^\\infty a_n \\right\\rdagger\\] where the symbol scaled appropriately. Would there be any distinction between declaring a symmetric delimiter (like \\vert), as opposed to one that has inherently different \"left\" and \"right\" versions like [ and ]? Now, even being unaware of the inner workings of TeX, I imagine that there has to be lots of information in the fonts for how a delimiter is to be scaled in different situations, and if I try to make my own delimiter, this information won't be present. Would I need to get deep into FontForge or equivalent to achieve my custom delimiters, or is there an easier way?",
"Does a charged particle accelerating in a gravitational field radiate? A charged particle undergoing an acceleration radiates photons. Let's consider a charge in a freely falling frame of reference. In such a frame, the local gravitational field is necessarily zero, and the particle does not accelerate or experience any force. Thus, this charge is free in such a frame. But, a free charge does not emit any photons. There seems to be a paradox. Does a freely falling charge in a gravitational field radiate?",
"My friend recently received a new digital drawing tablet (Wacom Intuos Pro). Among other features, there is a hole that resembles a charm hole found on mobile phones: Other parts of the package (e.g. pen) do not have such holes, so it isn't possible to attach them using a band. What is the purpose of this hole? Is it just for attaching various charms and such?",
"Breaking an equation cluster that does not fit on the rest of page across two pages",
"A hidden process, what it is? [root@datacenteronline ~]# ssh [email protected] Last login: Wed Apr 17 09:55:45 2013 from [root@localhost ~]# ls /proc/ | grep 2266 [root@localhost ~]# cd /proc/2266 [root@localhost 2266]# ls attr cpuset limits net root statm autogroup cwd loginuid numa_maps sched status auxv environ maps oom_adj schedstat syscall cgroup exe mem oom_score sessionid task clear_refs fd mountinfo oom_score_adj smaps wchan cmdline fdinfo mounts pagemap stack coredump_filter io mountstats personality stat [root@localhost 2266]# ls -al /proc/2266 total 0 dr-xr-xr-x 7 apache apache 0 Apr 17 09:45 . dr-xr-xr-x 266 root root 0 Apr 17 09:11 .. dr-xr-xr-x 2 apache apache 0 Apr 17 09:45 attr -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 autogroup -r-------- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 auxv -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 cgroup --w------- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 clear_refs -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 cmdline -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 coredump_filter -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 cpuset lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 cwd -> / -r-------- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 environ lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 exe -> /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd dr-x------ 2 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 fd dr-x------ 2 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 fdinfo -r-------- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 io -rw------- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 limits -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 loginuid -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 maps -rw------- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 mem -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 mountinfo -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 mounts -r-------- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 mountstats dr-xr-xr-x 6 apache apache 0 Apr 17 09:45 net -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 numa_maps -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 oom_adj -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 oom_score -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 oom_score_adj -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 pagemap -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 personality lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 root -> / -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 sched -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 schedstat -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 sessionid -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 smaps -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 stack -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 stat -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 statm -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 status -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 syscall dr-xr-xr-x 29 apache apache 0 Apr 17 09:45 task -r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 Apr 17 09:45 wchan Cound anyone tell me what it is?",
