sequence | meta
dict | scores
sequence | avg_score
float64 0
| num_sents
int64 5
| tagged_pii_results
list |
"/*\r\n * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. ",
"All rights reserved.",
"\r\n *\r\n * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with\r\n * a Linking Exception. ",
"For full terms see the included COPYING file.",
"\r\n */\r\n\r\n#include \"refs.h\"\r\n\r\n#include \"hash.h\"\r\n#include \"repository.h\"\r\n#include \"fileops.h\"\r\n#include \"filebuf.h\"\r\n#include \"pack.h\"\r\n#include \"reflog.h\"\r\n#include \"refdb.h\"\r\n\r\n#include <git2/tag.h>\r\n#include <git2/object.h>\r\n#include <git2/oid.h>\r\n#include <git2/branch.h>\r\n#include <git2/refs.h>\r\n#include <git2/refdb.h>\r\n#include <git2/sys/refs.h>\r\n#include <git2/signature.h>\r\n#include <git2/commit.h>\r\n\r\nbool git_reference__enable_symbolic_ref_target_validation = true;\r\n\r\n#define DEFAULT_NESTING_LEVEL\t5\r\n#define MAX_NESTING_LEVEL\t\t10\r\n\r\nenum {\r\n\tGIT_PACKREF_HAS_PEEL = 1,\r\n\tGIT_PACKREF_WAS_LOOSE = 2\r\n};\r\n\r\nstatic git_reference *alloc_ref(const char *name)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_reference *ref = NULL;\r\n\tsize_t namelen = strlen(name), reflen;\r\n\r\n\tif (!",
"GIT_ADD_SIZET_OVERFLOW(&reflen, sizeof(git_reference), namelen) &&\r\n\t\t!",
"GIT_ADD_SIZET_OVERFLOW(&reflen, reflen, 1) &&\r\n\t\t(ref = git__calloc(1, reflen)) !",
"= NULL)\r\n\t\tmemcpy(ref->name, name, namelen + 1);\r\n\r\n\treturn ref;\r\n}\r\n\r\ngit_reference *git_reference__alloc_symbolic(\r\n\tconst char *name, const char *target)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_reference *ref;\r\n\r\n\tassert(name && target);\r\n\r\n\tref = alloc_ref(name);\r\n\tif (!",
"ref)\r\n\t\treturn NULL;\r\n\r\n\tref->type = GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC;\r\n\r\n\tif ((ref->target.symbolic = git__strdup(target)) == NULL) {\r\n\t\tgit__free(ref);\r\n\t\treturn NULL;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\treturn ref;\r\n}\r\n\r\ngit_reference *git_reference__alloc(\r\n\tconst char *name,\r\n\tconst git_oid *oid,\r\n\tconst git_oid *peel)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_reference *ref;\r\n\r\n\tassert(name && oid);\r\n\r\n\tref = alloc_ref(name);\r\n\tif (!",
"ref)\r\n\t\treturn NULL;\r\n\r\n\tref->type = GIT_REF_OID;\r\n\tgit_oid_cpy(&ref->target.oid, oid);\r\n\r\n\tif (peel !",
"= NULL)\r\n\t\tgit_oid_cpy(&ref->peel, peel);\r\n\r\n\treturn ref;\r\n}\r\n\r\ngit_reference *git_reference__set_name(\r\n\tgit_reference *ref, const char *name)\r\n{\r\n\tsize_t namelen = strlen(name);\r\n\tsize_t reflen;\r\n\tgit_reference *rewrite = NULL;\r\n\r\n\tif (!",
"GIT_ADD_SIZET_OVERFLOW(&reflen, sizeof(git_reference), namelen) &&\r\n\t\t!",
"GIT_ADD_SIZET_OVERFLOW(&reflen, reflen, 1) &&\r\n\t\t(rewrite = git__realloc(ref, reflen)) !",
"= NULL)\r\n\t\tmemcpy(rewrite->name, name, namelen + 1);\r\n\r\n\treturn rewrite;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_dup(git_reference **dest, git_reference *source)\r\n{\r\n\tif (source->type == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC)\r\n\t\t*dest = git_reference__alloc_symbolic(source->name, source->target.symbolic);\r\n\telse\r\n\t\t*dest = git_reference__alloc(source->name, &source->target.oid, &source->peel);\r\n\r\n\tGITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(*dest);\r\n\r\n\treturn 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid git_reference_free(git_reference *reference)\r\n{\r\n\tif (reference == NULL)\r\n\t\treturn;\r\n\r\n\tif (reference->type == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC)\r\n\t\tgit__free(reference->target.symbolic);\r\n\r\n\tif (reference->db)\r\n\t\tGIT_REFCOUNT_DEC(reference->db, git_refdb__free);\r\n\r\n\tgit__free(reference);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_delete(git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tconst git_oid *old_id = NULL;\r\n\tconst char *old_target = NULL;\r\n\r\n\tif (ref->type == GIT_REF_OID)\r\n\t\told_id = &ref->target.oid;\r\n\telse\r\n\t\told_target = ref->target.symbolic;\r\n\r\n\treturn git_refdb_delete(ref->db, ref->name, old_id, old_target);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_remove(git_repository *repo, const char *name)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_refdb *db;\r\n\tint error;\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_repository_refdb__weakptr(&db, repo)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\treturn git_refdb_delete(db, name, NULL, NULL);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_lookup(git_reference **ref_out,\r\n\tgit_repository *repo, const char *name)\r\n{\r\n\treturn git_reference_lookup_resolved(ref_out, repo, name, 0);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_name_to_id(\r\n\tgit_oid *out, git_repository *repo, const char *name)\r\n{\r\n\tint error;\r\n\tgit_reference *ref;\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_reference_lookup_resolved(&ref, repo, name, -1)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\tgit_oid_cpy(out, git_reference_target(ref));\r\n\tgit_reference_free(ref);\r\n\treturn 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\nstatic int reference_normalize_for_repo(\r\n\tgit_refname_t out,\r\n\tgit_repository *repo,\r\n\tconst char *name,\r\n\tbool validate)\r\n{\r\n\tint precompose;\r\n\tunsigned int flags = GIT_REF_FORMAT_ALLOW_ONELEVEL;\r\n\r\n\tif (!",
"git_repository__cvar(&precompose, repo, GIT_CVAR_PRECOMPOSE) &&\r\n\t\tprecompose)\r\n\t\tflags |= GIT_REF_FORMAT__PRECOMPOSE_UNICODE;\r\n\r\n\tif (!",
"validate)\r\n\t\tflags |= GIT_REF_FORMAT__VALIDATION_DISABLE;\r\n\r\n\treturn git_reference_normalize_name(out, GIT_REFNAME_MAX, name, flags);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_lookup_resolved(\r\n\tgit_reference **ref_out,\r\n\tgit_repository *repo,\r\n\tconst char *name,\r\n\tint max_nesting)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_refname_t scan_name;\r\n\tgit_ref_t scan_type;\r\n\tint error = 0, nesting;\r\n\tgit_reference *ref = NULL;\r\n\tgit_refdb *refdb;\r\n\r\n\tassert(ref_out && repo && name);\r\n\r\n\t*ref_out = NULL;\r\n\r\n\tif (max_nesting > MAX_NESTING_LEVEL)\r\n\t\tmax_nesting = MAX_NESTING_LEVEL;\r\n\telse if (max_nesting < 0)\r\n\t\tmax_nesting = DEFAULT_NESTING_LEVEL;\r\n\r\n\tscan_type = GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC;\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = reference_normalize_for_repo(scan_name, repo, name, true)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_repository_refdb__weakptr(&refdb, repo)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\tfor (nesting = max_nesting;\r\n\t\t nesting >= 0 && scan_type == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC;\r\n\t\t nesting--)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tif (nesting !",
"= max_nesting) {\r\n\t\t\tstrncpy(scan_name, ref->target.symbolic, sizeof(scan_name));\r\n\t\t\tgit_reference_free(ref);\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\tif ((error = git_refdb_lookup(&ref, refdb, scan_name)) < 0)\r\n\t\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\t\tscan_type = ref->type;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tif (scan_type !",
"= GIT_REF_OID && max_nesting !",
"= 0) {\r\n\t\tgiterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE,\r\n\t\t\t\"cannot resolve reference (>%u levels deep)\", max_nesting);\r\n\t\tgit_reference_free(ref);\r\n\t\treturn -1;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t*ref_out = ref;\r\n\treturn 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference__read_head(\r\n\tgit_reference **out,\r\n\tgit_repository *repo,\r\n\tconst char *path)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_buf reference = GIT_BUF_INIT;\r\n\tchar *name = NULL;\r\n\tint error;\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_futils_readbuffer(&reference, path)) < 0)\r\n\t\tgoto out;\r\n\tgit_buf_rtrim(&reference);\r\n\r\n\tif (git__strncmp(reference.ptr, GIT_SYMREF, strlen(GIT_SYMREF)) == 0) {\r\n\t\tgit_buf_consume(&reference, reference.ptr + strlen(GIT_SYMREF));\r\n\r\n\t\tname = git_path_basename(path);\r\n\r\n\t\tif ((*out = git_reference__alloc_symbolic(name, reference.ptr)) == NULL) {\r\n\t\t\terror = -1;\r\n\t\t\tgoto out;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t} else {\r\n\t\tif ((error = git_reference_lookup(out, repo, reference.ptr)) < 0)\r\n\t\t\tgoto out;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\nout:\r\n\tgit__free(name);\r\n\tgit_buf_free(&reference);\r\n\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_dwim(git_reference **out, git_repository *repo, const char *refname)\r\n{\r\n\tint error = 0, i;\r\n\tbool fallbackmode = true, foundvalid = false;\r\n\tgit_reference *ref;\r\n\tgit_buf refnamebuf = GIT_BUF_INIT, name = GIT_BUF_INIT;\r\n\r\n\tstatic const char* formatters[] = {\r\n\t\t\"%s\",\r\n\t\tGIT_REFS_DIR \"%s\",\r\n\t\tGIT_REFS_TAGS_DIR \"%s\",\r\n\t\tGIT_REFS_HEADS_DIR \"%s\",\r\n\t\tGIT_REFS_REMOTES_DIR \"%s\",\r\n\t\tGIT_REFS_REMOTES_DIR \"%s/\" GIT_HEAD_FILE,\r\n\t\tNULL\r\n\t};\r\n\r\n\tif (*refname)\r\n\t\tgit_buf_puts(&name, refname);\r\n\telse {\r\n\t\tgit_buf_puts(&name, GIT_HEAD_FILE);\r\n\t\tfallbackmode = false;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tfor (i = 0; formatters[i] && (fallbackmode || i == 0); i++) {\r\n\r\n\t\tgit_buf_clear(&refnamebuf);\r\n\r\n\t\tif ((error = git_buf_printf(&refnamebuf, formatters[i], git_buf_cstr(&name))) < 0)\r\n\t\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\r\n\t\tif (!",
"git_reference_is_valid_name(git_buf_cstr(&refnamebuf))) {\r\n\t\t\terror = GIT_EINVALIDSPEC;\r\n\t\t\tcontinue;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t\tfoundvalid = true;\r\n\r\n\t\terror = git_reference_lookup_resolved(&ref, repo, git_buf_cstr(&refnamebuf), -1);\r\n\r\n\t\tif (!",
"error) {\r\n\t\t\t*out = ref;\r\n\t\t\terror = 0;\r\n\t\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\tif (error !",
"= GIT_ENOTFOUND)\r\n\t\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\ncleanup:\r\n\tif (error && !",
"foundvalid) {\r\n\t\t/* never found a valid reference name */\r\n\t\tgiterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE,\r\n\t\t\t\"could not use '%s' as valid reference name\", git_buf_cstr(&name));\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tif (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND)\r\n\t\tgiterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, \"no reference found for shorthand '%s'\", refname);\r\n\r\n\tgit_buf_free(&name);\r\n\tgit_buf_free(&refnamebuf);\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Getters\r\n */\r\ngit_ref_t git_reference_type(const git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tassert(ref);\r\n\treturn ref->type;\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst char *git_reference_name(const git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tassert(ref);\r\n\treturn ref->name;\r\n}\r\n\r\ngit_repository *git_reference_owner(const git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tassert(ref);\r\n\treturn ref->db->repo;\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst git_oid *git_reference_target(const git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tassert(ref);\r\n\r\n\tif (ref->type !",
"= GIT_REF_OID)\r\n\t\treturn NULL;\r\n\r\n\treturn &ref->target.oid;\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst git_oid *git_reference_target_peel(const git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tassert(ref);\r\n\r\n\tif (ref->type !",
"= GIT_REF_OID || git_oid_iszero(&ref->peel))\r\n\t\treturn NULL;\r\n\r\n\treturn &ref->peel;\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst char *git_reference_symbolic_target(const git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tassert(ref);\r\n\r\n\tif (ref->type !",
"= GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC)\r\n\t\treturn NULL;\r\n\r\n\treturn ref->target.symbolic;\r\n}\r\n\r\nstatic int reference__create(\r\n\tgit_reference **ref_out,\r\n\tgit_repository *repo,\r\n\tconst char *name,\r\n\tconst git_oid *oid,\r\n\tconst char *symbolic,\r\n\tint force,\r\n\tconst git_signature *signature,\r\n\tconst char *log_message,\r\n\tconst git_oid *old_id,\r\n\tconst char *old_target)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_refname_t normalized;\r\n\tgit_refdb *refdb;\r\n\tgit_reference *ref = NULL;\r\n\tint error = 0;\r\n\r\n\tassert(repo && name);\r\n\tassert(symbolic || signature);\r\n\r\n\tif (ref_out)\r\n\t\t*ref_out = NULL;\r\n\r\n\terror = reference_normalize_for_repo(normalized, repo, name, true);\r\n\tif (error < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\terror = git_repository_refdb__weakptr(&refdb, repo);\r\n\tif (error < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\tif (oid !",
"= NULL) {\r\n\t\tassert(symbolic == NULL);\r\n\r\n\t\tif (!",
"git_object__is_valid(repo, oid, GIT_OBJ_ANY)) {\r\n\t\t\tgiterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE,\r\n\t\t\t\t\"target OID for the reference doesn't exist on the repository\");\r\n\t\t\treturn -1;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\tref = git_reference__alloc(normalized, oid, NULL);\r\n\t} else {\r\n\t\tgit_refname_t normalized_target;\r\n\r\n\t\terror = reference_normalize_for_repo(normalized_target, repo,\r\n\t\t\tsymbolic, git_reference__enable_symbolic_ref_target_validation);\r\n\r\n\t\tif (error < 0)\r\n\t\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\t\tref = git_reference__alloc_symbolic(normalized, normalized_target);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tGITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(ref);\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_refdb_write(refdb, ref, force, signature, log_message, old_id, old_target)) < 0) {\r\n\t\tgit_reference_free(ref);\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tif (ref_out == NULL)\r\n\t\tgit_reference_free(ref);\r\n\telse\r\n\t\t*ref_out = ref;\r\n\r\n\treturn 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint configured_ident(git_signature **out, const git_repository *repo)\r\n{\r\n\tif (repo->ident_name && repo->ident_email)\r\n\t\treturn git_signature_now(out, repo->ident_name, repo->ident_email);\r\n\r\n\t/* if not configured let us fall-through to the next method */\r\n\treturn -1;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference__log_signature(git_signature **out, git_repository *repo)\r\n{\r\n\tint error;\r\n\tgit_signature *who;\r\n\r\n\tif(((error = configured_ident(&who, repo)) < 0) &&\r\n\t ((error = git_signature_default(&who, repo)) < 0) &&\r\n\t ((error = git_signature_now(&who, \"unknown\", \"unknown\")) < 0))\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\t*out = who;\r\n\treturn 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_create_matching(\r\n\tgit_reference **ref_out,\r\n\tgit_repository *repo,\r\n\tconst char *name,\r\n\tconst git_oid *id,\r\n\tint force,\r\n\tconst git_oid *old_id,\r\n\tconst char *log_message)\r\n\r\n{\r\n\tint error;\r\n\tgit_signature *who = NULL;\r\n\r\n\tassert(id);\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_reference__log_signature(&who, repo)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\terror = reference__create(\r\n\t\tref_out, repo, name, id, NULL, force, who, log_message, old_id, NULL);\r\n\r\n\tgit_signature_free(who);\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_create(\r\n\tgit_reference **ref_out,\r\n\tgit_repository *repo,\r\n\tconst char *name,\r\n\tconst git_oid *id,\r\n\tint force,\r\n\tconst char *log_message)\r\n{\r\n return git_reference_create_matching(ref_out, repo, name, id, force, NULL, log_message);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_symbolic_create_matching(\r\n\tgit_reference **ref_out,\r\n\tgit_repository *repo,\r\n\tconst char *name,\r\n\tconst char *target,\r\n\tint force,\r\n\tconst char *old_target,\r\n\tconst char *log_message)\r\n{\r\n\tint error;\r\n\tgit_signature *who = NULL;\r\n\r\n\tassert(target);\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_reference__log_signature(&who, repo)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\terror = reference__create(\r\n\t\tref_out, repo, name, NULL, target, force, who, log_message, NULL, old_target);\r\n\r\n\tgit_signature_free(who);\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_symbolic_create(\r\n\tgit_reference **ref_out,\r\n\tgit_repository *repo,\r\n\tconst char *name,\r\n\tconst char *target,\r\n\tint force,\r\n\tconst char *log_message)\r\n{\r\n\treturn git_reference_symbolic_create_matching(ref_out, repo, name, target, force, NULL, log_message);\r\n}\r\n\r\nstatic int ensure_is_an_updatable_direct_reference(git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tif (ref->type == GIT_REF_OID)\r\n\t\treturn 0;\r\n\r\n\tgiterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, \"cannot set OID on symbolic reference\");\r\n\treturn -1;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_set_target(\r\n\tgit_reference **out,\r\n\tgit_reference *ref,\r\n\tconst git_oid *id,\r\n\tconst char *log_message)\r\n{\r\n\tint error;\r\n\tgit_repository *repo;\r\n\r\n\tassert(out && ref && id);\r\n\r\n\trepo = ref->db->repo;\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = ensure_is_an_updatable_direct_reference(ref)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\treturn git_reference_create_matching(out, repo, ref->name, id, 1, &ref->target.oid, log_message);\r\n}\r\n\r\nstatic int ensure_is_an_updatable_symbolic_reference(git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tif (ref->type == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC)\r\n\t\treturn 0;\r\n\r\n\tgiterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, \"cannot set symbolic target on a direct reference\");\r\n\treturn -1;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_symbolic_set_target(\r\n\tgit_reference **out,\r\n\tgit_reference *ref,\r\n\tconst char *target,\r\n\tconst char *log_message)\r\n{\r\n\tint error;\r\n\r\n\tassert(out && ref && target);\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = ensure_is_an_updatable_symbolic_reference(ref)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\treturn git_reference_symbolic_create_matching(\r\n\t\tout, ref->db->repo, ref->name, target, 1, ref->target.symbolic, log_message);\r\n}\r\n\r\ntypedef struct {\r\n const char *old_name;\r\n git_refname_t new_name;\r\n} rename_cb_data;\r\n\r\nstatic int update_wt_heads(git_repository *repo, const char *path, void *payload)\r\n{\r\n\trename_cb_data *data = (rename_cb_data *) payload;\r\n\tgit_reference *head = NULL;\r\n\tchar *gitdir = NULL;\r\n\tint error;\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_reference__read_head(&head, repo, path)) < 0) {\r\n\t\tgiterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, \"could not read HEAD when renaming references\");\r\n\t\tgoto out;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tif ((gitdir = git_path_dirname(path)) == NULL) {\r\n\t\terror = -1;\r\n\t\tgoto out;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tif (git_reference_type(head) !",
"= GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC ||\r\n\t git__strcmp(head->target.symbolic, data->old_name) !",
"= 0) {\r\n\t\terror = 0;\r\n\t\tgoto out;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t/* Update HEAD it was pointing to the reference being renamed */\r\n\tif ((error = git_repository_create_head(gitdir, data->new_name)) < 0) {\r\n\t\tgiterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, \"failed to update HEAD after renaming reference\");\r\n\t\tgoto out;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\nout:\r\n\tgit_reference_free(head);\r\n\tgit__free(gitdir);\r\n\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\nstatic int reference__rename(git_reference **out, git_reference *ref, const char *new_name, int force,\r\n\t\t\t\t const git_signature *signature, const char *message)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_repository *repo;\r\n\tgit_refname_t normalized;\r\n\tbool should_head_be_updated = false;\r\n\tint error = 0;\r\n\r\n\tassert(ref && new_name && signature);\r\n\r\n\trepo = git_reference_owner(ref);\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = reference_normalize_for_repo(\r\n\t\tnormalized, repo, new_name, true)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\t/* Check if we have to update HEAD. */",
"\r\n\tif ((error = git_branch_is_head(ref)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\tshould_head_be_updated = (error > 0);\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_refdb_rename(out, ref->db, ref->name, normalized, force, signature, message)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\t/* Update HEAD if it was pointing to the reference being renamed */\r\n\tif (should_head_be_updated) {\r\n\t\terror = git_repository_set_head(ref->db->repo, normalized);\r\n\t} else {\r\n\t\trename_cb_data payload;\r\n\t\tpayload.old_name = ref->name;\r\n\t\tmemcpy(&payload.new_name, &normalized, sizeof(normalized));\r\n\r\n\t\terror = git_repository_foreach_head(repo, update_wt_heads, &payload);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\n\r\nint git_reference_rename(\r\n\tgit_reference **out,\r\n\tgit_reference *ref,\r\n\tconst char *new_name,\r\n\tint force,\r\n\tconst char *log_message)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_signature *who;\r\n\tint error;\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_reference__log_signature(&who, ref->db->repo)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\terror = reference__rename(out, ref, new_name, force, who, log_message);\r\n\tgit_signature_free(who);\r\n\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_resolve(git_reference **ref_out, const git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tswitch (git_reference_type(ref)) {\r\n\tcase GIT_REF_OID:\r\n\t\treturn git_reference_lookup(ref_out, ref->db->repo, ref->name);\r\n\r\n\tcase GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC:\r\n\t\treturn git_reference_lookup_resolved(ref_out, ref->db->repo, ref->target.symbolic, -1);\r\n\r\n\tdefault:\r\n\t\tgiterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, \"invalid reference\");\r\n\t\treturn -1;\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_foreach(\r\n\tgit_repository *repo,\r\n\tgit_reference_foreach_cb callback,\r\n\tvoid *payload)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_reference_iterator *iter;\r\n\tgit_reference *ref;\r\n\tint error;\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_reference_iterator_new(&iter, repo)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\twhile (!(",
"error = git_reference_next(&ref, iter))) {\r\n\t\tif ((error = callback(ref, payload)) !",
"= 0) {\r\n\t\t\tgiterr_set_after_callback(error);\r\n\t\t\tbreak;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tif (error == GIT_ITEROVER)\r\n\t\terror = 0;\r\n\r\n\tgit_reference_iterator_free(iter);\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_foreach_name(\r\n\tgit_repository *repo,\r\n\tgit_reference_foreach_name_cb callback,\r\n\tvoid *payload)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_reference_iterator *iter;\r\n\tconst char *refname;\r\n\tint error;\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_reference_iterator_new(&iter, repo)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\twhile (!(",
"error = git_reference_next_name(&refname, iter))) {\r\n\t\tif ((error = callback(refname, payload)) !",
"= 0) {\r\n\t\t\tgiterr_set_after_callback(error);\r\n\t\t\tbreak;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tif (error == GIT_ITEROVER)\r\n\t\terror = 0;\r\n\r\n\tgit_reference_iterator_free(iter);\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_foreach_glob(\r\n\tgit_repository *repo,\r\n\tconst char *glob,\r\n\tgit_reference_foreach_name_cb callback,\r\n\tvoid *payload)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_reference_iterator *iter;\r\n\tconst char *refname;\r\n\tint error;\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_reference_iterator_glob_new(&iter, repo, glob)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\twhile (!(",
"error = git_reference_next_name(&refname, iter))) {\r\n\t\tif ((error = callback(refname, payload)) !",
"= 0) {\r\n\t\t\tgiterr_set_after_callback(error);\r\n\t\t\tbreak;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tif (error == GIT_ITEROVER)\r\n\t\terror = 0;\r\n\r\n\tgit_reference_iterator_free(iter);\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_iterator_new(git_reference_iterator **out, git_repository *repo)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_refdb *refdb;\r\n\r\n\tif (git_repository_refdb__weakptr(&refdb, repo) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn -1;\r\n\r\n\treturn git_refdb_iterator(out, refdb, NULL);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_iterator_glob_new(\r\n\tgit_reference_iterator **out, git_repository *repo, const char *glob)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_refdb *refdb;\r\n\r\n\tif (git_repository_refdb__weakptr(&refdb, repo) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn -1;\r\n\r\n\treturn git_refdb_iterator(out, refdb, glob);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_next(git_reference **out, git_reference_iterator *iter)\r\n{\r\n\treturn git_refdb_iterator_next(out, iter);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_next_name(const char **out, git_reference_iterator *iter)\r\n{\r\n\treturn git_refdb_iterator_next_name(out, iter);\r\n}\r\n\r\nvoid git_reference_iterator_free(git_reference_iterator *iter)\r\n{\r\n\tif (iter == NULL)\r\n\t\treturn;\r\n\r\n\tgit_refdb_iterator_free(iter);\r\n}\r\n\r\nstatic int cb__reflist_add(const char *ref, void *data)\r\n{\r\n\tchar *name = git__strdup(ref);\r\n\tGITERR_CHECK_ALLOC(name);\r\n\treturn git_vector_insert((git_vector *)data, name);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_list(\r\n\tgit_strarray *array,\r\n\tgit_repository *repo)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_vector ref_list;\r\n\r\n\tassert(array && repo);\r\n\r\n\tarray->strings = NULL;\r\n\tarray->count = 0;\r\n\r\n\tif (git_vector_init(&ref_list, 8, NULL) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn -1;\r\n\r\n\tif (git_reference_foreach_name(\r\n\t\t\trepo, &cb__reflist_add, (void *)&ref_list) < 0) {\r\n\t\tgit_vector_free(&ref_list);\r\n\t\treturn -1;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tarray->strings = (char **)git_vector_detach(&array->count, NULL, &ref_list);\r\n\r\n\treturn 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\nstatic int is_valid_ref_char(char ch)\r\n{\r\n\tif ((unsigned) ch <= ' ')\r\n\t\treturn 0;\r\n\r\n\tswitch (ch) {\r\n\tcase '~':\r\n\tcase '^':\r\n\tcase ':':\r\n\tcase '\\\\':\r\n\tcase '?':",
"\r\n\tcase '[':\r\n\tcase '*':\r\n\t\treturn 0;\r\n\tdefault:\r\n\t\treturn 1;\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\n\r\nstatic int ensure_segment_validity(const char *name)\r\n{\r\n\tconst char *current = name;\r\n\tchar prev = '\\0';\r\n\tconst int lock_len = (int)strlen(GIT_FILELOCK_EXTENSION);\r\n\tint segment_len;\r\n\r\n\tif (*current == '.')",
"\r\n\t\treturn -1; /* Refname starts with \".\" */",
"\r\n\r\n\tfor (current = name; ; current++) {\r\n\t\tif (*current == '\\0' || *current == '/')\r\n\t\t\tbreak;\r\n\r\n\t\tif (!",
"is_valid_ref_char(*current))\r\n\t\t\treturn -1; /* Illegal character in refname */\r\n\r\n\t\tif (prev == '.' && *",
"current == '.')",
"\r\n\t\t\treturn -1; /* Refname contains \"..\" */\r\n\r\n\t\tif (prev == '@' && *current == '{')\r\n\t\t\treturn -1; /* Refname contains \"@{\" */\r\n\r\n\t\tprev = *current;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tsegment_len = (int)(current - name);\r\n\r\n\t/* A refname component can not end with \".lock\" */\r\n\tif (segment_len >= lock_len &&\r\n\t\t!",
"memcmp(current - lock_len, GIT_FILELOCK_EXTENSION, lock_len))\r\n\t\t\treturn -1;\r\n\r\n\treturn segment_len;\r\n}\r\n\r\nstatic bool is_all_caps_and_underscore(const char *name, size_t len)\r\n{\r\n\tsize_t i;\r\n\tchar c;\r\n\r\n\tassert(name && len > 0);\r\n\r\n\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++)\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tc = name[i];\r\n\t\tif ((c < 'A' || c > 'Z') && c !",
"= '_')\r\n\t\t\treturn false;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tif (*name == '_' || name[len - 1] == '_')\r\n\t\treturn false;\r\n\r\n\treturn true;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/* Inspired from https://github.com/git/git/blob/f06d47e7e0d9db709ee204ed13a8a7486149f494/refs.c#L36-100 */\r\nint git_reference__normalize_name(\r\n\tgit_buf *buf,\r\n\tconst char *name,\r\n\tunsigned int flags)\r\n{\r\n\tconst char *current;\r\n\tint segment_len, segments_count = 0, error = GIT_EINVALIDSPEC;\r\n\tunsigned int process_flags;\r\n\tbool normalize = (buf !",
"= NULL);\r\n\tbool validate = (flags & GIT_REF_FORMAT__VALIDATION_DISABLE) == 0;\r\n\r\n#ifdef GIT_USE_ICONV\r\n\tgit_path_iconv_t ic = GIT_PATH_ICONV_INIT;\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tassert(name);\r\n\r\n\tprocess_flags = flags;\r\n\tcurrent = (char *)name;\r\n\r\n\tif (validate && *current == '/')\r\n\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\r\n\tif (normalize)\r\n\t\tgit_buf_clear(buf);\r\n\r\n#ifdef GIT_USE_ICONV\r\n\tif ((flags & GIT_REF_FORMAT__PRECOMPOSE_UNICODE) !",
"= 0) {\r\n\t\tsize_t namelen = strlen(current);\r\n\t\tif ((error = git_path_iconv_init_precompose(&ic)) < 0 ||\r\n\t\t\t(error = git_path_iconv(&ic, ¤t, &namelen)) < 0)\r\n\t\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\t\terror = GIT_EINVALIDSPEC;\r\n\t}\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\tif (!",
"validate) {\r\n\t\tgit_buf_sets(buf, current);\r\n\r\n\t\terror = git_buf_oom(buf) ? ",
"-1 : 0;\r\n\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\twhile (true) {\r\n\t\tsegment_len = ensure_segment_validity(current);\r\n\t\tif (segment_len < 0) {\r\n\t\t\tif ((process_flags & GIT_REF_FORMAT_REFSPEC_PATTERN) &&\r\n\t\t\t\t\tcurrent[0] == '*' &&\r\n\t\t\t\t\t(current[1] == '\\0' || current[1] == '/')) {\r\n\t\t\t\t/* Accept one wildcard as a full refname component. */",
"\r\n\t\t\t\tprocess_flags &= ~GIT_REF_FORMAT_REFSPEC_PATTERN;\r\n\t\t\t\tsegment_len = 1;\r\n\t\t\t} else\r\n\t\t\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\tif (segment_len > 0) {\r\n\t\t\tif (normalize) {\r\n\t\t\t\tsize_t cur_len = git_buf_len(buf);\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\tgit_buf_joinpath(buf, git_buf_cstr(buf), current);\r\n\t\t\t\tgit_buf_truncate(buf,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tcur_len + segment_len + (segments_count ? ",
"1 : 0));\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\tif (git_buf_oom(buf)) {\r\n\t\t\t\t\terror = -1;\r\n\t\t\t\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\t\t\t\t}\r\n\t\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t\tsegments_count++;\r\n\t\t}\r\n\r\n\t\t/* No empty segment is allowed when not normalizing */\r\n\t\tif (segment_len == 0 && !",
"normalize)\r\n\t\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\r\n\t\tif (current[segment_len] == '\\0')\r\n\t\t\tbreak;\r\n\r\n\t\tcurrent += segment_len + 1;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t/* A refname can not be empty */\r\n\tif (segment_len == 0 && segments_count == 0)\r\n\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\r\n\t/* A refname can not end with \".\" */",
"\r\n\tif (current[segment_len - 1] == '.')",
"\r\n\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\r\n\t/* A refname can not end with \"/\" */\r\n\tif (current[segment_len - 1] == '/')\r\n\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\r\n\tif ((segments_count == 1 ) && !(",
"flags & GIT_REF_FORMAT_ALLOW_ONELEVEL))\r\n\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\r\n\tif ((segments_count == 1 ) &&\r\n\t !(",
"flags & GIT_REF_FORMAT_REFSPEC_SHORTHAND) &&\r\n\t\t!(",
"is_all_caps_and_underscore(name, (size_t)segment_len) ||\r\n\t\t\t((flags & GIT_REF_FORMAT_REFSPEC_PATTERN) && !",
"strcmp(\"*\", name))))\r\n\t\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\r\n\tif ((segments_count > 1)\r\n\t\t&& (is_all_caps_and_underscore(name, strchr(name, '/') - name)))\r\n\t\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\r\n\terror = 0;\r\n\r\ncleanup:\r\n\tif (error == GIT_EINVALIDSPEC)\r\n\t\tgiterr_set(\r\n\t\t\tGITERR_REFERENCE,\r\n\t\t\t\"the given reference name '%s' is not valid\", name);\r\n\r\n\tif (error && normalize)\r\n\t\tgit_buf_free(buf);\r\n\r\n#ifdef GIT_USE_ICONV\r\n\tgit_path_iconv_clear(&ic);\r\n#endif\r\n\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_normalize_name(\r\n\tchar *buffer_out,\r\n\tsize_t buffer_size,\r\n\tconst char *name,\r\n\tunsigned int flags)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_buf buf = GIT_BUF_INIT;\r\n\tint error;\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_reference__normalize_name(&buf, name, flags)) < 0)\r\n\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\r\n\tif (git_buf_len(&buf) > buffer_size - 1) {\r\n\t\tgiterr_set(\r\n\t\tGITERR_REFERENCE,\r\n\t\t\"the provided buffer is too short to hold the normalization of '%s'\", name);\r\n\t\terror = GIT_EBUFS;\r\n\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tgit_buf_copy_cstr(buffer_out, buffer_size, &buf);\r\n\r\n\terror = 0;\r\n\r\ncleanup:\r\n\tgit_buf_free(&buf);\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\n#define GIT_REF_TYPEMASK (GIT_REF_OID | GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC)\r\n\r\nint git_reference_cmp(\r\n\tconst git_reference *ref1,\r\n\tconst git_reference *ref2)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_ref_t type1, type2;\r\n\tassert(ref1 && ref2);\r\n\r\n\ttype1 = git_reference_type(ref1);\r\n\ttype2 = git_reference_type(ref2);\r\n\r\n\t/* let's put symbolic refs before OIDs */\r\n\tif (type1 !",
"= type2)\r\n\t\treturn (type1 == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC) ? ",
"-1 : 1;\r\n\r\n\tif (type1 == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC)\r\n\t\treturn strcmp(ref1->target.symbolic, ref2->target.symbolic);\r\n\r\n\treturn git_oid__cmp(&ref1->target.oid, &ref2->target.oid);\r\n}\r\n\r\n/**\r\n * Get the end of a chain of references. ",
"If the final one is not\r\n * found, we return the reference just before that.",
"\r\n */\r\nstatic int get_terminal(git_reference **out, git_repository *repo, const char *ref_name, int nesting)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_reference *ref;\r\n\tint error = 0;\r\n\r\n\tif (nesting > MAX_NESTING_LEVEL) {\r\n\t\tgiterr_set(GITERR_REFERENCE, \"reference chain too deep (%d)\", nesting);\r\n\t\treturn GIT_ENOTFOUND;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t/* set to NULL to let the caller know that they're at the end of the chain */\r\n\tif ((error = git_reference_lookup(&ref, repo, ref_name)) < 0) {\r\n\t\t*out = NULL;\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tif (git_reference_type(ref) == GIT_REF_OID) {\r\n\t\t*out = ref;\r\n\t\terror = 0;\r\n\t} else {\r\n\t\terror = get_terminal(out, repo, git_reference_symbolic_target(ref), nesting + 1);\r\n\t\tif (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND && !*",
"out)\r\n\t\t\t*out = ref;\r\n\t\telse\r\n\t\t\tgit_reference_free(ref);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/*\r\n * Starting with the reference given by `ref_name`, follows symbolic\r\n * references until a direct reference is found and updated the OID\r\n * on that direct reference to `oid`.",
"\r\n */\r\nint git_reference__update_terminal(\r\n\tgit_repository *repo,\r\n\tconst char *ref_name,\r\n\tconst git_oid *oid,\r\n\tconst git_signature *sig,\r\n\tconst char *log_message)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_reference *ref = NULL, *ref2 = NULL;\r\n\tgit_signature *who = NULL;\r\n\tconst git_signature *to_use;\r\n\tint error = 0;\r\n\r\n\tif (!",
"sig && (error = git_reference__log_signature(&who, repo)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\tto_use = sig ? ",
"sig : who;\r\n\terror = get_terminal(&ref, repo, ref_name, 0);\r\n\r\n\t/* found a dangling symref */\r\n\tif (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND && ref) {\r\n\t\tassert(git_reference_type(ref) == GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC);\r\n\t\tgiterr_clear();\r\n\t\terror = reference__create(&ref2, repo, ref->target.symbolic, oid, NULL, 0, to_use,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t log_message, NULL, NULL);\r\n\t} else if (error == GIT_ENOTFOUND) {\r\n\t\tgiterr_clear();\r\n\t\terror = reference__create(&ref2, repo, ref_name, oid, NULL, 0, to_use,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t log_message, NULL, NULL);\r\n\t} else if (error == 0) {\r\n\t\tassert(git_reference_type(ref) == GIT_REF_OID);\r\n\t\terror = reference__create(&ref2, repo, ref->name, oid, NULL, 1, to_use,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t log_message, &ref->target.oid, NULL);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tgit_reference_free(ref2);\r\n\tgit_reference_free(ref);\r\n\tgit_signature_free(who);\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\nstatic const char *commit_type(const git_commit *commit)\r\n{\r\n\tunsigned int count = git_commit_parentcount(commit);\r\n\r\n\tif (count >= 2)\r\n\t\treturn \" (merge)\";\r\n\telse if (count == 0)\r\n\t\treturn \" (initial)\";\r\n\telse\r\n\t\treturn \"\";\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference__update_for_commit(\r\n\tgit_repository *repo,\r\n\tgit_reference *ref,\r\n\tconst char *ref_name,\r\n\tconst git_oid *id,\r\n\tconst char *operation)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_reference *ref_new = NULL;\r\n\tgit_commit *commit = NULL;\r\n\tgit_buf reflog_msg = GIT_BUF_INIT;\r\n\tconst git_signature *who;\r\n\tint error;\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_commit_lookup(&commit, repo, id)) < 0 ||\r\n\t\t(error = git_buf_printf(&reflog_msg, \"%s%s: %s\",\r\n\t\t\toperation ? ",
"operation : \"commit\",\r\n\t\t\tcommit_type(commit),\r\n\t\t\tgit_commit_summary(commit))) < 0)\r\n\t\tgoto done;\r\n\r\n\twho = git_commit_committer(commit);\r\n\r\n\tif (ref) {\r\n\t\tif ((error = ensure_is_an_updatable_direct_reference(ref)) < 0)\r\n\t\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\t\terror = reference__create(&ref_new, repo, ref->name, id, NULL, 1, who,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t git_buf_cstr(&reflog_msg), &ref->target.oid, NULL);\r\n\t}\r\n\telse\r\n\t\terror = git_reference__update_terminal(\r\n\t\t\trepo, ref_name, id, who, git_buf_cstr(&reflog_msg));\r\n\r\ndone:\r\n\tgit_reference_free(ref_new);\r\n\tgit_buf_free(&reflog_msg);\r\n\tgit_commit_free(commit);\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_has_log(git_repository *repo, const char *refname)\r\n{\r\n\tint error;\r\n\tgit_refdb *refdb;\r\n\r\n\tassert(repo && refname);\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_repository_refdb__weakptr(&refdb, repo)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\treturn git_refdb_has_log(refdb, refname);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_ensure_log(git_repository *repo, const char *refname)\r\n{\r\n\tint error;\r\n\tgit_refdb *refdb;\r\n\r\n\tassert(repo && refname);\r\n\r\n\tif ((error = git_repository_refdb__weakptr(&refdb, repo)) < 0)\r\n\t\treturn error;\r\n\r\n\treturn git_refdb_ensure_log(refdb, refname);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference__is_branch(const char *ref_name)\r\n{\r\n\treturn git__prefixcmp(ref_name, GIT_REFS_HEADS_DIR) == 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_is_branch(const git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tassert(ref);\r\n\treturn git_reference__is_branch(ref->name);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference__is_remote(const char *ref_name)\r\n{\r\n\treturn git__prefixcmp(ref_name, GIT_REFS_REMOTES_DIR) == 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_is_remote(const git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tassert(ref);\r\n\treturn git_reference__is_remote(ref->name);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference__is_tag(const char *ref_name)\r\n{\r\n\treturn git__prefixcmp(ref_name, GIT_REFS_TAGS_DIR) == 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_is_tag(const git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tassert(ref);\r\n\treturn git_reference__is_tag(ref->name);\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference__is_note(const char *ref_name)\r\n{\r\n\treturn git__prefixcmp(ref_name, GIT_REFS_NOTES_DIR) == 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_is_note(const git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\tassert(ref);\r\n\treturn git_reference__is_note(ref->name);\r\n}\r\n\r\nstatic int peel_error(int error, git_reference *ref, const char* msg)\r\n{\r\n\tgiterr_set(\r\n\t\tGITERR_INVALID,\r\n\t\t\"the reference '%s' cannot be peeled - %s\", git_reference_name(ref), msg);\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_peel(\r\n\tgit_object **peeled,\r\n\tgit_reference *ref,\r\n\tgit_otype target_type)\r\n{\r\n\tgit_reference *resolved = NULL;\r\n\tgit_object *target = NULL;\r\n\tint error;\r\n\r\n\tassert(ref);\r\n\r\n\tif (ref->type == GIT_REF_OID) {\r\n\t\tresolved = ref;\r\n\t} else {\r\n\t\tif ((error = git_reference_resolve(&resolved, ref)) < 0)\r\n\t\t\treturn peel_error(error, ref, \"Cannot resolve reference\");\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\t/*\r\n\t * If we try to peel an object to a tag, we cannot use\r\n\t * the fully peeled object, as that will always resolve\r\n\t * to a commit. ",
"So we only want to use the peeled value\r\n\t * if it is not zero and the target is not a tag.",
"\r\n\t */\r\n\tif (target_type !",
"= GIT_OBJ_TAG && !",
"git_oid_iszero(&resolved->peel)) {\r\n\t\terror = git_object_lookup(&target,\r\n\t\t\tgit_reference_owner(ref), &resolved->peel, GIT_OBJ_ANY);\r\n\t} else {\r\n\t\terror = git_object_lookup(&target,\r\n\t\t\tgit_reference_owner(ref), &resolved->target.oid, GIT_OBJ_ANY);\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tif (error < 0) {\r\n\t\tpeel_error(error, ref, \"Cannot retrieve reference target\");\r\n\t\tgoto cleanup;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\tif (target_type == GIT_OBJ_ANY && git_object_type(target) !",
"= GIT_OBJ_TAG)\r\n\t\terror = git_object_dup(peeled, target);\r\n\telse\r\n\t\terror = git_object_peel(peeled, target, target_type);\r\n\r\ncleanup:\r\n\tgit_object_free(target);\r\n\r\n\tif (resolved !",
"= ref)\r\n\t\tgit_reference_free(resolved);\r\n\r\n\treturn error;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference__is_valid_name(const char *refname, unsigned int flags)\r\n{\r\n\tif (git_reference__normalize_name(NULL, refname, flags) < 0) {\r\n\t\tgiterr_clear();\r\n\t\treturn false;\r\n\t}\r\n\r\n\treturn true;\r\n}\r\n\r\nint git_reference_is_valid_name(const char *refname)\r\n{\r\n\treturn git_reference__is_valid_name(refname, GIT_REF_FORMAT_ALLOW_ONELEVEL);\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst char *git_reference__shorthand(const char *name)\r\n{\r\n\tif (!",
"git__prefixcmp(name, GIT_REFS_HEADS_DIR))\r\n\t\treturn name + strlen(GIT_REFS_HEADS_DIR);\r\n\telse if (!",
"git__prefixcmp(name, GIT_REFS_TAGS_DIR))\r\n\t\treturn name + strlen(GIT_REFS_TAGS_DIR);\r\n\telse if (!",
"git__prefixcmp(name, GIT_REFS_REMOTES_DIR))\r\n\t\treturn name + strlen(GIT_REFS_REMOTES_DIR);\r\n\telse if (!",
"git__prefixcmp(name, GIT_REFS_DIR))\r\n\t\treturn name + strlen(GIT_REFS_DIR);\r\n\r\n\t/* No shorthands are avaiable, so just return the name */\r\n\treturn name;\r\n}\r\n\r\nconst char *git_reference_shorthand(const git_reference *ref)\r\n{\r\n\treturn git_reference__shorthand(ref->name);\r\n}\r\n"
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"Physicians' recognition of the symptoms experienced by HIV patients: how reliable?",
"\nTo assess how well physicians recognize common symptoms in HIV patients and identify factors associated with symptom recognition, a multicenter cross-sectional survey was performed in a random sample of 118 hospitalized and 172 ambulatory HIV patients, and their attending physicians. ",
"Patients' reports of 16 different symptoms were compared to physicians' reports of whether each symptom was present and/or specific treatments prescribed. ",
"Overall, fatigue, anxiety, skin problems, fever, and weight loss were more often recognized by physicians than other symptoms. ",
"Agreement between patients and physicians was poor to moderate, with Kappa statistics ranging from 0.17 (dry mouth) to 0.58 (fever). ",
"Recognition was independently more likely for ambulatory patients (adjusted odds ratio 1.69, P < 0.001) and for patients seen as sicker (adjusted odds ratio 1.88, P < 0.001). ",
"Appropriate symptom management requires improved symptom recognition. ",
"More systematic clinical examinations, including attentive patient interview, are needed."
