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define biological race | [
"score": 0.8428157568,
"text": "The biological definition of race is a geographically isolated breeding population that shares certain characteristics in higher frequencies than other populations of that species, but has not become reproductively isolated from other populations of the same species.he biological definition of race is a geographically isolated breeding population that shares certain characteristics in higher frequencies than other populations of that species, but has not become reproductively isolated from other populations of the same species."
] | [
"score": 0.7577231526,
"text": "Race is a complex topic to address, because its very existence is contentious. Race can dramatically shape the fortunes of people in modern societies despite the lack of a solid biological basis for what appears to be a biological concept. We can define race as a biologically distinct sub-group or sub-species within the human species."
"score": 0.7460955381,
"text": "Race 43. What Race Is Not • Race is not biological: Race is a social concept and has no biological basis. • Race is not genetic: You cannot determine a person's race by examining their genes. A person's race is determined by the society they live in.ace 43. What Race Is Not • Race is not biological: Race is a social concept and has no biological basis. • Race is not genetic: You cannot determine a person's race by examining their genes. A person's race is determined by the society they live in."
"score": 0.7233144045,
"text": "Race is a concept used in the categorization of humans into groups, called races or racial groups, based on combinations of shared physical traits, ancestry, genetics, and social or cultural traits. Although such groupings lack a firm basis in modern biology, they continue to have a strong influence over contemporary social relations. First used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations, by the 17th century race began to refer to physical traits. The term"
"score": 0.7223975062,
"text": "Race and Ethnicity [edit]. A race is a human population that is believed to be distinct in some way from other humans based on real or imagined physical differences.Racial classifications are rooted in the idea of biological classification of humans according to morphological features such as skin color or facial characteristics.ace and Ethnicity [edit]. A race is a human population that is believed to be distinct in some way from other humans based on real or imagined physical differences."
"score": 0.7197240591,
"text": "race is a social concept , not a biological one. Science and science racism emerged during the 18th and 19th centuries as an attempt to justify the mistreatment of people of color, highlighting they are physiologically inferior to Europeans."
"score": 0.7184538245,
"text": "[T]he successful assignment of race to a skeletal specimen is not a vindication of the race concept, but rather a prediction that an individual, while alive was assigned to a particular socially constructed racial category.or the human race (all of humanity), see Human. For the term race in biology, see Race (biology) . Race, as a social construct, is a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics."
"score": 0.7178248167,
"text": "While race has no basis in biology, it does have considerable social significance. Sociologists define race as a vast collectivity of people more or less bound together by shared and selected history, ancestors, and physical features."
"score": 0.7173812985,
"text": "Race and Ethnicity Defined. Race and Ethnicity Defined. The term race refers to groups of people who have differences and similarities in biological traits deemed by society to be socially significant, meaning that people treat other people differently because of them."
"score": 0.7173573971,
"text": "For the human race (all of humanity), see Human. For the term race in biology, see Race (biology) . Race, as a social construct, is a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics.First used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations, by the 17th century race began to refer to physical (i.e. phenotypical) traits.oday, the word Latino is often used as a synonym for Hispanic. The definitions of both terms are non-race specific, and include people who consider themselves to be of distinct races (Black, White, Amerindian, Asian, and mixed groups)."
"score": 0.7132203579,
"text": "Race is associated with biology, whereas ethnicity is associated with culture. In biology, races are genetically distinct populations within the same species; they typically have relatively minor morphological and genetic differences."
"score": 0.7104645967,
"text": "I would agree that there is no absolute biological definition of race. That is to say, there are not gene or genes that are always in a person regarded as being one particular race. Mr Fuentes takes that to mean there is no such thing as race."
"score": 0.7086833715,
"text": "The traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological and sociological factors respectively. Race refers to a person's physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color."
"score": 0.7085335851,
"text": ". .[D]espite the prevalent belief in biological races, overwhelming evidence proves that race is not biological. Biological races like Negroid and Caucasoid simply do not exist. [A]. . . newly popular [argument] among several scholars, [is] that races are wholly illusory, whether as a biological or social concept."
"score": 0.7081735134,
"text": "Race is associated with biology, whereas ethnicity is associated with culture. In biology, races are genetically distinct populations within the same species; they typically have relatively minor morphological and genetic differences.ace is associated with biology, whereas ethnicity is associated with culture. In biology, races are genetically distinct populations within the same species; they typically have relatively minor morphological and genetic differences."
"score": 0.7065478563,
"text": "Race is a classification system used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups by anatomical, cultural, ethnic, genetic, geographical, historical, linguistic, religious, or social affiliation.he theory that race is merely a social construct has been challenged by the findings of researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine, published in the American Journal of Human Genetics as Genetic Structure, Self-Identified Race/Ethnicity, and Confounding in Case-Control Association Studies."
"score": 0.7050520778,
"text": "When some people use the race they attach a biological meaning, still others use race as a socially constructed concept. It is clear that even though race does not have a biological meaning, it does have a social meaning which has been legally constructed. Biological Construction."
"score": 0.7040194273,
"text": "Scientific racism (sometimes race biology or racial biology) is the pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority; alternatively, it is the practice of classifying individuals of different phenotypes or genotype into discrete races."
"score": 0.7038737535,
"text": "Race (sociology) The term race or racial group refers to dividing the human species according to physical characteristics that are inherited. The most widely used human racial types are those based on visual traits (such as skin colour, cranial, facial features, or type of hair)."
"score": 0.7028585076,
"text": "The traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological and sociological factors respectively. Race refers to a person's physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color.he traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological and sociological factors respectively. Race refers to a person's physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color."
"score": 0.7017561197,
"text": "Scientific racism (sometimes race biology or racial biology or pseudoscientific racism) is the pseudoscientific study of techniques and hypotheses to support or justify belief in racism, racial inferiority, or racial superiority; alternatively, it is the practice of classifying individuals of different phenotypes or genotype into discrete races."
"score": 0.7009630203,
"text": "race. (noun) \"A classification system used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups by anatomical, cultural, ethnic, genetic, geographical, historical, linguistic, religious, or social affiliation\" (Wikipedia)."
"score": 0.6996119022,
"text": "The traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological and sociological factors respectively. Race refers to a person's physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color. Ethnicity, however, refers to cultural"
"score": 0.6988756657,
"text": "Race. Definition. noun. (1) A group or population of humans categorized on the basis of various sets of heritable characteristics (such as color of skin, eyes, and hair). (2) A descent from a common heritage, ancestor, breed or stock. (3) A tribe or family of people sharing a common breed or lineage."
"score": 0.6974955201,
"text": "Modern biological concepts of race can be implemented objectively with molecular genetic data through hypothesis-testing. Genetic data sets are used to see if biological races exist in humans and in our closest evolutionary relative, the chimpanzee.here are no objective criteria for choosing one adaptive trait over another to define race. As a consequence, adaptive traits do not define races in humans. Much of the recent scientific literature on human evolution portrays human populations as separate branches on an evolutionary tree."
"score": 0.6965699196,
"text": "Race (human categorization) Race, as a social construct, is the classification of humans into groups based on physical traits, ancestry, genetics, or social relations, or the relations between those groups."
"score": 0.6941711903,
"text": "The history of the races of mankind is a fascinating subject. Biologically, a race is generally thought of as a variety, or subspecies, within a given species. All the races are a part of the human race."
"score": 0.6924965382,
"text": "When some people use the race they attach a biological meaning, still others use race as a socially constructed concept. It is clear that even though race does not have a biological meaning, it does have a social meaning which has been legally constructed."
"score": 0.6903108954,
"text": "Race. Definition. noun. (1) A group or population of humans categorized on the basis of various sets of heritable characteristics (such as color of skin, eyes, and hair). (2) A descent from a common heritage, ancestor, breed or stock.(3) A tribe or family of people sharing a common breed or lineage.oun. (1) A group or population of humans categorized on the basis of various sets of heritable characteristics (such as color of skin, eyes, and hair). (2) A descent from a common heritage, ancestor, breed or stock. (3) A tribe or family of people sharing a common breed or lineage."
"score": 0.6897984743,
"text": "Sociologists define race as a concept that is used to signify different types of human bodies. While there is no biological basis for racial classification, sociologists recognize a long history of attempts to organize groups of people based on similar skin color and physical appearance."
"score": 0.6881021261,
"text": "race. (noun) \"A classification system used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups by anatomical, cultural, ethnic, genetic, geographical, historical, linguistic, religious, or social affiliation\" (Wikipedia). Audio Pronunciation: (race)."
"score": 0.6876752377,
"text": "Diffen › English Language › Grammar › Words. The traditional definition of race and ethnicity is related to biological and sociological factors respectively. Race refers to a person's physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color."
"score": 0.6866462827,
"text": "race 1. n. 1. A group of people identified as distinct from other groups because of supposed physical or genetic traits shared by the group."
"score": 0.6864889264,
"text": "The concept of race has historically signified the division of humanity into a small number of groups based upon five criteria: (1) Races reflect some type of biological foundation, be it Aristotelian essences or modern genes; (2) This biological foundation generates discrete racial groupings, such that all and only all members of one race share a set of biological characteristics that are not shared by members of other races; (3) This biological foundation is inherited from generation to ..."
"score": 0.6828980446,
"text": "Sociologists define race as a concept that is used to signify different types of human bodies. While there is no biological basis for racial classification, sociologists recognize a long history of attempts to organize groups of people based on similar skin color and physical appearance.ociologists define race as a concept that is used to signify different types of human bodies. While there is no biological basis for racial classification, sociologists recognize a long history of attempts to organize groups of people based on similar skin color and physical appearance."
"score": 0.67884624,
"text": "Race is a classification system used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups by heritable phenotypic characteristics, geographic ancestry, culture, history, language, physical appearance, ethnicity, and social status.ace is a classification system used to categorize humans into large and distinct populations or groups by heritable phenotypic characteristics, geographic ancestry, culture, history, language, physical appearance, ethnicity, and social status."
"score": 0.6778482199,
"text": "in fact even though biological races do not exist the concept of race obviously is still a reality as is racism these are prevalent and persistent elements of our everyday lives and generally accepted aspects of our culture thus the concept of human races is real"
"score": 0.6767273545,
"text": "In my own field of evolutionary biology, races of animals (also called \"subspecies\" or \"ecotypes\") are morphologically distinguishable populations that live in allopatry (i.e. are geographically separated). There is no firm criterion on how much morphological difference it takes to delimit a race."
"score": 0.6726793647,
"text": "Still, the concept of human race as an objective biological reality persists in science and in society. It is high time that policy makers, educators and those in the medical-industrial complex rid themselves of the misconception of race as type or as genetic population.till, the concept of human race as an objective biological reality persists in science and in society. It is high time that policy makers, educators and those in the medical-industrial complex rid themselves of the misconception of race as type or as genetic population."
"score": 0.6701138616,
"text": "Race, as a social construct, is a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics. First used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations, by the 17th century race began to refer to physical (i.e. phenotypical) traits."
"score": 0.669282794,
"text": "Race is a vaguely defined biological, social and political concept, they noted, and skin color is only part of what race is -- and is not. In fact, several scientists said, the new work shows just how small a biological difference is reflected by skin color. The newly found mutation involves a change of just one letter of DNA code out of the 3.1 billion letters in the human genome -- the complete instructions for making a human being."
"score": 0.6673277617,
"text": "Best Answer: Biologically, there are no races. There is more difference between people generally classified as one race, as there is between all races. In other words, a white-skinned Englishman quite possibly shares more genes with a black-skinned Ethiopian Jew than with a Spaniard or Pole."
"score": 0.6669496298,
"text": "Racism is something something we've all witnessed. Many people fail to believe that race isn't a biological category, but an artificial classification of people with no scientifically variable facts. In other words, the distinction we make between races has nothing to do with genetic characteristics."
"score": 0.663294673,
"text": "The term race refers to the concept of dividing people into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of physical characteristics (which usually result from genetic ancestry). Significance. Ethnicity connotes shared cultural traits and a shared group history."
"score": 0.6607027054,
"text": "Race: categorization of humans based on skin color and other physical characteristics; based on the idea that some characteristics are more important than others (e.g., skin color over height). Skin pigmentation is caused by melanin, a chemical in the skin."
"score": 0.6542777419,
"text": "The term race refers to the concept of dividing people into populations or groups on the basis of various sets of physical characteristics (which usually result from genetic ancestry). Significance. Ethnicity connotes shared cultural traits and a shared group history.n example of race is brown, white, or black skin (all from various parts of the world), while an example of ethnicity is German or Spanish ancestry (regardless of race)."
"score": 0.6536164284,
"text": "The absence of any biological foundation makes race often difficult to define and classify, and as such, sociologists view racial categories and the significance of race in society as unstable, ever shifting, and intimately connected to other social forces and structures."
"score": 0.647752285,
"text": "Race and Ethnicity [edit]. A race is a human population that is believed to be distinct in some way from other humans based on real or imagined physical differences.Racial classifications are rooted in the idea of biological classification of humans according to morphological features such as skin color or facial characteristics. White (49.4% of the population): usually a Brazilian of full or predominant European ancestry or other ancestry (such as German Brazilian) who considers himself or herself to be White. 2 Pardo or Brown (42.3%): usually a Multiracial Brazilian of mixed-race features who considers himself or herself to be Pardo ."
"score": 0.643238306,
"text": "1. History of the Concept of Race. The contemporary scholarly consensus is that the concept of race is a modern phenomenon, at least in the west (Europe, the Americas, and North Africa). Indeed, the oppression and conflict associated with racism clearly predate the biological conception of race (Zack 2002, 7).ut while Bernier initiated the use of the term \"race\" to distinguish different groups of humans based on physical traits, his failure to reflect on the relationship between racial division and the human race in general mitigated the scientific rigor of his definition (Bernasconi and Lott 2000, viii)."
"score": 0.642090559,
"text": "Raj Bhopal re-examines the role of perhaps the most important contributor to the scientific concept of race, Blumenbach, whose insights and errors provide important lessons for us today. The biological concept of human races, as subspecies characterised primarily by physique, has a stormy history."
"score": 0.6354972124,
"text": "Whether this definition is accurate or not, this is what the terms \"race\" and \"ethnicity\" mean to me: Race is a term that describes a group of people with similar descent. I believe race is determined physical specifications such as color, language, eye shape, or even things such as blood types."
"score": 0.6350997686,
"text": "Geographers were employed to define which people were really which race, and to determine the environmental causes of racial superiority or inferiority. Starting in the 1930s, biologists, anthropologists, and geographers began to make headway in debunking the idea of biological race."
"score": 0.6244111061,
"text": "Creating the Mestizo * Origin of Race* People most often consider race a biological difference between groups. Although it is true that humans are born with a variety of skin colors, the concept of race cannot be dismissed simply as a difference in DNA."
"score": 0.6197767258,
"text": "In biomedical research conducted in the U.S., the 2000 US census definition of race is often applied. This grouping recognizes five races: black or African American, White (European American), Asian, native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, and American Indian or Alaska native."
"score": 0.6183629632,
"text": "Racial Formations Michael Omi and Howard Winant: Defining Race Race as a Social Construct Sociologist Max Weber and Franz Boas, argued that race is a social concept, not a biological one."
"score": 0.5637269616,
"text": "For other uses, see Ethnic groups in Europe. The Caucasian race (also Caucasoid or occasionally Europid) is a taxon historically used to describe the physical or biological type of some or all of the populations of Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia.einers' term was given wider circulation in the 1790s by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, a German professor of medicine and member of the British Royal Society, who is considered one of the founders of the discipline of anthropology."
"score": 0.5628876686,
"text": "Answer Keys 123 GED 216 Sociology Key Term Definitions Race: A socially constructed category composed of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important. Ethnicity: A shared cultural heritage. Prejudice: A rigid and irrational generalization about an entire category of people."
"score": 0.5526881814,
"text": "a better understanding of what the data. for the indicators mean, how data are. used and where you can get them. Dictionary definitions. Webster defines race as \"a division of. mankind possessing traits that are transmis-. sible by descent and sufficient to charac-. terize it as a distinct human type\"; ethnicity as \"a quality or affiliation."
"score": 0.5514053106,
"text": "For other uses, see Ethnic groups in Europe. The Caucasian race (also Caucasoid or occasionally Europid) is a taxon historically used to describe the physical or biological type of some or all of the populations of Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia, Central Asia, and South Asia... the Cro-Magnons were already racially European, i.e., Caucasoid. This has always been accepted because of the general appearance of the skulls: straight faces, narrow noses, and so forth. It is also possible to test this arithmetically. ..."
] |
what city is mercer county, ky | [
"score": 0.7104449272,
"text": "Harrodsburg is a home rule-class city in Mercer County, Kentucky, in the United States. It is the seat of its county. The population was 8,340 at the 2010 census."
] | [
"score": 0.7323907614,
"text": "Mercer County, formed in 1786, is rich in history. Harrodsburg is the seat of Mercer County and is located at the junction of US 127 & US 68. It was founded by James Harrod in 1774 as Harrods Town (or Harrodstown). There are more than 50 historical sites located and enjoyed by visitors and locals in Harrodsburg and Mercer County."
"score": 0.6916587949,
"text": "Mercer County History. Its county seat is Harrodsburg. The county is named for General Hugh Mercer. Hugh Mercer (January 17, 1726 January 12, 1777) was a physician, a brigadier general in the Continental Army and a close friend to George Washington.n 1785, Mercer County was formed out of Lincoln County, and Harrodstown remained the county seat. At the same time the town's name was officially changed to Harrodsburg. Harrodsburg, during the latter part of the eighteenth and first half of the nineteenth century, was a thriving community."
"score": 0.6819798946,
"text": "When Kentucky County was divided into the counties of Fayette, Jefferson and Lincoln, Harrodsburg was the county seat of Lincoln County, which at that time covered over a third of the soon to be state. In 1785 Mercer County was taken from Lincoln and Harrodsburg remained the county seat of Mercer County."
"score": 0.6810330749,
"text": "Mercer County is a county located in West Virginia since that U.S. state was formed in 1863. The county was originally established in the state of Virginia by act of its General Assembly on 17 March 1837, using lands taken from Giles and Tazewell counties. As of 2000, the population was 62,980. Its county seat is Princeton."
"score": 0.6793177724,
"text": "Mercer County is a county located in the U.S. state of Ohio. As of the 2010 census, the population was 40,814. Its county seat is Celina. The county was created in 1820 and later organized in 1824. It is named for Hugh Mercer, an officer in the American Revolutionary War. Mercer County comprises the Celina, OH Micropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the Lima-Van Wert-Celina, OH Combined Statistical Area."
"score": 0.6781007051,
"text": "Mercer is a borough in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 2,391 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Mercer County. Mercer is part of the Youngstown–Warren–Boardman, OH-PA Metropolitan Statistical Area. The community was named after physician Brigadier General Hugh Mercer. Brigadier General Mercer was a close friend to General Washington and became a rallying point for the Battle of Princeton."
"score": 0.6740847826,
"text": "Harrodsburg, the county seat of Mercer County, was founded in 1774 by a stalwart band of pioneers led by James Harrod, of Pennsylvania. It was the only colonial city and the first permanent English settlement west of the Allegheny mountains. Referred to as the Birthplace of the West, Harrodsburg has a proud and remarkable heritage."
"score": 0.672198236,
"text": "Mercer County, KY Census Records. What Mercer County, KY census records are available? There are many types of census records for Mercer County guide you in researching your family tree. Federal Population Schedules are available for 1790-1890, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940."
"score": 0.669441998,
"text": "Mercer County, Missouri. Mercer County is a county located in the northwestern portion of the U.S. state of Missouri. As of the 2010 census, the population was 3,785, making it the second-least populous county in Missouri. Its county seat is Princeton. The county was organized February 14, 1845 and named for General John F. Mercer of the Revolutionary War."
"score": 0.6691512465,
"text": "Mercer is a borough in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 2,391 at the 2000 census.It is the county seat of Mercer County. Mercer is part of the Youngstown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA Metropolitan Statistical Area and is also included in the more extensive Youngstown-Warren, OH-PA Combined Statistical Area.he community was named after physician Brigadier General Hugh Mercer. Brigadier General Mercer was a close friend to General Washington and became a rallying point for the Battle of Princeton. The town is also known for its Memorial Day Parade with the main street lined with 500 flags."
"score": 0.659825325,
"text": "Mercer County vital records can be found at the Kentucky Department of Health (VDH) Office of Vital Records which has copies for of birth & deathe certificates (1911 - present), marriage licenses & divorce decrees (since June 1958). There is a fee for each copy requested."
"score": 0.6553052068,
"text": "Calvert City, Kentucky. Calvert City is a home rule-class city[2] in Marshall County, Kentucky, United States. The population was 2,701 at the 2000 census."
"score": 0.6513311863,
"text": "Welcome Mercer County is a county located in West Viginia since that U.S. State was formed in1863. The county was originally established in the state of Virginia by act of its General Assembly on 17 March 1837, using lands taken from Giles and Tazwell counties. As of 2000, the population was 62,980. Its county seat is Princeton. Sharon D. Gearhart Assessor of Mercer County"
"score": 0.6509806514,
"text": "Find Harrodsburg Kentucky clerk, including county, city, and circuit clerk, and clerk of court. Clerks provide information on public court records and legal documents, criminal, jail, and arrest records, marriage licenses, divorce, judicial, and probate records, businesses liens, notary services, real estate taxes and voter registration services. Name. Mercer County Clerk. Address. 235 South Main Street, Harrodsburg, Kentucky, 40330."
"score": 0.6458423138,
"text": "Occupational taxes are withheld from total gross wages earned in Mercer County, including the City of Harrodsburg and the City of Burgin. These taxes are submitted on a quarterly basis. The current tax rate is .45%. Net Profit taxes are collected from the net profits of all business ventures in Mercer County."
"score": 0.6395025849,
"text": "Calvert City is located in Marshall County, KY. The population is 2,574, making Calvert City the 2nd largest city in Marshall County. There are 2 public schools in Calvert City with an average Homefacts rating of A. The total crime rate for Calvert City is very low, and there are 14 registered sex offenders residing in the city."
"score": 0.6237180233,
"text": "Clay City, KY. Sponsored Topics. Clay City is a city in Powell County, Kentucky, United States. The population was 1,303 at the 2000 census. The first European settlement in the vicinity of present-day Clay City was in 1786, by Stephen Collins and his brother, after their discovery of pyrite deposits."
"score": 0.6163787842,
"text": "The county was formed in 1795 from parts of Woodford, Mercer and Shelby counties, and was named after the American inventor and statesman Benjamin Franklin. Franklin County is part of the Frankfort, KY Micropolitan Statistical Area."
"score": 0.6126387715,
"text": "Mercer, ND. Sponsored Topics. Mercer is a city in McLean County, North Dakota in the United States. The population was 94 at the 2010 census. Mercer was founded in 1905 along a now-abandoned branch line of the Northern Pacific Railway extending from Carrington to Turtle Lake."
"score": 0.6109236479,
"text": "Princeton is a city in Caldwell County, Kentucky, United States. The population was 6,329 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Caldwell County. Princeton was founded by Revolutionary War veteran William Prince who settled in the Eddy Grove community of what was then Livingston County, Kentucky around 1799. Prince built Shandy Hall, a brick home and tavern overlooking the Big Springs of Eddy Creek where several game trails, or traces, converged."
"score": 0.6097991467,
"text": "Owensboro, Kentucky. Owensboro is a home rule-class city in and the county seat of Daviess County, Kentucky, United States. It is the fourth-largest city in the state by population. It is located on U.S. Route 60 about 107 miles (172 km) southwest of Louisville, and is the principal city of the Owensboro metropolitan area."
"score": 0.6086327434,
"text": "Whitley County, Kentucky. Whitley County is a county situated in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 35,637. The county seat is at Williamsburg, though the largest city is Corbin, and the county's District Court (a trial court of limited jurisdiction) sits in both cities. Whitley County is included in the London, KY Micropolitan Statistical Area."
"score": 0.6046475172,
"text": "Owensboro, Kentucky. Owensboro is a home rule-class city in and the county seat of Daviess County, Kentucky, United States. It is the fourth-largest city in the state by population. It is located on U.S. Route 60 about 107 miles (172 km) southwest of Louisville, and is the principal city of the Owensboro metropolitan area. The 2015 population was 59,042."
"score": 0.6041113138,
"text": "Kentucky Route 327 ( KY 327 ) is a 1.639-mile-long (2.638 km) state highway in Mercer County, Kentucky , that runs from KY 84 at St. Mary to KY 49 northwest of Lebanon . Major intersections The entire route is in Mercer County ."
"score": 0.602625072,
"text": "Hazard is a city in Perry County, Kentucky, United States. The population was 4,806 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Perry County. A post office named Perry Court House was established in the area in the 1820s, though some reports note that locals had always referred to the area as Hazard. The town's name was officially changed to Hazard in 1854."
"score": 0.6006342769,
"text": "Mercer/Grove City, Pennsylvania. The Mercer/Grove City KOA is located in northwestern Pennsylvania, about 50 miles north of Pittsburgh. The wooded site operates from April to October, offering cottages with full bathroom facilities. You can also try roughing it in a cabin or on a tent site. Mercer/Grove City is a spot for the true outdoors and sports fanatic."
"score": 0.5988779068,
"text": "Marion County is a county in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 19,820. Its county seat is Lebanon. The county was founded in 1834 and named for Francis Marion."
"score": 0.5986712575,
"text": "Cave City, Kentucky. Cave City is a home rule-class city in Barren County, Kentucky, in the United States. The population was 2,240 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Glasgow Micropolitan Statistical Area."
"score": 0.5972895026,
"text": "Not to be confused with Middletown, Kentucky, near Louisville. Middlesboro (local /ˈmɪdəlzbɜːrə/) is a home rule-class city in Bell County, Kentucky, United States. The population was 10,334 at the 2010 U.S. census, while its micropolitan area had a population of 69,060. It is located 1 mile west of the Cumberland Gap and is the largest city in southeastern Kentucky."
"score": 0.5961318612,
"text": "Middlesboro, Kentucky. Not to be confused with Middletown, Kentucky, near Louisville. Middlesboro (local /ˈmɪdəlzbɜːrə/) is a home rule-class city in Bell County, Kentucky, United States. The population was 10,334 at the 2010 U.S. census, while its micropolitan area had a population of 69,060. It is located 1 mile west of the Cumberland Gap and is the largest city in southeastern Kentucky."
"score": 0.5959975123,
"text": "Hazard is a home rule-class city in and the county seat of Perry County, Kentucky, United States. The population was estimated to be 5,346 in 2014."
"score": 0.5947219133,
"text": "Campbell County, Kentucky. Campbell County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 90,336. Its county seats are Alexandria and Newport. The county was formed on December 17, 1794, from sections of Scott, Harrison, and Mason Counties and was named for Colonel John Campbell (1735–1799), a Revolutionary War soldier and Kentucky legislator."
"score": 0.5883909464,
"text": "Sponsored Topics. Lancaster is a city in Garrard County, Kentucky, in the United States. As of the 2000 census, the city population was 3,734. It is the county seat of Garrard County. Located south of Lexington, it is the site of the Kennedy House, said to have been used in Uncle Tom's Cabin."
"score": 0.5867565274,
"text": "Make Memories That Last a Lifetime! Mercer County is located in western Pennsylvania, one hour north of Pittsburgh, one hour south of Erie and 1 1/2 hour south east of Cleveland, Ohio. We are a 5 hour drive from Toronto Ontario Canada. Our area is known for outstanding tax free shopping at the Grove City Premium Outlets and at the world's largest stores in Sharon, PA. Unique attractions include Wendell August and the Avenue of 444 Flags."
"score": 0.5865916014,
"text": "Grant County is the home of four cities: Crittenden, Dry Ridge, Williamstown and Corinth. From the north to the south, all of Grant County is just minutes away from northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, Ohio and Lexington, Kentucky."
"score": 0.5850702524,
"text": "Middlesboro (local /ˈmɪdəlzbɜrə/) is a home rule-class city in Bell County, Kentucky, United States. The population was 10,334 at the 2010 U.S. census, while its micropolitan area had a population of 69,060. It is located 1 mile west of the Cumberland Gap and is the largest city in southeastern Kentucky. It is located entirely between Pine Mountain and the Cumberland Mountains in the Middlesboro Basin, which geologists believe to be an enormous meteor crater (one of three known astroblemes in the state)."
"score": 0.5846687555,
"text": "The Court utilizes the Danville/Boyle County Comprehensive Care Center by referring all parents, who are in the process of a Divorce in either Boyle or Mercer County, to their Parent Education Clinic. 1 Kentucky Court of Justice 2 /. Courts 3 /. Family Court 4 /. Boyle & Mercer Family Court."
"score": 0.5839490891,
"text": "Named after Revolutionary War hero General Hugh Mercer, Mercer County was chartered in 1835 as part of the old Northwest Territory and the Military Tract. As of 2010, the population was 16,434 a drop of 523 from 2000.The county seat is Aledo.amed after Revolutionary War hero General Hugh Mercer, Mercer County was chartered in 1835 as part of the old Northwest Territory and the Military Tract. As of 2010, the population was 16,434 a drop of 523 from 2000."
"score": 0.5837649107,
"text": "Mercer County is a county located in the U.S. state of North Dakota. As of the 2010 census, the population was 8,424. Its county seat is Stanton. The county was created by the 1874-1875 territorial legislature and was named for William Henry Harrison Mercer (1844–1901), an early rancher who settled north of Bismarck in 1869."
"score": 0.5834819674,
"text": "Also Serving Taylor County, Boyle County, Russell County and Pulaski County. Near the famous Green River of Kentucky in Casey County is Liberty, Kentucky, an \"All-American\" hometown. The county seat of around 2,200 is easily accessed by U.S. Highway 127 or State Highways 49 and 70."
"score": 0.5792447925,
"text": "Bell County, Kentucky. Bell County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 28,691. Its county seat is Pineville. The county was formed August 1, 1867, from parts of Knox and Harlan Counties and augmented from Knox County in 1872."
"score": 0.5785188675,
"text": "Mercer Island is a city in King County, Washington, United States located on an island of the same name in the southern portion of Lake Washington. Mercer Island is in the Seattle Metropolitan Area, with Seattle located to its west and Bellevue located to its east."
"score": 0.5781690478,
"text": "The Campbell County Courthouse in Newport, Kentucky. Newport is a home rule-class city at the confluence of the Ohio and Licking rivers in Campbell County, Kentucky, in the United States. The population was 15,273 at the 2010 census. Historically, it was one of four county seats of Campbell County."
"score": 0.5757859945,
"text": "Mercersburg is a borough in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, 73 miles (117 km) southwest of Harrisburg. Originally called Black Town, it was incorporated in 1831. In 1900, 956 people lived here, and in 1910, 1,410 people lived here."
"score": 0.5749973059,
"text": "Mercer, Wisconsin. Mercer is a town in southern Iron County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 1,732 at the 2000 census. The census-designated place of Mercer and the unincorporated communities of Carter and Manitowish are located within the town. Mercer identifies itself as the Loon Capital of the World to promote tourism. A wildlife study found Mercer had the highest concentration of common loons in the world. In front of the Mercer Chamber of Commerce's information center, there is a 16-foot, 2,000"
"score": 0.5727673769,
"text": "Bell County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 28,691. Its county seat is Pineville. The county was formed August 1, 1867, from parts of Knox and Harlan Counties and augmented from Knox County in 1872. The county is named for Joshua Fry Bell, and was originally called Josh Bell but shortened to Bell by 1880. Bell County is considered a limited county, a special type of dry county, by the Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC)."
"score": 0.5677961111,
"text": "Hardin County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. Its county seat is at Elizabethtown. The county was formed in 1792. Hardin County is part of the Elizabethtown-Fort Knox, KY Metropolitan Statistical Area, as well as the Louisville / Jefferson County —Elizabethtown-Madison, KY-IN Combined Statistical Area. As of the 2010 census, the population was 105,543."
"score": 0.5666326284,
"text": "Hardin County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. Its county seat is at Elizabethtown. The county was formed in 1792. Hardin County is part of the Elizabethtown-Fort Knox, KY Metropolitan Statistical Area, as well as the Louisville/Jefferson County—Elizabethtown-Madison, KY-IN Combined Statistical Area. As of the 2010 census, the population was 105,543."
"score": 0.5666241646,
"text": "Williamstown, KY. Sponsored Topics. Williamstown is a city in Grant county in the U.S. state of Kentucky. The population was 3,227 as of the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Grant County. When Grant County was formed in 1820, William Arnold offered land for the county seat. Arnold was a veteran of the Revolutionary War and settled the area in 1795."
"score": 0.5665727258,
"text": "Williamstown is a city in Grant county in the U.S. state of Kentucky. The population was 3,227 as of the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Grant County. When Grant County was formed in 1820, William Arnold offered land for the county seat. Arnold was a veteran of the Revolutionary War and settled the area in 1795."
"score": 0.564209342,
"text": "Pineville (local /pɑːnvəl/ or /pɑːnvɪl/) is a city in Bell County, Kentucky, United States. It is the seat of its county. The population was 1,732 as of the 2010 census. It is located on a small strip of land between the Cumberland River and Pine Mountain."
"score": 0.5615605712,
"text": "Not to be confused with Carlisle, Kentucky. Carlisle County is a county located in the U.S. state of Kentucky. As of the 2010 census, the population was 5,104, making it the fourth-least populous county in Kentucky. Its county seat is Bardwell."
"score": 0.5612933636,
"text": "Mercer Island is a city in King County, Washington, United States located on an island of the same name in the southern portion of Lake Washington. Mercer Island is in the Seattle Metropolitan Area, with Seattle located to its west and Bellevue located to its east. Mercer Island is connected to the mainland on either side via bridges carrying Interstate 90."
"score": 0.5579205155,
"text": "Mercersburg is a borough in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, 73 miles (117 km) southwest of Harrisburg. Originally called Black Town, it was incorporated in 1831. In 1900, 956 people lived here, and in 1910, 1,410 people lived here. The population was 1,540 at the 2000 census. Mercersburg is located at 39°49′46″N 77°54′7″W / 39.82944°N 77.90194°W / 39.82944; -77.90194 (39.829388, -77.901952). According to the United States Census Bureau, the borough has a total area of 1.0 square miles (2.5 km²), all of it land."
"score": 0.5575296879,
"text": "Danville, Kentucky. Danville is a home rule-class city in Boyle County, Kentucky, in the United States. It is the seat of its county. The population was 16,690 at the 2015 Census. Danville is the principal city of the Danville Micropolitan Statistical Area, which includes all of Boyle and Lincoln counties."
"score": 0.547096014,
"text": "Mercer County, Pennsylvania (PA) County population in 2014: 114,884 (56% urban, 44% rural); it was 120,293 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 19,319. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 14,619. County owner-occupied houses and condos in 2000: 35,613."
"score": 0.5462063551,
"text": "Location of Trenton inside of Mercer County. Inset: Location of Mercer County highlighted in the State of New Jersey. Trenton is the capital city of the U.S. state of New Jersey and the county seat of Mercer County, as well as a former capital of the United States."
"score": 0.543497622,
"text": "War on Terror Veterans Memorial in the center of the Avenue of 444 Flags is 11 steel and glass ... {read more}. Mercer County is located in western Pennsylvania, one hour north of Pittsburgh, one hour south of Erie and 1 1/2 hour south east of Cleveland, Ohio. We are a 5 hour drive from Toronto Ontario Canada."
"score": 0.5409578681,
"text": "War on Terror Veterans Memorial in the center of the Avenue of 444 Flags is 11 steel and glass ... Make Memories That Last a Lifetime! Mercer County is located in western Pennsylvania, one hour north of Pittsburgh, one hour south of Erie and 1 1/2 hour south east of Cleveland, Ohio. We are a 5 hour drive from Toronto Ontario Canada."
"score": 0.5376572609,
"text": "Mercer County Offices And Services Main Courthouse Number: (724)-662-3800 Alternate Number: (724)-383-1711"
"score": 0.5284904242,
"text": "Hodgenville KY Real Estate. Included below are homes for sale in Hodgenville, KY, a city near Elizabethtown, KY in Larue County. These Hodgenville, KY real estate listings are updated daily from the Heart of KY MLS.Hodgenville is a city in LaRue County, KY. It is located off SR 61 (Lincoln parkway) only 10 miles south of Elizabethtown.odgenville KY Real Estate. Included below are homes for sale in Hodgenville, KY, a city near Elizabethtown, KY in Larue County. These Hodgenville, KY real estate listings are updated daily from the Heart of KY MLS."
"score": 0.5259648561,
"text": "1 KY 52 The highway's eastern terminus starts in the city of Jackson at the intersection with KY 30 and heads west towards Beattyville. 2 It is locally known as Beattyville Road. 3 KY 205 The highway goes north to Mountain Parkway by way of Lee City in Wolfe County and eventually to West Liberty in Morgan County."
"score": 0.4767017365,
"text": "Local airports near Park City, KY. 13 miles: Glasgow, KY (GLW / KGLW) Glasgow Municipal Airport. 29 miles: Bowling Green, KY (BWG / KBWG) Bowling Green-Warren County Regional Airport. 50 miles: Tompkinsville, KY (KTZV / TZV) Tompkinsville-Monroe County Airport."
"score": 0.4755219817,
"text": "Mercer's Location. 50 miles north of Bismarck, North Dakota on Hwy 41. 10 miles east of Turtle Lake, North Dakota on Hwy 200. 13 miles west of McClusky, North Dakota on Hwy 200. Mercer Centennial."
"score": 0.4326064289,
"text": "Click here for frequently asked questions. For all tickets and court cases that were issued before January 1, 2005 you must contact the King County District Court, East Division at 206.205.9200. Mercer Island Municipal Court does not handle civil protection orders or civil or small claim cases. These cases can be filed with the District Court."
] |
define adoptive mother | [
"score": 0.6393667459,
"text": "The Process of Becoming an Adoption Parent. An adoptive parent is someone who provides a permanent home to a child or children through a legal process. The end result is no different than giving birth to a child. Becoming an adoptive parent comes with all the joys, heartache, laughter, frustration, responsibilities and rights that a natural or biological parent-child relationship brings."
] | [
"score": 0.6870646477,
"text": "The term othermother or other mother is also used in some contexts for women who provide care for a child not biologically their own in addition to the child's primary mother. Adoption, in various forms, has been practiced throughout history, even predating human civilization."
"score": 0.6862325668,
"text": "As an adjective, adopted usually describes the adoptee (i.e., the one who is passive in the adoption process). Adoptive usually describes the adopter. So an adopted child is raised by his or her adoptive parents. Although this distinction is useful, it's not always borne out in practice, and some writers use adoptive for the adoptee. This isn't a serious problem as one long-established definition of adoptive is, simply, of or having to do with adoption. But the use of adopted in place of adoptive is illogical because adopted implies that there is an adopter and an adoptee. The adoptee is always adopted by the adopter, not vice-versa."
"score": 0.6795830727,
"text": "Mother can often apply to a woman other than the biological parent, especially if she fulfills the main social role in raising the child. This is commonly either an adoptive mother or a stepmother (the biologically unrelated partner of a child's father)."
"score": 0.6762055159,
"text": "1 adj Someone's adoptive family is the family that adopted them. ADJ n. He was brought up by adoptive parents in London. 2 adj Someone's adoptive country or city is the one that they choose for their home, although they were not born there."
"score": 0.6537101269,
"text": "An adoptive father is a male who has become the child's parent through the legal process of adoption. A biological father is the male genetic contributor to the creation of the baby, through sexual intercourse or sperm donation. A biological father may have legal obligations to a child not raised by him, such as an obligation of monetary support."
"score": 0.63554281,
"text": "A mother is the female parent of a child. Mothers are women who inhabit or perform the role of bearing some relation to their children, who may or may not be their biological offspring."
"score": 0.6297112703,
"text": "A mother is a female who has a maternal connection with another individual, whether arising from conception, by giving birth to, or raising the individual in the role of a parent. More than one female may have such connections with an individual."
"score": 0.6276843548,
"text": "The definition of a mother is a woman who gives birth or who has the responsibility of physical and emotional care for specific children. An example of a mother is a woman who has just given birth to twins."
"score": 0.6265835762,
"text": "In the 1970s, as adoption search and support organizations developed, there were challenges to the language in common use at the time. The term natural mother had been in common use previously. The term birth mother was first used in 1956 by Nobel Prize winning author and adoptive mother Pearl S. Buck."
"score": 0.6262067556,
"text": "Mother Definition. Standard Definition. [n] a condition that is the inspiration for an activity or situation; necessity is the mother of invention. [n] a woman who has given birth to a child (also used as a term of address to your mother); the mother of three children. [n] a term of address for an elderly woman."
"score": 0.6239961386,
"text": "A private adoption refers to an adoption in which the adoptive parents adopts a child they already know or adopt through an individual birth mother, and do not have to go through an adoption agency USLegal Home"
"score": 0.6205406189,
"text": "biological mother. A woman whose ovum was fertilized and became a fetus. This term does not apply to a woman who provided the uterus for the gestation of a fertilized ovum obtained from a donor."
"score": 0.611141324,
"text": "biological mother (plural biological mothers) The woman from whom one inherits half of one's DNA and who is the source of one's mitochondrial DNA."
"score": 0.6076837778,
"text": "Pearl S. Buck Uses the Term Birth Mother in 1956. The first known use of the word \"birth\" as a descriptive and identifiable adjective for a woman who has lost her child to adoption is attributed to Pearl S. Buck in 1956. In the June issue of Women's Home Companion, Buck wrote a piece called \"We Can Free the Children\"."
"score": 0.6062558889,
"text": "Adoption is the legal process of establishing a legal parent-child relationship when the adopting parent is not the child's biological or birth parent.That means that once the adoption is final, the adoptive parents have all the legal rights and responsibilities of a parent-child relationship.doption is the legal process of establishing a legal parent-child relationship when the adopting parent is not the child's biological or birth parent."
"score": 0.6021861434,
"text": "An open adoption permits the birth mother to select her child's adoptive parents. A closed adoption, meanwhile, results in the birth mother relinquishing all rights over the child and allows a state administrative agency to conduct the selection process."
"score": 0.6016660333,
"text": "In its simplest sense, an open adoption is one in which the adopting parents and the birth mother (and possibly the birth father) have some form of contact, directly or through an agency or lawyer. At one extreme are the families who exchange letters and pictures but have never met."
"score": 0.6010242701,
"text": "my adoptive parents [=the people who adopted me]. The organization helps people who were adopted find their birth/biological parents. [=their natural parents]. They'd like to become foster parents. [=people who volunteer to care for a child who is not their biological child]. [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples. b: an animal or plant that produces a young animal or plant. The parent brings food to the chicks. the parent bird."
"score": 0.6010239124,
"text": "A surrogate mother is a woman who bears a child that came from another woman's fertilized ovum on behalf of a couple unable to give birth to children. Thus the surrogate mother carries and gives birth to a child that she is not the biological mother of. Surrogate motherhood became possible with advances in reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization. Not all women who become pregnant via in vitro fertilization are surrogate mothers."
"score": 0.5993185043,
"text": "Definitions of Adoptive Terms. Below is a list and explanation of terms commonly used in Adoption: Abandonment-when a parent refuses to physically, emotionally, or financially support his or her child. (A signed relinquishment or surrender of parental rights legally constitutes abandonment.)."
"score": 0.5981533527,
"text": "Adoption is a legal process which permanently gives parental rights to adoptive parents. Adoption means taking a child into your home as a permanent family member. It means caring for and guiding children through their growing years and giving them the love and understanding they need to develop their full potential. 2."
"score": 0.5956953764,
"text": "Adoption is the permanent legal assumption of all parental rights and responsibilities for a child. Adoptive parents have the same legal rights and responsibilities as parents whose children are born to them.doption is the permanent legal assumption of all parental rights and responsibilities for a child. Adoptive parents have the same legal rights and responsibilities as parents whose children are born to them."
"score": 0.5915152431,
"text": "Agency adoption-an adoption completed with assistance from an organization of licensed, trained adoption professionals. Birth family-those who share a child's genetic heritage; blood relations; extended family members. Birth parent-a child's biological mother or father. Closed adoption-an adoption in which birth and adoptive families have no contact and know only non-identifying information about each other."
"score": 0.5915043354,
"text": "Adoption is the permanent legal assumption of all parental rights and responsibilities for a child. Adoptive parents have the same legal rights and responsibilities as parents whose children are born to them. A guardian is someone appointed by the court to care for a child until he or she is 18."
"score": 0.591311574,
"text": "surrogate mother-a woman who bears a child for a couple where the wife is unable to do so; a surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the father's semen and carries the fetus to term. begetter, father, male parent-a male parent (also used as a term of address to your father); his father was born in Atlanta."
"score": 0.5903176665,
"text": "Sometimes those who wish to have a baby will need the help of a surrogate to make their dreams of having a family come true. A surrogate mother is a woman who agrees to carry a baby for the duration of a pregnancy and once the child is born, he or she will be legally adopted by the intended parents."
"score": 0.5863748789,
"text": "Adoption. A two-step judicial process in conformance to state statutory provisions in which the legal obligations and rights of a child toward the biological parents are terminated and new rights and obligations are created between the child and the adoptive parents."
"score": 0.5837118626,
"text": "Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting for another and, in so doing, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities, along with filiation, from the biological parent or parents.doption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting for another and, in so doing, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities, along with filiation, from the biological parent or parents."
"score": 0.5822182298,
"text": "1 Adopted children are defined as those with at least one adoptive parent, but no biological parents, in the household. Source: 2007 National Survey of Adoptive Parents, 2007 National Survey of Children's Health."
"score": 0.573146522,
"text": "Adoptive parents and their children know medical and genetic information about the birth family and other information that might help in dealing with the emotional issues that often accompany adoption. There is no universally accepted definition of open adoption."
"score": 0.5718690157,
"text": "supermom-an informal term for a mother who can combine childcare and full-time employment. surrogate mother-a woman who bears a child for a couple where the wife is unable to do so; a surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the father's semen and carries the fetus to term. begetter, father, male parent-a male parent (also used as a term of address to your father); his father was born in Atlanta."
"score": 0.5706034303,
"text": "The term birth parent means the woman who gave birth to the child or the father of genetic origin of the child. The term parent means the birth or adoptive mother or the birth, adoptive, or legal father whose parental rights have not been terminated."
"score": 0.5699264407,
"text": "Minneapolis social worker Marietta Spencer is attributed to beginning the trend of \"positive adoption language\" (PAL) which completely endorsed the use of the word \"birth mother\" as the \"proper\" and correct way to address a mother who had lost her child to adoption."
"score": 0.5677012801,
"text": "birth parent or first parent. The use of the term natural implies that the adoptive family is unnatural, and so is not a descriptive or accurate term. Although it can be seen as unnatural to conceive and relinquish children, the purpose is to present the adoption of those children in need as natural."
"score": 0.5670420527,
"text": "biological parent. noun. 1. a parent who has conceived (biological mother) or sired (biological father) rather than adopted a child and whose genes are therefore transmitted to the child."
"score": 0.5663913488,
"text": "biological parent. noun. 1. a parent who has conceived (biological mother) or sired (biological father) rather than adopted a child and whose genes are therefore transmitted to the child. Also called birth parent."
"score": 0.5642080903,
"text": "biological parent. 1. a parent who has conceived (biological mother) or sired (biological father) rather than adopted a child and whose genes are therefore transmitted to the child."
"score": 0.5636786819,
"text": "The adoptive parent is given all the rights and responsibilities that once belonged to the birth parent. Guardian is given legal responsibility for the child and assumes the rights of care, custody, and supervision of the child. Adoption is a permanent, lifelong, legal relationship. When married, either one or both spouses may be named guardian."
"score": 0.5569325089,
"text": "If you are a mother through adoption or surrogacy who wishes to breastfeed your baby, then you are in the right place! Breastfeeding without birthing is also referred to as adoptive breastfeeding, adoptive nursing, induced lactation, and in some cases relactation.By whatever name you call it, I am here to help.f you are a mother through adoption or surrogacy who wishes to breastfeed your baby, then you are in the right place! Breastfeeding without birthing is also referred to as adoptive breastfeeding, adoptive nursing, induced lactation, and in some cases relactation. By whatever name you call it, I am here to help."
"score": 0.551792562,
"text": "A father is the male parent of a (human) child. A biological father is the male genetic contributor to the creation of the baby, through sexual intercourse or sperm donation. An adoptive father is a male who has become the child's parent through the legal process of adoption."
"score": 0.550268352,
"text": "A father is the male parent of a (human) child. A biological father is the male genetic contributor to the creation of the baby, through sexual intercourse or sperm donation.An adoptive father is a male who has become the child's parent through the legal process of adoption. Father-in-law – the father of one's spouse. 2 Foster father – child is raised by a man who is not the biological or adoptive father usually as part of a couple."
"score": 0.5493217707,
"text": "Adoptive parent-child relationship are most often legal agreements that form a permanent parent-child relationship. The relationship between parents and their children is important to consider when discussing physical, cognitive, and social development in children. Parent-Child Relationship Theories"
"score": 0.5466890335,
"text": "The Official Birth Certificate lists the adoptive parents as the mother and father. The Official Birth Certificate replaces the Original Birth Certificate, and the Official Birth Certificate is the legal record of birth. The Original Birth Certificate and evidence of adoption are placed in a sealed file.."
"score": 0.545573473,
"text": "Tiger Mother. A mother who is overly strict with her child in order to foster an academically competitive spirit. This form of upbringing is intended to direct a child towards financially successful careers at the potential risk of feeling emotionally unfulfilled and/or socially inept.he concept of Tiger Mother or Tiger Parent has been widely depicted in international media, including films such as Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971), The Joy Luck Club (1993), Vitus (2006), and most recently in a book written by Yale law professor Amy Chua describing herself (2011)."
"score": 0.5446714163,
"text": "A surrogate mother is a woman who carries a fetus for someone else, usually a couple struggling with fertility issues. After the child is born, the surrogate surrenders it to the people who have hired her. There are various forms of surrogacy, some of which have been used historically, while other are more modern."
"score": 0.54448843,
"text": "Adoption was usually facilitated by the state, no exchange of identifying information occurred between the birth mother and the adoptive parents, and children were raised in ignorance of the identities of birth parents."
"score": 0.5315401554,
"text": "Foster/Adoptive Parenting. Introduction. Foster parents play a special role in the life of a child who, because of abuse, neglect or sexual victimization, has had to leave their family."
"score": 0.5294620991,
"text": "Adoption Permanent Guardianship Exit Custody to Custody of Relative or. Kin. Legal Status The adoptive parent(s) is/are given all the rights. and responsibilities that. once belonged to the. birth parent(s)."
"score": 0.5291002989,
"text": "Adoption is the legal process through which a child joins a family different from his or her birth parents. Adoption is a permanent, lifelong commitment to a child. In CPS cases, adoption becomes an option if CPS and the child's birth parents cannot resolve issues that made it unsafe for the child to live at home."
"score": 0.5283968449,
"text": "Adoption is the legal process through which a child joins a family different from his or her birth parents. Adoption is a permanent lifelong commitment to a child. In CPS cases, adoption becomes an option if CPS and the child's birth parents cannot resolve issues that made it unsafe for the child to live at home."
"score": 0.5162571669,
"text": "any child conceived rather than adopted by a specified parent, and therefore carrying genes from the parent. Examples from the Web for biological child. Contemporary Examples. The Daily Beast: Adaleen is now pregnant with the biological child of siblings JJ and Wanda (Melora Walters)."
"score": 0.5124328732,
"text": "any child conceived rather than adopted by a specified parent, and therefore carrying genes from the parent. The Daily Beast: Adaleen is now pregnant with the biological child of siblings JJ and Wanda (Melora Walters)."
"score": 0.5016969442,
"text": "Adoption ordinarily terminates the rights and responsibilities of the natural parents to the child. The death of an adoptive parent does not restore the rights of the natural parents. Adoption creates the same rights and responsibilities between a child and adoptive parents as existed between natural parent and child. An adopted child is entitled to the same rights as a natural child. When an adult is adopted, however, the adoptive parent does not assume the usual duty of support."
"score": 0.4983500838,
"text": "A child may be adopted by an adult who is at least 10 years older than the child. An exception to this requirement may be made if the. adoptive parent is a stepparent, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, or first cousin of the child and, if that person is married, is adopting jointly. with his or her spouse."
"score": 0.4955234528,
"text": "A child may be adopted by an adult who is at least 10 years older than the child. An exception to this requirement may be made if the. adoptive parent is a stepparent, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, or first cousin of the child and, if that person is married, is adopting jointly."
"score": 0.4936495423,
"text": "Legal adoption and intestate succession are both creatures of statutory law. To legally add a child into a family that is not the child's family of birth, the. potential adoptive parent(s) must satisfy a complex array of statutory. requirements. Only after meeting the criteria established by statute and. following statutory procedures for the finalization of the adoption will the."
"score": 0.4722213745,
"text": "Main cast and characters. 1 Stefanie Stef Marie Adams Foster (Teri Polo) is Lena's spouse, Brandon's biological mother, and the adoptive mother to twins, Jesus and Mariana. 2 Lena Elizabeth Adams Foster (Sherri Saum) is Stef's wife, step-mother to Brandon, and adoptive mother to Jesus and Mariana."
"score": 0.470220238,
"text": "As a transracially or transcultural adoptive parent you should strive to instill in your child an. understanding of their roots, as well as a sense of cultural identity and pride. While adopting a child from another race or culture, can have many unique challenges, it can also be. very rewarding for families."
"score": 0.4661890566,
"text": "Parent is defined more broadly under the state statute than under the federal FMLA. \"Parent\" includes a biological, foster, adoptive, stepparent, legal guardian, parent-in-law, grandparent, or grandparent-in-law."
"score": 0.4622807503,
"text": "A \"son or daughter\" is defined by the FMLA regulations as a biological, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis who is either under 18 years of age or is 18 years of age or older and \"incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability\" at the time FMLA leave is to commence."
"score": 0.4426893592,
"text": "Though viewers have met Maura's biological parents, Paddy Doyle (John Doman) and Hope Martin (Sharon Lawrence), as well her adoptive mother, Constance (Jacqueline Bisset), throughout the years, little is known about her adoptive father."
"score": 0.4286568761,
"text": "Family Members Edit. 1 Ted Mercer is Sutton's adoptive father and Laurel's biological father. 2 Kristin Mercer is Sutton's adoptive mother and Laurel's biological mother. 3 Sutton Mercer is the eldest, and adopted, daughter of the Mercer family. 4 Laurel Mercer is the youngest, and biological, daughter of the Mercer family, born just ten months after ... ("
"score": 0.3293820024,
"text": "Warning! Visit our Character Biography Help to learn more. Renesmee Carlie Cullen is the daughter of Bella and Edward Cullen. Her name Renesmee is derived from the names of Bella's mother Renee, and Edward's adoptive mother Esme.Her middle name Carlie is derived from the names of Bella's father Charlie, and Edward's adoptive father Carlisle.arning! Visit our Character Biography Help to learn more. Renesmee Carlie Cullen is the daughter of Bella and Edward Cullen. Her name Renesmee is derived from the names of Bella's mother Renee, and Edward's adoptive mother Esme."
] |
home remedies to stop wheezing | [
"score": 0.7446010113,
"text": "Keep your living environment clean. Removing irritants from the air you breathe can stop wheezing and associated difficulties caused by external sources, so you should keep the air in both your living and working environment as clean as possible. Dust, sweep, and vacuum your home and office regularly."
"score": 0.7842923403,
"text": "Drinking this warm solution is one of the best natural remedies for Asthma Wheezing. • Drinking a glass of warm milk mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric powder is highly beneficial in the home treatment of Asthma Wheezing."
"score": 0.7745488286,
"text": "In addition, include ginger, onion, garlic, asparagus, cabbage, turnip in the diet, eat magnesium rich foods like legumes, pulses, milk, tofu, yogurt, almonds, cashew nuts etc and follow the natural home remedies for Asthma Wheezing to provide relief. Share."
] | [
"score": 0.7707841396,
"text": "Wheezing is common symptom of Asthma that can be cured by adopting some tips and home remedies for Asthma Wheezing natural treatment. It is a whistling sound produced during breathing, when there is constriction in airways, whether due to Asthma or other respiratory infections."
"score": 0.748709023,
"text": "Every patient with asthma should see a doctor to be sure another cause of wheezing is not present and, if asthma is diagnosed, to develop a therapeutic program for managing the disorder. In addition to working with your doctor, you can use home remedies to help control your asthma."
"score": 0.6787030697,
"text": "Home Remedies for Mucus in Lungs or Bronchitis. 1 Take steam inhalations to keep the secretions loose and to reduce congestion. 2 Home remedies commonly used are ginger, basil and black-pepper. 3 One teaspoon of ginger extract or powder, mixed with honey and taken three times a day is very beneficial in chronic bronchitis."
"score": 0.6738801003,
"text": "If wheezing is caused by asthma, your doctor may recommend some or all of the following to reduce inflammation and open the airways: 1 A fast-acting bronchodilator inhaler -- albuterol (Proventil HFA, Ventolin HFA), levalbuterol (Xopenex ) -- to dilate constricted airways when you have respiratory symptoms."
"score": 0.6706874967,
"text": "Home remedies for bronchitis. Try these natural remedies for relieving bronchitis symptoms: 1. Rest. 2. Drink fluids. Staying hydrated will thin out your mucus so it is easier to expel. A concoction of warm water with honey and lemon may provide some relief. Do not give honey to children younger than 1 due to the risk of botulism. 3."
"score": 0.6703388095,
"text": "If you have a history of wheezing, then you should have a treatment plan in place and know what to do. If you follow your plan and it does not help, seek medical attention right away. If you do not have any medications available to treat wheezing, sitting in a bathroom with the shower turned on as hot as it will get may help."
"score": 0.6646729708,
"text": "Controlling risk factors, such as smoking, may help improve wheezing. Avoid triggers, such as pollen and other allergens, if they make you wheeze. Some factors are out of your control, so the goal is to treat your symptoms to improve your overall quality of life."
"score": 0.6589460373,
"text": "According to the Mayo Clinic, asthma is the most common cause of wheezing. (Mayo Clinic). However, there are many other potential causes for wheezing. Before you can stop your wheeze, your doctor must first determine its cause.ccording to the Mayo Clinic, asthma is the most common cause of wheezing. (Mayo Clinic). However, there are many other potential causes for wheezing. Before you can stop your wheeze, your doctor must first determine its cause."
"score": 0.6571789384,
"text": "Having this tea 3-4 times a day for at least one week serves as a good home remedy in the treatment of Bronchitis. Savory or thyme can also be used in place of licorice root. • Take one teaspoon of linseed, one teaspoon of sesame seeds, one teaspoon of honey and a pinch of salt. Mix the ingredients."
"score": 0.6562207937,
"text": "This is one of the mostly used natural home remedies for chest congestion. You can gargle with saline water to remove mucus from the respiratory tube. Initially, you boil a glass of water and then add 1 or 2 tablespoons of the salt into it. After that, stir it well before adding one pinch of turmeric powder to it."
"score": 0.6550581455,
"text": "Treatment for wheezing has two goals. First, inflammation in your airways must be controlled. Prescription anti-inflammatory medications can decrease inflammation and excess mucus in your airways. These typically come in the form of inhalers, but they're also available as long-acting tablets."
"score": 0.6549984217,
"text": "1 This method is one of the effective DIY home remedies for chest congestion. 2 Take an onion, and grind it to make a thin paste. 3 Extract the onion juice by pressing the paste. Add 2 tablespoons of water, 4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and 2 tablespoons of honey to the onion juice."
"score": 0.6475899816,
"text": "4. Sesame Seeds. This home remedy helps expel phlegm as sesame seeds act as a natural expectorant. Boil one tablespoon of sesame seeds in a cup of water. Mix in one tablespoon of linseed (flaxseeds) and continue boiling. Strain the mixture and then add one teaspoon of honey and a pinch of salt."
"score": 0.6410785913,
"text": "Thyme to stop coughing. Thyme essential oil, which is obtained from its leaves, is often used as a natural cough remedy. In one study, a combination of thyme and ivy leaves helped to alleviate coughing and other symptoms of acute bronchitis. Next time you're faced with a cough or sore throat, try drinking some thyme tea."
"score": 0.640963614,
"text": "Here are the top 10 home remedies for chest congestion. Gargling with salt water several times a day is an effective treatment for chest congestion. While the salt helps remove mucus from the respiratory tract, the hot water reduces irritation in the throat. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water."
"score": 0.6393087506,
"text": "The following home remedies may also help: 1 Rest your larynx, talk effectively (talk only when you need)! And temporarily avoid singing, yelling, whispering, crying, or any actions that make your larynx work harder. 2 Use a vaporizer if necessary, in order to help add more moisture to the air for your breathing."
"score": 0.6261555552,
"text": "It's allergy season, but you don't have to hit the drugstore to stop all that sneezing and sniffling. Learn some amazing home remedies that may stop your seasonal suffering. You don't have to hit the drugstore to stop all that sneezing and sniffling."
"score": 0.6253349781,
"text": "Honey is naturally warm, which makes it very helpful for the treatment of continuous sneezing. It can be used for children as well. Raw honey should be taken with an amount of one spoon. Put it over the heat for less than 1 minute. Mix black pepper into honey. The mixture should be consumed 2-3 times per day."
"score": 0.6242653728,
"text": "1. Diaphragmatic Breathing. The first and most recommended tip from the list of home remedies for shortness of breath is certainly diaphragmatic breathing. Also known as deep breathing or abdominal breathing, this technique is extremely helpful in case your breathlessness is occurred due to COPD."
"score": 0.619376719,
"text": "this is probably the most popular remedy for cough relief to stop a sudden bout of cough at night take one teaspoon of raw honey it will form a thick coat on the lining of the throat and lessen the irritation thus the cough will subside within a few minutes"
"score": 0.6190543175,
"text": "Taking this mixture two to three times a day acts as a good natural cure for the disease. • Add one cup of grinded horseradish root to a cup of boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes. Having this mixture thrice a day is one of the most effective natural home remedies for Bronchitis treatment. Diet for Bronchitis."
"score": 0.6121103168,
"text": "The following home remedies help prevent phlegm and mucus from building up in the respiratory tract and thus prevent it from going in to the alimentary canal causing stomach derangement and upsets: 1 Basil: Basil fights cold and phlegm and decreases the effect of peptic acids in the stomach thus warding off excessive acidity."
"score": 0.6057001352,
"text": "Salt Water Gargles is Considered as One of the Best Home Remedies for Hoarseness or Hoarse Voice: Mix about half a spoon of salt and turmeric in a glass of hot water and gargle with this solution about two to three times a day or as often as possible."
"score": 0.6047916412,
"text": "• Inhalation of steam is one of the most common home remedies for Stuffy Nose natural treatment. This therapy involves boiling some water and then leaning over the pot to inhale steam after putting towel over the head."
"score": 0.597961843,
"text": "Do consult a doctor for the same. Putting a vaporizer in the kid's room is one of home remedies for dry cough for children. It increases the moisture in the air and ease breathing. In addition, adding essential oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus provides more relief. Elevating the head while sleeping also provides relief."
"score": 0.5967521667,
"text": "What home remedies get rid of the hiccups? Numerous home remedies to stop hiccups exist. The reason these remedies are thought to work is that carbon dioxide build-up in the blood will stop hiccups, which is what happens when a person holds their breath."
"score": 0.5895624757,
"text": "One sure way to use thyme to help lower your heart rate is to substitute it for salt in your foods. Thyme to stop coughing . Thyme essential oil, which is obtained from its leaves, is often used as a natural cough remedy. In one study, a combination of thyme and ivy leaves helped to alleviate coughing and other symptoms of acute bronchitis."
"score": 0.5887976885,
"text": "Natural Remedies To Stop Bleeding. Home remedies for bleeding vary from using everyday household things like ice and tea bags to specific herbs with healing properties. Here are what we consider the most trustworthy (without side effects) home remedies to stop bleeding. 1. Ice. Icing is the most commonly known natural remedy to stop bleeding."
"score": 0.5880351663,
"text": "Try these helpful tips: 1 Cough out the mucus or phlegm. 2 Blow your nose. 3 Increase fluid intake. Salt water 1 gargle. Eucalyptus oil in steamy water (Hold your head over a bowl of steamy water and cover with a towel and inhale the vapor) Avoid 1 dairy. Drink hot tea with 2 honey. Use a humidifier in your room."
"score": 0.585603714,
"text": "Enjoy a little honey. Put 1 teaspoon of honey, stirred in warm water, on the back of your tongue, and swallow it. Like dill, honey could potentially tickle the vagus nerve to make the hiccups stop. Bonus: Honey is also a known infection fighter and cough soother."
"score": 0.5845592022,
"text": "Here are the most effective natural cures for the hiccups that will have you breathing properly in no time. 1. Drink dissolved cardamom powder. A beverage made of cardamom powder definitely doesn't sound appealing, but it could be just the thing you need to stop your hiccups. By mixing a teaspoon of cardamom powder with a cup and a half of boiled water, you can create a drink that encourages your diaphragm muscles to relax."
"score": 0.5834982395,
"text": "3 Natural cough suppressant remedies. Before we show you our favorite herbal cough suppressant and mucus recipe, we'll outline a few basic organic remedies that can help. 1. Honey: This one is pretty straightforward. Simply take a tablespoon of organic, raw honey one to three times daily to mitigate cough and mucus symptoms."
"score": 0.582090795,
"text": "1 Or use a humidifier or vaporizer in your room while you sleep. 2 The steam can keep your nose and throat from being too dry and get rid of that back-of-the-throat tickle. 3 The moisture can also ease your breathing and loosen mucus, helping you cough it up. 4 Avoid dirty air. Or use a humidifier or vaporizer in your room while you sleep. 2 The steam can keep your nose and throat from being too dry and get rid of that back-of-the-throat tickle. 3 The moisture can also ease your breathing and loosen mucus, helping you cough it up. 4 Avoid dirty air."
"score": 0.5820548534,
"text": "There are a variety of home remedies to resolve hiccups, which include holding your breath to drinking a glass of water quickly. The common thread to most of these remedies is that carbon dioxide builds up in the blood or stimulating the vagus nerve will stop hiccups. Medical care is rarely needed to cure hiccups."
"score": 0.5792815685,
"text": "Onions and garlic can be used for their homeopathic effect – the symptoms they cause, they can also treat. Both contain natural compounds that reduce the inflammation of hay fever. Add them liberally to your meals or, if you are up to it, eat them by themselves to reduce nasal irritation and streaming eyes. classic remedy for hay fever where, again, there is lots of sneezing with streaming eyes and nose. If the water from the eyes burns the cheeks and the discharge from the nose is not too bad, this remedy is needed."
"score": 0.5687974691,
"text": "There are simple home remedies for stopped up ears. They include: Do not try to remove the ear wax manually with the use of cotton buds or a stick. It will only move the cerumen deeper, and it may damage the eardrum. Lie down with your side. Put three to five drops of lukewarm water to the affected ear."
"score": 0.566331625,
"text": "Treatment Tips. 1 avoid dry environments and drink plenty of water. 2 gargle with plain water for one minute, three times a day; this can ease symptoms. 3 cough suppressants are best to stop a dry, irritating cough."
"score": 0.5644981861,
"text": "But preventing asthma could be as simple as eating a banana a day. A study at the Imperial College of London found that children who ate at least one banana a day experienced 34 percent less wheezing than those who ate less than one banana a month."
"score": 0.5625201464,
"text": "In addition to home remedies, over-the-counter antihistamines (Benadryl, Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra) and decongestants (Mucinex, Sudafed) can be helpful for sneezing and a runny nose. Nasal sprays (Afrin, Nasacort, Flonase) can also be useful for these symptoms."
"score": 0.5589076877,
"text": "To stop nighttime coughing in a child (or adult as we found out personally), put Vicks Vapor Rub generously on the bottom of the feet at bedtime, then cover with socks."
"score": 0.5572915673,
"text": "Echinacea is another natural home remedy to shrink tonsils if they are inflamed. Echinacea tincture mixed in a glass of warm water should be gargled twice in a day. A tea prepared from Echinacea is also beneficial to shrink tonsils. It stimulates the white blood cells of our body to fight infection."
"score": 0.5556772351,
"text": "These first aid procedures should be performed regardless of you using natural remedies to stop bleeding. If it is a smallish cut or scrape, you can maybe avoid it. In any case, use your best judgement. Natural Remedies To Stop Bleeding Home remedies for bleeding vary from using everyday household things like ice and tea bags to specific herbs with healing properties. Here are what we consider the most trustworthy (without side effects) home remedies to stop bleeding."
"score": 0.5520638227,
"text": "Treatment for paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea depends on the underlying cause. Options often include oxygen, diuretics, heart medications, antihypertensives, and bronchodilators to reverse wheezing. References"
"score": 0.5492049456,
"text": "One of the useful home remedies for indigestion. Aniseed are effective cure for indigestion, have 3-4 seeds whenever you feel indigestion. You can take natural mint tablets with plain water whenever you feel indigestion. Papaya helps in digestion of foods and also clears your stomach."
"score": 0.5474146605,
"text": "1 • Soaking in bath water mixed with mustard seeds (tied in a cloth bag) can help reduce high blood pressure and fatigue. • 2 When dealing with asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc., apply a mustard flour poultice on the chest for about 15 minutes."
"score": 0.5419873595,
"text": "Home Remedies for Wrinkles: 1. Fenugreek. Fenugreek leaves, seeds, and oil helps to heal many skin problems especially wrinkles. Fenugreek leaves are infused with the vitamins and minerals your skin needs to maintain firmness, elasticity, and youthful vibrancy."
"score": 0.5416222811,
"text": "Ginger can help with an upset stomach and calm down your digestive system, Kadlovski says. Known as being a popular home remedy, a spoon of raw honey can prevent excessive gas. If you're having a hard time digesting your foods, Kadlovski recommends eating peppermint leaves raw or adding them into a tea."
"score": 0.537777245,
"text": "1 . Ginger can help with an upset stomach and calm down your digestive system, Kadlovski says. 2 Known as being a popular home remedy, a spoon of raw honey can prevent excessive gas. 3 If you're having a hard time digesting your foods, Kadlovski recommends eating peppermint leaves raw or adding them into a tea."
"score": 0.535502851,
"text": "In fact, plain yogurt can help you get rid of Diarrhea because it is a probiotic. • Ginger is regarded as one of the most valuable natural home remedies to heal Diarrhea because it helps prevent stomach spasms that worsen this condition."
"score": 0.5345500708,
"text": "For preventing symptoms of lung disease, this medication must be used regularly to be effective. Use your quick-relief inhaler (such as albuterol, also called salbutamol in some countries) for wheezing or sudden shortness of breath unless otherwise directed by your doctor."
"score": 0.5297448635,
"text": "Aphid home remedy is very simple repelling aphids from plants. Two cloves of garlic soaked in 500 ml of water is left for a day, cooked for 20 minutes on low heat, cool, and is applied by spraying the leaves. Remedy against trips, to remove trips of marijuana growing we will need 40 grams of snuff and a cigar."
"score": 0.5265210271,
"text": "One of the best natural home remedies for anal itching is ghee. The powerful antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties in ghee help to soothe the irritated membranes. In addition, these properties also aid in reducing the swelling in your inflamed blood vessels as well as treating any infection."
"score": 0.522125721,
"text": "Home Remedies. 1 1. First, try to dislodge the fluid with ordinary items or methods. 2 2. Prepare a mixture of half vinegar and half isopropyl alcohol. 3 3. Chew on gum, food, or make the chewing motion without gum or food. 4. Rest your head on a pillow or go to sleep with your ear turned 1 downward. 5. Use a blow-drier to get air into your ear."
"score": 0.5171790123,
"text": "Acne home remedy: Mint. Mint can help remove pore-clogging oil. To help clear acne before it begins, mix 2 tablespoons of finely chopped fresh mint with two tablespoons each of plain yogurt and oatmeal (use a blender to pulverize the oatmeal to powder). Leave the concoction on your face for 10 minutes, then rinse off with water."
"score": 0.5168392658,
"text": "Home Remedies and supplements that might help. • Eat lots of cherries and strawberries; these contain chemicals excellent in neutralizing uric acid. Drink fresh squeezed cherry and strawberry (½ pound each) juice unsweetened, three times daily for one week. • Boil dandelions and drink the tea."
"score": 0.515699327,
"text": "Humidity: Use a humidifier, especially while you're sleeping, to prevent your nasal passages from getting dried out. Stop smoking: If you're smoking, then quitting can really help your nasal health because when it comes to nosebleeds, smoking just dries out your nostrils as well as irritates them."
"score": 0.5072183609,
"text": "Shruti Saxena. Poor eating habits are perpetrators of common stomach disorders like loose motions, which in turn, bring in a host of health troubles like weakness, loss of appetite, stomach pain and dehydration. So, use these five easy home cures that won't let those watery unformed stools keep you down.uttermilk: Buttermilk is an excellent option as acid in it fights germs and bacteria and helps clear stomach. Bananas: Consuming bananas with a little curd is the most traditional home remedy to stop loose and it works wonders."
"score": 0.5037698746,
"text": "Wheeze the Juice also makes thick smoothies like the Princess Peach, consisting of peach, strawberry, pear and grapefruit juice. Healthy fruit bowls will also fill up guests, with tasty toppings like banana, pumpkin seeds, honey, oats, maple syrup, Greek yogurt and granola."
"score": 0.5005232096,
"text": "Using Home Remedies. 1 1. Use bleach. 2 2. Do a tea soak. 3 3. Use salt water. 4. Apply aluminum 1 acetate. 5. Make a baking soda mixture. 6. Mix vinegar in 1 water. 7. Put baby powder in your 2 shoes. 8. Clean your feet with a pumice stone on a daily basis."
"score": 0.4967022836,
"text": "Home Remedies. 1 Try to sit in a tub with a few inches of warm water at least thrice a day for 20 minutes each to reduce the inflammation. Be sure to dry the anal area afterwards. 2 Be sure to drink plenty of water and add more fiber to your diet. This will prevent constipation that always aggravates your hemorrhoids."
"score": 0.4861899018,
"text": "1. Baking Soda. Baking soda is one of the most widely used home remedies for smelly hair because it helps neutralize foul odors and reduces oiliness. Mix one part baking soda in three parts water. Rinse your hair with water and apply the baking soda paste on your damp hair. Leave it on for about five minutes and then wash your hair. Repeat the process once a week."
"score": 0.4730133414,
"text": "For some of the milder detoxing symptoms, a few home remedies have proven to be useful: 1 Hot soaking baths can help the emotions as well as the body. 2 Drink plenty of water and clear liquids, just like for the flu. 3 Cranberry juice has been used effectively for years by recovery houses to help purify and cleanse the body."
"score": 0.4708554447,
"text": "For some of the milder detoxing symptoms, a few home remedies have proven to be useful: 1 Hot soaking baths can help the emotions as well as the body. 2 Drink plenty of water and clear liquids, just like for the flu. Cranberry juice has been used effectively for years by recovery houses to help purify and cleanse the body."
"score": 0.4704951346,
"text": "Some helpful home remedies for constipation due to irritable bowel syndrome may include: 1 Keep hydrated – make sure you get plenty of fluid a day (about 8 glasses of water /day or make sure you have light or clear urine when you pee). 2 Try with ground flaxseed! You can sprinkle it on cooked vegetables and salads."
"score": 0.4628518224,
"text": "Prevention, Treatment for Smelly Gas | Remedies for Smelly Fart. Smelly Flatulence: Remedies for Persistent, Burning and Smelly Flatus. Foul Stool | Causes of Stool Foul Smelling | How to Stop Smelly Stools. Smelly Burps Cures and Home Remedies | Causes and Treatment."
] |
how many golf clubs can a player carry | [
"score": 0.8326386809,
"text": "Golf Club Types. The upper limit to the number of golf clubs a player may carry is 14. Since there are over 40 different possible clubs a player can select from, what 14 clubs to assemble can be a difficult decision for novice and veteran players alike. Depending on how closely they follow the rules, many players carry additional clubs."
] | [
"score": 0.7858512998,
"text": "How Many Golf Clubs Are Allowed in a Bag?. The rules of golf state that a golfer may have as many as 14 golf clubs in his bag for a given round. If you violate this rule, you are assessed a 2-stroke penalty for each hole on which you have too many clubs, up to a maximum of 4 penalty strokes. In match play, you lose the hole for a maximum penalty of two holes lost."
"score": 0.7810102701,
"text": "Once a round begins, a golfer carrying 14 clubs may not substitute a new club unless one of his clubs is damaged in the normal course of play. Thanks to modern technology, the 14-club limit presents pro golfers with several options.ron Choices. You're not likely to see a 1-iron on any pro tour, while the 2-iron is becoming increasingly rare. Laird told \"Golf Digest\" in 2012 that he'll use a 2-iron on courses where he can play it from the tee. Men tend to carry irons 3 through 9, while women pros typically go with 4 through 9."
"score": 0.7710582614,
"text": "Number Of Golf Clubs. For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avSt0 Both the USGA (US) and Royal & Ancient Golf Club of Saint Andrews (Europe) allow a maximum of 14 clubs. Rule 4-4. Maximum of 14 Clubs a. Selection and Addition of ClubsThe player must not start a stipulated round with more than 14 clubs. He is limited to the clubs thus selected for that round, except that if he started with fewer than 14 clubs, he may add any number, provided his total number does not exceed 14."
"score": 0.7616599202,
"text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: There is a rule limiting the number of clubs. But not the number of balls. And considering PGA players typically change balls after every 3 holes due to cover damage or chance that a ball is going out of round, I'm sure they are all carrying at least a couple dozen. Source(s): www.pgatour.com (rules)"
"score": 0.7456777096,
"text": "Note that the official rules allow any number of golf clubs in your bag, including more than 14, when practicing. If you're heading to the driving range or playing a practice round of golf, 15, 18, 33 clubs are fine."
"score": 0.7433949709,
"text": "Asker's rating. 1 Number Of Golf Clubs. Source(s): https://shrinke.im/a9DiL. 2 For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avSt0. Both the USGA (US) and Royal & Ancient Golf Club of Saint Andrews (Europe) allow a maximum of 14 clubs. 3 14 is the max for tournament play."
"score": 0.7408367395,
"text": "How many golf clubs can you have in your bag during a golf tournament? During a stipulated round you are only allowed 14 clubs. with 18 holes,1# wood can use no more than 14times, but putter can use more than 40 times."
"score": 0.7152444124,
"text": "A standard set consists of 14 golf clubs, and while there are traditional combinations sold at retail as matched sets, players are free to use any combination of 14 or fewer legal clubs. An important variation in different clubs is loft, or the angle between the club's face and the vertical plane."
"score": 0.71322155,
"text": "Ferrules of differing weights can fine-tune the center of mass of the overall club head, but for these minute adjustments, screw-in weighted inserts at specific points on the club head are usually used instead. Club sets. The rules of golf limit each player to a maximum of 14 clubs in their bag."
"score": 0.7098135948,
"text": "The minimum is 1 club, and you can bring any number between 1 - 14 clubs, as long as it is a discreet number (you can't bring half a club) :p Serious part. But be honest to your self, if you normally just use 5 clubs, you don't need to bring the whole bag, unless for fitness."
"score": 0.7076736689,
"text": "Today, most golfers prefer 7 and 9 woods in their bag (which can only have fourteen clubs) than a 2 or 4 wood. In fact, there is now a trend to include higher numbered woods and eliminate the traditional low numbered irons in your set of golf clubs. That will be discussed in greater detail when we talk about irons."
"score": 0.70392555,
"text": "Rule 4 & 5 Clubs and the Ball 14 Clubs Maximum A. You may carry no more than fourteen clubs.B. Normally, you may not change balls during theplay of a hole. However, if you damage or cutyour ball, you may do so after first telling youropponent or a fellow competitor.Rules of Golf Book-new.QXD 5/27/04 11:05 AM Page 12. 14 15 Rule 10 When to Play a Shot A.The player who has the lowest score on a holehas the right to play first on the next hole.Thisis called the \"honor.\"B.ule 15 Playing a Wrong Ball A. In match play, if you play a ball that is notyours, you lose the hole unless the wrong ball isplayed in a hazard; if you play a wrong ball in ahazard, you must then play the right ball."
"score": 0.7021414638,
"text": "Three Types of Golf Clubs to Use. The rules of golf allow us to play a round of golf with 14 clubs in our bag, and each one of those clubs has a different purpose and a different use when we're playing out on the golf course. There's three basic categories of clubs that we have in the bag."
"score": 0.6990664601,
"text": "At a minimum, you should carry a set of irons that runs from 6 through PW, which counts for five more clubs. At this point, there are eight clubs in your bag, and there should be no doubt that those clubs are safe. That leaves you with six spots available to be filled."
"score": 0.6877899766,
"text": "Overview of Irons. A set of irons will comprise the bulk of the 14 different golf clubs you're allowed to carry in your bag. A typical bag might comprise: Adriver (sometimes called a 1 wood), a fairway wood, aputter, maybe autility wood."
"score": 0.6742372513,
"text": "Which Clubs are Included in Golf Sets? Golf clubs falls into several categories: The woods (driver and fairway woods), hybrids, irons, wedges and putters. The up-to-14 clubs in any golfer's bag will be comprised of these clubs - but it is up to the individual golfer to determine the various combinations."
"score": 0.6699268818,
"text": "(If you'd like to learn more about the purpose of each type of club, visit our general golf club buying guide which details each club type). A typical 14 club set consists of: 1 Driver; 2 Fairway Woods; 1 Hybrid; 7 Irons; 2 Wedges; 1 Putter; However, if you're new to the game, you don't really need to get all 14 clubs."
"score": 0.6645172834,
"text": "Exceptions. Golf clubs such as the driver and putter do not typically carry numbers as a form of identification in the traditional sense. A driver, however, usually has a number such as 9.5 or 10.5 to indicate the loft of the club."
"score": 0.6621515751,
"text": "Exceptions. Golf clubs such as the driver and putter do not typically carry numbers as a form of identification in the traditional sense. A driver, however, usually has a number such as 9.5 or 10.5 to indicate the loft of the club. Drivers are available in a variety of lofts."
"score": 0.6617307663,
"text": "Golf clubs such as the driver and putter do not typically carry numbers as a form of identification in the traditional sense. A driver, however, usually has a number such as 9.5 or 10.5 to indicate the loft of the club."
"score": 0.6612721682,
"text": "These are the longest clubs in the bag and are used for the initial tee shot, the second, or on extremely long holes, even the third shot. Most players carry a one wood or driver, a three wood, and either a four or a five."
"score": 0.6612296104,
"text": "Iron. Players need several irons to play the game of golf, and most common sets of clubs contain between seven and 11 irons. The good news for beginner players is that the player only needs three irons to be successful. Each iron has a number indicating the relative angle of the loft to the clubface.ne of the best brands of golf clubs for a beginning player is TaylorMade. Even the beginner golfer needs several different types of clubs to play golf. Keep in mind that four types of clubs are necessary: woods, irons, wedges, and putters. The player should also now know when to use each club."
"score": 0.6607906818,
"text": "Most golfers also carry 3 and 5 woods in their bag. A 3 wood has a loft between 15 and 18 degrees, and a 5 wood has a loft between 20 and 22 degrees. The higher the golf club number, the higher the loft. Also, the higher the golf club number, the shorter the club shaft length."
"score": 0.6587628126,
"text": "A golf club. There are several different clubs or stick to hit the ball: Driver, Fairway Woods, Irons, Hybrids, Putter, and a Wedge. The generic term is golf club or sometimes stick. The individual clubs are grouped into irons (numbered 1 through to 9), wedges (sand, pitching, probably others I can't think of) woods (1 to 5 or 6), (1 woods are often called drivers) and putters."
"score": 0.6572458744,
"text": "Essentials for Beginner Golf Equipment. Now when you get a set of clubs you can get a full set of golf clubs which means 14 clubs, typically 8 or 9 irons, a couple woods and of course a putter.eginner golf equipment doesn't have to be the best of the best or include a full set, so we'll show you the essentials. Watch this video from About.com to learn what clubs and other items should be in the golf bag."
"score": 0.6533998251,
"text": "Irons are the most common type of club; a standard set of 14 golf clubs will usually contain between 7 and 11 irons, including wedges."
"score": 0.6520496011,
"text": "Since golfers can get all the clubs they need plus a bag, oftentimes for under $200, there is tremendous value in complete golf sets. Complete Golf Club Set 101. The standard set of golf clubs includes three woods (1, 3, 5), seven irons or hybrids, a pitching wedge, and a putter."
"score": 0.651412189,
"text": "Since golfers can get all the clubs they need plus a bag, oftentimes for under $200, there is tremendous value in complete golf sets. Complete Golf Club Set 101 The standard set of golf clubs includes three woods (1, 3, 5), seven irons or hybrids, a pitching wedge, and a putter."
"score": 0.6407774687,
"text": "Consider a Half Set. A standard set of golf clubs includes three woods (driver, 3 and 5 wood), eight irons (3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and pitching wedge) and a putter. Although there is nothing wrong with someone new to the sport buying a full set of used clubs, you can save money by purchasing a partial set.f you think you're ready to start playing golf for the first time, but don't want to buy an expensive set of new clubs, consider buying used ones."
"score": 0.6374692321,
"text": "Overview. As of August 2010, more professional golfers played TaylorMade golf clubs than those of any other maker--50 golfers on the PGA, European and LPGA tours carry TaylorMade clubs. Pings are used by 46 players and Callaway clubs by 40 pros on the three tours. Professional golfers often help design the clubs they use. These clubs, and similar models, are available for purchase by the general public. On average, male professional golfers use drivers with a loft between 9.5 and 10.5 degrees."
"score": 0.6313507557,
"text": "Answer by Answers Publisher. Confidence votes 319K. A standard set of iron golf clubs in a set is 8 irons, this usually consists of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 and the pitching wedge, commonly referred to as the PW."
"score": 0.6298738718,
"text": "golf club degrees of loft a set of golf clubs vary from player to player not only in the 14 clubs they choose to carry but in the actual lofts of the clubs not all 7 irons have the same loft there are no set standards that all sets of clubs followhe different loft on each club in your bag is meant to arm you with the necessary collection of tools to hit every number of shots that 18 holes will demand of you the loft on your golf club will determine the launch angle off of the club face and the amount of backspin that is placed on the ball"
"score": 0.6269573569,
"text": "How many golf clubs are in an iron set? An off-the-shelf iron set will contain a 3-iron, pitching wedge, and eight irons, each identified by a number. The exception is the pitching wedge, which has a \"P\" or \"PW\" on the irons."
"score": 0.6265075207,
"text": "--Utility clubs: Players used 27 different utility club brands and 120 different utility club models. --Irons: Players used 31 different brands of 3- through 9-irons and 139 different models of 3- through 9-iron. A total of 42 percent of players didn't have a 3-iron in their bag. --Wedges: Players used 33 different wedge brands and 181 different wedge models."
"score": 0.6260151267,
"text": "Clubs,bag,stuff in bag...30 pounds. the more pockets on your bag the more stuff you can carry so your bag will weigh.crazyways · 9 years ago.Thumbs up. 0.E: How much does a standard set of golf clubs weigh, including the bag? Source(s): standard set golf clubs weigh including bag: https://trimurl.im/e15/how-much-does-a-s..."
"score": 0.6208685637,
"text": "Single-Length Golf Clubs. These are golf clubs that are all the same length — custom fitted to my body. Head weight, shaft weight, grip weight, swing weight, flex point and center of gravity are identical in all of my clubs, making the overall feel the same from one club to another.esides your driver and putter, this means you carry 12 clubs… with 12 different lengths… and 12 different lie angles. This is done so that anyone can walk into a golf shop and buy a set of clubs that will come close to fitting you right off the shelf, regardless of your size."
"score": 0.6200893521,
"text": "Golf Club Degrees of Loft. A set of golf clubs vary from player to player, not only in the 14 clubs they choose to carry, but in the actual lofts of the clubs.Not all 7 irons have the same loft. There are no set \"standards\" that all sets of clubs follow.But there is a common range of loft angles that most all manufacturers adhere to. set of golf clubs vary from player to player, not only in the 14 clubs they choose to carry, but in the actual lofts of the clubs. Not all 7 irons have the same loft. There are no set \"standards\" that all sets of clubs follow. But there is a common range of loft angles that most all manufacturers adhere to."
"score": 0.6165395975,
"text": "The best beginner golf clubs will be a complete set consisting of a driver, three wood and five wood (or hybrids), the basic range of irons (3-9, PW), a putter and a bag.You'll usually also get head covers for the driver and the woods and the bag will have a carry strap and kick-out stand.s a beginner you will get very good distance out of this set. Some buyers feel that the quality of the grips and bag are not quite up to par, but this is only when compared to high end clubs from the big manufacturers. The bag also has a comfortable carry strap and loads of pockets for all you bits and pieces."
"score": 0.612038672,
"text": "Callaway. According to Callaway Golf, 18 PGA Tour players, 17 European Tour players and five LPGA players use the company's clubs. Phil Mickelson, Stuart Appleby and Ernie Els are among the PGA pros who carry the FT Tour driver."
"score": 0.6077230573,
"text": "PGA Tour players get an average carry distance of 136 yards with their pitching wedge. LPGA Tour players get an average carry distance of 100 yards with the same club, according to Andrew Rice Golf."
"score": 0.6058370471,
"text": "Golf Club Degrees of Loft. A set of golf clubs vary from player to player, not only in the 14 clubs they choose to carry, but in the actual lofts of the clubs. Not all 7 irons have the same loft.There are no set \"standards\" that all sets of clubs follow.ptimize Your Golf Club Loft Angle Today! The loft angle on the different clubs are designed to be used to your advantage. Golf clubs are designed with different lofts to get the ball up in the air. So many beginner and amateur golfers believe they have to scoop the ball to help it get up in the air."
"score": 0.573045373,
"text": "An average 3-wood shot carried 238 yards and the average 5-wood carried 223 yards. The typical carry for a 3-iron shot was 203 yards; for a 4-iron 189; for a 5-iron 181; for a 6-iron 169; for a 7-iron 160; for an 8-iron 149; and for a 9-iron 136. The average PGA Tour pitching wedge shot carried 122 yards."
"score": 0.5575839281,
"text": "The Best Soccer Players in the World Today Soccer 101: Throws Ins, Goal Kicks, and Corner Kicks What the Rules Say About How Many Clubs You Can Carry in Your Golf Bag"
"score": 0.5436325669,
"text": "Men typically hit their pitching wedge from 100 to 140 yards, depending on their skill level, while women hit the same club from 70 to 120 yards. Beginners often find they do not achieve these distances, but their distances will increase as their swing improves. PGA Tour players get an average carry distance of 136 yards with their pitching wedge. LPGA Tour players get an average carry distance of 100 yards with the same club, according to Andrew Rice Golf."
"score": 0.5291565657,
"text": "For some teenagers, that job is that of a golf caddy. While teenagers are unlikely to begin by carrying the bags of well-known golfers in large tournaments, many country clubs and other golf courses employ caddies who carry the clubs of golfers during a round of golf."
] |
when did sponge b.o.b square pants first air | [
"score": 0.7741185427,
"text": "Tom Heintjes gathered insights and reminiscences from some of the people behind SpongeBob SquarePants to illuminate the making of a cultural phenomenon. It's SpongeBob's ocean; we just swim in it. When the first SpongeBob SquarePants episode (\"Help Wanted\") aired on May 1, 1999, it did so with little fanfare."
] | [
"score": 0.7792953253,
"text": "SpongeBob was originally going to be named SpongeBoy, and the series was to be called SpongeBoy Ahoy!, but these were both changed, as the name was already trademarked. Nickelodeon held a preview for the series in the United States on May 1, 1999, following the television airing of the 1999 Kids' Choice Awards. The series officially premiered on July 17, 1999. It has received worldwide critical acclaim since its premiere and gained enormous popularity by its second season. A feature film, The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, was released in theaters on November 19, 2004, and a sequel was released on February 6, 2015."
"score": 0.7572764754,
"text": "SpongeBob aired its first episode, Help Wanted / Reef Blower /Tea at the Treedome, after the 1999 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards. At this time, Rugrats was the most popular show on Nickelodeon and had already outlived dozens of other lower-budget cartoons."
"score": 0.7280620337,
"text": "SpongeBob was originally going to be named SpongeBoy, and the series was to be called SpongeBoy Ahoy! , but these were both changed, as the name was already trademarked. Nickelodeon held a preview for the series in the United States on May 1, 1999, following the television airing of the 1999 Kids' Choice Awards.pongeBob SquarePants is an energetic and optimistic sea sponge (although his appearance more closely resembles a kitchen sponge) who lives in a sea pineapple and loves his job as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab. He has a pet snail, Gary, who meows like a cat."
"score": 0.7264485359,
"text": "In the episode Christmas Who? that first aired December 6, 2000, SpongeBob showed a copy of his birth certificate that showed his birth date as July 14, 1986. Since the first SpongeBob episode aired on May 1, 1999, we can conclude that the birth certificate did not refer to his creation as a cartoon. Therefore, in the Christmas Who? episode, SpongeBob would have been 14 1/2 years old."
"score": 0.7254856825,
"text": "Several compilation DVDs that contained episodes from the season were released. The SpongeBob SquarePants: The Complete 1st Season DVD was released in Region 1 on October 28, 2003, Region 2 on November 7, 2005, and Region 4 on November 30, 2006."
"score": 0.717212677,
"text": "SpongeBob SquarePants was made in may, 1999. 1999. May 1st, 1999 to be specific. I remember watching the countdown on nick from 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 and then the world turn the world upside down<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> The thing is ive watched spongebob episodes from 1997, so i dont know if it came out in 1999!"
"score": 0.707052052,
"text": "TV advertisements for SpongeBob's fourth season first aired publicly during the 2005 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards. The new episodes began airing on May October 3, 2003. The first new episode of Season 4 was Fear of a Krabby Patty/Shell of a Man."
"score": 0.7055615187,
"text": "On November 18, 2004, Spike TV (and sister channel VH1) aired a night-long marathon of reruns of the Nickelodeon animated series SpongeBob SquarePants starting at midnight, to promote the following day's release of The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie in theaters."
"score": 0.6775631309,
"text": "Origins: In December 2013 a rumor was floated online that the beloved animated SpongeBob SquarePants series, which has aired on the Nickelodeon cable channel since 1999, was being canceled as of 28 January 2014, causing much consternation among fans of goings-on in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom and prompting a \"Save SpongeBob\" social media ..."
"score": 0.677351594,
"text": "SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob SquarePants (born July 14, 1986) is the main protagonist, and the eponymous character, of the Nickelodeon animated comedy series of the same name. He was designed by marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg, and is voiced by Tom Kenny."
"score": 0.675249815,
"text": "Nick aired 7 new episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants on November 28, 2008 with the episodes The Slumber Party /Grooming Gary, Krusty Krushers / The Card, Porous Pockets, and Dear Vikings / Ditchin' during SuperStuffed Nicktoons Weekend in November 2008."
"score": 0.6714764833,
"text": "Episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants have been nominated for a variety of different awards, including 17 Annie Awards (with six wins), 17 Golden Reel Awards (with eight wins), 15 Emmy Awards (with one win), 13 Kids' Choice Awards (with 12 wins), and four BAFTA Children's Awards (with two wins).ince its debut on May 1, 1999, SpongeBob SquarePants has broadcast 190 episodes, and its ninth season premiered on July 21, 2012. The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, a feature-length film, was released in theaters on November 19, 2004 and grossed over US$140 million worldwide."
"score": 0.6675467491,
"text": "Stephen Hillenburg originally conceived early versions of the SpongeBob SquarePants characters in 1984, while he was teaching and studying marine biology at what is now the Orange County Marine Institute in Dana Point, California."
"score": 0.6628976464,
"text": "The SpongeBob SquarePants: Season 5, Volume 1 and 2 DVDs were released in Region 1 on September 4, 2007 and November 18, 2008, respectively, while the complete season set was released in Region 2 on November 3, 2008 and Region 4 on November 7, 2008."
"score": 0.6623707414,
"text": "SpongeBob SquarePants was created and designed by cartoonist and marine biologist Stephen Hillenburg, who began developing the show shortly after the cancellation of Rocko's Modern Life in 1996. Hillenburg intended to create a series about an over-optimistic sea sponge living in an underwater town. Hillenburg compared the character's personality to Laurel and Hardy and Pee-wee Herman. As he drew the character, he decided that a squeaky-clean square like a kitchen sponge fit the concept."
"score": 0.660284996,
"text": "On April 12, 2012, SpongeBob aired its 174th episode and has produced 204 episodes, and more episodes will be produced, marking it as the first Nicktoon to have 200 or more episodes. On July 21, 2012, SpongeBob was renewed and aired its ninth season."
"score": 0.6590238214,
"text": "He began developing SpongeBob SquarePants into a television series in 1996 upon the cancellation of Rocko's Modern Life, and turned to Tom Kenny, who had worked with him on that series, to voice the titular character."
"score": 0.6586806178,
"text": "SpongeBob SquarePants (born July 14, 1986) is the titular protagonist of the popular animated... SpongeBob SquarePants (born July 14, 1986) is the titular protagonist of the popular animated television series of the same name and is voiced by Tom Kenny. Mainly, he is the primary Fry Cook at the Krusty Krab."
"score": 0.6586457491,
"text": "He began developing SpongeBob SquarePants into a television series in 1996 upon the cancellation of Rocko's Modern Life, and turned to Tom Kenny, who had worked with him on that series, to voice the title character."
"score": 0.6581713557,
"text": "Stephen Hillenburg conceived the characters for SpongeBob SquarePants in 1984, while he was teaching and studying marine biology at what is now the Orange County Ocean Institute."
"score": 0.6535093188,
"text": "SpongeBob SquarePants (born July 14, 1986; age 30) is the main protagonist, and the eponymous character, of the Nickelodeon animated comedy series of the same name. He was designed by marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg, and is voiced by Tom Kenny."
"score": 0.6529538631,
"text": "Comments (12) Share. SpongeBob SquarePants, formerly titled The SpongeBob Musical, is a musical stage production based on the series of the same title. It premiered on June 7, 2016 and ran through July 10 at Chicago's Oriental Theatre. It is scheduled to premiere on Broadway at the Palace Theatre. Previews began on November 6, 2017 and opening night is set for December 4"
"score": 0.6498564482,
"text": "Voice actor Tom Kenny, shown here in 2008, provides the voice of SpongeBob SquarePants, the show's main character. SpongeBob SquarePants is an American animated television series created by marine biologist and animator Stephen Hillenburg that debuted on Nickelodeon in the United States on May 1, 1999. The show employs six main voice actors, and numerous regular cast and recurring guest stars."
"score": 0.6494058371,
"text": "The Star Online eCentral reported in December 2005 that Nickelodeon had ordered 20 more episodes, bringing the show's total to 100. In June 2006, SpongeBob SquarePants was approved for a fifth season with the series' first hour-length special Atlantis SquarePantis."
"score": 0.6471678615,
"text": "SpongeBob SquarePants has been on the air since 1999. In that time the show has produced hundreds of episodes, some wackier than others. Recently, the plot for an upcoming Season 10 SpongeBob SquarePants episode was revealed that sounds pretty insane. The plot features SpongeBob getting killed and Patrick getting involved in armed conflict with Iran. The episode would be sure to give children nightmares, but there is good news. It's a big mistake. SpongeBob SquarePants does delve into more adult jokes. In the past, the Nickelodeon comedy has earned the ire of some parents and groups, and once infamously pissed off a politician in Kazakhstan."
"score": 0.6468315721,
"text": "Season 9: 2012-2014. Season 10 of SpongeBob SquarePants will premiere in 2014. It will be the first Double Digits season and may contain episodes 205-241, according to the Nickelodeon offical website. Since this is Season 10, it may be the longest SpongeBob season ever, unless that count is split and includes part of an unannounced season 11. During this season, a second theatrical film will premiere in November 2014."
"score": 0.6463109255,
"text": "While he was there, he initially had the idea that would lead to the creation of SpongeBob SquarePants: a comic book titled The Intertidal Zone. The host of the comic was Bob the Sponge who, unlike SpongeBob, resembled an actual sea sponge. In 1987, Hillenburg left the institute to pursue an animation career."
"score": 0.6450631618,
"text": "SpongeBob SquarePants is the longest running Nickelodeon show. In 2012, the episode Squiditis was episode 173a, making SpongeBob the longest running Nickelodeon series surpassing the former holder, Rugrats, which consisted of 172 episodes. The year 2014 officially broke a record for the least episodes aired in one year."
"score": 0.642260015,
"text": "This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode The Bully from season three, which aired on October 5, 2001. [ 1 At Mrs. Puff's Boating School, SpongeBob is arranging his pencils on his desk]."
"score": 0.6391810775,
"text": "It was supposed to be aired on Adult Swim but they rejected them. Nickelodeon accepted it if they made it a kids show for their Saturday Morning lineup. Originally, Spongebob and Patrick were meant to be a gay couple, Sandy was a wh0re, Squidward was suicidal, and Mr. Krabs was a Jew. This is mere speculation. SpongeBob SquarePants was, and always will be, a cartoon for all ages. Adult Swim wasn't even around when the original idea for SpongeBoy was conceived by Steven Hillenburg in 1997."
"score": 0.6371857524,
"text": "It was also the first of the show's episodes hosted by Patchy the Pirate, following Shanghaied, SpongeBob's House Party, The Sponge Who Could Fly, SpongeBob B.C. (Before Comedy), Friend or Foe, Atlantis SquarePantis, And Truth Or Square."
"score": 0.6361048222,
"text": "In 2012, the episode Squiditis was episode 173a, making SpongeBob the longest running Nickelodeon series surpassing the former holder, Rugrats, which consisted of 172 episodes. The year 2014 officially broke a record for the least episodes aired in one year. Only two episodes aired in 2014 which were It Came from Goo Lagoon and Kenny the Cat.. Yeti Krabs was the first episode to air in 2015 in the USA after a 1 year hiatus."
"score": 0.6277325153,
"text": "SpongeBob SquarePants, formerly titled The SpongeBob Musical, is a musical stage production... SpongeBob SquarePants, formerly titled The SpongeBob Musical, is a musical stage production based on the series of the same title. It premiered on June 7, 2016 and ran through July 10 at Chicago's..."
"score": 0.6246228814,
"text": "SpongeBob SquarePants was a 2006 licensed line. It was based on the SpongeBob SquarePants television series featured on Nickelodeon. The line still continued five years later. The theme was known for including a variety of exclusive minifigure pieces, as the characters in the theme were not humanoid."
"score": 0.6240986586,
"text": "This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode Barnacle Face from season eight, which aired on September 16, 2011.[ 1 The episode begins at Bikini Bottom High School. 2 A kid walking past gets a doughnut thrown on him in which 2 people laugh and then spits on his friends face.allery. This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode Barnacle Face from season eight, which aired on September 16, 2011. [ 1 The episode begins at Bikini Bottom High School. 2 A kid walking past gets a doughnut thrown on him in which 2 people laugh and then spits on his friends face."
"score": 0.6227609515,
"text": "On 23 July 2007 Nickelodeon aired a special event, called the SpongeBob New-New-New-New-New Week in which from Monday to Friday, a new episode of season five would air.This continued until the end of the second week."
"score": 0.6223142147,
"text": "SpongeBob's 10th anniversary and Future (2009-present) A primetime SpongeBob SquarePants 10th Anniversary documentary special has been announced for summer 2009, discussing the history of the cartoon, and its impact on popular culture. Also, a beta version of a new SpongeBob website debuted 9 January 2009."
"score": 0.6178793907,
"text": "Gallery. This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode Barnacle Face from season eight, which aired on September 16, 2011. [ 1 The episode begins at Bikini Bottom High School. 2 A kid walking past gets a doughnut thrown on him in which 2 people laugh and then spits on his friends face.allery. This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode Barnacle Face from season eight, which aired on September 16, 2011. [ 1 The episode begins at Bikini Bottom High School. 2 A kid walking past gets a doughnut thrown on him in which 2 people laugh and then spits on his friends face."
"score": 0.6129374504,
"text": "Season 11 of SpongeBob SquarePants was announced on February 16, 2016. It will consist of 26 half hour episodes. Season 11 was confirmed to be taking place by Nickelodeon on March 2, 2016. There is also no official artwork for this season yet. ^ https://twitter.com/VincentWaller72/status/752577360847704064."
"score": 0.6098213196,
"text": "Sandra Sandy Cheeks is a main character in the long-running Nickelodeon animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants. She is voiced by Carolyn Lawrence and first appeared in the episode Tea at the Treedome on May 1, 1999. Sandy was created and designed by Stephen Hillenburg, the show's creator."
"score": 0.6058208942,
"text": "SpongeBob SquarePants is a yellow sponge who wears square pants, thus the name. He lives in a pineapple at 124 Conch Street with his pet snail, Gary, in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom."
"score": 0.5997369289,
"text": "April 13, 2010. The Krusty Hotel is a spin-off of SpongeBob SquarePants (TV show) created by SpongeWriter123/Thoughtful Productions Inc. It is about all SpongeBob characters moved in The Krusty Hotel and their life after this. It premiered with its pilot episode, Pilot (The Krusty Hotel), on January 20, 2010."
"score": 0.5916398764,
"text": "'SpongeBob Square Pants Movie' Trailer. Former standup comic Tom Kenny is the voice of SpongeBob SquarePants, the star of his own animated series on Nickelodeon. SquarePants lives under the sea in the city of Bikini Bottom where he works as a fry cook at a greasy spoon called the Krusty Krab. The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie opens nationwide Nov. 19."
"score": 0.5848916769,
"text": "Patrick Star is a main character on the Nickelodeon television series SpongeBob SquarePants, which premiered on May 1, 1999. He was created by Stephen Hillenberg and is voiced by Bill Fagerbakke. Patrick is the best friend of the show's title character SpongeBob SquarePants. However, he is a little bit more dim-witted then SpongeBob, who is mostly the voice of reason sometimes. He is a pink starfish with red dots on him. He wears lime green trunks with purple flowers on them."
"score": 0.5810739994,
"text": "SpongeBob Comics #3 (AKA He's Got Issues) is a SpongeBob SquarePants comic that was released on June 8, 2011. The front cover consists of SpongeBob popping out his mailbox and scaring the mailman, who is delivering a Mermaid Man comic. The cover is similar to the mailman scene in the episode, Chocolate With Nuts.."
"score": 0.5742493272,
"text": "The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water was released on Digital HD on May 19, 2015. It was released on Blu-ray (2D and 3D) and DVD on June 2, 2015. The cover of the home media releases (excluding the Blu-ray 3D release) and digital releases is the principal theatrical poster."
"score": 0.5733505487,
"text": "1 Original broadcasts: Square Pegs debuted on CBS September 27, 1982 in the 8 P.M. Monday slot, formerly held by M*A*S*H, which moved to 9 P.M. 2 Syndication: After having been unseen for a decade, episodes were shown on USA Network in the mid-1990s, and later on Nickelodeon, and TVLand."
"score": 0.5706268549,
"text": "The SpongeBob Movie Sponge Out of Water Clip - BUTTER! 1 On March 19, 2015, the movie was released in Malaysia. 2 On March 27, 2015, the movie was released in the UK and Ireland. 3 On April 2, 2015, the movie was released in Australia and New Zealand. On April 4, 2015, the movie was released in the Philippines."
"score": 0.5704296827,
"text": "On June 5, 2014, the film's release date was moved up one week to February 6, 2015 in order to avoid competition with Universal Pictures' Fifty Shades of Grey, which was set to premiere on February 13, 2015. On June 10, 2014, the movie's name was revealed to be: The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water.."
"score": 0.5680682659,
"text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Eugene Harold Armor Abs Krabs, or simply Mr. Krabs is a fictional character in the American animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants. He is voiced by actor Clancy Brown, and first appeared on television in the series' first episode Help Wanted on May 1,1999.r. Krabs served in the navy, and in the episode Krusty Krab Training Video it is revealed that Mr. Krabs served during a time of war, and fell into a depression after finishing his service."
"score": 0.5357573032,
"text": "Bill Fagerbakke (Patrick Star) Bill Fagerbakke attends the unveiling of a SpongeBob SquarePants wax figure in honor of the 10th anniversary of Nickelodeon's SpongeBob SquarePants at Madame Tussauds on July 15, 2009 in New York City. Larry Busacca/Getty Images for Nickelodeon."
"score": 0.5350840092,
"text": "SpongeBob got nude when he wanted to live with the jellyfish in Nature Pants.. In addition, in Model Sponge, SpongeBob got undressed when he is used in a sponge commercial. In Pranks a Lot, SpongeBob and Patrick had to strip in order to use the Invisible Spray."
"score": 0.5237894058,
"text": "Is SpongeBob a NASCAR fan; How did SpongeBob get Gary; When was SpongeBob made; Why Spongebob wears square pants; How did they come up with SpongeBob; Why is Squidward mad at SpongeBob all the time; What is SpongeBob and Patrick's favourite sport"
"score": 0.5105919838,
"text": "Sponge Bob's fans know the right answer! Now you can meet this guy Square Pants in Moscow, at Krusty Krab cafe! SteeringWheels on the tables, ship barrels instead of chairs, and Krabby Patty burgers – delicious as ever! Guests are personally met by Sponge Bob himself and his partner Squidward. So that means you won't be bored!"
"score": 0.430881232,
"text": ". The D'oh-cial Network , also known as The (Annoyed Grunt)-cial Network, is the eleventh episode of the twenty-third season of the American animated sitcom The Simpsons. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on January 15, 2012. In the episode, Lisa is sad that she has no real friends."
"score": 0.4188958108,
"text": "On June 28, 1996, Sponge opened for the Kiss reunion tour. The band had been tapped a few weeks earlier to replace the Stone Temple Pilots, who had to bow out of the opening spot due to Scott Weiland 's drug problems. The show was one of the last concerts held at Tiger Stadium in Detroit."
"score": 0.3789905608,
"text": "How much is B.o.B Worth? B.o.B net worth: B.o.B is an American hip hop recording artist, singer-songwriter, and record producer who has a net worth of $8 million. B.o.B got his first big break when he signed a record deal with Grand Hustle Records, Rebel Rock Entertainment and Atlantic Records. He then produced the album The Adventures of Bobby Ray. B.o.B was born Bobby Ray Simmons, Jr. in Winston-Salem, North Carolina in November 1988. He played trumpet from elementary school to high school in his school's bands. At 14 B.o.B sold his first beat to an artist named Citti."
] |
what is until dawn about | [
"score": 0.8082627058,
"text": "Until Dawn. Until Dawn is an interactive drama survival horror adventure video game developed by Supermassive Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 4."
] | [
"score": 0.6656961441,
"text": "Until Dawn. Posted July 15 2015 — 11:27 AM EDT. The horror genre has had something of a TV renaissance lately – thanks to The Walking Dead and Ryan Murphy's American Horror Story and upcoming Scream Queens – but it's been awhile since we've had a good blockbuster scary video game."
"score": 0.6631091237,
"text": "Until Dawn was re-introduced at Gamescom 2014. The title now served as a PlayStation 4 exclusive and would shift to a third-person perspective. The PlayStation Move feature was replaced by the DualShock 4's motion sensor."
"score": 0.6601448655,
"text": "Until Dawn was met with a positive critical response upon release, with praise directed at the visuals, choice mechanic, horror elements, music, characters, voice acting, and gameplay design."
"score": 0.656622529,
"text": "1 Next-Gen Horror – Harnessing the power of an evolved Killzone™ Shadow Fall engine, Until Dawn will shock you with realistic graphics and terrify you edge-of-your seat gameplay. Butterfly Effect – Carve your path to survival with branching story lines that promise no two experiences will be the same."
"score": 0.6500519514,
"text": "Until Dawn was met with a positive critical response upon release, with praise directed at the visuals, 'choice' mechanic, horror elements, music, characters, voice acting, and gameplay design."
"score": 0.6449570656,
"text": "With spine-tingling performances from a Hollywood cast including Hayden Panettiere (Heroes, Nashville) brought to life with the power of PlayStation®4 – your actions alone will decide who survives Until Dawn. Until Dawn™ is coming exclusively to PlayStation®4 in 2015."
"score": 0.6380764842,
"text": "The choices you make in Until Dawn have more far-reaching consequences than in most other survival horror games: the butterfly effect feature it so heavily relies on is highly effective, adding weight to seemingly innocuous choices and creating a game that feeds deeply into player paranoia of making the wrong choice."
"score": 0.6307547092,
"text": "In an unpredictable and dynamically adaptive story, crafted in consultation with Until Dawn scriptwriters and indie horror auteurs Larry Fessenden and Graham Reznick, eight friends come together at a remote mountain getaway and embark upon a night of unexpected terror."
"score": 0.6272361875,
"text": "Until Dawn's setup is wonderful enough to overlook it. These psychiatrist visits are the most obvious examples of Until Dawn's biggest feature: the butterfly effect. Small choices will have major consequences in future events."
"score": 0.6251736879,
"text": "Until Dawn is different. To collect every trophy in this game, you have to play with reality. There is one perfect way to play through the game, and by that I mean one way to play where everyone lives, and people generally like each other. The problem is, to get every trophy, you can't just play it that way."
"score": 0.6141145229,
"text": "'Until Dawn' Takes Days To Complete. Don't panic. I know that's a line from Hitchhiker's Guide, but it applies. The game plays over approximately ten hours of in-game time, and about the same of game play time. On average, one entire play through should take 12 hours or so, depending on the choice you make."
"score": 0.6091383696,
"text": "Derp Till Dawn is a free online flash game. My little pony and Slender man horror game."
"score": 0.6013451219,
"text": "Until Dawn Endings. Until Dawn has 6 different endings which primarily depend upon player choices made throughout the entire playthrough of the game. This guide details what you need to do in order to get the best or the worst ending in the game."
"score": 0.5976810455,
"text": "My absolute favorite feature of Until Dawn is its use of the DualShock 4 controller's gyroscope feature. Some PlayStation 4 games tend to shoehorn gimmicky uses of the controller's additional features, but Until Dawn uses the gyroscope in a way that's just a little too perfect for the slasher film aesthetic."
"score": 0.5948262811,
"text": "Until Dawn | Watch HORROR REINVENTED on PS4 EXCLUSIVE - watch the trailer here. Until Dawn Unveiled for PS4 - read the official blog here. Official Sony PlayStation game pages are here (US) and here (UK)."
"score": 0.5861567259,
"text": "Until Dawn received positive reviews. It received an aggregated score of 80.37% on GameRankings based on 71 reviews and 79/100 on Metacritic based on 103 reviews. Lucy O'Brien of IGN gave the game a generally positive review, giving it a 7.5 out of 10."
"score": 0.5717174411,
"text": "The developer has stated that Until Dawn has hundreds of endings but that should not be taken literally. Different endings have different variations depending on the combination of characters alive at the end of the game."
"score": 0.5692939758,
"text": "PlayStation and the PS Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. PS3 is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Until Dawn is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC."
"score": 0.5482339263,
"text": "During the credits, the player will be shown police interviews of the characters who survived until dawn."
"score": 0.5434660912,
"text": "The ending in which all of the 8 friends - Mike, Sam, Josh, Jessica, Emily, Chris, Matt, and Ashley - must die is widely considered as the worst ending. How to get the best and worst ending in Until Dawn depending upon player choices in the game. The guide is cluttered with spoilers; proceed on your own risk. Until Dawn has 6 different endings which primarily depend upon player choices made throughout the entire playthrough of the game. This guide details what you need to do in order to get the best or the worst ending in the game."
"score": 0.5373711586,
"text": "During the credits, the player will be shown police interviews of the characters who survived until dawn. If a character died, a video clip of his or her death along with the time of death will be shown to the player instead."
"score": 0.5365350246,
"text": "From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series 2014 | TV Show Watchlist. Premise. This supernatural series follows a pair of fugitive brothers after a bank heist leaves several people dead. After crossing the border with their hostages, they are stranded in a strip club filled with vampires and are forced to fight until morning in order to survive. Based on the 1996 movie of the same name."
"score": 0.5171428323,
"text": "From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) R | 1h 48min | Action, Crime, Horror | 19 January 1996 (USA) Two criminals and their hostages unknowingly seek temporary refuge in an establishment populated by vampires, with chaotic results."
"score": 0.5086514354,
"text": "Dawn, from an Old English verb dagian: to become day, is the time that marks the beginning of twilight before sunrise. It is recognized by the appearance of indirect sunlight being scattered in the atmosphere, when the centre of the Sun's disc reaches 18° below the horizon."
"score": 0.4999188185,
"text": "Like the fulfillment of a prophesy, 18 years after the debut of his cult horror film From Dusk Till Dawn, writer-director-producer Robert Rodriguez has revived the storyline for a series based on its original characters and concepts."
"score": 0.4942136109,
"text": "Dawn, also known as daybreak, is the time of morning when the first light appears in the sky prior to sunrise, which is the appearance of the top of the sun over the horizon. Dawn occurs roughly 30 minutes before sunrise at sea level. Continue Reading."
"score": 0.4939678609,
"text": "Dawn (from an Old English verb dagian to become day) or astronomical dawn is the time that marks, depending on the specific usage, the beginning of the twilight before sunrise, the period of the pre-sunrise twilight or the time of sunrise."
"score": 0.4928168058,
"text": "Twilight, Dawn, and Dusk. Twilight is the time between day and night when there is light outside, but the Sun is below the horizon."
"score": 0.4920355678,
"text": "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Dawn is the time that marks the beginning of the twilight before sunrise. It is recognized by the presence of weak sunlight, while the Sun itself is still below the horizon."
"score": 0.4885154665,
"text": "Quick Answer. Dawn, also known as daybreak, is the time of morning when the first light appears in the sky prior to sunrise, which is the appearance of the top of the sun over the horizon. Dawn occurs roughly 30 minutes before sunrise at sea level. Continue Reading."
"score": 0.4881567359,
"text": "Quick Answer. Dawn, also known as daybreak, is the time of morning when the first light appears in the sky prior to sunrise, which is the appearance of the top of the sun over the horizon. Dawn occurs roughly 30 minutes before sunrise at sea level."
"score": 0.4835950732,
"text": "Dawn is sometimes considered the beginning of morning twilight (as depicted here), sometimes the period of twilight, and sometimes the time of sunrise."
"score": 0.4810610712,
"text": "―Bran Stark. The Dawn Age is an epoch in the history of The Known World. It was the first historical epoch, ending roughly 8,000 years ago and extending backwards into the mists of time before the age of mankind. Little information about it has survived, even in legends."
"score": 0.4799919724,
"text": "What Is Dawn? Dawn refers to the transition from night to day as the sky gets brighter and the morning twilight heralds the beginning of a new day. The term has different colloquial meanings, but there is also a scientific definition. Dawn on Santorini island, Greece."
"score": 0.4714567959,
"text": "Dark Before Dawn. Dark Before Dawn is the fifth album by American rock band Breaking Benjamin, released on June 23, 2015 by Hollywood Records."
"score": 0.4704522491,
"text": "Dawn is defined as the first light of a new day or the beginning of something. An example of dawn is around 6am in September in California. An example of dawn is the beginning of the Computer Age. The definition of dawn is to begin to be understood, daylight or to appear."
"score": 0.4684570134,
"text": "Dawn is a female personal name derived from an English vocabulary word defining the early morning or daybreak; in other words, the period between darkness and sunrise. Dawn is the modern form of the Olde English \" dagung \" meaning \"to become day\" or \"to grow light,\" ultimately from the root daeg (\"dæg\"). day"
"score": 0.4672638476,
"text": "From Dusk till Dawn: The Series - International broadcast. 1 In Australia, the series premiered on SBS 2 on July 1, 2014. 2 In the UK, the series has been broadcast on Spike since January 4, 2016, as From Dusk Till Dawn."
"score": 0.4670990109,
"text": "'From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series'. Like the movie that came before, the TV series \"From Dusk Till Dawn\" does its thing very well. So well that its creator, Robert Rodriguez, is using the show to launch a whole new network, El Rey, with the promise it will be different from everything else. \"From Dusk Till Dawn,\" at least, is."
"score": 0.457829237,
"text": "dawn - the first light of day; we got up before dawn; they talked until morning. aurora, break of day, break of the day, cockcrow, dawning, daybreak, dayspring, first light, sunrise, sunup, morning. time of day, hour - clock time; the hour is getting late."
"score": 0.4562183619,
"text": "What is Dawn? The term Dawn derived from Old English term 'dagian' refers to the time of day when light first appears. This marks the beginning of twilight, before sunrise. Start of the dawn is explained by different definitions and their difference lies in the amount of sunlight that must be present at dawn."
"score": 0.4545580149,
"text": "George Clooney. Seth Gecko is the main protagonist and brief antagonist in the 1996 film, From Dusk till Dawn and it's 2001 spin-off video game of the same name. Seth Gecko and his brother Richie are two dangerous criminals on a wild crime spree."
"score": 0.4507393241,
"text": "From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series. · November 6, 2016 ·. ALL DAY TODAY Relive From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, Season 3, with the From Dusk Till Dawn Marathon, starting at 10am ET on El Rey Network! From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series with Fathom Events."
"score": 0.4484681785,
"text": "The interval of time between dawn and sunrise is known as morning dusk or morning twilight. Morning dusk lasts longer than 30 minutes in areas where the horizon is at a higher altitude than the observer. Conversely, morning dusk lasts for a shorter period of time in areas where the horizon is lower than the observer."
"score": 0.4470868409,
"text": "From Dusk Till Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money is an American Horror film released on March 16, 1999. It's the second film in the From Dusk Till Dawn series and is a sequel to From Dusk till Dawn. The film was an early test release by Dimension Films for the direct-to-video market. It was co-written and directed by Scott Spiegel. Michael S. Murphey, Gianni Nunnari, Meir Teper produced."
"score": 0.4354349971,
"text": "Happy 20th Anniversary 'From Dusk Till Dawn!'. It's hard to believe it's been 20 years since Robert Rodriguez's now-classic vampire B-movie From Dusk Till Dawn was unleashed upon the world. The fact that it was a moderately successful January release is quit astounding."
"score": 0.4301168025,
"text": "The noun dawn refers to the first light of day, or the first time period, like the dawn of a new era, which occurs when a new president takes office. Not just the beginning of a day, the noun dawn can refer to any beginning, like the dawn of the Internet era. As a verb, dawn can mean become light or become clear, like when it dawns on you that you left an important paper at home today. In that case, you can suddenly see what you did wrong, like at the dawn of a new day, when it is no longer dark and you can see, literally. Definitions of dawn."
"score": 0.4285092056,
"text": "Definition of dawn. 1 1 : the first appearance of light in the morning followed by sunrise danced till dawn at the crack of dawn Almost before the first faint sign of dawn appeared she arose again … — Thomas Hardy. 2 2 : beginning the dawn of the space age."
"score": 0.4265868068,
"text": "Scientific Definition. Science specifies dawn as a particular moment defined by the solar elevation angle, which is the position of the Sun in relation to the horizon. As with dusk, astronomers differentiate between 3 different stages of dawn, each marking the beginning of 1 of the 3 phases of morning twilight:"
"score": 0.4251741469,
"text": "'From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series' Releases Cast As El Rey Ponders Future. EXCLUSIVE: El Rey Network has released the cast of From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series ahead of tomorrow's (Nov. 1) Season 3 finale. I hear the options on the actors were up before the network was ready to make a decision on the future of the series, a reimagining of Robert Rodriguez's 1996 movie for Miramax."
"score": 0.4239236116,
"text": "UNSC Forward Unto Dawn (FFG-201), (UNSC REG: UNSC_REG // 77283.000_A), was a Charon-class light frigate in the UNSC Navy. Affectionately known by her crew as The Dawn, the ship's name is taken from a poem about humanity's interstellar expansion."
"score": 0.4226846695,
"text": "Besides the draw of Rodriguez's involvement, and a potential interest and nostalgia for some regarding the original film (the straight-to-video releases shall go unmentioned), the challenge will be for From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series to establish itself on an unfamiliar channel in the midst of so many other genre shows."
"score": 0.4225153625,
"text": "Scientific Definition Science specifies dawn as a particular moment defined by the solar elevation angle, which is the position of the Sun in relation to the horizon. As with dusk, astronomers differentiate between 3 different stages of dawn, each marking the beginning of 1 of the 3 phases of morning twilight:"
"score": 0.4214240313,
"text": "From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, Season 3 premieres Tuesday, 9/6 at 9p ET on El Rey Network! 362,481 people like this and 356,284 people follow this."
"score": 0.4210259616,
"text": "You can close this video in 5 seconds. 15 Things You Probably Didn't Know About 'From Dusk Till Dawn'. Before settling in for one hell of a night with Quentin Tarantino, George Clooney, and a bunch of vampires in Robert Rodriguez's horror comedy, check out these fascinating facts about the making of the film."
"score": 0.4196375012,
"text": "P.M. Dawn is an American hip hop act formed in 1988 by brothers Attrell Cordes (known by his stage name Prince Be, sometimes credited as Prince Be the Nocturnal) and Jarrett Cordes (known as DJ Minutemix) in Jersey City, New Jersey."
"score": 0.4183944762,
"text": "We arrived at/before/after dawn. [=sunrise, daybreak] We danced till dawn. the dawn's clear light. as dawn breaks over the city. He woke up at the crack of dawn. [=very early in the morning] She drove from dawn to/until dusk."
"score": 0.4163684845,
"text": "See From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, Season 3, from the beginning with the From Dusk Till Dawn Marathon, TOMORROW at 10am ET on El Rey Network!"
"score": 0.4132076204,
"text": "What does Dawn mean? D awn as a girls' name is pronounced dornn. It is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Dawn is the first appearance of light, daybreak. Modern use of the word for a name. The Latin term Aurora dates back about 1500 years, but Dawn first appeared in the late 1920s. Opera singer Dawn Upshaw; comedienne Dawn French; basketball player Dawn Staley. STARTS WITH Da-"
"score": 0.4105196893,
"text": "Astronomical Twilight, Dawn, and Dusk. Astronomical twilight occurs when the Sun is between 12 degrees and 18 degrees below the horizon. Astronomical dawn is the time when the geometric center of the Sun is at 18 degrees below the horizon. Before this time, the sky is absolutely dark. Astronomical dusk is the instant when the geographical center of the Sun is at 18 degrees below the horizon. After this point, the sky is no longer illuminated. In the morning, the sky is completely dark before the onset of astronomical twilight, and in the evening, the sky becomes completely dark at the end of astronomical twilight."
"score": 0.3557533622,
"text": "In diabetics, blood glucose levels are sometimes high first thing in the morning even after they've been fasting overnight. This is known as the \"dawn phenomenon. The dawn phenomenon refers to the body's natural response to an overnight fast. In the absence of carbohydrates and fuel, the body responds by producing \"counter-regulatory hormones."
"score": 0.2709889412,
"text": "Tonight – April 20, 2017 – the Lyrid meteor shower is picking up steam. We expect some Lyrid meteors to fly between late evening on Thursday, April 20 until dawn Friday, April 21. And we anticipate Friday night until dawn Saturday being even better. On both nights, try watching in the few hours before dawn."
] |
what does the name elise mean | [
"score": 0.8641460538,
"text": "The name Elise is a baby girl name. The name Elise is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Elise is: From the Hebrew Elisheba, meaning either oath of God, or God is satisfaction. Famous bearer: Old Testament Elizabeth was mother of John the Baptist and one of the earliest known bearers of this name; Queen Elizabeth II."
] | [
"score": 0.7716456056,
"text": "The name Elisa is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Elisa is: Consecrated to God Abbreviation of Elisabeth. SoulUrge Number: 6. Expression Number: 1. People with this name have a deep inner desire for a stable, loving family or community, and a need to work with others and to be appreciated."
"score": 0.768691361,
"text": "What does Elize mean? E lize as a girls' name is of Hebrew derivation, and the meaning of Elize is God is my oath. Elize is an alternate form of Elise (French, Hebrew): diminutive of Elisabeth. Elize is also a variation of Elizabeth (Hebrew). STARTS WITH Eli-ASSOCIATED WITH oath. Variations"
"score": 0.7657288313,
"text": "Elize [elize] as a girls' name is of Hebrew derivation, and the meaning of Elize is God is my oath. Elize is an alternate form of Elise (French, Hebrew): diminutive of Elisabeth. Elize is also a variation of Elizabeth (Hebrew). ASSOCIATED WITH oath."
"score": 0.7651064396,
"text": "Elisa /eli-sa/ [3 sylls.] as a name for girls is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of the name Elisa is God is my oath. Elisa is an alternate spelling of Elise (French, Hebrew): short variation of Elisabeth. Elisa is also a derivative of Eliza (Hebrew): short variation of Elizabeth."
"score": 0.7629362941,
"text": "Elisa /eli-sa/ [3 sylls.] as a name for girls is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of the name Elisa is God is my oath. Elisa is an alternate spelling of Elise (French, Hebrew): short variation of Elisabeth."
"score": 0.7283657789,
"text": "Élise élise is The french pet form of the Name. Elisabeth the name developed into an individually given name in its own right and spread To english speaking countries by the late 19th (century where the accent on the first syllable is). droppedhey are sophisticated without being flashy or annoyingly trendy. Elise is a simple, two-syllable, elegant name. And the French were quite creative with their pet forms and nicknames. Not only did they give us Élise élise out Of, elisabeth but Also, Babette, Elsa lise And. lisette"
"score": 0.7175989747,
"text": "Elise is pretty and modern despite its connection to the ancient name Elisabeth. It reminds of some other lovely French female names (Denise, Louise and Therѐse). Thérѐse they are sophisticated without being flashy or annoyingly. Trendy elise is a, simple-two, syllable elegant. namehey are sophisticated without being flashy or annoyingly trendy. Elise is a simple, two-syllable, elegant name. And the French were quite creative with their pet forms and nicknames. Not only did they give us Élise élise out Of, elisabeth but Also, Babette, Elsa lise And. lisette"
"score": 0.7074602842,
"text": "My only sister is named Christen Elise. If our brother had been a boy, he would have been named Elise something. Elise, a variant of Elizabeth, means, among other things, Oath of God. My sister, though only eleven, loves her name because it references God -- something I wish my name did.y parents named me Elise Anna Marie. Elise was after Beethovens Fur Elise, and the Anna Marie, was after a woman who is said to have been Beethoven's mistress. I'm not sure why I was given this name."
"score": 0.7023274899,
"text": "Elsy [el-sy] as a name for girls is of Hebrew derivation, and the meaning of Elsy is God is my oath. Elsy is a variant form of Elizabeth (Hebrew). Elsy is also a derivative of Elsa (Hebrew). Elsy is also used as a derivative of Elsie (Scottish, Hebrew). ASSOCIATED WITH oath."
"score": 0.6882048845,
"text": "Elise Girl's name meaning, origin, and popularity See the boy version of this name"
"score": 0.684577167,
"text": "Elise, Elisa and Elyse are three of the more fashionable baby names in this list. Elise▲ is alike in pronunciation to Alice▼, Alis, Alise, Alisse, Alize▼, Allice, Allis, Alliss, Allyse, Aloise, Alys, Alyse, Eilis, Eilise, Elice, Eliesse, Ellesse, Ellice, Ellis▲, Ellyce, Eloise▲, Elouise▼, Eloyse, Ilise and Ilysse."
"score": 0.6816000342,
"text": "Ellis Name Meaning. English and Welsh: from the medieval personal name Elis, a vernacular form of Elijah (see Elias). In Wales this surname absorbed forms derived from the Welsh personal name Elisedd, a derivative of elus 'kindly', 'benevolent'. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press."
"score": 0.6742545366,
"text": "What does Analiese mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Analiese is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of Analiese is Anna + Elise, grace, my G-d is an oath, pledged to G-d.hat does Analiese mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Analiese is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of Analiese is Anna + Elise, grace, my G-d is an oath, pledged to G-d."
"score": 0.6602490544,
"text": "Comments and insights on the name Elise: | Edit. We named our daughter Elise. It's one of those names that everyone knows but no one uses. It's only been misread as 'Elsie' once."
"score": 0.6549972296,
"text": "Elise is a very prominent first name for women (#609 out of 4276, Top 14%) and a slightly less prominent surname for all people (#135837 out of 150436, Top 90%). Elise reached its peak rank of #150 in the U.S. in the year 2012, and is currently at #174."
"score": 0.6509459019,
"text": "Elysia /ely-sia/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Latin origin. From Elysium, which in mythology is the home of the blessed, known as the Elysian fields.The name Elysia also means God's oath in Hebrew. Modern use is probably due to its similarity to the familiar Elise and Alicia.lysia is pronounced similarly to Alaysia, Allysia, Aloysia, Eligia, Eloisia and Eloysia. Other suggested similar baby names are Elesha, Elissia, Ellsa, Ellsi, Ellyssa, Elsa ▲ , Elsha, Elsie ▲ , Elssa, Elysse, Elyssia, Elyza and Elyzza. These names tend to be more frequently used than Elysia."
"score": 0.6435198784,
"text": "See the popularity of the girl's name Elise over time, plus its meaning, origin, common sibling names, and more in BabyCenter's Baby Names tool. expert advice community"
"score": 0.6413892508,
"text": "the hottest name of all time. Dedicated to God. My names Elise and I'm Scandinavian how wierd lol and i didnt know i was shexi cause not many boys like me (idt any boys like me) It means your sweet and awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"score": 0.6284989119,
"text": "Notably, one of the people named Lise is actually named Elise, so she gets her pronunciation (lease) from her full name. The thing about names is this: However the person who has that name pronounces it is how it's pronounced."
"score": 0.6252151132,
"text": "Isabelle is a form of the name Elizabeth. The name Elizabeth is derived from Elisabet (ελισαβε&tau), the Greek form of the Hebrew name Elisheva (אֱלִישֶׁבַע). The Hebrew name Elisheva, appears in the Old Testament where Elisheva is the wife of Aaron.hat does Isabelle mean, popularity, numerology and more. The name Isabelle is of French origin. The meaning of Isabelle is my G-d is an oath, pledged to G-d."
"score": 0.6185393929,
"text": "Elisha's language of origin is Germanic, Sanskrit, Hebrew, and Old Greek. It is predominantly used in English and Hebrew. From Hebrew roots, its meaning is 'God is salvation'. It is a biblical name from el which means 'God, powerful' ; sha 'to help, to deliver'. The feminine name could also be derived from the combination of Elise and Alicia. See Elisha for more information. In addition, Elisha is a form of Alice in the English language. Elisha is also a form of the English and Indian Alisha. Elisha is also a form of the English Elysia. Elisha is also a form of the English and Hebrew Ilisha in the English language."
"score": 0.6062875986,
"text": "Pronunciation: (eh LIZ ah beth). Form of: Elisabet. Celebrity Names & Famous real-life people: The meaning of the name \"Elizabeth\" is: \"Consecrated to God; my God is a vow; my God is abundance\". .adslot_1 { width: 336px; height: 280px; } @media (max-width:350px) { .adslot_1 { width: 300px; height: 250px; } }."
"score": 0.5899116397,
"text": "Please try again later. Audio and video pronunciation of Elise brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly.For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Elise.lease try again later. Audio and video pronunciation of Elise brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly."
"score": 0.5875827074,
"text": "Anna is a name (like Mary) that has spawned scores of derivative names such as Annabella, Annemarie, Annika, Annie and Annalise. The name Lisa (and Elise) are diminutive forms of Elizabeth used among the French, Italians, Germans, Dutch and Scandinavians.lthough Annalise is a very newly created name, there's something vintage and Old World about it. Particularly because Anne has been around since Biblical times and Elise is a familiar European variation of Elizabeth (another Biblical name)."
"score": 0.5645673871,
"text": "Be creative with the name Elise. Just for fun, see the name Elise in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message. Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Elise in Nautical Flags page."
"score": 0.5423800349,
"text": "Elisha definition, Also, Douay Bible, Eliseus [el-i-see-uh s] /ˌɛl ɪˈsi əs/ (Show IPA). a Hebrew prophet of the 9th century b.c., the successor of Elijah. II Kings 3–9. See more."
"score": 0.5405546427,
"text": "Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Aemilius (see EMIL). EMMA f English, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Dutch, German, Ancient Germanic. Originally a short form of Germanic names that began with the element ermen meaning whole or universal ...LISABETTA f Italian. Italian form of ELIZABETH. ELISEO m Italian, Spanish. Italian and Spanish form of ELISHA. ELMO m English, German, Italian. Originally a short form of Germanic names that began with the element helm meaning helmet, protection ..."
"score": 0.5396723747,
"text": "French Meaning: The name Anne is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Anne is: French spelling of English Ann, aintroduced to Britain in the 13th century. Famous bearers: 14th century St Anne; King Henry VIII's wives Anne Boleyn and Anne of Cleves; Queen Elizabeth's daughter Princess Anne."
"score": 0.5329457521,
"text": "English. Meaning: Love and to show your friends that you truely care about them and the ones you love show them kindness! 89: vote up - 6: vote down. pure, blessed, holy. 80: vote up - 9: vote down. An Awesome Person! :). 67: vote up - 7: vote down. My name is Kathryn Elise and I have alot of friends."
"score": 0.5216342211,
"text": "My name is Mallory and my middle name is Elise; together they sound better: Mallory Elise. I was named after the characters in Family Ties.. My parents named me Mallory Elyse-same as the person above, big fans of Family Ties, different spelling of middle name.y name is Mallory and my middle name is Elise; together they sound better: Mallory Elise. I was named after the characters in Family Ties.. My parents named me Mallory Elyse-same as the person above, big fans of Family Ties, different spelling of middle name."
"score": 0.5208435059,
"text": "Latinized form of the Germanic name Amala, a short form of names beginning with the element amal meaning work. AMANDA f English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, German, Late Roman. In part this is a feminine form of AMANDUS ...LISABETTA f Italian. Italian form of ELIZABETH. ELISEO m Italian, Spanish. Italian and Spanish form of ELISHA. ELMO m English, German, Italian. Originally a short form of Germanic names that began with the element helm meaning helmet, protection ..."
"score": 0.5117088556,
"text": "Elise was born as Kimberly Elise Trammel in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the daughter of Erma Jean (née Johnson), an elementary school teacher, and Marvin Trammel, who owns an executive search firm. She has three siblings."
"score": 0.5052919984,
"text": "Latin Meaning: The name Felecia is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Felecia is: Happy. American Meaning: The name Felecia is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Felecia is: Happy.French Meaning: The name Felecia is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Felecia is: happy'.SoulUrge Number: 2. Expression Number: 5. People with this name have a deep inner desire for love and companionship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony.rench Meaning: The name Felecia is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Felecia is: happy'. SoulUrge Number: 2. Expression Number: 5. People with this name have a deep inner desire for love and companionship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony."
"score": 0.4961377084,
"text": "Another feminine name with a strong meaning, Adelita means 'noble and a warrior woman.'. Aleta – the very sound of the name sounds exotic and beautiful. It means 'winged' – the right name for your little angel. A virtuous name for your baby girl, Agueda means 'good'. As exotic as they get, here's a name that is full of attitude and charisma."
"score": 0.4903587401,
"text": "What Does Name Rochelle Mean. You are a law unto itself. Your tendency is to finish whatever you start. You are tolerant and like to help humanity. You are very active. You are generally warmhearted and gives freely of your time, energy, and sympathetic understanding. You have tolerance and acceptance of the frailties of others."
"score": 0.4870912433,
"text": "His name is commonly transliterated into English as Elisha via Hebrew, Eliseus via Greek and Latin, or Alyasa via Arabic, Elyesa via Turkish. He is said to have been a disciple and protégé of Elijah and, after Elijah was taken up into the whirlwind, accepted as the leader of the sons of the prophets."
"score": 0.4833530486,
"text": "Personal experiences with the name Mallory: | Edit. My sister's name is Mallory, and I've only met two or three people with the same name. People always think we mean to say Valerie when we say her name. My name is Mallory and my middle name is Elise; together they sound better: Mallory Elise. I was named after the characters in Family Ties.. My parents named me Mallory Elyse-same as the person above, big fans of Family Ties, different spelling of middle name. How great!! :)."
"score": 0.4821105599,
"text": "So after doing some research, I found the name Annabeth doesn't actually exist. So I split her name into two! Anna means gracious or prayer, and is Hebrew. Beth is from the name Elizabeth, also Hebrew,and that means concentrated to God. So therefore we can conclude that Annabeth means a very, very religious person. Chase means a living at the hunting grounds, or a very skilled hunter. Grover."
"score": 0.4806049764,
"text": "Official Photos ». Elise Eberle was born on March 6, 1993 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA as Elise K. Eberle. She is an actress, known for Salem (2014), Tiger Eyes (2012) and The Astronaut Farmer (2006). See full bio »."
"score": 0.4777090251,
"text": "Hard. Elise is a stong jungler that can bully Lee sin in the early stages of the game if they meet inside either team jungle cause she has her spiders which can block Lee sin's Q and her E in spider form helps her escape.ee sin can easily dodge Jarvan's E+Q combo.He can escape from his ult with several ways."
"score": 0.4756516814,
"text": "The name Francesca is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Francesca is: Free. Latin Meaning: The name Francesca is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Francesca is: From France or 'free one.' Feminine of Francis.Famous bearers: British novelist Frances Burney and actress Frances Kemble. Italian Meaning: The name Francesca is an Italian baby name.he name Francesca is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Francesca is: From France or 'free one.' Feminine of Francis. Famous bearers: British novelist Frances Burney and actress Frances Kemble."
"score": 0.4744621515,
"text": "Swedish Meaning: The name Paula is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Paula is: Little. American Meaning: The name Paula is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Paula is: Little.Latin Meaning: The name Paula is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Paula is: Little; small.n American the meaning of the name Paula is: Little. Latin Meaning: The name Paula is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Paula is: Little; small."
"score": 0.47249493,
"text": "It's not that it isn't pretty, but the city sort of makes this a weird name to have, especially in Europe. -- slight night shiver 5/25/2008. Middle name of first lady Mamie Geneva Doud Eisenhower. -- Anonymous User 2/26/2009. The meaning of the single name Geneva is Old French meaning juniper tree. This name may refer to the Juniper Tree in which the Old Dutch name was \"Genever\" (Gin) which is favored with Juniper Berries. The name has indeed been influenced by other names."
"score": 0.4708433747,
"text": "Origin of the name Mallory: Transferred use of the English surname of French origin. It is derived from the Old French maloret, malore (maloré the unfortunate, one the unlucky). oney name is Mallory and my middle name is Elise; together they sound better: Mallory Elise. I was named after the characters in Family Ties.. My parents named me Mallory Elyse-same as the person above, big fans of Family Ties, different spelling of middle name."
"score": 0.4668922424,
"text": "The name Francesca is a baby girl name. The name Francesca comes from the Italian origin. In Italian The meaning of the name Francesca is: Derived from the Latin Franciscus meaning French. Famous bearer: 15th century Roman noblewoman St Francesca Romana (St Frances of Rome), British actress Francesca Annis.ame Information Boy or Girl ?: girl Origin of name: Italian Meaning: Derived from the Latin Frances meaning French, or free one. Famous bearer: 15th century Roman noblewoman St Francesca Romana (St Frances of Rome), British actress Francesca Annis."
"score": 0.4603307843,
"text": "The name Francesca comes from the Italian origin. In Italian The meaning of the name Francesca is: Derived from the Latin Franciscus meaning French.Famous bearer: 15th century Roman noblewoman St Francesca Romana (St Frances of Rome), British actress Francesca Annis.ame Information Boy or Girl ?: girl Origin of name: Italian Meaning: Derived from the Latin Frances meaning French, or free one. Famous bearer: 15th century Roman noblewoman St Francesca Romana (St Frances of Rome), British actress Francesca Annis."
"score": 0.4577956796,
"text": "Francesca is primarily an Italian name, one feminine form of Francis. The name stems from Latin and means a€˜â From€™. Francea franceâ In, old€˜Germanic€™ a 'Francescaa francesca'. Meant a â french persona 'Personâ/the meaning of francesca'. Is freedom One. who is free variant of francesrancesca is primarily an Italian name, one feminine form of Francis. The name stems from Latin and means a€˜â From€™. Francea franceâ In, old€˜Germanic€™ a 'Francescaa francesca'. meant a â french persona personâ"
"score": 0.4558018446,
"text": "18. Josephine: This is the feminine form of the name Joseph. It is Hebrew in origin and means Jehovah increases.. 19. Octavia: The feminine version of the name Octavius, this Latin name means eighth.. 20. Philomena: A Greek name, this means powerful love.. 21."
"score": 0.4533337951,
"text": "The name Ann is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Ann is: Name of a king. The name Ann is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Ann is: Priceless."
"score": 0.4502159357,
"text": "Ann [ann]▼ as a girls' name is pronounced an. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Ann is He (God) has favored me. The name refers to grace. Simplified form of Anne, the English form of Hannah. Also form of Anna. Also form of Anthea."
"score": 0.4429692626,
"text": "Ann /ann/ [1 syll.] as a girls' name is pronounced an. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Ann is He (God) has favored me. The name refers to grace. Simplified form of Anne, the English form of Hannah. Kreatif forms: Annai, Annau, Auann.nn is a very popular first name for women (#48 out of 4276, Top 1%) and also a very popular surname for both adults and children (#34904 out of 150436, Top 23%)."
"score": 0.4382919371,
"text": "What Does My Name Mean. To know what does your baby name mean, type your baby name or any name in the search box and know the meaning and origin of that name.hat Does My Name Mean. To know what does your baby name mean, type your baby name or any name in the search box and know the meaning and origin of that name."
"score": 0.4318475127,
"text": "Francesca /fran-ce-sca/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced fran-CHESS-kah. It is of Italian and Latin origin, and the meaning of Francesca is French.Italian form of Frances. It was given from the 13th century in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi. The most famous bearer was the beautiful Francesca di Rimini (13th century), daughter of Giovanni da Polenta, Count of Ravenna.hown below is the baby name popularity of Francesca for girls. Francesca entered the list in 1900-1909 and reached its peak rank of #353 in the U.S. in the year 1996, and is presently at #426. (2014 Birth Statistics). Below is a graphed comparison of the usage of the girl name Francesca and affiliated names."
"score": 0.4289634526,
"text": "The Story Behind Für Elise Für Elise (which is German for For Elise) was composed by Ludwig van Beethoven around 1810 when he was 40 years old and firmly established as one of the greatest composers in history."
"score": 0.4260162115,
"text": "Everyone would do well to remember the advice she is given: thank people, praise good work and remember colleagues' birthdays. Her gaining of emotional intelligence may be an old telly trope by now but the way Poésy plays it – her blue eyes and blonde hair softening Elise's verbal brutality – is sheer, um, poetry."
"score": 0.4144852161,
"text": "The name India is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name India is: Praise, law. SoulUrge Number: 1. Expression Number: 1.People with this name have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence.They would rather focus on large, important issues, and delegate the details.n Biblical the meaning of the name India is: Praise, law. SoulUrge Number: 1. Expression Number: 1. People with this name have a deep inner desire to use their abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence. They would rather focus on large, important issues, and delegate the details."
"score": 0.3978037536,
"text": "INNA (и́нна): Russian unisex name meaning strong water.. This name was originally a male name, but became somewhat popular as a religious girl's name due to the misidentification of the sex of the Russian martyr Inna, a male student of the Apostle Andrei. MOANA: Hawaiian unisex name meaning wide expanse of water.."
"score": 0.3857539892,
"text": "Piano sheet music and analysis of For Elise. The first feature you can note is the simple harmony and melody. In art simplicity, clearness, naturalness are just like beauty. Harmony is based on A harmonic minor key. Main chords are two : the tonic one (A minor) and the dominant one that is E7."
"score": 0.378534317,
"text": "(aphares on December 8, 2010) . Fur Elise is a very well-known and popular piece of music. 'Fur Elise' was written some time during 1867 and is an excellent example of what the romantic era is all about. Beethoven's 'Fur Elise' displays many characteristics of the romantic era such as chromatic notes, changes in the dynamics as well as freedom in the structure and a very complex use of rhythm. The dynamics change constantly as the piece progresses and as the climax of the piece comes near."
"score": 0.3682171106,
"text": "Best Answer: 1) It is not a 'song' (songs are sung by singers and have words). 2) It is not a romantic piece. 'Für Elise' is, by no stretch of the imagination, 'late' Beethoven and is firmly a 'Classical' piece. Quite a few people have attempted to give you helpful answers on the two occasions you have asked this question."
"score": 0.359401226,
"text": "Fur Elise is only a romantic song insofar as its sentiments convey. It was composed during the Classical period. Beethoven was a Classical composer, period (no pun intended). There is a great deal of confusion about the term 'romantic' and 'classical'."
"score": 0.3592346907,
"text": "Incoming search terms: what does rodney mean in hebrew, what does the name rodney mean in hebrew, biblical meaning of rodney, what does the name Rodney mean, rodney meaning."
"score": 0.324990809,
"text": "What does a 1 next to a person's name in the chat box mean? What does a 1 next to a person's name in the chat box mean? Related Help Center FAQs; What does it mean to see first? What does active mean in messages on Facebook? What does it mean to Like something? What does it mean to unfollow someone? What does it mean if the pixel status says No activity yet... What does it mean to follow someone or a Page?"
] |
how long to boiled eggs last | [
"score": 0.8502234817,
"text": "Header image: CHOW. Hard-boiled eggs last about a week if they are kept in their shells, and should be refrigerated within two hours of cooking, says the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service.eader image: CHOW. Hard-boiled eggs last about a week if they are kept in their shells, and should be refrigerated within two hours of cooking, says the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service."
"score": 0.8181616068,
"text": "Raw eggs keep a lot longer. Interestingly, hard-boiled eggs do not keep nearly as long as raw eggs, which can last three to five weeks in the refrigerator. There is a good reason for this.When a hen lays an egg, it puts a naturally protective coating on the outside of the shell.ith egg dyeing just around the corner, many may be wondering how long hard-boiled eggs can be kept before they spoil."
] | [
"score": 0.7906193733,
"text": "Facts related to how long hard boiled eggs last: 1 The term hard boiled eggs is actually misleading because eggs should never be subjected to a hard rigorous boil, it should be a soft gentle boil. 2 Thus, a more proper (yet less common) term for hard boiled eggs is hard cooked eggs."
"score": 0.788929224,
"text": "Of course, the question of how long do hard boiled eggs last in the fridge or how long are boiled eggs good for depends on if they were stored properly in the fridge or not.acts related to how long hard boiled eggs last: 1 The term hard boiled eggs is actually misleading because eggs should never be subjected to a hard rigorous boil, it should be a soft gentle boil. 2 Thus, a more proper (yet less common) term for hard boiled eggs is hard cooked eggs."
"score": 0.7767647505,
"text": "Of course, the question of how long do hard boiled eggs last in the fridge or how long are boiled eggs good for depends on if they were stored properly in the fridge or not.f course, the question of how long do hard boiled eggs last in the fridge or how long are boiled eggs good for depends on if they were stored properly in the fridge or not."
"score": 0.7729586959,
"text": "Of course, questions of how long do hard boiled eggs last in the fridge and how long are boiled eggs good for depend upon proper storage."
"score": 0.7682493925,
"text": "How long are Hard Boiled Eggs good for when prepared in a dish? How long are hard boiled eggs good for? How long do hard boiled eggs last? These answers depend upon what other foods are included in the recipe. For example, how long does cheese last? In general, hard boiled eggs are good for as long as the quickest expiring ingredient in the dish."
"score": 0.7563869953,
"text": "Hard Boiled Eggs Expiration Date. Of course, the question of how long do hard boiled eggs last in the fridge or how long are boiled eggs good for depends on if they were stored properly in the fridge or not."
"score": 0.728600204,
"text": "How Long Do Eggs Last? How long do eggs last in the fridge? Fresh eggs will last for at least 66 days from the date they are placed into a carton, this is 3-4 weeks beyond the \"best by\" date normally stamped on the carton. There are many things to consider with egg safety. To properly answer the question of how long do eggs last, how long are eggs good for, or the shelf life of eggs, a variety of factors must be examined such as the sell by date and how the eggs have been stored."
"score": 0.7140164971,
"text": "As it turns out, the answer to how long to boil eggs is actually quite simple, the perfect time is 10 minutes to make perfect hard boiled eggs! In this post we have created step-by-step instructions for you to make hard boiled eggs."
"score": 0.7126510143,
"text": "As it turns out, the answer to how long to boil eggs is actually quite simple, the perfect time is 10 minutes to make perfect hard boiled eggs !"
] |
how many times has goku died/nearly died | [
"score": 0.7998493314,
"text": "GOku has died 3 times in dragon ball history. one by raditz, two by cell. and three by shenron. after defeating shenron goku dies and then quickly come backs alive by the drag … on balls. it is really easy to miss the third time he died."
] | [
"score": 0.665579319,
"text": "Vegeta dies from Frieza but is then wished back to life with the Dragon Balls. He dies again by sacrificing himself to try to kill Buu, but Buu survives. He does come back to …life again though so he never fully dies he comes back to life the last time because kai sacrificing his life so he and goku can fuse."
"score": 0.6335006952,
"text": "The entire list of all characters who are actually killed by Goku. 1 Grandpa Gohan – Was accidentally killed when Goku lost control as a Great Ape. 2 Giant Fish – Killed with a single kick. Pterodactyl – Whacked in the back of his head with his Power Pole."
"score": 0.6195279956,
"text": "1 Grandpa Gohan – Was accidentally killed when Goku lost control as a Great Ape. 2 Giant Fish – Killed with a single kick. 3 Pterodactyl – Whacked in the back of his head with his Power Pole. Wolf – Killed many of them with punches, kicks, and Power Pole hits."
"score": 0.6141684055,
"text": "Goku was 12 in the 21st Budokai. Goku was 15 in the 22nd Budokai. Goku was 18 in the 23rd Budokai. Goku was 23 in the start of DBZ. Goku was 23 when he first went SSJ (can't age when dead) Goku was 24 when he arrived back on Earth. Goku was 27 when the Androids came. Goku was 28 after entering the RoSaT. Goku was 28 in the Buu Saga (again, can't age when dead) Goku was 38 at the end of DBZ."
"score": 0.6141221523,
"text": "Goku says he's 12 at the 21st tournament in May of 750, so apparently he considers his birthday to be after May, and presumably it would be the day he was found by Gohan. He might really be 13 but he says he's 12 so that's what we go with. At the end of Dragon Ball in year 756 he is 18, nearly 19. Raditz arrives near the end of the year 761, Goku is 24. The battle with Freeza is Christmas day 762. Goku would be 25 but he was dead for a year so he's still 24. The Cell Games happen in May 767. Goku is 29, nearly 30, by the calendar. His time in the RoSaT pretty much cancels out his time spent dead so he's now the correct age again."
"score": 0.6068126559,
"text": "Goku turns Super Saiyan on Episode 80: Transformed at Last. Frieza miraculously survives the blow from Goku's Spirit Bomb. Frieza kills Piccolo when he pushes Goku out of the … way from Frieza's attack, thus sacrificing himself in the process."
"score": 0.5990068913,
"text": "1 Ribet – Killed by Goku's Kamehameha. 2 General Rilldo – Killed by the combined blast of Goku, Pan and Trunks. 3 Baby – Killed using the 10x Kamehameha, which blasts him to the Sun. Super 17 – Killed using the Super Dragon Fist and finished by a Super Kamehameha."
"score": 0.59228158,
"text": "1 General Rilldo – Killed by the combined blast of Goku, Pan and Trunks. 2 Baby – Killed using the 10x Kamehameha, which blasts him to the Sun. 3 Super 17 – Killed using the Super Dragon Fist and finished by a Super Kamehameha. Haze Shenron – Killed by a Grandfather-Granddaughter Kamehameha by Goku and Pan."
"score": 0.5903634429,
"text": "1 General Rilldo – Killed by the combined blast of Goku, Pan and Trunks. 2 Baby – Killed using the 10x Kamehameha, which blasts him to the Sun. Super 17 – Killed using the Super Dragon Fist and finished by a Super Kamehameha."
"score": 0.5890108943,
"text": "In Age 774, Goku is about 37 years old. From the information that we know about when Super begins, it will be six months after the battle with Majin Buu. With that information in hand, Goku should be still 37 years old or coming up to be 38 years old."
"score": 0.5858575106,
"text": "Or so he thought. In the 2nd movie with Brolly, Brolly returns. Though Goku is dead, Gohan, Goten and Trunks ( Kid Trunks ) Search for the Dragonballs so videl could meet Shenron. Brolly's father realised in the last movie that what angered brolly was Goku's Crying. They were born on the same day in the same chamber."
"score": 0.5831508636,
"text": "Piccolo is restored to health, and waits a year until Goku arrives back on Earth. He then trains with Goku and Gohan for three years to prepare for a battle against two powerful androids created by the Red Ribbon to kill Goku. and later dies with Earth in order to destroy the Black Star Dragon Balls."
"score": 0.581818223,
"text": "Example: Dude had Frieza dead to rights after he went Super Saiyan for the first time, but he wanted a fair fight -- so he let this guy who had just murdered Krillin power up to 100%. After Frieza was cut in half by his own attack, Goku still showed mercy."
"score": 0.5802576542,
"text": "Kenny himself seems to be somewhat aware of his own recurring death. In . It's Christmas in Canada , Kenny refuses to get on city airline planes and decides to stay in South Park with Cartman. When Stan asks why, Kenny says, 'Cause, dude, I'll fucking die..enny has died and come back 103 times in the South Park franchise (80 in the series, to date, two in the early animated shorts, six in other authorized TV parodies, five times in two video games, and twice in the movie. He is also killed nine different ways in the opening sequence)."
"score": 0.5705282688,
"text": "Kakuzu had five hearts, so he had to be killed five times. First Kakashi killed him with Raikiri, then Shikamaru tricked Hidan to kill Kakuzu with his curse, then Naruto killed two hearts at the same time with a Rasenshuriken, then Kakashi finished the job with another Raikiri. Categories: Naruto."
"score": 0.5659466386,
"text": "Jean Grey has died three times. The first death occured at the end of Uncanny X-Men #100, where she died while piloting a space shuttle through re-entry. The intense heat of the shuttle's unshielded cockpit nearly vaporized her body."
"score": 0.5645954013,
"text": "In the beggining of the series, as a 12 year old, Goku is rather short, and his appearance can actually trick his age, with some considering him to be much less than 10 years old, and get rather surprised when they hear his actual age."
"score": 0.564563632,
"text": "Main article: Trunks Saga Unbeknownst to Goku and everyone else, Frieza was not killed on Namek. Frieza's shredded body floated in the planet's debris, kept company only by his thoughts of how the universe's conqueror had been thoroughly beaten by a lowly Saiyan."
"score": 0.559825182,
"text": "He stayed in other world for 7 years because he thought the world would be in danger if he stayed. Who cares Buu would be the next enemy in 7 years. Goku was a Idiot. and check this picture out http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a7/Kpireh/ngbbs438ba7f0d7feb.jpg. Now answer this."
"score": 0.5535888076,
"text": "In this time, both Goku and Gohan have mastered the Super Saiyan form and they can use it without wasting any extra energy. Therefore, they shouldn't turn back to their regular form unless they lose all of their energy (they die). However, they are both seen in regular form after Broly beats them up. See more »."
"score": 0.5412256122,
"text": "Personally I think Goku would easily kill Ichigo in an actual battle. Ichigo may be a Soul Reaper (or technically a shinigami) but he doesn't have the experience Goku has. Gok…u has been fighting since he was only a child, and Ichigo barely fought ever since he was 15."
"score": 0.5409295559,
"text": "Goku after getting a kick to the ribs from Raditz. At the start of the Dragon Ball Z series, Goku is 24 years old and is still living at Mount Paozu in a newly built house near his old house, with his wife Chi-Chi and their four year old son, Gohan, named after Goku's adoptive father, Grandpa Gohan.fter seeing that the Dragon Ball he found was not his grandfather's Four-Star Ball, he has one of the army's auto pilot droids fly him to the next Dragon Ball. The plane crashes when the droid freezes, and Goku freezes, unable to move."
"score": 0.5377619267,
"text": "In Age 784, Future Trunks travels back in time 20 years, in order to warn Goku about the android threat in the near future, as well as to deliver medication that will cure Goku of the heart virus that he is supposed to die from."
"score": 0.5367603302,
"text": "Date Posted: May 9, 2015 #1. Advertisement. The fight between Goku and Frieza took a total of three and a half hours of screen time. This is currently the longest fight in any anime ever. HistrionicBehavior The Conscience of the Vestibule Joined: Jun 3, 2009. Messages: 98,903. Date Posted: May 9, 2015 #2."
"score": 0.535356462,
"text": "Goku after getting a kick to the ribs from Raditz. At the start of the Dragon Ball Z series, Goku is 24 years old and is still living at Mount Paozu in a newly built house near his old house, with his wife Chi-Chi and their four year old son, Gohan, named after Goku's adoptive father, Grandpa Gohan.fter Goku's victory against the Red Ribbon Army, he is still missing one more Dragon Ball to revive Bora, but for some reason Bulma's Dragon Radar cannot locate it. Roshi tells Goku about his older sister Baba who can find anything. Goku sets out to Fortuneteller Baba's Palace with Yamcha, Krillin, Upa and Puar."
"score": 0.5305147171,
"text": "The last time we got a measure of Roshi's power level was when Goku was in his late teens to early 20s and he wasn't in his buffed state. I don't think it's unreasonable that after all these years his lower level could've risen to 2,000-ish give or take. Remember this is the worthless remnants of Freeza's army."
"score": 0.5249465704,
"text": "Goku is a warrior that is pure of heart. When he was just a child, he was sent to Earth to destroy all life on the planet. He hit his head when he was a child and lost all memory of his mission. From that day on he became a good boy. He fights for the sake of the Earth...and even for fun! Gohan."
"score": 0.5231653452,
"text": "The name Goku is ranked on the 10,467th position of the most used names. It means that this name is commonly used. We estimate that there are at least 24000 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. The name Goku has four characters. It means that it is relatively short-length, compared to the other names in our database."
"score": 0.5193562508,
"text": "Too many actors share the same number of death scenes, which makes a death-count ranking irrelevant after the third guy. For example, Nicholson, DiCaprio, Pacino, Bacon, Pearce, and Dustin Hoffman have all died nine times throughout their movie careers, and that roster will probably change next week."
"score": 0.5133984089,
"text": "So when he told me, not long after making the cancer announcement, that he should have died ten or 12 times already, and that he was glad to have made it this far, it was just another instance of him laying down the no-bullshit card. Brock would have loved more time."
"score": 0.5111643076,
"text": "Come back to us, Grande. Ariana Grande almost died again last night. That girl has it rough. After I combed through her Twitter to see how many times she's escaped death -- including the time she slipped on confetti at MSG and the time she met Jim Carrey -- Ari tweeted again about dying. I'm starting to get concerned. 11 Times Ariana Grande Almost Died."
"score": 0.4977095127,
"text": "They aren't brothers. Vegeta was the prince of the Saiyan planet before it was destroyed by Frieza. Goku is the son of a Saiyan warrior Bardock who died along with their planet. Goku had an elder biological brother, Raditz. After Goku and Picollo put Raditz to an end, Vegeta and Napa travel to earth."
"score": 0.4922631383,
"text": "According to the U.S. Geological Survey a total of 227898 people died in natural... Has anyone ever died go karting. Yes, a 15-year-old girl died when the -kart she was driving hit a parked car in..."
"score": 0.4855419695,
"text": "· just now. Report Abuse. Kakarot(Goku), And Raditz are brothers. Vegeta and nappa on the other hand, are not brothers rather just partners.It was originaly Raditz ,Vegeta, and Nappa untill Raditz was killed which lead to nappa being killed later on."
"score": 0.4780863822,
"text": "He was shot some 16 times and died on the spot, a senior investigator told The Star. One of Hendricks' neighbour told The Star that the now deceased was not involved in any known conflict with anyone, as he got on well with everyone in the community."
"score": 0.4747428298,
"text": "He conducted espionage and deception that successful led Tokugawa became Shogun (Japanese emperor). Hattori Hanzo died in 1596 at age 55 with a natural death. However, there is another version of the story that a ninja Kotaro Fuma killed Hanzo in battle."
"score": 0.4673705697,
"text": "But between 16,000 and 20,000 died because of the tsunami—a death toll comparable to that caused by an earthquake and tsunami in the same region in 1896. Japan's defenses have improved tremendously since then, but its population has tripled."
"score": 0.460521847,
"text": "Among the numbers of fatalities, only about two or three result from falls. Others are from suicides, natural causes, drownings, medical distress and vehicular accidents. In 2014, the Canyon realized a sharp spike from average rates of park deaths. Then, 24 people died at the Grand Canyon. The man's death this week marks the second fatality so far this year. Back in February, a 73-year-old man collapsed and died during a hike near the North Kaibab Trail."
"score": 0.4542573094,
"text": "His petition in Bombay High Court also attaches an affidavit by Dr Gokul Gokani, who was present inside the Pune ashram when Osho breathed his last. Dr Gokani, who wrote Osho's death certificate, suspects foul play in the last 4 hours before his death. So, after 26 years, 7 haunting questions about Osho's death and succession have resurfaced. 1."
"score": 0.453974098,
"text": "Likewise, many people died later from injuries suffered in this disaster. The National Police Agency of Japan reported that as of March 2013 a total of 15,882 deaths, 6,142 injured, and 2,668 people still missing. This surpasses the death toll for the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake."
"score": 0.4532873631,
"text": "By actual count Lucas McCain killed at least 120 people and wounded dozens more in 5 years. We don't know if some of those died later. In also he suffered at least a dozen gun shot wounds, and was beaten/whipped, hung, tortured and taken hostage at least another dozen times."
"score": 0.4516487718,
"text": "By the time the battle ended, 3,057 Japanese had died. Casualties aboard the four carriers were: Akagi: 267; Kaga: 811; Hiryu: 392; Soryu: 711; a total of 2,181. The heavy cruisers Mikuma (sunk; 700 casualties) and Mogami (badly damaged; 92) accounted for another 792 deaths."
"score": 0.444655776,
"text": "Tupac was hit six times, with one bullet puncturing his lung. He died six days later, at the age of 25, from injuries sustained in the attack. Twenty years later and no-one has yet been convicted for the murder. For all the rumours and the conspiracies, the case remains unsolved. Here are the main theories on who killed Tupac Shakur."
"score": 0.4362562299,
"text": "The number of confirmed deaths is 15,891 as of April 10, 2015, according to Japan's National Police Agency. Most people died by drowning. More than 2,500 people are still reported missing. Less than an hour after the earthquake, the first of many tsunami waves hit Japan's coastline. The tsunami waves reached run-up heights (how far the wave surges inland above sea level) of up to 128 feet (39 meters) at Miyako city and traveled inland as far as 6 miles (10 km) in Sendai."
"score": 0.4357976615,
"text": "Officials say 350 people are dead and about 500 missing, but it is feared the final death toll will be much higher. In one ward alone in Sendai, a port city in Miyagi prefecture, 200 to 300 bodies were found. The quake was the fifth-largest in the world since 1900 and nearly 8,000 times stronger than the one which devastated Christchurch, New Zealand, last month, said scientists."
"score": 0.4351523519,
"text": "We will never know how many millions Stalin killed. \"And yet somehow Stalin gets a pass,\" Ian Frazier wrote in a recent New Yorker article about the gulags. \"People know he was horrible, but he has not yet been declared horrible officially.\". Time magazine put Stalin on its cover 11 times."
"score": 0.4320300221,
"text": "On September 7, 1996, Shakur was shot four times in a drive-by shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada, and died six days later of respiratory failure and cardiac arrest at University Medical Center, Las Vegas."
"score": 0.4310458004,
"text": "Alan Grayson said 45,000 people die every year because they don't have health insurance in an August interview with Central Florida News 13. U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, who in 2009 described the GOP health care plan as if you do get sick, die quickly, is reaching into his bag of old talking points to defend the Affordable Care Act."
"score": 0.4304333925,
"text": "For anyone watching this video and thinking about doing a jump, know that jumps just like these have resulted in paralysis and death at Elk River Falls. Around 15 people have died there, after jumping, in the past 20 years. That figure is in local newspaper archives if you wish to look it up yourself."
"score": 0.4291982949,
"text": "Shakur was shot four times by a .40-caliber Glock, twice in the chest, once in the hand, and once in the thigh. He died from his injuries six days later in the University Medical Center of Southern Nevada. Tupac Shakur, whose real name was Lesane Parish Crooks, was born in East Harlem, New York City in 1971."
"score": 0.4134775102,
"text": "The Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan in March of 2011 was a disaster of epic proportions – over 20,000 died, over 300,000 left homeless, a blow to the country's economic and infrastructure unlike anything in the last 40 years. But the crippling of the Fukushima nuclear plants wasn't the disastrous part."
"score": 0.4100423455,
"text": "Many more people suffered for several yearsbefore dying, or died in the following years due toradiation exposure from the bombs. It is estimated thatby 1950, 200,000 more people had died from atomicbomb-related diseases or injuries."
"score": 0.409498632,
"text": "The following is a list of how many people were killed on Dec. 7, 1941 as a result of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. US Navy: 2,008 KIAUSMC: 109 KIAUS Army: 218 KIACivil…ians: 68 Total: 2,403 Close to 2/3 of those who died occurred in the first 15 minutes of the battle when the Oklahoma, Utah and the Arizona were bombed. In addition, 55 Japanese died, in addition to an unknown number of Japanese wounded. The US had 1,178 personnel wounded."
"score": 0.4047931433,
"text": "So, the Death Star Technical Companion, if accurate, is more in line with Luke's statement that he killed about a million people! (Assuming everyone was on board) Therefore, (assuming they were all on board) we're looking at anywhere from approximately 1.3 to almost 1.5 million people killed (at the very least)."
"score": 0.4040588737,
"text": "Former Thin Lizzy guitarist Gary Moore was five times drink drive limit when he died. Former Thin Lizzy guitarist Gary Moore died after drinking enough alcohol to put himself nearly five times over the drink-drive limit, tests have shown. Photo: Fotex / Rex Features."
"score": 0.4034648836,
"text": "However, many Hutu died in refugee camps in Zaire, Tanzania and Burundi. The cholera epidemic in Goma is believed to have taken around 30,000 lives (Prunier, 1998, p. 303). Also, an unknown number of Hutu were killed by the RPF, both in the course of combat and in acts of revenge after the genocide."
"score": 0.4034297466,
"text": "1 Roger Casement's original 1904 report estimated that as many as 3 million Congolese had died of disease, torture or shooting since 1888 (cited in Gilbert's History of the Twentieth Century; also in Colin Legum, Congo Disaster (1972))."
"score": 0.3971360922,
"text": "The Yangtze River has flooded more than 1,000 times, including in 1931 when an estimated 145,000 people died. Flooding usually happens in late summer as a result of monsoon rains and mountain snow melt. The flood in 1931 covered 186 counties and cities. The River is 6,300 kilometers long and has more than 700 tributaries. The river in China that has been responsible for the worst flooding and associated loss of life is the Yellow (Huang He) River, which flooded in July-August 1931 and was responsible for an estimated 3.7 million deaths from drowning, subsequent famine, and associated disease."
"score": 0.3929139674,
"text": "Confidence votes 89.3K. Retired professor of math and computer science having taught for 36 years at a state supported university in Virginia. The following is a list of how many people were killed on Dec. 7, 1941 as a result of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Total: 2,403."
"score": 0.3900979161,
"text": "The Thai government reported 4,812 confirmed deaths, 8,457 injuries, and 4,499 missing after the country was hit by a tsunami caused by the Indian Ocean earthquake on the 26 of December 2004. The Thai authorities estimate that at least 8,150 are likely to have died."
"score": 0.3864510059,
"text": "The assault, which lasted less than two hours, claimed the lives of more than 2,400 people, wounded 1,000 more and damaged or destroyed nearly 20 American ships and more than 300 airplanes. Almost half of the casualties at Pearl Harbor occurred on the naval battleship USS Arizona, which was hit four times by Japanese bombers. As we commemorate the anniversary of this \"date which will live in infamy,\" as President Franklin D. Roosevelt described it on December 8, 1941, explore five little-known facts about USS Arizona and the attack that plunged America into war. 1 1. Twenty-three sets of brothers died aboard USS Arizona."
"score": 0.368598491,
"text": "The World Health Organization estimates that 88 million cases of gonorrhea occur each year, out of the 448 million new cases of all curable STI each year – that also includes syphilis, chlamydia and trichomoniasis. As of 2010, it caused about 900 deaths down from 1,100 in 1990."
"score": 0.3659466207,
"text": "Wow many americans died in world war 2?, how many people died in world war 2?, how many jews died during the holocaust?, how many bombs were dropped in world war II?"
"score": 0.362216413,
"text": "This study found from four to ten times the number of deaths attributable to medical error than the IOM did; i.e., approximately 400,000 per year. If this were true, then medical errors would be approaching the number two cause of death in the US, cancer, which claims 585,000 people per year. Classen et al noted that adverse event tracking methods that had frequently been in use at the time of the IOM report missed a lot of adverse events, noting that this tool found up to ten times as many adverse events."
"score": 0.3567503095,
"text": "440,000 patients die every year from preventable medical errors. Preventable medical errors cost our country tens of billions of dollars a year. One in three patients who are admitted to the hospital will experience a medical error."
] |
branching tree definition | [
"score": 0.8638700247,
"text": "Branching tree. Definition. noun. A branching identification key where the structure of the decision tree is displayed graphically as a branching structure, involving lines between items. Supplement. Depending on the number of branches at a single point, a branching key may be dichotomous or polytomous."
] | [
"score": 0.7603045702,
"text": "Branch definition, a division or subdivision of the stem or axis of a tree, shrub, or other plant. See more."
"score": 0.7589277625,
"text": "A branching database (sometimes called a binary tree) is a way of classifying a group of objects. If it has been designed properly, someone else could use the tree to identify one of the objects. It could be used, for example, to classify mini-beasts, musical instruments, white powders or fruit."
"score": 0.7348053455,
"text": "1. an anatomical structure with branches resembling a tree. 2. in information science, a decision tree. bronchial tree. the trachea, bronchi and successive branching generations of the respiratory passages."
"score": 0.7309565544,
"text": "tree. an anatomic structure with branches resembling a tree. bronchial tree the bronchi and their branching structures; see color plates. tracheobronchial tree the trachea, bronchi, and their branching structures; see color plates.ree. 1. an anatomical structure with branches resembling a tree. 2. in information science, a decision tree. bronchial tree. the trachea, bronchi and successive branching generations of the respiratory passages."
"score": 0.729346931,
"text": "tree. an anatomic structure with branches resembling a tree. bronchial tree the bronchi and their branching structures; see color plates. tracheobronchial tree the trachea, bronchi, and their branching structures; see color plates.. an anatomical structure with branches resembling a tree. 2. in information science, a decision tree. bronchial tree. the trachea, bronchi and successive branching generations of the respiratory passages. tree daffodil. thevetia peruviana. decision tree. see decision tree. tree diagram. see decision tree."
"score": 0.7289203405,
"text": "(tre) an anatomic structure with branches resembling a tree. bronchial tree the bronchi and their branching structures. dendritic tree the branching arrangement of a dendrite. tracheobronchial tree the trachea, bronchi, and their branching structures."
"score": 0.7201447487,
"text": "an anatomic structure with branches resembling a tree. bronchial tree the bronchi and their branching structures; see color plates. tracheobronchial tree the trachea, bronchi, and their branching structures; see color plates.. an anatomical structure with branches resembling a tree. 2. in information science, a decision tree. bronchial tree. the trachea, bronchi and successive branching generations of the respiratory passages."
"score": 0.7197650671,
"text": "Branching (version control) Branching, in revision control and software configuration management, is the duplication of an object under revision control (such as a source code file or a directory tree) so that modifications can happen in parallel along both branches. Branches are also known as trees, streams or codelines."
"score": 0.7197090387,
"text": "Branch definition: The branches of a tree are the parts that grow out from its trunk and have leaves,... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog"
"score": 0.7167168856,
"text": "tree. an anatomic structure with branches resembling a tree. bronchial tree the bronchi and their branching structures; see color plates. tracheobronchial tree the trachea, bronchi, and their branching structures; see color plates."
"score": 0.7091597319,
"text": "tree. 1. an anatomical structure with branches resembling a tree. 2. in information science, a decision tree. bronchial tree. the trachea, bronchi and successive branching generations of the respiratory passages.tree daffodil. thevetia peruviana. decision tree. see decision tree.tree diagram. see decision tree.ree. 1. an anatomical structure with branches resembling a tree. 2. in information science, a decision tree. bronchial tree. the trachea, bronchi and successive branching generations of the respiratory passages."
"score": 0.7057151198,
"text": "[tre] an anatomic structure with branches resembling a tree. bronchial tree the bronchi and their branching structures; see color plates. tracheobronchial tree the trachea, bronchi, and their branching structures; see color plates."
"score": 0.7033338547,
"text": "tree. an anatomic structure with branches resembling a tree. bronchial tree the bronchi and their branching structures; see color plates. tracheobronchial tree the trachea, bronchi, and their branching structures; see color plates.ronchial tree the bronchi and their branching structures; see color plates. tracheobronchial tree the trachea, bronchi, and their branching structures; see color plates."
"score": 0.7010294199,
"text": "tree. an anatomic structure with branches resembling a tree. bronchial tree the bronchi and their branching structures; see color plates. tracheobronchial tree the trachea, bronchi, and their branching structures; see color plates.ree. an anatomic structure with branches resembling a tree. bronchial tree the bronchi and their branching structures; see color plates. tracheobronchial tree the trachea, bronchi, and their branching structures; see color plates."
"score": 0.6867493987,
"text": "Historical Examples. 1 Dendroid: tree or shrub-like: branching like a tree or shrub. 2 It has already been shown that the fibers are the result of a branching of cells. 3 On the Common, which was a pasture, was a branching elm, a place of executions. 4 After two miles of travel I came to a branching of the trail."
"score": 0.6802408099,
"text": "The blackness is caused by the occurrence of metal sulphides. branch : (branched, branching, branches). 1 A secondary woody stem or limb growing from the trunk, main stem, or another secondary limb of a tree, shrub or vine. 2 Many other, subdivided, elongated structures of organisms resembling a tree branch."
"score": 0.6787173748,
"text": "Branching process. In probability theory, a branching process is a type of mathematical object known as a stochastic process, which consists of collections of random variables. The random variables of a stochastic process are indexed by the natural numbers."
"score": 0.6782450676,
"text": "tree(noun) a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms. tree, tree diagram(noun) a figure that branches from a single root. genealogical tree."
"score": 0.6771212816,
"text": "Define branch point. The representation on a phylogenetic tree of the divergence of two or more taxa from a common ancestor. Most branch points are shown at dichotomies, in which a branch representing the ancestral lineage splits into two branches, one for each of the two descendant taxa. Define sister taxa."
"score": 0.6742969155,
"text": "2 : something in the form of or resembling a tree: such asa : a diagram or graph that branches usually from a simple stem or vertex without forming loops or polygons a genealogical tree phylogenetic treesb : a much-branched system of channels especially in an animal body the vascular tree."
"score": 0.6657550335,
"text": "3 : something in the form of or resembling a tree: such asa : a diagram or graph that branches usually from a simple stem or vertex without forming loops or polygons a genealogical tree phylogenetic treesb : a much-branched system of channels especially in an animal body the vascular tree. 4 : saddletree."
"score": 0.6612958908,
"text": "branch out. 1. Lit. [for a branch] to grow out of a branch or trunk. (Having to do with plants and trees.) A twig branched out of the main limb and grew straight up.The bush branched out from the base.o grow out of a tree trunk or branch: I like to sit on a large limb that branches out from the apple tree. 3. To expand the scope of one's interests or activities into a new area or areas: At first I studied only Latin, but later I branched out and began learning other languages, too. See also: branch, out."
"score": 0.6609435678,
"text": "In botany, a tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting branches and leaves in most species. In some usages, the definition of a tree may be narrower, including only woody plants with secondary growth, plants that are usable as lumber or plants above a specified height. tree typically has many secondary branches supported clear of the ground by the trunk. This trunk typically contains woody tissue for strength, and vascular tissue to carry materials from one part of the tree to another. For most trees it is surrounded by a layer of bark which serves as a protective barrier."
"score": 0.6579558253,
"text": "Definition of tree. 1a : a woody perennial plant having a single usually elongate main stem generally with few or no branches on its lower partb : a shrub or herb of arborescent form rose trees a banana tree."
"score": 0.6546734571,
"text": "In botany, a tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting branches and leaves in most species. In some usages, the definition of a tree may be narrower, including only woody plants with secondary growth, plants that are usable as lumber or plants above a specified height."
"score": 0.6528110504,
"text": "In botany, a tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting branches and leaves in most species. In some usages, the definition of a tree may be narrower, including only woody plants with secondary growth, plants that are usable as lumber or plants above a specified height. commonly applied narrower definition is that a tree has a woody trunk formed by secondary growth, meaning that the trunk thickens each year by growing outwards, in addition to the primary upwards growth from the growing tip."
"score": 0.6496889591,
"text": "a part of a tree that grows out of its trunk (=main stem) with leaves, flowers, or fruit growing on it. A very small branch is called a twig"
"score": 0.6496083736,
"text": "A tree that has at least one branch point that is a polytomy. A tree with only one polytomy is called polytomous, as is a tree with multiple polytomies. This is in contrast to a dichotomous tree. polytomy : (polytomies). A branch point on a tree that has more than two immediate descendents."
"score": 0.6440966725,
"text": "The respiratory tree or tracheobronchial tree is a term also used to refer to the branching structure of airways supplying air to the lungs and includes the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles."
"score": 0.6421464682,
"text": "A phylogenetic tree or evolutionary tree is a branching diagram or tree showing the inferred evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other entities—their phylogeny —based upon similarities and differences in their physical or genetic characteristics."
"score": 0.6415909529,
"text": "Lepidodendron, an extinct lycophyte tree. In botany, a tree is a perennial plant with an elongated stem, or trunk, supporting branches and leaves in most species. In some usages, the definition of a tree may be narrower, including only woody plants with secondary growth, plants that are usable as lumber or plants above a specified height. Trees are not a taxonomic group but include a variety of plant species that have independently evolved a woody trunk and branches as a way to tower above other plants to compete for sunlight. Trees ten"
"score": 0.6375953555,
"text": "A branching, treelike diagram in which the endpoints of the branches represent individual species of organisms. It is used to illustrate phylogenetic relationships and to show points at which various species are presumed to have diverged from common ancestral forms."
"score": 0.6362848878,
"text": "2. (Botany) any of the main branches of a tree. 3. a branching or projecting section or member; extension. 4. a person or thing considered to be a member, part, or agent of a larger group or thing. 5. chiefly Brit a mischievous child (esp in limb of Satan or limb of the devil) 6. out on a limb."
"score": 0.6342141628,
"text": ": a branching diagram representing a hierarchy of categories based on degree of similarity or number of shared characteristics especially in biological taxonomy.ADVERTISEMENT. a branching diagram representing a hierarchy of categories based on degree of similarity or number of shared characteristics especially in biological taxonomy. ADVERTISEMENT."
"score": 0.633734405,
"text": "A phylogenetic tree or evolutionary tree is a branching diagram or tree showing the inferred evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other entities—their phylogeny —based upon similarities and differences in their physical or genetic characteristics.n a rooted phylogenetic tree, each node with descendants represents the inferred most recent common ancestor of the descendants, and the edge lengths in some trees may be interpreted as time estimates. Each node is called a taxonomic unit."
"score": 0.6304086447,
"text": "2. (Botany) any of the main branches of a tree. 3. a branching or projecting section or member; extension. 4. a person or thing considered to be a member, part, or agent of a larger group or thing. 5. chiefly Brit a mischievous child (esp in limb of Satan or limb of the devil) 6. out on a limb. a. in a precarious or questionable position."
"score": 0.628839016,
"text": "A phylogenetic tree or evolutionary tree is a branching diagram or tree showing the inferred evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other entities—their phylogeny —based upon similarities and differences in their physical or genetic characteristics. A phylogram is a phylogenetic tree that has branch spans proportional to the amount of character change. 2 A chronogram is a phylogenetic tree that explicitly represents evolutionary time through its branch spans."
"score": 0.6287795305,
"text": "A decision tree is a graph that uses a branching method to show every possible outcome of a decision. For a real-world example, check out WhatIs."
"score": 0.6277471781,
"text": "A phylogenetic tree or evolutionary tree is a branching diagram or tree showing the inferred evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other entities—their phylogeny —based upon similarities and differences in their physical or genetic characteristics.his is normally done by including an outgroup in the input data so that the root is necessarily between the outgroup and the rest of the taxa in the tree, or by introducing additional assumptions about the relative rates of evolution on each branch, such as an application of the molecular clock hypothesis."
"score": 0.6269557476,
"text": "A phylogenetic tree or evolutionary tree is a branching diagram or tree showing the inferred evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other entities—their phylogeny —based upon similarities and differences in their physical or genetic characteristics. rooted phylogenetic tree, illustrating how Eukaryota and Archaea are more closely related to each other than to Bacteria (based on Cavalier-Smith 's theory of bacterial evolution)."
"score": 0.6268523932,
"text": "A decision tree is a graph that uses a branching method to illustrate every possible outcome of a decision.Decision trees can be drawn by hand or created with a graphics program or specialized software.Informally, decision trees are useful for focusing discussion when a group must make a decision. decision tree is a graph that uses a branching method to illustrate every possible outcome of a decision."
"score": 0.6211515069,
"text": "A phylogenetic tree or evolutionary tree is a branching diagram or tree showing the inferred evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other entities—their phylogeny —based upon similarities and differences in their physical or genetic characteristics. A Dahlgrenogram is a diagram representing a cross section of a phylogenetic tree. 2 A phylogenetic network is not strictly speaking a tree, but rather a more general graph, or a directed acyclic graph in the case of rooted networks."
"score": 0.6190814376,
"text": "A tree is defined as a woody plant that usually grows tall, has one main stem or trunk and typically lives for a long time. An example of tree is a redwood. 1 a woody perennial plant with one main stem or trunk which develops many branches, usually at some height above the ground. a treelike bush or shrub: a rose tree."
"score": 0.6184235215,
"text": "Terminology of phylogenetic trees. This is a bifurcating tree. The vertical lines, called branches, represent a lineage, and nodes are where they diverge, representing a speciation event from a common ancestor. The trunk at the base of the tree, is actually called the root. The root node represents the most recent common ancestor of all of the taxa represented on the tree. Time is also represented, proceeding from the oldest at the bottom to the most recent at the top. What this particular tree tells us is that taxon A and taxon B are more closely related to each other than either taxon is to taxon C."
"score": 0.6175451875,
"text": "one of two branches from the trachea that conducts air into the lungs, where it divides and subdivides. The branchings resemble a tree: there fore they are referred to as a bronchial tree."
"score": 0.6062461734,
"text": "A language tree, or family tree with languages substituted for real family members, has the form of a node-link diagram of a logical tree structure. Such a diagram contains branch points, or nodes, from which the daughter languages descend by different links."
"score": 0.6005126238,
"text": "The basal branching point in the tree represents the ancestor of the other groups in the tree. This ancestor diversified over time into several descendent subgroups, which are represented as internal nodes and terminal taxa to the right.ou can click on the root to travel down the Tree of Life all the way to the root of all Life, and you can click on the names of descendent subgroups to travel up the Tree of Life all the way to individual species. For more information on ToL tree formatting, please see Interpreting the Tree or Classification."
"score": 0.5965296626,
"text": "The root of the current tree connects the organisms featured in this tree to their containing group and the rest of the Tree of Life. The basal branching point in the tree represents the ancestor of the other groups in the tree."
"score": 0.5957198739,
"text": "A commonly applied narrower definition is that a tree has a woody trunk formed by secondary growth, meaning that the trunk thickens each year by growing outwards, in addition to the primary upwards growth from the growing tip."
"score": 0.5947726965,
"text": "from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. 1 adj. absorbing moisture from the air and forming a solution. 2 adj. Branching so that the stem is lost in branches, as in most deciduous trees."
"score": 0.5909949541,
"text": "Cladogenesis. Branching evolution, is the splitting of a gene pool into two or more separate pools, which each give rise to one or more new species. Can promote biological diversity by increasing the number of species. Divergent."
"score": 0.5814603567,
"text": "This tree diagram shows the relationships between several groups of organisms. The root of the current tree connects the organisms featured in this tree to their containing group and the rest of the Tree of Life. The basal branching point in the tree represents the ancestor of the other groups in the tree. This ancestor diversified over time into several descendent subgroups, which are represented as internal nodes and terminal taxa to the right."
"score": 0.5792223811,
"text": "A phylogenetic tree, also called and evolutionary tree, is a tree showing the evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other entities that are believed to have a common ancestor of the descendants, and the edge lengths in some tree correspond to time estimates."
"score": 0.5769189596,
"text": "A rooted phylogenetic tree (see two graphics at top) is a directed tree with a unique node corresponding to the (usually imputed) most recent common ancestor of all the entities at the leaves of the tree."
"score": 0.5758984089,
"text": "Branching is an obvious form of patterning in the plant world, but it can also be seen in geological formations such as river deltas and certain crystalline formations. Spiral patterns can be seen from the scale of galaxies to the opening fiddlehead buds of ferns, to the forms of microscopic animals."
"score": 0.5750124454,
"text": "a branching diagram used in cladistics to illustrate speciation and the relationships between species by showing the development and divergence of clades."
"score": 0.5690678358,
"text": "This tree diagram shows the relationships between several groups of organisms. The root of the current tree connects the organisms featured in this tree to their containing group and the rest of the Tree of Life. The basal branching point in the tree represents the ancestor of the other groups in the tree."
"score": 0.5498560667,
"text": "Status: Abundant; found growing along the beaches of almost all the islands. Description: An erect, evergreen, coarsely branched tree that looks like a large branched candlestick or holder. It can grow to a height of 15 m. Branching is dichotomous (repeated branching into two equal parts) or trichotomous or irregular."
"score": 0.5314365625,
"text": "LUCA, a variant of LUA, stands for last universal common ancestor. A phylogenetic tree or evolutionary tree is a branching diagram or tree showing the inferred evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other entities—their phylogeny—based upon similarities and differences in their physical or genetic characteristics."
"score": 0.5241681337,
"text": "The following are the most common branching scenarios: 1 Scenario 1 – No Branches. 2 Your team works only from the main source tree. 3 In this case, you do not create branches and you do not need isolation."
"score": 0.5212701559,
"text": "Shared Branching is a national network of credit unions from all over the country that share facilities to give members thousands of convenient locations to perform transactions just as if they were at their home credit union."
"score": 0.5095427036,
"text": "The tree of life is a widespread myth or archetype in the world's mythologies, related to the concept of sacred tree more generally, and hence in religious and philosophical tradition. The expression Tree of Life was used as a metaphor for the phylogenetic tree of common descent in the evolutionary sense in a famous passage by Charles Darwin. The tree of knowledge, connecting to heaven and the underworld, and the tree of life, connecting all forms of creation, are both forms of the world tree or cosmic tree, according to the Encyclopædia Britannica, and are portrayed in various religions and philosophies as the same tree."
"score": 0.5036019087,
"text": "a·nas·to·mo·sis. (ə-năs′tə-mō′sĭs) n. pl. a·nas·to·mo·ses (-sēz) 1. The connection of separate parts of a branching system to form a network, as of leaf veins, blood vessels, or a river and its branches."
"score": 0.5001595616,
"text": "Line Tree - Any tree that is on a property line, specifically one that is also a corner to another property. Meander - with the meanders of the stream means the survey line follow the twists and turns of the stream. Link - Unit of length equal to 1/100 chain (7.92 inches)."
"score": 0.417556107,
"text": "The Hammer Coral, Branching is a large polyp stony (LPS) coral and often referred to as Euphyllia Hammer Coral or Anchor Coral. Its common names are derived from the appearance of its hammer-, or anchor-shaped tentacles. Its polyps are visible throughout the day and night and hide its skeletal base. It is moderately difficult to maintain, but with proper water conditions in the aquarium, it will thrive."
] |
where would blood be found in the nephron | [
"score": 0.6515466571,
"text": "From the glomerulus, the filtrate passes through 4 segments of the nephron: 1 Proximal convoluted tubule: reabsorption of nutrients and substances that the body needs. 2 Loop of henle: thin-lobed structure that controls the concentration of the urine. 3 Distal convoluted tubule: regulates sodium, potassium and pH."
] | [
"score": 0.5825788975,
"text": "The presence of red blood cells in the urine is found either through a dipstick test, or by examining the urine under a microscope. A special type of white blood cell called a leukocyte is occasionally found in the urine."
"score": 0.5225394368,
"text": "Because the formed elements of the blood are constantly being worn out, they must be replaced by the body at a corresponding rate. Before birth, blood cells are formed in the yolk sac, liver, spleen, thymus gland, lymph nodes, and red bone marrow of the fetus."
"score": 0.5120527148,
"text": "In circulating blood two different cell types are found: enucleated erythrocytes or red blood cells and nucleated leukocytes or white blood cells. We will study their histology in blood smears."
"score": 0.4814828038,
"text": "What blood vessel carries clean blood from the heart to the different organs? That would be the arteries. You have big arteries(like the aorta) and then smaller arteries, and then capillaries where the blood/tissue exchanges take place. 5 people found this useful."
"score": 0.4629608393,
"text": "Red blood cell tests determine the amount of hemoglobin in the body. Some blood tests require only a drop of blood from a finger prick. A blood sample for a blood test can be taken from either an artery or a vein. A blood sample for a test can be taken from either an artery or a vein.Doctors will perform many tests using blood samples to gather the information they need. In the most common type of blood test, blood is taken from a vein.A diagram showing different types of white blood cells. A blood test can provide a white blood cell count. A blood test is a useful tool to help doctors check for harmful organisms in the blood.Blood samples can be viewed under a microscope.ome blood tests require only a drop of blood from a finger prick. A blood sample for a blood test can be taken from either an artery or a vein. A blood sample for a test can be taken from either an artery or a vein. Doctors will perform many tests using blood samples to gather the information they need."
"score": 0.3969619274,
"text": "The bone marrow or blood test can be done to identify the Philadelphia chromosome, which is found in 85% of people with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). The amniotic fluid test is done to check a developing baby for chromosome problems."
"score": 0.3883631229,
"text": "Samples collected for cancer blood tests are analyzed in a lab for signs of cancer. The samples may show cancer cells, proteins or other substances made by the cancer. Blood tests can also give your doctor an idea of how well your organs are functioning and if they've been affected by cancer.Examples of blood tests used to diagnose cancer include: 1 Complete blood count (CBC). 2 This common blood test measures the amount of various types of blood cells in a sample of your blood.3 Blood cancers may be detected using this test if too many or too few of a type of blood cell or abnormal cells are found. This common blood test measures the amount of various types of blood cells in a sample of your blood. 2 Blood cancers may be detected using this test if too many or too few of a type of blood cell or abnormal cells are found. 3 A bone marrow biopsy may help confirm a diagnosis of a blood cancer."
] |
what is the atomic number of boron | [
"score": 0.7354487181,
"text": "Boron is a chemical element with symbol B and atomic number 5. Produced entirely by cosmic ray spallation and supernovae and not by stellar nucleosynthesis, it is a low-abundance element in the Solar system and in the Earth's crust."
] | [
"score": 0.743804276,
"text": "There are 5 protons in Boron because, the number of protons is equal to the atomic number."
"score": 0.7028263807,
"text": "The atomic number is located above the element symbol, in the upper left-hand corner of the square. The atomic number will tell you how many protons make up a single atom of an element. For example, boron (B) has an atomic number of 5, therefore it has 5 protons."
"score": 0.699431777,
"text": "Boron, in this case, has 5 protons. Any atom that has 5 protons is a Boron atom) and the number of neutrons. Although electrons also help compose an atom, the mass of an electron is very very very small compared to that of protons and neutrons which each contribute 1 atomic mass unit."
"score": 0.6912373304,
"text": "1 For example, boron (B) has an atomic number of 5, therefore it has 5 protons and 5 electrons. However, if the element includes a negative or positive ion, then the protons and electrons will not be the same. You will have to calculate them. The ion number will appear as a small, superscript after the element."
"score": 0.6908054352,
"text": "Boron: properties of free atoms. Boron atoms have 5 electrons and the shell structure is 2.3. The ground state electron configuration of ground state gaseous neutral boron is [He].2s2.2p1 and the term symbol is 2P1/2. A representation of the atomic spectrum of boron."
"score": 0.6900764704,
"text": "Five proton and electrons, 6 neutrons. This because this is the atomic number of boron, which states how many protons and electron in the element. For neutrons you must … subtract the atomic number (5 in this case) from the rounded. average atomic mass."
"score": 0.6876466274,
"text": "Boron is the first element in the thirteenth column of the periodic table. It is classified as a metalloid which means that its properties are in between that of a metal and a nonmetal. The boron atom has five electrons and five protons. Characteristics and Properties."
"score": 0.6871839166,
"text": "How many protons nuetrons and electrons are in boron? Five proton and electrons, 6 neutrons. This because this is the atomic number of boron, which states how many protons and electron in the element. For neutrons you must …subtract the atomic number (5 in this case) from the rounded. average atomic mass."
"score": 0.6866681576,
"text": "An atom of boron has three valence electrons. The valence electrons of boron occupy the second orbit around the nucleus of the boron atom. Thus, the boron atom has an electronic configuration of [He] 2s2 2p1."
"score": 0.6832614541,
"text": "Boron is the first element in the thirteenth column of the periodic table. It is classified as a metalloid which means that its properties are in between that of a metal and a nonmetal. The boron atom has five electrons and five protons. Characteristics and Properties. Amorphous boron (meaning the atoms are bonded together in a random order) comes in the form of a brown powder."
