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Even with the reporting changes we have implemented for 2021, and with the addition of two highly productive assets in the Powder River and Permian Basins, we still achieved five-year (2017 to 2021) reductions of 37% in GHG intensity and 44% in methane intensity. | 0not_target
• Net zero across the business • 100% green solutions to customers | 0not_target
90% reduction in delivery system GHG emissions by 2050 (1990 baseline) | 1target
Our Scope 3 emissions increased by 19% year-over-year in 2021. | 0not_target
As one of the key players of future energy in India, ONGC is committed to supporting the Government of India’s (GoI) COP-26 announcement of ‘five goals or Panchamrit’ (Net Zero by 2070, increasing non-fossil energy capacity to 500 GW by 2030, meeting 50% of the country’s energy requirements from renewables by 2030, reducing the carbon intensity of the economy by 45% and reducing total projected carbon emissions by one billion tonnes till 2030) . | 0not_target
While we have reduced normalized greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions by approximately 25% since 2009, we are committed to further reducing our environmental impact by setting ambitious new targets to reduce our global greenhouse gas emissions in line with the Paris Agreement, which is aimed at limiting the warming of global temperatures to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. | 0not_target
CommonSpirit participated in a series of advocacy engagements and social media efforts to inspire and encourage other health care and business sectors to join this movement of non-federal leaders working to cut U.S. emissions by half and reach net zero emissions by 2050, while guarding against the impacts of climate disruption. | 0not_target
Intending to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, we plan to invest ¥80 billion in greenhouse gas reductions by 2030. | 1target
(SBTi) CO2 reduction 50% 2030 | 0not_target
Operate safely every day and with zero incidents, zero injuries and zero accidents Achieve gender parity in senior leadership globally by 2032 Achieve general population ratio of people from underrepresented groups in U.S. senior leadership by 2032 Assess a minimum of 70% of our key suppliers globally using sustainability criteria by 2025 | 1target
● Focus on solving ESG issues CO2 emissions reduction Reduced by 25% | 0not_target
We achieved our Scope 2 carbon reduction target of 10% against a 2019 baseline. | 0not_target
3 tons of CO2e, a 13% increase year-over-year. | 0not_target
In July 2021 ClearBridge Investments announced it had joined the industry-leading Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAM), an international group of asset managers committed to supporting the goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions globally by 2050. | 0not_target
We reduced our Scope 1 + 2 emissions, furthering progress along our Science-Based Targets and significantly surpassed our renewable energy target, sourcing more than 95% of our global electricity consumption from renewable sources. | 0not_target
In 2021, our net operational carbon footprint resulted in zero kilotonnes carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2-e), mainly driven by continued use of 100% electricity from renewable sources and a continuing reduction in air travel due to COVID-19, as well as a reduction in air freight. | 0not_target
Dow's FCDh technology reduces capital outlay by up to 40 percent and lowers energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions by up to 20 percent, thereby improving overall sustainability when compared with conventional propane dehydrogenation technologies. | 0not_target
Our current target is to cut scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions a by 50 percent in absolute terms by 2025 | 1target
Strategic KPI 1: net zero portfolio by 2050 | 1target
Manufacturing recycled yarn from waste gas delivers direct benefits in energy conservation and carbon reduction, cutting GHG emissions by 30%. | 0not_target
The Board is also pleased that the business is making a commitment to become carbon net zero by 2050, more details of which you can find on page 58. | 1target
ukcp18-guidance---representative-concentration-pathways.pdf 3 Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 is a pathway where greenhouse gas emissions continue to grow unmitigated, leading to a best estimate global average temperature rise of 4.3°C by 2100 compared to the preindustrial period https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/binaries/content/assets/metofficegovuk/pdf/research/ukcp/ukcp18-guidance---representative-concentration-pathways.pdf | 0not_target
Our SBT commits us to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2030 from a 2018 base year, and to work with our suppliers representing 70% of our Scope 3 emissions to set science-based reduction targets by 2024. | 1target
President Biden set a goal for 50% of new passenger vehicles sold in 2030 to produce zero emissions and signed an executive order directing federal agencies to purchase 100% zero-emission light-duty vehicles by 2027. | 0not_target
And our average pack has a carbon footprint up to 70% lower than plastics, bottles or cans, with our SIGNATURE portfolio up to 58% lower still. | 0not_target
Over the years, fuel efficiency, measured by CO2 per available tonne kilometre (ATK) has improved by 28%. | 0not_target
