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"Getting the right vitamins through a vegan diet? Vegan in recovery? Vitamin malapsorbtion? Do you need supplements as a vegan?\nSo first off, i still stand by my opinion that a vegan diet in recovery from an eating disorder is not recommended. And this is because 1) You need alot of food (most often) in recovery and unless you are eating alot of nuts, oils and avocado it can be hard to reach the right calorie amount. 2) Your body is in a much higher need of vitamins and minerals as well as protein to repair the body and unless you are food combining right and eating alot of food as well as varied it can be hard to reach the right amount (however with a dietitian who has knowledge about a vegan diet its not impossible, but not something i would recommend you do on your own), 3) if you have an eating disorder a vegan diet can be restrictive… it doesnt have to be restrictive but if you have fear foods or dont want to eat bread, pasta, potatoes, oil, avocado, nuts etc you might end up just eating vegetables and fruit and that ISNT enough in recovery or for anymore in all honesty. 4) I wouldnt put labels on yourself… instead just be open to everything, maybe you were vegan before you became sick so you could never eat meat again but maybe you crave some dairy or eggs…. then eat it, that might be just what your body needs. Dont have any labels or restrictions on yourself in recovery, maybe in the future when your body is physically and mentally healthy then you might be able to live a 100% vegan lifestyle, but in recovery that might not be the case. Remember that eating a few plant based meals each day still makes a difference!\nSo, you can ask yourself…. is a vegan diet actually healthy when you need supplements, b12 atleast… the others you might/might not need. I often get asked this question and all i can say is that i dont eat a vegan diet because its \"Healthy\", but because i believe its ethically right. You can eat just oreos and vegan cheese and vegan chocolate and be a vegan… but that isnt healthy. Jjust like you can eat just bananas or just raw food but that doesnt make it healthy either…. (In fact i often wonder how healthy raw vegans actually are or fruitarians as they must be missing alot of vitamins or minerals or even enough protein?).\nFor an adult who is physically active, healthy and has no underlying illnesses or no problems with digestion or food absorption then a vegan diet which is balanced and varied it can be healthy…. but for someone with an underlying illness or has problem with vitamin absorption then it can be a problem.\nPost: Do you need supplements as a vegan?\nOf course i don't want to deter you from eating plant based however knowledge is so important or going to a professional with knowledge about a vegan diet and how to help you/give you advice (i.e me in the future hahahah!). I'm not saying i have the best diet, i dont actually think about what i eat or about my vitamins or mineral levels, but in 2 weeks time i'm getting my blood tests done (and 1 year as a vegan) as well as going to a dietitian and we'll see what my blood tests say and whether i might be lacking something or not. I do take a multivitamin everyday as well as extra vitamin D as well as a vegan Omega 3 tablet, and then i need more of other vitamins and minerals because of my CF.\nNext Post Vegan dishes to make when inviting people for dinner.\nI have heard a lot about needing B12 supplements so I will definitely go that route. You're so right about needing to eat more, I have been very hungry and when I looked at my calorie count I realized I was way under the goal for my body and activity level! I like this post and I will definitely be referencing your other posts for more info. Thank you!\nYes if you are eating a strict vegetarian/vegan diet then a b12 supplement is a must 🙂 When eating plant based it can be easy to end up eating less than you need if you don't increase portion sizes or more calorie dense foods!\nIs there an optimum time for taking supplements? And should you always take them with food?" |
"With so many new milk products on the market, it can be confusing to know which one you should be drinking. Many people confidently switch to almond milk thinking it's a healthier choice than dairy. But is it really?\nThere are pros and cons to all types of milks.\nCow's milk is the simplest, most natural form of milk. It is a balanced source of carbs, protein, and fat and naturally has many vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.\nIf you are allergic to milk (2-4% of kids are) or lactose intolerant, a plant-based milk may be a better option. If not, cow's milk is a great source of protein, calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients.\nPlease don't be concerned with dairy affecting your hormones (read more here).\nMany plant-based milks now add in nutrients, like calcium, vitamin D, and B12 at values that are comparable cow's milk.\nNut based milks are obviously not nut-allergy friendly and oat and coconut milks may not be suitable for FODMAP diets.\nSome varieties of plant-based milks may also have added oils and gums which some people may not tolerate well.\nChoosing a milk that is best for you depends on your own dietary needs and lifestyle. While there are plenty of healthy alternatives to cow's milk, they may not necessarily be healthier.\nIf you are considering switching from cow's milk to a plant-based milk, I would suggest choosing a variety that has added calcium and vitamin D and is free of artificial sweeteners.\nPersonally, I love cow's milk. I love the taste, it's the most affordable, and it is naturally nutrient dense. But, I find I don't drink a ton of it and when I buy it it is often wasted. Instead, I keep soy milk in my pantry because it is shelf stable and I have it on hand when I need it for a smoothie or another recipe. If I were to drink a glass of a plant-based milk, I think the Bolthouse Farms unsweetened milk tastes the absolute best.\nBelow you'll find the nutrition content of a variety of milk options to help you make a more informed choice." |
"I was a vegetarian, and for some years a vegan (strict vegetarian), during my early adult life. I chose this path for a mixture of health, environmental, and ethical reasons. But I do not recommend this for the preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum years. I'm not knocking the power of a plant-based diet. Indeed, I have known and read about people recovering from very serious diseases through radical plant-based diets. Yet, for most of us, the research (and every nutritionist and doctor that I interviewed for this book) suggests that the healthiest diets for growing babies are those that are based primarily on the consumption of lots of fresh, organic vegetables, with a good mix of organic whole grains, fruits, fats, and animal products. Pregnancy and early childhood are a time for growing (not fasting, detoxifying, or dieting.) Learn more about detoxifying and what to do and not to do during the family-growing time here.\nIf your religious beliefs or ethics require you to be vegetarian, then that is the right choice for you, although I do encourage you to seek guidance in ensuring you and your child are getting enough amino acids, calcium, iron, vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, and good fats in general.\nIf not, then I urge you to consider including small amounts of animal protein, especially bone broth and fish oil, into your diet. Make sure they are from sources as happy, healthy, and free-ranging as you, yourself, want to be. Learn how to Read Labels and Organic-ize Your Diet.\nIt can take extra work to raise your child vegetarian, especially vegan. Here is some of what you need to know.\n1. First and foremost, a vegan baby should be breastfed for as long as possible (at least a year). There is some concern that the breast milk from vegan moms may lack sufficient DHA, an omega-3 vital for eye and brain development, and taurine (an amino acid). Similarly, postpartum mothers need to be very careful about these levels for their own health and happiness.\n2. Babies and young children need cholesterol to build their brains and nerve cells. Egg yolks contain both cholesterol and choline used for healthy brain development. For vegans, cholesterol can be made in the body from healthy saturated fats such as avocado, flax seeds and oil, and coconut oil. But it's not clear that babies can synthesize all the cholesterol they need from vegan sources alone.\n3. Children need good-quality fats. Brains are made up of 60 percent fat, more than a third of which is the essential fatty acid DHA. Essential fatty acids are fats that the body can't produce itself. They are found in fish, fish oil, and seaweed, and can be made from olive oil, seeds, and nuts. Read more about fats and finding safe fish.\n4. Children need bile to process fat, and taurine plays an essential part in the production and flow of bile. Taurine is also essential in the development and function of the brain and nervous system, kidney development, and the removal of toxins from the body. Taurine can be low in strict vegetarians, as meat, fish, and dairy (and breast milk) are its major sources. Although adults can manufacture some taurine themselves from the essential amino acids methionine and cysteine, newborns cannot. Taurine production can be inhibited by chronic candida, bacterial imbalances, elevated levels of mercury, lead, and cadmium, and exposure to MSG. Urine analysis has shown taurine deficiency in 62 percent of autistic children.\n5. Children need protein. The protein in meat, fish, eggs, and milk is usu- ally considered of higher quality, but protein can be gotten from plant sources such as peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, seeds, sprouted nuts, and some whole grains. Learn how to cook and prepare and combine foods to maximize their protein content and minimize the anti-nutrients that might inhibit absorption.\nand omega-3 fats, which are found in fish.\nSoy can inhibit the absorption of protein and minerals and should be avoided altogether in babies.\nLearn more about healthy eating on the award-winning website TheGreenMama.com. Get great recipes, inspiration, and research (as well as lovely photographs) at your fingertips in the Green Mama books. And sign-up for the Green Mama newsletter to get a few tips delivered semi-regularly in your inbox. (I promise to never share your information, keep each email super short, and sometimes to make you laugh.) Sign-up here." |
"These Paleo recipes will help you prepare wholesome, delicious Paleo-friendly meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and dessert! These recipes are perfect to make for easy meal prep, too!\nCan you do Paleo with dairy?\nApparently, there is a gray area where dairy products are concerned. Some Paleo dieters believe that dairy products such as milk and yogurt are okay if they are in raw form. Others believe that hunters and gatherers did not have access to milking cows. As a result, to comply with the strictest of Paleo guidelines, none of the recipes in this roundup include dairy products.\nWhen something catches your eye that you want the recipe for, simply click on the photo or the link beneath it." |
"What's more, as The Great Dairy Debate rages on, the appearance of almond milk lattes at coffee shops, coconut yogurt at the supermarket, and vegan cheese on pizza menus indicates that for many people, the decision to go dairy-free has as much to do with being trendy as it does with actual health concerns.\n\"As an integrative nutritionist, my recommendations are always individualized to my clients. If you enjoy dairy, have no major health complaints, and feel good consuming it, I see no reason to give it up,\" Stewart says.\nIf you decide to go dairy-free, be sure you're making up for any nutrients you may miss out on by opting for healthy substitutes—there are plenty! Get your protein from lean meat or legumes, and calcium from tofu, almonds, or leafy greens. Look to eggs, fatty fish, or fortified plant-based milks to meet your vitamin D requirements and whole grains for phosphorus.\nFrances Largeman-Roth, R.D.N. Taz Bhatia, M.D." |
"Breastfeeding is somewhat of a social taboo these days, but being a vegan and a mother has only strengthened my support for breastfeeding. When my first son was born, I didn't think twice about breastfeeding – for starters, it's FREE, it's natural, and when you really think about it – why would you rather give your precious baby the milk from a cow than from your own body? It just makes so much sense – humans milk is for human babies, and cows milk is for calves. Breast is best! I am now breastfeeding into the 2nd year of my second son's life and I see no reason to stop yet, my son is absolutely thriving! Also, the World Health Organisation recommends breastfeeding at least until the age 2 – I completely agree.\nBreastfeeding can however be taxing on your body. Human breastmilk is the same quality when you get it from a vegan or non-vegan, whether you drink cows milk or almond milk, as your body will find the nutrients somewhere in your body to produce your milk. So if you aren't eating a nutritious diet (which can be difficult as a new mum, I know – you have other things to be worrying about instead of eating!) your body may be stripped of valuable nutrients. Your baby won't be malnourished from a diet of breastmilk, however you may end up being so. This is why it is so important to eat healthy (and plentifully) during the time you are breastfeeding. Eating well and drinking plenty of water is also important to keep up your breastmilk supply, particularly important during those first few weeks.\nSo what to eat while breastfeeding? Trail mixes of nuts and dried fruit are excellent snacks – I use to keep some in the car to eat while driving if I was hungry, both when pregnant and afterwards. Fresh fruit is also a good choice for snacks, it is hydrating and full of nutrients. Make green smoothies for breakfast or in between meals, and make fresh salads to go with lunch and/or dinner – I really believe that leafy green vegetables are important in a vegan diet, so try to eat some each day in some form, either in smoothies, salads, or cooked.\nAnd if you're worried about losing the weight you put on during pregnancy – don't be! If you breastfeed, it will work it's way off during the first year of your baby's life without you having to do much at all – as I mentioned earlier, the breastmilk will gather it's nutrients from your body, and this includes fat (which is a vital part of milk). So really, feel free to eat as much as you feel necessary while you are breastfeeding – if you are hungry, eat! Also note that you should be eating a bit extra to account for the milk your body is producing. For more information about extra nutrients required during breastfeeding, please read this page at The Vegan Society.\nOne of my favourite treats to have on hand during this stage of my life are raw vegan bliss balls – made with protein-rich almonds, medjool dates and cacao nibs, they are both nourishing and energising for your body.\n1. Place almond and walnuts in food processor, blend until finely chopped.\n2. Add cacao nibs and dates and blend until the mixture starts to stick together.\n3. Get your hands in there and form some little bliss balls! If your mixture if a bit dry and not sticking well, add a little bit of water – start with 1 tsp, you won't need much!" |
"By now we hope you've received your copy of Weekday Weekend and tasted some of Emma + Elsie's delicious recipes. I've said it once, but again, what I love so much about this cookbook is its versatility and flexibility. So you eat meat? Cool! Unwilling to sacrifice cheese? (Guilty!) That's okay too. That said, we're received lots of wonderful feedback and questions regarding the \"dairy rule,\" so we wanted to go ahead and tackle milk and milk alternatives. While I'm so excited about this topic, in my reading it seems there are a lot of theories floating around and much research is still inconclusive. We dietitians believe in evidence-based practice, so hopefully we can keep this post as objective, unbiased and informative as possible.\nIn the cookbook, Lindsey and I preface the \"dairy rule\" with the disclaimer that we ourselves consume cow's milk and cow's milk products. However, we try to follow a few basic rules and shop smart (more on this below). Please understand if cow's milk isn't your thing, you can absolutely still consume a healthy, balanced and sometimes superior diet. Some studies even suggest the avoidance of cow's milk can improve certain conditions like IBS andacne. Furthermore, cow's milk allergy is considered the most common allergen in children under 2.5, so hallelujah, alternatives exist! Lindsey has already completed loads of research and gone into great detail about calcium and vitamin D, specifically geared towards those plant-based eaters out there—you can read more on recommended intakeshere. But without any further adieu, let's begin by covering cow's milk.\nOkay, so you drink cow's milk and stock your fridge with cheese and yogurt. Fab. Cow's milk is affordable, nutritionally balanced and the most easily accessible milk option available to consumers. Providing a healthy amount of protein, calcium, vitamin D and phosphorus, it has long been considered an integral part of every meal. However, is it really as great as some claim? From a socioeconomic perspective, when you consider that nearly20.1 million free lunches are distributed every day in the U.S., there is no arguing that a carton of white milk is a nutritive option when compared to other options available in schools. However, for most of us, it can be very easy to overdo it when it comes to dairy. Reality check: one ounce of cheese (about the size of a pair of dice) equals one dairy serving. (Waah!) That'd make for one sad looking cheese board.\nThe RDA for calcium (for those 19 years and up) is 1,000-1,200 mg/day, which is easily achieved by consuming 1-2 sources of dairy alongside fresh fruits, veggies and meats. This is why the World Health Organization and the American Diabetes Association are now backing plant-based diets. Friendly reminder, a plant-based diet does not equate to a vegetarian/vegan diet. Plant based just means focusing on mainly fresh fruits, veggies, tubers, legumes and whole grains.\nNo hormones, ever: Specifically rBGH and rBST. rBGH is a growth hormone given to cows to increase milk production and, interestingly, is not permitted for use in Europe or Canada. While studies are inconclusive, it has been shown that rBGH has caused adverse health effects in animals, so for now, probably best to avoid these hormones.\nTry to keep it local: Heck, if you can, tour a neighboring dairy farm so you see exactly where your dairy is coming from. If your local dairy is transparent and welcomes observation and community involvement, chances are the treatment and feeding practices are desirable. Look for cows to be grazing and active—these are signs of healthy cows, which equals healthier consumables for you!\nBuy organic: As mentioned above, grass fed or pastured cows, are preferred. For a milk to be labeled organic, the cows must be pastured at least 30% of the time. Furthermore, grass fed cows produce milk with higher omega-3 and CLA content. I typically recommend 1-2 servings of whole fat dairy products a day as the fat aids in vitamin absorption and promotes satiety.\nPerhaps the first real \"milk alternative\" to hit the scenes, soymilk appeared on U.S. shelves in the mid-1980s. Soy milk is easily accessible to shoppers and an excellent source of protein, vitamin A, vitamin B12, potassium and calcium —great news for vegans and vegetarians!\nDespite these perks, questionable claims regarding the health effects of soy have left many puzzled. From possibly causing cancer to affecting fertility, soy is the king of controversy when it comes to health foods. We could go on about this, as there is a lot to consider (spoiler alert: future blog post coming soon!). However, for the sake of this post, I'll keep it concise. Quality soy is safe in moderation; it does not affect thyroid function in those with healthy thyroids and the American Cancer Society has stated whole soy foods can reduce the risk of certain cancers. When you shop smart (organic, non-sweetened versions), soy milk is an excellent choice when consumed smartly and in moderation.\nMade using ground almonds and water, almond milk is largely … water. So don't be surprised when you notice the protein and fat content are significantly lower than, say, a handful of almonds. Almond milk is often fortified with vitamin E, calcium and vitamin D, so it is a good vitamin/mineral substitute if eliminating cow's milk. Just remember you'll need to balance your meal with protein and fat coming from other real food sources.\nCoconut milk is quickly becoming all the rage, and for good reason! Remember, we're talking about the slightly watered down version meant to mimic milk's consistency, not the stuff you'll find in the can on grocery store shelves. Coconut milk contains no protein and less calcium than cow's milk (100 mg/8 oz in coconut milk vs. 300 mg/8 oz in cow's milk). However, it is a good source of MCT's, a healthier form of saturated fats which provide a wide range of health benefits when consumed in moderation. RD recommendations to counter the nutrient deficit? Toss in an extra handful of almonds or kale to split the difference and come out on top.\nUnless you suffer from multiple severe food allergies, rice milk isn't my fave. Just look at the nutritionals—it's basically just starch and water. No protein, minimal fats. Sure, some brands are fortified with calcium, iron and vitamin B12, but for all intents and purposes, I'd try another milk alternative first before settling with rice milk. Also notable, detectable levels of arsenic were found in Consumer Reports testing of rice milk, so it is recommended to consume no more than ½ cup per day and not give regularly to children under 5 unless otherwise advised by a physician.\nMany say hemp milk is an acquired taste thanks to its earthy, seedy flavor. Once you get past the taste, as long as you are getting calcium from other dietary sources, I give hemp milk the green light! Made by mixing water with cannabis seed (sorry guys, no other snazzy side effects), hemp milk is a great source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids and is often fortified with calcium, vitamin D and vitamin B12. It's a great option for those who battle with gas, bloating or other IBS symptoms as it is low in oligosaccharides, the gas producing sugar present in some milk and milk alternatives. The downside is the low calcium content and high price tag that comes with a carton of hemp milk.\nGoat's milk has a nutrition breakdown similar to cow's milk while being lower in lactose, making it easier for some to digest. It is also higher in vitamin A, potassium and calcium than cow's milk, making it the preferred post-exercise drink for many, thanks to the extra load of electrolytes. It has a somewhat strong flavor and does contain casein, technically not making it approved for those with a true milk protein allergy. However, studies have shown that goat's milk is very low in Alpha S1 casein and primarily contains Alpha S2 casein. In layman's terms, this means that some who have traditionally been unable to tolerate cow's milk are able to handle goats milk. Depending on the severity of your allergy, goat's milk may be worth a try after discussing with your physician.\nCashew milk is the slightly more nutritious option than almond milk, thanks to the added fiber, antioxidants and copper present (which aids in iron absorption). Cashew milk is a good option for those who are wary of soy milk but still want a little more bang-for-their buck than almond milk. Take note of its miniscule protein content and be sure to incorporate real food protein to make up for this loss.\nPea milk is quickly becoming my new obsession. I mean really, it's equivalent in protein to cows milk while providing fewer carbs, #winning! It has 50% more calcium than cow's milk and legit, tastes a lot like milk. Only downside is the higher than usual amount of omega 6 fatty acids. However, some brands, likeRipple, do a great job at counteracting this by adding in extra omega 3's.\nWhichever route you choose to go with milk, just do your research and remember, everything is good in moderation. Unless you are affected by malnutrition, malabsorption or another medical condition where your physician asks you to supplement your diet, most of us following a healthy diet don't need more than a glass or two of milk/milk sub a day. Lindsey is going to chime in with some information regarding pasteurization of milk products, as I think there is some confusion about this process. Thanks, as always, for reading and please feel free to comment with your favorite milk alternative!\nUltra-pasteurization. What in the world does this even mean? How is it done? Why is it done? Why does it seem like organic milk is always ultra-pasteurized? Does it mess my milk up? There are a few of the questions you may have around the subject of ultra-pasteurization and I am here to clear the air. Pasteurization is a process that involves heating milk to kill potentially harmful (and beneficial) bacteria and extend shelf life. Your standard gallon of milk is typically pasteurized by a process called High Temperature Short Time or HTST. This involves heating milk to 161 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds. Ultra-pasteurized milk is heated to a higher temp (280 degrees) for 2 seconds in a process called Ultra High Temperature (UHT) pasteurization. So why the difference? It all comes down to shelf life. While standard pasteurized milk and UHT milk both spoil in about five days after they're opened, before opening UHT milk will not spoil for 70 days versus 15-21 days for standard pasteurization. This is desirable from a retailer's standpoint and is why many organic milk brands offer a UHT version of their milk—the retailers are more likely to carry organic milk in their store when they are unsure of how it will sell if it can stay on the shelf longer. Critics of UHT milk cite that nutrient content is lower and proteins are damaged in the process that may be harmful. However, evidence suggests UHT and HTST milk is similar in nutrient content to raw milk. While changes to proteins in the milk may occur after pasteurization, evidence that this is harmful is lacking. Pasteurization does kill some bacteria that may be beneficial, but this does not make the milk unsafe. So, don't feel alarmed when you see the terms pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized on your milk's label.\nCredits // Author: Sarah O'Callaghan with contributions from Lindsey Kelsay. Chart design: Mara Dockery. Photos: Emma Chapman, edited with ACS desktop actions.\nthank you SO MUCH for your comments about UHT pasteurization. i work in milk manufacturing and my brain starts to boil when people talk about UHT as being \"unhealthy\" or \"processed\". your explanation was wonderful.\nJust an FYI in number 4: the phrase is \"intents and purposes.\" From a writer who got dinged at her job for writing \"intensive purposes.\" Cheers!\nThese posts are so helpful! These dietitian posts are packed with info that a video talking through everything would be so helpful!\nThank you for this very informative post! I have a question: where I live (The Netherlands – yes, that country with freakishly tall people who love their dairy), Almond milk is being advertised as actually not very healthy because of the high sugar content. I do not read anything about that in your post. Is this something that is different in the US perhaps? Or has it changed in the last couple of years?\nThank you! I asked because I do like Almond milk :). But I will also check out pea milk for sure! Everything that tastes like real milk has a pre in my book!\nAnd weren't you and Elsie in Amsterdam at some point? Or am I remembering this incorrectly? I admit I read a lot of blogs so it might have been someone else!\nI second Emma on this one – most unsweetened almond milks I've seen here in the states have very little to no sugar present. Just double check the label to be sure and avoid the sweetened options.\nYay milk alternatives! I LOVE whole milk in my coffee but I use unsweetened almond milk in my morning smoothies. I tried to ditch whole milk in my lattes, but I don't like soy and almond milk tastes literally like water when it compliments coffee. I've never heard of pea milk though – would love to know more (what does it taste like, look like, etc!\nFunny thing about milk…I spent Christmas in France and though they are ahead of us in many ways with eating \"real + whole\" foods, their milk is pumped full of preservatives so much so the shelf life of a carton is over 6 MONTHS!! How crazy is that?! Their butter however, is simply perfect!\nPea milk is a delicious and great alternative for breakfast smoothies, try it out!\nSo thankful for the dietitians view on milk. I'm trying to eat healthier and giving up cheese well there's no point in living without cheese IMO so I'm glad to see it's not totally wrong to keep on living my cheese truth! I will be trying to switch to organic though! Thanks for truthful non biased posts!\nRight? Cheese is at the top of my list too! Thanks for your feedback!\nThanks for sharing these amazing alternatives, i love !\nThis is wake up call for me! I thought Almond Milk has same amount of protien as regular milk!\nI would love to know where lactaid falls in all of this…is it healthy? We found out my autistic son had a milk allergy at 4 years old!!! They have had him on lactaid for the last year and all his skin problems disappeared, however, we do have some stomach issues.\nI would also be really interested in reading about where lactaid falls in the grand scheme of dairy. Over the last few years we have found out that my mom and three of my siblings are lactose intolerant and my 17yo brother has to rely heavily on lactaid sometimes.\nOh wow! I loved milk and dairy in general but I never knew it's so easy to overdo it. I've been trying to cut out at least some of it this year so I'm glad to see all the alternatives. I'm from Europe so I am so happy to see that the hormones are forbidden here – it's always good to know that. Not trying to sound mean but I think the 'typical' food in the US has much less restrictions than in here and I believe it's not always good for the customer. Anyways – thank you for this post – very helpful!\nThank you for this post. I have given up dairy and my system cannot handle cow/goat milk since a long time ago. I usually make my own almond milk, which is not so nutritious, but usually combine it with a generous proportion of almonds and/or mixed nuts on a daily basis as well. I'd like to ask if homemade pea milk (and in general homemade plant milk) can be as a nutritious option as they one that is being sold on the shelves?