"score": 0.6655390859,
"text": "To find the number of neutrons, you will need to subtract the atomic number from the atomic mass. Remember that the atomic number is the same as the number of protons, which you have already identified. For our boron example, 11 (atomic mass) – 5 (atomic number) = 6 neutrons"
"score": 0.6653572321,
"text": "Welcome to the element boron (B). It's the big number five on the periodic table of elements. Society has used boron for thousands of years, but it wasn't isolated and named until 1808. Sir Humphry Davy, Guy Lussac and another scientist named Theonard gave boron its name. You may have heard of borax. Boron is in those cleaning compounds."
"score": 0.6637638211,
"text": "The electron configuration for boron is 1s2 2s2 2p1. In the electron configuration, the first number stands for the energy level, and the letter stands for the orbital type, also called the sublevel of the main energy level. The second number, typically written in superscript, indicates the number of electrons. Continue Reading."
"score": 0.6626543999,
"text": "The symbol for Boron is B. Its standard state is a solid at 298 K. Boron is a semiconductor. Boron has 5 protons and electrons and 6 neutrons. Boron has a brownish color. Boron is heat resistant."
"score": 0.661087513,
"text": "Best Answer: Boron 11 is one of two stable isotopes of Boron. and in natural samples about 80-81% of the element is Boron-11 and 19-20% is Boron-10. Boron-10 has 5 protons 5 neutrons and 5 electrons. Boron-11 has 5 protons 6 neutrons and 5 electrons."
"score": 0.6576951146,
"text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Boron 11 is one of two stable isotopes of Boron. and in natural samples about 80-81% of the element is Boron-11 and 19-20% is Boron-10. Boron-10 has 5 protons 5 neutrons and 5 electrons. Boron-11 has 5 protons 6 neutrons and 5 electrons."
"score": 0.6552202702,
"text": "Boron has three valence electrons. It is in group 13. Outermost energy level is the the 3rd energy level and it has three electrons. Valence electrons are the electrons in the last energy level of an atom. You can also just look at the group number (13) and the second number is the number of valence electrons."
"score": 0.6551721096,
"text": "The electron configuration for boron is 1s2 2s2 2p1. In the electron configuration, the first number stands for the energy level, and the letter stands for the orbital type, also called the sublevel of the main energy level."
"score": 0.6549865007,
"text": "Answer Wiki. What make Boron Boron is that it has 5 protons, and will therefor have 5 electrons in the unionized state. While I was looking this up I learned that there are two stable isotopes, Boron 10 with five neutrons, and boron 11 with six. The more common is boron 11, which is 80.1% of naturally occuring boron."
"score": 0.6505056024,
"text": "Boron has a total of 11 known isotopes ranging from B-7 to B-17. Properties: The melting point of boron is 2079°C, its boiling/sublimation point is at 2550°C, the specific gravity of crystalline boron is 2.34, the specific gravity of the amorphous form is 2.37, and its valence is 3. Boron has interesting optical properties."
"score": 0.6468205452,
"text": "The mean oxidation number for the borons is then simply the ratio of hydrogen to boron in the molecule. For example, in diborane B2H6, the boron oxidation state is +3, but in decaborane B10H14, it is 7/5 or +1.4. In these compounds the oxidation state of boron is often not a whole number. Main article: Boron nitride."
"score": 0.6455353498,
"text": "The mean oxidation number for the borons is then simply the ratio of hydrogen to boron in the molecule. For example, in diborane B2H6, the boron oxidation state is +3, but in decaborane B10H14, it is 7/5 or +1.4. In these compounds the oxidation state of boron is often not a whole number."
"score": 0.644007802,
"text": "3, the electron configuration of Boron is 1s2 2s2 2p1, so there are 3 in the outer shell."
"score": 0.6350529194,
"text": "Boron exists in period 2, group 13 (IIIA) of the periodic table, with valence of 3 electrons in the outer shell. The electron configuration of boron is 1s22s22p1. Boron exists in period 2, group 13 (IIIA) of the periodic table, with valence of 3 electrons in the outer shell. The electron configuration of boron is 1s22s22p1."
"score": 0.633026123,
"text": "The ground state electronic configuration of neutral Boron is [He].2s2.2p1 and the term symbol of Boron is 2P1/2. 1 Pauling electronegativity: 2.04 (Pauling units) 2 First ionisation energy: 800.6 kJ mol‑1. 3 Second ionisation energy: 2427.1 kJ mol‑1."
"score": 0.6293373704,
"text": "The symbol B on the periodic table stands for Boron. Boron is a Group 13 element whose properties place it on the border between metals and nonmetals. It is a semiconductor, and chemically it is closer to silicon than to aluminum, gallium, indium, and thallium."
"score": 0.6269301176,
"text": "Periodic Table--Boron. Boron has two naturally-occurring stable isotopes, 11 B (80.1%) and 10 B (19.9%). The mass difference results in a wide range of d 11 B values in natural waters, ranging from -16 to +59 ‰ (data from references within Vengosh et al., 1994)."
"score": 0.6266505718,
"text": "Periodic Table--Boron. Boron has two naturally-occurring stable isotopes, 11B (80.1%) and 10B (19.9%). The mass difference results in a wide range of d11B values in natural waters, ranging from -16 to +59 ‰ (data from references within Vengosh et al., 1994)."
"score": 0.6216954589,
"text": "Periodic Table--Boron Boron has two naturally-occurring stable isotopes, 11 B (80.1%) and 10 B (19.9%). The mass difference results in a wide range of d 11 B values in natural waters, ranging from -16 to +59 ‰ (data from references within Vengosh et al., 1994)."
"score": 0.6175493002,
"text": "(Answer #1). The symbol B on the periodic table stands for Boron. Boron is a Group 13 element whose properties place it on the border between metals and nonmetals. It is a semiconductor, and chemically it is closer to silicon than to aluminum, gallium, indium, and thallium."
"score": 0.6133927107,
"text": "Posted on. (Answer #1). The symbol B on the periodic table stands for Boron. Boron is a Group 13 element whose properties place it on the border between metals and nonmetals. It is a semiconductor, and chemically it is closer to silicon than to aluminum, gallium, indium, and thallium."
"score": 0.6111682653,
"text": "Boron is a semi-metallic element which displays the properties of both metal and non-metal. Boron is the only non-metal of the group 13 of the periodic table elements. At room temperature, it is a poor electrical conductor, but it is a good conductor at high temperatures. 2 It is solid in standard state at 298 Kelvin. 3 It belongs to group 13 in periodic table. 4 Crystalline boron is a very hard, black material with a high melting point of above 2000 °C."
"score": 0.6051601768,
"text": "Boron has two naturally occurring and stable isotopes, 11B (80.1%) and 10B (19.9%). The mass difference results in a wide range of δ11B values, which are defined as a fractional difference between the 11B and 10B and traditionally expressed in parts per thousand, in natural waters ranging from −16 to +59."
"score": 0.5987264514,
"text": "mass of boron is 10.81 you are able to isolate one boron atom what is the chance you get one with a mass of 10.81."
"score": 0.5970042944,
"text": "Boron group element. Boron group element, any of the six chemical elements constituting Group 13 (IIIa) of the periodic table. The elements are boron (B), aluminum (Al), gallium (Ga), indium (In), thallium (Tl), and nihonium (Nh). They are characterized as a group by having three electrons in the outermost parts of their atomic structure."
"score": 0.5930341482,
"text": "boron nitride. In BN both B and N atoms have the coordination number three, at a distance 1.45 ii., within common parallel planes which are 3.35 .is apart. It will be shown in this article that various prop- erties of crystalline and vitreous boron oxide can- iiot be reconciled with a structure in which a coor-"
"score": 0.5912780762,
"text": "Boron group. The boron group are the chemical elements in group 13 of the periodic table, comprising boron (B), aluminium (Al), gallium (Ga), indium (In), thallium (Tl), and perhaps also the chemically uncharacterized nihonium (Nh). The elements in the boron group are characterized by having three electrons in their outer energy levels (valence layers)."
"score": 0.5713254213,
"text": "The metal is aluminum, atomic number 13, under boron in the III-A column of the Periodic Table."
"score": 0.563659966,
"text": "Boron family of elements contains five elements namely boron, aluminum, gallium, indium and thallium. Except boron which is classified as a non metal all other elements of this group are metals. The general electronic configuration of these elements is ns 2 np 1. These elements belong to p block of the periodic table."
"score": 0.553083539,
"text": "Σ abundance ∙ exact mass (a₁ ∙ m₁) ⁺ (a₂ ∙ m₂) ... What is the average atomic mass of Boron if it exists as 19.90% 10B (10.013 g/mol) and 80.10% 11B (11.009 g/mol)? To solve this, we have to take a weighted average. First we convert the percentages to decimals (19.90% becomes 0.1990, and 80.10% becomes 0.8010)"
] |
a crash involves how many collisions | [
"score": 0.6637513041,
"text": "I imagine it was probably my first Prehospital Trauma Life Support class back in 1990 that I first heard of the three collision rule. Since then, it has remained a useful tool in examining the mechanism of injury after auto accidents. If you haven't heard of it, please allow me to elaborate. The three collision rule states that, in any auto accident, there are three collisions that occur and the keen EMT needs to be aware of all three."
] | [
"score": 0.6466879249,
"text": "There are usually _______ collisions in a motor vehicle crash. Question: There are usually _______ collisions in a motor vehicle crash. The purpose of driving safety program is to increase road safety awareness by reducing traffic violations and to keep your auto insurance premiums low."
"score": 0.6419588923,
"text": "Motor Vehicle Crash – A motor vehicle crash involves a motor vehicle in transport resulting in an. un-stabilized situation, which includes at least one harmful event. An un-stabilized situation is a. set of events not under human control, which originates when control is lost and terminates when."
"score": 0.6263321638,
"text": "There can be up to four harmful events per vehicle. ** Occasionally, the number of crashes is so small that the percentage is less than one-hundredth of. one percent and with only two decimal places, the percentage is reflected as 0.00."
"score": 0.6248430014,
"text": "Traffic collisions may result in injury, death and property damage. A number of factors contribute to the risk of collision, including vehicle design, speed of operation, road design, road environment, and driver skill, impairment due to alcohol or drugs, and behavior, notably speeding and street racing."
"score": 0.6231164932,
"text": "Although the most common colloquial use of the word collision refers to incidents in which two or more objects collide, the scientific use of the word collision implies nothing about the magnitude of the forces. Some examples of physical interactions that scientists would consider collisions:"
"score": 0.6194244027,
"text": "Although the most common colloquial use of the word collision refers to incidents in which two or more objects collide, the scientific use of the word collision implies nothing about the magnitude of the force. Some examples of physical interactions that scientists would consider collisions:"
"score": 0.6079981327,
"text": "Victims of traffic collisions can suffer from abrasions, bruising, burns, concussions, crush injuries, dislocations, fractures, and lacerations. One of the most common types of injuries suffered in traffic collisions is whiplash."
"score": 0.5837986469,
"text": "Fault is usually attributed to the driver of the car that rear-ends the other vehicle. Side-impact collisions — Side-impact collisions can cause grave injuries. Often called T-bone or broadside collisions, side-impact accidents occur when the side of a vehicle is hit."
"score": 0.5734878778,
"text": "Crash NARRATIVE Crash tells the story of a group of very different people and the way in which their lives intersect over a period of twenty-four hours. As the film begins, each episode in the narrative seems separate and unrelated but as the story progresses, the lives of these"
"score": 0.5671358705,
"text": "The cost of these crashes totaled more than $230 billion. Almost 3 million people were injured and more than 45,000 died. On average, another person dies in a car crash every 12 minutes in this country – that's approximately 123 deaths per day. The AAA Foundation's Aggressive Driving update found that aggressive driving behaviors are a factor in up to 56% of fatal crashes."
"score": 0.5669925809,
"text": "Car and truck accidents are an unfortunate reality of today's modern world. Although cars are safer than ever, they are also faster and require less driver engagement. The following three types of car accidents are among the most common, and are usually the result of careless, reckless, or otherwise negligent driving. If you've been injured in one of these, or any other type of auto accident, call our Nashville personal injury attorneys today. Rear-End Collisions. Rear-end collisions are by far the most common type of car accident. These crashes occur when the front of one car impacts the rear bumper of another. The severity of these accidents can range dramatically, from minor fender-benders that cause minimal damage, to serious crashes that can total a car."
"score": 0.5652730465,
"text": "Crash tells the story of a group of very different people and the way in which their lives. intersect over a period of twenty-four hours. As the film begins, each episode in the. narrative seems separate and unrelated but as the story progresses, the lives of these."
"score": 0.5636690855,
"text": "Of the 756,570 intersection-related crashes with driver-attributed critical. reasons, the most frequent critical reasons were inadequate surveillance (44.1%), followed by false assumption. of other's action (8.4%), turned with obstructed view (7.8%), illegal maneuver (6.8%), internal distraction."
"score": 0.5629535913,
"text": "Annual Global Road Crash Statistics Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day. An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled."
"score": 0.5605372787,
"text": "Increase from Low Year of Last 5 yrs. Decrease from High Year of Last 5 yrs. A fatality is considered crash-related when death occurs within 30 days of a crash. official report of fatalities, the numbers for the most current months are preliminary and can change considerably."
"score": 0.5601772666,
"text": "Intersections constitute of a small portion of the National Highway System. However, intersection related crashes constitute more than 20 percent of fatal crashes.(71) In some cases a signal is even installed for safety reasons (e.g., severe angle crashes at a stop-controlled intersection)."
"score": 0.5588850975,
"text": "Answers.com® is making the world better one answer at a time. An effective collision is one in which the collidinf particles approach each other at the proper angle and with the proper amount of energy. 7 people found this useful."
"score": 0.5585024953,
"text": "More than 2 million people are injured in crashes every year. In 2010, the average claim for injuries to cover both the insured driver and others involved in the crash had risen to $23,450, thanks in large part to soaring medical costs, according to the Insurance Research Council, a nonprofit research group."
"score": 0.5517733097,
"text": "Individuals who drive while sending or reading text messages are 23 times more likely to be involved in a car crash than other drivers. A crash typically happens within an average of three seconds after a driver is distracted."
"score": 0.5498875976,
"text": "The most common accident in the United States occurs when one vehicle hits another in the rear. In most cases, these rear end collisions are caused by inattentive drivers, adverse road conditions, and poor following distance. When a rear end accident occurs, there are several factors a driver should consider."
"score": 0.5453008413,
"text": "Every 12 minutes someone dies in a motor vehicle crash, every 10 seconds an injury occurs and every 5 seconds a crash occurs. Many of these incidents occur during the workday or during the commute to and from work.Employers bear the cost for injuries that occur both on and off the job.very 12 minutes someone dies in a motor vehicle crash, every 10 seconds an injury occurs and every 5 seconds a crash occurs. Many of these incidents occur during the workday or during the commute to and from work."
"score": 0.5420906544,
"text": "3) Every day, more than twice as many people perish in auto deaths than in Hurricane Katrina. 4) The daily toll from traffic accidents is equivalent to 15 plane crashes, each with 200 passengers aboard."
"score": 0.5382868052,
"text": "In a crash: 1 the kinetic energy of your vehicle and body must be dissipated. 2 the forces needed to dissipate this energy are lower if the time period over which your vehicle moves during the crash is longer. 3 if the car suddenly stops, the forces will be very high."
"score": 0.5281130672,
"text": "The most common forms of distraction leading up to a crash by a teen driver included: 1 Interacting with one or more passengers: 15 percent of crashes. 2 Cell phone use: 12 percent of crashes. 3 Looking at something in the vehicle: 10 percent of crashes. Looking at something outside the vehicle: 9 percent of crashes."
"score": 0.5257406235,
"text": "A crash is the sudden failure of a software application or operating system or of a hardware device such as a hard disk WhatIs.com Search Thousands of Tech Definitions"
"score": 0.5249129534,
"text": "More than a quarter of all car crashes in America are likely caused by cell phone use, a study by the Nation Safety Council has shown. According to the NSC, the estimate for crashes caused by texting rose to at least 6% in 2013. Additionally, 21% of crashes in 2013 were related to the use of handheld or hands-free phones. The council estimates that talking on the phone led to 1.2 million wrecks in 2013 , while texting was involved in at least 341,000 more. There were some 5.69 million auto crashes in the US in 2013, the NSC estimates based on National Highway Traffic Safety Administration figures."
"score": 0.5234446526,
"text": "More than a quarter of all car crashes in America are likely caused by cell phone use, a study by the Nation Safety Council has shown. According to the NSC, the estimate for crashes caused by texting rose to at least 6% in 2013. Additionally, 21% of crashes in 2013 were related to the use of handheld or hands-free phones. The council estimates that talking on the phone led to 1.2 million wrecks in 2013 , while texting was involved in at least 341,000 more."
"score": 0.5224860907,
"text": "Fuel system leaks and spills were present in 62% of the motorcycle accidents in the post-crash phase. This represents an undue hazard for fire. 15. The median pre-crash speed was 29.8 mph, and the median crash speed was 21.5 mph, and the one-in-a-thousand crash speed is approximately 86 mph."
"score": 0.521523118,
"text": "Many fatal plane crashes come about due to unlawful interference, which is sometimes caused by terrorism How often do fatal injuries happen in plane crashes and what are the causes? International aviation firm To70 found that fatal accidents occurred in just 0.18 per million flights, which equates to around one in every five million flights."
"score": 0.5214018226,
"text": "About 35 percent of fatal crashes in SUVs resulted from a rollover crash, compared to 16 percent of fatal passenger car accidents resulting from rollovers. This percentage indicates fact that SUVs are much more likely to rollover and result in a fatality. Rollover accidents relate to a vehicle's stability in turns. That stability is determined by the relationship between the center of gravity and distance between the left and right wheels (called track width)."
"score": 0.5210540891,
"text": "Note: Practice quizzes are available only for those sections of the manual covering rules of the road (Chapters 4 through 11 and Road Signs). Most traffic crashes occur at intersections when a driver makes a turn. Many occur in large parking lots that are open to public use, like at shopping centers. To prevent this type of crash, you must understand the right-of-way rules and how to make correct turns."
"score": 0.5154767036,
"text": "The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that fatigue is a cause in 100,000 auto crashes and 1,550 crash-related deaths a year in the U.S. The problem is greatest among people under 25 years old. Studies show that sleep loss and poor-quality sleep also lead to accidents and injuries on the job."
"score": 0.5133814812,
"text": "Note: These are the most recent statistics available. 1 The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. 2 Nearly 330,000 injuries occur each year from accidents caused by texting while driving."
"score": 0.5127799511,
"text": "A collision domain is, as the name implies, a part of a network where packet collisions can occur. A collision occurs when two devices send a packet at the same time on the shared network segment. The packets collide and both devices must send the packets again, which reduces network efficiency."
"score": 0.5121934414,
"text": "Facts About Texting & Driving. 1 The United States Department of Transportation notes that cell phones are involved in 1.6 million auto crashes each year that cause a half million injuries and take 6,000 lives. 2 According to FocusDriven®, up to 80 percent of all crashes involve some form of driver distraction."
"score": 0.5118248463,
"text": "Facts About Texting & Driving. 1 The United States Department of Transportation notes that cell phones are involved in 1.6 million auto crashes each year that cause a half million injuries and take 6,000 lives. According to FocusDriven®, up to 80 percent of all crashes involve some form of driver distraction."
"score": 0.5099878311,
"text": "Cell Phone Car Accident Pictures and Stories. Several studies show cell phones are a leading cause of car crashes. It is estimated that cell phone distracted drivers are four times more likely to be in a car wreck. According to a Harvard University study, cell phones cause over 200 deaths and half a million injuries each year. Car-Accidents.com has collected together cell phone related crash pictures! Driving while on a cell phone does seem to be a serious problem if these photos are any indication."
"score": 0.5024118423,
"text": "A near miss, near hit, close call, or nearly a collision is an unplanned event that has the potential to cause, but does not actually result in human injury, environmental or equipment damage, or an interruption to normal operation. [citation needed] A near miss is often an error, with harm prevented by other considerations and circumstances."
"score": 0.4963101149,
"text": "Consider the following: You are at fault for a crash that injured three people in another car; your bodily injury liability limit per person is $50,000 and your bodily injury limit per accident is $100,000."
"score": 0.4955177903,
"text": "According to a Harvard study, cell phone related crashes cause 2,600 traffic deaths yearly, as well as an additional 570,000 injuries. It is estimated that 20% of all serious crashes are caused by distracted driving. Many states are now introducing distracted driving laws or banning texting while driving completely."
"score": 0.4911834002,
"text": "But in many cases, it is not a decision made by a pedestrian that causes a crash. Instead, the careless actions of a driver are to blame. Some of the top driver mistakes that can result in hit and run or other pedestrian accidents include: Distracted driving. Failure to yield the right-of-way. Speeding."
"score": 0.4900172055,
"text": "Places where plates crash or crunch together are called convergent boundaries. Plates only move a few centimeters each year, so collisions are very slow and last millions of years. Even though plate collisions take a long time, lots of interesting things happen."
"score": 0.4874224365,
"text": "Convergent Boundaries Places where plates crash or crunch together are called convergent boundaries. Plates only move a few centimeters each year, so collisions are very slow and last millions of years. Even though plate collisions take a long time, lots of interesting things happen. For example, in the drawing above, an oceanic plate has crashed into a continental plate. Looking at this drawing of two plates colliding is like looking at a single frame in a slow-motion movie of two cars crashing into each other. Just as the front ends of cars fold and bend in a collision, so do the front ends of colliding plates."
"score": 0.4849228263,
"text": "Convergent Boundaries Places where plates crash or crunch together are called convergent boundaries. Plates only move a few centimeters each year, so collisions are very slow and last millions of years. Even though plate collisions take a long time, lots of interesting things happen. For example, in the drawing above, an oceanic plate has crashed into a continental plate. Looking at this drawing of two plates colliding is like looking at a single frame in a slow-motion movie of two cars crashing into each other."
"score": 0.4832569957,
"text": "Question : How many seconds ahead should you look when driving on the freeway? Correct : 10 seconds. Question : How many seconds ahead do you look of your vehicle to avoid collisions? Correct : One should look 10 to 15 seconds ahead to avoid collisions."
"score": 0.4790951014,
"text": "Hitting a pedestrian while driving a car is a scary occurrence, but not uncommon. According to statistics gathered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 60,000 pedestrians were injured in traffic accidents in 2006."
"score": 0.4782574773,
"text": "If a collision occurs between a driver backing out of a parking space and someone driving down the parking lane, the collision will almost always be deemed the fault of the driver who is backing out (an exception might be if the other driver was traveling at a recklessly high speed)."
"score": 0.4769517183,
"text": "A hit and run accident is any accident in which a driver intentionally leaves the scene without providing contact information. Examples of hit and run accidents include: 1 A car hits you and speeds off. 2 A driver hits your unattended parked car and leaves no contact information or way of collecting damages."
"score": 0.4762491584,
"text": "This resulted in 1.4 million deaths in 2013, up from 1.1 million deaths in 1990. About 68,000 of these occurred in children less than five years old. Almost all high-income countries have decreasing death rates, while the majority of low-income countries have increasing death rates due to traffic collisions."
"score": 0.473910749,
"text": "Question : Always look __ to ___ seconds ahead of your vehicle. Question : How many seconds ahead should you look when driving on the freeway? Question : How many seconds ahead do you look of your vehicle to avoid collisions? Correct : One should look 10 to 15 seconds ahead to avoid collisions. Question : You should look at least ___________ seconds ahead of your car."
"score": 0.4702979922,
"text": "10. If the time of impact in a collision is extended by four times, how much does the force of impact change?"
"score": 0.4693448544,
"text": "Convergent Boundaries Places where plates crash or crunch together are called convergent boundaries. Plates only move a few centimeters each year, so collisions are very slow and last millions of years. Even though plate collisions take a long time, lots of interesting things happen."
"score": 0.4662775397,
"text": "According to the National Safety Council, 1.4 million accidents occur every year due to people using their cell phones. 200,000 of those accidents alone are from texting while … driving. + 38 others found this useful."
"score": 0.4606330097,
"text": "Ordering the data from least to greatest, we get: Answer: The mode is 9. In a crash test, 11 cars were tested to determine what impact speed was required to obtain minimal bumper damage. Find the mode of the speeds given in miles per hour below. 24, 15, 18, 20, 18, 22, 24, 26, 18, 26, 24. Ordering the data from least to greatest, we get: Answer:"
"score": 0.4481565058,
"text": "Suicide is the leading cause of all injury deaths, claiming 3,616 lives in 2004, according to the report. That is following by transport-related incidents-from motor-vehicle collisions to snowmobile crashes-which cost 3,067 Canadians their lives."
"score": 0.4416987002,
"text": "When combining data reported from several sources including my own 20 years dealing with crash prevention and resolution, a trend becomes clear; about 70% of Windows system crashes are caused by third party drivers operating in Kernel Mode, 15% is unknown, 10% is from faulty hardware (more than half from bad memory) and only about 5% from faulty Microsoft code."
"score": 0.4268810749,
"text": "And 75 of 384 traffic deaths were attributed to drunk driving, the cause of a lot of carnage Tien sees in his work as trauma surgeon at Sunnybrook hospital in Toronto. He is also an adviser to the surgeon general of the Canadian Forces."
] |
how much space is needed for a pool | [
"score": 0.5633913279,
"text": "Pool tables come in four sizes, while pool cues range from 4 feet long to 4 feet, 10 inches long, with the middle cue length at 4 feet, 6 inches long. Pool tables come in four sizes, while pool cues range from 4 feet long to 4 feet, 10 inches long, with the middle cue length at 4 feet, 6 inches long."
] | [
"score": 0.5303893685,
"text": "Another factor to consider in maintaining a clean and fresh pool is the chemicals needed keep the pool clean. Many people do not realize just how much of role role chemicals play in keeping an inground pool clean. It is important to keep the pH balance so that you can enjoy your pool anytime."
"score": 0.47236076,
"text": "The cost to run a pool heat pump is $100-$200 per month. Gas Pool Heaters How Much Do Gas Pool Heaters Cost? Propane or Natural, same price. Gas pool heaters are sized according to the size of the pool, or if you have an attached spa that you want to heat to over 100 degrees.he cost of a Gas Pool Heater is $1500-$2500 Cost of Gas Pool Heater Installation? After placement and plumbing of a gas pool heater, there is still electricity and gas hook-up. Electricity is usually tapped off of the timeclock or outlet, no separate breaker is needed."
"score": 0.4619314373,
"text": "The cost to install a gas pool heater is $500-$1500 How Much does it Cost to Run a Gas Pool Heater? Like heat pumps, the cost to heat a pool with gas will vary, by pool size and temperature rise, and also by month.he cost of a Gas Pool Heater is $1500-$2500 Cost of Gas Pool Heater Installation? After placement and plumbing of a gas pool heater, there is still electricity and gas hook-up. Electricity is usually tapped off of the timeclock or outlet, no separate breaker is needed."
"score": 0.438153863,
"text": "Manual's Bank How much does a 8 foot slate pool table weight. How much does a 8 foot slate. pool table weight. . Read/Download: How much does a 8 foot slate pool table weight. We are selling our 7 Olhausen, 2-piece slate pool table in excellent condition. It is mahogany Up for. sale is an OLHAUSEN SHERATON 8 Foot POOL TABLE."
"score": 0.2986102402,
"text": "Abuse history. When you start writing to a disk, it has no idea how much data you will eventually write. It begins by picking an available space on the disk and then allocates additional space as it is needed."
] |
what is acerola | [
"score": 0.740211308,
"text": "Acerola (Malpighia emarginata) is a significant source of vitamin C in the natural form of ascorbic acid, containing as much as 1000 to 4500 milligrams per 100 grams of edible fruit. Vitamin C is an essential dietary nutrient, playing a role in immune system health.owever, acerola interacts with blood thinners and hormone medications. Acerola might also cause side effects of nausea, cramps, and diarrhea, particularly because of the high vitamin C content which is known to cause diarrhea when taken in high doses."
] | [
"score": 0.7020568848,
"text": "Proponents claim that acerola offers a wide range of health benefits. Acerola is sometimes referred to as acerola berry or acerola cherry. However, acerola is not related to cherries from the genus Prunus (such as the wild cherry)."
"score": 0.6969178915,
"text": "The extract of the acerola fruit is believed to have many health benefits. Rain Tree Health states that the acerola plant is classified as a small tree or shrub that produces bright red fruit. These fruits are succulent and slightly sour.The use of acerola as a natural herbal remedy is a common practice in its native areas of Brazil.istory as a Supplement. Acerola extract is often used in North America because of its high vitamin C content. Until the discovery of the camu-camu plant, the richest known natural source of vitamin C was the extract of the acerola fruit."
"score": 0.695404768,
"text": "Origin: The acerola is believed to originate from the Yucatan (linguistic evidence) and is distributed from South Texas, through Mexico (especially on the West Coast from Sonora to Guerrero) and Central America to northern South America (Venezuela, Surinam, Columbia) and throughout the Caribbean (Bahamas to Trinidad).ests and Disease: The Acerola is susceptible to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) which causes serious problems with young trees and slower losses of productivity in older trees. It is also attacked by a variety of common insects, such as aphids, whitefly and scale."
"score": 0.6839814186,
"text": "Write a Review. Acerola powder is derived from the acerola cherry, one of nature's highest sources of vitamin C. Originally from Central America, the Acerola fruit change their color during ripening from green to yellow, to dark red.rite a Review. Acerola powder is derived from the acerola cherry, one of nature's highest sources of vitamin C. Originally from Central America, the Acerola fruit change their color during ripening from green to yellow, to dark red."
"score": 0.6766617894,
"text": "Health benefits of Acerola. Acerola is very low in calories. 100 g fresh berries provide just 32 calories. Nonetheless, they compose many health benefiting components such as vitamins, and pigment anti-oxidants that contribute immensely towards optimum health and wellness."
"score": 0.6676489711,
"text": "Health benefits of Acerola. 1 Acerola is very low in calories. 100 g fresh berries provide just 32 calories. 2 The berries possess significantly high levels of antioxidants in comparison to some of other Amazonian fruits such as acai, abiu, wax jambu, etc."
"score": 0.6649243832,
"text": "ACEROLA Malpighia punicifolia L. Malpighiaceae Common Names: Barbados Cherry, West Indian Cherry, Cereza, Cerisier, Semeruco Related Species: Mapighia punicifolia has been renamed M. emarginata by recent authorities. Acerola is listed under M. glabra in the Index of CRFG Publications, 1969-1989."
"score": 0.6480810642,
"text": "Cherry acerola powder is an extremely rich and bioavailable source of natural vitamin C. Made from real acerola cherries, this powder is loaded with many vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. Mix 1-2 tbsp in any beverage, smoothie, or yogurt to experience a mighty boost of nutrients."
"score": 0.6408559084,
"text": "History as a Supplement. Acerola extract is often used in North America because of its high vitamin C content. Until the discovery of the camu-camu plant, the richest known natural source of vitamin C was the extract of the acerola fruit.istory as a Supplement. Acerola extract is often used in North America because of its high vitamin C content. Until the discovery of the camu-camu plant, the richest known natural source of vitamin C was the extract of the acerola fruit."
"score": 0.6319509745,
"text": "Benefits of Acerola. To date, very few scientific studies have tested the potential health benefits of acerola. Although there is no evidence from clinical trials to show that acerola can enhance health, some preliminary findings from laboratory research and animal-based studies indicate that acerola may have some beneficial effects."
"score": 0.6266325712,
"text": "Health Benefits of Cherry Acerola Powder. Acerola cherries are the richest natural food source of vitamin C. One single acerola cherry contains 65 grams of vitamin C, which meets the U.S. FDA's recommended daily intake (RDI) for this nutrient. Acerola cherries contain up to 40 times as much of this immune-boosting vitamin as oranges."
"score": 0.6010547876,
"text": "A close up of acerola cherries Photo Credit monica-photo/iStock/Getty Images. Acerola cherries provide more vitamin C than all other food sources, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Acerola juice is such a rich source that MedlinePlus warns against drinking the juice if you also take vitamin C supplements. close up of acerola cherries Photo Credit monica-photo/iStock/Getty Images. Acerola cherries provide more vitamin C than all other food sources, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Acerola juice is such a rich source that MedlinePlus warns against drinking the juice if you also take vitamin C supplements."
"score": 0.6004931927,
"text": "Boosting Eye Health with Acerola Fruit Powder. Acerola, whether eaten raw or consumed in the form of acerola powder, can provide your body with a good dose of carotenoids such as beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin and lutein."
"score": 0.5975325704,
"text": "Those who swear by the health benefits of acerola powder use this increasingly popular natural supplement to improve the nutritional profile of cold soups, yogurt, smoothies, oatmeal, and even home-made energy bars. In this article, we take an in-depth look at some of the most compelling health benefits of acerola:"
"score": 0.5800162554,
"text": "Location: The plant prefers full sun for fruit development, giving rise to the problem of winter protection in harsher climates. Shaded trees fruit, but at reduced fruit densities, and the plants themselves become somewhat spindly. Due to its shallow and smaller root system, acerola can be interplanted with other crops more closely than many trees."
"score": 0.5458084345,
"text": "Acerola contains a large amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C can increase how much estrogen the body absorbs. Increasing the absorption of estrogen can increase the effects and side effects of estrogens. Some estrogen pills include conjugated equine estrogens (Premarin), ethinyl estradiol, estradiol, and others."
"score": 0.5426463485,
"text": "SKIN TONIC-Recent research in cosmetology indicates that vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger for the skin as well, and acerola extracts are now appearing in skin care products that fight cellular aging."
"score": 0.5138934851,
"text": "Warfarin (Coumadin) is used to slow blood clotting. Acerola contains vitamin C. Large amounts of vitamin C might decrease the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin). Decreasing the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin) might increase the risk of clotting. Be sure to have your blood checked regularly.arfarin (Coumadin) is used to slow blood clotting. Acerola contains vitamin C. Large amounts of vitamin C might decrease the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin). Decreasing the effectiveness of warfarin (Coumadin) might increase the risk of clotting. Be sure to have your blood checked regularly."
"score": 0.4332070947,
"text": "Acetylcholine (ACh) is an organic, polyatomic ion that acts as a neurotransmitter in both the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and central nervous system (CNS) in many organisms, including humans."
"score": 0.428796649,
"text": "Definition: An acetal is an organic molecule where two separate oxygen atoms are single bonded to a central carbon atom."
"score": 0.4199728966,
"text": "Definition: An acetal is an organic molecule where two separate oxygen atoms are single bonded to a central carbon atom. Acetals have the general structure of R 2 C(OR') 2."
"score": 0.4173794985,
"text": "Pyroglutamic acid (also known as PCA, 5-oxoproline, pidolic acid, or pyroglutamate for its basic form) is an uncommon and little studied amino acid derivative in which the free amino group of glutamic acid or glutamine cyclizes to form a lactam."
"score": 0.4137983322,
"text": "Stevia (/ˈstiːvɪə/ , /ˈstiːvjə/ or /ˈstɛvɪə/) is a sweetener and sugar substitute extracted from the leaves of the plant species Stevia rebaudiana."
"score": 0.4116742611,
"text": "An acetylcholine receptor (abbreviated AChR) is an integral membrane protein that responds to the binding of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter.icotinic acetylcholine receptors can be blocked by curare, hexamethonium and toxins present in the venoms of snakes and shellfishes, like α-bungarotoxin. Drugs such as the neuromuscular blocking agents bind reversibly to the nicotinic receptors in the neuromuscular junction and are used routinely in anaesthesia."
"score": 0.4043182731,
"text": "ACETAL Acetal is the common name for a family of thermoplastics with the chemical name PolyOxy-Methylene. Acetal is available in a general purpose copolymer grade, a homopolymer version (Delrin ®), and several filled grades.Acetal provides high strength and stiffness, enhanced dimensional stability, and is easy to machine.cetal is available in a general purpose copolymer grade, a homopolymer version (Delrin ®), and several filled grades. Acetal provides high strength and stiffness, enhanced dimensional stability, and is easy to machine."
"score": 0.3967934251,
"text": "Acetal is a mechanical thermoplastic with high. strength and stiffness coupled with enhanced. dimensional stability and ease of machining. As a. semi-crystalline material, acetal is also characterized. by a low coefficient of friction and good wear. properties even in low temperate environments."
"score": 0.3790030479,
"text": "Stevia In The Raw® is a zero–calorie* sweetener, which consists of stevia extract and a bulking agent (dextrose or maltodextrin). The stevia is extracted from the sweetest part of the stevia plant leaf (stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)."
"score": 0.3731044531,
"text": "Manarola! – A colorful surprise! Manarola, is one of five small towns in the section of the Italian Riviera known as Cinque Terre of Northern Italia (see the map below).It's pronounced as 'Manaea' in their local dialect.he village looks very picturesque and almost painted. Manarola in Italy is also regarded as one of the most ancient towns in the region and is home to the 1338s San Lorenzo cornerstone of the church. It is rich with cultures like its other four villages and the town uses Manarolese as the local dialect."
"score": 0.3716187179,
"text": "Jovelina Farias Belfort, most famously known as Jovelina Pérola Negra (Jovelina Black Pearl) (Rio de Janeiro, July 21, 1944 - November 2, 1998) was an Afro-Brazilian singer. She is considered to be one of the great ladies of samba and pagode with her strong voice, rich in tone and strength."
"score": 0.3618228436,
"text": "Megestrol acetate (abbreviated as MGA), sold under the brand name Megace, is a progestin with antiandrogen activity that is mainly used as an appetite stimulant and less commonly in the treatment of breast and endometrial cancers. It is the C17α acetate ester of megestrol, which, in contrast to MGA, was never marketed for medical use. The term megestrol is often inappropriately used as a synonym for MGA, and when it is used, it"
"score": 0.356814146,
"text": "Megestrol acetate (abbreviated as MGA), sold under the brand name Megace, is a progestin with antiandrogen activity that is mainly used as an appetite stimulant and less commonly in the treatment of breast and endometrial cancers.[5][6][7] It is the C17α acetate ester of megestrol, which, in contrast to MGA, was never marketed for medical use.[5][6 ..."
"score": 0.3549243212,
"text": "Megestrol acetate, sold under the brand name Megace, is a progestin with antiandrogen activity that is mainly used as an appetite stimulant and less commonly in the treatment of breast and endometrial cancers. It is the C17α acetate ester of megestrol, which, in contrast to MGA, was never marketed for medical use. The term megestrol is often inappropriately used as a synonym for MGA, and when it is used, it almost always refers to MGA rather actually than megestrol. MGA is taken by mouth."
"score": 0.3541908264,
"text": "ELIGARD® is a sterile polymeric matrix formulation of leuprolide acetate, a GnRH agonist, for subcutaneous injection. It is designed to deliver leuprolide acetate at a controlled rate over a one-, three-, four- or six-month therapeutic period."
"score": 0.3499450982,
"text": "What Is Eligard? Eligard® (leuprolide acetate) is a prescription medication approved to ease the symptoms of advanced prostate cancer. It is not a prostate cancer cure. Eligard is given by an injection just beneath the skin (subcutaneously) every one, three, four, or six months. It contains leuprolide, a synthetic form of the naturally occurring gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)."
"score": 0.3485652804,
"text": "Yeastrol is an advanced, 100% natural and safe homeopathic treatment that treats yeast infection and eliminates a variety of yeast infection symptoms. It works on all forms of yeast infection including vaginal infection, penile infection, oral thrush, skin rash, diaper rash and several others."
"score": 0.3355549872,
"text": "BROVANA® (arformoterol tartrate) Inhalation Solution is a medicine called a long-acting beta2-agonist, or LABA. BROVANA is used long term, twice a day (morning and evening), in controlling symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including chronic bronchitis and/or emphysema."
"score": 0.3332887292,
"text": "GLUCOTROL (glipizide) is an oral blood-glucose-lowering drug of the sulfonylurea class. The Chemical Abstracts name of glipizide is 1-cyclohexyl-3-[[p-[2-(5-methylpyrazinecarboxamido) ethyl]phenyl]sulfonyl]urea. The molecular formula is C21H27N5O4S; the molecular weight is 445.55; the structural formula is shown below:"
"score": 0.3326604664,
"text": "DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Lisinopril is an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor used for treating high blood pressure, heart failure and for preventing kidney failure due to high blood pressure and diabetes.Other ACE inhibitors include: 1 enalapril (Vasotec), 2 quinapril (Accupril),RUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Lisinopril is an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor used for treating high blood pressure, heart failure and for preventing kidney failure due to high blood pressure and diabetes. Other ACE inhibitors include:"
"score": 0.3279465139,
"text": "DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Lisinopril is an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor used for treating high blood pressure, heart failure and for preventing kidney failure due to high blood pressure and diabetes. Other ACE inhibitors include: 1 enalapril (Vasotec), 2 quinapril (Accupril), 3 captopril (Capoten), 4 fosinopril (Monopril), 5 benazepril (Lotensin), 6 ramipril (Altace), 7 moexipril (Univasc) and. 8 trandolapril (Mavik)."
"score": 0.3258005381,
"text": "CARDURA® (doxazosin mesylate) is a quinazoline compound that is a selective inhibitor of the alpha1 subtype of alpha-adrenergic receptors. The chemical name of doxazosin mesylate is 1-(4-amino-6,7-dimethoxy-2-quinazolinyl)-4-(1,4-benzodioxan-2-ylcarbonyl) piperazine methanesulfonate."
"score": 0.3257979155,
"text": "Symbicort (budesonide and formoterol) is a combination inhaler that has an inhaled corticosteroid and a long-acting beta agonist. Long-acting beta agonist is abbreviated LABA. Symbicort is approved for the treatment of asthma for people ages 12 years and older, as well as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).1 It is made by AstraZeneca."
"score": 0.3227133155,
"text": "DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Lisinopril is an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor used for treating high blood pressure, heart failure and for preventing kidney failure due to high blood pressure and diabetes.Other ACE inhibitors include: 1 enalapril (Vasotec), 2 quinapril (Accupril),3 captopril (Capoten), 4 fosinopril (Monopril), 5 benazepril (Lotensin), 6 ramipril (Altace), 7 moexipril (Univasc) and. 8 trandolapril (Mavik).ther ACE inhibitors include: 1 enalapril (Vasotec), 2 quinapril (Accupril), 3 captopril (Capoten), 4 fosinopril (Monopril), 5 benazepril (Lotensin), 6 ramipril (Altace), 7 moexipril (Univasc) and. 8 trandolapril (Mavik)."
"score": 0.315682739,
"text": "Bisoprolol, marketed under the tradename Zebeta among others, is a medication most commonly used for heart diseases. This specifically includes high blood pressure, chest pain from not enough blood flow to the heart, and heart failure. It is taken by mouth."
"score": 0.3154935241,
"text": "Formoterol is a long-acting bronchodilator that relaxes muscles in the airways to improve breathing. Mometasone is a steroid. It prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. Dulera inhalers are used as a maintenance treatment for asthma in adults and children who are at least 12 years old. Dulera is not for use in treating an asthma or bronchospasm attack. Dulera may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide."
"score": 0.3151829243,
"text": "Zebeta (bisoprolol fumarate) is a type of antihypertensive drug called a beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agent (beta blocker) used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure). Zebeta is available in generic form."
"score": 0.3135895133,
"text": "Metoprolol tartrate (Lopressor®) is a prescription medicine that has been licensed to treat several conditions related to the heart and blood vessels. It is part of a class of drugs called beta blockers."
"score": 0.3127338588,
"text": "Zebeta (bisoprolol fumarate) is a type of antihypertensive drug called a beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agent (beta blocker) used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure). Zebeta is available in generic form.ebeta (bisoprolol fumarate) is a type of antihypertensive drug called a beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agent (beta blocker) used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure). Zebeta is available in generic form."
"score": 0.2975574732,
"text": "Manarola is the second village of the Cinque Terre on the side of La Spezia. It is only 500 meters from the first village. The station is also separated from the town by a tunnel, now it is much more spacious and beautifully designed inside. Walking trails: see below for more details."
"score": 0.2974250317,
"text": "Detrol® (tolterodine tartrate) is a prescription medication approved for the treatment of overactive bladder. Specifically, it is approved to help treat the following overactive bladder symptoms: Frequent urination (usually defined as needing to go more than eight times in 24 hours)"
"score": 0.2968787551,
"text": "Methylprednisolone is a synthetic glucocorticoid or corticosteroid drug. It is marketed in the USA and Canada under the brand names Medrol and Solu-Medrol. It is also available as a generic drug. It is a variant of prednisolone, methylated at carbon 6 of the B ring."
"score": 0.2951334715,
"text": "Metoprolol ER (metoprolol succinate, extended release) is in a drug class called beta blockers. Metoprolol ER is used alone or combined with other medications to treat high blood pressure. Metoprolol ER is also used for the long-term management of angina. Metoprolol ER is also used to treat heart failure.t is used to treat angina (chest pain), hypertension (high blood pressure), and to treat or prevent heart attack. Some of the side effects that may be experienced with metoprolol include: low blood pressure, slow heart rate, rash or itching, shortness of breath, dizziness, drowsiness, and depression."
"score": 0.2907611728,
"text": "Lyrica (pregabalin) is an FDA-approved drug treatment for fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes long-term, widespread muscle pain and tenderness, trouble sleeping, and overwhelming tiredness. Lyrica is not an antidepressant. Rather, it is a drug that targets nerve signals. The medicine has long been used to relieve nerve pain in patients with shingles and diabetic neuropathy."
"score": 0.2904925942,
"text": "CHEMICAL NAME. METHYLPREDNISOLONE. Methylprednisolon(Medrol) is a corticosteroid used to treat severe allergies, arthritis, asthma, and skin conditions. It may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor."
"score": 0.2900390327,
"text": "Lyrica (pregabalin) is an FDA-approved drug treatment for fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes long-term, widespread muscle pain and tenderness, trouble sleeping, and overwhelming tiredness."
"score": 0.2855498493,
"text": "CHEMICAL NAME. METHYLPREDNISOLONE. Methylprednisolon(Medrol) is a corticosteroid used to treat severe allergies, arthritis, asthma, and skin conditions. It may also be used to treat other conditions as determined by your doctor.  .  . Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor."
"score": 0.2855150998,
"text": "Detrol® (tolterodine tartrate) is a prescription medication approved for the treatment of overactive bladder. Specifically, it is approved to help treat the following overactive bladder symptoms: 1 Frequent urination (usually defined as needing to go more than eight times in 24 hours) Sudden, frequent urges to urinate."
"score": 0.2853372097,
"text": "Medrol (methylprednisolone) dose pack (also spelled dosepak) is a corticosteroid used to treat and control inflammation associated with arthritis and other conditions. Medrol is marketed by Pharmacia and Upjohn. Indications for Medrol Dose Pack. Medrol is used to quickly suppress inflammation."
"score": 0.2850376964,
"text": "BRAND NAME: Zebeta. DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Bisoprolol belongs to a class of drugs called beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agents that also includes propranolol (Inderal), atenolol (Tenormin), and timolol (Blocadren). Bisoprolol is used for treating high blood pressure and heart pain (angina)."
"score": 0.2846978307,
"text": "Updated February 21, 2017. Medrol (methylprednisolone) dose pack (also spelled dosepak) is a corticosteroid used to treat and control inflammation associated with arthritis and other conditions. Medrol is marketed by Pharmacia and Upjohn."
"score": 0.2841590047,
"text": "Methylprednisolone, sold under the brand names Depo-Medrol and Solu-Medrol among others, is a corticosteroid medication used to suppress the immune system and decrease inflammation. Conditions in which it is used include skin diseases, rheumatic disorders, allergies, asthma, croup, COPD, certain cancers, multiple sclerosis, and as add-on therapy for tuberculosis."
"score": 0.2806409001,
"text": "A: Bisoprolol (Zebeta) belongs to the group of drugs known as beta blockers. Bisoprolol affects the heart and blood vessels and is used to treat hypertension (high blood pressure).The most common side effects of bisoprolol include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased heart rate, and fatigue.: Zebeta (bisoprolol) belongs to a class of drugs called beta-blockers that affect the heart and circulation (blood flow through arteries and veins)."
"score": 0.2771602869,
"text": "Anadroll™ often called \"DROL\" is a potent legal steroid testosterone muscle building supplement. Effective dose requires 1-3 tablets per day for best effectiveness. Each dose should be taken with a meal.f you cannot take this legal steroid with a meal, take it with large glass of milk or protein shake. Deccabolan™ most often just referred to as \"DECA\" only requires 1-2 capsules per day. Taking the dose before bed seems to be the best. Take your dose with a small glass of milk for best uptake."
"score": 0.2754936814,
"text": "Methylprednisolone, sold under the brand names Depo-Medrol and Solu-Medrol among others, is a corticosteroid medication used to suppress the immune system and decrease inflammation."
"score": 0.2680602074,
"text": "Methylprednisolone (Medrol, Depo-Medrol, Solu-Medrol) is a medication prescribed to patients to suppress inflammation from a variety of conditions and diseases. Side effects, drug interactions, dosage, and pregnancy safety information should be reviewed prior to taking this medication."
"score": 0.2664420307,
"text": "Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (EGPA/Churg-Strauss Syndrome) Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (EGPA/Churg-Strauss Syndrome) Churg-Strauss syndrome, now also referred to by its medically more accurate term eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), is a rare systemic vasculitis (inflammation in the wall of blood vessels of the body), predominantly affecting small-sized vessels."
] |
what is a dpdt switch | [
"score": 0.8230005503,
"text": "A Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) switch is a switch that has 2 inputs and 4 outputs; each input has 2 corresponding outputs that it can connect to. Each of the terminals of a double pole double switch can either be in 1 of 2 positions. This makes the the double pole double switch a very versatile switch. With 2 inputs, it can connect to 4 different outputs or reroute a circuit into 4 different modes of operation. A Double Pole Single Switch is actually two single pole double (SPDT) switches."
] | [
"score": 0.7638709545,
"text": "DPDT switches are available in many switching patterns; the most commonly used in this application are on/on, on/off/on and on/on/on. These all describe what connections are being made in the various switch positions. In the case of the latter two, a three-position switch is being described."
"score": 0.7541279793,
"text": "DPST is short for double pole, single throw. Double pole means that the unit contains two identical switches, side by side, and operated by one single toggle or lever. This means that two separate input wires can be controlled by a flick of one toggle."
"score": 0.7220350504,
"text": "Double Pole Double Throw, DPDT. Double Pole Double Throw relays supply two single double through relays, SPDT, in one relay package. This combination provides tremendous design flexibility. Dual circuit functions can be controlled with a single coil signal. Since the contacts are mechanically linked in many applications one of the contact sets are used as auxiliary contacts to provide circuit feedback indicating relay contact position."
"score": 0.7196420431,
"text": "Best Answer: An spdt switch is (as noted above) single pole double throw. The switch has a contact arm that is connected to a actuating force with that actuating force counteracted by another force (such as a spring).The actuating force may be a pressure source, as a pressure switch, a flow, as a sail switch, a lever, as in a position switch.eport Abuse. SPDT means single pole, double throw. This means there is a centre contact, and one on either side, In one position the switch connects the centre connection to one of the side terminal, and in the other position, well ... the other terminal."
"score": 0.7094452381,
"text": "What do SPST, SPDT, DPST, and DPDT mean? SP and DP refer to single pole and double pole, ST and DT refer to single throw and double throw. Pole refers to the number of circuits controlled by the switch: SP switches control only one electrical circuit."
"score": 0.701397717,
"text": "->o __ o-> 2. SPDT (single pole double throw) It switches one line to 2 different ways (3 pins). ->o __ o-> o-> 3. DPST (double pole single throw) It means two independent SPST in one switch (4 pins). ->o __ o-> ->o __ o-> 4. DPDT (double pole double throw) It means two independent SPDT in one switch."
"score": 0.7010217905,
"text": "The Double Pole Single Throw DPST relay is the equivalent of 2 SPST switches (NO Normally Open and NC Normaly Closed) and can be used to switch 2 different loads. We have 2 scenarios depending on the type of relay. without voltage on coil:"
"score": 0.6998330951,
"text": "The switch symbols below shows SPST, SPDT, DPST and DPDT. SPST Single Pole, Single Throw. An on-off switch allows current to flow only when it is in the closed (on) position. In our electrical software, you can click the action button then click the Close Circuit menu item to close the circuit switch. You can double click to edit the text at the symbol. You can move the yellow control point to change the position of the text. SPDT Single Pole, Double Throw. A 2-way changeover switch directs the flow of current to one of two routes according to its position. Some SPDT switches have a central off position and are described as on-off-on. After selecting the SPDT symbol, you can change the switch position up, center or download by the action button. DPST Double Pole, Single Throw."
"score": 0.6988994479,
"text": "This is known as a center off switch. The normal double throw switches are. specified as ON-NONE-ON which means they have no center position and are always in contact with one of the other pole(s). To use a SPDT switch as a SPST switch just use the. common terminal and either of the other terminals. So... you could use C and A or you could use C and B. A DPDT switch works just like. two separate SPDT switches. attached to the same switch bat."
"score": 0.6987900734,
"text": "Double Pole Single Throw DPST Relay. The Double Pole Single Throw DPST relay is the equivalent of 2 SPST switches (NO Normally Open and NC Normaly Closed) and can be used to switch 2 different loads. As you can see in the schematics above if we use a NO DPST relay the contacts will be closed only if voltage is applied to the coil."
"score": 0.6965133548,
"text": "The Double Pole Single Throw DPST relay is the equivalent of 2 SPST switches (NO Normally Open and NC Normaly Closed) and can be used to switch 2 different loads. We have 2 scenarios depending on the type of relay. 1 without voltage on coil: with a NO the loads will be OFF because the current cannot flow."
"score": 0.6907840371,
"text": "->o __ o-> o-> ->o __ o-> o-> 5. 3PDT It is basically DPDT with one extra SPDT switch (9 pins). It allows true bypass + additional function (LED, ...) Pole = number of switch contact sets Throw = number of conducting positions All of them are produced as either push/stomp, toggle or slide switch."
"score": 0.6823748946,
"text": "It is to be used in conjunction with other 2-way or intermediate switches. Technically speaking, an intermediate switch is similar in structure to a Double Pole Double Throw (DPDT) with the throw contacts of a pole is interconnected to that of the other pole. Consider the stairs of a G+2 storey building."
"score": 0.6737291813,
"text": "Do not confuse 'pole' with 'terminal'. The DPST switch, for example, has four terminals, but it is a DP, not a 4P switch. Throw refers to the extreme position of the actuator: ST switches close a circuit at only one position. The other position of the handle is Off."
"score": 0.6608633995,
"text": "The terminals themselves can also use the same terminology. For instance, in Figure 2 of the SPDT switch, the top terminal 1T can be referred to as NC while 2T is referred to as NO. In a DPDT, there are two NC terminals and two NO terminals."
"score": 0.6371534467,
"text": "Lack of connections in a DPDT switch, resulting in a turned-off motor. When the switch lever is in the middle position, the motor is off because the metal inside the switch is not connecting the wires from the middle terminals (the motor) to any of the outer terminals (the power source)."
"score": 0.6295671463,
"text": "Toggle Switch Wiring. In this article, we will show how to wire a toggle switch to a circuit. The toggle switch is a switch that can play crucial switching roles in circuits. A SPST toggle switch can act as a simple ON-OFF switch in a circuit.While SPDT and DPDT toggle switches can flip different devices on or off in a cirucit.ou can see that a SPST toggle switch only has 2 terminals. 1 terminal is for the input. The other terminal is for the output. SPST toggle switches function as simple ON-OFF switches. When open, they disconnect the circuit so that current cannot flow to the load. When closed, current can flow and power the load."
"score": 0.6043072939,
"text": "Each Australian rocker switch mechanism is actually a single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) Switch, also known as a two-way switch, and has three terminals. A switch of basically the same design is also used on Australian power outlet wall-plates."
"score": 0.6008608341,
"text": "I have a DPDT switch hooked up to a DC motor with a Potentiometer in series to control the speed of the motor. The only problem is it only controls the speed of the motor in ONE direction."
"score": 0.5823553801,
"text": "reverse polarity circuit. Discussion in 'General Electronics Chat' started by synaps, Apr 5, 2009. If I understand your requirement, it is more conventional to use limit switches to change a motor's direction of travel. A single DPDT toggle switch can't be placed to do that function automatically."
"score": 0.5423209071,
"text": "i have 2 turning trays that travel 6 inch up and 6 inch down we start with it 6 inches up i have it wired with a polarity 6 pin dpdt toggel i need to know where to mount the toggel in order to change direction after it stops at 6 inches down if i put the switch in the center and the tray trips it the reverse happens right then or will it finish the ..."
"score": 0.5398498774,
"text": "Solder the yellow and blue motor wires to the DPDT switch. 3. Connect the yellow and blue wires from the motor to the center terminals of the DPDT switch as shown above. 4. Connect the yellow and blue wires to the motor terminals. 5. Make sure the switch is in the center (off) position, before connecting the battery."
"score": 0.530148387,
"text": "LS200 Liquid Level Switches with 2-inch NPT mounting are float activated to operate an. electrical SPDT snap-switch (optional DPDT on some models) for alarm or shutdown of an. engine or electric motor. The LS200 connects directly into the vessel wall and can be used. with a Murphy weld collar (P/N 15050375) or Murphy external float chamber."
"score": 0.4927494526,
"text": "Dead Peer Detection (DPD) is a method that allows detection of unreachable Internet Key Exchange (IKE) peers. DPD is described in the informational RFC 3706: A Traffic-Based Method of Detecting Dead Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Peers authored by G. Huang, S. Beaulieu, D. Rochefort."
"score": 0.4913955331,
"text": "ABC Dyadic Predicate Data. DPD file is an ABC Dyadic Predicate Data. ABC is an interactive programming language and environment for personal computing, originally intended as a good replacement for BASIC. It was designed by first doing a task analysis of the programming task. Other types of files may also use the .dpd file extension."
"score": 0.488227278,
"text": "A DMS-100, in a CO located in France. The DMS-100 Switch Digital Multiplex System (DMS) was a line of telephone exchange switches manufactured by Northern Telecom. Designed during the 1970s and released in 1979, it can control 100,000 telephone lines."
"score": 0.4880948663,
"text": "Recommended Services. The D-Link DKVM-4U KVM switch is a handy device that allows you to control up to 4 PCs using only one monitor, keyboard and mouse. The monitor and the two input devices are connected directly to this KVM switch and not to the client computers. For office users with a need for several PCs, this KVM switch box eliminates the need for several monitors, keyboards and mice, saving the money and desktop space."
"score": 0.4840762019,
"text": "To use this tester,first set the battery voltage test switch, consisting of SW2 and SW3 ganged together as a DPDT switch, to either 6 volts or 12 volts. This selects the correct meter range on the test meter and connects the correct resistance load."
"score": 0.4826616645,
"text": "Depersonalization disorder (DPD) is a mental disorder in which the sufferer has persistent or recurrent feelings of depersonalization and/or derealization. In the DSM-5 it was combined with Derealization Disorder and renamed to Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder (DDPD)."
"score": 0.4818960428,
"text": "The DGS-1005G five port Gigabit Desktop Switch is part of D-Link's new series of home devices that make use of D-Link's Green Technology, providing energy savings, reduced heat, and a longer product life without sacrificing performance or functionality."
"score": 0.4816344082,
"text": "What is DPD and how does it work? The DPD is a method that uses colorimetric detection as a means to measure the amount of chlorine in a system. It stands for N,N-diethyl-p-phenylendiamine sulfate and the reaction between DPD and active halogens is what is detected and measured."
"score": 0.4804654717,
"text": "The DPD is a method that uses colorimetric detection as a means to measure the amount of chlorine in a system. It stands for N,N-diethyl-p-phenylendiamine sulfate and the reaction between DPD and active halogens is what is detected and measured."
"score": 0.477107197,
"text": "Depersonalization disorder (DPD) is a mental disorder in which the sufferer has persistent or recurrent feelings of depersonalization and/or derealization. In the DSM-5 it was combined with Derealization Disorder and renamed to Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder (DDPD).In the DSM-5 it remains classified as a dissociative disorder, while in the ICD-10 it is called depersonalization-derealization syndrome and classified as a neurotic disorder.he core symptom of depersonalization-derealization disorder is the subjective experience of unreality in one's sense of self, or detachment from one's surroundings."
"score": 0.4766895771,
"text": "Disabled Toilets. Access control and door entry systems for disabled toilets, single use and communal bathroom areas. The JWS Disabled Persons Toilet System, DPTS, is a fully featured access system for use with disabled toilets and designed for DDA compliance.It can be easily integrated into a toilet with an existing door operator or you can purchase a Sprint door operator from JWS.perated by two JWS Touch sensors with ultra-brite LEDs it controls entry by opening and locking the door at the appropriate times interfacing with both an automatic door operator and a locking device (maglock). Disabled Persons Toilet System. Disabled toilet system for use with an Automatic Door Operator."
"score": 0.4721669257,
"text": "A D-Link switch enables you to connect more devices to a single Internet feed than an ordinary router would."
"score": 0.4718613625,
"text": "Depersonalization disorder (DPD) is a mental disorder in which the sufferer has persistent or recurrent feelings of depersonalization and/or derealization.In the DSM-5 it was combined with Derealization Disorder and renamed to Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder (DDPD).In the DSM-5 it remains classified as a dissociative disorder, while in the ICD-10 it is called depersonalization-derealization syndrome and classified as a neurotic disorder.ymptoms can be classified as either depersonalization or derealization. Depersonalization is described as feeling disconnected or estranged from one's body, thoughts, or emotions. Individuals experiencing depersonalization may report feeling as if they are in a dream or are watching themselves in a movie."
"score": 0.4676961899,
"text": "Not to be confused with Digital Access Carrier System. A digital cross-connect system (DCS or DXC) is a piece of circuit-switched network equipment, used in telecommunications networks, that allows lower-level TDM bit streams, such as DS0 bit streams,to be rearranged and interconnected among higher-level TDM signals, such as DS1 bit streams."
"score": 0.4654252827,
"text": "The DXS-1210-12TC 10 Gigabit Ethernet Smart Switch is a cost effective 10 GbE switch capable of servicing a range of network needs in any business. Supporting 10GBASE-T/ SFP+ combo ports, it provides connection flexibility across a network allowing easier network integration."
"score": 0.4629357457,
"text": "Differential phase shift keying (DPSK) is a common form of phase modulation that conveys data by changing the phase of the carrier wave. As mentioned for BPSK and QPSK there is an ambiguity of phase if the constellation is rotated by some effect in the communications channel through which the signal passes."
"score": 0.4624879658,
"text": "Depersonalization disorder (DPD), also known as depersonalization-derealization syndrome, is a mental disorder in which the person has persistent or recurrent feelings of depersonalization and/or derealization. Symptoms can be classified as either depersonalization or derealization."
"score": 0.4589567482,
"text": "DPD stands for dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase. It is an enzyme our bodies make that helps us process thymine and uracil, which make up part of the structure of our genes.DPD also helps us break down the chemotherapy drugs fluorouracil and capecitabine.If you have low levels (a deficiency) of DPD you are more likely to have severe side effects from these chemotherapy drugs. Without DPD, the chemotherapy drug builds up in the body. It then causes more severe side effects than usual.PD also helps us break down the chemotherapy drugs fluorouracil and capecitabine. If you have low levels (a deficiency) of DPD you are more likely to have severe side effects from these chemotherapy drugs. Without DPD, the chemotherapy drug builds up in the body. It then causes more severe side effects than usual."
"score": 0.4578895569,
"text": "This light switch is a single outlet power saving indoor remote with wireless wall mounting transmitter. It comes with Command1 technology. It is one polarized outlet and has a manual on/off button. It works through walls and doors up to 100 feet away. It has an LED active indicator and is UL approved for CFL bulbs."
"score": 0.4573979676,
"text": "DPD is disabled by default on Cisco routers. The default mode is on-demand if not specified. If the peer doesn't respond with the R-U-THERE-ACK the router starts retransmitting R-U-THERE messages every <retry-interval> seconds with a maximum of five retransmissions. After that the peer is declared dead."
"score": 0.4559220672,
"text": "Depersonalization disorder. Depersonalization disorder (DPD), also known as depersonalization-derealization syndrome, is a mental disorder in which the person has persistent or recurrent feelings of depersonalization and/or derealization. Symptoms can be classified as either depersonalization or derealization."
"score": 0.4544264376,
"text": "The DXS-1210-12SC 10 Gigabit Ethernet Smart Switch is a cost effective 10 GbE switch capable of servicing a range of network needs in any business. Supporting 10 SFP+ ports and 2 10GBASE-T/ SFP+ combo ports, it provides connection flexibility across a network allowing easier network integration."
"score": 0.4540607035,
"text": "What is it used for? The DPD method is used as a reference value to compare the readings of an online chlorine analyzer. The difference in this reference value and the measurement from the online chlorine analyzer can determine if the analyzer is reading too high, too low, or right where it should be."
"score": 0.4529711604,
"text": "In addition, there is a general step-by-step procedure that describes the proper way to perform a DPD calibration. What is DPD and how does it work? The DPD is a method that uses colorimetric detection as a means to measure the amount of chlorine in a system."
"score": 0.4521109164,
"text": "A soft-loading transfer switch (SLTS) makes use of a CTTS, and is commonly used to synchronize and operate onsite generation in parallel with utility power, and to transfer loads between the two sources while minimizing voltage or frequency transients."
"score": 0.446888566,
"text": "The DPD method is used as a reference value to compare the readings of an online chlorine analyzer. The difference in this reference value and the measurement from the online chlorine analyzer can determine if the analyzer is reading too high, too low, or right where it should be."
"score": 0.4439464211,
"text": "DPD Deficiency (Dihydro Pyrimidine Dehydrogenase Deficiency) is a potentially fatal genetic disease that affects young and old. It affects 2-8% of the population in America. DPD is an enzyme essential for regulating the health of the body; most people produce it naturally.People with DPD Deficiency lack the ability to create this enzyme in the amounts they need.For some, this enzyme deficiency is severe, and the disease appears in childhood, resulting in the loss of motor skills, seizures, or premature death.t affects 2-8% of the population in America. DPD is an enzyme essential for regulating the health of the body; most people produce it naturally. People with DPD Deficiency lack the ability to create this enzyme in the amounts they need."
"score": 0.4436034858,
"text": "What is DPD Deficiency? DPD Deficiency (Dihydro Pyrimidine Dehydrogenase Deficiency) is a potentially fatal genetic disease that affects young and old. It affects 2-8% of the population in America. DPD is an enzyme essential for regulating the health of the body; most people produce it naturally."
"score": 0.4419347346,
"text": "DPD Deficiency (Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency) is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder in which there is absent or significantly decreased activity of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase, an enzyme involved in the metabolism of uracil and thymine. There are two ways of knowing you have DPD Deficiency."
"score": 0.4336992502,
"text": "Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is one of the most frequently diagnosed personality disorders. It occurs equally in men and women, usually becoming apparent in young adulthood or later as important adult relationships form.eople with DPD become emotionally dependent on other people and spend great effort trying to please others. People with DPD tend to display needy, passive, and clinging behavior, and have a fear of separation. Other common characteristics of this personality disorder include:"
"score": 0.4330268502,
"text": "Originally Posted by rjniles. Use a digital timer that has at least 12 on/off cycles, set it up to turn on for 2 hours, then off for 2 hours. Connect a DPDT relay with a 120 VAC coil to the output of the timer. Use the contacts of the relay to reverse the 12VDC to the turner motor."
"score": 0.4326834083,
"text": "Dissocial personality disorder (DPD) is the name of a similar or equivalent concept defined in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), where it states that the diagnosis includes antisocial personality disorder."
"score": 0.4291700423,
"text": "Summary Summary. Listen. Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) deficiency is a condition in which the body cannot break down the nucleotides thymine and uracil. DPD deficiency can have a wide range of severity; some individuals may have various neurological problems, while others have no signs and symptoms."
"score": 0.4285835028,
"text": "8-channel Cirrus Logic CS4382 digital-to-analog converter as used in a sound card. In electronics, a digital-to-analog converter (DAC, D/A, D–A, D2A, or D-to-A) is a device that converts a digital signal into an analog signal. An analog-to-digital converter (ADC) performs the reverse function."
"score": 0.4267839789,
"text": "Summary Summary. Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) deficiency is a condition in which the body cannot break down the nucleotides thymine and uracil. DPD deficiency can have a wide range of severity; some individuals may have various neurological problems, while others have no signs and symptoms."
"score": 0.4224755168,
"text": "Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is one of the most frequently diagnosed personality disorders. It occurs equally in men and women, usually becoming apparent in young adulthood or later as important adult relationships form. People with DPD become emotionally dependent on other people and spend great effort trying to please others. People with DPD tend to display needy, passive, and clinging behavior, and have a fear of separation. Other common characteristics of this personality disorder include:"
"score": 0.4155994058,
"text": "Dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD), an enzyme encoded by the DPYD gene, is the rate-limiting step in pyrimidine catabolism and deactivates more than 80% of standard doses of 5FU and the oral 5FU prodrug capecitabine. True deficiency of DPD affects approximately 5% of the overall population."
"score": 0.4136416912,
"text": "Dependent personality disorder (DPD) is an anxious personality disorder characterized by the inability to be alone. People with dependent personality disorder rely on other people for comfort, reassurance, advice, and support.Although people who don't have the condition sometimes have these feelings, people with DPD cannot function unless they get reassurance from others.igns of dependent personality disorder include: 1 submissive behavior. 2 relying on friends or family for decision making. 3 needing reassurance repeatedly. 4 being hurt easily by disapproval. 5 feeling isolated and nervous when alone. 6 fear of rejection. 7 sensitivity to criticism."
"score": 0.412294507,
"text": "DPD Contact Number 0843 487 1657 is a direct dial telephone number that will connect you directly to a customer service representative waiting to take your call.ut it's understandable that it would happen with a business of this size. So if you received your package, but it was damaged call the DPD customer service contact number immediately. The same goes for if you experienced anything but courteous service."
"score": 0.3505856097,
"text": "Single-color fixtures emit up to 1,200 lumens of blue, green, natural white, or warm white illumination and have 12V AC/DC operation. The color-changing RGB fixture is DMX compatible; use an existing DMX controller or use with a Wireless RGBW Touch LED Dimmer Switch. Add up to 170 lights to 1 DMX universe."
"score": 0.3434928954,
"text": "Thermal desorption spectroscopy. Thermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS), also known as temperature programmed desorption (TPD) is the method of observing desorbed molecules from a surface when the surface temperature is increased. Many researchers prefer the name TPD because it is not a spectroscopic method."
"score": 0.3094082773,
"text": "The County of San Diego Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team (DVFRT) is a multi-disciplinary review team comprised of representatives from the San Diego District Attorney's Office, Medical Examiner's Office, San Diego DV Council, San Diego City Attorney's Office, Sheriff's Department, San Diego Police Department, Chula Vista Police Department , Probation Department, Parole, San Diego Family Justice Center, Child Welfare Services (HHSA), Rady Children's Hospital, Family Court Services ..."
] |
lehigh university number of students | [
"score": 0.7381301522,
"text": "Lehigh University is an American private research university in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. It was established in 1865 by businessman Asa Packer. Its undergraduate programs have been coeducational since the 1971–72 academic year. As of 2014, the university had 4,904 undergraduate students and 2,165 graduate students. Lehigh is considered one of the twenty-four Hidden Ivies in the Northeastern United States. Lehigh has four colleges: the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science ..."
] | [
"score": 0.695931077,
"text": "How do Lehigh students connect with the community around Lehigh? Lehigh University is in the heart of the Lehigh Valley, a bustling and growing community of some 800,000 people. We are situated within the city of Bethlehem, PA, just 50 miles north of Philadelphia and 90 miles southwest of New York City."
"score": 0.6955828667,
"text": "Lehigh University. Lehigh University is an American private research university located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. It was established in 1865 by businessman Asa Packer and has grown to include studies in a wide variety of disciplines. Its undergraduate programs have been coeducational since the 1971–72 academic year."
"score": 0.6955823898,
"text": "Lehigh University is an American private research university located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. It was established in 1865 by businessman Asa Packer and has grown to include studies in a wide variety of disciplines. Its undergraduate programs have been coeducational since the 1971–72 academic year."
"score": 0.6927014589,
"text": "In the seven weeks since the 2017 fall semester started, police have cited nearly 150 Lehigh University students for alcohol-related offenses, far surpassing the number of similar charges at other Lehigh Valley colleges, according to a Morning Call analysis of court records."
"score": 0.662584126,
"text": "Lehigh is comprised of 2,358 acres, making it one of the largest private universities in the country. The Asa Packer Campus, Mountaintop Campus, and Murray H. Goodman Campus are contiguous. In 2012, the university received a Stabler Foundation gift of 755 acres in nearby Upper Saucon Township."
"score": 0.659052968,
"text": "Students Say. 1 Located in Pennsylvania's Lehigh Valley, Lehigh University offers students a long history of traditions, more than 100 majors and programs, and the ability to collaborate with other students across different fields of study.."
"score": 0.6561026573,
"text": "Updated March 28, 2017. Lehigh University is a selective school, with a 30 percent acceptance rate. That means that only around one-third of applicants are admitted each year. Students with high grades and test scores are more likely to get in."
"score": 0.6465158463,
"text": "Lehigh's student body enjoys some 150 active student clubs, and we host an annual Club Fair each fall to introduce new students to all of the available groups. Lehigh's athletics department helps to coordinate classes and exercise programs along with a wide variety of varsity and intramural sports."
"score": 0.6323050261,
"text": "Lehigh is considered one of the twenty-four Hidden Ivies in the Northeastern United States. Lehigh has four colleges: the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Business and Economics, and the College of Education. The College of Arts and Sciences is the largest college today, home to roughly 40% percent of the university's students."
"score": 0.630671978,
"text": "Lehigh has four colleges: the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Business and Economics, and the College of Education. The College of Arts and Sciences is the largest college today, home to roughly 40% of the university's students."
"score": 0.6297973394,
"text": "The overall acceptance rate for Lehigh University was reported as 30.8% in Fall 2013 with over 12,600 college applications submitted to LU. Both in state and out of state applicants are included in these figures. We do not have data on transfer acceptance rates currently. LU ACT Scores: 28 - 32."
"score": 0.6277292967,
"text": "Lehigh has many programs that help students get real-world experience before graduation. The university reports that 95 percent of undergraduates get at least one career-related experience, such as an internship, before graduation."
"score": 0.6265376806,
"text": "Lehigh encompasses 2,350 acres (9.5 km2), including 180 acres (0.73 km2) of recreational and playing fields and 150 buildings comprising four million square feet of floor space. 1 It is organized into three contiguous campuses on and around South Mountain, including:"
"score": 0.6258181334,
"text": "While the school is traditionally noted for its stellar reputation in both engineering and business, its excellence extends outside of the two subjects; in fact, the university's largest undergraduate school is the school of arts and sciences, which matriculates nearly 40% of Lehigh's students."
"score": 0.6242235303,
"text": "Lehigh University offers undergraduate enrollment in all colleges but the College of Education: the P.C. Rossin School of Engineering and Applied Science, the College of Business and Economics, and the College of Arts and Sciences."
"score": 0.6235958338,
"text": "Lehigh University Box #### (your mailbox number) 4 Farrington Square Bethlehem, PA 18015. It is important that you DO NOT put P.O. before the box number. This will redirect all mail to the local post office, not Lehigh University. To pick up a packages and letter mail: 1 Students will receive an e-mail notification when a package or letter mail arrives for them. 2 Once you receive a notification, simply visit the Mail Center and approach one of the kiosks across from the main counter."
"score": 0.620500803,
"text": "Lehigh's 2006 student-athlete graduation rate of 97% ranked 12th among all 326 NCAA Division I institutions. In 2002, it won the inaugural USA Today /NCAA Foundation Award for having the nation's top graduation rate of all Division I institutions."
"score": 0.6144957542,
"text": "Average ACT: 30. The average ACT score composite at Lehigh University is a 30. The 25th percentile ACT score is 28, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 32. In other words, a 28 places you below average, while a 32 will move you up to above average. There's no absolute ACT requirement at Lehigh University, but they really want to see at least a 28 to have a chance at being considered."
"score": 0.6138625145,
"text": "Based on sampled GPA data collected and applied, it is estimated that the Lehigh University (LU) average GPA range for accepted students is around 3.62 - 3.78. 31% of all those students that apply are admitted to LU, from which 31 percent choose to enroll."
"score": 0.6096340418,
"text": "About Lehighton Area School District Schools. Lehighton Area School District is a school district with 2,347 students. The district official is Mr James Kraky. Lehighton Area School District spends $10,241 per year per student. 39% of students here receive reduced price lunches. The most common ethnicities are White, non-Hispanic and Hispanic."
"score": 0.603110671,
"text": "Student Mail Info. The Mail Center serves as the post office for Lehigh University students. Students can pick up their mail and packages during our store hours. How to address your mail and packages: Below is a sample of how to format your address on packages and mail. Your Name Lehigh University Box #### (your mailbox number) 4 Farrington Square Bethlehem, PA 18015. It is important that you DO NOT put P.O. before the box number. This will redirect all mail to the local post office, not Lehigh University. To pick up a packages and letter mail: Students will receive an e-mail notification when a package or letter mail arrives for them. 1 Once you receive a notification, simply visit the Mail Center and approach one of the kiosks across from the main counter. 2 Swipe your Lehigh ID and select whether you want to pick up your package/mail now OR pick it up later."
"score": 0.6021947861,
"text": "Student Mail InfoThe Mail Center serves as the post office for Lehigh University students. Students can pick up their mail and packages during our store hours.How to address your mail and packages:Below is a sample of how to format your address on packages and mail.Your NameLehigh UniversityBox #### (your mailbox number)4 Farrington SquareBethlehem, PA 18015"
"score": 0.6004726291,
"text": "To learn more about Lehigh housing options for first-year and returning students, explore Lehigh's Office of Residential Services. How is the food and meal plan situation? There are a total of 11 meal plans available for students. The student's Lehigh University ID card is used to access meal plans."
"score": 0.5953050852,
"text": "Lehigh University Acceptance Rate: 30%. GPA, SAT and ACT graph for Lehigh. Test Scores -- 25th / 75th Percentile SAT Critical Reading: 590 / 680. SAT Math: 640 / 740 What these SAT numbers mean."
"score": 0.5936516523,
"text": "Additional laboratory fee of $190 for engineering and science majors. $67 million grants and scholarships. Lehigh offers competitive financial aid packages that are awarded on a need-and merit-based system.$37,425 typical financial aid package. More Than 50% of our students receive financial aid. The Lehigh University United National Partnership offers 56 U.N.-related programs every year.Lehigh was just the 6th university in the world to have earned NGO (non-governmental organization) status from the U.N.'s Office of Public Information.ore Than 50% of our students receive financial aid. The Lehigh University United National Partnership offers 56 U.N.-related programs every year. Lehigh was just the 6th university in the world to have earned NGO (non-governmental organization) status from the U.N.'s Office of Public Information."
"score": 0.5921974182,
"text": "Admissions Data (2015) 1 Lehigh University Acceptance Rate: 30%. 2 GPA, SAT and ACT graph for Lehigh. 3 Test Scores -- 25th / 75th Percentile SAT Critical Reading: 590 / 680. SAT Math: 640 / 740 What these SAT numbers mean."
"score": 0.591371119,
"text": "Answers.com® is making the world better one answer at a time. In the Common Data Set 2013-2014 provided by Stanford University, the total number of enrolled students is 18,136. That total includes 7,061 undergraduate and 11,075 graduate students."
"score": 0.5891826749,
"text": "List of Lehigh University alumni. This is a list of notable alumni of Lehigh University, an American private research university located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania."
"score": 0.5869076252,
"text": "List of Lehigh University alumni. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This is a list of notable alumni of Lehigh University, an American private research university located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania."
"score": 0.5866981745,
"text": "Lehigh University - Statistics and Average SAT Scores. * Based on data for Fall of 2007. Below are the scores for the middle 50th percentile of accepted students who enrolled at the university. Below are the scores for the middle 50th percentile of accepted students who enrolled at the university."
"score": 0.5836812854,
"text": "The Lehigh Mountain Hawks are the athletic teams representing Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States. The Hawks participate in NCAA Division I competition as a member of the Patriot League. In football, Lehigh competes in the Division I Football Championship Subdivision (FCS), still frequently known by its former designation of Division I-AA."
"score": 0.5797170997,
"text": "Programs & Majors. Lehigh students are bold thinkers who realize that real-world solutions require open minds. That's why we offer a flexible curriculum that can be tailored to the aspirations of each student."
"score": 0.5735120773,
"text": "Student Mail Info. The Mail Center serves as the post office for Lehigh University students. Students can pick up their mail and packages during our store hours. How to address your mail and packages: Below is a sample of how to format your address on packages and mail. Your Name."
"score": 0.572455883,
"text": "The Lehigh Valley is the fastest growing and third most populous region in the state of Pennsylvania with a population of 821,623 residents as of the 2010 U.S. Census. It is eclipsed in total population only by the metropolitan areas of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania."
"score": 0.5720337629,
"text": "The total student enrollment at University of Akron is about 24,000. The student body is made up of 82% undergraduate students and 18% graduate students."
"score": 0.5675141215,
"text": "The Lehigh Valley is the fastest growing and third most populous region in the state of Pennsylvania with a population of 821,623 residents as of the 2010 U.S. Census."
"score": 0.5642561913,
"text": "Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Nazareth: 1 Northampton County Area Community College (about 5 miles; Bethlehem, PA; Full-time enrollment: 7,195). 2 Lafayette College (about 7 miles; Easton, PA; FT enrollment: 2,562). 3 Lehigh University (about 10 miles; Bethlehem, PA; FT enrollment: 6,565)."
"score": 0.5635505915,
"text": "It is a well-known fact that Lehigh's music programs are heavily populated by engineering students, who make up a significant portion of the orchestra and marching band. In fact, many engineers take advantage of the music minor offered by Lehigh's Music Department."
"score": 0.563072145,
"text": "Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania has a total undergraduate enrollment of 6,027, with a gender distribution of 50 percent male students and 50 percent female students. At this school, 34 percent of the students live in college-owned, -operated or -affiliated housing and 66 percent of students live off campus."
"score": 0.555916667,
"text": "The Lehigh Valley is located approximately 60 mi (97 km) north of Philadelphia, 80 mi (130 km) northeast of Harrisburg, and 90 mi (140 km) west of New York City, the country's largest city. The area is home to more than 820,000 people as of the 2010 U.S. Census."
"score": 0.5533186793,
"text": "Summary. Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania is a public institution that was founded in 1870. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 4,521, its setting is rural, and the campus size is 175 acres.It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar.ock Haven University of Pennsylvania has a total undergraduate enrollment of 4,521, with a gender distribution of 43.8 percent male students and 56.2 percent female students. At this school, 36 percent of the students live in college-owned, -operated, or-affiliated housing and 64 percent of students live off campus."
"score": 0.5498114824,
"text": "Home / College Discussion / Colleges and Universities / Alphabetic List of Colleges / L / Lehigh University. College Confidential's \"Dean,\" Sally Rubenstone, put together 25 of her best tips. So far, the 25 Tips from the Dean eBook has helped more than 10K students choose a college, get in, and pay for it."
"score": 0.5488904715,
"text": "Student Life. Bethel University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 4,792, with a gender distribution of 43.3 percent male students and 56.7 percent female students. At this school, 18 percent of the students live in college-owned, -operated, or-affiliated housing and 82 percent of students live off campus."
"score": 0.5484077334,
"text": "Bethel University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 4,792, with a gender distribution of 43.3 percent male students and 56.7 percent female students. At this school, 18 percent of the students live in college-owned, -operated, or-affiliated housing and 82 percent of students live off campus."
"score": 0.54837358,
"text": "Fraternity and sorority life has a long-standing history at Lehigh University. Our first organization was founded shortly after Lehigh University's founding, and continues to grow. The purpose of these organizations is to develop students holistically across their founding principles that foster leadership, service, scholarship, integrity, and friendship. The Office of Fraternity & Sorority Affairs (OFSA) works with students, alumni, faculty, staff, parents, and other invested constituents to enhance the development of Lehigh University students through Greek membership."
"score": 0.5436435938,
"text": "The Lehigh University board of trustees on Friday announced its decision to take \"no action\" on a petition calling for the university to revoke President Donald Trump's honorary degree from the university. A petition with more than 30,000 signers had called on Lehigh to revoke the degree. Here..."
"score": 0.5427962542,
"text": "Mahoning Elementary School, 2466 Mahoning Drive East, Lehighton, PA 18235. Phone Number: 570-386-4678 Fax Number: 610-577-1009."
"score": 0.5399227142,
"text": "Indiana University has a combined student body of more than 110,000 students, including approximately 46,000 students enrolled at the Indiana University Bloomington campus and approximately 31,000 students enrolled at the Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) campus."
"score": 0.5394365788,
"text": "SAT and ACT Score Requirements for Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania."
"score": 0.5370736122,
"text": "In the initial data, all Lehigh Valley high schools were at or close to the Class of 2013's average SAT score of 1497, which breaks down to 497 on critical reading, 513 on mathematics and 487 on writing. The average scores are calculated annually on the most recent SAT scores of all students in a graduating class."
"score": 0.5309833288,
"text": "Dedicated to the highest levels of academic achievement. Tuition & Payments 2016-2017. Our tuition scale comprises the most competitively priced rates among all private schools in the Lehigh Valley. Please contact our finance office at (610) 435-8981 for more information about tuition and fees."
"score": 0.5160791874,
"text": "Boston College, Georgetown University, Northeastern University, Lehigh University, Boston University, University of Pennsylvania. 1 Overview. 2 Admission. 3 Money Matters. 4 Academics. Campus Life. Students."
"score": 0.513741076,
"text": "Come to Know World Politics Lehigh is among the very few major universities in the United States with a separate Department of International Relations (IR).Lehigh's distinctive organization is matched by the excellence of its teaching and research programs.areers in International Affairs. A major in international relations prepares students for careers in government, journalism, law, non-governmental organizations, international business, and teaching and research."
"score": 0.5088012815,
"text": "Lehigh's lacrosse team competes in the nine-team Patriot League. The Mountain Hawks have a strong tradition in lacrosse, but have only appeared twice (2012, 2013) in the present NCAA championships since its formation in 1971."
"score": 0.5072281957,
"text": "Appalachian State University is a comprehensive university that enrolls about 15,000 students during the academic year. The campus covers a little over 1,300 acres. It is nestled in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the town of Boone (population about 15,000)."
"score": 0.4995628297,
"text": "Lehigh Acres is a diverse community of approximately 87,000 residents and is part of the Cape Coral-Fort Myers, Florida Metropolitan Statistical Area. Just 12 miles east of Fort Myers, Lehigh Acres boasts ponds, lakes and canals."
"score": 0.4978706241,
"text": "Approximately 1,200 students attend the school with more than 30% being over the age of 24. The majority of the student population at Penn State Mont Alto commute to classes, rather than live in the provided residence halls. The campus is well known for its forestry and nursing majors."
"score": 0.4949491918,
"text": "Center Valley, Pennsylvania 18034. United States. Southern Lehigh High School is a four-year public high school located in Center Valley, Pennsylvania, in the United States. It is the only high school in the Southern Lehigh School District. The school's mascot is the Spartan, and the school colors are blue and white. 1 History."
"score": 0.489803046,
"text": "All of our departments in the College of Arts and Sciences as well as several of our cross-disciplinary programs offer at least one BA program. At Lehigh, one earns a Bachelor of Arts in Arts and Sciences with a major in, for example, Music (not a BA in Music)."
"score": 0.4894551635,
"text": "Welcome to Lehigh Acres, a diverse community of approximately 80,000 residents. Just 12 miles east of Fort Myers, Lehigh Acres boasts ponds, lakes and canals. With 175 miles of canals and 16 well-stocked lakes, Lehigh Acres is a perfect destination for both fishing enthusiasts and beginners alike."
"score": 0.4706140757,
"text": "Students who earn a score of 5 on one of the College Board Advanced Placement Tests in English (either in English Language and Composition or in English Literature and Composition) or who achieve a score of 750 or higher on the writing section of the SAT receive six hours of Lehigh credit for freshman English (and exemption from the requirement)."
"score": 0.4561871886,
"text": "Niche users from this school are most interested in the following colleges. 1 A+. Penn State 263 Students. 2 A-. Temple University 194 Students. 3 A. University of Pittsburgh 171 Students. 4 A+. University of Pennsylvania 127 Students. 5 A-. Drexel University 104 Students. 6 B+. West Chester University of Pennsylvania 99 Students. 7 B-."
"score": 0.4554512799,
"text": "Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Annandale: 1 Raritan Valley Community College (about 11 miles; Branchburg, NJ; Full-time enrollment: 5,735). 2 Centenary College (about 15 miles; Hackettstown, NJ; FT enrollment: 2,271). 3 Lafayette College (about 18 miles; Easton, PA; FT enrollment: 2,562)."
"score": 0.4405237138,
"text": "Southern Lehigh School District added 12 new photos. August 10 at 3:51pm ·. EduSummit ends the 2-day journey with an Edu-camp style activity...Educators collaborating with peers on topics of their interest. Over 300 teachers and administrators attended the summit hosted at SLHS for the 4th year.#SLSDproud."
"score": 0.4226330817,
"text": "Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus can be found in Indiana, PA, a public college which focuses on only a select few programs offered. There are around 17,000 students enrolled each year at Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus. A SAT or ACT exam may be required before applying to this school.Scores between 1320 (25th percentile) to 1590 (75th percentile) on the SAT and within the range of 17 (25th percentile) to 22 (75th percentile) on the ACT is typical among applicants that get into IUP.ndiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus can be found in Indiana, PA, a public college which focuses on only a select few programs offered. There are around 17,000 students enrolled each year at Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus. A SAT or ACT exam may be required before applying to this school."
] |
describe how cells are organized inside of the body | [
"score": 0.5272555947,
"text": "1 The eukaryotic DNA is organized in one or more linear molecules, called chromosomes, which are associated with histone proteins. 2 All chromosomal DNA is stored in the cell nucleus, separated from the cytoplasm by a membrane. 3 Some eukaryotic organelles such as mitochondria also contain some DNA."
] | [
"score": 0.5935382843,
"text": "A group of cells with the same basic structure and function makes a tissue. Different tissues come together to make organs. 6 people found this useful. Edit. Share to: 1 5 Tips for Dealing with Grief After a Miscarriage Grief after miscarriage comes in many different forms. 2 From sadness to feelings of denial or shock, there are many mental health symptoms."
"score": 0.5232298374,
"text": "The blood vessels are part of the circulatory system and function to transport blood throughout the body. The most important types, arteries and veins, carry blood away from or towards the heart, respectively. All blood vessels have the same basic structure. The inner lining is the endothelium and is surrounded by subendothelial connective tissue. Around this there is a layer of vascular smooth muscle, which is highly developed in arteries. Finally, there is a further layer of connective tissue known as the adventitia, which contains nerves that supply the muscular layer, as well as nutrient capillaries in the larger blood vessels."
"score": 0.494453311,
"text": "Interstitial spaces — Areas of the body occuring outside the vessels or organs, between the cells. Pitting edema — A swelling in the tissue under the skin, resulting from fluid accumulation, that is measured by the depth of indentation made by finger pressure over a boney prominence."
"score": 0.4909927845,
"text": "Eukaryotic chromosomes contain both DNA and protein tightly packed together to form Chromatin. Chromatin consists of DNA tightly coiled around histones. DNA and histone molecu … les form nucleosomes. These are all part of the structure of chromosomes. Cell Biology: The Translation and Use of Protein Most people know to some extent that DNA is the foundation for life. 2 It is the code at the heart of everything that happens in an organism. 3 However, not many people know how …."
"score": 0.4855442643,
"text": "Add your answer. Describe how Mendeleev organized the periodic table in terms of atomic mass and the properties of elements and. Describe how Mendeleev organized the periodic table in terms of atomic mass and the properties of elements and explain how the term \"periodic\" applies to the elements on the periodic table."
"score": 0.4850229621,
"text": "Describe how Mendeleev organized the periodic table in terms of atomic mass and the properties of elements and. Describe how Mendeleev organized the periodic table in terms of atomic mass and the properties of elements and explain how the term \"periodic\" applies to the elements on the periodic table."
"score": 0.4821117818,
"text": "Describe how Mendeleev organized the periodic table in terms of atomic mass and the properties of elements and. Describe how Mendeleev organized the periodic table in terms of atomic mass and the properties of elements and explain how the term \"periodic\" applies to the elements on the periodic table. Add your answer."
"score": 0.4789050221,
"text": "Involution: an epithelial sheet rolls inward to form an underlying layer. from the Amphibian Embryology Tutorial Epiboly: a sheet of cells spreads by thinning. Intercalation: rows of cells move between one another, creating an array of cells that is longer (in one or more dimensions) but thinner."
"score": 0.4755071998,
"text": "What part of the cell is the outer covering of all cells controls what goes in and out the cell?"
"score": 0.4508596957,
"text": "1. Describe the bureaucrats—who they are, how they got there, and what they do. 2. Discuss how the federal bureaucracy is organized. 3. Explain how bureaucracies function as implementors of public policy. 4. Explain how bureaucracies function as regulators."
"score": 0.3890497684,
"text": "The difference between ultraviolet radiation and ultrasound is how they react when inside the body. Ultraviolet radiation attacks the cells and destroys cells that are har … mful to the body. Ultrasound is merely a viewing device. Ultrasound is used to detect abnormalities in the body."
] |
is anaemia a shortage of vitamin b12 uk | [
"score": 0.7917680144,
"text": "A lack of vitamin B12 (B12 deficiency) is one cause of anaemia. Pernicious anaemia is a condition where vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed into your body. It is the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency in the UK.Vitamin B12 deficiency can easily be treated by regular injections of vitamin B12.Intrinsic factor is made by cells in the lining of the stomach and is needed for vitamin B12 to be absorbed.). Pernicious anaemia is the most common cause of B12 deficiency in the UK. It is classed as an autoimmune disease."
] | [
"score": 0.7470356226,
"text": "Vitamin B12 or B9 (commonly called folate) deficiency anaemia occurs when a lack of vitamin B12 or folate causes the body to produce abnormally large red blood cells that cannot function properly.Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body using a substance called haemoglobin.itamin B12 is found in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, yeast extract (such as Marmite) and specially fortified foods. The best sources of folate include green vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and peas. Read more about treating vitamin B12 or folate deficiency."
"score": 0.7444748878,
"text": "Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is a low red blood cell count due to a lack of vitamin B12. Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells."
"score": 0.7433952093,
"text": "Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia is a type of megaloblastic anaemia along with folate deficiency anaemia. This condition is a result of a deficiency in vitamin B12. It causes red blood cells to become larger and less efficient at carrying oxygen."
"score": 0.7433043122,
"text": "Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia occurs when a lack of either of these vitamins affects the body's ability to produce fully functioning red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. Most people with vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia have underdeveloped red blood cells that are larger than normal."
"score": 0.740088582,
"text": "Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is a low red blood cell count due to a lack of vitamin B12. Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues."
"score": 0.7360213995,
"text": "Vitamin B12 or B9 (commonly called folate) deficiency anaemia occurs when a lack of vitamin B12 or folate causes the body to produce abnormally large red blood cells that cannot function properly. Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body using a substance called haemoglobin."
"score": 0.7338559031,
"text": "Vitamin B12 or B9 (commonly called folate) deficiency anaemia occurs when a lack of vitamin B12 or folate causes the body to produce abnormally large red blood cells that can't function properly. Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body using a substance called haemoglobin."
"score": 0.7329974174,
"text": "1 pernicious anaemia – where your immune system attacks healthy cells in your stomach, preventing your body from absorbing vitamin B12 from the food you eat; this is the most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency in the UK.itamin B12 is found in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, yeast extract (such as Marmite) and specially fortified foods. The best sources of folate include green vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and peas. Read more about treating vitamin B12 or folate deficiency."
"score": 0.7326314449,
"text": "Anaemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency: For vitamin B12 and folate deficiency anaemia, the treatment depends on the cause of the deficiency. If your body stores are depleted of vitamin B12, your doctor is most likely to prescribe vitamin B12 injections."
"score": 0.7326245308,
"text": "Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. (Redirected from Addison's anaemia) Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia, of which pernicious anemia is a type, is a disease in which not enough red blood cells are present due to a lack of vitamin B12. The most common initial symptom is feeling tired."
"score": 0.7316847444,
"text": "Vitamin B12 or B9 (commonly called folate) deficiency anaemia occurs when a lack of vitamin B12 or folate causes the body to produce abnormally large red blood cells that cannot function properly."
"score": 0.7315564752,
"text": "Vitamin B12 deficiency is more common in older people and affects around one in 10 over 75s. The most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency is pernicious anaemia, an auto-immune condition that affects around one in 10,000 people.itamin B12 is important for the way the body works, and people who don't have enough of it may feel tired or have a lack of energy. Vitamin B12 helps in the production of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. Not having enough vitamin B12 is called vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia."
"score": 0.7308263779,
"text": "Pernicious anaemia. The most common cause of this condition in the UK is pernicious anaemia. This typically develops when your body lacks a certain protein called intrinsic factor. Cells in your stomach release the intrinsic factor, which then attaches to the vitamin B12."
"score": 0.7305773497,
"text": "Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia is usually treated with injections of vitamin B12, in a form called hydroxocobalamin. At first, you will have these injections every other day for two weeks, or until your symptoms have stopped improving.Your GP or nurse will give the injections.f your vitamin B12 deficiency is caused by a lack of the vitamin in your diet, you may be prescribed vitamin B12 tablets to take every day between meals."
"score": 0.7285864353,
"text": "Vitamin B12 deficiency is a possible cause. Vitamin B12 is needed to make red blood cells, and it is also essential for the nerves and brain. Other nutrients that are needed to make red blood cells include iron and folate (folic acid). A lack of these in the diet can also cause anaemia."
"score": 0.7272233963,
"text": "Read about the causes of vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia. Treating vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia. Most cases of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency can be easily treated with injections or tablets to replace the missing vitamins. Vitamin B12 supplements are usually given by injection at first."
"score": 0.7262926102,
"text": "Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia occurs when a lack of either of these vitamins affects the body's ability to produce fully functioning red blood cells.Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body.itamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia occurs when a lack of either of these vitamins affects the body's ability to produce fully functioning red blood cells."
"score": 0.7253603935,
"text": "Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency. If your GP thinks your anaemia may be due to a vitamin B12 and folate deficiency, the levels of these substances may be tested. Folate works with vitamin B12 to help your body produce red blood cells.This type of anaemia is more common in people who are over 75 years old.o diagnose iron deficiency anaemia, a blood sample is taken from a vein in your arm and a full blood count is made. This means all the different types of blood cells in the sample will be measured. If you have anaemia: 1 your levels of haemoglobin (a substance that transports oxygen) will be lower than normal."
"score": 0.7237746716,
"text": "Introduction. Vitamin B12 or B9 (commonly called folate) deficiency anaemia occurs when a lack of vitamin B12 or folate causes the body to produce abnormally large red blood cells that cannot function properly.Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body using a substance called haemoglobin.ntroduction. Vitamin B12 or B9 (commonly called folate) deficiency anaemia occurs when a lack of vitamin B12 or folate causes the body to produce abnormally large red blood cells that cannot function properly."
"score": 0.7230904102,
"text": "A normal balanced diet contains enough vitamin B12. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to anaemia and sometimes to other problems such as nerve damage and heart disease. Vitamin B12 deficiency from a lack of dietary vitamin B12 is rare. Vitamin B12 is found in foods such as meat, fish, cheese, milk and eggs."
"score": 0.7209643126,
"text": "Vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is important for the way the body works, and people who don't have enough of it may feel tired or have a lack of energy. Vitamin B12 helps in the production of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. Not having enough vitamin B12 is called vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia."
"score": 0.7189226747,
"text": "Anaemia and anaemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12 can result in symptoms which include: 1 Extreme tiredness or fatigue. 2 A lack of energy or lethargy. 3 Being out of breath. 4 Feeling faint. 5 Headache. 6 Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)."
"score": 0.7174063921,
"text": "Anaemia and anaemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12 can result in symptoms which include: 1 Extreme tiredness or fatigue. 2 A lack of energy or lethargy. 3 Being out of breath. 4 Feeling faint. 5 Headache. 6 Ringing in the ears (tinnitus). 7 Lack of appetite."
"score": 0.716231823,
"text": "Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues. There are many types of anemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is a low red blood cell count due to a lack (deficiency) of vitamin B12. Your body needs vitamin B12 to make red blood cells. In order to provide vitamin B12 to your cells: You must eat plenty of foods that contain vitamin B12, such as meat, poultry, shellfish, eggs, and dairy products."
"score": 0.7161452174,
"text": "Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia is usually treated with injections of vitamin B12, in a form called hydroxocobalamin. At first, you will have these injections every other day for two weeks, or until your symptoms have stopped improving.Your GP or nurse will give the injections.itamin B12 deficiency anaemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia is usually treated with injections of vitamin B12, in a form called hydroxocobalamin. At first, you will have these injections every other day for two weeks, or until your symptoms have stopped improving. Your GP or nurse will give the injections."
"score": 0.7158974409,
"text": "A lack of vitamin B12 may lead to vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia. Good sources of vitamin B12 include: meat, salmon, cod, milk, cheese, eggs, yeast extract and some fortified breakfast cereals. Adults need around 0.0015mg a day of vitamin B12.ou should be able to get all the vitamin A you need from your diet. Good food sources include cheese, eggs, yoghurt and fortified low-fat spreads. Daily requirements: 0.7mg a day for men."
"score": 0.7131388783,
"text": "Once diagnosed, vitamin B12 deficiency can usually be treated successfully with B12 injections and sometimes with B12 tablets. Anaemia and anaemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12 can result in symptoms which include: 1 Extreme tiredness or fatigue. A lack of energy or lethargy."
"score": 0.7106750011,
"text": "Vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is important for the way the body works, and people who don't have enough of it may feel tired or have a lack of energy. Vitamin B12 helps in the production of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body.Not having enough vitamin B12 is called vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia.itamin B12 is important for the way the body works, and people who don't have enough of it may feel tired or have a lack of energy. Vitamin B12 helps in the production of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. Not having enough vitamin B12 is called vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia."
"score": 0.709738493,
"text": "Vitamin B12 deficiency is a lack of a sufficient amount of vitamin B12 in the body that for optimal health. Vitamin B12 ... more 1 ». Vitamin B12 Deficiency: A deficiency of Vitamin B12 primarily causes anemias the body is unable to make sufficient quantities of normal red blood cells. Vitamin B12 Deficiency: A deficiency of Vitamin B12 primarily causes anemias the body is unable to make sufficient quantities of normal red blood cells. 2 Severe cases can lead to permanent nervous system problems."
"score": 0.7096279263,
"text": "vitamin b12 deficiency vitamin b12 is important for the way the body works and people who don t have enough of it may feel tired or have a lack of energy vitamin b12 helps in the production of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body not having enough vitamin b12 is called vitamin b12 deficiency anaemia"
"score": 0.7084724903,
"text": "Once diagnosed, vitamin B12 deficiency can usually be treated successfully with B12 injections and sometimes with B12 tablets. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency Anaemia and anaemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12 can result in symptoms which include:"
"score": 0.7058689594,
"text": "Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. Anaemia and anaemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12 can result in symptoms which include: 1 Extreme tiredness or fatigue. 2 A lack of energy or lethargy."
"score": 0.7055978179,
"text": "Vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is important for the way the body works, and people who don't have enough of it may feel tired or have a lack of energy. Vitamin B12 helps in the production of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body.Not having enough vitamin B12 is called vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia.itamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is important for the way the body works, and people who don't have enough of it may feel tired or have a lack of energy. Vitamin B12 helps in the production of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body."
"score": 0.7024624348,
"text": "As well as the symptoms of anaemia, vitamin B12 deficiency may cause neurological symptoms such as inflammation of the nerves (neuritis) which can affect movement and sensation, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), colour blindness, lightheadedness, confusion, depression, poor concentration and forgetfulness."
"score": 0.6979557276,
"text": "Vitamin B12 is important for the way the body works, and people who don't have enough of it may feel tired or have a lack of energy. Vitamin B12 helps in the production of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. Not having enough vitamin B12 is called vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia."
"score": 0.6975402832,
"text": "Other causes of vitamin B12 deficiency include: 1 Atrophic gastritis, or thinning of the stomach lining. 2 Stomach ulcers. 3 Surgery to remove part of the stomach or small intestine. 4 Digestive conditions such as Crohn's disease, coeliac disease, bacterial growth or a parasite.ymptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. Anaemia and anaemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12 can result in symptoms which include: 1 Extreme tiredness or fatigue. 2 A lack of energy or lethargy. 3 Being out of breath. 4 Feeling faint."
"score": 0.6968426704,
"text": "Usually the B12 deficiency that underlies pernicious anemia is not caused by a lack of B12 in the diet. That's because this vitamin is plentiful in eggs, dairy products, meat, fish, and poultry, and it's efficiently stored in the liver."
"score": 0.6964459419,
"text": "Some of these problems can also occur if you have a deficiency in vitamin B12 or folate, but don't have anaemia. Read about the symptoms of vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia. When to see your GP. See your GP if you think you may have a vitamin B12 or folate deficiency. These conditions can often be diagnosed based on your symptoms and the results of a blood test."
"score": 0.6962000132,
"text": "Vitamin B12 is important for the way the body works, and people who don't have enough of it may feel tired or have a lack of energy. Vitamin B12 helps in the production of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. Not having enough vitamin B12 is called vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia.itamin B12 is important for the way the body works, and people who don't have enough of it may feel tired or have a lack of energy. Vitamin B12 helps in the production of healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. Not having enough vitamin B12 is called vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia."
"score": 0.6960709095,
"text": "A lack of vitamin B12 may lead to vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia. Good sources of vitamin B12 include: meat, salmon, cod, milk, cheese, eggs, yeast extract and some fortified breakfast cereals. Adults need around 0.0015mg a day of vitamin B12.itamin A helps maintain a healthy immunity immune system, vision and skin. You should be able to get all the vitamin A you need from your diet. Good food sources include cheese, eggs, yoghurt and fortified low-fat spreads."
"score": 0.6944737434,
"text": "Anemia Caused By Vitamin B12 and Folate Deficiency Treatment depends on the cause of the deficiency. If your body stores are depleted of vitamin B12, your doctor will most likely prescribe vitamin B12 injections."
"score": 0.693392992,
"text": "Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. Anaemia and anaemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12 can result in symptoms which include: 1 Extreme tiredness or fatigue. 2 A lack of energy or lethargy.3 Being out of breath. 4 Feeling faint. 5 Headache. 6 Ringing in the ears (tinnitus). 7 Lack of appetite.naemia and anaemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12 can result in symptoms which include: 1 Extreme tiredness or fatigue. 2 A lack of energy or lethargy. 3 Being out of breath. 4 Feeling faint. 5 Headache. 6 Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)."
"score": 0.6928788424,
"text": "Causes of vitamin B12 deficiency Pernicious anaemia In most cases, vitamin B12 deficiency happens because the stomach cannot produce enough of a substance called intrinsic factor (IF), which is needed for vitamin B12 to be absorbed. This is called pernicious anaemia."
"score": 0.6910195947,
"text": "pale skin. As well as the symptoms of anaemia, vitamin B12 deficiency may cause neurological symptoms such as inflammation of the nerves (neuritis) which can affect movement and sensation, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), colour blindness, lightheadedness, confusion, depression, poor concentration and forgetfulness."
"score": 0.6902689934,
"text": "Vitamin B12 deficiency is risk for people who follow a strict vegan diet who don't eat the major food sources of B12: meat, eggs and dairy products. Babies whose mums are vegetarians may have vitamin B12 deficiency. Other causes of vitamin B12 deficiency include:1 Atrophic gastritis, or thinning of the stomach lining.ymptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. Anaemia and anaemia caused by a lack of vitamin B12 can result in symptoms which include: 1 Extreme tiredness or fatigue. 2 A lack of energy or lethargy. 3 Being out of breath. 4 Feeling faint. 5 Headache. 6 Ringing in the ears (tinnitus). 7 Lack of appetite."
"score": 0.6882721782,
"text": "Neuropsychiatric symptoms of B12 deficiency: not just in the elderly and often without anaemia. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient, needed for the function of many systems in the body. As a result of a B12 deficiency haematological, neurological, gastro-intestinal and psychiatric problems can develop. The psychiatric symptoms can precede the other symptoms, among which the well known anaemia, in some cases even with years."
"score": 0.6860981584,
"text": "Having vitamin B12 deficiency means that your body does not have enough of this vitamin. You need B12 to make red blood cells , which carry oxygen through your body. Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, which means your body does not have enough red blood cells to do the job. This can make you feel weak and tired."
"score": 0.6855151057,
"text": "Having vitamin B12 deficiency means that your body does not have enough of this vitamin. You need B12 to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen through your body. Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, which means your body does not have enough red blood cells to do the job. This can make you feel weak and tired."
"score": 0.6839203835,
"text": "Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying part of red blood cells. It gives these blood cells their red color. B12 deficiency anemia is a low red blood cell count due to a lack of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is essential for normal nervous system function and blood cell production. The main sources of vitamin B12 include meat, eggs, and dairy products. For vitamin B12 to be sufficiently absorbed by the body, it must bind to intrinsic factor, a protein released by cells in the stomach."
"score": 0.6815754175,
"text": "Vitamin B12 is found in foods such as meat, fish, cheese, milk and eggs. It is generally not found in plant foods, so people who follow a vegan diet or have a poor diet for a long time are at significant risk. Deficiency over a prolonged period of time can lead to pernicious anaemia."
"score": 0.6799664497,
"text": "Lack of iron is the most common cause of anaemia in the UK. This is called iron-deficiency anaemia. If you eat a normal balanced diet, it usually contains enough iron. See separate leaflet called Diets Suitable for People with Anaemia for more details. The following are some reasons that may lead to a lack of iron and result in iron-deficiency anaemia: 1 Pregnancy or childhood growth spurts. 2 Heavy menstrual periods. 3 Poor absorption of iron. Bleeding from the gut 1 (intestines). If you eat a poor or restricted diet."
"score": 0.6767932177,
"text": "Having vitamin B12 deficiency means that your body does not have enough of this vitamin. You need B12 to make red blood cells , which carry oxygen through your body. Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, which means your body does not have enough red blood cells to do the job. This can make you feel weak and tired. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause damage to your nerves and can affect memory and thinking."
"score": 0.6763262749,
"text": "My vitamin B12 level is 399, which points to a deficiency that is caused by pernicious anemia. I've dealt with iron deficient anemia and my red cells are slowly shrinking and not absorbing Iron from food. This started in 2011 to 2015. Received blood once and had 3 iron infusions."
"score": 0.6728653312,
"text": "Having vitamin B12 deficiency means that your body does not have enough of this vitamin. You need B12 to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen through your body. Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, which means your body does not have enough red blood cells to do the job.This can make you feel weak and tired.Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause damage to your nerves and can affect memory and thinking.ou need B12 to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen through your body. Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, which means your body does not have enough red blood cells to do the job. This can make you feel weak and tired. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause damage to your nerves and can affect memory and thinking."
"score": 0.6721185446,
"text": "Older people may be more likely to have vitamin B12 deficiency. B12 deficiency is linked to anaemia and neurological problems, including memory loss. B12 is found in fortified breakfast cereals, yeast extract and meat. A daily supplement of 2mg or less a day of vitamin B12 is unlikely to cause any harm."
"score": 0.6693531275,
"text": "Having vitamin B12 deficiency means that your body does not have enough of this vitamin. You need B12 to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen through your body. Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, which means your body does not have enough red blood cells to do the job. This can make you feel weak and tired.Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause damage to your nerves and can affect memory and thinking.aving vitamin B12 deficiency means that your body does not have enough of this vitamin. You need B12 to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen through your body. Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, which means your body does not have enough red blood cells to do the job. This can make you feel weak and tired."
"score": 0.6690908074,
"text": "Having vitamin B12 deficiency means that your body does not have enough of this vitamin. You need B12 to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen through your body.Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, which means your body does not have enough red blood cells to do the job. This can make you feel weak and tired.Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause damage to your nerves and can affect memory and thinking.ou need B12 to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen through your body. Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, which means your body does not have enough red blood cells to do the job. This can make you feel weak and tired. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause damage to your nerves and can affect memory and thinking."
"score": 0.6688313484,
"text": "Nutritional iron deficiency is the biggest cause of anemia worldwide, and it's a problem is some segments of the United States. For folate or vitamin B12, it's much less common to be deficient."
"score": 0.6682806611,
"text": "Having vitamin B12 deficiency means that your body does not have enough of this vitamin. You need B12 to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen through your body. Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, which means your body does not have enough red blood cells to do the job. This can make you feel weak and tired.Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause damage to your nerves and can affect memory and thinking.ou need B12 to make red blood cells, which carry oxygen through your body. Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, which means your body does not have enough red blood cells to do the job. This can make you feel weak and tired. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause damage to your nerves and can affect memory and thinking."
"score": 0.659794867,
"text": "Pernicious anemia is a rare blood disorder characterized by the inability of the body to properly utilize vitamin B12, which is essential for the development of red blood cells. Most cases result from the lack of the gastric protein known as intrinsic factor, without which vitamin B12 cannot be absorbed."
"score": 0.6428470612,
"text": "Vitamin B12 Deficiency. Vitamin B12 assists in the production of red blood cells which transport oxygen to the brain, so impaired absorption of vitamin B12 or a vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to dementia caused by pernicious anemia.itamin B12 assists in the production of red blood cells which transport oxygen to the brain, so impaired absorption of vitamin B12 or a vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to dementia caused by pernicious anemia."
"score": 0.6417623162,
"text": "The vitamin is necessary for the growth and replication of all body cells and the functioning of the nervous system. Deficiency of vitamin B12 causes pernicious anemia and other forms of megaloblastic anemia, and neurologic lesions. Vitamin B12 is stored in the liver. A healthy adult has a large reserve supply of B12 available, and B12 levels tend to change slowly."
"score": 0.6384820342,
"text": "The bottom line: In the UK, vitamin B12 in the injectable form is available only on prescription and should be administered under the direction of a medical professional. There isn't much evidence to back up the celebrity fad for B12 injections. If you don't have a deficiency, it probably won't do anything. B12 is water soluble so, if your body doesn't need it, the excess will simply be excreted."
] |
what is the active ingredients of zonrox bleach | [
"score": 0.6932064891,
"text": "* concentration of Zonrox * strain of E. coli Research Procedure: Summary It has been shown to react with microbe's heat shock proteins, stimulating their role as an intracellular chaperone and causing the bacteria to form into clumps that it will eventually die off. Zonrox active ingredient: sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) Statement of Problem: What is the minimum time needed for the antibacterial effect of Zonrox (sodium hypochlorite) against Escherichia coli? E. coli Dependent Variable: * minimum time needed to kill bacteria Hypothesis: If the minimum time needed for the antibacterial effect of Zonrox against E. coli is 30 minutes, then there will be no growth. Conclusion"
] | [
"score": 0.673517704,
"text": "hypochlorite (the active ingredient to disinfect in bleach). The concentration of sodium hypochlorite in the new Clorox Concentrated product is 8.25%, compared to 5.25% in Clorox® Regular and 6% in Clorox® Ultra. If you use this new"
"score": 0.67239815,
"text": "The ingredients in Clorox bleach are water, sodium hypochlorite (used to whiten and kill bacteria), sodium chloride, sodium carbonate (removes alcohol and grease stains), sodium chlorate, sodium hydroxide (removes soils that are fatty, oily, or acidic), and sodium polyacrylate."
"score": 0.6648998857,
"text": "Look for products such as Clorox Clean-Up® Cleaner with Bleach, Fantastic Spray with Bleach and Soft Scrub with Bleach. The active ingredient in the product will be sodium hypochlorite if the product is a bleach-based disinfectant. Quaternary ammonium sanitizers.Quaternary ammonium compounds, or quats, are widely available, and are also effective sanitizers. The active ingredient in this type of product is a mixture of compounds that would be noted as alkyl dimethyl ammonium chlorides on the product label.ook for products such as Clorox Clean-Up® Cleaner with Bleach, Fantastic Spray with Bleach and Soft Scrub with Bleach. The active ingredient in the product will be sodium hypochlorite if the product is a bleach-based disinfectant. Quaternary ammonium sanitizers."
"score": 0.6639584303,
"text": "Sodium Hypochlorite is the active ingredient in chlorine bleach. It is found in household bleach and many other disinfectants. Sodium hypochlorite reacts with ammonia, drain cleaners, and other acids. Many household products state that they contain bleach on the label."
"score": 0.6552779675,
"text": "Active oxygen bleaching agents include sodium perborate, sodium percarbonate, sodium perphosphate, sodium persulfate, and urea peroxide. These compounds release hydrogen peroxide during the wash cycle. Hydrogen peroxide is however an inefficient bleach below 60 °C (140 °F)."
"score": 0.6423544288,
"text": "5/2013. Clorox® has recently released a new product called Clorox® Concentrated that has a stronger concentration of sodium. hypochlorite (the active ingredient to disinfect in bleach). The concentration of sodium hypochlorite in the new Clorox. Concentrated product is 8.25%, compared to 5.25% in Clorox® Regular and 6% in Clorox® Ultra."
"score": 0.6422858834,
"text": "Careful use of the product allows people to take full advantage of all it has to offer. The bleach active in Clorox2® Stain Fighter and Color Booster is hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). At the concentration used in the laundry, hydrogen peroxide is a much less aggressive bleach than sodium hypochlorite."
"score": 0.6404500604,
"text": "The Use of Bleach Bleach is a strong and effective disinfectant. Its active ingredient, sodium hypochlorite, denatures protein in micro-organisms and is therefore effective in killing bacteria, fungus and viruses. Household bleach works quickly and is widely available at a low cost."
"score": 0.6312007904,
"text": "Q: What is bleach? A: The active ingredient in household bleach is sodium hypochlorite, which is derived from salt. In fact, Clorox is headquartered in Oakland, California because we started making bleach here by running electricity through salt water from San Francisco Bay! So household bleach begins and ends as salt and water."
"score": 0.6214475036,
"text": "Keep Food Safe: Clean, Sanitize, and Disinfect. *Read the label on the bleach bottle: Sodium hypochlorite is the active ingredient. in chlorine bleach. Different brands of bleach. may have different amounts of this ingredient; the measurements shown below are for. bleach that contains 6% to 6.15% sodium."
"score": 0.6110196114,
"text": "Can you tell me the difference between color safe and non-color safe bleach? The bleach active in Clorox® Regular-Bleach is sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). This is the bleach that people sometimes refer to as \"chlorine bleach\" (even though the active is hypochlorite, not chlorine). It can be safely used as directed on a variety of fabrics, for example cotton, polyester, cotton/poly blends, acrylic, and nylon."
"score": 0.6082270145,
"text": "STEP 3. Mix 1 mL of Zonrox® bleach to the solution Mix 1 mL of Zonrox® bleach to the solution. STEP 4. Streak the one loop full solution in a three quadrant type on the half of the 3 Nutrient Agar plates labelled 0 min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min and 30 minutes."
"score": 0.6004658341,
"text": "Mix 1 mL of Zonrox® bleach to the solution Mix 1 mL of Zonrox® bleach to the solution. step 4 Streak the one loop full solution in a three quadrant type on the half of the 3 Nutrient Agar plates labelled 0 min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min and 30 minutes."
"score": 0.6003807187,
"text": "The active ingredient in bleach is hydrogen peroxide. That's what breaks down the melanin in your hair, making it lighter. Hydrogen peroxide is also in developer. The higher the volume, the more peroxide. Developer has less hydrogen peroxide than actual bleach products, but it is still lightly bleaching your hair."
"score": 0.599379003,
"text": "Mix 1 mL of Zonrox® bleach to the solution Mix 1 mL of Zonrox® bleach to the solution. STEP 4 Streak the one loop full solution in a three quadrant type on the half of the 3 Nutrient Agar plates labelled 0 min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min and 30 minutes."
"score": 0.5989477634,
"text": "Record the result. Mix 1 mL of Zonrox® bleach to the solution Mix 1 mL of Zonrox® bleach to the solution. Streak the one loop full solution in a three quadrant type on the half of the 3 Nutrient Agar plates labelled 0 min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min and 30 minutes."
"score": 0.580222249,
"text": "Zofran's active ingredient is the chemical ondansetron. Ondansetron, which is also sold as ondansetron hydrochloride, was developed by GlaxoSmithKline during the 1980s as a drug to alleviate nausea and vomiting."
"score": 0.5801469684,
"text": "The active ingredient in ZOFRAN® Tablets and ZOFRAN® Oral Solution is ondansetron hydrochloride (HCl) as the dihydrate, the racemic form of ondansetron and a selective blocking agent of the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor type."
"score": 0.5798521042,
"text": "The active ingredient in ZOFRAN Injection is ondansetron hydrochloride (HCl), the racemic form of ondansetron and a selective blocking agent of the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor type. Chemically it is (±) 1, 2, 3, 9-tetrahydro-9-methyl-3-[(2-methyl-1H-imidazol-1-yl)methyl]-4H-carbazol-4-one, monohydrochloride, dihydrate."
"score": 0.5797793865,
"text": "Zonegran® (zonisamide) is an antiseizure drug chemically classified as a sulfonamide and unrelated to other antiseizure agents. The active ingredient is zonisamide, 1,2-benzisoxazole-3-methanesulfonamide. The empirical formula is C8H8N2O3S with a molecular weight of 212.23."
"score": 0.5767611861,
"text": "Read important information about first aid for bleach burns, which can be caused by chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite). Chlorine bleach is a caustic household substance that can cause significant irritation and burns. The active ingredient in Clorox bleach and other cholorine bleaches is sodium hypochlorite. First aid for bleach burns is similar to first aid for other chemical burns."
"score": 0.5754374266,
"text": "Sodium hypochlorite, the active ingredient in household bleach, was discovered by the French chemist Berthollet, in Javel on the outskirts of Paris, in 1787. L eau de Javel. Sodium Hypochlorite Louis Pasteur discovered sodium hypochlorite's potent effectiveness against disease-causing bacteria, and it became widely used as a disinfectant."
"score": 0.5751083493,
"text": "The name of its original bleach product, Clorox, was coined as a portmanteau of chlorine and sodium hydroxide, the two main ingredients. The original Clorox packaging featured a diamond-shaped logo, and the diamond shape has persisted in one form or another in Clorox branding to the present."
"score": 0.5721450448,
"text": "DESCRIPTION. 1 The active ingredient in ZOFRAN Injection is ondansetron hydrochloride (HCl), the racemic form of ondansetron and a selective blocking agent of the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor type. Chemically it is (±) 1, 2, 3, 9-tetrahydro-9-methyl-3-[(2-methyl-1H-imidazol-1-yl)methyl]-4H-carbazol-4-one, monohydrochloride, dihydrate."
"score": 0.5695804358,
"text": "Read important information about first aid for bleach burns, which can be caused by chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite). slide 1 of 5. Chlorine bleach is a caustic household substance that can cause significant irritation and burns. The active ingredient in Clorox bleach and other cholorine bleaches is sodium hypochlorite. First aid for bleach burns is similar to first aid for other chemical burns. slide 2 of 5."
"score": 0.5675303936,
"text": "(ondansetron hydrochloride) Injection. The active ingredient of ZOFRAN Injection is ondansetron hydrochloride, a selective blocking agent of the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor type. Its chemical name is (±) 1, 2, 3, 9-tetrahydro-9-methyl-3-[(2-methyl-1H-imidazol-1-yl)methyl]-4H-carbazol-4-one, monohydrochloride, dihydrate."
"score": 0.5643850565,
"text": "Borax is used in various household laundry and cleaning products, including the 20 Mule Team Borax laundry booster and Boraxo powdered hand soap. Despite its name, Borateem laundry bleach no longer contains borax or other boron compounds. Borax is also present in some tooth bleaching formulas."
"score": 0.5622014403,
"text": "DRUG DESCRIPTION. The active ingredient in ZOFRAN® Tablets and ZOFRAN® Oral Solution is ondansetron hydrochloride (HCl) as the dihydrate, the racemic form of ondansetron and a selective blocking agent of the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor type."
"score": 0.5592455864,
"text": "DRUG DESCRIPTION. The active ingredient of ZOFRAN Injection is ondansetron hydrochloride, a selective blocking agent of the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor type. Its chemical name is (±) 1, 2, 3, 9-tetrahydro-9-methyl-3-[(2-methyl-1H-imidazol-1-yl)methyl]-4H-carbazol-4-one, monohydrochloride, dihydrate."
"score": 0.5584836006,
"text": "Zosyn is a combination of two antibiotics administered by intravenous drip and used to fight bacterial infections. Zosyn's two active ingredients are Zosyn is a combination of two antibiotics administered by intravenous drip and used to fight bacterial infections. Zosyn's two active ingredients are piperacillin and tazobactam. Piperacillin is a penicillin-type antibiotic that works by stopping the growth of bacteria."
"score": 0.5580029488,
"text": "The active ingredient in ZOFRAN® Tablets and ZOFRAN® Oral Solution is ondansetron hydrochloride (HCl) as the dihydrate, the racemic form of ondansetron and a selective blocking agent of the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor type.he empirical formula is C 18 H 19 N 3 O representing a molecular weight of 293.4. Each 4-mg ZOFRAN Tablet for oral administration contains ondansetron HCl dehydrate equivalent to 4 mg of ondansetron. Each 8-mg ZOFRAN Tablet for oral administration contains ondansetron HCl dihydrate equivalent to 8 mg of ondansetron."
"score": 0.557492733,
"text": "The active ingredient is called ciclopirox, which is an antifungal agent in the hydroxyl pyridine family. It is not an azole or an allylamine, which are the products currently being used for the treatment of nail fungus."
"score": 0.5559060574,
"text": "It is the bromine analogue of sodium hypochlorite, the active ingredient in common bleach; in practice the salt is usually encountered as an aqueous solution. Sodium hypobromite arises by treatment of aqueous solution of bromine with base: Br 2 + 2 NaOH → NaBr + NaOBr + H 2 O References"
"score": 0.5529079437,
"text": "The active ingredient in Zofran ODT orally disintegrating tablets is ondansetron base, the racemic form of ondansetron, and a selective blocking agent of the serotonin 5‑HT3 receptor type. Chemically it is (±) 1, 2, 3, 9-tetrahydro-9-methyl-3-[(2-methyl-1H-imidazol-1-yl)methyl]-4H-carbazol-4-one."
"score": 0.5511510372,
"text": "The active ingredient in ZOFRAN ODT® Orally Disintegrating Tablets is ondansetron base, the. racemic form of ondansetron, and a selective blocking agent of the serotonin 5-HT. 3 receptor type. Chemically it is (±) 1, 2, 3, 9-tetrahydro-9-methyl-3-[(2-methyl-1H-imidazol-1-yl)methyl]-4H-. carbazol-4-one."
"score": 0.5510754585,
"text": "A , Pharmacy, answered. Zosyn is a combination of two antibiotics administered by intravenous drip and used to fight bacterial infections. Zosyn's two active ingredients are piperacillin and tazobactam. Piperacillin is a penicillin-type antibiotic that works by stopping the growth of bacteria. Tazobactam is an enzyme inhibitor (beta-lactamase inhibitor) that helps the piperacillin work better."
"score": 0.5459486246,
"text": "Ondansetron HCl dihydrate is a white to off-white powder that is soluble in water and normal saline. The active ingredient in ZOFRAN ODT® Orally Disintegrating Tablets is ondansetron base, the racemic form of ondansetron, and a selective blocking agent of the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor type. Chemically it is (±) 1, 2, 3, 9-tetrahydro-9-methyl-3-[(2-methyl-1H-imidazol-1-yl)methyl]-4Hcarbazol- 4-one."
"score": 0.5457184315,
"text": "Ondansetron HCl dihydrate is a white to off-white powder that is soluble in water and normal saline. The active ingredient in ZOFRAN ODT® Orally Disintegrating Tablets is ondansetron base, the racemic form of ondansetron, and a selective blocking agent of the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor type."
"score": 0.5445981026,
"text": "The sodium (Na +) content is 0.38 mg/mL (5 mEq/300-mL bag; 3.3 mEq/200-mL bag; and 1.7 mEq/100-mL bag). ZYVOX Tablet for oral administration contains 600 mg linezolid as a film-coated compressed tablet.Inactive ingredients are corn starch, microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropylcellulose, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, polyethylene glycol, titanium dioxide, and carnauba wax.he sodium (Na +) content is 2.92 mg per 600-mg tablet (0.1 mEq/tablet). ZYVOX for Oral Suspension is supplied as an orange-flavored granule/powder for constitution into a suspension for oral administration."
"score": 0.5361107588,
"text": "Active Ingredients: Titanium Dioxide 3.16%, Octinoxate (Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate) 3.00% Water, Cyclopentasiloxane, Glycerin, Peg-9 Polydimethylsiloxyethyldimethicone, Pentylene Glycol, Phenyl Trimethicone, Cylcohexasiloxane, Butylene Glycol, Diphenyl Dimethicone/Silsesquioxane Crosspolymer, Sorbitan Sesquioleate, Talc, Butylene Glycol Dicaprylate ..."
"score": 0.5229249001,
"text": "Zanaflex® tablets are supplied as 4 mg tablets for oral administration. Zanaflex® tablets contain the active ingredient, tizanidine hydrochloride (4.58 mg equivalent to 4 mg tizanidine base), and the inactive ingredients, colloidal silicon dioxide, stearic acid, microcrystalline cellulose and anhydrous lactose. Source: rxlist.com."
"score": 0.5221822262,
"text": "Apply only on CLEARFIELD canola, lentil, rice, sunflower, and wheat varieties. Active Ingredient: ammonium salt of imazamox: 2-[4,5-dihydro-4-methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-. 5-oxo-1H-imidazol-2-yl]-5-(methoxymethyl)-3-pyridinecarboxylic acid* . . . . . . . 12.1%."
"score": 0.5201512575,
"text": "Zanaflex Capsules® contain the active ingredient, tizanidine hydrochloride (2.29 mg equivalent to 2 mg tizanidine base, 4.58 mg equivalent to 4 mg tizanidine base, and 6.87 mg equivalent to 6 mg tizanidine base), and the inactive ingredients, hypromellose, silicon dioxide, sugar spheres, titanium dioxide, gelatin, and colorants."
"score": 0.5158617496,
"text": "Disinfect water using household bleach, if you can't boil water. Only use regular, unscented chlorine bleach products that are suitable for disinfection and sanitization as indicated on the label. The label may say that the active ingredient contains 6 or 8.25% of sodium hypochlorite."
"score": 0.5154930353,
"text": "DRUG DESCRIPTION. ZYLOPRIM (allopurinol) is known chemically as 1,5-dihydro-4H-pyrazolo [3,4-d]pyrimidin-4-one. It is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor which is administered orally. Each scored white tablet contains 100 mg allopurinol and the inactive ingredients lactose, magnesium stearate, potato starch, and povidone. Each scored peach tablet contains 300 mg allopurinol and the inactive ingredients corn starch, FD&C Yellow No. 6 Lake, lactose, magnesium stearate, and povidone."
"score": 0.5146608949,
"text": "DRUG DESCRIPTION. ZYLOPRIM (allopurinol) is known chemically as 1,5-dihydro-4H-pyrazolo [3,4-d]pyrimidin-4-one. It is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor which is administered orally. Each scored white tablet contains 100 mg allopurinol and the inactive ingredients lactose, magnesium stearate, potato starch, and povidone."
"score": 0.50824821,
"text": "Conventional deodorants and antiperspirants use an aluminum compound as the active ingredient. Dove's active ingredient is ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM TETRACHLOROHYDREX GLYCINE COMPLEX (mmmm that sounds safe). Some studies have shown there to be a link between aluminum and Alzheimer's and possibly some forms of breast cancers.onventional deodorants and antiperspirants use an aluminum compound as the active ingredient. Dove's active ingredient is ALUMINUM ZIRCONIUM TETRACHLOROHYDREX GLYCINE COMPLEX (mmmm that sounds safe). Some studies have shown there to be a link between aluminum and Alzheimer's and possibly some forms of breast cancers."
"score": 0.5045681,
"text": "Ingredients Borax or sodium tetraborite decahydrate, is a naturally occurring mineral composed of sodium (salt), boron, (a primary element in almost everything), oxygen, and water.The powdered form of borax used in cleaning is the dehydrated version.lthough Borax is a naturally-occurring substance, it still must be used with caution, sodium borate a component of Borax when enters the human body becomes boric acid, which ingested in large amounts has been proven to cause reproductive abnormalities."
"score": 0.4955981374,
"text": "What are the active ingredients in Alka-Seltzer Cold and Flu? A: The active ingredients in Alka-Seltzer Plus Severe Cold and Flu are acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine maleate, dextromethorphan hydrobromide and phenylephrin... Full Answer > Filed Under:"
"score": 0.4922860563,
"text": "Looking at the label, one can see that the active ingredient in ZzzQuil is diphenhydramine, which is more commonly known as the active ingredient in Benadryl, according to Shalini Paruthi, M.D., a fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the director of the Pediatric Sleep and Research Center at Cardinal Glennon Children's Medical Center ..."
"score": 0.4896511436,
"text": "Diclofenac, the active ingredient in Solaraze Gel, belongs to a group of medications called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Like other NSAIDs, it works by blocking a specific enzyme known as cyclooxygenase (COX) and blocking the production of various inflammatory substances in the body."
"score": 0.4864775836,
"text": "Everything you need to make this Rx is included... 1. FlRST®-Mouthwash BXN Compounding Kit contains premeasured diphenhydramine hydrochloride powder, lidocaine hydrochloride powder, nystatin powder, and mouthwash suspension II. 2."
"score": 0.4624618292,
"text": "Best Answer: and the answer is: The active ingredients are Calcium carbonate (550 mg) and Magnesium hydroxide (110 mg). The inactive ingredients are Dextrose, Flavoring, Magnesium stearate, Polyethylene glycol, Pregelatinized starch, and Sucrose. Tin."
"score": 0.4593945742,
"text": "Scolex Capsule contains the following active ingredients: Lycopene, Methylcobalamin, Selenium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. Scolex Capsule is used for scurvy, cell damage, wound healing, tissue repair, red blood cell production, heart attack and other conditions. Scolex Capsule contains the following active ingredients: Lycopene, Methylcobalamin, Selenium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E."
"score": 0.45922032,
"text": "Learn about the Xanax ingredients, depending on the dosage your doctor prescribes, a Xanax tablet contains 0.25, 0.5, one or two mg of alprazolam, along with other inactive Xanax ingredients. The active Xanax ingredients in the anti-anxiety medication is alprazolam. RXList.com describes alprazolam as a triazolo analog of the 1,4 benzodiazepine class of central nervous system-active compounds. Depending on the dosage your doctor prescribes, a Xanax tablet contains 0.25, 0.5, one or two mg of alprazolam. The inactive Xanax ingredients are cellulose, corn starch, docusate sodium, lactose, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and sodium benzoate."
"score": 0.4584415257,
"text": "1 The active substance (the ingredient that makes the tablets work) is Allopurinol. Each tablet contains either 100mg or 300mg of the active ingredient. The other ingredients are maize starch, carmellose sodium, cellulose, sodium lauryl sulfate, lactose, magnesium stearate."
"score": 0.4394327402,
"text": "What makes up a formulation? The pesticide formulation is a mixture of active and other ingredients (previously called inert ingredients). Synergists are a type of active ingredient that are sometimes added to formulations. Other (or inert) ingredients may aid in the application of the active ingredient."
"score": 0.4342266917,
"text": "What are the ingredients in Prevagen? A: The active ingredient in Prevagen is apoaequorin, and the inactive ingredients are white rice flour, cellulose, salt, vegetable sourced magnesium stearate and acetic acid, according to Prevagen.com. Apoaequorin is a protein originally collected from a species of jellyfish in the Puget Sound. Continue Reading."
"score": 0.4326550961,
"text": "The inactive ingredients of GLYXAMBI are the following: Tablet Core: mannitol, pregelatinized starch, corn starch, copovidone, crospovidone, talc and magnesium stearate. Coating: hypromellose, mannitol, talc, titanium dioxide, polyethylene glycol and ferric oxide, yellow (10 mg/5 mg) or ferric oxide, red (25 mg/5 mg)."
"score": 0.430871129,
"text": "Another new antidepressant, Symbyax, combines the active ingredient in Prozac with an antipsychotic, the active ingredient in Zyprexa. This combination medicine is the first drug approved by the FDA to specifically treat acute treatment-resistant depression. Older antidepressants."
"score": 0.4213917851,
"text": "The inactive ingredients in TRINTELLIX tablets include mannitol, microcrystalline cellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, sodium starch glycolate, magnesium stearate and film coating which consists of hypromellose, titanium dioxide, polyethylene glycol 400, iron oxide red (5 mg and 20 mg) and iron oxide yellow (10 mg)."
"score": 0.4195785224,
"text": "The active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol contains bi****h. When a small amount of bi****h combines with trace amounts of sulfur in your saliva and gastrointestinal tract, a black-colored substance (bi****h sulfide) is formed. This discoloration is temporary and harmless."
"score": 0.4195515215,
"text": "What are the drugs. Proair hfa (latest outcomes from 5,711 users) has active ingredients of albuterol sulfate. It is often used in asthma. Flovent hfa (latest outcomes from 402 users) has active ingredients of fluticasone propionate."
"score": 0.4024862051,
"text": "Answer 2: The active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol contains bismuth. When a small amount of bismuth combines with trace amounts of sulfur in your saliva and gastrointestinal tract, a black-colored substance (bismuth sulfide) is formed and caused a black stain. This discoloration is temporary and harmless."
"score": 0.3860999346,
"text": "What are the drugs. Klonopin (latest outcomes from 31,383 users) has active ingredients of clonazepam. It is often used in stress and anxiety. Neurontin (latest outcomes from 57,834 users) has active ingredients of gabapentin."
] |
how much does a dental crown cost | [
"score": 0.8838783503,
"text": "The prices for dental crowns range from $500 to $2,500 per crown and are dependent upon the materials used, location of tooth and geographic location. The average cost of a crown is $825, with or without dental insurance coverage. The cheapest cost of a dental crown is $500 for a simple metal crown."
] | [
"score": 0.8301720619,
"text": "1 A crown made from porcelain is going to cost anywhere from $750 to $2,800, while a gold crown can be significantly more due to the cost of the materials.2 Those with dental insurance will have to speak with their local insurance company to see if the procedure is going to be covered. A crown made from porcelain is going to cost anywhere from $750 to $2,800, while a gold crown can be significantly more due to the cost of the materials."
"score": 0.812109828,
"text": "The cost of Porcelain dental crowns is based on various factors. The porcelain dental crown cost at StarBrite Dental is US $ 899 (With limited time coupon). We use the latest All-Ceramic Crown and mill it in our own facility using the Sirona CEREC machine. The crown is then glazed to match perfectly with your teeth color."
"score": 0.8076299429,
"text": "Typically, the price of a CEREC crown ranges from $500 to $850, depending on your location. Some dentists offer payment plans, to help stretch the cost of your treatment."
"score": 0.7921075821,
"text": "The cost of a dental crown depends of the material of the crown (gold, porcelain fused to gold, or plain porcelain). The price is also different for conventionnal crowns or f … or crowns placed on implants.The price in Canada is between $900 and $1500, depending on which part of the country you live.he cost of a dental crown depends of the material of the crown (gold, porcelain fused to gold, or plain porcelain). The price is also different for conventionnal crowns or f … or crowns placed on implants."
"score": 0.7628062367,
"text": "Type of Crown: 6 crowns. It cost $1,000 per crown I had 6 crowns a root canal exrays for $9,400. Insurance paid $1,000. Now retired and will have all of them pulled as they go band and get fals teeth.hich Tooth: 2,3,4. Type of Crown: porcelain. The ORIGINAL cost was 6058 but i spoke directly with my dentist who in 2007 did a 3 unit bridge on 17, 18 and 19 for me which was porcelain fused to metal for 3780."
"score": 0.7394580841,
"text": "How much you can expect to pay out of pocket for a dental crown, including what people paid in 2017. The cost of a dental crown depends on the materials used; the size, location and condition of the tooth; local rates; and the dentist's training and experience."
"score": 0.7306323051,
"text": "Let's start with a detailed breakdown of how much root canals cost. How Much Does A Root Canal Cost? Root canal treatment is almost always accompanied by a crown. You might only need a filling if you're lucky. But most likely, the question you should be asking is: How much is a root canal and a crown? Well, it's easiest to start with \"hard costs\". Root canal therapy costs $300-2000. Crowns cost $500-3000. If you're one of those lucky ones who don't quite need a crown, dental fillings cost $90-300. That leaves a wide range of totals costs for root canal treatment: about $400-$5000."
"score": 0.6708026528,
"text": "Average Cost Of Dental Implants In Pa. 2 May 2012 How much you can expect to pay out of pocket for Dental Implants, including what people are paying in 2013 with high cost, Abutment, Implant and Crown Average Cost: $4,263 .."
"score": 0.6663460732,
"text": "How Much Does Clear Choice Dental Implants Costs. 23 Mar 2010 The cost of dental implants Clear Choice can vary significantly The costs do not vary very much, but we can probably expect to pay between . How Much Does Clear Choice Dental Implants Costs. The average cost for clear choice ranges between $30,000 and $40,000. The cost of dental implants clear choice can vary significantly. Consult a dentist for. How Much Does Clear Choice Dental Implants Costs. The clear choice for your solution to dental implants is always going to improve your profilo."
"score": 0.6552906036,
"text": "How much does it cost to recement a tooth crown? How much approximately does it cost to recement a crowned tooth in Charlotte, nc?. Yes I had a tooth replaced with a crown about 10 or so years ago in the front and now it is loose Post to Facebook"
] |
what is the words to the anchor holds the gaither band | [
"score": 0.7336376309,
"text": "The anchor holds. Though the ship is battered. The anchor holds. Though the sails are torn. I have fallen on my knees as I face the raging seas. The anchor holds in spite of the storm. I've had visions, I've had dreams. I've even held them in my hand."
] | [
"score": 0.7205883265,
"text": "Through the long, dark night. Out on the open sea. By faith alone. Sight unknown. And yet His eyes were watching me. The anchor holds. Though the ship is battered. The anchor holds. Though the sails are torn."
"score": 0.5478631258,
"text": "1 anchor. noun, an·chor often attributive \\ˈaŋ-kər\\. Tweet. : a heavy device that is attached to a boat or ship by a rope or chain and that is thrown into the water to hold the boat or ship in place. : a person or thing that provides strength and support.efinition of ANCHOR for Kids. 1. : a heavy device attached to a ship by a cable or chain and used to hold the ship in place when thrown overboard."
"score": 0.5462732315,
"text": "Definition of anchor for English Language Learners. : a heavy device that is attached to a boat or ship by a rope or chain and that is thrown into the water to hold the boat or ship in place. : a person or thing that provides strength and support."
"score": 0.5450744629,
"text": "By this association the anchor can be seen symbolically as something that holds you in place and provides you the strength to hold on no matter how rough things get. In a nutshell, an anchor does what an anchor is supposed to do.It's a reminder for people that no matter what happens, they will get through it.y this association the anchor can be seen symbolically as something that holds you in place and provides you the strength to hold on no matter how rough things get. In a nutshell, an anchor does what an anchor is supposed to do."
"score": 0.5436754227,
"text": "Learner's definition of ANCHOR. [count] 1. : a heavy device that is attached to a boat or ship by a rope or chain and that is thrown into the water to hold the boat or ship in place. The ship dropped anchor in a secluded harbor. Several yachts stood/sat/rode at anchor [=were held in place by an anchor] in the harbor."
"score": 0.5409730673,
"text": "The Anchor-As A Symbol. One who has control over the mind is tranquil in heat and cold, in pleasure and pain, and in honor and dishonor..- Bhagavad Gita. The Anchor is a Symbol of both Hope and steadfastness.he Anchor-As A Symbol. One who has control over the mind is tranquil in heat and cold, in pleasure and pain, and in honor and dishonor.."
"score": 0.5376297235,
"text": "Webster Dictionary(1.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition: 1 Anchor(noun) a iron instrument which is attached to a ship by a cable (rope or chain), and which, being cast overboard, lays hold of the earth by a fluke or hook and thus retains the ship in a particular station."
"score": 0.5368689299,
"text": "Template:Infobox musical composition. Anchors Aweigh is the fight song of the United States Naval Academy, and as a result, the song is strongly associated with the United States Navy. It was composed in 1906 by Charles A. Zimmerman with lyrics by Alfred Hart Miles. When he composed Anchors Aweigh, Zimmerman was a Lieutenant, and had been bandmaster of the United States Naval Academy Band since 1887. Miles was Midshipman First Class at the Academy, in the class of 1907, and asked Zimmerman to assist him in composing a song for that class, to be used as a football march."
"score": 0.5328928232,
"text": "From Acts 27:29, 30, 40, it would appear that the Roman vessels carried several anchors, which were attached to the stern as well as to the prow. The Roman anchor, like the modern one, had two teeth or flukes. In Heb. 6:19 the word is used metaphorically for that which supports or keeps one steadfast in the time of trial or of doubt. It is an emblem of hope."
"score": 0.5319266319,
"text": "The anchor is a life saver – it can prevent a ship from crashing on to rocks. For Christians, the analogy is that Christ can save spiritual lives. The nautical image of an anchor gives the idea of navigation (through life). Alternative names include St. Clement's Cross, Sailor's or Mariner's Cross."
"score": 0.5302310586,
"text": "transitive verb. 1 : to hold in place in the water by an anchor anchor a ship. 2 : to secure firmly : fix anchor a post in concrete. 3 : to act or serve as an anchor for … it is she who is anchoring the rebuilding campaign … — Gray D. Boone anchoring the evening news."
"score": 0.5284720063,
"text": "A Boat Anchor and Chain Buying Guide. An anchor holds a boat in one place by preventing the boat from moving due to external forces such as winds and tides. The anchor sits on the sea or river bed and is connected to the boat by the rode, which is either a heavy cable, rope, or chain. The earlier, more traditional anchors used a chain as the rode."
"score": 0.5234000683,
"text": "anchor. O.E. ancor, borrowed 9c. from L. ancora, from or cognate with Gk. ankyra anchor, hook (see ankle). A very early borrowing and said to be the only L. nautical term used in the Gmc. languages. The-ch-spelling emerged late 16c., in imitation of a misspelling of the L. word.The fig. sense of that which gives stability or security is from 1382..E. ancor, borrowed 9c. from L. ancora, from or cognate with Gk. ankyra anchor, hook (see ankle). A very early borrowing and said to be the only L. nautical term used in the Gmc. languages."
"score": 0.523134768,
"text": "By this association the anchor can be seen symbolically as something that holds you in place and provides you the strength to hold on no matter how rough things get. In a nutshell, an anchor does what an anchor is supposed to do.It's a reminder for people that no matter what happens, they will get through it.he anchor tattoo has meanings that are far greater than just the sea and the ships that it holds steady. In fact, in the past, it was believed that the anchor design was used to camouflage and shelter the symbol of the Holy Cross."
"score": 0.5217373371,
"text": "Usually, the presence of an anchor on or near a cemetery headstone or gravemarker signifies hope. As noted above, the purpose of an anchor is to hold a boat or ship in one position on the water, often when the existing current, tide or a storm threatens to thwart our needs and/or desires."
"score": 0.5212407112,
"text": "An anchor tattoo is so fascinating because it can withstand the force and power of the sea! It doesn't let go of the ship, just like that person in your life doesn't let go of you. Whether it's calm or choppy seas, the anchor in your life holds you steady.No matter why you are getting an anchor tattoo, it will carry with it the weight of its meaning and significance at a deeper level.Pick a motif that goes with your beliefs. Choose a location you where you will place the tattoo.n anchor tattoo is so fascinating because it can withstand the force and power of the sea! It doesn't let go of the ship, just like that person in your life doesn't let go of you. Whether it's calm or choppy seas, the anchor in your life holds you steady."
"score": 0.5210737586,
"text": "The anchor tattoo has meanings that are far greater than just the sea and the ships that it holds steady. In fact, in the past, it was believed that the anchor design was used to camouflage and shelter the symbol of the Holy Cross.n anchor tattoo is so fascinating because it can withstand the force and power of the sea! It doesn't let go of the ship, just like that person in your life doesn't let go of you. Whether it's calm or choppy seas, the anchor in your life holds you steady."
"score": 0.5204136372,
"text": "The Anchor is a Symbol of both Hope and steadfastness. When we look at an Anchor we see that it is a cross resting upon, and securely balanced within, a crescent moon or bowl. The cross has four points, and the number four represents matter. Furthermore, the crossed lines of the cross represent spirit (the."
"score": 0.5157602429,
"text": "anchor. noun. 1. mooring, hook (Nautical), bower (Nautical), kedge, drogue, sheet anchor We lost our anchor, which caused the boat to drift. 2. support, second, stay, supporter, prop, backer, backbone, mainstay, comforter, tower of strength He provided an emotional anchor for her."
"score": 0.5071115494,
"text": "Anchor of the Amoco Cadiz in Portsall, north-west Brittany, France. An anchor is a device, normally made of metal, used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting due to wind or current. The word derives from Latin ancora, which itself comes from the Greek ἄγκυρα (ankura)."
"score": 0.5059652328,
"text": "It doesn't let go of the ship, just like that person in your life doesn't let go of you. Whether it's calm or choppy seas, the anchor in your life holds you steady. No matter why you are getting an anchor tattoo, it will carry with it the weight of its meaning and significance at a deeper level.Pick a motif that goes with your beliefs. Choose a location you where you will place the tattoo.o matter why you are getting an anchor tattoo, it will carry with it the weight of its meaning and significance at a deeper level. Pick a motif that goes with your beliefs. Choose a location you where you will place the tattoo."
"score": 0.5051562786,
"text": "An anchor is a device, normally made of metal, used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting due to wind or current. The word derives from Latin ancora, which itself comes from the Greek ἄγκυρα (ankura). Anchors can either be temporary or permanent."
"score": 0.5027701259,
"text": "Anchor of the Amoco Cadiz in Portsall, north-west Brittany, France. An anchor is a device, normally made of metal, used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting due to wind or current. The word derives from Latin ancora, which itself comes from the Greek ἄγκυρα (ankura). Anchors can either be temporary or permanent."
"score": 0.5022093654,
"text": "An anchor is a device, normally made of metal, used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting due to wind or current. The word derives from Latin ancora, which itself comes from the Greek ἄγκυρα (ankura). Anchors can either be temporary or permanent. Permanent anchors are used in the creation of a mooring, and are rarely moved; a specialist service is normally needed to move or maintain them. Vessels carry one or more temporary anchors, which may be of different designs and weights."
"score": 0.5016076565,
"text": "The anchor was an early Christian symbol commonly found in the Roman catacombs as a symbol of the hope we have in Christ beyond this life, and is a fitting inscription for a Christian tomb. The symbol doubtless comes from this verse: We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.ost of what I have deals with Christianity, but anchor tattoos also represent sailors who have crossed the Atlantic, those who have been in the Navy, and also just for those who enjoy sailing. Here's what I have saved, though."
"score": 0.4977935553,
"text": "Audio Recording Armed forces medley sound recording | 1 compact disc | The Army goes rolling along--Marines Hymn--Anchors aweigh--Semper paratus--Off we go into the wild blue yonder. (Content). The U.S. Air Force Words & Music by Robert Crawford Copyright © 1939, 1942, 1951 by Carl Fischer, Inc. Copyrights renewed."
"score": 0.4935677648,
"text": "Anchor in front of the Chamber of Commerce of port city Duisburg. Anchor of the Amoco Cadiz in Portsall, north-west Brittany, France. An anchor is a device, normally made of metal, used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the craft from drifting due to wind or current. The word derives from Latin ancora, which itself comes from the Greek ἄγκυρα (ankura). Anchors can either be temporary or permanent. Permanent anchors are used in the creation of a mooring, and are rarely moved; a specialist service is normally needed to move or maintain them. Vessels carry one or more temporary anchors, which may be of different designs and weights."
"score": 0.4880574644,
"text": "The Anchor is the emblem of the rank of Chief Petty Officer of the United States Coast Guard. The Anchor is fouled and has a shield superimposed to its shank. To the novice, these are meant to identify a Chief Petty Officer of the United States Coast Guard. But to a Chief, the chain, shield and anchor have a much deeper meaning. The anchor is emblematic of a Chief. It is stability and security."
"score": 0.487488687,
"text": "The hook used at the end of a chain and dropped to the sea bottom to hold a ship in one particular place. The smallest Navy anchors can be lifted by one person; two anchors used by USS KITTY HAWK each weigh 30 tons."
"score": 0.4867126346,
"text": "The anchor was seen as a symbol of strength as anchors hold down ships even in the stormiest of weather. It was also a popular symbol because of its close resemblance to the cross. Anchors were also used to mark safe houses for those seeking refuge from persecution."
"score": 0.4838039875,
"text": "Till the anchor finally rests on the sea bed. The anchor and its chain is designed to be able to hold the ship's weight and the additional forces that'll be generated by the sea currents and waves. A ship, however, cannot anchor in deep seas where the sea bed is way below the length of the chain cable. This depth is measured using sound waves called SONAR and helps the Navigating Officer / Captain in deciding whether to anchor or not."
"score": 0.4794525206,
"text": "Gaither Music Company. CBN.com – Day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment living is the theme that frames the canvas of Gloria Gaither's life. One life lived out of a sincere belief that being available to the wonder of each day's unexpected twists and turns, is a gift from God to be responded to with persistence, joy and excellence."
"score": 0.4767054915,
"text": "The Gaither Vocal Band song The King Is Coming is one of my favorites. No doubt Southern Gospel is one of my favorite genres of music. Southern Gospel got its start in what we know as the \"Bible belt\" in the southeastern United States. It is Christian music with a southern (country) style. This could be music sung by solo artists, family bands and trios and quartets."
"score": 0.4761526585,
"text": "The anchor is generally attached to a rope or a chain. After the full length of the anchor has been dropped the ship or the boat must go reverse this will ensure that the anchor digs into the sea bed. The reversing in ship is called going astern. Once you do this the ship will be anchored completely. This is the same process that can even be followed for a boat."
"score": 0.4751108885,
"text": "Anchor – A large hook attached to the ship which. is cast overboard and digs into the sea bed to keep. the ship from moving. Bow – The front of a vessel. Bowsprit – A spar attached at an angle to the bow. of a ship, used to hold jibs. Fore and Aft – From the bow to the stern. Fore is. towards the front, aft is towards the back. Hull – The main body of the boat. Friendship's hull. has two decks."
"score": 0.4746554494,
"text": "1 They rigged two mooring legs on the ship's fantail, consisting of anchors, chain and heavy cable attached to two buoys. 2 In addition to knitting, Johnson and a group of three women and one brave man meet several times a week in an empty space near the forecastle, the area of the ship where the anchor chains are stowed.oun. 1 A heavy object attached to a cable or chain and used to moor a ship to the sea bottom, typically having a metal shank with a pair of curved, barbed flukes at one end: the boat, no longer held fast by its anchor, swung wildly [as modifier]: an anchor chain."
"score": 0.4728193581,
"text": "The anchor is the emblem of salvation and hope. It is also an appropriate device for the coat of arms of a family with a seafaring tradition. It is a common figure in the English armour, which is not surprising given that Britain is an island."
"score": 0.4720264077,
"text": "About Bill Gaither. William (Bill) J. Gaither is an American singer and songwriter of southern gospel and Contemporary Christian music. Besides having written numerous popular Christian songs with his wife, Gloria, he is also known for performing as part of the Bill Gaither Trio, and the Gaither Vocal Band."
"score": 0.4710951447,
"text": "Anchor - n. That which attaches the belayer to the rock, or otherwise prevents the belayer from being pulled off the belay stance if the leader falls. In roped technical climbing, one climber moves at a time, while the other belays. The belayer must be securely attached to the the rock by means of protection devices (cams, nuts, bolts, pitons), or tied to an immovable object like a boulder or sturdy tree."
"score": 0.4697090387,
"text": "In late 2002, Bill Gaither and Mark Lowry met with and encouraged Marsha Stevens, the lesbian author of the popular gospel song For These Tears I Died.. Stevens, who has a ministry called BALM (Born Again Lesbian Music), attended the Gaither Homecoming concert in Phoenix in December 2002, with her lesbian partner. Mark Lowry, who has sung with the Gaither Vocal Band for many years, approached her and said that he was proud of what she is doing."
"score": 0.4619298577,
"text": "The anchor grips. the ocean bottom and is fastened to the ship by a. chain. Angle Clip---- A short piece of angle bar. Angle Collar ----A ring made of angle bar. Anneal ----To soften metal by heating and. allowing it to cool slowly."
"score": 0.4557553232,
"text": "Salem, Massachusetts. Anchor – A large hook attached to the ship which. is cast overboard and digs into the sea bed to keep. the ship from moving. Bow – The front of a vessel. Bowsprit – A spar attached at an angle to the bow. of a ship, used to hold jibs. Fore and Aft – From the bow to the stern."
"score": 0.4522833824,
"text": "So he reached out. BILL GAITHER: You know, and I called a bunch of the old timers and I said, ah, we're gonna come in and have fun. We're gonna have the radio days. JONES: And they came to join Bill and his Gaither Vocal Band—big stars from all over the country."
"score": 0.4516669214,
"text": "Salem, Massachusetts. Anchor – A large hook attached to the ship which. is cast overboard and digs into the sea bed to keep. the ship from moving. Bow – The front of a vessel. Bowsprit – A spar attached at an angle to the bow. of a ship, used to hold jibs. Fore and Aft – From the bow to the stern. Fore is. towards the front, aft is towards the back. Hull – The main body of the boat. Friendship's hull. has two decks."
"score": 0.4505841136,
"text": "Be certain that your anchor can deliver the performance you will need for your boat type and the wind conditions. A \"Lunch Hook\" should be able to hold your boat in a 15-knot breeze. A main, or \"Working Anchor\" should hold up to 30-knots of wind. A \"Storm Anchor\" is for winds up to 42-knots."
"score": 0.4498336315,
"text": "BILL GAITHER: You know, and I called a bunch of the old timers and I said, ah, we're gonna come in and have fun. We're gonna have the radio days. JONES: And they came to join Bill and his Gaither Vocal Band—big stars from all over the country."
"score": 0.4459495842,
"text": "After the adoption of the anchor symbol by the Christians, meaning was given to the various parts of the anchor: The curved base of the anchor was deemed to be symbolic of Mary and the cross that rises from it is like Christ being born from her."
"score": 0.445777148,
"text": "Characterized by a slot in the shank that allows the anchor ring, the attachment point for the anchor chain, to slide from the top to the bottom of the shank -- where the flukes hold the anchor steady in the seabed -- the slip ring anchor is readily recognizable."
"score": 0.4446876645,
"text": "It is very uncommon in heraldry. The anchor is the emblem of salvation and hope. It is also an appropriate device for the coat of arms of a family with a seafaring tradition. It is a common figure in the English armour, which is not surprising given that Britain is an island."
"score": 0.4406274259,
"text": "The fouled anchor (line (rope) or chain wrapped around anchor) as a naval insignia got its start as the seal of the Lord Howard of Effingham. Lord Howard was the Lord High Admiral of England at the time of the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588."
"score": 0.4404007196,
"text": "It is very uncommon in heraldry. The anchor is the emblem of salvation and hope. It is also an appropriate device for the coat of arms of a family with a seafaring tradition. It is a common figure in the English armour, which is not surprising given that Britain is an island. It was even a device that was once born by King Richard I."
"score": 0.4377678633,
"text": "The Fouled Anchor is the emblem of the Rate of Chief Petty Officer of the United States Navy. The fouled anchor has long been the symbol of the Chief Petty Officer. In terms of the Chief, the fouled anchor symbolizes the trials and tribulations that every Chief Petty Officer must endure on a daily basis. Attached to the Anchor is a length of chain and the letters U.S.N. To the novice, the anchor, chain and letters only identify a Chief Petty Officer of the United States Navy, but, to a Chief, these have a more noble and glorious meaning. The U stands for Unity, which reminds us of cooperation, maintaining harmony and continuity of purpose and action."
"score": 0.4351558983,
"text": "In the US Navy, An anchor means that a sailor has transversed the Atlantic. The anchor is a symbol of a surface crossing (by boat or ship) of the Atlantic Ocean. <br /> <br /> A description of what anchor and other tattoo designs mean can be found on the related link. Anchor tattoos were all the rage for sailors. It was often the symbol of a very experienced sailor."
"score": 0.4340370297,
"text": "Husband of songwriter/performer Gloria Gaither. Performed as Bill and Gloria Gaither, the Bill Gaither Trio, and the Gaither Vocal Band (1991-). Also see this person's photo entry in our Dead or Alive Data Base. Copyright © 1997-2017 by David Carson. Who's Alive and Who's Dead is brought to you by Living Water Specialties."
"score": 0.4324285388,
"text": "Rock and coral: holding power is most dependent on where you happen to drop the hook, rather than the type of anchor. Plow-shaped or grapnel-type anchors, with high structural strength to sustain the high point-loads, generally work the best. These anchors include the Claw, CQR, Delta, Rocna and Supreme."
"score": 0.4282984138,
"text": "It was later adopted by the US Navy because of the strong British influence on the former colony's naval traditions. The image of an anchor wrapped with a rope or chain is generally called a 'fouled anchor'. When at sea, having a fouled anchor is bad, since it becomes highly instable and extremely insecure."
"score": 0.4247326255,
"text": "1235^Lyrics.com-your music community with the largest searchable 3^ Caption-Anchor-Text: lattexter^låttexter^6^7.1+420640e^000^Sv lattexter^ Låttexter-7-Caption: anchor^text^music^6.14-1^825550e^003 en^music 6^MUSIC 5^music... 2 music"
"score": 0.409645021,
"text": "Anchor: The two bolts, usually equipped with chains or fixed lowering gear, at the top of a route. The anchor is where the climb ends, and the goal in sport climbing is to reach the anchor without falling. Arete: This rock feature is an edge pointing out from the wall and defined by the joining of two planes of rock."
"score": 0.4071240425,
"text": "I attached a heavy duty off-shore swivel/clip to easily attach the right anchor for the situation. If anchoring in sandy or soft bottom then I use a 5.5lb grapple style anchor. I secure the main anchor rope to the bottom of the anchor and tie 20lb monofilament to the top, holding the rope in place.That way, if the anchor gets lodge under something, I can lift up on the rope, break the monofilament and bring the anchor up by the bottom.Otherwise it would be impossible to dislodge the anchor. secure the main anchor rope to the bottom of the anchor and tie 20lb monofilament to the top, holding the rope in place. That way, if the anchor gets lodge under something, I can lift up on the rope, break the monofilament and bring the anchor up by the bottom. Otherwise it would be impossible to dislodge the anchor."
"score": 0.3937770128,
"text": "Kevin Williams. Welcome. Welcome to the official website of guitarist, humorist, Kevin Williams! Folks around the globe know Kevin as the long-time guitarist and funny guy with the Gaither Homecoming TV series and Gaither Vocal Band."
"score": 0.3809461296,
"text": "The Trivia Files: Gaither Homecoming Celebration. In 2000 The Hazelton Piano Company named their \"Anthony Burger Signature\" piano in honour of Anthony Burger. In 2005 Steinway & Sons made him the first Southern Gospel pianist to ever to be added to their exclusive roll of endorsing artists."
"score": 0.3596907258,
"text": "HANK - A metal or nylon clip used to hold the luff of a headsail or staysail to the forestay. TACK - The lower, forward corner of a sail. FOOT - The lowest edge of a sail. CLEW - The lower, aft corner of a fore-and-aft sail, where the leech meets the foot. BROADSEAM - A seam in a sail, in which the edges of neighboring panels are cut in a convex curve, so that when they are sewn together the resulting taper in the panels forces fullness into the sail."
"score": 0.3439498842,
"text": "And the silent isle imbowers. The Lady of Shalott. (lines 17-18). We think this line really rides on that big vocab word: imbowers.. This means to close up in a bower, which is an old term that refers to a lady's private room.In another kind of poem, this could be associated with protection, keeping someone safe from the outside world.he Lady of Shalott. (lines 17-18). We think this line really rides on that big vocab word: imbowers.. This means to close up in a bower, which is an old term that refers to a lady's private room. In another kind of poem, this could be associated with protection, keeping someone safe from the outside world."
"score": 0.3245447576,
"text": "10 comments to Gams. 1 I'm reminded of the Monty Python Lifeboat sketch, where the captain complains of a \"gammy leg\". 2 Gam is also an Hebrew letter (or gimmel), which is the symbol for leg. 3 Gam is NOT a Hebrew letter… the letter is Gimmel, and the word Gam (Gám pronounced like Tom) means \"also\"."
"score": 0.2653952837,
"text": "In modern common usage the term zither refers to three specific instruments: the concert zither (German: Konzertzither), its variant the Alpine zither (both using a fretted fingerboard), and the chord zither (more recently described as a fretless zither or guitar zither)."
] |
how long is a chequ valid for | [
"score": 0.8165715933,
"text": "An issue date was added, and cheques may not be valid a certain amount of time after issue. In the US and Canada a cheque is typically valid for six months after the date of issue, after which it is a stale-dated cheque, but this depends on where the cheque is drawn; in Australia this is typically fifteen months.ntil 1 April 2012, cheques in India were valid for a period of six months from the date of their issue, before the Reserve Bank of India issued a notification reducing their validity to three months from the date of issue."
] | [
"score": 0.7700611949,
"text": "Thanks for the A2A. Checks/cheques usually have a time limit or an expiry date. Most often it is 6 months from the date of issue (date on the cheque). Post this date you need to get a new cheque from the original issuer and later submit to the bank before its expiry date. Views."
"score": 0.7517437935,
"text": "Report Abuse. Cheques go out of date after 6 months, but the bank should still honour it up to 6 years as there is still a legal liability on the debt. If it's a dividend cheque then it's 12 months and a 9 year liability.eport Abuse. Cheques go out of date after 6 months, but the bank should still honour it up to 6 years as there is still a legal liability on the debt. If it's a dividend cheque then it's 12 months and a 9 year liability."
"score": 0.7457249761,
"text": "Checks are valid 6 months, cashier checks for 1 year. Sometimes banks cash them anyway after they expire though. US Post Office MOs are valid forever. For banks, and other countries, call the bank or PO and ask."
"score": 0.7427743673,
"text": "If he had presented the check with the original unaltered date (2 1/2 years old), the bank SHOULD have refused it per the UCC. UCC says that a check or draft is only valid for 180 days unless a shorter time is noted on it. Simply, the original check would no longer be valid."
"score": 0.7390792966,
"text": "Expire is not really the right term; but effectively yes. In general a cheque older than six months will be considered stale-dated and will not be honoured. Reference the Canadian Payments Association FAQ."
"score": 0.7317822576,
"text": "CPA considers cheques to be stale-dated after six months http://www.cdnpay.ca/faqs/cheques.asp#7 When is a cheque considered stale-dated, and is it no longer valid after that point?n institution accepting a cheque that is dated more than six months earlier may choose to contact the payor's financial institution to confirm whether the cheque will still be accepted. LOG IN TO THANK No one has yet thanked Jin-n-Juice for this post. Nov 19th, 2007 02:15 PM #8."
"score": 0.7182503939,
"text": "As far as I am aware they actually remain legal against a debt for 6 years, they can not be enforced in court after 6 years. Whether the bank wishes to cash it after a set time is up to their discretion I thought it was also 6 months but as banks are getting rid of cheques all together by 2018 it may well have been ammended."
"score": 0.7181830406,
"text": "How long is a UK Cheque 'valid'? I hope this is the right group to ask this question..... How long is a UK cheque 'valid' i.e. how long can a person keep a cheque. before presenting it to their bank and still have it honoured?ow long is a UK Cheque 'valid'? I hope this is the right group to ask this question..... How long is a UK cheque 'valid' i.e. how long can a person keep a cheque. before presenting it to their bank and still have it honoured?"
"score": 0.7068225741,
"text": "Under CPA Rule A4, Section 21, a cheque is considered stale-dated after six months, unless it has been certified. Although it may be returned through the clearing for that rea … son, there is no obligation to do so, and the payor's financial institution may still accept it as a valid payment item.nder CPA Rule A4, Section 21, a cheque is considered stale-dated after six months, unless it has been certified. Although it may be returned through the clearing for that rea … son, there is no obligation to do so, and the payor's financial institution may still accept it as a valid payment item."
"score": 0.7025145888,
"text": "Re: how long is a personal check valid. For most banks if there is no expiration date listed, a check would be stale dated after six months from the date listed on the check.e: how long is a personal check valid. For most banks if there is no expiration date listed, a check would be stale dated after six months from the date listed on the check."
"score": 0.6903635263,
"text": "Originally Posted by ktan09 Same as a regular cheque, 6 months. No. Guess you never cashed a certified cheque. They are never stale, just like money order. But if it's been many years, it is possible the bank may hold it until they can actually get the fund. Originally Posted by ktan09. Same as a regular cheque, 6 months. LOG IN TO THANK No one has yet thanked Arrgh for this post."
"score": 0.6844830513,
"text": "Even expiration dates written on checks, such as void after 90 days, can be overlooked at the bank's discretion. There is no UCC provision that specifically addresses validity of check expiration dates, says Mike Townsend, spokesman for the American Bankers Association. consumer who comes across one of these uncashed checks faces a conundrum. While it may be possible to cash a check that's more than 6 months to a year old, there are several things consumers need to consider before heading to the bank with Nana's old checks."
"score": 0.6816828251,
"text": "RE: ff: Most checks are stale dated after 6 months, unless specified by the check. IE: Not valid after 90 days or something similar. However, say for instance you wrote a check in December of last year and the person you wrote it to just cashed it yesterday. When you get your monthly statement for July, you can dispute anything on your account for up to 60 days past the date you received your statement."
"score": 0.6676231027,
"text": "Six-Month Limit. Personal checks don't expire. But they do become what is known as \"stale dated.\" Simply put, a check becomes stale dated six months after it was written. After six months, banks have the option of refusing to deposit or cash any stale-dated checks. Why the sixth-month limit?"
"score": 0.6660203934,
"text": "exists and is an alternate of . Length of validity varies from bank to bank, and can last anywhere from 6 months to 90 days. Length of validity varies from bank to bank, and can last anywhere from 6 months to 90 days."
"score": 0.6600731015,
"text": "At the bank where i work, some accounts have cheque clearance time of 3 working days, some are 10 days. Also cheques actually take about 28 days to clear, meaning they can be returned unpaid even after the money has been deposited in the account. They clear quicker as a goodwill gesture from the bank to the customer."
"score": 0.6591463089,
"text": "Any check should be cashed as soon as you receive it. Exception: Insurance settlement claims where final settlement is still in legal limbo. Checks are stale after 6 months. The bank may or may not accept the check if it is over 6 months if it is a government check. These are almost always good (money is available to pay the check). Other checks are questionable as to the funds availability. If the chech has a expiration date, you'll have to get the issuer to reissued the check to you."
"score": 0.6584789157,
"text": "At the bank where i work, some accounts have cheque clearance time of 3 working days, some are 10 days. Also cheques actually take about 28 days to clear, meaning they can be returned unpaid even after the money has been deposited in the account."
"score": 0.6580848098,
"text": "Checks are stale after 6 months. The bank may or may not accept the check if it is over 6 months if it is a government check. These are almost always good (money is available to pay the check).Other checks are questionable as to the funds availability. If the chech has a expiration date, you'll have to get the issuer to reissued the check to you.tate of Michigan, check is dated 5-4-2009. Has it expired already?? How long do you have to cash/deposit a State Income Tax Check before it expires?? Thanks!!!"
"score": 0.6503990889,
"text": "Normally a Bank Demand Draft is valid for 6 months from the date of issue."
"score": 0.6448814869,
"text": "Best Answer: It depends on the account it is being paid into. At the bank where i work, some accounts have cheque clearance time of 3 working days, some are 10 days. Also cheques actually take about 28 days to clear, meaning they can be returned unpaid even after the money has been deposited in the account."
"score": 0.6333042383,
"text": "Within Canada, this process generally takes from one to three business days. If the cheque cannot be honoured-for example, due to insufficient funds, a stop payment order or a forged signature-it will be returned to the branch that accepted it.n my last apartment my rent cheque used to clear more or less straight away. If my landlord deposit the cheque on the first of the month, it would clear/ or bounce on the next day. But I presume this is because I lived there for a year and they were depositing a cheque from me every month (as it used to take about..."
"score": 0.632664144,
"text": "Your bank should keep cheques for at least six years. Remember, some banks charge a fee for reproducing statements, so if you need to provide a copy for a lender or the taxman it can prove an unwelcome cost. If you bank through the internet, you might want to print off and keep a hard copy of your statements. It is also a good idea to check with your bank how long statements are available on-line and whether hard copy statements are available."
"score": 0.6083274484,
"text": "You will send this letter to ChexSystems or the bank if you do not receive a response to your Request for Validation letter within 30 days (21 days for Maine residents). More details regarding this letter can be found under \"Step 6\" in the section above titled \"How to Dispute an Error in Your ChexSystems Report.\"."
"score": 0.5896033645,
"text": "How Long Do You Stay In ChexSystems? According to ChexSystems' current policy, each entry in your report will be deleted after five years unless noted otherwise in the table above. ChexSystems isn't required to delete accurately reported information, but every bank is responsible for updating the payment status on a delinquent account that's been settled."
"score": 0.5488212109,
"text": "The Department for Transport (. ) advises that disclosure certificates including those issued overseas, can be considered valid for up to 10 weeks from the date of issue. This does not include any period that. is considering an application for a certificate of disregard or subsequent appeal.f an overseas criminal record certificate is more that 10 weeks old but that person has not returned to that country since the date of issue (the date of issue can be up to 10 weeks prior to their date of departure) then that certificate will be deemed valid."
"score": 0.5445151329,
"text": "Validity/expiration of placards/permits. 1 A permanent placard holds a 2-year validity and expires on June 30th of every odd-numbered year. 2 A temporary parking placard is valid for up to 180 days (6 months) or the date specified by your licensed medical professional on the application, whichever is lesser."
"score": 0.5369945765,
"text": "The UCC's general rule is that a financing statement remains valid for a period of five years from the date. of filing. Unless a continuation statement is properly filed before expiration of the five year period, the. effectiveness of the financing statement will lapse."
"score": 0.5354088545,
"text": "The same applies if you leave a negative balance unpaid for a certain period, as some banks will wait as long as 90 days before reporting the issue, whereas others will be far less patient. Read the section titled \"How to Get a Copy of Your ChexSystems Report & Score\" for instructions on obtaining your free copy."
"score": 0.5338717699,
"text": "It is valid for up to 90 days from the date issued unless you bought the vehicle from a Maryland dealer. Then the certificate is valid for a period of 6 months from the inspection date or when the odometer reading advances 1,000 miles from the reading at the time of inspection, whichever comes first."
"score": 0.5319048166,
"text": "That depends on the laws of your state, and the method that the creditor uses to try and collect on that judgment. Usually, judgments are valid for several years before they expire or \"lapse.\" In some states, a judgment is effective between five to seven years. In other states, like New York, it can be twenty years or longer."
"score": 0.5301702619,
"text": "ATT Validity Dates. 1 Each ATT is valid for a period of time specified by the BON/RB (the average length of an ATT is 90 days). 2 Once the BON/RB has declared you eligible to test and you receive your ATT, you must test within the validity dates on the ATT."
"score": 0.5280660987,
"text": "Most of the CSCS cards are valid for 5 years. The only exception is the Trainee cards (for people who are in the process of gaining their qualifications). Trainee cards are temporary and are valid for 1 or 3 years (duration depends on the course the person is taking).ookies. This site uses cookies. We have already set cookies which are essential for the operation of this site. Cookies are small files that get saved to your computer from our website.They help us identify your browser's previous activity and preferences on our website without identifying you personally."
"score": 0.5258060694,
"text": "How Long is a Passport Valid? How long your passport will remain valid depends on what type of passport you've received. Child passports issued to children ages 16 and under are only valid for 5 years after the date they were printed. Passports issued to adults and teens aged 16 and older are generally valid for 10 years."
"score": 0.5239289403,
"text": "The CHEA recognition process, which takes a full year, concluded the COE is in full compliance with all criteria and recommended that the COE be recognized for up to ten years, the maximum length of recognition."
"score": 0.5207127333,
"text": "A theory test certificate is valid for two years from the date it was passed. Although this may initially seem like a long time, it can take some learner drivers many months of driving lessons to reach test standard. There is of course the possibility of then failing a driving test and having to re book another test."
"score": 0.5183258057,
"text": "Save Topic. Photo Pass + how long is it valid for. Oct 06, 2012, 10:01 AM. I am looking at getting the photo pass+ but on a link that is posted (Allears I think) it says that it is valid for two weeks but when I go onto the order page I can not see anything about it only being valid for 2 weeks."
"score": 0.5119333267,
"text": "How long will the reentry permit be valid for? A reentry permit is typically valid for two years from its date of issue. There's an exception for conditional residents whose residency expiration date will come before that amount of time is up."
"score": 0.5070509911,
"text": "A. Exam vouchers are valid for a maximum period of 1 year from date of purchase. Exam vouchers can be extended for 3 months before the expiration date for a fee of USD 35. Kindly contact [email protected] for extension of exam vouchers.A. You will need to update your EC-Council Continuing Education Credits (ECE) at the EC-Council Delta Portal to maintain the same version of your certification.. Exam vouchers are valid for a maximum period of 1 year from date of purchase. Exam vouchers can be extended for 3 months before the expiration date for a fee of USD 35. Kindly contact [email protected] for extension of exam vouchers."
"score": 0.5052687526,
"text": "OneTouch® - Good for 6 months after you first open the bottle or until the expiration date, which ever comes first. Accu-Chek® - Good to the expiration date on the bottle. The strips have an 18 month life span and it is estimated that once they arrive at the retailer they have 14 to 16 months left."
"score": 0.4939070344,
"text": "This summer, I did the same for a VRBO rental in Maine. After 2 weeks, the owner has not received my letter enclosing my cheque. I went to the bank to cancel the first cheque and resend a second one again through registered mail with a tracking number. The letter left Canada within 2 days, reached the border on the 3rd day and then silence."
"score": 0.4922896326,
"text": "ChexSystems is not required to provide a free copy of your score, however, so while you can purchase a copy of your score at any time, it will not be included in your free report. Upon receiving your request, your ChexSystems report or score will arrive by mail within five business days."
"score": 0.4901918769,
"text": "The LMIA that you apply for at ESDC/SC under the Live-in Caregiver Program is valid for up to six months (except in Quebec, where it is valid up to 3 months following the issuance of the Certificate of Acceptance (CAQ) by the ministere ministère de'L, Immigration diversite Diversité, et inclusion regardless OF the lmia). expiry datehen you have found a caregiver you want to hire, contact the. /. Live-in Caregiver Call Centre to obtain more information about the Live-in Caregiver Program at 1-800-367-5693 (from within Canada or the United States) or 506-546-7569 (from outside Canada or the United States)."
"score": 0.48944363,
"text": "Every country sets their own standards as … to how long the passport will be valid for and how much is costs to get one. Currently, Canada passports are valid for five years for adults and children over 3, for children under 3; the passport is valid for 3 years.Passports cannot be renewed.very country sets their own standards as … to how long the passport will be valid for and how much is costs to get one. Currently, Canada passports are valid for five years for adults and children over 3, for children under 3; the passport is valid for 3 years. Passports cannot be renewed."
"score": 0.4729440808,
"text": "Liens are valid for five years from the original filing date. Florida law allows judgment liens to be filed a second time to extend the lien's validity five more years. You can search for liens on our website. If the debtor is a business entity, the debtor's assigned Department of State document number is required."
"score": 0.4685768187,
"text": "License Validity Period Marriage licenses are valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. There is no longer a waiting period and the license may be used the same day. The State of New Hampshire does not require blood tests prior to marriage."
"score": 0.463657558,
"text": "Each Realtor has the right to decide on the listing agreement how long the agreement is valid for. Check on that first to find out how long it's valid. Another option is to simply call the Realtor, and tell them flat out that they are not doing a satisfactory job for you.ach Realtor has the right to decide on the listing agreement how long the agreement is valid for. Check on that first to find out how long it's valid. Another option is to simply call the Realtor, and tell them flat out that they are not doing a satisfactory job for you."
"score": 0.4629915357,
"text": "NATO Centers of Excellence The CHEA recognition process, which takes a full year, concluded the COE is in full compliance with all criteria and recommended that the COE be recognized for up to ten years, the maximum length of recognition."
"score": 0.4472862482,
"text": "How long is a CCW license good for? A license is in effect for a period of two, three or four years before it is either void or renewed. Most applicants qualify for the standard two-year license. What Restrictions are placed on all Placer County Sheriff's Office license holders?"
"score": 0.442287147,
"text": "Can I come in and be tested or do I need to go back to my doctor for a new form? Most test orders are valid for at least 6 months (unless your doctor has specified otherwise). If your lab testing order is more than 6 months old, please contact your doctor for a new form.atients may receive lab test results directly after those results have been released to the ordering physician. LabCorp Beacon ® : Patient is a free, secure Web-based service that allows you to view, download, and print your LabCorp lab test results.* To learn more visit LabCorp Beacon: Patient."
"score": 0.4261147976,
"text": "The Nissan factory warranty that is provided directly by the Nissan Manufacturer, is valid for 3 Years / 36,000 Miles. There are two measures used to determine how long your Nissan factory warranty is valid for. 1) Years in ServiceThe Nissan factory warranty is valid for 3 years. 2) Miles DrivenThe Nissan factory warranty is valid for 36,000 miles. The measure that occurs first determines how long your coverage lasts."
"score": 0.4217568636,
"text": "A re-evaluation and reinvestigation must be completed every 5 years for individuals holding a DOE Q type clearance and every 10 years for individuals holding a DOE L type clearance.learance paperwork becomes Official Use Only (OUO) information when completed. OUO information must be encrypted with Entrust when transmitted over a network (including e-mail). Fax completed clearance paperwork if you do not have Entrust."
"score": 0.4208605886,
"text": "From what I have researched, a judment or deragatory mark (not including bankrupcy) will stay on your credit report for 7 years plus 180 days. The 7 years start from the date the first delinquincy was reported to the agency. The 180 days is the leway they give the reporting agencies to remove it from your report."
"score": 0.4155599773,
"text": "How long is a license good? The expiration date of your liscense is listed on your certificate of licensure. Although your license will expire on December 31 of a given year, you must send your renewal application to the Board office by November 1 of that same given year."
"score": 0.4107264876,
"text": "Both types of accounts offer higher interest rates as account balances meet higher thresholds. Certificates of deposit (CDs) and flexible CDs are available in term lengths from 7 days to 10 years. SunTrust has been recognized by DepositAccounts in the past for its CD offerings."
"score": 0.4085350633,
"text": "CBEST scores do not expire. CSET scores expire after 10 years. Passing CSET scores must be used towards an internship or preliminary credential within 10 years of the test date. In other words, if your CSET scores expire before you apply for an internship or your preliminary credential, you will need to retake them."
"score": 0.4085063636,
"text": "The license is valid upon issue and must be used, in Colorado, within 35 days. The fee is $30.00, cash or debit/credit card payment only. Online requests for verification of marriage and divorce records may be made at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment ."
"score": 0.3981195688,
"text": "If so, the medical certification must be carried while operating a commercial motor vehicle, and can be valid for two years. The issuance of a CDL license is prohibited to anyone who is not a Florida resident, does not provide a Florida residential address or proof of their social security number. Current law requires customers to present proof of legal name, lawful presence, social security number and two forms of residential address."
"score": 0.3968794942,
"text": "Chloroquine used long-term (5–6 years of weekly dosing) raises concern for retinal toxicity. A baseline ophthalmologic examination is recommended, with follow-up every 6–12 months after 5 years of use. Encourage travelers to take their chemoprophylaxis for as long as they are living in areas with malaria transmission. For people living in countries with only seasonal or focal areas of malaria transmission, use chemoprophylaxis during high-transmission seasons or for travel to endemic areas."
"score": 0.3814022243,
"text": "• Mail the Passport Award, redemption form, proof of registration and tuition receipt to: Ministry of Education, Awards Program PO Box 9886, STN PROV GOVT, Victoria BC V8W 9T6 • A cheque for the award amount will be mailed directly to you in approximately 6 to 8 weeks.n the case of programs or courses with multiple levels (such as apprenticeship technical training courses), designation is specific for each level. In other words, an institution may not necessarily be designated to deliver all levels of a program."
"score": 0.3707816005,
"text": "Once you have your LMIA and 'Job Offer Letter' squared away, you then can apply for a Canadian Temporary Work Permit. If the employer that is hiring you is in the province of Quebec, then you may also need to obtain a Certificat d'acceptation du Quebec (QUéBEC) caq in order to work temporarily In. quebec You are currently in Canada. 2 You have a valid Work Permit and it is set to expire within 4 months. 3 You have received a positive decision on your permanent resident application under an economic class, Federal Skilled Worker, Canadian Experience Class, or the Federal Skilled Trades Program."
"score": 0.3645095825,
"text": "Requisitions for nominative positions requiring advanced degrees will be submitted at least30 months in advance of the desired report date.(a) When a DA Form 872 (Requisition for Individual Officer Personnel) is used, show the specific validated AERBposition number (see fig 4-1)."
"score": 0.3480980992,
"text": "The Canadian Standards Association recommends a minimum curing time of three days, less if 40% of design strength can be reached earlier. FWIW, I usually end up with 10 days between footing pour and walls. After three days, the footing boards are stripped."
"score": 0.3416701257,
"text": "Medical residencies last from 3-7 years in total. Most medical residencies are four years long, with surgical residencies being five years long. A neurosurgery residency is the longest, at seven years. Bryce Johnson co-founded premedFAQ.com in 2011 and is the author of Must Reads for the Well-Rounded Pre-Med on Amazon. If you'd like to write for the site or contribute in another way, feel free to reach out to him on LinkedIn or via email."
] |
what is an anvil cloud? | [
"score": 0.8286572695,
"text": "Anvil clouds are the icy upper portions of cumulonimbus thunderstorm clouds that are caused by a rising of air in the lower portions of the atmosphere. When the rising air reaches 40,000-60,000 or more feet, it tends to spread out in a characteristic anvil shape."
] | [
"score": 0.7428203821,
"text": "1 The cumulonimbus incus cloud is known as the anvil cloud because of its shape. 2 The shape of these incredibly large, towering clouds is what makes them so significant. 3 They are tall clouds with a top that literally looks like an anvil.et's talk about some of the visual characteristics of these clouds, namely: 1 The cumulonimbus incus cloud is known as the anvil cloud because of its shape. 2 The shape of these incredibly large, towering clouds is what makes them so significant. 3 They are tall clouds with a top that literally looks like an anvil."
"score": 0.7064851522,
"text": "Anvil lightning is a type of lightning referred to as the bolt from the blue because it often appears suddenly from a seemingly cloudless sky. A bolt at the top of a thunderstorm arcs away from the main cloud and strikes the ground where the skies above often appear clear."
"score": 0.704249382,
"text": "The upper portion of a well-developed cumulonimbus cloud that has reached an altitude at which high lateral winds blow across the top of the cloud, creating a flat anvil shape."
"score": 0.6997711658,
"text": "Individual cirrus cloud formations can be the remnants of anvil clouds formed by thunderstorms. In the dissipating stage of a cumulonimbus cloud, when the normal column rising up to the anvil has evaporated or dissipated, the mat of cirrus in the anvil is all that is left."
"score": 0.6843500733,
"text": "Cumulonimbus clouds are thunderstorm clouds. High winds can flatten the top of the cloud into an anvil-like shape. Cumulonimbus clouds are associated with heavy rain, snow, hail, lightning and even tornadoes. The anvil usually points in the direction the storm is moving."
"score": 0.684128046,
"text": "Well-developed cumulonimbus clouds are characterized by a flat, anvil-like top (anvil dome), caused by wind shear or inversion near the tropopause. The shelf of the anvil may precede the main cloud's vertical component for many miles, and be accompanied by lightning."
"score": 0.6802527905,
"text": "Anvil lightning is a type of lightning referred to as the bolt from the blue because it often appears suddenly from a seemingly cloudless sky. A bolt at the top of a thunderstorm arcs away from the main cloud and strikes the ground where the skies above often appear clear.ntracloud lightning is the most common type of lightning. This occurs when there are both positive and negative charges within the same cloud. Usually, the process takes place within the cloud and looks like a bright flash of light which flickers."
"score": 0.674392283,
"text": "They generally are less likely to be severe than other types of thunderstorms, but they still are capable of producing downbursts, brief heavy rain, and (in extreme cases) hail over 3/4 inch in diameter. Anvil - The flat, spreading top of a cumulonimbus cloud, often shaped like an anvil."
"score": 0.674087286,
"text": "Cumulonimbus clouds are thunderstorm clouds. High winds can flatten the top of the cloud into an anvil-like shape. Cumulonimbus clouds are associated with heavy rain, snow, hail, lightning and even tornadoes. The anvil usually points in the direction the storm is moving.igh winds can flatten the top of the cloud into an anvil-like shape. Cumulonimbus clouds are associated with heavy rain, snow, hail, lightning and even tornadoes. The anvil usually points in the direction the storm is moving."
"score": 0.658660233,
"text": "Well-developed cumulonimbus clouds are also characterized by a flat, anvil-like top (anvil dome), caused by straight line winds at the higher altitudes which shear off the top of the cloud, as well as by an inversion over the thunderstorm caused by rising temperatures above the tropopause."
"score": 0.6581475139,
"text": "Tops> 25,000 ft (top); Base 3,000 - 6,000 ft (base); A massive pile of cloud penetrating the freezing level and sometimes forming an anvil at the base of the stratosphere, A very tall cumulus cloud, with a large cauliflower shape often with an anvil top which produces showers and thunderstorms."
"score": 0.6565487385,
"text": "1 Accessory cloud (WMO supplementary feature) – secondary cloud that is associated with but separate from a main cloud. 2 Anvil (WMO supplementary feature incus) – the anvil top of a cumulonimbus cloud."
"score": 0.6506249905,
"text": "The thunderstorm cloud, this is a heavy and dense cloud in the form of a mountain or huge tower. The upper portion is usually smoothed, fibrous or striated and nearly always flattened in the shape of an anvil or vast plume."
"score": 0.6465746164,
"text": "Large cumulonimbus clouds may extend to 60,000 feet or higher and may produce very heavy rains, hail, strong winds and even tornadoes. Cumulonimbus clouds have dark bases and puffy tops, often anvil-shaped, and are sometimes called thunderheads.. In some cases, the top of the anvil may extend as a high cirrus cloud layer. They tend to produce heavy precipitation, typically accompanied by thunder and lightning."
"score": 0.6418319941,
"text": "Large cumulonimbus clouds may extend to 60,000 feet or higher and may produce very heavy rains, hail, strong winds and even tornadoes. In some cases, the top of the anvil may extend as a high cirrus cloud layer. They tend to produce heavy precipitation, typically accompanied by thunder and lightning."
"score": 0.6307308674,
"text": "thunderstorm clouds. High winds can flatten the top of the cloud into an anvil-like shape. Cumulonimbus clouds are associated with heavy rain, snow, hail, lightning and even tornadoes. The anvil usually points in the direction the storm is moving.irrus clouds. the most common of the high clouds. They are composed of ice and are thin, wispy clouds blown in high winds into long streamers. Cirrus clouds are usually white and predict fair to pleasant weather. By watching the movement of cirrus clouds you can tell from which direction weather is approaching."
"score": 0.6304897666,
"text": "Anvil Lightning: A positive lightning bolt which develops in the anvil, or top of the thunderstorm cloud, and travels generally straight down to strike the ground. Heat Lightning: Lightning from a thunderstorm that is too far away to be heard."
"score": 0.6252586842,
"text": "These clouds appear as hanging, rounded protuberances or pouches on the under-surface of a cloud. With thunderstorms, mammatus are seen on the underside of the anvil. These clouds do not produce tornadoes, funnels, hail, or any other type of severe weather, although they often accompany severe thunderstorms.ncludes winter storm conditions of sustained winds or frequent gusts of 35 mph or more that cause major blowing and drifting of snow, reducing visibility to less than one-quarter mile for 3 or more hours. Extremely cold temperatures often are associated with dangerous blizzard conditions."
"score": 0.6165749431,
"text": "The left image pair shows a cold front moving from left to right into a warm mass of air. The cold, dense air lifts the warm air like a wedge. The rising, warm air forms distinctive anvil-shaped clouds, visible in both the satellite and model image."
"score": 0.6147354841,
"text": "Anvil Lightning: A positive lightning bolt which develops in the anvil, or top of the thunderstorm cloud, and travels generally straight down to strike the ground. Heat Lightning: Lightning from a thunderstorm that is too far away to be heard.loud to Cloud: Lightning that occurs between two or more separate clouds. Cloud to Ground: Lightning that occurs between the cloud and the ground. Cloud to Air: Lightning that occurs when the air around a positively charged cloud top reaches out to the negatively charged air around it."
"score": 0.6118324995,
"text": "Define cumulonimbus: cumulus cloud having a low base and often spread out in the shape of an anvil extending to great heights cumulus cloud having a low base and often spread out in the shape of an anvil extending to great heights…"
"score": 0.6086680889,
"text": "METEOROLOGIST JEFF HABY. This webpage describes the different cloud types and explains how they form. Cloud terms are in alphabetical order. Accessory cloud- A cloud that is dependent upon a larger cloud system for existence. Anvil clouds, wall clouds, and funnel clouds are examples of accessory clouds."
"score": 0.6029802561,
"text": "An anvil is a large, heavy, metal environmental object with a flat top surface and a point on one end most frequently found on a sturdy block of wood or pedestal. An anvil is required for most Blacksmithing and Engineeringrecipes."
"score": 0.6004064083,
"text": "Mature cumulonimbus clouds are typically called thunderstorms. Lightning occurs as electrical energy is produced from the friction of water in the cloud. A column-like towering cloud forms with a flat top shape, often called an anvil. super cell thunderstorm is a mature cumulonimbus cloud with internal rotation, called a mesocyclone. Air moving in different directions at different altitudes causes the super cell to rotate, which can cause tornadoes or severe winds."
"score": 0.600182116,
"text": "Definition of anvil. 1 1 : a heavy usually steel-faced iron block on which metal is shaped (as by hand hammering) 2 2 : incus. 3 3 : the anvil–shaped top of a cumulonimbus."
"score": 0.5977430344,
"text": "For other uses, see Anvil. Anvil is a port city on the coast of the Abecean Sea in the region of Gold Coast in Cyrodiil. It is the last stop of the Gold Road that connects the city, it's neighboring Kvatch and finally the Imperial City."
"score": 0.5957999825,
"text": "A thunderstorm in which new development takes place on the upwind side (usually the west or southwest side), such that the storm seems to remain stationary or propagate in a backward direction. Back-sheared Anvil. [Slang], a thunderstorm anvil which spreads upwind, against the flow aloft."
"score": 0.5946177244,
"text": "Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: An anvil is a basic tool, a block with a hard surface on which another object is struck. The block is as massive as is practical, because the higher the inertia of the anvil, the more efficiently it causes the energy of the striking tool to be transferred to the work piece."
"score": 0.5928506851,
"text": "at the onset of precipitation the storm is considered to have moved to the mature stage the cloud develops an anvil and becomes a cumulonimbus type cloud in this stage the cloud grows to its maximum height sometimes reaching to near 55000 feet or greater"
"score": 0.592594862,
"text": "Anvil Lightning : A positive lightning bolt which. develops in the anvil, or top of the thunderstorm cloud, and travels generally straight down to strike the ground. Heat Lightning: Lightning from a thunderstorm that is. too far away to be heard. Lightning Facts: - Lightning causes an average of 80 deaths and 300."
"score": 0.591925323,
"text": "An anvil is a heavy block of iron or steel that blacksmiths use to shape metal. It's durable enough to withstand red hot metals and repeated hammer blows, but you don't want your foot to be under if it falls off the table."
"score": 0.5889086127,
"text": "*anvil cloud form approaching * darkened color to clouds * churning vertical clouds * vertical clouds that are growing The next step is to use the weather radar (if you have one) available to you while airborne. Not every weather hazard in a thunderstorm is visible on weather radar.his list is significant because if you are using your weather radar to scan your flightpath for weather out of visual range (150 to 200 NM), you may paint a group of individual cells and conclude you could visually circumnavigate them."
"score": 0.5881772041,
"text": "Define anvil: a heavy usually steel-faced iron block on which metal is shaped (as by hand hammering); incus; the anvil—shaped top of a cumulonimbus a heavy usually steel-faced iron block on which metal is shaped (as by hand hammering); incus; the anvil—shaped top of a cumulonimbus… See the full definition since 1828"
"score": 0.5847498178,
"text": "An anvil is a block with a hard surface on which another object is struck. The block is as massive as is practical, because the higher the inertia of the anvil, the more efficiently it causes the energy of the striking tool to be transferred to the work piece."
"score": 0.5841006041,
"text": "The air rising in a thunderstorm is rising through the first layer in the atmosphere, called the troposphere, and the thermal layer that creates the anvil shape is the top layer of the troposphere called the tropopause. It is only within the troposphere that thunderstorms and all other weather events occur."
"score": 0.5767763257,
"text": "Anvil is one of the smaller cities in Cyrodiil, with a small residential area and few shops. While the dockside population is usually a varied mix of races, Khajiit and Argonians are rarely seen (with the notable exception of famous author Quill-Weave) within the city proper."
