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Melancholy mood forever haunts me
Steals upon me in the night, forever taunts me
Oh, what a lonely soul am I, stranded high and dry
By a melancholy mood
Gone is every joy and inspiration
Tears are all I have to show, no consolation
All I see is grief and gloom, til the crack of doom
Oh, melancholy mood
Deep in the night I search for a trace
Of a lingering kiss, a warm embrace
But love is a whimsy, as flimsy as lace
And my arms embrace an empty space
Melancholy mood, why must you blind me
Pity me and break the chains, the chains that bind me
Wont you release me, set me free, bring her back to me
Oh, melancholy mood |
Well, the pressure’s down, the boss aint here
He gone North, for a while
They say that vanity got the best of him
But he sure left here in style
By the way, that’s a cute hat
And that smile’s so hard to resist
But what’s a sweetheart like you doing in a dump like this?
You know, I once knew a woman who looked like you
She wanted a whole man, not just a half
She used to call me sweet daddy when I was only a child
You kind of remind me of her when you laugh
In order to deal in this game, got to make the queen disappear
It’s done with a flick of the wrist
What’s a sweetheart like you doing in a dump like this?
You know, a woman like you should be at home
That’s where you belong
Watching out for someone who loves you true
Who would never do you wrong
Just how much abuse will you be able to take?
Well, there’s no way to tell by that first kiss
What’s a sweetheart like you doing in a dump like this?
You know you can make a name for yourself
You can hear them tires squeal
You can be known as the most beautiful woman
Who ever crawled across cut glass to make a deal
You know, news of you has come down the line
Even before you came in the door
They say in your father’s house, there’s many mansions
Each one of them got a fireproof floor
Snap out of it, baby, people are jealous of you
They smile to your face, but behind your back they hiss
What’s a sweetheart like you doing in a dump like this?
Got to be an important person to be in here, honey
Got to have done some evil deed
Got to have your own harem when you come in the door
Got to play your harp until your lips bleed
They say that patriotism is the last refuge
To which a scoundrel clings
Steal a little and they throw you in jail
Steal a lot and they make you king
There’s only one step down from here, baby
It’s called the land of permanent bliss
What’s a sweetheart like you doing in a dump like this? |
Well, there was this movie I seen one time
About a man riding ’cross the desert and it starred Gregory Peck
He was shot down by a hungry kid trying to make a name for himself
The townspeople wanted to crush that kid down and string him up by the neck
Well, the marshal, now he beat that kid to a bloody pulp
As the dying gunfighter lay in the sun and gasped for his last breath
“Turn him loose, let him go, let him say he outdrew me fair and square
I want him to feel what it’s like to every moment face his death”
Well, I keep seeing this stuff and it just comes a-rolling in
And you know it blows right through me like a ball and chain
You know I can’t believe we’ve lived so long and are still so far apart
The memory of you keeps calling after me like a rolling train
I can still see the day that you came to me on the painted desert
In your busted down Ford and your platform heels
I could never figure out why you chose that particular place to meet
Ah, but you were right. It was perfect as I got in behind the wheel
Well, we drove that car all night into San Anton’
And we slept near the Alamo, your skin was so tender and soft
Way down in Mexico you went out to find a doctor and you never came back
I would have gone on after you but I didn’t feel like letting my head get blown off
Well, we’re drivin’ this car and the sun is comin’ up over the Rockies
Now I know she ain’t you but she’s here and she’s got that dark rhythm in her soul
But I’m too over the edge and I ain’t in the mood anymore to remember the times
When I was your only man
And she don’t want to remind me
She knows this car would go out of control
Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls
Teeth like pearls shining like the moon above
Brownsville girl, show me all around the world
Brownsville girl, you’re my honey love
Well, we crossed the panhandle and then we headed towards Amarillo
We pulled up where Henry Porter used to live. He owned a Wreckin’ lot outside of town about a mile
Ruby was in the backyard hanging clothes, she had her red hair tied back. She saw us come rolling up in a trail of dust
She said, “Henry ain’t here but you can come on in, he’ll be back in a little while”
Then she told us how times were tough and about how she was thinking’ of
Bumming a ride back from where she started
But ya know, she changed the subject every time money came up
She said, “Welcome to the land of the living dead”
You could tell she was so broken hearted
She said, “Even the swap meets around here are getting pretty corrupt”
“How far are y’all going?” Ruby asked us with a sigh
“We’re going all the way ’til the wheels fall off and burn
’Til the sun peels the paint and the seat covers fade and the water moccasin dies”
Ruby just smiled and said, “Ah, you know some babies never learn”
Something about that movie though, well I just can’t get it out of my head
But I can’t remember why I was in it or what part I was supposed to play
All I remember about it was Gregory Peck and the way people moved
And a lot of them seemed to be looking’ my way
Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls
Teeth like pearls shining like the moon above
Brownsville girl, show me all around the world
Brownsville girl, you’re my honey love
Well, they were looking for somebody with a pompadour
I was crossing’ the street when shots rang out
I didn’t know whether to duck or to run, so I ran
“We got him cornered in the churchyard,” I heard somebody shout
Well, you saw my picture in the Corpus Christi Tribune. Underneath it
It said, “A man with no alibi”
You went out on a limb to testify for me, you said I was with you
Then when I saw you break down in front of the judge and cry real tears
It was the best acting I saw anybody do
Now I’ve always been the kind of person that doesn’t like to trespass
But sometimes you just find yourself over the line
Oh if there’s an original thought out there, I could use it right now
You know, I feel pretty good, but that is not sayin’ much
I could feel a whole lot better
If you were just here by my side to show me how
Well, I’m standing’ in line in the rain to see a movie starring Gregory Peck
Yeah, but you know it’s not the one that I had in mind
He’s got a new one out now, I don’t even know what it’s about
But I’ll see him in anything so I’ll stand in line
Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls
Teeth like pearls shining like the moon above
Brownsville girl, show me all around the world
Brownsville girl, you’re my honey love
You know, it’s funny how things never turn out the way you had ’em planned
The only thing we knew for sure about Henry Porter is that his name wasn’t Henry Porter
And you know there was somethin’ about you baby that I liked that was always too good for this world
Just like you always said there was somethin’ about me you liked
That I left behind in the French Quarter
Strange how people who suffer together have stronger connections than people who are most content
I don’t have any regrets, they can talk about me plenty when I’m gone
You always said people don’t do what they believe in, they just do what’s most convenient, then they repent
And I always said, “Hang on to me, baby, and let’s hope that the roof stays on”
There was a movie I seen one time, I think I sat through it twice
I don’t remember who I was or where I was bound
All I remember about it was it starred Gregory Peck, he wore a gun
And he was shot in the back
Seems like a long time ago, long before the stars were torn down
Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls
Teeth like pearls shining like the moon above
Brownsville girl, show me all around the world
Brownsville girl, you’re my honey love |
Shadows are falling and I’ve been here all day
It’s too hot to sleep and time is running away
I feel like my soul has turned into steel
I’ve still got the scars that the sun didn’t let me heal
There’s not even room enough to be anywhere
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there
Well, my sense of humanity has gone down the drain
Behind every beautiful thing there’s been some kind of pain
She wrote me a letter and she wrote it so kind
She put down in writing what was in her mind
I just don’t see why I should even care
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there
Well, I’ve been to London and I’ve been to gay Paris
I’ve followed the river and I got to the sea
I’ve been down to the bottom of a world full of lies
I ain’t lookin for nothing in anyone’s eyes
Sometimes my burden is more than I can bear
It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there
I was born here, and I’ll die here, against my will
I know it looks like I’m moving, but I’m standing still
Every nerve in my body is so naked and numb
I can’t even remember what it was I came here to get away from
Don’t even hear a murmur of a prayer
And its not dark yet, but its getting there
Sometimes my burden is more than I can bear
And its not dark yet, but its getting there |
Man thinks because he rules the earth he can do with it as he please
And if things don’t change soon, he will
Oh, man has invented his doom
First step was touching the moon
Now, there’s a woman on my block
She just sit there as the night grows still
She say who going to take away his license to kill?
Now, they take him and they teach him and they groom him for life
And they set him on a path where he’s bound to get ill
Then they bury him with stars
Sell his body like they do used cars
Now, there’s a woman on my block
She just sits there facing the hill
She say who going to take away his license to kill?
Now, he’s hell-bent for destruction, he’s afraid and confused
And his brain has been mismanaged with great skill
All he believes are his eyes
And his eyes, they just tell him lies
But there’s a woman on my block
Sitting there in a cold chill
She say who going to take away his license to kill?
You may be a noisemaker, spirit maker
Heartbreaker, backbreaker
Leave no stone unturned
May be an actor in a plot
That might be all that you got
Till your error you clearly learn
Now he worships at an altar of a stagnant pool
And when he sees his reflection, he’s fulfilled
Oh, man is opposed to fair play
He wants it all and he wants it his way
Now, there’s a woman on my block
She just sit there as the night grows still
She say who going to take away his license to kill? |
You will search, babe, at any cost
But how long, babe, can you search for whats not lost?