\nThank you so much for this interesting post! I wanted to try milk alternatives for a long time now, and now I know the facts about every option. That's so helpful!\nI haven't tried hazelnut milk but it sounds heavenly. From a nutritional standpoint, it's a lower protein option (2g/cup) but dishes out a healthy amount of Vitamin E, Vitamin A & B vitamins.\nI love that there are so many great options! For a while I was drinking raw cows milk (we have a Jersey cow), but I've had some auto-immune issues and have been wheat and dairy-free for several months as they are common allergens, so I've been using a lot of coconut milk. I hope I can drink raw cows milk again soon.\nThanks for this info! Almonds are also a VERY water intensive crop and are often grown in California, which as we know has experienced severe issues with drought in the past few years. So from an environmental standpoint it's not the best option either. It would be interesting to know which of these options are preferable from an environmental standpoint as well!\nThank You for this article. I am a Third Grade teacher and this is great info to pass along. I have even toured a local dairy and three dairy farms. However, due to a freak experience from a corndog and the lasting effects of illness, I am now lactose intolerant. I liked soy milk before that time so switching wasn't a problem for me. Cow's milk tastes sour to me now. I wasn't aware of the lack of protien in almond and coconut milk though. Thanks for the research and lay terms for the explanation I didn't get from the dietician.\nThank you for the feedback! I love learning about all the new alternatives available to consumers – so many good options!\nMy son (2.5 years old) has a lot of allergies, milk being one of them. I found oat milk and he loves it. It is in box form and sold on the shelf. It doesn't need to be refrigerated until opened. It has protein unlike coconut milk.\nI love this segment; please keep it up! It's especially helpful/interesting (to me, at least?) when you include links to sources to supplement these posts (basically, it's be cool to be pointed in a direction if one wanted to read some additional research). It's nice knowing what studies/sources are overall respected or trusted in the Registered Dietician world. Thanks, guys!!\n… one of the oat substitutes is what I meant to write. Sorry!\nI have not… yet 😉 Thanks!\nOatly is great, especially the barista edition! Highly recommended.\nExcellent read! At my restaurant in Miami we make our own almond macadamia blended milk. The macadamia nuts definitely add more fat and calories but lend a real creaminess to the milk that is missed with plain almond milk. It is in about a 3/1 proportion, so it is still mostly almond. I love love love it! Thank you for the great information!\nVery very useful, especially being lactose it is good to know some alternatives!\nHello and thanks for the good article!\nI would just like to add one thing: soy milk does not naturally contrain B12 vitamin like it is implied here. I don't know about the US, maybe there all the soy milk is supplemented in B12 but it's not the case here in Europe so if you're vegan you should still very much take B12 supplements.\nAlso, and I don't mean to be negative at all, but I don't see why there is so much focus on the protein in this article. Proteins are really easy to come accross even if you only eat a plant-based diet and I personnally don't rely on any milk for it.\nI really don't mean to be a hater, it was a good read, I just wanted to add a bit on it!\nAlso sorry for any english mistakes, french is my first language.\nThank you, and you're not a hater 🙂 In the US soy milk is often fortified with B12 so I greatly appreciate your perspective. In my professional experience, clients often associate protein and calcium with cow's milk, hence the emphasis on protein for this post. I appreciate Jacki linking the article to plant-based proteins for all he herbivores out there.\nWhat do you think about flax milk?\nWhile I haven't had the chance to try flax milk myself, it seems to be a good source of omega-3's, calcium & B12 (when fortified), so I give it two thumbs up!\nHi, great post! I am glad to see more of these here on ABM. I agree with Guillemette though, I wouldn't worry about protein intake on a healthy (whole food plant based) diet where you don't drink milk or eat dairy products. There is protein in almost everything, no need to rely on milk alternatives for this reason!\nIs it okay to soak seeds in milk? I know that to get the best out of seeds you need to triturate/break them or soak them in water overnight…. Do you know if this process can be done with milk? Thank you!\nHi! What is your take on Oat milk? I have started to drink it instead of regular milk (in lattes), as I am lactose intolerant… and I never want to go back! I have a least one serving per day, but would love to understand the dietary/nutritional side of things. I drink Oatly. Is it healthy? Is there a point where it's unhealthy?" |
"I'm not an egg person at all, but I did want some yogurt in my diet. But recently I stopped doing that as well. Alas, there is no other way of getting a cow's or goat's milk, other than depriving the babies of it. Or mama-animals have to be pumped with drugs so they overproduce milk. And we then drink or eat all that! So, our own health and well-being are also a question. Plus, the fact that babies, especially baby boys, are sold for highly priced meat is too well-known.\nThere are good vegan milk alternatives: almond, soy, coconut, cashew. As an example, in the US they are sold in stores like Wegmans, Whole Foods, and local health food stores.\nI was vegan for years, well before it was fashionable and when the label used was 'vegetarian.' It just felt right. Then, there was a lapse when I tried all kinds of foods due to frequent moves and travel. I'm now getting back to vegan lifestyle, gradually.\nFor those who follow my Multidimensional and Earth Shift theories, vegan lifestyle corresponds with the 5th Dimension (5D).\nI am now trying some great old and new recipes. If there is an interest, I'll eventually post some recipes I'm presently re-learning.\nI know it's not for everyone, and no judgement at all. But those who prefer not to cause harm to animals and nature, are welcome to try.\nFor those who want to transition, the idea is to do it very slowly and gradually, so there is no discomfort to the system. Stay positive, gentle and non-judgmental to yourself.\nare to become a major developing global trend!" |
"Q: running Add-AzSqlElasticJobStep errors referencing credential I am trying to use powershell to create an Elastic Job. I can create the job using TSQL with no issues but when try to add a job step it gives error: 'Elastic jobs management operation failed. Cannot reference the credential 'JobExecuteUser', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.' I have not been able to google any occurrences of this error. I know the credential exists because I use the same values in my TSQL code.\nI am confident my parameter values are correct because I have used them to remove/create TargetGroups and TargetMembers and the job itself.\nHere is the code:\nAdd-AzSqlElasticJobStep `\n -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `\n -ServerName $ServerName `\n -AgentName $AgentName `\n -JobName $JobName `\n -TargetGroupName $TargetGroupName `\n -CredentialName $CredentialName `\n -Name \"Deploy CommandLog\" `\n -CommandText \"Do Nothing\" \n\n" |
"Q: How to update the SSRS Users table after a username change? My user name has changed from jdoe to john.doe (for example). The reference in the [dbo].[Users] table shows my old user name, jdoe.\nHowever, with my new user name, john.doe, the subscriptions fail to run and throw the error:\n\nFailure sending mail: The user or group name 'ABCDE\\jdoe' is not\nrecognized.Mail will not be resent.\n\nThe [dbo].[Subscriptions].[OwnerID] value references the [dbo].[Users].[UserID] for jdoe.\nCan I simply change the [dbo].[Users].[UserName] value to my new username, leaving the [dbo].[Users].[UserID] and [dbo].[Users].[Sid] columns as is?\n\nA: On your SQL Server, go to Security -> Logins. Then, rename the old username with the new username (just right click on it and select \"Rename\").\nNext, go to the \"Report Server\" database, select the \"Users\" table, and update the \"UserName\" column for your old user.\nThis script should do the work:\nUPDATE [ReportServer].[dbo].[Users] SET UserName='domain\\newUser' WHERE UserName='domain\\OldUser'\n\nThe SSRS Subscriptions and other SSRS features should now work properly.\n\nA: I would use a MERGE statement for this. Check the transaction on a rollback to test with first. You'll also need UPDATE permission on the dbo.Users table. \nSET XACT_ABORT ON\nBEGIN TRANSACTION;\n\n;WITH \nusers_list\nAS \n(\n SELECT users_list.* FROM (VALUES\n ('DOMAIN\\OldUser1', 'DOMAIN\\New.User1')\n , ('DOMAIN\\OldUser2', 'DOMAIN\\New.User2')\n ) users_list ([UserName], [NewUserName]) \n)\n, \nusers_source -- don't add users that already exist to prevent duplicates\nAS \n(\n SELECT \n [UserName]\n , [NewUserName]\n FROM\n users_list \n WHERE \n 1=1\n AND [NewUserName] NOT IN(SELECT [UserName] FROM [ReportServer].[dbo].[Users])\n)\nMERGE [ReportServer].[dbo].[Users] AS T\nUSING users_source AS S\nON T.[UserName] = S.[UserName]\nWHEN MATCHED\nTHEN UPDATE SET\n T.[UserName] = S.[NewUserName]\nOUTPUT @@SERVERNAME AS [Server Name], DB_NAME() AS [Database Name], $action, inserted.*, deleted.*;\n\nROLLBACK TRANSACTION;\n--COMMIT TRANSACTION;\n\nGO\n\n\nA: I have tried renaming the dbo.Users.UserName to the new DOMAIN/JDoe, but that still produces errors.\nHowever, renaming the SQL Server's Security Username from DOMAIN/OldName to DOMAIN/NewName did the trick.\n" |
"Q: Database name in SQLLogin Dialog not getting updated in installshield basic MSI installer I am creating a basic MSI project. In the SQLLogin dialog, if I remove the database catalog name from the text box and then browse for an existing database, the value does not appear in the text box on clicking OK but if I click back and next then the value appears in the field (meaning it is getting updated but not showing I guess). It works fine otherwise if I do not update it after removing/editing the text box. Is this an open issue? Or am I missing some setting?\n\nA: In a Basic MSI project, the internal Windows Installer user interface support will generally not refresh controls backed by a property until the dialog is closed and reopened. Edit controls will also not refresh if any value was entered by a user into the control. These are limitations of the MSI user interface functionality. \n" |
"Q: Login failed for user even though it has read access I have a SharePoint server which is using service account \"spsharepoint\".\nFor some reason this user has started giving 'Login failed for user DOMAIN\\spsharepoint' when I checked SQL Server logs. Turns out it is trying to access 'master' database on which it doesn't have access so the error.\nI gave read only access to this user on master database but error is still coming. What could be the issue and how do I fix this?\n\nA: Verify if your user has permision to connect to database Engine. \nRight click on Logins -> Properties -> Status. \nOr grant CONNECT for user. \nCREATE LOGIN [mydomain\\mygroup] FROM WINDOWS;\nGRANT CONNECT SQL TO [mydomain\\mygroup]\n\n\nA: View the default database in user's properties, may be it is master, if so, then change it\n\nA: One option is create login with default database option and add role member to login user in database\nUSE [master]\nGO\n\nCREATE LOGIN [CUREMD\\NewLogin] FROM WINDOWS WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE=[AdventureWorks]\nGO\n\nUSE [AdventureWorks]--- Change DB name to Sharepoint DB Name\nGO\n\nCREATE USER [CUREMD\\NewLogin] FOR LOGIN [CUREMD\\NewLogin]\nGO\n\nUSE [AdventureWorks] --- Change DB name to Sharepoint DB Name\nGO\nEXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_owner', N'CUREMD\\NewLogin' -- add role according to requirement.\nGO\n\n" |
"Q: Error 403 - Download failed I'm writing a PowerShell script, which should download a .csv file from a link.\nI tried it like this:\n$us = \"user\"\n$pw = \"password\"\n$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient\n$webclient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.Networkcredential($us, $pw)\n$webclient.DownloadFile($url,$pfad)\n\nbut I get the following 403 error:\n\nCan anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?\nPS: I am able to download a .png from another page like that. And if I type the link in my browser I am able to download this .csv file too.\n\nEdit 12.10.15:\nI found a mistake. I had \" \" in the url. Now I replaced all \" \" with \"%20\".\nbut I still have this error:\n\n\nA: Your code looks OK to me, but your user doesn't seem to have access to the file. See the Wikipedia article on error 403:\n\nDifference from status \"401 Unauthorized\"\nStatus codes 401 (Unauthorized) and 403 (Forbidden) have distinct meanings.\n [...]\n A 403 response generally indicates one of two conditions:\n \n \n*\n \n*Authentication was provided, but the authenticated user is not permitted to perform the requested operation.\n \n*The operation is forbidden to all users. For example, requests for a directory listing return code 403 when directory listing has been disabled.\n \n\nYou probably need to check the server logs for more information about why the request was denied.\n\nA: It looks like the remote server doesn't like you.\nYou may have to add some credentials to your code to confirm who you are.\nCan you connect to the server usually without having to use any username or password details?\n" |
"Q: sql server job set user mapping on different server I have a SQL Server job running on a SQL server 2016 instance (SQL1) that drops a database (SQL1_APPDB), and restores it from a production backup for testing purposes.\nThe SQL Job runs under a login (TESTLOGIN).\nSince the database was dropped, its loses its user mapping under TESTLOGIN ,so I need to recreate it.\nSo in a job step, I execute the command:\nALTER ROLE [db_datareader] ADD MEMBER [TESTLOGIN]\nThat works successfully because the Database of the job step is SQL1_APPDB.\nThere is another SQL Server (SQL2) that has the login TESTLOGIN that has on it and a database (ANOTHERDB), and I need to add a user mapping to TESTLOGIN on SQL2 for ANOTHERDB.\nI'm trying to do this from the same job as above running on SQL1 (NOT SQL2).\nUSE [SQL2].[ANOTHERDB]\nALTER ROLE [db_datareader] ADD MEMBER [TESTLOGIN]\n\nThe step fails\nI have a linked server set up between the two servers already\nI can manually add the mapping through SSMS, but I'm trying to let this same job set up the user mapping.\nSomeone at work suggested that I deploy an SSIS package on SQL2 that could be kicked off from the job on SQL1 that would create the mapping.\nIs there another way that this could be done from SQL1 in a job step?\n\nA: \nTESTLOGIN Database 'SQL2' does not exist. Make sure that the name is\n entered correctly. [SQLSTATE 08004] (Error 911)\n\nSuch syntax is invalid:\nUSE [SQL2].[ANOTHERDB]\nALTER ROLE [db_datareader] ADD MEMBER [TESTLOGIN]\n\nIf you really want to execute some code on a remote server it is possible via linked server this way:\nEXECUTE ('USE [ANOTHERDB]; ALTER ROLE [db_datareader] ADD MEMBER [TESTLOGIN]') AT SQL02\n\nHowever, option RPC OUT has to be turned on it:\nEXEC master.dbo.sp_serveroption @server=N'LinkedServerName'\n , @optname=N'rpc out'\n , @optvalue=N'true'\n\nWorth to mention, that while linked servers bring some flexibility, it is not always easy to keep them secure. Therefore, I would also join advice of using SSIS for orchestrations of all operations. \n" |
"Q: Win8 - WCF/Entity Framework with SQL Server DB Does Not Work when Deployed to IIS I have a similar problem to WCF/Entity Framework with External SQL Server DB Does Not Work when Deployed to IIS except that this is on Windows 8 and the database server is not remote. It is on the same machine and there is NO DOMAIN. The first part of the script works but there is no user IIS APPPOOL\\ASP.NET 4.0 account. There is app pools like .NET 4.5 on Windows 8 and it seems to like that but this still doesn't work. I know it is some kind of permissions issue. Can anyone help with a script or answer so this will work? I have to be able to create WCF services with EF. Thanks.\nI tried a modified script from the first topic:\nUSE [master]\nGO\nCREATE LOGIN [sgentile-hp\\sgentile] FROM WINDOWS WITH DEFAULT_DATABASE=[master]\nGO\nUSE [AdventureWorks2012]\nGO\nCREATE USER [sgentile-hp\\sgentile] FOR LOGIN [sgentile-hp\\sgentile]\nGO\nUSE [AdventureWorks2012]\nGO\nEXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datareader', N'sgentile-hp\\sgentile'\nGO\nUSE [AdventureWorks2012]\nGO\nEXEC sp_addrolemember N'db_datawriter', N'sgentile-hp\\sgentile'\nGO\n\nThat produced:\nMsg 15025, Level 16, State 2, Line 1\nThe server principal 'sgentile-hp\\sgentile' already exists.\nMsg 15063, Level 16, State 1, Line 1\nThe login already has an account under a different user name.\nMsg 15410, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_addrolemember, Line 35\nUser or role 'sgentile-hp\\sgentile' does not exist in this database.\nMsg 15410, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_addrolemember, Line 35\nUser or role 'sgentile-hp\\sgentile' does not exist in this database.\n\nI also tried creating a SQL authenticated user and using its name and password in the connection string but still doesn't work. There has to be a way of running the App Pool with the user.\n\nA: I fixed it by adding a SQL Authenticated User and putting that name and password in the web.config. The Error Log was showing me \"Login failed for user 'Indigo'. Reason: The password of the account must be changed.\" As soon as I changed it, it worked!\n\nA: I would proceed with small steps.\nFirst of all, you should find the login [sgentile-hp\\sgentile] under the server logins (just to be clear, in Management Studio go under Security/Logins and you should find your user here).\nIf you find it, the \"create login\" statement worked well.\nThen go under your AdventureWorks2012 database in Management Studio Object Explorer, and go under Security/Users, where you should find the database user [sgentile-hp\\sgentile]; delete it and run the statement:\nUSE [AdventureWorks2012]\nGO\nCREATE USER [sgentile-hp\\sgentile] FOR LOGIN [sgentile-hp\\sgentile]\nGO\n\nagain. This should correctly map the server login with the corresponding user in the database. You can then assign to this user the db_datareader and db_datawriter database roles.\nOn the IIS side, make the windows user [sgentile-hp\\sgentile] member of IIS_IUSRS local group, and then configure your IIS app pool in order to start on the context of this user; specify \nIntegrated Security=SSPI \n\nin your service's connection string: now the WCF service that runs under this app pool, should be able to correctly connect to your database.\nHope This Helps\n" |
"pt buma mining coal. pt buma mining coal for powder production industry in Let us introduce ourselves that PT KARYA BUMI BARATAMA is .\ncoal mining makmur. . pt buma coal mine. AJE coal mine is also located in close proximity to the Group's SDJ coal . intends to appoint PT BukitMakmur Mandiri Utama .\npt mal di coal mining BUMA (PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama) - Delta Dunia,- pt mal di coal mining,BUMA (PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama ) Established in 1998, BUMA provides services to Indonesian coal producers across all production stages, including geology and planning, overburden removal, coal mining, coal hauling and .Mining in .\nbuma coal mining contractor - SBM Impact Crusher Manufacturer. Buma Coal Mining Contractor. Buma sets aside $300 million to finance mining expansion,The To take benefits from the surging global demand for coal, PT Bukit Makmur .\nBukit Makmur Mandiri Utama, PT (BUMA) is the second largest coal mining contractor in Indonesia, providing mining services under long-term .\nPT BUKIT MAKMUR MANDIRI UTAMA | LinkedIn. Since our establishment in 1998, we have been providing a wide range of coal mining services to some of the largest, Sesuai dengan Objective Target Program K3LH (OTP) 2015, dilakukan Latihan kegawat daruratan BUMA Jobsite Lati di.\nPt Buma Coal Mine. Channel Awesome Just Awesome. Featured Blogger Project Nitsuj. Project Nitsuj is your place for anime reviews both past, present and future.\ncoal mining services with PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama. SDJ shall procure from BUMA services such as the overburden removal and coal hauling in the Mining .\nOnsite Experience : PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA .\nPT BUMA merupakan sub kontraktor dari PT ADARO ENERGY yang bergerak di bidang mining services, PT ADARO bergerak dibidang penambangan batubara (coal mining) dan kentara sekali fasilitas antara kontraktor dengan sub-kontraktornya, hehe.\nalamat pt buma coal - mining application . Search Results buma - Info Lowongan Kerja & Karir .PT Buma Perindahindo – We are a Group Company of .\nThe Pasir mine which KIDECO . The Pasir mine is an environment-friendly coal mine which started to produce coal . PT Sims takes care of the .\npt buma mining coal - Newest Crusher, Grinding Mill .\npt buma minning coal. Crusher plant manufacturer of SBM Company is good at stone mining crushing plant. Our crushing plant manufacturers design and sale jaw crusher, impact crusher, cone .\nLihat siapa yang Anda kenal di PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri . BUMA a wide range of coal mining services to some of the largest Indonesian coal producers across all .\nbuma coal mining contractor. pt bukit makmur mandiri utama tbk buma coal mining contractor. To take benefits from the surging global demand for coal, PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (Buma), the .\nAbout Us. Our Business. Our Mining . such as BUMA (primary coal mining services . Geo Energy owns four mining concessions through its wholly-owned subsidiaries PT .\npt bukit makmur mandiri utama tbk buma coal mining contractor; pt zenithchina com equipamentos; pt abas coal mining h noordiansyah; . pt pama mining in indonesia.\nPT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama: Private Company .\nMay 26, 2018 · Geo Energy Resources Limited announced that the Group has entered into an agreement with PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (BUMA) for the provision of overburden removal (the \"Agreement\") at the Group's wholly owned coal mine, TBR.\nSee more information about PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama, find and apply to jobs that match your skills, and connect with people to advance your career. Since our establishment in 1998, BUMA a wide range of coal mining services to some of the largest Indonesian coal producers across all production ." |
"purchasing coal mining in indonesia ... consisting of more than 30 machines, ... Coal Crusher Line,Coal Mining Indonesia Crusher. Coal is a useful resource.\nCoal Crusher Machine, Wholesale Various High Quality ... crusher,coal mine lump impact crusher machines ... shopping coal crusher machine for sale in brazil.\nThe History of Ballarat, from the First Pastoral Settlement ... The History of Ballarat, from the First Pastoral Settlement to the Present Time by William Bramwell Withers." |
"I've got a soft spot for the most eccentric geeks who go a long way to live how they want, even if it's weird. As it turns out, there's an entire Rockabilly community for recreating the lifestyle of 1950s America. It's not just about having retro clothes, furniture, and appliances, but also about repairing and maintaining those things for decades instead of replacing them like we do now. These people must be a blast to hang out with." |
"of the City of Los Angeles.\"\n\"It's not often that you find a venue that exists purely for the love of music (as opposed to the love of money). Show Kulak's some love right on back. You won't be sorry.\"\n\"...this place is built on love...There really are no words for this place.\"\n\" People actually LISTEN to what's being played.\"" |
"My friends call my music \"dad rock\"… and I'm not upset about it. The Eagles are my favorite band, but I'll work out to anything!\nThe guests and leaders reaffirm by bulldog experience every time I walk into the studio. This community is one of the coolest on Earth. Some of the most laidback, funny, and inspired people all conspired to sweat and move in one place, at one time — and it's beautiful. I feel authentic and honest in the space, and I'm always getting the same back from others!" |
"InfoMine''s Mining Dictionary contains more than 45,000 terms and definitions related to the mining, Coal or Gold edition?\ndefinitions to the coal mining information Get information, facts, and pictures about coal at Encyclopedia. Make research projects and school reports about coal easy with The Mechanization of Coal Mining.\nGlossary of coal mining terms Whole-mine the whole coal, in contradistinction to the broken or pillar coal. Winning the coal is synonymous with sinking to it.\ndefinitions to the coal mining information InfoMine''s Mining Dictionary contains more than 45,000 terms and definitions related to the mining, Coal or Gold edition?" |
"The 10 biggest coal mines in the world Mining, The 10 biggest coal mines in the world, Miningtechnology profiles the 10 biggest operating coal mines in the world, For all the latest mining industry .\nMining Facts • Every American over the course of a lifetime. training and equipment has made the U.S. mining industry the safest in the world.\nThe metals and mining sector is the industry dedied to the loion and extraction of metal and mineral reserves around the world. amounts all over the world.\nIndustries Mining Excavator tmeic. TMEIC has a long history providing electric drives for mining excavators and powering and controlling draglines, shovels, and blasthole drills all over the world.\nThe technique using dissolution with alkaline cyanide has been highly developed over world's five largest gold mining in the mining industry." |
"Q: What's the npm command that fills in dependency version numbers? I know there's a quick way to fill in my package.json with version numbers instead of asterisks. I'm pretty sure it's just an npm command, but I can't find it.\nAny help would rock! \n\nA: I have had a similar problem. And wrote a little npm-utility for this problem.\nnpm install -g npm-stiv\n\ngo to your project directory and run\nnpm-stiv\n\nIt create backpup package.json file, named bck_package.json and fill asterisks according installed deps version numbers.\n\nA: The --save command will add version numbers to package.json\nnpm install <module> --save\n\nI believe it will use the major version and not upgrade beyond it.\n" |
"I used local::lib this week. Wow, it really is a nice way to install cpan modules into my source control tree, to build an app-specific perl5 lib.\nlocal::lib, why have you forsaken me?\nlocal::lib, sorry to have made you take a timeout, but you should pick your friends better.\nsubversion, you're the troublemaker here. svn add and svn stat were using a default global ignore that includes a *.so glob, this not picking up the .so files and adding them to the repo.\nUndefined subroutine &main::_recompile called at /usr/bin/cpan line 278.\nthe --no-ignore flag to subversion will skip the global ignore list." |
"Q: Missing mod_access_compat.so - how to compile I upgraded to Apache 2.4 from 2.2 and noticed that I am missing the mod_access_compat.so file in the modules directory. My question is simple, how do I compile this file?\n\nA: It seems to have been deprecated and replaced by mod_authz_host. Though there are RPMs (I see no DEB packages) that claim to be compatible with appache 2.4.\n" |
"Q: Embed runtime dlls in fortran exe I have an Intel Visual Fortran program built in VS Pro 2015. This program gets deployed on other computers but I can't count on the runtime DLLs being on other workstations. There is a way to tell VS to include necessary DLLs into the executable. I have used this before but can't find where the option is now.\n" |
"Q: Linking to modules in external directory Compaq Visual Fortran command prompt I know that this question is VERY specific, but I am using \"Compaq Visual Fortran Optimizing Compiler, Version 6.5\" (Fortran 90). To compile, e.g., I use:\nf90 constants.f90 main.f90 /compile_only \n\nAnd I'm not sure how to link aside from using the command \"DF\", but as far as I understand, that compiles AND links AND outputs a .exe to be executed.\nMy problem is that I have a few modules that I USE in my main program, and I want those modules to be in one folder and my main program to be in another, but, when I try to use directives like -i dir to link the program and the used modules, they don't work and I get the following error:\nerror: Switch '-i' is ambiguous.\n\nAny help, even just pointing me in the right direction, is greatly appreciated.\n\nA: Read your compiler manual\n\n/[no]include\nSyntax:\n/include[:path...], /noinclude, or /Ipath\nThe /include or /I option specifies one or more additional directories (path) to be\nsearched for module files (USE statement) and include files (INCLUDE\nstatement).\n\n" |
