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1 | you have enough finely tuned acting to compensate for the movie 's failings . |
1 | the movie obviously seeks to re-create the excitement of such '50s flicks as jules verne 's ' 20,000 leagues under the sea ' and the george pal version of h.g. wells ' ` the time machine . ' |
1 | i ca n't remember the last time i saw an audience laugh so much during a movie , but there 's only one problem ... it 's supposed to be a drama . |
2 | the most brilliant and brutal uk crime film since jack carter went back to newcastle , the first half of gangster no. 1 drips with style and , at times , blood . |
0 | it might not be 1970s animation , but everything else about it is straight from the saturday morning cartoons -- a retread story , bad writing , and the same old silliness . |
2 | stay for the credits and see a devastating comic impersonation by dustin hoffman that is revelatory . |
1 | one gets the impression the creators of do n't ask do n't tell laughed a hell of a lot at their own jokes . |
0 | bread , my sweet has so many flaws it would be easy for critics to shred it . |
1 | i believe silberling had the best intentions here , but he just does n't have the restraint to fully realize them . |
1 | the philosophical musings of the dialogue jar against the tawdry soap opera antics of the film 's action in a way that is surprisingly enjoyable . |
1 | some people want the ol' ball-and-chain and then there are those who just want the ball and chain . |
0 | you 'll forget about it by monday , though , and if they 're old enough to have developed some taste , so will your kids . |
0 | you could easily mistake it for a sketchy work-in-progress that was inexplicably rushed to the megaplexes before its time . |
0 | it 's hard to imagine any recent film , independent or otherwise , that makes as much of a mess as this one . |
2 | there 's nothing like love to give a movie a b-12 shot , and cq shimmers with it . |
1 | it 's all pretty tame . |
0 | it 's petty thievery like this that puts flimsy flicks like this behind bars |
2 | mr. koshashvili is a director to watch . |
2 | about as big a crowdpleaser as they possibly come . |
2 | the art direction and costumes are gorgeous and finely detailed , and kurys ' direction is clever and insightful . |
1 | there 's a bit of thematic meat on the bones of queen of the damned , as its origins in an anne rice novel dictate , but generally , it 's a movie that emphasizes style over character and substance . |
1 | the sequel is everything the original was not : contrived , overblown and tie-in ready . |
1 | but , for that , why not watch a documentary ? |
2 | an immensely entertaining look at some of the unsung heroes of 20th century pop music . |
0 | the action scenes have all the suspense of a 20-car pileup , while the plot holes are big enough for a train car to drive through -- if kaos had n't blown them all up . |
1 | it 's difficult to discern if this is a crazy work of disturbed genius or merely 90 minutes of post-adolescent electra rebellion . |
2 | an effortlessly accomplished and richly resonant work . |
2 | broomfield is energized by volletta wallace 's maternal fury , her fearlessness , and because of that , his film crackles . |
2 | a fiercely clever and subtle film , capturing the precarious balance between the extravagant confidence of the exiled aristocracy and the cruel earnestness of the victorious revolutionaries . |
1 | davis has energy , but she does n't bother to make her heroine 's book sound convincing , the gender-war ideas original , or the comic scenes fly . |
1 | the images are usually abbreviated in favor of mushy obviousness and telegraphed pathos , particularly where whitaker 's misfit artist is concerned . |
1 | a preposterously melodramatic paean to gang-member teens in brooklyn circa 1958 . |
1 | eckstraordinarily lame and severely boring . |
1 | a good-looking but ultimately pointless political thriller with plenty of action and almost no substance . |
0 | comes across as a relic from a bygone era , and its convolutions ... feel silly rather than plausible . |
0 | the story is bogus and its characters tissue-thin . |
1 | this is a nervy , risky film , and villeneuve has inspired croze to give herself over completely to the tormented persona of bibi . |
1 | an easy watch , except for the annoying demeanour of its lead character . |
2 | though in some ways similar to catherine breillat 's fat girl , rain is the far superior film . |
0 | instead , it 'll only put you to sleep . |
0 | the only way to tolerate this insipid , brutally clueless film might be with a large dose of painkillers . |
0 | the comedy is nonexistent . |
2 | a real winner -- smart , funny , subtle , and resonant . |
2 | romantic , riveting and handsomely animated . |
2 | try as you might to scrutinize the ethics of kaufman 's approach , somehow it all comes together to create a very compelling , sensitive , intelligent and almost cohesive piece of film entertainment . |
1 | with not a lot of help from the screenplay -lrb- proficient , but singularly cursory -rrb- , -lrb- testud -rrb- acts with the feral intensity of the young bette davis . |
0 | spreads itself too thin , leaving these actors , as well as the members of the commune , short of profound characterizations |
0 | -lrb- less a movie than -rrb- an appalling , odoriferous thing ... so rotten in almost every single facet of production that you 'll want to crawl up your own \*\*\* in embarrassment . |
