If a seed from a bonsai is planted in a large garden, would it grow into a big tree?
If I plant a small growing tree in a pot, will that tree grow into a bonsai?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power?
What are the advantages/disadvantages of nuclear power plants in the U.S.?
If a fish goes down the toilet, what happens to it?
What happens to a goldfish when it's flushed down a toilet?
I have fallen in love with this incredible girl, whom I have known for more than a year. Problem is, she has a boyfriend. What should I do?
I fell in love with my friend but now she has a boyfriend. What do I do?
Will full immersion VR, once it is available and common, be used instead of physical classrooms?
Why did Unix use shorthands for common command names, instead of their full name, for example, "cp" instead of "copy"?
Who is the best teacher in India?
Who are the best teachers in India?
Does India own any secret military research locations like Area 51?
Would you go to area 51 if it was opened up to the public?
What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Vietnam notice?
What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Singapore notice?
How can I view deleted Instagram dms?
Is there a way to see deleted Instagram photos?
What are the most interesting products and innovations that Vitamin Shoppe is coming out with in 2016?
What are the most interesting products and innovations that Charming Shoppes is coming out with in 2016?
How can an aircraft carrier survive a sea state of 8 and 9?
How does an aircraft carrier stay level?
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What are some good business opportunities in Varanasi?
Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Boundary County ID?
Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Valley County ID?
Are some people with bipolar disorder ashamed about how they acted during the manic episodes?
Are people with bipolar disorder afraid of experiencing manic episodes?
How much does it cost in India to register a trademark & copyright the content you have generated using your research?
How can I know when to use the registered trademark symbol?
Is a Tiger tank realistically as effective against Sherman tanks as shown in Fury?
What do current/former tank crewmen think about the movie Fury and its accuracy?
Help!!! My Antivirus (MBAM) quarantined necessary files. What do I do?
Does Mac require antivirus?
Do Indian women allow their husbands to sleep with other women?
Would any Indian wife allow her husband to sleep with other women?
I wanted to learn how much importance does GaTech Computer Science MS program give to GRE Scores?
What are some universities that give funding for a GRE score of 311 for an MS in the US in computer science?
What are the things to keep in mind when having sex for the first time?
What are things one should keep in mind while having sex for the first time?
How did Wikipedia first become popular?
How did Wikipedia become so popular?
What is the best way to teach a child to read?
How do you teach a 4 year old toddler to read?
How will rising sea levels and subsequent tidal changes affect libration of the moon and tidal locking?
How would I calculate the visible surface area of a moon caused by libration and axial tilt?
How can I permanently delete my question from Quora? Can deleting the profile help?
How do you delete a question from Quora?
What does '>>' mean in c++?
What does this mean in C?
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Which is best escort agency in Bangalore?
How can I register BHIM app?
How do I register a little app as a merchant?
How can I lose 4kg weight?
I'm overweight. How can I begin to lose weight?
What is the difference between a flapjack and a pancake?
Are flapjack knives legal in Canada?
Which is your favorite JUMLA of PM MODI?
What are some funny lies of Narendra Modi?
What is the best Royal Enfield bike?
Which is the best motor bike in the Royal Enfield series?
How can I make some easy money?
Which is the best way to earn easy money?
WhatsApp: Does whatsapp notify user when a screenshot is taken?
How can I be notified when someome takes a picture of our whatsapp chat?
If I know I am not ready for an interview for a software engineering internship position should I still do it or should I decline in order to not affect my chances next year?
I want to apply for big internships like Google, Facebook, etc., but most of the positions are titled software engineering. I have a lot of web development experience. Should I still apply?
How can I use Omegle on my iPod Touch and how is it compared to using
How can I use Omegle on my iPod Touch and how is it compared to using Wocchat?
How do I unsubscribe from Quora emails?
How do I get Quora to UNSUBSCRIBE ME from their emails? I have requested to be unsubscribed and gotten no results!
What should be the average pay scale of a fresher graduated in CSE from a private university?
Is $12,000 a month a good salary?
Why do dogs howl in their sleep?
Why would dogs howl in their sleep?
Have you ever left a voice message for someone who had died?
Have any of you ever come across such parents who themselves are animals lovers & have always thought there kids to love, care and be a voice for them?
Instagram (product): How do I get my forgotten IG account back?
How can I get into a locked Instagram account?
Will 7.62 Caliber Quad Stack magazines fit into the IWI Galil Ace?
How are bra sizes measured?
Can we start a sentence with "As well,"?
Can you start a sentence with "as"?
How would you describe India in one sentence to someone from North America who has never been to India?
What is the best sentence describing India?
What do you think about Modi government banning 500 & 1000 currency note from 9th November?
What do you think about the Indian Government policy of not circulating INR 500 and INR 1000?
Can you drink green tea before sleeping?
Can I drink green tea before sleeping?
Is it acceptable to convert to Islam for the sake of marriage?
Does Islam permit love marriage?
Can I make my hair hard?
How can we make our hair hard?
How can I make animation?
How to make an anime opening?
How do you come to know that you love her or not?
How will you come to know that you are in love?
Where can I find a Nokia Lumia 640 XL review?
Does WhatsApp run on a Nokia Lumia 640 XL?
What is an appropriate computer setup for a programmer?