"I wanted to share a ton of alternate options and suggestions created by reddit user LokiOathBreaker (shared with permission, of course). These are all created with the Pathfinder Role Playing game in mind, but can pretty easily be adapted to a bunch of alternate systems.\nThis system assumes that all residents of Salt in Wounds live under the threat of potential mutation, though the rift between rich and poor is quite evident. The threat of mutation is tracked by how much 'Tarrasque taint' or simply 'taint' people carry within them.\nWorse, those who work closely with unprocessed Tarrasque material, such as harvesting and processing laborers, alchemists and individuals of similar occupations gain 1 additional point per week even if no other incidents occur.\nActive Taint gain comes from more immediate exposure, which can come in many forms. When it occurs, roll 1d6 to determine the potential Taint gain. A character resists said gain with a Fortitude Saving Throw (with a DC appropriate to the intensity of the exposure) and, if successful, the gain is reduced by half to a minimum of 1.\nThe safest and most secure method is available to characters who are below their Mutation Threshold and have not been afflicted by any mutations. They may reduce their score by one point for each week spent away from Salt in Wounds. Consequently, members of high society often take long holidays, whether they are still pure or merely going through the motions to better hide a minor mutation.\nA variety of 'cures' exist. Alchemical concoctions, special dieting regimens, even dubious purifying rituals. While many 'miracle cure' fakes are sold, some are known to be effective.\nThe more readily available variants involve a saving throw (fortitude or will, depending on the nature of said cure) with a difficulty equal to the current Taint score. If successful, they reduce taint by 1d3 and are Fatigued for the rest of the day.\nMore expensive and potent cures exist. They may remove more taint, lower the saving throw DC, or both.\nSo far, no feasible means to reliably remove or cure taint through magic have been found, though 'Purify food and drink' spells are an integral part of meat processing in Salt in Wounds.\nA way to resist taint gain in the first place, rather than lower it afterwards, is Inoculation. Taint Inoculation is generally only used by those most at risk, offering tangible benefits in exchange for accepting taint into your body: one shot immediately causes 1d6 taint (which may be halved with a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. DC 15), but protects against the weekly gain for one whole month and reduces any other taint gain during that time by 1 to a minimum of0.\nSome races are less susceptible to taint, others more. Particularly long-lived/unaging races or those that could already be considered 'tainted' in some way such as the plane-touched races, dhampirs, changelings, etc. may add +4 to their mutation threshold. Particularly short-lived or mutable races such as most goblinoids take a -2 penalty to their mutation threshold.\nUndead are unaffected by taint. If their bodies remain as they were, they retain any physical mutations they already have, but their taint score is effectively frozen the moment they undergo the transition. If they are later revived, their taint score unfreezes.\nTo incorporate taint in character creation, players roll 2d6 to determine their starting taint, unless otherwise specified by a chosen taint trait.\nFrequently Exposed: The character has been exposed to Tarrasque taint more frequently than others -- whether by working in with the Marrow Miners, living in the slums and drinking the tainted water there, eating improperly processed meat or gorging on the regular kind for years. They add 5 points to their taint score, may choose one superficial change (minor) and gain a minor advantage*.\nTaint Infusion: Your character has been exposed to a life-threatening amount of taint, whether through experimentation, accident or even an attempt on their life. They are now thoroughly tainted and mutated, but have also developed a resistance against further mutation. They add 10 points to their taint score, may choose two superficial changes (minor) and roll once on the Major Mutation chart. They gain +1 bonus to saving throws against further mutations.\nMutation Maniac: Your character is particularly mutable. They gain 5 points to their starting taint and receive a -2 penalty against mutation saves, but in exchange add +2 to any rolls on the mutation chart, increasing the likelihood of a benevolent mutation.\nPure This trait must be decided on before rolling for initial taint score. The character has not been exposed to as much taint as others and begins with a low taint score of 2. They also reduce all taint gains, except the weekly, by 1. As they do not have the built-up tolerance to taint that others possess, they suffer from a -1 penalty to saving throws against mutation.\nTaint Tolerance This trait must be decided on before rolling for initial taint score. The character begins with a taint of 10, but increases their Mutation Threshold by 2.\nAberrant Beauty While your character is not immune or resistant to mutations, they tend to manifest in a manner that, while still alien and potentially monstrous, is strangely attractive. They gain a +1 taint bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy rolls against those attracted to their gender, but only after they gained their first non-flaw* mutation. This trait does not override mutation flaws* with social impact and otherwise only works for minor and major changes.\nMutant Brute While some mutants look positively wretched, your mutations only serve to make you scarier. You gain a +2 taint bonus to Intimidate rolls, but only after gaining the first mutation.\nA character has a Mutation Threshold of 10+Character Level. If their Taint increases beyond that, they are at risk of Mutation and must roll a Fortitude Saving Throw vs. Mutation each time they gain taint, including the initial gain that put them there.\nIf they fail their save, they must roll for a minor mutation.\nIf a character is in excess of their Mutation Threshold by 5 points, they roll for major mutation instead. If they are so by 10 points, they roll for an extreme mutation.\nIf a player rolls a mutation that their character already has, they may either reroll or accept exacerbating changes to that feature that make it more obvious, alien and hideous. In the same vein, if they already possess a feature the mutation would have granted them (such as claws), they may do so as well. A functional version of a nonfunctional mutation overrides it.\nAll Mutation-related bonuses or penalties are of the 'taint' category and do not stack with each other.\nThese mutations are usually alien and monstrous to varying degrees. It's not uncommon for low-class citizens to show a small number of minor changes, but those who are disfigured by a multitude of minor changes or worse, demonstrate major or extreme changes, are generally shunned by high society (unless they also possess the Aberrant Beauty trait, see further below).\nSince these changes are only superficial, this does not reflect upon their actual statistics. However, NPC starting attitudes may be affected when appropriate.\nBody Changes are primarily changes to the full skin area or mutations of the torso. They cannot include changes to areas that are covered by the other two categories.\nLimb Changes affect the arms, hands, legs, feet and other extremities such as tails or tentacles.\nHead Changes are all changes centering on the head, primarily the eyes, nose, hair, lips and tongue.\nThe exact decision on how a superficial change manifests can be reached in multiple ways, whether through dice rolls or discussion between player and GM (or combinations thereof), depending on sensibilities and willingness of the players to accept the body horror of the setting inflicted on their own characters.\nOne such way that leaves both a random element and some design choice on the players' end is to create a chart of potential changes for each level of mutation in coordination with the players, then roll on those. Taking this a step further, for a particularly creative group, one could create a unique chart for each character.\nThere are ways to remove, revert or allay some physical mutations, though most are arduous, complex, criminally overpriced or plain dangerous. Psychological changes caused by mutation are much more difficult to cure, though their effects can sometimes be mitigated with alchemically created medicine and/or spells.\nVery invasive and painful, but also very effective for mutations that are largely self-contained. An extraneous limb may be cut off, an undesirable growth removed and healed over, poison glands taken out and more. Once the mutation has been cut, magical or alchemical healing can take over, though in some rare instances may cause the unwanted mutation to return instead (roll a d20 upon surgery, a 1 means that future healing will restore the mutation until the surgery is redone, which allows a new roll). Surgery required a skilled surgeon and a Heal check of varying, though always high, difficulty.\nReliable, readily available magic to remove mutations does not exist, just as with taint removal. Again, wish spells can deal with mutation, as can a clone spell cast before mutation occurred. Any spell that permanently and fully transforms the body into a different one, such as Baleful Polymorph or Polymorph (Other) also removes physical mutations, though it does not affect the taint score and new mutations may occur. It's advised to keep note of the previous state of mutation when affected by such spells, as breaking the transformation will cause a reversal -- should the polymorphed state mutate more badly than the original, it may even be desirable to break the spell.\nAlchemy can be used in the same way as spells above if suitable Extracts are available. Additionally, it can be attempted to revert mutations through extensive research of the subject and concocting a countermeasure specifically designed to do so. This should be done through multiple Craft Alchemy checks made in secret by the GM over the course of a week and require both alchemist and subject to invest one hour of their time each day exclusively to the task. The Craft DC should depend on severity of the mutation to be reversed. If all are successful, a reversal becomes possible, the exact means of which (an injection, or series thereof, a potion, a powder, surgery combined with any of these, ...) are left up to the alchemist. Just as with surgery, roll 1d20 upon taking the cure, a 1 means that healing will restore the mutation. If not all checks are successful, the cure fails. If more than half of the rolls are unsuccessful, a blunder occurred and the subject must immediately roll a saving throw vs. Mutation or gain a new mutation of the same level.\nThe poor man's fix. Sharp teeth and claws can be filed to look more normal at a casual glance, hair-spines cut away with a sharp razor and scales rubbed off. These are always unpleasant and usually either temporary or noticeable on anything but a very cursory examination. They are, however, cheap and readily employed.\n*Note: LokiOathBreaker has not compiled a list of flaws and advantages. I'll post it when he does. In the meantime, look to the list of weal (for advantage) and woe (for flaw) mutations as inspiration." |
"The setting for 214 games assume that all characters have sufficient common skills to survive, but nothing more. They're not hyper competent superheroes or expert field operatives. They're just consciously incompetent in most respects. Sometimes they're more capable, but that expertise exists within the character cards and playing with them can lead to a whole pile of troubles, right?\nIn the course of play, doing something that isn't challenging, stressed or time sensitive just happens. If you take a leaf out of reality, most of us will experience a certain measure of the jitters when placed under stress with no time and too much riding on our success. Only in these circumstances should the dice appear.\nFor example, your character stalks through heavy forest seeking out a suspected camp of bandits. She raises a hand to call a halt to the march of her colleagues and waits for a moment. You ask the GM whether you can hear any calls or sense the presence of the bandits. The GM checks his notes and tells you that after a few moments straining to hear or sense anything you detect a hint of wood smoke. No need for a roll – as you could be dropped into a forest right now and with your untrained senses smell the distinctive odour of burning wood.\nOn the other hand, when the characters do find the camp, they discover the area in disarray. The tents have been torn to strips, the ground churned up, and the fire extinguished and scattered. Your character wants to know what's happened here, but that kind of knowledge is anything but common. Your character is a secret member of the Accademia dei Segreti, a 'scientific' society that studies the esoteric mysteries of nature. You draw the GM's attention to this and make a roll – hoping to roll a 6, 7 or 8 for success, or risk the unwanted suspicions of your colleagues.\nYou always get some form of success when you make the roll – but most times that success doesn't come about due to ability alone.\nIf you expend a card, you're drawing on secret knowledge or associations.\nIf a colleague spends pool points, they're tipping the balance through direct or indirect assistance.\nIf you end up spending pool points, you're struggling and straining to succeed, putting your well being on the line or pulling in the most obscure favours you can muster.\nThey're all examples of success, but the price of that success becomes increasingly drastic and potentially dangerous to your future well-being." |
"Mobile Crushing Plant in Vadodara. X .... MC Nally Sayaji Engineering Limited, Bangalore ... We are leading manufacturer of Coal Crushing Plant. more.\nGet Business Details of Impact Crushers suppliers, dealers, distributors and manufacturers in ... one of the main equipments used for crushing lizenithne, coal and other brittle materials, with compression ... Mcnally Sayaji Engineering Limited.\nsayaji coal crusher manufacturer in india; crusher batubara baroda india - paulmaillardstories . Coal Crushing Manufacturers Sayaji Baroda. coal crushing ." |
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"largest iron ore processing plant in mongolia. Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) is biggest producer of iron ore in turkey iron ore beneficiation. mongolia iron ore grinding.\nGarrison Capital Management is preparing to list yet another Mongolian-focused explorer in December, Haranga Resources, this time focusing on iron ore.\nMetallurgy complex needed immediately . 25th of 4, The ore that is mined and sold is of the best grade. There is no clarity on how much iron ore Mongolia has.\nView mongolia iron ore suppliers catalog, buy from 29 mongolia iron ore suppliers from China.\nIndia Globalization Capital Transitions To Iron Ore metric tons of high-grade iron ore supply of low-grade iron ore, including the country of Mongolia." |
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"This Saturday night July 28th it's Late Models,Modifieds,Street Stock and Midwest Mods at BigSky Speedway. A lot of improvements at the track this year with the new owners. If you haven't been there this year yet you will be impressed. Gates open at 6pm and the green flag drops at 7:25." |
"As our quest for clean racing for all continues, I have some big news to announce to you!\nButler League of Racing is teaming up with Team Anarchy (both formed from the clean racing group) to bring you a new and exciting community.\nWelcome to the ONE.4 community!\nThe Xbox lads shall be known as Team Anarchy, and PS4 will be Team Butler.\nKeep watching for our dedicated community page which will include our goals for the future and how you can get involved and help.\nWe are running a tuning lobby tomorrow evening. Why not come and have a look?" |
"Home Gossip Infinity about to sign Offroad superstar?\nThe rather overactive 2016/17 Silly season continues with news reaching our ears that Offroad newcomers Infinity, may be on the verge of agreeing terms and signing one of the highest ranked Pro drivers in Offroad, recognised and decorated in both 1/10 and 1/8 disciplines.\nDespite several names being suggested, we have been asked not to name any names directly from our source.\n\"Masayuki Miura will be joining the company to \"expand all future developments and also race team activities\".\nPrevious PostETS Rd1 reports Next PostMaifield: Destination Mugen (& Yokomo) ?" |
"This Thursday at PDX RC Underground in downtown Portland, Yokomo's current 2wd & 4wd World Champion Ryan Maifield, along with 4-time World Champion Ryan Cavalieri will be there for a meet, greet, and race event!\nThis is a huge opportunity for the local Portland racers to be able to meet two of the best drivers on the planet! Also attending will be Yokomo and Muchmore USA Team Manager Joe Pillars.\nBring along something for them to sign if you wish. Doors open at noon and racing will start at 6:30 sharp." |
"If you are traveling to Haltom City or have recently moved here you may be wondering how to find the best shopping in the area. If you have a few dollars burning your pockets, listen up! We are going to show you how to spend some cash in Haltom City today!\nOne of my favorite activities is searching for fun and unique antiques. You really never know what you are going to find. I have to confess that I am not an expert at antiques, I simply do it for the fun of it and love older things. WHile there are many antique markets in the Lone Star state, one of my favorites is Lone Star Antiques. I have to tell you this place is huge and has an amazing selection of things. Whether you are just stopping in for the day or plan to make it a weekly event, you really never can tell what you are going to find and that is why you will love it. Consider it a daily surprise and the owners are simply great as well!\nAnother great location for some unique finds is the Vine Resale Shop. This is a great second hand store that is going to allow you the opportunity to stroll through aisles of eclectic goods that you would never be able to find under one roof anywhere else in Texas. It is a great place to browse and spend a few hours. Plus, it is going to be hard to pass up some of the great finds you will find in this store, they truly have some great bargain merchandise!\nFinally, if you are looking for one of the biggest area shopping malls in the area, it is well worth the trip to North East Mall Shopping Center. Here you are going to find all of your old favorites as well as some new and interesting finds. There is plenty of parking available as well as great food. This is a wonderful place to take the family on a rainy day and just spend a few hours browsing the interesting and unique shops. I am sure you will find a few treasures to bring home as well!\nAs you can see, there are some great places to shop in Haltom City. And as you explore this wonderful area, you will find some hidden gems that you will want to visit again and again!" |
"In 2012, Hurricane Sandy hit the shores of New Jersey and tore up the coastline, inflicting $70 billion damage and causing over 200 casualties. Following this tragic event, the state of New Jersey hired a public relations firm to lure tourists back to the Jersey Shore.\nNow, a new campaign is underway and the company behind the \"Stronger Than the Storm\" campaign, an initiative to help the state get back on track with it's post-storm messaging, is in charge. Nancy Snyder, an NJ Transit spokesperson, announced MWW, an influential public relations firm, was hired on 4 September for $250,000.\nAccording to Snyder, MWW has six months to recommend an overhaul to NJ Transit's communication. MMW is New Jersey's largest public relations and lobbying company, and developed the \"Stronger than the Storm\" ad campaign to promote tourism in the Jersey Shore while the area was getting back on its feet.\nNJ Transits communication tactics during crisis and times of trouble have been an area of concern. Communication in instances from delays to service suspensions has been criticized by commuters as well as Governor Phil Murphy. Murphy described the agency's communication with commuters in the past nine months as \"unacceptable\".\nCustomers of the state rail service are quick to criticize the timeliness of alerts and the lack of details provided. In the wake of incidents such as a minor derailment in Penn Station New York, commuters want more information. Commuters have expressed frustrations over getting alerts about cancellations or delays too late to even arrange for alternate methods of transport.\nIn an audit ordered by Governor Murphy, a study on the agency's communications was conducted by North Highland Consulting, who recommend the NJ Transit rethink its whole social media engagement strategy with consumers.\nWhile its engagement with both North Highland and MWW might seem redundant, NJ Transit has definitely shown eagerness to improve in its effectiveness in communicating with the public.\nFor $250,000, NJ Transit gets a \"full analysis\" of the existing communication structure to \"improve the effectiveness, timeliness, consistency and quality of customer communications,\" explained Snyder. She added the PR firm will also formulate a \"comprehensive communication strategy for internal and external communications\".\nIn addition, MMW will determine the industry standards for communication and methods to get relevant information to commuters in time. The PR firm will further review and revise the way NJ Transit markets itself externally.\nThe \"Stronger than the Storm\" campaign, whilst successful, was also criticized for featuring the then Governor Chris Christie in its ads during his re-election bid, with Democrats saying it unfairly provides him with more media attention." |
"The Community Paediatrics' service provides holistic care for children and young people up to the age of 19 years. This service is for children and young people who are registered with a Wakefield district doctor (GP) or who are in Local Authority care. We work closely with agencies including Education, Social Services and the voluntary sector. The service is provided from children's centres, special schools, hospital clinics, health centres etc. The administrative and office bases are at Castleford Normanton and District Hospital.\nSpecialist clinics, eg neuro disability, autism, bowel management, ADHD, behaviour clinics.\nWe also act as Medical Advisor to the Adoption Panel and provide the Designated Doctor for Safeguarding in the Wakefield district and Sudden Unexpected Death in Children.\nThe service is led by four Consultant Paediatricians with individual sub-specialities and responsibilities. They are very well supported by a team of six Senior Speciality Doctors in Community Paediatrics who also have sub-specialities interests.\nThe Community Paediatrics' Service is available from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. The clinics are in various locations such as health centres, children's centres, schools, hospitals, etc.\nReferrals are accepted from the Local Authority, General Practitioners, hospital paediatricians, school nurses and other healthcare professionals.\nThe philosophy of care of the Community Paediatrics' service is that all children up to the age of 19 years will have prompt access to high quality evidence-based care. The staff delivering the care are appropriately qualified and have high professional standards. The service user feedback carried out in January 2009 shows that the service users were highly positive of the service and highly commended it (97%)." |
"Posts tagged 'Philipp Melanchthon'\nWittenberg UNESCO WHS: St. Mary's Church\nAbove: West side illuminated by afternoon sun, 30 Oct 2016 (HL).\nThe Stadtkirche Sankt Marien (St. Mary's Town and Parish Church) is the oldest building in Wittenberg, and is one of four sites in town as part of the town'sasx inscription as UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996. Not only is this the location where Luther preached, the church also contains important relics by the Cranachs highlighting the young Reformation movement. The Cranach and Luther families were close, as well as contemporary colleagues.\nThe east chancel (near the main altar) was part of the original St. Mary's chapel built around 1280. By the early 15th-century, the chapel was incorporated into a triple-naved structure with two towers in the late-Gothic style at the west end of the new church; the Gothic tops were removed and replaced by octagonal shapes by the mid-16th century. The original pulpit from which Luther delivered his sermons has survived the centuries, and is now located in Wittenberg's Luther House (Lutherhaus).\n( Click here for images and more )\n7 Comments 30 October 2017\nWittenberg UNESCO WHS: The Castle Church\nIn the east German town of Wittenberg, the Schlosskirche (Castle- or All Saints'-Church) is one of four sites as part of the town's status as UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996.\nElector Frederick III of Ernestine Saxony (1463-1525, also known as Frederick the Wise, Friederich der Weise) became the first patron of the Protestant Reformation with his support and defence of Martin Luther. On the site of the original city castle, Frederick the Wise authorized in 1489-1490 a renaissance palace with the entire north wing occupied by the Castle Church. The church was consecrated and inaugurated in 1503 as the castle and university church \"Allerheiligen\" (All Saints); Martin Luther taught theology as professor at the neighbouring university. The first Protestant service at the Castle Church was held in 1524-1525.\nA significant portion of the church including the original wooden doors was burned and destroyed in 1760 during Europe's Seven Years' War (1754-1763). The 1770 replacement church was subsequently destroyed in the conflict against France's Napoleon which ended with the town under Prussian control in 1815. With support and backing by Emperor Wilhelm II, a full renovation of the church took place between 1885 and 1892 with the west tower taking the form and shape we see today (see also below). The graves for Martin Luther, contemporary colleague and fellow reformer Philipp Melanchthon, and Frederick the Wise are inside the church. After three years of renovation and restoration work in time for the Reformation quincentenary in 2017, the Castle Church was reopened in the autumn of 2016.\n8 Comments 16 January 2017" |
"Mining Copper in Zambia ... Zambia has the second-largest reserves of raw copper ... \"Will my children be working for a Chinese company?\nArchaeology Magazine - Mining Afghanistan's Past - Archaeology Magazine Archive. Mining Afghanistan's Past atop the world's second largest copper deposit.\nFMC is the third-largest player on our top lithium-mining companies ... The company is China's second-largest lithium ... a client of the Investing News Network." |
"Hundreds of copies of the genome are stretched simultaneously on one substrate\nSingle step stretching and assembly of millions of large DNA fragments\nMolecular Combing is a user-friendly technique for the direct visualization of DNA at the single molecule level. The Molecular Combing System exploits surface forces to simultaneously stretch and assemble millions of DNA molecules on the surface of a vinyl silane treated glass carrier. The process is simple, fast and applicable to DNA molecular sizes exceeding the megabase. The technique is compatible with pre-labeled DNA and with in situ hybridization. No amplification is needed in the process; therefore no bias is introduced in the DNA population to be analyzed. Moreover, a large number of genome copies can be combed per experiment, this provides a statistically relevant number of measurements on the stretched DNA.\nTo implement the molecular combing technique, Genomic Vision developed the Molecular Combing System, an automatized instrument that stretches DNA molecules onto specially-treated glass surfaces (CombiCoverslips) in a 10-minute hand-off procedure. The resulting DNA is organized in discrete strands and can be analyzed at single molecule level.\nConstant stretching factor along each molecule (1 μm ≈ 2 kb)\nAllows for accurate and reproducible measurements for physical mapping of loci of interest\nUniform stretching for all molecules over the surface: measurements can be pooled without local calibration\nStretching insensitive to sequence content: no GC content bias, all genomic regions get stretched and are equally represented on the slide enabling the study of any regions of interest\nUnbiased stretching irrespective of the size of the DNA molecules: the longer the extracted molecule, the wider the view for the analysis of the region of interest\nHundreds of copies of the genome are stretched simultaneously on one substrate: offers a unique sensitivity to rare events, heterogeneous samples, mosaicism and enables precise statistical analysis.\nThe Molecular Combing procedure\nHigh molecular weight DNA is extracted and purified from the samples, and the DNA solution is placed in the disposable reservoir of the MCS. A 22-mm2 CombiCoverslip (glass carrier specifically treated with vinyl silane) is manually clipped to the system. The rest of the procedure is fully automated and takes only 10 minutes.\nFirst, the CombiCoverslip is lowered into the reservoir containing the DNA, in which it is incubated briefly to allow the DNA to attach to the glass surface at one or both of its extremities. The CombiCoverslip is then automatically withdrawn at constant speed from the DNA solution. Due to the slide being drawn through the air-liquid meniscus, DNA molecules are stretched and aligned in a controlled and consistent manner on the glass surface. Each DNA molecule is combed out with a constant stretching factor (2 kb/µm), enabling precise and direct measurements along the length of the DNA fiber." |
"On this, the five-year anniversary of Dodgers Digest, we bring you a few of rumors that have cropped up this weekend.\nA.J. Pollock, eh? The rumor has been out there for a bit, but this is the most concrete one to date. I gotta say: I'm not impressed. Pollock has a checkered injury past and has yet to replicate his 2015 levels of productions. He missed most of 2016 with a broken elbow and has been slightly above-average the last two seasons. In those two seasons, he has averaged just 463 plate appearances. Extrapolated for 600 plate appearances, he's currently a 3-win player. That's good, but not terribly great for a guy who would cost the Dodgers (likely) $15 million-plus per season for at least two years (and probably a third), the No. 31 pick in June's MLB Draft (because Pollock was given the qualifying offer) and $500,000 in international signing bonus money.\nPollock is a good defender in center field (6 defensive runs saved in 2018, +50 for his career), but Cody Bellinger was really good in center last season (+6) in almost half the number of innings. I'd rather roll with him in center and just sign Bryce Harper (I know, I know, I'm a broken record).\nOh, this is a new one. The Dodgers are apparently talking with the White Sox and Braves about a potential Joc Pederson trade. Pederson has seemed like a likely trade chip this entire offseason, but only now is he being rumored in deals. If he gets moved, it'll likely be a precursor to or a result of a Pollock signing. And hey, why not a Harper signing while we're at it?\nJosh Harrison? He wasn't even good when he was good (and I can't take credit for that). He had a 4.8-win season in 2014 when he had a 137 wRC+, but he has topped 100 wRC+ (league-average) just once (104 in 2017). His contact rate has dipped in three consecutive seasons, so there's not a ton of upside in a Harrison move. If the Pollock interest is legit, this Harrison rumor makes even less sense since Enrique Hernandez and Chris Taylor would likely play more infield, which is where Harrison plays. He's a good defender, but he doesn't seem like a great fit." |