Everybody will help you
Some people are very kind
But if I can save you any time
Come on, give it to me
Ill keep it with mine
I cant help it if you might think I am odd
If I say Im not loving you for what you are
But for what youre not
Everybody will help you
Discover what you set out to find
But if I can save you any time
Come on, give it to me
Ill keep it with mine
The train leaves at half past ten
But itll be back tomorrow same time again
The conductor, hes weary
Still stuck on the line
But if I can save you any time
Come on, give it to me
Ill keep it with mine |
Rambling out of the wild West
Leaving the towns I love the best
Thought I’d seen some ups and downs
Til I come into New York town
People going down to the ground
Buildings going up to the sky
Wintertime in New York town
The wind blowing snow around
Walk around with nowhere to go
Somebody could freeze right to the bone
I froze right to the bone
New York Times said it was the coldest winter in seventeen years
I didn’t feel so cold then
I swung on to my old guitar
Grabbed hold of a subway car
And after a rocking, reeling, rolling ride
I landed up on the downtown side
Greenwich Village
I walked down there and ended up
In one of them coffeehouses on the block
Got on the stage to sing and play
Man there said, “Come back some other day
You sound like a hillbilly
We want folk singers here”
Well, I got a harmonica job, begun to play
Blowing my lungs out for a dollar a day
I blowed inside out and upside down
The man there said he loved my sound
He was raving about how he loved my sound
Dollar a day’s worth
And after weeks and weeks of hanging around
I finally got a job in New York town
In a bigger place, bigger money too
Even joined the union and paid my dues
Now, a very great man once said
That some people rob you with a fountain pen
It didn’t take too long to find out
Just what he was talkin’ about
A lot of people don’t have much food on their table
But they got a lot of forks ’n’ knives
And they got to cut something
So one morning when the sun was warm
I rambled out of New York town
Pulled my cap down over my eyes
And headed out for the western skies
So long, New York
Howdy, East Orange |
If youre traveling down to the north country fair
The winds hit heavy on the borderline
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was the true love of mine
If youre going down to snowflakes storm
Rivers freeze and summer ends
Please see if shes a coat so warm
To keep her from the howlin winds
Will you see for me if her hair hangs long?
Rolls and flows all down her breast
Will you see for me if her hairs hanging long?
Thats the way I remember her best
Im a-wonderin if she remembers me at all
Many times Ive often prayed
In the darkness of my night
In the brightness of my day
If youre travelin in the north country fair
The winds hit heavy on the borderline
Remember me to one who lives there
She once was a true love of mine
She once was a true love of mine
She once was a true love of mine
She once was a true love of mine
She once was a true love of mine |
When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love
When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love
I know you havent made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
Ive known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong
Id go hungry, Id go black and blue
And Id go crawling down the avenue
No, theres nothing that I wouldnt do
To make you feel my love
Oh, the storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
You aint seen nothing like me yet
I could make you happy, make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldnt do
Go to the ends of the Earth for you
To make you feel my love
To make you feel my love |
There is a house down in New Orleans they call the rising sun
And its been the ruin of many poor girl and me, oh God, Im one
My mother was a tailor, she sewed these new blue jeans
My sweetheart was a gambler, Lord, down in New Orleans
Now the only thing a gambler needs is a suitcase and a trunk
And the only time when hes satisfied is when hes on a drunk
He fills his glasses up to the brim and hell pass the cards around
And the only pleasure he gets out of life is rambling from town to town
Oh tell my baby sister not to do what I have done
But shun that house in New Orleans they call the rising sun
Well with one foot on the platform and the other foot on the train
Im going back to New Orleans to wear that ball and chain
Im going back to New Orleans, my race is almost run
Im going back to end my life down in the rising sun |
Sometimes I’m in the mood
I wanna leave my lonesome home
Sometimes I’m in the mood
I wanna hear my milk cow moan
And sometimes I’m in the mood
I wanna hit that highway road
But then again, but then again, but then again, but then again
I said, oh babe, I’m in the mood for you
Sometimes I’m in the mood
I wanna back up against the wall
And sometimes I’m in the mood
I wanna live in my pony’s stall
I said, sometimes Im in the mood
I wanna do nothing at all
But then again , but then again
But then again , but then again
I said, oh babe, I’m in the mood for you
Alight everybody, how we all doing tonight?
Here at Jimmy Fallon, everybody in the audience
Everybody at home, I cant forget about you
I gotta say thanks to you
Serious nowhere that I would rather be than right here in New York City, playing this song with The Roots
And being here on Jimmy Fallon
Lets all give it up for our host, who is always so much fun
Unless youre Donald Trump
And then dont even think about messing with my hair, Im serious
Sometimes I’m in the mood
I wanna change my house around
And sometimes I’m in the mood
I wanna change this whole town
And sometimes I’m in the mood
I’m wanna change the world around
But then again, but then again, but then again, but then again
I said, oh babe, I’m in the mood for you
Sometimes Im in the mood
I wanna lay down and die
Sometimes Im in the mood
I wanna climb up to the sky
And sometimes Im in the mood
I wanna laugh until I cry
But then again , but then again
But then again , but then again
I said, oh babe, I’m in the mood for you
One more time
But then again, but then again, but then again, but then again
I said, oh babe, I’m in the mood for you
Thank you |
Close your eyes, close the door
Ya don’t have to worry anymore
I’ll be your baby tonight
Shut the light, shut the shade
Ya don’t have to be afraid
I’ll be your baby tonight
Well, that mockingbird’s gonna sail away
We’re gonna forget it
That big, fat moon is gonna shine like a spoon
But we’re gonna let it
You won’t regret it
Kick your shoes off, do not fear
Bring that bottle over here
I’ll be your baby tonight |
I like to spend some time in Mozambique
The sunny sky is aqua blue
And all the couples dancing cheek to cheek
It’s very nice to stay a week or two
And maybe fall in love, just me and you
There’s lot of pretty girls in Mozambique
And plenty time for good romance
And everybody likes to stop and speak
To give the special one you seek a chance
Or maybe say hello with just a glance
Lying next to her by the ocean
Reaching out and touching her hand
Whispering your secret emotion
Magic in a magical land
And when it’s time for leaving Mozambique
To say goodbye to sand and sea
You turn around to take a final peek
And you see why it’s so unique to be
Among the lovely people living free
Upon the beach of sunny Mozambique |
Early in the mornin
Early in the mornin
Im callin you to
Im callin you to
Please come home
Yes, I could make it without you
If I just didnt feel so all alone
Dont let me down
Dont let me down
I wont let you down
I wont let you down
No, I wont
You know I can and I know a honey
But, oh, honey, please dont
I got my black dog barkin
Black dog barkin
Yes, he is now
Yes, he is
Outside my yard
Yes, I could tell you what he means
If I just didnt have to try so hard
Your mamas workin
Your mamas moanin
Shes cryin, ya know
Shes tryin, ya know
Ya better go now
Well, Id tell you what she wants if I
But I just dont know how
Fifteen jugglers, fifteen jugglers
And five believers
Five believers
All dressed like men
Tell your mama not to worry because
Yes, theyre just my friends
Early in the mornin
Early in the mornin
Im callin you to
Im callin you to
Please come home
Yes, I could make it without you, honey
If I just did not feel so all alone
Yeah, yeah
Come on, come on |
They say everything can be replaced
They say every distance is not near
So I remember every face
Of every man who put me here
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now any day now
I shall be released
They say every man needs protection
They say every man must fall
So I swear I see my reflection
Somewhere inside these walls
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now any day now
I shall be released
Yonder stands a man in this lonely crowd
A man who swears hes not to blame
All day long I hear him hollering so loud
Just crying out that hes not to blame
I see the light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now any day now
I shall be released |
I pity the poor immigrant
Who wishes he would’ve stayed home
Who uses all his power to do evil
But in the end is always left so alone
That man whom with his fingers cheats
And who lies with every breath
Who passionately hates his life
And likewise, fears his death
I pity the poor immigrant
Whose strength is spent in vain
Whose heaven is like Ironsides
Whose tears are like rain
Who eats but is not satisfied
Who hears but does not see
Who falls in love with wealth itself
And turns his back on me
I pity the poor immigrant
Who tramples through the mud
Who fills his mouth with laughing
And who builds his town with blood
Whose visions in the final end
Must shatter like the glass
I pity the poor immigrant
When his gladness comes to pass |
I can see the turning of the key
I’ve been deceived by the clown inside of me
I thought that he was righteous but he’s vain
Oh, something’s a-telling me I wear the ball and chain
My patron saint is a-fighting with a ghost
He’s always off somewhere when I need him most
The Spanish moon is rising on the hill
But my heart is a-tellin’ me I love ya still
I come back to the town from the flaming moon
I see you in the streets, I begin to swoon
I love to see you dress before the mirror
Won’t you let me in your room one time ’fore I finally disappear?
Everybody’s wearing a disguise
To hide what they’ve got left behind their eyes
But me, I can’t cover what I am
Wherever the children go I’ll follow them
I march in the parade of liberty
But as long as I love you I’m not free
How long must I suffer such abuse
Won’t you let me see you smile one time before I turn you loose?
I’ve given up the game, I’ve got to leave
The pot of gold is only make-believe
The treasure can’t be found by men who search
Whose gods are dead and whose queens are in the church
We sat in an empty theater and we kissed
I asked ya please to cross me off-a your list
My head tells me it’s time to make a change
But my heart is telling me I love ya but you’re strange
One more time at midnight, near the wall
Take off your heavy makeup and your shawl
Won’t you descend from the throne, from where you sit?
