import numpy as np |
from rdkit import Chem |
import torch |
from torch_geometric.data import Data |
def one_of_k_encoding(x, allowable_set): |
""" |
Encodes elements of a provided set as integers. |
Parameters |
---------- |
x: object |
Must be present in `allowable_set`. |
allowable_set: list |
List of allowable quantities. |
Example |
------- |
>>> import deepchem as dc |
>>> dc.feat.graph_features.one_of_k_encoding("a", ["a", "b", "c"]) |
[True, False, False] |
Raises |
------ |
`ValueError` if `x` is not in `allowable_set`. |
""" |
if x not in allowable_set: |
raise Exception(f"input {x} not in allowable set{allowable_set}:") |
return list(map(lambda s: x == s, allowable_set)) |
def one_of_k_encoding_unk(x, allowable_set): |
""" |
Maps inputs not in the allowable set to the last element. |
Unlike `one_of_k_encoding`, if `x` is not in `allowable_set`, this method |
pretends that `x` is the last element of `allowable_set`. |
Parameters |
---------- |
x: object |
Must be present in `allowable_set`. |
allowable_set: list |
List of allowable quantities. |
Examples |
-------- |
>>> dc.feat.graph_features.one_of_k_encoding_unk("s", ["a", "b", "c"]) |
[False, False, True] |
""" |
if x not in allowable_set: |
x = allowable_set[-1] |
return list(map(lambda s: x == s, allowable_set)) |
def get_intervals(l): |
"""For list of lists, gets the cumulative products of the lengths""" |
intervals = len(l) * [0] |
intervals[0] = 1 |
for k in range(1, len(l)): |
intervals[k] = (len(l[k]) + 1) * intervals[k - 1] |
return intervals |
def safe_index(l, e): |
"""Gets the index of e in l, providing an index of len(l) if not found""" |
try: |
return l.index(e) |
except: |
return len(l) |
class GraphConvConstants(object): |
"""This class defines a collection of constants which are useful for graph convolutions on molecules.""" |
possible_atom_list = [ |
'C', 'N', 'O', 'S', 'F', 'P', 'Cl', 'Mg', 'Na', 'Br', 'Fe', 'Ca', 'Cu','Mc', 'Pd', 'Pb', 'K', 'I', 'Al', 'Ni', 'Mn' |
] |
"""Allowed Numbers of Hydrogens""" |
possible_numH_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] |
"""Allowed Valences for Atoms""" |
possible_valence_list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] |
"""Allowed Formal Charges for Atoms""" |
possible_formal_charge_list = [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3] |
"""This is a placeholder for documentation. These will be replaced with corresponding values of the rdkit HybridizationType""" |
possible_hybridization_list = ["SP", "SP2", "SP3", "SP3D", "SP3D2"] |
"""Allowed number of radical electrons.""" |
possible_number_radical_e_list = [0, 1, 2] |
"""Allowed types of Chirality""" |
possible_chirality_list = ['R', 'S'] |
"""The set of all values allowed.""" |
reference_lists = [ |
possible_atom_list, possible_numH_list, possible_valence_list, |
possible_formal_charge_list, possible_number_radical_e_list, |
possible_hybridization_list, possible_chirality_list |
] |
"""The number of different values that can be taken. See `get_intervals()`""" |
intervals = get_intervals(reference_lists) |
"""Possible stereochemistry. We use E-Z notation for stereochemistry |
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E%E2%80%93Z_notation""" |
possible_bond_stereo = ["STEREONONE", "STEREOANY", "STEREOZ", "STEREOE"] |
"""Number of different bond types not counting stereochemistry.""" |
bond_fdim_base = 6 |
def get_feature_list(atom): |
possible_atom_list = GraphConvConstants.possible_atom_list |
possible_numH_list = GraphConvConstants.possible_numH_list |
possible_valence_list = GraphConvConstants.possible_valence_list |
possible_formal_charge_list = GraphConvConstants.possible_formal_charge_list |
possible_number_radical_e_list = GraphConvConstants.possible_number_radical_e_list |
possible_hybridization_list = GraphConvConstants.possible_hybridization_list |
from rdkit import Chem |
possible_hybridization_list = [ |
Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP, Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP2, |
Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3, Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3D, |
Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3D2 |
] |
features = 6 * [0] |
features[0] = safe_index(possible_atom_list, atom.GetSymbol()) |
features[1] = safe_index(possible_numH_list, atom.GetTotalNumHs()) |
features[2] = safe_index(possible_valence_list, atom.GetImplicitValence()) |
features[3] = safe_index(possible_formal_charge_list, atom.GetFormalCharge()) |
features[4] = safe_index(possible_number_radical_e_list, |
atom.GetNumRadicalElectrons()) |
features[5] = safe_index(possible_hybridization_list, atom.GetHybridization()) |
return features |
def features_to_id(features, intervals): |
"""Convert list of features into index using spacings provided in intervals""" |
id = 0 |
for k in range(len(intervals-1)): |
id += features[k] * intervals[k] |
id = id + 1 |
return id |
def id_to_features(id, intervals): |
features = 6 * [0] |
id -= 1 |
for k in range(0, 6 - 1): |
features[6 - k - 1] = id // intervals[6 - k - 1] |
id -= features[6 - k - 1] * intervals[6 - k - 1] |
features[0] = id |
return features |
def atom_to_id(atom): |
"""Return a unique id corresponding to the atom type""" |
features = get_feature_list(atom) |
return features_to_id(features, intervals) |
def atom_features(atom, bool_id_feat=False, explicit_H=False,use_chirality=False): |
if bool_id_feat: |
return np.array([atom_to_id(atom)]) |
else: |
results_ = one_of_k_encoding_unk( |
atom.GetSymbol(), |
[ |
'C', |
'N', |
'O', |
'S', |
'F', |
'Si', |
'P', |
'Cl', |
'Br', |
'Mg', |
'Na', |
'Ca', |
'Fe', |
'As', |
'Al', |
'I', |
'B', |
'V', |
'K', |
'Tl', |
'Yb', |
'Sb', |
'Sn', |
'Ag', |
'Pd', |
'Co', |
'Se', |
'Ti', |
'Zn', |
'H', |
'Li', |
'Ge', |
'Cu', |
'Au', |
'Ni', |
'Cd', |
'In', |
'Mn', |
'Zr', |
'Cr', |
'Pt', |
'Hg', |
'Pb', |
'Unknown' |
] |
) |
results=results_ + \ |
one_of_k_encoding( |
atom.GetDegree(), |
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] |
) + \ |
one_of_k_encoding_unk( |
atom.GetImplicitValence(), |
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] |
) + \ |
[ |
atom.GetFormalCharge(), atom.GetNumRadicalElectrons() |
] + \ |
one_of_k_encoding_unk( |
atom.GetHybridization().name, |
[ |
Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP.name, |
Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP2.name, |
Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3.name, |
Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3D.name, |
Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3D2.name |
] |
) + \ |
[atom.GetIsAromatic()] |
if not explicit_H: |
results = results + one_of_k_encoding_unk( |
atom.GetTotalNumHs(), |
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] |
) |
if use_chirality: |
try: |
results = results + one_of_k_encoding_unk( |
atom.GetProp('_CIPCode'), |
['R', 'S']) + [atom.HasProp('_ChiralityPossible')] |
except: |
results = results + [False, False] + [atom.HasProp('_ChiralityPossible')] |
return results |
def bond_features(bond, use_chirality=False): |
from rdkit import Chem |
bt = bond.GetBondType() |
bond_feats = [ |
bt == Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE, bt == Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE, |
bt == Chem.rdchem.BondType.TRIPLE, bt == Chem.rdchem.BondType.AROMATIC, |
bond.GetIsConjugated(), |
bond.IsInRing() |
] |
if use_chirality: |
bond_feats = bond_feats + one_of_k_encoding_unk( |
str(bond.GetStereo()), |
) |
return bond_feats |
def get_bond_pair(mol): |
bonds = mol.GetBonds() |
res = [[],[]] |
for bond in bonds: |
res[0] += [bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx()] |
res[1] += [bond.GetEndAtomIdx(), bond.GetBeginAtomIdx()] |
return res |
def mol2vec(mol): |
atoms = mol.GetAtoms() |
bonds = mol.GetBonds() |
node_f= [atom_features(atom) for atom in atoms] |
edge_index = get_bond_pair(mol) |
edge_attr = [bond_features(bond, use_chirality=False) for bond in bonds] |
for bond in bonds: |
edge_attr.append(bond_features(bond)) |
data = Data( |
x=torch.tensor(node_f, dtype=torch.float), |
edge_index=torch.tensor(edge_index, dtype=torch.long), |
edge_attr=torch.tensor(edge_attr,dtype=torch.float) |
) |
return data |