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"Q:\n\nOBJ Model Renderering Gaps\n\nWhen I render a OBJ Wavefront model which I parse using a parser that I built myself, I get the following result when rendering:\n\nAre the gaps that are present normal or is it just from faulty rendering code?",
"\nHere is the rendering code:\nglPushMatrix();\nglColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);\nglScaled(scale, scale, scale);\n\nglPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL);\n\nfor (int i = 0; i < vertices_indexes.size()-3; i+=3) {\n glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN);\n if (is_normals) glNormal3f(normals.at(normals_indexes[i]).x, normals.at(normals_indexes[i]).y, normals.at(normals_indexes[i]).z);\n glVertex3f(vertices.at(vertices_indexes[i]).x, vertices.at(vertices_indexes[i]).y, vertices.at(vertices_indexes[i]).z);\n\n if (is_normals) glNormal3f(normals.at(normals_indexes[i+1]).x, normals.at(normals_indexes[i+1]).y, normals.at(normals_indexes[i+1]).z);\n glVertex3f(vertices.at(vertices_indexes[i + 1]).x, vertices.at(vertices_indexes[i + 1]).y, vertices.at(vertices_indexes[i + 1]).z);\n\n if (is_normals) glNormal3f(normals.at(normals_indexes[i+2]).x, normals.at(normals_indexes[i+2]).y, normals.at(normals_indexes[i+2]).z);\n glVertex3f(vertices.at(vertices_indexes[i + 2]).x, vertices.at(vertices_indexes[i + 2]).y, vertices.at(vertices_indexes[i + 2]).z);\n glEnd();\n}\n\nglPopMatrix();\n\nA:\n\nHave you checked that your model is created with triangles and not quads? ",
"Most models you find will come rendered in quads by default, so you can either load it up in a 3D program (like Blender or Maya) and convert the mesh to triangles (Ctrl+T in Blender), or change your parser to handle quads. ",
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"Caregiver-reported antiretroviral therapy non-adherence during the first week and after a month of treatment initiation among children diagnosed with HIV in Ethiopia.",
"\nTo achieve optimal virologic suppression for children undergoing antiretroviral therapy (ART), adherence must be excellent. ",
"This is defined as taking more than 95% of their prescribed doses. ",
"To our knowledge, no study in Ethiopia has evaluated the level of treatment adherence at the beginning of the child's treatment. ",
"Our aim was therefore to evaluate caregiver-reported ART non-adherence among children and any predictors for this during the early course of treatment. ",
"We conducted a prospective cohort study of 306 children with HIV in eight health facilities in Ethiopia who were registered at ART clinics between 20 December 2014 and 20 April 2015. ",
"The adherence rate reported by caregivers during the first week and after a month of treatment initiation was 92.8% and 93.8%, respectively. ",
"Our findings highlight important predictors of non-adherence. ",
"Children whose caregivers were not undergoing HIV treatment and care themselves were less likely to be non-adherent during the first week of treatment (aOR = 0.17, 95% CI: 0.04, 0.71) and the children whose caregivers did not use a medication reminder after one month of treatment initiation (aOR = 5.21, 95% CI: 2.23, 12.16) were more likely to miss the prescribed dose. ",
"Moreover, after one month of the treatment initiation, those receiving protease inhibitor (LPV/r) or ABC-based treatment regimens were more likely to be non-adherent (aOR = 12.32, 95% CI: 3.25, 46.67). ",
"To promote treatment adherence during ART initiation in children, particular emphasis needs to be placed on a baseline treatment regimen and ways to issue reminders about the child's medication to both the health care system and caregivers. ",
"Further, large scale studies using a combination of adherence measuring methods upon treatment initiation are needed to better define the magnitude and predictors of ART non-adherence in resource-limited settings."
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"Check out our new site Makeup Addiction\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nadd your own caption\n\nForeign exchange student from america In Ewha Womans University"
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"Synopsis: “Around the world, black handprints are appearing on doorways, scorched there by winged strangers who have crept through a slit in the sky.",
"\n\nIn a dark and dusty shop, a devil’s supply of human teeth grown dangerously low.",
"\n\nAnd in the tangled lanes of Prague, a young art student is about to be caught up in a brutal otherwordly war.",
"\n\nMeet Karou. ",
"She fills her sketchbooks with monsters that may or may not be real; she’s prone to disappearing on mysterious “errands”; she speaks many languages–not all of them human; and her bright blue hair actually grows out of her head that color. ",
"Who is she? ",
"That is the question that haunts her, and she’s about to find out.",
"\n\nWhen one of the strangers–beautiful, haunted Akiva–fixes his fire-colored eyes on her in an alley in Marrakesh, the result is blood and starlight, secrets unveiled, and a star-crossed love whose roots drink deep of a violent past. ",
"But will Karou live to regret learning the truth about herself?” (",
"Taken from Goodreads)\n\n[divider]\n\nYes I finally decided to pick this book up two months ago when Laini Taylor came into town. ",
"I was on my way to the Hachette YA Blogger Night and went, ‘what the heck, might as well start the first chapter before I meet the author!’. ",
"So I did, and guess what? ",
"Can you guess, can you guess? ",
"I was blown away. ",
"By the first chapter. ",
"Can you believe it, because I couldn’t. ",
"I don’t remember the last time the first chapter of a book gripped me so hard, but Daughter of Smoke & Bone (DoSaB) clung on and did not let go.",
"\n\nI’m not sure what I can really add to the immense amount of positive reviews out there already for this book and series. ",
"I can only reiterate the same messages, and that is: read this book.",
"\n\nThere’s something magical about Laini Taylor’s writing – it sucks you in and sings lyrical into your ears until you fall into this deep abyss of love for her characters and world-building. ",
"Both are superb. ",
"The book follows an artist girl name Karou living in our modern day Prague. ",
"She is a normal student who also hides a secret from the rest of the world…she was raised by monsters. ",
"Living between two worlds, Karou must juggle her secrets, especially when she’s being sent on errands around the world to collect teeth for her monster guardian Brimstone. ",
"When black handprints start appearing on the doors between our world and the world of the monsters, Karou is thrust into the middle of a war between the seraphim and chimaeras. ",
"As the secrets begin to reveal themselves, Karou begins to learn who she really is.",
"\n\nThe story is fast-paced and brilliantly written. ",
"There was not one moment where I thought it dragged, and I definitely did not want it to end. ",
"The worlds Laini have built are beautiful and I’m so grateful that she had set her story in Prague and Morocco, two places that are rarely ever featured in the books I read. ",
"Having recently been to Prague, prior to reading this book, really helped me imagine the setting properly and I definitely felt more immersed in the world-building as I recognised a lot of the places visited by Karou.",
"\n\nThe only negative I had with this book was how insta-lovey Karou and Akiva’s relationship felt at the start. ",
"As the story progressed, I came to understand this attraction between them so this wasn’t a major issue at all.",
"\n\nI don’t know why I didn’t start this series sooner but I definitely know I will be continuing on with it. ",
"The next two books are calling to me from my bookshelf, so I better go and give them some love.",
"\n\nJoy is the head honcho of Thoughts By J. Her favourite genres are fantasy, sci-fi, mysteries, and the occasional romance that makes her heart beat faster. ",
"You'll find she's quite sporadic with her blog posts, but will definitely find the time to reply to all your comments, and visit your blogs...it's just a matter of when.",
"\n\nFollow me on Twitter\n\nDisclaimer\n\nThe books and items reviewed on Thoughts By J are purchased by us unless explicitly specified. ",
"We occasionally receive books for review from Australian publishers in exchange for an honest review. ",
"Thoughts By J does not receive monetary compensation for our reviews or posts."
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"Photographer's Note\n\nSeries on my trip to CHILE (Santiago de Chile, Valparaiso, Viña del Mar, Valle Nevado and Portillo) and ARGENTINA (Mendoza, Chacras de Coria and Uspallata) - from April 12th to 20th 2014 - #6 !",
"\n\nFlying from SÃO PAULO/SP (BRAZIL) to SANTIAGO DE CHILE included seeing the PARANÁ RIVER, CÓRDOBA and MENDOZA down there in Argentina!",
"\nHere, once more, starting to fly over the ANDES, still in Argentina, near MENDOZA!",
"\n\nHello Neyvan,\nThis is a remarkably sharp and clear photo through an airplane window. ",
"Such pictures don't always look that good. ",
"The inclusion of the wing is definitely a fine part of the composition.",
"\nKind regards,\nGert\n\nWaaw Neyvan,another spectacular aerial view and the spectacle is truly fantastic,great capture like the others with the best quality of details and colors,i like it! ",
"Have a nice week and thanks,Luciano\n\nHi Neyvan,\nIt is a massive mountain range and the air up there is very clear giving excellent shot through the aircraft window. ",
"You got also a good seat, a window seat somewhere at the back is my favourite place.",
"\nKari\n\nHi Ney,\nbeautiful series of photos from the plane. ",
"It allows us to appreciate the Andes from an original perspective. ",
"You had great seat which was far enough from the wing to allow such pictures.",
"\nVery impressive view!",
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"Q:\n\nShared project with T4 template\n\nI am big fan of shared projects and I want to use T4 templates similarly: reference shared project in different solutions and get access to generated content without hassle.",
"\nHow to make T4 templates work in shared projects?",
"\n\nA:\n\nSo far the easiest way to organize it is to link .tt files:\n\nMove all templates into separate shared project;\nDo not reference this shared project! ",
"This is important and this is why previous step is essential. ",
"When shared project is referenced it's not possible to link its files!",
"\nLink .tt files from it (drag them with Alt key into target project or use Add - Existing item - Open - combo option \"As link\").",
"\nNow you should be able to set their Custom Tool property (in file options) as TextTemplatingFileGenerator in target project (which is not possible in shared project and the reason of all troubles).",
"\n\nSeems to work, though it's not really uses shared project feature. ",
"Shared project is only used as a container for .tt files (any other project will do, but shared project doesn't produce output, so it's better imho) which are linked to target project.",
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"Soil mesofauna\n\nSoil Mesofauna are invertebrates between 0.1mm and 2mm in size, which live in the soil or in a leaf litter layer on the soil surface. ",
"Members of this group include nematodes, mites, springtails (collembola), proturans, pauropods, rotifers, tardigrades, small araneidae(spiders), pseudoscorpions, opiliones(harvestmen), enchytraeidae such as potworms, insect larvae, small isopods and myriapod They play an important part in the carbon cycle and are likely to be adversely affected by climate change.",
"\n\nSoil mesofauna feed on a wide range of materials including other soil animals, microorganisms, animal material, live or decaying plant material, fungi, algae, lichen, spores, and pollen. ",
"Species that feed on decaying plant material open drainage and aeration channels in the soil by removing roots. ",
"Fecal material of soil mesofauna remains in channels which can be broken down by smaller animals.",
"\n\nSoil mesofauna do not have the ability to reshape the soil and, therefore, are forced to use the existing pore space in soil, cavities, or channels for locomotion. ",
"Soil Macrofauna, earthworms, termites, ants and some insect larvae, can make the pore spaces and hence can change the soil porosity, one aspect of soil morphology. ",
"Mesofauna contribute to habitable pore spaces and account for a small portion of total pore spaces. ",
" Clay soils have much smaller particles which reduce pore space. ",
" Organic material can fill small pores. ",
" Grazing of bacteria by bacterivorous nematodes and flagellates, soil mesofauna living in the pores, may considerably increase Nitrogen mineralization because the bacteria are broken down and the nitrogen is released.",
"\n\nIn agricultural soils, most of the biological activity occurs in the top , the soil biomantle or plow layer, while in non-cultivated soils, the most biological activity occurs in top of soil. ",
" The top layer is the organic horizon or O horizon, the area of accumulation of animal residues and recognizable plant material. ",
" Animal residues are higher in nitrogen than plant residues with respect to the total carbon in the residue. ",
" Some Nitrogen fixation is caused by bacteria which consume the amino acids and sugar that are exuded by the plant roots. ",
" However, approximately 30% of nitrogen re-mineralization is contributed by soil fauna in agriculture and natural ecosystems. ",
" Macro- and mesofauna break down plant residues to release Nitrogen as part of nutrient cycling.",
"\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Soil biology\nCategory:Zoology"
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"[Cerebral metastases of malignant germinal tumors of the testis].",
"\nCerebral metastases occur in 6% of cases of testicular cancer. ",
"In our study of 5 cases they occurred during the course of the disease (with a delay of 4-18 months, at the same time as pulmonary and abdominal metastases). ",
"The prognosis in these cases is poor (presence of choriocarcinomatous or vitelline elements, advanced stages). ",
"The diagnosis is easily established (clinical, encephalogram, scanner); the prognosis is hopeless (5 deaths in 3-90 days). ",
"When a metastasis is the first diagnostic clue (one case), the prognosis is slightly better (9 month survival). ",
"The incidence of cerebral metastasis is the same now as it was before the introduction of effective chemotherapy in patients who die from testicular cancer, but the death rate from this malignancy has decreased since the introduction of active chemotherapy with cisplatin. ",
"Hence, there is no indication for prophylactic treatment for cerebral metastases in patients in remission since metastases only appear in cases which are resistant to treatment."
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"\n773 N.W.2d 725 (2009)\nPaul BLANTON, Petitioner-Appellant,\nv.\nDEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, Respondent-Appellee.",
"\nDocket No. ",
"139039. ",
"COA No. ",
"\nSupreme Court of Michigan.",
"\nOctober 26, 2009.",
"\n\nOrder\nOn order of the Court, the application for leave to appeal the March 18, 2009 order of the Court of Appeals is considered, and it is DENIED, because we are not persuaded that the questions presented should be reviewed by this Court.",
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"1844 in South Africa\n\n__NOTOC__\nThe following lists events that happened during 1844 in South Africa.",
"\n\nEvents\n April - Voortrekkers from Natal cross back over the Drakensberg Mountains and settle at Potchefstroom\n Land ownership in the Cape Colony is changed from leasehold to free hold\n The settlement of Victoria West is established\n The Voortrekker leader Hendrik Potgieter settle at Delagoa Bay, Mozambique\n\nBirths\n 5 October - Francis William Reitz, South African lawyer, politician, and statesman, president of the Orange Free State born in Swellendam, Cape Colony.",
"\n\nReferences\nSee Years in South Africa for list of References\n\nSouth Africa\nCategory:Years in South Africa"
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"Q:\n\nPhp Mail() not sending any emails out?",
"\n\nI have a mail function\n $to = \"[email protected]\";\n $subject = \"Voucher Number: \".$voucher;\n $message = '<html><body>';\n $message .= '<table rules=\"all\" style=\"border-color: #666;\" cellpadding=\"10\">';\n $message .= \"<tr style='background: #eee;'><td><strong>Voucher#:</strong> </td><td>\" . ",
"strip_tags($voucher) . \"",
"</td></tr>\";\n $message .= \"<tr><td><strong>Name:</strong> </td><td>\" . ",
"strip_tags($name) . \"",
"</td></tr>\";\n $message .= \"<tr><td><strong>Phone Number:</strong> </td><td>\" . ",
"strip_tags($product) . \"",
"</td></tr>\";\n $message .= \"<tr><td><strong>Email:</strong> </td><td>\" . ",
"strip_tags($email) . \"",
"</td></tr>\";\n\n//set content-type\n$headers = \"MIME-Version: 1.0\" . \"",
"\\r\\n\";\n$headers .= \"Content-type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1\" . \"",
"\\r\\n\";\n\n// More headers\n$headers .= 'From: <[email protected]>' . \"",
"\\r\\n\";\n$headers .= 'cc:'. ",
"$email . \"",
"\\r\\n\";\n\nmail($to,$subject,$message,$headers);\n\nFor some reason I'm not getting any mail sent at all. ",
"The service is hosted so i'm not running it from localhost, and even when I write\nif (mail(....))\n{ echo \"success\";\n}\nelse { echo \"failed\"; }\n\nI always get success, so my suspicion is that it is a problem on the server end. ",
"If php mail goes from port 25 is there any way to change the port to a different one in the script? ",
"or would it be in php.ini.",
"\nAlso, would I be able to use a different server (that has a different domain) to send the mail without redirecting the use to that other webpage? ",
"I guess in other words can I connect to an smtp server through a php script before sending the mail?",
"\n\nA:\n\nMail() doesn't send mail, it submits it to the server's mail daemon for sending. ",
" If it returns true, that merely means that it was successfully submitted to the queue. ",
" \nYou need to look at the logs of your mail daemon to determine if the messages are in the queue, if they were actually sent, and if not, what error messages were logged when the message failed to send. ",
" \nBTW, the machine is running a mail daemon, right? ",
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"Q:\n\nNew to Key-Value-Observing; why am I unable to monitor the value of an int in my AppDelegate?",
"\n\nI have a public variable in my Objective-C++ AppDelegate called stepsCompleted, so I access it in my table view controller with [AppDelegate instance]->stepsCompleted.",
"\nI want my table view controller to tell me when the value of that variable has changed, so I do the following in the initWithCoder: method that I know is being called:\n[self addObserver:self forKeyPath:@\"[AppDelegate instance]->stepsCompleted\" options:0 context:NULL];\n\nHowever, despite me changing stepsCompleted constantly in the AppDelegate, my method:\n- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context {\n\n}\n\nIs never called.",
"\nWhat exactly am I doing wrong?",
"\n\nA:\n\nThere are different problems with your code. ",
"First of all, Key-Value Observing is\na mechanism to observe properties of an object. ",
"It does not work with instance\nvariables. ",
"So you should declare \"stepsCompleted\" as a property of the application delegate instead of an instance variable:\n@property (nonatomic) int stepsCompleted;\n\nand set its value through the property accessor methods, e.g.\n[AppDelegate instance].stepsCompleted = newValue;\n\nNext, \"[AppDelegate instance]->c\" is not a key path, and you have to specify at least one observing option, e.g. NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew.",
"\nTo observe the \"stepsCompleted\" property of [AppDelegate instance], it should be\n[[AppDelegate instance] addObserver:self \n forKeyPath:@\"stepsCompleted\"\n options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew\n context:NULL];\n\nA:\n\nAlthough it’s the quickest and easiest way, you don’t really need to declare an @property to use KVO, you just need to make sure that before you call willChange and didChange for the property correctly, and a way to access it.",
"\nFor instance, in the most manual case, you could implement stepsCompleted like this:\n@implementation SomeClass {\n int _stepsCompleted;\n}\n\n- (void)setStepsCompleted:(int)stepsCompleted;\n{\n [self willChangeValueForKey:@“stepsCompleted”];\n _stepsCompleted = stepsCompleted;\n [self didChangeValueForKey:@“stepsCompleted”];\n}\n\n- (int)stepsCompleted;\n{\n return _stepsCompleted;\n}\n\n@end\n\nThen if you observed the keyPath “stepsCompleted” on “someObject\" you would get called when it changed, assuming you ONLY ever changed it by using its setter, for example via:\n[self stepsCompleted:10];\n\nBut since Apple introduced properties, the above can be shortened to the exactly equivalent:\nself.stepsCompleted = 10;\n\nBut that’s still a whole lot of code for the setter and getter, and you don’t have to write all that, because Apple did a couple cool things in the last several years. ",
"One is the @property notation, which basically writes the above set/get code for you (with some extra good stuff thrown in). ",
"So now you can just put in your .h file:\n@property int stepsCompleted;\n\nAnd those two methods will be written for you. ",
"As long as you make sure you ONLY use the dot-notation or call the setter directly, KVO will work.",
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"(CNN) Two associates of President Donald Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani asked the former Ukrainian President in February to open an investigation into former Vice President Joe Biden and alleged interference into the 2016 election -- and in turn receive a state visit to Washington, DC, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.",
"\n\nCiting people familiar with the matter, the paper reported that Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman -- two Giuliani associates indicted on criminal charges last month for allegedly funneling foreign money into US elections -- met to discuss the exchange with then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and then-Ukrainian general prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko at Lutsenko's office.",
"\n\nThe requests for investigations during the meeting mirror those later made by President Donald Trump when he asked current Ukrainian President Volodymy Zelensky -- who unseated Poroshenko -- on a July phone call to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. ",
"There is no evidence of wrongdoing by either Biden.",
"\n\nPoroshenko never ultimately announced any such investigations, according to the Journal. ",
"Giuliani's lawyer Robert Costello told the paper that Giuliani had no knowledge of the meeting between his associates and the Ukrainian officials.",
"\n\nPoroshenko, who was in midst of a competitive reelection campaign, was interested in the potential Washington visit -- and the subsequent prestige -- floated by Giuliani's associates, one of the people familiar with the matter told the Journal.",
"\n\nRead More"
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"It is particularly useful to be able to display in three dimensions the interior structure of human, animal and other organisms. ",
"Practically all of the data available on such organisms has at some time been collected from cross-sections through the organism. ",
"From such sections, over the years, data has been collected and stored as pictures in books, on photographic slides and the like. ",
"It is an object of this aspect of the invention to display this information in a multi-dimensional pictorial form. ",
"It is known (U.K. Specifications No. ",
"633712 and 634316) to provide a set of parallel transparent panels mounted to a support frame to represent different heights above the ground, for the purpose of plotting the movements of aircraft. ",
"However, the pictorial representation is continually changing and does not represent a three-dimensional structure."
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"I just wrapped up a week at a great dog daycare in Ottawa, Ontario – coincidentally enough called, Ottawa Doggy Daycare & Training Center. ",
"I met lots of new friends there and had some interesting adventures.",
"\n\nI’ll start at the beginning. ",
"Before Mum left for the Cayman Islands, we looked around at a couple of places to find the best one for a little celebrity. ",
"The first one we looked at was called the Ottawa Dog House. ",
"I went in with Mum and Dad to look around. ",
"Definitely not suitable for a celebrity. ",
"It was a small, empty and decrepit looking bungalow house with what looked like an improvised wood and wire backyard fence. ",
"There weren’t even beds in the house! ",
"Just a bare floor to lie on. ",
"\n\nWe came to the Ottawa Doggy Daycare and it was an instant hit. ",
"The owner was very nice and gave us a little tour. ",
"It was a big warehouse-type building, but nicely done up with sections for small and big dogs. ",
"The outdoor part was a bit small, but at least it was properly fenced. ",
"You can always tell how good a place is by how many forms you have to fill out about your dog. ",
"That way at least you know that all the dogs have had their vaccinations.",
"\n\nSince my first day there I really took to one of the employees named Kathleen. ",
"I guess she kind of played my motherly figure while Mum was gone. ",
"She was also a good photographer and agreed to take the place of my usual 24/7 camera crew while I was at daycare.",
"\n\nKathleen introduced me to a wonderful lady dachshund named, Dixie. ",
"Here’s the two of us on the couch. ",
"Technically, the dogs are not supposed to be on this couch, but who are we kidding? ",
"We’re dachshunds..\n\nI was a bit lonely at first though, not knowing where my own Mum went, or why Dad was leaving me in this strange place for the day.",
"\n\nKathleen (and all the other staff there) took great care of me. ",
"They always made sure I was happy and comfortable. ",
"They even gave me this cool orange ball to play with. ",
"At first I thought it was just another regular ball, but when I saw it rolling around I noticed treats started falling out! ",
"\n\nBut when you’re out in the yard, or the ‘pen’ as some dogs call it – things change. ",
"You got to watch your back. ",
"Many of the dogs there recognized me and came to my side to form a clique, which I so dually dubbed, ‘Da Dawg Gang’. ",
"There were a few of us, including Dixie the dachshund, Scout the terrier, and Horton the puggle. ",
"They had all been going there a long time so really knew the ropes. ",
"That’s me and Scout below. ",
"You can see he looks like a ‘scrapper’.",
"\n\nBelow is Horton and I. He is a cool dog with a long history. ",
"He wouldn’t tell me exactly why he was there. ",
"Anyway, in the below picture he was leaning over and whispering something to me. ",
"He said, “Hey Crusoe. ",
"Can I have your pawtograph? ",
"But don’t do it in front of the others.. It’s for my Mom”.",
"\n\nI met this one dog named Maggie the springer spaniel. ",
"She was just like my best friend, Laffie. ",
"So naturally, I got along really well with her. ",
"I would race up and down the pen, having her chase me. ",
"Too fun!",
"\n\n\n\n\n\nThe last day was when the real action happened. ",
"There was this new lady who just got put in the joint daycare, and as I was feeling more confident from being there a while, I figured I would go check her out. ",
"I told Scout to watch my back.",
"\n\nSo I trotted on over, trying not to look too conspicuous. ",
"It was only by coincidence that she turned her back to me during my approach, and so didn’t see me coming. ",
"When I got up to her I couldn’t help but take a peep (and a sniff) up her skirt. ",
"She obviously didn’t take very kindly to this surprise – as she whipped around and nipped me right on the nose! ",
"Can you believe that?!",
"\n\nBeing a celebrity and gentleman, I felt it was not my place to fight a girl. ",
"So I merely walked away, although I can’t say without a little broken pride. ",
"If it had been a male dog though, I would have bitten his face right off.",
"\n\nAfter the ‘fight’, the employees all rushed in to help me. ",
"They cleaned me up really good and even put polysporin on my (‘supposedly’ small) cuts. ",
"I also had to fire Scout as my personal bodyguard when I realized he had been playing with a bone while he was supposed to be covering me. ",
"That’s what you get for trusting those you don’t know very well. ",
"Maggie came to see me after and gave me a bunch of kisses. ",
"Plus, Kathleen was there to give me some extra comfort.",
"\n\nAnyway, those things can happen no matter where you are. ",
"I have to say that the Ottawa Doggy Daycare did a fantastic job looking after me. ",
"The staff treat me like a real celebrity, and are always happy to see me come and sad to see me go. ",
"They are very dedicated and very passionate about what they do. ",
"You have to appreciate that.. Kathleen even said I was her ‘main squeeze’ while I was there, and that I was the ‘sweetest’ little guy.",
"\n\nMum is supposed to go on another trip this July (without me again, so we’ll have to discuss that), but I’ll definitely be back to the Ottawa Doggy Daycare Center! ",
"I just hope Maggie and Kathleen are still there! ",
"If you happen to be one of my fans in Ottawa and looking for a dog daycare in the West-End, I would recommend this one 100%!",
"\n\nWhat have your daycare experiences been like?",
"\n\nKeep ballin’,\n\n~ Crusoe\n\nMy New Book! ",
"Featuring my worldly travels far and wide, from Europe to Mexico and more, and the whole story of my surgery and recovery! ",
"Rated 5 stars on Amazon! ",
"Get Yours!",
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"Pediatric asthma is a well documented public health issue in the United States. ",
"The impact of pediatric asthma can be measured by both health care costs and morbidity. ",
"Asthma morbidity is seasonal with the greatest number of exacerbations occurring in autumn and the fewest in mid-summer. ",
"There is a strong age-related seasonal variability with grade school children being the most vulnerable to seasonal changes. ",
"Furthermore, the annual peak asthma morbidity for children has been shown to be associated with the start of the school year. ",
"Recent research suggests that this seasonality in children is primarily related to viral respiratory tract infections. ",
"Regular handwashing has been widely recognized as the most effective means to combat the spread of infectious illness, including viruses. ",
"However, effective handwashing among school-age children is inconsistent at best. ",
"The school setting provides multiple barriers to effective handwashing such as time constraints, and frequent lack of soap, towels, and strategically located sinks. ",
"Spring loaded faucets which serve to prevent overuse of water inadvertently pose an additional barrier to thorough hand cleansing. ",
"Hand sanitization in such settings may be effectively accomplished by antimicrobial rinse-free hand sanitizers. ",
"Therefore, we propose to collaborate with a single school district to achieve the following specific aims: 1. ",
"Develop a simple school based intervention using hand sanitizers to decrease asthma exacerbations in children with asthma. ",
"2. ",
"Implement a school based internet monitoring system within both the active and placebo groups to record asthma symptoms, peak flow meter readings, school absences, and use of rescue medications at school. ",
"3. ",
"Randomize 26 schools to either active or placebo hand sanitizer. ",
"4. ",
"Use a cross-over design to compare the active and placebo groups with regard to time-averaged proportion of children with asthma who have at least one exacerbation per month. ",
"Improving hand hygiene in the school environment may be a relatively simple, yet effective way to reduce the risk of asthma exacerbations. ",
"By achieving these specific aims, this study will provide valuable information on the effectiveness of hand sanitizers in the school setting. [",
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"Q:\n\nHow to make a simple jQuery button in XHTML strict with no form postback?",
"\n\nI am making a site with DOCTYPE XHTML Strict and it complains if I have an input button or button element outside a form.",
"\nSo I put it in a form and it complains that I don't have an action attribute.",
"\nSo I put in an action attribute but then the buttons postback to the page, which I don't want.",
"\nHow can I just have a normal jQuery button with bound event in XHTML strict?",
"\n<form action=\"\">\n <div>\n <input id=\"button1\" type=\"button\" value=\"highlight it\" /> \n <input id=\"button2\" type=\"button\" value=\"toggle title\" />\n <p>here is another paragraph</p> \n <div id=\"show1\">What color is the sky?</div>\n <div id=\"answer1\">blue</div>\n <button id=\"button1\">Show Answer</button>\n </div>\n</form>\n\nA:\n\nI am making a site with DOCTYPE XHTML Strict and it complains if I have an input button or button element outside a form.",
"\n\nNope, it's perfectly acceptable to have an input/button with no form. ",
"Indeed, there is no way in DTD to express the limitation that an input must have a form ancestor, so XHTML couldn't ban it if it wanted to. ",
"If you had a validation error, it wasn't that. ",
"It was probably this:\n<button id=\"button1\">Show Answer</button>\n\nYou've already got an element with id=\"button1\". ",
"ids must be unique.",
"\nWhen you aren't going to submit a form, you generally shouldn't include the form element. ",
"However there is one case you need to: to group a set of radio inputs that have the same control name. ",
"If they are left with no form ancestor they don't know they're connected, so browsers tend not to make them exclusive.",
"\nIn this case, the usual idiom is to set the required action attribute to \"#\", and add an onsubmit handler to the form that always returns false so that when JS is enabled the form will never be submitted. ",
"Don't put this return false on the buttons themselves, as the form may be submitted by other means than a button click: in particular, an Enter keypress.",
"\n\nSo I put in an action attribute but then the buttons postback to the page, which I don't want.",
"\n\nAn <input type=\"button\"> won't submit the form. ",
"<button> shouldn't either, but it does in IE due to a bug where the browser uses the wrong default type value. ",
"So you have to write <button type=\"button\">.",
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"The health of children and young people with cerebral palsy: a longitudinal, population-based study.",
"\nCerebral palsy (CP) is a chronic condition about which little is known in relation to the long term stability of and factors influencing health. ",
"To describe the health status of 4-17 year olds with ambulant CP, compare with the general population and identify factors predicting change in health over time. ",
"A longitudinal, clinical survey. ",
"A regional hospital-based Gait Analysis Laboratory. ",
"Those aged 4-17 years and able to walk at least 10m independently were identified from a case register of people with CP. ",
"A total of 184 subjects took part (38% of all eligibles in the region); 154 (84%) returned for a second assessment on average 2.5 years later. ",
"The Child Health Questionnaire (Parent-form-50) was completed by 184 parents at time 1, and 156 at time 2. ",
"Children and young people with CP have significantly poorer health across a number of domains when compared to children in the general child population. ",
"Over time improvements occurred in behaviour (p=0.01), family activities (p<0.001) and physical functioning (p=0.05). ",
"Linear regression showed that gross motor function (p<0.001) and cerebral palsy subtype (p<0.05) were associated with changes in physical functioning; age was associated with changes in behaviour (p=0.007) and family activities (p=0.01); and communication ability was significantly associated with changes in family activities (p=0.005). ",
"Children and young people with CP have poorer health than their able bodied peers but relatively stable health over 2.5 years. ",
"Where change occurred, it was for the better."
