When I was little, I loved to play hide and seek. My favorite spot was in the closet where my parents would keep the wrapping paper for all of our gifts. When I was four (yes, four), the presents under the tree were wrapped with the same paper. It took me a second to put two and two together, but I quickly realized the truth. My dad told me that to keep costs down, Santa would borrow wrapping paper from parents, but he was always a terrible liar. TL;DR: I recognized the wrapping paper.
When I was little, I loved to play hide and seek. My favorite spot was in the closet where my parents would keep the wrapping paper for all of our gifts. When I was four (yes, four), the presents under the tree were wrapped with the same paper. It took me a second to put two and two together, but I quickly realized the truth. My dad told me that to keep costs down, Santa would borrow wrapping paper from parents, but he was always a terrible liar. TL;DR: I recognized the wrapping paper.
When I was little, I loved to play hide and seek. My favorite spot was in the closet where my parents would keep the wrapping paper for all of our gifts. When I was four (yes, four), the presents under the tree were wrapped with the same paper. It took me a second to put two and two together, but I quickly realized the truth. My dad told me that to keep costs down, Santa would borrow wrapping paper from parents, but he was always a terrible liar.
I recognized the wrapping paper.
MY cousin has had a rough time. He went out oh high school and started to work in a plant that did recycling cell phone batteries. Recession hit and the position he had had for over 10 years was downsized. The guy had been married for a few years, has two children and a wife. On the up side she works and gets paid well. Onto the point, He had a family to provide for, so he did not apply for EI, he got a job at KFC. The sad part is a lot of people made fun of him for it. Work is work and a dollar is a dollar. You could see it killed him to tell people where he worked as it was 1/3 the hourly rate. He took as many shifts as they would let him. Moral of the story is everyone needs to work, a job may not be your ideal one but sometimes you need to do what you can to live. TL:DR - Take a job as long as it will help you cover your costs and not hurt others. There is no such thing as work that is below someone.
MY cousin has had a rough time. He went out oh high school and started to work in a plant that did recycling cell phone batteries. Recession hit and the position he had had for over 10 years was downsized. The guy had been married for a few years, has two children and a wife. On the up side she works and gets paid well. Onto the point, He had a family to provide for, so he did not apply for EI, he got a job at KFC. The sad part is a lot of people made fun of him for it. Work is work and a dollar is a dollar. You could see it killed him to tell people where he worked as it was 1/3 the hourly rate. He took as many shifts as they would let him. Moral of the story is everyone needs to work, a job may not be your ideal one but sometimes you need to do what you can to live. TL:DR - Take a job as long as it will help you cover your costs and not hurt others. There is no such thing as work that is below someone.
MY cousin has had a rough time. He went out oh high school and started to work in a plant that did recycling cell phone batteries. Recession hit and the position he had had for over 10 years was downsized. The guy had been married for a few years, has two children and a wife. On the up side she works and gets paid well. Onto the point, He had a family to provide for, so he did not apply for EI, he got a job at KFC. The sad part is a lot of people made fun of him for it. Work is work and a dollar is a dollar. You could see it killed him to tell people where he worked as it was 1/3 the hourly rate. He took as many shifts as they would let him. Moral of the story is everyone needs to work, a job may not be your ideal one but sometimes you need to do what you can to live.
Take a job as long as it will help you cover your costs and not hurt others. There is no such thing as work that is below someone.
This is perhaps misguided because of a vulnerable presumption. The WBC motivation is not exclusively discriminatory, they're also litigious assholes. Part of the schtick is provoking a response so they can sue. So, giving $1000 to whatever gay cause isn't exactly a bad thing, it may not cause the WBC to shy away. tl;dr: WBC is more interested in suits/countersuits/profile than fags.
This is perhaps misguided because of a vulnerable presumption. The WBC motivation is not exclusively discriminatory, they're also litigious assholes. Part of the schtick is provoking a response so they can sue. So, giving $1000 to whatever gay cause isn't exactly a bad thing, it may not cause the WBC to shy away. tl;dr: WBC is more interested in suits/countersuits/profile than fags.
This is perhaps misguided because of a vulnerable presumption. The WBC motivation is not exclusively discriminatory, they're also litigious assholes. Part of the schtick is provoking a response so they can sue. So, giving $1000 to whatever gay cause isn't exactly a bad thing, it may not cause the WBC to shy away.
WBC is more interested in suits/countersuits/profile than fags.
There is some misinformation in that article. The soldier simply said he wore the uniform in Vietnam. As most people know, when you change duty stations, you remove your old patches and add the new ones from your new assignment. It is very possible that the soldier served in both Vietnam and later on the DMZ in South Korea. It is very likely that the uniform could have been worn in Vietnam. To actually disprove the claim that the uniform was worn in Vietnam, you have to prove somehow that the uniform wasn't made until after the conflict, if that is possible. Simply looking at the patches tells us nothing other then where else the uniform has likely been. Edit: The article is a good read so you get an upvote from me for adding to the discussion and pointing me towards something I haven't read before. Thanks :) TL;DR Using a patch to say where a uniform hasn't been is like seeing a Texas license plate on a car and proclaiming it has never been to California.
There is some misinformation in that article. The soldier simply said he wore the uniform in Vietnam. As most people know, when you change duty stations, you remove your old patches and add the new ones from your new assignment. It is very possible that the soldier served in both Vietnam and later on the DMZ in South Korea. It is very likely that the uniform could have been worn in Vietnam. To actually disprove the claim that the uniform was worn in Vietnam, you have to prove somehow that the uniform wasn't made until after the conflict, if that is possible. Simply looking at the patches tells us nothing other then where else the uniform has likely been. Edit: The article is a good read so you get an upvote from me for adding to the discussion and pointing me towards something I haven't read before. Thanks :) TL;DR Using a patch to say where a uniform hasn't been is like seeing a Texas license plate on a car and proclaiming it has never been to California.
There is some misinformation in that article. The soldier simply said he wore the uniform in Vietnam. As most people know, when you change duty stations, you remove your old patches and add the new ones from your new assignment. It is very possible that the soldier served in both Vietnam and later on the DMZ in South Korea. It is very likely that the uniform could have been worn in Vietnam. To actually disprove the claim that the uniform was worn in Vietnam, you have to prove somehow that the uniform wasn't made until after the conflict, if that is possible. Simply looking at the patches tells us nothing other then where else the uniform has likely been. Edit: The article is a good read so you get an upvote from me for adding to the discussion and pointing me towards something I haven't read before. Thanks :)
Using a patch to say where a uniform hasn't been is like seeing a Texas license plate on a car and proclaiming it has never been to California.
We first met in middle school when I was in 6th grade, her in 7th grade. We were each others first kiss. As what happens to most middle school relationships, we "dated" for only a month or so. We remained casual friends throughout high school and had a lot of mutual friends. After high school we didn't see or talk to each other. She went away for college and upon her return, I ran into her at a party and we exchanged numbers. Now two years later, this is the result! TL;DR Met in middle school, reconnected after college, engaged
We first met in middle school when I was in 6th grade, her in 7th grade. We were each others first kiss. As what happens to most middle school relationships, we "dated" for only a month or so. We remained casual friends throughout high school and had a lot of mutual friends. After high school we didn't see or talk to each other. She went away for college and upon her return, I ran into her at a party and we exchanged numbers. Now two years later, this is the result! TL;DR Met in middle school, reconnected after college, engaged
We first met in middle school when I was in 6th grade, her in 7th grade. We were each others first kiss. As what happens to most middle school relationships, we "dated" for only a month or so. We remained casual friends throughout high school and had a lot of mutual friends. After high school we didn't see or talk to each other. She went away for college and upon her return, I ran into her at a party and we exchanged numbers. Now two years later, this is the result!
Met in middle school, reconnected after college, engaged
When that amendment was written, the arms that they were talking about legitimately empowered citizens to stand up against governments. Groups of armed citizens could pose a legitimate existential threat to a rouge government. That simply isnt true now. If [theoretical situation] the US government went rogue, started oppressing its people, you'd be hardly better off with the guns that we do allow than with a knife and some rocks to throw--the military's capabilities have simply outstretched where handheld firearms can really keep them in check. And you dont infringe on my rights, but the government does all the time, in ways that I think are justified and good. Look at free speech--yes I have the right to speak, unless the words that I say cause harm to other people in a concrete way. I cannot incite specific violence, I cannot speek with the intention of causing panic, etc. None of that is mentioned in the first amendment--it is the result of reasonable people applying a philosophical and abstract 'right' to a concrete and complicated world. Rights are not absolute--in many cases we are balancing rights and interests, and based on the ramifications of different policies have to decide on the best way to do so. My overarching point is that very few people believe that there should be no regulations on who can own what kind of gun--nobody thinks I should be able to keep a nuke and a tank in my back yard. So we are already drawing somewhat arbitrary lines: this is OK, this isnt. We have already admitted that the right is not absolute. And I dont think that there is inherently anything magical about where the line is drawn right now--read up on the history of how it came to be, all the political infighting etc over many decades and I think you'll have to agree. With that in mind, it seems entirely reasonable to ask the question of where that line would ideally be drawn. And I think that given the violent proclivities of some of our citizens, making it harder to get at weapons can only be a good thing. Something I should clarify too--a lot of people respond to the above by saying 'oh but they're nuts, they're still going to try to kill people.' I agree with that--I dont think we'll actually be able to reduce the number of attacks. But with incidents like Sandy Hook, Columbine, etc, it seems like these guys go on killing people at a certain rate until the cops show up and either plug them or force them to plug themselves. I think the response rate is probably pretty constant. So if we can reduce the rate at which they can kill people, we'll save lives. The school stabbing in china is a great example of this--yes, the guy didnt have a gun and still attacked. But nobody is dead. Can you tell me that would be the case if he had had an AK instead of a Bowie? TL;DR: We dont treat any rights as absolute, and already draw an arbitrary line in the sand with guns. Let's make it harder for crazies to kill little kids.
When that amendment was written, the arms that they were talking about legitimately empowered citizens to stand up against governments. Groups of armed citizens could pose a legitimate existential threat to a rouge government. That simply isnt true now. If [theoretical situation] the US government went rogue, started oppressing its people, you'd be hardly better off with the guns that we do allow than with a knife and some rocks to throw--the military's capabilities have simply outstretched where handheld firearms can really keep them in check. And you dont infringe on my rights, but the government does all the time, in ways that I think are justified and good. Look at free speech--yes I have the right to speak, unless the words that I say cause harm to other people in a concrete way. I cannot incite specific violence, I cannot speek with the intention of causing panic, etc. None of that is mentioned in the first amendment--it is the result of reasonable people applying a philosophical and abstract 'right' to a concrete and complicated world. Rights are not absolute--in many cases we are balancing rights and interests, and based on the ramifications of different policies have to decide on the best way to do so. My overarching point is that very few people believe that there should be no regulations on who can own what kind of gun--nobody thinks I should be able to keep a nuke and a tank in my back yard. So we are already drawing somewhat arbitrary lines: this is OK, this isnt. We have already admitted that the right is not absolute. And I dont think that there is inherently anything magical about where the line is drawn right now--read up on the history of how it came to be, all the political infighting etc over many decades and I think you'll have to agree. With that in mind, it seems entirely reasonable to ask the question of where that line would ideally be drawn. And I think that given the violent proclivities of some of our citizens, making it harder to get at weapons can only be a good thing. Something I should clarify too--a lot of people respond to the above by saying 'oh but they're nuts, they're still going to try to kill people.' I agree with that--I dont think we'll actually be able to reduce the number of attacks. But with incidents like Sandy Hook, Columbine, etc, it seems like these guys go on killing people at a certain rate until the cops show up and either plug them or force them to plug themselves. I think the response rate is probably pretty constant. So if we can reduce the rate at which they can kill people, we'll save lives. The school stabbing in china is a great example of this--yes, the guy didnt have a gun and still attacked. But nobody is dead. Can you tell me that would be the case if he had had an AK instead of a Bowie? TL;DR: We dont treat any rights as absolute, and already draw an arbitrary line in the sand with guns. Let's make it harder for crazies to kill little kids.
When that amendment was written, the arms that they were talking about legitimately empowered citizens to stand up against governments. Groups of armed citizens could pose a legitimate existential threat to a rouge government. That simply isnt true now. If [theoretical situation] the US government went rogue, started oppressing its people, you'd be hardly better off with the guns that we do allow than with a knife and some rocks to throw--the military's capabilities have simply outstretched where handheld firearms can really keep them in check. And you dont infringe on my rights, but the government does all the time, in ways that I think are justified and good. Look at free speech--yes I have the right to speak, unless the words that I say cause harm to other people in a concrete way. I cannot incite specific violence, I cannot speek with the intention of causing panic, etc. None of that is mentioned in the first amendment--it is the result of reasonable people applying a philosophical and abstract 'right' to a concrete and complicated world. Rights are not absolute--in many cases we are balancing rights and interests, and based on the ramifications of different policies have to decide on the best way to do so. My overarching point is that very few people believe that there should be no regulations on who can own what kind of gun--nobody thinks I should be able to keep a nuke and a tank in my back yard. So we are already drawing somewhat arbitrary lines: this is OK, this isnt. We have already admitted that the right is not absolute. And I dont think that there is inherently anything magical about where the line is drawn right now--read up on the history of how it came to be, all the political infighting etc over many decades and I think you'll have to agree. With that in mind, it seems entirely reasonable to ask the question of where that line would ideally be drawn. And I think that given the violent proclivities of some of our citizens, making it harder to get at weapons can only be a good thing. Something I should clarify too--a lot of people respond to the above by saying 'oh but they're nuts, they're still going to try to kill people.' I agree with that--I dont think we'll actually be able to reduce the number of attacks. But with incidents like Sandy Hook, Columbine, etc, it seems like these guys go on killing people at a certain rate until the cops show up and either plug them or force them to plug themselves. I think the response rate is probably pretty constant. So if we can reduce the rate at which they can kill people, we'll save lives. The school stabbing in china is a great example of this--yes, the guy didnt have a gun and still attacked. But nobody is dead. Can you tell me that would be the case if he had had an AK instead of a Bowie?
We dont treat any rights as absolute, and already draw an arbitrary line in the sand with guns. Let's make it harder for crazies to kill little kids.
no thanks and can i ask you something? where are your balls? tl;dr: you're a pussy no sense of wasting my time with idiots
no thanks and can i ask you something? where are your balls? tl;dr: you're a pussy no sense of wasting my time with idiots
no thanks and can i ask you something? where are your balls?
you're a pussy no sense of wasting my time with idiots
Here's why gun control won't work. First of all, I love guns. They're fun to shoot. However, if we could rid society 100% of guns, I would definitely be in support of it. But there lies the problem in American society. You will never come CLOSE to achieving 100% gun prohibition. I know it's impossible even for the strictest of countries, but in the USA, a complete ban will result in a lot of "secret" guns being owned. - We have lived in a gun culture since day 1. Fuck - Our CONSTITUTION defines rules about gun ownership. Now, I believe that the original individual rights were pro-gun because of the general lawlessness that was feared in a post-colonial America, in addition to being able to defend against repeated attacks from Britain. - 236 years of Gun ownership means that there exists historically many legally-owned unregistered firearms, many of which still work, or can be reconditioned to work. If you outlaw firearms, then most of these will exist. - "If you outlaw guns, then only outlaws will own them." I only half agree with this; many outlaws simply steal guns from law-abiding citizens - therefore, if you banned guns, they wouldn't get them. HOWEVER, the US has a massive balance of trade problem (we import way too much), and as a result, more containers come to port than we can scan. Criminals are crafty - they operate where there is need in the market - that need will be illegal firearm importing. - You will eliminate any chance of people being able to defend themselves against a government that decides to eliminate its constitutional limitations. I know this probably is unlikely, and therefore unimportant, but historically, there have been events that could have been prevented with private citizen gun ownership. Some argue that parts of WWII and similar ethnic cleansing tragedies could have been prevented this way. - Police simply won't step in. Police are better investigators than anything - they simply don't stop murders, and crimes from happening. They collect evidence and arrest after the fact. People say that our public safety officers will protect us, but I don't feel so confident. *** If we ban firearms, law-abiding citizens won't stand a chance. The number of guns existing illegally would be incredibly high - higher than in any other country that banned guns. Unless someone can come up with a better plan to rid the country of firearms, I propose a plan that will be unpopular among legal firearm owners, but it will definitely address the problem. Demand greater responsibility from firearms owners. If someone steals your gun and uses it in a murder, you share the blame even more so than what's being demanded today. I realize that this is irrelevant in last week's massacre (the gun owner was murdered herself), but it WOULD fix a lot of the problem. After a few high profile cases, you can bet that everyone who wants to keep their firearms will invest in a safe of some sort. *** tl;dr - We have too many guns in the US to make a flat-out gun ban work. Demand greater responsibility from owners.
Here's why gun control won't work. First of all, I love guns. They're fun to shoot. However, if we could rid society 100% of guns, I would definitely be in support of it. But there lies the problem in American society. You will never come CLOSE to achieving 100% gun prohibition. I know it's impossible even for the strictest of countries, but in the USA, a complete ban will result in a lot of "secret" guns being owned. We have lived in a gun culture since day 1. Fuck - Our CONSTITUTION defines rules about gun ownership. Now, I believe that the original individual rights were pro-gun because of the general lawlessness that was feared in a post-colonial America, in addition to being able to defend against repeated attacks from Britain. 236 years of Gun ownership means that there exists historically many legally-owned unregistered firearms, many of which still work, or can be reconditioned to work. If you outlaw firearms, then most of these will exist. "If you outlaw guns, then only outlaws will own them." I only half agree with this; many outlaws simply steal guns from law-abiding citizens - therefore, if you banned guns, they wouldn't get them. HOWEVER, the US has a massive balance of trade problem (we import way too much), and as a result, more containers come to port than we can scan. Criminals are crafty - they operate where there is need in the market - that need will be illegal firearm importing. You will eliminate any chance of people being able to defend themselves against a government that decides to eliminate its constitutional limitations. I know this probably is unlikely, and therefore unimportant, but historically, there have been events that could have been prevented with private citizen gun ownership. Some argue that parts of WWII and similar ethnic cleansing tragedies could have been prevented this way. Police simply won't step in. Police are better investigators than anything - they simply don't stop murders, and crimes from happening. They collect evidence and arrest after the fact. People say that our public safety officers will protect us, but I don't feel so confident. If we ban firearms, law-abiding citizens won't stand a chance. The number of guns existing illegally would be incredibly high - higher than in any other country that banned guns. Unless someone can come up with a better plan to rid the country of firearms, I propose a plan that will be unpopular among legal firearm owners, but it will definitely address the problem. Demand greater responsibility from firearms owners. If someone steals your gun and uses it in a murder, you share the blame even more so than what's being demanded today. I realize that this is irrelevant in last week's massacre (the gun owner was murdered herself), but it WOULD fix a lot of the problem. After a few high profile cases, you can bet that everyone who wants to keep their firearms will invest in a safe of some sort. tl;dr - We have too many guns in the US to make a flat-out gun ban work. Demand greater responsibility from owners.
Here's why gun control won't work. First of all, I love guns. They're fun to shoot. However, if we could rid society 100% of guns, I would definitely be in support of it. But there lies the problem in American society. You will never come CLOSE to achieving 100% gun prohibition. I know it's impossible even for the strictest of countries, but in the USA, a complete ban will result in a lot of "secret" guns being owned. We have lived in a gun culture since day 1. Fuck - Our CONSTITUTION defines rules about gun ownership. Now, I believe that the original individual rights were pro-gun because of the general lawlessness that was feared in a post-colonial America, in addition to being able to defend against repeated attacks from Britain. 236 years of Gun ownership means that there exists historically many legally-owned unregistered firearms, many of which still work, or can be reconditioned to work. If you outlaw firearms, then most of these will exist. "If you outlaw guns, then only outlaws will own them." I only half agree with this; many outlaws simply steal guns from law-abiding citizens - therefore, if you banned guns, they wouldn't get them. HOWEVER, the US has a massive balance of trade problem (we import way too much), and as a result, more containers come to port than we can scan. Criminals are crafty - they operate where there is need in the market - that need will be illegal firearm importing. You will eliminate any chance of people being able to defend themselves against a government that decides to eliminate its constitutional limitations. I know this probably is unlikely, and therefore unimportant, but historically, there have been events that could have been prevented with private citizen gun ownership. Some argue that parts of WWII and similar ethnic cleansing tragedies could have been prevented this way. Police simply won't step in. Police are better investigators than anything - they simply don't stop murders, and crimes from happening. They collect evidence and arrest after the fact. People say that our public safety officers will protect us, but I don't feel so confident. If we ban firearms, law-abiding citizens won't stand a chance. The number of guns existing illegally would be incredibly high - higher than in any other country that banned guns. Unless someone can come up with a better plan to rid the country of firearms, I propose a plan that will be unpopular among legal firearm owners, but it will definitely address the problem. Demand greater responsibility from firearms owners. If someone steals your gun and uses it in a murder, you share the blame even more so than what's being demanded today. I realize that this is irrelevant in last week's massacre (the gun owner was murdered herself), but it WOULD fix a lot of the problem. After a few high profile cases, you can bet that everyone who wants to keep their firearms will invest in a safe of some sort.
We have too many guns in the US to make a flat-out gun ban work. Demand greater responsibility from owners.
The first time i had sex i was with a previous girlfriend for about a year and we were both Virgins...the thing was though she didn't know I was a virgin. What had happened was my freshman year of high school i dated this one girl for like 8 months and all my stupid friends kept asking if we had yet and finally one day I just said yeah we did. I thought its a simple little lie that no one will ever find out if I was lying. Turns out two years later I met this amazing girl and she had asked one of my friends if I was a virgin and they all said no. She honestly felt uncomfortable with that because she wanted it to be both our first times. After waiting a year it finally happened and it was awesome. Now i'm no longer with her (unrelated reasons) and realize how stupid I was not confessing it to her. I was just to wrapped up in the lie that I pretty much believed it myself. tldr: lied about not being a virgin and lost virginity at the sane time as my girlfriend and she didn't know the truth (and still doesn't). If you are reading this Erynn i'm sorry.
The first time i had sex i was with a previous girlfriend for about a year and we were both Virgins...the thing was though she didn't know I was a virgin. What had happened was my freshman year of high school i dated this one girl for like 8 months and all my stupid friends kept asking if we had yet and finally one day I just said yeah we did. I thought its a simple little lie that no one will ever find out if I was lying. Turns out two years later I met this amazing girl and she had asked one of my friends if I was a virgin and they all said no. She honestly felt uncomfortable with that because she wanted it to be both our first times. After waiting a year it finally happened and it was awesome. Now i'm no longer with her (unrelated reasons) and realize how stupid I was not confessing it to her. I was just to wrapped up in the lie that I pretty much believed it myself. tldr: lied about not being a virgin and lost virginity at the sane time as my girlfriend and she didn't know the truth (and still doesn't). If you are reading this Erynn i'm sorry.
The first time i had sex i was with a previous girlfriend for about a year and we were both Virgins...the thing was though she didn't know I was a virgin. What had happened was my freshman year of high school i dated this one girl for like 8 months and all my stupid friends kept asking if we had yet and finally one day I just said yeah we did. I thought its a simple little lie that no one will ever find out if I was lying. Turns out two years later I met this amazing girl and she had asked one of my friends if I was a virgin and they all said no. She honestly felt uncomfortable with that because she wanted it to be both our first times. After waiting a year it finally happened and it was awesome. Now i'm no longer with her (unrelated reasons) and realize how stupid I was not confessing it to her. I was just to wrapped up in the lie that I pretty much believed it myself.
lied about not being a virgin and lost virginity at the sane time as my girlfriend and she didn't know the truth (and still doesn't). If you are reading this Erynn i'm sorry.
In colorful games (WoW, Trine, etc) I can tell a difference in the vibrancy, but IPS was not the reason I got the monitor. 2560x1600 is really the kicker, and I would say it most assuredly beats out the ever-so-slight improvement I could see with 120Hz over 60Hz. I realize not everyone's eyeballs are the same, and it could be that mine are too weathered to notice it, but I think a lot of the 120Hz support is self-affirmation of people who are looking to project their purchase decision on others. In the heat of the game, it's just not that noticeable. It does really depends on the type of games you play, as well, though. I don't frequently play shooters, but even when I do, the difference between 60Hz and 120Hz in say, Battlefield 3, is really only apparent to me when I'm spinning my character around in circles, and even then, its a marginal effect. In contrast, the 2560x1600 res is incredibly noticeable, as you have *double* the number of pixels being displayed compared to 1920x1080 (2,073,600 vs 4,096,000). For comparison, go boot a game at 1366x768 (1,049,000 pixels) and compare it to 1920x1080. That's the fidelity difference I'm talking about. I also decided to go so heavy into the monitor because I knew that it would last me through several builds, or at least until 4K displays become economical, which won't be for several years. TL:DR - IMO, Higher Res > Higher Refresh any day of the week Edit: words are hard
In colorful games (WoW, Trine, etc) I can tell a difference in the vibrancy, but IPS was not the reason I got the monitor. 2560x1600 is really the kicker, and I would say it most assuredly beats out the ever-so-slight improvement I could see with 120Hz over 60Hz. I realize not everyone's eyeballs are the same, and it could be that mine are too weathered to notice it, but I think a lot of the 120Hz support is self-affirmation of people who are looking to project their purchase decision on others. In the heat of the game, it's just not that noticeable. It does really depends on the type of games you play, as well, though. I don't frequently play shooters, but even when I do, the difference between 60Hz and 120Hz in say, Battlefield 3, is really only apparent to me when I'm spinning my character around in circles, and even then, its a marginal effect. In contrast, the 2560x1600 res is incredibly noticeable, as you have double the number of pixels being displayed compared to 1920x1080 (2,073,600 vs 4,096,000). For comparison, go boot a game at 1366x768 (1,049,000 pixels) and compare it to 1920x1080. That's the fidelity difference I'm talking about. I also decided to go so heavy into the monitor because I knew that it would last me through several builds, or at least until 4K displays become economical, which won't be for several years. TL:DR - IMO, Higher Res > Higher Refresh any day of the week Edit: words are hard
In colorful games (WoW, Trine, etc) I can tell a difference in the vibrancy, but IPS was not the reason I got the monitor. 2560x1600 is really the kicker, and I would say it most assuredly beats out the ever-so-slight improvement I could see with 120Hz over 60Hz. I realize not everyone's eyeballs are the same, and it could be that mine are too weathered to notice it, but I think a lot of the 120Hz support is self-affirmation of people who are looking to project their purchase decision on others. In the heat of the game, it's just not that noticeable. It does really depends on the type of games you play, as well, though. I don't frequently play shooters, but even when I do, the difference between 60Hz and 120Hz in say, Battlefield 3, is really only apparent to me when I'm spinning my character around in circles, and even then, its a marginal effect. In contrast, the 2560x1600 res is incredibly noticeable, as you have double the number of pixels being displayed compared to 1920x1080 (2,073,600 vs 4,096,000). For comparison, go boot a game at 1366x768 (1,049,000 pixels) and compare it to 1920x1080. That's the fidelity difference I'm talking about. I also decided to go so heavy into the monitor because I knew that it would last me through several builds, or at least until 4K displays become economical, which won't be for several years.
IMO, Higher Res > Higher Refresh any day of the week Edit: words are hard
I like this! I really do! Some tempered, thoughtful realism that things are probably gonna be alright. I liked his inclusion of the quote: "but there were a lot of hidden story elements that some players may not have caught before, and I’m hoping to make some of that a little bit more clear or directly expressed." I personally love the tinfoil-hat levels of depth in fan speculation around this game a la Gwyn's Firstborn, Serpent Affiliation, etc. but we can take the Dark Lord path as a really good example of taking obfuscation too far. Talking to Kaathe reveals everything about the fourth Lord Soul, and uncovers the falsehoods of the "Link the Fire" ending and the fear of the Lords. Like, that is a huge story element, and totally sheds awesome new light on the game. Now. How many people are going to find that out on their own, without a guide? You need to sequence-break the game pretty damn hard, for seemingly zero purpose, and with about zero foreshadowing. Sure, ingward mentions the four Kings falling to Dark, but there's nothing to really lead you to believe that there's any reason to beat the Four Kings before talking to Frampt. For one of the smaller things, totally keep it hush hush. Ash Lake is completely awesome while not really contributing anything critical to the plot besides that Dragons still exist. Which has potential for the future, but doesn't change the immediate plot that much, and even Domhall gives a hint about that. I'm just saying that something that big, that important, that illuminating to the main plot, something that could add so much more satisfaction to the player's understanding of the story, is going to be missed by such a huge percentage of the player base. And while you can look it up in guides, wouldn't it be that little bit more satisfying to have had a fair chance to figure it out for yourself? I think it is the coolest thing that something that huge could be hidden, like a great big secret that changes everything. I can't imagine how amazed I'd be if I stumbled across it on a 4th playthrough, and how that would change everything for me. But I can't see any reason I'd ever stumble across it naturally, and that's a damn shame that as cool as that might be for me, another 9 people might never get to know. TL;DR Kaathe was really awesome, shame that nobody'd know he was there since he's so cool. I should stop waffling around and head to my exam.
I like this! I really do! Some tempered, thoughtful realism that things are probably gonna be alright. I liked his inclusion of the quote: "but there were a lot of hidden story elements that some players may not have caught before, and I’m hoping to make some of that a little bit more clear or directly expressed." I personally love the tinfoil-hat levels of depth in fan speculation around this game a la Gwyn's Firstborn, Serpent Affiliation, etc. but we can take the Dark Lord path as a really good example of taking obfuscation too far. Talking to Kaathe reveals everything about the fourth Lord Soul, and uncovers the falsehoods of the "Link the Fire" ending and the fear of the Lords. Like, that is a huge story element, and totally sheds awesome new light on the game. Now. How many people are going to find that out on their own, without a guide? You need to sequence-break the game pretty damn hard, for seemingly zero purpose, and with about zero foreshadowing. Sure, ingward mentions the four Kings falling to Dark, but there's nothing to really lead you to believe that there's any reason to beat the Four Kings before talking to Frampt. For one of the smaller things, totally keep it hush hush. Ash Lake is completely awesome while not really contributing anything critical to the plot besides that Dragons still exist. Which has potential for the future, but doesn't change the immediate plot that much, and even Domhall gives a hint about that. I'm just saying that something that big, that important, that illuminating to the main plot, something that could add so much more satisfaction to the player's understanding of the story, is going to be missed by such a huge percentage of the player base. And while you can look it up in guides, wouldn't it be that little bit more satisfying to have had a fair chance to figure it out for yourself? I think it is the coolest thing that something that huge could be hidden, like a great big secret that changes everything. I can't imagine how amazed I'd be if I stumbled across it on a 4th playthrough, and how that would change everything for me. But I can't see any reason I'd ever stumble across it naturally, and that's a damn shame that as cool as that might be for me, another 9 people might never get to know. TL;DR Kaathe was really awesome, shame that nobody'd know he was there since he's so cool. I should stop waffling around and head to my exam.
I like this! I really do! Some tempered, thoughtful realism that things are probably gonna be alright. I liked his inclusion of the quote: "but there were a lot of hidden story elements that some players may not have caught before, and I’m hoping to make some of that a little bit more clear or directly expressed." I personally love the tinfoil-hat levels of depth in fan speculation around this game a la Gwyn's Firstborn, Serpent Affiliation, etc. but we can take the Dark Lord path as a really good example of taking obfuscation too far. Talking to Kaathe reveals everything about the fourth Lord Soul, and uncovers the falsehoods of the "Link the Fire" ending and the fear of the Lords. Like, that is a huge story element, and totally sheds awesome new light on the game. Now. How many people are going to find that out on their own, without a guide? You need to sequence-break the game pretty damn hard, for seemingly zero purpose, and with about zero foreshadowing. Sure, ingward mentions the four Kings falling to Dark, but there's nothing to really lead you to believe that there's any reason to beat the Four Kings before talking to Frampt. For one of the smaller things, totally keep it hush hush. Ash Lake is completely awesome while not really contributing anything critical to the plot besides that Dragons still exist. Which has potential for the future, but doesn't change the immediate plot that much, and even Domhall gives a hint about that. I'm just saying that something that big, that important, that illuminating to the main plot, something that could add so much more satisfaction to the player's understanding of the story, is going to be missed by such a huge percentage of the player base. And while you can look it up in guides, wouldn't it be that little bit more satisfying to have had a fair chance to figure it out for yourself? I think it is the coolest thing that something that huge could be hidden, like a great big secret that changes everything. I can't imagine how amazed I'd be if I stumbled across it on a 4th playthrough, and how that would change everything for me. But I can't see any reason I'd ever stumble across it naturally, and that's a damn shame that as cool as that might be for me, another 9 people might never get to know.
Kaathe was really awesome, shame that nobody'd know he was there since he's so cool. I should stop waffling around and head to my exam.
Lol. I tend to geek out over some programming wizardry I conjured up during the day. The downside? I do this to people who have ZERO understanding nor interest in it and either end up with glossed eyeballs or the "dude I have no idea what you're talking about." TL;DR I do this with poor results.
Lol. I tend to geek out over some programming wizardry I conjured up during the day. The downside? I do this to people who have ZERO understanding nor interest in it and either end up with glossed eyeballs or the "dude I have no idea what you're talking about." TL;DR I do this with poor results.
Lol. I tend to geek out over some programming wizardry I conjured up during the day. The downside? I do this to people who have ZERO understanding nor interest in it and either end up with glossed eyeballs or the "dude I have no idea what you're talking about."
I do this with poor results.
Minimal make up, often I see some of my friends of random people who look great normally but then they put on extra for a party or something, I really don't like it, granted I don't use it and it's none of my business, but I really like when girls use make up to accentuate and highlight features of their face, like when it looks like they actually don't have make up on. TL;DR Too much make up/eyeshadow
Minimal make up, often I see some of my friends of random people who look great normally but then they put on extra for a party or something, I really don't like it, granted I don't use it and it's none of my business, but I really like when girls use make up to accentuate and highlight features of their face, like when it looks like they actually don't have make up on. TL;DR Too much make up/eyeshadow
Minimal make up, often I see some of my friends of random people who look great normally but then they put on extra for a party or something, I really don't like it, granted I don't use it and it's none of my business, but I really like when girls use make up to accentuate and highlight features of their face, like when it looks like they actually don't have make up on.
Too much make up/eyeshadow
I'm not at that menopause age yet but I know my mom had a hysterectomy in her 30s and she still had the mood swings and hot flashes when menopause time came. How about instead of begging maybe try giving her a nice warm bubble bath? And just for safety reasons maybe you should be naked too. I mean no reason to soak the clothes. I recently did this for my girl with totally no intention of sex,(trying to make her feel less self conscience about laying there naked and exposed getting a scrub down, I got undressed too but not in tub). Well she got so relaxed before it was said and done i was in that little tub too. If she doesn't like baths, then how about a good massage with some sexy smelling lotion? Or spend so time just kissing. Do y'all even kiss much anymore? That seems to be the starting point for most LBD. TLDR: Dont give up. Don't cheat. Give sexy baths and massages. Kiss the girl. Good luck
I'm not at that menopause age yet but I know my mom had a hysterectomy in her 30s and she still had the mood swings and hot flashes when menopause time came. How about instead of begging maybe try giving her a nice warm bubble bath? And just for safety reasons maybe you should be naked too. I mean no reason to soak the clothes. I recently did this for my girl with totally no intention of sex,(trying to make her feel less self conscience about laying there naked and exposed getting a scrub down, I got undressed too but not in tub). Well she got so relaxed before it was said and done i was in that little tub too. If she doesn't like baths, then how about a good massage with some sexy smelling lotion? Or spend so time just kissing. Do y'all even kiss much anymore? That seems to be the starting point for most LBD. TLDR: Dont give up. Don't cheat. Give sexy baths and massages. Kiss the girl. Good luck
I'm not at that menopause age yet but I know my mom had a hysterectomy in her 30s and she still had the mood swings and hot flashes when menopause time came. How about instead of begging maybe try giving her a nice warm bubble bath? And just for safety reasons maybe you should be naked too. I mean no reason to soak the clothes. I recently did this for my girl with totally no intention of sex,(trying to make her feel less self conscience about laying there naked and exposed getting a scrub down, I got undressed too but not in tub). Well she got so relaxed before it was said and done i was in that little tub too. If she doesn't like baths, then how about a good massage with some sexy smelling lotion? Or spend so time just kissing. Do y'all even kiss much anymore? That seems to be the starting point for most LBD.
Dont give up. Don't cheat. Give sexy baths and massages. Kiss the girl. Good luck
2 elements for whether the search of a minor in school is legal: 1. Reasonable grounds for suspecting search will turn up evidence 2. Search is not excessively intrusive in light of age and sex of the student & nature of the suspected infraction It'll depend upon your specific state's laws, but look up the TLO v NJ Supreme Court decision. You don't get full-on 4th Amendment protections the same way that adults do. Practically speaking, your school administrators can do a hell of a lot you won't like if they can come up with a reason for it. TL;DR - Rights for minors? Ain't no administrator got time for that.
2 elements for whether the search of a minor in school is legal: Reasonable grounds for suspecting search will turn up evidence Search is not excessively intrusive in light of age and sex of the student & nature of the suspected infraction It'll depend upon your specific state's laws, but look up the TLO v NJ Supreme Court decision. You don't get full-on 4th Amendment protections the same way that adults do. Practically speaking, your school administrators can do a hell of a lot you won't like if they can come up with a reason for it. TL;DR - Rights for minors? Ain't no administrator got time for that.
2 elements for whether the search of a minor in school is legal: Reasonable grounds for suspecting search will turn up evidence Search is not excessively intrusive in light of age and sex of the student & nature of the suspected infraction It'll depend upon your specific state's laws, but look up the TLO v NJ Supreme Court decision. You don't get full-on 4th Amendment protections the same way that adults do. Practically speaking, your school administrators can do a hell of a lot you won't like if they can come up with a reason for it.
Rights for minors? Ain't no administrator got time for that.
I use mine for the obvious drawing and notes. S Note is my goto for notes and love the abilities to write out formulas and it will look up the answer on wolfram alpha. Also you can draw shapes if need be and it makes the lines nice and straight or perfect circles etc. Another thing i do is RDP (Remote Desktop Connection) into my work computer from somewhere else in the office (available on any android or iOS device) or VNC (virtual Network Connection) into my Raspberry Pi ;) and the S Pen allows me to get precise clicks to close out windows and press the start menu instead of having to use my fingers. I only have a motorcycle for transportation and when i need to use my phone with my gloves on the S Pen comes in very handy. I have a few favorite abilities: Multiwindow multitasking -- i have jellybomb rom which allows for any application installed to be multiwindowed instead of the few apps samsung tries to restrict you too. I can run two games (Ingress (+1) and Zynga poker for example) and watch a video with Picture in Picture. Wireless tethering. Remote Access to computers -- Ok so try to follow along here. I have a Raspberry Pi which is a very simple ARM computer. Using the USB otg cable to power the Pi from my phone and I have the wireless tethering running on the phone with a usb wifi dongle attached to the Pi, i can remotely access the Pi using my phones screen where ever i am while simultaneously providing internet access to the Pi (it does drain some battery powering the Pi from the phones battery). So i ultimately get access to a version of Debian or Linux OS with its own resources through my phone. TL;DR i know, lastly the one thing i cant wait for is the SCREEN RECORDING ability. Not sure what i would use it for but it was advertised and i want it dammit.
I use mine for the obvious drawing and notes. S Note is my goto for notes and love the abilities to write out formulas and it will look up the answer on wolfram alpha. Also you can draw shapes if need be and it makes the lines nice and straight or perfect circles etc. Another thing i do is RDP (Remote Desktop Connection) into my work computer from somewhere else in the office (available on any android or iOS device) or VNC (virtual Network Connection) into my Raspberry Pi ;) and the S Pen allows me to get precise clicks to close out windows and press the start menu instead of having to use my fingers. I only have a motorcycle for transportation and when i need to use my phone with my gloves on the S Pen comes in very handy. I have a few favorite abilities: Multiwindow multitasking -- i have jellybomb rom which allows for any application installed to be multiwindowed instead of the few apps samsung tries to restrict you too. I can run two games (Ingress (+1) and Zynga poker for example) and watch a video with Picture in Picture. Wireless tethering. Remote Access to computers -- Ok so try to follow along here. I have a Raspberry Pi which is a very simple ARM computer. Using the USB otg cable to power the Pi from my phone and I have the wireless tethering running on the phone with a usb wifi dongle attached to the Pi, i can remotely access the Pi using my phones screen where ever i am while simultaneously providing internet access to the Pi (it does drain some battery powering the Pi from the phones battery). So i ultimately get access to a version of Debian or Linux OS with its own resources through my phone. TL;DR i know, lastly the one thing i cant wait for is the SCREEN RECORDING ability. Not sure what i would use it for but it was advertised and i want it dammit.
I use mine for the obvious drawing and notes. S Note is my goto for notes and love the abilities to write out formulas and it will look up the answer on wolfram alpha. Also you can draw shapes if need be and it makes the lines nice and straight or perfect circles etc. Another thing i do is RDP (Remote Desktop Connection) into my work computer from somewhere else in the office (available on any android or iOS device) or VNC (virtual Network Connection) into my Raspberry Pi ;) and the S Pen allows me to get precise clicks to close out windows and press the start menu instead of having to use my fingers. I only have a motorcycle for transportation and when i need to use my phone with my gloves on the S Pen comes in very handy. I have a few favorite abilities: Multiwindow multitasking -- i have jellybomb rom which allows for any application installed to be multiwindowed instead of the few apps samsung tries to restrict you too. I can run two games (Ingress (+1) and Zynga poker for example) and watch a video with Picture in Picture. Wireless tethering. Remote Access to computers -- Ok so try to follow along here. I have a Raspberry Pi which is a very simple ARM computer. Using the USB otg cable to power the Pi from my phone and I have the wireless tethering running on the phone with a usb wifi dongle attached to the Pi, i can remotely access the Pi using my phones screen where ever i am while simultaneously providing internet access to the Pi (it does drain some battery powering the Pi from the phones battery). So i ultimately get access to a version of Debian or Linux OS with its own resources through my phone.
i know, lastly the one thing i cant wait for is the SCREEN RECORDING ability. Not sure what i would use it for but it was advertised and i want it dammit.