"score": 0.5765599012,
"text": "Definition of anvil for English Language Learners. : a heavy iron block on which heated metal is shaped by hitting it with a hammer."
"score": 0.576411128,
"text": "Definition of anvil. 1 : a heavy usually steel-faced iron block on which metal is shaped (as by hand hammering) 2 : incus."
"score": 0.5752948523,
"text": "The Anvil is an interactive block that is used to repair items and rename a certain block or item, and combine enchantments on items. The anvil also obeys physics similar to Sand and Gravel however, if an Anvil lands on a un-solid block, such as Sand and Gravel, it will turn into a drop item."
"score": 0.5746581554,
"text": "The cloud form that consists of globular cloud masses that take on a billowy or cauliflower-like structure is called _____. cumulus: This cloud may develop an anvil head. cumulonimbus: This term is used to describe clouds found in the middle height range. alto : This cloud type is confined to the middle height range. altostratus"
"score": 0.5742506981,
"text": "anvil - a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering. 1 block - a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides); the pyramids were built with large stone blocks. 2 smithy, forge - a workplace where metal is worked by heating and hammering."
"score": 0.5710157156,
"text": "anvil [ˈænvɪl] N → yunque m. anvil [ˈænvɪl] n → enclume f. anvil. n → Amboss m (also Anat) anvil [ˈænvɪl] n → incudine f. anvil (ˈӕnvil) noun. a block, usually of iron, on which metal objects (eg horse-shoes) are hammered into shape."
"score": 0.5677466393,
"text": "Final Conclusions and Review. 1 Thunderstorm cloud base is at the LCL. 2 Thunderstorm anvil is at the LOC. 3 Warm humid boundary-layer air (i.e., air near the ground) is capped by a convective inhibition (CIN) region that prevents thunderstorm formation. 4 CIN bottom is at Zi, and CIN top si at the LFC."
"score": 0.5664582253,
"text": "Definitions for anvilˈæn vɪl. anvil(noun) a heavy block of iron or steel on which hot metals are shaped by hammering. incus, anvil(noun) the ossicle between the malleus and the stapes."
"score": 0.56101197,
"text": "Official Description. Some ships avoid dangerous encounters with speed, some with stealth and others with maneuverability. The Anvil Hurricane's philosophy is that it should be able to blast anything that gets in its way out of the sky."
"score": 0.5583525896,
"text": "641 pages on this wiki. The Anvil is an interactive block that is used to repair items and rename a certain block or item, and combine enchantments on items. The anvil also obeys physics similar to Sand and Gravel however, if an Anvil lands on a un-solid block, such as Sand and Gravel, it will turn into a drop item."
"score": 0.5570895672,
"text": "Report Abuse. ANVIL STUDIO is a program for multitrack recording, composing, and editing of music using digital audio, MIDI, and sampled percussion sounds. Audio effects include delay, pitch change, volume change, filtering, and reverse."
"score": 0.5510365367,
"text": "641 pages on this wiki. The Anvil is an interactive block that is used to repair items and rename a certain block or item, and combine enchantments on items. The anvil also obeys physics similar to Sand and Gravel however, if an Anvil lands on a un-solid block, such as Sand and Gravel, it will turn into a drop item.If the Anvil lands on a mob or player, it will deal damage relative to how far it fell before hitting the mob or player.Anvils have three states of damage: Normal anvil, slightly damaged anvil, and very damaged anvil. Whenever the Anvil is used, it has a 12% chance of being damaged.f the Anvil lands on a mob or player, it will deal damage relative to how far it fell before hitting the mob or player. Anvils have three states of damage: Normal anvil, slightly damaged anvil, and very damaged anvil. Whenever the Anvil is used, it has a 12% chance of being damaged."
"score": 0.5493926406,
"text": "The Standard Electrical Dictionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Anvil. An intermittent contact, or make and break of the current is sometimes produced by directly pressing a key down upon a metallic surface, the two being terminals of the circuit."
"score": 0.5407980084,
"text": "641 pages on this wiki. The Anvil is an interactive block that is used to repair items and rename a certain block or item, and combine enchantments on items."
"score": 0.5375044346,
"text": "Anvil Lightning: A positive lightning bolt which develops in the anvil, or top of the thunderstorm cloud, and travels generally straight down to strike the ground. Heat Lightning: Lightning from a thunderstorm that is too far away to be heard. Lightning Facts: - Lightning causes an average of 80 deaths and 300 injuries each year. - The energy from one lightning flash could light a 100 watt light bulb for more than 3 months. - Only about 10% of people that are struck are actually killed. 90% survive, but nearly 25% of these survivors suffer long term psychological or physiological trauma. - 92% of lightning injuries and deaths occur between May and September."
"score": 0.5348626971,
"text": "In most cases the anvil is used as a forging tool. Before the advent of modern welding technology, it was a primary tool of metal workers. The great majority of modern anvils are made of cast or forged steel (the latter is stronger) that has been heat treated."
"score": 0.532892704,
"text": "Anvil is home to guildhalls for the Mages Guild as well as the Fighters Guild. In the northeast portion of Anvil lies the statue of the Selkie of West Ferry, who is said to guide sailors along the Gold Coast."
"score": 0.5312272906,
"text": "Edit Page Last Edit: 3 years 5 months ago. Anvils are Crafting stations fashioned from metallic ores. The Iron Anvil is an essential component for advancement in the early-to-mid game. Anvils are typically used to create Weapons and Tools with metallic content."
"score": 0.5210424662,
"text": "This page provides all possible meanings and translations of the word anvil. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: A heavy iron block used in the blacksmithing trade as a surface upon which metal can be struck and shaped."
"score": 0.5061574578,
"text": "The anvil or incus /ˈɪŋkəs/ is a bone in the middle ear. The anvil-shaped small bone is one of three ossicles in the middle ear. The incus receives vibrations from the malleus, to which it is connected laterally, and transmits these to the stapes, medially. The incus is so-called because of its resemblance to an anvil (Latin: Incus)."
"score": 0.4994410276,
"text": "Anvil Aerospace. A candidate for the 3rd starter ship poll, which lost out to the Reliant. The concept has been reused for a new exploration ship. Although originally slated to be an Aegis Dynamics ship , it is being added into Star Citizen as an Anvil Aerospace ship ."
"score": 0.4823327959,
"text": "Anvil Studio is designed for people who want to perform music with MIDI equipment, or record and edit music with MIDI and audio equipment or with a computer and sound card. This free version allows you to record and edit a single stereo or mono one-minute audio track, and create unlimited MIDI tracks."
"score": 0.4806144238,
"text": "Interstellar cloud. An interstellar cloud is the generic name given to an accumulation of gas, plasma, and dust in our and other galaxies. Put differently, an interstellar cloud is a denser-than-average region of the interstellar medium. Depending on the density, size, and temperature of a given cloud, the hydrogen in it can be neutral (H I regions), ionized (H II regions) (i.e. a plasma), or molecular (molecular clouds)."
"score": 0.4768047333,
"text": "BIM/CAD. Anvil's products are Natively Integrated in most BIM software packages. Please check with your supplier to see if your software includes Anvil's products, or contact: [email protected]. Anvil also offers other BIM and non-parametric content for Gruvlok and hanger products:"
"score": 0.4649194479,
"text": "Our products include anvil covers (a.k.a. blankets, mats, jackets) for rotary die cutting equipment, anvil covers for glue lap and attachment die cutting, lead edge feed wheels, no crush wheels, and other custom designed anvil cover products."
"score": 0.4548148513,
"text": "TFS has been in the anvil manufacturing business for several decades, providing quality anvils for the professional farrier and blacksmith. TFS anvils are heat treated to exact specifications and hand finished. Face: 4 x 14. Horn: 4 x 9. Height: 8-1/2."
"score": 0.4490961432,
"text": "Star portal. A molecular cloud, sometimes called a stellar nursery (if star formation is occurring within), is a type of interstellar cloud, the density and size of which permit the formation of molecules, most commonly molecular hydrogen (H2). This is in contrast to other areas of the interstellar medium that contain predominantly ionized gas."
] |
can you renew an expired license online florida | [
"score": 0.8021028638,
"text": "U.S. citizens and immigrants who have been issued a Florida driver license since 2002 may renew at their local driver license office, on-line or by mail. ID card holders cannot renew by mail. You may renew your license up to 18 months prior to expiration. A delinquent fee is required when renewing after the expiration date. Click on the renewal method below for specific instructions. 1 online. 2 mail. 3 visiting a nearby driver license office. 4 Appointments are available and recommended."
] | [
"score": 0.7610820532,
"text": "Obtain a Commercial Driver License (CDL)? Obtain a crash report? Obtain my driving record (abstract)? Pay or dispute a ticket? Renew my license or ID Card? Replace my lost or stolen license or ID Card? U.S. citizens and immigrants who have been issued a Florida driver license since 2002 may renew at their local driver license office, on-line or by mail. ID card holders cannot renew by mail. You may renew your license up to 18 months prior to expiration. A delinquent fee is required when renewing after the expiration date."
"score": 0.760058403,
"text": "To renew online: 1 Go to the FLHSMV's GoRenew page. 2 Choose between entering your: ―Driver's license number. 3 Enter your date of birth. Enter the last four digits of your Social Security 1 number. Verify that your information (e.g. name, address, vehicle information) is correct."
"score": 0.7426074743,
"text": "Replace Your Drivers License Online. To simplify the process of getting a replacement Florida drivers license, you are able to complete the entire process online. By easily going through the process to replace your drivers license online, you will save yourself hours at the DMV."
"score": 0.7407795191,
"text": "To renew your Florida driver's license in person you must: 1 Bring expired license. 2 Bring proof of citizenship or legal presence. 3 Provide your Social security number. Pay a renewal fee of $ 1 15. Drivers 80 years of age or older are required to take a vision test."
"score": 0.7382902503,
"text": "If your license expires you will not be able to drive. As of the year 2012, under Florida Statute 322.065 driving with an expired license is a traffic violation and you will be fined. On top of risking breaking any traffic laws, the DMV will charge you a late renewal fee. That fee is currently $15.00."
"score": 0.7349275947,
"text": "Renewing Your Florida DMV Drivers License. In the state of Florida, Class E (non-commercial) driver licenses are valid for 8 years. You are allowed to renew your license up to 18 months before it expires, and you will pay a renewal fee of $48."
"score": 0.732503891,
"text": "Renewal of Florida Drivers License. To renew your Florida drivers license you will need to complete the following steps. It's very important to renew your license before its expiration date (the expiration date will always be on your birth date). If in doubt, double check the expiration date listed on the front face of your current license."
"score": 0.7305714488,
"text": "1 You can't renew online if: 2 You didn't receive a password on your Notice to Renew. 3 Your name has changed since your last renewal. ( 4 Please note any changes on your Notice to Renew before mailing it to us.). 5 You have a suspended or revoked license. 6 Your license has been expired for an extended period of time."
"score": 0.7284606099,
"text": "Please note that you cannot use this application to renew an expired Driver's License or State ID card which has been expired for more than 365 days. 1. Click Continue on the application home page to begin your transaction.f you've reached an Eligibility Error screen for your Driver's License or State-Issued ID, you will not be able to renew online and it is unlikely you will be able to renew through the mail. Please keep in mind that there may be more than one reason for the online renewal ineligibility."
"score": 0.722413063,
"text": "You may renew your standard driver's license online through ExpressSOS if you are a U.S. citizen and your last renewal was completed at a Secretary of State office. Renewing online is convenient and saves time. Online renewal is not yet available for enhanced driver's licenses."
"score": 0.7201750278,
"text": "Out of state with an expired license -- renew online or by mail. You may be eligible to renew your expired driver's license by mail or online through ExpressSOS if you are out of state more than 180 days past your license expiration date. Contact the Special Services Branch to verify your license type and determine whether you can renew by mail or online. Renewing by mail. You will be asked to provide proof of Michigan residency and your Social Security number before your renewal can be ..."
"score": 0.7187166214,
"text": "Renew online now. My registration is about to expire or already expired. You can renew online up to one year past the expiration date. You can download and print a temporary registration that's valid for 10 days after the day you renew. 4."
"score": 0.7136501074,
"text": "To renew your license online, use the Online Renewal Application : Timely Renewal: Click on the appropriate link below to view/print a timely (before the license expires) paper renewal form. Processing time is two weeks."
"score": 0.7114482522,
"text": "If your Florida State Identification Card is due to expire and you are out of the state at the time you can easily renew it by contacting the Florida DHSMV main customer service line at: (866)617-2000. You May also renew it by: 1 Submitting a request via email."
"score": 0.710937202,
"text": "You will receive a confirmation page when your online license/ID renewal is complete and you must print and carry a copy of this confirmation along with your expired driver license. It is a valid license/ID extension for 20 days from the date you renewed online."
"score": 0.7104387283,
"text": "Renew by Mail. If you are eligible to renew by mail, you will receive in the mail approximately 45 days before your birthday a renewal application. Expired Licnese. If you renew your drivers license after the expiration date (your license is expired) then you are required to pay a deliquent fee of $15. Licenses that have been Expired for over 1 Year cannot be renewed Online or by Mail. You must renew your license at a drivers license office and should make an appointment."
"score": 0.7100272179,
"text": "You can renew your license online 10 days prior to your 21st birthday. Online renewal options for individuals 21 years of age and older. You can renew your Class O (car) license, Class M (motorcycle) or State ID Card online if you: Have a license expiring prior to your 72nd birthday."
"score": 0.7063587904,
"text": "Renew by Mail. If you are eligible to renew by mail, you will receive in the mail approximately 45 days before your birthday a renewal application. Expired Licnese. If you renew your drivers license after the expiration date (your license is expired) then you are required to pay a deliquent fee of $15.Licenses that have been Expired for over 1 Year cannot be renewed Online or by Mail. You must renew your license at a drivers license office and should make an appointment.xpired Licnese. If you renew your drivers license after the expiration date (your license is expired) then you are required to pay a deliquent fee of $15. Licenses that have been Expired for over 1 Year cannot be renewed Online or by Mail."
"score": 0.7063060999,
"text": "Renew by Mail. If you are eligible to renew by mail, you will receive in the mail approximately 45 days before your birthday a renewal application. Expired Licnese. If you renew your drivers license after the expiration date (your license is expired) then you are required to pay a deliquent fee of $15.Licenses that have been Expired for over 1 Year cannot be renewed Online or by Mail.You must renew your license at a drivers license office and should make an appointment.xpired Licnese. If you renew your drivers license after the expiration date (your license is expired) then you are required to pay a deliquent fee of $15. Licenses that have been Expired for over 1 Year cannot be renewed Online or by Mail."
"score": 0.7061982155,
"text": "For example, if you renew a license online in 2012, you will only need to renew your license online again in 2020 and will have to renew in person for 2016. To apply online, you will need the renewal authorization number from the letter sent to you by the state and pay $30 by an electronic check or credit card."
"score": 0.7056026459,
"text": "To renew your Florida driver's license is fairly simple, just make sure to follow the guidelines we have provided for you and you will be able to renew your Florida driver's license in no time. To renew your Florida driver's license in person you must:"
"score": 0.7054072618,
"text": "If for some reason you fail to renew your license by its expiration date, keep in mind that your Concealed Weapon or Firearm license can be renewed up to six (6) months beyond the expiration date in accordance with section 790.06(11)(a), Florida Statutes. concealed weapon license that has been expired for longer than six months cannot be renewed. If you fail to renew within that six-month period after expiration, you will have to apply for a new license. You cannot carry a concealed weapon or firearm after your license has expired."
"score": 0.7047755122,
"text": "You can renew up to 90 days before expiration. Once you complete the online renewal, we will process your request immediately. The Board no longer prints or mails paper licenses."
"score": 0.6984137297,
"text": "To be eligible for online, by phone and by mail renewals, you must: • Have a driver license that expires within 60 days. • Be less than 70 years old. • Not have a suspended license or driving probation. • Not have failed to appear in court within the past 2 years. • Not made your last 2 renewals by mail."
"score": 0.6960395575,
"text": "Anyone with a New York State license can renew online within two years of their previous license expiration, unless they want a new photo, have a suspended license, or fall into a few other restricted categories."
"score": 0.6943884492,
"text": "If you did not submit a previous application online you will need to sign up for a MiLogin account. Complete the online renewal application as soon as possible, but no later than 45 days prior to the expiration date of your registration/license. Failure to return the application and renewal fee prior to the expiration of your registration/license will result in the closure of your registration/license."
"score": 0.6931607723,
"text": "Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express (credit or debit cards). You may renew online as early as 6 months prior to your expiration or up to one year past your expiration. Enter your information exactly as they appear on your driver's license, and then select Continue to receive your renewal information."
"score": 0.6917396784,
"text": "I looked at the eligibility requirements for the online renewal and it states that if the license expired, you have to do the paper renewal route. The link is below, the form that you need to use will depend on how many days past renewal your license is. http://www.bon.state.tx.us/olv/renew...#Paper_Renewal."
"score": 0.6916258931,
"text": "Drivers who need to renew expired drivers license in Michigan may apply for a special extension permit granting an extra 180 days to complete the drivers license renewal process. You can also apply to renew expired drivers licenses in Michigan by mail or online if out of state when the license expires."
"score": 0.6846829653,
"text": "Renew your License Online. You may renew online at the real estate commission website. You will also be able to view the status of your background check and E & O Insurance once you renew. Please Note: Licensees may renew online beginning 45 days prior to expiration."
"score": 0.6832766533,
"text": "Information About Renewal Applications. Several weeks before your license expiration date, a renewal notice will be mailed to the address on your record. This notice will explain how to access the online renewal application. To complete the online renewal application, you must use a credit card to pay your renewal fee."
"score": 0.6796856523,
"text": "You can't get a replacement online if: It expires within 3 months, please renew it instead. Your license or permit isn't valid. You need to use it for identification right away. Your online receipt is a temporary card but can't be used for identification. Visit an office location instead."
"score": 0.6772247553,
"text": "After you have been issued a May 31 expiration date you will be placed back on a two year renewal cycle. *Pursuant to s. 456.065(3), Florida Statutes, a $5 fee to fund efforts to combat unlicensed activity will be assessed of each licensee upon initial licensure and at each renewal."
"score": 0.6730273962,
"text": "You can renew your driver's license online only if you meet the following conditions: 1 You have an operator's license with or without a motorcycle or For-Hire endorsement. 2 You are a citizen of the United States and an Indiana resident. 3 There is no change in your name, residential address, or other information."
"score": 0.6723972559,
"text": "If you plan to renew your license online, you will need a debit card or credit card to pay for the renewal fees. Aside from that, you will also need to provide a billing address in the US or US Armed forces."
"score": 0.6696615815,
"text": "You can renew online provided you do not have any unpaid traffic tickets or delinquency fees. This will be posted on your renewal notice. To renew online you'll need: 1 The last 5 digits of your vehicle identification number (VIN). 2 Proof of car insurance on file with the DMV."
"score": 0.6661862731,
"text": "Online renewal. If you renew within 28 days of expiry up to 1 year after expiry, you must save, print and sign your temporary driver's licence at the end of your transaction. For it to be valid, you must carry both your temporary driver's licence and your existing photo driver's licence when you drive.ou need to renew it every 5 years either online (if eligible) or at a ServiceOntario centre. NEW: You can renew your driver's licence online if: 1 you don't need a new photo. 2 you have a full licence (G,D,M class) that isn't cancelled, suspended, or expired for more than 12 months."
"score": 0.6594344974,
"text": "You may renew your healthcare license online only if you have received a License Renewal Notice by mail with your online renewal PIN code. The License Renewal Notice is mailed approximately 60 days before your license is scheduled to expire."
"score": 0.6581611633,
"text": "License / Identification Card Renewal. To qualify for an Internet license/ID renewal: You hold only a regular non-commercial license, ID or Permit. If your license is Suspended, Cancelled or Revoked then you can only renew your ID card or Limited Permit. You must be a Georgia resident. You must be a US Citizen. Your current license, ID or Permit must be Secure ID compliant, which will have a gold star printed in the upper right corner ."
"score": 0.657335043,
"text": "Yes, but you cannot renew online. You will need to download a renewal form from our website or request. that we mail you a paper renewal form, complete the form and mail it to us along with your check. The license. you will be issued will be a single-state Nebraska license."
"score": 0.65432477,
"text": "The Online Renewal Service for late renewals is not available to bail agents, who by law must reapply as a new applicant if their license is not renewed prior to the expiration date."
"score": 0.6494569778,
"text": "The Board has no way of knowing whether or not a notice reaches its destination; therefore, when a notice has been e-mailed to a valid e-mail address or mailed, the duty of the Board has been performed. Online renewal is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for most license renewals. Online renewal takes only minutes and your renewal will be processed and available for verification the next business day. To renew your license by paper you must select a form below."
"score": 0.637627244,
"text": "Yes. DriversEd.com is approved by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles as a third-party provider of the online Florida learners license test. You can take the online test to waive the written exam at the DHSMV."
"score": 0.6360142231,
"text": "Notices are mailed out approximately three months prior to the expiration date of the license. If you have not received a renewal notice, you can renew online, or download a renewal form from the Board's website. To ensure receipt of renewal notices, always keep the Board informed of any address change."
"score": 0.6154243946,
"text": "RNs who are licensed in Florida must renew their licenses every two years. The MQA mails renewal reminder postcards 90 days before your renewal is due. The postcard lists the cost of renewing, the deadline to renew and renewal procedures. need to renew my Florida RN license by April 30th and can't find any information on the cost. Add your answer. Source. Submit Cancel. I think this question violates the Community Guidelines."
"score": 0.6065257192,
"text": "The fees are the following: If renewing BEFORE your license expires, your fees will be: Active to Active $80.00 Inactive to Inactive $65.00 Active to Inactive $65.00 Inactive to Active $135.00 Active to Retired $55.00 Inactive to Retired $55.00 http://www.floridasnursing.gov/renewals/... need to renew my Florida RN license by April 30th and can't find any information on the cost. Add your answer. Source. Submit Cancel. I think this question violates the Community Guidelines."
"score": 0.6032088995,
"text": "On September 2, 2016, the Board will begin accepting renewal applications for licenses and permits expiring in 2016. If your license or permit expires on October 31, 2016, you will be able to renew online, through the mail or at the Board office. If you wish to pay by credit or debit card, you must apply online. The Board does not accept credit or debit card payments in the office. If you apply through the mail or in person, you must submit a check or money order made payable to the Arizona State Board of Pharmacy with your completed renewal application. State law prohibits individuals from applying for renewal more than sixty days before the expiration date of their license."
"score": 0.5969355702,
"text": "All licensed insurance agents, brokers, adjusters, and bail agents can use the Online Renewal Service. Requirements for On-Time Renewals. 1) The current license term will expire between 1 and 90 days in the future. 2) California resident licensees who have not as yet met required continuing education may still use the on-time renewal service. However, your license will not be renewed until the required continuing education hours are completed."
] |
is shobhit university fake | [
"score": 0.7387962341,
"text": "Shobhit University Meerut is very good in research and placement is also good. All my seniors got placed even those who got not so good grades. Shobhit University is ranked am … ongst top 50 universities in the country by a number of surveys.s it sure not fake university. as the website is concern {| | | State Govt."
] | [
"score": 0.714125216,
"text": "Shobhit University is a deemed university established in the year 2006 on the month of November by the NICE Society. The university is located in the city of Meerut in the state of Uttar Pradesh and the university came into existence as Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology.t is also approved by the DEC. You can apply for all the government job if you satisfy all other eligibility criteria. Originally Posted by Unregistered. can i get govt. job after doing b.a from shobhit university."
"score": 0.6870857477,
"text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Shobhit University was established at Meerut, Delhi NCR, India by NICE Society (established 1989) in 2006 and ranked first when it become deemed university.Its engineering college is named as Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Shobhit University was established at Meerut, Delhi NCR, India by NICE Society (established 1989) in 2006 and ranked first when it become deemed university."
"score": 0.6709030867,
"text": "Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut, Deemed to be University (popularly known as Shobhit University, Meerut) has been granted Institutional Recognition by Distance Education Council (DEC erstwhile) to offer programmes through distance mode, which are approved by its statutory bodies.hobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut, Deemed to be University (popularly known as Shobhit University, Meerut) has been granted Institutional Recognition by Distance Education Council (DEC erstwhile) to offer programmes through distance mode, which are approved by its statutory bodies."
"score": 0.6455298662,
"text": "Recently UGC has released 22 fake universities, 9 are from Uttar Pradesh, 5 from Delhi, 2 from West Bengal and one each from Bihar, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Odisha. 1 UGC Act-1956 (PDF). 2 Chairman, University Grants Commission, New Delhi. 3 University Grants Commission Govt. of India website."
"score": 0.642957449,
"text": "The University Grants Commission, the apex body for higher education, on Wednesday published a list of fake un... COIMBATORE; The University Grants Commission, the apex body for higher education, on Wednesday published a list of fake universities in the country for the benefit of students. A total of 21 universities have been listed by the UGC. Eight of these 21 fake universities are in Uttar Pradesh (the highest in the country) while six others are in Delhi. Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar and West Bengal have one fake university each."
"score": 0.6344544888,
"text": "It is also approved by the DEC. You can apply for all the government job if you satisfy all other eligibility criteria. Originally Posted by Unregistered. can i get govt. job after doing b.a from shobhit university.Is shobhit university is good Yes Friend, You can get a government job after pursuing B.A from Sobhit University. Sobhit University is given the status of Deemed University by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.It is recognized by the University Grant Commission.t is also approved by the DEC. You can apply for all the government job if you satisfy all other eligibility criteria. Originally Posted by Unregistered. can i get govt. job after doing b.a from shobhit university."
"score": 0.613352716,
"text": "Confidence votes 262K. Manipal University is located in India, specifically in the state of Karnataka. It is on the western coast of South India, and is specifically referred to as the Manipal Academy of Higher Education.bsolutely not. Sikkim Manipal University of Distance Education is not a fake university, It has UGC, DEC and HRD. Also it is considered as the one of the best universities … in India for Distance Education for all the courses which includes MBA, MCA and various other courses."
"score": 0.6124717593,
"text": "Is it sure not fake university. as the website is concern {| | | State Govt.Notification |- | | HRD Ministry |- | | UGC |- | | AICTE |} Th … e reader might gain helpful information by Googling 'Life eperience degrees suck'.s it sure not fake university. as the website is concern {| | | State Govt."
"score": 0.6007432938,
"text": "Besides a solid F rating by the Better Business Bureau, Woodfield University is part of … a ring of diploma mills that earns more than $70 million a year ripping off Americans. This fake University is based in an apartment in Karachi Pakistan.Woodfield is an accredited online university offering degree programs based on prior learning. In the United States, accredited colleges and universities are considered legitimate and recognized.s it sure not fake university. as the website is concern {| | | State Govt."
"score": 0.525111258,
"text": "Published on 22/09/2015 UGC Notice reg.: List of selected candidates for award of fellowship for the year 2015-17 under the scheme of Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for Students with Disabilities during financial year 2015-16 17.ublished on 07/08/2015 UGC Public Notice reg.: Fake degree scam in Jodhpur National University, Jodhpur Rajasthan 41. Published on 06/08/2015 UGC Notice reg.: Minutes and List of Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates under DSKPDF and Start Up Grant/One Time Grant/BSR Faculty Fellowship schemes 42."
"score": 0.5157378912,
"text": "Yes the B.Ed course of Singhania University in the name of Singhania B.Ed College is recognized by the NCTE in the year 2005. and the same can be observed in the site of NCTE … India in public section list of recognized institution and to be see in older section that is in the year 2005. 6 people found this useful."
"score": 0.5029016733,
"text": "Forgery Fake ID Arrests at UConn & Fairfield University Have Got to Stop. As any of the best Connecticut criminal lawyers who fight UConn and Fairfield University arrests understand, possessing a Fake ID in Connecticut is unfortunately a felony charge in Connecticut."
"score": 0.4960638881,
"text": "Because need blind admissions is as fake as the Tooth Fairy. Now I don't fault my friends in admissions offices across the country for perpetuating this untruth for it is as ingrained in American higher education as are professors in tweed jackets."
"score": 0.484664619,
"text": "Regarding Nixon University, another school with a lovely website and lots of names of agencies that it claims have accredited it, I am not saying it is a scam, but I'm always suspicious when the NCA doesn't accredit it and the US Department of Education doesn't either.egarding Nixon University, another school with a lovely website and lots of names of agencies that it claims have accredited it, I am not saying it is a scam, but I'm always suspicious when the NCA doesn't accredit it and the US Department of Education doesn't either."
"score": 0.4809752405,
"text": "UConn and Fairfield University student criminal lawyers frequently see college Fake ID cases come through the Rockville and Bridgeport Superior Courts. Prosecutors may sometimes offer a reduced a misdemeanor plea deal where the student can pay a small fine in exchange for a reduced criminal charge."
"score": 0.478387028,
"text": "Getting a fake degree from a \"diploma mill\" or a non-accredited online school, for example, is a great way to throw away money, regardless of how low the fee is. When it comes to quality schools, the truth is that many individual distance learning courses cost about the same as traditional on-campus classes."
"score": 0.4775399566,
"text": "Confidence votes 34. Many people are saying its a scam, however it is NOT. It does seem legitimate, due to the fact they are in partnership with many legit organizations. It is unknown how much this organization will actually do for you, and if colleges/universities will aknowledge your membership with NSHSS or not."
"score": 0.4689374268,
"text": "Use the Department of Education and CHEA databases to look up the universities you're interested in and their accreditors. If the accrediting agency of a university is not listed on those sites, and the university is not in their database of accredited universities, then it is not accredited by a recognized agency.egarding Nixon University, another school with a lovely website and lots of names of agencies that it claims have accredited it, I am not saying it is a scam, but I'm always suspicious when the NCA doesn't accredit it and the US Department of Education doesn't either."
"score": 0.4644995928,
"text": "They may contain definable biases, but they cannot be labeled fake. Following the election, assistant professor of communication at Merrimack College, Melissa Zimdars, compiled a list of fake news sites to avoid."
"score": 0.4578796625,
"text": "You should be aware that trying to take shortcuts on cost can be dangerous. Getting a fake degree from a \"diploma mill\" or a non-accredited online school, for example, is a great way to throw away money, regardless of how low the fee is. When it comes to quality schools, the truth is that many individual distance learning courses cost about the same as traditional on-campus classes."
"score": 0.4564864039,
"text": "In 2006, Forbes magazine reported that an estimated 40 percent of people stretched the truth on their resumes. One of the more prevalent fibs, the magazine reported, is a false college degree claim."
"score": 0.4556445479,
"text": "There are some fake accreditation agencies out there, over 30 of them, in fact, so be careful. If the online Bachelor degree costs seem too cheap, it is probably reason for alarm. By using the amounts above as a guideline, you should be able to find an accredited online campus for your degree."
"score": 0.4442292452,
"text": "There are a lot of high reviews for this college which I find it hard to believe Grand Canyon University is a rip off be careful if you are currently enrolled they will claim they are trying to help you but really are taking your money."
"score": 0.4391279221,
"text": "Fake Tissot from Jomashop! It turns out the watch is authentic. I had it looked at by two AD's with both saying it looked and felt (weighed) right. Perhaps seeing posts on here made me a little uneasy, but you cannot be careful enough when it comes to fakes IMO. Thanks for your responses.Last edited by Schumacherfan; January 29th, 2010 at 00:55. think I may be in a bit of a situation here. I recently purchased a PRC 200 from Jomashop. When I found out how many fakes of this watch are in circulation I decided to head to an AD to verify it's authenticity. The AD said it appeared to be real but I am not convinced."
"score": 0.4377778172,
"text": "The educational institution that issued the degree or certificate is contacted for the Education Verification. Most degrees or certificates are verified by the institution's Admissions and Records Office.Some educational institutions use third-party verification services.ecause of the large number of applicants who make false educational claims (See, Fake Resumes, Fake References, Fake Degrees: Employer Beware! and Background Check Statistics), we strongly recommend an Education Verification when a degree or certification is required or desired for a given position."
"score": 0.4308588803,
"text": "This has been on my mind for a while and I've been comparing sandy hook to the columbine shooting and I've noticed that Columbine has enough evidence such as the security tapes to prove that this was real. But sandy hook said that they had tapes and they didn't show a tape or a picture of adam holding a gun in the school. Now that's total bs. So if anyone can explain that the whole sandy hook shooting is indeed fake and staged."
"score": 0.4280152619,
"text": "Fake DanTDM. Fake DanTDM is a character introduced by DanTDM in 2016. Fake DanTDM has appeared in-person on the third episode of DanTDM's Reading Your Comments series. DanTDM uses Fake DanTDM to help stop fake channels, and Fake DanTDM is also comedious, but evil. Fake DanTDM is like an evil or opposite version of the real DanTDM."
"score": 0.4239993095,
"text": "Choson Ninja just proved to the world how fake he is! Scottbaioisdead made a video on youtube in regard to one of Choson Ninja's videos that proved how fake he is. 1 -Bandwidth is way too cheap. 2 -This video, the kid who made it, Chosen Ninja and the OP are a bunch of retards. Yes, even the video is a retard."
"score": 0.4208424687,
"text": "A journalist working with Zee News has resigned, suggesting that the channel deliberately misinterpreted a video clip to brand some students including Kanhaiya Kumar as anti-nationals and trigger the controversy at the Jawaharlal Nehru University."
"score": 0.4105884433,
"text": "Beware of the 192 amino acid HGH mimic and low purity growth hormone. If the price is too good to be true, it usually is just that. Underpriced HGH is most likely fake-containing 192 amino acid sequence somatrem, which is not real HGH.eware of the 192 amino acid HGH mimic and low purity growth hormone. If the price is too good to be true, it usually is just that. Underpriced HGH is most likely fake-containing 192 amino acid sequence somatrem, which is not real HGH."
"score": 0.4091871381,
"text": "Nehemiah Sorokopud. This is not his website and he doesn't even go here so don't waste your time writing to him and if you see a DANTDM here it's a fake Btw trayaourous is fake he's just a npc doesnt have a human mind and he's not a human He will never share his address or email And hes not the best YouTuber it's just your opinion. Loading editor."
"score": 0.4060690403,
"text": "Using a Fake ID to Buy Alcohol. Despite the fact that high school and college students do it all the time, the crime of using a false ID is fairly serious. Whether you are using a fake ID to get into a concert, buy alcohol, or otherwise misrepresent your age or identity, you could be asking for major criminal penalties.It is impossible for the police to monitor every bar and liquor store in the country, so the vast majority of fake ID uses go undetected and unpunished. Using a Fake ID: You can be prosecuted for a number of different crimes for using fake identification. 2 Since these laws are regulated by state, every state will have its own punishments."
"score": 0.4040241241,
"text": "It just seems stupid they always seem to find the dumbest evidence and every time they see something they just show their annoying faces. and on one episode they where looking for a abominable snowman and they saw foot steps and... Source(s): quot destination truth quot fake faked bad funny: https://tr.im/VOoRh."
"score": 0.3928577006,
"text": "Gallaudet University in Washington D.C. is the only liberal arts college for deaf and hard of hearing students. The University has over a hundred years of history behind it. It is responsible for producing many leaders in the deaf and hard of hearing community."
"score": 0.3879133463,
"text": "Even many review sites are tainted with fake reviews making it almost impossible for somedbody to detect a safe site from a scam. We attempt to analyse the website information and provide a trust guide that will help you determine the risk rating of the dditservices.com website."
"score": 0.3877744973,
"text": "Hummmn, something's wrong there. How can you say it's the best school, yet have no knowledge about the cost. Gottakenbykeiser said he/she went there and just said it's a scam. Go to the Forum's Section: Do a search for Keiser."
"score": 0.3834994435,
"text": "\"Like so much news today,\" said Carlson, \"this isn't news but propaganda designed to smear and deceive rather than to inform. On this topic \"the 'news' has never been faker.\". Fake – just like the media's coverage of Trump himself. And now that Trump has ditched one of the pillars of Trumpism, those who took it seriously are being treated exactly like he was treated before – with a barrage of outright lies."
"score": 0.3778865635,
"text": "False and misleading information and forged documents are likely to be exposed by a thorough background check. Most employers have a No Tolerance policy about false claims on a resume or job application. This policy applies whether the falsehood is found before or after the applicant is hired. Do not lie."
"score": 0.376993835,
"text": "internships a must do with its location on campus the stubhub center is a significant csudh partner and supporter of the university s students the center and the la galaxy currently offer the two marketing internships through the csudh s college of business administration and public policy"
"score": 0.3635694385,
"text": "Fake it and you'll feel sunnier. In a Clark University study, one group of participants was told to smile and another group was told to frown. Afterward, both groups were shown cartoons—and the smilers rated the shows funnier than the frowners did."
"score": 0.3628576696,
"text": "School romance comedy My Girlfriend is Shobitch revolves around a cute yet overly-serious girlfriend who has a surprisingly perverted side to her studies. We have the preview stills and synopsis for the second episode of the anime."
"score": 0.3582896888,
"text": "Romney got in his digs — \"his promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University\" — but all Democrats noticed was the thrashing, crashing mess. \"They're pointing out the wackiness of Trump's policy ideas and explaining how they won't stand up to scrutiny in November. Trump isn't bothered."
"score": 0.355104506,
"text": "This Character Biography topic is currently locked. Bubbly, na ve, and quirky, 21-year-old Shoshanna Shapiro (Zosia Mamet) is Jessa's younger cousin. She is a math major at New York University and is obsessed with the HBO TV series Sex and the City.. A poster from the first Sex and the City movie hangs in her apartment."
"score": 0.3531544805,
"text": "(In fact, sometimes fake acupuncture works better!) That is, they both \"work\" 18 as well as a placebo, neither of them routinely work any miracles, and they have the same effect regardless of whether or not the needles are being used according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine.In fact, sometimes fake acupuncture works better!) That is, they both \"work\" 18 as well as a placebo, neither of them routinely work any miracles, and they have the same effect regardless of whether or not the needles are being used according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine."
"score": 0.3481556773,
"text": "Bundoora is the headquarters of La Trobe University, Bundoora Campus. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) also has a campus situated in Bundoora. The word Bundoora is derived from Kelbundoora, the name of a 19th-century Wurundjeri tribesman. RMIT University 's Bundoora West Campus is located at the terminus of the tramline. 2 Further down the road is the East Campus area, home of RMIT's Wind Tunnel. 3 It is also home of the RMIT University Sports Statistics Research Group."
"score": 0.3437117338,
"text": "The action came after President Trump on Friday described the media and what he terms fake news as the enemy of the people.On the list were Trump-friendly outlets such as Breitbart News, the Washington Times and OANN, a conservative television network that employs former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski as a commentator."
"score": 0.3411009312,
"text": "this is actually really interesting i do wish there was a way to determine if a shiny was hatched this way or legitimately i realize this is legit but i do mean without any outside influence other than the masuda method though just so if someone does hatch one legitimately they can maybe value it more"
"score": 0.3375535905,
"text": "The M'Choakumchild school was all fact , and the school of design was all fact , and the relations between master and man were all fact , and everything was fact between the lying-in hospital and the cemetery , and what you couldn't state in figures , or show to be purchaseable in the cheapest market and saleable in the dearest , was not , and never ..."
"score": 0.3358049393,
"text": "Warranty: All products sold on Jomashop.com are guaranteed authentic. Since Jomashop.com does not sell its products through the manufacturer's pricing guidelines; we do not provide the manufacturer s warranty with the product.omashop is legit, but I think that 10 % discount at an AD isn't a terribly good price. Buying Tissot, Longines etc I've never paid more than 80 % of the MSRP at a brick and mortar store. So I'd ask for their final offer."
"score": 0.3301189542,
"text": "PredictIt is a research project of Victoria University of Wellington. In order to take full advantage of the research opportunities presented by prediction markets like PredictIt, we make our data available to members of the academic community at no cost."
"score": 0.3268791437,
"text": "It is an exercise of legitimate power for a professor to demand that her student rewrite a research paper on a central theme of the course which was shoddily done the first time. 2 people found this helpful."
"score": 0.3259559274,
"text": "It is inadequate academic scholarship, and I believe wikipedia ought to offer evidence-based facts not speculations by motivated commentators. (talk) 06:41, 19 April 2015 (UTC) Hello ChristensenMJ: I have detected unsubstantiated scholarship on Harold B Lee's wiki page. You have eliminated whole-sale my contributions twice now, with what I feel are inadequate justifications. The small size of Lee's page makes Quinn's unsubstantiated speculation seem like a disproportionate addition."
"score": 0.3258149326,
"text": "He's failed to make it into college twice, he's unpopular with women, and he's unemployed. He seems like the classic-useless-shounen-harem-male-lead... In truth, however he's actually an Ashikabi--one of a mysterious set of masters in an awesome battle royale between hordes of cute girls called Sekirei.. Since this is an ecchi manga, with their attacks they often happen to..."
"score": 0.3222877681,
"text": "It is an exercise of legitimate power for a professor to demand that her student rewrite a research paper on a central theme of the course which was shoddily done the first time."
"score": 0.3145863414,
"text": "The venue isn't responsible for fraud tickets sold on Stubhub, and thus if you buy a bad ticket you can't get any refund or anything from the venue. People do sell fraud tickets on there, for big events like Phish concerts // Justin Bieber.If the tickets already been used, then you cant get in.osted. I've had great experiences with Stubhub. I almost use them exclusively when I'm buying tickets for Baseball games. I've probably bought from them over 10+ times."
"score": 0.3127550483,
"text": "They are: no Tissot warranty (jomashop 2 yr.) the authenticity of watches purchased there and finally, I am building a relationship with my watch guy at Jared and they do offer a better warranty not to mention servicing my watches of which I plan to buy several.omashop is legit, but I think that 10 % discount at an AD isn't a terribly good price. Buying Tissot, Longines etc I've never paid more than 80 % of the MSRP at a brick and mortar store. So I'd ask for their final offer."
"score": 0.3107455969,
"text": "AshDubh also known as FearADubh (or also known as FubhADubh& Smash to friends) is a YouTuber... AshDubh also known as FearADubh (or also known as ... Read more. Positive: 56 %. Learn about Ashdubh: his birthday, what he did before fame, his family life, fun trivia facts, popularity rankings, and more."
"score": 0.3090379834,
"text": "South Dakota State University (SDSU), located in Brookings, SD, has the Jackrabbit as its school mascot. The mascot's official name, selected in 2011, is Jack.."
"score": 0.3067649305,
"text": "keywords: is stubhub safe, is stubhub reliable, is stubhub.com reliable, is stubhub.com legit, stubhub.com reviews 2015, is stubhub legit, is stubhub.com safe, stubhub reviews 2015.tubHub Reviews 2015 – What I Like. Many StubHub reviews show that the primary reason why customers like Stubhub is the wide array of ticket choices. This website offers fans the ability to grab seats of their favorite games."
"score": 0.2942767441,
"text": "The boss held a lot of legitimate power over the rest of the firm and it made a lot of us nervous and afraid. 9 people found this helpful. It is an exercise of legitimate power for a professor to demand that her student rewrite a research paper on a central theme of the course which was shoddily done the first time."
"score": 0.2941338122,
"text": "tuition for all science subjects and maths from 1st to 12th std - (near Jubail center opposite to SONY musjid) Spoken English for Tamil Speaking People - (Ladies Market) Female Pakistani teacher - (Near shola patrol pump) Tuitions for students of grade 4 to 10 - (Near small panda,dakhel mahdoud)"
"score": 0.2857260406,
"text": "Khukuri House Thamel is the manufacturer and distributor of the finest Kukris in Nepal. Established by Mr. lalit Lama, an ex-British Gurkha Warrant Officer in 1993 is the first genuine Gurkha Knife store in the heart of thamel (tourist area) in Katmandu, Nepal.hat is Khukuri. Khukuri is a medium-length curved knife each Gurkha soldier carries with him in uniform and in battle. In his grip, it is a formidable razor sharp weapon and a cutting tool. In fact, it is an extension of his arm."
"score": 0.2447251081,
"text": "The fat laughing Buddha you see in Chinese restaurants is not a representation of the historical Buddha, but instead, a representation of the future Buddha, Maitreya. Maitreya wasn't always portrayed as a fat, bald guy. In the 2nd century CE, Maitreya was portrayed as a very handsome, princely man. The fat laughing Buddha is actually the monk Budai, a popular Buddhist monk in Chinese history. Budai was known to be kind, loving and happy. Budai literally means cloth sack, the monk Budai was said to always be carrying a sack of presents for children."
"score": 0.2360586375,
"text": "Nollaig Shona (duit/daoibh) Explanation: Duit/daoibh is optional - duit means to you (one person), and daoibh is to you (more than one person). And Nollaig Shona to you! :)-----Note added at 21 mins (2007-12-22 22:53:05 GMT)-----It's the same - Nollaig Shona."
"score": 0.224314034,
"text": "Duit/daoibh is optional - duit means to you (one person), and daoibh is to you (more than one person). And Nollaig Shona to you! Note added at 21 mins (2007-12-22 22:53:05 GMT)"
] |
how much distance should be between stove and microwave | [
"score": 0.7710595131,
"text": "Re: Microwave/range hood distance to range top. SECTION M1901. RANGES AND OVENS. M1901.1 Clearances. Freestanding or built-in ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking top of not less than 30 inches (762 mm) to unprotected combustible material.e: Microwave/range hood distance to range top. I just came from an inspection that had the installation manual on the countertop for the Kenmore microwave. The instructions stated a minimum distance of 30 from the stove top to the top of the microwave."
] | [
"score": 0.7625706792,
"text": "I just mounted a GE microwave with a vent and it told me to mount at a minimum of 21 above the stove top. Comment from contributor P: I am just into this very problem with a client. The above stove cabinet was ordered for a standard vent hood over an electric stove. They then decided on a gas range. That didn't cause a problem. However, they then decided on a microwave unit above a gas range, and the microwave manufacturer, Panasonic, stated that the unit could be within a minimum of 13 5/8 from the countertop for an electric stove, and 16 for a gas range. Ah ha-now we have a problem!"
"score": 0.7613488436,
"text": "Tags: Electrical & Lighting. I got a new microwave for over my stove. I didn't have one there just an empty space, the instruction say that it has to be 30in from the top of the stove or counter top. the problem I have is the my microwave will stick out from my cabnets 3 1/4in and over my rear burners. didn't have one there just an empty space, the instruction say that it has to be 30in from the top of the stove or counter top. the problem I have is the my microwave will stick out from my cabnets 3 1/4in and over my rear burners."
"score": 0.7570189238,
"text": "The 2006 IRC section 1901.1 requires 30 inches from stove to combustibles unless the stove manufacturer requires more. Comment from contributor O: I just mounted a GE microwave with a vent and it told me to mount at a minimum of 21 above the stove top.Comment from contributor P: I am just into this very problem with a client. The above stove cabinet was ordered for a standard vent hood over an electric stove.They then decided on a gas range.he 2006 IRC section 1901.1 requires 30 inches from stove to combustibles unless the stove manufacturer requires more. Comment from contributor O: I just mounted a GE microwave with a vent and it told me to mount at a minimum of 21 above the stove top."
"score": 0.7553197145,
"text": "We put in a gas range under the microwave. What clearance should I have from the stove top to the bottom of the microwave. The range is also LG with 5 burners. Asked by: JayBKitchen. Minimum clearance is 30 from the bottom of the cabinet to the cooking surface or countertop."
"score": 0.7551403046,
"text": "Tags: Electrical & Lighting. I got a new microwave for over my stove. I didn't have one there just an empty space, the instruction say that it has to be 30in from the top of the stove or counter top. the problem I have is the my microwave will stick out from my cabnets 3 1/4in and over my rear burners.ags: Electrical & Lighting. I got a new microwave for over my stove. I didn't have one there just an empty space, the instruction say that it has to be 30in from the top of the stove or counter top. the problem I have is the my microwave will stick out from my cabnets 3 1/4in and over my rear burners."
"score": 0.7537719011,
"text": "Also, your stove installations will give you the minimum clearances for cabinets on each side of the stove. I should say the bottom of the cabinet next to the micro/hood is 54off finished floor. The top of the microwave/hood should be approximately 69 off finished floor, or about 33 above cook top."
"score": 0.7518099546,
"text": "Re: Microwave/range hood distance to range top. SECTION M1901. RANGES AND OVENS. M1901.1 Clearances. Freestanding or built-in ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking top of not less than 30 inches (762 mm) to unprotected combustible material."
"score": 0.7361851931,
"text": "I've read on GE installation manuals (at GE.com) that the space should be a minimum of 30 inches from the cooktop surface to the bottom of the cabinet touching the top of the microwave."
"score": 0.731507659,
"text": "Re: Microwave/range hood distance to range top. Most units call for the distance to the top of the unit to be 66 off the floor. The real danger is removing products from the microwave (a spill hazard to the user)."
"score": 0.7276207805,
"text": "I have one that is less than 12 inches behind the back burners, and it is a factory made GE, so it must be legal. While you want the microwave within reach, as low as possible, you do not want to sacrifice using the range for its intended purpose."
"score": 0.7268729806,
"text": "Re: Microwave/range hood distance to range top. Most units call for the distance to the top of the unit to be 66 off the floor. The real danger is removing products from the microwave (a spill hazard to the user). #4. 9/30/09, 9:56 AM."
"score": 0.7264117002,
"text": "My OTR microwave instructions were 30 min clearance between the bottom of the cabinet and the top of the cooktop. I have 32 total, so my microwave is about 16 over the gas cooktop. It passed the code inspections at that height."
"score": 0.7241700888,
"text": "Add the height of your microwave to determine the bottom of the cabinet over the microwave. This will put the bottom of your microwave at the 54 mark. 16-19 is the going height nowadays for modern microwaves, with 17 being the most common size.owever, they then decided on a microwave unit above a gas range, and the microwave manufacturer, Panasonic, stated that the unit could be within a minimum of 13 5/8 from the countertop for an electric stove, and 16 for a gas range. Ah ha-now we have a problem!"
"score": 0.7236690521,
"text": "Re: Microwave/range hood distance to range top Most units call for the distance to the top of the unit to be 66 off the floor. The real danger is removing products from the microwave (a spill hazard to the user)."
"score": 0.7226384282,
"text": "My daughter has a double cabinet above her stove-there is only enough room to install an 11 or 12 inch microwave under the cabinet and above her stove to provide the sufficient amount of space needed between the two."
"score": 0.7224010825,
"text": "Above stove microwave height. I am thinking of replacing our current hood vent with an above the stove microwave to save counter space. I am not sure if there will be enough space between the microwave and the stove top if I make the switch. Any ideas on the standard space between the 2?"
"score": 0.7181701064,
"text": "The microwave right above the stove will get a lot of heat and a lot of grease. It will need frequent cleaning, which will be difficult if it is low. My hood is about 22.5 inches above the body of the range and 21.5 above the burner grills (or whatever those things are called).he microwave right above the stove will get a lot of heat and a lot of grease. It will need frequent cleaning, which will be difficult if it is low. My hood is about 22.5 inches above the body of the range and 21.5 above the burner grills (or whatever those things are called)."
"score": 0.7180047035,
"text": "21. Microwave Oven Placement: The ideal location for the bottom of the microwave is 3 inches below the principle user's shoulder but no more than 54 inches above the floor. If the microwave is below the countertop the bottom must be at least 15 inches off the finished floor."
"score": 0.7164735794,
"text": "Ideally you will want a 30 cabinet above your range. An over-the-range microwave is normally 15 inches to 16 inches tall and most building codes for new construction (check your local codes) require 18 inches to 20 inches of space between the range and the microwave.ou will need an electrical outlet inside the upper cabinet. If there is an existing microwave the outlet will already be installed. If there is a hood above your range, you will need to install an outlet, as hoods are wired directly like a light fixture."
"score": 0.7150238752,
"text": "The bottom of the microwave is about 3/4 higher than the bottom of my side cabinets. In our previous house we had wanted to install one and were told that there wasn't enough space between the stovetop and the bottom of the cabinet the micro would attach to.odi_SoCal. We have the same OTR microwave as Piaa but ours is 19 from countertop, 55 from floor. I'm 5'1 and find the microwave a bit too high for me. I can reach stuff in it, but have to use a step stool to clean it."
"score": 0.7145965099,
"text": "Microwave Oven Placement: The ideal location for the bottom of the microwave is 3 inches below the principle user's shoulder but no more than 54 inches above the floor. If the microwave is below the countertop the bottom must be at least 15 inches off the finished floor."
"score": 0.713752985,
"text": "Example of a wall-mounted support plate for an over-the-range microwave installation. 2. Hold the microwave wall template in position against the wall and mark the positions of the required fasteners. At least one of those fasteners must go into a stud; where no stud is present, drill holes for toggle bolts.t least one existing rule allows a minimum of 13 inches, but pro installers and others who know their way around kitchens argue that there should be 20 to 24 inches of clearance above the stove top. (A note from NH: I received a note on this height issue from a reader so some clarification is necessary."
"score": 0.7064627409,
"text": "Contributors B and C are correct. I sometimes drill and mount the hardware for those, and the specs recommend 69 plus or minus from floor to top of microwave, or 16-19 clearance between the range and microwave bottom."
"score": 0.6998893619,
"text": "Note: If the microwave is located near a range, 2 feet of clearance on the side adjacent to the range will be necessary. Microwaves cannot be mounted over a range unless they are specifically made to be an over-the-range model, with a vent included."
"score": 0.6977334619,
"text": "Mounting Space This over-the-range microwave oven requires wallmounting space, as shown below. • Minimum of 30 inches between cabinets is required forinstallation. If space between cabinets is greaterthan 30 inches, filler panel kit may be used to fill in gapbetween microwave oven and cabinets. Contactdealer to purchase filler panel kit. Caution To avoid personal injury, protect hands andarms. Microwave oven may have sharpedges. • Verify bottom edge of cabinet is at least 66 inches fromfloor and 30 inches from cooking surface. • Bottom of microwave oven should be at least 2 inchesabove range backsplash for easy access to changehood and range lamps."
"score": 0.6969044805,
"text": "Results 1 to 11 of 11. 03-07-05, 08:26 AM #1. Golden Visiting Guest. Above stove microwave height I am thinking of replacing our current hood vent with an above the stove microwave to save counter space. I am not sure if there will be enough space between the microwave and the stove top if I make the switch."
"score": 0.6965715885,
"text": "18 cabinet is standard for range vent. Disadvantages of the microwave vent are for shorter cooks and little ladies with not much upper arm strength. Too, there are safety concerns when hot pots are cooking and, say, a child wants to microwave a snack.bove stove microwave height. I am thinking of replacing our current hood vent with an above the stove microwave to save counter space. I am not sure if there will be enough space between the microwave and the stove top if I make the switch."
"score": 0.6930667162,
"text": "At least one existing rule allows a minimum of 13 inches, but pro installers and others who know their way around kitchens argue that there should be 20 to 24 inches of clearance above the stove top. (A note from NH: I received a note on this height issue from a reader so some clarification is necessary."
"score": 0.6891518831,
"text": "Long story short: To install an over-the-range microwave oven, you need to have enough space between wall cabinets flanking the range and between the cooktop and ceiling. There should be a cabinet or shelf above the spot where the microwave will be installed so that you can fasten the top of the microwave to it. Most OTR microwaves are just under 30 in. wide; heights vary from about 10 to 18 inches and depths vary from 12 to about 18 inches."
"score": 0.686999321,
"text": "Regardless if you have a hood fan or SpaceSaver microwave, the minimum, in general, is that the bottom of the cabinet must be at least 66 inches or more from the floor. The minimum space between the countertop and bottom of the upper cabinet that this would be directly under should be 30 inches minimum.egardless if you have a hood fan or SpaceSaver microwave, the minimum, in general, is that the bottom of the cabinet must be at least 66 inches or more from the floor. The minimum space between the countertop and bottom of the upper cabinet that this would be directly under should be 30 inches minimum."
"score": 0.6806708574,
"text": "Range hood and stove distance. You mentioned the range hood is a Miele pullout, but I am wondering what the distance is between the cook top and the range hood. I have been researching to get the same look in my kitchen but cannot find anything that does not work with less than 30 above a gas stove with a slide out or concealed range hood. Thanks."
"score": 0.6699126959,
"text": "Long story short: To install an over-the-range microwave oven, you need to have enough space between wall cabinets flanking the range and between the cooktop and ceiling. There should be a cabinet or shelf above the spot where the microwave will be installed so that you can fasten the top of the microwave to it.Most OTR microwaves are just under 30 in. wide; heights vary from about 10 to 18 inches and depths vary from 12 to about 18 inches.ong story short: To install an over-the-range microwave oven, you need to have enough space between wall cabinets flanking the range and between the cooktop and ceiling. There should be a cabinet or shelf above the spot where the microwave will be installed so that you can fasten the top of the microwave to it."
"score": 0.6655273438,
"text": "Cabinet Depth. Over-the-range microwaves will typically be about 15 to 16 inches in depth, while upper kitchen cabinets in which they are installed are generally about 12 inches in depth, according to Runmyhouse Services Inc."
"score": 0.6626911163,
"text": "There should be a cabinet or shelf above the spot where the microwave will be installed so that you can fasten the top of the microwave to it. Most OTR microwaves are just under 30 in. wide; heights vary from about 10 to 18 inches and depths vary from 12 to about 18 inches."
"score": 0.6604263783,
"text": "Measure the distance between the cooking surface, ideally 36 inches above the floor, and the ceiling, minus the manufacturer's listed height for the island stove vent. The vent hood needs to be installed between 24 and 30 inches -- depending on the manufacturer's instructions -- above the cooking surface."
"score": 0.6583075523,
"text": "See 3 ELECTRICAL GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS on page 2. 1 MOUNTING SPACE This Microwave Oven/Hood requires a mounting space on awall as shown in Figure 1. It is designed to be used with standard12-inch wall cabinets.If the space between the wall cabinets is 36 or 42 inches, a FillerPanel Kit can be used to fill the gap."
"score": 0.6487908363,
"text": "In general, most installations require a distance from 20 to 24 between the bottom of the hood and the cooking surface. Over a gas range, this distance should be between 24 and 30, unless otherwise specified.For further information, please refer to the installation manual of your model.n general, most installations require a distance from 20 to 24 between the bottom of the hood and the cooking surface. Over a gas range, this distance should be between 24 and 30, unless otherwise specified."
"score": 0.6319214106,
"text": "1 900mm (36″) would be the minimum distance between a run of cabinets and a kitchen island in a one cook kitchen. 2 If there are two cooks in the kitchen a minimum of 1200mm (47″) is required for one person to edge past the other by turning and passing with bodies parallel."
"score": 0.6247658134,
"text": "These replace the regular vent above the stove, and will exhaust the heat and fumes from cooking just like the regular vent. But in addition, it's a microwave. It can be anything from an inexpensive unit ($200 range) to a microwave/convection oven ($400 to $600 range) .A microwave/vent is 30 wide, and uses up 15 in height. Pretty much the same as the built-in microwave above, but it doesn't require a cabinet to set it in.ut in addition, it's a microwave. It can be anything from an inexpensive unit ($200 range) to a microwave/convection oven ($400 to $600 range) . A microwave/vent is 30 wide, and uses up 15 in height. Pretty much the same as the built-in microwave above, but it doesn't require a cabinet to set it in."
"score": 0.6220998764,
"text": "Stove/Oven Height. When it comes to height, there are some variations. Average heights for a stove/oven combo are either 37.25 inches or 47 inches, depending on the manufacturer. The most common height of 36 inches accommodate standard counter heights."
"score": 0.6218416691,
"text": "Stove/Oven Height. When it comes to height, there are some variations. Average heights for a stove/oven combo are either 37.25 inches or 47 inches, depending on the manufacturer.The most common height of 36 inches accommodate standard counter heights.ndustry-standard stoves are 30 inches wide for electric units or 36 inches wide for gas versions. Smaller stoves built exclusively for apartments, trailers and boat kitchens range from 12 to 24 inches wide."
"score": 0.6202206016,
"text": "When it comes to height, there are some variations. Average heights for a stove/oven combo are either 37.25 inches or 47 inches, depending on the manufacturer. The most common height of 36 inches accommodate standard counter heights."
"score": 0.6189503074,
"text": "Quick Answer. Over-the-range microwaves come as small as 1.1 cubic feet, which translates into about 28 inches wide, 15 inches deep and 12.6 inches high. The smallest countertop microwaves are even smaller at 0.7 cubic feet. Keep Learning."
"score": 0.6185584664,
"text": "When it comes to height, there are some variations. Average heights for a stove/oven combo are either 37.25 inches or 47 inches, depending on the manufacturer."
"score": 0.5751131177,
"text": "Anyway, for all intents and purposes the energy used between a microwave and an electric burner is the same. I boiled two cups of 86-degree water in a GE microwave oven (Model JS1533BV001, 1995) and it used 0.087 kWh. Boiling it in a pot on an electric burner used 0.095 kWh.he story isn't much different for a gas stove. According to Home Energy Magazine, gas stoves are only 40% efficient compared to a microwave's 55%. But the gas stove is usually cheaper to run because gas is usually a lot cheaper than electricity."
"score": 0.5568466187,
"text": "First, the ground must be flat so that objects do not shadow the beams. Second, the microwave antennas should not be placed greater than 120 yards between each other since a crawler may not be detected due to dead zones created in the first few meters in front of the antennas."
"score": 0.4592500627,
"text": "How much should it cost to add a circuit breaker? In this question, I asked about problems between my circuit breaker for a circuit shared by my microwave and sump pump. The conclusion was that another circuit should be added to support the microwave on its own. I have open spots for breakers in the box."
"score": 0.4557246268,
"text": "Foods defrosted in the microwave or by the cold water method should be cooked before refreezing. Do not cook frozen chicken in the microwave or in a slow cooker. However, chicken can be cooked from the frozen state in the oven or on the stove. The cooking time may be about 50% longer.oods defrosted in the microwave or by the cold water method should be cooked before refreezing. Do not cook frozen chicken in the microwave or in a slow cooker. However, chicken can be cooked from the frozen state in the oven or on the stove. The cooking time may be about 50% longer."
] |
what family includes zebras and donkeys | [
"score": 0.7859971523,
"text": "Equidae (sometimes known as the horse family) is the taxonomic family of horses and related animals, including the extant horses, donkeys, and zebras, and many other species known only from fossils. All extant species are in the genus Equus. Equidae belongs to the order Perissodactyla, which includes the extant tapirs and rhinoceros, and several extinct families. The term equid refers to any member of this family, including any equine."
] | [
"score": 0.7049680948,
"text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Zebras and horses both belong to the family Equidae, and the genus Equus. However, they are different species-horses being E. caballus, and zebras E. burchelli (Burchell's or plains zebra), E. grevyi (Grevy's zebra), and E. zebra (mountain zebra).ating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: Zebras and horses both belong to the family Equidae, and the genus Equus. However, they are different species-horses being E. caballus, and zebras E. burchelli (Burchell's or plains zebra), E. grevyi (Grevy's zebra), and E. zebra (mountain zebra)."
"score": 0.6825072765,
"text": "Like zebras, horses belong to the Equidae family and are part of the Equus genus. Horses are then divided into various species and subspecies. There are many similarities between the two animals. Their anatomy is very similar, both being hoofed mammals with an odd number of toes."
"score": 0.6751246452,
"text": "The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae.The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus.he donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae."
"score": 0.6715244651,
"text": "The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus.he donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus."
"score": 0.6680272818,
"text": "Zebras are mammals that belong to the horse family. They are black creatures with white strips. Each zebra has a unique stripe pattern. Despite being closely related to the horse, attempts to make zebras ride-able have proved fruitless courtesy of their unpredictable nature."
"score": 0.6651477814,
"text": "Equus is a genus of mammals in the family Equidae, which includes horses, asses, and zebras.Within Equidae, Equus is the only recognized extant genus, comprising seven living species. The term equine refers to any member of this genus, including horses.Like Equidae more broadly, Equus has numerous extinct species known only from fossils.itochondrial evidence supports the division of Equus species into non-caballoid (which includes zebras and asses) and caballoids or true horses (which includes E. ferus and E. przewalskii)."
"score": 0.6617052555,
"text": "The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus) is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus. The donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years."
"score": 0.6612992883,
"text": "Zebras are single-hoofed animals that are native to Africa. Zebras are very closely related to horses and donkeys; in fact, they are in the same genus, Equus. The most prominent feature of zebras is the bold patterns on their coats."
"score": 0.6596522927,
"text": "Zebras are actually the member of horse family and are easily recognizable by their unmistakable physical appearance. These animals are considered to be highly sociable and they're found in large groups. Despite its resemblance with the horse, they are not kept or raised domestically."
"score": 0.6591650248,
"text": "Equus (genus) For other uses, see Equus. Equus is a genus of mammals in the family Equidae, which includes horses, asses, and zebras. Within Equidae, Equus is the only recognized extant genus, comprising seven living species. The term equine refers to any member of this genus, including horses."
"score": 0.656707108,
"text": "Zebras are single-hoofed animals that are native to Africa. Zebras are very closely related to horses and donkeys; in fact, they are in the same genus, Equus.The most prominent feature of zebras is the bold patterns on their coats.ebras are single-hoofed animals that are native to Africa. Zebras are very closely related to horses and donkeys; in fact, they are in the same genus, Equus."
"score": 0.653277874,
"text": "Animal Life, General Knowledge. Zebras are mammals that belong to the horse family. They are black creatures with white strips. Each zebra has a unique stripe pattern. Despite being closely related to the horse, attempts to make zebras ride-able have proved fruitless courtesy of their unpredictable nature."
"score": 0.6520317197,
"text": "Plains zebras and mountain zebras live in family groups led by a stallion, with several mares and offspring. Family groups (known as harems) sometimes get together to form loosely associated herds, according to the San Diego Zoo. However, Grevy's zebras don't have herds."
"score": 0.6517492533,
"text": "Zebroids (Zebra Hybrids) 1 zedonk, zebrass, zebronkey, zonkey, zebonkey, zebadonk, zebryde: zebra father + donkey mother. 2 zorse, golden zebra, zebra mule, zebrule: zebra father + horse mother. 3 zony: zebra father + pony mother. 4 zetland: zebra father + Shetland pony mother. 5 zebret, donkra: donkey father + zebra mother."
"score": 0.650449574,
"text": "Although not as closely related to the zebra as the horse and the donkey, the rhinoceros is part of the same order (Perissodactyla) and therefore shares a few similarities. Like zebras, rhinoceros are odd-toed ungulates, hindgut fermenters and lack gallbladders. Both mammals are herbivores."
"score": 0.649232924,
"text": "Zebras (/ˈzɛbrə/ ZEB-rə or /ˈziːbrə/ ZEE-brə) are several species of African equids (horse family) united by their distinctive black and white striped coats. Their stripes come in different patterns, unique to each individual."
"score": 0.6477935314,
"text": "Zebras are mammals that are known for their black and white stripes. They belong to the horse family of animals. There are three species, or types, of zebra: the plains zebra, Grevy's zebra, and the mountain zebra."
"score": 0.6476070881,
"text": "The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus.he donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years. Of the more than 40 million donkeys in the world, about 96% are in underdeveloped countries, where they are used principally as pack animals or for draught work in transport or agriculture."
"score": 0.6472228765,
"text": "Zebras are single-hoofed animals that are native to Africa. Zebras are very closely related to horses and donkeys; in fact, they are in the same genus, Equus. The most prominent feature of zebras is the bold patterns on their coats. Zebras are generally thought to have white coats with black or brown stripes, according to the San Diego Zoo, because the stripes end at their bellies and the inner side of the legs, which are white."
"score": 0.6471700072,
"text": "They are generally social animals that live in small harems to large herds. Unlike their closest relatives, horses and donkeys, zebras have never been truly domesticated. There are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grevy'grévy s zebra and the mountain. zebra"
"score": 0.6471039057,
"text": "The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus) is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus. The donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years. There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world, mostly in underdeveloped countries, where they are used principally as draught or pack animals."
"score": 0.6458083391,
"text": "Zebras (/ˈzɛbrə/ ZEB-rə or /ˈziːbrə/ ZEE-brə)[1] are several species of African equids (horse family) united by their distinctive black and white striped coats. Their stripes come in different patterns, unique to each individual. They are generally social animals that live in small harems to large herds."
"score": 0.6456634998,
"text": "Modern horses, zebras, and asses belong to the genus Equus, the only surviving genus in a once diverse family, the Equidae. Based on fossil records, the genus appears to have originated in North America about 4 million years ago and spread to Eurasia (presumably by crossing the Bering land bridge) 2 to 3 million years ago."
"score": 0.6433417797,
"text": "They are generally social animals that live in small harems to large herds. Unlike their closest relatives, horses and donkeys, zebras have never been truly domesticated. There are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grevy'grévy s zebra and the mountain. zebrahey are generally social animals that live in small harems to large herds. Unlike their closest relatives, horses and donkeys, zebras have never been truly domesticated. There are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grevy'grévy s zebra and the mountain. zebra"
"score": 0.6425666213,
"text": "No, the families they belong to are Rhinos-Rhinocerotidae Hippos-Hippopotamidae Pigs-Suidae Horses-Equidae Family is a particular term used in biological classification. What you may be thinking of is that they are all ungulates (Ungulata-which is a Superorder) - hooved animals."
"score": 0.6422051191,
"text": "Read our cookies policy. Horses and their relatives, which include zebras, asses, and donkeys, are among the best-loved animals in the world. With their long necks and heads, and slender legs, horses are graceful animals that can run at high speeds. Most horses have coats of a single or mottled (patterned) color."
"score": 0.6416730881,
"text": "Zebras are several species of African equids united by their distinctive black and white striped coats. Their stripes come in different patterns, unique to each individual. They are generally social animals that live in small harems to large herds. Unlike their closest relatives, horses and donkeys, zebras have never been truly domesticated. There are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the mountain zebra and the Grévy's zebra. The plains zebra and the mountain zebra belong to the ..."
"score": 0.6404013634,
"text": "Zebra, any of three species of strikingly black-and-white striped mammals of the horse family Equidae (genus Equus): the plains zebra (E. quagga), which is found in rich grasslands over much of eastern and southern Africa; Grevy's zebra (E. grevyi), which lives in arid, sparsely wooded areas in Kenya and a few small areas in Ethiopia; and the ..."
"score": 0.640362978,
"text": "Report Abuse. No, the families they belong to are Rhinos-Rhinocerotidae Hippos-Hippopotamidae Pigs-Suidae Horses-Equidae Family is a particular term used in biological classification. What you may be thinking of is that they are all ungulates (Ungulata-which is a Superorder) - hooved animals."
"score": 0.6395437717,
"text": "Zebra Species. Like horses and asses, zebras belong to the equid family. The main characteristics shared by the group are that they are long-lived, fast movers with large teeth suitable for chewing anything herbivorous. Zebra, regardless of species, live approximately 25 years in the wild and up to 40 in captivity. The zebra looks similar to a horse, except he has a short, tufted mane and those distinctive stripes."
"score": 0.6395071745,
"text": "Zebras are mammals that are known for their black and white stripes. They belong to the horse family of animals. There are three species, or types, of zebra: the plains zebra, Grevy's zebra, and the mountain zebra. They live in various parts of Africa."
"score": 0.6374143362,
"text": "The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus. The donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years.There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world, mostly in underdeveloped countries, where they are used principally as draught or pack animals.he hybrid between a jack and a mare is a mule, valued as a working and riding animal in many countries. Some large donkey breeds such as the Asino di Martina Franca, the Baudet de Poitou and the Mammoth Jack are raised only for mule production. The hybrid between a stallion and a jenny is a hinny, and is less common."
"score": 0.6353791356,
"text": "Asker's rating. Report Abuse. No, the families they belong to are Rhinos-Rhinocerotidae Hippos-Hippopotamidae Pigs-Suidae Horses-Equidae Family is a particular term used in biological classification. What you may be thinking of is that they are all ungulates (Ungulata-which is a Superorder) - hooved animals."
"score": 0.6342066526,
"text": "(Redirected from Burro) The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus) is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus. The donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years."
"score": 0.6321240664,
"text": "Zebras (/ˈzɛbrə/ ZEB-rə or /ˈziːbrə/ ZEE-brə) are several species of African equids (horse family) united by their distinctive black and white striped coats. Their stripes come in different patterns, unique to each individual.here are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grevy'grévy s zebra and the mountain. zebra"
"score": 0.6319916248,
"text": "Mules, zeedonks and zorses. Crossing a male ass (donkey— Equus asinus) and a horse (Equus caballus) produces a mule (the reverse is called a hinny). Hybrids between zebras and horses (zorse) and zebras and donkeys (zedonk, zonkey, zebrass) also readily occur."
"score": 0.630751133,
"text": "Equid (horse, donkey, zebra) hybrids are well known and some are bred commercially. The generic term for a zebra hybrid with a horse, pony, donkey or ass is a zebroid."
"score": 0.6303679943,
"text": "The offspring of a zebra-donkey cross is called a zonkey, zebroid, zebrass, or zedonk; zebra mule is an older term, but still used in some regions today. The foregoing terms generally refer to hybrids produced by breeding a male zebra to a female donkey."
"score": 0.6294651031,
"text": "The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus. male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny or jennet; a young donkey is a foal."
"score": 0.6285850406,
"text": "They are generally social animals that live in small harems to large herds. Unlike their closest relatives, horses and donkeys, zebras have never been truly domesticated. There are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grevy'grévy s zebra and the mountain. zebraheir social structure, however, depends on the species. Mountain zebras and plains zebras live in groups, known as 'harems', consisting of one stallion with up to six mares and their foals. Bachelor males either live alone or with groups of other bachelors until they are old enough to challenge a breeding stallion."
"score": 0.6271623969,
"text": "Zebras (/ˈzɛbrə/ ZEB-rə or /ˈziːbrə/ ZEE-brə) are several species of African equids (horse family) united by their distinctive black and white striped coats. Their stripes come in different patterns, unique to each individual.revy'grévy s (Zebra equus) grevyi is the largest, type with a, long narrow, head making it appear rather-mule. Like it is an inhabitant of the-semi arid grasslands Of ethiopia and Northern. Kenya'grevy grévy s zebra is the, rarest species and is classified. as endangered"
"score": 0.6253348589,
"text": "There are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grevy'grévy s zebra and the mountain. Zebra the plains zebra and the mountain zebra belong to the Subgenus, hippotigris But'grevy grévy s zebra is the sole species Of. subgenus dolichohippushey are generally social animals that live in small harems to large herds. Unlike their closest relatives, horses and donkeys, zebras have never been truly domesticated. There are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grevy'grévy s zebra and the mountain. zebra"
"score": 0.62346524,
"text": "Bovidae The mammal family Bovidae includes a wide variety of hoofed mammals, including antelopes, cattle, sheep, goats, and others . This family is found throughout much of the world, except for Australia and many islands, but most species are found in Africa (antelope, gazelles, buffalo, wildebeest, etc.). There are about 137 species in the world."
"score": 0.6226664782,
"text": "There are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grevy'grévy s zebra and the mountain. zebraor this reason, zebra-mules or zebroids (crosses between any species of zebra and a horse, pony, donkey or ass) are preferred over purebred zebras. In England, the zoological collector Walter Rothschild frequently used zebras to draw a carriage."
"score": 0.6219895482,
"text": "There are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grevy'grévy s zebra and the mountain. Zebra the plains zebra and the mountain zebra belong to the Subgenus, hippotigris But'grevy grévy s zebra is the sole species Of. subgenus dolichohippusor this reason, zebra-mules or zebroids (crosses between any species of zebra and a horse, pony, donkey or ass) are preferred over purebred zebras. In England, the zoological collector Walter Rothschild frequently used zebras to draw a carriage."
"score": 0.6219705939,
"text": "The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae.The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus.mall numbers of donkeys are kept for breeding or as pets in developed countries. A male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny or jennet; a young donkey is a foal. Jack donkeys are often used to mate with female horses to produce mules."
"score": 0.621905148,
"text": "The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus.orking donkeys are often associated with those living at or below subsistence levels. Small numbers of donkeys are kept for breeding or as pets in developed countries. A male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny or jennet; a young donkey is a foal."
"score": 0.6217835546,
"text": "The offspring of a zebra-donkey cross is called a zonkey, zebroid, zebrass, or zedonk; zebra mule is an older term, but still used in some regions today. The foregoing terms generally refer to hybrids produced by breeding a male zebra to a female donkey.orking donkeys are often associated with those living at or below subsistence levels. Small numbers of donkeys are kept for breeding or as pets in developed countries. A male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny or jennet; a young donkey is a foal."
"score": 0.6212352514,
"text": "cattle, sheep, goats, and relatives. The mammal family Bovidae includes a wide variety of hoofed mammals, including antelopes, cattle, sheep, goats, and others . This family is found throughout much of the world, except for Australia and many islands, but most species are found in Africa (antelope, gazelles, buffalo, wildebeest, etc.). There are about 137 species in the world. Some of the most important animals in human history and agriculture are members of this family, including cows, sheep, and goats. In North America there are a few native members of the family Bovidae, including American bison, mountain goats, muskoxen, bighorn sheep, and Dall's sheep."
"score": 0.6196830869,
"text": "The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus. The donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years.There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world, mostly in underdeveloped countries, where they are used principally as draught or pack animals. jenny is normally pregnant for about 12 months, though the gestation period varies from 11 to 14 months, and usually gives birth to a single foal. Births of twins are rare, though less so than in horses. About 1.7 percent of donkey pregnancies result in twins; both foals survive in about 14 percent of those."
"score": 0.6194161177,
"text": "There are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the mountain zebra and the Grévy's zebra. The plains zebra and the mountain zebra belong to the subgenus Hippotigris, but Grévy's zebra is the sole species of subgenus Dolichohippus. The latter resembles an ass, to which it is closely related, while the former two are more horse-like. All three belong to the genus Equus, along with other living equids."
"score": 0.6180889606,
"text": "The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus. The donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years.There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world, mostly in underdeveloped countries, where they are used principally as draught or pack animals.orking donkeys are often associated with those living at or below subsistence levels. Small numbers of donkeys are kept for breeding or as pets in developed countries. A male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny or jennet; a young donkey is a foal."
"score": 0.6170511246,
"text": "There are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grevy'grévy s zebra and the mountain. Zebra the plains zebra and the mountain zebra belong to the Subgenus, hippotigris But'grevy grévy s zebra is the sole species Of. subgenus dolichohippuslease try again later. The sounds of one of Africa's most common animals, the zebra(plains zebra in video). Zebras (/ˈzɛbrə/ ZEB-rə or /ˈziːbrə/ ZEE-brə) are several species of African equids (horse family) united by their distinctive black and white stripes."
"score": 0.6163250804,
"text": "Closely related to horses and donkeys, the zebra (subgenuses Hippotigris and Dolichohippus) is best known for its black and white striped body. Zebras are herbivorous and primarily eat a variety of grasses. They are also known to eat shrubs, herbs, twigs, leaves and bark. Overall, plains zebras number at around 750,000. Historically, there were over 15,000 Grevy's zebras."
"score": 0.615473032,
"text": "The offspring of a zebra-donkey cross is called a zonkey, zebroid, zebrass, or zedonk; zebra mule is an older term, but still used in some regions today. The foregoing terms generally refer to hybrids produced by breeding a male zebra to a female donkey.mall numbers of donkeys are kept for breeding or as pets in developed countries. A male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny or jennet; a young donkey is a foal. Jack donkeys are often used to mate with female horses to produce mules."
"score": 0.6131383181,
"text": "In addition to other donkeys, they will breed with horses and zebras. The offspring are hybrids of the two types of Equidae. A jack and a female horse mating produces an animal called a mule, while a jenny and a male horse produce a hinny, according to the University of Miami."
"score": 0.6096355319,
"text": "There are three species of zebras: the plains zebra, the Grevy'grévy s zebra and the mountain. Zebra the plains zebra and the mountain zebra belong to the Subgenus, hippotigris But'grevy grévy s zebra is the sole species Of. subgenus dolichohippusebras (/ˈzɛbrə/ ZEB-rə or /ˈziːbrə/ ZEE-brə) are several species of African equids (horse family) united by their distinctive black and white striped coats. Their stripes come in different patterns, unique to each individual."
"score": 0.5966567397,
"text": "Answer: herd, pace, band, drove, coffle. A group of donkey is called a herd, pace, band, drove, coffle. The donkey or ass, Equus asinus, is a member of the Equidae or horse family, and an odd-toed ungulate.The words donkey and ass are applied to the domesticated E. asinus.The animal considered to be its wild ancestor is the African Wild Ass, also E. asinus.he donkey or ass, Equus asinus, is a member of the Equidae or horse family, and an odd-toed ungulate. The words donkey and ass are applied to the domesticated E. asinus. The animal considered to be its wild ancestor is the African Wild Ass, also E. asinus."
"score": 0.5950198174,
"text": "He made a common mistake of confusing species with genus. Horses and donkeys along with zebras are in the same genus, equus. Humans are in the genus homo, and are the only surviving species of such. There are many cases of animals of the same genus but different species producing offspring."
"score": 0.5790325999,
"text": "Donkeys, zebras and mules all differ somewhat from horses in conformation. The most noticeable difference is of course the ears. Donkeys' ears are MUCH longer in proportion to their size than a horse's. The necks are characteristically straighter in the longears, and most donkeys and all zebras lack a true wither.onkeys, zebras and mules all differ somewhat from horses in conformation. The most noticeable difference is of course the ears. Donkeys' ears are MUCH longer in proportion to their size than a horse's. The necks are characteristically straighter in the longears, and most donkeys and all zebras lack a true wither."
"score": 0.5457370281,
"text": "Soon other donkeys saw the zebras.They asked the zebras where they came from.When the zebras told the donkeys their secret, the donkeys all rushed to see the wise old man. 1516 \"Make us into zebras, too,\" they pleaded.So the wise old man painted more donkeys.As he did, more and more donkeys came."
"score": 0.5392710567,
"text": "The zebrafish is a derived member of the genus Danio, of the family Cyprinidae. It has a sister-group relationship with Danio kyathit. Zebrafish are also closely related to the genus Devario, as demonstrated by a phylogenetic tree of close species."
"score": 0.5051444769,
"text": "The Hominidae (/hɒˈmɪnɨdiː/), also known as great apes or hominids, are a taxonomic family of primates that includes seven extant species in four genera: Pongo, the Bornean and Sumatran orangutan; Gorilla, the eastern and western gorilla; Pan, the common chimpanzee and bonobo; and Homo, the human."
"score": 0.5002224445,
"text": "The Hominidae (/ h ɒ ˈ m ɪ n ɪ d iː /), whose members are known as great apes or hominids, are a taxonomic family of primates that includes eight extant species in four genera: Pongo, the Bornean, Sumatran and Tapanuli orangutan; Gorilla, the eastern and western gorilla; Pan, the common chimpanzee and the bonobo; and Homo, which includes modern humans and its extinct relatives (e.g., the Neanderthal), and ancestors, such as Homo erectus."
"score": 0.485391736,
"text": "As members of the subfamily Caprinae of the family Bovidae, muskoxen are more closely related to sheep and goats than to oxen; however, they are placed in their own genus, Ovibos (Latin: sheep-ox). The muskox is one of the two largest extant members of Caprinae; along with the similarly sized takin."
] |
most popular kitchen cabinets | [
"score": 0.6261276603,
"text": "One popular kitchen color ideas painting cabinets is red with white or black countertops. With this type of paint schemes for kitchens it is best to keep the rest of the space simple. For instance, have the tables, chairs, and appliances all stick to a simple monochromatic color scheme, such as black or white."
] | [
"score": 0.6529893875,
"text": "The most important features when you look at kitchen cabinets are undoubtedly style, quality of the finish, and type of drawer action. Kitchen Cabinetry Drawer Action Look for cabinet drawers with a smooth slide and a positive closure."
"score": 0.6505957246,
"text": "Kitchens are increasingly being designed as an extension of other living spaces, and kitchen cabinetry is resembling furniture found throughout the rest of the home. A tall, armoire-like cabinet with glass doors is a beautiful and functional focal point for this kitchen."
"score": 0.6447984576,
"text": "Kitchen Cabinet Prices. One of the most dominant features of the kitchen is the cabinetry, and many homeowners embarking on a kitchen redesign focus on cabinets as a project linchpin. In fact, kitchen cabinets typically represent around 50 percent of the total budget of a kitchen remodel."
"score": 0.6398359537,
"text": "Styles include both traditional and European and we stock mostly solid oak, cherry, pine, alder, maple, and mahogany cabinets, but also come MDF cabinets that are in great shape."
"score": 0.6398102641,
"text": "KITCHEN CABINETS. Cabinets that work (and look) smart. Kitchen cabinets that suit you and how you use your kitchen will save time and effort every time you cook (or empty the dishwasher). We have a huge selection of cabinets, including models designed to hold appliances, so you can create your ideal layout. Then browse our doors and handles to find the look you like – from solid wood to high gloss."
"score": 0.6225092411,
"text": "Kitchen cabinets can be the single-most striking feature in your kitchen. And whether you're looking to update base cabinets beneath a slab end on a kitchen island or seek easy-to-hang wall cabinets to showcase fine china, you'll find a quick, easy and affordable solution at The Home Depot.dditional cabinet organizers can relieve tons of clutter off a utility table, kitchen work center or kitchen cart. Or if you're ready to take your kitchen cabinetry to the next level, our kitchen renovation experts can help with refinishing kitchen cabinets, refacing kitchen cabinet and cabinet replacement services."
"score": 0.6153176427,
"text": "Since we already gave you a quick guide on how to paint the cabinets at your home, today we delve into the colors you can choose for your kitchen cabinets. The number of colors you can choose from for your kitchen cabinets is indeed endless.ost Popular Colors for Summer. For those who wish to incorporate purple kitchen cabinets in a more curated and modern interior, use a cool neutral shade for the remainder of the room. Too much purple can easily become overwhelming."
"score": 0.6150352955,
"text": "When choosing cabinetry for your kitchen or bathroom renovation, pay special attention to your door options. Cabinet doors are the most visible part of cabinetry and a key element to the overall personality of the space. There are four basic door types: Slab doors. These doors are made of flat pieces of plywood or medium-density fiberboard (MDF) with a veneer flanking each side."
"score": 0.6148637533,
"text": "Our All-Wood Kitchen Cabinets Feature: 1 3/4 thick solid wood doors with quality finish. 2 3/4 thick solid wood drawer face with finish. 3 All-wood drawer box. 4 1/2 plywood with end panels. 5 Solid wood face frames."
"score": 0.6131661534,
"text": "Kitchen Cabinets Cabinets Kitchens Kitchen Remodel Remodeling. When choosing cabinetry for your kitchen or bathroom, consider the available cabinet types and varying quality of construction. These are the four basic types of cabinets: Base. Standard base cabinets are 24 inches deep and 36 inches tall. Depth may be increased up to 27 inches on some semi-custom and custom applications. For ease of use, base cabinetry rests atop a four-inch recessed riser called a toe kick."
"score": 0.610758543,
"text": "Kitchen Cabinets Cabinets Kitchens Kitchen Remodel Remodeling When choosing cabinetry for your kitchen or bathroom, consider the available cabinet types and varying quality of construction. These are the four basic types of cabinets: Base. Standard base cabinets are 24 inches deep and 36 inches tall. Depth may be increased up to 27 inches on some semi-custom and custom applications. For ease of use, base cabinetry rests atop a four-inch recessed riser called a toe kick."
"score": 0.6090608835,
"text": "Kitchen Cabinet Sizes. The standard kitchen cabinet has a 25 deep countertop (12-1/4) or 30 deep countertop (15). When assessing kitchen dimensions, the height of the cabinets must be considered too. With full soffit it is 30, and without soffit it is 42. The average cabinet height over countertop is 18. The height of the tallest shelf is 60-68. The doors for the cabinets will hinge on the door width not going over the height. For cabinets 4 ft wide, you can use two doors."
"score": 0.6064731479,
"text": "As commonly used today, the term kitchen cabinet denotes a built-in kitchen installation of either a floor or a wall cabinet. Typically, multiple floor cabinets are covered by a single counter and floors and walls are not accessible behind and under the cabinets."
"score": 0.6024574637,
"text": "Standard kitchen cabinets come in size increments of 3 starting at 9 wide (9, 12, 15, 18, 21 24, etc). BLANCO offers a wide range of sinks to fit most standard cabinet sizes. Be sure to measure your cabinet size before selecting a kitchen sink. Bowl Configuration and Depth."
"score": 0.6021053791,
"text": "Standard base kitchen cabinets all are 34-1/2 tall and sturdy enough to support granite or any other counter top. Sizes come in 3 increments from 9 to 48 wide. Our NEW custom-sized base kitchen cabinets can be made in heights up to 42 and depths of 18, 21 or 24 (with drawers) or up to 27 (without drawers)! Contact us for more information! Click here to view catalog of Base Cabinet sizes and configurations."
"score": 0.6010261774,
"text": "Standard Sizes for Kitchen Cabinets Appliances and kitchen cabinets must work together to create a pleasing and functional kitchen design. Base cabinets are almost always 34 inches tall (35 inches to counter-top height) and 24 inches deep. Most freestanding ovens, slide-in ovens and dishwashers are designed to work with 34 inch tall base cabinets"
"score": 0.5987739563,
"text": "(Move your mouse over any of the cabinet drawings at right to see an enlarged view.) Standard base kitchen cabinets all are 34-1/2 tall and sturdy enough to support granite or any other counter top. Sizes come in 3 increments from 9 to 48 wide. Our NEW custom-sized base kitchen cabinets can be made in heights up to 42 and depths of 18, 21 or 24 (with drawers) or up to 27 (without drawers)! Contact us for more information! Click here to view catalog of Base Cabinet sizes and configurations."
"score": 0.5981063843,
"text": "Typical Kitchen Cabinet Dimensions. 1 Base cabinets - typically 24 deep (also 12, 15, 18) and 34 1/2 tall (countertops add 1 1/2 to make the finished height 36). 2 Upper/Wall cabinets - mostly 12 deep (also 15, 18, 24) and 12, 15, 18, 24, 30 (typical), 36, 42 tall."
"score": 0.5979327559,
"text": "plywood cabinets, actually looks pretty sweet for cabin reno plywood kitchen with stainless tops plywood for cupboards above. I'm not keen on the lower cupboards in wood as well Love the look or plywood. Simple and clean. This is such an awesome way to save money! Plywood cabinets See More"
"score": 0.5970475674,
"text": "1. Traditional crown molding. Traditional crown molding tends to be the industry standard for kitchen cabinetry. Here it has been used to fill an empty space between the cabinets and the ceiling. Empty space above cabinets is a common problem, because the distance fluctuates depending on ceiling height and cabinetry height."
"score": 0.5951993465,
"text": "What makes it so popular? The fact that it is more durable than marble makes it a good choice for kitchen counters. And because granite countertops come in a wide range of colors, they appeal to most people. In fact, granite is the most sought-after choice of countertop material. The color choices of black pearl and absolute black are widely popular among consumers for use in the bathroom and kitchen, on floors and walls and counters as well."
"score": 0.5948331356,
"text": "Watch Ron's easy to follow instructions on how to refinish a cabinet. If the kitchen is the most-used room in the house, then you can probably say that the kitchen cabinet is the most-used thing in that room. With time and repeated cleanings, they can end up looking pretty shabby."
"score": 0.5931888223,
"text": "Answer: The most common height for a kitchen countertop is 3-feet (36-inches). Premade base cabinets are designed for this finished height. Commonality put aside, 3-feet is typically the optimal and most ergonomic height for a kitchen counter. It may not be the best for a specific task, but it is the best overall compromise for the majority of tasks done in the kitchen."
"score": 0.5902358294,
"text": "After cabinets, flooring is often one of the most expensive line items in a kitchen remodel or update. Homeowners looking for a budget-friendly and attractive solution may want to consider vinyl. By Kathy Barnes."
"score": 0.5901347995,
"text": "Classic Cottage Kitchen In a small kitchen like this, it's easy to pack in style on a budget. This look is complete with semicustom cabinetry, brushed nickel hardware, vinyl flooring, laminate countertops, range and range hood. The crisp white cabinets and light green walls create a classic cottage palette."
"score": 0.5899674892,
"text": "Corian® has remained one of the most popular brands of solid surfacing in the world for over four decades. Their customizable countertop sheets come in hundreds of diverse colors and patterns, which offer elegant, smart solutions to a variety of projects in the kitchen, bathroom, and beyond in residential as well as commercial environments."
"score": 0.5894261003,
"text": "The first consideration when it comes to kitchen cabinet pricing is the type of cabinet construction. There are three main types: stock cabinets, semi-custom cabinets and custom cabinets."
"score": 0.5889463425,
"text": "Amazing gray kitchen design with gray glass-front kitchen cabinets with stainless steel counter tops, gray kitchen island with cooktop and gray kitchen shelves. view full size. Amazing kitchen features gray flat front cabinets adorned with antique brass hardware topped with white marble."
"score": 0.5875602365,
"text": "Here is a Thermofoil Kitchen I did a few years ago, Cabinets cost 5K, (there was lots of cabinets, two other walls so very inexpensive for that size kitchen) the least expensive kitchen I ever did and it came out great, The counter top was Caesar stone Raven. Came out great, I thought:) and clients were very pleased."
"score": 0.5856104493,
"text": "Standard cabinet sizes have evolved for functionality and safety. Kitchen cabinets have three types of components: overhead cabinets, base cabinets, and pantry cabinets. Sizes may vary in terms of width, but there are standards for heights and depths that ensure your cabinets will be functional and their contents accessible for everyone."
"score": 0.5854467154,
"text": "My kitchen cabinets are an off-white, cream color with black granite, so my handles are a flat black color which is repeated in the black iron for my kitchen chandelier. I recently had my kitchen cabinets painted 118 Snowfall White, and I have polished chrome pulls that are traditional in style, and they look great."
"score": 0.5850084424,
"text": "According to Kennedy, most cabinets range from $500 to $1,500 per cabinet box. Based on an estimated 30 cabinets in an average-size kitchen, you can be looking at a cost of about $15,000-$45,000, she says."
"score": 0.5844814777,
"text": "Kitchen Cabinets Cost. Stock cabinets come pre-made in specific styles, shapes and finishes. A lot depends on the size and shape of your kitchen and the total linear feet of cabinets needed. Basic cabinets (top and bottom) for a 10x12-foot kitchen start at $4,000-$5,000 and up, not including installation and countertops."
"score": 0.5656002164,
"text": "In this kitchen the island is painted a contrasting black, adding interest to the space. Inspiration for a traditional kitchen in Chicago with glass-front cabinets, stainless steel appliances, a farmhouse sink, white cabinets, marble countertops, white backsplash and subway tile backsplash.his is an example of an expansive transitional eat-in kitchen in Seattle with an undermount sink, shaker cabinets, yellow cabinets, white backsplash, paneled appliances, granite countertops, glass tile backsplash, medium tone hardwood floors and an island."
"score": 0.5630077124,
"text": "About Us. As a major manufacturer of quality kitchen and bath cabinets for the home, American Woodmark Corporation embodies the marriage of technology, automation and American craftsmanship.We proudly offer over 500 cabinet styles—classic, transitional and contemporary—all delivering superior value.ur KCMA-certified cabinets are sold through a nationwide network of homebuilders, independent dealers and distributors, as well as Lowe's and The Home Depot. Change: $1.4 (2.07%) As of October 15 11:22 AMMinimum 20 minute delay."
"score": 0.5578010082,
"text": "June 1, 2009 By NightOwl. Today stainless is still popular in kitchen remodeling, but it is slowly losing its standing to oiled bronze. Thirty years from now we will all look back at these kitchens and fondly remember them the same way we are chuckling at the kitchens of the 1970's. Although my mother chose the ever-so-popular Avocado Green appliances, another favorite of the era was Harvest Gold. This ad not only shows the wonder of the modern dishwasher, but also how important it was to dress appropriately for the job."
"score": 0.5545810461,
"text": "The 600 series by Waypoint Cabinets is a full overlay solid door. The 600 series has been referred to as the most versatile of Waypoint solid door styles. The series includes a broad array of raised and recessed center panels as well as a headboard design."
"score": 0.5489057302,
"text": "Cottage Kitchen Cabinets,White Kitchen Ideas,Cabin Kitchen Remodel,Cottage Kitchen Pictures,House Kitchen Remodel,White Kitchen Ideas,Cottage Kitchen Cabinets,Dining Room,White Painted Kitchen,White Painted Wood Cabinets,Blue Beach Style,Wood Furniture."
"score": 0.5467074513,
"text": "Granite is the most popular of the stone countertop types, but marble, soapstone, and others are also available. Stone countertops are extremely durable, but also very unforgiving—one slip with that antique China teapot of Grandma's and it'll be reduced on contact to a pile of shards."
"score": 0.5446127057,
"text": "Give your kitchen a fresh start with a juicy citrus hue. Bold orange cabinet color provides a brilliant contrast to this room's crisp black countertops and shiny white backsplash. All values of gray -- muted to charcoal -- work well with a range of oranges. Paint Color: Sherwin-Williams, Raucous Orange, SW-6883."
"score": 0.5410337448,
"text": "The 400 series by Waypoint Cabinets is a full overlay veneer door. The 400 series has door styles in veneer construction with full overlay. This is our most affordable series, and allows designer and homeowner to create a desired look even on the tightest budget."
"score": 0.5394782424,
"text": "Small Country Kitchen with Elegant Details. This small kitchen design by Hilary Farr of HGTV's hit show Love It or List It makes the most of its space with a unique design. The white color on the walls makes the space appear bigger, while the blue cabinets add a pop of color to keep the space from looking plain."
"score": 0.5363427997,
"text": "Ceramic tile has long been a popular kitchen floor choice because of its resilience and wide range of style options. When properly grouted and sealed, ceramic tile will resist any kind of kitchen spill. And because ceramic tile is almost rock-hard, it stands up well to traffic."
"score": 0.5283316374,
"text": "A kitchen bar top can divide the space up nicely by serving as a transition area. 1 The Best Height for Kitchen Countertops. 2 This Warming Hot Buttered Rum is Irresistible. 3 What Is the Optimal Upper Cabinet Height in Kitchens. 4 Simple Oatcakes, the Scottish Staple Especially Lovely with Cheese. 5 Classic Sweet and Spicy Festival Turkey Legs."
"score": 0.5255621672,
"text": "In this article we compare the most popular refrigerator styles: the top freezer refrigerator, the side-by-side refrigerator and the French door refrigerator. Top Freezer Refrigerator The top freezer refrigerator is the most traditional refrigerator."
"score": 0.5153322816,
"text": "Don B in Arlington, Texas Mr Griffin painted the cabinets in our kitchen and bathroom, installed new doors, drawers, hardware, and a custom back splash in the kitchen. He made our 30 year old cabinets look brand new. He also built a custom spice rack below the stove cook top for my wife. Mr. Griffin is professional, knowledgeable, and great to work with. His estimate was reasonable, accurate and within our budget."
"score": 0.5106853843,
"text": "KitchenAid Artisan Series 5-Quart. 1 Created in 1919, the iconic mixer is so beloved that it's considered a must-have in any serious baker's kitchen. The Artisan Series 5-Quart Tilt-Head Stand Mixer ($279) is a mid-range pick and the most popular model. It has a funky, retro look and lots of fun, super-glossy color finishes, from electric \"Watermelon\" and soft, creamy \"Meringue\" to limited-edition colors and finishes (crushing on this copper one, personally)."
"score": 0.5035659075,
"text": "Best Industrial Kitchen Faucet. Commercial style faucets are more and more finding their way to homes in the United States, and you do get a lot for your money with this type of faucet. If you really want to make a statement, the KPF-1602 is definitely worth checking out."
"score": 0.4957185388,
"text": "Kitchens feature quality European appliances such as Blomberg and Fulgor with sleek, concealed cabinet fronts. Each unit comes with a Whirlpool stacked washer and dryer. Sustainable cabinetry in sleek finishes with stainless steel cabinet pulls. Joe wants you to stay cool. 100% of homes feature high-efficiency heating and cooling systems. Lofts feature dramatic 10- to 13-foot exposed ceilings with clean slabs of finished concrete."
] |
what county is altadena, ca in | [
"score": 0.8139699101,
"text": "Altadena is part of the County of Los Angeles and is politically run by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors who have executive, legislative and judicial powers. There are five members of the Board of Supervisors, elected by geographic district."
] | [
"score": 0.7479230165,
"text": "Altadena is a city in California located directly North of Pasadena. The name Altadena is derived from the Spanish word alta meaning \"upper\" and dena which is short for the word Pasadena. Altadena is approximately 14 miles from the Downtown Los Angeles Civic Center. About 42,000 inhabitants live in this community."
"score": 0.6801438332,
"text": "Pasadena /ˌpaesəˈdiːnə/ ˌpæsəˈdiːnə is a city In Los Angeles, County, California United. States as of, 2013 the estimated population Of pasadena 139,731, 139731 making it the-183rd largest city in The United. States pasadena is the-ninth largest city In Los Angeles. countyhe Pasadena Police Department serves most of the city of Pasadena. Unincorporated portions of the city are part of Los Angeles County and are served by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) and the Altadena Station in Altadena serves nearby portions of Pasadena."
"score": 0.679856956,
"text": "Pasadena /ˌpaesəˈdiːnə/ ˌpæsəˈdiːnə is a city In Los Angeles, County, California United. States as of, 2013 the estimated population Of pasadena 139,731, 139731 making it the-183rd largest city in The United. stateshe Pasadena Police Department serves most of the city of Pasadena. Unincorporated portions of the city are part of Los Angeles County and are served by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) and the Altadena Station in Altadena serves nearby portions of Pasadena."
"score": 0.6760236025,
"text": "La Cañada Flintridge. 1 is a city in the Verdugos region of Los Angeles County. 2 The neighboring communities are Altadena, Angeles Crest, Glendale, La Crescenta-Montrose, Pasadena and Tujunga Canyons. 3 La Cañada Flintridge is one of the 272 neighborhoods in Mapping L.A., The Times' resource for crime, neighborhoods, demographics and schools."
"score": 0.6684202552,
"text": "Altadena residents, be sure to check the Community area here for information about new developments, involvement opportunities, and Town Council information. Altadena is a part of the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area. Any manner of cultural or natural recreation is close at hand from here."
"score": 0.6503577232,
"text": "Pasadena is the ninth-largest city in Los Angeles County. Pasadena was incorporated on June 19, 1886, becoming only the second city to be incorporated in what is now Los Angeles County, after Los Angeles (April 4, 1850). It is one of the primary cultural centers of the San Gabriel Valley.he Pasadena Police Department serves most of the city of Pasadena. Unincorporated portions of the city are part of Los Angeles County and are served by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) and the Altadena Station in Altadena serves nearby portions of Pasadena."
"score": 0.6318415999,
"text": "The Pasadena Police Department serves most of the city of Pasadena. Unincorporated portions of the city are part of Los Angeles County and are served by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) and the Altadena Station in Altadena serves nearby portions of Pasadena.he Pasadena Police Department serves most of the city of Pasadena. Unincorporated portions of the city are part of Los Angeles County and are served by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) and the Altadena Station in Altadena serves nearby portions of Pasadena."
"score": 0.6260989308,
"text": "Alameda, Alameda County, CA; Alhambra, CA; Anaheim, CA; Antioch, CA; Bakersfield, CA; Baldwin Park, CA; Bellflower, CA; Berkeley, CA; Buena Park, CA; Burbank, Los Angeles County, CA; Carlsbad, CA; Carson, CA; Chino, CA; Chino Hills, CA; Chula Vista, CA; Citrus Heights, CA; Clovis, CA; Compton, CA; Concord, CA; Corona, CA; Costa Mesa, CA; Daly City, CA; Downey, CA; East Los Angeles, CA"
"score": 0.6238484979,
"text": "About This Project. Altadena is one of the 272 neighborhoods in Mapping L.A. , The Times' resource for crime, neighborhoods, demographics and schools. More about Mapping L.A. »."
"score": 0.6166946888,
"text": "Altadena has a homey country feel. There are few paved sidewalks, hardly any condos, and few apartment buildings. Some areas are horse property. The proximity to the mountains means some homes backyards open onto trails. Altadena is the most racially and economically mixed area there is. You name it, we've got it. Truly, the patch work quilt of America's culture is well represented here."
"score": 0.6098386049,
"text": "1 The median age is 37, old for the city of Los Angeles and old for the county. 2 In Los Angeles County, Acton, Agoura Hills and Altadena have similar median ages. The percentages of residents ages 35 to 49 and 65 and older are among the county's highest."
"score": 0.6032239199,
"text": "The combined sales tax rate for Los Angeles County, CA is 9.5%. This is the total of state and county sales tax rates. The California state sales tax rate is currently 6%. The Los Angeles County sales tax rate is 0.25%. Cities in Los Angeles County. Acton; Agoura; Agoura Hills; Agua Dulce; Alhambra; Altadena; Arcadia; Arleta; Artesia; Avalon; Azusa; Baldwin Hills"
"score": 0.6024569273,
"text": "The combined sales tax rate for Los Angeles County, CA is 9.25%. This is the total of state and county sales tax rates. The California state sales tax rate is currently 6%. The Los Angeles County sales tax rate is 0.25%. Cities in Los Angeles County. Acton; Agoura; Agoura Hills; Agua Dulce; Alhambra; Altadena; Arcadia; Arleta; Artesia; Avalon; Azusa; Baldwin Hills"
"score": 0.601241827,
"text": "This included the land of present day Altadena, but they developed a 2,500 acres (10 km 2) section further south as Pasadena. In 1881, the land that would later become Altadena was sold to the John and Fred Woodbury, brothers who launched the subdivision of Altadena in 1887."
"score": 0.6008499861,
"text": "The median age is 37, old for the San Gabriel Valley and old for the county. In Los Angeles County, Acton, Agoura Hills and Altadena have similar median ages. The percentages of residents ages 50 to 64 and 65 and older are among the county's highest."
"score": 0.5964179039,
"text": "A list of commonzoning violations in the Altadena area can befound at http://planning.lacounty.gov/zoneViolation.htm.If you observe or suspect any violations in yourneighborhood, please call 2-1-1 from your homephone to report violations, or (213) 974-6483 ifyou have questions."
"score": 0.5797560215,
"text": "Altadena Sheriff's Station ClergyCouncil (ASCC) The ASCC is a partnership between the faith-based community and locallaw enforcement. Call (626) 296-2137 for information. Sheriff's Explorers The Altadena Station Explorer program is a volunteer program for youthbetween the ages of 14-21 years old."
"score": 0.5787474513,
"text": "Nearest cities: Altadena, CA (1.5 miles ), San Marino, CA (1.6 miles ), South Pasadena, CA (1.8 miles ), East Pasadena, CA (1.8 miles ), East San Gabriel, CA (2.0 miles ), Sierra Madre, CA (2.2 miles ), San Gabriel, CA (2.2 miles ), Alhambra, CA (2.3 miles )."
"score": 0.5711091161,
"text": "The newly sprouted community of Altadena immediately began to attract millionaires from the East. In 1887 Andrew McNally, the printing magnate from Chicago, and his good friend Col. G. G. Green, had built mansions on what was to become Millionaire's Row; Mariposa Street near Santa Rosa Avenue."
"score": 0.5681405067,
"text": "The Alta Census Designated Place had a population of 641 as of July 1, 2016. Alta ranks in the lower quartile for Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in California. See peer rankings below. The primary coordinate point for Alta is located at latitude 39.2157 and longitude -120.7985 in Placer County."
"score": 0.5660400391,
"text": "Artesia Sheriff. Find Artesia California sheriff's office, department, headquarters, jail and detention center. Sheriffs provide information on records, arrests, inmates, warrants, and mugshots. Artesia Sheriff. Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office 780 East Altadena Drive Altadena CA 91001 22.4 miles from Artesia 626-798-1131. Riverside County Sheriff's Office 4095 Lemon Street Riverside CA 92501 41.2 miles from Artesia 951-955-2400."
"score": 0.5660283566,
"text": "Phil Bonnet, Executive Director. The Alta California Regional Center serves the counties of Alpine, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba."
"score": 0.5441402197,
"text": "Find Alta California sheriff's office, department, headquarters, jail and detention center. Sheriffs provide information on records, arrests, inmates, warrants, and mugshots. Alta Sheriff. Sheriffs by County. 11.4 miles Placer County 29.0 miles Sierra County 29.2 miles Yuba County 32.9 miles El Dorado County 50.1 miles Sutter County."
"score": 0.5374544263,
"text": "El Dorado County, officially the County of El Dorado, is a county located in the U.S. state of California. As of the 2010 census, the population was 181,058. The county seat is Placerville. El Dorado County is included in the Sacramento-Roseville-Arden-Arcade, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is located in the historic Gold Country in the Sierra Nevada."
"score": 0.5305999517,
"text": "Calaveras County, California. Calaveras County, officially the County of Calaveras, is a county in the northern portion of the U.S. state, California. As of the 2010 census, the population was 44,828. The county seat is San Andreas, and Angels Camp is the only incorporated city. Calaveras is the Spanish word for skulls; the county was reportedly named for the remains of Native Americans discovered by the Spanish explorer Captain Gabriel Moraga."
"score": 0.5261744857,
"text": "The combined sales tax rate for Whittier, CA is 9.5%. This is the total of state, county and city sales tax rates. The California state sales tax rate is currently 6%. The Los Angeles County sales tax rate is 0.25%. Whittier sales tax rate is 0%. Other Cities in Los Angeles County. Acton; Agoura; Agoura Hills; Agua Dulce; Alhambra; Altadena; Arcadia; Arleta; Artesia"
"score": 0.5256590247,
"text": "Alta is a town in Salt Lake County, Utah, United States. It is part of the Salt Lake City, Utah Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 383 at the 2010 census, a slight increase from the 2000 figure of 370. Alta is also the location of Alta Ski Area, a ski resort that has 500,000 visitors a year."
"score": 0.5237393975,
"text": "is a neighborhood in the city of Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles County. The neighboring communities are Bel-Air, Brentwood, Lake Balboa, Pacific Palisades, Reseda, Sepulveda Basin, Sherman Oaks and Tarzana."
"score": 0.5218928456,
"text": "Facts about Alta. Alta is also known as: Buena Vista County / Alta city. And some of the notable people born here have been: (george alfred carlson). Alta is a city in Buena Vista County, Iowa, United States. The population was 1,883 at the 2010 census. Population shifts in Alta; Average temperatures in Alta"
"score": 0.5204719901,
"text": "Find Alta California sheriff's office, department, headquarters, jail and detention center. Sheriffs provide information on records, arrests, inmates, warrants, and mugshots. Name. Sierra County Sheriff's Office."
"score": 0.5203455091,
"text": "California Counties and County Seats: Alameda County - Oakland Alpine County - Markleeville Amador County - Jackson Butte County - Oroville Calaveras County - San Andreas Colusa County - Colusa Contra Costa County - Martinez Del Norte County - Crescent City El Dorado County - Placerville Fresno County - Fresno Glenn County - Willows Humboldt County - Eureka"
"score": 0.5126737356,
"text": "Alameda County. There are 807 real estate listings found in Alameda County, CA. There are 17 cities in Alameda County which include Hayward , Fremont , Oakland , Pleasanton , and San Leandro . There are 63 zip codes in Alameda County which include 94544 , 94541 , 94538 , 94587 , and 94568 ."
"score": 0.5008665919,
"text": "GeoFacts for El Dorado County, CA. El Dorado County, CA, is a county located in the central part of California near the cdp of Pollock Pines. Counties Neighboring El Dorado County, CA. The following Counties are next to El Dorado County, CA: Sacramento is 49.8 miles southwest of El Dorado County, CA."
"score": 0.494420141,
"text": "On 12/15/2017 a Civil Right - Other Civil Right case was filed by Ps Alden against County Of Sacramento in the jurisdiction of U.S. District Courts, California Eastern District. Case Details Case Number"
"score": 0.4895488024,
"text": "On 12/15/2017 a Civil Right - Other Civil Right case was filed by Ps Alden against County Of Sacramento in the jurisdiction of U.S. District Courts, Californi Home Pricing About Blog Contact Us Login Logout"
"score": 0.4872818589,
"text": "Alta, CA. Sponsored Topics. Alta California (English: Upper California) was a province and territory in the Viceroyalty of New Spain and later a territory and department in independent Mexico."
"score": 0.4849424362,
"text": "The south of Tulare County was later organized as Kern County in 1866, with additions from Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties. Its first county seat was in the mining town of Havilah, in the mountains between Bakersfield and Tehachapi."
"score": 0.4849223793,
"text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Altamonte Springs is a suburban city in Seminole County in the State of Florida, which had a population of 41,496 at the 2010 census."
"score": 0.4847661257,
"text": "Tulare County, California. Tulare County (/tᵿˈlɛəri/ too-LAIR-ee) is a county in the U.S. state of California. As of the 2010 census, the population was 442,179. Its county seat is Visalia. The county is named for Tulare Lake, once the largest freshwater lake west of the Great Lakes."
"score": 0.4841727614,
"text": "Tulare County, California. Tulare County (/tʊˈlɛəri/ tuu-LAIR-ee) is a county in the U.S. state of California. As of the 2010 census, the population was 442,179. Its county seat is Visalia. The county is named for Tulare Lake, once the largest freshwater lake west of the Great Lakes."
"score": 0.4815160632,
"text": "Altamonte Springs is a suburban city in Seminole County in the State of Florida, which had a population of 41,496 at the 2010 census."
"score": 0.481225282,
"text": "Emigrant Gap, CA Other Information. 1 Located in PLACER County, California. 2 Emigrant Gap, CA is also known as: 3 ALTA, CA. BLUE CANYON, CA."
"score": 0.4758773446,
"text": "Click to draw/clear city borders. Notable locations in Placentia: Alta Vista Golf Club (A), Placentia Library (B), Placentia City Hall (C), Orange County Fire Authority Station 34 (D), Orange County Fire Authority Station 35 (E)."
"score": 0.4752742648,
"text": "photo by Leonidas Bratini. Altamonte Springs is a suburban city in Seminole County, Florida, United States, which had a population of 41,496 at the 2010 census. The city is in the northern suburbs of the Orlando–Kissimmee–Sanford Metropolitan Statistical Area, which the United States Census Bureau estimated had a population of 2,054,574 in 2008."
"score": 0.4700126052,
"text": "Solano County, California. Solano County is a county located in the U.S. state of California. As of the 2010 census, the population was 413,344. The county seat is Fairfield. Solano County comprises the Vallejo-Fairfield, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, CA Combined Statistical Area."
"score": 0.4688766599,
"text": "Altamont is a town in Duchesne County, Utah, United States. The population was 178 at the 2000 census, an increase over the 1990 figure of 167. Altamont is located at 40°21′35″N 110°17′13″W / 40.35972°N 110.28694°W / 40.35972; -110.28694 (40.359823, -110.287022). According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of 0.2 square miles (0.4 km²), all of it land."
"score": 0.4637263417,
"text": "Solano County, California. Solano County is a county located in the U.S. state of California. As of the 2010 census, the population was 413,344. The county seat is Fairfield. Solano County comprises the Vallejo-Fairfield, CA Metropolitan Statistical Area, which is also included in the San Jose-San Francisco-Oakland, CA Combined Statistical Area. Solano County is the northeastern county in the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area region."
"score": 0.4619735777,
"text": "Altamont Free Concert. The Altamont Speedway Free Festival was a counterculture-era rock concert held on Saturday, December 6, 1969, at the Altamont Speedway in northern-western California, between Livermore and Tracy, on the county border of Alameda County and San Joaquin County, about 30 miles (50 kilometers) east of San Francisco, California."
"score": 0.4541826248,
"text": "Town of Altamont | City Charter. History. Incorporated in 1854. Altamont became the county seat in 1846, before it was incorporated. The first Grundy County Courthouse was built in 1885. It was destroyed by fire in the 1990's. Altamont Academy was Grundy County's first known school. It was replaced by Altamont Elementary."
"score": 0.4486907721,
"text": "For other uses, see Alta California (disambiguation). Alta California (English: Upper California), founded in 1769 by Gaspar de Portolà, was a polity of New Spain and after the Mexican War of Independence in 1822, a territory of Mexico. The region included all of the modern states of California, Nevada, and Utah, and parts of Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico."
"score": 0.446922034,
"text": "While it began as the state's largest county, territory that was once part of Mariposa was ceded over time to form twelve other counties: Fresno, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Los Angeles, Madera, Merced, Mono, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Luis Obispo, and Tulare.ariposa County has one hospital, John C. Fremont Hospital. Mariposa County has the highest rate of child abuse and neglect, and the second highest of rate of unvaccinated children in the state of California."
"score": 0.4460653365,
"text": "Fairfield is a city in, and the county seat of, Solano County, California, United States."
"score": 0.4402675033,
"text": "Regional Centers served by Butte County: 1 Far Northern. 2 Redwood Coast. 3 North Bay. Alta CA."
"score": 0.4368270934,
"text": "For complete information about Altavista, see the town's website. Altavista, with a population of approximately 3,400, is located in the southwestern part of Campbell County, approximately 20 miles south of Lynchburg on U.S. Highway 29. Altavista's business community offers a full range of retail and service firms and a diversified manufacturing segment."
"score": 0.4247646928,
"text": "For complete information about Altavista, see the town's website. Community Description. Altavista, with a population of approximately 3,400, is located in the southwestern part of Campbell County, approximately 20 miles south of Lynchburg on U.S. Highway 29."
"score": 0.4215636253,
"text": "California, United States of America. ZIP code 93257 is centered in Tulare County and overlaps Medical Service Study Area(s) 228.2, 228.2, 230, 230, 231, 231, 232 and 232."
"score": 0.4215604067,
"text": "Alta Wind Energy Centre (AWEC) in Tehachapi, Kern County, California, is currently the largest wind farm in the world with an operational capacity of 1,020MW. The onshore wind farm is owned and operated by Terra-Gen Power. Construction is underway to expand the wind farm's capacity to 1,550MW."
"score": 0.4206033647,
"text": "SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CA – A week after the Lilac Fire broke out in Bonsall, fewer than 140 firefighters remained in San Diego's North County Thursday to finish digging containment lines around the blaze."
"score": 0.4202436209,
"text": "Towns. 1 Altamont (county seat) 2 Beersheba Springs. 3 Monteagle (also in Franklin and Marion Counties) 4 Palmer. 5 Tracy City."
"score": 0.4182935655,
"text": "The city of Altamonte Springs' public schools are a part of Seminole County Public Schools. Altamonte Springs is served by 4 public elementary schools (K–5); 1 public middle school (6–8); and 1 public high school (9–12). The city of Altamonte Springs is also home to a branch of Seminole State College of Florida."
"score": 0.4107509255,
"text": "Public Safety Urges You to Sign Up for Emergency Alerts through New CodeRED Notification System The Campbell County Department of Public Safety has a new emergency alert system and wants all Campbell County residents and businesses, including those in the towns of Altavista and Brookneal, to register for these alerts."
"score": 0.385915637,
"text": "North County is commonly divided into coastal and inland regions, with. 1 coastal cities being Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista, Encinitas, Del Mar, and Solana Beach, and. inland cities being Escondido, Fallbrook, San Marcos, Poway, Valley Center, Ramona, Rancho Bernardo, Rancho Penasquitos, and San Diego Country Estates."
"score": 0.3844999075,
"text": "PlacesNapa, CaliforniaCountyNapa County, California. The Napa County Board of Supervisors recently adopted Napa County's new core values: Integrity, Accountability, Dedication, Innovation, and Respect. In 2014, County leaders began the process to review and revise the core ethical principles contained in the Code of Ethics to more accurately reflect the organizational culture."
"score": 0.3780373633,
"text": "The road then briefly travels through Seminole County, Florida and the city of Altamonte Springs , with an interchange with State Road 434 before ending at U.S. Highway 441 in Lockhart, Florida in Orange County, Florida. The road previously ended here prior to the opening of the toll road section further west."
"score": 0.3759862185,
"text": "Point Mugu /muːˈɡuː/ , California (Chumash: Muwu, Beach) is a cape or promontory within Point Mugu State Park on the Pacific Coast in Ventura County, near the town of Port Hueneme and the city of Oxnard. The park has 5 miles (8 km) of shoreline and more than 70 miles (110 km) of hiking trails."
] |
where is pfizer located | [
"score": 0.7700110674,
"text": "Pfizer has a rich history and growing presence in New York State. Pfizer was founded in Brooklyn, New York, in 1849, and today New York State is home to Pfizer's World Headquarters and the largest number of Pfizer employees worldwide."
] | [
"score": 0.6761597395,
"text": "Company Profile. Pfizer, Inc. is a research-based, global biopharmaceutical company, which engages in the manufacture of vaccines and injectable biologic medicines. It operates through the following business segments: Global Innovative Pharmaceutical, Global Vaccines, Oncology and Consumer Healthcare, and Global Established Pharmaceutical."
"score": 0.6731225252,
"text": "Pfizer Inc. is a research-based, global pharmaceutical company that discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets medicines for humans and animals. The Company's products include prescription pharmaceuticals, non-prescription self-medications, and animal health products such as anti-infective medicines and vaccines."
"score": 0.6703045368,
"text": "Pfizer Inc. (PFE) is a research-based, global biopharmaceutical company. The company operates in five segments: Primary Care; Specialty Care and Oncology; Established Products and Emerging Markets; Animal Health and Consumer Healthcare, and Nutrition."
"score": 0.6701824069,
"text": "1. Pfizer Inc. 1 134 Stanhope StPrinceton, NJ 08540. 2 865 Ridge RdMonmouth Junction, NJ 08852. 3 1 Johnson And Johnson PlzNew Brunswick, NJ 08933. 4 3 Pin Oak CtFlemington, NJ 08822. 5 100 Us Highway 206Gladstone, NJ 07934. 6 100 Route 206 NPeapack, NJ 07977. 7 1 Giralda FarmsMadison, NJ 07940. 8 400 Crossing Blvd Fl 7Bridgewater, NJ 08807."
"score": 0.6623316407,
"text": "Pfizer Inc is a research-based biopharmaceutical company. The Company has five operating segments: Primary Care; Specialty Care and Oncology; Established Products and Emerging Markets; Animal Health; and Consumer Healthcare. Sector: Healthcare. Industry: Drug Manufacturers-Major."
"score": 0.6619359255,
"text": "Research & Development Labs. 1 From Business: Pfizer, founded in 1849, is one of the largest research-based pharmaceuticals companies in the United States. 2 From Business: Pfizer, founded in 1849, is one of the largest research-based pharmaceuticals companies in the United States."
"score": 0.6613285542,
"text": "Pfizer Inc. is a global biopharmaceutical company. The Company is engaged in discovering, developing and manufacturing of healthcare products. Its products include Lyrica, the Prevnar family of products, Enbrel, Celebrex, Lipitor, Viagra, Zyvox, Sutent, EpiPen, Toviaz, Tygacil, Rapamune, Xalkori, Inlyta, Norvasc, BeneFIX, Genotropin and Enbrel, among others."
"score": 0.6608547568,
"text": "Pfizer Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, discovers, develops, manufactures, and sells healthcare products worldwide. The company operates through Global Innovative Pharmaceutical (GIP); Global Vaccines, Oncology and Consumer Healthcare (VOC); and..."
"score": 0.6571931839,
"text": "Company Description. Pfizer Inc is a research-based biopharmaceutical company. The Company has five operating segments: Primary Care; Specialty Care and Oncology; Established Products and Emerging Markets; Animal Health; and Consumer Healthcare."
"score": 0.6515809894,
"text": "Profile PFE. Pfizer, Inc. is a research-based, global biopharmaceutical company. The company's global portfolio includes medicines and vaccines, as well as many of the world's best-known consumer healthcare products."
"score": 0.6500431299,
"text": "Industry: Drug Manufacturers-Major. Pfizer Inc. (PFE) is a research-based, global biopharmaceutical company. The company operates in five segments: Primary Care; Specialty Care and Oncology; Established Products and Emerging Markets; Animal Health and Consumer Healthcare, and Nutrition."
"score": 0.64635849,
"text": "At Pfizer locations all over the globe, Pfizer strives to make a positive impact on local site communities. We provide high-quality jobs and economic development. We support – through contributions as well as volunteer hours -- local non-profits and NGOs."
"score": 0.6417550445,
"text": "Wyeth was a pharmaceutical company until it was purchased by Pfizer in 2009. The company was founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1860 as John Wyeth and Brother. Its headquarters moved to Collegeville, Pennsylvania, and Madison, New Jersey, before its headquarters were consolidated with Pfizer 's in New York City after the 2009 merger."
"score": 0.6374359727,
"text": "Pfizer - Statistics & Facts. Statistics and facts about Pfizer. Pfizer Inc. is the world's second largest pharmaceutical company in terms of prescription sales revenue. The New York City-based company generated almost 53 billion U.S. dollars of total revenue in 2016. Based on net income, Pfizer is also at the top globally."
"score": 0.6309323311,
"text": "Princeton, NJ Pfizer. About Search Results. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria."
"score": 0.6245526671,
"text": "Pfizer Ltd has informed BSE that the Company has been informed by its parent company Pfizer Inc. that it has concluded its acquisition of Hospira Inc. (a Lake Forest, IL based company, previously traded on the New York Stock Exchange)."
"score": 0.6198105216,
"text": "Princeton, NJ Pfizer. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria."
"score": 0.6183730364,
"text": "Pfizer is one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies. It faces lawsuits over several of its popular products, including Lipitor, Zithromax, Depo-Testosterone, Effexor, Zoloft and Eliquis. The company got its start in 1849 when cousins Charles Pfizer and Charles Erhart combined their chemistry and confectionery skills and started a business."
"score": 0.6107023954,
"text": "Pfizer's state sites slowly shut down. Ann Arbor NewsPfizer's 2 million square feet of lab, production and office space in Ann Arbor soon will be vacant. ANN ARBOR -- From a distance, you can't tell. Smoke stacks crowning the power plant puff."
"score": 0.6015990973,
"text": "Pfizer Property News pfizer property - latest update - august, 2016 M&M Realty Partners, the owners of the Pfizer property on the west side of Route 53, have filed with the Department of Environmental Protection a plan to clean up the contamination on the site."
"score": 0.5980147123,
"text": "What is Pfizer's net worth? Pfizer's net worth is $67.425 billion. Pfizer began as a joint venture between two German-American relatives, Charles Pfizer and Charles Erhart. The two men, cousins, launched a lab and business in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in the mid-1840s, in which they produced santonin, an antiparasitic."
"score": 0.5956578255,
"text": "Pfizer is one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies. It faces lawsuits over several of its popular products, including Lipitor, Zithromax, Depo-Testosterone, Effexor, Zoloft and Eliquis."
"score": 0.5933929682,
"text": "Pfizer is the largest contributor to the Greater Kalamazoo United Way and the leading company in the United Way Day of Caring project. Colleagues are well represented in the American Heart Association's Heart Walk and American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer."
"score": 0.5925159454,
"text": "cronological listing of pfizer property updates: august 28, 2012 - special message from mayor and council regarding sale of pfizer property on route 53 On August 16 th the Pfizer property, on the west side of Route 53 (train track side), was purchased by M&M Realty Partners of Clifton, New Jersey. The two principals of M&M, Joe Marino and Jack Morris have extensive experience in real estate development in New Jersey, California and Florida."
"score": 0.5881378651,
"text": "But only two of more than two dozen buildings on Ann Arbor's Pfizer research and development site are still in operation. A year ago, Pfizer employed 2,100 people here, in addition to hundreds of contract support staff -- janitorial, food service, security. Fewer than 360 people will report to work there this week."
"score": 0.5846124887,
"text": "In 2003, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer celebrated ten years of operations in the Czech Republic. Since it opened, Pfizer CR has grown from 11 to 160 employees, with an urgent need to recruit more skilled people to improve its organisation and fill the gaps created through continual growth."
"score": 0.5818606615,
"text": "PFE vs. ETF Alternatives. Company Description. Pfizer Inc is a research-based biopharmaceutical company. The Company has five operating segments: Primary Care; Specialty Care and Oncology; Established Products and Emerging Markets; Animal Health; and Consumer Healthcare."
"score": 0.5785424113,
"text": "Pfizer Salary. Pfizer average salary is $78,289, median salary is $73,000 with a salary range from $28,000 to $250,000. Pfizer salaries are collected from government agencies and companies.Each salary is associated with a real job position. Pfizer salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only.fizer average salary is $78,289, median salary is $73,000 with a salary range from $28,000 to $250,000."
"score": 0.5773011446,
"text": "If you have an enquiry about the company, our healthcare business, or one of our medicines you can contact Pfizer UK by telephone on 01304 616161. If you are a patient, your GP or another relevant healthcare professional is best placed to advise you on your healthcare. However, if you would like to discuss the information in the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) for a Pfizer medicine you are taking you can contact us on 01304 616161."
"score": 0.5769705176,
"text": "Tailoring Production to Demand at Pfizer. The companys manufacturing facility in Freiburg, Germany, uses an approach that maximizes flexibility and segmentation. The parameters of today's global pharmaceutical industry, and the highly competitive business arena in which it operates, continue to evolve. Pricing pressures are increasing, generics are moving to the forefront as blockbuster patents expire, and regulatory demands are rising."
"score": 0.5756402016,
"text": "Established in 1993 under The Upjohn Company in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Greenstone LLC is a generic pharmaceutical subsidiary of Pfizer Inc (NYSE: PFE), the world's leading biopharmaceutical company."
"score": 0.5740966797,
"text": "However, just six years later, Pfizer announced it was closing its Ann Arbor facilities by 2008. Pfizer's announcement left city officials stunned and media reports followed about the devastating impact the company's departure would have on the local economy."
"score": 0.5708662271,
"text": "In 1994 Pfizer agreed to pay $1.5 million as part of a consent decree with the EPA in connection with its dumping at a toxic waste site in Rhode Island. In 1998 Pfizer agreed to pay a civil penalty of $625,000 for environmental violations discovered at its research facilities in Groton, Connecticut."
"score": 0.5660989285,
"text": "There were a lot of tears as people began to realize, boy, this is real, says Dr. David Canter, who has been head of the Ann Arbor site for eight years. It was on the morning of Jan. 22, 2007, that Pfizer announced plans to close the Ann Arbor site by 2008, part of a larger company downsizing move."
"score": 0.5652704239,
"text": "7 Reviews For Pfizer Inc Headquarters & Corporate Office. I just received my first free prescription (saving me $187). My application was mailed, approved and prescription waiting at my doctor's office for pickup within 7-10 days."
"score": 0.560893774,
"text": "Details of the Program 2013. The URI MBA @ PFIZER is an exciting opportunity to enjoy the convenience of completing our part-time MBA program, specifically customized for Pfizer at their Groton campus. The program will offer the necessary management skills and business knowledge to enhance your career while adding value for Pfizer."
"score": 0.5564728975,
"text": "Pfizer no longer owns stock in Zoetis; Zoetis joins S&P 500. KALAMAZOO, MI – Zoetis Inc. is a fully independent company after Pfizer Inc., which had owned more than 80 percent of the company, exchanged all of its stock in the animal health company."
"score": 0.5560671687,
"text": "What's Pfizer's net worth? Both guys, cousins, found a laboratory and company in Williamsburg, Brooklyn in the mid-1840s, in that they made santonin, an antiparasitic. Then they expanded into creating citric acid, and unexpectedly, they were off and running."
"score": 0.5550552011,
"text": "In 2005 Pfizer agreed to pay $22,500 to settle EPA claims that the company failed to properly notify state and federal officials of a 2002 chemical release from its plant in Groton that seriously injured several employees and necessitated a major emergency response."
"score": 0.5480750799,
"text": "Zoetis building in Exton, PA. In the 1950s, Pfizer began research on several drugs including Oxytetracycline. John McKeen, a chemical engineer with Pfizer products, discovered its effective use in livestock."
"score": 0.5479986668,
"text": "Copyright footer block. Pfizer for Professionals 1-800-505-4426. The information provided in this site is intended only for health care professionals in the United States. The products discussed herein may have different product labeling in different countries."
"score": 0.5415942073,
"text": "Based on prescription sales, NYC-based Pfizer is the world's second largest pharmaceutical company. In 2013, the company generated some 45 billion U.S. dollars in pure pharmaceutical sales, while total revenue stood at nearly 52 billion U.S. dollars.Other top global players from the United States are Johnson & Johnson, Merck and AbbVie.ased on prescription sales, NYC-based Pfizer is the world's second largest pharmaceutical company. In 2013, the company generated some 45 billion U.S. dollars in pure pharmaceutical sales, while total revenue stood at nearly 52 billion U.S. dollars."
"score": 0.5346601605,
"text": "A 1992 report by the U.S. General Accounting Office found that Pfizer was enjoying $156,400 in tax savings for each of its 500 employees on the island. The amount was said to be 636 percent of the company's compensation costs."
"score": 0.5332787037,
"text": "Pfizer, one of the largest prescription drug companies in America, not only paid no federal income taxes from 2010 to 2012, it received $2.2 billion in tax refunds from the IRS at the same time it made $43 billion in profits worldwide."
"score": 0.5288149118,
"text": "More Pfizer Inc. 800 numbers and support. This is the best of 2 ways to contact Pfizer Inc. according to 52808 GetHuman users. Below you can compare the ways to contact Pfizer Inc. customer service."
"score": 0.5275931358,
"text": "Patients should always ask their doctors for medical advice about adverse events. To report an adverse drug reaction (or suspected side effect) experienced with a Pfizer medication (prescription, non-prescription or a vaccine), please contact us at 1 866 723-7111 or by fax at 1 855 242-5652. Reports can be made directly to Health Canada as well through the Canada Vigilance Program at 1 866 234-2345."
"score": 0.4882648587,
"text": "Known in the industry for technology-driven solutions, collaborative partnerships and superior customer service; PFI has been a consistent leader in the lender-placed insurance business for over four decades. PFI performs all insurance, tracking and servicing functions at its headquarters in Troy, Michigan."
"score": 0.4814783931,
"text": "Location of Pforzheim on a map. Pforzheim is a city found in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. It is located 48.88 latitude and 8.70 longitude and it is situated at elevation 256 meters above sea level. Pforzheim has a population of 119,313 making it the 8th biggest city in Baden-Wurttemberg."
"score": 0.4603923261,
"text": "Pflugerville is located at 30°26′46″N 97°37′26″W / 30.446122°N 97.623989°W / 30.446122; -97.623989 (30.446122, -97.623989), 14 miles (23 km) northeast of downtown Austin along FM 1825 (Pecan Street) in northern Travis County.Pflugerville is situated 15 miles (24 km) northeast of the Colorado River.ublic education in the city of Pflugerville is provided by the Pflugerville Independent School District (PISD). The district encompasses all or part of six municipalities including Pflugerville, Austin, Coupland, Hutto, Manor and Round Rock."
"score": 0.459941417,
"text": "NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Pfizer Inc. (NYSE:PFE) today announced that the European Medicines Agency's Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) has adopted a positive opinion recommending that TRUMENBA® (Meningococcal Group B Vaccine) be granted marketing authorization in the European Union (EU) for active immunization of individuals 10 ..."
"score": 0.4412624836,
"text": "In the Heart of Downtown Milwaukee Appreciate All That Milwaukee Offers Located just three blocks from the shores of Lake Michigan, guests of The Pfister Hotel enjoy a four star luxury experience in the heart of downtown Milwaukee, WI."
"score": 0.435537219,
"text": "QVC Quick Links: Location: The Frazer QVC Outlet store is located at 245 Lancaster Ave., Malvern, PA, 19355. Frazer is about 30 miles west of Philadelphia, PA. Designed with an upscale, easy-to-shop theme, our ever-changing selection includes jewelry, apparel, accessories, and home décor. So whether you're looking for a new ring, the latest handbag, or a gift for a loved one, you'll find a variety of products at great values."
"score": 0.4197113812,
"text": "Tafil and Xanax Pfizer and Viagra Tafil and Alprazolam Pfizer and Cialis Tafil and Xanor Pfizer and Pain Tafil and Anxiety Pfizer and Cancer Tafil and Valium Pfizer and Smoking. Treato does not review third-party posts for accuracy of any kind, including for medical diagnosis or treatments, or events in general."
"score": 0.3909000754,
"text": "Schlitterbahn New Braunfels Waterpark and Resort is located in New Braunfels between San Antonio and Austin off IH-35. Parking is available near our main entrance of Schlitterbahn West at 400 North Liberty Avenue. Take Exit 190A on the north side of New Braunfels. Go approximately 1 mile south on Business 35 to Highway 46/Loop 337."
"score": 0.3840199113,
"text": "Location of PFILE in Oracle. Is it stored with the data files or stored separately? If separately then where is it actually stored on the database. By default, PFILE is located in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs."
"score": 0.3737153411,
"text": "Originally available in 1984, it is marketed by Pfizer under the brand name Glucotrol in the USA, where Pfizer sells Glucotrol in doses of 5 and 10 milligrams and Glucotrol XL (an extended release form of glipizide) in doses of 2.5, 5, and 10 milligrams."
"score": 0.3272154629,
"text": "Martin Heuer is located at the address 10215 Thurston Groves Blv in Largo, Florida 33778. They can be contacted via phone at (727) 391-2210 for pricing, hours and directions. Martin Heuer has an annual sales volume of 501K - 999,999. . For maps and directions to Martin Heuer view the map to the right."
] |
does insurance cover paternity testing | [
"score": 0.8142747879,
"text": "Best Answer: A paternity test is not a necessary medical procedure, therefore its unlikely that you'll find a health insurance company that will cover one. If you get a court ordered paternity test, its possible that you wouldn't have to pay for the test...depending on how the laws are in your area. That's something you'd have to ask an attorney. Otherwise, if you're just curious about who your child's father is, then you or he will have to pay for it out of pocket."
] | [
"score": 0.7183320522,
"text": "1 For example, the Identigene at-home test costs $149 and Genetic Profiles Corporation offers tests for $500 for a standard case and $730 for a case in which the biological mother's DNA is not available. For patients not covered by health insurance, prenatal paternity testing, in which DNA material is collected through a more invasive procedure, typically costs about $1,000 to $2,000."
"score": 0.7076843977,
"text": "Does insurance cover the informaSeq test? Integrated Genetics has contracts with over 400 health insurance plans. If you are a member of a plan, the informaSeq test may be covered. The best way to confirm if the informaSeq prenatal test is covered by your particular insurance is to contact your provider."
"score": 0.7039903402,
"text": "The parents may make private arrangements with the hospital or a paternity testing laboratory. If either parent receives help from Child Support Enforcement, the state pays for the test. The court may order the father to re-pay the cost of the paternity testing if paternity is established."
"score": 0.7025488615,
"text": "In many cases, health insurance plans will cover the costs of genetic testing when it is recommended by a person's doctor. Health insurance providers have different policies about which tests are covered, however.ome people may choose not to use their insurance to pay for testing because the results of a genetic test can affect a person's health insurance coverage. Instead, they may opt to pay out-of-pocket for the test."
"score": 0.7000818849,
"text": "Will health insurance cover the costs of genetic testing? In many cases, health insurance plans will cover the costs of genetic testing when it is recommended by a person's doctor. Health insurance providers have different policies about which tests are covered, however."
"score": 0.6996248364,
"text": "In many cases, health insurance plans will cover the costs of genetic testing when it is recommended by a person's doctor. Health insurance providers have different policies about which tests are covered, however.or more information about insurance coverage of genetic testing: The National Human Genome Research Institute provides information about Coverage and Reimbursement of Genetic Tests. Genes In Life discusses insurance coverage and reimbursement for genetic testing."
"score": 0.6929007173,
"text": "DNA Paternity Testing will only be conducted by order of the court upon a finding that the mother cannot name the putative father as the legal and biological father of the child. The establishment of paternity affords your child legal rights and privileges that belong to any child born within a marriage. Among these are rights to inheritance, rights to the father's medical and life insurance benefits, and to social security and veteran's benefits which may be available."
"score": 0.6907589436,
"text": "A person interested in submitting the costs of testing may wish to contact his or her insurance company beforehand to ask about coverage. Some people may choose not to use their insurance to pay for testing because the results of a genetic test can affect a person's health insurance coverage.Instead, they may opt to pay out-of-pocket for the test.People considering genetic testing may want to find out more about their state's privacy protection laws before they ask their insurance company to cover the costs.or more information about insurance coverage of genetic testing: The National Human Genome Research Institute provides information about Coverage and Reimbursement of Genetic Tests. Genes In Life discusses insurance coverage and reimbursement for genetic testing."
"score": 0.6853222847,
"text": "A person interested in submitting the costs of testing may wish to contact his or her insurance company beforehand to ask about coverage. Some people may choose not to use their insurance to pay for testing because the results of a genetic test can affect a person's health insurance coverage.Instead, they may opt to pay out-of-pocket for the test.People considering genetic testing may want to find out more about their state's privacy protection laws before they ask their insurance company to cover the costs. person interested in submitting the costs of testing may wish to contact his or her insurance company beforehand to ask about coverage. Some people may choose not to use their insurance to pay for testing because the results of a genetic test can affect a person's health insurance coverage."
"score": 0.6845378876,
"text": "Insurance coverage of genetic services. Most health insurance companies will cover the cost for genetic counseling and genetic testing if a person meets particular criteria indicating that hereditary cancer might run in the family. A genetic counselor can determine if your insurance will cover genetic testing and help the process go smoothly."
"score": 0.6740805507,
"text": "In a filed paternity case, any named defendant, or CSEA, can request a genetic test. CSEA has a contract with a certified laboratory to provide genetic testing (DNA) in its cases at a reasonable cost. CSEA pays the cost of the test subject to reimbursement. Usually the person who requested the test is ordered to pay."
"score": 0.6727666855,
"text": "A person interested in submitting the costs of testing may wish to contact his or her insurance company beforehand to ask about coverage. Some people may choose not to use their insurance to pay for testing because the results of a genetic test can affect a person's insurance coverage. Instead, they may opt to pay out-of-pocket for the test."
"score": 0.6680551767,
"text": "Like other insurers, Cigna typically won't pay for genetic tests that don't provide a medical benefit to the patient. You don't test for testing's sake, says Susan Pisano, a spokesperson for America's Health Insurance Plans, a trade group.A test for an Alzheimer's gene is among those not usually covered.lastair Grant/AP. After genetic testing revealed a heightened risk for breast cancer, Angelina Jolie had a precautionary double mastectomy. The day when a simple blood test or saliva sample can identify your risk for medical conditions ranging from cancer to Alzheimer's disease seems tantalizingly close."
"score": 0.6671900749,
"text": "However, a few states do provide free testing: 1 Arizona - Arizona pays for the upfront cost of the paternity test, and the father of the child must repay the fee. Alaska - Alaska pays for the paternity test, but if the test shows the man is the father, he must pay the state the cost of the test."
"score": 0.6647643447,
"text": "However, a court order is not necessary to conduct a paternity test and many private healthcare services charge in the region of £100 – £400 for a reliable paternity test in which the DNA of the father, child and mother are included."
"score": 0.6646509171,
"text": "Some people may choose not to use their insurance to pay for testing because the results of a genetic test can affect a person's health insurance coverage. Instead, they may opt to pay out-of-pocket for the test.his type of testing is offered to individuals who have a family history of a genetic disorder and to people in certain ethnic groups with an increased risk of specific genetic conditions. If both parents are tested, the test can provide information about a couple's risk of having a child with a genetic condition."
"score": 0.6614353061,
"text": "Paternity testing can be performed either during pregnancy, after a child is born or in adulthood. Reasons for testing include personal knowledge and to resolve legal questions, such as changing a name on a birth certificate or determining child support responsibilities. Typical costs:"
"score": 0.6611337066,
"text": "The issues in a paternity case are: fatherhood; current child support and medical support/insurance; past support; birth expenses; genetic testing costs; father's name on the birth certificate; name change; custody; and visitation."
"score": 0.6599907279,
"text": "Free paternity testing isn't available in every state. Some states, like Michigan, offer low-cost paternity testing to needy families. However, a few states do provide free testing: Arizona - Arizona pays for the upfront cost of the paternity test, and the father of the child must repay the fee."
"score": 0.6581181884,
"text": "Legal DNA Testing. Legal Paternity Testing provides evidence for legal paternity including child support, custody disputes, birth certificate, social security, name changes, and court hearings. Learn More | Order Testing →. Call 800-535-5198 and speak with one of our Paternity Test specialists."
"score": 0.6578636169,
"text": "Paternity testing from an accredited laboratory goes for about $400.00 and $ 2,000.00 depending on ones locality. This is because prenatal testing is one of the most expensive tests carried out after a child is born."
"score": 0.6540626287,
"text": "Free paternity testing isn't available in every state. Some states, like Michigan, offer low-cost paternity testing to needy families. Arizona - Arizona pays for the upfront cost of the paternity test, and the father of the child must repay the fee."
"score": 0.6531015635,
"text": "The range of Paternity Testing cost can range from $175 to $375 depending on options and discounts. Paternity Tests include shipping, testing, and results. The range of Paternity Testing cost can range from $175 to $375 depending on options and discounts."
"score": 0.6519910693,
"text": "A paternity test establishes genetic proof whether a man is the biological father of an individual, and a maternity test establishes whether a woman is the biological mother of an individual. Tests can also determine the likelihood of someone being a biological grandparent to a grandchild."
"score": 0.6497251987,
"text": "For a paternity test, the test will either exclude someone as the biological father or it will include them as the true biological father and a statistical analysis will be provided to support this claim if the alleged father is included."
"score": 0.6459348798,
"text": "Most insurance plans will cover the test if you have risk factors for chromosomal abnormalities in your baby, but you might have to help pay for the costs. Some insurers require prior authorization for an amniocentesis, so it's best to call the number on the back of your card to find out the specifics."
"score": 0.6431037188,
"text": "In all cases where the alleged father does not admit paternity, a court hearing and/or paternity test can be scheduled. Paternity tests examine the genetic markers of the mother, alleged father, and the child. The paternity tests will either indicate the likelihood of paternity or exclude the alleged father."
"score": 0.6406428814,
"text": "Paternity Testing Cost. The cost of a court ordered paternity test is usually determined by the individual companies who conduct the procedure. A list of these private companies is provided by the court to ensure credibility and as such the cost often runs much higher than personal testing kits which can be ordered online."
"score": 0.6394481659,
"text": "Private Knowledge DNA Paternity Test starting at $79 and Legally Admissible DNA Paternity Test starting at $230. There are 2 options for paternity testing: Private and Legal. The Private test is ideal for families who wish to determine the truth about paternity in private before deciding on the next step. The Legal test is for individuals who need to use the report in court. Both the private and legal test options are equally accurate and will provide absolutely conclusive results."
"score": 0.6314991713,
"text": "Home Paternity Testing. The Home Paternity Test Kit provides accurate testing for paternity in the comfort and privacy of your home. The testing kit determines the probability that a male is the biological father of a child with 99.99% accuracy. Everything needed for Paternity Test Results are included in the Test Me DNA Home Test Kit. One low price includes testing kit, shipping, and results."
"score": 0.6312960982,
"text": "What is a paternity test used for? Paternity and other family relationship DNA testing results can be used as legal evidence for child support, parental rights, inheritance claims, social benefits, immigration, adoption and other circumstances when proof of blood relationship is required.herefore, the type of DNA sample used in the test is not going to affect the results. Our laboratory's standard samples are buccal swab and blood specimens. We also accept non-standard samples such as organ tissue, hair (with roots), cigarette butts, tooth brushes, and other frequently-used personal items."
"score": 0.6310102344,
"text": "Paternity Testing. With more than 35 years of experience, LabCorp is a trusted DNA testing laboratory for paternity testing. Since 1981, LabCorp DNA has been delivering trusted results."
"score": 0.6274707317,
"text": "Paternity establishment ensures that children are eligible for child support and possibly other benefits such as Social Security, veteran survivor benefits and health insurance. Legal paternity guarantees a father's parental rights should he and the mother ever separate."
"score": 0.6272729635,
"text": "A paternity test determines a biological relationship between a baby and the father. It's important for legal, medical, and psychological reasons. According to the American Pregnancy Association (APA), determining paternity: establishes legal and social benefits such as inheritance and social security."
"score": 0.6271691322,
"text": "Predictive or pre-symptomatic genetic tests and services, in the absence of past or present illness in the beneficiary, are not covered under national Medicare rules. For example, Medicare does not cover genetic tests based on family history alone. A covered genetic test must be used to manage a patient."
"score": 0.6211870909,
"text": "If you require a paternity test before birth, DDC's prenatal paternity test now makes it possible to get accurate answers in a safer way than ever before. DDC offers a variety of testing options, with payment plans."
"score": 0.6184722185,
"text": "Predictive or pre-symptomatic genetic tests and services, in the absence of past or. present illness in the beneficiary, are not covered under national Medicare rules. For. example, Medicare does not cover genetic tests based on family history alone. 3. A covered genetic test must be used to manage a patient."
"score": 0.6169785261,
"text": "Medical insurance may cover the cost of a PSA test. Contact the insurance provider for specific coverage details. Medicare typically covers the cost of an annual PSA test for men older than 50. Specific coverage can vary by state ."
"score": 0.6163457632,
"text": "If paternity testing has been completed and the results show clear, cogent, and convincing evidence of paternity, the court MUST enter a temporary support order. 1 Paternity test results showing a ninety-seven percent (97%) or higher probability of paternity are clear, cogent, and convincing evidence. If the alleged father is found not to be the biological parent, the full amount of temporary support paid must be reimbursed to the alleged father."
"score": 0.6117061973,
"text": "Over-the-counter paternity test sold at Walgreens, Rite-Aid and CVS. The Identigene DNA Paternity Test Kit is now sold in stores and online at Walgreens, Rite-Aid and CVS, which makes the test available at over 15,000 retail stores in 48 states. The test kit is sold for $29.99 and requires a do-it-yourself cheek swab."
"score": 0.60443753,
"text": "For prenatal testing, or paternity testing while pregnant, there are a few options to choose from: 1 Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity (NIPP): A non-invasive prenatal paternity test is the most accurate non-invasive way to establish paternity before the baby is born."
"score": 0.5943775773,
"text": "Depending on the type of plan you have, health insurance may cover the following: annual physical examinations. cancer screenings such as pap smears, mammography, colonoscopy, and PSA tests. routine blood work such as complete blood count (CBC) to check for anemia and other problems. blood glucose tests to check for prediabetes or diabetes."
"score": 0.5890079737,
"text": "Depending on the type of plan you have, health insurance may cover the following: annual physical examinations. cancer screenings such as pap smears, mammography, colonoscopy, and PSA tests. routine blood work such as complete blood count (CBC) to check for anemia and other problems."
"score": 0.5880930424,
"text": "In many cases, the patient's insurance will cover the cost of testing donors and collecting the bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cells. However, this is not true of every insurance policy. The donor's health insurance rarely covers these expenses."
"score": 0.5839595199,
"text": "Depending on the type of plan you have, health insurance may cover the following: annual physical examinations cancer screenings such as pap smears, mammography, colonoscopy, and PSA tests routine blood work such as complete blood count (CBC) to check for anemia and other problems blood glucose tests to check for prediabetes or diabetes blood ..."
"score": 0.5832028389,
"text": "Paternity Depot has these attributes and is the best paternity test we researched. All of the tests we researched advertised over 99 percent accuracy. Paternity Depot, however, advertises 99.9 percent accuracy and will send your results to you in five business days or less. That is one of the fastest turnaround times of companies we researched. If you need a split kit to test people in two different locations, Paternity Depot will send testing kits to both addresses. This company uses simple buccal cheek swabs to collect DNA samples. This company is accredited by the AABB and ISO 17025, the same as other major companies we reviewed."
"score": 0.5757143497,
"text": "Special note: paternity test. It is important for you to understand that tissue typing is similar to what is sometimes called 'paternity testing'. That is, the results may help to confirm (or not) the biological parents of the child."
"score": 0.5738641024,
"text": "Until recently unmarried fathers had no automatic right for contact, but since the law changed in December 2003, a father who was present at the registration of the birth holds rights equal to those of the mother. A DNA paternity test is not required in such circumstances, even if the couple are not married."
"score": 0.5698456168,
"text": "1 Please note that most insurance companies do not cover psychological testing for developmental delays or learning issues, as they deem these services 'educational' rather than 'medical', even if the provider is 'in-network'. 2 Charges are based on age and focus of assessment."
"score": 0.5679879785,
"text": "The cost for PT/INR Self Testing will vary depending on your insurance coverage. Our insurance professionals will check eligibility with your insurance carriers and provide you with a summary of covered services and out-of-pocket expenses.edicare recently expanded coverage for PT/INR Self Testing for patients with Atrial Fibrillation, Mechanical Heart Valves, and Deep Vein Thrombosis. If you meet one of the above criteria, Medicare will cover most of the cost of PT/INR Self Testing."
"score": 0.5675781965,
"text": "1 Please note that most insurance companies do not cover psychological testing for developmental delays or learning issues, as they deem these services 'educational' rather than 'medical', even if the provider is 'in-network'. Charges are based on age and focus of assessment."
"score": 0.5615490079,
"text": "Insurance and the Regenexx Procedures. Insurance only covers office visits, consultations, diagnostic testing, examinations and bracing. Regenexx stem cell and blood platelet procedures are not covered by any insurance carriers including Medicare. However, we do offer Easy Payment Plans."
"score": 0.5614906549,
"text": "Insurance only covers office visits, consultations, diagnostic testing, examinations and bracing. Regenexx stem cell and blood platelet procedures are not covered by any insurance carriers including Medicare."
"score": 0.5516828895,
"text": "When someone pays for \"family coverage,\" that coverage was once based almost exclusively on a definition of \"family\" that only takes in legal relationships, such as those of blood, marriage, or adoption. Insurance is a contract, and that includes employer-provided health insurance.fter adoption, the children would be eligible for health insurance under the adoptive parent's plan. Conclusion. 1. It's always worth pursuing whether the step-parent and children could be covered under the other spouse's insurance."
"score": 0.5462983847,
"text": "If you are not a party to the paternity case, you must file a Declaration and Order for Inspection of Confidential Parentage File (L-1038) to obtain a court order to view the case. Sealed cases require a court order to view. A valid photo identification is required to view and copy Sealed cases."
"score": 0.5348225832,
"text": "happyfeet said: I have insurance through my husband with BCBS over texas.... They DO cover fertility treatments such as IVF, perscriptions etc., 100% 10 dollar co-pay for fertility specialist up to $25,000 a lifetime..es, Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance definetely varies from state to state... and within each state as well. We have BCBS and pay the premium out of pocket each month. We pay approximately $600 per month, so I would hope they pay well. We have no infertility coverage left at this point."
"score": 0.5270572305,
"text": "Health insurance coverage, whether through an employer or a public program, is often based on family relationships. An individual with access to employer-sponsored coverage may be able to cover his or her spouse and children through that policy. Public coverage often considers family ties in determining program eligibility, especially for children and families."
"score": 0.5135772228,
"text": "The Student Health and Counseling Center (SHCC) offers full services for birth control, including pap smears, STD testing, counseling on and prescriptions for all contraceptive methods, and pregnancy testing. Most insurance plans will cover lab testing and prescriptions or you can apply for the Family PACT Program (see below). Male students are welcome! We provide STD testing, birth control information and sample condoms. Prescriptions for larger quantities of condoms are available and are covered by the Family PACT program."
"score": 0.5075537562,
"text": "MCA 33-22-140 provides insurance coverage under a parent's policy for unmarried children up to age 25. Nevada. NRS 689C.055 allows an unmarried, dependent child who is a full-time student to remain on his or her parent's insurance up to age 24 if parent is covered by small group policy."
"score": 0.5075442791,
"text": "MCA 33-22-140 provides insurance coverage under a parent's policy for unmarried children up to age 25. Nevada. NRS 689C.055 allows an unmarried, dependent child who is a full-time student to remain on his or her parent's insurance up to age 24 if parent is covered by small group policy."
"score": 0.4989599586,
"text": "Aetna has been providing health insurance to Connecticut residents since 1853, and today covers people in all 50 states. It is a pioneer in health care legislation and is responsible for making coverage of genetic testing and counseling an industry standard. 1 Highly customizable selection of plans: Aetna allows consumers to pick and choose features such as the deductible amount, type of coverage and ability to choose a provider."
"score": 0.4987353086,
"text": "1 Insurers that offer dependent coverage must cover adult children until their 26 th birthday, even if the young adult no longer lives with his or her parents, is not a dependent on a parent's tax return, is no longer a student or is married."
"score": 0.4463552833,
"text": "What isn't covered by the AHCIP. The Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) does not cover all health care services. However, some services not covered by the AHCIP may be covered by other government sponsored or private supplementary health insurance. Non-insured health services include, but are not limited to:lberta Health strongly recommends that all Albertans obtain and maintain insurance coverage for prescription drugs. Government supported supplementary coverage is available through Alberta Blue Cross Non-Group coverage to cover a variety of health services not covered by the AHCIP. 1 Read about Non-Group coverage."
"score": 0.4065366089,
"text": "The actuarial exams, administered by the SOA and the CAS, cover a variety of subjects of importance in the insurance industry. Exams cover probability, interest theory, risk management, life contingencies, as well as topics that are more specific to insurance."
"score": 0.3842797875,
"text": "Regulation H—Flood Insurance Examination Checklist Coverage 1. Does the institution offer or extend credit (consumer or commercial) that is secured by improved real estate or mobile homes as defined in Regulation H? Yes No • If it does, complete the remainder of this checklist.scrow Requirements An institution must require the escrow of flood insurance premiums for loans secured by ''residential improved real estate'' if it requires the escrow of other funds to cover other charges associated with the loan, such as taxes, premiums for hazard or fire insurance, or other fees."
] |
what is vocation | [
"score": 0.8307856917,
"text": "A vocation (from Latin vocātiō, meaning a call, summons) is an occupation to which a person is specially drawn or for which she/he is suited, trained, or qualified. Though now often used in non-religious contexts, the meanings of the term originated in Christianity.alvinism developed complex ideas about different types of vocations of the first type, connected with the concepts of Predestination, Irresistible grace, and the elect. There are the vocatio universalis, the vocatio specialis, only extended to some."
] | [
"score": 0.7443515062,
"text": "The word vocation is derived from the Latin word vocare, \"to call,\" and so a vocation is a calling. Above all, everyone has a vocation to holiness, a universal call to holiness, which Christ gives to us in the Gospel (John 13:34):I give you a new commandment: love one another.In particular, as Christians, our vocation, no matter what it is, has the same goal – we are called to love God and neighbor with sacrificial love, the very love Christ has for his Church. But we all realize this according to the different states of life. give you a new commandment: love one another. In particular, as Christians, our vocation, no matter what it is, has the same goal – we are called to love God and neighbor with sacrificial love, the very love Christ has for his Church. But we all realize this according to the different states of life."
"score": 0.7427741885,
"text": "A vocation is not like a job in these respects. The word vocation comes from the Latin word vocare, to call. Although the term today can ..."
"score": 0.7419207096,
"text": "The word vocation comes from the Latin word vocare, which is a verb that means 'to call'. In simplest terms, a vocation could also be called a 'calling.' Every person has a primary call to holiness. As Catholics, whatever our state in life, our first goal should be to live a holy life."
"score": 0.7330714464,
"text": "Your vocation is not the same as your career or profession. However, there is an overlap between a vocation and a profession. A career or a profession is something that you have in order to support yourself and to contribute in some way to the good of the society."
"score": 0.7301800251,
"text": "In the simplest terms, \"vocation\" means a \"call.\" So, in general terms your vocation is what God calls you to do with your life.Everybody is called by God to know, love and serve him. The difference is how each one does this. Individual vocations vary between being single, married, consecrated, religious or a priest.n the simplest terms, \"vocation\" means a \"call.\" So, in general terms your vocation is what God calls you to do with your life."
"score": 0.7298848629,
"text": "No matter how you define vocation, one definition that can bring great purpose to one's life is a Christian belief that God has created each person with gifts and talents oriented toward specific purposes and way of life.In other words Its what you do while you do what you do.. Each of us has a vocation.So you want to become a teacher, a lawyer, a gardner, a receptionist. A doctor, a network engineer, a musician, an administrator. You want to live your life as a mother, a father, an Aunt or Uncle.Vocation is the act of living out the gifts and talents that allow you to live as the lawyer, musician, father, or aunt.n other words Its what you do while you do what you do.. Each of us has a vocation. So you want to become a teacher, a lawyer, a gardner, a receptionist. A doctor, a network engineer, a musician, an administrator. You want to live your life as a mother, a father, an Aunt or Uncle."
"score": 0.7257091999,
"text": "In the simplest terms, \"vocation\" means a \"call.\" So, in general terms your vocation is what God calls you to do with your life.Everybody is called by God to know, love and serve him. The difference is how each one does this. Individual vocations vary between being single, married, consecrated, religious or a priest.However, we usually use \"Vocation\" to mean a call to the consecrated, religious or priestly life.verybody is called by God to know, love and serve him. The difference is how each one does this. Individual vocations vary between being single, married, consecrated, religious or a priest. However, we usually use \"Vocation\" to mean a call to the consecrated, religious or priestly life."
"score": 0.7253073454,
"text": "Clarification. Your vocation is not the same as your career or profession. However, there is an overlap between a vocation and a profession. A career or a profession is something that you have in order to support yourself and to contribute in some way to the good of the society."
"score": 0.7029061913,
"text": "Vocation derives from the Latin vocare, which means to call. This research was funded, in part, by a grant from Vocare, Northwestern College's vocation project funded by a grant from the Lilly Endowment. Christian vocation: defining relations with identity status, college adjustment, and spiritually."
"score": 0.7018038034,
"text": "While most people think of a vocation as what they are called to do in life, it is important to understand that the first and most important call from God is a call to be-the universal call to holiness. Clarification. Your vocation is not the same as your career or profession."
"score": 0.6970632672,
"text": "Difference between Vocation and Occupation. Key Difference: Vocation and occupation are synonymous, referring to the work based on which one earns his or her livelihood. Vocation specifically defines the career or occupation that is considered suitable according to the person's qualifications and personal inclinations. Difference between Vocation and Occupation Difference between Vocation and Occupation"
"score": 0.6949282885,
"text": "Word of the Day vocation a type of work that you feel you are suited to doing and to which you should give all your time and energy, or the feeling that a type of work suits you in this way"
"score": 0.6943041086,
"text": "There are many different types of vocation. Some people are destined to lead a life of dedication to God, others to be parents and some to be single have regular jobs. Vocation is not something that you are born knowing you have to look within yourself to find what God has created you to be."
"score": 0.689535141,
"text": "A vocation of marriage is God's call for us to make a union with a person of the opposite sex to help each other grow in holiness and love for God and to be able to share in God's creative work (bear children) if physically able.od calls each of us to a particular vocation in life. The Catholic Church defines both particular vocations as three states of life: single, married, religious, and also a general vocation of all baptized believers. A person can have many different callings in life."
"score": 0.6885634065,
"text": "Word Origin and History for vocation Expand. n. early 15c., spiritual calling, from Latin vocationem (nominative vocatio), literally a calling, from vocatus called, past participle of vocare to call (see voice (n.)). Sense of one's occupation or profession is first attested 1550s."
"score": 0.686062336,
"text": "Use of the word vocation before the sixteenth century referred firstly to the call by God to an individual, or calling of all humankind to salvation, particularly in the Vulgate, and more specifically to the vocation to the priesthood or to the religious life, which is still the usual sense in Roman Catholicism."
"score": 0.6793199182,
"text": "The etymology of vocation versus career is most revealing. The word vocation comes from the Latin word \"vocare\" or \"to call.\" It denotes a voice summoning a person to a unique purpose. The word career derives from the Latin word for cart and the Middle French word for race track.he etymology of vocation versus career is most revealing. The word vocation comes from the Latin word \"vocare\" or \"to call.\" It denotes a voice summoning a person to a unique purpose. The word career derives from the Latin word for cart and the Middle French word for race track."
"score": 0.6761926413,
"text": "An avocation is something done in addition to one's vocation—usually a hobby. Both are rooted in the Latin vocāre, meaning to call. In its early English use, vocation usually had religious implications. One who had a vocation was called by God toward a certain line of work, often the priesthood. The word was in use without the religious overtones as early as the 16th century, and today it is commonly used for both religious callings and secular ones. In avocation, the prefix a- is shortened from ab-, which means away, so, considered etymologically, an avocation is a calling away."
"score": 0.6751487255,
"text": "Use of the word vocation before the sixteenth century referred firstly to the call by God to an individual, or calling of all humankind to salvation, particularly in the Vulgate, and more specifically to the vocation to the priesthood or to the religious life, which is still the usual sense in Roman Catholicism.alvinism developed complex ideas about different types of vocations of the first type, connected with the concepts of Predestination, Irresistible grace, and the elect. There are the vocatio universalis, the vocatio specialis, only extended to some."
"score": 0.6746846437,
"text": "Word Root of VOCATION. The Latin word vox, meaning \" voice, \" and the related word vocāre, meaning \" to call \" , give us the root voc or vok. Words from the Latin vox or vocāre have something to do with the voice or with calling.Anything voc al is produced by the voice. A voc ation is the work that someone is called to do as a job.he Latin word vox, meaning \" voice, \" and the related word vocāre, meaning \" to call \" , give us the root voc or vok. Words from the Latin vox or vocāre have something to do with the voice or with calling. Anything voc al is produced by the voice. A voc ation is the work that someone is called to do as a job."
"score": 0.6581475735,
"text": "1 : of, relating to, or concerned with a vocation. 2 : of, relating to, or undergoing training in a skill or trade to be pursued as a career a vocational school vocational students."
"score": 0.650516212,
"text": "Vocational Discernment . A Research Report on Best Practices in Vocational Discernment at Jesuit Institutions of Higher Education . Kari Hamilton . Seattle University SDA '06 . Vocational Discernment: What is it? The understanding of vocation, calling, and vocational discernment has expanded from the religious frame of being called to a life of church ministry work (as a priest, nun, pastor etc.) to the perspective that vocational discernment refers to the human process of discerning what one's general life vocation, calling, or purpose is meant to be (Smith, 1999). One of the most quoted and well-known definitions of vocation and"
"score": 0.6312600374,
"text": "A profession is a vocation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply disinterested objective counsel and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain.[1] The term is a truncation of the term liberal profession, which is, in turn, an ..."
"score": 0.6278313398,
"text": "Craft vocations are usually based on manual or practical activities and are traditionally non-academic but related to a specific trade or occupation. Vocational education is sometimes referred to as career education or technical education."
"score": 0.6265370846,
"text": "The Council of Vocations is a group of men who decide where each person will work when they come of age (18 years old). Each person must go to that job until s/he is about forty years old, at which time they enter the Home of the Useless."
"score": 0.6264703274,
"text": "Other areas normally defined as vocations (if they form a large part of your daily life) are Art, Religion, Creative Writing, Design etc. I am also a teacher by vocation - as you can tell if you've followed my posts on Quora. I am also a parent and carer by vocation - I sometimes describe myself as a born sheepdog!."
"score": 0.6260881424,
"text": "God. The key to answering the call is to be devoted to no one and to nothing above God himself.\" —Os Guinness, The Call, 42-43. IV. Differences Between Vocation/Calling and Occupation A. Vocation/calling — the call to God and to His service in various spheres of life based on giftedness, desires, affirmations and human need 1."
"score": 0.6241474152,
"text": "1. a vocation requiring extensive education in science or the liberal arts and often specialized training. 2. any vocation or business. 3. the body of persons engaged in an occupation: the medical profession. 4. the act of professing; avowal. 5. a. the declaration of belief in religion or a faith."
"score": 0.6167415977,
"text": "Craft vocations are usually based on manual or practical activities and are traditionally non-academic but related to a specific trade or occupation. Vocational education is sometimes referred to as career education or technical education. Vocational education can take place at the secondary, post-secondary, further education, and higher education level; and can interact with the apprenticeship system."
"score": 0.6146298647,
"text": "Books and articles on vocation - living and discerning one's vocation. Vocation Blog - reflection and discussion on the universal vocation to love, on Christian life, on the discernment of particular vocations, and more. More academic reflections are also presented on this blog."
"score": 0.6134659052,
"text": "In general, the vocation to holiness is subordinate to holiness; in particular, the vocation to religious life is subordinate to the religious life as a specific way of living the Christian life, and the vocation to marriage is subordinate to marriage as a specific way of living the Christian life."
"score": 0.6129161119,
"text": "Ministry vocation is a mixture of personal identity, God's calling, the Spirit's gifting, and community discernment. We only really know ourselves and our ministry impact in relation to others. So we believe that the best way to know your ministry is to somehow assess its impact on people around about you.inistry vocation is a mixture of personal identity, God's calling, the Spirit's gifting, and community discernment. We only really know ourselves and our ministry impact in relation to others. So we believe that the best way to know your ministry is to somehow assess its impact on people around about you."
"score": 0.6030420065,
"text": "Craft vocations are usually based on manual or practical activities and are traditionally non-academic but related to a specific trade, occupation. It is sometimes referred to as technical education as the trainee directly develops expertise in a particular group of techniques.Vocational education can be at the secondary, post-secondary level, further education, and higher education level and can interact with the apprenticeship system.raft vocations are usually based on manual or practical activities and are traditionally non-academic but related to a specific trade, occupation. It is sometimes referred to as technical education as the trainee directly develops expertise in a particular group of techniques."
"score": 0.6012904644,
"text": "Catholic Vocation Discernment. Love alone gives meaning to life and vocation. The soul must grow and expand, so as to be capable of God. And its largeness is its love, as the Apostle says, Widen yourselves in love (2 Cor 6:13). It grows and extends spiritually, not in substance, but in virtue."
"score": 0.5967873335,
"text": "God gives each one of us a particular mission in life. As we grow and life progresses, he makes it known to us, usually in indirect ways, more as an invitation than an imposition. Discovering and ultimately following your vocation gives the greatest glory and praise to our Creator. It is what we were meant to do."
"score": 0.5071416497,
"text": "Many times a person's regular vocation may lead to an avocation. Many forms of humanitarian campaigning, such as work for organizations like Amnesty International and Greenpeace, may be done by people involved in the law or human rights issues as part of their work."
"score": 0.4509457946,
"text": "Quote. » more... We classify ourselves into vocations, each of which either wields some particular tool, or sells it, or repairs it, or sharpens it, or dispenses advice on how to do so; by such division of labors we avoid responsibility for the misuse of any tool save our own."
"score": 0.4195386171,
"text": "These types of academic programs generally prepare students to enter a vocation after the certificate is awarded. Some certificate-based academic programs combine classroom instruction with hands-on experience to teach students a specific trade or skill."
"score": 0.4112279713,
"text": "In phonology, voicing (or sonorization) is a sound change where a voiceless consonant becomes voiced due to the influence of its phonological environment; shift in the opposite direction is referred to as devoicing or desonorization."
"score": 0.2788593173,
"text": "Traxpay. vs. Vogogo. PAN (primary account number) truncation is a technology that prevents most of the digits in a credit card, debit card or bank account number from appearing on printed receipts issued to customers.PAN truncation is used by point-of-sale (POS) terminals and has become nearly universal in recent years. The Royal Bank of Scotland describes how PAN truncation can be implemented with their Streamline terminals. 2 MasterCard outlines the basics of credit card security including PAN truncation. 3 Merchant Services Network has published a complete Program Guide for credit card payment processing."
] |
what is rna in biology | [
"score": 0.7561997771,
"text": "Ribonucleic acid, or RNA is one of the three major biological macromolecules that are essential for all known forms of life (along with DNA and proteins). central tenet of molecular biology states that the flow of genetic information in a cell is from DNA through RNA to proteins: \"DNA makes RNA makes protein\"."
] | [
"score": 0.6969185472,
"text": "Best Answer: RNA is a ribose nucliec asid. it has three sub type RNA they are called. m-RNA, t-RNA and r-RNA . m-rna works like a mail man. it transfer message from one place to other place. that means that Messenger RNA is RNA that carries information from DNA to the ribosome sites of protein synthesis in the cell."
"score": 0.6965666413,
"text": "RNA molecules are single stranded nucleic acids composed of nucleotides. RNA plays a major role in protein synthesis as it is involved in the transcription, decoding, and translation of the genetic code to produce proteins. RNA nitrogenous bases include adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and uracil (U)."
"score": 0.6915758252,
"text": "Like DNA, RNA is composed of its phosphate group, five-carbon sugar (the less stable ribose), and four nitrogen-containing nucleobases: adenine, uracil (not thymine), guanine, and cytosine. RNA folding in on itself into a hairpin loop. In both molecules, the nucleobases are attached to their sugar-phosphate backbone. Messenger RNA (mRNA) transcribes genetic information from the DNA found in a cell 's nucleus, and then carries this information to the cell's cytoplasm and ribosome. 2 Transfer RNA (tRNA) is found in a cell's cytoplasm and is closely related to mRNA as its helper."
"score": 0.69130373,
"text": "RNA is an acronym for r ibo n ucleic a cid. RNA is a polymer composed of four different repeating units: Adenosine, Cytosine, Guanosine and Uridine (A, C, G, and U).One can think about RNA as a long necklace made out of four different colored beads or letters.NA is a polymer composed of four different repeating units: Adenosine, Cytosine, Guanosine and Uridine (A, C, G, and U). One can think about RNA as a long necklace made out of four different colored beads or letters."
"score": 0.6900943518,
"text": "In molecular biology, ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) is the RNA component of the ribosome, and is essential for protein synthesis in all living organisms.It constitutes the predominant material within the ribosome, which is approximately 60% rRNA and 40% protein by weight.n molecular biology, ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) is the RNA component of the ribosome, and is essential for protein synthesis in all living organisms."
"score": 0.6851153374,
"text": "The structure of RNA is a single-stranded molecule made up of basic units called nucleotides that contain a nitrogenous base, a five-carbon sugar and a phosphate group. Although there is only one strand of RNA, as opposed to the two stranded double helix of DNA, it does not always follow a linear pattern."
"score": 0.68367064,
"text": "In molecular biology, ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) is the RNA component of the ribosome, and is essential for protein synthesis in all living organisms.It constitutes the predominant material within the ribosome, which is approximately 60% rRNA and 40% protein by weight.he ribosomal RNAs form two subunits, the large subunit (LSU) and small subunit (SSU). The LSU rRNA acts as a ribozyme, catalyzing peptide bond formation. rRNA sequences are widely used for working out evolutionary relationships among organisms, since they are of ancient origin and are found in all known forms of life."
"score": 0.6819080114,
"text": "MRNA is messenger RNA (mRNA) aka messenger ribosomal nucleic acid. it is an RNA molecule that carries copies of instructions for the assembly of amino acids into proteins from DNA (deoxyribo nucleic acid) to the rest of the cell. Proteins are assembled on ribosomes."
"score": 0.6772927046,
"text": "DNA and its close relative RNA are perhaps the most important molecules in biology. They contains the instructions that make every single living organism on the planet. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid and RNA for ribonucleic acid. They are polymers (long chain molecules) made from nucleotides."
"score": 0.6657493114,
"text": "Like DNA, RNA is composed of its phosphate group, five-carbon sugar (the less stable ribose), and four nitrogen-containing nucleobases: adenine, uracil (not thymine), guanine, and cytosine. RNA folding in on itself into a hairpin loop."
"score": 0.6601278186,
"text": "Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is part of the ribosome, or protein builders of the cell. Ribosomes are responsible for translation or the process our cells use to make proteins. rRNA are responsible for reading the order of amino acids and linking amino acids together. They do this through a highly complex sequence."
"score": 0.6600131989,
"text": "RNA or Ribonucleic Acid is made up of sugars and phosphates as well as nucleotides, Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Uracil.(which takes the place of Thymine in DNA) The nucleotides connect up to the other ones in DNA which has been split apart by enzymes then it makes up an amino acid chain called a poly peptide."
"score": 0.6598300934,
"text": "Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a molecule of RNA encoding a chemical blueprint for a protein product. mRNA is transcribed from a DNA template, and carries coding information to the sites of protein synthesis: the ribosomes. Here, the nucleic acid polymer is translated into a polymer of amino acids: a protein."
"score": 0.656471014,
"text": "RNA (ribonucleic acid) is a single strand with 5-carbon sugar that has one more oxygen than DNA. The nucleotides in RNA pair Adenine To URACIL, Guanine to Cytosine, and Thymine to Adenine (These pairings happen when the RNA is copying the DNA).4 people found this useful.NA (ribonucleic acid) is a single strand with 5-carbon sugar that has one more oxygen than DNA. The nucleotides in RNA pair Adenine To URACIL, Guanine to Cytosine, and Thymine to Adenine (These pairings happen when the RNA is copying the DNA). 4 people found this useful."
"score": 0.6561694145,
"text": "Messenger RNA (mRNA) is the RNA that carries information from DNA to the ribosome, the sites of protein synthesis (translation) in the cell. The coding sequence of the mRNA determines the amino acid sequence in the protein that is produced.ibosomal RNA (rRNA) is the catalytic component of the ribosomes. Eukaryotic ribosomes contain four different rRNA molecules: 18S, 5.8S, 28S and 5S rRNA. Three of the rRNA molecules are synthesized in the nucleolus, and one is synthesized elsewhere."
"score": 0.6551353931,
"text": "Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a large family of RNA molecules that convey genetic information from DNA to the ribosome, where they specify the amino acid sequence of the protein products of gene expression."
"score": 0.6508004665,
"text": "Messenger RNA, referred to as mRNA, is a ribonucleic acid that provides a blueprint for the construction of proteins. It carries codes from the deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, in the nucleus to the protein synthesis sites in the cytoplasm."
"score": 0.6497092247,
"text": "Messenger RNA (mRNA) is the RNA that carries information from DNA to the ribosome, the sites of protein synthesis (translation) in the cell. The coding sequence of the mRNA determines the amino acid sequence in the protein that is produced.ukaryotic ribosomes contain four different rRNA molecules: 18S, 5.8S, 28S and 5S rRNA. Three of the rRNA molecules are synthesized in the nucleolus, and one is synthesized elsewhere. In the cytoplasm, ribosomal RNA and protein combine to form a nucleoprotein called a ribosome."
"score": 0.645747304,
"text": "messenger RNA (mRNA) is a copy of genomic DNA that codes for a specific protein. DNA cannot leave the nucleus and enter the cytoplasm, where ribosomes make the proteins. There … fore there need to be a way to get the code that's on the DNA to the ribosomes so that it can become protein. mRNA is the solution.ll cellular organisms use messenger RNA (mRNA) to carry the genetic information that directs the synthesis of proteins. In addition, some viruses use RNA instead of DNA as their genetic material; perhaps a reflection of the suggested key role of RNA in the evolutionary history of life on Earth."
"score": 0.6453758478,
"text": "RNA polymerase (ribonucleic acid polymerase), both abbreviated RNAP or RNApol, official name DNA-directed RNA polymerase, is a member of a family of enzymes that are essential to life: they are found in all organisms(species) and many viruses."
"score": 0.6436910629,
"text": "mRNA. mRNA, or messenger RNA, is the link between a gene and a protein. The gene is transcribed by RNA polymerase, and the resulting mRNA travels to the cytoplasm, where it is translated by ribosomes into a protein with the help of tRNA.This form of RNA is extensively altered post-transcriptionally with modifications such as methylguanosine caps and polyadenosine tails.NA, or ribonucleic acid, is a linear polymer of adenine, thymine, cytosine, and uracil that is created in the cell by a process called transcription, and it differs from DNA in several ways. First, the ribose sugars on DNA nucleotides are short one hydroxyl group compared to RNA, hence the name deoxyribonucleic acid."
"score": 0.6429389715,
"text": "Messenger RNA (mRNA) is the RNA that carries information from DNA to the ribosome, the sites of protein synthesis (translation) in the cell. The coding sequence of the mRNA determines the amino acid sequence in the protein that is produced.hree of the rRNA molecules are synthesized in the nucleolus, and one is synthesized elsewhere. In the cytoplasm, ribosomal RNA and protein combine to form a nucleoprotein called a ribosome. The ribosome binds mRNA and carries out protein synthesis. Several ribosomes may be attached to a single mRNA at any time."
"score": 0.6412762403,
"text": "Messenger RNA (mRNA) is the RNA that carries information from DNA to the ribosome, the sites of protein synthesis (translation) in the cell. The coding sequence of the mRNA determines the amino acid sequence in the protein that is produced.his process uses transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules to deliver amino acids to the ribosome, where ribosomal RNA (rRNA) then links amino acids together to form proteins."
"score": 0.6411067843,
"text": "Growth or orientation of an organism, or of part of an organism, in response to the motion of a current of water or air. RNA : (ribonucleic acid). A molecule found in the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells. It plays an important role in protein synthesis and other chemical processes of the cell."
"score": 0.6371887922,
"text": "Messenger RNA (mRNA) is the RNA that carries information from DNA to the ribosome, the sites of protein synthesis (translation) in the cell. The coding sequence of the mRNA determines the amino acid sequence in the protein that is produced.ransfer RNA (tRNA) is a small RNA chain of about 80 nucleotides that transfers a specific amino acid to a growing polypeptide chain at the ribosomal site of protein synthesis during translation."
"score": 0.6308254004,
"text": "RNA genes (sometimes referred to as non-coding RNA or small RNA) are genes that encode RNA that is not translated into a protein. The most prominent examples of RNA genes are transfer RNA (tRNA) and ribosomal RNA (rRNA), both of which are involved in the process of translation."
"score": 0.6291027665,
"text": "Transcription is the synthesis of RNA under the direction of DNA. RNA synthesis, or transcription, is the process of transcribing DNA nucleotide sequence information into RNA sequence information.ranscription, unit ,biological ,biology dictionary,biology terminology,biology terms,biology abbreviations ... 121. Transcription Unit Organ ization and GAnTC ..."
"score": 0.6289028525,
"text": "In scientific terms, RNAP is a nucleotidyl transferase that polymerizes ribonucleotides at the 3' end of an rna transcript. Rna polymerase enzymes are essential and are found in all organisms, cells, and many viruses. Please contribute to this project, if you have more information about this term feel free to edit this page. This page was last modified on 22 February 2007, at 08:06.This page has been accessed 80,287 times."
"score": 0.6286211014,
"text": "Messenger RNA (mRNA) is RNA that encodes and carries information from DNA during transcription) to sites of protein synthesis to undergo translation in order to yield a gene product. mRNA life cycle.1] Anti-sense mRNA During transcription, double stranded DNA produces mRNA from the sense strand; the other, complementary, strand of DNA is termed anti-sense. Anti-sense mRNA is an RNA complementary in sequence to one or more mRNAs."
"score": 0.6239113808,
"text": "RNA silencing or RNA interference (RNAi) is the process by which protein production from a gene is turned off by a small interfering RNA (siRNA). An siRNA is a tiny RNA molecule whose sequence of beads/letters perfectly match a complementary set of beads/letters on a messenger RNA (mRNA)."
"score": 0.6229947209,
"text": "Report Abuse. Messenger RNA (mRNA) is RNA that encodes and carries information from DNA during transcription) to sites of protein synthesis to undergo translation in order to yield a gene product. mRNA life cycle. The brief life of an mRNAs begins with transcription and ultimately ends in degradation.1] Anti-sense mRNA During transcription, double stranded DNA produces mRNA from the sense strand; the other, complementary, strand of DNA is termed anti-sense. Anti-sense mRNA is an RNA complementary in sequence to one or more mRNAs."
"score": 0.6216180325,
"text": "RNA interference, or RNAi, is a well-recognized and evolutionarily conserved pathway of cellular defense that has been observed in nearly every eukaryotic organism studied. The functional component that directs RNAi is a 21-23 nucleotide (nt) RNA duplex, also know as a small interfering RNA or siRNA. In nature these duplexes are produced by the cell in response to a number of events that generate long double-stranded RNA transcripts. Examples of such events include viral replication, sequence transposition and abnormal transcription of native genes."
"score": 0.6157948971,
"text": "A messenger RNA (mRNA) is \"transcribed\" from a segment of DNA (a gene) that contains information about how to build a par-. ticular protein and carries that information to the. cellular site of protein synthesis, the ribosome."
"score": 0.6145475507,
"text": "RNAi is the process of gene expression silencing that occurs after transcription (the copying of information from DNA to RNA) which functions as a defence mechanism against viruses and transposable elements."
"score": 0.6119750738,
"text": "A messenger RNA (mRNA)is \"transcribed\" from a segment of DNA (a gene)that contains information about how to build a par-ticular protein and carries that information to thecellular site of protein synthesis, the ribosome."
"score": 0.6091133356,
"text": "1B: DNA makes RNA, and RNA makes protein-in a nutshell, this is the central dogma of molecular biology."
"score": 0.5998363495,
"text": "cell nucleus. Messenger RNA (mRNA) is the molecule that, when copied from DNA genes in the nucleus, carries genetic information into the cell where it is used to build proteins. Co-authors on the article are Audrey Odom, also of Duke, and Robert Murphy, Eric Ives and Susan Wente of Washington University School of Medicine. York is an assistant professor"
"score": 0.59286201,
"text": "The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology states that DNA makes RNA makes proteins (Figure 1). Figure 1 | The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology: DNA makes RNA makes proteins. The process by which DNA is copied to RNA is called transcription, and that by which RNA is used to produce proteins is called translation."
"score": 0.5775673985,
"text": "In other RNA viruses, the RNA is a complementary copy of mRNA and these viruses rely on the cell's or their own enzyme to make mRNA. These are called negative-sense RNA viruses. In viruses made from DNA, the method of mRNA production is similar to that of the cell."
"score": 0.5669497252,
"text": "Answers.com ® WikiAnswers ® Categories Science Biology Genetics What base is found in DNA but not RNA?"
"score": 0.4550023377,
"text": "Answer Wiki. Exactly what Cristopher said. They were named retro because of this reversal of the central dogma of molecular biology (DNA -> RNA -> Protein). Retroviruses go RNA -> DNA -> RNA -> Protein. Interesting fact: reverse transcription is also used in many molecular biology applications, it's a crucial tool for transcription analysis for example."
] |
adult definition of redbone | [
"score": 0.6842954159,
"text": "A female or male of African American descent who is light skinned with red undertones. Beyonce, Halle Berry, Ciara, and Sanaa Lathan are redbones. Redbone is a person with red undertones in their skin. A person who is a yellow bone has yellow undertones in their skin. If you look closely at their skin you can see the differences."
] | [
"score": 0.6474956274,
"text": "Most often when a phrase is coined for so long, that it becomes law. Redbone has been interchanged with light skinned or high-yellow for so long that when you actually see a redbone you may not even know. A redbone is very very different than just light skinned person, because of the main ingredient red."
"score": 0.6262000799,
"text": "Quick Answer. Redbone people are people of mixed ancestry that live primarily in the Southeastern United States. Little is known about the ethnic and racial make-up of Redbone people, but during the 1830s they were classified as Free People of Color, a classification that denied them citizenship and the right to vote."
"score": 0.6204209924,
"text": "The Meaning of REDBONE. You have found the definitive source for the meaning of REDBONE. This page contains all the definitions of REDBONE, crowd sourced, moderated and curated by real people who care about the true definitions of REDBONE."
"score": 0.6157113314,
"text": "Redbone Coonhound. The Redbone Coonhound is an American breed of dog used for hunting raccoon, deer, bear, and cougar. The American Kennel Club standard says, The Redbone mingles handsome looks and an even temperament with a confident air and fine hunting talents.."
"score": 0.6049007177,
"text": "Redbone is often confused with Yellowbone which is a Light skinned African American. Red bones: Ashanti, Chilli from TLC, Amerie, pillar sanders, Queen latifah, Li' Romeo, Yelowbones: Ludacris, Beyonce, Chris Brown, Lisa Raye, Raven Symone,Alicia Keys, Tia and Tomara mowry.edbone is often confused with Yellowbone which is a Light skinned African American. Red bones: Ashanti, Chilli from TLC, Amerie, pillar sanders, Queen latifah, Li' Romeo, Yelowbones: Ludacris, Beyonce, Chris Brown, Lisa Raye, Raven Symone,Alicia Keys, Tia and Tomara mowry."
"score": 0.6046831608,
"text": "The name Redbone itself is a Cajun term for a mixed-race person (half-breed), the band's members being of mixed blood ancestry.The band referenced Cajun and New Orleans culture many times in their lyrics and performing style.he name Redbone itself is a Cajun term for a mixed-race person (half-breed), the band's members being of mixed blood ancestry."
"score": 0.6018859148,
"text": "Term is used heavily in the south. I am considered a redbone and I get called this all the time simply because I am a woman, and Black, but lighter than most Black people in America. A light skinned girl walks by: Hey Red(short for redbone) come here."
"score": 0.5836989284,
"text": "The term has had various meanings according to locality, mostly implying multiracial people. In Louisiana, the Redbone cultural group consists mainly of the families of migrants to the state from South Carolina following the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. These individuals may have ancestral ties to the Melungeons."
"score": 0.578502655,
"text": "Redbone people are people of mixed ancestry that live primarily in the Southeastern United States. Little is known about the ethnic and racial make-up of Redbone people, but during the 1830s they... Redbone people are people of mixed ancestry that live primarily in the Southeastern United States. Little is known about the ethnic and racial make-up of Redbone people, but during the 1830s they... Star Gazing"
"score": 0.5783187747,
"text": "REDBONE TRIBUTE - IN MEMORY OF LOLLY VEGAS AND TONY BELLAMY. REDBONE. Redbone is a rock band from the 1970s. The band was formed in Los Angeles, California by the brothers Pat and Lolly Vegas, two Native Americans, in 1968."
"score": 0.5659941435,
"text": "becomes a hit maker from the early seventies. Redbone is a rock band created in 1969. The band was formed in Los Angeles, California by the brothers Pat and Lolly Vegas, two Native Americans, in 1968. Two other native americans joined them, Tony Bellamy on rythm guitar and Pete DePoe on drums."
"score": 0.5635243654,
"text": "REDBONE REDBONE. This Redbone blog is dedicated to exploring Redbone history, the Redbone cultures and mixed ethnicities of Redbone pioneers who settled much of the American South before finding themselves concentrated in Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma.EDBONE REDBONE. This Redbone blog is dedicated to exploring Redbone history, the Redbone cultures and mixed ethnicities of Redbone pioneers who settled much of the American South before finding themselves concentrated in Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma."
"score": 0.5535559058,
"text": "becomes a hit maker from the early seventies. Redbone is a rock band created in 1969. The band was formed in Los Angeles, California by the brothers Pat and Lolly Vegas, two Native Americans, in 1968.Two other native americans joined them, Tony Bellamy on rythm guitar and Pete DePoe on drums.ecomes a hit maker from the early seventies. Redbone is a rock band created in 1969. The band was formed in Los Angeles, California by the brothers Pat and Lolly Vegas, two Native Americans, in 1968."
"score": 0.5480168462,
"text": "Taking its name from a Cajun epithet for half-breed, Redbone boasted members of such Native American tribes as Cherokee, Yaqui, Apache, and Shoshone.aking its name from a Cajun epithet for half-breed, Redbone boasted members of such Native American tribes as Cherokee, Yaqui, Apache, and Shoshone."
"score": 0.5384958982,
"text": "Rock group. aking its name from a Cajun epithet for half-breed, Redbone boasted members of such Native American tribes as Cherokee, Yaqui, Apache, and Shoshone.ock group. aking its name from a Cajun epithet for half-breed, Redbone boasted members of such Native American tribes as Cherokee, Yaqui, Apache, and Shoshone."
"score": 0.5377880335,
"text": "Redbone is known and accredited in the NY Smithsonian as the first Native American rock group to have a #1 single internationally and in the United States.hey reached the Top 5 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1974 with their #1 hit single, Come and Get Your Love . The single went certified Gold selling over a million copies. Redbone achieved hits with their singles . The Witch Queen of New Orleans and Maggie predominately overseas."
"score": 0.5375512838,
"text": "During childhood, almost every human bone produces red blood cells; as adults, red blood cell production is limited to the larger bones: the bodies of the vertebrae, the breastbone (sternum), the ribcage, the pelvic bones, and the bones of the upper arms and legs."
"score": 0.5374251604,
"text": "Redbone is the first album by Native American rock band Redbone. In Europe it was also released as a single album. The album contains their version of the 1967 hit they wrote for P.J. Proby 'Niki Hoeky'. The track appears on the album as 'Niki Hokey'."
"score": 0.5336908102,
"text": "Childish Gambino sings on this sultry jam of his girlfriend with a caramel complexion. (Redbone is a term for a light-skinned black woman.) He begins the song by referencing the morning sex he isn't getting with her and on the hook warns her to stay woke (vigilant) if they are going to make the relationship work. Though there are no actual samples, the melody pays homage to the 1976 Bootsy Collins track I'd Rather Be With You."
"score": 0.5332221985,
"text": "Singer Redbone is a crossword puzzle clue that we have spotted 7 times. There are related clues (shown below). Referring crossword puzzle answers. Likely related crossword puzzle clues."
"score": 0.5309271216,
"text": "Related Tags. Leon Redbone (born August 26, 1949) is a Canadian-American singer-songwriter and guitarist specializing in jazz, blues, and Tin Pan Alley classics. Redbone, who has a distinctive deep voice, began his career in the 1970s."
"score": 0.5178390145,
"text": "(1949 – present) Leon Redbone (born August 26, 1949) is a Canadian-American singer-songwriter and guitarist specializing in jazz, blues, and Tin Pan Alley classics. Redbone, who has a distinctive deep voice, began his career in the 1970s."
"score": 0.5128839016,
"text": "Bobby said, 'I'll give you my drummer and you give me yours,' Pat Vegas told Isaac. The band adopted the name Redbone from the Cajun epithet Rehbon, which is a derogatory name for half-breed. The group signed to Epic Records in 1969, and released their debut album, Redbone, in 1970. A double album, it featured the group's reworking of Nicky Hoeky, as well as the Cajun-influenced Danse Calinda and Crazy Cajun Cakewalk Band."
"score": 0.5055313706,
"text": "LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. The definition of a hambone is the bone of a ham, or a slice of ham, or is slang for a person who overacts. An example of a hambone is the white bone in a large slice of ham.plural hambones). 1 The bone at the center of a ham. ( 2 US slang) A ham; an eager or inferior performer. ( 3 music, dance) A certain type of dance that involves making noise with the body, especially by slapping parts of the body with one's hands."
"score": 0.4908271432,
"text": "Redbone Biography. If you would like to share Redbone lyrics with other users of this site, please see the bottom of this page on how to submit Redbone lyrics."
"score": 0.486643225,
"text": "Leon Redbone. Leon Redbone (born Dickran Gobalian, August 26, 1949) is a Canadian-American singer-songwriter and guitarist specializing in jazz, blues, and Tin Pan Alley classics. Recognized by his Panama hat, dark sunglasses, and black tie, Redbone first appeared on stage in Toronto, Canada in the mid-1970s."
"score": 0.4826795459,
"text": "With his wide-brim hats and big sunglasses, Redbone was a man of mystery from the start. He rose to fame in the mid-Seventies after Bob Dylan spotted him at a folk festival and told Rolling Stone how curious Redbone was. Leon interests me, Dylan said in 1974."
"score": 0.4806184173,
"text": "Redbone Lyrics. Feel free to share Redbone lyrics. Just click on Add a comment… below and paste the song name and the lyrics. However, please do not post Redbone lyrics unless you have received permission from the copyright owner. Make sure to include the name of the Redbone album along with the lyrics."
"score": 0.4722102284,
"text": "For other uses, see Redcap (disambiguation). A red cap or redcap, also known as a powrie or dunter, is a type of malevolent, murderous dwarf, goblin, elf or fairy found in Border Folklore. They are said to inhabit ruined castles found along the border between England and Scotland."
"score": 0.4502997398,
"text": "Leon Redbone. Biography. The careers of performers who reside in the limelight are usually short-lived and over-overexposed. So it's refreshing to encounter Leon Redbone, who has for decades remained so musically resonant and personally elusive."
] |
what are the names given to rolex watch bracelets | [
"score": 0.6859830618,
"text": "Although the name implies otherwise, the Oyster bracelet should not be confused with the Oyster case. Day-Date White Gold. PRESIDENT BRACELET: A new watch model, the Day-Date, was introduced by Rolex in 1956, which included the brand new President Bracelet."
] | [
"score": 0.6715247631,
"text": "To check the price and availabilty of a Bracelet for your Rolex watch please use the form below:- Rolex Enquiry Form For more information on Rolex model numbers Serial numbers and the Rolex brand, please follow the link below:- Useful Rolex Information."
"score": 0.6588077545,
"text": "A Rolex is a high quality, luxury wristwatch made by the Rolex company. A Rolex watch is a status symbol, making it the largest single luxury watch brand worldwide. Many modern Rolex watches feature a self-winding mechanism that winds the mainspring to power the watch. As long as the watch is moving, it will have power."
"score": 0.6514029503,
"text": "In 1908, Wilsdorf renamed his company 'Rolex', a short, incisive, international sounding name which would become known all over the world. Rolex watches also stood out from the crowd because of their technical capabilities. From 1926 the first waterproof case appeared."
"score": 0.6379498243,
"text": "Check out Sell My Rolex Watch. The model number is found on the side of the watch case at the 12 o' clock position. As with the serial number, the bracelet must be detached from the 12 o' clock side of the case. For instructions on removing the bracelet, email us or call 877-738-3811 to speak with a Rolex expert."
"score": 0.6363424659,
"text": "Many older Rolex serial numbers are inscribed by a machine on the side of the watch between the lugs at \"6 o' clock.\" The bracelet must be detached at the \"6\" side of the case to view the serial number."
"score": 0.634750843,
"text": "Rolex men's watches. Explore the Rolex men's watch collection of prestigious, high precision timepieces. Rolex offers a wide assortment of classic and Professional watch models for men to suit any wrist. Discover the broad selection of Rolex watches for men: a perfect combination of style and functionality. 1 Sea-Dweller. Oyster, 43 mm, steel. 2 Yacht-Master II. Oyster, 44 mm, steel. 3 Sky-Dweller. Oyster, 42 mm, steel and yellow gold. 4 Datejust 41. Oyster, 41 mm, steel and white gold. 5 Day-Date 40. Oyster, 40 mm, yellow gold. 6 Cellini Moonphase."