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"This invention relates to improvements in an electric discharge machining method and apparatus for performing machining (rocking machining) while rocking an electrode with respect to a workpiece in a plane vertical to a machining feed direction.",
"\nElectric discharge machining is machining for generating an electric discharge between an electrode and a workpiece (hereinafter called xe2x80x9cbetween themxe2x80x9d) to melt and remove the workpiece. ",
"Thus, unless work scraps occurring between them due to the melt and removal of the workpiece are eliminated by some means, repeats of insulation recovery and electric discharge between them cannot be kept in a normal state, and bad effects such as a decrease in machining efficiency and a deterioration of work surface properties occur.",
"\nAs one of elimination means of such work scraps between them, a rocking function of increasing efficiency of the elimination of the work scraps through stirring by performing machining while rocking the electrode relatively to the workpiece in a plane vertical to a machining feed direction has been known. ",
"Parameters about this rocking function include a locus of relative movement between an electrode and a workpiece (hereinafter called xe2x80x9crocking shapexe2x80x9d), the amount of relative movement (hereinafter called xe2x80x9crocking radiusxe2x80x9d), a relative movement speed (hereinafter called xe2x80x9crocking speedxe2x80x9d), and the number of divisions of the rocking shape and a division shape in the case of using means for dividing the rocking shape on making a determination of completion.",
"\nFIG. ",
"7 is a diagram showing a configuration of a conventional electric discharge machining apparatus disclosed in JP-A-126540/1994 and in the drawing, numeral 1 is an electrode, and numeral 2 is a workpiece, and numeral 3 is a voltage detection part between the electrode and the workpiece, and numeral 4 is a calculation part, and numeral 5 is memory, and numeral 6 is a position check part, and numeral 7 is a rocking speed calculation part, and numeral 8 is a rocking speed table in which correspondence between an average voltage between the electrode 1 and the workpiece 2 and a rocking speed suitable for the voltage is previously registered. ",
"Also, FIG. ",
"8 shows a situation in which an orbit path of a square rocking shape is divided into 12 portions, and in the drawing, numeral 9 is a rocking shape, and numeral 10 is one area divided. ",
"In FIG. ",
"7, a machining voltage is applied between them from a voltage source (not shown), and the voltage between them is detected by the voltage detection part 3 between them. ",
"The calculation part 4 obtains a weighted average of a voltage between them detected by the voltage detection part 3 and previous calculation data (gap data) of the area. ",
"All the gap data about all the divided areas of the orbit path of the rocking shape are stored in the memory 5. ",
"The position check part 6 receives information from a motor control part (not shown) at the time of orbiting the next rocking shape, and checks the present position of the electrode, and checks whether it is positioned in any the divided area 10 of the rocking shape 9 of the electrode of FIG. ",
"8, and gap data corresponding to an address of the checked position area is read from the memory 5, and supplies the gap data to the rocking speed setting part 7. ",
"The rocking speed setting part 7 reads out gap data before one orbit of the area stored in the memory 5, and sees the rocking speed table 8, and sets a rocking speed corresponding to the gap data read from the memory 5, and outputs the rocking speed to the motor control part as rocking speed data.",
"\nIn the invention disclosed in JP-A-126540/1994 thus, the optimum rocking speed is set every machining area and electric discharge machining with stability and high accuracy is performed. ",
"However, a change in the rocking speed or a determination of completion is made by the average voltage between the electrode and the workpiece and in a method of detecting the average voltage between them to control rocking movement, it was difficult to detect an exact state of electric discharge every electric discharge pulse, and it was difficult to force machining conditions such as pause time at the time of stable electric discharge (for example, it means that pause time is reduced to force a value of the pause time in order to improve machining efficiency, and hereinafter called xe2x80x9cforced machining at the time of stable machiningxe2x80x9d) or take avoidance at the time of abnormal electric discharge. ",
"Further, control of a rocking function is performed by a machining shape or the amount of machining, but bite control (also known as chamfer control) at the beginning of machining and forced machining control after the machining is once completed are not performed.",
"\nAlso, when an operator inputs a machining state and sets parameters about a rocking function, there were problems that skill of the operator is required while the operator needs to monitor the machining state from beginning to end of the machining.",
"\nThis invention is implemented to solve the problems as described above, and an object of the invention is to obtain an electric discharge machining method and apparatus capable of automatically making a parameter setting about a rocking function according to a detected electric discharge state without compelling an operator to make the parameter setting about the rocking function and achieving improvement in machining efficiency and stabilization of the machining.",
"\nWith an electric discharge machining method in accordance with the invention, in an electric discharge machining method for performing machining while relatively rocking an electrode and a workpiece in a plane vertical to a machining feed direction, an electric discharge state is detected by detecting a short-circuit frequency between the electrode and the workpiece, a defective electric discharge frequency and a position of the electrode, and parameters about a rocking function are set according to the electric discharge state.",
"\nAlso, an initial setting of a rocking speed is changed according to a combination of the electrode and the workpiece, a shape of the electrode or a rocking shape.",
"\nAlso, in an electric discharge machining method for performing machining while relatively rocking an electrode and a workpiece in a plane vertical to a machining feed direction, an electric discharge state is detected by detecting a short-circuit frequency between the electrode and the workpiece, a defective electric discharge frequency and a position of the electrode, and a rocking speed is set to a speed higher than that of a stable machining state when the detected electric discharge state is an abnormal electric discharge continuation state and a rocking speed is set to a speed lower than that of a stable machining state when the detected electric discharge state is a stable continuation state.",
"\nAlso, in an electric discharge machining method for performing machining while relatively rocking an electrode and a workpiece in a plane vertical to a machining feed direction, when bite control or forced machining control is set, a rocking speed is set to a speed higher than a value before the setting of the bite control or the forced machining control.",
"\nAlso, a rocking radius is set to a value smaller than a value before the setting of the bite control or the forced machining control.",
"\nWith an electric discharge machining apparatus in accordance with the invention, in an electric discharge machining apparatus for performing machining while relatively rocking an electrode and a workpiece in a plane vertical to a machining feed direction, there are provided electric discharge state detection means for detecting a short-circuit frequency between the electrode and the workpiece, a defective electric discharge frequency and a position of the electrode, and rocking function setting means for setting parameters about a rocking function according to the electric discharge state detected by the electric discharge state detection means.",
"\nAlso, there is provided rocking function setting means for changing an initial setting of a rocking speed according to a combination of the electrode and the workpiece, a shape of the electrode or a rocking shape.",
"\nAlso, in an electric discharge machining apparatus for performing machining while relatively rocking an electrode and a workpiece in a plane vertical to a machining feed direction, there are provided electric discharge state detection means for detecting a short-circuit frequency between the electrode and the workpiece, a defective electric discharge frequency and a position of the electrode, and rocking function setting means for setting a rocking speed to a speed higher than that of a stable machining state when the electric discharge state detected by the electric discharge state detection means is an abnormal electric discharge continuation state and setting a rocking speed to a speed lower than that of a stable machining state when the electric discharge state detected by the electric discharge state detection means is a stable continuation state.",
"\nAlso, in an electric discharge machining apparatus for performing machining while relatively rocking an electrode and a workpiece in a plane vertical to a machining feed direction, there is provided rocking function setting means for setting a rocking speed to a speed higher than a value before the setting of bite control or forced machining control when the bite control or the forced machining control is set.",
"\nAlso, there is provided rocking function setting means for setting a rocking radius to a value smaller than a value before the setting of the bite control or the forced machining control.",
"\nSince the invention is constructed as described above, an exact electric discharge state every electric discharge pulse can be detected, and forced machining at the time of stable machining by the rocking movement or avoidance at the time of abnormal electric discharge can be performed. ",
"Therefore, there is an effect capable of achieving improvement in machining efficiency and stabilization of the machining.",
"\nAlso, there is an effect capable of achieving improvement in machining efficiency and stabilization of the machining more by changing an initial setting of a rocking speed according to a combination of an electrode and a workpiece, an electrode shape or a rocking shape.",
"\nFurther, there is an effect capable of performing bite control and forced machining control.",
"\nFurthermore, there is an effect capable of automatically making a parameter setting about a rocking function according to a detected electric discharge state without compelling an operator to make the parameter setting about the rocking function."
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"Blogs\n\nEvents\n\nStories\n\nAttention: RHN Hosted will reach the end of its service life on July 31, 2017.",
"\nCustomers will be required to migrate existing systems to Red Hat Subscription Management prior to this date.",
"\nLearn more here\n\nDetails\n\nUpdated kernel-rt packages that fix several security issues and two bugsare now available for Red Hat Enterprise MRG 2.0.",
"\n\nThe Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this update as havingimportant security impact. ",
"Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) basescores, which give detailed severity ratings, are available for eachvulnerability from the CVE links in the References section.",
"\n\nThe kernel-rt packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linuxoperating system.",
"\n\nThis update fixes the following security issues:\n\n* A malicious CIFS (Common Internet File System) server could send aspecially-crafted response to a directory read request that would result ina denial of service or privilege escalation on a system that has a CIFSshare mounted. (",
"CVE-2011-3191, Important)\n\n* The way fragmented IPv6 UDP datagrams over the bridge with UDPFragmentation Offload (UFO) functionality on were handled could allow aremote attacker to cause a denial of service. (",
"CVE-2011-4326, Important)\n\n* GRO (Generic Receive Offload) fields could be left in an inconsistentstate. ",
"An attacker on the local network could use this flaw to cause adenial of service. ",
"GRO is enabled by default in all network drivers thatsupport it. (",
"CVE-2011-2723, Moderate)\n\n* A flaw in the FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) implementation could allowa local user in the fuse group who has access to mount a FUSE file systemto cause a denial of service. (",
"CVE-2011-3353, Moderate)\n\n* A flaw in the b43 driver. ",
"If a system had an active wireless interfacethat uses the b43 driver, an attacker able to send a specially-craftedframe to that interface could cause a denial of service. (",
"CVE-2011-3359,Moderate)\n\n* A flaw in the way CIFS shares with DFS referrals at their root werehandled could allow an attacker on the local network, who is able to deploya malicious CIFS server, to create a CIFS network share that, when mounted,would cause the client system to crash. (",
"CVE-2011-3363, Moderate)\n\n* A flaw in the m_stop() implementation could allow a local, unprivilegeduser to trigger a denial of service. (",
"CVE-2011-3637, Moderate)\n\n* Flaws in ghash_update() and ghash_final() could allow a local,unprivileged user to cause a denial of service. (",
"CVE-2011-4081, Moderate)\n\n* A flaw in the key management facility could allow a local, unprivilegeduser to cause a denial of service via the keyctl utility. (",
"CVE-2011-4110,Moderate)\n\n* A flaw in the Journaling Block Device (JBD) could allow a local attackerto crash the system by mounting a specially-crafted ext3 or ext4 disk.(CVE-2011-4132, Moderate)\n\n* A flaw in the way memory containing security-related data was handled intpm_read() could allow a local, unprivileged user to read the results of apreviously run TPM command. (",
"CVE-2011-1162, Low)\n\n* I/O statistics from the taskstats subsystem could be read without anyrestrictions, which could allow a local, unprivileged user to gatherconfidential information, such as the length of a password used in aprocess. (",
"CVE-2011-2494, Low)\n\n* Flaws in tpacket_rcv() and packet_recvmsg() could allow a local,unprivileged user to leak information to user-space. (",
"CVE-2011-2898, Low)\n\nTo install kernel packages manually, use \"rpm -ivh [package]\". ",
"Do notuse \"rpm -Uvh\" as that will remove the running kernel binaries fromyour system. ",
"You may use \"rpm -e\" to remove old kernels afterdetermining that the new kernel functions properly on your system."
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"Melancholic Cinematic Pack\n\nMelancholic Cinematic Pack\n\nMelancholic cinematic pack of four tracks with shades of autumn soundtrack and sentimentality. ",
"Sensual melodies and rainy soundtrack mood is transmitted in each track. ",
"Loneliness and the feeling of beauty, love and rastovanii transmitted in a single stream.",
"\n\nUse in one end product, free or commercial. ",
"Most web uses. ",
"10,000 copy limit for a downloaded or physical end product. ",
"Plus up to 1 million broadcast audience. ",
"The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.",
"\n\nUse in one end product, free or commercial. ",
"Most web uses. ",
"Up to 1 million broadcast audience. ",
"Plus unlimited copies of a downloaded or physical end product. ",
"The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.",
"\n\nUse in one end product, free or commercial. ",
"Most web uses. ",
"Unlimited copies of a downloaded or physical end product. ",
"Plus a broadcast audience of up to 10 million. ",
"The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.",
"\n\nUse in one end product, free or commercial. ",
"Most web uses. ",
"Unlimited copies of a downloaded or physical end product. ",
"Plus an unlimited broadcast audience, or a theatrically released film. ",
"The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee."
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"The recent FDA approval of several antitumor agents whose primary mode of action is the inhibition of VEGF receptor-2 signaling and the disruption of tumor angiogenesis (e.g. sunitinib, sorafenib) has had a profound impact on the management of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC). ",
"However, despite the ability of these agents to prolong PFS and in some instances, to induce partial tumor regression, the majority of RCC patients develop resistance to these agents within 6-12 months. ",
"In previous murine xenograft studies using 786-0 and A498 cell lines we have established that resistance is likely related to angiogenic escape. ",
"cDNA microarray and westerns with from xenografts of these RCC cell lines and short-term cultures (STCs) from freshly harvested human RCC identified several genes and proteins whose expression is altered with the development of resistance to sunitinib/sorafenib. ",
"These gene expression studies provide several candidate proteins/pathways that, based on their known role in tumor progression and/or angiogenesis, are likely to contribute to the development of resistance. ",
"We now propose to extend these studies to include: 1) validation of our murine tissue, blood and imaging findings in patients with RCC undergoing sunitinib therapy;2) assessment of the ability of pharmacologic inhibitors of these proteins/pathways to either delay or prevent resistance to sunitinib in subcutaneously implanted xenografts involving 786.0 and A498;3) assessment of promising combinations in subcutaneous and orthotopic xenografts using STCs and perfusion imaging. ",
"These studies will lay the groundwork for several clinical trials with sunitinib in combination with other agents selected on the basis of their ability to block one or more critical signaling pathway that might contribute to sunitinib resistance. ",
"Endpoints will include changes in tumor perfusion by MRI and serial cytokine levels, and delay in disease progression. ",
"Collectively, these studies will elucidate the mechanism by which RCC develops resistance to VEGFR blockade and identify treatment strategies that might circumvent this problem."
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"MCAF1/AM is involved in Sp1-mediated maintenance of cancer-associated telomerase activity.",
"\nTelomerase maintains telomere length and is implicated in senescence and immortalization of mammalian cells. ",
"Two essential components for this enzyme are telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) and the telomerase RNA component (encoded by the TERC gene). ",
"These telomerase subunit genes are known to be mainly expressed by specificity protein 1 (Sp1). ",
"MBD1-containing chromatin-associated factor 1 (MCAF1), also known as ATFa-associated modulator (AM) and activating transcription factor 7-interacting protein (ATF7IP), mediates gene regulation, although the precise function of MCAF1 remains to be elucidated. ",
"Here, we report that MCAF1 is involved in Sp1-dependent maintenance of telomerase activity in cancer cells. ",
"Two evolutionarily conserved domains of MCAF1 directly interact with Sp1 and the general transcriptional apparatus. ",
"Selective depletion of MCAF1 or Sp1 down-regulates TERT and TERC genes in cultured cells, which results in decreased telomerase activity. ",
"The transcriptionally active form of RNA polymerase II and the general transcription factor ERCC3 decreased in the TERT promoter under the loss of MCAF1 or Sp1. ",
"Consistently, MCAF1 is found to be frequently overexpressed in naturally occurring cancers that originate in different tissues. ",
"Our data suggest that transcriptional function of MCAF1 facilitates telomerase expression by Sp1, which may be a common mechanism in proliferative cancer cells."
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"Jequitibá\n\nJequitibá is a municipality in the state of Minas Gerais in the Southeast region of Brazil.",
"\n\nSee also\nList of municipalities in Minas Gerais\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Municipalities in Minas Gerais"
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"Occassionaly some web browsers struggle as our site uses the latest encoding and technology. ",
"Also, our site does not cater for all stamps in order to keep it simple.",
"\n\nThe easiest way around this is to simply fill in the details of the stamp you require in the area below. ",
"Click on the \"SEND\" button once you are finished. ",
"We will email back a proof along with the price. ",
"Thank you."
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"by Brett Stevens on April 25, 2018\n\nYou can feel it in the streets. ",
"People move apart from those not like them. ",
"They interact only with those who are close to them. ",
"They have zero faith in the future of their nations. ",
"They know that the great schism is coming, and after that a great filter, a bloodless purge. ",
"The reckoning hovers on the horizon.",
"\n\nAt the fifty year point after a large political change, people tend to look back and see what that change has wrought, knowing that the tropes in art, media, and politics are generally based in what was true two generations ago, and people keep repeating them because they are socially recognized.",
"\n\nIt takes fifty years or more to see the effects of a change, then, because that is how long humans require to catch up to the changes that have been made. ",
"In this case, we have seen the effects of Leftism reach their intended target: a black president, multicultural nations, social welfare, “free” healthcare, and a global network of Leftists — “workers of the world, unite!” — ",
"acting together to advance the agenda of progress from a natural state to a human social state where we enjoy Utopia through equality.",
"\n\nEven more, we have reached nearly the 250 year point where most democracies seem to explode. ",
"America in 2018 versus 1776 shows us a nation with more technology, wealth, and power, but less inner power. ",
"People are less honorable, less creatively intelligent, and less adaptable. ",
"They are also less recognizable as distinct group, and more generic.",
"\n\nLooking further, America 2018 is divided in a way that would have appalled those who founded it. ",
"One group, which has mostly held sway since perhaps the 1860s, wants what the Founding Fathers did not: a strong government that forces its citizens to do “the right thing” according to a Leftist ideology. ",
"This group dominated in 2008.",
"\n\nSince that time, we have seen tangible proof of the failure of Leftism. ",
"A minority president made minorities more combative; enhanced welfare spending made our currency less valuable; immigration made America unrecognizable, a cosmopolitan dumping ground instead of a nation. ",
"And still the demands for anti-racist activism and more immigration go on in a suicidal spiral, even as we see racial and ethnic tensions heat up around us, and not coming from the white side for the most part but from our minorities fighting whites and fighting each other.",
"\n\nA cultural wave has swept the land in response: people realize that we are fighting for a vision of our future, and either Left or Right can win, but not both. ",
"If the Left wins, we go further down the path where government (the State) provides everything either directly or by “creating jobs” to comply with regulations, in which diversity is increased and culture is decreased. ",
"Fifty years after the start of that experiment, however, we have seen how it has fundamentally transformed America and Europe and how much we dislike that.",
"\n\nDiversity provided a blank check for Leftists during the postwar period. ",
"We were so committed to not being Hitler, especially American conservatives drunk on our military victory, that we flipped to the other direction: anything which lifted up those who were not like us was good, in our view. ",
"This allowed the Left to use diversity to destroy any institution which was not Leftist simply by finding some person of color who was disadvantaged by whatever that institution did. ",
"In this way, the Left used diversity to take over the West.",
"\n\nAs the old story tells us, at some point greedy fools will kill the goose that laid golden eggs. ",
"In America and Western Europe, this golden goose has always been the upper half of the middle class which was the audience that elected Donald J. Trump in a giant rebuke to the Obama, Clinton, and Bush neoliberal globalist agenda.",
"\n\nIn a rare moment of lucidity in late stage democracy, voters connected the dots on diversity. ",
"New evidence suggests that the Trump revolution was about realizing that diversity has failed and will be the grave of us all:\n\nBased on survey data from a nationally representative panel of the same 1,200 American voters polled in both 2012 and 2016, University of Pennsylvania professor Diana C. Mutz found that traditionally high-status Americans, namely whites, feel their status in America and the world is threatened by America’s growing racial diversity and a perceived loss of U.S. global dominance. ",
"Under threat by these engines of change, America’s socially dominant groups increased their support in 2016 for the candidate who most emphasized reestablishing status hierarchies of the past. …",
"The status threat experienced by many Americans was not only about their place in American society. ",
"In contrast to the conventional wisdom in political science that “voting ends at the water’s edge”—that international affairs don’t matter to how people vote—Mutz found that Americans feel increasingly threatened by the interdependence of the United States with other countries. ",
"Their sense that America is no longer the dominant superpower it once was influenced their vote in 2016. …",
"But those who felt besieged by globalization and the rise of a majority-minority America were quite likely to vote for Trump. ",
"For example, those who thought whites were discriminated against more than blacks, Christians more than Muslims, and men more than women were most likely to support Trump.",
"\n\nTrump voters realized that diversity was responsible for the fundamental transformation of America and no longer wanted any part of it. ",
"They recognized that under the Western European power structure, life was better and the American future was brighter than it could be under the diversity, socialism, and equality crusade of the Left. ",
"The same has been true of events like Brexit and the rise of the AfD and other “populist” parties in Europe.",
"\n\nAt this point, Western Europeans worldwide are more divided than before the world wars or the American Civil War. ",
"For example, we can look to recent results from Europe to illustrate this:\n\nA greater proportion of people in Europe believe their society is divided than people in any other world region, with immigration being the largest source of division in many countries, a study has found. ",
"Half of the respondents in the UK said differences between immigrants and Brits was a source of social tension, followed by differences of religion (47 per cent), ethnicity (41 per cent), and political views (40 per cent). ",
"However, in the online Ipsos Mori poll of 27 countries for the BBC, it was politics that emerged as the main cause of division globally, identified by 44 per cent of the 19,428 respondents.",
"\n\nWe cannot separate politics from immigration. ",
"The Left has, since the middle 1960s, used immigration as a method for buying votes much as Plato and Aristotle observed that tyrants do. ",
"Through that filter, we see that the division consists of two facets of the same thing.",
"\n\nThis division now has become permanent. ",
"People are pulling to one side or the other because they realize that the two cannot co-exist; Leftists and Rightists want different blueprints for civilization. ",
"The Left wants a cosmopolitan mass culture, and the Right wants social order and preservation of national “cultures” or, since we realize that traits are heritable, national ethnic groups.",
"\n\nDiversity is over. ",
"People have lost faith in it entirely. ",
"Democracy is over. ",
"No one believes it will save us anymore; they liked it because it promised stability by protecting us from strong leaders, but now we see that without strong leaders, human herd behavior seizes wealth and fritters it away, without providing for the future.",
"\n\nBoth sides now acknowledge, at least in their hearts, that only one can win, and it will physically remove the other. ",
"The Left, with its long tradition of gulags and guillotines, knows exactly what it will do. ",
"The Right seems to prefer relocation to somewhere else, probably in the third world. ",
"However, that is only the beginning.",
"\n\nWith the failure of diversity, it is clear that groups other than the founding group will need to be relocated in most nations. ",
"A pincer strategy can accomplish this: reduce the benefits to being there while increasing the costs of doing so. ",
"For example, if Europe and America cut their generous social benefits and remove affirmative action, people outside of the founding group will find it is more expensive to stay there with fewer opportunities, and most will self-deport. ",
"Giving them a small stipend to do so makes good sense. ",
"After that, general nationalistic sentiment will drive the rest out through informal means.",
"\n\nEven more, we are seeing that after two centuries of democracy, we have bred a bumper crop of stupid, inept, selfish, greedy, sociopathic, neurotic, schizoid, lazy, and parasitic people here within our own group. ",
"The Reckoning includes the coming of The Great Filter or Great Purge in which those who are capable drive away the rest, and then start purging the immoral and parasitic. ",
"For our civilization to rise again, we need to realize that we cannot “save” it in the sense of saving everyone; those who pass the evolutionary test and will make this civilization work are going to break away from the rest, and because those rest are a threat, will send them on to the third world.",
"\n\nWe have lived in a time of mercy for too long. ",
"This condition has been abused to the point that the incompetents rule over the rest of us, and they have shown us their true nature, which is that they desire power above all else and will use that power to crush us. ",
"They fear us and hate us. ",
"They will use their numbers to displace us, then kill us off, and then will relax in their newly-created third world wasteland where all of our traditions, laws including “muh Constitution,” and ways will slowly be perverted into something that fits the third world model.",
"\n\nWestern Civilization thrived because it emphasized a strict hierarchy based on competence plus vision. ",
"Those who were both realistic and sought excellence rose in the hierarchy, and everyone else was pushed down. ",
"The only type of mass control that works, as it turns out, is not controlling the masses, but disenfranchising them and discouraging them from reproducing much. ",
"When we emphasize quality over quantity by removing the defective and encouraging the good to breed, we become more competent as a civilization, and thus we rise. ",
"We have been practicing the opposite for many centuries now and it has led us to our current state of decline.",
"\n\nAll of the old illusions have died. ",
"We are just waiting to make that manifest, which will occur in layers. ",
"First, the Other will be gently repatriated; next, the incompetents will go; finally, the parasitic and destructive will be removed. ",
"This provides us a path to the future, and firmly breaks from a recent past that reversed our previous successes.",
"\n\nTags: eugenics, great filter, great purge, idiocracy, morality, reparations-with-repatriation, repatriation, the reckoning\n\nPlease enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus."
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"Last Thursday marked a soft milestone in the NBA, where nearly all free agents signed over the summer became eligible to be traded. ",
"The NBA trade season is now open for business, so to speak, with nearly every one of the league’s 450 players now available.",
"\n\nThat doesn’t mean teams want to trade them, of course. ",
"But the complexities of NBA trades are difficult enough, with the salary matching rules, that the more players you can mix and match the better to make a deal.",
"\n\nThis season, nearly every team is still in the playoff hunt with two-thirds of the season remaining.",
"\n\nPhoenix Suns GM Ryan McDonough thinks that might spur teams into action sooner than later.",
"\n\n“If I had to guess I’d say there would be more early action this year.” — ",
"Suns GM Ryan McDonough\n\n“If I had to guess I’d say there would be more early action this year,” McDonough said on Bright Side Night in an exclusive interview. “",
"Where teams are saying all right, we’re not going to wait until February, the trade deadline. ",
"Let’s do a deal in mid-December and solidify ourselves that extra 2+ months to integrate a guy and climb up the standings to make sure we are in the playoffs.”",
"\n\nIf anyone would know the heartbeat of NBA trade talks, it would likely be the Suns GM that has executed more than a dozen trades since taking over the team and has only P.J. Tucker remaining from the roster he inherited in 2013.",
"\n\nIn the West, the worst team (Dallas) is only 6 games out of the playoffs with more than 50 games left to play. ",
"The same is mostly true in the East, meaning that every NBA team could delude themselves into thinking that the playoffs are just one move away.",
"\n\nEven the Suns could make that claim, being only 4 games out at the moment.",
"\n\nTwo years ago, McDonough acquired veteran backup center Brandan Wright in December in an effort to solidify a good team, but while he wouldn’t mind a playoff run he doesn’t seem inclined to add more veterans.",
"\n\n“Let’s do it the right way. ",
"Let’s not bury Dragan Bender and Marquese Chriss.” — ",
"McDonough\n\n“Let’s do it the right way,” he said of a potential playoff run. “",
"Let’s not bury Dragan Bender and Marquese Chriss and play the veterans 40 minutes a night to get it.”",
"\n\nMcDonough talks of a patient, long-term rebuild.",
"\n\nSure, he’d love to re-do the Boston Celtics model of 2007, where they turned a bunch of assets into multiple stars that went from 20-something wins to 60-something Finalists.",
"\n\n“I know the Suns historically haven’t done that as much,” McDonough said. “",
"Or at least not to the level that we are doing it, but I feel like it’s the most sustainable way to build a contending team in today’s NBA.”",
"\n\nEven the Celtics model had a short window, and required everything to happen at once to make it work. ",
"Just acquiring Kevin Garnett OR Ray Allen would not have been enough to put the Celtics over the top. ",
"They needed both guys, plus incumbent Paul Pierce, to make it work.",
"\n\nUntil then, McDonough seems content to build up from the draft.",
"\n\nSo when he talks about an early trade market, he might mean that the Suns are ready to be sellers if the right deal comes along.",
"\n\nHe says every GM handles trade talk differently, and some are more open to discussing deals than others.",
"\n\n“I think the key for me is being honest and open,” McDonough said. “",
"I’m probably more open with other GMs - not about evaluating the players on our roster - but saying here’s what we are looking to do, who do you like on our roster? ",
"I’ll go through your roster and tell you who we like. ",
"Just because I think that’s how deals get done.”",
"\n\nHe acknowledges that trading is a two-way street, and that not all GMs think like he does.",
"\n\n“As a GM, it’s hard to guess if teams don’t give you a whole lot,” McDonough said. “",
"You’re like, all right I think every other team likes Devin Booker but we’re not trading him. ",
"So you waste a lot of time if there’s not that openness and honesty.”",
"\n\nBut the Suns do have some increasingly attractive assets to discuss in trades to teams who legitimately think they need that one more veteran for a playoff run.",
"\n\nUnder rookie head coach Earl Watson many of the team’s 30-something players are having their best season in years.",
"\n\nCenter Tyson Chandler, now 34 years old, is inhaling his most rebounds per game (11.5) since since he was 25 years old. ",
"He just posted back-to-back 20-rebound games last week.",
"\n\nSmall forward P.J. Tucker, 31, has spent the past week defending Anthony Davis and Carmelo Anthony like a Defensive Player of the Year candidate while also making 37% of his threes over the last 10 games.",
"\n\nCombo forward Jared Dudley, 31, is currently 6th in the NBA in 3P% (45.6%), his best mark in six years.",
"\n\nShooting guard Leandro Barbosa, 34, has shown he still has a lot to give in short minutes off the bench.",
"\n\nCoach Watson loves every one of these guys, and they have all expressed a desire to finish what they started in Phoenix.",
"\n\nTucker plays exactly the way Watson wants to play, and has always been loyal to the franchise. ",
"Chandler asked not to be traded last summer when he had options. ",
"And Dudley and LB were signed specifically to help the Suns transition to their youth.",
"\n\nBut the Suns are 8-19 even while playing those guys too many minutes, and it’s about time to start transitioning to the kids.",
"\n\nIf I had to guess, I’d say the mostly likely trade candidates this season are Tucker, Chandler and even Eric Bledsoe, along with the uber-available (in fans’ minds) Brandon Knight.",
"\n\nBut Bledsoe, Knight and even Chandler feel more like last-second deals in February.",
"\n\nIf you’re looking at Christmas presents early trades, the guess here is that four-time defending ‘Dan Majerle Hustle Award’ winner P.J. Tucker would be the most likely to go the soonest. ",
"Most teams could use a P.J. Tucker for the same reasons Watson would hate to lose him.",
"\n\nIt would be a dark day on the Bright Side if and when this happens, but the Suns need to find more minutes for the young guys. ",
"Tucker’s absence would start a domino shift in the rotation that likely would end up with more time for Dragan Bender and Tyler Ulis."
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"Caribbean Horseback Riding Vacation Rentals\n\n228 Caribbean Horseback Riding Vacation Rentals were found matching your criteria. ",
"These vacation rentals are presented by their owners or managers. ",
"Please click on the photos or links below, then contact them directly with your inquiries. ",
"Use the search criteria box on the left of the page to refine your search within Caribbean.",
"\n\nSelect a country to narrow your vacation rental search or browse listings below:\n\nVilla:2 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom, Sleeps 6Location:Flamands, St. Barts, St. Barths - St. BartsDescription:The charming and beautiful Villa Ylang Ylang, with a view of the sea at Flamands, is one of the island’s prettiest. ",
"The living room which is brigh...\n\nVilla:2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Sleeps 4Location:Toiny, St. Barts, St. Barths - St. BartsDescription:Ensconced in the craggy and dramatic Toiny hillside, the very private two bedroom Villa A Bientot leverages its location and captures the gentle tr...\n\nVilla:1 Bedroom, 1.5 Bathroom, Sleeps 2Location:Vitet, St. Barts, St. Barths - St. BartsDescription:Romantic and luxurious, this 1 bedroom villa is tucked away high in the hills of Vitet with views overlooking three bays: Petit Cul de Sac, Marigot...\n\nVilla:3 Bedroom, 3.5 Bathroom, Sleeps 6Location:Colombier, St. Barts, St. Barths - St. BartsDescription:Guests enjoy the sensational sea view over Flamands as well as ultimate privacy at Villa Kuban, a beautiful, contemporary three bedroom three and a...\n\nVilla:1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, Sleeps 2Location:St. Thomas, St. Thomas, US Virgin IslandsDescription:Resort-Managed Villa: Large Wrap Around Balcony With Amazing Views! ",
"Akers Ellis, the official operator of Point Pleasant Resort, manages this one ...\n\nVilla:2 Bedroom, 2.5 Bathroom, Sleeps 4Location:St. Jean, St. Barts, St. Barths - St. BartsDescription:Well designed and prettily furnished, this charming 2 bedroom villa is located on the St Jean hillside and is a perfect villa to share with friends...\n\nVilla:2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Sleeps 4Location:Petit cul de Sac, St. Barts, St. Barths - St. BartsDescription:Compact, cozy and charming, this 2 bedroom deluxe villa is just a short stroll to the beach of Petit Cul de Sac and offers gorgeous views. ",
"The bedr...\n\nVilla:3 Bedroom, 3.5 Bathroom, Sleeps 6Location:Gouverneur, St. Barts, St. Barths - St. BartsDescription:Perched high on the hillside in Gouverneur not far from the beach, this contemporary three bedroom villa features a kidney shaped pool surrounded b...\n\nVilla:3 Bedroom, 3.5 Bathroom, Sleeps 6Location:Lurin, St. Barts, St. Barths - St. BartsDescription:The 3 bedroom Villa La Vague Bleue enjoys a great 'address' in Lurin - just a short drive to Gustavia with its shops and restaurants - and a panora...\n\nVilla:3 Bedroom, 3.5 Bathroom, Sleeps 6Location:St. Jean, St. Barts, St. Barths - St. BartsDescription:Hillside in St. Jean, this fully air-conditioned three bedroom, three and a half bathroom luxury villa is contemporary in design with a colorful tr...\n\nVilla:3 Bedroom, 3.5 Bathroom, Sleeps 6Location:Gustavia, St. Barts, St. Barths - St. BartsDescription:Step into luxurious villa Le Phare (The Lighthouse), and you are treated to a panoramic vista of Gustavia Harbor. ",
"Take it all in; from the spacious..."