"China, Insights, Speakers\nDr Geoff Raby on US-China Relations\nPosted on May 30, 2014 June 2, 2014 by China Speakers Agency\nGeoff Raby, Australia's former ambassador to China, says in an ABC News Interview that Beijing welcomes US presence in Asia, but it will continue to address international problems on a bilateral basis.\nDr Geoff Raby\nDr Raby was the Australian Ambassador to China from February 2007 to August 2011 and Deputy Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) from November 2002 to November 2006. He has held a number of senior positions in DFAT, including First Assistant Secretary, International Organisations and Legal Division (2001-2002), Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organisation, Geneva (1998-2001) and First Assistant Secretary, Trade Negotiations Division (1995-1998). He was Australia's APEC Ambassador from November 2002 to December 2004.\nToday, Dr Geoff Raby is Chairman and CEO of Geoff Raby & Associates, a Beijing-based business advisory firm. In addition to his roles at Geoff Raby & Associates, Dr Raby is Executive Director of Riverstone Advisory, as well as an Independent non-Executive Director on the boards of Fortescue Mining Group, OceanaGold, and SmartTrans. He is also Co-Chair of Corrs Chambers Westgarth's China Business Group, Senior Advisor to Kreab Gavin Anderson and the President of QIC's China Business.\nContact us today to engage Dr Geoff Raby to speak at your next event!\nHelen Wang Shared Insights on the China Middle Class with FMCG Audience\nJoe Zhang's \"Party Man, Company Man\" Book Coverage in WSJ" |
"Lake Townsend, named in honor of James R. Townsend, City Manager of Greensboro from 1947-1961, is the largest of Greensboro's municipal reservoirs. The lake encompasses 1,542 acres and is adjacent to the Bryan Park Complex and Golf Course off Highway 29 North. The lake was built and open for recreation in 1969.\nLake Townsend offers boat or pier fishing, pleasure boating, and sailing. Popular fish include largemouth bass, hybrid bass, catfish, and crappie. Rowboats, kayaks, and sailboats are available to rent. Lake Townsend is the home of the Lake Townsend Yacht Club with membership open to the public. Sailing classes are offered during the summer months through the yacht club.\nA large boat ramp is available for private boat launching, with another launch ramp for small sailboats.\nLake Townsend Watershed park is closed on Wednesdays year-round. Sunday opening hours for all three City lakes is 8 am." |
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<!--?attr/actionBarSize -->\n<android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout\n xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n xmlns:app=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto\"\n xmlns:tools=\"http://schemas.android.com/tools\"\n android:id=\"@+id/drawer_layout\"\n android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n android:fitsSystemWindows=\"true\"\n tools:openDrawer=\"start\">\n\n <include\n layout=\"@layout/app_bar_start\"\n android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"match_parent\" />\n\n\n\n <FrameLayout\n android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n android:paddingLeft=\"@dimen/fab_margin\"\n android:paddingRight=\"@dimen/fab_margin\"\n android:paddingTop=\"@dimen/fab_margin\">\n\n <LinearLayout\n android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n android:gravity=\"top\"\n android:orientation=\"vertical\"\n android:layout_marginTop=\"?android:attr/actionBarSize\">\n\n <TextView\n android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n android:text=\"@string/settings_animation\"\n android:paddingBottom=\"@dimen/activity_vertical_margin\"\n android:paddingLeft=\"@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin\"\n android:paddingRight=\"@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin\"\n android:paddingTop=\"@dimen/activity_vertical_margin\"\n android:textColor=\"@color/black\"\n android:textStyle=\"italic\"\n android:textSize=\"24sp\"\n android:typeface=\"serif\"/>\n\n <Button\n android:layout_width=\"wrap_content\"\n android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n android:id=\"@+id/settings_animation_button\"\n android:layout_gravity=\"left\"\n android:paddingBottom=\"@dimen/activity_vertical_margin\"\n android:paddingLeft=\"@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin\"\n android:paddingRight=\"@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin\"\n android:paddingTop=\"@dimen/activity_vertical_margin\"\n />\n\n </LinearLayout>\n </FrameLayout>\n\n\n <android.support.design.widget.NavigationView\n android:id=\"@+id/nav_view\"\n android:layout_width=\"fill_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n android:layout_gravity=\"start\"\n android:fitsSystemWindows=\"true\"\n app:headerLayout=\"@layout/nav_header_start\"\n app:menu=\"@menu/activity_start_drawer\" >\n\n </android.support.design.widget.NavigationView>\n\n</android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout>\n\n\n" |
"How to uninstall programs completely in Windows?\nWhen you start the WinUtilities Uninstall Manager, It displays an alphabetical list of all programs, games and tools that have added an uninstall entry to the registry.\nSelect an entry in the list to view more information about the program.\nIf you no longer wish to use a program, select it in the list and click Uninstall to remove it completely from your computer.\nThe uninstall program that starts is different from program to program, but one thing that they all have in common is that they not only delete the files from the hard drive, but also all associated desktop icons, Start menu entries and keys in the registry. Follow the instructions in the program to finish the procedure.\nIf a program does not support the uninstall function. In this case, you can delete the entry from the registry by clicking Remove button, as it has no function.\n⟵How to clean the invalid shortcuts in your start menu and desktop?\nHow to defragment and optimize the Windows registry?\nHow to clean zero length files (empty files) on Windows?\nHow to adjust volume with a hotkey in Windows 7/8/10?\nHow to Fix DLL Missing Errors on Windows 7/8/10?" |
"Ralph… as you can see by the date it is very hard to respond. Too close is an understatement, it is what we do as teachers. We look upon their faces, hear the unmistakable sound of a child's laugh and many days receive a hug on the way home. As teachers, we are trained to touch their lives and many in my district find school a safer place than home. So to find out what had happened not very far away, filled me with anger and a great deal of sadness. This gloom stayed with many of us for the entire weekend…. until Monday. At first it was very hard to look into their faces and not see news flashes, the names and ages of those killed….as some matched my own students. Then almost in a slow motion film that is sped up to the present, their chatter, laughing, bickering and constant stories were back…. and I felt whole again." |
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"Apple Employee Blows Whistle on Illegal Spying and Toxic Working Conditions\nSilicon Valley is well-known for its role in the surveillance system, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bosses are increasingly using a range of tech industry tools to keep them in check. constant tabsThey insist on their employees working from home, despite statistics showing that remote workers are more productive. more productiveThey work harder than their counterparts in office buildings.\nBut one woman who worked for the tech industry's biggest company is fighting back. Ashley Gjovik is a former Apple project manager who was fired in SeptemberAfter speaking out about workplace safety concerns Gjovik asked labor regulators for a ruling that the company uses illegal surveillance tactics. Gjovik filed a complaint to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), accusing Apple of a variety of unfair labor practices. This includes keeping tabs on employees in a way that prevents them exercising their right of discussing working conditions.\nGjovik also alleged that the company violated the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) by retaliating against her for voicing concerns about workplace safety stemming from the fact that Apple's office building in Sunnyvale, California, is situated on top of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-designated Superfund site, an area contaminated by hazardous industrial waste that is supposed to have been cleaned up and containedIf humans are within the vicinity, If Gjovik prevails, the NLRB could issue a ruling curtailing employers' abilities to surveil workers and chill their speech.\nGjovik has filed many other complaints to various workplace safety regulators and the Securities and Exchange Commission. She has meticulously documented her experiences, as evidenced by her personal website.\nThis week, the Department of Labor ruled that Gjovik's complaints had merit, and that the agency's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) would be investigatingShe filed whistleblower retaliation claims. Stephen Kohn, a whistleblower law expert, told the Financial Times that it was unusual for OSHA to investigate such allegations because companies often \"silence and intimidate\" employees and because those filing charges must establish that their case is likely to succeed.\n\"Most of us know that there's some level of pollution in our day-to-day lives, but there's still a lot of trust in the government and companies to do the right thing when it comes to poisoning people,\" she told Truthout.\nIn her NLRB complaint alleging illegal surveillance by Apple, Gjovik cited the company's handbook, which reserves the right to search employees' work equipment and their personal devices \"to protect Apple confidential and sensitive information.\" The company defines its proprietary information to include \"compensation, training, recruiting, and other human resource information.\"\nAll employees are covered by federal labor law have the right to discuss their working conditions \"for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.\" The NLRB has ruledManagement cannot spy on employees exercising their rights.\nThe Apple handbook includes a footnote stating that the company is not attempting to restrict its employees' \"rights to speak freely about wages, hours, or working conditions as legally permitted.\" But Apple policy also generally forbids employees from making any public disclosures without prior approval, including statements to the press, and it orders employees to refrain from discussing \"compensation, training, recruiting, and other human resource information\" after leaving the company, which it attempts to enforce through non-disclosure agreements. The handbook also bars employees from sharing information about their coworkers' \"compensation, health information, or performance and disciplinary matters\" without any footnotes about \"rights to speak freely about wages, hours, or working conditions,\" according to Gjovik's complaint.\nGjovik was also charged with filing charges with the NLRB. a memo circulatedAfter details of a meeting that included discussion about pay equity were leaked to the media, Apple CEO Tim Cook responded. Cook responded to the disclosure by vowing \"to identify those who leaked\" and by saying \"people who leak confidential information do not belong here,\" contradicting any stated policy granting employees the right to discuss their working conditions.\nGjovik also spoke. Truthout that when she informed someone on Apple's employee resources team that she had the legal right to speak publicly about working conditions, he replied, \"Most people don't figure that out.\"\nApple has declined to comment on specific questions regarding Gjovik or Apple workplace activists. For example: the company told Slate: \"We are and have always been deeply committed to creating and maintaining a positive and inclusive workplace. We take all concerns seriously and we thoroughly investigate whenever a concern is raised and, out of respect for the privacy of any individuals involved, we do not discuss specific employee matters.\"\nApple has not responded Truthout's request for comment on Gjovik's claim that a member of its employee resources team told her that the majority of Apple employees aren't aware of their rights in the workplace.\nGjovik's conflict with Apple management started in March, when an administrative assistant emailed her team about the company's Environmental Health and Safety division wanting to conduct a \"vapor intrusion survey\" in the Sunnyvale office. The phrase set off \"alarm bells\" for Gjovik, who had spent the last six months battling her apartment's property managers after becoming ill and learning that the residence was built on top of another EPA Superfund site.\n\"My body was just going crazy. It was a nightmare. I was buying books on terminal illness,\" Gjovik said.\nThings started to go south after she applied the lessons she had learned from her struggles at home. Gjovik responded to the administrative assistant's email by asking her management team if Apple had conducted comprehensive air quality tests, citing an Atlantic Article from 2013The document showed that the Sunnyvale Building was right next to three triple fund sites. Apple began leasing the property in 2015, hadn't conducted any tests since moving in, and did not inform employees of the hazardous waste underneath them, Gjovik alleged, noting that she herself discovered the lack of testing in public records after learning how to do research through her apartment ordeal. She said that management claimed that they didn't have to inform employees of the situation because there was no evidence of air quality issues. Gjovik replied that they lacked the evidence because they didn't perform proper tests.\nGjovik began to receive evidence from management that she was being retaliated against. HR opened a sexual harassment investigation into one of Gjovik's superiors that she did not want initiated out of fear that hostility from above would worsen. Gjovik began receiving unrealistically many work assignments. One boss cited Gjovik's \"mental health issues\" in urging her to drop her concerns about the Superfund site. Additionally, she says, superiors told her not to raise questions about workplace safety — always over the phone or in person. Gjovik tried to document these statements by replying to emails with notes about the conversations and asking if she missed anything.\nThings started to get more serious by the middle of summer. On July 23, Gjovik made The New York TimesQuote of the Day: Apple management wanted its employees back to work after the Delta variant of COVID-19 began to spread across the country. Around the same time, she took to the company's messaging platform, Slack, to ask her coworkers if they have had negative experiences dealing with HR, receiving numerous responses in the affirmative. In early August, after informing employee resources, Gjovik asked colleagues working in the office to document cracks in the floor — a sign that vapor intrusion may be occurring. Gjovik received the photographs and was informed by her colleagues. She planned to visit the office the following day to collect evidence. On the day she planned to visit the office, she was informed she was being placed on paid administrative leaves. On September 9, after Gjovik received a request from Apple management to cooperate with an investigation about \"a sensitive Intellectual Property matter,\" she agreed to cooperate but never found out what it is they were trying to discover. Gjovik requested that the inquiry be conducted over email. Subsequently, she was fired.\nGjovik was fired the night before she received a Twitter message from a random follower, urging her take steps to protect herself and her privacy. The message was general in nature, and he had previously experienced private sector surveillance. Hours later, she asked her followers on Twitter if it would be. \"over-paranoid\" to worry about the security of her messages on Apple's iCloud. Soon after, she started to remove her personal information from Apple servers. ProtocolGjovik began unplugging smart devices in her house. She said Truthout that she has no proof of the company using non-public information against her, but noted that internet trolls defending Apple have used information that she has not shared about her health and compensation to insult her, calling the matter a \"nightmare sandwich.\" Gjovik has also documented how supervisors at Apple were warning her to be wary of private-sector surveillance when she told them how she was locking horns with her property management company.\nBut there is a silver lining and an end to this nightmare. Gjovik is hoping that complaints she has filed with workplace regulators will prevent Apple and other massive companies from bullying and mistreating employees, especially workers who aren't as well-compensated as she was. Already, it appears that the complaints Gjovik filed after she was placed on administrative leave could bear fruit. Her case was not only advanced by the Department of Labor, but also the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. told GjovikIn September, Gjovik was granted the right in state court to sue Apple for creating hostile work environments. Experts familiar with the NLRA, including former NLRB officials, have said that Gjovik has a strong case against Apple — especially her complaint about CEO Cook threatening the employees who leaked details about the meeting concerning pay equity.\n\"What he's saying here goes too far,\" NLRB Chair Wilma Liebman told BloombergThe Cook memo. \"It's restrictive of people's ability to talk about employment policies.\" Mark Gaston Pearce, another former NLRB chair who, like Liebman, led the Board during the Obama administration, tweeted that Gjovik's case could be \"a vehicle\" to reverse pro-management rulings by the Board under the Trump administration. Jennifer Abruzzo is the General Counsel of the NLRB, and has the power for Board agents to advance cases that could become precedent. has asked regional offices to pursue cases designed to expand the definition of \"concerted activity,\" which was narrowed under Trump, including those involving handbook policies like the ones flagged by Gjovik. Abruzzo also noted November 4 the Board has ruled that concerted activity includes \"protesting unsafe working conditions and asserting statutory rights, like filing a claim with [OSHA].\"\nGjovik claimed that she is suing the company for misrepresenting its treatment of employees. The complaint revolves around Nia Impact Capital, a shareholder. alleged that AppleEmployer litigation risk is created by the company's insistence on a culture that is more secretive than necessary to protect its trade secrets. The company responded by claiming that \"Apple does not limit employees' and contractors' ability to speak freely about harassment, discrimination, and other unlawful acts in the workplace.\" Gjovik's SEC complaint alleges that these are \"false & misleading statements of material importance\" by Apple, citing an agency commissioner who warned in September 2020 against companies engaged in \"woke-washing where companies attempt to portray themselves in a light they believe will be advantageous for them on issues like diversity.\"\nGjovik has not found much pleasure from any of it. She shared the following: Gizmodo that working for Apple was a \"dream\" job, and although she held a high-pressure position, she was paid well and proud of her work. She was placed in a position where she feared her safety and health, and received significant pushback from the company for raising concerns. She now wants to use this opportunity to advocate for herself and others.\n\"I was a very senior employee who gave them my blood, sweat and tears. If they're doing it to me, what the fuck are they doing to retail?\" she asked rhetorically. \"I'm going to file as much shit as I can.\"\nCorrection: An earlier version stated that Gjovik had visited Sunnyvale's office in early August to photograph cracks in the floor." |
"namespace EAN.Api.Messages\n{\n using System.Collections.Generic;\n\n public class RoomImages\n {\n public int Size { get; set; }\n public List<RoomImage> RoomImage { get; set; }\n }\n}" |
"Brave New Farm: GE Food Animals in the USA\nGenetics and reproduction Genetics\n20 November 2008, at 12:00am\nImagine a new kind of food farm: animals that flourish on infertile lands, eat less but grow faster; there are no fears of disease or environmental side-effects on these farms and the animals produce meat that is lean, safe and nutritious. Think of all that can be gained, but then again, think of all that can be lost. \"What will the face of genetically engineered food farms really look like?\" asks Adam Anson, reporting for ThePigSite.\nGE animals: click to view\nImage: FDA\nThe US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) recently released a draft guidance on animals being genetically engineered (GE) for the food sector entitled Guidance for Industry Regulation of Genetically Engineered Animals Containing Heritable rDNA Constructs. The authors say that when this draft is finalized, it will reflect the FDA's current thoughts on this topic.\nGenetic engineering generally refers to the use of recombinant DNA (rDNA) techniques to introduce new characteristics or traits into an organism. Ever since the idea was first conceived, it has been the bone of contention in the media. Science fiction literature has portrayed it in a whole spectrum of colours, but the issue is no longer confined to fiction. It has entered the world around us almost unforeseen and now it beckons on the door of animal farming, but do we yet understand its real implications?\nAccording to Randall Lutter, \"Genetically engineered animals hold great promise for improving human medicine, agriculture, the environment, and the production of new materials, and the FDA has long been involved in their scientific evaluation.\" In a press item released shortly after the draft report, deputy commissioner of policy for the FDA, Dr Lutter, commented that the FDA guidance \"provides a framework for both GE animals and products made from them to reach the market\".\nAccording to the FDA, GE organisms currently being developed are being used to improve animal health or enhance agronomic traits and food quality. For instance, we may start seeing fish that grow faster and more efficiently, or goats are being engineered with spider genes to produce silk in their milk. Some GE pigs could have less environmentally deleterious wastes, whilst others may be engineered with mouse and bacterial DNA to improve digestion.\nAn FDA Fact Sheet says that GE food animals could also produce \"highly specific antimicrobials that target disease-causing bacteria such as E. coli 0157:H7 or Salmonella\".\nThere are also implications for these animals to be more drought- and heat-tolerant, which may allow for high quality food to be produced in parts of the world where disease, climate or accessibility of feed material have previously limited the ability to raise food animals. Animals can be engineered to be resistant to diseases, have less environmental impact, grow more quickly, require less feed, and produce healthier food.\nThe draft makes clear the opinion portrayed by the FDA but the issue is more complex than simply that of improving efficiency and meat quality. For instance, when does a genetically modified animal cease to be an animal at all? How safe is it to unleash these animals on nature? And what effects will this have on farmers and the industry as a whole?\nA Glance Through European Eyes\nConspiracy theorists dream up scenarios involving giant chickens and headless cattle, but are these visions as radical as they seem? A lot of the fears involved with GE food animals are not based merely around farming, or even modern day experiments, but rather they are concerned with what the next step after that will entail and whether or not this is a future into which we are stepping with our eyes fully open.\nThere is undoubtedly a question of ethics at stake among many people, as this would be a genetically unnatural step. An FDA Consumer Q and A, says that the issue of ethics is an extremely complicated one. However, \"On the one hand\", it says, \"the standard for approval does not explicitly include ethics...many people would consider animal health and safety to be a subcategory of the broader term 'ethics'\".\nA quick look at European perceptions on genetic tampering of food animals shows evident concerns. In a survey conducted by the European Commission, entitled Europeans' Attitudes Towards Animal Cloning Analytical Report released in October 2008, three-quarters of interviewees agreed that there could be ethical grounds for rejecting animal cloning, whilst 69% agreed that animal cloning would risk treating animals as commodities rather than creatures with feelings.\nSignificantly, a large majority of EU citizens were unwilling to accept animal cloning for food production purposes and 58% said that such cloning should never be justified. The question is whether these people would vote the same way if the topic concerned GE animals rather than cloned animals?\nA majority of EU citizens said that it was unlikely that they would buy meat or milk from cloned animals, even if a trusted source stated that such products were safe to eat, whilst eight out of ten EU citizens (83%) said that special labelling should be required if food products from the offspring of cloned animals become available in the shops. Would it be a breach of rights if this option was refused?\nThe Fearful Glare of the Media\nThe main aspects of the FDA's draft guidance that has drawn concern amongst consumer groups is food labelling and transparency. \"While the new guidance would require a long-overdue review process, the proposed FDA rules are seriously flawed,\" says TheTrueFoodNetwork.\n\"Under this draft, the public cannot know if the review of a product has met the highest scientific standards until after its approval, and then they cannot avoid the product in the marketplace because it is not labelled. The FDA feels it deserves the public's trust, but refuses to give us the tools to verify that it is doing its job fairly and adequately.\"\n\"The FDA feels it deserves the public's trust, but refuses to give us the tools to verify that it is doing its job fairly and adequately.\"\nTheTrueFoodNetwork\nHowever, GE organisms are nothing novel. Since the first demonstration as proof of principle by Cohen and Boyer in 1973, recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology has been applied to microorganisms, plants, and animals. Now, more than two decades later, many different species, including those traditionally consumed as food, have been genetically engineered with various rDNA constructs.\nHowever, according to NaturalNews, ever since the beginning of GE grains, controversy has surrounded their safety. The Organic Consumers organization is equally against GE grains, stating \"Campaign activists are also demanding that corporations and governments heed the concerns of consumers, North and South, and remove genetically engineered corn and other foods and crops from the market, unless they can be proven to be safe for human health and the environment.\nNaturalNews claims that hundreds of US consumers have reported allergic reactions after consuming FDA-approved products such as Kraft and other branded products likely to contain GE corn.\nThe FDA says that under the draft guidance, in those cases where the GE animal is intended for food use, producers will have to demonstrate that food from the GE animal is safe to eat. However, at a time when the FDA has inadequate resources to protect the food system and is reeling under allegations of conflicts of interest, has the issue of food safety been fully considered?\nThe Centre for Food Safety, a non-profit organisation, has spotted an area of concern. \"This new proposal uses a secret approval process wherein no one other than FDA reviewers can see the data submitted before final approval,\" said Jaydee Hanson, Policy Analyst on cloning and genetics for the Center for Food Safety. \"And, unlike drugs which can be recalled because they are labelled, FDA maintains that genetically engineered animals should not be labelled.\"\nAfter all is said and done, the fact remains that any move towards GE food animals will most probably precede a monumental shift in what we now know as farming and what we perceive as meat. If it is for anyone to decide whether it is the right, or wrong move then we ask \"who should it be?\" Is it the American government, corporate leaders, or the everyday citizen that has to produce, or consume these products? What is there to be really gained, and parallel to these gains, what is there to be lost?\nThe comment period for the FDA's Draft Guidance ended on 18 November.\n- You can view the Food and Drug Administration Draft Guidance by clicking here.\nEffect of first versus second oestrus insemination on gilt lifetime productivity\nNew research shows a significance difference in lifetime total born performance of gilts bred at first oestrus and second oestrus.\nLinking reproductive failure to parity trends in the sow herd\nResults from a new study demonstrate that the parity of a sow can greatly increase the incidence of reproductive failure and subsequent removal of the sow from the herd.\nNew study determines key steps to identify piglets most at risk from pre-weaning mortality\nThe study, published in Porcine Health Management, investigates the associations between blood-glucose levels, intrauterine growth restriction and pre-weaning mortality.\nWhy adjust end of test pig performance data?\n25 Sep 2019 Sponsored\nSelection of parents of the next generation of pigs in nucleus breeding programmes requires accurate estimation of breeding values for several traits." |
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"PT Resources Jaya Teknik Management Indonesia or RMI is an Indonesian company involved in the energy sector. The company focuses on geothermal energy and CO2 purification.\nSupreme Energy is an energy company that focuses on geothermal-based power generation. The company owns multiple projects on the Island of Sumatra." |
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"PT Adaro Energy Tbk is a leading Indonesian coal mining company and Indonesia's ... Pages in egory \"Coal companies of Indonesia ... Mining Services; Adaro Indonesia.\nAdaro Energy | Indonesia Investments. PT Adaro Energy Tbk is a leading Indonesian coal mining company and Indonesia's second-largest producer of thermal coal.\nBUMA is the second largest coal mining contractor in Indonesia, providing mining services ... egory:Coal companies of Indonesia ... Coal Mining Contractors Indonesia.\nMining in Indonesia. ... Indonesia's coal mining market is not going to be transformed overnight, ... or absorbed them into state owned mining companies.\nPages in category \"Coal mining companies and agencies in Indonesia\" The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total." |