"Automatic vacuum fails with `ERROR: XX000: cache lookup failed for type 0` I've been noticing something like this popping up every 15 seconds in my server logs: 2020-01-30 21:10:30 UTC::@:[24969]:ERROR: XX000: cache lookup failed for type 0 2020-01-30 21:10:30 UTC::@:[24969]:CONTEXT: automatic vacuum of table \"myschema.mytable\" 2020-01-30 21:10:30 UTC::@:[24969]:LOCATION: get_typlenbyval, lsyscache.c:2036 When I manually run a VACUUM ANALYZE myschema.mytable; it runs without any error, and the error in my logs goes away. However, inevitably, it returns again at some point. The table in question is defined as follows: tfs_dev=> \\d myschema.mytable; Table \"myschema.mytable\" Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default -------------+-----------+-----------+----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- level | text | | not null | id | integer | | not null | nextval('myschema.mytable_id_seq'::regclass) text_id | text | | | name | text | | | geom | geometry | | | valid_dates | tstzrange | | | tstzrange(NULL::timestamp with time zone, NULL::timestamp with time zone) adjacent | integer[] | | | valence | integer | | | color | smallint | | | 0 Indexes: \"mytable_pkey\" PRIMARY KEY, btree (level, id) \"mytable_text_id_key\" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (text_id) \"mytable_gix\" gist (level, geom, id, text_id, name) \"mytable_spgix\" spgist (geom) \"mytable_text_id_ix\" btree (text_id, level, id, name) Referenced by: TABLE \"otherschema.othertable\" CONSTRAINT \"othertable_mytable_fk\" FOREIGN KEY (level, level_id) REFERENCES myschema.mytable(level, id) TABLE \"otherschema.othertable2\" CONSTRAINT \"othertable2_mytable_fk\" FOREIGN KEY (level, level_id) REFERENCES myschema.mytable(level, id) Many other posts with a similar error seem to be about a foreign data wrapper, which is present in this database, but not with this table/schema.",
"Why do we use Root Mean Square (RMS) values when talking about AC voltage What makes it a good idea to use RMS rather than peak values of current and voltage when we talk about or compute with AC signals.",
"C++11: defining function on std::array",
"Is there any way to get real-time compilation for LaTeX? I would really love to have a software or tool which provided real time compilation of my LaTeX document (to be able to see the final pdf or dvi document as I type the latex code), especially for when I am drawing pictures using tikZ. So far, I know of two things, but none of them work for me. They are: : This is only for tikZ, which would be perfect for me, but unfortunately as far as I know it only works with Ubuntu and Debian, and I use Mac OS X (so I have never actually tried it, though I did dig a lot to see whether I would be able to install on my mac and from what I see it is really what I want - I am even considering installing Ubuntu just to use it!). : This is a minor mode for Emacs. It was extremely hard to get it to work on the mac (see my quest ), and it is not all that fast. The speed is not all that big of a deal for me, but the fact that it does not work with tikZ pictures is (the nodes all collapse in one point so that the words are all one on the top of the other). So my question is: is there a software ideally like KtikZ or another type of editor which provides real-time compilation and that I can use on my mac? I guess if you know of a Windows/Linux option I would also like to know, and the same for a way to set up a script to get the document compiled every 5 seconds or so (I am sure I have seen this written somewhere, but I don't know whether I can do it with a mac or whether it is editor/pdf viewer dependent), but what I really want is a software/tool which would work with a mac. To be clear, I am not after something like LyX, that is, I am not after a WYSIWYG-type thing, but rather something where I can type real LaTeX and see my code, but have at the same time another window showing me the pdf (or dvi) file compiled.",
"We have played a 7-team competition, all seven teams met, we eliminated the team with the lowest points. After that the remaining six teams played knock out games and the three winning teams will go direct to semi-finals. We decided that 4 teams should be picked to go for semi-final and that the best loser will join the other three to make it four teams to battle at the semi-final and final. During the quarter final games, one team is beaten 2-0, another is beaten 3-0 and the third team is beaten in a penalty shoot-out by 4-0. Now should you want a best loser to join the other three teams making four teams to play in the semi-final, who among these three teams would be in the best losers position.",
"Unless I missed something key during Descent 1/2, how is it that the Borg are once again a collective?",
"There is a remote Windows server on a private network which I can connect to via Remote Desktop Connection. I would like to be able to make TCP/IP connections from my computer to other computers on that server's network. Remote Desktop Connection makes it possible to share printers, drives, and other local resources through the connection. Is there any way to \"tunnel\" a TCP/IP connection via RDC? I'd like something similar to the port-forwarding provided by SSH. I don't see any way to do this via RDC, but I'm hoping the capability is there and I just don't know about it.",
"Is there any difference between \"color\" and \"colour\"? What is the difference between color and colour?",
"What is the difference between a linear and a circular polarizer? When I bought my polarizer, a friend told me that I should get a circular one, because the linear ones can mess with the autofocus. Is this true? What should each be used for?"