Baseline and future scenarios analysis includes “optimistic” with emissions peaking and declining by 2040 with emissions constrained to stabilize at ~650 ppm CO2 and temperatures to 1.1–2.6°C by 2100; “business as usual” representing a world with stable economic development and rising global carbon emissions with CO2 concentrations reaching ~1370 ppm by 2100 and global mean temperatures increasing by 2.6–4.8°C relative to 1986–2005 levels; and “pessimistic” with steady rising global carbon emissions with CO2 concentrations reaching ~1370 ppm by 2100 and global mean temperatures increasing by 2.6–4.8°C relative to 1986– 2005 levels. | 0not_target
Reduce absolute scope 3 emissions from the upstream value chain— principally from the “raw material backpack”—by 15 percent by 2025 (reference base: 2020) | 1target
Resource efficiency goals supporting climate goals (2024): Take back used mobile devices from customers, 10% increase Take back and sustainably manage used CPEs from customers Zero technological waste disposal 100% sustainable packaging | 1target
Reduction in the Carbon Intensity Indicator Repsol has devised a CII measured in g CO2e/MJ as the main metric for monitoring the Company’s progress toward the goal of net zero emissions by 2050 upon achieving a 100% reduction in the CII. | 1target
In 2021, we achieved our target to reduce Scope 1 and 2 Greenhouse Gas emissions by 25% (from 2016 levels), four years ahead of our 2025 goal. | 0not_target
With an intent to meet sustainability commitments on science-based targets, carbon neutrality, and aligned with our recent commitment to Net Zero developments by 2030, the Company has incorporated Climate Responsive Design (CRD) as a first step to build energy efficient residential homes. | 1target
All this focused on achieving zero net emissions by 2050. | 1target
Will have completed carbon neutral voyages within the next five years – before 2027 | 1target
Our strategic response to carbon risks is our long-term commitment to decarbonize our investment and insurance portfolios to net-zero GHG emissions by 2050, consistent with a maximum temperature rise of 1.5˚C above pre-industrial temperatures. | 1target
˗ Reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) from production operations by 37% to 5 t of CO2 equivalent per tonne of Ni equivalent | 1target
We expect to reduce our CO2 emission by 75-80% with this line compared to a traditional coke-fired furnace line. | 0not_target
The European Union’s goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 within the scope of the European Green Deal and sustainable green recovery programs promoting a more resilient infrastructure after the COVID-19 pandemic are concrete indicators of the acceleration in this area. | 0not_target
The country now plans to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. | 0not_target
Vopak has committed itself to the following intermediary target: we will reduce our CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030 (vs 2021, scope 1 and 2 emissions)1. | 1target
Reduce specific GHG emissions by 30% | 0not_target
The Corporation announced its ambition to achieve net-zero emissions from its operated assets by 2050 (Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions) and is taking a comprehensive approach centered on developing detailed emission-reduction roadmaps for major operated assets. | 1target
These strategies include: • Our 1.5°C-aligned Science-based Targets to drive aggressive near-term decarbonisation across our global portfolio, paving the way to achieve net-zero emissions before 2050. | 1target
Our ideal vision for the future is set out in the Environmental Vision 2050, which details our plans for a value chain with zero environmental impact by aiming to achieve net-zero carbon emissions (in scopes 1, 2 and 3) by 2050. | 1target
These include a science-based target for carbon emissions in line with reductions required to limit global warming to 1.5°C, and reaching net zero for Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2025. | 1target
By the end of 2020, performance compared to 2017 regarding transport-related CO2 emissions had decreased by 8.4%. | 0not_target
In its full-year 2021 results, BP provided additional guidance on how its business will shift further towards fuels with lower carbon intensity and renewables and energy solutions, as it works towards its goal of net zero emissions by 2050. | 1target
Since 2017 we have had goals in place for reduced carbon dioxide emissions, approved by Science Based Targets, and in 2021 we established a clear roadmap for making all our mills fossil free by 2030. | 1target
The success of the event culminated in the announcement of several new initiatives including a target to achieve Net Zero operational GHG emissions (Scope 1&2) by 2030 and to achieve Net Zero overall by 2050, as well as increasing CIMB Group’s GSSIPS commitment to RM30 billion by 2024 from RM10 billion previously. | 1target
Working towards a net zero global value chain by 2050: • Transport: Reduce Scope 3 transport emissions by 25% per tonne of product sold1 | 1target
Kemira's increased use of renewable and zero-carbon energy sources such as nuclear energy facilitated our decrease in emissions while increasing our production by more than 11% compared to 2020. | 0not_target