"PT Bukit Makmur Mandiri Utama (Buma) The subsidiary of PT Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk (DOID) has just signed a new mining service contract with an estimated contract value of over Rp 7 trillion.\nThe mining service contract was signed with PT Tanah Bumbu Resources, a subsidiary of Geo Energy Resources Limited. \"The value of this contract is estimated to reach more than Rp 7 trillion or equivalent to more than US $ 500 million,\" wrote the management of DOID in an official statement on Thursday (8/3/17).\nThe mine is adjacent to another Geo Energy concession area, PT Sungai Danau Jaya. Buma has also signed a contract with the mine that has been operating since 2015. Geo Energy is an integrated coal mining business group and listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange.\nThe location of the adjacent Tanah Bumbu and Sungai Lake mines is expected to optimize operational efficiency in both mine sites. The operation of Tanah Bumbu will commence in March. While production is expected to begin to be seen in the second quarter of 2018.\nThis contract is expected to strengthen the relationship between BUMA and Geo Energy which is a fast growing coal mining company with good growth potential in the future. This contract is also in line with BUMA's strategy to always focus on long-term sustainability and profitable growth." |
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"At KFAC, our strong desire to improve the way the industries operate means that we are constantly challenging obsolete traditional practices and adapting to the rapidly changing world.\nFounded in Kuala Lumpur by a group of people who are passionate to succeed, KFAC have gained a reputation for uncompromising professionalism and honesty and have earned the trust of our clients & business associates. This is due to the fact we truly believe in assisting our clients with the utmost sincerity and can be seen from our logo design which was inspired by the Chinese word 人 (ren) which means \"people\" in Chinese.\nOur extensive network enables our clients businesses to easily scale up from sourcing for suitable locations, solutions & materials, client base, marketing, technology updates up to business expansion in a cycle.\nBecome a leading platform where commercial & industrial businesses, technology and media converges to create seamless business networks." |
"Zenne Infinity Sdn Bhd (560198-X) is a company incorporated in Malaysia and principally engaged in distribution of gas related product & complimetary products. Zenne Infinity's head office is located at Lot 1863, Jalan Kolej, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia.\nZenne's was born in 2005 and it was the brainchild of KEIN HING INDUSTRY SDN BHD (KHI) group of employees.\nDuring the 1990's and early twenties, KHI supplied a range of gas cooker components to Panasonic and had been in the business with Panasonic until they achieved 2 million sets of gas cooker production. KHI had gained a lot of exposures and experiences before Panasonic eased their gas cooker business. This is where KHI started off with the manufacture of Zenne gas cooker.\nZenne, received keen interest from the local and overseas market, have been steadily gaining acceptance and confidence in our quality and special design features. Very few gas cooker manufacturers are able to achieve these high standards of accreditation. Besides, KHI is also an ISO 9001 and ISO 14000 certified company." |
"Tech Titan Distribution Sdn. Bhd. (Formerly known as K Now Distribution Sdn. Bhd.) provides \"Best-of-Breed\" IT Security Solutions to end users through a network of trained Channel Partners and IT professionals.\nEstablished in year 2010, Tech Titan Distribution Sdn. Bhd. (Formerly known as K Now Distribution Sdn. Bhd.) is a value-added IT Distribution company. In early years, we are known as Malaysia's Authorised Distributor of the world-renowned Kaspersky® enterprise editions. We are dedicated and experienced in distributing an extensive family of IT security products from generic to enterprise solutions in order to ensure swift adaptability for your business and clientele.\nOur complete line-up of Security enterprise solutions represents the best-of-breed security solutions currently available in the market guaranteeing that we provide top notch value to our channels whether they will be a small or big players in the market. Our product portfolio addresses the following key issues which affect most businesses today: integration, security, scalability, availability, compliance, business intelligence, and control.\nWe maintain a high level of professionalism as we continuously ensure our network of channel partners and IT professionals acquire the necessary trainings and certifications allowing us not just to provide quality solutions but also remarkable service backed with skills and experience from end to end starting from project initiation to implementation, technical training and after sales support and maintenance.\n\"To be a market leader in providing innovative IT Security solutions to the industries by partnering with the best in class vendors\".\na focus product base in rapidly expanding market sectors.\na passionate focus on customers and market trends.\nmobilizing the power of teaming to deliver consistently exceptional service to our clients anywhere in Malaysia." |
"Nichias Southeast Asia Sdn. Bhd. is a group company of Nichias Corporation. We engaged in trading of Nichias'products, providing technical support in sealing materials and also providing thermal insulation works in Malaysia.\nNichias Corporation was incorporated in 1896 in Japan as a pioneer manufacturer of thermal insulation materials. Since then, Nichias Corporation has been successful in providing a wide range of products and services for various industries.\nNICHIAS SOUTHEAST ASIA SDN. BHD.\n© 2017 NICHIAS SOUTHEAST ASIA SDN. BHD. All rights reserved." |
"Deleum Berhad (\"Deleum\" or the \"Group\"), a provider of diverse range of supporting specialised products and services to the oil and gas industry, has reported a pre-tax profit of RM49.8 million for the financial year ended 31 December 2016 (FY2016). A lower pre-tax profit as compared to RM71.2 million in last year was due to lower contributions from the Power and Machinery segment and associates, relieved by stronger performance from both the Oilfield Services and Integrated Corrosion Solutions segments.\nDeleum Berhad (\"Deleum\" or the \"Group\"), a provider of diverse range of supporting specialised products and services to the oil and gas industry, reported a pre-tax profit of RM3.9 million for the first quarter ended 31 March 2017 (\"Q1FY2017\"), compared to RM11.5 million reported in the corresponding period.\nDeleum Berhad (\"Deleum\" or the \"Group\"), provider of a diverse range of supporting specialised products and services to the oil and gas industry, recorded an improved second quarter pre-tax profit of RM11.4 million (first quarter pre-tax profit of RM3.9 million).\nDeleum Berhad's subsidiary company, Deleum Primera Sdn. Bhd. has secured a contract for the Provision of Maintenance, Construction and Modification (MCM) Services [Package C (Offshore) - Peninsular Malaysia Gas] from PETRONAS Carigali Sdn. Bhd.\nDeleum Berhad (\"Deleum\" or the \"Group\"), provider of a diverse range of supporting specialised products and services to the oil and gas industry, recorded a higher pre-tax profit of RM33.9 million for the nine months ended 30 September 2017, up 5.9% from the corresponding period in 2016." |
"Lion is an Indonesian focused oil and gas exploration & production company. It has two new long tenure conventional gross split tax and royalty PSC's located on Seram Island. These include the Seram PSC containing the transformational Lofin Gas discovery, and the producing Oseil oil field and the exciting East Seram PSC containing the Lofin extension and prospects and leads exceeding 700mboe's in the immature Manusela play.\nLion, through its wholly owned subsidiary Lion International Investment Limited (LII), holds a 2.5% shareholding in the oil producing Seram (Non-Bula) Block Renewal PSC joint venture located onshore Seram Island in Eastern Indonesia. The PSC contains the 2 TCF Lofin gas discovery that was appraised in 2015.\nLion, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Balam has 100% working interest in the East Seram PSC containing an extension of the Lofin Gas and Bula Oil fields and in excess of 700mmboe's of unrisked mean potential in exploration leads." |
"Perisai Petroleum Teknologi Bhd (\"Perisai\") is a Malaysia based upstream oil & gas service provider. A public listed group since 2004, Perisai has a market capitalisation in excess of US$250 million.\nFollowing a transformational change of business direction undertaken in 2010, the Perisai Group today owns a fleet of strategic oil & gas vessels and facilities supporting the exploration, development and production phases of offshore oil & gas fields both in and out of Malaysia.\nPerisai recently entered the offshore drilling segment by constructing a high specification jack-up drilling rig which is expected to be delivered in July 2014. This new business segment is expected to expand Perisai's business in Malaysia and the Asia Pacific Region.\nWith a fleet spanning offshore support vessels, a construction support and pipelay vessel, a mobile offshore production unit and an offshore jack-up drilling rig, the Group possesses an extensive presence along the upstream oil & gas value chain.\nPerisai Group continues to focus on its areas of strength by seeking continuing investments in value adding, earnings accretive, strategic offshore oil & gas vessels and facilities.\nPERISAI means \"Shield\" in Bahasa Malaysia and represents the Company's assurance of standards to its customers.\nThe provision of niche offshore vessels and facilities supporting the development and production stages of hydrocarbon fields in Malaysia and the Asia Pacific region." |
"Bumi Armada CEO calls it quits\nMalaysia's Bumi Armada has announced that its Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of the company, Hassan Basma, has resigned from his position due to family reasons.\nAccording to the company, the Board of Directors of Bumi Armada has agreed to Basma's request and accordingly he will relinquish his positions as CEO and Executive Director of the company, with effect from January 1, 2015.\nBasma will also relinquish his directorships in other companies within Bumi Armada Group with effect from such date. However, the company informs that Basma will continue to be engaged as a consultant to the company, where required and appropriate, on specific projects.\nThe company says that the Board has initiated steps to search for a new CEO, with in-depth relevant experience in the offshore and marine services industry. Pending the appointment of a new CEO, the Board has announced that Chan Chee Beng, a member of the Board since 2003, has been re-designated as Executive Director and Acting CEO, with effect from January 1, 2015. Chan has also been a member of the Executive Committee of Bumi Armada since 2008, acting as its chairman from 2013.\nThe company has also undertaken a review of its existing projects to ensure long term sustainability.\nIn its Bursa Malaysia filing the company said that, \"the Board takes this opportunity to thank Mr Basma for his tremendous contribution to Bumi Armada, and wishes him the best in his future endeavours\".\nOffshore Energy Today reported earlier today that the company has once again postponed the signing of an FPSO contract with Husky-CNOOC for Madura BD field.\nPosted on December 5, 2014 with tags Bumi Armada, CEO, News, Offshore.\nAnother hold-up in Madura BD FPSO contract signing\nMalaysia's provider of offshore vessels and floating production units, Bumi Armada, and Husky-CNOOC have once again ...\nBumi Armada: 3Q profit falls\nMalaysia-based international offshore oilfield services provider, Bumi Armada Berhad saw its 3Q 2014 profit drop to ...\nBumi Armada: Madura BD FPSO contract delayed again\nMalaysia's Bumi Armada and Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) have mutually agreed to further extend the period for ...\nBumi Armada: Contract signing for Madura BD FPSO still ...\nMalaysia's provider of offshore vessels and floating production units, Bumi Armada, and Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited ...\nBumi Armada, Husky-CNOOC delay FPSO contract signing\nMalaysia's provider of offshore vessels and floating production units, Bumi Armada, and Husky-CNOOC oil ...\nSBI Offshore exec calls it quits\nSBI Offshore Limited has announced the resignation of Giang Sovann as Executive Director of the Company effective ...\nHyperdynamics Board member calls it quits\nHyperdynamics Corp. has announced the resignation of Lord David Owen as a member of its Board of Directors.\nBumi Armada pens its largest FPSO deal\nBumi Armada has announced the signing of a contract with eni Angola S.p.A. for the chartering, operations and ...\nBumi Armada bags $1.18 B worth FPSO contract\nHusky-CNOOC Madura Limited (HCML) and Malaysia's Bumi Armada have signed a letter of intent for the supply of an ...\nCal Dive CFO calls it quits\nCal Dive International, Inc. has announced that Brent D. Smith, the Company's Chief Financial Officer, voluntarily ...\nSeacor Senior VP, CFO calls it quits after seventeen years\nSeacor Holdings Inc. has announced that Richard J. Ryan, the Company's Senior Vice President, Chief Financial ...\nNoreco's Director calls it quits\nNorwegian Energy Company has announced that the Director David Gair has given notice of his resignation from the ...\nBumi Armada, Eni sign $2.9B Angola FPSO LOI\nBumi Armada will convert a Very Large Crude Carrier into an FPSO which will serve Eni in Angola. Malaysia-based ...\nDyna-Mac receives orders from Keppel, Modec and Bumi Armada\nDyna-Mac Holdings Ltd. a multi-disciplinary offshore fabrication specialist with core focus in FPSO/FSO topside ...\nBumi Armada" |
"Malaysia-based international offshore energy facilities and services provider Bumi Armada Berhad has announced the resignation of Encik Shaharul Rezza bin Hassan, Executive Director and Head of Offshore Marine Services (OMS) of Bumi Armada Berhad. Encik Rezza will officially relinquish his roles at the Group on the 28 of February 2018. He has requested an early release from the Group to pursue other interests outside the Group. Rezza joined Bumi Armada in September 2005 and prior to his current role as Head of the OMS business, he was the CFO.\nMalaysia's Bumi Armada Bhd intends to fully enforce its rights, including initiating legal proceedings against Woodside Energy Julimar Pty Ltd for purportedly terminating its charter contract of the Armada Claire Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) unit. Bumi Armada Berhad has earlier announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Armada Balnaves, has received notice from Woodside Energy Julimar terminating the contract for FPSO Armada Claire, currently operating in the Balnaves Field off north-western Australia.\nEven as world energy prices continue to maintain low pricing levels, offshore contracts are there to be won. Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd has secured a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) conversion contract as well as three repair, upgrade and modification contracts worth a total of about S$125 million. The FPSO conversion project Keppel Shipyard will be undertaking is for Armada Madura EPC Limited, a joint venture between long-standing customer Bumi Armada Berhad (Bumi Armada) and Shapoorji Pallonji Group (Shapoorji Pallonji).\nKeppel Offshore & Marine Ltd wholly owned subsidiaries Keppel Shipyard Ltd (Keppel Shipyard) and Keppel Nantong Shipyard Co. Ltd have secured contracts from repeat customers worth a total of S$153 million. Keppel Shipyard's contract is for the conversion of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel for Armada Cabaca Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bumi Armada Berhad (Bumi Armada) while Keppel Nantong's contract is to construct a submersible barge for Smit Shipping Singapore Pte Ltd (Smit Shipping), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Boskalis Westminster Group.\nKeppel Offshore & Marine Ltd's (Keppel O&M) subsidiaries Keppel Shipyard Ltd (Keppel Shipyard) and Keppel Nantong Shipyard Co. Ltd (Keppel Nantong) won five contracts worth about $120m in total. \"We are glad to have the support of repeat and new customers for a range of offshore and marine projects,\" said Michael Chia, MD (Marine and Technology) of Keppel O&M. \"Keppel Shipyard's latest contracts bear testament to its extensive expertise and experience in Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) and Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) conversion, upgrading and repair works.\nBumi Armada Berhad secures syndicated Indian banks term loan facilities of up to US$276.4-million for FPSO 'Armada Sterling'. Malaysia-based international offshore oil and gas services provider, company Bumi Armada Berhad announced today that its jointly controlled entity, Armada D1 Pte. Ltd. (Armada D1) has secured syndicated term loan facilities of up to USD276.4 million (facility) from Allahabad Bank, Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Indian Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, UCO Bank and Union Bank of India.\nKeppel Shipyard Ltd (Keppel Shipyard) has secured three conversion contracts worth a total of S$142 million. These conversion contracts are to convert a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Carrier to a Floating Storage Unit (FSU), a VLCC tanker to a Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) unit as well as a tanker to a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) unit. Mr Nelson Yeo, Managing Director of Keppel Shipyard, said, \"We are glad to have the trust and confidence of the global industry for a range of conversion projects." |
"home > tags > keppel-offshore-marine-limited\nPages tagged \"Keppel Offshore & Marine Limited\"\nBG Group and Keppel to fuel ships with LNG in Singapore Jan 28, 2016\nBG Group and Keppel Offshore & Marine have secured the license to supply LNG bunker to vessels in the Port of Singapore after submitting a joint bid to the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore. With the granting of the license, BG Group and Keppel will form a 50-50 joint venture to deliver an end-to-end bunkering solution using LNG sourced from BG Group's diversified LNG portfolio.\nKeppel Offshore & Marine secures contracts worth S$125 million from repeat customers Jan 1, 2016\nKeppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M)'s local and overseas subsidiaries continue to win strong support from repeat customers by securing four contracts worth a total of about S$125 million. In Singapore, Keppel O&M's wholly-owned subsidiary Keppel Shipyard Ltd (Keppel Shipyard) secured two conversion contracts - the first is for a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Floating Storage Unit (FSU) vessel awarded by Armada Floating Gas Storage Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bumi Armada Berhad\nKeppel FELS delivers eighth rig of the year safely and on time Oct 29, 2015\nKeppel FELS, a wholly owned subsidiary of Keppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) has delivered ARABDRILL 70, a KFELS B Class jackup rig, to Arabian Drilling Company (ADC). It was completed three days ahead of schedule, on budget and with a perfect safety record. ARABDRILL 70 is the fourth KFELS B Class jackup rig to work for ADC.\nKeppel to deliver 3 ice-class vessels to Bumi Armada Sep 15, 2015\nKeppel Singmarine Pte Ltd (Keppel Singmarine), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M), is on track to deliver\nKeppel enhances capabilities with acquisition of LETOURNEAU™ jackup rig designs Aug 31, 2015\nKeppel Offshore & Marine (Keppel O&M) has through its wholly owned subsidiary, Keppel Offshore & Marine USA, Inc., entered\nKeppel Shipyard secures contracts worth S$125 million Aug 14, 2015\nKeppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M)'s wholly owned subsidiary Keppel Shipyard Ltd (Keppel Shipyard) has secured a Floating\nKeppel contracts third floating liquefaction facility conversion worth US$684 million Jul 23, 2015\nKeppel Shipyard Limited (Keppel Shipyard), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M), has signed a contract worth approximately US$684 million with Golar Gandria N.V., a subsidiary of Golar LNG Limited (Golar LNG), to perform the conversion of a Moss type Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) carrier, the GANDRIA, into a Golar Floating Liquefaction (GoFLNG) facility.\nKeppel secures contract to perform second FLNG vessel conversion for Golar Jan 5, 2015\nKeppel Shipyard Limited (Keppel Shipyard), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M), has\nKeppel secures S$153 million in contracts from repeat customers Oct 9, 2014\nKeppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M)'s wholly owned subsidiaries Keppel Shipyard Ltd (Keppel Shipyard) and Keppel Nantong Shipyard Co. Ltd (Keppel Nantong) have secured contracts from repeat customers worth a total of S$153 million. Keppel Shipyard's contract is for the conversion of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) vessel for Armada Cabaca Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bumi Armada Berhad (Bumi Armada)\nKeppel Offshore and marine joins World Ocean Council Jan 29, 2014\nKeppel Offshore and Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M) has become a member of the World Ocean Council (WOC)." |
"With the continual uptick in the growth of mobile and online marketing, new mobile apps and social media platforms are introduced each and every day. Your company is under constant pressure to adopt the latest and greatest trend just to remain relevant. Despite the fact that a number of these applications and sites may deliver actual value for your brand, there is also a high probability that they can do real damage if you are signing up just to keep pace and make sure that your brand is represented on every platform possible.\nPrior to registering for any new social media app or platform, it is crucial that you stop and ask yourself – Will this offer something of value to my target market?\nDoes this offer something to your audience that they cannot get from your website?\nYour business mobile app should not be a mirror image of your company website. It has to offer something different. Ask yourself what the mobile app will provide for your users that they cannot get from your website. Whether the answer is a quick way to order products from your mobile store, or a way for employees to access and share important documents, it is crucial that your mobile app has a specific purpose.\nDoes it make day-to-day life easier?\nMore often than not, businesses turn to mobile app development as a way to streamline complex processes – to make the working lives of their employees easier and more efficient. This might come from collaboration tools, contact info, access to documents, etc.\nIs It A Clear Extension Of Your Existing Brand?\nIt is true that your mobile app needs to offer something to your audience that they cannot get elsewhere. However, it should also be an obvious extension of your corporate brand. Your app needs to focus on the core qualities of your business and make use of features and items that make sense.\nIf you are looking to develop a business mobile app, but are uncertain of the kind of value that it would deliver to your end-users, we would be happy to speak with you and answer any questions you might have." |
"Mobile is different to web. So the way we design mobile apps is different to how we do it for web. The size offered by mobile screens is less and thus the app needs to cater to all the features sleekly and compactly. It goes into a certain length with a scroll offered to the interface and therefore it is conceived and conceptualized in a different way. Presentation and communication resources for mobile apps are therefore attempted at a different scale and with different approach in mind. It's important to keep your mobile app follow a certain scheme and go by a foolproof technique to be supplied with right design components, the right way. As a designer this requires you to build it following some rules and go by a mobile deign checklist that assures your app looks at its best.\nDeveloping a mobile app is anything but easy. There are so many variables to take into account that it just takes a minor slip to end up with a whole different product. Whether it's the design that you don't get right, the set of features, the target audience or the target platform – there are numerous elements that can make or break your app. Luckily for you, we're here to help, so we've put together an easy-to-follow model you can follow to ensure you've got all your ifs and maybes sorted out before you get coding. Here are 5 questions you need to have a clear resonant answer to before you start.\n1. What Will My App Do?\nThis might be completely obvious, but you'd be surprised as to how many developers don't have a crystal-clear vision in their head before they start working on an app. Sure, they have a rough vision, but it's fuzzy and unclear – not exactly the greatest start point.\nIn order to avoid this pitfall, make sure you can explain the purpose and functionality of your app even to someone that has no technical knowledge whatsoever without stepping on your own feet. If you can accomplish that, it means you have a clear idea and you're ready to move to the next phase.\nThis might seem like a no-brainer again, but once again, it is one of the most common mistakes developers make: starting out without having a clearly defined target audience. You can't satisfy everyone, and that's a hard fact, so don't even bother trying to appeal to everyone. Instead, determine what your ideal target audience it, and focus your entire attention to cater to the needs of that specific segment. Usually the target audience is what determines how the design will look, the amount of features involved, the tone and approach of the in-app content and so on. Choose wisely.\n3. What's My Target Platform?\nThe answer to this question is influenced by a variety of factors, but one of the predominant factors is the one discussed above – the target audience. There's no point in developing a children's game for a Blackberry, and not just because nobody develops apps for Blackberries (ok, not entirely true, but you get the idea), but because said platform is generally used in business environments.\nIdeally your target should be available for both iOS and Android, but if your resources force you to choose only one platform to focus on, choose the one you're more familiar with.\n4. Can I Pull It Off?\nSo you have the idea, the target audience and the platform; now all you need is a solid plan. Make sure you have the proper skills to pull it off, or seek help if you don't. Don't be afraid to ask for external help or even outsource entire blocks of the development process if it's too much for you. Keep in mind that there's no such thing as a good-for-all; if you want top quality, do the part you're great at yourself, and delegate everything you're not an expert in to someone who is.\n5. What About The Cash?\nSugarcoat it however you want, but the truth is that everyone does it for the money, because at the end of the day, we all have a mouth (or more) to feed. With this in mind, what's your monetization plan? Will your app be a paid one, ad-supported or subscription based? Will you rely on paid downloadable content to make profit? Sure, you could offer it for free and hope that people will like it so much that they'll be inclined to donate. But what if they don't? Be sure to have a monetization strategy, otherwise you might have to turn the lights off sooner than you thought.\nTry to get in the zone of 'touch' or you will not be able to receive the desired response from your user. Try using Image Carousels, Off-Canvas Flyouts, Accordeons, Drawers and other supporting resources and effects that let your app behave touch-friendly.\nYou have to have a nice icon to gain an edge over your competitors by making your app easily recognizable. Use your logo here to present your mark better in the perfectly planned icon. Just avoid copying what others in the business are doing. Plan your stuff representing your individuality right.\nIt has been depicted in a survey held in 2014 that the apps using good product images registered 9% better conversions than their close counterparts. So, get serious with the way you select, use or implement images and achieve big with your mobile endeavor. Using high definition images and applying them just as needed would help.\nThe ideal dimensions for font size are 14 px and above. Just make sure you have met this requirement well and made your copy readable by the user without them having to zoom or move screen or change resolution. Further, proofread it twice to manage the quality of your copy.\nIt's important that you provide for seamless mode switching in your app. Offer the user with the flawless experience shifting the portrait mode to landscape mode and vice-versa. This could be needed by them quite often depending on the type of screen interaction and display configurations placed with the app. So, get them tune in well with smooth reflow of screen modes.\nImages don't support texts well and they are mostly unreadable on a mobile screen. It is better to have your texts used and implemented separately and not in the form of an image.\nBasic but effective ones! Following these points should help you get the right version of mobile design that is received avidly for quality and performance. The way you treat them will decide on how far you succeed to have an awesome mobile app design!\nThis is the guest post by Daniel Lewis Parking Games 365 and Sumit Garg.\nSumit Garg is a Mobile App Developer and Technical Writer at MobilePhoneApps4U. He has over 10 years of experience in web and mobile application development. He also provides hybrid mobile app development solutions to help clients in endorsing best mobile strategy." |