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Double values not adding properly | Is floating point math broken? | [
"Let $A$ be a UFD. Assume that $a,b \\in A$ are relatively prime, $c \\in A$ and $a | bc$. To prove that $a|c$, is the following approach correct (or do you have to use some type of prime factorization argument)? By the relatively prime assumption, $\\gcd(a,b)$ is a unit. Call that unit $u \\in A^{\\times}$. Then we can write $u = ax + by$ for some $x,y \\in A$. But then, $c = c \\cdot u = c(ax+by)=cax+cby$. However, it is clear that $a|cax$ and the fact that $a|bc$ implies $a|cby$. Thus, $a|cax+cby=c$.",
"Disable two column mode for separate part I am writing a document using the report class in two column mode, but I need a \\section to spread across both columns, but how can I set that? Something like \\documentclass[10pt,danish,a4paper,twoside,twocolumn]{report} \\input{preamble.tex} \\begin{document} % This section should spread over both columns \\section{Name} \\lipsum[1-3] \\end{document}",
"Dimensionality of null space when Trace is Zero This is the fourth part of a four-part problem in Charles W. Curtis's book entitled Linear Algebra, An Introductory Approach (p. 216). I've succeeded in proving the first three parts, but the most interesting part of the problem eludes me. Part (a) requires the reader to prove that $\\operatorname{Tr}{(AB)} = \\operatorname{Tr}{(BA)}$, which I was able to show by writing out each side of the equation using sigma notation. Part (b) asks the reader to use part (a) to show that similar matrices have the same trace. If $A$ and $B$ are similar, then $\\operatorname{Tr}{(A)} = \\operatorname{Tr}{(S^{-1}BS)}$ $= \\operatorname{Tr}(BSS^{-1})$ $= \\operatorname{Tr}(B)$, which completes part (b). Part (c) asks the reader to show that the vector subspace of matrices with trace equal to zero have dimension $n^2 - 1$. Curtis provides the hint that the map from $M_n(F)$ to $F$ is a linear transformation. From this, I used the theorem that $\\dim T(V) + \\dim n(T) = \\dim V$ to obtain the dimension of the null space. Part (d), however, I'm stuck on. It asks the reader to show that subspace described in part (c) is generated by matrices of the form $AB - BA$, where $A$ and $B$ are arbitrary $n \\times n$ matrices. I tried to form a basis for the subspace, but wasn't really sure what it would look like since an $n \\times n$ matrix has $n^2$ entries in it, but the basis would need $n^2 - 1$ matrixes. I also tried to think of a linear transformation whose image would have the form of $AB - BA$, but this also didn't help me. I'm kind of stuck... Many thanks in advance!",
"I suspected that installing xfce4 cause some issues in Ubuntu so I removed them using apt-get remove xfce4 xfce4-goodeis. But when I ran 'dpkg -l' I still can see some libraries and packages for xfce4: $ dpkg -l | grep -i xfce rc libexo-1-0:amd64 0.10.2-2 amd64 Library with extensions for Xfce rc libgarcon-1-0 0.2.1-1 amd64 freedesktop.org compliant menu implementation for Xfce rc libxfce4ui-1-0 4.11.0-0ubuntu1~ppa0.13.10.1 amd64 widget library for Xfce - Gtk+2 variant rc libxfce4ui-common 4.11.0-0ubuntu1~ppa0.13.10.1 all common files for libxfce4ui rc libxfce4util6 4.10.1-1 amd64 Utility functions library for Xfce4 rc libxfcegui4-4 4.10.0-2 amd64 Basic GUI C functions for Xfce4 rc libxfconf-0-2 4.10.0-2 amd64 Client library for Xfce4 configure interface rc mousepad 0.3.0-2 amd64 simple Xfce oriented text editor rc thunar 1.6.3-1ubuntu1 amd64 File Manager for Xfce rc xfce4-appfinder 4.10.1-1 amd64 Application finder for the Xfce4 Desktop Environment rc xfce4-clipman 2:1.2.3-2ubuntu1 amd64 clipboard history utility rc xfce4-mixer 1:4.10.0-1ubuntu2 amd64 Xfce mixer application rc xfce4-notes 1.7.7-3ubuntu2 amd64 Notes application for the Xfce4 desktop rc xfce4-panel 4.10.1-1ubuntu1 amd64 panel for Xfce4 desktop environment rc xfce4-power-manager 1.2.0-2ubuntu1 amd64 power manager for Xfce desktop rc xfce4-session 4.10.1-1ubuntu1 amd64 Xfce4 Session Manager rc xfce4-settings 4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ppa0.13.10.1 amd64 graphical application for managing Xfce settings rc xfce4-terminal 0.6.2-3ubuntu1.1 amd64 Xfce terminal emulator rc xfce4-volumed 0.2.0-0ubuntu1 amd64 volume keys daemon rc xfdesktop4 4.11.2-0ubuntu1~ppa0.13.10.1 amd64 xfce desktop background, icons and root menu manager rc xfwm4 4.11.1-0ubuntu1~ppa0.13.10.1 amd64 window manager of the Xfce project I copy-pasted all these packages\\libraries to form an apt-get remove command to remove all of these dependencies, and the command ran normally, but running dpkg -l | grep -i xfce showed these dependencies again ! Why are these dependencies still installed ?",