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"Q:\n\nHow do I implement and return a Cmd Msg?",
"\n\nHow do I implement and return a Cmd Msg?",
"\nFor example, the following line generates a Cmd Msg:\nHttp.send msg request\n\nIt's used in the following function:\ntryRegister : Form -> (Result Http.",
"Error JsonProfile -> msg) -> Cmd msg\ntryRegister form msg =\n let\n registerUrl =\n \"http://localhost:5000/register\"\n\n body =\n encode form |> Http.jsonBody\n\n request =\n Http.post registerUrl body decoder\n in\n Http.send msg request\n\nI'm trying to hand code a similar function within my TestAPI:\ntryRegister : Form -> (Result Http.",
"Error JsonProfile -> msg) -> Cmd msg\ntryRegister form msg =\n Cmd.none\n\nThe above code compiles. ",
"However, it's not clear to me how to implement a function that returns a Cmd Msg other than Cmd.none.",
"\nAppendix:\ntype Msg\n =\n ...\n | Submit\n | Response (Result Http.",
"Error JsonProfile)\n\nupdate : Msg -> Form -> ( Form, Cmd Msg )\nupdate msg model =\n case msg of\n ...\n Submit ->\n ( model, runtime.tryRegister model Response )\n\nSource code on GitHub.",
"\n\nA:\n\nEdit\nThe original answer suggested mapping over Cmd.none, which compiles and may potentially be useful when mocking out functions for testing, but if you are actually trying to force another update cycle in The Elm Architecture, you will need to convert to a Task, as outlined in the send function described here.",
"\nsend : msg -> Cmd msg\nsend msg =\n Task.succeed msg\n |> Task.perform identity\n\nAs @SwiftsNamesake mentioned above, in most cases this is not necessary, and the entire blog post on the subject is worth a read.",
"\nOriginal Answer\nYou can use Cmd.map over Cmd.none to change it to any Cmd:\nCmd.map (always Submit) Cmd.none\n\n"
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"Q:\n\nDo i need a fan, or will ventilation holes suffice?",
"\n\nthis setup has not yet been completed. ",
"I'm only asking so I can order a fan if needed\nI plan on connecting the following elements directly to my pi4-\n\nrelay(i think I'll need two)\nsmall LED with resistor\nPiezo element\npower pack, via modified usb c cord(using 4-5 of these batteries)\n\nall of this will be in as small a container as i can find and squeeze it into, which will also be shared with these items, not powered directly from the pi-\n\npower pack for EL wire(2 AAs)\npower pack for bright LED(1-2 AAs or 3 AAAs)\n\nI may add more later on, but for now, this is all I need to squeeze into a box. ",
"My question is- is it fine just to drill some holes in the box for ventilation? ",
"Or do I need to attach a fan to keep it from overheating?",
"\n\nA:\n\nThat will depend on things that you've not told us. ",
"But not to worry, because we'd have a hard time answering your question with any authority even if you had!",
"\nThat sounds nonsensical, but here's what we know, and why a definitive answer is difficult:\n\nThe RPi 4 has what you might think of as a closed-loop thermal management system that is \"baked in\".",
"\n\nThe firmware that implements this thermal management system is closed-source, and details of its implementation are not disclosed.",
"\n\nWhat we do know from testing and what's been published by \"The Organization\" is that as component temperatures rise, the thermal management system acts to \"throttle\" performance. ",
"In other words, the thermal management system will not allow the RPi to \"melt down\" or self-destruct.",
"\n\nAnd that brings us to this reasoning:\n\nYour need for fans and heat sinks may be determined only through experience and testing the RPi 4 in the environment in which it will operate.",
"\n\n\"Environment\" includes primarily ambient temperature and processor workload.",
"\n\nPut your RPi 4 in its enclosure, and run your application(s) in an ambient temperature close to what it will see in the field.",
"\n\nMonitor the performance and temperatures of the RPi 4. ",
"If the RPi 4 cannot perform the calculations/processing needed in the allotted time, OR if the temperatures are higher than you'd like: Add fans/heatsinks/ventilation accordingly. ",
"If you're satisfied with the performance and component temperatures, you need do nothing further - the system will manage this for you.",
"\n\nSome references:\nRPi 4 Thermal Teting is mostly self-congratulatory publicity, but you will pick up some information. ",
"For example: RPi will run cooler if placed in a vertical orientation.",
"\nIndependent RPi 4 Thermal Testing by Tom's Hardware provides a slightly better explanation\n\n"
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"actors of 444942354.",
"\n2, 3, 74157059\nWhat are the prime factors of 2923796443?",
"\n29, 100820567\nList the prime factors of 89298990.",
"\n2, 3, 5, 11, 107, 281\nList the prime factors of 1558092856.",
"\n2, 194761607\nWhat are the prime factors of 6619140700?",
"\n2, 5, 5953, 11119\nWhat are the prime factors of 1699862390?",
"\n2, 5, 113, 601, 2503\nList the prime factors of 774125302.",
"\n2, 43, 239, 37663\nWhat are the prime factors of 137870654?",
"\n2, 311, 221657\nList the prime factors of 4089946215.",
"\n3, 5, 499, 577, 947\nWhat are the prime factors of 3226907917?",
"\n3226907917\nWhat are the prime factors of 200437894?",
"\n2, 100218947\nWhat are the prime factors of 37875220?",
"\n2, 5, 197, 9613\nWhat are the prime factors of 2528288906?",
"\n2, 11, 13, 8840171\nWhat are the prime factors of 35440339?",
"\n11, 19, 37, 4583\nWhat are the prime factors of 56484202?",
"\n2, 1511, 18691\nWhat are the prime factors of 55115338?",
"\n2, 27557669\nList the prime factors of 31568666.",
"\n2, 15784333\nList the prime factors of 1320019667.",
"\n521, 2533627\nList the prime factors of 98220434.",
"\n2, 13, 290593\nList the prime factors of 39500343.",
"\n3, 41, 167, 641\nWhat are the prime factors of 113158690?",
"\n2, 5, 11315869\nWhat are the prime factors of 2204276370?",
"\n2, 3, 5, 29, 2533651\nList the prime factors of 472840031.",
"\n472840031\nList the prime factors of 1977094193.",
"\n1977094193\nWhat are the prime factors of 979525759?",
"\n193, 5075263\nList the prime factors of 21460615.",
"\n5, 11, 390193\nList the prime factors of 60871244.",
"\n2, 7, 59, 36847\nList the prime factors of 1145182631.",
"\n1145182631\nWhat are the prime factors of 769389347?",
"\n769389347\nWhat are the prime factors of 279694297?",
"\n421, 664357\nList the prime factors of 1268097926.",
"\n2, 634048963\nList the prime factors of 30877144.",
"\n2, 727, 5309\nList the prime factors of 178745642.",
"\n2, 89, 127, 7907\nList the prime factors of 12892334.",
"\n2, 7, 13, 5449\nList the prime factors of 2202971071.",
"\n7, 1471, 213943\nList the prime factors of 2832994016.",
"\n2, 88531063\nWhat are the prime factors of 1859524647?",
"\n3, 619841549\nWhat are the prime factors of 22056685?",
"\n5, 7, 61, 10331\nList the prime factors of 1124002753.",
"\n17, 66117809\nWhat are the prime factors of 955554865?",
"\n5, 1549, 123377\nList the prime factors of 1080825660.",
"\n2, 3, 5, 17, 23, 5119\nWhat are the prime factors of 209487125?",
"\n5, 257, 6521\nWhat are the prime factors of 290786212?",
"\n2, 97, 749449\nList the prime factors of 9052777500.",
"\n2, 3, 5, 13, 92849\nWhat are the prime factors of 347093403?",
"\n3, 17, 6805753\nWhat are the prime factors of 27796242?",
"\n2, 3, 251, 18457\nWhat are the prime factors of 23743821?",
"\n3, 7914607\nList the prime factors of 1181091337.",
"\n17, 69475961\nWhat are the prime factors of 720050180?",
"\n2, 5, 5479, 6571\nList the prime factors of 323750437.",
"\n163, 1986199\nWhat are the prime factors of 111742472?",
"\n2, 13967809\nList the prime factors of 26267041.",
"\n26267041\nList the prime factors of 9994558.",
"\n2, 7, 23, 31039\nList the prime factors of 5222445287.",
"\n31, 168465977\nList the prime factors of 12258721.",
"\n12258721\nWhat are the prime factors of 159386866?",
"\n2, 17, 4687849\nWhat are the prime factors of 28989525?",
"\n3, 5, 43, 89, 101\nWhat are the prime factors of 1279667752?",
"\n2, 11, 14541679\nWhat are the prime factors of 1851107409?",
"\n3, 205678601\nWhat are the prime factors of 152561930?",
"\n2, 5, 15256193\nWhat are the prime factors of 2472129717?",
"\n3, 1171, 703709\nWhat are the prime factors of 2038754310?",
"\n2, 3, 5, 131, 518767\nList the prime factors of 2180128652.",
"\n2, 13, 37, 47, 24109\nWhat are the prime factors of 98819608?",
"\n2, 19, 271, 2399\nWhat are the prime factors of 1210867614?",
"\n2, 3, 11, 23, 265891\nList the prime factors of 91583671.",
"\n91583671\nList the prime factors of 426562533.",
"\n3, 71, 667547\nList the prime factors of 77501959.",
"\n367, 211177\nList the prime factors of 2502112838.",
"\n2, 131, 9550049\nWhat are the prime factors of 4002094010?",
"\n2, 5, 400209401\nList the prime factors of 46565111.",
"\n53, 167, 5261\nList the prime factors of 1020452953.",
"\n13, 193, 406717\nWhat are the prime factors of 35079002?",
"\n2, 7, 23, 79, 197\nList the prime factors of 35632542.",
"\n2, 3, 11, 199, 2713\nList the prime factors of 2288448989.",
"\n41, 59, 946031\nList the prime factors of 799658159.",
"\n7639, 104681\nWhat are the prime factors of 3362162?",
"\n2, 1129, 1489\nWhat are the prime factors of 5373491596?",
"\n2, 11, 122124809\nList the prime factors of 131918358.",
"\n2, 3, 11, 13, 11827\nList the prime factors of 216094374.",
"\n2, 3, 12005243\nWhat are the prime factors of 97831015?",
"\n5, 137, 251, 569\nList the prime factors of 42671737.",
"\n4451, 9587\nList the prime factors of 5857812299.",
"\n43, 136228193\nList the prime factors of 303019876.",
"\n2, 75754969\nWhat are the prime factors of 202529395?",
"\n5, 709, 57131\nList the prime factors of 272692416.",
"\n2, 3, 23, 61751\nWhat are the prime factors of 4313024144?",
"\n2, 11, 13, 283, 6661\nList the prime factors of 122118288.",
"\n2, 3, 2544131\nWhat are the prime factors of 1861332963?",
"\n3, 7, 47, 67, 4021\nList the prime factors of 170422093.",
"\n17, 10024829\nWhat are the prime factors of 386736763?",
"\n7, 167, 283\nWhat are the prime factors of 378850185?",
"\n3, 5, 7, 17, 263, 269\nWhat are the prime factors of 159343456?",
"\n2, 523, 9521\nWhat are the prime factors of 31910592?",
"\n2, 3, 7, 23743\nList the prime factors of 64134865.",
"\n5, 41, 193, 1621\nList the prime factors of 293676996.",
"\n2, 3, 19, 1288057\nList the prime factors of 6462328.",
"\n2, 853, 947\nList the prime factors of 592627957.",
"\n592627957\nWhat are the prime factors of 743434796?",
"\n2, 13, 23, 41, 15161\nWhat are the prime factors of 1398768654?",
"\n2, 3, 233128109\nWhat are the prime factors of 1038927171?",
"\n3, 17, 43, 89, 5323\nList the prime factors of 40842979.",
"\n40842979\nList the prime factors of 2602272236.",
"\n2, 650568059\nList the prime factors of 93837232.",
"\n2, 139, 42193\nList the prime factors of 34870511.",
"\n13, 2682347\nList the prime factors of 13765564.",
"\n2, 3441391\nList the prime factors of 24651264.",
"\n2, 3, 11, 1459\nWhat are the prime factors of 74682269?",
"\n263, 443, 641\nWhat are the prime factors of 13128631?",
"\n43, 211, 1447\nList the prime factors of 2188298786.",
"\n2, 17, 64361729\nWhat are the prime factors of 414557875?",
"\n5, 73, 181, 251\nWhat are the prime factors of 66211135?",
"\n5, 23, 241, 2389\nWhat are the prime factors of 68284007?",
"\n11, 617, 10061\nList the prime factors of 2538316646.",
"\n2, 277, 1013, 4523\nList the prime factors of 815898978.",
"\n2, 3, 313, 144817\nList the prime factors of 46599550.",
"\n2, 5, 17, 73, 751\nList the prime factors of 1875573613.",
"\n43, 1697, 25703\nList the prime factors of 174304195.",
"\n5, 13, 19, 113, 1249\nList the prime factors of 112320346.",
"\n2, 56160173\nList the prime factors of 256646867.",
"\n9041, 28387\nWhat are the prime factors of 96830129?",
"\n11, 617, 1297\nWhat are the prime factors of 71127969?",
"\n3, 11, 2155393\nWhat are the prime factors of 296679140?",
"\n2, 5, 59, 103, 2441\nList the prime factors of 1258343969.",
"\n1258343969\nWhat are the prime factors of 928462618?",
"\n2, 73, 179, 35527\nWhat are the prime factors of 395459140?",
"\n2, 5, 19772957\nWhat are the prime factors of 4061689949?",
"\n103, 139, 283697\nList the prime factors of 478529188.",
"\n2, 119632297\nWhat are the prime factors of 864397025?",
"\n5, 31, 1115351\nWhat are the prime factors of 4825781118?",
"\n2, 3, 47, 919, 2069\nWhat are the prime factors of 710424557?",
"\n22153, 32069\nWhat are the prime factors of 129002284?",
"\n2, 31, 227, 4583\nList the prime factors of 635663979.",
"\n3, 673, 104947\nWhat are the prime factors of 721032052?",
"\n2, 13, 79, 175519\nList the prime factors of 24900379.",
"\n7, 508171\nWhat are the prime factors of 34689421?",
"\n13, 19, 140443\nWhat are the prime factors of 2743748070?",
"\n2, 3, 5, 7, 73, 89, 2011\nWhat are the prime factors of 5889069556?",
"\n2, 29, 641, 79201\nWhat are the prime factors of 76156076?",
"\n2, 19039019\nList the prime factors of 132395963.",
"\n7, 18913709\nList the prime factors of 34886822.",
"\n2, 17, 743, 1381\nList the prime factors of 498137541.",
"\n3, 11, 367, 41131\nWhat are the prime factors of 361878699?",
"\n3, 7, 13, 383, 3461\nWhat are the prime factors of 3158732049?",
"\n3, 11, 139, 688627\nList the prime factors of 258957210.",
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"\n5, 11, 157, 9029\nWhat are the prime factors of 176261666?",
"\n2, 7, 12590119\nWhat are the prime factors of 2626971578?",
"\n2, 7, 11, 19, 59, 15217\nWhat are the prime factors of 60451755?",
"\n3, 5, 7, 13, 67, 661\nList the prime factors of 261045330.",
"\n2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 95621\nList the prime factors of 68340678.",
"\n2, 3, "
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"Q:\n\nLoop through a pivot table and save each field's details in a separate workbook with the field's name\n\nI'm working on a project in Excel where I have a pivot table with people's name and their associated claims. ",
"I need to double click on each name in the table and when the details (claims details) show up in a separate sheet save the sheet as a separate workbook with that person's name in a folder. ",
"Is there any way to automate this process in VBA?",
"\nI have the code below which works for the first item but it has a few problems:\n-The name of the sheet and the workbook are hard coded and therefore only work for the first item. ",
"Is there anyway to just select the new sheet instead of selecting it by name? ",
"And is there a way to use the item's name instead of Book3.xlsx?",
"\nHere is my code:\nSub IndividualReports()\n\nApplication.",
"ScreenUpdating = False\nOn Error Resume Next\n\nDim LastRow As Long\n\nSheets(\"Table\").Select\n\n With Application.",
"ActiveSheet\n LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.",
"Count, \"A\").End(xlUp).Row\n End With\n\nFor i = 8 To LastRow\n Range(\"C\" & i).Select\n Selection.",
"ShowDetail = True\n Sheets(\"Sheet2\").Select\n Sheets(\"Sheet2\").Move\n Sheets(\"Sheet2\").Select\n ChDir \"C:\\Users\\haghigy\\Desktop\\New3\"\n ActiveWorkbook.",
"SaveAs Filename:=\"C:\\Users\\haghigy\\Desktop\\New3\\Book3.xlsx\", _\n FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False\nNext\n\nEnd Sub\n\nThank you for your help!",
"\n*Edit: Here is my code after the solution.",
"\nSub IndividualReports()\n\nDim LastRow As Long\nDim Name As String\nDim Path As String\nDim fldr As FileDialog\n\nSet fldr = Application.",
"FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)\nWith fldr\n .Title = \"Select a Folder\"\n .AllowMultiSelect = False\n .InitialFileName = Application.",
"DefaultFilePath\n If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode\n Path = .SelectedItems(1) & \"\\\"\nEnd With\nNextCode:\n GetFolder = Path\n Set fldr = Nothing\n\nSheets(\"Table\").Select\n With Application.",
"ActiveSheet\n LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.",
"Count, \"A\").End(xlUp).Row\n End With\n\nFor i = 6 To LastRow - 1\n\nName = Application.",
"Index(Sheets(\"Table\").Rang(\"A6:A200\"), i - 5)\nRange(\"C\" & i).Select\nSelection.",
"ShowDetail = True\nActiveSheet.",
"SaveAs Filename:=Path & Name, _\n FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False\nActiveWorkbook.",
"Close\n\nNext\nEnd Sub\n\nA:\n\nGreat start! ",
"A couple things I noticed. ",
"First and foremost, when you move the detail sheet to a new workbook and save as, your workbook with the Pivot table is no longer the active workbook. ",
"So selecting the range on the new workbook won't work. ",
"You could add\nWorkbooks(\"[WorkbookName].xlsx\").Activate\nSheets(\"Table\").Activate\n\nto the top of your loop. ",
"Further, \nSheets(\"Sheet2\").Select\nSheets(\"Sheet2\").Move\nSheets(\"Sheet2\").Select\n\nThe two Select methods aren't needed, and the Sheet numbers will increment, so it won't always be Sheet2. ",
"You could replace the block above with:\nActiveSheet.",
"Move\n\nFinally you would have to change the name of the workbook you are saving so it doesn't just overwrite each time. ",
"Maybe like:\nfilename:=\"C:\\Users\\haghigy\\Desktop\\New3\\Book\" & i & \".xlsx\"\n\nThen it should work.",
"\n*edit: also don't really need the ChDir\n\n"
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"Munzee Dictionary - V\n\nA non physical munzee where a different location is actually the munzee.",
"\n\nA \"Special\" Munzee awarding 5pts for the capture. ",
"There is no QR code for this type of munzee. ",
"You just have to be less then 500ft from your phones GZ for the VM to be captured. ",
"First seen May 2012. ",
"Represented by a \"light white/grey\" Icon on the map.",
"\n\nDo you have any suggestions for 'Munzee Speak/Terms' that you use or have heard?"
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"Q:\n\nRsync to remote server with mounted NFS USB\n\nI am trying to rsync one file from server X to server Y.\nIn the server Y, there is a mounted dir /mnt/myDir, where I am trying to sync that file. ",
"The goal is also to keep the full path of the file.",
"\nI am trying to do this with:\nsudo -u www-data rsync -avz /var/www/dms/test/test.tif [email protected]:/mnt/myDir/var/www/dms/test/test.tif\n\nBut this is triggering the following error:\nsending incremental file list\nrsync: change_dir#3 \"/mnt/myDir/var/www/dms/test\" failed: No such file or directory (2)\nrsync error: errors selecting input/output files, dirs (code 3) at main.c(643) [Receiver=3.0.9]\nrsync: connection unexpectedly closed (241 bytes received so far) [sender]\nrsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [sender=3.1.0]\n\nA:\n\nThe error arise from the fact you are trying to sync into a directory which does not exist on the remote side.",
"\nYou have the following possibilities:\n\nfirst create the dir on the target directory issuing mkdir /mnt/myDir/var/www/dms/test (on the remote side), then issue your rsync command\nelaborating on that, if you need to transfer the entire /var/www directory, you need to create the remote /mnt/myDir/var/www dir and the issuing something similar to sudo -u www-data rsync -avz /var/www/ [email protected]:/mnt/myDir/var/www\nalternatively, you can instruct rsync to do the entire work for you, using the -R (--relative) option and issuing something as sudo -u www-data rsync -avzR /var/www/dms/test/test.tif [email protected]:/mnt/myDir/. In this case, be sure to read the man page as -R can have some unexpected side-effects.",
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"Chiropractic medicine addresses all sorts of Knee Pain. ",
"The knee mobilizes the legs and bears weight to raise the body up from a lower position. ",
"Joints, cartilage and ligaments are usually involved with problems of the knee. ",
"Osteoarthritis of the knee is when cartilage in the joint starts to wear away. ",
"It can start with rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of the joints. ",
"The inflammation can harm the cartilage around it. ",
"Obesity is a leading cause of arthritis in the knee. ",
"Knee pain should be treated by a chiropractor when pain interferes with daily activities. ",
"When medication can no longer suffice because knee pain is causing intolerable pain, a chiropractor can provide an effective solution.",
"\n\nHealth care for chiropractic medicine starts by learning where the source of pain comes from. ",
"Doctors need patient medical history to see if there’s a problem in the past that contributed to the present condition. ",
"The type of treatment given is based on a few factors. ",
"When other healing antidotes don’t work or doctors say there’s no way to beat the symptoms associated with the condition, chiropractic care serves to manage or significantly reduce the painful symptoms. ",
"A set of healing mechanisms are put in place that restore strength and stability in the anatomical structures that are ailing a person. ",
"The most intense of pain can happen in places where the source is nowhere to be found. ",
"This can confuse the patient into thinking the place where it hurts most is also where the problem originates. ",
"Disorders in the lower back, hip and pelvis can put stress on the knee. ",
"Since the anatomy of the knees are so different and it’s used in a different way, the pain there is overpowering.",
"\n\nThere are treatment modalities that help for the knees that are done at the clinic and home. ",
"Orthopedic knee braces secure the structures of the knee in place so no strain is put on cartilage, ligaments or joints. ",
"Bending at the knees is much less painful when a knee brace is worn. ",
"The soft tissues in the knee are healed with ultrasound therapy. ",
"Ice reduces inflammation. ",
"Function in the joints is restored with physical therapy and targeted exercises. ",
"Go to the website Aspirepainmedicalcenter.com to learn more. ",
"You can also follow them on Twitter for more updates."
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"using System;\r\nusing System.",
"Generic;\r\nusing System.",
"Text;\r\n\r\nnamespace DarkAgent_Client.src.",
"Receive\r\n{\r\n class R_FileTransferSend : ReceiveBasePacket\r\n {\r\n public R_FileTransferSend(ClientConnect client, byte[] packet)\r\n : base(client, packet)\r\n {\r\n }\r\n\r\n private short Id;\r\n private byte[] fileBytes;\r\n private int Index;\r\n public override void Read()\r\n {\r\n Id = ReadShort();\r\n int Temp = ReadShort();\r\n Index = ReadInteger();\r\n fileBytes = ReadBytes(Temp);\r\n }\r\n\r\n public override void Run()\r\n {\r\n if (Client.fileTransfer.",
"ContainsKey(Id))\r\n {\r\n try\r\n {\r\n if (Client.fileTransfer[Id].FileBytes == null)\r\n Client.fileTransfer[Id].FileBytes = new SortedList<int, byte[]>();\r\n\r\n Client.fileTransfer[Id].FileBytes.",
"Add(Index, fileBytes);\r\n Client.fileTransfer[Id].CurFileSize += fileBytes.",
"Length;\r\n }\r\n catch\r\n {\r\n //exception in here wouldn't happen... except something goes totally wrong :P\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n}"
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"SCANDALOUS\n\n12.31.13\n\nReport: Dwyane Wade Fathered Child\n\nKevin Winter/Getty\n\nThis could make for an uncomfortable New Year’s. ",
"NBA star Dwyane Wade reportedly fathered a child while on a break from his now-fiancée, Gabrielle Union. ",
"Wade and Union have been dating for four years, and although the baby was allegedly conceived while Wade and Union were apart, Union reportedly distanced herself from Wade. ",
"They later reconciled, and he proposed to her on Dec. 21. ",
"There has been no comment from either Wade or Union. ",
"Wade has two children from his first marriage."
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"In a typical gesture-recognition system, a light source emits near-infrared light towards a user. ",
"A three-dimensional (3D) image sensor detects the emitted light that is reflected by the user to provide a 3D image of the user. ",
"A processing system then analyzes the 3D image to recognize a gesture made by the user.",
"\nAn optical filter, more specifically, a bandpass filter, is used to transmit the emitted light to the 3D image sensor, while substantially blocking ambient light. ",
"In other words, the optical filter serves to screen out ambient light. ",
"Therefore, an optical filter having a narrow passband in the near-infrared wavelength range, i.e., 800 nm to 1100 nm, is required. ",
"Furthermore, the optical filter must have a high transmittance level within the passband and a high blocking level outside of the passband.",
"\nConventionally, the optical filter includes a filter stack and a blocking stack, coated on opposite surfaces of a substrate. ",
"Each of the stacks is formed of high-refractive-index layers and low-refractive-index layers stacked in alternation. ",
"Different oxides are, generally, used for the high-refractive-index layers and the low-refractive-index layers, such as TiO2, Nb2O5, Ta2O5, SiO2, and mixtures thereof. ",
"For example, some conventional optical filters include a TiO2/SiO2 filter stack and a Ta2O5/SiO2 blocking stack, in which the high-refractive index layers are composed of TiO2 or Ta2O5, respectively, and the low-refractive-index layers are composed of SiO2.",
"\nIn a first conventional optical filter designed to transmit light in a wavelength range of 829 nm to 859 nm over an incidence angle range of 0° to 30°, the filter stack includes 71 layers, the blocking stack includes 140 layers, and the total coating thickness is about 24 μm. ",
"Transmission spectra 100 and 101 at incidence angles of 0° and 30°, respectively, for this optical filter are plotted in FIG. ",
"1. ",
"In a second conventional optical filter designed to transmit light at a wavelength of 825 nm over an incidence angle range of 0° to 20°, the filter stack includes 43 layers, the blocking stack includes 82 layers, and the total coating thickness is about 14 μm. ",
"Transmission spectra 200 and 201 at incidence angles of 0° and 20°, respectively, for this optical filter are plotted in FIG. ",
"2. ",
"In a third conventional optical filter designed to transmit light in a wavelength range of 845 nm to 865 nm over an incidence angle range of 0° to 24°, the filter stack includes 77 layers, the blocking stack includes 148 layers, and the total coating thickness is about 26 μm. ",
"Transmission spectra 300 and 301 at incidence angles of 0° and 24°, respectively, for this optical filter are plotted in FIG. ",
"\nWith reference to FIGS. ",
"1-3, the first, second, and third conventional optical filters, generally, have a high transmittance level within the passband and a high blocking level outside of the passband. ",
"However, the center wavelength of the passband undergoes a relatively large shift with change in incidence angle. ",
"Consequently, the passband must be relatively wide to accept light over the required incidence angle range, increasing the amount of ambient light that is transmitted and reducing the signal-to-noise ratio of systems incorporating these conventional optical filters. ",
"Furthermore, the large number of layers in the filter stacks and blocking stacks increases the expense and coating time involved in fabricating these conventional optical filters. ",
"The large total coating thickness also makes these conventional optical filters difficult to pattern, e.g., by photolithography.",
"\nTo enhance the performance of the optical filter in the gesture-recognition system, it would be desirable to reduce the number of layers, the total coating thickness, and the center-wavelength shift with change in incidence angle. ",
"One approach is to use a material having a higher refractive index than conventional oxides over the wavelength range of 800 nm to 1100 nm for the high-refractive-index layers. ",
"In addition to a higher refractive index, the material must have also have a low extinction coefficient over the wavelength range of 800 nm to 1100 nm in order to provide a high transmittance level within the passband.",
"\nThe use of hydrogenated silicon (Si:H) for high-refractive-index layers in optical filters is disclosed by Lairson, et al. ",
"in an article entitled “Reduced Angle-Shift Infrared Bandpass Filter Coatings” (Proceedings of the SPIE, 2007, Vol. ",
"6545, pp. ",
"65451C-1-65451C-5), and by Gibbons, et al. ",
"in an article entitled “Development and Implementation of a Hydrogenated a-Si Reactive Sputter Deposition Process” (Proceedings of the Annual Technical Conference, Society of Vacuum Coaters, 2007, Vol. ",
"50, pp. ",
"327-330). ",
"Lairson, et al. ",
"disclose a hydrogenated silicon material having a refractive index of 3.2 at a wavelength of 1500 nm and an extinction coefficient of less than 0.001 at wavelengths of greater than 1000 nm. ",
"Gibbons, et al. ",
"disclose a hydrogenated silicon material, produced by alternating current (AC) sputtering, having a refractive index of 3.2 at a wavelength of 830 nm and an extinction coefficient of 0.0005 at a wavelength of 830 nm. ",
"Unfortunately, these hydrogenated silicon materials do not have a suitably low extinction coefficient over the wavelength range of 800 nm to 1100 nm."
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"Neuropeptide Y and coronary vasoconstriction: role of thromboxane A2.",
"\nWe previously reported that coronary constriction following neuropeptide Y (NPY) was alleviated by cyclooxygenase blockade. ",
"To determine the role of thromboxane A2 (TxA2), anesthetized dogs received two paired doses of NPY given 2 h apart. ",
"Nine control dogs received NPY alone. ",
"Nine test dogs received one of three TxA2 receptor antagonists given between the doses of NPY. ",
"Also, five dogs received NPY during which prostaglandins were measured. ",
"In controls, NPY decreased coronary blood flow and increased aortic pressure; coronary resistance was increased significantly. ",
"Heart rate fell, and myocardial oxygen consumption was unchanged. ",
"Thromboxane receptor blockers significantly relieved the coronary constrictor effect of NPY. ",
"The reduction in coronary blood flow was blunted, while heart rate, first derivative of left ventricular pressure, and myocardial oxygen consumption were unchanged. ",
"Alleviation by TxA2 receptor blockade paralleled that reported for cyclooxygenase inhibitors. ",
"Also, significant increases in coronary venous TxA2 were seen at the time of maximal increases in coronary resistance, while prostacyclin was unchanged. ",
"In summary, TxA2 appears to mediate part of the coronary constrictor effect of NPY."
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"Q:\n\nmatching string array content with regular expression java\n\ni am new to java. ",
"i am trying to use java regular expression to compare two string arrays containing names and then use a nested for loop to print out the names that have a match and names that don't have a match. ",
"below is my code\npublic class Main {\n\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n\n // write your code here\n String regex;\n Pattern pattern;\n String stringToBeMatched;\n Matcher matcher;\n boolean b;\n String [] names1 = {\"Peter\",\"Harry\",\"Potter\",\"Mary\",\"Jerry\"};\n String [] names2 = {\"Adam\",\"Jerry\",\"Potter\",\"Martin\",\"Chris\", \"Rose\"};\n //try a loop with two variables for loop\n\n for (int x=0;x >= names2.length;x++) {\n regex = names2[x];\n pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);\n\n for(int y = 0; y >= names1.length; y++){\n stringToBeMatched = names1[y];\n matcher = pattern.matcher(stringToBeMatched);\n b = matcher.find();\n\n if (b) {System.out.println(names1[y] +\" has a match\");}\n else{System.out.println(names1[y] +\" has no match\");}\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nthe code executes and returns the output Process finished with exit code 0 without displaying any message specified by any of the System.out.println() statements. ",
"please guys, what am i not doing right?",
"\n\nA:\n\nUnless I am misunderstanding your intentions, you should not use Regex here. ",
"My understanding is you want to compare two arrays for duplicate elements.",
"\nYou have your arrays:\nString[] names1 = {\"Peter\", \"Harry\", \"Potter\", \"Mary\", \"Jerry\"};\nString[] names2 = {\"Adam\", \"Jerry\", \"Potter\", \"Martin\", \"Chris\", \"Rose\"};\n\nMethod 1 - nested for loops.",
"\nfor(int i = 0; i < names1.length; i++) {\n for(int j = 0; j < names2.length; j++) {\n if(names1[i].equals(names2[j])) System.out.println(names1[i] + \" is in both arrays.\");",
"\n }\n}\n\nMethod 2 - nested foreach loops.",
"\nfor(String name1 : names1) {\n for(String name2 : names2) {\n if(name1.equals(name2)) System.out.println(name1 + \" is in both arrays.\");",
"\n }\n}\n\nMethod 3 - using a List.",
"\nList<String> names2List = Arrays.asList(names2);\n\nfor(String name1 : names1) {\n if(names2List.contains(name1)) System.out.println(name1 + \" is in both arrays.\");",
"\n}\n\nMethod 4 - using a Set. ",
"This works because HashSet#add() will NOT add duplicates, and returns false if requested.",
"\nSet<String> names2Set = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(names2));\n\nfor(String name1 : names1) {\n if(!names2Set.add(name1)) System.out.println(name1 + \" is in both arrays.\");",
"\n}\n\nMethod 5 - using Streams. ",
"If you want to get fancy.",
"\nfor(String name1 : names1) {\n if(Arrays.stream(names2).anyMatch(name1::equals)) System.out.println(name1 + \" is in both arrays.\");",
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"In 1994, the Weekly World News reported that Alan Simpson was one of 12 senators who was actually born on another planet. ",
"The paper didn’t name which one, but whichever one it was, we can safely draw two conclusions about it. ",
"First, the life forms there must not last to age 65, because he obviously has something against those who do. ",
"Second, they are a highly musical race, because Simpson has for years been a virtuoso—as he demonstrated again Wednesday—at playing the Washington media, emphasizing the story line that they want to hear and that keeps the fiscal debate so skewed in the Republicans’ favor.",
"\n\nSpeaking to Politico Wednesday, Simpson attacked Barack Obama’s “abrogation of leadership” because of the president’s deficit-reduction plan and his “new feisty tone,” as the paper put it. ",
"The former Wyoming senator is mostly in high dudgeon because Obama’s plan doesn’t do anything about Social Security. “",
"You can’t get this done without hits across the board,” Simpson said, “and if you are leaving people out all along the way because of political pressure, you can’t get it done.”",
"\n\nI’m actually not as hard-line as many liberals on the Social Security question. ",
"Simpson and his compadre Erskine Bowles proposed raising the retirement age to 69 by 2075. ",
"I don’t find that offensive. ",
"I’d carve out exceptions for those doing really hard work, assuming anyone in this country still is by then. ",
"The switch to the “chained consumer price index,” which they also proposed, I’m more skeptical of, because it plainly is a reduction in benefits, and a much more immediate one, and especially for older recipients. ",
"But on the plus side, they actually propose a modest increase in the FICA tax to ensure that FICA would be withheld on 90 percent of all wages earned in America instead of the current 86 percent (economists have for many complicated reasons divined that 90 is the best of all possible numbers). ",
"So their proposals were not extreme to me.",
"\n\nThe question here, though, is the role the widely respected Simpson is choosing to play right now, at a crucial moment in this process, knowing the weight his words carry. ",
"He has choices. ",
"He could have told Politico many different things. ",
"And what he chose to do, at least if the paper represented his comments fully and fairly, is put all the political pressure on Obama and none—zero—on Republicans. ",
"And this in turn plays into what may be the most perfidious distortion of the current fiscal debate—that Democrats are as much to blame for the impasse as the GOP. ",
"It just isn’t remotely true. ",
"Obama put around $350 million in Medicare and Medicaid reductions on the table. ",
"For the deficit-hawks, this isn’t nearly enough. ",
"But for most Democrats in Congress, it’s way too much. ",
"So Obama has put entitlement money on the table in a way that pains his own side.",
"\n\nWhat have the Republicans put on the table? ",
"Not yet an actual penny in revenue. ",
"Not one. ",
"Ya think Simpson might have said that? ",
"And remember this, from the debt-ceiling negotiations over the summer: Obama was willing at that point to put some aspect of Social Security on the chopping block, in the famously unconsummated “grand bargain.” ",
"Here’s Lori Montgomery’s lead from her July 6 Washington Post story: “President Obama is pressing congressional leaders to consider a far-reaching debt-reduction plan that would force Democrats to accept major changes to Social Security and Medicare for Republican support for fresh tax revenue.”",
"\n\nAnd what happened? ",
"John Boehner walked away. ",
"Because, of course, of taxes. ",
"He wanted the whole cake, and when he didn’t get it, he stormed off. ",
"And for this, Obama now deserves blame?",
"\n\nMaybe Simpson is a bigger fan of Paul Ryan’s budget. ",
"Oh wait, I forgot. ",
"Ryan’s plan didn’t touch Social Security either! ",
"That must have an abrogation of leadership too. ",
"But that somehow went unremarked.",
"\n\nI am not Barack Obama’s greatest admirer these days, as I’ve made clear more than once. ",
"But this is really a cheap shot from Simpson. ",
"And is it not a deeply partisan one too? ",
"He’s “saddened” by the president’s rhetoric? ",
"And by Republicans’ rhetoric, he is . . . ",
"what? ",
"This is supposed to be Mr. Bipartisan, as he has been called—and will undoubtedly continue to be called—by many members of the high pundit class. ",
"What could be less bipartisan than taking a whack at a president who has in fact tried to talk turkey with the GOP on Social Security, at risk of completely alienating his own base (if you’re a liberal and remember how you were feeling about Obama in the first week of July, you know what I’m talking about), while letting the leaders of his own party, who have been completely unmovable, skate away unscathed?",
"\n\nSimpson knows he can walk this edge and still be taken Very Seriously because he knows how the conversation in Washington is set up. ",
"Democrats who won’t discuss entitlements are not “serious.” ",
"But Republicans who won’t discuss taxes are . . . ",
"just being Republicans. ",
"All the terms of the debate enable blackmail by the GOP: If no one expects you to behave like a reasonable person, then you simply don’t have to—and all the pressure to behave responsibly is transferred to those on the other side. ",
"It does not resemble Earth logic, but very little about Washington does."