"However, just because you create an app doesn't mean your target audience will engage with it. Even your most loyal subscribers need a reason to check in. We all have those apps that we've downloaded with the best intentions but somehow they rarely get tapped.\nHere are a few design \"must haves\" to consider when developing mobile apps that will keep users coming back.\nFeedback Method: Once you've put hours into developing an app that is functional and visually awesome, you want to make sure you have a way to continue to improve it. You do this by building in a way for end-users to provide feedback on their experience with the app. This is a great way to identify bugs as well.\nVisual Customization Options: We live in a world of perpetual connectivity and personalization. Creating different visual options for your apps allows your users to feel connected in a personal way. Besides, who doesn't want an app that has fonts and colors to match your mobile background.\nSocial Media Linking and Logins: It's annoying to have to remember multiple sets of logins. So, help your users out by allowing to login to your app using their social media accounts. You can also encourage feedback and sharing across multiple channels.\nIncorporate Analytics: Knowing how users interact with the app gives you insight into revenue opportunities. This doesn't have to be invasive by requiring location and access to phonebook information. Many users don't like that. You can however track logins and other feature use. This also ties back into feedback. Analyzing this data can present major opportunities over time.\nInclude Gamification: This is essentially making the app fun, even if it's typically a industry that isn't meant to be (ex. healthcare). The benefit is it keeps people engaged. The end result could be more social sharing and additional engagement across other platforms.\nHave you used any of these design features while developing your mobile app? How successful were they and how have they impacted engagement?" |
"Unique mobile application development is one of the ways that can change how you operate your business. Due to the demand of the mobile application, there are many people and companies coming up to develop various app solutions for business people. The mobile application is one of the best ways of staying in touch with your customers. For you to know what your customers think of your business, you need to create a feedback form for customers comments. It is critical for you to come up with a great business app for you to be successful in your business.\nYour mobile app idea must consider how functional it is based on its accuracy, consistency and how fast it is. You must be careful at the development stage to avoid making functionality mistakes. Let your great app idea be of great value to the end user. It crucial if you do some research and thorough study on your target market and the available mobile apps. Create a mobile-friendly and user-friendly app design. Consider the performance of the mobile application in that is should be fast in downloading contents. A slow mobile app reduce the number of users due to the delays.\nMake sure your app at The Appineers is unique and different from other applications to avoid copyright issues. Be unique in your ways since the users are well informed and can differentiate between an original and a fake application. There are many different reasons why you need to come up with a mobile app for your business. One of the reasons is that you are always ahead of your competitors. With the application you maximize your reach for clients. You does not have to use a lot of effort trying to reach out to your targeted customers due to its convenience.\nThrough the mobile app customers can operate and download contents with less effort making it a good method to promote business. It acts as an indirect way of promoting your business in that if one client finds something of interest to him or her, they share it with the people around them. The client will suggest your mobile app to others if it is user-friendly. Wherefore, the business use it as an external advertisement method without spending advertisement fee. To know more ideas on how to select the best software, visit https://www.britannica.com/technology/software.\nWhen you have a mobile application for your business, you stand a chance of reaching your clients easily, since today people are using mobile phones more than other platforms. You increase the number of clients if you have a special mobile app for your business since they can access your services and products. It is time saving to the users as they do not have to visit your physical shop to buy the products. Through your business mobile application, they can make orders for you to deliver them." |
"Technology drives today's business and it is a bitter truth that we all need to agree. No longer is the conventional method of doing business in existence, and more and more business houses are shifting trend and trying to connect with customers directly to create an impact. Over the last decade even consumers are comfortable searching and buying products online and this is a trend nowadays. This is the reason even businesses are trying going an extra mile to understand their customers and let the customers explore their products and services over the web and their smartphones. Reaching out to the customer in the best possible way and at all the time is now the need of the hour and thus Hybrid Mobile Apps Development is a logical and smart move for businesses.\nMobile Applications are a huge hit among businesses and today it is a smart and effective way to do business. Initially, it all started randomly and not many were aware of its advantage rather business houses were apprehensive about a mobile app and its development. However, it is an old story and today more and more businesses are opting for Mobile app development services in India. Whether you are in product manufacturing or service offering, mobile app lets you connect to your end users and offer your services and products round the clock. With the emergence of e-commerce, things have changed drastically and mobile application is a saviour to them. A smart mobile application can be accessed anywhere, anytime and can lead to business growth.\nAs and when a business decides to build a mobile application, it is time for them to catch up with their competitors and identify a business opportunity which is yet untapped. We at Antier Solutions help identify the right potential and build a mobile application for your business which sets you on a path of unprecedented growth. Our professional and experienced mobile app developers are passionate about Mobile app development and are bubbling with ideas that result in best mobile application.\nOrganisations can choose both native and hybrid app however hybrid mobile app is just a wrapper as compared to the native app which is a complete package in its own. The hybrid app may or may not have all the applications and may contain all the navigational elements. Any mobile user who uses a smartphone or a mobile device has this psychology where he needs everything simple and user-friendly and this is the exact approach any mobile application development needs to adopt and keep in mind. We have been in this business for years and have developed successful applications for varied business organizations. Thus you have more than a reason to be with us and and let us develop the next successful app for you. We are known for our quality mobile apps development services in India and our commitment to customer satisfaction.\nOur design and development experts recommend the best for your business and it is something that we do regularly. Designing Mobile application for any business is not just a task for us, but we treat it as our own project and we ensure that it reflects the real ideology of your business . The entire application is designed keeping in mind the user experience and to deliver value. There are numerous factors which separate us from many other mobile app development companies in India, a couple of include our creativity and dedication. With a team of industry experts for us, and having served many well known and premier business houses, we know that we are in the right direction with a focused approach. Our services are a bundled package which ensures reasonable pricing, timely delivery backed by round the clock support.\nThis is your time to take advantage of the digital revolution and make it BIG! The advent of smartphones, tablets and many other handheld devices has opened a gateway to endless opportunities for everyone.The ever-growing number of mobile users is a reason enough for your business to make an entry into a mobile application for your customers and partners. Our mobile application development company in India can help you take your business mobile by delivering customized mobile app development services to suit your needs.\nGet started and connect with us for a creative mobile application development." |
"We provide user-friendly and cost effective Android application to our clients as per their requirements.\nWe are providing Hybrid applications which will work both on Android and IOS platforms.\nGet your IOS applications developed by our expert team in affordable price.\nEvery business will eventually need to develop a mobile application to allow customers to engage with them. More features will attract more customers to your business through mobile app. Our expert developer will provide you the best solution for mobile application as per your requirements." |
"The application keeps you closer to the people and you get more attention by having a classy UI of your application. As there is a growing number of mobile users, due to which every business wants to develop and create their own mobile application which gets name and fame between thousands of company and businesses. More customers are attracted to you if you are having a mobile application with you. Mobile App Development Company in Wellington Provide them a better experience with your mobile application by doing its proper maintenance and creation." |
"Enter the application market with us.\nYou have an article website? How about build an application that communicates with your website and readers can access your article through it. Did you know that 56%+ of the website users enter your website through smartphones and tablets? Building an application for tablets and mobiles is definitely an action that is going to bring you traffic, viewers and many more.\nDo you have a great idea that is missing from the application market? Is it a game? Or a service/functional application? Is it worth building and idea like this?\nWe can help you. Contact as and arrange an appointment with us. We will be happy to hear your idea and help you make it true.\nBusiness and organizations we can provide you our services for building an application that can help you with your marketing campaign or raising your sales." |
"You can change the face of your business if you build a unique mobile application. There are many developing companies and private developers in the market today due to the demand for mobile application that brings solutions to businesses. The mobile application is one of the best ways of staying in touch with your customers. When you create a mobile business app remember to include a feedback form where the clients can provide you with their comments for you to know what they think about your business. To make business mobile app work for your business, you must have a great mobile app idea.\nA great app idea should consider the functionality of the application regarding accuracy, consistently and fast. Most people make mistakes on functionality at the development stage. The customers must find your mobile app valuable for it to have an impact on them. It crucial if you do some research and thorough study on your target market and the available mobile apps. Create a mobile-friendly and user-friendly app design. Consider the performance of the mobile application in that is should be fast in downloading contents. If it is slow and causing delays will cause a reduction in the number of users.\nTo avoid copyright charges you need to create a unique mobile app that is different from all the existing applications. Let your app stand out since the users can tell if your mobile is original or not. Mobile application in your business is useful in different ways. One of the major benefits is that it keeps you ahead of the market competition. It maximizes your reach for different customers. It is a convenient way to reach the targeted customers easily without putting much effort in it.\nThrough the mobile app customers can operate and download contents with less effort making it a good method to promote business. It acts as an indirect way of promoting your business in that if one client finds something of interest to him or her, they share it with the people around them. The client will suggest your mobile app to others if it is user-friendly. Therefore, the business will benefit from the users making it a way of external advertisement of your business without marketing charges.\nWhen you have a mobile application for your business, you stand a chance of reaching your clients easily, since today people are using mobile phones more than other platforms. If you have a special mobile application, they can access your services and products through their phones and results in increasing your number of customers. Customers save time when they use the mobile app since they do not have to visit your physical shop to find your business. They can order for the things they want through the mobile application, and you can make the delivery.\nChoosing to install a fire security alarm is very Important for any person who wishes to maintain safety at his or her homestead since it will determine the type of alarm you will buy. There exist various fire alarms in the market which makes choosing one a problem. It's very crucial to install a fire security signal at your premises to stay at peace. When buying fire alarms, consider one which is within your spending range. Installation of fire alarms is very crucial since it will enable you to note any warning signs of fire and respond appropriately.\nIts very crucial to install fire alarms since it will help you reduce death which is usually caused by fire. In most cases, the occurrence of fire will lead to loss of lives by the victims ho are involved in the tragedy . Installing of fire alarms in your house will help eradicate death as a result of the fire. Installing fire alarms will help you guarantee safety to your family, employees and the people who stay in your premises.\nYou need to consider installing fire alarms since they will help you reduce the loss of items through fire. You should note that fire alarms don't put off the fire but instead help you think critically about what to do next. Fire alarms will help you call the police or vote firefighters I time. The fire alarms are critical since they will help signify the responsible people about the occurrence for them to take punitive actions. It's very crucial to consider installing a fire alarm since it will help you easily detect and eliminate the fire as soon as it occurs hence decreasing the damage that will be subjected to your property. Choosing to buy fire warning devices will be very beneficial to you.\nEarly detection and elimination of fire will mean less destruction and hence reduce the time you recover your business. When you're your property is damaged less then you will have a shorter downtime which means less time you need in order to recover your business. Quick elimination n of fire will help you experience less losses which are caused by closing your business.\nInstalling of fire alarms will help you incur fewer costs when it comes to repairs. Its therefore very crucial to install fire alarms which will help you save more when it comes to renovations. Fire warning devices will help you pay less when it comes to taking insurance covers because the monthly installments are usually based on the extent of exposure to fire.\nWhen you are a resident of Los Angeles, you may have to hire a wrongful death attorney for several reasons. However, in order that you get the best legal representation as the situation may demand, you will be required to be sure to get the very best lawyer possible. There are many parameters that we can use to gauge the effectiveness of any death attorney. This is important so that you stand the highest chances of winning your court case against your opponent. Below, we will explore further some of those things that you can consider so that you have the best pick for a wrongful death attorney.\nOne of those parameters of which you can use to gauge how well suited a death attorney is in handling your court case is by considering their success rate in as far as past court cases are concerned. The success rate of any wrongful death attorney refers to the number of cases they have presented before and how well they presented the cases. This figures are so important since they can give you a projection of what the lawyers can accomplish for your own case. Where the attorney is said to have had much success rate, then you are sure that your case will be concluded successfully too.\nNotwithstanding the fact that there may be tons of lawyers outside there, not all of them can give representation in the field of wrongful deaths. The legal field has practitioners in very diverse niches and this implies that as long as your case involves wrongful death, you should stick to lawyers of this kind. This can be established before hiring any particular lawyer to represent your case. When you hire lawyers who are in the field of wrongful deaths, the great chance is that they are fully aware of the wrongful death law and they are thus going to give you an easier time preparing and representing your case.\nLastly, there is a need to look into the aspect of all the costs that your suit is likely to attract when you hire the lawyers. Legal services can cost quite a fortune and if you are not keen enough to get the best-priced services you are likely to be milked dry of your cash coffers. Because you want to get the best legal services possible, you are recommended to strike a balance between what you get and the much you are going to spend for your legal suit.\nBasic Factors To Take Into Account When Finding A Marketing Firm.\nNowadays, you cannot start a business and fail to advertise it meaning you need to create awareness about the products you deal with where most of the clients will know what you deal with and where you are located. Dealing with advertisements means you must be ready to take into account the various strategies that are worth considering as you think of promoting what you have.\nDue to the tasks involved in marketing of any firm, you need an agency that specializes in marketing of other firms where they are able to promote it through various appealing and exquisite advertisements means and even produce impacts. These corporations needs to be sourced well such that you don't end up with a marketing company that won't even give you any tangible effects.\nFirst, you need to do some research so you can view the basics about the marketing firms and know the content of service they are likely to deliver to your company. You also need to take up some of the references from the marketing firm you've found where you will see clearly the impacts of the marketing options and services that the firm has delivered to their previous clients.\nAs you hire a marketing firm, make sure you have talked with your friends that will show you the best promotional agency they have heard and worked with so you can also rely on therm. Experience in marketing is a perfect factor that you need to specialize in when finding a marketing agency since it will prove to you the kind of exposure the marketing agency has since they started advertisement services.\nBefore settling on any advertising firm, its pivotal to know the level of service and its impacts the firm gives to the clients that seeks marketing services so you can only deal with those that are known for quality services. Additionally, sometimes you will encounter some exploitative and overcharging marketing corporation that seeks to take you for a ride but you should never be exploited when there are cheap and fairly charging marketing firms.\nTo add on that, marketing firms that exists should be known by the certification details they have where you will be able to know if they are accredited by the administration to offer marketing services a condition that will enable you to only pick the marketing corporations that are suitable and efficient. Only marketing firms that are guided by strictly ethos of marketing service delivery are to be selected since they are well known and have the discipline to impart bonny service where needed.\nIts imperative to have conversation with many promotional firms where you will get hints on their service delivery.\nBusiness innovation consultancy is an essential business tool that most companies use to learn new strategies that are designed to help them realize the goals that they have. It is also one way in which they update themselves. If you are planning to come up with new services, for instance, you may have to consult with your business consulting agency and get to know what ideas they might be having regarding the same.\nThat is how you will determine if your products will fetch good returns and serve your clients well as projected. On top of that, innovation consultancy will give you the leverage to spread your business tentacles as well as boost your effectiveness. You will also get an opportunity to learn how to manage your finances.\nInnovation consulting will make sure that your business remains viable on the market. You also have the assurance that you will grow and even make new products. All these boils down to better market competition and, subsequently, make good returns out of that.\nThere are numerous business innovation firms on the market these days. And all these service providers claim to offer amazing consulting services that you need. And because of this, it is essential that you choose the best innovation consulting agency for your business. Here are some important essentials that will help you make the right decisions when picking an innovation consulting firm that will work to fulfil your business goals.\nTo start with, it is imperative that you carry out a comprehensive background check before you finalize your decisions. Be sure to know the professional you are about to hire.\nMajority of these experts manage their portfolio. You ought to make sure you assess their profile systematically, evaluate their completed projects for quality determination, the accomplishments that they have had so far as well as the category of clients that they receive frequently.\nWhat is more, you need to hire an innovation consultant that has unparalleled experience in the business consultancy. It is essential that you consider the number of years that they have been in the business arena. You should go for the professional that has been around for a considerable amount of years. And more importantly, you need to examine the progress of the firms that the consultant have worked with so far.\nYou also seek to know what others have to say about the business innovation consultant you are about to hire. Assess their professionalism, weaknesses and strength. Their former employers should help you know the kind of personality you are about to hire.\nFinally, you need to consider their capabilities and qualifications. An effective business innovation consultant should be conversant with product development and campaign management.\nLawyers are a necessity in our society as they help us uphold and defend the law. There are tons of personal injury attorneys in Omaha that people can choose from. This means that when one is making a choice, there is a lot of factors that need to be considered. Here are some tips of choosing a personal injury attorney in Omaha.\nFirst start this search by carrying out some research. Identify several of those located near you that are known for their outstanding representation. Enquire from friends and colleagues and see if they can refer you to a few of those they may know. Check the websites and their online profiles to see more about their practice. Use the blogs, the online forums and social media platforms to garner up even more information about them. Be on the look-out for the reviews and feedback given by others that have used their services before.\nThink about the legal fees that the lawyer charges for his or her services. Check the prices and create a working budget that doesn't push you too deep into your account and leave a huge hole. Some lawyers are exorbitant when it comes to charges and yet their work doesn't come up to par, so look at more than just the price tag before settling on one.\nA lawyer just like wine gets better with age, the longer the attorney has been on the job, the better he will be. Experience is something you might not have to ask about because the personal injury attorney will definitely let you know before you ask. Putting your case in the hands of such an experienced attorney is something wise because he will most likely win you the case having learnt the best way to do that.\nThe best thing is that your case will not be new to this particular attorney because he must have had to handle so many just like yours. Most likely, this attorney has gone against most of the lawyers and stood in front of almost all the judges at the court. This will work for your good because he will know how to deal with all of them.\nSpecialization is key when it comes to choosing an attorney. The good thing about finding a specialized attorney is the fact that he has most likely dealt with cases like yours. Consider also if the attorney has time to deal with your case by checking on his schedule and how many cases he is dealing with at the moment. It is very crucial for you to be able to get along with the attorney so that you can work together and find a solution for your case.\nPicking a lawyer is never as easy as one may think and especially a personal accident lawyer. Lawyers that have specialized in this filed are not as many. It is best to think through a number of key factors before settling on a choice is best. Find below some factors to consider when choosing a personal injury accident lawyer in San Fernando.\nBegin by carrying out some research. Locate several of the ones that are located near you and have garnered a reputation for being thorough. See if you can get referrals from people you may know and add the names onto your list for more evaluation. See the website and their online profiles to see what more you can get about the lawyers. Be on the look-out for reviews and feedback from other people who have used their services before.\nThe other thing to consider are the legal fees. Just like everything else in the world, there are expensive lawyers in San Fernando and those that are not as steep. So as to ensure you have gotten a good lawyer and at a good price, do not allow yourself to think about the price too much. A lawyer that charges too high may not be as great as assumed and vice versa. It is wise to check more than the prices, see what more sets the lawyer apart as well.\nOne of the things that lawyers are so proud about is their experience. This is something they hold dear because of all the opportunities it offers them. When looking for a lawyer in San Fernando Valley, your best bet will be one who is very experienced.\nAnother important thing to consider is the specialization of the lawyer. The thing about specialization is the fact that some skills are learnt through practice and if a lawyer has never handled a similar case, they might not be able to do the best. A specialized lawyer on the other hand will know what to do about your case because he has handled many cases just like this.\nIt is essential to consider the reputation of the personal injury accident lawyer in the event you are choosing one. A good number of such lawyers have a bad reputation hence the need to consider checking one's reputation before hiring them. It is crucial to confirm their reputation so as to have an outstanding victory. The best personal injury accident lawyer should have an excellent and admirable reputation.\nIt is also imperative to consider finding out how they deliver their communication. They should be objective. He or she should be able to tell you the way things are going on and the way forward. It is crucial for them to keep you updated at all times on the progress of your case and if anything changes.\nThe lifestyle in Dubai can present to you a life full of both fun and excitement. At the same time you may see that it is causing a strain on both your mind and body. If you find yourself in such a situation the best thing is to spare some time and have your body treated through some body massage. It will help you to treat yourself to a full body massage and ensure that you take the tension out of your body. The Experts in Dubai spas will ensure that you get the tension off your body. The best thing with the Dubai message experts, they are well trained in making sure that you get the best experience ever.\nWhen you are choosing a spa, the one thing that you want is to make sure you get the most out of your money. As you look or the right spa to choose, the first thing that you want to know is whether the spa you choose has professionals who are well trained. The best thing about training is that the professional will know what areas need attention to make sure you have an experience of a lifetime.\nAnother important factor to consider when you are making your choice is whether the professional attending to you has the right experience. With experience you know that you will get the best treatment ever. The other thing that you want is to know that you will get the best customer service. The best spa will be the one that will offer you the best customer service. You can tell what you are likely to experience by looking at the way they treat you at the reception or the way they answer your call when you call the institution.\nThe right spa should be willing to educate you on the different services available. Not all message are for the same purpose. You need to be educated on the different types of massage that you can get and also o what to expect after each of them. You should choose the type of massage that you want to depend on the results. You can also choose the sap using the information available online.\nThe other thing that is important to know is the cost of receiving the massage. There are so many massage institutions in Dubai and all of them offer different service, and therefore you should choose accordingly. You need to make sure that you choose an institution that will offer you what you need most and at the most affordable price. The quality of work is very important, and it should compare with the amount of money that you pay. Do not miss out on the quality of service because of the amount that you have to pay.\nThe process of buying and selling of houses or homes is a common thing, especially in most urban setups. The migration of people to urban areas is very common in the modern world today. When people move to towns they exert pressure on the existing houses. The homeowners sell their houses because of different circumstances that they find themselves in. Houses can be sold through different means. The real estate agents assist the homeowners to sell their homes. There are various advantages that the homeowner will enjoy when they sell their homes through these agents.\nThe real estate agent is well exposed to the business and so they know the correct time that they can list the home with correct prices to potential buyers. The real estate also negotiates the prices on behalf homeowner and gets the highest bidder to buy the house. The homeowner meets the potential buyer without straining themselves. Homeowners are bound to get stressed if they sell these homes on their own. This is because most of them do not know how to go about the business.\nThe real estate agent ensures that many people see the house because it has been listed. Some of the real estate agents cooperate with one another such that they can market some of the homes which the other agents might have listed for sale. Potential buyers will look for the homeowner because they are interested in the home.\nThe real estate agent is able to do all the paperwork that may be required on behalf of the homeowner. The real estate agent ensures that he completes all the processes before the closure period. The real estate agent plays a very vital role in the selling of the house and so the homeowners should also pay them well. The homeowner needs to organise and agree with the real estate agent on the terms of payment.\nThe real estate agent will also make the necessary arrangements for viewing of the houses. The real estate agent ensures that the homes listed for sale are very presentable. The real estate agent has to be licensed so that they can be allowed to operate this business. The real estate agents that are recognised by the authority are the only ones who should be allowed to go about this business. This is because there are a lot of fraudsters that can forge the documents of the homeowners and reap of the homeowners. Consulting widely will be relevant to the homeowner a she will be better placed to gather enough information about specific agencies. Real-estate agents are expected to be people who can be trusted because the home owners have bestowed upon them their valuable assets.\nIf there is one thing that any homeowner ought to purchase; it is the food dehydrator. The equipment is ideal for homeowners who like to buy and stock foods for use in the near future. And it helps a lot: imagine the amount of money that you get to save when you buy foods in bulk.\nAnd because you will always buy foods that are, at times, perishable, you will not have to be anxious about anything as all you need to is to make use of your food dehydrator. You see, water is the considered the biggest cause food degeneration. And that is why food dehydrator was made. What is crucial is for you to choose the right food dehydrator and you are ready to preserve your foods.\nThere are many models and designs of food dehydrators on the market; it can't be anything hard for you to choose the one that you need. What can be tricky is when you are clueless about some of the features that the best food dehydrator have. You need to purchase a reliable and resilient food dehydrator.\nYou should not be confused by the many dealers out there who say that their brands are great when it comes to food preservation. You need to evaluate the machine on your own and determine if it has the qualities you need. Here are great concepts that you should consider looking at when determining the quality of the food dehydrator that you want to buy.\nFor starters, consider the fan. Typically, food dehydrators have fans that are mounted at the bottom or the top. There will also be food dehydrators that have fans on the side. Top-mounted or side-mounted fans are ideal in many ways; they allow horizontal airflow. Such food dehydrators prevent food flavors from mixing or even dripping to heating elements.\nYou should also choose a food dehydrator that comes with an enclosed heating element. You will be dehydrating fruits as well, and so you can't purchase a machine that will get compromised when juice come dripping.\nYou also need to take into consideration the wattage of the food dehydrator that you want to buy. If it has more wattage, then you know it has more food drying power. Majority of the best food dehydrators requires 500 watts to work well. If you feel you need to have one can support more trays, you may need to consider the one that requires more wattages.\nBe sure to choose a food dehydrator that has a 12-month warranty. It should also have a timer as well as a thermostat." |
