10 values
5 values
// ====================================================================== // \title Health.hpp // \author bocchino // \brief Interface for BufferLogger health tests // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2017 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_Health_HPP #define Svc_Health_HPP #include "BufferLoggerTester.hpp" namespace Svc { namespace Health { class BufferLoggerTester : public Svc::BufferLoggerTester { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Health ping test void Ping(); }; } } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title BufferLogger/test/ut/Tester.hpp // \author bocchino, mereweth // \brief hpp file for BufferLogger test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef TESTER_HPP #define TESTER_HPP #include "BufferLoggerGTestBase.hpp" #include "Svc/BufferLogger/BufferLogger.hpp" #define COM_BUFFER_LENGTH 4 #define MAX_ENTRIES_PER_FILE 5 #define SIZE_TYPE U32 #define MAX_BYTES_PER_FILE \ (MAX_ENTRIES_PER_FILE*COM_BUFFER_LENGTH + MAX_ENTRIES_PER_FILE*sizeof(SIZE_TYPE)) namespace Svc { class BufferLoggerTester : public BufferLoggerGTestBase { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: //! Construct object BufferLoggerTester //! BufferLoggerTester( bool doInitLog = true ); //! Destroy object BufferLoggerTester //! ~BufferLoggerTester(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests (rest are in Errors, Health, and Logging classes) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: //! No-one called initLog void LogNoInit(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for typed from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler for from_bufferSendOut //! void from_bufferSendOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Buffer& fwBuffer ); //! Handler for from_pingOut //! void from_pingOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 key /*!< Value to return to pinger*/ ); protected: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Dispatch one message on the queue void dispatchOne(); //! Dispatch all messages on the queue void dispatchAll(); //! Generate a test time Fw::Time generateTestTime( const U32 seconds //!< The seconds value ); //! Set test time seconds void setTestTimeSeconds( const U32 seconds //!< The seconds value ); //! Send com buffers to comIn void sendComBuffers( const U32 n //!< The number of buffers to send ); //! Send managed buffers to bufferSendIn void sendManagedBuffers( const U32 n //!< The number of buffers to send ); //! Check that file exists void checkFileExists( const Fw::StringBase& fileName //!< The file name ); //! Check that hash file exists void checkHashFileExists( const Fw::StringBase& fileName //!< The file name ); //! Check the integrity of a log file void checkLogFileIntegrity( const char *const fileName, //!< The file name const U32 expectedSize, //!< The expected file size in bytes const U32 expectedNumBuffers //!< The expected number of buffers ); //! Check file validation void checkFileValidation( const char *const fileName //!< The file name ); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Connect ports //! void connectPorts(); //! Initialize components //! void initComponents(); protected: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The component under test //! BufferLogger component; private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Data for input buffers static U8 data[COM_BUFFER_LENGTH]; }; } // end namespace Svc #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title BufferLogger.hpp // \author bocchino, mereweth // \brief cpp file for BufferLogger test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "BufferLoggerTester.hpp" #include "Fw/Types/SerialBuffer.hpp" #include "Os/ValidatedFile.hpp" #include "Os/FileSystem.hpp" #define INSTANCE 0 #define MAX_HISTORY_SIZE 30 #define QUEUE_DEPTH 10 namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Instance variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- U8 BufferLoggerTester::data[COM_BUFFER_LENGTH] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BufferLoggerTester :: BufferLoggerTester(bool doInitLog) : BufferLoggerGTestBase("Tester", MAX_HISTORY_SIZE), component("BufferLogger") { (void) system("rm -rf buf"); (void) system("mkdir buf"); this->initComponents(); this->connectPorts(); if (doInitLog) { this->component.initLog( "buf/log", ".buf", static_cast<U32>(MAX_BYTES_PER_FILE), sizeof(SIZE_TYPE) ); } } BufferLoggerTester :: ~BufferLoggerTester() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void BufferLoggerTester :: LogNoInit() { this->component.m_file.m_baseName = Fw::String("LogNoInit"); // NOTE (mereweth) - make something sensible happen when no-one calls initLog() // Send data this->sendComBuffers(3); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(3); ASSERT_EVENTS_BL_NoLogFileOpenInitError_SIZE(3); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for typed from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void BufferLoggerTester :: from_bufferSendOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer& fwBuffer ) { this->pushFromPortEntry_bufferSendOut(fwBuffer); } void BufferLoggerTester :: from_pingOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 key ) { this->pushFromPortEntry_pingOut(key); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void BufferLoggerTester :: connectPorts() { // bufferSendIn this->connect_to_bufferSendIn( 0, this->component.get_bufferSendIn_InputPort(0) ); // cmdIn this->connect_to_cmdIn( 0, this->component.get_cmdIn_InputPort(0) ); // comIn this->connect_to_comIn( 0, this->component.get_comIn_InputPort(0) ); // pingIn this->connect_to_pingIn( 0, this->component.get_pingIn_InputPort(0) ); // schedIn this->connect_to_schedIn( 0, this->component.get_schedIn_InputPort(0) ); // bufferSendOut this->component.set_bufferSendOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_bufferSendOut(0) ); // cmdRegOut this->component.set_cmdRegOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_cmdRegOut(0) ); // cmdResponseOut this->component.set_cmdResponseOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_cmdResponseOut(0) ); // eventOut this->component.set_eventOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_eventOut(0) ); // eventOutText this->component.set_eventOutText_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_eventOutText(0) ); // pingOut this->component.set_pingOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_pingOut(0) ); // timeCaller this->component.set_timeCaller_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_timeCaller(0) ); // tlmOut this->component.set_tlmOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_tlmOut(0) ); } void BufferLoggerTester :: initComponents() { this->init(); this->component.init( QUEUE_DEPTH, INSTANCE ); } void BufferLoggerTester :: dispatchOne() { this->component.doDispatch(); } void BufferLoggerTester :: dispatchAll() { while(this->component.m_queue.getNumMsgs() > 0) this->dispatchOne(); } Fw::Time BufferLoggerTester :: generateTestTime(const U32 seconds) { Fw::Time time(TB_DONT_CARE, FW_CONTEXT_DONT_CARE, 234567, seconds); return time; } void BufferLoggerTester :: setTestTimeSeconds(const U32 seconds) { Fw::Time time = this->generateTestTime(seconds); this->setTestTime(time); } void BufferLoggerTester :: sendComBuffers(const U32 n) { Fw::ComBuffer buffer(data, sizeof(data)); for (U32 i = 0; i < n; ++i) { this->invoke_to_comIn(0, buffer, 0); this->dispatchOne(); } } void BufferLoggerTester :: sendManagedBuffers(const U32 n) { Fw::Buffer buffer(data, sizeof(data)); for (U32 i = 0; i < n; ++i) { this->invoke_to_bufferSendIn(0, buffer); this->dispatchOne(); } } void BufferLoggerTester :: checkFileExists(const Fw::StringBase& fileName) { Fw::String command; command.format("test -f %s", fileName.toChar()); const int status = system(command.toChar()); ASSERT_EQ(0, status); } void BufferLoggerTester :: checkHashFileExists(const Fw::StringBase& fileName) { Os::ValidatedFile validatedFile(fileName.toChar()); const Fw::String& hashFileName = validatedFile.getHashFileName(); this->checkFileExists(hashFileName); } void BufferLoggerTester :: checkLogFileIntegrity( const char *const fileName, const U32 expectedSize, const U32 expectedNumBuffers ) { { // Make sure the file size is within bounds FwSignedSizeType actualSize = 0; const Os::FileSystem::Status status = Os::FileSystem::getFileSize(fileName, actualSize); ASSERT_EQ(Os::FileSystem::OP_OK, status); ASSERT_LE(expectedSize, actualSize); } // Open the file Os::File file; { const Os::File::Status status =, Os::File::OPEN_READ); ASSERT_EQ(Os::File::OP_OK, status); } // Check the data U8 buf[expectedSize]; for (U32 i = 0; i < expectedNumBuffers; ++i) { // Get length of buffer to read FwSignedSizeType length = sizeof(SIZE_TYPE); Os::File::Status status =, length); ASSERT_EQ(Os::File::OP_OK, status); ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(SIZE_TYPE), static_cast<U32>(length)); Fw::SerialBuffer comBuffLength(buf, length); comBuffLength.fill(); SIZE_TYPE bufferSize; const Fw::SerializeStatus serializeStatus = comBuffLength.deserialize(bufferSize); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, serializeStatus); ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(data), bufferSize); // Read and check the buffer length = bufferSize; status =, length); ASSERT_EQ(Os::File::OP_OK, status); ASSERT_EQ(bufferSize, static_cast<U32>(length)); ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(buf, data, sizeof(data)), 0); } // Make sure we reached the end of the file { FwSignedSizeType length = 10; const Os::File::Status status =, length); ASSERT_EQ(Os::File::OP_OK, status); ASSERT_EQ(0, length); } } void BufferLoggerTester :: checkFileValidation(const char *const fileName) { Os::ValidatedFile validatedFile(fileName); const Os::ValidateFile::Status status = validatedFile.validate(); ASSERT_EQ(Os::ValidateFile::VALIDATION_OK, status); } } // end namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title Framer.hpp // \author mstarch, bocchino // \brief hpp file for Framer component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2022, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_Framer_HPP #define Svc_Framer_HPP #include "Svc/Framer/FramerComponentAc.hpp" #include "Svc/FramingProtocol/FramingProtocol.hpp" #include "Svc/FramingProtocol/FramingProtocolInterface.hpp" namespace Svc { /** * \brief Generic framing component using FramingProtocol implementation for actual framing * * Framing component used to take Com and File packets and frame serialize them using a * framing protocol specified in a FramingProtocol instance. The instance must be supplied * using the `setup` method. * * Using this component, projects can implement and supply a fresh FramingProtocol implementation * without changing the reference topology. */ class Framer : public FramerComponentBase, public FramingProtocolInterface { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct object Framer //! Framer(const char* const compName /*!< The component name*/ ); //! Initialize object Framer //! void init(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance = 0 /*!< The instance number*/ ); //! \brief Setup this component with a supplied framing protocol //! void setup(FramingProtocol& protocol /*!< Protocol used in framing */); //! Destroy object Framer //! ~Framer(); PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler implementation for comIn //! void comIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::ComBuffer& data, /*!< Buffer containing packet data*/ U32 context /*!< Call context value; meaning chosen by user*/ ); //! Handler implementation for bufferIn //! void bufferIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Buffer& fwBuffer /*!< The buffer*/ ); //! Handler implementation for comStatusIn //! void comStatusIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Success& condition /*!< The condition*/); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of FramingProtocolInterface // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! \brief Allocation callback used to request memory for the framer //! //! Method used by the FramingProtocol to allocate memory for the framed buffer. Framing //! typically adds tokens on the beginning and end of the raw data so it must allocate new space //! to place those and a copy of the data in. //! //! \param size: size of allocation //! \return Fw::Buffer containing allocation to write into Fw::Buffer allocate(const U32 size); //! Send implementation //! void send(Fw::Buffer& outgoing //!< The buffer to send ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! \brief helper function to handle framing of the raw data //! void handle_framing(const U8* const data, const U32 size, Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType packet_type); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The FramingProtocol implementation FramingProtocol* m_protocol; //! Flag determining if at least one frame was sent during framing bool m_frame_sent; }; } // end namespace Svc #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title Framer.cpp // \author mstarch // \brief cpp file for Framer component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2022, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Svc/Framer/Framer.hpp> #include "Fw/Logger/Logger.hpp" #include "Utils/Hash/Hash.hpp" namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Framer ::Framer(const char* const compName) : FramerComponentBase(compName), FramingProtocolInterface(), m_protocol(nullptr), m_frame_sent(false) {} void Framer ::init(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance) { FramerComponentBase::init(instance); } Framer ::~Framer() {} void Framer ::setup(FramingProtocol& protocol) { FW_ASSERT(this->m_protocol == nullptr); this->m_protocol = &protocol; protocol.setup(*this); } void Framer ::handle_framing(const U8* const data, const U32 size, Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType packet_type) { FW_ASSERT(this->m_protocol != nullptr); this->m_frame_sent = false; // Clear the flag to detect if frame was sent this->m_protocol->frame(data, size, packet_type); // If no frame was sent, Framer has the obligation to report success if (this->isConnected_comStatusOut_OutputPort(0) && (!this->m_frame_sent)) { Fw::Success status = Fw::Success::SUCCESS; this->comStatusOut_out(0, status); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Framer ::comIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::ComBuffer& data, U32 context) { this->handle_framing(data.getBuffAddr(), data.getBuffLength(), Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN); } void Framer ::bufferIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer& fwBuffer) { this->handle_framing(fwBuffer.getData(), fwBuffer.getSize(), Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_FILE); // Deallocate the buffer after it was processed by the framing protocol this->bufferDeallocate_out(0, fwBuffer); } void Framer ::comStatusIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Success& condition) { if (this->isConnected_comStatusOut_OutputPort(portNum)) { this->comStatusOut_out(portNum, condition); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Framing protocol implementations // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Framer ::send(Fw::Buffer& outgoing) { FW_ASSERT(!this->m_frame_sent); // Prevent multiple sends per-packet const Drv::SendStatus sendStatus = this->framedOut_out(0, outgoing); if (sendStatus.e != Drv::SendStatus::SEND_OK) { // Note: if there is a data sending problem, an EVR likely wouldn't // make it down. Log the issue in hopes that // someone will see it. Fw::Logger::logMsg("[ERROR] Failed to send framed data: %d\n", sendStatus.e); } this->m_frame_sent = true; // A frame was sent } Fw::Buffer Framer ::allocate(const U32 size) { return this->framedAllocate_out(0, size); } } // end namespace Svc
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // TestMain.cpp // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "Fw/Test/UnitTest.hpp" #include "Os/Log.hpp" #include "FramerTester.hpp" // Enable the console logging provided by Os::Log Os::Log logger; TEST(Nominal, Com) { COMMENT("Send one Fw::Com buffer to the framer (nominal behavior)"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-FRAMER-001"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-FRAMER-003"); Svc::FramerTester tester; tester.test_com(); } TEST(Nominal, Buffer) { COMMENT("Send one Fw::Buffer to the framer (nominal behavior)"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-FRAMER-002"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-FRAMER-003"); Svc::FramerTester tester; tester.test_buffer(); } TEST(Nominal, ManySends) { COMMENT("Send several buffers"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-FRAMER-001"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-FRAMER-002"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-FRAMER-003"); Svc::FramerTester tester; tester.test_com(27); tester.test_buffer(27); tester.test_com(31); tester.test_buffer(31); } TEST(Nominal, StatusPassThrough) { COMMENT("Ensure status pass-through"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-FRAMER-004"); Svc::FramerTester tester; tester.test_status_pass_through(); } TEST(Nominal, NoSendStatus) { COMMENT("Ensure status on no-send"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-FRAMER-003"); Svc::FramerTester tester; tester.test_no_send_status(); } TEST(SendError, Buffer) { COMMENT("Send one Fw::Buffer to the framer (send error)"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-FRAMER-002"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-FRAMER-003"); Svc::FramerTester tester; tester.setSendStatus(Drv::SendStatus::SEND_ERROR); tester.test_buffer(); } TEST(SendError, Com) { COMMENT("Send one Fw::Com buffer to the framer (send error)"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-FRAMER-001"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-FRAMER-003"); Svc::FramerTester tester; tester.setSendStatus(Drv::SendStatus::SEND_ERROR); tester.test_com(); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
// ====================================================================== // \title Framer.hpp // \author mstarch, bocchino // \brief cpp file for Framer test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2022, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "FramerTester.hpp" #define INSTANCE 0 #define MAX_HISTORY_SIZE 1000 namespace Svc { FramerTester::MockFramer::MockFramer(FramerTester& parent) : m_parent(parent), m_do_not_send(false) {} void FramerTester::MockFramer::frame(const U8* const data, const U32 size, Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType packet_type) { // When testing without the send case, disable all mock functions if (!m_do_not_send) { Fw::Buffer buffer(const_cast<U8*>(data), size); m_parent.check_last_buffer(buffer); Fw::Buffer allocated = m_interface->allocate(size); m_interface->send(allocated); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FramerTester ::FramerTester() : FramerGTestBase("Tester", MAX_HISTORY_SIZE), component("Framer"), m_mock(*this), m_framed(false), m_sent(false), m_returned(false), m_sendStatus(Drv::SendStatus::SEND_OK) { this->initComponents(); this->connectPorts(); component.setup(this->m_mock); } FramerTester ::~FramerTester() {} // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FramerTester ::test_com(U32 iterations) { for (U32 i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { Fw::ComBuffer com; m_buffer.set(com.getBuffAddr(), com.getBuffLength()); m_framed = false; m_sent = false; m_returned = false; invoke_to_comIn(0, com, 0); ASSERT_TRUE(m_framed); if (m_sendStatus == Drv::SendStatus::SEND_OK) { ASSERT_TRUE(m_sent); } else { ASSERT_FALSE(m_sent); } ASSERT_FALSE(m_returned); } } void FramerTester ::test_buffer(U32 iterations) { for (U32 i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { Fw::Buffer buffer(new U8[3412], 3412); m_framed = false; m_sent = false; m_returned = false; m_buffer = buffer; invoke_to_bufferIn(0, buffer); ASSERT_TRUE(m_framed); if (m_sendStatus == Drv::SendStatus::SEND_OK) { ASSERT_TRUE(m_sent); } else { ASSERT_FALSE(m_sent); } ASSERT_TRUE(m_returned); } } void FramerTester ::test_status_pass_through() { // Check not always success Fw::Success status = Fw::Success::FAILURE; invoke_to_comStatusIn(0, status); ASSERT_from_comStatusOut(0, status); // Check a success status = Fw::Success::SUCCESS; invoke_to_comStatusIn(0, status); ASSERT_from_comStatusOut(1, status); } void FramerTester ::test_no_send_status() { Fw::Success status = Fw::Success::SUCCESS; m_mock.m_do_not_send = true; // Send com buffer and check no send and a status Fw::ComBuffer com; invoke_to_comIn(0, com, 0); ASSERT_from_framedOut_SIZE(0); ASSERT_from_comStatusOut(0, status); Fw::Buffer buffer(new U8[3412], 3412); invoke_to_bufferIn(0, buffer); ASSERT_from_framedOut_SIZE(0); ASSERT_from_comStatusOut(0, status); clearFromPortHistory(); // Make sure it still does pass-through test_status_pass_through(); } void FramerTester ::check_last_buffer(Fw::Buffer buffer) { ASSERT_EQ(buffer, m_buffer); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for typed from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FramerTester ::from_bufferDeallocate_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer& fwBuffer) { this->pushFromPortEntry_bufferDeallocate(fwBuffer); m_returned = true; delete[] fwBuffer.getData(); } Fw::Buffer FramerTester ::from_framedAllocate_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 size) { this->pushFromPortEntry_framedAllocate(size); Fw::Buffer buffer(new U8[size], size); m_buffer = buffer; return buffer; } Drv::SendStatus FramerTester ::from_framedOut_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer& sendBuffer) { this->pushFromPortEntry_framedOut(sendBuffer); this->check_last_buffer(sendBuffer); delete[] sendBuffer.getData(); m_framed = true; if (m_sendStatus == Drv::SendStatus::SEND_OK) { m_sent = true; } return m_sendStatus; } void FramerTester ::from_comStatusOut_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Success& condition) { this->pushFromPortEntry_comStatusOut(condition); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FramerTester ::connectPorts() { // comIn this->connect_to_comIn(0, this->component.get_comIn_InputPort(0)); // bufferIn this->connect_to_bufferIn(0, this->component.get_bufferIn_InputPort(0)); // bufferDeallocate this->component.set_bufferDeallocate_OutputPort(0, this->get_from_bufferDeallocate(0)); // framedAllocate this->component.set_framedAllocate_OutputPort(0, this->get_from_framedAllocate(0)); // framedOut this->component.set_framedOut_OutputPort(0, this->get_from_framedOut(0)); // comStatusIn this->connect_to_comStatusIn(0, this->component.get_comStatusIn_InputPort(0)); // comStatusOut this->component.set_comStatusOut_OutputPort(0, this->get_from_comStatusOut(0)); } void FramerTester ::initComponents() { this->init(); this->component.init(INSTANCE); } void FramerTester ::setSendStatus(Drv::SendStatus sendStatus) { m_sendStatus = sendStatus; } } // end namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title Framer/test/ut/Tester.hpp // \author mstarch, bocchino // \brief hpp file for Framer test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2022, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef TESTER_HPP #define TESTER_HPP #include "FramerGTestBase.hpp" #include "Svc/Framer/Framer.hpp" namespace Svc { class FramerTester : public FramerGTestBase { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Mock framing protocol class MockFramer : public FramingProtocol { public: MockFramer(FramerTester& parent); void frame( const U8* const data, const U32 size, Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType packet_type ); FramerTester& m_parent; bool m_do_not_send; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: //! Construct object FramerTester FramerTester(); //! Destroy object FramerTester ~FramerTester(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Test incoming Fw::Com data to the framer void test_com(U32 iterations = 1); //! Test incoming Fw::Buffer data to the framer void test_buffer(U32 iterations = 1); //! Tests statuses pass-through void test_status_pass_through(); //! Tests statuses on no-send void test_no_send_status(); //! Check that buffer is equal to the last buffer allocated void check_last_buffer(Fw::Buffer buffer); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for typed from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler for from_bufferDeallocate void from_bufferDeallocate_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::Buffer& fwBuffer //!< The buffer ); //! Handler for from_framedAllocate Fw::Buffer from_framedAllocate_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number U32 size //!< The size ); //! Handler for from_framedOut Drv::SendStatus from_framedOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::Buffer& sendBuffer //!< The buffer containing framed data ); //! Handler for from_comStatusOut //! void from_comStatusOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Success &condition /*!< Condition success/failure */ ); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public instance methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Set the send status void setSendStatus(Drv::SendStatus sendStatus); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private instance methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Connect ports void connectPorts(); //! Initialize components void initComponents(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The component under test Framer component; //! Buffer for sending unframed data Fw::Buffer m_buffer; //! Mock framing protocol MockFramer m_mock; //! Whether framing succeeded bool m_framed; //! Whether sending succeeded bool m_sent; //! Whether the frame buffer was deallocated bool m_returned; //! Send status for error injection Drv::SendStatus m_sendStatus; }; } // end namespace Svc #endif
/* * TestTelemRecvImpl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef POSIX_TIME_HPP_ #define POSIX_TIME_HPP_ #include <Svc/PosixTime/PosixTimeComponentAc.hpp> namespace Svc { class PosixTime: public PosixTimeComponentBase { public: explicit PosixTime(const char* compName); virtual ~PosixTime(); protected: void timeGetPort_handler( NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Time &time /*!< The U32 cmd argument*/ ); private: }; } #endif /* POSIX_TIME_HPP_ */
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Svc/PosixTime/PosixTime.hpp> #include <Fw/Time/Time.hpp> #include <ctime> namespace Svc { PosixTime::PosixTime(const char* name) : PosixTimeComponentBase(name) { } PosixTime::~PosixTime() { } void PosixTime::timeGetPort_handler( NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Time &time /*!< The U32 cmd argument*/ ) { timespec stime; (void)clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME,&stime); time.set(TB_WORKSTATION_TIME,0, stime.tv_sec, stime.tv_nsec/1000); } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // PosixTimeTester.hpp // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef POSIX_TIME_TESTER_HPP #define POSIX_TIME_TESTER_HPP #include "Svc/PosixTime/PosixTime.hpp" #include "PosixTimeGTestBase.hpp" namespace Svc { class PosixTimeTester : public PosixTimeGTestBase { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: explicit PosixTimeTester(const char *const compName); ~PosixTimeTester(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: void getTime(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // The component under test // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private: PosixTime component; }; }; #endif
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main.cpp // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "PosixTimeTester.hpp" TEST(Test, GetTime) { Svc::PosixTimeTester tester("Tester"); tester.getTime(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // PosixTime/test/ut/Tester.cpp // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <cstdio> #include <strings.h> #include "PosixTimeTester.hpp" #define INSTANCE 0 namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PosixTimeTester :: PosixTimeTester(const char *const compName) : PosixTimeGTestBase(compName, 0), component("PosixTime") { this->init(); this->component.init(INSTANCE); this->connect_to_timeGetPort( 0, this->component.get_timeGetPort_InputPort(0) ); } PosixTimeTester :: ~PosixTimeTester() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void PosixTimeTester :: getTime() { Fw::Time time; this->invoke_to_timeGetPort(0,time); ASSERT_GT(time.getSeconds(), 0U); ASSERT_GE(time.getUSeconds(), 0U); ASSERT_LE(time.getUSeconds(), 999999U); } };
// ====================================================================== // \title GroundInterface.cpp // \author lestarch // \brief cpp file for GroundInterface component implementation class // ====================================================================== #include <Fw/Com/ComPacket.hpp> #include <Svc/GroundInterface/GroundInterface.hpp> #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <cstring> namespace Svc { const U32 GroundInterfaceComponentImpl::MAX_DATA_SIZE = 2048; const TOKEN_TYPE GroundInterfaceComponentImpl::START_WORD = static_cast<TOKEN_TYPE>(0xdeadbeef); const U32 GroundInterfaceComponentImpl::END_WORD = static_cast<U32>(0xcafecafe); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GroundInterfaceComponentImpl :: GroundInterfaceComponentImpl( const char *const compName ) : GroundInterfaceComponentBase(compName), m_ext_buffer(m_buffer, GND_BUFFER_SIZE), m_data_size(0), m_in_ring(m_in_buffer, GND_BUFFER_SIZE) { } void GroundInterfaceComponentImpl :: init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance ) { GroundInterfaceComponentBase::init(instance); } GroundInterfaceComponentImpl :: ~GroundInterfaceComponentImpl() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void GroundInterfaceComponentImpl :: downlinkPort_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::ComBuffer &data, U32 context ) { FW_ASSERT(data.getBuffLength() <= MAX_DATA_SIZE); frame_send(data.getBuffAddr(), data.getBuffLength()); } void GroundInterfaceComponentImpl :: fileDownlinkBufferSendIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer ) { FW_ASSERT(fwBuffer.getSize() <= MAX_DATA_SIZE); frame_send(fwBuffer.getData(), fwBuffer.getSize(), Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_FILE); fileDownlinkBufferSendOut_out(0, fwBuffer); } void GroundInterfaceComponentImpl :: readCallback_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer &buffer ) { processBuffer(buffer); } void GroundInterfaceComponentImpl :: schedIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 context /*!< The call order*/ ) { // TODO: replace with a call to a buffer manager Fw::Buffer buffer = m_ext_buffer; // Call read poll if it is hooked up if (isConnected_readPoll_OutputPort(0)) { readPoll_out(0, buffer); processBuffer(buffer); } } void GroundInterfaceComponentImpl::frame_send(U8 *data, TOKEN_TYPE size, TOKEN_TYPE packet_type) { // TODO: replace with a call to a buffer manager Fw::Buffer buffer = m_ext_buffer; Fw::SerializeBufferBase& buffer_wrapper = buffer.getSerializeRepr(); buffer_wrapper.resetSer(); // True size is supplied size plus sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) if a packet_type other than "UNKNOWN" was supplied. // This is because if not UNKNOWN, the packet_type is serialized too. Otherwise it is assumed the PACKET_TYPE is // already the first token in the UNKNOWN typed buffer. U32 true_size = (packet_type != Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN) ? size + sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) : size; U32 total_size = sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) + sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) + true_size + sizeof(U32); // Serialize data FW_ASSERT(GND_BUFFER_SIZE >= total_size, GND_BUFFER_SIZE, total_size); buffer_wrapper.serialize(START_WORD); buffer_wrapper.serialize(static_cast<TOKEN_TYPE>(true_size)); // Explicitly set the packet type, if it didn't come with the data already if (packet_type != Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN) { buffer_wrapper.serialize(packet_type); } buffer_wrapper.serialize(data, size, true); buffer_wrapper.serialize(static_cast<TOKEN_TYPE>(END_WORD)); // Setup for sending by truncating unused data buffer.setSize(buffer_wrapper.getBuffLength()); FW_ASSERT(buffer.getSize() == total_size, buffer.getSize(), total_size); write_out(0, buffer); } void GroundInterfaceComponentImpl :: routeComData() { // Read the packet type from the data buffer FwPacketDescriptorType packet_type = Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN; //read packet descriptor in size agnostic way U8 packet_descriptor_size = sizeof(FwPacketDescriptorType); U8 packet_type_bytes[sizeof(FwPacketDescriptorType)]; Fw::SerializeStatus stat = m_in_ring.peek(packet_type_bytes, packet_descriptor_size, HEADER_SIZE); //m_in_ring.peek(packet_type, HEADER_SIZE); // this way is only valid for 4byte packet descriptors if(stat == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { // unpack Big Endian encoded bytes packet_type = 0; for(int i = 0; i < packet_descriptor_size; i++) { packet_type <<= 8; packet_type |= packet_type_bytes[i]; } } // Process variable type switch (packet_type) { case Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_COMMAND: { Fw::ComBuffer com; m_in_ring.peek(com.getBuffAddr(), m_data_size, HEADER_SIZE); // Reset com buffer for sending out data com.setBuffLen(m_data_size); uplinkPort_out(0, com, 0); break; } case Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_FILE: { // If file uplink is possible, handle files. Otherwise ignore. if (isConnected_fileUplinkBufferGet_OutputPort(0) && isConnected_fileDownlinkBufferSendOut_OutputPort(0)) { Fw::Buffer buffer = fileUplinkBufferGet_out(0, m_data_size); m_in_ring.peek(buffer.getData(), m_data_size - sizeof(packet_type), HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(packet_type)); buffer.setSize(m_data_size - sizeof(packet_type)); fileUplinkBufferSendOut_out(0, buffer); } break; } default: return; } } void GroundInterfaceComponentImpl :: processRing() { // Header items for the packet TOKEN_TYPE start; U32 checksum; //TODO: make this run a CRC32 // Inner-loop, process ring buffer looking for at least the header while (m_in_ring.get_allocated_size() >= HEADER_SIZE) { m_data_size = 0; // Peek into the header and read out values Fw::SerializeStatus status = m_in_ring.peek(start, 0); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); status = m_in_ring.peek(m_data_size, sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE)); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); // Check the header for correctness if (start != START_WORD || m_data_size >= MAX_DATA_SIZE) { m_in_ring.rotate(1); continue; } // Check for enough data to deserialize everything otherwise break and wait for more. else if (m_in_ring.get_allocated_size() < (HEADER_SIZE + m_data_size + sizeof(END_WORD))) { break; } // Continue with the data portion and checksum m_in_ring.peek(checksum, HEADER_SIZE + m_data_size); // Check checksum if (checksum == END_WORD) { routeComData(); m_in_ring.rotate(HEADER_SIZE + m_data_size + sizeof(U32)); } // Failed checksum, keep looking for valid message else { m_in_ring.rotate(1); } } } void GroundInterfaceComponentImpl :: processBuffer(Fw::Buffer& buffer) { NATIVE_UINT_TYPE buffer_offset = 0; while (buffer_offset < buffer.getSize()) { NATIVE_UINT_TYPE ser_size = (buffer.getSize() >= m_in_ring.get_free_size()) ? m_in_ring.get_free_size() : static_cast<NATIVE_UINT_TYPE>(buffer.getSize()); m_in_ring.serialize(buffer.getData() + buffer_offset, ser_size); buffer_offset = buffer_offset + ser_size; processRing(); } } } // end namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title GroundInterfaceImpl.hpp // \author lestarch // \brief hpp file for GroundInterface component implementation class // ====================================================================== #include <Fw/Types/Serializable.hpp> #include "Svc/GroundInterface/GroundInterfaceComponentAc.hpp" #include "Utils/Types/CircularBuffer.hpp" #ifndef GroundInterface_HPP #define GroundInterface_HPP #define GND_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 #define TOKEN_TYPE U32 #define HEADER_SIZE (2 * sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE)) namespace Svc { class GroundInterfaceComponentImpl : public GroundInterfaceComponentBase { public: static const U32 MAX_DATA_SIZE; static const TOKEN_TYPE START_WORD; static const U32 END_WORD; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct object GroundInterface //! GroundInterfaceComponentImpl( const char *const compName /*!< The component name*/ ); //! Initialize object GroundInterface //! void init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance = 0 /*!< The instance number*/ ); //! Destroy object GroundInterface //! ~GroundInterfaceComponentImpl(); PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler implementation for downlinkPort //! void downlinkPort_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::ComBuffer &data, /*!< Buffer containing packet data*/ U32 context /*!< Call context value; meaning chosen by user*/ ); //! Handler implementation for fileDownlinkBufferSendIn //! void fileDownlinkBufferSendIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer ); //! Handler implementation for readCallback //! void readCallback_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer ); //! Handler implementation for schedIn //! void schedIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 context /*!< The call order*/ ); //! Frame and send some data //! void frame_send( U8* data, /*!< Data to be framed and sent out */ TOKEN_TYPE size, /*!< Size of data in typed format */ TOKEN_TYPE packet_type = Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN /*!< Packet type override for anonymous data i.e. file downlink */ ); //! Processes the out-going data into coms order void routeComData(); //! Process all the data in the ring void processRing(); //! Process a data buffer containing a read from the serial port void processBuffer(Fw::Buffer& data /*!< Data to process */); // Basic data movement variables Fw::Buffer m_ext_buffer; U8 m_buffer[GND_BUFFER_SIZE]; // Input variables TOKEN_TYPE m_data_size; //!< Data size expected in incoming data U8 m_in_buffer[GND_BUFFER_SIZE]; Types::CircularBuffer m_in_ring; }; } // end namespace Svc #endif
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // TestMain.cpp // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "GroundInterfaceTester.hpp" #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <Svc/GroundInterface/test/ut/GroundInterfaceRules.hpp> #include <STest/Scenario/Scenario.hpp> #include <STest/Scenario/RandomScenario.hpp> #include <STest/Scenario/BoundedScenario.hpp> #define STEP_COUNT 10000 /** * A random hopper for rules. Apply STEP_COUNT times. */ TEST(Nominal, RandomizedGroundIf) { Svc::GroundInterfaceTester tester; // Create rules, and assign them into the array Svc::RandomizeRule randomize("Randomize"); Svc::DownlinkRule downlink("Downlink"); Svc::FileDownlinkRule filedown("File Down"); Svc::SendAvailableRule sendup(""); // Setup a list of rules to choose from STest::Rule<Svc::GroundInterfaceTester>* rules[] = { &randomize, &downlink, &filedown, &sendup }; // Construct the random scenario and run it with the defined bounds STest::RandomScenario<Svc::GroundInterfaceTester> random("Random Rules", rules, FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rules)); // Setup a bounded scenario to run rules a set number of times STest::BoundedScenario<Svc::GroundInterfaceTester> bounded("Bounded Random Rules Scenario", random, STEP_COUNT); // Run! const U32 numSteps =; printf("Ran %u steps.\n", numSteps); } TEST(Nominal, BasicUplink) { Svc::GroundInterfaceTester tester; Svc::SendAvailableRule rule("Uplink Rule"); rule.apply(tester); } TEST(Nominal, BasicDownlink) { Svc::GroundInterfaceTester tester; Svc::DownlinkRule rule("Downlink Rule"); rule.apply(tester); } TEST(Nominal, FileDownlink) { Svc::GroundInterfaceTester tester; Svc::FileDownlinkRule rule("File Down Rule"); rule.apply(tester); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