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"Peraluminous rock\n\nPeraluminous rocks are igneous rocks that have a molecular proportion of aluminium oxide higher than the combination of sodium oxide, potassium oxide and calcium oxide. ",
"This contrasts with peralkaline in which the alkalis are higher, metaluminous where aluminium oxide concentration is lower than the combination, but above the alkalis, and subaluminous in which aluminia concentration is lower than the combination. ",
"Examples of peraluminous minerals include biotite, muscovite, cordierite, andalusite and garnet.",
"\n\nPeraluminous corresponds to the aluminum saturation index values greater than 1.",
"\n\nPeralumneous magmas can form S-type granitoids and have been linked to collisional orogenies and to the formation of tin, tungsten and silver deposits such as those in the Bolivian tin belt.",
"\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Igneous rocks"
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"Legend says a humble French scribe named Nicolas Flamel discovered the philosopher’s stone—the alchemical secret to physical transmutation. ",
"To immortality itself. ",
"After turning a half-pound of mercury into gold, fear consumed Flamel: what man could resist the temptations of unlimited wealth and immortality? ",
"In a show of Christian humility, Flamel hid his manuscripts and dedicated his life to philanthropy. ",
"What remained of his synthetic treasure built several schools, seven churches, and 14 hospitals. ",
"He died a lifetime later, in 1418.",
"\n\nThe Democrats appear to have rediscovered Flamel’s alchemical texts and have used their knowledge of the philosopher’s stone to transform immigrants and blue-collar conservatives into reliable voters. ",
"This has made the once-dying Democratic Party all but immortal.",
"\n\nFamily Ties\n\nIt is no secret that by 1965 the Democratic Party’s future looked bleak. ",
"The exploitation of black-white tensions—the Democrats’ bread-and-butter—no longer looked like a “growth industry.” ",
"To stave off their political decline the Democrats needed a new strategy. ",
"They needed new voters.",
"\n\nEnter the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. ",
"This legislation (and the political zeitgeist animating its passage) had two primary effects. ",
"First, it opened the floodgates and ushered in the modern era of mass immigration. ",
"Since 1965, more than 45 million people have immigrated to the United States. ",
"This influx greatly increased America’s foreign-born population. ",
"Consider that fully 14 percent of people living in America today are foreign-born. ",
"In 1970, this figure was a mere 5 percent.",
"\n\nSecond, the law changed the composition of immigrants to America by removing country of origin quotas and including a “family reunification” provision (which ironically was supposed to maintain America’s traditional demographic composition). ",
"This opened the door to virtually unfettered immigration from the Third World. ",
"Fully 75 percent of immigrants to America in 1965 came from Europe—a continent with which America shares indelible ancestral, religious, and cultural bonds. ",
"Now just 12.1 percent of immigrants come from Europe. ",
"The vast majority arrive from Latin America and Asia, while the number of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East is rising sharply.",
"\n\nThe mass immigration of disparate, sometimes even feuding, groups of people into America has reinvigorated the Democratic Party. ",
"Why? ",
"Immigrants vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. ",
"The Center for Immigration Studies found that immigrants vote for Democrats by a ratio of at least two-to-one—and this gap is widening. ",
"This data is supported by a study from the Pew Research Center, which found that nonwhite Americans vote for Democrats by a roughly 3-to-1 ratio.",
"\n\nNot only do immigrants vote left, so do their children—and their children’s children. ",
"As it turns out, political affiliation is highly heritable, as Jonathan Haidt notes in The Righteous Mind. ",
"This is confirmed by research compiled by Alex Nowrasteh, an open-borders advocate so rabid and incompetent that he published data proving precisely the opposite of his thesis. ",
"Regardless, this is not to say that politics is reducible to genetics, but there is no question that the beliefs and values that underpin a person’s political opinions are configured by their biological and cultural predispositions. ",
"Politics runs in the family.",
"\n\nReplacement Population\n\nTying two-and-two together: the migration of tens of millions of Democrats into America has completely changed our political landscape. ",
"Remember when California was a Republican stronghold? ",
"Californians supported every Republican presidential candidate between 1952 and 1988 (the one exception being Barry Goldwater in 1964).",
"\n\nWhat changed? ",
"The people.",
"\n\nSince 1960, California’s population exploded from 15.9 million to 39 million. ",
"This growth was almost entirely due to immigration. ",
"In fact, some 10 million first-generation immigrants currently reside in California. ",
"This has changed the voter demographics so significantly that California is now a one-party state. ",
"Furthermore, immigration has also shifted California’s political midpoint to the left. ",
"This means that to remain (somewhat) competitive, California’s Republicans must abandon or soften many of their core positions. ",
"Immigration turned California blue.",
"\n\nAnd as they say: as goes California, so goes the nation.",
"\n\nMost people are shocked to learn that American-born voters have not elected a Democratic president since Lyndon B. Johnson back in 1964 (Ross Perot’s antics securing Clinton’s victory in 1992 aside). ",
"As it turns out, every Democratic president for the last 50 years won because the immigrant voting bloc tipped the scales in their favor.",
"\n\nA cursory glance at the data shows that immigration is greatly diminishing any chance that President Trump may have in 2020. ",
"Remember, Trump won by just 112,911 votes in Florida and 10,704 in Michigan—both states which may decide the 2020 election. ",
"Immigration is erasing these margins. ",
"A net 147,000 immigrants settle in Florida every year. ",
"Meanwhile, some 22,919 people immigrate to Michigan annually. ",
"If these people vote in line with the national average (which has held steady for decades), then just one or two more years of immigration will flip them.",
"\n\nGold From Lead\n\nWhile Nicolas Flamel supposedly used the philosopher’s stone to fund the construction of churches and hospitals, the Democrats did something sinister: they used political alchemy to transmute temperamentally conservative, blue-collar voters into reluctant socialists.",
"\n\nIn 1993, President Bill Clinton promised that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) would create “a million [American] jobs in the first five years.” ",
"He also said NAFTA’s “side agreements” would “make it harder than it is today for businesses to relocate solely because of very low [Mexican] wages or lax environmental laws.”",
"\n\nSince then, of course, a net 800,000 American manufacturing jobs moved to Mexico “solely because of very low [Mexican] wages or lax environmental laws.” ",
"In other words, Clinton lied. ",
"American companies simply could not pass up the opportunity to offshore their factories and save piles of cash. ",
"Why pay American workers a middle-class wage when they can pay Mexican peasants a pittance? ",
"Why adopt environmentally-conscious technologies when Mexico lets you pollute to your heart’s content? ",
"Imagine if the shareholders found out!",
"\n\nFewer factory jobs is just the tip of the iceberg. ",
"Why? ",
"Manufacturing is an anchor industry upon which predicate industries depend. ",
"A factory is like an oilfield or a mine because it generates material wealth, which then supports a host of service industries. ",
"Lawyers and barbers need miners and factory workers—not the reverse. ",
"According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, each manufacturing job supports roughly 1.5 service jobs. ",
"Thus, NAFTA likely displaces a net 1.7 million jobs.",
"\n\nHere’s where the alchemy begins in earnest. ",
"The geographic concentration of trade deficit-fueled unemployment was in America’s industrial heartland, now known as the Rust Belt. ",
"Factory closure after factory closure flooded the already-constricted labor market with fresh job-seekers. ",
"This drove down wages for everyone and virtually guaranteed that millions would remain chronically unemployed. ",
"Men who had worked a steady job for decades lost everything overnight. ",
"And in their despair, they turned to the government for help.",
"\n\nAfter all, the Democrats promised to care for the unemployed, to provide welfare for those honest, hard-working Americans who were “just down on their luck.” ",
"But it had nothing to do with luck: America’s manufacturing industry was slaughtered like a lamb by NAFTA and a host of other globalist “free-trade” agreements. ",
"As unemployment grew and wages shrank, the Democrats solidified their political supremacy by addicting the population to welfare. ",
"Meantime, the U.S. economy transformed from one of widespread innovation and production to one of low-paying service jobs, stagnating wages, and extreme inequality. ",
"California, again, is illustrative: the fifth-largest economy in the world boasts impossibly high home prices and the largest population of U.S. billionaires as well as one-third of the nation’s of welfare recipients and areas of endemic poverty rivaling Mississippi’s.",
"\n\nIn the end, only the Democratic Party benefited.",
"\n\nWhat happened to California and states in the Rust Belt is not simply an example of political iatrogenics run amok—it is a clear case of political alchemy. ",
"The Democratic Party lost the war of ideas decades ago, but has remained a national force because it imported millions of new voters, and bought millions more.",
"\n\nNo matter what it claims, the facts are clear: the Democratic Party does not care about the economy. ",
"It does not care about America. ",
"And it does not care about you. ",
"It cares only about winning elections.",
"\n\nPhoto credit: iStock/Getty Images"
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endif\n\n call extend(l:mappings, get(g:, 'wiki_mappings_local', {}))\n\n call wiki#init#apply_mappings_from_dict(l:mappings, '<buffer>')\nendfunction\n\n\" }}}1\n\nfunction! 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"s:apply_template() abort \" {{{1\n if filereadable(expand('%')) | return | endif\n\n let l:match = matchlist(expand('%:t:r'), '^\\(\\d\\d\\d\\d\\)_\\(\\w\\)\\(\\d\\d\\)$')\n if empty(l:match) | return | endif\n let [l:year, l:type, l:number] = l:match[1:3]\n\n if l:type ==# 'w'\n call wiki#template#weekly_summary(l:year, l:number)\n elseif l:type ==# 'm'\n call wiki#template#monthly_summary(l:year, l:number)\n endif\nendfunction\n\n\" }}}1\n"
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"Direct pharmacologic and osmolal effects of contrast media on the mechanics of heart muscle isolated from cats.",
"\nWe studied 56 right ventricular papillary muscles isolated from cats to determine whether the direct mechanical effects of contrast media are due to their pharmacologic action or to the hyperosmolality caused by them. ",
"A 10% solution of Renografin-76 abruptly decreased force 22% below control, then slowly increased it to 22% above control. ",
"To elucidate these changes we also studied: (1) Renografin-60 (lower concentration of diatrizoate); (2) meglumine and diatrizoate; (3) meglumine alone; (4) diatrizoate sodium; (5) ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) (same concentration as in Renografin-76); (6) sucrose to increase osmolality; and (7) Amipaque (metrizamide), a contrast medium without meglumine or diatrizoate. ",
"All solutions containing meglumine, and EDTA alone decreased force. ",
"Diatrizoate sodium also decreased force initially, presumably due to the high sodium concentration. ",
"Meglumine alone decreased force abruptly and substantially. ",
"In contrast, metrizamide and 100 mmol sucrose only increased force. ",
"Thus, the abrupt decrease in force was caused by the pharmacologic action of meglumine, EDTA, or high sodium in the contrast media, whereas the slow increase in force was caused by hyperosmolality."
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"Allobaculum stercoricanis\n\nAllobaculum stercoricanis is an anaerobic, non-spore-forming and rod-shaped bacterium from the genus of Allobaculum which has been isolated from feces from a dog.",
"´\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nType strain of Allobaculum stercoricanis at BacDive - the Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase\t\n\nCategory:Erysipelotrichia\nCategory:Bacteria described in 2006"
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"NMB council sitting to vote out Trollip collapses again\n\nIt is the second time in two weeks that a sitting of councilliors came to nought in respect of the the EFF-led motion.",
"\n\nPORT ELIZABETH - Another Nelson Mandela Bay council meeting to debate a motion of no-confidence in Mayor Athol Trollip has been postponed indefinitely.",
"\n\nIt is the second time in two weeks that a sitting of councilliors came to nought in respect of the the EFF-led motion.",
"\n\nBouts of heckling dominated council proceedings much like they did at the last meeting.",
"\n\nCouncillors where afforded the opportunity on Tuesday morning to pay tribute to the late Winnie Mandikizela-Mandela ahead of the proceedings starting.",
"\n\nBut that’s as far as proceedings got.",
"\n\nWATCH: NMB council debates no-confidence motion against Trollip\n\nDA councillor, Nqaba Bhanga was drowned out by some in the opposition benches who jeered him as he spoke.",
"\n\nCouncil Speaker Jonathan Lawack says that councillors now have to argue why a future meeting should be rescheduled.",
"\n\nWhatever happens from here on in, it is almost a certainty that another council sitting to hear the no-confidence motion will turn chaotic."
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"söndag 31 januari 2016\n\nAnnie hates running. ",
"No\nmatter how far she jogs, she can’t escape the guilt that if she hadn’t\nbroken up with Kyle, he might still be alive. ",
"So to honor his memory,\nshe starts preparing for the marathon he intended to race.",
"\n\nBut\nthe training is even more grueling than Annie could have imagined.",
"\nDespite her coaching, she’s at war with her body, her mind—and her\nheart. ",
"With every mile that athletic Jeremiah cheers her on, she grows\nmore conflicted. ",
"She wants to run into his arms…and sprint in the\nopposite direction. ",
"For Annie, opening up to love again may be even more\nof a challenge than crossing the finish line.",
"\n\nEveryone at Hundred\nOaks High knows that career mentoring day is a joke. ",
"So when Maya Henry\nsaid she wanted to be a rock star, she never imagined she’d get to\nshadow *the* Jesse Scott, Nashville’s teen idol.",
"\n\nBut spending the\nday with Jesse is far from a dream come true. ",
"He’s as gorgeous as his\nmusic, but seeing all that he’s accomplished is just a reminder of\neverything Maya’s lost: her trust, her boyfriend, their band, and any\nchance to play the music she craves. ",
"Not to mention that Jesse’s pushy\nand opinionated. ",
"He made it on his own, and he thinks Maya’s playing\nback up to other people’s dreams. ",
"Does she have what it takes to follow\nher heart—and go solo?",
"\n\nfredag 29 januari 2016\n\nLois Lane is starting a\nnew life in Metropolis. ",
"An Army brat, Lois has lived all over—and seen\nall kinds of things. (",
"Some of them defy explanation, like the\nnear-disaster she witnessed in Kansas in the middle of one night.) ",
"But\nnow her family is putting down roots in the big city, and Lois is\ndetermined to fit in. ",
"Stay quiet. ",
"Fly straight. ",
"As soon as she steps\ninto her new high school, though, she can see it won’t be that easy. ",
"A\ngroup known as the Warheads is making life miserable for another girl at\nschool. ",
"They’re messing with her mind, somehow, via the high-tech\nimmersive videogame they all play. ",
"Not cool. ",
"Armed with her wit and her\nnew snazzy job as a reporter, Lois has her sights set on solving this\nmystery. ",
"But sometimes it’s all a bit much. ",
"Thank goodness for her\nmaybe-more-than-a friend, a guy she knows only by his screenname,\nSmallvilleGuy.",
"\n\ntorsdag 28 januari 2016\n\nEighteen-year-old Tally\nis absolutely sure of everything: her genius, the love of her adoptive\nfamily, the loyalty of her best friend, Shane, and her future career as a\nNobel prize-winning astronomer. ",
"There's no room in her tidy world for\nheartbreak or uncertainty—or the charismatic, troubled mother who\nabandoned her soon after she was born. ",
"But when a sudden discovery\nupends her fiercely ordered world, Tally sets out on an unexpected quest\nto seek out the reclusive musician who may hold the key to her past—and\ninstead finds Maddy, an enigmatic and beautiful girl who will unlock\nthe door to her future. ",
"The deeper she falls in love with Maddy, the\nmore Tally begins to realize that the universe is bigger—and more\ncomplicated—than she ever imagined. ",
"Can Tally face the truth about her\nfamily—and find her way home in time to save herself from its\nconsequences?",
"\n\nEvery story needs a hero.",
"Every story needs a villain.",
"Every story needs a secret.",
"\n\nWink\nis the odd, mysterious neighbor girl, wild red hair and freckles. ",
"Poppy\nis the blond bully and the beautiful, manipulative high school queen\nbee. ",
"Midnight is the sweet, uncertain boy caught between them. ",
"\nPoppy. ",
"Midnight. ",
"Two girls. ",
"One boy. ",
"Three voices that burst onto the\npage in short, sharp, bewitching chapters, and spiral swiftly and\ninexorably toward something terrible or tricky or tremendous.",
"\n\nWhat really happened?Someone knows.",
"Someone is lying.",
"\n\nComment: This is one of my most anticipated releases this year, and I'm just dying to read it. ",
"April Genevieve Tucholke is one of my favorite authors, and I just know this will be amazing.",
"\n\ntisdag 26 januari 2016\n\nFreebie Week! ",
"Pick a topic near and dear to your heart! ",
"Something you wished was on our\n\nofficial list!",
"\n\nAnd since I couldn't quite come up with a bookish topic, and because I'm so addicted to The 100 right now, I've chosen to list my five favorite ongoing TV Shows right now.",
"\n\n5. ",
"The Flash\n\nI started watching The Flash last fall (I have this thing when I almost always wait until a whole season is out, before I start watching a show. ",
"It's a habit I picked up after falling in love with Joss Whedon's Dollhouse many years ago, only to see it cancelled way to soon), and I absolutely love it. ",
"Barry Allen is the cutest, and I'm just so fascinated by all the Meta Humans.",
"\n\n4. ",
"Criminal Minds\n\nI've watched this since the premiere, and it never gets tiring. ",
"I love all the new cases, and all the serial killer stuff, and most of all, I love Dr. Spencer Reid. ",
"Some episodes are pretty scary, but that's kind of the best part of the whole show.",
"\n\n3. ",
"The Big Bang Theory\n\nThis show is so funny, and so nerdy. ",
"And Jim Parsons as Sheldon Cooper is just the best there is.",
"\n\n2. ",
"The 100\n\nI've just recently started watching this (I have three episodes left on season 2, so, shh..no spoilers please), but it's already one of my favorites. ",
"I love the action, and the drama, and I just cannot stop watching.",
"\n\n1. ",
"Arrow\n\nI never expected to love this as much as I do, but I can just watch it over and over again. ",
"I love everything about it, but especially the characters. ",
"Oh, and the crossovers between this and The Flash are just to die for.",
"\n\nmåndag 25 januari 2016\n\nA gorgeous retelling of the Persephone myth, Sarah McCarry brings us the story of Cass and Maia--the mothers from All Our Pretty Songs--and how their fates became intertwined.",
"\n\nMaia\nis a teenage piano prodigy and dutiful daughter, imprisoned in the\noppressive silence of her adoptive parents' house like a princess in an\nivory tower. ",
"Cass is a street rat, witch, and runaway, scraping by with\nher wits and her knack for a five-fingered discount. ",
"When a chance\nencounter brings the two girls together, an unlikely friendship blossoms\nthat will soon change the course of both their lives. ",
"Cass springs Maia\nfrom the jail of the only world she's ever known, and Maia's only too\nhappy to make a break for it. ",
"But Cass didn't reckon on Jason, the\nhypnotic blue-eyed rocker who'd capture Maia's heart as soon as Cass set\nher free--and Cass isn't the only one who's noticed Maia's\nextraordinary gifts. ",
"Is Cass strong enough to battle the ancient evil\nshe's unwittingly awakened--or has she walked into a trap that will\ndestroy everything she cares about? ",
"In this time, like in any time, love\nis a dangerous game.",
"\n\nTitel: The Shrunken HeadFörfattare: Lauren Oliver & H.C. ChesterSerie: The Curiosity House #1Sidor: 362Blessed\nwith extraordinary abilities, orphans Philippa, Sam, and Thomas have\ngrown up happily in Dumfrey’s Dime Museum of Freaks, Oddities, and\nWonders. ",
"But when a fourth child, Max, a knife-thrower, joins the\ngroup, it sets off an unforgettable chain of events. ",
"When the museum’s\nAmazonian shrunken head is stolen, the four are determined to get it\nback. ",
"But their search leads them to a series of murders and an\nexplosive secret about their pasts.",
"\n\nsöndag 24 januari 2016\n\nNicolette’s awful\nstepsisters call her “Mechanica” to demean her, but the nickname fits:\nshe learned to be an inventor at her mother’s knee. ",
"Her mom is gone now,\nthough, and the Steps have turned her into a servant in her own home.",
"\n\nThen\non her sixteenth birthday, Nicolette discovers a secret workshop in the\ncellar and begins to dare to imagine a new life for herself. ",
"Could the\nmysterious books and tools hidden there—and the mechanical menagerie,\nled by a tiny metal horse named Jules—be the key to escaping her dreary\nexistence? ",
"With a technological exposition and royal ball on the\nhorizon, the timing might just be perfect for Nicolette to earn her\nfreedom at last.",
"\n\nlördag 23 januari 2016\n\nCLEO: Reeling after a bloody\nshowdown in Limeros ending with Amara’s abduction of the water crystal,\nand a vacancy in the Mytican throne, Princess Cleo must cast aside her\nfeelings and look toward her kingdom with the eyes of a Queen.",
"\n\nMAGNUS:\nWith the kingdom in chaos, Princess Lucia still missing and quite\npossibly in danger, and a shocking realization about Cleo, the steely\nprince is once again torn between love and duty, leaving him wondering\nwhether he’s strong enough to rule his people.",
"\n\nLUCIA:\nThe young sorcercess has had her vengeance after the cruel death of her\nfirst and only love. ",
"Heartbroken and unable to trust anyone, she allies\nwith the awoken Fire god, who also seeks revenge.",
"\n\nJONAS:\nAfter escaping death by the skin of his teeth, the defeated rebel—along\nwith a mysterious stranger–leader reunites with Princess Cleo, only to\nfind himself a mere pawn in a dangerous hunt for the elusive Kindred.",
"\n\nKING GAIUS:\nAbandoned by Melenia and betrayed by his own children, Gaius flees\nMytica and sails to Kraeshia, where he attempts to ally with the\nfamously brutal emperor across the Silver Sea.",
"\n\nIn a pursuit that has\nspanned continents, Iolanthe, Titus, and their friends have always\nmanaged to remain one step ahead of the forces of Atlantis. ",
"But now the\nBane, the monstrous tyrant who bestrides the entire mage world, has\nissued his ultimatum: Titus must hand over Iolanthe, or watch as his\nentire realm is destroyed in a deadly rampage. ",
"Running out of time and\noptions, Iolanthe and Titus must act decisively to deliver a final blow\nto the Bane, ending his reign of terror for good.",
"\n\nHowever,\ngetting to the Bane means accomplishing the impossible—finding a way to\ninfiltrate his crypt in the deepest recesses of the most ferociously\nguarded fortress in Atlantis. ",
"And everything is only made more difficult\nwhen new prophecies come to light, foretelling a doomed effort…\n\nIolanthe and Titus will put their love and their lives on the line. ",
"But will it be enough?",
"\n\ntorsdag 21 januari 2016\n\nSet against the lush,\nmagical backdrop of the Pacific Northwest, two inseparable best friends\nwho have grown up like sisters—the charismatic, mercurial, and beautiful\nAurora and the devoted, soulful, watchful narrator—find their bond\nchallenged for the first time ever when a mysterious and gifted musician\nnamed Jack comes between them. ",
"Suddenly, each girl must decide what\nmatters most: friendship, or love. ",
"What both girls don’t know is that\nthe stakes are even higher than either of them could have imagined.",
"\nThey’re not the only ones who have noticed Jack’s gift; his music has\nawakened an ancient evil—and a world both above and below which may not\nbe mythical at all. ",
"The real and the mystical; the romantic and the\nheartbreaking all begin to swirl together, carrying the two on journey\nthat is both enthralling and terrifying.",
"\n\nAnd it’s up to the narrator to protect the people she loves—if she can..\n\n“I’m a chalkboard that’s been erased over and over again until there’s\nnothing left but a haze of white dust. ",
"Before this I never understood\nhow long an hour could take, how many ticks of the second hand are in a\nminute, how endless the space between seconds can be.”",
"\n\nLos Angeles. ",
"It’s been\nfive years since the events of the Mortal Instruments when Nephilim\nstood poised on the brink of oblivion and Shadowhunter Emma Carstairs\nlost her parents. ",
"After the blood and violence she witnessed as a child,\nEmma has dedicated her life to to discovering exactly what it was that\nkilled her parents and getting her revenge.",
"\n\nRaised in the Los\nAngeles Institute with the Blackthorn family, Emma is paired as a\nparabatai with her best friend, Julian Blackthorn. ",
"A series of murders\nin the city catch her attention — they seem to have the same\ncharacteristics as the deaths of her parents. ",
"Could the murderer be the\nsame person? ",
"And her attention isn’t the only one caught: someone has\nbeen murdering Downworlders as well. ",
"The Fair Folk make a deal with the\nInstitute: if the Blackthorns and Emma will investigate the killings,\nthey’ll return Mark Blackthorn to his home. ",
"The catch: they have only\ntwo weeks to find the killers. ",
"Otherwise it’s open war between faeries\nand Nephilim.",
"\n\nThe Shadowhunters of the Institute must race\nagainst time to catch the killers, even as they begin to suspect the\ninvolvement of those closest to them. ",
"At the same time, Emma is falling\nin love with the one person in the world she’s absolutely forbidden by\nShadowhunter Law to love. ",
"Set against the glittering backdrop of\npresent-day Los Angeles, Emma must learn to trust her head and her heart\nas she investigates a demonic plot that stretches from the warlock-run\nnightclubs of the Sunset Strip to the enchanted sea that pounds the\nbeaches of Santa Monica.",
"\n\nComment: Cassie Clare is one of my favorite authors, and I love her world of Shadowhunters. ",
"So I simply cannot wait to read this one, and my expectations are so, so high.",
"\n\nmåndag 18 januari 2016\n\nFour years ago, Judith\nand her best friend disappeared from their small town of Roswell\nStation. ",
"Two years ago, only Judith returned, permanently mutilated,\nreviled and ignored by those who were once her friends and family.",
"\n\nUnable\nto speak, Judith lives like a ghost in her own home, silently pouring\nout her thoughts to the boy who’s owned her heart as long as she can\nremember—even if he doesn’t know it—her childhood friend, Lucas.",
"\n\nBut\nwhen Roswell Station is attacked, long-buried secrets come to light,\nand Judith is forced to choose: continue to live in silence, or recover\nher voice, even if it means changing her world, and the lives around\nher, forever.",
"\n\nsöndag 17 januari 2016\n\nLivia is a dreamstrider.",
"\nShe can inhabit a subject's body while they are sleeping and, for a\nshort time, move around in their skin. ",
"She uses her talent to work as a\nspy for the Barstadt Empire. ",
"But her partner, Brandt, has lately become\ndistant, and when Marez comes to join their team from a neighborhing\nkingdom, he offers Livia the option of a life she had never dared to\nimagine. ",
"Livia knows of no other dreamstriders who have survived the\npull of Nightmare. ",
"So only she understands the stakes when a plot\nagainst the Empire emerges that threatens to consume both the dreaming\nworld and the waking one with misery and rage.",
"\n\nCallum Hunt’s summer\nbreak isn’t like other kids’. ",
"His closest companion is a Chaos-ridden\nwolf, Havoc. ",
"His father suspects him of being secretly evil. ",
"And, of\ncourse, most kids aren’t heading back to the magical world of the\nMagisterium in the fall.",
"\n\nIt’s not easy for Call . . . ",
"and it gets\neven harder after he checks out his basement and discovers that his dad\nmight be trying to destroy both him and Havoc.",
"\n\nCall escapes to\nthe Magisterium -- but things only intensify there. ",
"The Alkahest -- a\ncopper gauntlet capable of separating certain magicians from their magic\n-- has been stolen. ",
"And in their search to discover the culprit, Call\nand his friends Aaron and Tamara awaken the attention of some very\ndangerous foes -- and get closer to an even more dangerous truth.",
"\n\nThe Iron Prince—my nephew—betrayed us all. ",
"He killed me. ",
"Then, I woke up.",
"\n\nWaking\nafter a month on the brink of death, Ethan Chase is stunned to learn\nthat the Veil that conceals the fey from human sight was temporarily\ntorn away. ",
"Although humankind's glimpse of the world of Faery lasted\njust a brief moment, the human world has been cast into chaos, and the\nemotion and glamour produced by fear and wonder has renewed the\ntremendous power of the Forgotten Queen. ",
"Now, she is at the forefront of\nan uprising against the courts of Summer and Winter—a reckoning that\nwill have cataclysmic effects on the Nevernever.",
"\n\nLeading the\nLady's Forgotten Army is Keirran himself: Ethan's nephew, and the\ntraitor son of the Iron Queen, Meghan Chase.",
"To stop Keirran, Ethan must\ndisobey his sister once again as he and his girlfriend, Kenzie, search\nfor answers long forgotten. ",
"In the face of unprecedented evil and\nunfathomable power, Ethan's enemies must become his allies, and the\nworld of the fey will be changed forevermore.",
"\n\nAlien queen Kora has a\nproblem as vast as the endless crimson deserts. ",
"She’s the first female\nruler of her territory in generations, but her people are rioting and\ncall for her violent younger twin brother to take the throne. ",
"Despite\nassassination attempts, a mounting uprising of nomadic human rebels, and\npressure to find a mate to help her rule, she’s determined to protect\nher people from her brother’s would-be tyrannical rule.",
"\n\nEros is a\nrebel soldier hated by aliens and human alike for being a half-blood.",
"\nYet that doesn’t stop him from defending his people, at least until\nKora’s soldiers raze his camp and take him captive. ",
"He’s given an\nultimatum: be an enslaved bodyguard to Kora, or be executed for his true\nidentity—a secret kept even from him.",
"\n\nWhen Kora and Eros are\nframed for the attempted assassination of her betrothed, they flee.",
"\nTheir only chance of survival is to turn themselves in to the high\ncourt, where revealing Eros’s secret could mean a swift public\nexecution. ",
"But when they uncover a violent plot to end the human\ninsurgency, they must find a way to work together to prevent genocide.",
"\n\nComment: This sounds so exciting, and I've heard some great things about this book. ",
"I can't wait to finally read it.",
"\n\nmåndag 11 januari 2016\n\nThe Devil’s Engine is a\nmachine from the darkest parts of history. ",
"It can make any wish come\ntrue—as long as you are willing to put your life on the line. ",
"When a\nsixteen-year-old asthmatic kid named Marlow Green finds himself trapped\nin a surreal firefight against nightmarish creatures in the middle of\nhis New York City neighborhood, he discovers a squad of secret soldiers\ndedicated to battling the legions of the Devil himself. ",
"Faced with\nmonstrous apparitions, ancient weaponry, and his own hellishly tedious\nhigh school existence, Marlow submits to a demonic deal with the\ninfernal device that enables him to join the battle—if it doesn’t kill\nhim first.",
"\n\nsöndag 10 januari 2016\n\nMysterious doors with\nlizard-head knobs. ",
"Talking stone statues. ",
"A crazy girl with a hatchet.",
"\nYes, Liv's dreams have been pretty weird lately. ",
"Especially the one\nwhere she's in a graveyard at night, watching four boys conduct dark\nmagic rituals.",
"\n\nThe strangest part is that Liv recognizes the boys\nin her dream. ",
"They're classmates from her new school in London, the\nschool where she's starting over because her mom has moved them to a new\ncountry (again). ",
"But what's really scaring Liv is that the dream boys\nseem to know things about her in real life, things they couldn't\npossibly know--unless they actually are in her dreams? ",
"Luckily, Liv never could resist a good mystery, and all four of those boys are pretty cute...\n\nfredag 8 januari 2016\n\nSelf-proclaimed fat\ngirl Willowdean Dickson (dubbed “Dumplin’” by her former beauty queen\nmom) has always been at home in her own skin. ",
"Her thoughts on having the\nultimate bikini body? ",
"Put a bikini on your body. ",
"With her all-American\nbeauty best friend, Ellen, by her side, things have always worked…until\nWill takes a job at Harpy’s, the local fast-food joint. ",
"There she meets\nPrivate School Bo, a hot former jock. ",
"Will isn’t surprised to find\nherself attracted to Bo. ",
"But she is surprised when he seems to like her\nback.",
"\n\nInstead of finding new heights of self-assurance in her\nrelationship with Bo, Will starts to doubt herself. ",
"So she sets out to\ntake back her confidence by doing the most horrifying thing she can\nimagine: entering the Miss Clover City beauty pageant—along with several\nother unlikely candidates—to show the world that she deserves to be up\nthere as much as any twiggy girl does. ",
"Along the way, she’ll shock the\nhell out of Clover City—and maybe herself most of all.",
"\n\nTitel: An Ember in the AshesFörfattare: Sabaa TahirSerie: An Ember in the Ashes #1Sidor: 446Under the Martial Empire,\ndefiance is met with death. ",
"Those who do not vow their blood and bodies\nto the Emperor risk the execution of their loved ones and the\ndestruction of all they hold dear.",
"\n\nIt is in this brutal world,\ninspired by ancient Rome, that Laia lives with her grandparents and\nolder brother. ",
"The family ekes out an existence in the Empire’s\nimpoverished backstreets. ",
"They do not challenge the Empire. ",
"They’ve seen\nwhat happens to those who do.",
"\n\nBut when Laia’s brother is\narrested for treason, Laia is forced to make a decision. ",
"In exchange for\nhelp from rebels who promise to rescue her brother, she will risk her\nlife to spy for them from within the Empire’s greatest military academy.",
"\n\nThere,\nLaia meets Elias, the school’s finest soldier—and secretly, its most\nunwilling. ",
"Elias wants only to be free of the tyranny he’s being trained\nto enforce. ",
"He and Laia will soon realize that their destinies are\nintertwined—and that their choices will change the fate of the Empire\nitself."
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"WASHINGTON President Obama on Thursday will unveil nearly $17 billion in additional budget cuts for the coming fiscal year to showcase what a top adviser called a “constant” effort to find savings at a time when the government’s costs for bailouts, health care and wars are mounting far faster.",
"\n\nThe savings for the budget year starting Oct. 1 represent the sum of Mr. Obama’s promised “line by line” scrubbing of the federal budget. ",
"But, underscoring the nation’s fiscal plight, the proposed cuts represent about 1.4 percent of the $1.2 trillion deficit that is projected for the fiscal year 2010.",
"\n\nThe president’s 10-year budget outline, released in February, shows the deficit declining by his final year in office to $533 billion, mostly through assumptions about when the recession will end and the pace of renewed economic growth that many economists consider somewhat optimistic.",
"\n\nThe $17 billion would be saved through terminating or reducing 121 federal programs, ranging from $632,000 to eliminate the post of an attaché for the Education Department in the American Embassy in Paris to $142 million by ending a program to clean up abandoned mines."
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"/*\n * Asterisk -- An open source telephony toolkit.",
"\n *\n * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2006, Digium, Inc.\n *\n * See http://www.asterisk.org for more information about\n * the Asterisk project. ",
"Please do not directly contact\n * any of the maintainers of this project for assistance;\n * the project provides a web site, mailing lists and IRC\n * channels for your use.",
"\n *\n * This program is free software, distributed under the terms of\n * the GNU General Public License Version 2. ",
"See the LICENSE file\n * at the top of the source tree.",
"\n */\n\n/*! ",
"\\file\n *\n * \\brief Simple module check function\n * \\author Olle E. Johansson, Edvina.net\n *\n * \\ingroup functions\n */\n\n/*** MODULEINFO\n\t<support_level>core</support_level>\n ***/\n\n#include \"asterisk.h\"\n\n#include \"asterisk/module.h\"\n#include \"asterisk/pbx.h\"\n\n/*** DOCUMENTATION\n\t<function name=\"IFMODULE\" language=\"en_US\">\n\t\t<synopsis>\n\t\t\tChecks if an Asterisk module is loaded in memory.",
"\n\t\t</synopsis>\n\t\t<syntax>\n\t\t\t<parameter name=\"modulename.so\" required=\"true\">\n\t\t\t\t<para>Module name complete with <literal>.so</literal></para>\n\t\t\t</parameter>\n\t\t</syntax>\n\t\t<description>\n\t\t\t<para>Checks if a module is loaded. ",
"Use the full module name\n\t\t\tas shown by the list in <literal>module list</literal>.",
"\n\t\t\tReturns <literal>1</literal> if module exists in memory, otherwise <literal>0</literal></para>\n\t\t</description>\n\t</function>\n ***/\n\nstatic int ifmodule_read(struct ast_channel *chan, const char *cmd, char *data,\n\t\t char *buf, size_t len)\n{\n\tchar *ret = \"0\";\n\n\t*buf = '\\0';\n\n\tif (data)\n\t\tif (ast_module_check(data))\n\t\t\tret = \"1\";\n\n\tast_copy_string(buf, ret, len);\n\n\treturn 0;\n}\n\nstatic struct ast_custom_function ifmodule_function = {\n\t.name = \"IFMODULE\",\n\t.read = ifmodule_read,\n\t.read_max = 2,\n};\n\n\nstatic int unload_module(void)\n{\n\treturn ast_custom_function_unregister(&ifmodule_function);\n}\n\nstatic int load_module(void)\n{\n\treturn ast_custom_function_register(&ifmodule_function);\n}\n\nAST_MODULE_INFO_STANDARD(ASTERISK_GPL_KEY, \"Checks if Asterisk module is loaded in memory\");\n"
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"Lupus nephritis: is the kidney biopsy currently necessary in the management of lupus nephritis?",
"\nMost patients with SLE develop kidney disease related to this systemic underlying disease process. ",
"Lupus nephritis is an important cause of morbidity and even mortality in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. ",
"Lupus nephritis has diverse morphologic manifestations with varying clinical presentations and consequences. ",
"The pathogeneses involve immune complexes, which can deposit anywhere in the kidney, and other mechanisms, including endothelial injury, podocytopathy, and tubulointerstitial injury. ",
"Treatment and prognosis accordingly range from excellent even with only observation with minimal mesangial deposits, to kidney failure despite aggressive immunosuppression in patients with severe proliferative disease. ",
"Renal biopsy plays a crucial role in the diagnosis of the specific form of lupus nephritis in any patient. ",
"However, the role of the renal biopsy in prediction of outcome, treatment, and prognosis has been controversial. ",
"We will review the current classification of lupus nephritis and the value of renal biopsy in the management of these patients."