"score": 0.632270813,
"text": "Unfortunately, he doesn't like the look of the Overseas and the Rolex looks like a mafioso's watch, far too gaudy and flashy for a man of his modesty, with its diamond dial and platinum bracelet. As I was sent to find a replacement, I was wondering if you know of any single watch that can replace the two."
"score": 0.6303620934,
"text": "Many watch lovers are familiar with the fact that Rolex uses a type of steel that no one else uses. Stainless steel is not all the same. Steel comes in various types and grades... and most steel watches are made from a type of stainless steel called 316L."
"score": 0.6230947971,
"text": "Four years later, in 1914, Kew Observatory in Great Britain awarded a Rolex wristwatch a class \"A\" precision certificate, a distinction which until that point in time had been reserved exclusively for marine chronometers. From that date forward, the Rolex wristwatch was synonymous with precision."
"score": 0.622623682,
"text": "From the look, our Rolex watches are orchestrated carefully by our professional craftsman, and enriched with high quality Stainless steel, Genuine Ceramic, Swiss cut Diamonds and Thick gold plating etc., which all make our watches are exactly like an original Rolex."
"score": 0.6202676296,
"text": "Sean Connery as 007 checking the time on his Rolex Submariner watch with a striped nylon strap during Goldfinger, the third Bond film. Rolex Submariner watch ref. 6538 featuring a Gilt Tropical Spider dial, which became known as the James Bond Submariner."
"score": 0.6159335971,
"text": "How to Wind a Rolex. A Rolex is a high quality, luxury wristwatch made by the Rolex company. A Rolex watch is a status symbol, making it the largest single luxury watch brand worldwide. Many modern Rolex watches feature a self-winding mechanism that winds the mainspring to power the watch."
"score": 0.6159333587,
"text": "These designs were later improved on when Rolex introduced the first truly waterproof wristwatch, the Oyster, in 1926. Also around this time, new models were first introduced with fixed lugs (often called \"horns\"), which gave them a more finished appearance."
"score": 0.6142194867,
"text": "Rolex introduced the Cosmograph Daytona to the market in 1963, one year after the first long-distance car race took place in Daytona. The chronograph watch was named after the famous racetrack in Daytona Beach, Florida, and is an anomaly for the Geneva-based brand most known for prestigious watches with three hands."
"score": 0.612998724,
"text": "Rolex model numbers have 4-5 digits. The first two or three tell you the type of watch. If the watch has five digits, the second from the last describes the type of bezel the model should have. The last number describes the metal that the watch is made from (with a few exceptions)."
"score": 0.6127277017,
"text": "In 2000 Rolex revamped the model with a significantly heavier gold bracelet and solid milled buckle, the 118238 currently retails at $31,350. Bowing to pressure to release larger watches, Rolex introduced the Day-Date II in 2008 with a massive 41mm case and a retail of $34,850."
"score": 0.6053104997,
"text": "Specializing in Swiss watch repair and Rolex Timepieces, Master Watch Repair also services the following timepiece brands: 1 Cartier. 2 Ebel. 3 Omega. Patek Philippe. 4 Panerai. 5 Rado. and other Swiss fine watches."
"score": 0.6052904129,
"text": "Precious materials. In 1956, the Rolex Day-Date made its debut. Available only in 18 ct gold or platinum, it was the first wristwatch to display the date and day of the week spelt out in full in a window on the dial."
"score": 0.6043701172,
"text": "Like all Rolex timepieces, the new watches are covered by Rolex's own Superlative Chronometer certification – symbolized by the green seal – guaranteeing that they satisfy performance criteria which exceed watchmaking norms and standards in terms of precision, power reserve, waterproofness and self-winding."
"score": 0.6041103601,
"text": "Rolex had many firsts including being the first company to offer a wristwatch that would automatically change the date and day on the dial, the first watch case that was waterproof up to 100 m, the first wristwatch to display two time zones at once and the first wristwatch to earn chronometer certification."
"score": 0.6034883857,
"text": "Rolex was perfect for Connery's Bond — the first dive watch on the first 007, rugged and authentic, in an era before Bond went commercial and Rolex became a status symbol. When Connery handed over the reins of Bond to Roger Moore, the quartz era had dawned and the world went digital."
"score": 0.6029038429,
"text": "Rolex first concentrated on the quality of the movements. The relentless quest for chronometric precision rapidly led to success. In 1910, a Rolex watch was the first wristwatch in the world to receive the Swiss Certificate of Chronometric Precision, granted by the Official Watch Rating Centre in Bienne."
"score": 0.6024057865,
"text": "Here are a few examples of combinations (with retail prices): 1 Rolex Datejust 41 ref. 126303 – Yellow Rolesor, Oyster bracelet, smooth bezel, white dial – Price: 11,000 Euros. 2 Rolex Datejust 41 ref. 126301 – Pink Rolesor, Oyster bracelet, smooth bezel, sundust dial – Price: 11,300 Euros. 3 Rolex Datejust 41 ref."
"score": 0.6018791199,
"text": "We offer Rolex Watches, Audemars Piguet watches, Breitling watches, Blancpain watches, Bell & Ross watches, Longines watches Chanel Watches, Hublot Watches, Longines Watches, Movado Watches, Omega Watches, Panerai Watches, Rado Watches, Tag Heuer watches, Cartier Watches, IWC watches, and Tissot Watches. Loading..."
"score": 0.5991687775,
"text": "One company that enjoyed success during this time was Wilsdorf & Davis, Ltd., founded in 1905, and later renamed The Rolex Watch Company, Ltd., in 1915. Hans Wilsdorf, the founder and director of Rolex, was a strong proponent of wristwatches since the turn of the century."
"score": 0.5983555317,
"text": "Omega Serial Numbers... Rolex watches feature two sets of identification numbers... a Serial Number and a Case Reference Number. On modern Oyster cases (excluding the OysterQuartz), these numbers are engraved between the lugs, hidden behind the end pieces (as shown in the images below)."
"score": 0.5959399939,
"text": "Since the 1930s Rolex had started to build a strong reputation as a manufacturer of versatile sport watches thanks to its 'sealed against the elements' Oyster case and famous testimonials like Sir Malcom Campbell, which can be somehow considered the first Ambassador of the brand."
"score": 0.5951350927,
"text": "Rolex Warranty Cards. Warranty cards are an important addition piece to the purchase of a Rolex watch. Each officially sold, new Rolex will come with a warranty card. Depending on the location of the sale, the warranty card could look different from a warranty card from another location. Warranty cards not only ensure that the watch is an authentic Rolex, but also adds to the resale value when included."
"score": 0.5931345224,
"text": "The Rolex company was founded by German businessman Hans Wilsdorf, who registered the trademark Rolex in 1908. Wilsdorf was one of the first businessmen to recognize the potential of the wristwatch, which he helped to make fashionable."
"score": 0.5903792381,
"text": "Rolex is considered as a pioneer of numerous innovations. Back in 1945, the Geneva watch manufacturer, just in time for its 40th anniversary, launched the Oyster Perpetual Datejust. As simple as it can be, the quick changing date is a milestone in the development of watches."
"score": 0.5903462172,
"text": "Rolex was also the first watch company to create a water resistant wristwatch that could withstand pressure to a depth of 330 feet (100 m). Wilsdorf even had a specially made Rolex watch (the watch was called the DeepSea) attached to the side of Trieste, which went to the bottom of the Mariana Trench."
"score": 0.5888029337,
"text": "To preserve the beauty of its pink gold watches, Rolex created and patented an exclusive 18 ct pink gold alloy cast in its own foundry: Everose gold. Introduced in 2005, 18 ct Everose is used on all Rolex models in pink gold."
"score": 0.5866254568,
"text": "Unworn Models. Choose from a stunning variety of new Rolex models and enjoy wearing these statementtimepieces or gifting them to loved ones. In addition to men and ladies Rolex watches, a number of new sports models are available, including the Rolex GMT and the iconic Submariner."
"score": 0.5864024758,
"text": "Oyster, 36 mm, yellow gold. In 1956, the Rolex Day-Date made its debut. Available only in 18 ct gold or platinum, it was the first wristwatch to display the date and day of the week spelt out in full in a window on the dial."
"score": 0.5832030177,
"text": "1 MYTH: Rolex are individually handmade watches --Most Rolex watches are mass-produced by highly efficient factory machines using a number of techniques pioneered and patented by Rolex. 2 Rolex makes in the vicinity of 1,000,000 watches a year."
"score": 0.5828180313,
"text": "Model Information and Characteristics. Today, Rolex continues to market the watch in stainless steel, stainless and gold ( or two tone ) and solid 18k yellow gold Submariner watches. Rolex dial colors include black, blue and the special green edition 116610LV, which commemorates its 50th anniversary. The Submariner black being one of the classics."
"score": 0.5811140537,
"text": "Early Rolex Day-Date models featured a 36mm case, which remained a staple of the collection for many decades. Models were exclusively constructed from valuable materials, with buyers having a choice of either white gold, yellow gold, rose gold or platinum, helping to add to the desirability of the watch."
"score": 0.5805671215,
"text": "Why You Should Buy Pre Owned Rolex Watches. Rolex is no longer just a watch, but a lifestyle, an achievement, and now more than ever, an investment. Throughout history, pre owned Rolex watches have maintained their value and prestige. As a result, the Rolex name is synonymous with precision, style, and status. Basically, this is why the Rolex watch is used to mark a long and distinguished career, achievement, or milestone in one's lifetime."
"score": 0.57790488,
"text": "Spirit of the Oyster Perpetual. The history of Rolex is inextricably linked to the visionary spirit of Hans Wilsdorf, its founder. The young man entered the world of Swiss watchmaking in the early 20th century at a time when the pocket watch was the order of the day. He began to dream of a watch worn on the wrist."
"score": 0.5762870312,
"text": "James Bond: Omega. Vesper Lynd: Beautiful. Rolex: the original James Bond watch. Although most of us will remember Ursula Andress emerging from the Caribbean in a white bikini, watch buffs will have spotted the Rolex Submariner - reference 6538 - on Sean Connery's wrist in Dr No in 1962."
"score": 0.5741493702,
"text": "1.Self-Winding Mode. A Rolex Perpetual watch features a winding stem or \"crown\" on the right side of the watch. The winding crown can be set in four positions. When the crown is threaded into the side of the watch, it is said to be in \"Position 0.\". The watch is ready to be worn in this position, and is in self-winding mode."
"score": 0.5733065605,
"text": "The Daytona with reference number 116520 was one of the highlights of Baselworld 2001. The stainless steel watch featured the in-house automatic caliber 4130. The first chronograph movement from Rolex premiered a year earlier in the gold version of Daytona. The movement has a diameter of 30.5 mm and is 6.5 mm thick."
"score": 0.5722845197,
"text": "LuxWoods Apple Watch Band. For those looking for something different, it doesn't come much more unique than LuxWoods' range of straps. A classic link bracelet made from black ebony wood, it feels delightful, with each link smoothed and polished. What's more, it's light and comes with a high quality buckle."
"score": 0.5710876584,
"text": "Place your watch on a soft, flat surface. Rolex watches are expensive to replace and repair, so protect your watch by winding it on a stationary surface where it can't slip out of your hand. 2. Unscrew the crown. The crown is located on the side of your watch by the 3 o'clock marking."
"score": 0.5616888404,
"text": "Oittm 42mm Stainless Steel Metal Replacement Strap Classic Polish Link Bracelet with Double Button Folding Clasp for Apple Watch (Silver 42mm) This silver watch band for the Apple watch looks great and feels great in the hand. It has what I like to call good heft."
"score": 0.5563074946,
"text": "MICHELE 'Deco' 18mm Two-Tone Bracelet Watch Band. MICHELE 'Deco' 18mm Two-Tone Bracelet Watch Band $200.00 Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars with(16) reviews. MICHELE 'Deco 16' Diamond Dial Watch with Bracelet, 29mm x 31mm (Nordstrom Exclusive)."
"score": 0.552918911,
"text": "Rolex produced the very first Submariner in 1953 with this model ref. 6204 watch. The Rolex Oyster Perpetual Submariner would go on to not only become one of the most iconic timepieces in the world, but also one of the most heavily emulated, desired, and studied."
"score": 0.5523841381,
"text": "One such memorabilia is his Gold Rolex watch which was said to be gifted to him at the time of India's first Republic Day in 1950. The watch went for sale at the auction of rare timepieces by leading auction house, Sotheby's. This Rolex pink gold Oyster watch has 18 Karat gold dial with the map of India. The map has a date – 26th January, 1950 – inscribed on it. The rare timepiece is expected to fetch $222,000 to $444,000 at the auction held at Sotheby's Geneva."
"score": 0.5485955477,
"text": "If Rolex has to replace a sapphire crystal, they require a complete watch service because of the high probability of crystal shrapnel landing inside the movement, potentially causing major damage. By 1991, the Rolex Perpetual was the last watch to possess a acrylic crystal. Now, all Rolex watches feature the sapphire crystal."
"score": 0.5476849675,
"text": "PANDORA Bracelets. Choose from silver bracelets, gold bracelets, leather bracelets, bangle bracelets and pair them with your favorite PANDORA charms, PANDORA clips and PANDORA beads to create an amazing Disney bracelet, dog bracelet, Christmas bracelet, wedding bracelet or travel charm bracelet. Leather ROSE™ Gold Silver Bangle Disney."
"score": 0.547482729,
"text": "Rolex used acrylic in their watches, but slowly began introducing a synthetic sapphire replacement similar to the one in the image above. Rolex's first sapphire crystal appeared on the Oyster Quartz in 1970 and then again in the Submariner in 1981."
"score": 0.5460058451,
"text": "Guide To Buying Your First Rolex Part 1:When To Buy. This is a two-part guide on buying your first Rolex watch. Our Rolex buying guide is intended for both novices and seasoned watch lovers. Part 1 discusses when you should invest in your first Rolex, while Part 2 discusses what specific Rolex timepiece to buy. True story: When I first became interested in nice watches I had little interest in Rolex. Looking back, I think I found them a bit ordinary or too conservative looking."
"score": 0.5457136035,
"text": "Used Rolex Prices. Welcome to the newly launched Bob's used Rolex Prices Buy List at The Rolex Exchange. If you are in the market to sell your pre-owned Rolex watch(es), Bob's invites you to browse the buy sheet below to determine the current market value of any given model."
"score": 0.5434879661,
"text": "This Jacob & Co. timepiece is fronted in crystal-clear sapphire.Jacob & Co. When it comes to pricey timepieces, most people think of brands like Rolex, which sells watches that can cost tens of thousands of dollars. But in reality, that's just the tip of the iceberg."
"score": 0.5415209532,
"text": "Popular Pandora beads silver bracelet (2008). Although the term armlet may be technically similar, it is taken to mean an item that sits on the upper shoulder: an arm ring. The origin of the term 'bracelet' is from the Greek 'brachile' meaning 'of the arm', via the Old French 'bracel'. A bracelet is also a small brace or bracer (an arm-guard used by archers)."
"score": 0.5408864617,
"text": "Audemars Piguet. Like the Rolex, this is a premium Swiss watch company which is well-known for its high-quality watches. Ranging anywhere from $3,000 to $170,000, all of these timepieces hold their value very well over time and are excellent heirlooms to enjoy for a lifetime and then hand down to your children."
"score": 0.5349823833,
"text": "Commonly referred to as the silicone bracelet, rubber wristband, silicone wristband, rubber bracelet, rubber bracelets, silicone rubber bracelets, charity bracelet, charity wristband,, silicone bracelets, or silicone rubber wristbands, this extraordinary promotional / awareness medium is here to stay.et Your Rubber Bracelets Fast! One-day shipping also available for selective rubber bracelets and this is all can be done because of the huge amount of rubber bracelets we hold in stock. Wristband Connection holds more than 1 Million rubber bracelets in stock, where other rubber bracelets manufacturers cannot do."
"score": 0.5293765664,
"text": "RE: Average price range of a steel Rolex watch? I know that Rolex's are expensive but I was just wondering how much a steel Rolex watch would cost. (approx). The watch in particular is called the GMT Master II but only in steel, not any kind of gold or diamonds.Thanks.Source(s): average price range steel rolex watch: https://tr.im/nQTil. know that Rolex's are expensive but I was just wondering how much a steel Rolex watch would cost. (approx). The watch in particular is called the GMT Master II but only in steel, not any kind of gold or diamonds. Thanks. Source(s): average price range steel rolex watch: https://tr.im/nQTil."
"score": 0.5169591904,
"text": "tissot,hublot,replica watches,piaget,a lange sohne,rolex sea dweller,fake watches,audemars piguet,bell ross,rolex yachtmaster,iwc,replica watch,emporio armani,richard mille,rolex gmt master,montblanc,rolex explorer,longines. Kit Young Vintage Baseball Cards Football Cards & Basketball Cards."
"score": 0.4992905259,
"text": "We stock plastic, glass, mineral glass, and synthetic sapphire watch crystals, as well as the watch tools you need to repair or replace the crystal of almost any watch brand like: Bulova, Rolex, Seiko, Pulsar, Lorus, Citizen, Omega, and more."
"score": 0.4846299887,
"text": "Invicta Women's 'Angel' Quartz Gold and Polyurethane Casual Watch, Color:Black (Model: 21902) More Info Product cell. Rose gold-plated stainless steel case with a black polyurethane bracelet. Fixed rose gold-plated bezel set with crystals. Black dial with luminous rose gold-tone hands and dot hour markers."
"score": 0.4519180059,
"text": "A slender chain suspends the versatile necklace that can be worn by itself or layered with others. Color(s): gold, gold gunmetal, gold rhodium, gold rose gold. Brand: KENDRA SCOTT. Style Name:Kendra Scott 'Aiden' Pendant Necklace."
"score": 0.4417835474,
"text": "Invicta Women's 'Angel' Quartz Stainless Steel and Polyurethane Dress Watch, Color:White (Model: 21900) More Info Product cell. Gold-plated stainless steel case with a white polyurethane strap. Fixed gold-plated bezel set with crystals. Silver dial with luminous gold-tone hands and dot hour markers."
"score": 0.4388655424,
"text": "S-Lon, Superlon, and C-Lon are brand names for the same product, a plied and bonded nylon string that is very popular for use in kumihimo and other jewelry braiding. S-Lon and Superlon are the brand names used by The Beadsmith/Helby bead distributors, and C-Lon is the brand name used by Caravan Beads bead distributors. Both companies supply bead stores around the world, so your local bead store probably buys from one or the other and that determines which brand they stock."
"score": 0.3302954733,
"text": "GENERIC NAME: Steroid and antibiotic eye drops and ointments. Hydrocortisone/neomycin/polymixin B; loteprednol/tobramycin; prednisolone/gentamycin; prednisolone/sulfacetamide; hydrocortisone /neomycin/bacitracin/ polymyxin B. BRAND NAME: Blephamide, Catapred, Isopto, Pred-G, Poly-Pred, Tobradex, Zylet and many other brands."
] |
who said nothing is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result | [
"score": 0.6998876929,
"text": "Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result- Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill – biography: Author Profession: Statesman Nationality: British Born: November 30, 1874 Died: January 24, 1965"
] | [
"score": 0.6938970089,
"text": "Users who liked, Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot..., also liked \""
"score": 0.5368509889,
"text": "America will fall without a shot being fired. It will fall from within.. This quote is taken from a speech Nikita Khrushchev made before the U.N. in the early years of the Cold War. America will fall without a shot being fired. It will fall from within.. This quote is taken from a speech Nikita Khrushchev made before the U.N. in the early years of the Cold War. America will fall without a shot being fired. America will fall without a shot being fired."
"score": 0.5323129892,
"text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. This quote is taken from a speech Nikita Khrushchev made before the U.N. in the early years of the Cold War. America will fall without a shot being fired. This quote is taken from a speech Nikita Khrushchev made before the U.N. in the early years of the Cold War."
"score": 0.5009529591,
"text": "We've all heard Albert Einstein's famous line: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.. As it turns out, insanity might be crediting that quote to Einstein over and over again. He never said it. Misattributions like this happen pretty often. One person quotes someone else without a shoutout, and all of a sudden, they become the original speaker. Or we just decide a quote sounds like something Mark Twain would say. These 12 surprising examples are credited to people who never really said them."
"score": 0.4871096909,
"text": "Life would be intolerable without any snark at all. There are public events like Dick Cheney's shooting his close friend in the puss, or Eliot Spitzer's encounters with a $4,300 hooker after prosecuting vice for several years -- events that no human being could fail to relish, rehash, retell."
"score": 0.4869421124,
"text": "That same year, Egan gave an interview to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, in which he flaunted his power and clout in the underworld. In one famous sentence, Egan boasted, ...we don't shoot unless we know who is present, sounding eerily like Bugsy Siegel saying forty years later, We only kill each other.."
"score": 0.4857545495,
"text": "Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK is a 1992 non-fiction book by Bonar Menninger outlining a theory by sharpshooter, gunsmith and ballistics expert Howard Donahue that a Secret Service agent accidentally fired the shot that actually killed President John F. Kennedy."
"score": 0.4727429152,
"text": "The response was swift and furious: Han shot first! became a rallying cry for fans, all of whom flat-out rejected the notion that Han Solo, a survivor above all, would ever wait his turn to shoot Greedo just because doing otherwise would be impolite."
"score": 0.4671802521,
"text": "You shout it out but I can't hear a word you say. I'm talking loud, not saying much. I'm criticized but all your bullets ricochet. You shoot me down but I get up. I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose,"
"score": 0.4668329358,
"text": "The only reported words of Whitman after he gained his firing perch were to Mrs. Vera Palmer, who works in the observatory. As she stepped off the elevator, a man in a white shirt said: Lady, don't you dare get off this elevator."
"score": 0.4657779634,
"text": "\"Nothing so Exhilarating as Being Shot at Without Result\"—California Pay Day Statements and Accrued Vacation By James Nelson and Michelle L. DuCharme on October 25, 2016 Posted in Compensation, Wage & Hour. What does Winston Churchill have to do with California wage and hour requirements? Well, the \"shot\" at employers in Soto v. Motel 6 Operating L.P. at the California Court of Appeal was whether, because California vacation pay cannot be forfeited and must be paid out at termination, it therefore follows that the value of the accrued vacation needed to be identified on the regularly issued pay day statement."
"score": 0.4589095414,
"text": "Recalling killer Gary Gilmore's famous last words before he was executed by firing squad in 1977 in Utah – Let's do it, Gilmore said – it was 11 years later when Wieden tweaked the declaration and came up with an idea that would soon become iconic: Just Do It.."
"score": 0.4566414952,
"text": "I narrowed it down to the last one, which was \"Just do it\". The reason I did that one was funny because I was recalling a man in Portland… He murdered a man and a woman, and was put before a firing squad. And they asked him if he had any final thoughts and he said: 'Let's do it.' And for some reason I went: 'Now damn."
"score": 0.456148982,
"text": "First president whose mother was allowed to vote for him: Favorite poem: Rudyard Kipling's 'If' \"Be sincere, be brief, be seated.\" Had a stuffed bear named after him, allegedly after declining to shoot a live one: Maxwell House claims its 'good to the last drop' slogan was coined by him Only person to receive both the US Medal of Honor and the Nobel Peace Prize Gave a 90-minute campaign speech with blood seeping into his shirt, having just been shot in the chest"
"score": 0.4532520175,
"text": "The line from the song is, 'I shot the sheriff, but I did'nt shoot no deputy' This line is repeated in the song, so no-one shot the deputy. Not so! Clearly somebody shot the d…eputy. It wasn't Bob or Eric, and I know I didn't do it so that narrows it down a bit."
"score": 0.4521463811,
"text": "Curtis Reeves argued he acted in self-defense when he fatally shot 43-year-old Chad Oulson during previews for Lone Survivor in a Wesley Chapel theater three years ago. However, Judge Susan Barthle wrote in her decision that Reeves did not appear to be a man who was afraid of anyone.."
"score": 0.4505435824,
"text": "Winston Churchill quotes (showing 1-30 of 87) \" 1 Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.\". \" 2 If you're going through hell, keep going.\". \" 3 Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm\". \" 4 The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.\"."
"score": 0.4490178227,
"text": "William Fullbright: We must dare to think about unthinkable things because when things become unthinkable thinking stops and action becomes mindless. Eli Khamarov: ... the inability to view the validations of unpopular views, because the focus of their casuistry has been reduced to mindless invalidation."
"score": 0.4400894642,
"text": "Quotes About Killing. Quotes tagged as killing (showing 1-30 of 234). \"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.\".― Voltaire. Like. \"I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it's such a beautiful animal. There you go.n New York, most people don't have cars, so if you want to kill a person, you have to take the subway to their house. And sometimes on the way, the train is delayed and you get impatient, so you have to kill someone on the subway."
"score": 0.4380265772,
"text": "Examining the dangerous aftermath of racially charged shootings in a small Southern town, SHOTS FIRED is a dramatic new event series that is a why done it? and a who done it? From Gina Prince-Bythewood (Beyond the Lights, The Secret Life of Bees, Love and Basketball) and Reggie Rock Bythewood (Beyond the Lights, Notorious), the 10-hour ..."
"score": 0.435126543,
"text": "\"When someone gets shot by a gun with a silencer, it's quiet. Witnesses might not hear. Police will be less likely to track down the shooter.\". — Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), in a tweet, March 14."
"score": 0.4346645474,
"text": "Nothing Can Kill Danny Trejo. The Machete Kills star has lived a million lives — from prisoner to boxer to addict to day player to leading man — and come back stronger every time. by Amos Barshad on October 9, 2013. Danny Trejo has been stabbed, shot, maimed, crushed, hung, choked, decapitated, and blown to bits. He's had hypodermic needles jabbed into his neck. He's had a power drill run through his brain. He's had an immolating crucifix speared into his vampire heart. Charles Bronson and Robert De Niro have killed him."
"score": 0.4332329631,
"text": "There's a real question about the distance of Roni from the officers when they shot him and that's a really critical point. QUENTIN MCDERMOTT: In those few fatal seconds that ended Roni Levi's life, four bullets in quick succession entered his body. Two, fired by Tony Dilorenzo, hit him square in the chest."
"score": 0.433203876,
"text": "The trial judge agreed that the plaintiff failed to sup-port a critical element of her case, granted my motion, and excused the jury. 5 Conclusion General George S. Patton Jr. once said, \"Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.\" Motions for directed verdict are challenging to present."
"score": 0.4312261939,
"text": "In 1926, Professor A. W. Bickerton declared the concept of shooting at the moon to be foolish and impossible. In 1935, the noted astronomer F. R. Moulton wrote that man could never travel in outer space. In 1957, Dr. Richard van der Riet Wooley (former Astronomer Royal) called the idea of space travel utter bilge.."
"score": 0.4288265705,
"text": "Andre says that he could never have carried out Zero Day without Cal's help, a sentiment Cal echoes. They run into the school, armed with three pistols, an M1 carbine, and a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun, all stolen from Andre's father and cousin. The shooting is shown through the viewpoint of security cameras."
"score": 0.4286251664,
"text": "On the 20th a group of Hindu fanatics, who detested Gandhi's calls for tolerance and peace, set off a bomb some yards from him, which did no harm. It was not the first attempt on Gandhi's life, but he said: 'If I am to die by the bullet of a madman, I must do so smiling. There must be no anger within me."
"score": 0.4259944558,
"text": "Thou shall fly without wings, and conquer without any sword, O, Horse! ― Bedouin legend, as quoted in Mr. Darcy Takes the Plunge (2010) by J. Marie Croft Power to use the abilities of horses."
"score": 0.4259528518,
"text": "\"It is either easy or impossible.\" – Salvador Dali. \"To the timid and hesitating everything is impossible because it seems so.\" – Sir Walter Scott. \"We have more power than will; and it is often by way of excuse to ourselves that we fancy things are impossible.\" – Francois Duc De la Rochefoucauld."
"score": 0.4238353074,
"text": "john fitzgerald kennedy president of the united states of america was shot to death by lee harvey oswald on november 22 1963 in dallas texas a commission of enquiry the warren commission concluded that oswald was acting alone and that no other person or persons was involved"
"score": 0.4184890985,
"text": "Who said,Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. That girl I met at a club in Malaysia."
"score": 0.4170530438,
"text": "Orwell rationalizes his rage saying, Feelings like these are the normal by-products of imperialism (4). Orwell realizes that tyrannical imperialism works against both the imperialists and the natives. Orwell abandons his morals and kills the elephant to garner the approval of the Burmans.is service from 1922 to 1927 burdened himwith a sense of guilt about British colonialism as well a need to make some personal expiation for it (Norton 2259). Shooting an Elephant chronicles an incident in which Orwell confronts a moral dilemma and abandons his morals to escape the mockery of the native Burmans."
"score": 0.4148630798,
"text": "Police said a woman in her 20s was shot in the head as an apparent result of a homicide early Wednesday in west Las Vegas. Police said a woman in her 20s was shot in the head as an apparent result of a homicide early Wednesday in west Las Vegas. \"Maybe mid-20s, laying in a puddle of blood,\" said Charlie Carlisi, a neighbor who witnessed the aftermath of the shooting. \"She was shot right behind the ear, and she wasn't moving.."
"score": 0.4090198278,
"text": "Officers responding to 911 calls early Thursday fatally shot Myron May, a 2005 FSU grad who had moved back into the area in recent weeks,Tallahassee Police Chief Michael DeLeo said. 1 He refused to surrender and as a result he was shot and killed by officers, DeLeo said."
"score": 0.4065314531,
"text": "NORFOLK, Va. (AP) - Convicted sniper Lee Boyd Malvo is appealing a judge's rejection of his claim that his sentence of life without parole is unconstitutional. Malvo was convicted for his role in the sniper shootings that killed 10 people and wounded three in Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia."
"score": 0.4060490131,
"text": "Gene Pitney, the clean-cut crooner who became a teenage idol in the early 1960's with hits like Town Without Pity, (The Man Who Shot) Liberty Valance and Only Love Can Break a Heart -- songs that showcased his keening tenor -- was found dead yesterday in a hotel in Cardiff, Wales, while on a tour of Britain. He was 65."
"score": 0.4051191807,
"text": "First used in a memo dated March 30, 1944, banning gobbledygook language and mock-threateaning, anyone using the words activation or implementation will be shot.. Maverick said he made up the word in imitation of turkey noise. Another word for it, coined about the same time, was bafflegab (1952)."
"score": 0.4017729461,
"text": "Versace was shot to death by serial killer Andrew Cunanan, after the Italian designer returned home from eating breakfast three blocks away at the News Cafe. café"
"score": 0.3994929194,
"text": "Lemon said that his experience appears to be the case with Elliot Rodger, the young killer who took his own life after killing six others. He described the difficulty of intervening in someone's life who shows no signs of violence on the outside, despite what they might be feeling on the inside."
"score": 0.3910420239,
"text": "Everything in red is nonsense. Julian Jackson and Bob Foster are two of the most concussive single-shot hitters in history. Evander Holyfield ain't, at any weight, ever. And G-Man was a mighty puncher, and everyone knew it and knows it, unless they're idiots.e: Overrated Punching Power. Ones things for sure-the only over rating is bein done by the fans who have never taken the punches before-you can be damn sure if a fighter says so and so hit like a mutha then he damn well did!!"
"score": 0.3905454278,
"text": "Man gets life without parole for Lilburn murder. Charles Thomas Outlaw, left, with his Defense Attorney Matt Crosby last week, was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole Friday. Angela Rabotte, who was shot and killed in 2014, takes a selfie with her daughter. (File Photo)"
"score": 0.3878076673,
"text": "Killer of Lord Mountbatten enjoys freedom, 30 years on from IRA murder. Thomas McMahon, the only person convicted for the murder of Lord Mountbatten, is enjoying his freedom as the relatives of his victims continue to suffer. Earl Mountbatten of Burma, the last Viceroy of the British Indian Empire, was assassinated by the Provisional IRA Photo: PA. by Andrew Alderson and Kathryn Johnston. 9:00AM BST 09 Aug 2009."
"score": 0.3877016008,
"text": "It was the times you chose to do what you wanted that was the most fun and exhilarating. It wasn't when someone else said you needed to do or should do something. Optimum performance can only truly be achieved when 'all of you' is in the game. And life is just a game. You loved playing as a kid and it's time to start playing again. Just going through the motions in your relationship is so mediocre and not fun. Working in a job or career that you tolerate is not fun."
"score": 0.3844668269,
"text": "If you get no treatment, you are extremely likely to die. If you are shot with, for example, a bullet that explodes on contact (eg a dm-dum bullet) or a coated bullet (eg a cop killer), your chances of survival drop markedly. The worst case scenario is if you are shot with a cannonball, it hurts and you will die. Aside from the size of what hits you, it will also depend on where you are hit. You could die from a catapult if it catches you over the heart, for example. If a bullet destroys your heart, liver or kidney, it is going to be fatal."
"score": 0.3830237389,
"text": "White ruled the death a homicide and said it was not accidental as Saldivar claims. I'm quite certain the gun was intentionally fired, he testified. What the person intended to do in firing the gun, I don't know.. White showed the jury several color photographs taken of Selena during her autopsy."
"score": 0.379173398,
"text": "Michael Jackson was a grown man who personally selected his Dr. Feelgood and chose to put the equivalent of a loaded gun to his head each night with daredevil drug use, a lawyer for concert promoter AEG Live told jurors Wednesday."
"score": 0.375698328,
"text": "Nock levelled in 65 minutes when a shot from Ray Montgomorie was deflected into his own net by Palmer. We're nearly out of the Woods Miss Maninang, who had a daughter, Jemima, now aged one, with Mr Nock, told an inquest at Dudley Coroner's Court: He ordered it from the internet and they delivered it."
"score": 0.3753352165,
"text": "And you're not as useless as you think': Jordan Peterson. Photograph: Phil Fisk for the Observer I t is uncomfortable to be told to get in touch with your inner psychopath, that life is a catastrophe and that the aim of living is not to be happy."
"score": 0.3724425435,
"text": "When George Sanders killed himself – by downing a fatal mixture of Nembutal and vodka in a seaside resort hotel suite some 10 miles south of Barcelona, Spain — the world concluded that the 65-year-old actor known for the silky cynicism of the characters he played onscreen for nearly four decades simply tired of life, and decided to pack it in."
"score": 0.3706275821,
"text": "There's nothing quite as exhilarating as falling in love. Just the thought that you may have found your one-and-only can be so thrilling. But, the high and fear of falling in love can be as frustrating as it is wonderful. Learn how to stay balanced and well during this exciting time in your life."
"score": 0.3656978309,
"text": "Winston Chuchill was quoted as saying: before Alamein we never won a battle, after Alamein we never lost one. Answer The Battle was a turning point in the North African campaign. Just prior to this, the British changed their commanders."
"score": 0.365422368,
"text": "Nor did Adams confine his activities to non-violent polemics. One of the most fascinating aspects of Adams' career was his organization and leadership of the Sons of Liberty. Adams contended that the colonists had to oppose British tyranny dramatically—even with violence."
"score": 0.3605424464,
"text": "\"That is exhilarating.\". As shown by the heavy preregistration for the event, festival attendees don't worry about who is headlining. \"The question is not who is playing at Creation, but are you going to Creation and I wonder who is playing,\" Thomas says. \"It is a big difference."
"score": 0.3589411378,
"text": "Do you remember a guy that's been. In such an early song. I've heard a rumor from Ground Control. Oh no, don't say it's true. They got a message from the Action Man. I'm happy, hope you're happy too. I've loved all I've needed to love. Sordid details following. The shrieking of nothing is killing. Just pictures of Jap girls in synthesis and I. Ain't got no money and I ain't got no hair. But I'm hoping to kick but the planet it's glowing. Ashes to ashes, funk to funky."
"score": 0.356543541,
"text": "Retired engineer who called 999 for his ill wife slams... 'He's been sentenced to the death penalty': Alfie Evans'... Seventh grader at Ohio middle school shoots himself in a... Romanian gang smash up an abandoned car with a golf club,... Traumatized Housewives of New York! RHONY stars 'were... EXCLUSIVE: Brazen troublemaker who brandishes an assault..."
"score": 0.3559259474,
"text": "Angelina Jolie's WWII film Unbroken 'not easy to shoot' according to screenwriters the Coen brothers. Angelina Jolie is not one to shy away from a challenge and her latest directorial effort is no different. The Oscar-winning actress is currently in Australia directing the harrowing WWII biopic Unbroken. I's not an easy feat, according to the film's screenwriters Joel and Ethan Coen, who talked to The Independent's Radar magazine, out Saturday."
"score": 0.3522304595,
"text": "Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis/Knockdown/As Nature Made Him/First They Killed My Father (Today's Best Nonfiction, Vol. 4, 2000) by Donald Spoto, Martin Dugard, John Colapinto. 0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — published 2000."
"score": 0.3485333622,
"text": "Moreover, if a non-person-reader were to become enraged over the contents of this article and kill the non-person-writer, the scientific fact would emerge that no person killed no person, and therefore no person is responsible for the murder--only the memes are accountable--as they compete for their survival."
"score": 0.3451915979,
"text": "Kennedy deployed a new generation of foreign policy experts, dubbed the best and the brightest. Several of them were from the foreign policy think tanks. Kennedy had been interested in the issues of war and peace since his youth. In his inaugural address Kennedy encapsulated his Cold War stance as following: Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate."
"score": 0.3379830718,
"text": "& P. 79; and article Administering; vide 2 Lord Raym. 889. It may be fairly argued, however, that the attempt to persuade without success would be a misdemeanor. 1 Russ. on Cr. 44. 3. In England it has been decided, that to incite and procure a person to commit suicide, is not a crime for which the party could be tried. 9 C. & P. 79; 38 E. C. L. R. 42; M. C. C. 356."
"score": 0.3301370442,
"text": "Kennedy deployed a new generation of foreign policy experts, dubbed the best and the brightest. Several of them were from the foreign policy think tanks. Kennedy had been interested in the issues of war and peace since his youth.In his inaugural address Kennedy encapsulated his Cold War stance as following: Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.everal of them were from the foreign policy think tanks. Kennedy had been interested in the issues of war and peace since his youth. In his inaugural address Kennedy encapsulated his Cold War stance as following: Let us never negotiate out of fear."
"score": 0.3294706345,
"text": "Best Answer: I do not believe that the Supreme Court has ever deemed that any legal form of execution was Cruel and Unusual. Gary Gilmore had his choice between Hanging and a Firing Squad in Utah in 1977. Another man chose to be Hanged over Lethal Injection in the state of Washington in the early 1990's."
"score": 0.3246911168,
"text": "By doing so, we're essentially championing the right to life by taking it from others. True—as a whole, we are not murderers, and understandably refuse to be placed in the same category as someone like Ted Bundy. But to many opponents of the death penalty, even Ted Bundy should have been given life without parole."
"score": 0.3130436838,
"text": "2 Award winning Filmmakers..... Now one incredible motion picture event. What began life as a startling cinematic experiment becomes the must see movie experience of the Summer. Created entirely from footage uploaded by YouTube users, Life in a Day is a film first: exhilarating, moving and very, very funny... it is the story of our world."
"score": 0.2990870178,
"text": "There is nothing that has been invented that we cannot live without. Because, for something to be invented we've had to not have had it before. People sure would piss and moan though if the car was taken away....to answer your question."
] |
cost breakdown bathroom remodel | [
"score": 0.7889113426,
"text": "Average Bathroom Remodel Cost. As you can imagine, there is a lot you can do in your bathroom, no matter how small or large it is. While the average bathroom remodeling cost is just under $8,500, we have seen simple installation projects run as low as $268 for a bathroom mirror."
] | [
"score": 0.7202746868,
"text": "Typical Bathroom Remodel - Pricing Notes. 1 This estimate for a 2017 Typical Bathroom Remodel is derived from the unit cost method summarized in the American Institute of Architects Detailed Cost Estimating - Best Practices."
"score": 0.7164625525,
"text": "Typical Bathroom Remodel - Pricing Notes. This estimate for a 2017 Typical Bathroom Remodel is derived from the unit cost method summarized in the American Institute of Architects Detailed Cost Estimating - Best Practices."
"score": 0.7108696103,
"text": "How Much Does it Cost to Remodel a Master Bath? The cost of a master bathroom remodel can vary widely depending on a lot of factors. For the most part, contractors tell clients that the labor costs of the remodel will hover around twice the cost of the materials. Below, you will find a basic breakdown of the needs and associated costs for a small and large master bathroom remodel."
"score": 0.7008464336,
"text": "Mid Range Bathroom Remodel - Pricing Notes. 1 This estimate for a 2017 Mid Range Bathroom Remodel is derived from the unit cost method summarized in the American Institute of Architects Detailed Cost Estimating - Best Practices."
"score": 0.6916364431,
"text": "How much does it cost to remodel a bathroom? Bathroom remodeling can be extremely simple or quite complex, but for this discussion we will consider the costs and requirements for a bathroom remodel of a previously 40 square foot bathroom into a 120 square foot bathroom."
] |
what was the voting rights act | [
"score": 0.8090250492,
"text": "The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is a landmark piece of federal legislation in the United States that prohibits racial discrimination in voting.he legislation that Johnson referred to was the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which was introduced in Congress two days later while civil rights leaders, now under the protection of federal troops, led a march of 25,000 people from Selma to Montgomery."
] | [
"score": 0.7491772771,
"text": "The 1965 Voting Rights Act was a natural follow on to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Ironically, the 1964 Act had resulted in an outbreak of violence in the South.White racists had launched a campaign against the success that Martin Luther King had had in getting African Americans to register to vote.he 1965 Voting Rights Act was a natural follow on to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Ironically, the 1964 Act had resulted in an outbreak of violence in the South."
"score": 0.7489899397,
"text": "The Voting Rights Act was passed by the U.S. Congress in 1965. African American voter registration drives were met with extreme, at times, violent resistence. In March 1965. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., led a march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama, to bring attention to the voting issue.he Voting Rights Act of 1965 allowed African Americans to step forward and participate in the American political process. The Act did not eliminate all of the evils of racist opposition to Blacks' participation in process, but it took a large step forward."
"score": 0.742934525,
"text": "The Voting Rights Act of 1965 grew out of both public protest and private political negotiation. Starting in 1961, nonviolent demonstrations were held in Georgia and Alabama. The hope of organizers was to attract national media attention and pressure the U.S. government to protect the constitutional rights of blacks."
"score": 0.7289007902,
"text": "The Voting Rights Act, signed into law by President Johnson on August 6, 1965, suspended literacy and other tests in counties and states showing evidence of voter discrimination. These counties and states also were prohibited from creating new voter requirements that denied citizens their right to vote.he Voting Rights Act, signed into law by President Johnson on August 6, 1965, suspended literacy and other tests in counties and states showing evidence of voter discrimination. These counties and states also were prohibited from creating new voter requirements that denied citizens their right to vote."
"score": 0.7259807587,
"text": "VOTING RIGHTS ACT, 1965: This was passed as a Great Society program under the Johnson administration. It prohibited the use of literacy tests as a part of the voter registration process which were initially used as a method to control immigration to the United States during the 1920s.isenhower passed this bill to establish a permanent commission on civil rights with investigative powers but it did not guarantee a ballot for blacks. It was the first civil-rights bill to be enacted after Reconstruction which was supported by most non-southern whites."
"score": 0.7256497145,
"text": "History Of Federal Voting Rights Laws. The Voting Rights Act of 1965. The 1965 Enactment. By 1965 concerted efforts to break the grip of state disfranchisement had been under way for some time, but had achieved only modest success overall and in some areas had proved almost entirely ineffectual."
"score": 0.7234498262,
"text": "The Voting Rights Act was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on August 6, 1965. It outlawed discriminatory voter registration techniques especially in the South p … ertaining to African Americans.Mark Swarthout.he Voting Rights Act was signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson on August 6, 1965. It outlawed discriminatory voter registration techniques especially in the South p … ertaining to African Americans. Mark Swarthout."
"score": 0.7224348187,
"text": "The Voting Rights Act of 1965 had immediate and dramatic results. Within two years with the help of many volunteers, African-American voter registration throughout the South increased to more than 50 percent of the voting-age population.outhern states had historically deprived the vote from millions of African-American citizens. Although guaranteed by the 15th Amendment, the right to vote had been denied blacks through discriminatory legal strategies, economic intimidation, and physical threats."
"score": 0.7173043489,
"text": "The Voting Rights Act of 1965 got rid of the literacy tests which needed to be passed before being able to vote. By the end of 1965, 250,000 black Americans had registerd to v … ote (one-third had been assisted bu the government monitors who checked that the law was being followed).he Voting Rights Act of 1965 was a major step forward in Civil Right for African-American. Although the won the right to vote with the 14th Amendment, the VRA helped end … racial discrimination in voting."
"score": 0.7134178877,
"text": "Final page of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, President of the Senate Hubert Humphrey, and Speaker of the House John McCormack. After its enactment in 1965, the law immediately decreased racial discrimination in voting.he legislation that Johnson referred to was the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which was introduced in Congress two days later while civil rights leaders, now under the protection of federal troops, led a march of 25,000 people from Selma to Montgomery."
"score": 0.7122993469,
"text": "History. On August 6, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into law. The law applied a nationwide prohibition against the denial or abridgment of the right to vote.istory. On August 6, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into law. The law applied a nationwide prohibition against the denial or abridgment of the right to vote."
"score": 0.7078620791,
"text": "Under strong pressure from Johnson and the civil rights movement, the Senate passed the Voting Rights Act by a 77-19 vote on May 26, 1965. The House passed it 333-85 on July 9. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law on Aug. 6 with King and other civil rights leaders in attendance. The law prohibited the use of literacy tests, provided federal oversight of voter registration in areas where large numbers of nonwhites had not registered to vote and authorized the U.S. attorney general to investigate the use of discriminatory poll taxes in state and local elections."
"score": 0.69682163,
"text": "Although opposed by politicians from the Deep South, the Voting Rights Act was passed by large majorities in the House of Representatives (333 to 48) and the Senate (77 to 19). The legislation empowered the national government to register those whom the states refused to put on the voting list."
"score": 0.6967661381,
"text": "Rep. Lewis on 51st Anniversary Of the Voting Rights Act. On August 6, 1965--51 years ago--I was looking over the shoulder of President Lyndon Johnson as he signed the Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965 into law. It was a crowning moment in the struggle for human dignity in this country that opened access to the ballot box for millions of Americans."
"score": 0.6954580545,
"text": "Confidence votes 20.5K. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was legislation that outlawed discrimination against blacks and women. Racial segregation was also outlawed in this piece of legislation. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was a piece of legislation that outlawed discriminatory voting practices against African-Americans.he Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by Congress under the strong leadership of President Lyndon B. Johnson and with the support of many moderate and liberal Republic … ans as well as most Democrats."
"score": 0.6954339743,
"text": "Still, the Voting Rights Act gave African-American voters the legal means to challenge voting restrictions and vastly improved voter turnout. In Mississippi alone, voter turnout among blacks increased from 6 percent in 1964 to 59 percent in 1969."
"score": 0.6937399507,
"text": "The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was legislation that outlawed discrimination against blacks and women. Racial segregation was also outlawed in this piece of legislation.The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was a piece of legislation that outlawed discriminatory voting practices against African-Americans.he Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by Congress under the strong leadership of President Lyndon B. Johnson and with the support of many moderate and liberal Republic … ans as well as most Democrats."
"score": 0.6904091835,
"text": "Since 2008, states across the country have passed measures to make it harder for Americans—particularly black people, the elderly, students, and people with disabilities—to exercise their fundamental right to cast a ballot. Since 1965, the Voting Rights Act (VRA) has protected minority voters at the polls."
"score": 0.6880184412,
"text": "The legislation was enacted on June 17, 1970 as the Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1970. President Nixon signed it into law on June 22. Through this legislation, Congress extended the special provisions for five years."
"score": 0.6857770681,
"text": "By the end of 1966, only 4 out of the 13 southern states had fewer than 50 percent of African Americans registered to vote. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was readopted and strengthened in 1970, 1975, and 1982.itation: An act to enforce the fifteenth amendment to the Constitution of the United States and for other purposes, August 6, 1965; Enrolled Acts and Resolutions of Congress, 1789-; General Records of the United States Government; Record Group 11; National Archives."
"score": 0.6856853962,
"text": "Challenges to the Voting Rights Act 4. The Voting Rights Act was reauthorized in 1970, 1965, 1982 and 2006. In each instance, Congress looked at evidence that showed that African Americans' voting rights were still in danger in the states identified in the original 1965 law.his lesson focuses on the 1965 law that aimed to ensure that African Americans would no longer be denied their right to vote. Students will read a summary of the Voting Rights Act to find out what it said, then study data that show the law's impact."
"score": 0.6798691154,
"text": "Lyndon Johnson, who became president following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, sailed to a landslide victory in the 1964 presidential election. After the election, Johnson moved to do something about voting rights.President Lyndon Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act of 1965. (Wikimedia Commons). Southern states had historically deprived the vote from millions of African-American citizens.Although guaranteed by the 15th Amendment, the right to vote had been denied blacks through discriminatory legal strategies, economic intimidation, and physical threats.The civil rights movement had focused on voting rights, particularly during Freedom Summer in Mississippi in 1964.outhern states had historically deprived the vote from millions of African-American citizens. Although guaranteed by the 15th Amendment, the right to vote had been denied blacks through discriminatory legal strategies, economic intimidation, and physical threats."
"score": 0.6654993296,
"text": "Voting Rights Act, in which that process has already been undertaken by intelligent persons. Rather, this essay explores the formulaic structure of -revolution counter insistent on the logic of the Southern slave system, which ultimately necessitated the most recent national issue- the repeal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act."
"score": 0.6571865082,
"text": "President Johnson's support of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 reflected the pressures from the massive civil rights protests of the early and middle 1960s. As in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Johnson's political skills worked wonders.He was aided by highly publicized voting-rights demonstrations throughout the South.resident Johnson's support of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 reflected the pressures from the massive civil rights protests of the early and middle 1960s. As in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Johnson's political skills worked wonders. He was aided by highly publicized voting-rights demonstrations throughout the South."
"score": 0.6556467414,
"text": "Confidence votes 3.0K. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not involve voting rights nor prohibit segregation. There was a separate Voting Rights Act. The PURPOSE of CRA 1964 was to regulate how governments, large ionstitutions and large employers dealt with discrimination and bias on account of race, sex, and religion.he Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not involve voting rights nor prohibit segregation."
"score": 0.6513523459,
"text": "The Civil Rights Act of 1960 (Pub.L. 86–449, 74 Stat. 89, enacted May 6, 1960) was a United States federal law that established federal inspection of local voter registration polls and introduced penalties for anyone who obstructed someone's attempt to register to vote.rigins [edit]. By the late 1950s, the civil rights movement had been pressuring Congress to push through legislation to protect the constitutional civil rights of African Americans."
"score": 0.63314569,
"text": "FEDERAL LAWS PROTECTING THE RIGHT TO VOTE. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal civil rights law that provides protections to people with disabilities that are similar to protections provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion."
"score": 0.6263237,
"text": "The Texas GOP platform, released Thursday, calls for the repeal of the Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965, the most successful civil-rights law in the nation's history. It also supports scrapping the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, which has helped millions register to vote."
"score": 0.6044557095,
"text": "The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was introduced in Eisenhower's presidency and was the act that kick-started thecivil rights legislative programme that was to include the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act.Eisenhower had not been known for his support of the civil rights movement.he Civil Rights Act of 1957 was introduced in Eisenhower's presidency and was the act that kick-started thecivil rights legislative programme that was to include the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act."
"score": 0.5873975754,
"text": "CBS News poll surveyed Americans on what has been achieved by the civil rights movement and the Voting Rights Act 50 years after Selma CBS News poll surveyed Americans on what has been achieved by the civil rights movement and the Voting Rights Act 50 years after Selma"
] |
who died from the band the eagles | [
"score": 0.7613710165,
"text": "Founding member of the Eagles band, Glenn Frey, dies at age 67. Glenn Frey, a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee and a founding member of iconic rock band the Eagles, passed away on Monday, Jan. 18 in New York City. He was 67 years old."
] | [
"score": 0.7334617376,
"text": "Remembering Glenn Fry. Sadly, Glenn Frey of the Eagles died yesterday at 67. Glenn Fry of the EAGLES passed away yesterday, of complications from rheumatoid arthritis, acute ulcerative colitis, and pneumonia. He was 67. He'd been battling intestinal issues for months and had major surgery back in November."
"score": 0.6873649955,
"text": "Eagles (band) The Eagles are an American rock band formed in Los Angeles in 1971. The founding members were Glenn Frey (lead guitar, lead vocals), Don Henley (drums, lead vocals), Bernie Leadon (guitars, vocals) and Randy Meisner (bass guitar, vocals)."
"score": 0.6864097118,
"text": "The Eagles are an American rock band formed in Los Angeles in 1971. The founding members were Glenn Frey (guitars, vocals), Don Henley (drums, vocals), Bernie Leadon (guitars, vocals) and Randy Meisner (bass guitar, vocals)."
"score": 0.680793047,
"text": "The Eagles are an American rock band formed in Los Angeles in 1971 by Glenn Frey, Don Henley, Bernie Leadon, and Randy Meisner."
"score": 0.6799473166,
"text": "The Eagles are an American rock band formed in Los Angeles, California in 1971 by Glenn Frey, Don Henley, Bernie Leadon, and Randy Meisner."
"score": 0.6792551279,
"text": "The Eagles were an American rock band formed in Los Angeles in 1971 by Glenn Frey, Don Henley, Bernie Leadon, and Randy Meisner. With five number-one singles, six Grammy Awards, five American Music Awards, and six number one albums, the Eagles were one of the most successful musical acts of the 1970s."
"score": 0.6555752754,
"text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Eagles of Death Metal is an American rock band from Palm Desert, California, United States, formed in 1998 by Jesse Hughes and Josh Homme, who are the only permanent members of the band, though Homme rarely plays live shows because of commitments to other bands."
"score": 0.6540353298,
"text": "He died in New York City. Glenn co-wrote and sang on most of the Eagles hits, including Take It Easy, Tequila Sunrise, Lyin' Eyes, and Heartache Tonight, to name a few. He also co-wrote Hotel California and Desperado with Don Henley and took home 6 Grammys with the band."
"score": 0.6507989168,
"text": "Quick Answer. The Eagles' original lineup was Don Henley, Glenn Frey, Randy Meisner and Bernie Leadon. The band formed in 1971 in Southern California. Like many bands of the time, each of the members had multiple specialties: frontman Don Henley was vocalist, guitarist and drummer as needed."
"score": 0.6493143439,
"text": "Who are the original members of The Eagles rock band? Glenn Frey, Don Henley, Bernie Leadon and Randy Meisner are the four original members who formed The Eagles rock band in Los Angeles, California in 1971."
"score": 0.646882534,
"text": "Eagles are an American rock band that was formed in Los Angeles, California in 1971."
"score": 0.6450329423,
"text": "Eagles of Death Metal is an American rock band from Palm Desert, California, United States, formed in 1998 by Jesse Hughes and Josh Homme, who are the only permanent members of the band, though Homme rarely plays live shows because of commitments to other bands."
"score": 0.6421316862,
"text": "The Eagles were formed in 1971 by guitarist/singer Glenn Frey, drummer/singer Don Henley, guitarist/singer Bernie Leadon, and bassist/singer Randy Meisner."
"score": 0.6416671276,
"text": "The Eagles were formed in 1971 by guitarist/singer Glenn Frey, drummer/singer Don Henley, guitarist/singer Bernie Leadon, and bassist/singer Randy Meisner. The initial idea was Frey's; when signed to Asylum by David Geffen, he was advised to form a group-and he did."
"score": 0.6405879259,
"text": "For the American football player, see Glenn Frey (American football). Glenn Lewis Frey (/fraɪ/; November 6, 1948 – January 18, 2016) was an American singer, songwriter and actor, best known as a founding member of the rock band Eagles. Frey was the lead singer and frontman for the Eagles, roles he came to share with fellow member Don Henley, with whom he wrote most of the Eagles' material."
"score": 0.6401571035,
"text": "Glenn Frey. For the American football player, see Glenn Frey (American football). Glenn Lewis Frey (/fraɪ/; November 6, 1948 – January 18, 2016) was an American singer, songwriter and actor, best known as a founding member of the rock band Eagles. Frey was the lead singer and frontman for the Eagles, roles he came to share with fellow member Don Henley, with whom he wrote most of the Eagles' material."
"score": 0.6368990541,
"text": "read more. Eagles of Death Metal are an American rock band which formed in Palm Desert, California in 1998. The band consists of Jesse Hughes (vocals, guitar) and Josh Homme (drums), who are also the only constant members of the band. The current touring lineup consists of Hughes, Dave Catching (guitar), Brian O'Connor (bass, vocals) and Claude Coleman (drums)."
"score": 0.6362429857,
"text": "Glenn Frey: 20 Essential Songs Readers' Poll: The 10 Best Glenn Frey Songs Glenn Frey: An Oral History See Vince Gill's Emotional Tribute to Glenn Frey All Stories Eagles co-founder Bernie Leadon and singer-songwriter Jackson Browne will join members Don Henley, Joe Walsh and Timothy B. Schmit for a Grammy tribute honoring Glenn Frey, the Eagles singer-guitarist who died January 18th at age 67."
"score": 0.6272548437,
"text": "Erik Braunn. Erik Braunn, the former guitarist of Iron Butterfly, died of cardiac arrest on July 25. He was 52. Braunn was a four-year-old violin savant when he got accepted into the prodigy program at The Boston Symphony. When he was 16, heavy metal band Iron Butterfly asked him to join the group."
"score": 0.6251652837,
"text": "Bio. Eagles of Death Met al is an American rock band from Palm Desert, California, formed in 1998 by best friends Jesse Hughes and Josh Homme. Despite their band name, Eagles of Death Metal is not a death metal band. The story goes that a friend was introducing Josh Homme to the death metal genre. When he played a song by the Polish band Vader and made a claim that the song was within the death metal genre, Homme then referred to Vader as The Eagles of Death Metal ."
"score": 0.6131693125,
"text": "Eagles Live is the first live album by the American rock band Eagles, a two-LP set released on November 7, 1980. The Eagles unofficially disbanded on July 31, 1980 after a concert in Long Beach, California.However, the band still owed Elektra/Asylum a live record from the tour.agles Live is the first live album by the American rock band Eagles, a two-LP set released on November 7, 1980. The Eagles unofficially disbanded on July 31, 1980 after a concert in Long Beach, California."
"score": 0.6028306484,
"text": "Hanneman, 49, a founding member of the heavy metal band Slayer, has died. Slayer spokeswoman Heidi Robinson-Fitzgerald says Hanneman died Thursday morning, May 2, 2013, of liver failure at a Los Angeles hospital with his wife, Kathy, by his side. (AP)."
"score": 0.6023529172,
"text": "Robert Wilson, a member of R&B/funk group the Gap Band, died at the age of 53 on Sunday (Aug. 15). Wilson, known as the Godfather of Bass Guitar, suffered a heart attack in his Palmdale, Ca. home. Wilson formed the Gap Band with brothers Charlie and Ronnie in the early 1970s, and the Tulsa group expanded upon the funk sound of George Clinton and Earth, Wind & Fire."
"score": 0.6010614634,
"text": "Slayer: Jeff Hanneman died of cirrhosis. This 2009 publicity photo provided courtesy of Slayer shows, from left, Dave Lombardo, Kerry King, Jeff Hanneman and Tom Araya. Hanneman, 49, a founding member of the heavy metal band Slayer, has died. Slayer spokeswoman Heidi Robinson-Fitzgerald says Hanneman died Thursday morning, May 2, 2013, of liver failure at a Los Angeles hospital with his wife, Kathy, by his side."
"score": 0.6005635262,
"text": "Hanneman, 49, a founding member of the heavy metal band Slayer, has died. Slayer spokeswoman Heidi Robinson-Fitzgerald says Hanneman died Thursday morning, May 2, 2013, of liver failure at a Los Angeles hospital with his wife, Kathy, by his side."
"score": 0.5894847512,
"text": "Jimi Jamison dead at 63: Heart attack kills Survivor lead singer. Jimi Jamison and Frankie Sullivan (right) performing on stage. Jimi Jamison, the lead singer of arena rock band Survivor, has died of a heart attack at age 63, according to the band."
"score": 0.5857897401,
"text": "It's not like that any more. In truth, the Canned Heat of 1981 aren't the band they used to be. They haven't been since September 1970, when Alan 'Blind Owl' Wilson – guitarist, co-founder and the band's beating musical heart – died in mysterious circumstances near their lead singer's house."
"score": 0.5839604139,
"text": "Erik Braunn, the Iron Butterfly guitarist who played one of rock's most recognizable riffs in the 17-minute anthem In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, died of cardiac arrest Friday. Erik Braunn, the Iron Butterfly guitarist who played one of rock's most recognizable riffs in the 17-minute anthem In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida, died of cardiac arrest Friday. He was 52. According to his official Web site, Braunn had suffered for some time with a debilitating physical ailment to which the doctors know little about, nor a cure.."
"score": 0.572181046,
"text": "Jeff Hanneman Dead At 49: Slayer Guitarist Dies From Spider Bite. Guitarist Jeff Hanneman, a founder of the U.S. heavy-metal band Slayer, has died at age 49 of liver failure after battling complications reportedly linked to a spider bite."
"score": 0.5700488091,
"text": "Eagles of Death Metal formed in Palm Desert, California in 1998 and first appeared on Josh Homme's The Desert Sessions Volumes 3 & 4, released that year. Over the next few years, Homme became distracted from the band due to the success of Queens of the Stone Age."
"score": 0.5601799488,
"text": "Erik Braunn. Erik Braunn. In 1968, the Iron Butterfly guitarist Erik Braunn, who has died of cardiac arrest aged 53, played one of acid rock's most recognisable riffs in the 17-minute album version of In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. Edited to three minutes, and issued as a single, it hit the lower reaches of the American pop charts."
"score": 0.5584132075,
"text": "Updated 4:12 pm, Monday, February 1, 2016. Signe Toly Anderson, the original female lead singer of the Jefferson Airplane, died at her home in Beaverton, Ore., on Thursday — the day the band's co-founder Paul Kantner died from multiple organ failure and septic shock in San Francisco. She was 74."
"score": 0.5550624728,
"text": "Beastie Boys rapper 'MCA' dies. [Updated at 3:03 p.m. ET] Adam MCA Yauch, a founding member of the pioneering rap band the Beastie Boys, has died after a nearly three-year battle with cancer, the band's publicist said Friday. He was 47."
"score": 0.5542331934,
"text": "John Bonham. On Sept 25th 1980, John Bonham, drummer with Led Zeppelin, died aged 32 after a heavy drinking session. 'Bonzo' was found dead at guitarists Jimmy Page's house of what was described as asphyxiation, after inhaling his own vomit after excessive vodka consumption, (40 shots in 4 hours)."
"score": 0.5539083481,
"text": "Beastie Boys rapper 'MCA' dies [Updated at 3:03 p.m. ET] Adam MCA Yauch, a founding member of the pioneering rap band the Beastie Boys, has died after a nearly three-year battle with cancer, the band's publicist said Friday. He was 47."
"score": 0.5518698692,
"text": "Banded wild bald eagles usually die before they turn 30, but a 31-year-old banded female corpse was discovered in Wisconsin on May 16, 2008 (see Resources)."
"score": 0.5449239016,
"text": "Banded Eagles. Banded wild bald eagles usually die before they turn 30, but a 31-year-old banded female corpse was discovered in Wisconsin on May 16, 2008 (see Resources). Mortality. According to the American Bald Eagle Foundation, fewer than 10 percent of bald eaglets survive until sexual maturity. Most bald eagles die in their first year of life, usually from starvation. Sexual Maturity. Bald eagles do not reach sexual maturity until they are about four or five years old."
"score": 0.5435850024,
"text": "Member of Gladys Knight & The Pips dies. ATLANTA (AP) — Edward Patten, a member of the Grammy-winning Gladys Knight & The Pips, died early Friday at a suburban Detroit hospital, said his cousin, another member of the group. He was 65. Patten, an Atlanta native who lived in Detroit, died at a hospital in Michigan from a stroke he suffered a few days before, said William Guest."
"score": 0.4922614992,
"text": "Singer of the 'Lion Sleeps Tonight' dies. Hank Medress, whose vocals with the doo wop group the Tokens helped propel their irrepressible single The Lion Sleeps Tonight to the top of the charts and who produced hits with other groups, has died of lung cancer. He was 68. Medress died Monday at his Manhattan home, relatives said."
"score": 0.4871011376,
"text": "Jethro Tull with The Eagles - Sam Houston Coliseum (Houston, TX) - June 19, 1972. Yes with The Eagles - Dallas Memorial Auditorium (Dallas, TX) - July 30, 1972. Yes with The Eagles - Dallas Memorial Auditorium (Dallas, TX) - July 30, 1972. Yes with The Eagles - Dallas Memorial Auditorium (Dallas, TX) - July 30, 1972. Yes with The Eagles or The J. Geils Band - Sam Houston Coliseum (Houston, TX) - July 31, 1972. Yes with The Eagles or The J. Geils Band - Sam Houston Coliseum (Houston, TX) - July 31, 1972. Yes with The Eagles or The J. Geils Band - Sam Houston Coliseum (Houston, TX) - July 31, 1972. The Eagles - Houston Music Hall (Houston, TX) - October 8, 1972."
] |
how many employees are in deloitte us | [
"score": 0.640414238,
"text": "Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, enterprise risk and financial advisory services with more than 225,400 professionals in over 150 countries. The company currently has a total of 46 global member firms and in FY 2015, earned a record $35.2 billion USD in revenues."
] | [
"score": 0.6597201824,
"text": "With more than 80 US locations—and hundreds more around the world—there's probably a Deloitte office near you."
"score": 0.6453665495,
"text": "About Deloitte US. In the US, Deloitte LLP and Deloitte USA LLP are member firms of DTTL. The subsidiaries of Deloitte LLP provide industry-leading audit, consulting, tax, and advisory services to many"
"score": 0.6357259154,
"text": "Deloitte & Touche LLP has operations in about 90 US cities. Deloitte LLP also manages other US subsidiaries that offer tax, consulting, and financial advisory services. † Some telephone numbers on the Hoover's site may be on a country's do not call or do not contact list including, but not limited to, the United Kingdom's CTPS or TPS registers."
"score": 0.5964295268,
"text": "Browse Deloitte Salaries by Job Title →. Deloitte employees earn $75,000 annually on average, or $36 per hour, which is 21% higher than the national salary average of $61,000 per year. According to our data, the highest paying job at Deloitte is a Director at $220,000 annually while the lowest paying job at Deloitte is a Caterer at $21,000 annually."
"score": 0.5959727764,
"text": "As of July 2014, there are 139 million people employed in the United States. This number is up by 209,000 employees from June and by 1.47 million from the beginning of 2014."
"score": 0.5955827236,
"text": "Q: What's the phone number for Deloitte Consulting Llp in New York, NY? A: The phone number for Deloitte Consulting Llp is (212) 492-4000. Q: How big is Deloitte Consulting Llp in New York, NY? A: The company has approximately 5,100 people at this location and generates an estimated $864 million USD in annual revenue."
"score": 0.5809112787,
"text": "How much does Deloitte & Touche LLP pay? Deloitte & Touche LLP pays its employees an average of $71,619 a year. Salaries at Deloitte & Touche LLP range from an average of $51,032 to $120,173 a year. Deloitte & Touche LLP employees with the job title Tax Director make the most with an average annual salary of $287,002, while employees with the title Customer Service Representative (CSR) make the least with an average annual salary of $22,406."
"score": 0.5806197524,
"text": "How much does Deloitte & Touche LLP pay? Deloitte & Touche LLP pays its employees an average of $71,698 a year. Salaries at Deloitte & Touche LLP range from an average of $51,048 to $119,808 a year. Deloitte & Touche LLP employees with the job title Tax Director make the most with an average annual salary of $295,639, while employees with the title Customer Service Representative (CSR) make the least with an average annual salary of $22,397."
"score": 0.5709204674,
"text": "All Deloitte Salaries. The typical Deloitte Federal Consultant salary is $78,142. Federal Consultant salaries at Deloitte can range from $69,069-$93,000. This estimate is based upon 16 Deloitte Federal Consultant salary reports provided by employees."
"score": 0.5691868663,
"text": "Deloitte Salary. Deloitte average salary is $69,592, median salary is $62,090 with a salary range from $21,840 to $1,560,000. Deloitte salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position."
"score": 0.5690349936,
"text": "Deloitte Global CEO. Punit is in his 29th year with the Deloitte organization and became CEO of Deloitte Global in June 2015. Deloitte operates in 150 countries, with more than 244,000 professionals. Punit is also a member of the Deloitte Global Board of Directors and Governance Committee. Punit most recently served as Chairman, Deloitte LLP (US member firm) from 2011-2015."
"score": 0.5682408214,
"text": "Deloitte average salary is $69,592, median salary is $62,090 with a salary range from $21,840 to $1,560,000. Deloitte salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position."
"score": 0.5671486855,
"text": "Deloitte average salary is $69,592, median salary is $62,090 with a salary range from $21,840 to $1,560,000. Deloitte salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Deloitte salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only."
"score": 0.5663155317,
"text": "Deloitte average salary is $69,592, median salary is $62,090 with a salary range from $21,840 to $1,560,000. Deloitte salaries are collected from government agencies and companies."
"score": 0.560449779,
"text": "The average Deloitte salary ranges from approximately $25,000 per year for Senior Audit to $225,000 per year for Senior Manager of Operations. Average Deloitte hourly pay ranges from approximately $9.50 per hour for Customer Service Representative to $32.00 per hour for Audit Intern."
"score": 0.5577468872,
"text": "The average Deloitte salary ranges from approximately $25,000 per year for Senior Audit to $225,000 per year for Senior Manager of Operations."
"score": 0.5551885366,
"text": "The average Deloitte salary ranges from approximately $25,000 per year for Senior Audit to $225,000 per year for Senior Manager of Operations.Average Deloitte hourly pay ranges from approximately $9.50 per hour for Customer Service Representative to $32.00 per hour for Audit Intern.Salary information comes from 877 data points collected directly from employees, users, and jobs on Indeed.verage Deloitte hourly pay ranges from approximately $9.50 per hour for Customer Service Representative to $32.00 per hour for Audit Intern."
"score": 0.5473430157,
"text": "Average Deloitte hourly pay ranges from approximately $9.50 per hour for Customer Service Representative to $32.00 per hour for Audit Intern. Salary information comes from 877 data points collected directly from employees, users, and jobs on Indeed."
"score": 0.5464264154,
"text": "Founded in London in 1845, Deloitte is one of the big four accounting firms. It is now headquartered in New York City but has offices around the world.The company promoted 54 people to partner level in 2014, a prize for the recipients that is worth over a third of a million dollars per year.ounded in London in 1845, Deloitte is one of the big four accounting firms. It is now headquartered in New York City but has offices around the world."
"score": 0.5439817905,
"text": "Deloitte Consulting average salary is $92,041, median salary is $86,000 with a salary range from $36,000 to $1,060,000. Deloitte Consulting salaries are collected from government agencies and companies."
"score": 0.5425240397,
"text": "Deloitte Consulting average salary is $92,041, median salary is $86,000 with a salary range from $36,000 to $1,060,000."
"score": 0.5414164066,
"text": "NEW YORK, June 6, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Deloitte, the largest professional services organization in the United States, today announced the appointment of Craig W. Wigginton to lead the telecommunications sector within its national technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) practice."
"score": 0.540418148,
"text": "Deloitte is one of the Big Four accounting firms and the largest professional services network in the world by revenue and number of professionals. It is the largest professional services firm in the world."
"score": 0.5404023528,
"text": "Deloitte Wiki. Deloitte is the largest professional services firm in the world. They provide audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management, tax and other services through their member firms. They operate through member firms throughout the world. The member firms operate in over 150 countries."
"score": 0.5401386023,
"text": "Average Deloitte hourly pay ranges from approximately $9.50 per hour for Customer Service Representative to $32.00 per hour for Audit Intern."
"score": 0.5395236611,
"text": "Popular Employer Salaries for. Deloitte & Touche LLP offers the largest salaries in town ($76K on average), but the considerable range in workers' salaries creates a rather varied pay scale that stretches from $50K to $97K. PricewaterhouseCoopers offers the lowest pay in the field with a median salary of just $59K."
"score": 0.5386373997,
"text": "The company promoted 54 people to partner level in 2014, a prize for the recipients that is worth over a third of a million dollars per year. According to the jobs and salary website GlassDoor, Deloitte partners made between $338,000 and $364,000 per year in 2014. Partners in the Deloitte Audit division made between $381,000 and $414,000 per year. Salaries are determined by such factors as length of time with the company, size and locale of office, size of client organizations and type of consulting."
"score": 0.5377113819,
"text": "The Average Salary of a Deloitte Partner. Founded in London in 1845, Deloitte is one of the big four accounting firms. It is now headquartered in New York City but has offices around the world. The company promoted 54 people to partner level in 2014, a prize for the recipients that is worth over a third of a million dollars per year. According to the jobs and salary website GlassDoor, Deloitte partners made between $338,000 and $364,000 per year in 2014. Partners in the Deloitte Audit division made between $381,000 and $414,000 per year. Salaries are determined by such factors as length of time with the company, size and locale of office, size of client organizations and type of consulting."
"score": 0.5318341851,
"text": "Deloitte Partner Salary. Partner salaries at Deloitte can range from $252,841-$271,916. This estimate is based upon 1 Deloitte Partner salary reports provided by employees. See all Partner salaries to learn how this stacks up in the market."
"score": 0.5288202167,
"text": "All Partner Salaries. All Deloitte Salaries. Partner salaries at Deloitte can range from $252,841-$271,916. This estimate is based upon 1 Deloitte Partner salary reports provided by employees. See all Partner salaries to learn how this stacks up in the market."
"score": 0.5266917944,
"text": "Partner Salaries. According to the jobs and salary website GlassDoor, Deloitte partners made between $338,000 and $364,000 per year in 2014. Partners in the Deloitte Audit division made between $381,000 and $414,000 per year.Salaries are determined by such factors as length of time with the company, size and locale of office, size of client organizations and type of consulting.ounded in London in 1845, Deloitte is one of the big four accounting firms. It is now headquartered in New York City but has offices around the world."
"score": 0.5221562386,
"text": "The typical salary for a Deloitte Senior Manager ranges from $124,318-$186,399, with an average salary of $146,822."
"score": 0.5214878321,
"text": "Deloitte partners share £593m profit pool as consultancy revenues surge. Accountancy firm's 721 partners will receive an average payout of £822,000, up almost 10% from £750,000 last year – the first increase in three years. David Sproul, senior partner and CEO of Deloitte, took home £2.8m."
"score": 0.5188679695,
"text": "This article is 12 months old. Partners at Deloitte, one of Britain's biggest accountancy firms, will share a profit pool of £593m after a surge in revenues from its consultancy business. The profits mean that 721 partners will receive an average payout of £822,000, up almost 10% from £750,000 last year. The increase in profits was driven by a 10.5% rise in consulting revenues, with the group's core auditing practice growing by just 0.3%."
"score": 0.5185359716,
"text": "Deloitte Tax Partner average salary is $353,334, median salary is $410,000 with a salary range from $150,000 to $500,000. Deloitte Tax Partner salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position."
"score": 0.5180646181,
"text": "Deloitte Tax Partner average salary is $353,334, median salary is $410,000 with a salary range from $150,000 to $500,000. Deloitte Tax Partner salaries are collected from government agencies and companies."
"score": 0.5172202587,
"text": "Deloitte Consulting Senior Manager average salary is $151,732, median salary is $150,000 with a salary range from $87,834 to $278,300."
"score": 0.5167813301,
"text": "Deloitte Tax Partner average salary is $353,334, median salary is $410,000 with a salary range from $150,000 to $500,000."
"score": 0.5164779425,
"text": "Deloitte designed its headquarters as a next generation workplace, bringing to life the organization's commitment to cutting-edge technology, open and flexible work settings and conference and training facilities."
"score": 0.5163604617,
"text": "This is the Facebook page for Deloitte Singapore, the local practice of Deloitte, the world's largest professional services network. 7,235 people like this and 7,160 people follow this."
"score": 0.5157579184,
"text": "Telit and its top competitors have an average of 3,326 employees. Gemalto has the highest number of employees with 12,000. Litmus Automation has the lowest number of employees with 64."
"score": 0.5150590539,
"text": "Deloitte partners share £593m profit pool as consultancy revenues surge. Accountancy firm's 721 partners will receive an average payout of £822,000, up almost 10% from £750,000 last year – the first increase in three years. David Sproul, senior partner and CEO of Deloitte, took home £2.8m. Photograph: WPA Pool/Getty Images Partners at Deloitte, one of Britain's biggest accountancy firms, will share a profit pool of £593m after a surge in revenues from its consultancy business. The profits mean that 721 partners will receive an average payout of £822,000, up almost 10% from £750,000 last year."
"score": 0.5147738457,
"text": "Deloitte Tax Partner Salary. Deloitte Tax Partner average salary is $353,334, median salary is $410,000 with a salary range from $150,000 to $500,000."
"score": 0.5111387372,
"text": "Deloitte partners share £593m profit pool as consultancy revenues surge Accountancy firm's 721 partners will receive an average payout of £822,000, up almost 10% from £750,000 last year – the first increase in three years"
"score": 0.5100497007,
"text": "In more than 135 countries, some 12,000 Deloitte SAP specialists deliver the technology and services that can help your company meet business performance goals and improve processes. As an SAP Global Partner we offer a broad range of consulting services, including HR, CRM, supply chain, and finance transformation."
"score": 0.4935600758,
"text": "As of March 31, 2009 (2009 -03-31), the company has 19,786 full-time employees. The company is running thousands of servers worldwide, which process millions of search requests each day and about 1 petabyte of user-generated data every hour. This fact is verified on: December 11, 2009."
"score": 0.4924244285,
"text": "As of March 31, 2009 (2009 -03-31), the company has 19,786 full-time employees. The company is running thousands of servers worldwide, which process millions of search requests each day and about 1 petabyte of user-generated data every hour."
"score": 0.4903170466,
"text": "Verizon is also committed to providing full and open communication with their customers, small and medium-sized businesses and wholesale customers in 28 states, including Washington, D.C. Verizon has an estimate of about 250,000 employees. Verizon recently just sold some of their companies such as Verizon South, Verizon North, Verizon California, GTE Florida, and GTE Southwest to Frontier Communications on July 1, 2010."
"score": 0.4894712567,
"text": "Deloitte was the first person to be appointed an independent auditor of a public company, namely the Great Western Railway. He went on to open an office in New York in 1880. In 1896, Charles Waldo Haskins and Elijah Watt Sells formed Haskins & Sells in New York."
"score": 0.4859828949,
"text": "In 2003, Verizon offered buyouts to 152,000 employees. Ford is trying to eliminate 30,000 jobs through buyouts by 2012. Federal agencies have increased the buyout offers to government employees, resulting in more than 22,000 federal workers leaving their jobs over the last two years. Insurance company Allstate announced this month that 1,000 employees had accepted a voluntary buyout offer extended to 6,800 members of the workforce."
"score": 0.4784175754,
"text": "At partner level, there's a clear hierarchy. In 2015, Deloitte's UK partners were paid an average of £750k ($1.1m) each, while partners at PwC, KPMG and EY earned an average of £722k, £715k and £727k respectively."
"score": 0.463612318,
"text": ", MBA student, PM'er, ex- Management Consultant, and lover of all things tech. Usually a Performance rating of 3 = 3 to 5% on top of the usual raises. Deloitte has firm wide and performance raises, each of which make up 50% of total pay. Views · View Upvotes."
"score": 0.453257829,
"text": "That's up from 33 looks per day in 2014. To arrive at that 8 billion number, Deloitte multiplied the average number of looks per day by the number of smartphone users in the United States, which the firm says is 185 million. Although 46 checks per day is the average, that number varies depending on users' age group."
"score": 0.451476872,
"text": "The Skills Gap in U.S. Manufacturing-Deloitte. Four years ago, during the depths of the Great Recession, American auto industry employment fell by nearly a quarter of a million. Two of the Detroit automakers and scores of suppliers filed for bankruptcy. The industry was in crisis, and virtually every auto plant in America curtailed production. Today, the auto industry is in full recovery mode."
"score": 0.4505222738,
"text": "Attestation Update – A&A for CPAs. Billable hour goals for big CPA firms. That puts the overtime expectation at about 300 hours for staff, 400 for seniors, and 500 for managers. The post on Deloitte hours also has a spreadsheet someone sent in that shows target for total hours of 2,400 for staff and seniors and 2,500 for managers."
"score": 0.4020701051,
"text": "and capability. Deloitte Global predicts about 100 carriers worldwide. will be offering at least one packet‑based voice service. by the end of 2016, double the amount year‑on‑year, and six times higher than at the beginning of 2015. 347. . We estimate that approximately 300 million customers. will be using Voice over LTE (VoLTE) and/or Voice."
"score": 0.3477371931,
"text": "Voalte was found in 2008 and its headquarters are located in Sarasota, Florida, USA. Voalte has $26M in revenue and 285 employees. Voalte's top competitors are PatientSafe Solutions, Cureatr and Diagnotes."
] |
what is drinking age in canada | [
"score": 0.8557536602,
"text": "Canada places itself somewhere in the middle when it considers the legal drinking age. The average drinking age in Canada is 19, which is an inviting factor for students living south of the border. Many high school graduates in the US head up north to enjoy the lower drinking age permit since the legal drinking age in USA is 21."
] | [
"score": 0.8345373869,
"text": "What is the Drinking Age in Canada? The legal drinking age in Canada varies in the different provinces and territories that make up the country. A lot of people are under the assumption that there is a separate law on the drinking age in Canada for American citizens."
"score": 0.8151607513,
"text": "In Canada each province and territory defines the legal drinking age for purchasing, possessing, consuming and supplying alcohol.n Canada each province and territory defines the legal drinking age for purchasing, possessing, consuming and supplying alcohol."
"score": 0.8147326708,
"text": "In Canada each province and territory defines the legal drinking age for purchasing, possessing, consuming and supplying alcohol."
"score": 0.7971132994,
"text": "Re: legal drinking age? 23 September 2005, 14:05 in montreal its 18 but in ontario its 19so in canada im good but i know cancun is very americanized and got scraed it was the same as in the states"
"score": 0.7950644493,
"text": "It was the only jurisdiction in Canada or the U.S. that did not impose complete Prohibition and it remains more relaxed on two key issues. The first is the age of consent — in Quebec (as well as in Manitoba and Alberta), the legal drinking age is 18.oday, the major reason for the continuation of those laws is money – the liquor boards want to maintain absolute control over all liquor in their jurisdiction so they can levy a liquor board markup on it.. Because the provinces make their own laws, there are discrepancies from region to region."
"score": 0.7932147384,
"text": "The provincial Government decides the drinking age of every province in Canada. It is a misconception that there is a separate law on drinking age for US citizens in Canada. The rules are strictly applied and you need to carry two IDs, where one ID has to be Government issued and displays your photograph."
"score": 0.7931578159,
"text": "Each province and territory is free to set its own drinking age. The legal age for purchase is: 1 19 years of age in BC, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, PEI, Saskatchewan and Yukon. 2 18 years of age in Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec.he legal age for purchase is: 1 19 years of age in BC, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, PEI, Saskatchewan and Yukon. 2 18 years of age in Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec."
"score": 0.7796499133,
"text": "Legal drinking age in Toronto/all over Canada - Ontario Forum. Legal drinking age in Toronto/all over Canada. Glasgow, United... Hi there! I'm 19-years-old and coming to Toronto for a holiday this summer. I live in Scotland/UK where the legal drinking age is 18-years-old so I'm legally able to drink/go clubbing here."
"score": 0.7787747979,
"text": "Although the legal drinking age is lower in Canada, it is surprising that more students drink in moderation compared to American students. In fact, only 42 percent of students in Canada drank heavily at least one time in a week while there are 54 percent of students in America, who did the same."
"score": 0.770560503,
"text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: No. Alberta drinking age is 18, and it's 18 for everyone who is in Alberta drinking. They will be happy to serve you as long as you have government issued ID. I see US under 21 drinkers all the time in Vancouver bars."
"score": 0.7693853974,
"text": "Actually in Alberta the drinking age is 18. So you could've went last year to Edmonton and drank if you wanted to. the drinking age differs from province to province, it's not like a national drinking age like you have in the States."
"score": 0.7612240911,
"text": "Nov. 19, 2014 — Minimum legal drinking age legislation in Canada can have a major impact on young drivers, according to a new study. Drivers just older than the legal age had a significant increase in motor vehicle ..."
"score": 0.7520939708,
"text": "A recent post on the website claimed that the legal drinking age in the United States and the UK would be raised to 25 years, another said that in Canada it will be raised to 23 years."
"score": 0.7513417006,
"text": "Most people think it's 21, because it's 21 in the United States, and that's what people are used to. However, in both of the adjoining countries to the United States, Canada and Mexico, the legal drinking age is 18."
"score": 0.7470656037,
"text": "Here in the U.S. our legal drinking age is 21 but the minimum teen drinking ages are different for each country. In Canada and Mexico, just across the border, it's legal for teens to drink at age 18. Jamaica doesn't have any minimum drinking age but teens do have to be 18 to buy liquor."
"score": 0.7327988148,
"text": "I just turned 19, so according to Canadian law, im legal age to drink. While mentioning this amongst a few friends the talked about a law where people with United States IDs had to abide by the drinking laws of the US, which would prevent me from drinking in..."
"score": 0.7243579626,
"text": "The legal gambling age in Canada varies by jurisdiction (Province). Each province sets its own age, with nineteen being the most common. Only three Provinces allow gambling at … age eighteen. 18, or 19, depends on province The legal age for gambling in Ontario is 18. You can buy lottery tickets and play bingo.You can not gamble in Ontario where alcohol is served until 19, as in casinos, as the drinking age in Ontario is 19. In Quebec you can gamble and drink at age 18, so casinos are an available at 18.ccording to rule legal age to play gambling games is Eighteen Years but you can play online casino games via proxy servers Legal gamling age is 18, as in lottery tickets and … bingo, in Windsor, but you must be 19 to gamble where alcohol is served, as in casinos, because the drinking age in Ontario is 19."
"score": 0.7240050435,
"text": "– The event is for ALL ages. However you must be of 19 years of age or older to drink in Ontario, Canada. Please drink responsibly and do NOT drink and drive. Thank you."
"score": 0.7204251289,
"text": "To import alcoholic beverages you must be 18 years old in Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec; québec 19 years old in other provinces and. Territories, generally a minimum stay of 24 hours is required to transport any liquor or tobacco Into. canada"
"score": 0.7141506672,
"text": "In the province of Ontario you can legally serve alcohol at 18 years old, however, you must be at least 19 to legally drink alcohol.Acceptable Forms of Identification (ID). The only legally acceptable forms of identification are: 1 Ontario Driver's Licence.2 Canadian Passport. 3 Canadian Citizenship Card.n the province of Ontario you can legally serve alcohol at 18 years old, however, you must be at least 19 to legally drink alcohol. Acceptable Forms of Identification (ID). The only legally acceptable forms of identification are: 1 Ontario Driver's Licence. 2 Canadian Passport. 3 Canadian Citizenship Card."
"score": 0.7099388838,
"text": "The legal age to gamble in Ontario is 18. You can buy lottery tickets and play bingo. You can not gamble in Ontario where alcohol is served until 19, as in casinos, as the drinking age in Ontario is 19. In Quebec you can gamble and drink at age 18, so casinos are an available at 18.In some provinces such as Ontario, 18 is the legal age to vote but 19 to buy alcohol.ou can not gamble in Ontario where alcohol is served until 19, as in casinos, as the drinking age in Ontario is 19. In Quebec you can gamble and drink at age 18, so casinos are an available at 18. In some provinces such as Ontario, 18 is the legal age to vote but 19 to buy alcohol."
"score": 0.7076568007,
"text": "The legal age to gamble in Ontario is 18. You can buy lottery tickets and play bingo. You can not gamble in Ontario where alcohol is served until 19, as in casinos, as the drinking age in Ontario is 19. In Quebec you can gamble and drink at age 18, so casinos are an available at 18.In some provinces such as Ontario, 18 is the legal age to vote but 19 to buy alcohol. Sex ----- 16 is age of consent. Voting -----18.n Quebec you can gamble and drink at age 18, so casinos are an available at 18. In some provinces such as Ontario, 18 is the legal age to vote but 19 to buy alcohol. Sex ----- 16 is age of consent. Voting -----18."
"score": 0.705370307,
"text": "Oct 05, 2012, 2:00 PM. Hi there. I am curious about the laws on what age one needs to be to legally purchase and consume alcohol in Scotland. I am 19-years-old, which is the drinking age in Canada, my home country."
"score": 0.7050017118,
"text": "Only three Provinces allow gambling at … age eighteen. 18, or 19, depends on province The legal age for gambling in Ontario is 18. You can buy lottery tickets and play bingo. But if you wish to gamble where alcohol is served you must be 19, as the drinking age in Ontario is 19.ou can not gamble in Ontario where alcohol is served until 19, as in casinos, as the drinking age in Ontario is 19. In Quebec you can gamble and drink at age 18, so casinos are an available at 18. In some provinces such as Ontario, 18 is the legal age to vote but 19 to buy alcohol."
"score": 0.7011117339,
"text": "Only three Provinces allow gambling at … age eighteen. 18, or 19, depends on province The legal age for gambling in Ontario is 18. You can buy lottery tickets and play bingo. But if you wish to gamble where alcohol is served you must be 19, as the drinking age in Ontario is 19.n Quebec you can gamble and drink at age 18, so casinos are an available at 18. In some provinces such as Ontario, 18 is the legal age to vote but 19 to buy alcohol. Sex ----- 16 is age of consent. Voting -----18."
"score": 0.6993963122,
"text": "The average (mean) minimum legal drinking age around the globe is 15.9. The majority of countries have set the drinking age at 18. In fifty countries the minimum age is lower than 18 and in 12 countries it is higher than 18."
"score": 0.6989917159,
"text": "The average (mean) minimum legal drinking age around the globe is 15.9. The majority of countries have set the drinking age at 18. In fifty countries the minimum age is lower than 18 and in 12 countries it is higher than 18. The enforcement of minimum legal drinking ages also varies widely between countries and often within countries."
"score": 0.6969216466,
"text": "The minimum legal drinking age varies dramatically around the world. Most such laws apply only to drinking alcoholic beverages in public locations. The only country with a minimum legal age for consuming alcohol at home is the United Kingdom, which prohibits drinking below the age of six. The average (mean) minimum legal drinking age around the globe is 15.9. The majority of countries have set the drinking age at 18. In fifty countries the minimum age is lower than 18 and in 12 countries it is higher than 18."
"score": 0.6957384348,
"text": "The act was expressly upheld as constitutional in 1987 by the United States Supreme Court in South Dakota v. Dole. The United States is one of only five developed countries in the world that has a nationwide drinking age of over 18, with the other four being South Korea (19), Canada (19), Iceland (20), and Japan (20)."
"score": 0.6949628592,
"text": "The only country with a minimum legal age for consuming alcohol at home is the United Kingdom, which prohibits drinking below the age of six. The average (mean) minimum legal drinking age around the globe is 15.9. The majority of countries have set the drinking age at 18. In fifty countries the minimum age is lower than 18 and in 12 countries it is higher than 18. The enforcement of minimum legal drinking ages also varies widely between countries and often within countries."
"score": 0.6894125938,
"text": "In Saskatchewan, the legal gaming age and the legal drinking age are both 19. For federal law, the age of majority is 18. Italy. In Italy, law nr. 39 of March 8, 1975, states that a minor is a person under the age of 18."
"score": 0.6883792877,
"text": "The legal smoking age in Canada is the age at which a person is allowed to buy tobacco products, including cigarettes. The legal smoking age in Canada is determined by each province and territory in Canada. The legal smoking age in the individual provinces and territories of Canada is. Alberta - 18."
"score": 0.6839932799,
"text": "In Canada, the legal age to play in a casino is mainly 19, however there are three provinces that have the age set at 18 – Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec. Again, this is the same as alcohol laws."
"score": 0.6838351488,
"text": "\"Definition: The legal smoking age in Canada is the age at which a person is allowed to buy tobacco products, including cigarettes. The legal smoking age in Canada is determined by each province and territory in Canada. The legal smoking age in the individual provinces and territories of Canada is. * Alberta – 18."
"score": 0.6783154011,
"text": "Exceptions: Restricted products: Some provinces have a different age of majority for buying \"restricted products.\" In these provinces, the regional age of majority is usually 18 but only those 19 or older are allowed to buy cigarettes and alcohol. If you are 12 years old or over, you can babysit in Canada. 2 If you are 10 or 11, you may be allowed to babysit, but it depends on the region you live in. 3 Ask an adult you trust to check for you."
"score": 0.6761946678,
"text": "Only three Provinces allow gambling at … age eighteen. 18, or 19, depends on province The legal age for gambling in Ontario is 18. You can buy lottery tickets and play bingo. But if you wish to gamble where alcohol is served you must be 19, as the drinking age in Ontario is 19.1) A person must not employ a child under 15 years of age unless the person has obtained the written consent of the child's parent or guardian. (2) A person must not employ a child under 12 years of age without the director's permission."
"score": 0.6701808572,
"text": "Age 21 Minimum Legal Drinking Age. A Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) of 21 saves lives and protects health. Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) laws specify the legal age when an individual can purchase or publicly consume alcoholic beverages. The MLDA in the United States is 21 years. However, prior to the enactment of the National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984, the legal age when alcohol could be purchased varied from state to state.1. An age 21 MLDA is recommended by the: • American Academy of Pediatrics2."
"score": 0.6695725322,
"text": "Thirty years ago this week, Congress passed a bill that effectively raised the national drinking age to 21. Despite subsequent efforts to lower it in some states -- and the fact that most developed countries allow young people to legally drink at 18 -- that threshold has remained firmly in place ever since. recent study in New Zealand, which lowered its drinking age in 1999 from 20 to 18, found that drivers aged 18 or 19 now face a higher risk of being involved in alcohol-related crashes that cause death or injury."
"score": 0.6682395339,
"text": "English 102. The Drinking Age and Young Adults. Because underage drinking is a major problem for young adults, the drinking age has become a very controversial issue. In the 1990's, the drinking age was 18, but it was changed to 21 in 1984. The Federal Government informed states to choose between raising the drinking age to 21 or foregoing highway funding. This decision obviously affected 18 to 20 year olds who could no longer buy alcoholic beverages."
"score": 0.6636537313,
"text": "Though in a number of countries worldwide the drinking age is 18 years,in the United States this index is 21, and it should not be lowered."
"score": 0.6634538174,
"text": "Canada is one of the only two countries(the other is The United States) to have the world's lowest set driving age. But the legal driving age varies between 14 and 16 throughout the country. Alberta is among the places in the world with the lowest set driving age(14). Of course, many people choose to rent a car."
"score": 0.6620405912,
"text": "Maryland: The legal drinking age is 18 for beer and wine, and 21 for liquor. North Carolina: The legal drinking age is 18 for beer and wine, and 21 for liquor. Oklahoma: The legal drinking age is 18 for 3.2 ABV beer, and 21 for beer with more than 3.2 ABV, wine and liquor."
"score": 0.6603475809,
"text": "That's weird. \"Definition: The legal smoking age in Canada is the age at which a person is allowed to buy tobacco products, including cigarettes. The legal smoking age in Canada is determined by each province and territory in Canada. @Marina But that doesn't mention lighters, only tobacco."
"score": 0.6592274904,
"text": "The legal drinking age is defined as the youngest age at which an individual is allowed to legally purchase alcoholic beverages. In all states in the United States, the legal drinking age is 21 years old. Each state, including New York, legislates its own laws and consequences for underage drinking. 1 Consequences for Drinking Under Age in Tennessee."
"score": 0.6591082811,
"text": "A recent study in New Zealand, which lowered its drinking age in 1999 from 20 to 18, found that drivers aged 18 or 19 now face a higher risk of being involved in alcohol-related crashes that cause death or injury. The 21-year-old limit may be less effective at curbing binge drinking on college campuses, however."
"score": 0.6569555998,
"text": "on or off premise. • Drinking age may be distinct from the minimum legal age at which a person may purchase alcohol. For example, in the UK, 16 and 17 year olds may drink wine, beer or cider with a meal in a licensed premises when with adults, but may not purchase the alcohol themselves until aged 18."
"score": 0.6556003094,
"text": "John Bowersox. Alcohol consumption and its harms are common among young people, including those who are below the legal drinking age of 21. Some people argue that the current age-21 drinking limit in the United States is \"not working,\" and propose that the drinking age be lowered to 18."
"score": 0.6554119587,
"text": "In Canada, the federal age of consent is 16 and the other person can be any age. Age 14-15 has a five year close in period (other person less than five years older) and age 12-13 is a two year close in period. Before 2008, then it was age 14 and other person of any age older or similar age younger (two years or less)."
"score": 0.6543139219,
"text": "Author: John Bowersox. Alcohol consumption and its harms are common among young people, including those who are below the legal drinking age of 21. Some people argue that the current age-21 drinking limit in the United States is \"not working,\" and propose that the drinking age be lowered to 18."
"score": 0.6529678702,
"text": "Just how much the legal drinking age relates to drinking-related crashes is shown by a recent study in New Zealand. Six years ago that country lowered its minimum legal drinking age to 18. Since then, alcohol-related crashes have risen 12 percent among 18- to 19-year-olds and 14 percent among 15- to 17-year-olds (62)."
"score": 0.6526639462,
"text": "Proposals to lower the legal drinking age for purchase or service, or for those under 21 in the military have been proposed in Vermont, Missouri, Minnesota, Kentucky, Wisconsin, and South Carolina (each proposal is different).here is little uniformity in the legal drinking age across the rest of the world. Some countries have no law regarding the age one can purchase or consume alcohol; others allow use as early as 16. Few other countries have a legal drinking age of 21."
"score": 0.6516001821,
"text": "Internationally, the average age at which drinking alcohol first occurs is 12 years and about 80% of young people begin drinking alcoholic beverages regularly at age 15 or younger according to the World Health Organization (WHO). World Drinking Ages."
"score": 0.6487705112,
"text": "THE MINIMUM legal drinking age (MLDA) is the most well-studied alcohol control policy in the United States (Wagenaar and Toomey, 2000). The intention of this policy is to lower alcohol use and its associated problems among youth. Following Prohibition, most states established an age-21 MLDA."
"score": 0.6359058619,
"text": "Sign Up TODAY. Across the nation, the legal drinking age is 21 years of age. The age limit for serving or selling alcohol, though, can be different in Wisconsin from what you'd find in Maine. If selling or serving alcohol is in your future, read on to find out how old you need to be to get started. In Wisconsin, the legal drinking age is 21."
"score": 0.6343755722,
"text": "a recent study in new zealand which lowered its drinking age in 1999 from 20 to 18 found that drivers aged 18 or 19 now face a higher risk of being involved in alcohol related crashes that cause death or injury the 21 year old limit may be less effective at curbing binge drinking on college campuses however"
"score": 0.6250972748,
"text": "I've had many, but this one just makes me chuckle! Backstory: I live in the US, very close to the Canadian border. In the states you have to be 21 y/o to drink, but in Canada you just have to be 19, so everyone here hits 19 and runs up to Canada to have their first legal drink. I was PUMPED to go drink in Canada, so I took it upon myself to memorize the Canadian national anthem."
"score": 0.6225169301,
"text": "The age of consent in Canada is 16. All U.S. states set their limits between 16 and 18. The age of consent in Mexico is complex. Typically, Mexican states have a primary age of consent (which may be as low as 12), and sexual conduct with persons below that age is always illegal."
"score": 0.6162049174,
"text": "For the purposes of Wisconsin's drinking laws, an underage person is a person who is under the legal drinking age, which is currently 21 years of age. An underage person has the same rights to counsel as a person who is over the age of 21 years."
"score": 0.5732650757,
"text": "In most areas of Canada, that's 16 years old. It just depends on the laws and regulations of your jurisdiction. As for other requirements--anything from experience serving customers including their complaints, preparing food, cleaning, etc. Written Sep 3, 2015."
] |
where does the energy for photosynthesis come from | [
"score": 0.686123848,
"text": "Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, some bacteria and some protistans use the energy from sunlight to produce glucose from carbon dioxide and water. This glucose can be converted into pyruvate which releases adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by cellular respiration. Oxygen is also formed."
] | [
"score": 0.66320014,
"text": "Fossil fuels even originate from solar energy; when the sunlight warms a plant, photosynthesis traps some of the energy, keeping it in the form of chemical bonds, which ultimately end up releasing energy when burned or converted into fossil fuels."
"score": 0.6609021425,
"text": "Photosynthesis used the products of cellular respiration. It converts energy from sunlight into sugars. Cellular respiration needs the products of photosynthesis. in photosynthesis, the plant does not make energy but just transforms light energy into food energy (convervation law 1 )."
"score": 0.6604265571,
"text": "Photosynthesis allows chlorophyll inside each leaf to trap the light energy. Next, the cell produces sugars using the captured energy, which requires water and carbon dioxide. Water, that has been absorbed in the roots of the plant, moves up through the plant's stem to the leaves."
"score": 0.657325089,
"text": "Just like how humans need energy, protein, and nutrients to grow, so do plants. So no, plants need photosynthesis to grow. Photosynthesis is a process where light energy from the sun is converted to chemical energy that is stored in bond of sugar.ust like how humans need energy, protein, and nutrients to grow, so do plants. So no, plants need photosynthesis to grow. Photosynthesis is a process where light energy from the sun is converted to chemical energy that is stored in bond of sugar."
"score": 0.6477805972,
"text": "1. What is photosynthesis? What does it synthesize? Where in a cell does photosynthesis occur? Photosynthesis is the process that changes light energy into the energy of chemical bonds. It synthesizes glucose. This process occurs in the chloroplast of plants. 2. Write the overall equation for photosynthesis. How do the reactants get into the leaf?"
"score": 0.6319687963,
"text": "In photosynthesis, plants use light energy to produce glucose from carbon dioxide. The glucose is used to make cellulose fibers, the structural component of the plant, or is stored in the form of starch granules, in amyloplasts. Toward the end of the growing season, starch accumulates in twigs of trees near the buds."
"score": 0.6278577447,
"text": "Most of the energy we capture for use on Earth originates in the nuclear reactions powering our Sun. In addition to direct solar power from photovoltaic and solar thermal sources, coal, oil, natural gas, biomass, and even the wind and hydropower we harness to generate electricity originally derive their energy content from the effects of sunlight."
"score": 0.6266857982,
"text": "Dark red and blue-green indicate regions of high photosynthetic activity in the ocean and on land, respectively. Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that can later be released to fuel the organisms' activities (energy transformation)."
"score": 0.6239104271,
"text": "What product of the light reactions of photosynthesis is released and does not participate further in photosynthesis o2 Where does the energy required for the Calvin cycle originate"
"score": 0.6200301647,
"text": "What captures light energy and uses it to power the second stage of photosynthesis and where does it take place?"
"score": 0.61711514,
"text": "In plants, photosynthesis occurs mainly within the leaves. Since photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight, all of these substances must be obtained by or transported to the leaves. [ Carbon dioxide is obtained through tiny pores in plant leaves called stomata. Oxygen is also released through the stomata. Water is obtained by the plant through the roots and delivered to the. leaves through vascular plant tissue systems. Sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll, a green pigment located in plant cell structures called chloroplasts."
"score": 0.5998600125,
"text": "These are linked by plastoquinone, which does require energy to reduce cytochrome f for it is a sufficient reductant. Further experiments to prove that the oxygen developed during the photosynthesis of green plants came from water, were performed by Hill in 1937 and 1939."
"score": 0.5862681866,
"text": "The raw materials of photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide, enter the cells of the leaf, and the products of photosynthesis, sugar and oxygen, leave the leaf. Generally in the leaves. But if the stem is green photosynthesis could also occur there. the technique of photosynthesis that's the conversion of solar into capability is held in the chloroplasts which comprise a key element spoke of as chlorophyll."
"score": 0.5596717,
"text": "Photosynthesis is where the plant takes in carbon dioxide in the presence of light to produce glucose and water vapour and oxygen to the surroundings. Respiration is where the plant takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide to the surroundings. This occurs all the time."
] |
how long is a cold | [
"score": 0.7652060986,
"text": "Many types of viruses can cause a common cold. Children younger than six are at greatest risk of colds, but healthy adults can also expect to have two or three colds annually. Most people recover from a common cold in a week or 10 days. Symptoms might last longer in people who smoke. If symptoms don't improve, see your doctor."
] | [
"score": 0.745716095,
"text": "Yep, you're coming down with something. Again. The average adult gets three colds per year, each lasting an average of nine days, says Jane Sadler, MD, a family practice physician at Baylor-Garland Hospital in Garland, Texas.But you don't have to surrender. Here's how to stop a cold before it takes holdand feel better by tomorrow.ep, you're coming down with something. Again. The average adult gets three colds per year, each lasting an average of nine days, says Jane Sadler, MD, a family practice physician at Baylor-Garland Hospital in Garland, Texas."
"score": 0.7383684516,
"text": "It can last up to 2 weeks. The length of time that cold or flu germs can survive outside the body on an environmental surface, such as a doorknob, varies greatly. But the susp…ected range is from a few seconds to 48 hours - depending on the specific virus and the type of surface."
"score": 0.7274461389,
"text": "There are more than 200 different types of viruses that can cause common cold. Concerning how long it takes to catch cold, for each Virus the duration of the cold may vary. While the period of getting may be short but the time period that would make you ill may last longer if the medications are ignored.The common symptoms of Cold are Coughing, sneezing, fever, head-ache and runny nose.his causes a lot of mucus to be formed and due to the fact that most of the energy of the body is directed towards fighting the cold the rest of the body feels tired and weak. The next thing you will have to worry about is not 'how long does it take to catch a cold' but how long will the cold last."
"score": 0.6888870001,
"text": "Here's how long a flu or cold is contagious, which flu symptoms or common cold symptoms mean you should stay at home, and how long it takes to catch a"
"score": 0.6791987419,
"text": "Here's how long a flu or cold is contagious, which flu symptoms or common cold symptoms mean you should stay at home, and how long it takes to catch a How Long Should I Wait After a Cold to Hang Out with People Again?"
"score": 0.6706197262,
"text": "How long is a cold or flu contagious? How will I know if I have a cold or the flu? How do cold and flu viruses spread? How will I know if I am cured of the flu or a cold? When should someone seek medical care for a cold or the flu?"
"score": 0.6452846527,
"text": "How Long Is a Cold or Flu Contagious? - Medical Care. What prompted you to seek medical care for your cold or flu? Post; How Long Is a Cold or Flu Contagious? - Experience. Please describe your experience with the common cold or flu. Post"
"score": 0.6364234686,
"text": "home / cold and flu health center / cold and flu a-z list / how long is a cold or flu contagious center / how long is a cold or flu contagious article"
] |
what kind of soil is in the country cyprus | [
"score": 0.6440144777,
"text": "Submit. Cyprus is an island in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. It is south of Turkey, but west of Syria and Lebanon. Cyprus has a dry period that generally lasts from June through October.Winter temperatures rarely drop below 41 degrees Fahrenheit.Summer temperatures can be as high as 98 degrees Fahrenheit.he 1-1/2 inch flowers grow on 5 to 8 inch stalks. Sometimes called the pasque flower, wind flower, or meadow anemone, this flower can grow well in most soil types and is very tolerant of dry soils. Anemones do well in light that ranges from full sun to partial shade."
] | [
"score": 0.6316148043,
"text": "About Cyprus. 1 Cyprus is located in the east of the Mediterranean, just south of Turkey, north of Egypt and southeast of Greece. 2 Cyprus as a whole remains very sunny throughout the year. 3 There is some regional variation in weather across the island. There are two mountain ranges on the island: the Troodos Mountains that cover most of the southwest of the island and reach almost up to 2000m, and the smaller Kyrenia mountain range in north-central Cyprus."
"score": 0.6266500354,
"text": "About Cyprus. 1 Cyprus is located in the east of the Mediterranean, just south of Turkey, north of Egypt and southeast of Greece. 2 Cyprus as a whole remains very sunny throughout the year. 3 There is some regional variation in weather across the island."
"score": 0.6219505668,
"text": "Location. Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, located south of Turkey. From a political point of view, Cyprus is divided into two regions: The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus, located in the south of the island, which is a European country, member of the European Union."
"score": 0.6217749119,
"text": "This beautiful island has a variety of animal habitats such as rocky coastal areas, pine forests, wetlands, and inland desert areas. Cyprus has few native, land mammal species because, as an island, it is somewhat isolated from the diversity of the mainland. One of the most interesting native animals on Cyprus is a wild sheep called a moufflan."
"score": 0.6177031398,
"text": "The climate of Cyprus. Cyprus has a Mediterranean climate with mild winters and warm and dry summers. Of all the European islands Cyprus is the warmest and sunniest during the summer. Even in October temperatures may easily rise above 30 degrees Celsius. The warm climate attracts many tourists."
"score": 0.614774704,
"text": "The noun CYPRUS has 2 senses: 1. a country on the island of Cyprus; 80% of the people are of Greek origin and 20% or Turkish origin. 2. an island in the eastern Mediterranean. Familiarity information: CYPRUS used as a noun is rare."
"score": 0.6066217422,
"text": "A New Water Culture In Cyprus. The Mediterranean countries have to tackle the issue of their limited freshwater resources, which mainly derives from rainfall occurrences of high variability in space and time, statistically dropping in quantity since the early 70's."
"score": 0.6059004068,
"text": "All about the beautiful island of Cyprus. Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, and a member of the European Union. The country has two official languages, Greek and Turkish, and is divided into six administrative regions.The capital of Cyprus is Nicosia.he resorts of Cyprus are numerous, and many of them are in the most beautiful locations in the world. The most popular destination for resort goers is Ayia Napa. Ayia Napa is a resort city on the eastern side of Cyprus."
"score": 0.6058365107,
"text": "Cyprus - a country on the island of Cyprus; 80% of the people are of Greek origin and 20% or Turkish origin. Republic of Cyprus. enosis - the union of Greece and Cyprus (which is the goal of a group of Greek Cypriots) Cyprus - an island in the eastern Mediterranean. Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus - a country on the island of Cyprus; 80% of the people are of Greek origin and 20% or Turkish origin. Mediterranean, Mediterranean Sea - the largest inland sea; between Europe and Africa and Asia."
"score": 0.6054543853,
"text": "Country: Cyprus. Proportions: 3:5. Cypriot Flag Description: The Cypriot flag consists of a white base with a yellow/golden map of the island in the middle of it. Two green olive branches appear on the flag, below the map."
"score": 0.6054416299,
"text": "Cyprus location on the world map & Surrounding Countries. With an area of 9,251 sq. km, Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean after Sicily and Sardinia.It measures 240km east to west and 100km north to south. The centre of the island is dominated by the Troodos massive reaching a peak with Mount Olympus at 1952m.yprus Landform. With an area of 9,251 sq. km, Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean after Sicily and Sardinia. It measures 240km east to west and 100km north to south."
"score": 0.6051841378,
"text": "Climate, Average Weather of Cyprus. 1 Of the land area, 100% has a temperate/ mesothermal climate with dry summers (Cs). 2 Of the population, 100% live in a temperate/ mesothermal climate with dry summers (Cs)."
"score": 0.6051818132,
"text": "http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_continent_is_Cyprus_in. http://europa.eu/abc/european_countries/eu_members/cyprus/index_en.htm zbeckabee replies: Cyprus is a Eurasian island country situated in the eastern Mediterranean, south of Turkey, west of Lebanon, Syria, and Israel, east of Greece, and north of Egypt.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyprus#Geography.yprus is geographically in Western Asia (or the Near East), though politically and culturally it is considered as being in Europe. Historically, Cyprus has always been a bridgehead between Europe and Asia, with interchanging periods of Levantine, Anatolian, and Greek influences."
"score": 0.6038076878,
"text": "The mountains of Cyprus see cooler, wetter weather than the rest of the island and as such are thickly forested with pine and cedar trees. Rainfall is still low in the summer but it is not as uniformly dry as on the coast or in the central plain. In the winter the mountains see plentiful snowfall."
"score": 0.601437211,
"text": "Cyprus sits close to southwest Asia just off the southern coast of Turkey and north of Egypt, which gives the island one of the Mediterranean's warmest climates. You'll get lots of sunshine at this time, with temperatures rising and the amount of rain reducing after the wetter months."
"score": 0.5993428826,
"text": "Cyprus is an island nation located in the Mediterranean Sea. The Republic of Malta is a country that consists of an archipelago (group of islands), and it is also located in t…he Mediterranean Sea. Crete used to be an independent island country for roughly 30 years between independence from the Ottoman Empire and union with the Greek mainland."
"score": 0.5987776518,
"text": "Where is Cyprus. Cyprus is an island located in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, 113 km (71 miles) south of Turkey and around 120 km (75 miles) west of the Syrian coast.The island is one of the most popular vacation destinations in Europe as it has wonderful weather (more info about the island's wonderful weather on our weather page .).yprus is divided into two parts. The Southern Cyprus which is inhabited by the Greek-Cypriots and Northern Cyprus which is inhabited by the Turkish-Cypriots and the Greek-Cypriot side comprises the 70 % of the island while the other 30% is comprised by the Turkish-Cypriots."
"score": 0.5955969095,
"text": "by Antonios Loizides. Cyprus is a large island located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, east of Greece, south of Asia Minor, west of the Levant, and north of Egypt.The naming of the island is a matter of dispute amongst historians.yprus is a large island located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, east of Greece, south of Asia Minor, west of the Levant, and north of Egypt."
"score": 0.5941445827,
"text": "exists and is an alternate of . The flag of Cyprus is very unusual in that it contains a map of the country. It is a copper coloured map of Cyprus on a white background with two olive branches underneath. The flag of Cyprus is very unusual in that it contains a map of the country."
"score": 0.5935217142,
"text": "Orientation. Identification. Cyprus is an island in the eastern Mediterranean that was divided into a Greek southern side and a Turkish northern side after a coup instigated by the dictatorship ruling Greece in 1974 and a subsequent Turkish military offensive. Interethnic violence had earlier caused the partial separation of the two communities."
"score": 0.593130827,
"text": "View of Nicosia, the capital city of Cyprus. The Mountains of Cyprus. The mountains of Cyprus see cooler, wetter weather than the rest of the island and as such are thickly forested with pine and cedar trees. Rainfall is still low in the summer but it is not as uniformly dry as on the coast or in the central plain. In the winter the mountains see plentiful snowfall."
"score": 0.5929582119,
"text": "Cyprus map also shows that Cyprus is an island located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Surprisingly, the small island country has very high income economy along with high Human Development Index.It is one of the favorite destinations for tourists.yprus map also shows that Cyprus is an island located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Surprisingly, the small island country has very high income economy along with high Human Development Index."
"score": 0.5919865966,
"text": "Cyprus is an island nation in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. This is the third largest and most populous island in the region and located east of Greece. The island of Cyprus has been inhabited since the 10th millennium BC and has a population estimated at 1.19 million in 2018. Cyprus has an estimated population of 1.19 million in 2018, up from the 2011 census census of 839,000 and the 2011 estimate of 1.11 million. Of the 1.16 million people in Cyprus, about 300,000 live in the north, although it's believed this number has climbed to 500,000, half of whom are Turkish settlers or Cypriot-born children of settlers. There is only one city in Cyprus with a population over 100,000. Limassol has a population of 101,000, with a metro area population of 185,000. Nicosia, the capital, is divided into the North (pop 61,000) and the South (pop 55,000)."
"score": 0.5915846825,
"text": "Add to favorites. Climate. Cyprus enjoys an intense Mediterranean climate, with long dry summers from mid–May to mid–October, and mild winters from December to February, which are separated by short autumn and spring seasons."
"score": 0.5909657478,
"text": "Cyprus map also shows that Cyprus is an island located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Surprisingly, the small island country has very high income economy along with high Human Development Index.It is one of the favorite destinations for tourists.yprus map also shows that Cyprus is an island located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Surprisingly, the small island country has very high income economy along with high Human Development Index. It is one of the favorite destinations for tourists."
"score": 0.590924561,
"text": "Cyprus is an island nation located in the Mediterranean Sea. The Republic of Malta is a country that consists of an archipelago (group of islands), and it is also located in t…he Mediterranean Sea. 1 person found this useful."
"score": 0.5902143717,
"text": "The given Cyprus location map shows that Cyprus is located in the south-eastern side of Europe and western side of Turkey (Asia); however, Cyprus is also considered as Eurasian country.yprus map also shows that Cyprus is an island located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Surprisingly, the small island country has very high income economy along with high Human Development Index."
"score": 0.5895693898,
"text": "The given Cyprus location map shows that Cyprus is located in the south-eastern side of Europe and western side of Turkey (Asia); however, Cyprus is also considered as Eurasian country.yprus map also shows that Cyprus is an island located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Surprisingly, the small island country has very high income economy along with high Human Development Index. It is one of the favorite destinations for tourists."
"score": 0.5875939131,
"text": "Geography. Cyprus is located in Western Asia or also considered as the Middle East. It has a strategic location that makes it in close proximity to Asia and Europe. The island located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea is situated south of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon, east of Greece, and north of Egypt.he island located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea is situated south of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon, east of Greece, and north of Egypt."
"score": 0.5870672464,
"text": "Answer by Meatpieboy. Confidence votes 69. Actually Cyprus is a member of the EU, but, it is located to the cross of 3 continents (Europe, Asia, Africa). It is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean, south of Turkey and west of Syria and Lebanon.Actually it is only in Asian continent.onfidence votes 69. Actually Cyprus is a member of the EU, but, it is located to the cross of 3 continents (Europe, Asia, Africa). It is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean, south of Turkey and west of Syria and Lebanon. Actually it is only in Asian continent."
"score": 0.583024919,
"text": "Cyprus is about 280 km (170 mi) to the south-east. It is six kilometres (3.7 miles) long and three kilometres (1.9 miles) wide, with a surface of 9.2 square kilometres (4 sq mi). It has a triangular shape, and is oriented from NE to SW.n the late 1920s the population of the island had dropped to 3,000, while about 8,000 inhabitants lived abroad, predominantly in Australia, Egypt, Greece and the U.S. At that time the town had 730 inhabited houses, while 675 were already empty, and many ruined."
"score": 0.5812263489,
"text": "Orientation. Identification. Cyprus is an island in the eastern Mediterranean that was divided into a Greek southern side and a Turkish northern side after a coup instigated by the dictatorship ruling Greece in 1974 and a subsequent Turkish military offensive.Interethnic violence had earlier caused the partial separation of the two communities.he centrally located capital, Nicosia (called Lefkosia by Greek Cypriots and Lefkosha by Turkish Cypriots), is divided and functions as the capital of each side. Demography. In 1960, the island emerged as an independent state after almost a century of British colonial rule."
"score": 0.5807914734,
"text": "Today, the Republic of Cyprus and the rest of the world know it as Occupied Cyprus.. Geography. Cyprus is located in Western Asia or also considered as the Middle East. It has a strategic location that makes it in close proximity to Asia and Europe.The island located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea is situated south of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon, east of Greece, and north of Egypt.he island located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea is situated south of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon, east of Greece, and north of Egypt."
"score": 0.5794778466,
"text": "Cyprus is a major tourist destination in the Mediterranean. With an advanced, high-income economy and a very high Human Development Index, the Republic of Cyprus has been a member of the Commonwealth since 1961 and was a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement until it joined the European Union on 1 May 2004."
"score": 0.5756207705,
"text": "Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, after the Italian islands of Sicily and Sardinia (both in terms of area and population). It is also the world's 81st largest by area and world's 51st largest by population.yprus was settled by Mycenaean Greeks in two waves in the 2nd millennium BC. As a strategic location in the Middle East, it was subsequently occupied by several major powers, including the empires of the Assyrians, Egyptians and Persians, from whom the island was seized in 333 BC by Alexander the Great."
"score": 0.5752428174,
"text": "The basics of cypriot cuisine have been around since John the Baptist was in the wilderness, olives, figs, dates, honey, almonds, beans and chickpeas. It is said that the carobs, which are prolific in Cyprus in Anogyra Village were actually what people meant when John had locusts to eat in the desert."
"score": 0.5705051422,
"text": "Characteristic of the northern part of the Crimea are chestnut soils, which are mixed with solonetz and solonchaks along the Sivash. Southern chernozems prevail in the central part of the peninsula, and leached chernozems and brown mountain-forest soils, in the foothills and the mountains."
"score": 0.5701973438,
"text": "Cyprus is geographically in Western Asia (or the Near East), though politically and culturally it is considered as being in Europe. Historically, Cyprus has always been a bridgehead between Europe and Asia, with interchanging periods of Levantine, Anatolian, and Greek influences.ut it could also be called a transcontinental territory-i.e. part of both Europe and Asia. Geographically this is so. Culturally Cyprus is divided into a Greek part, which is culturally part of Europe, and a Turkish part, which is culturally moe or less part of Asia."
"score": 0.5653663874,
"text": "2 votes Vote for this answer. Cyprus is considered part of Europe. More specifically, Cyprus is a EURASIAN island nation in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea south of the Anatolian peninsula (Asia Minor) or modern-day Turkey.ut it could also be called a transcontinental territory-i.e. part of both Europe and Asia. Geographically this is so. Culturally Cyprus is divided into a Greek part, which is culturally part of Europe, and a Turkish part, which is culturally moe or less part of Asia."
"score": 0.5576406717,
"text": "In the northern part of the island, known as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Turkish is the official language, due to the fact that, since 1974, the island has been divided.There is a long and complex history behind the Cyprus problem which continues to occupy both governments of the island to this day.hat is NOT one of the well known Cyprus facts, however, is that it can get very cold even in the lower coastal regions, especially when it rains and the water makes the traditional concrete white (uninsulated) villa feel very damp."
"score": 0.5540828705,
"text": "Fadi's reluctance to plant roots in Cyprus, the European Union country closest to Syria, stems from Cyprus' policy preventing most of those granted asylum from bringing their family members to join them."
"score": 0.5477277637,
"text": "Where is Limassol, Cyprus Located? Limassol is a place with a very small population in the country of Cyprus which is located in the continent/region of Europe."
"score": 0.5472522974,
"text": "Limassol District forms much of the southwestern-central part of Cyprus. The Kouris River rises in the southern slopes of Troodos mountains, which lie in the northern part of the district towards the centre of Cyprus, and flows to the sea near the ancient city of Kourion."
"score": 0.5431494713,
"text": "This page details Cyprus phone code. The Cyprus country code 357 will allow you to call Cyprus from another country. Cyprus telephone code 357 is dialed after the IDD. Cyprus international dialing 357 is followed by an area code.The Cyprus area code table below shows the various city codes for Cyprus.his page details Cyprus phone code. The Cyprus country code 357 will allow you to call Cyprus from another country. Cyprus telephone code 357 is dialed after the IDD. Cyprus international dialing 357 is followed by an area code. The Cyprus area code table below shows the various city codes for Cyprus."
"score": 0.5413450599,
"text": "Abstract. Physical, chemical and biological properties of Greek forest soils are reported and their use for forestry is discussed on the basis of the following underlying strata: (i) hard limestone, (ii) metamorphic rocks, (iii) Tertiary deposits, (iv) flysch, and (v) ultrabasic igneous rocks.bstract. Physical, chemical and biological properties of Greek forest soils are reported and their use for forestry is discussed on the basis of the following underlying strata: (i) hard limestone, (ii) metamorphic rocks, (iii) Tertiary deposits, (iv) flysch, and (v) ultrabasic igneous rocks."
"score": 0.532977283,
"text": "The various types of soil found in India includes Alluvial soil, Laterite soil, Red soil, Black soil, Desert soil, and Mountain soil."
"score": 0.5295358896,
"text": "Soils, which are quite similar to the parent rock, are also young and soil horizon development is largely inhibited by climate. Soil cover over parts of the islands is quite sparse, especially where limestone rock forms karstland with only small pockets of soil where vegetation must grow in harsh conditions."
"score": 0.5267649293,
"text": "Albeluvisols This soil is acidic and develops under forest vegetation in moist cool areas, primarily in northeastern Europe. It is the most common soil in Europe."
"score": 0.5261198282,
"text": "The map of the island of Cyprus appears in golden/yellow on the flag for the sake of easier reproduction. Originally the map was going to be copper, a metal that got its name from the island's name-Cyprus."
"score": 0.525605619,
"text": "Rizokarpaso/Dipkarpaz, in Northern Cyprus, is the de jure easternmost point. 1 Although the whole of Cyprus acceded to the European Union on 1 May 2004, EU legislation only applies to the southern part of the island which remained under the effective control of the Republic of Cyprus after the Turkish invasion of 1974."
"score": 0.5244153142,
"text": "Composition and Characteristics of soil. The scientific study of soil is called pedology. Soil is composed of both organic and inorganic matter, and it is essential for life on earth to exist. The soil type that i have studied is brown earths.Brown earths are the most common soil type in Ireland and are very fertile.oil is composed of both organic and inorganic matter, and it is essential for life on earth to exist. The soil type that i have studied is brown earths. Brown earths are the most common soil type in Ireland and are very fertile."
"score": 0.5141823292,
"text": "Palaeosols are ancient soils recognised in the sedimentary rock record. Soil types. Three major soil types can be classified based on the minerals present in their A and B horizons: Pedalfers: (Ped is Greek for soil, al for aluminium and fer for iron)."
"score": 0.5050850511,
"text": "Red soil is a group of soil that develop in a warm, temperate, moist climate under deciduous or mixed forests and that have thin organic and organic-mineral layers overlying a yellowish-brown leached layer resting on an illuvial (see illuviation) red layer. Red soils generally derived from crystaline rock.ed soil is a group of soil that develop in a warm, temperate, moist climate under deciduous or mixed forests and that have thin organic and organic-mineral layers overlying a yellowish-brown leached layer resting on an illuvial (see illuviation) red layer. Red soils generally derived from crystaline rock."
"score": 0.5043705106,
"text": "5 Different Soil Types – Know Your Soil Type. 1 1. Soil Type: Sandy. 2 2. Soil Type: Silty. 3 3. Soil Type: Clay. 4 4. Soil Type: Peaty. 5 5. Soil Type: Saline Soil. 6 The Ideal Soil Type: Loam. 7 One Last Soil Typing Trick."
"score": 0.5036588907,
"text": "Clay soils tend to stay cooler and also retain water. There are several types of clay soils, including a lime rich clay called Calcareous Clay which is said to be even cooler. These soils are famous for producing some of the boldest red and white wines in the world.andy soils are well-drained and retain heat. In warm climate regions, sandy soils make wines that are 'softer' with less color, lighter acidity and tannin. If you've ever had a wine from Swartland, South Africa and seen how pale the wines can be, this is part of the reason why."
"score": 0.5011839867,
"text": "Base-rich grasslands. 'Base-rich' soil is formed from rocks like limestone, serpentine and old red sandstone. Like them it is rich in calcium and other 'bases' and supports plants which are 'lime-loving'. This type of soil is uncommon in Scotland, and the base-rich grasslands it supports are of limited extent."
"score": 0.4892404079,
"text": "Lunar soil is the fine fraction of the regolith found on the surface of the Moon.Its properties can differ significantly from those of terrestrial soil.here are two profound differences in the chemistry of lunar regolith and soil from terrestrial materials. The first is that the Moon is very dry. As a result, those minerals with water as part of their structure such as clay, mica, and amphiboles are totally absent from the Moon."
"score": 0.4872652292,
"text": "Best Answer: These are places of world's most fertile soil I am aware of: Ganges delta. It is the world's largest Delta. Yangtze River Delta in China contains most fertile soil. Ukraine possesses more than 1/4 of the world's fertile black soil. Moldova. Rolling hillsides in Japan."
"score": 0.4834101498,
"text": "Martian soil is the fine regolith found on the surface of Mars. Its properties can differ significantly from those of terrestrial soil. The term Martian soil typically refers to the finer fraction of regolith. On Earth, the term soil usually includes organic content."
"score": 0.4830202162,
"text": "Martian soil is the fine regolith found on the surface of Mars. Its properties can differ significantly from those of terrestrial soil. The term Martian soil typically refers to the finer fraction of regolith."
"score": 0.4748375416,
"text": "The term lunar soil is often used interchangeably with lunar regolith but typically refers to only the finer fraction of regolith, that which is composed of grains one cm in diameter or less. Lunar dust generally connotes even finer materials than lunar soil.here are two profound differences in the chemistry of lunar regolith and soil from terrestrial materials. The first is that the Moon is very dry. As a result, those minerals with water as part of their structure such as clay, mica, and amphiboles are totally absent from the Moon."
"score": 0.4724196792,
"text": "Home Depot 40 Pounds Bags Top Soil as low as 88 Cents a Bag 2 Cubic Ft Cyprus Mulch $2 Per Bag Varies by Region. Home Depot is selling 40 Pound bags of top soil regionally priced from 88 cents to $1.25 per bag. Not sure if this includes all regions. Also Cyprus Mulch 5 2 Cubic foot bags for $10. Check your local add as both these deals vary by region."
"score": 0.4665334821,
"text": "Lunar soil is the fine fraction of the regolith found on the surface of the Moon. Its properties can differ significantly from those of terrestrial soil."
"score": 0.4552518129,
"text": "Report Abuse. peat soil is soil that is made from a material called peat that is a pile up of dead vegetation. If you leave a wood log in the ground it decays and years later you get peat soil. It's bad because it's a non renewable resource like trees.It takes 1000s of years for peat soil to build back up.eport Abuse. peat soil is soil that is made from a material called peat that is a pile up of dead vegetation. If you leave a wood log in the ground it decays and years later you get peat soil. It's bad because it's a non renewable resource like trees."
"score": 0.3756046295,
"text": "If humans ever set up permanent bases on the Moon or Mars, we'll need to be able to grow our own food there. To find out whether that's actually possible, a team of scientists in the Netherlands planted 14 plant species in soils that simulate the Martian and lunar regolith. It turned out that the Martian soil simulant was better than some Earth soils for growing plant life, which is good news for astronauts."
] |
how many calories in vodka tonic | [
"score": 0.8410389423,
"text": "Diet tonic water does not contain sugar and provides zero calories. If you make a vodka and tonic with 100 percent proof vodka and add 8 ozs. of tonic, the drink will provide around 215 calories. If you use 80 percent proof vodka and diet tonic, you will ingest approximately 95 calories."
] | [
"score": 0.7889547348,
"text": "Best Answer: Ounce for ounce, the beer has fewer calories than the vodka or gin. But you do not drink them ounce for ounce. For a 12 ounce beer, you probably drink 2 ounces of vodka. The tonic without any sugar does not have calories. The ratio is about 1/6th as much. And you drink about 6 times the amount of beer to vodka, so they come out the same. This is figured using the Composition of Foods book put out by USDA."
"score": 0.7872552872,
"text": "Vodka. According to the website FitDay, there are approximately 64 calories in a 1-oz. serving of vodka. This amount can vary slightly since vodka can be made from many ingredients, including wheat, barley and even milk."
"score": 0.7788148522,
"text": "The number of calories in vodka depends on the amount of alcohol in the product and on the type of vodka that you choose. According to CalorieCount.com, there are 97 calories in vodka if you drink a single shot (1.5 ounces). But if you choose 100 proof vodka, the calorie count goes up to 124."
"score": 0.7780827284,
"text": "There are 64 calories in 1 fluid ounce of Vodka (90 Proof). Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 0% carbs, 100% protein."
"score": 0.7753660679,
"text": "On average, the gin and tonic cocktail mix contains between 120 and 166 calories per serving. It must be noted, however, that most bars and bartenders in the United States use soda water instead of tonic water."
"score": 0.775030911,
"text": "The number of calories in vodka depends on the amount of alcohol in the product and on the type of vodka that you choose. According to CalorieCount.com, there are 97 calories in vodka if you drink a single shot (1.5 ounces)."
"score": 0.7750062943,
"text": "Vodka averages 96 calories per 1.5 ounces. Soda water, of course, has no calories. However, there is no nutritional value in this drink whatsoever. You can do better."
"score": 0.7722215056,
"text": "Calories in Gin and Tonic (2oz gin, 5oz tonic, lime wedge) Serving Size: 1 serving. Amount Per Serving. Calories 178.0. Total Fat 0.0 g. Saturated Fat 0.0 g. Polyunsaturated Fat 0.0 g. Monounsaturated Fat 0.0 g."
"score": 0.7720393538,
"text": "The actual number of calories in vodka depends on the amount of alcohol in the variety that you choose. Even though there are only 56 calories in a shot of 80 proof vodka, there are approximately 97 calories in a taller shot (1.5 ounces) in the 80-90 proof range. So even if vodka tastes light and clean, it still provides almost as many calories as many other types of alcohol. If you choose a vodka with more alcohol, the number of calories goes up as well. If you drink 100-proof vodka or even 120-proof vodka, the estimated calorie count goes up to 124."
"score": 0.7720140219,
"text": "According to CalorieCount.com, there are 97 calories in vodka if you drink a single shot (1.5 ounces). But if you choose 100 proof vodka, the calorie count goes up to 124. Several companies have created low-calorie flavored varieties of vodka."
"score": 0.7684314847,
"text": "For even fewer calories, consider brands that market a lower calorie vodka. Skinny Girl Cocktails makes a few different reduced-calorie vodkas. A 1.5 ounce serving has 75.6 calories, compared to typical vodkas which have 96 calories per 1.5 ounce serving on average."
"score": 0.7681843638,
"text": "On average, the gin and tonic cocktail mix contains between 120 and 166 calories per serving. It must be noted, however, that most bars and bartenders in the United States use soda water instead of tonic water. The recommended proportions of a gin and tonic drink are 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 2:3, and it is usually served with a wedge of lime slightly squeezed into the cocktail."
"score": 0.7671851516,
"text": "According to Cosmopolitan, a typical gin and Slimline tonic has 114 calories. The double shot of gin contains 110 calories, while the Slimline adds just four more. Made with a traditional tonic, the drink has 150 calories."
"score": 0.7659679651,
"text": "How Many Calories in Vodka. The calorie content in Vodka varies based on its quantity as well as preparation. 1 Oz of Vodka without ice contains 64.2 calories."
"score": 0.7648530006,
"text": "A standard, single (25ml) measure of gin with calorie-free diet tonic water will have around 59 calories (depending on the brand of gin), or 120 calories if you add plain tonic water. Different brands of gin have different strengths, or ABV (alcohol by volume). The ABV tells you what percentage is made up of alcohol."
"score": 0.7630710006,
"text": "On average, 100 proof vodka (50% alcohol) has 130 calories per shot (1.5 ounces). This is approximately 85 calories per ounce. The greater the vodka proof (alcohol content), the more calories per ounce. For an easy way to estimate the number of calories per ounce of vodka, subtract 15 from the vodka proof."
"score": 0.761826098,
"text": "1 80-proof vodka (40% alcohol; the most common type) has 64 calories per 1oz. 2 86-proof vodka (43% alcohol) has 70 calories/1 oz. 3 90-proof vodka (45% alcohol) has 73 calories/1 oz. 100-proof vodka (50% alcohol) has 82 calories/1 oz."
"score": 0.7607770562,
"text": "How Many Calories are in a Gin and Tonic? Obviously, that's a loaded question since all gin and tonics are not made equally. If we use a breakdown of 6 ounces tonic and 2 ounces of 94 proof gin (a 3:1 ratio poured into a highball glass), its yields 194 calories."
"score": 0.7600061893,
"text": "But is vodka low in calories? The actual number of calories in vodka depends on the amount of alcohol in the variety that you choose. Even though there are only 56 calories in a shot of 80 proof vodka, there are approximately 97 calories in a taller shot (1.5 ounces) in the 80-90 proof range. So even if vodka tastes light and clean, it still provides almost as many calories as many other types of alcohol."
"score": 0.7590155602,
"text": "Vodka and Gin Served Straight Up. According to TheDailyPlate.com, a vodka martini straight up has 200 calories. A vodka martini with 1 oz. of olives is roughly 250 calories. A gin martini has 125 calories; if you add 1 oz. of olives it brings the gin martini to 175 calories. A mojito contains roughly 150 calories. If the bartender makes the cocktail with strawberries or blueberries, you can expect to add 30 to 50 calories, making it a 180- to 200-calorie drink."
"score": 0.7561190128,
"text": "There are 124 calories in 1 can or bottle (12 fluid ounce) of Tonic Water. Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 100% carbs, 0% protein."
"score": 0.7557956576,
"text": "Calories in Vodka. With 7 calories per gram, the number of calories in alcohol is second only after fat (9 cals/g). When looking at the calories in vodka, it has a typical alcohol content of 40%. So for a 25ml (single) measure, you're looking at around 55 calories, or, 110 calories for a double. The calories in alcohol are metabolised first by the body, ahead of burning fat - which is not desirable if on a weight loss diet."
"score": 0.7554982901,
"text": "Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Vodka & Club Soda Refreshing Cocktail. 64 calories of Vodka, (1 fl oz) 1 calories of Lemon Juice, (1 wedge yields) 1 calories of Lime Juice, (1 wedge yields)"
"score": 0.7553234696,
"text": "How many calories are in a shot of vodka? A shot of vodka, gin, rum, whiskey, brandy, cognac, or tequila has 65 calories. Regular vodka, as well as other mentioned distilled spirits, is 80 proof. Beverages that are lighter in proof, such as for example, domestic grain vodka, are also lighter in calories. Vodka, gin, rum, whiskey, brandy, cognac, and tequila contain no protein, carbohydrates or fat."
"score": 0.7550524473,
"text": "Gin contains 64 calories per ounce, or about 97 calories per 1.5-ounce shot. The diet tonic does not contribute any extra calories, as diet sodas are generally calorie free. Even adding a squirt of lemon or lime juice will not add a significant number of calories."
"score": 0.7540567517,
"text": "Since most bars and bartenders in the United States use soda water instead of tonic water, the calorie content of gin and tonic served in the country is between 100 and 140 calories per serving."
"score": 0.7539234161,
"text": "Calories per serving of Vodka & Club Soda Refreshing Cocktail 64 calories of Vodka, (1 fl oz) 1 calories of Lemon Juice, (1 wedge yields) 1 calories of Lime Juice, (1 wedge yields) 0 calories of Club soda, (1 can or bottle (12 fl oz)) Nutrition & Calorie Comments love this with huckleberry vodka - addes a little sugar to the counts, but worth it!!!"
"score": 0.7529870868,
"text": "If you make your vodka gimlet using the traditional recipe of equal parts vodka and lime juice over ice, CalorieKing reports that two ounces of vodka contains 145 calories and two ounces of Rose's lime juice has 13 calories, for a total of 158 calories. Using any other variation may cause the calorie value of the drink to change."
"score": 0.7513210177,
"text": "Smirnoff Light Lemon Sorbet Vodka, for example, contains 78 calories per 43-gram (1.5-ounce) serving. Voli Vanilla Espresso contains 81 calories per serving. And, according to the SkinnyGirl website, all of their naturally flavored vodkas contain 75.8 calories per serving."
"score": 0.751170218,
"text": "Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Vodka & Club Soda Refreshing Cocktail. 64 calories of Vodka, (1 fl oz) 1 calories of Lemon Juice, (1 wedge yields) 1 calories of Lime Juice, (1 wedge yields) 0 calories of Club soda, (1 can or bottle (12 fl oz))"
"score": 0.7502314448,
"text": "Caloric Content. Gin contains 64 calories per ounce, or about 97 calories per 1.5-ounce shot. The diet tonic does not contribute any extra calories, as diet sodas are generally calorie free. Even adding a squirt of lemon or lime juice will not add a significant number of calories."
"score": 0.7492445707,
"text": "When you add vodka to a cocktail, your 97 vodka calories can quickly rise to 150 calories — or much more if you are getting really fancy drinks. Mixers are often very high in sugar and calories, so be cautious!"
"score": 0.7464915514,
"text": "There are about 100 calories per shot of gin. There are 0 calories in club soda, as opposed to 83 calories per 8 oz of tonic."
"score": 0.7441948652,
"text": "Calories per Ingredient. Here are the foods from our food nutrition database that were used for the nutrition calculations of this recipe. Calories per serving of Vodka & Club Soda Refreshing Cocktail. 64 calories of Vodka, (1 fl oz) 1 calories of Lemon Juice, (1 wedge yields) 1 calories of Lime Juice, (1 wedge yields) 0 calories of Club soda, (1 can or bottle (12 fl oz))"
"score": 0.7438390851,
"text": "Hopefully nobody actually wants to know the answer to this, but for 80 proof vodka, here it goes: 1 750mL (a fifth) – 1640 calories. 2 1 liter – 2190 calories. 3 1.75 L (handle) – 3830 calories."
"score": 0.7435011864,
"text": "Hopefully nobody actually wants to know the answer to this, but for 80 proof vodka, here it goes: 1 750mL (a fifth) – 1640 calories. 2 1 liter – 2190 calories. 1.75 L (handle) – 3830 calories."
"score": 0.7426300049,
"text": "Think about it, for each serving of regular tonic water which is equivalent to 12-ounce contains about 124 calories and about 32 grams of carbohydrates. This is attributed to the high fructose syrup that regular tonic water and gin uses as ingredients."
"score": 0.7408154011,
"text": "Gin and Tonic Notes, Tips and Tricks. Gin between 80 and 86 proof contains approximately 69 calories. Rangpur Gin falls within this proof and calorie range. { Counting Calories Chart link } 1/2 ounce lime juice is approximately 4 ounces. Rather than juicing a lime and measuring out a half ounce, you could cut a lime in half and just juice the half and place it in the glass. No measuring. This will only add maybe 1 to 2 calories to the drink."
"score": 0.7405369282,
"text": "A standard can of tonic water is of 12 ounces and contains 124 calories. Some people tend to drink tonic water as a beverage replacement for soda, cola and regular bottled water. The calories in tonic water are derived from added sugar or sweetening agent. The carbohydrate content of it is 32 grams."
"score": 0.739695251,
"text": "Smirnoff Citrus Vodka has 87 calories per shot, according to CalorieKing, just a few less than the non-flavored version. Many flavored vodkas also contain less alcohol. Some companies make low-calorie flavored vodkas. Smirnoff Light Lemon Sorbet Vodka, for example, contains 78 calories per 43-gram (1.5-ounce) serving. Voli Vanilla Espresso contains 81 calories per serving. And, according to the SkinnyGirl website, all of their naturally flavored vodkas contain 75.8 calories per serving."
"score": 0.7385035753,
"text": "A 12-ounce serving of regular tonic water contains between 124 and 130 calories. The added sugar in regular tonic water is responsible for the 32 to 33 grams of carbohydrates a 12-ounce portion contains."
"score": 0.7374544144,
"text": "Vodka Martini (1 serving) 1 Calories: 400, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 2g, Protein: 1g. 2 Calories: 210, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 1g, Protein: 0g. 3 Calories: 210, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 0g, Protein: 0g. 4 Calories: 210, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 1g, Protein: 0g. 5 Calories: 200, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 3g, Protein: 0g. 6 Calories: 114, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 4g, Protein: 0g."
"score": 0.730999589,
"text": "Smirnoff Citrus Vodka has 87 calories per shot, according to CalorieKing, just a few less than the non-flavored version. Many flavored vodkas also contain less alcohol. Some companies make low-calorie flavored vodkas. Smirnoff Light Lemon Sorbet Vodka, for example, contains 78 calories per 43-gram (1.5-ounce) serving."
"score": 0.7281897068,
"text": "The number of calories in vodka depends on the alcohol content. As a rule, alcohol contains 7 calories per gram. Therefore, the number of calories in your favorite vodka brand depends on the amount of alcohol it contains. Smirnoff Vodka makes varieties of vodka that range from 40 to 50 percent alcohol by volume, or ABV."
"score": 0.7167747617,
"text": "Tonic water typically has 83 calories per 8-oz. cup with 21.5 gm of sugar (7 percent of recommended daily allowance), 29 mg of sodium (1 percent of RDA) and 2.4 mg of calcium. A typical club soda, by contrast, has zero calories, 50 mg of sodium (2 percent of RDA), 11.8 mg of calcium and 4.7 mg of potassium."
"score": 0.716686368,
"text": "Related Vodka Questions. 1 Calories in a cup of vodka Vodka, 40% Volume Calories in 100ml of vodka: Calories 222.0kcal Do you have... 2 how many calories are in a bottle of vodka One ounce of 80 proof vodka is 64 calories. 3 How many carbs are in a bottle of vodka There are 176 carbs in a bottle of vodka."
"score": 0.7151870131,
"text": "Calories in a cup of vodka Vodka, 40% Volume Calories in 100ml of vodka: Calories 222.0kcal Do you have... how many calories are in a bottle of vodka One ounce of 80 proof vodka is 64 calories. Just multiply that by the size of the... How many carbs are in a bottle of vodka There are 176 carbs in a bottle of vodka."
"score": 0.7134860754,
"text": "There are zero carbohydrates in plain, unflavored vodka, or any other distilled spirit. The flavored versions may have some though. Pure alcohol contains 7 calories per gram. According to Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport by Melvin H. Williams, a 1.25-oz. shot of 80-proof vodka contains 14 g of alcohol and 100 calories. Other sources, however, state there are between 64 and 69 calories per fl oz."
"score": 0.7131286263,
"text": "Vodka tonic. A vodka tonic is an alcoholic drink made with varying proportions of vodka and tonic water. Vodka tonics are frequently garnished with a slice of lime or lemon. One commonly used recipe is one part vodka and one part tonic water in a tumbler over ice, with a generous lime wedge squeezed into it. Navigation menu."
"score": 0.7128769159,
"text": "Fizz check! Tonic water contains 83 calories and 21.5 grams of sugar, while soda water contains zero. That's almost as much calories and sugar in tonic water as a regular cola soda (90 calories; 25g sugar)!Water is not created equal.ine aficionados rejoice! A glass of red or white wine (115-130) has fewer calories than a glass of many types of beers (110-150 calories). Keep in mind that calorie counts vary for different types of beer and wine, and portion control is important, especially when wine is typically served in smaller servings than beer."
"score": 0.7124376297,
"text": "Gin and Tonic (2oz gin, 5oz tonic, lime wedge) Calories in Gin and Tonic (2oz gin, 5oz tonic, lime wedge) *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error."
"score": 0.7092913389,
"text": "So, that's why the liquor calories page only lists vodka by proof, which is 80 or 100. Unless specifically noted, vodka is 80 proof, though Absolut, Smirnoff and Stoli do offer the 100 proof variety. Calories in a Shot of Vodka (1.5 ounces) Note that there is one exception to the 97 and 121 rule in Devotion Vodka. Devotion has added protein, so even though it's 80 proof, it checks in at 105 calories. Aside from the exception, in anything labeled \"vodka,\" all of the carbohydrates have been fermented into alcohol."
"score": 0.7007969618,
"text": "Ingredient Specific Calorie Information From Our Recipes: Calories In Up and Dirty Vodka Martini (one will get you buzzed on an empty stomach--Drinks For Dinner--have three) Calories: 260, Fat: 2g, Carbs: 5g, Protein: 0g, Fiber: 1g. Calories In Vodka Martini Calories: 300, Fat: 5g, Carbs: 2g, Protein: 0g, Fiber: 1g."
"score": 0.6996091604,
"text": "So, that's why the liquor calories page only lists vodka by proof, which is 80 or 100. Unless specifically noted, vodka is 80 proof, though Absolut, Smirnoff and Stoli do offer the 100 proof variety. think y'all are getting calories in an \"ounce\" OZ, confused with a \"shot\". A 'shot' is 1.5 oz, or one and half ounces. 68 cal per ounce, is 97 cal per shot (1.5oz)."
"score": 0.6981364489,
"text": "Alcohol contains calories (even hard liquor) and has other effects on your appetite that may interfere with your weight loss efforts. First of all, an ounce of hard liquor (gin, vodka, rum, whiskey, or scotch) contains 64 calories for 80 proof varieties, and 80 calories for those that are100 proof. The proof refers to the percentage of alcohol in the liquor (80 proof is 40 percent alcohol; 100 proof is 50 percent alcohol). The alcohol in your 3 to 4 drinks could be contributing anywhere from 192 to 320 calories. That's if you're using only one ounce per drink (many drinks at bars or made at home are made with more than an ounce). If you're also adding a mixer, the calories may soar! Consider that per 8 oz. cup, orange juice contains 111 calories, regular cola or lemon-lime soda pop has about 100 calories, and regular ginger ale, tonic, or quinine water has around 80 calories."
"score": 0.694768846,
"text": "The classic Gin and Tonic is a favorite \"go to\" summer drink. It is quick and easy to make, contains few ingredients and is super refreshing. Another fabulous feature for those watching their girlish figure; a Gin and Tonic can contain as little as 107.5 calories and never skip a beat where flavor is concerned."
"score": 0.6905342937,
"text": "Drinks made with Vodka. How many calories in vodka? Vodka calories and drinks made with vodka (i.e. mixers), can be seen in the table below. This information should be used as guideline only and may vary amongst the many different vodka brands. Also, as you can see from the vodka nutrition facts below, there are no carbohydrates in vodka."
"score": 0.679282546,
"text": "Average calories: 140 to 200 This tomato juice and vodka drink is another brunch favorite. It packs a spicy kick with Worcestershire sauce, black pepper and/or hot sauce. Bartender, lighten it up! Keep the vodka to 1 oz., says Avanti, and see if low-sodium tomato juice can be used instead. Try this Bloody Mary recipe for 170 calories per serving."
] |
what is a life cycle? | [
"score": 0.7877869606,
"text": "Life cycle. Life cycle means the stages a living thing goes through during its life. In some cases the process is slow, and the changes are gradual. Humans have various steps during their lives, such as zygote, embryo, child and adult. The change from child to adult is slow and continuous."
] | [
"score": 0.7161310315,
"text": "The study of the life cycle involves all those sciences that study life. Life can be defined in terms of the smallest submicroscopic particles to the largest and most imposing of plants and animals."
"score": 0.7102758288,
"text": "definition: the sequence of changes that a living thing goes through as it grows and develops. Birth, growth, reproduction, aging, and death are all stages in the life cycle of an animal."
"score": 0.7057635784,
"text": "1. The course of developmental changes through which an organism passes from its inception through the stage at which it reproduces. 2. A progression through a series of differing stages of development: the life cycle of a star. 3. The span of a product's existence from its initial development through the period of marketing and active use to eventual obsolescence."
"score": 0.7050763369,
"text": "A product life cycle is the typical stages a product goes through during its lifetime. The product life cycle is broken down into five different stages, which include the development, introduction, growth, maturity and decline stages of the product."
"score": 0.7005072236,
"text": "Quick Answer. The human life cycle begins at fertilization, then birth, and progresses through infancy, childhood, puberty, adulthood and aging, ending in death. Every stage is unique and encompasses changes in the human body. Keep Learning."
"score": 0.6928888559,
"text": "Product life cycle is the progression of an item through the four stages of its time on the market. The four life cycle stages are: Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline. Every product has a life cycle and time spent at each stage differs from product to product. Life Cycle Through the Stages."
"score": 0.6906843781,
"text": "What is the 'Product Life Cycle'. The product life cycle describes the period of time over which an item is developed, brought to market and eventually removed from the market. The cycle is broken into four stages: introduction, growth, maturity and decline."
"score": 0.6894921064,
"text": "Product Life Cycle. Loading the player... What is the 'Product Life Cycle'. The product life cycle describes the period of time over which an item is developed, brought to market and eventually removed from the market. The cycle is broken into four stages: introduction, growth, maturity and decline."
"score": 0.6863715649,
"text": "When a human reaches 18 years of age, it enters the last stage of the life cycle, adulthood . In adulthood, humans reproduce, giving rise to the next generation. The total time it takes for a human to complete it's life cycle is approximately 75 years. Lesson Summary. A life cycle is defined as the"
"score": 0.6828461289,
"text": "Life Cycles - Plants & Animals. All living things (organisms) have a life cycle. They are born, they grow up, they reproduce and they die. Different groups of organisms have different kinds of life cycles. The life cycle of an insect is very different from the life cycle of a mammal or a reptile. In this collection see the life cycles of many kinds of animals illustrated for you to examine."
"score": 0.6815915108,
"text": "life cycle management. As employed in information technology management, it is a process for administering system software, hardware, and support over the life of a system. In this process, the emphasis is on the introductory and installation stages because they constitute the largest components of the system cost and determine its utility."
"score": 0.6807789803,
"text": "Example Sentences for life cycle. Thus the life cycle is completed in about twenty-eight days. The winter egg may be taken as the beginning of the life cycle of the phylloxera. The span of life from the time the plant or animal begins to grow until it dies is known as the life cycle. It is believed that in some cases the life cycle lasts two years."
"score": 0.6805832386,
"text": "Data Life Cycle. The data life cycle provides a high level overview of the stages involved in successful management and preservation of data for use and reuse. Multiple versions of a data life cycle exist with differences attributable to variation in practices across domains or communities."
"score": 0.6769043207,
"text": "Life cycle costing is a methodology for calculating the whole cost of a system from inception to disposal. The system will vary from industry to industry and could for instance be a building, a ship, a weapon system or a power station."
"score": 0.6720684171,
"text": "Definition of cycle: Periodic, repetitive sequence of events in a process that plays out over time (such as a life cycle), or keeps on going indefinitely (such as a cash cycle)."
"score": 0.6705336571,
"text": "The Product Life Cycle (PLC) is a fundamental concept in Marketing that defines specific characteristics of products and markets at various points in their evolution. Less common is the discussion of the company evolution and characteristics at different stages, also known as the Organizational Life Cycle (OLC)."
"score": 0.6621826291,
"text": "A life cycle can be comprised of more than the three basic stages depending on the species. For example, the human life cycle is comprised of 5 main stages. The names of each stage can also vary slightly depending on the species. For example, an immature juvenile dragonfly is called a nymph."
"score": 0.6590566039,
"text": "In organisms that reproduce sexually, the life cycle may be thought of as beginning with the fusion of reproductive cells to form a new organism. The cycle ends when that organism produces its own reproductive cells, which then begin the cycle again by undergoing fusion with other reproductive cells."
"score": 0.6558953524,
"text": "Lifecycle marketing is a three-phase framework devised specifically for small businesses to help you transform your sales and marketing activities. It is comprised of basic strategies and tactics integrated into a single, self-sustaining process."
"score": 0.6547241211,
"text": "The cell cycle can be thought of as the life cycle of a cell. In other words, it is the series of growth and development steps a cell undergoes between its \"birth\"—formation by the division of a mother cell—and reproduction—division to make two new daughter cells."
"score": 0.652980566,
"text": "The life course refers to the passage of individuals through major life cycle transitions, such as leaving home, getting married, and entering and leaving school and the labor force. Lifestages analysis has focused on the changing definition, demarcation, and social experience of the phases of individual development."
"score": 0.6497169137,
"text": "The system development life cycle is the overall process of developing, implementing, and retiring information systems through a multistep process from initiation, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance to disposal."
"score": 0.6455016136,
"text": "life history. noun, Biology. 1. the series of living phenomena exhibited by an organism in the course of its development from inception to death. 2. life cycle (def 1). Origin of life history."
"score": 0.6453070641,
"text": "Life Cycle Assessment A systematic set of procedures for compiling and examining the inputs and outputs of materials and energy and the associated environmental impacts directly attributable to the functioning of a product or service system throughout its life cycle."
"score": 0.6443272829,
"text": "cycle noun (SERIES) B2 [ C ] a group of events that happen in a particular order, one following the other, and are often repeated: the life cycle of a moth. › [ C ] one in a series of movements that a machine performs: the washing machine's spin cycle."
"score": 0.6408986449,
"text": "The Cell Cycle. The cell cycle is the life cycle of a cell (Figure 5.3). At the end of the cell cycle, after mitosis has taken place, the parent cell no longer exists; it has given rise to two daughter cells. There are two phases in the cell cycle, interphase and mitosis."
"score": 0.6396912932,
"text": "The emotional and intellectual stages you pass through from childhood to your retirement years as a member of a family are called the family life cycle."
"score": 0.6352042556,
"text": "Some people consider a life-cycle model a more general term for a category of methodologies and a software development process a more specific term to refer to a specific process chosen by a specific organization."
"score": 0.6303943992,
"text": "A project management life cycle model is a structure resulting from splitting a project into shorter phases. In case all phases are sequential, the life cycle model is referred to as linear. There are four main phases in a traditional linear life cycle model: definition, planning, execution and closure."
"score": 0.6268048286,
"text": "Life Cycle Assessment or LCA can be defined as a systematic inventory and analysis of the environmental effect that is caused by a product or process starting from the extraction of raw materials, production, use, etc. up to the waste treatment."
"score": 0.6267436743,
"text": "It produces a very small plant, which may grow over many years into a towering tree. When it is mature, the tree makes its own seeds, and the cycle begins again. Cells have a life cycle too, called the cell cycle. The cell cycle is the normal sequence of development and division of a cell. The cell cycle consists of two main phases: one in which the cell carries out its functions, called interphase, and one in which the cell divides, which can include mitosis and cytokinesis."
"score": 0.6245763302,
"text": "The Cell Cycle is the series of events in which a parent cell divides to produce identical daughter cells which then grow to full size. This may in fact be the whole Life Cycle of the organism, if it is a single-celled organism."
"score": 0.6229098439,
"text": "As such, life cycles provide the basis for a consistent acquisition or development strategy and are. management tools. However, since the engineering of systems is routinely confronted. with emergent properties that derive from the combination of their constituent parts, the."
"score": 0.6205942631,
"text": "Human life cycles - Read. There are 6 stages in the human life cycle: Foetus. At this time, a baby is growing inside it's mum's womb. Baby. A baby is born after spending 9 months inside the womb. Childhood. At this stage, you learn to walk and talk. Adolescence. Children become teenagers. Adulthood. Your body is fully developed. Old age / elderly"
"score": 0.6177258492,
"text": "While, Technology Life Cycle demonstrates the cumulative product development projects of a technology or technology performance over time, which could represent the technology maturity level in various periods of time."
"score": 0.6143669486,
"text": "Some people consider a life-cycle model a more general term for a category of methodologies and a software development process a more specific term to refer to a specific process chosen by a specific organization. For example, there are many specific software development processes that fit the spiral life-cycle model."
"score": 0.6138528585,
"text": "Transitions of form may involve growth, asexual reproduction, and/or sexual reproduction. In some organisms, different generations of the species succeed each other during the life cycle. For plants and many algae, there are two multicellular stages, and the life cycle is referred to as alternation of generations. The term life history is often used, particularly for organisms such as the red algae which have three multicellular stages (or more), rather than two."
"score": 0.6102114916,
"text": "Cell CycleThe cell cycle is the life-cycle of the cell. Cells in multicellular animals, like humans, cycle between two phases: interphase (I phase), the interval between mitosis, and mitosis (M phase) itself (including nuclear division and cell division). Most cells are in interphase most of the time.ell CycleThe cell cycle is the life-cycle of the cell. Cells in multicellular animals, like humans, cycle between two phases: interphase (I phase), the interval between mitosis, and mitosis (M phase) itself (including nuclear division and cell division). Most cells are in interphase most of the time."
"score": 0.6076790094,
"text": "These 10 animal facts will amaze you. The cell cycle is a process in which a cell grows and divides to create a copy of itself. Some organisms reproduce exclusively through this process, while in complex multicellular life, it allows an organism to grow, and to replace cells as they become worn out."
"score": 0.602553606,
"text": "The Product Life Cycle. Managing Your Product to Maximize Success. We're regularly bombarded by advertisements telling us about exciting new features of existing products: a car that now has SatNav as standard, perhaps; a brand of shampoo with a new, improved formula; or a snack that now contains even more delicious fruit."
"score": 0.6018938422,
"text": "Life is a characteristic distinguishing physical entities having biological processes (such as signaling and self-sustaining processes) from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased (death), or because they lack such functions and are classified as inanimate."
"score": 0.5955478549,
"text": "Life is a characteristic distinguishing physical entities having biological processes, such as signaling and self-sustaining processes, from those that do not, either because such functions have ceased, or because they never had such functions and are classified as inanimate."
"score": 0.592132628,
"text": "Definition. 1 Life history theory defines the stages of gestation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood and seeks to explain the differences in the timing of development, fertility, and death of living organisms."
"score": 0.5851900578,
"text": "Table of Contents. Definition. Life history theory defines the stages of gestation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood and seeks to explain the differences in the timing of development, fertility, and death of living organisms."
"score": 0.5815128088,
"text": "A life span is the length of time that something lives for. Every living creature has a life span. For example a sea turtles life span is 100-150 years. 3 people found this useful."
"score": 0.573754549,
"text": "The Life Cycle of a Butterfly: Butterfly Metamorphosis. This FREE and dynamic PowerPoint Presentation illustrates and explains all four stages of a butterfly's life cycle. - Stage 1 - Egg-Stage 2 - Larva-Stage 3 - Pupa-Stage 4 - Adult-It begins with a riddle and a brief explanation of what a life cycle is."
"score": 0.5429334641,
"text": "Nearby Terms. 1 life annuity. 2 life assurance. 3 life beneficiar... 4 life care contr... 5 life conservati... 6 life cycle. 7 life cycle asse... 8 life cycle cost. 9 life cycle cost... 10 life cycle engi... 11 life cycle mana... 12 life cycle of a... 13 life cycle of a... 14 life cycle proc... 15 life estate. 16 life expectancy. 17 life expectancy..."
"score": 0.5097903609,
"text": "Longevity is the span of life of an organism. Aging is the sequential or progressive change in an organism that leads to an increased risk of debility, disease, and death. Senescence consists of these manifestations of the aging process."
"score": 0.4935423732,
"text": "Business Strategy. 1. How can a corporation's life cycle be extended? 2. What is strategy implementation? ... 1. How can a corporation's life cycle be extended? ..."
"score": 0.4798676074,
"text": "Life Cycle of a Thunderstorm. Warm air has a lower density than cool air, so warm air rises within cooler air, similar to hot air balloons. Clouds form as warm air carrying moisture rises within cooler air. As the warm air rises, it cools. The moist water vapor begins to condense."
] |
foods that contain msg | [
"score": 0.682372272,
"text": "Reminders. Low fat and no fat milk products often contain milk solids that contain MSG and many dairy products contain carrageenan, guar gum, and/or locust bean gum. Low fat and no fat ice cream and cheese may not be as obvious as yogurt, milk, cream, cream cheese, cottage cheese, etc., but they are not exceptions."
] | [
"score": 0.6924418211,
"text": "Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is the sodium salt of the common amino acid glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is naturally present in our bodies, and in many foods and food additives."
"score": 0.6874494553,
"text": "MSG, of course. MSG is a rather unassuming little compound, white and crystalline, resembling salt or sugar. It is often used in foods as a replacement for salt and as a flavor-enhancer, and is especially common in dishes of the Asian variety."
"score": 0.6749728918,
"text": "Maggi contains MSG (Monosodium glutamate) used as a flavor enhancer, which is made? using Bactosoytone, itself made from soy protein using a catalyst enzyme porcine (taken from intestine of Pig). Chemically, catalyst never goes in the molecu...lar structure of Bactosoytone, hence it's Vegetarian for Nestle."
"score": 0.6671799421,
"text": "MSG tricks your tongue into making you think a certain food is high in protein and thus nutritious. It is not a meat tenderizer. It is not a preservative. The food industry is trying to confuse the issue by focusing on the fifth taste sense they call umami.here are contaminants in processed MSG. An anology that can be used is that there are right-handed amino acids and left handed ones. They are like mirror images of each other. Processed MSG contains not only the kind of amino acids the body is used to handling, but mirror image ones too."
"score": 0.6631110907,
"text": "Nutrition. Healthy Eating. MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a form of the naturally occurring amino acid glutamate, and is used as a food additive to intensify the taste of food. This flavor enhancer, originally extracted from seaweeds and used in Asian cuisines, has now become a common find in many food products.utrition. Healthy Eating. MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a form of the naturally occurring amino acid glutamate, and is used as a food additive to intensify the taste of food. This flavor enhancer, originally extracted from seaweeds and used in Asian cuisines, has now become a common find in many food products."
"score": 0.6558160782,
"text": "Most processed foods contain either soy or dairy, or both. Often these ingredients go by names that do not immediately alert you to the fact that they are soy or dairy products, such as MSG, protein extender or casein."
"score": 0.6554695368,
"text": "Hot Cheetos also contain high levels of artificial spice and monosodium glutamate, commonly referred to as MSG. The spice in Hot Cheetos and other popular snack items is a common cause of gastrointestinal upset, particularly in children who consume these snacks in excess."
"score": 0.6544920206,
"text": "Comments. Submit. Most processed foods contain either soy or dairy, or both. Often these ingredients go by names that do not immediately alert you to the fact that they are soy or dairy products, such as MSG, protein extender or casein."
"score": 0.6511033773,
"text": "As the name implies, monosodium glutamate (MSG) is the product of sodium (Na) and glutamate, known as a sodium salt. The glutamate in MSG is made via fermentation of starches, but there is no chemical difference between glutamate in MSG and glutamate in natural foods."
"score": 0.6483203173,
"text": "Submit. Most processed foods contain either soy or dairy, or both. Often these ingredients go by names that do not immediately alert you to the fact that they are soy or dairy products, such as MSG, protein extender or casein."
"score": 0.6082517505,
"text": "Symptoms of Chinese restaurant syndrome usually begin within two hours after eating foods that contain MSG. They can last anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days. Common symptoms that you may experience include: 1 headache.2 sweating. 3 skin flushing. 4 numbness or burning in your mouth or throat. 5 nausea.ymptoms of Chinese restaurant syndrome usually begin within two hours after eating foods that contain MSG. They can last anywhere from a few hours to a couple of days. Common symptoms that you may experience include: 1 headache."
"score": 0.6049649119,
"text": "Food plays an important role in the celebration of Passover. The stringency of the consumption and even ownership of leavened foods (Chametz) inspire many who may not keep kosher year round to be more observant of kosher laws on Passover.sem Onion Bissli Ingredients: Matzo meal, palm oil, dehydrated onions, and garlic, slat, flavor enhancer (monosodium glutamate) spices, edible acid (citric acid) contains gluten. These popular, addictive Passover snacks are addictive for a reason – all Bissli flavors have MSG. Read #2 why they should be avoided."
"score": 0.5900166035,
"text": "A list of these banned foods, based on an MSN article, includes farm-raised salmon, Hawaiian (GMO) papaya, artificial food dyes, arsenic-laced chicken, ractopamine-tainted meat, bromate-containing drinks and bread, Olestra, carcinogenic preservatives, and rBGH-laced milk."
"score": 0.5289776325,
"text": "Foods to Avoid: Could Cause a Strong Reaction. There are some foods that I discovered through my BPH diet tracking that caused a strong reaction or flare-up of my enlarged prostate symptoms. These foods may contain tyramines, vaso-active amines, and/or MSG. I recommend avoiding these foods."
] |
degree of a term | [
"score": 0.7824351788,
"text": "the degree of a term is the greatest exponent of a term the highest exponent should have a non zero coefficient in a polynomial articulated as a sum or difference of terms which is commonly known as canonical form the sum of the powers of all variables in the term is the degree of the term"
] | [
"score": 0.7313644886,
"text": "Degree of a polynomial. The degree of a polynomial is a very straightforward concept that is really not hard to understand. Definition: The degree is the term with the greatest exponent. Recall that for y2, y is the base and 2 is the exponent. Example #1: 4x2 + 6x + 5. This polynomial has three terms."
"score": 0.729026556,
"text": "Degree of a polynomial. The degree of a polynomial is a very straightforward concept that is really not hard to understand. Definition: The degree is the term with the greatest exponent. Recall that for y2, y is the base and 2 is the exponent. Example #1: 4x2 + 6x + 5. This polynomial has three terms. The first one is 4x2, the second is 6x, and the third is 5."
"score": 0.7275540233,
"text": "The degree of a polynomial is a very straightforward concept that is really not hard to understand. Definition: The degree is the term with the greatest exponent. Recall that for y 2, y is the base and 2 is the exponent. Example #1 : 4x 2 + 6x + 5. This polynomial has three terms."
"score": 0.7247847319,
"text": "The degree of a polynomial is a very straightforward concept that is really not hard to understand. Definition: The degree is the term with the greatest exponent. Recall that for y 2, y is the base and 2 is the exponent."
"score": 0.7245133519,
"text": "3. Degree of a polynomial. The degree of a polynomial is the highest degree of any term in the polynomial. For example the polynomial has a degree of 5 because the x 5 term has the highest degree. See (degree of a term above).. Degree of a polynomial. The degree of a polynomial is the highest degree of any term in the polynomial. For example the polynomial has a degree of 5 because the x 5 term has the highest degree. See (degree of a term above)."
"score": 0.7221820354,
"text": "Definition of Degree of a Polynomial. Degree of a polynomial is the highest of the degrees of all its terms. This highest degree of the polynomial is also called as the order of the polynomial."
"score": 0.7189992666,
"text": "Definition of Degree of a Polynomial. Degree of a polynomial is the highest of the degrees of all its terms. 1 This highest degree of the polynomial is also called as the order of the polynomial. The degree of the polynomial 5 - 9x + 4x3 - 8x7 is 7."
"score": 0.7157772779,
"text": "Memorize this: the degree of a polynomial is the largest degree of any one term in the polynomial. While we usually write polynomials with the largest degree term first, it's a good idea to look at the degrees of all the terms, in case some impish degree sprite came along and mixed them up to make our lives miserable."
"score": 0.7132655978,
"text": "Shares & Saves. Save. Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images. The degree of a number or term is determined by its exponent. Whether the term is a constant (number) or a variable (letter), look at the exponent to find the degree.1 How to Use Trig Functions in Excel.he exponent is usually a number but can also be a variable, a product or a sum. Determine the degree of the number. The degree is equal to the exponent. Numbers with no exponents are first-degree terms. A variable such as x^2 would be a second-degree term."
"score": 0.709866643,
"text": "The degree of a power, or radical, is denoted by its index, that of an equation by the greatest sum of the exponents of the unknown quantities in any term; thus, ax4 + bx2 = c, and mx2y2 + nyx = p, are both equations of the fourth degree. Degree (noun)."
"score": 0.7079432011,
"text": "Degree (of an Expression). Degree can mean several things in mathematics: 1 In Geometry a degree (°) is a way of measuring angles, 2 But here we look at what degree means in Algebra."
"score": 0.7044746876,
"text": "To determine the degree of a polynomial that is not in standard form (for example), one has to put it first in standard form by expanding the products (by distributivity) and combining the like terms; for example is of degree 1, even though each summand has degree 2.he degree of a term is the sum of the exponents of the variables that appear in it. The term order has been used as a synonym of degree but, nowadays, may refer to several other concepts (see order of a polynomial). For example, the polynomial has three terms."
"score": 0.6977443695,
"text": "To determine the degree of a polynomial that is not in standard form (for example), one has to put it first in standard form by expanding the products (by distributivity) and combining the like terms; for example is of degree 1, even though each summand has degree 2.or polynomials in two or more variables, the degree of a term is the sum of the exponents of the variables in the term; the degree (sometimes called the total degree) of the polynomial is again the maximum of the degrees of all terms in the polynomial."
"score": 0.692638278,
"text": "For example, the polynomial has three terms. (Notice, this polynomial can also be expressed as .) The first term has a degree of 5 (the sum of the powers 2 and 3), the second term has a degree of 1, and the last term has a degree of 0. Therefore, the polynomial has a degree of 5 which is the highest degree of any term."
"score": 0.6899225712,
"text": "Degree(noun) a 360th part of the circumference of a circle, which part is taken as the principal unit of measure for arcs and angles. The degree is divided into 60 minutes and the minute into 60 seconds. Degree(noun) a division, space, or interval, marked on a mathematical or other instrument, as on a thermometer."
"score": 0.6864264607,
"text": "degree (Noun). The number of edges that a vertex takes part in; a valency. degree (Noun). The curvature of a circular arc, expressed as the angle subtended by a fixed length of arc or chord."
"score": 0.6847516298,
"text": "The coefficient is −5, the indeterminates are x and y, the degree of x is two, while the degree of y is one. The degree of the entire term is the sum of the degrees of each indeterminate in it, so in this example the degree is 2 + 1 = 3. Forming a sum of several terms produces a polynomial."
"score": 0.6813429594,
"text": "For example, is a term. The coefficient is 5, the variables are x and y, the degree of x is two, and the degree of y is one. The degree of the entire term is the sum of the degrees of each variable in it. In the example above, the degree is 2 + 1 = 3. A polynomial is a sum of terms. For example, the following is a polynomial: It consists of three terms: the first is degree two, the second is degree one, and the third is degree zero. Here 5x stands for + (5)x, so the coefficient of the middle term is 5."
"score": 0.6810960174,
"text": "The names for the degrees may be applied to the polynomial or to its terms. For example, in x 2 + 2x + 1 the term 2x is a linear term in a quadratic polynomial. The polynomial 0, which may be considered to have no terms at all, is called the zero polynomial. Unlike other constant polynomials, its degree is not zero."
"score": 0.6806707382,
"text": "(Notice, this polynomial can also be expressed as .) The first term has a degree of 5 (the sum of the powers 2 and 3), the second term has a degree of 1, and the last term has a degree of 0. Therefore, the polynomial has a degree of 5 which is the highest degree of any term."
"score": 0.6780588627,
"text": "For example, the polynomial has three terms. (Notice, this polynomial can also be expressed as .) The first term has a degree of 5 (the sum of the powers 2 and 3), the second term has a degree of 1, and the last term has a degree of 0. Therefore, the polynomial has a degree of 5 which is the highest degree of any term.or example, the polynomial has three terms. (Notice, this polynomial can also be expressed as .) The first term has a degree of 5 (the sum of the powers 2 and 3), the second term has a degree of 1, and the last term has a degree of 0. Therefore, the polynomial has a degree of 5 which is the highest degree of any term."
"score": 0.6756815314,
"text": "The degree 0 term of a polynomial is also called the constant term of the polynomial—the number sitting all by itself, usually at the end of the polynomial. Who knows, maybe it couldn't find its deodorant this morning."
"score": 0.67461133,
"text": "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: degree (Noun). A step on a set of stairs; the rung of a ladder. degree (Noun). An individual step, or stage, in any process or scale of values. degree (Noun). A stage of rank or privilege; social standing."
"score": 0.6681220531,
"text": "Definition of degree. 1 1 : a step or stage in a process, course, or order of classification advanced by degrees We all know that you're only three degrees away from all sorts of interesting and even famous people on social media. — Alex Proud."
"score": 0.6672823429,
"text": "Definition of degree. 1 1 : a step or stage in a process, course, or order of classification advanced by degrees We all know that you're only three degrees away from all sorts of interesting and even famous people on social media."
"score": 0.6672731042,
"text": "Term 2y has the degree 1. Term 1 has the degree 0. As the highest degree we can get is 2 it is called Quadratic Polynomial. Degree 3 - Cubic Polynomials - After combining the degrees of terms if the highest degree of any term is 3 it is called Cubic Polynomials."
"score": 0.6648862362,
"text": "Types of Degree in Polynomials - Linear, Quadratic, Cubic. 1 2x : This can also be written as 2x1, as the highest degree of this term is 1 it is called Linear Polynomial. 2x + 2 : This can also be written as 2x1 + 2. Term 2x has the degree 1 . Term 2 has the degree 0."
"score": 0.6618561745,
"text": "Degree of Polynomial. The degree is the value of the greatest exponent of any expression (except the constant) in the polynomial. To find the degree all that you have to do is find the largest exponent in the polynomial."
"score": 0.6614035368,
"text": "Definition of degree for Students. 1 1 : a step in a series His health improved by degrees. 2 2 : amount of something as measured by a series of steps a high degree of progress. 3 3 : one of the three forms an adjective or adverb may have when it is compared."
"score": 0.6576445103,
"text": "Degree of Polynomial. The degree is the value of the greatest exponent of any expression (except the constant ) in the polynomial. To find the degree all that you have to do is find the largest exponent in the polynomial. Note: Ignore coefficients -- coefficients have nothing to do with the degree of a polynomial. Related: Polynomial Home."
"score": 0.6571747661,
"text": "The degree is the value of the greatest exponent of any expression (except the constant) in the polynomial. To find the degree all that you have to do is find the largest exponent in the polynomial. Note: Ignore coefficients -- coefficients have nothing to do with the degree of a polynomial."
"score": 0.6551594734,
"text": "Degree of Polynomial. The degree is the value of the greatest exponent of any expression (except the constant) in the polynomial. To find the degree all that you have to do is find the largest exponent in the polynomial. Note: Ignore coefficients -- coefficients have nothing to do with the degree of a polynomial."
"score": 0.6505059004,
"text": "If no constant term appears, then the constant term is. . The degree of a (nonzero) monomial is the sum of the exponents of its variables. Since. , the degree of a (nonzero) constant is. . Most sources do not define the degree of the polynomial. ; some define the degree of the polynomial. to be. .The degree of a polynomial is the maximum of the degrees of its terms after the polynomial has been expanded. For example, the polynomial. has degree. . The coefficient of a monomial is the numerical (non-variable) portion of the monomial.n expanded polynomial is in descending order if the degrees of the terms of the polynomial are strictly decreasing as the polynomial is read from left to right. Note that, for a polynomial to be written in descending order, all like terms have to be combined."
"score": 0.6488509774,
"text": "The power or exponent of the first term of a polynomial function is called the degree of the polynomial function when it is written in the standard form. If any polynomial not represents in the standard form then first we have o convert it into the standard form, after that we can easily find the degree of that function."
"score": 0.6465474963,
"text": "We observe that the above polynomial has two terms. Here the first term is 7x and the second term is -4. Now we will determine the exponent of each term. (i) the exponent of the first term 7x = 1. (ii) the exponent of the second term -4 = 1. Since, the greatest exponent is 1, the degree of 7x – 4 is also 1. Therefore, the degree of the polynomial 7x – 4 = 1. 4. Find the degree of a polynomial 11x3 - 13x5 + 4x. We observe that the above polynomial has three terms. Here the first term is 11x3, the second term is - 13x5 and the third term is 4x."
"score": 0.6458375454,
"text": "This polynomial has three terms, including a fourth-degree term, a second-degree term, and a first-degree term. There is no constant term. This is a fourth-degree polynomial. When a term contains both a number and a variable part, the number part is called the coefficient."
"score": 0.6445666552,
"text": "The first term has coefficient 3, indeterminate x, and exponent 2. In the second term, the coefficient is −5. The third term is a constant. Because the degree of a non-zero polynomial is the largest degree of any one term, this polynomial has degree two."
"score": 0.6417779326,
"text": "The degree of a polynomial function is the highest exponent to which the dependent variable is raised. For example, f(x) = 4x 5 – x 2 + 5 is a fifth-degree polynomial, because its highest exponent is 5."
"score": 0.6387258768,
"text": "A terminal degree is the highest academic degree in a given field of study. This phrase is in academic use in the United States but is little used outside North America."
"score": 0.6357856989,
"text": "Degree (angle) A degree (in full, a degree of arc, arc degree, or arcdegree), usually denoted by ° (the degree symbol), is a measurement of a plane angle, defined so that a full rotation is 360 degrees. It is not an SI unit, as the SI unit of angular measure is the radian, but it is mentioned in the SI brochure as an accepted unit."
"score": 0.6337638497,
"text": "A degree (in full, a degree of arc, arc degree, or arcdegree), usually denoted by ° (the degree symbol), is a measurement of a plane angle, defined so that a full rotation is 360 degrees. It is not an SI unit, as the SI unit of angular measure is the radian, but it is mentioned in the SI brochure as an accepted unit. Because a full rotation equals 2π radians, one degree is equivalent to π180 radians."
"score": 0.6335921884,
"text": "A degree (in full, a degree of arc, arc degree, or arcdegree), usually denoted by ° (the degree symbol), is a measurement of a plane angle, defined so that a full rotation is 360 degrees. It is not an SI unit, as the SI unit of angular measure is the radian, but it is mentioned in the SI brochure as an accepted unit. Because a full rotation equals 2π radians, one degree is equivalent to π/180 radians."
"score": 0.6332271099,
"text": "A degree (in full, a degree of arc, arc degree, or arcdegree), usually denoted by ° (the degree symbol), is a measurement of plane angle, defined by representing a full rotation as 360 degrees. It is not an SI unit, as the SI unit for angles is radian, but it is mentioned in the SI brochure as an accepted unit."
"score": 0.633054316,
"text": "Word Root of DEGREE. The Latin word gradus, meaning \" step \" or \" degree, \" gives us the root grad. Words from the Latin gradus have something to do with steps. Anything grad ual happens slowly one step at a time. To de grade is to reduce from a higher to a lower degree.A grad e is a step in school made up of one year of work.Even the word de gr ee itself has gradus as its root.edical Definition of DEGREE. 1. : a measure of damage to tissue caused by injury or disease—see first-degree burn, second-degree burn, third-degree burn. 2. a: a title conferred on students by a college, university, or professional school on completion of a unified program of study b: an academic title conferred honorarily."
"score": 0.6314263344,
"text": "A degree (in full, a degree of arc, arc degree, or arcdegree), usually denoted by ° (the degree symbol), is a measurement of plane angle, defined by representing a full rotation as 360 degrees. It is not an SI unit, as the SI unit for angles is radian, but it is mentioned in the SI brochure as an accepted unit. Because a full rotation equals 2π radians, one degree is equivalent to π180 radians."
"score": 0.6252406836,
"text": "A degree (or in full degree of arc), usually symbolized by the symbol , is a measurement of plane angles, or of a location along a great circle of a sphere (such as the Earth or the celestial sphere), representing 1/360 of a full rotation."
"score": 0.6100600958,
"text": "A degree is a formal course of study that can be completed as a bachelor's degree, Masters Degree, or doctorate degree. These formal programs usually result in a course of study for a period of four years for the bachelor's degree, an additional two years for the Masters Degree and additional fours years beyond the Masters."
"score": 0.5848287344,
"text": "An adverb of degree is used to discuss the degree or intensity of an adjective, an action, or another adverb. There are so many adverbs of degree that it's impossible to list them all in one short guide. Some common examples of adverbs of degree follow. Adverbs of degree are important modifiers."
"score": 0.5687180758,
"text": "A degree is a category that majors fall under. A major is the specific program of study. For example, A bachelors of arts degree (BA), might include majors in communications, English, liberal arts, fine arts, International studies, etc."
"score": 0.5606569052,
"text": "A degree is a category that majors fall under. A major is the specific program of study. For example, A bachelors of arts degree (BA), might include majors in communications, English, liberal arts, fine arts, International studies, etc. A bachelors in science (BS) might include majors such as biology, nursing, engineering, etc."
"score": 0.5070971251,
"text": "First class honours, or a 'first' is the highest level degree classification awarded. First year/second year/third year/fourth year/final year – are terms used to refer to students or stages in the UK higher education system. Fresher – is a slang term for students in their first year of university.achelor ' s degree – a three or four year course you can take in undergraduate higher education after you've finished further education – also known as a 'first degree' or 'undergraduate degree'. Most courses are either a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science."
"score": 0.491429925,
"text": "A bachelors degree is a credential earned at a college or university that is designed to take 4 years of full time study. A major is the field that you study during your time in college. It should make up the majority of the classes you take. Some people will have two majors, but that's uncommon."
"score": 0.4885629117,
"text": "extremely slowly. The modifying words very and extremely are themselves adverbs. They are called DEGREE ADVERBS because they specify the degree to which an adjective or another adverb applies. Degree adverbs include almost, barely,entirely, highly, quite, slightly, totally, and utterly."
"score": 0.4870202541,
"text": "Terminology[edit] The degree is also abbreviated as DMA (without periods) or as D.Mus.A. or A.Mus.D.. For the related degree Doctor of Music, the abbreviation is D.M. or D.Mus. For the related degree Doctor of Arts, the abbreviation D.A. is used."
"score": 0.4752604365,
"text": "At LSCS, the AS degree is a generalized degree that will not list a specific major but will be called Associate of Science. Examples of this type of four-year degree are: Business, Liberal Arts, History, Speech, Music, Education, Criminal Justice, etc."
"score": 0.4750815928,
"text": "Some universities use the Latin degree names; because of the flexibility of syntax in Latin, the Master of Arts and Master of Science degrees may be known as Magister artium or Artium magister and Magister scientiae scientiæ Or scientiae, scientiæ. magister respectively"
"score": 0.4512342215,
"text": "Contracted Dr or Dr., it is used as a designation for a person who has obtained a doctorate-level degree (i.e.. Ph.D., Ed.D). In contrast, M.D. and D.O. degrees are vocational degrees and thus not considered doctoral degrees.octor, as a title, originates from the Latin word of the same spelling and meaning."
] |
cost of tooth implants in usa | [
"score": 0.7823278308,
"text": "A single implant typically costs $2,400-$3,000, but can be $4,000-$10,000 or more if additional procedures like extractions, bone grafts, tissue grafts or a sinus lift are needed. CostHelper readers report paying $1,000-$5,000 for an implant with an average cost of $2,488. Placing an abutment and a dental crown on a single implant typically adds $500-$3,000 to the cost of just the implant, for a total of $1,500-$13,000 or more. CostHelper readers report paying $1,750-$8,270 for an implant, flipper tooth, abutment, crown and all needed procedures, with an average cost of $4,263."
] | [
"score": 0.7740656137,
"text": "$ 5 300. India has the lowest average cost of tooth implant at $600, with lowest price at $130; while Singapore is the most expensive one among the countries at an average of $3 700. The cost of dental implants is an important factor to take into consideration.Dental implants are quite expensive. 5 300. India has the lowest average cost of tooth implant at $600, with lowest price at $130; while Singapore is the most expensive one among the countries at an average of $3 700. The cost of dental implants is an important factor to take into consideration."
"score": 0.7421168089,
"text": "Having your All On Four dental implants done in Mexico will help you save lots of money since the average cost of All On Four in the US is around 55,000 US for both arches, while here you pay less than half using the very same dental implant your home dentist uses.or one arch of All on 4, either on the upper maxilla or the lower jaw, the price is $12,500 American Dollars. This rate includes 1 hybrid screwed retained titanium bar with porcelain bridge, 4 NOBEL Biocare grade 5 titanium implants, local anesthesia and 4 extractions for free."
"score": 0.7408342361,
"text": "jessica2686 said: For the replacement of front tooth, you can either opt for dental implants or can get dental bridges for them. Dental implants are the best option for replacement of missing teeth. Dental implant will cost you around $3000-$4000. You can also get the tooth replaced with dental bridge. porcelain bridge will cost $900-$1200 per tooth and PFM bridge will cost $600-$900 per tooth."
"score": 0.7322742939,
"text": "How much does the 3 Minute Implant cost? We realize that financial considerations are important to most patients. We strive to keep cost to the least amount necessary to accomplish your oral health goals. Dr. Kravitz performs the 3 Minute Implant The fee for each dental implant is $2,300. That's great value for the time invested by Dr. Kravitz. Some need one dental implant for each tooth, but most people do not."
"score": 0.6880757809,
"text": "composite veneers cost per tooth ranges between $ 250 and $ 1500 porcelain veneers cost per tooth ranges between $ 925 and $ 2500 compare with the cost of mini implants the cost of dentures and the cost of tooth bridges"
"score": 0.6777520776,
"text": "The main disadvantage of dental implants for dogs is the cost. A single dental implant may cost over $2,000 (the screw is made of titanium and the tooth of porcelain) and typically, dogs that require implants may need more than 1 tooth."
"score": 0.6493413448,
"text": "Disadvantages of Dental Implants for Canines. The main disadvantage of dental implants for dogs is the cost. A single dental implant may cost over $2,000 (the screw is made of titanium and the tooth of porcelain) and typically, dogs that require implants may need more than 1 tooth."
"score": 0.6293011904,
"text": "In fact, dental implants can be cost effective compared to many other tooth replacement options. This cost effectiveness of dental implants is not the only reason dental implants are the choice of so many people, however. Here are 4 of the most popular reasons people choose dental implants instead of other tooth replacement options such as dentures: 1) Dental implants won't embarrass you."
] |
what is depreciation life on improvements | [
"score": 0.7189012766,
"text": "Depreciation of leasehold improvements. A leasehold improvement is created when a lessee pays for enhancements to building space, such as carpeting and interior walls. The depreciation of leasehold improvements only occurs if the amount expended is more than the lessee's capitalization limit."
] | [
"score": 0.7551681995,
"text": "The cost of a leasehold improvement should be depreciated over the shorter of. 1 the remaining lease term, or. 2 the estimated useful life of the improvement."
"score": 0.7091560364,
"text": "These improvements should be capitalized if the cost exceeds $50,000 and the cost is borne by the institution. Leasehold improvements are generally depreciated over the lesser of the original term of the lease or the useful life of the improvements."
"score": 0.7087093592,
"text": "The result of a typical study on an office building might identify 10%, or $85,000, as land improvements, and another 15%, or $127,500, as personal property qualifying for a 7-year recovery period and the 200% declining balance method of depreciation."
"score": 0.69542557,
"text": "If taxpayers consider particular buildings have an estimated useful life of less than 50 years, those buildings are not automatically depreciable. It is necessary to apply to the Inland Revenue for a provisional depreciation rate for classes of buildings considered to have an estimated useful life of less than 50 years."
"score": 0.6941218972,
"text": "An asset's life is the period of time over which services are expected to be rendered by the asset. The calculation of depreciation is based on historical cost (capitalized costs). Depreciation Expense Depreciation of capitalized assets commence in the year the individual asset is placed into service or use.he acquisition costs include: Acquisition cost Transportation Installation Duty In-transit insurance In addition to the costs listed above, all costs associated with modifications, attachments, accessories, or auxiliary apparatus necessary to make the property usable for its intended purpose may also be capitalized."
"score": 0.6792724133,
"text": "For accounting purposes, all leasehold improvements are capitalized (recorded as an asset with a corresponding liability) and amortized over the remaining life of the lease term or the life of the improvement (whichever is shorter)."
"score": 0.6769343615,
"text": "For example, if circumstances permit a company to increase an asset's useful life from five years to 10, the asset has a longer time period over which to be depreciated, resulting in a lower annual depreciation expense for its remaining life. American Institute of Profesional Bookeepers: Depreciation Under GAAP."
"score": 0.6695967913,
"text": "Accelerating part of a building s tax deductions for depreciation can generate considerable tax benefits for you. You can expect to save about $150,000 to $200,000 in net present value for each $1 million of assets reclassified from a 27.5/39-year depreciable life period to a five-year depreciable life period."
"score": 0.6689162254,
"text": "Technically, you are amortizing leasehold improvements rather than depreciating them. The reason is that the landlord owns the improvements, so you are only exercising an intangible right to use the improvements during the term of the lease-and intangible assets are amortized, not depreciated."
"score": 0.659537077,
"text": "Except for leases that meet the 75% useful life and/or 90% of Net Present Value (NPV) criteria (see IRM, Capital Leases), the IRS records a half-year of depreciation in the first year and in the final year for all property and equipment."
"score": 0.6590784788,
"text": "1. Useful life estimates. To determine the depreciation expense on a fixed asset, companies must estimate the useful (service) life of the fixed asset as well as its salvage value. To estimate the useful life, a company might use (i.e., non-exhaustive list): 1 Its past experience with the same or similar assets. 2 Engineering estimates."
"score": 0.6589663029,
"text": "For example, if circumstances permit a company to increase an asset's useful life from five years to 10, the asset has a longer time period over which to be depreciated, resulting in a lower annual depreciation expense for its remaining life.upiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images. In accounting, depreciation and amortization are used to allocate, or expense, the cost of an asset over its useful life, or the length of time the asset will be used by the organization."
"score": 0.6585658193,
"text": "And since bonus depreciation is applicable to assets with a tax life of less than 20 years, there is an added incentive to have a cost segregation study or fixed asset review performed on new construction or remodeling projects.or example, equipment requiring only nominal setup can be depreciated when purchased rather than installed. A ready and available analysis corrects the in-service dates of assets, which is especially beneficial when assets are moved from non-bonus to bonus depreciation years."
"score": 0.6475195885,
"text": "Gateway can help with depreciation on improvements ... Whether you're improving space that you lease or a building you own, and you're improving the space for a tenant, you may be eligible for special depreciation."
"score": 0.6466603279,
"text": "The Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System is the current tax depreciation system in the United States. Under this system, the capitalized cost of tangible property is recovered over a specified life by annual deductions for depreciation. The lives are specified broadly in the Internal Revenue Code. The Internal Revenue Service publishes detailed tables of lives by classes of assets. The deduction for depreciation is computed under one of two methods at the election of the taxpayer, with limi"
"score": 0.6452542543,
"text": "Useful life: The amount of time a company expects an asset to be productive. Depreciation is calculated during this time period. Salvage value: When a business gets rid of an asset, it could sell it for a reduced amount. This amount is called the salvage value."
"score": 0.6438491344,
"text": "These Comments examine the. issue of which real estate improvements may qualify for bonus first-year depreciation as qualified. leasehold improvement property. It also touches on the question of which improvements may qualify. for bonus first-year depreciation even if they aren't qualified leasehold improvements."
"score": 0.639359653,
"text": "Like all assets, the periods in which to report the property, plant, and equipment depreciation expense are the periods during which the assets are used. In the case of the display equipment, it should be depreciated (expensed) over its useful life of six years."
"score": 0.6367522478,
"text": "Building improvements are depreciable with the exception of improvements to the State Capitol Building which are non-depreciable. Building improvements are reported under the SWIFT category of BDIMP for depreciable improvements and BDNON for improvements to the State Capitol Building. Reporting Capital Assets The reporting of capital assets in the CAFR will vary depending on the fund type through which the asset is acquired."
"score": 0.6351536512,
"text": "Depreciation of Leasehold Improvements. Why doesn't proseries ( & fixed asset manager) have an asset classification of qualified leasehold improvements for 15 s/l recovery and bonus depreciation for 2008. How are we supposed to enter this stuff? Depreciation calcs seem to be lacking. Ultra Tax has it."
"score": 0.6345387101,
"text": "7: Depreciation. So here's a deduction for home improvements that, admittedly, is kind of a stretch on the use of the word home.. But since many people run a business on property they own or rent, it seems like a good idea to point out some ways that you can deduct property improvements as a business expense."
"score": 0.6327923536,
"text": "Q&A. The purpose of depreciation is to match the cost of a productive asset (that has a useful life of more than a year) to the revenues earned from using the asset. Since it is hard to see a direct link to revenues, the asset's cost is usually allocated to (assigned to, spread over) the years in which the asset is used."
"score": 0.6287375093,
"text": "Ordinary (un-accelerated) depreciation is also called straight-line depreciation, because the depreciation expense is the same each year. For example,if an asset is purchased for $10,000 and its useful life is 10 years, under straight line depreciation, $1,000 would be expensed in each year. But the useful life of many business assets doesn't follow a straight line."
"score": 0.6217770576,
"text": "To illustrate depreciation used in the accounting records and on the financial statements, let's assume the following facts: 1 On July 1, 2015 a company purchases equipment having a cost of $10,500. 2 The company estimates that the equipment will have a useful life of 5 years."
"score": 0.6216744184,
"text": "1 The company estimates that the equipment will have a useful life of 5 years. 2 At the end of its useful life, the company expects to sell the equipment for $500. 3 The company wants the depreciation to be reported evenly over the 5-year life."
"score": 0.6207039356,
"text": "The advantage of the declining balance method is a larger amount of the cost is recovered in the early years of life compared to the straight line method. The straight line method of depreciation would allow $800 of depreciation to be used annually over the 25 years of expected useful life. Under the declining balance method the depreciation taken each year is subtracted from the remaining unrecovered cost (basis) of the property before figuring next year's depreciation."
"score": 0.6193734407,
"text": "1 Basic purpose of depreciation is the spreading of the cost of a plant asset over its useful life and the reflection of this allocated cost in the income determination for a given accounting period.efined -- Depreciation is the systematic and rational allocation of the historical cost of an asset, less its salvage value, over its estimated useful life. Depreciation is an allocation process as opposed to a valuation process."
"score": 0.6187817454,
"text": "Definition: An expense item set up to express the diminishing life expectancy and value of any equipment (including vehicles). Depreciation is set up over a fixed period of time based on current tax regulation. Items fully depreciated are no longer carried as assets on the company books."
"score": 0.6176222563,
"text": "Accountants and business owners use the depreciation expense to account for the value of an asset during its useful life. When you buy that washing machine and continue to use it for ten years – ten years is the useful life of the asset (washing machine). When recording depreciation expenses they are deducted from the overall income of the company, however, they are not deducted from cash flow."
"score": 0.6166262627,
"text": "Under this method, annual depreciation is determined by multiplying the depreciable cost by a series of fractions based on the sum of the asset's useful life digits. The sum of the digits can be determined by using the formula (n+n)/2, where n is equal to the useful life of the asset."
"score": 0.6120694876,
"text": "Depreciation is the cost incurred as a result of the aging as well as wear and tear of tangible assets. Even if such wear and tear may not result in an immediate cash drain, a business owner must recognize it as an expenditure."
"score": 0.6108567119,
"text": "Depreciation is a deduction for capital expenditure. Depreciation is a reasonable allowance for the wear and tear of assets used in a trade or business or for the production of income. Depreciation decreases the company's balance sheet assets and is also recorded as an operating expense for each period."