"Limit as $x\\to 2$ of $\\frac{\\cos(\\frac \\pi x)}{x-2} $",
"Why did Tony Stark leave his armor to explore the castle in Sokovia? In Avengers: Age Of Ultron, Tony Stark is the first member of the Avengers to get inside Baron von Strucker's castle, where he takes down a room full of soldiers before stepping out of his suit and travelling down a secret passage. Why does he take off his suit in the middle of an enemy base when it might have protected him against Scarlet Witch's magic, or at the very least helped him better search the passageway with Jarvis' HUD?",
"Unable to mount NTFS external hard drive",
"I'm a bit confused in describing 1.5hrs in words. Is writing one and a half an hour correct or should it be one and half hour? E.g: I'll see you there in one and a half an hour. OR I'll see you there in one and half hour. Or is there any other correct way of writing this?",
"How to programmatically remove a field from a node?",
"What regular expression will match valid international phone numbers?",
"How to add a browser tab icon (favicon) for a website?",
"I would like to put an address in my document as follows: | | | Name | | Street #| | City | | ZIP | | | where the | mark the left and right page borders. I would like the items of the address (Name, Street etc.) to be left-flushed, but the box right-flushed so that the longest item touches the right page border. Is there a simple way to accomplish this?",
"\"Lunch\" vs. \"dinner\" vs. \"supper\" — times and meanings? I've seen cases where a noon-time meal is referred to as dinner, and the evening meal is called supper. There's also lunch around noon followed by dinner in the evening. Is there a particular difference between dinner and supper, or a circumstance where lunch becomes dinner?",
"Why do you cast downvotes on answers?",
"Is it possible to connect two monitors on a laptop, one through HDMI and the other through DisplayPort? For example the Alienware m17x offers 3 connections, HDMI, DisplayPort, and VGA. Is it possible to connect two independent external monitors, one through the DisplayPort and one through the HDMI port?",
"I have a very large folder that I am trying to create a tar archive of. The issue is I don't have enough extra free space to store the entire archive so I want to create say 100-200GB chunks of the archive at a time and transfer those individually to cloud storage. I need to be able to control when new chunks are created so my HDD doesn't fill up but all of the commands i've found to create split tarballs always create it all at once, in the same directory. The closest solution I found was from but all the responses base the archives on number of files, not size which is important for my use case as my file sizes are unevenly distributed.",
"Behaviour of increment and decrement operators in Python",
"I am trying to install a Ralink wifi adapter in Ubuntu Desktop 14.04. The system is not detecting the wifi. lsusb lists the device as: Bus 002 Device 004: ID 148f:7601 Ralink Technology, Corp. I have the rt2800 USB driver listed in \"/etc/modules\"; Following some instructions on the web, I tried this command: echo 148F 7601 | sudo tee /sys/bus/usb/drivers/rt2800usb/new_i lsmod | grep rt2800 returns the following: rt2800usb 26581 0 rt2x00usb 20041 1 rt2800usb rt2800lib 83150 1 rt2800usb rt2x00lib 48886 3 rt2x00usb,rt2800lib,rt2800usb mac80211 545990 3 rt2x00lib,rt2x00usb,rt2800lib crc_ccitt 12627 1 rt2800lib",
"What does \"no long range\" mean on the soulknife rogue subclass mean?",
"How do I add reCaptcha to a custom form? I need to add a reCaptcha to my form; creating the form then adding the form ID to the reCaptcha settings did nothing."
