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2 | a colorful , joyous celebration of life ; a tapestry woven of romance , dancing , singing , and unforgettable characters . |
1 | frank mcklusky c.i. is that movie ! |
1 | plods along , minus the twisted humor and eye-popping visuals that have made miike ... a cult hero . |
2 | the solid filmmaking and convincing characters makes this a high water mark for this genre . |
2 | the kind of movie that comes along only occasionally , one so unconventional , gutsy and perfectly executed it takes your breath away . |
1 | and a very rainy day . |
2 | with an admirably dark first script by brent hanley , paxton , making his directorial feature debut , does strong , measured work . |
1 | the film has a childlike quality about it . |
1 | a really funny fifteen-minute short stretched beyond its limits to fill an almost feature-length film . |
1 | gone are the flamboyant mannerisms that are the trademark of several of his performances . |
2 | funny , somber , absurd , and , finally , achingly sad , bartleby is a fine , understated piece of filmmaking . |
0 | every now and again , a movie comes along to remind us of how very bad a motion picture can truly be . |
1 | count on his movie to work at the back of your neck long after you leave the theater . |
2 | the bai brothers have taken an small slice of history and opened it up for all of us to understand , and they 've told a nice little story in the process . |
0 | there 's not one decent performance from the cast and not one clever line of dialogue . |
2 | return to never land is reliable , standard disney animated fare , with enough creative energy and wit to entertain all ages . |
1 | in many ways , reminiscent of 1992 's unforgiven which also utilized the scintillating force of its actors to draw out the menace of its sparse dialogue . |
2 | a captivating and intimate study about dying and loving ... |
0 | oversexed , at times overwrought comedy\/drama that offers little insight into the experience of being forty , female and single . |
2 | the world needs more filmmakers with passionate enthusiasms like martin scorsese . |
2 | the history is fascinating ; the action is dazzling . |
1 | if only there were one for this kind of movie . |
2 | offers a clear-eyed chronicle of a female friendship that is more complex and honest than anything represented in a hollywood film . |
1 | it may be about drug dealers , kidnapping , and unsavory folks , but the tone and pacing are shockingly intimate . |
2 | meeting , even exceeding expectations , it 's the best sequel since the empire strikes back ... a majestic achievement , an epic of astonishing grandeur and surprising emotional depth . |
2 | while general audiences might not come away with a greater knowledge of the facts of cuban music , they 'll be treated to an impressive and highly entertaining celebration of its sounds . |
2 | not only better than its predecessor , it may rate as the most magical and most fun family fare of this or any recent holiday season . |
0 | offers no new insight on the matter , nor do its characters exactly spring to life . |
0 | with a completely predictable plot , you 'll swear that you 've seen it all before , even if you 've never come within a mile of the longest yard . |
0 | the jokes are sophomoric , stereotypes are sprinkled everywhere and the acting ranges from bad to bodacious . |
1 | you see robin williams and psycho killer , and you think , hmmmmm . |
2 | one of the best looking and stylish animated movies in quite a while ... |
1 | the armenian genocide deserves a more engaged and honest treatment . |
2 | light the candles , bring out the cake and do n't fret about the calories because there 's precious little substance in birthday girl -- it 's simply , and surprisingly , a nice , light treat . |
2 | nicole kidman makes it a party worth attending . |
0 | this is a fragmented film , once a good idea that was followed by the bad idea to turn it into a movie . |
1 | new yorkers always seem to find the oddest places to dwell ... |
2 | this is an interesting movie ! '' |
0 | it 's simply stupid , irrelevant and deeply , truly , bottomlessly cynical . |
1 | might be one of those vanity projects in which a renowned filmmaker attempts to show off his talent by surrounding himself with untalented people . |
0 | the movie is almost completely lacking in suspense , surprise and consistent emotional conviction . |
1 | are monsters born , or made ? |
0 | the characters are so generic and the plot so bland that even as rogue cia assassins working for chris cooper 's agency boss close in on the resourceful amnesiac , we do n't feel much for damon\/bourne or his predicament . |
1 | only at the prospect of beck 's next project . |
1 | consider this review life-affirming . |
0 | like a can of 2-day old coke . |
0 | yes , i suppose it 's lovely that cal works out his issues with his dad and comes to terms with his picture-perfect life -- but world traveler gave me no reason to care , so i did n't . |
1 | rodriguez ... was unable to reproduce the special spark between the characters that made the first film such a delight . |