used in the production of electricity (in 2021, 20% became subject to taxation, maintaining the exemption regarding the addition of CO2 for facilities facilities covered by the European Emissions Trading Scheme - EU ETS), there was a 79% increase in the ISP charge on natural gas compared to 2020. | 0not_target
In particular, the scenario analysis led us to develop two emission-related targets that were announced in 2021: an aspirational commitment to net zero emissions in our own operations, including Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, by 2050, and a near-term target to reduce Scope 1 emissions intensity from our operations by 15 to 20% by 2025, using a baseline year of 2019. | 1target
The Vida Manglar project pioneered a new approach to properly account for carbon stored below the water, accounting for up to 60% of the total carbon stored in these ecosystems, increasing the accuracy of the carbon value associated with protecting and restoring wetland ecosystems. | 0not_target
As a signatory of the initiative, and on the path to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions, Asset Management One has set an interim target for 2030 of ¥30 trillion in assets under management, equivalent to 53% of assets under management (as of March 2021). | 1target
The Peak Carbon Emissions Investment Fund established in cooperation with SPIC with a total size of RMB5 billion invested RMB4 billion within just over one year since its establishment. | 0not_target
Through 2021, we have been working on our Action Plan to achieve Net Zero emissions. | 0not_target
● reduce our Scope 3 indirect emissions by 25% in absolute terms, including our transportation and the use/end-of-life of our products in various markets. | 1target
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the use of renewable energy, climate risk analysis achieving carbon neutrality by 2026 and Net Zero Carbon 2040. | 1target
In support of the European Union’s ambitions on the path toward carbon neutrality and in light of Europe’s weight in its Scope 3 emissions in 2015 (256 million tons out of 410 million tons), the Company has set a specific target of reducing its Scope 1+2+3 emissions in Europe by 30% in absolute terms over the same period, as the reduction in sales of petroleum products will focus particularly on Europe. | 1target
Expand our low carbon collection business to collect 25% more business waste for recycling | 1target
CO2 risk identification and integration Pages 61 - 65 | 0not_target
Prioritising our activities where it matters most – net zero ambitions To outline how best we can support the decarbonisation of the UK economy, we have prioritised our activities around net zero ambitions associated with achieving net zero in our own operations by 2030 and for the activities of those we finance by 2050, with interim ambitions set for 2030. | 1target
Some of these initiatives include: transitioning to a net-zero emitting electricity grid by 2035; developing emission standards for different categories of vehicles and mandating a percentage of zero emission vehicles by specific dates; capping emissions from the oil and gas sector at current levels and declining at the pace to get to net zero by 2050; and developing a plan to reduce methane emissions across the broader Canadian economy in support of the Global Methane Pledge and Canada’s climate plan goals to reduce oil and gas methane emissions by at least 75 percent below 2012 levels by 2030. | 0not_target
JM has a concrete and ambitious goal of climate-affecting emissions close to zero by 2030. | 1target
GHG Emissions: Working to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner by reducing our carbon emissions and accelerating the transition to a net-zero carbon economy through our renewable power business and global transition investment strategy Clean Energy: | 1target
We upheld our commitment and maintained carbon neutrality in our direct operational carbon emissions status for the fourth financial year by sourcing almost 99% of our electricity consumption from renewable energy through the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates and offsetting the remaining unavoidable emissions of 17% through the purchase of verified and high quality carbon credits. | 0not_target
In August 2020, SKF announced the ambition to reduce CO2 emissions from business travel by limiting the amount of CO2 from business travel at 50% of the full year 2019. | 1target
Electricity consumed accounted for 69% of ferrous division’s scope 1 and 2 emissions and increased 2% year on year. | 0not_target
We will reduce the CO2 footprint of our managed equity investments by 75% by 2030 compared to 2019. | 1target
In addition, the EU has set a binding target to reduce domestic GHG emissions by at least 40% below the 1990 level by 2030 and a binding target to increase the share of renewable energy to at least 32% of the EU’s energy consumption by 2030. | 0not_target
Its aim is to reduce the Group’s emissions by 45% by 2030 compared with 2019, based on annual CO2 reductions and action plans within each network. | 1target
Sustainability | 0not_target
Recently expanded capital allocation framework that now includes climate risk mitigation as a factor and applies an internal carbon price • Environmental commitments to reduce our freshwater consumption and emissions by 2025 or earlier • Strong social commitments to our communities A replay of the event, the transcript and the presentations are available on our website antofagasta.co.uk/investors. | 0not_target