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"Q:\n\nWrite a panic script to remote secure a Mac Pro from an untrustworthy local user\n\nThe Situation\nSuppose I allow \"Shady Sam\" admin access on my workstation to perform an important administrative task on my Mac Pro for me by giving them a temporary root login password. (",
"Assume they were trustworthy, perhaps a systems admin for my company.) ",
"\nFrom a remote location (e.g. home), I use my MacBook Pro laptop to observe Sam's activities and learn how to do the task myself via Remote Desktop (VNC). ",
"\nWithout warning, Shady Sam does something dastardly! ",
"Perhaps I see him trying to delete data from my hard drive or prying into restricted folders, etc. ",
"Whatever the dastardly deed, I want to lock Shady Sam out immediately, and secure the computer as best as possible from my remote location. ",
"\nSince we share the mouse and keyboard, I couldn't reliably perform an action from within Remote Desktop (besides, they could close the connection). ",
"I'd have to write a script and run it remotely. ",
"\nThe Challenge\nWhat's the best script (e.g. panicScript.sh or panicScript.py) I could run remotely to stop Shady Sam from performing his dastardly deed and prevent him from attempting it again? ",
"\nI envision myself running it in the following way: \nscp panicScript.sh remoteMachine:~/panicScript.sh\nssh remoteMachine . ",
"~/panicScript.sh\n\nPossible Features:\nOther ideas are expressly encouraged!",
"\n\nChange passwords of any/all accounts on remoteMachine\nDisable the keyboard or mouse\nDisable the monitor\nReboot the machine\n\nAssumptions\nShady Sam will not damage the Mac Pro in any way or remove any of its components (e.g. physically remove a hard drive or wired network connection), but he will attempt to re-login and continue his dastardly deed as quickly as possible. ",
"Sam has (otherwise) unrestricted physical access to the computer and a root login password. ",
"\nAssume the Mac Pro has a monitor, keyboard, mouse, external hard drive, and an ethernet connection for internet. ",
"Let's suppose it can print to a network printer in a common area. ",
"For fun, let's suppose I have a standard user account on several coworker's workstations, which are identical to mine (so I can connect to their machines via ssh). ",
"\nAssume there are a dozen open-air cubicles clustered together so that coworkers can stand up and talk to each other. ",
"My coworkers, however, will generally not suspect that Shady Sam is doing something dastardly if they see him at my computer because he has helped several of them in the past and didn't do dastardly things to their computers. ",
"\nConstraints\nThe panic script is initially on my laptop at home. ",
"You can scp it to my machine and run it there, or run it directly from my laptop at home. (",
"Specify in your response!) ",
"\nAll actions taken by the script must be non-damaging and/or reversible from my remote location so that I can regain access at a later point from my remote location, and must be standard features/commands on a Mac Pro. ",
"\nThe script may call other scripts/programs as long as they come standard with the machine. ",
"Command-line scripting tools (e.g. awk) are okay as long as their commands is contained in the main script (e.g. history | awk '{print $2}'). ",
"This admittedly limits the scripting languages that could be used. ",
"\nCalling a custom script or program you wrote (e.g. . ",
"~/myOtherScriptOfKungFoo.sh) isn't okay, unless you generate it from within your script and the generated script is under 32 characters: \necho -e \"#\"'!'\"",
"/bin/bash\\necho \\\"Hello, World\\\"\" >> test.sh\nchmod +x test.sh\n. ",
"test.sh \n\nI shouldn't have to interact with the script more than once (e.g. to type a password). ",
"\nCriteria\nThe script should be short (cap of 30 lines), yet readable. ",
"Primary criteria is thoroughness, creative features and style, which is better than simplicity. ",
"\nUltimately, the most votes wins! ",
"\n\nA:\n\nThe panic script should be sent to remote machine (Mac Pro) using scp, and then run (no sudo or any input required):\nHere is the script: (this assumes that you are John Smith)\n#!",
"/bin/bash -m\nf() {\n while true\n do\n pmset displaysleepnow\n sleep 0.1\n done\n}\nf&\nwhile true\ndo\n osascript -e \"set Volume 10\"\n say -v Ralph \"Stop Shady Sam now. ",
"He is trying to do something he is not allowed to.\"",
"\n for n in {1..10};\n do\n afplay /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ScreenReader.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Sounds/Hit.aiff\n sleep 0.05\n done\n sleep 0.1\n say -v Ralph \"This is John Smith speaking.\"",
"\ndone\n\nFor maximum effiency, you should run this on every single machine in room to ensure that everybody will notice the problem and stop him.",
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"Affidavit Verifying Notice of Right to Payment for Counseling (May 2014)\n\nChecklist for Processing Adult Adoptions (May 2014)\n\nChecklist for Processing Agency Adoptions (May 2014)\n\nChecklist for Processing Independent Adoptions (May 2014)\n\nChecklist for Processing Other Country Re-Adoptions (February 2010)\n\nChecklist for Processing Stepparent Adoptions (December 2011)\n\nNotice of Right to Payment for Counseling (May 2014)\n\nThe entire list of of practice aids and forms available runs 16 pages. ",
"Let me just tell you the number we have in each category:\n\nAdoption: 7\n\nBankruptcy: 2\n\nBusiness: 3\n\nChild Abuse Reporting: 1\n\nClient Communication: 5\n\nClient Relations: 9\n\nClosing Your Law Office: 26\n\nConflicts of Interest: 10\n\nConservatorships: 3\n\nConstruction Liens: 7\n\nContract Lawyering: 6\n\nCriminal: 3\n\nDeparting a Firm: 12\n\nDisaster Recovery: 4\n\nDisclosure of Potential Malpractice: 4\n\nDisengagement Letters: 4\n\nDocketing & Calendaring: 8\n\nDomestic Relations: 27\n\neCourt: 10\n\nEngagement Letters: 10\n\nEntity Formation: 3\n\nFile Management: 12\n\nFinancial Management: 11\n\nGuardianships: 2\n\nImmigration: 1\n\nLitigation: 19\n\nMail Handling: 2\n\nMarketing: 5\n\nMoving a Law Office: 1\n\nNonengagement Letters: 6\n\nOffice Manuals: 4\n\nOffice Sharing: 4\n\nOffice Systems Audit: 1\n\nOpening a Law Office: 3 – See also A Guide to Setting Up and Running Your Law Office handbook available under Books from the PLF on website\n\nPartnership/Of-Counsel: 4\n\nPlanning Ahead to Protect Your Clients: – See also Planning Ahead: A Guide to Protecting Your Clients’ Interests in the Event of Your Disability or Death handbook available under Books from the PLF on website.",
"All forms are included in Closing Your Law Office category\n\nProbate and Estate Planning: 15\n\nReal Property: 9\n\nRetiring from Law Practice: 2\n\nSelling Your Practice: 2\n\nStaff: 12\n\nTechnology: 13\n\nTrust Accounting: 13 – See also A Guide to Setting Up and Using Your Lawyer Trust Account handbook available under Books from the PLF on website\n\nWhat is the best trust accounting software I should adopt for my firm?",
"\nWhen should I run a conflicts search?",
"\nHow long I should keep closed client files – if my client has a copy already?",
"\nWhere should I open my office to get more business?",
"\nWhich networking events may be helpful to me as a new attorney?",
"\nWho can help me figure out what I need to do to open my own office?",
"\n\nThese are all questions that get asked over and over by lawyers. ",
"The big question behind all of them is one: where are your go to resources? ",
"Today, I’d like to tell you about where you can find a variety of valuable of go to resources.",
"\n\nAsk a Practice Management Advisor\nI work for the Oregon State Bar Professional Liability Fund as a practice management advisor. ",
"If you are an Oregon lawyer or member of an Oregon lawyer’s firm, then you know the PLF is the mandatory malpractice insurance carrier for the basic coverage required of Oregon lawyers in private practice. ",
"If you are not an Oregon attorney, you may have a practice management advisor associated with your state bar association. ",
"To see a list of practice management advisors in North American, see here ABA Law Practice Management Section Practice Management Advisors/State & Local Bar Outreach Committee. ",
"Call your practice management advisor! ",
"We are a resource to getting you the answers to your questions.",
"\n\nPractice Aids & Forms\nWhat you may not realize is that the PLF has a huge variety of free practice aids and forms that can be downloaded from www.osbplf.org. ",
"See Loss Prevention on the menu and select the last item, practice aids and forms. ",
"Download all of them in Word or WordPerfect and you can customize them. ",
"You find a variety of checklists to help you to tackle various substantive practice areas – adoptions to workers’ compensation– plus topics that cut across all practice areas like conflicts of interest, calendaring and docketing, engagement, nonengagement, disengagement, file management, opening your law office, closing your law office, trust accounting, and technology. ",
"Lawyers are surprised by the number of practice aids and forms that are available.",
"\n\nPublications\nYou want to open your own law office? ",
"The PLF has free guides which you can download in PDF format from the PLF website, on the menu under Loss Prevention, select Books from the PLF: A Guide to Setting Up & Running Your Law Office, A Guide to Setting Up & Managing Your Lawyer Trust Account, Planning Ahead: A Guide to Protecting Your Clients’ Interests in the Event of Your Disability or Death, and Oregon Statutory Time Limitations Handbook.",
"\n\nBooks from the OSB: BarBooks is a resource you simply must take advantage of because you are entitled to free access to excellent books specific to your desired practice area, such as the helpful five volume Advising Oregon Businesses. ",
"If you want to look at what publications the OSB offers, see the Legal Publications Catalog. ",
"Don’t overlook valuable publications that are associated with CLEs.",
"\n\nCLE Seminars\nYou want to learn about practicing in different areas?CLEs from the PLF:You can find CLEs geared to avoiding malpractice traps in family law or how to set up a conflict system or handling your trust account or improving your understanding of financial considerations about managing your law office plus a great variety of other practice management at the PLF. ",
"See PLF website then on menu under Loss Prevention select CLE to review on-demand programs, access programs available on DVD of a CLE you might have missed and download the CLE’s handouts, or learn about an upcoming in-person CLE.",
"\n\nCLEs from the OSB:You can find CLEs specific to your desired practice area plus other CLEs – find out what CLEs are available in a variety of formats, QuickCalls, CLE On Demand learn about upcoming live seminars you can attend in person or by webinar by accessing the OSB CLE and Seminars catalog at OSBCLE.org.",
"\n\nAmerican Bar Law Practice Management Section CLEs: The LPM Section offers CLEs produced by the American Law Institute (ALI). ",
"You do not have to be a member of the ABA LPM Section, though you may want to join. ",
"See information about the LPM CLEs here.",
"\n\nA brief summary of the James I. Keane Award criteria:\n• The project or law firm must demonstrate the use of the Internet to deliver legal services.",
"\n• It must be unique. ",
"It should be an on-line legal service that has never been done before, or not quite this way before.",
"\n• Absence of precedent – Never been done or done quite this way before.",
"\n• There should be some measurable outcome that would indicate that the innovation is accomplishing what it was intended to do.",
"\n• Action must have taken place no more than three years prior to this entry, and the legal service must be operating for at least one year prior to submission of the Application.",
"\n• Additional consideration will be given to projects that focus on the delivery of legal services to individuals of moderate means.",
"\n• The nomination should describe how the service was developed, how it is managed, and how it has been evaluated.",
"\n• The nomination should describe how the service can be replicated by other law firms in terms of development costs, required technology, people requirements, and ongoing maintenance costs.",
"\n\nWhat is very important:the structure of the website of the law firm that is offering legal services online should require a secure client web space that is accessible only with a user name and secure password – much like the security of your online banking forum.",
"\n\nThis is the new world of lawyering. ",
"Lawyers will need to address the best practices for their websites and then some. ",
"In 2003, the ABA approved the Best Practice Guidelines for Legal Information Web Site Providers. ",
"They are very helpful to review before creating your law firms website or checking to see if your existing website could be improved. ",
"A virtual office on the web should be very cautious. ",
"Sample disclaimers that make UPL limitations clear are being worked on by the eLawyering Task Force. ",
"The PLF provides sample disclaimers for e-mail and websites on the PLF website at www.osbplf.org under Loss Prevention > Practice Aids and Forms > Technology.",
"\n\nLast year, Stephanie Kimbro won the 2009 ABA Law Practice Management Sections James I. Keene Award for Excellence in eLawyering. ",
"Read about this Stephanie’s innovative firm that is a mouseclick away on the internet in the Law Practice Magazine article, Innovative Solo E-Practice Receives 2009 Keane Award.",
"\n\nIt is important that even early trailblazers are diligent in making sure that their online practice meets best practices for the the delivery of legal services online to clients. ",
"The eLawyering Task Force with input from bar leaders across the U.S. and Canada will hopefully have a best practices document that the American Bar Association House of Delegates will adopt in the future. ",
"Guidelines so approved will give lawyers confidence that they are addressing essential issues, crossing all t’s and dotting all i’s.",
"\n\nIf you are on LinkedIn, there is an ELawyering discussion group that you can join. ",
"If you are a member of the ABA, you can sign up to join the eLawyering email discussion list. ",
"I am a member of the eLawyering Taskforce and will be happy to forward any comments or input regarding this proposed Suggested Minimum Requirements for Law Firms Delivering Legal Services Online.",
"\n\nWelcome to the new world of lawyering where lawyer deliver legal services directly to clients from secure websites. ",
"Will it impact your firm and your clients? ",
"Very likely."
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"Trophoblastic peritoneal implants after laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy.",
"\nPersistent trophoblastic activity after salpingostomy for ectopic pregnancy implies the presence of intra-abdominal trophoblastic tissue, usually within the fallopian tube. ",
"We report a case of disseminated trophoblastic peritoneal implants, presenting as hemoperitoneum three weeks after laparoscopic salpingectomy. ",
"Only 23 such cases have been reported. ",
"Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy, especially by the laparoscopic technique, may cause intraperitoneal spread and reimplantation of trophoblastic tissue. ",
"Precautions for minimizing this complication are discussed."
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"California Redevelopment\n\nCalifornia Redevelopment, California does have the right to dissolve its redevelopment agencies, the California Supreme Court California Supreme Court. ",
"Sacramento sues Del Paso Heights project developer Follow this company ruled Thursday in San Francisco.",
"\n\nThe lawsuit brought by California’s redevelopment agencies challenged the constitutionality of the state’s plan to eliminate redevelopment agencies. ",
"The court also ruled a against a law that would have allowed redevelopment to continue if the agencies handed the state $1.7 million this fiscal year and $400 million in each of subsequent years.",
"\n\nThe battle for redevelopment money has gone on for several years as California has been struggling to close wide budget gaps.",
"\n\nThe court said Thursday the state had the authority to create redevelopment agencies, and it therefore had the right to dissolve them.",
"\n\nGov. Jerry Brown said in a statement that the ruling “validates a key component of the state budget and guarantees more than a billion dollars of ongoing funding for schools and public safety.”",
"\n\nRedevelopment agencies were first authorized in California law in 1945 and they have provided money for the redevelopment of blighted areas by creating a tax increment pass-through, which allows redevelopment agencies to capture increases in property value. ",
"Redevelopment has had many successes, including the Gaslap Quarter in San Diego, Eureka’s Old Town and many developments in downtown Sacramento, Vernon Street in Roseville and the historic districts in Folsom and Woodland.",
"\n\nBut the agencies also have had detractors that argue that the agencies have taken a growing share of tax revenue and that some of the projects funded by redevelopment go to insider developers for questionable projects.",
"\n\n“Today’s ruling is a victory for California taxpayers and private property rights,” Marko Mlikotin, president of the California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights, said in a statement. “",
"For far too long, California taxpayers have financed obscure government agencies that use taxpayer dollars and their power of eminent domain to benefit politically connected developers. ",
"During these tough economic times, developers should not be on the public dole while police officers and teachers are getting pink slips.”"
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"Have Questions?",
"\n\nDivorcing as a Stay-at-Home Parent\n\nThursday, November 30, 2017\n\nOften one parent can give up their career to raise children. ",
"This is not because they have to, but often because they want to. ",
"They want to make sure that their child grows up with their attention and love, but sometimes that same love can wither between you and your spouse. ",
"However, some stay-at-home parents may worry about divorcing after not being in the workforce before so long, but here are some divorce tips to consider.",
"\n\nLook Over Your Financials – You will want access to your family's finances, not so much because you believe your ex-spouse may be squirreling money away, but rather to know where you stand. ",
"How much will you need to live and take care of your children? ",
"While you will likely have to return to work, it is good to consult a lawyer on how much alimony you can expect.",
"\n\nKnow Your Skills – When looking for a new job, it is important to know your skill set. ",
"If you worked on highly technical jobs before, your old work skills may be a bit out of date. ",
"However, being a stay at home parent may have given you a whole new useful set of skills like being organized or working well with children.",
"\n\nBalance Your Time – While searching for a job will often mean you are away from your kids, you need to remember to balance your time. ",
"You were a major influence in their lives and with you suddenly gone, it can be difficult. ",
"Even if you are tired, be sure to make time for them.",
"\n\nIf you are a stay-at-home parent going through a divorce, contact us today. ",
"The Law Office of Elena Mebtahi can make sure you get what is fairly yours in the divorce."
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"Fraser Park\n\nOn-demand taxi startup Hailo is ready to ramp up scaling and expanding its service into new markets, both in the U.S. and internationally. ",
"To do that, it’s bolstering its senior management team by bringing on former Ubiquisys CFO Fraser Park and has promoted former Starbucks exec Tom Barr to co-CEO. ",
"Read More"
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"\n▶ Find & Compare more than 930.000 products\n\nThe app allows to view the 930.000 products (including 175.000 in the US) already contained in the free and open database Open Food Facts, and also to add pictures and data for new products.",
"\n\nTo discover the volunteer-run Open Food Facts project, visit https://world-en.openfoodfacts.org\n\n▶ Choose the products that are good for you\n\n- The Nutri-Score grade, from \"A\" to \"E\" >> Nutritional quality\n- The NOVA group, from \"1\" to \"4\" >> Find the Ultra-Processed food\n\n▶ And good for the planet!",
"\n\n- The carbon impact of your food\n- Get a sense of how much of your daily carbon quota you're using for food\n- Based on the footprints computed for France by ADEME.",
"\n- Join us and help us to bring the Carbon Impact to your country!",
"\n- To display a Carbon Impact, a product must have a complete ingredient list with % of meat or fish and a quantity\n\n▶ Contribute to Food Transparency\n\n- Open Food Facts is a food products database made by everyone, for everyone.",
"\n- You can use it to make better food choices, and as it is open data, anyone can re-use it for any purpose.",
"\n- Open Food Facts is a non-profit project developed by thousands of volunteers from around the world. ",
"We have lots of exciting projects you can contribute to in many different ways. ",
"\n- You can start contributing today by adding a product from your fridge. ",
"\n\n▶ Get the Facts\n\n- Open Food Facts helps you to make sense of the fine print on products labels. ",
"You will be able to find:\n- carbon footprint (CO2 emissions) and packaging (as well as recycling instructions),\n- Nutriscore (nutritional score), nutrients, fat / fat content, saturated fatty acids, carbohydrates, sugars, fiber, protein and salt and sodium.",
"\n- brands, allergens, labels (bio, gluten free, vegan, vegetarian, halal, kosher ...), traceability information (packaging codes, origins of ingredients)\n- On wines and beers, you will find the alcohol content.",
"\n\n▶ Based on Science, helping back Science!",
"\n\n- We don't make up things. ",
"We rely on peer-reviewed science.",
"\n- The Nutri-Score has been created by the independent French team led by Professor Hercberg.",
"\n- The NOVA groups on food processing have been designed by the international team of Professor Monteiro.",
"\n- You can get a synthesis of EFSA exposure levels on food additives.",
"\n- The Open Food Facts community is collaborating with research teams across the planet to improve nutrition research that benefits all.",
"\n\n▶ Your food, your data\n\n- Your data is yours, and is never sent online\n- You use the app anonymously by default\n\n▶ Full History\n\n- Your history is YOURS. ",
"As a result, It stays on YOUR device.",
"\n- Get a full history of your scans\n- You will soon be able to export your scan history\n\n▶ Offline Scan: Scan in ANY condition!",
"\n\nScan at the speed of light (even if you’re on a plane, submarine or supermarket)\n\n- The whole planet, in your pocket ! ",
"\n- You can add new products, even if you don't have an Internet connection right now.",
"\n- The app loads only the strict necessary to reduce data and battery consumption.",
"\n\n▶ Get the Nutri-Score, NOVA groups and additives on any new product in 45s.",
"\n\n- To add a new product, take pictures of the ingredients list and nutrition facts table.",
"\n- Validate the automatically recognized ingredients list, choose a category and type in the nutrition facts to get Nutri-Score and NOVA.",
"\n\n▶ Set up allergen alerts on products\n\n- Milk, Gluten, Eggs, Soybeans, Nuts, Fish, Celery, Mustard, Sulphur dioxide and sulphites, Peanuts, Sesame seeds, Crustaceans, Molluscs or Lupin allergy ?",
"\n- Speed up your shopping by doing an initial screening of your food with Open Food Facts. ",
"\n- Be careful that the information may not be 100% accurate, and detection may not be 100% accurate. ",
"So always double check by yourself, with the packaging.",
"\n\n▶ Say hello and/or join us!",
"\n\nOpen Food Facts is also available on the web at https://world-en.openfoodfacts.org\n\nQuestions, feedback : [email protected]\n\nFor cosmetics, you can install Open Beauty Facts.",
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"1. ",
"Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to the field of multi-threaded, object-oriented computer environments.",
"\n2. ",
"Background\nIn multi-threaded, object-oriented computer environments of the prior art, problems arise when, as an object server is shutting down, a new object server is being started as a response to an invocation by a client. ",
"The daemon process responsible for starting a new server assumes that the old server shuts down instantaneously. ",
"In actuality certain cleanup processes, such as the release of database locks, may still be in progress when a new object server is started. ",
"These cleanup processes can cause the new object server to abort startup. ",
"Thus, an undesired race condition exists between the shutdown of old object servers and the startup of new object servers.",
"\nNetworked Object Environment\nIn the networked object environment, an object server, also referred to as a server process, is a multi-threaded process that controls access to, instantiation of, and deletion of, the methods, data, etc., ",
"embodied in the objects within its domain. ",
"Objects are self-contained, clearly defined, software modules that encapsulate procedures, such as business practices, and their data. ",
"Communicating with each other through carefully defined interfaces, objects allow complex solutions to be constructed similar to the manner in which computers are manufactured from standardized electronic components. ",
"Multiple levels of re-use and standardization are made possible, enabling engineers to produce modules, applications, and entire systems that are highly reusable and leveragable.",
"\nNetworked object technology allows applications access to objects and their shared services anywhere in the network, substantially independent of where the application or object resides. ",
"Networked objects also permit individual objects to be updated without the risk of disrupting the application or business process it models, facilitating the graceful, incremental evolution of complex systems. ",
"For example, if a new component fails, the component\"\"s predecessor can be re-instated quickly and transparently.",
"\nAn example of the networked object environment is the CORBA-compliant NEO product family from SunSoft(trademark), which provides for sharing of objects across networks and differing computing platforms.",
"\nConsisting of over 600 software vendors, developers, and end user organizations, the Object Management Group (OMG) has developed and continues to develop standards for a common architecture supporting heterogeneous, distributed, object-oriented applications. ",
"The OMG Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is designed to allow different object systems from multiple vendors to interact with each other on a network. ",
"The CORBA specification comprises the following four components:\ni) An Object Request Broker (ORB) to manage objects in a networked environment;\nii) Interoperability for ORB-to-ORB communications;\niii) Common Object Services (CORBAservices); and\niv) Mappings for commonly used programming languages.",
"\nThe Network Object Request Broker (ORB) is a CORBA-compliant network-based software system providing for the location and execution of objects through a standard interface protocol, enabling objects and programs to interact with each other across the network. ",
"The NEO ORB is implemented as one or more multi-threaded UNIX processes, providing scalable performance and availability as needed.",
"\nTo promote heterogeneous object interoperability, the OMG has provided a portable source code reference implementation of the CORBA 2.0 Internet Inter-ORB Protocol to assist software vendors in testing and delivering OMG-compliant products. ",
"The Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (Internet IOP) provides a standardized way of connecting ORBs from different CORBA 2.0 compliant vendors, enabling them to communicate with each other. ",
"The current Internet IOP is based on TCP/IP protocols.",
"\nThe OMG CORBAservices definition describes the basic operations required for building distributed systems with objects, such as naming, events, properties, lifecycle and relationship services.",
"\nFor different object systems to interact, language independence is a concern. ",
"The Interface Definition Language (IDL) enables the separation of interface and implementation, allowing object implementation details to change without compromising the plug-and-play qualities of the object. ",
"The OMG IDL is a neutral interface definition of an object\"\"s operations, allowing the behavior of the object to be defined in IDL, but accommodating the automated transformation of the interface to the C, C++, Objective C, or Smalltalk languages.",
"\nA multi-threaded environment, such as that provided by UNIX, is typically used for supporting networked objects. ",
"Threads are subprocesses spawned off of larger processes for performing a certain function, e.g. performing a printing process, acting on a database object, etc. ",
"By supporting multiple threads, the system can serve many clients and processes simultaneously. ",
"This enables the sharing of objects and services on the network.",
"\nIn the CORBA environment, an Object Request Broker Daemon process (ORBD) receives object requests, also referred to as method invocations, from the client processes registered to it. ",
"The ORB daemon then locates the object on the network, and acts as the interface between the client process and the networked object. ",
"In the NEO environment, the ORB daemon may activate a NEO object server to act as a further interface for the object which may be a standard NEO object or, in some instances, a legacy process encapsulated in a NEO shell to perform as a NEO object. ",
"The NEO object server acts to instantiate the object as is necessary to respond to the requests forwarded by the ORB daemon.",
"\nSystem Block Diagram\nFIG. ",
"1 is a block diagram of a CORBA-compliant networked object system. ",
"Multiple threads are represented by elements 100-103, where threads 100-101 are threads spawned from a first client process, Client Process 1, and threads 102-103 are threads spawned from a second client process, Client Process N. As indicated in FIG. ",
"1, a single client process can spawn any number of threads. ",
"Each of threads 100-103 is linked to Object Request Broker Daemon (ORBD) process 104. ",
"ORBD process 104 is in turn linked to a plurality of object servers represented by object server 105 and object server 107. ",
"A second ORBD process, ORBD process 110, is further linked to ORBD process 104. ",
"ORBD process 110 could also be coupled to further object servers and/or client processes (not shown). ",
"Object server 105 is linked to object 106. ",
"Object server 107 is linked to objects 108 and 109.",
"\nORBD process 104 receives object requests, such as method invocations in the form of locate requests, from client process threads 100-103, and determines which object server is supporting the appropriate object. ",
"If the necessary server is not currently running, the server is activated and the object is instantiated. ",
"Information on the location of the object is returned in response to the locate request, and further requests between the thread and the object are directed by the location information. ",
"The same object can be similarly invoked by locate requests from other threads to establish interaction between the object and all applicable threads concurrently.",
"\nORB daemon 110 may provide a gateway for the networked object environment over a large network such as the Internet and/or it may provide cross-platform interaction by providing a platform dependent interface to clients and object servers in its own domain, while providing a standardized interface to ORBD 104.",
"\nObject servers 105 and 107 provide access to objects or object libraries, such as shown by objects 106 and 108-109. ",
"Legacy objects, that is those objects comprising stand-alone applications and other objects not originally designed for the networked object environment, are provided with an IDL shell that forms an interface through which the object server can access the functions of the legacy object. ",
"A Persistent Store Manager process running in tandem with the ORB daemon keeps track of locks the object server may have on objects, e.g., database objects, to maintain server-exclusive access.",
"\nAs the network is substantially independent of hardware boundaries, the objects and object servers may reside on the same computer as the client processes and the ORB daemon, or they may reside on separate computers within the network. ",
"Similarly, the networked object environment is substantially independent of the base level implementation of the network.",
"\nShutdown Protocol\nA prior art implementation of the shutdown protocol for object servers is as follows. ",
"An object server decides to shut down, for instance, due to idle time or possibly in response to a client\"\"s invocation. ",
"The object server then begins to shut down all active objects, waiting for all method invocations to finish. ",
"When all of the objects associated with the object server are shut down, the object server sets its server state to xe2x80x9cin shutdown,xe2x80x9d and signals to the ORB daemon that it is shutting down. ",
"When the ORB daemon is successfully notified that the object server is shutting down, the server sets its server state to xe2x80x9cfinished,xe2x80x9d and terminates the connection to the ORB daemon. ",
"Finally, the object server signals the main thread that shutdown is complete, and the main thread proceeds to perform the last cleanup, such as releasing any locks the object server might have into the Persistent Store Manager.",
"\nThe object server finite state machine running in the object server is illustrated in the state diagram of FIG. ",
"2. ",
"The server state machine consists of four states: xe2x80x9cnot running,xe2x80x9d xe2x80x9crunning,xe2x80x9d xe2x80x9cin shutdown,xe2x80x9d and xe2x80x9cfinished.xe2x80x9d When the server starts, the server is in state 200, xe2x80x9cnot running,xe2x80x9d and any invocations of methods are made to wait, as indicated by arrow 204. ",
"Once the object server has registered with the ORB daemon and a run indication is received by the object server, as shown by arrow 205, the object methods are enabled and the server state advances to state 201, xe2x80x9crunning.xe2x80x9d\nWhile in state 201, new invocations increment the active methods counter, as shown by arrow 206, and ending method invocations decrement the active methods counter, as shown by arrow 207. ",
"When the object server is to be shut down due to excessive idle time, an invocation from a client, etc., ",
"the object server waits till all method invocations clear, as shown by arrow 208, then signals the ORB daemon that it is shutting down, forces new invocations from clients to wait, and sets its server state to state 202, xe2x80x9cin shutdown.xe2x80x9d\nAs shown by arrow 209, further invocations during state 202 are forced to wait. ",
"After the ORB daemon has been successfully notified that the server is shutting down, then, as shown by arrow 210, the object server returns an error to all waiting clients and forces clients to rebind, i.e., to locate a new object server. ",
"The server state is then advanced to state 203, xe2x80x9cfinished,xe2x80x9d wherein the last cleanup operations, such as removal of locks, are performed.",
"\nA second server finite state machine operates inside the ORB daemon, and determines the activation/deactivation control exhibited upon the server by the ORB daemon. ",
"This second finite state machine has three states: xe2x80x9cstart,xe2x80x9d xe2x80x9cstarting,xe2x80x9d and xe2x80x9crunning.xe2x80x9d A state diagram of this three-state finite state machine is shown in FIG. ",
"3. ",
"When a locate request targeting a server in xe2x80x9cstartxe2x80x9d state 300 arrives at the ORB daemon, as indicated by arrow 303, the server is forked off as a new process, the requesting method invocation is blocked, and the server state enters xe2x80x9cstartingxe2x80x9d state 301.",
"\nWhile in state 301, all locate requests are blocked and forced to wait for registration of the server, as shown by arrow 305. ",
"If the server PID (process ID) dies, as represented by arrow 304, then any waiting method invocations are unblocked and the server returns to xe2x80x9cstartxe2x80x9d state 300, where a waiting method invocation will retry to start the server. ",
"If, while in xe2x80x9cstartingxe2x80x9d state 301, the server registers with the ORB daemon, as shown by arrow 306, all waiting method invocations are unblocked and the server state enters xe2x80x9crunningxe2x80x9d state 302.",
"\nAs indicated by arrow 307, all subsequent locate requests received while in xe2x80x9crunningxe2x80x9d state 302 return the address information that the server provided as part of its registration. ",
"As shown by arrow 308, when the server signals, as part of its shutdown protocol, that it is shutting down, the ORB daemon cleans up and the server state returns to xe2x80x9cstartxe2x80x9d state 300.",
"\nThe primary problem with the server activation/deactivation protocol of FIGS. ",
"2 and 3 is that race conditions occur while shutting a server down. ",
"Shutdown procedures, such as the removal of locks, occur in the server after the server has signaled to the ORB daemon that it has shut down. ",
"However, the ORB daemon operates as if the server has completely shut down at the time the shutdown signal is received from the server. ",
"This implies to the ORB daemon that a new server can start immediately as a result of a locate request.",
"\nThe conflict arises when a new server tries to access resources that are still locked to the old server. ",
"If the old server has not yet removed the locks, the new server is denied access to the locked resources, and the new server aborts startup. ",
"A race condition thus exists between the release of all locks on resources held by the old server and the accessing of those same resources by the new server. ",
"If the locks are released first, then, barring any other problems, the new server will complete startup successfully. ",
"If the new server tries to access the resources first, then the new server will be aborted. ",
"Forking off a new server process, only to have the new server process abort in the midst of startup, is a waste of CPU processing time that is better spent on other processes, such as the shutdown of the old server.",
"\nThe problem lies in the server finite state machine within the ORB daemon (i.e., FIG. ",
"3). ",
"This state machine does not account for the shutdown process (i.e., during the time when a server is moving from xe2x80x9crunningxe2x80x9d state 307 to xe2x80x9cstartxe2x80x9d state 300). ",
"It is legal to immediately start a new server even though the xe2x80x9cshutting downxe2x80x9d server may not have fully shut down. ",
"This causes the race condition between the old server shutting down and the new server starting up.",
"\nThe existing protocol also does not handle servers that start without registering or take too long to register, and servers that shut down too slowly. ",
"If a server is too slow to register with the ORB daemon, e.g., because the server is hanging, then action should be taken. ",
"Similarly, if a server is too slow to shut down, e.g., because the server is hanging, then action should be taken to allow startup of a new server. ",
"Currently, no mechanism exists for handling these problems.",
"\nFurther, there is currently no mechanism for handling a thrashing condition. ",
"A thrashing condition occurs when a server undergoes a series of aborted startups and restarts. ",
"This can happen when a server attempts to restart too rapidly. ",
"For instance, daemonic servers, which are restarted automatically by the ORB daemon whenever they exit, can be seriously impaired by thrashing behavior. ",
"Thrashing may also indicate an unrecoverable error in the startup process of the server. ",
"If there is no mechanism for handling a thrashing condition, this problem cannot be prevented from occurring repeatedly in the future.",
"\nFinally, the ORB daemon is not currently equipped to handle xe2x80x9cself started serversxe2x80x9d (also called xe2x80x9cuser serversxe2x80x9d) in the state machine. ",
"Self started servers are servers that just register and deregister themselves with the ORB daemon, but are not spawned by the ORB daemon as a result of an invocation.",
"\nA method and apparatus for controlling server activation is provided. ",
"A server state in a server state machine is associated with a server process. ",
"The server state is changed from a running state to a shutting down state when a shutdown indication is received from the server process. ",
"While in the shutting down state, method invocations directed at the server process are blocked, thus preventing the activation of a new server process during this state. ",
"The server state is changed from the shutting down state to a start state when an indication is received that shutdown of the server process is complete.",
"\nTo handle hanging server processes, a timer is started when a server state changes from the start state to a starting state, or from the running state to the shutting down state. ",
"If the timer expires before registration or termination of the server, the server process is killed and an error is logged. ",
"When the server process dies, the server state returns to the start state.",
"\nIn one embodiment, a self started running state is included in the server state machine to accommodate self started server processes. ",
"A server state associated with a self started server process is changed from the start state to the self started running state when the self started server process registers. ",
"The server state returns to the start state when the self started server process deregisters. ",
"Locate requests targeted to the self started server process are returned server address information during the self started running state.",
"\nIn a further embodiment, a separate holddown state machine is provided to handle thrashing server processes. ",
"A holddown state is associated with a server process, and any locate requests targeted at the server query the holddown state machine for a response. ",
"After querying the holddown state machine, the locate requests query the server state machine."