] | medi_sts_stackexchange_dupe |
Prove $\frac{|a-c|}{\sqrt{(1+a^2)(1+c^2)}}\leq\frac{|a-b|}{\sqrt{(1+a^2)(1+b^2)}}+\frac{|b-c|}{\sqrt{(1+b^2)(1+c^2)}}$ | Metric $d(x,y)=\frac{|x-y|}{\sqrt{1+x^2}\sqrt{1+y^2}}$ on $\mathbb{R}$ | [
"I don't know much about this, But I've some of the questions on which some user has answered (not helpful answer) also but I want to delete those questions, but whenever I go to delete that question. It is prompting with What does it mean? Can someone tell me what would be the action taken by Stack Exchange if I delete more questions?",
"Can I stay overnight [15-hour layover] in Haneda airport without a Japan visa? I’m a Filipino citizen. My flight goes from Vancouver to Manila via Tokyo Haneda. I will arrive in Japan at 6pm then depart at 9am the next day. I'm not planning to go out of the airport during my layover, so I don't see a need to have a transit visa. However, I called the Consulate-General of Japan here in Canada, and they asked me to get a transit visa. Then I called the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan and asked them the same question.. at first, they told me I don’t need a visa as long as I stay inside the airport, but when I told them that the Consulate-General of Japan in Canada asked me to get a visa, they also asked me to get one. I'm so confused. I would like to know your knowledge or experience regarding this.",
"I think this question is already answered anywhere, but I couldn't find a solution with my search terms :/ . So I got this model and I only want to smooth out the cylinder parts, but not the extruded edges. So here is my original model, I think it's kinda clear what should be smoothed out, it is supposed to become a rifle scope. This happens with the normal smooth button, but I already tried it with a Bevel modifier and subdivison surface aswell. Solution: Edge Split Modifier with Smooth:",
"My computer no longer boots Windows or the installed operating system. Instead, I may get this error: PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable -or- Check cable connection! PXE-M0F: Exiting PXE ROM. and/or one of the following messages or similar: Operating System not found No boot device available- No bootable devices--strike F1 to retry boot, F2 for setup utility No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key No Boot Device Found. Press any key to reboot the machine Default Boot Device Missing or Boot Failed Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device What does this mean and what can I do? This question comes up often and the answers are usually the same. This post is meant to provide a definitive, canonical answer for this problem. Feel free to edit the answer to add additional details.",
"Map a function across a list conditionally",
"'Search on Yammer' link in search center refiners I have a heavily branded site I'm working on and can't find where the \"Search on Yammer\" link is being populated from. It appears within the search refiner/filter web part in the left column but none of the display templates reference this. I'd like to be able to customize the link, placement on the page, etc. without resorting to jQuery to move elements around the page. And the markup coming through looks like this. The refiners themselves come through a series of display templates but the Yammer link is nowhere that I can see in any of them. <div webpartid=\"f09e98eb-6dc3-4a9b-8dbf-65d0fbc7b7c3\" haspers=\"false\" id=\"WebPartWPQ4\" width=\"100%\" class=\"ms-WPBody \" allowdelete=\"false\" style=\"\"> <div class=\"ms-ref-ctrl\"> <div class=\"ms-ref-refiner\"> <div id=\"Container\"> <h2 class=\"ms-displayInline\"> <a class=\"ms-ref-name ms-displayInlineBlock ms-srchnav-link-selected ms-link\" href=\"javascript:void(window.open( 'https://www.yammer.com/search?trk_event=o365_search&amp;search='+ encodeURIComponent(Srch.ScriptApplicationManager.get_current().queryGroups. Default.dataProvider.get_currentQueryState().k),'_blank'));\" title=\"Open a new tab to search for this on Yammer\">Search on Yammer</a> </h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div componentid=\"ctl00_SPWebPartManager1_g_f09e98eb_6dc3_4a9b_8dbf_65d0fbc7b7c3_csr\" id=\"ctl00_SPWebPartManager1_g_f09e98eb_6dc3_4a9b_8dbf_65d0fbc7b7c3_csr\"> ... refiners populated through display templates ... </div>",
"Regular Expression: Numeric range",
"What is the weight equation through general relativity?",
"In PostgreSQL is the row ordering preserved in functions and CTEs?",
"How do I drop an object to the sand?",
"Compiling LaTeX document empties .bbl file I'm trying out biblatex for the document I'm compiling, using the biber backend on my miktex distribution. Everything, including biber, should be up to date, assuming the MiKTeX repository currently holds the latest versions of everything. This is what the biblatex documentation (p. 101) says about how often I have to run biber to update my .bbl file: Whenever a reference to a work which has not been cited before is added, this procedure must be repeated. This is also the case if the last reference to a work which has been cited before is removed because some citation labels may change in this case. So if I make changes to my document (which is a very common activity in the process of writing a document), but leave the citations unchanged, I should not have to re-run biber before compiling the changes. However, every time I compile my document, regardless of the compiler or documentclass, the .bbl file is emptied. Consequently, the next time I compile the document without running biber, the bibliography is removed (seeing as the .bbl file contains nothing), and all my citations are broken. For this reason, I have to run biber before every time I compile the document, which largely counters the benefit of externalizing the bibliography in the first place. How can I make the compilers stop overwriting my .bbl file and make everything behave as described in the biblatex manual? Upon investigating the contents of the auxiliary files, I found that the .bbl file (after running biber, before compiling) begins with the following lines: % $ biblatex auxiliary file $ % $ biblatex bbl format version 2.3 $ Does the biblatex version 2.8 still mark the .bbl files as version 2.3? If not, could this be the problem? And if so, why does my 2.8 version of biblatex (partly) behave as version 2.3? Any help solving this problem would be much appreciated.",