Let me feel your love one more time before I abandon it |
Oh, the gentlemen are talking and the midnight moon is on the riverside
They’re drinking up and walking and it is time for me to slide
I live in another world where life and death are memorized
Where the earth is strung with lovers pearls and all I see are dark eyes
A cock is crowing far away and another soldier’s deep in prayer
Some mother’s child has gone astray, she can’t find him anywhere
But I can hear another drum beating for the dead that rise
Whom nature’s beast fears as they come and all I see are dark eyes
They tell me to be discreet for all intended purposes
They tell me revenge is sweet and from where they stand, I’m sure it is
But I feel nothing for their game where beauty goes unrecognized
All I feel is heat and flame and all I see are dark eyes
Oh, the French girl, she’s in paradise and a drunken man is at the wheel
Hunger pays a heavy price to the falling gods of speed and steel
Oh, time is short and the days are sweet and passion rules the arrow that flies
A million faces at my feet but all I see are dark eyes |
Channel 136: BCC News
Channel 135 : Just for KIDS
Channel 134 : Home +
Channel 133 : SportsTime
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Channel 130 : Look TV
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Channel 128 : Cuisine
Channel 127 : MTC Business
Channel 126 : TTC
Channel 125 : Moviez
Channel 124 : History Network
Channel 123: ShopTV
Channel 122 : Music 1 Bass
Channel 121 : Music 1 Classics |
Broken lines, broken strings
Broken threads, broken springs
Broken idols, broken heads
People sleeping in broken beds
Ain’t no use jiving
Ain’t no use joking
Everything is broken
Broken bottles, broken plates
Broken switches, broken gates
Broken dishes, broken parts
Streets are filled with broken hearts
Broken words never meant to be spoken
Everything is broken
Seem like every time you stop and turn around
Something else just hit the ground
Broken cutters, broken saws
Broken buckles, broken laws
Broken bodies, broken bones
Broken voices on broken phones
Take a deep breath, feel like you’re choking
Everything is broken
Every time you leave and go off someplace
Things fall to pieces in my face
Broken hands on broken ploughs
Broken treaties, broken vows
Broken pipes, broken tools
People bending broken rules
Hound dog howling, bullfrog croaking
Everything is broken |
He was a friend of mine
He was a friend of mine
Every time I think about him now
Lord I just cant keep from crying
Cause he was a friend of mine
He died on the road
He died on the road
He never had enough money
To pay his room or board
And he was a friend of mine
I stole away and cried
I stole away and cried
Cause I never had too much money
And I never been quite satisfied
And he was a friend of mine
He never done no wrong
He never done no wrong
A thousand miles from home
And he never harmed no one
And he was a friend of mine
He was a friend of mine
He was a friend of mine
Every time I hear his name
Lord I just cant keep from crying
Cause he was a friend of mine |
When the rain is blowin in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love
When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love
I know you havent made your mind up yet
But I would never do you wrong
Ive known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong
Id go hungry, Id go black and blue
Id go crawlin down the avenue
No, theres nothin that I wouldnt do
To make you feel my love
The storms are raging on the rollin sea
And on the highway of regrets
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
You aint seen nothin like me yet
I could make you happy, make your dreams come true
Theres nothing that I wouldnt do
Go to the ends of the Earth for you
To make you feel my love
To make you feel my love |
John Brown went off to war to fight on a foreign shore
His mama sure was proud of him!
He stood straight and tall in his uniform and all
His mama’s face broke out all in a grin
“Oh son, you look so fine, I’m glad you’re a son of mine
You make me proud to know you hold a gun
Do what the captain says, lots of medals you will get
And we’ll put them on the wall when you come home”
As that old train pulled out, John’s ma began to shout
Telling’ everyone in the neighborhood:
“That’s my son that’s about to go, he’s a soldier now, you know”
She made well sure her neighbors understood
She got a letter once in a while and her face broke into a smile
As she showed them to the people from next door
And she bragged about her son with his uniform and gun
And these things you called a good old-fashioned war
Oh! Good old-fashioned war!
Then the letters ceased to come, for a long time they did not come
They ceased to come for about ten months or more
Then a letter finally came saying, “Go down and meet the train
Your son’s a-coming home from the war”
She smiled and went right down, she looked everywhere around
But she could not see her soldier son in sight
But as all the people passed, she saw her son at last
When she did she could hardly believe her eyes
Oh his face was all shot up and his hand was all blown off
And he wore a metal brace around his waist
He whispered kind of slow, in a voice she did not know
While she couldn’t even recognize his face!
Oh! Lord! Not even recognize his face
“Oh tell me, my darling son, pray tell me what they done
How is it you come to be this way?”
He tried his best to talk but his mouth could hardly move
And the mother had to turn her face away
“Don’t you remember, Ma, when I went off to war
You thought it was the best thing I could do?
I was on the battleground, you were home. Acting proud
You wasn’t there standing in my shoes”
“Oh, and I thought when I was there, God, what am I doing here?
I’m a-tryin’ to kill somebody or die tryin’
But the thing that scared me most was when my enemy came close
And I saw that his face looked just like mine”
Oh! Lord! Just like mine!
“And I couldn’t help but think, through the thunder rolling and stink
That I was just a puppet in a play
And through the roar and smoke, this string is finally broke
And a cannon ball blew my eyes away”
As he turned away to walk, his Ma was still in shock
At seeing’ the metal brace that helped him stand
But as he turned to go, he called his mother close
And he dropped his medals down into her hand |
I am a man of constant sorrow
Ive seen trouble all my days
Ill say goodbye to Colorado
Where I was born and partly raised
Your mother says that Im a stranger
My face youll never see no more
But theres one promise darling
Ill see you on Gods golden shore
Through this open world Im a-bound to ramble
Through ice and snow, sleet and rain
Im a-bound to ride that morning railroad
Perhaps Ill die on that train
Im a-going back to Colorado
The place that Ive started from
If Id know-ed how bad youd treat me
Honey, I never would have come |
Honey, just allow me one more chance
To get along with you
Honey, just allow me one more chance
Ill do anything for you
Well, I’m a-walking down the road
With my head in my hand
I’m looking for a woman
Needs a worried man
Just a-one kind favor I ask you
Allow me just a one more chance
Honey, just allow me one more chance
To ride your airplane
Honey, just allow me one more chance
To ride your passenger train
Well, I’ve been looking all over
For a girl like you
I can’t find no better
So you’ll have to do
Theres just-a one kind favor I ask you
Allow me just-a one more chance
Honey, just allow me one more chance
To get along with you
Honey, just allow me one more chance
Ill do anything for you
Well, looking for a woman
That aint got no man
Is just looking for a needle
Thats lost in the sand
Just-a one kind favor I ask you
Allow me just-a one more chance |
I first heard this from Ric von Schmidt
He lives in Cambridge
Rics a blues guitar player
I met him one day in the
Green pastures of Harvard University
Baby, let me follow you down
Baby, let me follow you down
Well, Ill do anything in this God-almighty world
If you just let me follow you down
Can I come home with you?
Baby, can I come home with you?
Yes, Ill do anything in this God-almighty world
If you just let me come home with you
Baby, let me follow you down
Baby, let me follow you down
Well, Ill do anything in this God-almighty world
If you just let me follow you down
Yes, Id do anything in this God-almighty world
If you just let me follow you down
Ill buy you a diamond ring
Yes, Ill buy you a wedding gown
Yes, Ill do anything in this god almighty world
If you just let me follow you down
Ill buy you rope and twine
Honey, just for you to climb
Yes, Ill do anything in this god almighty world
If you just once drive me out of my mind
Buy you a hoop and skirt
Ill buy you a velvet shirt
Yes, Ill do anything in this god almighty world
If you just dont make me hurt |
Throw my ticket out the window
Throw my suitcase out there, too
Throw my troubles out the door
I dont need them anymore
Cause tonight Ill be staying here with you
I should have left this town this morning
But it was more than I could do
Oh, your love comes on so strong
And Ive waited all day long
For tonight when Ill be staying here with you
Is it really any wonder
The love that a stranger might receive?