"score": 0.6105735898,
"text": "MEASURING THE DEPRECIATION OF PLANT ASSETS. Depreciation is the allocation of a plant asset's cost to expense over the period the asset is used The matching principle matches an asset's expense against the revenue generated over the asset's life. Estimated useful life, 20 years.- PowerPoint PPT Presentation.EASURING THE DEPRECIATION OF PLANT ASSETS. 1 Depreciation is the allocation of a plant asset's cost to expense over the period the asset is used. 2 The matching principle matches an asset's expense against the revenue generated over the asset's life."
"score": 0.5961201787,
"text": "Depreciation is the reduction in the book value of an asset due to usage over a period of time. In other words, it is the reduction in the economic usefulness of the asset, or the calculation of wear and tear that may have occurred to the asset."
"score": 0.5958251357,
"text": "Depreciation is the reduction in the book value of an asset due to usage over a period of time. In other words, it is the reduction in the economic usefulness of the asset, or the calculation of wear and tear that may have occurred to the asset. This is also done to report the actual value to tax authorities."
"score": 0.5904493332,
"text": "In effect depreciation is the transfer of a portion of the asset's cost from the balance sheet to the income statement during each year of the asset's life. The calculation and reporting of depreciation is based upon two accounting principles: 1 Cost principle."
"score": 0.5903355479,
"text": "After 3 years, this machine will be replaced. The machine falls into the MACRS 3-year class life category. Assume a tax rate of 30% and a discount rate of 12%. Calculate the depreciation tax shield for this project in year 1. $7,199.20. $8,886.00. $5,999.40. $6,554.40."
"score": 0.5809860229,
"text": "Accumulated depreciation is the total depreciation for a fixed asset that has been charged to expense since that asset was acquired and made available for use.or example, ABC International buys a machine for $100,000, which it records in the Machinery fixed asset account. ABC estimates that the machine has a useful life of 10 years and will have no salvage value, so it charges $10,000 to depreciation expense per year for 10 years."
"score": 0.5776400566,
"text": "What is 'Accumulated Depreciation'. Accumulated depreciation is the cumulative depreciation of an asset up to a single point in its life. An asset's carrying value on the balance sheet is the difference between its purchase price and accumulated depreciation. A company buys and holds an asset on the balance sheet until the salvage value matches the carrying value."
"score": 0.5755187273,
"text": "Depreciation is an estimate of the reduction in value incurred by owning and operating a vehicle over a period of time. The depreciation cost is calculated using a combination of data sources and assumptions, including the value of the vehicle, the mileage of the vehicle, and the overall the condition of the vehicle."
"score": 0.5492860079,
"text": "Therefore if the amount not reinvested is greater than the chargeable gain no rollover relief is available. Where the new asset is a depreciating asset, then the gain does not reduce the cost of the new asset but is instead held over. A depreciating asset is an asset with a predictable life of less than 60 years."
"score": 0.5412063003,
"text": "The accumulated depreciation account is an asset account with a credit balance (also known as a contra asset account); this means that it appears on the balance sheet as a reduction from the gross amount of fixed assets reported.or example, ABC International buys a machine for $100,000, which it records in the Machinery fixed asset account. ABC estimates that the machine has a useful life of 10 years and will have no salvage value, so it charges $10,000 to depreciation expense per year for 10 years."
"score": 0.5389242768,
"text": "By Sil Anderson. Recoverable depreciation is the difference between the cost to replace or repair property and its value before the damage occurred. Recoverable depreciation is the maximum amount of money you can recover from your homeowners insurance company after you have some repair or replacement work on you home."
"score": 0.405821681,
"text": "If you decide to sell the inherited home, you will probably be required to pay capital-gains tax on the difference between what you net from the sale and your basis (the purchase price plus improvements minus depreciation).Currently, the federal capital-gains tax is 15 percent.f you decide to sell the inherited home, you will probably be required to pay capital-gains tax on the difference between what you net from the sale and your basis (the purchase price plus improvements minus depreciation)."
] |
do you get per diem for permissive tdy | [
"score": 0.7515844107,
"text": "Members of the military members are allowed to take permissive TDY for up to 10 days in conjunction with their Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move. No transportation PCS entitlement or per diem are paid during the TDY, but members of the military are not charged for leave while taking permissive TDY.The benefit allows military members to hunt for a new house or apartment and begin setting up their homes.t is not a requirement for your gaining unit to provide you with permissive TDY. Many times your new unit's mission and operations tempo will dictate if they can afford to lose you for ten days. In order to alleviate this problem, you should have your permissive TDY request built into your PCS move leave form."
] | [
"score": 0.7479153872,
"text": "Per Diem is a daily allotment to reimburse servicemembers for the out-of-pocket cost of food, lodging and incidental expenses that occur while on military business or temporary assigned duty (TDY or TAD) away from their home station. Per Diem sets the limit to how much a servicemember can be reimbursed for meals and lodging."
"score": 0.7335163355,
"text": "The Department of Defense recently updated the per diem rates for military members on Temporary Duty Assignments (TDY). Here are some updates you need to be aware of: Long-term per diem rates are lower than short term rates. Travelers will receive 100% of the locality rate per diem for travel under 30 days.stablishes a flat rate per diem allowance for long term TDY that would authorize a traveler 75% of the locality per diem rate for TDY periods over 30 days but not exceeding 180 days."
"score": 0.7301581502,
"text": "1 The restriction on paying per diem. only includes travel days between duty locations and does not involve allowances for full days at duty locations. The per diem prohibition begins when the member departs the PDS and ends at 2400 of the day the member. arrives at the TDY location."
"score": 0.7235620618,
"text": "The Department of Defense recently updated the per diem rates for military members on Temporary Duty Assignments (TDY). Here are some updates you need to be aware of: Long-term per diem rates are lower than short term rates. Travelers will receive 100% of the locality rate per diem for travel under 30 days.Long-term travel over 30 days, but less than 180 days will result in an authorized per diem rate of 75% of the locality per diem rate. TDY travel in excess of 180 days results in a rate of 55% of the locality per diem rate.ravelers will receive 100% of the locality rate per diem for travel under 30 days. Long-term travel over 30 days, but less than 180 days will result in an authorized per diem rate of 75% of the locality per diem rate. TDY travel in excess of 180 days results in a rate of 55% of the locality per diem rate."
"score": 0.7212133408,
"text": "Per diem cannot be limited based on the presence of 'nearby' GOV'T QTRS (i.e., not on the U.S. INSTALLATION to which the member is assigned TDY but on another 'nearby' U.S. INSTALLATION. APP O: TDY Travel Allowances (JFTR/JTR) T4000-T4075. Change 287/541 O-4. 11/01/10. (3) Promotional benefits or materials received from a travel service provider ICW planning and/or. scheduling an official conference or other group travel (as opposed to performing official travel) are."
"score": 0.7208560109,
"text": "the department of defense recently updated the per diem rates for military members on temporary duty assignments tdy here are some updates you need to be aware of long term per diem rates are lower than short term rates travelers will receive 100 % of the locality rate per diem for travel under 30 daysstablishes a flat rate per diem allowance for long term tdy that would authorize a traveler 75 % of the locality per diem rate for tdy periods over 30 days but not exceeding 180 days"
"score": 0.7156116962,
"text": "With your commander's approval, you may receive 20 or 30 days of permissive TDY (based on your geographical location (CONUS/OCONUS)) to conduct job search and house hunting activities. Permissive TDY is a non-chargeable leave granted in addition to any authorized ordinary leave."
"score": 0.7149736285,
"text": "Long-term TDY is any temporary duty longer than 30 days. Travel from 31 to 180 days will receive a flat-rate per diem of 75 percent. For travel greater than 180 days, the flat-rate per diem will be at 55 percent. Flat rate will apply to all three parts of the per diem-lodging, meals and incidentals."
"score": 0.711564064,
"text": "WASHINGTON, Oct. 27, 2014 — New long-term temporary duty per diem rules that go into effect Nov. 1 will save the Defense Department about $22 million annually, the director of the Defense Travel Management Office said recently. Long-term TDY is considered to be any temporary duty longer than 30 days. \"So, for travel from 31 to 180 days, you will receive a flat-rate per diem of 75 percent. For travel greater than 180 days, you will receive a flat-rate per diem for 55 percent,\" Harvey Johnson explained in a DoD News interview."
"score": 0.7110934854,
"text": "the department of defense recently updated the per diem rates for military members on temporary duty assignments tdy here are some updates you need to be aware of long term per diem rates are lower than short term rates travelers will receive 100 % of the locality rate per diem for travel under 30 dayslong term travel over 30 days but less than 180 days will result in an authorized per diem rate of 75 % of the locality per diem rate tdy travel in excess of 180 days results in a rate of 55 % of the locality per diem rate are given for specific locations the rates range from $ 129 per day in the continental us conus and up to $ 823 per day in out of conus or oconus locations again the total rate is split between your lodging and your meals and incidental expensesravelers will receive 100 % of the locality rate per diem for travel under 30 days long term travel over 30 days but less than 180 days will result in an authorized per diem rate of 75 % of the locality per diem rate tdy travel in excess of 180 days results in a rate of 55 % of the locality per diem rate"
"score": 0.709366262,
"text": "Long-term TDY is considered to be any temporary duty longer than 30 days. \"So, for travel from 31 to 180 days, you will receive a flat-rate per diem of 75 percent."
"score": 0.7083567381,
"text": "On the travel day to the TDY location, the traveler is to receive up to 100 percent of the lodging per diem at the locality rate and 75 of the meals and incidental expenses rate."
"score": 0.7078499198,
"text": "Per Diem Allowance. Is designed to reimburse you and your family for the costs associated with meals and lodging when you travel to your new duty station. Per Diem is available for both CONUS and OCONUS moves. Per diem rates for car travel are based on a flat rate. The military uses 350 miles per day as the standard one-day travel distance to compute per diem rates. To determine the number of days per diem, take the Official Government Mileage between duty stations and divide by 350. An additional day of travel is allowed if the remainder is 51 miles or more. Per Diem Rates vary by age. Each family member is entitled to a different percentage of the applicable per diem rate on the days they are eligible. The total per diem reimbursement on your move is the sum of the allowable per diem for each family member. Service Member — 100% of rate. Spouse–75% of rate. Children over 12–75% of rate. Children under 12–50% of rate. DO NOT CONFUSE PER DIEM WITH TDY TRAVEL WHICH IS BASED ON LOCATION. Click for PCS FAQ's Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA)"
"score": 0.7076745033,
"text": "the department of defense recently updated the per diem rates for military members on temporary duty assignments tdy here are some updates you need to be aware of long term per diem rates are lower than short term rates travelers will receive 100 % of the locality rate per diem for travel under 30 dayslong term travel over 30 days but less than 180 days will result in an authorized per diem rate of 75 % of the locality per diem rate tdy travel in excess of 180 days results in a rate of 55 % of the locality per diem rate are given for specific locations the rates range from $ 129 per day in the continental us conus and up to $ 823 per day in out of conus or oconus locations again the total rate is split between your lodging and your meals and incidental expenseser diem rates are given for specific locations the rates range from $ 129 per day in the continental us conus and up to $ 823 per day in out of conus or oconus locations"
"score": 0.7066047788,
"text": "(a) You may request reimbursement on an actual expense basis, not to exceed 300 percent of the maximum per diem allowance. (b) Approval of actual expenses is usually in advance of travel and at the discretion of your agency.f you voluntarily return home or to your official station on non-workdays during a TDY assignment, the maximum reimbursement for round trip transportation and per diem or actual expense is limited to what would have been allowed had you remained at the TDY location."
"score": 0.7045457363,
"text": "establishes a flat rate per diem allowance for long term tdy that would authorize a traveler 75 % of the locality per diem rate for tdy periods over 30 days but not exceeding 180 days this item also establishes a flat rate per diem allowance for tdy in excess of 180 days to be set at 55 % of the locality per diem rate are given for specific locations the rates range from $ 129 per day in the continental us conus and up to $ 823 per day in out of conus or oconus locations again the total rate is split between your lodging and your meals and incidental expensesravelers will receive 100 % of the locality rate per diem for travel under 30 days long term travel over 30 days but less than 180 days will result in an authorized per diem rate of 75 % of the locality per diem rate tdy travel in excess of 180 days results in a rate of 55 % of the locality per diem rate"
"score": 0.7016665339,
"text": "In addition, Soldiers who are granted waivers for TDY beyond 180 days will be reimbursed at a reduced per diem rate of 55 percent of the maximum daily locality per diem rate. Between Aug. 15 and 30 Sept. 30, the Army will instruct the field to take actions to document, or eliminate directed missions."
"score": 0.6996141672,
"text": "establishes a flat rate per diem allowance for long term tdy that would authorize a traveler 75 % of the locality per diem rate for tdy periods over 30 days but not exceeding 180 days this item also establishes a flat rate per diem allowance for tdy in excess of 180 days to be set at 55 % of the locality per diem rate"
"score": 0.699211359,
"text": "m ie of 75 % of the m ie rate for the tdy location is payable if more than one tdy location is involved and lodging is not required m ie of 75 % of the highest m ie rate is payable if lodging must be obtained the rules for travel of more than 24 hours apply per diem is not authorized under par traveler performed tdy not at a u s installation and returned to the pds during the tdy period on the weekend for personal reasons the tdy location lodging cost is $ 65 night the maximum per diem rate is $ 112 $ 73 $ 39"
"score": 0.6989686489,
"text": "For official travelers staying over 180 nights on a TDY order, 55% of per diem applies. If the rate you are booking now is over 55% of the per diem, your rate will be adjusted to the 55% of per diem at the time of check in.Please notify the front desk at check in if your TDY stay is over 180 nights. Soldiers and their families undergoing Permanent Change of Station (PCS). * Others traveling on official military business (including civilian and government travelers). * Soldiers on Temporary Duty (TDY) assignments. For official travelers staying over 30 nights on a TDY order, 75% of per diem applies."
"score": 0.6988473535,
"text": "establishes a flat rate per diem allowance for long term tdy that would authorize a traveler 75 % of the locality per diem rate for tdy periods over 30 days but not exceeding 180 daysthis item also establishes a flat rate per diem allowance for tdy in excess of 180 days to be set at 55 % of the locality per diem rate are given for specific locations the rates range from $ 129 per day in the continental us conus and up to $ 823 per day in out of conus or oconus locations again the total rate is split between your lodging and your meals and incidental expensesstablishes a flat rate per diem allowance for long term tdy that would authorize a traveler 75 % of the locality per diem rate for tdy periods over 30 days but not exceeding 180 days"
"score": 0.698797822,
"text": "For example, a member is TDY to a location with a maximum. per diem rate of $122 ($76/ $46). The AO could authorize up to $320 for lodging (300% x $122 = $366 -. $46 (for M&IE) = $320) if AEA for meals is not authorized.o per diem is authorized when TDY is for 12 or fewer hours. However, the AO may authorize/approve reimbursement of the actual amount paid, NTE the PMR (not including IE) for the TDY location, when a uniformed member spends more than the cost of normal meal arrangements during travel outside the PDS limits."
"score": 0.6984155178,
"text": "It is not a requirement for your gaining unit to provide you with permissive TDY. Many times your new unit's mission and operations tempo will dictate if they can afford to lose you for ten days. In order to alleviate this problem, you should have your permissive TDY request built into your PCS move leave form.t is not a requirement for your gaining unit to provide you with permissive TDY. Many times your new unit's mission and operations tempo will dictate if they can afford to lose you for ten days. In order to alleviate this problem, you should have your permissive TDY request built into your PCS move leave form."
"score": 0.698341012,
"text": "establishes a flat rate per diem allowance for long term tdy that would authorize a traveler 75 % of the locality per diem rate for tdy periods over 30 days but not exceeding 180 days this item also establishes a flat rate per diem allowance for tdy in excess of 180 days to be set at 55 % of the locality per diem rate are given for specific locations the rates range from $ 129 per day in the continental us conus and up to $ 823 per day in out of conus or oconus locations again the total rate is split between your lodging and your meals and incidental expenseser diem rates are given for specific locations the rates range from $ 129 per day in the continental us conus and up to $ 823 per day in out of conus or oconus locations"
"score": 0.6977031231,
"text": "New long-term temporary duty (TDY) per diem rules for civilian Department of Defense workers went into effect earlier this month. But 13 federal employees' unions oppose the changes, especially for civilian DOD workers. Defense Travel Management Office director Harvey Johnson explained in a release that the per diem rules, which will impact lodging, meals and incidentals, would save the DOD $22 million annually. Long-term TDY is any temporary duty longer than 30 days."
"score": 0.6969081163,
"text": "If the TDY ends on the 30th consecutive day of TDY, does the 75% flat rate per diem apply? No. The 75% flat rate per diem only applies for \"long-term TDY\" that is 31 or more consecutive days. 3. Will DTS automatically change the per diem if the TDY is 31 or more consecutive days and 181 or more"
"score": 0.6963683963,
"text": "Long-term TDY is any temporary duty longer than 30 days. Civilian employees on government business who stay at a location for more than 30 days will receive a flat-rate per diem that is 75 percent of a locality's current rate. For a stay longer than 180 days, the flat-rate per diem is 55 percent."
"score": 0.694976151,
"text": "Defense Travel Management Office director Harvey Johnson explained in a release that the per diem rules, which will impact lodging, meals and incidentals, would save the DOD $22 million annually. Long-term TDY is any temporary duty longer than 30 days."
"score": 0.6946858764,
"text": "Long-term TDY Rates to Change, Official Says. WASHINGTON, Oct. 27, 2014 — New long-term temporary duty per diem rules that go into effect Nov. 1 will save the Defense Department about $22 million annually, the director of the Defense Travel Management Office said recently. Long-term TDY is considered to be any temporary duty longer than 30 days. \"So, for travel from 31 to 180 days, you will receive a flat-rate per diem of 75 percent. For travel greater than 180 days, you will receive a flat-rate per diem for 55 percent,\" Harvey Johnson explained in a DoD News interview."
"score": 0.6946171522,
"text": "Per Diem rates are given for specific locations. The rates range from $129 per day in the Continental US (CONUS), and up to $823 per day in Out of CONUS (or OCONUS) locations.Again, the total rate is split between your lodging and your Meals and Incidental Expenses.stablishes a flat rate per diem allowance for long term TDY that would authorize a traveler 75% of the locality per diem rate for TDY periods over 30 days but not exceeding 180 days."
"score": 0.6938401461,
"text": "WASHINGTON, October 27, 2014 — New long-term temporary duty per diem rules that go into effect Nov. 1 will save the Defense Department about $22 million annually, the director of the Defense Travel Management Office said recently. Long-term TDY is considered to be any temporary duty longer than 30 days."
"score": 0.6930880547,
"text": "Flat Rate Per Diem for Long Term TDY Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is flat rate per diem and is it optional? Flat rate per diem is a mandatory (it is not optional) and applies when a traveler is assigned on a long term TDY at one location. If the TDY is 31-180 consecutive days at one location, the flat rate per diem allowance is"
"score": 0.6911848783,
"text": "So, in order to ensure that you receive your ten days of permissive TDY to house hunt or otherwise get your affairs in order, you should in corporate your permissive TDY into your leave form and get it approved by your losing unit before your PCS move.t is not a requirement for your gaining unit to provide you with permissive TDY. Many times your new unit's mission and operations tempo will dictate if they can afford to lose you for ten days. In order to alleviate this problem, you should have your permissive TDY request built into your PCS move leave form."
"score": 0.6890941858,
"text": "301-11.4 - When are my temporary duty travel reimbursements considered taxable income? When you receive subsistence payments (per diem) for travel of 24 hours or less that does not require lodging and all per diem payments for TDY travel that is expected to last for 1 year or more.ou will not receive per diem if your temporary duty is within 50 miles of your duty station or your residence, unless the travel conditions are so severe returning to your residence would endanger your health and safety or you are attending a conference."
"score": 0.689073801,
"text": "here are five things you need to know about flat rate per diem 1 long term tdy is any temporary duty longer than 30 days travel from 31 to 180 days will receive a flat rate per diem of 75 percentfor travel greater than 180 days the flat rate per diem will be at 55 percent flat rate will apply to all three parts of the per diem lodging meals and incidentalsravel from 31 to 180 days will receive a flat rate per diem of 75 percent for travel greater than 180 days the flat rate per diem will be at 55 percent"
"score": 0.6872149706,
"text": "Notice: As of November 1, 2014 the federal government has introduced significant changes to how per diem rates are calculated. In order to encourage travelers to take advantage of cost saving opportunities available for long term travel, travelers performing TDY (travel to a temporary duty station) for more than 30 days in one location will receive a flat rate per diem."
"score": 0.6866132617,
"text": "means that the flat rate per diem does not apply to personnel already on orders unless an. amendment is issued after 1 November to extend the total number of days TDY. In this case, only. the full days after the orders were amended would be subject to the flat rate per diem."
"score": 0.686411798,
"text": "* Soldiers and their families undergoing Permanent Change of Station (PCS). * Others traveling on official military business (including civilian and government travelers). * Soldiers on Temporary Duty (TDY) assignments. For official travelers staying over 30 nights on a TDY order, 75% of per diem applies.If the rate you are booking now is over 75% of the per diem, your rate will be adjusted to the 75% of per diem at the time of check in.Please notify the front desk at check in if your TDY stay is over 30 nights. Soldiers and their families undergoing Permanent Change of Station (PCS). * Others traveling on official military business (including civilian and government travelers). * Soldiers on Temporary Duty (TDY) assignments. For official travelers staying over 30 nights on a TDY order, 75% of per diem applies."
"score": 0.6857789755,
"text": "For official travelers staying over 30 nights on a TDY order, 75% of per diem applies. If the rate you are booking now is over 75% of the per diem, your rate will be adjusted to the 75% of per diem at the time of check in. Please notify the front desk at check in if your TDY stay is over 30 nights. For official travelers staying over 180 nights on a TDY order, 55% of per diem applies. If the rate you are booking now is over 55% of the per diem, your rate will be adjusted to the 55% of per diem at the time of check in. Please notify the front desk at check in if your TDY stay is over 180 nights."
"score": 0.6848409772,
"text": "washington nns new long term temporary duty per diem rules that go into effect nov 1 will save the defense department about $ 22 million annually the director of the defense travel management office said recently long term tdy is considered to be any temporary duty longer than 30 daysso for travel from 31 to 180 days you will receive a flat rate per diem of 75 percentong term tdy is considered to be any temporary duty longer than 30 days so for travel from 31 to 180 days you will receive a flat rate per diem of 75 percent"
"score": 0.6837285161,
"text": "Long-term TDY is any temporary duty longer than 30 days. Civilian employees on government business who stay at a location for more than 30 days will receive a flat-rate per diem that is 75 percent of a locality's current rate."
"score": 0.6823658347,
"text": "On the travel day to the TDY location, the traveler receives up to 100% lodging per diem at the. locality rate and 75% meals and incidental expenses (M&IE). On the date of return from the TDY. location, the traveler receives 75% meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) based on the TDY. locality rate."
"score": 0.6808598042,
"text": "For long-term TDY greater than 180 days, the authorized flat rate is 55% of the locality rate (lodging plus M&IE) payable for. of TDY at that location. On the travel day to the TDY location, the traveler receives up to 100% lodging per diem at the locality rate and 75% meals and incidental expenses (M&IE)."
"score": 0.6650110483,
"text": "The M&IE rate for the day of return to the PDS is the M&IE rate (see the Per Diem Rates section of the DTMO website) applicable to the last TDY station, except when return travel requires more than one day and a stopover for the night is required.re the M&IE rates for the first and last days of my travel different from my non-travel days? Yes. When you are assigned to temporary duty, 75 percent of the appropriate M&IE rate (see the Per Diem Rates section of the DTMO website) is paid for the day of departure from the PDS and the day of return to the PDS."
"score": 0.6644337177,
"text": "The M&IE rate for the day of return to the PDS is the M&IE rate (see the Per Diem Rates section of the DTMO website) applicable to the last TDY station, except when return travel requires more than one day and a stopover for the night is required.f travel begins and ends on the same day, and is longer than 12 hours, per diem is 75 percent of the appropriate M&IE rate."
"score": 0.6638724804,
"text": "While TDY you can receive a per diem mileage rate reimbursement for operating your POV (Privately Owned Vehicle) or POC (Privately Owned Conveyance) such as a motorcycle. Current POV reimbursement rates are available on the GSA per diem rate website.or example if the per diem lodging rate is $100/night and a traveler spends $75/night, the government will reimburse the traveler at $75/night. Meals are where a traveler can make money.."
"score": 0.6592003703,
"text": "Per Diem Lodging & Meals. The GSA government travel rates include a Lodging and a separately authorized Meals and Incidentals rate. The two Per Diem Rate categories: Lodging & M&IE (Meals & Incidentals Expense) have a combined maximum per diem rate for each specific TDY Location.SA Per Diem Mileage Rate. While TDY you can receive a per diem mileage rate reimbursement for operating your POV (Privately Owned Vehicle) or POC (Privately Owned Conveyance) such as a motorcycle."
"score": 0.6535713673,
"text": "The M&IE rate for the day of return to the PDS is the M&IE rate (see the Per Diem Rates section of the DTMO website) applicable to the last TDY station, except when return travel requires more than one day and a stopover for the night is required.f authorized return travel to the PDS requires more than 1 day and additional stopovers are required, per diem for the last day of travel is based on the M&IE rate applicable to the last stopover location. 7."
"score": 0.6530162096,
"text": "For example if a government traveler is at a TDY location where the per diem meals rate is $50/day and the traveler spends $20/day for meals, the traveler is reimbursed at the meals rate of $50/day and can therefore make money by pocketing the difference."
"score": 0.649892807,
"text": "the fy16 standard conus per diem rate is $ 140 $ 89 $ 51 from $ 129 $ 83 $ 46 applicable for all official travel performed on or after 1 october 2015 to 30 september 2016meal ticket rate reimbursement is $ 51 effective 1 october 2015or long term tdy of 181 or greater days the authorized flat rate is 55 % of the locality rate lodging plus m ie payable for each full day of tdy at that location on the travel day to the tdy location the traveler receives up to 100 % lodging per diem at the locality rate and 75 % meals and incidental expenses m ie"
"score": 0.6469670534,
"text": "Per diem. Tour operators pay TD expenses such as hotel, meals (either included in the tour or on-your-own), transit and transfers to gateway city. Often this is paid as a per diem amount of up to $35 typically, for which the TD does not have to provide a receipt in the post-tour paperwork. Gratuities."
"score": 0.6439774036,
"text": "The definition of TDY is Temporary Duty. The term is commonly used for short term assignments lasting a few days to up to 180 days, but varies according to Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard regulations for each military service or government organization.ypically a Service Member on TDY assignment will receive per diem for lodging and for meals & incidentals. Lodging is reimbursed up to the maximum lodging rate, and meals are paid at a flat rate. Per diem rates vary significantly by geographic location."
"score": 0.6399271488,
"text": "for example if a government traveler is at a tdy location where the per diem meals rate is $ 50 day and the traveler spends $ 20 day for meals the traveler is reimbursed at the meals rate of $ 50 day and can therefore make money by pocketing the differenceer diem lodging meals the gsa government travel rates include a lodging and a separately authorized meals and incidentals rate the two per diem rate categories lodging m ie meals incidentals expense have a combined maximum per diem rate for each specific tdy location"
"score": 0.6333148479,
"text": "GSA Per Diem Mileage Rate. While TDY you can receive a per diem mileage rate reimbursement for operating your POV (Privately Owned Vehicle) or POC (Privately Owned Conveyance) such as a motorcycle.Current POV reimbursement rates are available on the GSA per diem rate website.A military or government traveler can file on an In And Around Mileage Worksheet while traveling from their lodging establishment to the place of duty by claiming the per diem mileage on their travel voucher.or example if the per diem lodging rate is $100/night and a traveler spends $75/night, the government will reimburse the traveler at $75/night. Meals are where a traveler can make money.. We explain the per diem meals rate below."
"score": 0.632306397,
"text": "GSA Per Diem Mileage Rate. While TDY you can receive a per diem mileage rate reimbursement for operating your POV (Privately Owned Vehicle) or POC (Privately Owned Conveyance) such as a motorcycle.Current POV reimbursement rates are available on the GSA per diem rate website.A military or government traveler can file on an In And Around Mileage Worksheet while traveling from their lodging establishment to the place of duty by claiming the per diem mileage on their travel voucher.er Diem Lodging & Meals. The GSA government travel rates include a Lodging and a separately authorized Meals and Incidentals rate. The two Per Diem Rate categories: Lodging & M&IE (Meals & Incidentals Expense) have a combined maximum per diem rate for each specific TDY Location."
"score": 0.6204918623,
"text": "(Cashing In Lv, Transition, and Permissive TDY) in conjunction with Retirement from the AGR Program. As you near the end of your career in the AGR Program, the following is provided to assist you, your family, and your supervisor in managing your transition to civilian life.TDY must be taken as a continuous period (up to a maximum of twenty days) when used in conjunction with Retirement at the end of an AGR Tour. Permissive TDY may be requested whether you decide to cash in your leave or take it as transition leave."
"score": 0.6033158302,
"text": "1 Each day of leave can be sold back for basic pay only. 2 Accrued leave paid in a lump sum is automatically taxed at the 25 percent rate. 3 Service Members are not permitted to begin employment while in permissive TDY status. Service Members MAY work while on transition leave, even for the federal government."
"score": 0.5867728591,
"text": "1 Accrued leave paid in a lump sum is automatically taxed at the 25 percent rate. 2 Service Members are not permitted to begin employment while in permissive TDY status. Service Members MAY work while on transition leave, even for the federal government."
"score": 0.5822093487,
"text": "Without per diem pay, most drivers would normally take the IRS's standard meal deduction (currently $59/day) when filing their taxes.Since per diem is not taxable income, drivers taking part in it cannot take that deduction, as it is already technically reimbursement.fficial IRS Publication 463 (2014), Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses: Information about truck drivers per diem deduction, and travel and meal expenses, can be found in IRS Publication 463. Dm:Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Driver Manager The primary person a driver communicates with at his/her company."
"score": 0.5739842057,
"text": "1 You must retire on the 1st day of a month unless you retire for disability. 2 Each day of leave can be sold back for basic pay only. 3 Accrued leave paid in a lump sum is automatically taxed at the 25 percent rate. Service Members are not permitted to begin employment while in permissive TDY status."
"score": 0.5599585772,
"text": "Contractually, per diem medical staffing is the repetition of an hourly pay rate that is requested for possibly several days, or even weeks. The contract framework for per diem medical staffing is the agreement to pay a specific amount for each hour worked during some part of a day."
] |
what is oldest dog | [
"score": 0.8271977305,
"text": "Bluey holds the world record for the oldest dog, which has been verified by Guinness World Records. Oldest Living dog is Sako Wilde, born (21 June 1989) age 21 years, 264 days, its breed is Kelpie Cross, now living in Australia."
] | [
"score": 0.7891783714,
"text": "Bluey held the world record for the oldest dog, according to Guinness World Records, who cite the anecdotal reports as being reliable, until February 2013, when Max took over."
"score": 0.777102232,
"text": "The world's oldest dog has died at the age of 203 (in canine years). Bella was bought by David Richardson from the RSPCA 26 years ago when she was three years old. Since then, the Labrador cross enjoyed a comfy life at the Derbyshire home of 76-year-old Mr Richardson and his partner Daisy Cooper, 81.he world's oldest dog has died at the age of 203 (in canine years). Bella was bought by David Richardson from the RSPCA 26 years ago when she was three years old. Since then, the Labrador cross enjoyed a comfy life at the Derbyshire home of 76-year-old Mr Richardson and his partner Daisy Cooper, 81."
"score": 0.7735798955,
"text": "List of oldest dogs. This is a list of the oldest verified dogs in the world, listed by age, all of whom have attained the minimum age of 20. Aging in dogs depends on breed, size and diet."
"score": 0.7709979415,
"text": "(help, talk, get involved!) (October 2015). This is a list of the oldest verified dogs in the world, listed by age, all of whom have attained the minimum age of 20. Aging in dogs depends on breed, size and diet. Bramble, a larger dog, was fed a vegan diet, living over 27 years."
"score": 0.7595444918,
"text": "Pusuke, listed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest-living dog, died in Japan on Monday. He was 26 years old-or somewhere between 117 and 185 in human years, according to various calculations.There is no official method for converting dog years to human years.usuke, listed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest-living dog, died in Japan on Monday. He was 26 years old-or somewhere between 117 and 185 in human years, according to various calculations."
"score": 0.7556171417,
"text": "The dog may still be living, but the proof is in the paperwork. The couple thought that their dog might be only the oldest dog in the UK, but were excited to learn that Bella may even be the oldest dog in the world."
"score": 0.7354546189,
"text": "Dogs like Bluey and more recent canine oldsters, such as Pusuke, a Shiba mix in Japan who lived to be 26, are outside the norm, but we are seeing dogs living increasingly long lives. These days, it's not unusual for a dog to live 15 years or more. The oldest dog I've ever met was a 22-year-old Chihuahua named Remo."
"score": 0.7349224091,
"text": "The oldest recorded age for a dog is 27 years. What age is my dog in Human Years-Dog Years to Human Years. There are many tables for converting between dog years (age) and human years (age). Many of them use a very simple calculation e.g. 1 dog year equals 7 human years."
"score": 0.7327500582,
"text": "Many dog breeds such as the Doberman or German Shepherd, are new breeds, only a couple of centuries old at most. The oldest dog breeds, meaning the ones that most closely may have resembled the original ancient dogs that were first domesticated, are Saluki, Basenji, malamutes and huskies, Canaan dogs, and others."
"score": 0.7320479155,
"text": "Top 10 longest-living dog breeds. Your small pup may have an advantage when it comes to life expectancy. Today we learned the sad news that Maggie, an adorable dog from Australia has passed away at the age of 30. Although her owner no longer has the paperwork to prove her age, he promises she is 30 years old, making her the world's oldest dog. While Maggie's breed isn't known for sure, there are a few breeds that are known for their long life expectancy."
"score": 0.7314971089,
"text": "Your small pup may have an advantage when it comes to life expectancy. Today we learned the sad news that Maggie, an adorable dog from Australia has passed away at the age of 30. Although her owner no longer has the paperwork to prove her age, he promises she is 30 years old, making her the world's oldest dog. While Maggie's breed isn't known for sure, there are a few breeds that are known for their long life expectancy. Breeds that reach 10 to 25 pounds as adults tend to live the longest, according to Dr. Jon Woodman, a small-animal vet in the Twin Cities."
"score": 0.7308490276,
"text": "But that's hardly surprising because at 51, Shayne could be the oldest horse in the world. The chestnut stallion has lived at the Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary in Brentwood, Essex, since 2007. And the elderly nag has some senior company after it was revealed that he lives in the same town as Pip the 24-year-old terrier, who is thought to be the world's oldest dog."
"score": 0.728625536,
"text": "Share. The greatest reliable age recorded for a dog is 29 years 5 months for an Australian cattle-dog named Bluey, owned by Les Hall of Rochester, Victoria, Australia."
"score": 0.7229326963,
"text": "The reality, of course, is that a dog's longevity is determined by many factors, including diet, weight, heredity and body size. Dogs like Bluey and more recent canine oldsters, such as Pusuke, a Shiba mix in Japan who lived to be 26, are outside the norm, but we are seeing dogs living increasingly long lives. These days, it's not unusual for a dog to live 15 years or more. The oldest dog I've ever met was a 22-year-old Chihuahua named Remo."
"score": 0.7179634571,
"text": "Close to rated as the one of the oldest pet breed, The Peruvian Inco Orchid is furthermore rated amongst the rarest canine kinds in the world. 9. Oldest Dog Breed – Afghan Hound. The Covering Dog came from Afghanistan and also the surrounding areas. Its preliminary type name was Tazi. They are sight canines and excited hunters."
"score": 0.7143965364,
"text": "Have you ever wondered what the oldest breed of dog is? I recently wrote about ancient cat breeds and thought it would be interesting to do the same for dogs. I discovered that it may be hard to know which breed of dog truly is the oldest. The reason being is that dogs have been cross-bred so many times over the centuries. It's not accurate to label any modern breeds of dogs as ancient."
"score": 0.7132852077,
"text": "World's Oldest Living Dog Breeds. 1 I (heart) Dogs.com list: 2 Discovery.com's List: 3 Pet 360's List (which wasn't originally numbered): 4 Everlist's List: 5 Animal Hearted.com's List (originally unnumbered and longer) 6 Canest.com's List: 7 mypawsitivelypets.com."
"score": 0.7091970444,
"text": "In fact, there are records of dogs living well past 20-years-old. Although this list of the longest living dog breeds doesn't contain the Australian Cattle Dog, the world record for the longest living dog is an ACD named Bluey. Bluey passed away in 1939 at the ripe age of 29-years-old! Pretty amazing when you think about it, and it makes us wish all of our dogs lived that long."
"score": 0.7041731477,
"text": "What is the oldest breed of dog? We may never know the answer, but these 14 breeds of dog have ancestors from ancient times."
"score": 0.6911069155,
"text": "Primitive dogs. \"Primitive\" might be the designation closest to what most of us mean when we're looking for the oldest dog breeds in the world. The Primitive Dog Society defines these dogs as aboriginal dog breeds that have always been linked to specific locations, regions, or countries."
"score": 0.6910852194,
"text": "The oldest modern dog breeds are no more than 500 years old, and most date only from ~150 years ago. Theories of Modern Breed Origination Scholars now agree that most of the dog breeds we see today are recent developments."
"score": 0.6860362887,
"text": "Well, our beloved old Heidi lasted till she was 17 1/2, and we've heard of other doxies who made it to 19 and 20 - we found a news item showing the Guinness Book of World Records' oldest living dog to be a miniature dachshund in New York that was 21 (a few months before she died)."
"score": 0.6843956709,
"text": "The Greyhound is considered to be the oldest pure breed in existence. The Greyhound was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 1914."
"score": 0.658007443,
"text": "The Samoyed Is One of the World's Oldest Dog Breeds The Samoyed breed is one of 14 ancient dog breeds with genetic footprints closest to wolves. Samoyeds belong to the Spitz family of dogs, originating in Asia, and were bred by the Samoyede people of Siberia to pull sleds, herd reindeer, and hunt."
"score": 0.6556235552,
"text": "The oldest modern dog breeds are no more than 500 years old, and most date only from ~150 years ago. Theories of Modern Breed Origination. Scholars now agree that most of the dog breeds we see today are recent developments. However, the astounding variation in dogs is a relic of their ancient and varied domestication processes. Breeds vary in size from the one pound (.5 kilogram) teacup poodles to giant mastiffs weighing over 200 lbs (90 kg)."
"score": 0.6368284822,
"text": "Chows are one of the oldest dog breeds. The chow chow originated as early as the 11th century. It is one of the most ancient dog breeds. Since the breed dates back so far, the early history of chows is somewhat murky. From its earliest days, these dogs have been known for their distinct blue tongue and heavy, thick coat which makes the breed identifiable in historical references."
"score": 0.6272659302,
"text": "Some of the oldest breeds of domestic dogs are the speedy sight hounds. Saluki and pharaoh hounds, in particular, can trace their origins back to antiquity. Images of dogs closely resembling these breeds are depicted on the walls of the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs.n size, they range from the tall and lanky Irish wolfhound to the short-legged dachshund. A hound by origin only, the dachshund might seem to be out of place in this group, as its background as a digger accustomed to chasing foxes and badgers underground would more logically make it a terrier."
"score": 0.5859353542,
"text": "The Hungarian Vizsla breed is thought to be one of the oldest hunting dogs in the world. The Vizsla's eye, nail and nose colour blend in with its coat, which is a golden-rust colour."
"score": 0.5828946829,
"text": "Pharaoh Hound Dog Breed. Introduction. The Pharaoh Hound, also known as the Kelb Tal-Fenek and the Kleb tal Fennec (meaning \"rabbit dog), is one of the very oldest of all domestic dogs. In 1979, a silver coin with the likeness of a Pharaoh Hound was minted to commemorate the breed as the National Dog of Malta."
"score": 0.5155543089,
"text": "The oldest is 7, and the little one is 3. In the past 2 years they have been attacked by other dogs twice while out walking. Now the older dog has taken to barking like mad when another dog comes anywhere near her. I hold her back, or cross the road, but she struggles like mad to get at the other dog.he little one, (same size as a Pom) joins in as well! I have tried giving them treats when they see another dog so that it becomes a pleasant experience but this is not helping. The big lassie, (about the size of a West Highland Terrier), has now even taken to barking at people when they stop to say hello."
] |
why is drinking water important for your health | [
"score": 0.8030321598,
"text": "Drinking an adequate amount of water daily is important for overall good health because water aids in digestion, circulation, absorption and even excretion."
] | [
"score": 0.7512456179,
"text": "As important as it is, efficient cell water turnover is only one of the numerous health benefits of drinking water daily. In addition to water, healthy foods nourish life and fuel energy. Since most adult bodies are about 70 percent water, it is easy to comprehend how important water is."
"score": 0.7422691584,
"text": "Hydration: Why It's So Important. Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly. For example, your body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate your joints."
"score": 0.727275908,
"text": "I hope I have given you a better idea of how our bodies work and how important water is to maintaining a healthy state. Considering these factors, we need to emphasize the importance of consuming appropriate amounts of water, that is in a form that is usable by the body."
"score": 0.7240347266,
"text": "4 Reasons You Should Drink Enough Water. Health Effects of Going without Water. Water is the most valuable life support product for our health, right up there with oxygen. Water and oxygen are the only two things in life that without for just a short period of time we would die."
"score": 0.7220015526,
"text": "The Importance of Clean Drinking Water. The importance of clean drinking water cannot be overstated when it comes to preventing infection, illness and death in developing countries. Despite the vast resources available to people in developed countries, the startling fact remains that nearly 1 billion people in developing countries worldwide do not have access to safe drinking water."
"score": 0.7196983695,
"text": "This substance also known as water, is one of the most essential elements to health and is so important that your body actually has a specific drought management system in place to prevent dehydration and ensure your survival. Water might be everywhere, but one must never take it for granted."
"score": 0.7196706533,
"text": "5) Drinking Water Is Good for Your Joints. One of the lesser known benefits of drinking water is that it helps keep your joints strong, healthy and lubricated. Your joints need moisture in order to remain strong and flexible, so that your movements are smooth and pain free."
"score": 0.7151129246,
"text": "Water is necessary for carrying nutrients to your cells, flushing bacteria from your system, preventing dehydration, and replacing fluids lost from sweating, but you may not need to drink as much as you thought."
"score": 0.7131965756,
"text": "This substance also known as water, is one of the most essential elements to health and is so important that your body actually has a specific drought management system in place to prevent dehydration and ensure your survival."
"score": 0.6991201639,
"text": "Elderly Need To Drink More Water. Water is important to all bodily processes say med... Water is important to all bodily processes say medicalexperts. Water carries nutrients, hormones, and diseasefighting cells and antibodies to and from body organsthrough the bloodstream."
"score": 0.6965953112,
"text": "The benefit of drinking water in large amounts for proper skin health is a controversial area. Many believe and have stated that water is very beneficial for proper skin care. The main stated benefit is that drinking a large quantity of water keeps the skin hydrated and prevents dry skin."
"score": 0.6915389299,
"text": "Good drinking water quality is something that many of us take for granted. Because water quality can vary depending upon where you live, it's important to know where your drinking water supply comes from and if it contains any impurities that could pose a health risk.ood drinking water quality is something that many of us take for granted. Because water quality can vary depending upon where you live, it's important to know where your drinking water supply comes from and if it contains any impurities that could pose a health risk."
"score": 0.6894928217,
"text": "Drinking an adequate amount of water is especially important when you're pregnant. From your increased blood supply to the baby's amniotic fluid, water is essential to you and your baby. Water plays an important role in a variety of body functions."
"score": 0.6865823269,
"text": "THE BODY CRIES FOR WATER By Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, MC Preventative medicine should be the main approach to health care in any society. And the hero is water. Water is the primary substance and the leading agent in the functions that take place in the human body. The lack of water in physiological situations will eventually become disease conditions. This article describes the benefits of drinking water. The truth is that dehydration can cause diseases like asthma , hypertension , ulcers , allergies and arthritis . Everyone knows that water is good for the body but not how essential water is to well-being."
"score": 0.686449945,
"text": "Mild levels of dehydration can also affect your cognitive function and mood, so drinking enough water is also good for your brain function. Since water is calorie-free, drinking water can help you lose or maintain weight when you drink it in place of high-calorie beverages."
"score": 0.6797614694,
"text": "We all also know how important Pure Water is. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer. But still we as a people are chronically dehydrated.e all also know how important Pure Water is. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer. But still we as a people are chronically dehydrated."
"score": 0.6667033434,
"text": "Water is used by everyone, every day. Not only do all people need drinking water to survive, but water plays an important role in almost every aspect of our lives – from recreation to manufacturing computers to performing medical procedures."
"score": 0.655572474,
"text": "Coconut water is probably the healthiest liquid that you can ever take in your entire life. It can give you much more than the health benefits that a commercially-produced thirst quencher can give. With the multitude of health benefits of coconut water, there is no reason why you should not start drinking it. Here are some of the health benefits of coconut water that you might want to take note of. For weight conscious people, this one is one of the most important health benefits of coconut water."
"score": 0.6506944299,
"text": "Nutritional Value of Water. Adequate water intake is vital for good nutrition. Water is a nutrient all its own, helping every cell in your body function properly. Most people get about 20 percent of their water through food and the rest by drinking water or other beverages."
"score": 0.6502178311,
"text": "Drinking too much water 'can be bad for your health': Benefits are a myth. It is said to help us prevent kidney damage, lose weight and increase concentration levels. But experts now warn that drinking eight glasses of water a day is not good for you after all – and could be harmful. They say that scientific claims behind long-standing government guidelines are worse than 'nonsense'."
"score": 0.649707973,
"text": "The unfortunate truth about drinking water and skin is that water will reach all the other organs before it reaches the skin. So, it's important to apply water to our skin and keep it there-this will not only show a visible difference in hydration, but it can prevent wrinkles, as well."
"score": 0.6489146352,
"text": "Nutritional Value of Water. Adequate water intake is vital for good nutrition. Water is a nutrient all its own, helping every cell in your body function properly. Most people get about 20 percent of their water through food and the rest by drinking water or other beverages. To meet Institute of Medicine water-intake recommendations, men should drink about 13 cups of nonalcoholic fluids per day, while women should drink about 9 cups per day."
"score": 0.6452915668,
"text": "Why does water... How to Calculate Your 80 - 100 oz of Water Daily Water is the most essential component in the human body. Since the body consists of almost 70 percent water, making sure that... How to Drink a Liter of Water With Lemon Per Day Drinking water is important for good health."
"score": 0.6410246491,
"text": "IMPORTANCE OF WATER Water is our lifeline that bathes us and feeds us. In ancient cultures water represented the very essence of life. The Romans were the first to pipe water into their growing cities, especially with their aqueducts."
"score": 0.6227806807,
"text": "Water is vital for life, and plain water is a calorie-free option for hydration. Increasing consumption of drinking water is a strategy to reduce energy intake and lose or maintain weight; however, information on the characteristics of consumers who drink water is limited."
"score": 0.6150727272,
"text": "Reduced Bone Loss: There are two reasons why alkaline water is good for bone health. Drinking it can raise both blood and urine pH, helping to prevent bodily acidity from eating away at your bones. It also supplies your body with easy-to-absorb calcium and magnesium."
"score": 0.6059077978,
"text": "Water quality has been the focus of news headlines lately, and for good reason. Safe drinking water is a key factor of a healthy lifestyle. Depending on where you live, the quality of your water resources might be affected. DS Services® is here to help by offering a safe alternative. Remember, water is essential in our lives. After all, the human body is up to 60% water.*."
"score": 0.603295505,
"text": "What drinking lots of water does is simple, it keeps the body well hydrated and healthy which is one of the most important things to do when you are trying to get your body to use all its extra resources to help detox for THC and is especially important when you consider the next way to cleanse for marijuana naturally."
"score": 0.5976282358,
"text": "Calories in Water and Health Benefits. Calorie Counts and Nutrition Facts. Water is essential for life because it helps regulate body temperature, maintain blood volume and your body uses water to transport both nutrients and weight. In fact, an adult's body is about 55 to 60 percent water and lack of water intake or increased water loss will result in dehydration."
"score": 0.5969649553,
"text": "Clean drinking water plays a pivotal role in the health of any person or animal. That is why having a clean water supply for your livestock is so important. One of the problems associated with livestock water tanks is an accumulation of algae or weeds within the water tank. This accumulation of weeds negatively affects the water quality, which is bad for your animal's health and well-being."
"score": 0.5940384269,
"text": "Drinking plenty of water will also help to keep your system hydrated. While drinking water is not the most efficient way to hydrate the skin, it's still important for the health of your cells. Avoid misting your skin with a hydrating spray during flight."
] |
what is aesthetically means | [
"score": 0.8136726618,
"text": "Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word aesthetically. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: aesthetically, esthetically(adverb) in a tasteful way. this building is aesthetically very pleasing."
] | [
"score": 0.770008862,
"text": "The definition of esthetic is another spelling for aesthetic, which is the pleasant or artistic appearance of something, or how something feels. When a piece of art evokes beauty and tranquility, it is an example of art that has a pleasing esthetic. aesthetic."
"score": 0.7673232555,
"text": "The definition of esthetic is another spelling for aesthetic, which is the pleasant or artistic appearance of something, or how something feels. When a piece of art evokes beauty and tranquility, it is an example of art that has a pleasing esthetic. esthetic. esthetic."
"score": 0.7595680952,
"text": "Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: aesthetic, esthetic (adj) (philosophy) a philosophical theory as to what is beautiful he despised the esthetic of minimalism aesthetic, esthetic, aesthetical, esthetical (adj) concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste the aesthetic faculties; an aesthetic person; aesthetic feeling; the illustrations made the book an aesthetic success aesthetic, esthetic (adj)"
"score": 0.753749311,
"text": "MEANING OF AESTHETICS Aesthetics (or esthetics) - a term derived from the Greek word aisthesis meaning perception - is the branch of philosophy that is devoted to the study of art and beauty."
"score": 0.7261753678,
"text": "Aesthetics vs Esthetics Aesthetics is a word that is commonly used to describe the outer appearance of an object, person, or an idea. It is talked about the sense of beauty and taste."
"score": 0.7251851559,
"text": "aes·thet·ics. n. 1. (used with a sing. verb). a. The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature, expression, and perception of beauty, as in the fine arts. b. The study of the psychological responses to beauty and artistic experiences. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. verb). a. A conception of what is artistically valid or beautiful: minimalist aesthetics. b. An artistically beautiful or pleasing appearance: They're looking for quality construction, not aesthetics (Ron Schram)."
"score": 0.7131765485,
"text": "aesthetic (n.). 1798, from German Ästhetisch ästhetisch Or french, esthetique esthétique Both from greek, aisthetikos, sensitive perceptive from aisthanesthai (to perceive by the senses or by), the mind, to FEEL *from-pie-awis- , dh yo *from- root au (to). perceive seeant had tried to correct the term after Alexander Baumgarten had taken it in German to mean criticism of taste (1750s), but Baumgarten's sense attained popularity in English c. 1830s (despite scholarly resistance) and removed the word from any philosophical base."
"score": 0.7121317983,
"text": "1. (used with a sing. verb). a. The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature, expression, and perception of beauty, as in the fine arts. b. The study of the psychological responses to beauty and artistic experiences. 2. (used with a sing. or pl.verb). a. A conception of what is artistically valid or beautiful: minimalist aesthetics.b. An artistically beautiful or pleasing appearance: They're looking for quality construction, not aesthetics (Ron Schram).. (Philosophy) the branch of philosophy concerned with the study of such concepts as beauty, taste, etc. 2. (Art Terms) the study of the rules and principles of art. [C18: from Greek aisthētikos perceptible by the senses, from aisthesthai to perceive]. (ɛsˈθɛt ɪks). n. (used with a sing."
"score": 0.707364738,
"text": "Aesthetics (also spelled esthetics or aesthetics) æsthetics is a branch of value theory which studies sensory or-sensori emotional, values sometimes called judgments of sentiment or. tasteodern aesthetics Edit. From the late 17th to the early 20th century Western aesthetics underwent a slow revolution into what is often called modernism. Led in Germany and Britain, it emphasized beauty as the key component of art and of the aesthetic experience, and saw art as necessarily aiming at beauty."
"score": 0.7044643164,
"text": "Aesthetics | aesthetics. æsthetics a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of, art, beauty and, taste with the creation and appreciation of. Beauty'it s more scientifically defined as the study of sensory or-sensori emotional, values sometimes called judgments of sentiment ... and.en.wikipedia/org/Wiki. aestheticsefinition references. a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of art, beauty, and taste, with the creation and appreciation of beauty. It's more scientifically defined as the study of sensory or sensori-emotional values, sometimes called judgments of sentiment and ..."
"score": 0.6967899799,
"text": "aesthetics, esthetics a branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and the beautiful. —aesthetic, n., adj. —aesthetical, adj. cosmetology the art or practice of the beautification of the skin, hair, or nails. —cosmetologist, n. —cosmetological, adj. philocalist a lover of beauty. —philocaly, n. pulchritude physical beauty, especially that of women. —pulchritudinous, adj."
"score": 0.683784008,
"text": "Attractive or appealing: the more aesthetic features of the building. 1 Characterized by a heightened sensitivity to beauty: the poet and his aesthetic friends. 2 Being or relating to a work of art; artistic: The play was an aesthetic success. Informal Conforming to accepted notions of good taste."
"score": 0.6817958355,
"text": "› relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty: The new building has little aesthetic value/appeal. › An aesthetic object or a work of art is one that shows great beauty: furniture that is both aesthetic and functional. Thesaurus: synonyms and related words. Philosophy."
"score": 0.6756141186,
"text": "The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature, expression, and perception of beauty, as in the fine arts. b. The study of the psychological responses to beauty and artistic experiences. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. verb). a. A conception of what is artistically valid or beautiful: minimalist aesthetics.esthetics - (art) the branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and taste (emphasizing the evaluative criteria that are applied to art); traditional aesthetics assumed the existence of universal and timeless criteria of artistic value. esthetics."
"score": 0.6738280058,
"text": "What does it mean to be \"aesthetically pleasing\" ? my friends were using it in some context I wasn't paying attention to. What does it mean? My english is very limited, so please use simple words to describe what that means."
"score": 0.6676837206,
"text": "Viewer interpretations of beauty possess two concepts of value: aesthetics and taste. Aesthetics is the philosophical notion of beauty. Taste is a result of an education process and awareness of elite cultural values learned through exposure to mass culture.esthetics is for the artist as Ornithology is for the birds. For some, aesthetics is considered a synonym for the philosophy of art since Hegel, while others insist that there is a significant distinction between these closely related fields."
"score": 0.6255924702,
"text": "aesthetician, esthetician. 1. a specialist in aesthetics. 2. a proponent of aestheticism. See also: Beauty. Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Switch to new thesaurus . Noun: 1. aesthetician - a worker skilled in giving beauty treatments (manicures and facials etc.) esthetician"
"score": 0.6254280806,
"text": "Aesthetic theology (1) deals by definition with the senses, with the knowledge of God and religious experience derived from sensory perception in the encounter with the arts, with the beautiful."
"score": 0.6063623428,
"text": "That is, it doesn't refer to the grosser acts of accomplishing a task. Instead, the aesthetic function is to provide the viewer, or in the case of visualization research the experimental participant, with implicit associations to the notions of quality and attention to detail."
"score": 0.5642336607,
"text": "Cool (aesthetic) Coolness is an aesthetic of attitude, behavior, comportment, appearance and style which is generally admired. Because of the varied and changing connotations of cool, as well as its subjective nature, the word has no single meaning. It has associations of composure and self-control and often is used as an expression of admiration or approval. Although commonly regarded as slang, it is widely used among disparate social groups and has endured in usage for generations."
"score": 0.5085465908,
"text": "The essence of Japanese aesthetic is a concept called 'MA' (pronounced maah) — the pure, and indeed essential, void between all things. A total lack of clutter, MA is like a holder within which things can exist, stand out and have meaning. MA is the emptiness full of possibilities, like a promise yet to be fulfilled."
"score": 0.4652790427,
"text": "Aldo Leopold: Examine each question in terms of what is ethically and aesthetically right, as well as what is economically expedient. A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise."
"score": 0.4431133866,
"text": "c it enhances the productivity of the store s selling space by its tight arrangements d it is the least aesthetically leasing of all the store layouts e it is an aesthetically pleasing design and a very spacious arrangement e it is an aesthetically pleasing design and a very spacious arrangement"
"score": 0.4354485273,
"text": "Good lord, I know I am! What healthcare workers are generally trying to do is remain clinical. We want you to know that we don't see you aesthetically. We are a-ok with how you look! If your skin has a thingy or your leg is bulge-y, then we'll look into it...but we don't think you're aesthetically displeasing."
"score": 0.3304794431,
"text": "Types of Crowns. 1 Very strong and durable. 2 Aesthetically pleasing. Most natural looking. 3 IMPORTANT - No metal means the dentist is able to see through the crown in x-rays. 4 Excellent choice for patients with metal allergies."
] |
what does spill the tea.mean | [
"score": 0.7933174372,
"text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: tea is an old term for gossip, which came from the idea of what goes on at a tea party. Tea party is an old term for a gossip fest, and spilling tea means accidentally( on purpose) dropping an irresistible tidbit of gossip. True tea would still be gossip, but the gossiper believes they have the true story."
] | [
"score": 0.6986474991,
"text": "The meaning and origin of the expression: Spill the beans. Spill the beans. more like this... Meaning. To divulge a secret, especially to do so inadvertently or maliciously. Origin. The derivation of this expression is sometimes said to be a voting system used in ancient Greece. The story goes that white beans indicated positive votes and black beans negative."
"score": 0.6945533752,
"text": "spill the beans. Disclose a secret or reveal something prematurely, as in You can count on little Carol to spill the beans about the surprise. In this colloquial expression, first recorded in 1919, spill means divulge, a usage dating from the 1500s. spill the beans. tv. to give away a secret or a surprise."
"score": 0.6846245527,
"text": "Verb[edit] spill the beans (third-person singular simple present spills the beans, present participle spilling the beans, simple past and past participle spilled the beans) (idiomatic, intransitive) To reveal a secret; to disclose."
"score": 0.6817212105,
"text": "Meaning. 1 To divulge a secret, especially to do so inadvertently or maliciously. 2 The derivation of this expression is sometimes said to be a voting system used in ancient Greece. ' 3 Spill' has been used as a verb with the meaning of 'divulge' or 'let out' since at least the 16th century."
"score": 0.6732581854,
"text": "Spill is to empty out on a surface, to overflow over the edge of a container, or to cause a liquid to overflow, or to reveal a secret, or to leave somewhere quickly as part of a big group. When all of the pennies come out of the penny jar and onto the table, this is an example of when they spill out onto a table. When a pot overflows and water comes over the edge, this is an example of when water spills over. When you accidentally knock over the glass containing your soda, this is an example of when you spill."
"score": 0.6693257093,
"text": "'Spill' has been used as a verb with the meaning of 'divulge' or 'let out' since at least the 16th century. Edward Hellowes' Guevara's Familiar epistles, 1574, contains an example of that usage: Although it be a shame to spill it, I will not leaue to say that which... his friends haue said vnto me.."
"score": 0.6658171415,
"text": "Disclose a secret or reveal something prematurely, as in You can count on little Carol to spill the beans about the surprise. In this colloquial expression, first recorded in 1919, spill means divulge, a usage dating from the 1500s. See also: bean, spill."
"score": 0.6637522578,
"text": "Disclose a secret or reveal something prematurely, as in You can count on little Carol to spill the beans about the surprise. In this colloquial expression, first recorded in 1919, spill means \"divulge,\" a usage dating from the 1500s."
"score": 0.6618275642,
"text": "spill the beans. Fig. to give away a secret or a surprise. There is a surprise party for Heidi on Wednesday. Please don't spill the beans. Paul spilled the works about Heidi's party."
"score": 0.6535174847,
"text": "spill. 1 To drop something so that it spreads out or makes a mess; to pour. I spilled some sticky juice on the kitchen floor. ( 2 intransitive) To spread out or fall out, as above. Some sticky juice spilled onto the kitchen floor. 3 To drop something that was intended to be caught. 4 To mar; to damage; to destroy by misuse; to waste."
"score": 0.6439364552,
"text": "That 'let out' meaning was probably influenced by an earlier meaning of 'spill', that is, 'kill' and the subsequent usage 'spill blood', which was in common use by the 14th century. The earliest uses of 'spill the beans' come from the USA. The meaning of the phrase was then something like 'spoil the beans' or 'upset the applecart', which harks back to the supposed Greek knocking over of a bean container. The first example I can find is from The Stevens Point Journal, June 1908:"
"score": 0.6383702159,
"text": "The definition of a spill is a fall, or an instance where you cause liquid or some other substance to come out of its container. When you tumble down stairs, this is an example of when you take a spill. When you knock over your glass and soda goes everywhere, the soda is an example of a spill. verb"
"score": 0.6369265318,
"text": "Related to spill: spill out, spill the beans, Oil spill, take a spill. (spĭl) v. spilled or spilt (spĭlt), spill·ing, spills. v.tr. 1. To cause or allow (a substance) to run or fall out of a container. 2. To scatter (objects) from containment: spilled the armload of books on the desk."
"score": 0.6323059201,
"text": "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: spill (Noun). A mess of something that has been dropped. spill (Noun). A fall or stumble. The bruise is from a bad spill he had last week.spill (Noun). A small stick or piece of paper used to light a candle, cigarette etc by the transfer of a flame from a fire.rinceton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: spill (noun). liquid that is spilled. clean up the spills. spillway, spill, wasteweir (noun). a channel that carries excess water over or around a dam or other obstruction."
"score": 0.6316429973,
"text": "spill definition: The definition of a spill is a fall, or an instance where you cause liquid or some other substance to come out of its container. (noun) When you tumble down stairs, this is an example of when you take a spill. When you knock ove..."
"score": 0.6304323673,
"text": "(spɪl) v. spilled spilt, spill•ing, v.t. 1. to cause or allow to run or fall from a container, esp. accidentally or wastefully: to spill a glass of milk. 2. to shed (blood), as in killing or wounding. 3. to scatter: to spill papers all over the floor. 4. a. to let the wind out of (a sail)."
"score": 0.6285483837,
"text": "Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: spill (noun). liquid that is spilled. clean up the spills. spillway, spill, wasteweir (noun). a channel that carries excess water over or around a dam or other obstruction.spill, spillage, release (noun).rinceton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: spill (noun). liquid that is spilled. clean up the spills. spillway, spill, wasteweir (noun). a channel that carries excess water over or around a dam or other obstruction."
"score": 0.6284737587,
"text": "Definition of SPILL. 1. : the act or an instance of spilling; especially: a fall from a horse or vehicle or an erect position. 2. : something spilled.efinition of SPILL. 1. : the act or an instance of spilling; especially: a fall from a horse or vehicle or an erect position. 2. : something spilled."
"score": 0.6196727157,
"text": "spill 1. v. spilled or spilt (spĭlt) , spill·ing, spills. v. tr. 1. To cause or allow (a substance) to run or fall out of a container. 2."
"score": 0.6180567741,
"text": "Tea pours from the spout of a teapot. noun. The definition of a spout is a lip, chute or tube for dispensing something. An example of spout is the projection on a teapot that allows the tea to pour. An example of spout is a water pipe on the side of a house."
"score": 0.616420269,
"text": "Tea pours from the spout of a teapot. The definition of a spout is a lip, chute or tube for dispensing something. An example of spout is the projection on a teapot that allows the tea to pour. An example of spout is a water pipe on the side of a house."
"score": 0.6126455069,
"text": "It is not an idiom - it is the standard meaning of the verb 'spill', as luker has indicated. under various situations it can be used as. 1) when you are actually holding something in a wrong position. 2) can take it as a phrase having a similar meaning i.e you are not properly holding you are gonna spill the wine.. 3) you can take a literal meaning."
"score": 0.6085093617,
"text": "spill-cause or allow (a liquid substance) to run or flow from a container; spill the milk; splatter water. slop, splatter. disgorge, shed, spill-cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over; spill the beans all over the table."
"score": 0.6065833569,
"text": "spill - pour out in drops or small quantities or as if in drops or small quantities; shed tears; spill blood; God shed His grace on Thee pour forth, shed pour - cause to run; pour water over the floor"
"score": 0.6035115719,
"text": "spill. ( 1 countable) A mess of something that has been dropped. 2 A fall or stumble. The bruise is from a bad spill he had last week. 3 A small stick or piece of paper used to light a candle, cigarette etc by the transfer of a flame from a fire. 4 A slender piece of anything. A peg or pin for plugging a hole, as in a cask; a spile. A metallic rod or pin."
"score": 0.6026916504,
"text": "spill. 1. To flow out of or release; in medicine, said of a substance that cannot be maintained in the body by one of its organs, esp. the kidneys. In diabetes mellitus, for example, the kidneys spill sugar into the urine. In the nephrotic syndrome, they spill protein. 2."
"score": 0.602525115,
"text": "Define spill. spill synonyms, spill pronunciation, spill translation, English dictionary definition of spill. v. spilled or spilt , spill·ing , spills v. tr. 1. To cause or allow to run or fall out of a container. 2. To scatter from containment: spilled the armload..."
"score": 0.6013160348,
"text": "tv. to give away a secret or a surprise. There is a surprise party for Heidi on Wednesday. Please don't spill the beans. Sorry, I didn't mean to spill the works."
"score": 0.6011019349,
"text": "English - US. More context is more informative. Spill the wine, take that pearl. Spilling the wine can mean sexual act that results in the loss of virginity. The pearl refers to a woman's virginity itself, presumed by this common metaphor to be her most valuable asset. That's my reading, in any case."
"score": 0.5984107256,
"text": "spill. 1 To cause or allow (a substance) to run or fall out of a container. 2 To scatter (objects) from containment: spilled the armload of books on the desk. 3 To shed (blood). 4 Nautical a. To relieve the pressure of wind on (a sail). b. To cause or allow (wind) to be lost from a sail. 5 To cause to fall: The rider was spilled by his horse."
"score": 0.5974634886,
"text": "spill - cause or allow (a liquid substance) to run or flow from a container; spill the milk; splatter water slop, splatter disgorge, shed, spill - cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over; spill the beans all over the table disgorge, shed seed - go to seed; shed seeds; The dandelions went to seed"
"score": 0.5947072506,
"text": "8. a spilling of liquid, etc, or the amount spilt. 9. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Austral the declaring of several political jobs vacant when one higher up becomes so: the Prime Minister's resignation could mean a Cabinet spill."
"score": 0.5906298161,
"text": "tea(noun) a beverage made by steeping tea leaves in water. iced tea is a cooling drink. tea, afternoon tea, teatime(noun) a light midafternoon meal of tea and sandwiches or cakes. an Englishman would interrupt a war to have his afternoon tea."
"score": 0.5885312557,
"text": "The pearl refers to the pearl of the orient, i.e. heroin. Spilling the wine is a slang term for the blood dripping when doing the drugs. EDIT: And yes, the normal meaning of spilling the wine is - spilling the wine. In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded."
"score": 0.5882564187,
"text": "What does teabagged mean? It means when a guy pulls out his genitals and lays them on usually the head or face of another person, usually a friend he is pulling a prank on."
"score": 0.5823915005,
"text": "What does the term 'tea bagging' mean? Tea bagging is a slang term derived from the act of a man placing his scrotum in the mouth of his sexual partner. It is also used quite frequently in the online FPS gaming com … munity when someone crouches over your dead character"
"score": 0.5626631975,
"text": "spill - flow, run or fall out and become lost; The milk spilled across the floor; The wine spilled onto the table"
"score": 0.5594819784,
"text": "It was a common observation that when the cup was raised to the lips, the tea on the bottom of the cup would drip on the table, the cloth and the lap because the soggy teabag had released a pool of tea in the saucer and transferred to the cup."
"score": 0.548171103,
"text": "Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis, an evergreen shrub native to Asia. After water, it is the most widely consumed drink in the world."
"score": 0.5474086404,
"text": "Best Answer: teetotaler is a corrupted spelling of tea totaler, meaning that, in colonial times when liquid beverage options were much more limited, one either drank tea (a drink so popular that colonists revolted when the British imposed a tax on tea imports leading to what we call the Boston Tea Party) or drank wine and other alcoholic beverages ..."
"score": 0.5378016233,
"text": "Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis, an evergreen shrub native to Asia.After water, it is the most widely consumed drink in the world.ea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis, an evergreen shrub native to Asia."
"score": 0.531462431,
"text": "THE TEA-CUP STAGE: Stranger in Your Cup. Even when the tea was finally poured from the pot into the cup, strangers still had a habit of popping up uninvited. If a single leaf floated in a Scottish cup, it was said, There's a stranger in your tea. If it was hard to bite, a man would call; and a soft stalk symbolized a woman."
"score": 0.5278033614,
"text": "Yeah it's a really contentious subject in the tea community. I know some people who are very touchy about which word you use. Steep or infuse are the preferred terms because they really just mean leaving something in hot water for a bit. Brew implies some action, some process, some mixing."
"score": 0.5215219259,
"text": "Golden Tip Puer and Longjing in the glass to show their different infusion colours. Both are prepared with 3 g of tealeaves to 150 ml water, infused for 5.5 minutes. For most people, to make tea — tea infusion — simply means to pour boiling water into a pot with some tealeaves or one or two teabags. For me, tea infusion means achieving a desired taste and aroma result of a chosen kind of tealeaves by dissolving a certain proportion of the tea materials into water. This is done by using a certain combination of teaware, water temperature, water to tealeaves ratio and steeping process."
"score": 0.5199614167,
"text": "Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis, an evergreen shrub native to Asia.After water, it is the most widely consumed drink in the world.here are many different types of tea; some teas, like Darjeeling and Chinese greens, have a cooling, slightly bitter, and astringent flavour, while others have vastly different profiles that include sweet, nutty, floral, or grassy notes. Tea originated in the southwest of China, used as a medicinal drink."
"score": 0.5195569396,
"text": "(April 2013). In Australian politics, a leadership spill (sometimes also known as a party room spill) is a declaration that the leadership of a parliamentary party is vacant, and open for re-election. A spill may involve all leadership positions (leader and deputy leader in both houses), or just the leader.April 2013). In Australian politics, a leadership spill (sometimes also known as a party room spill) is a declaration that the leadership of a parliamentary party is vacant, and open for re-election. A spill may involve all leadership positions (leader and deputy leader in both houses), or just the leader."
"score": 0.5195304155,
"text": "In Australian politics, a leadership spill (sometimes also known as a party room spill) is a declaration that the leadership of a parliamentary party is vacant, and open for re-election.April 2013). In Australian politics, a leadership spill (sometimes also known as a party room spill) is a declaration that the leadership of a parliamentary party is vacant, and open for re-election. A spill may involve all leadership positions (leader and deputy leader in both houses), or just the leader."
"score": 0.5139195323,
"text": "Definitions for tea ceremony. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word tea ceremony. Princeton's WordNet(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: tea ceremony, chanoyu(noun) an ancient ritual for preparing and serving and drinking tea. tea ceremony(Noun) A detailed ritual in Japan for preparing, serving and drinking green tea, seen as an expression of Zen Buddhism; also any similar ritual performed in other Asian cultures."
"score": 0.5103846788,
"text": "Lindsey Goodwin. Definition: Milk tea is tea with milk added. In some parts of the world (such as parts of India), milk tea is the default type of tea, so 'tea' usually refers to milk team while ' black tea ' or 'tea without' refers to tea without milk. Milk tea is commonly consumed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, India, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong."
"score": 0.5069394708,
"text": "The Tea Party is a grassroots movement that calls awareness to any issue which challenges the security, sovereignty, or domestic tranquility of our beloved nation, the United States of America.he Tea Party Movement, born from obscurity, without funding, without planning, is a spontaneous force shaking the very glass foundation of the oligarchy that rules in our name, but without our blessing."
"score": 0.5047444105,
"text": "Meanings and history of the name Tea: | Edit. It is of Italian or Greek origin. Short form of Teresa and Teadora and a variant of Thea and Dorotea. its meaning is goddess or gift of God."
"score": 0.4953040481,
"text": "Best Answer: To protest a new tax on Tea which was imposed by parliament. They were saying, in effect, that we will dump the tea and do without it before we'll ..."
"score": 0.492082417,
"text": "The term herbal tea usually refers to infusions of fruit or herbs made without the tea plant, such as steeps of rosehip, chamomile, or rooibos. These are sometimes called tisanes or herbal infusions to prevent confusion with tea made from the tea plant."
"score": 0.4872633219,
"text": "The truth behind the teas your are drinking. There's nothing like a hot cup of tea to get you through a long stressful day or to decompress. It has a way of providing energy, soothing the soul, and refreshing your spirits."
"score": 0.48578614,
"text": "This is your step by step guide to tea stain removal from clothes, fabrics, carpets and upholstery. Tea is a wonderful drink. It tastes great and can relax and soothe us. But I'm definitely not soothed when there's a tea spill on my clothes or carpet."
"score": 0.476805985,
"text": "Tea is a beverage that is typically drunk by young adults and adults. Most children and teenagers don't enjoy tea since it has a distinct flavor. The flavor of tea is an acquired taste and requires much tasting and sampling different kinds until a favorite flavor is decided."
"score": 0.4742928743,
"text": "Japanese tea ceremony. The Japanese tea ceremony, also called the Way of Tea, is a Japanese cultural activity involving the ceremonial preparation and presentation of matcha (抹茶), powdered green tea."
"score": 0.4613972306,
"text": "The Boston Tea Party was a protest by the American Colonists against the British government. They staged the protest by boarding three trade ships in Boston Harbor and throwing the ships' cargo of tea overboard into the ocean. They threw 342 chests of tea into the water."
"score": 0.4540498257,
"text": "A 'flush' is a term which applies generally to Darjeeling teas and refers to a specific harvest of the tea leaves within the year. The 'first flush' relates to the first crop taken in the spring, whilst the 'second flush' is the second batch of leaves picked at the end of the summer. Some farmers take a third yield of tea (and usually the last of the year) after the end of the summer, this third crop is called the 'autumn flush'. More rarely there can be smaller intermediate flushes between the first, second and autumn – although this is dependant on the timings and strength of the monsoons."
"score": 0.4356906414,
"text": "Though all efforts of the host are directed. towards the enjoyment of the participants, this is not to say that the Way of Tea is a self-. indulgent pastime for guests. The ceremony. is equally designed to humble participants. by focusing attention both on the profound. beauty of the simplest aspects of nature—such."
"score": 0.4248922467,
"text": "When did the song Spill the Wine by War come out Spill the Wine is a 1970 song performed by Eric Burdon and War. Released as a... What year did the song 'Spill the Wine' by War come out? The song 'Spill The Wine' by War was released in 1970."
"score": 0.3944850862,
"text": "But everyone should have an understanding of what types of liquids could spill and know what to do when there is a spill. In some cases, response primarily could be based on volume; in others, the type of liquid may have a heavier weight than the volume of the spill."
"score": 0.3740777373,
"text": "What is Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill which occurred on March 24, 1989 in Prince William Sound, Alaska, is considered the worst ocean oil spill in the maritime history. The oil spill left behind ravaging effects on the environment, some of which are still seen today."
"score": 0.3701500297,
"text": "slide 1 of 5. What is Exxon Valdez Oil Spill The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill which occurred on March 24, 1989 in Prince William Sound, Alaska, is considered the worst ocean oil spill in the maritime history. The oil spill left behind ravaging effects on the environment, some of which are still seen today."
"score": 0.3126245141,
"text": "Solar energy is now more affordable and accessible than ever before, and using renewable energy makes a positive impact on the environment. It's like they say: what does a solar spill look like? A beautiful day."
] |
roku stock price per share | [
"score": 0.828938365,
"text": "Weak Financials Loom Over ROKU. The ROKU stock price today stands at approximately $22-per-share, even as the euphoria from its September IPO fades. But, despite the stock price, its financial metrics appear weak."
] | [
"score": 0.7650765181,
"text": "Worse than that, Citigroup argues that over the next 12 months, Roku shares could be nearly cut in half in value, falling from yesterday's closing price of more than $51 a share to as low as $28. Investors are taking the warning to heart and dumping Roku shares."
"score": 0.660335958,
"text": "Thus, Citi appears to be making a round assumption that 10 times gross profits is a fair price to pay for Roku stock -- not unreasonable if Netflix is selling for about twice that, and earning a net profit as well (which, again, Roku is not expected to do before 2019)."
"score": 0.6575974822,
"text": "What`s With Roku`s Stock Price Lately? 01/12/18-1:39AM EST Seeking Alpha Roku Inc (ROKU) Has a Bumpy Ride Ahead 01/10/18-2:10AM EST Smarter Analyst Uh Oh, Roku Inc (ROKU) Has a New Bear in Town 01/09/18-12:31PM EST Smarter Analyst More Other News for ROKU"
"score": 0.6547701359,
"text": "Roku directly sells streaming player prices starting at $49.99 for the Roku LT. The Roku HD costs $59.99, while Roku 2 XD costs $79.99. The top-of-the-line Roku 2 XS costs $99.99. The Roku LT comes with over 700 entertainment channels and plays 720p HD video."
"score": 0.6369674206,
"text": "At PriceGrabber.com, Roku players are sold by various merchants at discounted prices. For instance, the Roku LT has an average cost of $49, while the Roku LT model and Roku HD averages $58. The newer model such as the Roku 2 XD averages $69.99, and the Roku XS is $89.99."
"score": 0.6298471689,
"text": "Roku's New Device Lineup Includes the Roku Express and 4K-Ready Roku Ultra, Pricing Starts at $29.99. Roku has a new lineup of devices for the holiday shopping season, five in total. Ranging in price and specification, the devices are up for pre-order beginning today, with in-store availability starting early October."
"score": 0.6252899766,
"text": "In an article review from Networkworld.com, it was revealed that the price for Roku is affordable compared to other internet TV streaming devices. Accordingly, the prices of Roku boxes start at $49.99 (Roku LT). The prices, however, will go up depending on the specific model. To learn more about the Roku, SEE: \"How much does a Roku cost?\". As for the channels, most of them are for free; however, there are others channels that can only be viewed for a fee. As per Support.roku.com, Roku also provides channels for purchase."
"score": 0.6225342751,
"text": "Premiere and Premiere+. In the mid-tier, the former Roku 2 will become the Roku Premiere and Premiere+ instead, priced at $79.99 and $99.99, respectively. These two devices will focus on meeting the needs of consumers who are most interested in better picture quality."
"score": 0.6122478247,
"text": "Accordingly, the prices of Roku boxes start at $49.99 (Roku LT). The prices, however, will go up depending on the specific model. To learn more about the Roku, SEE: \"How much does a Roku cost?\". As for the channels, most of them are for free; however, there are others channels that can only be viewed for a fee. As per Support.roku.com, Roku also provides channels for purchase."
"score": 0.6119250059,
"text": "Netflix edged toward $200 per share as the stock's momentum builds from last week's increase on some of its prices for streaming plans. The shares hit a record high during trading Friday of $198.92 following the price increase. On Monday, the stock set a fresh intraday record of $199.40 a share, but slipped back to $196.87 at the close. Netflix raised its prices Thursday on some of its streaming plans. Its $10/month high-definition plan now costs $11 and the 4K streaming plan, which provides higher-quality content, will cost $14 per month, a $2 increase."
"score": 0.6086676121,
"text": "Roku is Launching a New Streaming TV Box That Will Only Cost $25. Roku's new device will be the among the cheapest streaming TV devices yet—if buyers snag it before it sells out during Black Friday weekend. The company unveiled the Roku SE on Nov. 11, a limited-edition set-top box that will cost $25 on the shopping holiday. The box officially launches on Thanksgiving Day on Nov. 26, and will be available through the weekend while supplies last."
"score": 0.6060535908,
"text": "Roku 3. Roku 3 is the most expensive of the Roku models, costing around $100. While twice as expensive as Roku 1, it has a lot of cool features that make up for it. You have all the features of Roku 2 but it is way faster and it uses the most recent versions of your favorite apps."
"score": 0.6060484648,
"text": "By Will Greenwald Roku is refreshing its line of media hubs with new versions of the Roku 2 and Roku 3. The latest Roku 2 is a $69.99 puck-shaped media hub that looks indistinguishable from the previous, Editors' Choice Roku 2 at first glance."
"score": 0.5997372866,
"text": "The market was disappointed by the results, as the company's stock price fell from $65.97 per share to $50.03 per share in the trading session following the announcement. While the company met or exceeded Wall Street analysts' consensus expectations with its financials, the stock fell on disappointing user growth."
"score": 0.5994120836,
"text": "Roku's new Streaming Stick works with most TVs, drops price to $50. When Roku released its first Streaming Stick in late 2012, it was a tough sell. It cost $99 (as much as the highest-end Roku box), only worked with TVs that were certified as Roku Ready, and it didn't even ship with a remote."
"score": 0.5993403792,
"text": "The new Roku Streaming Stick (model 3600) is available for pre-order today from roku.com, Amazon.com, BestBuy.com and Walmart.com for $49.99. It will be available later this month in national retailers including Best Buy, Walmart and others."
"score": 0.5990831852,
"text": "1 The Roku 3 is $99.99 and for HDTV's only. 2 It's also exceptionally better than the others. 3 You get everything the other Rokus offer, except the channel buttons on the remote. 4 Plus, the Roku 3 is five times faster and has ethernet, micro USB, and USB slots."
"score": 0.5975141525,
"text": "For starters, the Roku box starts at $48 (the $48 price is available this week at Amazon, which is sponsoring a special $10 discount on Roku products. For more information, click here: Roku. Second, Roku offers a mix of free and subscription-only or PPV channels."
"score": 0.594743371,
"text": "In the middle of the lineup, the Roku Premiere features 4K UHD video playback, HDCP 2.2 compatibility, upscaling of 720p to 1080p, 802.11ac MIMO dual-band wireless, as well as a Night Listening mode. Price for the Premiere is set at $79.99, with the Premiere+ model priced at $99.99."
"score": 0.5901821256,
"text": "Roku unveils five new streaming boxes with prices as low as $30. The $30 Roku Express is even cheaper than Google Chromecast, and actually includes a remote, while higher-end Premiere and Ultra boxes sport 4K and HDR video. Update: We've now published reviews of the $30 Roku Express and the $40 Express+. We'll review the 4K Roku boxes soon."
"score": 0.588432312,
"text": "Roku unveils five new streaming boxes with prices as low as $30. The $30 Roku Express is even cheaper than Google Chromecast, and actually includes a remote, while higher-end Premiere and Ultra boxes sport 4K and HDR video. Update: We've now published reviews of the $30 Roku Express and the $40 Express+. We'll review the 4K Roku boxes soon. Roku just made choosing a new streaming player five times more difficult, and at least five bucks cheaper than the competition."
"score": 0.587980032,
"text": "The Roku 2 is $69.99 and has a headphone jack in the remote for private listening, and dual-band wireless. It's compatible with all TV's, but you don't get to stream directly from smartphone apps with this one either. Essentially, it costs an extra 30 bucks for a headphone jack on the remote. The Roku 3 is $99.99 and for HDTV's only. It's also exceptionally better than the others. You get everything the other Rokus offer, except the channel buttons on the remote. Plus, the Roku 3 is five times faster and has ethernet, micro USB, and USB slots."
"score": 0.5864120126,
"text": "The Roku Amazon service does give you access to newer movies and TV shows but it's a pay per view model with movies typically costing $3.99 for standard definition or $4.99 for high-def, though Amazon frequently offers bargain prices on selected movies and shows."
"score": 0.5853294134,
"text": "The company makes money from selling devices, advertising, and subscriptions. Roku raised more than $420 million in an IPO in September 2017. † Some telephone numbers on the Hoover's site may be on a country's do not call or do not contact list including, but not limited to, the United Kingdom's CTPS or TPS registers."
"score": 0.5851709843,
"text": "For the internals, the company essentially crammed the Roku 1 into a dongle format -- and that includes its wallet-friendly $50 price point. While it's not quite as cheap as Google's streaming stick, it does play host to plenty more content sources."
"score": 0.5843996406,
"text": "With more than 5 million streaming media devices sold, Roku is the closest competitor to Apple for overthrowing the traditional television models. And with several low-priced devices ranging from $49 to $99 (as well as Roku-loaded smart devices made by third-party companies) that stream from sources from PBS to MLB, there's a lot of content to love."
"score": 0.5827988386,
"text": "Roku has rolled out a new Streaming Stick, its inexpensive, back-of-the-television answer to media streamer boxes like the Apple TV. It's slimmer, faster, and has more features than the original, all for the same $49.99 price tag."
"score": 0.5823998451,
"text": "Well...yes. For starters, the Roku box starts at $48 (the $48 price is available this week at Amazon, which is sponsoring a special $10 discount on Roku products. Second, Roku offers a mix of free and subscription-only or PPV channels."
"score": 0.5819112062,
"text": "Well...yes. For starters, the Roku box starts at $48 (the $48 price is available this week at Amazon, which is sponsoring a special $10 discount on Roku products. For more information, click here: Roku. Second, Roku offers a mix of free and subscription-only or PPV channels. The latter category includes Netflix, Amazon Instant Video, Vudu, MLB.TV, NBA League Pass and Hulu Plus. They either require a separate monthly subscription or, in the case of Vudu, a Pay-Per-View fee for each movie you watch."
"score": 0.5798403025,
"text": "roku 3 roku 3 is the most expensive of the roku models costing around $ 100 while twice as expensive as roku 1 it has a lot of cool features that make up for it you have all the features of roku 2 but it is way faster and it uses the most recent versions of your favorite appsoku review supports netflix hulu and more most of us know that the roku and now the roku 3 is a small black box that allows you to instantly stream your favorite tv shows and movies to your tv but most are unaware of how much content is really available"
"score": 0.5787119865,
"text": "All Roku devices have the same basic features: access to over 1,000 channels with built in wireless and search features. Here's the breakdown of the differences: 1 The Roku Streaming Stick is $49.99 and only works on HDTVs. 2 It has all the basic features like search, access to all the channels, and it comes with a remote."
"score": 0.5783586502,
"text": "Roku XDS. The top of the line model costs $99.99 including free shipping, and supports component video and optical digital audio outputs. With this model, you can also use a USB port to play back media from memory sticks and other devices."
"score": 0.5778961182,
"text": "Roku Channel Developer: Hulu. The Hulu Plus Channel is available on the Roku Channel Store for free and offer a one week free trial to new users. The pricing of $7.99 per month is detailed on the main screen of the Hulu Plus Roku Channel. From the Roku Channel Store: Hulu Plus offers unlimited instant streaming of current hit shows, classic series and acclaimed movies."
"score": 0.5770782828,
"text": "1 The Roku 2 is $69.99 and has a headphone jack in the remote for private listening, and dual-band wireless. 2 It's compatible with all TV's, but you don't get to stream directly from smartphone apps with this one either. 3 Essentially, it costs an extra 30 bucks for a headphone jack on the remote."
"score": 0.5743693113,
"text": "The $70 Roku 2 is the best media streamer for most people because it offers the largest selection of streaming content, a clean and responsive user interface, and a useful search function. $68* from Amazon. *At the time of publishing, the price was $65."
"score": 0.5722745657,
"text": "When it comes to price, Chromecast and Roku are more or less in the same price range. Chromecast costs around $35, while Roku will run you around $50."
"score": 0.5707611442,
"text": "Roku Channel Developer: Hulu The Hulu Plus Channel is available on the Roku Channel Store for free and offer a one week free trial to new users. The pricing of $7.99 per month is detailed on the main screen of the Hulu Plus Roku Channel."
"score": 0.570468545,
"text": "Cost: $59.99. Roku 2: The Roku 2 includes all the channels that the Roku LT includes, as well as the 1080p HD streaming that comes with the Roku 1, but it also offers a remote with a headphone jack, so you don't have to disturb the whole house, as well as dual-band wireless. Cost: $79.99."
"score": 0.5686757565,
"text": "At €636.55 per share, Audi AG has embedded expectations of future performance that are excessively low. To reach today's stock price of €636.55, Audi's Adjusted ROA (ROA') would have to fall to 1.4% over the next five years, with a 5-year CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 5.5%."
"score": 0.5670526028,
"text": "Cost: $49.99. Roku 1: This box comes with all of the features of the Roku LT, but also allows for 1080p HD viewing, compared to the Roku LT's 720p. So if you want to get the highest quality HD without a ton of extra features, this is the box for you. Cost: $59.99."
"score": 0.5596857071,
"text": "Roku 2 (2015 model), $69, available at Amazon.com.Amazon. Most people in search of a media streamer should buy a Roku. As of today, its family of boxes come with the widest variety of content for the widest swath of users, the smoothest and most easily navigable user interface, and the best search function."
"score": 0.5577409267,
"text": "The P130 series will be offered in 43\" ($499), 50\" ($599), 55\" ($699), and 65\" ($1099) screen sizes. All 4K TCL Roku TV models include a powerful quad-core processor and feature Ultra HD picture quality with more than eight million pixels for enhanced clarity and detail."
"score": 0.5567512512,
"text": "Plex on Tuesday released a preview version of its revamped Roku app, but it's currently only available to Plex Pass subscribers ($4.99 per month, which works out to £3.25 or AU$6.40, with yearly and lifetime options). The updated app will arrive for non-Plex Pass subscribers in the next few months."
"score": 0.5554665923,
"text": "It's even cheaper than Roku's most basic hardware, the $49 Roku LT. In addition, you can occasionally find sales on the Chromecast at a $30 price point and sales at a $80 price point on both the Apple TV and Roku 3."
"score": 0.5543254614,
"text": "Castle Brands (ROX) Stock Soars 13% On Additional Ownership of Gosling-Castle Partners. Shares of Castle Brands Inc. (ROX) jumped 13.24% today to $1.54 per share after the company announced that it increased their ownership in Gosling-Castle Partners Inc. (GCP) by another 20.1%. Mar. 30, 2017 at 6:50 p.m."
"score": 0.5541892648,
"text": "What was the highest share price ever recorded? high stock price Berkshire Hathaway has never had a stock split and today the price is $109,000 per share but I know it has traded as high as $175,000 per share."
"score": 0.5540555716,
"text": "The price, which Mapco termed fair and reasonable, was $44 per share for Kiewit's roughly 6.9 million MAPCO common shares. MAPCO stock closed Thursday on the New York Stock Exchange at 35 3/8 per share, up 1/2."
"score": 0.5510702133,
"text": "It's being replaced by TCL's FS3700 line, of which we tested the 55-inch 55FS3700. Its $598 retail price is a full $80 less than the price of the 55-inch 55FS4610R from last year, and it delivers the same solid performance and offers loads of streaming media thanks to its Roku TV core.he FS3700 series shows that, once again, TCL and Roku can work together to produce a very compelling budget HDTV. Even though its picture won't wow you, at $600 for a 55-inch screen loaded with Roku's wide selection of content channels and media features, the bargain it presents will."
"score": 0.5499091148,
"text": "The market price of K-T-Lew Corporation's common stock is $60 per share, and each share gives its owner one subscription right. Four rights are required to purchase an additional share of common stock at the subscription price of $54 per share."
"score": 0.5497393608,
"text": "TCL ships cheap new 2015 Roku TVs. The first company to sell TVs with built-in Roku was TCL, and we really liked them. Now the budget brand is back with the second generation, starting at $219 for the 32-inch size. Our favorite Smart TV platform, , isn't found on TVs made by Samsung, LG, Sony Vizio or any of the other major-brand TVs sold in the US."
"score": 0.5426827669,
"text": "At StarHub's current share price of $3.13, the company is trading at 14.4 times trailing earnings. If you like what you've seen, you can get even more investing insights and analyses from The Motley Fool's weekly investing newsletter Take Stock Singapore. It's FREE, so do check it out here."
"score": 0.5377823114,
"text": "The stock value of the company stands at 2nd position with the value of $3,920 per share. The most special part about this company is the pork production in the United States. 3. NVR Incorporated: – Originally the name of the company was Ryan homes, in 1940 but in 1980 it was named as NVR incorporation."
"score": 0.5366363525,
"text": "Roku offers quick access to video channels including Netflix, Amazon on demand, Pandora radio and Blip.tv as well as photos from Flickr and Facebook on your TV. The Roku player will connect with virtually any TV and it supports both wireless and wired connections. Starts at $79.99."
"score": 0.5345290899,
"text": "I have developed a channel for the ROKU that is available in the channel store for a one time purchase of $2.99 It is called the Vintage Audio Video Channel. Vintage Movies And Classic TV Shows. Documentaries, Animation, War Films And Survival Information."
"score": 0.5339446068,
"text": "The company also guided earnings per share above consensus, expecting somewhere between $4.05 and $4.15 a share, compared with analysts' expectations of $3.96. The company's shares bounced 3.74% on the news, hitting $70.20 in premarket trading on Thursday."
"score": 0.5274733305,
"text": "No, TCL Roku TV can't compete with Samsung and LG's top-of-the-line TV specs. But both the 40-inch set at $329 and 48-inch step up model at $449 that we tested offer a solid 1080p full HD picture at an affordable price."
"score": 0.5244140625,
"text": "Genuine Roku Standard Remote with Channel Shortcut Buttons [Works with All Roku Models Except the Roku Streaming... by Roku. $ 22 99 Prime. FREE Shipping on eligible orders. Only 4 left in stock - order soon. More Buying Choices. $21.99(3 new offers) 4.2 out of 5 stars 938."
"score": 0.5231104493,
"text": "There are no recurring fees for owning a Roku player. You choose what you want to watch and what you want to pay for. There are hundreds of free channels, subscription services like Netflix® and Hulu are under $10 month, or you can rent or buy individual titles or series on demand. Your choice."
"score": 0.5176949501,
"text": "Equity per Share Charge - per transaction - when adding liquidity to the NYSE. in any stock with a per share stock price below $1.00 (displayed and non-. displayed) ............................................................................................................."
"score": 0.5153371692,
"text": "You can find the new channel in the Science & Technology section of the Roku Channel Store. Access to the service is free for the first month, after which you will have to choose between a $3-per-month plan offering SD-quality streaming, or a $6-per-month plan with an HD-quality option."
"score": 0.5061774254,
"text": "For example, if your EPS is $1.50 per share, and your dividend is $2.00 per share, stockholders would ignore anything above $1.50 per share as a driver of stock price. In general dividends have little effect upon stock price."
"score": 0.4961235821,
"text": "Insiders Were Right: OKS Makes New 52-Week High. In trading on Tuesday, shares of ONEOK Partners LP touched a new 52-week high of $40.00/share. That's a 82.98% rise, or $18.14 per share from the 52-week low of $21.86 set back on 12/17/2015."
"score": 0.4632754922,
"text": "10. The primary purpose of a stock split is to reduce the market price of the stock per share. Stock splits increase the number of shares outstanding and reduce the par value and the market price of the stock per share."
"score": 0.459454596,
"text": "Williams Partners Reports Price Offering of $49 (WPZ) Williams Partners L.P. (WPZ) announced on Friday that it has priced a public offering of its units. WPZ reported that it has priced 21,500,000 common units at $49 per share. This offering will close on August 7."
"score": 0.4531089067,
"text": "When I do get a place of my own, I want to spend no more than $100 per month on cable and streaming services. Mind you, that's not counting the cost of a TV and Roku 3 streaming device. And since the key to saving money is often some careful forethought, I've already started planning. Here's what I have learned so far."
] |
is crown royal any good | [
"score": 0.7296260595,
"text": "Visit Their Website. Crown Royal is one of the best selling, and most beloved brands of whisky in the world. Crown Royal devotees are an extremely brand loyal group, and as such, make Crown an essential part of any complete bar, whether at home or in a restaurant or tavern."
] | [
"score": 0.7228279114,
"text": "Crown Royal is a Canadian whiskey produced by the British company, Diageo. Crown Royal was created in 1939. King George VI, the King of England, embarked on his first tour of Canada that year."
"score": 0.7137195468,
"text": "Doesn't get any better. As a longtime Crown Royal drinker I thought Crown hit he mark with Cask 16 when that was available. They have surpassed that with Crown XO. Get it while you can and here's hoping XO is around a little longer."
"score": 0.7110435367,
"text": "Crown Royal. This legendary whisky, created in 1939 to celebrate the visit of the King of England, has a blend of fifty distinct, full-bodied whiskies matured in white oak barrels. Crown Royal has a taste profile defined by smoothness, enhanced by a rich, lingering finish."
"score": 0.6902371049,
"text": "Crown Royal Reserve is also known and labeled in some places as Crown Royal Special Reserve. Jim Murray named it Canadian Whisky of the Year in his 2012 Whisky Bible, giving it 96 pts. That listing, plus a local sale led me to buy a bottle in about November 2011."
"score": 0.6861857176,
"text": "What we're taking a look at today is a Canadian blend, Crown Royal, which came about in 1939 as a tribute by Samuel Bronfman and the Seagram company to Queen Elizabeth's and King George VI visit to Canada. Like so many other whiskies I have reviewed it is, if it wasn't obvious, a part of the Diageo family."
"score": 0.6854435205,
"text": "Crown Royal. Honey. To create this extraordinary blend, Crown Royal whiskies are carefully selected by our master whisky blenders and infused with the subtly sweet taste of honey. The result is a vibrantly delicious whisky with the sophisticated and distinct smoothness of Crown Royal. Crown Royal Honey was offered for a limited time."
"score": 0.6830233932,
"text": "This legendary whisky, created in 1939 to celebrate the visit of the King of England, has a blend of fifty distinct, full-bodied whiskies matured in white oak barrels. Crown Royal has a taste profile defined by smoothness, enhanced by a rich, lingering finish."
"score": 0.6820781231,
"text": "Crown Royal's Regal Apple features everything you love about Crown Royal whiskey with a robust, crisp apple flavor that is perfect for celebrations, chilled shots, and mixed concoctions for which your friends will need the recipe."
"score": 0.6797199249,
"text": "Crown Royal® Canadian whisky. A canadian blend of rye whiskey and a lighter corn whisky, also known as a canadian blended whisky. view recipes with Crown Royal® Canadian whisky. Crown Royal® Reserve Canadian whisky."
"score": 0.6788275242,
"text": "Crown Royal XO 750ML, Canada. This is no ordinary reserve quality whisky. Crafted by the Crown Royal Master Blender, XO furthers the Crown Royal® signature blend from 50 of our finest whiskies, and then finishes them in cognac casks."
"score": 0.6689407825,
"text": "What we're taking a look at today is a Canadian blend, Crown Royal, which came about in 1939 as a tribute by Samuel Bronfman and the Seagram company to Queen Elizabeth's and King George VI visit to Canada."
"score": 0.6679601669,
"text": "Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey is available in several forms, including Crown Royal Deluxe, Crown Royal Maple Finished, Crown Royal Black and Crown Royal Reserve. All Crown Royal whiskeys have between 40 and 50 percent alcohol by volume, so they all have the same approximate amount of calories per ounce."
"score": 0.6659063101,
"text": "Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey is available in several forms, including Crown Royal Deluxe, Crown Royal Maple Finished, Crown Royal Black and Crown Royal Reserve. All Crown Royal whiskeys have between 40 and 50 percent alcohol by volume, so they all have the same approximate amount of calories per ounce. Crown Royal whiskeys are known for coming in a signature purple velvet bag that seals with a gold-colored string."
"score": 0.6642881036,
"text": "Flavorful and refined. To create this extraordinary blend, Crown Royal whiskies are hand-selected by our master blender and infused with Regal Gala Apples and apple flavors. The result is a delicious Canadian whisky balanced with notes of crisp apple flavor."
"score": 0.6637840867,
"text": "1 Crown Royal was introduced in 1939 and is the original version of the brand. It was available only in Canada until 1964. Crown Royal comes in a purple felt-like bag with a gold tasselled drawstring. Crown Royal Black was introduced in 2010, and is a darker, higher alcohol (90 proof) whisky."
"score": 0.6632116437,
"text": "The blend opens with a nose of bright apples balanced with our signature Crown Royal whisky and hints of spice. Crown Royal® Regal Apple™ offers a flavorful palate of slightly tart, crisp apple with notes of caramel and light spice that culminates in a full-bodied smooth finish of refined apple notes and balanced sweetness.\"."
"score": 0.6626318693,
"text": "To create this extraordinary blend, Crown Royal whiskies are hand-selected by our master blender and infused with Regal Gala Apples and apple flavors. The result is a delicious Canadian whisky balanced with notes of crisp apple flavor."
"score": 0.658372283,
"text": "With the big maple leaf on the bottle, Crown Royal Maple Finished may be the release from Crown Royal that gets people to clearly associate it with Canadian Whisky. Often the black sheep of the whisky world, Canadian whisky is one of the most misunderstood and most overlooked spirit categories."
"score": 0.657669127,
"text": "Crown Royal Canadian Whisky Vanilla 750ml. As you would expect you get a strong vanilla note on the nose. But this although sweet, balances a sweet vanilla bean taste with oak. imagine a Vanilla bean taste with a side of spicey cinnamon and caramel taste. Liquor WHISKEY CANADIAN WHISKEY more."
"score": 0.6548147202,
"text": "Crown Royal Black. Introduced in 2010, Crown Royal Black is a 90 proof whisky, and of course it is cloaked in a black bag. It is available for $29.95 here in Oregon. A slight change to the original, this higher proof blend is matured in charred oak barrels – a slight change from the original – for a bold texture and finish."
"score": 0.6532361507,
"text": "Crown Royal Limited Edition (40% abv) Controlled, elegant, creamy, and balanced with nutmeg, cloves and ginger, hot pepper and peppermint, green and ripe apples, floral bourbon-like vanilla and oak, cereal, and orange bitters. Spicy Rye."
"score": 0.6528303027,
"text": "Recipes Any cocktail is perfectly complemented by the unmistakeable smoothness of Crown Royal. Blog Learn more about what we are up to. Recipes Any cocktail is perfectly complemented by the unmistakeable smoothness of Crown Royal. Whiskies Award winning whiskies with our signature smoothness. Recipes Any cocktail is perfectly complemented by the unmistakeable smoothness of Crown Royal. Blog Learn more about what we are up to. Recipes Any cocktail is perfectly complemented by the unmistakeable smoothness of Crown Royal."
"score": 0.6527715325,
"text": "Brand variations. Crown Royal was introduced in 1939 and is the original version of the brand. It was available only in Canada until 1964. Crown Royal comes in a purple felt-like bag with a gold tasselled drawstring. Crown Royal Black was introduced in 2010, and is a darker, higher alcohol (90 proof) whisky."
"score": 0.6515309811,
"text": "The only thing that's tough about Crown Royal XO is the price tag; at $50, Crown Royal XO is double the price of Crown Royal Black and $10 over the previously released Crown Royal Reserve. It's nice whisky, but it in the $30-$40 it's a lot easier to recommend."
"score": 0.6513866186,
"text": "Quick Answer. A 1-ounce serving of Crown Royal Canadian Whiskey contains 69 calories. Crown Royal is a Canadian-blended whiskey featuring a combination of corn whiskey and rye whiskey."
"score": 0.6498138905,
"text": "1 Crown Royal Maple Finished was introduced in 2012. It is a blend of Crown Royal with maple flavour and comes in a brown felt-like bag. Crown Royal XO was introduced in January 2014. It is a blend of 50 whiskies that is then finished in Cognac casks from the French Limousin forest."
"score": 0.6471804976,
"text": "This item is not shipped in the original packaging. This item is shipped with cloth bag only. Crown Royal has a taste profile defined by smoothness, enhanced by a rich, lingering finish. 80 Proof. Spirits."
"score": 0.6453568935,
"text": "Crown Royal Maple Finished Canadian Whisky. The flavored whiskey category has seen explosive growth since the launch of Jack Daniels Tennessee Honey. Since then we've seen flavored offerings from Jim Beam and their Red Stag line, Bushmills Irish Honey, and even Barenjager, who added bourbon to their honey liqueur. Now Crown Royal steps into the flavored whiskey space with their first flavored offering, Crown Royal Maple Finished."
"score": 0.6390236616,
"text": "Brand variations. 1 Crown Royal was introduced in 1939 and is the original version of the brand. It was available only in Canada until 1964. 2 Crown Royal Black was introduced in 2010, and is a darker, higher alcohol (90 proof) whisky. Comes in a black felt-like bag. 3 Crown Royal Reserve was introduced in 1992."
"score": 0.6383875608,
"text": "The worth of an old bottle of Crown Royal. by jsherry2 » Sat Jan 17, 2009 8:30 pm. I am looking for anyone that might be able to tell me if my old bottle of crown royal is worth anything. It is from 1965, LESSTHAN 1/2 PINT bottle with the tax stamp and original seal still on the bottle."
"score": 0.6350443959,
"text": "The calories in Crown Royal whiskey vary according to the specific product. Traditional Crown Royal contains 96 calories per 1.5-ounce serving, as does Crown Royal's Special Reserve product. Each of these whiskeys has 40 percent alcohol by volume."
"score": 0.6342612505,
"text": "Today, Crown Royal is produced solely at the Crown Royal distillery at Gimli, on the shores of Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada."
"score": 0.6333512068,
"text": "Today, Crown Royal is produced solely at the Crown Royal distillery at Gimli, on the shores of Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It was also produced in Waterloo, Ontario, until the plant there closed in 1992."
"score": 0.6330392361,
"text": "The calories in Crown Royal whiskey vary according to the specific product. Traditional Crown Royal contains 96 calories per 1.5-ounce serving, as does Crown Royal's Special Reserve product. Each of these whiskeys has 40 percent alcohol by volume. Crown Royal Maple contains 101 calories per 1.5-ounce serving and 40 percent alcohol by volume. Crown Royal Black has the highest caloric and alcohol content of any Crown Royal product, with 109 calories per 1.5-ounce serving and 45 percent alcohol by volume."
"score": 0.6303899884,
"text": "Crown Royal XO is another in a long line of recent releases from Diageo designed to push their workhorse products into ever-increasing premium spaces. At $50 a bottle, Crown Royal XO is double the price of last year's Crown Royal Maple, but still half the price of the line's super-premium series Crown Royal XR."
"score": 0.6267341375,
"text": "Building on their success in the elusive premium Canadian whiskey category, Crown Royal has a super premium series under the XR name. In 2006 the XR release came from the Waterloo distillery, and now in 2012 it's from LaSalle."
"score": 0.6141080856,
"text": "The only thing that's tough about Crown Royal XO is the price tag; at $50, Crown Royal XO is double the price of Crown Royal Black and $10 over the previously released Crown Royal Reserve."
"score": 0.6106800437,
"text": "· just now. Report Abuse. The value of old bottles of Crown Royal (1950's to 1654) seems to be about $70 if you can find a buyer. Vintage Canadian whiskies are not in high demand because they are blended and supposedly don't change from one year to another."
"score": 0.6071953773,
"text": "The value of old bottles of Crown Royal (1950's to 1654) seems to be about $70 if you can find a buyer. Vintage Canadian whiskies are not in high demand because they are blended and supposedly don't change from one year to another."
"score": 0.6065099239,
"text": "One ounce of Crown Royal Maple has 97 calories. It does not have any fat, sodium, carbs, fiber, cholesterol, or protein."
"score": 0.6017293334,
"text": "Report Abuse. The value of old bottles of Crown Royal (1950's to 1654) seems to be about $70 if you can find a buyer. Vintage Canadian whiskies are not in high demand because they are blended and supposedly don't change from one year to another. Source(s): http://www.theartofdrink.com/blog/2005/1..."
"score": 0.5996020436,
"text": "Crown Whiskey results. Crown Royal. Crown Royal whiskey Per 1 1/2 oz - Calories: 65 kcals. Crown Royal. Crown Royal rye whiskey Per 1 oz - Calories: 69 kcals. Seagrams. Seagrams 7 crown whiskey Per 1 oz - Calories: 69 kcals. Crown Royal. Crown Royal canadian whiskey Per 1 serving - Calories: 96 kcals."
"score": 0.5970369577,
"text": "Whiskey Nutritional Information. Crown Royal whiskey is 80 proof. It contains 40 percent alcohol by volume. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture Nutrient Database, a typical 80 proof whiskey has 97 calories and 14 g of alcohol in a 1.5 oz. serving. It does not contain any carbohydrates, protein or fats."
"score": 0.5969547629,
"text": "The value of old bottles of Crown Royal (1950's to 1654) seems to be about $70 if you can find a buyer. Vintage Canadian whiskies are not in high demand because they are blended and supposedly don't change from one year to another. Source(s): http://www.theartofdrink.com/blog/2005/1..."
"score": 0.5918029547,
"text": "See all results for crown royal bag. 1 Crown Royal Purple Bag by Royal Crown. by Crown Royal. 2 Crown Royal Purple Bag Large 750 Ml Dice Bag. by Royal Crown. 3 Pack of 5 Crown Royal Purple Bags w/ Gold Drawstring Perfect for Storage Gift Bags Shiftboot Carrying Dice or Games Bulk Felt Fabric for Sewing. by Royal Crown."
"score": 0.5901708007,
"text": "See all results for crown royal bag. 1 Crown Royal Purple Bag by Royal Crown. 2 Crown Royal Purple Bag Large 750 Ml Dice Bag. 3 Pack of 5 Crown Royal Purple Bags w/ Gold Drawstring Perfect for Storage Gift Bags Shiftboot Carrying Dice or Games Bulk Felt Fabric for Sewing. 4 Crown Royal Green Bag Regal Apple by Royal Crown. 5 Shop by Category."
"score": 0.5885752439,
"text": "View Full Version : Does Crown Royal liquor have carbs? Welcome to the Active Low-Carber Forums. Support for Atkins diet, Protein Power, Neanderthin (Paleo Diet), CAD/CALP, Dr. Bernstein Diabetes Solution and any other healthy low-carb diet or plan, all are welcome in our lowcarb community."
"score": 0.5071459413,
"text": "\"I love Costco, but I won't buy alcohol there,\" said Judy Martin, who drove 20 miles to Cashmere on Thursday to buy a bottle of Crown Royal. Either way, liquor stores in Washington are going to be different. Ms. Hoefner said that CLS540 will become Old Mission Spirits this summer, with a big new sign out front."
"score": 0.4828605056,
"text": "Royal Christmas is rated excellent. - Winschoten, December 21 2016. Royal Christmas is judged at Trustpilot on its service and quality. Royal Christmas has made thousands of customers happy with her collection of artificial Christmas trees, garlands, wreaths, etc."
"score": 0.479919225,
"text": "Working together with one common vision and a strong commitment, we share insights into the local markets and inspire each other to grow. Royal Crown Cola International: refreshing to consumers with a taste for freedom, and to our partners with a thirst for success."
"score": 0.4542735517,
"text": "The Crown is an American-British television drama series, created and written by Peter Morgan and produced by Left Bank Pictures for Netflix. The show is a biographical story about the reign of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. The first season consists of ten one-hour episodes, and was released in its entirety on November 4, 2016. A second season has already been commissioned.wikipedia."
"score": 0.4432199895,
"text": "2 Answers 2. No, it is not really the chief of court. The Crown is the monarch, though the monarch never appears in person. Instead, the UK has the Crown Prosecution Service who prosecute on behalf of the Crown, who in effect represents the state. The term is used only for serious crimes that are tried in a Crown Court before a jury."
"score": 0.4410460293,
"text": "However, you might do better to sell it as a collectable item. If it is in tip-top condition it could be worth all of £1.50 though you may find someone prepared to pay more on eBay. • Crowns produced by the Royal Mint since 1990 have had a face value of £5."
"score": 0.4288608134,
"text": "The Royal Mint, which produced the original 1977 crown, suggested a post office or a bank would accept yours. However, you might do better to sell it as a collectable item. If it is in tip-top condition it could be worth all of £1.50 though you may find someone prepared to pay more on eBay."
"score": 0.4274719357,
"text": "The health benefits of royal jelly sometimes seem too good to be true. There are simply so many health conditions that this natural compound can help with. There is no question that it helps me as an overall vitality tonic as well as aiding to balance my hormones."
"score": 0.4242895842,
"text": "For me, getting to sleep is hard enough, but completing the two or three REM cycles needed per night is near impossible, and always seems to lead to an all-day hangover. I found a great sleep aid, it's called Crown Royal."
"score": 0.4214021564,
"text": "Princess Royal is a style customarily (but not automatically) awarded by a British monarch to his or her eldest daughter. Holders retain the style for life, so a princess cannot receive the style during the lifetime of another Princess Royal. Queen Elizabeth II never held the title as her aunt, Princess Mary, was in possession of the title. There have been seven Princesses Royal. Princess Anne is the current Princess Royal."
"score": 0.3971183598,
"text": "Netflix's right royal new series The Crown has some serious star names on board - with Claire Foy and Matt Smith leading the cast. But, believe it or not, the show is going to ditch its leads once season two - shooting since early October - has wrapped filming."
] |
what are crystal reports | [
"score": 0.6913421154,
"text": "Visual Studio .NET 2003. Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET is the standard reporting tool for Visual Studio .NET; it brings the ability to create interactive, presentation-quality content — which has been the strength of Crystal Reports for years — to the .NET platform. In the Crystal Reports Documentation. Related Sections."
] | [
"score": 0.6704688072,
"text": "Webi Reports are developed in web browser only. This is now. not the case in XIR3.0 and XIR3.1. Crystal Reports are mainly developed using desktop client. Also in Release 2 onwards you can develop crystal reports. in browser but not all the functionality of desktop is. available."
"score": 0.6661116481,
"text": "The Report Viewer 2015 is the best way to provide a live and interactive reporting experience. Open, view, export, and refresh your Crystal Reports files.Our software is highly configurable and easy to use. Download the free trial now.hat is The Report ViewerThe Report Viewer 2015 is a tool that allows your employees to utilize your companies SAP Crystal Reports documents. With The Report Viewer 2015, users users may open, view,..."
"score": 0.6656562686,
"text": "Provides an overview of Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET. Explains how to create a Web or Windows application that hosts a local report or Report Web Service. Designing Reports. Explains how to create and format a Crystal Report in the Visual Studio .NET environment. Explains how to enable users to make changes to reports or report viewers at runtime."
"score": 0.6541842222,
"text": "This video shows how to open Crystal Reports and open or get started on creating a report."
"score": 0.6485823989,
"text": "1.8 Software means the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET software provided on your software media in object code form and associated documentation, any updates, additional modules, or additional software provided by Crystal Decisions in connection therewith. 1 GRANT OF LICENSE. 2 INSTALLATION AND USE."
"score": 0.6471378803,
"text": "SAP Crystal Reports 2013 viewer is installed locally on your computer, and allows you to print, save, export, and drill down on multiple reports without connecting to the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform system.AP Crystal Reports 2013 viewer is installed locally on your computer, and allows you to print, save, export, and drill down on multiple reports without connecting to the SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform system."
"score": 0.6467266083,
"text": "Jeff-Net Report Runner Viewer is our simple, easy to use, Crystal Reports viewer. ALL versions of Crystal Reports are supported. It will run on any Windows based machine. If there are parameters for the reports, you will be prompted. All the flexibility of running it within Crystal Reports, but users can't modify the report templates.eff-Net Report Runner Viewer is our simple, easy to use, Crystal Reports viewer. ALL versions of Crystal Reports are supported. It will run on any Windows based machine. If there are parameters for the reports, you will be prompted. All the flexibility of running it within Crystal Reports, but users can't modify the report templates."
"score": 0.6450241804,
"text": "1. Start Crystal Reports. The Welcome to Crystal Reports dialog box appears. 2. Select the As a Blank Report option, and then click the OK button. The Database Expert dialog box appears, which shows possible places to find the source of your data. 3."
"score": 0.6373887062,
"text": "Terry Cunningham and the Cunningham Group originated the software in 1991. Crystal Services Inc. marketed the product (originally called Quick Reports) when they couldn't find a suitable commercial report writer for their accounting software. After producing versions 1.0 through 3.0, Crystal Services was acquired in 1994 by Seagate Technology."
"score": 0.6339531541,
"text": "C# Crystal Reports without database. Usually we are using Crystal Reports to fetch data from databases and show it as a report. Here we are generating a Crystal Reports from C# without using a database. For generating a Crystal Reports without database, here we are using a Strongly Typed Dataset and a Data Table of C#."
"score": 0.6312977076,
"text": "September 1, 1992. Crystal Services says that they will address both the installation problem and the documentation omission in the new version. [...] Crystal Reports is being marketed by them and Borland International [...]"
"score": 0.6308253407,
"text": "The key features of the integration include: • Crystal Reports software, version for the SAP Business One application You can save reports and layouts from within the Crystal Reports version for SAP Business One to the SAP Business One database.iewing Layouts or Reports Procedure To view a report created with the Crystal Reports software, do one of the following: • Run the report from the Report and Layout Manager window. For more information, see Running Reports Created with the Crysta l Reports Software in SAP Business One."
"score": 0.6283863783,
"text": "History [edit]. Terry Cunningham and the Cunningham Group originated the software in 1991. Crystal Services Inc. marketed the product (originally called Quick Reports) when they couldn't find a suitable commercial report writer for their accounting software. After producing versions 1.0 through 3.0, Crystal Services was acquired in 1994 by Seagate Technology."
"score": 0.6246625185,
"text": "Since a long time, Visual Basic and Visual Studio have Crystal report with it. People are saying that since 1993. But in VS2010, they excluded Crystal reports. Yes, what you just heard is right, Crystal Report has been dropped from Visual Studio 2010. But don't worry, it is available as a separate download from the SAP web site. These are the things that I found from the internet."
"score": 0.6232156157,
"text": "Download Our Free Crystal Report Viewer. 1 Download the free version of our Crystal Report viewer. 2 Built to run with Crystal Reports 8.5, 9, 10, XI, 2008, 2011 and SAP Crystal Reports 2013 (v14). Email your Crystal Reports to multiple users in multiple formats using the Logicity Crystal Reports scheduler or with a single click in the viewer!"
"score": 0.6214094162,
"text": "Crystal Crystal is a software engineering methodology family, created by Alistair Cockburn. It is called a self-adapting family of human-powered software development methods, of which Crystal Clear is its most prominent member (being the only one with a Wiki entry and its own book)."
"score": 0.6185309887,
"text": "1 Download the free version of our Crystal Report viewer. 2 Built to run with Crystal Reports 8.5, 9, 10, XI, 2008, 2011 and SAP Crystal Reports 2013 (v14). Email your Crystal Reports to multiple users in multiple formats using the Logicity Crystal Reports scheduler or with a single click in the viewer!"
"score": 0.6157919168,
"text": "How to Create Crystal Report. We have a few how to tutorials which takes you through step by step process of creating the report using C#, ASP.NET, and ASP.NET MVC. How to Create Crystal Report using Visual Studio. How to Create Crystal Reports in ASP.NET Webforms. How to Create Crystal Report using ASP.NET MVC."
"score": 0.6118345261,
"text": "A basic version of Crystal Reports cost about $200 while Easy View costs $39. Most people only need to run reports not design them. Ideally 1 person in the company will have a full copy of Crystal Reports for design purposes and everyone else can use Easy View. Back to Top."
"score": 0.6091179848,
"text": "1 GRANT OF LICENSE. 2 Crystal Decisions grants you a nonexclusive and limited license to use the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET Software accompanying this License Agreement, solely in accordance with the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. 3 The Software is licensed, not sold, to you. 4 INSTALLATION AND USE."
"score": 0.601967454,
"text": "There are over 500 canned reports so there are plenty of options. Of course some more complex reports will need to be created by a Timberline consultant in either the Timberline report format or a crystal report format. All reports designed using report designer can be added to the reporting tree or toolbar for easy access. Report designer allows you to change the format of a report like inserting page breaks and use any font type you desire."
"score": 0.5980648994,
"text": "Next step is to create a Crystal Reports from the Dataset we created. Select a new Crystal Reports from Add New Item menu and accept the default settings. The next screen is to select appropriate data source. There you can find the Datatable1 from Project data-ADO.NET Datasets, and select Datatable1 to the right side."
"score": 0.5958775282,
"text": "We have a few how to tutorials which takes you through step by step process of creating the report using C#, ASP.NET, and ASP.NET MVC. 1 How to Create Crystal Report using Visual Studio. 2 How to Create Crystal Reports in ASP.NET Webforms. 3 How to Create Crystal Report using ASP.NET MVC."
"score": 0.5953529477,
"text": "If you are new to Crystal Reports and do not know how to create Crystal Reports from C# , please take a look at the section step by step tutorial for creating a Crystal Reports from C# . Generating a Strongly Typed DataSet. Create a new C# Project and create a Dataset from Project-Add New Item Dialogue Box."
"score": 0.5948188901,
"text": "These instructions are only for workstations that need access to the Crystal Reports Developer Tool or. the nVision Reports Developer Tool in order to create and/or run institution developed reports. It is not. necessary to install these tools to run BOR delivered reports."
"score": 0.5938079357,
"text": "The following C# - Crystal Reports section describes how to add a formula field in the Crystal Reports. All C# Crystal Reports Tutorial in this website is based on the following database-crystaldb. So before you begin this section, please take a look at the database structure of crystaldb-Click Here C# crystaldb."
"score": 0.5926778316,
"text": "This new object type for Crystal Reports 9 can house. business logic for reuse and portability. For example, handling typical numeric formatting for thousands. can be created once and used as many times as needed. The following code is an example of a. Custom Function available in the sample Crystal Repository that ships with Crystal Reports 9:"
"score": 0.5923272967,
"text": "Crystal Crystal is a software engineering methodology family, created by Alistair Cockburn. It is called a self-adapting family of human-powered software development methods, of which Crystal Clear is its most prominent member (being the only one with a Wiki entry and its own book). Evo Evo is a project management methodology, created by Tom Gilb."
"score": 0.5906658173,
"text": "Now I will explain how to create crystal reports in asp.net using dataset or datatable with example in c#, vb.net in visual studio 2010. Before start implementation first design new table in your database and give name UserInfomation."
"score": 0.5906140804,
"text": "Introduction: Here I will explain how to create crystal reports in asp.net using dataset or datatable with example in c#, vb.net in visual studio 2010 or crystal reports example in asp.net with dataset or datatable."
"score": 0.5890935063,
"text": "hi Francis, think of the crystal reports viewer being used like the adobe pdf viewer. most people consume / use pdf's compared to the number of people that design them.not many people really need the crystal reports designer, only those who create or modify the actual .rpt file.f you've got businessobjects enterprise or crystal reports server you can then schedule or publish reports to end users using email and then they can open up these .rpt files without having to touch the server product or have additional server licenses."
"score": 0.588160336,
"text": "Use the following procedure to generate s Crystal Reports report without a database in C#. Generating a Strongly Typed Dataset. 1. Create a new Windows Forms application and add a Button. 3. Select Dataset like following : Then name it as you wish to Dataset. 4. Create a Datatable for the Dataset."
"score": 0.5784031749,
"text": "Now I will explain how to create crystal reports in asp.net using dataset or datatable with example in c#, vb.net in visual studio 2010."
"score": 0.5773819685,
"text": "Here is a quick and easy way to get a detailed report definition: With the report open, go to File > Export > Export Report; Choose Report Definition (TXT) under Format; Choose Disk File under Destination; Click OK and choose where to save the file; Now you have a text file with all the sections and fields on your Crystal Report. Sign up for the Flexible Solutions GP Reports Newsletter to get tips like this delivered directly to your mailbox."
"score": 0.5695563555,
"text": "Record Selection and the Null Value Bug in Crystal Reports. One of the interesting issues I have found when building reports in Crystal is the nature of their record selection on blank data. Let's say, for example, I am building a report that displays my product names and sizes....] I have found when building reports in Crystal is the nature of their record selection on blank data. http://www.isinc.com/2008/10/10/record-selection-and-the-null-value-bug-in-crystal-reports/ Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. Tags crystal, null, [...]. Burton plones Says:"
"score": 0.5693936348,
"text": "SAP Crystal Reports Viewer 2011. Please select the version that meets your system requirements. For Windows or Mac: Download Crystal Reports Viewer 2011 - EXE 188MB. The Product Availability Matrix for Crystal Reports Viewer 2011 is available on the SAP Community Network.It lists the specific platforms and configurations for Crystal Reports Viewer 2011.ownload SAP Crystal Reports Viewer 2013 - ZIP 201MB. The SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4.1 Supported Platforms (PAM) document is available on the SAP Community Network. It lists the specific platforms and configurations for Crystal Reports Viewer 2013."
"score": 0.5685845613,
"text": "1 Create a new project using Crystal Reports Application as template, named BarcodeforCrystalReports 2 . Add a Crystal Report item to the project. 3 Add Crystal Report Viewer to the window form. 4 Resize Form1, and add CrystalReportViewer to the form, with the default setting unchanged."
"score": 0.5678215027,
"text": "[...] I have found when building reports in Crystal is the nature of their record selection on blank data. http://www.isinc.com/2008/10/10/record-selection-and-the-null-value-bug-in-crystal-reports/ Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post.Tags crystal, null, [...].Burton plones Says:...] I have found when building reports in Crystal is the nature of their record selection on blank data. http://www.isinc.com/2008/10/10/record-selection-and-the-null-value-bug-in-crystal-reports/ Share this:TwitterFacebookLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. Tags crystal, null, [...]. Burton plones Says:"
"score": 0.5487027168,
"text": "I found out that the button tells Crystal Reports that the field is a currency value and it replaces the '$' with a '%'instead. Plus, it tells it to right-align the currency symbol. Wow, what a discovery. Here's how to format report fields in Crystal Reports.NET. It looks like a lot of steps, but after you doing it the first time it is a breeze."
"score": 0.5401318073,
"text": "Crystal Reports can grow fields with large amounts of text layout problem. A can grow field in the details section of a crystal report may have so much text that the section will be larger than the remaining space available on the page (the space below the previous record).The section has vertical lines on it with Extend to bottom of section when printing set to true.rystal Reports can grow fields with large amounts of text layout problem. A can grow field in the details section of a crystal report may have so much text that the section will be larger than the remaining space available on the page (the space below the previous record)."
"score": 0.5233836174,
"text": "Re: Crystal Reports-Null values-formula for checking if several values are null. Currently Being Moderated. The Or is not really going to get what you want-I think the problem is somewhere further up in the processing.e: Crystal Reports-Null values-formula for checking if several values are null. Currently Being Moderated. Hi Dell. I've saved off the file for you giving just 6 quotes as an example, but I've had to e-mail you the file as it wouldn't allow me to send it here."
"score": 0.5136591792,
"text": "Return Excel from Web Api Dec 20, 2012 09:45 AM|CarlGanz|LINK. I'm building a reporting application that produces reports in both Excel and Crystal report formats. In some cases I want to create a report directly in Excel using the Syncfusion XLSIO tool and sometimes I want to return a Crystal ReportDocument object to display in the Crystal viewer."
"score": 0.5087239742,
"text": "Return Excel from Web Api [Answered]RSS. 1 reply. I'm building a reporting application that produces reports in both Excel and Crystal report formats. In some cases I want to create a report directly in Excel using the Syncfusion XLSIO tool and sometimes I want to return a Crystal ReportDocument object to display in the Crystal viewer."
"score": 0.48315534,
"text": "Special Discount on 4 Reports including the Waterford Crystal Pattern Guide. Download all 4 Special Reports and the Waterford Crystal Pattern Guide for $67. That's a savings of $11 off the regular price ($78) if you were to purchase separately. Here's What You Get.pecial Discount on 4 Reports including the Waterford Crystal Pattern Guide. Download all 4 Special Reports and the Waterford Crystal Pattern Guide for $67. That's a savings of $11 off the regular price ($78) if you were to purchase separately. Here's What You Get."
"score": 0.4557932019,
"text": "How To Identify Your Crystal Patterns. There are a lot of books on the market for identifying crystal patterns but this is probably the best book and will help you identify your Waterford Crystal. Waterford Crystal Pattern Guide.\"Whats Included in this Guide\". A collection of pictures of the following Waterford Crystal Patterns that include over 60 Patterns and designs that were produced by Waterford Crystal Ireland, This guide is for easy reference to determine what your Waterford Crystal pattern is.pecial Discount on 4 Reports including the Waterford Crystal Pattern Guide. Download all 4 Special Reports and the Waterford Crystal Pattern Guide for $67. That's a savings of $11 off the regular price ($78) if you were to purchase separately. Here's What You Get."
] |
how to make female friends | [
"score": 0.6685240269,
"text": "Girlfriend Social is website that connects women with new female friendships. This website is for Ladies only, who just like you, are looking to make platonic women friendships.Inside women can make new friends with fabulous ladies in a safe and friendly environment. It doesn't matter if you're single or married, 20 or 60, All women who are looking for friendships are welcome here.f you are a woman over 18 who is in a 'M4' category-Moved, Married, Motherhood-or you simply are looking for More Friends to be part of your girlfriend circles of friendship, You are in the right place!"
] | [
"score": 0.6445698142,
"text": "1 If you have a friend who knows some good people that you aren't acquainted with, ask them to invite those people to hang out with the two of you. 2 It is a great way to make some friends who have common interests. 3 Don't be shy Many people will like you just the way you are."
"score": 0.638224721,
"text": "Also, be sure to compliment the right things. If you don't know the girl well, just talking about how hot she is will make her think you're just interested in the physical stuff, and you don't want that. 5. Hang out with your other friends. Girls don't like superficial guys! 2 Remember that the point of trying to get her to chase you is not to stick yourself in the friend zone, but to suggest that you want something more. 3 If she has a crush on you, she'll especially be keen on doing this."
"score": 0.624296546,
"text": "Once your question has been posted for at least one hour and has at least one answer, click the 'Award Best Answer' button next to your chosen answer.ot all of course, but all the the women I have met. I'm a 20 year old female, and I have no female friends, only guy friends. im straight, and I don't sleep around so don't tell me that's why I have no female friends."
"score": 0.6223729253,
"text": "This is a tricky situation to be in, because you want to figure out how she feels without jeopardizing your friendship in the process. But if you play your cards right, you may be able to turn your girl friend into a girlfriend in no time. See Step 1 to get started."
"score": 0.6204955578,
"text": "After that, you will learn how to give the girl a good vibe so that she will feel relaxed around you and attracted by you. If you like a girl you have to go and talk to her. Once you talk to the girl you like and make her feel safe and comfortable around you, you can make her your next girlfriend.If you would like a more detailed explanation about this then go to my website and download my free ebook called: how to get a girlfriend.ttp://how2getagirlfriend.com how to get a girlfriend easily by following 8 simple steps of dating and attraction. In this video I demonstrate how to get a girlfriend."
"score": 0.6183621883,
"text": "1 The more active you are, the easier it will be for you to make friends. 2 If you join new and exciting clubs and sports, or just engage in class, you will open yourself up a wider variety of friends. 3 Try to avoid making friends with troublemakers, or your school performance will suffer."
"score": 0.6132787466,
"text": "Part 1 of 3: Making New Friends. 1. Find your group. Going to school can be a lot of fun, if you have a group of friends who like what you like, and who you like to be around. Whether you're into music, pro wrestling, or horses, finding some other kids that you can talk to and be friends with is very important.oin an after school club. Another great way to make friends is by joining a formal club or group at your school. For instance, you could join the music club, chess club, and even the dancing club. Check out the options offered at your school and consider joining one that lines up with your hobbies."
"score": 0.6117504835,
"text": "Warnings. 1 If you really like this girl and you want to impress her, keep your flirting with other girls to a minimum. 2 If you wait too long to contact her, it may hurt her feelings and make her feel like you don't care. 3 Remember to be friendly, above always. Girls don't like superficial guys! 2 Remember that the point of trying to get her to chase you is not to stick yourself in the friend zone, but to suggest that you want something more. 3 If she has a crush on you, she'll especially be keen on doing this."
"score": 0.6103885174,
"text": "How to turn a girl into a F**K buddy. Here are some friends with benefits tips and specific steps, take note dude: Create a connection with her – Nothing can begin without you building some level of rapport and a connection with her. If it's just a one night stand you're after, then you don't need much of a connection."
"score": 0.6099204421,
"text": "Report Abuse. If you really like her, try to get over your shyness and talk to her. If she's with her friends ask to talk alone to her. Also if you want her to be your girlfriend, than try to be her friend first.You could have more alone time with her that way. Then you have a better chance with her.et her know your sense of humor, how cool and easy to get along you can be. Try to practice.. go and say hi. Do NOT act like a fool.. she will think your stupid. Sorry but i dont think i can help since i dont see any guys that go up to a random girl and say hi.. i have had boys talk to me.."
"score": 0.6021251678,
"text": "More girls in your friend circle, chances are you will meet more very soon. Lastly your girl friend/ boy friend has longevity more than your girlfriend/boyfriend. Which is a great thing. So keep the sex thing aside (you can't just think sexually for every woman) although you can show some intimacy with a hug/peck once in a while."
"score": 0.5955108404,
"text": "1 Practice with a male or female to start. 2 Practice in front of the mirror, too. 3 When you're ready, practice taking a female on a date – ask your girl cousin if she'll play the role so you can hone your social skills. 4 Practice Complimenting her.his will go a long way to increasing your confidence. 1 Practice making eye contact but not staring, having confident body language, making introductions, and asking questions. 2 Practice smiling while engaging in conversation. 3 Practice with a male or female to start. 4 When you're ready, practice taking a female on a date – ask your girl cousin if ..."
"score": 0.5909825563,
"text": "1 Practice smiling while engaging in conversation. 2 Practice with a male or female to start. 3 Practice in front of the mirror, too. 4 When you're ready, practice taking a female on a date – ask your girl cousin if she'll play the role so you can hone your social skills.his will go a long way to increasing your confidence. 1 Practice making eye contact but not staring, having confident body language, making introductions, and asking questions. 2 Practice smiling while engaging in conversation. 3 Practice with a male or female to start. 4 When you're ready, practice taking a female on a date – ask your girl cousin if ..."
"score": 0.5838381052,
"text": "Friends usually similar age, sex, SES Common interests, experiences, needs Add to pleasure of friendship Enhance self-esteem, make life more interesting Trust, intimacy, loyalty continue important Siblings often friends Male friends vs. female friends."
"score": 0.5819823742,
"text": "The idea is not to get a date with the first woman you see, but to interact with women in a variety of social situations. Supermarkets, cafes, bars and fitness classes are good places to meet people. Do not put pressure on yourself; make your focus only to initiate conversation. Merely share light-hearted conversation."
"score": 0.5801719427,
"text": "Welcome to SISTA Girlfriends Circle, this is a group for sociable ladies who are looking to socialize and build lasting friendships. Whether you are married or single, working or retired, mother or not, new to the area, need a new circle of friends, or are just looking to expand your circle, this is the group for you!"
"score": 0.5801619291,
"text": "Almost forgot to tell you how to say friend in Russian. A friend in Russian is «друг», for female friends we say «подруга» or «подружка». Ok, I hope this one helps! Take care and don't forget to make new friends subscribe!"
"score": 0.5761868954,
"text": "The idea is not to get a date with the first woman you see, but to interact with women in a variety of social situations. Supermarkets, cafes, bars and fitness classes are good places to meet people. Do not put pressure on yourself; make your focus only to initiate conversation."
"score": 0.5754593611,
"text": "SocialJane.com is a women's-only friendship website, where women meet new friends everyday! Join us-and start to meet new friends-quickly and easily.ocialJane.com is a women's-only friendship website, where women meet new friends everyday! Join us-and start to meet new friends-quickly and easily."
"score": 0.5715229511,
"text": "1. Make a BFF movie. Stuff all the glory days of your friendship into a short animated video. If you don't have a way to make the video on your own, Animoto.com lets you choose a soundtrack, add text plus upload photos and videos. Then it automatically creates a mini movie for you and your best friend."
"score": 0.5699892044,
"text": "1. Work your body. If you want to make the girl jealous, you should first show some level of interest in her, so she is intrigued by you and has a sense that you want to take things to the next level. Body language is the easiest way to let her know you somewhat want her without even saying a word. If the girl you want to make jealous sees you with another girl, make sure to look completely focused on the girl you're with. 2 When you finally notice jealous girl, you can say, Oh, I didn't even see you there.. 3 Of course you didn't -- you were too busy having fun with another girl."
"score": 0.5686928034,
"text": "Chances to make a good impression are often limited, so saying the right thing from the first moment is important. Though there is no magic potion that will make meeting a woman easy, there are some things that should be thought of beforehand that will help. Hello. Start by saying hello like you would to anyone else."
"score": 0.5645746589,
"text": "If it is difficult for you to be the only person like yourself attending, you can bring a buddy with you and support each other in making friends. Examine your biases about people from other cultures. We all carry misinformation and stereotypes about people in different cultures.ake a conscious decision to establish friendships with people from other cultures. Making a decision is the first step. In order to build relationships with people different from yourself, you have to make a concerted effort to do so. There are societal forces that serve to separate us from each other."
"score": 0.5624996424,
"text": "The 50 Types of Friends Every Woman Has. We all know that women differ from men in plenty of ways, but one of the most prominent is that while dudes often have two or three types of buddies, women have many different kinds of friends—which can be a total blessing and a bit of a curse, as well."
"score": 0.5611107349,
"text": "If she's at all interested in you then she's going to want to change the way you see her. It becomes a fun game for her and it will make the girl want to chase you. (You can learn more about this type of flirty banter through the Art of Charm podcast on how to banter with women using playful teasing .).or example, when approaching a woman and starting a conversation with a girl you just met, be sure to give her some negative body language early in the interaction. Stand shoulder-to-shoulder rather than face to face. Make eye contact about 50% of the time and look way (with purpose and intention) the other 50%."
"score": 0.5568077564,
"text": "Try these tips: 1 Be an individual so people view you first, not your gender. 2 Remember: You don't need to take on male interests or stereotypical behavior. 3 Seek out networking opportunities with other women on their way to the top. Look to role models. If it's been done before, you can do it too."
"score": 0.5558648109,
"text": "Catching a girl's eye is only the first step to a relationship: now you have to keep her interested. You can earn a girl's trust and respect by establishing yourself as a fun, kind, and reliable person. Below you'll find some tips on how to prove you're worth keeping around.Just get started with Step 1.evelop who you are as a person. You need to be an interesting person if you want to keep her interested. Contrary to what Hollywood would have you believe, this doesn't mean that you need to be rich and save the world every few months. Real people don't want that much interest in their lives."
"score": 0.5541915894,
"text": "How to Make Friends if You're Not the Popular Type ... 17 Songs 🎧 on My Playlist 📝 This Week That Should Be 👍🏼 on Yours ... 7 Places Where You're Guaranteed to Make Fellow Mom Friends 👶 ... 29 Christmas Gifts for Best Friends ..."
"score": 0.553249836,
"text": "Inspite of a fine perimeter of your girl friend, It's perfectly fine to flirt with her as long as you both are single :) But don't jump the line, don't simply expect her to become your girlfriend else you can't continue her friendship, If she chose that way then let it be that way just enjoy the friendship."
"score": 0.5485121012,
"text": "She says: \"Let's just be friends\". What she means: I don't feel enough attraction for you to be more than that. Why she does this: She feels that it will be a softer way of letting you down. What you should do: If you value her as friend – then work on being her friend.hy she does this: She wants you to care enough to first notice that something is wrong and then second ask her questions to determine what's really on her mind. What you should do: When a woman tells you she is fine – realise that it's a red flag that something is up. You get one point for noticing."
"score": 0.5483657718,
"text": "2. Go up to your crush casually. Don't run up like you're a crazed fan! Try to meet him or her as casually as possible. If one of your friends knows your crush, ask to be introduced. This way, the meeting will seem very friendly and not too out of the ordinary.ompliment your crush. This works especially well if your crush is a girl, since girls love compliments! But even guys like to be complimented on things like their shirt or their shoes. This will start your relationship on a good note."
"score": 0.5454109907,
"text": "Log on to Facebook with your new profile. In the lower left corner, click Applications and then click Groups. Near the top of the page, there will be a text box reading Search for Groups. In this text box, type in the name of the country or city where you would like to make friends. Hit the enter/return button."
"score": 0.5448064804,
"text": "How to get a girlfriend is a video that I have created to help men who find it hard to get a girlfriend. It's a free educational Step by step Film were i teach all the tricks that can help you out. Step 1: I teach men How not be too available.Step 2: How to have a clear picture of what you want in a girl.Step 3: I'll show you what sort of things to listen out for when a woman communicates with you.t's a free educational Step by step Film were i teach all the tricks that can help you out. Step 1: I teach men How not be too available. Step 2: How to have a clear picture of what you want in a girl. Step 3: I'll show you what sort of things to listen out for when a woman communicates with you."
"score": 0.5405900478,
"text": "There are many ways that people can learn about other people's cultures and build relationships at the same time. Here are some steps you can take. They are first listed, and then elaborated upon one at a time. 1 Make a conscious decision to establish friendships with people from other cultures.Making a decision is the first step. In order to build relationships with people different from yourself, you have to make a concerted effort to do so.There are societal forces that serve to separate us from each other.ake a conscious decision to establish friendships with people from other cultures. Making a decision is the first step. In order to build relationships with people different from yourself, you have to make a concerted effort to do so. There are societal forces that serve to separate us from each other."
"score": 0.5358959436,
"text": "About This Book. Friends make life richer, and learning how to make friends is an important part of growing up. Here are the wise dinosaurs with help and practical advice on how to make friends."
"score": 0.5325168371,
"text": "Make sure your friend is single. You don't want to become the 'other person' in the relationship. If your friend isn't single then it is best to just remain friends until (if)the relationship is over. Do not make your friend chose between you and their current spouse."
"score": 0.5318828821,
"text": "1 If you're really uncomfortable talking to your crush, and you have a friend that knows him/her, bring your friend along and ask your friend to do most of the talking. 2 Use your friend to your advantage! Get your friend to talk about you to your crush, and use him/her to help get a conversation going.ompliment your crush. This works especially well if your crush is a girl, since girls love compliments! But even guys like to be complimented on things like their shirt or their shoes. This will start your relationship on a good note."
"score": 0.5252761841,
"text": "Troop 101. Troops are a great way for her to make new friends. try new things, and find the fun at Girl Scouts. Come hear about all the things she can do, from skill-building badges, to hikes, to field trips."
"score": 0.5250869989,
"text": "5. Ask her to put herself in your place. Don't start flirting with other girls to give her a taste of her own medicine-yet. Instead, ask her to imagine how she would feel if you seemed uninterested in her, but began hitting on all the single women at every party you went to.Get her to really think about it.f you find her flirting with one guy, you could approach her and hug her, kiss her on the cheek, or put an arm around her and give her a big smile, distracting her from other guys. If she is getting good attention, respect and attentiveness from you, she should not need to seek it elsewhere. 3. Talk to her."
"score": 0.5242065191,
"text": "Build a friendship with your special someone. A great way to start feeling more comfortable around your crush is be friends with him/her first. While you take time to get to know him/her better, focus on building up that friendship and trust between the two of you.Then, you will feel calmer and more comfortable around your crush.1 You could even try behaving around your special someone the way that you do around your friends. 2 Treating him/her like a friend, and thinking of your crush as friend, might help you to feel more comfortable.e yourself around your crush, and he/she will appreciate you for who you are. 1 Show your special someone your true personality by sharing your interests and hobbies, sharing jokes that you think are funny, sharing what type of music you like, and acting in a way that feels comfortable for you."
"score": 0.5226664543,
"text": "1 Make fun of yourself. 2 A surefire way to get a girl to smile over text is to make fun of yourself (in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way, not through self-deprecation). 3 By making fun of yourself, you get her laughing and show that it's okay for her to let her guard down."
"score": 0.5185555816,
"text": "My first guess would be for personal advancement, money, entertainment, companionship and sex. To tell you the truth, basically women love attention from everyone. Women naturally are attracted to the alpha male, thus this means you must either have power, money or a greater sex appeal then them to dominate them..) Never plan for the future with a women young, women will eventually question their relationship with you at one point and either stray secretively or ask for a break, thus wasting your time, money and most importantly breaking your heart. 5.) Never let a women become your everything, she is not."
"score": 0.5169140697,
"text": "Make the one your friend. As bizarre as these words may seem to some people, others will find a great deal of relief, camaraderie, even wisdom in them. They are, in fact, the advice one sister gave to another when discussing their mutual compulsions to pick obsessively at the scabs that form on their bodies."
"score": 0.5123945475,
"text": "Women are also more likely than men to say that having a good relationship with their friends is important to them (69 percent vs. 62 percent), even though friendship is cited less often than family for both men and women."
"score": 0.5091661811,
"text": "Make her chase you! Fortunately, there are a lot of ways that you can set up this dynamic in order to get a woman to chase you and go crazy over you. Here are some of them. 1 Keep Her Wanting More. 2 Tell the woman that you are after that there are three things that you love about her, control and dominate her. After getting her number, you also have to learn to ignore some of her calls and then text her right after you ignore them by asking what's up. 2 This will make her wonder what or who you are busy spending your time with that you don't even have the time to pick up her calls. 3 Compare Her to Fictional Characters."
"score": 0.5056533813,
"text": "According to the friendship theory, there are only six types of friends you can have. A wise woman named Mindy Lahiri once said, \"A best friend isn't a person, it's a tier.\" It's actually one of six tiers, if you ask Mobinah Ahmad, the young woman whose detailed theory on the many phases of friendship is now going viral."
"score": 0.505431056,
"text": "Making the move is as easy as 1-2-3. 1. Head over to this page: https://messageboards.webmd.com/living-healthy/f/womens-health/. 2. Choose the tag from the drop-down menu that clicks most with you (and add it to any posts you create so others can easily find and sort through posts) 3. Start posting."
"score": 0.504024148,
"text": "To suggest a friend to someone: 1 Click Friends at the top of your friend's profile. 2 Click Suggest Friends. 3 To find a particular friend, you can type their name in the field or scroll through your complete friends list. 4 Click Suggest Friend next to a friend's name to send a suggestion."
"score": 0.4989963472,
"text": "You can add friends by importing your contacts. You can also add friends from their profiles: 1 Enter your friend's name or email in the search bar at the top of any Facebook page. 2 Select their name to go to their profile. 3 Click the Add Friend button.ou can also add friends from their profiles: 1 Enter your friend's name or email in the search bar at the top of any Facebook page. 2 Select their name to go to their profile. 3 Click the Add Friend button."
"score": 0.4985659122,
"text": "1 If you need an excuse to meet your crush, go up and say that you heard that he/she needed help with, for example, some math homework. 2 Give your name and phone number, and let him/her know you are willing to help. 3 This is also a good excuse to see him/her again after your first meeting. 4 4 Edit step.ompliment your crush. This works especially well if your crush is a girl, since girls love compliments! But even guys like to be complimented on things like their shirt or their shoes. This will start your relationship on a good note."
"score": 0.4947843552,
"text": "Making it Last. 1 1. Respect her independence. Leo women are independent and they want to be with men who are just as independent as they are. 2 2. Be prepared for her intense emotions. If angered, a Leo woman can be hot tempered and dramatic. 3 3. Help remove her insecurities."
"score": 0.4908704162,
"text": "To suggest a friend to someone: 1 Click Friends at the top of your friend's profile. 2 Click Suggest Friends. 3 To find a particular friend, you can type their name in the field or scroll through your complete friends list. 4 Click Suggest Friend next to a friend's name to send a suggestion.o suggest a friend to someone: 1 Click Friends at the top of your friend's profile. 2 Click Suggest Friends. 3 To find a particular friend, you can type their name in the field or scroll through your complete friends list. 4 You can click the All Friends dropdown to sort your friends by network or friend list."
"score": 0.4907254577,
"text": "To suggest a friend to someone: 1 Click Friends at the top of your friend's profile. 2 Click Suggest Friends. 3 To find a particular friend, you can type their name in the field or scroll through your complete friends list. 4 You can click the All Friends dropdown to sort your friends by network or friend list.o suggest a friend to someone: 1 Click Friends at the top of your friend's profile. 2 Click Suggest Friends. 3 To find a particular friend, you can type their name in the field or scroll through your complete friends list. 4 You can click the All Friends dropdown to sort your friends by network or friend list."
"score": 0.4874170721,
"text": "Click the + icon on the right side of the screen. Enter the username of your friend if you know it. Or, click the yellow Find Friends Now button to visit a common room and make new friends there. When you're in a common room, click on another player and select the Friend option to add that player to your list.lick the T-shirt icon on the right side of the screen to open the costumizer. Select the items you want to wear. Click the save look to closet button. Non-Members can view a friend's Costume Closet and create an outfit to wear, but are unable to save the new outfit into their own Costume Closet without Membership."
"score": 0.4823005199,
"text": "1 If you do not see a Limited Profile friend list in this section, you can create one by clicking the Make a New List button and then naming the list. 2 Click Edit List.. 3 Type your friend's name into the Add to List field. 4 You must be friends with a person to add him or her to the Limited Profile list. If you do not see a Limited Profile friend list in this section, you can create one by clicking the Make a New List button and then naming the list. 2 Click Edit List.. 3 Type your friend's name into the Add to List field. 4 You must be friends with a person to add him or her to the Limited Profile list."
"score": 0.4817026258,
"text": "10 Best Ways to Start an Online Dating Conversation. If you're a woman, Hi will usually get a response. The problem is, it will be an equally boring response. Make online dating more fun by trying one of these instead. Cosmopolitan has partnered with Revlon and Zoosk to bring you the ultimate love guide. 1. Pick one thing on his profile and make fun of him for it."
"score": 0.4740857482,
"text": "1 Click on the Limited Profile Friend List in the left sidebar. 2 If you do not see a Limited Profile friend list in this section, you can create one by clicking the Make a New List button and then naming the list. 3 Click Edit List.. 4 Type your friend's name into the Add to List field. If you do not see a Limited Profile friend list in this section, you can create one by clicking the Make a New List button and then naming the list. 2 Click Edit List.. 3 Type your friend's name into the Add to List field. 4 You must be friends with a person to add him or her to the Limited Profile list."
"score": 0.4732669592,
"text": "Home » How to Hack ur friends mobile and make free calls » How to Hack ur friends mobile by making a duplicate sim.ome » How to Hack ur friends mobile and make free calls » How to Hack ur friends mobile by making a duplicate sim."
"score": 0.4731777906,
"text": "Rather, he will get annoyed with your all time presence. So, the best approach of how to make a man miss you is by keeping your personal life alongside keeping relationship with him. Give him attention, but whenever required.Hangout with him, but also meet your friends, family and relatives.Dine with him, but also attend your social parties.nother way of how to make a guy miss you is by not instantly responding to his last-minute dating requests or sudden calls. In both ways, if you react oppositely, he will think as he is always in your mind and you have nothing else to do except waiting for his calls or meeting proposals."
"score": 0.4718271494,
"text": "Attracting an Older Woman. 1 1. Know what you want, and be honest about it. 2 2. Forget the stereotype. 3 3. Show her you're interested. 4. Be prepared for rejection, and take it 1 gracefully. 5. Be \"young.\" If you are trying to attract an older woman, don't get stuck on the idea that you need to act like a man their age might act."
"score": 0.456515789,
"text": "These categories depend on what you're trying to achieve with the shot. (Women, drink, make friend's puke lol). Best Shots overview. Best Shots to order a group. Best Shots to order women. Best shots to make your friends puke."
"score": 0.4515749514,
"text": "The fact is, there are a lot of shady people out there, and those people just may include the person we just met via online dating. \"The best way to tell if something feels fishy is to trust your gut,\" says Sarah Jones, founder of Introverted Alpha, which helps smart introverted men attract women naturally."
"score": 0.4504999518,
"text": "To make someone else an admin of your group, you must first add him or her as a member. Then, click the About tab, click the gear icon next to the member's picture and choose Make admin.. Note that admins have a lot of power in groups, so choose wisely.eep in mind that when you join a group, the group activity will appear in your news feed alongside other friend updates. If the admin of the group allows members to add others, you can add friends by choosing + Add Friends on the right side of the group."
"score": 0.3539140821,
"text": "How much does jennifer aniston make in friends rerun royalties? How much does jennifer aniston make per year on friends royalties"
"score": 0.3283067942,
"text": "The goal of the list is to help folks who have access to these privileges be more cognizant of their privilege, encouraging better understanding of class-based difference in our society. 1 My New(-ish) Book! Get the 2nd Edition of my first book A Guide to Gender: it is fully revised, expanded, and shinier than ever!"
] |
what percentage of your monthly income should go to rent | [
"score": 0.8114676476,
"text": "Rent or Mortgage. You should expect to spend between 25 to 30 percent of your net income each month on rent or mortgage. Landlords and property managers typically require you to make at least 2.5 to three times the rent to qualify as a tenant."
] | [
"score": 0.798635006,
"text": "If that new apartment rents for less than 30 percent of your income, you should be in good financial shape. The cost of paying for a place to live is usually the largest single monthly expense for any household, whether you own or rent your home."
"score": 0.7799914479,
"text": "Date Posted: Sep 2, 2010 #5. When rent is below 1K/month, I usually go with paying half my income towards rent. When rent is above 1K/month, I like to pay 1/3 of my income towards rent because I find when you have a bigger place, the expenses somehow become more frequent."
"score": 0.7684037685,
"text": "As a general rule, your rent or mortgage should account for approximately one-third of your income. Use this rule as a starting point, as figuring out how much rent you should pay truly depends on how much you can actually afford."
"score": 0.7616654038,
"text": "Experts suggest that rent should be no more than 25-30% of your take-home pay. Beware of signing a lease on a place you can't realistically afford, even if they have a current promotion. To create a reasonable budget for apartment living, look at your after-tax income and subtract all major and reoccurring expenses."
"score": 0.755448401,
"text": "Anyone who has looked for an apartment to rent or a home to buy has probably heard the rule of thumb that you shouldn't spend more than 30% of your income on housing. This seems like a reasonable benchmark."
"score": 0.7476970553,
"text": "CBS MoneyWatch recommends not exceeding 3 to 4 percent of your gross income for utilities. Most people spend between 30 and 35 percent overall on rent and utilities. Don't forget renter's insurance if you own any personal property that would be difficult to replace on a budget."
"score": 0.73976928,
"text": "Monthly income: Without a doubt, this is the most important consideration. The general rule of thumb is to spend no more than one-third of your income on rent. To be safe, base this on your monthly take-home pay. So if you make $2,100 per month after taxes, you can afford to spend $700 on your share of the rent.Other expenses: For some people, the one-third rule works perfectly.But if you have a lot of other expenses – like student loans, car payments or child care – you may need to set your sights on a slightly cheaper place.o if you make $2,100 per month after taxes, you can afford to spend $700 on your share of the rent. Other expenses: For some people, the one-third rule works perfectly. But if you have a lot of other expenses – like student loans, car payments or child care – you may need to set your sights on a slightly cheaper place."
"score": 0.7308058739,
"text": "Rent to Income. Landlords typically require that your annual income is at least 40 times the monthly rent. For example, if you and your roommate are looking at a $3,000 per month apartment, the landlord would require a combined income of $3,000 × 40, which equals $120,000. To determine how much rent you (and your potential roommates) can afford, simply divide your combined annual incomes by 40."
"score": 0.7305604219,
"text": "What percentage of business income should go to rent? Percentage of business income should not be used to decide rent. Business needs and desires should be used to calculate rent. You could be making hundreds of thousands of … dollars working out of a home office."
"score": 0.7296229601,
"text": "Rent to Income. Landlords typically require that your annual income is at least 40 times the monthly rent. For example, if you and your roommate are looking at a $3,000 per month apartment, the landlord would require a combined income of $3,000 × 40, which equals $120,000."
"score": 0.7240521908,
"text": "housing what is the maximum percentage of gross salary that one should spend on rent or mortgage answer wiki federal guidelines for rent subsidies to low income families stipulate that the family should pay 30 % of its adjusted income in rent see http www hud gov offices pih p"
"score": 0.7207106352,
"text": "What percentage of your monthly income should go toward your mortgage? Rule of thumb currently promoted is that you should never spend more than 1/3 of your gross income. 33.3%. But you should be aware that this is far higher than th … e historic average."
"score": 0.7174751163,
"text": "Before you start searching for your next apartment, you should know how much rent you can afford, as well as the income you'll need to get approved by a landlord. Rent to Income. Landlords typically require that your annual income is at least 40 times the monthly rent. For example, if you and your roommate are looking at a $3,000 per month apartment, the landlord would require a combined income of $3,000 × 40, which equals $120,000. To determine how much rent you (and your potential roommates) can afford, simply divide your combined annual incomes by 40."
"score": 0.71461308,
"text": "Rent to Income. Landlords typically require that your annual income is at least 40 times the monthly rent. For example, if you and your roommate are looking at a $3,000 per month apartment, the landlord would require a combined income of $3,000 × 40, which equals $120,000.or example, if you and your roommate are looking at a $3,000 per month apartment, the landlord would require a combined income of $3,000 × 40, which equals $120,000."
"score": 0.7101041079,
"text": "Landlords typically require that your annual income is at least 40 times the monthly rent. For example, if you and your roommate are looking at a $3,000 per month apartment, the landlord would require a combined income of $3,000 × 40, which equals $120,000."
"score": 0.7094509006,
"text": "Rent to Income. Landlords typically require that your annual income is at least 40 times the monthly rent. For example, if you and your roommate are looking at a $3,000 per month apartment, the landlord would require a combined income of $3,000 × 40, which equals $120,000.andlords typically require that your annual income is at least 40 times the monthly rent. For example, if you and your roommate are looking at a $3,000 per month apartment, the landlord would require a combined income of $3,000 × 40, which equals $120,000."
"score": 0.6964617968,
"text": "Percentage of the Home's Value. According to Bankrate.com, a good baseline to establish a rental amount is to charge 1 percent of the total value of a property. For example, for a property valued at $225,000, a baseline for rent could be $2,250 per month."
"score": 0.683701396,
"text": "Best Answer: as a general rule after bills and rent you should be aiming to have roughly 40-50% of your net pay (after tax and NI has been taken off) left for everything else."
"score": 0.6717045903,
"text": "1 Monthly income must equal approximately three (3) times monthly rent. 2 If the monthly income does not equal approximately three times the monthly rent an additional one months prepaid rent or qualified co-signer may be required. 3 Co-signers income should equal five (5) times monthly rent."
"score": 0.6689761877,
"text": "One week's paycheck is about 23 percent of your monthly (after-tax) income. If I had to set a rule, it would be this: Aim to keep your mortgage payment at or below 25 percent of your pretax monthly income. Aim to keep your total debt payments at or below 33 percent of your pretax monthly income."
"score": 0.6575604081,
"text": "So if a business pays $24,000 per year in rent and makes annual sales of $125,000, divide $24,000 by $125,000. The result is 19.2 percent, which means the business spends 19.2 percent of its total receipts on rent."
"score": 0.6494796276,
"text": "1 Make a budget—and commit to sticking to it! 2 Your total monthly debts—not including rent or mortgage—should be no more than 30% of your total monthly income (after taxes). 3 Stay within your credit limit, and avoid using the full amount of your available credit."
"score": 0.6391965151,
"text": "What percentage of your net income should you spend on all your bills including mortgage, car, insurance, etc. What percentage of my monthly NET income should go towards a mortgage? We do not live a fancy lifestyle?"
"score": 0.6378041506,
"text": "The renters' credit would be based on an estimate that 13.75 percent of annual gross rent is attributed to property taxes. The credit would be available to renters with incomes up to $150,000 and when the portion of rent designated for property taxes exceeds 6 percent of their income."
"score": 0.632481575,
"text": "Percentage late fee: A percentage late fee is calculated as a percentage of the rent payment and ranges from 4 to 8 percent of the monthly rental rate. The customary late fee percentage for late rent payments is either 5 or 6 percent, but be aware that some states have legal limits on late charges expressed as a percentage of the rent."
"score": 0.6320060492,
"text": "In the Section 8 Program, tenants pay about 30 percent of their income for rent, while the rest of the rent is paid with federal money. The Section 8 program initially had three subprograms—New Construction, Substantial Rehabilitation, and Existing Housing Certificate programs."
"score": 0.62999928,
"text": "Suppose that you think there is a 75% chance that you will make enough to put yourself in a 33% tax bracket, and a 25% chance that you will stay in the 0% tax bracket. Compute the expected value of monthly rent equivalent payment on a $250,000 house."
"score": 0.6269933581,
"text": "This looks at how much you make in proportion to how much the mortgage will cost you each month, including extras like private mortgage insurance, homeowners insurance and property taxes. Typically, lenders cap the mortgage at 28 percent of your monthly income.his looks at how much you make in proportion to how much the mortgage will cost you each month, including extras like private mortgage insurance, homeowners insurance and property taxes. Typically, lenders cap the mortgage at 28 percent of your monthly income."
"score": 0.6151308417,
"text": "Minimum base rent + percentage over a certain base amount: In this case, the tenant pays a minimum base monthly rent, and then adds a percentage of all gross receipts over a certain base amount. Example: $1,000 per month base rent, and 5% of all gross receipts over $50,000 per month."
"score": 0.5980739594,
"text": "It shows (admittedly, unsurprisingly) that mortgage-free homes tend to have older principal householders than homes that still have mortgages left to pay. If you live in a home you own, I hope you're one of the 32 percent that have paid off your mortgage. Given your age, though, that seems unlikely.2 percent of households that pay rent have monthly housing costs that are more than 30 percent of their income. There's one other piece of data that can help us build up a clearer picture of American homeowners. The American Community Survey also has tracks the age of the main householder in owner-occupied homes."
"score": 0.5852823853,
"text": "For continued management we charge a percentage of the rent collected. That percentage will vary with the type of property and the rent amount. It will range from 5% to 8%.For most single family properties the percentage is usually 6%.ost companies charge a fee to rent the property. In some instances it is a flat fee. It is usually 1/2 of the 1st month's rent. The same as our fee. If it is lower it is most likely that they have other fees or charge a higher monthly percentage."
"score": 0.5596996546,
"text": "Simply put, percentage rent is extra rent paid based on a percentage of gross sales. Percentage rent situations can be found in certain commercial spaces such as shopping malls and other multi-tenant retail spaces.he percentage rent would kick in after a certain amount of gross sales are met. The point at which percentage rent is paid is called a \"breakpoint\" and can either be a natural or artificial breakpoint."
] |
where is kendrick mountain fire? | [
"score": 0.669893384,
"text": "Kendrick Peak Trail. Kendrick Peak or Kendrick Mountain is one of the highest peaks in the San Francisco volcanic field north of the city of Flagstaff in the U.S. State of Arizona and is located on the Coconino Plateau in Coconino County."
] | [
"score": 0.6138851643,
"text": "There are three maintained trails to the summit of Kendrick Peak - Kendrick Mountain Trail, Pumpkin Trail and Bull Basin Trail. Along the Kendrick Mountain Trail, near the summit of Kendrick Peak, there is a Colorado Pinyon (Pinus edulis) growing at an altitude of nearly 10,400 feet (3,169.9 meters). This is a rare high-elevation example of this species growing amongst Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) and limber pine (Pinus flexilis)."
"score": 0.6079775691,
"text": "The Hickok Fire began August 5 about four miles north/northwest of Bellemont and is currently 50 acres, moving primarily toward the northeast. \"The fire is producing light smoke, but will likely be visible from Interstate 40 near Bellemont and Arizona Snowbowl,\" said Incident Commander Murray Rosengarten."
"score": 0.6061643958,
"text": "The fire began at the junction of Erskine Creek Road and Apollo Way in Lake Isabella shortly before 4 p.m. Thursday and moved quickly, aided by dead trees, high winds and low moisture, said Kern County Fire Department Capt. Mike Nicholas."
"score": 0.5894083977,
"text": "The fire that was sparked by lightning over the Santa Catalina Mountains on Monday, has grown to 60 acres. The fire began after a thunderstorm on the western edge of Buster Mountain, and is on the top third of the mountain, according to Heidi Schewel of the U.S. Forest Service."
"score": 0.580798924,
"text": "NC Forest Service: Chestnut Knob Fire is 'Historic Event', Now Burned Over 3900 Acres. BURKE COUNTY, N.C. - Wildfires in western North Carolina continue to grow by the day, including the Chestnut Knob Fire burning at South Mountain State Park. According to the North Carolina Fire Service, the fire began Sunday November 6th and has now burned more than 3,900 acres, and is 20 percent contained."
"score": 0.5780970454,
"text": "The Rim Fire was a wildfire that started in a remote canyon in Stanislaus National Forest in California. This portion of the central Sierra Nevada spans Tuolumne and Mariposa counties. The fire started on August 17, 2013 during the 2013 California wildfire season."
"score": 0.5766257644,
"text": "Kevin Boness, a District Forester out of the Flagstaff District with the Arizona State Forestry Division kneels down and touches a Granite Mountain Hotshots t-shirt laying on a cactus on July 23, 2013, just in front of the site where 19 firefighters died fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire (behind fence at right) on June 30, 2013."
"score": 0.5689440966,
"text": "A small forest fire -- less than a quarter of a hectare in size -- is burning in the hills east of Armstrong, off Powerhouse Road. Kamloops District fire information officer, Melissa Welsh, says the fire was called in shortly after 8 a.m. Monday."
"score": 0.5688019991,
"text": "The fire started at in Cajon Pass near Interstate 15 at about 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday and rapidly spread into the brush. It is now 13 miles northwest of San Bernardino and has threatened the communities of Lytle Creek, Wrightwood, Baldy Mesa, Phelan, and Hesperia. In addition to Interstate 15 the fire has crossed Highways 138 and 173. Officials closed I-15 and Highway 138, which made it difficult for residents to evacuate."
"score": 0.5636460185,
"text": "On July 5, 1994, nine members of a hotshot crew based in Prineville, Oregon, died after being overtaken by the fast-moving Storm King fire west of Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Five other firefighters, three smokejumpers and two helitack firefighters, also died in the conflagration. On June 30, 2013, the Prescott Fire Department's hotshot crew perished in the Yarnell Hill Fire near Yarnell, Arizona."
"score": 0.563457489,
"text": "Kendrick, Idaho. Kendrick is a city in Latah County, Idaho, United States. Its population was 303 at the 2010 census, a decrease from 369 in 2000."
"score": 0.5631021261,
"text": "Summary: The Highline Fire is burning on National Forest system lands in the Mogollon Rim area. Today's strategy is to keep the fire north of the Highline Trail and south of Forest Road 300 on top of the Mogollon Rim."
"score": 0.561707139,
"text": "The Rim Fire was a massive wildfire that started in a remote canyon in Stanislaus National Forest in California. This portion of the central Sierra Nevada spans Tuolumne and Mariposa counties. The fire started on August 17, 2013 during the 2013 California wildfire season. It was the fourth-largest wildfire in California's history, having burned 257,314 acres. The Rim Fire was surpassed by the Thomas Fire as the third-largest wildfire in December 2017. The Rim Fire is also the largest wildfire on"
"score": 0.5574136376,
"text": "The Bybee Creek Fire has burned close to the rim of the Crater Lake caldera in southwest Oregon. The 720-acre fire, when throwing out burning embers up to a half mile ahead, created one spot fire inside the caldera in Crater Lake National Park."
"score": 0.5508776903,
"text": "The fire is located south of Vernon and north of Arizona 260 between Show Low and Springerville. It's wedged between areas heavily damaged by the Wallow and Rodeo fires, two of the largest fires in Arizona history."
"score": 0.5482108593,
"text": "Fire Mountain Gems is located at 17 Fire Mountain Way, Grants Pass, OR. This business specializes in Jewelry & Watches. Posted on August 28, 2015. Brought to you by merchantcircle."
"score": 0.5472161174,
"text": "Roaring Lion Fire Daily Update. Monday, September 12, 2016. Bitterroot National Forest. (406) 363-7100. Hamilton, MT - The Bitterroot National Forest has announced that the area closure prompted by the Roaring Lion Fire southwest of Hamilton is being reduced. Areas now open to the public include Camas Creek Trail #125, Coyote Coulee trail system, Trail #59 up the North Fork of Lost Horse Creek and the Observation Point Road #496."
"score": 0.5469363928,
"text": "The Snake fire is in south-central Wyoming just north of the Colorado border. It is 115 air miles miles west of Cheyenne, and 20 miles west of the 38,000-acre Beaver Creek Fire that has been burning in Colorado and Wyoming since July 19, 2016."
"score": 0.5427953005,
"text": "The Tenaya fire was spotted Monday night in the Indian Canyon area above the north rim of Yosemite Valley, prompting the closure of all trails in the area, according to Yosemite National Park officials. Fire officials are investigating the cause of the fire, which sent a plume of smoke over the Yosemite Valley."
"score": 0.5411350727,
"text": "Images provided by: Greg Hillyard Photography. The fire that has ravaged the mountains in Cape Town's deep south continues to rage with firefighting efforts currently focussing primarily on the areas of Hout Bay, Tokai and Fish Hoek. © Greg Hillyard Photography."
"score": 0.5402979851,
"text": "Wildfire Management and the Vernon Fire Department are currently battling a two hectare blaze near Ellison Provincial Park. The campground is being evacuated as a precaution, evacuees are gathering at Marshall Field on Okanagan Landing road."
"score": 0.5393410325,
"text": "A bus full of middle school-aged kids caught fire on Mount Baker Highway and burned near the ski area Saturday morning, Feb. 13. A witness, Cameron Hamilton, 28, said he was driving up the highway near the last big switchback before the Mt. Baker Ski Area around 8:30 a.m. when he noticed traffic backing up."
"score": 0.5349963307,
"text": "The southern end of Backbone Mountain was the location of West Virginia 's first fire tower. The first tower was built in 1922 by the state and subsequently transferred to Monongahela National Forest. In 1963, the original tower was replaced with the one currently on-site and named after Ernest B. Olson in recognition of 28 years of service in MNF fire control and conservation programs."
"score": 0.5322335362,
"text": "A hunter's illegal campfire in Stanislaus National Forest adjacent to Yosemite National Park started what would become the Rim fire, the third largest fire in California history, that burned from August through October 2013."
"score": 0.5303993821,
"text": "BAKER, Nev. (KOLO)-- A firefighter on the Strawberry Fire in the Great Basin National Park in eastern Nevada died Saturday when he was hit by a falling tree, fire officials announced Sunday. Justin Beebe of Bellows Falls, Vermont, was a member of the Lolo Hotshots with the U.S. Forest Service."
"score": 0.5282590985,
"text": "Hotshot firefighter killed in eastern Nevada fire at national park. Justin Beebe of Bellows Falls, Vermont, was a member of the Lolo Hotshots with the U.S. Forest Service. He was killed Aug. 13, 2016, in the Strawberry Fire in Great Basin National Park when a tree fell on him. U.S. Forest Service photograph."
"score": 0.5272790194,
"text": "The newspaper started the project to honor Idahoans killed 20 years ago in a wildfire in Colorado. Dec. 15--YARNELL, Ariz. -- Nineteen Granite Mountain Hotshots died in the Yarnell Hill Fire on June 30 for no good reason. They left their safety zone in the black, land that already had burned, and headed into a box canyon from which they could not escape when the fire roared in."
"score": 0.5239027143,
"text": "Kendrick is a city in Latah County, Idaho. Last year, 1 properties were sold for a median price of $119,642. Average price for a home in Kendrick, ID is $119,642. The average property tax is $1,223 per year."
"score": 0.5229330659,
"text": "Wildfire Management and the Vernon Fire Department are currently battling a two hectare blaze near Ellison Provincial Park."
"score": 0.5191152096,
"text": "The Arizona Forestry Division found that fire managers overseeing the Yarnell Hill Fire did not make major mistakes and that it isn't clear why the Granite Mountain Hotshots left a safe zone and walked into the canyon where they were killed."
"score": 0.5171480775,
"text": "The Chimney 2 fire in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park has prompted the closure of Newfound Gap Road, Cherokee Orchard Road, Elkmont Road and several trails, park officials announced Monday, Nov. 28, 2016. Great Smoky Mountains National Park."
"score": 0.5135649443,
"text": "North Summit Fire District. Welcome to NS Fire District. The North Summit Fire District is a volunteer fire department, serving the towns of Henefer, Echo, Coalville, Upton, Hoytsville and Wanship, and everywhere in between. Our response area goes from mile marker 150 on I-80 to the Wyoming border, from the Morgan County line to just outside of Peoa."
"score": 0.5119513273,
"text": "July 4, 2017. (Rain Date July 5, 2017) The Garrett County Chamber of Commerce presents the annual Fire on the Mountain Fireworks Display. Join the celebration! Fireworks will light up the sky above Marsh Mountain at Wisp Resort overlooking Deep Creek Lake on July 4th. The display is set to begin around 9:30pm and is set off from the Bear Claw Tubing Park."
"score": 0.5116796494,
"text": "I will definitely be back for some night photography! Lookout info: The lookout on the summit of Lookout Mountain is one of the last remaining fire lookouts in the North Cascades. The original lookout was constructed in 1929 as a 2-story cathedral cabin. This structure was demolished in 1967, and replaced by a 30' treated timber R-6 tower that was constructed in 1962."
"score": 0.5079368949,
"text": "Simply click on the Fire Mountain location below to find out where it is located and if it received positive reviews. AL Fire Mountain Locations City Shortcuts:"
"score": 0.5063665509,
"text": "Prescott City Attorney Jon Paladini claims the fire's sole survivor, lookout Brendan McDonough, heard the leader of the Granite Mountain Hotshots order the crew to leave a safe spot where the fire had already burned."
"score": 0.5045906305,
"text": "As stated in Fire Mountains of the West Broken Top is a Pleistocene composite cone comprised of basaltic andesite. Ravaged by the collapse of its magma chamber and subsequent razings by glaciation; the resulting mountain is one of the more rugged and picturesque of the Three Sisters Wilderness in central Oregon."
"score": 0.5020922422,
"text": "Living in Kendrick, ID. Historic picturesque communities to lively Kendrick, ID neighborhoods, home to great shopping and dining. Kendrick is a rural community, home to 288 people. Kendrick is a Rural area with a population of 288 and density of 745 people per sq. mile."
"score": 0.5016025901,
"text": "Here's what became of the Granite Mountain Hotshots. The firefighters working at Prescott Fire Station 7 are continuing the work the Granite Mountain Hotshots started."
"score": 0.4972898364,
"text": "Tue, Feb 21st, 2017 7:54:00 am - Dispatched at 0754 hrs to Washington County, Maryland 22232 Jugstown Road, just outside of Hagerstown for Woods Fire. Piney Mountain Strike Team along with Co. 48 arrived and assisted with extinguishment and overhaul. Crews are still on the scene as of 1430 hrs."
"score": 0.4898449183,
"text": "Here's what became of the Granite Mountain Hotshots The firefighters working at Prescott Fire Station 7 are continuing the work the Granite Mountain Hotshots started. Post to Facebook"
"score": 0.4870980978,
"text": "Angel Fire Resort is a four-season alpine resort high in the Rocky Mountains of northern New Mexico. Angel Fire offers fantastic outdoor recreational amenities for visitors of all ages. The resort is situated at 8,600-foot elevation with stunning views of Mt. Wheeler, the tallest peak in New Mexico."
"score": 0.486456722,
"text": "Fire, fire on the mountain. Fire, fire on the mountain. Fire, fire on the mountain. Fire, fire on the mountain. Almost ablaze, still you don't feel the heat (note 3) It takes all you got just to stay on the beat. You say it's a living, we all gotta eat. But you're here alone, there's no one to compete. If mercy's in business, I wish it for you."
"score": 0.4769589305,
"text": "Eldfell (fire mountain in Icelandic) is a volcano on the island of Heimaey in the Vestmannaeyjar archipelago 15 miles (25 km) south of Iceland.In January of 1973, an eruption began along a 1.5 mile (2 km) long fissure not far from the center of the town of Vestmannaeyjar.ldfell, Heimaey, Iceland. The 1973 eruption on the island of Heimaey is a classic example of the struggle between man and volcanoes. With a heroic effort the people of Iceland saved the town of Vestmannaeyjar and the country's most important fishing port."
"score": 0.468947947,
"text": "Kendrick Mobile & Manufactured homes for Sale. There are 21 real estate listings found in Kendrick, ID. View our Kendrick real estate area information to learn about the weather, local school districts, demographic data, and general information about Kendrick, ID. Get in touch with a Kendrick real estate agent who can help you find the home of your dreams in Kendrick."
"score": 0.4557107389,
"text": "Lookout Mountain, in the northwest moat (a depression around the ring fracture that formed the Long Valley Caldera) erupted 677,000-692,000 years ago. The Hot Creek (lava) Flow (brown on map), through which Hot Creek flows, erupted 288,000 years ago. The Hot Creek Flow is referred to on maps as Doe Ridge."
"score": 0.4537142813,
"text": "Angel Fire, NM. Online Offers. Angel Fire is a village in Colfax County, New Mexico, United States. The population was 1,048 at the 2000 census. It is a popular ski resort destination, with a base elevation of 8,600 feet (2,621 m) and a summit of 10,677 feet (3,254 m) with over 500 acres (2 km²) of skiable terrain."
"score": 0.4490917623,
"text": "Kendrick is mentioned 44 times on our forum: Latest news from Kendrick, ID collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: German (19.3%), English (14.1%), Irish (14.1%), Scottish (8.3%), United States (4.5%), French (4.0%)."
"score": 0.4472179413,
"text": "Land, Small Town, Fifth Wheel Living, Where Please (12 replies) Latest news from Kendrick, ID collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: German (19.3%), English (14.1%), Irish (14.1%), Scottish (8.3%), United States (4.5%), French (4.0%). Current Local Time: PST time zone."
"score": 0.4378313422,
"text": "708 Kendrick, Idaho jobs found on Monster. 708 jobs. Get jobs by email for this search. Kendrick, ID Employment Information. If you're ready for a new and challenging job, take a look at our wide range of Kendrick, Idaho jobs. Whatever type of job in Kendrick you're seeking, you can find it on Monster. View our listings of Kendrick job opportunities and find your perfect fit today."
"score": 0.4307037592,
"text": "Mount Elbrus isn't technically a mountain — it is an inactive volcano located in the western Caucasus mountain range, near the Georgian border in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay–Cherkessia, Russia."
"score": 0.4263767004,
"text": "Glassdoor has 23 Fire Mountain Gems and Beads reviews submitted anonymously by Fire Mountain Gems and Beads employees. Read employee reviews and ratings on Glassdoor to decide if Fire Mountain Gems and Beads is right for you."
"score": 0.4241716564,
"text": "About. Kendrick Brothers Productions is the company founded by Alex and Stephen Kendrick that exists to honor Jesus Christ and make His truth and love known among the nations through movies, books, curriculum, and speaking."
"score": 0.4208438993,
"text": "Fire Plume Ridge in Un'Goro Crater is a good spot to farm for Heart of Fire and Essence of Fire, as the elementals there drop both kinds. It's about the only place to get Essence of Fire outside of Blackrock Mountain, so you should be prepared for some competition."
"score": 0.4195676446,
"text": "Actor. Michael Cooke Kendrick was born on March 2, 1983 in Portland, Maine, USA. He is an actor, known for Looking for an Echo (2000), Celebrity Ghost Stories (2008) and Celebrity Close Calls (2010)."
"score": 0.4079167247,
"text": "A great basalt fissure eruption known as Eldgj (Fire Chasm) occurred at Katla volcano in 934 AD. This eruption was one of the two largest terrestrial fissure eruptions of the last 11 centuries."
"score": 0.4037129283,
"text": "Mason County, near New Haven, West Virginia. Coordinates. The Mountaineer Power Plant is a major coal-fired power plant outside New Haven, West Virginia, USA. Owned by American Electric Power (AEP), it has one of the tallest chimneys in the world at 336 metres (1,102 ft)."
"score": 0.3976704478,
"text": "Located in the Pacific Ring of Fire that has 75 percent of the world's active volcanoes, Mt. Yasur has been continually active for at least 800 years. In June 2010, the volcano experienced an explosive eruption, releasing lava bombs and volcanic ash."
"score": 0.3774349689,
"text": "The Cheyenne Mountain Shooting Complex is a unique multi-phased joint partnership between Fort Carson and El Paso County. No tax dollars were used for the construction of this project. 5,264 people like this and 5,117 people follow this. 5,610 people have been here."
"score": 0.3464314342,
"text": "After being drafted to the SmackDown brand in 2008, the team of London and Kendrick was split up. That gave WWE the chance to repackage Kendrick, turning him into a cocky heel, a side of Kendrick WWE fans had never seen. Kendrick became known as The Brian Kendrick, complete with his own bodyguard, Ezekiel Jackson. Of course, this brought back memories of the days the towering Diesel stood in the corner of Michaels."
"score": 0.3457977772,
"text": "That shouldn't sound too crazy, as Kendrick was trained by Michaels at his wrestling school in San Antonio. During his first run in WWE, Kendrick competed under the name Spanky, and he had a brief feud with John Cena. He also teamed with Paul London a few times but decided to leave the company in January 2004."
"score": 0.3312138915,
"text": "Back in Wyoming, independent oilman and later, Democratic Wyoming Gov. Leslie Miller became suspicious when he saw trucks with the Sinclair company logo hauling drilling equipment into the Teapot Dome naval petroleum reserve. He asked U.S. Sen. John B. Kendrick, also a Democrat, to look into the matter."
"score": 0.321921587,
"text": "The Legends at Eagle Mountain Lake is located in Fort Worth, Texas in the 76179 zip code. This apartment community was built in 2000 and has 3 stories with 208 units. Office Hours."
"score": 0.3216339648,
"text": "Kindle Fire update: Not Android by design. Amazon rolled out an update for its Fire OS to most Kindle Fire tablets. The update further removes owners from the Android experience. By James Kendrick for Mobile News |. | Topic: Mobility."
"score": 0.3159406483,
"text": "1 / 6 Show Caption + Hide Caption – U.S. Army Pfc. Shaun Innocenti, of Grove, Okla., a squad automatic weapon gunner with Troop B, 4th Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, pulls security during a presence patrol around Forward Operating Base Fenty, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan, Aug. 22, 2013."
] |
who is richard j. foster | [
"score": 0.6683764458,
"text": "Photo by Ted Spring. Richard J. Foster is the author of several bestselling books, including Celebration of Discipline, Streams of Living Water, Life with God, and Prayer, which was Christianity Today's Book of the Year and the winner of the Gold Medallion Award from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association."
] | [
"score": 0.5629603863,
"text": "Richard J. Stephenson. Richard J Stephenson (born c. 1940) is an American investment banker. He is the founder and chairman of Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), a for-profit network of five hospitals."
"score": 0.5579048991,
"text": "Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God. (3 John 1:11) Richard Foster Comes Emerging From Quaker Shadows. Let's begin now to acquaint you a bit with Richard Foster, who is arguably the leading proponent of this CSM, which is beyond question rooted in the mystics of myths of the Roman Catholic Church. Undoubtedly however, Foster is certainly CSMs most recognized teacher."
"score": 0.5364040136,
"text": "This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. (February 2017) Richard J Stephenson (born c. 1940) is an American investment banker. He is the founder and chairman of Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA), a for-profit network of five hospitals."
"score": 0.5326132774,
"text": "The article views Foster as one who continues to guide the movement: From Dallas Willard, Richard Foster, and living practicing monks and nuns, they [those going back to Roman Catholic mysticism] must learn both the strengths and the limits of the historical ascetic disciplines.."
"score": 0.5276249647,
"text": "Richard Greco, Jr. Richard Greco, Jr. Richard Greco, Jr. is an American businessman, educator, former United States Government official, and long-standing trustee of educational, cultural, and civic institutions."
"score": 0.5151795149,
"text": "You can help the Walking Dead Wiki by expanding it. Andrew Jenkins is an American actor who portrayed the walker, one of which notably attacked Richard Foster in The Walking Dead.ou can help the Walking Dead Wiki by expanding it. Andrew Jenkins is an American actor who portrayed the walker, one of which notably attacked Richard Foster in The Walking Dead."
"score": 0.5131844282,
"text": "Foster is a town in Providence County, Rhode Island, in the United States."
"score": 0.5128092766,
"text": "Foster is a town in Providence County, Rhode Island, in the United States.oster is a town in Providence County, Rhode Island, in the United States."
"score": 0.5047614574,
"text": "Dr. Samuel Foster MD. Overview. Dr. Samuel Foster is a cardiologist in Prince Frederick, Maryland and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Calvert Memorial Hospital and MedStar Southern Maryland Hospital Center."
"score": 0.5040287375,
"text": "Foster was originally settled in the 17th century by British colonists as a farming community. In the year 1662, William Vaughan, Zachariah Rhodes, and Robert Wescott, purchased of the Indians a large tract of land called West Quanaug, bordering on Providence.oster is a town in Providence County, Rhode Island, in the United States."
"score": 0.4963041246,
"text": "Foster was incorporated with Scituate, Rhode Island in 1730, forming the western section of that township, and remained part of Scituate until 1781, when it was split off as a distinct and separate township.Foster derived its name, from U.S. Senator Theodore Foster.oster is a town in Providence County, Rhode Island, in the United States."
"score": 0.4942881167,
"text": "Foster By Definition was Founded by Maurice & Linda Foster who had a vision to help those who are in need. Before we came together in marriage we had realize that we shared some of the same visions on life and one of them was helping people."
"score": 0.4866234958,
"text": "Richard Painter. Richard W. Painter is an American lawyer, and the S. Walter Richey Professor of Corporate Law at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. He was the chief White House ethics lawyer in the George W. Bush Administration. He served in this capacity over a two-year-period — 2005-2007."
"score": 0.4855271578,
"text": "This is the latest accepted revision, reviewed on 16 October 2016. Alicia Christian Jodie Foster (born November 19, 1962) is an American actress, director and producer who has worked in films and on television. She has often been cited as one of the best actresses of her generation. Foster began her career at the age of three as a child model in 1965, and two years later moved to acting in television series, with the sitcom Mayberry R.F.D. being her debut."
"score": 0.4797106385,
"text": "Foster Grant. Foster Grant, or FosterGrant, is an American brand of eyewear founded by Sam Foster in 1929. The Foster Grant brand is a subsidiary company of FGX International, a consumer goods wholesaler with headquarters in Smithfield, Rhode Island, which has been owned by Essilor since 2010."
"score": 0.4790629148,
"text": "This is the latest accepted revision, reviewed on 16 October 2016. Alicia Christian Jodie Foster (born November 19, 1962) is an American actress, director and producer who has worked in films and on television. She has often been cited as one of the best actresses of her generation. Foster began her career at the age of three as a child model in 1965, and two years later moved to acting in television series, with the sitcom Mayberry R.F.D. being her debut. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, she worked in several primetime television series and starred in children's films."
"score": 0.479039073,
"text": "Richard Mack. Richard Ivan Mack is the former sheriff of Graham County, Arizona and a political activist. He is known for his role in a successful lawsuit brought against the federal government of the United States which alleged that portions of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act violated the United States Constitution."
"score": 0.4770384133,
"text": "Phil Foster was considered a pioneer citizen in Riviera Beach. He was the owner of one of the area's first tourist courts. He lived in the area for 32 years prior to his death in 1917. The park was opened and dedicated in his memory in January 1953."
"score": 0.4751667976,
"text": "Dr. Robert A. Foster, Jr, is a reputable dentist in Marietta GA, who treats from age 2 to adults. He supplies the most pleasant dental experience possible. This Marietta GA dentist uses the finest and latest facility to ensure comfort during treatment."
"score": 0.4743028879,
"text": "But classical mysticism was virtually unknown in Evangelical circles until 1978 when Quaker minister Richard J. Foster published Celebration of Discipline, the Path to Spiritual Growth."
"score": 0.4730912745,
"text": "Norman Foster is a Pritzker Prize winning British architect. His practice, Foster + Partners, is one of the most prolific in the world,..."
"score": 0.4688738883,
"text": "J Industries, Inc., Jeff Foster (Illinois) It has been a real pleasure working with the knowledgable, professional and courteous staff of Pro-Line. They have always provided competitive products, with exeptional quality and good lead times."
"score": 0.4667726755,
"text": "John Foster, who was recorded in the 1373 Court Roll of the borough of Colchester, Essex, was of this source. The surname was one of the very first into the New England colonies of America.he first is an occupational name for a saddle tree maker, a very important occupation seven hundred or more years ago. Here the derivation is from the Old French fustier, itself originating from the word fustre, meaning a block of wood. This term was introduced into Britain after the 1066 Norman French invasion."
"score": 0.4665545225,
"text": "Richard D. Wolff is Professor of Economics Emeritus at UMass Amherst and a visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in International Affairs of the New School University in New York. Richard Wolff is also a co-founder and active contributor of his non-profit: Democracy at Work."
"score": 0.4658482969,
"text": "Richard Linklater. Richard Stuart Linklater (/ˈlɪŋkleɪtər/; born July 30, 1960) is an American filmmaker, screenwriter, and actor. Linklater is mostly known for his realistic and natural humanist films which mainly revolve around suburban culture and the effects of the passage of time."
"score": 0.4607557654,
"text": "Alicia Christian Jodie Foster (born November 19, 1962) is an American actress, director and producer who has worked in films and on television. She has often been cited as one of the best actresses of her generation. Foster began her career at the age of three as a child model in 1965, and two years later moved to acting in television series, with the sitcom Mayberry R.F.D. being her debut. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, she worked in several primetime television series and starred in children's films."
"score": 0.4578442276,
"text": "Foster the People is an American indie pop band formed in Los Angeles, California in 2009. It currently consists of lead vocalist Mark Foster, lead guitarist Sean Cimino, keyboardist Isom Innis, and drummer Mark Pontius.[2]"
"score": 0.4577482045,
"text": "Amy Foster, (born 1992), British actor. Andrew Foster (disambiguation), one of several people, including: Andrew Foster (politician) (1870–1956), Canadian politician. Andrew Foster (educator) (1925–1987), American promoter of schools for the deaf. Andrew Foster (tennis) (b. 1972), English tennis player."
"score": 0.4555099607,
"text": "It derived its name, Foster, from the Hon. Theodore Foster, for many years a United States senator; and for this mark of esteem upon the part of the citizens of the town, Mr. Foster presented the town with a library.opkins Mills is the second village in importance, having a saw-mill, a grist-mill, a small manufactory, and the South Foster post-office. The late Judge Hopkins resided there, and had charge, for many years, of the excellent library founded by Senator Foster."
"score": 0.4533163905,
"text": "A third possibility is that Foster is a contracted or dialectal spelling of Forester, a term which described a civil officer in charge of a forest. John Forester, who was recorded in the 1183 Pipe Rolls of the county of Surrey, was the first recorded bearer of this name.The last possible origin is very unusual.he first is an occupational name for a saddle tree maker, a very important occupation seven hundred or more years ago. Here the derivation is from the Old French fustier, itself originating from the word fustre, meaning a block of wood. This term was introduced into Britain after the 1066 Norman French invasion."
"score": 0.4443512857,
"text": "Foster + Partners is an internationally renowned studio for architecture led by Norman Foster and a group of senior partners. It has created landmarks like 30 St Mary Axe in London (also known as the Gherkin), London City Hall and the Great Court at the British Museum."
"score": 0.4418384433,
"text": "Vincent Walker Vince Foster Jr. (January 15, 1945 – July 20, 1993) was a Deputy White House Counsel during the first half-year of President Bill Clinton's administration."
"score": 0.4415712655,
"text": "Foster the People is an American indie pop band formed in Los Angeles, California in 2009. It currently consists of lead vocalist Mark Foster, lead guitarist Sean Cimino, keyboardist Isom Innis, and drummer Mark Pontius. Foster founded the band in 2009 after spending several years in Los Angeles as a struggling musician and working as a commercial jingle writer. After Foster's song Pumped Up Kicks became a viral success in 2010, the group received a record deal from Startime International and"
"score": 0.4362303317,
"text": "After Clinton's 1992 election, Foster joined Clinton's presidential transition team. Once Clinton was inaugurated, Foster joined his White House staff as Deputy White House Counsel in early 1993. This was despite Foster's initial reluctance to leave his Little Rock life behind and come to Washington."
"score": 0.4326909184,
"text": "Who was Vince Foster? The first part of Vince Foster's FBI file, released to the public last week, consists of the standard FBI background check on a new White House appointee. As a lawyer, Foster appears to have been the best, not just in \"successful\" litigation but in conduct of himself and his profession."
"score": 0.4279924035,
"text": "Richard Marlin Perkins (March 28, 1905 – June 14, 1986) was an American zoologist best known as a host of the television program Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom from 1963 to 1985. Contents."
"score": 0.4262378514,
"text": "Richard Perkins-Google+. Richard Perkins-An inked, Android loving, father of one.. - Scientific Officer-Agenda Resource Managment Ltd-Hi, My name is Richard but Ricky will do. Richard Perkins-Google+. Richard Perkins-Software Developer-EQHealth Solutions-HEALTHCAREfirst-Baton Rouge, LA-Slidell, LA-Upper Heyford, UK.s soon as richard perkins puts the camera down, we may have an album to view. About · Jobs · Blog · Mobile · Developers · Guidelines · Feedback · Report ... by Richard Perkins. by Richard Perkins. ... by Richard Perkins."
"score": 0.4239650071,
"text": "Death of Vince Foster. Foster was a childhood friend of Bill Clinton's and a partner of Hillary Clinton's at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock who joined the White House staff when Clinton became president."
"score": 0.4233320355,
"text": "Tameka J. Foster. (1971-01-01) January 1, 1971 (age 45) Tameka J. Foster (born January 1, 1971) is an American wardrobe stylist and the ex-wife of singer Usher. Tameka has worked as a personal stylist for Lauryn Hill, Jay-Z, Usher, Toni Braxton, Ciara, Patti Labelle, Nas and more."
"score": 0.4214717448,
"text": "David Foster (I) Soundtrack | Music Department | Composer. David Foster was born on November 1, 1949 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada as David Walter Foster. He has been married to Yolanda Hadid since November 11, 2011. He was previously married to Linda Thompson, Rebecca L. McCurdy and B.J. Cook."
"score": 0.4206874371,
"text": "Vincent Foster: A White House deputy counsel and long-time personal friend of Bill and Hillary's. Found on July 20, 1993. Foster's body was found in a heavily wooded area near Washington D.C.. The official cause of death, touted from the outset as a suicide, was declared due to a gunshot fired into the mouth."
"score": 0.4203747511,
"text": "—Ruth Haley Barton Quotes taken from Discipleship Journal Vol. 113 1999 (Online source) In ISS one of the people Barton points us to in order to help us \"meet God fully and deeply\" is Richard Rohr who is another Living Spiritual Teacher along with Richard Foster. Rohr also happens to be author of a popular book which teaches the CCP of CSM called Everything Belongs: The Gift of Contemplative Prayer."
"score": 0.419655174,
"text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tameka J. Foster (born January 1, 1971) is an American wardrobe stylist and the ex-wife of singer Usher. Tameka has worked as a personal stylist for Lauryn Hill, Jay-Z, Usher, Toni Braxton, Ciara, Patti Labelle, Nas and more."
"score": 0.418907553,
"text": "Ben Foster (footballer) Ben Anthony Foster (born 3 April 1983) is an English professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Premier League club West Bromwich Albion. Foster began his professional career in 2001 with Stoke City, having joined from Racing Club Warwick. However, he never made an appearance for Stoke, and spent time on loan with Bristol City, Tiverton Town, Stafford Rangers, Kidderminster Harriers and Wrexham."
"score": 0.4176081717,
"text": "Lauren Foster, OTD, OTR/L is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Occupational Therapy Department at the University of Kansas Medical Center and is the lead instructor for the Activity Analysis course that includes service learning activity."
"score": 0.4170677066,
"text": "Stephen Collins Foster (July 4, 1826 – January 13, 1864), known as the father of Trap music , was an American songwriter primarily known for his parlor and minstrel music."
"score": 0.4152774811,
"text": "The Young and the Restless (Soap Opera) Part 2 – Snapper Foster. Dr. William \"Snapper\" Foster Jr. was an original character since the show went on the air in 1973, the role was played by William Gray Espy from March 26, 1973 to July 1975, and David Hasselhoff from 1975 to May 1982."
"score": 0.4151492715,
"text": "Richard Perkins-Google+. Richard Perkins-Student at the moment-Arbroath-Dundee-Monifieth. Richard Perkins-Google+. Richard Perkins-That computer guy! - Network Administrator-Bradford School District-Orange Park, Florida-Saint Leo University-Frayed knot!! 1 Show More ...s soon as richard perkins puts the camera down, we may have an album to view. About · Jobs · Blog · Mobile · Developers · Guidelines · Feedback · Report ... by Richard Perkins. by Richard Perkins. ... by Richard Perkins."
"score": 0.4140814841,
"text": "The Young and the Restless (Soap Opera) Part 2 – Snapper Foster. By on November 28, 2012 in Soap Operas. Dr. William \"Snapper\" Foster Jr. was an original character since the show went on the air in 1973, the role was played by William Gray Espy from March 26, 1973 to July 1975, and David Hasselhoff from 1975 to May 1982."
"score": 0.4123683572,
"text": "Stephen Foster, or Stephen Collins Foster, lived from 4 July 1826 and 13 January 1864. He is known to many as the \"father of American music.\" Stephen Foster, it has been agreed upon by many historians and American musicologists, was the pre-eminent American songwriter in the 1800s. Many of his songs, such as \"Oh! Susanna\" are still popular songs today."
"score": 0.4089483023,
"text": "Richard Earl Thomas (born June 13, 1951) is an American actor. He is best known for his leading role as budding author John-Boy Walton in the CBS drama The Waltons, where he won one Emmy Award, and received nominations for another Emmy Award and two Golden Globe Awards. From 2013 to 2016, he starred in the FX drama series The Americans."
"score": 0.4064278007,
"text": "By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on May 30, 2008 in Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism, Current Issues, Dallas Willard, Emergent Church, Features, New Spirituality, Richard Foster, Southern Baptist Convention, Spiritual Formation, Who Is..., Youth Ministry."
"score": 0.4055401683,
"text": "Bananas Foster. We have Richard Foster, a regular at New Orleans' celebrated restaurant Brennan's, to thank for this delectable dessert. A sticky, sweet, smooth combination of cooked bananas swimming in sugar, melted butter, and rum, which is often ignited tableside, the dessert was invented in 1951 by Chef Paul for Foster."