1 | less worrying about covering all the drama in frida 's life and more time spent exploring her process of turning pain into art would have made this a superior movie . |
0 | a fifty car pileup of cliches . |
2 | will warm your heart without making you feel guilty about it . |
0 | one of the most unpleasant things the studio has ever produced . |
2 | the result is a powerful , naturally dramatic piece of low-budget filmmaking . |
2 | as a science fiction movie , `` minority report '' astounds . |
1 | it does give you a peek . |
0 | the somber pacing and lack of dramatic fireworks make green dragon seem more like medicine than entertainment . |
0 | below is well below expectations . |
2 | at just over an hour , home movie will leave you wanting more , not to mention leaving you with some laughs and a smile on your face . |
0 | the movie 's ultimate point -- that everyone should be themselves -- is trite , but the screenwriter and director michel gondry restate it to the point of ridiculousness . |
1 | dong shows how intolerance has the power to deform families , then tear them apart . |
2 | peppered with witty dialogue and inventive moments . |
2 | whether or not you 're enlightened by any of derrida 's lectures on `` the other '' and `` the self , '' derrida is an undeniably fascinating and playful fellow . |
2 | parents may even find that it goes by quickly , because it has some of the funniest jokes of any movie this year , including those intended for adults . |
2 | a good music documentary , probably one of the best since the last waltz . |
1 | as social exposé , skins has its heart in the right place , but that 's not much to hang a soap opera on . |
1 | interesting , but not compelling . |
0 | the only thing scary about feardotcom is that the filmmakers and studio are brazen enough to attempt to pass this stinker off as a scary movie . |
0 | the country bears wastes an exceptionally good idea . |
1 | the reason to see `` sade '' lay with the chemistry and complex relationship between the marquis -lrb- auteil -rrb- and emilie -lrb- le besco -rrb- . |
2 | pacino is the best he 's been in years and keener is marvelous . |
1 | a frankenstein mishmash that careens from dark satire to cartoonish slapstick , bartleby performs neither one very well . |
1 | as happily glib and vicious as its characters . |
1 | ... has its moments , but ultimately , its curmudgeon does n't quite make the cut of being placed on any list of favorites . |
1 | overall , interesting as a documentary -- but not very imaxy . |
1 | what puzzles me is the lack of emphasis on music in britney spears ' first movie . |
1 | the movie 's gloomy atmosphere is fascinating , though , even if the movie itself does n't stand a ghost of a chance . |
2 | extremely well acted by the four primary actors , this is a seriously intended movie that is not easily forgotten . |
1 | a perfectly respectable , perfectly inoffensive , easily forgettable film . |
2 | ms. hutchins is talented enough and charismatic enough to make us care about zelda 's ultimate fate . |
2 | writer-director david jacobson and his star , jeremy renner , have made a remarkable film that explores the monster 's psychology not in order to excuse him but rather to demonstrate that his pathology evolved from human impulses that grew hideously twisted . |
1 | holds limited appeal to those who like explosions , sadism and seeing people beat each other to a pulp . |
0 | feels at times like a giant commercial for universal studios , where much of the action takes place . |
1 | alas , another breathless movie about same ! |
2 | strange , funny , twisted , brilliant and macabre . |
0 | the film is so busy making reference to other films and trying to be other films that it fails to have a heart , mind or humor of its own . |
2 | cool gadgets and creatures keep this fresh . |
0 | ringu is a disaster of a story , full of holes and completely lacking in chills . |
2 | while maintaining the appearance of clinical objectivity , this sad , occasionally horrifying but often inspiring film is among wiseman 's warmest . |
2 | the byplay and bickering between the now spy-savvy siblings , carmen -lrb- vega -rrb- and juni -lrb- sabara -rrb- cortez , anchor the film in a very real and amusing give-and-take . |
2 | it 's sweet , funny , charming , and completely delightful . |
0 | there are many definitions of ` time waster ' but this movie must surely be one of them . |
2 | i can easily imagine benigni 's pinocchio becoming a christmas perennial . |
0 | what more can be expected from a college comedy that 's target audience has n't graduated from junior high school ? |
0 | aggravating and tedious . |
1 | formula 51 has dulled your senses faster and deeper than any recreational drug on the market . |
1 | kurys never shows why , of all the period 's volatile romantic lives , sand and musset are worth particular attention . |
0 | this ludicrous film is predictable at every turn . |
0 | just another combination of bad animation and mindless violence ... lacking the slightest bit of wit or charm . |
2 | -lrb- fiji diver rusi vulakoro and the married couple howard and michelle hall -rrb- show us the world they love and make us love it , too . |
1 | were it not for a sentimental resolution that explains way more about cal than does the movie or the character any good , freundlich 's world traveler might have been one of the more daring and surprising american movies of the year . |
Subsets and Splits