You cast your spell and I went under
I find it so difficult to leave
I can hear that whistle blowin
I see that stationmaster too
If theres a poor boy on the street
Then let him have my seat
Cause tonight Ill be staying here with you
Throw my ticket out the window
Throw my suitcase out there, too
Throw my troubles out the door
I dont need them anymore
Cause tonight Ill be staying here with you |
Been so long since a strange woman has slept in my bed
Look how sweet she sleeps, how free must be her dreams
In another lifetime she must have owned the world, or been faithfully wed
To some righteous king who wrote psalms beside moonlit streams
I and I
In creation where one’s nature neither honors nor forgives
I and I
One says to the other, no man sees my face and lives
Think I’ll go out and go for a walk
Not much happening here, nothing ever does
Besides, if she wakes up now, she’ll just want me to talk
I got nothing to say, specially about whatever was
I and I
In creation where one’s nature neither honors nor forgives
I and I
One says to the other, no man sees my face and lives
Took an untrodden path once, where the swift don’t win the race
It goes to the worthy, who can divide the word of truth
Took a stranger to teach me, to look into justice’s beautiful face
And to see an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
I and I
In creation where one’s nature neither honors nor forgives
I and I
One says to the other, no man sees my face and lives
Outside of two men on a train platform there’s nobody in sight
They’re waiting for spring to come, smoking down the track
The world could come to an end tonight, but that’s all right
She should still be there sleepin’ when I get back
I and I
In creation where one’s nature neither honors nor forgives
I and I
One says to the other, no man sees my face and lives
Noontime, and I’m still pushing myself along the road, the darkest part
Into the narrow lanes, I can’t stumble or stay put
Someone else is speaking with my mouth, but I’m listening only to my heart
I’ve made shoes for everyone, even you, while I still go barefoot
I and I
In creation where one’s nature neither honors nor forgives
I and I
One says to the other, no man sees my face and lives |
Theres an evening haze settlin over the town
Starlight by the edge of the creek
The buyin power of the proletariats gone down
Moneys gettin shallow and weak
The place I love best is a sweet memory
Its a new path that we trod
They say low wages are a reality
If we want to compete abroad
My cruel weapons have been put on the shelf
Come sit down on my knee
You are dearer to me than myself
As you yourself can see
Im listening to the steel rails hum
Got both eyes tight shut
Just sitting here trying to keep the hunger from
Creeping its way into my gut
Meet me at the bottom, dont lag behind
Bring me my boots and shoes
You can hang back or fight your best on the front line
Sing a little bit of these workingmans blues
Now, Im sailing on back, ready for the long haul
Tossed by the winds and the seas
Ill drag them all down to hell and Ill stand them at the wall
Ill sell them to their enemies
Im trying to feed my soul with thought
Gonna sleep off the rest of the day
Sometimes no one wants what we got
Sometimes you cant give it away
Now the place is ringed with countless foes
Some of them may be deaf and dumb
No man, no woman knows
The hour that sorrow will come
In the dark I hear the night birds call
I can hear a lovers breath
I sleep in the kitchen with my feet in the hall
Sleep is like a temporary death
Meet me at the bottom, dont lag behind
Bring me my boots and shoes
You can hang back or fight your best on the front line
Sing a little bit of these workingmans blues
Well, they burned my barn, they stole my horse
I cant save a dime
I got to be careful, I dont want to be forced
Into a life of continual crime
I can see for myself that the sun is sinking
How I wish you were here to see
Tell me now, am I wrong in thinking
That you have forgotten me?
Now they worry and they hurry and they fuss and they fret
They waste your nights and days
Them I will forget
But you Ill remember always
Old memories of you to me have clung
Youve wounded me with words
Gonna have to straighten out your tongue
Its all true, everything you have heard
Meet me at the bottom, dont lag behind
Bring me my boots and shoes
You can hang back or fight your best on the front line
Sing a little bit of these workingmans blues
In you, my friend, I find no blame
Wanna look in my eyes, please do
No one can ever claim
That I took up arms against you
All across the peaceful sacred fields
They will lay you low
Theyll break your horns and slash you with steel
I say it so it must be so
Now Im down on my luck and Im black and blue
Gonna give you another chance
Im all alone and Im expecting you
To lead me off in a cheerful dance
Got a brand new suit and a brand new wife
I can live on rice and beans
Some people never worked a day in their life
Dont know what work even means
Meet me at the bottom, dont lag behind
Bring me my boots and shoes
You can hang back or fight your best on the front line
Sing a little bit of these workingmans blues |
Down on the bottom
Down to the last drop in the cup
Down on the bottom
No place to go but up
Always been in trouble
Nearly all my life
Always been in trouble
Struggle, scorn and strife
Go find me my bluebird
Flying so high up above
Go find me my bluebird
Go find me somebody to love
Down on the bottom
Down to the last drop in the cup
Down on the bottom
No place to go but up
Always been in trouble
Nearly all my life
Always been in trouble
Struggle, scorn and strife
Go find me my bluebird
Flying so high up above
Go find me my bluebird
Go find me somebody to love
Down on the bottom
Down to the last drop in the cup
Down on the bottom
No place to go but up
Down on the bottom
Down to the last drop in the cup
Down on the bottom
No place to go now but up |
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah, ah
It was in Pittsburgh, late one night
I lost my head, got into a fight
I rolled and tumbled till I saw the light
Went to the Big Apple, took a bite
Ah, ah, ah, ah
Still the sun went down your way
Down from the blue into the gray
Where I stood, I saw you walk away
You danced away
Ah, ah, ah, ah
I asked her what were gonna do tonight
She said, Cahuenga Langa-Langa Shoe Box Soup
We better keep tryin till we get it right
Tala mala sheela jaipur dhoop
She wrote a long letter on a short piece of paper
Oh Margarita |
Gypsy gal, the hands of Harlem
Cannot hold you to its heat
Your temperature is too hot for taming
Your flaming feet are burning up the street
Im homeless, come and take me
To the reach of your rattlin drums
Let me know, babe, all about my fortune
Down along my restless palms
Gypsy gal, you got me swallowed
I have fallen far beneath
Your pearly eyes, so fast and slashing
And your flashing diamond teeth
The night is pitch black, come an’ make my
Pale face fit into place, ah, please!
Let me know, babe, I’m nearly drowning
If it’s you my lifelines trace
I been wondering all about me
Ever since I seen you there
On the cliffs of your wildcat charms I’m riding
I know I’m around you but I don’t know where
You have slayed me, you have made me
I got to laugh half ways off my heels
I got to know, babe, yeah will you surround me?
So I can know if I’m really real |
It aint no use to sit and wonder why, babe
It dont matter, anyhow
And it aint no use to sit and wonder why, babe
If you dont know by now
When your rooster crows at the break of dawn
Look out your window and Ill be gone
Youre the reason Im travelin on
Dont think twice, its all right
It aint no use in turnin on your light, babe
The light I never knowed
It aint no use in turnin on your light, babe
Im on the dark side of the road
Still I wish there were somethin you would do or say
To try and make me change my mind and stay
We never did too much talkin anyway
So dont think twice, its all right
Im walkin down that long, lonesome road, babe
Where Im bound, I cant tell
But goodbye is too good a word, gal
So Ill just say fare thee well
I aint sayin you treated me unkind
You couldve done better but I dont mind
You just sorta wasted my precious time
But dont think twice, its all right
It aint no use in callin out my name, gal
Like you never did before
It aint no use in callin out my name, gal
I cant hear you any more
Im a-thinkin and a-wondrin all the way down the road
I once loved a woman, a child Im told
I give her my heart but she wanted my soul
But dont think twice, its all right |
Om idag inte var en ändlös landsväg
Och inatt en vild och krokig stig
Om i morgon inte kändes så oändlig
Då är ensamhet ett ord som inte finns
Men bara om min älskade väntar
Om jag hör hennes hjärta sakta slå
Bara om hon låg här tätt intill mig
Kan jag bli den jag var igår
Jag kan inte se min spegelbild i vattnet
Jag kan inte säga sorglösa ord
Jag hör inte mitt eko slå mot gatan
Kan inte minnas vem jag var igår
Det finns skönhet i flodens silver sånger
Det finns skönhet gryningsolens sken
Men då ser jag i min älskades öga
En skönhet större än allting som jag vet
Och bara om jag vet att hon väntar
Om jag hör hennes hjärta sakta slå
Bara om hon låg här tätt intill mig
Kan jag bli den jag var igår |
Im going down to Rose Maries
She never does me wrong
She puts it to me plain as day
And gives it to me for a song
Its a wicked life but what the hell
Everybodys got to eat
And Im just the same as anyone else
When it comes to scratching for my meat
Going to Acapulco, going on the run
Going down to see soft gut, going to have some fun
Yeah, going to have some fun
Now, whenever I get up
And I cant find what I need
I just make it down to Rose Maries
And get something quick to eat
Its not a bad way to make a living
And I aint complainin none
Oh, I can pull my plum, and drink my rum
And then go on home and have my fun
Going to Acapulco, going on the run
Going down to see soft gut, going to have some fun
Yeah, going to have some fun
Now, if someone offers me a joke
I just say no thanks
I try to tell it like it is
And keep away from pranks
Well, every time you know when the well breaks down
I just go pump on it some
Rose Marie, she likes to go to big places
And just set there waitin for me to come
Going to Acapulco, going on the run
Going down to see soft gut, going to have some fun
Yeah, going to have some fun |
We live in a political world
Love don’t have any place
We’re living in times where men commit crimes
And crime don’t have a face
We live in a political world
Icicles hanging down
Wedding bells ring and angels sing
Clouds cover up the ground
We live in a political world
Wisdom is thrown into jail
It rots in a cell, is misguided as hell
Leaving no one to pick up a trail
We live in a political world
Where mercy walks the plank
Life is in mirrors, death disappears
Up the steps into the nearest bank
We live in a political world
Where courage is a thing of the past
Houses are haunted, children are unwanted
The next day could be your last
We live in a political world
The one we can see and can feel
But there’s no one to check, it’s all a stacked deck
We all know for sure that it’s real
We live in a political world
In the cities of lonesome fear
Little by little you turn in the middle
But you’re never sure why you’re here
We live in a political world
Under the microscope
You can travel anywhere and hang yourself there
You always got more than enough rope
We live in a political world
Turning and a-thrashing about
As soon as you’re awake, you’re trained to take
What looks like the easy way out
We live in a political world
Where peace is not welcome at all
It’s turned away from the door to wander some more
Or put up against the wall
We live in a political world
Everything is hers or his
Climb into the frame and shout God’s name
But you’re never sure what it is |
Everybody’s building the big ships and the boats
Some are building monuments
Others, jotting down notes
Ev’rybody’s in despair
Every girl and boy
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here
Ev’rybody’s gonna jump for joy
Come all without, come all within
You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn
I like to do just like the rest, I like my sugar sweet
But guarding fumes and making haste
It ain’t my cup of meat
Everybody’s neath the trees
Feeding pigeons on a limb
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here
All the pigeons gonna run to him
Come all without, come all within
You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn
A cat’s meow and a cow’s moo, I can recite them all
Just tell me where it hurts yuh, honey
And I’ll tell you who to call
Nobody can get no sleep
There’s someone on ev’ryone’s toes
But when Quinn the Eskimo gets here
Ev’rybody’s gonna wanna doze
Come all without, come all within
You’ll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn |
Well, I was feeling sad and feeling blue
I didn’t know what in the world I wus gonna do
Them Communists they was coming around
They was in the air
They was on the ground
They wouldn’t give me no peace
So I run down most hurriedly
And joined up with the John Birch Society
I got me a secret membership card
And started off a-walking down the road
Yee-hoo, I’m a real John Bircher now!