The world needs a historical surge in investments in renewable energy to reach net zero by 2050. | 0not_target
In general, the Company’s target asset allocations are as follows: global equities approximately 10% to 30%; fixed income approximately 70% to 90%; and cash, alternative investments and other, approximately zero to 10% at December 31, 2021. | 0not_target
In the case of our domestic food product business, wastes are recycled as raw materials for industrial use, agricultural feed, and composting and have already reached the level of zero landfill (0.4% of landfill rate as of 2020). | 0not_target
Primark’s carbon data for 2018/19 showed that 3% of its GHG emissions were from its operations. | 0not_target
Contribution towards national agenda of achieving Net Zero by 2070 Carbon neutral in operations by 2035 Effective mitigation of climate change related risks Environmental sustainability | 0not_target
so that 90% of our key suppliers will set their own GHG emissions reductions targets by 2025. | 0not_target
In 2021, we extended our long-standing climate strategy with a commitment to reach net zero resulting from all aspects (scopes 1, 2 and 3) of our business by 2050. | 1target
In its 1.5 °C scenario, the IEA is aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050, which requires a 39% reduction in net emissions from energy | 1target
Our long-term strategic objectives for the year 2030 include achieving carbon neutrality in our operations, with 95% of energy coming from clean, renewable sources; 100% mapping of the company’s scope 3 carbon emissions; the goal for women to make up 30% of our total workforce and 35% of our Board members; a reduction in “overboarding” and implementation of a maximum term on our Board of Directors; and the assignment of a fixed percentage of EBITDA to be destined for our social programme to support local communities. | 1target
These laws and regulations are subject to change, and any such change may limit or exclude existing or future business opportunities, require us to change technology, or incur expenditures to comply with such laws and regulations. | 0not_target
In financial year 2021–22, projects we have implemented include: –testing energy reducing initiatives in our new Brighton pet care centre to assess viability for including them in future new pet care centres; –installing LEDs into 100% of pets at home stores and office; –Group scope 1 & 2 carbon emissions intensity measured against revenue improved by 12.5% to 19.1 compared to 21.8 last year; –Group absolute scope 1 and 2 location-based carbon emissions grew by 1% compared to last year during which period sales revenue grew by 15.3%; and –Group absolute scope 1 and 2 location-based carbon emissions reduced by 39% against our 2015/16 base, a period in which sales revenue grew by 69%. | 0not_target
Including the new Scope 3 reduction target, we have the following ambitious mid-term targets: • Reduction of CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2) in European generation by at least 50% by 2030 (compared to base-year 2019) | 1target
The electricity emission under scope 2 accounted for 92.02% of total emission; the emission of petroleum gas for daily usage and diesel fuel for emergency usage under scope 1 accounted for 7.98%. | 0not_target
Through BECCS, we’re targeting 8Mt of negative CO2 emissions each year at Drax Power Station by 2030. | 1target
Reduced Carbon Intensity per Data Usage by 13.7% | 0not_target
At the same time, we are making great progress on our industry leading Decarbonisation Plan and are set to become carbon neutral by 2023 from operational emissions, with around 60 percent of our production already being carbon neutral. | 1target
FAURECIA decarbonization partner Faurecia, a global leader in automotive technology, chose ENGIE to assist it in its commitment to achieve CO2 neutrality for scopes 1 and 2 by 2025. | 1target
8.1 Cut direct EU ETS CO2 emissions from industrial complexes by 86% by 2035 (baseline: 2018). | 1target
Our business is dependent on funding from a combination of federal, state and local sources Our products are used in public infrastructure projects, which include the construction, maintenance and improvement of highways, streets, roads, bridges, schools and similar projects. | 0not_target
(-50% by 2030), a road map was developed with key activities to support the company’s carbon work during the next five years. | 1target
• Specific greenhouse gas emissions per metric ton of product manufactured are expected to be reduced by 50% from the 2005 benchmark by the year 2025. | 1target
In 2021, to further support our clients' climate-aware investing, we became a signatory to the NZAM initiative, an international group of asset managers committed to supporting investing aligned with the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. | 0not_target
Scope 1 - Own furnaces and chemical processes, 4.4% Scope 1 - Company owned vehicles and aircraft, 22.9% Scope 1 - Occasional emissions, e.g. through accidents, 0.6% Scope 2 - Heat, steam and cooling, 27.3% Scope | 0not_target
Odfjell Drilling has a target of 40% emission reduction by 2026, 70% by 2035 and to be a net zero emissions company in 2050. | 1target
• Strengthen climate action and invest in nature-based solutions for carbon sequestration to achieve 45% carbon neutrality by 2030 and 100% carbon neutrality by 2050. | 1target
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