Congrats for spotting. This is one of the pillars of playing your part in BF3, sometimes, it's better not even to take the shot if you know you can't make it (since you'd be giving off you location), but just by spotting and with a x7 scope, you're at a safe distance, you're giving your team mates a chance of flanking them, or at least avoiding. And once they're engaged by your team mates, shoot, even if you don't kill you're still suppressing them, reaping those points for assistance / suppression, and most of all helping out, and it still is the best medicine against campers. Recon stands for reconnaissance, and not "stupid sniper camper" Why do people underestimate spotting is a mystery, it's fast, easy, and helps everyone out (specially on hardcore). Personally, when I'm the gunner in tanks, I'm always spamming the spot button, on the look-out for mines / c4's and enemies in general. TL;DR: **Congratulations for spotting, and doing your job, soldier**
Congrats for spotting. This is one of the pillars of playing your part in BF3, sometimes, it's better not even to take the shot if you know you can't make it (since you'd be giving off you location), but just by spotting and with a x7 scope, you're at a safe distance, you're giving your team mates a chance of flanking them, or at least avoiding. And once they're engaged by your team mates, shoot, even if you don't kill you're still suppressing them, reaping those points for assistance / suppression, and most of all helping out, and it still is the best medicine against campers. Recon stands for reconnaissance, and not "stupid sniper camper" Why do people underestimate spotting is a mystery, it's fast, easy, and helps everyone out (specially on hardcore). Personally, when I'm the gunner in tanks, I'm always spamming the spot button, on the look-out for mines / c4's and enemies in general. TL;DR: Congratulations for spotting, and doing your job, soldier
Congrats for spotting. This is one of the pillars of playing your part in BF3, sometimes, it's better not even to take the shot if you know you can't make it (since you'd be giving off you location), but just by spotting and with a x7 scope, you're at a safe distance, you're giving your team mates a chance of flanking them, or at least avoiding. And once they're engaged by your team mates, shoot, even if you don't kill you're still suppressing them, reaping those points for assistance / suppression, and most of all helping out, and it still is the best medicine against campers. Recon stands for reconnaissance, and not "stupid sniper camper" Why do people underestimate spotting is a mystery, it's fast, easy, and helps everyone out (specially on hardcore). Personally, when I'm the gunner in tanks, I'm always spamming the spot button, on the look-out for mines / c4's and enemies in general.
Congratulations for spotting, and doing your job, soldier
I completely agree with you that Tree is underutilized. However, I think that his tower healing ability is not as effective in the pro-scene as it is in the pub-scene. Think about pro games you watch. T1s are often given up fairly easily and we accept that these will likely go down without an extreme fight most of the time. The T2 and T3 towers are what matter most, and often the pushes against those towers are 5 man unrelenting pushes. They aren't the kill half the health and leave pushes that happen more in pub games. They take the entire tower and Tree wouldn't be able to save them. tl;dr Pro teams push really hard on towers, Tree can't stop that.
I completely agree with you that Tree is underutilized. However, I think that his tower healing ability is not as effective in the pro-scene as it is in the pub-scene. Think about pro games you watch. T1s are often given up fairly easily and we accept that these will likely go down without an extreme fight most of the time. The T2 and T3 towers are what matter most, and often the pushes against those towers are 5 man unrelenting pushes. They aren't the kill half the health and leave pushes that happen more in pub games. They take the entire tower and Tree wouldn't be able to save them. tl;dr Pro teams push really hard on towers, Tree can't stop that.
I completely agree with you that Tree is underutilized. However, I think that his tower healing ability is not as effective in the pro-scene as it is in the pub-scene. Think about pro games you watch. T1s are often given up fairly easily and we accept that these will likely go down without an extreme fight most of the time. The T2 and T3 towers are what matter most, and often the pushes against those towers are 5 man unrelenting pushes. They aren't the kill half the health and leave pushes that happen more in pub games. They take the entire tower and Tree wouldn't be able to save them.
Pro teams push really hard on towers, Tree can't stop that.
Mostly it's been healthcare issues. I'm used to the American system, where I can just throw money at my problem until I get an answer or it goes away. I am a student, but I don't have to get financial support because I am married to a Dane. I did have a hard time understanding how SU worked, because I had to apply through a gymnasiet for one course and my academy for another SU when I first started. There was a lot of confusion with that. I've had tons of trouble with the language school in my area and trying to get my exams processed. I took my test last week and I got an immediate result on my speaking test but I haven't heard on my written test. I passed my hearing and reading tests a month ago. This is the final test I need to complete my residency requirement, and my government sponsored period ends in April, so I'm super antsy about this. The response I've gotten from them was "We don't know." Udlændingrestyrelsen has been nice, they just take a really, really long time, which has made me paranoid. I live in Esbjerg so I've never had to deal with them in person. Jobcenter assigned me to a job finding program that has twice sent me out to the muslim ghetto across town from where I live. And though I have absolutely nothing against muslims or ghettos (When I lived in the States, I lived and worked in close contact with both); it does make me feel that there's something of a 'one size fits all' approach to these sort of programs. Regarding schools - in the States, I worked in Pharmacy for five years. I don't want to move to Copenhagen for school, and the only healthcare school in town rejected me three times because my Danish wasn't good enough. The third time I applied they accepted my husband. I have since been accepted into a different program. I help him out with some of the subjects he takes in school. He tells me that I speak better Danish than some of the people that he goes to school with. Despite what it sounds like, I'm not really complaining - in the end, I think I'm happier with the program that I'm in now than with any of the other options that I would have been set up with otherwise. It's been an uphill climb to get where I am, and I've had to do a lot of navigating in a system I really don't understand and I don't have anyone to explain to me. But I really like where I'm at now, I like my teachers and my class mates, and the place where I live now. And above all, I **love** living in Denmark. I wouldn't trade living here for anywhere else in the world. I love the slower pace of life, and the hygge and the pølsevognen and the pebernødder and even the grinning old lady who insisted that it was TVENTY KRONERZ when I got a cola Christmas shopping this week (I guess she heard my accent). I love that I ran into my mother in law shopping yesterday and she bought us a bag of chips and drove me home. I love that I walked to the store in the first place and it was completely dark at 4pm and I ran into our regular checkout girl and she smiled at me. I love that my best friend from school and her husband came over tonight and we made plans for midsummer and it's not even Christmas. This place feels exactly like we're raised to believe small town America should be and it's *not even in the same hemisphere*. In the morning kids ride their bikes to school and there's a playground outside my garden and I have a garden (How cool is that?)! **tl;dr** Denmark has its ups and downs, but it's an amazing place to live.
Mostly it's been healthcare issues. I'm used to the American system, where I can just throw money at my problem until I get an answer or it goes away. I am a student, but I don't have to get financial support because I am married to a Dane. I did have a hard time understanding how SU worked, because I had to apply through a gymnasiet for one course and my academy for another SU when I first started. There was a lot of confusion with that. I've had tons of trouble with the language school in my area and trying to get my exams processed. I took my test last week and I got an immediate result on my speaking test but I haven't heard on my written test. I passed my hearing and reading tests a month ago. This is the final test I need to complete my residency requirement, and my government sponsored period ends in April, so I'm super antsy about this. The response I've gotten from them was "We don't know." Udlændingrestyrelsen has been nice, they just take a really, really long time, which has made me paranoid. I live in Esbjerg so I've never had to deal with them in person. Jobcenter assigned me to a job finding program that has twice sent me out to the muslim ghetto across town from where I live. And though I have absolutely nothing against muslims or ghettos (When I lived in the States, I lived and worked in close contact with both); it does make me feel that there's something of a 'one size fits all' approach to these sort of programs. Regarding schools - in the States, I worked in Pharmacy for five years. I don't want to move to Copenhagen for school, and the only healthcare school in town rejected me three times because my Danish wasn't good enough. The third time I applied they accepted my husband. I have since been accepted into a different program. I help him out with some of the subjects he takes in school. He tells me that I speak better Danish than some of the people that he goes to school with. Despite what it sounds like, I'm not really complaining - in the end, I think I'm happier with the program that I'm in now than with any of the other options that I would have been set up with otherwise. It's been an uphill climb to get where I am, and I've had to do a lot of navigating in a system I really don't understand and I don't have anyone to explain to me. But I really like where I'm at now, I like my teachers and my class mates, and the place where I live now. And above all, I love living in Denmark. I wouldn't trade living here for anywhere else in the world. I love the slower pace of life, and the hygge and the pølsevognen and the pebernødder and even the grinning old lady who insisted that it was TVENTY KRONERZ when I got a cola Christmas shopping this week (I guess she heard my accent). I love that I ran into my mother in law shopping yesterday and she bought us a bag of chips and drove me home. I love that I walked to the store in the first place and it was completely dark at 4pm and I ran into our regular checkout girl and she smiled at me. I love that my best friend from school and her husband came over tonight and we made plans for midsummer and it's not even Christmas. This place feels exactly like we're raised to believe small town America should be and it's not even in the same hemisphere . In the morning kids ride their bikes to school and there's a playground outside my garden and I have a garden (How cool is that?)! tl;dr Denmark has its ups and downs, but it's an amazing place to live.
Mostly it's been healthcare issues. I'm used to the American system, where I can just throw money at my problem until I get an answer or it goes away. I am a student, but I don't have to get financial support because I am married to a Dane. I did have a hard time understanding how SU worked, because I had to apply through a gymnasiet for one course and my academy for another SU when I first started. There was a lot of confusion with that. I've had tons of trouble with the language school in my area and trying to get my exams processed. I took my test last week and I got an immediate result on my speaking test but I haven't heard on my written test. I passed my hearing and reading tests a month ago. This is the final test I need to complete my residency requirement, and my government sponsored period ends in April, so I'm super antsy about this. The response I've gotten from them was "We don't know." Udlændingrestyrelsen has been nice, they just take a really, really long time, which has made me paranoid. I live in Esbjerg so I've never had to deal with them in person. Jobcenter assigned me to a job finding program that has twice sent me out to the muslim ghetto across town from where I live. And though I have absolutely nothing against muslims or ghettos (When I lived in the States, I lived and worked in close contact with both); it does make me feel that there's something of a 'one size fits all' approach to these sort of programs. Regarding schools - in the States, I worked in Pharmacy for five years. I don't want to move to Copenhagen for school, and the only healthcare school in town rejected me three times because my Danish wasn't good enough. The third time I applied they accepted my husband. I have since been accepted into a different program. I help him out with some of the subjects he takes in school. He tells me that I speak better Danish than some of the people that he goes to school with. Despite what it sounds like, I'm not really complaining - in the end, I think I'm happier with the program that I'm in now than with any of the other options that I would have been set up with otherwise. It's been an uphill climb to get where I am, and I've had to do a lot of navigating in a system I really don't understand and I don't have anyone to explain to me. But I really like where I'm at now, I like my teachers and my class mates, and the place where I live now. And above all, I love living in Denmark. I wouldn't trade living here for anywhere else in the world. I love the slower pace of life, and the hygge and the pølsevognen and the pebernødder and even the grinning old lady who insisted that it was TVENTY KRONERZ when I got a cola Christmas shopping this week (I guess she heard my accent). I love that I ran into my mother in law shopping yesterday and she bought us a bag of chips and drove me home. I love that I walked to the store in the first place and it was completely dark at 4pm and I ran into our regular checkout girl and she smiled at me. I love that my best friend from school and her husband came over tonight and we made plans for midsummer and it's not even Christmas. This place feels exactly like we're raised to believe small town America should be and it's not even in the same hemisphere . In the morning kids ride their bikes to school and there's a playground outside my garden and I have a garden (How cool is that?)!
Denmark has its ups and downs, but it's an amazing place to live.
Our wedding DJ played the real Enter Sandman at our reception (by request) as we got introduced to the guests as a couple. Then again, we played all cool music, including my wife walking down the isle to the Beatles wearing rhinestone Doc Martens. When we where shopping DJs and they saw our song list, we had DJs fighting over wanting to DJ our wedding. Over the years, most of our guests have commented that our wedding has been the best wedding they ever attended. TL;DR: Kids, play cool music at your wedding.
Our wedding DJ played the real Enter Sandman at our reception (by request) as we got introduced to the guests as a couple. Then again, we played all cool music, including my wife walking down the isle to the Beatles wearing rhinestone Doc Martens. When we where shopping DJs and they saw our song list, we had DJs fighting over wanting to DJ our wedding. Over the years, most of our guests have commented that our wedding has been the best wedding they ever attended. TL;DR: Kids, play cool music at your wedding.
Our wedding DJ played the real Enter Sandman at our reception (by request) as we got introduced to the guests as a couple. Then again, we played all cool music, including my wife walking down the isle to the Beatles wearing rhinestone Doc Martens. When we where shopping DJs and they saw our song list, we had DJs fighting over wanting to DJ our wedding. Over the years, most of our guests have commented that our wedding has been the best wedding they ever attended.
Kids, play cool music at your wedding.
*says she gets paid less than minimum wage* doesnt spend free time trying to better herself or make more money. I honestly thought she was going to break down and cry a few times there. Something clearly happened in her life that brought about her passion, and I highly doubt its because of what happens to others. "Where was the NYPD when I needed them," she screamed. She really needs to find someone to talk it out with... I hope she finds that peace she is misguidedly looking for. That officer is a true professional, I don't think I'd have the patience to put up with her tirade. Kudos to him! tl;dr LEO true professional, woman sounds like something bad happened to her- maybe seek counseling?
says she gets paid less than minimum wage doesnt spend free time trying to better herself or make more money. I honestly thought she was going to break down and cry a few times there. Something clearly happened in her life that brought about her passion, and I highly doubt its because of what happens to others. "Where was the NYPD when I needed them," she screamed. She really needs to find someone to talk it out with... I hope she finds that peace she is misguidedly looking for. That officer is a true professional, I don't think I'd have the patience to put up with her tirade. Kudos to him! tl;dr LEO true professional, woman sounds like something bad happened to her- maybe seek counseling?
says she gets paid less than minimum wage doesnt spend free time trying to better herself or make more money. I honestly thought she was going to break down and cry a few times there. Something clearly happened in her life that brought about her passion, and I highly doubt its because of what happens to others. "Where was the NYPD when I needed them," she screamed. She really needs to find someone to talk it out with... I hope she finds that peace she is misguidedly looking for. That officer is a true professional, I don't think I'd have the patience to put up with her tirade. Kudos to him!
LEO true professional, woman sounds like something bad happened to her- maybe seek counseling?
I'm not saying she's not a philanthropic person. I'm saying her art is *terrible* while at the same time pretending to be the height of culture. Tons of opportunity, no talent, but everyone pretends she's some astonishing avant garde princess because of who she is. TL:dr fame is a sexually transmitted disease and she's got a bad case of it.
I'm not saying she's not a philanthropic person. I'm saying her art is terrible while at the same time pretending to be the height of culture. Tons of opportunity, no talent, but everyone pretends she's some astonishing avant garde princess because of who she is. TL:dr fame is a sexually transmitted disease and she's got a bad case of it.
I'm not saying she's not a philanthropic person. I'm saying her art is terrible while at the same time pretending to be the height of culture. Tons of opportunity, no talent, but everyone pretends she's some astonishing avant garde princess because of who she is.
fame is a sexually transmitted disease and she's got a bad case of it.
It's just my opinion but music is one place where, to me, success is just measured by doing what you love. Music is supposed to be art. You write a piece of music that means something to you and you say to hell with whoever doesn't like it. When artists create music for the sake of "winning" they're bastardizing that realm of art. It'd be like finding out that Van Gogh cut his ear off and acted like a lunatic because he knew it'd make him famous. Nickelback takes a lot of flack for being a fabricated group that was made to simply sell records, but in all reality almost all music that you hear on the radio these days is the exact same way. They just get shamed for it because they're actually somewhat vocal about chasing the top of the charts... At least most pop stars are in denial and actually believe they're real artists. TL;DR Nickelback is the same as pop music, but admits it.
It's just my opinion but music is one place where, to me, success is just measured by doing what you love. Music is supposed to be art. You write a piece of music that means something to you and you say to hell with whoever doesn't like it. When artists create music for the sake of "winning" they're bastardizing that realm of art. It'd be like finding out that Van Gogh cut his ear off and acted like a lunatic because he knew it'd make him famous. Nickelback takes a lot of flack for being a fabricated group that was made to simply sell records, but in all reality almost all music that you hear on the radio these days is the exact same way. They just get shamed for it because they're actually somewhat vocal about chasing the top of the charts... At least most pop stars are in denial and actually believe they're real artists. TL;DR Nickelback is the same as pop music, but admits it.
It's just my opinion but music is one place where, to me, success is just measured by doing what you love. Music is supposed to be art. You write a piece of music that means something to you and you say to hell with whoever doesn't like it. When artists create music for the sake of "winning" they're bastardizing that realm of art. It'd be like finding out that Van Gogh cut his ear off and acted like a lunatic because he knew it'd make him famous. Nickelback takes a lot of flack for being a fabricated group that was made to simply sell records, but in all reality almost all music that you hear on the radio these days is the exact same way. They just get shamed for it because they're actually somewhat vocal about chasing the top of the charts... At least most pop stars are in denial and actually believe they're real artists.
Nickelback is the same as pop music, but admits it.
>those words are simply how I write It took me a long time to realize that when I wrote the way I spoke, people perceived it as condescending, flowery, and stuck-up. I didn't want to come across that way, so I began to consciously tone down and simplify my sentence structures and word choice. TL;DR: Just because that's "simply how you write" doesn't mean it's not fluffy. It's not about what HR wants - it's about being aware of how you're being perceived.
>those words are simply how I write It took me a long time to realize that when I wrote the way I spoke, people perceived it as condescending, flowery, and stuck-up. I didn't want to come across that way, so I began to consciously tone down and simplify my sentence structures and word choice. TL;DR: Just because that's "simply how you write" doesn't mean it's not fluffy. It's not about what HR wants - it's about being aware of how you're being perceived.
those words are simply how I write It took me a long time to realize that when I wrote the way I spoke, people perceived it as condescending, flowery, and stuck-up. I didn't want to come across that way, so I began to consciously tone down and simplify my sentence structures and word choice.
Just because that's "simply how you write" doesn't mean it's not fluffy. It's not about what HR wants - it's about being aware of how you're being perceived.
Woah dude, she's freaking about a damn movie? It sounds like she may be a bit immature and you're definitely taking things too harsh. If you can't resolve a simple issue like this, she's going to take you for a lot more money down the road. TL;DR Don't be pussy whipped by her jealousy.
Woah dude, she's freaking about a damn movie? It sounds like she may be a bit immature and you're definitely taking things too harsh. If you can't resolve a simple issue like this, she's going to take you for a lot more money down the road. TL;DR Don't be pussy whipped by her jealousy.
Woah dude, she's freaking about a damn movie? It sounds like she may be a bit immature and you're definitely taking things too harsh. If you can't resolve a simple issue like this, she's going to take you for a lot more money down the road.
Don't be pussy whipped by her jealousy.
So, a few things to keep in mind here that may or may not be confusing you: 1) Our Sun is somewhere in the middle-to-smallish range of stellar masses. Stars come anywhere from about 120 times more massive, to about 12 times less massive. 2) Just like celebrities, the bigger the star, the faster it burns out. (Lindsey Lohan: burned out quickly. Foghat: still probably touring somewhere in Des Moines.) True, our Sun will last somewhere in the ~10 billion year range, but the very massive stars may only last about 1 million years - i.e. 10,000 times shorter lifespan than our Sun. There's plenty of time for lots of those to have occurred over the age of our universe. 3) Only large stars (about 5 times the mass of our Sun) end in the explosive Type II supernovae and seed a wide portion of the rest of the galaxy with heavy elements. Smaller than that, our Sun included, and stars will end as planetary nebulae, quietly shedding only their outer hydrogen layers to the small local neighborhood. 4) It's only in supernovae that the really heavy elements are produced. Beyond iron, fusion becomes endothermic (it requires energy to produce heavier elements instead of releasing energy), meaning that you need a huge release of energy to make those reactions occur. With all that said, there are a few other stellar life-cycle considerations here. Really massive stars that go supernova in only a few million years haven't had time to leave the stellar nursery. In fact, this event - the first supernova from the most massive star in the group - is usually what cuts short the production of new stars in star-forming regions. Moreover, there's good evidence that the first supernova can often trigger more supernovae from stars in the region. The combined effect of multiple supernovae can produce a "galactic fountain", producing enough of an over-pressure to pop these heavy elements out of the plane of the galaxy, and subsequently raining this material down over a very wide area. Whether the bulk of the heavier material in our own solar system came from just one such event or multiple fountains isn't terribly well known. The fact that our Sun is unusually metal-rich (as are most stars which support planetary systems) may indicate multiple such events. **TL;DR**: Our Sun burns quite slowly compared to the massive stars that actually produce supernovae. Chances are there are quite a lot of supernovae that went into creating the heavy elements in our solar system.
So, a few things to keep in mind here that may or may not be confusing you: 1) Our Sun is somewhere in the middle-to-smallish range of stellar masses. Stars come anywhere from about 120 times more massive, to about 12 times less massive. 2) Just like celebrities, the bigger the star, the faster it burns out. (Lindsey Lohan: burned out quickly. Foghat: still probably touring somewhere in Des Moines.) True, our Sun will last somewhere in the ~10 billion year range, but the very massive stars may only last about 1 million years - i.e. 10,000 times shorter lifespan than our Sun. There's plenty of time for lots of those to have occurred over the age of our universe. 3) Only large stars (about 5 times the mass of our Sun) end in the explosive Type II supernovae and seed a wide portion of the rest of the galaxy with heavy elements. Smaller than that, our Sun included, and stars will end as planetary nebulae, quietly shedding only their outer hydrogen layers to the small local neighborhood. 4) It's only in supernovae that the really heavy elements are produced. Beyond iron, fusion becomes endothermic (it requires energy to produce heavier elements instead of releasing energy), meaning that you need a huge release of energy to make those reactions occur. With all that said, there are a few other stellar life-cycle considerations here. Really massive stars that go supernova in only a few million years haven't had time to leave the stellar nursery. In fact, this event - the first supernova from the most massive star in the group - is usually what cuts short the production of new stars in star-forming regions. Moreover, there's good evidence that the first supernova can often trigger more supernovae from stars in the region. The combined effect of multiple supernovae can produce a "galactic fountain", producing enough of an over-pressure to pop these heavy elements out of the plane of the galaxy, and subsequently raining this material down over a very wide area. Whether the bulk of the heavier material in our own solar system came from just one such event or multiple fountains isn't terribly well known. The fact that our Sun is unusually metal-rich (as are most stars which support planetary systems) may indicate multiple such events. TL;DR : Our Sun burns quite slowly compared to the massive stars that actually produce supernovae. Chances are there are quite a lot of supernovae that went into creating the heavy elements in our solar system.
So, a few things to keep in mind here that may or may not be confusing you: 1) Our Sun is somewhere in the middle-to-smallish range of stellar masses. Stars come anywhere from about 120 times more massive, to about 12 times less massive. 2) Just like celebrities, the bigger the star, the faster it burns out. (Lindsey Lohan: burned out quickly. Foghat: still probably touring somewhere in Des Moines.) True, our Sun will last somewhere in the ~10 billion year range, but the very massive stars may only last about 1 million years - i.e. 10,000 times shorter lifespan than our Sun. There's plenty of time for lots of those to have occurred over the age of our universe. 3) Only large stars (about 5 times the mass of our Sun) end in the explosive Type II supernovae and seed a wide portion of the rest of the galaxy with heavy elements. Smaller than that, our Sun included, and stars will end as planetary nebulae, quietly shedding only their outer hydrogen layers to the small local neighborhood. 4) It's only in supernovae that the really heavy elements are produced. Beyond iron, fusion becomes endothermic (it requires energy to produce heavier elements instead of releasing energy), meaning that you need a huge release of energy to make those reactions occur. With all that said, there are a few other stellar life-cycle considerations here. Really massive stars that go supernova in only a few million years haven't had time to leave the stellar nursery. In fact, this event - the first supernova from the most massive star in the group - is usually what cuts short the production of new stars in star-forming regions. Moreover, there's good evidence that the first supernova can often trigger more supernovae from stars in the region. The combined effect of multiple supernovae can produce a "galactic fountain", producing enough of an over-pressure to pop these heavy elements out of the plane of the galaxy, and subsequently raining this material down over a very wide area. Whether the bulk of the heavier material in our own solar system came from just one such event or multiple fountains isn't terribly well known. The fact that our Sun is unusually metal-rich (as are most stars which support planetary systems) may indicate multiple such events.
Our Sun burns quite slowly compared to the massive stars that actually produce supernovae. Chances are there are quite a lot of supernovae that went into creating the heavy elements in our solar system.
> But is there any reason to think such a dimension exists? Quite a few years ago, I was given a task at work. The task was to take the textures for [our game under development]( and make them smaller. See, the way things were going, we'd need two DVDs to store the entire game . . . and gamers *hate* that . . . so either we needed to cut a large chunk of the game, reduce our texture quality considerably, or crunch the textures down by a lot. The end solution ended up being best described as "horrifyingly complicated", and I'm not going to describe it in detail here (unless someone really wants, I suppose.) But part of it involved treating 2x2 texel chunks as points in a 16-dimensional colorspace, then doing various processes on that point cloud. In the end, I managed to compress the textures enough that we didn't have to compromise on either game length or texture quality. tl;dr: Even if it doesn't map directly to physical space, sometimes abstract concepts are useful in truly unexpected places.
> But is there any reason to think such a dimension exists? Quite a few years ago, I was given a task at work. The task was to take the textures for [our game under development]( and make them smaller. See, the way things were going, we'd need two DVDs to store the entire game . . . and gamers hate that . . . so either we needed to cut a large chunk of the game, reduce our texture quality considerably, or crunch the textures down by a lot. The end solution ended up being best described as "horrifyingly complicated", and I'm not going to describe it in detail here (unless someone really wants, I suppose.) But part of it involved treating 2x2 texel chunks as points in a 16-dimensional colorspace, then doing various processes on that point cloud. In the end, I managed to compress the textures enough that we didn't have to compromise on either game length or texture quality. tl;dr: Even if it doesn't map directly to physical space, sometimes abstract concepts are useful in truly unexpected places.
But is there any reason to think such a dimension exists? Quite a few years ago, I was given a task at work. The task was to take the textures for [our game under development]( and make them smaller. See, the way things were going, we'd need two DVDs to store the entire game . . . and gamers hate that . . . so either we needed to cut a large chunk of the game, reduce our texture quality considerably, or crunch the textures down by a lot. The end solution ended up being best described as "horrifyingly complicated", and I'm not going to describe it in detail here (unless someone really wants, I suppose.) But part of it involved treating 2x2 texel chunks as points in a 16-dimensional colorspace, then doing various processes on that point cloud. In the end, I managed to compress the textures enough that we didn't have to compromise on either game length or texture quality.
Even if it doesn't map directly to physical space, sometimes abstract concepts are useful in truly unexpected places.
Okay, imagine that you're doing an arts and crafts project. Say that you want to put a small dot on your project. To do that, you cut a really tiny piece off of the end of a string with a pair of scissors (don't forget to get supervision from the teacher when using the classroom scissors), and you get your tiny dot. Next, you want to put a line on your project. To make a line to put on your project, you take a square sheet of paper and use scissors (don't forget to get supervision from the teacher when using the classroom scissors) to cut a really thin slice off of the end of the paper, and you get a really thin line. Next, you want to put a square on your project. To make a square, you take one of those wooden blocks that you play with and cut a really thin slice off of the end of it with a band saw (don't forget to get supervision from the teacher when using the classroom band saw). When you're done, you have a square. Now, you want to put a cube on your project. To make a cube, you find a tesseract shaped object and you take a really thin slice off of the "end" of it with a multi-dimensional laser (don't forget to get supervision from the teacher when using the classroom multi-dimensional laser). TL;DR: A tesseract is the 4D equivalent of a cube.
Okay, imagine that you're doing an arts and crafts project. Say that you want to put a small dot on your project. To do that, you cut a really tiny piece off of the end of a string with a pair of scissors (don't forget to get supervision from the teacher when using the classroom scissors), and you get your tiny dot. Next, you want to put a line on your project. To make a line to put on your project, you take a square sheet of paper and use scissors (don't forget to get supervision from the teacher when using the classroom scissors) to cut a really thin slice off of the end of the paper, and you get a really thin line. Next, you want to put a square on your project. To make a square, you take one of those wooden blocks that you play with and cut a really thin slice off of the end of it with a band saw (don't forget to get supervision from the teacher when using the classroom band saw). When you're done, you have a square. Now, you want to put a cube on your project. To make a cube, you find a tesseract shaped object and you take a really thin slice off of the "end" of it with a multi-dimensional laser (don't forget to get supervision from the teacher when using the classroom multi-dimensional laser). TL;DR: A tesseract is the 4D equivalent of a cube.
Okay, imagine that you're doing an arts and crafts project. Say that you want to put a small dot on your project. To do that, you cut a really tiny piece off of the end of a string with a pair of scissors (don't forget to get supervision from the teacher when using the classroom scissors), and you get your tiny dot. Next, you want to put a line on your project. To make a line to put on your project, you take a square sheet of paper and use scissors (don't forget to get supervision from the teacher when using the classroom scissors) to cut a really thin slice off of the end of the paper, and you get a really thin line. Next, you want to put a square on your project. To make a square, you take one of those wooden blocks that you play with and cut a really thin slice off of the end of it with a band saw (don't forget to get supervision from the teacher when using the classroom band saw). When you're done, you have a square. Now, you want to put a cube on your project. To make a cube, you find a tesseract shaped object and you take a really thin slice off of the "end" of it with a multi-dimensional laser (don't forget to get supervision from the teacher when using the classroom multi-dimensional laser).
A tesseract is the 4D equivalent of a cube.
The clock speed is only comparable within the same processor model. Clock for clock, Intel is better. This is also why they cost significantly more. So how do we compare CPU's? We look at benchmarks. There are a number of both synthetic and real-world benchmarks performed on a number of CPU's, regularly. TLDR: GHz means nothing. Benchmarks means everything.
The clock speed is only comparable within the same processor model. Clock for clock, Intel is better. This is also why they cost significantly more. So how do we compare CPU's? We look at benchmarks. There are a number of both synthetic and real-world benchmarks performed on a number of CPU's, regularly. TLDR: GHz means nothing. Benchmarks means everything.
The clock speed is only comparable within the same processor model. Clock for clock, Intel is better. This is also why they cost significantly more. So how do we compare CPU's? We look at benchmarks. There are a number of both synthetic and real-world benchmarks performed on a number of CPU's, regularly.
GHz means nothing. Benchmarks means everything.
40 Minutes til kickoff and I'm freaking out. Standard Scoring, 2WR 1 Flex Wes Welker @Jax Roddy White @ Det Lance Moore @ Dal Stevan Ridley @ Jax I have Sid Rice, Greg Jennings and Kenny Britt on the bench but I don't think they can fit into my lineup. Roddy's hurt, but not injured. Does he pull off a big TD or do JJ and Gonzalez see all the action? Welkers hurt...but not injured. Does he see the bulk of Brady's TD passes when they beat jacksonville 7834 to 3 or does Lloyd and Hernandez steal the spotlight? Is it inevitable that Ridley gets to run the ball up and down the field once NE is up by 7831 after the first quarter or will Bellicheck not trust him on the field quite yet? Lance Moore has been my BOY all year long, secret weapon all the way. Looks like Romo and Brees are gonna have a good old fashioned shoot out show down, think my main man Moore will explode? TL;DR: HELP
40 Minutes til kickoff and I'm freaking out. Standard Scoring, 2WR 1 Flex Wes Welker @Jax Roddy White @ Det Lance Moore @ Dal Stevan Ridley @ Jax I have Sid Rice, Greg Jennings and Kenny Britt on the bench but I don't think they can fit into my lineup. Roddy's hurt, but not injured. Does he pull off a big TD or do JJ and Gonzalez see all the action? Welkers hurt...but not injured. Does he see the bulk of Brady's TD passes when they beat jacksonville 7834 to 3 or does Lloyd and Hernandez steal the spotlight? Is it inevitable that Ridley gets to run the ball up and down the field once NE is up by 7831 after the first quarter or will Bellicheck not trust him on the field quite yet? Lance Moore has been my BOY all year long, secret weapon all the way. Looks like Romo and Brees are gonna have a good old fashioned shoot out show down, think my main man Moore will explode? TL;DR: HELP
40 Minutes til kickoff and I'm freaking out. Standard Scoring, 2WR 1 Flex Wes Welker @Jax Roddy White @ Det Lance Moore @ Dal Stevan Ridley @ Jax I have Sid Rice, Greg Jennings and Kenny Britt on the bench but I don't think they can fit into my lineup. Roddy's hurt, but not injured. Does he pull off a big TD or do JJ and Gonzalez see all the action? Welkers hurt...but not injured. Does he see the bulk of Brady's TD passes when they beat jacksonville 7834 to 3 or does Lloyd and Hernandez steal the spotlight? Is it inevitable that Ridley gets to run the ball up and down the field once NE is up by 7831 after the first quarter or will Bellicheck not trust him on the field quite yet? Lance Moore has been my BOY all year long, secret weapon all the way. Looks like Romo and Brees are gonna have a good old fashioned shoot out show down, think my main man Moore will explode?
[Link]( **TIFU by combining magnets with my urethra [NSFW]** I am the luckiest dumbass ever to live. So I had the weekend at home to myself. My flatmate had gone away, a little me-time was scheduled. Now, I like to experiment. I'd heard about sounding (sticking things into the urethra) and thought I'd give it a go. Initial experiments were unsuccessful- chopsticks were a little large for my virgin pee-hole. No big deal, I'm sure I can find something else. Now, a little history. Do you know what Buckyballs are? They are a type of office toy, really popular a couple of years back. They are small, spherical, strong magnets. Pretty neat, they can be combined into all sorts of cool shapes. Also, they form into a lovely string. Can you see where this is going? Well, wouldn't you know it, a string of buckyballs slides up the urethra just perfectly. Like it was made for it. It's a beautiful thing. I pass away a happy afternoon plumbing the depths; these things can go a long way! And the further they go, believe me, the better it feels. Readers. Readers who have owned Buckyballs. Do you see my error? Do you see how this delicate chain of balls, so exquisitely suited to its purpose, holds my doom? So, evening rolls around. I decide on one last plunge. This cop is a day from retirement. This space miner has discovered a nest of funny-looking eggs. This hitchhiker is rolling up to the Bates Motel. And this is one last plunge. In they go. Ten, twenty, thirty beads. More. Forty? Fifty? I don't count. I don't care. It feels good. I feel at this point I must explain a little more about buckyballs. I have described them as a chain; this is not so. Each ball is separate, only held to the next by its magnetism. And what do magnets love to do? They love to stick together. Remember this. I did not. My last plunge, my final dive continues. Soon, better than half a metre of magnets is inside me. I am through the prostate, through the sphincter, in the bladder. I push on. I hit the top of the bladder. I am possessed. I push on. The buckyballs, the magnets, start to bend and curve back towards themselves. Still, I push on. -click- I hear a sound from deep within me. The sound of two magnets meeting and mating. Suddenly my beautiful chain of balls is a tangled magnetized lump. In my bladder. This is the worst possible thing. But now I have lengthened my tale overlong. Panic stations were activated, rationality and sobrerity returned, and I started to pull. Gently, oh so gently I pulled. This chain, this thin chain of balls was still held together only by magnetism and hope, and now there was resistance. At any moment the chain could break, would break, was certain to break. And if it did, there would be no hope. Nothing short of surgery would remove them. Still the chain held. All the way down, right down to the penis. Did you know, the smallest diameter part of the whole system is the end of the penis? I do. Oh, I do. It stuck. A magnetic lump of steel, a centimetre wide, stuck an inch from freedom. Locked behind my penile gates. The chain broke. Many times, the chain broke. But the blockage was so close to the end that, with care, it could be reattached. Only to break again. Of note here is the pinching. I hope you do not know the pain of a thin layer of penile skin being pinched repeatedly between two powerful magnets. There was blood. Even now it throbs. The end, however, was in sight. The magnet clump was out of the danger zone, the operation zone; it was in my penis. I could control it. I could win. And, with the help of a knife and a ballpoint pen lid, I did. TL;DR: I'm not sure I'd advise sticking 74 magnets up your dick.
[Link]( TIFU by combining magnets with my urethra [NSFW] I am the luckiest dumbass ever to live. So I had the weekend at home to myself. My flatmate had gone away, a little me-time was scheduled. Now, I like to experiment. I'd heard about sounding (sticking things into the urethra) and thought I'd give it a go. Initial experiments were unsuccessful- chopsticks were a little large for my virgin pee-hole. No big deal, I'm sure I can find something else. Now, a little history. Do you know what Buckyballs are? They are a type of office toy, really popular a couple of years back. They are small, spherical, strong magnets. Pretty neat, they can be combined into all sorts of cool shapes. Also, they form into a lovely string. Can you see where this is going? Well, wouldn't you know it, a string of buckyballs slides up the urethra just perfectly. Like it was made for it. It's a beautiful thing. I pass away a happy afternoon plumbing the depths; these things can go a long way! And the further they go, believe me, the better it feels. Readers. Readers who have owned Buckyballs. Do you see my error? Do you see how this delicate chain of balls, so exquisitely suited to its purpose, holds my doom? So, evening rolls around. I decide on one last plunge. This cop is a day from retirement. This space miner has discovered a nest of funny-looking eggs. This hitchhiker is rolling up to the Bates Motel. And this is one last plunge. In they go. Ten, twenty, thirty beads. More. Forty? Fifty? I don't count. I don't care. It feels good. I feel at this point I must explain a little more about buckyballs. I have described them as a chain; this is not so. Each ball is separate, only held to the next by its magnetism. And what do magnets love to do? They love to stick together. Remember this. I did not. My last plunge, my final dive continues. Soon, better than half a metre of magnets is inside me. I am through the prostate, through the sphincter, in the bladder. I push on. I hit the top of the bladder. I am possessed. I push on. The buckyballs, the magnets, start to bend and curve back towards themselves. Still, I push on. -click- I hear a sound from deep within me. The sound of two magnets meeting and mating. Suddenly my beautiful chain of balls is a tangled magnetized lump. In my bladder. This is the worst possible thing. But now I have lengthened my tale overlong. Panic stations were activated, rationality and sobrerity returned, and I started to pull. Gently, oh so gently I pulled. This chain, this thin chain of balls was still held together only by magnetism and hope, and now there was resistance. At any moment the chain could break, would break, was certain to break. And if it did, there would be no hope. Nothing short of surgery would remove them. Still the chain held. All the way down, right down to the penis. Did you know, the smallest diameter part of the whole system is the end of the penis? I do. Oh, I do. It stuck. A magnetic lump of steel, a centimetre wide, stuck an inch from freedom. Locked behind my penile gates. The chain broke. Many times, the chain broke. But the blockage was so close to the end that, with care, it could be reattached. Only to break again. Of note here is the pinching. I hope you do not know the pain of a thin layer of penile skin being pinched repeatedly between two powerful magnets. There was blood. Even now it throbs. The end, however, was in sight. The magnet clump was out of the danger zone, the operation zone; it was in my penis. I could control it. I could win. And, with the help of a knife and a ballpoint pen lid, I did. TL;DR: I'm not sure I'd advise sticking 74 magnets up your dick.
Link]( TIFU by combining magnets with my urethra [NSFW] I am the luckiest dumbass ever to live. So I had the weekend at home to myself. My flatmate had gone away, a little me-time was scheduled. Now, I like to experiment. I'd heard about sounding (sticking things into the urethra) and thought I'd give it a go. Initial experiments were unsuccessful- chopsticks were a little large for my virgin pee-hole. No big deal, I'm sure I can find something else. Now, a little history. Do you know what Buckyballs are? They are a type of office toy, really popular a couple of years back. They are small, spherical, strong magnets. Pretty neat, they can be combined into all sorts of cool shapes. Also, they form into a lovely string. Can you see where this is going? Well, wouldn't you know it, a string of buckyballs slides up the urethra just perfectly. Like it was made for it. It's a beautiful thing. I pass away a happy afternoon plumbing the depths; these things can go a long way! And the further they go, believe me, the better it feels. Readers. Readers who have owned Buckyballs. Do you see my error? Do you see how this delicate chain of balls, so exquisitely suited to its purpose, holds my doom? So, evening rolls around. I decide on one last plunge. This cop is a day from retirement. This space miner has discovered a nest of funny-looking eggs. This hitchhiker is rolling up to the Bates Motel. And this is one last plunge. In they go. Ten, twenty, thirty beads. More. Forty? Fifty? I don't count. I don't care. It feels good. I feel at this point I must explain a little more about buckyballs. I have described them as a chain; this is not so. Each ball is separate, only held to the next by its magnetism. And what do magnets love to do? They love to stick together. Remember this. I did not. My last plunge, my final dive continues. Soon, better than half a metre of magnets is inside me. I am through the prostate, through the sphincter, in the bladder. I push on. I hit the top of the bladder. I am possessed. I push on. The buckyballs, the magnets, start to bend and curve back towards themselves. Still, I push on. -click- I hear a sound from deep within me. The sound of two magnets meeting and mating. Suddenly my beautiful chain of balls is a tangled magnetized lump. In my bladder. This is the worst possible thing. But now I have lengthened my tale overlong. Panic stations were activated, rationality and sobrerity returned, and I started to pull. Gently, oh so gently I pulled. This chain, this thin chain of balls was still held together only by magnetism and hope, and now there was resistance. At any moment the chain could break, would break, was certain to break. And if it did, there would be no hope. Nothing short of surgery would remove them. Still the chain held. All the way down, right down to the penis. Did you know, the smallest diameter part of the whole system is the end of the penis? I do. Oh, I do. It stuck. A magnetic lump of steel, a centimetre wide, stuck an inch from freedom. Locked behind my penile gates. The chain broke. Many times, the chain broke. But the blockage was so close to the end that, with care, it could be reattached. Only to break again. Of note here is the pinching. I hope you do not know the pain of a thin layer of penile skin being pinched repeatedly between two powerful magnets. There was blood. Even now it throbs. The end, however, was in sight. The magnet clump was out of the danger zone, the operation zone; it was in my penis. I could control it. I could win. And, with the help of a knife and a ballpoint pen lid, I did.