// ====================================================================== // \title GroundInterface/test/ut/Tester.hpp // \author mstarch // \brief hpp file for GroundInterface test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef TESTER_HPP #define TESTER_HPP #include <Fw/Com/ComPacket.hpp> #include "GroundInterfaceGTestBase.hpp" #include "Svc/GroundInterface/GroundInterface.hpp" namespace Svc { class GroundInterfaceTester : public GroundInterfaceGTestBase { private: friend struct RandomizeRule; friend struct DownlinkRule; friend struct FileDownlinkRule; friend struct SendAvailableRule; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: //! Construct object GroundInterfaceTester //! GroundInterfaceTester(); //! Destroy object GroundInterfaceTester //! ~GroundInterfaceTester(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void update_header_info(); void setInputParams(TOKEN_TYPE size, U8* buffer, TOKEN_TYPE packet_type = Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for typed from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler for from_fileUplinkBufferSendOut //! void from_fileUplinkBufferSendOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer ); //! Handler for from_uplinkPort //! void from_uplinkPort_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::ComBuffer &data, /*!< Buffer containing packet data*/ U32 context /*!< Call context value; meaning chosen by user*/ ); //! Handler for from_fileDownlinkBufferSendOut //! void from_fileDownlinkBufferSendOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer ); //! Handler for from_fileUplinkBufferGet //! Fw::Buffer from_fileUplinkBufferGet_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 size ); //! Handler for from_write //! void from_write_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer ); //! Handler for from_readPoll //! void from_readPoll_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer ); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Connect ports //! void connectPorts(); //! Initialize components //! void initComponents(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The component under test //! GroundInterfaceComponentImpl component; //! Expected buffer, for checking of the interface TOKEN_TYPE m_size; TOKEN_TYPE m_packet; Fw::Buffer m_incoming_buffer; Fw::Buffer m_incoming_file_buffer; U8* m_buffer; U32 m_uplink_type; U32 m_uplink_used; U32 m_uplink_size; U32 m_uplink_point; Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType m_uplink_com_type; // Initialize to empty list to appease valgrind U8 m_uplink_data[(sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) * 3) + FW_COM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE] = {}; }; } // end namespace Svc #endif
/** * GroundInterfaceRules.hpp: * * This file specifies Rule classes for testing of the Svc::GroundInterface. These rules can then be used by the main * testing program to test the code. These rules support rule-based random testing. * * GroundInterface rules: * * 1. On read-callback of sufficient parts, an uplink-out is produced * 2. On schedIn a sufficient number of times, an uplink-out is produced * 3. On a call to Log, TextLog, downlink, a framed call to write is produced. * * @author mstarch */ #ifndef FPRIME_SVC_GROUND_INTERFACE_HPP #define FPRIME_SVC_GROUND_INTERFACE_HPP #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/String.hpp> #include "GroundInterfaceTester.hpp" #include <STest/STest/Rule/Rule.hpp> #include <STest/STest/Pick/Pick.hpp> namespace Svc { /** * RandomizeRule: * * This rule sets up random state */ struct RandomizeRule : public STest::Rule<GroundInterfaceTester> { // Constructor RandomizeRule(const Fw::String& name); // Always valid bool precondition(const GroundInterfaceTester& state); // Will randomize the test state void action(GroundInterfaceTester& truth); }; struct DownlinkRule : public STest::Rule<GroundInterfaceTester> { // Constructor DownlinkRule(const Fw::String& name); // Always valid bool precondition(const GroundInterfaceTester& state); // Will randomize the test state void action(GroundInterfaceTester& truth); }; struct FileDownlinkRule : public STest::Rule<GroundInterfaceTester> { // Constructor FileDownlinkRule(const Fw::String& name); // Always valid bool precondition(const GroundInterfaceTester& state); // Will randomize the test state void action(GroundInterfaceTester& truth); }; struct SendAvailableRule : public STest::Rule<GroundInterfaceTester> { // Constructor SendAvailableRule(const Fw::String& name); // Always valid bool precondition(const GroundInterfaceTester& state); // Will randomize the test state void action(GroundInterfaceTester& truth); }; }; #endif //FPRIME_SVC_GROUND_INTERFACE_HPP
/** * GroundInterfaceRules.hpp: * * This file specifies Rule classes for testing of the Svc::GroundInterface. These rules can then be used by the main * testing program to test the code. These rules support rule-based random testing. * * GroundInterface rules: * * 1. On read-callback of sufficient parts, an uplink-out is produced * 2. On schedIn a sufficient number of times, an uplink-out is produced * 3. On a call to Log, TextLog, downlink, a framed call to write is produced. * * @author mstarch */ #ifndef FPRIME_SVC_GROUND_INTERFACE_HPP #define FPRIME_SVC_GROUND_INTERFACE_HPP #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/EightyCharString.hpp> #include "GroundInterfaceTester.hpp" #include <STest/STest/Rule/Rule.hpp> #include <STest/STest/Pick/Pick.hpp> namespace Svc { /** * RandomizeRule: * * This rule sets up random state */ struct RandomizeRule : public STest::Rule<GroundInterfaceTester> { // Constructor RandomizeRule(const Fw::EightyCharString& name); // Always valid bool precondition(const GroundInterfaceTester& state); // Will randomize the test state void action(GroundInterfaceTester& truth); }; struct DownlinkRule : public STest::Rule<GroundInterfaceTester> { // Constructor DownlinkRule(const Fw::EightyCharString& name); // Always valid bool precondition(const GroundInterfaceTester& state); // Will randomize the test state void action(GroundInterfaceTester& truth); }; struct FileDownlinkRule : public STest::Rule<GroundInterfaceTester> { // Constructor FileDownlinkRule(const Fw::EightyCharString& name); // Always valid bool precondition(const GroundInterfaceTester& state); // Will randomize the test state void action(GroundInterfaceTester& truth); }; struct SendAvailableRule : public STest::Rule<GroundInterfaceTester> { // Constructor SendAvailableRule(const Fw::EightyCharString& name); // Always valid bool precondition(const GroundInterfaceTester& state); // Will randomize the test state void action(GroundInterfaceTester& truth); }; }; #endif //FPRIME_SVC_GROUND_INTERFACE_HPP
/** * GroundInterfaceRules.cpp: * * This file specifies Rule classes for testing of the Svc::GroundInterface. These rules can then be used by the main * testing program to test the code. * * * @author mstarch */ #include "GroundInterfaceRules.hpp" #include <STest/Pick/Pick.hpp> namespace Svc { // Constructor RandomizeRule :: RandomizeRule(const Fw::String& name) : STest::Rule<GroundInterfaceTester>(name.toChar()) {} // Can always randomize bool RandomizeRule :: precondition(const Svc::GroundInterfaceTester &state) { return true; } // Randomize void RandomizeRule :: action(Svc::GroundInterfaceTester &state) { state.m_uplink_type = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 1); state.m_uplink_size = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, sizeof(state.m_uplink_data) - 1); // Reset or not sent allows randomization if (state.m_uplink_type == 2 || state.m_uplink_point == 0) { state.m_uplink_type = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 1); state.m_uplink_used = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(4, FW_COM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE); state.m_uplink_com_type = static_cast<Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType>( STest::Pick::lowerUpper(Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_COMMAND,Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_FILE)); for (U32 i = 0; i < state.m_uplink_used; i++) { state.m_uplink_data[(sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) * 2) + i] = static_cast<U8>(STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 255)); } } // Correct header info for items state.update_header_info(); } // Constructor DownlinkRule :: DownlinkRule(const Fw::String& name) : STest::Rule<GroundInterfaceTester>(name.toChar()) {} // Can always downlink bool DownlinkRule :: precondition(const Svc::GroundInterfaceTester &state) { return true; } // Pick a rule and downlink void DownlinkRule :: action(Svc::GroundInterfaceTester &state) { Fw::ComBuffer buffer; // Force a U32 to know the size buffer.serialize(static_cast<U32>(0xdeadbeef)); state.setInputParams(sizeof(U32), buffer.getBuffAddr()); state.invoke_to_downlinkPort(0, buffer, 0); state.assert_from_write_size(__FILE__, __LINE__, 1); state.clearFromPortHistory(); } // Constructor FileDownlinkRule :: FileDownlinkRule(const Fw::String& name) : STest::Rule<GroundInterfaceTester>(name.toChar()) {} // Can always downlink bool FileDownlinkRule :: precondition(const Svc::GroundInterfaceTester &state) { return true; } // Pick a rule and downlink void FileDownlinkRule :: action(Svc::GroundInterfaceTester &state) { U8 data_holder[2048]; Fw::Buffer buffer(data_holder, sizeof(data_holder)); Fw::ExternalSerializeBuffer buffer_wrapper(buffer.getData(), buffer.getSize()); // Force a U32 to know the size buffer_wrapper.serialize(static_cast<U32>(0xdeadbeef)); buffer.setSize(buffer_wrapper.getBuffLength()); state.setInputParams(sizeof(U32) + sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE), buffer.getData(), Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_FILE); state.invoke_to_fileDownlinkBufferSendIn(0, buffer); state.assert_from_write_size(__FILE__, __LINE__, 1); state.assert_from_fileDownlinkBufferSendOut_size(__FILE__, __LINE__, 1); state.clearFromPortHistory(); } // Constructor SendAvailableRule :: SendAvailableRule(const Fw::String& name) : STest::Rule<GroundInterfaceTester>(name.toChar()) {} // Can always downlink bool SendAvailableRule :: precondition(const Svc::GroundInterfaceTester &state) { return true; } // Pick a rule and downlink void SendAvailableRule :: action(Svc::GroundInterfaceTester &state) { U32 total_used = state.m_uplink_used + HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(U32); U8* up_ptr = state.m_uplink_data + state.m_uplink_point; U32 size = ((state.m_uplink_point + state.m_uplink_size) >= total_used) ? (total_used - state.m_uplink_point) : state.m_uplink_size; state.m_uplink_point = (state.m_uplink_point + size >= total_used) ? 0 : (state.m_uplink_point + size); Fw::Buffer buffer(up_ptr, size); // Uplink based on uplink type if (state.m_uplink_type) { state.invoke_to_readCallback(0,buffer); } else { state.m_incoming_buffer = buffer; state.invoke_to_schedIn(0, 0); } // Finished current uplink, check that the uplink was handled if (state.m_uplink_point == 0 && size > 0) { // Check uplink type if (state.m_uplink_com_type == Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_COMMAND) { state.assert_from_uplinkPort_size(__FILE__, __LINE__, 1); } else if (state.m_uplink_com_type == Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_FILE) { state.assert_from_fileUplinkBufferSendOut_size(__FILE__, __LINE__, 1); } state.clearFromPortHistory(); } else { state.assert_from_uplinkPort_size(__FILE__, __LINE__, 0); } } };
// ====================================================================== // \title GroundInterface.hpp // \author mstarch // \brief cpp file for GroundInterface test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "GroundInterfaceTester.hpp" #define INSTANCE 0 #define MAX_HISTORY_SIZE 10 U8 file_back_buffer[10240]; namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GroundInterfaceTester :: GroundInterfaceTester() : GroundInterfaceGTestBase("Tester", MAX_HISTORY_SIZE), component("GroundInterface") , m_buffer(nullptr), m_uplink_type(1), m_uplink_used(30), m_uplink_size(sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) * 3 + m_uplink_used), m_uplink_point(0), m_uplink_com_type(Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_COMMAND) { this->initComponents(); this->connectPorts(); update_header_info(); } GroundInterfaceTester :: ~GroundInterfaceTester() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests State Adjustments // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void GroundInterfaceTester :: update_header_info() { // Write token types for (U32 i = 0; i < sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE); i++) { m_uplink_data[i] = (GroundInterfaceComponentImpl::START_WORD >> ((sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) - 1 - i) * 8)) & 0xFF; m_uplink_data[i + sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE)] = (m_uplink_used >> ((sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) - 1 - i) * 8)) & 0xFF; m_uplink_data[i + 2 * sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) + m_uplink_used] = (GroundInterfaceComponentImpl::END_WORD >> ((sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) - 1 - i) * 8)) & 0xFF; } // Packet type m_uplink_data[2 * sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) + 0] = (static_cast<U32>(m_uplink_com_type) >> 24) & 0xFF; m_uplink_data[2 * sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) + 1] = (static_cast<U32>(m_uplink_com_type) >> 16) & 0xFF; m_uplink_data[2 * sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) + 2] = (static_cast<U32>(m_uplink_com_type) >> 8) & 0xFF; m_uplink_data[2 * sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE) + 3] = (static_cast<U32>(m_uplink_com_type) >> 0) & 0xFF; } void GroundInterfaceTester :: setInputParams(TOKEN_TYPE size, U8* buffer, TOKEN_TYPE packet_type) { m_size = size; m_buffer = buffer; m_packet = packet_type; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for typed from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void GroundInterfaceTester :: from_fileUplinkBufferSendOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer ) { this->pushFromPortEntry_fileUplinkBufferSendOut(fwBuffer); for (U32 i = 0; i < fwBuffer.getSize(); i++) { // File uplink strips type before outputting to FileUplink ASSERT_EQ(fwBuffer.getData()[i], m_uplink_data[i + HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(TOKEN_TYPE)]); } } void GroundInterfaceTester :: from_uplinkPort_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::ComBuffer &data, U32 context ) { this->pushFromPortEntry_uplinkPort(data, context); for (U32 i = 0; i < data.getBuffLength(); i++) { ASSERT_EQ(data.getBuffAddr()[i], m_uplink_data[i + HEADER_SIZE]); } } void GroundInterfaceTester :: from_fileDownlinkBufferSendOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer ) { this->pushFromPortEntry_fileDownlinkBufferSendOut(fwBuffer); } Fw::Buffer GroundInterfaceTester :: from_fileUplinkBufferGet_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 size ) { this->pushFromPortEntry_fileUplinkBufferGet(size); m_incoming_file_buffer.setData(file_back_buffer); m_incoming_file_buffer.setSize(size); return m_incoming_file_buffer; } void GroundInterfaceTester :: from_write_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer ) { this->pushFromPortEntry_write(fwBuffer); // All writes can be processed here TOKEN_TYPE start = 0; TOKEN_TYPE size = 0; TOKEN_TYPE packet = 0; U32 end = 0; Fw::ExternalSerializeBuffer buffer_wrapper(fwBuffer.getData(), fwBuffer.getSize()); buffer_wrapper.setBuffLen(fwBuffer.getSize()); // Check basic deserialization ASSERT_EQ(buffer_wrapper.deserialize(start), Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); ASSERT_EQ(buffer_wrapper.deserialize(size), Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); ASSERT_EQ(start, GroundInterfaceComponentImpl::START_WORD); ASSERT_EQ(size, m_size); // Deserialize the packet type, if know. This handles the different paths for FilePackets and homogenized packets if (m_packet != Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN) { ASSERT_EQ(buffer_wrapper.deserialize(packet), Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); // For now, only FilePackets take this path ASSERT_EQ(packet, Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_FILE); m_size -= sizeof(packet); } // Note: no checking for symmetric errors, as we are depending on ExternalSerializeBuffer's correctness here for (U32 i = 0; i < m_size; i++) { U8 byte_data; ASSERT_EQ(buffer_wrapper.deserialize(byte_data), Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); ASSERT_EQ(byte_data, m_buffer[i]); } // Look at end work ASSERT_EQ(buffer_wrapper.deserialize(end), Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); ASSERT_EQ(end, GroundInterfaceComponentImpl::END_WORD); ASSERT_from_write_SIZE(1); } void GroundInterfaceTester :: from_readPoll_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer ) { this->pushFromPortEntry_readPoll(fwBuffer); U8* incoming = m_incoming_buffer.getData(); U8* outgoing = fwBuffer.getData(); for (U32 i = 0; i < m_incoming_buffer.getSize(); i++) { outgoing[i] = incoming[i]; } fwBuffer.setSize(m_incoming_buffer.getSize()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void GroundInterfaceTester :: connectPorts() { // downlinkPort this->connect_to_downlinkPort( 0, this->component.get_downlinkPort_InputPort(0) ); // fileDownlinkBufferSendIn this->connect_to_fileDownlinkBufferSendIn( 0, this->component.get_fileDownlinkBufferSendIn_InputPort(0) ); // readCallback this->connect_to_readCallback( 0, this->component.get_readCallback_InputPort(0) ); // schedIn this->connect_to_schedIn( 0, this->component.get_schedIn_InputPort(0) ); // fileUplinkBufferSendOut this->component.set_fileUplinkBufferSendOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_fileUplinkBufferSendOut(0) ); // Log this->component.set_Log_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_Log(0) ); // LogText this->component.set_LogText_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_LogText(0) ); // Time this->component.set_Time_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_Time(0) ); // uplinkPort this->component.set_uplinkPort_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_uplinkPort(0) ); // fileDownlinkBufferSendOut this->component.set_fileDownlinkBufferSendOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_fileDownlinkBufferSendOut(0) ); // fileUplinkBufferGet this->component.set_fileUplinkBufferGet_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_fileUplinkBufferGet(0) ); // write this->component.set_write_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_write(0) ); // readPoll this->component.set_readPoll_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_readPoll(0) ); } void GroundInterfaceTester :: initComponents() { this->init(); this->component.init( INSTANCE ); } } // end namespace Svc
/* * ActiveLoggerImpl.hpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef ACTIVELOGGERIMPL_HPP_ #define ACTIVELOGGERIMPL_HPP_ #include <Svc/ActiveLogger/ActiveLoggerComponentAc.hpp> #include <Fw/Log/LogPacket.hpp> #include <ActiveLoggerImplCfg.hpp> namespace Svc { class ActiveLoggerImpl: public ActiveLoggerComponentBase { public: ActiveLoggerImpl(const char* compName); //!< constructor virtual ~ActiveLoggerImpl(); //!< destructor void init( NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, /*!< The queue depth*/ NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance /*!< The instance number*/ ); //!< initialization function PROTECTED: PRIVATE: void LogRecv_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwEventIdType id, Fw::Time &timeTag, const Fw::LogSeverity& severity, Fw::LogBuffer &args); void loqQueue_internalInterfaceHandler(FwEventIdType id, const Fw::Time &timeTag, const Fw::LogSeverity& severity, const Fw::LogBuffer &args); void SET_EVENT_FILTER_cmdHandler( FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, ActiveLogger_FilterSeverity filterLevel, ActiveLogger_Enabled filterEnabled); void SET_ID_FILTER_cmdHandler( FwOpcodeType opCode, //!< The opcode U32 cmdSeq, //!< The command sequence number U32 ID, ActiveLogger_Enabled idFilterEnabled //!< ID filter state ); void DUMP_FILTER_STATE_cmdHandler( FwOpcodeType opCode, //!< The opcode U32 cmdSeq //!< The command sequence number ); //! Handler implementation for pingIn //! void pingIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 key /*!< Value to return to pinger*/ ); // Filter state struct t_filterState { ActiveLogger_Enabled enabled; //<! filter is enabled } m_filterState[ActiveLogger_FilterSeverity::NUM_CONSTANTS]; // Working members Fw::LogPacket m_logPacket; //!< packet buffer for assembling log packets Fw::ComBuffer m_comBuffer; //!< com buffer for sending event buffers // array of filtered event IDs. // value of 0 means no entry FwEventIdType m_filteredIDs[TELEM_ID_FILTER_SIZE]; }; } #endif /* ACTIVELOGGERIMPL_HPP_ */
// ====================================================================== // ActiveLogger.hpp // Standardization header for ActiveLogger // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_ActiveLogger_HPP #define Svc_ActiveLogger_HPP #include "Svc/ActiveLogger/ActiveLoggerImpl.hpp" namespace Svc { typedef ActiveLoggerImpl ActiveLogger; } #endif
/* * TestCommand1Impl.cpp * * Created on: Mar 28, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ #include <cstdio> #include <Svc/ActiveLogger/ActiveLoggerImpl.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include <Os/File.hpp> namespace Svc { typedef ActiveLogger_Enabled Enabled; typedef ActiveLogger_FilterSeverity FilterSeverity; ActiveLoggerImpl::ActiveLoggerImpl(const char* name) : ActiveLoggerComponentBase(name) { // set filter defaults this->m_filterState[FilterSeverity::WARNING_HI].enabled = FILTER_WARNING_HI_DEFAULT?Enabled::ENABLED:Enabled::DISABLED; this->m_filterState[FilterSeverity::WARNING_LO].enabled = FILTER_WARNING_LO_DEFAULT?Enabled::ENABLED:Enabled::DISABLED; this->m_filterState[FilterSeverity::COMMAND].enabled = FILTER_COMMAND_DEFAULT?Enabled::ENABLED:Enabled::DISABLED; this->m_filterState[FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_HI].enabled = FILTER_ACTIVITY_HI_DEFAULT?Enabled::ENABLED:Enabled::DISABLED; this->m_filterState[FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_LO].enabled = FILTER_ACTIVITY_LO_DEFAULT?Enabled::ENABLED:Enabled::DISABLED; this->m_filterState[FilterSeverity::DIAGNOSTIC].enabled = FILTER_DIAGNOSTIC_DEFAULT?Enabled::ENABLED:Enabled::DISABLED; memset(m_filteredIDs,0,sizeof(m_filteredIDs)); } ActiveLoggerImpl::~ActiveLoggerImpl() { } void ActiveLoggerImpl::init( NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, /*!< The queue depth*/ NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance /*!< The instance number*/ ) { ActiveLoggerComponentBase::init(queueDepth,instance); } void ActiveLoggerImpl::LogRecv_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwEventIdType id, Fw::Time &timeTag, const Fw::LogSeverity& severity, Fw::LogBuffer &args) { // make sure ID is not zero. Zero is reserved for ID filter. FW_ASSERT(id != 0); switch (severity.e) { case Fw::LogSeverity::FATAL: // always pass FATAL break; case Fw::LogSeverity::WARNING_HI: if (this->m_filterState[FilterSeverity::WARNING_HI].enabled == Enabled::DISABLED) { return; } break; case Fw::LogSeverity::WARNING_LO: if (this->m_filterState[FilterSeverity::WARNING_LO].enabled == Enabled::DISABLED) { return; } break; case Fw::LogSeverity::COMMAND: if (this->m_filterState[FilterSeverity::COMMAND].enabled == Enabled::DISABLED) { return; } break; case Fw::LogSeverity::ACTIVITY_HI: if (this->m_filterState[FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_HI].enabled == Enabled::DISABLED) { return; } break; case Fw::LogSeverity::ACTIVITY_LO: if (this->m_filterState[FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_LO].enabled == Enabled::DISABLED) { return; } break; case Fw::LogSeverity::DIAGNOSTIC: if (this->m_filterState[FilterSeverity::DIAGNOSTIC].enabled == Enabled::DISABLED) { return; } break; default: FW_ASSERT(0,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(severity.e)); return; } // check ID filters for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < TELEM_ID_FILTER_SIZE; entry++) { if ( (m_filteredIDs[entry] == id) && (severity != Fw::LogSeverity::FATAL) ) { return; } } // send event to the logger thread this->loqQueue_internalInterfaceInvoke(id,timeTag,severity,args); // if connected, announce the FATAL if (Fw::LogSeverity::FATAL == severity.e) { if (this->isConnected_FatalAnnounce_OutputPort(0)) { this->FatalAnnounce_out(0,id); } } } void ActiveLoggerImpl::loqQueue_internalInterfaceHandler(FwEventIdType id, const Fw::Time &timeTag, const Fw::LogSeverity& severity, const Fw::LogBuffer &args) { // Serialize event this->m_logPacket.setId(id); this->m_logPacket.setTimeTag(timeTag); this->m_logPacket.setLogBuffer(args); this->m_comBuffer.resetSer(); Fw::SerializeStatus stat = this->m_logPacket.serialize(this->m_comBuffer); FW_ASSERT(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK == stat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(stat)); if (this->isConnected_PktSend_OutputPort(0)) { this->PktSend_out(0, this->m_comBuffer,0); } } void ActiveLoggerImpl::SET_EVENT_FILTER_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq, FilterSeverity filterLevel, Enabled filterEnable) { this->m_filterState[filterLevel.e].enabled = filterEnable; this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } void ActiveLoggerImpl::SET_ID_FILTER_cmdHandler( FwOpcodeType opCode, //!< The opcode U32 cmdSeq, //!< The command sequence number U32 ID, Enabled idEnabled //!< ID filter state ) { if (Enabled::ENABLED == idEnabled.e) { // add ID // search list for existing entry for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < TELEM_ID_FILTER_SIZE; entry++) { if (this->m_filteredIDs[entry] == ID) { this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::OK); this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_ID_FILTER_ENABLED(ID); return; } } // if not already a match, search for an open slot for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < TELEM_ID_FILTER_SIZE; entry++) { if (this->m_filteredIDs[entry] == 0) { this->m_filteredIDs[entry] = ID; this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::OK); this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_ID_FILTER_ENABLED(ID); return; } } // if an empty slot was not found, send an error event this->log_WARNING_LO_ID_FILTER_LIST_FULL(ID); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); } else { // remove ID // search list for existing entry for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < TELEM_ID_FILTER_SIZE; entry++) { if (this->m_filteredIDs[entry] == ID) { this->m_filteredIDs[entry] = 0; // zero entry this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::OK); this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_ID_FILTER_REMOVED(ID); return; } } // if it gets here, wasn't found this->log_WARNING_LO_ID_FILTER_NOT_FOUND(ID); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); } } void ActiveLoggerImpl::DUMP_FILTER_STATE_cmdHandler( FwOpcodeType opCode, //!< The opcode U32 cmdSeq //!< The command sequence number ) { // first, iterate through severity filters for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE filter = 0; filter < FilterSeverity::NUM_CONSTANTS; filter++) { FilterSeverity filterState(static_cast<FilterSeverity::t>(filter)); this->log_ACTIVITY_LO_SEVERITY_FILTER_STATE( filterState, Enabled::ENABLED == this->m_filterState[filter].enabled.e ); } // iterate through ID filter for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < TELEM_ID_FILTER_SIZE; entry++) { if (this->m_filteredIDs[entry] != 0) { this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_ID_FILTER_ENABLED(this->m_filteredIDs[entry]); } } this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } void ActiveLoggerImpl::pingIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 key ) { // return key this->pingOut_out(0,key); } } // namespace Svc
/* * PrmDbTester.cpp * * Created on: Mar 18, 2015 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Svc/ActiveLogger/test/ut/ActiveLoggerImplTester.hpp> #include <Svc/ActiveLogger/ActiveLoggerImpl.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/SimpleObjRegistry.hpp> #include <Fw/Test/UnitTest.hpp> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 static Fw::SimpleObjRegistry simpleReg; #endif void connectPorts(Svc::ActiveLoggerImpl& impl, Svc::ActiveLoggerImplTester& tester) { tester.connect_to_CmdDisp(0,impl.get_CmdDisp_InputPort(0)); impl.set_CmdStatus_OutputPort(0,tester.get_from_CmdStatus(0)); impl.set_FatalAnnounce_OutputPort(0,tester.get_from_FatalAnnounce(0)); tester.connect_to_LogRecv(0,impl.get_LogRecv_InputPort(0)); impl.set_Log_OutputPort(0,tester.get_from_Log(0)); impl.set_LogText_OutputPort(0,tester.get_from_LogText(0)); impl.set_PktSend_OutputPort(0,tester.get_from_PktSend(0)); #if FW_PORT_TRACING // Fw::PortBase::setTrace(true); #endif // simpleReg.dump(); } TEST(ActiveLoggerTest,NominalEventSend) { TEST_CASE(100.1.1,"Nominal Event Logging"); Svc::ActiveLoggerImpl impl("ActiveLoggerImpl"); impl.init(10,0); Svc::ActiveLoggerImplTester tester(impl); tester.init(); // connect ports connectPorts(impl,tester); tester.runEventNominal(); } TEST(ActiveLoggerTest,FilteredEventSend) { TEST_CASE(100.1.2,"Nominal Event Filtering"); Svc::ActiveLoggerImpl impl("ActiveLoggerImpl"); impl.init(10,0); Svc::ActiveLoggerImplTester tester(impl); tester.init(); // connect ports connectPorts(impl,tester); tester.runFilterEventNominal(); } TEST(ActiveLoggerTest,FilterIdTest) { TEST_CASE(100.1.3,"Filter events by ID"); Svc::ActiveLoggerImpl impl("ActiveLoggerImpl"); impl.init(10,0); Svc::ActiveLoggerImplTester tester(impl); tester.init(); // connect ports connectPorts(impl,tester); tester.runFilterIdNominal(); } TEST(ActiveLoggerTest,FilterDumpTest) { TEST_CASE(100.1.3,"Dump filter values"); Svc::ActiveLoggerImpl impl("ActiveLoggerImpl"); impl.init(10,0); Svc::ActiveLoggerImplTester tester(impl); tester.init(); // connect ports connectPorts(impl,tester); tester.runFilterDump(); } TEST(ActiveLoggerTest,InvalidCommands) { TEST_CASE(100.2.1,"Off-Nominal Invalid Commands"); Svc::ActiveLoggerImpl impl("ActiveLoggerImpl"); impl.init(10,0); Svc::ActiveLoggerImplTester tester(impl); tester.init(); // connect ports connectPorts(impl,tester); tester.runFilterInvalidCommands(); } TEST(ActiveLoggerTest,FatalTesting) { TEST_CASE(100.2.2,"Off-Nominal FATAL processing"); Svc::ActiveLoggerImpl impl("ActiveLoggerImpl"); impl.init(10,0); Svc::ActiveLoggerImplTester tester(impl); tester.init(); // connect ports connectPorts(impl,tester); tester.runEventFatal(); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
/* * ActiveLoggerImplTester.cpp * * Created on: Mar 18, 2015 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Svc/ActiveLogger/test/ut/ActiveLoggerImplTester.hpp> #include <Fw/Com/ComBuffer.hpp> #include <Fw/Com/ComPacket.hpp> #include <Os/IntervalTimer.hpp> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <Fw/Test/UnitTest.hpp> #include <cstdio> namespace Svc { typedef ActiveLogger_Enabled Enabled; typedef ActiveLogger_FilterSeverity FilterSeverity; void ActiveLoggerImplTester::init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance) { Svc::ActiveLoggerGTestBase::init(); } ActiveLoggerImplTester::ActiveLoggerImplTester(Svc::ActiveLoggerImpl& inst) : Svc::ActiveLoggerGTestBase("testerbase",100), m_impl(inst), m_receivedPacket(false), m_receivedFatalEvent(false) { } ActiveLoggerImplTester::~ActiveLoggerImplTester() { } void ActiveLoggerImplTester::from_PktSend_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::ComBuffer &data, //!< Buffer containing packet data U32 context //!< context; not used ) { this->m_sentPacket = data; this->m_receivedPacket = true; } void ActiveLoggerImplTester::from_FatalAnnounce_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number FwEventIdType Id //!< The ID of the FATAL event ) { this->m_receivedFatalEvent = true; this->m_fatalID = Id; } void ActiveLoggerImplTester::runEventNominal() { REQUIREMENT("AL-001"); this->writeEvent(29,Fw::LogSeverity::WARNING_HI,10); } void ActiveLoggerImplTester::runWithFilters(Fw::LogSeverity filter) { REQUIREMENT("AL-002"); Fw::LogBuffer buff; U32 val = 10; FwEventIdType id = 29; Fw::SerializeStatus stat = buff.serialize(val); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); Fw::Time timeTag(TB_NONE,0,0); U32 cmdSeq = 21; // enable report filter this->clearHistory(); FilterSeverity reportFilterLevel = FilterSeverity::WARNING_HI; switch (filter.e) { case Fw::LogSeverity::WARNING_HI: reportFilterLevel = FilterSeverity::WARNING_HI; break; case Fw::LogSeverity::WARNING_LO: reportFilterLevel = FilterSeverity::WARNING_LO; break; case Fw::LogSeverity::COMMAND: reportFilterLevel = FilterSeverity::COMMAND; break; case Fw::LogSeverity::ACTIVITY_HI: reportFilterLevel = FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_HI; break; case Fw::LogSeverity::ACTIVITY_LO: reportFilterLevel = FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_LO; break; case Fw::LogSeverity::DIAGNOSTIC: reportFilterLevel = FilterSeverity::DIAGNOSTIC; break; default: ASSERT_TRUE(false); break; } this->clearHistory(); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,reportFilterLevel,Enabled::ENABLED); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_SET_EVENT_FILTER, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK ); this->m_receivedPacket = false; this->invoke_to_LogRecv(0,id,timeTag,filter,buff); // should not have received packet ASSERT_FALSE(this->m_receivedPacket); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); // should have received packet ASSERT_TRUE(this->m_receivedPacket); // verify contents // first piece should be log packet descriptor FwPacketDescriptorType desc; stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(desc); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_EQ(desc,static_cast<FwPacketDescriptorType>(Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_LOG)); // next piece should be event ID FwEventIdType sentId; stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(sentId); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_EQ(sentId,id); // next piece is time tag Fw::Time recTimeTag(TB_NONE,0,0); stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(recTimeTag); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_TRUE(timeTag == recTimeTag); // next piece is event argument U32 readVal; stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(readVal); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_EQ(readVal, val); // packet should be empty ASSERT_EQ(this->m_sentPacket.getBuffLeft(),0u); // Disable severity filter this->clearHistory(); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,reportFilterLevel,Enabled::DISABLED); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_SET_EVENT_FILTER, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK ); this->m_receivedPacket = false; this->invoke_to_LogRecv(0,id,timeTag,filter,buff); // should not have received packet - all we can check since no message is dispatched. ASSERT_FALSE(this->m_receivedPacket); } void ActiveLoggerImplTester::runFilterInvalidCommands() { U32 cmdSeq = 21; this->clearHistory(); FilterSeverity reportFilterLevel = FilterSeverity::WARNING_HI; Enabled filterEnabled(static_cast<Enabled::t>(10)); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,reportFilterLevel,filterEnabled); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_SET_EVENT_FILTER, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::FORMAT_ERROR ); this->clearHistory(); reportFilterLevel = FilterSeverity::WARNING_HI; filterEnabled.e = static_cast<Enabled::t>(-2); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,reportFilterLevel,filterEnabled); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_SET_EVENT_FILTER, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::FORMAT_ERROR ); FilterSeverity eventLevel; this->clearHistory(); Enabled reportEnable = Enabled::ENABLED; eventLevel.e = static_cast<FilterSeverity::t>(-1); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,eventLevel,reportEnable); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_SET_EVENT_FILTER, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::FORMAT_ERROR ); this->clearHistory(); reportEnable = Enabled::ENABLED; eventLevel.e = static_cast<FilterSeverity::t>(100); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,eventLevel,reportEnable); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_SET_EVENT_FILTER, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::FORMAT_ERROR ); } void ActiveLoggerImplTester::runFilterEventNominal() { for (Fw::LogSeverity::t sev = Fw::LogSeverity::WARNING_HI; sev <= Fw::LogSeverity::DIAGNOSTIC; sev = static_cast<Fw::LogSeverity::t>(sev + 1)) { this->runWithFilters(sev); } } void ActiveLoggerImplTester::runFilterIdNominal() { U32 cmdSeq = 21; // for a set of IDs, fill filter REQUIREMENT("AL-003"); for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE filterID = 1; filterID <= TELEM_ID_FILTER_SIZE; filterID++) { this->clearHistory(); this->clearEvents(); this->sendCmd_SET_ID_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,filterID,Enabled::ENABLED); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_SET_ID_FILTER, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_ID_FILTER_ENABLED_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_ID_FILTER_ENABLED(0,filterID); // send it again, to verify it will accept a second add this->clearHistory(); this->clearEvents(); this->sendCmd_SET_ID_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,filterID,Enabled::ENABLED); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_SET_ID_FILTER, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_ID_FILTER_ENABLED_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_ID_FILTER_ENABLED(0,filterID); } // Try to send the IDs that are filtered for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE filterID = 1; filterID <= TELEM_ID_FILTER_SIZE; filterID++) { this->clearHistory(); this->clearEvents(); Fw::LogBuffer buff; U32 val = 10; FwEventIdType id = filterID; Fw::SerializeStatus stat = buff.serialize(val); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); Fw::Time timeTag(TB_NONE,0,0); this->m_receivedPacket = false; this->invoke_to_LogRecv(0,id,timeTag,Fw::LogSeverity::ACTIVITY_HI,buff); // should not get a packet ASSERT_FALSE(this->m_receivedPacket); } // send one of the IDs as a FATAL, it should not be filtered event thought the ID is in the filter this->clearHistory(); this->clearEvents(); Fw::LogBuffer buff; U32 val = 10; FwEventIdType id = 1; Fw::SerializeStatus stat = buff.serialize(val); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); Fw::Time timeTag(TB_NONE,0,0); this->m_receivedPacket = false; this->invoke_to_LogRecv(0,id,timeTag,Fw::LogSeverity::FATAL,buff); this->m_impl.doDispatch(); // should get a packet anyway ASSERT_TRUE(this->m_receivedPacket); // Try to add to the full filter. It should be rejected