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"A police force has admitted passing video footage and other information about disabled anti-fracking protesters to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).",
"\n\nDisability News Service (DNS) reported last week that forces including Lancashire police had been accused of repeatedly targeting and assaulting disabled people involved in peaceful anti-fracking protests.",
"\n\nMany of the allegations concern the policing of peaceful protests about the drilling activities of the energy company Cuadrilla near Preston New Road, on the edge of Blackpool.",
"\n\nBut DNS has also spoken to disabled protesters who say Lancashire police has passed information about their involvement in the protests to DWP, in an apparent attempt to have their disability benefits removed.",
"\n\nLancashire police this week confirmed to DNS that it had passed on information and footage of disabled protesters at Preston New Road to DWP.",
"\n\nDespite this admission, DWP would only say that it had no “formal arrangement” with any police force to pass it information about disabled protesters, and it refused to say if the department had received material from Lancashire police.",
"\n\nJonathan Bartley, co-leader of the Green party, and John McDonnell, Labour’s shadow chancellor, have described the police force’s actions as “shocking” and “unacceptable”.",
"\n\nNick Sheldrick, a wheelchair-user with a spinal cord injury, was astonished to be called in for a reassessment of his industrial injuries disablement benefit just two months after he began attending protests at Preston New Road early last year.",
"\n\nSheldrick, who used to work in the merchant navy and was injured while working on a ship, had received a lifetime award and said his doctor could not understand why he had been sent in for a reassessment.",
"\n\nHe said: “The doctor wrote on his notes that I shouldn’t need to be assessed again because spinal cord injuries do not repair themselves.”",
"\n\nHe said he had heard of “quite a few” fellow protesters who had been called in for benefit assessments.",
"\n\nAnother of the Preston New Road protesters, a disabled woman with a fluctuating condition, had her Motability vehicle removed after her claim was suspended by DWP.",
"\n\nShe is being told to repay months of disability living allowance and now faces the possibility of court action.",
"\n\nShe was told that police had sent footage of her at a protest to DWP, and she was even told by a police officer who stopped her while she was driving to a protest in her Motability vehicle that they were “duty bound to tell Motability that you’re using your car for illegal purposes”.",
"\n\nShe later received a letter from DWP saying that her claim had been suspended, which led to her losing her car, and she was then interviewed under caution and ordered to pay back £6,000 to DWP, while a file has been sent to the Crown Prosecution Service.",
"\n\nShe was asked in the interview about footage that showed her walking a few steps forward and then a few steps back, and about being seen leaning on a bicycle as she walked up a hill.",
"\n\nShe said: “What they were saying was absolute rubbish. ",
"Where are the photos of me falling over, me sleeping for 12 to 16 hours?",
"\n\n“To get people on benefits they take your benefits away. ",
"It’s to stop us from protesting, it’s to deny us our rights from protesting, that’s what it’s about.”",
"\n\nAnother disabled eyewitness who has spent time at the Preston New Road site and knows this protester said this week: “I weigh up how I am going to spend the energy that is available to me that week and my capacity for [coping with] pain.",
"\n\n“It is a conversation that she and I have had about how we both – for any activity we do – will either spend time resting up in preparation to be able to do it or resting up to recover from it and to cope with the pain that has been caused.",
"\n\n“Police and DWP are trying to curtail people’s human rights by trying to stop them protesting.",
"\n\n“They are making me worry every time I go out to somewhere like that that it is going to cost me my ability to pay my rent, because they are going to say, ‘If you are able to stand at the gates, you should be able to do a full year’s work.’”",
"\n\nBut she said that she and others make this decision to stand at the gates in pain “knowing it is going to cost [us] a lot of exhaustion later”.",
"\n\nShe added: “Just because I can do something for a few hours a week does not mean I have the same ability as somebody else who is not disabled.”",
"\n\nBartley, who has visited Preston New Road and spoke to Disability News Service before the police admitted passing the data to DWP, said if it was true that information had been given to DWP about protesters who claim disability benefits it was “absolutely shocking”.",
"\n\nHe said: “The police and DWP need to come clean and make clear if this is happening.",
"\n\n“There needs to be full disclosure if this is the case. ",
"That would be an underhand tactic with dreadful consequences. ",
"It would clearly be unjust.",
"\n\n“It is absolutely shocking if this is happening. ",
"It should not be happening.”",
"\n\nHe added: “Disabled people have as much right to be protesting in their own way as anybody else and in fact more right because we know when things go wrong [with fracking], the impact on local communities and the impact on air quality and of course the wider impact of climate change, it is always those who are most vulnerable who suffer the most and they have more right than anyone else to be there making their voices heard.”",
"\n\nMcDonnell, who has also visited protesters at Preston New Road, says in a film about the targeting of anti-fracking protesters, produced for Netpol by Gathering Place Films, that the passing of such information to DWP by police was “unacceptable”.",
"\n\nHe says in the film: “Does this mean disabled people can’t protest? ",
"That’s ridiculous.",
"\n\n“What we need to do is expose this. ",
"We can’t have the targeting of an individual just because they are a peaceful protester.",
"\n\n“This idea that just because you’re on disability benefits you can’t actually engage in the rest of society, that’s unacceptable.”",
"\n\nDespite McDonnell’s concerns, the police and crime commissioner for Lancashire, Labour’s Clive Grunshaw, defended the force’s tactics and said: “If police have any information to suggest that fraud or any other crime is being committed, they understandably have a duty to do something about it.”",
"\n\nAsked what arrangements DWP had with forces policing protests such as the one in Preston New Road to pass on information about the activities of disabled protesters, a DWP spokeswoman said: “There is no formal arrangement in place between DWP and any police force for this or other similar scenarios.”",
"\n\nWhen asked whether that meant that DWP had not received any information or footage from Lancashire police, she refused to comment further.",
"\n\nShe also refused to say whether DWP accepted that disabled protesters claiming disability benefits had a right to protest.",
"\n\nBut a Lancashire police spokesman said: “The DWP are a partner agency and where we have information to suggest that fraud may be being committed we have a duty to pass that on, including video footage if we have it.",
"\n\n“Do we accept that people with disabilities have a right to protest? ",
"Yes, of course we do.",
"\n\n“Are we concerned that by passing on information we are setting a dangerous precedent? ",
"No we are not.",
"\n\n“We will, of course, facilitate the right of anyone to protest lawfully.”",
"\n\nAnother force spokesman later confirmed that Lancashire police had passed on information and video footage from Preston New Road to DWP, and he said the force had “a duty” to do so.",
"\n\nHe denied that this was setting a dangerous precedent that was likely to deter other disabled people from exercising their right to protest, and said: “I don’t think there’s any concerns from our end.",
"\n\n“Ultimately, if there are people that are found to be claiming benefits down at the site there’s obviously an issue there.”",
"\n\nWhen asked if this meant the force believed people claiming disability benefits should not be allowed to take part in protests, he said: “It’s obviously a case by case basis really, what the benefits are being claimed for in terms of their position down at the site.",
"\n\n“That’s a decision for the DWP anyway. ",
"We have passed that information on, they will make a decision, an informed decision on the back of that.”",
"\n\nPicture by Green party of Bartley (second from left) talking to protesters at Preston New Road\n\nA note from the editor:\n\nPlease consider making a voluntary financial contribution to support the work of DNS and allow it to continue producing independent, carefully-researched news stories that focus on the lives and rights of disabled people and their user-led organisations.",
"\n\nPlease do not contribute if you cannot afford to do so, and please note that DNS is not a charity. ",
"It is run and owned by disabled journalist John Pring and has been from its launch in April 2009.",
"\n\nThank you for anything you can do to support the work of DNS…"
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"The children saw all of this, and unfortunately, those will always be their memories. ",
"They’ll never forget the sobbing over an aunt shot on the street, the fear of the police who lined the big boys up and took them to jail. ",
"This was what their summers had looked like for so long. ",
"As a mom and a human being, I could not go back to my home unbothered. ",
"These were my memories now, too. ",
"I didn’t want them, and I didn’t want the children to have them. ",
"So we made brand-new ones.",
"\n\nAfter just three summers on the block, violent crime and gun-related incidents in that census tract have declined dramatically. ",
"And this has had a ripple effect as far as a mile out. ",
"The neighborhood elementary school attended by a majority of our children has also seen improvements in student performance. ",
"All of this has happened with no real resources, new jobs or governmental assistance.",
"\n\nThe most frequently asked question we get is: How did you do it? ",
"It’s simple. ",
"We cared. ",
"We put on hot-pink T-shirts, got our lawn chairs and a couple of packs of hot dogs, and went to the corner and cooked some dinner. ",
"We showed up and established a presence in the neighborhood. ",
"We’re also creating small community centers in vacant lots around the city, where kids can play, study and get a hot meal.",
"\n\nWe also listened to the people there. ",
"They told us how to stop gun violence in their neighborhood and pretty much all the other ones just like it. ",
"They told us they needed resources, jobs and skills training. ",
"They told us they needed schools that could prepare their children to compete in a world that will soon be run by computers. ",
"They need a share of that $95 million planned for a new police and firefighter training center, because now the community polices itself.",
"\n\nThey told us that it was great that their children were learning their rights in school but that they wanted more qualified teachers who could teach them to read and write. ",
"And with a chunk of that $95 million, we could afford it. ",
"Sure, we still have gang violence. ",
"The cure for that is bringing jobs and resources to impoverished neighborhoods. ",
"We know that.",
"\n\nI’m not going to lie and say that there is just one solution that will cut down on gang violence. ",
"We did it, though. ",
"We showed up and we cared. ",
"It is really that simple. ",
"I have serious doubts, however, that the man who thought repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act would be easy will ever be able to end the scourge of gun violence."
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"The Washington Redskins drafted Austin Reiter with the hopes of grooming him to be a backup center. ",
"But coaches said Josh LeRibeus developed enough at the position that they did not need to carry another backup. ",
"So they told Reiter they would be releasing him, according to a source.",
"\n\nAs of Friday night, there had been no discussion with Reiter about placing him on the practice squad. ",
"But those moves are fluid and can change. ",
"Reiter is the second draft pick to be released: Sixth-round cornerback Tevin Mitchel was claimed off waivers by Indianapolis after Washington designated him as waived/injured.",
"\n\nThe Redskins also informed running back Mack Brown, receivers Reggie Bell and Colin Lockett, linebacker Sage Harold, tight end D.J. Williams and safety Akeem Davis that they were released as well. ",
"They reached injury settlements with Williams and Davis.",
"\n\nThe Redskins must trim their roster to 53 by 4 p.m. Saturday."
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"Q:\n\nWhy is awaiting a reaction isnt working Discord.js V12\n\nI tried to make a confirmation system by awaiting a reaction from this user, for some reason, I can't get it to work.",
"\nHere is the code:\nif (command === 'reset') {\n if (!",
"msg.member.hasPermission('MANAGE_SERVER'))\n msg.reply('You need `Mannage server` permission to delete the progress.');",
"\n //checking if author has mangage server permissions.",
"\n\n msg.channel\n .send('Are you sure you want to delete all your progress?')",
"\n .then((message) => {\n message.react('✅').then(() => message.react('❌'));\n });\n //confirming if author wants to delete channel.",
"\n\n const filter = (reaction, user) => {\n return (\n ['✅', '❌'].includes(reaction.emoji.name) && user.id === msg.author.id\n );\n };\n\n const fetchedChannel = msg.guild.channels.cache.find(\n (channel) => channel.name === 'counting'\n );\n //getting the channel\n\n msg\n .awaitReactions(filter, { max: 1, time: 60000, errors: ['time'] })\n .then((collected) => {\n const reaction = collected.first();\n\n if (reaction.emoji.name === '✅') {\n fetchedChannel.delete();\n\n msg.reply('Deleted all progress. ",
"to start over, run \".init\"');\n } else {\n msg.reply('Aborting missing.');",
"\n return;\n }\n })\n .catch((collected) => {\n msg.reply('No response given.');",
"\n });\n}\n\nIf anyone could help, it would be great!",
"\n\nA:\n\nI was reviewing your code and I think I fixed it since I have tried this and it worked as expected. ",
"The explanation of what I did is in the code (line 19). ",
"If you have any questions or still having problems with the code, I'll be glad to help. ",
"Happy coding\nif (command === 'reset') {\n if (!",
"msg.member.hasPermission('MANAGE_SERVER'))\n return msg.reply(\n 'You need `Mannage server` permission to delete the progress.'",
"\n ); // You forgot to add a return to prevent the command from people without enough permissions\n\n //checking if author has mangage server permissions.",
"\n\n msg.channel\n .send('Are you sure you want to delete all your progress?')",
"\n .then((message) => {\n message.react('✅');\n message.react('❌'); // I removed a .then(...)\n\n //confirming if author wants to delete channel.",
"\n\n const filter = (reaction, user) => {\n return (\n ['✅', '❌'].includes(reaction.emoji.name) && user.id === msg.author.id\n );\n };\n\n const fetchedChannel = msg.guild.channels.cache.find(\n (channel) => channel.name === 'counting'\n );\n //getting the channel\n\n message\n .awaitReactions(filter, { max: 1, time: 60000, errors: ['time'] }) // The problem was in this line, you used \"msg\" instead of \"message\", it means the bot wasn't awaiting reactions of its own message, it was awaiting reactions from the author's message.",
"\n .then((collected) => {\n const reaction = collected.first();\n\n if (reaction.emoji.name === '✅') {\n fetchedChannel.delete();\n\n msg.reply('Deleted all progress. ",
"to start over, run \".init\"');\n } else {\n msg.reply('Aborting missing.');",
"\n return;\n }\n })\n .catch((collected) => {\n msg.reply('No response given.');",
"\n });\n });\n}\n\n"
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"Article content\n\nIf you don’t have the law, you argue the facts; if you don’t have the facts, you argue the law. ",
"Having neither in the niqab debate, the Conservatives have resorted to popular opinion — which is a poor substitute for principle.",
"\n\nThis is the box the Conservatives find themselves in on the niqab debate that has consumed so much political oxygen of late.",
"\n\nWe apologize, but this video has failed to load.",
"\n\ntap here to see other videos from our team. ",
"Try refreshing your browser, or Michael Spratt: Conservatives have neither the law nor the facts on their side in the niqab debate Back to video\n\n[np_storybar title=”Richard Moon: The government is sure to lose its appeal in the citizenship oath-niqab case. ",
"Maybe that’s the point” link=”http://news.nationalpost.com/2015/03/17/richard-moon-the-government-is-sure-to-lose-its-appeal-in-the-citizenship-oath-niqab-case-maybe-thats-the-point/”]The federal government will lose its appeal in the case of Ishaq v. Minister of Citizenship and Immigration — the citizenship oath-niqab case.",
"\n\nEvidence submitted to the court in the original hearing showed that the government was told by its legal advisers that the no-niqab rule was legally defective. ",
"No doubt, its legal advisers have now also advised the government that the appeal is unwinnable — although they may have hedged this a little since lawyers are seldom willing to predict the outcome of a case with complete certainty."
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"Sleeping disorders in patients with end-stage renal disease and chronic kidney disease.",
"\nAbout 85% of patients on maintenance hemodialysis have sleep disorders that depend on comorbidities, age, morning dialytic shift, and blood pressure. ",
"They are ameliorated by erythropoietin, by transplantation, and by daily and nocturnal dialysis. ",
"Some data exist on sleep disorders in CKD patients, and show that lack of a refreshing sleep is present even at early stages of the disease and may affect 82.2% of patients without any relationship to comorbidities."
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"I’ve seen a lot of backlash directed at the TTC ads featuring dancers from the National Ballet of Canada and as a trained dancer for the past 35 years, a professional marketer and sufferer of body-dysmorphic disorder, I don’t think the criticism is fair.",
"\n\nThere is reaction that the ads promote unhealthy ideals; that they don’t represent the majority of Torontonians and are as such, discriminatory. ",
"I do not agree with this.",
"\n\nPotentially unpopular news flash: the models in the ads are members of the National Ballet of Canada, a very exclusive organization that takes years of training to even be remotely qualified for. ",
"Those bodies are the result of a lifetime of work and dedication.",
"\n\nAre there issues within the ballet world when it comes to unrealistic body size expectations? ",
"\n\nIs that the fault of these dancers? ",
"Undoubtably not.",
"\n\nShould their artistry and accomplishments be censored because they aren’t representative of the average citizen? ",
"\n\nI didn’t see anyone crying foul when our subway stations were plastered with full size depictions of Olympic athletes. ",
"They, too, have worked for years to achieve such high status. ",
"So then why is an image of a golden trampoline star considered inspirational, but a ballerina considered toxic? ",
"Why is one deemed good for kids to see but the other harmful?",
"\n\nMany sports have weight restrictions that are achieved by some rather potentially harmful techniques if attempted by the average unsupervised person, yet we can still safely celebrate these bodies. ",
"Why can’t achievement of all types be celebrated; whether it be in sport, dance, art, academia, or otherwise? ",
"Now that would be truly representational of all citizens.",
"\n\nI had some really disordered eating as a teenager. ",
"I starved myself. ",
"I exercised to unhealthy extremes. ",
"I lost a lot of weight very quickly. ",
"I did it to fit in and to open doors within my prized dance world that were otherwise closed to me at the time. ",
"It wasn’t healthy.",
"\n\nI still suffer the physical and emotional consequences to this day and am in treatment. ",
"But you know what still triggers these thoughts? ",
"Not posters on a subway wall, but rather the real life woman standing next to me.",
"\n\nI know rationally that imagery in advertisements looks as gorgeous as it does in part thanks to the whole crew of folks involved. ",
"Any one of us can (and do!) ",
"look that amazing when we have talented photographers, lighting techs, touch-up artists and creative directors at our disposal.",
"\n\nBut that woman standing next to me? ",
"Now SHE’S intimidating. ",
"SHE’S the real embodiment of my dysfunctional ideals. ",
"SHE’S just standing there minding her own business, trying to get home from work and unaware of my turmoil next to her.",
"\n\nIt’s not her fault for merely existing. ",
"It’s not those dancers’ fault. ",
"So no, I don’t blame the posters on the wall. ",
"I don’t fault those professional ballet dancers for looking as incredible as they do.",
"\n\nI don’t know them personally, I don’t know the details of their struggles and insecurities. ",
"I just know that they are on a beautiful poster drawing attention to an art form I’ve loved my whole life. ",
"And for that, I’m thankful.",
"\n\nI’m also thankful for my current dance world and its acceptance of all body types, sizes, genders, races, health statuses and political leanings. ",
"It’s not perfect, but it’s shifting. ",
"The dance world is shifting.",
"\n\nBeautiful dancers come in all shapes and sizes. ",
"This I love. ",
"This I’d love to see in more advertising, on more stages, on more programs. ",
"But this fact doesn’t diminish the beauty of these National Ballet dancers.",
"\n\nI love this campaign and happily stare at it during my travels. ",
"I appreciate the strength in these dancers; the lines they’ve created; the positioning against the stark TTC backdrops. ",
"These ads are art; and I love seeing art during my commute.",
"\n\nLoading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading...\n\nThank you for reading this far. ",
"Now go dance, whoever you are!"
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"Q:\n\nMaintaining respect to their previous faith while explaining Buddhism to a person who is in another school of Buddhism or another religion?",
"\n\nI have a Blog and a lot of people come to learn Buddhism in it. ",
"I want to start doing articles on Theravada Buddhism and i do not have any idea if i can do it without being a bit corrosive in certain topics.",
"\nI want some advice how to do this.",
"\nSo can you guys help me?",
"\n\nA:\n\nIt is most honorable to do whatever you can so that people who take what you give take it smoothly. ",
"However, what you can do in this area is limited.",
"\nTo paraphrase Lama Tsongkhapa, if he who receives what you give is like a vessel turned upside down (not open to listen, to receive) nothing will enter; If he is like a leaking vessel (forgetful, not paying attention), whatever will enter will not remain; If he is like a dirty vessel (having a faulty motivation) the pure nectar you will pour in by way of teaching the Dharma will turn to mud.",
"\nHowever, there are things you can do to make sure people listen to you with an open mind. ",
"For instance, one is likely to be open if you are an example. ",
"If a beggar was to tell me the same thing my teacher tells me, it would not sink in in the same way because I would not be as open as I am in relation to my teacher. ",
"This is because I have more respect to my teacher, I trust him and I trust his words, his guidance, his intentions. ",
"Therefore, that your reader trust you is important. ",
"If he does not trust you, his ears will be closed. ",
"And in order to be trusted, you have to be trustworthy, you have to be exemplar, for instance in showing respect for others and other traditions. ",
"Maybe you can include Links to websites of other traditions on your blog, as a sign of openness, and interest from your part.",
"\nMoreover, I noticed that in the West, many people prefer being told that \"it is a method, it is a practice, it is a path among many others, and it works in this and that way\" as opposed to \"it is the truth\". ",
"We like being right, we hate being wrong, we dislike being proven wrong. ",
"So, if you emphasize (1) the practical aspects and (2) contexts, that might help not dwelling to much on the 'right or wrong' type of approach.",
"\nFinally, I visited my teacher recently. ",
"I also, tend to be a bit corrosive with regard certain topics and debating with him showed me that it was due to my own pride, my own arrogance. ",
"It's always the \"I know, others do not\" tendency, or the \"How could anyone even think in this or that way?\" ",
"tendency that tends to take over. ",
"If you reduce your pride, you will naturally be smoother and more respectful.",
"\n\nA:\n\nIts good to ask one self, \"what do I like to gain?\" ",
"And then it's good, to ask one self, \"what would I need to sacrify?\"",
"\nThe rest is then a consideration of which way one likes to take. ",
"One is the journey to nibbana, the other wandering on in Samsara.",
"\nAs for how the Buddha saw this point very clear, this Sutta might help you, to have no doubt of what you actually have already in the back of your considerations, as reason for this question: Abhaya Sutta: To Prince Abhaya So no \"mercy\", either in this or in that direction. ",
"One no mercy is for your and the benefit of many, the other is for not for your benefit nor for that of many, and your possibilities in action, are simply a matter of karmic-depended \"accidents\" \nEspecially if you talk on Dhamma or what the Buddha taught, keep always this sutta in mind: AN 4.83: Avannaraha Sutta - Dispraise\nThe Truth stands above the wish for harmony, since it is actually real harmony, aside of notions of attachment.",
"\nAs for respect, just to be informed. ",
"For a Bhikkhu within the affliction of the Buddha, giving any sign for respect to Wanderers of other sects or to Bhikkhus who deserve \"punishment\" would be a fault. ",
"In the case there is a wanderer of another sect, even so, if he/she speaks Dhamma, its proper to pay respect.",
"\nAs for one who does not really know now, of what is Dhamma and what is Adhamma, its good to be critical and respectful in both directions of course but bring them together and listen carefully about there arguments and reasoning. ",
"\n\nA:\n\nThe Buddha said that in teaching/conversing with members of other sects, first establish common ground, then discourse within that universe of discourse on the basis of truth.",
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"Comparative haemodynamic effects of lidocaine, mexiletine, and disopyramide.",
"\nThe effect of intravenous boluses of lidocaine (5 mg/kg), mexiletine (3.5 mg/kg), and disopyramide (5 mg/kg) on mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), cardiac output (CO), total peripheral resistance, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure, and peak rate of change of left ventricular pressure (peak LV dP/dt) were assessed in the conscious rabbit. ",
"Plasma levels for the three drugs corresponded to the human therapeutic range 3 min after administration. ",
"All three drugs had negative inotropic effects and reduced HR. ",
"Lidocaine reduced peak LV dP/dt by 26%, mexiletine by 41%, and disopyramide by 53%. ",
"The three drugs had quite different effects on CO as a result of differences in their actions on peripheral blood vessels: disopyramide caused a 21% fall in CO, associated with a significant vasoconstriction; mexiletine did not lower CO, as it caused a substantial vasodilation; and lidocaine did not produce any substantial change in either CO or vascular resistance. ",
"Cardiac autonomic blockade did not alter these changes. ",
"These results confirm that disopyramide has a marked cardiodepressant effect, and demonstrate that, although lidocaine depresses myocardial contractility in the conscious rabbit, it has little effect on other haemodynamic parameters. ",
"The experiments also show that mexiletine is a more profound negative inotrope than lidocaine, but that, as it produces a significant fall in MAP and thus a reduction in afterload, the CO is maintained."
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"A.S.D. Sangiovannese 1927\n\nAssociazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Sangiovannese 1927\n (formerly Associazione Calcio Sangiovannese 1927) is an Italian association football club based in San Giovanni Valdarno, Tuscany. ",
"They currently play in Serie D.\n\nHistory\n\nFrom Sangiovannese 1927 to SanGiovanniValdarno\n\nSangiovannese 1927\n\nThe club was founded in 1927 as A.C. Sangiovannese 1927.",
"\n\nSeasons spanning 2000–01 to 2010–11\nSangiovannese played in Serie C2 from 2000–01, following their promotion from Serie D, then reaching Serie C1 in 2003–04. ",
"The club played in this league until 2007–08 when they were relegated to Lega Pro Seconda Divisione. ",
"Sangio would remain in this division for three seasons until 2010–11.",
"\n\nThey did not compete in the league during the 2011–12 Lega Pro Seconda Divisione season.",
"\n\nSanGiovanniValdarno\nThe club was refounded in 2011 as A.S.D. SanGiovanniValdarno.",
"\n\nIn the 2013–14 season they were promoted to Serie D after winning the play-out.",
"\n\nColours and badge\nThe team's colours are blue and white.",
"\n\nPlayers\n\nHonours\n\nSerie D:\n Winners 1: 1999–00\nScudetto Dilettanti:\n Winners 1: 1999–00\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nSite of team's news\n\nCategory:Football clubs in Italy\nCategory:Football clubs in Tuscany\nCategory:Association football clubs established in 1927\nCategory:Serie C clubs\nCategory:1927 establishments in Italy"
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"2009年4月5日 星期日\n\nThe host remembered to decant the wine before serving it to his guests.",
"\n\n[dee-KANT-ing] Decanting is done either to separate the wine from any sediment deposited during the aging process or to allow a wine to breathe in order to enhance its flavor. ",
"When decanting an older wine, care should be taken not to disturb the sediment. ",
"A wine basket (also called cradle or Burgundy basket) can be used to move the bottle in a horizontal position from where it was stored to where it will be decanted. ",
"This position keeps the sediment from disseminating throughout the wine. ",
"If such a basket isn't available, stand the bottle upright for an hour so that the sediment can settle to the bottom of the bottle. ",
"Once the foil and cork are removed, gently wipe the mouth of the bottle. ",
"Then begin slowly pouring the wine into a decanter, placing a strong light (a candle is charming, but a flashlight is more practical) behind or below the neck of the bottle. ",
"The light lets you see the first signs of sediment, at which point you stop pouring. ",
"See alsoopening and serving wine at Home, page 593."
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"# go-jmespath - A JMESPath implementation in Go\n\n[](https://travis-ci.org/jmespath/go-jmespath)\n\n\n\nSee http://jmespath.org for more info.",
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"Association of sleep apnoea with chronic kidney disease in a large cohort from Taiwan.",
"\nRecent observational studies have shown that sleep apnoea (SA) is associated with increased risk of incident CKD. ",
"However, the contribution of SA relative to common traditional CKD risk factors remains unknown. ",
"The aims of this study were to investigate the long-term risk of incident CKD events following SA diagnosis and compare the relative contributions of SA, diabetes and hypertension. ",
"Data were retrieved from Taiwan's National Health Insurance Research Database during the period between 2000 and 2010 for this retrospective cohort study. ",
"The cohorts are composed of patients (age ≥ 20 years) newly diagnosed with SA and matched subjects without SA. ",
"The two cohorts were followed until the occurrence of CKD, death or the end of 2010. ",
"The sample is composed of 43,434 individuals (8687 patients with SA and 34,747 matched non-SA subjects). ",
"A total of 157 new CKD events in patients with SA and 298 events in the matched non-SA cohort were recorded during a mean follow-up period of 3.9 years (incidence rates, 4.5 and 2.2/per 1000 person-years). ",
"The risk of CKD development was greater among patients with SA than in the matched non-SA cohort (adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) 1.58, 95% confidence interval ( CI): 1.29-1.94). ",
"The contribution of SA to the CKD hazard was similar to that of hypertension (aHR 1.17, 95% CI: 0.68-2.01, P = 0.56), whereas that of diabetes remained significantly higher (aHR 2.17, 95% CI: 1.21-3.90, P = 0.01). ",
"SA was associated with an increase in the risk of CKD incidence similar to that of hypertension. ",
"See article, page 578."
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"In many computer applications it is necessary to determine poses of sensors relative to sensed features in the environment in which the sensors are located. ",
"The pose of a sensor gives both the location and the orientation of the sensor. ",
"In three-dimensions, the location is usually specified by a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z), and the orientation is specified by a three-dimensional polar coordinate system (u,v,w).",
"\nFor example, many computer vision and graphics applications require that the poses of cameras are known. ",
"These applications include three-dimensional reconstructions, modeling by structure-from-motion, photo-realistic rendering, image based environment augmentation, simulation, and image registration, to name but a few.",
"\nIn a simple application, signals in the form of stereo images are acquired of a scene by a pair of cameras. ",
"Features common to both images are identified. ",
"The features are used to determine the extrinsic parameters (pose) of the cameras. ",
"In that application, the scene is localized, and the signals have a high degree of overlap. ",
"This results in a large set of common features. ",
"When two cameras take two overlapping images, it is simple to determine the relative poses of the cameras, up to scale and orientation.",
"\nThe invention is concerned with determining the poses of sensors widely distributed in the environment. ",
"For example, signals in the form of images are acquired by security cameras at various locations in a city, or by a tourist wandering through the city, or by mobile telephone cameras as users move about in the city. ",
"In another application, the signals are acquired from a portion of the universe with radio telescopes that are thousands of kilometers apart. ",
"Arrays of microphones or seismographs scattered over the globe are other examples of large scale sensor networks.",
"\nAccordingly, the signals to be processed by the invention have two primary characteristics: the environment in which the signals are acquired is large; and the set signals are said to be sparse. ",
"Although some features in one signal overlap, in some part, with features in another signal, most of the signals have very little in common.",
"\nNumerous techniques are known for determining the poses of sensors from acquired signals. ",
"Of special interest are methods that decouple the three translational DOFs (locations) from the three rotational DOFs (orientation). ",
"In such methods, the degrees of freedom are typically factored to reduce the number of parameters that are estimated simultaneously. ",
"Both interactive and automated methods are known. ",
"Interactive methods do not scale effectively and are vulnerable to operator error and numerical instability. ",
"Therefore, automated methods are preferred.",
"\nProjective techniques can also be used to recover structure and pose, but only up to an arbitrary projective transformation. ",
"Other structure-from-motion methods use singular value decompositions or random searches. ",
"However, most prior art methods require a large set of corresponding features.",
"\nAntone et al. ",
"describe a method for recovering corresponding features (correspondences) from a sparse a set of images in “Scalable extrinsic calibration of omni-directional image networks,” IJCV 49, pp. ",
"143–174, 2002. ",
"The correspondences can be found by a random search, or from rough indicators of co-location, e.g., image histogram matches, edge detection, assignments to wireless communication cells, or GPS. ",
"Antone et al. ",
"also describe how to determine a global orientation of the set of partially overlapping images by analyzing the sparse correspondences."
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"/m/nats\n\nReader Comments and Retorts\n\nStatements posted here are those of our readers and do not represent the BaseballThinkFactory. ",
"Names are provided by the poster and are not verified. ",
"We ask that posters follow our submission policy. ",
"Please report any inappropriate comments.",
"\n\nCarroll is about as valuable as a 85 OPS+ guy can be without being a Gold Glove shortstop. ",
"He can play anywhere, his OPS+ is OBP-heavy (he has no power at all but has always been willing to take a walk), he can run, he can bunt, he is by all accounts an outstanding teammate. ",
"He's just about the perfect 24th or 25th man on a roster.",
"\n\nTom;\nTodays Washington Post has an article that intimates that the decision on who takes the last bench seat is coming down to Jamey or Tyler Moore.",
"\n\nI do not disagree with your assessment as to Jamey's value but I'd rather have Tyler for the long run.",
"\n\nI don't know but Jamey is probably out of minors options where Tyler isn't; perhaps the Nats are seeing what you stated above, will send Tyler down knowing they might well need Tyler for an OF/1B role should an injury occur during the season."
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"SUMMARY: Are you trying to pitch a story about enterprise-level software? ",
"CIO Today specializes in this topic. ",
"We interviewed Executive Editor David Geller to get some PR tips for you on the sorts of stories he's looking for, and how to pitch him.",
"\n\nBecause the NewsFactor Network is syndicated and is also a 24-hour provider of Yahoo! ",
"\n\n-> Geller's background\n\nGeller actually has a background doing PR for high tech companies -- which means he has a good understanding of what PR people go through when they pitch stories.",
"\n\nAfter that, \"I got into being editor for NewsFactor Network and then when CIO Today was launched somewhat over a year ago, I became executive editor for it,\" he says.",
"\n\nThough he much prefers the editorial side of things, Geller says he sometimes misses the elation of landing an interview or story in a much-coveted publication. \"",
"But there are definitely some wonderful wins in editorial as well,\" he says.",
"\n\nOne of the things he enjoys about CIO Today is that, since it's part of the NewsFactor Network, it enjoys a tremendous audience reach, far beyond the general niche market one might suppose for a trade tech publication.",
"\n\n-> Current editorial content\n\nCIO Today content is geared towards the specifics of large-scale purchases for the enterprise, focusing on high level enterprise IT content.",
"\n\nSome stories outline the steps involved in implementing a new technology. \"",
"If there's a specific issue about security, we don't discuss it conceptually,\" he says. \"",
"We go into detail.\"",
"\n\nOther stories include features, product reviews, and top tech daily news.",
"\n\nEverything from the newsletter is also published online.",
"\n\n-> The best way to pitch Geller and his staff\n\nDon't try to call. ",
"The gatekeeper (at least the one we spoke to) takes her job seriously. ",
"Even after I explained that I was not pitching a story but wanted to interview the editor, she would not put me through to anyone, even voicemail, and insisted I go through the general editorial email box.",
"\n\nInstead, send your pitch via email to [email protected]. ",
"That's the general intake for all of NewsFactor's 10 publications. ",
"Pitches are distributed from there.",
"\n\nHowever, if you're an advertiser, you can probably manage to pitch a story to someone personally. \"",
"They just have more direct contact with us individually,\" Geller says. \"",
"That doesn't guarantee they'll get coverage, but there's more direct access.\"",
"\n\nFor example, if you're pitching a news story, send a press release in the body of the email (no attachments, please). ",
"Add a sentence or two -- but not three -- on how the news impacts the industry. \"",
"90% of press releases don't have an impact on the industry, they're self-promotional,\" Geller says.",
"\n\nIf you're pitching an idea for a feature, explain what the story idea is and why it's interesting to his readers. ",
"When pitching a company that readers will recognize, you have a better chance of getting coverage.",
"\n\n\"If we're going to have a feature pitch from a company whose name might not be a big reader attraction, we'd look at that pitch in terms of crafting a larger story,\" Geller explains. ",
"In that case, let him know what the broader angle might be, and how your company would fit in.",
"\n\n\"On a daily basis, the inbox might get 250 to 300 pitches,\" Geller says. ",
"It should be clear what the story is and if immediate action needs to be taken.",
"\n\n2. ",
"Let editors know if your client reads the publication.",
"\n\n\"That shows there's a relationship, and whoever's reading the email sees that there's an understanding of our publication,\" Geller says.",
"\n\nYou might say, \"My client reads every issue of your publication, and he's very interested in …\" followed by your pitch.",
"\n\n3. ",
"Offer to underwrite the cost of product reviews.",
"\n\nUnlike reviews of a PDA, for example, \"these reviews require people with expertise in that industry who can invest the time and effort to look at the product, and there's cost involved,\" Geller says.",
"\n\nUnderstand, however, that underwriting does not guarantee a positive review.",
"\n\n4. ",
"Let them know that you have a high-level individual at the company who's willing to comment. ",
"Editors hate chasing story leads only to find nobody's willing to go on the record.",
"\n\n5. ",
"Like it or not, advertisers have a better chance of getting coverage.",
"\n\nGeller noticed as a PR pro that, when a competitor of one of his clients got a story, they often had an ad in the pages, as well.",
"\n\n\"There's some kind of relationship there,\" he says. \"",
"It's not a direct relationship, but in general the companies that advertise more are a better known brand name and they're more visible to readers.\"",
"\n\n-> Pet peeves\n\nThe biggest pet peeve, Geller says, is people who try to get through to editors in questionable ways. \"",
"That's why it was so tough getting through to me,\" he says. \"",
"If an editor gets a phone call and they perceive there was some kind of deception, they're obviously not going to have a good attitude.\"",
"\n\n-> What he looks for in printed press materials\n\nIf it conveys info you can't give in any other way, he'll look at it. ",
"If it's a stack of typewritten papers, \"nobody's going to read those.\"",
"\n\n-> Where you can meet Geller or his staff\n\nTheir policy is to spend face time with advertisers only, because of time and budgetary constraints, he says. \"",
"If we were to spend the time on the phone or in person, we couldn't get our work done.\"",
"\n\nAs for conferences, they don't attend too many. \"",
"The nature of online is we have information at our fingertips,\" he says. ",
"But they do attend some, \"and when we're there we're happy to meet with people.\"",
"\n\n-> Favorite professional publication\n\n\"These days, I find myself going to Google's news page,\" Geller says. \"",
"They simply consolidate technology news from so many different sources.\" ",
"He also skims through virtually all the largest news sites, including CNN, ABC News, MSNBC, and the BBC.",
"\n\nPost a Comment\n\nNote: Comments are lightly moderated. ",
"We post all comments without editing as\nlong as they (a) relate to the topic at hand, (b)\ndo not contain offensive content, and (c) are not overt sales\npitches for your company's own products/services.",
"\n\nThe views and opinions expressed in the articles of this website are strictly those of the author and do not necessarily reflect in any way the views of MarketingSherpa, its affiliates, or its employees."
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"CNN: Trump Considering Military Action in Syria\n\nRHODES: \"I heard from a separate member of Congress that President Trump called them yesterday. ",
"He said he was considering military action in Syria. ",
"And president Trump said he would -- want to speak to Secretary of Defense Mattis about this. ",
"It wasn't clear, you know, yesterday, as Barbara Starr's reporting that there's been a decision to do this, but, you know, again, a separate member of Congress saying the president told them that he is considering military action in Syria.”"
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"Slideshow ( 2 images )\n\nSKOPJE (Reuters) - Macedonia is ready to add a geographical qualifier to its name to help resolve a dispute with Greece that has held up its prospects of joining the European Union and NATO, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said on Tuesday.",
"\n\nMacedonia joined the United Nations in 1993 with the provisional name “The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” because its neighbor Greece objected to the one-word name saying it implied a territorial claim to a Greek province of the same name.",
"\n\n“I would like the negotiations (with Greece) to succeed ... We are ready for a geographical qualifier in the name,” he told reporters in the capital Skopje on Tuesday.",
"\n\nHe had pledged a speedy solution to the dispute last month during the World Economic Forum in Davos.",
"\n\nMost countries refer to the country that declared independence in 1991 from the former Yugoslavia as Macedonia. ",
"Diplomats say Northern Macedonia, New Macedonia or Upper Macedonia could be now acceptable to both sides.",
"\n\nZaev also said his government has renamed the main airport and a key highway, which had both been named after Alexander the Great. ",
"That riled Athens as Macedonia was also the name of an ancient Greek kingdom ruled by Alexander.",
"\n\nZaev said the airport will be renamed “International Airport Skopje” and the highway will be called Friendship.",
"\n\n“With today’s decision ... we are confirming our step toward building friendship and confidence with Greece,” he told reporters in the capital Skopje.",
"\n\nOn Sunday, hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated in northern Greece against any solution that would include the term “Macedonia.”"
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"Ever wanted to design a wizard but been boggled by the rules or stumped by creative block? ",
"GURPS Wizards is the solution: a complete guide to wizard design. ",
"Inside you'll find essays on 28 wizard archetypes, accompanied by templates that let you quickly design complete and efficient characters. ",
"The role of each wizard is discussed, along with suggestions for integrating it into a campaign and specific advice on attributes, advantages, disadvantages, skills and spells.",
"\n\nWizards who don't use magic at all, including the charlatan, psi, ritual magician and super mage.",
"\n\nWizards also includes a template system that walks you through the process of creating guidelines that will help your players make capable and balanced characters. ",
"A special section on wizard templates discusses not just spells, but also the special abilities that appear in Cthulhupunk, Mage, Psionics, Religion, Supers and Voodoo. ",
"Other features include \"quick\" and \"instant\" alchemy, expanded rules for knacks and Magery, and notes on replacing spells with super powers, psi skills and ritual magic.",
"\n\nWizards offers players and GMs alike sound advice on creating viable and original characters. ",
"Each template also comes with 4 examples that cover multiple settings, TLs and power levels, giving you 112 complete sample characters from over a dozen genres that are ready to use as PCs or NPCs.",
"\n\nWelcome to the Guild, apprentice . . .",
"\n\nGURPS Rogues – Everything you need to know about backstabbing, intrigue, and the seamy side of life, with 29 templates and over 100 sample characters for all kinds of settings.",
"\n\nGURPS Warriors – 29 warrior archetypes, along with templates and design advice allowing you to quickly and efficiently recruit your new warrior.",
"\n\nWarehouse 23 offers worldbooks, supplements, and adventures, in physical and digital formats, for GURPS – as well as many of our other game lines. ",
"Surf our site for the files you want . . . ",
"and get them instantly with a credit card or PayPal!"