Look out you Commies!
Now we all agree with Hitler’s views
Although he killed six million Jews
It don’t matter too much that he was a Fascist
At least you can’t say he was a Communist!
That’s to say like if you got a cold you take a shot of malaria
Well, I woos looking everywhere for them gol-darned Reds
I got up in the morning and looked under my bed
Looked in the sink, behind the door
Looked in the glove compartment of my car
Couldn’t find them
I woos looking high and low for them Reds everywhere
I woos looking in the sink and underneath the chair
I looked way up my chimney hole
I even looked deep down inside my toilet bowl
They got away
Well, I woos sitting home alone and started to sweat
Figured they woos in my T.V. set
Peeked behind the picture frame
Got a shock from my feet, hitting right up in the brain
Them Reds caused it!
I know they did them hard-core ones
Well, I quit my job so I could work all alone
Then I changed my name to Sherlock Holmes
Followed some clues from my detective bag
And discovered they woos red stripes on the American flag!
That old Betsy Ross
Well, I investigated all the books in the library
Ninety percent of them gotta be burned away
I investigated all the people that I know
Ninety-eight percent of them gotta go
The other two percent are fellow Birchers just like me
Now Eisenhower, he’s a Russian spy
Lincoln, Jefferson and that Roosevelt guy
To my knowledge there’s just one man
That’s really a true American: George Lincoln Rockwell
I know for a fact he hates Commies because he picketed the movie Exodus
Well, I finally started thinking straight
When I run out of things to investigate
Couldn’t imagine doing anything else
So now I’m sitting home investigating myself!
Hope I don’t find out anything hmm, great God! |
I was young when I left home
But I been out a-rambling around
And I never wrote a letter to my home
To my home, Lord, to my home
And I never wrote a letter to my home
It was just the other day
I was bringing home my pay
When I met an old friend I used to know
Said your mother’s dead and gone
Baby sister’s all gone wrong
And your daddy needs you home right away
Not a shirt on my back
Not a penny on my name
Well I can’t go home Thisaway
Thisaway, Lord, Lord, Lord
And I can’t go home Thisaway
If you miss the train I’m on
Count the days I’m gone
You will hear that whistle blow a hundred miles
A hundred miles, honey baby. Lord Lord Lord
And you’ll hear that whistle blow a hundred miles
I’m playing on a track
Ma would come and whoop me back
On them trestles down by old Jim McKay’s
When I pay the debt I owe
To the commissary store
I will pawn my watch and chain and go home
Go home, Lord Lord Lord
I will pawn my watch and chain and go home
Used to tell Ma sometimes
When I see them riding blinds
Going to make me a home out in the wind
In the wind, Lord in the wind
Make me a home out in the wind
I don’t like it in the wind
Want to go back home again
But I can’t go home Thisaway
Thisaway, Lord Lord Lord
And I can’t go home Thisaway |
Is it rolling, Bob?
To be alone with you
Just you and me
Now won’t you tell me true
Ain’t that the way it oughta be?
To hold each other tight
The whole night through
Everything is always right
When I’m alone with you
To be alone with you
At the close of the day
With only you in view
While evening slips away
It only goes to show
That while life’s pleasures be few
The only one I know
Is when I’m alone with you
They say that nighttime is the right time
To be with the one you love
Too many thoughts get in the way in the day
But you’re always what I’m thinkin of
I wish the night were here
Bringin me all of your charms
When only you are near
To hold me in your arms
I’ll always thank the Lord
When my workin day is through
I get my sweet reward
To be alone with you |
Fat man looking in a blade of steel
Thin man looking at his last meal
Hollow man looking in a cotton field
For dignity
Wise man looking in a blade of grass
Young man looking in the shadows that pass
Poor man looking through painted glass
For dignity
Somebody got murdered on New Year’s Eve
Somebody said dignity was the first to leave
I went into the city, went into the town
Went into the land of the midnight sun
Searching high, searching low
Searching everywhere I know
Asking the cops wherever I go
Have you seen dignity?
Blind man breaking out of a trance
Puts both his hands in the pockets of chance
Hoping to find one circumstance
Of dignity
I went to the wedding of Mary Lou
She said, “I don’t want nobody see me talking to you”
Said she could get killed if she told me what she knew
About dignity
I went down where the vultures feed
I would’ve gone deeper, but there wasn’t any need
Heard the tongues of angels and the tongues of men
Wasn’t any difference to me
Chilly wind sharp as a razor blade
House on fire, debts unpaid
Gonna stand at the window, going to ask the maid
Have you seen dignity?
Drinking man listens to the voice he hears
In a crowded room full of covered-up mirrors
Looking into the lost forgotten years
For dignity
Met Prince Phillip at the home of the blues
Said he’d give me information if his name wasn’t used
He wanted money up front, said he was abused
By dignity
Footprints running across the silver sand
Steps going down into tattoo land
I met the sons of darkness and the sons of light
In the border towns of despair
Got no place to fade, got no coat
I’m on the rolling river in a jerkin boat
Trying to read a note somebody wrote
About dignity
Sick man looking for the doctor’s cure
Looking at his hands for the lines that were
And into every masterpiece of literature
For dignity
Englishman stranded in the black-heart wind
Combing his hair back, his future looks thin
Bites the bullet and he looks within
For dignity
Someone showed me a picture and I just laughed
Dignity never been photographed
I went into the red, went into the black
Into the valley of dry bone dreams
So many roads, so much at stake
So many dead ends, I’m at the edge of the lake
Sometimes I wonder what it’s going to take
To find dignity |
Well, in my time of dying dont want nobody to mourn
All I want for you to do is take my body home
Well, well, well, so I can die easy
Well, well, well
Well, well, well, so I can die easy
Jesus going to make up, Jesus going to make up
Jesus going to make up my dying bed
Well, meet me Jesus, meet me, meet me
In the middle of the air
If these wings should fail me
Lord, wont you meet me with another pair
Well, well, well, so I can die easy
Well, well, well
Well, well, well, so I can die easy
Jesus going to make up, Jesus going to make up
Jesus going to make up my dying bed
Lord, in my time of dying dont want nobody to cry
All I want you to do is take me when I die
Well, well, well, so I can die easy
Well, well, well
Well, well, well, so I can die easy
Jesus going to make up, Jesus going to make up
Jesus going to make up my dying bed |
You always said that Id be back again
That Id come running to you in the end
I thought that you were on your own
And now I find youre not alone
Ill see you through the rain
Through the heartache and pain
It hurts like never before
Youre not alone anymore
You always said that I would know someday
Just how it feels when your love walks away
I let you down, I let you go
I lost you how was I to know?