this->clearHistory(); this->clearEvents(); this->sendCmd_SET_ID_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,TELEM_ID_FILTER_SIZE+1,Enabled::ENABLED); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_SET_ID_FILTER, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_ID_FILTER_LIST_FULL_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_ID_FILTER_LIST_FULL(0,TELEM_ID_FILTER_SIZE+1); // Now clear them for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE filterID = 1; filterID <= TELEM_ID_FILTER_SIZE; filterID++) { this->clearHistory(); this->clearEvents(); this->sendCmd_SET_ID_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,filterID,Enabled::DISABLED); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_SET_ID_FILTER, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_ID_FILTER_REMOVED_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_ID_FILTER_REMOVED(0,filterID); } // Try to clear one that doesn't exist this->clearHistory(); this->clearEvents(); this->sendCmd_SET_ID_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,10,Enabled::DISABLED); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_SET_ID_FILTER, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_ID_FILTER_NOT_FOUND_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_ID_FILTER_NOT_FOUND(0,10); // Send an invalid argument this->clearHistory(); this->clearEvents(); Enabled idEnabled(static_cast<Enabled::t>(10)); this->sendCmd_SET_ID_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,10,idEnabled); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_SET_ID_FILTER, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::FORMAT_ERROR ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); } void ActiveLoggerImplTester::runFilterDump() { U32 cmdSeq = 21; // set random set of filters this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,0,FilterSeverity::WARNING_HI,Enabled::ENABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,0,FilterSeverity::WARNING_LO,Enabled::DISABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,0,FilterSeverity::COMMAND,Enabled::ENABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,0,FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_HI,Enabled::DISABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,0,FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_LO,Enabled::ENABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,0,FilterSeverity::DIAGNOSTIC,Enabled::ENABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_ID_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,4,Enabled::ENABLED); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); this->sendCmd_SET_ID_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,13,Enabled::ENABLED); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); this->sendCmd_SET_ID_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,4000,Enabled::ENABLED); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); // send command to dump the filters this->clearHistory(); this->clearEvents(); this->sendCmd_DUMP_FILTER_STATE(0,cmdSeq); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_DUMP_FILTER_STATE, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(6+3); ASSERT_EVENTS_SEVERITY_FILTER_STATE_SIZE(6); ASSERT_EVENTS_SEVERITY_FILTER_STATE(0,FilterSeverity::WARNING_HI,true); ASSERT_EVENTS_SEVERITY_FILTER_STATE(1,FilterSeverity::WARNING_LO,false); ASSERT_EVENTS_SEVERITY_FILTER_STATE(2,FilterSeverity::COMMAND,true); ASSERT_EVENTS_SEVERITY_FILTER_STATE(3,FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_HI,false); ASSERT_EVENTS_SEVERITY_FILTER_STATE(4,FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_LO,true); ASSERT_EVENTS_SEVERITY_FILTER_STATE(5,FilterSeverity::DIAGNOSTIC,true); } void ActiveLoggerImplTester::runEventFatal() { Fw::LogBuffer buff; U32 val = 10; FwEventIdType id = 29; U32 cmdSeq = 21; REQUIREMENT("AL-004"); Fw::SerializeStatus stat = buff.serialize(val); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); Fw::Time timeTag(TB_NONE,0,0); this->m_receivedPacket = false; this->invoke_to_LogRecv(0,id,timeTag,Fw::LogSeverity::FATAL,buff); // should not have received packet ASSERT_FALSE(this->m_receivedPacket); // should have seen event port ASSERT_TRUE(this->m_receivedFatalEvent); ASSERT_EQ(this->m_fatalID,id); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); // should have received packet ASSERT_TRUE(this->m_receivedPacket); // verify contents // first piece should be log packet descriptor FwPacketDescriptorType desc; stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(desc); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_EQ(desc,static_cast<FwPacketDescriptorType>(Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_LOG)); // next piece should be event ID FwEventIdType sentId; stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(sentId); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_EQ(sentId,id); // next piece is time tag Fw::Time recTimeTag(TB_NONE,0,0); stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(recTimeTag); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_TRUE(timeTag == recTimeTag); // next piece is event argument U32 readVal; stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(readVal); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_EQ(readVal, val); // packet should be empty ASSERT_EQ(this->m_sentPacket.getBuffLeft(),0u); // Turn on all filters and make sure FATAL still gets through this->clearHistory(); this->clearEvents(); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,FilterSeverity::WARNING_HI,Enabled::DISABLED); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE( 0, ActiveLoggerImpl::OPCODE_SET_EVENT_FILTER, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK ); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,FilterSeverity::WARNING_LO,Enabled::DISABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,FilterSeverity::COMMAND,Enabled::DISABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_HI,Enabled::DISABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_LO,Enabled::DISABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,FilterSeverity::DIAGNOSTIC,Enabled::DISABLED); this->m_receivedPacket = false; this->invoke_to_LogRecv(0,id,timeTag,Fw::LogSeverity::FATAL,buff); // should not have received packet ASSERT_FALSE(this->m_receivedPacket); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); // should have received packet ASSERT_TRUE(this->m_receivedPacket); // verify contents // first piece should be log packet descriptor stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(desc); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_EQ(desc,static_cast<FwPacketDescriptorType>(Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_LOG)); // next piece should be event ID stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(sentId); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_EQ(sentId,id); // next piece is time tag stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(recTimeTag); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_TRUE(timeTag == recTimeTag); // next piece is event argument stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(readVal); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_EQ(readVal, val); // packet should be empty ASSERT_EQ(this->m_sentPacket.getBuffLeft(),0u); // turn off filters this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,FilterSeverity::WARNING_HI,Enabled::ENABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,FilterSeverity::WARNING_LO,Enabled::ENABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,FilterSeverity::COMMAND,Enabled::ENABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_HI,Enabled::ENABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,FilterSeverity::ACTIVITY_LO,Enabled::ENABLED); this->sendCmd_SET_EVENT_FILTER(0,cmdSeq,FilterSeverity::DIAGNOSTIC,Enabled::ENABLED); } void ActiveLoggerImplTester::writeEvent(FwEventIdType id, Fw::LogSeverity severity, U32 value) { Fw::LogBuffer buff; Fw::SerializeStatus stat = buff.serialize(value); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); Fw::Time timeTag(TB_NONE,1,2); this->m_receivedPacket = false; this->invoke_to_LogRecv(0,id,timeTag,severity,buff); // should not have received packet ASSERT_FALSE(this->m_receivedPacket); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); // should have received packet ASSERT_TRUE(this->m_receivedPacket); // verify contents // first piece should be log packet descriptor FwPacketDescriptorType desc; stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(desc); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_EQ(desc,static_cast<FwPacketDescriptorType>(Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_LOG)); // next piece should be event ID FwEventIdType sentId; stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(sentId); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_EQ(sentId,id); // next piece is time tag Fw::Time recTimeTag(TB_NONE,1,2); stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(recTimeTag); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_TRUE(timeTag == recTimeTag); // next piece is event argument U32 readVal; stat = this->m_sentPacket.deserialize(readVal); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); ASSERT_EQ(readVal, value); // packet should be empty ASSERT_EQ(this->m_sentPacket.getBuffLeft(),0u); } void ActiveLoggerImplTester::readEvent(FwEventIdType id, Fw::LogSeverity severity, U32 value, Os::File& file) { static const BYTE delimiter = 0xA5; // first read should be delimiter BYTE de; FwSignedSizeType readSize = sizeof(de); ASSERT_EQ(,readSize,Os::File::WaitType::WAIT),Os::File::OP_OK); ASSERT_EQ(delimiter,de); // next is LogPacket Fw::ComBuffer comBuff; // size is specific to this test readSize = sizeof(FwPacketDescriptorType) + sizeof(FwEventIdType) + Fw::Time::SERIALIZED_SIZE + sizeof(U32); ASSERT_EQ(,readSize,Os::File::WaitType::WAIT),Os::File::OP_OK); comBuff.setBuffLen(readSize); // deserialize LogPacket Fw::LogPacket packet; Fw::Time time(TB_NONE,1,2); Fw::LogBuffer logBuff; ASSERT_EQ(comBuff.deserialize(packet),Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); // read back values ASSERT_EQ(id,packet.getId()); ASSERT_EQ(time,packet.getTimeTag()); logBuff = packet.getLogBuffer(); U32 readValue; ASSERT_EQ(logBuff.deserialize(readValue),Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); ASSERT_EQ(value,readValue); } void ActiveLoggerImplTester::textLogIn(const FwEventIdType id, //!< The event ID const Fw::Time& timeTag, //!< The time const Fw::LogSeverity severity, //!< The severity const Fw::TextLogString& text //!< The event string ) { TextLogEntry e = { id, timeTag, severity, text }; printTextLogHistoryEntry(e, stdout); } void ActiveLoggerImplTester :: from_pingOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 key ) { this->pushFromPortEntry_pingOut(key); } } /* namespace SvcTest */
/* * ActiveLoggerImplTester.hpp * * Created on: Mar 18, 2015 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef ACTIVELOGGER_TEST_UT_ACTIVELOGGERIMPLTESTER_HPP_ #define ACTIVELOGGER_TEST_UT_ACTIVELOGGERIMPLTESTER_HPP_ #include <ActiveLoggerGTestBase.hpp> #include <Svc/ActiveLogger/ActiveLoggerImpl.hpp> #include <Os/File.hpp> namespace Svc { class ActiveLoggerImplTester: public Svc::ActiveLoggerGTestBase { public: ActiveLoggerImplTester(Svc::ActiveLoggerImpl& inst); virtual ~ActiveLoggerImplTester(); void init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance = 0) override; void runEventNominal(); void runFilterEventNominal(); void runFilterIdNominal(); void runFilterDump(); void runFilterInvalidCommands(); void runEventFatal(); void runFileDump(); void runFileDumpErrors(); private: void from_PktSend_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::ComBuffer &data, //!< Buffer containing packet data U32 context //!< context (not used) ) override; void from_FatalAnnounce_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number FwEventIdType Id //!< The ID of the FATAL event ) override; Svc::ActiveLoggerImpl& m_impl; bool m_receivedPacket; Fw::ComBuffer m_sentPacket; bool m_receivedFatalEvent; FwEventIdType m_fatalID; void runWithFilters(Fw::LogSeverity filter); void writeEvent(FwEventIdType id, Fw::LogSeverity severity, U32 value); void readEvent(FwEventIdType id, Fw::LogSeverity severity, U32 value, Os::File& file); // open call modifiers static bool OpenInterceptor(Os::File::Status &stat, const char* fileName, Os::File::Mode mode, void* ptr); Os::File::Status m_testOpenStatus; // write call modifiers static bool WriteInterceptor(Os::File::Status &status, const void * buffer, NATIVE_INT_TYPE &size, bool waitForDone, void* ptr); Os::File::Status m_testWriteStatus; // How many read calls to let pass before modifying NATIVE_INT_TYPE m_writesToWait; // enumeration to tell what kind of error to inject typedef enum { FILE_WRITE_WRITE_ERROR, // return a bad read status FILE_WRITE_SIZE_ERROR, // return a bad size } FileWriteTestType; FileWriteTestType m_writeTestType; NATIVE_INT_TYPE m_writeSize; void textLogIn(const FwEventIdType id, //!< The event ID const Fw::Time& timeTag, //!< The time const Fw::LogSeverity severity, //!< The severity const Fw::TextLogString& text //!< The event string ) override; //! Handler for from_pingOut //! void from_pingOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 key /*!< Value to return to pinger*/ ) override; }; } /* namespace Svc */ #endif /* ACTIVELOGGER_TEST_UT_ACTIVELOGGERIMPLTESTER_HPP_ */
// ====================================================================== // \title Warnings.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for FileUplink::Warnings // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Svc/FileUplink/FileUplink.hpp> namespace Svc { void FileUplink::Warnings :: invalidReceiveMode(const Fw::FilePacket::Type packetType) { this->m_fileUplink->log_WARNING_HI_InvalidReceiveMode( static_cast<U32>(packetType), static_cast<U32>(m_fileUplink->m_receiveMode) ); this->warning(); } void FileUplink::Warnings :: fileOpen(Fw::LogStringArg& fileName) { this->m_fileUplink->log_WARNING_HI_FileOpenError(fileName); this->warning(); } void FileUplink::Warnings :: packetOutOfBounds( const U32 sequenceIndex, Fw::LogStringArg& fileName ) { this->m_fileUplink->log_WARNING_HI_PacketOutOfBounds( sequenceIndex, fileName ); this->warning(); } void FileUplink::Warnings :: packetOutOfOrder( const U32 sequenceIndex, const U32 lastSequenceIndex ) { this->m_fileUplink->log_WARNING_HI_PacketOutOfOrder( sequenceIndex, lastSequenceIndex ); this->warning(); } void FileUplink::Warnings :: fileWrite(Fw::LogStringArg& fileName) { this->m_fileUplink->log_WARNING_HI_FileWriteError(fileName); this->warning(); } void FileUplink::Warnings :: badChecksum( const U32 computed, const U32 read ) { this->m_fileUplink->log_WARNING_HI_BadChecksum( this->m_fileUplink->, computed, read ); this->warning(); } }
// ====================================================================== // \title File.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for FileUplink::File // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Svc/FileUplink/FileUplink.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/StringUtils.hpp> namespace Svc { Os::File::Status FileUplink::File :: open(const Fw::FilePacket::StartPacket& startPacket) { const U32 length = startPacket.getDestinationPath().getLength(); char path[Fw::FilePacket::PathName::MAX_LENGTH + 1]; memcpy(path, startPacket.getDestinationPath().getValue(), length); path[length] = 0; Fw::LogStringArg logStringArg(path); this->name = logStringArg; this->size = startPacket.getFileSize(); CFDP::Checksum checksum; this->m_checksum = checksum; return this->, Os::File::OPEN_WRITE); } Os::File::Status FileUplink::File :: write( const U8 *const data, const U32 byteOffset, const U32 length ) { Os::File::Status status; status = this->, Os::File::SeekType::ABSOLUTE); if (status != Os::File::OP_OK) { return status; } FwSignedSizeType intLength = length; //Note: not waiting for the file write to finish status = this->osFile.write(data, intLength, Os::File::WaitType::NO_WAIT); if (status != Os::File::OP_OK) { return status; } FW_ASSERT(static_cast<U32>(intLength) == length, intLength); this->m_checksum.update(data, byteOffset, length); return Os::File::OP_OK; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title FileUplink.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for FileUplink component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Svc/FileUplink/FileUplink.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include <FpConfig.hpp> namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FileUplink :: FileUplink(const char *const name) : FileUplinkComponentBase(name), m_receiveMode(START), m_lastSequenceIndex(0), m_filesReceived(this), m_packetsReceived(this), m_warnings(this) { } void FileUplink :: init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance ) { FileUplinkComponentBase::init(queueDepth, instance); } FileUplink :: ~FileUplink() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FileUplink :: bufferSendIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer& buffer ) { Fw::FilePacket filePacket; const Fw::SerializeStatus status = filePacket.fromBuffer(buffer); if (status != Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { this->log_WARNING_HI_DecodeError(status); } else { Fw::FilePacket::Type header_type = filePacket.asHeader().getType(); switch (header_type) { case Fw::FilePacket::T_START: this->handleStartPacket(filePacket.asStartPacket()); break; case Fw::FilePacket::T_DATA: this->handleDataPacket(filePacket.asDataPacket()); break; case Fw::FilePacket::T_END: this->handleEndPacket(filePacket.asEndPacket()); break; case Fw::FilePacket::T_CANCEL: this->handleCancelPacket(); break; default: FW_ASSERT(0); break; } } this->bufferSendOut_out(0, buffer); } void FileUplink :: pingIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 key ) { // return key this->pingOut_out(0,key); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private helper functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FileUplink :: handleStartPacket(const Fw::FilePacket::StartPacket& startPacket) { // Clear all event throttles in preparation for new start packet this->log_WARNING_HI_FileWriteError_ThrottleClear(); this->log_WARNING_HI_InvalidReceiveMode_ThrottleClear(); this->log_WARNING_HI_PacketOutOfBounds_ThrottleClear(); this->log_WARNING_HI_PacketOutOfOrder_ThrottleClear(); this->m_packetsReceived.packetReceived(); if (this->m_receiveMode != START) { this->m_file.osFile.close(); this->m_warnings.invalidReceiveMode(Fw::FilePacket::T_START); } const Os::File::Status status = this->; if (status == Os::File::OP_OK) { this->goToDataMode(); } else { this->m_warnings.fileOpen(this->; this->goToStartMode(); } } void FileUplink :: handleDataPacket(const Fw::FilePacket::DataPacket& dataPacket) { this->m_packetsReceived.packetReceived(); if (this->m_receiveMode != DATA) { this->m_warnings.invalidReceiveMode(Fw::FilePacket::T_DATA); return; } const U32 sequenceIndex = dataPacket.asHeader().getSequenceIndex(); this->checkSequenceIndex(sequenceIndex); const U32 byteOffset = dataPacket.getByteOffset(); const U32 dataSize = dataPacket.getDataSize(); if (byteOffset + dataSize > this->m_file.size) { this->m_warnings.packetOutOfBounds(sequenceIndex, this->; return; } const Os::File::Status status = this->m_file.write( dataPacket.getData(), byteOffset, dataSize ); if (status != Os::File::OP_OK) { this->m_warnings.fileWrite(this->; } } void FileUplink :: handleEndPacket(const Fw::FilePacket::EndPacket& endPacket) { this->m_packetsReceived.packetReceived(); if (this->m_receiveMode == DATA) { this->m_filesReceived.fileReceived(); this->checkSequenceIndex(endPacket.asHeader().getSequenceIndex()); this->compareChecksums(endPacket); this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_FileReceived(this->; } else { this->m_warnings.invalidReceiveMode(Fw::FilePacket::T_END); } this->goToStartMode(); } void FileUplink :: handleCancelPacket() { this->m_packetsReceived.packetReceived(); this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_UplinkCanceled(); this->goToStartMode(); } void FileUplink :: checkSequenceIndex(const U32 sequenceIndex) { if (sequenceIndex != this->m_lastSequenceIndex + 1) { this->m_warnings.packetOutOfOrder( sequenceIndex, this->m_lastSequenceIndex ); } this->m_lastSequenceIndex = sequenceIndex; } void FileUplink :: compareChecksums(const Fw::FilePacket::EndPacket& endPacket) { CFDP::Checksum computed, stored; this->m_file.getChecksum(computed); endPacket.getChecksum(stored); if (computed != stored) { this->m_warnings.badChecksum( computed.getValue(), stored.getValue() ); } } void FileUplink :: goToStartMode() { this->m_file.osFile.close(); this->m_receiveMode = START; this->m_lastSequenceIndex = 0; } void FileUplink :: goToDataMode() { this->m_receiveMode = DATA; this->m_lastSequenceIndex = 0; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title FileUplink.hpp // \author bocchino // \brief hpp file for FileUplink component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_FileUplink_HPP #define Svc_FileUplink_HPP #include <Svc/FileUplink/FileUplinkComponentAc.hpp> #include <Fw/FilePacket/FilePacket.hpp> #include <Os/File.hpp> namespace Svc { class FileUplink : public FileUplinkComponentBase { PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The ReceiveMode type typedef enum { START, DATA } ReceiveMode; //! An object representing an incoming file class File { public: //! The file size U32 size; //! The file name Fw::LogStringArg name; //! The underlying OS file Os::File osFile; PRIVATE: //! The checksum for the file ::CFDP::Checksum m_checksum; public: //! Open the OS file for writing and initialize the checksum Os::File::Status open( const Fw::FilePacket::StartPacket& startPacket ); //! Write bytes into the OS file and update the checksum Os::File::Status write( const U8 *const data, const U32 byteOffset, const U32 length ); //! Get the checksum void getChecksum(::CFDP::Checksum& checksum) { checksum = this->m_checksum; } }; //! Object to record files received class FilesReceived { public: //! Construct a FilesReceived object FilesReceived(FileUplink *const fileUplink) : m_received_files_counter(0), m_fileUplink(fileUplink) { } public: //! Record a received file void fileReceived() { ++this->m_received_files_counter; this->m_fileUplink->tlmWrite_FilesReceived(m_received_files_counter); } PRIVATE: //! The total number of files received U32 m_received_files_counter; //! The enclosing FileUplink object FileUplink *const m_fileUplink; }; //! Object to record packets received class PacketsReceived { public: //! Construct a PacketsReceived object PacketsReceived(FileUplink *const fileUplink) : m_received_packet_count(0), m_fileUplink(fileUplink) { } public: //! Record a packet received void packetReceived() { ++this->m_received_packet_count; this->m_fileUplink->tlmWrite_PacketsReceived(m_received_packet_count); } PRIVATE: //! The total number of received packets U32 m_received_packet_count; //! The enclosing FileUplink object FileUplink *const m_fileUplink; }; //! Object to record warnings class Warnings { public: //! Construct a Warnings object Warnings(FileUplink *const fileUplink) : m_warning_count(0), m_fileUplink(fileUplink) { } public: //! Record an Invalid Receive Mode warning void invalidReceiveMode(const Fw::FilePacket::Type packetType); //! Record a File Open warning void fileOpen(Fw::LogStringArg& fileName); //! Record a Packet Out of Bounds warning void packetOutOfBounds( const U32 sequenceIndex, Fw::LogStringArg& fileName ); //! Record a Packet Out of Order warning void packetOutOfOrder( const U32 sequenceIndex, const U32 lastSequenceIndex ); //! Record a File Write warning void fileWrite(Fw::LogStringArg& fileName); //! Record a Bad Checksum warning void badChecksum( const U32 computed, const U32 read ); PRIVATE: //! Record a warning void warning() { ++this->m_warning_count; this->m_fileUplink->tlmWrite_Warnings(m_warning_count); } PRIVATE: //! The total number of warnings U32 m_warning_count; //! The enclosing FileUplink object FileUplink *const m_fileUplink; }; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct object FileUplink //! FileUplink( const char *const name //!< The component name ); //! Initialize object FileUplink //! void init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, //!< The queue depth const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance //!< The instance number ); //! Destroy object FileUplink //! ~FileUplink(); PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler implementation for bufferSendIn //! void bufferSendIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::Buffer& buffer //!< Buffer wrapping data ); //! Handler implementation for pingIn //! void pingIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 key /*!< Value to return to pinger*/ ); PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private helper functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handle a start packet void handleStartPacket(const Fw::FilePacket::StartPacket& startPacket); //! Handle a data packet void handleDataPacket(const Fw::FilePacket::DataPacket& dataPacket); //! Handle an end packet void handleEndPacket(const Fw::FilePacket::EndPacket& endPacket); //! Handle a cancel packet void handleCancelPacket(); //! Check sequence index void checkSequenceIndex(const U32 sequenceIndex); //! Compare checksums void compareChecksums(const Fw::FilePacket::EndPacket& endPacket); //! Go to START mode void goToStartMode(); //! Go to DATA mode void goToDataMode(); PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The receive mode ReceiveMode m_receiveMode; //! The sequence index of the last packet received U32 m_lastSequenceIndex; //! The file being assembled File m_file; //! The total number of files received FilesReceived m_filesReceived; //! The total number of cancel packets PacketsReceived m_packetsReceived; //! The total number of warnings Warnings m_warnings; }; } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title FileUplink.hpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for FileUplink test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <cerrno> #include <cstring> #include "FileUplinkTester.hpp" #define INSTANCE 0 #define MAX_HISTORY_SIZE 10 #define QUEUE_DEPTH 10 namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FileUplinkTester :: FileUplinkTester() : FileUplinkGTestBase("Tester", MAX_HISTORY_SIZE), component("FileUplink"), expectedPacketsReceived(0), sequenceIndex(0) { this->connectPorts(); this->initComponents(); } FileUplinkTester :: ~FileUplinkTester() { this->component.m_file.osFile.close(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FileUplinkTester :: sendFile() { const char *const sourcePath = "source.bin"; const char *const destPath = "dest.bin"; const U32 numPackets = 2; U8 packetData[numPackets][5] = { { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }, { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } }; const U8 *const linearPacketData = reinterpret_cast<U8*>(packetData); const size_t fileSize = sizeof(packetData); // Send the start packet this->sendStartPacket(sourcePath, destPath, fileSize); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); // Send the data packets for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; ++i) { const size_t byteOffset = i * PACKET_SIZE; this->sendDataPacket(byteOffset, packetData[i]); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); } // Send the end packet CFDP::Checksum checksum; checksum.update(linearPacketData, 0, fileSize); this->sendEndPacket(checksum); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_TLM_FilesReceived(0, 1); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_FileReceived(0, destPath); // Assert we are back in START mode ASSERT_EQ(FileUplink::START, this->component.m_receiveMode); // Verify the file data this->verifyFileData(destPath, linearPacketData, fileSize); // Remove the file this->removeFile(destPath); } void FileUplinkTester :: badChecksum() { const char *const sourcePath = "source.bin"; const char *const destPath = "dest.bin"; const U32 numPackets = 2; U8 packetData[numPackets][5] = { { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }, { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } }; const U8 *const linearPacketData = reinterpret_cast<U8*>(packetData); const size_t fileSize = sizeof(packetData); // Send the start packet this->sendStartPacket(sourcePath, destPath, fileSize); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); // Send the data packets for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; ++i) { const size_t byteOffset = i * PACKET_SIZE; this->sendDataPacket(byteOffset, packetData[i]); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); } // Send the end packet CFDP::Checksum checksum; // Perturb the packet data to alter the checksum ++packetData[0][0]; checksum.update(linearPacketData, 0, fileSize); this->sendEndPacket(checksum); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(3); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_TLM_FilesReceived(0, 1); ASSERT_TLM_Warnings(0, 1); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(2); ASSERT_EVENTS_FileReceived(0, destPath); ASSERT_EVENTS_BadChecksum(0, destPath, 202311690, 219088906); // Remove the file this->removeFile(destPath); } void FileUplinkTester :: fileOpenError() { const char *const sourcePath = "source.bin"; const char *const destPath = "missing_directory/test.bin"; this->sendStartPacket(sourcePath, destPath, 0); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_TLM_Warnings(0, 1); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_FileOpenError(0, destPath); ASSERT_EQ(FileUplink::START, this->component.m_receiveMode); } void FileUplinkTester :: fileWriteError() { const char *const sourcePath = "source.bin"; const char *const destPath = "dest.bin"; U8 packetData[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }; const size_t fileSize = 2 * PACKET_SIZE; // Send the start packet (packet 0) this->sendStartPacket(sourcePath, destPath, fileSize); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); // Close the file so writing will fail this->component.m_file.osFile.close(); // Send the data packet (packet 1) const size_t byteOffset = PACKET_SIZE; this->sendDataPacket(byteOffset, packetData); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_TLM_Warnings(0, 1); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_FileWriteError(0, destPath); } void FileUplinkTester :: startPacketInDataMode() { const char *const sourcePath = "source.bin"; const char *const destPath = "dest.bin"; const size_t fileSize = 0; this->sendStartPacket(sourcePath, destPath, fileSize); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); this->sendStartPacket(sourcePath, destPath, fileSize); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_TLM_Warnings(0, 1); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_InvalidReceiveMode( 0, Fw::FilePacket::T_START, FileUplink::DATA ); ASSERT_EQ(FileUplink::DATA, this->component.m_receiveMode); this->removeFile(destPath); } void FileUplinkTester :: dataPacketInStartMode() { U8 packetData[PACKET_SIZE]; const size_t byteOffset = 0; this->sendDataPacket(byteOffset, packetData); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_TLM_Warnings(0, 1); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_InvalidReceiveMode( 0, Fw::FilePacket::T_DATA, FileUplink::START ); } void FileUplinkTester :: endPacketInStartMode() { CFDP::Checksum checksum; this->sendEndPacket(checksum); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_TLM_Warnings(0, 1); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_InvalidReceiveMode( 0, Fw::FilePacket::T_END, FileUplink::START ); ASSERT_EQ(FileUplink::START, this->component.m_receiveMode); } void FileUplinkTester :: packetOutOfBounds() { const char *const sourcePath = "source.bin"; const char *const destPath = "dest.bin"; const size_t fileSize = 0; this->sendStartPacket(sourcePath, destPath, fileSize); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); const size_t byteOffset = 0; U8 packetData[PACKET_SIZE]; this->sendDataPacket(byteOffset, packetData); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_TLM_Warnings(0, 1); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PacketOutOfBounds( 0, 1, destPath ); this->removeFile(destPath); } void FileUplinkTester :: packetOutOfOrder() { const char *const sourcePath = "source.bin"; const char *const destPath = "dest.bin"; U8 packetData[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; const size_t fileSize = 2 * PACKET_SIZE; // Send the start packet (packet 0) this->sendStartPacket(sourcePath, destPath, fileSize); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); // Simulate dropping of packet 1 ++this->sequenceIndex; // Send the data packet (packet 2) const size_t byteOffset = PACKET_SIZE; this->sendDataPacket(byteOffset, packetData); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_TLM_Warnings(0, 1); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PacketOutOfOrder(0, 2, 0); this->removeFile("test.bin"); } void FileUplinkTester :: cancelPacketInStartMode() { const char *const sourcePath = "source.bin"; const char *const destPath = "dest.bin"; const size_t fileSize = 0; // Send the start packet (packet 0) this->sendStartPacket(sourcePath, destPath, fileSize); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); // Send a cancel packet this->sendCancelPacket(); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_UplinkCanceled_SIZE(1); // Check component state ASSERT_EQ(0U, this->component.m_lastSequenceIndex); ASSERT_EQ(FileUplink::START, this->component.m_receiveMode); // Remove the file this->removeFile("test.bin"); } void FileUplinkTester :: cancelPacketInDataMode() { const char *const sourcePath = "source.bin"; const char *const destPath = "dest.bin"; U8 packetData[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }; const size_t fileSize = 2 * PACKET_SIZE; // Send the start packet (packet 0) this->sendStartPacket(sourcePath, destPath, fileSize); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); // Send the data packet (packet 1) const size_t byteOffset = PACKET_SIZE; this->sendDataPacket(byteOffset, packetData); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); // Send a cancel packet this->sendCancelPacket(); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_PacketsReceived( 0, ++this->expectedPacketsReceived ); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_UplinkCanceled_SIZE(1); // Check component state ASSERT_EQ(0U, this->component.m_lastSequenceIndex); ASSERT_EQ(FileUplink::START, this->component.m_receiveMode); // Remove the file this->removeFile("test.bin"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FileUplinkTester :: from_bufferSendOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer& buffer ) { this->pushFromPortEntry_bufferSendOut(buffer); } void FileUplinkTester :: from_pingOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 key ) { this->pushFromPortEntry_pingOut(key); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FileUplinkTester :: connectPorts() { // bufferSendIn this->connect_to_bufferSendIn( 0, this->component.get_bufferSendIn_InputPort(0) ); // timeCaller this->component.set_timeCaller_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_timeCaller(0) ); // bufferSendOut this->component.set_bufferSendOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_bufferSendOut(0) ); // tlmOut this->component.set_tlmOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_tlmOut(0) ); // eventOut this->component.set_eventOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_eventOut(0) ); // LogText this->component.set_LogText_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_LogText(0) ); // pingIn this->connect_to_pingIn( 0, this->component.get_pingIn_InputPort(0) ); // pingOut this->component.set_pingOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_pingOut(0) ); } void FileUplinkTester :: initComponents() { this->init(); this->component.init(QUEUE_DEPTH, INSTANCE); } void FileUplinkTester :: sendFilePacket(const Fw::FilePacket& filePacket) { this->clearHistory(); const size_t bufferSize = filePacket.bufferSize(); U8 bufferData[bufferSize]; Fw::Buffer buffer(bufferData, bufferSize); const Fw::SerializeStatus status = filePacket.toBuffer(buffer); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); this->invoke_to_bufferSendIn(0, buffer); this->component.doDispatch(); ASSERT_from_bufferSendOut_SIZE(1); ASSERT_from_bufferSendOut(0, buffer); } void FileUplinkTester :: sendStartPacket( const char *const sourcePath, const char *const destPath, const size_t fileSize ) { Fw::FilePacket::StartPacket startPacket; startPacket.initialize(fileSize, sourcePath, destPath); Fw::FilePacket filePacket; filePacket.fromStartPacket(startPacket); this->sendFilePacket(filePacket); this->sequenceIndex = 1; } void FileUplinkTester :: sendDataPacket( const size_t byteOffset, U8 *const packetData ) { const Fw::FilePacket::DataPacket dataPacket = { { Fw::FilePacket::T_DATA, this->sequenceIndex++ }, static_cast<U32>(byteOffset), PACKET_SIZE, packetData }; Fw::FilePacket filePacket; filePacket.fromDataPacket(dataPacket); this->sendFilePacket(filePacket); } void FileUplinkTester :: sendEndPacket(const CFDP::Checksum& checksum) { const Fw::FilePacket::Header header = { Fw::FilePacket::T_END, this->sequenceIndex++ }; Fw::FilePacket::EndPacket endPacket; endPacket.m_header = header; endPacket.setChecksum(checksum); Fw::FilePacket filePacket; filePacket.fromEndPacket(endPacket); this->sendFilePacket(filePacket); } void FileUplinkTester :: sendCancelPacket() { const Fw::FilePacket::Header header = { Fw::FilePacket::T_CANCEL, this->sequenceIndex++ }; const Fw::FilePacket::CancelPacket cancelPacket = { header }; Fw::FilePacket filePacket; filePacket.fromCancelPacket(cancelPacket); this->sendFilePacket(filePacket); } void FileUplinkTester :: verifyFileData( const char *const path, const U8 *const sentData, const size_t dataSize ) { Os::File file; U8 fileData[dataSize];, Os::File::OPEN_READ); FwSignedSizeType intSize = static_cast<FwSignedSizeType>(dataSize); const Os::File::Status status =, intSize); ASSERT_EQ(Os::File::OP_OK, status); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(intSize), dataSize); for (size_t i = 0; i < dataSize; ++i) { ASSERT_EQ(sentData[i], fileData[i]); } } void FileUplinkTester :: removeFile(const char *const path) { const NATIVE_INT_TYPE status = ::unlink(path); if (status != 0) { ASSERT_EQ(ENOENT, errno); } } }