I'm not sure I'd advise sticking 74 magnets up your dick.
[Link]( **TIFU by falling asleep while watching porn.** This happened 2 days ago, but I digress. And throwaway because the involved person in this story is a redditor and I would like them to never think or read about this scenario ever again. 2 nights ago I get home from work and ask my roommate if she wants to go for a drive to pick up some groceries. I'm pretty tired so I tell her I'm going to nap for an hour and then we can go, and she agrees. While I'm nestled into my bed, nature calls and I decide to grab my laptop in order to fulfill my animalistic desires. I find some good porn and begin to fap (or shlick? whatever girl fapping is). I finish happily, and I'm super exhausted. The porn is still going on but I say fuck it and just close my eyes.. I wake up to the sound of someone opening my bedroom door, and I'm so shocked by the fact that my bare ass is facing the door and I have lesbian fetish porn on my laptop a foot away from my face, that the only thing I can do is just pretend to still be sleeping. I hear my roommate gasp and say "SHIT" and closes the door really quietly. I wait a long ass minute before getting up and collecting myself at the situation that has just occurred. I then went upstairs and acted like I didn't know it happened, and so did she. **TLDR** I fell asleep after masturbating to porn and my roommate came to wake me up, catching a full view of my bare ass and vagina as well as fetish lesbian porn on the laptop next to my face. We are pretending it didn't happen.
[Link]( TIFU by falling asleep while watching porn. This happened 2 days ago, but I digress. And throwaway because the involved person in this story is a redditor and I would like them to never think or read about this scenario ever again. 2 nights ago I get home from work and ask my roommate if she wants to go for a drive to pick up some groceries. I'm pretty tired so I tell her I'm going to nap for an hour and then we can go, and she agrees. While I'm nestled into my bed, nature calls and I decide to grab my laptop in order to fulfill my animalistic desires. I find some good porn and begin to fap (or shlick? whatever girl fapping is). I finish happily, and I'm super exhausted. The porn is still going on but I say fuck it and just close my eyes.. I wake up to the sound of someone opening my bedroom door, and I'm so shocked by the fact that my bare ass is facing the door and I have lesbian fetish porn on my laptop a foot away from my face, that the only thing I can do is just pretend to still be sleeping. I hear my roommate gasp and say "SHIT" and closes the door really quietly. I wait a long ass minute before getting up and collecting myself at the situation that has just occurred. I then went upstairs and acted like I didn't know it happened, and so did she. TLDR I fell asleep after masturbating to porn and my roommate came to wake me up, catching a full view of my bare ass and vagina as well as fetish lesbian porn on the laptop next to my face. We are pretending it didn't happen.
Link]( TIFU by falling asleep while watching porn. This happened 2 days ago, but I digress. And throwaway because the involved person in this story is a redditor and I would like them to never think or read about this scenario ever again. 2 nights ago I get home from work and ask my roommate if she wants to go for a drive to pick up some groceries. I'm pretty tired so I tell her I'm going to nap for an hour and then we can go, and she agrees. While I'm nestled into my bed, nature calls and I decide to grab my laptop in order to fulfill my animalistic desires. I find some good porn and begin to fap (or shlick? whatever girl fapping is). I finish happily, and I'm super exhausted. The porn is still going on but I say fuck it and just close my eyes.. I wake up to the sound of someone opening my bedroom door, and I'm so shocked by the fact that my bare ass is facing the door and I have lesbian fetish porn on my laptop a foot away from my face, that the only thing I can do is just pretend to still be sleeping. I hear my roommate gasp and say "SHIT" and closes the door really quietly. I wait a long ass minute before getting up and collecting myself at the situation that has just occurred. I then went upstairs and acted like I didn't know it happened, and so did she.
I fell asleep after masturbating to porn and my roommate came to wake me up, catching a full view of my bare ass and vagina as well as fetish lesbian porn on the laptop next to my face. We are pretending it didn't happen.
[Link]( **TIFU. Dutch-ovened myself, puked.** Last night, I decided to go out for ice cream. I'm lactose intolerant, but my stomach hasn't been acting up lately, so I thought I'd have a treat. I had a cone and I felt fine, other than a little rumbling in my stomach before bed. That night, I had a strange dream, where I was being chased by a monster through a jungle. I kept running, and pulling down leaves, in hopes that I'd trip up the beast. I could feel it getting closer, and I found myself being overcome by waves of nausea as its rancid breath washed over me. I shrieked, as my leg caught on a vine and I went sprawling across the jungle floor, the beast's breath filling my lungs and making me cough and choke... And then I woke up, still coughing, and realized that I'd pulled all of my blankets over my head, trapping in a night's worth of half-digested milkfarts. The smell was so powerful that I barfed in my mouth, splattering specks of puke willy-nilly as I wrestled my way out of the stanky blankies. Then I took a shower and did one of those things where you slide down the wall and cry, as the realization that I farted so bad that it gave me a nightmare fully sank in. TL;DR - Dutch ovened myself, barfed. I'm also probably never going to go to the jungle or eat ice cream again.
[Link]( TIFU. Dutch-ovened myself, puked. Last night, I decided to go out for ice cream. I'm lactose intolerant, but my stomach hasn't been acting up lately, so I thought I'd have a treat. I had a cone and I felt fine, other than a little rumbling in my stomach before bed. That night, I had a strange dream, where I was being chased by a monster through a jungle. I kept running, and pulling down leaves, in hopes that I'd trip up the beast. I could feel it getting closer, and I found myself being overcome by waves of nausea as its rancid breath washed over me. I shrieked, as my leg caught on a vine and I went sprawling across the jungle floor, the beast's breath filling my lungs and making me cough and choke... And then I woke up, still coughing, and realized that I'd pulled all of my blankets over my head, trapping in a night's worth of half-digested milkfarts. The smell was so powerful that I barfed in my mouth, splattering specks of puke willy-nilly as I wrestled my way out of the stanky blankies. Then I took a shower and did one of those things where you slide down the wall and cry, as the realization that I farted so bad that it gave me a nightmare fully sank in. TL;DR - Dutch ovened myself, barfed. I'm also probably never going to go to the jungle or eat ice cream again.
Link]( TIFU. Dutch-ovened myself, puked. Last night, I decided to go out for ice cream. I'm lactose intolerant, but my stomach hasn't been acting up lately, so I thought I'd have a treat. I had a cone and I felt fine, other than a little rumbling in my stomach before bed. That night, I had a strange dream, where I was being chased by a monster through a jungle. I kept running, and pulling down leaves, in hopes that I'd trip up the beast. I could feel it getting closer, and I found myself being overcome by waves of nausea as its rancid breath washed over me. I shrieked, as my leg caught on a vine and I went sprawling across the jungle floor, the beast's breath filling my lungs and making me cough and choke... And then I woke up, still coughing, and realized that I'd pulled all of my blankets over my head, trapping in a night's worth of half-digested milkfarts. The smell was so powerful that I barfed in my mouth, splattering specks of puke willy-nilly as I wrestled my way out of the stanky blankies. Then I took a shower and did one of those things where you slide down the wall and cry, as the realization that I farted so bad that it gave me a nightmare fully sank in.
Dutch ovened myself, barfed. I'm also probably never going to go to the jungle or eat ice cream again.
[Link]( **TIFU while peeing.** Just happened. I'm wearing gym shorts. You know, elastic waistband? So I'm doing my business when my thumb slips off the waistband, causing it to shoot up into my exposed gentlemen vegetables. This resulted in a rather spectacular stream of homemade lemonade covering the side of the bowl, the floor next to it, the shower curtain and parts of the bathtub. TL;DR: Thumb slipped, junk whipped, everything dripped.
[Link]( TIFU while peeing. Just happened. I'm wearing gym shorts. You know, elastic waistband? So I'm doing my business when my thumb slips off the waistband, causing it to shoot up into my exposed gentlemen vegetables. This resulted in a rather spectacular stream of homemade lemonade covering the side of the bowl, the floor next to it, the shower curtain and parts of the bathtub. TL;DR: Thumb slipped, junk whipped, everything dripped.
Link]( TIFU while peeing. Just happened. I'm wearing gym shorts. You know, elastic waistband? So I'm doing my business when my thumb slips off the waistband, causing it to shoot up into my exposed gentlemen vegetables. This resulted in a rather spectacular stream of homemade lemonade covering the side of the bowl, the floor next to it, the shower curtain and parts of the bathtub.
Thumb slipped, junk whipped, everything dripped.
[Link]( **TIFU my tongue.** So today, I fucked up my tongue. I was helping a customer look for something in the grocery store I work at, and the item wasn't on the shelf. It was a certain brand of frozen ravioli that we sell. I told her I'd go in to the walk-in freezer and take a look around. So far, fairly normal. No problem. I go to the walk-in, open it up and go inside. I look around and don't see any boxes with that company's logo. Then I see the big, metal wheeled carts that we stack the bags of ice and other frozen products on. They're bare metal, and about 6' tall. I see the bare metal, and in a moment of infinite genius, I think to myself: "*I wonder if my tongue would get stuck to that like in the movies*". (I live in an area that experiences no snow or ice in the winter, so I honestly would have no way of knowing) Well, in another moment of my infinite genius, my brain decides "*Let's not just wonder... let's find out! Experiment time!*" Tongue comes out, touches metal, and the shock of the cold causes me to jerk my head back. I feel resistance as I jerk back. Then I taste blood. Then I see, on the cart, a small little patch of tongue that used to belong to me. Luckily the damage I inflicted on myself wasn't too bad. IT stopped bleeding after a couple of minutes and it doesn't hurt any more than a moderate food burn would. **tl;dr: I'm a fucking moron**
[Link]( TIFU my tongue. So today, I fucked up my tongue. I was helping a customer look for something in the grocery store I work at, and the item wasn't on the shelf. It was a certain brand of frozen ravioli that we sell. I told her I'd go in to the walk-in freezer and take a look around. So far, fairly normal. No problem. I go to the walk-in, open it up and go inside. I look around and don't see any boxes with that company's logo. Then I see the big, metal wheeled carts that we stack the bags of ice and other frozen products on. They're bare metal, and about 6' tall. I see the bare metal, and in a moment of infinite genius, I think to myself: " I wonder if my tongue would get stuck to that like in the movies ". (I live in an area that experiences no snow or ice in the winter, so I honestly would have no way of knowing) Well, in another moment of my infinite genius, my brain decides " Let's not just wonder... let's find out! Experiment time! " Tongue comes out, touches metal, and the shock of the cold causes me to jerk my head back. I feel resistance as I jerk back. Then I taste blood. Then I see, on the cart, a small little patch of tongue that used to belong to me. Luckily the damage I inflicted on myself wasn't too bad. IT stopped bleeding after a couple of minutes and it doesn't hurt any more than a moderate food burn would. tl;dr: I'm a fucking moron
Link]( TIFU my tongue. So today, I fucked up my tongue. I was helping a customer look for something in the grocery store I work at, and the item wasn't on the shelf. It was a certain brand of frozen ravioli that we sell. I told her I'd go in to the walk-in freezer and take a look around. So far, fairly normal. No problem. I go to the walk-in, open it up and go inside. I look around and don't see any boxes with that company's logo. Then I see the big, metal wheeled carts that we stack the bags of ice and other frozen products on. They're bare metal, and about 6' tall. I see the bare metal, and in a moment of infinite genius, I think to myself: " I wonder if my tongue would get stuck to that like in the movies ". (I live in an area that experiences no snow or ice in the winter, so I honestly would have no way of knowing) Well, in another moment of my infinite genius, my brain decides " Let's not just wonder... let's find out! Experiment time! " Tongue comes out, touches metal, and the shock of the cold causes me to jerk my head back. I feel resistance as I jerk back. Then I taste blood. Then I see, on the cart, a small little patch of tongue that used to belong to me. Luckily the damage I inflicted on myself wasn't too bad. IT stopped bleeding after a couple of minutes and it doesn't hurt any more than a moderate food burn would.
I'm a fucking moron
I was standing at the bus stop in front of my school with my girlfriend one day. When the bus got there, two other students went to put their bikes on the bus' only two bike racks. Then this crazy lady started screaming *Nooooo! You can't do this to me! I'm not waiting another half hour!* When everyone turned around to see what her problem was, we all noticed that she, too, had a bike and had been waiting to catch the bus. The only problem was that she waited until the bus got there to unlock her bike from a nearby pole. She got in the students' faces and continued to curse and scream at them, after which she began bawling. When the students awkwardly blew her off and proceeded to get on the bus, she went over to the bus driver's window and repeated *YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!* I guess she was hoping that he'd kick one of the bikes off in order to include her own. However, he too blew her off. After she realized she wasn't going to get her way, she hopped on her bike and rode to the next bus stop. When everyone on the bus realized what she was doing, we all began to jokingly warn the students not to get off. Sure enough, we saw her at the next stop. When she saw that the bikes were still on the rack, she began yelling and cursing *again*. Except this time, she flipped off the bus driver as well as the students. We were all afraid she was going to hop on the bus and kick their asses lol. Luckily, the bus driver drove off before that could happen. TL;DR Crazy bitch at the bus stop almost kills fellow students due to not having enough bike racks on the bus.
I was standing at the bus stop in front of my school with my girlfriend one day. When the bus got there, two other students went to put their bikes on the bus' only two bike racks. Then this crazy lady started screaming Nooooo! You can't do this to me! I'm not waiting another half hour! When everyone turned around to see what her problem was, we all noticed that she, too, had a bike and had been waiting to catch the bus. The only problem was that she waited until the bus got there to unlock her bike from a nearby pole. She got in the students' faces and continued to curse and scream at them, after which she began bawling. When the students awkwardly blew her off and proceeded to get on the bus, she went over to the bus driver's window and repeated YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I guess she was hoping that he'd kick one of the bikes off in order to include her own. However, he too blew her off. After she realized she wasn't going to get her way, she hopped on her bike and rode to the next bus stop. When everyone on the bus realized what she was doing, we all began to jokingly warn the students not to get off. Sure enough, we saw her at the next stop. When she saw that the bikes were still on the rack, she began yelling and cursing again . Except this time, she flipped off the bus driver as well as the students. We were all afraid she was going to hop on the bus and kick their asses lol. Luckily, the bus driver drove off before that could happen. TL;DR Crazy bitch at the bus stop almost kills fellow students due to not having enough bike racks on the bus.
I was standing at the bus stop in front of my school with my girlfriend one day. When the bus got there, two other students went to put their bikes on the bus' only two bike racks. Then this crazy lady started screaming Nooooo! You can't do this to me! I'm not waiting another half hour! When everyone turned around to see what her problem was, we all noticed that she, too, had a bike and had been waiting to catch the bus. The only problem was that she waited until the bus got there to unlock her bike from a nearby pole. She got in the students' faces and continued to curse and scream at them, after which she began bawling. When the students awkwardly blew her off and proceeded to get on the bus, she went over to the bus driver's window and repeated YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME! I guess she was hoping that he'd kick one of the bikes off in order to include her own. However, he too blew her off. After she realized she wasn't going to get her way, she hopped on her bike and rode to the next bus stop. When everyone on the bus realized what she was doing, we all began to jokingly warn the students not to get off. Sure enough, we saw her at the next stop. When she saw that the bikes were still on the rack, she began yelling and cursing again . Except this time, she flipped off the bus driver as well as the students. We were all afraid she was going to hop on the bus and kick their asses lol. Luckily, the bus driver drove off before that could happen.
Crazy bitch at the bus stop almost kills fellow students due to not having enough bike racks on the bus.
When i began maining ADCs i played vayne, because when you've mastered here, shes more rewarding then any ADC. The only thing that you should keep in mind is that Vayne is bad in all-in situtations if she doesnt have ult (Pre 6). You can do amazing plays with her (1 sec invis op in TFs), also she is a "hypercarry" (Means that she will carry way better then most carrys, because of her absurd damage.) Cait however is quite the opposite. She is really good early game because of her long range (650, most ranged ADs have 550) therefor its easy to snowball early on. However i believe she has the lowest damage lategame, someone calculated that. TL;DR : If you want to play aggro early on get Caitlyn, if you want to play passive and farm play vayne.
When i began maining ADCs i played vayne, because when you've mastered here, shes more rewarding then any ADC. The only thing that you should keep in mind is that Vayne is bad in all-in situtations if she doesnt have ult (Pre 6). You can do amazing plays with her (1 sec invis op in TFs), also she is a "hypercarry" (Means that she will carry way better then most carrys, because of her absurd damage.) Cait however is quite the opposite. She is really good early game because of her long range (650, most ranged ADs have 550) therefor its easy to snowball early on. However i believe she has the lowest damage lategame, someone calculated that. TL;DR : If you want to play aggro early on get Caitlyn, if you want to play passive and farm play vayne.
When i began maining ADCs i played vayne, because when you've mastered here, shes more rewarding then any ADC. The only thing that you should keep in mind is that Vayne is bad in all-in situtations if she doesnt have ult (Pre 6). You can do amazing plays with her (1 sec invis op in TFs), also she is a "hypercarry" (Means that she will carry way better then most carrys, because of her absurd damage.) Cait however is quite the opposite. She is really good early game because of her long range (650, most ranged ADs have 550) therefor its easy to snowball early on. However i believe she has the lowest damage lategame, someone calculated that.
If you want to play aggro early on get Caitlyn, if you want to play passive and farm play vayne.
You're leaving out the other side. She wasn't like, "hows the weather" and he replied "how many orgasms?" She was unhappy with her relationship with her husband and was confiding in her boss her frustrations with the lack of intimacy in her own marriage. Thats where the Lamborghini comment came from. She was bitching that her husband never put out which he replied with "thats like having a Lamborghini in the garage and never driving it". TL;DR The assistant was crossing the line just as much as he was.
You're leaving out the other side. She wasn't like, "hows the weather" and he replied "how many orgasms?" She was unhappy with her relationship with her husband and was confiding in her boss her frustrations with the lack of intimacy in her own marriage. Thats where the Lamborghini comment came from. She was bitching that her husband never put out which he replied with "thats like having a Lamborghini in the garage and never driving it". TL;DR The assistant was crossing the line just as much as he was.
You're leaving out the other side. She wasn't like, "hows the weather" and he replied "how many orgasms?" She was unhappy with her relationship with her husband and was confiding in her boss her frustrations with the lack of intimacy in her own marriage. Thats where the Lamborghini comment came from. She was bitching that her husband never put out which he replied with "thats like having a Lamborghini in the garage and never driving it".
The assistant was crossing the line just as much as he was.
Yep. First off, I'm female. About 8 years ago, when I was 12, I used to go to a church youth group (it was one of those "my parents made me" things). There was a guy there who was pretty nice, whom I'd talk to occasionally just to be nice. Then I stopped to church. Fast forward 6 years. I went to church again once for a church event celebrating anniversaries of various church-goer couples, including my parents for their 20th anniversary. I see this guy there. We chat a bit just to be nice, then I reluctantly exchange phone numbers with him just to catch up. Now I had been dating my boyfriend for about a year and a half at this point, when stalker guy confesses his love to me ("I've been in love with you for the past 6 years", "You are my only friend who actually talks to me"). Oh dear. I was just talking to him to be nice. Just through texting, he had learned where I live, where I work, etc. Then he starts randomly showing up at my house uninvited and unannounced. Once on my birthday when I was just having a little homemade dinner party with my boyfriend and my two room mates, to give me a present (a painting of my pet bird he had painted himself). Once he showed up randomly at my work. Apparently he had come in twice before to look for me, but I wasn't working those days. So he just decided to keep coming into my work until I was there. I've told him many times that I had no intention of dating him or anything, and I eventually got engaged to my boyfriend (about a year later), after which he *still *didn't get the point. I didn't want to be too harsh with this guy because he has some major depression problems and didn't want to harm him in any way. Eventually it just got way too much for me and I firmly ended all contact with him. I'm not sure is he was okay after that. **TL;DR: Acquaintance I reconnected with randomly showed up at my house and my work uninvited and unannounced, and I couldn't shake him off because I was afraid he might kill himself.**
Yep. First off, I'm female. About 8 years ago, when I was 12, I used to go to a church youth group (it was one of those "my parents made me" things). There was a guy there who was pretty nice, whom I'd talk to occasionally just to be nice. Then I stopped to church. Fast forward 6 years. I went to church again once for a church event celebrating anniversaries of various church-goer couples, including my parents for their 20th anniversary. I see this guy there. We chat a bit just to be nice, then I reluctantly exchange phone numbers with him just to catch up. Now I had been dating my boyfriend for about a year and a half at this point, when stalker guy confesses his love to me ("I've been in love with you for the past 6 years", "You are my only friend who actually talks to me"). Oh dear. I was just talking to him to be nice. Just through texting, he had learned where I live, where I work, etc. Then he starts randomly showing up at my house uninvited and unannounced. Once on my birthday when I was just having a little homemade dinner party with my boyfriend and my two room mates, to give me a present (a painting of my pet bird he had painted himself). Once he showed up randomly at my work. Apparently he had come in twice before to look for me, but I wasn't working those days. So he just decided to keep coming into my work until I was there. I've told him many times that I had no intention of dating him or anything, and I eventually got engaged to my boyfriend (about a year later), after which he still didn't get the point. I didn't want to be too harsh with this guy because he has some major depression problems and didn't want to harm him in any way. Eventually it just got way too much for me and I firmly ended all contact with him. I'm not sure is he was okay after that. TL;DR: Acquaintance I reconnected with randomly showed up at my house and my work uninvited and unannounced, and I couldn't shake him off because I was afraid he might kill himself.
Yep. First off, I'm female. About 8 years ago, when I was 12, I used to go to a church youth group (it was one of those "my parents made me" things). There was a guy there who was pretty nice, whom I'd talk to occasionally just to be nice. Then I stopped to church. Fast forward 6 years. I went to church again once for a church event celebrating anniversaries of various church-goer couples, including my parents for their 20th anniversary. I see this guy there. We chat a bit just to be nice, then I reluctantly exchange phone numbers with him just to catch up. Now I had been dating my boyfriend for about a year and a half at this point, when stalker guy confesses his love to me ("I've been in love with you for the past 6 years", "You are my only friend who actually talks to me"). Oh dear. I was just talking to him to be nice. Just through texting, he had learned where I live, where I work, etc. Then he starts randomly showing up at my house uninvited and unannounced. Once on my birthday when I was just having a little homemade dinner party with my boyfriend and my two room mates, to give me a present (a painting of my pet bird he had painted himself). Once he showed up randomly at my work. Apparently he had come in twice before to look for me, but I wasn't working those days. So he just decided to keep coming into my work until I was there. I've told him many times that I had no intention of dating him or anything, and I eventually got engaged to my boyfriend (about a year later), after which he still didn't get the point. I didn't want to be too harsh with this guy because he has some major depression problems and didn't want to harm him in any way. Eventually it just got way too much for me and I firmly ended all contact with him. I'm not sure is he was okay after that.
Acquaintance I reconnected with randomly showed up at my house and my work uninvited and unannounced, and I couldn't shake him off because I was afraid he might kill himself.
I had an exgirlfriend stalk me for about a month. She broke up with me by cheating on me with her boss. Her boss then tossed her to the side and all of a sudden i was "the perfect man" and "the love of her life". For the first month i saw her car EVERYWHERE. Infront of my house, at my school, at my work at my cybercafe at my favorite sushi place. I saw her driving behind me on the way to work multiple times. So that tapered off when she lost her job and lost her car, but she followed my on facebook for a while. Then, one drunken night, i contact her and we chat for a bit. I tell her that i am not in love with her, and then she explodes. Goes off on this mega schizo rant on FB about how a darkness has stolen her only light, how she knows for a fact that 2 "whores have taken her man, and she will, with the grace of god, destroy them." She then flat out says she is going to kill them and calls them out by name. I confront her about these allegations, and she says that her boss (the boss who she cheated pn me with.) told her I was sleeping with the girls. One girl is a check who i have know since she was 11 and is, quite literally, my sister since i lived at her house for 4 years. The other chick is my bro, thats about it. TL;DR Exgirlfriend breaks up with me, gets tossed aside by new guy, stalks me for a few months then threatens to kill 2 friends. She now lives with her mom and believes that she can fly, and that her dogs have seen her fly. Acid can fuck you up children, and shes living proof. Thats another story all together though. Edit: For clarity, i never once got with either of the girls. Im on an iPad, so yall can deal with the typos.
I had an exgirlfriend stalk me for about a month. She broke up with me by cheating on me with her boss. Her boss then tossed her to the side and all of a sudden i was "the perfect man" and "the love of her life". For the first month i saw her car EVERYWHERE. Infront of my house, at my school, at my work at my cybercafe at my favorite sushi place. I saw her driving behind me on the way to work multiple times. So that tapered off when she lost her job and lost her car, but she followed my on facebook for a while. Then, one drunken night, i contact her and we chat for a bit. I tell her that i am not in love with her, and then she explodes. Goes off on this mega schizo rant on FB about how a darkness has stolen her only light, how she knows for a fact that 2 "whores have taken her man, and she will, with the grace of god, destroy them." She then flat out says she is going to kill them and calls them out by name. I confront her about these allegations, and she says that her boss (the boss who she cheated pn me with.) told her I was sleeping with the girls. One girl is a check who i have know since she was 11 and is, quite literally, my sister since i lived at her house for 4 years. The other chick is my bro, thats about it. TL;DR Exgirlfriend breaks up with me, gets tossed aside by new guy, stalks me for a few months then threatens to kill 2 friends. She now lives with her mom and believes that she can fly, and that her dogs have seen her fly. Acid can fuck you up children, and shes living proof. Thats another story all together though. Edit: For clarity, i never once got with either of the girls. Im on an iPad, so yall can deal with the typos.
I had an exgirlfriend stalk me for about a month. She broke up with me by cheating on me with her boss. Her boss then tossed her to the side and all of a sudden i was "the perfect man" and "the love of her life". For the first month i saw her car EVERYWHERE. Infront of my house, at my school, at my work at my cybercafe at my favorite sushi place. I saw her driving behind me on the way to work multiple times. So that tapered off when she lost her job and lost her car, but she followed my on facebook for a while. Then, one drunken night, i contact her and we chat for a bit. I tell her that i am not in love with her, and then she explodes. Goes off on this mega schizo rant on FB about how a darkness has stolen her only light, how she knows for a fact that 2 "whores have taken her man, and she will, with the grace of god, destroy them." She then flat out says she is going to kill them and calls them out by name. I confront her about these allegations, and she says that her boss (the boss who she cheated pn me with.) told her I was sleeping with the girls. One girl is a check who i have know since she was 11 and is, quite literally, my sister since i lived at her house for 4 years. The other chick is my bro, thats about it.
Exgirlfriend breaks up with me, gets tossed aside by new guy, stalks me for a few months then threatens to kill 2 friends. She now lives with her mom and believes that she can fly, and that her dogs have seen her fly. Acid can fuck you up children, and shes living proof. Thats another story all together though. Edit: For clarity, i never once got with either of the girls. Im on an iPad, so yall can deal with the typos.
Yes. I was stalked by a guy who had a major crush on me in high school. Why?: I'm rather certain I was the first girl to reject him and he found me as some sort of challenge from there on. He was the most popular guy at school and I just assumed he was asking me on a fake date to be a dick (I am super socially awkward, he is not). He was not. He did not take my rejection very well. What did he do?: He would follow me home in his car (I walked home) for about 3 years, he told the entire school that I was his girlfriend (he had an actual girlfriend, too, of whom he did not refer to as his girlfriend), and he would just ogle at me whenever he saw me, but wouldn't really speak to me. Oh, and he would pick fights out of nowhere with my boyfriend and escalate them to the point of getting both himself and my boyfriend sent to the principal's office. He still contacts me from time to time, but always acts like it was an accident. He asked me out when I was a sophomore in high school. I am now a senior in college. I think he may have some problems. TL;DR Most popular guy in school asks me out, I reject, he follows me around and annoys my boyfriend.
Yes. I was stalked by a guy who had a major crush on me in high school. Why?: I'm rather certain I was the first girl to reject him and he found me as some sort of challenge from there on. He was the most popular guy at school and I just assumed he was asking me on a fake date to be a dick (I am super socially awkward, he is not). He was not. He did not take my rejection very well. What did he do?: He would follow me home in his car (I walked home) for about 3 years, he told the entire school that I was his girlfriend (he had an actual girlfriend, too, of whom he did not refer to as his girlfriend), and he would just ogle at me whenever he saw me, but wouldn't really speak to me. Oh, and he would pick fights out of nowhere with my boyfriend and escalate them to the point of getting both himself and my boyfriend sent to the principal's office. He still contacts me from time to time, but always acts like it was an accident. He asked me out when I was a sophomore in high school. I am now a senior in college. I think he may have some problems. TL;DR Most popular guy in school asks me out, I reject, he follows me around and annoys my boyfriend.
Yes. I was stalked by a guy who had a major crush on me in high school. Why?: I'm rather certain I was the first girl to reject him and he found me as some sort of challenge from there on. He was the most popular guy at school and I just assumed he was asking me on a fake date to be a dick (I am super socially awkward, he is not). He was not. He did not take my rejection very well. What did he do?: He would follow me home in his car (I walked home) for about 3 years, he told the entire school that I was his girlfriend (he had an actual girlfriend, too, of whom he did not refer to as his girlfriend), and he would just ogle at me whenever he saw me, but wouldn't really speak to me. Oh, and he would pick fights out of nowhere with my boyfriend and escalate them to the point of getting both himself and my boyfriend sent to the principal's office. He still contacts me from time to time, but always acts like it was an accident. He asked me out when I was a sophomore in high school. I am now a senior in college. I think he may have some problems.
Most popular guy in school asks me out, I reject, he follows me around and annoys my boyfriend.
My story starts in the 7th grade. First serious girlfriend, we were together for over a year and spent a lot of time with each other's families, who we each got along with great. Sometime in the 8th grade she calls me saying that she was rapped. I tell her to tell her parents, or call the police... something. She doesn't want to, just wants to be left alone for a while. I go to confront the guy after figuring out who he is. Guess what? She is with him. The rape was a lie, she turns out to be a slut. Whatever, I am young and can move on. She however, can't and spent the next school year trying to explain to me what had happened. Apparently she was horny the whole time we were dating, I never made a major sexual advancement towards her, so she got the D elsewhere. We did the normal fooling around, but at 14 I wasn't even thinking about taking things to the next level. She spent the rest of our high school years trying to get back with me, while I did everything could to avoid her. I still think she was obsessed over me because I was persistent in ignoring her efforts. Fast forward a couple years... I am a manager at a local pizza restaurant. She is married with a small child now and is in desperate need of a job. Despite my better judgement I get her a job. This is where the craziness starts. Shortly after getting hired it is clear that she is still obsessed. She finds out where I live, keeps coming by. I keep rejecting her. This goes on for months until I finally give in and go for a ride with her (she no longer works for me at this point). Things get heated, her hand ends up down my pants. I freak out, tell her we can't do this she has a family. She starts crying, I get out of the car and walk home quickly. I move shortly after, and she finds out again where I live. She keeps showing up, knocking at he door, looking in the windows and I hide. I remember one time I was hiding under the dining room table, and she saw me through the sliding glass window from the other side of the apartment. I don't see or hear from her for years... The stalking finally stopped. The last time I had a conversation with her was 7 years ago. My first son was just born and my wife and I were leaving walmart when she walks up to us, looks at me and says "Is he your son?" "Yes". She drops her head and walks away. **TL;DR: I never stuck my D in crazy, she becomes obsessed over the fact, stalks me for about 8 years.**
My story starts in the 7th grade. First serious girlfriend, we were together for over a year and spent a lot of time with each other's families, who we each got along with great. Sometime in the 8th grade she calls me saying that she was rapped. I tell her to tell her parents, or call the police... something. She doesn't want to, just wants to be left alone for a while. I go to confront the guy after figuring out who he is. Guess what? She is with him. The rape was a lie, she turns out to be a slut. Whatever, I am young and can move on. She however, can't and spent the next school year trying to explain to me what had happened. Apparently she was horny the whole time we were dating, I never made a major sexual advancement towards her, so she got the D elsewhere. We did the normal fooling around, but at 14 I wasn't even thinking about taking things to the next level. She spent the rest of our high school years trying to get back with me, while I did everything could to avoid her. I still think she was obsessed over me because I was persistent in ignoring her efforts. Fast forward a couple years... I am a manager at a local pizza restaurant. She is married with a small child now and is in desperate need of a job. Despite my better judgement I get her a job. This is where the craziness starts. Shortly after getting hired it is clear that she is still obsessed. She finds out where I live, keeps coming by. I keep rejecting her. This goes on for months until I finally give in and go for a ride with her (she no longer works for me at this point). Things get heated, her hand ends up down my pants. I freak out, tell her we can't do this she has a family. She starts crying, I get out of the car and walk home quickly. I move shortly after, and she finds out again where I live. She keeps showing up, knocking at he door, looking in the windows and I hide. I remember one time I was hiding under the dining room table, and she saw me through the sliding glass window from the other side of the apartment. I don't see or hear from her for years... The stalking finally stopped. The last time I had a conversation with her was 7 years ago. My first son was just born and my wife and I were leaving walmart when she walks up to us, looks at me and says "Is he your son?" "Yes". She drops her head and walks away. TL;DR: I never stuck my D in crazy, she becomes obsessed over the fact, stalks me for about 8 years.
My story starts in the 7th grade. First serious girlfriend, we were together for over a year and spent a lot of time with each other's families, who we each got along with great. Sometime in the 8th grade she calls me saying that she was rapped. I tell her to tell her parents, or call the police... something. She doesn't want to, just wants to be left alone for a while. I go to confront the guy after figuring out who he is. Guess what? She is with him. The rape was a lie, she turns out to be a slut. Whatever, I am young and can move on. She however, can't and spent the next school year trying to explain to me what had happened. Apparently she was horny the whole time we were dating, I never made a major sexual advancement towards her, so she got the D elsewhere. We did the normal fooling around, but at 14 I wasn't even thinking about taking things to the next level. She spent the rest of our high school years trying to get back with me, while I did everything could to avoid her. I still think she was obsessed over me because I was persistent in ignoring her efforts. Fast forward a couple years... I am a manager at a local pizza restaurant. She is married with a small child now and is in desperate need of a job. Despite my better judgement I get her a job. This is where the craziness starts. Shortly after getting hired it is clear that she is still obsessed. She finds out where I live, keeps coming by. I keep rejecting her. This goes on for months until I finally give in and go for a ride with her (she no longer works for me at this point). Things get heated, her hand ends up down my pants. I freak out, tell her we can't do this she has a family. She starts crying, I get out of the car and walk home quickly. I move shortly after, and she finds out again where I live. She keeps showing up, knocking at he door, looking in the windows and I hide. I remember one time I was hiding under the dining room table, and she saw me through the sliding glass window from the other side of the apartment. I don't see or hear from her for years... The stalking finally stopped. The last time I had a conversation with her was 7 years ago. My first son was just born and my wife and I were leaving walmart when she walks up to us, looks at me and says "Is he your son?" "Yes". She drops her head and walks away.
I never stuck my D in crazy, she becomes obsessed over the fact, stalks me for about 8 years.
Yep. My partner's' ex has been stalking us for about a year now. She also stalks her ex husband and his new wife. She has: Claimed to be pregnant with my partner's baby, then upped it to twins, then 'miscarried' when she should have started showing, then told my boyfriend's mother that I had murdered her babies with an STI she had gotten from me through him. Waited for me outside of my workplace. Called my boss repeatedly asking if I was working. Rang my parents' doorbell at 2am, and spoke to my mother, after having discovered their address by illegally accessing their medical records (she is a nurse). Forced us to change my partner's phone number innumerable times, after having pretended to be everyone from one of my coworkers whom I was apparently sleeping with to our gym to our bank. Threatened to stop my partner's immigration papers with rape accusations. Driven past our home innumerable times. Contacted all of my partner's friends (including the ones living in Latin America and told them he's a lying, cheating asshole (he left her for cheating on him, repeatedly). Actually flew to Latin America to, and I quote "tell your friends what you REALLY are". Tried to take us to small claims court for money he does not now, nor has ever, owed her. Contacted both of us repeatedly through aliases, calling me a slut, a whore, and a homewrecker (we got together long after he left her). Threatened to hurt me. I'm more worried that she'll burn down my house. Follows us to where we social dance and watches us while drinking heavily with her friends, leaving her two young daughters home alone. Her stalking of her ex husband is worse. She has almost gotten his fired, thrown herself repeatedly against the doors of his new home (they have video of this) in front of their daughter, told their daughter he cheated on her with his whore new wife (actually, she cheated on him, repeatedly), and told him she is dying of cancer. In short, yeah. My partner is pretty broken because of her( and has lost most of his friends) and we're working on fixing the damage, but it's a long road, especially given that every time we think it's over, it's not. I'm tired and scared and frankly, sometimes I wish I could just leave, but I can't justify leaving a man whose biggest faults are obviously the direct result of years of emotional abuse and blackmail. TL;DR: Partners ex is crazy in ways I only thought existed in the movies.
Yep. My partner's' ex has been stalking us for about a year now. She also stalks her ex husband and his new wife. She has: Claimed to be pregnant with my partner's baby, then upped it to twins, then 'miscarried' when she should have started showing, then told my boyfriend's mother that I had murdered her babies with an STI she had gotten from me through him. Waited for me outside of my workplace. Called my boss repeatedly asking if I was working. Rang my parents' doorbell at 2am, and spoke to my mother, after having discovered their address by illegally accessing their medical records (she is a nurse). Forced us to change my partner's phone number innumerable times, after having pretended to be everyone from one of my coworkers whom I was apparently sleeping with to our gym to our bank. Threatened to stop my partner's immigration papers with rape accusations. Driven past our home innumerable times. Contacted all of my partner's friends (including the ones living in Latin America and told them he's a lying, cheating asshole (he left her for cheating on him, repeatedly). Actually flew to Latin America to, and I quote "tell your friends what you REALLY are". Tried to take us to small claims court for money he does not now, nor has ever, owed her. Contacted both of us repeatedly through aliases, calling me a slut, a whore, and a homewrecker (we got together long after he left her). Threatened to hurt me. I'm more worried that she'll burn down my house. Follows us to where we social dance and watches us while drinking heavily with her friends, leaving her two young daughters home alone. Her stalking of her ex husband is worse. She has almost gotten his fired, thrown herself repeatedly against the doors of his new home (they have video of this) in front of their daughter, told their daughter he cheated on her with his whore new wife (actually, she cheated on him, repeatedly), and told him she is dying of cancer. In short, yeah. My partner is pretty broken because of her( and has lost most of his friends) and we're working on fixing the damage, but it's a long road, especially given that every time we think it's over, it's not. I'm tired and scared and frankly, sometimes I wish I could just leave, but I can't justify leaving a man whose biggest faults are obviously the direct result of years of emotional abuse and blackmail. TL;DR: Partners ex is crazy in ways I only thought existed in the movies.
Yep. My partner's' ex has been stalking us for about a year now. She also stalks her ex husband and his new wife. She has: Claimed to be pregnant with my partner's baby, then upped it to twins, then 'miscarried' when she should have started showing, then told my boyfriend's mother that I had murdered her babies with an STI she had gotten from me through him. Waited for me outside of my workplace. Called my boss repeatedly asking if I was working. Rang my parents' doorbell at 2am, and spoke to my mother, after having discovered their address by illegally accessing their medical records (she is a nurse). Forced us to change my partner's phone number innumerable times, after having pretended to be everyone from one of my coworkers whom I was apparently sleeping with to our gym to our bank. Threatened to stop my partner's immigration papers with rape accusations. Driven past our home innumerable times. Contacted all of my partner's friends (including the ones living in Latin America and told them he's a lying, cheating asshole (he left her for cheating on him, repeatedly). Actually flew to Latin America to, and I quote "tell your friends what you REALLY are". Tried to take us to small claims court for money he does not now, nor has ever, owed her. Contacted both of us repeatedly through aliases, calling me a slut, a whore, and a homewrecker (we got together long after he left her). Threatened to hurt me. I'm more worried that she'll burn down my house. Follows us to where we social dance and watches us while drinking heavily with her friends, leaving her two young daughters home alone. Her stalking of her ex husband is worse. She has almost gotten his fired, thrown herself repeatedly against the doors of his new home (they have video of this) in front of their daughter, told their daughter he cheated on her with his whore new wife (actually, she cheated on him, repeatedly), and told him she is dying of cancer. In short, yeah. My partner is pretty broken because of her( and has lost most of his friends) and we're working on fixing the damage, but it's a long road, especially given that every time we think it's over, it's not. I'm tired and scared and frankly, sometimes I wish I could just leave, but I can't justify leaving a man whose biggest faults are obviously the direct result of years of emotional abuse and blackmail.
Partners ex is crazy in ways I only thought existed in the movies.