1 | jones helps breathe some life into the insubstantial plot , but even he is overwhelmed by predictability . |
2 | the entire cast is first-rate , especially sorvino . |
0 | it 's a drag how nettelbeck sees working women -- or at least this working woman -- for whom she shows little understanding . |
0 | nothing about this movie works . |
1 | if the movie were all comedy , it might work better . |
2 | this is an exercise in chilling style , and twohy films the sub , inside and out , with an eye on preserving a sense of mystery . |
0 | hey everybody , wanna watch a movie in which a guy dressed as a children 's party clown gets violently gang-raped ? |
2 | it makes compelling , provocative and prescient viewing . |
0 | a decided lack of spontaneity in its execution and a dearth of real poignancy in its epiphanies . |
2 | it 's a wise and powerful tale of race and culture forcefully told , with superb performances throughout . |
2 | one of those terrific documentaries that collect a bunch of people who are enthusiastic about something and then figures out how to make us share their enthusiasm . |
0 | not only are the film 's sopranos gags incredibly dated and unfunny , they also demonstrate how desperate the makers of this ` we 're - doing-it-for - the-cash ' sequel were . |
0 | a rip-off twice removed , modeled after -lrb- seagal 's -rrb- earlier copycat under siege , sometimes referred to as die hard on a boat . |
2 | ms. seigner and mr. serrault bring fresh , unforced naturalism to their characters . |
0 | but the movie that does n't really deliver for country music fans or for family audiences |
1 | now he makes them . |
2 | if you like quirky , odd movies and\/or the ironic , here 's a fun one . |
0 | no french people were harmed during the making of this movie , but they were insulted and the audience was put through torture for an hour and a half . |
2 | woody allen can write and deliver a one liner as well as anybody . |
1 | kaufman and jonze take huge risks to ponder the whole notion of passion -- our desire as human beings for passion in our lives and the emptiness one feels when it is missing . |
1 | the members manage to pronounce kok exactly as you think they might , thus giving the cast ample opportunity to use that term as often as possible . |
1 | most folks with a real stake in the american sexual landscape will find it either moderately amusing or just plain irrelevant . |
0 | amazingly lame . |
0 | not even felinni would know what to make of this italian freakshow . |
1 | but when it does , you 're entirely unprepared . |
2 | finely crafted , finely written , exquisitely performed |
1 | earnest but heavy-handed . |
1 | ali 's graduation from little screen to big is far less painful than his opening scene encounter with an over-amorous terrier . |
1 | bacon keeps things interesting , but do n't go out of your way to pay full price . |
0 | a woefully dull , redundant concept that bears more than a whiff of exploitation , despite iwai 's vaunted empathy . |
2 | give credit to everyone from robinson down to the key grip that this bold move works . |
0 | enough said , except : film overboard ! |
0 | ... a weak and ineffective ghost story without a conclusion or pay off . |
2 | if you 're a fan of the series you 'll love it and probably want to see it twice . |
1 | maid in manhattan might not look so appealing on third or fourth viewing down the road ... but as a high concept vehicle for two bright stars of the moment who can rise to fans ' lofty expectations , the movie passes inspection . |
1 | shanghai ghetto should be applauded for finding a new angle on a tireless story , but you might want to think twice before booking passage . |
1 | cynics need not apply . ' |
0 | suffers from a lack of clarity and audacity that a subject as monstrous and pathetic as dahmer demands . |
0 | it 's not a motion picture ; it 's an utterly static picture . |
0 | it 's probably not easy to make such a worthless film ... |
2 | the film is bright and flashy in all the right ways . |
2 | a brisk , reverent , and subtly different sequel . |
1 | pure of intention and passably diverting , his secret life is light , innocuous and unremarkable . |
2 | a fascinating documentary that provides a rounded and revealing overview of this ancient holistic healing system |
1 | ice age is the first computer-generated feature cartoon to feel like other movies , and that makes for some glacial pacing early on . |
0 | i did go back and check out the last 10 minutes , but these were more repulsive than the first 30 or 40 minutes . |
0 | in the end , the movie bogs down in insignificance , saying nothing about kennedy 's assassination and revealing nothing about the pathology it pretends to investigate . |
1 | mildly entertaining . |
1 | ` men in black ii creates a new threat for the mib , but recycles the same premise . |
2 | it 's refreshing to see a movie that embraces its old-fashioned themes and in the process comes out looking like something wholly original . |
0 | an infuriating film . |
1 | seeing seinfeld at home as he watches his own appearance on letterman with a clinical eye reminds you that the key to stand-up is to always make it look easy , even though the reality is anything but . |
Subsets and Splits