// ====================================================================== // \title FileUplink/test/ut/Tester.hpp // \author bocchino // \brief hpp file for FileUplink test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef TESTER_HPP #define TESTER_HPP #include <Svc/FileUplink/FileUplink.hpp> #include "FileUplinkGTestBase.hpp" #define PACKET_SIZE 5 namespace Svc { class FileUplinkTester : public FileUplinkGTestBase { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: //! Construct object FileUplinkTester //! FileUplinkTester(); //! Destroy object FileUplinkTester //! ~FileUplinkTester(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Send a file //! void sendFile(); //! Send a file with a bad checksum value //! void badChecksum(); //! Cause a file open error //! void fileOpenError(); //! Cause a file write error //! void fileWriteError(); //! Send a START packet in DATA mode //! void startPacketInDataMode(); //! Send a DATA packet in START mode //! void dataPacketInStartMode(); //! Send an END packet in START mode //! void endPacketInStartMode(); //! Send a file with an out-of-bounds packet //! void packetOutOfBounds(); //! Send a file with an out-of-order packet //! void packetOutOfOrder(); //! Send a CANCEL packet in START mode //! void cancelPacketInStartMode(); //! Send a CANCEL packet in DATA mode //! void cancelPacketInDataMode(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler for from_bufferSendOut //! void from_bufferSendOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::Buffer& buffer ); //! Handler for from_pingOut //! void from_pingOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 key /*!< Value to return to pinger*/ ); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Connect ports //! void connectPorts(); //! Initialize components //! void initComponents(); //! Send a FilePacket //! void sendFilePacket(const Fw::FilePacket& filePacket); //! Send a StartPacket //! void sendStartPacket( const char *const sourcePath, //!< The source path const char *const destPath, //!< The destination path const size_t fileSize //!< The file size ); //! Send a DataPacket //! void sendDataPacket( const size_t byteOffset, U8 *const packetData ); //! Send an EndPacket //! void sendEndPacket(const CFDP::Checksum& checksum); //! Send a CancelPacket //! void sendCancelPacket(); //! Verify file data //! void verifyFileData( const char *const path, const U8 *const sentData, const size_t sentDataSize ); //! Remove a file //! void removeFile(const char *const path); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The component under test //! FileUplink component; //! The expected number of packets received so far //! U32 expectedPacketsReceived; //! The current sequence index //! U32 sequenceIndex; }; } #endif
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main.cpp // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "FileUplinkTester.hpp" TEST(FileUplink, SendFile) { Svc::FileUplinkTester tester; tester.sendFile(); } TEST(FileUplink, BadChecksum) { Svc::FileUplinkTester tester; tester.badChecksum(); } TEST(FileUplink, FileOpenError) { Svc::FileUplinkTester tester; tester.fileOpenError(); } TEST(FileUplink, FileWriteError) { Svc::FileUplinkTester tester; tester.fileWriteError(); } TEST(FileUplink, StartPacketInDataMode) { Svc::FileUplinkTester tester; tester.startPacketInDataMode(); } TEST(FileUplink, DataPacketInStartMode) { Svc::FileUplinkTester tester; tester.dataPacketInStartMode(); } TEST(FileUplink, EndPacketInStartMode) { Svc::FileUplinkTester tester; tester.endPacketInStartMode(); } TEST(FileUplink, PacketOutOfBounds) { Svc::FileUplinkTester tester; tester.packetOutOfBounds(); } TEST(FileUplink, PacketOutOfOrder) { Svc::FileUplinkTester tester; tester.packetOutOfOrder(); } TEST(FileUplink, CancelPacketInStartMode) { Svc::FileUplinkTester tester; tester.cancelPacketInStartMode(); } TEST(FileUplink, CancelPacketInDataMode) { Svc::FileUplinkTester tester; tester.cancelPacketInDataMode(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
// ====================================================================== // \title DeframingProtocol.cpp // \author mstarch // \brief cpp file for DeframingProtocol class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2021, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "DeframingProtocol.hpp" #include "DeframingProtocolInterface.hpp" namespace Svc { DeframingProtocol::DeframingProtocol() : m_interface(nullptr) {} void DeframingProtocol::setup(DeframingProtocolInterface& interface) { FW_ASSERT(m_interface == nullptr); m_interface = &interface; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title FramingProtocol.hpp // \author mstarch // \brief hpp file for FramingProtocol class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2022, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef SVC_FRAMING_PROTOCOL_HPP #define SVC_FRAMING_PROTOCOL_HPP #include "Svc/FramingProtocol/FramingProtocolInterface.hpp" #include "Fw/Com/ComPacket.hpp" namespace Svc { /** * \brief abstract class representing a framing protocol * * This class defines the methods used to create a framed packet from Com and Fw::Buffers. The * framing protocol `frame` method is called with data and it in turn is expected to call the * `send` method of m_interface once a packet is constructed. * * There is no requirement that this be one-to-one and thus packetization, aggregation may all * be performed. A call to `m_interface.allocate` can allocate memory such that framing tokens * may be added. */ class FramingProtocol { public: //! \brief constructor //! FramingProtocol(); virtual ~FramingProtocol(){}; //! \brief setup function called to supply the interface used for allocation and sending //! \param interface: interface implementation, normally FramerComponentImpl void setup(FramingProtocolInterface& interface); //! \brief frame a given set of bytes //! \param data: pointer to a set of bytes to be framed //! \param size: size of data pointed to by `data` //! \param packet_type: type of data supplied for File downlink packets virtual void frame(const U8* const data, const U32 size, Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType packet_type) = 0; PROTECTED: FramingProtocolInterface* m_interface; }; } #endif // SVC_FRAMING_PROTOCOL_HPP
// ====================================================================== // \title FprimeProtocol.cpp // \author mstarch // \brief cpp file for FprimeProtocol class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2022, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "FprimeProtocol.hpp" #include "FpConfig.hpp" #include "Utils/Hash/Hash.hpp" namespace Svc { FprimeFraming::FprimeFraming(): FramingProtocol() {} FprimeDeframing::FprimeDeframing(): DeframingProtocol() {} void FprimeFraming::frame(const U8* const data, const U32 size, Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType packet_type) { FW_ASSERT(data != nullptr); FW_ASSERT(m_interface != nullptr); // Use of I32 size is explicit as ComPacketType will be specifically serialized as an I32 FpFrameHeader::TokenType real_data_size = size + ((packet_type != Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN) ? sizeof(I32) : 0); FpFrameHeader::TokenType total = real_data_size + FpFrameHeader::SIZE + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH; Fw::Buffer buffer = m_interface->allocate(total); Fw::SerializeBufferBase& serializer = buffer.getSerializeRepr(); Utils::HashBuffer hash; // Serialize data Fw::SerializeStatus status; status = serializer.serialize(FpFrameHeader::START_WORD); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); status = serializer.serialize(real_data_size); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); // Serialize packet type if supplied, otherwise it *must* be present in the data if (packet_type != Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN) { status = serializer.serialize(static_cast<I32>(packet_type)); // I32 used for enum storage FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); } status = serializer.serialize(data, size, true); // Serialize without length FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); // Calculate and add transmission hash Utils::Hash::hash(buffer.getData(), total - HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH, hash); status = serializer.serialize(hash.getBuffAddr(), HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH, true); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); buffer.setSize(total); m_interface->send(buffer); } bool FprimeDeframing::validate(Types::CircularBuffer& ring, U32 size) { Utils::Hash hash; Utils::HashBuffer hashBuffer; // Initialize the checksum and loop through all bytes calculating it hash.init(); for (U32 i = 0; i < size; i++) { U8 byte; const Fw::SerializeStatus status = ring.peek(byte, i); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); hash.update(&byte, 1); }; // Now loop through the hash digest bytes and check for equality for (U32 i = 0; i < HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH; i++) { U8 calc = static_cast<char>(hashBuffer.getBuffAddr()[i]); U8 sent = 0; const Fw::SerializeStatus status = ring.peek(sent, size + i); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); if (calc != sent) { return false; } } return true; } DeframingProtocol::DeframingStatus FprimeDeframing::deframe(Types::CircularBuffer& ring, U32& needed) { FpFrameHeader::TokenType start = 0; FpFrameHeader::TokenType size = 0; FW_ASSERT(m_interface != nullptr); // Check for header or ask for more data if (ring.get_allocated_size() < FpFrameHeader::SIZE) { needed = FpFrameHeader::SIZE; return DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_MORE_NEEDED; } // Read start value from header Fw::SerializeStatus status = ring.peek(start, 0); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); if (start != FpFrameHeader::START_WORD) { // Start word must be valid return DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_INVALID_FORMAT; } // Read size from header status = ring.peek(size, sizeof(FpFrameHeader::TokenType)); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); const U32 maxU32 = std::numeric_limits<U32>::max(); if (size > maxU32 - (FpFrameHeader::SIZE + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH)) { // Size is too large to process: needed would overflow return DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_INVALID_SIZE; } needed = (FpFrameHeader::SIZE + size + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH); // Check frame size const U32 frameSize = size + FpFrameHeader::SIZE + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH; if (frameSize > ring.get_capacity()) { // Frame size is too large for ring buffer return DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_INVALID_SIZE; } // Check for enough data to deserialize everything; // otherwise break and wait for more. else if (ring.get_allocated_size() < needed) { return DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_MORE_NEEDED; } // Check the checksum if (not this->validate(ring, needed - HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH)) { return DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_INVALID_CHECKSUM; } Fw::Buffer buffer = m_interface->allocate(size); // Some allocators may return buffers larger than requested. // That causes issues in routing; adjust size. FW_ASSERT(buffer.getSize() >= size); buffer.setSize(size); status = ring.peek(buffer.getData(), size, FpFrameHeader::SIZE); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); m_interface->route(buffer); return DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_STATUS_SUCCESS; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title DeframingProtocolInterface.hpp // \author mstarch // \brief hpp file for deframing protocol interface // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2021, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef SVC_DEFRAMING_PROTOCOL_INTERFACE_HPP #define SVC_DEFRAMING_PROTOCOL_INTERFACE_HPP #include <Fw/Buffer/Buffer.hpp> #include <Fw/Time/Time.hpp> namespace Svc { /** * \brief interface supplied to the deframing protocol * * In order to supply necessary fprime actions to deframing implementations this class provides * the necessary functions. Typically the DeframerComponentImpl is the concrete implementor of this * interface. */ class DeframingProtocolInterface { public: virtual ~DeframingProtocolInterface(){}; /** * \brief called to allocate memory, typically delegating to an allocate port call * \param size: size of the allocation request * \return Fw::Buffer wrapping allocated memory */ virtual Fw::Buffer allocate(const U32 size) = 0; /** * \brief send deframed data into the system * \param data: deframed buffer */ virtual void route(Fw::Buffer& data) = 0; }; } #endif // SVC_DEFRAMING_PROTOCOL_INTERFACE_HPP
// ====================================================================== // \title FramingProtocol.cpp // \author mstarch // \brief cpp file for FramingProtocol class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2021, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "FramingProtocol.hpp" #include "FramingProtocolInterface.hpp" namespace Svc { FramingProtocol::FramingProtocol() : m_interface(nullptr) {} void FramingProtocol::setup(FramingProtocolInterface& interface) { FW_ASSERT(m_interface == nullptr); m_interface = &interface; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title FprimeProtocol.hpp // \author mstarch // \brief hpp file for FprimeProtocol class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2021, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef SVC_FPRIME_PROTOCOL_HPP #define SVC_FPRIME_PROTOCOL_HPP #include <Svc/FramingProtocol/FramingProtocol.hpp> #include <Svc/FramingProtocol/DeframingProtocol.hpp> namespace Svc { // Definitions for the F Prime frame header namespace FpFrameHeader { //! Token type for F Prime frame header typedef U32 TokenType; enum { //! Header size for F Prime frame header SIZE = sizeof(TokenType) * 2 }; //! The start word for F Prime framing const TokenType START_WORD = static_cast<TokenType>(0xdeadbeef); } //! \brief Implements the F Prime framing protocol class FprimeFraming: public FramingProtocol { public: //! Constructor FprimeFraming(); //! Implements the frame method void frame( const U8* const data, //!< The data const U32 size, //!< The data size in bytes Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType packet_type //!< The packet type ) override; }; //! \brief Implements the F Prime deframing protocol class FprimeDeframing : public DeframingProtocol { public: //! Constructor FprimeDeframing(); //! Validates data against the stored hash value //! 1. Computes the hash value V of bytes [0,size-1] in the circular buffer //! 2. Compares V against bytes [size, size + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH - 1] of //! the circular buffer, which are expected to be the stored hash value. bool validate( Types::CircularBuffer& buffer, //!< The circular buffer U32 size //!< The data size in bytes ); //! Implements the deframe method //! \return Status DeframingStatus deframe( Types::CircularBuffer& buffer, //!< The circular buffer U32& needed //!< The number of bytes needed, updated by the caller ) override; }; } #endif // SVC_FPRIME_PROTOCOL_HPP
// ====================================================================== // \title FramingProtocolInterface.hpp // \author mstarch // \brief hpp file for framing protocol interface // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2022, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef SVC_FRAMING_PROTOCOL_INTERFACE_HPP #define SVC_FRAMING_PROTOCOL_INTERFACE_HPP #include <Fw/Buffer/Buffer.hpp> #include <Fw/Time/Time.hpp> namespace Svc { /** * \brief interface supplied to the framing protocol * * In order to supply necessary fprime actions to framing implementations this allows the framing * implementation to call the functions to delegate the actions. Typically the FramerComponentImpl * is the concrete implementor of this interface. */ class FramingProtocolInterface { public: virtual ~FramingProtocolInterface(){}; //! \brief allocation callback to allocate memory when framing //! \param size: size of the allocation request //! \return buffer wrapping allocated memory virtual Fw::Buffer allocate(const U32 size) = 0; //! \brief send framed data out of the framer //! \param outgoing: framed data wrapped in an Fw::Buffer virtual void send(Fw::Buffer& outgoing) = 0; }; } #endif // SVC_FRAMING_PROTOCOL_INTERFACE_HPP
// ====================================================================== // \title DeframingProtocol.hpp // \author mstarch // \brief hpp file for DeframingProtocol class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2022, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "Svc/FramingProtocol/DeframingProtocolInterface.hpp" #include "Fw/Com/ComPacket.hpp" #include "Utils/Types/CircularBuffer.hpp" #ifndef SVC_DEFRAMING_PROTOCOL_HPP #define SVC_DEFRAMING_PROTOCOL_HPP namespace Svc { /** * \brief Abstract base class representing a deframing protocol * * This class represents the basic interface for writing a deframing protocol. This class may be * subclassed to provide concrete implementations for the protocol. A DeframingProtocolInterface is * be supplied using the `setup` call. This instance is usually the DeframingComponentImpl. * * Implementations are expected to call `m_interface.route` to send the deframed data and may call * `m_interface.allocate` to allocate new memory. */ class DeframingProtocol { public: virtual ~DeframingProtocol(){}; /** * \brief Status of the deframing call */ enum DeframingStatus { DEFRAMING_STATUS_SUCCESS, /*!< Successful deframing */ DEFRAMING_INVALID_SIZE, /*!< Invalid size found */ DEFRAMING_INVALID_CHECKSUM, /*!< Invalid checksum */ DEFRAMING_MORE_NEEDED, /*!< Successful deframing likely with more data */ DEFRAMING_INVALID_FORMAT, /*!< Invalid format */ DEFRAMING_MAX_STATUS /*!< The number of status enumerations */ }; //! Constructor //! DeframingProtocol(); //! Setup the deframing protocol with the deframing interface //! void setup(DeframingProtocolInterface& interface /*!< Deframing interface */ ); //! Deframe packets from within the circular buffer //! \return deframing status of this deframe attempt virtual DeframingStatus deframe(Types::CircularBuffer& buffer, /*!< Deframe from circular buffer */ U32& needed /*!< Return needed number of bytes */ ) = 0; PROTECTED: DeframingProtocolInterface* m_interface; }; } #endif // SVC_DEFRAMING_PROTOCOL_HPP
#include <limits> #include "Fw/Test/UnitTest.hpp" #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" #include "STest/Random/Random.hpp" #include "Svc/FramingProtocol/test/ut/DeframingTester.hpp" #include "Svc/FramingProtocol/test/ut/FramingTester.hpp" #include "gtest/gtest.h" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST(Deframing, IncompleteHeader) { COMMENT("Apply deframing to a frame with an incomplete header"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-002"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-003"); Svc::DeframingTester tester; // Start word tester.serializeTokenType(Svc::FpFrameHeader::START_WORD); U32 needed = 0; const Svc::DeframingProtocol::DeframingStatus status = tester.deframe(needed); ASSERT_EQ(status, Svc::DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_MORE_NEEDED); } TEST(Deframing, InvalidStartWord) { COMMENT("Apply deframing to a frame with an invalid start word"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-002"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-003"); Svc::DeframingTester tester; // Start word tester.serializeTokenType(Svc::FpFrameHeader::START_WORD + 1); // Packet size tester.serializeTokenType(0); U32 needed = 0; const Svc::DeframingProtocol::DeframingStatus status = tester.deframe(needed); ASSERT_EQ(status, Svc::DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_INVALID_FORMAT); } TEST(Deframing, InvalidSizeIntegerOverflow) { COMMENT("Apply deframing to a frame with an invalid packet size due to integer overflow"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-002"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-003"); Svc::DeframingTester tester; // Start word tester.serializeTokenType(Svc::FpFrameHeader::START_WORD); // Packet size const U32 maxU32 = std::numeric_limits<U32>::max(); const U32 maxSize = maxU32 - (Svc::FpFrameHeader::SIZE + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH); // Make size too big tester.serializeTokenType(maxSize + 1); U32 needed = 0; const Svc::DeframingProtocol::DeframingStatus status = tester.deframe(needed); ASSERT_EQ(status, Svc::DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_INVALID_SIZE); } TEST(Deframing, InvalidSizeBufferOverflow) { COMMENT("Apply deframing to a frame with an invalid packet size due to buffer overflow"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-002"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-003"); const Svc::FpFrameHeader::TokenType packetSize = 10; const U32 frameSize = Svc::FpFrameHeader::SIZE + packetSize + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH; // Make the circular buffer too small to hold the frame Svc::DeframingTester tester(frameSize - 1); // Start word tester.serializeTokenType(Svc::FpFrameHeader::START_WORD); // Packet size tester.serializeTokenType(packetSize); U32 needed = 0; const Svc::DeframingProtocol::DeframingStatus status = tester.deframe(needed); ASSERT_EQ(status, Svc::DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_INVALID_SIZE); ASSERT_EQ(needed, frameSize); } TEST(Deframing, IncompleteFrame) { COMMENT("Apply deframing to an incomplete frame"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-002"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-003"); const Svc::FpFrameHeader::TokenType packetSize = 1; Svc::DeframingTester tester; // Start word tester.serializeTokenType(Svc::FpFrameHeader::START_WORD); // Packet size tester.serializeTokenType(packetSize); U32 needed = 0; // Deframe const Svc::DeframingProtocol::DeframingStatus status = tester.deframe(needed); // Check results ASSERT_EQ(status, Svc::DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_MORE_NEEDED); const U32 expectedFrameSize = Svc::FpFrameHeader::SIZE + packetSize + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH; ASSERT_EQ(needed, expectedFrameSize); } TEST(Deframing, ZeroPacketSize) { COMMENT("Apply deframing to a valid frame with packet size zero"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-002"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-003"); Svc::DeframingTester tester; const U32 packetSize = 0; tester.testNominalDeframing(packetSize); } TEST(Deframing, RandomPacketSize) { COMMENT("Apply deframing to a valid frame with a random packet size"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-002"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-003"); Svc::DeframingTester tester; const U32 packetSize = STest::Pick::lowerUpper( 0, Svc::DeframingTester::MAX_PACKET_SIZE ); tester.testNominalDeframing(packetSize); } TEST(Deframing, MaxPacketSize) { COMMENT("Apply deframing to a valid frame with maximum packet size for the test buffer"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-002"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-003"); Svc::DeframingTester tester; const U32 packetSize = Svc::DeframingTester::MAX_PACKET_SIZE; tester.testNominalDeframing(packetSize); } TEST(Deframing, BadChecksum) { COMMENT("Apply deframing to a frame with a bad checksum"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-002"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-003"); Svc::DeframingTester tester; const U32 packetSize = STest::Pick::lowerUpper( 0, Svc::DeframingTester::MAX_PACKET_SIZE ); tester.testBadChecksum(packetSize); } TEST(Framing, CommandPacket) { COMMENT("Apply framing to a command packet"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-001"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-003"); Svc::FramingTester tester(Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_COMMAND); tester.check(); } TEST(Framing, FilePacket) { COMMENT("Apply framing to a file packet"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-001"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-003"); Svc::FramingTester tester(Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_FILE); tester.check(); } TEST(Framing, UnknownPacket) { COMMENT("Apply framing to a packet of unknown type"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-001"); REQUIREMENT("Svc-FramingProtocol-003"); Svc::FramingTester tester(Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN); tester.check(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main function // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); STest::Random::seed(); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
// ====================================================================== // \title DeframingTester.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for DeframingTester class // ====================================================================== #include <cstring> #include "Fw/Types/SerialBuffer.hpp" #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" #include "Svc/FramingProtocol/test/ut/DeframingTester.hpp" #include "Utils/Hash/Hash.hpp" #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DeframingTester :: DeframingTester(U32 cbStoreSize) : frameSize(0), cbStorage(new U8[cbStoreSize]), circularBuffer(this->cbStorage, cbStoreSize), interface(*this) { this->fprimeDeframing.setup(this->interface); memset(this->bufferStorage, 0, sizeof this->bufferStorage); memset(this->frameData, 0, sizeof this->frameData); memset(this->cbStorage, 0, cbStoreSize); } DeframingTester :: ~DeframingTester() { delete[](this->cbStorage); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public member functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DeframingProtocol::DeframingStatus DeframingTester :: deframe(U32& needed) { return this->fprimeDeframing.deframe(this->circularBuffer, needed); } void DeframingTester :: serializeTokenType(FpFrameHeader::TokenType v) { U8 buffer[sizeof v]; Fw::SerialBuffer sb(buffer, sizeof buffer); { const Fw::SerializeStatus status = sb.serialize(v); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } { const Fw::SerializeStatus status = this->circularBuffer.serialize(buffer, sizeof buffer); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } } Fw::ByteArray DeframingTester :: constructRandomFrame(U32 packetSize) { FW_ASSERT(packetSize <= MAX_PACKET_SIZE, packetSize, MAX_PACKET_SIZE); Fw::SerialBuffer sb(this->frameData, sizeof this->frameData); Fw::SerializeStatus status = Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK; // Serialize the start word status = sb.serialize(Svc::FpFrameHeader::START_WORD); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); // Serialize the packet size status = sb.serialize(static_cast<FpFrameHeader::TokenType>(packetSize)); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); // Construct the packet data for (U32 i = 0; i < packetSize; ++i) { const U8 byte = static_cast<U8>(STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 0xFF)); status = sb.serialize(byte); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } const U32 buffLength = sb.getBuffLength(); const U32 dataSize = FpFrameHeader::SIZE + packetSize; FW_ASSERT(buffLength == dataSize, buffLength, dataSize); // Compute the hash value Utils::Hash hash; Utils::HashBuffer hashBuffer; hash.init(); hash.update(&this->frameData, dataSize);; // Copy the hash value into place const U8 *const buffAddr = hashBuffer.getBuffAddr(); this->frameSize = dataSize + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH; FW_ASSERT(this->frameSize <= MAX_FRAME_SIZE); memcpy(&this->frameData[dataSize], buffAddr, HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH); // Return the byte array return Fw::ByteArray(this->frameData, this->frameSize); } void DeframingTester :: pushFrameOntoCB(Fw::ByteArray frame) { const Fw::SerializeStatus status = this->circularBuffer.serialize(frame.bytes, frame.size); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } Fw::ByteArray DeframingTester :: getFrame() { return Fw::ByteArray(this->frameData, this->frameSize); } void DeframingTester :: checkPacketData() { FW_ASSERT( this->frameSize <= MAX_FRAME_SIZE, this->frameSize, MAX_FRAME_SIZE ); FW_ASSERT( this->frameSize >= NON_PACKET_DATA_SIZE, this->frameSize, NON_PACKET_DATA_SIZE ); const U32 packetSize = this->frameSize - NON_PACKET_DATA_SIZE; Fw::Buffer buffer = this->interface.getRoutedBuffer(); ASSERT_EQ(buffer.getSize(), packetSize); const int result = memcmp( &this->frameData[FpFrameHeader::SIZE], buffer.getData(), packetSize ); ASSERT_EQ(result, 0); } void DeframingTester :: testNominalDeframing(U32 packetSize) { const Fw::ByteArray frame = this->constructRandomFrame(packetSize); this->pushFrameOntoCB(frame); U32 needed; const Svc::DeframingProtocol::DeframingStatus status = this->deframe(needed); ASSERT_EQ(status, Svc::DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_STATUS_SUCCESS); ASSERT_EQ(needed, frame.size); this->checkPacketData(); } void DeframingTester :: testBadChecksum(U32 packetSize) { const Fw::ByteArray frame = this->constructRandomFrame(packetSize); const U32 hashOffset = FpFrameHeader::SIZE + packetSize; ++frame.bytes[hashOffset]; this->pushFrameOntoCB(frame); U32 needed; const Svc::DeframingProtocol::DeframingStatus status = this->deframe(needed); ASSERT_EQ(status, Svc::DeframingProtocol::DEFRAMING_INVALID_CHECKSUM); } }
// ====================================================================== // \title FramingTester.hpp // \author bocchino // \brief hpp file for FramingTester class // ====================================================================== #include "Fw/Types/Assert.hpp" #include "Fw/Types/SerialBuffer.hpp" #include "Svc/FramingProtocol/FprimeProtocol.hpp" #include "Svc/FramingProtocol/FramingProtocol.hpp" #include "Utils/Hash/Hash.hpp" namespace Svc { //! A harness for checking framing class FramingTester { private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants and types // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The serialized packet type typedef I32 SerialPacketType; //! Constants enum Constants { //! The maximum buffer size MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024, //! The maximum allowed data size MAX_DATA_SIZE = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - FpFrameHeader::SIZE - sizeof(SerialPacketType) - HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH, //! The offset of the start word in an F Prime protocol frame START_WORD_OFFSET = 0, //! The offset of the packet size in an F Prime protocol frame PACKET_SIZE_OFFSET = START_WORD_OFFSET + sizeof FpFrameHeader::START_WORD, //! The offset of the packet type in an F Prime protocol frame PACKET_TYPE_OFFSET = FpFrameHeader::SIZE, }; //! The framing protocol interface class Interface : public FramingProtocolInterface { public: //! Construct an Interface Interface( FramingTester& framingTester //!< The enclosing FramingTester ) : framingTester(framingTester), sentBuffer(nullptr) { } public: //! Allocate the buffer Fw::Buffer allocate(const U32 size) { FW_ASSERT(size <= MAX_BUFFER_SIZE, size, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); Fw::Buffer buffer(this->framingTester.bufferStorage, size); return buffer; } //! Send the buffer void send(Fw::Buffer& outgoing) { this->sentBuffer = &outgoing; } //! Get the sent buffer Fw::Buffer *getSentBuffer() { return this->sentBuffer; } private: //! The enclosing FramingTester FramingTester& framingTester; //! The sent buffer Fw::Buffer *sentBuffer; }; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct a FramingTester FramingTester( Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType packetType //!< The packet type ); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public member functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Check framing void check(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private member functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- private: //! Get the packet size from the buffer FpFrameHeader::TokenType getPacketSize(); //! Check the packet size in the buffer void checkPacketSize( FpFrameHeader::TokenType packetSize //!< The packet size ); //! Check the packet type in the buffer void checkPacketType(); //! Check the start word in the buffer void checkStartWord(); //! Check the data in the buffer void checkData(); //! Check the hash value in the buffer void checkHash( FpFrameHeader::TokenType packetSize //!< The packet size ); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The data to frame U8 data[MAX_DATA_SIZE]; //! The data size in bytes const U32 dataSize; //! The packet type Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType packetType; //! Storage for the buffer U8 bufferStorage[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; //! The framing protocol interface Interface interface; //! The F Prime framing protocol FprimeFraming fprimeFraming; }; }
// ====================================================================== // \title DeframingTester.hpp // \author bocchino // \brief hpp file for DeframingTester class // ====================================================================== #include "Fw/Types/Assert.hpp" #include "Fw/Types/ByteArray.hpp" #include "Fw/Types/SerialBuffer.hpp" #include "Svc/FramingProtocol/FprimeProtocol.hpp" #include "Svc/FramingProtocol/DeframingProtocol.hpp" #include "Utils/Hash/Hash.hpp" #include "Utils/Types/CircularBuffer.hpp" namespace Svc { //! A harness for checking deframing class DeframingTester { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants and types // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Constants enum Constants { //! The maximum frame size MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 1024, //! The size of non-packet data in a frame NON_PACKET_DATA_SIZE = FpFrameHeader::SIZE + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH, //! The maximum allowed packet size MAX_PACKET_SIZE = MAX_FRAME_SIZE - NON_PACKET_DATA_SIZE, //! The offset of the start word in an F Prime protocol frame START_WORD_OFFSET = 0, //! The offset of the packet size in an F Prime protocol frame PACKET_SIZE_OFFSET = START_WORD_OFFSET + sizeof FpFrameHeader::START_WORD, }; //! The deframing protocol interface class Interface : public DeframingProtocolInterface { public: //! Construct an Interface Interface( DeframingTester& deframingTester //!< The enclosing DeframingTester ) : deframingTester(deframingTester) { } public: //! Allocate the buffer Fw::Buffer allocate(const U32 size) { FW_ASSERT(size <= MAX_FRAME_SIZE); Fw::Buffer buffer(this->deframingTester.bufferStorage, size); return buffer; } //! Route the buffer void route(Fw::Buffer& data) { this->routedBuffer = data; } //! Get the routed buffer Fw::Buffer getRoutedBuffer() { return this->routedBuffer; } private: //! The enclosing DeframingTester DeframingTester& deframingTester; //! The routed buffer Fw::Buffer routedBuffer; }; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct a DeframingTester DeframingTester( U32 cbStoreSize = MAX_FRAME_SIZE //!< The circular buffer store size ); //! Destroy a DeframingTester ~DeframingTester(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public member functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Call the deframe function of the deframer DeframingProtocol::DeframingStatus deframe( U32& needed //!< The number of bytes needed (output) ); //! Serialize a value of token type into the circular buffer void serializeTokenType( FpFrameHeader::TokenType v //!< The value ); //! Construct a random frame //! \return An array pointing to frame data owned by DeframingTester. Fw::ByteArray constructRandomFrame( U32 packetSize //!< The packet size ); //! Push a frame onto the circular buffer void pushFrameOntoCB( Fw::ByteArray frame //!< The frame ); //! Get the stored frame //! \return The frame Fw::ByteArray getFrame(); //! Check the packet data void checkPacketData(); //! Test nominal deframing with a valid frame containing random //! packet data void testNominalDeframing( U32 packetSize //!< The packet size ); //! Test deframing with a frame containing a bad checksum void testBadChecksum( U32 packetSize //!< The packet size ); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Storage for the buffer U8 bufferStorage[MAX_FRAME_SIZE]; //! The frame data U8 frameData[MAX_FRAME_SIZE]; //! The frame size U32 frameSize; //! Storage for the circular buffer U8* cbStorage; //! The circular buffer Types::CircularBuffer circularBuffer; //! The framing protocol interface Interface interface; //! The F Prime framing protocol FprimeDeframing fprimeDeframing; }; }
// ====================================================================== // \title FramingTester.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for FramingTester class // ====================================================================== #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" #include "Svc/FramingProtocol/test/ut/FramingTester.hpp" #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FramingTester :: FramingTester(Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType packetType) : // Pick a random data size dataSize(STest::Pick::lowerUpper(1, MAX_DATA_SIZE)), packetType(packetType), interface(*this) { FW_ASSERT(this->dataSize <= MAX_DATA_SIZE); this->fprimeFraming.setup(this->interface); // Fill in random data for (U32 i = 0; i < sizeof(this->data); ++i) { this->data[i] = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 0xFF); } memset(this->bufferStorage, 0, sizeof this->bufferStorage); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public member functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void FramingTester :: check() { this->fprimeFraming.frame( this->data, this->dataSize, this->packetType ); // Check that we received a buffer Fw::Buffer *const sentBuffer = this->interface.getSentBuffer(); ASSERT_NE(sentBuffer, nullptr); if (sentBuffer != nullptr) { // Check the start word this->checkStartWord(); // Check the packet size const U32 packetSize = this->getPacketSize(); this->checkPacketSize(packetSize); // Check the packet type if (this->packetType != Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN) { this->checkPacketType(); } // Check the data this->checkData(); // Check the hash value this->checkHash(packetSize); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private member functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FpFrameHeader::TokenType FramingTester :: getPacketSize() { FpFrameHeader::TokenType packetSize = 0; Fw::SerialBuffer sb( &this->bufferStorage[PACKET_SIZE_OFFSET], sizeof packetSize ); sb.fill(); const Fw::SerializeStatus status = sb.deserialize(packetSize); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); return packetSize; } void FramingTester :: checkPacketSize(FpFrameHeader::TokenType packetSize) { U32 expectedPacketSize = this->dataSize; if (this->packetType != Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN) { // Packet type is stored in header expectedPacketSize += sizeof(SerialPacketType); } ASSERT_EQ(packetSize, expectedPacketSize); } void FramingTester :: checkPacketType() { SerialPacketType serialPacketType = 0; Fw::SerialBuffer sb( &this->bufferStorage[PACKET_TYPE_OFFSET], sizeof serialPacketType ); sb.fill(); const Fw::SerializeStatus status = sb.deserialize(serialPacketType); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); typedef Fw::ComPacket::ComPacketType PacketType; const PacketType pt = static_cast<PacketType>(serialPacketType); ASSERT_EQ(pt, this->packetType); } void FramingTester :: checkStartWord() { FpFrameHeader::TokenType startWord = 0; Fw::SerialBuffer sb( &this->bufferStorage[START_WORD_OFFSET], sizeof startWord ); sb.fill(); const Fw::SerializeStatus status = sb.deserialize(startWord); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, status); ASSERT_EQ(startWord, FpFrameHeader::START_WORD); } void FramingTester :: checkData() { U32 dataOffset = PACKET_TYPE_OFFSET; if (this->packetType != Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN) { // Packet type is stored in header dataOffset += sizeof(SerialPacketType); } const I32 result = memcmp( this->data, &this->bufferStorage[dataOffset], this->dataSize ); ASSERT_EQ(result, 0); } void FramingTester :: checkHash(FpFrameHeader::TokenType packetSize) { Utils::Hash hash; Utils::HashBuffer hashBuffer; const U32 dataSize = FpFrameHeader::SIZE + packetSize; hash.update(this->bufferStorage, dataSize);; const U8 *const hashAddr = hashBuffer.getBuffAddr(); const I32 result = memcmp( &this->bufferStorage[dataSize], hashAddr, HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH ); ASSERT_EQ(result, 0); } }