Devils advocate. I've had my car keyed dented and scratched and I park FAR away from everyone else and I only ever take up one spot. But I get it... I get keyed/dented/scratched anyway and NO ONE has EVER left a note, not even a "Sorry, I wish I could pay for it" and I'll tell you what I would be 100% fine if someone did it by accident but cared enough to say "Sorry I can't afford to pay." Makes me wonder why I don't just take up 2 spots every time I park... at least that way I won't get all the accidental ones anyway. The only people parking next to me are the people who are going to damage it and leave may as well make sure they never park next to me... TL;DR People are douchebags and this guy is no worse then those who would ding a car and leave and I know someone reading this has done it and you're WORSE then this guy
Devils advocate. I've had my car keyed dented and scratched and I park FAR away from everyone else and I only ever take up one spot. But I get it... I get keyed/dented/scratched anyway and NO ONE has EVER left a note, not even a "Sorry, I wish I could pay for it" and I'll tell you what I would be 100% fine if someone did it by accident but cared enough to say "Sorry I can't afford to pay." Makes me wonder why I don't just take up 2 spots every time I park... at least that way I won't get all the accidental ones anyway. The only people parking next to me are the people who are going to damage it and leave may as well make sure they never park next to me... TL;DR People are douchebags and this guy is no worse then those who would ding a car and leave and I know someone reading this has done it and you're WORSE then this guy
Devils advocate. I've had my car keyed dented and scratched and I park FAR away from everyone else and I only ever take up one spot. But I get it... I get keyed/dented/scratched anyway and NO ONE has EVER left a note, not even a "Sorry, I wish I could pay for it" and I'll tell you what I would be 100% fine if someone did it by accident but cared enough to say "Sorry I can't afford to pay." Makes me wonder why I don't just take up 2 spots every time I park... at least that way I won't get all the accidental ones anyway. The only people parking next to me are the people who are going to damage it and leave may as well make sure they never park next to me...
People are douchebags and this guy is no worse then those who would ding a car and leave and I know someone reading this has done it and you're WORSE then this guy
I think i get the general appeal of it. Its a nexus of Martha Stewart, Oprah, craft stores, food network, Home and garden TV & Magazine, etc, etc. So if your into those things, then it gives you a place not only to shares things you find, but what other people have found too. TLDR: Its a subreddit that's been given a face lift and had all regulation removed, and been marketed (successfully) to women. (Also on a side note I don't know anyone who is into pintrist that's not in a relationship. So maybe that's part of it or something.)
I think i get the general appeal of it. Its a nexus of Martha Stewart, Oprah, craft stores, food network, Home and garden TV & Magazine, etc, etc. So if your into those things, then it gives you a place not only to shares things you find, but what other people have found too. TLDR: Its a subreddit that's been given a face lift and had all regulation removed, and been marketed (successfully) to women. (Also on a side note I don't know anyone who is into pintrist that's not in a relationship. So maybe that's part of it or something.)
I think i get the general appeal of it. Its a nexus of Martha Stewart, Oprah, craft stores, food network, Home and garden TV & Magazine, etc, etc. So if your into those things, then it gives you a place not only to shares things you find, but what other people have found too.
Its a subreddit that's been given a face lift and had all regulation removed, and been marketed (successfully) to women. (Also on a side note I don't know anyone who is into pintrist that's not in a relationship. So maybe that's part of it or something.)
Guys your talking about a game that came out almost 14 years ago. You can complain about the first Mario, metriod, and Kirby games the same way, they each had their flaws. Every starting game had its flaws and Pokemon is no exception. Even with the flaws it came with, at it's time it was an amazing game that nearly everyone loved. Now that everyone's grown older and in this advanced age you see it's flaws more and unfairly compare it to current versions. People felt gen 1 is the best because it's simple, fun, and something new. Atleast appreciate it. TL:DR- it was the first Pokemon game, HM01 it some slack
Guys your talking about a game that came out almost 14 years ago. You can complain about the first Mario, metriod, and Kirby games the same way, they each had their flaws. Every starting game had its flaws and Pokemon is no exception. Even with the flaws it came with, at it's time it was an amazing game that nearly everyone loved. Now that everyone's grown older and in this advanced age you see it's flaws more and unfairly compare it to current versions. People felt gen 1 is the best because it's simple, fun, and something new. Atleast appreciate it. TL:DR- it was the first Pokemon game, HM01 it some slack
Guys your talking about a game that came out almost 14 years ago. You can complain about the first Mario, metriod, and Kirby games the same way, they each had their flaws. Every starting game had its flaws and Pokemon is no exception. Even with the flaws it came with, at it's time it was an amazing game that nearly everyone loved. Now that everyone's grown older and in this advanced age you see it's flaws more and unfairly compare it to current versions. People felt gen 1 is the best because it's simple, fun, and something new. Atleast appreciate it.
it was the first Pokemon game, HM01 it some slack
Actually, mammals are a separate branch from all living creatures we call reptiles. If you want to consider Dimetrodon, which looked like a reptile, a reptile, then you'd have to consider mammals reptiles too, because Dimetrodon and mammals are more closely related to each other than they are to lizards, turtles, etc. But because non-mammal synapsids are all extinct, it makes more sense to just consider them a separate group. Birds, on the other hand, evolved from within the dinosaurs, and are more closely related to, say, Tyrannosaurus than they are to Stegosaurus. Therefore, they should be considered dinosaurs if we follow cladistics. Dinosaurs, including birds, are reptiles, because they are more closely related to crocadilians than they are to lizards and their kin. No one knows where turtles fit into it--that's actually a matter of scientific debate. TL;DR: Birds are dinosaurs and therefore reptiles, but mammals are not reptiles.
Actually, mammals are a separate branch from all living creatures we call reptiles. If you want to consider Dimetrodon, which looked like a reptile, a reptile, then you'd have to consider mammals reptiles too, because Dimetrodon and mammals are more closely related to each other than they are to lizards, turtles, etc. But because non-mammal synapsids are all extinct, it makes more sense to just consider them a separate group. Birds, on the other hand, evolved from within the dinosaurs, and are more closely related to, say, Tyrannosaurus than they are to Stegosaurus. Therefore, they should be considered dinosaurs if we follow cladistics. Dinosaurs, including birds, are reptiles, because they are more closely related to crocadilians than they are to lizards and their kin. No one knows where turtles fit into it--that's actually a matter of scientific debate. TL;DR: Birds are dinosaurs and therefore reptiles, but mammals are not reptiles.
Actually, mammals are a separate branch from all living creatures we call reptiles. If you want to consider Dimetrodon, which looked like a reptile, a reptile, then you'd have to consider mammals reptiles too, because Dimetrodon and mammals are more closely related to each other than they are to lizards, turtles, etc. But because non-mammal synapsids are all extinct, it makes more sense to just consider them a separate group. Birds, on the other hand, evolved from within the dinosaurs, and are more closely related to, say, Tyrannosaurus than they are to Stegosaurus. Therefore, they should be considered dinosaurs if we follow cladistics. Dinosaurs, including birds, are reptiles, because they are more closely related to crocadilians than they are to lizards and their kin. No one knows where turtles fit into it--that's actually a matter of scientific debate.
Birds are dinosaurs and therefore reptiles, but mammals are not reptiles.
Every year my mom stocks our stocking with chocolate and candy. Last year I got a massive family sized bag of Reese's. I ate all of them (around 100) in the span of some shitty Christmas movie. I spent the next hour throwing them all up. To this day, I have never had another Reese's. tl;dr - I ODed on Reese's and have now been clean for a year.
Every year my mom stocks our stocking with chocolate and candy. Last year I got a massive family sized bag of Reese's. I ate all of them (around 100) in the span of some shitty Christmas movie. I spent the next hour throwing them all up. To this day, I have never had another Reese's. tl;dr - I ODed on Reese's and have now been clean for a year.
Every year my mom stocks our stocking with chocolate and candy. Last year I got a massive family sized bag of Reese's. I ate all of them (around 100) in the span of some shitty Christmas movie. I spent the next hour throwing them all up. To this day, I have never had another Reese's.
I ODed on Reese's and have now been clean for a year.
Former 5 year vegan here. I started dating a cook and she really wanted to start cooking for me, and I figured I'd give in a little and at least try some of her cooking, especially since I wasn't going the healthiest vegan route and really needed the protein. The results: I tried chicken once and it took a great toll on my body. I felt mentally and physically awful (maybe guilt had it's way with me), never again. Fish didn't have any negative effects (affects?), and for the last year or so, I try to include salmon or sushi into my regular diet. Haven't tried red meat, mainly because even if it did sit well with me, I don't like how it effects (affects?) the body in the long run; it's just bad for you. But, and I try to stress to people who ask me that, even if it's just fish that you're eating, you can't call yourself a vegetarian anymore. TL;DR: chicken was bad, fish was fine, personally didn't want to give red meat a chance.
Former 5 year vegan here. I started dating a cook and she really wanted to start cooking for me, and I figured I'd give in a little and at least try some of her cooking, especially since I wasn't going the healthiest vegan route and really needed the protein. The results: I tried chicken once and it took a great toll on my body. I felt mentally and physically awful (maybe guilt had it's way with me), never again. Fish didn't have any negative effects (affects?), and for the last year or so, I try to include salmon or sushi into my regular diet. Haven't tried red meat, mainly because even if it did sit well with me, I don't like how it effects (affects?) the body in the long run; it's just bad for you. But, and I try to stress to people who ask me that, even if it's just fish that you're eating, you can't call yourself a vegetarian anymore. TL;DR: chicken was bad, fish was fine, personally didn't want to give red meat a chance.
Former 5 year vegan here. I started dating a cook and she really wanted to start cooking for me, and I figured I'd give in a little and at least try some of her cooking, especially since I wasn't going the healthiest vegan route and really needed the protein. The results: I tried chicken once and it took a great toll on my body. I felt mentally and physically awful (maybe guilt had it's way with me), never again. Fish didn't have any negative effects (affects?), and for the last year or so, I try to include salmon or sushi into my regular diet. Haven't tried red meat, mainly because even if it did sit well with me, I don't like how it effects (affects?) the body in the long run; it's just bad for you. But, and I try to stress to people who ask me that, even if it's just fish that you're eating, you can't call yourself a vegetarian anymore.
chicken was bad, fish was fine, personally didn't want to give red meat a chance.
My ex of few years ago told me how she lost her virginity. She had a very difficult personality that kept her from having any sentimental relationship with guys, she realized it was her fault, however once she started university and saw all her friends having boyfriends, her status of being a virgin made her feel insecure. Her friends told her to just do it, find a cute guys and do it, it would have been easy for her, she's a beautiful girl, however to her eyes the idea of a one night stand was too slutty and dirty. She was 23, never had sex, she became obsessed, so one day she called this guy that was in one of her classes, she didn't like him at all, no attraction what so ever but she knew he would have sex with her, so they did it. It was fairly quick, wasn't good at all, she didn't feel much, from that she went down a spiral that took her to pretty much fuck any guy was willing to fuck her, that meant a lot of guys, form college, than from work, she pretty much fucked 80% of her coworkers at any job she had. She felt empty and not loved, despite having as much sex as she wanted and as kinky as it can be she never quite enjoyed it, until she fell in love. tl;dr: just be careful, use protection and try to do it to enjoy it not to get rid of a pimple
My ex of few years ago told me how she lost her virginity. She had a very difficult personality that kept her from having any sentimental relationship with guys, she realized it was her fault, however once she started university and saw all her friends having boyfriends, her status of being a virgin made her feel insecure. Her friends told her to just do it, find a cute guys and do it, it would have been easy for her, she's a beautiful girl, however to her eyes the idea of a one night stand was too slutty and dirty. She was 23, never had sex, she became obsessed, so one day she called this guy that was in one of her classes, she didn't like him at all, no attraction what so ever but she knew he would have sex with her, so they did it. It was fairly quick, wasn't good at all, she didn't feel much, from that she went down a spiral that took her to pretty much fuck any guy was willing to fuck her, that meant a lot of guys, form college, than from work, she pretty much fucked 80% of her coworkers at any job she had. She felt empty and not loved, despite having as much sex as she wanted and as kinky as it can be she never quite enjoyed it, until she fell in love. tl;dr: just be careful, use protection and try to do it to enjoy it not to get rid of a pimple
My ex of few years ago told me how she lost her virginity. She had a very difficult personality that kept her from having any sentimental relationship with guys, she realized it was her fault, however once she started university and saw all her friends having boyfriends, her status of being a virgin made her feel insecure. Her friends told her to just do it, find a cute guys and do it, it would have been easy for her, she's a beautiful girl, however to her eyes the idea of a one night stand was too slutty and dirty. She was 23, never had sex, she became obsessed, so one day she called this guy that was in one of her classes, she didn't like him at all, no attraction what so ever but she knew he would have sex with her, so they did it. It was fairly quick, wasn't good at all, she didn't feel much, from that she went down a spiral that took her to pretty much fuck any guy was willing to fuck her, that meant a lot of guys, form college, than from work, she pretty much fucked 80% of her coworkers at any job she had. She felt empty and not loved, despite having as much sex as she wanted and as kinky as it can be she never quite enjoyed it, until she fell in love.
just be careful, use protection and try to do it to enjoy it not to get rid of a pimple
Marrying the right girl helps. Once you do that dating crazy bitches that are bad for you is solely your fault. At the workplace politics come into play. Before this happens: 1. Know what you want. I don't mean your mate must be a 10/10 would fuck, super loyal step ford wife of your dreams. I mean real shit. Like SHIT THAT EXISTS. Compatibility, mutual interests, sexual compatibility, etc. Where do you stand and how flexible are you? You need flexibility because compromise will be important. If you don't know his how can you ever be happy? 2. What type of relationship do you want? Long term maybe marriage, hook ups, short term, one night stand, fuck buddy? Be with the kind of girl that is looking for he same thing you are and will be good in that type of relationship. If you fall for your ONS and decide to marry her it may not go that well. 3. Don't lie, to yourself or her. It causes problems. Lie about yourself and your intentions and you've laid he groundwork to catch shit later. Lie to them and you're authorizing things you don't like. Your setting bad precedents. This is bigger in the workplace. Lying can cost you a lot. 4. Be true to yourself. You must compromise but don't be so eager to please you become one of those people whose sole goal is to make the other person happy to the extent that your personality disappears and/or you become a doormat. 5. Have a spine. It's hard to dump on someone with confidence that understands their self worth. 6. Clearly define your boundaries. Discuss things and often. 7. Listen to everything someone says. If they are full of shit or have problems they will usually tell you directly or indirectly. Pay attention. Someone who is nice to you but not nice to the waiter is usually not a nice person. What hey say while not being directly questioned or just pops up may be the most truthful because, I their guard is down, they are speaking off the cuff not trying to feed you bs or something you want to hear. 8. Communication. If you've got it great. If not you're fucked. 9. Watch what you say. Not every though you have is valid or appropriate. Anything you say can and will be used against you later. 10. It's all politics. Understand the relationship dynamic it will have a bearing on how you should proceed. Having a problem with you SO or boss, there are always other ppl in play. Are they helping you, hurting you, fucking you over? 10. Cover your ass. 11. DON'T BE STUPID. Many ppl get blinded by their projection of the situation and what they want. There is so much about this. Just don't be stupid and you'll be better off. TL;DR - too general already.
Marrying the right girl helps. Once you do that dating crazy bitches that are bad for you is solely your fault. At the workplace politics come into play. Before this happens: Know what you want. I don't mean your mate must be a 10/10 would fuck, super loyal step ford wife of your dreams. I mean real shit. Like SHIT THAT EXISTS. Compatibility, mutual interests, sexual compatibility, etc. Where do you stand and how flexible are you? You need flexibility because compromise will be important. If you don't know his how can you ever be happy? What type of relationship do you want? Long term maybe marriage, hook ups, short term, one night stand, fuck buddy? Be with the kind of girl that is looking for he same thing you are and will be good in that type of relationship. If you fall for your ONS and decide to marry her it may not go that well. Don't lie, to yourself or her. It causes problems. Lie about yourself and your intentions and you've laid he groundwork to catch shit later. Lie to them and you're authorizing things you don't like. Your setting bad precedents. This is bigger in the workplace. Lying can cost you a lot. Be true to yourself. You must compromise but don't be so eager to please you become one of those people whose sole goal is to make the other person happy to the extent that your personality disappears and/or you become a doormat. Have a spine. It's hard to dump on someone with confidence that understands their self worth. Clearly define your boundaries. Discuss things and often. Listen to everything someone says. If they are full of shit or have problems they will usually tell you directly or indirectly. Pay attention. Someone who is nice to you but not nice to the waiter is usually not a nice person. What hey say while not being directly questioned or just pops up may be the most truthful because, I their guard is down, they are speaking off the cuff not trying to feed you bs or something you want to hear. Communication. If you've got it great. If not you're fucked. Watch what you say. Not every though you have is valid or appropriate. Anything you say can and will be used against you later. It's all politics. Understand the relationship dynamic it will have a bearing on how you should proceed. Having a problem with you SO or boss, there are always other ppl in play. Are they helping you, hurting you, fucking you over? Cover your ass. DON'T BE STUPID. Many ppl get blinded by their projection of the situation and what they want. There is so much about this. Just don't be stupid and you'll be better off. TL;DR - too general already.
Marrying the right girl helps. Once you do that dating crazy bitches that are bad for you is solely your fault. At the workplace politics come into play. Before this happens: Know what you want. I don't mean your mate must be a 10/10 would fuck, super loyal step ford wife of your dreams. I mean real shit. Like SHIT THAT EXISTS. Compatibility, mutual interests, sexual compatibility, etc. Where do you stand and how flexible are you? You need flexibility because compromise will be important. If you don't know his how can you ever be happy? What type of relationship do you want? Long term maybe marriage, hook ups, short term, one night stand, fuck buddy? Be with the kind of girl that is looking for he same thing you are and will be good in that type of relationship. If you fall for your ONS and decide to marry her it may not go that well. Don't lie, to yourself or her. It causes problems. Lie about yourself and your intentions and you've laid he groundwork to catch shit later. Lie to them and you're authorizing things you don't like. Your setting bad precedents. This is bigger in the workplace. Lying can cost you a lot. Be true to yourself. You must compromise but don't be so eager to please you become one of those people whose sole goal is to make the other person happy to the extent that your personality disappears and/or you become a doormat. Have a spine. It's hard to dump on someone with confidence that understands their self worth. Clearly define your boundaries. Discuss things and often. Listen to everything someone says. If they are full of shit or have problems they will usually tell you directly or indirectly. Pay attention. Someone who is nice to you but not nice to the waiter is usually not a nice person. What hey say while not being directly questioned or just pops up may be the most truthful because, I their guard is down, they are speaking off the cuff not trying to feed you bs or something you want to hear. Communication. If you've got it great. If not you're fucked. Watch what you say. Not every though you have is valid or appropriate. Anything you say can and will be used against you later. It's all politics. Understand the relationship dynamic it will have a bearing on how you should proceed. Having a problem with you SO or boss, there are always other ppl in play. Are they helping you, hurting you, fucking you over? Cover your ass. DON'T BE STUPID. Many ppl get blinded by their projection of the situation and what they want. There is so much about this. Just don't be stupid and you'll be better off.
too general already.
I thought about being a bit more elaborate, but ICEFARMER made a pretty comprehensive and spot on list, so I'll add this tip: Make sure that at least once, preferrably early on, you have a slight tiff (not a full-on fight or anything) where she's clearly in the wrong. Most guys just dismiss this when it happens, or let her have her way because its a nothing moment and it means nothing, but don't do this--if she is wrong, make sure she is capable of admitting that she can be wrong. If she can't (especially if it's really unimportant) then you might be in for some really turbulent times. Dating anyone who HAS to be right ALL THE DING-DONG TIME is absolutely exhausting and will murder your happiness. **TL;DR - Don't be "Yes, Dear" guy**
I thought about being a bit more elaborate, but ICEFARMER made a pretty comprehensive and spot on list, so I'll add this tip: Make sure that at least once, preferrably early on, you have a slight tiff (not a full-on fight or anything) where she's clearly in the wrong. Most guys just dismiss this when it happens, or let her have her way because its a nothing moment and it means nothing, but don't do this--if she is wrong, make sure she is capable of admitting that she can be wrong. If she can't (especially if it's really unimportant) then you might be in for some really turbulent times. Dating anyone who HAS to be right ALL THE DING-DONG TIME is absolutely exhausting and will murder your happiness. TL;DR - Don't be "Yes, Dear" guy
I thought about being a bit more elaborate, but ICEFARMER made a pretty comprehensive and spot on list, so I'll add this tip: Make sure that at least once, preferrably early on, you have a slight tiff (not a full-on fight or anything) where she's clearly in the wrong. Most guys just dismiss this when it happens, or let her have her way because its a nothing moment and it means nothing, but don't do this--if she is wrong, make sure she is capable of admitting that she can be wrong. If she can't (especially if it's really unimportant) then you might be in for some really turbulent times. Dating anyone who HAS to be right ALL THE DING-DONG TIME is absolutely exhausting and will murder your happiness.
Don't be "Yes, Dear" guy
Maybe I'm missing a big point, but if I may propose some follow-up questions: How is this different from the inflammation caused by strength training? When correlations are made between mood and exercise, it often seems the consensus is that people who exercise regularly are happier. Is this more for aerobic? Does the decreased inflammation throughout the entire healthy body outweigh the inflammation caused by exercise? Is there correlation between resistance training, where there can be a substantial inflammatory response, and depression? I realize /r/science and there may not be much more than speculation out there at this point, but just fuel for discussion/thoughts. tl;dr - Exercise causes inflammation too, how is this different (or is it) from chronic inflammatory responses that may affect mood?
Maybe I'm missing a big point, but if I may propose some follow-up questions: How is this different from the inflammation caused by strength training? When correlations are made between mood and exercise, it often seems the consensus is that people who exercise regularly are happier. Is this more for aerobic? Does the decreased inflammation throughout the entire healthy body outweigh the inflammation caused by exercise? Is there correlation between resistance training, where there can be a substantial inflammatory response, and depression? I realize /r/science and there may not be much more than speculation out there at this point, but just fuel for discussion/thoughts. tl;dr - Exercise causes inflammation too, how is this different (or is it) from chronic inflammatory responses that may affect mood?
Maybe I'm missing a big point, but if I may propose some follow-up questions: How is this different from the inflammation caused by strength training? When correlations are made between mood and exercise, it often seems the consensus is that people who exercise regularly are happier. Is this more for aerobic? Does the decreased inflammation throughout the entire healthy body outweigh the inflammation caused by exercise? Is there correlation between resistance training, where there can be a substantial inflammatory response, and depression? I realize /r/science and there may not be much more than speculation out there at this point, but just fuel for discussion/thoughts.
Exercise causes inflammation too, how is this different (or is it) from chronic inflammatory responses that may affect mood?
>Why do you automatically assume they went off meds on their own? I don't. I consider it a possibility. a very major one as anyone with an ounce of sense would. hence why I asked. >Noncompliance with medication is a very common feature among bipolar patients. Rates of poor compliance may reach 64% for bipolar disorders, and noncompliance is the most frequent cause of recurrence. I also wanted to be clear in case any poor unfortunate read his post and did something monumentally stupid and suicidal as a result because with the limited information he gave someone could actually get hurt. as in real people. really dead. >We conclude that noncompliance with medication is associated with suicidal ideation. Encouraging people with serious mental health issues to go off their meds or to self medicate is a very bad idea. there's a lot of "alternative" scammers who do just that telling them that their problems can be solved with magic water or vitamin tablets and well meaning dupes repeat it thinking they're helping people. **tl;dr**: piss off. You're not adding to the discussion, you're not being insightful.
>Why do you automatically assume they went off meds on their own? I don't. I consider it a possibility. a very major one as anyone with an ounce of sense would. hence why I asked. >Noncompliance with medication is a very common feature among bipolar patients. Rates of poor compliance may reach 64% for bipolar disorders, and noncompliance is the most frequent cause of recurrence. I also wanted to be clear in case any poor unfortunate read his post and did something monumentally stupid and suicidal as a result because with the limited information he gave someone could actually get hurt. as in real people. really dead. >We conclude that noncompliance with medication is associated with suicidal ideation. Encouraging people with serious mental health issues to go off their meds or to self medicate is a very bad idea. there's a lot of "alternative" scammers who do just that telling them that their problems can be solved with magic water or vitamin tablets and well meaning dupes repeat it thinking they're helping people. tl;dr : piss off. You're not adding to the discussion, you're not being insightful.
Why do you automatically assume they went off meds on their own? I don't. I consider it a possibility. a very major one as anyone with an ounce of sense would. hence why I asked. >Noncompliance with medication is a very common feature among bipolar patients. Rates of poor compliance may reach 64% for bipolar disorders, and noncompliance is the most frequent cause of recurrence. I also wanted to be clear in case any poor unfortunate read his post and did something monumentally stupid and suicidal as a result because with the limited information he gave someone could actually get hurt. as in real people. really dead. >We conclude that noncompliance with medication is associated with suicidal ideation. Encouraging people with serious mental health issues to go off their meds or to self medicate is a very bad idea. there's a lot of "alternative" scammers who do just that telling them that their problems can be solved with magic water or vitamin tablets and well meaning dupes repeat it thinking they're helping people.
piss off. You're not adding to the discussion, you're not being insightful.
Personally, I think one of the main reasons that this is occurring is because long-time fans of the franchise and new fans of the franchise have a difference in their collective knowledge regarding the various series. Speaking as a relatively new fan of the franchise (I was introduced to TNG as a kid, but I didn't become a big fan until recently), I feel intimidated freely discussing my thoughts on this subreddit because I assume that most of the people here have been fans of the franchise for quite some time. I figure that most people here already know far more about the franchise than I do, and if I were to bring up a question or make a comment, it would either be an idea which has already been expressed before, or it would be quickly dismissed by someone more knowledgeable than I am on the subject. I feel stupid looking at the weekly episode discussion even if I have seen the episode (I've only finished TOS, TNG, and the first three seasons of DS9) because on the occasions when I have read that thread, others have already made far more interesting comments about the episode than I could have ever thought of. While I used to just pass this off as me being insecure about coming off as stupid in front of strangers, I can't help but think that other new fans feel similarly. I've seen a lot of "where should I start?" threads on this subreddit recently, and I think it's because a lot of people are like me and are trying to get into Star Trek either because of the reboot or because of the availability of all the series on Netflix. Regardless of the reason, there are a lot of fans who I think would like to participate in discussions, but they either feel intimidated by the thought of expressing their ideas in front of people who they feel are undoubtedly more knowledgeable, or they are afraid of having something spoiled that they haven't seen yet. For example, I found out about the death of at least one or two characters on threads that I figured would be spoiler-free. Obviously, that's the risk you're taking when you read a thread, I realize, and I can't expect everyone to not spoil anything (how could you have a discussion about certain topics without any spoilers?). Nevertheless, it does make me not want to read the threads regarding actual episodes/characters/series/etc. Which brings me to the point you've made; many of the most-upvoted posts end up being Star Trek merchandise of some sort. I think this is because this is something that regardless of our involvement with the franchise, we can all agree on. If we like somebody cosplaying as one of our favorite characters, it doesn't matter if we've been a fan for a year, or for fifteen years, because we can upvote it and like it all the same. I think that's also why the reboot has been talked about so much in recent posts. "Into Darkness" is coming out relatively soon, and it will put us all on a level playing field again. Because this is new canon for all of us, we can all make our own decisions about what is good and what is not and what statements they're trying to make in the film and so forth. I realize that people who have seen TOS will have a slight advantage over those who have not in these discussions, but with as much as Abrams has changed in the reboot (and with as much as he likely will continue to change) I don't think most people will had to have seen TOS to make interesting points and observations about "Into Darkness". Of course I realize this is all my take on things, and I could be completely misrepresenting new fans. I'm also not saying that there shouldn't be discussion of episodes/ideas/etc. in this subreddit. On the contrary, I'd love to see more of them. I've just tried to explain why I think many people aren't getting more involved in the discussions. If the problem really is that new fans aren't stating their opinions because they are intimidated or worried about spoilers, perhaps there is something we could do to ease their minds about those things. I think that new fans could really offer a different perspective on some things and could potentially generate a lot more discussion if they felt comfortable doing so. I'd really like to feel like a more productive member of this subreddit, but I'm usually too nervous to do so. **TL;DR** New fans might be the problem but that may not necessarily be a bad thing.
Personally, I think one of the main reasons that this is occurring is because long-time fans of the franchise and new fans of the franchise have a difference in their collective knowledge regarding the various series. Speaking as a relatively new fan of the franchise (I was introduced to TNG as a kid, but I didn't become a big fan until recently), I feel intimidated freely discussing my thoughts on this subreddit because I assume that most of the people here have been fans of the franchise for quite some time. I figure that most people here already know far more about the franchise than I do, and if I were to bring up a question or make a comment, it would either be an idea which has already been expressed before, or it would be quickly dismissed by someone more knowledgeable than I am on the subject. I feel stupid looking at the weekly episode discussion even if I have seen the episode (I've only finished TOS, TNG, and the first three seasons of DS9) because on the occasions when I have read that thread, others have already made far more interesting comments about the episode than I could have ever thought of. While I used to just pass this off as me being insecure about coming off as stupid in front of strangers, I can't help but think that other new fans feel similarly. I've seen a lot of "where should I start?" threads on this subreddit recently, and I think it's because a lot of people are like me and are trying to get into Star Trek either because of the reboot or because of the availability of all the series on Netflix. Regardless of the reason, there are a lot of fans who I think would like to participate in discussions, but they either feel intimidated by the thought of expressing their ideas in front of people who they feel are undoubtedly more knowledgeable, or they are afraid of having something spoiled that they haven't seen yet. For example, I found out about the death of at least one or two characters on threads that I figured would be spoiler-free. Obviously, that's the risk you're taking when you read a thread, I realize, and I can't expect everyone to not spoil anything (how could you have a discussion about certain topics without any spoilers?). Nevertheless, it does make me not want to read the threads regarding actual episodes/characters/series/etc. Which brings me to the point you've made; many of the most-upvoted posts end up being Star Trek merchandise of some sort. I think this is because this is something that regardless of our involvement with the franchise, we can all agree on. If we like somebody cosplaying as one of our favorite characters, it doesn't matter if we've been a fan for a year, or for fifteen years, because we can upvote it and like it all the same. I think that's also why the reboot has been talked about so much in recent posts. "Into Darkness" is coming out relatively soon, and it will put us all on a level playing field again. Because this is new canon for all of us, we can all make our own decisions about what is good and what is not and what statements they're trying to make in the film and so forth. I realize that people who have seen TOS will have a slight advantage over those who have not in these discussions, but with as much as Abrams has changed in the reboot (and with as much as he likely will continue to change) I don't think most people will had to have seen TOS to make interesting points and observations about "Into Darkness". Of course I realize this is all my take on things, and I could be completely misrepresenting new fans. I'm also not saying that there shouldn't be discussion of episodes/ideas/etc. in this subreddit. On the contrary, I'd love to see more of them. I've just tried to explain why I think many people aren't getting more involved in the discussions. If the problem really is that new fans aren't stating their opinions because they are intimidated or worried about spoilers, perhaps there is something we could do to ease their minds about those things. I think that new fans could really offer a different perspective on some things and could potentially generate a lot more discussion if they felt comfortable doing so. I'd really like to feel like a more productive member of this subreddit, but I'm usually too nervous to do so. TL;DR New fans might be the problem but that may not necessarily be a bad thing.
Personally, I think one of the main reasons that this is occurring is because long-time fans of the franchise and new fans of the franchise have a difference in their collective knowledge regarding the various series. Speaking as a relatively new fan of the franchise (I was introduced to TNG as a kid, but I didn't become a big fan until recently), I feel intimidated freely discussing my thoughts on this subreddit because I assume that most of the people here have been fans of the franchise for quite some time. I figure that most people here already know far more about the franchise than I do, and if I were to bring up a question or make a comment, it would either be an idea which has already been expressed before, or it would be quickly dismissed by someone more knowledgeable than I am on the subject. I feel stupid looking at the weekly episode discussion even if I have seen the episode (I've only finished TOS, TNG, and the first three seasons of DS9) because on the occasions when I have read that thread, others have already made far more interesting comments about the episode than I could have ever thought of. While I used to just pass this off as me being insecure about coming off as stupid in front of strangers, I can't help but think that other new fans feel similarly. I've seen a lot of "where should I start?" threads on this subreddit recently, and I think it's because a lot of people are like me and are trying to get into Star Trek either because of the reboot or because of the availability of all the series on Netflix. Regardless of the reason, there are a lot of fans who I think would like to participate in discussions, but they either feel intimidated by the thought of expressing their ideas in front of people who they feel are undoubtedly more knowledgeable, or they are afraid of having something spoiled that they haven't seen yet. For example, I found out about the death of at least one or two characters on threads that I figured would be spoiler-free. Obviously, that's the risk you're taking when you read a thread, I realize, and I can't expect everyone to not spoil anything (how could you have a discussion about certain topics without any spoilers?). Nevertheless, it does make me not want to read the threads regarding actual episodes/characters/series/etc. Which brings me to the point you've made; many of the most-upvoted posts end up being Star Trek merchandise of some sort. I think this is because this is something that regardless of our involvement with the franchise, we can all agree on. If we like somebody cosplaying as one of our favorite characters, it doesn't matter if we've been a fan for a year, or for fifteen years, because we can upvote it and like it all the same. I think that's also why the reboot has been talked about so much in recent posts. "Into Darkness" is coming out relatively soon, and it will put us all on a level playing field again. Because this is new canon for all of us, we can all make our own decisions about what is good and what is not and what statements they're trying to make in the film and so forth. I realize that people who have seen TOS will have a slight advantage over those who have not in these discussions, but with as much as Abrams has changed in the reboot (and with as much as he likely will continue to change) I don't think most people will had to have seen TOS to make interesting points and observations about "Into Darkness". Of course I realize this is all my take on things, and I could be completely misrepresenting new fans. I'm also not saying that there shouldn't be discussion of episodes/ideas/etc. in this subreddit. On the contrary, I'd love to see more of them. I've just tried to explain why I think many people aren't getting more involved in the discussions. If the problem really is that new fans aren't stating their opinions because they are intimidated or worried about spoilers, perhaps there is something we could do to ease their minds about those things. I think that new fans could really offer a different perspective on some things and could potentially generate a lot more discussion if they felt comfortable doing so. I'd really like to feel like a more productive member of this subreddit, but I'm usually too nervous to do so.
New fans might be the problem but that may not necessarily be a bad thing.
Something must be redirecting you. I'm running Google Chrome / adblock, and it's fine here. [See included picture]( Also I scanned the latest windows binary, no viruses. **TL;DR: I am serious when I post links. I will never post something misleading or that contains viruses.** *Edit: Damn your username!
Something must be redirecting you. I'm running Google Chrome / adblock, and it's fine here. [See included picture]( Also I scanned the latest windows binary, no viruses. TL;DR: I am serious when I post links. I will never post something misleading or that contains viruses. *Edit: Damn your username!
Something must be redirecting you. I'm running Google Chrome / adblock, and it's fine here. [See included picture]( Also I scanned the latest windows binary, no viruses.
I am serious when I post links. I will never post something misleading or that contains viruses. *Edit: Damn your username!
If you ever need anything searched, PM me. That was not a challenge, but honestly I've been on the net since 96; I love a challenge, have not came up empty yet. (Not withstanding impossible searches like: (pink elephants with blue dildos having sex with albino midgets.) TL;DR: I have a twisted mind, can find **most** anything.
If you ever need anything searched, PM me. That was not a challenge, but honestly I've been on the net since 96; I love a challenge, have not came up empty yet. (Not withstanding impossible searches like: (pink elephants with blue dildos having sex with albino midgets.) TL;DR: I have a twisted mind, can find most anything.
If you ever need anything searched, PM me. That was not a challenge, but honestly I've been on the net since 96; I love a challenge, have not came up empty yet. (Not withstanding impossible searches like: (pink elephants with blue dildos having sex with albino midgets.)
I have a twisted mind, can find most anything.
I actually had gratification disorder (AKA infantile masturbation or benign idiopathic infantile dyskinesia) so I have been "masturbating" for as long as I could remember. As a young child I would actually lay on a chair or similar object and the pressure on my clit would bring me to orgasm. There was sometimes a bit of humping involved, but not really. It's hard to explain. I never understood why I got in trouble for doing it so I would do it behind closed doors and do everything I could not to get caught. It felt good and my parents never told me *why* it was bad so I did it anyway. I also enjoyed riding in the small seat/shelf in shopping carts for the same reason. As a female I was able to press against the metal bar that went between my legs and it felt good. My parents didn't know I was doing anything bad -- which I liked -- but it took longer to reach orgasm and sometimes didn't work at all -- which I didn't like. It wasn't until I was much older (and even a bit after my "birds & the bees" talk) that I realized I was actually *masturbating* and that I understood why my parents would yell at me for doing it. I felt so stupid and it felt so wrong. Even after this discovery, however, I continued to masturbate in the same way because I didn't know any different. Eventually I learned "normal" ways of masturbating and have only gone back to "chair humping" **once** when I couldn't orgasm after over an hour and was *very* frustrated. I was able to orgasm with my old method but it wasn't very satisfying. TL;DR Had gratification disorder (AKA infantile masturbation or benign idiopathic infantile dyskinesia) and have been masturbating for as long as I can remember.
I actually had gratification disorder (AKA infantile masturbation or benign idiopathic infantile dyskinesia) so I have been "masturbating" for as long as I could remember. As a young child I would actually lay on a chair or similar object and the pressure on my clit would bring me to orgasm. There was sometimes a bit of humping involved, but not really. It's hard to explain. I never understood why I got in trouble for doing it so I would do it behind closed doors and do everything I could not to get caught. It felt good and my parents never told me why it was bad so I did it anyway. I also enjoyed riding in the small seat/shelf in shopping carts for the same reason. As a female I was able to press against the metal bar that went between my legs and it felt good. My parents didn't know I was doing anything bad -- which I liked -- but it took longer to reach orgasm and sometimes didn't work at all -- which I didn't like. It wasn't until I was much older (and even a bit after my "birds & the bees" talk) that I realized I was actually masturbating and that I understood why my parents would yell at me for doing it. I felt so stupid and it felt so wrong. Even after this discovery, however, I continued to masturbate in the same way because I didn't know any different. Eventually I learned "normal" ways of masturbating and have only gone back to "chair humping" once when I couldn't orgasm after over an hour and was very frustrated. I was able to orgasm with my old method but it wasn't very satisfying. TL;DR Had gratification disorder (AKA infantile masturbation or benign idiopathic infantile dyskinesia) and have been masturbating for as long as I can remember.
I actually had gratification disorder (AKA infantile masturbation or benign idiopathic infantile dyskinesia) so I have been "masturbating" for as long as I could remember. As a young child I would actually lay on a chair or similar object and the pressure on my clit would bring me to orgasm. There was sometimes a bit of humping involved, but not really. It's hard to explain. I never understood why I got in trouble for doing it so I would do it behind closed doors and do everything I could not to get caught. It felt good and my parents never told me why it was bad so I did it anyway. I also enjoyed riding in the small seat/shelf in shopping carts for the same reason. As a female I was able to press against the metal bar that went between my legs and it felt good. My parents didn't know I was doing anything bad -- which I liked -- but it took longer to reach orgasm and sometimes didn't work at all -- which I didn't like. It wasn't until I was much older (and even a bit after my "birds & the bees" talk) that I realized I was actually masturbating and that I understood why my parents would yell at me for doing it. I felt so stupid and it felt so wrong. Even after this discovery, however, I continued to masturbate in the same way because I didn't know any different. Eventually I learned "normal" ways of masturbating and have only gone back to "chair humping" once when I couldn't orgasm after over an hour and was very frustrated. I was able to orgasm with my old method but it wasn't very satisfying.
Had gratification disorder (AKA infantile masturbation or benign idiopathic infantile dyskinesia) and have been masturbating for as long as I can remember.