"score": 0.4011369944,
"text": "(1971-01-01) January 1, 1971 (age 45) Oakland, California, U.S. Tameka J. Foster (born January 1, 1971) is an American wardrobe stylist and the ex-wife of singer Usher. Tameka has worked as a personal stylist for Lauryn Hill, Jay-Z, Usher, Toni Braxton, Ciara, Patti Labelle, Nas and more."
"score": 0.3979921937,
"text": "Stephen Collins Foster (born 4 Jul 1826; died 13 Jan 1864) was the son of William Barcley Foster (born: 7 Sep 1779; died 27 Jul 1855) and Elisa Clayland [Tomlinson] Foster (born: Jan 1788; died Jan 1855) who were married in 1807."
"score": 0.3916515708,
"text": "Immigration Lawyer. Passionate about diversity, traveling, and building a global community, Richard is the founder of Herman Legal Group: a knowledgeable and compassionate group of professional immigration lawyers with offices in Cleveland, Columbus, Dearborn-Detroit, Akron-Canton, Toledo and Norwalk-Sandusky."
"score": 0.3902482986,
"text": "Foster is the No. 9 prospect in the draft according to Scouts, Inc. and the top inside linebacker in the draft. While it would be a mild surprise to see him available at No. 21, he would provide an immediate boost at a position of need for the Lions."
"score": 0.3867272735,
"text": "(1826-1864). Stephen Collins Foster (born 4 Jul 1826; died 13 Jan 1864) was the son of William Barcley Foster (born: 7 Sep 1779; died 27 Jul 1855) and Elisa Clayland [Tomlinson] Foster (born: Jan 1788; died Jan 1855) who were married in 1807."
"score": 0.3835280538,
"text": "Foster wrote over 200 songs; among his best-known are Oh! Susanna , Camptown Races , Old Folks at Home , My Old Kentucky Home , Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair , Old Black Joe , and Beautiful Dreamer . Many of his compositions remain popular more than 150 years after he wrote them."
"score": 0.37856251,
"text": "Stephen Foster. He was America's first professional songwriter. He was also the first songwriter to be unfairly exploited by music publishers. Although his songs never generated the fortune Stephen Foster deserved during his brief life span, many of them, such as \"Oh!"
"score": 0.3663155437,
"text": "University Professor Joshua D. Wright is the Executive Director of the Global Antitrust Institute and holds a courtesy appointment in the Department of Economics. On January 1, 2013, the U.S. Senate unanimously confirmed Professor Wright as a member of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), following his nomination by President Obama to that position."
"score": 0.3637022376,
"text": "Michael Rothstein ESPN Staff Writer. Alabama linebacker Reuben Foster visited the Lions on Friday, according to ESPN's Adam Caplan. Foster is the No. 9 prospect in the draft according to Scouts, Inc. and the top inside linebacker in the draft."
"score": 0.3577013314,
"text": "Michael Rothstein ESPN Staff Writer. Alabama linebacker Reuben Foster visited the Lions on Friday, according to ESPN's Adam Caplan. Foster is the No. 9 prospect in the draft according to Scouts, Inc. and the top inside linebacker in the draft. While it would be a mild surprise to see him available at No. 21, he would provide an immediate boost at a position of need for the Lions."
"score": 0.3563735783,
"text": "He has been awarded with 16 Grammys from his 47 nominations. He was born on November 1, 1949 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada he is the current Chairman of the Verve Music Group. His sister is producer Jaymes Foster, David has been married four times, and he has five biological daughters and six grandchildren."
"score": 0.2770495415,
"text": "TARGET USA PODCAST BY WTOP. (ADD TO FAVORITES) Whether its terrorists, anarchists, cyber criminals or nation states, America has a target on its back. WTOP National Security Correspondent J.J. Green investigates the threats facing the U.S., the people behind them, the agencies fighting them and their impact on Americans. Target USA - Ep 24 - The Sinjar Massacre - Two... Two years after 5,000 Yazidi men were killed and more than 5,000 women and children were..."
] |
what is snake charming | [
"score": 0.8214834332,
"text": "Snake charming is the practice of pretending to hypnotise a snake by playing an instrument called pungi or bansuri. A typical performance may also include handling the snakes or performing other seemingly dangerous acts, as well as other street performance staples, like juggling and sleight of hand.heir venom is like that of a snake, like a deaf serpent that does not hear, that does not respond to the magicians, or to a skilled snake-charmer.. Snake charming as it exists today probably originated in India."
] | [
"score": 0.7478806973,
"text": "Snake charmer may refer to: 1 Snake charming, the practice of hypnotizing snakes. 2 Snake Charmer (EP) , an EP by Jah Wobble, The Edge and Holger Czukay.3 Snakecharmer (album) , an album by Sort Sol. 4 Snakecharmer, a band and their eponymous debut album headed by Micky Moody. 5 Snake Charmer (song) , a song by Panjabi MC.nake charmer may refer to: 1 Snake charming, the practice of hypnotizing snakes. 2 Snake Charmer (EP) , an EP by Jah Wobble, The Edge and Holger Czukay. 3 Snakecharmer (album) , an album by Sort Sol."
"score": 0.7461906672,
"text": "Full Definition of SNAKE CHARMER. : an entertainer who exhibits a professed power to charm or fascinate venomous snakes. See snake charmer defined for English-language learners. ADVERTISEMENT.nake charmer. noun. Tweet. : someone who appears to make snakes move by playing music to them."
"score": 0.7455079556,
"text": "Define snake charmer: an entertainer who exhibits a professed power to charm or fascinate venomous snakes an entertainer who exhibits a professed power to charm or fascinate venomous snakes… See the full definition"
"score": 0.7339425087,
"text": "snake charmer. an entertainer who seems to charm venomous snakes, usually by music. Origin of snake charmer. 1830-1840."
"score": 0.7257623076,
"text": "A Snake charm is an item that players use in the two quests The Feud and Port Sarim 's part of Rat Catchers and in the minigame Pyramid Plunder. Players obtain this item by putting a coin into Ali the Snake Charmer 's money pot (players must remove the coin from their money pouch, then use on the money pot). Snake charm is an item that players use in the two quests The Feud and Port Sarim 's part of Rat Catchers and in the minigame Pyramid Plunder. Players obtain this item by putting a coin into Ali the Snake Charmer 's money pot (players must remove the coin from their money pouch, then use on the money pot)."
"score": 0.7200789452,
"text": "snake charmer. noun. Tweet. : someone who appears to make snakes move by playing music to them.nake charmer. noun. Tweet. : someone who appears to make snakes move by playing music to them."
"score": 0.7175229788,
"text": "SNAKE CHARMING Wildlife SOS 2014-09-11T14:00:33+00:00. Although banned by the Indian Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, the practice of snake charming is still active in rural parts of India.Every year, thousands of snakes are poached from the forests by certain tribes for snake charming.he most commonly used snakes by snake charmers are Cobras, Pythons, Sand-Boas and Rat Snakes. The endless cycle of snake-charming is one of the major reasons of disappearance of snakes from the Indian forests. Wildlife S.O.S requests you to NEVER pay to watch snake charming. It is an illegal practice."
"score": 0.7077100873,
"text": "Snake charming, in fact, may be most dangerous of all to the seemingly \"charmed\" life of the cobra.\"While this crude \"training\" is probably not particularly cruel, the treatment received by the cobras in many cases is,\" says Wolfgang Wuster.nake charming, in fact, may be most dangerous of all to the seemingly \"charmed\" life of the cobra."
"score": 0.705837965,
"text": "Types. Aside from the traditional form of charming snakes with a flute, there are some common variations. Often the performer will kiss the top of the snake's head or put the snake's head in his mouth.isconceptions. It is widely believed that snakes are lulled into a complacent state by the music the snake charmer plays and that they are literally dancing to the music.. This is not actually the case. Snakes have very poor hearing and cannot hear the music."
"score": 0.6932054162,
"text": "One of the earliest records of snake charming appears in the Bible in Psalm (58:3–5): The wicked turn aside from birth; liars go astray as soon as they are born. Their venom is like that of a snake, like a deaf serpent that does not hear, that does not respond to the magicians, or to a skilled snake-charmer..Snake charming as it exists today probably originated in India.heir venom is like that of a snake, like a deaf serpent that does not hear, that does not respond to the magicians, or to a skilled snake-charmer.. Snake charming as it exists today probably originated in India."
"score": 0.680349648,
"text": "Snake Charmer spotted in India. Ancient Egypt was home to one form of snake charming, though the practice as it exists today likely arose in India. It eventually spread throughout Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa.n previous eras, snake charming was often the charmer's only source of income. This is less true today, as many charmers also scavenge, scrounge, sell items such as amulets and jewelry, or perform at private parties to make ends meet."
"score": 0.6782647371,
"text": "Misconceptions. It is widely believed that snakes are lulled into a complacent state by the music the snake charmer plays and that they are literally dancing to the music.. This is not actually the case. Snakes have very poor hearing and cannot hear the music.isconceptions. It is widely believed that snakes are lulled into a complacent state by the music the snake charmer plays and that they are literally dancing to the music.. This is not actually the case. Snakes have very poor hearing and cannot hear the music."
"score": 0.6750921607,
"text": "Ancient Egypt was home to one form of snake charming, though the practice as it exists today likely arose in India. It eventually spread throughout Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa.Despite a sort of golden age in the 20th century, snake charming is today in danger of dying out.heir venom is like that of a snake, like a deaf serpent that does not hear, that does not respond to the magicians, or to a skilled snake-charmer.. Snake charming as it exists today probably originated in India."
"score": 0.6571519375,
"text": "King cobras are famous for shows performed by snake charmers. Snake charmers will play beautiful flute music while a cobra in a basket sways back and forth. However, it is not the music that the snake is dancing to. It is the rhythmic motion of the flute that it is following."
"score": 0.6267105937,
"text": "Snake Charming, Serpent Symbolism & Slithery Politics in the Ancient World. January 10, 2012. The heroine of my novels, Cleopatra Selene, is the daughter of the much more famous Cleopatra VII of Egypt, the notorious Queen of the Nile who is best known for having committed suicide by way of clutching a venomous serpent to her breast."
"score": 0.6167987585,
"text": "The king cobra has long been favored by the snake charmers of southeastern Asia. It sways menacingly, not to the sound and rhythm of the music, but to the movement and shape of the snake charmer's flute."
"score": 0.607311964,
"text": "Snake - Interactions with humans. 1 Snakes do not ordinarily prey on humans. 2 Documented deaths resulting from snake bites are uncommon. 3 The treatment for a snakebite is as variable as the bite itself. 4 In some parts of the world, especially in India, snake charming is a roadside show performed by a charmer."
"score": 0.6021689773,
"text": "Traditional music played by a snake charmer from Molarbund, India. The instruments played are the been and the toombah. This is a clip from an upcoming docum..."
"score": 0.5896174312,
"text": "King cobras may be best known as the species of choice for the snake charmers of South Asia. Although cobras can hear, they are actually deaf to ambient noises, sensing ground vibrations instead. The charmer's flute entices the cobra by its shape and movement, not by the music it emits."
"score": 0.5663388968,
"text": "Snake is a very self aware being, carrying many healing energies and meanings dealing with perception of the physical realm. Snakes ability to perceive it's surrounding through vibration or heat signatures are it's greatest hidden powers."
"score": 0.5556037426,
"text": "King cobras may be best known as the species of choice for the snake charmers of South Asia. Although cobras can hear, they are actually deaf to ambient noises, sensing ground vibrations instead. The charmer's flute entices the cobra by its shape and movement, not by the music it emits.ortunately, king cobras are shy and will avoid humans whenever possible, but they are fiercely aggressive when cornered. King cobras live mainly in the rain forests and plains of India, southern China, and Southeast Asia, and their coloring can vary greatly from region to region."
"score": 0.5549571514,
"text": "Snake oil is a fraudulent liniment without snake extract. Currently, it has come to refer to any product with questionable or unverifiable quality or benefit. By extension, a snake oil salesman is someone who knowingly sells fraudulent goods or who is a fraud, quack, or charlatan. A snake oil recipe from the 18th century, printed in Spain The use of snake oil long predates the 19th century. In Europe, viper oil had been commonly recommended for many afflictions, including the ones for which rattlesnake oil was subsequently favored (e.g., rheumatism and skin diseases)."
"score": 0.5501443148,
"text": "Snake Meaning. . . Snake is a very self aware being, carrying many healing energies and meanings dealing with perception of the physical realm. Snakes ability to perceive it's surrounding through vibration or heat signatures are it's greatest hidden powers."
"score": 0.5477138758,
"text": "Snake Meaning. . . Snake is a very self aware being, carrying many healing energies and meanings dealing with perception of the physical realm. Snakes ability to perceive it's surrounding through vibration or heat signatures are it's greatest hidden powers.nake Meaning. . . Snake is a very self aware being, carrying many healing energies and meanings dealing with perception of the physical realm. Snakes ability to perceive it's surrounding through vibration or heat signatures are it's greatest hidden powers."
"score": 0.5366861224,
"text": "Snakes. A snake is someone who you think is sincere and really nice, but then turns out to be a backstabber. Someone who acts like your best friend, but who actually is the opposite.We all know somebody who is a doubletalker, a gossip and a generally untrustworthy person. snake is someone who you think is sincere and really nice, but then turns out to be a backstabber. Someone who acts like your best friend, but who actually is the opposite. We all know somebody who is a doubletalker, a gossip and a generally untrustworthy person."
"score": 0.5338353515,
"text": "Charming (film), an upcoming computer-animated musical comedy film. Charming (Sons of Anarchy), a fictional town where the television series Sons of Anarchy is set. Prince Charming (disambiguation), a stock fairy tale character."
"score": 0.5282866955,
"text": "1. (Animals) a literary or dialect word for snake. 2. (Bible) Old Testament a manifestation of Satan as a guileful tempter (Genesis 3:1–5) 3. a sly, deceitful, or unscrupulous person. 4. (Instruments) an obsolete wind instrument resembling a snake in shape, the bass form of the cornett."
"score": 0.5278721452,
"text": "Snakes are sophisticated people who are most at home with the best books, films, music, gourmet foods, and anything of fine quality. Money is not an issue and they can be quite generous. Snake people are often psychic and are attracted to philosophy and spiritual themes."
"score": 0.5271708965,
"text": "Charming is a city located in San Joaquin County, California. The population is currently 14,679. Charming is 22.8 sq. mi. It's located in the northern part of the metro triangle, which is bounded by the Bay Area, Stockton and Sacramento. It is fifty miles from both Oakland and San Jose, and about thirty miles from Stockton. The boundaries of Charming end at the Wahewa Reservation and Lodi, going east to west."
"score": 0.5269894004,
"text": "Snake antivenom, (snake antivenin, snake antivenene) is a biological product that typically consists of venom neutralizing antibodies derived from a host animal, such as a horse or sheep."
"score": 0.5228799582,
"text": "Snake oil. any dubious or fraudulent remedy or cure (The route of the fraud the word is derived from resulted from a misunderstanding of a traditional Chinese joint and muscle painkiller derived from the skin of the Chinese water snake). That snake oil is so obvious."
"score": 0.52257061,
"text": "Snake Classic is a great new rendition of the classic game of Snake, created by Arseniy Shklyaev of GameBalance. In case you've been too busy playing Halo and are not quite familiar with the snake genre, you start life as a tiny single dot of a snake who's goal is to move across the screen and consume other dots.The side effect of this is your body increases in size every time you grab a dot.n case you've been too busy playing Halo and are not quite familiar with the snake genre, you start life as a tiny single dot of a snake who's goal is to move across the screen and consume other dots."
"score": 0.5224851966,
"text": "A snake is someone who you think is sincere and really nice, but then turns out to be a backstabber. Someone who acts like your best friend, but who actually is the opposite. We all know somebody who is a doubletalker, a gossip and a generally untrustworthy person. They are cruel to their enemies and even meaner to their friends - only with the friends the mean streak only comes out when their backs are turned."
"score": 0.5216984749,
"text": "Snake venom is highly modified saliva containing zootoxins that facilitates the immobilization and digestion of prey, and defends against a threat. It is injected by unique fangs after a bite but some species are also able to spit.nake venom is highly modified saliva containing zootoxins that facilitates the immobilization and digestion of prey, and defends against a threat. It is injected by unique fangs after a bite but some species are also able to spit."
"score": 0.5209772587,
"text": "One such sinful cocktail is the snakebite. Snakebite drink is a highly intoxicating and a highly controversial drink. Its strength is said to be really potent, and hence, it induces instant drunkenness. It is also the reason why many proprietors, especially those in the UK, refuse to serve this beverage.he snakebite is a very popular cocktail amongst tipplers. Read the following article and find out more about this drink, its many variations, and their recipes which you can use at home."
"score": 0.5202255845,
"text": "4. Snakes. A snake is someone who you think is sincere and really nice, but then turns out to be a backstabber. Someone who acts like your best friend, but who actually is the opposite. We all know somebody who is a doubletalker, a gossip and a generally untrustworthy person. snake is someone who you think is sincere and really nice, but then turns out to be a backstabber. Someone who acts like your best friend, but who actually is the opposite. We all know somebody who is a doubletalker, a gossip and a generally untrustworthy person."
"score": 0.5189224482,
"text": "Snakes in Western culture are a symbol of sinfulness, deceit, and just general evil. The reason for this probably goes back at least to the story of Adam and Eve.In that, the serpent lures Eve into sin with his deceit.So the Judeo-Christian tradition starts with a snake causing the first sin to happen. The snake is also connected with sexual sin in particular. This is partly because the sin of Adam and Eve is often seen as being connected with sex.It's probably also connected to the shape of the snake and the sensuality of the way it moves. At any rate, snakes are definitely connected with deceit and sin in our culture.n that, the serpent lures Eve into sin with his deceit. So the Judeo-Christian tradition starts with a snake causing the first sin to happen. The snake is also connected with sexual sin in particular. This is partly because the sin of Adam and Eve is often seen as being connected with sex."
"score": 0.5164067745,
"text": "A snake is someone who you think is sincere and really nice, but then turns out to be a backstabber. Someone who acts like your best friend, but who actually is the opposite. We all know somebody who is a doubletalker, a gossip and a generally untrustworthy person. They are cruel to their enemies and even meaner to their friends - only with the friends the mean streak only comes out when their backs are turned. This type of friend is all sweetness and sugar to people's faces but act ugly and spiteful behind their backs."
"score": 0.515345633,
"text": "A snake ring on the fourth (little) finger, suggests this is a person with sexual inhibitions and they are using the snake to either hide or overcome this problem. A snake ring on the thumb suggests this person is strong willed and motivated and they are using the snake to enhance these qualities."
"score": 0.5146536827,
"text": "4. Snakes. A snake is someone who you think is sincere and really nice, but then turns out to be a backstabber. Someone who acts like your best friend, but who actually is the opposite. We all know somebody who is a doubletalker, a gossip and a generally untrustworthy person."
"score": 0.5139306784,
"text": "Synthetic Snake venom is a purified, laboratory derived ingredient which has been clinically tested for ultimate safety and efficacy. SYN-AKE is a new anti-wrinkle active compound based on a synthetic tripeptide that mimics the effect of a peptide that is found in the venom of the Temple Viper.This compound imitates the parts of the venom that block the neuromuscular contractions that cause facial muscle tension, thus relaxing the skin surface.he beauty of cosmedical skin care is that the skin becomes healthier and stronger unlike a cosmetic that merely masks underlying conditions such as dryness. So there you have it, when it comes to your skin – it's always good to know the definition of the name for the product you're using."
"score": 0.5138034821,
"text": "A snakebite is an alcoholic drink made with equal parts of lager and cider. Snakebite in the United Kingdom may be served with a dash of blackcurrant squash, referred to as a snakebite and black. Stout may be used instead of lager in the United States. Snakebite and black is also known by the name diesel. A stronger variant involves the addition of a shot of vodka, known as a turbo diesel."
"score": 0.5106636882,
"text": "A venomous (poisonous) snake bite is a bite or a puncture wound made by a snake that is capable of injecting, secreting, or spitting a toxin into the penetrated skin wound or, mucus membranes or the eyes where the toxin can be absorbed. In North America, there are about 25 species of snakes able to secrete toxin."
"score": 0.5050002337,
"text": "For other uses, see Prince Charming (disambiguation). Prince Charming is a stock character who appears in some fairy tales. He is the prince who comes to the rescue of the damsel in distress, and stereotypically, must engage in a quest to liberate her from an evil spell."
"score": 0.5041610003,
"text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Charming is a fictional town in the television series Sons of Anarchy. It is located in the San Joaquin Valley of California. According to a sign on the edge of town, its population is 14,679 and its motto is Our Name Says It All."
"score": 0.4976806045,
"text": "Prince Charming is a fairy tale character who comes to the rescue of a damsel in distress, and stereotypically, must engage in a quest to liberate her from an evil spell."
"score": 0.4963255823,
"text": "A venomous (poisonous) snake bite is a bite or a puncture wound made by a snake that is capable of injecting, secreting, or spitting a toxin into the penetrated skin wound or, mucus membranes or the eyes where the toxin can be absorbed. In North America, there are about 25 species of snakes able to secrete toxin. nonvenomous (nonpoisonous) snake bite is a bite or puncture wound made by a snake that is incapable of secreting a toxin. This should be distinguished from a dry bite. A dry bite is a bite by a venomous snake that does not inject any toxin."
"score": 0.4959743619,
"text": "2. Also called: snake in the grass a deceitful or treacherous person. 3. anything resembling a snake in appearance or action. 4. (Economics) (in the European Union) a former system of managing a group of currencies by allowing the exchange rate of each of them only to fluctuate within narrow limits. 5."
"score": 0.4921465516,
"text": "A snake ring worn on the first finger suggests this is an egotistical person and they are using the snake to enhance their status. A snake ring on the second finger suggests this is a materialistic person and they are using the snake to enhance their wealth."
"score": 0.4920827746,
"text": "More recently they have become symbolic of sinister things. A snake ring worn on the first finger suggests this is an egotistical person and they are using the snake to enhance their status. A snake ring on the second finger suggests this is a materialistic person and they are using the snake to enhance their wealth."
"score": 0.4915992022,
"text": "The Snake Charmer Tweet this song to Hans Zimmer :) If many people tweet it, he might notice #PirateOnBagpipes Special thanks to my patrons for letting this happen! Be my Patron - (Support me financially to make more videos and music and in return i have give you some cool rewards) https://www.patreon.com/the... Buy this song on iTunes -"
"score": 0.4874345958,
"text": "Prince Charming of Sleeping Beauty. Prince Charming is a stock character who appears in some fairy tales. He is the prince who comes to the rescue of the damsel in distress, and stereotypically, must engage in a quest to liberate her from an evil spell."
"score": 0.4843160212,
"text": "Snakes do plenty of good things, especially for farmers. Snakes eat mice, rats, gophers, and other small mammals that eat farm crops. Snakes also help scientists and doctors. Snake venom is used in research and in making medicines.One medicine made from venom helps treat certain types of heart attacks.Another is antivenin (an tee VEHN uhn), a drug used to treat snakebites.nakes eat mice, rats, gophers, and other small mammals that eat farm crops. Snakes also help scientists and doctors. Snake venom is used in research and in making medicines. One medicine made from venom helps treat certain types of heart attacks."
"score": 0.4831227064,
"text": "Charming is a fictional town in the television series Sons of Anarchy. It is located in the San Joaquin Valley of California. According to a sign on the edge of town, its population is 14,679 and its motto is Our Name Says It All. Charming is 22.8 square miles and is located in the upper part of the metro triangle, which is bounded by the Bay Area, Stockton and Sacramento. Show writer Kurt Sutter has stated that he envisions the town as being located between Lodi and Stockton which would place it near the real-life town of Morada, California."
"score": 0.4831061959,
"text": "Shop for chinese snake on Etsy, the place to express your creativity through the buying and selling of handmade and vintage goods. Close Beginning of a dialog window, including tabbed navigation to register an account or sign in to an existing account. Both registration and sign in support using google and facebook accounts. Escape will close this window."
"score": 0.4829345942,
"text": "Prince Charming is a fairy tale character who comes to the rescue of a damsel in distress and must engage in a quest to liberate her from an evil spell. This classification suits most heroes of a number of traditional folk tales, including Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Cinderella, even if in the original story they were given another name, or no name at all. Often handsome and romantic, these characters are essentially interchangeable, serving as a foil to the heroine; in many variants,"
"score": 0.4709677994,
"text": "Sprinkle sulfur powder around your home. This solution is more myth than fact, but some swear by it regardless. Whether the smell of sulfur repels snakes or simply repels the rodents and insects that snakes feed on, a small sprinkling of sulfur powder might prove effective at keeping snakes from sneaking in."
"score": 0.4703197181,
"text": "Charming Charlie is an amazing and affordable accessory store. Separated into different hues, you can find jewelry, scarfs, and wallets/purses to coordinate with ANY outfit. They also offer a decent selection of shoes, sunglasses, and blouses."
"score": 0.4627440274,
"text": "The Adder (Vipera berus) is Britain's only poisonous snake but will very rarely attack. Their usual approach is to use its exceptional camouflage to avoid being spotted or to disappear into the bushes and undergrowth at speed if they feel the vibrations of a threat approaching.he Adder (Vipera berus) is Britain's only poisonous snake but will very rarely attack. Their usual approach is to use its exceptional camouflage to avoid being spotted or to disappear into the bushes and undergrowth at speed if they feel the vibrations of a threat approaching."
"score": 0.4564127326,
"text": "You can sprinkle them with chili powder and lime juice to give these crunchy snakes a hot bold punch; add garlic, parmesan cheese and salt, or even top them with salsa, a dab of sour cream and an extra splash of hot sauce to create a unique and delicious finger food dish."
"score": 0.4546649158,
"text": "Fables #75. (September, 2008) Prince Charming is the original Prince Charming of the legends, married (in order) to Snow White, Briar Rose and Cinderella. Unfortunately, he may be very good at the seduction and the wedding night, but he is simply no good at all at making a relationship work."
"score": 0.4254775345,
"text": "Sansevieria_ spp. Snake plant is a carefree, tough succulent that grows almost anywhere. Its leathery sword-shape leaves are usually marbled with gray green and may be edged with yellow or white. Although snake plant tolerates low light, it grows better in medium or bright light."
"score": 0.4161744416,
"text": "Solid Snake, real name David, also known as Old Snake, and formerly known as Iroquois Pliskin, or simply Snake, was a former spy, special operations soldier, and mercenary."
"score": 0.39642784,
"text": "Charming Python: Make Python run as fast as C with Psyco. Using Psyco, the Python specializing compiler. In some ways the design of Python resembles the design of Java. Both utilize a virtual machine that interprets specialized pseudo-compiled bytecodes."
"score": 0.3768782318,
"text": "This content is part of the series:Charming Python. Stay tuned for additional content in this series. Back in 2002, I wrote a series of articles on distributing computing (see Related topics). At that time, RPyC did not exist, but I covered the Python tool Pyro and the library xmlrpclib. Surprisingly little has changed in the last seven years."
] |
cost to get passport | [
"score": 0.7505874634,
"text": "the total fee is $ 135 00 if you re under age 16 you ll pay a $ 80 00 application fee and a $ 25 00 execution fee for a total of $ 105 00 if you are obtaining a passport renewal by mail you only have to pay the application fee of $ 110you can request expedited service from the us passport agency for an additional $ 60 00 plus the cost of overnight shipping to and from the agency this service takes 2 3 weekshe total fee is $ 135 00 if you re under age 16 you ll pay a $ 80 00 application fee and a $ 25 00 execution fee for a total of $ 105 00 if you are obtaining a passport renewal by mail you only have to pay the application fee of $ 110"
] | [
"score": 0.7445363402,
"text": "It will cost money to get a passport processed quickly. (Photo: United States Passport on Stacks of One-hundred Dollar Bills image by dc_slim from Fotolia.com)."
"score": 0.7432501912,
"text": "Here we will try to explain the cost of obtaining a U.S. passport. Passport fees can sometimes be confusing with different fee structure for different passport services such as routine and expedited passport services.he passport processing time for routine passport service is 4 – 6 weeks and expedited services 3 – 4 weeks. Routine Service is for U.S. citizen who are looking to get a passport and does not have a specific time to get the passport back."
"score": 0.7333593369,
"text": "One of the most common question we usually get is how much is a passport? Here we will try to explain the cost of obtaining a U.S. passport. Passport fees can sometimes be confusing with different fee structure for different passport services such a routine and expedited passport services."
"score": 0.7213675976,
"text": "Passport Fee – Routine & Expedited Passport Fees. One of the most common questions we usually get is how much is a passport? Here we will try to explain the cost of obtaining a U.S. passport. Passport fees can"
"score": 0.6804354787,
"text": "The passport processing time for routine passport service is 4 – 6 weeks and expedited services 3 – 4 weeks. Routine Service is for U.S. citizen who are looking to get a passport and does not have a specific time to get the passport back.ere we will try to explain the cost of obtaining a U.S. passport. Passport fees can sometimes be confusing with different fee structure for different passport services such as routine and expedited passport services."
] |
what is hunan sauteed? | [
"score": 0.693634212,
"text": "Hunan style beef stir fry—a dish popular across the country. This is the authentic Chinese version. As a foodie who loves spicy food, Hunan food is one of my top choices; even sometimes Hunan style dishes are too spicy for me. Hunan cuisine usually features fresh chili and short term picked chili peppers for example this salted Hunan chili."
] | [
"score": 0.6880492568,
"text": "Hunan chicken can be served over nutritious brown rice. Spicy foods like chili peppers are commonly used in Hunan chicken. Hunan chicken is named for the cooking style of the Hunan region in southeastern China, particularly along the Xiang River.Peppercorns can supplement hunan chicken for an added punch. With its high smoking point and mild flavor, peanut oil is ideal for making a Hunan chicken stir-fry.unan chicken can be served over nutritious brown rice. Spicy foods like chili peppers are commonly used in Hunan chicken. Hunan chicken is named for the cooking style of the Hunan region in southeastern China, particularly along the Xiang River."
"score": 0.6540404558,
"text": "It is based loosely on the cooking style of the Hunan region of southeastern China, particularly along the Xiang river; most experts concede, though, that there is no single chicken dish from this region so popular as to warrant such a universal name.unan chicken can be served over nutritious brown rice. Spicy foods like chili peppers are commonly used in Hunan chicken. Hunan chicken is named for the cooking style of the Hunan region in southeastern China, particularly along the Xiang River."
"score": 0.6515355706,
"text": "What are the differences between Hunan, Szechuan, and Kung Pao? • Szechuan and Hunan are the names of cuisines originating from their respective provinces of Sichuan and Western Hunan in China whereas Kung Pao is the name of a spicy chicken dish from Szechuan cuisine."
"score": 0.6513353586,
"text": "Szechuan vs Hunan Chicken. Every corner in the world has a place for Chinese cuisine. And two of the most favorite dishes among the omnifarious Oriental gastronomy are Szechuan and Hunan Chicken. Regardless of their same country of origin, the said dishes aren't quite alike.unan, however, is generally hotter in flavor than the Szechuan dish. 3) Szechuan chicken result in a good mix of sweet and spicy while Hunan chicken is plainer and hotter."
"score": 0.6498219371,
"text": "Hunan vs Szechuan vs Kung Pao. Chinese dishes that have been westernized and available to the people in the country have become very popular, especially those that are made using chicken or beef. Hunan, Szechuan, and Kung Pao are three chicken dishes that seem to be alike to those who are not aware of the nuances."
"score": 0.6256474257,
"text": "I keep getting confused between Hunan and Szecuhan chicken from a chinese restaurant.. I think one has darker sauce, and one has water chestnuts and the other doesen't, but I don't know which is which..3 following. keep getting confused between Hunan and Szecuhan chicken from a chinese restaurant.. I think one has darker sauce, and one has water chestnuts and the other doesen't, but I don't know which is which.. Add your answer. Source."
"score": 0.6117826104,
"text": "Protein and Fat. Due to the chicken and black beans in Hunan chicken, the dish is a good source of protein. One cup of Hunan chicken contains 51 g of protein, but it also contains a high level of fat and cholesterol. One cup contains 14 g of total fat, with 3 g of saturated fat, which is considered one of the unhealthiest fats."
"score": 0.6112372875,
"text": "Szechuan vs Hunan Chicken. Every corner in the world has a place for Chinese cuisine. And two of the most favorite dishes among the omnifarious Oriental gastronomy are Szechuan and Hunan Chicken."
"score": 0.5904096961,
"text": "A one-cup serving of Hunan chicken provides 385 calories, about 120 of which come from fat. The peppers and onions contain some carbohydrates, so one cup contains a total of 13 g of carbs, with 3 g of dietary fiber."
"score": 0.5897508264,
"text": "It's based loosely on the Hunan region of southeastern China's cooking style, especially over the Xiang River specialises grant, however, as to justify this kind of worldwide name that there isn't any single chicken dish from this area so popular."
"score": 0.5839111805,
"text": "--------------------------------------------. Almost nobody in Hunan has ever heard of General Tso's Chicken, the most famous Hunan dish in America. Like many other American-Chinese favorites, the roots to China are vague but interesting."
"score": 0.5824061036,
"text": "Hunan Beef Recipe – 15 Minutes (Paleo, Low Carb, Gluten-free): Pin it to save for later! Hunan Beef Recipe - 15 Minutes (Paleo, Low Carb, Gluten-free) This easy Hunan beef recipe takes less than 15 minutes to make! Naturally paleo, gluten-free, and low carb Chinese food that's full of flavor. Hunan Beef Recipe - 15 Minutes (Paleo, Low Carb, Gluten-free) This easy Hunan beef recipe takes less than 15 minutes to make!"
"score": 0.5765014887,
"text": "I think I will try it with cauliflower rice next time. That's the one kind of \"rice\" that I do like! And, it's an easy way to convert recipes into paleo, low carb Chinese food. Wok Choices for Making Hunan Beef. There are several good options for the type of wok to use when making this Hunan beef."
"score": 0.5704802871,
"text": "Every corner of the world has a place for Chinese cuisine. And two of the most beloved dishes among the diverse Oriental gastronomy are Szechuan and Hunan Chicken. Despite their shared country of origin, these two dishes aren't quite the same. They differ in composition, consistency, and spiciness, distinctive of the Chinese regions that they originated from."
"score": 0.5675979853,
"text": "Sha cha beef. Sha cha beef (Chinese: 沙茶牛肉; also called sa cha beef, cha beef, or cha beefsteak) is the name of a Chinese dish featuring shacha sauce and tenderized beef strips. The Americanized dish is usually served over a bed of white rice with fresh scallions and cilantro (coriander). This dish is native to the Gansu province of China."
"score": 0.5655696392,
"text": "Stir frying. Stir frying (Chinese: 炒; pinyin: chǎo) is a Chinese cooking technique in which ingredients are fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred in a wok. The technique originated in China and in recent centuries has spread into other parts of Asia and the West."
"score": 0.5613136292,
"text": "Find out the difference between Hunan, Yunnan, and Szechuan cuisine, China's four regional cuisines (North, South, East, and West). Find out the difference between Hunan, Yunnan, and Szechuan cuisine, China's four regional cuisines (North, South, East, and West)."
"score": 0.5541979074,
"text": "In Saute, you cook food cut into small pieces or large pieces in a little amount of fat in high heat. The food pieces are tossed or turned often or just once. In stir fry, the food items are cut into small pieces and cooked in oil at high heat. The amount of oil used is larger than the amount used in saute. sautéaute and Stir fry are two important cooking techniques that show some differences between them. The Saute and Stir fry techniques are very popular in France and Chinese cuisines respectively."
"score": 0.5472382307,
"text": "Sauteing sautéing is a quick and easy way to cook vegetables with relatively little. Oil sauteed sautéed vegetables retain their vitamins, and minerals as well as taste. And color this method is best suited for, tender vegetables such, as asparagus, baby artichokes, snow peas, sweet, peppers onions. and mushroomsauteing sautéing is a quick and easy way to cook vegetables with relatively little. Oil sauteed sautéed vegetables retain their vitamins, and minerals as well as taste. And color this method is best suited for, tender vegetables such, as asparagus, baby artichokes, snow peas, sweet, peppers onions. and mushrooms"
"score": 0.5437139273,
"text": "Noun. 1. sauteing-cooking in fat or oil in a pan or griddle. frying. cookery, cooking, preparation-the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat; cooking can be a great art; people are needed who have experience in cookery; he left the preparation of meals to his wife.1 Facebook.auteing-cooking in fat or oil in a pan or griddle. frying. cookery, cooking, preparation-the act of preparing something (as food) by the application of heat; cooking can be a great art; people are needed who have experience in cookery; he left the preparation of meals to his wife. 1 Facebook."
"score": 0.5357943177,
"text": "Hunan Province - China Hunan (湖南; Húnán) Province, situated in south-central China, spans approximately 210,000 square kilometers (80,000 square miles) with a population of 65,683,722 million (2010). Hunan borders Hubei to the north, Guizhou to the west, Jiangxi to the east, Guangxi and Guangdong to the south, with Changsha as its capital city. Since its beginnings, occupied by the ancestors of the modern Miao, Tujia, Dong and Yao peoples around 350 BC, Hunan province has been a magnet for the migration of Han Chinese from the north."
"score": 0.5354255438,
"text": "Ordinary Americans, however, didn't cotton to traditional Hunan cuisine, so one enterprising chef (one Peng Chang-kuei, according to the claims) battered and deep-fried the chicken, and then added sugar to offset the spicy element. Thus, General Tso's Chicken was born."
"score": 0.5349205732,
"text": "In general, the smaller the chili, the hotter they are. A lot of Chinese dishes call for either long hot green peppers or small red chilis, both of which can be found in any grocery store. Hunan and Sichuan cuisine also make use of the dried red chili pepper, which can be found in most Asian groceries."
"score": 0.5338227749,
"text": "The people of the Canton province are known to be big rice eaters, while noodles are more popular in northern areas where the climate makes it harder to grow rice. The Sichuan and Hunan provinces are known for their love of spicy foods that include hot peppers."
"score": 0.5231055617,
"text": "2. Zha Jiang Noodles. Hand-pulled noodles, made to order by specialist noodle chefs, are one of the delights of China. They can be served in soup or with a sauce, but the most classic Beijing preparation is zha jiang mian: drained noodles tossed with a rich minced-pork sauce and a smattering of fresh vegetables."
"score": 0.522900939,
"text": "Sauteing onions simply means to cook them in a pan that is coated with butter or oil until the onions are tender. This cooking method is super flexible -- it doesn't matter what kind of onions you use or how you cut them up."
"score": 0.5224814415,
"text": "We call this as 小米椒. It might be difficult to find outside China. You can try to pickle some at home or replace with other fresh chili pepper+ 1 teaspoon of vinegar (used in the stir fry sauce). This little pickled yellow pepper enjoys a really high popularity in China in different cuisines (mainly in Hunan and Sichuan cuisine). It presents a unique sour flavor bought by the fermentation. If you love to make some at home, check this post."
"score": 0.5205485821,
"text": "Changsha people boast to be the best gourmand of China and here people spend a lot of time eating. Xiang Cuisine is one of the Eight Cuisines in China and has a fine and delicate appearance and a hot & sour taste and the heavy and hot taste is an equal competitor to the spicy food of Sichuan."
"score": 0.5178632736,
"text": "Hi, Just to ask … do you have the recipe of Smoked Fish with Hunan seasoning. Bobby — December 15, 2013 @ 9:00 pm Tridha – No, sorry I do not have a recipe for that."
"score": 0.5084536076,
"text": "Hunan Hand and how to tackle the burn. Hunan hand' (also known as 'Chile Willy') is the name given to the skin irritation caused by capsaicin as a result of contact with Chile peppers."
"score": 0.5062384009,
"text": "Hunan Weather. Situated in South China, Hunan Province features distinct four seasons: lots of rainfall in the end of spring and the beginning of summer, drought in the end of summer and autumn; the weather in spring (February, March and April) is changeable and wet; more sunny days in summer (May, June and July) and (August, September and October)."
"score": 0.5033090115,
"text": "Location of province of Hunan within China Hunan is a province found in the nation of China. Home to 65,683,722 people, it is the 7th largest division in China in terms of population. Hunan gained its current status as a province in the year 1949. The government of Hunan is lead by Du Jaihao and is based in the province capital of Changsha (Population: 3,093,980). The most populous cities in Hunan are: Changsha (Population: 3,093,980), Guankou (Population: 1,380,000), Yueyang (Population: 1,200,000), Hengyang (Population: 759,602), Zhuzhou (Population: 709,358)."
"score": 0.5006694794,
"text": "Definition of Hunan in the AudioEnglish.org Dictionary. Meaning of Hunan. What does Hunan mean? Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic transcription) of the word Hunan. Information about Hunan in the AudioEnglish.org dictionary, synonyms and antonyms."
"score": 0.496773541,
"text": "1 Fugu-chiri: Slices of fugu stewed in dashi with leafy vegetables such as shungiku and Chinese cabbage, and eaten with a ponzu dip. 2 Dote-nabe: Oyster and other ingredients (typically Chinese cabbage, tofu and shungiku stewed in a pot with its inner lining coated in miso."
"score": 0.4958918393,
"text": "Sauteing is a quick, versatile way to cook any kind of mushroom, including basic button, cremini, stemmed shiitake, portobello, and morel mushrooms -- or better yet, a mix of your favorites. While the cooking process only takes minutes, there are a few tips that assure the tastiest results.ow to Saute Mushrooms. Sauteing mushrooms sears the outsides to a lovely and flavorful brown while keeping the insides juicy. Learn the secret for cooking mushrooms perfectly and five simple ways to savor them."
"score": 0.4954586625,
"text": "Schweinshaxe served with fried potatoes (Bratkartoffeln) and Sauerkraut at a Bavarian restaurant in Chiang Mai, Thailand.he Austrian version of this dish is called Stelze [ˈʃtɛl.tsɛ] or in dialect Stoetzn / Stötzn ['stelzn.ʃtoeˑ]. ʃtœˑ tsṇ it is usually marinated-or pre boiled in a caraway seed and, garlic brine roasted until the skin, is crisp and served, with, mustard horseradish and pickled. chili peppers"
"score": 0.4912356734,
"text": "Meaning: A province in southeastern central China between the Nan Ling mountains and the Chang Jiang; noted for its timber and valuable mineral resources. Classified under: Nouns denoting spatial position. Synonyms: Hunan; Hunan province. Instance hypernyms:"
"score": 0.4870515168,
"text": "Japchae, jabchae, chapchae, chop chae, or chap chae (Korean: 잡채) is a Korean dish made from sweet potato noodles (called dangmyeon, Korean: 당면), stir fried in sesame oil with vegetables (typically thinly sliced carrots, onion, spinach, and mushrooms), sometimes served with beef, and flavoured with soy sauce, and sweetened with sugar."
"score": 0.4837217927,
"text": "The annual average temperature in Hunan is about 17 °C (63 °F). Scenery in Hunan Province show its beauties in different seasons, hence the best time to visit Hunan will accordingly change. Changsha, the capital city of Hunan, is a nice tourist destination during the whole year except summer for the intense heat."
"score": 0.4820311666,
"text": "Sauteuse-Shallow pan with sloping sides(often confused with a sauter pan) Sautoir-Round shallow heavy pan with straight walls & long handle Selle-Saddle of lamb Sorbet-a water ice served between meals to stimulate appetite Sous Chef-Assistant to Executive ChefSpectacular 6 Minute Centerpieces."
"score": 0.4809228778,
"text": "The annual average temperature in Hunan is about 17 °C (63 °F). Scenery in Hunan Province show its beauties in different seasons, hence the best time to visit Hunan will accordingly change Changsha, the capital city of Hunan, is a nice tourist destination during the whole year except summer for the intense heat."
"score": 0.476557672,
"text": "Hunan's primeval forests were first occupied by the ancestors of the modern Miao, Tujia, Dong and Yao peoples. It entered the written history of China around 350 BC, when under the kings of the Zhou dynasty, it became part of the State of Chu."
"score": 0.4760419726,
"text": "Turon (Tagalog pronunciation: [tuˈɾɔn]; Spanish: turrón de banana or turrón de plátano), also known as lumpiyang saging (Filipino for banana lumpia), is a Philippine snack made of thinly sliced bananas (preferably saba or Cardaba bananas) and a slice of jackfruit, dusted with brown sugar, rolled in a spring roll wrapper and fried."
"score": 0.475882858,
"text": "Hunan's primeval forests were first occupied by the ancestors of the modern Miao, Tujia, Dong and Yao peoples. It entered the written history of China around 350 BC, when under the kings of the Zhou Dynasty, it became part of the State of Chu."
"score": 0.4693880677,
"text": "Cabbage Vepudu (Fry) A simple, crunchy, dry saute (vepudu/poriyal) is Cabbage stir-fry with the perfect blend of color and taste. A stand-out recipe where cabbage is mildly spiced with red chilli, cumin and coriander powders and garnished with fresh coriander leaves. One of my favorites as a side to go with rice, rasam and appadam."
"score": 0.4685422778,
"text": "Add what Hunan means to you; Related Names; Pronunciation; Meanings and Origins; Notable Persons Named Hunan; Fun Facts; What Hunans Have Visited This Page? Name Poster"
"score": 0.4665531218,
"text": "Hunan Satellite Television in China's most popular provincial TV station. It is China's second most-watched channel, second only to CCTV. The channel features various TV shows and exclusive TV series. Phoenix Satellite Television is a Hong Kong-based Chinese television broadcaster."
"score": 0.4621121883,
"text": "Hunan Tourism Hunan Hotels Hunan Bed and Breakfast Hunan Vacation Rentals Hunan Vacation Packages Hunan Restaurants Things to Do in Hunan Hunan Travel Forum Hunan Photos Hunan Travel Guide All Hunan Hotels; Hunan Hotel Deals; Last Minute Hotels in Hunan; Popular Hunan Categories Spa Hotels in Hunan"
"score": 0.4599324763,
"text": "5 Ways to Love Sauteed Mushrooms. Once you know how to cook mushrooms, try these delicious sauteed mushroom recipes. 1. Bistro-style: Saute 3 cups mushrooms as directed above. Stir in 1/3 cup dry red wine or sherry, 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce for chicken, and 2 teaspoons snipped fresh thyme. Simmer, uncovered, for 3 minutes."
"score": 0.4583739042,
"text": "Sauteed Purple Carrot and Vegetable Medley. Potatoes and carrots are sauteed with Brussels sprouts, bell pepper, onion, garlic, and peas in this thyme-accented vegetable dish."
"score": 0.458268553,
"text": "Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's generally recognized as safe, but its use remains controversial."
"score": 0.4509421885,
"text": "Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats."
"score": 0.4403974116,
"text": "Hunan Standard Steel Pipe Co.,Ltd as the professional manufacturer of steel pipe and pipe fittings, is a Sino-Singapore joint venture enterprise which commenced its construction from 1989 and put into production on July 25 ,1990, The company is located in an ..."
"score": 0.4311499298,
"text": "Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to Chinese food, canned vegetables, soups and processed meats.SG has been used as a food additive for decades. Over the years, the FDA has received many anecdotal reports of adverse reactions to foods containing MSG. These reactions — known as MSG symptom complex — include: 1 Headache. 2 Flushing."
"score": 0.4273826778,
"text": "A very mild-tasting, light and flaky fish that is easily prepared in many ways-in chowder, sauteed, sautéed deep (fried of, course what'isn t good?!?), fried with lemon or lime in, ceviche panko breaded and, fried fried (whole scale and score then season before deep), frying as well as an accent to many other delicious! disheslace in saute sauté pan with small amount of hot butter over medium. Heat cook first, side careful not to. Burn turn over fish when, golden and reduce heat while adding, garlic, tomatoes, capers white wine and lemon. Juice cover to hold steam in and cook until fish is-fork. tender"
"score": 0.4266663194,
"text": "Changsha (Chinese: 长沙) is the capital and most populous city of Hunan province in south central China. It covers 11,819 km 2 (4,563 sq mi) and is bordered by Yueyang and Yiyang to the north, Loudi to the west, Xiangtan and Zhuzhou to the south, Yichun and Pingxiang of Jiangxi province to the east."
"score": 0.4235882461,
"text": "Cook mushrooms in a pan with a lot of surface area. You want to be able to spread the mushrooms out in a single layer to maximize their contact with the hot pan and allow moisture to evaporate quickly. A skillet or saute sauté pan is. bestooking mushrooms concentrates their flavor and brings out notes of sweet earthiness from the Maillard reaction taking place. However, their high moisture content prevents mushrooms from caramelizing easily or quickly. The trick is to cook mushrooms slowly until they release all their moisture."
"score": 0.4233677387,
"text": "Hunan First Normal University. Hunan First Normal University (simplified Chinese: 湖南第一师范学院; traditional Chinese: 湖南第一師範學院; pinyin: Húnán Dìyī Shīfàn Xuéyuàn), founded in 1903, is a higher education institution located in Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan Province, China."
"score": 0.379229933,
"text": "Hunan Pietersite displays some characteristic variations from Namibian material differentiating the two. Specimens from China typically exhibit a more brown-red body color. Meanwhile, the material from Africa is bluer in body."
] |
bacteriology definition | [
"score": 0.8138266206,
"text": "bacteriology - the branch of medical science that studies bacteria in relation to disease medical specialty, medicine - the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques culture medium, medium - (bacteriology) a nutrient substance (solid or liquid) that is used to cultivate micro-organisms"
] | [
"score": 0.7209557295,
"text": "Quick Answer. The study of bacteria is the subject of a branch of microbiology called bacteriology. Bacteriology is further broken down into several sub-divisions that focus on bacteria in specific environments, such as marine and industrial bacteriology."
"score": 0.7200703025,
"text": "Medical Definition of BACTERIOTHERAPY. : the treatment of disease by the use of bacteria or their products. the treatment of disease by the use of bacteria or their products."
"score": 0.7140444517,
"text": "Most bacteria have not been characterized, and only about half of the phyla of bacteria have species that can be grown in the laboratory. The study of bacteria is known as bacteriology, a branch of microbiology.he word bacteria is the plural of the New Latin bacterium, which is the latinisation of the Greek βακτήριον (bakterion), the diminutive of βακτηρία (bakteria), meaning staff, cane, because the first ones to be discovered were rod-shaped."
"score": 0.6776766777,
"text": "Most bacteria have not been characterised, and only about half of the bacterial phyla have species that can be grown in the laboratory. The study of bacteria is known as bacteriology, a branch of microbiology."
"score": 0.6730861068,
"text": "Most bacteria have not been characterized, and only about half of the phyla of bacteria have species that can be grown in the laboratory. The study of bacteria is known as bacteriology, a branch of microbiology."
"score": 0.6712778807,
"text": "bacteriuria. n. 1. (Pathology) the presence of bacteria in the urine. (baekˌtɪər bækˌtɪər iˈyʊər i). ə. n"
"score": 0.6709438562,
"text": "The study of bacteria is known as bacteriology, a branch of microbiology. There are typically 40 million bacterial cells in a gram of soil and a million bacterial cells in a millilitre of fresh water. There are approximately 5×1030 bacteria on Earth, forming a biomass which exceeds that of all plants and animals."
"score": 0.6684257984,
"text": "The study of bacteria is known as bacteriology, a branch of microbiology. There are approximately ten times as many bacterial cells in the human flora as there are human cells in the body, with the largest number of the human flora being in the gut flora, and a large number on the skin."
"score": 0.6620228291,
"text": "Bacteremia – Definition. Bacteremia (from bacteria + Latin suffix-emia = blood related) is the presence of the bacteria in the bloodstream (1). Bacteremia is not the same as septicemia (sepsis), which is bacteremia accompanied with an inflammation in the blood."
"score": 0.6609347463,
"text": "Medical Definition of BACTERIOPHAGE. : a virus that infects bacteria—called also phage. — bac·te·ri·oph·a·gy \\(ˌ)bak-ˌtir-ē-ˈaef-ˈäf-ə\\ jē, noun plural·bac·te·ri·oph·a. gies"
"score": 0.6536756158,
"text": "Medical Definition of BACTERIOPHAGE. : a virus that infects bacteria—called also phage.— bac·te·ri·oph·a·gy \\(ˌ)bak-ˌtir-ē-ˈaef-ˈäf-ə\\ jē, noun plural·bac·te·ri·oph·a. giesedical Definition of BACTERIOPHAGE. : a virus that infects bacteria—called also phage. — bac·te·ri·oph·a·gy \\(ˌ)bak-ˌtir-ē-ˈaef-ˈäf-ə\\ jē, noun plural·bac·te·ri·oph·a. gies"
"score": 0.6506382823,
"text": "Bactericidal. Definition. adjective. Refers to a substance (or a condition) capable of killing bacteria. Supplement. Word origin: Related forms: bactericide (noun), bactericidally (adverb). Related phrases: bactericidal antibiotics, bactericidal disinfectants. Compare: bacteriostatic. See also: bacteria, infection."
"score": 0.6498934031,
"text": "Bactericidal. Definition. adjective. Refers to a substance (or a condition) capable of killing bacteria. Supplement. Word origin: Related forms: bactericide (noun), bactericidally (adverb). Related phrases: bactericidal antibiotics, bactericidal disinfectants. Compare: bacteriostatic."
"score": 0.6479907632,
"text": "Medical Definition of BACTERIOCIN. : an antibiotic (as colicin) produced by bacteria.ADVERTISEMENT. an antibiotic (as colicin) produced by bacteria."
"score": 0.6460594535,
"text": "Medical Definition of BACTERIOPHAGE. : a virus that infects bacteria—called also phage."
"score": 0.6405894756,
"text": "Bacillus. a genus of bacteria that are gram-positive, aerobic, spore-forming rods. With the exception of B. anthracis and the occasional wound contamination and bovine mastitis caused by B. cereus, the organisms are largely saprophytic and do not cause disease.However, they may invade devitalized tissue. genus of aerobic or facultatively anaerobic, spore-forming, ordinarily motile bacteria; these organisms are chemoheterotrophic and are found primarily in soil. A few species are animal pathogens; some species evoke antibody production."
"score": 0.6383725405,
"text": "Definition. adjective. Refers to a substance (or a condition) capable of killing bacteria. Supplement. Word origin: Related forms: bactericide (noun), bactericidally (adverb). Related phrases: bactericidal antibiotics, bactericidal disinfectants. Compare: bacteriostatic. See also: bacteria, infection."
"score": 0.6379647255,
"text": "Bacillus. a genus of bacteria that are gram-positive, aerobic, spore-forming rods. With the exception of B. anthracis and the occasional wound contamination and bovine mastitis caused by B. cereus, the organisms are largely saprophytic and do not cause disease. However, they may invade devitalized tissue."
"score": 0.636759758,
"text": "Definition. adjective. Refers to a substance (or a condition) capable of killing bacteria. Supplement. Word origin: Related forms: bactericide (noun), bactericidally (adverb). Related phrases: bactericidal antibiotics, bactericidal disinfectants. Compare: bacteriostatic."
"score": 0.632555604,
"text": "bacteremia definition bacteremia from bacteria latin suffix emia blood related is the presence of the bacteria in the bloodstream 1 bacteremia is not the same as septicemia sepsis which is bacteremia accompanied with an inflammation in the blood"
"score": 0.6287243366,
"text": "A bactericide or bacteriocide, sometimes abbreviated Bcidal, is a substance that kills bacteria. Bactericides are disinfectants, antiseptics, or antibiotics."
"score": 0.6264210939,
"text": "Bacteremia, Septicemia, Viremia and Fungemia Meaning. Bacteremia – Definition. Bacteremia (from bacteria + Latin suffix -emia = blood related) is the presence of the bacteria in the bloodstream (1). Bacteremia is not the same as septicemia (sepsis), which is bacteremia accompanied with an inflammation in the blood."
"score": 0.6255793571,
"text": "Bacillus. a genus of bacteria that are gram-positive, aerobic, spore-forming rods. With the exception of B. anthracis and the occasional wound contamination and bovine mastitis caused by B. cereus, the organisms are largely saprophytic and do not cause disease. However, they may invade devitalized tissue. genus of bacteria that are gram-positive, aerobic, spore-forming rods. With the exception of B. anthracis and the occasional wound contamination and bovine mastitis caused by B. cereus, the organisms are largely saprophytic and do not cause disease. However, they may invade devitalized tissue."
"score": 0.6252480745,
"text": "(ē kō′lī) n. A bacillus (Escherichia coli) normally found in the human gastrointestinal tract and existing as numerous strains, some of which are responsible for diarrheal diseases. Some strains have been used experimentally as model organisms for the study of biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics."
"score": 0.6182944179,
"text": "Bacteriocidal is a term that refers to the treatment of a bacterium such that the organism is killed. Bacteriostatic refers to a treatment that restricts the ability of the bacterium to grow. Bacteriocidal methods include heat, filtration, radiation, and the exposure to chemicals."
"score": 0.6182541847,
"text": "Bacteriocidal, bacteriostatic Bacteriocidal is a term that refers to the treatment of a bacterium such that the organism is killed. Bacteriostatic refers to a treatment that restricts the ability of the bacterium to grow."
"score": 0.6176044345,
"text": "Bacteremia (also bacteraemia) is the presence of bacteria in the blood. Blood is normally a sterile environment, so the detection of bacteria in the blood (most commonly accomplished by blood cultures) is always abnormal."
"score": 0.6123356819,
"text": "Best Answer: Louis Pasteur, a French scientist, is known as the father of bacteriology because he did the most work with bacteria in the mid-1800s. According to most microbiology textbooks, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek(1632-1723) is regarded as the father of bacteriology. Two men are generally considered to be the fathers of bacteriology: Louis Pastuer and Robert Koch."
"score": 0.6115703583,
"text": "Bacteriological water analysis is a method of analysing water to estimate the numbers of bacteria present and, if needed, to find out what sort of bacteria they are. It represents one aspect of water quality. It is a microbiological analytical procedure which uses samples of water and from these samples determines the concentration of bacteria. It is then possible to draw inferences about the suitability of the water for use from these concentrations. This process is used, for example, to routin"
"score": 0.610696435,
"text": "Bactericidal: able to kill bacteria; e.g., serum has innate ability to kill many microorganisms. Bacteriophage (phage): a virus whose host is a bacterium; infects host bacterial cell resulting in either replication and transmissible lysis (lytic) or lysogeny (lysogenic prophage) Temperate phage: avirulent bacteriophage that rarely causes lysis of host cells; capable of entering into lysogeny."
"score": 0.6104777455,
"text": "bacteroid - a rodlike bacterium (especially any of the rod-shaped or branched bacteria in the root nodules of nitrogen-fixing plants) eubacteria, eubacterium, true bacteria - a large group of bacteria having rigid cell walls; motile types have flagella."
"score": 0.6073647738,
"text": "Bacteremia. Bacteremia is the presence of bacteria in the blood. Bacteremia suggests the presence of bacteria in the blood only; but, the condition of the patient is not described by it. It is important to understand that there are situations where there are bacteria in the blood without any outward sign of disease."
"score": 0.6060262918,
"text": "home / medterms medical dictionary a-z list / bacteriostatic definition Medical Definition of Bacteriostatic Bacteriostatic: Capable of inhibiting the growth or reproduction of bacteria. Different from bactericidal (capable of killing bacteria outright). What Kind of Doctor Do I Need?"
"score": 0.6045087576,
"text": "In medicine, bacteriuria denotes the presence of bacteria in urine (but not if the bacteria's presence is due to contamination from urine sample collection.)."
"score": 0.6001374722,
"text": "Bacteremia is the presence of bacteria in the blood. Bacteremia suggests the presence of bacteria in the blood only; but, the condition of the patient is not described by it. It is important to understand that there are situations where there are bacteria in the blood without any outward sign of disease."
"score": 0.5999943018,
"text": "/bac·te·ri·uria/ (bak-tēr″e-u´re-ah) [ bacteri- + -uria ] the presence of bacteria in the urine. The presence of more than 100,000 pathogenic bacteria per milliliter of urine is usually considered significant and diagnostic of urinary tract infection. Bacteriuria may be asymptomatic."
"score": 0.598783195,
"text": "For the systemic immune response to bacterial infection in the blood, see sepsis. Bacteremia (also bacteraemia) is the presence of bacteria in the blood. Blood is normally a sterile environment, so the detection of bacteria in the blood (most commonly accomplished by blood cultures) is always abnormal. It is distinct from sepsis, which is the host response to the bacteria."
"score": 0.5949280262,
"text": "For the systemic immune response to bacterial infection in the blood, see sepsis. Bacteremia (also bacteraemia) is the presence of bacteria in the blood. Blood is normally a sterile environment, so the detection of bacteria in the blood (most commonly accomplished by blood cultures) is always abnormal."
"score": 0.5944823027,
"text": "For the systemic immune response to bacterial infection in the blood, see sepsis. Bacteremia (also bacteraemia) is the presence of bacteria in the blood. Blood is normally a sterile environment, so the detection of bacteria in the blood (most commonly accomplished by blood cultures) is always abnormal.acteremia (also bacteraemia) is the presence of bacteria in the blood."
"score": 0.5935545564,
"text": "1 (in bacteriology) a mass of microorganisms in a culture that originates from a single cell. Some kinds of colonies, according to different configurations, are smooth colonies, rough colonies, and dwarf colonies. 2 (in cell biology) a mass of cells in a culture or in certain experimental tissues, such as a spleen colony."
"score": 0.593223989,
"text": "Bacteremia (also bacteraemia) is the presence of bacteria in the blood.acteria can enter the bloodstream as a severe complication of infections (like pneumonia or meningitis), during surgery (especially when involving mucous membranes such as the gastrointestinal tract), or due to catheters and other foreign bodies entering the arteries or veins (including during intravenous drug abuse)."
"score": 0.5922492743,
"text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology is a reference that is used in bacterial identification. It lists characteristics of all known, identifiable bacteria."
"score": 0.592217207,
"text": "A bacteriophage /ˈbækˈtɪər.i.oʊˌfeɪdʒ/, also known informally as a phage /ˈfeɪdʒ/, is a virus that infects and replicates within a bacterium. The term is derived from bacteria and the Greek: φαγεῖν (phagein), to devour."
"score": 0.5921629667,
"text": "According to most microbiology textbooks, Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek(1632-1723) is regarded as the father of bacteriology. Reference: Microbiology, A Systems Approach by authors Marjorie Kelly Cowan and Kathleen Park Talaro( p. 12). Louis Pasteur is regarded as the father of microbiology."
"score": 0.5885908604,
"text": "Infection is defined as a microbial phenomenon characterized by an inflammatory response to the microorganisms or the invasion of normally sterile tissue by those organisms.. Bacteremia is the presence of bacteria within the bloodstream, but this condition does not always lead to SIRS or sepsis."
"score": 0.5875611305,
"text": "A bacteriophage (/ ˈ b æ k ˈ t ɪər i oʊ ˌ f eɪ dʒ /), also known informally as a phage (/ f eɪ dʒ /), is a virus that infects and replicates within Bacteria and Archaea. The term was derived from bacteria and the Greek: φαγεῖν (phagein), to devour."
"score": 0.5857971907,
"text": "Practice Essentials. Bacteremia is the presence of viable bacteria in the circulating blood. Most episodes of occult bacteremia spontaneously resolve, particularly those caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Salmonella, and serious sequelae are increasingly uncommon."
"score": 0.5836791992,
"text": "NOTE: This is the Consumer Version. Bacteremia is the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream (see also Occult Bacteremia). Bacteremia may result from ordinary activities (such as vigorous toothbrushing), dental or medical procedures, or from infections (such as pneumonia or a urinary tract infection)."
"score": 0.5829761028,
"text": "B. 1 bacter-, bacteri-, bacterio-: bacteria, bacterial things, bacteriology. 2 bar-, baro-: pressure. 3 bathy-: deep, especially deep sea. be-: as an intensifier. on, around, about, concerning, over, in contact 1 with. benz-, benzo-: (chemistry) benzene, six-carbon aromatic ring. bi-, bin-: 1 two. biblio-: 2 book. bio-: life."
"score": 0.5802559853,
"text": "Bacteremia is the presence of viable bacteria in the circulating blood. Most episodes of occult bacteremia spontaneously resolve, particularly those caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Salmonella, and serious sequelae are increasingly uncommon."
"score": 0.5797880888,
"text": "A bacteriophage is a virus that infects bacteria. Bacteriophages, first discovered around 1915, have played a unique role in viral biology. They are perhaps the best understood viruses, yet at the same time, their structure can be extraordinarily complex."
"score": 0.5776461959,
"text": "spe·cif·ic ep·i·thet. in bacteriology, the second part of the name of a species; it is not, by itself, a name; the name of a bacterial species consists of two parts, the generic name and the specific epithet."
"score": 0.5762479901,
"text": "bacteriophage. or simply phage; a virus that infects bacteria often killing them by lysis; many varieties exist, and usually each attacks only one kind of bacteria. Some bacteriophages are widely used as cloning vectors and for determining DNA sequence."
"score": 0.5749474764,
"text": "Used with permission. A bacteriophage is a virus that infects bacteria. Bacteriophages, first discovered around 1915, have played a unique role in viral biology. They are perhaps the best understood viruses, yet at the same time, their structure can be extraordinarily complex."
"score": 0.5723873973,
"text": "A bacteriophage is a virus that infects bacteria. Bacteriophages, first discovered around 1915, have played a unique role in viral biology.They are perhaps the best understood viruses, yet at the same time, their structure can be extraordinarily complex. bacteriophage is a virus that infects bacteria. Bacteriophages, first discovered around 1915, have played a unique role in viral biology."
"score": 0.5689609051,
"text": "Bacteriophages or phages are bacterial viruses that invade bacterial cells and, in the case of lytic phages, disrupt bacterial metabolism and cause the bacterium to lyse. The history of bacteriophage discovery has been the subject of lengthy debates, including a controversy over claims for priority."
"score": 0.5556834936,
"text": "Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology - Organization. 1 The change in volume set to Systematic Bacteriology came in a new contract in 1980, whereupon the new style included relationships between organisms and had expanded scope overall."
"score": 0.5363451242,
"text": "A bacteriophage, or a phage, is a virus that infects bacteria, so these don't infect human cells –they are very specialised and only infect bacteria. So every bacteria is being attacked by various viruses which are using those as the host that they replicate in."
"score": 0.5284073353,
"text": "Definition of PETRI DISH. 1. : a small shallow dish of thin glass or plastic with a loose cover used especially for cultures in bacteriology.2. ADVERTISEMENT.Julius R. Petri †1921 German bacteriologist.. : a small shallow dish of thin glass or plastic with a loose cover used especially for cultures in bacteriology. 2. ADVERTISEMENT. Julius R. Petri †1921 German bacteriologist."
"score": 0.52431494,
"text": "1 Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 4th ed., The Williams & Wilkins Co, Baltimore. 2 Bergey, D.H., Breed, R.S., Murray, E.G.D. & Hitchens, A.P. (eds., 1939).3 Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 5th ed., The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore. Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 1st ed., The Williams & Wilkins Co, Baltimore, 442 p. 2 Bergey, D.H., Harrison, F.C., Breed, R.S., Hammer, B.W. & Huntoon, F.M. (eds., 1925)."
"score": 0.5153928995,
"text": "Define paleobiology: a branch of paleontology concerned with the biology of fossil organisms a branch of paleontology concerned with the biology of fossil organisms… See the full definition"
"score": 0.4944233298,
"text": "• CARDIOLOGY (noun). The noun CARDIOLOGY has 1 sense: 1. the branch of medicine dealing with the heart and its diseases. Familiarity information: CARDIOLOGY used as a noun is very rare.he branch of medicine dealing with the heart and its diseases. Classified under: Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents. Hypernyms (cardiology is a kind of...): medical specialty; medicine (the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques)."
"score": 0.4802453518,
"text": "Dictionary entry overview: What does cardiology mean? • CARDIOLOGY (noun) The noun CARDIOLOGY has 1 sense: 1. the branch of medicine dealing with the heart and its diseases Familiarity information: CARDIOLOGY used as a noun is very rare."
"score": 0.4662363827,
"text": "For the album by Good Charlotte, see Cardiology (album). For the medical journal, see Cardiology (journal). Cardiology (from Greek καρδίᾱ kardiā, heart and -λογία -logia, study) is a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the heart as well as parts of the circulatory system."
"score": 0.4503475726,
"text": "Cardiology (from Greek καρδίᾱ kardiā, heart and -λογία -logia, study) is a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the heart as well as parts of the circulatory system. The field includes medical diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, heart failure, valvular heart disease and electrophysiology."
] |
renasant routing number georgia | [
"score": 0.8443148732,
"text": "ROUTING NUMBERS. All transactions between US banks requires the use of routing number. The Routing Number for Renasant Bank in AL, GA, MS and TN is 084201294. Some other routing numbers are shown below. 061220146 – Tupelo, MS. 062201779 – Tupelo, MS. 062202367 – Tupelo, MS. 062202778 – Tupelo, MS."
] | [
"score": 0.7587418556,
"text": "What is Renasant bank routing number? Renasant bank routing number is a nine digit number used to identify bank transfers. Routing numbers will be different based on the account branch. It is based on the bank account origin by state and region. The routing number on check is available for each branch in the table below."
"score": 0.7529233098,
"text": "Renasant Bank operates with 37 branches in 28 different cities in the state of Georgia. The bank also has 99 more offices in four states. Cities or towns with Renasant Bank offices are shown on the map below. You can also scroll down the page for a full list of all Georgia branch locations with addresses, hours, and phone numbers information."
"score": 0.7405363321,
"text": "Routing number for Renasant Bank and other details such as contact number, branch location. Renasant Bank routing number is a 9 digit number issued by ABA and thus also called ABA routing number."
"score": 0.7331914902,
"text": "Tupelo, MS. Renasant Bank. A routing number is a nine digit code, used in the United States to identify the financial institution. Routing numbers are used by Federal Reserve Banks to process Fedwire funds transfers, and ACH(Automated Clearing House) direct deposits, bill payments, and other automated transfers."
"score": 0.7265230417,
"text": "Details of 'Statesboro Branch' of Renasant Bank in Statesboro - Georgia. Address of Statesboro Branch is 335 South Main Street, Statesboro-Georgia -30458. Google Map of 'Statesboro Branch' branch of 'Renasant Bank' in Statesboro-Georgia."
"score": 0.723372817,
"text": "Renasant Bank Statesboro Northside branch is located at 173 Northside Drive East, Statesboro, GA 30458. Get hours, reviews, customer service phone number and driving directions."
"score": 0.7229397297,
"text": "Renasant Bank has 2 Branches in Chelsea-AL Routing Number also called as RTN or Routing Transit Number is used to facilitate fund transfer across the banks in USA. FedACH is Federal Reverse Bank's Automated clearing house."
"score": 0.7117800713,
"text": "ROUTING NUMBER - 061104592 - BANK OF NORTH GEORGIA. The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI. 0 = Institution is a Federal Reserve Bank. 1 = Send items to customer routing number. 2 = Send items to customer using new routing number field."
"score": 0.7107940316,
"text": "View details for routing number - 061104592 - assigned to BANK OF NORTH GEORGIA in COLUMBUS, GA. The ABA routing/transit number is used to facilitate the electronic routing of funds (ACH transfer) from one bank account to another."
"score": 0.7090860605,
"text": "Clayton GA 30525. Regions Bank GA Routing Number is 061101375. This number is needed when you carry out functions related to wire transfer and online purchases made overseas. With the help of the routing number the bank provides simple steps to get the best banking products and services of this bank."
"score": 0.707228899,
"text": "Routing Number: 061104592 The banking institution's routing number: Bank: BANK OF NORTH GEORGIA Commonly used abbreviated customer name: Office Code: O - Main Office: Servicing FRB Number: 061000146 Servicing Fed's main office routing number: Record Type Code: 2 The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI 0 = Institution is a Federal Reserve Bank 1 = Send items to customer routing number"
"score": 0.7069344521,
"text": "Bank Of North Georgia Routing Number. 061104408 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Bank Of North Georgia by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn."
"score": 0.7059898973,
"text": "Routing Number 061104408. Bank Of North Georgia Routing Number. BANK OF NORTH GEORGIA ROUTING ABA NUMBER. 061104408 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Bank Of North Georgia by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn."
"score": 0.7008393407,
"text": "The last reported ABA Number for Bank Of North Georgia is 061104408. According to our bank database, this bank location is a main office and servicing FRB number is 061104408. There are several Bank Of North Georgia routing numbers reported in our bank database. Please call (877) 266-5083 to verify routing number for your bank wire transfer, reorder Bank Of North Georgia checks or setting up direct deposit. You can also get your Bank Of North Georgia routing number on your check, view sample check to locate your ABA number."
"score": 0.7002729177,
"text": "Renasant Bank, Albany Downtown Branch Full Service Brick and Mortar Office 310 West Oglethorpe Boulevard Albany, GA 31701"
"score": 0.698687315,
"text": "Georgia United Credit Union's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 261171309. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch!"
"score": 0.6944506168,
"text": "In 2010 and 2011, Renasant acquired Crescent Bank and Trust of Jasper, Georgia and American Bank and Trust of Roswell, Georgia thru FDIC banking transactions which gave Renasant 13 locations in the North Georgia and suburban Atlanta markets."
"score": 0.6938498616,
"text": "Juney Boomnipps says : The routing number for Atlanta, Georgia is 061000227 and the wire transfer routing number is 061000227 -0610-002-7."
"score": 0.6929886937,
"text": "You are here: Home » State » Georgia, GA » Swainsboro » The Citizens Bank Of Swainsboro 061203558 Routing Transit Number (RTN) for The Citizens Bank Of Swainsboro Main Office located at Swainsboro, Georgia, GA, 30401, United States, Street Address 121 NORTH MAIN STREET, Telephone Number 478-237-7001, Servicing FRB Number 061000146."
"score": 0.6909968853,
"text": "Check GEORGIAS OWN CREDIT UNION routing numbers for bank transfers. 261071577 is a routing number of GEORGIAS OWN CREDIT UNION. Check detailed information about 261071577. This bank routing number is required for electronic funds transfer. Bank routing number of GEORGIAS OWN CREDIT UNION is the first nine digits of the number along the bottom left section of your check. The routing number for checking, savings and money market accounts identifies the financial institution where the account was opened and is located."
"score": 0.6897703409,
"text": "Georgia's Own Credit Union's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 261071577. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch!"
"score": 0.6891844273,
"text": "Renasant Information; 1-800-680-1601; Find a Branch or ATM; Telephone Banking; Careers; Checking. Reorder Checks; Checking Accounts; Compare Checking Accounts; Online Banking. Register for Online Banking; About Online & Mobile Banking; Android App; iOS App; Info For . . . First-Time Homebuyers; Bank Owned Properties; Refinance Your Mortgage & Save; Nearing Retirement & Fixed Income"
"score": 0.6887034178,
"text": "261071438 Routing Number (Georgia 's Own Credit Union) 261071438 is assigned to GEORGIA 'S OWN CREDIT UNION, ATLANTA, Main Office by American Bankers Association (ABA). GEORGIA 'S OWN CREDIT UNION Main Office is located at PO BOX 105205, ATLANTA, GA. In case of any confusion regarding the routing number, one call the bank directly at (404) 881-2153. FedACH Routing Number"
"score": 0.6869201064,
"text": "261071438 Routing Number (GEORGIA 'S OWN CREDIT UNION) 261071438 is assigned to GEORGIA 'S OWN CREDIT UNION, ATLANTA, Main Office by American Bankers Association (ABA). GEORGIA 'S OWN CREDIT UNION Main Office is located at PO BOX 105205, ATLANTA, GA. In case of any confusion regarding the routing number, one call the bank directly at (404) 881-2153."
"score": 0.6867527962,
"text": "Bank ABA Numbers. Bank Of North Georgia Routing Number 061104408. Call (877) 266-5083 for wire instructions for domestic wire transfer to and from Bank Of North Georgia, international wire transfer, wire transfer fees and cut off time for wires."
"score": 0.6864433885,
"text": "Suntrust Bank, Atlanta, Ga ABA Routing Number. 61103742. Suntrust Bank, Atlanta, Ga's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 61103742. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch! The main phone number for Suntrust Bank, Atlanta, Ga is 800-221-9792. The assigned Federal Reserve Office for Suntrust Bank, Atlanta, Ga is Fed 061000146. A bank's Routing Transit Number (RTN) is a 9-digit code used to identify your bank on checks, direct deposit, bill pay, and in other transactions."
"score": 0.684672296,
"text": "The Signature Bank of Georgia routing and transit number is 061120615."
"score": 0.6846010685,
"text": "Routing Number 061203558, for The Citizens Bank Of Swainsboro, Main Office, Swainsboro, Georgia, GA, 30401, United States, Street Address 121 NORTH MAIN STREET, Telephone Number 478-237-7001, Servicing FRB Number 061000146"
"score": 0.6840442419,
"text": "BANK OF NORTH GEORGIA OFFICE & BRANCH LOCATIONS. ABA/Routing Number: 261170290 Bank Name: BANK OF NORTH GEORGIA Bank Location: P.O. BOX 1407 ALPHARETTA, GA 30009-0000 Phone Number: (877) 266-5083. Click on a Bank Of North Georgia branch location below for more information."
"score": 0.6839644313,
"text": "Bank Of North Georgia Routing number is a Nine digit code assigned by American Bankers Association (ABA) to Bank Of North Georgia. It uniquely identifies the financial institution and check-processing center. Routing numbers are also referred as Bank Routing numbers, Routing Transit Number (RTN) and ABA routing number."
"score": 0.6824907064,
"text": "261071438 routing number is assigned to GEORGIA 'S OWN CREDIT UNION, GA by ABA. Routing number 261071438 is used for ACH, check deposit and bank wire transfers."
"score": 0.680480063,
"text": "Atlanta, GA 30309. Atlanta, GA. A routing number is a nine digit code, used in the United States to identify the financial institution. Routing numbers are used by Federal Reserve Banks to process Fedwire funds transfers, and ACH(Automated Clearing House) direct deposits, bill payments, and other automated transfers."
"score": 0.6790867448,
"text": "SUNTRUST BANK, ATLANTA, GA ROUTING ABA NUMBER. 061103043 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Suntrust Bank, Atlanta, Ga by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn. Suntrust Bank, Atlanta, Ga routing numbers are also known as as ABA numbers, routing transit numbers (RTN), or check routing numbers. Routing numbers depend on the type of transaction made such as reorder Suntrust Bank, Atlanta, Ga checks, receive incoming domestic or international wire transfers, use the number for wire transfers to your Suntrust Bank, Atlanta, Ga account, or to set up direct deposits."
"score": 0.6789098978,
"text": "Renasant is a regional bank headquartered out of Tupelo, MS with over 80 offices and $4.5 billion in total assets (source: Renasant press release It provides banking, mortgage, insurance and financial services in Mississippi, Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia."
"score": 0.6787928343,
"text": "Suntrust Bank, Atlanta, Ga Routing Number. 061103043 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Suntrust Bank, Atlanta, Ga by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn."
"score": 0.6778395772,
"text": "Please call Georgia's Own Credit Union representative at (404) 881-2153 for more information. 1 Routing Number: 261073737. 2 PO BOX 105205. ATLANTA, GA 30348-0000. 3 Phone Number: (404) 881-2153."
"score": 0.6771172285,
"text": "SUNTRUST BANK, ATLANTA,GA Routing Number 061000104. (The above data was last updated by the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, on 08/18/2016) © 2011-2013 Bank Routing Numbers. All rights reserved."
"score": 0.6691332459,
"text": "Please call Suntrust Bank, Atlanta, Ga representative at (800) 221-9792 for more information. 1 Routing Number: 061103043. 2 MC 7150. 3 Phone Number: (800) 221-9792."
"score": 0.6676002741,
"text": "contact georgia's own credit union The main phone number for Georgia's Own Credit Union is 404-881-2153. The assigned Federal Reserve Office for Georgia's Own Credit Union is Fed 061000146. what is a bank routing number? A bank's Routing Transit Number (RTN) is a 9-digit code used to identify your bank on checks, direct deposit, bill pay, and in other transactions."
"score": 0.6674450636,
"text": "LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30043. Peach State Federal Credit Union's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 261174759. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch!"
"score": 0.664855957,
"text": "Suntrust Bank, Atlanta, Ga Routing Number suntrust bank, atlanta, ga routing aba number 061103043 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Suntrust Bank, Atlanta, Ga by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn."
"score": 0.6637420654,
"text": "SunTrust Bank in Marietta, Georgia Routing Number, Address, Swift Codes. 12 branches found. A routing number is a 9 digit code for identifying a financial institution for the purpose of routing of checks (cheques), fund transfers, direct deposits, e-payments, online payments, and other payments to the correct bank branch."
"score": 0.66200912,
"text": "Nine digit Routing Number 261071315 is assigned to DELTA COMMUNITY CU, P.O. BOX 20541, ATLANTA, GEORGIA - 30320Nine digit Routing Number 261071315 is also called as RTN. Bank / InstituteDELTA COMMUNITY CURouting Number261071315Change Date14 Apr 2010AddressP.O."
"score": 0.6605824232,
"text": "This $1 billion FDIC acquisition expanded Renasant's footprint into Georgia –giving the bank over 75 locations in 4 southern states and a total of $4.2 billion in assets at the end of 2012."
"score": 0.6513850689,
"text": "ms: 38803-0000 (800) 680-1601: 053112: 061121054 : renasant bank: po box 709: tupelo: ms: 38802-0000 (800) 680-1601: 061316: 061121203 : renasant bank: po box 709: tupelo: ms: 38802-0000 (800) 680-1601: 082415: 061206982 : renasant bank: po box 709: tupelo: ms: 38802-0000 (800) 680-1601: 082415: 061219571 : renasant bank: po box 709: tupelo: ms: 38802-0000 (800) 680-1601: 082415: 061220146 : renasant bank: po box 709: tupelo: ms: 38802-0000"
"score": 0.6513214111,
"text": "This acquisition expanded Renasant's reach in the North Georgia and Atlanta area by adding four full-service locations. To date, Renasant operates more than 175 locations in Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida."
"score": 0.6497169733,
"text": "Sandy Springs. GA. Bank / Credit Union: Delta Community Credit Union. Routing Number: 261071315. Area, State: Sandy Springs, GA."
"score": 0.6435854435,
"text": "* Do not include sensitive information in the contact form such as account numbers, account information, usernames, and passwords. Please direct all account specific questions to your local Renasant branch, or call us at 1-800-680-1601."
"score": 0.6411306858,
"text": "Atlanta, GA 30309. Philadelphia, PA. A routing number is a nine digit code, used in the United States to identify the financial institution. Routing numbers are used by Federal Reserve Banks to process Fedwire funds transfers, and ACH(Automated Clearing House) direct deposits, bill payments, and other automated transfers."
"score": 0.6346135139,
"text": "Johns Creek. GA. Bank / Credit Union: Delta Community Credit Union. Routing Number: 261071315. Area, State: Johns Creek, GA."
"score": 0.6256904602,
"text": "Delta Community Credit Union Routing Number: 261071315 Area, State: Gainesville, GA: Delta Community Credit Union: 261071315: Johns Creek: GA: Bank / Credit Union: Delta Community Credit Union Routing Number: 261071315 Area, State: Johns Creek, GA: Delta Community Credit Union: 261071315: Marietta: GA: Bank / Credit Union: Delta Community Credit Union Routing Number: 261071315 Area, State: Buford, GA: Delta Community Credit Union: 261071315: Canton: GA: Bank / Credit Union: Area, State: Canton, GA: Delta Community Credit Union: 261071315: Decatur: GA: Bank / Credit Union: Area, State: Decatur, GA: Delta Community Credit Union: 261071315: Duluth: GA: Bank / Credit Union: Area, State: Florence, KY: Delta Community Credit Union: 261071315: Gainesville: GA: Bank / Credit Union: Gainesville, GA: Delta Community Credit Union: 261071315: Johns Creek: GA: Bank / Credit Union: Area, State: Johns Creek, GA: Delta Community Credit Union: 261071315: Marietta: GA: Bank / Credit Union: Area, State: Marietta, GA: Delta Community Credit Union: 261071315: Newnan: GA: Bank / Credit Union:"
"score": 0.6224998832,
"text": "ATLANTA, GA 30380. Atlanta Postal Credit Union's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 261072495. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch!"
"score": 0.6141119599,
"text": "This unique identifier for SunTrust Bank is 1131787. FDIC CERT #: The certificate number assigned to an institution for deposit insurance. The FDIC Certificate Number for Zebulon Road Branch office of SunTrust Bank in Macon, GA is 867. This unique NUMBER is assigned by the FDIC and is used to identify institutions and for the issuance of insurance certificates by FDIC. Post your Review. Reviews of Zebulon Road Branch. Be the first one to review Zebulon Road Branch of SunTrust Bank in Macon, GA. Find Routing Number, Map Location, Swift Codes, Contact Numbers."
"score": 0.6034750342,
"text": "Atlanta Postal Credit Union ABA Routing Number. 261072495. Atlanta Postal Credit Union's routing number (the leftmost number on the bottom of a check) is 261072495. Sometimes, banks have multiple routing numbers for different branches or uses. Please make sure this is the correct routing number for your branch!"
"score": 0.5935335159,
"text": "Routing Number 261071166. ATLANTA POSTAL CREDIT UNION ROUTING ABA NUMBER. 261071166 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Atlanta Postal Credit Union by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn."
"score": 0.5932605863,
"text": "Please call Atlanta Postal Credit Union representative at (404) 768-4126 for more information. 1 Routing Number: 261071166. 2 3900 CROWN RD. 3 ATLANTA, GA 30380-0000. 4 Phone Number: (404) 768-4126. 5 ABA 261071166 address lookup."
"score": 0.5925834179,
"text": "ATLANTA POSTAL CREDIT UNION ROUTING ABA NUMBER. 261071166 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Atlanta Postal Credit Union by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn."
"score": 0.5453500748,
"text": "Suntrust Bank on 47 Whitlock Ave SW in Marietta, GA. Welcome to Suntrust Bank (Investment Services - B2B Banks) on 47 Whitlock Ave SW in Marietta, Georgia. This bank is listed on Bank Map under Banks - Investment Services - B2B Banks. You can reach us on phone number (770) 427-8147, fax number or email address . Our office is located on 47 Whitlock Ave SW, Marietta, GA. 64,897 people like Suntrust Bank and 10 people have checked in here."
"score": 0.5439084768,
"text": "DO NOT fax in this application.It must be mailed with originals of the bond or bond rider. Please send this information to: Georgia Department of Banking and FinanceNon-Depository Financial Institutions Division2990 Brandywine Road, Suite 200Atlanta, GA 30341770/986-1136."
"score": 0.4874605834,
"text": "Area code 229. The 229 area code belongs to the state of Georgia (GA) and some of the locations covered are Albany, Valdosta and more:rea code 229. The 229 area code belongs to the state of Georgia (GA) and some of the locations covered are Albany, Valdosta and more:"
"score": 0.4765897691,
"text": "Area code 770 is a telephone area code in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) serving all or part of 29 counties in North Georgia, including most of Atlanta 's suburbs.rea code 770 is a telephone area code in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) serving all or part of 29 counties in North Georgia, including most of Atlanta 's suburbs."
"score": 0.4677529335,
"text": "Georgia state route 400 (officially SR 400, nearly always Georgia 400 to the public) is a controlled-access state highway in the northern part of the U.S. state of Georgia."
"score": 0.4584251046,
"text": "1 To check on the delivery status of a permanent Georgia driver's license/ID card, call the Department of Driver Services (DDS) Contact Center. 2 In Metro Atlanta, call 678-413-8400. 3 Outside the Metro Atlanta area, call 1-866-754-3687."
"score": 0.4415785074,
"text": "Any birth record that Fulton County is unable to retrieve can be obtained by the State of Georgia Vital Records Department: 2600 Skyland Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30319. Telephone (404) 679-4710."
"score": 0.3830964267,
"text": "Oak Pkwy,, Marietta, GA 30062 Phone: 770-428-2684 Fax: 770-421-3216 Web: www. The North Texas Tollway Authority (NTTA) will receive proposals for Design Engineering Services on the PGBT widening from IH 35E to DNT and from US 75 to SH 78 at 5900 W Plano Pkwy."
] |
cost of pellet stove | [
"score": 0.890978694,
"text": "Prices for pellet stoves run from $1,700 to $3,000 for the stove and $150 to $400 for installation."
] | [
"score": 0.8203675747,
"text": "Pellet Stove Pros. 1 Less expensive-Pellet stoves tend to cost less than gas fireplaces. 2 Generate more heat-Pellet stoves tend to generate more heat than similarly-sized gas fireplaces. 3 Renewable fuel-Wood pellets are renewable, so they're considered more eco-friendly than fossil fuels such as natural gas and propane.ost pellet stoves cost $1,700 to $3,000, not including installation, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Installation could add a few hundred dollars or several thousand, depending on complexity."
"score": 0.7905187011,
"text": "Fuel Cost. The cost of wood pellet fuel is usually given in dollars per ton; the average price of the fuel is typically around $250 per ton. The cost of a cord of wood, the fuel burned by a conventional wood stove, is around $200."
"score": 0.7898111343,
"text": "Fuel Cost. The cost of wood pellet fuel is usually given in dollars per ton; the average price of the fuel is typically around $250 per ton. The cost of a cord of wood, the fuel burned by a conventional wood stove, is around $200.The average home uses about 7.3 tons of pellet fuel or 6.5 cords of wood per season.he best way to compare the cost of pellet-stove heat with the cost of other types of heating systems is to compare the cost relative to energy output. At a fuel cost of $250 per ton and an efficiency rating of 85%, a pellet-stove heat costs about $18 per million BTU."
"score": 0.785790801,
"text": "Fuel Cost. The cost of wood pellet fuel is usually given in dollars per ton; the average price of the fuel is typically around $250 per ton. The cost of a cord of wood, the fuel burned by a conventional wood stove, is around $200.The average home uses about 7.3 tons of pellet fuel or 6.5 cords of wood per season.t a fuel cost of $250 per ton and an efficiency rating of 85%, a pellet-stove heat costs about $18 per million BTU. At a 75% efficiency rating, the cost increases to more than $20 per million BTU."
"score": 0.7856824398,
"text": "Fuel Cost. The cost of wood pellet fuel is usually given in dollars per ton; the average price of the fuel is typically around $250 per ton. The cost of a cord of wood, the fuel burned by a conventional wood stove, is around $200. The average home uses about 7.3 tons of pellet fuel or 6.5 cords of wood per season.t a fuel cost of $250 per ton and an efficiency rating of 85%, a pellet-stove heat costs about $18 per million BTU. At a 75% efficiency rating, the cost increases to more than $20 per million BTU."
"score": 0.7786506414,
"text": "The cost of wood pellet fuel is usually given in dollars per ton; the average price of the fuel is typically around $250 per ton. The cost of a cord of wood, the fuel burned by a conventional wood stove, is around $200. The average home uses about 7.3 tons of pellet fuel or 6.5 cords of wood per season."
"score": 0.7781518102,
"text": "Fuel Cost. The cost of wood pellet fuel is usually given in dollars per ton; the average price of the fuel is typically around $250 per ton. The cost of a cord of wood, the fuel burned by a conventional wood stove, is around $200. The average home uses about 7.3 tons of pellet fuel or 6.5 cords of wood per season."
"score": 0.7701750994,
"text": "The costs will vary depending on the type of biomass boiler you choose. 1 A biomass pellet stove or log stove will cost around £2,000 to £4,500 including installation. 2 An automatically fed pellet boiler will cost between £14,000 and £19,000 with a manually fed system costing slightly less.he costs will vary depending on the type of biomass boiler you choose. 1 A biomass pellet stove or log stove will cost around £2,000 to £4,500 including installation. 2 An automatically fed pellet boiler will cost between £14,000 and £19,000 with a manually fed system costing slightly less."
"score": 0.7650409341,
"text": "Fuel Cost. The cost of wood pellet fuel is usually given in dollars per ton; the average price of the fuel is typically around $250 per ton. The cost of a cord of wood, the fuel burned by a conventional wood stove, is around $200. The average home uses about 7.3 tons of pellet fuel or 6.5 cords of wood per season.uel Cost. The cost of wood pellet fuel is usually given in dollars per ton; the average price of the fuel is typically around $250 per ton. The cost of a cord of wood, the fuel burned by a conventional wood stove, is around $200. The average home uses about 7.3 tons of pellet fuel or 6.5 cords of wood per season."
"score": 0.7527602911,
"text": "A. Yes, our delivery people will deliver your stove and actually place the stove in the location you'll be running the stove. The delivery fee is $50. If you choose to order pellets, they will be delivered at the same time as your stove for a $20.00 per pallet delivery charge."
"score": 0.739597857,
"text": "Pellet Grill Reviews: Cost. Pellet grills, on the average, range from around $400 for a small and basic unit all the way up to $2,000 for a bigger one with all the features. Wood pellets sell for around $1 to $2 per pound, though by buying in bulk you can usually get them cheaper."
"score": 0.7336927652,
"text": "Pellet Grill Reviews: Cost. Pellet grills, on the average, range from around $400 for a small and basic unit all the way up to $2,000 for a bigger one with all the features. Wood pellets sell for around $1 to $2 per pound, though by buying in bulk you can usually get them cheaper.ellet grills, on the average, range from around $400 for a small and basic unit all the way up to $2,000 for a bigger one with all the features."
"score": 0.7325494289,
"text": "Pellet grills, on the average, range from around $400 for a small and basic unit all the way up to $2,000 for a bigger one with all the features.Wood pellets sell for around $1 to $2 per pound, though by buying in bulk you can usually get them cheaper.ellet grills, on the average, range from around $400 for a small and basic unit all the way up to $2,000 for a bigger one with all the features."
"score": 0.7285271883,
"text": "Pellet fuel is normally sold in 40 pound (18 kg) bags at about $3.00 to $4.00 each, or about $120.00 to $200.00 a ton. You can estimate how much fuel you will need for a heating season by noting that one ton of pellets is equivalent to approximately 1.5 cords of firewood."
"score": 0.7267243862,
"text": "1 According to the Daviddarling.info, the typical selling price for wood pellets ranges from anywhere from $180 to $260 a ton or around $3.60 to $5.20 per bag of wood pellets. Depending on the brand and the store from which you purchase the wood pellets, you are going to be paying anywhere from $190 to as much as $290 per ton."
"score": 0.7220960855,
"text": "1 Wood pellets at $250/ton cost about $18 per million BTU, which is a savings of $25 per MBTU vs. heating oil at $2.91/gallon. That means for every ton of wood pellets you use, you'll save approximately $100 per ton, even before the additional savings possible through efficiency gains."
"score": 0.7188202143,
"text": "1 They also sell Cleanfire Hardwood, Pacific and Douglas Fir wood pellets for the same price range. 2 According to the Daviddarling.info, the typical selling price for wood pellets ranges from anywhere from $180 to $260 a ton or around $3.60 to $5.20 per bag of wood pellets. Depending on the brand and the store from which you purchase the wood pellets, you are going to be paying anywhere from $190 to as much as $290 per ton."
"score": 0.713050127,
"text": "Today you can choose from a new generation of wood-and pellet-burning appliances that are cleaner burning, more efficient, and powerful enough to heat many average-sized, modern homes. Pellet fuel appliances burn small pellets that measure 3/8 to 1 inch in length.ellet fuel is normally sold in 40-pound (18-kg) bags at about $3 to $4 each or about $180 to $250 a ton. Most homeowners who use a pellet appliance as a main source of heat use two to three tons of pellet fuel per year."
"score": 0.6883922815,
"text": "The Breakdown of How Electricity is Used in a MagnuM Pellet Stove. The fan motors, auger motor and stirrer motor (if standard) take approximately 2.5 amps to 3.0 amps to operate. Voltage x amps = watts, so 110v x 2.75 amps = 303 watts of usage per hour. With the average price of a kilowatt at $0.08, the average electrical cost to run a stove would be .303kw x .08 = 2.42 cents per hour. If a stove ran for 24 hours in a day it would use approximately 58 cents per day (2.42 cents x 24 hours =58.176 cents)."
"score": 0.6158456206,
"text": "To use a pellet stove efficiently, start with using the right fuel. Pellet stoves cannot use wood logs or anything else but the pellets designed or approved for the stove. Approximately 3/8-inch to 1-inch compacted wood chips, bark, agricultural crop waste, paper, sawdust and other organic materials are compressed into pellets for burning."
"score": 0.6129409075,
"text": "One bag of pellet fuel equals 2.5 gallons of oil, or one ton equals 1½ cords of wood! Pellet fuel for home heating can be burned in a freestanding pellet stove, fireplace insert or a furnace. A pellet stove looks much like a wood stove, but is automated."
"score": 0.6101746559,
"text": "One bag of pellet fuel equals 2.5 gallons of oil, or one ton equals 1½ cords of wood! Burning The Fuel. Pellet fuel for home heating can be burned in a freestanding pellet stove, fireplace insert or a furnace. A pellet stove looks much like a wood stove, but is automated."
"score": 0.5530559421,
"text": "Follow pellet stove hopper to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow pellet stove hopper to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following pellet stove hopper in your eBay Feed."
] |
how much is a mri for knee | [
"score": 0.9154064059,
"text": "The price for a knee MRI varies largely on different factors. One of these factors is the location of the imaging center. However, the average cost of a knee MRI is approximately at $700 to $3,500 when done in a healthcare setting. This amount does not include the radiologist read and report, which may cost a few hundred dollars more depending on the specialists. This is a price range for those without any health insurance policy."
] | [
"score": 0.8356405497,
"text": "Best Answer: I work in a free standing imaging center, in Northern California. A routine, seven sequence MRI of the knee, without contrast, is about $1500 where I work. Of course, you need a doctor's order to get any imaging study, including a MRI. But, even if your doctor gives you an order written on General Hospital's form, you can get your MRI done at Mercy Hospital."
"score": 0.8316258192,
"text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: I work in a free standing imaging center, in Northern California. A routine, seven sequence MRI of the knee, without contrast, is about $1500 where I work. Of course, you need a doctor's order to get any imaging study, including a MRI. But, even if your doctor gives you an order written on General Hospital's form, you can get your MRI done at Mercy Hospital."
"score": 0.8192686439,
"text": "Best Answer: I work in a free standing imaging center, in Northern California. A routine, seven sequence MRI of the knee, without contrast, is about $1500 where I work. Of course, you need a doctor's order to get any imaging study, including a MRI.But, even if your doctor gives you an order written on General Hospital's form, you can get your MRI done at Mercy Hospital. routine, seven sequence MRI of the knee, without contrast, is about $1500 where I work. Of course, you need a doctor's order to get any imaging study, including a MRI. But, even if your doctor gives you an order written on General Hospital's form, you can get your MRI done at Mercy Hospital."
"score": 0.8060544133,
"text": "Costs – an MRI in Chicago costs anywhere from $375 to $525, while an X-ray at the same places cost $90 and $105 respectively. Meniscus Tear: A meniscus tear is when there is damage to the discs that cushion your knee, which is usually caused when your knee twists by your foot stays planted on the ground."
"score": 0.7849767804,
"text": "Best Answer: I work in a free standing imaging center in Northern California. A routine, seven sequence knee MRI without contrast, runs about $1600. The brain MRI will have much more variation in prices. A routine, non contrast brain MRI is about $1500.A brain MRI without and then with contrast can be as much as $3000, depending on how many sequences are needed.This will depend on your specific symptoms and problems. However, a CT scan of the brain is much less costly, and that is the type of imaging we usually do after trauma, such as a car accident.he brain MRI will have much more variation in prices. A routine, non contrast brain MRI is about $1500. A brain MRI without and then with contrast can be as much as $3000, depending on how many sequences are needed. This will depend on your specific symptoms and problems."
"score": 0.7740485668,
"text": "I work at a free standing imaging center in Northern California. For a routine, seven sequence knee MRI, we charge $1775. For a brain, without and then with contrast, with thin cuts through the pituitary gland, we charge about $3200.Of course, you need a doctor's order to get any imaging study, including a MRI.But, even if your doctor gives you an order written on General Hospital's form, you can get your MRI done at Mercy Hospital.or a brain, without and then with contrast, with thin cuts through the pituitary gland, we charge about $3200. Of course, you need a doctor's order to get any imaging study, including a MRI. But, even if your doctor gives you an order written on General Hospital's form, you can get your MRI done at Mercy Hospital."
"score": 0.7710963488,
"text": "Arkansas low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $510. California low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $325. Colorado low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $510. Connecticut low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $830.Delaware low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $755. District of Columbia low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $555. Florida low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $335.ichigan low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $560. Minnesota low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $435. Mississippi low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $510. Missouri low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $380."
"score": 0.7707019448,
"text": "Texas low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $380. Utah low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $540. Virginia low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $560. Washington low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $380.ichigan low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $560. Minnesota low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $435. Mississippi low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $510. Missouri low cost knee, shoulder, elbow, hip MRI starting at $380."
"score": 0.7513655424,
"text": "1 An MRI costs about $1,000-$5,000, and the average cost for an MRI of the foot is about $1,500, and the average cost for a CT scan of the foot is $1,100, according to NewChoiceHealth.com."
"score": 0.7501573563,
"text": "MRI cost can range between $400 to $3,500 depending upon which MRI procuedure is performed (example: brain mri vs. shoulder mri) and where you have the MRI test performed. The same exact MRI test can vary by hundreds of dollars from testing facility to testing facility."
"score": 0.7497733235,
"text": "1 On average, the cost of a full body MRI ranges from $200 to $3,500 depending on where you go and what you get. 2 An MRI costs, on average, is around $1,000 to $3,000. Here, the average cost of an MRI ranges around $1,694 to $3,624. 2 The average cost in Salt Lake City is $1,694, while a similar procedure costs around $3,624 in Dallas."
"score": 0.7497196198,
"text": "1 An open MRI typically costs about the same as a conventional MRI, about $1,000-$5,000, depending on the parts of the body being examined. 2 An upright MRI allows patients to be scanned while standing or sitting, which can be helpful in diagnosing certain conditions. A pelvic MRI is used to diagnose or monitor various types of pelvic diseases or to clarify results from other tests. 2 It typically costs $1,000-$5,000, depending on the complexity of the condition being investigated and whether the procedure is performed in a hospital or physician's office."
"score": 0.7492179871,
"text": "What does an average MRI cost? MRI cost can range between $400 to $3,500 depending upon which MRI procuedure is performed (example: brain mri vs. shoulder mri) and where you have the MRI test performed. The same exact MRI test can vary by hundreds of dollars from testing facility to testing facility."
"score": 0.7489705682,
"text": "An open MRI typically costs about the same as a conventional MRI, about $1,000-$5,000, depending on the parts of the body being examined. An upright MRI allows patients to be scanned while standing or sitting, which can be helpful in diagnosing certain conditions."
"score": 0.7489441037,
"text": "1 On average, the cost of a full body MRI ranges from $200 to $3,500 depending on where you go and what you get. 2 An MRI costs, on average, is around $1,000 to $3,000."
"score": 0.7479540706,
"text": "MRI machines can range in cost between $1 and $3 million. Construction of MRI suites can easily add another $500,000 to the total cost. An extremity MRI machine alone costs $300,000 or more, and can only be used to scan hands, feet and knees. Purchasing a used-extremity MRI scanner can cost as much as $150,000."
"score": 0.7475098372,
"text": "1 An open MRI typically costs about the same as a conventional MRI, about $1,000-$5,000, depending on the parts of the body being examined. 2 An upright MRI allows patients to be scanned while standing or sitting, which can be helpful in diagnosing certain conditions."
"score": 0.7474424839,
"text": "MRI cost can range between $400 to $3,500 depending upon which MRI procuedure is performed (example: brain mri vs. shoulder mri) and where you have the MRI test performed."
"score": 0.746930182,
"text": "A single scan runs $2,600 on average (before your insurance kicks in). When it comes to pricey hospital procedures, MRIs come to mind. Sure enough, according to recently released Medicare pricing data analyzed by NerdWallet Health, the average cost of an MRI in the U.S. is $2,611. Here's what's behind that number."
"score": 0.746550262,
"text": "According to this study released by Medicare, the average cost of an MRI is $2,611. However, Underwood Memorial Hospital in New Jersey reported an average of $13,259 for an MRI and Northbay Medical Center in California reported the average cost at $9,766."
"score": 0.7463464141,
"text": "1 An open MRI typically costs about the same as a conventional MRI, about $1,000-$5,000, depending on the parts of the body being examined. An upright MRI allows patients to be scanned while standing or sitting, which can be helpful in diagnosing certain conditions."
"score": 0.746203661,
"text": "1 On average, the cost of a full body MRI ranges from $200 to $3,500 depending on where you go and what you get. 2 An MRI costs, on average, is around $1,000 to $3,000. A full body MRI includes technical fees which is the cost of the procedure and where there is a potential to save a considerable amount of money and professional fees which are associated with having the radiologist interpret the test result."
"score": 0.7451438308,
"text": "1 Here, the average cost of an MRI ranges around $1,694 to $3,624. 2 The average cost in Salt Lake City is $1,694, while a similar procedure costs around $3,624 in Dallas."
"score": 0.7441825271,
"text": "1 An open MRI typically costs about the same as a conventional MRI, about $1,000-$5,000, depending on the parts of the body being examined. 2 An upright MRI allows patients to be scanned while standing or sitting, which can be helpful in diagnosing certain conditions. It typically costs $1,000-$5,000, depending on the part of the spine being scanned and whether the procedure is performed in a hospital or physician's office. 2 A head MRI creates detailed images of the brain and surrounding nerve tissue to detect neurological diseases or disorders."
"score": 0.7429552674,
"text": "MRI equipment varies in cost, depending on the strength of the scanner. Scanners with more strength produce more detailed images; therefore, these scanners cost more. MRI machines can range in cost between $1 and $3 million. Construction of MRI suites can easily add another $500,000 to the total cost. An extremity MRI machine alone costs $300,000 or more, and can only be used to scan hands, feet and knees."
"score": 0.7428356409,
"text": "1 Here, the average cost of an MRI ranges around $1,694 to $3,624. 2 The average cost in Salt Lake City is $1,694, while a similar procedure costs around $3,624 in Dallas. 3 The average cost of MRI is $2,229 in Orlando, $2,826 in San Diego, $2, 199 in New York, $2,502 in Omaha, $3,461 in Detroit, and $3,001 in Raleigh."
"score": 0.7425182462,
"text": "1 Here, the average cost of an MRI ranges around $1,694 to $3,624. 2 The average cost in Salt Lake City is $1,694, while a similar procedure costs around $3,624 in Dallas. A full body MRI includes technical fees which is the cost of the procedure and where there is a potential to save a considerable amount of money and professional fees which are associated with having the radiologist interpret the test result."
"score": 0.7423735857,
"text": "A knee MRI uses magnets and radio waves to capture images inside your body. Unlike X-rays and CT scans, an MRI does not use radiation. The MRI procedure typically takes between 30 minutes to an hour."
"score": 0.7418445349,
"text": "Sure enough, according to recently released Medicare pricing data analyzed by NerdWallet Health, the average cost of an MRI in the U.S. is $2,611. Here's what's behind that number. Make Room for a Big Machine"
"score": 0.739184916,
"text": "Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: A MRI of the knee will take anywhere from 30-60 minutes, depending on the machine used and how many imaging sequences are done. You will need to call the imaging facility, where you are having your MRI. They will tell you how long it takes to do this scan at their facility."
"score": 0.7384527326,
"text": "1 An open MRI typically costs about the same as a conventional MRI, about $1,000-$5,000, depending on the parts of the body being examined. 2 An upright MRI allows patients to be scanned while standing or sitting, which can be helpful in diagnosing certain conditions. A spinal MRI is used to find various spinal problems, including nerve damage or tumors. 2 It typically costs $1,000-$5,000, depending on the part of the spine being scanned and whether the procedure is performed in a hospital or physician's office."
"score": 0.738269031,
"text": "1 You can check out Comparemricost.com for a list of MRI costs in various locations in the United States. 2 Costs vary depending on the testing facility location. 3 Here, the average cost of an MRI ranges around $1,694 to $3,624. Here, the average cost of an MRI ranges around $1,694 to $3,624. 2 The average cost in Salt Lake City is $1,694, while a similar procedure costs around $3,624 in Dallas."
"score": 0.7364117503,
"text": "When it comes to pricey hospital procedures, MRIs come to mind. Sure enough, according to recently released Medicare pricing data analyzed by NerdWallet Health, the average cost of an MRI in the U.S. is $2,611. Here's what's behind that number. Make Room for a Big Machine"
"score": 0.7327221632,
"text": "1 You can check out Comparemricost.com for a list of MRI costs in various locations in the United States. 2 Costs vary depending on the testing facility location. 3 Here, the average cost of an MRI ranges around $1,694 to $3,624."
"score": 0.7305209041,
"text": "1 The average cost of MRI is $2,229 in Orlando, $2,826 in San Diego, $2, 199 in New York, $2,502 in Omaha, $3,461 in Detroit, and $3,001 in Raleigh. 2 For those that have health insurance, be sure to check with your policy. 3 More than likely, a full body MRI is going to be covered."
"score": 0.7303886414,
"text": "Highlights. 1 A knee MRI uses magnets and radio waves to capture images inside your body. 2 Unlike X-rays and CT scans, an MRI does not use radiation. 3 The MRI procedure typically takes between 30 minutes to an hour. 1 An MRI test uses magnets and radio waves to capture images inside your body without making a surgical incision. It can be performed on any part of your body, but a knee MRI looks specifically at your knee and its surrounding areas."
"score": 0.7294808626,
"text": "MRI equipment varies in cost, depending on the strength of the scanner. Scanners with more strength produce more detailed images; therefore, these scanners cost more. MRI mach … ines can range in cost between $1 and $3 million. Construction of MRI suites can easily add another $500,000 to the total cost. An extremity MRI machine alone costs $300,000 or more, and can only be used to scan hands, feet and knees. Purchasing a used-extremity MRI scanner can cost as much as $150,000."
"score": 0.7290641665,
"text": "1 An open MRI is wider than an enclosed MRI and is often recommended for obese patients, those who struggle with claustrophobia, or patients whose joints are being examined. 2 An open MRI typically costs about the same as a conventional MRI, about $1,000-$5,000, depending on the parts of the body being examined. It typically costs $1,000-$5,000, depending on the part of the spine being scanned and whether the procedure is performed in a hospital or physician's office. 2 A head MRI creates detailed images of the brain and surrounding nerve tissue to detect neurological diseases or disorders."
"score": 0.7268628478,
"text": "1 The average cost of MRI is $2,229 in Orlando, $2,826 in San Diego, $2, 199 in New York, $2,502 in Omaha, $3,461 in Detroit, and $3,001 in Raleigh. 2 For those that have health insurance, be sure to check with your policy. 3 More than likely, a full body MRI is going to be covered. You can check out Comparemricost.com for a list of MRI costs in various locations in the United States. 2 Costs vary depending on the testing facility location. 3 Here, the average cost of an MRI ranges around $1,694 to $3,624."
"score": 0.7264703512,
"text": "Cost. MRI equipment varies in cost, depending on the strength of the scanner. Scanners with more strength produce more detailed images; therefore, these scanners cost more. MRI machines can range in cost between $1 and $3 million.Construction of MRI suites can easily add another $500,000 to the total cost.An extremity MRI machine alone costs $300,000 or more, and can only be used to scan hands, feet and knees. Purchasing a used-extremity MRI scanner can cost as much as $150,000.RI machines can range in cost between $1 and $3 million. Construction of MRI suites can easily add another $500,000 to the total cost. An extremity MRI machine alone costs $300,000 or more, and can only be used to scan hands, feet and knees. Purchasing a used-extremity MRI scanner can cost as much as $150,000."
"score": 0.724927485,
"text": "1 The average cost of MRI is $2,229 in Orlando, $2,826 in San Diego, $2, 199 in New York, $2,502 in Omaha, $3,461 in Detroit, and $3,001 in Raleigh. 2 For those that have health insurance, be sure to check with your policy. 3 More than likely, a full body MRI is going to be covered. Usually, a multi-organ MRI that requires a contrast can cost the most. 2 You can check out Comparemricost.com for a list of MRI costs in various locations in the United States. 3 Costs vary depending on the testing facility location. 4 Here, the average cost of an MRI ranges around $1,694 to $3,624."
"score": 0.7209203839,
"text": "Cost. MRI equipment varies in cost, depending on the strength of the scanner. Scanners with more strength produce more detailed images; therefore, these scanners cost more. MRI machines can range in cost between $1 and $3 million.Construction of MRI suites can easily add another $500,000 to the total cost.An extremity MRI machine alone costs $300,000 or more, and can only be used to scan hands, feet and knees. Purchasing a used-extremity MRI scanner can cost as much as $150,000.ost. MRI equipment varies in cost, depending on the strength of the scanner. Scanners with more strength produce more detailed images; therefore, these scanners cost more. MRI machines can range in cost between $1 and $3 million."
"score": 0.7193799019,
"text": "Confidence votes 173. MRI equipment varies in cost, depending on the strength of the scanner. Scanners with more strength produce more detailed images; therefore, these scanners cost more. MRI machines can range in cost between $1 and $3 million.Construction of MRI suites can easily add another $500,000 to the total cost.An extremity MRI machine alone costs $300,000 or more, and can only be used to scan hands, feet and knees. Purchasing a used-extremity MRI scanner can cost as much as $150,000.RI machines can range in cost between $1 and $3 million. Construction of MRI suites can easily add another $500,000 to the total cost. An extremity MRI machine alone costs $300,000 or more, and can only be used to scan hands, feet and knees."
"score": 0.7160134315,
"text": "Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - Knee Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee uses a powerful magnetic field, radio waves and a computer to produce detailed pictures of the structures within the knee joint. It is typically used to help diagnose or evaluate pain, weakness, swelling or bleeding in and around the joint. Knee MRI does not"
"score": 0.7135065794,
"text": "1 A spinal MRI costs between $1000 and $5000, depending on where the procedure is performed (physician's office or hospital) and what part of the spine is being imaged."
"score": 0.7131125927,
"text": "MRI equipment varies in cost, depending on the strength of the scanner. Scanners with more strength produce more detailed images; therefore, these scanners cost more. MRI mach … ines can range in cost between $1 and $3 million.Construction of MRI suites can easily add another $500,000 to the total cost.An extremity MRI machine alone costs $300,000 or more, and can only be used to scan hands, feet and knees. Purchasing a used-extremity MRI scanner can cost as much as $150,000.ninsuredpatient.org has cost comparison for hospitals in san francisco area. Ranges from $804 to $3765 for a chest scan.CT scan costs vary depending on the body part(s) being … scanned. For example, a CT scan looking for kidney stones acutally encompasses two tests: a CT scan of the abdomen and a CT scan of the pelvis."
"score": 0.7128041387,
"text": "In India, the cost of an MRI examination including the fee for the radiologist's opinion comes to around Rs 3000–4000 (€37-49/ US$50–60), excluding the cost of contrast material. In the UK the retail price for an MRI scan privately ranges between £350 and £500 (€440-630)."
"score": 0.7106133699,
"text": "For example, in New Hampshire hospitals a pelvic MRI typically costs about $2,835-$4,753, while in Maine hospitals , the statewide average payment, barring discounts, is $1,528. At the Pacific Alliance Medical Center in Los Angeles, it ranges from $2,758 to $3,109."
"score": 0.7081718445,
"text": "In Denver a Hip MRI with contrast agent at Rose Medical Center Outpatient Imaging was billed at $4645. A PPO plan wrote off $1997, and paid $1718.12, leaving the patient to pay $929.53. Therefore the net cost of the procedure was $2647.65. The cash price at a specialty imaging location is substantially less - as little as $650 with contrast."
"score": 0.7078358531,
"text": "In the United States, an MRI of the brain with and without contrast billed to Medicare Part B entails, on average, a technical payment of US$403 /€300 and a separate payment to the radiologist of US$93 /€70. In France, the cost of an MRI exam is approximately €150/ US$205."
"score": 0.7021467686,
"text": "Best Answer: It truly depends on your insurance plan but an MRI of the shoulder without contrast costs approx $1700-$2000. Check with your insurance provider and be tough sometimes they don't give out the info readily."
"score": 0.7002650499,
"text": "The test is non invasive and does not use radiation. Typical costs: A spinal MRI typically costs about $1,000-$5,000, depending on such factors as the area of the spine being scanned, whether the procedure is performed in a hospital or a physician's office, and a patient's geographical location."
"score": 0.6981691718,
"text": "It truly depends on your insurance plan but an MRI of the shoulder without contrast costs approx $1700-$2000. Check with your insurance provider and be tough sometimes they don't give out the info readily. Hope you feel better."
"score": 0.6946498752,
"text": "says: It truly depends on your insurance plan but an MRI of the shoulder without contrast costs approx $1700-$2000. Check with your insurance provider and be tough sometimes they don't give out the info readily."
"score": 0.692628026,
"text": "says: It truly depends on your insurance plan but an MRI of the shoulder without contrast costs approx $1700-$2000. Check with your insurance provider and be tough sometimes they don't give out the info readily. Hope you feel better."
"score": 0.6910914183,
"text": "Read more about our survey results, or…. CLICK HERE FOR PRICES. Cash or self-pay prices for a lower-back MRI without contrast or dye (contrast or dye may be used for a fuller picture of a patient's tissues) range from $300 to $1,945 in Southern California."
"score": 0.6896226406,
"text": "One of the most common inpatient procedures in the United States, knee replacements can greatly improve a patient's quality of life. It can also cost an arm and a leg (sorry). The average U.S. price for knee replacement surgery (including physician fees and hospital costs) is $25,637, with a high rate of $52,451."
"score": 0.6863757372,
"text": "Best Answer: I work in Northern California. A shoulder MRI runs about $1250 where I work. My best advice would be to look in your local yellow pages, and make calls for estimated costs at facilities in your area. Prices will vary depending on which state you are in....in fact, the prices can vary quite a bit between facilities in the same area."
"score": 0.6861547828,
"text": "Cost of Knee Surgery. 1 Knee arthroscopy - $2,500. 2 Knee arthroscopy with meniscal repair or menisectomy - $2,500. The facility fee, including post-operative care up until discharge. The surgeon's fee, including the initial consultation with the surgeon. The deposit of $200 will be applied to the total cost of the surgery if surgery is recommended. If surgery is not recommended, the deposit of $200 will be retained by Dr. Peterson as payment for your consultation."
"score": 0.6671998501,
"text": "Though the average cost for a total knee replacement procedure (without complication) was $31,124 in 64 markets where claims data was reviewed, costs for the same procedure dipped as low as $11,317 in Montgomery, Alabama, and rose as high as $69,654 in New York City."
"score": 0.6643316746,
"text": "The neurologist said that the average price they charge for surgery (including myleogram and hospital care) ranges between $3,600-$4,500. And i believe the costs for an MRI ranges between $1,400-$2,500."
"score": 0.6506790519,
"text": "An MRI of the knee will most likely NOT involve a needle, ESPECIALLY in the knee. Sometimes MRIs call for dye injections though, which in all likelihood you will not be having. Even if you were to have this, you would know by now (your doctor or a radiologist would have told you prior to the MRI.).n MRI of the knee will most likely NOT involve a needle, ESPECIALLY in the knee. Sometimes MRIs call for dye injections though, which in all likelihood you will not be having. Even if you were to have this, you would know by now (your doctor or a radiologist would have told you prior to the MRI.)."
"score": 0.6428146362,
"text": "While MRI is considered the gold standard for evaluation of internal derangement of the knee, MRI is rarely used in the emergency department because it requires a longer scan time as compared to CT. MRI is usually not readily available and it can be more costly than CT, Glazebrook said."
"score": 0.5654783249,
"text": "i have been waiting to have surgery on my left knee ive had a mri done months ago now my Dr wants me to get a cat scan which i think is crazy being that ive had a mri already.. i think this is jus a waste of my time and my being that he already knows the condition of my knee..So how much longer am i gonna have to... have been waiting to have surgery on my left knee ive had a mri done months ago now my Dr wants me to get a cat scan which i think is crazy being that ive had a mri already.. i think this is jus a waste of my time and my being that he already knows the condition of my knee.. So how much longer am i gonna have to..."
"score": 0.5333063006,
"text": "It's not just a specific how much do you weigh issue, but also how your weight is distributed (I'm a pear). In the second MRI I had for my knee (when I was probably at 320 or so), the top of the (open) MRI was pressing on my stomach with the same pressure as a pair of tighter pants."
] |
what are symptoms of an enlarged left ventricular | [
"score": 0.8547790051,
"text": "Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Symptoms. A person with a mildly enlarged heart may not have symptoms. Symptoms of an enlarged heart may include: Chest pain. Loss of appetite. Mild fatigue: Fatigue during exercise."
] | [
"score": 0.7954905033,
"text": "The symptoms of an enlarged heart are observed when the heart can no longer pump the amount of the blood the body needs to function adequately. Here are some of the signs and symptoms of an enlarged heart: 1 Swollen legs. 2 Increased abdominal girth. 3 Thyroid problems. 4 Weight gain. 5 Edema. 6 Shortness of breath. 7 Abnormal heart rhythms. 8 Palpitations. 9 Cough. 10 Chest Pain."
"score": 0.7923965454,
"text": "Symptoms of an Enlarged Heart. Most often, an enlarged heart causes no symptoms. If an enlarged heart becomes unable to pump blood effectively, symptoms of congestive heart failure can develop: 1 Shortness of breath (especially with exertion or when lying flat). 2 Leg swelling. 3 Increased abdominal girth. 4 Weight gain. 5 Fatigue."
"score": 0.7859552503,
"text": "Symptoms. Most often, an enlarged heart causes no symptoms. If it becomes unable to pump blood well enough, you may get symptoms of congestive heart failure, such as: Shortness of breath (especially when active or when lying flat) Leg swelling; Weight gain, particularly in your midsection; Tired feeling; Palpitations or skipped heartbeats"
"score": 0.7814329863,
"text": "An enlarged left ventricle is usually due to either cardiomyopathy (a weakening of the heart muscle) or valvular heart disease. Valve disease is... My WebMD Sign In, Sign Up"
"score": 0.7809064388,
"text": "A person with a mildly enlarged heart may not have symptoms. Symptoms of an enlarged heart may include: Chest pain; Loss of appetite; Mild fatigue: Fatigue during exercise; Urinary frequency: Urinating more often at night; Moderate fatigue: Worse with exercise; Nighttime cough; Difficulty breathing: Shortness of breath when lying flat; Shortness of breath with exercise"
"score": 0.7745713592,
"text": "Enlarged Ventricle Symptoms. A person with a mildly enlarged heart may not have symptoms. Copyright DSHI Systems, Inc. Arola A, Tuominen J, Ruuskanen O, Jokinen E: Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy in children: prognostic indicators and outcome."
"score": 0.7740764618,
"text": "An irregular heart beat, shortness of breath, dizziness, and coughing are some of the symptoms of an enlarged heart. Your symptoms may also vary, depending on the underlying cause of your enlarged heart. You should see your doctor immediately if you have chest pain, shortness of breath, or fainting spells."
"score": 0.7610844374,
"text": "A: Problems with the left ventricle of the heart usually cause irregular heartbeat, fatigue, shortness of breath, edema and persistent cough, states Mayo Clinic. Ascites, loss of appetite, sudden weight gain and difficulty staying alert are additional symptoms."
"score": 0.7361388803,
"text": "Can left atrial enlargement have symptoms? Sounds kind of a silly question I know but mine seem more like atrial fib symptoms. They started after some exercise two nights ago. Shortness of breath, nausea, weakness to the point of almost faint, and racing heart. No chest pain though. I also then got the chills and more short of breath when I laid down. Things seemed to subside and I got a ECG the following day, which said probable left atrial enlargement."
"score": 0.728545785,
"text": "Heart failure. One of the most serious types of enlarged heart, an enlarged left ventricle, increases the risk of heart failure. In heart failure, your heart muscle weakens, and the ventricles stretch (dilate) to the point that the heart can't pump blood efficiently throughout your body. Blood clots."
"score": 0.7260481119,
"text": "Heart failure: One of the most serious types of enlarged heart, an enlarged left ventricle, increases the risk of heart failure. In heart failure, the heart muscle weakens, and the ventricles stretch (dilate) to the point that the heart can't pump blood efficiently throughout the body."
"score": 0.7194975615,
"text": "An enlarged left ventricle of the heart can be the result of heart muscle disease caused by medication, drugs, alcohol, idiopathic (cause unknown)."
"score": 0.711353898,
"text": "Report Abuse. This means the left upper chamber of your heart is enlarged. This can be due to a leaky heart valve or from left ventricle problems. The seriousness of it would depend on how enlarged it is and if you are having any symptoms like fatigue or shortness of breath.I would talk to a cardiologist to find out better details based on your clinical scenario.ongestive heart failure. (chf) and yes, it is serious. usually leads to enlarged left ventricle and that is full blown congestive heart failure. go to the doctor. they can prescribe lasix."
"score": 0.7049373984,
"text": "Heart Failure Due To An Enlarged Heart. If the left ventricle is the area affected, the heart can weaken to the point that it cannot meet the body's demand for blood. This can lead to heart failure. An enlarged heart can also disrupt the heart's rhythm, resulting in cardiac arrest. Patients with an enlarged heart are also at greater risk of developing blood clots inside the heart that are attached to the heart's lining."
"score": 0.7041175365,
"text": "1 This can cause an enlarged left ventricle due to weakening of the heart muscle. 2 Rare diseases that can affect your heart, such as amyloidosis. 3 Amyloidosis is a condition in which abnormal proteins circulate in the blood and may be deposited in the heart, interfering with your heart's function and causing it to enlarge. This can cause an enlarged left ventricle due to weakening of the heart muscle. 2 Rare diseases that can affect your heart, such as amyloidosis. 3 Amyloidosis is a condition in which abnormal proteins circulate in the blood and may be deposited in the heart, interfering with your heart's function and causing it to enlarge."
"score": 0.7031077147,
"text": "1 This can cause an enlarged left ventricle due to weakening of the heart muscle. 2 Rare diseases that can affect your heart, such as amyloidosis. 3 Amyloidosis is a condition in which abnormal proteins circulate in the blood and may be deposited in the heart, interfering with your heart's function and causing it to enlarge."
"score": 0.7021600008,
"text": "In this condition, the walls of both the left and right side of the heart (ventricles) become thin and stretched. The result is an enlarged heart. In the other types of cardiomegaly, the heart's large muscular left ventricle becomes abnormally thick. Hypertrophy is usually what causes left ventricular enlargement."
"score": 0.7016022205,
"text": "Other conditions associated with an enlarged heart include: High blood pressure. Your heart may have to pump harder to deliver blood to the rest of your body, enlarging and thickening the muscle. High blood pressure can cause the left ventricle to enlarge, causing the heart muscle eventually to weaken."
"score": 0.7013206482,
"text": "Left ventricular hypertrophy may cause or facilitate many cardiac complications of hypertension, including congestive heart failure, ventricular arrhythmias, myocardial ischemia, and sudden death. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, which may present with all of the symptoms and signs of congestive heart failure, is common in patients with long-standing hypertension."
"score": 0.7002376914,
"text": "In this condition, the walls of the left and/or right ventricles of the heart become thin and stretched. The result is an enlarged heart. In the other types of cardiomegaly, the heart's large muscular left ventricle becomes abnormally thick. Hypertrophy is usually what causes left ventricular enlargement."
"score": 0.699593246,
"text": "Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a condition in which the muscle wall of heart's left pumping chamber (ventricle) becomes thickened (hypertrophy). Learn more about symptoms, diagnosing and treatment options from the experts at Cleveland Clinic."
"score": 0.6992019415,
"text": "The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Left heart failure includes the 8 symptoms listed below: 1 See symptoms of heart failure. 2 Fluid accumulation in lungs. 3 Shortness of breath. 4 Orthopnea as condition progresses. 5 Tiredness. 6 Weakness. 7 Coughing. 8 Increased nighttime breathlessness."
"score": 0.6981090307,
"text": "In the other types of cardiomegaly, the heart's large muscular left ventricle becomes abnormally thick. Hypertrophy is usually what causes left ventricular enlargement. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is typically an inherited condition. There are many techniques and tests used to diagnose an enlarged heart."
"score": 0.6976992488,
"text": "This can cause an enlarged left ventricle due to weakening of the heart muscle. Rare diseases that can affect your heart, such as amyloidosis. Amyloidosis is a condition in which abnormal proteins circulate in the blood and may be deposited in the heart, interfering with your heart's function and causing it to enlarge."
"score": 0.6970993876,
"text": "Left ventricular hypertrophy: Related Topics. These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Left ventricular hypertrophy: 1 Ventricular hypertrophy. 2 Left. 3 Ventricular. 4 Hypertrophy. 5 Enlargement. 6 Ventricle. 7 Heart. 8 Heart symptoms (2927 causes). 9 Heart disease (106 causes). 10 Heart disorder."
"score": 0.6957749128,
"text": "In this condition, the walls of both the left and right side of the heart (ventricles) become thin and stretched. The result is an enlarged heart. In the other types of cardiomegaly, the heart's large muscular left ventricle becomes abnormally thick. Hypertrophy is the usually what causes left ventricular enlargement. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is typically an inherited condition."
"score": 0.6957474947,
"text": "As the heart pumps against elevated pressure in the blood vessels, the left ventricle becomes enlarged and the amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute (cardiac output) goes down, a condition called left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Without treatment, this can lead to heart failure."
"score": 0.6912326813,
"text": "Congestive Heart Failure Symptoms. The symptoms that may include shortness of breath, weakness, and swelling. Symptoms depend on which area of the body is most involved in the reduced pumping action. When the left side of the heart (left ventricle) starts to fail, fluid collects in the lungs (pulmonary edema)."
"score": 0.6855462193,
"text": "An increase or enlargement in the size of the right ventricle of the heart is called right ventricular hypertrophy. Edema in the ankles, legs, and feet may be a manifestation of right ventricular hypertrophy. Severe enlargement of the right venticule can cause shortness of breath and chest pain. Along with discovering an enlarged heart, a chest x-ray can expose other conditions that may have lead to the enlargement."
"score": 0.685510993,
"text": "1 This can cause an enlarged left ventricle due to weakening of the heart muscle. 2 Rare diseases that can affect your heart, such as amyloidosis. 3 Amyloidosis is a condition in which abnormal proteins circulate in the blood and may be deposited in the heart, interfering with your heart's function and causing it to enlarge. If the valves are damaged by conditions such as rheumatic fever, a heart defect, infections (infectious endocarditis), connective tissue disorders, certain medications or radiation treatments for cancer, your heart may enlarge. 2 Disease of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy)."
"score": 0.6834214926,
"text": "Correct answer - A. Clinical presentation of a patient with left ventricular failure would include nocturnal dyspnea, along with other signs and symptoms, such as tachycardia, diaphoresis, crackles, pallor, gallop rhythm, and elevated pulmonary artery diastolic and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP)."
"score": 0.6821126938,
"text": "My left atrium is enlarged and my left ventricular end diastolic pressure is 24 mmHg. >20 mmHg is considered diastolic heart failure. The high filling pressure in the left ventricle caused the left atrium to enlarge. I received my echo report saturday (in the mail) from 3 weeks ago, showing an enlarged left atrium."
"score": 0.6814354658,
"text": "As enlargement progresses, though, the heart's pumping ability declines. Dilated cardiomyopathy is the main type of cardiomegaly. In dilated cardiomyopathy, the walls of both the left and right side of the heart (ventricles) become thin and stretched. The result is an enlarged heart. In the other types of enlarged heart, the heart's muscular left ventricle becomes abnormally thick. High blood pressure usually causes left ventricular enlargement (hypertrophy), while hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is an inherited condition."
"score": 0.6808033586,
"text": "Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) occurs when the muscle tissue in the heart's main pumping chamber becomes enlarged. LVH is often caused by high blood pressure or other heart problems and can lead to serious complications, such as heart disease, heart attack and heart failure."
"score": 0.6780359745,
"text": "What is Left Ventricular Hypertrophy? Left ventricular hypertrophy is a disorder of the heart involving the enlargement or thickening of the wall of cardiac muscle situated in the chamber of the heart known as the left ventricle."
"score": 0.6778250933,
"text": "There may be many causes of an enlarged left atrium to include mitral stenosis, mitral regurgitation and left ventricle failure. Other causes are ventricular septal defect… and patent ductus arteriosus."
"score": 0.6768040657,
"text": "left-sided heart failure (left ventricular heart failure) failure of the left ventricle to maintain a normal output of blood; it does not empty completely and thus cannot accept all the blood returning from the lungs via the pulmonary veins, which become engorged.luid retention is another common symptom of congestive heart failure. In left-sided failure there is higher than normal pressure of blood in the pulmonary vessels. This increased pressure forces fluid out of the intravascular compartment and into the tissue spaces of the lungs, causing pulmonary edema."
"score": 0.6763840914,
"text": "What Are the Symptoms of Right Ventricular Failure? Some common symptoms are: Unexplained fatigue that is a result of insufficient oxygenated blood flow to the various organs of the body; Nausea and abdominal pain due to a backup of blood in the liver caused by the heart failure; Peripheral oedema: swelling in the extremities of the body like the legs"
"score": 0.6744104624,
"text": "Left ventricular hypertrophy is enlargement and thickening (hypertrophy) of the walls of your heart's main pumping chamber (left ventricle). Left ventricular hypertrophy can develop in response to some factor — such as high blood pressure or a heart condition — that causes the left ventricle to work harder. As the workload increases, the muscle tissue in the chamber wall thickens, and sometimes the size of the chamber itself also increases."
"score": 0.6708691716,
"text": "Dilated cardiomyopathy, which is the main type of cardiomegaly. In this condition, the walls of both the left and right side of the heart (ventricles) become thin and stretched. The result is an enlarged heart.In the other types of cardiomegaly, the heart's large muscular left ventricle becomes abnormally thick.Hypertrophy is the usually what causes left ventricular enlargement. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is typically an inherited condition.n this condition, the walls of both the left and right side of the heart (ventricles) become thin and stretched. The result is an enlarged heart. In the other types of cardiomegaly, the heart's large muscular left ventricle becomes abnormally thick. Hypertrophy is the usually what causes left ventricular enlargement."
"score": 0.6677501798,
"text": "As enlargement progresses, though, the heart's pumping ability declines. Dilated cardiomyopathy is the main type of cardiomegaly. In dilated cardiomyopathy, the walls of both the left and right side of the heart (ventricles) become thin and stretched. The result is an enlarged heart.In the other types of enlarged heart, the heart's muscular left ventricle becomes abnormally thick.. An enlarged heart (cardiomegaly) may have various causes. But it's usually the result of high blood pressure (hypertension) or coronary artery disease. An enlarged heart may not pump blood effectively, resulting in congestive heart failure."
"score": 0.6638350487,
"text": "Over time, this can cause the heart muscle to thicken. As the heart pumps against elevated pressure in the blood vessels, the left ventricle becomes enlarged and the amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute (cardiac output) goes down, a condition called left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). Without treatment, this can lead to heart failure."
"score": 0.6638126373,
"text": "If this happens, the condition is called obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Sometimes the septum, the wall that divides the left and right sides of the heart, thickens and bulges into the left ventricle. This can block blood flow out of the left ventricle. Then the ventricle must work hard to pump blood. Symptoms can include chest pain, dizziness, shortness of breath, or fainting. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy also can affect the heart's mitral valve, causing blood to leak backward through the valve."
"score": 0.6629737616,
"text": "Several underlying conditions can contribute to or influence the enlargement of the heart muscle in the left ventricle. Hypertension is the most common cause, setting the stage for left ventricular hypertrophy once a person's blood pressure exceeds the normal level of 140/90 mm Hg. Aside from hypertension, the condition known as aortic valve stenosis is also a common cause of the hypertrophic changes in the heart."
"score": 0.6518423557,
"text": "The shortness of breath may be accompanied by fatigue or a sensation of smothering or sternal compression. In the later stages of left ventricular failure, the pulmonary circulation remains congested, and dyspnea occurs with mild exertion. Moreover, the patient may develop orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea."
"score": 0.6509057879,
"text": "Patients who present with a thickened left ventricle are likely suffering from left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). There are a few different causes of LVH. It is a strong indicator of potential coronary complications, and there is a strong correlation between certain types of LVH and morbidity and mortality."
"score": 0.6478408575,
"text": "Symptoms of Ventricular septal defect. The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Ventricular septal defect includes the 33 symptoms listed below: 1 Heart murmur. 2 Breathlessness. Cough."
"score": 0.6464298964,
"text": "People with ventricular septal defects may not have symptoms. However, if the hole is large, the baby often has symptoms related to heart failure. The most common symptoms include: Shortness of breath."
"score": 0.6444179416,
"text": "You're in this phase if you never had symptoms of heart failure but you're diagnosed with systolic left ventricular dysfunction, which means the left chamber of your heart doesn't pump well. You may be in this group if you had or have: Heart attack; Valve disease; Cardiomyopathy"
"score": 0.6443628073,
"text": "High blood pressure can cause the left ventricle to enlarge, causing the heart muscle eventually to weaken. High blood pressure may also enlarge the upper chambers of your heart (atria). 1 Heart valve disease."
"score": 0.6427707076,
"text": "The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Ventricular septal defect includes the 33 symptoms listed below: 1 Heart murmur. 2 Breathlessness. 3 Cough. Slow growth and development of baby/child."
"score": 0.6412633061,
"text": "The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Ventricular septal defect includes the 33 symptoms listed below: 1 Heart murmur. 2 Breathlessness. 3 Cough. 4 Slow growth and development of baby/child. Blue colouration of lips and tongue."
"score": 0.6382034421,
"text": "Class IV patients are unable to perform any activity, and have symptoms even when at rest. HF patients with left-sided failure have left ventricle abnormalities that are most frequently caused by previous heart attacks, and present with symptoms including fatigue, and extreme breathlessness with exertion (dyspnea)."
"score": 0.633695662,
"text": "What are some symptoms of an enlarged spleen? A: People with an enlarged spleen often experience fullness or pain in the left upper abdomen that spreads to the left shoulder, fatigue, anemia or frequent i... Full Answer >"
"score": 0.6323723793,
"text": "In addition to the symptoms of aortic stenosis, which may cause a patient to feel faint, weak, or lethargic, the wall of the left ventricle may also show muscular thickening because the ventricle must work harder to pump blood through the narrow valve opening into the aorta."
"score": 0.6297119856,
"text": "Symptoms associated with left anterior descending artery blockage, which is due to coronary artery disease, include shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue, pain that radiates arms, shoulders, neck, jaw or back, and pain, heaviness, tightness or pressure in the chest area behind the breastbone, states Johns Hopkins Medicine."
"score": 0.6292877793,
"text": "Chamber Hypertrophy and Enlargment. In hypertrophy the heart muscle becomes thicker. This can have different causes. Left ventricular hypertrophy results from an increase in left ventricular workload, e.g., during hypertension or aortic valve stenosis. Right ventricular hypertrophy results from an increase in right ventricular workload, e.g., emphysema or pulmonary embolization. These causes are fundamentally different from hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HCM), which is a congenital misalignment of cardiomyocytes, resulting in hypertrophy."
"score": 0.6288431287,
"text": "Left ventricular hypertrophy is a thickening of the wall of the heart's main pumping chamber. This thickening may result in elevation of pressure within the heart and sometimes poor pumping action. The most common cause is high blood pressure."
"score": 0.6115995049,
"text": "The signs and symptoms of atrial or ventricular bigeminy may appear similar to that of other kinds of arrhythmias, but in most cases, premature contractions go unnoticed. Possible symptoms of bigeminy include: Lightheadedness; Palpitations (noticeable rapid heartbeat) Fainting or passing out; Shortness of breath; Chest pain"
"score": 0.6108951569,
"text": "Several clinical trials have shown improvement in both left ventricular (LV) function and symptoms with CRT compared with controls, with the 2 largest trials showing a reduction in rates of hospitalization and death."
"score": 0.5969297886,
"text": "Loss of consciousness is the most common sign of ventricular fibrillation. A condition in which the lower chambers of your heart beat too fast (ventricular tachycardia) can lead to ventricular fibrillation. Signs and symptoms of ventricular tachycardia include: 1 Chest pain.2 Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia). 3 Dizziness.4 Nausea.5 Shortness of breath. 6 Loss of consciousness.arly signs and symptoms. A condition in which the lower chambers of your heart beat too fast (ventricular tachycardia) can lead to ventricular fibrillation. Signs and symptoms of ventricular tachycardia include: 1 Chest pain. 2 Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia). 3 Dizziness."
"score": 0.5750271082,
"text": "Left ventricle in a patient with aortic atresia and normally developed left ventri-cle. The large ventricular septal defect is not visible in this projection. The left atrium (LA) is dilated. The mitral valve (my) appears normal, with two normally formed papillary muscles (p)."
"score": 0.5730097294,
"text": "DIAGNOSIS: HCM is diagnosed by echocardiography, which shows the characteristic thickening of the left ventricular walls and decreased chamber volume of the left ventricle. Evaluation of the left atrium for dilation and/or the presence of a thrombus are also achieved using this modality."
"score": 0.5681313872,
"text": "Answer: The symptoms of an enlarged prostate are both obstructive and irritative. Obstructive symptoms are weak stream, hesitancy, difficulty emptying your bladder or incomplete emptying. Irritative symptoms are things like urgency, frequency, nocturia -- which is getting up at night to urinate."
"score": 0.5635393858,
"text": "Symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), are: 1 Dribbling at the end of urination. 2 Inability to urinate. 3 Incomplete emptying of the bladder. 4 Incontinence. 5 Having to urinate multiple times in the night. 6 Pain during urination. 7 Bloody urine. 8 Strain to urinate. 9 Slow start to urination."
] |
how to discover god's will for your life | [
"score": 0.7592303753,
"text": "So, when you seek to discover God's will for your life, pay attention to how He has gifted you. His plan for you will always be directly related to the gifts that He has bestowed upon you. The great news is that you will automatically be good at whatever it is that He has called you to do! 6) Listen to God's Spirit.od will likely be slow to show you His plan if He knows you will likely not do that plan anyway. Romans 12:1-2. 1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service."
] | [
"score": 0.7185630798,
"text": "How can I know what is right and wrong? What is God's will for your life? Many desire to do God's will, but struggle because they don't know what God's will is. The following are some principles from God's Word that will help you to discern what God's will is for you."
"score": 0.6717481613,
"text": "8) Take a look at your circumstances. God often clearly demonstrates His plan for our lives by lining up circumstances in obvious ways. And He also shows us what His will is NOT for us to do in that same way. It is not His will for you to take the job that is not offered to you.od will likely be slow to show you His plan if He knows you will likely not do that plan anyway. Romans 12:1-2. 1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service."
"score": 0.6644666195,
"text": "Yes, God has a plan for your life. Within Christian theology we talk about different aspects of the will of God. Basically, we have the decretive will of God and the permissive will."
"score": 0.6623713374,
"text": "God gives each one of us a particular mission in life. As we grow and life progresses, he makes it known to us, usually in indirect ways, more as an invitation than an imposition. Discovering and ultimately following your vocation gives the greatest glory and praise to our Creator. It is what we were meant to do."
"score": 0.6524153948,
"text": "1 \"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declared the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'\" (Jeremiah 29:11). 2 The Bible says that God's will is \"good, pleasing and perfect\" (Romans 12:2).his means Christians must be committed to following God's will daily, whatever the cost. \"If anyone would come to me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me\" (Luke 9:23). 1 The Bible will help us to know God's will. \" 2 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path\" (Psalm 119:105)."
"score": 0.6517908573,
"text": "Along with this, you might consider enrolling in a Bible college. The path to knowing your gifts and discovering what God wants you to do involves seeking to grow and serve as God gives you opportunities. It may not be God's will for you to be a pastor. He may want you to be a missionary abroad, or a school teacher."
"score": 0.6491963863,
"text": "For the Bible teaches that if you really want to know God's will, you must be willing to do it even before you know what it is. This is clearly taught in John 7:17 : If any man will do His will [and the phrase means 'wants to do it'], he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself..or to know God's will we must come to the point where we first want to do it. The second great principle for knowing the will of God is that nothing can be the will of God that is contrary to the Word of God."
"score": 0.6416604519,
"text": "The result is that we will be able to test and approve what God's will is his good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12:2b). It is the will of God for every believer to be a living sacrifice for Jesus Christ. Recommended Resources: A Godward Life by John Piper and Logos Bible Software.t is the will of God for every believer to be a living sacrifice for Jesus Christ. Recommended Resources: A Godward Life by John Piper and Logos Bible Software."
"score": 0.6364371777,
"text": "15 Questions to Discover Your Life Purpose. The following are a list of questions that can assist you in discovering your purpose. They are meant as a guide to help you get into a frame of mind that will be conducive to defining your personal mission. Simple Instructions: Take out a few sheets of loose paper and a pen."
"score": 0.630625248,
"text": "What is the difference between God's sovereign will and God's perfect will? Return to: Questions about the Christian Life Return to: GotQuestions.org Home How can I know God's will for my life? What does the Bible say about knowing God's will?or example, the Bible forbids stealing; since God has clearly spoken on the issue, we know it is not His will for us to be a bank robbers—we don't even need to pray about it. Also, we should make sure what we are considering will glorify God and help us and others grow spiritually."
"score": 0.6305627823,
"text": "A previous study entitled, \"Seeking God's Will\" will help you understand the will of God and provide some important background information for the answer of your question. Not Many Ways. In Matthew 7:21 Jesus has given us a very serious warning."
"score": 0.6294254065,
"text": "This means Christians must be committed to following God's will daily, whatever the cost. \"If anyone would come to me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me\" (Luke 9:23). 1 The Bible will help us to know God's will. \" 2 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path\" (Psalm 119:105).his means Christians must be committed to following God's will daily, whatever the cost. \"If anyone would come to me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me\" (Luke 9:23). 1 The Bible will help us to know God's will. \" 2 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path\" (Psalm 119:105)."
"score": 0.6278496981,
"text": "1 Having a purpose in life can bring an inner sense of peace and help you discover your spirituality. 2 Try to find a career in a field you believe is important. 3 Or find something that you feel will improve the world you live in.ou can begin by discovering what you already believe. 1 Make a list of your values. 2 Write down things that you believe are important in life. 3 Write down what you believe is right and wrong behavior."
"score": 0.6257798672,
"text": "However, we need to know that God does have a plan for all of our lives. You see, according to Ephesians 1:11, \"God works all things after the counsel of his will.\" This means that your life, all of it, has been worked out according to the counsel of God's will."
"score": 0.6237848997,
"text": "The result is that we will be able to test and approve what God's will is his good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12:2b). It is the will of God for every believer to be a living sacrifice for Jesus Christ."
"score": 0.6199113727,
"text": "Just follow him and accept that everything that happens in life is a part of his plan for you. FAITH in god and everything that he says in the bible will destroy any doubt that you have. If your heart is with God and you have given yourself to him then the decisions that you make are driven by him and not you."
"score": 0.6168987155,
"text": "I took some time to create my own simple process (5 steps) for figuring out your life purpose. Perhaps you will find it insightful! http://motivated.life/how-to-discover-your-life-purpose-today/"
"score": 0.6103096008,
"text": "That is what we do on this website, but the principles and much of the advice are also applicable to the married and the single life. . In the one life God gave you to live, you have one overriding purpose, to fulfill the will of God, because this is the key to your true destiny, eternal happiness."
"score": 0.6019836068,
"text": "1 \"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declared the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'\" (Jeremiah 29:11). 2 The Bible says that God's will is \"good, pleasing and perfect\" (Romans 12:2).od's will, first and foremost, is that we have a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. \"This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth\" (1 Timothy 2:3-4)."
"score": 0.5860223174,
"text": "All you have to do is Believe in God and live in the way God asks us to live. God knows your mind and heart so there's no reason to ask for specific things in your life. Just remember, if God doesn't thinks something will be good for you or to your advantage, you probably won't receive it.0, 1 Corin. 2. You should get the book, Prayers That Avail Much by Germaine Copeland-that has every kind of prayer you need in it and it will also tell you how to pray. Source(s): My Bishop told me to do this-it works."
"score": 0.5832238197,
"text": "By reading His Book, the Bible, we can also find the answers to all of our questions and problems. The first thing we must realize about God is that He loves us. The book of John in the Bible reveals His love in a very beautiful way. He loves us, He created us, and He has a plan for our lives.It is a very exciting and fulfilling plan, and we can know what that plan is for each of us individually.nd this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. John 17:3. Pastors Bud & Betty Miller on Knowing God. It may be difficult for some of us to believe that we can really know God, yet it is true that we can."
"score": 0.5794935822,
"text": "As you learn more about your relationship with God, and how much He loves you, you'll experience life to the fullest. If you have a question first, click here. This article first appeared in Answer Magazine 14:1 January/February 2007. Copyright © 2007 by Rusty Wright."
"score": 0.5761586428,
"text": "As Featured In…. Just Answer the 7 Questions below to reveal exactly how to discover your passions and create a life that you love!You'll receive a detailed analysis of your answers that will show you where you stand in living your passions AND receive instructions for how to take The Passion Test!1.s Featured In…. Just Answer the 7 Questions below to reveal exactly how to discover your passions and create a life that you love!You'll receive a detailed analysis of your answers that will show you where you stand in living your passions AND receive instructions for how to take The Passion Test!"
"score": 0.570158422,
"text": "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground! New American Standard Bible. Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground."
"score": 0.568130374,
"text": "It is something you will have to find for yourself. You can begin by discovering what you already believe. 1 Make a list of your values. 2 Write down things that you believe are important in life. 3 Write down what you believe is right and wrong behavior.ou can begin by discovering what you already believe. 1 Make a list of your values. 2 Write down things that you believe are important in life. 3 Write down what you believe is right and wrong behavior."
"score": 0.5509008169,
"text": "You only have one life to live now and one life to live in eternity so seize the moment. Live this life to the full with God guiding you, and secure your future life by trusting in Christ now while you can. Source(s): Fane Conant. Fane · 2 years ago."
"score": 0.5505442619,
"text": "Remember God's promises that He will use all situations-even the worst circumstances-to accomplish good purposes in your life if you trust Him. When you encounter suffering, open yourself up to receive God's love in the midst of it, and invite God to use it to the fullest to help you grow. Surrender and wait patiently.hese influences are each essential for the plant to grow. Similarly, the persons of the Trinity-God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit-are essential to your spiritual growth. Invite them all to work together in your soul. Invite God to work through you to transform you."
"score": 0.5497081876,
"text": "If you want to want to serve God, the key is to get to know Him! Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal more of God to you (John 16:13). When we truly know God, who is love (1 John 4:8), our natural response is a desire to love and serve Him in return.f you want to want to serve God, the key is to get to know Him! Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal more of God to you (John 16:13). When we truly know God, who is love (1 John 4:8), our natural response is a desire to love and serve Him in return."
"score": 0.5480648875,
"text": "Learn how to make money, God's way. It is part of his plan to prosper you. \"For I know the plans I have for you,\" declares the LORD, \"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.\" Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)."
"score": 0.5443495512,
"text": "No one is going to heaven unless he or she is doing the Father's will. What is the will of the Father? The previous study \"Seeking God's Will\" explains at least five \"wills of God\" that appear in the New Testament. But only Christians can do the will of God. That means the most important will of the Father is . . . And this is His commandment, that we believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as He commanded us. (NASB) 1 John 3:23."
"score": 0.5408163071,
"text": "According to the Bible, our purpose, the reason we are here, is for God's glory. In other words, our purpose is to praise God, worship Him, to proclaim His greatness, and to accomplish His will. This is what glorifies Him.f the ultimate goal in life is to bring glory to God, then we can do that by being the best at what we do in the various callings of life. So, as the Bible says, . . . whatever you do, do all to the glory of God, (1 Cor."
"score": 0.5400881767,
"text": "You might find yourself asking, Why is life so hard?. Without God, humanity is easily drawn into hatred, racism, sexual abuse, murdering each other. Jesus said, \"I came that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.\" 11 To find out how to begin a relationship with God, please see Knowing God Personally.esus said, These things I have spoken to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world. 9 He went through our ultimate threat -- death -- and overcame it."
"score": 0.5388426781,
"text": "Therefore, for the Christian, we are to live to bring glory to God. How we do that is through prayer and study of His Word, the Bible, so that we might better know what He has for us. Tweet. About The Author Matt Slick is the President and Founder of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.f the ultimate goal in life is to bring glory to God, then we can do that by being the best at what we do in the various callings of life. So, as the Bible says, . . . whatever you do, do all to the glory of God, (1 Cor."
"score": 0.5341123343,
"text": "But what does the Bible say about taking your own life? God has a great plan for your life. God's plan is for life, not death. Jesus taught that death and destruction are the work of \"the thief\" (Satan). Jesus wants us to have life. Life belongs to God."
"score": 0.5339061618,
"text": "God has given each of us the choice. He said it this way: \"I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live\" (Deuteronomy 30:19). We must choose to take what God has offered. And we must do that—\"by force\" Matthew 11:12 says."
"score": 0.5338464975,
"text": "If you are ready to ask Jesus to come into your heart, letting him be the one who teaches you, guides you, and has total control of your life, there are three things that must happen: 1.You must admit that you are not perfect. 2. confess that you are the Son of God, and I want you to be the king of my life. Please come in and take over. Thank you for forgiving me. Amen.. If you prayed this prayer-or one like it-and you meant it with all of your heart, you are now a member of the family of God."
"score": 0.5336840749,
"text": "The first thing we must realize about God is that He loves us. The book of John in the Bible reveals His love in a very beautiful way. He loves us, He created us, and He has a plan for our lives. It is a very exciting and fulfilling plan, and we can know what that plan is for each of us individually.hat is why Bible study is an imperative part of our walk with God. The Bible reveals to us the nature of God. The greatest attribute of God is that He is a God of Love. Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God."
"score": 0.5324850082,
"text": "This is their spirit guide at work. How To Ask For Guidance. Once you learn how to communicate with your guide, you can get in touch with him/her at will or whenever you need answers to some burning life questions. You can also use dreams to get in touch with your guide.Simply go to sleep secure in the knowledge that you will dream a solution to your problems or an answer to your questions. You will wake up knowing the answer to your question or the solution to your problems.his is their spirit guide at work. How To Ask For Guidance. Once you learn how to communicate with your guide, you can get in touch with him/her at will or whenever you need answers to some burning life questions. You can also use dreams to get in touch with your guide."
"score": 0.5310602188,
"text": "Can we actually know whether there is life beyond the grave? Where can we go for meaningful, believable answers? Only the Creator of life can reveal its purpose and the state of the dead. By looking into the Word of God for answers to our questions, we can learn a great deal about both life and death. This booklet will take a look at what God, our Creator, says about life and death in His inspired Word, the Bible."
"score": 0.5262737274,
"text": "You can begin to personally know God in this life on earth, and after death into eternity. Here is God's promise to us: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 29. Jesus took our sin on himself, on the cross.ou can begin to personally know God in this life on earth, and after death into eternity. Here is God's promise to us: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 29. Jesus took our sin on himself, on the cross."
"score": 0.5247587562,
"text": "Our desire as Christians is to understand what God has revealed about himself and his will for us in the Bible and to follow it. To do this, we need to be sure that we understand how the Bible applies to our lives in the instructions that God gives to us in it.he prophets are the exhorters for the Mosaic Covenant and thus the same principle applies. We can use their words in understanding how God feels about things, but the penalties do not apply to us. Many statements in the OT reveal great truths about God, his nature and attributes."
"score": 0.5128154755,
"text": "The free will choices that you make in life are what are going to determine which leaf or leaves you end up on. In other words, your future is determined by your free will choices. You are exactly where you are in life because of the choices you made, not because of fate or destiny."
"score": 0.5120206475,
"text": "Take your time and you'll find. What you're looking for and. Search your heart and your mind. You will soon discover. You're gonna make it better."
"score": 0.5119294524,
"text": "Live in such a way as to hear your Lord say to you one day, \"Well done.\" Get on the right side of the universe's moral system. Honor God by living in sexual purity. If you do, you'll experience his blessing and rewards not only today, tomorrow, and ten years from now, but throughout eternity."
"score": 0.5065557957,
"text": "God's plan is for life, not death. The Bible teaches that both physical and spiritual death are the result of our sin and disobedience to God, but eternal life is a gift to those who receive it. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23)."
"score": 0.5057015419,
"text": "11And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you. In this chapter, we will explore some of the laws or principles in the Kingdom of God.We will start by looking at two forms of life in the natural world to give understanding of some of the spiritual laws. We hope to learn spiritual wisdom from familiar types and shadows in the natural world.Two Forms of Life.n this chapter, we will explore some of the laws or principles in the Kingdom of God. We will start by looking at two forms of life in the natural world to give understanding of some of the spiritual laws. We hope to learn spiritual wisdom from familiar types and shadows in the natural world. Two Forms of Life."
"score": 0.5033856034,
"text": "The choice is up to you. Choose wisely. Life after death is very real and you are heading somewhere when you die. Our hope is that you will choose the one true God and that your final destination will be with Him. To find out more about how you to become a Christian and find eternal life through Jesus Christ, please see the following article.... http://whatdoesthebiblesayabout.com/a... Please let us know your thoughts about this video by leaving a comment below...."
"score": 0.5019504428,
"text": "To learn who Jesus is, let's go to the book where we find an accurate record of His life and teachings in the Bible. The Bible is a collection of 66 books written by some 35 to 40 men.The writers of the Bible were men of many different occupations.here you find His life and teachings. You discover why He came into the world and what He has done for you. The Bible tells you what Jesus is doing now and what He will do in the future. You can learn about Jesus from the experience of others."
"score": 0.4987248778,
"text": "God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: What the Bible Says about Knowing God. By Betty Miller. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.John 17:3. Pastors Bud & Betty Miller on Knowing God. It may be difficult for some of us to believe that we can really know God, yet it is true that we can.hat is why Bible study is an imperative part of our walk with God. The Bible reveals to us the nature of God. The greatest attribute of God is that He is a God of Love. Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God."
"score": 0.4980714917,
"text": "God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: What the Bible Says about Knowing God. By Betty Miller. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.John 17:3. Pastors Bud & Betty Miller on Knowing God. It may be difficult for some of us to believe that we can really know God, yet it is true that we can.nd this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. John 17:3. Pastors Bud & Betty Miller on Knowing God. It may be difficult for some of us to believe that we can really know God, yet it is true that we can."
"score": 0.4965277314,
"text": "Intercession is prayer that pleads with God for your needs and the needs of others. But it is also much more than that. Intercession involves taking hold of God's will and refusing to let go until His will comes to pass. Intercession is warfare -- the key to God's battle plan for our lives.his incredible access to God is the basis for intercession. Once you are in God's presence, you can now discover His battle plan for the situation you are facing. Because prayer alone is not enough -- you need a target for your prayers! To discover God's plan, all you have to do is ask."
"score": 0.4946943521,
"text": "Then fill your mind with God's truth. In other words, don't just empty your mind of evil thoughts, but fill it with good thoughts — in other words, with God's truth as it is found in the Bible. Make the Bible part of your life every day, and memorize as much of it as you can. Then when evil thoughts come into your mind, immediately turn your attention to God's promises and His love for you. The Bible says, \"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you\" (Psalm 119:11)."
"score": 0.4939935505,
"text": "1 When you know your values and why you do what you do, you will live according to your own values and beliefs. 2 Establish your own identity. 3 When you are able to have a solid foundation of being you, you are establishing your own sense of identity. 4 No matter what happens in your life, you will always know who you are."
"score": 0.4844811261,
"text": "One Methods: Two Simple Keys. The Bible says there is one way to Heaven. Jesus said: I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father but by me.. (John 14:6) This one way is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior and follow God's plans for our life which are laid out in the Bible.Good works cannot save you.John 14:6) This one way is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior and follow God's plans for our life which are laid out in the Bible. Good works cannot save you."
"score": 0.483620882,
"text": "If you are a new Christian, these studies will help you build a solid foundation for your faith. The third part of this series deals with multiplying your life for the Lord, but that is based on grasping the material in Parts 1 and 2. So I'd encourage you to start there and see what the Lord does in your life. You might also work on developing other skills such as English grammar, spelling, writing, and reading because these things are vital and will improve your ability to study and grasp God's Word and communicate it to others."
"score": 0.476537168,
"text": "The prophet Joel revealed the heart of God. It is the will of God to pour upon His people the rains of restoration. Years of your life may have been eaten by... The prophet Joel revealed the heart of God. It is the will of God to pour upon His people the rains of restoration. Years of your life may have been eaten by locust - today is a new day! So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust and the chewing locust Joel 2:26. Category Education"
"score": 0.473795563,
"text": "If you ask Jesus to come into your life as your Lord and Saviour, to forgive all your sins and to help you get rid of the evil spirit in your body or fight demonic forces in your home or regain your soul-He will. Two things can happen. One, you may immediately be freed from the evil spirit.eek the advice of a holy priest to get rid of evil in your house, life, etc. Go to www.relevantradio.com and find Go Ask Your Father--a Catholic radio show where priests answer questions. You can phone or e-mail and ask their advice. God bless."
"score": 0.4724056125,
"text": "Yes, continued Lord Henry, that is one of the great secrets of life—to cure the soul by means of the senses, and the senses by means of the soul. You are a wonderful creation. You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know.. (2.14-15)"
"score": 0.4715883732,
"text": "Writing Your Will. 1 1. Decide how you will write your will. You have a few options here: Write your own will. 2 2. Identify yourself on the will. Include identifying factors in your will to ensure that your will isn't confused with that of someone else with the same name. 3 3. Make a declaration."
"score": 0.4700163901,
"text": "The more we know God's Word, the better equipped we are as believers to minister, teach and model Christ with our very lives. The whole Word of God is important, and no verse less valuable than any other.As we study and memorize the Bible, we do however find some verses that help us understand key truths.or God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16. Know God's Word. Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it."
"score": 0.4548443854,
"text": "How to Find Out if a Will Exists. The first thing to do is to find out if a will has gone through probate. If you know where the decedent died, contact the probate court in that county."
"score": 0.450469017,
"text": "Lord Jesus, I ask you to come into my life, to be my Lord and Savior. I believe You died for my sins and rose victorious over death. I ask You to forgive me of all my sins. I turn from my sin today, only to follow Jesus Christ all the days of my life.or that reason, He sent His Son, Jesus, as a substitute to die for our sins. You see, there is power in the shed Blood of Jesus Christ. When we go to God and ask forgiveness of sin, the Blood of Jesus covers our sins. It says, \"We are no longer guilty.\" Salvation."
"score": 0.4279062748,
"text": "He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.\" (John 11:25). We will receive immortality when Jesus comes again (see 1 Corinthians 15:51-54). The Bible says that all those who have died—both righteous and wicked—will be raised to life in one of two resurrections.The righteous will be raised to life at Jesus' second coming. \" For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God.ccording to this verse, the righteous do not to go heaven when they die. They remain asleep in the grave until Jesus returns and raises them to immortal life (see 1 Corinthians 15:50-57). The wicked are raised to life in a separate resurrection—the resurrection of condemnation."
"score": 0.4141398072,
"text": "Our innovative programs, world-class training, nutrition and holistic approach to wellness will guide you toward a healthy way of life by engaging your areas of interest and helping you discover new ones. Visit any location for a free trial membership and discover how Life Time Fitness is different."
"score": 0.3420102894,
"text": "Something of the 'spirit-to-become' freely given Edit. The used spell card is the Something of the spirit to become freely given. Filliman turning into a Nature Spirit. Go inside, and search the grotto in the middle of the cave.Filliman will turn into a Nature Spirit. He will then ask you to get a Silver sickle. Go back to Filliman, and give him the sickle.He will bless it, give you back a Silver sickle (b) and tell you that you can bless other sickles in the future simply by dipping them in the grotto water.illiman will turn into a Nature Spirit. He will then ask you to get a Silver sickle. Go back to Filliman, and give him the sickle. He will bless it, give you back a Silver sickle (b) and tell you that you can bless other sickles in the future simply by dipping them in the grotto water."
] |
what is an edi for accounts payable | [
"score": 0.6706531048,
"text": "Electronic Data Interchange Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the electronic exchange of business information using a public standard format. It provides a common language for formatting business transactions which facilitates business-to-business integration by the flow of standardized electronic transactions between trading partners throughout the world."
] | [
"score": 0.6411442757,
"text": "If your company does less than 3,500 invoices per year you may choose to do EDI/AS2 or Web EDI. Web EDI is a free, web-based solution that allows suppliers to receive purchase orders and send. invoices without the expense of an EDI package. More information on Web EDI is available on Retail. Link E-Commerce/EDI."
"score": 0.6386014223,
"text": "Electronic Data Interchange or \"EDI\": means the computer-to-computer exchange of business information. between trading partners using the standard transaction formats (ANSI ASC X12). Because EDI differs from. manual methods of data exchange, this Agreement is intended to resolve EDI specific issues not covered by any."
"score": 0.6283519268,
"text": "Electronic Billing & EDI Transactions. EDI support furnished by Medicare contractors. The information in this section is intended for the use of health care providers, clearinghouses and billing services that submit transactions to or receive transactions from Medicare fee-for-service contractors."
"score": 0.6199451685,
"text": "Page 3 of 53 Introduction EDI – Electronic Data Interchange is a structured Document standard and is one of the most widely used standard in Business-to-Business communication. The various modes of exchanging an EDI data are using the well-known exchange protocols such as AS1, AS2, and VAN."
"score": 0.6070500612,
"text": "And their first question is, What is EDI capable? Simply stated, being EDI capable is the capability to send and receive electronic business documents in a specific format based on established standards. There are essentially two ways to accomplish EDI capability: Outsource or buy your own software.Companies who choose to outsource have about as many options as there are days of the year. Between Web EDI, hosted services, managed services, FAX-to-EDI, email-to EDI, and SaaS...the choices are almost limitless.here are essentially two ways to accomplish EDI capability: Outsource or buy your own software. Companies who choose to outsource have about as many options as there are days of the year. Between Web EDI, hosted services, managed services, FAX-to-EDI, email-to EDI, and SaaS...the choices are almost limitless."
"score": 0.6064789295,
"text": "accounts payable (A/P) Unpaid bills. Accounts that are owed to suppliers (trade creditors) as distinguished from accrued interest, rent, salaries, taxes, and other such accounts. Accounts payable are shown under current (short-term) liabilities in the balance sheet."
"score": 0.6054922342,
"text": "±inancial Electronic Data Interchange Capabilities integrates E±T with EDI; the computer to computer exchange of payment and payment related information between companies using a standard format When both the customerand the organization receiving payment use banks capable of ±EDI, remittance data and thefunds transfer is sent ___________ as a ____ ..."
"score": 0.6017729044,
"text": "You can receive multiple transactions in a single EDI transmission; each transaction can have one deposit, each deposit can have multiple payments, and each payment can have multiple remittances (that is, it can pay multiple invoices)."
"score": 0.5952807069,
"text": "Credit: Syda Productions/Shutterstock. Accounts payable are the bills and other debts that the business needs to pay. As a matter of fact, the only thing that a business pays that is not considered accounts payable is payroll. Everything else falls under the category, making it a critical aspect of your business."
"score": 0.5951926708,
"text": "The EDI rule is a set of data transmission specifications that strictly govern the way data is electronically transferred from one computer to another. The rule specifically defines the different types of transactions that are covered under HIPAA and stipulates the exact format for each transaction record.he EDI rule is a set of data transmission specifications that strictly govern the way data is electronically transferred from one computer to another. The rule specifically defines the different types of transactions that are covered under HIPAA and stipulates the exact format for each transaction record."
"score": 0.5922136307,
"text": "AS2 which is short for Applicability Statement 2 and is also known as EDIINT which is short for EDI over the Internet is HTTP protocol designed specifically for EDI transactions which defines a method to securely and reliably transfer EDI data.Companies use AS2 for 2 reasons.S2 which is short for Applicability Statement 2 and is also known as EDIINT which is short for EDI over the Internet is HTTP protocol designed specifically for EDI transactions which defines a method to securely and reliably transfer EDI data."
"score": 0.5920849442,
"text": "In addition to EDI, transactions involving evaluated receipts settlements (ERS) also present challenges for taxpayers and taxing authorities,(1) as do corporate procurement cards and audit issues arising from their use."
"score": 0.5851812363,
"text": "Accounts Payable is debited when a payment is made to a supplier or vendor. Stated another way, a credit to Accounts Payable will increase the balance in Accounts Payable, and a debit to Accounts Payable will decrease the balance."
"score": 0.5597144961,
"text": "Health Net is working hard to make claims procedures easier for providers. Health Net's Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) solutions make it easy for more than 125,000 in our national provider network to submit claims electronically. Whether on-line, through your practice management system, vendor or direct through a data feed, EDI ensures that your claims get submitted quickly."
"score": 0.5488843322,
"text": "EDI Health Care Eligibility/Benefit Inquiry (270) is used to inquire about the health care eligibility and benefits associated with a subscriber or dependent. EDI Health Care Eligibility/Benefit Response (271) is used to respond to a request inquiry about the health care eligibility and benefits associated with a subscriber or dependent."
"score": 0.5484133959,
"text": "EDISS determines billing groups. Billing Service – A billing service is an entity that assists a provider bill for services performed. CCR (Claims Confirmation Report) – The CCR is a report designed to inform Trading Partners of the status of their ANSI electronic claim files submitted to EDI Support Services (EDISS)."
"score": 0.5448007584,
"text": "Pay by Experience Level for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Coordinator. Median of all compensation (including tips, bonus, and overtime) by years of experience. Experience and income seem to be closely related; in general, the survey respondents who had worked for more years reported higher incomes."
"score": 0.5416571498,
"text": "Accounts payable insurance provides coverage to a business when one of its customers fails to make payment on its debt. When obtaining a policy, a company will choose which of its customers to insure."
"score": 0.5414477587,
"text": "Its suppliers allow the company 30, 60, 90, or even 120 days before they're required to pay up. For the purchasing company, these instances are recorded on the balance sheet as a short-term liability called accounts payable. Over time, how a company uses its accounts payable can have a big impact on its cash flow. Accounts payable are considered a source of cash, meaning that by taking advantage of these arrangements with suppliers, a company can actually increase its cash flow and cash on hand."
"score": 0.5410929322,
"text": "For example, a physician will send a claim to a health plan to request payment for medical services. HIPAA adopted certain standard transactions for electronic data interchange (EDI) of administrative health care data.Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), if a covered entity conducts one of the adopted transactions electronically, they must use the adopted standard.n the industry these transactions are commonly referred to by a certain number, which is included next to each one in parenthesis: 1 Health claims or equivalent encounter information (837). 2 Eligibility for a health plan (270/271)."
"score": 0.5377995372,
"text": "Accounts Payable Job Description. If you're looking for an accounts payable job, send us your resume today. Accounts payable role and responsibilities. As an accounts payable specialist, you'll be asked to perform accounting and clerical tasks for the maintenance and processing of accounts payable transactions."
"score": 0.526954174,
"text": "The amount of your accounts payable balance changes during an accounting period due to purchases made on credit and payments you made on your accounts payable balance. You may calculate your accounts payable at the end of an accounting period to determine what to report on your balance sheet."
"score": 0.5247819424,
"text": "Once you have registered your business with the EDD, you will be issued an eight-digit employer payroll tax account number (example: 000-0000-0), also known as a State Employer Identification Number, SEIN, or state ID number. Your employer payroll tax account number is required for all EDD interactions to ensure your account is accurate. You must provide your employer payroll tax account number when filing returns and making deposits in all electronic and paper filings."
"score": 0.5224983096,
"text": "The basic requirements in learning how to reconcile accounts payable records include knowledge of the data that goes into the Accounts Payable General Ledger (AP-GL) control account and how this information is processed.he basic requirements in learning how to reconcile accounts payable records include knowledge of the data that goes into the Accounts Payable General Ledger (AP-GL) control account and how this information is processed."
"score": 0.5187082291,
"text": "Advanced registration is not required when filing online by selecting the File E-500 and pay online option within the E-500 Sales and Use E-File web service. This option allows you to file online and pay by Bank Draft, Visa, or MasterCard. Registration is required when filing online by uploading an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) formatted return. To register, you must complete Form NC-592, Sales and Use Tax Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Registration. For more information about EDI including a list of approved software vendors, click here. This option allows you to file by EDI and pay by Bank Draft, Visa, MasterCard, or EFT."
"score": 0.5127099156,
"text": "Types of direct income in accounts? What type of account is bills payable account? ALL payable accounts are liabilities no matter what they are for. Whether it is a bill payable, mortgage payable, note payable, wages payable, etc, they are all listed as a li…ability. This is because a payable is something you (your company) owes but has not paid yet."
"score": 0.5040945411,
"text": "The Employment Development Department's (EDD) credit card program allows you to make your Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88) payments and pay other payroll tax liabilities on the Internet or by phone. The credit card program is administered by our vendor, the Official Payments Corp. (OPC)."
"score": 0.4984351695,
"text": "I am going to cover a detailed Accounts Payable job description for you so you can understand what a typical day might look like for a professional working in Accounts Payable. The below can also be used as a sample accounts payable job description for resume. Accounts Payable Job Description."
"score": 0.4888058901,
"text": "Billing Service - A billing service is an entity that assists a provider bill for services performed. CCR (Claims Confirmation Report) - The CCR is a report designed to inform Trading Partners of the status of their ANSI electronic claim files submitted to EDI Support Services (EDISS). This report is created after EDISS translates the incoming file. EDISS then distributes the CCR to the Trading Partners via the BBS."
"score": 0.4861615896,
"text": "(Redirected from EDIPI) Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) is a computerized database for United States Service members, retirees, 100% VA Disabled Veterans, dependents, DoD active Contractors, and others worldwide who are entitled to Public Key Infrastructure and TRICARE eligibility."
"score": 0.4848858118,
"text": "ClaimConnect™, the leading online e-claims processing solution for the dental industry connects dental offices directly to Payers. This EDI connectivity, integrated with most practice management systems, allows you to process dental insurance claims and get patient eligibility and benefit info quickly and easily."
"score": 0.484074235,
"text": "The Employment Development Department (EDD) Debit Card is the new and more efficient way of delivering California State Disability Insurance (Disability Insurance [DI], Paid Family Leave [PFL]), and Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefit payments. The EDD Debit Card allows customers to receive their benefits faster, easier, and more secure."
"score": 0.4690672159,
"text": "The Employment Development Department (EDD) uses the EDD Debit CardSM from Bank of America to deliver benefit payments for all EDD benefit programs including Disability Insurance (DI), Paid Family Leave (PFL), and Unemployment Insurance (UI). The EDD Debit CardSM is valid for three years from the date of issue."
"score": 0.4651355743,
"text": "The Payroll Tax Deposit (DE 88) coupon is used to report and pay Unemployment Insurance (UI), Employment Training Tax (ETT), State Disability Insurance (SDI) withholding, and Personal Income Tax (PIT) withholding to the EDD."
"score": 0.4516164958,
"text": "The EDD uses the EDD Debit Card SM from Bank of America to deliver benefit payments for all EDD benefit programs including Disability Insurance (DI), Paid Family Leave, and Unemployment Insurance. The EDD Debit Card is mailed to you when you certify for your first week and the payment is authorized by the EDD. The card is valid for three years and if you have a previously unexpired card from a prior UI, DI, or PFL claim, the benefit payments for the new claim will be placed on the previously issued card. Benefit payments issued to your EDD Debit Card account should be received in no more than five business days. If it has been over five days since the benefit payment was issued, contact the EDD. If the benefit payment is the form of a check, please allow 10 days from the date the check was issued for postal delivery or return of a check. If it has been over 10 days since the check was issued, contact the EDD."
"score": 0.4499458671,
"text": "The Employment Development Department (EDD) Debit Card is a more efficient way of delivering California Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Paid Family Leave benefit payments. A Visa® EDD Debit Card is automatically mailed to claimants who are determined eligible for benefits. The EDD, with Bank of America, will provide you with an EDD Debit Card that is valid for three years from the date of issue. Benefit payments for which you are eligible will be deposited to your debit card account."
"score": 0.44941324,
"text": "The Employment Development Department (EDD) Debit Card is a more efficient way of delivering California Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Paid Family Leave benefit payments. A Visa® EDD Debit Card is automatically mailed to claimants who are determined eligible for benefits. The EDD, with Bank of America, will provide you with an EDD Debit Card that is valid for three years from the date of issue. Benefit payments for which you are eligible will be deposited to your debit card account. You will have access to your funds 24 hours a day, 7 days a week everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted."
"score": 0.4223475754,
"text": "What is Notes Payable? What is a promissory note? What is a contra liability account? What is the difference between notes payable and notes receivable? What is the difference between Notes Payable and Accounts Payable? How do you record an asset that was partially financed?"
"score": 0.3771567941,
"text": "What's an NRO account? A Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) account is the normal bank account opened by an Indian going abroad with the intention of becoming an NRI. An NRI can also open this account by sending remittances from his home country or by transferring funds from his other NRO account."
"score": 0.3715290129,
"text": "A Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) account is the normal bank account opened by an Indian going abroad with the intention of becoming an NRI. An NRI can also open this account by sending remittances from his home country or by transferring funds from his other NRO account. Non-Resident Ordinary (NRO) account is the normal bank account opened by an Indian going abroad with the intention of becoming an NRI. An NRI can also open this account by sending remittances from his home country or by transferring funds from his other NRO account."
"score": 0.3591401875,
"text": "To use a bank account, you will need to know your bank account number. Only bank accounts can be used to set up recurring payments. The maximum one-time payment you can make online using a bank account is $50,000. The maximum recurring payment you can make online using a bank account is $5,000 $2,500."
] |
how long to become phlebotomist | [
"score": 0.8349285722,
"text": "Typically, phlebotomy courses last from 4 to 6 months, though some may be shorter or a little longer, depending upon the level of training and the kind of certification offered. During the phlebotomy training classes, you will receive both theoretical knowledge as well as practical training."
] | [
"score": 0.7781313658,
"text": "It takes approximately 4 months depending on whether you go full time or part time. It's a very easy course...It teaches you how to draw blood and also proper patient interact … ion. The median yearly salary of a Phlebotomist is about $43,000.t takes approximately 4 months depending on whether you go full time or part time. It's a very easy course...It teaches you how to draw blood and also proper patient interact … ion. The median yearly salary of a Phlebotomist is about $43,000."
"score": 0.7541923523,
"text": "If you have no field training, but have completed a phlebotomy training course and have obtained a certified phlebotomist license. … how long does it take to be a phlebotomist, yhs-fullyhosted_003, how long is phlebotomy training, …. Requirements. Before you can take the American Red Cross phlebotomy certification course, you must meet several requirements. You must be a high school graduate and be able to pass a reading comprehension test."
"score": 0.746723175,
"text": "To become a phlebotomist, you must finish high school and complete a training program. The training program includes study in anatomy, blood collection procedures, proper storage and handling of blood samples and safety precautions."
"score": 0.7389720678,
"text": "Phlebotomy training is a two-course sequence. In the first course, Phlebotomy 100 (PHLEB 100, 4 credits and 44 hours of lecture), students must achieve a 75 percent or better on testing as well as pass the required lab skills and competencies to continue into the second course of the sequence."
"score": 0.7341074944,
"text": "Yes, the path is shorter. So – the three requirements to be a Phlebotomist are – educational attainment, training & internship, and examination. Educational Attainment. Do not be too shocked to know that there is a required certain level of education. This is merely a high school diploma."
"score": 0.7279971242,
"text": "I wanna be a phlebotomist how long does it take? I live in florida, but i live 20 mins from alabama and the college there is offering phlebotomy classes,and im really interested . The councelor said it would be 2 semesters so,about how many months would that be for college? Also how much do phlebotomists make in florida?"
"score": 0.7038383484,
"text": "Phlebotomy requires good handeye coordination and National examination and state certification: National examination procedures and state If so, for how long?_____. • How long is the class? o 120 hours of class/lab clinical components, you will be eligible to sit for a National Certification Exam."
"score": 0.7034927607,
"text": "Degree Programs. Most phlebotomists receive a combination of classroom training and on-the-job experience. Although a college degree is not required, many phlebotomists obtain an associate's degree. A bachelor's degree in medical technology is also an option for aspiring phlebotomists."
"score": 0.703440547,
"text": "P.S... Most Ivy Tech locations offer a phlebotomy course that is one semester in length, it is just a course that teaches you the basics of phlebotomy, you don't get ceritifed or anything...If you're wanting to learn just for your own knowledge, that is an option for you. Last edit by KacyLynnRN on Jul 29, '04."
"score": 0.7032907605,
"text": "Phlebotomist: Overview of Phlebotomy Career Education. Learn about the education and preparation needed to become a phlebotomist. Get a quick view of the requirements as well as... Phlebotomy: How to Become a Phlebotomist. Learn how to become a phlebotomist. Research the education and career requirements, licensure, and experience required for..."
"score": 0.7011730671,
"text": "The fee for phlebotomy training varies based on the cost. After you complete the course, (which can last four to eight months), you should be certified enough to take the main state test. The fee for this test is generally $50, though it can vary in different states.o be considered for tuition in your current state, you have to have been in your area of residence for 2 years or more. Otherwise, you have to pay your tuition out of your current state. At most community colleges, phlebotomy training can range from $600 to $2,500. Some classes can cost even more."
"score": 0.7004968524,
"text": "While there is no degree requirement to become a phlebotomist, associate's and bachelor's degrees are available. Phlebotomists do blood work that is used in laboratory testing, blood transfusions and medical studies. They work at blood banks, hospitals, laboratories and neighborhood health centers. Although no education is mandatory to be employed as a phlebotomist, most hold an associate's degree in the field or have completed phlebotomy training as part of a bachelor's degree program in a health-related field, such as nursing."
"score": 0.6818652749,
"text": "All phlebotomists and students must take a California approved phlebotomy course, and upon completion, pass a national exam. If you have had phlebotomy experience in the last 5 years, you may only need our advanced class to be eligible for the certification test and licensinging required by the state of California."
"score": 0.6810055971,
"text": "There is no set time limit in terms of how long it takes to get an MCSE certification.Certification is based on passing a series of seven exams, so the time it takes depends upon how much time and effort is spent studying for the exams.t takes approximately 4 months depending on whether you go full time or part time. It's a very easy course...It teaches you how to draw blood and also proper patient interact … ion. The median yearly salary of a Phlebotomist is about $43,000."
"score": 0.6680397987,
"text": "Phlebotomy Salary In Paterson, NJ (New Jersey) You have to remember that before you have the training to become a certified phlebotomist, complying the set of requirements first is required. … If you are a travelling phlebotomist in Paterson, New Jersey, …. How Long Does It Take To Become A Certified Phlebotomist …."
"score": 0.6667755246,
"text": "Answer by Answers Publisher. Confidence votes 262K. There is no set time limit in terms of how long it takes to get an MCSE certification. Certification is based on passing a series of seven exams, so the time it takes depends upon how much time and effort is spent studying for the exams.t takes approximately 4 months depending on whether you go full time or part time. It's a very easy course...It teaches you how to draw blood and also proper patient interact … ion. The median yearly salary of a Phlebotomist is about $43,000."
"score": 0.6439983249,
"text": "Average phlebotomist salary. Find out how much you can earn as a phlebotomist and other FAQs. How To Become A Phlebotomist. … According to the US Bureau of Labor, the national average rate of pay for a phlebotomist in 2008 was $12.50 per hour.verage phlebotomist salary. Find out how much you can earn as a phlebotomist and other FAQs. How To Become A Phlebotomist. … According to the US Bureau of Labor, the national average rate of pay for a phlebotomist in 2008 was $12.50 per hour."
"score": 0.6352767944,
"text": "As you can see from a graph below, salary for phlebotomists with less than 1 year of experience is only $2,000 – $2,300 lower than for those who practice phlebotomy for 4-10 years. The difference only starts to be notable compared to 10+ years of experience.he most popular certification in the phlebotomy field is ASCP Certified Phlebotomy Technician (PBT). Also, American Medical Technologists (AMT) Certified Phlebotomists seem to get a good starting salary of $27,514."
"score": 0.6321431994,
"text": "Phlebotomy Certification In Brick NJ – Become a Phlebotomist …. With the above information, you shouldn't have a problem making an informed decision about how to become a Phlebotomist. … Become a Phlebotomist in New Jersey Reviewed by: Whitby Fortney on Sep 29."
"score": 0.6289070845,
"text": "As you can see from a graph below, salary for phlebotomists with less than 1 year of experience is only $2,000 – $2,300 lower than for those who practice phlebotomy for 4-10 years. The difference only starts to be notable compared to 10+ years of experience.verage median salary of phlebotomist in the US is $28,018 per year. Of course, it depends greatly on many variables, such as experience, location, type of facility where you will work, etc."
"score": 0.6214312315,
"text": "One thought on \"How Long It Takes to Get a Pell Grant\". Hi I am a 60 year old woman who is Divorced after 25 years I need to work again, I thought I would be good as a Phlebotomist. Its a 90 hour cost but cost $1,600. The course starts Sep 13th so I am probably to late for that course asking for funding."
"score": 0.6016961932,
"text": "The length of time you will need to complete your degree depends on the type you have chosen. 1 As such: 2 Ph.D. programs generally take between five and seven years to finish. The curriculum will be made up of extensive coursework, but you will also have to complete a supervised residency or internship."
"score": 0.5664666295,
"text": "As such: 1 Ph.D. programs generally take between five and seven years to finish. The curriculum will be made up of extensive coursework, but you will also have to complete a supervised residency or internship. 2 Psy.D. programs take between four and six years to complete on average."
"score": 0.5138643384,
"text": "How Much Do Phlebotomist Make On Long Island New York Phlebotomist Salaries | Salary.com … bonuses, stats, job descriptions and open positions for Phlebotomist in New York."
] |
what county is longview texas | [
"score": 0.8264118433,
"text": "LONGVIEW, TX (GREGG COUNTY) LONGVIEW, TEXAS (Gregg County). Longview, the county seat of Gregg County, is on Interstate Highway 20 and U.S. highways 80 and 259, about 125 miles east of Dallas in eastern Gregg and western Harrison counties. In the early 1990s it was the largest city in Gregg County."
] | [
"score": 0.7485986948,
"text": "Longview, Washington. Longview is a city in Cowlitz County, Washington, United States. It is the principal city of the Longview, Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area, which encompasses all of Cowlitz County. Longview's population was 36,648 at the time of the 2010 census and it is the largest city in Cowlitz County."
"score": 0.7446759939,
"text": "Longview, WA. Sponsored Topics. Longview is a city in Cowlitz County, Washington, United States. It is the principal city of the Longview, Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area, which encompasses all of Cowlitz County. The population was 36,648 at the time of the 2010 census."
"score": 0.7397542596,
"text": "Longview is a city in Cowlitz County, Washington, United States. It is the principal city of the Longview, Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area, which encompasses all of Cowlitz County. The population was 36,648 at the time of the 2010 census. Longview is located in southwestern Washington, at the junction of the Cowlitz and Columbia rivers. Longview shares a border with Kelso to the east. The Long-Bell Lumber Company, led by Robert A. Long, made the decision in 1918 to buy a great expanse of timberland in Cowlitz County."
"score": 0.7300947309,
"text": "Longview, Washington. Longview is a city in Cowlitz County, Washington, United States. It is the principal city of the Longview, Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area, which encompasses all of Cowlitz County. Longview's population was 36,648 at the time of the 2010 census and it is the largest city in Cowlitz County. The city is located in southwestern Washington, at the junction of the Cowlitz and Columbia rivers. Longview shares a border with Kelso to the east, which is the county seat."
"score": 0.7050310373,
"text": "Longview, TX. Located in Northeastern Texas, Longview is a thriving city with ample opportunities to mingle with the locals. Annual events draw people from around the world, keeping the Longview restaurant scene fresh and cultivating an easy hospitality marked by a friendly howdy and a big Texas grin."
"score": 0.7009084225,
"text": "County in Longview on YP.com. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best County & Parish Government in Longview, TX. Start your search by typing in the business name below. What do you want to find?"
"score": 0.6954517365,
"text": "Longview, TX. Sponsored Topics. Located in Northeastern Texas, Longview is a thriving city with ample opportunities to mingle with the locals. Annual events draw people from around the world, keeping the Longview restaurant scene fresh and cultivating an easy hospitality marked by a friendly howdy and a big Texas grin."
"score": 0.6938277483,
"text": "Rusk County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 53,330. Its county seat is Henderson. The county is named for Thomas Jefferson Rusk, a secretary of war of the Republic of Texas. Rusk County is part of the Longview, TX Metropolitan Statistical Area as well as the Longview–Marshall, TX Combined Statistical Area. Travis Clardy, a Republican from Nacogdoches, is the Texas State Representative for House District 11, which includes Rusk County."
"score": 0.6901882291,
"text": "Longview is considered a major hub city for East Texas, as is the nearby city of Tyler. In 2014, Forbes magazine ranked Longview as the sixth fastest-growing small city in the United States.ongview is represented in the Texas Senate by Republican Kevin Eltife, District 1, and in the Texas House of Representatives by Republican David Simpson, District 7. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice operates the Longview District Parole Office in Longview."
"score": 0.6893661022,
"text": "UPSHUR COUNTY. Upshur County is in northeastern Texas. The center of the county lies at 32°44' north latitude and 94°54' west longitude. Gilmer, the seat of government, is near the center of the county, twenty-three miles northwest of Longview. The county was named for Abel Parker Upshur, the secretary of state under President John Tyler."
"score": 0.6844036579,
"text": "Longview, Texas. 1 Longview: Ariel view of a neighborhood. 2 Longview: Gregg Cty Courthouse in Downtown. 3 Longview: Lake O' The Pines. Longview: A view of some pretty Longview pine 1 trees. Longview: Ariel view of Longview. Longview: Tyler St. Renovation 1 Downtown. Longview: Airplane on runway at East Texas Regional."
"score": 0.6683278084,
"text": "LONG BRANCH, TX (PANOLA COUNTY) LONG BRANCH, TEXAS (Panola County). Long Branch, on Farm Road 348 fourteen miles southwest of Carthage in southwestern Panola County, was first settled before the Civil War and was named for a long sandy arm of the Murvaul Bayou. A post office was established there in 1858, and a Baptist church was organized in 1874."
"score": 0.6654248238,
"text": "Overview of Longview. Located in the heart of east Texas along Interstate 80, Longview is one of Texas' most sought-after communities because of all the amenities that this charming city has to offer.ne of the city's most prized events is the Great Texas Balloon Race. Originally a lighting of tethered balloons as an evening event for locals on Friday and Saturday nights, the race has turned into an annual event that attracts residents from all over the Lone Star State."
"score": 0.6625293493,
"text": "Longview is considered a major hub city for East Texas, as is the nearby city of Tyler. In 2014, Forbes magazine ranked Longview as the sixth fastest-growing small city in the United States."
"score": 0.6583440304,
"text": "About City of Longview, Cowlitz County, WA Public Record Searches. Search the City of Longview, public records using best found research sources online. This City zip code is 98632 with a total population of 36,648. Look up recorded information of Longview, including demographics and local economy."
"score": 0.657967329,
"text": "Area name: Longview, TX HUD Metro FMR Area. Fair market rent in 2006 for a 1-bedroom apartment in Gregg County is $466 a month. Fair market rent for a 2-bedroom apartment is $535 a month. Fair market rent for a 3-bedroom apartment is $732 a month."
"score": 0.657384932,
"text": "TxDot Public Review and Public Hearing on August 23. TxDOT, in cooperation with the City of Longview, is holding a Public Review and Public Hearing for the draft environmental assessment (EA) regarding proposed roadway improvements for FM 2206 in Gregg County from Highway 42 to Loop 281. Read on..."
"score": 0.6545276046,
"text": "Longview, Illinois. Homefacts City Report. Longview is located in Champaign County, IL. The population is 163. There are 0 public schools in Longview with an average Homefacts rating of NA. The total crime rate for Longview is very low, and there are 0 registered sex offenders residing in the city."
"score": 0.6514744759,
"text": "WHITE OAK, TX (GREGG COUNTY) WHITE OAK, TEXAS (Gregg County). White Oak, at the junction of U.S. Highway 80 and Farm Road 3272, just west of Longview in north central Gregg County, grew up around a school established in 1887."
"score": 0.6484395266,
"text": "Panola County grand jury declines to indict trooper ... A Panola County grand jury on Thursday declined to indict a Texas Department of Public Safety trooper who shot and killed a Longview man in ... Eastbound Interstate 20 near Eastman Road in Longview has been closed to traffic after a wreck in the area."
"score": 0.6478807926,
"text": "The city of Longview was founded in the 1870s by Ossamus Hitch Methvin, Sr. In 1870, Methvin sold 100 acres to the Southern Pacific Railroad for one dollar to persuade them to build their line in the direction of land he owned.ongview is represented in the Texas Senate by Republican Kevin Eltife, District 1, and in the Texas House of Representatives by Republican David Simpson, District 7. The Texas Department of Criminal Justice operates the Longview District Parole Office in Longview."
"score": 0.6465575695,
"text": "WHITE OAK, TEXAS (Gregg County). White Oak, at the junction of U.S. Highway 80 and Farm Road 3272, just west of Longview in north central Gregg County, grew up around a school established in 1887.HITE OAK, TEXAS (Gregg County). White Oak, at the junction of U.S. Highway 80 and Farm Road 3272, just west of Longview in north central Gregg County, grew up around a school established in 1887."
"score": 0.6431633234,
"text": "Texas Highway 281 is a 19.3-mile (31.1 km) loop highway that circumnavigates much of Longview from its east connection at I-20 east of the Gregg/Harrison county line to I-20 in Longview. It runs northward, westward, southward and eastward around the city."
"score": 0.6403514147,
"text": "In 1950 Eastman Kodak Company chose a site near Longview for its new subsidiary, Texas Eastman Company, which became the largest chemical complex in inland Texas. Other developments during the immediate postwar period in the greater Longview area included Gregg County Airport and Lake Cherokee."
"score": 0.640096426,
"text": "Longview is surrounded by many smaller cities and towns including: Kilgore, Gladewater, Gilmer, Ore City, Hallsville, Harleton, Diana, White Oak, and Lakeport. It is about 40 mi (64 km) east of the similarly sized city of Tyler."
"score": 0.6368267536,
"text": "Gregg County Clerk 101 East Methvin Street Longview TX 75601 20.2 miles from Gilmer 903-236-8430. Morris County Clerk 500 Broadnax Street Daingerfield TX 75638 24.5 miles from Gilmer 903-645-3911. Titus County Clerk 100 West 1st Street Mount Pleasant TX 75455 29.3 miles from Gilmer 903-577-6796."
"score": 0.632956624,
"text": "Clerks near Longview TX. Find Longview, TX clerk, including county, city, and circuit clerk, and clerk of court. Clerks provide information on public court records and legal documents, criminal, jail, and arrest records, marriage licenses, divorce, judicial, and probate records, businesses liens, notary services, real estate taxes and voter registration services. Showing 1-12 of 12 Clerks."
"score": 0.6317233443,
"text": "Located in Northeastern Texas, Longview is a thriving city with ample opportunities to mingle with the locals. Annual events draw people from around the world, keeping the Longview restaurant scene fresh and cultivating an easy hospitality marked by a friendly howdy and a big Texas grin. Every July, crowds flock to Longview and look toward the skies. The normally laid-back town bustles with excitement during the Great Texas Balloon Race, a celebration started in 1978 as a kickoff for a shopping mall that has grown into a major competition for the world's hot air balloon pilots."
"score": 0.6292468905,
"text": "National Night Out Kick Off Event. All Longview and Gregg County residents are encouraged to participate by hosting a NNO party in their neighborhood. The parties are designed to promote neighborhood alliances that strengthen our communities and preserve the quality of life in East Texas."
"score": 0.6282236576,
"text": "The following school districts serve Gregg County: 1 Gladewater ISD (partly in Smith, Upshur counties) 2 Kilgore ISD (partly in Rusk County) 3 Longview ISD. 4 Pine Tree ISD. 5 Sabine ISD. 6 Spring Hill ISD. 7 White Oak ISD."
"score": 0.6245857477,
"text": "Gregg County Assessor's Office 101 East Methvin Street Longview TX 75601 41.7 miles from Bullard 903-236-8417. Wood County Assessor's Office 301 East Goode Street Quitman TX 75783 45.3 miles from Bullard 903-763-2261. Upshur County Assessor's Office 215 Titus Street Gilmer TX 75644 45.8 miles from Bullard 903-843-3088"
"score": 0.6037912369,
"text": "1 Texas Highway 31 runs 143.3 miles (230.6 km) east/west between Longview and Waco, Texas. 2 Texas Highway 149, 33.9 mi (54.6 km) long, connects Longview with Carthage, Texas. 3 Texas Highway 300 is a short (18.62-mile (29.97 km)) highway connecting Longview to U.S. 271 in Gilmer, Texas."
"score": 0.5976139307,
"text": "Lakeview is located in Hall County, TX. The population is 77, making Lakeview the 3rd largest city in Hall County. There are 0 public schools in Lakeview with an average Homefacts rating of NA. The total crime rate for Lakeview is low, and there are 0 registered sex offenders residing in the city. Unemployment in Lakeview is very high and the median home sales price is $0."
"score": 0.594838202,
"text": "Plainview is a city in and the county seat of Hale County, Texas, United States. The population was 22,194 at the 2010 census."
"score": 0.594157517,
"text": "Longview, Gregg County, Texas, United States (1985 – present) Tulsa native John Moreland first debuted his name as a part of the Black Gold Band from 2006-2010, with a 2006 full-band demo, 2008's Endless Oklahoma Sky, and 2009's solo demo session falling in that time span before he decided to retire the Black Gold Band name."