/** * \file * \author T. Canham * \brief Implementation file for channelized telemetry storage component * * \copyright * Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. * <br /><br /> */ #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Com/ComBuffer.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include <Svc/TlmChan/TlmChan.hpp> namespace Svc { TlmChan::TlmChan(const char* name) : TlmChanComponentBase(name), m_activeBuffer(0) { // clear slot pointers for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < TLMCHAN_NUM_TLM_HASH_SLOTS; entry++) { this->m_tlmEntries[0].slots[entry] = nullptr; this->m_tlmEntries[1].slots[entry] = nullptr; } // clear buckets for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS; entry++) { this->m_tlmEntries[0].buckets[entry].used = false; this->m_tlmEntries[0].buckets[entry].updated = false; this->m_tlmEntries[0].buckets[entry].bucketNo = entry; this->m_tlmEntries[0].buckets[entry].next = nullptr; this->m_tlmEntries[0].buckets[entry].id = 0; this->m_tlmEntries[1].buckets[entry].used = false; this->m_tlmEntries[1].buckets[entry].updated = false; this->m_tlmEntries[1].buckets[entry].bucketNo = entry; this->m_tlmEntries[1].buckets[entry].next = nullptr; this->m_tlmEntries[1].buckets[entry].id = 0; } // clear free index this->m_tlmEntries[0].free = 0; this->m_tlmEntries[1].free = 0; } TlmChan::~TlmChan() {} void TlmChan::init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, /*!< The queue depth*/ NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance /*!< The instance number*/ ) { TlmChanComponentBase::init(queueDepth, instance); } NATIVE_UINT_TYPE TlmChan::doHash(FwChanIdType id) { return (id % TLMCHAN_HASH_MOD_VALUE) % TLMCHAN_NUM_TLM_HASH_SLOTS; } void TlmChan::pingIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 key) { // return key this->pingOut_out(0, key); } void TlmChan::TlmGet_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwChanIdType id, Fw::Time& timeTag, Fw::TlmBuffer& val) { // Compute index for entry NATIVE_UINT_TYPE index = this->doHash(id); // Search to see if channel has been stored TlmEntry* entryToUse = this->m_tlmEntries[this->m_activeBuffer].slots[index]; for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE bucket = 0; bucket < TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS; bucket++) { if (entryToUse) { // If bucket exists, check id if (entryToUse->id == id) { break; } else { // otherwise go to next bucket entryToUse = entryToUse->next; } } else { // no buckets left to search break; } } if (entryToUse) { val = entryToUse->buffer; timeTag = entryToUse->lastUpdate; } else { // requested entry may not be written yet; empty buffer val.resetSer(); } } void TlmChan::TlmRecv_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwChanIdType id, Fw::Time& timeTag, Fw::TlmBuffer& val) { // Compute index for entry NATIVE_UINT_TYPE index = this->doHash(id); TlmEntry* entryToUse = nullptr; TlmEntry* prevEntry = nullptr; // Search to see if channel has already been stored or a bucket needs to be added if (this->m_tlmEntries[this->m_activeBuffer].slots[index]) { entryToUse = this->m_tlmEntries[this->m_activeBuffer].slots[index]; for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE bucket = 0; bucket < TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS; bucket++) { if (entryToUse) { if (entryToUse->id == id) { // found the matching entry break; } else { // try next entry prevEntry = entryToUse; entryToUse = entryToUse->next; } } else { // Make sure that we haven't run out of buckets FW_ASSERT(this->m_tlmEntries[this->m_activeBuffer].free < TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS); // add new bucket from free list entryToUse = &this->m_tlmEntries[this->m_activeBuffer].buckets[this->m_tlmEntries[this->m_activeBuffer].free++]; FW_ASSERT(prevEntry); prevEntry->next = entryToUse; // clear next pointer entryToUse->next = nullptr; break; } } } else { // Make sure that we haven't run out of buckets FW_ASSERT(this->m_tlmEntries[this->m_activeBuffer].free < TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS); // create new entry at slot head this->m_tlmEntries[this->m_activeBuffer].slots[index] = &this->m_tlmEntries[this->m_activeBuffer].buckets[this->m_tlmEntries[this->m_activeBuffer].free++]; entryToUse = this->m_tlmEntries[this->m_activeBuffer].slots[index]; entryToUse->next = nullptr; } // copy into entry FW_ASSERT(entryToUse); entryToUse->used = true; entryToUse->id = id; entryToUse->updated = true; entryToUse->lastUpdate = timeTag; entryToUse->buffer = val; } void TlmChan::Run_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 context) { // Only write packets if connected if (not this->isConnected_PktSend_OutputPort(0)) { return; } // lock mutex long enough to modify active telemetry buffer // so the data can be read without worrying about updates this->lock(); this->m_activeBuffer = 1 - this->m_activeBuffer; // set activeBuffer to not updated for (U32 entry = 0; entry < TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS; entry++) { this->m_tlmEntries[this->m_activeBuffer].buckets[entry].updated = false; } this->unLock(); // go through each entry and send a packet if it has been updated Fw::TlmPacket pkt; pkt.resetPktSer(); for (U32 entry = 0; entry < TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS; entry++) { TlmEntry* p_entry = &this->m_tlmEntries[1 - this->m_activeBuffer].buckets[entry]; if ((p_entry->updated) && (p_entry->used)) { Fw::SerializeStatus stat = pkt.addValue(p_entry->id, p_entry->lastUpdate, p_entry->buffer); // check to see if this packet is full, if so, send it if (Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_NO_ROOM_LEFT == stat) { this->PktSend_out(0, pkt.getBuffer(), 0); // reset packet for more entries pkt.resetPktSer(); // add entry to new packet stat = pkt.addValue(p_entry->id, p_entry->lastUpdate, p_entry->buffer); // if this doesn't work, that means packet isn't big enough for // even one channel, so assert FW_ASSERT(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK == stat, static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(stat)); } else if (Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK == stat) { // if there was still room, do nothing move on to the next channel in the packet } else // any other status is an assert, since it shouldn't happen { FW_ASSERT(0, static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(stat)); } // flag as updated p_entry->updated = false; } // end if entry was updated } // end for each entry // send remnant entries if (pkt.getNumEntries() > 0) { this->PktSend_out(0, pkt.getBuffer(), 0); } } // end run handler } // namespace Svc
/** * \file * \author T. Canham * \brief Component that stores telemetry channel values * * \copyright * Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. * <br /><br /> */ #ifndef TELEMCHANIMPL_HPP_ #define TELEMCHANIMPL_HPP_ #include <Fw/Tlm/TlmPacket.hpp> #include <Svc/TlmChan/TlmChanComponentAc.hpp> #include <TlmChanImplCfg.hpp> namespace Svc { class TlmChan : public TlmChanComponentBase { public: TlmChan(const char* compName); virtual ~TlmChan(); void init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, /*!< The queue depth*/ NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance /*!< The instance number*/ ); PROTECTED: // can be overridden for alternate algorithms virtual NATIVE_UINT_TYPE doHash(FwChanIdType id); PRIVATE: // Port functions void TlmRecv_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwChanIdType id, Fw::Time& timeTag, Fw::TlmBuffer& val); void TlmGet_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwChanIdType id, Fw::Time& timeTag, Fw::TlmBuffer& val); void Run_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 context); //! Handler implementation for pingIn //! void pingIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 key /*!< Value to return to pinger*/ ); typedef struct tlmEntry { FwChanIdType id; //!< telemetry id stored in slot bool updated; //!< set whenever a value has been written. Used to skip if writing out values for downlinking Fw::Time lastUpdate; //!< last updated time Fw::TlmBuffer buffer; //!< buffer to store serialized telemetry tlmEntry* next; //!< pointer to next bucket in table bool used; //!< if entry has been used NATIVE_UINT_TYPE bucketNo; //!< for testing } TlmEntry; struct TlmSet { TlmEntry* slots[TLMCHAN_NUM_TLM_HASH_SLOTS]; //!< set of hash slots in hash table TlmEntry buckets[TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS]; //!< set of buckets used in hash table NATIVE_INT_TYPE free; //!< next free bucket } m_tlmEntries[2]; U32 m_activeBuffer; // !< which buffer is active for storing telemetry }; } // namespace Svc #endif /* TELEMCHANIMPL_HPP_ */
/* * Main.cpp * * Created on: Mar 18, 2015 * Updated: 6/22/2022 * Author: tcanham */ #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <Fw/Test/UnitTest.hpp> #include <Svc/TlmChan/TlmChan.hpp> #include "TlmChanTester.hpp" TEST(TlmChanTest, InitTest) { Svc::TlmChanTester tester; } TEST(TlmChanTest, NominalChannelTest) { TEST_CASE(107.1.1, "Nominal channelized telemetry"); COMMENT("Write a single channel and verify it is read back and pushed correctly."); Svc::TlmChanTester tester; // run test tester.runNominalChannel(); } TEST(TlmChanTest, MultiChannelTest) { TEST_CASE(107.1.2, "Nominal Multi-channel channelized telemetry"); COMMENT("Write multiple channels and verify they are read back and pushed correctly."); Svc::TlmChanTester tester; // run test tester.runMultiChannel(); } TEST(TlmChanTest, OffNominal) { TEST_CASE(107.2.1, "Off-nominal channelized telemetry"); COMMENT("Attempt to read a channel that hasn't been written."); Svc::TlmChanTester tester; // run test tester.runOffNominal(); } // TEST(TlmChanTest,TooManyChannels) { // COMMENT("Too Many Channel Test"); // Svc::TlmChanImpl impl("TlmChanImpl"); // impl.init(10,0); // Svc::TlmChanImplTester tester(impl); // tester.init(); // // connect ports // connectPorts(impl,tester); // // run test // tester.runTooManyChannels(); // }
// ====================================================================== // \title TlmChan.hpp // \author tcanham // \brief cpp file for TlmChan test harness implementation class // ====================================================================== #include "TlmChanTester.hpp" #include <Fw/Test/UnitTest.hpp> #define INSTANCE 0 #define MAX_HISTORY_SIZE 10 #define QUEUE_DEPTH 10 static const NATIVE_UINT_TYPE TEST_CHAN_SIZE = sizeof(FwChanIdType) + Fw::Time::SERIALIZED_SIZE + sizeof(U32); static const NATIVE_UINT_TYPE CHANS_PER_COMBUFFER = (FW_COM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE - sizeof(FwPacketDescriptorType)) / TEST_CHAN_SIZE; namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TlmChanTester ::TlmChanTester() : TlmChanGTestBase("Tester", MAX_HISTORY_SIZE), component("TlmChan"), m_numBuffs(0), m_bufferRecv(false) { this->initComponents(); this->connectPorts(); } TlmChanTester ::~TlmChanTester() {} // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void TlmChanTester::runNominalChannel() { this->clearBuffs(); // send first buffer this->sendBuff(27, 10); this->doRun(true); this->checkBuff(0, 1, 27, 10); this->clearBuffs(); // send again to other buffer this->sendBuff(27, 10); static bool tlc003 = false; if (not tlc003) { REQUIREMENT("TLC-003"); tlc003 = true; } this->doRun(true); this->checkBuff(0, 1, 27, 10); // do an update to make sure it gets updated and returned correctly this->clearBuffs(); this->sendBuff(27, 20); } void TlmChanTester::runMultiChannel() { FwChanIdType ID_0[] = {// Test channel IDs 0x1000, 0x1001, 0x1002, 0x1003, 0x1004, 0x1005, 0x1100, 0x1101, 0x1102, 0x1103, 0x300, 0x301, 0x400, 0x401, 0x402, 0x100, 0x101, 0x102, 0x103, 0x104, 0x105}; this->clearBuffs(); // send all updates for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE n = 0; n < FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(ID_0); n++) { this->sendBuff(ID_0[n], n); } ASSERT_EQ(0, this->component.m_activeBuffer); // do a run, and all the packets should be sent this->doRun(true); ASSERT_TRUE(this->m_bufferRecv); ASSERT_EQ((FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(ID_0) / CHANS_PER_COMBUFFER) + 1, this->m_numBuffs); ASSERT_EQ(1, this->component.m_activeBuffer); // verify packets for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE n = 0; n < FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(ID_0); n++) { // printf("#: %d\n",n); this->checkBuff(n, FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(ID_0), ID_0[n], n); } // send another set FwChanIdType ID_1[] = {// Test channel IDs 0x5000, 0x5001, 0x5002, 0x5003, 0x5004, 0x5005, 0x5100, 0x5101, 0x5102, 0x5103, 0x6300, 0x6301, 0x6400, 0x6401, 0x6402, 0x6100, 0x6101, 0x6102, 0x6103, 0x6104, 0x6105, 0x8101, 0x8102, 0x8103, 0x8104, 0x8105}; this->clearBuffs(); // send all updates for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE n = 0; n < FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(ID_1); n++) { this->sendBuff(ID_1[n], n); } ASSERT_EQ(1, this->component.m_activeBuffer); // do a run, and all the packets should be sent this->doRun(true); ASSERT_TRUE(this->m_bufferRecv); ASSERT_EQ((FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(ID_1) / CHANS_PER_COMBUFFER) + 1, this->m_numBuffs); ASSERT_EQ(0, this->component.m_activeBuffer); // verify packets for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE n = 0; n < FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(ID_1); n++) { // printf("#: %d\n",n); this->checkBuff(n, FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(ID_1), ID_1[n], n); } } void TlmChanTester::runOffNominal() { // Ask for a packet that isn't written yet Fw::TlmBuffer buff; Fw::SerializeStatus stat; Fw::Time timeTag; U32 val = 10; // create Telemetry item and put dummy data in to make sure it gets erased buff.resetSer(); stat = buff.serialize(val); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, stat); // Read back value this->invoke_to_TlmGet(0, 10, timeTag, buff); ASSERT_EQ(0u, buff.getBuffLength()); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for typed from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void TlmChanTester ::from_PktSend_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::ComBuffer& data, U32 context) { this->pushFromPortEntry_PktSend(data, context); this->m_bufferRecv = true; this->m_rcvdBuffer[this->m_numBuffs] = data; this->m_numBuffs++; } void TlmChanTester ::from_pingOut_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 key) { this->pushFromPortEntry_pingOut(key); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TlmChanTester::doRun(bool check) { // execute run port to send packet this->invoke_to_Run(0, 0); // dispatch run message this->m_bufferRecv = false; this->component.doDispatch(); if (check) { EXPECT_TRUE(this->m_bufferRecv); } return this->m_bufferRecv; } void TlmChanTester::checkBuff(NATIVE_UINT_TYPE chanNum, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE totalChan, FwChanIdType id, U32 val) { Fw::Time timeTag; // deserialize packet Fw::SerializeStatus stat; static bool tlc004 = false; if (not tlc004) { REQUIREMENT("TLC-004"); tlc004 = true; } NATIVE_UINT_TYPE currentChan = 0; // Search for channel ID for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE packet = 0; packet < this->m_numBuffs; packet++) { // Look at packet descriptor for current packet this->m_rcvdBuffer[packet].resetDeser(); // first piece should be tlm packet descriptor FwPacketDescriptorType desc; stat = this->m_rcvdBuffer[packet].deserialize(desc); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, stat); ASSERT_EQ(desc, static_cast<FwPacketDescriptorType>(Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_TELEM)); for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE chan = 0; chan < CHANS_PER_COMBUFFER; chan++) { // decode channel ID FwEventIdType sentId; stat = this->m_rcvdBuffer[packet].deserialize(sentId); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, stat); // next piece is time tag Fw::Time recTimeTag(TB_NONE, 0, 0); stat = this->m_rcvdBuffer[packet].deserialize(recTimeTag); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, stat); ASSERT_TRUE(timeTag == recTimeTag); // next piece is event argument U32 readVal; stat = this->m_rcvdBuffer[packet].deserialize(readVal); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, stat); if (chanNum == currentChan) { ASSERT_EQ(id, sentId); ASSERT_EQ(val, readVal); } // quit if we are at max channel entry if (currentChan == (totalChan - 1)) { break; } currentChan++; } // packet should be empty ASSERT_EQ(0, this->m_rcvdBuffer[packet].getBuffLeft()); } } void TlmChanTester::sendBuff(FwChanIdType id, U32 val) { Fw::TlmBuffer buff; Fw::TlmBuffer readBack; Fw::SerializeStatus stat; Fw::Time timeTag; U32 retestVal; // create telemetry item buff.resetSer(); stat = buff.serialize(val); ASSERT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, stat); static bool tlc001 = false; if (not tlc001) { REQUIREMENT("TLC-001"); tlc001 = true; } this->invoke_to_TlmRecv(0, id, timeTag, buff); // Read back value static bool tlc002 = false; if (not tlc002) { REQUIREMENT("TLC-002"); tlc002 = true; } this->invoke_to_TlmGet(0, id, timeTag, readBack); // deserialize value retestVal = 0; readBack.deserialize(retestVal); ASSERT_EQ(retestVal, val); } void TlmChanTester::clearBuffs() { this->m_numBuffs = 0; for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE n = 0; n < TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS; n++) { this->m_rcvdBuffer[n].resetSer(); } } void TlmChanTester::dumpTlmEntry(TlmChan::TlmEntry* entry) { printf( "Entry " " Ptr: %p" " id: 0x%08X" " bucket: %d" " next: %p\n", static_cast<void*>(entry), entry->id, entry->bucketNo, static_cast<void*>(entry->next)); } void TlmChanTester::dumpHash() { // printf("**Buffer 0\n"); for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE slot = 0; slot < TLMCHAN_NUM_TLM_HASH_SLOTS; slot++) { printf("Slot: %d\n", slot); if (this->component.m_tlmEntries[0].slots[slot]) { TlmChan::TlmEntry* entry = component.m_tlmEntries[0].slots[slot]; for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE bucket = 0; bucket < TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS; bucket++) { dumpTlmEntry(entry); if (entry->next == nullptr) { break; } else { entry = entry->next; } } } else { printf("EMPTY\n"); } } printf("\n"); // for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE bucket = 0; bucket < TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS; bucket++) { // printf("Bucket: %d ",bucket); // dumpTlmEntry(&m_impl.m_tlmEntries[0].buckets[bucket]); // } // printf("**Buffer 1\n"); // for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE slot = 0; slot < TLMCHAN_NUM_TLM_HASH_SLOTS; slot++) { // printf("Slot: %d\n",slot); // if (m_impl.m_tlmEntries[1].slots[slot]) { // TlmChanImpl::TlmEntry* entry = m_impl.m_tlmEntries[1].slots[slot]; // for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE bucket = 0; bucket < TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS; bucket++) { // dumpTlmEntry(entry); // if (entry->next == 0) { // break; // } else { // entry = entry->next; // } // } // } else { // printf("EMPTY\n"); // } // } // printf("\n"); // for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE bucket = 0; bucket < TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS; bucket++) { // printf("Bucket: %d\n",bucket); // dumpTlmEntry(&m_impl.m_tlmEntries[1].buckets[bucket]); // } } void TlmChanTester ::connectPorts() { // Run this->connect_to_Run(0, this->component.get_Run_InputPort(0)); // TlmGet this->connect_to_TlmGet(0, this->component.get_TlmGet_InputPort(0)); // TlmRecv this->connect_to_TlmRecv(0, this->component.get_TlmRecv_InputPort(0)); // pingIn this->connect_to_pingIn(0, this->component.get_pingIn_InputPort(0)); // PktSend this->component.set_PktSend_OutputPort(0, this->get_from_PktSend(0)); // pingOut this->component.set_pingOut_OutputPort(0, this->get_from_pingOut(0)); } void TlmChanTester ::initComponents() { this->init(); this->component.init(QUEUE_DEPTH, INSTANCE); } } // end namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title TlmChan/test/ut/Tester.hpp // \author tcanham // \brief hpp file for TlmChan test harness implementation class // ====================================================================== #ifndef TESTER_HPP #define TESTER_HPP #include "TlmChanGTestBase.hpp" #include "Svc/TlmChan/TlmChan.hpp" namespace Svc { class TlmChanTester : public TlmChanGTestBase { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: //! Construct object TlmChanTester //! TlmChanTester(); //! Destroy object TlmChanTester //! ~TlmChanTester(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void runNominalChannel(); void runMultiChannel(); void runOffNominal(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for typed from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler for from_PktSend //! void from_PktSend_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::ComBuffer& data, //!< Buffer containing packet data U32 context //!< Call context value; meaning chosen by user ); //! Handler for from_pingOut //! void from_pingOut_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number U32 key //!< Value to return to pinger ); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Connect ports //! void connectPorts(); //! Initialize components //! void initComponents(); void sendBuff(FwChanIdType id, U32 val); bool doRun(bool check); void checkBuff(NATIVE_UINT_TYPE chanNum, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE totalChan, FwChanIdType id, U32 val); void clearBuffs(); // dump functions void dumpHash(); static void dumpTlmEntry(TlmChan::TlmEntry* entry); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The component under test //! TlmChan component; // Keep a history NATIVE_UINT_TYPE m_numBuffs; Fw::ComBuffer m_rcvdBuffer[TLMCHAN_HASH_BUCKETS]; bool m_bufferRecv; }; } // end namespace Svc #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title BufferManagerComponentImpl.hpp // \author tcanham // \brief hpp file for BufferManager component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef BufferManager_HPP #define BufferManager_HPP #include "Svc/BufferManager/BufferManagerComponentAc.hpp" #include <Fw/Types/MemAllocator.hpp> #include "BufferManagerComponentImplCfg.hpp" namespace Svc { // To use the class, instantiate an instance of the BufferBins struct below. This // table specifies N buffers of M size per bin. Up to MAX_NUM_BINS bins can be specified. // The table is copied when setup() is called, so it does not need to be retained after // the call. // // The rules for specifying bins: // 1. For each bin (BufferBins.bins[n]), specify the size of the buffers (bufferSize) in the // bin and how many buffers for that bin (numBuffers). // 2. The bins should be ordered based on an increasing bufferSize to allow BufferManager to // search for available buffers. When receiving a request for a buffer, the component will // search for the first buffer from the bins that is equal to or greater // than the requested size, starting at the beginning of the table. // 3. Any unused bins should have numBuffers set to 0. // 4. A single bin can be specified if a single size is needed. // // If a buffer is requested that can't be found among available buffers, the call will // return an Fw::Buffer with a size of zero. It is expected that the user will notice // and have the appropriate response for the design. If an empty buffer is returned to // the BufferManager instance, a warning event will be issued but no other action will // be taken. // // Buffer manager will assert under the following conditions: // 1. A returned buffer has the incorrect manager ID. // 2. A returned buffer has an incorrect buffer ID. // 3. A returned buffer is returned with a correct buffer ID, but it isn't already allocated. // 4. A returned buffer has an indicated size larger than originally allocated. // 5. A returned buffer has a pointer different than the one originally allocated. // // Note that a pointer to the Fw::MemAllocator used in setup() is stored for later memory cleanup. // The instance of the allocator must persist beyond calling the cleanup() function or the // destructor of BufferManager if cleanup() is not called. If a project-specific manual memory // allocator is not needed, Fw::MallocAllocator can be used. class BufferManagerComponentImpl : public BufferManagerComponentBase { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct object BufferManager //! BufferManagerComponentImpl( const char *const compName /*!< The component name*/ ); //! Initialize object BufferManager //! void init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance = 0 /*!< The instance number*/ ); // Defines a buffer bin struct BufferBin { NATIVE_UINT_TYPE bufferSize; //!< size of the buffers in this bin. Set to zero for unused bins. NATIVE_UINT_TYPE numBuffers; //!< number of buffers in this bin. Set to zero for unused bins. }; // Set of bins for the BufferManager struct BufferBins { BufferBin bins[BUFFERMGR_MAX_NUM_BINS]; //!< set of bins to define buffers }; //! set up configuration void setup( NATIVE_UINT_TYPE mgrID, //!< ID of manager for buffer checking NATIVE_UINT_TYPE memID, //!< Memory segment identifier Fw::MemAllocator &allocator, //!< memory allocator. MUST be persistent for later deallocation. //! MUST persist past destructor if cleanup() not called explicitly. const BufferBins &bins //!< Set of user bins ); void cleanup(); // Free memory prior to end of program if desired. Otherwise, // will be deleted in destructor //! Destroy object BufferManager //! ~BufferManagerComponentImpl(); PRIVATE : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler implementation for bufferSendIn //! void bufferSendIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer); //! Handler implementation for bufferGetCallee //! Fw::Buffer bufferGetCallee_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 size); //! Handler implementation for schedIn //! void schedIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 context /*!< The call order*/ ); bool m_setup; //!< flag to indicate component has been setup bool m_cleaned; //!< flag to indicate memory has been cleaned up NATIVE_UINT_TYPE m_mgrId; //!< stored manager ID for buffer checking BufferBins m_bufferBins; //!< copy of bins supplied by user struct AllocatedBuffer { Fw::Buffer buff; //!< Buffer class to give to user U8 *memory; //!< pointer to memory buffer U32 size; //!< size of the buffer bool allocated; //!< this buffer has been allocated }; AllocatedBuffer *m_buffers; //!< pointer to allocated buffer space Fw::MemAllocator *m_allocator; //!< allocator for memory NATIVE_UINT_TYPE m_memId; //!< identifier for allocator NATIVE_UINT_TYPE m_numStructs; //!< number of allocated structs // stats U32 m_highWater; //!< high watermark for allocations U32 m_currBuffs; //!< number of currently allocated buffers U32 m_noBuffs; //!< number of failures to allocate a buffer U32 m_emptyBuffs; //!< number of empty buffers returned }; } // end namespace Svc #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title BufferManagerComponentImpl.cpp // \author tcanham // \brief cpp file for BufferManager component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Svc/BufferManager/BufferManagerComponentImpl.hpp> #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include <Fw/Buffer/Buffer.hpp> #include <new> namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BufferManagerComponentImpl :: BufferManagerComponentImpl( const char *const compName ) : BufferManagerComponentBase(compName) ,m_setup(false) ,m_cleaned(false) ,m_mgrId(0) ,m_buffers(nullptr) ,m_allocator(nullptr) ,m_memId(0) ,m_numStructs(0) ,m_highWater(0) ,m_currBuffs(0) ,m_noBuffs(0) ,m_emptyBuffs(0) { } void BufferManagerComponentImpl :: init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance ) { BufferManagerComponentBase::init(instance); } BufferManagerComponentImpl :: ~BufferManagerComponentImpl() { if (m_setup) { this->cleanup(); } } void BufferManagerComponentImpl :: cleanup() { FW_ASSERT(this->m_buffers); FW_ASSERT(this->m_allocator); if (not this->m_cleaned) { // walk through Fw::Buffer instances and delete them for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < this->m_numStructs; entry++) { this->m_buffers[entry].buff.~Buffer(); } this->m_cleaned = true; // release memory this->m_allocator->deallocate(this->m_memId,this->m_buffers); this->m_setup = false; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void BufferManagerComponentImpl :: bufferSendIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer &fwBuffer ) { // make sure component has been set up FW_ASSERT(this->m_setup); FW_ASSERT(m_buffers); // check for empty buffers - this is just a warning since this component returns // empty buffers if it can't allocate one. if (fwBuffer.getSize() == 0) { this->log_WARNING_HI_ZeroSizeBuffer(); this->m_emptyBuffs++; return; } // use the bufferID member field to find the original slot U32 context = fwBuffer.getContext(); U32 id = context & 0xFFFF; U32 mgrId = context >> 16; // check some things FW_ASSERT(id < this->m_numStructs,id,this->m_numStructs); FW_ASSERT(mgrId == this->m_mgrId,mgrId,id,this->m_mgrId); FW_ASSERT(true == this->m_buffers[id].allocated,id,this->m_mgrId); FW_ASSERT(reinterpret_cast<U8*>(fwBuffer.getData()) >= this->m_buffers[id].memory,id,this->m_mgrId); FW_ASSERT(reinterpret_cast<U8*>(fwBuffer.getData()) < (this->m_buffers[id].memory + this->m_buffers[id].size),id,this->m_mgrId); // user can make smaller for their own purposes, but it shouldn't be bigger FW_ASSERT(fwBuffer.getSize() <= this->m_buffers[id].size,id,this->m_mgrId); // clear the allocated flag this->m_buffers[id].allocated = false; this->m_currBuffs--; } Fw::Buffer BufferManagerComponentImpl :: bufferGetCallee_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 size ) { // make sure component has been set up FW_ASSERT(this->m_setup); FW_ASSERT(m_buffers); // find smallest buffer based on size. for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE buff = 0; buff < this->m_numStructs; buff++) { if ((not this->m_buffers[buff].allocated) and (size <= this->m_buffers[buff].size)) { this->m_buffers[buff].allocated = true; this->m_currBuffs++; if (this->m_currBuffs > this->m_highWater) { this->m_highWater = this->m_currBuffs; } Fw::Buffer copy = this->m_buffers[buff].buff; // change size to match request copy.setSize(size); return copy; } } // if no buffers found, return empty buffer this->log_WARNING_HI_NoBuffsAvailable(size); this->m_noBuffs++; return Fw::Buffer(); } void BufferManagerComponentImpl::setup( NATIVE_UINT_TYPE mgrId, //!< manager ID NATIVE_UINT_TYPE memId, //!< Memory segment identifier Fw::MemAllocator& allocator, //!< memory allocator const BufferBins& bins //!< Set of user bins ) { this->m_mgrId = mgrId; this->m_memId = memId; this->m_allocator = &allocator; // clear bins memset(&this->m_bufferBins,0,sizeof(this->m_bufferBins)); this->m_bufferBins = bins; // compute the amount of memory needed NATIVE_UINT_TYPE memorySize = 0; // track needed memory this->m_numStructs = 0; // size the number of tracking structs // walk through bins and add up the sizes for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE bin = 0; bin < BUFFERMGR_MAX_NUM_BINS; bin++) { if (this->m_bufferBins.bins[bin].numBuffers) { memorySize += (this->m_bufferBins.bins[bin].bufferSize * this->m_bufferBins.bins[bin].numBuffers) + // allocate each set of buffer memory (static_cast<NATIVE_UINT_TYPE>(sizeof(AllocatedBuffer)) * this->m_bufferBins.bins[bin].numBuffers); // allocate the structs to track the buffers this->m_numStructs += this->m_bufferBins.bins[bin].numBuffers; } } NATIVE_UINT_TYPE allocatedSize = memorySize; bool recoverable = false; //!< don't care if it is recoverable since they are a pool of user buffers // allocate memory void *memory = allocator.allocate(memId,allocatedSize,recoverable); // make sure the memory returns was non-zero and the size requested FW_ASSERT(memory); FW_ASSERT(memorySize == allocatedSize,memorySize,allocatedSize); // structs will be at beginning of memory this->m_buffers = static_cast<AllocatedBuffer*>(memory); // memory buffers will be at end of structs in memory, so compute that memory as the beginning of the // struct past the number of structs U8* bufferMem = reinterpret_cast<U8*>(&this->m_buffers[this->m_numStructs]); // walk through entries and initialize them NATIVE_UINT_TYPE currStruct = 0; for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE bin = 0; bin < BUFFERMGR_MAX_NUM_BINS; bin++) { if (this->m_bufferBins.bins[bin].numBuffers) { for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE binEntry = 0; binEntry < this->m_bufferBins.bins[bin].numBuffers; binEntry++) { // placement new for Fw::Buffer instance. We don't need the new() return value, // because we know where the Fw::Buffer instance is U32 context = (this->m_mgrId << 16) | currStruct; (void) new(&this->m_buffers[currStruct].buff) Fw::Buffer(bufferMem,this->m_bufferBins.bins[bin].bufferSize,context); this->m_buffers[currStruct].allocated = false; this->m_buffers[currStruct].memory = bufferMem; this->m_buffers[currStruct].size = this->m_bufferBins.bins[bin].bufferSize; bufferMem += this->m_bufferBins.bins[bin].bufferSize; currStruct++; } } } // check that the initiation pointer made it to the end of allocated space U8* const CURR_PTR = bufferMem; U8* const END_PTR = static_cast<U8*>(memory) + memorySize; FW_ASSERT(CURR_PTR == END_PTR, reinterpret_cast<POINTER_CAST>(CURR_PTR), reinterpret_cast<POINTER_CAST>(END_PTR)); // secondary init verification FW_ASSERT(currStruct == this->m_numStructs,currStruct,this->m_numStructs); // indicate setup is done this->m_setup = true; } void BufferManagerComponentImpl :: schedIn_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 context ) { // write telemetry values this->tlmWrite_HiBuffs(this->m_highWater); this->tlmWrite_CurrBuffs(this->m_currBuffs); this->tlmWrite_TotalBuffs(this->m_numStructs); this->tlmWrite_NoBuffs(this->m_noBuffs); this->tlmWrite_EmptyBuffs(this->m_emptyBuffs); } } // end namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // BufferManager.hpp // Standardization header for BufferManager // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_BufferManager_HPP #define Svc_BufferManager_HPP #include "Svc/BufferManager/BufferManagerComponentImpl.hpp" namespace Svc { typedef BufferManagerComponentImpl BufferManager; } #endif
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // TestMain.cpp // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "BufferManagerTester.hpp" TEST(Nominal, Setup) { Svc::BufferManagerTester tester; tester.testSetup(); } TEST(Nominal, OneSize) { Svc::BufferManagerTester tester; tester.oneBufferSize(); } TEST(Nominal, MultSize) { Svc::BufferManagerTester tester; tester.multBuffSize(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