Last year my girlfriend was addicted to painkillers, she was supposed to be on suboxon to ease off the addiction and avoid withdraw but while i was at work she swapped them for percocets and other opiates and she mixed them with xanax. She was an embarassing mess, especially this was my brother, father and step mother's first time meeting her. We then went to her mother's and she was in withdraw and took off in my car with her five year old son. Seh got lost and her step father and I had to go get her. When we got there she was high and had been driving that way with her son in the car. That was Christmas Eve, christmas day I had to work and I got a call from her that she was having an asthma attack and her nebulizer wasn't helping so I rushed home to find that she had overdosed and the steroids and epinephran in her nebulizer was the only thing keeping her alive. We broke up for a while, she's been clean since then but I got to spend yesterday taking her to the hospital because she is now suffering from guilt and depression and is suicidal. tl:dr last year girlfriend ODed this year she ended up in psych hospital
Last year my girlfriend was addicted to painkillers, she was supposed to be on suboxon to ease off the addiction and avoid withdraw but while i was at work she swapped them for percocets and other opiates and she mixed them with xanax. She was an embarassing mess, especially this was my brother, father and step mother's first time meeting her. We then went to her mother's and she was in withdraw and took off in my car with her five year old son. Seh got lost and her step father and I had to go get her. When we got there she was high and had been driving that way with her son in the car. That was Christmas Eve, christmas day I had to work and I got a call from her that she was having an asthma attack and her nebulizer wasn't helping so I rushed home to find that she had overdosed and the steroids and epinephran in her nebulizer was the only thing keeping her alive. We broke up for a while, she's been clean since then but I got to spend yesterday taking her to the hospital because she is now suffering from guilt and depression and is suicidal. tl:dr last year girlfriend ODed this year she ended up in psych hospital
Last year my girlfriend was addicted to painkillers, she was supposed to be on suboxon to ease off the addiction and avoid withdraw but while i was at work she swapped them for percocets and other opiates and she mixed them with xanax. She was an embarassing mess, especially this was my brother, father and step mother's first time meeting her. We then went to her mother's and she was in withdraw and took off in my car with her five year old son. Seh got lost and her step father and I had to go get her. When we got there she was high and had been driving that way with her son in the car. That was Christmas Eve, christmas day I had to work and I got a call from her that she was having an asthma attack and her nebulizer wasn't helping so I rushed home to find that she had overdosed and the steroids and epinephran in her nebulizer was the only thing keeping her alive. We broke up for a while, she's been clean since then but I got to spend yesterday taking her to the hospital because she is now suffering from guilt and depression and is suicidal.
last year girlfriend ODed this year she ended up in psych hospital
doesn't club come with a pass to some party? the main thing is that if you do not already have a monocle, you should purchase one. this chained single eyepiece is a staple for club-level ticketholders and you will feel pretty silly if everyone is looking at you through a single swank lens and you are staring back with normal glasses or, worse, nothing, like some chump who rides airplanes in the economy section or down with the luggage. also, you should, while watching the game through your monocle (you will be close enough that you obviously won't need your opera glasses but these can be used to advantage on occasion), remove your top hat so as not to obscure the view of the (presumably monocle-wearing) gentleman behind you, as that would be a rude indication of poor breeding. tldr: get a monocle you lucky bastard
doesn't club come with a pass to some party? the main thing is that if you do not already have a monocle, you should purchase one. this chained single eyepiece is a staple for club-level ticketholders and you will feel pretty silly if everyone is looking at you through a single swank lens and you are staring back with normal glasses or, worse, nothing, like some chump who rides airplanes in the economy section or down with the luggage. also, you should, while watching the game through your monocle (you will be close enough that you obviously won't need your opera glasses but these can be used to advantage on occasion), remove your top hat so as not to obscure the view of the (presumably monocle-wearing) gentleman behind you, as that would be a rude indication of poor breeding. tldr: get a monocle you lucky bastard
doesn't club come with a pass to some party? the main thing is that if you do not already have a monocle, you should purchase one. this chained single eyepiece is a staple for club-level ticketholders and you will feel pretty silly if everyone is looking at you through a single swank lens and you are staring back with normal glasses or, worse, nothing, like some chump who rides airplanes in the economy section or down with the luggage. also, you should, while watching the game through your monocle (you will be close enough that you obviously won't need your opera glasses but these can be used to advantage on occasion), remove your top hat so as not to obscure the view of the (presumably monocle-wearing) gentleman behind you, as that would be a rude indication of poor breeding.
get a monocle you lucky bastard
When I was around 10 The DSi came out. Since the touch screen was broken on my DS lite, I decided I would save and buy a new DSi since they had an upgrade offer going on. You trade in a Ds lite and get a DSi for like $80. I walked into the gamestop and handed the guy at the desk my DS. He took it made sure I was wanting the upgrade offer and everything, then started walking to the back. I stopped him and told him the center of my touch screen would not pick up anything. He took it anyway, took my money and handed me a DSi. TL;DR Honesty is the best policy
When I was around 10 The DSi came out. Since the touch screen was broken on my DS lite, I decided I would save and buy a new DSi since they had an upgrade offer going on. You trade in a Ds lite and get a DSi for like $80. I walked into the gamestop and handed the guy at the desk my DS. He took it made sure I was wanting the upgrade offer and everything, then started walking to the back. I stopped him and told him the center of my touch screen would not pick up anything. He took it anyway, took my money and handed me a DSi. TL;DR Honesty is the best policy
When I was around 10 The DSi came out. Since the touch screen was broken on my DS lite, I decided I would save and buy a new DSi since they had an upgrade offer going on. You trade in a Ds lite and get a DSi for like $80. I walked into the gamestop and handed the guy at the desk my DS. He took it made sure I was wanting the upgrade offer and everything, then started walking to the back. I stopped him and told him the center of my touch screen would not pick up anything. He took it anyway, took my money and handed me a DSi.
Honesty is the best policy
There seem to be mixed opinions here, and none of them are wrong. This is a case-by-case kind of thing; it depends on how you feel and how your family is. Here is how things went for me: I was 16 or 17, I don't really remember. I had gone to a Catholic elementary school, but a public high school. In high school I went to the "Sunday school" that my family's church had for teenagers preparing to be Confirmed. I did everything I was required to be Confirmed, and decided not to. If you're Catholic, you know what Confirmation is, and I couldn't go through with it because it felt dishonest since I was agnostic. I "came out" to my father (the most religious in my family) in a meeting with my pastor that I had scheduled to let them know I didn't want to be Confirmed. They were very understanding. My pastor actually agreed that I shouldn't be Confirmed if I didn't feel like I was truly Catholic, and encouraged me to find my own spiritual path. My father just wanted to understand, and while he seemed disappointed at first, I talked to him for hours explaining how I felt and what I believed and why I didn't feel those beliefs were compatible with Catholicism. My family accepted who I am and what I believe, and my dad stopped pressuring me to go to church with them, lead grace at dinner time, etc. I do still go to Mass with them at Christmas, Easter, and things like that, just because I think it's important to do something as a family, and I want to support they're beliefs just like they do for me. In fact, this past Christmas I was the only one that didn't complain about the super long service. But this is my experience, with my family. I know parents who would respond much more negatively, and you should be cautious. You know your family and only you can figure out how and when to "come out." Just know that we're here for you! **tl;dr--Each situation is different, do what you feel is right
There seem to be mixed opinions here, and none of them are wrong. This is a case-by-case kind of thing; it depends on how you feel and how your family is. Here is how things went for me: I was 16 or 17, I don't really remember. I had gone to a Catholic elementary school, but a public high school. In high school I went to the "Sunday school" that my family's church had for teenagers preparing to be Confirmed. I did everything I was required to be Confirmed, and decided not to. If you're Catholic, you know what Confirmation is, and I couldn't go through with it because it felt dishonest since I was agnostic. I "came out" to my father (the most religious in my family) in a meeting with my pastor that I had scheduled to let them know I didn't want to be Confirmed. They were very understanding. My pastor actually agreed that I shouldn't be Confirmed if I didn't feel like I was truly Catholic, and encouraged me to find my own spiritual path. My father just wanted to understand, and while he seemed disappointed at first, I talked to him for hours explaining how I felt and what I believed and why I didn't feel those beliefs were compatible with Catholicism. My family accepted who I am and what I believe, and my dad stopped pressuring me to go to church with them, lead grace at dinner time, etc. I do still go to Mass with them at Christmas, Easter, and things like that, just because I think it's important to do something as a family, and I want to support they're beliefs just like they do for me. In fact, this past Christmas I was the only one that didn't complain about the super long service. But this is my experience, with my family. I know parents who would respond much more negatively, and you should be cautious. You know your family and only you can figure out how and when to "come out." Just know that we're here for you! **tl;dr--Each situation is different, do what you feel is right
There seem to be mixed opinions here, and none of them are wrong. This is a case-by-case kind of thing; it depends on how you feel and how your family is. Here is how things went for me: I was 16 or 17, I don't really remember. I had gone to a Catholic elementary school, but a public high school. In high school I went to the "Sunday school" that my family's church had for teenagers preparing to be Confirmed. I did everything I was required to be Confirmed, and decided not to. If you're Catholic, you know what Confirmation is, and I couldn't go through with it because it felt dishonest since I was agnostic. I "came out" to my father (the most religious in my family) in a meeting with my pastor that I had scheduled to let them know I didn't want to be Confirmed. They were very understanding. My pastor actually agreed that I shouldn't be Confirmed if I didn't feel like I was truly Catholic, and encouraged me to find my own spiritual path. My father just wanted to understand, and while he seemed disappointed at first, I talked to him for hours explaining how I felt and what I believed and why I didn't feel those beliefs were compatible with Catholicism. My family accepted who I am and what I believe, and my dad stopped pressuring me to go to church with them, lead grace at dinner time, etc. I do still go to Mass with them at Christmas, Easter, and things like that, just because I think it's important to do something as a family, and I want to support they're beliefs just like they do for me. In fact, this past Christmas I was the only one that didn't complain about the super long service. But this is my experience, with my family. I know parents who would respond much more negatively, and you should be cautious. You know your family and only you can figure out how and when to "come out." Just know that we're here for you! **
Each situation is different, do what you feel is right
I feel you man. At my heaviest I weighed 287 and it hurts to just live overweight. The guilt of what you're doing to your own body can really, truly hurt. It's good you are having this wake up call though. Changing your mindset is a huge part of changing your life. Weight loss is made in the kitchen and it was a hard fact for me to handle. Exercise helps but improving your diet is #1. Start tracking your calories, I use (it's free) but there are other trackers out there. Record everything you eat to the best of your ability. Even on your bingier days you'll notice that you eat better when you're watching it. Experimenting with food helps a lot too. You could really love some healthier foods but you'll never know if you don't give them a try. Also try to stay away from soda. I try not to "drink my calories" and stay with just water, and a black coffee if I'm feeling tired at work. Three 20 oz bottles of soda are as many calories as a fairly large dinner. I'm nowhere near an expert but all of these changes have helped me lose about 46 pounds so far, and I'll keep using them to lost the last 40ish I need to hit my goal. Every 10 or so pounds you can feel a change in your body and it feels great. Celebrate these changes and be proud as your weight goes down. Oh and also it isn't the end of the world if you eat too much in a meal or day. Don't get discouraged or beat yourself up just remember to do better in the future. Wow that was a lot of stuff. TL:DR 1. Track your calories using or other trackers. 2. Don't "Drink your calories" 3. Try new healthy foods (Salsa had surprising little calories for the flavor) 4. Celebrate the wins. 5. Don't be too hard on yourself on the bad days (I struggle with this sometimes, it's natural)
I feel you man. At my heaviest I weighed 287 and it hurts to just live overweight. The guilt of what you're doing to your own body can really, truly hurt. It's good you are having this wake up call though. Changing your mindset is a huge part of changing your life. Weight loss is made in the kitchen and it was a hard fact for me to handle. Exercise helps but improving your diet is #1. Start tracking your calories, I use (it's free) but there are other trackers out there. Record everything you eat to the best of your ability. Even on your bingier days you'll notice that you eat better when you're watching it. Experimenting with food helps a lot too. You could really love some healthier foods but you'll never know if you don't give them a try. Also try to stay away from soda. I try not to "drink my calories" and stay with just water, and a black coffee if I'm feeling tired at work. Three 20 oz bottles of soda are as many calories as a fairly large dinner. I'm nowhere near an expert but all of these changes have helped me lose about 46 pounds so far, and I'll keep using them to lost the last 40ish I need to hit my goal. Every 10 or so pounds you can feel a change in your body and it feels great. Celebrate these changes and be proud as your weight goes down. Oh and also it isn't the end of the world if you eat too much in a meal or day. Don't get discouraged or beat yourself up just remember to do better in the future. Wow that was a lot of stuff. TL:DR Track your calories using or other trackers. Don't "Drink your calories" Try new healthy foods (Salsa had surprising little calories for the flavor) Celebrate the wins. Don't be too hard on yourself on the bad days (I struggle with this sometimes, it's natural)
I feel you man. At my heaviest I weighed 287 and it hurts to just live overweight. The guilt of what you're doing to your own body can really, truly hurt. It's good you are having this wake up call though. Changing your mindset is a huge part of changing your life. Weight loss is made in the kitchen and it was a hard fact for me to handle. Exercise helps but improving your diet is #1. Start tracking your calories, I use (it's free) but there are other trackers out there. Record everything you eat to the best of your ability. Even on your bingier days you'll notice that you eat better when you're watching it. Experimenting with food helps a lot too. You could really love some healthier foods but you'll never know if you don't give them a try. Also try to stay away from soda. I try not to "drink my calories" and stay with just water, and a black coffee if I'm feeling tired at work. Three 20 oz bottles of soda are as many calories as a fairly large dinner. I'm nowhere near an expert but all of these changes have helped me lose about 46 pounds so far, and I'll keep using them to lost the last 40ish I need to hit my goal. Every 10 or so pounds you can feel a change in your body and it feels great. Celebrate these changes and be proud as your weight goes down. Oh and also it isn't the end of the world if you eat too much in a meal or day. Don't get discouraged or beat yourself up just remember to do better in the future. Wow that was a lot of stuff.
Track your calories using or other trackers. Don't "Drink your calories" Try new healthy foods (Salsa had surprising little calories for the flavor) Celebrate the wins. Don't be too hard on yourself on the bad days (I struggle with this sometimes, it's natural)
Today, I binge-ate. I ate an entire pound of baby carrots. I know in my heart that I'm not actually solving the problem behavior, just replacing *what* goes into my mouth. Solving the deeper emotional problem is a longer-term thing, and, like you, I couldn't keep hurting my body with this self-destructive behavior. At the very least, switching food to binge on something non-destructive buys me time to work on the emotional component of over-eating. tl;dr: If you have to binge, binge on fruits and vegetables.
Today, I binge-ate. I ate an entire pound of baby carrots. I know in my heart that I'm not actually solving the problem behavior, just replacing what goes into my mouth. Solving the deeper emotional problem is a longer-term thing, and, like you, I couldn't keep hurting my body with this self-destructive behavior. At the very least, switching food to binge on something non-destructive buys me time to work on the emotional component of over-eating. tl;dr: If you have to binge, binge on fruits and vegetables.
Today, I binge-ate. I ate an entire pound of baby carrots. I know in my heart that I'm not actually solving the problem behavior, just replacing what goes into my mouth. Solving the deeper emotional problem is a longer-term thing, and, like you, I couldn't keep hurting my body with this self-destructive behavior. At the very least, switching food to binge on something non-destructive buys me time to work on the emotional component of over-eating.
If you have to binge, binge on fruits and vegetables.
yes. i chewed ice cubes for 3 months straight. i'd eat about 8 trays a day, craved them intensely, and only stopped chewing when my mouth burned and my teeth hurt. i saw a doctor after the chewing got so bad that i chipped the plastic binding off my permanent retainer when i was chewing a cube, and he took my blood. my iron was dangerously low (hemoglobin was 7, iron was 13, it was really bad). usually iron deficiency is accompanied by intense fatigue, i didn't have that. i just had the ice chewing. that's what made it so dangerous - if i waited any longer, i'd need a transfusion. get your blood tested. tl;dr i chewed ice for a looooong time and discovered i was severely iron deficient.
yes. i chewed ice cubes for 3 months straight. i'd eat about 8 trays a day, craved them intensely, and only stopped chewing when my mouth burned and my teeth hurt. i saw a doctor after the chewing got so bad that i chipped the plastic binding off my permanent retainer when i was chewing a cube, and he took my blood. my iron was dangerously low (hemoglobin was 7, iron was 13, it was really bad). usually iron deficiency is accompanied by intense fatigue, i didn't have that. i just had the ice chewing. that's what made it so dangerous - if i waited any longer, i'd need a transfusion. get your blood tested. tl;dr i chewed ice for a looooong time and discovered i was severely iron deficient.
yes. i chewed ice cubes for 3 months straight. i'd eat about 8 trays a day, craved them intensely, and only stopped chewing when my mouth burned and my teeth hurt. i saw a doctor after the chewing got so bad that i chipped the plastic binding off my permanent retainer when i was chewing a cube, and he took my blood. my iron was dangerously low (hemoglobin was 7, iron was 13, it was really bad). usually iron deficiency is accompanied by intense fatigue, i didn't have that. i just had the ice chewing. that's what made it so dangerous - if i waited any longer, i'd need a transfusion. get your blood tested.
i chewed ice for a looooong time and discovered i was severely iron deficient.
As a person entirely skeptical and who has read the various rebuttals and debunking of the Ancient Aliens program, this doc seems to be an entire setup to be upset about the interpretations of the ancient Hebrew texts the program has referenced. I'm glad we cleared up that the Ancient Aliens episodes were so incorrect concerning their interpretation of the Hebrew bible. Most importantly, that the story of Noah is more accurate than the similar Sumerian versions. It is too bad the program inaccurately believes that the Sumerian texts are the most accurate accounts. Ugh. As someone who feels that all of these religious stories are, at best, interpretations, these texts really constitute no real historical accuracies. If there are geological, archeological, anthropological, or other scientific forms of evidence to back up the specifics of the Inca, Sumerian, Egyptian, Hebrew, etc, accounts of past events, I am always curious to hear them. As silly as it is the History Channel program always defaults to "Aliens", I'm also unimpressed intellectually with religious assertions making similarly poor scholarly claims. tl:dr: the effort was a good one but by the end, the religious began to take precedence over the scholarly and scientific path the documentary began its journey upon.
As a person entirely skeptical and who has read the various rebuttals and debunking of the Ancient Aliens program, this doc seems to be an entire setup to be upset about the interpretations of the ancient Hebrew texts the program has referenced. I'm glad we cleared up that the Ancient Aliens episodes were so incorrect concerning their interpretation of the Hebrew bible. Most importantly, that the story of Noah is more accurate than the similar Sumerian versions. It is too bad the program inaccurately believes that the Sumerian texts are the most accurate accounts. Ugh. As someone who feels that all of these religious stories are, at best, interpretations, these texts really constitute no real historical accuracies. If there are geological, archeological, anthropological, or other scientific forms of evidence to back up the specifics of the Inca, Sumerian, Egyptian, Hebrew, etc, accounts of past events, I am always curious to hear them. As silly as it is the History Channel program always defaults to "Aliens", I'm also unimpressed intellectually with religious assertions making similarly poor scholarly claims. tl:dr: the effort was a good one but by the end, the religious began to take precedence over the scholarly and scientific path the documentary began its journey upon.
As a person entirely skeptical and who has read the various rebuttals and debunking of the Ancient Aliens program, this doc seems to be an entire setup to be upset about the interpretations of the ancient Hebrew texts the program has referenced. I'm glad we cleared up that the Ancient Aliens episodes were so incorrect concerning their interpretation of the Hebrew bible. Most importantly, that the story of Noah is more accurate than the similar Sumerian versions. It is too bad the program inaccurately believes that the Sumerian texts are the most accurate accounts. Ugh. As someone who feels that all of these religious stories are, at best, interpretations, these texts really constitute no real historical accuracies. If there are geological, archeological, anthropological, or other scientific forms of evidence to back up the specifics of the Inca, Sumerian, Egyptian, Hebrew, etc, accounts of past events, I am always curious to hear them. As silly as it is the History Channel program always defaults to "Aliens", I'm also unimpressed intellectually with religious assertions making similarly poor scholarly claims.
the effort was a good one but by the end, the religious began to take precedence over the scholarly and scientific path the documentary began its journey upon.
I'm not entirely sure this is a serious question. Your average gym membership is $40/mo. That breaks down into roughly $10/week or $2 per weekday (most people don't hit the gym on the weekend, but we need this number later, so it ends up being roughly $1.43/day). In order to recoup your losses to the gym, you need to be able to make back $1.43 while at the gym every weekday. I suggest investing into a medium-risk mutual fund. I had success with the T.Rowe Price mutuals before with returns on average around 6% (beating out the national average when banks were giving decent interest rates on savings accounts by a whopping 3-4%). Therefore, in order to make (on average) the $1.43 required, you would need to have almost $8,500 invested to "get swole off the interest". EDIT: In fact, you wouldn't need that much since I ballparked; a more accurate daily-cost would be that $40/mo * 12 / 356 (which is $1.35). If we assume that down years drop to 2% return, and that would be a really down year for a medium-risk investment [casual aside, during the housing market crisis I had a medium-risk investment with T.Rowe Price and it returned 4%, so we're being pretty cautious here], then you would need $24,000 invested to cover the cost in earned. Also, and this does warrant being brought up, but these are dividends and therefore are taxable. You will have to look to your own tax bracket to determine exactly how much you will end up paying to the government, but you can usually assume that 30% will cover it; so take whatever investment is required, and we'll use that $24,000 for our example, and add an additional 30% to cover the taxes lost (though these are not strictly linearly related, we can basically treat them that way for small amounts). tl;dr - invest $31,200 into a medium-risk mutual fund and use the dividends earned to pay for your gym membership.
I'm not entirely sure this is a serious question. Your average gym membership is $40/mo. That breaks down into roughly $10/week or $2 per weekday (most people don't hit the gym on the weekend, but we need this number later, so it ends up being roughly $1.43/day). In order to recoup your losses to the gym, you need to be able to make back $1.43 while at the gym every weekday. I suggest investing into a medium-risk mutual fund. I had success with the T.Rowe Price mutuals before with returns on average around 6% (beating out the national average when banks were giving decent interest rates on savings accounts by a whopping 3-4%). Therefore, in order to make (on average) the $1.43 required, you would need to have almost $8,500 invested to "get swole off the interest". EDIT: In fact, you wouldn't need that much since I ballparked; a more accurate daily-cost would be that $40/mo * 12 / 356 (which is $1.35). If we assume that down years drop to 2% return, and that would be a really down year for a medium-risk investment [casual aside, during the housing market crisis I had a medium-risk investment with T.Rowe Price and it returned 4%, so we're being pretty cautious here], then you would need $24,000 invested to cover the cost in earned. Also, and this does warrant being brought up, but these are dividends and therefore are taxable. You will have to look to your own tax bracket to determine exactly how much you will end up paying to the government, but you can usually assume that 30% will cover it; so take whatever investment is required, and we'll use that $24,000 for our example, and add an additional 30% to cover the taxes lost (though these are not strictly linearly related, we can basically treat them that way for small amounts). tl;dr - invest $31,200 into a medium-risk mutual fund and use the dividends earned to pay for your gym membership.
I'm not entirely sure this is a serious question. Your average gym membership is $40/mo. That breaks down into roughly $10/week or $2 per weekday (most people don't hit the gym on the weekend, but we need this number later, so it ends up being roughly $1.43/day). In order to recoup your losses to the gym, you need to be able to make back $1.43 while at the gym every weekday. I suggest investing into a medium-risk mutual fund. I had success with the T.Rowe Price mutuals before with returns on average around 6% (beating out the national average when banks were giving decent interest rates on savings accounts by a whopping 3-4%). Therefore, in order to make (on average) the $1.43 required, you would need to have almost $8,500 invested to "get swole off the interest". EDIT: In fact, you wouldn't need that much since I ballparked; a more accurate daily-cost would be that $40/mo * 12 / 356 (which is $1.35). If we assume that down years drop to 2% return, and that would be a really down year for a medium-risk investment [casual aside, during the housing market crisis I had a medium-risk investment with T.Rowe Price and it returned 4%, so we're being pretty cautious here], then you would need $24,000 invested to cover the cost in earned. Also, and this does warrant being brought up, but these are dividends and therefore are taxable. You will have to look to your own tax bracket to determine exactly how much you will end up paying to the government, but you can usually assume that 30% will cover it; so take whatever investment is required, and we'll use that $24,000 for our example, and add an additional 30% to cover the taxes lost (though these are not strictly linearly related, we can basically treat them that way for small amounts).
invest $31,200 into a medium-risk mutual fund and use the dividends earned to pay for your gym membership.
The place I work at has a pretty old guy for an administrator/janitor-manager, who generally just annoys me a little by saying hello to me and when I say it back, he doesn't hear me and complains that I lack politeness. But one day, he uttered something that was hard to believe. We had a problem with the janitor who didn't clean as often as needed and called the administrator to solve the situation. He then proceeded to wonder what is the problem, because 'we had a room full of women - very good for cleaning and mopping floors'. From then on, I do not bother to make sure he hears the 'Hello' in the morgnings. Tit for tat or in this case, lack of respect for lack of respect. TL:DR. Old administrator still believes that if a janitor isn't doing his/her job, the women should pick up the slack.
The place I work at has a pretty old guy for an administrator/janitor-manager, who generally just annoys me a little by saying hello to me and when I say it back, he doesn't hear me and complains that I lack politeness. But one day, he uttered something that was hard to believe. We had a problem with the janitor who didn't clean as often as needed and called the administrator to solve the situation. He then proceeded to wonder what is the problem, because 'we had a room full of women - very good for cleaning and mopping floors'. From then on, I do not bother to make sure he hears the 'Hello' in the morgnings. Tit for tat or in this case, lack of respect for lack of respect. TL:DR. Old administrator still believes that if a janitor isn't doing his/her job, the women should pick up the slack.
The place I work at has a pretty old guy for an administrator/janitor-manager, who generally just annoys me a little by saying hello to me and when I say it back, he doesn't hear me and complains that I lack politeness. But one day, he uttered something that was hard to believe. We had a problem with the janitor who didn't clean as often as needed and called the administrator to solve the situation. He then proceeded to wonder what is the problem, because 'we had a room full of women - very good for cleaning and mopping floors'. From then on, I do not bother to make sure he hears the 'Hello' in the morgnings. Tit for tat or in this case, lack of respect for lack of respect.
Old administrator still believes that if a janitor isn't doing his/her job, the women should pick up the slack.
In all instances that is obsession with a form entertainment, socially acceptable gamers are gamers who are not consumed, it's okay for someone young to be saturated with activities because they are expected to "find themselves". A grown man should have already found himself, he can still play games, but is expected to have little indication of any his activities (no gaming posters, but an xbox, no movie posters, but a blueray/dvd, no fishing pictures on his wall, but a couple fishing rods, ect) --TLDR: do what you want, but do not be consumed by one thing. Do as much as you want , but do not saturate yourself with "trophies" . This is what we believe to be acceptable.
In all instances that is obsession with a form entertainment, socially acceptable gamers are gamers who are not consumed, it's okay for someone young to be saturated with activities because they are expected to "find themselves". A grown man should have already found himself, he can still play games, but is expected to have little indication of any his activities (no gaming posters, but an xbox, no movie posters, but a blueray/dvd, no fishing pictures on his wall, but a couple fishing rods, ect) --TLDR: do what you want, but do not be consumed by one thing. Do as much as you want , but do not saturate yourself with "trophies" . This is what we believe to be acceptable.
In all instances that is obsession with a form entertainment, socially acceptable gamers are gamers who are not consumed, it's okay for someone young to be saturated with activities because they are expected to "find themselves". A grown man should have already found himself, he can still play games, but is expected to have little indication of any his activities (no gaming posters, but an xbox, no movie posters, but a blueray/dvd, no fishing pictures on his wall, but a couple fishing rods, ect) --
do what you want, but do not be consumed by one thing. Do as much as you want , but do not saturate yourself with "trophies" . This is what we believe to be acceptable.
Okay OP, I used to suffer the same problem you have. Here's my foolproof advice. One, f*ck combustion. Invest in a vape, like the magic flight launch box or a cheap and effective tabletop vape (hopefullly one with a whip and not a bag). Try hitting it and see if that helps. Two, only take hits from said vape through your nose. It's really tough at first, but trust me, if you're persistent it gets much easier. I used to hit the MFLB through my nose all the time; back when my sensitive throat and asophogus-rottingly severe acid reflex left me on the floor coughing violently while spitting up nasty bile at the very thought of regular smoking. You'll get one, maybe two, sinus infections at first; but with repetitive use, your sinus cavities will have hardened to a tough-ass mofo that can eventually handle the burning of full-on smoke from bones and even blunts. I've been smoking through my nose like a pro for years now. Remember, when life hands you a bad case of acid relux, don't p*ssy out and give up smoking; hit that shit through your nose like a real man. After the first couple of smoke-related sinus infections, you'll never have another in your life; guranteed. You can astound people with your manly ability to smoke even the harshest and loosest blunts through your nose without even flinching. Guys will want to be you. Women will want to be with you. Just when you have everyone eating out of the palm of your many new hands, you give acid reflux an extra kick in the balls by chugging some malox. F*ck yeah. Tl;Dr; invest in a cheap and effective vape, then hit it through your nose instead. When you've gotten past the first few sinus infections, you'll never have another, guaranteed. Then move on to hitting joints and even blunts through your nose (after you've maxed out your nose's dexterity, of course). People will look at you like some kind of tough ass baller when they see you hit the loosest, harshest blunts through your nose without even flinching. As you have their attention, exhale a huge cloud of smoke right back out your nose like a f*cking dragon and boldly assert yourself with a witty one-liner like, "Straight to the dome." Then people will start calling you Thunder-Dome. "Dude, did you see ThunderDome smoke that blunt yesterday?" "No, what's so special about this 'ThunderDome' guy, anyway?" Then you come crashing through their living-room wall like the gaddamn Kool-Aid man and, in one massive hit, pull the whole blunt through your nose. "Straight to the Dome!" They'll shout in wonder and excitement, "THUNDERDOME!" Proceed to help yourself to their stash of weed.
Okay OP, I used to suffer the same problem you have. Here's my foolproof advice. One, f ck combustion. Invest in a vape, like the magic flight launch box or a cheap and effective tabletop vape (hopefullly one with a whip and not a bag). Try hitting it and see if that helps. Two, only take hits from said vape through your nose. It's really tough at first, but trust me, if you're persistent it gets much easier. I used to hit the MFLB through my nose all the time; back when my sensitive throat and asophogus-rottingly severe acid reflex left me on the floor coughing violently while spitting up nasty bile at the very thought of regular smoking. You'll get one, maybe two, sinus infections at first; but with repetitive use, your sinus cavities will have hardened to a tough-ass mofo that can eventually handle the burning of full-on smoke from bones and even blunts. I've been smoking through my nose like a pro for years now. Remember, when life hands you a bad case of acid relux, don't p ssy out and give up smoking; hit that shit through your nose like a real man. After the first couple of smoke-related sinus infections, you'll never have another in your life; guranteed. You can astound people with your manly ability to smoke even the harshest and loosest blunts through your nose without even flinching. Guys will want to be you. Women will want to be with you. Just when you have everyone eating out of the palm of your many new hands, you give acid reflux an extra kick in the balls by chugging some malox. F ck yeah. Tl;Dr; invest in a cheap and effective vape, then hit it through your nose instead. When you've gotten past the first few sinus infections, you'll never have another, guaranteed. Then move on to hitting joints and even blunts through your nose (after you've maxed out your nose's dexterity, of course). People will look at you like some kind of tough ass baller when they see you hit the loosest, harshest blunts through your nose without even flinching. As you have their attention, exhale a huge cloud of smoke right back out your nose like a f cking dragon and boldly assert yourself with a witty one-liner like, "Straight to the dome." Then people will start calling you Thunder-Dome. "Dude, did you see ThunderDome smoke that blunt yesterday?" "No, what's so special about this 'ThunderDome' guy, anyway?" Then you come crashing through their living-room wall like the gaddamn Kool-Aid man and, in one massive hit, pull the whole blunt through your nose. "Straight to the Dome!" They'll shout in wonder and excitement, "THUNDERDOME!" Proceed to help yourself to their stash of weed.
Okay OP, I used to suffer the same problem you have. Here's my foolproof advice. One, f ck combustion. Invest in a vape, like the magic flight launch box or a cheap and effective tabletop vape (hopefullly one with a whip and not a bag). Try hitting it and see if that helps. Two, only take hits from said vape through your nose. It's really tough at first, but trust me, if you're persistent it gets much easier. I used to hit the MFLB through my nose all the time; back when my sensitive throat and asophogus-rottingly severe acid reflex left me on the floor coughing violently while spitting up nasty bile at the very thought of regular smoking. You'll get one, maybe two, sinus infections at first; but with repetitive use, your sinus cavities will have hardened to a tough-ass mofo that can eventually handle the burning of full-on smoke from bones and even blunts. I've been smoking through my nose like a pro for years now. Remember, when life hands you a bad case of acid relux, don't p ssy out and give up smoking; hit that shit through your nose like a real man. After the first couple of smoke-related sinus infections, you'll never have another in your life; guranteed. You can astound people with your manly ability to smoke even the harshest and loosest blunts through your nose without even flinching. Guys will want to be you. Women will want to be with you. Just when you have everyone eating out of the palm of your many new hands, you give acid reflux an extra kick in the balls by chugging some malox. F ck yeah.
invest in a cheap and effective vape, then hit it through your nose instead. When you've gotten past the first few sinus infections, you'll never have another, guaranteed. Then move on to hitting joints and even blunts through your nose (after you've maxed out your nose's dexterity, of course). People will look at you like some kind of tough ass baller when they see you hit the loosest, harshest blunts through your nose without even flinching. As you have their attention, exhale a huge cloud of smoke right back out your nose like a f cking dragon and boldly assert yourself with a witty one-liner like, "Straight to the dome." Then people will start calling you Thunder-Dome. "Dude, did you see ThunderDome smoke that blunt yesterday?" "No, what's so special about this 'ThunderDome' guy, anyway?" Then you come crashing through their living-room wall like the gaddamn Kool-Aid man and, in one massive hit, pull the whole blunt through your nose. "Straight to the Dome!" They'll shout in wonder and excitement, "THUNDERDOME!" Proceed to help yourself to their stash of weed.
Man, I wish I had the room for that equipment. tl;dr: I need a bigger apartment....
Man, I wish I had the room for that equipment. tl;dr: I need a bigger apartment....
Man, I wish I had the room for that equipment.
I need a bigger apartment....
I actually switched from Shavette to straight razor a couple days ago. I have to say, I much, much prefer the straight. It feels nicer, and has a much more satisfying weight to it. Since most shavettes use half a DE blade, I find their shorter length to be really annoying. Cream accumulates faster, and you have to wash it more often. Shavettes also tend to irritate your skin more in my experience. Every time I shaved with mine, I felt like a cactus. After switching, no irritation whatsoever. TL;DR - Straights are much nicer to shave with than shavettes, and you'd be better spending your money restoring that beauty.
I actually switched from Shavette to straight razor a couple days ago. I have to say, I much, much prefer the straight. It feels nicer, and has a much more satisfying weight to it. Since most shavettes use half a DE blade, I find their shorter length to be really annoying. Cream accumulates faster, and you have to wash it more often. Shavettes also tend to irritate your skin more in my experience. Every time I shaved with mine, I felt like a cactus. After switching, no irritation whatsoever. TL;DR - Straights are much nicer to shave with than shavettes, and you'd be better spending your money restoring that beauty.
I actually switched from Shavette to straight razor a couple days ago. I have to say, I much, much prefer the straight. It feels nicer, and has a much more satisfying weight to it. Since most shavettes use half a DE blade, I find their shorter length to be really annoying. Cream accumulates faster, and you have to wash it more often. Shavettes also tend to irritate your skin more in my experience. Every time I shaved with mine, I felt like a cactus. After switching, no irritation whatsoever.
Straights are much nicer to shave with than shavettes, and you'd be better spending your money restoring that beauty.
I'm from the States, but my family is Italian and we've always prepared them the same was as far as I know. To me, it's the best way to eat an artichoke. 1. Hit the artichoke on the counter upside down a few times- This loosens the leaves. 2. Work the leaves a little bit to open them up and get some gaps in them. 3. Pour Italian breadcrumbs (or breadcrumbs flavored with Italian herbs) into the leaves. Make sure to get breadcrumbs down in all the nooks and crannies. 4. Drizzle olive oil over the entire artichoke. Not so much that you're soaking the breadcrumbs, but enough that the breadcrumbs are moistened. (Too little and it will turn out dry, too much and it will be soggy). 5. Put the artichoke in a pressure cooker and allow it to steam for about 20 minutes, then turn off the heat and let it sit in the cooker until the pressure subsides. Eat it by pulling off a leaf at a time and scraping it against your teeth. You get the flesh of the leaf and the breadcrumbs with each bite, and the stalky part is left behind. After you eat the leaves, the heart is left. Cut off all the fuzzy stuff because it's sharp and will make you choke. Then eat the heart, it's the best part! tl;dr Stuff it with breadcrumbs, drizzle with olive oil, pressure cook, enjoy
I'm from the States, but my family is Italian and we've always prepared them the same was as far as I know. To me, it's the best way to eat an artichoke. Hit the artichoke on the counter upside down a few times- This loosens the leaves. Work the leaves a little bit to open them up and get some gaps in them. Pour Italian breadcrumbs (or breadcrumbs flavored with Italian herbs) into the leaves. Make sure to get breadcrumbs down in all the nooks and crannies. Drizzle olive oil over the entire artichoke. Not so much that you're soaking the breadcrumbs, but enough that the breadcrumbs are moistened. (Too little and it will turn out dry, too much and it will be soggy). Put the artichoke in a pressure cooker and allow it to steam for about 20 minutes, then turn off the heat and let it sit in the cooker until the pressure subsides. Eat it by pulling off a leaf at a time and scraping it against your teeth. You get the flesh of the leaf and the breadcrumbs with each bite, and the stalky part is left behind. After you eat the leaves, the heart is left. Cut off all the fuzzy stuff because it's sharp and will make you choke. Then eat the heart, it's the best part! tl;dr Stuff it with breadcrumbs, drizzle with olive oil, pressure cook, enjoy
I'm from the States, but my family is Italian and we've always prepared them the same was as far as I know. To me, it's the best way to eat an artichoke. Hit the artichoke on the counter upside down a few times- This loosens the leaves. Work the leaves a little bit to open them up and get some gaps in them. Pour Italian breadcrumbs (or breadcrumbs flavored with Italian herbs) into the leaves. Make sure to get breadcrumbs down in all the nooks and crannies. Drizzle olive oil over the entire artichoke. Not so much that you're soaking the breadcrumbs, but enough that the breadcrumbs are moistened. (Too little and it will turn out dry, too much and it will be soggy). Put the artichoke in a pressure cooker and allow it to steam for about 20 minutes, then turn off the heat and let it sit in the cooker until the pressure subsides. Eat it by pulling off a leaf at a time and scraping it against your teeth. You get the flesh of the leaf and the breadcrumbs with each bite, and the stalky part is left behind. After you eat the leaves, the heart is left. Cut off all the fuzzy stuff because it's sharp and will make you choke. Then eat the heart, it's the best part!
Stuff it with breadcrumbs, drizzle with olive oil, pressure cook, enjoy
It's not as bad as the hype says it is. Remember that the stories you hear only come from the people that care to tell them, and the people who did sink $150k into school and now don't have a job usually care about telling their story (and telling it loudly). The people who don't have a problem finding jobs don't take to the internet and post about it. Also contrary to popular belief, you don't need to go to a T20 or a T14 or a T6 school to land a job. Take, for example, the Denver area job market - it's dominated by CU, which is well into the latter half of tier 1 schools. Same things in Seattle - UW and SU dominate the market, UW being ranked similarly to CU, and SU being midway through tier 2 (I think they are like #75, but are also #1 for legal writing... case in point - who really believes the "rankings" ?)... My experience? Without being too specific, I had a 3.9 GPA and an LSAT in the low 160's. Got into some great schools, transferred from a public to private school (which is WAY better IMHO). My law school GPA isn't great, but not bad either, and I have a steady job as a law clerk. I'm not really that worried about finding a job after graduation... by now I'm familiar with the work of the major firms in the area and talking intelligibly in an interview about the areas of law I'm interested in is not a problem at all... TL;DR - Know your stuff, work during your summers, and make sure you do good (and *clear*) work.
It's not as bad as the hype says it is. Remember that the stories you hear only come from the people that care to tell them, and the people who did sink $150k into school and now don't have a job usually care about telling their story (and telling it loudly). The people who don't have a problem finding jobs don't take to the internet and post about it. Also contrary to popular belief, you don't need to go to a T20 or a T14 or a T6 school to land a job. Take, for example, the Denver area job market - it's dominated by CU, which is well into the latter half of tier 1 schools. Same things in Seattle - UW and SU dominate the market, UW being ranked similarly to CU, and SU being midway through tier 2 (I think they are like #75, but are also #1 for legal writing... case in point - who really believes the "rankings" ?)... My experience? Without being too specific, I had a 3.9 GPA and an LSAT in the low 160's. Got into some great schools, transferred from a public to private school (which is WAY better IMHO). My law school GPA isn't great, but not bad either, and I have a steady job as a law clerk. I'm not really that worried about finding a job after graduation... by now I'm familiar with the work of the major firms in the area and talking intelligibly in an interview about the areas of law I'm interested in is not a problem at all... TL;DR - Know your stuff, work during your summers, and make sure you do good (and clear ) work.
It's not as bad as the hype says it is. Remember that the stories you hear only come from the people that care to tell them, and the people who did sink $150k into school and now don't have a job usually care about telling their story (and telling it loudly). The people who don't have a problem finding jobs don't take to the internet and post about it. Also contrary to popular belief, you don't need to go to a T20 or a T14 or a T6 school to land a job. Take, for example, the Denver area job market - it's dominated by CU, which is well into the latter half of tier 1 schools. Same things in Seattle - UW and SU dominate the market, UW being ranked similarly to CU, and SU being midway through tier 2 (I think they are like #75, but are also #1 for legal writing... case in point - who really believes the "rankings" ?)... My experience? Without being too specific, I had a 3.9 GPA and an LSAT in the low 160's. Got into some great schools, transferred from a public to private school (which is WAY better IMHO). My law school GPA isn't great, but not bad either, and I have a steady job as a law clerk. I'm not really that worried about finding a job after graduation... by now I'm familiar with the work of the major firms in the area and talking intelligibly in an interview about the areas of law I'm interested in is not a problem at all...
Know your stuff, work during your summers, and make sure you do good (and clear ) work.
