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giant viking ship with many paddles and cannons, giant sails and masts in varying shades of brown
military jeep with stuart little the rat at the wheel
front view of a purple car with a vintage looking grill cover
giant yellow trailer truck with a damaged white vehicle in front of it
a palace hotel with two front ponds, a slide, swings and tall trees around the border
a black vintage car following behind a green vintage car
red helicopter with "renque fire 999" on its tail
half-complete naval ship with a blue hull
space rover with purple body and surveying equipment on mars with moon in the background
tintin in a black car
an old steam engine train with blue carriages, a red protective guard at the front and a clock with deer antlers on top of the front carriage traveling through the countryside
giant yacht with brown body and white sails
red propeller jet plane with white strip stickers on the sides flying above grassy plains and under a cloudy sky
pirate ship with ornate finishes at the back, openings on the sides for cannons, thick masts and beige sails
purple lighthouse on a rocky island with ships at the back and above a sea full of shipwrecked ships
blue vintage car with grey wheels and light grey front
purple bullet train with a "jacqueline" label in yellow
war rocket launcher with damaged vehicle parts in front
a blue, vintage jaguar with a jaguar figurine at the front
a giant colourful voyager ship with crests and symbols on the side and a few openings for cannon
war armoured rocket launcher with damaged parts of vehicle in front
black Audi with a blue-purple car plate and a spoiler at the back
long velvet limousine
viking ship with a purple hull and a snake front with giant sales that have trees on them
black citroen with orange hub caps and dark yellow leather seats from Tintin
julius caesar schip from tintin with a giant eagle statue at the front, purple paddles to the side, and a giant sail with red and yellow stripes
callan's mum riding a horse on a grassland with mountains at the back in the setting sun
single rocket launcher with damaged equipment in front
long blue vintage car with "1941" on the car plate
giant fighter jet with a red pointed tip at the front and a union jack symbol near the tail with a green-beige car carrying the pilot in front
xiaojiu and uncle sean taking a gondola ride around Venice
a black and shiny sedan car following behind a green vintage BMW
a red and slim open top vintage car
sleek red sports car
red range over with captions on the hub caps
hovercraft in grey-blue camouflage paint
purple open-top bugatti
red cruise ship with minimal windows in the ocean with a phoenix flying above it
a light grey vintage car
a black jaguar with dark brown leather seats and a jaguar figurine at the front
dark yellow car with dark wheels and hub caps
black sedan with spare tyre at the back and purple brake discs chasing a man on a grey motorbike

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