// ====================================================================== // \title BufferManager/test/ut/Tester.hpp // \author tcanham // \brief hpp file for BufferManager test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef TESTER_HPP #define TESTER_HPP #include "BufferManagerGTestBase.hpp" #include "Svc/BufferManager/BufferManagerComponentImpl.hpp" namespace Svc { class BufferManagerTester : public BufferManagerGTestBase { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: //! Construct object BufferManagerTester //! BufferManagerTester(); //! Destroy object BufferManagerTester //! ~BufferManagerTester(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Test Setup //! void testSetup(); //! One buffer size void oneBufferSize(); //! Multiple buffer sizes void multBuffSize(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Connect ports //! void connectPorts(); //! Initialize components //! void initComponents(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The component under test //! BufferManagerComponentImpl component; void textLogIn( const FwEventIdType id, //!< The event ID const Fw::Time& timeTag, //!< The time const Fw::LogSeverity severity, //!< The severity const Fw::TextLogString& text //!< The event string ) override; }; } // end namespace Svc #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title BufferManager.hpp // \author tcanham // \brief cpp file for BufferManager test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "BufferManagerTester.hpp" #include <Fw/Types/MallocAllocator.hpp> #include <Fw/Test/UnitTest.hpp> #include <cstdlib> #define INSTANCE 0 #define MAX_HISTORY_SIZE 100 // Bin buffer sizes/numbers static const NATIVE_UINT_TYPE BIN0_BUFFER_SIZE = 10; static const NATIVE_UINT_TYPE BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS = 2; static const NATIVE_UINT_TYPE BIN1_BUFFER_SIZE = 12; static const NATIVE_UINT_TYPE BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS = 4; static const NATIVE_UINT_TYPE BIN2_BUFFER_SIZE = 100; static const NATIVE_UINT_TYPE BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS = 3; // Other constants static const NATIVE_UINT_TYPE MEM_ID = 49; static const NATIVE_UINT_TYPE MGR_ID = 32; // Define our own instrumented allocator for testing class TestAllocator: public Fw::MemAllocator { public: TestAllocator(){}; virtual ~TestAllocator(){}; //! Allocate memory /*! * \param identifier the memory segment identifier (not used) * \param size the requested size (not changed) * \param recoverable - flag to indicate the memory could be recoverable (always set to false) * \return the pointer to memory. Zero if unable to allocate. */ void *allocate( const NATIVE_UINT_TYPE identifier, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE &size, bool& recoverable) { this->m_reqId = identifier; this->m_reqSize = size; this->m_mem = this->m_alloc.allocate(identifier,size,recoverable); return this->m_mem; } //! Deallocate memory /*! * \param identifier the memory segment identifier (not used) * \ptr the pointer to memory returned by allocate() */ void deallocate( const NATIVE_UINT_TYPE identifier, void* ptr) { this->m_alloc.deallocate(identifier,ptr); } NATIVE_UINT_TYPE getId() { return this->m_reqId; } NATIVE_UINT_TYPE getSize() { return this->m_reqSize; } void* getMem() { return this->m_mem; } private: Fw::MallocAllocator m_alloc; NATIVE_UINT_TYPE m_reqId; NATIVE_UINT_TYPE m_reqSize; void* m_mem; }; namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BufferManagerTester :: BufferManagerTester() : BufferManagerGTestBase("Tester", MAX_HISTORY_SIZE), component("BufferManager") { this->initComponents(); this->connectPorts(); } BufferManagerTester :: ~BufferManagerTester() { } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void BufferManagerTester :: testSetup() { REQUIREMENT("FPRIME-BM-001"); BufferManagerComponentImpl::BufferBins bins; memset(&bins,0,sizeof(bins)); bins.bins[0].bufferSize = BIN0_BUFFER_SIZE; bins.bins[0].numBuffers = BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS; bins.bins[1].bufferSize = BIN1_BUFFER_SIZE; bins.bins[1].numBuffers = BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS; bins.bins[2].bufferSize = BIN2_BUFFER_SIZE; bins.bins[2].numBuffers = BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS; TestAllocator alloc; this->component.setup(MGR_ID,MEM_ID,alloc,bins); ASSERT_EQ(MEM_ID,this->component.m_memId); ASSERT_EQ(MGR_ID,this->component.m_mgrId); // check allocation state // Check that enough buffers were created ASSERT_EQ( BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS + BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS + BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS, this->component.m_numStructs ); REQUIREMENT("FPRIME-BM-005"); // check that enough memory was requested NATIVE_UINT_TYPE memSize = (BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS + BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS + BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS)*sizeof(Svc::BufferManagerComponentImpl::AllocatedBuffer) + (BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS*BIN0_BUFFER_SIZE + BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS*BIN1_BUFFER_SIZE + BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS*BIN2_BUFFER_SIZE); ASSERT_EQ(memSize,alloc.getSize()); // check that correct ID was requested ASSERT_EQ(MEM_ID,alloc.getId()); // first buffer should point at location just past buffer structs U8 *mem = reinterpret_cast<U8*>(alloc.getMem()) + this->component.m_numStructs*sizeof(Svc::BufferManagerComponentImpl::AllocatedBuffer); ; // check the buffer properties for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < this->component.m_numStructs; entry++) { // check context ID ASSERT_EQ(this->component.m_buffers[entry].buff.getContext(),((MGR_ID << 16)| entry)); // check allocation state ASSERT_FALSE(this->component.m_buffers[entry].allocated); // check buffer sizes if (entry < BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS) { ASSERT_EQ(BIN0_BUFFER_SIZE,this->component.m_buffers[entry].size); ASSERT_EQ(mem,this->component.m_buffers[entry].memory); mem += BIN0_BUFFER_SIZE; } else if (entry < BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS + BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS) { ASSERT_EQ(BIN1_BUFFER_SIZE,this->component.m_buffers[entry].size); ASSERT_EQ(mem,this->component.m_buffers[entry].memory); mem += BIN1_BUFFER_SIZE; } else if (entry < BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS + BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS + BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS) { ASSERT_EQ(BIN2_BUFFER_SIZE,this->component.m_buffers[entry].size); ASSERT_EQ(mem,this->component.m_buffers[entry].memory); mem += BIN2_BUFFER_SIZE; } else { // just in case the logic is wrong ASSERT_TRUE(false); } } // memory location should be at end of allocated memory ASSERT_EQ(mem,reinterpret_cast<U8*>(alloc.getMem()) + alloc.getSize()); this->component.cleanup(); ASSERT_TRUE(this->component.m_cleaned); ASSERT_FALSE(this->component.m_setup); } void BufferManagerTester::oneBufferSize() { BufferManagerComponentImpl::BufferBins bins; memset(&bins,0,sizeof(bins)); bins.bins[0].bufferSize = BIN1_BUFFER_SIZE; bins.bins[0].numBuffers = BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS; TestAllocator alloc; this->component.setup(MGR_ID,MEM_ID,alloc,bins); Fw::Buffer buffs[BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS]; for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE b=0; b<BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS; b++) { // Get the buffers buffs[b] = this->invoke_to_bufferGetCallee(0,BIN1_BUFFER_SIZE); // check allocation state ASSERT_TRUE(this->component.m_buffers[b].allocated); // check stats ASSERT_EQ(b+1,this->component.m_currBuffs); // check stats ASSERT_EQ(b+1,this->component.m_highWater); } // should send back empty buffer Fw::Buffer noBuff = this->invoke_to_bufferGetCallee(0,BIN1_BUFFER_SIZE); ASSERT_EQ(1,this->component.m_noBuffs); // check telemetry this->invoke_to_schedIn(0,0); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(5); ASSERT_TLM_TotalBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_TotalBuffs(0,BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS); ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs(0,BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS); ASSERT_TLM_HiBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_HiBuffs(0,BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS); ASSERT_TLM_NoBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_NoBuffs(0,1); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs(0,0); // clear histories this->clearHistory(); REQUIREMENT("FPRIME-BM-006"); // randomly return buffers time_t t; srand(static_cast<unsigned>(time(&t))); bool returned[BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS] = {false}; for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE b=0; b<BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS; b++) { NATIVE_UINT_TYPE entry; while (true) { entry = rand() % BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS; if (not returned[entry]) { returned[entry] = true; break; } } // return the buffer printf("Returning buffer %d\n",entry); this->invoke_to_bufferSendIn(0,buffs[entry]); // check allocation state ASSERT_FALSE(this->component.m_buffers[entry].allocated); ASSERT_EQ(BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS-b-1,this->component.m_currBuffs); ASSERT_EQ(BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS,this->component.m_highWater); } // should reject empty buffer this->invoke_to_bufferSendIn(0,noBuff); ASSERT_EQ(1,this->component.m_emptyBuffs); // check telemetry this->invoke_to_schedIn(0,0); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); // No total buffs or no buffs since only on update ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs(0,0); ASSERT_TLM_NoBuffs_SIZE(0); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs(0,1); // all buffers should be deallocated for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE b=0; b<this->component.m_numStructs; b++) { ASSERT_FALSE(this->component.m_buffers[b].allocated); } // cleanup BufferManager memory this->component.cleanup(); } void BufferManagerTester::multBuffSize() { BufferManagerComponentImpl::BufferBins bins; memset(&bins,0,sizeof(bins)); bins.bins[0].bufferSize = BIN0_BUFFER_SIZE; bins.bins[0].numBuffers = BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS; bins.bins[1].bufferSize = BIN1_BUFFER_SIZE; bins.bins[1].numBuffers = BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS; bins.bins[2].bufferSize = BIN2_BUFFER_SIZE; bins.bins[2].numBuffers = BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS; TestAllocator alloc; this->component.setup(MGR_ID,MEM_ID,alloc,bins); Fw::Buffer buffs[BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS]; REQUIREMENT("FPRIME-BM-002"); // BufferManager should be able to provide the whole pool worth of buffers // for a requested size smaller than the smallest bin. for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE b=0; b<BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS; b++) { // Get the buffers buffs[b] = this->invoke_to_bufferGetCallee(0,BIN0_BUFFER_SIZE); // check allocation state ASSERT_TRUE(this->component.m_buffers[b].allocated); // check stats ASSERT_EQ(b+1,this->component.m_currBuffs); // check stats ASSERT_EQ(b+1,this->component.m_highWater); } REQUIREMENT("FPRIME-BM-003"); // should send back empty buffer Fw::Buffer noBuff = this->invoke_to_bufferGetCallee(0,BIN1_BUFFER_SIZE); ASSERT_EQ(1,this->component.m_noBuffs); // check telemetry this->invoke_to_schedIn(0,0); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(5); ASSERT_TLM_TotalBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_TotalBuffs(0,BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS); ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs(0,BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS); ASSERT_TLM_HiBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_HiBuffs(0,BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS); ASSERT_TLM_NoBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_NoBuffs(0,1); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs(0,0); // clear histories this->clearHistory(); for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE b=0; b<BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS; b++) { // return the buffer this->invoke_to_bufferSendIn(0,buffs[b]); // check allocation state ASSERT_FALSE(this->component.m_buffers[b].allocated); ASSERT_EQ(BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS-b-1,this->component.m_currBuffs); ASSERT_EQ(BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS,this->component.m_highWater); } REQUIREMENT("FPRIME-BM-004"); // should reject empty buffer this->invoke_to_bufferSendIn(0,noBuff); ASSERT_EQ(1,this->component.m_emptyBuffs); // check telemetry this->invoke_to_schedIn(0,0); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); // No total buffs or no buffs since only on update ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs(0,0); ASSERT_TLM_NoBuffs_SIZE(0); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs(0,1); // clear histories this->clearHistory(); // all buffers should be deallocated for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE b=0; b<this->component.m_numStructs; b++) { ASSERT_FALSE(this->component.m_buffers[b].allocated); } // clear histories this->clearEvents(); // BufferManager should be able to provide the BIN1 and BIN2 worth of buffers // for a requested size just smaller than the BIN1 size for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE b=0; b<BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS; b++) { // Get the buffers buffs[b] = this->invoke_to_bufferGetCallee(0,BIN1_BUFFER_SIZE); // check allocation state - should be allocating from bin 1 ASSERT_TRUE(this->component.m_buffers[b+BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS].allocated); // check stats ASSERT_EQ(b+1,this->component.m_currBuffs); } // should send back empty buffer noBuff = this->invoke_to_bufferGetCallee(0,BIN1_BUFFER_SIZE); ASSERT_EQ(2,this->component.m_noBuffs); // check telemetry this->invoke_to_schedIn(0,0); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); ASSERT_TLM_TotalBuffs_SIZE(0); ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs(0,BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS); ASSERT_TLM_NoBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_NoBuffs(0,2); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs_SIZE(0); // clear histories this->clearHistory(); for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE b=0; b<BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS; b++) { // return the buffer this->invoke_to_bufferSendIn(0,buffs[b]); // check allocation state - should be freeing from bin 1 ASSERT_FALSE(this->component.m_buffers[b+BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS].allocated); ASSERT_EQ(BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS-b-1,this->component.m_currBuffs); } // should reject empty buffer this->invoke_to_bufferSendIn(0,noBuff); ASSERT_EQ(2,this->component.m_emptyBuffs); // check telemetry this->invoke_to_schedIn(0,0); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); // No total buffs or no buffs since only on update ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs(0,0); ASSERT_TLM_NoBuffs_SIZE(0); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs(0,2); // clear histories this->clearHistory(); // all buffers should be deallocated for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE b=0; b<this->component.m_numStructs; b++) { ASSERT_FALSE(this->component.m_buffers[b].allocated); } // BufferManager should be able to provide the BIN2 worth of buffers // for a requested size just smaller than the BIN2 size for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE b=0; b<BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS; b++) { // Get the buffers buffs[b] = this->invoke_to_bufferGetCallee(0,BIN2_BUFFER_SIZE); // check allocation state - should be allocating from bin 1 ASSERT_TRUE(this->component.m_buffers[b+BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS].allocated); // check stats ASSERT_EQ(b+1,this->component.m_currBuffs); } // should send back empty buffer noBuff = this->invoke_to_bufferGetCallee(0,BIN2_BUFFER_SIZE); ASSERT_EQ(3,this->component.m_noBuffs); // check telemetry this->invoke_to_schedIn(0,0); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); ASSERT_TLM_TotalBuffs_SIZE(0); ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs(0,BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS); ASSERT_TLM_NoBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_NoBuffs(0,3); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs_SIZE(0); // clear histories this->clearHistory(); for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE b=0; b<BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS; b++) { // return the buffer this->invoke_to_bufferSendIn(0,buffs[b]); // check allocation state - should be freeing from bin 1 ASSERT_FALSE(this->component.m_buffers[b+BIN0_NUM_BUFFERS+BIN1_NUM_BUFFERS].allocated); ASSERT_EQ(BIN2_NUM_BUFFERS-b-1,this->component.m_currBuffs); } // should reject empty buffer this->invoke_to_bufferSendIn(0,noBuff); ASSERT_EQ(3,this->component.m_emptyBuffs); // check telemetry this->invoke_to_schedIn(0,0); ASSERT_TLM_SIZE(2); // No total buffs or no buffs since only on update ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_CurrBuffs(0,0); ASSERT_TLM_NoBuffs_SIZE(0); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_EmptyBuffs(0,3); // all buffers should be deallocated for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE b=0; b<this->component.m_numStructs; b++) { ASSERT_FALSE(this->component.m_buffers[b].allocated); } // cleanup BufferManager memory this->component.cleanup(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void BufferManagerTester :: connectPorts() { // bufferSendIn this->connect_to_bufferSendIn( 0, this->component.get_bufferSendIn_InputPort(0) ); // bufferGetCallee this->connect_to_bufferGetCallee( 0, this->component.get_bufferGetCallee_InputPort(0) ); // timeCaller this->component.set_timeCaller_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_timeCaller(0) ); // eventOut this->component.set_eventOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_eventOut(0) ); // textEventOut this->component.set_textEventOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_textEventOut(0) ); // tlmOut this->component.set_tlmOut_OutputPort( 0, this->get_from_tlmOut(0) ); // schedIn this->connect_to_schedIn( 0, this->component.get_schedIn_InputPort(0) ); } void BufferManagerTester :: initComponents() { this->init(); this->component.init( INSTANCE ); } void BufferManagerTester::textLogIn(const FwEventIdType id, //!< The event ID const Fw::Time& timeTag, //!< The time const Fw::LogSeverity severity, //!< The severity const Fw::TextLogString& text //!< The event string ) { TextLogEntry e = { id, timeTag, severity, text }; printTextLogHistoryEntry(e, stdout); } } // end namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title DpManager.hpp // \author bocchino // \brief hpp file for DpManager component implementation class // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_DpManager_HPP #define Svc_DpManager_HPP #include <atomic> #include "Svc/DpManager/DpManagerComponentAc.hpp" #include "config/FppConstantsAc.hpp" namespace Svc { class DpManager : public DpManagerComponentBase { private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Static assertions against the assumptions about the model // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- static_assert( DpManager::NUM_PRODUCTGETIN_INPUT_PORTS == static_cast<FwSizeType>(DpManagerNumPorts), "Number of product get in ports must equal DpManagerNumPorts" ); static_assert( DpManager::NUM_PRODUCTREQUESTIN_INPUT_PORTS == static_cast<FwSizeType>(DpManagerNumPorts), "Number of product request in ports must equal DpManagerNumPorts" ); static_assert( DpManager::NUM_PRODUCTRESPONSEOUT_OUTPUT_PORTS == static_cast<FwSizeType>(DpManagerNumPorts), "Number of product response out ports must equal DpManagerNumPorts" ); static_assert( DpManager::NUM_BUFFERGETOUT_OUTPUT_PORTS == static_cast<FwSizeType>(DpManagerNumPorts), "Number of buffer get out ports must equal DpManagerNumPorts" ); static_assert( DpManager::NUM_PRODUCTSENDIN_INPUT_PORTS == static_cast<FwSizeType>(DpManagerNumPorts), "Number of product send in ports must equal DpManagerNumPorts" ); static_assert( DpManager::NUM_PRODUCTSENDOUT_OUTPUT_PORTS == static_cast<FwSizeType>(DpManagerNumPorts), "Number of product send out ports must equal DpManagerNumPorts" ); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct a DpManager explicit DpManager(const char* const compName //!< The component name ); //! Destroy the DpManager ~DpManager(); PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler implementation for productGetIn Fw::Success productGetIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number FwDpIdType id, //!< The container ID FwSizeType size, //!< The size of the requested buffer Fw::Buffer& buffer //!< The buffer ) final; //! Handler implementation for productRequestIn void productRequestIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number FwDpIdType id, //!< The container ID FwSizeType size //!< The size of the requested buffer ) final; //! Handler implementation for productSendIn void productSendIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number FwDpIdType id, //!< The container ID const Fw::Buffer& buffer //!< The buffer ) final; //! Handler implementation for schedIn void schedIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number NATIVE_UINT_TYPE context //!< The call order ) final; PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for commands // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler implementation for command CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE //! //! Clear event throttling void CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, //!< The opcode U32 cmdSeq //!< The command sequence number ) override; PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private helper functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get a buffer //! \return Status Fw::Success getBuffer(FwIndexType portNum, //!< The port number FwDpIdType id, //!< The container ID (input) FwSizeType size, //!< The requested size (input) Fw::Buffer& buffer //!< The buffer (output) ); PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The number of successful buffer allocations std::atomic<U32> numSuccessfulAllocations; //! The number of failed buffer allocations std::atomic<U32> numFailedAllocations; //! The number of data products handled U32 numDataProducts; //! The number of bytes handled U64 numBytes; }; } // end namespace Svc #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title DpManager.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for DpManager component implementation class // ====================================================================== #include "FpConfig.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/DpManager.hpp" namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DpManager::DpManager(const char* const compName) : DpManagerComponentBase(compName), numSuccessfulAllocations(0), numFailedAllocations(0), numDataProducts(0), numBytes(0) {} DpManager::~DpManager() {} // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fw::Success DpManager::productGetIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwDpIdType id, FwSizeType size, Fw::Buffer& buffer) { return this->getBuffer(portNum, id, size, buffer); } void DpManager::productRequestIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwDpIdType id, FwSizeType size) { // Get a buffer Fw::Buffer buffer; const Fw::Success status = this->getBuffer(portNum, id, size, buffer); // Send buffer on productResponseOut this->productResponseOut_out(portNum, id, buffer, status); } void DpManager::productSendIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwDpIdType id, const Fw::Buffer& buffer) { // id is unused (void)id; // Update state variables ++this->numDataProducts; this->numBytes += buffer.getSize(); // Send the buffer on productSendOut Fw::Buffer sendBuffer = buffer; this->productSendOut_out(portNum, sendBuffer); } void DpManager::schedIn_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE context) { // Emit telemetry this->tlmWrite_NumSuccessfulAllocations(this->numSuccessfulAllocations); this->tlmWrite_NumFailedAllocations(this->numFailedAllocations); this->tlmWrite_NumDataProducts(this->numDataProducts); this->tlmWrite_NumBytes(this->numBytes); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for commands // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void DpManager ::CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq) { this->log_WARNING_HI_BufferAllocationFailed_ThrottleClear(); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private helper functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fw::Success DpManager::getBuffer(FwIndexType portNum, FwDpIdType id, FwSizeType size, Fw::Buffer& buffer) { // Set status Fw::Success status(Fw::Success::FAILURE); // Get a buffer buffer = this->bufferGetOut_out(portNum, size); if (buffer.isValid()) { // Buffer is valid ++this->numSuccessfulAllocations; status = Fw::Success::SUCCESS; } else { // Buffer is invalid ++this->numFailedAllocations; this->log_WARNING_HI_BufferAllocationFailed(id); } return status; } } // end namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title AbstractState.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief Header file for abstract state // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_AbstractState_HPP #define Svc_AbstractState_HPP #include <cstring> #include "Fw/Types/Assert.hpp" #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/DpManager.hpp" #include "TestUtils/OnChangeChannel.hpp" #include "TestUtils/Option.hpp" namespace Svc { class AbstractState { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The minimum buffer size static constexpr FwSizeType MIN_BUFFER_SIZE = 1; //! The maximum buffer size static constexpr FwSizeType MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The type of the buffer get status enum class BufferGetStatus { //! Valid VALID, //! Invalid INVALID }; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructors // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct an AbstractState object AbstractState() : bufferSizeOpt(), bufferGetStatus(BufferGetStatus::VALID), NumSuccessfulAllocations(0), NumFailedAllocations(0), NumDataProducts(0), NumBytes(0), bufferGetOutPortNumOpt(), productResponseOutPortNumOpt(), productSendOutPortNumOpt(), bufferAllocationFailedEventCount(0) {} public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Accessor methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get the buffer size FwSizeType getBufferSize() const { return this->bufferSizeOpt.getOrElse(STest::Pick::lowerUpper(MIN_BUFFER_SIZE, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)); } //! Set the buffer size void setBufferSize(FwSizeType bufferSize) { this->bufferSizeOpt.set(bufferSize); } private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private state variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The current buffer size TestUtils::Option<FwSizeType> bufferSizeOpt; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public state variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The buffer get status BufferGetStatus bufferGetStatus; //! The number of successful buffer allocations TestUtils::OnChangeChannel<U32> NumSuccessfulAllocations; //! The number of failed buffer allocations TestUtils::OnChangeChannel<U32> NumFailedAllocations; //! The number of data products handled TestUtils::OnChangeChannel<U32> NumDataProducts; //! The number of bytes handled TestUtils::OnChangeChannel<U64> NumBytes; //! Data for buffers U8 bufferData[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]; //! The last port number used for bufferGetOut TestUtils::Option<FwIndexType> bufferGetOutPortNumOpt; //! The last port number used for productResponseOut TestUtils::Option<FwIndexType> productResponseOutPortNumOpt; //! The last port number used for productSendOut TestUtils::Option<FwIndexType> productSendOutPortNumOpt; //! The number of buffer allocation failed events since the last throttle clear FwSizeType bufferAllocationFailedEventCount; }; } // namespace Svc #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title DpManager/test/ut/DpManagerTester.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief hpp file for DpManager test harness implementation // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_Tester_HPP #define Svc_Tester_HPP #include "DpManagerGTestBase.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/DpManager.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/AbstractState.hpp" namespace Svc { class DpManagerTester : public DpManagerGTestBase { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Maximum size of histories storing events, telemetry, and port outputs static const NATIVE_INT_TYPE MAX_HISTORY_SIZE = 10; // Instance ID supplied to the component instance under test static const NATIVE_INT_TYPE TEST_INSTANCE_ID = 0; // Queue depth supplied to component instance under test static const NATIVE_INT_TYPE TEST_INSTANCE_QUEUE_DEPTH = 10; //! Construct object DpManagerTester DpManagerTester(); //! Destroy object DpManagerTester ~DpManagerTester(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for typed from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler for from_bufferGetOut Fw::Buffer from_bufferGetOut_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number U32 size //!< The size ); //! Handler for from_productResponseOut void from_productResponseOut_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number FwDpIdType id, //!< The container ID const Fw::Buffer& buffer, //!< The buffer const Fw::Success& status //!< The status ); //! Handler for from_productSendOut void from_productSendOut_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, //!< The port number Fw::Buffer& fwBuffer //!< The buffer ); protected: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected instance methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Check telemetry void checkTelemetry(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Connect ports void connectPorts(); //! Initialize components void initComponents(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The abstract state for testing AbstractState abstractState; //! The component under test DpManager component; }; } // end namespace Svc #endif
// ====================================================================== // TestMain.cpp // ====================================================================== #include "Fw/Test/UnitTest.hpp" #include "STest/Random/Random.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Testers.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Scenarios/Random.hpp" namespace Svc { TEST(BufferGetStatus, Invalid) { COMMENT("Set the buffer get status to INVALID."); BufferGetStatus::Tester tester; tester.Invalid(); } TEST(BufferGetStatus, Valid) { COMMENT("Set the buffer get status to VALID."); BufferGetStatus::Tester tester; tester.Valid(); } TEST(ProductGetIn, BufferInvalid) { COMMENT("Invoke productGetIn in a state where the test harness returns an invalid buffer."); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-001"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-004"); ProductGetIn::Tester tester; tester.BufferInvalid(); } TEST(ProductGetIn, BufferValid) { COMMENT("Invoke productGetIn in a state where the test harness returns a valid buffer."); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-001"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-004"); ProductGetIn::Tester tester; tester.BufferValid(); } TEST(ProductRequestIn, BufferInvalid) { COMMENT("Invoke productRequestIn in a state where the test harness returns an invalid buffer."); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-002"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-004"); ProductRequestIn::Tester tester; tester.BufferInvalid(); } TEST(ProductRequestIn, BufferValid) { COMMENT("Invoke productRequestIn in a state where the test harness returns a valid buffer."); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-002"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-004"); ProductRequestIn::Tester tester; tester.BufferValid(); } TEST(ProductSendIn, OK) { COMMENT("Invoke productSendIn with nominal input."); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-003"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-004"); ProductSendIn::Tester tester; tester.OK(); } TEST(SchedIn, OK) { COMMENT("Invoke schedIn with nominal input."); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-004"); SchedIn::Tester tester; tester.OK(); } TEST(CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE, OK) { COMMENT("Send command CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE."); CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE::Tester tester; tester.OK(); } TEST(Scenarios, Random) { COMMENT("Random scenario with all rules."); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-002"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-003"); REQUIREMENT("SVC-DPMANAGER-004"); const FwSizeType numSteps = 10000; Scenarios::Random::Tester tester;; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); STest::Random::seed(); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
// ====================================================================== // \title DpManagerTester.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief cpp file for DpManager test harness implementation // ====================================================================== #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/DpManagerTester.hpp" namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DpManagerTester ::DpManagerTester() : DpManagerGTestBase("DpManagerTester", DpManagerTester::MAX_HISTORY_SIZE), component("DpManager") { this->initComponents(); this->connectPorts(); } DpManagerTester ::~DpManagerTester() {} // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handlers for typed from ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fw::Buffer DpManagerTester::from_bufferGetOut_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 size) { this->abstractState.bufferGetOutPortNumOpt = TestUtils::Option<FwIndexType>::some(portNum); this->pushFromPortEntry_bufferGetOut(size); Fw::Buffer buffer; switch (this->abstractState.bufferGetStatus) { case AbstractState::BufferGetStatus::VALID: // Construct a valid buffer buffer.setData(this->abstractState.bufferData); FW_ASSERT(size <= AbstractState::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); buffer.setSize(size); break; case AbstractState::BufferGetStatus::INVALID: // Leave buffer in invalid state break; default: FW_ASSERT(0); break; } return buffer; } void DpManagerTester::from_productResponseOut_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwDpIdType id, const Fw::Buffer& buffer, const Fw::Success& status) { this->abstractState.productResponseOutPortNumOpt = TestUtils::Option<FwIndexType>::some(portNum); this->pushFromPortEntry_productResponseOut(id, buffer, status); } void DpManagerTester::from_productSendOut_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer& fwBuffer) { this->abstractState.productSendOutPortNumOpt = TestUtils::Option<FwIndexType>::some(portNum); this->pushFromPortEntry_productSendOut(fwBuffer); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #define TESTER_CHECK_CHANNEL(NAME) \ { \ const auto changeStatus = this->abstractState.NAME.updatePrev(); \ if (changeStatus == TestUtils::OnChangeStatus::CHANGED) { \ ASSERT_TLM_##NAME##_SIZE(1); \ ASSERT_TLM_##NAME(0, this->abstractState.NAME.value); \ } else { \ ASSERT_TLM_##NAME##_SIZE(0); \ } \ } void DpManagerTester::checkTelemetry() { TESTER_CHECK_CHANNEL(NumSuccessfulAllocations); TESTER_CHECK_CHANNEL(NumFailedAllocations); TESTER_CHECK_CHANNEL(NumDataProducts); TESTER_CHECK_CHANNEL(NumBytes); } } // end namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title ProductGetIn.cpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief ProductGetIn class implementation // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #include <limits> #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/ProductGetIn.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Testers.hpp" #include "config/FppConstantsAc.hpp" namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rule definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TestState::precondition__ProductGetIn__BufferValid() const { return this->abstractState.bufferGetStatus == AbstractState::BufferGetStatus::VALID; } void TestState::action__ProductGetIn__BufferValid() { // Clear history this->clearHistory(); // Send the invocation const FwIndexType portNum = STest::Pick::startLength(0, DpManagerNumPorts); const FwDpIdType id = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, std::numeric_limits<FwDpIdType>::max()); const FwSizeType size = this->abstractState.getBufferSize(); Fw::Buffer buffer; const auto status = this->invoke_to_productGetIn(portNum, id, size, buffer); ASSERT_EQ(status, Fw::Success::SUCCESS); // Check events ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); // Update test state ++this->abstractState.NumSuccessfulAllocations.value; // Check port history ASSERT_FROM_PORT_HISTORY_SIZE(1); // Check buffer get out ASSERT_from_bufferGetOut_SIZE(1); ASSERT_from_bufferGetOut(0, size); ASSERT_EQ(this->abstractState.bufferGetOutPortNumOpt.get(), portNum); // Check the buffer const Fw::Buffer expectedBuffer(this->abstractState.bufferData, size); ASSERT_EQ(buffer, expectedBuffer); } bool TestState::precondition__ProductGetIn__BufferInvalid() const { return this->abstractState.bufferGetStatus == AbstractState::BufferGetStatus::INVALID; } void TestState ::action__ProductGetIn__BufferInvalid() { // Clear history this->clearHistory(); // Send the invocation const FwIndexType portNum = STest::Pick::startLength(0, DpManagerNumPorts); const FwDpIdType id = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, std::numeric_limits<FwDpIdType>::max()); const FwSizeType size = this->abstractState.getBufferSize(); Fw::Buffer buffer; const auto status = this->invoke_to_productGetIn(portNum, id, size, buffer); ASSERT_EQ(status, Fw::Success::FAILURE); // Check events if (this->abstractState.bufferAllocationFailedEventCount < DpManagerComponentBase::EVENTID_BUFFERALLOCATIONFAILED_THROTTLE) { ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_BufferAllocationFailed(0, id); ++this->abstractState.bufferAllocationFailedEventCount; } else { ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); } // Update test state ++this->abstractState.NumFailedAllocations.value; // Check port history ASSERT_FROM_PORT_HISTORY_SIZE(1); // Check buffer get out ASSERT_from_bufferGetOut_SIZE(1); ASSERT_from_bufferGetOut(0, size); ASSERT_EQ(this->abstractState.bufferGetOutPortNumOpt.get(), portNum); } namespace ProductGetIn { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Tester ::BufferValid() { this->testState.abstractState.setBufferSize(Svc::AbstractState::MIN_BUFFER_SIZE); this->ruleBufferValid.apply(this->testState); Testers::schedIn.ruleOK.apply(this->testState); this->testState.abstractState.setBufferSize(Svc::AbstractState::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); this->ruleBufferValid.apply(this->testState); Testers::schedIn.ruleOK.apply(this->testState); } void Tester ::BufferInvalid() { Testers::bufferGetStatus.ruleInvalid.apply(this->testState); this->testState.abstractState.setBufferSize(Svc::AbstractState::MIN_BUFFER_SIZE); this->ruleBufferInvalid.apply(this->testState); Testers::schedIn.ruleOK.apply(this->testState); this->testState.abstractState.setBufferSize(Svc::AbstractState::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); this->ruleBufferInvalid.apply(this->testState); Testers::schedIn.ruleOK.apply(this->testState); } } // namespace ProductGetIn } // namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title Testers.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief Testers class interface // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_Testers_HPP #define Svc_Testers_HPP #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/BufferGetStatus.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/ProductGetIn.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/ProductRequestIn.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/ProductSendIn.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/SchedIn.hpp" namespace Svc { namespace Testers { extern BufferGetStatus::Tester bufferGetStatus; extern CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE::Tester clearEventThrottle; extern ProductGetIn::Tester productGetIn; extern ProductRequestIn::Tester productRequestIn; extern ProductSendIn::Tester productSendIn; extern SchedIn::Tester schedIn; } } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title ProductGetIn.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief ProductGetIn class interface // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_ProductGetIn_HPP #define Svc_ProductGetIn_HPP #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Rules.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/TestState/TestState.hpp" namespace Svc { namespace ProductGetIn { class Tester { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! BufferValid void BufferValid(); //! BufferInvalid void BufferInvalid(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rules // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Rule ProductGetIn::BufferValid Rules::ProductGetIn::BufferValid ruleBufferValid; //! Rule ProductGetIn::BufferInvalid Rules::ProductGetIn::BufferInvalid ruleBufferInvalid; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Test state TestState testState; }; } } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title ProductRequestIn.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief ProductRequestIn class interface // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_ProductRequestIn_HPP #define Svc_ProductRequestIn_HPP #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Rules.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/TestState/TestState.hpp" namespace Svc { namespace ProductRequestIn { class Tester { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! BufferValid void BufferValid(); //! BufferInvalid void BufferInvalid(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rules // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Rule ProductRequestIn::BufferValid Rules::ProductRequestIn::BufferValid ruleBufferValid; //! Rule ProductRequestIn::BufferInvalid Rules::ProductRequestIn::BufferInvalid ruleBufferInvalid; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Test state TestState testState; }; } } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title BufferGetStatus.cpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief BufferGetStatus class implementation // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/BufferGetStatus.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Testers.hpp" namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rule definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TestState ::precondition__BufferGetStatus__Valid() const { bool result = (this->abstractState.bufferGetStatus != AbstractState::BufferGetStatus::VALID); return result; } void TestState ::action__BufferGetStatus__Valid() { this->abstractState.bufferGetStatus = AbstractState::BufferGetStatus::VALID; } bool TestState ::precondition__BufferGetStatus__Invalid() const { bool result = (this->abstractState.bufferGetStatus != AbstractState::BufferGetStatus::INVALID); return result; } void TestState ::action__BufferGetStatus__Invalid() { this->abstractState.bufferGetStatus = AbstractState::BufferGetStatus::INVALID; } namespace BufferGetStatus { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Tester ::Valid() { this->ruleInvalid.apply(this->testState); this->ruleValid.apply(this->testState); } void Tester ::Invalid() { this->ruleInvalid.apply(this->testState); } } // namespace BufferGetStatus } // namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title ProductRequestIn.cpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief ProductRequestIn class implementation // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #include <limits> #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/ProductRequestIn.