"score": 0.5939055085,
"text": "Hale County is a county located in the U.S. state of Texas. As of the 2010 census, its population was 36,273. The county seat is Plainview. The county was created in 1876 and organized in 1888. It is named for Lt. John C. Hale, a hero of the Battle of San Jacinto."
"score": 0.5856233835,
"text": "Grandview is a city in Johnson County, Texas, United States. The population was 3,358 at the 2010 Census. David's Supermarkets, an independent chain of grocery stores, is headquartered in Grandview. Grandview is located at 32°15′56″N 97°10′40″W / 32.26556°N 97.17778°W / 32.26556; -97.17778 (32.265690, -97.177768)."
"score": 0.5761774182,
"text": "GRANDVIEW, TX. GRANDVIEW, TEXAS. Grandview is at the junction of U.S. Highway 81 and Interstate Highway 35W, twelve miles southeast of Cleburne in southeastern Johnson County. Settlement of the community occurred in the 1850s, when J. F. Scurlock opened a general store one mile north of the present site."
"score": 0.5744490623,
"text": "Fairview, Texas. Fairview is a town in Collin County, Texas, United States. It is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. As of the 2010 census, the town population was 7,248.[5] The estimated population in 2014 was 8,361.[6] The town is adjacent to the 289-acre (1.17 km2) Heard Wildlife Sanctuary."
"score": 0.5660744905,
"text": "Fairview is a town in Collin County, Texas, United States. It is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area. As of the 2010 census, the town population was 7,248. The estimated population in 2014 was 8,361. The town is adjacent to the 289-acre Heard Wildlife Sanctuary."
"score": 0.5639207363,
"text": "When Amy Lynn Cowling, a 33-year-old mother of three, died just after Christmas last year in the Gregg County Jail, two jailers were arrested and fired from the lockup in Longview, three others were fired and another resigned."
"score": 0.5616703033,
"text": "Palmview, Texas. Palmview is a city in Hidalgo County, Texas. The population was 5,460 at the 2010 United States Census. It is part of the McAllen–Edinburg–Mission and Reynosa–McAllen metropolitan areas."
"score": 0.5612636209,
"text": "Longview Comfort Suites, 3307 N 4th St, Longview, Texas 75605 , Phone: (903) 663-4991, Fax: (903) 663-4991 Longview Fairfield Inn, 3305 N 4TH St, Longview, Texas 75605 , Phone: (903) 663-1995, Fax: (903) 663-9533 Globe Inn Motel, 1300 E Marshall Ave, Longview, Texas 75601 , Phone: (903) 758-8263 Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suite, 900 S Access Rd, Longview, Texas 75602 , Phone: (903) 247-3000, Fax: (903) 247-3001"
"score": 0.546462357,
"text": "Lakeview, Texas, Hall County: travel, history, lankmarks, old schoolhouse, photos, 1920s vintage map, save on hotels, and more."
"score": 0.5455976725,
"text": "DESCRIPTION: 160 acres all in cultivation, southwest of Lakeview in Hall County, Texas. Previous crops cotton, wheat and grain sorghums. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All SW/4 of Section 73, Block 2, T & P Ry. Co. Survey, Hall County, Texas. TOPOGRAPHY: Sloping with terraces that have just been rebuilt/repaired to level bottom land on south west corner."
"score": 0.5258429646,
"text": "The name of the corporation shall be The Alumni Association of ROBERT A. LONG HIGH SCHOOL. The principal office of the corporation shall be at 911 11th Avenue, Longview, County of Cowlitz, State of Washington."
"score": 0.4706227779,
"text": "It started as the Longview Flying Field in 1924. It became J.D. Hill Airport in 1928, Latrobe Airport in 1935 and Westmoreland County Airport in 1978."
] |
what are russia's major exports | [
"score": 0.804700017,
"text": "Trade relationshios and trading partners of Russia. Russian main exports are energy (oil and petroleum products, gas, coal), rolled steel, ferrous and nonferrous metals and minerals. The greater part of Russian exports belongs to oil and petroleum products. Other leading exports are natural gas, timber, fertilizers, machinery and equipment, armaments."
] | [
"score": 0.7153092623,
"text": "Mining is a major sector of the Russian economy and provides important items for national export. Mineral resources are diverse, abundant, and generally well developed. Russia has large reserves of energy-bearing minerals, including petroleum, coal, and natural gas."
"score": 0.705426693,
"text": "Americans clearly love their museums, particularly in the summer months. Russia Trade, Exports and Imports. Rich in natural resources, Russia has the largest natural gas reserves in the world, the second largest coal reserves and the eighth largest oil reserves. From a broader systemic view, Russia would have to implement a number of legislative changes to bring its judiciary and regulatory system in line with WTO guidelines."
"score": 0.6960800886,
"text": "The petroleum industry in Russia is one of the largest in the world. Russia has the largest reserves, and is the largest exporter, of natural gas. It has the second largest coal reserves, the eighth largest oil reserves, and is the largest exporter of oil in the world in absolute numbers."
"score": 0.6878142357,
"text": "The IT market is one of the most dynamic sectors of the Russian economy. Russian software exports have risen from just $120 million in 2000 to $3.3 billion in 2010. Since the year 2000 the IT market has started growth rates of 30–40% a year, growing by 54% in 2006 alone.he petroleum industry in Russia is one of the largest in the world. Russia has the largest reserves, and is the largest exporter, of natural gas. It has the second largest coal reserves, the eighth largest oil reserves, and is the largest exporter of oil in the world in absolute numbers."
"score": 0.6877642274,
"text": "The mineral-packed Ural Mountains and the vast fossil fuel (oil, gas, coal), and timber reserves of Siberia and the Russian Far East make Russia rich in natural resources, which dominate Russian exports."
"score": 0.6843943596,
"text": "The petroleum industry in Russia is one of the largest in the world. Russia has the largest reserves, and is the largest exporter, of natural gas. It has the second largest coal reserves, the eighth largest oil reserves, and is the largest exporter of oil in the world in absolute numbers.he petroleum industry in Russia is one of the largest in the world. Russia has the largest reserves, and is the largest exporter, of natural gas. It has the second largest coal reserves, the eighth largest oil reserves, and is the largest exporter of oil in the world in absolute numbers."
"score": 0.683740139,
"text": "Russia has a high-income mixed economy with state ownership in strategic areas of the economy. Market reforms in the 1990s privatized much of Russian industry and agriculture, with notable exceptions in the energy and defense-related sectors.he petroleum industry in Russia is one of the largest in the world. Russia has the largest reserves, and is the largest exporter, of natural gas. It has the second largest coal reserves, the eighth largest oil reserves, and is the largest exporter of oil in the world in absolute numbers."
"score": 0.6790679693,
"text": "4. UK and Russia trade. UK exports of goods and services to Russia grew by over 75% between 2009 and 2012. Russia became the largest market for UK goods exports outside of the US, the European Union (EU) and China in 2012. UK goods and services exports to Russia were worth £7.6 billion in 2013. Goods exports worth £5.4 billion meant that Russia was the UK's 15th biggest market."
"score": 0.6784960032,
"text": "Russia is the largest country in the world and the fifth largest economy. The Russian economy is commodity-driven. Russia is the world's largest producer of oil (12 percent of world output), natural gas (18 percent) and nickel (20 percent).The energy sector is the most important, it contributes 20-25 percent of GDP, 65 percent of total exports and 30 percent of government budget revenue.he Russian economy is commodity-driven. Russia is the world's largest producer of oil (12 percent of world output), natural gas (18 percent) and nickel (20 percent). The energy sector is the most important, it contributes 20-25 percent of GDP, 65 percent of total exports and 30 percent of government budget revenue."
"score": 0.6766560078,
"text": "Oil and gas comprise over 60% of Russia's exports and make up over 30% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). Russia energy policy of pumping 10.6 million barrels of oil a day is nearly 4 billion barrels annually.Russia proven oil reserves are 100 billion barrels.he Energy policy of Russia is contained in an Energy Strategy document, which sets out policy for the period up to 2020."
"score": 0.6756318808,
"text": "The petroleum industry in Russia is one of the largest in the world. Russia has the largest reserves, and is the largest exporter, of natural gas. It has the second largest coal reserves, the eighth largest oil reserves, and is the largest producer of oil. It is the third largest energy user. Russia produced an average of 10.2 million barrels (1,620,000 m 3) of oil per day in 2010. It produces 12% of the world's oil and has a same share in global oil exports. In June 2006, Russian crude oil and condensate production reached to the post-Soviet maximum of 9.7 million barrels (1,540,000 m 3) per day."
"score": 0.6726887226,
"text": "Russia has the largest fuel reserves in the world and one of the largest producers by a big margin. It has a 12-13 % share in global oil exports. Russia has averaged a staggering 10 million barrels a day in the last decade and even with growing local demand, exports have increased over time."
"score": 0.6666256785,
"text": "Below is a list showcasing 15 of Russia's top trading partners in terms of export sales, revealing which countries imported the most Russian shipments by dollar value during 2016. Also shown is each import country's percentage of total Russian exports. Netherlands: US$29.3 billion (10.2% of total Russian exports)"
"score": 0.6595247984,
"text": "The IT market is one of the most dynamic sectors of the Russian economy. Russian software exports have risen from just $120 million in 2000 to $3.3 billion in 2010. Since the year 2000 the IT market has started growth rates of 30–40% a year, growing by 54% in 2006 alone.s of 2012 the oil-and-gas sector accounted for 16% of the GDP, 52% of federal budget revenues and over 70% of total exports. Russia has a large and sophisticated arms industry, capable of designing and manufacturing high-tech military equipment, including a fifth-generation fighter jet."
"score": 0.6580377221,
"text": "Russia is the largest country in the world and the fifth largest economy. The Russian economy is commodity-driven. Russia is the world's largest producer of oil (12 percent of world output), natural gas (18 percent) and nickel (20 percent).The energy sector is the most important, it contributes 20-25 percent of GDP, 65 percent of total exports and 30 percent of government budget revenue.ontent for-Russia GDP Growth Rate-was last refreshed on Thursday, October 22, 2015. The Russian economy shrank 2 percent on quarter in the three months to June of 2015, the worst performance since the 2009 crisis. Yekaterina | [email protected]."
"score": 0.6543952823,
"text": "According to the CIA World Factbook, Russia's oil exports were estimated to be around 7.301 million barrels per day. This is second only to Saudi Arabia in amount of oil expor…ted daily."
"score": 0.6543426514,
"text": "UKRAINE'S TOP EXPORT AND IMPORTS. Energy Supplies Makes Russia Largest among Ukrainian Trade Partners Major trade deficits with the United States and Russia in 2007. By Daniel Workman, Suite101.com, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Apr 7, 2008. Rich in agricultural and industrial resources, this Southeastern European Republic [Ukraine] is encumbered by recent trade deficits with the United States and Russia."
"score": 0.6523032784,
"text": "There were fears of the Russian economy going into recession from early 2014 - mainly as a result of the falling oil prices, the 2014 Russian military intervention in Ukraine and the subsequent capital flight.However, the 2014 GDP growth remained positive at 0.6%.he petroleum industry in Russia is one of the largest in the world. Russia has the largest reserves, and is the largest exporter, of natural gas. It has the second largest coal reserves, the eighth largest oil reserves, and is the largest exporter of oil in the world in absolute numbers."
"score": 0.6512624025,
"text": "Very well known for its tree's, Russia has 1/5 of the world's timber and wood, no surprise. iron ore, nickel, coal, gold, diamonds, furs, petroleum, zinc, aluminum, tin, lead, platinum, titanium, copper, tungsten phosphates, and mercury are the most popular natural resources that Russia provides."
"score": 0.6510171294,
"text": "Oil and natural gas accounted for some 68% of the country's exports in 2013. Read: Bank of Russia flags concerns over inflation. \"With a slowdown in the Chinese economy, and a glut of production, oil prices are unlikely to recover."
"score": 0.6486092806,
"text": "Oil and natural gas accounted for 68% of Russia's exports in 2013. Weak oil prices are crippling Russia's economy. Russia is running out of emergency funds. The country, which has been relying on its sovereign-wealth fund to plug gaps in its budget deficit, said its Reserve Fund is likely to be depleted in 2016."
"score": 0.6482514143,
"text": "Russia is one of the world's richest countries in raw materials, many of which are significant inputs for an industrial economy. Russia accounts for around 20 percent of the world's production of oil and natural gas and possesses large reserves of both fuels."
"score": 0.6452517509,
"text": "Russia holds the world's largest proven reserves of natural gas and continually alternates with Saudi Arabia as the top oil producer. The country supplies a third of Europe's oil and natural gas and is starting to export more to the energy-hungry East Asian markets."
"score": 0.6440056562,
"text": "Russia is the world's fourth largest electricity producer after the USA, China, and Japan. In 2005, Russia produced 951 TWh and exported 23 TWh of electricity. Roughly 63% of Russia's electricity is generated by thermal plants, 21% by hydropower and 16% comes from nuclear reactors."
"score": 0.6395579576,
"text": "Economic Complexity of Russia Product Space. The product space is a network connecting products that are likely to be co-exported and can be used to predict the evolution of a country's export structure. Russia exports 153 products with revealed comparative advantage (meaning that its share of global exports is larger than what would be expected from the size of its export economy and from the size of a product's global market)."
"score": 0.6374458075,
"text": "The country is one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states and possesses the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Russia was the world's second biggest exporter of major arms in 2010-14, according to SIPRI data."
"score": 0.6344645023,
"text": "Russian Railways is Russia's state-owned railway monopoly and ships most of Russia's non-hydrocarbon exports. It is also involved in most major resource developments, providing transport for both hydrocarbon and mineral resources."
"score": 0.6336555481,
"text": "Russian Railways is Russia's state-owned railway monopoly and ships most of Russia's non-hydrocarbon exports. It is also involved in most major resource developments, providing transport for both hydrocarbon and mineral resources. The company earned approximately 370 million USD in profits for 2008."
"score": 0.6327307224,
"text": "Russia's top 10 imports accounted for almost three-fifths (58.5%) of the overall value of its product purchases from other countries. Russian imports represent just 0.9% of total global imports which totaled $18.729 trillion."
"score": 0.6308080554,
"text": "The price of oil and Russia's economy have the opposite relationship. When oil prices drop, Russia suffers greatly. Oil and gas comprise over 60% of Russia's exports and make up over 30% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). The effect of the 2014 oil price collapse on Russia's economy was fast and devastating."
"score": 0.6286348104,
"text": "Starting in the late 1800s, Russia added energy to the list of vital commodities it could use to achieve its central strategic goals. By the 1950s, Russia's energy sector had become one of the major pillars of its economic and political strength. The revenues from oil and natural gas exports show how the energy sector empowered the Kremlin to consolidate the country."
"score": 0.6286016703,
"text": "Russia possesses rich reserves of iron ore, manganese, chromium, nickel, platinum, titanium, copper, tin, lead, tungsten, diamonds, phosphates, and gold, and the forests of Siberia contain an estimated one-fifth of the world's timber, mainly conifers (see fig. 8; Environmental Conditions, ch. 3)."
"score": 0.6224414706,
"text": "Confidence votes 220. Russia is the world's largest mineral and energy supply and is known as an energy superpower, containing 22% of the world's oil, 16% of the world's coal, and 40% of the world's natural gas."
"score": 0.6185055971,
"text": "Russia's Top Trading Partners. Officially named the Russian Federation, Russia is the world's largest country in terms of geographic area. It shares land or maritime borders with 16 other countries. Russia shipped US$285.5 billion worth of products around the globe in 2016."
"score": 0.6171456575,
"text": "Energy Supplies Makes Russia Largest among Ukrainian Trade Partners Major trade deficits with the United States and Russia in 2007. By Daniel Workman, Suite101.com. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 7, 2008."
"score": 0.6137604117,
"text": "Russia's oil and export driven economy is ranked fifth amongst the top ten economies in the world with $3.4 trillion in GDP. In 2011, Germany surpassed Russia in GDP with $3.227 trillion compared to Russia's $3.203 trillion. In 2005, Russia was in eighth place.n June, the World Bank cut its growth forecast for Russia to less than 2.2 percent in 2013 and 3 percent in 2014, after revising January forecast the economy would grow by 3.6 percent in and 3.9 percent in 2014."
"score": 0.61294806,
"text": "1 directly by Western sanctions (exports of oil-producing equipment and of military and dual-use goods); 2 directly by Russia's food import ban; and indirectly due to Russia's recession and lower exchange rate, which together lead to much lower demand for imports (from anywhere in the world)."
"score": 0.6075735092,
"text": "At present Russia is the country which is the largest oil producing nation in the world. In 2011 its production was 12.65% of the world's total output. Also See. 1 Which country exports most petroleum in the world."
"score": 0.6069037318,
"text": "The IT market is one of the most dynamic sectors of the Russian economy. Russian software exports have risen from just $120 million in 2000 to $3.3 billion in 2010. Since the year 2000 the IT market has started growth rates of 30–40% a year, growing by 54% in 2006 alone."
"score": 0.6027411222,
"text": "markets, Turkey, Egypt, and Belarus received the largest share of their steel imports from Russia at 24.9 percent, 32 percent, and 78.9 percent, respectively. In 2016, flat products accounted for the largest share of steel imports from Russia in both Turkey (52% or 2 million metric tons) and Belarus"
"score": 0.6011442542,
"text": "Germany has appeared especially reluctant to ratchet up sanctions. That is not surprising, as German exports to Russia totalled 38bn euros (£30bn; $51bn) in 2013 - the highest in the EU. More importantly, Germany gets more than 30% of its oil and gas from Russia. Italy is also highly dependent on Russian energy and some of Russia's former Soviet bloc neighbours rely 100% on its gas deliveries. The EU's trade with Russia - worth nearly 270bn euros in 2012 - dwarfs US-Russia trade."
"score": 0.5999135375,
"text": "Russia is now again one of the 10 largest economies in the world. Additionally, it is. the EU's 3rd largest trading partner, and an essential energy supplier. This recovery. makes Russia an economic – and political – actor in Europe that cannot be ignored. This Country Focus describes Russia's much improved recent record as a. destination for foreign investment, in which the EU, as by far the largest investor in. Russia, has played a major role."
"score": 0.5940829515,
"text": "At present Russia is the country which is the largest oil producing nation in the world. In 2011 its production was 12.65% of the world's total output. Also See. 1 Which country exports most petroleum in the world. Which Country has the Largest Coal Reserves."
"score": 0.5939165354,
"text": "The administration also said Tuesday it was not concerned that the fallout from the Russian economy could hurt the U.S. Furman noted that exports to Russia represented only one 10th of 1 percent of U.S. gross domestic product."
"score": 0.5908713341,
"text": "In that year, Russia received the largest percentage of Brazil's exports, followed by Saudi Arabia, and India, which, coincidentally, is the world's second largest producer of sugar.his is in part thanks to record-breaking agricultural and oil exports, which helped cement Brazil's status as a net creditor in 2008. From 2009 through 2011, the value of total exports from Brazil increased 67% to $256 billion, according to The United Nation's Trade Statistics Branch."
"score": 0.5814127326,
"text": "The consumer goods market in Russia was worth USD 597 billion in 2013. It's an important market for fashion houses and global luxury brands with estimated sales of USD 57.3 billion in 2013. Russia is also the fastest growing market in Europe for food and drink."
"score": 0.5800198317,
"text": "a) Economics: Russia is one of Syria's biggest arms suppliers. Syrian contracts with the Russian defense industry have likely exceeded $4 billion, according to Jeffrey Mankoff, an adjunct fellow with the Center for Strategic and International Studies Russia and Eurasia Program."
"score": 0.5799941421,
"text": "The two neighboring countries have been intertwined for over 1,000 years of tumultuous history. Today, Ukraine is one of Russia's biggest markets for natural gas exports, a crucial transit route to the rest of Europe, and home to an estimated 7.5 million ethnic Russians — who mostly live in eastern Ukraine and the southern region of Crimea."
"score": 0.5779591203,
"text": "2) Russia: Russia also has a productive mining industry, its iron ore reserves are estimated to be worth $794 billion, according to The Telegraph. Russia accounts for 20 percent of the world's nickel and cobalt production and 5 to 7 percent of the world's coal and iron ore production.Russia has about 20,000 mineral deposits explored, to date. The mining industry in Russia is one of the most important industries to the country's economy.) Ukraine. Ukraine is also rich in iron ore, the country has $510 billion worth of deposits, says The Telegraph. Ukraine also has a productive mining industry, more than 300 mines are in operation."
"score": 0.5743172765,
"text": "A: China's main exports are electronic equipment and machinery, which amount to more than 40 percent of the country's total exports. China is the largest exporter in the world. China's highest value export products in descending order are mobile computing devices, such as tablets and laptop computers, cellphones and smartphones, computer processors and controllers, and liquid crystal display panels."
"score": 0.5627227426,
"text": "Russia - The World's Top Apple Importer. Russia, with an annual import of approximate 1,300,000 metric tons of apples, is the undisputed leading apple importer of our world today."
"score": 0.5564433336,
"text": "According to SIPRI's calculations, the United States alone accounts for 31% of the world's arms exports, and Russia accounts for 27%. Behind those two front-runners, China, Germany, and France all come in at 5%. Clearly, there's quite the rift."
"score": 0.5518686771,
"text": "China ranks on top in total exports around the world. 1 Its main exports (chapter-wise) are: 2 Electrical Machinery and Equipment (26.31%) 3 Machinery (15.98%) 4 Furniture (4.33%) 5 Articles of Knitted or Crocheted Apparel & Clothing Accessories (3.67%) 6 Articles of Not Knitted or Crocheted Apparel & Clothing Accessories (3.44%)"
"score": 0.5510960817,
"text": "South Atlantic News Agency. Russia investing heavily in becoming self sufficient in beef production. Russian President Vladimir Putin has an ambitious plan to cut his country's 3 billion dollars annual import bill for beef. He even aspires to return Russia's beef industry to its pre-revolutionary stature."
"score": 0.5450496674,
"text": "Stocks of U.S. investment in Russia through 2013 were approximately $18 billion. The United States is Russia's 10th largest foreign investor. Russia joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in August 2012. Congress also enacted legislation to extend permanent normal trade relations to Russia in the same year."
"score": 0.5447769165,
"text": "Further highlights from the study: 1 The share of global natural gas trade represented by liquified natural gas (LNG) surpassed 30 percent in 2010 for the first time on record. 2 Russia maintained its status as the world's leading exporter of natural gas, accounting for 27.5 percent of global pipeline trade."
"score": 0.5415194631,
"text": "Image by yeowatzup via Flicker. The capital of Russia and indisputably one of the world's most financially powerful cities, Moscow is home to the highest amount of the world's billionaires and to Gazprom, the world's largest natural gas exporter."
"score": 0.5307862163,
"text": "The top three U.S. exports to China in 2008 were electrical machinery ($9.5 billion), oil seeds and related products ($9.3 billion), and nuclear reactors and related machinery ($8.4 billion). China is now one of the most important markets for U.S. exports: in 2009, U.S. exports to China totaled $69.6 billion, a 0.2% decrease from 2008. Those percentages were down far less than U.S. exports to other major trading partners in the year following the global financial crisis."
] |
how to tell if a number is a bank account number | [
"score": 0.7114825249,
"text": "This is how banks know what bank the check is drawn on. This number is always nine digits in the United States. The second set of numbers is the account number. The account number is followed by a symbol that looks like two short side-by-side vertical lines with a large dot to the upper right of the two short lines. Note that there is one number left; that matches the number in the upper right corner of the check. This is the check number."
] | [
"score": 0.7255982161,
"text": "The second number is the checking account number. It is assigned by the bank and identifies the account the check is written on. When a check is presented to the bank for payment, the account number tells the bank which account to take the money out of.-."
"score": 0.7255715728,
"text": "Report Abuse. There'e the routing number-that tells what bank the check is from-always 9 numbers. Then there's the account number-usually 10 numbers but it can vary. blondambition · 9 years ago."
"score": 0.7192917466,
"text": "Read the first series of numbers. This will be nine digits in length for checks drawn from American accounts. This series of numbers is the routing number. Locate the second series of numbers on the checks, located after the routing number. This is the account number. The length of the account number is typically tied to the size of the banking institution. Banks with only a few accounts often have shorter account numbers than those with large amounts of accounts."
"score": 0.7175961733,
"text": "Routing Number. This 9-digit number identifies your bank. The number starts with 0, 1, 2, or 3. Account Number. This checking account number, assigned by your bank, is 4 digits or more. Personalization. There are 5 lines available for the personalization of your checks."
"score": 0.7169936895,
"text": "The check account number is private and unique to your bank account. The few ways to find your account number is on your personal checks or by signing into your online account. The check number is usually the last set of numbers on your personal check, but could be switched in placement with the account number. They're the shortest set of numbers on the check and hold no significance besides helping you keep track of which check you're writing."
"score": 0.7155596614,
"text": "The first nine numbers are the numbers for the bank's code. The next ten numbers are your personal … account numbers. The last four to six numbers are the number of your checks, that is the number printed on the top of your check."
"score": 0.7055228949,
"text": "Watch Related Videos. comments. If you have a bank account and no check in sight, but you need to know your bank account number, the best way for you to figure out what your banking information is, is to visit or phone your bank."
"score": 0.6982198358,
"text": "Account numbers are generally 7-15 digit numbers registered to a bank account. For OCBC, HSBC and State Bank of India, you will need to include the branch code followed by the account number. Please enter your account number without any hyphens, punctuation or spaces. UOB = 10 digit account number. DBS = 10 digit account number."
"score": 0.6963812113,
"text": "The NEXT ten numbers, left to right, after the routing number, are your unique bank account number. The 4 numbers that follow that (if on a check) are the check number that will match the check number in the upper right hand side of the check, if you look. HTH!! Source(s):"
"score": 0.6963126063,
"text": "Call us at 1-800-465-2422 or visit a branch. How to find your banking information on a personal cheque: How to find your bank account numbers online: You'll find your account number details on the \"My. Accounts\" screen. The first five digits are the transit. number and the last 7 digits are the account number. If you're set up to receive eStatements, you'll find your. account number at the top of each statement."
"score": 0.695361197,
"text": "If you have a Credit Card account instead of a Bank Account, your credit card number is your account number. Other than that, there should be somewhere on the screen your account information. EDIT: See Tiffany Richardson's answer on how to specifically find the account number on Wells Fargo's site."
"score": 0.695101738,
"text": "Also it WILL BE ON YOUR BANK STATEMENT if you have one. Look at the top on right or left for Sort: and Number: or Account Number:, as I said it should be 6 hyphenated digits for sort and 8 digits for acct number."
"score": 0.6925480962,
"text": "If your account number is not mentioned there are other ways to get the number. 1 You can login to your Online banking account and locate your account number somewhere on the welcome page itself. 2 You can also call up customer support and ask them for the bank account number by authenticating yourself."
"score": 0.6922184229,
"text": "Where can I find my bank account number and routing number? You will be able to find your bank account number in various places, such as your bank's online banking site, at the bottom of a check, or possibly on a payment/ATM card issued by your bank. Your bank will also be able to inform you of your account number if you contact them by phone or visit a branch. A routing number or routing transit number (RTN) is a nine digit number used to identify a financial institution."
"score": 0.6913524866,
"text": "How many digits are in a checking account number? A: Although the number of digits in a checking account varies by bank, most use from nine to 12, according to U.S. Bank. Banks print the checking account number as the second set of digits in the series of magnetic numbers at the bottom left of the check. Continue Reading."
"score": 0.6909890175,
"text": "Method 2: Look for an icon on the check that looks like the below icon. Find all details, including screenshots, at www.wikihow.com/Locate-a-Check-Routing-N... I assume you know if its a checking or savings, if not you can call the bank with your account number and they can verify that. You account number will be on your statement, or on a check/deposit slip, usually the second set of numbers after the |: the routing number is ALWAYS 9 digits. Source(s): I work at a bank."
"score": 0.6909117699,
"text": "The first nine digits of that line of numbers is the bank routing number. After those nine digits are a colon, and then the computerized version of your checking account number appears, followed by the check number."
"score": 0.6889160275,
"text": "Most of the banks have unique account numbers. Account number length varies from 9 digits to 18 digits. Most of the banks (67 out of 78) have included branch code as part of the account number structure. Some banks have product code as part of the account number structure. 40 out of 78 banks do not have check digit as part of the account number structure."
"score": 0.6882616878,
"text": "Although some account numbers are also nine digits, you can easily distinguish your routing number because it's usually the bottom left or middle set of numbers enclosed in a pair of identical symbols (⑆123456789⑆). Don't, however, look for your routing number or your ATM/debit card or prepaid card. The numbers on those cards are assigned under a separate system. It's on your bank's website or in its online banking system. It may be displayed on your user account page."
"score": 0.6880317926,
"text": "1 Visa-Digits two through six are the bank number, digits seven through 12 or seven through 15 are the account number and digit 13 or 16 is a check digit. 2 MasterCard-Digits two and three, two through four, two through five or two through six are the bank number (depending on whether digit two is a 1, 2, 3 or other)."
"score": 0.6835716963,
"text": "Look at the bottom left corner of your checks. If you have a Personal account the first sequence of numbers, usually a nine-digit number, is your ABA (American Bankers Associa…tion) routing number. If you have a Business account the ABA number will follow the six-digit check number at the bottom of the check."
"score": 0.6829829812,
"text": "Specify always your own bank account number as 6 to 17 digits in the \"Bank Account No.\" field. US bank accounts can be from 6 to 17 digits. Do not prefix or postfix. If your Bank Account number is shorter than 17 digits/chars just specify the number of digits you have and do not include the transit number."
"score": 0.6815222502,
"text": "A bank number is a bank code used to identify a bank for electronic purposes in the United States. Bank numbers such as Bank Identifier Code (BIC), Bank Identification Number (BIN), and Routing transit number (RTN) categorizes a bank for machine-aided sorting of checks and so forth. The term is used in some deposit-slip instructions such as List checks separately by bank number.. In the U.S.A. the first part stands for an area and the second part for a bank in that area. In the first half of the 20th century the area was either a major city or one of the 50 United States of America."
"score": 0.6810796261,
"text": "IBAN numbers identify accounts, and their approximate form is CCxxBBBBBBAAAAAAAA where CC is a country code, xx is a checksum, the Bs represent a bank identifier (e.g. in the UK a 6-digit sort code) and the As represent an account number (e.g. in the UK an 8-digit account number)."
"score": 0.6810662746,
"text": "The account number works in conjunction with the routing number. While the routing number identifies the name of the financial institution (see Types of Financial Institutions And Their Roles.), the account number – usually between eight and 10 digits – identifies your individual account."
"score": 0.6809931397,
"text": "Below are five examples of how your information may appear. The bank routing number is underlined in green and the account number is underlined in red. In these examples, you would enter the bank routing number as 126000107 and the account number as 6173694. DO NOT ENTER YOUR CHECK NUMBER. Your check number is also located on the bottom of your check, on either side of the bank routing number or the account number."
"score": 0.6808521748,
"text": "Account Number. The account number works in conjunction with the routing number. While the routing number identifies the name of the financial institution (see Types of Financial Institutions And Their Roles.), the account number – usually between eight and 10 digits – identifies your individual account."
"score": 0.678917408,
"text": "1 Visa - Digits two through six are the bank number, digits seven through 12 or seven through 15 are the account number and digit 13 or 16 is a check digit. MasterCard - Digits two and three, two through four, two through five or two through six are the bank number (depending on whether digit two is a 1, 2, 3 or other)."
"score": 0.675881505,
"text": "The first two sets of numbers are your bank routing and checking account numbers; these remain the same from one check to the next. The last set of numbers is the check number and will be different depending on the actual paper check. Your bank routing number is the first nine-digit number on the bottom of each check. This number, often referred to as a routing transit number, identifies the financial institution that you bank with."
"score": 0.6749411821,
"text": "1 Visa - Digits two through six are the bank number, digits seven through 12 or seven through 15 are the account number and digit 13 or 16 is a check digit. MasterCard - Digits two and three, two through four, two through five or two through six are the bank number (depending on whether digit two is a 1, 2, 3 or other). The digits after the bank number up through digit 15 are the account number, and digit 16 is a check digit."
"score": 0.672639966,
"text": "Specify always your own bank account number as 15 to 26 digits following the above syntax. You must always specify your transit number in the beginning of the field and it must be 9 digits (no chars only digits). US bank accounts can be from 6 to 17 digits. Do not prefix or postfix."
"score": 0.6723265648,
"text": "Visa - Digits two through six are the bank number, digits seven through 12 or seven through 15 are the account number and digit 13 or 16 is a check digit. MasterCard - Digits two and three, two through four, two through five or two through six are the bank number (depending on whether digit two is a 1, 2, 3 or other). The digits after the bank number up through digit 15 are the account number, and digit 16 is a check digit."
"score": 0.668053031,
"text": "You can find both your routing number and account number in your checkbook. At the bottom of each check, you will see three groups of numbers: routing numbers (again, typically nine digits) appear as the first group; the account number generally comes second; and the third is the actual check number."
"score": 0.6656058431,
"text": "I've heard that you can just place a '0' in front of your bank account number to give it 9 digits, however I'm worried if I do so it might go into some else's account as the added number means it isn't technically my real bank account number."
"score": 0.6653968096,
"text": "Your bank routing number is a nine-digit code that's based on the U.S. Bank location where your account was opened. It's the first set of numbers printed on the bottom of your checks, on the left side. You can also find it in the U.S. Bank routing number chart below. Your account number (usually 10-12 digits) is specific to your personal account. It's the second set of numbers printed on the bottom of your checks, just to the right of the bank routing number."
"score": 0.6639187336,
"text": "As shown in the above photo, the first set of numbers is the Cheque #. The same number is at the top right of the cheque too. The next 5 numbers is the transit number. These numbers represent the location of your bank branch, where you first opened the account. The next 3 numbers is your bank institution number. The remaining numbers is the account number."
"score": 0.6619965434,
"text": "Sometimes we need to Bank's Institution Number. We can find it from our banking check, however, most of time we don't have a check. And, sometimes the bank employee never told us the Institution Number but only account number and transaction number.ometimes we need to Bank's Institution Number. We can find it from our banking check, however, most of time we don't have a check. And, sometimes the bank employee never told us the Institution Number but only account number and transaction number."
"score": 0.660979867,
"text": "Locating Your Routing Number. You can find the bank routing number, your checking account number and the check number (in that order from left to right) located at the bottom of one of your checks. See the above example. Make sure you are using a check and NOT a deposit slip, since the numbers may not be the same. The first nine numbers from the left at the bottom of your check are your bank routing number. This number is always nine digits. If you have questions, feel free to call our customer service team at 800.843.1552."
"score": 0.65752244,
"text": "How many digits in a Canadian bank account number? It depends on the bank. Each bank has a 3 digit institution number, a 5 digit transit/branch number, and a variable account number. For example, BMO and RBC are 7 digits, TD m…ight be 11 or 7, and HSBC is 9 digits. 26 people found this useful."
"score": 0.6530169249,
"text": "In order to receive payments directly to your bank account, you'll need to provide us with your branch transit number, financial institution number, and bank account number. You will find these numbers on the cheques issued for your account. The branch transit number, financial institution number, and bank account number are located at the bottom edge of your cheque. Branch transit numbers are always 5 digits long and financial institution numbers are always 3 digits long. Bank account numbers may be up to 12 digits long. Below is an example of a cheque:"
"score": 0.6528475285,
"text": "Spanish bank account numbers are made up of 20 digits. 2100 is the name of the bank (ie. 2527 is the branch code (ie. 1234567890 is the 10 digit account number. Whenever you are asked for your bank account details in Spain, you should provide the full 20 digits."
"score": 0.6502634287,
"text": "The easiest way to find your bank routing number is to open your checkbook. Your routing number is listed at the bottom of your check; it appears just to the right of your account number, and it is 9-digits long."
"score": 0.6365252137,
"text": "You'll find a link in the I'd like to'' list on your checking account transactions page. There are actually two components you'll need when providing routing number information. Your bank routing number is a nine-digit code that's based on the U.S. Bank location where your account was opened. It's the first set of numbers printed on the bottom of your checks, on the left side. You can also find it in the U.S. Bank routing number chart below."
"score": 0.6353864074,
"text": "Find Your U.S. Bank ABA Routing Number (RTN) Often when you're making a payment by phone or online, you will be asked for your checking account routing number. It's a 9 digit identification number for a bank branch and is also referred to as an RTN, a routing transit number, an ABA or a banking routing number."
"score": 0.5921857357,
"text": "Hi. SAP standrad provides bank account number digits maximum 18 only,i am looking for solution where china bank account number digits are 19 or 22 ,can any one tell me how to achove this,is there any OSS note for this or any work around solution."
"score": 0.587010026,
"text": "How to write a check Canada? Cheques for Canadian Banks such as TD Canada Trust, RBC Royal Bank, Scotiabank, CIBC, BMO cheques. How to issue a cheque Canada? Account number, transit number, branch number, cheque number, designation number, financial institution number. How to Read a Check - How to read a USA check? Bank check explained. Understanding bank checks: account number, routing number, check number, bank branch."
"score": 0.586600244,
"text": "SAP standrad provides bank account number digits maximum 18 only,i am looking for solution where china bank account number digits are 19 or 22 ,can any one tell me how to achove this,is there any OSS note for this or any work around solution."
"score": 0.574847877,
"text": "How to write a cheque for a Canadian Bank? How to write a check Canada? Cheques for Canadian Banks such as TD Canada Trust, RBC Royal Bank, Scotiabank, CIBC, BMO cheques. How to issue a cheque Canada? Account number, transit number, branch number, cheque number, designation number, financial institution number. How to Read a Check - How to read a USA check? Bank check explained. Understanding bank checks: account number, routing number, check number, bank branch."
"score": 0.541947782,
"text": "Tax Refunds: Tell the IRS to electronically deposit your refund directly to your Control card account. Simply provide the bank routing number (sometimes referred to as the 'ABA Routing Number') and your card account number. Login to get the bank routing number and your card account number ."
] |
what is a ucf file | [
"score": 0.8654052615,
"text": "Universal Communications Format File. UCF file is an Universal Communications Format File. UCF is a special file format the you can use to display rich media files in WebEx sessions. WebEx is a web conference system. It is a tool for online meetings, conferences, and other Web-based events. Description link."
] | [
"score": 0.677101016,
"text": "UCF stands for Unified Compliance Framework. Suggest new definition. This definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Information technology (IT) and computers."
"score": 0.6626474261,
"text": "Did your computer fail to open an UCF file? We explain what UCF files are and recommend software that we know can open or convert your UCF files. Every day thousands of users submit information to us about which programs they use to open specific types of files."
"score": 0.6201927066,
"text": "Setting Up Your User Constraints File. To Access the UCF File for Your XPS Project. 1 Click the Project tab in the Project Information area of the XPS Main Window and look for the UCF file under the Project Files heading. Double-click the UCF file to open it in the text editor."
"score": 0.6135948896,
"text": "Universal Disk Format (UDF) is a file system specification defined by OSTA. One objective of UDF is to replace the ISO9660 file system on optical media (CDs, DVDs, etc)."
"score": 0.613091588,
"text": "Universal Disk Format (UDF) is a file system specification defined by OSTA. One objective of UDF is to replace the ISO9660 file system on optical media (CDs, DVDs, etc). It is also a good file system to replace FAT on removable media."
"score": 0.6126468182,
"text": "UCF is an academic, partnership and research leader in numerous fields, such as optics, modeling and simulation, engineering and computer science, business administration, education, the sciences including biomedical sciences, hospitality management and digital media."
"score": 0.6119189262,
"text": "Setting Up Your User Constraints File. To Access the UCF File for Your XPS Project. Click the Project tab in the Project Information area of the XPS Main Window and look for the UCF file under the Project Files heading."
"score": 0.6110583544,
"text": "The ucsvc.exe is a Boot File Servicing Utility. This file is part of Microsoft® Windows® Operating System. Ucsvc.exe is developed by Microsoft Corporation. It's a system and hidden file. Ucsvc.exe is usually located in the %SYSTEM% folder and its usual size is 47,104 bytes."
"score": 0.6096855402,
"text": "Universal Disk Format (UDF) is a file system specification defined by OSTA. One objective of UDF is to replace the ISO9660 file system on optical media (CDs, DVDs, etc). It is also a good file system to replace FAT on removable media. Any removable media (CD, DVD, flash drive, external hard drive, etc) needs a file system format. Can be understood by different platforms."
"score": 0.6011266708,
"text": "vs. SecurActive Performance Vision. Universal Disk Format (UDF) is a CD-ROM and DVD file system standard developed as a means of ensuring consistency among data written to various optical media, by facilitating both data interchange and the implementation of the ISO/IEC 13346 standard."
"score": 0.5990590453,
"text": "What is a VCF file? VCF is an acronym for Virtual Contact File. VCF files, also commonly referred to as vCards, are the standard file format that is used to store contact information for individuals and businesses in a digital file format."
"score": 0.5921015739,
"text": "Universal Disk Format (UDF) Universal Disk Format (UDF) is a CD-ROM and DVD file system standard developed as a means of ensuring consistency among data written to various optical media, by facilitating both data interchange and the implementation of the ISO/IEC 13346 standard. UDF is required for DVD-ROMs, and is used by DVD to contain MPEG audio/video streams."
"score": 0.5743979216,
"text": "what is a vcf file vcf is an acronym for virtual contact file vcf files also commonly referred to as vcards are the standard file format that is used to store contact information for individuals and businesses in a digital file format"
"score": 0.5726288557,
"text": "UCF Alert is a multi-media communications system that provides timely and accurate information about emergency situations that could impact the university. UCF will send emergency notifications without delay to ensure that our community is alerted as soon as possible."
"score": 0.5722844601,
"text": "UNFAVORABLE INFORMATION FILE (UIF) 1.1. What is an UIF. The UIF is an official record of unfavorable information about an individual. It documents administrative, judicial, or nonjudicial censures concerning the member's performance, responsibility, behavior, and so on. 1.1.1. The UIF consists of mandatory documents, optional documents (at the commander's discre- tion), and AF Forms 1058, Unfavorable Informat ion File Actions, and 1137, Unfavorable Informa- tion File Summary."
"score": 0.559461832,
"text": "UCS-X provides compatible extensions of the encoding forms UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32, in much the same way that UTF-8 is a compatible extension of ASCII. 1 Any ASCII file is a UTF-8 file, preserving character identities. Any UTF-8 file that contains only ASCII characters is also an ASCII file."
"score": 0.552750349,
"text": "VCF files, also commonly referred to as vCards, are the standard file format that is used to store contact information for individuals and businesses in a digital file format."
"score": 0.549800694,
"text": "1 A Profile on the University of Central Florida The University of Central Florida, sometimes called UCF, is a public university in the State University System of Florida. 2 It is the second largest university in the country …."
"score": 0.5497767329,
"text": "CIF is a file extension for a caller file format used by Norton's pcAnywhere remote access software. CIF stands for Caller I.D. File. CIF files contain a name and a password to identify the calling user. The CIF file extension is also associated with Easy CD Creator image files and CalTech Intermediate Graphic files."
"score": 0.5445519686,
"text": "The UCD is a common industry dataset that allows information on the Consumer Financial Protection. Bureau's (CFPB's) Closing Disclosure to be communicated electronically. The GSEs have developed. the UCD at the direction of the Federal Housing Finance Agency as part of the Uniform Mortgage Data. Program® (UMDP), an ongoing initiative to enhance loan quality and consistency through uniform loan. data standards for the single-family loans the GSEs purchase."
"score": 0.5364155769,
"text": "Unified Change Management (UCM) is the object-oriented realization of ClearCase, a set of software tools typically supporting the process area software configuration management.UCM is activity based.nified Change Management (UCM) is the object-oriented realization of ClearCase, a set of software tools typically supporting the process area software configuration management. UCM is activity based."
"score": 0.5313438177,
"text": "The Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD) is a component of the Uniform Mortgage Data Program® (UMDP®), an ongoing effort by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at the direction of our regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, to provide a common industry dataset to support the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) Closing Disclosure."
"score": 0.5248072743,
"text": "UCF is one of 25 public universities with the Carnegie Foundation's highest designation in two categories: community engagement and very high research activity. The main campus stretches 1,415 acres and manages 800 acres of natural ecosystems resulting in habitats for more than 45 animal species."
"score": 0.5236314535,
"text": "UCDP is a single joint portal for the electronic submission of appraisal data files to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (GSEs). It facilitates the electronic collection of appraisal report data prior to loan delivery for conventional mortgages delivered to the GSEs."
"score": 0.5186912417,
"text": "This Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD) is a new component in the Uniform Mortgage Data Program, which is an ongoing endeavor by the GSEs, under the direction of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, to improve the quality and accuracy of loan data."
"score": 0.5127324462,
"text": "UCF is ranked as one of the \"Most Innovative\" universities by U.S. News & World Report, a best-value university by The Princeton Review and Kiplinger's, and one of the nation's most affordable colleges by Forbes."
"score": 0.512352407,
"text": "UCF Police is a part of the county wide Enhanced 911 system and automatically receives calls related to the UCF campus."
"score": 0.5063468218,
"text": "Unified Commands, CENTCOM & Components. The Unified Command Plan (UCP) is a strategic document that establishes the missions, responsibilities, and geographic areas of responsibility (AORs) for commanders of combatant commands (COCOMs). The UCP is a classified executive branch document prepared by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS)."
"score": 0.5060604811,
"text": "WebEx Recording File. WRF file is a WebEx Recording File. WebEx is a web conference system. It is a tool for online meetings, conferences, and other Web-based events."
"score": 0.5054653883,
"text": "Encryptafile Signature. SEF file is an Encryptafile Signature. Encryptafile is a powerful tool that supports both traditional secret-key encryption as well as public-key encryption. An SEF file (Encryptafile Signature file) is a file that contains digital signature data and/or a digital envelope."
"score": 0.5050593019,
"text": "Publisher's Description. From Callback File System (CBFS) is a software component (library) for presenting various data as files and directories of a local virtual disk. Regardless of where the actual data are kept: in files, in database records, memory, or elsewhere - they will be treated as if they were parts of a single file system."
"score": 0.5002800822,
"text": "All accepted documents are processed in a timely manner, recorded, filed, and made available to the public upon request. The Uniform Commercial Code Section (UCC) is the central filing office for certain financing statements and other documents provided for under the Uniform Commercial Code since 1966. Documents filed in the central filing office relate to the following:"
"score": 0.498077035,
"text": "The term UTF-EBCDIC stands for EBCDIC-friendly Unicode (or UCS) Transformation Format. EBCDIC, IBM's Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code, is one of the widely used 8-bit industry encodings. Detailed information on EBCDIC can be found in the IBM publication IBM Character Data Representation Architecture, Reference and Registry, SC09-2190-00, December 1996."
"score": 0.497372359,
"text": "What is a MIF file? The .mif file extension is most commonly associated with Adobe FrameMaker interchange format files. FrameMaker is a software application that is used to create and edit large, structured documents for authoring and publishing purposes. The MIF files are created by the FrameMaker application and contain the text, graphics and layout information for a FrameMaker file. These files are used to export the FrameMaker documents in a format that can be edited by third-party software applications."
"score": 0.4964642525,
"text": "Samples in periodicals archive: 1 Both Keylight CM and Keylight GRC, fully integrated with the Unified Compliance Framework (UCF), enable small and mid-sized enterprises to cost-effectively transition from antiquated methods of compliance management to an easy-to-use and scalable SaaS application."
"score": 0.494130969,
"text": "What is an inf file and how do I open an inf file? The INF file extension is a plain text configuration file that defines what files are installed with a certain software program or update. It may also list the location of the files and the directories where the files are to be installed. INF is used by the Windows operating system, or by the program or installer that includes the INF file."
"score": 0.4935562611,
"text": "The Variant Call Format (VCF) specifies the format of a text file used in bioinformatics for storing gene sequence variations.rom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Variant Call Format (VCF) specifies the format of a text file used in bioinformatics for storing gene sequence variations. The format has been developed with the advent of large-scale genotyping and DNA sequencing projects, such as the 1000 Genomes Project."
"score": 0.4929221869,
"text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Variant Call Format (VCF) specifies the format of a text file used in bioinformatics for storing gene sequence variations. The format has been developed with the advent of large-scale genotyping and DNA sequencing projects, such as the 1000 Genomes Project."
"score": 0.4872271419,
"text": "This section contains UCC forms associated with UCC filing and Uniform Commercial Code and Georgia's UCC Central Indexing System. All forms and files are provided in Adobe (PDF) format. In order to view these files, you must install Adobe Acrobat Reader if it is not currently installed."
"score": 0.4859448969,
"text": "QIF stands for Quick Interchange Format. Files that contain the .qif file extension are text files that have been created by Quicken financial software applications.These files store information that pertains to a user's financial accounts and keep the data in the ASCII text format.IF files are used for transferring information from a financial institution's website to a user's computer and between different Quicken data files."
"score": 0.4856628776,
"text": "UCF's student body consists of 52,539 undergraduates and 8,282 graduate and professional students from all 67 Florida counties, all 50 states and 141 countries. Study abroad programs allow UCF students to study and conduct research in 42 programs in 21 countries."
"score": 0.4822586179,
"text": "QIF files are used for transferring information from a financial institution's website to a user's computer and between different Quicken data files.While the QIF file format was originally developed by Intuit, it is now used by a variety of financial and accounting applications.IF files are used for transferring information from a financial institution's website to a user's computer and between different Quicken data files."
"score": 0.4809504747,
"text": "Variant Call Format. The Variant Call Format (VCF) specifies the format of a text file used in bioinformatics for storing gene sequence variations. The format has been developed with the advent of large-scale genotyping and DNA sequencing projects, such as the 1000 Genomes Project."
"score": 0.4807314575,
"text": "(October 2014) A UCC-1 financing statement (an abbreviation for Uniform Commercial Code-1) is a legal form that a creditor files to give notice that it has or may have an interest in the personal property of a debtor (a person who owes a debt to the creditor as typically specified in the agreement creating the debt)."
"score": 0.4787173867,
"text": "(October 2014). A UCC-1 financing statement (an abbreviation for Uniform Commercial Code -1) is a legal form that a creditor files to give notice that it has or may have an interest in the personal property of a debtor (a person who owes a debt to the creditor as typically specified in the agreement creating the debt)."
"score": 0.4756715894,
"text": "Welcome to the RWC! The UCF Recreation and Wellness Center (RWC) comprises many programs, such as Intramural Sports, Sport Clubs, Outdoor Adventure, Fitness, and Aquatics. The RWC is open to all students; paid memberships are available for non-students.elcome to the RWC! The UCF Recreation and Wellness Center (RWC) comprises many programs, such as Intramural Sports, Sport Clubs, Outdoor Adventure, Fitness, and Aquatics. The RWC is open to all students; paid memberships are available for non-students."
"score": 0.4722387791,
"text": "Remove BroadCloud EU UC-Desktop. BroadCloud EU UC-Desktop is a program developed by BroadCloud. The main program executable is communicator.exe. The software installer includes 42 files and is usually about 190.76 MB (200,030,978 bytes). The software utilizes the Nokia Qt cross-platforms C++ framework."
"score": 0.4704814553,
"text": "What Every Small Business Owner Should Know About UCC Filings. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is a series of uniform regulations designed to streamline commerce between businesses across all 50 states and various territories of the U.S. The most important UCC form small businesses are affected by is a UCC-1 form also known as a Financing Statement."
"score": 0.4700555801,
"text": "The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is a series of uniform regulations designed to streamline commerce between businesses across all 50 states and various territories of the U.S. The most important UCC form small businesses are affected by is a UCC-1 form also known as a Financing Statement. A Financing Statement is filed to perfect a security interest in named collateral and establishes priority in case of debtor default or bankruptcy."
"score": 0.4694489837,
"text": "Information file (Generic) INF is a file extension for a plain text file used by Microsoft Windows for the installation of software and drivers. Also referred to as a Setup Information file. The INF file contains various sections that specify the files to be copied, changes to the registry, etc."
"score": 0.4692825377,
"text": "The Standard MIDI File (SMF) is a file format that provides a standardized way for sequences to be saved, transported, and opened in other systems. The compact size of these files has led to their widespread use in computers, mobile phone ringtones, webpage authoring and greeting cards."
"score": 0.4683496952,
"text": "Information file (Generic). INF is a file extension for a plain text file used by Microsoft Windows for the installation of software and drivers. Also referred to as a Setup Information file. The INF file contains various sections that specify the files to be copied, changes to the registry, etc."
"score": 0.4667753875,
"text": "Students receiving financial aid should regularly check their To Do List. If the FAFSA application priority date (March 1st) is missed, students should apply as soon as possible to be considered for financial aid that is still available.The UCF school code is 003954. View the 2016-2017 FAFSA help videos. View the 2015-2016 FAFSA help videos."
"score": 0.4666747451,
"text": "JDF is an XML-based file format standard for information exchange in the graphic. arts environment. In the context of Adobe Creative Suite, JDF is a job ticketing, or job intent, file format designed to bridge the communication gap and automate. processes between creative professionals and print providers."
"score": 0.4654203057,
"text": "The Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP), also referred to as ACUPAT (Army Combat Uniform Pattern) or Digital Camouflage (digicam), is the military camouflage pattern used in the United States Army 's Army Combat Uniform."
"score": 0.4646627605,
"text": "An INF (Information) file is a text-based file that contains crucial information and program instructions for a specific program or peripheral device."
"score": 0.4643745124,
"text": "The Standard MIDI File (SMF) is a file format that provides a standardized way for music sequences to be saved, transported, and opened in other systems. The compact size of these files led to their widespread use in computers, mobile phone ringtones, webpage authoring and musical greeting cards."
"score": 0.4609447718,
"text": "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In computing, an INF file or Setup Information file is a plain-text file used by Microsoft Windows for the installation of software and drivers. INF files are most commonly used for installing device drivers for hardware components. Windows includes the IExpress tool for the creation of INF-based installations."
"score": 0.4460166395,
"text": "Acceptance Chances. Can I get into UCF? These admission statistics provide an indication how difficult it is to get in and what your chances are. 17,279 out of 35,572 applicants or 49% were admitted making UCF a more competitive school to get into with a lesser chance of acceptance for average applicants."
"score": 0.4436784983,
"text": "The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) are official data on crime in the United States, published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)."
"score": 0.4421598315,
"text": "⇒ UCC documents filed with the Department of State are public records that are subject to disclosure under the Uniform Commercial Code. ⇒ UCC documents filed in the state of incorporation of the company; AND ⇒ UCC documents filed on the county level where the property is located (where a"
"score": 0.4409521818,
"text": "open virtualization format. Open Virtualization Format (OVF) is an open-source standard for packaging and distributing software applications for virtual machines (VM). An OVF package contains multiple files in a single directory. The directory always contains an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file called the OVF descriptor with the name, hardware requirements, and references to other files in the package."
"score": 0.4345827997,
"text": "exists and is an alternate of . An INF file is a text file that contains all the information necessary to install a device in Windows O.S where INF stands for information.It links the device to its driver, i.e, it registers the device to work with the driver."
"score": 0.4283542037,
"text": "The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program is a nationwide, cooperative statistical effort of nearly 18,000 city, university and college, county, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies voluntarily reporting data on crimes brought to their attention."
"score": 0.4099887609,
"text": "The UCR Program is committed to finding ways to present federal data that will add an important piece of the puzzle to the nation's crime picture. This compilation presents traditional UCR data from the DOI and the NIH, as well as data for selected offenses that have been extracted from FBI and ATF records."
] |
how do geographers look at the world | [
"score": 0.7813806534,
"text": "Geographers look at the world in local, regional, and global levels. A physical geographer studies natural environment while human geographers study human society."
] | [
"score": 0.703263402,
"text": "What Geographers Do. Geographers study the Earth and its land, features, and inhabitants. They also examine phenomena such as political or cultural structures and study the physical and human geographic characteristics of regions ranging in scale from local to global."
"score": 0.6911462545,
"text": "Figure 3.1. The matrix of geographic perspectives. Geography's ways of looking at the world—through its focus on place and scale (horizontal axis)—cuts across its three domains of synthesis: human-societal dynamics, environmental dynamics, and environmental-societal dynamics (vertical axis)."
"score": 0.6902151704,
"text": "What Geographers Do. Geographers study the earth and its land, features, and inhabitants. They also examine phenomena such as political or cultural structures as they relate to geography. They study the physical and human geographic characteristics of a region, ranging in scale from local to global. Economic geographers study economic activities and the distribution of resources. 2 They may research subjects such as regional employment or the location of industries. 3 Environmental geographers research the impact humans have on the environment and how human activities affect natural processes."
"score": 0.686727047,
"text": "Geographers study the earth and its land, features, and inhabitants. They also examine phenomena such as political or cultural structures as they relate to geography.They study the physical and human geographic characteristics of a region, ranging in scale from local to global. Economic geographers study economic activities and the distribution of resources. 2 They may research subjects such as regional employment or the location of industries. 3 Environmental geographers research the impact humans have on the environment and how human activities affect natural processes."
"score": 0.6845690608,
"text": "What Geographers Do. Geographers study the earth and its land, features, and inhabitants. They also examine phenomena such as political or cultural structures as they relate to geography. They study the physical and human geographic characteristics of a region, ranging in scale from local to global.hat Geographers Do. Geographers study the earth and its land, features, and inhabitants. They also examine phenomena such as political or cultural structures as they relate to geography. They study the physical and human geographic characteristics of a region, ranging in scale from local to global."
"score": 0.6831365824,
"text": "What Geographers Do. Geographers study the Earth and the distribution of its land, features, and inhabitants. They also examine political or cultural structures and study the physical and human geographic characteristics of regions ranging in scale from local to global. Work Environment. Most geographers work full time during standard business hours."
"score": 0.6751517653,
"text": "Those who study geography learn about differences between world regions. Some geographers devote their studies and careers to learning and understanding a specific region or country of the world. They study the culture, foods, language, religion, landscape and all aspects of the region to become an expert."
"score": 0.6714209318,
"text": "A geographer is a scholar whose area of study is geography, the study of Earth's natural environment and human society. Although geographers are historically known as people who make maps, map making is actually the field of study of cartography, a subset of geography. Geographers do not study only the details of the natural environment or human society, but they also study the reciprocal relationship between these two. For example, they study how the natural environment contributes to the human society and how the human society affects the natural environment."
"score": 0.6678997278,
"text": "What Geographers Do. Geography is unique in bridging the social sciences and the natural sciences. There are two main branches of geography: human geography and physical geography. Human geography is concerned with the spatial aspects of human existence. Physical geographers study patterns of climates, landforms, vegetation, soils, and water. Geographers use many tools and techniques in their work, and geographic technologies are increasingly important for understanding our complex world. They include Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and online mapping such as Google Earth."
"score": 0.6652368307,
"text": "Geographers study the earth, its land and systems, and its animal and human inhabitants. While this may sound quite broad, geography itself is a very broad field, encompassing both the natural and social sciences. Geography is generally divided into two subfields - physical and human. Physical geographers study the physical aspects of the surface of the planet, such as landforms, glaciers, atmospheric and hydrological phenomena, and natural hazards, and how they influence populations."
"score": 0.6650756598,
"text": "A geographer is a scholar whose area of study is geography, the study of Earth's natural environment and human society. Although geographers are historically known as people who make maps, map making is actually the field of study of cartography, a subset of geography. Geographers do not study only the details of the natural environment or human society, but they also study the reciprocal relationship between these two."
"score": 0.663672626,
"text": "Geographers can study anything that has a significant. . Geographers concentrate on the where and by doing this they may be able to gain a better understanding of what is being studied than if the where were ignored. This is the Spatial Perspective that is peculiar to the study of geography. This perspective is useful in a wide variety of fields and therefore you have a wide variety of sub-disciplines in the field of geography (like political geography, cultural geography, physical geography, etc.)."
"score": 0.661811769,
"text": "At the broadest level, geography is divided into physical geography, human geography, geographic techniques, and regional geography. Physical Geography The natural environment is the primary concern of physical geographers, although many physical geographers also look at how humans have altered natural systems."
"score": 0.6607835293,
"text": "What Geographers Do. Geography is unique in bridging the social sciences and the natural sciences. There are two main branches of geography: human geography and physical geography. Human geography is concerned with the spatial aspects of human existence. Physical geographers study patterns of climates, landforms, vegetation, soils, and water. Geographers use many tools and techniques in their work, and geographic technologies are increasingly important for understanding our complex world."
"score": 0.6585887074,
"text": "Geography is a science that deals with Earth's surface. People who study geography are called geographers. Geographers are interested in Earth's physical features, such as mountains, deserts, rivers, and oceans. They are also interested in the ways that people affect and are affected by the natural world."
"score": 0.6562132835,
"text": "They also examine political or cultural structures and study the physical and human geographic characteristics of regions ranging in scale from local to global. Duties Geographers typically do the following:"
"score": 0.6551142931,
"text": "Geographers study the spatial and the temporal distribution of phenomena, processes, and features as well as the interaction of humans and their environment. Because space and place affect a variety of topics, such as economics, health, climate, plants and animals; geography is highly interdisciplinary.his is 'a description of the world'—that is Geography. In a word Geography is a Science—a thing not of mere names but of argument and reason, of cause and effect. Just as all phenomena exist in time and thus have a history, they also exist in space and have a geography."
"score": 0.6532173157,
"text": "Geographers can study these same issues, and virtually anything else, but the geographer's perspective is SPATIAL, rather than TEMPORAL like the historians. Hence there can also be the geography of war, the geography of sports, and the geography of comic books. What geographers add to such topics is the spatial perspective. MAPS: primary tool to see the spatial perspective. Maps allow geographers to better see spatial relationships."
"score": 0.6524307728,
"text": "The curiosity of a geographer is virtually unbounded; we are observers and analysts of space, place, and environment on scales from the local to the global. Geography is a multifaceted discipline that bridges the social sciences, the humanities, and the physical sciences."
"score": 0.6519122124,
"text": "A geographer is a scientist who studies the physical environment of the earth, human habitat, and the interactions between the two. Geographers are often especially focused on the spatial relations between the physical environment and humans, wild life, climate, economics, and culture."
"score": 0.6513979435,
"text": "Geographers study the spatial and the temporal distribution of phenomena, processes, and features as well as the interaction of humans and their environment. Because space and place affect a variety of topics, such as economics, health, climate, plants and animals; geography is highly interdisciplinary."
"score": 0.6504474878,
"text": "Population Geography also looks at the ideas of how many people live where and what impact it has on the world system.Population geography can essentially be split into two categories: demography and spatial demography.opulation Geography also looks at the ideas of how many people live where and what impact it has on the world system. Population geography can essentially be split into two categories: demography and spatial demography."
"score": 0.6501967907,
"text": "A geographer studies nature, land, and the earth. They also research the inhabitants and features of a region on a global or local level. They study and examine cultural or political structures and phenomena relating to geography and present their findings. They may also create graphs, diagrams, and maps with the use of geographical information software. How to Become a Geographer Many geographers need a master's degree as well as extensive knowledge and experience. Some employers may consider a bachelor's degree but would want experience in the similar field."
"score": 0.6482149363,
"text": "Geography is more than memorizing names and places. Geographers organize space in. much the same way that historians organize time. To help organize space, geographers. are concerned with asking three important questions about things in the world:"
"score": 0.6476005912,
"text": "Geography is a science that deals with Earth's surface. People who study geography are called geographers. Geographers are interested in Earth's physical features, such as mountains, deserts, rivers, and oceans.They are also interested in the ways that people affect and are affected by the natural world.eography is a science that deals with Earth's surface. People who study geography are called geographers. Geographers are interested in Earth's physical features, such as mountains, deserts, rivers, and oceans."
"score": 0.6448484659,
"text": "Geography is a science that deals with Earth's surface. People who study geography are called geographers. Geographers are interested in Earth's physical features, such as mountains, deserts, rivers, and oceans.They are also interested in the ways that people affect and are affected by the natural world.ow readers of your website, blog-post, or any other web content can enjoy full access to this article on geography, or any other Britannica Online for Kids premium article for free, even if they do not have a membership."
"score": 0.6445735097,
"text": "What Geographers Do Geographers work in many different areas, such as environmental management, education, disaster response, city and county planning, community development, and more! Geography is an interdisciplinary field that offers diverse career opportunities. What is unique about geography and how does that inform what geographers do? Geography is the science of place and space. Geographers ask where things are located on the surface of the earth, why they are located where they are, how places differ from one another, and how people interact with the environment. Geography is unique in linking the social sciences and natural sciences together."
"score": 0.643245697,
"text": "Geography is the study of the earth and the ways people interact with it and on it. Geographers are deeply interested in the ideas of space and place. Geography involves more than memorizing states and capitals."
"score": 0.6388833523,
"text": "What Geographers Do. Geographers work in many different areas, such as environmental management, education, disaster response, city and county planning, community development, and more! Geography is an interdisciplinary field that offers diverse career opportunities. Geography is the science of place and space.Geographers ask where things are located on the surface of the earth, why they are located where they are, how places differ from one another, and how people interact with the environment. Geography is unique in linking the social sciences and natural sciences together.hat Geographers Do. Geographers work in many different areas, such as environmental management, education, disaster response, city and county planning, community development, and more! Geography is an interdisciplinary field that offers diverse career opportunities. Geography is the science of place and space."
"score": 0.6336958408,
"text": "So essentially geography is about the characterization and communication of the Earth and its components. While, physical geographers concentrate on topics such as weather, climate, soils, landforms, etc. human cultural geographers investigate the ways people interact with the Earth and each other."
"score": 0.6331805587,
"text": "Geomorphologists seek to understand why landscapes look the way they do, to understand landform history and dynamics and to predict changes through a combination of field observations, physical experiments and numerical modeling."
"score": 0.6320620775,
"text": "In summary, geography seeks to describe and explain the distribution of phenomena that characterize Earth's surface. Because culture differentiates human beings and the lands they occupy, it is one of the most important things that geographers study."
"score": 0.6313105226,
"text": "In particular, physical geographers study the natural environment while human geographers study human society. Modern geographers are the primary practitioners of the GIS (geographic information system), who are often employed by local, state, and federal government agencies as well as in the private sector by environmental and engineering firms."
"score": 0.63097018,
"text": "There are two main branches of geography: human geography and physical geography. Human geography is concerned with the spatial aspects of human existence. Physical geographers study patterns of climates, land forms, vegetation, soils, and water. Geographers use many tools and techniques in their work, and geographic technologies are increasingly among the most important emerging fields for understanding our complex world."
"score": 0.6298248768,
"text": "1 Cultural geographers examine the relationship between geography and culture, studying how features such as religion, language, or ethnicity relate to location. 2 Economic geographers study economic activities and the distribution of resources. Economic geographers study economic activities and the distribution of resources. 2 They may research subjects such as regional employment or the location of industries. 3 Environmental geographers research the impact humans have on the environment and how human activities affect natural processes."
"score": 0.6289821863,
"text": "Geography is a science that deals with Earth's surface. People who study geography are called geographers. Geographers are interested in Earth's physical features, such as mountains, deserts, rivers, and oceans."
"score": 0.6277956963,
"text": "The word geography literally means 'earth writing,' and that is what many geographers do: they write about the earth, and how people change the earth, and how the earth changes people. Let's look closer at one type of geography: human and cultural geography, and some of the main topics that are studied in that area."
"score": 0.6252987385,
"text": "What Geographers Do Geography is unique in bridging the social sciences and the natural sciences. There are two main branches of geography: human geography and physical geography. Human geography is concerned with the spatial aspects of human existence. Physical geographers study patterns of climates, landforms, vegetation, soils, and water."
"score": 0.6238213778,
"text": "What Geographers Do. Geographers work in many different areas, such as environmental management, education, disaster response, city and county planning, community development, and more! Geography is an interdisciplinary field that offers diverse career opportunities. Geography is the science of place and space."
"score": 0.6230325103,
"text": "1 Geography For Kids , The Study of Our Earth. 2 Geographers use a variety of maps, photographs and Earth scans to help them study and better understand our small blue planet. Because of the many modern technologies available today, geographers are able to depict the Earth more accurately than has ever been possible before."
"score": 0.622345686,
"text": "Though you may think that your degree is the most interesting, or the most fun, or the most employable, the truth of the matter is that nothing compares to geography. Geographers are often given a lot of stick by other students. People say that it's not a 'proper' subject and that it's basically sociology or geology. They say that geographers are only good at colouring in between the lines and for naming capital cities in pub quizzes. They say that geography is just looking at maps, mountains and rivers. They say that geography is a doss."
"score": 0.6128570437,
"text": "Individuals with a geography degree may become teachers or professors. Geographers study the Earth and its land, features, and inhabitants. They also examine phenomena such as political or cultural structures and study the physical and human geographic characteristics of regions ranging in scale from local to global."
"score": 0.6107501984,
"text": "In development geography, geographers study spatial patterns in development. They try to find by what characteristics they can measure development by looking at economic, political and social factors. They seek to understand both the geographical causes and consequences of varying development.n development geography, geographers study spatial patterns in development. They try to find by what characteristics they can measure development by looking at economic, political and social factors. They seek to understand both the geographical causes and consequences of varying development."
"score": 0.6097751856,
"text": "There are two main branches of geography: human geography and physical geography. Human geography is concerned with the spatial aspects of human existence. Physical geographers study patterns of climates, landforms, vegetation, soils, and water.Geographers use many tools and techniques in their work, and geographic technologies are increasingly important for understanding our complex world.They include Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and online mapping such as Google Earth.Explore the links below to review sample job titles associated with specific subfields within geography.hey include Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), and online mapping such as Google Earth. Explore the links below to review sample job titles associated with specific subfields within geography."
"score": 0.6089172363,
"text": "2. Places and Region: Place refers to where something is, but also what a. It might describe characteristics. To organize their study, geographers often group places into regions that are by one or more characteristics. 3. Physical Systems: Geographers study how physical systems, such as, shape the Earth's surface."
"score": 0.6074285507,
"text": "Job Description of a Geographer. A geographer uses the study of the earth's surface and nature to collect information on the physical aspects of a region. This study could include plants, animals, climates, and land forms."
"score": 0.6068562865,
"text": "Physical geographers study Earth's seasons, climate, atmosphere, soil, streams, landforms, and oceans. Some disciplines within physical geography include geomorphology, glaciology, pedology, hydrology, climatology, biogeography, and oceanography. Geomorphology is the study of landforms and the processes that shape them."
"score": 0.6060957909,
"text": "Job Description of a Geographer A geographer uses the study of the earth's surface and nature to collect information on the physical aspects of a region. This study could include plants, animals, climates, and land forms."
"score": 0.6030170918,
"text": "Geographers in this branch of geography are usually concerned in the investigation of the weather patterns of the earth and the way in which they affect the climate as a result. Moreover, activities that are taking place within the atmosphere of the earth are also studied in this discipline."
"score": 0.602963984,
"text": "Earth globe. The most accurate world map is a globe. Like the planet Earth, a globe is shaped as a ball. When you look at a globe you can truly see the way the world looks in all of its complexity. All the countries are shown in true size relative to each other."
"score": 0.602840066,
"text": "geography and culture Culture, the total way of life that characterizes a group of people, is one of the most important things that geographers study. There are literally thousands of cultures on Earth today and each contributes to global diversity."
"score": 0.6008605957,
"text": "Geography is more than maps. It's basic to any understanding of how to get from one place to another--in your head or on paper!Check out the links below to see how wide the world is. Basic Geography: The Equator and the Prime Meridian The earth is a globe, of course, and can be divided into lots of lines called latitude and longitude.t's basic to any understanding of how to get from one place to another--in your head or on paper! Check out the links below to see how wide the world is. Basic Geography: The Equator and the Prime Meridian The earth is a globe, of course, and can be divided into lots of lines called latitude and longitude."
"score": 0.5948370099,
"text": "Human geographers study the relationship between people and places. They can study things like the urban environment, the distribution of medical services, and the impact of e … nvironment on human activities."
"score": 0.5889978409,
"text": "Earth Globe. OUR PLANET... The most accurate world map is a globe. Like the planet Earth, a globe is shaped as a ball. When you look at a globe you can truly see the way the world looks in all of its complexity. All the countries are shown in true size relative to each other."
"score": 0.5886934996,
"text": "Geography For Dummies. In geography, the world as a whole possesses a grid whose coordinates may be used to identify the absolute location of things. Indeed, that is why a Greek named Hipparchus invented the global grid some 2,200 years ago. As chief librarian at the great library in Alexandria, Egypt, Hipparchus compiled information about lands and cities all over the expanding Greek world. He saw the value of accurately locating objects on a map, but in those days that was easier said than done."
"score": 0.5745175481,
"text": "geographies. 1 1 : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2 2 : the geographic features of an area. 3 3 : a treatise on geography."
"score": 0.566590786,
"text": "Geographers believe that the Earth's physical features are created by physical processes--constant, ongoing actions of nature that change the physical environment. In physical geography, we study the physical features and the physical processes that create, shape, move, destroy, or recreate them.hare. \"Water carries the mountains down to the sea a teaspoon at a time. A day becomes a million days, and a mountain of rock changes shape.\" (from the film Planet of Man: The Uneventful Day)."
"score": 0.5592771173,
"text": "How do lines of latitude and longitude help geographers study Earth? A. These lines show geographers the direction of Earth's rotation around the sun. B. These lines help geographers see the difference between oceans and landforms on Earth's surface. C. These lines help geographers identify the different landforms on Earth. D. These lines help geographers pinpoint exact locations on Earth's surface."
"score": 0.5496490002,
"text": "Cartographers and geographers divide the Earth into longitudes and latitudes in order to locate points on the globe. Each location on Earth has its unique latitude and longitude. Menu timeanddate.com"
"score": 0.5367362499,
"text": "Discovering Cultural Dance. This is an excerpt from Discovering Dance by Gayle Kassing. Dance has been called the universal language; you live in a world that dances. Take a look at the map of the world and its continents (figure 8.1).Geographers have identified distinct natural and physical features (ecosystems) in regions throughout the world.ance has been called the universal language; you live in a world that dances. Take a look at the map of the world and its continents (figure 8.1)."
"score": 0.5214220285,
"text": "Last Updated on: 30/05/2013. The physical map of the world displays all the continents and various geographical features across the world. Water bodies such as oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and river basins, and landscape features such as plateaus, mountains, and deserts, are all displayed.hysical Map of the World showing plateaus, deserts, river basins, lakes and physical altitude scale. Disclaimer: All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However Compare Infobase Limited and its directors do not own any responsibility for the correctness or authenticity of the same."
"score": 0.5055816174,
"text": "Geodesy, the science of measuring the Earth's shape and positions on it, lets us measure plate motions directly using GPS, the Global Positioning System. This network of satellites is more stable than the Earth's surface, so when a whole continent moves somewhere at a few centimeters per year, GPS can tell."
"score": 0.5042164326,
"text": "The World Geodetic System (WGS) is a standard for use in cartography, geodesy, and navigation including GPS."
"score": 0.495724529,
"text": "The World Geodetic System (WGS) is a standard for use in cartography, geodesy, and navigation including by GPS.n January 1966, a World Geodetic System Committee composed of representatives from the United States Army, Navy and Air Force, was charged with the responsibility of developing an improved WGS needed to satisfy mapping, charting and geodetic requirements."
"score": 0.4935336709,
"text": "In fact, it is so accurate, geodesy can allow for worldwide navigation but it also allows researchers to measure small changes in the Earth's surface down to the centimeter level to obtain the most accurate measurements of the Earth's size and shape."
] |
james brown net worth when he died? | [
"score": 0.8763071895,
"text": "James Brown net worth: $100 Million. James Brown net worth: James Brown, otherwise known as The Godfather of Soul, had an estimated net worth of approximately $100 million when he died; and to go along with his net worth, he had the respect and admiration of millions of his peers and fans.rom these early days, James Brown eventually evolved into a solo performer, but his music continued to grow and change. James Brown Net Worth. He spanned a wide variety of genres, including gospel and rhythm and blues in the early days, to incorporating elements of funk and traditional African music into his work."
] | [
"score": 0.81881845,
"text": "James Brown Net Worth is $100 Million. The late recording artist and performer James Brown, otherwise known as The Godfather of Soul, had an estimated net worth of approximately...[read more].rom these early days, James Brown eventually evolved into a solo performer, but his music continued to grow and change. He spanned a wide variety of genres, including gospel and rhythm and blues in the early days, to incorporating elements of funk and traditional African music into his work."
"score": 0.7978070974,
"text": "About Quotes Trivia. Born on: 1st Jan 70 Born in: United States Marital status: Deceased Occupation: Music Industry. Born James Joseph Brown, Jr. has an estimated net worth of $100 million. Brown, often referred to as The Godfather of Soul was an American recording artist and musician.Brown has earned his net worth from his work as a recording artist and musician which spanned for six decades.James began as a gospel singer in Toccoa, Georgia and later joined an R&B vocal group called the Avons that later evolved to become The Famous Flames to which he served as the group's lead singer.rown has earned his net worth from his work as a recording artist and musician which spanned for six decades. James began as a gospel singer in Toccoa, Georgia and later joined an R&B vocal group called the Avons that later evolved to become The Famous Flames to which he served as the group's lead singer."
"score": 0.7847943306,
"text": "Born James Joseph Brown, Jr. has an estimated net worth of $100 million.Brown, often referred to as The Godfather of Soul was an American recording artist and musician. Brown has earned his net worth from his work as a recording artist and musician which spanned for six decades.James began as a gospel singer in Toccoa, Georgia and later joined an R&B vocal group called the Avons that later evolved to become The Famous Flames to which he served as the group's lead singer.rown has earned his net worth from his work as a recording artist and musician which spanned for six decades. James began as a gospel singer in Toccoa, Georgia and later joined an R&B vocal group called the Avons that later evolved to become The Famous Flames to which he served as the group's lead singer."
"score": 0.7685065866,
"text": "About James Brown. American singer and songwriter,James Joseph Brown has an estimated net worth of $100 million.\"Soul Brother Number One,\" \"the Godfather of Soul,\" \"the Hardest Working Man in Show Business,\" \"Mr. Dynamite\" — those are mighty titles, but no one can question that James Brown earned them more than any other performer.ll of Brown's singles over the next two years flopped, as he sought to establish his own style, recording material that was obviously derivative of heroes like Roy Brown, Hank Ballard, Little Richard, and Ray Charles."
"score": 0.735902369,
"text": "In the 70s, James Brown coped with the changing trends in music by experimenting with disco, but most of these efforts failed to match the success of his earlier work, most of which is much more popular than disco is today. After many tumultuous later years, James Brown died on Christmas Day, 2006.rom these early days, James Brown eventually evolved into a solo performer, but his music continued to grow and change. James Brown Net Worth. He spanned a wide variety of genres, including gospel and rhythm and blues in the early days, to incorporating elements of funk and traditional African music into his work."
"score": 0.6827766299,
"text": "About James Arness. It has been reported that around the time of his death in 2011 James Arness net worth stood at $2 million."
"score": 0.6825739145,
"text": "Death and Legacy. James Brown passed away on December 25, 2006, after a weeklong battle with pneumonia. He was 73 years old. James Brown is unquestionably one of the most influential musical pioneers of the last half-century."
"score": 0.6804436445,
"text": "From these early days, James Brown eventually evolved into a solo performer, but his music continued to grow and change. James Brown Net Worth. He spanned a wide variety of genres, including gospel and rhythm and blues in the early days, to incorporating elements of funk and traditional African music into his work."
"score": 0.6724921465,
"text": "James Worthy's net worth is estimated to be in the range of approximately $455970912 in 2017, according to the users of vipfaq. The estimated net worth includes stocks, properties, and luxury goods such as yachts and private airplanes."
"score": 0.6708484292,
"text": "From these early days, James Brown eventually evolved into a solo performer, but his music continued to grow and change. James Brown Net Worth. He spanned a wide variety of genres, including gospel and rhythm and blues in the early days, to incorporating elements of funk and traditional African music into his work.rom these early days, James Brown eventually evolved into a solo performer, but his music continued to grow and change. James Brown Net Worth. He spanned a wide variety of genres, including gospel and rhythm and blues in the early days, to incorporating elements of funk and traditional African music into his work."
"score": 0.6522206068,
"text": "LeBron James Net Worth: $300 Million. James' net worth is estimated at $300 million, according to CelebrityNetWorth. He earned $128 million from his first 11 years in the NBA, and when he moved from Miami back to Cleveland in 2014, he signed a two-year, $42 million contract."
"score": 0.6450653672,
"text": "When country music star Johnny Cash passed away, his total net worth was $120 million. He was an American singer, songwriter and actor who was…"
"score": 0.6400985718,
"text": "Bobby Brown, an American R&B singer, has an estimated net worth of $2 million. In addition to being an R&B singer, he is also a songwriter, rapper and dancer."
"score": 0.6381301284,
"text": "Bobby Brown net worth: $2 Million. Bobby Brown net worth: Bobby Brown is an American R&B singer/songwriter who has a net worth of $2 million. Born February 5, 1969 in Tarzana in Boston, Massachusetts, Brown became famous for hits in the '80s and '90s such as Don't Be Cruel and Humpin' Around."
"score": 0.6323539019,
"text": "$2 Million. Bobby Brown net worth: Bobby Brown is an American R&B singer/songwriter who has a net worth of $2 million. Born February 5, 1969 in Tarzana in Boston, Massachusetts, Brown became famous for hits in the '80s and '90s such as Don't Be Cruel and Humpin' Around."
"score": 0.6308099031,
"text": "James Arness's net worth is estimated to be in the range of approximately $371530033 in 2017, according to the users of vipfaq. The estimated net worth includes stocks, properties, and luxury goods such as yachts and private airplanes."
"score": 0.630207777,
"text": "Bobby Brown, an American R&B singer, has an estimated net worth of $2 million. In addition to being an R&B singer, he is also a songwriter, rapper and dancer. He started his career with the band \"New Edition\" singing pop songs. Bobby Brown was born in February 5, 1969 in Boston, Massachusetts."
"score": 0.6296979189,
"text": "Bobby Brown net worth: Bobby Brown is an American R&B singer/songwriter who has a net worth of $2 million. Born February 5, 1969 in Tarzana in Boston, Massachusetts, Brown became famous for hits in the '80s and '90s such as Don't Be Cruel and Humpin' Around."
"score": 0.6255792379,
"text": "James Brown, the singer, songwriter, bandleader and dancer, who indelibly transformed 20th-century music, died early today at Emory Crawford Long Hospital in Atlanta, where he been admitted on Saturday with pneumonia, his agent, Frank Copsidas, said."
"score": 0.6248361468,
"text": "$30 Million. Chris Brown net worth: Chris Brown is an American R&B musician who has a net worth of $30 million. Since making his debut in 2005, Chris Brown has released six studio albums, two of which have gone multi-platinum. Chris Brown was born o nMay 5, 1989 in Tappahannock, VA."
"score": 0.6247804761,
"text": "James Avery net worth: $3 Million. James Avery net worth: James Avery was an American actor who had a net worth of $3 million. James Avery was born on November 27, 1948 in Virginia. He was probably most famous for playing the role of Judge Philip Banks on the NBC sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.ames Avery net worth: James Avery was an American actor who had a net worth of $3 million."
"score": 0.6245677471,
"text": "About Johnny Cash When country music star Johnny Cash passed away, his total net worth was $120 million. He was an American singer, songwriter and actor who was best known for his number one hit songs like \"I Walk The Line\" and \"The Folsom Prison Blues.\""
"score": 0.6209343672,
"text": "James Brown was born on May 3, 1933 in Barnwell, South Carolina, USA as James Joseph Brown.He was married to Tomirae Brown, Adrienne Rodriguez, Deidre Jenkins and Velma Warren. He died on December 25, 2006 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.ape -- in nearly every performance, James Brown would fall to his knees and a member of his entourage would come onstage and place a cape around his shoulders."
"score": 0.6209108829,
"text": "James Avery net worth: James Avery was an American actor who had a net worth of $3 million.James Avery was born on November 27, 1948 in Virginia. He was probably most famous for playing the role of Judge Philip Banks on the NBC sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.ames Avery net worth: James Avery was an American actor who had a net worth of $3 million."
"score": 0.6203535199,
"text": "$3 Million. James Avery net worth: James Avery was an American actor who had a net worth of $3 million. James Avery was born on November 27, 1948 in Virginia.He was probably most famous for playing the role of Judge Philip Banks on the NBC sitcom The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.ames Avery net worth: James Avery was an American actor who had a net worth of $3 million."
"score": 0.6166498661,
"text": "Mini Bio (1). James Brown was born on May 3, 1933 in Barnwell, South Carolina, USA as James Joseph Brown. He was married to Tomirae Brown, Adrienne Rodriguez, Deidre Jenkins and Velma Warren.He died on December 25, 2006 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.ape -- in nearly every performance, James Brown would fall to his knees and a member of his entourage would come onstage and place a cape around his shoulders."
"score": 0.6095376015,
"text": "Related: Cleveland Cavaliers' LeBron James Will Pay $41.8 Million in Scholarships. James' net worth is estimated at $300 million, according to CelebrityNetWorth. He earned $128 million from his first 11 years in the NBA, and when he moved from Miami back to Cleveland in 2014, he signed a two-year, $42 million contract."
"score": 0.6072964668,
"text": "Tim Brown is a former American professional football player with an estimated net worth of $20 million. Tim Brown began his career with Woodrow Wilson Share On Facebook"
"score": 0.6065673232,
"text": "$8 million Tim Brown net worth: Tim Brown is an American former professional football player who has a net worth of $8 million. Tim Brown was born in Dallas, Texas in July 1966. Brown was a wide receiver who played at Woodrow Wilson High School. His mother did not want him to play football so he hid it and said he was in the band."
"score": 0.6060665846,
"text": "$6 Million. James Maslow net worth: James Maslow is an American actor and singer who has a net worth of $6 million. James Maslow was born in New York, New York, and grew up in La Jolla, California."
"score": 0.60527879,
"text": "LeBron James Net Worth 2017. 1 Net Worth: $300 millions. 2 Date of Birth: 1984-12-30. 3 Profession: Basketball player, Athlete, Television producer, Screenwriter, Voice Actor. Nationality: United States of 1 America. Height: 6 ft 7 in (2.03 m) Weight: 249 lbs 1 (113 kg) Ethnicity: African American."
"score": 0.6040317416,
"text": "James Maslow net worth: James Maslow is an American actor and singer who has a net worth of $6 million."
"score": 0.6013214588,
"text": "As the table above shows, the Chris Brown net worth sum is low compared to other artists in his category. Brown has 40% less wealth than Drake at $88 million. His net worth is only 1/4th the size of Justin Bieber's $219 million and 1/3rd the size of Usher's $180 million."
"score": 0.6007646322,
"text": "Chris Brown's net worth is $48.6 million. The Chris Brown net worth total would be tens of millions higher if not for his assault conviction against Rihanna. Most big name stars can earn anywhere from $5 million to $25 million a year in endorsement deal money. That income often dwarfs their earnings from other sources."
"score": 0.5999914408,
"text": "What is Johnny Cash Net Worth? John R. Johnny Cash, born J. R. Cash, was an American singer-songwriter, actor, and author, with a net worth of $120 million. Johnny Cash started earning his net worth with hits like Folsom Prison Blues, and I Walk the Line. He was born in Kingsland, Arkansas, and his family's trails during the great depression inspired many of his songs. Johnny Cash died in 2003 at the age of 71."
"score": 0.5985624194,
"text": "James Maslow net worth: James Maslow is an American actor and singer who has a net worth of $6 million. James Maslow was born in New York, New York, and grew up in La Jolla, California. He began singing lessons when he was in first grade, performing with the San Diego Children's Choir."
"score": 0.59760499,
"text": "Kevin James Net Worth is $80 Million. Kevin James Net Worth is $80 Million. Kevin James is an American comedian, actor, writer, and producer, he has a net worth of $80 million. Kevin James has earned his net worth as a stand-up comedian and actor, Kevin James became a household name with ... Read more about How Much is Kevin James Net Worth Kevin James Latest News"
"score": 0.5968190432,
"text": "Last night Brown's widow Tomi Rae – the mother of his 13-year-old youngest child James Jnr – revealed for the first time the vicious battle over her husband's £65 million fortune, how his corpse was dismembered amid a paternity row, and why his body has been moved 14 times since his death because of family feuding."
"score": 0.5947321057,
"text": "Date of Death: December 25, 2006. Place of Death: Atlanta, Georgia. Ethnicity: African-American. James Brown was an American singer, dancer, and actor. He was known as \"The Godfather of Soul\". James's parents, Susie (Behling) and Joseph \"Joe\" Gardner Brown, were both African-American."
"score": 0.5917618275,
"text": "James Rodriguez Net Worth and salary: James Rodriguez is a professional Colombian soccer player who has a net worth of James Rodriguez Net Worth and salary: James Rodriguez is a professional Colombian soccer player who has a net worth of $30 million. Still young and yet to be proven, he is currently playing for Real Madrid. Born James David Rodriguez Rubio in Cucuta, Colombia in 1991, he is sometimes just known as James."
"score": 0.5885038972,
"text": "Tim Brown Net Worth is $8 Million Tim Brown Biography Tim Brown is known for his work on Road Rage (2016)."
"score": 0.5854430199,
"text": "Cleveland Cavaliers' LeBron James Net Worth As He Turns 31This NBA guard and Trainwreck star is worth $300 million on his birthday. Over the last decade, one name has dominated the world of basketball: LeBron James. Born on Dec. 30 in Akron, Ohio, NBA star King James is turning 31 years old."
"score": 0.5844675899,
"text": "Bob Hope passed away on July 27, 2003 at the age of 100. Bob Hope's Wealth. At various points in his life, his net worth had been estimated to be as much as $700 million, mostly thanks to valuable real estate holdings in Southern California."
"score": 0.5827846527,
"text": "When music legend Whitney Houston died in February 2012, she left behind a fortune that was estimated at nearly $20 million. Houston's daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, was named as the singer's sole heir."
"score": 0.5788618326,
"text": "James Corden Net Worth. Net Worth: $2 Million. James Corden was born on August 22, 1978 as James Kimberly Corden in Buckinghamshire, UK. He is an English stage, television, and film actor, writer, producer and presenter with an estimated net worth of $2 million. He went to Jackie Palmer Stage School before he attending the Holmer Green Junior School near High Wycombe."
"score": 0.5749586821,
"text": "Jim Thompson Net Worth is $1 Billion.. James Myers Thompson (September 27, 1906 ??? April 7, 1977) was an American author and screenwriter, known for his pulp crime fiction. Thompson wrote more than thirty novels, the majority of which were original paperback publications by p..."
"score": 0.5729634166,
"text": "How much is James Maslowt Show Net Worth in 2018? What are James Maslow sources of Wealth? Biography: James Maslow is an American POP Singer, his birthday is on July 16, 1990 in New York, his birth sign is the Cancer, and his birth name is James David Maslow. James Maslow is best known for being a member of the band Big Time Rush alongside Carlos Pena Jr., Logan Henderson, and Kendall Schmidt. James Maslow Net worth (Forbes) Salary and Wealth in 2018: James Maslow net worth is $ 6 million"
"score": 0.5688726902,
"text": "James Joseph Brown (May 3, 1933 – December 25, 2006) was an American singer and dancer. The founding father of funk music and a major figure of 20th-century popular music and dance, he is often referred to as The Godfather of Soul ."
"score": 0.5682749748,
"text": "James Corden Net Worth. James Corden is an English actor and producer with an estimated net worth of $10 million. He was born on August 22, 1978 in London, England. His father is Malcom, and he is a musician in the Royal Air Force band."
"score": 0.5678631067,
"text": "James Joseph Brown (May 3, 1933 – December 25, 2006) was an American singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer, and bandleader. The creator of funk music and a major figure of 20th century popular music and dance, he is often referred to as the Godfather of Soul."
"score": 0.5645169616,
"text": "Net Worth: $8 Million: Date Of Birth: July 22, 1966: Place Of Birth: Dallas, Texas, United States: Height: 1.82 m: Weight: 88 kg: Profession: Production Manager: Education: University of Notre Dame: Nationality: American: Spouse: Sherice Weaver: Children: Timothy Brown Jr., Timon Brown, Taylor Brown, Tamar Brown: Parents: Eugene Brown, Josephine Brown: Siblings: Donald Kelly: Wikipedia"
"score": 0.5635433197,
"text": "Troy Gentry Net Worth: $10 million. Troy Gentry Death Cause: On September 8, 2017, Troy Gentry died in helicopter crash. Eddie and their band were set to perform a concert in New Jersey. His death was confirmed just couple of hours before he was set to perform. The pilot also died in that incident. Troy Gentry Wife: Troy was married to"
"score": 0.5539661646,
"text": "View. comments. George Harrison was worth more than $300 million when he died in 2001, but the music legend's 82-year-old sister Louise Harrison now struggles to get by-living in a pre-fabricated home in small-town near Branson, Missouri. Louise Harrison says she has been cut off from the family."
"score": 0.5527743101,
"text": "Born as Kody Brown has an estimated net worth of $300 thousand. Brown used to be an advertising salesman who rose to fame after starring in his family's TLC reality show titled Sister Wives. The aforementioned show featured the lives of Brown as well as his polygamous family: four wives and 14 children."
"score": 0.5518853664,
"text": "By Tiffany Raiford on May 2, 2016May 2, 2016. James Corden is an English actor and producer with an estimated net worth of $10 million. He was born on August 22, 1978 in London, England. His father is Malcom, and he is a musician in the Royal Air Force band. His mother is Margaret, a social worker."
"score": 0.5474710464,
"text": "Only 18 years old when her mother died, Bobbi Kristina became the sole inheritor of Houston's estate. The inheritance was estimated at nearly $115 million. I still feel her everywhere, Brown said on the 2012 reality show The Houstons: On Our Own."
"score": 0.5419214964,
"text": "James' economic impact as a Cavalier was estimated to be $50 million to $80 million a year, says WKYC, an NBC-affiliated television station in Cleveland. When he left for Miami, Cleveland was estimated to lose $48 million from James' absence, according to the Plain Dealer."
"score": 0.538638413,
"text": "Net Worth: $15.5 Billion. Birth Place Newton, Massachusetts, U.S. About James Simons. Ranked by Forbes as the 83rd richest billionaire in the world, James Simons is known as the founder of Renaissance Technologies with an estimated net worth amounting to $15.5 billion in April 2017, according to Bloomberg."
"score": 0.5353394747,
"text": "James Acheson Net Worth is $10 Million James Acheson Biography James Acheson is an actor and producer, known for Kazaam (1996), Strange Days (1995) and Days of Our Lives (1965)."
"score": 0.5281962156,
"text": "After billionaire Howard Hughes died in 1976, a gas station owner, Melvin Dummar, claimed Hughes had left him $156 million in a handwritten will. But he's never seen any of that money."
"score": 0.5243575573,
"text": "Sugar Ray Robinson Net Worth is $500,000 Sugar Ray Robinson Biography Sugar Ray Robinson (born Walker Smith Jr.; May 3, 1921 – April 12, 1989) was an American professional boxer. Frequently cited as the greatest boxer of all time, Robinson's performances in the welterweight and middleweight divisions prompted sportswriters to create pound for pound rankings, where they compared fighters regardless of weight."
"score": 0.4857608378,
"text": "Once, it seemed believable that Sumner Redstone would never die, but today the 91-year-old tycoon rarely leaves his L.A. estate. With the fate of Redstone's estimated $6.4 billion empire—including his controlling interests in Viacom and CBS—in question, William D. Cohan investigates the rumors of his decline."
"score": 0.4813554287,
"text": "John Agar Net Worth is $200,000 John Agar Biography John George Agar, Jr. (January 31, 1921 – April 7, 2002) was an American actor. He is best known for starring alongside John Wayne in the films Sands of Iwo Jima, Fort Apache, and She Wore a Yellow Ribbon."
"score": 0.4750663638,
"text": "Brown and the Steelers previously reached a contract extension, back in 2012, worth $43 million. Each of the past two off-seasons Pittsburgh had kicked extra money Brown's way, in lieu of taking his contract beyond 2017. But relative to his place in the league's receiver hierarchy, Brown was still underpaid."
"score": 0.350899756,
"text": "David Brown retired from the federal government in 2014, one month after his 55th birthday. He had contributed $31,000 to his retirement plan and chose to receive a lump-sum payment of that amount under the alternative annuity option."
] |
what is memory clock core clock | [
"score": 0.7458180189,
"text": "Core Clock. The clock speed of the graphics processor on the card. Video cards have two clock speeds of interest, the memory clock, and the core clock. The core clock is the speed at which the graphics processor on the card operatores. The clock speed of a chip, combined with the number/configuration of the pipelines in the chip, give a pretty accurate picture of what the performance of the chip will be."
"score": 0.6241875291,
"text": "render back-ends) and core clock. Amount of shaders is not a part of the equation. Memory clock and texture fillrate are not related at all. Memory clock is the frequency the onboard memory chips' I/O bus operates. Texture fillrate is governed by core clock and the width of the texture mapping unit."
] | [
"score": 0.6717650294,
"text": "The speed of the clock is measured in Megahertz (MHz). Well, the frequency is essentially how fast something processes in a computer. In this case(memory), it determines how fast information is going to go to your memory and back. DDR, DDR2, DDR3 memories follow the DDRxxx/PCyyyy classification."
"score": 0.6589771509,
"text": "The clock rate typically refers to the frequency at which a chip like a CPU(central processing unit), one core of a multi-core processor, is running and is used as an indicator of the processor's speed. It is measured in the SI unit hertz."
"score": 0.6567746401,
"text": "The clock rate typically refers to the frequency at which a chip like a central processing unit (CPU), one core of a multi-core processor, is running and is used as an indicator of the processor 's speed.It is measured in the SI unit hertz.he clock rate typically refers to the frequency at which a chip like a central processing unit (CPU), one core of a multi-core processor, is running and is used as an indicator of the processor 's speed."
"score": 0.6547055244,
"text": "As far as estimating the speed of a GPU, the core clock is not important. [quote name='dtheodor' post='471412' date='Dec 2 2008, 06:42 AM']I keep reading about GPUs that are clocked with 3 different clock domains; shader, core and memory clock."
"score": 0.649110496,
"text": "In the Intel Core i5/i7 series of CPUs, the fundamental clock rate is called the base clock or BCLK (it's usually 133MHz). For its part, AMD calls this rate the CPU bus frequency; it's commonly set at 200MHz in AMD desktop processors. Let's look at the Core i5 750 CPU for a moment."
"score": 0.6439101696,
"text": "The clock rate typically refers to the frequency at which a chip like a central processing unit (CPU), one core of a multi-core processor, is running and is used as an indicator of the processor 's speed.It is measured in the SI unit hertz.ee also: Odometer § Clocking.2FBusting_miles_and_legality. The clock rate typically refers to the frequency at which a chip like a central processing unit (CPU), one core of a multi-core processor, is running and is used as an indicator of the processor 's speed. It is measured in the SI unit hertz."
"score": 0.6419371367,
"text": "Each core is in fact doing x calculations per second, thus the total number of calculations is x(cores). Clock speed is rather a count of the number of cycles the processor goes through in the space of a second, so as long as all cores are running at the same speed, the speed of each clock cycle stays the same no matter how many cores exist. In other words, Hz = (core1Hz+core2Hz+…)/cores."
"score": 0.6411436796,
"text": "For an example, if you have an Intel Core i5-4670k processor that has a CPU speed of 3.4GHz clock, the proper settings for the BIOS would be a bus speed of 100MHz and a multiplier of 34. (100MHz x 34 = 3.4 GHz) Memory Timings. The next aspect of the BIOS that needs adjusting is the memory timings."
"score": 0.6408011913,
"text": "To avoid that, the memory subsystem has to continuously refresh the charge in each capacitor in the chip by sending a voltage signal down each row in the array. The frequency of that refresh cycle is what's commonly referred to as the memory's clock speed."
"score": 0.6370491385,
"text": "CPUs have a clock speed – think of it as how fast the CPU does work. (That's actually an imperfect analogy as the truth is a lot more complicated, but it will have to do for now.) For example, Intel's Core i5-3330 processor has a clock speed of 3 GHz and is a quad-core processor, which means it has four cores."
"score": 0.6366338134,
"text": "The first number, xxx, indicates the maximum clock speed that the memory chips support. For instance, DDR400 memories work at 400 MHz at the most, DDR2-800 can work up to 800 MHz, and DDR3-1333 can work up to 1,333 MHz. It is important to note that this is not the real clock speed of the memory. The real clock of the DDR, DDR2, and DDR3 memories is half of the labeled clock speed. Therefore DDR400 memories work at 200 MHz, DDR2-800 memories work at 400 MHz, and DDR3-1333 memories work at 666 MHz. The second number indicates the maximum transfer rate that the memory reaches, in MB/s."
"score": 0.6276471615,
"text": "The guy who sent the image asked me why the memory clock of his GTX 480 is 950MHz instead of 1900Mhz. If we look at the image, we see that GPU-Z is used to monitoring the clocks and temperature. GPU-Z displays the real memory clock frequency or memory speed which is 950MHz (this is an overclocked memory since the stock speed of a GTX 480 is 924MHz). The real memory speed is the most important information."
"score": 0.6258392334,
"text": "The multiplier is then used to determine the final clock speed based on the bus speed of the processor. Set this to the appropriate multiple for the final clock speed of the processor. For an example, if you have an Intel Core i5-4670k processor that has a CPU speed of 3.4GHz clock, the proper settings for the BIOS would be a bus speed of 100MHz and a multiplier of 34. Memory Timings. The next aspect of the BIOS that needs adjusting is the memory timings."
"score": 0.616379559,
"text": "See also: Odometer § Clocking.2FBusting_miles_and_legality. The clock rate typically refers to the frequency at which a chip like a central processing unit (CPU), one core of a multi-core processor, is running and is used as an indicator of the processor 's speed. It is measured in the SI unit hertz.ee also: Odometer § Clocking.2FBusting_miles_and_legality. The clock rate typically refers to the frequency at which a chip like a central processing unit (CPU), one core of a multi-core processor, is running and is used as an indicator of the processor 's speed. It is measured in the SI unit hertz."
"score": 0.6153399944,
"text": "See also: Odometer § Clocking.2FBusting_miles_and_legality. The clock rate typically refers to the frequency at which a chip like a central processing unit (CPU), one core of a multi-core processor, is running and is used as an indicator of the processor 's speed. It is measured in the SI unit hertz."
"score": 0.6141253114,
"text": "The internal cache memory of each CPU core is configured as a 32Kbyte four-way set-associative instruction cache and a 32Kbyte four-way set-associative data cache. An extremely efficient internal cache technology is employed to increase on-access scanning speed."
"score": 0.6107221842,
"text": "Cache memory, also called CPU memory, is random access memory (RAM) that a computer microprocessor can access more quickly than it can access regular RAM. This memory is typically integrated directly with the CPU chip or placed on a separate chip that has a separate bus interconnect with the CPU."
"score": 0.6061312556,
"text": "A 32 x 32 core memory plane storing 1024 bits of data. Magnetic-core memory was the predominant form of random-access computer memory for 20 years between about 1955 and 1975. Such memory is often just called core memory, or, informally, core. Core uses tiny magnetic toroids (rings), the cores, through which wires are threaded to write and read information. Each core represents one bit of information."
"score": 0.6055071354,
"text": "PCs in the past only had one unified system clock with a single clock, which drove the processor, memory, and input/output bus. However, as technology advanced, the need for a higher speed, and thus multiple clocks, arose."
"score": 0.6054067016,
"text": "Clock speed is a measure of how quickly a computer completes basic computations and operations. It is measured as a frequency in hertz (Hz), and most commonly refers to the speed of the computer's Central Processing Unit (CPU).While computer developers and users can refer to this term regarding CPU performance, this has fallen out of favor as CPUs have become more complex.here is a small quartz crystal inside of a CPU that vibrates at a particular oscillation or frequency. This frequency sets the speed of processes in the computer and is usually very high; they are typically measured in megahertz (MHz) and gigahertz (GHz)."
"score": 0.6046733856,
"text": "Understanding Computer Memory-Part 3. DDR3 RAM is much the same as DDR2. The clock speed of the RAM module is rated at twice the modules actual speed. For instance, I am running DDR3-1066, which is 1066MHz.Divide this by 2 and you get 533MHz as the actual clock speed.DR3 RAM is much the same as DDR2. The clock speed of the RAM module is rated at twice the modules actual speed. For instance, I am running DDR3-1066, which is 1066MHz. Divide this by 2 and you get 533MHz as the actual clock speed."
"score": 0.6038621068,
"text": "cache memory. Cache memory, also called CPU memory, is random access memory (RAM) that a computer microprocessor can access more quickly than it can access regular RAM. This memory is typically integrated directly with the CPU chip or placed on a separate chip that has a separate bus interconnect with the CPU."
"score": 0.6036534309,
"text": "From a purchasing standpoint, the top three components of a CPU are: 1. Clock Speed. The CPUs clock speed/rate is the rate in cycles per second that the processors internal clock operates. A CPUs clock speed is a frequency that is measured in hertz."
"score": 0.6022559404,
"text": "Memory controller. The memory controller is a digital circuit that manages the flow of data going to and from the computer's main memory. A memory controller can be a separate chip or integrated into another chip, such as being placed on the same die or as an integral part of a microprocessor; in the latter case, it is usually called an integrated memory controller (IMC). A memory controller is sometimes also called a memory chip controller (MCC) or a memory controller unit (MCU)."
"score": 0.5958917141,
"text": "As far as estimating the speed of a GPU, the core clock is not important. What I don't understand is why the shader clock is 2.5x the core clock. I thought all the stuff with half-warps meant the ALUs were exactly twice the clock of the dispatcher/sram/etc."
"score": 0.5947133303,
"text": "As far as estimating the speed of a GPU, the core clock is not important.[/quote] What I don't understand is why the shader clock is 2.5x the core clock. I thought all the stuff with half-warps meant the ALUs were exactly twice the clock of the dispatcher/sram/etc."
"score": 0.593611002,
"text": "Core memory is made up of tiny \"donuts\" made of magnetic material strung on wires into a grid. Each core stored a bit, magnetized one way for a \"zero,\" and the other way for a \"one.\" The wires could both detect and change the state of a bit."
"score": 0.5925540924,
"text": "It's because the infinity fabric thing . The uncore clock southbrdge clock run at a direct percentage to the ddr4 speed 50% for the SB I believe . In fact the gaming race is much closer than people think cause most reviewers used 2400 memory and Ryzen gains 10-20% in 1080 gaming just from going from 2400 to 3200 ."
"score": 0.585467577,
"text": "What GPU Clock & Memory Clock do ? 1) What effect it takes in games if i only increase GPU Clock and keep Memory Clock at default ? 2) What effect it takes in games if i only increase Memory Clock and keep GPU Clock at default ? 3) We all know the effect on games if we increase both . But we don't know the individual effect. So please share knowledge."
"score": 0.5838682652,
"text": "Why You Can't Just Compare Clock Speeds. CPU clock speed, or clock rate, is measured in Hertz — generally in gigahertz, or GHz. A CPU's clock speed rate is a measure of how many clock cycles a CPU can perform per second. For example, a CPU with a clock rate of 1.8 GHz can perform 1,800,000,000 clock cycles per second. This seems simple on its face."
"score": 0.5764956474,
"text": "The other important data kept in CMOS memory is the time and date, which is updated by a Real Time Clock (RTC). The CMOS memory is usually located with the real-time clock in the motherboard chipset or in a separate real-time clock chip."
"score": 0.5747313499,
"text": "Cache memory is a very high speed semiconductor memory which can speed up CPU. It acts as a buffer between the CPU and main memory. It is used to hold those parts of data and program which are most frequently used by CPU."
"score": 0.573656857,
"text": "Why You Can't Just Compare Clock Speeds. CPU clock speed, or clock rate, is measured in Hertz — generally in gigahertz, or GHz. A CPU's clock speed rate is a measure of how many clock cycles a CPU can perform per second.For example, a CPU with a clock rate of 1.8 GHz can perform 1,800,000,000 clock cycles per second.This seems simple on its face.hy You Can't Just Compare Clock Speeds. CPU clock speed, or clock rate, is measured in Hertz — generally in gigahertz, or GHz. A CPU's clock speed rate is a measure of how many clock cycles a CPU can perform per second."
"score": 0.5720787048,
"text": "If it is performance you crave. then these are the processors that you have been waiting for. The. flagship desktop Intel® Core™ i7-6700K desktop processor has a quad-. core base frequency of 4GHz, 8MB of cache memory and support for. up to 64GB in DDR4 RAM memory. Additionally, it is unlocked4 so."
"score": 0.569816649,
"text": "A core is usually the basic computation unit of the CPU-it can run a single program context (or multiple ones if it supports HW threads such as hyperthreading on intel CPUs), maintaining the correct program state, registers, and correct execution order, and performing the operations through ALUs."
"score": 0.5655959845,
"text": "Cache memory is a small-sized type of volatile computer memory that provides high-speed data access to a processor and stores frequently used computer programs, applications and data. It is the fastest memory in a computer, and is typically integrated onto the motherboard and directly embedded in the processor or main random access memory (RAM). Cache memory provides faster data storage and access by storing instances of programs and data routinely accessed by the processor."
"score": 0.5643550158,
"text": "Cache memory is built into the central processing unit, commonly known in short as the CPU, or it can be located on a separate chip next to the CPU."
"score": 0.557687223,
"text": "We got you covered. If it is performance you crave then the fl agship Intel® Core™ i7-6700K. processor is what you have been waiting for, part of the new 6th Gen. Intel® Core™ processor family for desktop PCs (S-series). It has a quad-. core base frequency of 4GHz, 8MB of cache memory and support for. up to 64GB of DDR4 RAM memory."
"score": 0.5572141409,
"text": "A processor core is a processing unit which reads in instructions to perform specific actions. Instructions are chained together so that, when run in real time, they make up your computer experience. Literally everything you do on your computer has to be processed by your processor."
"score": 0.5555865765,
"text": "Core i5. Developed and manufactured by Intel, the Core i5 is a computer processor, available as dual-core or quad-core. It can be used in both desktop and laptop computers, and is one of three types of processors in the i series (also called the Intel Core family of processors).he most common type of RAM used with a Core i5 processor is DDR3 1333 or DDR3 1600, however, higher performance RAM can be used as well (if the motherboard supports it). Power usage varies for the Core i5 processors: 1 Slower speeds (1.90 GHz to 2.30 GHz) use 11.5 W of power."
"score": 0.5550006628,
"text": "The memory battery (aka motherboard, CMOS, real-time clock (RTC), clock battery) is generally a CR2032 lithium coin cell. This cell battery has an estimated life of 3 years when power supply unit (PSU) is unplugged or when the PSU power switch is turned off."
"score": 0.5534736514,
"text": "If the cache is used for writing, data are queued up at high speed and then written to disk during idle machine cycles by the caching program or the disk controller. See cache coherency, write-back cache, write-through cache, pipeline burst cache, lookaside cache, inline cache, backside cache and NV cache. memory cache, also called a CPU cache, is a memory bank that bridges main memory and the processor. Comprising faster static RAM (SRAM) chips than the dynamic RAM (DRAM) used for main memory, the cache allows instructions to be executed and data to be read and written at higher speed."
"score": 0.5530489683,
"text": "• Data bus size—The size of the bus refers to the number of data bits a CPU can work on in a single instruction. • Clock speed—The clock speed indicates how many instruc-tions per second the processor can execute. Each \"tick\" of the clock is called a cycle, thus clock speed is measured in thou-sands of cycles per second. A single cycle per second is called 1 hertz (Hz), 1,000 Hz is 1 kilohertz (kHz), 1 million Hz is 1"
"score": 0.5508667231,
"text": "Just as processor clock speeds were once considered the sole measure of a PC's performance in the 90s, core count is becoming today's default indicator of smartphone power."
"score": 0.5484088659,
"text": "Alternatively referred to as a Real-Time Clock (RTC), Non-Volatile RAM (NVRAM) or CMOS RAM, CMOS is short for Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor. CMOS is an on-board, battery powered semiconductor chip inside computers that stores information. This information ranges from the system time and date to system hardware settings for your computer. The picture shows an example of the most common CMOS coin cell battery used to power the CMOS memory. The Motorola 146818 chip was the first RTC and CMOS RAM chip to be used in early IBM computers; capable of storing a total of 64 bytes of data. Since the system clock used 14 bytes of RAM, this left an additional 50 bytes for storing system settings."
"score": 0.5471783876,
"text": "The eight-core, 16-thread Intel® Core™ processor Extreme Edition is Intel's first eight-core client processor. This platform offers massive 16-thread performance and quad-channel memory for content creation, gaming and multitasking. Combined with the new Intel® X99 Chipset, this is the first Intel desktop platform to support DDR4 memory."
"score": 0.5467802882,
"text": "Increasing the Base Clock. 1 1. Open the BIOS. 2 2. Open the Frequency/Voltage Control. 3 3. Reduce the memory bus speed. 4. Increase your base clock by 1 10%. 5. Run a stress test. 6. Increase base clock until the system becomes unstable."
"score": 0.5414776802,
"text": "Intel Coffee Lake R (Embedded) Core i7 Processor Features 4 Cores and 8 Threads. Finally, we have an embedded chip based on the Coffee Lake architecture. This chip features 4 cores, 8 threads and a clock speed up to 2.11 GHz (base clock is 1.90 GHz)."
"score": 0.5377480984,
"text": "The original Core brand refers to Intel's 32-bit mobile dual-core x86 CPUs, which derived from the Pentium M branded processors. The processor family used a more enhanced version of the Intel P6 microarchitecture."
"score": 0.5360069275,
"text": "Nonvolatile BIOS memory - CMOS battery. 1 The memory battery (aka motherboard, CMOS, real-time clock (RTC), clock battery) [3] [4] is generally a CR2032 lithium coin cell."
"score": 0.5336459875,
"text": "Memory Caching. A memory cache, sometimes called a cache store or RAM cache, is a portion of memory made of high-speed static RAM (SRAM) instead of the slower and cheaper dynamic RAM (DRAM) used for main memory. Memory caching is effective because most programs access the same data or instructions over and over."
"score": 0.5328108072,
"text": "Alternatively referred to as a \"Real time Clock\" (RTC). CMOS is short for \"Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor \". CMOS is a term used to describe the small amount of memory on a computer's motherboard that stores the BIOS settings and information's."
"score": 0.5306764841,
"text": "Software clock vs Hardware clock. The system clock, provided by the kernel, is implemented as a simple count of the number of ticks that have transpired since the 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC. This is called Unix time. The hardware clock (also known as real-time clock or RTC) is typically a component on the mainboard."
"score": 0.520439744,
"text": "The timer clock can be equal to the system clock (from the crystal or whatever clocking option is used) or it can be slowed down by the prescaler first. When using the prescaler you can achieve greater timer values, while precision goes down. The prescaler can be set to 8, 64, 256 or 1024 compared to the system clock."
"score": 0.5129671097,
"text": "Key Features. 1 Review Price: £879.00. 2 1,000MHz core clock. 3 1,753MHz 12GB GDDR5 memory. 4 8 billion transistors. 5 3,072 stream processors. 6 Requires 1 x 6-pin and 1 x 8-pin power connectors."
"score": 0.5034011602,
"text": "What games are sensitive to, though, is clock speed… and as I mentioned earlier when you increase the number of cores you usually reduce the clock speed. So getting an 18-core Xeon for gaming would actually result in much *lower* performance than a cheaper, higher clock speed 4-core processor."
"score": 0.4902374744,
"text": "Also known as base register. An index register in a computer's CPU is a processor register used for modifying operand addresses during the run of a program. Memory Buffer Register. MBR stand for Memory Buffer Register. This register holds the contents of data or instruction read from, or written in memory. It means that this register is used to store data/instruction coming from the memory or going to the memory. Data Register"
"score": 0.4834919274,
"text": "High stability serial interface real-time clock. This module is an serial interface RTC with a 32.768kHz DTCXO. In addition to a calendar and a clock counter function, this module provides other features including alarm function, fixed-cycle timer, time update and 32.768kHz output function. High stability serial interface real-time clock."
"score": 0.4668667316,
"text": "Phase-change memory (also known as PCM, PCME, PRAM, PCRAM, Ovonic Unified Memory, Chalcogenide RAM and C-RAM) is a type of non-volatile random-access memory.PRAMs exploit the unique behaviour of chalcogenide glass.his burst of voltage is provided by a charge pump, which takes some time to build up power. General write times for common Flash devices are on the order of 0.1ms (for a block of data), about 10,000 times the typical 10 ns read time, for SRAM for example (for a byte)."
"score": 0.4648552835,
"text": "Computer Controlled Timers & Master Clock Systems. MC 100 master clock system runs up to 50 clocks and bells off of single zone. Easy to use, \"plug & play\" low voltage system—requires minimal set up time and little if any electrical support. The system can support up to 300 eventsper day and is expandable to 4 bell zones. This system includes a Master clock terminal, software, 50' cable, mounting bracket, and an instruction manual."
"score": 0.4501311481,
"text": "The 4017 IC is a 16-pin CMOS decade counter from the 4000 series. It takes clock pulses from the clock input, and makes one of the ten outputs come on in sequence each time a clock pulse arrives."
"score": 0.4465389848,
"text": "The circadian clock is the central timing system that controls numerous physiological processes. In mammals, one such process is haem biosynthesis, which the clock controls through regulation of the rate-limiting enzyme aminolevulinate synthase 1 (Alas1). Several members of the core clock mechanism are PAS domain proteins, one of which, neuronal PAS 2 (NPAS2), has a haem-binding motif."
"score": 0.4325768948,
"text": "This nucleus is essentially the planning commission in the brain, which plans the sleep cycle, the hunger cycle, and the hormone release cycle of the body. Still, the main biological clock is the nucleus, also known as the pacemaker of the circadian cycle."
"score": 0.4226018786,
"text": "An alarm clock is a clock that is designed to make a sound, or some other signal, at a specific time. The primary utility of these clocks is to awaken people from their night's sleep or short naps; they are sometimes used for other reminders as well. Most use sound; some use light or vibration."
"score": 0.3298732638,
"text": "Get Vietnam Clock for your website Online html clock provided by 24TimeZones.com is really nice and fancy website widget! You can adjust color and size of your Vietnam online html clock or choose clock for almost any country in the world here! Your Html Clock will look similar to this one: Vietnam"
] |
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"score": 0.6330280304,
"text": "In Windows, search for and open HP Support Assistant. Select the My devices tab, then select your PC from the device list. If you have several HP devices, you might need to scroll down to find the correct device. The product number is listed on the tile for your device. Figure : Finding the product number."
] | [
"score": 0.6260688305,
"text": "How Do I Check What Type Of Laptop I Have My Parents Bought It For Me As A Suprise So I Don't Know What Kind It Is PLEASE HELP!!!!! How Do I Check What Type Of Laptop I Have My Parents Bought It For Me As A Suprise So I Don't Know What Kind It Is PLEASE HELP!!!!!"
"score": 0.5645297766,
"text": "Share. How to check the CPU, RAM, OS and graphics card in any Windows or Mac PC or laptop. Here's how to view your laptop's specification. There are many good reasons for why you may wish to know the specification of your PC or laptop. Perhaps it is running slowly and you want to know if an upgrade is appropriate.ight-click on My Computer and select Properties (in Windows XP, this is called System Properties). Look for System in the Properties window (Computer in XP). Whichever version of Windows you are using, you'll now bee able to see your PC-or laptop's processor, memory and OS."
"score": 0.5479772091,
"text": "HP PC Hardware Diagnostics 3-in-1 USB Key. 1 This tool is intended for use by HP Authorized Service Personnel and Self Maintainers only. All other customers should please download either HP PC Hardware Diagnostics (UEFI) or legacy HP Vision Diagnostics via the links above. With the release of version, a feature has been added that can be used to recover many systems that have failed due to a corrupted BIOS."
"score": 0.5479710102,
"text": "Use the following steps to scan your computer with HP Support Assistant: Click Start, click All Programs, click HP, and then click HP Support Assistant. Or click the HP Support Assistant icon on the desktop. Click Updates and tune-ups on the main menu."
"score": 0.463278532,
"text": "1 How to reboot my acer laptop Forum. 2 Solvedacer laptop pointer frozen in middle of screen cannot get it to move solution. 3 SolvedAcer aspire Laptop frozen solution. 4 how to close the acer when its frozen on restart solution. How do I enable my cursor on my acer laptop solution. 2 Acer aspire will start up and get to the user menu and the cursor is frozen...help! solution. 3 Asus Laptop cursor frozen solution. 4 Samsung Laptop cursor frozen solution. 5 how do i reboot my acer laptop Forum. 6 What to do if cursor is frozen on hp laptop."
] |
what's the number to netflix | [
"score": 0.8350491524,
"text": "Netflix's 800-585-8131 Customer Service Number This Netflix phone number is ranked #2 out of 4 because 277,278 Netflix customers tried our tools and information and gave us feedback after they called. The reason customers call 800-585-8131 is to reach the Netflix Customer Service department for problems like Change Services, Cancel My Services, Account Access, Overcharges on My Account, Technical Support."
] | [
"score": 0.7824224234,
"text": "Netflix Customer Service Phone Number. You can reach out to Netflix as an existing customer directly through phone. If you have a Netflix account and want to speak to someone regarding your issues, you can call: The customer service phone number is the fastest way to reach out to Netflix and it's available 24/7. You can go to 'Contact Us' at the bottom of your Netflix account page and click on 'Call Us'."
"score": 0.7574567795,
"text": "Netflix customer service phone number is the best way to address any of your issues regarding Netflix's streaming service. Netflix Inc. has grown today as one of the largest on-demand Internet streaming media ports."
"score": 0.7444403172,
"text": "Netflix Phone Number . As a worldwide pioneer in Netflix technical support services and solutions, Netflix phone number is devoted and aimed to assist its clients with their Netflix issues of any type. With top-notch Netflix support services at Netflix phone number, all your Netflix app or account problem get resolved proficiently."
"score": 0.733810842,
"text": "Contact Customer Service. Netflix provides two methods to get personal service: via phone and via live chat. If you'd rather call, click Call Us to see a phone number for Netflix and a service code. Enter the code when prompted on the phone to speed up the process by linking your call to your account."
"score": 0.7223113775,
"text": "The fraud occurs when people don't have the Netflix phone number handy so they look for it online and dial what appears to be a legitimate toll-free number. When you call,... Netflix users looking for help with their account are being targeted in a scam that attempts to sell unnecessary services. The fraud occurs when people don't have the Netflix phone number handy so they look for it online and dial what appears to be a legitimate toll-free number. When you call,... (Paul Muschick)"
"score": 0.7143588662,
"text": "Call Netflix Australia Contact Phone number and save in memory. Calls through 1902 access numbers cost $0.99 per minute including GST (Maybe higher from mobile or payphones) plus your phone provider's access charge."
"score": 0.6998681426,
"text": "Welcome to Netflix if you have DVDs on your account press one Your call will be answered in about one minute. For faster service log into Netflix.com and find the six digit service code located at the bottom of any Netflix.com web page. Enter your service code now… if you do not have DVDs on your account press two, For faster service log into Netflix.com and find the six digit service code located at the bottom of any Netflix.com webpage."
"score": 0.6832101941,
"text": "Netflix Hides Its Customer Service Number. By December 11, 2006. A few weeks back 60 minutes did a profile of Netflix and its owner, Reed Hastings, (who has to have the best corporate name since Warren Widicus.) Anyway, much like our readers, Reed could not find Netflix's customer service number the Netflix website. From the CBS transcript:"
"score": 0.6463172436,
"text": "Netflix* (TV channel on DISH Network). DISH Network Channel Number: 370. Broadcast Resolution: Standard Definition (100% digital). Video on Demand (VOD) Availability: Yes.We have Netflix* listed as a Movies TV channel offered by DISH. *Netflix appears as a video-on-demand (VOD) channel in your electronic programming guide (EPG) when using a Hopper with Sling, or a connected Joey receiver.Netflix streaming membership required.etflix* (TV channel on DISH Network). DISH Network Channel Number: 370. Broadcast Resolution: Standard Definition (100% digital). Video on Demand (VOD) Availability: Yes. We have Netflix* listed as a Movies TV channel offered by DISH."
"score": 0.6245976686,
"text": "About Netflix. Netflix is the world's leading Internet television network with over 93 million members in over 190 countries enjoying more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies per day, including original series, documentaries and feature films. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on nearly any Internet-connected screen."
"score": 0.623926878,
"text": "About Netflix. Netflix is the world's leading Internet television network with over 98 million members in over 190 countries enjoying more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies per day, including original series, documentaries and feature films. Members can watch as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, on nearly any Internet-connected screen."
"score": 0.6208648682,
"text": "About Netflix. Netflix is the world's leading Internet television network with over 75 million members in over 190 countries enjoying more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies per day, including original series, documentaries and feature films."
"score": 0.6131039858,
"text": "Content specialist at Answers.com with a background in literature and history. According to instantwatcher.com, Netflix currently has 6,910 movies; it has 10,374 streaming titles, which includes television shows. It does count each season of a television show as its own title so that 10,374 number is not entirely accurate if you want to know the actual number of tv shows on Netflix."
"score": 0.6085684896,
"text": "Netflix is the world's leading Internet television network with over 83 million members in over 190 countries enjoying more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies per day, including original series, documentaries and feature films."
"score": 0.6061061025,
"text": "Netflix, Inc. (Netflix, the Company, we, or us) is the world's leading Internet television network with over 75 million streaming members in over 190 countries enjoying more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies per day, including original series, documentaries and feature films."
"score": 0.60503304,
"text": "The number and quality of Netflix movies and TV shows you have access to will depend on where you live. The United States Netflix library contains 1081 TV-Series and 4579 movies. United Kingdom Netflix base has 542 and 2425. Canadian users can watch 629 and 2942."
"score": 0.6032030582,
"text": "Netflix is the world's leading Internet television network with over 75 million members in over 190 countries enjoying more than 125 million hours of TV shows and movies per day, including original series, documentaries and feature films."
"score": 0.5960481763,
"text": "About This Statistic. This statistic presents data on the number of Netflix streaming subscribers in the United States from the third quarter of 2011 to the fourth quarter of 2016. In the third quarter of 2012, Netflix had 25.1 million U.S. subscribers and in the following quarter added 2.1 million to reach almost 27.2 million."
"score": 0.5958814621,
"text": "Register now. This statistic presents data on the number of Netflix streaming subscribers in the United States from the third quarter of 2011 to the fourth quarter of 2016. In the third quarter of 2012, Netflix had 25.1 million U.S. subscribers and in the following quarter added 2.1 million to reach almost 27.2 million."
"score": 0.5946884155,
"text": "In some limited and deeply technical sense, the contact address is [email protected], the only contact e-mail address associated with Netflix's domain name: Registry Admin ID: Admin Name: Domain Administrator. Admin Organization: Netflix, Inc. Admin Street: 100 Winchester Circle, Admin City: Los Gatos."
"score": 0.5868414044,
"text": "Netflix, Inc. 20 years in business Headquarters 100 Winchester Cir Los Gatos, CA 95032-1815"
"score": 0.5814593434,
"text": "Some U.S. customers have both plans and are counted twice. Netflix didn't report the number of unique subscribers. Forecast for the quarter through September: Streaming: — 30.5 million to 31.3 million in U.S. — 8.3 million to 9.0 million outside U.S."
"score": 0.5803165436,
"text": "Wednesday 21 August 2013 13.23 EDT First published on Wednesday 21 August 2013 13.23 EDT. Netflix, the internet video service which has set out to replace traditional TV channels, has reached an estimated 1.5 million paying subscribers in the UK."
"score": 0.5796086788,
"text": "Amazon Prime Phone Number. Amazon Prime offers unlimited free 2-Day Shipping, No minimum order size, and One-Day shipping for $3.99/item. They are also offering a new video streaming and dvd service to compete with Netflix. User Provide Phone Number: 1-800-201-7575. out of based on 258 reviews."
"score": 0.5787202716,
"text": "Amazon Prime Phone Number. Description. Amazon Prime offers unlimited free 2-Day Shipping, No minimum order size, and One-Day shipping for $3.99/item. They are also offering a new video streaming and dvd service to compete with Netflix. User Provide Phone Number: 1-800-201-7575."
"score": 0.5775046349,
"text": "As of 9/30/2012, Netflix has 31.8 million subscribers worldwide, 27.5 million in the US. Source: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/nu... 780 Views · 2 Upvotes · 1 Upvote"
"score": 0.5772755146,
"text": "In these instances, you need to reset your Netflix application. To do so, launch Netflix, and on your controller or remote, press this cheat code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up. This brings up a page of your general info, along with the option to deactivate.Deactivate. Then relaunch the app.or instance, to watch American Netflix from Canada, go into your Apple TV Settings, go to General, then Network. Select your Network Name, then select Configure DNS, and Manual. From there, enter this sequence of numbers: Now restart your Netflix app."
"score": 0.5745700598,
"text": "How many subscribers does Netflix have? Netflix is by far the biggest subscription streaming service in the business. As of last month, they reported 65.6 million subscribers, including 42.3 million in the United States alone. Hulu reported that it has nearly 9 million subscribers, up from around 6 million in 2014. That lags behind Netflix, obviously, but the growth rate is very impressive."
"score": 0.5723855495,
"text": "As of the most recent quarter, Netflix had a total of 69.2 million subscribers worldwide. Here is a breakdown of Netflix's total subscriber base since the beginning if 2012."
"score": 0.5702347755,
"text": "Best Answer: Officially, you are allowed to activate Netflix on up to 6 devices. Unofficially, Netflix has raised that number to an unknown limit. I currently have 12 active devices."
"score": 0.5694466829,
"text": "Netflix ended 2014 with 57.4 million subscribers worldwide — packing on 1.9 million in the U.S. and 2.43 million internationally during the fourth quarter, topping expectations for overseas growth — as it posted earnings that beat Wall Street estimates."
"score": 0.5692991018,
"text": "Recently released films tend to be available only on DVD and not on the streaming service because of rights issues. At its peak, Netflix operated about 50 distribution centers across the country. Now that number is down to 33. It was just past sunrise on an early-spring morning at Netflix 's DVD operations here, where metallic arms whirred in a giant glass box and rolling carts holding millions of DVDs lined the walls. The company's iconic red envelopes buzzed through an assembly line at the other end of the warehouse."
"score": 0.5646495819,
"text": "Netflix added 2.25 million new streaming subscribers in the first three months of the year, just a shade off pace from the fourth quarter of 2013, which was its best in three years. The service now has nearly 36 million subscribers in the U.S. and over 48 million globally."
"score": 0.5639800429,
"text": "To put this in context, look at Netflix's corresponding numbers from its second quarter shareholder letter (.pdf). Netflix had 24.59 million U.S. subscribers at the end of the second quarter (and only about a million more everywhere else). The company began 2009 with 10 million subscribers, and for two years has shown year-over-year subscriber growth between 26 percent and 64 percent, with profits to match."
"score": 0.5597155094,
"text": "Netflix Error 11003. If you experience the error code 11003, it typically points to information or a setting on your device that's preventing it from accessing the Netflix service. Follow the troubleshooting steps for your device below to resolve the issue."
"score": 0.5530942678,
"text": "Amazon Prime offers unlimited free 2-Day Shipping, No minimum order size, and One-Day shipping for $3.99/item. They are also offering a new video streaming and dvd service to compete with Netflix. User Provide Phone Number: 1-800-201-7575."
"score": 0.5483332872,
"text": "Description. Amazon Prime offers unlimited free 2-Day Shipping, No minimum order size, and One-Day shipping for $3.99/item. They are also offering a new video streaming and dvd service to compete with Netflix. User Provide Phone Number: 1-800-201-7575."
"score": 0.5437758565,
"text": "DNS codes to connect to American Netflix from outside the US (for things like troops serving in the US military) changed multiple times over the past few months, but here are updated ones: {dns1:,dns2:}. and. {dns1:,dns2:}."
"score": 0.5352222919,
"text": "Choose a blu-ray player or television with the built-in NetFlix or Vudu applications. Connect your blu-ray player or television to the internet. A hard wired connection is highly recommended. Set up an account with NetFlix or Vudu on your computer. Enter your account information on your blu-ray player or television. Begin streaming! For More Information or to Purchase If you have questions or are interested in purchasing an internet enabled TV or blu-ray, please call toll-free 800-616-5354."
"score": 0.5334607959,
"text": "Netflix Pricing Levels as of May 25, 2014: Netflix Streaming Plans. 1 SD Screen - $7.99 a month. 2 HD Screens - $8.99 a month - up to 2 Screens streaming simultaneously. 4 HD Screens - $11.99 a month - up to 4 Screens streaming simultaneously."
"score": 0.5332237482,
"text": "Netflix added 630,000 U.S. subscribers during the three months ending in June. That performance was slightly above the mid-range target set by Netflix Inc.'s management in April, but less than what many ..."
"score": 0.5325202942,
"text": "Netflix's various subscription tiers range from $8-12 depending on your desired video quality — SD resolution is just $8 per month, but you can also only stream on one device at a time."
"score": 0.5322332382,
"text": "The short answer is 1080p HD, which Netflix calls Super HD. The longer answer is: it depends on what you want to watch and what you want to watch it on. For example if you're using an iPad with iOS 7, you can stream at up to 1080p; if you're on a Kindle Fire, you'll get 480p."
"score": 0.5312604904,
"text": "Netflix Pricing Levels as of May 25, 2014: Netflix Streaming Plans. 1 1 SD Screen - $7.99 a month. 2 2 HD Screens - $8.99 a month - up to 2 Screens streaming simultaneously. 4 HD Screens - $11.99 a month - up to 4 Screens streaming simultaneously."
"score": 0.5303111672,
"text": "A broadband connection. You'll need a broadband connection to view Netflix on your TV since programming is streamed over the internet. The minimum required connection speed is 0.5Mbps, but 3Mbps is recommended for standard definition quality, 5Mbps for high definition quality and 25Mbps for Ultra HD quality."
"score": 0.5275236964,
"text": "DNS codes to connect to American Netflix from outside the US (for things like troops serving in the US military) changed multiple times over the past few months, but here are updated ones: {dns1:,dns2:}. and. {dns1:,dns2:}. The old code was just also reported to be working in the UK. 2 Update Oct 19,2013: Kevin24 in the comments gives this DNS that is working for some people, try it out: 3 Update Oct 8, 2013: The old codes are still reported as working for some users, though if they don't work for you, read through the comments below for more."
"score": 0.5259463787,
"text": "Netflix Pricing Levels as of May 25, 2014: Netflix Streaming Plans. 1 1 SD Screen - $7.99 a month. 2 HD Screens - $8.99 a month - up to 2 Screens streaming simultaneously."
"score": 0.5252795219,
"text": "Use of the Netflix service and this Web site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. About Cookies and Internet Advertising All rights reserved. U.S. Patent No. 7,024,381 and U.S. Patent No. 6,584,450. {i-be1859dc}"
"score": 0.5235125422,
"text": "Most internet connections are far below this speed so your connection to the internet is the real limiting factor. Netflix streaming is available at 3 different levels. Basic which is 500 kb/sec or 0.5 mbps, Good 1 mbps, and High which is 1.6 - 2.2+ mbps. Poor reception however can significantly slow down your connection speed and therefore is also a factor."
"score": 0.5219048262,
"text": "Netflix Smart TV App connection problem error code nw-2-5 Solved. This fault was really tough to figure out. But this is how I fixed Netflix error code nw-2-5 on my LG 47 inch Smart TV model number 47LB650V. BT Internet Service provider BT Parental Controls."
"score": 0.5150770545,
"text": "DoomsDay wrote: Members on Netflix unlimited plans may have up to 6 unique devices or computers activated on an account at any one time. As it says, you can have up to 6 total, including pc's. The number of them that can be watched at the same time is dependent on how many discs your plan is getting."
"score": 0.514591217,
"text": "Netflix: 1 1 Mb/s for viewing on a laptop computer. 2 2 Mb/s for viewing standard definition video (480p) on a TV. 3 4 Mb/s for viewing high-def video (720p, 1080p) 4 5 Mb/s or more for the best audio and video experience. 5 15 Mb/s for 4K streaming (but 25mb/s is preferred)."
"score": 0.5140689611,
"text": "Tablet) will be prompted to download a compatible, earlier version of the Netflix app. To download Netflix on your Samsung Galaxy 10.1. Tablet (Model Number: GT-P7500), follow these instructions. For a list of supported devices, see Google Play's Supported Devices article."
"score": 0.5119413137,
"text": "Netflix: 35.67 million subscribers. Amazon Prime: At least 20 million people use Prime, but we have no real indication on how many use Prime Instant Video, other than that the company said in its Q1 earnings call that video streams nearly tripled in the last year. Hulu Plus: 5 million subscribers, as of December."
"score": 0.5113832355,
"text": "But this is how I fixed Netflix error code nw-2-5 on my LG 47 inch Smart TV model number 47LB650V."
"score": 0.5075938702,
"text": "If only Netflix subscribers are counted, the number jumps to 1.5 hours a day, about what Netflix reported. Nielsen comes in with a third set of numbers, according nScreenMedia. For 18 to 24 year olds, Web video consumption is just 21 minutes a day. And that's the group that watches the most streaming video."
"score": 0.5073131919,
"text": "(4492). Overview. Watch movies and TV shows instantly on your Chromebook and in Google Chrome on your PC/Mac with your Netflix membership."
"score": 0.5033783317,
"text": "If you're paying for a hyper-fast Internet connection and getting lousy video quality, this might be the cause. Take a look at Netflix's ISP Speed Index Chart to quickly see how your ISP stacks up. To know for sure, open Netflix and search for Example Short 23.976 .. This video is an 11-minute series of random clips so it's not very entertaining. But it does hold the keys to one major secret."
"score": 0.4813444018,
"text": "What's coming and going on Netflix for April 2015. On April 1, Netflix is giving a lot of movies the axe, no joke. Not to worry -- here's what's replacing them."
"score": 0.4743709266,
"text": "Claim: The entire Disney movie collection will be available for viewing through Netflix starting in September 2016. MOSTLY FALSE. WHAT'S TRUE: Starting in September 2016, Netflix will be the exclusive U.S. pay TV home outlet for new Disney movies. WHAT'S FALSE: Netflix will not be streaming the entire Disney movie collection to customers."
"score": 0.4693402648,
"text": "The Office US is leaving Netflix UK and fans are inconsolable. 'Netflix, you ignorant slut!'. The U.S. Office is going to be taken down from Netflix UK on 4 September, according to (usually fairly reliable) websites New On Netflix and What's On Netflix."
"score": 0.4629603028,
"text": "The Office US is leaving Netflix UK and fans are inconsolable. The U.S. Office is going to be taken down from Netflix UK on 4 September, according to (usually fairly reliable) websites New On Netflix and What's On Netflix."
"score": 0.4622405469,
"text": "Netflix moved it's services to Amazon AWS. And Netflix uses Amazon S3+CloudFront+EBS+SimpleDB for it's services. Considering that all the costs are neglected since a movie can be watched a lot of times let's just calculate the costs for bandwidth. If an SD movie is about 700MB that equalizes 0.7GB. Netflix for sure has more than 5PB of traffic a month. and after 5PB is reached a Gigabyte will be equal to 0.02$/GB. So if 1GB==0.02$ then it will be equal to around 0.014-0.016$/movie. Calculating Scaling Charges and Storage Charges."
"score": 0.4548180699,
"text": "All the Netflix New Releases for April. All the Netflix New Releases for April. Now that you've shed a tear over the content that is leaving Netflix in April, it's time to rejoice of what's new on Netflix."
"score": 0.4410427809,
"text": "How fast to connect to NetFlix between Sony KDL70R550, LG 50LA6205, Hisense 40K366W and the Samsung Smart Bluray BD-D5700."
] |
how long after tooth extraction for gum to heal | [
"score": 0.7073028684,
"text": "Don'ts: 1 Don't be tempted to rinse the area for 24 hours after tooth removal. 2 Avoid hot food or drinks until the numbing wears off. You cannot feel pain while you're numb and may burn your mouth. 3 Don't poke at the extraction site! – keep your fingers and tongue away from this area."
] | [
"score": 0.6602776051,
"text": "How long does the numbing last after a dentist appointment? When can you smoke after a tooth extraction? How soon after tooth extraction can you use a straw? Dental abscess; How long does it bleed after wisdom teeth extraction? Permanent teeth (adult teeth) When do dissolvable stitches fall out after wisdom teeth extraction?"
"score": 0.6500607133,
"text": "Tooth extraction grey tissue Fibrin clot tooth Color of socket after extraction White line on gum line after extraction."
"score": 0.6484009027,
"text": "How can you tell that you have dry mouth? How can you treat a tooth abscess? How can you treat dry mouth? How can you treat teeth grinding? How does smoking affect oral health? How does smoking affect overall health? How is infective endocarditis related to oral health? How long does it bleed after wisdom teeth extraction? How long does the numbing last after a dentist appointment? How many teeth are there in the mouth? How soon after tooth extraction can you use a straw? 2013-07-09 | q & a | 2 | After a tooth extraction, a blood cloth forms in the jaw where the tooth used to be."
"score": 0.6120576859,
"text": "Can you drink alcohol after tooth extraction? Do you have to remove retainers or orthodontic appliances when you eat? Does chewing gum after a meal help eliminating dental plaque? Does chewing gum eliminate bad breath? For which sports should you use a mouthguard? How can smokers take care of their oral health? How can you get rid of a tooth abscess?"
"score": 0.5897760391,
"text": "Average tooth removals cost: 1 $75 to $300 for non-surgical, gum-erupted tooth extraction. 2 $150 to $650 for a surgical extraction utilizing anesthesia. 3 $185 to $600 for soft-tissue and complicated surgical extractions. $75 to $200 for wisdom tooth extraction."
] |
how long is a honey baked ham good for in the refrigerator | [
"score": 0.9030238986,
"text": "Honey baked hams can stay in the refrigerator for up to 6-8 days and can stay good in the freezer also.It should be wrapped properly to save it from any contamination. This way it should last for at least 10 days.1 Login to post comment.oney baked hams can stay in the refrigerator for up to 6-8 days and can stay good in the freezer also."
] | [
"score": 0.8479062319,
"text": "Our hams are fully cooked and pre-sliced so you get perfection every single time. You'll spend less time in the kitchen preparing and cleaning up and more time with your guests. And, you may even have some delicious HoneyBaked ham leftovers you can continue to enjoy long after the main meal. Our ham can be kept in the refrigerator for 6-8 days or in the freezer for 45 days."
"score": 0.8099334836,
"text": "Once a ham is cooked, the leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four days before they start to go bad. Baked ham can be stored in the freezer for up to six months. Continue Reading."
"score": 0.8090071678,
"text": "Once a ham is cooked, the leftovers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four days before they start to go bad. Baked ham can be stored in the freezer for up to six months. Keep Learning."
"score": 0.7995589972,
"text": "3 to 4 days Properly stored, cooked ham will last for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. To further extend the shelf life of cooked ham, freeze it; freeze in covered airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags, or wrap tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil or freezer wrap."
"score": 0.7974324226,
"text": "How long does a whole ham or half ham last in the refrigerator? Properly stored, whole ham or half ham will typically last for 5 to 7 days, or the date on the package, in the fridge. Unopened whole ham or half ham may be kept in its original store packaging when refrigerating; to maximize the shelf life of whole ham or half ham, do not open the package until ready to use."
"score": 0.7887840867,
"text": "Cooked ham can be kept in the refrigerator for about 3 to 4 days and should be eaten within that time frame or it should be frozen. If it hasn't been eaten or frozen with … in the time frame, then it should be discarded. + 1 other found this useful. Myra Ward."
"score": 0.7882324457,
"text": "1 Once opened, Hormel® Cure 81® ham can be stored in the refrigerator for five to seven days. 2 Leftover cooked ham should be tightly wrapped and refrigerated promptly after the meal. 3 Ham may be kept frozen for up to 60 days."
"score": 0.7879546285,
"text": "Cooked ham can be kept in the refrigerator for about 3 to 4 days and should be eaten within that time frame or it should be frozen. If it hasn't been eaten or frozen with … in the time frame, then it should be discarded. 2 people found this useful."
"score": 0.7878555059,
"text": "Cooked ham can be kept in the refrigerator for about 3 to 4 days and should be eaten within that time frame or it should be frozen. If it hasn't been eaten or frozen with … in the time frame, then it should be discarded."
"score": 0.786364615,
"text": "To maximize the shelf life of cooked ham for safety and quality, refrigerate the ham in shallow airtight containers or wrap tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Properly stored, cooked ham will last for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. To further extend the shelf life of cooked ham, freeze it; freeze in covered airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags, or wrap tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil or freezer wrap."
"score": 0.7860646248,
"text": "The precise answer to that question depends to a large extent on storage conditions - refrigerate ham within two hours of cooking. To maximize the shelf life of cooked ham for safety and quality, refrigerate the ham in shallow airtight containers or wrap tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil or plastic wrap. Properly stored, cooked ham will last for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. To further extend the shelf life of cooked ham, freeze it; freeze in covered airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags, or wrap tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil or freezer wrap."
"score": 0.7838354707,
"text": "Cooked ham can be kept in the refrigerator for about 3 to 4 days and should be eaten within that time frame or it should be frozen. If it hasn't been eaten or frozen with … in the time frame, then it should be discarded.2 people found this useful.nother Answer: If you keep it well sealed and refrigerated at a pretty cold temperature you can keep it there up to two weeks. If you keep it for one week in the fridge and then put it in the freezer in several packages it will be kept safe for a long time."
"score": 0.7834109664,
"text": "Properly stored, cooked ham will last for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. To further extend the shelf life of cooked ham, freeze it; freeze in covered airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags, or wrap tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil or freezer wrap. How long does cooked ham last in the freezer?"
"score": 0.7801689506,
"text": "Ham storage. Fresh ham can be stored in the refrigerator up to five days before cooking. Cured ham should be refrigerated in the original packaging for up to a week. Check labels on country-style hams. Some can be stored in a cool place for one to two months, but keep in mind that over time, evaporation shrinks and toughens country ham."
"score": 0.7799482942,
"text": "1 Once opened, Hormel® Cure 81® ham can be stored in the refrigerator for five to seven days. 2 Leftover cooked ham should be tightly wrapped and refrigerated promptly after the meal. 3 Ham may be kept frozen for up to 60 days.4 The nutritional value of the ham will be maintained, but not its full flavor and texture.nce a Hormel Foods product is opened, it should be removed from the package, transferred to an air-tight container and placed in a refrigerator immediately. You should then consume the product within two to three days."
"score": 0.7797968388,
"text": "You can keep your ham in refrigerator at a temperature of 40 °F (4 °C) or lower. Boneless ham can be stored in the refrigerator at this temperature for up to a week, while bone-in hams (such as the rump or shank portions) will keep for up to two weeks. If you're using raw ham, it will only last in the refrigerator for 3-5 days after the sell-by date."
"score": 0.7791606188,
"text": "How long does a ham stay fresh in the refrigerator? Meats are kept better in the freezer. Meats can be kept in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days if raw and 1 to 2 days longer if cooked. Always place cooked meats in an airtight container."
"score": 0.7790043354,
"text": "Here are a few tips: 1 Once opened, ham can be stored in the refrigerator for five to seven days. 2 Leftover cooked ham should be tightly wrapped and refrigerated promptly after the meal. 3 Ham may be frozen for up to sixty days. The nutritional value of the ham won't suffer but the flavor and texture will."
"score": 0.7769236565,
"text": "How long does a ham stay fresh in the refrigerator? Meats are kept better in the freezer. Meats can be kept in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days if raw and 1 to 2 days longer if cooked."
"score": 0.775487721,
"text": "Tips. 1 How long does cooked ham last in the fridge? 2 To maximize the shelf life of cooked ham for safety and quality, refrigerate the ham in shallow airtight containers or wrap tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil or plastic wrap. 3 Properly stored, cooked ham will last for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator."
"score": 0.7745783329,
"text": "Hi Shannon, The recommendation is to either eat or freeze a cooked ham that has been in the refrigerator for 4-5 days. Since you indicate your ham has been in the refrigerator 2 weeks, the recommendation is to not consume the ham and pitch it.A purchased ham that is vacuum sealed and dated with a sell by date, may be held 4-5 days pass the sell by date before it too must be frozen. Carol.he recommendation is to either eat or freeze a cooked ham that has been in the refrigerator for 4-5 days."
"score": 0.774156332,
"text": "How long can ham be kept in the refrigerator? For a ham that is cured and cooked, the storage time in a freezer can be between 1 and 2 months. However, if it is country ham, then it will only last for about a month in the the freezer and for 7 days in the refrigerator. It is best to discard ham when it begins to get a slimy film and has a sour smell."
"score": 0.7729315758,
"text": "The recommendation is to either eat or freeze a cooked ham that has been in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.Since you indicate your ham has been in the refrigerator 2 weeks, the recommendation is to not consume the ham and pitch it.A purchased ham that is vacuum sealed and dated with a sell by date, may be held 4-5 days pass the sell by date before it too must be frozen. Carol.he recommendation is to either eat or freeze a cooked ham that has been in the refrigerator for 4-5 days."
"score": 0.771995008,
"text": "Hi Shannon, The recommendation is to either eat or freeze a cooked ham that has been in the refrigerator for 4-5 days. Since you indicate your ham has been in the refrigerator 2 weeks, the recommendation is to not consume the ham and pitch it.A purchased ham that is vacuum sealed and dated with a sell by date, may be held 4-5 days pass the sell by date before it too must be frozen. Carol.ince you indicate your ham has been in the refrigerator 2 weeks, the recommendation is to not consume the ham and pitch it. A purchased ham that is vacuum sealed and dated with a sell by date, may be held 4-5 days pass the sell by date before it too must be frozen. Carol."
"score": 0.7708713412,
"text": "The recommendation is to either eat or freeze a cooked ham that has been in the refrigerator for 4-5 days.Since you indicate your ham has been in the refrigerator 2 weeks, the recommendation is to not consume the ham and pitch it.A purchased ham that is vacuum sealed and dated with a sell by date, may be held 4-5 days pass the sell by date before it too must be frozen. Carol.ince you indicate your ham has been in the refrigerator 2 weeks, the recommendation is to not consume the ham and pitch it. A purchased ham that is vacuum sealed and dated with a sell by date, may be held 4-5 days pass the sell by date before it too must be frozen. Carol."
"score": 0.7707126737,
"text": "Cooked ham has been cured before so it can be left in the fridge for 4 - 5 days, but to be on the safe side it's best to have your ham, then cut off what you may want from the … next nights meal and then slice the rest of the ham up and freeze. Meats do not last long in the refrigerator. Only about 3 to 4 days if it is raw. Then 1 to 2 days longer if cooked and placed in an airtight container. You should always … cover meats when stored in the fridge."
"score": 0.7701539993,
"text": "Boneless ham can be stored in the refrigerator at this temperature for up to a week, while bone-in hams (such as the rump or shank portions) will keep for up to two weeks. If you're using raw ham, it will only last in the refrigerator for 3-5 days after the sell-by date."
"score": 0.768275857,
"text": "1 The precise answer to the question \"How long does baked ham last?\" depends to a large extent on storage conditions — refrigerate within two hours of cooking. To maximize the shelf life of baked ham, refrigerate the cooked ham in shallow airtight containers or wrap tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil or plastic wrap."
"score": 0.7674658895,
"text": "Report Abuse. Ham can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks if well wrapped. It is a processed meat and therefore keeps well. Ham can also be frozen without difficulty.eport Abuse. Ham can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks if well wrapped. It is a processed meat and therefore keeps well. Ham can also be frozen without difficulty."
"score": 0.765173614,
"text": "The taste and texture was just horrible. I will never have one delivered again. One Answer yes you can but it will taste good but not a lot. More Information According to the Honey Baked website (see Related Links), their ham can be frozen up to 6 weeks. will never have one delivered again. One Answer yes you can but it will taste good but not a lot. More Information According to the Honey Baked website (see Related Links), their ham can be frozen up to 6 weeks."
"score": 0.7644754648,
"text": "Tips. 1 How long does cooked ham last in the fridge? 2 To maximize the shelf life of cooked ham for safety and quality, refrigerate the ham in shallow airtight containers or wrap tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil or plastic wrap. 3 Properly stored, cooked ham will last for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. To further extend the shelf life of cooked ham, freeze it; freeze in covered airtight containers or heavy-duty freezer bags, or wrap tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil or freezer wrap. How long does cooked ham last in the freezer?"
"score": 0.7623344064,
"text": "Many people believe that because most hams are cured that they can be stored longer than fresh meat. However, leftover cooked ham should be used within 3-4 days or frozen. To determine how long different types of ham can be stored safely in the refrigerator and freezer, see the Ham Storage Chart."
"score": 0.7610837221,
"text": "How long will sliced deli ham stay good in the refrigerator? This food will keep for about 5 to 7 days in the refrigerator. Place the food in an air tight container for the best results."
"score": 0.7593383789,
"text": "Quick Answer. Fresh, uncooked ham lasts up to 6 months in the freezer. When cooked, fresh ham lasts between 3 and 4 months. Cured, uncooked ham last up to 4 months in the refrigerator, but when cooked it lasts up to 2 months. Continue Reading."
"score": 0.7582201958,
"text": "Then they can be cooked by boiling or baking. Follow the manufacturer's cooking instructions. Storing Ham. Many people believe that because most hams are cured that they are safe longer than fresh meat. However, most leftover cooked ham is safe in the refrigerator only about 5 days. To determine how long different types of ham can be stored safely in the refrigerator and freezer, see our Ham Storage Chart."
"score": 0.7513245344,
"text": "For a ham that is cured and cooked, the storage time in a freezer can be between 1 and 2 months. However, if it is country ham, then it will only last for about a month in the the freezer and for 7 days in the refrigerator.It is best to discard ham when it begins to get a slimy film and has a sour smell."
"score": 0.7509334683,
"text": "According to the USDA, ham, both pre-cooked and cooked at home, should be stored in the frezzer for no more than 1-2 months. The USDA would say that. But I'll Tell you Something, I keep things (like Hams) in the deep freeze way longer than that.ooked ham can be kept in the refrigerator for about 3 to 4 days and should be eaten within that time frame or it should be frozen. If it hasn't been eaten or frozen with … in the time frame, then it should be discarded. + 1 other found this useful. Myra Ward."
"score": 0.7496693134,
"text": "once cooked the sauce should not be kept hot for longer than two hours cooked ham can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days reheat sealed in a foil packet with a splash of water in the packet in the oven heating to a temperature of 165ºf 74ºc"
"score": 0.7494652271,
"text": "Always put your spiral ham in the refrigerator as soon as possible after purchasing. Refrigerator storage will keep the ham safe to eat for up to five days as long as the temperature inside is 40 degrees F or below. The same goes for leftovers."
"score": 0.7489657402,
"text": "The HoneyBaked Web site only wants you to refreeze leftover ham for as much as six weeks (it has clearly not occurred to them that anyone would freeze the entire ham or turkey breast and not eat most of it right away!).You will notice that they don't say anything about freezing the turkey breast.They let you keep ham a little longer in the refrigerator than turkey (7 to 10 days vs. 5 to 7 days), but clearly they would prefer you not freeze their turkey at all.If you popped it in the freezer as soon as it arrived, though, it will absolutely still be safe.he HoneyBaked Web site only wants you to refreeze leftover ham for as much as six weeks (it has clearly not occurred to them that anyone would freeze the entire ham or turkey breast and not eat most of it right away!)."
"score": 0.7467393875,
"text": "Best Answer: Actually, It depends on what kind of ham... Whether: Country (which is cured with salt, and/or sugar) which can last nearly indefinitely (but personally I would use within 1 year... Other hams, such as a picnic,honey cured, etc;etc, most hams ARE CURED in one way or another.ams that are vacuum sealed can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. When the vacuum seal is broken, the ham needs to be eaten within 2-3 days. thoughtsarepowerful · 8 years ago."
"score": 0.7450060248,
"text": "Split and merge into it. Answer by Allebell. Confidence votes 63. Cooked ham has been cured before so it can be left in the fridge for 4 - 5 days, but to be on the safe side it's best to have your ham, then cut off what you may want from the next nights meal and then slice the rest of the ham up and freeze."
"score": 0.7434769273,
"text": "Ham can be frozen 4-6 months. Ham freezes very well.But tends to have lots of … moisture, when you unthaw it.That is contributed to the salt content.You can just squeeze it gently;to remove excess water.Or reheat in the oven with out covering ,and the water will be drawn out. will never have one delivered again. One Answer yes you can but it will taste good but not a lot. More Information According to the Honey Baked website (see Related Links), their ham can be frozen up to 6 weeks."
"score": 0.7385116816,
"text": "One to two months of freezer storage in an airtight storage bag is recommended, but two to three months would most likely still produce an acceptable ham dinner. Even after a spiral ham is prepared for a meal, it will only last in the refrigerator so long before its shelf life is compromised."
"score": 0.7366383672,
"text": "Split and merge into it. Answer by Allebell. Confidence votes 63. Cooked ham has been cured before so it can be left in the fridge for 4 - 5 days, but to be on the safe side it's best to have your ham, then cut off what you may want from the next nights meal and then slice the rest of the ham up and freeze.ow long does cured ham last in the fridge? If the ham is sealed in plastic packaging it can last up to a year in a fridge but if in papet packaging this will last only a week."
"score": 0.7356621027,
"text": "Best Answer: Actually, It depends on what kind of ham... Whether: Country (which is cured with salt, and/or sugar) which can last nearly indefinitely (but personally I would use within 1 year...Other hams, such as a picnic,honey cured, etc;etc, most hams ARE CURED in one way or another.Even Smoked ham is already to eat, right from the pack...ams that are vacuum sealed can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. When the vacuum seal is broken, the ham needs to be eaten within 2-3 days. thoughtsarepowerful · 8 years ago."
"score": 0.7313683629,
"text": "How long does whole ham or half ham last after being frozen and thawed? Whole ham or half ham that has been defrosted in the fridge can be kept for an additional 3 to 5 days in the refrigerator before cooking; whole ham or half ham that was thawed in the microwave or in cold water should be cooked immediately."
"score": 0.7223562598,
"text": "Thawed a couple of days in fridge, then cooked low and slow to heat up and glaze. Now it's one week later and still lots of leftovers ! Burger's instructions state ham is good for 28 days in fridge, then freeze."
"score": 0.7207958698,
"text": "To serve again, place the ham in your refrigerator for 24-48 hours ahead of time to thaw. Heating a HoneyBaked spiral ham. Your ham is already fully-cooked and ready to enjoy, and is best served directly from the refrigerator. If heating is desired, we recommend heating only those slices you plan to use and not the entire ham. However, you can wrap individual spiral slices in aluminum foil and heat them. If using a conventional oven, cover the entire ham (or portion to be used) and heat at 275 degrees F for about 10 minutes per pound. Place a shallow pan with water on the rack below the ham for additional moisture. Slices can also be heated in a skillet or used in grilled sandwiches, like our Grown-Up Grilled Ham & Cheese."
"score": 0.720315814,
"text": "How long does cooked ham last after being frozen and thawed? Cooked ham that has been thawed in the fridge can be kept for an additional 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator before cooking; ham that was thawed in the microwave or in cold water should be eaten immediately."
"score": 0.712067008,
"text": "The freezer time shown is for best quality only - cooked ham that has been kept constantly frozen at 0°F will keep safe indefinitely. How long does cooked ham last after being frozen and thawed? Cooked ham that has been thawed in the fridge can be kept for an additional 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator before cooking; ham that was thawed in the microwave or in cold water should be eaten immediately."
"score": 0.7081939578,
"text": "The best and safest way is to place your ham or turkey in the refrigerator to thaw. Allow for two days. If you find yourself in a hurry, you may thaw the bird or meat in a cold water bath, never hot water. After cooking, your ham and turkey will keep for 10 days in the refrigerator.Be sure to wrap tightly with foil! In some Eastern cultures, the leftovers are buried in the backyard and allowed to age. This is known as a Thousand Year Turkey.ll of our hams are fully cooked. If desired, our hams can be served directly from the refrigerator without heating. To warm, simply unwrap and heat at 325°, one hour for a half ham and two hours for a whole ham. **If it's spiral sliced, wrap it in foil before warming."
"score": 0.6977972984,
"text": "According to the USDA, ham, both pre-cooked and cooked at home, should be stored in the frezzer for no more than 1-2 months. The USDA would say that. But I'll Tell you Something, I keep things (like Hams) in the deep freeze way longer than that. You just have to be careful and trust your instincts and you'll be fine."
"score": 0.6927205324,
"text": "According to the USDA, ham, both pre-cooked and cooked at home, should be stored in the frezzer for no more than 1-2 months. The USDA would say that. But I'll Tell you Somet…hing, I keep things (like Hams) in the deep freeze way longer than that. You just have to be careful and trust your instincts and you'll be fine."
"score": 0.6924148798,
"text": "STORAGE ON SHELF STORAGE AFTER OPENING; Canned ham (shelf-stable) 2 to 5 years: 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator: Low-acid canned goods. Examples: canned meat and poultry, stews, soups (except tomato), spaghetti (noodle and pasta) products, potatoes, corn, carrots, spinach, beans, beets, peas, and pumpkin. 2 to 5 years: 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator"
"score": 0.6650381088,
"text": "This Site Might Help You. RE: How long can spiral ham stay in refrigerator? I bought a Publix Grocery Store brand Ham on Saturday 11/17 for thanksgiving and was wondering how long I could keep it in the refrigerator before Thanksgiving 11/22?Should I freeze it?E: How long can spiral ham stay in refrigerator? I bought a Publix Grocery Store brand Ham on Saturday 11/17 for thanksgiving and was wondering how long I could keep it in the refrigerator before Thanksgiving 11/22? Should I freeze it?"
"score": 0.6383631229,
"text": "1 Place the pork in a bowl large enough to fit the ham and fill it with water. 2 Add the salt, curing salt, honey, and pickling spice. 3 Give everything a good stir, cover, and place in the refrigerator for 4 to 5 days (1 day per pound of ham) to brine.4 When the ham is done brining, remove from the bowl and rinse off. Add the salt, curing salt, honey, and pickling spice. 2 Give everything a good stir, cover, and place in the refrigerator for 4 to 5 days (1 day per pound of ham) to brine. 3 When the ham is done brining, remove from the bowl and rinse off."
"score": 0.6216253638,
"text": "I used a 9-lb spiral cut honey cured ham with the stated brown sugar amounts and cooked on low for 4 hours. I sealed over the ham with foil and then put on the lid. The ham was delicious and v..."
"score": 0.5804800987,
"text": "In my opinion, good ham costs money. Cheap hams, on sale at the holidays, often have a chemical taste. They are not good. I don't think I've ever had a ham from the honey baked store, but Costco sells an excellent ham that they just carry at Christmas time. It is not cheap, but I am sure that it is less expensive than the honey baked. I don't like the spiral sliced hams. They dry out too easily."
"score": 0.5743393302,
"text": "Find baked ham recipes including honey baked ham, baked country ham, and more baked ham recipes."
] |
define geographical environment | [
"score": 0.7372806668,
"text": "Environmental geography is the study of systematic description of different components of environment and interactions of man with these components.Thus the definition of Environmental geography may be further broadened as follows:he answer is easy, the term of Environmental geography lays more emphasis on man-environment relationships .Probably K. Hewitt and F. K. Hare first used the term of 'environmental geography' in Man and Environment."
] | [
"score": 0.7028800249,
"text": "The definition of geographical conditions is a term that is used to describe the geography of an area. This could be used to describe the geography of a state, for example … the geographical condition could be mountainous. 6 people found this useful.he definition of geographical conditions is a term that is used to describe the geography of an area. This could be used to describe the geography of a state, for example … the geographical condition could be mountainous. 6 people found this useful."
"score": 0.7013559341,
"text": "The definition of geographical conditions is a term that is used to describe the geography of an area. This could be used to describe the geography of a state, for example … the geographical condition could be mountainous.6 people found this useful. Sim Orleans.he definition of geographical conditions is a term that is used to describe the geography of an area. This could be used to describe the geography of a state, for example … the geographical condition could be mountainous. 6 people found this useful."
"score": 0.6999818683,
"text": "The definition of geographical conditions is a term that is used to describe the geography of an area. This could be used to describe the geography of a state, for example … the geographical condition could be mountainous.6 people found this useful.Sim Orleans.he definition of geographical conditions is a term that is used to describe the geography of an area. This could be used to describe the geography of a state, for example … the geographical condition could be mountainous. 6 people found this useful. Sim Orleans."
"score": 0.6983770132,
"text": "Physical, human Environmental geography, also known as integrated geography, integrative geography, or human-environment geography, is the branch of geography th … at studies the interactions between humans and the natural world. It looks at how human societies understand and influence the environment."
"score": 0.69594872,
"text": "Physical, human Environmental geography, also known as integrated geography, integrative geography, or human-environment geography, is the branch of geography th … at studies the interactions between humans and the natural world."
"score": 0.6882719994,
"text": "The definition of geographical conditions is a term that is used to describe the geography of an area. This could be used to describe the geography of a state, for example … the geographical condition could be mountainous.6 people found this useful.Sim Orleans. 3 Contributions. Site refers to the internal characteristics of a place (house, city, country, state) that describe where it is. Examples: coastal plain, mountain top, river delta. … Situation refers to the external characteristics (what is nearby) that make that location attractive."
"score": 0.6829416752,
"text": "A: Geographical location refers to a specific physical point on Earth. This is more precise than area or place, often defined by a set of latitude and longitude coordinates. Any location that has solid ground such as a country, island or panhandle can be a geographical location on the surface of the Earth. Even though some people state that only solid land that has the mass available for people or animals to live will qualify as one of these locations."
"score": 0.6778044701,
"text": "Cultural geography is the study of Environmental determinism Throughout history, numerous colonial powers have argued that certain types of people, living in certains areas of the world, are less able to govern themselves because of the qualities they have developed due to their interactions with natural factors, such as climate. This is an example of:"
"score": 0.6723912358,
"text": "Physical geography (also known as geosystems or physiography) is one of the two major subfields of geography. [1] Physical geography is that branch of natural science which deals with the study of processes and patterns in the natural environment like the atmosphere, biosphere and geosphere, as opposed to the cultural or built environment, the domain of human geography."
"score": 0.6717269421,
"text": "Physical, human Environmental geography, also known as integrated geography, integrative geography, or human-environment geography, is the branch of geography th … at studies the interactions between humans and the natural world.It looks at how human societies understand and influence the environment.uman Environmental Interaction is basically how we affect and are affected by the environment, and also how we disturb the natural environment. The Five Themes of Geography … were written in 1984."
"score": 0.6629786491,
"text": "Definition of physical environment. : the part of the human environment that includes purely physical factors (as soil, climate, water supply)"
"score": 0.6609685421,
"text": "Definitions of geographical region. 1. the geographical area under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state. a geographical area politically controlled by a distant country. a region much like a desert but usually located between a desert and the surrounding regions. an area that has been taken over and is controlled and corrupted by drug cartels and where law enforcement is effectively nonexistent."
"score": 0.6590194702,
"text": "Full Definition of GEOGRAPHY. 1. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2. : the geographic features of an area. 3."
"score": 0.6583162546,
"text": "Full Definition of GEOGRAPHY. 1. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2.: the geographic features of an area. 3. : a treatise on geography. 4.a: a delineation or systematic arrangement of constituent elements: configuration.. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2. : the geographic features of an area. 3. : a treatise on geography. 4. a: a delineation or systematic arrangement of constituent elements: configuration."
"score": 0.6574419737,
"text": "Full Definition of GEOGRAPHY. 1. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2.: the geographic features of an area. 3. : a treatise on geography.4.a: a delineation or systematic arrangement of constituent elements: configuration.. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2. : the geographic features of an area. 3. : a treatise on geography. 4. a: a delineation or systematic arrangement of constituent elements: configuration."
"score": 0.6572754383,
"text": "Full Definition of GEOGRAPHY. 1. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2.: the geographic features of an area. 3.: a treatise on geography.4.a: a delineation or systematic arrangement of constituent elements: configuration.. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2. : the geographic features of an area. 3. : a treatise on geography. 4. a: a delineation or systematic arrangement of constituent elements: configuration."
"score": 0.6571208835,
"text": "Full Definition of GEOGRAPHY. 1. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2. : the geographic features of an area. 3.: a treatise on geography.4.a: a delineation or systematic arrangement of constituent elements: configuration.. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2. : the geographic features of an area. 3. : a treatise on geography. 4. a: a delineation or systematic arrangement of constituent elements: configuration."
"score": 0.6569849849,
"text": "Full Definition of GEOGRAPHY. 1. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2. : the geographic features of an area. 3. : a treatise on geography. 4."
"score": 0.6568095684,
"text": "Full Definition of GEOGRAPHY. 1. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2. : the geographic features of an area. 3. : a treatise on geography."
"score": 0.6552994847,
"text": "Full Definition of GEOGRAPHY. 1. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2."
"score": 0.652705431,
"text": "In geography, regions are areas broadly divided by physical characteristics (physical geography), human impact characteristics (human geography), and the interaction of humanity and the environment (environmental geography).n the fields of physical geography, ecology, biogeography, zoogeography, and environmental geography, regions tend to be based on natural features such as ecosystems or biotopes, biomes, drainage basins, natural regions, mountain ranges, soil types."
"score": 0.6514389515,
"text": "Human and Physical Geography is the study of the environment, people, and the resources they use. Geography determines the way in which humans live, the adaptations they have developed to survive, and the alterations to the environment they have made to better their existence.limate. Climate is a very important part in the study of human and physical geography. Climate is the usual weather patterns that occur in an area over a long period of time. There are four major climate zones, tropical, dry, mid-latitude, and high latitude."
"score": 0.6504858732,
"text": "What is definition of geography term human environmental interaction? Human Environmental Interaction is basically how we affect and are affected by the environment, and also how we disturb the natural environment."
"score": 0.6472688317,
"text": "Physical geography is that branch of natural science which deals with the study of processes and patterns in the natural environment like the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere, as opposed to the cultural or built environment, the domain of human geography. Coastal geography is the study of the dynamic interface between the ocean and the land, incorporating both the physical geography (i.e. coastal geomorphology, geology and oceanography) and the human geography of the coast."
"score": 0.6459664106,
"text": "1. (Physical Geography) the study of the natural features of the earth's surface, including topography, climate, soil, vegetation, etc, and man's response to them. 2. (Physical Geography) the natural features of a region.3. an arrangement of constituent parts; plan; layout.. an index to an atlas. geography. 1. the science that studies and describes the surface of the earth and its physical, biological, political, economie, and demographic characteristics and the complex interrelations among them. 2. the topographical features of a specific area."
"score": 0.644774437,
"text": "physical geography. The scientific study of the natural features of the Earth's surface, especially in its current aspects, including land formation, climate, currents, and distribution of flora and fauna. Also called physiography."
"score": 0.6406387091,
"text": "noun. Geography is the study of the Earth. Geography is the study of the Earth. The definition of geography is the study of the Earth. 1 An example of geography is the study of where the states are located.2 An example of geography is the climate and natural resources of the land. An example of geography is the study of where the states are located. 2 An example of geography is the climate and natural resources of the land."
"score": 0.6388528347,
"text": "Definitions for natural environment. Natural environment. The natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth or some region thereof. It is an environment that encompasses the interaction of all living species."
"score": 0.635456562,
"text": "Freebase(3.00 / 4 votes)Rate this definition: Natural environment. The natural environment encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth or some region thereof. It is an environment that encompasses the interaction of all living species."
"score": 0.6353424788,
"text": "For other uses, see Region (disambiguation) . In geography, regions are areas broadly divided by physical characteristics (physical geography), human impact characteristics (human geography), and the interaction of humanity and the environment (environmental geography). region has its own nature that could not be moved. The first nature is its natural environment (landform, climate, etc.). The second nature is its physical elements complex that were built by people in the past. The third nature is its socio-cultural context that could not be replaced by new immigrants."
"score": 0.6332600713,
"text": "Geography is the study of the Earth. The definition of geography is the study of the Earth. An example of geography is the study of where the states are located. An example of geography is the climate and natural resources of the land."
"score": 0.6307147145,
"text": "Physical Geography. Physical geography is the study of natural systems and cycles that interact within the Earth's life layer where land and oceans meet the atmosphere."
"score": 0.6305927634,
"text": ": an area of study that deals with the location of countries, cities, rivers, mountains, lakes, etc. : the natural features (such as rivers, mountains, etc.) of a place.ull Definition of GEOGRAPHY. 1. : a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface. 2. : the geographic features of an area. 3. : a treatise on geography."
"score": 0.6292899847,
"text": "Definition of geography for Students. 1 1 : a science that deals with the location of living and nonliving things on earth and the way they affect one another. 2 2 : the natural features of an area the geography of the western United States."
"score": 0.6262005568,
"text": "In the fields of physical geography, ecology, biogeography, zoogeography, and environmental geography, regions tend to be based on natural features such as ecosystems or biotopes, biomes, drainage basins, natural regions, mountain ranges, soil types. region has its own nature that could not be moved. The first nature is its natural environment (landform, climate, etc.). The second nature is its physical elements complex that were built by people in the past. The third nature is its socio-cultural context that could not be replaced by new immigrants."
"score": 0.6260783672,
"text": "Geography (from Greek γεωγραφία, geographia, literally earth description) is a field of science devoted to the study of the lands, the features, the inhabitants, and the phenomena of Earth. The first person to use the word γεωγραφία was Eratosthenes (276–194 BC). Geography is an all-encompassing discipline that seeks an understanding of the Earth and its human and natural complexities—not merely where objects are, but how they have changed and come to be. It is often defined in terms of the two branches of human geography and physical geography."
"score": 0.6256555915,
"text": "2. Abiotic Environment: The physical characteristics we use to describe a place or the non-living components of an environment are called abiotic. These include the geological and chemical influences, as well as physical. Notice that these are similar to the descriptions you filled out in the table above."
"score": 0.6244928241,
"text": "This article is about the biophysical environment. For other uses, see Environment. The biophysical environment is the biotic and abiotic surrounding of an organism or population, and consequently includes the factors that have an influence in their survival, development and evolution. The biophysical environment can vary in scale from microscopic to global in extent."
"score": 0.6225918531,
"text": "Geographic scope is the coverage that computers have within a certain geographic area. It is also how far the computer along with its network can reach geographically.Local networks use dedicated data channels and consist of private branch exchanges and local area networks.he definition of geographical conditions is a term that is used to describe the geography of an area. This could be used to describe the geography of a state, for example … the geographical condition could be mountainous. 6 people found this useful."
"score": 0.6224945784,
"text": "The Global Environment Outlook (GEO) is a consultative process, participatory process that builds capacity for conducting integrated environmental assessments and reporting on the state, trends and outlooks of the environment."
"score": 0.6221528053,
"text": "GEOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS. Each place has distinctive characteristics that distinguishes it from other. places. Geographic characteristics are divided into two categories: physical. characteristics and human characteristics. Physical characteristics describe the natural environment of the place. They."
"score": 0.6192483902,
"text": "She's going to hike through the mountains near her hometown and record the environment. She can't wait to get started! Geography is the study of the physical features of the earth and of how human activity affects and is affected by the environment.or centuries, maps have been the primary way to record geographic information and the primary way to get around. If you want to go from point A to point B and you've never been to point B before, you get a map and follow it. Maps are a good place for Melissa to start out."
"score": 0.6178266406,
"text": "Physical geography is the branch of geography dealing with the natural features of the Earth, the home of humans. Physical geography looks at the water, air, animals, and land of the planet Earth (i.e. everything that is part of the four spheres - the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere)."
"score": 0.617503643,
"text": "Students learn about: - the biophysical environment. - biophysical processes and issues. Students learn to: - investigate and communicate geographically. - use geographical skills and tools. - identify geographical methods applicable to, and useful in, the workplace."
"score": 0.6154212952,
"text": "Geography (from Greek γεωγραφία, geographia, literally earth description) is a field of science devoted to the study of the lands, the features, the inhabitants, and the phenomena of Earth. The first person to use the word γεωγραφία was Eratosthenes (276–194 BC)."
"score": 0.6149768233,
"text": "physical environment definition, physical environment meaning | English dictionary. Search also in: Web News Encyclopedia Images. physical. adj. 1 of or relating to the body, as distinguished from the mind or spirit. 2 of, relating to, or resembling material things or nature. the physical universe. 3 involving or requiring bodily contact."
"score": 0.6143169403,
"text": "The environment is the surroundings of an organism including the physical and chemical environment, and other organisms with which it comes into contact. This term is most frequently used in a human context, often referring to factors affecting our quality of life. Natural Resources."
"score": 0.6135305762,
"text": "GEOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS Each place has distinctive characteristics that distinguishes it from other places. Geographic characteristics are divided into two categories: physical characteristics and human characteristics. Physical characteristics describe the natural environment of the place. They include: • physical features- are landforms and bodies of water. • weather and climate weather - is how hot or cold and how wet or dry a place is."
"score": 0.6125593185,
"text": "The biophysical environment is the biotic and abiotic surrounding of an organism or population, and consequently includes the factors that have an influence in their survival, development and evolution. The biophysical environment can vary in scale from microscopic to global in extent."
"score": 0.6095194817,
"text": "physical environment definition, physical environment meaning | English dictionary. physical. n the branch of medicine devoted to the management of physical disabilities, as resulting from rheumatic disease, asthma, poliomyelitis, etc."
"score": 0.6081585884,
"text": "GEOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS Each place has distinctive characteristics that distinguishes it from otherplaces. Geographic characteristics are divided into two categories: physicalcharacteristics and human characteristics. Physical characteristics describe the natural environment of the place.Theyinclude: • physical features-are landforms and bodies of water. • weather and climate weather-is how hot or cold and how wet or dry a place is. climate-is the kind of weather a place has over a long period time.EOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS Each place has distinctive characteristics that distinguishes it from otherplaces. Geographic characteristics are divided into two categories: physicalcharacteristics and human characteristics. Physical characteristics describe the natural environment of the place."
"score": 0.6065697074,
"text": "The environment is the surroundings of an organism including the physical and chemical environment, and other organisms with which it comes into contact. This term is most frequently used in a human context, often referring to factors affecting our quality of life."
"score": 0.6047389507,
"text": "The geographical definition of an area is; a region or part of a town, country, or the world. Or a space allocated for a specific purpose. The mathematical definition for area … is; The size of a surface, or the space inside the boundary of a 2 dimensional object, like a triangle or square."
"score": 0.6044762135,
"text": "Within the body of physical geography, the Earth is often split into several spheres or environments, the main spheres being the atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and pedosphere. Coastal geography is the study of the dynamic interface between the ocean and the land, incorporating both the physical geography (i.e. coastal geomorphology, geology and oceanography) and the human geography of the coast."
"score": 0.5994561315,
"text": "Physical geography (also known as geosystems or physiography) is one of the two major sub-fields of geography. Coastal geography is the study of the dynamic interface between the ocean and the land, incorporating both the physical geography (i.e. coastal geomorphology, geology and oceanography) and the human geography of the coast."
"score": 0.5973385572,
"text": "What is a Bioregion? A geographical area described in terms of its unique combination of plants, animals, geology, climate and water features – an area defined by natural boundaries and distinct living communities – the whole of which distinguishes it from other bioregions. geographical area described in terms of its unique combination of plants, animals, geology, climate and water features – an area defined by natural boundaries and distinct living communities – the whole of which distinguishes it from other bioregions."
"score": 0.5863291025,
"text": "1 Environment (systems), the surroundings of a physical system that may interact with the system by exchanging mass, energy, or other properties. Natural environment or physical environment, in ecology, consisting of all living and non-living things."
"score": 0.5860974789,
"text": "1 Environment (systems), the surroundings of a physical system that may interact with the system by exchanging mass, energy, or other properties. 2 Natural environment or physical environment, in ecology, consisting of all living and non-living things. Environmental art."
"score": 0.5609342456,
"text": "Definition of NATURAL AREA. : a geographical area (as in a city) having a physical and cultural individuality developed through natural growth rather than design or planning.ADVERTISEMENT. This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium Unabridged Dictionary is offered here on a limited basis. a geographical area (as in a city) having a physical and cultural individuality developed through natural growth rather than design or planning."
"score": 0.5377426744,
"text": "Geo-fencing (geofencing) is a feature in a software program that uses the global positioning system (GPS) or radio frequency identification (RFID) to define geographical boundaries. A geofence is a virtual barrier.eo-fencing (geofencing) is a feature in a software program that uses the global positioning system (GPS) or radio frequency identification (RFID) to define geographical boundaries. A geofence is a virtual barrier."
"score": 0.5317983627,
"text": "(hāb'ĭ-tāt') The area or natural environment in which an organism or population normally lives. A habitat is made up of physical factors such as soil, moisture, range of temperature, and availability of light as well as biotic factors such as the availability of food and the presence of predators."
"score": 0.4816289246,
"text": "The geographical scope of the damage is amplifying the costs. They not only form our political and geographical boundaries but define our stories and our lives. There are trade-offs in all things, and no perfect solution, geographical or otherwise."
"score": 0.4642914534,
"text": "Ocean. Vocabulary Biome: A large community of plants and animals that occupies a distinct region. Terrestrial biomes, typically defined by their climate and dominant vegetation, include grassland, tundra, desert, tropical rainforest, and deciduous and coniferous forests."
"score": 0.456187427,
"text": "System environment variables define the behavior of the global operating system environment. Local environment variables define the behavior of the environment of the current instance of Cmd.exe. System environment variables are preset in the operating system and available to all Windows XP processes."
"score": 0.4324524999,
"text": "Contains the functionality to define a geofence (a geographical area of interest) to monitor."
] |
what causes swollen ankles | [
"score": 0.7716842294,
"text": "Source – sportsgeezer. As the name suggests, Swollen Ankles is a medical syndrome characterized by inflammation in the lower legs, especially the ankles. This disorder may affect ankle of one or both legs. In some situations, the calves and also the thighs may suffer a swelling. The condition can appear in young and old alike. You can find swollen ankles in men as well as women. It may arise with a number of other health problems."
] | [
"score": 0.7488174438,
"text": "Ankle swelling: 1 98 causes: Ankle swelling. 2 Introduction: Ankle swelling. 3 Ankle swelling: Add a 3rd symptom. Ankle swelling: Remove a symptom."
"score": 0.7118213177,
"text": "Discover why Doctors Trust SwellNoMore to Relieve Swollen Feet and Swollen Ankles, Safe and Naturally!*. SwellNoMore is a powerful Dietary Supplement that reduces Water Retention AND Inflammation, the underlying causes of Swollen Ankles and Swollen Feet. Just take 2 natural supplements with food in the morning and see the results for yourself.*."
"score": 0.6967039108,
"text": "Find out what causes swollen ankles, feet and fingers in pregnancy, what you can do to ease it, and when you need to see a doctor. Your health, your choices User Accounts"
"score": 0.688629806,
"text": "Swelling Ankles. RockinRobie. I am 52 years old, menstral cycle ended October 2007, I noticed from looking at my ankles that they were both swollen on the outside. I feel no pain, no stiffnes, no discomfort, but the ankles (both) are swollen on the outside. What makes my ankles swollen? Robie Brown."
"score": 0.6692922115,
"text": "How are swollen ankles and swollen feet diagnosed? What is the treatment for swollen feet and swollen ankles? What home remedies help soothe symptoms of swollen ankles or feet? What are the complications of swollen ankles and swollen feet? Can swollen ankles and swollen feet be prevented? What is the prognosis for swollen feet and swollen ankles?"
"score": 0.6422488093,
"text": "Pregnancy symptoms: Swollen feet, ankles, and hands (edema). Swollen feet and ankles are common during pregnancy. Learn why swelling of the extremities happens in pregnancy, what you can d..."
] |
what does gg stand for in government civilian | [
"score": 0.6800691485,
"text": "GG - Government Grade, All Acronyms, viewed April 15, 2017, <https://www.allacronyms.com/GG/Government_Grade>."
] | [
"score": 0.5942133665,
"text": "What G.I. Stands ForGI is short for Government Issue.However, these are all common interpretations ormisinterpretations: General Issue General. Go Log In Sign Up"
"score": 0.5798261166,
"text": "Good game. Definition. GG is commonly used in online gaming, such as chess or Starcraft to say good game.. It is often typed at the end of a match to congratulate the other player. GG (usually typed gg) is considered a respectful way to end a match rather than simply surrendering."
"score": 0.574506402,
"text": "The General Schedule (GS) classification and pay system covers the majority of civilian white-collar Federal employees (about 1.5 million worldwide) in professional, technical, administrative, and clerical positions."
"score": 0.573990047,
"text": "GSA stands for the General Services Administration which is a government agency that was established in 1949. The agency has evolved over the years and today is tasked with managing government buildings and real estate, providing product and service procurement support, and developing policies and regulations."
"score": 0.5630040169,
"text": "General Schedule Classification and Pay. The General Schedule (GS) classification and pay system covers the majority of civilian white-collar Federal employees (about 1.5 million worldwide) in professional, technical, administrative, and clerical positions."
"score": 0.5582228303,
"text": "GS stands for General Schedule, and describes the level of know-how and responsibility that different government jobs require (not exactly the same thing as what you were asking.) That being said, without any kind of higher ed (Associates or Bachelor's degree), you'll be applying for jobs at the entry-level end of the scale---GS-3, GS-4---maybe a GS-5."
"score": 0.5513454676,
"text": "This page is about the meanings of the acronym/abbreviation/shorthand GCHQ in the Governmental field in general and in the Military terminology in particular. Government Communications HeadQuarters. Governmental » Military."
"score": 0.5503214598,
"text": "General Schedule Overview. General Schedule Classification and Pay. The General Schedule (GS) classification and pay system covers the majority of civilian white-collar Federal employees (about 1.5 million worldwide) in professional, technical, administrative, and clerical positions."
"score": 0.5461069345,
"text": "Save 15% 15% Off Sale! Save 15% 15% Off Sale! about-us. GG&G is a Tucson, Arizona based manufacturer of rifle and shotgun accessories including AR-15, M-16, Remington, Mossberg & Benneli tactical shotgun accessories including new products like the Remington 870 Magazine Tube Extension."
"score": 0.5448325872,
"text": "Grade equivalencies have also been issued by the U.S. Department of State for other purposes, such as assignment of permanent and transient housing to eligible civilian employees. Comparison of Military and Civilian Equivalent Grades Military Civilian Military Grade Rank White Collar (GS/GM) Blue Collar (FWS) O-10 Admiral"
"score": 0.5363183022,
"text": "Military rank equivalency Although GS civilians do not have military rank by virtue of their GS position, regulations include civilian and military grade equivalencies for pay and protocol comparison purposes.or example, a Deputy Commander of a Systems Command would be considered the same as what a military would be in a similar position. Military Civilian Grade Group Grade Groups Rank GS/SES NF WG/WL/WS NA/NL/NS O-10 General SES NF-6 n/a n/a O-9 Lt. General SES NF-6 n/a n/a O-8 Maj. General SES NF-6 n/a n/a O-7 Brg."
"score": 0.5344511271,
"text": "In the United States Army, the acronym SSG stands for staff sergeant. A staff sergeant carries an enlisted rank of E-6."
"score": 0.5275686979,
"text": "The General Services Administration (GSA) is an agency of the U.S. Government that manages and supports acquisition of products and services. It was established in 1949 by the Truman Administration. The GSA supplies products and communications for U.S. government offices, provides transportation and office space to federal employees, and develops government-wide cost-minimizing policies, and other management tasks."
"score": 0.5264457464,
"text": "The antonym of GG, BG (Bad Game) is used when a player feels that he or she has been outmatched by an overwhelming score or the game has taken an unfavorable turn. Beginning in 2010, the phrase became commonly used in the action game League of Legends, as well as World of Warcraft, Starcraft II and Call of Duty."
"score": 0.5212907791,
"text": "G1 – General Staff Level office for Personnel and Manpower (Division and Above) 1 G2 – General Staff Level office for Military Intelligence (Division and Above) 2 G3 – General Staff Level office for Operations and Plans (Division and Above) 3 G4 – General Staff Level office for Logistics (Division and Above)"
"score": 0.5190901756,
"text": "System- Marine Corps GDIP General Defense Intelligence Program GIG Global Information Grid GLPS Gun Laying and Positioning System GME Garrison Mobile Equipment GMF Ground Mobile Forces GOPLAT Gas and Oil Platform GOTS Government off-the-Shelf GP General Purpose GPR Ground Processing Requirement GPS Global Positioning System GTN Global Transportation Network"
"score": 0.5128545165,
"text": "It means Good game and is a way to show humility in defeat or victory. If you can't say GG or something nice, then dont. Saying stuff like BG or GG EZ can get you banned fast. Of course depending on the context it can be an insult."
"score": 0.5121945739,
"text": "(3) In this Act the expression GCHQ refers to the Government Communications Headquarters and to any unit or part of a unit of the armed forces of the Crown which is for the time being required by the Secretary of State to assist the Government Communications Headquarters in carrying out its functions."
"score": 0.5113656521,
"text": "The Civilian Personnel Section (CPS) is the administrative office here to assist those who have been selected for an APF post for the Department of the Air Force, both GS & WG, at Misawa Air Base. Civil Service positions within the federal government are classified by occupational series, grade or pay level, and pay plan."
"score": 0.5091313124,
"text": "Government Contract Accounting (GCA) is the maintenance of an organization's official financial books and accounting records, its policies, and procedures, all of which facilitate the tracking of, reporting on, and billing for, all costs, for any government contract, in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)."
"score": 0.5041575432,
"text": "When you have to leave in a hurry and don't have time for a formal farewell, g2g is your go-to stand-alone text abbreviation. You can follow it up with l8r, ttyl or ttfn.. 1 g4i - go for it. gab - getting a beer."
"score": 0.5037258863,
"text": "Gasoline gallon equivalent (GGE) or gasoline-equivalent gallon (GEG) is the amount of alternative fuel it takes to equal the energy content of one liquid gallon of gasoline. GGE allows consumers to compare the energy content of competing fuels against a commonly known fuel—gasoline."
"score": 0.5016030073,
"text": "When you have to leave in a hurry and don't have time for a formal farewell, g2g is your go-to stand-alone text abbreviation. You can follow it up with l8r, ttyl or ttfn.. g4i - go for it. gab - getting a beer."
"score": 0.4973817468,
"text": "Employment in the Federal Government has not followed the same course as spending. The share of the civilian labor force employed by the Federal government shows a much clearer World War II displacement than does the share of expenditures in GNP. This is illustrated in Fig. 1 which plots Federal civilian employment as a share of the civilian labor force from 1908 to 1990."
"score": 0.4923166633,
"text": "Part of the Government IT glossary: GFEBS (General Fund Enterprise Business System) is a Web-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for the United States Army. GFEBS replaces or absorbs more than 80 legacy accounting and asset management systems to standardize business processes and transactional input across the Army."
"score": 0.481685549,
"text": "Step 5, the highest step in the FWS, is 12 percent above the prevailing rate of pay. The General Schedule (GS) is a separate pay system covering most white-collar civilian Federal employees. Surveys of non-Federal employers (including State and local governments) determine the pay for GS employees."
"score": 0.4782147408,
"text": "In the run up to the coming local government elections, Good Governance Africa (GGA) used data obtained from a national survey, Statistics SA, Auditor General Reports, Expanded Public Works Programme and National Treasury to rank the performance of the http://outsource-safety.co.uk/buy-abilify-uk country's 234 local and metropolitan municipalities, ..."
"score": 0.4779446721,
"text": "A governmentwide acquisition contract (GWAC) is a contract between a commercial IT service or product vendor and the U.S. government that consolidates the procurement of IT solutions across multiple federal agencies."
"score": 0.4744199514,
"text": "governmentwide acquisition contract (GWAC) A governmentwide acquisition contract (GWAC) is a contract between a commercial IT service or product vendor and the U.S. government that consolidates the procurement of IT solutions across multiple federal agencies."
"score": 0.4724149704,
"text": "How is Contractor Management Group abbreviated? CMG stands for Contractor Management Group. CMG is defined as Contractor Management Group very rarely."
"score": 0.4722934663,
"text": "The RG designation stands for Radio Guide; A series of standard types of coaxial cable were specified for military uses, in the form RG-# or RG-#/U. They date from World War II and were listed in MIL-HDBK-216 published in 1962. These designations are now obsolete. The RG designation stands for Radio Guide; From The obvious place."
"score": 0.4707758725,
"text": "It includes personal property and real property. ¾ Personal property: Equipment/systems, spares, and supplies¾ Real property: Land, buildings, and structures ¾Government Furnished Property (GFP): Government property that is provided to contractors for a contract. GP Basic Terminology."
"score": 0.460670054,
"text": "Certified Local Government. The Certified Local Government (CLG) Program is a local, state, and federal government partnership for historic preservation. It is designed to help cities and counties develop high standards of preservation to protect a wide range of important historic properties—from ornate courthouses to working-class neighborhoods."
"score": 0.4571642876,
"text": "(NPO), which operates the Continuity of Government Project (COG), an ongoing secret project to maintain command, control, communication and intelligence executive centers during an extreme National Emergency by operating clandestine, secure, underground cities staffed by surrogates for above ground national leaders."
"score": 0.4540989399,
"text": "GNSS-2 [citation needed] is the second generation of systems that independently provides a full civilian satellite navigation system, exemplified by the European Galileo positioning system. These systems will provide the accuracy and integrity monitoring necessary for civil navigation; including aircraft."
"score": 0.4522621036,
"text": "G in 2G, 3G and 4G stands for the \"Generation\" of the mobile network. Today, mobile operators have started offering 4G services in the country. A higher number before the 'G' means more power to send out and receive more information and therefore the ability to achieve a higher efficiency through the wireless network. in 2G, 3G and 4G stands for the \"Generation\" of the mobile network. Today, mobile operators have started offering 4G services in the country. A higher number before the 'G' means more power to send out and receive more information and therefore the ability to achieve a higher efficiency through the wireless network."
"score": 0.4516151547,
"text": "9 definitions of DOD. Definition of DOD in Military and Government. What does DOD stand for?"
"score": 0.4506075978,
"text": "A. As determined by the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief. Financial Officer, the Defense Civilian Pay System (DCPS) is the Department's only approved. standard civilian payroll system for employees paid from appropriated, revolving, or trust funds. The Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) is responsible for maintaining system."
"score": 0.4377046824,
"text": "Hypernyms (GHQ is a kind of...): headquarters; HQ; military headquarters (the military installation from which a commander performs the functions of command) Domain category: armed forces; armed services; military; military machine; war machine (the military forces of a nation)"
"score": 0.4374944568,
"text": "The Philippine Department of the Interior and Local Government (Filipino: Kagawaran ng Interyor at Pamahalaang Lokal), abbreviated as DILG, is the executive department of the Philippine government responsible for promoting peace and order, ensuring public safety and strengthening local government capability aimed towards the effective delivery of basic services to the citizenry."
"score": 0.4360682368,
"text": "DSG: Deputy Secretary General: DSG: Data Systems Group: DSG: Digital Signal Generator (US DoD)"
"score": 0.4359861314,
"text": "DSG: Deployment Support Group (US Marine Corps) DSG: Divisional Support Group: DSG: Defence Strategic Guidance: DSG: Drill Status Guardsman (US Air National Guard) DSG: Deputy Solicitor General (various locations) DSG: Direction des Services Généraux (French: Directorate of General Services)"
"score": 0.4344721138,
"text": "U.S. Air Force insignia of the rank of brigadier general. Style and method of wear may vary between the services. In the United States Armed Forces, brigadier general (BG, Brig Gen, or BGen) is a one-star general officer with the pay grade of O-7 in the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Air Force. Brigadier general ranks above a colonel and below major general."
"score": 0.4268373251,
"text": "If the majority of U.S.G. civilian employees at a locality have access to a Department of State-managed official accommodation exchange rate for currency exchange, we use information provided by the Department of State's Global Financial Services Center based in Charleston, South Carolina."
"score": 0.4192189574,
"text": "The Global War on Terrorism Service Medal (GWOT-S) is a military award of the United States Armed Forces which was created by Executive Order 13289 on March 12, 2003 by President George W. Bush."
"score": 0.4175056219,
"text": "General Dynamics Corporation (GD) is an aerospace and defense company. It is a market leader in business aviation; land and expeditionary combat systems, armaments and munitions; shipbuilding and marine systems; and information systems and technologies."
"score": 0.4165709615,
"text": "Originally Posted By w30olds: Wanted to know this for some time. Like the M-16. Does the M stand for Military, or something else? What does the AR stand for as far as civilian terms? Sorry for the brain dead questions. Thanks, AN"
"score": 0.4148171246,
"text": "Federal Government of Somalia. The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) (Somali: Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Arabic: حكومة الصومال الاتحادية) is the internationally recognised government of the Federal Republic of Somalia."
"score": 0.4120039046,
"text": "30 definitions of FMS. Definition of FMS in Military and Government. What does FMS stand for?"
"score": 0.4065381289,
"text": "Global War on Terrorism Service Medal. The Global War on Terrorism Service Medal (GWOT-S) is a military award of the United States Armed Forces which was created by Executive Order 13289 on March 12, 2003 by President George W. Bush."
"score": 0.3981208503,
"text": "g.o.d (지오디) was a Korean pop music group. The name is an acronym for Groove Over Dose. The group was one of the few groups to have an album become a million seller in K-pop. [citation needed] The members have gone to solo careers after disbanding."
"score": 0.3959980011,
"text": "The Air Force Distributed Common Ground System (AF DCGS), also referred to as the AN/GSQ-272 SENTINEL weapon system, is the Air Force's primary intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) planning and direction, collection, processing and exploitation, analysis and dissemination (PCPAD) weapon system."
"score": 0.3951731324,
"text": "1 definitions of OMSI. Definition of OMSI in Military and Government. What does OMSI stand for?"