Ill see you through the rain
Through the heartache and pain
It hurts like never before
Youre not alone anymore
I never knew I could feel this way
I never could see past yesterday
You feel that everything is gone
I feel it too, youre not alone
Ill see you through the rain
Every heartache and pain
It hurts like never before
Youre not alone, youre not alone
Youre not alone anymore
Anymore |
I could have told you
Shed hurt you
Shed you love you a while
Then desert you
If only you asked
I could have told you so
I could have saved you
Some crying
Yes, I could have told you shes lying
But you were in love
And didnt want to know
I hear her now
As I toss and turn and try to sleep
I hear her now
Making promises shell never keep
And soon, its over and done with
Shell find someone new to have fun with
Through all of my tears
I could have told you so
I hear her now
As I toss and turn and try to sleep
I hear her now
Making promises shell never keep
And soon, its over and done with
Shell find someone new to have fun with
Through all of my tears
I could have told you so |
I’m beginning to hear voices and there’s no one around
Well, I’m all used up and the fields have turned brown
I went to church on Sunday and she passed by
My love for her is taking such a long time to die
I’m waist deep, waist deep in the mist
It’s almost like, almost like I don’t exist
I’m twenty miles out of town in cold irons bound
The walls of pride are high and wide
Can’t see over to the other side
It’s such a sad thing to see beauty decay
It’s sadder still to feel your heart torn away
One look at you and I’m out of control
Like the universe has swallowed me whole
I’m twenty miles out of town in cold irons bound
There’s too many people, too many to recall
I thought some of ’m were friends of mine, I was wrong about ’m all
Well, the road is rocky and the hillside’s mud
Up over my head nothing but clouds of blood
I found my world, found my world in you
But your love just hasn’t proved true
I’m twenty miles out of town in cold irons bound
Twenty miles out of town in cold irons bound
Oh, the winds in Chicago have torn me to shreds
Reality has always had too many heads
Some things last longer than you think they will
There are some kind of things you can never kill
It’s you and you only I been thinking about
But you can’t see in and it’s hard lookin’ out
I’m twenty miles out of town in cold irons bound
Well the fat’s in the fire and the water’s in the tank
The whiskey’s in the jar and the money’s in the bank
I tried to love and protect you because I cared
I’m gonna remember forever the joy that we shared
Looking at you and I’m on my bended knee
You have no idea what you do to me
I’m twenty miles out of town in cold irons bound
Twenty miles out of town in cold irons bound |
I cant understand, she let go of my hand
And left me here facing the wall
I’d sure like to know why shed go
But I cant get close to her at all
Though we kissed through the wild blazing nighttime
She said she would never forget
But now morning’s clear, it’s like I aint here
She acts like we never met
It’s all new to me, like some mystery
It could even be like a myth
But it’s hard to think on that she’s the same one
That last night I was with
From darkness, dreams are deserted
Am I still dreaming yet?
I wish she’d unlock her voice once and talk
Stead of actin like we never have met
If she aint feelin well, then why don’t she tell
Stead of turnin her back to my face?
Without any doubt, she seems too far out
For me to return to or chase
Well her skirt it swayed as the guitar played
Her mouth was watery and wet
But now something has changed, for she aint the same
She just acts like we never have met
If I didn’t have to guess, I’d gladly confess
To anything I might’ve tried
If I was with her too long or have done something wrong
Id wish she’d tell me what it is, I’ll run and hide
Though the night ran swirling and whirling
I remember her whispering yet
But evidently she don’t, evidently she won’t
She just acts like we never have met
I’m leavin today, I’ll be on my way
Of this I cant say very much
But if you want me to, I can be just like you
And pretend that we never have touched
And if anybody asks me
“Is it easy to forget?”
I’ll say, “It’s easily done, you just pick anyone
And pretend that you never have met!” |
I will not go down under the ground
’Cause somebody tells me that death’s coming round
An’ I will not carry myself down to die
When I go to my grave my head will be high
Let me die in my footsteps
Before I go down under the ground
There’s been rumors of war and wars that have been
The meaning of life has been lost in the wind
And some people thinking that the end is close by
’Stead of learning to live they are learning to die
Let me die in my footsteps
Before I go down under the ground
I don’t know if I’m smart but I think I can see
When someone is pulling the wool over me
And if this war comes and death’s all around
Let me die on this land ’fore I die underground
Let me die in my footsteps
Before I go down under the ground
There’s always been people that have to cause fear
They’ve been talking about war now for many long years
I have read all their statements and I’ve not said a word
But now Lawd God, let my poor voice be heard
Let me die in my footsteps
Before I go down under the ground
Let me drink from the waters where the mountain streams flood
Let the smell of wildflowers flow free through my blood
Let me sleep in your meadows with the green grassy leaves
Let me walk down the highway with my brother in peace
Let me die in my footsteps
Before I go down under the ground
Go out in your country where the land meets the sun
See the craters and the canyons where the waterfalls run
Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho
Let every state in this union seep down deep in your souls
And you’ll die in your footsteps
Before you go down under the ground |
I was born in a beauty salon
My father was a dresser of hair
My mother was a girl you could call on
When you called she was always there
When you called she was always there
When you called she was always there
When you called she was always there
When you called she was always there
Ah but dont go home with your hard-on
It will only drive you insane
You cant shake it or break it with your Motown
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
Ive looked behind all of these faces
That smile you down to your knees
And the lips that say, Come on, taste us
And when you try to they make you say Please
When you try to they make you say Please
When you try to they make you say Please
When you try to they make you say Please
When you try to they make you say Please
Ah but dont go home with your hard-on
It will only drive you insane
You cant shake it or break it with your Motown
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
Here comes your bride with her veil on
Approach her, you wretch, if you dare
Approach her, you ape with your tail on
Once you have her shell always be there
Once you have her shell always be there
Once you have her shell always be there
Once you have her shell always be there
Once you have her shell always be there
Ah but dont go home with your hard-on
It will only drive you insane
You cant shake it or break it with your Motown
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
So I work in that same beauty salon
Im chained to the old masquerade
The lipstick, the shadow, and the silicone
I follow my fathers trade
Yes I follow my fathers trade
I follow my fathers trade
I follow my fathers trade
I follow my fathers trade
Ah but dont go home with your hard-on
It will only drive you insane
You cant shake it or break it with your Motown
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain
You cant melt it down in the rain |
Sign on the window says “Lonely”
Sign on the door said “No company allowed”
Sign on the street says “Y’ don’t own me”
Sign on a porch says “three’s a crowd”
Sign on a porch says “three’s a crowd”
Her and her boyfriend went to California
Her and her boyfriend done changed their tune
My best friend said, “Now didnt I warn you?
Brighton girls are like the moon
Brighton girls are like the moon”
Looks like a-nothing but rain
Sure gonna be wet tonight on Main Street
Hope that it don’t sleet
Build me a cabin in Utah
Marry me a wife, catch rainbow trout
Have a bunch of kids who call me “Pa”
That must be what it’s all about
That must be what it’s all about |
I was thinking of a series of dreams
Where nothing comes up to the top
Everything stays down where it’s wounded
And comes to a permanent stop
Wasn’t thinking of anything specific
Like in a dream, when someone wakes up and screams
Nothing too very scientific
Just thinking of a series of dreams
Thinking of a series of dreams
Where the time and the tempo fly
And there’s no exit in any direction
’Cept the one that you can’t see with your eyes
Wasn’t making any great connection
Wasn’t falling for any intricate scheme
Nothing that would pass inspection
Just thinking of a series of dreams
Dreams where the umbrella is folded
Into the path you are hurled
And the cards are no good that you’re holding
Unless they’re from another world
In one, numbers were burning
In another, I witnessed a crime
In one, I was running, and in another
All I seemed to be doing was climb
Wasn’t looking for any special assistance
Not going to any great extremes
I’d already gone the distance
Just thinking of a series of dreams |
I’ve just reached a place
Where the willow don’t bend
There’s not much more to be said
It’s the top of the end
I’m going
I’m going
I’m gone
I’m closing’ the book
On the pages and the text
And I don’t really care
Oooh, what happens next
I’m just going
I’m going
I’m gone
I been hanging on threads
I have been playing’ it straight
Now, I’ve just got to cut loose
Before it gets late
So I’m going
I’m going
I’m gone
Grandma said, “Boy, go and follow your heart
And you’ll be fine at the end of the line
All that’s gold doesnt shine
Don’t you and your one true love ever part”
I been walking the road
I been living on the edge
Now, I’ve just got to go
Before I get to the ledge
So I’m going
I’m just going
I’m gone |
You must leave now take what you need
You think will last
But whatever you wish to keep you better grab it fast
Yonder stands your orphan with his gun
Crying like a fire in the sun
Look out baby, the saints are comin through
And its all over now baby blue
The highway is for gamblers better use your sense
Take what you have gathered from coincidence
The empty handed painter from your streets
Is drawing crazy patterns on your sheets
The sky too is fallin in over you- ooo
And its all over now baby blue
Leave your stepping stones behind
Theres something that calls for you
Forget the debt you left that will not follow you
Your lover who has just walked through the door
Has taken all his blankets from the floor
The carpet too is foldin over you
And its all over now baby blue
Well strike another match, yeah, go start a-new
Go start a-new
Cause its all over now baby blue
Hey, hey, yeah
Its all over, its all over now baby blue
Its all over, its all over now oh yeah
Its all over now, its all over now baby blue |
Everything went from bad to worse, money never changed a thing
Death kept following, tracking us down, at least I heard your bluebird sing
Now somebody’s got to show their hand, time is an enemy
I know you’re long gone, I guess it must be up to me
If I’d thought about it I never would’ve done it, I guess I would’ve let it slide
If Id-a paid attention to what others were thinking, the heart inside me would’ve died
But I was just too stubborn to ever be governed by enforced insanity
Someone had to reach for the rising star, I guess it was up to me
Now the Union Central is pulling out, the orchids are in bloom
I’ve only got me one good shirt left and it smells of stale perfume
In fourteen months I’ve only smiled once and I didn’t do it consciously
Somebody’s got to find your trail, I guess its gonna be up to me
It was like a revelation when you betrayed me with your touch
I’d just about convinced myself nothing had changed that much
The old Rounder in the iron mask, he slipped me the master key
Somebody had to unlock your heart, he said it was up to me
Now I watched you slowly disappear down into the officers’ club
I would’ve followed you in the door, but I didn’t have a ticket stub
So I waited all night ’til the break of day, hoping one of us could get free
When the dawn came over the river bridge, I knew it was up to me
The only decent thing I did when I worked as a postal clerk
Was to haul your picture down off the wall near the cage where I used to work
Was I a fool or not to protect your real identity?