In a products liability tort action involving a manufacturing defect, all the middlemen may be joined in the suit and found strictly liable (meaning they may be found liable without proof of careless or fault). The reasoning is that although they did not cause the defect, they nonetheless sold a product that was defective. Most jurisdictions impose joint and several liability, which means each of the defendants is liable for the entire amount of the damages though the plaintiff may only collect up to the amount of the injury (to clarify, if one of the defendants is insolvent or has no insurance, the other defendants bear the load so that the victim's collection is not reduced). There are two major schools of view in tort law, there is the non-instrumentalist view as nuttybuddy mentioned, that the purpose of tort law is to redistribute injury to compensate the victim because the corporations have deeper pockets and can more reasonably handle the damages. The instrumentalist view, which is more of an economical approach, is that the purpose of tort law is to discourage non-efficient behavior, making everybody better off as a whole. **TL;DR** google products liability, manufacturing defects
In a products liability tort action involving a manufacturing defect, all the middlemen may be joined in the suit and found strictly liable (meaning they may be found liable without proof of careless or fault). The reasoning is that although they did not cause the defect, they nonetheless sold a product that was defective. Most jurisdictions impose joint and several liability, which means each of the defendants is liable for the entire amount of the damages though the plaintiff may only collect up to the amount of the injury (to clarify, if one of the defendants is insolvent or has no insurance, the other defendants bear the load so that the victim's collection is not reduced). There are two major schools of view in tort law, there is the non-instrumentalist view as nuttybuddy mentioned, that the purpose of tort law is to redistribute injury to compensate the victim because the corporations have deeper pockets and can more reasonably handle the damages. The instrumentalist view, which is more of an economical approach, is that the purpose of tort law is to discourage non-efficient behavior, making everybody better off as a whole. TL;DR google products liability, manufacturing defects
In a products liability tort action involving a manufacturing defect, all the middlemen may be joined in the suit and found strictly liable (meaning they may be found liable without proof of careless or fault). The reasoning is that although they did not cause the defect, they nonetheless sold a product that was defective. Most jurisdictions impose joint and several liability, which means each of the defendants is liable for the entire amount of the damages though the plaintiff may only collect up to the amount of the injury (to clarify, if one of the defendants is insolvent or has no insurance, the other defendants bear the load so that the victim's collection is not reduced). There are two major schools of view in tort law, there is the non-instrumentalist view as nuttybuddy mentioned, that the purpose of tort law is to redistribute injury to compensate the victim because the corporations have deeper pockets and can more reasonably handle the damages. The instrumentalist view, which is more of an economical approach, is that the purpose of tort law is to discourage non-efficient behavior, making everybody better off as a whole.
google products liability, manufacturing defects
That does not mean it is not ambiguous. I could mean the father was little. For example: My father nearly killed my brother when he was little. He was always asking his school soccer mates to kick him in the nuts, and my brother seems to have brain damage now. You can use this sentence to see how the other is ambiguous: >My father nearly killed my mother when he was little. Here, we understand that the father is the he and not the mother although it is a poorly constructed sentence. It seems to me that you might be missing that one of the foundations of humour is intentional misunderstanding, even when it means stretching the rules. >My mother nearly killed my brother when he was little. If given this sentence, a comedian can still take advantage of the pronoun and use it to call the mother a "he". This is the nature of humour. If I had tried to pull a grammar nazi on the post, your evaluation would be correct; however, you've missed the most important aspect of my post: I was not saying that the poster was wrong, merely twisting words for the amusement of my reddit brethren and myself. It is very possible for the mark to be correct and the comedian to be incorrect while the outcome contributing to the merriment of all—except one stickler. *Edit:* >Whether you meant to say the father or the brother was little, you put it after "brother" so that's what you're modifying. That's assuming that they meant it that way. It perfectly acceptable to assume that they made a mistake. *Edit 2:* TLDR Was the original sentence correct? * Yes. Did the English language leave room for ambiguity? * Yes. Was it a joke? * Yes. Was it funny? * No.
That does not mean it is not ambiguous. I could mean the father was little. For example: My father nearly killed my brother when he was little. He was always asking his school soccer mates to kick him in the nuts, and my brother seems to have brain damage now. You can use this sentence to see how the other is ambiguous: >My father nearly killed my mother when he was little. Here, we understand that the father is the he and not the mother although it is a poorly constructed sentence. It seems to me that you might be missing that one of the foundations of humour is intentional misunderstanding, even when it means stretching the rules. >My mother nearly killed my brother when he was little. If given this sentence, a comedian can still take advantage of the pronoun and use it to call the mother a "he". This is the nature of humour. If I had tried to pull a grammar nazi on the post, your evaluation would be correct; however, you've missed the most important aspect of my post: I was not saying that the poster was wrong, merely twisting words for the amusement of my reddit brethren and myself. It is very possible for the mark to be correct and the comedian to be incorrect while the outcome contributing to the merriment of all—except one stickler. Edit: >Whether you meant to say the father or the brother was little, you put it after "brother" so that's what you're modifying. That's assuming that they meant it that way. It perfectly acceptable to assume that they made a mistake. Edit 2: TLDR Was the original sentence correct? Yes. Did the English language leave room for ambiguity? Yes. Was it a joke? Yes. Was it funny? No.
That does not mean it is not ambiguous. I could mean the father was little. For example: My father nearly killed my brother when he was little. He was always asking his school soccer mates to kick him in the nuts, and my brother seems to have brain damage now. You can use this sentence to see how the other is ambiguous: >My father nearly killed my mother when he was little. Here, we understand that the father is the he and not the mother although it is a poorly constructed sentence. It seems to me that you might be missing that one of the foundations of humour is intentional misunderstanding, even when it means stretching the rules. >My mother nearly killed my brother when he was little. If given this sentence, a comedian can still take advantage of the pronoun and use it to call the mother a "he". This is the nature of humour. If I had tried to pull a grammar nazi on the post, your evaluation would be correct; however, you've missed the most important aspect of my post: I was not saying that the poster was wrong, merely twisting words for the amusement of my reddit brethren and myself. It is very possible for the mark to be correct and the comedian to be incorrect while the outcome contributing to the merriment of all—except one stickler. Edit: >Whether you meant to say the father or the brother was little, you put it after "brother" so that's what you're modifying. That's assuming that they meant it that way. It perfectly acceptable to assume that they made a mistake. Edit 2:
Was the original sentence correct? Yes. Did the English language leave room for ambiguity? Yes. Was it a joke? Yes. Was it funny? No.
Research!!! Getting an **enthusiastic** research professor is the key to everything, I think. He started me on this project the semester before I had even started QM A, and basically taught me all the physics I needed to know himself (QM and Mech II and Numerical Analysis were a breeze afterwords!). I have a working knowledge of some aspects of QFT and Many-Body soley through him, and I now see why research is so important-- you learn more than you can imagine while working on an interesting problem of your own *with* your professor. I'm having a blast! TL;DR: RESEARCH! Also: if you want to do theory, you may have some luck in the applied math dept of your school. My school is heavily experimental, which i have zero interest in. I work for an applied mathematician who has a M.A. in physics (yes, he went to grad school twice to avoid being an experimentalist haha)
Research!!! Getting an enthusiastic research professor is the key to everything, I think. He started me on this project the semester before I had even started QM A, and basically taught me all the physics I needed to know himself (QM and Mech II and Numerical Analysis were a breeze afterwords!). I have a working knowledge of some aspects of QFT and Many-Body soley through him, and I now see why research is so important-- you learn more than you can imagine while working on an interesting problem of your own with your professor. I'm having a blast! TL;DR: RESEARCH! Also: if you want to do theory, you may have some luck in the applied math dept of your school. My school is heavily experimental, which i have zero interest in. I work for an applied mathematician who has a M.A. in physics (yes, he went to grad school twice to avoid being an experimentalist haha)
Research!!! Getting an enthusiastic research professor is the key to everything, I think. He started me on this project the semester before I had even started QM A, and basically taught me all the physics I needed to know himself (QM and Mech II and Numerical Analysis were a breeze afterwords!). I have a working knowledge of some aspects of QFT and Many-Body soley through him, and I now see why research is so important-- you learn more than you can imagine while working on an interesting problem of your own with your professor. I'm having a blast!
RESEARCH! Also: if you want to do theory, you may have some luck in the applied math dept of your school. My school is heavily experimental, which i have zero interest in. I work for an applied mathematician who has a M.A. in physics (yes, he went to grad school twice to avoid being an experimentalist haha)
I have been having a similar glitch in iTunes where it tells me 8 out of the 32 GB on my phone is free and I tried to update an app on my phone and I get a "no free space" error. The phone only saw 300 MB free. I restarted both computer and phone and the 8 GB was free on both ends. TL;DR iTunes can glitch.
I have been having a similar glitch in iTunes where it tells me 8 out of the 32 GB on my phone is free and I tried to update an app on my phone and I get a "no free space" error. The phone only saw 300 MB free. I restarted both computer and phone and the 8 GB was free on both ends. TL;DR iTunes can glitch.
I have been having a similar glitch in iTunes where it tells me 8 out of the 32 GB on my phone is free and I tried to update an app on my phone and I get a "no free space" error. The phone only saw 300 MB free. I restarted both computer and phone and the 8 GB was free on both ends.
iTunes can glitch.
No, you're that special person that views all people who own guns as potential murderers. Do you view every one who owns a knife as a potential murder too? Check your kitchen before you answer... How about people with cars? They could kill someone driving to work! That person with cleaning supplies in their cupboard could poison the fresh water supply! When do we stop regulating for the worst case scenario? This says more about you than anyone else; you don't trust your self enough to allow anyone else to have a firearm. Tl:DR Nerf the world; Crateguy can't control themselves.
No, you're that special person that views all people who own guns as potential murderers. Do you view every one who owns a knife as a potential murder too? Check your kitchen before you answer... How about people with cars? They could kill someone driving to work! That person with cleaning supplies in their cupboard could poison the fresh water supply! When do we stop regulating for the worst case scenario? This says more about you than anyone else; you don't trust your self enough to allow anyone else to have a firearm. Tl:DR Nerf the world; Crateguy can't control themselves.
No, you're that special person that views all people who own guns as potential murderers. Do you view every one who owns a knife as a potential murder too? Check your kitchen before you answer... How about people with cars? They could kill someone driving to work! That person with cleaning supplies in their cupboard could poison the fresh water supply! When do we stop regulating for the worst case scenario? This says more about you than anyone else; you don't trust your self enough to allow anyone else to have a firearm.
Nerf the world; Crateguy can't control themselves.
Pretty weak argument. I'll grant you there are two baseball teams, but the Cubs are way more popular than the Sox. I understand Chicago demographics...North side Cubs fans are the douchebag rich white people while the south side is lower class, more minorities and Sox fans. I'm generalizing here. The suburbs, the rest of Illinois and Iowa are Cubs fans for the most part. So it's safe to say that the MAJORITY of Bears fans are Cubs fans as well. Or at least, the Cubs are the most popular team among Bears fans. And yes, generally speaking, people from a city are fans of every team of that city. A transplant to Chicago will still cheer for his hometown team. A FIB who moves elsewhere will continue to cheer for the Chicago team. So saying someone will adopt the Cubs but not the Bears is pretty silly. Maybe as a fairweather Cubs fans...well, that doesn't make sense...maybe as a douchebag who goes to games because it's the thing to do, but not a TRUE Cubs fan. TL;DR: FIBs cheer for the Bears and Cubs. Yes, there are exceptions, but there is a high enough correlation among the two fan bases to accurately say "they have pretty much the same fan base"
Pretty weak argument. I'll grant you there are two baseball teams, but the Cubs are way more popular than the Sox. I understand Chicago demographics...North side Cubs fans are the douchebag rich white people while the south side is lower class, more minorities and Sox fans. I'm generalizing here. The suburbs, the rest of Illinois and Iowa are Cubs fans for the most part. So it's safe to say that the MAJORITY of Bears fans are Cubs fans as well. Or at least, the Cubs are the most popular team among Bears fans. And yes, generally speaking, people from a city are fans of every team of that city. A transplant to Chicago will still cheer for his hometown team. A FIB who moves elsewhere will continue to cheer for the Chicago team. So saying someone will adopt the Cubs but not the Bears is pretty silly. Maybe as a fairweather Cubs fans...well, that doesn't make sense...maybe as a douchebag who goes to games because it's the thing to do, but not a TRUE Cubs fan. TL;DR: FIBs cheer for the Bears and Cubs. Yes, there are exceptions, but there is a high enough correlation among the two fan bases to accurately say "they have pretty much the same fan base"
Pretty weak argument. I'll grant you there are two baseball teams, but the Cubs are way more popular than the Sox. I understand Chicago demographics...North side Cubs fans are the douchebag rich white people while the south side is lower class, more minorities and Sox fans. I'm generalizing here. The suburbs, the rest of Illinois and Iowa are Cubs fans for the most part. So it's safe to say that the MAJORITY of Bears fans are Cubs fans as well. Or at least, the Cubs are the most popular team among Bears fans. And yes, generally speaking, people from a city are fans of every team of that city. A transplant to Chicago will still cheer for his hometown team. A FIB who moves elsewhere will continue to cheer for the Chicago team. So saying someone will adopt the Cubs but not the Bears is pretty silly. Maybe as a fairweather Cubs fans...well, that doesn't make sense...maybe as a douchebag who goes to games because it's the thing to do, but not a TRUE Cubs fan.
FIBs cheer for the Bears and Cubs. Yes, there are exceptions, but there is a high enough correlation among the two fan bases to accurately say "they have pretty much the same fan base"
Baseball is different from any other sport, very different. For instance, in most sports you score points or goals; in baseball you score runs. In most sports the ball, or object, is put in play by the offensive team; in baseball the defensive team puts the ball in play, and only the defense is allowed to touch the ball. In fact, in baseball if an offensive player touches the ball intentionally, he's out; sometimes unintentionally, he's out. Also: in football,basketball, soccer, volleyball, and all sports played with a ball, you score with the ball and in baseball the ball prevents you from scoring. In most sports the team is run by a coach; in baseball the team is run by a manager. And only in baseball does the manager or coach wear the same clothing the players do. If you'd ever seen John Madden in his Oakland Raiders uniform,you'd know the reason for this custom. Now, I've mentioned football. Baseball & football are the two most popular spectator sports in this country. And as such, it seems they ought to be able to tell us something about ourselves and our values. I enjoy comparing baseball and football: Baseball is a nineteenth-century pastoral game. Football is a twentieth-century technological struggle. Baseball is played on a diamond, in a park.The baseball park! Football is played on a gridiron, in a stadium, sometimes called Soldier Field or War Memorial Stadium. Baseball begins in the spring, the season of new life. Football begins in the fall, when everything's dying. In football you wear a helmet. In baseball you wear a cap. Football is concerned with downs - what down is it? Baseball is concerned with ups - who's up? In football you receive a penalty. In baseball you make an error. In football the specialist comes in to kick. In baseball the specialist comes in to relieve somebody. Football has hitting, clipping, spearing, piling on, personal fouls, late hitting and unnecessary roughness. Baseball has the sacrifice. Football is played in any kind of weather: rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog... In baseball, if it rains, we don't go out to play. Baseball has the seventh inning stretch. Football has the two minute warning. Baseball has no time limit: we don't know when it's gonna end - might have extra innings. Football is rigidly timed, and it will end even if we've got to go to sudden death. In baseball, during the game, in the stands, there's kind of a picnic feeling; emotions may run high or low, but there's not too much unpleasantness. In football, during the game in the stands, you can be sure that at least twenty-seven times you're capable of taking the life of a fellow human being. And finally, the objectives of the two games are completely different: In football the object is for the quarterback, also known as the field general, to be on target with his aerial assault, riddling the defense by hitting his receivers with deadly accuracy in spite of the blitz, even if he has to use shotgun. With short bullet passes and long bombs, he marches his troops into enemy territory, balancing this aerial assault with a sustained ground attack that punches holes in the forward wall of the enemy's defensive line. In baseball the object is to go home! And to be safe! - I hope I'll be safe at home! **TL;DR:** You're comparing apples to oranges, speaking of something you know little about and are making a jackass of yourself. Generalizing anything makes you look like a retard. That extra chromosome must run in your family...
Baseball is different from any other sport, very different. For instance, in most sports you score points or goals; in baseball you score runs. In most sports the ball, or object, is put in play by the offensive team; in baseball the defensive team puts the ball in play, and only the defense is allowed to touch the ball. In fact, in baseball if an offensive player touches the ball intentionally, he's out; sometimes unintentionally, he's out. Also: in football,basketball, soccer, volleyball, and all sports played with a ball, you score with the ball and in baseball the ball prevents you from scoring. In most sports the team is run by a coach; in baseball the team is run by a manager. And only in baseball does the manager or coach wear the same clothing the players do. If you'd ever seen John Madden in his Oakland Raiders uniform,you'd know the reason for this custom. Now, I've mentioned football. Baseball & football are the two most popular spectator sports in this country. And as such, it seems they ought to be able to tell us something about ourselves and our values. I enjoy comparing baseball and football: Baseball is a nineteenth-century pastoral game. Football is a twentieth-century technological struggle. Baseball is played on a diamond, in a park.The baseball park! Football is played on a gridiron, in a stadium, sometimes called Soldier Field or War Memorial Stadium. Baseball begins in the spring, the season of new life. Football begins in the fall, when everything's dying. In football you wear a helmet. In baseball you wear a cap. Football is concerned with downs - what down is it? Baseball is concerned with ups - who's up? In football you receive a penalty. In baseball you make an error. In football the specialist comes in to kick. In baseball the specialist comes in to relieve somebody. Football has hitting, clipping, spearing, piling on, personal fouls, late hitting and unnecessary roughness. Baseball has the sacrifice. Football is played in any kind of weather: rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog... In baseball, if it rains, we don't go out to play. Baseball has the seventh inning stretch. Football has the two minute warning. Baseball has no time limit: we don't know when it's gonna end - might have extra innings. Football is rigidly timed, and it will end even if we've got to go to sudden death. In baseball, during the game, in the stands, there's kind of a picnic feeling; emotions may run high or low, but there's not too much unpleasantness. In football, during the game in the stands, you can be sure that at least twenty-seven times you're capable of taking the life of a fellow human being. And finally, the objectives of the two games are completely different: In football the object is for the quarterback, also known as the field general, to be on target with his aerial assault, riddling the defense by hitting his receivers with deadly accuracy in spite of the blitz, even if he has to use shotgun. With short bullet passes and long bombs, he marches his troops into enemy territory, balancing this aerial assault with a sustained ground attack that punches holes in the forward wall of the enemy's defensive line. In baseball the object is to go home! And to be safe! - I hope I'll be safe at home! TL;DR: You're comparing apples to oranges, speaking of something you know little about and are making a jackass of yourself. Generalizing anything makes you look like a retard. That extra chromosome must run in your family...
Baseball is different from any other sport, very different. For instance, in most sports you score points or goals; in baseball you score runs. In most sports the ball, or object, is put in play by the offensive team; in baseball the defensive team puts the ball in play, and only the defense is allowed to touch the ball. In fact, in baseball if an offensive player touches the ball intentionally, he's out; sometimes unintentionally, he's out. Also: in football,basketball, soccer, volleyball, and all sports played with a ball, you score with the ball and in baseball the ball prevents you from scoring. In most sports the team is run by a coach; in baseball the team is run by a manager. And only in baseball does the manager or coach wear the same clothing the players do. If you'd ever seen John Madden in his Oakland Raiders uniform,you'd know the reason for this custom. Now, I've mentioned football. Baseball & football are the two most popular spectator sports in this country. And as such, it seems they ought to be able to tell us something about ourselves and our values. I enjoy comparing baseball and football: Baseball is a nineteenth-century pastoral game. Football is a twentieth-century technological struggle. Baseball is played on a diamond, in a park.The baseball park! Football is played on a gridiron, in a stadium, sometimes called Soldier Field or War Memorial Stadium. Baseball begins in the spring, the season of new life. Football begins in the fall, when everything's dying. In football you wear a helmet. In baseball you wear a cap. Football is concerned with downs - what down is it? Baseball is concerned with ups - who's up? In football you receive a penalty. In baseball you make an error. In football the specialist comes in to kick. In baseball the specialist comes in to relieve somebody. Football has hitting, clipping, spearing, piling on, personal fouls, late hitting and unnecessary roughness. Baseball has the sacrifice. Football is played in any kind of weather: rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog... In baseball, if it rains, we don't go out to play. Baseball has the seventh inning stretch. Football has the two minute warning. Baseball has no time limit: we don't know when it's gonna end - might have extra innings. Football is rigidly timed, and it will end even if we've got to go to sudden death. In baseball, during the game, in the stands, there's kind of a picnic feeling; emotions may run high or low, but there's not too much unpleasantness. In football, during the game in the stands, you can be sure that at least twenty-seven times you're capable of taking the life of a fellow human being. And finally, the objectives of the two games are completely different: In football the object is for the quarterback, also known as the field general, to be on target with his aerial assault, riddling the defense by hitting his receivers with deadly accuracy in spite of the blitz, even if he has to use shotgun. With short bullet passes and long bombs, he marches his troops into enemy territory, balancing this aerial assault with a sustained ground attack that punches holes in the forward wall of the enemy's defensive line. In baseball the object is to go home! And to be safe! - I hope I'll be safe at home!
You're comparing apples to oranges, speaking of something you know little about and are making a jackass of yourself. Generalizing anything makes you look like a retard. That extra chromosome must run in your family...
Edit: Because of how popular this is getting I wanted to make a couple of points clear. First, I am not nor will I ever claim to be a hacker or even a script kiddie. I'm just a first year computer science student and these are the best examples I could come up with on short notice.None of it is real. Second, Yes I know a lot of this is outdated. It was written to be an example of how hacking works, not a technical manual. Third, I know that hacking doesn't explicitly, or even implicitly, mean breaking into a system. A hacker is more like someone who isn't satisfied until he learns exactly how a certain technology or system works and is constantly trying to learn more. Finally thanks for the Karma and I hope reddit enjoys my explanation. Edit: Where I learned the little I know - [Exam cram] ( - That is a very complicated question but, I'll see if I can hit some of the basics for you. First you need to know what hacking is - Hacking is using or accessing a technology in a way that is contrary to the intentions of, or permissions given by, the owner, operator, or creator of said technology. So in layman's terms, Hacking is using flaws in technology to gain access to, or change, information on a computer system.What are these "flaws"? Well, that is when it starts to get complicated. Just know that these flaws can usually be narrowed down to three categories: human, hardware, and software. I'll try to give a decent example of each. Human: One of the easiest things to protect yourself from, and one of the most common techniques, is tricking people into giving you access to their systems. This can easily be done on people who have a limited understanding of computer security or people who don't practice proper security measures. This kind of hacking is commonly referred to as "social engineering". It is also the kind most often used by famous computer hacker and security expert Kevin Mitnick. If you want to know more about the life of a hacker then google him and read his books. Now an example, Let's say I work for company XYZ and my manager is Mr Man. Well, Mr Man is a douche and I am planning on quitting soon but, before I leave I want to get some revenge on him by hacking his account. So here is what I do. I wait till Mr Man leaves for lunch then sneak into his office and get on his computer. I could access his account from my computer but the tech department would be able to see where I logged in from and realize that it wasn't logged in from his office computer. They would soon know something is wrong, and I don't want to get caught. So, there I am at his computer when suddenly my luck runs out, Mr Man had logged out and I don't know his password to get back in! That's when I remember, the new IT guy started today and they always make the new guys deal with simple or common problems at first. Since this is a new guy I am confident that he won't know best security practices and, I'm certain I can trick him into getting me logged in. So I call the company tech department and say that I forgot my password and can't login. I'm in luck, they hand the phone to some guy and he sounds very nervous. This has to be him, I'm sure of it. So, I tell him that I'm Mr Man and that I seem to have forgotten my password. He is about to ask me what I assume would be a security question when I yell "Shit, It's almost 3:00. Listen man, I have a very important client that will be here in a matter of minutes and I NEED to get back on my computer. I don't have time for the normal speel. Just get me a new password and let me get back to work or I swear you will lose your job faster than I can say 'you're fired', you understand me?" Now a normal worker wouldn't fall for this but this guy was new and got scared. He fell for my act completely. Now with the new password in hand, I login to his account and get to work. Let's see... deleting all his documents? Sounds like fun! Download gay porn? Why not! After, a few minutes of this I leave and get back to my station. Now, because they don't have cameras inside they have no way to pin it on me and I quit work the next day and get away free. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 1) Normal people are ignorant of computer security, take advantage of them. Hardware: I want access to somebody's documents on their computer. If I had another computer I could use, I would simply remove the hard drive from this computer and connect it as a secondary drive on mine. I don't though, so instead I have to use my trusty flashdrive with a boot-able version of linux installed on it. However in order to use that I have to change the boot order, which is determined by the bios. I restart their computer and enter the bios setup... or try to anyways. It turns out that they have a password on their bios.Now what? Because of my knowledge of computer hardware, I know that the bios password is saved on the motherboard in the cmos, which has volatile memory. This means that if the cmos loses power, everything resets back to its default state and all passwords and other information (like time, date and boot order) are lost. So I simply open up the computer, find the lithium battery that powers the cmos and remove it. After waiting a minute to insure all the data is lost I put the battery back in and close up the computer. Turning on the computer, I try to enter the bios again. Success! It is no longer password protected. I then go into the section where you determine the boot order and change it so that the usb ports boot before the hardrive. Now I restart the computer again and wait. It worked! The linux login screen is now showing. I login to my account on the flashdrive and get to work. From the linux operating system I can access the info on the other hard drive. So, I grab all the files I want and copy them to my flash drive. I then log out, restart the computer and change the boot order back to normal. If somebody enters the bios they will know something happened when it doesn't ask for a password but, let's be honest. How often do normal people enter the bios on their computers? Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 2) Software security is useless without hardware security. Lock that shit up! Software: Software is much more complicated to explain. If you want know more about this start googling "sql injection", "Javascript Injection", "DDOS", "bruteforce hacking", "URL Manipulation" and any other term you come across while doing so. Just realize, these concepts maybe be hard to understand if you don't have a basic understanding of programming or how the internet works. I'll try to give a brief example though. I was playing an MMO the other day and was just about to finish defeating a boss character when some asshole came by and stole my kill. Now, were it a normal monster I would just shrug it off and move on but, I had been trying to defeat this monster forever and was just about to win. I was pissed! So before the guy leaves, I pretend to thank him because "I was about to die". I then friend him so I can keep track of when he is online and remember his username. Later that day I get back on the game and check to see if he is on. He's not! I logout of my character and type his username in to the login screen. Using some online bruteforce hacking tools and a little coding of my own I put together a program that continuously tries to login to his account changing the password every time it fails. This program will cycle through all the upper case and lower case letters and all numbers, hitting every combination possible until it succeeds. With people who have long passwords or passwords with special characters this could take a long time, maybe even years. However most people don't use complicated passwords, especially on online games. If this website followed good security practices they would limit the amount of login attempts possible from a certain IP address in a certain period of time or lock an account with to many incorrect login attempts. Unfortunately the creators of this game did no such thing. I head to the kitchen to fix myself some french bread pizza and wait. In a little over an hour I hear a beeping noise, the sound I programmed it to make when it succeeded. I head back to my computer and there it is. I'm logged in to his account! First things first, I open up another tab in my browser and log in to my account on the game. I then trade all of his best items over to my character, along with all his gold and anything else that looks useful. I could have deleted his character but I decided that him seeing the character without all of the items and money he had collected would be much more entertaining. Finishing up, I log out and continue on about my day with a smile on my face. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 3) [Read this]( TL;DR- They take advantage of stupid people, bad security and their own knowledge of computers and programming. Edit: fixed a few grammatical errors
Edit: Because of how popular this is getting I wanted to make a couple of points clear. First, I am not nor will I ever claim to be a hacker or even a script kiddie. I'm just a first year computer science student and these are the best examples I could come up with on short notice.None of it is real. Second, Yes I know a lot of this is outdated. It was written to be an example of how hacking works, not a technical manual. Third, I know that hacking doesn't explicitly, or even implicitly, mean breaking into a system. A hacker is more like someone who isn't satisfied until he learns exactly how a certain technology or system works and is constantly trying to learn more. Finally thanks for the Karma and I hope reddit enjoys my explanation. Edit: Where I learned the little I know - [Exam cram] ( That is a very complicated question but, I'll see if I can hit some of the basics for you. First you need to know what hacking is Hacking is using or accessing a technology in a way that is contrary to the intentions of, or permissions given by, the owner, operator, or creator of said technology. So in layman's terms, Hacking is using flaws in technology to gain access to, or change, information on a computer system.What are these "flaws"? Well, that is when it starts to get complicated. Just know that these flaws can usually be narrowed down to three categories: human, hardware, and software. I'll try to give a decent example of each. Human: One of the easiest things to protect yourself from, and one of the most common techniques, is tricking people into giving you access to their systems. This can easily be done on people who have a limited understanding of computer security or people who don't practice proper security measures. This kind of hacking is commonly referred to as "social engineering". It is also the kind most often used by famous computer hacker and security expert Kevin Mitnick. If you want to know more about the life of a hacker then google him and read his books. Now an example, Let's say I work for company XYZ and my manager is Mr Man. Well, Mr Man is a douche and I am planning on quitting soon but, before I leave I want to get some revenge on him by hacking his account. So here is what I do. I wait till Mr Man leaves for lunch then sneak into his office and get on his computer. I could access his account from my computer but the tech department would be able to see where I logged in from and realize that it wasn't logged in from his office computer. They would soon know something is wrong, and I don't want to get caught. So, there I am at his computer when suddenly my luck runs out, Mr Man had logged out and I don't know his password to get back in! That's when I remember, the new IT guy started today and they always make the new guys deal with simple or common problems at first. Since this is a new guy I am confident that he won't know best security practices and, I'm certain I can trick him into getting me logged in. So I call the company tech department and say that I forgot my password and can't login. I'm in luck, they hand the phone to some guy and he sounds very nervous. This has to be him, I'm sure of it. So, I tell him that I'm Mr Man and that I seem to have forgotten my password. He is about to ask me what I assume would be a security question when I yell "Shit, It's almost 3:00. Listen man, I have a very important client that will be here in a matter of minutes and I NEED to get back on my computer. I don't have time for the normal speel. Just get me a new password and let me get back to work or I swear you will lose your job faster than I can say 'you're fired', you understand me?" Now a normal worker wouldn't fall for this but this guy was new and got scared. He fell for my act completely. Now with the new password in hand, I login to his account and get to work. Let's see... deleting all his documents? Sounds like fun! Download gay porn? Why not! After, a few minutes of this I leave and get back to my station. Now, because they don't have cameras inside they have no way to pin it on me and I quit work the next day and get away free. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 1) Normal people are ignorant of computer security, take advantage of them. Hardware: I want access to somebody's documents on their computer. If I had another computer I could use, I would simply remove the hard drive from this computer and connect it as a secondary drive on mine. I don't though, so instead I have to use my trusty flashdrive with a boot-able version of linux installed on it. However in order to use that I have to change the boot order, which is determined by the bios. I restart their computer and enter the bios setup... or try to anyways. It turns out that they have a password on their bios.Now what? Because of my knowledge of computer hardware, I know that the bios password is saved on the motherboard in the cmos, which has volatile memory. This means that if the cmos loses power, everything resets back to its default state and all passwords and other information (like time, date and boot order) are lost. So I simply open up the computer, find the lithium battery that powers the cmos and remove it. After waiting a minute to insure all the data is lost I put the battery back in and close up the computer. Turning on the computer, I try to enter the bios again. Success! It is no longer password protected. I then go into the section where you determine the boot order and change it so that the usb ports boot before the hardrive. Now I restart the computer again and wait. It worked! The linux login screen is now showing. I login to my account on the flashdrive and get to work. From the linux operating system I can access the info on the other hard drive. So, I grab all the files I want and copy them to my flash drive. I then log out, restart the computer and change the boot order back to normal. If somebody enters the bios they will know something happened when it doesn't ask for a password but, let's be honest. How often do normal people enter the bios on their computers? Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 2) Software security is useless without hardware security. Lock that shit up! Software: Software is much more complicated to explain. If you want know more about this start googling "sql injection", "Javascript Injection", "DDOS", "bruteforce hacking", "URL Manipulation" and any other term you come across while doing so. Just realize, these concepts maybe be hard to understand if you don't have a basic understanding of programming or how the internet works. I'll try to give a brief example though. I was playing an MMO the other day and was just about to finish defeating a boss character when some asshole came by and stole my kill. Now, were it a normal monster I would just shrug it off and move on but, I had been trying to defeat this monster forever and was just about to win. I was pissed! So before the guy leaves, I pretend to thank him because "I was about to die". I then friend him so I can keep track of when he is online and remember his username. Later that day I get back on the game and check to see if he is on. He's not! I logout of my character and type his username in to the login screen. Using some online bruteforce hacking tools and a little coding of my own I put together a program that continuously tries to login to his account changing the password every time it fails. This program will cycle through all the upper case and lower case letters and all numbers, hitting every combination possible until it succeeds. With people who have long passwords or passwords with special characters this could take a long time, maybe even years. However most people don't use complicated passwords, especially on online games. If this website followed good security practices they would limit the amount of login attempts possible from a certain IP address in a certain period of time or lock an account with to many incorrect login attempts. Unfortunately the creators of this game did no such thing. I head to the kitchen to fix myself some french bread pizza and wait. In a little over an hour I hear a beeping noise, the sound I programmed it to make when it succeeded. I head back to my computer and there it is. I'm logged in to his account! First things first, I open up another tab in my browser and log in to my account on the game. I then trade all of his best items over to my character, along with all his gold and anything else that looks useful. I could have deleted his character but I decided that him seeing the character without all of the items and money he had collected would be much more entertaining. Finishing up, I log out and continue on about my day with a smile on my face. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 3) [Read this]( TL;DR- They take advantage of stupid people, bad security and their own knowledge of computers and programming. Edit: fixed a few grammatical errors
Edit: Because of how popular this is getting I wanted to make a couple of points clear. First, I am not nor will I ever claim to be a hacker or even a script kiddie. I'm just a first year computer science student and these are the best examples I could come up with on short notice.None of it is real. Second, Yes I know a lot of this is outdated. It was written to be an example of how hacking works, not a technical manual. Third, I know that hacking doesn't explicitly, or even implicitly, mean breaking into a system. A hacker is more like someone who isn't satisfied until he learns exactly how a certain technology or system works and is constantly trying to learn more. Finally thanks for the Karma and I hope reddit enjoys my explanation. Edit: Where I learned the little I know - [Exam cram] ( That is a very complicated question but, I'll see if I can hit some of the basics for you. First you need to know what hacking is Hacking is using or accessing a technology in a way that is contrary to the intentions of, or permissions given by, the owner, operator, or creator of said technology. So in layman's terms, Hacking is using flaws in technology to gain access to, or change, information on a computer system.What are these "flaws"? Well, that is when it starts to get complicated. Just know that these flaws can usually be narrowed down to three categories: human, hardware, and software. I'll try to give a decent example of each. Human: One of the easiest things to protect yourself from, and one of the most common techniques, is tricking people into giving you access to their systems. This can easily be done on people who have a limited understanding of computer security or people who don't practice proper security measures. This kind of hacking is commonly referred to as "social engineering". It is also the kind most often used by famous computer hacker and security expert Kevin Mitnick. If you want to know more about the life of a hacker then google him and read his books. Now an example, Let's say I work for company XYZ and my manager is Mr Man. Well, Mr Man is a douche and I am planning on quitting soon but, before I leave I want to get some revenge on him by hacking his account. So here is what I do. I wait till Mr Man leaves for lunch then sneak into his office and get on his computer. I could access his account from my computer but the tech department would be able to see where I logged in from and realize that it wasn't logged in from his office computer. They would soon know something is wrong, and I don't want to get caught. So, there I am at his computer when suddenly my luck runs out, Mr Man had logged out and I don't know his password to get back in! That's when I remember, the new IT guy started today and they always make the new guys deal with simple or common problems at first. Since this is a new guy I am confident that he won't know best security practices and, I'm certain I can trick him into getting me logged in. So I call the company tech department and say that I forgot my password and can't login. I'm in luck, they hand the phone to some guy and he sounds very nervous. This has to be him, I'm sure of it. So, I tell him that I'm Mr Man and that I seem to have forgotten my password. He is about to ask me what I assume would be a security question when I yell "Shit, It's almost 3:00. Listen man, I have a very important client that will be here in a matter of minutes and I NEED to get back on my computer. I don't have time for the normal speel. Just get me a new password and let me get back to work or I swear you will lose your job faster than I can say 'you're fired', you understand me?" Now a normal worker wouldn't fall for this but this guy was new and got scared. He fell for my act completely. Now with the new password in hand, I login to his account and get to work. Let's see... deleting all his documents? Sounds like fun! Download gay porn? Why not! After, a few minutes of this I leave and get back to my station. Now, because they don't have cameras inside they have no way to pin it on me and I quit work the next day and get away free. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 1) Normal people are ignorant of computer security, take advantage of them. Hardware: I want access to somebody's documents on their computer. If I had another computer I could use, I would simply remove the hard drive from this computer and connect it as a secondary drive on mine. I don't though, so instead I have to use my trusty flashdrive with a boot-able version of linux installed on it. However in order to use that I have to change the boot order, which is determined by the bios. I restart their computer and enter the bios setup... or try to anyways. It turns out that they have a password on their bios.Now what? Because of my knowledge of computer hardware, I know that the bios password is saved on the motherboard in the cmos, which has volatile memory. This means that if the cmos loses power, everything resets back to its default state and all passwords and other information (like time, date and boot order) are lost. So I simply open up the computer, find the lithium battery that powers the cmos and remove it. After waiting a minute to insure all the data is lost I put the battery back in and close up the computer. Turning on the computer, I try to enter the bios again. Success! It is no longer password protected. I then go into the section where you determine the boot order and change it so that the usb ports boot before the hardrive. Now I restart the computer again and wait. It worked! The linux login screen is now showing. I login to my account on the flashdrive and get to work. From the linux operating system I can access the info on the other hard drive. So, I grab all the files I want and copy them to my flash drive. I then log out, restart the computer and change the boot order back to normal. If somebody enters the bios they will know something happened when it doesn't ask for a password but, let's be honest. How often do normal people enter the bios on their computers? Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 2) Software security is useless without hardware security. Lock that shit up! Software: Software is much more complicated to explain. If you want know more about this start googling "sql injection", "Javascript Injection", "DDOS", "bruteforce hacking", "URL Manipulation" and any other term you come across while doing so. Just realize, these concepts maybe be hard to understand if you don't have a basic understanding of programming or how the internet works. I'll try to give a brief example though. I was playing an MMO the other day and was just about to finish defeating a boss character when some asshole came by and stole my kill. Now, were it a normal monster I would just shrug it off and move on but, I had been trying to defeat this monster forever and was just about to win. I was pissed! So before the guy leaves, I pretend to thank him because "I was about to die". I then friend him so I can keep track of when he is online and remember his username. Later that day I get back on the game and check to see if he is on. He's not! I logout of my character and type his username in to the login screen. Using some online bruteforce hacking tools and a little coding of my own I put together a program that continuously tries to login to his account changing the password every time it fails. This program will cycle through all the upper case and lower case letters and all numbers, hitting every combination possible until it succeeds. With people who have long passwords or passwords with special characters this could take a long time, maybe even years. However most people don't use complicated passwords, especially on online games. If this website followed good security practices they would limit the amount of login attempts possible from a certain IP address in a certain period of time or lock an account with to many incorrect login attempts. Unfortunately the creators of this game did no such thing. I head to the kitchen to fix myself some french bread pizza and wait. In a little over an hour I hear a beeping noise, the sound I programmed it to make when it succeeded. I head back to my computer and there it is. I'm logged in to his account! First things first, I open up another tab in my browser and log in to my account on the game. I then trade all of his best items over to my character, along with all his gold and anything else that looks useful. I could have deleted his character but I decided that him seeing the character without all of the items and money he had collected would be much more entertaining. Finishing up, I log out and continue on about my day with a smile on my face. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 3) [Read this](
They take advantage of stupid people, bad security and their own knowledge of computers and programming. Edit: fixed a few grammatical errors
I've been in the information security field for the past 6 years. Hackers are just 21st century con men. Computers communicate with each other, and when you have a computer you can control exactly what it communicates. Computers only know what they're programmed to know, they only react how they're programmed to react. Web pages are clients that are programmed and then delivered to and rendered through your web browser, and web sites are server applications built to respond to the data sent from the client. Your computer acts as the client, running the web page you requested, and transmits information to the web server, running the server application the web page is communicating with. Well, the programmer builds the web page, and they put forms for data in it (Like what is your username and password?), and when used appropriately, the server application should operate just fine. The problem is the client can manipulate any information going to the server that they want, and often the server never validates that the information coming through to it is legitimate. Let's say I've built a simple web site and web page that acts as a simple addition calculator for you. So my web page has two number pads, one on the left and one on the right, and a button at the bottom that says "Add!". So let's select "2" on the left, and "5" on the right, and hit the button. Now your web browser takes this information from the web page, and transmits it to the web server, and the web server runs the application adding the two numbers together, and communicates the result of "7" to you through another web page. Well, that's great... it works... but what happens when we lie to it? Lets now create our own client, and instead of having two number pads, let's create two text fields! Now instead of selecting "2" on the left, and "5" on the right, let's type in "John" on the left and "Doe" on the right. When we communicate this information to the server, what's it going to do? Our application only knows numbers, but now we've received two words! Because I didn't program the application to check for words, it's going to attempt to add them together, and [this kills the application.]( Now, this example isn't that bad. Sure, it breaks the application and it's techincally a hack, but what about a banking web application? Your online bank probably allows you to transfer money to an account, what happens if you try and transfer 100,000 when you only have $2.04? What about when you try to transfer -50,000,000,000 from Bill Gates (He won't miss it) account? If the programmer didn't make the application verify that the proposed transfer balance is between $0.01 and your balance of $2.04, it'll probably go through! Wouldn't that be something. Tl;dr: Hacking is breaking communication, lying to computers and making them behave in ways that are outside of its legitimate scope.