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Testers.hpp" #include "config/FppConstantsAc.hpp" namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rule definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TestState::precondition__ProductRequestIn__BufferValid() const { return this->abstractState.bufferGetStatus == AbstractState::BufferGetStatus::VALID; } void TestState::action__ProductRequestIn__BufferValid() { // Clear history this->clearHistory(); // Send the invocation const FwIndexType portNum = STest::Pick::startLength(0, DpManagerNumPorts); const FwDpIdType id = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, std::numeric_limits<FwDpIdType>::max()); const FwSizeType size = this->abstractState.getBufferSize(); this->invoke_to_productRequestIn(portNum, id, size); this->component.doDispatch(); // Check events ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); // Update test state ++this->abstractState.NumSuccessfulAllocations.value; // Check port history ASSERT_FROM_PORT_HISTORY_SIZE(2); // Check buffer get out ASSERT_from_bufferGetOut_SIZE(1); ASSERT_from_bufferGetOut(0, size); ASSERT_EQ(this->abstractState.bufferGetOutPortNumOpt.get(), portNum); // Check product response out ASSERT_from_productResponseOut_SIZE(1); const Fw::Success failure(Fw::Success::SUCCESS); const Fw::Buffer buffer(this->abstractState.bufferData, size); ASSERT_from_productResponseOut(0, id, buffer, failure); ASSERT_EQ(this->abstractState.productResponseOutPortNumOpt.get(), portNum); } bool TestState::precondition__ProductRequestIn__BufferInvalid() const { return this->abstractState.bufferGetStatus == AbstractState::BufferGetStatus::INVALID; } void TestState ::action__ProductRequestIn__BufferInvalid() { // Clear history this->clearHistory(); // Send the invocation const FwIndexType portNum = STest::Pick::startLength(0, DpManagerNumPorts); const FwDpIdType id = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, std::numeric_limits<FwDpIdType>::max()); const FwSizeType size = this->abstractState.getBufferSize(); this->invoke_to_productRequestIn(portNum, id, size); this->component.doDispatch(); // Check events if (this->abstractState.bufferAllocationFailedEventCount < DpManagerComponentBase::EVENTID_BUFFERALLOCATIONFAILED_THROTTLE) { ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_BufferAllocationFailed(0, id); ++this->abstractState.bufferAllocationFailedEventCount; } else { ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); } // Update test state ++this->abstractState.NumFailedAllocations.value; // Check port history ASSERT_FROM_PORT_HISTORY_SIZE(2); // Check buffer get out ASSERT_from_bufferGetOut_SIZE(1); ASSERT_from_bufferGetOut(0, size); ASSERT_EQ(this->abstractState.bufferGetOutPortNumOpt.get(), portNum); // Check product response out ASSERT_from_productResponseOut_SIZE(1); const Fw::Buffer buffer; const Fw::Success status(Fw::Success::FAILURE); ASSERT_from_productResponseOut(0, id, buffer, status); ASSERT_EQ(this->abstractState.productResponseOutPortNumOpt.get(), portNum); } namespace ProductRequestIn { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Tester ::BufferValid() { this->testState.abstractState.setBufferSize(Svc::AbstractState::MIN_BUFFER_SIZE); this->ruleBufferValid.apply(this->testState); Testers::schedIn.ruleOK.apply(this->testState); this->testState.abstractState.setBufferSize(Svc::AbstractState::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); this->ruleBufferValid.apply(this->testState); Testers::schedIn.ruleOK.apply(this->testState); } void Tester ::BufferInvalid() { Testers::bufferGetStatus.ruleInvalid.apply(this->testState); this->testState.abstractState.setBufferSize(Svc::AbstractState::MIN_BUFFER_SIZE); this->ruleBufferInvalid.apply(this->testState); Testers::schedIn.ruleOK.apply(this->testState); this->testState.abstractState.setBufferSize(Svc::AbstractState::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); this->ruleBufferInvalid.apply(this->testState); Testers::schedIn.ruleOK.apply(this->testState); } } // namespace ProductRequestIn } // namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title Rules.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief Rules for testing DpManager // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_Rules_HPP #define Svc_Rules_HPP #include "STest/Rule/Rule.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/TestState/TestState.hpp" #define RULES_DEF_RULE(GROUP_NAME, RULE_NAME) \ namespace GROUP_NAME { \ \ struct RULE_NAME : public STest::Rule<TestState> { \ RULE_NAME() : Rule<TestState>(#GROUP_NAME "." #RULE_NAME) {} \ \ bool precondition(const TestState& state) { return state.precondition__##GROUP_NAME##__##RULE_NAME(); } \ \ void action(TestState& state) { state.action__##GROUP_NAME##__##RULE_NAME(); } \ }; \ } namespace Svc { namespace Rules { RULES_DEF_RULE(BufferGetStatus, Invalid) RULES_DEF_RULE(BufferGetStatus, Valid) RULES_DEF_RULE(CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE, OK) RULES_DEF_RULE(ProductGetIn, BufferInvalid) RULES_DEF_RULE(ProductGetIn, BufferValid) RULES_DEF_RULE(ProductRequestIn, BufferInvalid) RULES_DEF_RULE(ProductRequestIn, BufferValid) RULES_DEF_RULE(ProductSendIn, OK) RULES_DEF_RULE(SchedIn, OK) } // namespace Rules } // namespace Svc #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title SchedIn.cpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief SchedIn class implementation // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/SchedIn.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Testers.hpp" namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rule definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TestState ::precondition__SchedIn__OK() const { return true; } void TestState ::action__SchedIn__OK() { // Clear history this->clearHistory(); // Invoke schedIn port const U32 context = STest::Pick::any(); this->invoke_to_schedIn(0, context); this->component.doDispatch(); // Check telemetry this->checkTelemetry(); } namespace SchedIn { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Tester ::OK() { this->ruleOK.apply(this->testState); } } // namespace SchedIn } // namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title SchedIn.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief SchedIn class interface // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_SchedIn_HPP #define Svc_SchedIn_HPP #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Rules.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/TestState/TestState.hpp" namespace Svc { namespace SchedIn { class Tester { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! OK void OK(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rules // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Rule SchedIn::OK Rules::SchedIn::OK ruleOK; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Test state TestState testState; }; } } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE.cpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE class implementation // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Testers.hpp" namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rule definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TestState::precondition__CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE__OK() const { return true; } void TestState::action__CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE__OK() { // Clear history this->clearHistory(); // Send the command const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance = static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(STest::Pick::any()); const U32 cmdSeq = STest::Pick::any(); this->sendCmd_CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE(instance, cmdSeq); this->component.doDispatch(); // Check the command response ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE(0, DpManagerComponentBase::OPCODE_CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK); // Check the state ASSERT_EQ(this->component.DpManagerComponentBase::m_BufferAllocationFailedThrottle, 0); this->abstractState.bufferAllocationFailedEventCount = 0; } namespace CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Tester::OK() { Testers::bufferGetStatus.ruleInvalid.apply(this->testState); for (FwSizeType i = 0; i <= DpManagerComponentBase::EVENTID_BUFFERALLOCATIONFAILED_THROTTLE; ++i) { Testers::productRequestIn.ruleBufferInvalid.apply(this->testState); } this->ruleOK.apply(this->testState); Testers::productRequestIn.ruleBufferInvalid.apply(this->testState); } } // namespace CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE } // namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title BufferGetStatus.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief BufferGetStatus class interface // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_BufferGetStatus_HPP #define Svc_BufferGetStatus_HPP #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Rules.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/TestState/TestState.hpp" namespace Svc { namespace BufferGetStatus { class Tester { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Valid void Valid(); //! Invalid void Invalid(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rules // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Rule BufferGetStatus::Valid Rules::BufferGetStatus::Valid ruleValid; //! Rule BufferGetStatus::Invalid Rules::BufferGetStatus::Invalid ruleInvalid; private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Test state TestState testState; }; } } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title ProductSendIn.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief ProductSendIn class interface // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_ProductSendIn_HPP #define Svc_ProductSendIn_HPP #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Rules.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/TestState/TestState.hpp" namespace Svc { namespace ProductSendIn { class Tester { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! OK void OK(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rules // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Rule ProductSendIn::OK Rules::ProductSendIn::OK ruleOK; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Test state TestState testState; }; } } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title Testers.cpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief Testers class implementation // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Testers.hpp" namespace Svc { namespace Testers { BufferGetStatus::Tester bufferGetStatus; CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE::Tester clearEventThrottle; ProductGetIn::Tester productGetIn; ProductRequestIn::Tester productRequestIn; ProductSendIn::Tester productSendIn; SchedIn::Tester schedIn; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title ProductSendIn.cpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief ProductSendIn class implementation // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/ProductSendIn.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Testers.hpp" #include "config/FppConstantsAc.hpp" namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rule definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- bool TestState ::precondition__ProductSendIn__OK() const { return true; } void TestState ::action__ProductSendIn__OK() { // Clear history this->clearHistory(); // Send the invocation const FwIndexType portNum = STest::Pick::startLength(0, DpManagerNumPorts); const FwDpIdType id = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, std::numeric_limits<FwDpIdType>::max()); const FwSizeType size = this->abstractState.getBufferSize(); const Fw::Buffer buffer(this->abstractState.bufferData, size); this->invoke_to_productSendIn(portNum, id, buffer); this->component.doDispatch(); // Check events ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(0); // Update test state ++this->abstractState.NumDataProducts.value; this->abstractState.NumBytes.value += size; // Check port history ASSERT_FROM_PORT_HISTORY_SIZE(1); // Check product send out ASSERT_from_productSendOut_SIZE(1); ASSERT_from_productSendOut(0, buffer); ASSERT_EQ(this->abstractState.productSendOutPortNumOpt.get(), portNum); } namespace ProductSendIn { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Tester ::OK() { this->testState.abstractState.setBufferSize(Svc::AbstractState::MIN_BUFFER_SIZE); this->ruleOK.apply(this->testState); Testers::schedIn.ruleOK.apply(this->testState); this->testState.abstractState.setBufferSize(Svc::AbstractState::MAX_BUFFER_SIZE); this->ruleOK.apply(this->testState); Testers::schedIn.ruleOK.apply(this->testState); } } // namespace ProductSendIn } // namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE class interface // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE_HPP #define Svc_CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE_HPP #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Rules.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/TestState/TestState.hpp" namespace Svc { namespace CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE { class Tester { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! OK void OK(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rules // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Rule CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE::OK Rules::CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE::OK ruleOK; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Test state TestState testState; }; } } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title TestState.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief Test state for testing DpManager // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_TestState_HPP #define Svc_TestState_HPP #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/DpManagerTester.hpp" #define TEST_STATE_DEF_RULE(GROUP_NAME, RULE_NAME) \ bool precondition__##GROUP_NAME##__##RULE_NAME() const; \ void action__##GROUP_NAME##__##RULE_NAME(); namespace Svc { class TestState : public DpManagerTester { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rule definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST_STATE_DEF_RULE(BufferGetStatus, Invalid) TEST_STATE_DEF_RULE(BufferGetStatus, Valid) TEST_STATE_DEF_RULE(CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE, OK) TEST_STATE_DEF_RULE(ProductGetIn, BufferInvalid) TEST_STATE_DEF_RULE(ProductGetIn, BufferValid) TEST_STATE_DEF_RULE(ProductRequestIn, BufferInvalid) TEST_STATE_DEF_RULE(ProductRequestIn, BufferValid) TEST_STATE_DEF_RULE(ProductSendIn, OK) TEST_STATE_DEF_RULE(SchedIn, OK) }; } // namespace Svc #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title Random.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief Random scenario // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2023 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_Random_HPP #define Svc_Random_HPP #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/TestState/TestState.hpp" namespace Svc { namespace Scenarios { namespace Random { class Tester { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Run the random scenario void run(FwSizeType maxNumSteps //!< The maximum number of steps ); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Test state TestState testState; }; } // namespace Random } // namespace Scenarios } // namespace Svc #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title Random.hpp // \author Rob Bocchino // \brief Random scenario // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2021 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office // of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. // ====================================================================== #include "STest/Scenario/BoundedScenario.hpp" #include "STest/Scenario/RandomScenario.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Rules/Rules.hpp" #include "Svc/DpManager/test/ut/Scenarios/Random.hpp" namespace Svc { namespace Scenarios { namespace Random { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rule definitions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules::BufferGetStatus::Invalid bufferGetStatusInvalid; Rules::BufferGetStatus::Valid bufferGetStatusValid; Rules::CLEAR_EVENT_THROTTLE::OK clearEventThrottleOK; Rules::ProductRequestIn::BufferInvalid productRequestInBufferInvalid; Rules::ProductRequestIn::BufferValid productRequestInBufferValid; Rules::ProductSendIn::OK productSendInOK; Rules::SchedIn::OK schedInOK; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void Tester ::run(FwSizeType maxNumSteps) { STest::Rule<TestState>* rules[] = { &bufferGetStatusInvalid, &bufferGetStatusValid, &clearEventThrottleOK, &productRequestInBufferInvalid, &productRequestInBufferValid, &productSendInOK, &schedInOK }; STest::RandomScenario<TestState> scenario("RandomScenario", rules, sizeof(rules) / sizeof(STest::RandomScenario<TestState>*)); STest::BoundedScenario<TestState> boundedScenario("BoundedRandomScenario", scenario, maxNumSteps); const U32 numSteps =>testState); printf("Ran %u steps.\n", numSteps); } } // namespace Random } // namespace Scenarios } // namespace Svc
#ifndef SVC_TEXT_LOGGER_IMPL_HPP #define SVC_TEXT_LOGGER_IMPL_HPP #include <Svc/PassiveConsoleTextLogger/PassiveTextLoggerComponentAc.hpp> namespace Svc { class ConsoleTextLoggerImpl : public PassiveTextLoggerComponentBase { public: // Only called by derived class ConsoleTextLoggerImpl(const char* compName); void init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE instanceId = 0); ~ConsoleTextLoggerImpl(); private: // downcalls for input ports void TextLogger_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwEventIdType id, Fw::Time &timeTag, const Fw::LogSeverity& severity, Fw::TextLogString &text); }; } #endif
// ====================================================================== // PassiveTextLogger.hpp // Standardization header for PassiveTextLogger // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_PassiveTextLogger_HPP #define Svc_PassiveTextLogger_HPP #include "Svc/PassiveConsoleTextLogger/ConsoleTextLoggerImpl.hpp" namespace Svc { typedef ConsoleTextLoggerImpl PassiveTextLogger; } #endif
#include <Svc/PassiveConsoleTextLogger/ConsoleTextLoggerImpl.hpp> #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include <Fw/Logger/Logger.hpp> namespace Svc { ConsoleTextLoggerImpl::ConsoleTextLoggerImpl(const char* compName) : PassiveTextLoggerComponentBase(compName) { } void ConsoleTextLoggerImpl::init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE instanceId) { PassiveTextLoggerComponentBase::init(instanceId); } ConsoleTextLoggerImpl::~ConsoleTextLoggerImpl() {} void ConsoleTextLoggerImpl::TextLogger_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwEventIdType id, Fw::Time &timeTag, const Fw::LogSeverity& severity, Fw::TextLogString &text) { const char *severityString = "UNKNOWN"; switch (severity.e) { case Fw::LogSeverity::FATAL: severityString = "FATAL"; break; case Fw::LogSeverity::WARNING_HI: severityString = "WARNING_HI"; break; case Fw::LogSeverity::WARNING_LO: severityString = "WARNING_LO"; break; case Fw::LogSeverity::COMMAND: severityString = "COMMAND"; break; case Fw::LogSeverity::ACTIVITY_HI: severityString = "ACTIVITY_HI"; break; case Fw::LogSeverity::ACTIVITY_LO: severityString = "ACTIVITY_LO"; break; case Fw::LogSeverity::DIAGNOSTIC: severityString = "DIAGNOSTIC"; break; default: severityString = "SEVERITY ERROR"; break; } Fw::Logger::logMsg("EVENT: (%" PRI_FwEventIdType ") (%" PRI_FwTimeBaseStoreType ":%" PRIu32 ",%" PRIu32 ") %s: %s\n", id, static_cast<FwTimeBaseStoreType>(timeTag.getTimeBase()), timeTag.getSeconds(), timeTag.getUSeconds(), reinterpret_cast<PlatformPointerCastType>(severityString), reinterpret_cast<PlatformPointerCastType>(text.toChar())); } }
/* * \author: Tim Canham * \file: * \brief * * This file implements the PassiveRateGroup component, * which invokes a set of components the comprise the rate group. * * Copyright 2014-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. */ #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include <Os/Log.hpp> #include <Svc/PassiveRateGroup/PassiveRateGroup.hpp> namespace Svc { PassiveRateGroup::PassiveRateGroup(const char* compName) : PassiveRateGroupComponentBase(compName), m_cycles(0), m_maxTime(0), m_numContexts(0) { } PassiveRateGroup::~PassiveRateGroup() {} void PassiveRateGroup::configure(NATIVE_INT_TYPE contexts[], NATIVE_INT_TYPE numContexts) { FW_ASSERT(contexts); FW_ASSERT(numContexts == this->getNum_RateGroupMemberOut_OutputPorts(),numContexts,this->getNum_RateGroupMemberOut_OutputPorts()); FW_ASSERT(FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(this->m_contexts) == this->getNum_RateGroupMemberOut_OutputPorts(), FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(this->m_contexts), this->getNum_RateGroupMemberOut_OutputPorts()); this->m_numContexts = numContexts; // copy context values for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < this->m_numContexts; entry++) { this->m_contexts[entry] = contexts[entry]; } } void PassiveRateGroup::CycleIn_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Svc::TimerVal& cycleStart) { TimerVal end; FW_ASSERT(this->m_numContexts); // invoke any members of the rate group for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE port = 0; port < this->getNum_RateGroupMemberOut_OutputPorts(); port++) { if (this->isConnected_RateGroupMemberOut_OutputPort(port)) { this->RateGroupMemberOut_out(port, this->m_contexts[port]); } } // grab timer for end of cycle end.take(); // get rate group execution time U32 cycle_time = end.diffUSec(cycleStart); // check to see if the time has exceeded the previous maximum if (cycle_time > this->m_maxTime) { this->m_maxTime = cycle_time; } this->tlmWrite_MaxCycleTime(this->m_maxTime); this->tlmWrite_CycleTime(cycle_time); this->tlmWrite_CycleCount(++this->m_cycles); } } // namespace Svc
/* * \author: Tim Canham * \file: * \brief * * This file implements the PassiveRateGroup component, * which invokes a set of components the comprise the rate group. * * Copyright 2014-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. */ #ifndef SVC_PASSIVERATEGROUP_IMPL_HPP #define SVC_PASSIVERATEGROUP_IMPL_HPP #include <Svc/PassiveRateGroup/PassiveRateGroupComponentAc.hpp> namespace Svc { //! \class PassiveRateGroupImpl //! \brief Executes a set of components as part of a rate group //! //! PassiveRateGroup takes an input cycle call to begin the rate group cycle. //! It calls each output port in succession and passes the value in the context //! array at the index corresponding to the output port number. It keeps track of the execution //! time of the rate group and detects overruns. //! class PassiveRateGroup : public PassiveRateGroupComponentBase { public: //! \brief PassiveRateGroupImpl constructor //! //! The constructor of the class clears all the flags and copies the //! contents of the context array to private storage. //! //! \param compName Name of the component explicit PassiveRateGroup(const char* compName); //! \brief PassiveRateGroupImpl initialization function //! \brief PassiveRateGroup configuration function //! //! The configuration function takes an array of context values to pass to //! members of the rate group. //! //! \param contexts Array of integers that contain the context values that will be sent //! to each member component. The index of the array corresponds to the //! output port number. //! \param numContexts The number of elements in the context array. void configure(NATIVE_INT_TYPE contexts[], NATIVE_INT_TYPE numContexts); //! \brief PassiveRateGroupImpl destructor //! //! The destructor of the class is empty ~PassiveRateGroup(); PRIVATE: //! \brief Input cycle port handler //! //! The cycle port handler calls each component in the rate group in turn, //! passing the context value. It computes the execution time each cycle, //! and writes it to a telemetry value if it reaches a maximum time //! //! \param portNum incoming port call. For this class, should always be zero //! \param cycleStart value stored by the cycle driver, used to compute execution time. void CycleIn_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Svc::TimerVal& cycleStart); U32 m_cycles; //!< cycles executed U32 m_maxTime; //!< maximum execution time in microseconds NATIVE_INT_TYPE m_numContexts; //!< number of contexts U32 m_contexts[NUM_RATEGROUPMEMBEROUT_OUTPUT_PORTS]; //!< Must match number of output ports }; } // namespace Svc #endif
/* * \author Tim Canham * \file * \brief * * This file is the test component for the active rate group unit test. * * Code Generated Source Code Header * * Copyright 2014-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. */ #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <Fw/Test/UnitTest.hpp> #include <Svc/PassiveRateGroup/test/ut/PassiveRateGroupTester.hpp> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <unistd.h> namespace Svc { void PassiveRateGroupTester::init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance) { PassiveRateGroupGTestBase::init(); } PassiveRateGroupTester::PassiveRateGroupTester(Svc::PassiveRateGroup& inst) : PassiveRateGroupGTestBase("testerbase", 100), m_impl(inst), m_callOrder(0) { this->clearPortCalls(); } void PassiveRateGroupTester::clearPortCalls() { memset(this->m_callLog, 0, sizeof(this->m_callLog)); this->m_callOrder = 0; } PassiveRateGroupTester::~PassiveRateGroupTester() {} void PassiveRateGroupTester::from_RateGroupMemberOut_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 context) { ASSERT_TRUE(portNum < static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(m_impl.m_RateGroupMemberOut_OutputPort))); this->m_callLog[portNum].portCalled = true; this->m_callLog[portNum].contextVal = context; this->m_callLog[portNum].order = this->m_callOrder++; // Adding a small sleep to ensure that the cycle time is bigger than 0 us usleep(1); } void PassiveRateGroupTester::runNominal(NATIVE_INT_TYPE contexts[], NATIVE_UINT_TYPE numContexts, NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance) { TEST_CASE(101.1.1, "Run nominal rate group execution"); // clear events this->clearTlm(); Svc::TimerVal timer; timer.take(); // clear port call log this->clearPortCalls(); REQUIREMENT("FPRIME-PRG-001"); // call active rate group with timer val this->invoke_to_CycleIn(0, timer); // check calls REQUIREMENT("FPRIME-PRG-002"); for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE portNum = 0; portNum < static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(this->m_impl.m_RateGroupMemberOut_OutputPort)); portNum++) { ASSERT_TRUE(this->m_callLog[portNum].portCalled); ASSERT_EQ(this->m_callLog[portNum].contextVal, contexts[portNum]); ASSERT_EQ(this->m_callLog[portNum].order, portNum); } // Cycle times should be non-zero REQUIREMENT("FPRIME-PRG-003"); ASSERT_TLM_MaxCycleTime_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_CycleTime_SIZE(1); ASSERT_TLM_CycleCount_SIZE(1); ASSERT_GT(this->tlmHistory_MaxCycleTime->at(0).arg, 0); ASSERT_GT(this->tlmHistory_CycleTime->at(0).arg, 0); ASSERT_GT(this->tlmHistory_CycleCount->at(0).arg, 0); } } // namespace Svc
/* * \author Tim Canham * \file * \brief * * This file is the test component header for the active rate group unit test. * * Code Generated Source Code Header * * Copyright 2014-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. */ #ifndef PASSIVERATEGROUP_TEST_UT_PASSIVERATEGROUPIMPLTESTER_HPP_ #define PASSIVERATEGROUP_TEST_UT_PASSIVERATEGROUPIMPLTESTER_HPP_ #include <PassiveRateGroupGTestBase.hpp> #include <Svc/PassiveRateGroup/PassiveRateGroup.hpp> namespace Svc { class PassiveRateGroupTester: public PassiveRateGroupGTestBase { public: PassiveRateGroupTester(Svc::PassiveRateGroup& inst); virtual ~PassiveRateGroupTester(); void init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance = 0); void runNominal(U32 contexts[], U32 numContexts, NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance); private: void from_RateGroupMemberOut_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 context); Svc::PassiveRateGroup& m_impl; void clearPortCalls(); struct { bool portCalled; U32 contextVal; NATIVE_UINT_TYPE order; } m_callLog[Svc::PassiveRateGroupComponentBase::NUM_RATEGROUPMEMBEROUT_OUTPUT_PORTS]; bool m_causeOverrun; //!< flag to cause an overrun during a rate group member port call NATIVE_UINT_TYPE m_callOrder; //!< tracks order of port call. }; } /* namespace Svc */ #endif /* PASSIVERATEGROUP_TEST_UT_PASSIVERATEGROUPIMPLTESTER_HPP_ */
/* * \author Tim Canham * \file * \brief * * This file is the test driver for the active rate group unit test. * * Code Generated Source Code Header * * Copyright 2014-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. */ #include <config/FppConstantsAc.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/SimpleObjRegistry.hpp> #include <Svc/PassiveRateGroup/PassiveRateGroup.hpp> #include <Svc/PassiveRateGroup/test/ut/PassiveRateGroupTester.hpp> #include <gtest/gtest.h> void connectPorts(Svc::PassiveRateGroup& impl, Svc::PassiveRateGroupTester& tester) { tester.connect_to_CycleIn(0, impl.get_CycleIn_InputPort(0)); for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum = 0; portNum < static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(impl.m_RateGroupMemberOut_OutputPort)); portNum++) { impl.set_RateGroupMemberOut_OutputPort(portNum, tester.get_from_RateGroupMemberOut(portNum)); } impl.set_Tlm_OutputPort(0, tester.get_from_Tlm(0)); impl.set_Time_OutputPort(0, tester.get_from_Time(0)); } TEST(PassiveRateGroupTest, NominalSchedule) { for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE inst = 0; inst < 3; inst++) { NATIVE_INT_TYPE contexts[FppConstant_PassiveRateGroupOutputPorts::PassiveRateGroupOutputPorts] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; Svc::PassiveRateGroup impl("PassiveRateGroup"); impl.configure(contexts, FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(contexts)); Svc::PassiveRateGroupTester tester(impl); tester.init(); impl.init(inst); // connect ports connectPorts(impl, tester); tester.runNominal(contexts, FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(contexts), inst); } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
/* * \author Tim Canham * \file * \brief * * This file is the test component header for the active rate group unit test. * * Code Generated Source Code Header * * Copyright 2014-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. */ #ifndef PASSIVERATEGROUP_TEST_UT_PASSIVERATEGROUPIMPLTESTER_HPP_ #define PASSIVERATEGROUP_TEST_UT_PASSIVERATEGROUPIMPLTESTER_HPP_ #include <PassiveRateGroupGTestBase.hpp> #include <Svc/PassiveRateGroup/PassiveRateGroup.hpp> namespace Svc { class PassiveRateGroupTester: public PassiveRateGroupGTestBase { public: PassiveRateGroupTester(Svc::PassiveRateGroup& inst); virtual ~PassiveRateGroupTester(); void init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance = 0); void runNominal(NATIVE_INT_TYPE contexts[], U32 numContexts, NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance); private: void from_RateGroupMemberOut_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 context); Svc::PassiveRateGroup& m_impl; void clearPortCalls(); struct { bool portCalled; U32 contextVal; NATIVE_UINT_TYPE order; } m_callLog[Svc::PassiveRateGroupComponentBase::NUM_RATEGROUPMEMBEROUT_OUTPUT_PORTS]; U32 m_callOrder; //!< tracks order of port call. }; } /* namespace Svc */ #endif /* PASSIVERATEGROUP_TEST_UT_PASSIVERATEGROUPIMPLTESTER_HPP_ */
/** * \file * \author T.Canham * \brief Component for managing parameters * * \copyright * Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. * <br /><br /> */ #ifndef PRMDBIMPL_HPP_ #define PRMDBIMPL_HPP_ #include <Svc/PrmDb/PrmDbComponentAc.hpp> #include <PrmDbImplCfg.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/String.hpp> #include <Os/Mutex.hpp> namespace Svc { //! \class PrmDbImpl //! \brief Component class for managing parameters //! //! This component supports storing, setting and saving of serialized parameters //! for components. //! class PrmDbImpl : public PrmDbComponentBase { public: friend class PrmDbImplTester; //! \brief PrmDb constructor //! //! The constructor for the PrmDbImpl class. //! The constructor clears the database and stores //! the file name for opening later. //! //! \param name component instance name PrmDbImpl(const char* name); //! \brief PrmDb initialization function //! //! The initialization function for the component creates the message //! queue and initializes the component base classes. //! //! \param queueDepth queue depth for messages //! \param instance instance of component, if more than one is needed. void init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance); //! \brief PrmDb configure method //! //! The configure method stores the file name for opening later. //! //! \param file file where parameters are stored. void configure(const char* file); //! \brief PrmDb file read function //! //! The readFile function reads the set of parameters from the file passed in to //! the constructor. //! void readParamFile(); // NOTE: Assumed to run at initialization time. No guard of data structure. //! \brief PrmDb destructor //! virtual ~PrmDbImpl(); protected: private: //! \brief PrmDb parameter get handler //! //! This function retrieves a parameter value from the loaded set of stored parameters //! //! \param portNum input port number. Should always be zero //! \param id identifier for parameter being used. //! \param val buffer where value is placed. //! \return status of retrieval. PARAM_VALID = successful read, PARAM_INVALID = unsuccessful read Fw::ParamValid getPrm_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwPrmIdType id, Fw::ParamBuffer &val); //! \brief PrmDb parameter set handler //! //! This function updates the value of the parameter stored in RAM. The PRM_SAVE_FILE //! must be called to save the value to a file. //! //! \param portNum input port number. Should always be zero //! \param id identifier for parameter being used. //! \param val buffer where value to be saved is stored. void setPrm_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwPrmIdType id, Fw::ParamBuffer &val); //! \brief component ping handler //! //! The ping handler responds to messages to verify that the task //! is still executing. Will call output ping port //! //! \param portNum the number of the incoming port. //! \param opCode the opcode being registered. //! \param key the key value that is returned with the ping response void pingIn_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 key); //! \brief PrmDb PRM_SAVE_FILE command handler //! //! This function saves the parameter values stored in RAM to the file //! specified in the constructor. Any updates to parameters are not saved //! until this function is called. //! //! \param opCode The opcode of this commands //! \param cmdSeq The sequence number of the command void PRM_SAVE_FILE_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq); //! \brief PrmDb clear database function //! //! This function clears all entries from the RAM database //! void clearDb(); //!< clear the parameter database Fw::String m_fileName; //!< filename for parameter storage struct t_dbStruct { bool used; //!< whether slot is being used FwPrmIdType id; //!< the id being stored in the slot Fw::ParamBuffer val; //!< the serialized value of the parameter } m_db[PRMDB_NUM_DB_ENTRIES]; }; } #endif /* PRMDBIMPL_HPP_ */