You looked a little burned out my friend, I thought it might be up to me
I met somebody face to face, I had to remove my hat
She’s everything I need and love, but I can’t be swayed by that
It frightens me, the awful truth, of how sweet life can be
But she ain’t goin to make a move, I guess it must be up to me
Now we heard the Sermon on the Mount, and I knew it was too complex
It didn’t amount to anything more than what the broken glass reflects
When you bite off more than you can chew, you got to pay the penalty
Somebody’s got to tell the tale, I guess it must be up to me
Dupree came in pimpin’ tonight to the Thunderbird Café
Crystal wanted to talk to him, I had to look the other way
Now I just can’t rest without you, love, I need your company
You ain’t goin to cross the line, I guess it must be up to me
There’s a note left in the bottle, you can give it to Estelle
She’s the one you been wondering about, but there’s really nothing much to tell
We both heard voices for a while, now the rest is history
Somebody’s got to cry some tears, I guess it must be up to me
So go on boys, play your hands, life is a pantomime
The ringleaders from the county seat say you don’t have all that much time
And the girl with me behind the shades, she ain’t my property
One of us has got to hit the road, I guess it must be up to me
If we never meet again, baby, remember me
How my lone guitar played sweet for you that old-time melody
And the harmonica around my neck, I blew it for you, free
No one else could play that tune, you knew it was up to me |
I love you more than ever, more than time and more than love
I love you more than money and more than the stars above
Love you more than madness, more than waves upon the sea
Love you more than life itself, you mean that much to me
Ever since you walked right in, the circle’s been complete
I’ve said goodbye to haunted rooms and faces in the street
To the courtyard of the jester which is hidden from the sun
I love you more than ever and I haven’t yet begun
You breathed on me and made my life a richer one to live
When I was deep in poverty you taught me how to give
Dried the tears up from my dreams and pulled me from the hole
Quenched my thirst and satisfied the burning in my soul
You gave me babies one, two, three, what is more, you saved my life
Eye for eye and tooth for tooth, your love cuts like a knife
My thoughts of you don’t ever rest, they’d kill me if I lie
I’d sacrifice the world for you and watch my senses die
The tune that is yours and mine to play upon this earth
We’ll play it out the best we know, whatever it is worth
What’s lost is lost, we can’t regain what went down in the flood
But happiness to me is you and I love you more than blood
It’s never been my duty to remake the world at large
Nor is it my intention to sound a battle charge
’Cause I love you more than all of that with a love that doesn’t bend
And if there is eternity I’d love you there again
Oh, can’t you see that you were born to stand by my side
And I was born to be with you, you were born to be my bride
You’re the other half of what I am, you’re the missing piece
And I love you more than ever with that love that doesn’t cease
You turn the tide on me each day and teach my eyes to see
Just being’ next to you is a natural thing for me
And I could never let you go, no matter what goes on
‘Cause I love you more than ever now that the past is gone |
What’s the matter with me
I don’t have much to say
Daylight sneaking through the window
And I’m still in this all-night café
Walking to and fro beneath the moon
Out to where the trucks are rolling slow
To sit down on this bank of sand
And watch the river flow
Wish I was back in the city
Instead of this old bank of sand
With the sun beating down over the chimney tops
And the one I love so close at hand
If I had wings and I could fly
I know where I would go
But right now I’ll just sit here so contentedly
And watch the river flow
People disagreeing on all just about everything, yeah
Makes you stop and all wonder why
Why only yesterday I saw somebody on the street
Who just couldn’t help but cry
Oh, this old river keeps on rolling, though
No matter what gets in the way and which way the wind does blow
And as long as it does I’ll just sit here
And watch the river flow
People disagreeing everywhere you look
Makes you want to stop and read a book
Why only yesterday I saw somebody on the street
That was really shook
But this old river keeps on rolling, though
No matter what gets in the way and which way the wind does blow
And as long as it does I’ll just sit here
And watch the river flow
Watch the river flow
Watching the river flow
Watching the river flow
But I’ll sit down on this bank of sand
And watch the river flow |
Precious angel
Under the sun
How was I to know
Youd be the one
To show me I was blinded
To show me I was gone
How weak was the foundation
I was standing upon?
Now theres spiritual warfare
And flesh and blood breaking down
You either got faith or you got unbelief
And there is no neutral ground
The enemy is subtle
How be it we are so deceived
When the truths in our hearts
And we still dont believe?
Shine your light, shine your light on me
Shine your light, shine your light on me
Shine your light, shine your light on me
You know I just couldnt make it by myself
Im a little too blind to see
My so-called friends
Have fallen under a spell
They look me squarely in the eye
And they say, All is well
Can they imagine the darkness
That will fall from on high
When men will beg God to kill them
And they wont be able to die?
Sister, let me tell you
About a vision that I saw
You were drawing water for your husband
You were suffering under the law
You were telling him about Buddha
You were telling him about Mohammed, in one breath
You never mentioned one time
The Man who came and died a criminals death
Shine your light, shine your light on me
Shine your light, shine your light on me
Shine your light, shine your light on me
You know I just couldnt make it by myself
Im a little too blind to see
Precious angel
You believe me when I say
What God has given to us
No man can take away
We are covered in blood, girl
You know both our forefathers were slaves
Let us hope theyve found mercy
In their bone-filled graves
Youre the queen of my flesh, girl
Youre my woman, youre my delight
Youre the lamp of my soul, girl
And you torch up the night
But theres violence in the eyes, girl
So let us not be enticed
On the way out of Egypt
Through Ethiopia
To the judgment hall of Christ
Shine your light, shine your light on me
Shine your light, shine your light on me
Shine your light, shine your light on me
You know I just couldnt make it by myself
Im a little too blind to see |
Well, I dont know why I love you like I do
Nobody in the world can get along with you
You got the ways of a devil sleeping in a lions den
I come home last night you wouldnt even let me in
Oh sometimes youre as sweet as anybody want to be
Oh when you get the crazy notion of jumping all over me
Well, you give me the blues, I guess youre satisfied
When you give me the blues I want to lay down and die
I helped you when you had no shoes on your feet, pretty mama
I helped you when you had no food to eat
Now youre the kind of woman that just dont understand
Youre taking all my money and give it to another man
Well, youre that kind of woman makes a man lose his brains
Youre that kind of woman drives a man insane
Well, you give me the blues, I guess youre satisfied
You give me the blues, I want to lay down and die |
Now I aint lookin to compete with you
Beat on, cheat on, mistreat you
Simplify you, classify you
Deny, defy, mystify you
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you
Baby, be friends with you
Now I aint lookin to fight with you
Frighten you or uptighten you
Drag you down or drain you down
Chain you down or bring you down
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you
Baby, be friends with you
I aint lookin to block you up
Dock or rock or lock you up
Analyze you, categorize you
Finalize or advertise you
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you
Baby, be friends with you
I dont want to straight-face you up
Race or chase or track or trace you
Or disgrace you or displace you
Or define you or confine you
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you
Baby, be friends with you
Now I dont want to meet your kin
Make you spin or do you in
Or select you or dissect you
Or inspect you or reject you
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you
Baby, be friends with you |
Well the worlds greatest wonder from what I can tell
Is how a cowgirl like you could ever look my way
I was blinded by glory with a half-written story
And a song spilling out off of every page
Sweet Amarillo
Tears on my pillow
You never will know
How much I cried
Sweet Amarillo
Like the wind in the willow
Damn this old cowboy
For my foolish pride
So I drifted on down from the Iron Ore Range
Across the wide Missouri where the cool waters flow
When I got to Topeka I looked up your name
But they said you rode off with the last rodeo
Sweet Amarillo
Tears on my pillow
You never will know
How much I cried
Sweet Amarillo
Like the wind in the willows
Damn this old cowboy
For my foolish pride
Well the thunders a-rumbling and the tumbleweeds tumbling
And the rodeo clowns are painting their face
Im gunning the throttle for Ilano Estacado
On a wild Appaloosa Im blowing your way
Down in Old Amarillo theres a light in the window
Where a road weary shadow drifts into the arms
Of a long distance lover then they turn back the covers
And dance the Redova til the light of the dawn
Sweet Amarillo
Tears on my pillow
You never will know
How much I cried
Sweet Amarillo
Like the wind in the willows
Damn this old cowboy
For my foolish pride
Sweet Amarillo
Sweet Amarillo |
Seen a shooting star tonight
And I thought of you
You were trying to break into another world
A world I never knew
I always kind of wondered
If you ever made it through
Seen a shooting star tonight
And I thought of you
Seen a shooting star tonight
And I thought of me
If I was still the same
If I ever became what you wanted me to be
Did I miss the mark or overstep the line
That only you could see?