"Businesses that have created a mobility strategy and have develop a mobile app are harvesting a tremendous amount of data, but it is what they do with that data that is really impressive. Mobile analytics is one of the most powerful tools that a company can deploy.\n\"How many people are using our mobile app?\" Businesses ask themselves this question all the time. Obviously, the more people using a particular app, the better, but this only leads to wondering HOW people are using the app. This might mean analyzing how they reach a specific touch point, or if different devices influence different behaviors.\nIn analyzing these questions, a business can then work on correcting issues, or eliminating things that users found challenging or unnecessary and begin to focus on things the increase overall performance.\nYou might hear this referred to as a 'crash dump' or some other form of error reporting, any data involving app crashes is crucial. Any sort of technical issues will prevent your app from reaching its true potential, and will discourage users from coming back. The data analyzed can be used to correct issues in performance before they spiral out of control.\nA business should always be looking for ways to improve their mobile app. Mobile analytics will allow businesses to see exactly where they need to focus their efforts in order to make improvements. If an app is being used more by a certain buyer group, or on a certain platform, that information could prove useful when determining where to increase support or marketing strategies.\nCustomer loyalty is the driving force of any successful app – without customers, there is no point in having an app. Mobile analytics will provide you with all of the data you need to see how long users are logged into the app, and what they are using it for. Ideally, you want a high number of visits, with lengthy stays. You want to be able to retain customers, and also to attract new traffic. This requires using all of the data mined to create an app that functions as it is supposed to and creates a positive user experience.\nIn today's competitive market, a mobile app is one of the most important tools your business can have. Through the use of mobile analytics, you will gather all of the information you need to develop a high-quality app, and keep your customers loyal and engaged." |
"When it comes to creating a mobile application it is very important that you have a well planned strategy from the start. This strategy has to include a great design and solid development as well. But apart from all this, you also need to use analytics to determine how well your app is doing. As smartphones become more and more a part of our everyday lives, it is quite understandable why developers and marketers have been trying very hard to measure user behavior. So, what can you expect to get from your mobile analytics tool?\n1. If you only start worrying about app analytics after your app is accepted into the app store, most probably you are already falling behind. There is a lot of data which can be analyzed while your app is still in its alpha & beta phases which will help you create a much strong and more user-friendly app on release. You could consider using a mobile analytics tool like TestFlight for help with distribution of your beta app and analysis of usage as well. Many developers get caught up with design and features during the beta phase and you will be much better off if you spend this time analyzing data instead.\n2. The number of app in app stores today is quite high. This makes the term mobile apps quite vague. There are many mobile analytics providers that cater to specific app verticals. For example, if you are developing a game, you could consider using Playtomic while Localytics would be better if you were building an app loaded with content. Not every app is the same and this is true even for mobile analytics tools.\n3. There are analytics providers like Distimo which offer market data. Even though some may consider their services to be a little too expensive, the data you receive is quite helpful in determining how similar apps are performing in the app store. When you have detailed market data at your fingertips, you will be able to take some well informed decisions for your app and avoid any potential mistakes in the future. This will make your app much more competitive as well.\n4. Collecting user data can be quite useful. The only problem is that you need to ensure it is accurate or you may end up taking decisions that don't really help. Most analytics providers use SDK for installing their platforms and if you don't install this properly; you may find it being more counterproductive than anything else. Apart from ensuring the analytics tool is working correctly you also need to ensure that it doesn't slow down your app.\n5. Lastly, it is important that you understand that there is more than mobile app analytics when it comes to tracking user data. You could check social media websites for relevant information on how your app is doing. Don't try and use mobile app analytics as a single method of tracking user data. Integrate it with other methods and you will better information that will help you make the right decision and see your app grow." |
"Designing is one of the important element during making of a professional mobile application. The needs of the application should be thoroughly understood and addressed. If you are running any business or planning to move into mobile app development, you will know that, this is also important to know either your business needs a website only or both.\nYou can make difference between a mobile website and a mobile app must be clearly understood to make a firm decision. When it comes to apps, they are exactly designed for mobile devices like Smartphones, tablets etc. and can run on a series of devices. However, the lots of mobile websites are designed to be available from mobile devices and users can get access them through the browsers.\nIn order to take full benefit from a mobile strategy, it is necessary that you know your target audience, the purpose of developing an application for business and the market you are going to increase your services in. Once you get into the development process, make sure you know the effective designing tips so that you can make your app more attractive for your target audience.\nYou need to make the design of your app according to the needs of your target audience. Such as, if you are designing an app offering online buying services, shopping cart features must be added. Therefore, it is necessary that you know the basic design tips to design the best app.\nIf you have idea the purpose of developing the app, this will be easier to choose the App Marketplace for development. The Androi & iOS are two leading platforms in the market and both have their own functions. If you are planning to enhance your business, you must choose Android whereas iOS is the true choice for making money.\nYou must keep remember the network when it comes to designing of a mobile application. Network is not noticeable but is present on the surface of every mobile and this is used to establish space between elements. Make sure you know the network so as to keep important spacing between elements.\nColors play a significant role in the designing of a mobile app because they make the feel of the application. Therefore, when it comes to colors, you must have idea what shades you are going to use. So, always be choosing the App Marketplace that must guide you about the right colors scheme for making app.\nA logo is not important for your application but its addition creates a feel for your app. If you add it, make sure it is readable, visible, clean and attractive." |
"The Latest Trend In 6 Mobile App Features You Need.\nA lot goes into developing a robust mobile app. Complex issues, like analytics and security, take a lot of time and resources. But, most of the time, it's the less complex things that are what truly make a great functioning app. There are situations when these less complex issues might be overlooked as developers endeavour to create the best app. Here are 6 mobile app features that your mobile app needs if you want to keep users engaged and coming back.\nIf your app loads slowly, it's a guarantee that users will leave. The easier an app is to access and use, the more likely it is that users will reap a great user experience and continue to use it. If a user has to sit idle and wait for an app to load, they are likely to abandon it and move on.\nYour app should have features that can be used without being online. This way, users in poor signal zones, or without Internet connectivity, can still receive value from using your app. There is nothing to say that offline functionality needs to be extraordinary, but it should offer something that keeps your target audience engaged.\nThe content that your app delivers should be relevant and interesting. If the content on your website is recycled or copied from elsewhere, you are not giving users enough reason to use your app. Offer them something that they cannot receive by visiting your website. Your audience wants fresh content each and every time they use your app.\nThere is a strong likelihood that your mobile app is being accessed on a smartphone. And, despite being used as a computer, a smartphone is just that – a phone. Present app users with the ability to call you or reach out to customer service while they are using the app.\nIt might seem like a great idea to have a boldly coloured app, with fancy fonts and an array of different mobile app features, but it's not. You want to provide mobile app users with a user-friendly mobile experience and a platform that they can navigate quickly and efficiently. Less is always more.\nIt is crucial that your app collects user data. A feedback system allows those using your app to tell you how it works and what they think of it. This will provide you with a means of quickly gathering feedback and identifying areas for improvement. It also lets users know that you care about what matters to them.\nThere is a lot that needs to be considered when deciding what mobile app features will best benefit your business, the above-mentioned is the must-have list for an app that is engaging and well-received." |
"Q: How do the Advertisement broadcast popup on the android phone users? How do i open up an promotional Advertisement(i.e Image,videos,Text Messages ) to all the user's phone having my android application?\nAll i want to do is \nconsider my app to be an tutorial application from an educational institute, now this institute launches an scheme for the students having this application, or they wish to announce for the new upcoming batches to there app users. now they have prepared an image for promotion, and they wish to send this image to all the app user. How can they do this? is there any in android like broadcast or do something to the app users?\n" |
"Due to the level of competition in the app development industry, promoting apps has become as difficult as designing and developing the app. There are hundreds of thousands of apps on the net now and you have to promote your android app to be seen.\nNo matter how beneficial your app is, people have to know about it before they download and try it out and it is after trying it out that they will enjoy it. But how will they even get to know about it if you don't publicize it? As more apps are being developed and launched, promoting apps becomes even more difficult.\nIf you take the time to study most successful apps, you will find out that they are still being advertised and promoted even though some of them have already hit the 50 million download mark. The question is, if successful apps are still being promoted, what about new apps that have just been launched? This article outlines several techniques for promoting android apps.\nYou should optimize your app for app stores and search engines. You need to use a distinctive and catchy icon that will stand out in the crowd. While optimizing it for search engines, you need to use keywords that are relevant to the functions or purpose of the app.\nApart from Google Play Store, there are several other obscure app stores and these stores are not as competitive as Google Play Store so you need to promote your android app in as many app stores as you can. The idea is to upload your app in virtually all app stores that you come across.\nWhile promoting your app on any app store, you must take the time to include the best of your screenshots. This is because prospective users check the screenshots of apps to have a feel of what awaits them. This technique works very well for game apps. If the screenshots seem boring, then users will believe that the app will also be boring. So, don't just use any screenshots to promote your app on app stores, use the very best. You may have to take hundreds of screenshots and select the best among them.\nCreate a blog within the niche where your app falls. The more you post informative write-ups on the blog the more you will be seen as an authority in the niche. You should constantly post messages on the blog and include that of your app once in a while. Your app will attract prospective users because they see you as an authority.\nAfter reviewing several apps, app review sites usually publish the results of all the apps that they have reviewed. This serves as some kind of publicity as some people come across some apps on app review sites. Secondly, if your app has a lot of fantastic features, review sites will definitely promote it in the course of analyzing the features. However, you should also remember that review sites wield double-edged swords. If your app has several drawbacks, these drawbacks will also be outlined and that will discourage prospective users of your app. So, you should only submit your app for review if you have confidence in it.\nSometimes when users or prospective users ask questions, they don't only need answers to the questions, they also want to see how quickly you will respond. Ignoring enquiries and responding late to enquiries both mean one thing to users – It means the users of your app are not important to you.\nBesides, when a prospective user asks a question on a public platform, others will be watching to see how soon and well you will answer the question. So, quick and elaborate responses are effective ways to promote your app. In fact, you can smartly spin the answers to some questions to market certain features and functions of your app.\nYou should also use demo videos to promote your app. Videos pass more messages than text and pictures. Besides, videos linger longer in the minds of viewers. However, there are a few rules to the use of videos. The videos should be very short so that most of those that come across them will watch them to the end. The ideal video duration is about 30 seconds. Videos with the duration of 45 to 60 seconds can still be managed but videos that are longer than 1 minute are not acceptable.\nAlso learn to pass the most important information first because of the few people that will drop off before the end of the videos. Every video must tell what, how, and why. Most importantly, share your videos on as many platforms as you can and make it easy for the recipients to also share them further.\nYou should also promote your app on your website. This is not about just mentioning it as a footnote. Rather, it is about dedicating a whole webpage for it. You will list the features and benefits of your app on the webpage. Of course, you will also include the link to the download page of your app.\nPeople are generally obsessed with social media so you should also take advantage of this obsession. There is nothing wrong with opening social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook fan page, Twitter) for your app. While opening them is one leg, the other leg is to get someone to manage the accounts.\nThe person will not only try to build huge followership, he will also have to respond to enquiries as quickly as possible. And most importantly, he will provide 24/7 support through the social media accounts.\nThis option is very effective but it is also costly except if you are close to any media influencer. Some media influencers have hundreds of thousands of followers who are often their wannabes. So, once an influencer is identified with your app, you will begin to witness tremendous download and installation. If you can afford to hire an influencer, please do.\nThe final tip is that you should never stop promoting your app until you are set to retire it. Have you observed that virtually all successful apps still get massive continuous promotions? It is because they still want more users." |
"This post continues with the final two tips for a great app.\nMany people are not willing to pay for an app but are more than willing to download the free version even if it means putting up with a little bit of annoying advertising. Download statistics clearly show that free apps are generally much more successful. In fact, many paid-for apps that aren't very successful hugely increase their position in the charts after a price cut. It's best to start out with a free app to gauge interest, and then offer a premium app which is paid-for if you think there will be enough interest.\nThe most difficult part of launching a new app is getting it noticed amongst its competitors in the app stores. The first 2 weeks after the release of the app are the most critical. If it doesn't get noticed in these 2 weeks, chances are it'll just plummet to the bottom of the charts like many others. Be sure to have proper marketing campaigns in place right from the start to make sure people know about it.\nThe Pocket App team can help guide you through these decisions, with advice about pricing strategy and marketing support from app listing to advertising and PR." |
"A huge challenge that faces app developers today is saturation of the market.\nMore teams are pushing more products and this crowds the various app stores. So, how do you make your app or game stand out?\nThe secret is: you do not need to spend millions on app marketing and user acquisition." |
"Whilst the Good App Guide focuses particularly on showcasing good apps that have some educational benefit, we also include reviews of some apps that are primarily just fun and less focused on developing skills. We also consider many of the educational apps to be fun games in themselves and so include these both in our games and educational app sections.\nAt this time, this section does not include games on classic gaming devices, only those available on tablets/media devices." |
"When I get pitched with a great app idea, the first question that pops into my mind is the go-to-market strategy.\nSo many great apps have failed because they didn't have a solid method of getting users to download them.\nBefore QuizUp, we developed a pretty great game (I'm biased) that never got any real traction. We naively assumed that if the product was good, it would get traction. Oh boy, how wrong we were.\nIf you're an independent app developer, think about partnering up with someone that has strong marketing channels or make sure that the app has strong viral mechanics. Otherwise, no one will get to appreciate your great app." |
"With over 100 million users, the iPhone has spawned a huge apps industry. If you plan to release an iPhone app of your own, it is crucial for you to understand the mechanics of the market and design your app so that it will be appealing to users and sell a large number of units.\nSteve Jobs once said \"simplicity is the ultimate sophistication\". That is the secret to success behind Apple's products and many iPhone apps. Simplicity is what optimizes end user experience, which is critical to the success of not only iPhone apps, but almost any product. Think of the most successful app today – Angry Birds. The app is elegantly simple in how it is designed and presented that people of almost any age or background can have fun playing it.\nUser feedback and reviews are critical in determining how popular an app will be. The best way for your app to have positive feedback is to simply create an awesome app that people will love and share (much easier said than done). Also, do your best to make it easy for users to leave feedback by having the feedback button prominently visible when the app is being used. If you receive negative feedback, rather than getting frustrated, view it as constructive criticism and use it to help improve your app.\nFor an app to be successful, it is vital that it is different from its competitors. It must have qualities that sets it apart from other apps and gives it a durable competitive advantage. If you are thinking about creating an app that is just a copy of another app that is already on the market with no significant differences, don't expect your app to sell very well.\nOne common feature among almost all successful apps is that they are free. Free apps are also understandably much more likely to be downloaded – in fact, free apps have accounted for almost 90% of all app downloads so far this year. So if you want your app to sell, it is best to make it free. Don't worry though, you can still make plenty of money by serving ads on your app.\nOf course, having these qualities will not completely ensure that your iPhone app sells well, but they will definitely help. Your app also needs to fill a void and provide a lot of value to users. In other words, you must have a great idea for an app, and that's something that will not happen overnight – it will take lots of time and effort to come up with a great idea, so get to it!" |
"Designing a perfect mobile app is not an easy deal at all. Often people have to suffer with very poor app experience even if it belongs to a reputed company. Increasing craze of mobile applications forced developers to follow more effective approach towards mobile app development. As per a census in 2015 there are 1.6 million mobile apps available on Google play store and 1.5 million mobile apps available on apple app store. But very few of them are popular and widely used because there are some factors which decides the popularity of apps. So there are lots of things that must be kept in mind while designing an app. Here I am going to list some DO's and DON'Ts while designing ultimate mobile apps.\nIdea should be genuinely useful - Try to addict users with your app. Ditch your idea, if your app is not capable to drag user's finger multiple times on your app every day.\nMake apps for basic user - Today people of all age group are using smart phones, so if you want your app should be used widely then it should be useful for mass.\nConsistent content - If you want to engage users for long time, content should be renewed consistently. You also need to update your app to add new features and fix bugs.\nSimple but creative - Don't make your app so much complex that user get frustrated and delete it. Try to keep it simple but don't forget creativity. If your app will have unique capabilities, it will be more desirable to users.\nPerfect homepage - Homepage is most important page of your app. So make sure that home page is perfect. Add all the necessary features here like search, browse, recommendation, new offers, coupons, promotions, new products etc. All important features and contents should be present on homepage that make your homepage perfect.\nEasy payment options - Make payment options easier for the users like add all available modes of payment options for them to pay, Allow users to save their credit card, debit card, net banking details in your app for easy repayment in future.\nOverflow contents - Don't insert unnecessary contents and features in your app. It will frustrate the user and too much features will slow down your app.\nPoor functioning - No doubt you got very good idea and contents for the app, but poor functioning of your app is like a curse for your app. So make sure your app runs smoothly, navigates well and at last brings great user experience.\nDon't forget good design - Although app should be simpler but it should be good looking and hypnotizing. So try to create pretty colorful screens, good sound effects, Beautiful fonts, popping design to impress users.\nDon't forget to fix bugs - Do consistent testing of your app and fix bugs as soon as possible. Also try to fix bugs reported by the users.\nDon't forget to research - Always keep your eyes on app reviews and comments. Evaluate new feature request by the users and if found valuable work on it." |