"I am starting to see a lot of people claiming that convential current is 'wrong' because Franklin made an error when he first started investigating electrostatics, and that later scientists didn't bother correcting the mistake, but preferred to keep the 'convention' (here is a classic example: ) I always thought he didn't get it wrong. He said that current is positive in the direction that positive charge flows, and vice-versa. He of course had no way to know which side of two sticks behind rubbed actually gained or lost mass. So he wasn't wrong. What were you taught? P.S. I can't help but feel we are lucky that he got it 'backwards', because clearly many people are confused about electrostastics (including the author of that text book!) and believe electricity has to involve electrons (an unfortunate name... why couldn't they have been named negatrons...)",
"This might be a bizarre but crucial question, can I fully trust leaving my laptop in repairs (Genius Bar) while they have full access to it ? I recently went to the genius bar to get my display fixed, and apparently they asked for my laptop's password just in case they need some \"testing\" after they're done. Can't they do that as a guest account ? I got sensitive information on my laptop such as passport copies etc, as well as passwords saved in Safari's keychains for my bank account, paypal, amazon etc .. The service is due later on today, shall I change my password and ask them to contact me directly if they need something specific ?? They're going to fix in 3 hours so I'll be in the mall whilst they finish.",
"\"Thought you'd never ask\" is \"I thought you'd never ask\" with \"I\" omitted. \"Hope this helps\" is \"I hope this helps\" with \"I\" omitted. In English grammar, normally every sentence should have a subject, right? My first thought is that these two examples are so often used that they are like set phrases. But these are not really set phrases. You can alter the words after \"thought\" and \"hope\". Another possible explanation is the tendency to drop the subject if it is the first person pronoun. It seems that in many languages, such as Spanish, Italian and Japanese, the first person subject is usually omitted. Maybe English is going the same way? (Not exactly the same, since in Italian, verb forms change according to the person, so the subject is not necessary to understand who one's referring to.) And, apparently, such omission is more common in spoken English than in written English. Are there more examples of such first person subject omission? How frequent is it?",
"Is Dirichlet function Riemann integrable? \"Dirichlet function\" is meant to be the characteristic function of rational numbers on $[a,b]\\subset\\mathbb{R}$. On one hand, a function on $[a,b]$ is Riemann integrable if and only if it is bounded and continuous almost everywhere, which the Dirichlet function satisfies. On the other hand, the upper integral of Dirichlet function is $b-a$, while the lower integral is $0$. They don't match, so that the function is not Riemann integrable. I feel confused about which explanation I should choose...",
"Hibernate @Enumerated mapping",
"I have recently installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on my laptop Sony Vaio VPCEA16FG. I have been getting system freezes (everything including display, mouse, keyboard stops working and I have to do a restart with the power switch) and there are random popups of \"System program problem Detected\" On startup my screen is all splashed with black and white pixels and a System program problem detected message. My video card info: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Madison [Mobility Radeon HD 5650/5750 / 6530M/6550M",
"What is the name of the depiction of concentration with raised eyebrow called?",
"Delete all files to which no corresponding file with another extension exists My goal is to find a Linux command sequence, which deletes some files if a special condition is fulfilled: All files with the extensions .cut or .cut.bak in the current directory shall be removed, IF there is no file having the same name, but extension .rec or .mpg in the current directory. Background: I am developing a tool for a Linux-based PVR, that allows cutting of recorded programs. For each recording (extension .rec or .mpg) the segment markers are stored in a .cut-file with the same name. When some recording gets moved/renamed/deleted, then the corresponding cut-file remains orphaned and shall be deleted. I already have implemented the removing of those useless cut-files in C. But I am wondering, whether there may be a (simple) system based solution. In this case it could be run via 'system' and & in the background, which would make my application more responsive... I already asked a similar question for the recursive case (browsing also into subdirectories), . There has been a (nearly) perfect answer by kos - but unfortunately it removes too many files, so it is not usable, and I was not able to figure it out... But the same idea can be used here, IF it is possible to parse and pipe the result of 'ls' linewise...",
"HTTP request parameters are not available by request.getAttribute()"
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Subsets and Splits