I've been in the information security field for the past 6 years. Hackers are just 21st century con men. Computers communicate with each other, and when you have a computer you can control exactly what it communicates. Computers only know what they're programmed to know, they only react how they're programmed to react. Web pages are clients that are programmed and then delivered to and rendered through your web browser, and web sites are server applications built to respond to the data sent from the client. Your computer acts as the client, running the web page you requested, and transmits information to the web server, running the server application the web page is communicating with. Well, the programmer builds the web page, and they put forms for data in it (Like what is your username and password?), and when used appropriately, the server application should operate just fine. The problem is the client can manipulate any information going to the server that they want, and often the server never validates that the information coming through to it is legitimate. Let's say I've built a simple web site and web page that acts as a simple addition calculator for you. So my web page has two number pads, one on the left and one on the right, and a button at the bottom that says "Add!". So let's select "2" on the left, and "5" on the right, and hit the button. Now your web browser takes this information from the web page, and transmits it to the web server, and the web server runs the application adding the two numbers together, and communicates the result of "7" to you through another web page. Well, that's great... it works... but what happens when we lie to it? Lets now create our own client, and instead of having two number pads, let's create two text fields! Now instead of selecting "2" on the left, and "5" on the right, let's type in "John" on the left and "Doe" on the right. When we communicate this information to the server, what's it going to do? Our application only knows numbers, but now we've received two words! Because I didn't program the application to check for words, it's going to attempt to add them together, and [this kills the application.]( Now, this example isn't that bad. Sure, it breaks the application and it's techincally a hack, but what about a banking web application? Your online bank probably allows you to transfer money to an account, what happens if you try and transfer 100,000 when you only have $2.04? What about when you try to transfer -50,000,000,000 from Bill Gates (He won't miss it) account? If the programmer didn't make the application verify that the proposed transfer balance is between $0.01 and your balance of $2.04, it'll probably go through! Wouldn't that be something. Tl;dr: Hacking is breaking communication, lying to computers and making them behave in ways that are outside of its legitimate scope.
I've been in the information security field for the past 6 years. Hackers are just 21st century con men. Computers communicate with each other, and when you have a computer you can control exactly what it communicates. Computers only know what they're programmed to know, they only react how they're programmed to react. Web pages are clients that are programmed and then delivered to and rendered through your web browser, and web sites are server applications built to respond to the data sent from the client. Your computer acts as the client, running the web page you requested, and transmits information to the web server, running the server application the web page is communicating with. Well, the programmer builds the web page, and they put forms for data in it (Like what is your username and password?), and when used appropriately, the server application should operate just fine. The problem is the client can manipulate any information going to the server that they want, and often the server never validates that the information coming through to it is legitimate. Let's say I've built a simple web site and web page that acts as a simple addition calculator for you. So my web page has two number pads, one on the left and one on the right, and a button at the bottom that says "Add!". So let's select "2" on the left, and "5" on the right, and hit the button. Now your web browser takes this information from the web page, and transmits it to the web server, and the web server runs the application adding the two numbers together, and communicates the result of "7" to you through another web page. Well, that's great... it works... but what happens when we lie to it? Lets now create our own client, and instead of having two number pads, let's create two text fields! Now instead of selecting "2" on the left, and "5" on the right, let's type in "John" on the left and "Doe" on the right. When we communicate this information to the server, what's it going to do? Our application only knows numbers, but now we've received two words! Because I didn't program the application to check for words, it's going to attempt to add them together, and [this kills the application.]( Now, this example isn't that bad. Sure, it breaks the application and it's techincally a hack, but what about a banking web application? Your online bank probably allows you to transfer money to an account, what happens if you try and transfer 100,000 when you only have $2.04? What about when you try to transfer -50,000,000,000 from Bill Gates (He won't miss it) account? If the programmer didn't make the application verify that the proposed transfer balance is between $0.01 and your balance of $2.04, it'll probably go through! Wouldn't that be something.
Hacking is breaking communication, lying to computers and making them behave in ways that are outside of its legitimate scope.
You can never open your mouth around here without some "expert" trying to one up you and back it with shitty credentials. I'll bite, because you're wrong. So, you're talking about resetting the BIOS to factory defaults, but not actually disabling the password. Problem with this: the SATA devices are usually still going to be first in the boot order above external USB devices. You can probably circumvent this by using a cd/dvd to boot as they are usually ahead of the SATA HDDs by default, or removing the HDD, but this isn't going to give you access to their data. In fact why don't you just remove the HDD and access it via a cradle if you're going to be ripping the internals out...? Better yet just enable administrator account and set a blank password... You make the point that less desktop PCs have proper hardware security... how many home users do you think have data worth stealing? The example was one in the workplace too. I'm going to assume the examples were not no-name brand hardware DIY machines. The OP sounds like it was written by a kid who'd been fantasizing about doing something like this not someone who'd actually attempted it. Probably explains why they deleted, so many holes in the argument put forward... TL;DR BIOS Passwords are not reset, that was my argument. Using a UFD to boot won't work in this scenario either, and the post never talked about having a bootable cd/dvd. Source: more years with hardware than you obviously...
You can never open your mouth around here without some "expert" trying to one up you and back it with shitty credentials. I'll bite, because you're wrong. So, you're talking about resetting the BIOS to factory defaults, but not actually disabling the password. Problem with this: the SATA devices are usually still going to be first in the boot order above external USB devices. You can probably circumvent this by using a cd/dvd to boot as they are usually ahead of the SATA HDDs by default, or removing the HDD, but this isn't going to give you access to their data. In fact why don't you just remove the HDD and access it via a cradle if you're going to be ripping the internals out...? Better yet just enable administrator account and set a blank password... You make the point that less desktop PCs have proper hardware security... how many home users do you think have data worth stealing? The example was one in the workplace too. I'm going to assume the examples were not no-name brand hardware DIY machines. The OP sounds like it was written by a kid who'd been fantasizing about doing something like this not someone who'd actually attempted it. Probably explains why they deleted, so many holes in the argument put forward... TL;DR BIOS Passwords are not reset, that was my argument. Using a UFD to boot won't work in this scenario either, and the post never talked about having a bootable cd/dvd. Source: more years with hardware than you obviously...
You can never open your mouth around here without some "expert" trying to one up you and back it with shitty credentials. I'll bite, because you're wrong. So, you're talking about resetting the BIOS to factory defaults, but not actually disabling the password. Problem with this: the SATA devices are usually still going to be first in the boot order above external USB devices. You can probably circumvent this by using a cd/dvd to boot as they are usually ahead of the SATA HDDs by default, or removing the HDD, but this isn't going to give you access to their data. In fact why don't you just remove the HDD and access it via a cradle if you're going to be ripping the internals out...? Better yet just enable administrator account and set a blank password... You make the point that less desktop PCs have proper hardware security... how many home users do you think have data worth stealing? The example was one in the workplace too. I'm going to assume the examples were not no-name brand hardware DIY machines. The OP sounds like it was written by a kid who'd been fantasizing about doing something like this not someone who'd actually attempted it. Probably explains why they deleted, so many holes in the argument put forward...
BIOS Passwords are not reset, that was my argument. Using a UFD to boot won't work in this scenario either, and the post never talked about having a bootable cd/dvd. Source: more years with hardware than you obviously...
The MMO 'hack' aftermath : Later that day, Bob logs in and soon realizes something is amiss. Promptly, he fills a request to the game support. Since the support staff has to deal which such stuff on a regular basis, they know the drill. Quickly after checking the server logs they notice the user was not logged with an usual IP the day he transferred most of his stuff to the same character. In a matter of minutes, they set a new random password for Bob's account, give him back all the transfered stuff, and ban the wanabee 'hacker' account in the go. Mission accomplished... TL;DR: 'Hacking advice' on reddit will get your MMO account banned.
The MMO 'hack' aftermath : Later that day, Bob logs in and soon realizes something is amiss. Promptly, he fills a request to the game support. Since the support staff has to deal which such stuff on a regular basis, they know the drill. Quickly after checking the server logs they notice the user was not logged with an usual IP the day he transferred most of his stuff to the same character. In a matter of minutes, they set a new random password for Bob's account, give him back all the transfered stuff, and ban the wanabee 'hacker' account in the go. Mission accomplished... TL;DR: 'Hacking advice' on reddit will get your MMO account banned.
The MMO 'hack' aftermath : Later that day, Bob logs in and soon realizes something is amiss. Promptly, he fills a request to the game support. Since the support staff has to deal which such stuff on a regular basis, they know the drill. Quickly after checking the server logs they notice the user was not logged with an usual IP the day he transferred most of his stuff to the same character. In a matter of minutes, they set a new random password for Bob's account, give him back all the transfered stuff, and ban the wanabee 'hacker' account in the go. Mission accomplished...
Hacking advice' on reddit will get your MMO account banned.
you forget to mention that some hackers use a combination of those ways you have stated. We have all heard of a trojan horse, which catogory do you think that falls under? A RAT for example, which is legal and easy to obtain, crypt, bind, and use. You need social engineering to get the RAT on the target's computer but the RAT itself is software. This is one i have used, but I am sure there are many others. For clarity; Trojan horse: a computer virus that allows a hacker access to a computer. RAT: Remote Administrative Tool, a trojan horse used in schools and workplaces everywhere which allows a user to view, keylog, an control a target computer. Crypting: A process of encrptying a computer virus(or any program) and attaching a stub which decrypts the virus in RAM before running the virus. A good Cryptor will make a virus FUD. Binding: The process of attaching a computer virus(or any program) to another file so that the virus runs when the file opens. FUD: Fully Undetectable; the state of a program where when the program is tested against the 14 most popular antivirus softwares it will not be detected as a virus. tl:dr; Some hackers use a combination, such as trojan horses
you forget to mention that some hackers use a combination of those ways you have stated. We have all heard of a trojan horse, which catogory do you think that falls under? A RAT for example, which is legal and easy to obtain, crypt, bind, and use. You need social engineering to get the RAT on the target's computer but the RAT itself is software. This is one i have used, but I am sure there are many others. For clarity; Trojan horse: a computer virus that allows a hacker access to a computer. RAT: Remote Administrative Tool, a trojan horse used in schools and workplaces everywhere which allows a user to view, keylog, an control a target computer. Crypting: A process of encrptying a computer virus(or any program) and attaching a stub which decrypts the virus in RAM before running the virus. A good Cryptor will make a virus FUD. Binding: The process of attaching a computer virus(or any program) to another file so that the virus runs when the file opens. FUD: Fully Undetectable; the state of a program where when the program is tested against the 14 most popular antivirus softwares it will not be detected as a virus. tl:dr; Some hackers use a combination, such as trojan horses
you forget to mention that some hackers use a combination of those ways you have stated. We have all heard of a trojan horse, which catogory do you think that falls under? A RAT for example, which is legal and easy to obtain, crypt, bind, and use. You need social engineering to get the RAT on the target's computer but the RAT itself is software. This is one i have used, but I am sure there are many others. For clarity; Trojan horse: a computer virus that allows a hacker access to a computer. RAT: Remote Administrative Tool, a trojan horse used in schools and workplaces everywhere which allows a user to view, keylog, an control a target computer. Crypting: A process of encrptying a computer virus(or any program) and attaching a stub which decrypts the virus in RAM before running the virus. A good Cryptor will make a virus FUD. Binding: The process of attaching a computer virus(or any program) to another file so that the virus runs when the file opens. FUD: Fully Undetectable; the state of a program where when the program is tested against the 14 most popular antivirus softwares it will not be detected as a virus.
Some hackers use a combination, such as trojan horses
Here we are! Edit: Thanks for the Reddit Gold, stranger! Also, the OP is updated, so this is useless now =) +++++++++++++++++++++++ That is a very complicated question but, I'll see if I can hit some of the basics for you. First you need to know what hacking is Hacking is using or accessing a technology in a way that is contrary to the intentions of, or permissions given by, the owner, operator, or creator of said technology. So in layman's terms, Hacking is using flaws in technology to gain access to, or change, information on a computer system.What are these "flaws"? Well, that is when it starts to get complicated. Just know that these flaws can usually be narrowed down to three categories: human, hardware, and software. I'll try to give a decent example of each. Human: One of the easiest things to protect yourself from, and one of the most common techniques, is tricking people into giving you access to their systems. This can easily be done on people who have a limited understanding of computer security or people who don't practice proper security measures. This kind of hacking is commonly referred to as "social engineering". It is also the kind most often used by famous computer hacker and security expert Kevin Mitnick. If you want to know more about the life of a hacker then google him and read his books. Now an example, Let's say I work for company XYZ and my manager is Mr Man. Well, Mr Man is a douche and I am planning on quitting soon but, before I leave I want to get some revenge on him by hacking his account. So here is what I do. I wait till Mr Man leaves for lunch then sneak into his office and get on his computer. I could access his account from my computer but the tech department would be able to see where I logged in from and realize that it wasn't logged in from his office computer. They would soon know something is wrong, and I don't want to get caught. So, there I am at his computer when suddenly my luck runs out, Mr Man had logged out and I don't know his password to get back in! That's when I remember, the new IT guy started today and they always make the new guys deal with simple or common problems at first. Since this is a new guy I am confident that he won't know best security practices and, I'm certain I can trick him into getting me logged in. So I call the company tech department and say that I forgot my password and can't login. I'm in luck, they hand the phone to some guy and he sounds very nervous. This has to be him, I'm sure of it. So, I tell him that I'm Mr Man and that I seem to have forgotten my password. He is about to ask me what I assume would be a security question when I yell "Shit, It's almost 3:00. Listen man, I have a very important client that will be here in a matter of minutes and I NEED to get back on my computer. I don't have time for the normal speel. Just get me a new password and let me get back to work or I swear you will lose your job faster than I can say 'you're fired', you understand me?" Now a normal worker wouldn't fall for this but this guy was new and got scared. He fell for my act completely. Now with the new password in hand, I login to his account and get to work. Let's see... deleting all his documents? Sounds like fun! Download gay porn? Why not! After, a few minutes of this I leave and get back to my station. Now, because they don't have cameras inside they have no way to pin it on me and I quit work the next day and get away free. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 1) Normal people are ignorant of computer security, take advantage of them. Hardware: I want access to somebody's documents on their computer. If I had another computer I could use, I would simply remove the hard drive from this computer and connect it as a secondary drive on mine. I don't though, so instead I have to use my trusty flashdrive with a boot-able version of linux installed on it. However in order to use that I have to change the boot order, which is determined by the bios. I restart their computer and enter the bios setup... or try to anyways. It turns out that they have a password on their bios.Now what? Because of my knowledge of computer hardware, I know that the bios password is saved on the motherboard in the cmos, which has volatile memory. This means that if the cmos loses power, everything resets back to its default state and all passwords and other information (like time, date and boot order) are lost. So I simply open up the computer, find the lithium battery that powers the cmos and remove it. After waiting a minute to insure all the data is lost I put the battery back in and close up the computer. Turning on the computer, I try to enter the bios again. Success! It is no longer password protected. I then go into the section where you determine the boot order and change it so that the usb ports boot before the hardrive. Now I restart the computer again and wait. It worked! The linux login screen is now showing. I login to my account on the flashdrive and get to work. From the linux operating system I can access the info on the other hard drive. So, I grab all the files I want and copy them to my flash drive. I then log out, restart the computer and change the boot order back to normal. If somebody enters the bios they will know something happened when it doesn't ask for a password but, let's be honest. How often do normal people enter the bios on their computers? Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 2) Software security is useless without hardware security. Lock that shit up! Software: Software is much more complicated to explain. If you want know more about this start googling "sql injection", "Javascript Injection", "DDOS", "bruteforce hacking", "URL Manipulation" and any other term you come across while doing so. Just realize, these concepts maybe be hard to understand if you don't have a basic understanding of programming or how the internet works. I'll try to give a brief example though. I was playing an MMO the other day and was just about to finish defeating a boss character when some asshole came by and stole my kill. Now, were it a normal monster I would just shrug it off and move on but, I had been trying to defeat this monster forever and was just about to win. I was pissed! So before the guy leaves, I pretend to thank him because "I was about to die". I then friend him so I can keep track of when he is online and remember his username. Later that day I get back on the game and check to see if he is on. He's not! I logout of my character and type his username in to the login screen. Using some online bruteforce hacking tools and a little coding of my own I put together a program that continuously tries to login to his account changing the password every time it fails. This program will cycle through all the upper case and lower case letters and all numbers, hitting every combination possible until it succeeds. With people who have long passwords or passwords with special characters this could take a long time, maybe even years. However most people don't use complicated passwords, especially on online games. If this website followed good security practices they would limit the amount of login attempts possible from a certain IP address in a certain period of time or lock an account with to many incorrect login attempts. Unfortunately the creators of this game did no such thing. I head to the kitchen to fix myself some french bread pizza and wait. In a little over an hour I hear a beeping noise, the sound I programmed it to make when it succeeded. I head back to my computer and there it is. I'm logged in to his account! First things first, I open up another tab in my browser and log in to my account on the game. I then trade all of his best items over to my character, along with all his gold and anything else that looks useful. I could have deleted his character but I decided that him seeing the character without all of the items and money he had collected would be much more entertaining. Finishing up, I log out and continue on about my day with a smile on my face. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 3) Read this TL;DR- They take advantage of stupid people, bad security and their own knowledge of computers and programming.
Here we are! Edit: Thanks for the Reddit Gold, stranger! Also, the OP is updated, so this is useless now =) +++++++++++++++++++++++ That is a very complicated question but, I'll see if I can hit some of the basics for you. First you need to know what hacking is Hacking is using or accessing a technology in a way that is contrary to the intentions of, or permissions given by, the owner, operator, or creator of said technology. So in layman's terms, Hacking is using flaws in technology to gain access to, or change, information on a computer system.What are these "flaws"? Well, that is when it starts to get complicated. Just know that these flaws can usually be narrowed down to three categories: human, hardware, and software. I'll try to give a decent example of each. Human: One of the easiest things to protect yourself from, and one of the most common techniques, is tricking people into giving you access to their systems. This can easily be done on people who have a limited understanding of computer security or people who don't practice proper security measures. This kind of hacking is commonly referred to as "social engineering". It is also the kind most often used by famous computer hacker and security expert Kevin Mitnick. If you want to know more about the life of a hacker then google him and read his books. Now an example, Let's say I work for company XYZ and my manager is Mr Man. Well, Mr Man is a douche and I am planning on quitting soon but, before I leave I want to get some revenge on him by hacking his account. So here is what I do. I wait till Mr Man leaves for lunch then sneak into his office and get on his computer. I could access his account from my computer but the tech department would be able to see where I logged in from and realize that it wasn't logged in from his office computer. They would soon know something is wrong, and I don't want to get caught. So, there I am at his computer when suddenly my luck runs out, Mr Man had logged out and I don't know his password to get back in! That's when I remember, the new IT guy started today and they always make the new guys deal with simple or common problems at first. Since this is a new guy I am confident that he won't know best security practices and, I'm certain I can trick him into getting me logged in. So I call the company tech department and say that I forgot my password and can't login. I'm in luck, they hand the phone to some guy and he sounds very nervous. This has to be him, I'm sure of it. So, I tell him that I'm Mr Man and that I seem to have forgotten my password. He is about to ask me what I assume would be a security question when I yell "Shit, It's almost 3:00. Listen man, I have a very important client that will be here in a matter of minutes and I NEED to get back on my computer. I don't have time for the normal speel. Just get me a new password and let me get back to work or I swear you will lose your job faster than I can say 'you're fired', you understand me?" Now a normal worker wouldn't fall for this but this guy was new and got scared. He fell for my act completely. Now with the new password in hand, I login to his account and get to work. Let's see... deleting all his documents? Sounds like fun! Download gay porn? Why not! After, a few minutes of this I leave and get back to my station. Now, because they don't have cameras inside they have no way to pin it on me and I quit work the next day and get away free. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 1) Normal people are ignorant of computer security, take advantage of them. Hardware: I want access to somebody's documents on their computer. If I had another computer I could use, I would simply remove the hard drive from this computer and connect it as a secondary drive on mine. I don't though, so instead I have to use my trusty flashdrive with a boot-able version of linux installed on it. However in order to use that I have to change the boot order, which is determined by the bios. I restart their computer and enter the bios setup... or try to anyways. It turns out that they have a password on their bios.Now what? Because of my knowledge of computer hardware, I know that the bios password is saved on the motherboard in the cmos, which has volatile memory. This means that if the cmos loses power, everything resets back to its default state and all passwords and other information (like time, date and boot order) are lost. So I simply open up the computer, find the lithium battery that powers the cmos and remove it. After waiting a minute to insure all the data is lost I put the battery back in and close up the computer. Turning on the computer, I try to enter the bios again. Success! It is no longer password protected. I then go into the section where you determine the boot order and change it so that the usb ports boot before the hardrive. Now I restart the computer again and wait. It worked! The linux login screen is now showing. I login to my account on the flashdrive and get to work. From the linux operating system I can access the info on the other hard drive. So, I grab all the files I want and copy them to my flash drive. I then log out, restart the computer and change the boot order back to normal. If somebody enters the bios they will know something happened when it doesn't ask for a password but, let's be honest. How often do normal people enter the bios on their computers? Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 2) Software security is useless without hardware security. Lock that shit up! Software: Software is much more complicated to explain. If you want know more about this start googling "sql injection", "Javascript Injection", "DDOS", "bruteforce hacking", "URL Manipulation" and any other term you come across while doing so. Just realize, these concepts maybe be hard to understand if you don't have a basic understanding of programming or how the internet works. I'll try to give a brief example though. I was playing an MMO the other day and was just about to finish defeating a boss character when some asshole came by and stole my kill. Now, were it a normal monster I would just shrug it off and move on but, I had been trying to defeat this monster forever and was just about to win. I was pissed! So before the guy leaves, I pretend to thank him because "I was about to die". I then friend him so I can keep track of when he is online and remember his username. Later that day I get back on the game and check to see if he is on. He's not! I logout of my character and type his username in to the login screen. Using some online bruteforce hacking tools and a little coding of my own I put together a program that continuously tries to login to his account changing the password every time it fails. This program will cycle through all the upper case and lower case letters and all numbers, hitting every combination possible until it succeeds. With people who have long passwords or passwords with special characters this could take a long time, maybe even years. However most people don't use complicated passwords, especially on online games. If this website followed good security practices they would limit the amount of login attempts possible from a certain IP address in a certain period of time or lock an account with to many incorrect login attempts. Unfortunately the creators of this game did no such thing. I head to the kitchen to fix myself some french bread pizza and wait. In a little over an hour I hear a beeping noise, the sound I programmed it to make when it succeeded. I head back to my computer and there it is. I'm logged in to his account! First things first, I open up another tab in my browser and log in to my account on the game. I then trade all of his best items over to my character, along with all his gold and anything else that looks useful. I could have deleted his character but I decided that him seeing the character without all of the items and money he had collected would be much more entertaining. Finishing up, I log out and continue on about my day with a smile on my face. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 3) Read this TL;DR- They take advantage of stupid people, bad security and their own knowledge of computers and programming.
Here we are! Edit: Thanks for the Reddit Gold, stranger! Also, the OP is updated, so this is useless now =) +++++++++++++++++++++++ That is a very complicated question but, I'll see if I can hit some of the basics for you. First you need to know what hacking is Hacking is using or accessing a technology in a way that is contrary to the intentions of, or permissions given by, the owner, operator, or creator of said technology. So in layman's terms, Hacking is using flaws in technology to gain access to, or change, information on a computer system.What are these "flaws"? Well, that is when it starts to get complicated. Just know that these flaws can usually be narrowed down to three categories: human, hardware, and software. I'll try to give a decent example of each. Human: One of the easiest things to protect yourself from, and one of the most common techniques, is tricking people into giving you access to their systems. This can easily be done on people who have a limited understanding of computer security or people who don't practice proper security measures. This kind of hacking is commonly referred to as "social engineering". It is also the kind most often used by famous computer hacker and security expert Kevin Mitnick. If you want to know more about the life of a hacker then google him and read his books. Now an example, Let's say I work for company XYZ and my manager is Mr Man. Well, Mr Man is a douche and I am planning on quitting soon but, before I leave I want to get some revenge on him by hacking his account. So here is what I do. I wait till Mr Man leaves for lunch then sneak into his office and get on his computer. I could access his account from my computer but the tech department would be able to see where I logged in from and realize that it wasn't logged in from his office computer. They would soon know something is wrong, and I don't want to get caught. So, there I am at his computer when suddenly my luck runs out, Mr Man had logged out and I don't know his password to get back in! That's when I remember, the new IT guy started today and they always make the new guys deal with simple or common problems at first. Since this is a new guy I am confident that he won't know best security practices and, I'm certain I can trick him into getting me logged in. So I call the company tech department and say that I forgot my password and can't login. I'm in luck, they hand the phone to some guy and he sounds very nervous. This has to be him, I'm sure of it. So, I tell him that I'm Mr Man and that I seem to have forgotten my password. He is about to ask me what I assume would be a security question when I yell "Shit, It's almost 3:00. Listen man, I have a very important client that will be here in a matter of minutes and I NEED to get back on my computer. I don't have time for the normal speel. Just get me a new password and let me get back to work or I swear you will lose your job faster than I can say 'you're fired', you understand me?" Now a normal worker wouldn't fall for this but this guy was new and got scared. He fell for my act completely. Now with the new password in hand, I login to his account and get to work. Let's see... deleting all his documents? Sounds like fun! Download gay porn? Why not! After, a few minutes of this I leave and get back to my station. Now, because they don't have cameras inside they have no way to pin it on me and I quit work the next day and get away free. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 1) Normal people are ignorant of computer security, take advantage of them. Hardware: I want access to somebody's documents on their computer. If I had another computer I could use, I would simply remove the hard drive from this computer and connect it as a secondary drive on mine. I don't though, so instead I have to use my trusty flashdrive with a boot-able version of linux installed on it. However in order to use that I have to change the boot order, which is determined by the bios. I restart their computer and enter the bios setup... or try to anyways. It turns out that they have a password on their bios.Now what? Because of my knowledge of computer hardware, I know that the bios password is saved on the motherboard in the cmos, which has volatile memory. This means that if the cmos loses power, everything resets back to its default state and all passwords and other information (like time, date and boot order) are lost. So I simply open up the computer, find the lithium battery that powers the cmos and remove it. After waiting a minute to insure all the data is lost I put the battery back in and close up the computer. Turning on the computer, I try to enter the bios again. Success! It is no longer password protected. I then go into the section where you determine the boot order and change it so that the usb ports boot before the hardrive. Now I restart the computer again and wait. It worked! The linux login screen is now showing. I login to my account on the flashdrive and get to work. From the linux operating system I can access the info on the other hard drive. So, I grab all the files I want and copy them to my flash drive. I then log out, restart the computer and change the boot order back to normal. If somebody enters the bios they will know something happened when it doesn't ask for a password but, let's be honest. How often do normal people enter the bios on their computers? Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 2) Software security is useless without hardware security. Lock that shit up! Software: Software is much more complicated to explain. If you want know more about this start googling "sql injection", "Javascript Injection", "DDOS", "bruteforce hacking", "URL Manipulation" and any other term you come across while doing so. Just realize, these concepts maybe be hard to understand if you don't have a basic understanding of programming or how the internet works. I'll try to give a brief example though. I was playing an MMO the other day and was just about to finish defeating a boss character when some asshole came by and stole my kill. Now, were it a normal monster I would just shrug it off and move on but, I had been trying to defeat this monster forever and was just about to win. I was pissed! So before the guy leaves, I pretend to thank him because "I was about to die". I then friend him so I can keep track of when he is online and remember his username. Later that day I get back on the game and check to see if he is on. He's not! I logout of my character and type his username in to the login screen. Using some online bruteforce hacking tools and a little coding of my own I put together a program that continuously tries to login to his account changing the password every time it fails. This program will cycle through all the upper case and lower case letters and all numbers, hitting every combination possible until it succeeds. With people who have long passwords or passwords with special characters this could take a long time, maybe even years. However most people don't use complicated passwords, especially on online games. If this website followed good security practices they would limit the amount of login attempts possible from a certain IP address in a certain period of time or lock an account with to many incorrect login attempts. Unfortunately the creators of this game did no such thing. I head to the kitchen to fix myself some french bread pizza and wait. In a little over an hour I hear a beeping noise, the sound I programmed it to make when it succeeded. I head back to my computer and there it is. I'm logged in to his account! First things first, I open up another tab in my browser and log in to my account on the game. I then trade all of his best items over to my character, along with all his gold and anything else that looks useful. I could have deleted his character but I decided that him seeing the character without all of the items and money he had collected would be much more entertaining. Finishing up, I log out and continue on about my day with a smile on my face. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 3) Read this
They take advantage of stupid people, bad security and their own knowledge of computers and programming.
Here you go :) It was on your comments page, I assume this was what you wrote about the subject. **goodguygreenpepper wrote this!** Edit: Because of how popular this is getting I wanted to make a couple of points clear. First, I am not nor will I ever claim to be a hacker or even a script kiddie. I'm just a first year computer science student and these are the best examples I could come up with on short notice.None of it is real. Second, Yes I know a lot of this is outdated. It was written to be an example of how hacking works, not a technical manual. Third, I know that hacking doesn't explicitly, or even implicitly, mean breaking into a system. A hacker is more like someone who isn't satisfied until he learns exactly how a certain technology or system works and is constantly trying to learn more. Finally thanks for the Karma and I hope reddit enjoys my explanation. Edit: Where I learned the little I know - Exam cram - That is a very complicated question but, I'll see if I can hit some of the basics for you. First you need to know what hacking is Hacking is using or accessing a technology in a way that is contrary to the intentions of, or permissions given by, the owner, operator, or creator of said technology. So in layman's terms, Hacking is using flaws in technology to gain access to, or change, information on a computer system.What are these "flaws"? Well, that is when it starts to get complicated. Just know that these flaws can usually be narrowed down to three categories: human, hardware, and software. I'll try to give a decent example of each. Human: One of the easiest things to protect yourself from, and one of the most common techniques, is tricking people into giving you access to their systems. This can easily be done on people who have a limited understanding of computer security or people who don't practice proper security measures. This kind of hacking is commonly referred to as "social engineering". It is also the kind most often used by famous computer hacker and security expert Kevin Mitnick. If you want to know more about the life of a hacker then google him and read his books. Now an example, Let's say I work for company XYZ and my manager is Mr Man. Well, Mr Man is a douche and I am planning on quitting soon but, before I leave I want to get some revenge on him by hacking his account. So here is what I do. I wait till Mr Man leaves for lunch then sneak into his office and get on his computer. I could access his account from my computer but the tech department would be able to see where I logged in from and realize that it wasn't logged in from his office computer. They would soon know something is wrong, and I don't want to get caught. So, there I am at his computer when suddenly my luck runs out, Mr Man had logged out and I don't know his password to get back in! That's when I remember, the new IT guy started today and they always make the new guys deal with simple or common problems at first. Since this is a new guy I am confident that he won't know best security practices and, I'm certain I can trick him into getting me logged in. So I call the company tech department and say that I forgot my password and can't login. I'm in luck, they hand the phone to some guy and he sounds very nervous. This has to be him, I'm sure of it. So, I tell him that I'm Mr Man and that I seem to have forgotten my password. He is about to ask me what I assume would be a security question when I yell "Shit, It's almost 3:00. Listen man, I have a very important client that will be here in a matter of minutes and I NEED to get back on my computer. I don't have time for the normal speel. Just get me a new password and let me get back to work or I swear you will lose your job faster than I can say 'you're fired', you understand me?" Now a normal worker wouldn't fall for this but this guy was new and got scared. He fell for my act completely. Now with the new password in hand, I login to his account and get to work. Let's see... deleting all his documents? Sounds like fun! Download gay porn? Why not! After, a few minutes of this I leave and get back to my station. Now, because they don't have cameras inside they have no way to pin it on me and I quit work the next day and get away free. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 1) Normal people are ignorant of computer security, take advantage of them. Hardware: I want access to somebody's documents on their computer. If I had another computer I could use, I would simply remove the hard drive from this computer and connect it as a secondary drive on mine. I don't though, so instead I have to use my trusty flashdrive with a boot-able version of linux installed on it. However in order to use that I have to change the boot order, which is determined by the bios. I restart their computer and enter the bios setup... or try to anyways. It turns out that they have a password on their bios.Now what? Because of my knowledge of computer hardware, I know that the bios password is saved on the motherboard in the cmos, which has volatile memory. This means that if the cmos loses power, everything resets back to its default state and all passwords and other information (like time, date and boot order) are lost. So I simply open up the computer, find the lithium battery that powers the cmos and remove it. After waiting a minute to insure all the data is lost I put the battery back in and close up the computer. Turning on the computer, I try to enter the bios again. Success! It is no longer password protected. I then go into the section where you determine the boot order and change it so that the usb ports boot before the hardrive. Now I restart the computer again and wait. It worked! The linux login screen is now showing. I login to my account on the flashdrive and get to work. From the linux operating system I can access the info on the other hard drive. So, I grab all the files I want and copy them to my flash drive. I then log out, restart the computer and change the boot order back to normal. If somebody enters the bios they will know something happened when it doesn't ask for a password but, let's be honest. How often do normal people enter the bios on their computers? Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 2) Software security is useless without hardware security. Lock that shit up! Software: Software is much more complicated to explain. If you want know more about this start googling "sql injection", "Javascript Injection", "DDOS", "bruteforce hacking", "URL Manipulation" and any other term you come across while doing so. Just realize, these concepts maybe be hard to understand if you don't have a basic understanding of programming or how the internet works. I'll try to give a brief example though. I was playing an MMO the other day and was just about to finish defeating a boss character when some asshole came by and stole my kill. Now, were it a normal monster I would just shrug it off and move on but, I had been trying to defeat this monster forever and was just about to win. I was pissed! So before the guy leaves, I pretend to thank him because "I was about to die". I then friend him so I can keep track of when he is online and remember his username. Later that day I get back on the game and check to see if he is on. He's not! I logout of my character and type his username in to the login screen. Using some online bruteforce hacking tools and a little coding of my own I put together a program that continuously tries to login to his account changing the password every time it fails. This program will cycle through all the upper case and lower case letters and all numbers, hitting every combination possible until it succeeds. With people who have long passwords or passwords with special characters this could take a long time, maybe even years. However most people don't use complicated passwords, especially on online games. If this website followed good security practices they would limit the amount of login attempts possible from a certain IP address in a certain period of time or lock an account with to many incorrect login attempts. Unfortunately the creators of this game did no such thing. I head to the kitchen to fix myself some french bread pizza and wait. In a little over an hour I hear a beeping noise, the sound I programmed it to make when it succeeded. I head back to my computer and there it is. I'm logged in to his account! First things first, I open up another tab in my browser and log in to my account on the game. I then trade all of his best items over to my character, along with all his gold and anything else that looks useful. I could have deleted his character but I decided that him seeing the character without all of the items and money he had collected would be much more entertaining. Finishing up, I log out and continue on about my day with a smile on my face. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 3) Read this TL;DR- They take advantage of stupid people, bad security and their own knowledge of computers and programming. Edit: fixed a few grammatical errors
Here you go :) It was on your comments page, I assume this was what you wrote about the subject. goodguygreenpepper wrote this! Edit: Because of how popular this is getting I wanted to make a couple of points clear. First, I am not nor will I ever claim to be a hacker or even a script kiddie. I'm just a first year computer science student and these are the best examples I could come up with on short notice.None of it is real. Second, Yes I know a lot of this is outdated. It was written to be an example of how hacking works, not a technical manual. Third, I know that hacking doesn't explicitly, or even implicitly, mean breaking into a system. A hacker is more like someone who isn't satisfied until he learns exactly how a certain technology or system works and is constantly trying to learn more. Finally thanks for the Karma and I hope reddit enjoys my explanation. Edit: Where I learned the little I know - Exam cram That is a very complicated question but, I'll see if I can hit some of the basics for you. First you need to know what hacking is Hacking is using or accessing a technology in a way that is contrary to the intentions of, or permissions given by, the owner, operator, or creator of said technology. So in layman's terms, Hacking is using flaws in technology to gain access to, or change, information on a computer system.What are these "flaws"? Well, that is when it starts to get complicated. Just know that these flaws can usually be narrowed down to three categories: human, hardware, and software. I'll try to give a decent example of each. Human: One of the easiest things to protect yourself from, and one of the most common techniques, is tricking people into giving you access to their systems. This can easily be done on people who have a limited understanding of computer security or people who don't practice proper security measures. This kind of hacking is commonly referred to as "social engineering". It is also the kind most often used by famous computer hacker and security expert Kevin Mitnick. If you want to know more about the life of a hacker then google him and read his books. Now an example, Let's say I work for company XYZ and my manager is Mr Man. Well, Mr Man is a douche and I am planning on quitting soon but, before I leave I want to get some revenge on him by hacking his account. So here is what I do. I wait till Mr Man leaves for lunch then sneak into his office and get on his computer. I could access his account from my computer but the tech department would be able to see where I logged in from and realize that it wasn't logged in from his office computer. They would soon know something is wrong, and I don't want to get caught. So, there I am at his computer when suddenly my luck runs out, Mr Man had logged out and I don't know his password to get back in! That's when I remember, the new IT guy started today and they always make the new guys deal with simple or common problems at first. Since this is a new guy I am confident that he won't know best security practices and, I'm certain I can trick him into getting me logged in. So I call the company tech department and say that I forgot my password and can't login. I'm in luck, they hand the phone to some guy and he sounds very nervous. This has to be him, I'm sure of it. So, I tell him that I'm Mr Man and that I seem to have forgotten my password. He is about to ask me what I assume would be a security question when I yell "Shit, It's almost 3:00. Listen man, I have a very important client that will be here in a matter of minutes and I NEED to get back on my computer. I don't have time for the normal speel. Just get me a new password and let me get back to work or I swear you will lose your job faster than I can say 'you're fired', you understand me?" Now a normal worker wouldn't fall for this but this guy was new and got scared. He fell for my act completely. Now with the new password in hand, I login to his account and get to work. Let's see... deleting all his documents? Sounds like fun! Download gay porn? Why not! After, a few minutes of this I leave and get back to my station. Now, because they don't have cameras inside they have no way to pin it on me and I quit work the next day and get away free. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 1) Normal people are ignorant of computer security, take advantage of them. Hardware: I want access to somebody's documents on their computer. If I had another computer I could use, I would simply remove the hard drive from this computer and connect it as a secondary drive on mine. I don't though, so instead I have to use my trusty flashdrive with a boot-able version of linux installed on it. However in order to use that I have to change the boot order, which is determined by the bios. I restart their computer and enter the bios setup... or try to anyways. It turns out that they have a password on their bios.Now what? Because of my knowledge of computer hardware, I know that the bios password is saved on the motherboard in the cmos, which has volatile memory. This means that if the cmos loses power, everything resets back to its default state and all passwords and other information (like time, date and boot order) are lost. So I simply open up the computer, find the lithium battery that powers the cmos and remove it. After waiting a minute to insure all the data is lost I put the battery back in and close up the computer. Turning on the computer, I try to enter the bios again. Success! It is no longer password protected. I then go into the section where you determine the boot order and change it so that the usb ports boot before the hardrive. Now I restart the computer again and wait. It worked! The linux login screen is now showing. I login to my account on the flashdrive and get to work. From the linux operating system I can access the info on the other hard drive. So, I grab all the files I want and copy them to my flash drive. I then log out, restart the computer and change the boot order back to normal. If somebody enters the bios they will know something happened when it doesn't ask for a password but, let's be honest. How often do normal people enter the bios on their computers? Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 2) Software security is useless without hardware security. Lock that shit up! Software: Software is much more complicated to explain. If you want know more about this start googling "sql injection", "Javascript Injection", "DDOS", "bruteforce hacking", "URL Manipulation" and any other term you come across while doing so. Just realize, these concepts maybe be hard to understand if you don't have a basic understanding of programming or how the internet works. I'll try to give a brief example though. I was playing an MMO the other day and was just about to finish defeating a boss character when some asshole came by and stole my kill. Now, were it a normal monster I would just shrug it off and move on but, I had been trying to defeat this monster forever and was just about to win. I was pissed! So before the guy leaves, I pretend to thank him because "I was about to die". I then friend him so I can keep track of when he is online and remember his username. Later that day I get back on the game and check to see if he is on. He's not! I logout of my character and type his username in to the login screen. Using some online bruteforce hacking tools and a little coding of my own I put together a program that continuously tries to login to his account changing the password every time it fails. This program will cycle through all the upper case and lower case letters and all numbers, hitting every combination possible until it succeeds. With people who have long passwords or passwords with special characters this could take a long time, maybe even years. However most people don't use complicated passwords, especially on online games. If this website followed good security practices they would limit the amount of login attempts possible from a certain IP address in a certain period of time or lock an account with to many incorrect login attempts. Unfortunately the creators of this game did no such thing. I head to the kitchen to fix myself some french bread pizza and wait. In a little over an hour I hear a beeping noise, the sound I programmed it to make when it succeeded. I head back to my computer and there it is. I'm logged in to his account! First things first, I open up another tab in my browser and log in to my account on the game. I then trade all of his best items over to my character, along with all his gold and anything else that looks useful. I could have deleted his character but I decided that him seeing the character without all of the items and money he had collected would be much more entertaining. Finishing up, I log out and continue on about my day with a smile on my face. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 3) Read this TL;DR- They take advantage of stupid people, bad security and their own knowledge of computers and programming. Edit: fixed a few grammatical errors
Here you go :) It was on your comments page, I assume this was what you wrote about the subject. goodguygreenpepper wrote this! Edit: Because of how popular this is getting I wanted to make a couple of points clear. First, I am not nor will I ever claim to be a hacker or even a script kiddie. I'm just a first year computer science student and these are the best examples I could come up with on short notice.None of it is real. Second, Yes I know a lot of this is outdated. It was written to be an example of how hacking works, not a technical manual. Third, I know that hacking doesn't explicitly, or even implicitly, mean breaking into a system. A hacker is more like someone who isn't satisfied until he learns exactly how a certain technology or system works and is constantly trying to learn more. Finally thanks for the Karma and I hope reddit enjoys my explanation. Edit: Where I learned the little I know - Exam cram That is a very complicated question but, I'll see if I can hit some of the basics for you. First you need to know what hacking is Hacking is using or accessing a technology in a way that is contrary to the intentions of, or permissions given by, the owner, operator, or creator of said technology. So in layman's terms, Hacking is using flaws in technology to gain access to, or change, information on a computer system.What are these "flaws"? Well, that is when it starts to get complicated. Just know that these flaws can usually be narrowed down to three categories: human, hardware, and software. I'll try to give a decent example of each. Human: One of the easiest things to protect yourself from, and one of the most common techniques, is tricking people into giving you access to their systems. This can easily be done on people who have a limited understanding of computer security or people who don't practice proper security measures. This kind of hacking is commonly referred to as "social engineering". It is also the kind most often used by famous computer hacker and security expert Kevin Mitnick. If you want to know more about the life of a hacker then google him and read his books. Now an example, Let's say I work for company XYZ and my manager is Mr Man. Well, Mr Man is a douche and I am planning on quitting soon but, before I leave I want to get some revenge on him by hacking his account. So here is what I do. I wait till Mr Man leaves for lunch then sneak into his office and get on his computer. I could access his account from my computer but the tech department would be able to see where I logged in from and realize that it wasn't logged in from his office computer. They would soon know something is wrong, and I don't want to get caught. So, there I am at his computer when suddenly my luck runs out, Mr Man had logged out and I don't know his password to get back in! That's when I remember, the new IT guy started today and they always make the new guys deal with simple or common problems at first. Since this is a new guy I am confident that he won't know best security practices and, I'm certain I can trick him into getting me logged in. So I call the company tech department and say that I forgot my password and can't login. I'm in luck, they hand the phone to some guy and he sounds very nervous. This has to be him, I'm sure of it. So, I tell him that I'm Mr Man and that I seem to have forgotten my password. He is about to ask me what I assume would be a security question when I yell "Shit, It's almost 3:00. Listen man, I have a very important client that will be here in a matter of minutes and I NEED to get back on my computer. I don't have time for the normal speel. Just get me a new password and let me get back to work or I swear you will lose your job faster than I can say 'you're fired', you understand me?" Now a normal worker wouldn't fall for this but this guy was new and got scared. He fell for my act completely. Now with the new password in hand, I login to his account and get to work. Let's see... deleting all his documents? Sounds like fun! Download gay porn? Why not! After, a few minutes of this I leave and get back to my station. Now, because they don't have cameras inside they have no way to pin it on me and I quit work the next day and get away free. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 1) Normal people are ignorant of computer security, take advantage of them. Hardware: I want access to somebody's documents on their computer. If I had another computer I could use, I would simply remove the hard drive from this computer and connect it as a secondary drive on mine. I don't though, so instead I have to use my trusty flashdrive with a boot-able version of linux installed on it. However in order to use that I have to change the boot order, which is determined by the bios. I restart their computer and enter the bios setup... or try to anyways. It turns out that they have a password on their bios.Now what? Because of my knowledge of computer hardware, I know that the bios password is saved on the motherboard in the cmos, which has volatile memory. This means that if the cmos loses power, everything resets back to its default state and all passwords and other information (like time, date and boot order) are lost. So I simply open up the computer, find the lithium battery that powers the cmos and remove it. After waiting a minute to insure all the data is lost I put the battery back in and close up the computer. Turning on the computer, I try to enter the bios again. Success! It is no longer password protected. I then go into the section where you determine the boot order and change it so that the usb ports boot before the hardrive. Now I restart the computer again and wait. It worked! The linux login screen is now showing. I login to my account on the flashdrive and get to work. From the linux operating system I can access the info on the other hard drive. So, I grab all the files I want and copy them to my flash drive. I then log out, restart the computer and change the boot order back to normal. If somebody enters the bios they will know something happened when it doesn't ask for a password but, let's be honest. How often do normal people enter the bios on their computers? Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 2) Software security is useless without hardware security. Lock that shit up! Software: Software is much more complicated to explain. If you want know more about this start googling "sql injection", "Javascript Injection", "DDOS", "bruteforce hacking", "URL Manipulation" and any other term you come across while doing so. Just realize, these concepts maybe be hard to understand if you don't have a basic understanding of programming or how the internet works. I'll try to give a brief example though. I was playing an MMO the other day and was just about to finish defeating a boss character when some asshole came by and stole my kill. Now, were it a normal monster I would just shrug it off and move on but, I had been trying to defeat this monster forever and was just about to win. I was pissed! So before the guy leaves, I pretend to thank him because "I was about to die". I then friend him so I can keep track of when he is online and remember his username. Later that day I get back on the game and check to see if he is on. He's not! I logout of my character and type his username in to the login screen. Using some online bruteforce hacking tools and a little coding of my own I put together a program that continuously tries to login to his account changing the password every time it fails. This program will cycle through all the upper case and lower case letters and all numbers, hitting every combination possible until it succeeds. With people who have long passwords or passwords with special characters this could take a long time, maybe even years. However most people don't use complicated passwords, especially on online games. If this website followed good security practices they would limit the amount of login attempts possible from a certain IP address in a certain period of time or lock an account with to many incorrect login attempts. Unfortunately the creators of this game did no such thing. I head to the kitchen to fix myself some french bread pizza and wait. In a little over an hour I hear a beeping noise, the sound I programmed it to make when it succeeded. I head back to my computer and there it is. I'm logged in to his account! First things first, I open up another tab in my browser and log in to my account on the game. I then trade all of his best items over to my character, along with all his gold and anything else that looks useful. I could have deleted his character but I decided that him seeing the character without all of the items and money he had collected would be much more entertaining. Finishing up, I log out and continue on about my day with a smile on my face. Mission accomplished! Hacking lesson - 3) Read this
They take advantage of stupid people, bad security and their own knowledge of computers and programming. Edit: fixed a few grammatical errors
Good stuff man, just a few things: After falling sky, GO HARD. Gen has a pretty weak defensive game, meaning after that falling sky >> backdash, I want to see you doing lk roll or mk roll to do a left right mixup. After falling sky, backdash, lk roll.... you're still completely safe, if you instead do MK roll, you're still safe, but you have far less frame advantage to work with on your knockdown. I saw you caught him pressing wakeup throw once with your cr. hp, that's good shit. Keep it up. Also, I didn't see one step kick in st. hp. Not confident with the link yet, or just didn't think to do it? I believe from memory step kick >> st. hp connects on a crouching gen, which means you should do it most of the time you go for step kick xx dash. Your mid game needs a little work. You're focusing too much and this gen should blow you up with hands. Instead look to press your advantage once you've landed a st. lk, as I believe you are +3 after hit. This means you can set up a step kick that has a 4 frame startup if you time it right. You're going to counterhit gen a LOT if you try practicing this. TL,DR: Step kick after standing light kick, you're at frame advantage. Work on the 1f link (Step kick >> St. hp) Press your advantage after falling sky, as it is a hard knockdown. Keep practicing!