What are some different hardware setups used by programmers?
Daniel Ek: When is Spotify coming to india?
When will Spotify launch in India?
How do I sell celebrity domain name?
How can I sell the domain name for?
What is Microsoft Surface Studio?
What do you think about the Microsoft Surface Studio?
How can I connect with the owner of a Twitter handle I want, but is not being used?
How can I get a Twitter handle from a squatter?
What are the coolest music note tattoo designs?
What are some ideas for getting a back music note heart tattoo?
My 10-year-old son is so lazy and irresponsible. How can I help him change?
My Son, 7 years old, walked into my room crying and asked me to make them stop. When I asked who he was talking about he just started pointing at nothing. When I confronted him what happened in the morning he told me he didn't know what I was talking about, what happened?
What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Republic Airlines?
What are some things new employees should know going into their first day at Spirit Airlines?
What is the best smartphone for 2016?
What are the best smartphones of 2016?
What is the best free tool available for WhatsApp marketing?
Can I do whatsapp marketing for free?
What is a good solar panel installation provider in Merced, California CA?
Which is a good solar panel installation provider in Huron, California CA?
What's the difference between hiking and walking?
What is the difference between hiking and walking?
When should I ask a girl on a date?
How can I make this girl date me?
What is airtel hotspot? What is the difference between hotspot and dongle?
What is the best mobile hotspot?
How can I improve my communication skill and English proficiency?
What is the best way to improve my spoken English soon?
Can a man lose his virginity by masturbating? If yes how?
How did you lose your virginity as a man?
14 countries voted against Israeli settlements when the UN conferenced. Which countries voted to condemn Israel for their settlements?
What can the UN do to stop Israeli settlements in the West Bank if the US refuses to vote on any resolutions?
How much do assistant directors earn in Telugu film industry?
Who is the best director of Indian film industry?
In an outbreak of a war, if all the country could do was defend and have no attack powers which country would hold out the longest?
Which countries have ever attacked and occupied Japan in the past 200 years?
What does it mean when a girl says you’re crazy?
What does that mean if a girl calls you crazy?
How do I play Xbox 360 games on the PC?
Are there any Xbox 360 emulators?
Does the FADA only allow Christians to discriminate against LGBT? Or can anyone discriminate and cite any religion as a reason?
What is the etymology of the elements in the periodic table?
What is the biggest mistake you have ever made in your life which you love as well as regret?
What is the biggest mistake you have ever made?
What is the best path I should take to improve my English?
What are the best ways to improve English?
How do I improve my writing?
How do you get better at writing?
Is Trump’s son autistic?
Did Rosie O'Donnell make a mistake by publicly speculating that Barron Trump is autistic?
How do I solve the equation?
How do I solve this equation?
Do BBC news APP use webview to load their responsive website?
How do I convert my Wordpress news website to a Android app?
What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Ukraine notice?
What are some unexpected things first-time visitors to Vietnam notice?
What is the difference between ecology, environment, and ecosystem?
What do we call the living things in an environment/ecosystem?
When we fly why we feel lighter while gravity is still pulling us down?
Why we are having little fear when we see cop while we driving in roads even though we have all mandatory things in our side? Why we are not feeling secure when police around us like other developed countries?
How can I get a Facebook account manager?
How do I create a Facebook account?
How do you outweigh if it is better to invest in RRSP's or GIC? Or is something else better long term?
How should I make money off of free phone charging kiosks?
How can you tell if you have an old soul?
How do you find out if you have an old soul and who's soul you have?
If the diameter of the earth is 8000 miles, what is the average speed of miles per hour Phileas Fogg needs to circumnavigate the earth about the equator in 80 days?
If I can run 17 miles per hour, am I considered fast?
What happens if you start pounding your chest in front of a gorilla?
What will happen if a gorilla punches a human?
I start learning programming with Java, Is that a wrong step in learning programming? Do I have go back to start with another language?
How do I start learning programming from beginner to expert?
I want to start a business. I am a computer science graduate. How does one know that a product/idea will be successful?
I am a student and have a unique hotel business idea and I do not know how to get investment? Where should I start?
What causes our skin to feel itchy?
Why is it stressed that Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) is the last prophet?
What do Latin abbreviations such as i.e., e.g., cf., and et al. stand for, and what do they mean?
Where can I get a few phrases translated from English to Latin? I don't trust machine translation (e.g. Google) as it may end up as part of a tattoo.
What is motive behind the "surgical strike"?
What is the motive behind the "surgical strike"?
What's the future of biotechnology?
What is scope in biotechnology?
Why am I so scared all the time?
Why am I so scared?
What do NFL football players eat before a game?
What do NFL football players do during halftime?
How shoud I start my preparation for IAS?
What's the process to start study of IAS?
What initiatives should Indian government must take for better performance of athletes in olymics 2020?
In what ways is the Indian government better than the government of other countries like the USA?
Who are some of your favorite Quorans?
Who is your favorite Quoran on Quora?
How is it determined that a baby boy or baby girl will be born? Also under what conditions would a third gender be born?
Gender Ratios: Does the probability of having a boy or girl baby ever change?
What is your package?
What is packaged investments?
How can you calculate the pH of concentrated sulfuric acid?
How can you determine the pH of sulfuric acid?