"In 2018, there were 205.4 billion apps downloads across the globe. And that number is expected to reach 258 billion by 2020.\nAs you can see, it's a crowded marketplace in the App Store and on Google Play. But one in four people deletes an app after just one use.\nSo what makes a good mobile app? And how can you make sure that you include the best app features in yours?\nRead on for a list of 8 app features that will give users what they want from an app.\nOne of the most important mobile app features is easy and intuitive navigation for users.\nThere are countless apps that are downloaded, used once and are deleted because they are too confusing or hard to use.\nThat's why your app's navigation is vital to the success of your mobile app. Help your users get to where they need with the lowest number of clicks.\nOffer scrolling instead of clicking where possible. Limit the length of drop-down menus or sidebars.\nAlso, be conscious of how many options you offer on each of your pages. Too many links and users will get annoyed when they click the wrong thing. Or they might be overwhelmed and leave.\nAs the saying goes, there's an app for that. From weight loss tools to a church app for local congregations, there's something for every need.\nBut intuitive navigation is not enough. One of the things that makes a good mobile app is that it offers an experience that isn't offered somewhere else.\nJust because your competitors have an app isn't a good enough reason to create one yourself. You risk creating a copycat app that offers little benefit for users. People don't want to waste space on their devices with apps that just duplicate other content.\nThink about the aim of your app. Is it to provide entertainment, a solution to a common customer's pain point, or does it improve efficiency? If not, time to go back to the drawing board.\nWhen you provide a rich experience, you'll start to get positive reviews which will improve your SEO app ranking so you can get more users.\nResponsive design in 2019 isn't just a best practice. It's become non-negotiable.\nIt's not enough to design your app to be optimized for Android or iOS. With such a wide range of device sizes on the market, app developers need to consider the varying screen sizes.\nResponsive design may not be something your users notice when it's there. But it's certainly something they'll notice if it's missing.\nResponsive design is one of the best app features you can have.\nA recent study found that 26% of US online shoppers have abandoned an order simply because the checkout process was too long or complicated.\nYes, one of every four customers is clicking off before completing the sale of items they want.\nCart abandonment is a cause for serious concern.\nSo what makes a good mobile app checkout? While you can't eliminate all fields, you can work hard to reduce how many you require.\nYou might merge the first and last name field into one single field instead of two. Autofill city and state based on the zip code the customer inputs.\nAlso, make sure the fields and buttons are optimized to recognize human digits instead of a mouse click.\nAt the end of the day, minimizing fields makes the checkout process faster for users. It also improves your rate of conversion. It's a win for you both.\nAlways keep in mind that typing on a mobile device is considerably slower and more cumbersome than typing at a keyboard.\nMake sure your mobile app features more touch and less keyboarding. This will greatly enhance the user experience.\nYou might sit in a development meeting and come up with a long app features list of what your app could do.\nBut, stuffing your app full of features that aren't necessary for the task your app is meant for will hinder your app.\nThe more features, the harder it will be for users to navigate. And the harder it will be for you to develop an app that is intuitive.\nA simple, usable app design will trump a long list of features every time.\nNo matter what type of app you are designing, you'll need to incorporate social sharing and emailing.\nSharing on social media isn't just for entertainment purposes these days. Many people use social networks to collaborate and connect with their peers and customers.\nYou can make this collaboration easy for your users by incorporating social networks and email sharing directly from your app.\nMake as much of your app usable without needing an internet connection. This will allow your app to become accessible on the train, walking to lunch and in a restaurant.\nYou might not be able to have all the data and functionality on the device. And of course, there's the concern about data security.\nBut whenever possible, find ways to offer usability during when your users might have to be offline.\nThanks for reading. We hope these 8 must-have app features help you in the development of your app.\nDon't let the fear of missing out rush you into releasing an app that isn't ready. Take time to ensure your app is worthwhile. Then you can be sure that yours won't be an app that is deleted the day it's downloaded.\nNext, read more about the step-by-step guide for app development.\nThose moments when a script kiddie tries to brute force their way in as root with root login disabled, or tries to brute force a wp-login.php page that doesn't exist." |
"KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 29): After as of late anchoring a joint endeavor for its gainful investigation and production portion, SAPURA ENERGY Bhd is currently in chats with a few potential accomplices for its drilling fragment.\nPresident and CEO Tan Sri ShahrilShamsuddin affirmed that the incorporated oil and gas group has just been drawn nearer by somewhere around one organization to take an interest in its drilling business.\n\"As a matter of fact it is very comparative [to Sapura Energy's ongoing tie-up with Austrian OMV Aktiengesellschaft (OMV AG)] — it is the other organization looking for us,\" Shahril told reporters after a remarkable general meeting of the group.\n\"However, the cost must be right,\" he stated, including Sapura Energy has incorporated an essential that the partner must have the capacity to bring the group into new markets and to give access to new equipment at an aggressive cost later on.\nDrilling is one of Sapura Energy's three center organizations, nearby investigation and creation, and designing and development.\nThe organization looked for by SAPURA ENERGY might be referenced to its association with OMV AG went into on Nov 11. At the time, Sapura Energy cut out half of its E&P unit Sapura Upstream Sdn Bhd — its solitary gainful portion by and by — to OMV for estimation of up to US$975 million.\nSapura Energy as of now possesses 16 rigs, containing eight semi-tender apparatuses and eight tender help rigs.\nIn the midst of the sectoral downturn as of late, the group has brought about enormous impairments over its drilling resources, including the RM2.1 billion caused in the final quarter finished Jan 31, 2018.\nUse rate for the assets — which Shahril depicted as 'relatively young' with a normal residual lifespan of 15-20 years — right now remains at 35%.\nshares of SAPURA ENERGY rose a large portion of a sen or 1.45% to 35 sen, with 11.27 million shares traded, giving it a market capitalization of RM2.07 billion." |
"Fin. Reports\nCorp. Action\nHello There, Guest! Login — Register\nValueBuddies.com : Value Investing Forum - Singapore, Hong Kong, U.S. › ValueBuddies.com › Singapore Listed Companies › K - K\nKeppel Corporation\nPages (61): « Previous 1 ... 57 58 59 60 61\n23-03-2019, 02:12 PM.\nPost: #601\nRE: Keppel Corporation\nEntry Into Rig Construction Contract with Awilco for Mid-Water Harsh Environment Rig Worth about US$425 Million\nOn 8 March 2019 Keppel FELS Limited (\"Keppel\") announced the securing of an order with Awilco Drilling PLC (\"Awilco\") for the construction of a repeat mid-water semisubmersible drilling rig for harsh environment use, worth about US$425 million.\nOn 22 March 2019 Keppel has finalized and entered into the rig construction contract with Awilco for the construction of the said repeat midwater semisubmersible drilling rig for harsh environment use.\n=========== Signature ===========\nSpecuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.\nFind Reply\nKeppel acquires stake in leading EV battery businesses for US$50 million\nKeppel Corporation Limited, through its wholly owned subsidiary KepVenture Pte Ltd (Keppel), has entered into an agreement with Envision AESC to invest US$50 million for a minority stake in Envision AESC Group Ltd, a leading intelligent lithium-ion battery company. This co-investment with Envision is in line with Keppel's efforts to deploy innovative concepts in its solutions for sustainable urbanisation.\nEnvision AESC and Nissan hold approximately 80% and 20% of the shares of the newly established Japanese holding company, Envision AESC Group Ltd., respectively.\nEnvision AESC Group Ltd recently completed the acquisition of Automotive Energy Supply Corporation (AESC), a former venture between Nissan Motor Company (Nissan) and the NEC Group. It has also acquired the entire share capital of NEC Energy Devices, Ltd., a battery electrode manufacturing company owned by NEC Corporation.\nPresently, Envision AESC Group Ltd has the capacity of 7.5GWh and a workforce of 1,400 employees across Japan, the US and the UK. Envision AESC Group Ltd is expanding its production into China and is engaging various global automakers to grow its customer base.\nMore details in https://links.sgx.com/FileOpen/MR%20-%20...eID=549588\nKeppel and Aibel consortium secures major contract for DolWin5 converter stations\n* Keppel's share of the contract is worth about S$560m\n* It is Keppel O&M's first major project in the renewable energy sector since 2010 and represents an area of growth\nA consortium comprising Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M)'s wholly-owned subsidiary, Keppel FELS Limited (Keppel FELS), and Aibel AS, has secured a contract from TenneT Offshore GmbH, a grid operator in the Netherlands and Germany, for the design, engineering, procurement, construction, installation and commissioning of a 900MW offshore HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) converter station and an onshore converter station. Keppel FELS' share of the contract is worth about S$560m.\nTogether with its subcontractor ABB (ASEA Brown Boveri), the consortium will also undertake the installation and start-up operations of the offshore and onshore converter stations on site at Germany.\nScheduled to be completed in 2024, the two converter stations will be part of the DolWin cluster servicing offshore wind farms in the German sector of the North Sea. The offshore converter station will be located approximately 130km from the onshore converter station and they will provide grid connection for the offshore wind power plants to transmit and supply electricity to approximately a million households in Germany.\nKeppel secures contract for two offshore wind farm substations from Ørsted\n* Keppel continues to grow pipeline of renewable energy projects\n* The two offshore wind farm substations will be deployed in Ørsted's Greater Changhua projects in Taiwan\nKeppel Offshore & Marine Ltd's (Keppel O&M) whollyowned subsidiary Keppel FELS Ltd (Keppel FELS) has secured a contract from Ørsted, a Danish renewable energy company, for two offshore wind farm substations worth more than S$150 million, further strengthening Keppel O&M's foothold in the renewable energy sector.\nThe contract comprises detailed engineering, procurement, construction, testing and commissioning for two offshore wind farm 600MW substations. It excludes certain electrical components to be furnished by Ørsted.\nKeppel's workscope is scheduled for completion in the third quarter of 2021. The substations will be deployed in Ørsted's Greater Changhua offshore wind sites in Taiwan, which have a total potential capacity of 2.4 GW.\nMore details in https://links.sgx.com/FileOpen/20190512_...eID=558959\nKeppel Land to co-develop $425 mil residential development in Ho Chi Minh City\nPC Lee 11/07/2019, 6:05pm\nSINGAPORE (July 11): Keppel Land has acquired a 60% stake in three land parcels in Vietnam for $76 million to co-develop 2,400 premium apartments.\nThe conditional share purchase agreement for the three land sites was signed by Keppel Land's wholly-owned subsidiary, Monestine, and Vietnamese developer, Phu Long Real Estate Corporation.\nSpanning 6.2ha in Nha Be district, Saigon South, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), the three sites are situated within 400m of each other, along the Nguyen Huu Tho arterial thoroughfare, and are just a 25-minute drive from the HCMC central business district.\nThe residences will also come with ancillary shophouses, which will offer around 14,650 sqm of commercial space.\nThe sites are also near many public amenities, including healthcare facilities and leading educational institutions.\nIn addition, lifestyle and recreation offerings that are available nearby include SC VivoCity, Crescent Mall and Saigon South Golf Course.\nThe project will be developed in three phases. The development of Phase One, comprising about 910 apartments and some shophouses, will start in the first quarter of 2020, after relevant approvals have been obtained.\nThe total development cost for the project, inclusive of land cost, is expected to be in excess of $425 million.\nMore details in https://www.theedgesingapore.com/news/pr...-minh-city\nKeppel secures contracts from repeat customers worth around S$130 million\nKeppel Offshore & Marine Ltd (Keppel O&M) has through its whollyowned subsidiaries, Keppel FELS Limited (Keppel FELS) and Keppel Shipyard Ltd (Keppel Shipyard), secured contracts from repeat customers worth approximately S$130 million for a newbuild dredger and the modification of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel (FPSO).\nMr Chris Ong, CEO of Keppel O&M, said, \"We are pleased to secure these contracts from repeat customers as it reflects the market's confidence in Keppel O&M's customised solutions for newbuild vessels and FPSO conversions. This is the third newbuild dredger for Van Oord and the third FPSO project for Yinson. We are able to leverage the experience of working closely with our customers as well as our engineering and construction expertise to further improve productivity on their projects.\"\nForum Jump: Private Messages User Control Panel Who's Online Search Forum Home ValueBuddies.com -- Discussions on Value Investing ---- Interview with Gurus -- Fixed Income -- Singapore Listed Companies ---- A - A ---- B - B ---- C - C ---- D - D ---- E - E ---- F - F ---- G - G ---- H - H ---- I - I ---- J - J ---- K - K ---- L - L ---- M - M ---- N - N ---- O - O ---- P - P ---- Q - Q ---- R - R ---- S - S ---- T - T ---- U - U ---- V - V ---- W - W ---- X - X ---- Y - Y ---- Z - Z ---- Others -- Hong Kong Listed Companies ---- A - A ---- B - B ---- C - C ---- D - D ---- E - E ---- F - F ---- G - G ---- H - H ---- I - I ---- J - J ---- K - K ---- L - L ---- M - M ---- N - N ---- O - O ---- P - P ---- Q - Q ---- R - R ---- S - S ---- T - T ---- U - U ---- V - V ---- W - W ---- X - X ---- Y - Y ---- Z - Z ---- Others -- U.S. Listed Companies ---- A - A ---- B - B ---- C - C ---- D - D ---- E - E ---- F - F ---- G - G ---- H - H ---- I - I ---- J - J ---- K - K ---- L - L ---- M - M ---- N - N ---- O - O ---- P - P ---- Q - Q ---- R - R ---- S - S ---- T - T ---- U - U ---- V - V ---- W - W ---- X - X ---- Y - Y ---- Z - Z ---- Others -- China Listed Companies -- Australia Listed Companies -- Europe Listed Companies -- Japan Listed Companies -- Malaysia Listed Companies -- Thailand Listed Companies -- Economic News -- Property -- Personal Finance -- Alternative Investments -- Interesting Books -- Others ---- Technical Issues ---- Tour & Travel ---- Event & Announcement -- Introductions and General Chat -- Audio & Video -- Investment Gurus -- Library -- Exchange-Traded Fund -- Advertise Here\nValuebuddies.com | Return to Top | Lite (Archive) Mode | RSS Syndication | CONTACT US: [email protected] | | Share Buy-Back | Disclosure of Interest" |
"Home GENTING GENTING (3182): GENTING BHD unlocks value of life science division via potential listing of SPAC\nGENTING (3182): GENTING BHD unlocks value of life science division via potential listing of SPAC\nKUALA LUMPUR (Jan 10): Few may pay much attention to Genting Bhd's life-sciences division. However, the biotech unit could be reaping its fruits via listing, after it merges with NASDAQ-listed GX Acquisition Corp to form a special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) in an attempt to create a publicly-listed leader in allogeneic cellular therapy.\nThis would also represent the first major monetisation in Genting's life-sciences division.\nOn Friday, Celularity signed a definitive merger agreement with GX Acquisition Corp, of which the companies are planning to take it public by the second quarter of 2021, subject to approval of both Celularity and GX's shareholders.\n\"While it is not clear what Genting's current or ultimate stake in Celularity will be post-merger and listing, hypothetically, every 10% stake in a US$1.7 billion market cap listed entity is worth US$170 million, which is about 4.3% of Genting's current market cap of US$3.9 billion,\" according to Nomura Global Market Research, in a note today.\nThus, if Genting ultimately owns 20% to 30% of Celularity, it will add about 8.6% to 13% to the current market cap or valuation, before any holding company discount, said Nomura.\nThis value can go up in the future, post successful trials and launches of Celularity's drugs, the research firm added.\nGenting had invested in Celularity along with other investors in a February 2018 series A-II funding round, which totalled US$250 million. While it is unclear about the exact investment made by Genting and its current ownership in Celularity, Nomura believes it should be material, with Genting's Chairman Lim Kok Thay also being a director in the firm.\nIn addition to the merger plans, there will also be a new US$80 million PIPE investment (private investment in public equity) in GX shares from some existing Celularity shareholders.\nAs per Friday's investor call, Nomura said Celularity's existing investors will roll all their equity into the new company. Hence, should Genting be a part of the PIPE investment round, capital invested and shareholding for Genting in Celularity might increase, as a result of this transaction.\nAssuming no redemptions by GX's existing stockholders, with an expected pro-forma market cap of US$1.7 billion, the company will have a US$372 million total expected cash balance post the merger and PIPE round.\n\"This cash will form a war-chest expected to be sufficient to fund the company's business plan for the next several years,\" said the research firm.\nRecall that Genting also has other biotech investments, and TauRx, its Alzheimer's drug research investee company, previously came close to an initial public offering (IPO) but failed in its Phase 3 trials.\n\"Celularity's SPAC merger might lead to investors starting to ascribe some option value to Genting's life-sciences division, which should lower the overall RNAV (revalued net asset value) discount at Genting,\" said Nomura.\nNonetheless, at this juncture, the research firm has maintained a \"neutral\" recommendation in Genting, with a target price of RM4.60.\nAs 70% of Genting's RNAV and 80% of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) is still derived from the gaming business, Nomura said it prefers to play the tourism recovery theme through its subsidiaries Genting Malaysia Bhd and Genting Singapore Ltd.\nGenting's shares were down eight sen or 1.9% to close at RM4.12 on Friday, valuing it at RM15.97 billion. Over the past year, the counter was still 33% lower from a peak of RM6.16.\nhttp://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/genting-unlocks-value-life-science-division-potential-listing-spac" |
"Ascendas REIT's 3QFY19 DPU +0.7% y-o-y.\nPortfolio rental reversions of +3.2%.\nNew Build-To-Suit project for Grab.\nASCENDAS REAL ESTATE INV TRUST (SGX:A17U, Ascendas REIT) reported its 3QFY19 results which met our expectations. Gross revenue and NPI grew 4.2% and 6.6% y-o-y to S$226.4m and S$168.0m, respectively. Growth was driven largely by acquisitions and lower property tax expenses, but partially offset by the non-renewals at certain properties in Singapore. DPU inched up 0.7% y-o-y to 3.998 S cents due to higher management fees and finance costs, coupled with an enlarged unit base.\nFor 9MFY19, Ascendas REIT's gross revenue rose 2.3% to S$661.1m and NPI increased by 3.1% to S$486.1m. DPU of 11.887 S cents represented a decline of 1.6%, and this constituted 74.3% of our FY19 forecast.\nOperationally, Ascendas REIT's portfolio occupancy improved slightly by 0.7 ppt q-o-q to 91.3%, as higher occupancy in Singapore helped to offset the decline in Australia. Its UK properties remained fully occupied.\nRental reversions were firm, coming in positive at 3.2% overall and for Singapore, as there were no renewals in Australia and UK in 3QFY19.\nSeparately, Ascendas REIT also announced that it has signed an agreement to design and build Grab's new headquarters in Singapore. This Build-to-Suit project will be located within the one-north business park, have an estimated GFA of 42,310 sqm and is expected to complete in 4QCY20. The total development cost is estimated to be S$181.2m, with an expected stabilised NPI yield of 6.4%. This project provides Ascendas REIT with strong visibility, given the long 11 years lease term with annual rental escalations (renewal option of a further 5 years).\nWe maintain our forecasts and S$2.64 fair value estimate on Ascendas REIT." |
"Keppel-SPH, Ascendas REIT, UMS, City Developments and Sembcorp Industries\nin FTSE Stock Market\nHome » Keppel-SPH, Ascendas REIT, UMS, City Developments and Sembcorp Industries\nHere are some interesting updates for you to digest over the weekend.\nKeppel Corporation Limited (SGX: BN4)\nIn the ongoing tussle for Singapore Press Holdings Ltd (SGX: T39), or SPH, we wrote about Cuscaden Peak's counter-offer for the media company last week.\nThis offer was in response to Keppel Corporation Limited's higher offer for SPH.\nBut the oil and gas conglomerate is not budging in the bidding war.\nKeppel is standing firm and has not raised its offer price further.\nThe company has reiterated that SPH shareholders should vote for the deal as they will own shares in two REITs — SPH REIT (SGX: SK6U) and Keppel REIT (SGX: K71U).\nTo sweeten its argument, Keppel highlights that SPH shareholders who receive the REIT units will enjoy accrued distributions that will amount to around S$0.03 more per SPH share, effectively valuing Keppel's offer at S$2.381, slightly higher than the S$2.36 cash offer by Cuscaden Peak.\nThe payout will also be made by mid-January next year, earlier than Cuscaden Peak's payout by one month.\nAscendas REIT (SGX: A17U)\nAscendas REIT, or A-REIT, has announced that it will work with CapitaLand Development to jointly redevelop 1 Science Park Drive into a life science and innovation campus.\nThe entire project will cost around S$883 million and will more than triple the plot ratio of the property from the current 1.0 to 3.6.\nThe estimated completion date will be the second quarter of 2025.\nA-REIT will first divest the property for S$103.2 million and then purchase a 34% stake in a special purpose trust, with CapitaLand Development holding the remaining 66%.\nThe industrial REIT will enjoy a distribution per unit boost of 0.5% as the property will be acquired at a 6.3% net property income yield.\nUMS Holdings Limited (SGX: 558)\nUMS, an equipment manufacturing and engineering services provider, reported a sparkling set of results for its fiscal 2021 third quarter (3Q2021).\nRevenue surged by 50% year on year to S$67.6 million while net profit increased by 17% year on year to S$15.1 million.\nFor the first nine months of 2021 (9M2021), revenue increased by 53% year on year while net profit jumped by 35% year on year to S$47.4 million.\nThe group doubled its 3Q2021 interim dividend to S$0.01 from the S$0.005 it paid out a year ago.\nThe better result was achieved due to the strong growth in the semiconductor industry and the consolidation of its acquisition of JEP Holdings.\nAside from Taiwan, all of UMS' key geographical markets saw substantial year on year growth.\nCity Developments Limited (SGX: C09)\nCity Developments Limited, or CDL, also provided a 3Q2021 business update.\nIn Singapore, the group sold 30% more units for its property development division and garnered a 76% year on year increase in total sales value for 9M2021.\nThis better performance was primarily due to the launch of luxury developments such as Irwell Hill Residences and Amber Park.\nFor its overseas markets, domestic demand for residential properties remains strong in Australia while the UK is seeing increased sales enquiries for CDL's London properties.\nFor CDL's investment property division, its Singapore portfolio remained resilient with the office and retail components enjoying committed occupancy rates of 91.5% and 93.3%, respectively.\nThe property giant's hotel operations are also seeing an uptick as borders gradually reopen and travel restrictions are eased.\nDuring 3Q2021, global occupancies rose to 55.4%, up from 36.1% a year ago, while RevPAR more than doubled from S$42.2 to S$91.6.\nCDL has updated that it continues to explore a potential REIT IPO for its UK commercial assets and is waiting for market conditions to become more favourable before proceeding.\nSembcorp Industries Limited (SGX: U96)\nSembcorp Industries Limited, or SCI, is making progress on its renewable energy goals.\nThe blue-chip utility giant announced that it will acquire 658 megawatts (MW) of operational wind and solar assets in China.\nThe outlay of around S$700 million will enable the group to have a scalable renewables platform in China to drive further growth.\nSCI's CEO of China operations Alex Tan emphasized that this acquisition will double its gross capacity in China from 725 MW to 1,400 MW of wind plus solar assets.\nWith China being the world's largest renewables market, SCI has prioritised the country as a key growth area for future acquisitions.\nThis transaction is expected to close by the first half of 2022.\n2022 is nearly upon us. We have found 2 megatrends set to explode in the world of investing. And in our upcoming FREE webinar, we'll be revealing exactly what these trends are. If you're looking for more growth stocks, you'll not want to miss this exclusive event. Click here to register now.\nFollow us on Facebook and Telegram for the latest investing news and analyses!\nDisclaimer: Royston Yang does not own shares in any of the companies mentioned.\nThe post Top Stock Highlights of the Week: Keppel-SPH, Ascendas REIT, UMS, City Developments and Sembcorp Industries appeared first on The Smart Investor.\nTags: FTSE Stock Market\nBurkina Faso police fire tear gas at protest against militant violence\nGlobal Nylon Market is Expected to Reach USD 46.31 Billion by 2028 With Electrical & Electronics Applications Driving Demand\nHardman & Co Research: City of London Investment Group (CLIG)\nEuropean stocks waver after Nasdaq 'correction'\n3 ways I can invest £1,000 in inflation-beating stocks\nMagnit announces the appointment of Executive Director\nLIVE MARKETS Sticking with the rotation\nLIVE MARKETS A Q1 catalyst watchlist\nBHP investors approve scrapping of dual listing\nLIVE MARKETS Europe on the up\nLIVE MARKETS Volatile start for the STOXX\nConcerns over COVID variant trigger more travel curbs on southern Africa\nThe Venture Center's inaugural summit set to fuel top fintech innovators in getting nextgen solutions to banks and financial services providers" |
"Keppel Corporation Limited (SGX:BN4) HEFFX Highlights\nBy John Heffernan on October 9, 2017 Comments Off on Keppel Corporation Limited (SGX:BN4) HEFFX Highlights\nKeppel Corporation announced on Friday that it has received approval from the Singapore stock exchange for a proposed listing of a new real estate investment trust (REIT), composed of $820 million in US office assets.\nThe Singaporean conglomerate, which already manages some S$25 billion ($18.3 billion) in assets under its Keppel Capital division, received an eligibility to list letter from the Singapore Exchange for the REIT, according to an official announcement by the company, which noted that no final decision has been made about following through on the proposed initial public offering.\nThe REIT, which is aimed at raising $500 million for its sponsors, would be managed together with a division of Newport Beach, California-based property investment group KBS Realty through a new joint venture firm. Keppel Capital, which already manages three Singapore-listed REITs, sees the new listed trust as an opportunity to expand into new geographies, according to a statement by the parent company.\nKeppel Corporation Limited is an investment holding and management company. The Company, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in offshore oil-rig construction, shipbuilding, and ship repair and conversion; environmental engineering, power generation, logistics and data centers; property development and investment, and property fund management, and investments. The Company operates in four segments: Offshore & Marine, Infrastructure, Property and Investments. Its Offshore & Marine segment provides offshore rig design, construction, repair and upgrading, ship conversions and repair, and specialized shipbuilding. The Infrastructure segment is engaged in environmental engineering, power generation, and logistics and data centers. The Property segment is engaged in property development and investment, and property fund management. The Investments segment consists of its investments in KrisEnergy Limited, M1 Limited, k1 Ventures Ltd, among others.\nOverall, the bias in prices is: Upwards.\nShort term: Prices are moving.\nNote: this chart shows extraordinary price action to the upside.\nBy the way, prices are vulnerable to a correction towards 6.45.\nKEPPEL CORP closed up 0.070 at 6.750. Volume was 54% above average (neutral) and Bollinger Bands were 90% wider than normal.\n6.760 6.800 6.710 6.750 4,158,400\nShort Term: Overbought\nLong Term: Bullish\nVolatility: 16 13 19\nVolume: 3,643,160 2,606,402 3,774,734\nKEPPEL CORP gapped up today (bullish) on normal volume. Possibility of a Runaway Gap which usually signifies a continuation of the trend. Four types of price gaps exist – Common, Breakaway, Runaway, and Exhaustion. Gaps acts as support/resistance.\nKEPPEL CORP is currently 4.4% above its 200-period moving average and is in an upward trend. Volatility is extremely high when compared to the average volatility over the last 10 periods. There is a good possibility that volatility will decrease and prices will stabilize in the near term. Our volume indicators reflect moderate flows of volume into KPLM.SI (mildly bullish). Our trend forecasting oscillators are currently bullish on KPLM.SI and have had this outlook for the last 13 periods. Our momentum oscillator is currently indicating that KPLM.SI is currently in an overbought condition.\nOne method of interpreting the Stochastic Oscillator is looking for overbought areas (above 80) and oversold areas (below 20). The Stochastic Oscillator is 92.0000. This is an overbought reading. However, a signal is not generated until the Oscillator crosses below 80 The last signal was a buy 24 period(s) ago.\nThe RSI shows overbought (above 70) and oversold (below 30) areas. The current value of the RSI is 75.44. This is where it usually tops. The RSI usually forms tops and bottoms before the underlying security. A buy or sell signal is generated when the RSI moves out of an overbought/oversold area. The last signal was a sell 7 period(s) ago.\nThe CCI shows overbought (above 100) and oversold (below -100) areas. The current value of the CCI is 219.This is an overbought reading. However, a signal isn't generated until the indicator crosses below 100. The last signal was a sell 4 period(s) ago.\nBN4, Corporation, heffx, Kepple, outlook, SGX, Singapore, stock, StockKepple\nKeppel Corporation Limited (SGX:BN4) HEFFX Highlights added by John Heffernan on October 9, 2017\nView all posts by John Heffernan →\nJohn Heffernan is a Junior Analyst at HEFFX. John is studying Economics and is a contributor on equities at Live Trading News.\nLatest posts by John Heffernan (see all)\nSingapore Technologies Engineering HEFFX Highlights - June 3, 2019\nUnited Overseas Bank HEFFX Highlights - June 3, 2019\nCOSCO Shipping International HEFFX Highlights - June 3, 2019\nKeppel Corporation Limited (SGX:BN4) HEFFX Outlook (17/4/16)\nKeppel Corporation Limited (SGX:BN4) HEFFX Issues $5 Target" |
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