"score": 0.3947256207,
"text": "NSG: Nuclear Suppliers Group: NSG: National Security Guards (India) NSG: Naturschutzgebiet (German: Nature Reserve) NSG: Neurosurgeon: NSG: Naval Security Group: NSG: National System for Geospatial-Intelligence: NSG: Network Support Group: NSG: National Steering Group (UK) NSG: National Senior Games: NSG: National Support Group: NSG: National Seminars Group: NSG"
"score": 0.3897727728,
"text": "Gwanbok is a Korean general term referring to all business attires of government officers given by government, with Rank badge on them to distinguish hierarchies. Hakchangui: Hwarot: Hwarot is a type of traditional Korean clothing worn during the Goryeo and Joseon Dynasty by royal women for ceremonial occasions or by commoners for weddings. It originated from the Kingdom of Khotan, Central Asia."
"score": 0.3815506995,
"text": "RG-58 cable is often used as a generic carrier of signals in laboratories, combined with BNC connectors that are common on test and measurement equipment such as oscilloscopes.G was originally a unit indicator for bulk RF cable in the U.S. military's Joint Electronics Type Designation System. There are several versions covering the differences in core material (solid or braided wire) and shield (70% to 95% coverage)."
"score": 0.3746982217,
"text": "What is a PAG? A Planetary Activation Group, or PAG, can be defined as a spiritually committed ally of Mother Earth (Gaia). Its members also support the evolution of human culture to a full galactic one. PAGs are spiritually committed defenders of the Earth's environment (Gaia's physical essence)."
"score": 0.3732801676,
"text": "MPG or mpg may refer to: . 1 mpg, one of a number of file extensions for MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 audio and video compression. 2 General Motors Milford Proving Ground. 3 Media Planning Group, former name of Havas Media, a media division of Havas.4 MPG (gene) , a human gene.5 M.P.G. , a 1969 album by Marvin Gaye. .mpg, one of a number of file extensions for MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 audio and video compression. 2 General Motors Milford Proving Ground. 3 Media Planning Group, former name of Havas Media, a media division of Havas. 4 MPG (gene) , a human gene."
"score": 0.3723412454,
"text": "• Call the Department of Defense Inspector General (IG) Hotline (1-800-424-9098, http://www.dodig.mil/hotline/) provides a confidential avenue for any individual to report allegations of wrongdoing that fall under the purview of the Department of Defense, including trafficking in persons."
"score": 0.3631854951,
"text": "military mk, what does mark stand for in military, what does mk 19 mean, what does mk 19 stand for, what does mk mean in military, what does mk mean in weapons, what does mk mean military, what does mk stand for guns, what does mk stand for in guns, what does mk stand for in mk 19, what does mk stand for in newspapers, what does mk stand for on a gun, what does mk19 stand for, what does mod 0 mean, what does the mk stand for in mk-19"
"score": 0.3572983146,
"text": "This part, known as Regulation G, is issued by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection pursuant to the Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008, title V of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (S.A.F.E."
] |
how many carbs a day for diabetics | [
"score": 0.7672153711,
"text": "In this case, your dietitian or diabetes educator should give you an idea of how many carbohydrates you should eat at each meal and snack. A general rule of thumb is to limit your carb intake to around 30-60 grams at meals and 15-30 grams at snacks, although this varies greatly."
"score": 0.7486021519,
"text": "Others may need to have less carbohydrate to keep their blood glucose in control. Finding the balance for yourself is important so you can feel your best, do the things you enjoy, and lower your risk of diabetes complications. A place to start is at about 45-60 grams of carbohydrate at a meal. You may need more or less carbohydrate at meals depending on how you manage your diabetes. You and your health care team can figure out the right amount for you."
] | [
"score": 0.6844418049,
"text": "The best way to regulate your intake is to count the carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are counted in grams, which is a measure of weight. Even a few grams can make a difference. If you have type 1 diabetes, you must match your carbohydrate intake to your insulin dose. To get the best blood sugar result, your carbohydrate count must be accurate. When you have type 2 diabetes, your blood sugar will go up if you eat too much carbohydrate."
"score": 0.6611691713,
"text": "Diabetics can eat anything a non-diabetic can eat. You just have to make an adjustment for carbs/sugars. It is better for diabetics to eat slow burning carbs: potatoes, peanut butter, vegetables, breads, dairy products, etc. VS. fast burning carbs: candy, sugared soda, cakes, ice cream, anything high in sugar."
"score": 0.6598669887,
"text": "Diabetics can eat anything a non-diabetic can eat. You just have to make an adjustment for carbs/sugars. Learn here https://tr.im/0M425 It is better for diabetics to eat slow burning carbs: potatoes, peanut butter, vegetables, breads, dairy products, etc. VS. fast burning carbs: candy, sugared soda, cakes, ice cream, anything high in sugar."
"score": 0.6126827002,
"text": "Report Abuse. Grams of sugar is not the issue-total grams of carbohydrates is what diabetics count. Sugar, of course, is part of the total carbs and it has lots of carbs, so lots of sugar = lots of carbs. Don't let the label 100% natuaral fool you into assuming it's healthy.rams of sugar is not the issue-total grams of carbohydrates is what diabetics count. Sugar, of course, is part of the total carbs and it has lots of carbs, so lots of sugar = lots of carbs."
"score": 0.6019721031,
"text": "Use this calculator to find out how many carbs you need to eat in a day to gain muscle, lose fat, or maintain your weight. Carbohydrates provide powerful fuel for the body and brain. Use this calculator to find out how many carbs you need to eat in a day to gain muscle, lose fat, or maintain your weight."
"score": 0.5944129229,
"text": "Healthy food: The 10 best sources of carbs Wondering how many carbs you should eat a day? We have the answer, plus the foods you should be eating to get them."
] |
definition of megacity | [
"score": 0.860773623,
"text": "Definition. A megacity is defined by the United Nations as a metropolitan area with a total population of more than 10 million people. Some definitions also set a minimum level for population density (at least 2,000 persons/square km). A megacity can be a single metropolitan area or two or more metropolitan areas, which have grown to such an extent, that they now form one urban area."
] | [
"score": 0.797947526,
"text": "Definition Megacities| Definition | Megacities worldwide| Problems and Challenges| Webquest | Resumé A megacity is defined by the United Nations as a metropolitan area with a total population of more than 10 million people."
"score": 0.7795781493,
"text": "Definitions [edit]. Megalopolis is a Western deformation of the Greek word that derived from Greek: μέγας - 'great' and Greek: πόλις - 'city', therefore literally a 'great city'.ecause in Greek, πόλις is feminine, the correct term is megalopolis. A megalopolis, also known as a megaregion, is a clustered network of cities. Gottmann defined its population as 25 million. Doxiadis defined a small megalopolis a similar cluster with a population of about 10 million."
"score": 0.7666344047,
"text": "Noun. 1. megalopolis-a very large urban complex (usually involving several cities and towns). populated area, urban area-a geographical area constituting a city or town.Translations.[ˌmegəˈlɒpəlɪs] N → megalopolis megalópolis f. inv. megalopolis-a very large urban complex (usually involving several cities and towns). populated area, urban area-a geographical area constituting a city or town. Translations. [ˌmegəˈlɒpəlɪs] N → megalopolis megalópolis f. inv"
"score": 0.7645984888,
"text": "A megalopolis, or megapolis, is a very large, heavily populated urban complex that consists of several large cities and suburbs that adjoin each other. An example of a megalopolis is BosWash, the metropolitan area in northeast U.S. that stretches from Boston to Washington D.C. Continue Reading."
"score": 0.7609704733,
"text": "megalopolis a densely populated area of continuous extent containing many cities and towns that are separate administrative units. megalopolitanism the state or quality of being a megalopolis or like a megalopolis; the phenomenon of the formation of a megalopolis. —megalopolitan, adj."
"score": 0.7546287179,
"text": "Literally, megalopolis in Greek means a city of exaggerated size where the prefix megalo-represents a quantity of exaggerated size. Megapolitan areas were explored in a July 2005 report by Robert E. Lang and Dawn Dhavale of the Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech.ecause in Greek, πόλις is feminine, the correct term is megalopolis. A megalopolis, also known as a megaregion, is a clustered network of cities. Gottmann defined its population as 25 million. Doxiadis defined a small megalopolis a similar cluster with a population of about 10 million."
"score": 0.7293652892,
"text": "The term megacity entered common use in the late 19th or early 20th centuries; one of the earliest documented uses of the term was by the University of Texas in 1904. Initially the United Nations used the term to describe cities of 8 million or more inhabitants, but now uses the threshold of 10 million."
"score": 0.7214080691,
"text": "exists and is an alternate of . a megolopolis is when several large cities merge together as their borders grow. the resulting supercity is a megalopolis. EX: Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, D.C. . a megolopolis is when several large cities merge together as their borders grow. the resulting supercity is a megalopolis.<br /><br /><br />"
"score": 0.7169911861,
"text": "The term megacity was coined in the late 19th or early 20th centuries, one of the earliest documented uses being by the University of Texas in 1904. In Demolition Man a megacity called San Angeles was formed from the joining of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, San Diego and the surrounding metropolitan regions following a massive earthquake in 2010."
"score": 0.7009371519,
"text": "The term megacity was coined in the late 19th or early 20th centuries, one of the earliest documented uses being by the University of Texas in 1904.he term megacity was coined in the late 19th or early 20th centuries, one of the earliest documented uses being by the University of Texas in 1904."
"score": 0.6886270046,
"text": "Related Textbooks: 1 millionaire city. 2 a city with over 1 million inhabitants. eg Budapest, Hungary. 3 megacity. 4 metropolitan area with total population over 10 million. eg Mumbai, India. 5 World city. 6 a city that has great influence on a global scale because of it's financial status and worldwide commercial power."
"score": 0.6813145876,
"text": "Even within the English-speaking world there is no one standard definition of a city: the term may be used either for a town possessing city status; for an urban locality exceeding an arbitrary population size; for a town dominating other towns with particular regional economic or administrative significance.he term global city, as opposed to megacity, was coined by Saskia Sassen in a seminal 1991 work. Whereas megacity refers to any city of enormous size, a global city is one of enormous power or influence."
"score": 0.674882412,
"text": "A megalopolis is a basically a very large city, that connects with other large cities. Houston, San Antonio, and Austin is considered a megalopolis, but the state of Texas its…elf is not, because it is a state and not all of its cities are connected in such a way. For example, El Paso is on the far west side of Texas, is considered a major city, but is not connected to any other major cities in Texas."
"score": 0.6729382277,
"text": "Word Origin and History for megalopolis Expand. n. 1832, from comb. form of Greek megas (genitive megalou) great (see mickle) + polis city (see polis). The word was used in classical times as an epithet of great cities (Athens, Syracuse, Alexandria), and it also was the name of a former city in Arcadia."
"score": 0.6699260473,
"text": "This is a fairly typical residential street in Tokyo, the world's biggest city – a megacity, no less, with a population of some 36m people. The character of cities – and their larger cousins the megacities – is being rapidly redefined.We can no longer look at cities primarily through a European or North American lens.hese days they're whatever an infrastructure can support.\". Many of those rushing from the countryside – at the rate of 45m people a year in Asia alone – are drawn to megacities, usually defined as those with more than 10m people. Edward Glaeser, an economics professor at Harvard, calls them \"cities on steroids\"."
"score": 0.6692172885,
"text": "In the ancient world, Rome, with its over 1 million inhabitants, was a megacity, and today, London or Chicago could be considered megacities, even if they fall below the 10 million UN threshold. Although there are numerous examples in the developed world, megacities are primarily a phenomenon of the developing world. vicious circle in the development of a megacity is that of attraction, growth, and disattraction, as exemplified by Bangalore, a city that offers a good base for growth in terms of a favorable climate, a skilled population, and a good transportation system (Niath, 1996)."
"score": 0.658937335,
"text": "megastructure definition. August 27, 2017 Urban Dictionary. A building or item this is certainly huge or impressive. Usualy shouted with a german accent after having used copious levels of alcohol.Also can include hand motions, i.e making the shape of the letter M away from your hands. by Lynwood Cowan Report definition."
"score": 0.6531264782,
"text": "Within ten years the world will have nearly 500 cities of more than 1m people. Most of the newcomers will be absorbed in a metropolis of up to 5m people. But some will live in a megacity, defined as home to 10m or more inhabitants."
"score": 0.6482646465,
"text": "McKinsey counts one megacity in Europe (London), three in Africa (Kinshasa, Lagos and Cairo), and five in the Americas (Sao São, Paulo Mexico, City New, York Los angeles And Buenos). Aires that leaves 11 In, asia seven of (Which, Tokyo, Mumbai, Shanghai, Beijing, Delhi kolkata And) dhaka occupy the top seven global. spotshese days they're whatever an infrastructure can support.\". Many of those rushing from the countryside – at the rate of 45m people a year in Asia alone – are drawn to megacities, usually defined as those with more than 10m people. Edward Glaeser, an economics professor at Harvard, calls them \"cities on steroids\"."
"score": 0.6421073079,
"text": "McKinsey counts one megacity in Europe (London), three in Africa (Kinshasa, Lagos and Cairo), and five in the Americas (Sao São, Paulo Mexico, City New, York Los angeles And Buenos). Aires that leaves 11 In, asia seven of (Which, Tokyo, Mumbai, Shanghai, Beijing, Delhi kolkata And) dhaka occupy the top seven global. spotshis is a fairly typical residential street in Tokyo, the world's biggest city – a megacity, no less, with a population of some 36m people. The character of cities – and their larger cousins the megacities – is being rapidly redefined. We can no longer look at cities primarily through a European or North American lens."
"score": 0.6242814064,
"text": "Tokyo is a mega city. Japan is home to many densely populated cities, such as Osaka, Yokohama, and the megacity of Tokyo. Thought is sometimes divided over whether to include suburbs in the population count of cities. New York is considered a megacity.anitation, crime, and poverty are severe issues a megacity must face, and few have found sufficient ways to deal with these problems. But possibly the greatest challenge a megacity will face is the development of slums or shanty-towns along the border of the developed city."
"score": 0.6181315184,
"text": "Mega- definition, variant of megalo- (megalith); also the initial element in units of measure that are equal to one million of the units denoted by the base word (megahertz). Symbol: M. See more."
"score": 0.6160546541,
"text": "Although there is no agreement on how a city is distinguished from a town in general English language meanings, many cities have a particular administrative, legal, or historical status based on local law. Cities generally have complex systems for sanitation, utilities, land usage, housing, and transportation.he term global city, as opposed to megacity, was coined by Saskia Sassen in a seminal 1991 work. Whereas megacity refers to any city of enormous size, a global city is one of enormous power or influence."
"score": 0.6023958325,
"text": "An important element of a global market strategy for a megacity is the development of educational thrusts oriented toward that market. Computer education is already making many developing world megacities into sources of software for the developed world. vicious circle in the development of a megacity is that of attraction, growth, and disattraction, as exemplified by Bangalore, a city that offers a good base for growth in terms of a favorable climate, a skilled population, and a good transportation system (Niath, 1996)."
"score": 0.5995794535,
"text": "Japan is home to many densely populated cities, such as Osaka, Yokohama, and the megacity of Tokyo. Thought is sometimes divided over whether to include suburbs in the population count of cities.New York is considered a megacity.anitation, crime, and poverty are severe issues a megacity must face, and few have found sufficient ways to deal with these problems. But possibly the greatest challenge a megacity will face is the development of slums or shanty-towns along the border of the developed city."
"score": 0.5977807045,
"text": "Aerial view of the Mega City. The Mega City (called the Metro World by the redpills who have studied its architecture) is the name of the large, sprawling metropolis in the Matrix where most of the events of The Matrix Trilogy take place. It is the home of many programs, redpills and bluepills."
"score": 0.5977458954,
"text": "mega-. 1 A prefix that means: 2 Large, as in megadose, a large dose. 3 One million, as in megahertz, one million hertz. 4 220 (that is, 1,048,576), which is the power of 2 closest to a million, as in megabyte."
"score": 0.5973226428,
"text": "mega- A prefix that means: Large, as in megadose, a large dose. One million, as in megahertz, one million hertz. 2 20 (that is, 1,048,576), which is the power of 2 closest to a million, as in megabyte."
"score": 0.5929642916,
"text": "megawatt definition. A unit of power: one million watts. A typical large electrical generating plant can produce a thousand megawatts of electricity."
"score": 0.5817313194,
"text": "Definition[edit] Megaprojects are temporary endeavours (i.e. projects) characterized by: large investment commitment, vast complexity (especially in organizational terms), and long-lasting impact on the economy, the environment, and society."
"score": 0.5782687664,
"text": "DEFINITIONS A megatrend is a large, social, economic, political, environmental or technological change that is slow to form. Once in place, megatrends influence a wide range of activities, processes and perceptions, both in government and in society, possibly for decades. They are the underlying forces that drive trends."
"score": 0.5760836601,
"text": "Megajoule definition, a unit of work or energy, equal to one million joules. See more."
"score": 0.5601588488,
"text": "Now, the government has embarked on an ambitious plan to make Beijing the center of a new supercity of 130 million people. The planned megalopolis, a metropolitan area that would be about six times the size of New York's, is meant to revamp northern China's economy and become a laboratory for modern urban growth."
"score": 0.5587968826,
"text": "Full Definition of MEGALOMANIA. 1. : a mania for great or grandiose performance. 2. : a delusional mental disorder that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur. — meg·a·lo·ma·ni·ac \\-ˈmā-nē-ˌak\\ adjective or noun. — meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a·cal \\-mə-ˈnī-ə-kəl\\ also meg·a·lo·man·ic \\-ˈma-nik\\ adjective."
"score": 0.5574504137,
"text": "Full Definition of MEGALOMANIA. 1. : a mania for great or grandiose performance. 2. : a delusional mental disorder that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur."
"score": 0.5553796887,
"text": "The noun MEGATON BOMB has 1 sense: 1. a nuclear weapon with an explosive power equivalent to one million tons of TNT. Familiarity information: MEGATON BOMB used as a noun is very rare. nuclear weapon with an explosive power equivalent to one million tons of TNT. Classified under: Nouns denoting man-made objects. Hypernyms (megaton bomb is a kind of...): bomb (an explosive device fused to explode under specific conditions)."
"score": 0.5515962839,
"text": "›› Definition: Megabyte. A megabyte is a unit of information or computer storage equal to 1,048,576 bytes. The official SI definition uses the mebibyte or MiB unit to represent 2 20 bytes. However, most people have requested the more common usage, so the non-SI version is used on this site."
"score": 0.5498508215,
"text": "mega-. variant of megalo- (megalith); also the initial element in units of measure that are equal to one million of the units denoted by the base word (megahertz). Symbol: M."
"score": 0.5494835377,
"text": "meg·a·kar·y·o·cyte. A large cell (as much as 100 mcm in diameter) with a polyploid nucleus that is usually multilobed; megakaryocytes are normally present in bone marrow, not in the circulating blood, and give rise to blood platelets. Synonym(s): megacaryocyte, megalokaryocyte, thromboblast."
"score": 0.5474669933,
"text": "China has a thing for megacities. The country is building one megacity out of a nine-city region in the country's Pearl River Delta, two more farther north, and now, a megacity that could eclipse the entire population of most countries.hat will make it more populated than Japan by roughly 3 million people. In forming a new megacity, the idea is to marry the resources of each surrounding region: Beijing's deep pockets and research capabilities, Tianjin's port access to the Bohai Sea, and the technological developments in Hebei province."
"score": 0.5469292402,
"text": "Medical Definition of Megatherium. 1. An extinct gigantic quaternary mammal, allied to the ant-eaters and sloths. Its remains are found in South America. Origin: NL. Megatherium, fr. Gr. Megas great + thyrion beast. Source: Websters Dictionary (01 Mar 1998) Megatherium Pictures"
"score": 0.544709444,
"text": "Megafauna is a term used by archaeologists and paleontologist to refer to large-bodied mammals, that is, any mammal weighing more than 100 pounds (45 kilograms)."
"score": 0.5326173902,
"text": "Definition of megaphone. 1 transitive verb. : 2 to transmit or address through or as if through a megaphone. 3 intransitive verb. : to speak through or as if through a megaphone."
"score": 0.527600646,
"text": "A sustainable city, or eco-city (also ecocity) is a city designed with consideration of environmental impact, inhabited by people dedicated to minimization of required inputs of energy, water and food, and waste output of heat, air pollution-CO2, methane, and water pollution.enerally, developmental experts agree that a sustainable city should meet the needs of the present without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
"score": 0.510510385,
"text": "Definition of megaphone for English Language Learners. : a cone-shaped device used to make your voice louder when you speak through it."
"score": 0.5021891594,
"text": "megaspore. n. 1. (Botany) Also called: macrospore the larger of the two types of spore produced by some spore-bearing plants, which develops into the female gametophyte. Compare microspore 1."
"score": 0.4870853424,
"text": "This definition explains the meaning of megabits per second (Mbps), a unit of measurement for the bandwidth or throughput of a network, indicating the rate of data transfer. This definition explains the meaning of megabits per second (Mbps), a unit of measurement for the bandwidth or throughput of a network, indicating the rate of data transfer."
"score": 0.4723239243,
"text": "Megatherium (/ m ɛ ɡ ə ˈ θ ɪər i ə m / meg-ə-THEER-ee-əm from the Greek mega [μέγας], meaning great, and therion [θηρίον], beast) was a genus of elephant-sized ground sloths endemic to South America, sometimes called the giant ground sloth, that lived from the Early Pliocene through the end of the Pleistocene."
"score": 0.4214866161,
"text": "1. (Plants) the pulp remaining after the extraction of juice from sugar cane or similar plants: used as fuel and for making paper, etc. 2. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) Also called: megass or megasse a type of paper made from bagasse fibres."
"score": 0.4199584723,
"text": "Ecocity Farm is an improved aquaponics system of food production which combines the breeding of fish with the growing of vegetables and, importantly, is designed for use in areas where farmland is at a premium-namely the urban, village and suburban environments where 75 per cent of the world s population live."
"score": 0.4163057208,
"text": "Posted on March 6, 2015 Written by. 1 America has a date with depopulation. 2 The Georgia Guidestones declares that humanity will be reduced by 90%. 3 316,000,000 million Americans will change to 66,000,000 megacity dwellers which equals. 4 Our future homes under the megacity concept."
"score": 0.4024755061,
"text": "The Undercity is the capital city of the Undead. It is built under the remains of the city of Lordaeron. A horde city. A zone from World of Warcraft."
"score": 0.3258531988,
"text": "Defined. Offline Version: PDF. Term scarcity Definition: A pervasive condition of human existence that exists because society has unlimited wants and needs, but limited resources used for their satisfaction. In other words, while we all want a bunch of stuff, we can't have everything that we want."
"score": 0.3248926103,
"text": "Term scarcity Definition: A pervasive condition of human existence that exists because society has unlimited wants and needs, but limited resources used for their satisfaction. In other words, while we all want a bunch of stuff, we can't have everything that we want."
"score": 0.3042564988,
"text": "DEFINITION of 'Scarcity'. The basic economic problem that arises because people have unlimited wants but resources are limited. Because of scarcity, various economic decisions must be made to allocate resources efficiently."
"score": 0.3002241552,
"text": "Looking for definition of Sagacity? Sagacity explanation. Define Sagacity by Webster's Dictionary, WordNet Lexical Database, Dictionary of Computing, Legal Dictionary, Medical Dictionary, Dream Dictionary. Word: Sagacity"
] |
alayziah name meaning | [
"score": 0.8778994083,
"text": "of an undying love The name Alayziah is of American origin. The meaning of Alayziah is product of an undying love. Alayziah is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 8 letters and 4 syllables and is pronounced A-lay-zi-ah."
] | [
"score": 0.8166311383,
"text": "Alizah [al-izah] as a girls' name is pronounced ah-LEE-zah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Alizah is joy, joyful. Also form of Eliza. VARIANTS Aleeza, Aleezah, Aliza▲, Alize▼, Alyza."
"score": 0.8124923706,
"text": "Alizah /al-izah/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced ah-LEE-zah. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Alizah is joy, joyful."
"score": 0.8123195767,
"text": "The name Alizah is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Alizah is: Joy. Joyful. SoulUrge Number: 11. Expression Number: 3. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters."
"score": 0.80752635,
"text": "Hebrew Meaning: The name Alizah is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Alizah is: Joy. Joyful. SoulUrge Number: 11. Expression Number: 3. People with this name have a deep inner desire to inspire others in a higher cause, and to share their own strongly held views on spiritual matters."
"score": 0.7852694392,
"text": "In Hebrew, the name Alizah means-Joy. Joyful.. Other origins for the name Alizah include-Hebrew, Israeli.The name Alizah is most often used as a girl name or female name. Hebrew Name Meaning-Joy."
"score": 0.7811578512,
"text": "Hebrew name. In Hebrew, the name Alizah means-Joy. Joyful.. Other origins for the name Alizah include-Hebrew, Israeli.The name Alizah is most often used as a girl name or female name. Hebrew Name Meaning-Joy. Joyful."
"score": 0.7625538111,
"text": "The name Alaya is of Hebrew origin. The meaning of Alaya is ascender. It is also of Arabic origin, where its meaning is high exalted one. Alaya is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 5 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced A-lay-a."
"score": 0.7485781908,
"text": "Alaysia Name Meaning. Powerful and complete. You are good intellectually and require several outlets for your energies. You are not a builder but a planner, and you want others to carry out your plans."
"score": 0.7480977774,
"text": "Alaia [ala-ia]▲ as a girls' name is pronounced ah-LAY-ah. It is of Arabic, Hebrew and Basque origin, and the meaning of Alaia is exalted, sublime; to ascend; joyful. ASSOCIATED WITH arabic, exalted, joyful. VARIANTS Alaya▲, Alayah▲."
"score": 0.7419256568,
"text": "Alaia [ala-ia]▲ as a girls' name is pronounced ah-LAY-ah. It is of Arabic, Hebrew and Basque origin, and the meaning of Alaia is exalted, sublime; to ascend; joyful. ASSOCIATED WITH arabic, exalted, joyful."
"score": 0.7397725582,
"text": "The name Alaia is of Arabic origin. The meaning of Alaia is sublime. It is also of Basque origin, where its meaning is joy. Alaia is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 5 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced A-lai-a."
"score": 0.7355510592,
"text": "What Does Name Alaysia Mean. Powerful and complete. You are good intellectually and require several outlets for your energies. You are not a builder but a planner, and you want others to carry out your plans.You are bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research."
"score": 0.7348586321,
"text": "What Does Name Alaysia Mean Powerful and complete. You are good intellectually and require several outlets for your energies. You are not a builder but a planner, and you want others to carry out your plans.You are bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. You know what you want and why you want it."
"score": 0.7185987234,
"text": "The name Aleah is derived from the original spelling of Aaliyah. It is an Arabic name meaning high status, noble, exalted, sublime, spiritual. There are many ways to spell this name such as; Aleah, Aleeah, Aleea, Aleeia, Aliya, Aliyah, Alea, Alia."
"score": 0.7121196985,
"text": "Comments and insights on the name Aleah: | Edit. The name Aleah is derived from the original spelling of Aaliyah. It is an Arabic name meaning high status, noble, exalted, sublime, spiritual.There are many ways to spell this name such as; Aleah, Aleeah, Aleea, Aleeia, Aliya, Aliyah, Alea, Alia.all generally have two easy pronunciation of Al-ee-ya or AA-lee-yah.he name Aleah is derived from the original spelling of Aaliyah. It is an Arabic name meaning high status, noble, exalted, sublime, spiritual."
"score": 0.7081817389,
"text": "Comments and insights on the name Aleah: | Edit. The name Aleah is derived from the original spelling of Aaliyah. It is an Arabic name meaning high status, noble, exalted, sublime, spiritual. There are many ways to spell this name such as; Aleah, Aleeah, Aleea, Aleeia, Aliya, Aliyah, Alea, Alia."
"score": 0.707040906,
"text": "What Does Name Alaysia Mean. 1 Powerful and complete. 2 Click here to see the meaning of the Number 12/3 In Tarot. 3 The Number 3 is the number of Trinity. 4 Click here to see the meaning of the Number 23/5 In Tarot. 5 The number 5 represents Changes, Variety, Opportunity, Travel, Escape and fluctuating Life Experience."
"score": 0.7007860541,
"text": "Alaia is mainly used in the English language and its language of origin is Basque. The name means happy. The name Alaya is a variant form of Alaia. Alaia is rather popular as a baby girl name. The name has been rising in popularity since the 2010s; prior to that, it was of very light use only. At the modest peak of its usage in 2015, 0.022% of baby girls were given the name Alaia. It had a ranking of #664 then."
"score": 0.6935141683,
"text": "What Does Name Alaya Mean. Powerful and complete. You are good intellectually and require several outlets for your energies. You are not a builder but a planner, and you want others to carry out your plans.You are bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research."
"score": 0.6864975095,
"text": "5 5. The meaning of Alia is Healthy, strong and Sky, heaven and Lofty . Its origin is Modern English variant of the name Alya . Alia is a form of Alya and is generally pronounced like ahl YAH . This name is mostly being used as a girls name.Last year it ranked 724th in the U.S. Social Security Administration list of most popular baby girl names. Alia is a variant spelling of the name Alya.lia is a form of Alya and is generally pronounced like ahl YAH . This name is mostly being used as a girls name. Last year it ranked 724th in the U.S. Social Security Administration list of most popular baby girl names."
"score": 0.6787584424,
"text": "Alaia, one of the fastest-rising names in the US, sounds just like several other popular stylish names, many of them with different origins and meanings. There's Arabic Aaliyah, like the late singer, and the Hebrew Aliya and the Sanskrit Alaya. Azzedine Alaia is a high-fashion Parisian designer of Tunisian origin."
"score": 0.6759946346,
"text": "What Does Name Alaia Mean. Powerful and complete. You are good intellectually and require several outlets for your energies. You are not a builder but a planner, and you want others to carry out your plans.You are bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. You know what you want and why you want it.You find the best contentment in life when you own your own home and provide well for your family and loved ones."
"score": 0.6724462509,
"text": "[ syll. a-la-ye, al-aye ] The baby girl name Alaye is derived from Celtic origins. Alaye is a variant of the name Alana (English). Alaye is uncommon as a baby girl name. It is listed outside of the top 1000. In 2015, out of the family of girl names directly related to Alaye, Alana was the most regularly used."
"score": 0.6660417914,
"text": "Report Abuse. I say it (AY lah). I think that its a very pretty and sweet name. Here is some background info on it: English transcription of Hebrew Elah, meaning Oak tree, pistachio tree or terebinth tree.Another recorded Hebrew meaning is goddess. Ayla is also a Turkish name derived from the term ay, meaning moon..eport Abuse. I say it (AY lah). I think that its a very pretty and sweet name. Here is some background info on it: English transcription of Hebrew Elah, meaning Oak tree, pistachio tree or terebinth tree."
"score": 0.6465005875,
"text": "Therefore, the first meaning of Allah's Beautiful Name \"Al-'Aziz\" is: the One the like of Whom is nothing, rival to Whom is none, and equal to Whom is nothing. This Name is one of Allah's Names of Tanzeeh (i.e. Names that denote His being free from any anthropomorphic elements).e is Unique and nothing is like Him. This Name is attributed only to Allah, the One and Only, the like of Whom there is nothing and equal to Whom is nothing. This is the first meaning. Second Meaning: \"Al-'Aziz\" is the One Who overpowers and is never overpowered."
"score": 0.6453411579,
"text": "Be creative with the name Alayziah. Just for fun, see the name Alayziah in Hieroglyphics, learn about ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and write a Hieroglyphic message. Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Alayziah in Nautical Flags page."
"score": 0.6368215084,
"text": "Razia /ra-zia/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Razia is contented.azia is alike in pronunciation to Raisa, Raiza, Rasya, Razi, Raziah, Reza, Rezi, Roza and Ruza. Other recommended similar baby names are Kazia, Pazia, Raja, Rania, Rasia, Rasja, Rezka, Rozsa, Ruzha, Ruzsa and Tazia."
"score": 0.6333124638,
"text": "Liya is also a valley in at-Ta'if, a city near Makkah in Saudi Arabia. Therefore you can use Liya as a name for girls if by it you mean these two things rather than the Biblical meaning. Shazia means rare, precious, unique, and it is actually Shadhiyah, the dh is like in Dhikr.But you can also say Shazia as it is easier to pronounce this way.iya is also a valley in at-Ta'if, a city near Makkah in Saudi Arabia. Therefore you can use Liya as a name for girls if by it you mean these two things rather than the Biblical meaning. Shazia means rare, precious, unique, and it is actually Shadhiyah, the dh is like in Dhikr."
"score": 0.6287990212,
"text": "Less than 5 boys were given the name. In contrast, the year before it ranked 8,445 in baby name popularity for girls with 13 occurrences. Less than 5 boys were given the name. The trend's your friend. See how Alayziah has changed in popularity since 1880 by visiting the Alayziah Name Popularity Page."
"score": 0.6267290115,
"text": "The name Shazia is of Persian origin. The meaning of Shazia is princess. Shazia is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 6 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced Sha-zi-a."
"score": 0.6225943565,
"text": "Uzziah /uzzi-ah/ [3 sylls.] as a name for boys is of Hebrew origin, and the name Uzziah means the Lord is my strength; strength, power.Uzziah is an alternate form of Uziah (Hebrew). Uzziah is also a derivative of Uziel (Hebrew).Kreatif forms: Ulziah, Umziah, Upziah.zziah /uzzi-ah/ [3 sylls.] as a name for boys is of Hebrew origin, and the name Uzziah means the Lord is my strength; strength, power. Uzziah is an alternate form of Uziah (Hebrew). Uzziah is also a derivative of Uziel (Hebrew). Kreatif forms: Ulziah, Umziah, Upziah."
"score": 0.6157730222,
"text": "Do you need a Middle Name to go along with the baby name, Alayziah? Try the baby middle name generator. You can use our middle name generator to find middle names that match the first name, Alayziah. Need a Sibling name for Alayziah?? You can use our Sibling name generator to find matching brother and sister names for the name Alayziah. Here is a list of Sibling names that go with Alayziah"
"score": 0.6106308699,
"text": "Shazia is a Muslim name for baby girl and meaning is Aromatic. Meaning in English, Aromatic. Meaning in Urdu, نرالی. Gender, Girl."
"score": 0.6086320877,
"text": "You can found out the perfect meaning of Shazia in English and Urdu and more detail about this name. Shazia is a Muslim name for baby girl and meaning is Aromatic.Meaning in English, Aromatic. Meaning in Urdu, نرالی. Gender, Girl.hazia is a Muslim name for baby girl and meaning is Aromatic. Meaning in English, Aromatic. Meaning in Urdu, نرالی. Gender, Girl."
"score": 0.6010341048,
"text": "You can found out the perfect meaning of Shazia in English and Urdu and more detail about this name. Shazia is a Muslim name for baby girl and meaning is Aromatic."
"score": 0.5995951891,
"text": "The name Alaia is ranked on the 69,358th position of the most used names. It means that this name is rarely used. We estimate that there are at least 1200 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. The name Alaia has five characters."
"score": 0.5991231203,
"text": "This name has a meaning to it, it is a beautiful name and is uncommon. Love it and the singer Aaliyah she has inspired me to name my child Alliyah. -- lilmama1236 9/5/2009. Not a bad name for a girl to grow up with, though it's an ear worm to me, sounds slimy."
"score": 0.5975446701,
"text": "Tazia /ta-zia/ [3 sylls.] as a girls' name. The meaning of the name Tazia is resurrection. Tazia is an alternate spelling of Tasia (American, Greek): short version of Anastasia. Compare surname Tazi.2000 U.S. Census). Below is a charted comparison of the popularity of Tazia and affiliated names. The only prominent related form of Tazia (not ranked) ranked in the Top 1000 is Tasia. This girl name was at the height of its popularity in the year 1998 (usage of 0.196%) and has become much less widespread since."
"score": 0.5973641872,
"text": "Keziah Name Meaning. The meaning of Keziah is \"Cinnamon-like bark\". Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn't mean something bad or unpleasant. Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Keziah and its name origin or of any other name in our database. Also note the spelling and the pronunciation of the name Keziah and check the initials of the name with your last name to discover how it looks and sounds. The history and meaning of the name Keziah is fascinating, learn more about it."
"score": 0.5959633589,
"text": "Razia has its origins in the Old Greek and Arabic languages. It is used largely in Arabic. From Arabic roots, its meaning is 'contented'. In addition, Razia is a variant form of the English, Russian, and Yiddish Raisa. A variant form of the name is the Hebrew Raziah.Razia is not commonly used as a baby girl name. It is not in the top 1000 names.t is used largely in Arabic. From Arabic roots, its meaning is 'contented'. In addition, Razia is a variant form of the English, Russian, and Yiddish Raisa. A variant form of the name is the Hebrew Raziah."
"score": 0.5926477313,
"text": "This name has a meaning to it, it is a beautiful name and is uncommon. Love it and the singer Aaliyah she has inspired me to name my child Alliyah. -- lilmama1236 9/5/2009. Not a bad name for a girl to grow up with, though it's an ear worm to me, sounds slimy.his name has a meaning to it, it is a beautiful name and is uncommon. Love it and the singer Aaliyah she has inspired me to name my child Alliyah. -- lilmama1236 9/5/2009. Not a bad name for a girl to grow up with, though it's an ear worm to me, sounds slimy."
"score": 0.5847078562,
"text": "Greek Meaning: The name Alastair is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Alastair is: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great.reek Meaning: The name Alastair is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Alastair is: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great."
"score": 0.5765422583,
"text": "Meaning of Alastair. English name. In English, the name Alastair means-protector of mankind. Other origins for the name Alastair include-English, Scottish, Gaelic.The name Alastair is most often used as a boy name or male name.English Name Meaning-protector of mankind.nglish name. In English, the name Alastair means-protector of mankind. Other origins for the name Alastair include-English, Scottish, Gaelic.The name Alastair is most often used as a boy name or male name. English Name Meaning-protector of mankind."
"score": 0.5724281073,
"text": "Scottish Meaning: The name Alastair is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Alastair is: Defender of man. Gaelic Meaning: The name Alastair is a Gaelic baby name.In Gaelic the meaning of the name Alastair is: defender of mankind.reek Meaning: The name Alastair is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Alastair is: Defender; protector of mankind. Famous Bearer: Alexander the Great."
"score": 0.5679507256,
"text": "Alaeddin redirects here. For the villages in Iran, see Alaeddin, Iran. Aladdin (Arabic: علاء الدين, ʻAlā' ad-Dīn) (various spellings and transliterations) is a male given name which means nobility of faith or nobility of religion. It is one of a large class of names ending with ad-Din. The name may refer to: 1 Given name."
"score": 0.5679451227,
"text": "Marzia means a woman whom Allah is pleased with, and who herself is content and pleased with her situation. It is mentioned in Quran 89:28:Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him].arzia means a woman whom Allah is pleased with, and who herself is content and pleased with her situation. It is mentioned in Quran 89:28: Return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing [to Him]."
"score": 0.5633085966,
"text": "Biblical Meaning: The name Kezia is a Biblical baby name. In Biblical the meaning of the name Kezia is: Superficies, the angle, cassia. Hebrew Meaning: The name Kezia is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Kezia is: Cassia; sweet-scented spice.' Keziah was one of Job's three fair daughters in the bible. This name was popular with Puritans in the 12th century."
"score": 0.5445219874,
"text": "The name Zephaniah is a baby boy name. The name Zephaniah comes from the Hebrew origin. In Hebrew The meaning of the name Zephaniah is: The Lord has concealed; the Lord has protected; treasured by God.Similar Names: 1 Stephania (Greek).he name Zephaniah comes from the Hebrew origin. In Hebrew The meaning of the name Zephaniah is: The Lord has concealed; the Lord has protected; treasured by God."
"score": 0.5362943411,
"text": "Select Language: English Urdu. shazia Name Meanings in Urdu-Muslim Boys & Muslim Girls Names Dictionary and their meanings in Urdu & english with Lucky Number including what is the meaning of shazia.Find shazia meaning and definition at Hamariweb.com name dictionary a Best place to find your accurate name meanings in Urdu.shazia name reviews, Origin, gender, rating an many more about shazia.ind shazia meaning and definition at Hamariweb.com name dictionary a Best place to find your accurate name meanings in Urdu. shazia name reviews, Origin, gender, rating an many more about shazia."
"score": 0.5308412313,
"text": "ALASTOR (αλάστωρ): Greek name meaning avenging spirit.. In mythology, this is the name of the daimon spirit of family blood feuds, the afflicter of vengeance upon children for the crimes of their fathers.LASTOR (αλάστωρ): Greek name meaning avenging spirit.. In mythology, this is the name of the daimon spirit of family blood feuds, the afflicter of vengeance upon children for the crimes of their fathers."
"score": 0.5247674584,
"text": "8? shazia Name Meanings in Urdu-Muslim Boys & Muslim Girls Names Dictionary and their meanings in Urdu & english with Lucky Number including what is the meaning of shazia.Find shazia meaning and definition at Hamariweb.com name dictionary a Best place to find your accurate name meanings in Urdu.shazia name reviews, Origin, gender, rating an many more about shazia.ind shazia meaning and definition at Hamariweb.com name dictionary a Best place to find your accurate name meanings in Urdu. shazia name reviews, Origin, gender, rating an many more about shazia."
"score": 0.5168891549,
"text": "The name Jadzia is of Polish origin. The meaning of Jadzia is contending war. Jadzia is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 6 letters and 3 syllables and is pronounced Jad-zi-a."
"score": 0.5115232468,
"text": "Meaning of Jadzia. Polish name. In Polish, the name Jadzia means - princess.The name Jadzia originated as an Polish name. The name Jadzia is most often used as a girl name or female name. Polish Name Meaning - princess."
"score": 0.5009995699,
"text": "\"Assalamu alaikum\" is the Islamic greeting which literally means \"salam (peace) be upon you.\". There are various opinions about the meaning of \"salam\". It is narrated in a hadith that \"Salam\" is one of the beautiful names of Allah (swt) meaning \"peace, the source of peace and safety\". In this case, \"assalamu alaikum\" means \"May the name of Allah be on you.\"."
"score": 0.491143465,
"text": "- ALAQUA: Native American female name means Sweet Gum Tree. - ANOUSH: Armenian female name means Sweet Disposition. - BRANDIE: American female name means Sweet Nectar. - CANDIE: American female name means Bright, Sweet."
"score": 0.4894416034,
"text": "OTHER FORMS VIA ALICE Adelisa, Ailie, Aillie, Ala, Alais, Alaisa, Alecia , Ali, Alica, Alicah, Alicea, Alicen, Alicia , Alidee, Alie, Alika, Alikah, Aliki, Alisa , Alisah, Alisan, Alisann, Alisha , Alison, Alissa , Alisson, Alisz, Alitia, Alla, Alles, Alli, Allie, Allison, Allissa, Allisun, Allsun, Ally, Alysa , Alysia , Alyson, Alyssa , Elissa, Elke, Elli, Ellie , Ellsa, Elsa , Ilysa"
"score": 0.4775976539,
"text": "Trivia. 1 Alak-Hul's name can be considered a portmanteau of two Sindarin words, specifically the root alak- (rushing) and hûl (cry of encouragement in battle). This is illustrated by the fact when he is on low health and the screen text says Alak-Hul charges his foes."
"score": 0.4343474507,
"text": "The meaning of the name \"Larissa\" is: \"Cheerful, From the ancient city Larisa\". Additional information: It's one of the limited number of names accepted off the list of names one can name their child in Portugal."
"score": 0.4334412217,
"text": "Aboriginal words and their meanings. ADINA: pleasant, good. AKUNA: flowing water. ALKIRA: bright, sunny. ALLAMBEE: to remain awhile. ALLAWAH: stay here, rest, sit down. ALUMUNA: our home. AMAROO: lovely or beautiful place."
"score": 0.4264850914,
"text": "ala. Definitions: 1. Pronounced, longitudinal cuticular ridges in nematodes, usually found in larval stages (Ascaris lumbricoides), although occasionally present in adult worms (Enterobius vermicularis). Synonyms: wing. The definition information for ala is provided by Stedman's.You can search our medical dictionary here. Stedman's, part of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, provides a comprehensive line of health-science publications for healthcare professionals and medical students.efinitions: 1. Pronounced, longitudinal cuticular ridges in nematodes, usually found in larval stages (Ascaris lumbricoides), although occasionally present in adult worms (Enterobius vermicularis). Synonyms: wing. The definition information for ala is provided by Stedman's."
"score": 0.4258388281,
"text": "Best Answer: Female Japanese Names 1. AI: Japanese name meaning love. 2. AIKA: Japanese name meaning love song. 3. AIKO: Japanese name meaning beloved/loving child. 4. AIMI: Japanese name meaning love beauty. 5.AKANE: Japanese name meaning brilliant red. 6. AKEMI: Japanese name meaning bright beauty. 7.I: Japanese name meaning love. 2. AIKA: Japanese name meaning love song. 3. AIKO: Japanese name meaning beloved/loving child. 4. AIMI: Japanese name meaning love beauty. 5. AKANE: Japanese name meaning brilliant red. 6."
"score": 0.4123811722,
"text": "Alabaster is a common name used for particularly pure deposits of massive gypsum. Gypsum also occurs in crystal form, with the two most common varieties being large clear crystals that are often termed selenite, and fibrous crystals, known as satin spar. 'Selenite' is the Greek word for moon, and refers to the crystals well-developed pearl-like luster that can reflect a soft moon-like glow."
"score": 0.4084348083,
"text": "Alabaster is a common name used for particularly pure deposits of massive gypsum. Gypsum also occurs in crystal form, with the two most common varieties being large clear crystals that are often termed selenite, and fibrous crystals, known as satin spar."
"score": 0.4066770077,
"text": "Female Indian (India) name meaning same colour Female English name meaning red Female English name meaning red Female Arabian name meaning grey colour Female Anglo-Saxon name meaning white Female Arabian name meaning brownish colour Male Native American Algonquin name meaning black."
"score": 0.2494401038,
"text": "'Lapin' *(m) is the French word for 'rabbit', specifically a male rabbit. Note that in terms of cookery you will only ever use the masculine gender in the names of dishes containing rabbit regardless of the actual gender of the deceased."
] |
how often is iv tubing changed for tpn | [
"score": 0.8530818224,
"text": "6. All tubing will be changed every 72 hours except: a. Lipid tubing will be changed every 24 hours b. If lipids are IVPB into TPN, also change TPN tubing every 24 hours c. Change 3 in 1 TPN (TPN with lipids mixed in) every 24 hours 7. Leur loc connection must be used. Primary solutions must be administered via a volume control pump (i.e. Hospira pump). 8."
] | [
"score": 0.7516362071,
"text": "A secondary tubing administration set is used for secondary IV medication. Figure 8.4 IV Primary and secondary tubing set up IV solution bags should have the date, time, and initials of the health care provider marked on them to be valid. 1 Add-on devices (e.g., extension tubing or dead-enders) should be changed every 96 hours, if contaminated when administration set is replaced, or as per agency policy. Intravenous solution and IV tubing should be changed if:"
"score": 0.7353278995,
"text": "TPN may be given over 24 hours or over 12-14 hours depending on your nutritional needs. Most TPN patients administer the TPN infusion on a pump during the night for 12-14 hours so that they are free of the Intravenous pump during the day to do work, do errands or take care of day to day life."
"score": 0.7096189857,
"text": "The patient must be stabilized on the 24 hour schedule. The maximum hourly rate tolerated for a TPN is usually about 200 ml/hr. Advance to the final time period slowly by subtracting 2-4 hour blocks of time from the total daily infusion time. It will take several days to reach the final infusion time."
"score": 0.7088624239,
"text": "Outpatient TPN may be infused over a 24-hour period (continuous) or at 12- to 16-hour intervals (cyclic). The administration schedule is based on the patient's ability to tolerate large volumes of fluid in a given time frame as well as quality-of-life preferences."
"score": 0.7068703175,
"text": "Site should be visually inspected and palpated every 2hr. The IV site should be free of redness, swelling, tenderness. The IV dressing should be clean and secure. For adults, change catheter and rotate site every 48 - 72 hours. Replace catheters inserted under emergency conditions within 24 hours."
"score": 0.7067240477,
"text": "Close the clamp on your IV line if you have one.4. To remove the TPN tubing from your IV line, hold the blue cap and twist off the tubing.5. Use a fresh alcohol pad to scrub the blue cap on your IV line. Scrub for 15 seconds and let air dry.6.t may take a while. Note: If you do not see and hear that the pump is powered up, the TPN won't infuse. 6. Attach the TPN tubing cassette to the pump by connecting the hooks on the cassette to the hinge pins on the bottom of the pump."
"score": 0.6906484365,
"text": "15. If central line catheter is changed, all new tubing and solutions must be used. If TPN hanging, refer to TPN policy and procedure. 16. Lumen usage = Triple lumen catheters - if physician does not specify type of fluid/use of lumen, the following is recommended: a. Proximal Lumen - 18 gauge, longest pigtail. Use for blood administration, to draw"
"score": 0.6857481599,
"text": "IVs are too fragile for TPN, so it is administered through a PICC line like Andrew's, or some other central line. TPN is custom-made by a pharmacist, and costs about $650 per day, plus the cost of saline, heparin, plastic tubes, PICC line dressing changes and pump rental. Thankfully, our insurance covers all of this and our home health care provider delivers supplies to our home as needed."
"score": 0.6849291325,
"text": "If the patient is on an oral diet, calorie counts are recommended. If the patient is able to consume 50% of his or her needs orally, consider changing TPN to a cyclic infusion. Discontinue the TPN during the day and provide 50% of the patient's nutrition over 10-12 hours during the night."
"score": 0.6756958961,
"text": "The patient asks the nurse how frequently the dressing will have to be changed over his central vascular access device. The dressing of a central vascular access device should be changed when loose, soiled, or damp, but at least every 7 days since it is a transparent occlusive dressing.."
"score": 0.6728828549,
"text": "TPN requires a chronic IV access for the solution to run through, and the most common complication is infection of this catheter. Infection is a common cause of death in these patients, with a mortality rate of approximately 15% per infection, and death usually results from septic shock."
"score": 0.6675366163,
"text": "Craven (ARRD 1986;133:792)Pneumonia rate 29% if tubing changed q 24 hr; 14% if tubing changed q 48 hr. Dreyfuss (ARRD 1991;p143)738)Pneumonia rate (confirmed by bronchoscopy brush) - same for circuit changes q 48 hr versus no change (average: 10 days)."
"score": 0.6670674086,
"text": "#1. administration set changes for blood tubing. We are currenly revising our blood products administration policy when I re-read standard 48 V. Blood and blood components. 48.1 Administration seta and . . . .shall be changed after each unit or at the end of 4 hours, whichever comes first."
"score": 0.6631621122,
"text": "The IV site does not last. If you've had a patient on intermittent medications for a few days, and the IV site had to be changed daily or close to it, and you suspect that the patient will need a few more days of IV therapy. Chances are that this patient may be a candidate for a PICC line.A rule of thumb is 5 days or more of IV therapy. 1.he IV site does not last. If you've had a patient on intermittent medications for a few days, and the IV site had to be changed daily or close to it, and you suspect that the patient will need a few more days of IV therapy. Chances are that this patient may be a candidate for a PICC line."
"score": 0.6608971357,
"text": "TPN per Pharmacy. Karen King, Pharm.D., BCNSP. General Considerations. . Starting TPN is never an emergency. . PPN may be used when needed less than 2. weeks, if patient has good veins. Max osmolality. of 900 through the peripheral vein. . Central line access needed for TPN (subclavian,"
"score": 0.658996582,
"text": "Between two and three liters of TPN solution with added TPN Electrolytes are usually administered daily to adults. Solutions are given continuously over the entire 24-hour period at a constant rate, ranging from 83 to 125 mL/hour."
"score": 0.6587917209,
"text": "1. Initiation-TPN solutions should be infused slowly with small increases in the rate of the first TPN to avoid hyperglycemia. Start 50 ml/hr x 4 hours, then 75 ml/hr x 4 hours, then 100 ml/hr x 4 hours then increase to final rate. then 75 ml/hr x 4 hours, then 100 ml/hr x 4 hours. then increase to final rate."
"score": 0.6543435454,
"text": "With this protocol, most pa-. tients can tolerate large amounts of. TPN solution. A malnourished patient. may receive up to 3 liters per day of. hypertonic solution, or 2,500 calories. Accurate titration is aided by the use. of an intravenous (IV) pump."
"score": 0.6540513635,
"text": "Disconnecting the TPN Tubing and Flushing Your CVC. Your pump will sound an alarm when your infusion is done. You will now need to disconnect the TPN tubing from the CVC and flush your CVC. Your nurse will teach you how to do this and give you the supplies you will need."
"score": 0.6420161724,
"text": "Transparent dressing with q 7 day changes can be applied as. soon as oozing has stopped. Dialysis catheter dressings must be changed every 7 days or when. it becomes damp, loose, soiled or if the patient develops a problem at the site that require."
"score": 0.6400185823,
"text": "Intravenous fluids are administered through thin, flexible plastic tubing called an infusion set or primary infusion tubing/administration set (Perry et al., 2014). The infusion tubing/administration set connects to the bag of IV solution. Primary IV tubing is either a macro-drip solution administration set that delivers 10, 15, or 20 gtts/ml, or a micro-drip set that delivers 60 drops/ml. Macro-drip sets are used for routine primary infusions."
"score": 0.6398711205,
"text": "Short-term TPN (7 to 10 days) or long-term TPN (>10 days) is used to treat patients whose GI tract is not functioning or not accessible for various reasons. Below is a chart which identifies the conditions where TPN administration is commonly prescribed."
"score": 0.6364074945,
"text": "Nutrients can be provided to a patient via IV in TPN, or total parenteral nutrition. TPN may be necessary for a short time after surgery or illness impacts the digestive system. A device called an infusion pump is used to control the timing and amount of nutrition administered."
"score": 0.63419348,
"text": "Long-term home TPN patient (Crohn's disease) labs may become as infrequent as every six months if the patient is stable and there are no formula changes. TPN Formula. TPN is made up of three major components--protein (amino acids), carbohydrates (dextrose), and fats (lipids), which are essential to adequate nutrition.sage also changes with new research and drug development. For example, in the early 1990s home care nurses routinely cared for patients with AIDS wasting who were receiving TPN. With the advent of protease inhibitors, TPN is not as common in the AIDS population at home."
"score": 0.6280401945,
"text": "Total parenteral (pronounced pa-ren-ter-ull) nutrition is often referred to as TPN for short. TPN is intravenous or IV nutrition. This means that if your child is on TPN, he or she is getting all of his or her nutrition – total nutrition – intravenously or through an IV."
"score": 0.6276140809,
"text": "How often should oxygen nasal cannulas be changed? Update: Our supplier recommended we change the cannulas monthly and the tubing every 60-90 days. My father has friends who's suppliers have had different guidelines."
"score": 0.6257520318,
"text": "Report Abuse. 1 Change filters regularly. Nasal Cannula should be replaced monthly. 2 No longer than 24 hours before changing. My dad had a rare form of asthma for 15 years and was on oxygen. 3 we told patients to change them every week and rinse them daily. Tubing should be changed every month OR when cinks develop. humidiifier bottle, if you have one should be filled twice daily and washed every few days."
"score": 0.6230213642,
"text": "TPN may be necessary for a short time after surgery or illness impacts the digestive system. A device called an infusion pump is used to control the timing and amount of nutrition administered."
"score": 0.6190075278,
"text": "The technician conducts patient rounds and notes that there is 550 mL left in one patient's IV bottle. The patient is receiving 30 gtt/min and the drip factor of your tubing is 15 gtt/mL."
"score": 0.6184033751,
"text": "1 The nasal cannula should be changed every week. 2 The long tubing attached to your stationary equipment should be changed monthly. Neither the nasal cannula nor the long tubing from your stationary equipment should be washed. If an oxygen face mask is used, it should be cleaned twice weekly with warm soapy water."
"score": 0.614425838,
"text": "Formula ml drop factor Time in minutes (not hours) Have on hand Infuse 150 ml over 1.5 hours 150 ml 1.5 hr 10 drops per min (gtt factor) 60 (to change to minutes). HOT TIP: Drop factors can be found on the tubing packaging. and in some instances on the tubing itself. Option 2: Attach a flush bag (250 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution or 5% dextrose and water) to the port closest to the patient's IV site. Clamp off the primary solution using previously stated methods. ■ Allow the flush to infuse for 2 minutes before and after the medication is injected."
"score": 0.6121970415,
"text": "These babies require intravenous (IV) feedings — called TPN, or total parenteral nutrition — made up of fats, proteins, sugars, and nutrients. TPN is given through a small tube inserted into a large vein through the baby's skin or umbilical stump."
"score": 0.6114091277,
"text": "This document references US Pharmacopeia (USP 2008), A General Chapter <797> Pharmaceutical Compounding – Sterile Preparations, which addresses time limits for spiking IV bags. In short, the USP <797> recommendations call for IV bags to be spiked no more than one hour of administration. If the IV is not used within an hour of spiking the back, the IV and tubing should be discarded. However, an APIC position paper identifies this as controversial and unresolved issue."
"score": 0.5941581726,
"text": "The drop factor is the amount of drops (gtts) per minute. IV tubing is either macro tubing (10, 15, or 20 gtts/min) or micro tubing (60 gtts/min). The drop factor (or calibration of the tubing) is always on the packaging of the IV tubing. 3. Complete the calculation using the formula. Use the formula:"
"score": 0.5921359062,
"text": "All mechanically ventilated patients at Peking Union Medical College Hospital in China were studied over a 21-month period. From March 1998 to February 1999, ventilator circuits were changed every 2 days, and from June 1999 through December 1999, ventilator circuits were changed every 7 days. Nosocomial pneumonia was identified using the criteria of the Centers for Disease Control."
"score": 0.5876141191,
"text": "LPN IV Certification must be renewed every five years. In order to renew your IV Certification you will need to complete a board approved LPN IV Refresher course or provide proof of 10 contact hours of continuing education related to IV therapy."
"score": 0.5860751867,
"text": "Example: The provider has ordered 1,000 mL 0.9% sodium chloride to infuse over 8 hr. You have a macrodrip tubing with a drop factor of 15 gtt/mL available. Calculate how many gtt/min to set as the IV flow rate. Step 1: Choose the formula."
"score": 0.5797228217,
"text": "1 g/day IV/IM up to 14 days; after ≥3 days of parenteral therapy, may be switched to appropriate PO regimen if patient improves clinically. 1 g/day IV/IM up to 14 days; after ≥3 days of parenteral therapy, may be switched to appropriate PO regimen if patient improves clinically."
"score": 0.5794525743,
"text": "1 When used in pumps: Change the solution in the reservoir at least every 6 days, change the infusion set, and the infusion set insertion site at least every 3 days. 2 Do not mix with other insulins or with a diluent when used in the pump. 3 pH: 7. 2–7. 6."
"score": 0.5794271231,
"text": "The AABB recommends that blood transfusion tubing not be used for more than 4 hours but that it can be used to transfuse multiple, consecutive units of blood of the same tissue type and compatibility."
"score": 0.5792241693,
"text": "- uses a Class 100 laminar flow hood; sterile ingredients/devices; only syringe transfer used for measuring/mixing NO MORE THAN 3 PRODUCTS. ie: batch doses that have preservatives, ampule extraction using filter needles, manually prepared TPN w/ only 3 ingredients. - 48 hrs RT, 14 days F, 45 days freezer."
"score": 0.5729438663,
"text": "Below is an example of an infusion rate schedule for infliximab diluted in a 250mL volume: 40mL/hr. for 15 minutes, then if tolerated, increase to: 80mL/hr. Flush to ensure all medication in the IV tubing is administered. Total infusion time is 2 hours, plus 15 minutes for the flush."
"score": 0.5710641146,
"text": "Recommended maintenance interval. Order number. Peristaltic pump tubing (orange/yellow) with three stoppers for MSM regeneration solution. 2 months. 6.1826.420. Peristaltic pump tubing (white/white) with three stoppers to pump the sample from the Sample Processor to the injection loop. 2 months. 6.1826.360. Peristaltic pump tubing (yellow/yellow) with three stoppers used on the sample side of the Ultrafiltration cell. 2 months. 6.1826.390. Peristaltic pump tubing (orange/yellow) with three stoppers used on the filtrate side of the Utlrafiltration cell."
"score": 0.5709777474,
"text": "Below is an example of an infusion rate schedule for infliximab diluted in a 250mL volume: 40mL/hr. for 15 minutes, then if tolerated, increase to: 80mL/hr. x 30 minutes, then if tolerate, increase to: 160mL/hr. for the duration of infusion. Flush to ensure all medication in the IV tubing is administered."
"score": 0.5702870488,
"text": "1 Rotate injection sites. 2 When used in pumps: Change the solution in the reservoir at least every 6 days, change the infusion set, and the infusion set insertion site at least every 3 days. 3 Do not mix with other insulins or with a diluent when used in the pump. 4 pH: 7. 2–7. 6."
"score": 0.5555049777,
"text": "Injection: Inject directly or into tubing of actively running IV over 1-2 minutes. Administer undiluted IV injections at rate of 20-40 mg/min; not to exceed 4 mg/min for short-term intermittent infusion; in children, give 0.5 mg/kg/min, titrated to effect."
"score": 0.5473483205,
"text": "How Often to Change Tampons - Every 3 to 5 Hours. If you use tampons during your periods, aim for wearing a tampon that is saturated and needs changing every 3 to 5 hours. Make sure you change them at least every 4 to 8 hours to help prevent a rare but potentially fatal disease called toxic shock syndrome (TSS)."
"score": 0.5378153324,
"text": "Choose a different place in your injection skin area each time you use this medication. Do not inject into the same place two times in a row. If you use this medicine with an insulin pump, do not mix or dilute insulin aspart with any other insulin.Infusion pump tubing, catheters, and the needle location on your skin should be changed every 48 hours. Throw away any medication leftover in the reservoir.hoose a different place in your injection skin area each time you use this medication. Do not inject into the same place two times in a row. If you use this medicine with an insulin pump, do not mix or dilute insulin aspart with any other insulin."
"score": 0.537776351,
"text": "IVIG infusions are usually given every three or four weeks. SCIG infusions may be given as often as daily, weekly, or as infrequently as every three to four weeks (similar to IVIG), depending on the specific SCIG product that is being prescribed, the patient's age and the preferences of the patient and the prescriber."
"score": 0.5350882411,
"text": "LPNs cannot reassess. with blood products lpns cannot even check the blood product. that requires 2 RNs. and you have to stay with the pt. for 15mins. to reassess, evaluate how the are responding to the transfusion. same with tpn, that is an RN responsibility. the LPN can do some sterile produres."
"score": 0.5295956731,
"text": "FFP can be given via your regular blood tubing, same size micron filter, but platelets require a special filter. Policy here for FFP; run in as fast as the patient will tolerate. Once FFP are picked up from blood bank, they can't be returned to blood bank after 20min. Also recommends the FFP be infused within 6 hours."
"score": 0.5256779194,
"text": "Making the world better, one answer at a time. You should change your tampon every 4 to 8 hours. If not, you're at risk for Toxic Shock Sundrome (TSS). You should change your tampon every 4 to 8 hours. If not, you're at risk for Toxic Shock Sundrome (TSS)."
"score": 0.5208077431,
"text": "The dosage is based on your body weight, so the cost will vary from person to person. The first 3 IV sessions (loading doses) are two weeks apart, and after that, it's usually every 8 weeks. Although some people require it every 6 weeks, and some lucky people can go as far as 12 weeks between IV doses."
"score": 0.5154857635,
"text": "IV. 1 6 months-5 years: 0.2-0.5 mg IV initially, repeat every 2-5 minutes; do not exceed 5 mg; may repeat 2-4 hours later PRN. > 2 5 years: 1 mg IV given slowly every 2-5 min; not to exceed 10 mg total dose; may repeat in 2-4 hours if necessary."
"score": 0.5123604536,
"text": "Do not inject into the same place two times in a row. If you use this medicine with an insulin pump, do not mix or dilute insulin aspart with any other insulin. Infusion pump tubing, catheters, and the needle location on your skin should be changed every 48 hours. Throw away any medication leftover in the reservoir.nsulin aspart is used to treat type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes in adults and children who are at least 2 years old. Insulin aspart is usually given together with another long-acting insulin."
"score": 0.4989825785,
"text": "For example, with a 500 gallon hot tub that has a daily bather load of two, you would divide 500 by 3 and get 166.66. Then divide 166.66 by 2 to get 83 days. So this spa water should be changed about every three months."
"score": 0.4988393188,
"text": "Since IVIG infusions are usually given once every three or four weeks directly into a vein, there is a very high \"peak\" IgG level in the blood right after the dose is given and a lower IgG level in the blood at the \"trough\" just before the next dose is due. SCIG is injected relatively slowly, directly under the skin."
"score": 0.4960824251,
"text": "Your flow can change from day to day throughout your period. So while supers might be a godsend on days one and two of your period, you'll want to switch to regular or light absorbency tampons toward the end of your period (or whenever your flow tapers off). 4. You only change your tampon once a day. Even with a light flow, you should change that bad boy every four to eight hours. That's because a moist tampon makes a warm, cozy home for bacteria. And the longer it's in there, the greater your risk of TSS."
"score": 0.4669283032,
"text": "If the patient had an episode of VTE within 3 months before surgery, intravenous UFH is recommended until the INR is greater than or equal to 2. Patients who have a vena caval filter are protected from pulmonary embolism, and intravenous heparin can be avoided in their early postoperative period."
"score": 0.4657885432,
"text": "If surgery must be performed within 1 month of an acute VTE, intravenous UFH should be administered while the INR is less than 2. If surgery must be performed within 2 weeks after an acute episode, intravenous heparin may be withheld 6 hours preoperatively and 12 hours postoperatively, if the surgery is short."
"score": 0.4617134035,
"text": "How Often Do I Change a Diaper? Babies urinate approximately 20 times a day for the first several months of their lives. It would get incredibly expensive and exhausting if you tried to change your baby's diaper every time. You do want to change him/her every 2 to 3 hours, but it is not necessary to wake a baby to change a wet diaper. However, the acid content of a bowel movement may irritate your child's skin and should be changed as soon as possible once your baby is awake."
"score": 0.4075692594,
"text": "Changes a pharmacist cannot make to a prescription for schedules II-V controlled substances. 1 May never change the patient's name. 2 May never change the controlled substance prescribed. 3 May never change the prescriber's signature."
"score": 0.4004199505,
"text": "Blood Loss and Clots. Though it can vary from month to month, periods usually start off with a light flow, get heavier, then taper off. On average, women lose about 2 to 4 tablespoons of blood during each period. In terms of pads or tampons, that means changing them out every 2 hours or more. If you need to change out less than every 2 hours -- or have quarter-size or larger clots -- let your doctor know. Small clots of blood are common."
"score": 0.3736345172,
"text": "Approx 2 years ago, I replaced my sump pump with a FLOTEC FP0S3200A-09, which came out of the box with a FP18-15BD Float Switch attached. My sump runs frequently (18-24 times per day). The pump continues to run perfectly, however, after only 2 years, the Float Switch failed and would not turn the pump off."
"score": 0.368245244,
"text": "the dose which can be used is 375 mg amoxicillin in combination with 250 mg metronidazole every 8 hours for 7 days3 this combination is particularly effective against porphyromonas gingivalis a major cause of periodontitis"
] |
how are temperature and pressure and volume related | [
"score": 0.7424478531,
"text": "For a fixed amount of an ideal gas kept at a fixed temperature, pressure and volume are inversely proportional. Or Boyle's law is a gas law, stating that the pressure and volume of a gas have an inverse relationship, when temperature is held constant."
] | [
"score": 0.7849442959,
"text": "The relationship between temperature and gas pressure is defined by the Pressure Law. According to this law, gas pressure is directly proportional to temperature. Edit"
"score": 0.7418613434,
"text": "Objective: Determine the relationship (qualitative and quantitative) between the pressure and temperature of a gas. Theory: Pressure is caused by the collisions of gas particles with the sides of a container. Temperature measures the average kinetic energy (speed) of a sample of gas particles."
"score": 0.7394469976,
"text": "If the internal pressure increases the piston will move up to allow the pressure to equalise. The above set up is used to investigate the relationship between temperature and volume for a gas. Heat energy is applied to the cylinder and the temperature of the gas increases."
"score": 0.729999423,
"text": "Is the relationship between temperature and volume a direct relationship or inverse relationship?"
"score": 0.7126877904,
"text": "As temperature increases the pressure increases. This can be shown with the formula: Pressure1 / Temp.1 = Pressure2 / Temp.2 Therefore, as the temperature increases, the pressure must increase as well in order to have the same ratio."
"score": 0.7020974755,
"text": "If a gas's temperature increases, then so does its pressure if the mass and volume of the gas are held constant. The law has a particularly simple mathematical form if the temperature is measured on an absolute scale, such as in kelvins.he expression Gay-Lussac's law is used for each of the two relationships named after the French chemist Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac and which concern the properties of gases, though it is more usually applied to his law of combining volumes, the first listed here."
"score": 0.6948545575,
"text": "When the temperature of a gas is increased at a constant pressure, its volume increases. When the temperature of a gas is devreased at constnt pressure, its volume decr … eases. + 20 others found this useful."
"score": 0.6856497526,
"text": "Pressure & Density • Assuming a gas (such as air) at a constant volume and pressure, the number of molecules is controlled by the temperature 15"
"score": 0.683109045,
"text": "Density and specific volume of liquids are changing with the change of temperature, and if high pressures are being considered, density and specific volume will change as well. When gases are considered, the density and specific volume are changing greatly with the change of pressure and temperature."
"score": 0.6776444912,
"text": "Density, temperature and pressure all decrease Density and temperature increase but pressure decreases Density increases but temperature and pressure decrease Density, temperature and pressure all increase."
"score": 0.6737198234,
"text": "The pressure of a fixed amount of gas at constant temperature is inversely proportional to the volume. Boyle's Law can be used to solve certain types of problems, those in which two of the gas variables, n (moles of gas) and T (temperature) remain constant.here can be a change in either V or P. Using Boyle's Law we can predict how a change in either will affect the other factor. A balloon has a volume of 0.55 L at sea level (1.0 atm). What is its volume at an altitude of 6.5 km, where the pressure is 0.40 atm."
"score": 0.6716501713,
"text": "So, you can see that density, temperature and pressure work together to change the conditions of the air. When heat is added, air temperature and pressure both increase. And, when the density of air changes, the pressure (and sometimes the temperature) does as well."
"score": 0.6608791947,
"text": "In the last five to six decades, professionals and scientists using the metric system of units defined the standard reference conditions of temperature and pressure for expressing gas volumes as being 15 °C (288.15 K; 59.00 °F) and 101.325 kPa (1.00 atm; 760 Torr)."
"score": 0.6595888734,
"text": "Gas Laws Inquiry Lab. Introduction. Four key variables are used to define an ideal gas: pressure, volume, temperature, and quantity (moles). Pressure and temperature can be measured directly using scientific devices, while quantity and volume required additional manipulations."
"score": 0.6530823112,
"text": "For a great many years, most engineers, chemists, physicists and other scientists using the metric system of units defined the standard reference conditions of temperature and pressure for expressing gas volumes as being 0 °C (273.15 K) and 101.325 kPa (i.e., 1 atmosphere of absolute pressure)."
"score": 0.6528497338,
"text": "Before 1918, many professionals and scientists using the metric system of units defined the standard reference conditions of temperature and pressure for expressing gas volumes as being 15 °C (288.15 K; 59.00 °F) and 101.325 kPa (1.00 atm; 760 Torr)."
"score": 0.6504256725,
"text": "For many years, most engineers, chemists, physicists and other scientists using the metric system of units defined the standard reference conditions of temperature and pressure for expressing gas volumes as being 0 °C (273.15 K) and 101.325 kPa (i.e. 1 atmosphere of absolute pressure)."
"score": 0.649769187,
"text": "How temperature effects the height of pressure. Although the changes are usually too slow to observe directly, air pressure is almost always changing. This change in pressure is caused by changes in air density, and air density is related to temperature."
"score": 0.6452356577,
"text": "In the last five to six decades, professionals and scientists using the metric system of units defined the standard reference conditions of temperature and pressure for expressing gas volumes as being 15 °C (288.15 K; 59.00 °F) and 101.325 kPa (1.00 atm; 760 Torr).owever, many technical publications (books, journals, advertisements for equipment and machinery) simply state standard conditions without specifying them, often leading to confusion and errors. Good practice is to always incorporate the reference conditions of temperature and pressure."
"score": 0.6352165937,
"text": "V = volume = the amount of space occupied by the gas, usually measured in liters (L). P = pressure = the force per unit area exerted by the gas on its container, usually measured in atmospheres (atm) or Torricelli (torr) = mmHg. 1 atm = 760 torr = 760 mmHg."
"score": 0.6336025596,
"text": "In today's experiment, you will determine the relationship between temperature and volume. Using this data, you will be able to extrapolate your experimental data to determine a value for \"absolute zero\" on the Celsius scale, and more fully comprehend the Kelvin scale.You will write this up on a separate sheet.o obtain the volume of gas at the cool temperature (V2), you will need to subtract the volume of water in the flask (Vwater) from the total volume of the flask (V1). You now have the two volumes necessary for graphing your data. Caution: There are several sources of error that you should be careful to avoid."
"score": 0.6312689781,
"text": "One mole of any gas has a volume of 24 dm3 or 24,000 cm3 at rtp (room temperature and pressure). This volume is called the molar volume of a gas. This equation shows how the volume of gas in dm3 at rtp is related to the number of moles: volume of gas at rtp = number of moles × 24."
"score": 0.6301438808,
"text": "Related Documents. 1 Density of Liquids versus change in Pressure and Temperature - Density and specific volume of a liquid versus change in pressure and temperature. 2 Calculating of Water Expansion Tanks - Water expansion volume in open, closed and diaphragm expansion tanks. 3 Thermal Expansion - Superficial i. e."
"score": 0.5999106765,
"text": "Specific volume data as a function of pressure and temperature is important in the simulation of packing, cooling, shrinkage and warpage behaviour in software such as Moldflow, Sigmasoft3D and Moldex3D."
"score": 0.5874319077,
"text": "All molecules are in constant motion. Molecules of a liquid have more freedom of movement than those in a solid. Molecules in a gas have the greatest degree of motion. Heat, temperature and the motion of molecules are all related. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules in a material. Heat is the energy transferred between materials that have different temperatures. Increasing the temperature increases the translational motion of molecules Energy is related to temperature by the relationship:"
"score": 0.5387910604,
"text": "The Ocean and Temperature. Temperature and density share an inverse relationship. As temperature increases, the space between water molecules increases—also known as density, which therefore decreases. If the temperature of water decreases its density increases, but only to a point."
"score": 0.5127463937,
"text": "By the end of this section, you will be able to: Describe the mechanisms that drive breathing. Discuss how pressure, volume, and resistance are related. List the steps involved in pulmonary ventilation. Discuss the physical factors related to breathing. Discuss the meaning of respiratory volume and capacities."
] |
is deen a word | [
"score": 0.5579460859,
"text": "Subjugated here is a literal translation of the verb of the word deen. B. He has authority over him. Has authority here is a literal translation of the verb of the word deen. This means that the intelligent person is the one who has subjugated himself and made himself obedient to Allah."
] | [
"score": 0.6149297357,
"text": "Deez is a possessive descriptor or possessive pronoun. It is often used to describe certain aspect of male anatomy. Usage often implies a masculine and prideful connotation."
"score": 0.5977581739,
"text": "Dean Name Meaning. English: topographic name from Middle English dene 'valley' (Old English denu), or a habitational name from any of several places in various parts of England named Dean, Deane, or Deen from this word."
"score": 0.5812650323,
"text": "English Meaning: The name Dee is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Dee is: A name beginning with D, also frequently used as an independent name. American Meaning: The name Dee is an American baby name.In American the meaning of the name Dee is: A name beginning with D, also frequently used as an independent name.n English the meaning of the name Dee is: A name beginning with D, also frequently used as an independent name. American Meaning: The name Dee is an American baby name."
"score": 0.5796080232,
"text": "PRONOUNCED: DEE-kən [key]. Meaning & History. Either from the occupational surname Deacon or directly from the vocabulary word deacon, which refer to a cleric in the Christian church (ultimately from Greek διακονος (diakonos) meaning servant).Popularity.RONOUNCED: DEE-kən [key]. Meaning & History. Either from the occupational surname Deacon or directly from the vocabulary word deacon, which refer to a cleric in the Christian church (ultimately from Greek διακονος (diakonos) meaning servant)."
"score": 0.5743429065,
"text": "Dee /dee/ [1 syll.] as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Dee) is pronounced dee. It is of Welsh origin, and the meaning of Dee is swarthy.Short form of names beginning with the letter D. Kreatif forms: Dedee, Deece, Deevi.ee /dee/ [1 syll.] as a girls' name (also used as boys' name Dee) is pronounced dee. It is of Welsh origin, and the meaning of Dee is swarthy."
"score": 0.5734959245,
"text": "It originally was descriptive of one who lived in or near a valley. Another surname arose from the Middle English deen (dean) and the Old French deien (dean), an occupational name for the presiding official of a cathedral, collegiate church, university, or group.The names are now inextricable.rigin of the name Dean: Transferred use of the surname taken from various place-names composed of the Old English denu (valley)."
"score": 0.5712511539,
"text": "verb. The definition of deem is to believe or judge. An example of deem is thinking a child has done something wrong when they have a guilty look on their face."
"score": 0.5709585547,
"text": "Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: deem (Noun). An opinion; judgement; surmise. deem (Verb). To judge; pass judgement on; sentence; doom. deem (Verb). To adjudge; decree. deem (Verb). To dispense (justice); administer (law)."
"score": 0.5629903078,
"text": "deem. English Collins Dictionary-English synonyms & Thesaurus  . deem (deems 3rd person present) (deeming present participle) (deemed past tense & past participle) If something is deemedto have a particular quality or to do a particular thing, it is considered to have that quality or do that thing."
"score": 0.5616697073,
"text": "The definition of deem is to believe or judge. An example of deem is thinking a child has done something wrong when they have a guilty look on their face."
"score": 0.5588153005,
"text": "[ 1 syll. dee, de-e ] The baby girl name Dee is also used as a boy name, though it is more commonly a girl name. It is pronounced Diy- †. Dee is of Old Greek, Hebrew, Old English, English-American, Celtic, Latin, and Indoeuropean origin.It is used mainly in English and Spanish.ee is also a form of the English Deandrea. Dee is also a diminutive (English) of the English, Gaelic, and Irish Deirdre. Dee is also a contracted form (English) of the Welsh, English, Greek, Italian, German, and Spanish Delia. Dee is also a form (Spanish) of the English Delicia."
"score": 0.5546262264,
"text": "'deem' in Other Languages. 1 British English: deem If something is deemed to have a particular quality or to do a particular thing, it is considered to have that quality or do that thing. 2 VERBNo further punishment was deemed necessary."
"score": 0.5537252426,
"text": "'deem' in Other Languages. 1 British English: deem If something is deemed to have a particular quality or to do a particular thing, it is considered to have that quality or do that thing."
"score": 0.547465682,
"text": "Deem. To hold; consider; adjudge; believe; condemn; determine; treat as if; construe. To deem is to consider something as having certain characteristics. If an act is deemed a crime by law, then it is held to be a crime. If someone is deemed liable for damages, then he or she will have to pay them."
"score": 0.5432700515,
"text": "Deem Definition: To accept a document or an event as conclusive of a certain status in the absence of evidence or facts which would normally be required to prove that status. To accept the proposition of a document, a status or an event as conclusive of it in the absence of evidence or facts which would normally be required to prove that status. For example, in matters of child support, a decision of a foreign court could be deemed to be a decision of the court of another, for the purpose of enforcement. The registration of a trade-mark is deemed proof of the first use of that trademark."
"score": 0.5432341099,
"text": "1 Deece: Slang term commonly used by the Grand Army of the Republic in reference to DC-series blasters. 2 Defenestrate: Slang used by Alliance Special Operations teams for the act of throwing a person out of a window."
"score": 0.536488533,
"text": "'Deen Squad' Has Your Hip Hop Ramadan Soundtrack Literally Covered. Written by Samar Marwan. Islam and hip-hop join forces in the most halal dynamic duo the musical world has ever seen, Deen Squad. Ottawa college buddies, Jae Deen and Karter Zaher joined forces in 2015 to breath life in their musical career and create Deen Squad."
"score": 0.530177474,
"text": "'Deen Squad' Has Your Hip Hop Ramadan Soundtrack Literally Covered. Islam and hip-hop join forces in the most halal dynamic duo the musical world has ever seen, Deen Squad. Ottawa college buddies, Jae Deen and Karter Zaher joined forces in 2015 to breath life in their musical career and create Deen Squad. By re-writing mainstream hip-hop and rap songs to a more Muslim tune, Deen Squad has made Islam hella cool by covering through today's top hits."
"score": 0.5292087793,
"text": "Deen may have been known to most laypeople as a television chef and cookbook author. laypeople tend to regard two successive quarters of negative growth as a recession. While Nest says its products can easily be installed by laypeople, this layperson was easily stymied."
"score": 0.5277522802,
"text": "deem (deems 3rd person present) (deeming present participle) (deemed past tense & past participle) If something is deemedto have a particular quality or to do a particular thing, it is considered to have that quality or do that thing. FORMAL verb (=judge) French and German were deemed essential..."
"score": 0.5203553438,
"text": "Thirdly, it may be a topographical name for someone living on the banks of the river Dee in Cheshire, or one of the same name in Scotland. The origin of both of these is the British word meaning sacred; the British language is the extinct Celtic language of the ancient Britons.he first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Anne Dee, which was dated October 17th 1546, marriage to Chrystofer Thornton, at St. Stephan's, Coleman's Street, London, during the reign of King Henry V111, known as Bluff King Hal, 1509 - 1547."
"score": 0.5197238326,
"text": "Last name: Deeming. This unusual and interesting surname is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and is derived from the Olde English pre 7th Century word domung, meaning judgement, itself deriving from dom, meaning doom, and dema, a judge."
"score": 0.5187297463,
"text": "verb (used without object) 1. to form or have an opinion; judge; think: He did not deem lightly of the issue. verb (used with object) 2. to hold as an opinion; think; regard: He deemed it wise to refuse the offer. Origin of deem."
"score": 0.5176821947,
"text": "Deen Squad's religion-based music is aimed at young Muslims. Some Muslims don't agree with their use of music, citing religious laws prohibiting music for entertainment. But the duo says that their music is \"morally upright\" and has brought young people closer to their faith."
"score": 0.5123958588,
"text": "All should be pronounced dee-el or deeyel with the accent on the first syllable. The odd pronunciation goes back to the days when yogh, a letter in old English and Scots was in use (looking a bit like the number 3 or an old copperplate z and sounding like ng as in the word song).ll should be pronounced dee-el or deeyel with the accent on the first syllable. The odd pronunciation goes back to the days when yogh, a letter in old English and Scots was in use (looking a bit like the number 3 or an old copperplate z and sounding like ng as in the word song)."
"score": 0.5087406635,
"text": "Synonyms and Antonyms of DEEM. Synonyms allow [ chiefly Southern & Midland ] , conceive, consider, deem, esteem, feel, figure, guess, hold, imagine, judge, reckon [ chiefly dialect ] , suppose, think."
"score": 0.5036816597,
"text": "Ghazee-od deen had, however, before his death declared that he believed Moonna Jan to be his grandson. A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, Volumes I & II William Sleeman. \"The scoundrel rides well,\" muttered Brace, as we saw Ny deen rein up and throw his horse back almost on its haunches."
"score": 0.5023331642,
"text": "Dee Name Meaning. Welsh: nickname for a swarthy person, from Welsh du 'dark', 'black'.Irish: variant of Daw 3.English and Scottish: habitational name from a settlement on the banks of the river Dee in Cheshire or either of the rivers so named in Scotland.ee Name Meaning. Welsh: nickname for a swarthy person, from Welsh du 'dark', 'black'.Irish: variant of Daw 3.English and Scottish: habitational name from a settlement on the banks of the river Dee in Cheshire or either of the rivers so named in Scotland."
"score": 0.5014647245,
"text": "V n adj/n I was deemed to be a competent shorthand typist. be V-ed to-inf. deem (deems 3rd person present) (deeming present participle) (deemed past tense & past participle) If something is deemedto have a particular quality or to do a particular thing, it is considered to have that quality or do that thing."
"score": 0.4961419702,
"text": "Contemporary Examples. 1 Deen may have been known to most laypeople as a television chef and cookbook author. 2 laypeople tend to regard two successive quarters of negative growth as a recession. 3 While Nest says its products can easily be installed by laypeople, this layperson was easily stymied."
"score": 0.4952703118,
"text": "I've been praying more,'\" Deen said. The duo is one of a number of young Muslim rappers striking a chord with young people. Other notable Muslim rappers include the feminist, U.K.-based Poetic Pilgrimage and Washington, D.C.-area group Native Deen."
"score": 0.4890046418,
"text": "When used in that sense it becomes very important to consider the purpose for which the statutory fiction is introduced.... The verb deem, or derivatives of it, can be used in statutory definitions to extend the denotation of the defined term to things it would not in ordinary parlance denote. This is often a convenient device for reducing the verbiage of an enactment."
"score": 0.4780655205,
"text": "This article is about the reputed angelic language recorded in the journals of John Dee. For Dee's overall system of angel magic, see Enochian magic. For other examples of divine or angelic languages, see Divine language.Enochian is a name often applied to an occult or angelic language recorded in the private journals of John Dee and his colleague Edward Kelley in late 16th-century England.Kelley was a spirit medium who worked with Dee in his magical investigations.he language is integral to the practice of Enochian magic. The language found in Dee and Kelley's journals encompasses a limited textual corpus, only some of it with English translations. Several linguists, notably Donald Laycock, have studied Enochian, and argue against any extraordinary features in the language."
"score": 0.4780055881,
"text": "Deen may have been known to most laypeople as a television chef and cookbook author. laypeople tend to regard two successive quarters of negative growth as a recession. While Nest says its products can easily be installed by laypeople, this layperson was easily stymied. How the Nest Thermostat Could Save the Planet Daniel Gross July 24, 2013."
"score": 0.4691200256,
"text": "The term Enochian comes from Dee's assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human (before Dee and Kelley) to know the language. Dee's Angelic language According to Tobias Churton in his text The Golden Builders, the concept of an Angelic or antediluvian language was common during Dee's time.he language is integral to the practice of Enochian magic. The language found in Dee and Kelley's journals encompasses a limited textual corpus, only some of it with English translations. Several linguists, notably Donald Laycock, have studied Enochian, and argue against any extraordinary features in the language."
"score": 0.4689965546,
"text": "In this case it was for a person who played the part of a figurative representation of Death in the popular medieval mystery plays. Other such names that survive today are Angel and Life. The source is the Middle English word deeth, meaning death. A second origin is French and locational from the place called Ath, with the fused preposition de, in Flanders. The surname from this source has a variety of forms not just in England including D'Eath, D'Eathe, De Ath, D'Aeth, De Att and De Atta."
"score": 0.4661554396,
"text": "Dee dee is a cute nickname but I would give her the option of a full name to fall back on. Any d name could easily transition to the nn DeeDee, but if she doesn't have a full longer name, she just has a cutesy name that doesn't seem to age. I'm not trying to be harsh- the name is cute! Just my 2 cents..."
"score": 0.4651096463,
"text": "The difference between din and rin is its usage. din is use when the preceding word ends with consonants. While, rin is use when the preceding word ends with vowels. Please enter between 2 and 2000 characters. If you copy an answer from another italki page, please include the URL of the original page."
"score": 0.4644694924,
"text": "peen (genitive peene, partitive peent) 1 fine (of small pieces, small size) 2 thin. 3 fine (of good quality) 4 fancy."
"score": 0.4613116384,
"text": "As Muslims, the phrase \"alhamdulillah\" اَلحَمْدُ لِله is an integral part of our deen; we are taught to say it from both the Qur'an and Sunnah and most of us have this phrase in our everyday vocabulary, not to mention we read it every day in Suratul Faatihah."
"score": 0.4599986076,
"text": "Bryan Matthew Sevilla (born February 7, 1986), better known by the stage name James Deen, is an American pornographic actor and director."
"score": 0.446564436,
"text": "Mini Bio (1) Born in Albany, Georgia, Deen is a notable graduate of Albany High School. She married her first husband after graduating high school in 1965. Her parents both died by the time she was 23, and a resultant fear of death led to chronic agoraphobia."
"score": 0.4352857471,
"text": "Days before the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks in Paris, two young Muslim rappers who go by the name Deen Squad released the song \"Muslim Man.\" The music video features the duo riding on SwegWays while rapping and holding signs that read \"No, I'm not a terrorist.\"."
"score": 0.4261703491,
"text": "DEET is an insect repellent that is used in products to prevent bites from insects such as mosquitoes, biting flies, fleas and small flying insects. DEET is a colorless liquid that has a faint odor and does not dissolve easily in water."
"score": 0.4207609594,
"text": "deen may have been known to most laypeople as a television chef and cookbook author. Racism Is a Tough Sell: The Real Reason Everyone Dumped Paula Deen Daniel Gross June 27, 2013. Both reek of false modesty, but deen does appear jumpy and genuinely anxious at times. My Bizarre Night With James Deen, Libertarian Porn Star Emily Shire November 11, 2014. Born in the small town of Albany, Georgia, deen married at 18, got pregnant at 19, and lost both of her parents by age 23. Paula Deen, Teflon Chef Winston Ross June 20, 2013. But that article described deen as calm and reliable, especially compared to LiLo."
"score": 0.4167779088,
"text": "Overview (3) Born in Albany, Georgia, Deen is a notable graduate of Albany High School. She married her first husband after graduating high school in 1965. Her parents both died by the time she was 23, and a resultant fear of death led to chronic agoraphobia. She was a proficient Southern cook, and used it to help deal with her condition. in 1986, she felt okay enough to take a job as a bank teller."
"score": 0.4166328311,
"text": "DEET is an insect repellent that is used in products to prevent bites from insects such as mosquitoes, biting flies, fleas and small flying insects. DEET is a colorless liquid that has a faint odor and does not dissolve easily in water. DEET was developed by the U.S. Army in 1946 for protection of soldiers in insect-infested areas. Insect repellents containing DEET have been used by the general public in the United States since 1957."
"score": 0.4158940315,
"text": "DEET is shorthand for the chemical name N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide. It's the active ingredient in many insect repellents, which don't kill mosquitoes but keep them away. Dr. Dan Strickman agrees that DEET is tried and true."
"score": 0.4007568061,
"text": "Hello inThai is Sawat dee. As a form of politeness, you add the word khrap at the end of the sentence, speaking as a man. So for you, it will be sawat dee khrap. How are you doing can be spoken in a couple of manners. One way is to ask :sabai dee mai khrap."
"score": 0.393912822,
"text": "Chapter Five: DEET. N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide, also known as DEET or m-DET, is an aromatic amide that is an effective insect repellent for control of biting flies, biting midges, black flies, chiggers, deer flies, fleas, gnats, horse flies, mosquitoes, no-see-ums, sand flies, small flying insects, stable flies, and ticks."
"score": 0.3931860328,
"text": "Both the word and the name were pronounced \\FEEN-yeh\\. ó Corráin & Maguire, in Irish Names, give the modern Irish spelling of the name as Fíona, but go out of their way to explain that this modern name, pronounced \\FEEN-ah\\, is not the modern popular fancy name, Fiona ... invented by William Sharp, which is pronounced \\fee-OH-nah\\."
"score": 0.3871889114,
"text": "DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide) is a versatile and effective insect repellent. Insect repellents containing DEET have been used for more than 40 years by millions of people worldwide to repel mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, biting flies and chiggers. These products are available in many formulations, including lotions, creams, gels, aerosol and pump sprays, and towelettes."
"score": 0.3819211721,
"text": "DEET is the chemical N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide. The pure chemical is a white to amber-color liquid, with a faint aromatic odor. DEET is the active ingredient in some common repellents widely used to repel biting pests such as mosquitos and ticks.DEET formulations can be added to sprays or mists, lotions and wipes.his fact sheet answers the most frequently asked health questions (FAQs) about N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET). For more information, call the CDC Information Center at 1-800-232-4636. This fact sheet is one in a series of summaries about hazardous substances and their health effects."
"score": 0.3799109161,
"text": "DEET (chemical name, N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) is the active ingredient in many insect repellent products. It is widely used to repel biting pests such as mosquitoes and ticks. Every year, an estimated one-third of the U.S. population use DEET to protect them from mosquito-borne illnesses like West Nile Virus, the Zika virus or malaria and tick-borne illnesses like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever."
"score": 0.379897058,
"text": "DEET (chemical name N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) is used as the active ingredient in many insect repellents. Insect repellents that contain DEET offer the best protection against mosquito bites. DEET is designed for direct application to skin to repel insects, rather than kill them."
"score": 0.3797962666,
"text": "To regard or consider; deem: an old technology that is still perceived as useful; a politician who is perceived to be a dissembler. [Middle English perceiven, from Old French perceivre, from Latin percipere : per-, per- + capere, to seize; see kap- in Indo-European roots.] per·ceiv′a·ble adj."
"score": 0.3747642636,
"text": "DEET (chemical name N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) is used as the active ingredient in many insect repellents. Insect repellents that contain DEET offer the best protection against mosquito bites."
"score": 0.3718545735,
"text": "Geon may refer to: Geon (geology), a time interval; Geon (physics), a hypothetical gravitational wave packet; Geon (psychology), a geometrical primitive out of which everyday objects can be represented; Geon, short for geonim, rabbis in the medieval era; Geon, a character from the King of the Monsters series of video games"
"score": 0.3673304021,
"text": "Geon may refer to: Geon (geology), a time interval. Geon (physics), a hypothetical gravitational wave packet. Geon (psychology), a geometrical primitive out of which everyday objects can be represented. Geon, short for geonim, rabbis in the medieval era."
"score": 0.3354049921,
"text": "A macron (/ˈmaekrɒn, ˈmækrɒn-/) ˈmeɪ is a diacritical, mark a straight (¯) bar placed above a, letter usually a. Vowel its name derives from The greek (makron) makrón μακρόν meaning long and was originally used to mark long or heavy Syllables-In greco. Roman metrics it now more often marks a. long vowel"
"score": 0.3245083094,
"text": "(dʒɑː) n. 1. a wide-mouthed container that is usually cylindrical, made of glass or earthenware, and without handles. 2. Also: jarful the contents or quantity contained in a jar. 3. informal Brit a glass of alcoholic drink, esp beer: to have a jar with someone."
"score": 0.3167469203,
"text": "Ryann [ryann] as a name for girls is of Irish origin. Ryann is an alternate spelling of Riane (Irish): feminine of Ryan. Associated with: irish. Ryann▲ has 10 variants: Rhiane, Rian, Riann, Rianne, Riayn, Ryane, Ryanne, Ryen, Ryenne and Rynn."
"score": 0.3136675656,
"text": "A macron (/ˈmækrɒn, ˈmeɪ-/) is a diacritical mark, a straight bar (¯) placed above a letter, usually a vowel. Its name derives from the Greek μακρόν (makrón), meaning long, and was originally used to mark long or heavy syllables in Greco-Roman metrics. It now more often marks a long vowel. In the International Phonetic Alphabet, the macron is used to indicate a mid-tone; the sign for a long vowel is instead a modified triangular colon ⟨ː⟩. The opposite is the breve ⟨˘⟩, which marks a short or light syllable or a short vowel."
"score": 0.3084385395,
"text": "Hotels & Travel Transportation Airlines. Southern Airways Express - Southaven, MS, United States by Deen W. Southern Airways Express - Southaven, MS, United States by Deen W. Current routes include Memphis (of… by Deen W."
] |
when was theory of justice written | [
"score": 0.6365040541,
"text": "Table of Contents. 1 Biographical Sketch. 2 Rawls's Mature Work: A Theory of Justice (1971) The Basic Structure of Society. Utilitarianism as the Principal Opponent. 3 Recasting the Argument for Stability: Political Liberalism (1993) 4 Problems of Extension. 5 References and Further Reading."
] | [
"score": 0.7311244011,
"text": "A Theory of Justice is Rawls's attempt to formulate a philosophy of justice and a theoretical program for establishing political structures designed to preserve social justice and individual liberty. Rawls writes in reaction to the then predominant theory of utilitarianism, which posits that justice is defined by that which provides the greatest good for the greatest number of people."
"score": 0.6628166437,
"text": "The most widely discussed theory of distributive justice in the past four decades has been that proposed by John Rawls in A Theory of Justice, (Rawls 1971), and Political Liberalism, (Rawls 1993).o one is entitled to a holding except by (repeated) applications of (a) and (b). The complete principle of distributive justice would say simply that a distribution is just if everyone is entitled to the holdings they possess under the distribution (Nozick, p.151)."
"score": 0.6553516984,
"text": "A Theory of Justice Summary Justice as Fairness. In A Theory of Justice, Rawls begins with the statement that, ''Justice is the first virtue of social institution,'' meaning that a good society is one structured according to principals of justice."
"score": 0.6445370913,
"text": "Robert Paul Wolff wrote Understanding Rawls: A Critique and Reconstruction of A Theory of Justice[7] immediately following the publication of A Theory of Justice, which criticized Rawls from a roughly Marxist perspective."
"score": 0.6440727711,
"text": "Is Rawls' Theory of Social Justice Feasible? Justice is one of the most contested principles in political theory; however the theory of justice proposed by the American political philosopher John Rawls has come to be one of the most influential theories of the present day."
"score": 0.6299401522,
"text": "While the concept of social justice can be traced through Ancient and Renaissance philosophy, such as Socrates, Thomas Aquinas, Spinoza and Thomas Paine, the term social justice became used explicitly from the 1840s. The official Catholic doctrine on social justice can be found in the book Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, published in 2004 and updated in 2006, by the Pontifical Council Iustitia et Pax."
"score": 0.628552556,
"text": "In A Theory of Justice, Rawls argues for a principled reconciliation of liberty and equality, it is meant to apply to the basic structure of a well-ordered society."
"score": 0.6220119596,
"text": "notable works. John Rawls, (born Feb. 21, 1921, Baltimore, Md., U.S.—died Nov. 24, 2002, Lexington, Mass.), American political and ethical philosopher, best known for his defense of egalitarian liberalism in his major work, A Theory of Justice (1971). He is widely considered the most important political philosopher of the 20th century."
"score": 0.618950963,
"text": "Horacio Spector. Hume's Theory of Justice*. Abstract: Hume developed an original and revolutionary theoretical paradigm for explaining the. spontaneous emergence of the classic conventions of justice—stable possession, trans-. ference of property by consent, and the obligation to fulfill promises. In a scenario of."
"score": 0.6176444888,
"text": "Near the end of his life, Rawls published The Law of Peoples, in which he tried to apply his theory of justice to international relations. Given that not all societies act justly and that societies have a right to defend themselves against aggressive violent force, there can be a right to go to war (jus ad bellum)."
"score": 0.6160065532,
"text": "He suggests that social justice first emerged 'in France and Britain in the 1840s' (Barry, 2005, pp. 4–5). 3 This point may indeed be implicit in Miller's remarks on Aristotle – see PSJ (pp. 2–3). 4 The use of the idea of a right in early poor law policy is stressed in Stedman Jones (2004, pp."
"score": 0.6154375672,
"text": "While the concept of social justice can be traced through the theology of Augustine of Hippo and the philosophy of Thomas Paine, the term social justice became used explicitly from the 1840s."
"score": 0.6050328016,
"text": "While the concept of social justice can be traced through Ancient and Renaissance philosophy, such as Socrates, Thomas Aquinas, Spinoza and Thomas Paine, the term social justice became used explicitly from the 1840s."
"score": 0.6044762731,
"text": "Western Theories of Justice. Justice is one of the most important moral and political concepts. The word comes from the Latin jus, meaning right or law. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the \"just\" person as one who typically \"does what is morally right\" and is disposed to \"giving everyone his or her due,\" offering the word \"fair\" as a synonym."
"score": 0.6040458083,
"text": "Complete summary of John Rawls' A Theory of Justice. eNotes plot summaries cover all the significant action of A Theory of Justice."
"score": 0.6034554243,
"text": "The Whiskey Rebellion and the New American Republic | Cicero: Defender of the Roman Republic | Justice as Fairness: John Rawls and His Theory of Justice 'Justice as Fairness': John Rawls and His Theory of Justice. Many consider John Rawls the most important political philosopher of the 20th century. He took an old idea, thought of a fresh way of using it, and came up with principles for a just society. John Rawls was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1921. His father, a corporate lawyer, supported President Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. His mother was a women's rights activist. The second of five sons, Rawls tragically contracted and passed on infectious diseases to two of his brothers who died from them."
"score": 0.5985587835,
"text": "Communitarianism. First published Thu Oct 4, 2001; substantive revision Wed Jan 25, 2012. Modern-day communitarianism began in the upper reaches of Anglo-American academia in the form of a critical reaction to John Rawls' landmark 1971 book A Theory of Justice (Rawls 1971).his essay is therefore divided in three parts, and for each part I present the main communitarian claims, followed by an argument (in each part) that philosophical concerns in the 1980s have largely given way to the political concerns that motivated much of the communitarian critique in the first place."
"score": 0.5928856134,
"text": "Because modern societies are complex, the theory of justice must be complex, too. The three primary components in Miller's scheme are the principles of desert, need, and equality. This book uses empirical research to demonstrate the central role played by these principles in popular conceptions of justice."
"score": 0.5895065069,
"text": "Modern-day communitarianism began in the upper reaches of Anglo-American academia in the form of a critical reaction to John Rawls' landmark 1971 book A Theory of Justice (Rawls 1971).odern-day communitarianism began in the upper reaches of Anglo-American academia in the form of a critical reaction to John Rawls' landmark 1971 book A Theory of Justice (Rawls 1971)."
"score": 0.5828814507,
"text": "Thus before discussing Plato's own concept of justice, it is necessary to analyze those traditional theories of justice were rejected by him. Cephalus who was a representative of traditional morality of the ancient trading class established the traditional theory of justice ."
"score": 0.5747100115,
"text": "The first modern usage of the specific term social justice is typically attributed to Catholic thinkers from the 1840s, including the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in Civiltà Cattolica, based on the work of St. Thomas Aquinas."
"score": 0.5684971809,
"text": "A more notable attack came from Robert Nozick (who died in January). In \"Anarchy, State and Utopia\" (1974), Nozick argued that Mr Rawls's two principles of justice were in irreconcilable conflict. Attempts at redistribution to correct for inequality were bound, Nozick believed, to infringe on personal freedoms."
"score": 0.5666131973,
"text": "Even before it was propounded in the Catholic social doctrine, social justice appeared regularly in the history of the Catholic Church: 1 Pope Leo XIII, who studied under Taparelli, published in 1891 the encyclical Rerum novarum (On the Condition of the Working Classes; lit."
"score": 0.5519479513,
"text": "The definition of poetic justice was created by the English drama critic Thomas Rymer in 1678 in his book The Tragedies of the Last Age Considere'd. He urged authors to set moral examples and show how good overcomes evil."
"score": 0.5482380986,
"text": "Motivated by Equity. Equity theory attempts to explain relational satisfaction in terms of perceptions of fair or unfair distributions of resources within interpersonal relationships. Regarded as one of many theories of justice, equity theory was first developed in 1963 by John Stacey Adams."
"score": 0.5435600877,
"text": "Proposed by the English philosopher-reformer Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) in his 1789 book Principles Of Morals And Legislation it was developed by the English philosopher-economist John Stuart Mill (1806-73) in his 1863 book Utilitarianism."
"score": 0.5417994261,
"text": "He lived there until his death in 1704. Locke wrote and developed the philosophy that there was no legitimate government under the divine right of kings theory. The Divine Right of Kings theory, as it was called, asserted that God chose some people to rule on earth in his will. Therefore, whatever the monarch decided was the will of God."
"score": 0.5399148464,
"text": "God·win (gŏd′wĭn), William 1756-1836. British writer and political theorist who believed in the perfectibility of human nature and maintained that people could live harmoniously without laws and institutions. His most important work is Enquiry Concerning Political Justice (1793)."
"score": 0.5383806229,
"text": "Analysis of the theory of Social Contract by Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes theory of Social Contract appeared for the first time in Leviathan published in the year 1651 during the Civil War in Britain."
"score": 0.5371938944,
"text": "Retributivist Theory of Punishment. Retributive justice is a theory of justice that considers punishment, if proportionate, to be the best response to crime. When an offender breaks the law, s/he thereby forfeits or suspends her/his right to something of equal value, and justice requires that this forfeit be enacted."
"score": 0.5318830013,
"text": "In his earliest work, A Fragment on Government (1776), which is an excerpt from a longer work published only in 1928 as Comment on Blackstone's Commentaries, Bentham attacked the legal theory of Sir William Blackstone. Bentham's target was, primarily, Blackstone's defense of tradition in law."
"score": 0.5251244307,
"text": "Dating back to 1824, the term social justice refers to justice on a societal level. Abby Ohlheiser wrote in The Washington Post that social-justice warrior or variations thereof had been used as a laudatory phrase in the past, and provided an example dating to 1991."
"score": 0.5234805942,
"text": "During the summer of 1787, the US Constitution was written in Philadelphia. As far as we know from historical records, the code of justice issued by the Sumerian king Urukagina of Lagash ca. 2300 BC is the earliest prototype for a law of government."
"score": 0.5229998827,
"text": "In his 1937 book A History of Political Theory, George Sabine collected the views of many political theorists on consent of the governed. He notes the idea mentioned in 1433 by Nicholas of Cusa in De Concordantia Catholica."
"score": 0.5216159821,
"text": "Theory in criminal justice represents an attempt to develop plausible. explanations of reality, which in this case is crime and criminal justice. system. Theory attempts to classify and organize events, to explain the. causes of events, to predict the direction of future events, and to understand. why and how these events occur (Turner, 1997, p.2)."
"score": 0.5053699017,
"text": "12 Part II. Modern Deterrence Theory • Classical approach important in justice policy during the 19 th century, but became of less interest to criminologists at the end of the 19 th century. • Beginning in the mid-1970s, a resurgence in interest in the classical approach."
"score": 0.4917639792,
"text": "Corrective Justice and the Paradox of Future Individuals by Christopher Birch (in Law, Legal Culture and Politics in the Twenty First Century by Guenther Günther-Doeker, Mach Alice-Erh Soon, tay And Klaus A (ziegert)). 2004"
"score": 0.4901296794,
"text": "In an 1873 article on the theory of torts, Justice Holmes used the term penumbra to describe the gray area where logic and principle falter. In later decisions, Justice Holmes developed the penumbra doctrine as representing the outer bounds of authority emanating from a law."
"score": 0.4827882946,
"text": "Publication Year: 2007. 1 An eye for an eye, the balance of scales-for centuries, these and other traditional concepts exemplified the public's perception of justice. Today, popular culture, including television shows like Law and Order , informs the public's vision."
"score": 0.4814540744,
"text": "Generally, the Maccabeean theory holds that the Book of Daniel was written around 168-165 BC. Most modern radical critics hold that the book was completed in its final form at that time, but some allow for parts of Daniel (mainly chapters 1-6) to have an earlier date prior to 168-165."
"score": 0.4801753759,
"text": "It was not, however, until the beginning of the 17th century, when the science of international law took shape at the hands of Grotius and his successors, that the theory of the balance of power was formulated as a fundamental principle of diplomacy."
"score": 0.4799546003,
"text": "In Western architecture: The Renaissance …treatise De re aedificatoria (Ten Books on Architecture), modeled on Vitruvius, was written in the middle of the 15th century and published in 1485. But it was during the last three-quarters of the 16th century that architectural theory flourished."
"score": 0.4784628153,
"text": "The Theory And Practice Of Oligarchical Collectivism. George Orwell: 1984 – The Future Is Now. This isn't just one of the greatest novels ever written, it could actually be the best presentation on the condition of the human race. Very few books have had the impact or created as much controversy as George Orwell's 1984."
"score": 0.4723827243,
"text": "Most policy-making in criminal justice is based on criminological theory, whether the people making those policies know it or not. In fact, most of the failed policies (what doesn't work) in criminal justice are due to misinterpretation, partial implementation, or ignorance of criminological theory. Much time and money could be saved if only policymakers had a thorough understanding of criminological theory."
"score": 0.4722463787,
"text": "A reference of particular use in the preparation of the topic was Pardons: Justice, Mercy, and the Public Interest by Kathleen Dean Moore (1989, Oxford University Press). Humanity and good policy conspire to dictate, that the benign prerogative of pardoning should be as little as possible fettered or embarrassed. So wrote Alexander Hamilton in The Federalist #74, first published on March 25, 1788."
"score": 0.4669494629,
"text": "Einstein quickly realized (or had known all along) that his new theory of gravity was really a theory of the cosmos. In 1917, he wrote a famous paper applying general relativity to the universe as a whole. Today that paper stands as the foundation for modern cosmology."
"score": 0.4668339789,
"text": "NATURAL LAW THEORY and the BILL of RIGHTS. Thomas L. Pangle, University of Texas at Austin. Our Bill of Rights is the product of the great debate that was waged in 1787–88 over the ratification of the Constitution. It was the opponents of ratification, the \"Anti-Federalists,\" who strenuously argued for a bill of rights, and who led state ratifying conventions to pass resolutions demanding specific bills of rights as amendments."
"score": 0.4612039328,
"text": "When the first edition was published, Beaumont, sympathetic to social justice, was working on another book, Marie, ou, L'esclavage aux Etats-Unis (two volumes, 1835), a social critique and novel describing the separation of races in a moral society and the conditions of slaves in the United States."
"score": 0.4596532881,
"text": "Though he is a tough act to follow, it is a great privilege to be able to serve and work with the remarkably talented and committed group of editors on the Law Review.\" The Law Review, founded in 1887 by future Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis, LL.B. 1887, is an entirely student-edited journal with the largest circulation of any law journal in the world. It is published monthly from November through June."
"score": 0.4563600421,
"text": "Mark Godsey discusses a case in the Ohio Innocence Project space at the UC College of Law. Photo/Lisa Ventre. After witnessing enough disturbing trends to fill a book, he sat down and wrote one. \"Blind Injustice\" is expected to hit shelves in September 2017."
"score": 0.4548448324,
"text": "Ancillary Justice is a science fiction novel by the American writer Ann Leckie, published in 2013. It is Leckie's debut novel and the first in her Imperial Radch space opera trilogy, followed by Ancillary Sword (2014) and Ancillary Mercy (2015)."
"score": 0.4480107427,
"text": "Justice Holmes advanced the evisceration of the Tenth Amendment in 1920, when he adjudicated a conflict between a 1916 treaty and a Missouri law. He postulated: \"The treaty in question does not contravene any prohibitory words to be found in the Constitution."
"score": 0.4414031506,
"text": "The HAB Theory is a 1976 novel based on a theory presented by an engineer named Hugh Auchincloss Brown in his 1967 book Cataclysms of the Earth. Although Brown's theory was ignored by the scientific community, Eckert believed the theory was valid and wrote The HAB Theory to warn humanity of the impending catastrophe."
"score": 0.4368471801,
"text": "The military justice system continued to operate under the Articles of War and Articles for the Government of the Navy until 31 May 1951, when the Uniform Code of Military Justice went into effect. The UCMJ was passed by Congress on 5 May 1950, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman the next day."
"score": 0.434071362,
"text": "Chief Justice John Marshall (r.) and Associate Justice Joseph Story discussing the 1803 Marbury v. Madison opinion in front of the U.S. Capitol. It should be noted that Justice Story did not join the Court until 1811, eight years after this historic decision was handed down."
"score": 0.4309543967,
"text": "The military justice system continued to operate under the Articles of War until May 31, 1951, when the Uniform Code of Military Justice went into effect. The UCMJ was passed by Congress on 5 May 1950, signed into law by President Harry S. Truman, and became effective on 31 May 1951."
"score": 0.4305525422,
"text": "604), its naval counterpart remained little changed by comparison. The military justice system continued to operate under the Articles of War and Articles for the Government of the Navy until 31 May 1951, when the Uniform Code of Military Justice went into effect. The UCMJ was passed by Congress on 5 May 1950, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman the next day."
"score": 0.4190231264,
"text": "In the period from 1961 to 1969, the Warren Court examined almost every aspect of the criminal justice system in the United States, using the 14th Amendment to extend many constitutional protections to all courts in every State. This process became known as the incorporation of the Bill of Rights."
"score": 0.41262573,
"text": "1 Joey Green wrote Cliff-Hanger Justice, a fictional account of a product liability lawsuit by Wile E. Coyote against Acme, which appeared in three parts in the August, September, and October 1982 issues of National Lampoon magazine."
"score": 0.406280905,
"text": "The power of. judicial review was established by the case of Marbury v. Madison, which. the Court heard in 1803 under Chief Justice John Marshall, who is generally recognized for this and for many subsequent. decisions for gaining the Supreme Court its central place in the United States. political system."
"score": 0.4006851912,
"text": "On May 17, 1954, Chief Justice Earl Warren, in a unanimous decision from the court, declared that, \"We conclude that in the field of public education the doctrine of \"separate but equal\" has no place."
"score": 0.3949882686,
"text": "Led by the popular Danton, the fanatical Robespierre and the merciless Marat, the radical ruling party called for a National Convention to begin work on a new constitution. The Law of the Maximum was set up on 29 September 1793 which purpose was to set price limits, but the people was still doubting the system."
"score": 0.3870779276,
"text": "When the movie was shown at the White House, President Wilson called it history written in lightning.. When it was shown to members of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Edward White proudly confided to author Thomas Dixon, I rode with the Klan, sir..hen the movie was shown at the White House, President Wilson called it history written in lightning.. When it was shown to members of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Edward White proudly confided to author Thomas Dixon, I rode with the Klan, sir.."
"score": 0.3820189238,
"text": "The Night Of. The Night Of is an American eight-part crime drama television miniseries based on Criminal Justice, a 2008–09 British television series. The miniseries was written by Richard Price and Steven Zaillian and directed by Zaillian and James Marsh. Broadcast on HBO, The Night Of premiered on July 10, 2016 to critical acclaim. The first episode premiered on June 24, 2016, via HBO on-demand."
"score": 0.3004716635,
"text": "Linkin Park's First Single Was One Step Closer From Their 2000 Album Hybrid Theory The first song ever written by the band members all together was And One when th…ey were called Hybrid Theory."
] |
how to log on to avnet altium vault | [
"score": 0.745106101,
"text": "Connecting and signing in to the Altium Vault can be done in the following ways: 1 DXP menu - select Sign in Altium Vault from the DXP menu. 2 Add a connection to the vault from the Data Management - Vaults page of the Preferences dialog. 3 System — Altium Vault page of the Preferences dialog."
] | [
"score": 0.7091680765,
"text": "Pre-Install Preparation. To access the Altium Vault Setup wizard, you need to first download and run an executable – Altium Vault <VersionNumber>.exe. This executable is downloaded from the Downloads page of the Altium website, and can be saved anywhere on your hard disk."
"score": 0.6653460264,
"text": "If you already have an existing Altium Vault, this can be used, but you will need to upgrade it to Altium Vault 2.5 (or later). For every instance of SOLIDWORKS signed into the Collaboration Server, three simultaneous connections to that server are available to users of PCBWorks."
"score": 0.6565650702,
"text": "Release design content. Altium Vault builds upon your existing workflow with advanced technologies to streamline your entire design process. Easily find the right part, apply the models to your design, make corrections if bad parts are used, and release verified design content and documentation with a single click of the mouse. See workflow."
"score": 0.6526958942,
"text": "The Altium Vault can ONLY be installed and run on a PC running Windows 7 or above, as its Operating System. It cannot be installed on a PC running Windows XP. For additional system requirements, see Altium Vault System Requirements. The Altium Vault is, essentially, the successor to the Altium Vault Server. If you already have an existing installation of the Altium Vault Server, you simply need to perform an update to the new Altium Vault. It is not advised to attempt to run both side-by-side."
"score": 0.6040907502,
"text": "Open a browser and go to the WAFS Vault (e.g., http://localhost:711). The Welcome to the WAFS Vault page appears. Click Login to the WAFS Web interface as the Admin User. The WAFS Admin Login page appears. In the Admin user and Admin password boxes, provide your login credentials, then click Login. (The default username is iDisk and the default password is root."
"score": 0.5957001448,
"text": "The Collaboration Server is powered by Altium Vault Technology and comes with two license files that essentially tailor its installation for collaboration purposes only. This licensing allows only those features and functionality required to collaborate between PCBWorks and SOLIDWORKS."
"score": 0.568914175,
"text": "ID Vault ensures that users log in to legitimate web site, establish an SSL connection with the Web site and are protected from browser-based threats by ID Vault SecureView, a hardened browser.ID Vault checks each time users submit stored credentials to a Web site.D Vault ensures that users log in to legitimate web site, establish an SSL connection with the Web site and are protected from browser-based threats by ID Vault SecureView, a hardened browser."
"score": 0.5494247675,
"text": "Click the HP SimplePass icon in the desktop taskbar, then log on using your PIN, password, or fingerprint. Click the key icon to open the My Vault screen, and then select a website icon to view the username and password for the website. Make any changes to the username and password, and then click Save.se your SimplePass to log on to website accounts that are registered in HP SimplePass. By using HP SimplePass, you only have to remember one way to verify your identity (PIN, password, or fingerprint reader) to log on to a website account. Open a web browser and navigate to one of your registered websites."
"score": 0.5379915833,
"text": "To log into your account, just follow these simple steps: 1 Click on the registration button at vw.com/carnet. 2 Verify your account by following the link in the \"verification email\". 3 Log in by using your email address and the password you created. 4 Enter your account number and PIN when prompted to confirm the vehicle."
"score": 0.5314753652,
"text": "The ENOVIA vault is the physical file storage location. held on the server. The vault will contain an encrypted form of all the data managed by the. database. The third part of ENOVIA VPLM is the ENOVIA server itself. The server. process is what manages communication between the client, the database and the vault. You never access the database or vault directly, you always communicate with the ENOVIA. server. The last part of ENOVIA VPLM is the client. The client is what you will use. anytime you want to interact with the ENOVIA database or vault. ENOVIA is also one of many tools utilized to manage a product's lifecycle. This. management process is termed Product Life cycle Management (PLM)."
"score": 0.5237708092,
"text": "Click on Recovery Services in the left navigation pane and select the backup vault which you have created. Click on the cloud icon to get to the Quick Start view of the backup vault. On the Quick Start page, click Download vault credentials.lick on Recovery Services in the left navigation pane and select the backup vault which you have created. Click on the cloud icon to get to the Quick Start view of the backup vault. On the Quick Start page, click Download vault credentials."
"score": 0.5212494135,
"text": "This application note gives you a jump start on the basics of designing in Altium Designer, and maps out the key differences you need to understand when moving from the PADS ® environment to Altium Designer. It also shows how easy it is to transfer your PADS Layout ® designs and libraries into Altium Designer."
"score": 0.5190522671,
"text": "To log on to ESS for the first time. 1 In the User ID field, enter your seven-digit employee ID. 2 In the Password field, enter your password. 3 Click the link to change your password. In the Password field, enter your initial 1 password. In the New Password and Confirm Password fields, enter the new password you want to use."
"score": 0.5066584349,
"text": "To log on to the console locally. 1 Go to. 2 In the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager logon dialog box, type the user name (admin by default) and the password that you configured during the installation. 3 Optionally check , or both, if available, and then click ."
"score": 0.5035511851,
"text": "1 Select the required Pattern / Drill class (6C of 8D) and number of layers. 2 Put a copy of the PcbDoc in your Altium Designer project folder (*.PcbPrj). 3 Put a copy of the script (6C or 8D) in your project folder."
"score": 0.4968428314,
"text": "1. Create Windows Azure Backup Vault. 1 To create the backup vault login to windows azure and from the left pane bottom section you can select New option, which in turn displays a new page for creating new items in windows azure.2 Now the Windows Azure Backup Vault creation is completed. Once the agent is downloaded, you can run the setup. 2 The setup name of the Windows Azure Backup Agent will be WABInstaller.exe. 3 After the installation, you can access the Windows Azure Backup Agent using the desktop shortcut as shown below, 4 Next step is registering the server to the Windows Azure backup Vault."
"score": 0.4877046645,
"text": "We need to review your Symantec AV log: 1 Click on the Start Orb, then click Computer. 2 Copy and Paste the following folder into the address bar and press Enter: C:\\ProgramData\\Symantec\\Symantec Endpoint Protection\\. 3 Navigate to the folder with your version number (i.e. 12.1.x.) then \\Data\\Logs."
"score": 0.4762448072,
"text": "Open the Gateway System Manager console and log in using your adminstrator ID and password. Click on the + sign that is next to the icon labeled GSM.. Click the + sign next to the server that you wish to view, then click Events..Click the IPMI SEL (short for Intelligent Platform Management Interface System Events Log) icon to show the system events log.lick the + sign next to the server that you wish to view, then click Events.. Click the IPMI SEL (short for Intelligent Platform Management Interface System Events Log) icon to show the system events log."
"score": 0.4727867246,
"text": "1 Log in to your router or AP with the NETGEAR Genie by navigating your browser to http://www.routerlogin.net. 2 For earlier NETGEAR routers or APs, please refer to your user manual for login instructions. 3 Default login credentials are admin for the username and password for the password.4 Click the Wireless button. Log in to your router or AP with the NETGEAR Genie by navigating your browser to http://www.routerlogin.net. 2 For earlier NETGEAR routers or APs, please refer to your user manual for login instructions. 3 Default login credentials are admin for the username and password for the password."
"score": 0.4703515768,
"text": "Add Method to Get an Access Token. In order to use the Key Vault API you need an access token. The Key Vault Client handles calls to the Key Vault API but you need to supply it with a function that gets the access token. Following is the code to get an access token from Azure Active Directory.This code can go anywhere in your application.I like to add a Utils or EncryptionHelper class.he Key Vault Client handles calls to the Key Vault API but you need to supply it with a function that gets the access token. Following is the code to get an access token from Azure Active Directory. This code can go anywhere in your application. I like to add a Utils or EncryptionHelper class."
"score": 0.468569845,
"text": "1 Locate the HSN Card portal through d.Comenity.Net/HSN. A screenshot of the page is found below to guide you. 2 Enter your User Name and Password in the highlighted fields shown below to login your account. For unregistered users, simply click on the \"Sign Up for Online Access\" tab to register your account."
"score": 0.4614167511,
"text": "There are three ways to fund a vault: 1 On the accounts page, https://www.coinbase.com/accounts, next to every section there is a link to Get bitcoin address.. This is useful if you need to send bitcoin from outside Coinbase directly into your vault. 2 On the same page there is also an option to Transfer Bitcoin.. This is useful for moving funds in between your own Coinbase wallets and vaults. Finally, when clicking on the vault itself there will be an option in the top right to deposit bitcoin."
"score": 0.4590647817,
"text": "1 How to Connect AVTECH Product to Internet To connect AVTECH DVR or network camera to Internet, you need to: 1). Figure out your network environment, and have related IP information in your hand.For details, please refer to \"Figure out your network environment\" at page 1. 2).et the network configuration of AVTECH product Go to the system configuration page, and select \"Network\". Check your network environment, and choose from STATIC IP, PPPOE or DHCP to connect your DVR or network camera to the Internet."
"score": 0.45355165,
"text": "If you want to change the AVG License Number for all computers in the network, please do the following: 1 Run AVG Admin Console. 2 On the left navigation tree expand Licenses, and then click Shared settings.3 Double-click Shared settings in the Shared settings area. 4 Enter the new license number, and then press ENTER.ou can reactivate the AVG Admin Server with the new AVG License Number as follows: 1 Run the AVG Admin Server Monitor. 2 Click Server settings, and then on the General tab, click Change."
"score": 0.4524071217,
"text": "When Selenium IDE is open, click Record. After Selenium IDE is recording, it will remember all of the actions that you take in the browser. To log in to your sample application, perform the following steps: 1 With Selenium IDE recording, navigate to the index.jsp web page. 2 Type your user name.3 Type the valid password in the Password box. 4 Click Login.fter Selenium IDE is recording, it will remember all of the actions that you take in the browser. To log in to your sample application, perform the following steps: 1 With Selenium IDE recording, navigate to the index.jsp web page. 2 Type your user name. 3 Type the valid password in the Password box."
"score": 0.4507832527,
"text": "Attention A T users. To access the combo box on this page please perform the following steps. 1. Press the alt key and then the down arrow. 2. Use the up and down arrows to navigate this combo box. 3. Press enter on the item you wish to view.This will take you to the page listed.o access the combo box on this page please perform the following steps. 1. Press the alt key and then the down arrow. 2. Use the up and down arrows to navigate this combo box. 3. Press enter on the item you wish to view. This will take you to the page listed."
"score": 0.4504920542,
"text": "Attention A T users. To access the combo box on this page please perform the following steps. 1. Press the alt key and then the down arrow. 2. Use the up and down arrows to navigate this combo box. 3. Press enter on the item you wish to view. This will take you to the page listed."
"score": 0.4502974749,
"text": "A: If you are using DNN 6 or above login to your DotNetNuke portal as the host. Once you are logged in as the DNN host or superuser account click the words in the right side of the menu that say superuser account. A new menu will open press edit profile, then manage password."
"score": 0.4498795271,
"text": "Step 9. 1 Uncheck the box Automatically use my Windows logon name and password (and domain if any). 2 Click Ok. 3 Click Ok in the Protected EPA Properties window. Click Ok in the CometNet Wireless Network Properties 1 window. Click Close in the Manually connect to a wireless network window."
"score": 0.4462744892,
"text": "To access the combo box on this page please perform the following steps. 1. Press the alt key and then the down arrow. 2. Use the up and down arrows to navigate this combo box. 3. Press enter on the item you wish to view."
"score": 0.4446828961,
"text": "Mass Effect: Andromeda Elaaden vault: Walkthrough guide. Go to the marker on your map to find the Elaaden vault. When you get there you'll need to go inside and use the gravity well. Activate the console here to turn the power back on, and then go through the door. You'll see a locked door you have to open by using the consoles here."
"score": 0.4425188899,
"text": "Step 2 Open the web browser and in the address bar type in http://tplinklogin.net. And then press Enter. Step 3 Type the username and password in the login page. The default username and password both are admin.Step 4 Click Quick Setup and click Next.Then Working Mode choose Unifi Mode and click Next. Step 5 This page is for setting up the VLAN of the IPTV,don't change anything and click Next.Step 6 Put in the Username and Password from Unifi,click Next.tep 2 Open the web browser and in the address bar type in http://tplinklogin.net. And then press Enter. Step 3 Type the username and password in the login page. The default username and password both are admin."
"score": 0.4412344098,
"text": "Not an easy entry to find, unless you use the link below. 1 Click here and log in. 2 You should automatically be directed to the \"Edit Traveler\" section of your account. 3 Click the \"+\" sign next to \"Known Traveler Number/Pass ID\" and enter your KTN. Scroll to the bottom and click \"Continue\" to save."
"score": 0.4348861575,
"text": "1 Click \"View\" to view the barcode. 2 In your Microsoft Authenticator app, tap on the + button to add a new account. 3 On the next screen, tap the scan/camera button and scan the QR code. 4 A new set of codes should now appear in the Authenticator app. 5 Back in LastPass, set \"Enabled\" to \"Yes\"."
"score": 0.4339927733,
"text": "1. Open a Recovery Services vault. Create a Recovery Services vault if one doesn't exist. 2. From Settings Menu, click on Backup Policies to bring up policy management blade. 3. To edit policy or add more virtual machines to the policy, select a policy to bring up the detailed policy blade."
"score": 0.429679513,
"text": "You can log in to WatchESPN by doing the following: 1 Go to WatchESPN.com. 2 Click on the game or show you want to watch. 3 A dialog box will appear on your screen with a scroll down list of participating cable providers."
"score": 0.4226344824,
"text": "You can view traffic to and from each machine on your network. To configure router logs on your network, log in to the router administration tool. On most Linksys routers, click the \"Security\" tab to configure logging, then click \"View Logs\" in the Security section to view the logs.etstat Command. To view a list of current connections between your router and other sites and services, run the netstat command from any computer connected to your wireless network. Open the command window, then type \"netstat\" at the prompt."
"score": 0.4221813083,
"text": "Once installed, the AVG toolbar will appear under your browser's address bar: The toolbar comes with the following features: 1 AVG Logo Button – click on the logo to search securely at AVG Secure Search and see clear safety ratings for each link in your search results, or click on the arrow next to it for more options. Click on the arrow next to the AVG logo, and then click on 'Uninstall the AVG toolbar'. 2 On the window that will open, choose your desired option and click on 'Remove'. 3 Note that your browser may close during the uninstallation process."
"score": 0.4183765054,
"text": "1 Log on to the PIX or ASA firewall by establishing a telnet session or by using the console. 2 Type enable, and then press ENTER. 3 When you are prompted for your password, type your password, and then press ENTER. 4 Type configure terminal, and then press ENTER. 5 Type no fixup protocol smtp 25, and then press ENTER. Log on to the PIX or ASA firewall by establishing a telnet session or by using the console. 2 Type enable, and then press ENTER. 3 When you are prompted for your password, type your password, and then press ENTER. 4 Type configure terminal, and then press ENTER. 5 Type no fixup protocol smtp 25, and then press ENTER."
"score": 0.4099423885,
"text": "How to watch AVI files on iPhone or iPad. 1 Step 1: Download VLC for iOS on the App Store. 2 Step 2: Open VLC for iOS and tap on the pylon icon in the top-left corner. 3 Step 3: Tap on Wi-Fi Upload and the toggle switch will turn orange. Step 4: On your Mac or PC, type the network shown into the address bar of your web browser."
"score": 0.4093772471,
"text": "Accessing the Firmware upgrade files to upgrade the Matricom G-Box MX2 to firmware 1.2. Leave the files in the downloads folder. Do not attempt to extract them. just copy and paste them from the downloads folder in the browser. 1.n order to download it to your computer correctly follow these steps exactly. 1. Find the blue link labeled AML script it is next to the Firmware link See picture for visual. 2. Right click the link and select the option \"Save Link As\". 3. Save the file to the desk top."
"score": 0.407330513,
"text": "If You Signed Up in iOS. 1 1. Launch the App Store. 2 2. Select \"Featured\" from the bottom menu. 3 3. Scroll to the bottom and tap your Apple ID. 4. Tap \"View Apple ID.\" A pop-up will appear, requesting your Apple ID 1 password. 5. Enter your password, then tap \"OK.\" Enter the password for your Apple ID to access the Account Settings screen will appear."
"score": 0.4033797681,
"text": "1 Sign in using your Xbox Live gamertag. 2 Press the Menu button on the controller. 3 Select Settings. 4 Note You can say \"Xbox, go to settings\" from any screen, but you'll need a controller once you're on the Settings screen. 5 Select Sign-in, security & passkey.6 Select Change my sign-in & security preferences.box One console. 1 Sign in using your Xbox Live gamertag. 2 Press the Menu button on the controller. 3 Select Settings. 4 Select Sign-in, security & passkey. 5 Select Change my sign-in & security preferences. 6 Scroll to the right and select Customize. 7 Under Save your password, select Password saved, and then select Password not saved."
"score": 0.402089715,
"text": "1 After logging in, click \"Profile\" at the top of LinkedIn. 2 Click the \"Add Sections\" hyperlink. 3 Select \"Volunteer Experience & Causes.\". 4 Click the \"Add to Profile\" button and then fill out the applicable fields."
"score": 0.4004358947,
"text": "There are 2 different ways to get to the \"View As…\" tool on Facebook: 1. (as an alternate to #2) Click on your name in the upper left hand corner of Facebook to go to your Facebook Timeline (aka Facebook Profile). Near the lower right hand corner of your cover image, you will see a gear (settings) icon.In this dropdown menu, select \"View As…\".2. (as an alternate to #1) In the upper right hand corner of your Facebook, you will see a little padlock icon just to the right of your name. Open up this dropdown.ear the lower right hand corner of your cover image, you will see a gear (settings) icon. In this dropdown menu, select \"View As…\". 2. (as an alternate to #1) In the upper right hand corner of your Facebook, you will see a little padlock icon just to the right of your name."
"score": 0.3997911215,
"text": "1 Step 1. Connect an ethernet cable from the designated wall jack to port 4 (or Omni Port) on the back of the VisionNet. 2 Note: Make sure there are no other ethernet cables connected to the VisionNet except into the Omni Port before you connect power.3 Step 2.f you have DSL service click HERE. 1 Step 1. Connect an ethernet cable from the designated wall jack to port 4 (or Omni Port) on the back of the VisionNet. 2 Note: Make sure there are no other ethernet cables connected to the VisionNet except into the Omni Port before you connect power."
"score": 0.3942326605,
"text": "1 AVG Internet Security) under the list of Currently Installed Programs. 2 Click on the AVG Internet Security-associated entry. 3 Click the Remove button on the right side. 4 Follow the on-screen directions to complete the uninstallation of your avgwdsvc.exe-associated program."
"score": 0.3932777941,
"text": "End-game Vault. Before completing the Main Quest, Where Angels Fear to Tread Part 2, players will find themselves in the vault of Marcus ' shop. Several loot chests can be found back here, but cannot be accessed again once the quest is completed."
"score": 0.3894606531,
"text": "Download. Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas use slightly different versions of the GECK, so make sure you download the correct version. You can download the GECK from the Official Site, or via direct download below.f you're planning to move on to the other tutorials in this series, you might want to name your plugin Vault74.esp 1 . From now on, you will set this as your active file when you load Fallout3.esm. 2 Your changes will be saved to your active file. 3 Multiple plugins may be loaded, but only one may be active. 4 Close the GECK by going to, and we'll ...."
"score": 0.3887318671,
"text": "How to download your Facebook archive. Step 1: Log in to Facebook on your computer and access Account Settings: click at the top right of any Facebook page and select Settings. Step 2: Click General in the lefthand column. Step 3: Click \"Download a copy of your Facebook data\" at the bottom of the General Account Settings page. Step 4: You'll be taken to a new webpage to confirm that you really wish to download your Facebook information. Click the green Start My Archive button to continue."
"score": 0.3853209019,
"text": "How to back up and restore the registry in Windows. (https://support.microsoft.com/kb/322756/). 1 Log on to the computer by using the user name of the user profile that you want to restore. 2 Click Start, and then click Run. 3 In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK."
"score": 0.3849415183,
"text": "using System; using Amazon.Glacier; using Amazon.Glacier.Transfer; using Amazon.Runtime; namespace glacier.amazon.com.docsamples { class ArchiveDeleteHighLevel { static string vaultName = examplevault; static string archiveId = *** Provide archive ID ***; public static void Main(string[] args) { try { var manager = new ArchiveTransferManager(Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1); manager.DeleteArchive(vaultName, archiveId); Console.ReadKey(); } catch (AmazonGlacierException e) { Console ..."
"score": 0.384073019,
"text": "1 If you have already installed them into one of these folders, either uninstall them and reinstall them into a location like C:\\Games or C:\\Fallout, or, when using the Geck, always run it as the administrator. 2 See the note below under Loading and Testing Your Plugin for more information.f you're planning to move on to the other tutorials in this series, you might want to name your plugin Vault74.esp 1 . From now on, you will set this as your active file when you load Fallout3.esm. 2 Your changes will be saved to your active file. 3 Multiple plugins may be loaded, but only one may be active. 4 Close the GECK by going to, and we'll ...."
"score": 0.3840622306,
"text": "Loading and testing your plugin. Loading your Plugin. 1 Load the Fallout 3 Launcher, but don't hit PLAY. 2 Choose Data Files from the launcher. 3 The new plugin you created should be available on the next screen, with an empty checkbox. 4 Check it and click OK.f you're planning to move on to the other tutorials in this series, you might want to name your plugin Vault74.esp 1 . From now on, you will set this as your active file when you load Fallout3.esm. 2 Your changes will be saved to your active file. 3 Multiple plugins may be loaded, but only one may be active. 4 Close the GECK by going to, and we'll ...."
"score": 0.3780628741,
"text": "Add a Subform to an Existing Form. If you already have a form and want to add a subform to it, open that form in Design View. Make sure the Control Wizards button is selected. Click on the Subform/Subreport tool, which is in the Access toolbox.Click on the form where you want the subform positioned.o to Design View. Make sure the Control Wizards button is depressed. Switch to the Database window by going to the Window menu and selecting the database, or by pressing the F11 key. Find the existing Access form you want to use as the subform in the database window. Drag it and drop it into the main form."
"score": 0.3753232062,
"text": "To set the gateway to \"Bridged Mode\": 1 Navigate to the gateway using your web browser. Typically 2 Select Expert Mode from the bottom of the main menu. 3 Click Yes if prompted for a confirmation. Select Configure from the menu on the left 1 side. Select Advanced from the menu. Select Ethernet Bridge from the Services section."
"score": 0.3738539517,
"text": "To set the gateway to \"Bridged Mode\": 1 Navigate to the gateway using your web browser. 2 Select Expert Mode from the bottom of the main menu. 3 Click Yes if prompted for a confirmation. Select Configure from the menu on the left 1 side. Select Advanced from the menu. Select Ethernet Bridge from the Services section."
"score": 0.3721413016,
"text": "To ping your default gateway. Note: Only perform this task if the Endpoint where you're trying to remotely install the Endpoint Agent is in a different subnet. 1 On the Endpoint with the Management Server, press Windows Key + R. 2 Type cmd and press Enter. 3 In the console, type ipconfig and press Enter.4 If you see an entry like this: 5 Default Gateway..... 6 then type ping X.X.X.X. 7 Presote: Only perform this task if the Endpoint where you're trying to remotely install the Endpoint Agent is in a different subnet. 1 On the Endpoint with the Management Server, press Windows Key + R. 2 Type cmd and press Enter. 3 In the console, type ipconfig and press Enter. 4 If you see an entry like this: 5 Default Gateway..... 6 then type ping X.X.X.X. 7 Pres"
"score": 0.3704590797,
"text": "Adding input endpoints is optional, but you can't access the Virtual Machine without one. 1 Add a new class file to the project named VirtualMachineCreator. 2 Add the following using statements to the top of the file: C#. 3 Change the class signature to the following: C#. Add the following method to the class: C#."
"score": 0.3577834368,
"text": "1 Open Outlook. 2 Click the File tab and click + Add Account. 3 Add New Account: 4 Enter your display name, email address (including '[email protected]'), and password. 5 Select the 'Manually configure server settings or additional server types' checkbox.6 Click Next. 7 Select Internet E-mail. Open Outlook. 2 Click the File tab and click + Add Account. 3 Add New Account: 4 Enter your display name, email address (including '[email protected]'), and password. 5 Select the 'Manually configure server settings or additional server types' checkbox."
"score": 0.3531585336,
"text": "You can also activate or manage wireless network connections on Lenovo laptops via 'Network Connections' window. To access this window, 1 Go to 'Control Panel' from the Start menu. 2 The 'Control Panel' window will open. 3 Find 'Network Connections' option on the 'Control Panel' window.4 Double-click on it.5 Find 'Wireless Network Connection'. 6 If the connection appears as disabled, then right-click on it.o access this window, 1 Go to 'Control Panel' from the Start menu. 2 The 'Control Panel' window will open. 3 Find 'Network Connections' option on the 'Control Panel' window. 4 Double-click on it. 5 Find 'Wireless Network Connection'. 6 If the connection appears as disabled, then right-click on it."
"score": 0.346793294,
"text": "Instructions. Navigate on Facebook to the Messages section or a friend's wall and begin typing a new message. Click to place the cursor where the diamond symbol should appear. Hold the Alt key on the left side of the keyboard.If you have a keyboard without a numeric keypad on the left side, hold the Fn key as well. This is frequently necessary with notebooks. Type the number 4 on your keyboard's numeric keypad.nstructions. Navigate on Facebook to the Messages section or a friend's wall and begin typing a new message. Click to place the cursor where the diamond symbol should appear. Hold the Alt key on the left side of the keyboard."
"score": 0.3361340463,
"text": "1 On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value. 2 Type MTU, and then press ENTER. 3 On the Edit menu, click Modify. 4 In the Value data box, type the value of the MTU size, and then click OK.5 Quit Registry Editor, and then restart the computer. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK. 2 Locate the following key in the registry: 3 On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value. 4 Type MTU, and then press ENTER. 5 On the Edit menu, click Modify."
"score": 0.3355405629,
"text": "1 Sign in with your Xbox Live gamertag. 2 Go to apps, and then select Browse Apps or Search Apps. 3 Browse or search for YouTube. 4 Select YouTube, and then select Confirm Purchase to download and install the app. 5 After the download, the app automatically starts, and you can browse the available content.o start YouTube later, select My Apps, and then YouTube. You can also start YouTube by selecting Video, and then My Video Apps. 1 Sign in with your Xbox Live gamertag. 2 Go to apps, and then select Browse Apps or Search Apps."
"score": 0.281049788,
"text": "Fee: $3.74 Load additional funds onto your Card at the register at any Walmart store using cash, a PIN-debit card, or a check (additional check cashing fee may apply). To load funds to your Card at any Walmart register: 1. Swipe your Money Network Card. 2.Hand the cash, check or PIN-debit card to the associate, along with the reload fee. Not available in VT or WY. Fee: Up to $4.95 1. Visit a Green Dot retailer.2.. Present your Card and the form so the agent can process your reload. A reload fee of up to $4.95 will be charged by the agent at that time. Fee: $3.74. Load additional funds onto your Card at the register at any Walmart store using cash, a PIN-debit card, or a check (additional check cashing fee may apply)."
] |
when the world was at war | [
"score": 0.698032558,
"text": "The World at War. The World at War is a 26 episode series about World War II, produced by ITV in 1973-1974. The episodes were narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier."
] | [
"score": 0.6300244331,
"text": "World War II, which began in 1939 and ended in 1945, was the deadliest and most destructive war in history. Before the war, Germany, America, and the rest of the world were going through the Great Depression.ore than fifty nations in the world were fighting, with more than 100 million soldiers deployed. Countries like America and Britain were part of the Allied powers. Japan and Germany were part of the Axis powers. Explore this section to learn more about World War II."
"score": 0.6209994555,
"text": "A world war is a war involving many or most of the world's most powerful and populous countries. World wars span multiple countries on multiple continents, with battles fought in multiple theatres.n that same article, the term World War II was first used speculatively to describe the upcoming war. The first use for the actual war came in its issue of September 11, 1939."
"score": 0.6183314323,
"text": "It is warfare in terms of every continent, every island, every sea, every air lane in the world.. Gerhard L. Weinberg does not mention that fireside chat in his book A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II, but Roosevelt's approach mirrors his own; it certainly is global. For Mr. Weinberg, the grotesque ambition of Nazi foreign policy is the theme that ties together the years 1939-45."
"score": 0.6169182062,
"text": "With Daniel Martin Berkey, Michael Almy, James William Barker, Ian Beyts. The World Wars tells the story of three decades of war told through the eyes of various men who were its key players: Roosevelt, Hitler, Patton, Mussolini, Churchill, Tojo, DeGaulle and MacArthur. The series examines the two wars as one contiguous timeline starting in 1914 and concluding in 1945 with these unique individuals coming of age in World War I before ultimately calling the shots in ..."
"score": 0.6168681979,
"text": "A world war, is a large-scale war involving many of the countries of the world or many of the most powerful and populous ones. World wars span multiple countries on multiple continents, with battles fought in many theaters. While a variety of global conflicts have been subjectively deemed world wars, such as the Cold War and the War on Terror, the term is widely and generally accepted only as it is retrospectively applied to two major international conflicts that occurred during the 20th centu"
"score": 0.6145648956,
"text": ", World War II historian. 1 The earliest reference to the term in the United States (though not widespread at all) was in 1935 when the Sino-Japanese War between China and Japan was referenced as the Second World War by some commentators and news reporters."
"score": 0.6034507751,
"text": "World War Two was a global event, and actually was a combination of several wars. That being said, the accepted start of WWII was Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939, as it le … d to the declarations of war by most of the Allied Powers.In the Far East, the Second Sino-Japanese War would merge into the greater conflict.lthough the growing peril of Britain worried many, including Roosevelt, it was not until the US was directly attacked at Pearl Harbor that public and political opinion turned in favor of war with the Axis."
"score": 0.5992322564,
"text": "World War I was a total war, involving the governments, economies and populations of participating nations to an extent never seen before in history. This was distinct from the way 'smaller' wars had been fought, like the Crimean War (1853-56) and late-19th century colonial wars."
"score": 0.598950386,
"text": "There were two world wars: one in the years 1914-18, which was fought in Europe, but got the whole world involved. This war was particularly on the boundaries between France a … nd Germany, Belgium and Germany, and Russia and Germany."
"score": 0.5939555168,
"text": "World War I shook the world. Never before had technology been put to such destructive ends. Never before had a war been so global in scope. Although the guns fell silent following the Armistice of Compiegne in November of 1918, the impact of the war continues to be felt to this day."
"score": 0.5931733847,
"text": "Share. World War II (WWII) was a long and bloody war that lasted for six years. Officially beginning on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland, World War II lasted until both the Germans and the Japanese had surrendered to the Allies in 1945. Find out what happened in this timeline of World War II."
"score": 0.5912179947,
"text": "The Oxford English Dictionary cited the first known usage in the English language to a Scottish newspaper: the People's Journal in 1848, \"A war among the great powers is now necessarily a world-war.\" The term, \"world war\" had been used in 1850 by Karl Marx and his associate Friedrich Engels in The Class Struggles in France."
"score": 0.5822331309,
"text": "Share. World War I was an extremely bloody war that engulfed Europe from 1914 to 1919, with huge losses of life and little ground lost or won. Fought mostly by soldiers in trenches, World War I saw an estimated 10 million military deaths and another 20 million wounded."
"score": 0.5787757635,
"text": "When Did World War I Start and End. World War I is considered to be the first global conflict and was called the World War or the Great War prior to the beginning of World War Two. Majority of the war was fought in Europe and involved all of the world great powers; United Kingdom, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, Austria and Hungry."
"score": 0.5785039663,
"text": "1939-1945 for Europeans the British declared war on Germany the day the Germans invaded P oland, first week of Sept 1939 The war was fought in Europe, North Africa, Far East-that's why it was called a world war."
"score": 0.5734807253,
"text": "Never before had a war been so global in scope. Prior to the outbreak of war in 1914, Europe had experienced a period of relative peace and prosperity. There is a great book, called 1913: In Search of the World Before the Great War, that highlights the pleasant culture of pre-World War I Europe."
"score": 0.5729106665,
"text": "World War I ends. At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the Great War ends. At 5 a.m. that morning, Germany, bereft of manpower and supplies and faced with imminent invasion, signed an armistice agreement with the Allies in a railroad car outside Compiégne, France."
"score": 0.5727593303,
"text": "World War I ends. At 11 o'clock in the morning of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, the First World War–known at the time as the Great War–comes to an end. By the end of autumn 1918, the alliance of the Central Powers was unraveling in its war effort against the better..."
"score": 0.5678012967,
"text": "The American declaration of war on Germany on 6 April 1917 was a landmark not only in the history of the United States but also in that of Europe and the world, bringing to an end half a millennium of European domination and ushering in 'the American century'.he battlefields of the First World War were the product of a century of economic, social, and political change. Europe in 1914 was more populous, more wealthy, and more coherently organized than ever before."
"score": 0.5672914982,
"text": "Great War & Jazz Age (1914-1928). This song was meant to express the voice of children during World War I: We want our Daddy dear, back home (Hello Central, give me France). World War I Ended With the Treaty of Versailles June 28, 1919. World War I (1914-1918) was finally over. This first global conflict had claimed from 9 million to 13 million lives and caused unprecedented damage. Germany had formally surrendered on November 11, 1918, and all nations had agreed to stop fighting while the terms of peace were negotiated. On June 28, 1919, Germany and the Allied Nations (including Britain, France, Italy and Russia) signed the Treaty of Versailles, formally ending the war."
"score": 0.5595504642,
"text": "Fought mostly by soldiers in trenches, World War I saw an estimated 10 million military deaths and another 20 million wounded. While many hoped that World War I would be the war to end all wars, in actuality, the concluding peace treaty set the stage for World War II. Dates: 1914-1919."
"score": 0.5572258234,
"text": "World War I combat operations ended with an armistice on Nov. 11, 1918. The war officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919, but Nov. 11 is remembered and celebrated as the end of the war."
"score": 0.5567736626,
"text": "After Great Britain entered World War I in August 1914, many of them had expected that they would make quick work of the enemy and be home in time for Christmas. Nearly five months and 1 million lives later, however, the Great War had bogged down in intractable trench warfare with no end in sight."
"score": 0.5535699129,
"text": "France and Britain had a defensive pact with Poland. This forced France and Britain to declare war on Germany, which they did on September 3. The War in the Pacific Some say World War 2 started in late 1931 with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. This is sometimes referred to as the Mukden Incident."
"score": 0.5533427596,
"text": "World War I (1914-1918) was finally over. This first global conflict had claimed from 9 million to 13 million lives and caused unprecedented damage. Germany had formally surrendered on November 11, 1918, and all nations had agreed to stop fighting while the terms of peace were negotiated.On June 28, 1919, Germany and the Allied Nations (including Britain, France, Italy and Russia) signed the Treaty of Versailles, formally ending the war.orld War I (1914-1918) was finally over. This first global conflict had claimed from 9 million to 13 million lives and caused unprecedented damage. Germany had formally surrendered on November 11, 1918, and all nations had agreed to stop fighting while the terms of peace were negotiated."
"score": 0.5530970097,
"text": "World War I. World War I, also called First World War or Great War, trench warfare: British soldier in a trench on the Western Front, World War IHulton Archive/Getty Imagesan international conflict that in 1914–18 embroiled most of the nations of Europe along with Russia, the United States, the Middle East, and other regions."
"score": 0.5509864092,
"text": "On April 6, 1917, by a vote of 82 to 6 in the Senate and 373 to 50 in the House of Representatives, the United States of America declared war on Germany. Wilson strongly believed that the American system would save the world, meaning:"
"score": 0.5464611053,
"text": "World Wars One and Two, Presidents Woodrow Wilson was President of the United States during World War one. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was President of the United States … when the United States entered World War Two, and he was replaced at death by Harry S. Truman, who presided over the end of the war."
"score": 0.5436557531,
"text": "Three days later, Germany and Italy, allied with Japan, declared war on the United States. America was now drawn into a global war. It had allies in this fight--most importantly Great Britain and the Soviet Union. But the job the nation faced in December 1941 was formidable."
"score": 0.5431528091,
"text": "On April 2, 1917, Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany, stating, \"The world must be made safe for democracy.\". America's participation helped bring about victory for the Allies, and on November 11, 1918, an armistice was signed by the Germans."
"score": 0.54095608,
"text": "I'll indulge you when each nation joined the war. Because a world war can really only start when the entire globe is engulfed in the flames of war. Germany: either from the Treaty of Versailles, the triumphant of the Nazi Party, or the expansion of the German Reich with the anschluss of Austria in 1938. Also a whole lot of events."
"score": 0.5347312689,
"text": "The Cold War happened from about 1945 to about 1990. It was not really a war. It was a competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to see who would dominate the world. They each thought that their system of government and economics was best and should dominate the world."
"score": 0.5323424935,
"text": "The Seven Years' War. The Seven Years' War was a global military war between 1756 and 1763, involving most of the great powers of the time and affecting Europe, North America, Central America, the West African coast, India, and the Philippines."
"score": 0.5305023193,
"text": "The War of the Worlds is a science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells first serialized in 1897 in the UK by Pearson's Magazine and in the US by Cosmopolitan magazine. The novel's first appearance in hardcover was in 1898 from publisher William Heinemann of London."
"score": 0.5304847956,
"text": "By Jennifer Rosenberg. No one wanted war. Yet, when Germany attacked Poland on September 1, 1939, other European countries felt they had to act. The result was six long years of World War II. Learn more about what led to Germany's aggression and how other countries reacted."
"score": 0.5297622681,
"text": "The Allies agreed to the armistice and at 11 AM on November 11, 1918 the fighting in World War I came to an end. Treaty Negotiations. The Allied Nations met in Paris at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 to decide the fate of Germany and the Central Powers."
"score": 0.5294517279,
"text": "World war 1 was the first war when this was used on rank insignias although the exact date I couldent name. World war 1 was the first war when this was used on rank insignias although the exact date I couldent name."
"score": 0.5290007591,
"text": "The Serbian Campaign of World War I was fought from late July 1914, when Austria-Hungary invaded the Kingdom of Serbia at the outset of World War I, until the war's conclusion in November 1918."
"score": 0.5282771587,
"text": "It began with the declaration of war by the western Allies (the United Kingdom and France) against Nazi Germany on 3 September 1939, following the German invasion of Poland, and ended with the German attack on France and the Low Countries on 10 May 1940."
"score": 0.5244913101,
"text": "AWM A02022. Australia's involvement in the First World War began when Britain and Germany went to war on 4 August 1914, and both Prime Minister Joseph Cook and then Opposition Leader Andrew Fisher, who were in the midst of an election campaign, pledged full support for Britain."
"score": 0.5242622495,
"text": "At the end of the war Japan is recognised as a world power. The country is ranked among the Big Five powers at the Versailles Peace Conference held in 1919 (Britain, France, Italy, Japan and the United States) and is granted a permanent seat on the Council of the League of Nations."
"score": 0.5179834366,
"text": "Finally, the U.S. entered the war in 1917. The war concluded in 1918 and the Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919. The Allied Powers of the U.S., Great Britain, Japan, Italy, Russia, France, Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro had been victorious. Back at home, young people were tired of the war."
"score": 0.5174019337,
"text": "The War of the Worlds is a science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells first serialized in 1897 in the UK by Pearson's Magazine and in the US by Cosmopolitan magazine.The novel's first appearance in hardcover was in 1898 from publisher William Heinemann of London.he War of the Worlds is a science fiction novel by English author H. G. Wells first serialized in 1897 in the UK by Pearson's Magazine and in the US by Cosmopolitan magazine."
"score": 0.5158945322,
"text": "World War I: 1917–1919. Within weeks of Wilson's victory over Hughes, the problem of the Great War became even more pressing. Although the Entente powers were now slightly more willing to discuss President Wilson's offer to arbitrate the dispute, the Central powers, led by Germany, were not willing to negotiate."
"score": 0.5113194585,
"text": "U.S. Participation in World War One. Brief summary of the involvement of the United States of America in the war also known as the Great War and the European War of 1914-1918. Time Line. • The government of Germany declares war against France and England: August 1914."
"score": 0.5108665824,
"text": "The war pitted the Central Powers—mainly Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey—against the Allies—mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and, from 1917, the United States. It ended with the defeat of the Central Powers. The war was virtually unprecedented in the slaughter, carnage, and destruction it caused. World War IEncyclopædia Britannica, Inc.World War I was one of the great watersheds of 20th-century geopolitical history."
"score": 0.5107673407,
"text": "The Seven Years' War. The Seven Years' War was fought from 1756-63. The first war to span the globe, it was chiefly fought between Britain, Prussia and Hanover, against France, Austria, Sweden, Saxony, Russia and Spain."
"score": 0.5055398345,
"text": "World War I: 1917–1919. page 1 of 2. Within weeks of Wilson's victory over Hughes, the problem of the Great War became even more pressing. Although the Entente powers were now slightly more willing to discuss President Wilson's offer to arbitrate the dispute, the Central powers, led by Germany, were not willing to negotiate."
"score": 0.5016354918,
"text": "Woodrow Wilson. World War I: 1917–1919. Within weeks of Wilson's victory over Hughes, the problem of the Great War became even more pressing. Although the Entente powers were now slightly more willing to discuss President Wilson's offer to arbitrate the dispute, the Central powers, led by Germany, were not willing to negotiate."
"score": 0.4899257123,
"text": "The war at sea: 1793-1796. The renewal of war between Britain and France in 1793 is a continuation of a century-long conflict between the two most aggressive imperial powers. In recent engagements the results have favoured Britain, particularly in Canada and India during the Seven Years' War."
"score": 0.4872699976,
"text": "The most important thing to keep in mind when looking at the cause of the Cold War is that there is no one, definite cause. The Cold War was a conflict that was ideological, that grew out of World War II—which, itself, grew out of World War I and its aftermath—and that was fought in various ways.he most important thing to keep in mind when looking at the cause of the Cold War is that there is no one, definite cause. The Cold War was a conflict that was ideological, that grew out of World War II—which, itself, grew out of World War I and its aftermath—and that was fought in various ways."
] |
how many quarts in a pitcher | [
"score": 0.7797551155,
"text": "exists and is an alternate of . Pitchers come in a variety of sizes, however, the most typical size for a pitcher would be about 2 quarts. Pitchers come in a variety of sizes, however, the most typical size for a pitcher would be about 2 quarts."
] | [
"score": 0.7113841176,
"text": "Answers. 1 A normal pitcher holds 64 ounces, or 8 cups, of beer. 2 A normal pitcher holds 64 ounces, or 8 cups, of liquid."
"score": 0.7043774128,
"text": "A normal pitcher holds 64 ounces, or 8 cups, of beer. ChaCha again! A normal pitcher holds 64 ounces, or 8 cups, of liquid. ChaCha again!"
"score": 0.7036145926,
"text": "How many ounces are there in a pitcher of beer? A typical beer pitcher holds 60 ounces, which is the equivalent of three imperial pints. An imperial pint glass holds 20 ounces and has a thinner side with a small bulge approximately 3/4 of the way up the pint glass."
"score": 0.6984746456,
"text": "How many beers are in a pitcher? The number of beers in a pitcher depends on both the size of the pitcher and the size of the glass of beer being poured. Standard beer pitchers range from 48 to 60 fluid ounces, with some pitchers being as small as 32 fluid ounces."
"score": 0.6925792694,
"text": "A typical beer pitcher holds 60 ounces, which is the equivalent of three imperial pints. An imperial pint glass holds 20 ounces and has a thinner side with a small bulge approximately 3/4 of the way up the pint glass. Keep Learning."
"score": 0.6858908534,
"text": "A pitcher is 60 ounces usually, some places carry half pitchers as well, but the standard is 60 oz so that would be the same as 5 12 oz beers, and yes it is definitly posible to drink 2 in 3 hours, on rough nights I will have 4 pitchers in that amount of time, needless to say afterwards I do not drive home."
"score": 0.6851097345,
"text": "One quart is equal to 4 cups, 2 pints, and 1/4 th of a gallon. The exact correspondence of an Imperial quart to the SI unit is 1 quart is 1.1365225 liters."
"score": 0.6849591732,
"text": "How much does a pitcher of water hold? Water pitchers are available in many sizes, so each will hold the amount of water it is made to hold. It could be a quart, pint, half gallon, or a gallon. Some may be even lar … ger, depending on their intended uses."
"score": 0.6833718419,
"text": "Enter a New beer pitcher Amount of volume and capacity to Convert From. * Whole numbers, decimals or fractions (ie: 6, 5.33, 17 3/8) * Precision is how many numbers after decimal point (1 - 9) Calculate quarts liquid US in volume and capacity per 1 beer pitcher unit."
"score": 0.6824964285,
"text": "Measurements equal to 2 quarts are 4 pints, 1/2 gallon, 32 ounces, 8 cups or 115.4 cubic inches. A single quart is equivalent to 2 pints, 16 ounces, 4 cups or 57.7 cubic inches. To convert quarts to another unit of measurement, they must be divided or multiplied by the appropriate conversion figure."
"score": 0.6728179455,
"text": "50 quarts. In US measure: 1 quart = 4 cups And 1 cup = 0.25 quart. There are 32 US fluid ounces (2 pints, or 4 cups) in 1 US quart (946.4 ml). There are 40 Imperial fluid …ounces (2 pints) in 1 Imperial quart (1,136 ml)."
"score": 0.6618559361,
"text": "Quarts redirects here. For mineral, see Quartz. The quart is a unit of volume (for either the imperial or United States customary units) equal to a quarter of a gallon (hence the name quart), two pints, or four cups. Since gallons of various sizes have historically been in use, quarts of various sizes have also existed; see gallon for further discussion."
"score": 0.660204649,
"text": "If there are 2 pints in a quart and there are 4 quarts in a gallon then the awenser is 8. I am the best in my math class so if you need anything go ahead and ask me."
"score": 0.6589840055,
"text": "US Quarts (Liquid) A US capacity measure (for liquids) equal to 2 pints or 0.946 liters. Pints. There are several different kinds of Pints available- us liquid, us dry and uk."
"score": 0.654661417,
"text": "volume of pitcher = 32 cups. ratio of gallons to cups: 1 gallon/16 cups. What you want to do here is convert the volume of the pitcher from cups to gallons. Which is basically multiplying the volume (32 cups) by the ratio (1 gal/16 cups). Which is basically how you phrased it earlier."
"score": 0.643296659,
"text": "A quart is considered a unit of volume within the United States. That measures or equals to a quarter of a whole gallon (a short for the name 'quart'). Others would be two pints or either 4 cups. You may notice that in scientific notations the abbreviations 'qt' is used to describe Quarts. This is the United States standard since 1959. The answer to your question is below."
"score": 0.6326733828,
"text": "How many quarts are in a gallon? Answer Wiki. There are 4cups to 1quart and there are 4quarts to a gallon. Quart quarter of a gallon 1/4... and i know 1package of koolaid makes 2quarts and two packs will fill a gallon milk jug.....So to answer the question I say four, final answer. Written Aug 4, 2015 · View Upvotes."
"score": 0.6293756962,
"text": "Quick Answer. There are 1.06 quarts in a liter. The volume of a liter is defined as 1 cubic deciliter. At 4 degrees Celsius, 1 kilogram of water has the volume of 1 liter. For cooking purposes, Betty Crocker considers the quart and liter to be equivalent."
"score": 0.6293398738,
"text": "There are approximately 1.0566882094326 quarts in one liter. These two measurements are nearly the same. A liter is a metric unit which is equivalent to app. 33.81 oz, where a quart is an SI unit and is equal to exactly 32 oz. A little more info on SI units of volume: 4 Tbsp = 1/4 cup."
"score": 0.6259669065,
"text": "To find out how many liters in quarts, multiply by the right conversion factor or simply use the converter below. 1 Quart [Fluid, US] = 0.946352946 Liter. Quart is an imperial and US customary volume unit. There is one type of quart in imperial system and 2 types (liquid and dry) in united states customary system."
"score": 0.6225682497,
"text": "quart: Quart, fl oz: Ounces. There are 31.999999998256 ounces in a quart. 1 Quart is equal to 31.999999998256 Ounces. 1 quart = 31.999999998256 fl oz. A quart is a very popular unit of volume used in the countries which adopted the Imperial or the US customary systems of measurement. It is used mainly for measuring the volumes of liquid substances like water, beverages, milk, etc."
"score": 0.6219560504,
"text": "To find out how many liters in quarts, multiply by the right conversion factor or simply use the converter below. 1 Quart [Fluid, US] = 0.946352946 Liter. Quart is an imperial and US customary volume unit."
"score": 0.6143099666,
"text": "Since there are 4 quarts in a gallon, there are 100 quarts in 25 gallons."
"score": 0.6124073863,
"text": "To find out how many quarts in liters, multiply by the right conversion factor or use the converter below. 1 Liter = 1.05668821 Quarts [Fluid, US]. Liter is volume unit which equals to 1 cubic decimeter."
"score": 0.6117195487,
"text": "tupperware pitcher 2 quart. Follow tupperware pitcher 2 quart to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Unfollow tupperware pitcher 2 quart to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed. Yay! You're now following tupperware pitcher 2 quart in your eBay Feed.You will receive email alerts for new listings. Dont send me e-mail alerts."
"score": 0.6116339564,
"text": "Quick Answer. Eight cups is equal to 2 quarts. Two quarts can also be called a half gallon. Converting measurements is important in many applications including cooking and construction."
"score": 0.6016323566,
"text": "Liters to quarts volume units conversion factors are listed below. To find out how many quarts in liters, multiply by the right conversion factor or use the converter below. 1 Liter = 1.05668821 Quarts [Fluid, US] 1 Liter = 0.87987699 Quarts [UK] Liter is volume unit which equals to 1 cubic decimeter. Commonly spelled as litre in most of the english speaking countries."
"score": 0.6013635993,
"text": "The rate of quarts per pound will actually depend upon the density of the soil. A denser soil will weigh more; and therefore convert to less quarts per pound. Based on my research on potting soil, each quart weights approximately 0.875 pounds; thus, 10 pounds means roughly 11.43 quarts. 10 Quarts equals 9.4 Liters. There are about 25 and 3/4 dry quarts in a cubic foot. A 20 dry quarts package of potting soil is approximately 3/4 of a cubic foot. Still confused? Potting soil is usually less expensive in the larger bags. Here's how many containers one cubic foot of potting soil will fill: Standard round pots; 2 1/4-inch: 256, 4-inch: 48, 8-inch: 6."
"score": 0.6007677317,
"text": "Liters to quarts volume units conversion factors are listed below. To find out how many quarts in liters, multiply by the right conversion factor or use the converter below. 1 Liter = 1.05668821 Quarts [Fluid, US]"
"score": 0.6004363298,
"text": "There are 38 quarts in 9 gallons and 2 quarts. Reason: There are 4 quarts in a gallon."
"score": 0.5974043608,
"text": "4 Quarts = 1 Gallon. Helpful tips: The smaller number in the ratio is the number of parts of. concentrate, while the larger number is the number of. parts of water. When mixing cleaners, you may fi nd it helpful to fi ll your container. with the proper amount of water, then add the concentrate. followed by thoroughly mixing the solution."
"score": 0.5958915949,
"text": "Just remember 2 cups in a pint, 2 pints in a quart, 4 quarts in a gallon.. There's a really good system for measuring dry goods like flour, I heard it called the Girl Scout Measure as it supposedly was taught by the Girl Scouts."
"score": 0.5958621502,
"text": "1 Liter = 0.87987699 Quarts [UK]. For other volume unit conversions, please go to Volume Conversion. Liters to quarts volume units conversion factors are listed below. To find out how many quarts in liters, multiply by the right conversion factor or use the converter below."
"score": 0.5947217941,
"text": "There are 38 quarts in 9 gallons and 2 quarts. Reason: There are 4 quarts in a gallon. 9 x 4 = 36 + 2 = 38."
"score": 0.5831628442,
"text": "Therefore there are 5 gallons and 2 quarts in 22 quarts."
"score": 0.5811810493,
"text": "How Many Cups In A Quart? If you want more information go on provided link. Related Terms how many quarts in a gallon, how many oz in a gallon, oz to cups, how many ounces are in a quart, how many ounces are in a pint, pints to cups, 2 quarts to cups, how many ounces is a cup, 4 cups to quarts, 5 quarts to gallons, gallon cups, how many ounces in a pint of sour cream, how many spoons in a cup, 4 quarts cups, how many cups in a gallon water, 4 oz how many cups, how many cups in a pint of sour cream, 3 quarts of water is how many cups, one pint cups, 6 qt, how many quarts are in a gallon of water, how many ounces is a pint of sour cream, how many onz in a cup, quart measuring cup, 4 quart measuring cup, quart measurement cups, how much is 4 gallons,"
"score": 0.5791765451,
"text": "As regards volume measure, there are right at about 37 1/4 quarts in a bushel. Note that this is a straight conversion from bushels to quarts. Any processing of the beans will mean less quarts in your finished product. Stemmed and cut beans pack more tightly than those just picked and tossed into that big basket."
"score": 0.5743700266,
"text": "I kind of assume if a crockpot or pot is listed at six quarts that I can use it for two-thirds of that, or four quarts. To determine if the crockpot is indeed 6 quarts, just get a measuring cup and pour in water to the rim and see how much it will hold. Carol. Like Bookmark February 13, 2010 at 4:09PM."
"score": 0.5702351332,
"text": "A recipe calls for 3 quarts. rita puts 14 cups of water in a bowl and realized she made a mistake."
"score": 0.5686430335,
"text": "How to Use the Cups to Quarts Calculator. As an example, you want to convert 35 cups of water into quarts. In the blank space on the left side of the word CUPS. Enter the number 35 in the white blank provided, and click on the blue CALCULATE button. A light green rectangle pops up with the converted figure: 8.75 quarts."
"score": 0.5614922643,
"text": "This entry was posted in Quarts in a Gallon and tagged 1 gallon equals how many quarts, how many gallons in a quart, how many quarts in a half gallon, how many quarts per gallon, how many quarts to a gallon, quarts, quarts in a gallon on February 28, 2015 by [email protected]."
"score": 0.5601863861,
"text": "This entry was posted in Quarts in a Gallon and tagged 1 gallon equals how many quarts, how many gallons in a quart, how many quarts in a half gallon, how many quarts per gallon, how many quarts to a gallon, quarts, quarts in a gallon on February 28, 2015."
"score": 0.5544108748,
"text": "Once a pitcher throws 21 pitches (under 14) or 31 pitches (15–18) in a game, the pitcher must rest and not participate in pitching. Furthermore, pitchers may not be catchers if more than 40 pitches were thrown by the player."
"score": 0.5521016121,
"text": "If you are asking this question, then you must be planning a party or an event. Answer: A one-quart mason jar has the capacity of 32 fluid ounces. We're assuming that you want to fill the gumballs to the top so that they don't rattle around inside the jar. Calculation is approximate as gumballs are NOT alway perfectly round and the diameter varies slightly."
"score": 0.5499346852,
"text": "A pitcher must be removed immediately upon the current at-bat or the current half-inning ends, whichever comes first, upon reaching the pitch count per day. Once a pitcher throws 21 pitches (under 14) or 31 pitches (15–18) in a game, the pitcher must rest and not participate in pitching. Furthermore, pitchers may not be catchers if more than 40 pitches were thrown by the player."
"score": 0.547544539,
"text": "As an example, you want to convert 35 cups of water into quarts. Just follow these easy steps: 1 In the blank space on the left side of the word CUPS. Enter the number 35 in the white blank provided, and click on the blue CALCULATE button. A light green rectangle pops up with the converted figure: 8.75 quarts."
"score": 0.5358393192,
"text": "How much water will depend on the size of the pitcher, but a good starting ratio would be two quarts of water to one medium sized cucumber. Cucumber water is best when it is chilled, so choose a pitcher that will fit easily into your refrigerator."
"score": 0.5321193337,
"text": "A recipe calls for 3 quarts. rita puts 14 cups of water in a bowl and realized she made a mistake. Should Rita ___?"
"score": 0.5315185785,
"text": "Faunsdale, AL. Usually look on the other end for the gallons graduations. I know some have them on a revovable panel that attaches to the cage, but most have them alongside the liters scale molded into the plastic tank. 1000 quarts = 250 gallons. 1000 liters = 265 gallons."
"score": 0.5314082503,
"text": "Money is an issue, since on the face of it, frying isn't cheap. When it comes to the \"how much\" question, I'd say two quarts. That's not a fixed number, and 48 ounces (1 1/2 quarts, or 6 cups) is probably enough in most cases. Sometimes you can get away with a quart or even less."
"score": 0.530687511,
"text": "=0.528 gal. 320in 3 12.54 3 cm 3 in 3 ⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟mlcm 3 ⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟liter1000ml⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟57.64 oz2 liter⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟=143 gal 41. A quart container's bottom has an area of 5.06 cm 2. How many square yards is this? 5.06cm 2 11 2 in 2 2.54 2 cm 2 ⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟1 2 ft 2 12 2 in 2 ⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟1 2 yd 2 3 2 ft 2 ⎛⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟=6.05 x 10 −4 yd 2 42. A teaspoon of oil can cover the surface of a pond about 10,000 cubits 2 in size."
"score": 0.5247359276,
"text": "Best Answer: If it's a starting pitcher, then usually about 30-35. MLB teams have a 5 man rotation, and there are 162 games, so each pitcher starts about 32 times 32.4*5=162. If it's a relief pitcher, it can vary more. But a good regular reliever will usually pitch in about 70-80 games (almost half)."
"score": 0.5225117803,
"text": "The bowl is 5 quarts. It is the same size as the Artisan series, but is squat like the Pro 600 mixer bowl. A 5-quart bowl can hold 3 boxed cake mixes. Reduce to two if you will be adding nuts or fruits, otherwise, it will be filled to the brim."
"score": 0.5224226117,
"text": "Pour water into a pitcher. How much water will depend on the size of the pitcher, but a good starting ratio would be two quarts of water to one medium sized cucumber. Cucumber water is best when it is chilled, so choose a pitcher that will fit easily into your refrigerator."
"score": 0.510432601,
"text": "Ales & Lagers. The general consensus on pitching rates is that you want to pitch around 1 million cells of viable yeast, for every milliliter of wort, for every degree plato. A little less for an ale, a little more for a lager.or an ale, you want to pitch around 0.75 million cells of viable yeast (0.75 million for an ale, 1.5 million for a lager), for every milliliter of wort, for every degree plato. (0.75 million) X (milliliters of wort) X (degrees Plato of the wort). 1 There is about 3785 milliliters in a gallon."
"score": 0.4991742969,
"text": "For an ale, you want to pitch around 0.75 million cells of viable yeast (0.75 million for an ale, 1.5 million for a lager), for every milliliter of wort, for every degree plato. (0.75 million) X (milliliters of wort) X (degrees Plato of the wort). 1 There is about 3785 milliliters in a gallon.ou would need 2 tubes if you were pitching directly into 5.5 gallons of 1.048 wort to get the proper cell counts. A Wyeast Activator pack (the really big ones) and the pitchable tubes have an average of 100 billion cells of 100% viable yeast. The smaller packs are around 15-18 billion cells."
"score": 0.4977786839,
"text": "Best Answer: The 2.5L 4-cylinder engine holds about 9 quarts (8.5liters). That is the total cooling system capacity (radiator, engine block and heater core but does not include the coolant overflow tank), the actual factory radiator by itself holds a little less than half of that amount."
"score": 0.4960759878,
"text": "Best Answer: Yes, the pitcher is included. A baseball team does not only have 9 players in the team. Those are the amount of players on the field, excluding the 1 batter. In the MLB they have a back-up for everything, so I would say that there's like a 25-40 man roster on a MLB team. A MLB team will also have about 7 to 10 pitchers so keep that in mind."
"score": 0.4940517545,
"text": "The precursor to Kool-Aid Man, the Pitcher Man, was created on July 10, 1954 by Marvin Potts, an art director for a New York advertising agency hired by General Foods to create an image that would accompany the slogan A 5-cent package makes two quarts.."
"score": 0.48920542,
"text": "Actually the Manual states 2.5 quarts, and one honda delear says that its 2.8 quarts but that they use 3 quarts, and another honda dealer was sticking with the 2.8 quarts only and that the level should be within the hatch marks."
"score": 0.4686706066,
"text": "Hi dave ... In the 4.0L 6 it's 6 quarts including filter (which you should do while you are changing oil). As always though, the dipstick is the final work. Keep track of where you are by that guage at all times. Good luck! Mark helpful."
"score": 0.4327760637,
"text": "How many quarts of oil in 2006 Toyota tacoma 2.7 liter? The answer is 5.8 quarts when totaly dry, but most will take only 5 to 5.4 when changing the oil. ALLDATA lists; Engine Oil Capacity Specifications Refil … l with filter -----5.8 quarts Without filter ------5.0 quarts NOTE: listed capacities are approximate. Check fluid level after filling."
"score": 0.4246364832,
"text": "Red stitches are placed on the ball to allow pitchers to throw curve balls. Curve balls curve since the air resistance on the stitches is non-uniform. From my experiment of weighing a baseball, the result came out to be 142.54 grams which fits within the accepted range of 142 to 149 grams. Christina Lee -- 1999. Related pages in The Physics Factbook 1 : Force of a bat on a baseball."
"score": 0.4008635879,
"text": "like some of the comments above, depend on how much is drained out. i have drain my a numerous time, i never went over 3 quarts :-/. usually about 2.75 quarts. it measure to the 2nd dot on the dipstick. usually do about 3.5 after fully draining out the existing transmission fluid. I only use Honda ATF, and do not try to mess around with anything else. So, it really depends, but anything over 3.1- and less than 4 should do it."
"score": 0.353246212,
"text": "First, let's do a proper job of draining the coolant. Start by checking the specs to see how much is in the system. This is important, because capacities vary all over the lot. Some Toyota Fours and V6s, for example, hold only about 5 1/2 quarts."
] |
how are vaccines tested for safety | [
"score": 0.5935430527,
"text": "ActHib was tested for safety by giving one group ActHib w/ DTP and the control group was given Hep B w/ DTP. In a randomized, double-blind US clinical trial, ActHIB® was given concomitantly with DTP to more than 5,000 infants and Hepatitis B vaccine was given with DTP to a similar number."
] | [
"score": 0.649225831,
"text": "To detect a significant difference for a low-frequency event, the trial would have to include 60,000 subjects, half of them in the control, or no vaccine, group (Plotkin SA et al. Vaccines, 5 th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2008). Vaccine efficacy is tested as well. These factors might include 1) Does the candidate vaccine prevent disease? 2) Does it prevent infection with the pathogen? 3) Does it lead to production of antibodies or other types of immune responses related to the pathogen? Next Steps: Approval and Licensure"
"score": 0.6455689669,
"text": "This first attempt to assess the candidate vaccine in humans involves a small group of adults, usually between 20-80 subjects. If the vaccine is intended for children, researchers will first test adults, and then gradually step down the age of the test subjects until they reach their target."
"score": 0.6378914714,
"text": "A laboratory test for the effectiveness of smallpox vaccines has been developed by a team of European researchers and it may be used as Americans start receiving shots against the disease."
"score": 0.6223863959,
"text": "Common Ingredients in U.S. Licensed Vaccines. The vast majority of the over one billion doses of vaccines manufactured worldwide each year are given to healthy babies, children and adults. Thus, it is critical that vaccines be demonstrated to be safe and effective."
"score": 0.6124763489,
"text": "In this article. Immunizations, or vaccines as they're also known, safely and effectively use a small amount of a weakened or killed virus or bacteria or bits of lab-made protein that imitate the virus in order to prevent infection by that same virus or bacteria."
"score": 0.6034584641,
"text": "If you can't find your records, your doctor might opt for blood tests to see if you're immune to any vaccine-preventable diseases. Or she'll just give you the shot. It's safe to repeat vaccines, according to the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."
"score": 0.6033966541,
"text": "Hepatitis B vaccines have been demonstrated to be safe when administered to infants, children, ado-lescents, and adults. Since 1982, more than an esti-mated 70 million adolescents and adults and more than 50 million infants and children have received at least one dose of hepatitis B vaccine in the United States."
"score": 0.6007561684,
"text": "why vaccines are harmful The United States legal standard applied to vaccines defines them as unavoidably unsafe products that are quite incapable of being made safe for their intended and ordinary use. The reason why vaccines are unsafe, or in other words harmful, is because they are made up of chemicals and other elements that are poisonous to the body."
"score": 0.6003144979,
"text": "Vaccines are made with ingredients that make them safe and effective to protect your child from disease. Each vaccine contains a small amount of the disease germ (virus or bacteria) or parts of the germ. Examples are the measles virus, pertussis (whooping cough) bacteria, and tetanus toxoid.himerosal is a mercury-containing preservative that is in the flu vaccine in small amounts to prevent bacterial and fungal growth. If a person received a vaccine contaminated with bacteria or fungi, they could get sick."
"score": 0.5942154527,
"text": "However, quantities of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, human serum albumin, antibiotics, and yeast proteins in vaccines have not been found to be harmful in humans or experimental animals. 1 vaccine safety. 2 thimerosal. 3 aluminum. formaldehyde. 4 gelatin. egg proteins. yeast proteins."
"score": 0.5879586935,
"text": "Why Products are Tested. Products are tested on animals for three reasons: safety (this includes correct product labeling), efficacy and liability. Many products are tested for safety to meet legal requirements to identify potential hazards to humans, animals and the environment."
"score": 0.5775095224,
"text": "Generally, yes. Influenza vaccines, including the H3N2 vaccine, have been studied carefully and are generally very safe. However, if you've had an allergic reaction (or other bad reaction) to a vaccine in the past, be sure to let us know before you receive any vaccine."
"score": 0.5736061335,
"text": "Alan Phillips, J.D. www.vaccinerights.com. Vaccine Fact Summary. 1. In 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that vaccines are \"unavoidably unsafe.\" Bruesewitz v. Wyeth LLC , 131 S. Ct. 1068, 179 L.Ed.2d 1 (2011).1. 2. National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) vaccine injury and death payouts 2:"
"score": 0.5728097558,
"text": "Vaccination: Vaccines are safe, effective, and recommended ways to prevent hepatitis B and HPV. HPV vaccines for males and females can protect against some of the most common types of HPV. It is best to get all three doses (shots) before becoming sexually active.e sure to ask your healthcare provider to test you for STDs — asking is the only way to know whether you are receiving the right tests. And don't forget to tell your partner to ask a healthcare provider about STD testing as well. Many STDs can be easily diagnosed and treated."
"score": 0.5716253519,
"text": "Some vaccines may also contain preservatives to keep the vaccine safe. Other vaccines may contain an aluminum salt, which helps the body to speed up the immune response. Nevertheless, vaccines are the only medically approved method to implement body with mechanisms of fighting viruses. Immunization schedule in Nigeria."
"score": 0.5696867704,
"text": "Recombivax HB (Hep B) Merck. This vaccine was not evaluated for safety using a control group. In three clinical studies, 434 doses of RECOMBIVAX HB, 5 mcg, were administered to 147 healthy infants and children (up to 10 years of age) who were monitored for 5 days after each dose."
"score": 0.5664664507,
"text": "Vaccines are known to be very safe. It is much. safer for your child to get this vaccine than to get. diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio or. Hib disease. Common reactions to the vaccine include soreness, redness and swelling where the vaccine was. given. Some children may have fever, drowsiness, fussiness, loss of appetite or an upset stomach. These. are mild reactions and usually last one to two days."
"score": 0.5645201802,
"text": "We are parents too and we also stress about making sure we are doing the best thing for our children. Regarding the fear of vaccines, scientific study has overwhelmingly shown that vaccines are effective, safe, and not related in anyway to autism or other developmental disorders."
"score": 0.5641746521,
"text": "Hepatitis A vaccines are derived from viruses grown in diploid cell cultures and are formalin inactivated.5 Safety of hepatitis A vaccination during pregnancy has not been determined. Because hepatitis A vaccine is produced from inactivated virus, the risk to the developing fetus is expected to be low."
"score": 0.5641577244,
"text": "Vaccines and Immunization. You can help protect yourself and others against seasonal flu and other vaccine-preventable diseases by getting immunized. Vaccines are some of the safest medical products. But, like any other medical product, there may be risks. Talk to your health care provider about the value of vaccines and their side effects. Vaccines to consider Influenza (flu): People who are 6 months and older should get the flu vaccine (flu shot). Get the vaccine each year because flu virus can change from one year to the next."
"score": 0.5627945662,
"text": "AAHA vaccine guidelines say that titer testing is an appropriate way to check for immunity to parvovirus, distemper and adenovirus. However, it is not recommended for canine leptospirosis, bordetella or Lyme disease, because these vaccines only provide short-term protection."
"score": 0.5617126822,
"text": "You already know that vaccines protect kids against severe and life-threatening disease, but you may not know exactly how vaccines are made to give your child a healthy defense. Vaccines are made using the disease-causing virus or bacteria, but in a form that will not harm your child."
"score": 0.5598127842,
"text": "After widespread use, some vaccines were found to have been contaminated with \"animal virus DNA that was not detected pre or post-licensure.\". The long-term risks to human health of injecting infants, children and adults with human protein/DNA have never been studied."
"score": 0.5579125285,
"text": "Understanding How Vaccines Work Last reviewed Februar y 2013 . Diseases that vaccines prevent can be dangerous, or even deadly. Vaccines greatly reduce the risk of infection by working with the body's natural defenses to safely develop immunity to disease. This fact sheet explains how the body fights infection and how vaccines work to protect people by producing immunity. The Immune System—"
"score": 0.5565133095,
"text": "A vaccine is a shot given to make you develop immunity. A titer is a blood test, to prove that you actually developed that immunity. I got all of my vaccines on time as a child, including MMR. However, I am no longer immune to measles or mumps. My body's immunity just kinda went away. It happens to some people."
"score": 0.5557570457,
"text": "'Vaccine Safety Commission': 50 studies the AAP failed to send President Trump. BY J.B. HANDLEY February 14, 2017. New nonprofit organization launched today, Vaccine Safety Commission. They list 50 studies the AAP \"forgot\" to send President Trump. Scientists, Doctors, and Journalists supporting the formation of a true, independent commission to study vaccine safety."
"score": 0.5534625053,
"text": "Vaccines contain killed or non-virulent (less pathogenic) strains of bacteria and viruses, and when these are injected into the blood, or swallowed, the body has a mild form of the disease, and is able to manufacture sufficient antibodies to acquire immunity."
"score": 0.5529706478,
"text": "For many vaccines, such as chicken pox, children receive boosters to boost the immunity received from a previous shot. Some children, however, might not need the booster because they had an adequate immune response to the first shot. Pediatricians sometimes will do a blood test to check a child's titers."
"score": 0.5510709286,
"text": "In some recent vaccine studies, the immunogenicity and safety profile of a two-dose schedule (0 and 6 months) of the adult formulation of the combined hepatitis A and B vaccine was investigated in children aged 1-11 years, as well as in adolescents aged 12-15 years."
"score": 0.5473650098,
"text": "Types of Routinely Administered Vaccines for Children. Vaccines work by preparing the body's immune system for future attacks by a certain disease, caused by either viruses or bacteria. Vaccines contain weakened bacteria or viruses, or parts of bacteria or viruses, and mimic these disease-causing agents (which are called antigens)."
"score": 0.5465752482,
"text": "Every time another dose of the vaccine is given, your baby's immune response increases. The vaccine is injected into your baby's thigh. The 5-in-1 vaccine works well. It produces very good immunity to diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, Hib and polio infections. The 5-in-1 vaccine is very safe. It's inactivated, which means it doesn't contain any live organisms, so there is no risk of your baby getting the diseases it protects against."
"score": 0.5452364683,
"text": "To check your response to hepatitis B vaccine To make sure you are protected against a disease you are likely to encounter A blood test for immunity can tell you whether you are protected. To learn whether your immune system responded to vaccination Vaccines rely on your immune system to make protective antibodies."
"score": 0.5442598462,
"text": "Two main types of HIV vaccines are currently being tested -- preventive and therapeutic. Preventive HIV vaccines: 1 Are tested in people who are HIV-negative. 2 Train the immune system to recognize and fight off HIV before it can establish infection and make the person sick."
"score": 0.5315145254,
"text": "The 8th and final report of the Immunization Safety Review Committee was issued by the Institute of Medicine. The report concluded that the body of epidemiological evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine (and thimerosal-containing vaccines) and autism."
"score": 0.5287852287,
"text": "A post-vaccination blood test, to assess if the vaccine course has been effective in producing protection against hepatitis B infection, is recommended four weeks after the third dose of the hepatitis B vaccine for people in the following categories: some would say all adults!"
"score": 0.5284670591,
"text": "Vaccines. Photo by: plrang. Vaccines are drugs used to increase the body's ability to combat disease organisms. Most vaccines are designed to help the body fight off a specific type of bacterium, protozoan, or virus.Some vaccines have been developed to stop the growth of cancer cells and to protect military troops from biological warfare. The administration of vaccines to animals and humans is called vaccination or immunization.accines for vaccination are made from the disease organism. They are composed of either a weakened (attenuated) form of the live disease organism, the killed disease organism, or chemical components of the disease organism."
"score": 0.527641058,
"text": "Chemicals commonly used in the production of vaccines include a suspending fluid (sterile water, saline, or fluids containing protein); preservatives and stabilizers (for example, albumin, phenols, and glycine); and adjuvants or enhancers that help improve the vaccine's effectiveness."
"score": 0.525105834,
"text": "Performing the safety test ensures you get an accurate dose. It ensures that the pen and needle work properly, and it also removes air bubbles in the insulin. Select a dose of 2 units by turning the dosage selector. Take off the outer needle cap and keep it to remove the used needle after injection."
"score": 0.5234130621,
"text": "In most cases, one or two doses of the chickenpox vaccine will provide ongoing immunity. It is common for schools and childcare institutions to require proof of vaccination or immunity to chickenpox prior to admittance. A simple varicella titer test can provide this information.This test may also be known as a chickenpox test, an immune to chickenpox test, or VZV. The varicella titer test (chickenpox) looks for the antibodies that indicate immunity as a result of clinical recovery or vaccination.n most cases, one or two doses of the chickenpox vaccine will provide ongoing immunity. It is common for schools and childcare institutions to require proof of vaccination or immunity to chickenpox prior to admittance. A simple varicella titer test can provide this information."
"score": 0.5232158899,
"text": "A vaccine—also called a \"shot\" or \"immunization\"—is a substance that teaches your body's immune system to recognize and defend against harmful viruses or bacteria before you get infected.These are called \"preventive vaccines\" or \"prophylactic vaccines,\" and you get them while you are healthy.reventive vaccines are widely used to prevent diseases like polio, chicken pox, measles, mumps, rubella, influenza (flu), and hepatitis A and B."
"score": 0.5227016807,
"text": "The tuberculosis (TB) skin test and the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination are two common procedures that most health care professionals should know how to perform.ather the MMR vaccine, 3 ml syringe, 25 gauge needle, two alcohol pads and a gauze pad. Unwrap the needle and syringe and assemble them by firmly pressing or twisting the hub of the needle onto the top of the syringe. Clean the rubber top of the vaccine vial with an alcohol pad and let it dry."
"score": 0.5210388899,
"text": "Sometimes vaccines are called immunizations, needles or shots. Here's how vaccines work: 1 Most vaccines contain a little bit of a disease germ that is weak or dead. 2 Vaccines do NOT contain the type of germ that makes you sick. 3 Some vaccines do not contain any germs."
"score": 0.5125640631,
"text": "It is common for schools and childcare institutions to require proof of vaccination or immunity to chickenpox prior to admittance. A simple varicella titer test can provide this information. This test may also be known as a chickenpox test, an immune to chickenpox test, or VZV."
"score": 0.5116792917,
"text": "How Vaccines Work. Vaccines, or immunizations, contain antigens that cause diseases; however, the antigens in vaccines are weakened or killed. Exposure to such weakened antigens stimulates the immune system to create antibodies that prevent disease. Children and infants are exposed to hundreds of antigens every day, adds Dr. Widerman."
"score": 0.5081920028,
"text": "Vaccines help protect against many diseases that used to be much more common. Examples include tetanus, diphtheria, mumps, measles, pertussis (whooping cough), meningitis, and polio. Many of these infections can cause serious or life-threatening illnesses and may lead to lifelong health problems. Because of vaccines, many of these illnesses are now rare."
"score": 0.5009097457,
"text": "Laboratory Testing. Varicella used to be very common in the United States before varicella vaccine became available. Health care providers could readily diagnose varicella by doing a clinical assessment. As a result, testing specimens and getting laboratory confirmation of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) were not usually needed."
"score": 0.4967733622,
"text": "Vaccine Checklist. Protect yourself and your family by getting vaccinated. Immunizations provide protection against diseases that could be prevented by vaccines. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to make sure you and your family are up to date on your vaccines."
"score": 0.4958273172,
"text": "Tuberculin Skin Test Infants and children who need a tuberculin skin test (TST) can and should be immunized. All vaccines, including MMR, can be given on the same day as a TST, or any time after a TST is applied. For most vaccines, there are no TST timing restrictions.MMR vaccine may decrease the response to a TST, potentially causing a false-negative response in someone who actually has an infection with tuberculosis.f the live vaccine is given first, it is necessary to wait at least 2 weeks (i.e., an incubation period) before giving the antibody. If the interval between the vaccine and antibody is less than 2 weeks, the recipient should be tested for immunity or the vaccine dose should be repeated."
"score": 0.4943986535,
"text": "Immunization : Measles, Mumps and Rubella MMR Vaccine. Vaccines (or needles or baby shots) are the best way to protect against some very serious infections. The Canadian Paediatric Society and the National Advisory Committee on Immunization strongly recommend routine immunization. The MMR vaccine is a three-in-one needle that protects against measles, mumps and rubella (German measles). It should be given to children soon after their first birthday. A second dose is given in combination with varicella (chicken pox), as MMRV (a four-in-one needle) at 4-6 years of age."
"score": 0.4943212569,
"text": "I think there is no problem with allergies and cancers when you use traditional vaccines because they are tested for long time. Never forget for genetic problems because they are responsible for autoimmune diseases. More problems would be appeared if you use multivalent vaccines in young dogs. ..."
"score": 0.4927430749,
"text": "Recent immunization with live virus vaccines (including influenza, measles, mumps, rubella, polio virus, smallpox, yellow fever) May suppress reactivity to any tuberculin test. If tuberculin skin testing is indicated, perform it either before or simultaneous with immunization or 4 to 6 wk after immunization."
"score": 0.4879826307,
"text": "We will obtain blood from persons with varicella, zoster, and those vaccinated with the varicella (not zoster) vaccine at the NIH Clinical Center and measure immune responses against specific viral proteins, look for virus in the blood, and in some cases measure immune responses against cellular proteins over time."
"score": 0.4853188396,
"text": "In any case, to keep vaccines viable or potent or \"good,\" you must keep. vaccines at the right temperature—no vaccines should become. too cold or too warm. Most vaccines should never freeze, and. MMR and varicella should be protected from light. Receive vaccine shipments. Open package immediately."
"score": 0.4805347323,
"text": "A simple varicella titer test can provide this information. This test may also be known as a chickenpox test, an immune to chickenpox test, or VZV. The varicella titer test (chickenpox) looks for the antibodies that indicate immunity as a result of clinical recovery or vaccination.his test requires a blood sample and typically sees results in 1-3 business days. The varicella IgG test is available by itself or as part of our Immunity Panel which also contains immunity tests for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, and rubella."
"score": 0.4797159433,
"text": "Watch how Fisher products are tested for safety, reliability, and performance and we explore new ways to meet process industries' needs of... Dec 8, 2017 View Video"
"score": 0.4780748785,
"text": "1 The standard screening test for FIV is called an ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay). 2 All ELISAs use variations of a labeled antigen format in which the test serum is reacted with FIV antigens. 3 FIV-specific antibodies bind to the antigens to form an antigen-antibody-antigen sandwich. Testing for Antibodies. 2 The commonly used clinical FIV tests are for antibodies to the virus, not for viral antigen (\"antigen\" being some component of the virus capable of initiating an antibody response)."
"score": 0.4754751921,
"text": "Do not store vaccine in the doors or crispier of the e unit and allow enough room between the boxes so there is adequate air circulation. Always use the vaccine with the earliest expiration date first. Move vaccine with the earliest expiration date to the front and mark it to be used first.Keep vials in their boxes. Document Temperatures: Document temperatures at a minimum of 2 times a day.Once at the beginning and once at the end of the clinic day.ROTECT VACCINES Vaccine Handling Tips Stabilize Temperature: Store ice packs in the freezer. Store large jugs of water in the refrigerator door. This will help maintain a stable, cold temperature in case of a power failure or if the refrigerator or freezer doors are opened frequently or left open."
"score": 0.4754186869,
"text": "A simple varicella titer test can provide this information. This test may also be known as a chickenpox test, an immune to chickenpox test, or VZV. The varicella titer test (chickenpox) looks for the antibodies that indicate immunity as a result of clinical recovery or vaccination. A varicella titer test can also be used to confirm a current chickenpox infection. An easy, affordable Varicella Titer Test (Chickenpox Test) At Request a Test, we have access to labs all over the country."
"score": 0.4613024294,
"text": "Therefore, they should be inspected to make sure that they are not broken or cracked when you take them. If any are broken or cracked, you will need to replace them. Typhoid vaccine must be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature between 2 and 8 C (35.6 and 46.4 F) at all times. If the vaccine is left at room temperature, it will lose its effectiveness."
"score": 0.4570454359,
"text": "Antigen vaccines. Antigen vaccines use specific proteins or parts of proteins (antigens) from the surface of cancer cells to stimulate the immune system to fight these cells. Cancer cell antigens are sometimes mixed with substances to help the vaccine work better.These substances are called adjuvants. vaccine stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies to fight a disease. Most vaccines are used to prevent infectious diseases caused by viruses, such as the flu, measles or polio. Cancer vaccines are used to: 1 prevent a cancer from developing (prophylactic, or preventive, vaccine)."
"score": 0.4498625994,
"text": "To measure the level of antibodies to particulate antigens, agglutination test can be widely used. For this test, serial dilutions of the sample can be made and it is tested for antibody. Then a fixed amount of particulate antigen or bacteria or red blood cells can be added to it."
"score": 0.4480136335,
"text": "Every refrigerator storing vaccines should have a freeze indicator (Freeze Watch™). It is strongly recommended that one freeze indicator be placed in each cold box. during vaccine transport and distribution. This is critical in places subject to low temperatures."
"score": 0.4427990913,
"text": "The HPTN 046 protocol, a prospective, randomised placebo-controlled trial looked at the safety and efficacy of nevirapine prophylaxis against HIV transmission in breastmilk, with infants followed up for 18 months."
"score": 0.4400874972,
"text": "The test is done by putting a small amount of TB protein (antigens) under the top layer of skin on your inner forearm. If you have ever been exposed to the TB bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), your skin will react to the antigens by developing a firm red bump at the site within 2 days. The TB antigens used in a tuberculin skin test are called purified protein derivative (PPD). A measured amount of PPD in a shot is put under the top layer of skin on your forearm. This is a good test for finding a TB infection."
"score": 0.3807576597,
"text": "Fan compartment safety switch: this article describes the door interlock safety switch found on air handlers used in both air conditioning and heating furnaces. We explain how the blower door safety switch works, how it is tested, installed, and wired. Green links show where you are."
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