/* * PrmDbImpl.cpp * * Created on: March 9, 2015 * Author: Timothy Canham */ #include <Svc/PrmDb/PrmDbImpl.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include <Os/File.hpp> #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> namespace Svc { typedef PrmDb_PrmWriteError PrmWriteError; typedef PrmDb_PrmReadError PrmReadError; // anonymous namespace for buffer declaration namespace { class WorkingBuffer : public Fw::SerializeBufferBase { public: NATIVE_UINT_TYPE getBuffCapacity() const { return sizeof(m_buff); } U8* getBuffAddr() { return m_buff; } const U8* getBuffAddr() const { return m_buff; } private: // Set to max of parameter buffer + id U8 m_buff[FW_PARAM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE + sizeof(FwPrmIdType)]; }; } PrmDbImpl::PrmDbImpl(const char* name) : PrmDbComponentBase(name) { this->clearDb(); } void PrmDbImpl::configure(const char* file) { FW_ASSERT(file != nullptr); this->m_fileName = file; } void PrmDbImpl::init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance) { PrmDbComponentBase::init(queueDepth,instance); } void PrmDbImpl::clearDb() { for (I32 entry = 0; entry < PRMDB_NUM_DB_ENTRIES; entry++) { this->m_db[entry].used = false; this->m_db[entry].id = 0; } } // If ports are no longer guarded, these accesses need to be protected from each other // If there are a lot of accesses, perhaps an interrupt lock could be used instead of guarded ports Fw::ParamValid PrmDbImpl::getPrm_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwPrmIdType id, Fw::ParamBuffer &val) { // search for entry Fw::ParamValid stat = Fw::ParamValid::INVALID; for (I32 entry = 0; entry < PRMDB_NUM_DB_ENTRIES; entry++) { if (this->m_db[entry].used) { if (this->m_db[entry].id == id) { val = this->m_db[entry].val; stat = Fw::ParamValid::VALID; break; } } } // if unable to find parameter, send error message if (Fw::ParamValid::INVALID == stat.e) { this->log_WARNING_LO_PrmIdNotFound(id); } return stat; } void PrmDbImpl::setPrm_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, FwPrmIdType id, Fw::ParamBuffer &val) { this->lock(); // search for existing entry bool existingEntry = false; bool noSlots = true; for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < PRMDB_NUM_DB_ENTRIES; entry++) { if ((this->m_db[entry].used) && (id == this->m_db[entry].id)) { this->m_db[entry].val = val; existingEntry = true; break; } } // if there is no existing entry, add one if (!existingEntry) { for (I32 entry = 0; entry < PRMDB_NUM_DB_ENTRIES; entry++) { if (!(this->m_db[entry].used)) { this->m_db[entry].val = val; this->m_db[entry].id = id; this->m_db[entry].used = true; noSlots = false; break; } } } this->unLock(); if (existingEntry) { this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_PrmIdUpdated(id); } else if (noSlots) { this->log_FATAL_PrmDbFull(id); } else { this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_PrmIdAdded(id); } } void PrmDbImpl::PRM_SAVE_FILE_cmdHandler(FwOpcodeType opCode, U32 cmdSeq) { FW_ASSERT(this->m_fileName.length() > 0); Os::File paramFile; WorkingBuffer buff; Os::File::Status stat =>m_fileName.toChar(),Os::File::OPEN_WRITE); if (stat != Os::File::OP_OK) { this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileWriteError(PrmWriteError::OPEN,0,stat); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); return; } this->lock(); // Traverse the parameter list, saving each entry U32 numRecords = 0; for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(this->m_db); entry++) { if (this->m_db[entry].used) { // write delimiter static const U8 delim = PRMDB_ENTRY_DELIMITER; FwSignedSizeType writeSize = static_cast<FwSignedSizeType>(sizeof(delim)); stat = paramFile.write(&delim,writeSize,Os::File::WaitType::WAIT); if (stat != Os::File::OP_OK) { this->unLock(); this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileWriteError(PrmWriteError::DELIMITER,numRecords,stat); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); return; } if (writeSize != sizeof(delim)) { this->unLock(); this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileWriteError(PrmWriteError::DELIMITER_SIZE,numRecords,writeSize); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); return; } // serialize record size = id field + data U32 recordSize = sizeof(FwPrmIdType) + this->m_db[entry].val.getBuffLength(); // reset buffer buff.resetSer(); Fw::SerializeStatus serStat = buff.serialize(recordSize); // should always work FW_ASSERT(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK == serStat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(serStat)); // write record size writeSize = buff.getBuffLength(); stat = paramFile.write(buff.getBuffAddr(),writeSize,Os::File::WaitType::WAIT); if (stat != Os::File::OP_OK) { this->unLock(); this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileWriteError(PrmWriteError::RECORD_SIZE,numRecords,stat); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); return; } if (writeSize != sizeof(recordSize)) { this->unLock(); this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileWriteError(PrmWriteError::RECORD_SIZE_SIZE,numRecords,writeSize); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); return; } // reset buffer buff.resetSer(); // serialize parameter id serStat = buff.serialize(this->m_db[entry].id); // should always work FW_ASSERT(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK == serStat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(serStat)); // write parameter ID writeSize = buff.getBuffLength(); stat = paramFile.write(buff.getBuffAddr(),writeSize,Os::File::WaitType::WAIT); if (stat != Os::File::OP_OK) { this->unLock(); this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileWriteError(PrmWriteError::PARAMETER_ID,numRecords,stat); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); return; } if (writeSize != static_cast<FwSignedSizeType>(buff.getBuffLength())) { this->unLock(); this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileWriteError(PrmWriteError::PARAMETER_ID_SIZE,numRecords,writeSize); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); return; } // write serialized parameter value writeSize = this->m_db[entry].val.getBuffLength(); stat = paramFile.write(this->m_db[entry].val.getBuffAddr(),writeSize,Os::File::WaitType::WAIT); if (stat != Os::File::OP_OK) { this->unLock(); this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileWriteError(PrmWriteError::PARAMETER_VALUE,numRecords,stat); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); return; } if (writeSize != static_cast<FwSignedSizeType>(this->m_db[entry].val.getBuffLength())) { this->unLock(); this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileWriteError(PrmWriteError::PARAMETER_VALUE_SIZE,numRecords,writeSize); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); return; } numRecords++; } // end if record in use } // end for each record this->unLock(); this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_PrmFileSaveComplete(numRecords); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode,cmdSeq,Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } PrmDbImpl::~PrmDbImpl() { } void PrmDbImpl::readParamFile() { FW_ASSERT(this->m_fileName.length() > 0); // load file. FIXME: Put more robust file checking, such as a CRC. Os::File paramFile; Os::File::Status stat =>m_fileName.toChar(),Os::File::OPEN_READ); if (stat != Os::File::OP_OK) { this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileReadError(PrmReadError::OPEN,0,stat); return; } WorkingBuffer buff; U32 recordNum = 0; this->clearDb(); for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < PRMDB_NUM_DB_ENTRIES; entry++) { U8 delimiter; FwSignedSizeType readSize = static_cast<FwSignedSizeType>(sizeof(delimiter)); // read delimiter Os::File::Status fStat =,readSize,Os::File::WaitType::WAIT); // check for end of file (read size 0) if (0 == readSize) { break; } if (fStat != Os::File::OP_OK) { this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileReadError(PrmReadError::DELIMITER,recordNum,fStat); return; } if (sizeof(delimiter) != readSize) { this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileReadError(PrmReadError::DELIMITER_SIZE,recordNum,readSize); return; } if (PRMDB_ENTRY_DELIMITER != delimiter) { this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileReadError(PrmReadError::DELIMITER_VALUE,recordNum,delimiter); return; } U32 recordSize = 0; // read record size readSize = sizeof(recordSize); fStat =,readSize,Os::File::WaitType::WAIT); if (fStat != Os::File::OP_OK) { this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileReadError(PrmReadError::RECORD_SIZE,recordNum,fStat); return; } if (sizeof(recordSize) != readSize) { this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileReadError(PrmReadError::RECORD_SIZE_SIZE,recordNum,readSize); return; } // set serialized size to read size Fw::SerializeStatus desStat = buff.setBuffLen(readSize); // should never fail FW_ASSERT(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK == desStat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(desStat)); // reset deserialization buff.resetDeser(); // deserialize, since record size is serialized in file desStat = buff.deserialize(recordSize); FW_ASSERT(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK == desStat); // sanity check value. It can't be larger than the maximum parameter buffer size + id // or smaller than the record id if ((recordSize > FW_PARAM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE + sizeof(U32)) or (recordSize < sizeof(U32))) { this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileReadError(PrmReadError::RECORD_SIZE_VALUE,recordNum,recordSize); return; } // read the parameter ID FwPrmIdType parameterId = 0; readSize = static_cast<FwSignedSizeType>(sizeof(FwPrmIdType)); fStat =,readSize,Os::File::WaitType::WAIT); if (fStat != Os::File::OP_OK) { this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileReadError(PrmReadError::PARAMETER_ID,recordNum,fStat); return; } if (sizeof(parameterId) != static_cast<FwSizeType>(readSize)) { this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileReadError(PrmReadError::PARAMETER_ID_SIZE,recordNum,readSize); return; } // set serialized size to read parameter ID desStat = buff.setBuffLen(readSize); // should never fail FW_ASSERT(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK == desStat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(desStat)); // reset deserialization buff.resetDeser(); // deserialize, since parameter ID is serialized in file desStat = buff.deserialize(parameterId); FW_ASSERT(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK == desStat); // copy parameter this->m_db[entry].used = true; this->m_db[entry].id = parameterId; readSize = recordSize-sizeof(parameterId); fStat =>m_db[entry].val.getBuffAddr(),readSize); if (fStat != Os::File::OP_OK) { this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileReadError(PrmReadError::PARAMETER_VALUE,recordNum,fStat); return; } if (static_cast<U32>(readSize) != recordSize-sizeof(parameterId)) { this->log_WARNING_HI_PrmFileReadError(PrmReadError::PARAMETER_VALUE_SIZE,recordNum,readSize); return; } // set serialized size to read size desStat = this->m_db[entry].val.setBuffLen(readSize); // should never fail FW_ASSERT(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK == desStat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(desStat)); recordNum++; } this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_PrmFileLoadComplete(recordNum); } void PrmDbImpl::pingIn_handler(NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 key) { // respond to ping this->pingOut_out(0,key); } }
// ====================================================================== // PrmDb.hpp // Standardization header for PrmDb // ====================================================================== #ifndef Svc_PrmDb_HPP #define Svc_PrmDb_HPP #include "Svc/PrmDb/PrmDbImpl.hpp" namespace Svc { typedef PrmDbImpl PrmDb; } #endif
/* * PrmDbImplTester.cpp * * Created on: Mar 18, 2015 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Svc/PrmDb/test/ut/PrmDbImplTester.hpp> #include <Fw/Com/ComBuffer.hpp> #include <Fw/Com/ComPacket.hpp> #include <Os/Stub/test/File.hpp> #include <cstdio> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <Fw/Test/UnitTest.hpp> namespace Svc { typedef PrmDb_PrmWriteError PrmWriteError; typedef PrmDb_PrmReadError PrmReadError; void PrmDbImplTester::runNominalPopulate() { // clear database this->m_impl.clearDb(); // build a test parameter value with a simple value U32 val = 0x10; FwPrmIdType id = 0x21; Fw::ParamBuffer pBuff; Fw::SerializeStatus stat = pBuff.serialize(val); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); // clear all events this->clearEvents(); // send it to the database static bool pdb003 = false; if (not pdb003) { REQUIREMENT("PDB-003"); pdb003 = true; } this->invoke_to_setPrm(0,id,pBuff); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); // Verify event ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdAdded_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdAdded(0,id); // retrieve it U32 testVal; static bool pdb002 = false; if (not pdb002) { REQUIREMENT("PDB-002"); pdb002 = true; } this->invoke_to_getPrm(0,id,pBuff); // deserialize it stat = pBuff.deserialize(testVal); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); EXPECT_EQ(testVal,val); // update the value val = 0x15; pBuff.resetSer(); stat = pBuff.serialize(val); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); // clear all events this->clearEvents(); // send it to the database this->invoke_to_setPrm(0,id,pBuff); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); // retrieve it pBuff.resetSer(); testVal = 0; this->invoke_to_getPrm(0,id,pBuff); // deserialize it stat = pBuff.deserialize(testVal); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); EXPECT_EQ(testVal,val); // Verify event ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdUpdated_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdUpdated(0,id); // add a new entry id = 0x25; val = 0x30; pBuff.resetSer(); stat = pBuff.serialize(val); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); // clear all events this->clearEvents(); // send it to the database this->invoke_to_setPrm(0,id,pBuff); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); // Verify event ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdAdded_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdAdded(0,id); } void PrmDbImplTester::runNominalSaveFile() { Os::Stub::File::Test::StaticData::setWriteResult(m_io_data, sizeof m_io_data); Os::Stub::File::Test::StaticData::setNextStatus(Os::File::OP_OK); // fill with data this->runNominalPopulate(); // save the data this->clearEvents(); this->clearHistory(); static bool pdb004 = false; if (not pdb004) { REQUIREMENT("PDB-004"); pdb004 = true; } this->sendCmd_PRM_SAVE_FILE(0,12); Fw::QueuedComponentBase::MsgDispatchStatus stat = this->m_impl.doDispatch(); EXPECT_EQ(stat,Fw::QueuedComponentBase::MSG_DISPATCH_OK); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE(0,PrmDbImpl::OPCODE_PRM_SAVE_FILE,12,Fw::CmdResponse::OK); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileSaveComplete_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileSaveComplete(0,2); } void PrmDbImplTester::runNominalLoadFile() { // Preconditions to populate the write file this->runNominalSaveFile(); Os::Stub::File::Test::StaticData::setReadResult(m_io_data, Os::Stub::File::Test::StaticData::data.pointer); Os::Stub::File::Test::StaticData::setNextStatus(Os::File::OP_OK); // save the data this->clearEvents(); static bool pdb001 = false; if (not pdb001) { REQUIREMENT("PDB-001"); pdb001 = true; } this->m_impl.readParamFile(); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileLoadComplete_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileLoadComplete(0,2); // verify values (populated by runNominalPopulate()) // first Fw::ParamBuffer pBuff; U32 testVal; this->invoke_to_getPrm(0,0x21,pBuff); // deserialize it Fw::SerializeStatus stat = pBuff.deserialize(testVal); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); EXPECT_EQ(testVal,0x15u); // second pBuff.resetSer(); this->invoke_to_getPrm(0,0x25,pBuff); // deserialize it stat = pBuff.deserialize(testVal); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); EXPECT_EQ(testVal,0x30u); } void PrmDbImplTester::runMissingExtraParams() { // load up database this->runNominalPopulate(); // ask for ID that isn't present this->clearEvents(); Fw::ParamBuffer pBuff; EXPECT_EQ(Fw::ParamValid::INVALID,this->invoke_to_getPrm(0,0x1000,pBuff).e); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdNotFound_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdNotFound(0,0x1000); // clear database this->m_impl.clearDb(); this->clearEvents(); // write too many entries for (FwPrmIdType entry = 0; entry <= PRMDB_NUM_DB_ENTRIES; entry++) { EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,pBuff.serialize(static_cast<U32>(10))); this->invoke_to_setPrm(0,entry,pBuff); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); } ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(PRMDB_NUM_DB_ENTRIES+1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdAdded_SIZE(PRMDB_NUM_DB_ENTRIES); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmDbFull_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmDbFull(0,PRMDB_NUM_DB_ENTRIES); } void PrmDbImplTester::runRefPrmFile() { { // ID = 00x1000 U32 val = 14; FwPrmIdType id = 0x1000; Fw::ParamBuffer pBuff; Fw::SerializeStatus stat = pBuff.serialize(val); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); // clear all events this->clearEvents(); // send it to the database this->invoke_to_setPrm(0,id,pBuff); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); // Verify event ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdAdded_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdAdded(0,id); // retrieve it U32 testVal; this->invoke_to_getPrm(0,id,pBuff); // deserialize it stat = pBuff.deserialize(testVal); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); EXPECT_EQ(testVal,val); } { // ID = 0x1001 I16 val = 15; FwPrmIdType id = 0x1001; Fw::ParamBuffer pBuff; Fw::SerializeStatus stat = pBuff.serialize(val); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); // clear all events this->clearEvents(); // send it to the database this->invoke_to_setPrm(0,id,pBuff); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); // Verify event ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdAdded_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdAdded(0,id); // retrieve it I16 testVal; this->invoke_to_getPrm(0,id,pBuff); // deserialize it stat = pBuff.deserialize(testVal); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); EXPECT_EQ(testVal,val); } { // ID = 0x1100 U8 val = 32; FwPrmIdType id = 0x1100; Fw::ParamBuffer pBuff; Fw::SerializeStatus stat = pBuff.serialize(val); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); // clear all events this->clearEvents(); // send it to the database this->invoke_to_setPrm(0,id,pBuff); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); // Verify event ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdAdded_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdAdded(0,id); // retrieve it U8 testVal; this->invoke_to_getPrm(0,id,pBuff); // deserialize it stat = pBuff.deserialize(testVal); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); EXPECT_EQ(testVal,val); } { // ID = 0x1101 F32 val = 33.34; FwPrmIdType id = 0x1101; Fw::ParamBuffer pBuff; Fw::SerializeStatus stat = pBuff.serialize(val); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); // clear all events this->clearEvents(); // send it to the database this->invoke_to_setPrm(0,id,pBuff); // dispatch message this->m_impl.doDispatch(); // Verify event ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdAdded_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmIdAdded(0,id); // retrieve it F32 testVal; this->invoke_to_getPrm(0,id,pBuff); // deserialize it stat = pBuff.deserialize(testVal); EXPECT_EQ(Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK,stat); EXPECT_EQ(testVal,val); } this->clearEvents(); this->clearHistory(); this->sendCmd_PRM_SAVE_FILE(0,12); Fw::QueuedComponentBase::MsgDispatchStatus mstat = this->m_impl.doDispatch(); EXPECT_EQ(mstat,Fw::QueuedComponentBase::MSG_DISPATCH_OK); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE(0,PrmDbImpl::OPCODE_PRM_SAVE_FILE,12,Fw::CmdResponse::OK); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileSaveComplete_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileSaveComplete(0,4); } void PrmDbImplTester::init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance) { PrmDbGTestBase::init(); } PrmDbImplTester* PrmDbImplTester::PrmDbTestFile::s_tester = nullptr; void PrmDbImplTester::PrmDbTestFile::setTester(Svc::PrmDbImplTester *tester) { ASSERT_NE(tester, nullptr); s_tester = tester; } Os::File::Status PrmDbImplTester::PrmDbTestFile::read(U8 *buffer, FwSignedSizeType &size, Os::File::WaitType wait) { EXPECT_NE(s_tester, nullptr); Os::File::Status status = this->Os::Stub::File::Test::TestFile::read(buffer, size, wait); if (s_tester->m_waits == 0) { switch (s_tester->m_errorType) { case FILE_STATUS_ERROR: status = s_tester->m_status; break; case FILE_SIZE_ERROR: size += 1; break; case FILE_DATA_ERROR: buffer[0] += 1; break; default: break; } } else { s_tester->m_waits -= 1; } return status; } Os::File::Status PrmDbImplTester::PrmDbTestFile::write(const U8* buffer, FwSignedSizeType &size, Os::File::WaitType wait) { EXPECT_NE(s_tester, nullptr); Os::File::Status status = this->Os::Stub::File::Test::TestFile::write(buffer, size, wait); if (s_tester->m_waits == 0) { switch (s_tester->m_errorType) { case FILE_STATUS_ERROR: status = s_tester->m_status; break; case FILE_SIZE_ERROR: size += 1; break; default: break; } } else { s_tester->m_waits -= 1; } return status; } void PrmDbImplTester::runFileReadError() { // Preconditions setup and test this->runNominalLoadFile(); this->clearEvents(); // Loop through all size errors testing each Os::Stub::File::Test::StaticData::setNextStatus(Os::File::OP_OK); this->m_errorType = FILE_SIZE_ERROR; for (FwSizeType i = 0; i < 4; i++) { clearEvents(); this->m_waits = i; this->m_impl.readParamFile(); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); switch (i) { case 0: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError(0, PrmReadError::DELIMITER_SIZE, 0, sizeof(U8) + 1); break; case 1: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError(0, PrmReadError::RECORD_SIZE_SIZE, 0, sizeof(U32) + 1); break; case 2: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError(0,PrmReadError::PARAMETER_ID_SIZE, 0, sizeof(FwPrmIdType) + 1); break; case 3: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError(0, PrmReadError::PARAMETER_VALUE_SIZE, 0, sizeof(U32) + 1); break; default: FAIL() << "Reached unknown case"; } } // Loop through failure statuses for (FwSizeType i = 0; i < 2; i++) { this->m_errorType = FILE_STATUS_ERROR; // Set various file errors switch (i) { case 0: this->m_status = Os::File::Status::DOESNT_EXIST; break; case 1: this->m_status = Os::File::Status::NOT_OPENED; break; default: FAIL() << "Reached unknown case"; } // Loop through various field reads for (FwSizeType j = 0; j < 4; j++) { clearEvents(); this->m_waits = j; this->m_impl.readParamFile(); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); switch (j) { case 0: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError(0,PrmReadError::DELIMITER, 0, this->m_status); break; case 1: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError(0, PrmReadError::RECORD_SIZE, 0, this->m_status); break; case 2: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError(0, PrmReadError::PARAMETER_ID, 0, this->m_status); break; case 3: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError(0, PrmReadError::PARAMETER_VALUE, 0, this->m_status); break; default: FAIL() << "Reached unknown case"; } } } this->m_errorType = FILE_DATA_ERROR; for (FwSizeType i = 0; i < 2; i++) { clearEvents(); this->m_waits = i; this->m_impl.readParamFile(); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); switch (i) { case 0: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError_SIZE(1); // Parameter read error caused by adding one to the expected read ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError(0, PrmReadError::DELIMITER_VALUE, 0, PRMDB_ENTRY_DELIMITER + 1); break; case 1: { // Data in this test is corrupted by adding 1 to the first data byte read. Since data is stored in // big-endian format the highest order byte of the record size (U32) must have one added to it. // Expected result of '8' inherited from original design of test. U32 expected_error_value = 8 + (1 << ((sizeof(U32) - 1) * 8)); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileReadError(0, PrmReadError::RECORD_SIZE_VALUE, 0, expected_error_value); break; } default: FAIL() << "Reached unknown case"; } } } void PrmDbImplTester::runFileWriteError() { // File open error this->clearEvents(); // register interceptor Os::Stub::File::Test::StaticData::setNextStatus(Os::File::DOESNT_EXIST); // dispatch command this->sendCmd_PRM_SAVE_FILE(0,12); Fw::QueuedComponentBase::MsgDispatchStatus stat = this->m_impl.doDispatch(); ASSERT_EQ(stat, Fw::QueuedComponentBase::MSG_DISPATCH_OK); // check for failed event ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError(0,PrmWriteError::OPEN,0,Os::File::DOESNT_EXIST); // check command status ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE(0,PrmDbImpl::OPCODE_PRM_SAVE_FILE,12,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); this->runNominalPopulate(); // Loop through all size errors testing each Os::Stub::File::Test::StaticData::setNextStatus(Os::File::OP_OK); this->m_errorType = FILE_SIZE_ERROR; for (FwSizeType i = 0; i < 4; i++) { clearEvents(); this->clearHistory(); this->m_waits = i; this->sendCmd_PRM_SAVE_FILE(0,12); stat = this->m_impl.doDispatch(); ASSERT_EQ(stat, Fw::QueuedComponentBase::MSG_DISPATCH_OK); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); switch (i) { case 0: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError(0, PrmWriteError::DELIMITER_SIZE, 0, sizeof(U8) + 1); break; case 1: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError(0, PrmWriteError::RECORD_SIZE_SIZE, 0, sizeof(U32) + 1); break; case 2: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError(0, PrmWriteError::PARAMETER_ID_SIZE, 0, sizeof(FwPrmIdType) + 1); break; case 3: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError(0, PrmWriteError::PARAMETER_VALUE_SIZE, 0, sizeof(U32) + 1); break; default: FAIL() << "Reached unknown case"; } ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE(0,PrmDbImpl::OPCODE_PRM_SAVE_FILE,12,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); } // Loop through failure statuses for (FwSizeType i = 0; i < 2; i++) { this->m_errorType = FILE_STATUS_ERROR; // Set various file errors switch (i) { case 0: this->m_status = Os::File::Status::DOESNT_EXIST; break; case 1: this->m_status = Os::File::Status::NOT_OPENED; break; default: FAIL() << "Reached unknown case"; } // Loop through various field reads for (FwSizeType j = 0; j < 4; j++) { clearEvents(); this->clearHistory(); this->m_waits = j; this->sendCmd_PRM_SAVE_FILE(0,12); stat = this->m_impl.doDispatch(); ASSERT_EQ(stat, Fw::QueuedComponentBase::MSG_DISPATCH_OK); ASSERT_EVENTS_SIZE(1); switch (j) { case 0: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError(0, PrmWriteError::DELIMITER, 0, this->m_status); break; case 1: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError(0, PrmWriteError::RECORD_SIZE, 0, this->m_status); break; case 2: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError(0, PrmWriteError::PARAMETER_ID, 0, this->m_status); break; case 3: ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError_SIZE(1); ASSERT_EVENTS_PrmFileWriteError(0, PrmWriteError::PARAMETER_VALUE, 0, this->m_status); break; default: FAIL() << "Reached unknown case"; } ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE_SIZE(1); ASSERT_CMD_RESPONSE(0,PrmDbImpl::OPCODE_PRM_SAVE_FILE,12,Fw::CmdResponse::EXECUTION_ERROR); } } } PrmDbImplTester::PrmDbImplTester(Svc::PrmDbImpl& inst) : PrmDbGTestBase("testerbase",100), m_impl(inst) { PrmDbImplTester::PrmDbTestFile::setTester(this); } PrmDbImplTester::~PrmDbImplTester() { } void PrmDbImplTester :: from_pingOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 key ) { this->pushFromPortEntry_pingOut(key); } } /* namespace Svc */ namespace Os { //! Overrides the default delegate function with this one as it is defined in the local compilation archive //! \param aligned_placement_new_memory: memory to fill //! \param to_copy: possible copy //! \return: new interceptor FileInterface *FileInterface::getDelegate(U8 *aligned_placement_new_memory, const FileInterface* to_copy) { FW_ASSERT(aligned_placement_new_memory != nullptr); const Svc::PrmDbImplTester::PrmDbTestFile* copy_me = reinterpret_cast<const Svc::PrmDbImplTester::PrmDbTestFile*>(to_copy); // Placement-new the file handle into the opaque file-handle storage static_assert(sizeof(Svc::PrmDbImplTester::PrmDbTestFile) <= FW_HANDLE_MAX_SIZE, "Handle size not large enough"); static_assert((FW_HANDLE_ALIGNMENT % alignof(Svc::PrmDbImplTester::PrmDbTestFile)) == 0, "Handle alignment invalid"); Svc::PrmDbImplTester::PrmDbTestFile *interface = nullptr; if (to_copy == nullptr) { interface = new(aligned_placement_new_memory) Svc::PrmDbImplTester::PrmDbTestFile; } else { interface = new(aligned_placement_new_memory) Svc::PrmDbImplTester::PrmDbTestFile(*copy_me); } FW_ASSERT(interface != nullptr); return interface; } }
/* * PrmDbImplTester.hpp * * Created on: Mar 18, 2015 * Author: tcanham */ #ifndef PRMDB_TEST_UT_PRMDBIMPLTESTER_HPP_ #define PRMDB_TEST_UT_PRMDBIMPLTESTER_HPP_ #include <PrmDbGTestBase.hpp> #include <PrmDbImplTesterCfg.hpp> #include <Svc/PrmDb/PrmDbImpl.hpp> #include <Os/Stub/test/File.hpp> namespace Svc { class PrmDbImplTester : public PrmDbGTestBase { public: PrmDbImplTester(Svc::PrmDbImpl& inst); virtual ~PrmDbImplTester(); void runNominalPopulate(); void runNominalSaveFile(); void runNominalLoadFile(); void runMissingExtraParams(); void runFileReadError(); void runFileWriteError(); void runRefPrmFile(); void init(NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance = 0); private: //! Handler for from_pingOut //! void from_pingOut_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 key /*!< Value to return to pinger*/ ); Svc::PrmDbImpl& m_impl; void resetEvents(); // enumeration to tell what kind of error to inject enum ErrorType { FILE_STATUS_ERROR, // return a bad read status FILE_SIZE_ERROR, // return a bad size FILE_DATA_ERROR, // return unexpected data FILE_READ_NO_ERROR, // No error }; Os::File::Status m_status; FwSizeType m_waits = 0; ErrorType m_errorType = FILE_READ_NO_ERROR; BYTE m_io_data[PRMDB_IMPL_TESTER_MAX_READ_BUFFER]; // write call modifiers Os::File::Status WriteInterceptor(); Os::File::Status m_testWriteStatus; public: class PrmDbTestFile : public Os::Stub::File::Test::TestFile { public: Status read(U8 *buffer, FwSignedSizeType &size, WaitType wait) override; Status write(const U8 *buffer, FwSignedSizeType &size, WaitType wait) override; // Tracks the current tester static void setTester(PrmDbImplTester* tester); static PrmDbImplTester* s_tester; }; }; } /* namespace SvcTest */ #endif /* PRMDB_TEST_UT_PRMDBIMPLTESTER_HPP_ */
/* * PrmDbTester.cpp * * Created on: Mar 18, 2015 * Author: tcanham */ #include <Svc/PrmDb/test/ut/PrmDbImplTester.hpp> #include <Svc/PrmDb/PrmDbImpl.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/SimpleObjRegistry.hpp> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <Fw/Test/UnitTest.hpp> #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 static Fw::SimpleObjRegistry simpleReg; #endif void connectPorts(Svc::PrmDbImpl& impl, Svc::PrmDbImplTester& tester) { // command ports tester.connect_to_CmdDisp(0,impl.get_CmdDisp_InputPort(0)); impl.set_CmdStatus_OutputPort(0,tester.get_from_CmdStatus(0)); // telemetry ports impl.set_Time_OutputPort(0,tester.get_from_Time(0)); impl.set_Log_OutputPort(0,tester.get_from_Log(0)); impl.set_LogText_OutputPort(0,tester.get_from_LogText(0)); // parameter ports tester.connect_to_getPrm(0,impl.get_getPrm_InputPort(0)); tester.connect_to_setPrm(0,impl.get_setPrm_InputPort(0)); #if FW_PORT_TRACING //Fw::PortBase::setTrace(true); #endif //simpleReg.dump(); } TEST(ParameterDbTest,NominalPopulateTest) { TEST_CASE(105.1.1,"Nominal populate test"); COMMENT("Write values to the parameter database and verify that they were written correctly"); Svc::PrmDbImpl impl("PrmDbImpl"); impl.init(10,0); impl.configure("TestFile.prm"); Svc::PrmDbImplTester tester(impl); tester.init(); // connect ports connectPorts(impl,tester); // run nominal tests tester.runNominalPopulate(); } TEST(ParameterDbTest,NominalFileSaveTest) { TEST_CASE(105.1.2,"Nominal file save test"); COMMENT("Write values to the parameter database and save them to a file."); Svc::PrmDbImpl impl("PrmDbImpl"); impl.init(10,0); impl.configure("TestFile.prm"); Svc::PrmDbImplTester tester(impl); tester.init(); // connect ports connectPorts(impl,tester); // run nominal save file tests tester.runNominalSaveFile(); } TEST(ParameterDbTest,NominalFileLoadTest) { TEST_CASE(105.1.3,"Nominal file load test"); COMMENT("Read values from the created file and verify they are correct."); Svc::PrmDbImpl impl("PrmDbImpl"); impl.init(10,0); impl.configure("TestFile.prm"); Svc::PrmDbImplTester tester(impl); tester.init(); // connect ports connectPorts(impl,tester); // run nominal load file tests tester.runNominalLoadFile(); } //TEST(ParameterDbTest,RefPrmFile) { // // Svc::PrmDbImpl impl("PrmDbImpl"); // // impl.init(10); // // Svc::PrmDbImplTester tester(impl); // // tester.init(); // // // connect ports // connectPorts(impl,tester); // // // run test to generate parameter file for reference example // tester.runRefPrmFile(); // //} TEST(ParameterDbTest,PrmMissingExtraParamsTest) { TEST_CASE(105.2.1,"Missing and too many parameters test"); COMMENT("Attempt to read a nonexistent parameter and write too many parameters"); Svc::PrmDbImpl impl("PrmDbImpl"); impl.init(10,0); impl.configure("TestFile.prm"); Svc::PrmDbImplTester tester(impl); tester.init(); // connect ports connectPorts(impl,tester); // run test with file errors tester.runMissingExtraParams(); } TEST(ParameterDbTest,PrmFileReadError) { TEST_CASE(105.2.2,"File read errors"); COMMENT("Induce errors at various stages of reading the file"); Svc::PrmDbImpl impl("PrmDbImpl"); impl.init(10,0); impl.configure("TestFile.prm"); Svc::PrmDbImplTester tester(impl); tester.init(); // connect ports connectPorts(impl,tester); // run test with file errors tester.runFileReadError(); } TEST(ParameterDbTest,PrmFileWriteError) { TEST_CASE(105.2.3,"File write errors"); COMMENT("Induce errors at various stages of writing the file"); Svc::PrmDbImpl impl("PrmDbImpl"); impl.init(10,0); impl.configure("TestFile.prm"); Svc::PrmDbImplTester tester(impl); tester.init(); // connect ports connectPorts(impl,tester); // run test with file errors tester.runFileWriteError(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
// ====================================================================== // \title SystemResourcesComponentImpl.cpp // \author sfregoso // \brief cpp file for SystemResources component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2021, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <cmath> //isnan() #include <Svc/SystemResources/SystemResources.hpp> #include <version.hpp> #include <FpConfig.hpp> namespace Svc { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SystemResources ::SystemResources(const char* const compName) : SystemResourcesComponentBase(compName), m_cpu_count(0), m_enable(true) { // Structure initializations m_mem.used = 0; = 0; for (U32 i = 0; i < CPU_COUNT; i++) { m_cpu[i].used = 0; m_cpu[i].total = 0; m_cpu_prev[i].used = 0; m_cpu_prev[i].total = 0; } if (Os::SystemResources::getCpuCount(m_cpu_count) == Os::SystemResources::SYSTEM_RESOURCES_ERROR) { m_cpu_count = 0; } m_cpu_count = (m_cpu_count >= CPU_COUNT) ? CPU_COUNT : m_cpu_count; m_cpu_tlm_functions[0] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_00; m_cpu_tlm_functions[1] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_01; m_cpu_tlm_functions[2] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_02; m_cpu_tlm_functions[3] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_03; m_cpu_tlm_functions[4] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_04; m_cpu_tlm_functions[5] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_05; m_cpu_tlm_functions[6] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_06; m_cpu_tlm_functions[7] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_07; m_cpu_tlm_functions[8] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_08; m_cpu_tlm_functions[9] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_09; m_cpu_tlm_functions[10] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_10; m_cpu_tlm_functions[11] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_11; m_cpu_tlm_functions[12] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_12; m_cpu_tlm_functions[13] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_13; m_cpu_tlm_functions[14] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_14; m_cpu_tlm_functions[15] = &Svc::SystemResources::tlmWrite_CPU_15; } void SystemResources ::init(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance) { SystemResourcesComponentBase::init(instance); } SystemResources ::~SystemResources() {} // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SystemResources ::run_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 tick_time_hz) { if (m_enable) { Cpu(); Mem(); PhysMem(); Version(); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Command handler implementations // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void SystemResources ::ENABLE_cmdHandler(const FwOpcodeType opCode, const U32 cmdSeq, SystemResourceEnabled enable) { m_enable = (enable == SystemResourceEnabled::ENABLED); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } void SystemResources ::VERSION_cmdHandler(const FwOpcodeType opCode, const U32 cmdSeq) { Fw::LogStringArg version_string(FRAMEWORK_VERSION); this->log_ACTIVITY_LO_FRAMEWORK_VERSION(version_string); version_string = PROJECT_VERSION; this->log_ACTIVITY_LO_PROJECT_VERSION(version_string); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } F32 SystemResources::compCpuUtil(Os::SystemResources::CpuTicks current, Os::SystemResources::CpuTicks previous) { F32 util = 100.0f; // Prevent divide by zero on fast-sample if (( - != 0) { // Compute CPU % Utilization util = (static_cast<F32>(current.used - previous.used) / static_cast<F32>( - * 100.0f; util = std::isnan(util) ? 100.0f : util; } return util; } void SystemResources::Cpu() { U32 count = 0; F32 cpuAvg = 0; for (U32 i = 0; i < m_cpu_count && i < CPU_COUNT; i++) { Os::SystemResources::SystemResourcesStatus status = Os::SystemResources::getCpuTicks(m_cpu[i], i); // Best-effort calculations and telemetry if (status == Os::SystemResources::SYSTEM_RESOURCES_OK) { F32 cpuUtil = compCpuUtil(m_cpu[i], m_cpu_prev[i]); cpuAvg += cpuUtil; // Send telemetry using telemetry output table FW_ASSERT(this->m_cpu_tlm_functions[i]); (this->*m_cpu_tlm_functions[i])(cpuUtil, Fw::Time()); // Store cpu used and total m_cpu_prev[i] = m_cpu[i]; count++; } } cpuAvg = (count == 0) ? 0.0f : (cpuAvg / static_cast<F32>(count)); this->tlmWrite_CPU(cpuAvg); } void SystemResources::Mem() { if (Os::SystemResources::getMemUtil(m_mem) == Os::SystemResources::SYSTEM_RESOURCES_OK) { this->tlmWrite_MEMORY_TOTAL( / 1024); this->tlmWrite_MEMORY_USED(m_mem.used / 1024); } } void SystemResources::PhysMem() { FwSizeType total = 0; FwSizeType free = 0; if (Os::FileSystem::getFreeSpace("/", total, free) == Os::FileSystem::OP_OK) { this->tlmWrite_NON_VOLATILE_FREE(free / 1024); this->tlmWrite_NON_VOLATILE_TOTAL(total / 1024); } } void SystemResources::Version() { Fw::TlmString version_string(FRAMEWORK_VERSION); this->tlmWrite_FRAMEWORK_VERSION(version_string); version_string= PROJECT_VERSION; this->tlmWrite_PROJECT_VERSION(version_string); } } // end namespace Svc
// ====================================================================== // \title SystemResourcesComponentImpl.hpp // \author Santos F. Fregoso // \brief hpp file for SystemResources component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2021, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef SystemResources_HPP #define SystemResources_HPP #include "Svc/SystemResources/SystemResourcesComponentAc.hpp" #include "Os/SystemResources.hpp" #include "Os/FileSystem.hpp" namespace Svc { class SystemResources : public SystemResourcesComponentBase { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct object SystemResources //! SystemResources(const char* const compName /*!< The component name*/ ); //! Initialize object SystemResources //! void init(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance = 0 /*!< The instance number*/ ); //! Destroy object SystemResources //! ~SystemResources(void); typedef void (SystemResourcesComponentBase::*cpuTlmFunc)(F32, Fw::Time); PRIVATE : // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler implementation for run //! void run_handler(const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 context /*!< The call order*/ ); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Command handler implementations // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Implementation for SYS_RES_ENABLE command handler //! A command to enable or disable system resource telemetry void ENABLE_cmdHandler( const FwOpcodeType opCode, /*!< The opcode*/ const U32 cmdSeq, /*!< The command sequence number*/ SystemResourceEnabled enable /*!< whether or not system resource telemetry is enabled*/ ); //! Implementation for VERSION command handler //! Report version as EVR void VERSION_cmdHandler(const FwOpcodeType opCode, /*!< The opcode*/ const U32 cmdSeq /*!< The command sequence number*/ ); private: void Cpu(); void Mem(); void PhysMem(); void Version(); F32 compCpuUtil(Os::SystemResources::CpuTicks current, Os::SystemResources::CpuTicks previous); static const U32 CPU_COUNT = 16; /*!< Maximum number of CPUs to report as telemetry */ cpuTlmFunc m_cpu_tlm_functions[CPU_COUNT]; /*!< Function pointer to specific CPU telemetry */ U32 m_cpu_count; /*!< Number of CPUs used by the system */ Os::SystemResources::MemUtil m_mem; /*!< RAM memory information */ Os::SystemResources::CpuTicks m_cpu[CPU_COUNT]; /*!< CPU information for each CPU on the system */ Os::SystemResources::CpuTicks m_cpu_prev[CPU_COUNT]; /*!< Previous iteration CPU information */ bool m_enable; /*!< Send telemetry when TRUE. Don't send when FALSE */ }; } // end namespace Svc #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title SystemResources/test/ut/Tester.hpp // \author sfregoso // \brief hpp file for SystemResources test harness implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef TESTER_HPP #define TESTER_HPP #include "SystemResourcesGTestBase.hpp" #include "Svc/SystemResources/SystemResources.hpp" namespace Svc { class SystemResourcesTester : public SystemResourcesGTestBase { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- public: //! Construct object SystemResourcesTester //! SystemResourcesTester(); //! Destroy object SystemResourcesTester //! ~SystemResourcesTester(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Tests // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Test the telemetry output //! void test_tlm(bool enabled = true); //! Test the telemetry enable/disable //! void test_disable_enable(); //! Test version EVR //! void test_version_evr(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Connect ports //! void connectPorts(); //! Initialize components //! void initComponents(); private: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The component under test //! SystemResources component; }; } // end namespace Svc #endif