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"Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Philip Morris produces cigarette brands like Marlboro\n\nTobacco giant Philip Morris says it will cease production of cigarettes at its factory in Moorabbin, Australia.",
"\n\nThe closure of the factory, which has been in operation for nearly 60 years, will lead to a loss of 180 jobs.",
"\n\nThe company said Australia's regulation regarding cigarette production was a factor in its decision.",
"\n\nPhilip Morris said all cigarette production for the Australian market would be moved to its plant in South Korea.",
"\n\n\"This is an extremely difficult decision, and devastating news for all of our employees,\" said John Gledhill, Philip Morris's managing director for Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands, in a statement.",
"\n\nThe company said that it had been unable to increase exports as the domestic demand for cigarettes in Australia gradually declined over the past few years.",
"\n\nIt blamed the export difficulties on the introduction of fire safety requirements for Australian-made cigarettes in 2010, which forced the plant to make cigarettes that didn't match consumer preferences elsewhere.",
"\n\n\"With any significant export opportunity restricted by Australian government regulations, our Moorabbin factory is significantly underutilised, operating at less than half of its currently installed capacity,\" said Mr Gledhill.",
"\n\n\"Regrettably, factors beyond our control prevent us from fully utilising the facility, and accordingly it's been identified for closure.\"",
"\n\nIn 2012, Australia became the first country in the world to introduce \"plain packs\", which bans all company logos and colours from packets, which must instead display graphic health warnings."
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"A wireless security camera to PC (Personal Computer) may be the solution for you if you are looking for a quick and easy self-installation video security system. ",
"Thanks to modern technological advances, the average homeowner can now afford a wireless security camera to PC system; but the are limited to residential use only. ",
"A wireless security camera to PC system makes a great video surveillance/security system for offices and businesses as well."
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"Recent Swedish experiences in 222Rn control.",
"\nSwedish local authorities are responsible for decreasing 222Rn progeny concentrations in homes in their municipalities. ",
"To obtain an overall view of their experiences, concerned national authorities sent a questionnaire in 1986 to local authorities. ",
"The results were intended to form one basis for decisions by the government regarding revised statements on financial contributions, limits, etc. ",
"The results were also intended to be of use to national authorities in determining limits and recommendations and to local authorities in their field work. ",
"One result of the survey was an enhanced interest in the Rn problem among Swedish politicians and the mass media. ",
"This increased attention resulted in new plans for continued work to decrease Rn levels indoors during 1987-1989, on both a national and a local level. ",
"The experiences of the local authorities show that Rn progeny concentrations decreased to below the design level in 95% of newly built houses investigated. ",
"It was also found that Rn progeny concentrations were below the limit for reconstruction in 53% of existing homes that previously had levels exceeding the limit."
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"Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart Caught At The Roosevelt Hotel!",
"\n\nRobert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart had a very interesting summer. ",
"After a huge cheating scandal involving Kristen and director Rupert Sanders, Kristen and Rob went through a very public break up. ",
"Now the couple is slowly putting the pieces of their relationship back together. ",
"The couple has been apprehensive about reactions from Twilight fans.",
"\n\nNow that Rob and Kristen have done their first public interview together, the two are showing off their rekindled love. ",
"Kristen recently attened the AFI screening of On The Road at the Grauman’s Chinese Theater alone, but don’t worry, Rob joined later. ",
"The duo met up after the event at the Roosevelt Hotel. ",
"The reunited couple chatted with KStew’s co-star, Amy Adams. ",
"Rob was seen relaxing, drinking a beer and smoking. ",
"The couple was seen dancing, while Rob whispered in Kristen’s ear and wrapped his arms around her. ",
"Aw! ",
"So cute."
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"Boux Avenue\n\nBoux Avenue Ltd. is a chain of lingerie stores based in the United Kingdom. ",
" The chain is owned by entrepreneur Theo Paphitis, best known for his regular appearances on the BBC business programme Dragons' Den and as former chairman of Millwall FC.",
"\nBoux Avenue launched in the spring of 2011 initially opening six stores across the United Kingdom. ",
" With the exception of one store in Gibraltar all the stores are located in shopping centres across the region, including Bluewater (Kent), Lakeside (Essex), St. Davids (Cardiff), Trafford Centre (Manchester), Meadowhall Centre (Sheffield) and Buchanan Galleries (Glasgow). ",
"In March 2012, a seventh store in Birmingham's Bullring opened and later that year an eighth store in Merry Hill in Dudley opened. ",
"In September 2014, a ninth store opened in Brighton's Churchill Square shopping centre opened.",
"\nModel Jacqui Ainsley has been recruited to be the face of the brand.",
"\n\nThe name Boux Avenue was inspired by a French waitress who served Paphitis when holidaying with his family in France.",
"\n\nThe store has an unusual selling layout in the UK, displaying the majority of its products in drawers as opposed to hanging rails and stands; a similar manner to American lingerie brand Victoria’s Secret.",
"\n\nExternal links\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:British companies established in 2011\nCategory:Lingerie brands"
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"Effect of dimethyl sulfides on the induction of apoptosis in human leukemia Jurkat cells and HL-60 cells.",
"\nOrganosulfur compounds have been established to possess anticancer effects. ",
"To provide a better understanding of the biological function of dimethyl sulfides, dimethyl monosulfide (Me(2)S), dimethyl disulfide (Me(2)S(2)), dimethyl trisulfide (Me(2)S(3)) and dimethyl tetrasulfide (Me(2)S(4)) were used as experimental materials to investigate their effects on apoptosis induction in human leukemia Jurkat cells and HL-60 cells. ",
"Treatment with 20 muM dimethyl sulfides for 24 h decreased the viability of both cells. ",
"The cell viability-reducing effect of these sulfides was in the following order: Me(2)S(4) asymptotically equal to Me(2)S(3) > Me(2)S(2) asymptotically equal to Me(2)S for Jurkat cells and Me(2)S(4) > Me(2)S(3) > Me(2)S(2) asymptotically equal to Me(2)S for HL-60 cells. ",
"Me(2)S(3) and Me(2)S(4) significantly induced DNA fragmentation and caspase-3 activation. ",
"The addition of GSH or NAC completely suppressed the sulfide-induced apoptosis. ",
"Our results indicate that dimethyl sulfides with a larger number of sulfur atoms more strongly induced apoptosis in both human leukemia cells via ROS production and caspase-3 activation."
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"In client-server computer systems, remote server computers provide access to content (such as web pages) and services to local client computers over a network. ",
"While this allows for centralized management of such content and services, issues related to connectivity (such as being disconnected from the network or when the network is slow) can affect the capability of the client. ",
"Although such content and services could be maintained (and synchronized) locally on the client (that is, a “fat client”), this greatly complicates the client design and defeats one of the chief benefits of the client-server architecture. ",
"Consequently, there is a need to be able to provide the timely availability of the server content and services to the client when network connectivity is broken or insufficiently responsive, and without having to maintain the server content or services locally."
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"DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday banned any further negotiations between Iran and the United States, putting the breaks on moderates hoping to end Iran's isolation after reaching a nuclear deal with world powers in July.",
"\n\nKhamenei, the highest authority in the Islamic Republic, already said last month there would be no more talks with the United States after the nuclear deal, but has not previously declared an outright ban.",
"\n\nHis statements directly contradict those of moderate Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who says his government is ready to hold talks with the United States on how to resolve the conflict in Syria, where the two countries back opposing sides.",
"\n\n\"Negotiations with the United States open gates to their economic, cultural, political and security influence. ",
"Even during the nuclear negotiations they tried to harm our national interests.,\" ",
"Khamenei was quoted as saying on his website.",
"\n\n\"Our negotiators were vigilant but the Americans took advantage of a few chances,\" he said.",
"\n\nAlthough he supported the last 18 months of negotiations, Khamenei has not publicly endorsed the nuclear agreement with the United States, Germany, France, Britain, China and Russia that settled a standoff of more than a decade.",
"\n\nThe West feared Iran wanted to develop nuclear weapons, suspicions Tehran denies.",
"\n\nThe agreement, which curbs Iran's nuclear program in exchange for crippling sanctions being lifted, was welcomed by Iranians who are keen to see their living standards improve and better relations with the rest of the world.",
"\n\nIt was also a great political victory for Rouhani and his faction in Iran ahead of some key elections next year and as such has deepened the divide in Iran's complex power structure between moderates and hardliners.",
"\n\n\"CRITICAL SITUATION\"\n\nIn his address to Revolutionary Guards Navy commanders, Khamenei said talks with the United States brought only disadvantages to Iran.",
"\n\n\"Through negotiations Americans seek to influence Iran ... but there are naive people in Iran who don't understand this,\" Khamenei was quoted as saying to the IRGC commanders, who are also running much of Iran's military involvement in Syria.",
"\n\nStory continues\n\nHundreds of Iranian troops arrived in Syria last month, sources told Reuters, where they will join government forces and their Lebanese Hezbollah allies in a major ground offensive backed by Russian air strikes.",
"\n\nThe West dispute the aims of Russia's air campaign, which is causing friction between Moscow and NATO.",
"\n\n\"We are in a critical situation now as the enemies are trying to change the mentality of our officials and our people on the revolution and our national interests,\" Khamenei told the Guards.",
"\n\nKhamenei often invokes an unspecified \"enemy\" when talking about Western powers, particularly the United States and Israel, which he suspects of plotting to overthrow the Islamic Republic.",
"\n\nHis comments might invigorate the hardline lawmakers seeking the impeachment of Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif over shaking hands with U.S. President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly.",
"\n\n\"On and off the record, it was an accident,\" Zarif said in an interview with New Yorker on Tuesday.",
"\n\n\"It has already cost me at home. ",
"But everything I do costs me at home, so this is not an aberration.\"",
"\n\n(Reporting by Bozorgmehr Sharafedin; Editing by Toby Chopra and Raissa Kasolowsky)"
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"Pathology and pathomechanisms of epithelial microcystic and basement membrane abnormalities of the cornea.",
"\nFour patients with 'microcystic epithelial abnormality' were studied. ",
"Photographs demonstrated biomicroscopically visible alterations taking place over months. ",
"The histopathology comprising intraepithelial basement membrane abnormalities and intraepithelial cysts is described at the light and electron microscopical level. ",
"The biomicroscopically grey-white microcysts correspond in size to the basement membrane abnormalities. ",
"The histopathologically described cysts are much smaller. ",
"The pathogenetic mechanisms are discussed and it is suggested that breaks in the normal basement membrane are a more likely initial event than a speculative 'primary cellular dystrophy or degeneration'. ",
"Cells grow beneath the basement membrane and lift it up into the epithelium. ",
"A subsequent intraepithelial synthesis of basement membrane material may account for part of the ultrastructural appearance. ",
"The epithelial cysts were found exclusively beneath the basement membrane. ",
"They are thought to reflect the cellular maturation which is altered by the inserted membrane. ",
"It is suggested that the cysts pass through stages of maturation, which account for the observed difference in appearance."
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"The AudioMulch Blog is written by AudioMulch's creator Ross Bencina. ",
"It discusses the in-depth nitty gritty of what AudioMulch is, how it works and what you can do with it. ",
"The blog is aimed at AudioMulch users who have mastered the basics and want to journey deeper into AudioMulch's capabilities.",
"\n\nIf you're new to AudioMulch or want to brush up on the basics we invite you to watch our video tutorials.",
"\n\nSouthPole Expedition Part 2: Modulation Mixing and LFOs\n\nIn part 1 of this series about AudioMulch's SouthPole contraption I presented the basics of resonant lowpass filtering. ",
"I gave an example of using AudioMulch's automation system to create rhythmic patterns of filtering by automating SouthPole's Base Frequency, Resonance and Gain. ",
"If you haven't read it you might want to check out part 1 here. ",
"This week's post picks up the story with an explanation of SouthPole's modulation mixing system. ",
"Then we'll look at some examples using SouthPole's LFOs (low frequency oscillators) to create various types of time-varying filtering.",
"\n\nModulation mixing\n\nLast time I talked about varying SouthPole's filter using the “Base” controls for cutoff frequency, resonance and gain. ",
"I left you with the following diagram, showing that frequency, resonance and gain can also be controlled by any of the 7 modulation sources listed across the top of the diagram:\n\nA diagram showing the routing of all modulation sources to each basic SouthPole parameter.",
"\n\nThe diagram lists 7 different modulation sources (Input Follower, Side Chain Follower, Envelope generators 1, 2 and 3, low frequency oscillators (LFOs)1 and 2. ",
"Each of these 7 sources is routed to all three basic parameters (cutoff, resonance, and gain). ",
"For each parameter the “Base” parameter value provides (you guessed it) a base value to which all of the modulation sources are summed (added or subtracted).",
"\n\nI'm not going to get around to explaining the details of each modulation source in this post, but what I do want to make clear is how the modulation sources are summed to control each basic parameter. ",
"For today, we'll just consider the Base parameters and the LFO modulation sources. ",
"Keep in mind that all of the other modulation sources are summed in exactly the same way as the LFOs. ",
"I've turned the above diagram on its side so I can show more clearly how each modulation source is summed:\n\nA diagram showing how modulation sources are mixed to control each parameter, using LFOs 1 & 2 as examples. ",
"The circles with + signs in them indicate summing junctions.",
"\n\nThe diagram shows that each basic parameter is controlled by the sum of its Base value and each of the modulation sources (only LFOs 1 & 2 are shown). ",
"Each modulation source is added or subtracted based on the position of the corresponding knob on the modulation mixer. ",
"To make it clear how the diagram above relates to the SouthPole user interface I've put them both side by side below, with an arrow indicating how each knob relates to the base parameter values and modulation mixing levels in the diagram.",
"\n\nAs we saw last time, the Base parameter values sweep from low to high values, but the modulation mixing knobs sweep from -1.0 to +1.0. ",
"When a modulation mixing knob has a zero value (at 12 o'clock) its modulation source has no effect on the parameter, turning clockwise adds the associated modulation source to the corresponding parameter in varying amounts, while turning counter clockwise subtracts.",
"\n\nBefore we get to the modulation mixing examples I'd better give a little bit of an overview of SouthPole's LFOs...\n\nA brief sidebar about SouthPole's LFOs\n\nAs the name suggests, a Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) oscillates slowly — typically slower than the speed we usually associate with “audio frequencies” i.e. slower than 20 cycles per second... often much slower. ",
"Thus they're useful for creating rhythmical or slowly modulating changes to the filter settings. ",
"The SouthPole contraption has two identical LFOs. ",
"Each has two basic modes: Clock Synchronous and Asynchronous. ",
"The clock synchronous mode allows you to create LFOs that stay in time with the beat (cycling every 8 bars for example) while the asynchronous mode is the more traditional free-running type oscillation where you can control the oscillation rate with a knob. ",
"There are various LFO waveforms, including a random mode which steps between random values similar to a \"sample-and-hold\" circuit in an analog sythesizer. ",
"When set with a clock-synchronous rate, a random LFO can be handy for randomising the filter settings or amplitudes of each note as I'll show in the final example below.",
"\n\nOne important thing to note about all of the LFO waveforms is that they are positive DC waveforms, which means they swing from zero to one (unlike audio waveforms which alternate between negative and positive values), this makes it easy to use them with SouthPole's additive modulation mixing system: adding a sine wave LFO to the Base value causes the parameter to sweep from the Base value to a higher (or lower) value determined by the level set by the LFO's modulation mixer knob.",
"\n\nLFO Modulation mixing examples\n\nSo, the modulation mixing knobs on SouthPole let us add and subtract modulation sources to the base parameter values. ",
"Let's step through some simple examples. ",
"As in my last post we'll filter the output of an Arpeggiator.",
"\n\nAn AudioMulch patch showing an Arpeggiator connected to a SouthPole connected to SoundOut\n\nAdding and subtracting a single LFO\n\nHere's the sound filtered with a lowpass filter, filter cutoff frequency is set to 300Hz, with no modulation. ",
"I've shown the corresponding SouthPole modulation mixer settings in the screenshot that follows the sound player:\n\nThe same sound with a slowly varying sine wave LFO modulating filter cutoff, mixed in at +0.04:\n\nThe same sound with a slowly varying sine wave LFO modulating filter cutoff, mixed in at -0.04:\n\nNotice that in both of the previous examples I didn't change the filter cutoff Base value. ",
"With the LFO modulation amount set to +0.04 the filter sweeps upwards from the base value, with it set to -0.04 it sweeps downwards below the base value. ",
"Actually the downward sweeping example sweeps so low it filters out the input signal entirely, giving the effect of the whole sound fading in and out. ",
"It's worth starting with this setup and experimenting with how changing the LFO modulation amount changes the sound.",
"\n\nMixing two LFOs\n\nAll those knobs on the SouthPole modulation mixer are there for a reason – they allow you to mix more than one modulation source together at the same time. ",
"In this example I'm going to mix a sine wave LFO and a square wave LFO. ",
"LFO 1 is the sine wave LFO, oscillating slowly as in the previous examples. ",
"LFO 2 is a faster square wave LFO which gives a rhythmic pulsing effect.",
"\n\nOnce again here's the filtered sound with just the sine wave LFO (LFO 1) modulating the cutoff frequency downwards from the base value:\n\nA more interesting example\n\nEach modulation source can control more than one parameter. ",
"Here's an example using both a sawtooth (ramp-down) LFO (LFO 1) and a random LFO (LFO 2) to modulate all three parameters (filter cutoff, resonance and gain). ",
"The sawtooth LFO modulates the Gain to give the effect of a repeated decaying envelope. ",
"I've set both LFOs to be clock-synchronous with a quarter-note period, which locks the LFOs together creating the effect of a stream of randomly modulated notes.",
"\n\nThe attacks are clicky due to the instant rise time of the sawtooth LFO. ",
"Usually you'd use an envelope generator to create a slightly slower attack – I'll do that in the next installment when I'll explain SouthPole's ADSR envelope generators.",
"\n\nWrap up\n\nIn this post I've shown how to mix multiple modulation sources together to give more complex control over SouthPole's filter parameters. ",
"Keep in mind that the sounds presented here are the result of only one set of modulation mixing settings. ",
"Turning the knobs a bit can give quite different sonic results, as can choosing a different sound to feed through the filter. ",
"For example, you could try playing your favourite sound file through SouthPole with the settings I used today."
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"Kids, especially boys, perceive sadness of depressed parents\n\nMay 17th, 2013 in Psychology & Psychiatry /\n\nChildren of depressed parents pick up on their parents' sadness—whether mom or dad realizes their mood or not.",
"\n\nA new University of Michigan study indicates that children who have at least one parent suffering from depression are very skilled at picking up on facial cues. ",
"Boys living in this environment are highly sensitive to facial expressions of sadness, said Nestor Lopez-Duran, assistant professor of psychology and one the study's authors.",
"\n\nResearchers analyzed data on 104 children ages 7-13, of whom about 60 percent were at high-risk for depression because at least one of their parents were diagnosed with depression. ",
"The participants looked at pictures of facial expressions that varied from neutral to sadness and anger, or viewed images of faces morphing from anger to sadness. ",
"After each picture was shown, the children indicated whether the face showed sadness, anger or no emotion.",
"\n\nLopez-Duran said high-risk boys were more sensitive to subtle expressions of sadness than their peers, including high-risk girls.",
"\n\nThere are a few reasons why this may be the case, he said. ",
"There's growing evidence suggesting that the underlying processes that put kids at risk for depression and other conditions may be different for boys and girls.",
"\n\nIt may be that high sensitivity to sadness influences how boys see their social world, which may make them less social in important situations, Lopez-Duran said. ",
"For instance, unlike girls, who tend to be highly social, boys are less likely to use others as sources of comfort when they are sad.",
"\n\nOn the other hand, it's also possible that this unique skill does not reflect an underlying vulnerability, he said. ",
"This skill may be an adaptive strategy that develops in response to the environment. ",
"Specifically, boys are more likely than girls to receive harsh punishment, and parental depression increases the risk of using harsh punishment.",
"\n\n\"It is possible that these high-risk boys developed this skill in order to reduce the possibility of getting harsh punishment by essentially recognizing when mom or dad is upset and getting out of the way,\" Lopez-Duran said.",
"\n\nThe takeaway message is that boys of depressed parents appear to be very perceptive of sadness, he said. ",
"In fact, these boys may be able to tell when parents are upset even when parents think they are not showing signs.",
"\n\nThe findings appear in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jcpp.2013.54.issue-5/issuetoc"
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"Search This Blog\n\n“STRANGER THINGS” Funko Action Figure Coming In August 2017!",
"\n\nFrom Netflix’s Original Series Stranger Things, comes some of your favorite characters from Hawkins, Indiana now to be unleashed as action figures from Funko!",
"\n\nAvailable as 3-packs, with two sets to choose from - each figure stands 3 ¾ tall and are fully articulated, and since they “break” with Super7, these are no longer known as “ReAction” figures, FYI (ever since Twin Peaks et al).",
"\n\nPack 1 includes Lucas, Mike, and Eleven - with her signature Eggo.",
"\n\nPack 2 features Will, Dustin, and Demogorgon.",
"\n\nReleasing in Summer/August, do check in with you fav retailer(s) for availability and pricing.",
"\n\nPreviews, videos (both western and eastern), inspired and/or homage artwork / fan-art, themed-toys and even Cosplay ... From live action genre programs (Superhero, Zombies, Vampires etc) to animation - from Western cartoons and CG-spectacles, to Japanese anime ... Pop Culture/ Geek-Pop / Otaku = as long as you can see them on the googlebox AKA Television, or in this internet age, Internet TV = They will be right at home with the programming schedules for I LIKE TEEVEE!",
"\n\nExpect news, reviews and views in these here pages! ",
"Don't be shy and feel free to scroll around, click PLAY on some videos, and have some fun! ",
"Don't change the channels too quick now!",
"\n\nThis blog is managed and authored by TOYSREVIL, who also runs a blog about ART TOYS, FILMS, Otaku-themed fun, and more!"
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"Ehl-Led-7w-220xlv-C1d1-20mx10m-2023-24v\n\nMade in the USA The Larson Electronics EHL-LED-7W-220XLV-C1D1-20MX10M-2023 Explosion Proof LED Drop Light/Trouble Light is U.L. approved Class I & II, Division 1 & 2, Groups C and D, and is ideal for general work activities in hazardous locations requiring explosion proof protection. ",
"This 10…"
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"Mortality rates between treated post-traumatic stress disorder Israeli male veterans compared to non-diagnosed veterans.",
"\nThe literature suggests that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with increased mortality. ",
"However, to date, mortality rates amongst veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder have not been reported for Israeli veterans, who bear a different profile than veterans from other countries. ",
"This study aims to evaluate age-adjusted mortality rates amongst Israeli Defense Forces veterans with and without PTSD diagnosis. ",
"The study was carried out in a paired sample design with 2457 male veterans with treated PTSD and 2457 matched male veterans without a PTSD diagnosis. ",
"Data on PTSD and non-PTSD veterans was collected from the Rehabilitation Division of the Israeli Ministry of Defense (MOD) and the Israeli Defense Forces' (IDF) special unit for treatment of combat stress reaction. ",
"Mortality data were collected from the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) computerized database. ",
"Comparison of mortality rates between PTSD and non-PTSD veterans was done using paired observations survival analysis by applying a proportional hazards regression model. ",
"Overall no statistically significant difference in mortality rates was found between veterans with treated PTSD and veterans without PTSD. ",
"These findings hold even when excluding veterans who died in battle and including non-PTSD veterans who died before their matched PTSD veteran was diagnosed. ",
"However, among pairs with similar military jobs PTSD group had significantly less mortality. ",
"The results of this large national cohort suggest that treated PTSD is not associated with increased mortality. ",
"We submit that the lack of this association represents the \"net\" pathophysiology of PTSD due to the unique characteristics of the sample."
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"Elevated risk of anaphylactoid reaction from radiographic contrast media is associated with both beta-blocker exposure and cardiovascular disorders.",
"\nA case-control study, with both retrospective and concurrent subject selection, was performed (1) to determine whether greater risk for anaphylactoid reaction from contrast media associated with beta-blocker exposure reflects presence, or is independent of underlying cardiovascular disorder; and (2) to characterize further the risk of anaphylactoid reaction from contrast media in patients with cardiovascular disorders and patients with asthma. ",
"Adverse reactions from intravenous contrast media were recorded in accordance with quality assurance guidelines. ",
"Anaphylactoid reactions were classified as mild to moderate (urticaria/angioedema), severe (stridor, bronchospasm, or hypotension), or major and life-threatening (hypotension with or without the need for subsequent hospitalization). ",
"Medical records from reactors were compared with those from matched (gender, age, date, and type of contrast study) controls who received conventional contrast media without adverse reaction. ",
"Of 34,371 intravenous contrast media procedures performed, 122 anaphylactoid reactions were recorded. ",
"The risk of anaphylactoid reaction was significantly associated with asthma (odds ratio [OR], 8.74; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.36 to 32.35; P = .0012). ",
"The risk of bronchospasm was associated with beta-blocker exposure (OR, 3.73; 95% CI, 1.18 to 11.75; P = .025) and with asthma (OR, 16.39; 95% CI, 4.30 to 62.46; P = .0001). ",
"The risk of major and life-threatening reaction was associated with the presence of cardiovascular disorder (OR, 7.71; 95% CI, 1.04 to 57.23; P = .046). ",
"Among patients with severe reactions, the risk of hospitalization was elevated by the presence of cardiovascular disorder (P = .001), exposure to beta-blockers (OR, 7.67; 95% CI, 1.79 to 32.85; P = .029), or asthma (OR, 20.7; 95% CI, 1.21 to 355.55; P = .065). ",
"Although beta-blocker exposure and the presence of cardiovascular disorder were highly associated (chi 2 = 49, P < .001), a greater risk of bronchospasm with severe reaction was observed in nonasthmatic patients with cardiovascular disorders receiving beta-blockers (OR, 15.75; P = .023). ",
"Among reactors with asthma, receiving beta-blockers, or with a cardiovascular disorder, 60.8% (31/51) experienced severe anaphylactoid reactions, compared with 35.2% (25/71) of patients without these risk factors (OR, 3.62; P = .005). ",
"beta-Blocker exposure and cardiovascular disorder are both statistically significant risk factors for severe anaphylactoid reaction from contrast media. ",
"Thus, patients receiving beta-adrenergic blockers and patients with asthma, on the basis of greater risk for bronchospasm, and patients with cardiovascular disorders, on the basis of elevated risk of major and life-threatening reaction, are appropriate target populations for risk reduction measures before receiving intravenous infusion of contrast media."
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"Q:\n\nVBA for extracting from URL\n\nI am trying to extracting the last page Number from URL, i want to gett tge maximum Number of pages.",
"\nbellow is my url\nhttps://www.justdial.com/Upleta/Cosmetic-Wholesalers-in-Upleta-Lati-Plot\nhere bellow is VBA code i try but some where is problem\nDim sResponse As String, html As HTMLDocument\nDim url As String\nDim N As Long\nDim X As Long\n\n url = ActiveCell.",
"Value\n With CreateObject(\"MSXML2.XMLHTTP\")\n .Open \"GET\", url, False\n .setRequestHeader \"If-Modified-Since\", \"Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT\"\n .send\n sResponse = StrConv(.responseBody, vbUnicode)\n End With\n Set html = New HTMLDocument\n\n With html\n .body.innerHTML = sResponse\n ActiveCell.",
"Offset(1, 0) = .getElementByClass(\"Jpag\").innerText\n ActiveCell.",
"Offset(1, 0) = .getElementById(\"srchpagination\").innerText\n ActiveCell.",
"Offset(0, 1).Select\n End With\n\nplease anybody help me out\n\nA:\n\nYou can collect a nodeList of the pagination links and then take the last but one index i.e. the max page number. ",
"You can do this with a CSS descendant combinator to target the id of the parent element and then the a tag elements within. ",
"I use a -2 to get the correct index as the nodeList is 0 based indexing.",
"Print html.querySelectorAll(\"#srchpagination a\").item(html.querySelectorAll(\"#srchpagination a\").Length - 2).innerText\n\n"
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"Rennie Maudslay\n\nMajor Sir James Rennie Maudslay, (13 August 1915 – 8 June 1988) was a British Army officer and courtier in the Household of Queen Elizabeth II.",
"\n\nMaudslay served in the Second World War as an officer in the King's Royal Rifle Corps, and was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire on 20 September 1945 for his wartime services. ",
"He relinquished his commission in the army on 13 August 1965. ",
"Between 1971 and 1981 he worked as Keeper of the Privy Purse, the financial manager of the Royal Household. ",
"He was also Secretary of the Royal Victorian Order from 1971 to 1987. ",
"On 1 January 1973 Maudslay was appointed an Extra Equerry to Elizabeth II. ",
"He was made a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath in the 1979 New Year Honours.",
"\n\nIn a letter from Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh to Maudslay in 1970, the Prince described him as a \"silly little Whitehall twit\".",
"\n\nBetween 1970 and 1979 he lived at Frensham Vale House, near Farnham, Surrey.",
"\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1915 births\nCategory:1988 deaths\nCategory:British Army personnel of World War II\nCategory:Equerries\nCategory:King's Royal Rifle Corps officers\nCategory:Knights Commander of the Order of the Bath\nCategory:Knights Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order\nCategory:Members of the British Royal Household\nCategory:Members of the Order of the British Empire"
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"1. ",
"Field of the Disclosure\nThe present disclosure relates generally to image forming devices and more particularly to a replaceable, unit for an image forming device having a drive coupler that includes a locking member.",
"\n2. ",
"Description of the Related Art\nImage forming devices such as electrophotographic printers, copiers and multifunction devices commonly include one or more replaceable units that have a shorter lifespan than the image forming device does. ",
"As a result, the replaceable unit must be replaced by the user from time to time in order to continue operating the image forming device. ",
"For example, an electrophotographic image forming device's toner supply is typically stored in one or more replaceable units. ",
"In some devices, imaging components having a longer life are separated from those having a shorter life in separate replaceable units. ",
"In this configuration, relatively longer life components such as a developer roll, a toner adder roll, a doctor blade and a photoconductive drum may be positioned in one or more replaceable units referred to as imaging units. ",
"The image forming device's toner supply, which is consumed relatively quickly in comparison with the components housed in the imaging unit(s), may be provided in a reservoir in a separate replaceable unit in the form of a toner cartridge or bottle that supplies toner to one or more of the imaging units). ",
"Other components of the electrophotographic image forming device such as a fuser may also be replaceable. ",
"These replaceable units require periodic replacement by the user such as when the toner cartridge runs out of usable toner, when a replaceable unit's components reach the end of their life due to wear, when a waste toner reservoir fills with waste toner, etc.",
"\nImage forming devices are used in a variety of settings such as businesses and schools. ",
"In settings where physical access to the image forming device is generally unrestricted, the replaceable units of the image forming device may be a target for theft for purposes such as resale or home use. ",
"For example, some schools where theft from image forming devices is common require school staff to remove and securely store the replaceable units at the end of each school day. ",
"In addition to the inconvenience and burden imposed on the staff, daily removal and reinsertion of the replaceable units out of and into the image forming device may, over time, result in electrical system failure due to excessive wear on the electrical contacts of the replaceable units and the corresponding electrical contacts in the image forming device as well as toner leakage due to excessive wear on toner seals.",
"\nOne solution is to lock the replaceable unit to the image forming device or to lock an access door on the image forming device that permits access to the replaceable unit using a physical lock and key. ",
"However, this solution requires safekeeping of the key to the image forming device creating an additional burden on the end user. ",
"Another solution known in the art is for the printer to contain a lock mechanism (such as a solenoid lock) on the access door to the image forming device that is controlled by the image forming device and that restricts access to the replaceable unit(s). ",
"However, this approach requires additional parts and installation of those parts in the image forming device thereby adding significant manufacturing cost to the device. ",
"Accordingly, a secure, user-friendly, low cost system for locking a replaceable unit in an image forming device is desired."
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"\n\nSpeak.js Demo - katsuyan\nhttp://speak-demo.herokuapp.com/\n\n======\nchewxy\nDoesn't work on Firefox 13.01 on Ubuntu Precise. ",
"Works on Chromium 18.05.",
"\n\nFun one: Speed - 115, Amplitude - 50, Pitch - 200, Text - \"Never give up,\nnever surrender\"\n\n~~~\nazakai\nWorks on Firefox 16 on Ubuntu.",
"\n\nDo you get an error in the web console (control-shift-k)?",
"\n\n------\njaredsohn\nFor those curious (I didn't know myself until researching some ideas for this\nAPI), Chrome has a built-in text-to-speech API\n(<http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/tts.html>) for use in extensions\nand packaged web apps.",
"\n\n~~~\njfoster\nNote that the Chrome one is limited to Chrome browser extensions and packaged\napps. ",
"For one reason or another it doesn't extend to hosted Chrome apps.",
"\n\n------\nstevejohnson\nDoesn't work with Flashblock enabled, which seems odd to me.",
"\n\n~~~\nadrinavarro\nWorks here for me with flash disabled in chrome settings. ",
"The code is an\nembedded audio with inline base64 data.",
"\n\n------\njosephcooney\nI wish I had something more constructive to say than 'wow, this is really\ncool' but, wow, this is really cool. ",
"I was saddened to see speech synthesis\nand speech generation (seemingly) punted from the Win8 WinRT APIs. ",
"And here\nyou are doing it with a bit of Javascript.",
"\n\n~~~\nchime\niOS doesn't offer much in the realm of TTS either. ",
"Siri has such a good voice\nbut there is no API to make your iPhone or iPad talk from your own app.",
"\n\nOpenEars has made a decent TTS engine (based on flite) but it is far from the\ntop of the line engines offered by Acapela, Ivona, and NeoSpeech.",
"\n\n------\ndaemon13\nNot working - Ubuntu Lucid, Firefox 13.0.1., ",
"no speakers - headphones.",
"\n\nOtherwise - excellent hack, can have many uses - marketing, e-commerce, people\nwith disabilities, you name it.",
"\n\n------\njaredsohn\nDiscussion of the same project from almost a year ago:\n<http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2828626>\n\n------\nspenvo\nI will be adding this to my accessibility toolbox -- thanks for sharing this!",
"\nA bit of a tangent -- does anyone have experience making their (single-page)\nweb apps accessible (especially in the context of W3's \"Web Content\nAccessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0\"): <http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG/>)? ",
"If so,\ncould you share a starting point/good-resource on troubleshooting some of the\nissues that arise?",
"\n\n------\nunimpressive\nNot working in Ubuntu 11.10, Firefox 13.",
"\n\n------\nsyassami\nWorks on Chrome - osx lion, you have to wait a good 15 seconds before sound\nstarts though\n\n------\ncabalamat\nWhy does it pronounce Caligula as Caligul? ",
"And is it possible to input IPA\ninto it?",
"\n\n~~~\nchrischen\nIt seems to ignore the -a in \"sucka\" too. ",
"Must be something with trailing As.",
"\n\n~~~\ntiglionabbit\nIt seems to be missing 'ly' as well.",
"\n\n------\nlexy0202\nWow... [http://speak-\ndemo.herokuapp.com/javascripts/speakGenerator.j...](http://speak-\ndemo.herokuapp.com/javascripts/speakGenerator.js)\n\n~~~\nBaconJuice\ncan someone explain to me what is going on in there? ",
"How are the words\ngenerated with this file?",
"\n\n~~~\nradarsat1\nHm, I guess that is compiled from <http://espeak.sourceforge.net/> so the\nsource might be a better starting point.",
"\n\n<http://espeak.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/espeak/trunk/>\n\n------\nfranze\nhiho\n\nsomethings in the air ... i coded a little project (also based on kripkens\nawesome speak.js) a month or so ago (in a little cabana in bolivia while i was\ntravelling) <http://lalo.li> 100% client side, shareable text2speech voice\nmessages\n\nafter some data crunching so far: people dont use it for anything useful, most\ntraffic via facebook shares (of funny messages)\n\n------\ndharma1\nthis is great!! ",
"Was looking for client side TTS for a rhyming hack a couple of\nweeks ago. ",
"Ended up piggybacking on Google's translator instead, which is\ngreat quality but is of course server side.",
"\n<http://helmicreative.com/lab/audio/rhyme.html>\n\n------\njohn2x\nNot playing on Safari, Mac OS X 10.7.4\n\n------\nmartincerdeira\nIt does not work on firefox 13.0.1\n\n------\ngojomo\nSounds a lot like the old Talking Moose/Macintalk voice (1986):\n\n<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talking_Moose>\n\n------\nPsyGeek\nDoesn't work with Firefox in Arch Linux using kernel 3.3.7 -- odd.",
"\n\n------\nRandallBrown\nHow does this work? ",
"Does it use the audio tag and a data URI?",
"\n\n~~~\nchewxy\nThe source is here[1]. ",
"It does use an audio tag in speakClient.js\n\nRead through speakGenerator to see how the data is generated I guess\n\n1\\. <https://github.com/katsuyan/speak.js>\n\n------\nquizbiz\nNot friendly with Dolphin Browser on Android.",
"\n\n------\nbadragon\nGPL V3 so I would not take a chance with it.",
"\n\n~~~\nazakai\nIf there is another speech generator with permissive licensing we can compile\nthat one too.",
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