Good stuff man, just a few things: After falling sky, GO HARD. Gen has a pretty weak defensive game, meaning after that falling sky >> backdash, I want to see you doing lk roll or mk roll to do a left right mixup. After falling sky, backdash, lk roll.... you're still completely safe, if you instead do MK roll, you're still safe, but you have far less frame advantage to work with on your knockdown. I saw you caught him pressing wakeup throw once with your cr. hp, that's good shit. Keep it up. Also, I didn't see one step kick in st. hp. Not confident with the link yet, or just didn't think to do it? I believe from memory step kick >> st. hp connects on a crouching gen, which means you should do it most of the time you go for step kick xx dash. Your mid game needs a little work. You're focusing too much and this gen should blow you up with hands. Instead look to press your advantage once you've landed a st. lk, as I believe you are +3 after hit. This means you can set up a step kick that has a 4 frame startup if you time it right. You're going to counterhit gen a LOT if you try practicing this. TL,DR: Step kick after standing light kick, you're at frame advantage. Work on the 1f link (Step kick >> St. hp) Press your advantage after falling sky, as it is a hard knockdown. Keep practicing!
Good stuff man, just a few things: After falling sky, GO HARD. Gen has a pretty weak defensive game, meaning after that falling sky >> backdash, I want to see you doing lk roll or mk roll to do a left right mixup. After falling sky, backdash, lk roll.... you're still completely safe, if you instead do MK roll, you're still safe, but you have far less frame advantage to work with on your knockdown. I saw you caught him pressing wakeup throw once with your cr. hp, that's good shit. Keep it up. Also, I didn't see one step kick in st. hp. Not confident with the link yet, or just didn't think to do it? I believe from memory step kick >> st. hp connects on a crouching gen, which means you should do it most of the time you go for step kick xx dash. Your mid game needs a little work. You're focusing too much and this gen should blow you up with hands. Instead look to press your advantage once you've landed a st. lk, as I believe you are +3 after hit. This means you can set up a step kick that has a 4 frame startup if you time it right. You're going to counterhit gen a LOT if you try practicing this.
Step kick after standing light kick, you're at frame advantage. Work on the 1f link (Step kick >> St. hp) Press your advantage after falling sky, as it is a hard knockdown. Keep practicing!
The boyfriend here. I learned a year or two ago. What she said earlier about the pupils, as an example CAN mean love/attraction (you can imagine why I told her about that one, I'm sure) but it can mean probably four other things. That's not really as important. If you look up the show you mentioned above, you'll see that the work that Dr. Lightman did is actually a true study. Paul Ekman is the real Cal. Unmasking the Face is one of the better books. It should be mentioned as a warning, that not EVERYONE possess the skill to read micro expressions. It's easy to get fooled, but that's typically if you're dealing with someone devious. Otherwise, it's pretty simple to read a person. However, I have a few friends who believe that they are naturals at this. I test them, and they are... Well, not. I let them have their fun, though. It's a fun thing to know, and it'll probably bring you joy next time you go to your significant other or a person you aim to date, and you can say "hey, I can tell that he/she/it likes me!" I do warn you, though. If you do possess the gift, you have to "turn on" your ability before you read someone. It's a conscious effort. I had to promise myself I would not read my lady friend here, unless I really thought something was wrong. tl;dr: I've worked on being able to, but not everyone possesses the ability. Books by Paul Ekman, especially Unmasking the Face. Be careful with the ability, if you do possess it. It can hurt more than help.
The boyfriend here. I learned a year or two ago. What she said earlier about the pupils, as an example CAN mean love/attraction (you can imagine why I told her about that one, I'm sure) but it can mean probably four other things. That's not really as important. If you look up the show you mentioned above, you'll see that the work that Dr. Lightman did is actually a true study. Paul Ekman is the real Cal. Unmasking the Face is one of the better books. It should be mentioned as a warning, that not EVERYONE possess the skill to read micro expressions. It's easy to get fooled, but that's typically if you're dealing with someone devious. Otherwise, it's pretty simple to read a person. However, I have a few friends who believe that they are naturals at this. I test them, and they are... Well, not. I let them have their fun, though. It's a fun thing to know, and it'll probably bring you joy next time you go to your significant other or a person you aim to date, and you can say "hey, I can tell that he/she/it likes me!" I do warn you, though. If you do possess the gift, you have to "turn on" your ability before you read someone. It's a conscious effort. I had to promise myself I would not read my lady friend here, unless I really thought something was wrong. tl;dr: I've worked on being able to, but not everyone possesses the ability. Books by Paul Ekman, especially Unmasking the Face. Be careful with the ability, if you do possess it. It can hurt more than help.
The boyfriend here. I learned a year or two ago. What she said earlier about the pupils, as an example CAN mean love/attraction (you can imagine why I told her about that one, I'm sure) but it can mean probably four other things. That's not really as important. If you look up the show you mentioned above, you'll see that the work that Dr. Lightman did is actually a true study. Paul Ekman is the real Cal. Unmasking the Face is one of the better books. It should be mentioned as a warning, that not EVERYONE possess the skill to read micro expressions. It's easy to get fooled, but that's typically if you're dealing with someone devious. Otherwise, it's pretty simple to read a person. However, I have a few friends who believe that they are naturals at this. I test them, and they are... Well, not. I let them have their fun, though. It's a fun thing to know, and it'll probably bring you joy next time you go to your significant other or a person you aim to date, and you can say "hey, I can tell that he/she/it likes me!" I do warn you, though. If you do possess the gift, you have to "turn on" your ability before you read someone. It's a conscious effort. I had to promise myself I would not read my lady friend here, unless I really thought something was wrong.
I've worked on being able to, but not everyone possesses the ability. Books by Paul Ekman, especially Unmasking the Face. Be careful with the ability, if you do possess it. It can hurt more than help.
rockafella basically just listed off some of the major works in the original and most famous Gundam timeline, Universal Century. This is the stuff you want to watch if you want to know what Gundam is really all about. Since it's almost all older, it won't be as pretty, but if you want to catch all the references and stuff in other anime, this is what you want. I kind of disagree with how he's recommending you watch it though. I recommend you watch the three compilation movies for the original Mobile Suit Gundam. They hold up very well and are very enjoyable. After that, you should watch the series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. The compilation movies for Zeta Gundam aren't very good, IMO, and they have some altered scenes/plot. Officially, next comes Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, which is... controversial. The first half is generally regarded as not very good, or at least very "different," and the second half is more of a return to form. Some important stuff happens here, but I personally skipped it. Next comes the movie Char's Counterattack, which has a terrible plot, but *great* eye candy and some of the sickest mobile suit designs in Gundam. This is followed by another movie, F91, which will make no sense whatsoever, because it was originally planned to be a full length series. Then comes Victory Gundam, which I never watched, but is not generally regarded to be a very strong entry in the Gundam universe. Last comes Turn A Gundam, which is amazing, but very different from everything else in the franchise. It will also hold a lot more meaning for you if you watch it last, but it's good either way. The latest entry into the UC timeline is Gundam Unicorn, which is a very recent series of OVAs that are goddamned gorgeous with fantastic mecha designs. The plot... uh... it's okay. Stardust Memories (also known as 0083) and 08th MS Team are OVAs that chronologically take place between the original MSG and Zeta. There's another OVA in that same period, actually, which is probably better than 0083 called War in the Pocket (also known as 0080). It's great. 0083 isn't very good, IMO, but it's worth a watch for some really cool mecha designs and fights. 0080 is amazing, but it won't make much sense without at least the context of seeing the original stuff (also known as 0079). 08th MS Team is something you should watch regardless of how you feel about Gundam, but it's *very* different from how all the other series feel, so while you could watch it first, watching it won't really give you an idea of what Gundam is all about. tl;dr Watch the original compilation movies and maybe 08th MS Team. Go from there.
rockafella basically just listed off some of the major works in the original and most famous Gundam timeline, Universal Century. This is the stuff you want to watch if you want to know what Gundam is really all about. Since it's almost all older, it won't be as pretty, but if you want to catch all the references and stuff in other anime, this is what you want. I kind of disagree with how he's recommending you watch it though. I recommend you watch the three compilation movies for the original Mobile Suit Gundam. They hold up very well and are very enjoyable. After that, you should watch the series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. The compilation movies for Zeta Gundam aren't very good, IMO, and they have some altered scenes/plot. Officially, next comes Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, which is... controversial. The first half is generally regarded as not very good, or at least very "different," and the second half is more of a return to form. Some important stuff happens here, but I personally skipped it. Next comes the movie Char's Counterattack, which has a terrible plot, but great eye candy and some of the sickest mobile suit designs in Gundam. This is followed by another movie, F91, which will make no sense whatsoever, because it was originally planned to be a full length series. Then comes Victory Gundam, which I never watched, but is not generally regarded to be a very strong entry in the Gundam universe. Last comes Turn A Gundam, which is amazing, but very different from everything else in the franchise. It will also hold a lot more meaning for you if you watch it last, but it's good either way. The latest entry into the UC timeline is Gundam Unicorn, which is a very recent series of OVAs that are goddamned gorgeous with fantastic mecha designs. The plot... uh... it's okay. Stardust Memories (also known as 0083) and 08th MS Team are OVAs that chronologically take place between the original MSG and Zeta. There's another OVA in that same period, actually, which is probably better than 0083 called War in the Pocket (also known as 0080). It's great. 0083 isn't very good, IMO, but it's worth a watch for some really cool mecha designs and fights. 0080 is amazing, but it won't make much sense without at least the context of seeing the original stuff (also known as 0079). 08th MS Team is something you should watch regardless of how you feel about Gundam, but it's very different from how all the other series feel, so while you could watch it first, watching it won't really give you an idea of what Gundam is all about. tl;dr Watch the original compilation movies and maybe 08th MS Team. Go from there.
rockafella basically just listed off some of the major works in the original and most famous Gundam timeline, Universal Century. This is the stuff you want to watch if you want to know what Gundam is really all about. Since it's almost all older, it won't be as pretty, but if you want to catch all the references and stuff in other anime, this is what you want. I kind of disagree with how he's recommending you watch it though. I recommend you watch the three compilation movies for the original Mobile Suit Gundam. They hold up very well and are very enjoyable. After that, you should watch the series Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. The compilation movies for Zeta Gundam aren't very good, IMO, and they have some altered scenes/plot. Officially, next comes Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, which is... controversial. The first half is generally regarded as not very good, or at least very "different," and the second half is more of a return to form. Some important stuff happens here, but I personally skipped it. Next comes the movie Char's Counterattack, which has a terrible plot, but great eye candy and some of the sickest mobile suit designs in Gundam. This is followed by another movie, F91, which will make no sense whatsoever, because it was originally planned to be a full length series. Then comes Victory Gundam, which I never watched, but is not generally regarded to be a very strong entry in the Gundam universe. Last comes Turn A Gundam, which is amazing, but very different from everything else in the franchise. It will also hold a lot more meaning for you if you watch it last, but it's good either way. The latest entry into the UC timeline is Gundam Unicorn, which is a very recent series of OVAs that are goddamned gorgeous with fantastic mecha designs. The plot... uh... it's okay. Stardust Memories (also known as 0083) and 08th MS Team are OVAs that chronologically take place between the original MSG and Zeta. There's another OVA in that same period, actually, which is probably better than 0083 called War in the Pocket (also known as 0080). It's great. 0083 isn't very good, IMO, but it's worth a watch for some really cool mecha designs and fights. 0080 is amazing, but it won't make much sense without at least the context of seeing the original stuff (also known as 0079). 08th MS Team is something you should watch regardless of how you feel about Gundam, but it's very different from how all the other series feel, so while you could watch it first, watching it won't really give you an idea of what Gundam is all about.
Watch the original compilation movies and maybe 08th MS Team. Go from there.
I enjoy it a lot. Washington Park is beautiful, and the 1/3 or so of the Riverfront Park that is complete and open is great, too. I'm a runner, so Eden Park and Sawyer Point are close by and good for that. I walk to work, and it takes 10-15 minutes tops, with no possibility of a traffic jam. I'm pretty close to the Skywalk, too, so when it's raining or freezing about 80% of the walk can be in-doors and heated (with a few coffee shops and Subways along the way). There are events on Fountain Square all the time, and I can walk to a ton of restaurants and bars (and don't ever have to worry about a DD). Newport and Covington are a very short drive, a short bike ride, or a decent (but manageable) walk away. OTR is easy walking distance, and the architecture there is the best in the city. Shopping is about the same as in the suburbs if you want to go to a larger grocery store (unless you live near the OTR Kroger, which I've heard negative reviews about)--you'll probably have to drive to those, but it takes 5 minutes at most. Otherwise, you could shop at the smaller places (butcher, bakery, deli, etc.), or go to Findlay Market if you're in OTR (great place). The downside is that I see the appeal of having a yard and a garden of your own. Sometimes I would like a private, quiet outdoor space where I can be on my own. Also, crime hasn't been an issue for me or my girlfriend, but the fact that it's a hub means that there could be people around that you don't want to deal with--it's important to keep an eye out, at least, but I feel like in all it's pretty safe as far as cities go. Sometimes I miss sports talk radio (believe it or not) or NPR when I'm walking, because I used to commute from Clermont County and listen to one or the other along the way. But even with those few downsides, I wouldn't change a thing and I'm absolutely in no hurry to buy a house in the 'burbs. I think my Cincinnati fantasy would be to renovate a place in OTR, build a garden on the roof, and live there until I'm shitting my pants and yelling at youngsters. I see downtown and OTR getting better in the next 5-10 years as population keeps going up--that sort of thing builds on itself in urban areas, and you can't underestimate how significant it is. My favorite thing: over the summer, I could walk to as many Reds games as I wanted (or just sit in the Riverfront Park and watch the fireworks after the Friday home games). You could find seats in the upper decks for $5 or less on StubHub, and watch the barges pass by and see the hills in Kentucky. It was incredibly easy, and I loved it. tl;dr - I love it. I'm not a suburb-hater, but I think that living downtown makes Cincinnati seem so much better.
I enjoy it a lot. Washington Park is beautiful, and the 1/3 or so of the Riverfront Park that is complete and open is great, too. I'm a runner, so Eden Park and Sawyer Point are close by and good for that. I walk to work, and it takes 10-15 minutes tops, with no possibility of a traffic jam. I'm pretty close to the Skywalk, too, so when it's raining or freezing about 80% of the walk can be in-doors and heated (with a few coffee shops and Subways along the way). There are events on Fountain Square all the time, and I can walk to a ton of restaurants and bars (and don't ever have to worry about a DD). Newport and Covington are a very short drive, a short bike ride, or a decent (but manageable) walk away. OTR is easy walking distance, and the architecture there is the best in the city. Shopping is about the same as in the suburbs if you want to go to a larger grocery store (unless you live near the OTR Kroger, which I've heard negative reviews about)--you'll probably have to drive to those, but it takes 5 minutes at most. Otherwise, you could shop at the smaller places (butcher, bakery, deli, etc.), or go to Findlay Market if you're in OTR (great place). The downside is that I see the appeal of having a yard and a garden of your own. Sometimes I would like a private, quiet outdoor space where I can be on my own. Also, crime hasn't been an issue for me or my girlfriend, but the fact that it's a hub means that there could be people around that you don't want to deal with--it's important to keep an eye out, at least, but I feel like in all it's pretty safe as far as cities go. Sometimes I miss sports talk radio (believe it or not) or NPR when I'm walking, because I used to commute from Clermont County and listen to one or the other along the way. But even with those few downsides, I wouldn't change a thing and I'm absolutely in no hurry to buy a house in the 'burbs. I think my Cincinnati fantasy would be to renovate a place in OTR, build a garden on the roof, and live there until I'm shitting my pants and yelling at youngsters. I see downtown and OTR getting better in the next 5-10 years as population keeps going up--that sort of thing builds on itself in urban areas, and you can't underestimate how significant it is. My favorite thing: over the summer, I could walk to as many Reds games as I wanted (or just sit in the Riverfront Park and watch the fireworks after the Friday home games). You could find seats in the upper decks for $5 or less on StubHub, and watch the barges pass by and see the hills in Kentucky. It was incredibly easy, and I loved it. tl;dr - I love it. I'm not a suburb-hater, but I think that living downtown makes Cincinnati seem so much better.
I enjoy it a lot. Washington Park is beautiful, and the 1/3 or so of the Riverfront Park that is complete and open is great, too. I'm a runner, so Eden Park and Sawyer Point are close by and good for that. I walk to work, and it takes 10-15 minutes tops, with no possibility of a traffic jam. I'm pretty close to the Skywalk, too, so when it's raining or freezing about 80% of the walk can be in-doors and heated (with a few coffee shops and Subways along the way). There are events on Fountain Square all the time, and I can walk to a ton of restaurants and bars (and don't ever have to worry about a DD). Newport and Covington are a very short drive, a short bike ride, or a decent (but manageable) walk away. OTR is easy walking distance, and the architecture there is the best in the city. Shopping is about the same as in the suburbs if you want to go to a larger grocery store (unless you live near the OTR Kroger, which I've heard negative reviews about)--you'll probably have to drive to those, but it takes 5 minutes at most. Otherwise, you could shop at the smaller places (butcher, bakery, deli, etc.), or go to Findlay Market if you're in OTR (great place). The downside is that I see the appeal of having a yard and a garden of your own. Sometimes I would like a private, quiet outdoor space where I can be on my own. Also, crime hasn't been an issue for me or my girlfriend, but the fact that it's a hub means that there could be people around that you don't want to deal with--it's important to keep an eye out, at least, but I feel like in all it's pretty safe as far as cities go. Sometimes I miss sports talk radio (believe it or not) or NPR when I'm walking, because I used to commute from Clermont County and listen to one or the other along the way. But even with those few downsides, I wouldn't change a thing and I'm absolutely in no hurry to buy a house in the 'burbs. I think my Cincinnati fantasy would be to renovate a place in OTR, build a garden on the roof, and live there until I'm shitting my pants and yelling at youngsters. I see downtown and OTR getting better in the next 5-10 years as population keeps going up--that sort of thing builds on itself in urban areas, and you can't underestimate how significant it is. My favorite thing: over the summer, I could walk to as many Reds games as I wanted (or just sit in the Riverfront Park and watch the fireworks after the Friday home games). You could find seats in the upper decks for $5 or less on StubHub, and watch the barges pass by and see the hills in Kentucky. It was incredibly easy, and I loved it.
I love it. I'm not a suburb-hater, but I think that living downtown makes Cincinnati seem so much better.
No there isn't for as far as I am aware, but there are some simple solutions to this: - If you own the game on steam (or add the victoria2.exe to steam) you can press shift+tab to open the steam overlay. this features a clock. - Alternatively you may press alt+tab or the windows button (assuming your keyboard has one of those) which will take you to your desktop which features a clock in the taskbar. - You can also run the game in windowed mode. Windowed mode is not natively in the game's settings and must be activated by changing the game's settings file. This file is located under your documents/Paradox Interactive/Victoria 2 in the settings.txt file. By default this file will have fullscreen set to off, simply change fullscreen from yes to no. While you are here you may also want to edit the game's resolution so it doesn't take up all of your screen and you are still able to see the clock. in the end it should look something like this: gui= { language=l_english } graphics= { size= { x=XRES y=YRES } refreshrate=60 fullscreen=no shadows=yes **and so forth** XRES = horizontal resolution YRES = vertical resolution **DON'T FORGET TO SAVE YOUR SETTINGS.TXT** **TL;DR: Add to steam or tab out or windowed mode**
No there isn't for as far as I am aware, but there are some simple solutions to this: If you own the game on steam (or add the victoria2.exe to steam) you can press shift+tab to open the steam overlay. this features a clock. Alternatively you may press alt+tab or the windows button (assuming your keyboard has one of those) which will take you to your desktop which features a clock in the taskbar. You can also run the game in windowed mode. Windowed mode is not natively in the game's settings and must be activated by changing the game's settings file. This file is located under your documents/Paradox Interactive/Victoria 2 in the settings.txt file. By default this file will have fullscreen set to off, simply change fullscreen from yes to no. While you are here you may also want to edit the game's resolution so it doesn't take up all of your screen and you are still able to see the clock. in the end it should look something like this: gui= { language=l_english } graphics= { size= { x=XRES y=YRES } refreshrate=60 fullscreen=no shadows=yes and so forth XRES = horizontal resolution YRES = vertical resolution DON'T FORGET TO SAVE YOUR SETTINGS.TXT TL;DR: Add to steam or tab out or windowed mode
No there isn't for as far as I am aware, but there are some simple solutions to this: If you own the game on steam (or add the victoria2.exe to steam) you can press shift+tab to open the steam overlay. this features a clock. Alternatively you may press alt+tab or the windows button (assuming your keyboard has one of those) which will take you to your desktop which features a clock in the taskbar. You can also run the game in windowed mode. Windowed mode is not natively in the game's settings and must be activated by changing the game's settings file. This file is located under your documents/Paradox Interactive/Victoria 2 in the settings.txt file. By default this file will have fullscreen set to off, simply change fullscreen from yes to no. While you are here you may also want to edit the game's resolution so it doesn't take up all of your screen and you are still able to see the clock. in the end it should look something like this: gui= { language=l_english } graphics= { size= { x=XRES y=YRES } refreshrate=60 fullscreen=no shadows=yes and so forth XRES = horizontal resolution YRES = vertical resolution DON'T FORGET TO SAVE YOUR SETTINGS.TXT
Add to steam or tab out or windowed mode
Well look. It's obvious why she didn't want you to know. She was worried about this exact thing happening. You're paranoid that something went down and that she's just trying to play cover up. While it *is* wrong of her to try to be secretive of it, my gut tells me she's doing it on good intentions. She thought more drama would come of telling you than of you never finding out about a non-eventful night. The other week, my best friend slept in the same bed as my then recently ex-gf... And since things were ugly near the end, she even made a threatening suggestion that something would happen when he visited. But alas that was just a front. And she later admitted that when he came over she had to clear the air about that cuz she thought I may have mentioned it to him (i didn't). At which point he completely agreed that nothing was going to happen. On a sidenote however, years before I dated this girl. The same two had hung out secretly and at some instance drunkenly hooked up... And whether it was a different time period entirely or they were legitimately trying to cover up, they made it explicitly clear that nothing happened. Since I found out about it so long after the fact, I couldn't piece together the actual time frame from when it happened and when they were telling me nothing was going on. **TL;DR** from my experience I can say 99% sure nothing happened because you're in a relationship and friends respect that. She's just trying to protect you from your own anxiety... But I may be wrong, so talk it out with her.
Well look. It's obvious why she didn't want you to know. She was worried about this exact thing happening. You're paranoid that something went down and that she's just trying to play cover up. While it is wrong of her to try to be secretive of it, my gut tells me she's doing it on good intentions. She thought more drama would come of telling you than of you never finding out about a non-eventful night. The other week, my best friend slept in the same bed as my then recently ex-gf... And since things were ugly near the end, she even made a threatening suggestion that something would happen when he visited. But alas that was just a front. And she later admitted that when he came over she had to clear the air about that cuz she thought I may have mentioned it to him (i didn't). At which point he completely agreed that nothing was going to happen. On a sidenote however, years before I dated this girl. The same two had hung out secretly and at some instance drunkenly hooked up... And whether it was a different time period entirely or they were legitimately trying to cover up, they made it explicitly clear that nothing happened. Since I found out about it so long after the fact, I couldn't piece together the actual time frame from when it happened and when they were telling me nothing was going on. TL;DR from my experience I can say 99% sure nothing happened because you're in a relationship and friends respect that. She's just trying to protect you from your own anxiety... But I may be wrong, so talk it out with her.
Well look. It's obvious why she didn't want you to know. She was worried about this exact thing happening. You're paranoid that something went down and that she's just trying to play cover up. While it is wrong of her to try to be secretive of it, my gut tells me she's doing it on good intentions. She thought more drama would come of telling you than of you never finding out about a non-eventful night. The other week, my best friend slept in the same bed as my then recently ex-gf... And since things were ugly near the end, she even made a threatening suggestion that something would happen when he visited. But alas that was just a front. And she later admitted that when he came over she had to clear the air about that cuz she thought I may have mentioned it to him (i didn't). At which point he completely agreed that nothing was going to happen. On a sidenote however, years before I dated this girl. The same two had hung out secretly and at some instance drunkenly hooked up... And whether it was a different time period entirely or they were legitimately trying to cover up, they made it explicitly clear that nothing happened. Since I found out about it so long after the fact, I couldn't piece together the actual time frame from when it happened and when they were telling me nothing was going on.
from my experience I can say 99% sure nothing happened because you're in a relationship and friends respect that. She's just trying to protect you from your own anxiety... But I may be wrong, so talk it out with her.
I just had a conversation about this with my roommate. The way I see it, this direction is not going to help. Regardless of wether or not violent video games desensitize kids, taking them away isn't going to make anything better. If you take a negative away, without adding a positive, clearly you're leaving space open for more negatives. The best thing at this point, which is better said than done it seems, is to spend more effort in the school with children. We've heard it all before, but it's true. There was an article I read a few days ago about the difference between violent video games in the US and say Asia. Even this they play just as many, if not more, violent games, you don't hear about them pushing to throw them away cause some crazed adult went on a killing spree. (I'm paraphrasing, anyone who knows the article I'm talking about could link it) TL;DR : Bottom Line, we need the educate are kids, not just about guns etc, but in general. We need children who want to go to school, who feel safe and happy there, and who want to become something. Removing violent video games isn't going to get us there IMO
I just had a conversation about this with my roommate. The way I see it, this direction is not going to help. Regardless of wether or not violent video games desensitize kids, taking them away isn't going to make anything better. If you take a negative away, without adding a positive, clearly you're leaving space open for more negatives. The best thing at this point, which is better said than done it seems, is to spend more effort in the school with children. We've heard it all before, but it's true. There was an article I read a few days ago about the difference between violent video games in the US and say Asia. Even this they play just as many, if not more, violent games, you don't hear about them pushing to throw them away cause some crazed adult went on a killing spree. (I'm paraphrasing, anyone who knows the article I'm talking about could link it) TL;DR : Bottom Line, we need the educate are kids, not just about guns etc, but in general. We need children who want to go to school, who feel safe and happy there, and who want to become something. Removing violent video games isn't going to get us there IMO
I just had a conversation about this with my roommate. The way I see it, this direction is not going to help. Regardless of wether or not violent video games desensitize kids, taking them away isn't going to make anything better. If you take a negative away, without adding a positive, clearly you're leaving space open for more negatives. The best thing at this point, which is better said than done it seems, is to spend more effort in the school with children. We've heard it all before, but it's true. There was an article I read a few days ago about the difference between violent video games in the US and say Asia. Even this they play just as many, if not more, violent games, you don't hear about them pushing to throw them away cause some crazed adult went on a killing spree. (I'm paraphrasing, anyone who knows the article I'm talking about could link it)
Bottom Line, we need the educate are kids, not just about guns etc, but in general. We need children who want to go to school, who feel safe and happy there, and who want to become something. Removing violent video games isn't going to get us there IMO
I remember some time ago, when I was still living at home, I was watching the episode of The Office where they are talking about changing their insurance policy. I don't really watch the office anymore but from memory one of the fat guys complained that the new policy wouldn't cover his Anal Fissures. Being about 14 I decided a quick google was in order and so I went about it and ended up on wikipedia reading about anal fissures. Shortly after my brother came into my room to talk to me about something, we talked for a while and then he left. After he left it hit me. He had seen. He knew. I had been caught reading about anal fissures. I forgot about this event until 2 weeks ago at my 21st birthday party where my brother made a speech. It was the normal birthday speech with embarassing stories and tales of brotherly adventures. He closed his speech of with the story of how he found me reading about anal fissures and that he convinced mom to buy softer toilet paper to help me through this painful and embarassing period. TLDR: Brother caught me researching "Anal Fissures", convinced I had one, embarassed me at my 21st
I remember some time ago, when I was still living at home, I was watching the episode of The Office where they are talking about changing their insurance policy. I don't really watch the office anymore but from memory one of the fat guys complained that the new policy wouldn't cover his Anal Fissures. Being about 14 I decided a quick google was in order and so I went about it and ended up on wikipedia reading about anal fissures. Shortly after my brother came into my room to talk to me about something, we talked for a while and then he left. After he left it hit me. He had seen. He knew. I had been caught reading about anal fissures. I forgot about this event until 2 weeks ago at my 21st birthday party where my brother made a speech. It was the normal birthday speech with embarassing stories and tales of brotherly adventures. He closed his speech of with the story of how he found me reading about anal fissures and that he convinced mom to buy softer toilet paper to help me through this painful and embarassing period. TLDR: Brother caught me researching "Anal Fissures", convinced I had one, embarassed me at my 21st
I remember some time ago, when I was still living at home, I was watching the episode of The Office where they are talking about changing their insurance policy. I don't really watch the office anymore but from memory one of the fat guys complained that the new policy wouldn't cover his Anal Fissures. Being about 14 I decided a quick google was in order and so I went about it and ended up on wikipedia reading about anal fissures. Shortly after my brother came into my room to talk to me about something, we talked for a while and then he left. After he left it hit me. He had seen. He knew. I had been caught reading about anal fissures. I forgot about this event until 2 weeks ago at my 21st birthday party where my brother made a speech. It was the normal birthday speech with embarassing stories and tales of brotherly adventures. He closed his speech of with the story of how he found me reading about anal fissures and that he convinced mom to buy softer toilet paper to help me through this painful and embarassing period.
Brother caught me researching "Anal Fissures", convinced I had one, embarassed me at my 21st
i had some sort of food poisoning, and in about 4 hours from when it started, I had to go to the hospital. I think I had 2 bags of fluids. My roomate came home and I was fine and he said the word food, and I ran for the bathroom. But this time I realized I was starting to pass out. (I passed out once before) I couldn't really hear anymore, and knew I couldnt stand up past a hunch and it became hard to see. He dropped me off at the door to the ER where I wabbled in, and basically passed out at check in. TLDR: It's amazing how fast you can get dehydrated.
i had some sort of food poisoning, and in about 4 hours from when it started, I had to go to the hospital. I think I had 2 bags of fluids. My roomate came home and I was fine and he said the word food, and I ran for the bathroom. But this time I realized I was starting to pass out. (I passed out once before) I couldn't really hear anymore, and knew I couldnt stand up past a hunch and it became hard to see. He dropped me off at the door to the ER where I wabbled in, and basically passed out at check in. TLDR: It's amazing how fast you can get dehydrated.
i had some sort of food poisoning, and in about 4 hours from when it started, I had to go to the hospital. I think I had 2 bags of fluids. My roomate came home and I was fine and he said the word food, and I ran for the bathroom. But this time I realized I was starting to pass out. (I passed out once before) I couldn't really hear anymore, and knew I couldnt stand up past a hunch and it became hard to see. He dropped me off at the door to the ER where I wabbled in, and basically passed out at check in.
It's amazing how fast you can get dehydrated.
My fiance got hit by it for about 3 ish days of hard core vomit and shit. I was hit with EXTREME symptoms but only for about a day. I was in such intense stomach pain that when I had my first bout of diarrhea it induced vomiting which splashed out of the pot I had onto the floor. Where I lay for about 10 mins before the pain subsided slightly and I managed to clean everything. TLDR it can be short and terrible or long and slightly less terrible.
My fiance got hit by it for about 3 ish days of hard core vomit and shit. I was hit with EXTREME symptoms but only for about a day. I was in such intense stomach pain that when I had my first bout of diarrhea it induced vomiting which splashed out of the pot I had onto the floor. Where I lay for about 10 mins before the pain subsided slightly and I managed to clean everything. TLDR it can be short and terrible or long and slightly less terrible.
My fiance got hit by it for about 3 ish days of hard core vomit and shit. I was hit with EXTREME symptoms but only for about a day. I was in such intense stomach pain that when I had my first bout of diarrhea it induced vomiting which splashed out of the pot I had onto the floor. Where I lay for about 10 mins before the pain subsided slightly and I managed to clean everything.
it can be short and terrible or long and slightly less terrible.
I caught I while away on field work. One girl came along after being ill for a few days before hand, by the end of the week 13 out of 30 of us had it. One loo between 10 people is not ideal! I only vomited once when I had it- (had the poos for days) and that was after 3 days of nothing but cherry powerade. I passed out in my bathroom and came to surrounded by a neon pink spiral of vomit all running down the walls, my front, my back, out my nose and in my hair. Gave myself a concussion for the fall. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. TL:DR. Norovirus turned me into a neon pink vomit tornado
I caught I while away on field work. One girl came along after being ill for a few days before hand, by the end of the week 13 out of 30 of us had it. One loo between 10 people is not ideal! I only vomited once when I had it- (had the poos for days) and that was after 3 days of nothing but cherry powerade. I passed out in my bathroom and came to surrounded by a neon pink spiral of vomit all running down the walls, my front, my back, out my nose and in my hair. Gave myself a concussion for the fall. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. TL:DR. Norovirus turned me into a neon pink vomit tornado
I caught I while away on field work. One girl came along after being ill for a few days before hand, by the end of the week 13 out of 30 of us had it. One loo between 10 people is not ideal! I only vomited once when I had it- (had the poos for days) and that was after 3 days of nothing but cherry powerade. I passed out in my bathroom and came to surrounded by a neon pink spiral of vomit all running down the walls, my front, my back, out my nose and in my hair. Gave myself a concussion for the fall. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
Norovirus turned me into a neon pink vomit tornado
So once a friend of mine invited me to his birthday party at his grandma's house (it was very big and nice and we were like 13 years old, so this was all acceptable), his mom drove us there. On the last day of a week-long party he got the virus. When driving back, he launched a stream of vomit out the window. It was so sudden that he couldn't even ask his mom to stop the car. As a result, the whole rear end was covered in lunch. Then 15 minutes later the mother launched a projectile of vomit at the steering wheel and the windshield. Luckily, she didn't freak out and managed to stop the car safely. She then opened the door and started puking on the road. The son (who was sitting in the front passenger seat) also started puking out the door. Must've been an interesting sight for other drivers, with both doors open and puddles of vomit around the car. I got the virus the next day. I genuinely wanted to die. The closest I got was sleeping for 20 hours a day for the next couple days. **TL;DR:** *We're driving down the road, vomit's spraying all around...*
So once a friend of mine invited me to his birthday party at his grandma's house (it was very big and nice and we were like 13 years old, so this was all acceptable), his mom drove us there. On the last day of a week-long party he got the virus. When driving back, he launched a stream of vomit out the window. It was so sudden that he couldn't even ask his mom to stop the car. As a result, the whole rear end was covered in lunch. Then 15 minutes later the mother launched a projectile of vomit at the steering wheel and the windshield. Luckily, she didn't freak out and managed to stop the car safely. She then opened the door and started puking on the road. The son (who was sitting in the front passenger seat) also started puking out the door. Must've been an interesting sight for other drivers, with both doors open and puddles of vomit around the car. I got the virus the next day. I genuinely wanted to die. The closest I got was sleeping for 20 hours a day for the next couple days. TL;DR: We're driving down the road, vomit's spraying all around...
So once a friend of mine invited me to his birthday party at his grandma's house (it was very big and nice and we were like 13 years old, so this was all acceptable), his mom drove us there. On the last day of a week-long party he got the virus. When driving back, he launched a stream of vomit out the window. It was so sudden that he couldn't even ask his mom to stop the car. As a result, the whole rear end was covered in lunch. Then 15 minutes later the mother launched a projectile of vomit at the steering wheel and the windshield. Luckily, she didn't freak out and managed to stop the car safely. She then opened the door and started puking on the road. The son (who was sitting in the front passenger seat) also started puking out the door. Must've been an interesting sight for other drivers, with both doors open and puddles of vomit around the car. I got the virus the next day. I genuinely wanted to die. The closest I got was sleeping for 20 hours a day for the next couple days.
We're driving down the road, vomit's spraying all around...