Seen a shooting star tonight
And I thought of me
Listen to the engine, listen to the bell
As the last fire truck from hell
Goes rolling by
All good people are praying
It’s the last temptation, the last account
The last time you might hear the sermon on the mount
The last radio is playing
Seen a shooting star tonight
Slip away
Tomorrow will be
Another day
Guess it’s too late to say the things to you
That you needed to hear me say
Seen a shooting star tonight
Slip away |
City sidewalk, busy sidewalks
Dressed in holiday style
In the air theres a feeling of Christmas
Children laughing, people passing
Meeting smile after smile
And on every street corner youll hear
Silver bells, silver bells
Its Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it will be Christmas day
City street lights, even stop lights
Blink a bright red and green
As the shoppers rush home with their treasures
Hear the snow crunch, see the kids bunch
This is Santas big scene
And above all this bustle youll hear
Silver bells, silver bells
Its Christmas time in the city
Ring-a-ling, hear them ring
Soon it will be Christmas day
Soon it will be Christmas day |
Look out your window
That grass aint green
Its kinda yellow
See what I mean?
Look up your chimney
The sky aint blue
Its kinda yellow
You know its true
Its so hard to figure what its all about
When your outsides in
And your downsides up
Yeah, your upsides right
Yeah, dont it make you wanna twist and shout
When youre inside out?
Look down your drain pipe
What colour do you see?
Its got to be yellow
Dont try to fool me
And dont it make you wanna twist and shout?
When your outsides in
And your downsides up
Yeah, your upsides right
Yeah, dont it make you wanna twist and shout
When youre inside out?
Be careful where youre walking
You might step in something rough
Be careful when youre talking
And saying all that stuff
Take care when you are breathing
Somethings funny in the air
Theres some things theyre not saying
Bout whats happening out there
Its inside out
Look into the future
With your mystic crystal ball
See if it aint yellow
See if its there at all
Aint no shadow of doubt
Dont it make you wanna twist and shout?
When your outsides in
And your downsides up
Yeah, your upsides right
Yeah, dont it make you wanna twist and shout
When youre inside out?
Yeah, dont it make you wanna twist and shout
When youre inside out?
Inside out
Inside out |
I can’t wait, wait for you to change your mind
It’s late, I’m trying to walk the line
Well, it’s way past midnight and there are people all around
Some on their way up, some on their way down
The air burns and I’m trying to think straight
And I don’t know how much longer I can wait
I’m your man, I’m trying to recover the sweet love that we knew
You understand that my heart can’t go on beating without you
Well, your loveliness has wounded me, I’m reeling from the blow
I wish I knew what it was keeps me loving you so
I’m breathing hard, standing at the gate
But I don’t know how much longer I can wait
Skies are grey, I’m looking for anything that will bring a happy glow
Night or day, it doesn’t matter where I go anymore, I just go
If I ever saw you coming I don’t know what I would do
I’d like to think I could control myself, but it isn’t true
That’s how it is when things disintegrate
And I don’t know how much longer I can wait
I’m doomed to love you, I’ve been rolling through stormy weather
I’m thinking of you and all the places we could roam together
It’s mighty funny, the end of time has just begun
Oh, honey, after all these years you’re still the one
While I’m strolling through the lonely graveyard of my mind
I left my life with you somewhere back there along the line
I thought somehow that I would be spared this fate
But I don’t know how much longer I can wait |
Dear landlord
Please don’t put a price on my soul
My burden is heavy
My dreams are beyond control
When that steamboat whistle blows
I’m gonna give you all I got to give
And I do hope you receive it well
Depending on the way you feel that you live
Dear landlord
Please heed these words that I speak
I know you’ve suffered much
But in this you are not so unique
All of us, at times, we might work too hard
To have it too fast and too much
And anyone can fill his life up
With things he can see but he just cannot touch
Dear landlord
Please don’t dismiss my case
I’m not about to argue
I’m not about to move to no other place
Now, each of us has his own special gift
And you know this was meant to be true
And if you don’t underestimate me
I won’t underestimate you |
As I walked out tonight in the mystic garden
The wounded flowers were danglin from the vine
I was passin by yon cool and crystal fountain
Someone hit me from behind
Aint talkin, just awalkin
Through this weary world of woe
Heart burnin, still yearnin
No one on earth would ever know
They say prayer has the power to help
So pray from the mother
In the human heart an evil spirit can dwell
Im atryin to love my neighbor and do good unto others
But oh, mother, things aint goin well
Aint talkin, just awalkin
Ill burn that bridge before you can cross
Heart burnin, still yearnin
Theyll be no mercy for ya once youve lost
Now Im all worn down by weepin
My eyes are filled with tears, my lips are dry
If I catch my opponents ever sleepin
Ill just slaughter them where they lie
Aint talkin, just awalkin
Through the world mysterious and vague
Heart burnin, still yearnin
Walkin athrough the cities of the plague
Well, the whole world is filled with speculation
The whole wide world which people say is round
They will tear your mind away from contemplation
They will jump on your misfortune when youre down
Aint talkin, just awalkin
Eatin hog-eyed grease in a hog-eyed town
Heart burnin, still yearnin
Someday youll be glad to have me around
They will crush you with wealth and power
Every wakin moment you could crack
Ill make the most of one last extra hour
Ill avenge my fathers death an Ill step back
Aint talkin, just walkin
Hand me down my walkin cane
Heart burnin, still yearnin
Got to get ya out of my miserable brain
All o my loyal and much-loved companions
They approve of me and share my code
I practice a faith thats been long abandoned
Aint no altars on this long and lonesome road
Aint talkin, just awalkin
My mule is sick, my horse is blind
Heart burnin, still yearnin
Thinkin ‘bout that gal I left behind
Well, its bright in the heavens and the wheels are flyin
Fame and honor never seem to fade
The fire gone out but the light is never dyin
Who says I cant get heavenly aid?
Aint talkin, just awalkin
Carryin a dead mans shield
Heart burnin, still yearnin
Awalkin awith a toothache in my heel
The sufferin is unending
Every nook and cranny has its tears
Im anot playin, Im not pretending
Im not nursin any superfluous fears
Aint talkin, just awalkin
Walkin ever since the other night
Heart burnin, still yearnin
Walkin ‘til Ima clean outta sight
As I walked out in the mystic garden
On a hot summer day, a hot summer lawn
Excuse me, maam, I beg your pardon
Theres no one here, the gardener is gone
Aint talkin, ajust awalkin
Up the road around the bend
Heart burnin, still yearnin
In the last outback, at the worlds end |
Well, my nerves are exploding and my body’s tense
I feel like the whole world got me pinned up against the fence
I’ve been hit too hard, I’ve seen too much
Nothing can heal me now, but your touch
I don’t know what I’m gonna do
I was all right ’til I fell in love with you
Well, my house is on fire, burning to the sky
I thought it would rain but the clouds passed by
Now I feel like I’m coming to the end of my way
But I know God is my shield and he won’t lead me astray
Still I don’t know what I’m gonna do
I was all right ’til I fell in love with you
Boys in the street beginning to play
Girls like birds flying away
When I’m gone you will remember my name
I’m gonna win my way to wealth and fame
I don’t know what I’m gonna do
I was all right ’til I fell in love with you
Junk is piling up, taking up space
My eyes feel like they’re falling off my face
Sweat falling down, I’m staring at the floor
I’m thinking about that girl who won’t be back no more
I just dont know what to do
I was all right ’til I fell in love with you
Well, I’m tired of talking, I’m tired of trying to explain
My attempts to please you were all in vain
Tomorrow night before the sun goes down
If I’m still among the living, I’ll be Dixie bound
I just don’t know what I’m gonna do
I was all right ’til I fell in love with you |
Little girl, little Girl, dont lie to me
Tell me where did you sleep last night?
In the pines, In the pines
Where the sun never shine
I shivered the whole night through
Little girl, little girl, where will you go
Im going where the cold wind blows
In the pines, In the pines
Where the sun never shine
I will shiver the whole night through
Little girl, Little Girl, dont lie to me
Tell me where did you sleep last night?
In the pines, In the pines
Where the sun never shine
I shivered the whole night through
My Husband was a Railroad man
Killed a mile and a half from here
His head, was found, In a drivers wheel
And his body hasnt never been found
Little girl, little girl, where will you go
Im going where the cold wind blows
You called me weak, and you called me the most
You called rita, bring me back home |
Early one mornin the sun was shinin
He was lyin in bed
Wondrin if shed changed at all
If her hair was still red
Her folks they said their lives together
Sure was gonna be rough
They never did like mamas homemade dress
Papas bankbook wasnt big enough
And he was standin on the side of the road
Rain fallin on his shoes
Headin out for the old East Coast
Lord knows hes paid some dues, gettin through
Tangled up in blue
She was married when they first met
Soon to be divorced
He helped her out of a jam I guess
But he used a little too much force
And they drove that car as far as they could
Abandoned it out west
And split up on a dark sad night
Both agreeing it was best
And she turned around to look at him
As he was walkin away
She said, This cant be the end
Well meet on another day, on the avenue
Tangled up in blue.
He had a job in the old north woods
Workin as a cook for a spell
But he never did like it all that much
And one day the axe just fell
When he drifted down to L.A.
Where he reckoned to try his luck
Workin for a while in an airplane plant
Loadin cargo onto a truck
But all the while he was alone
The past was close behind
He seen a lot of women
But she never escaped his mind and he just grew
Tangled up in blue
She was workin in a topless place
I stopped in for a beer
I just kept lookin at the side of her face
In the spotlight so clear
And later on as the crowd thinned out
Is about to do the same
She was standin there, in back of my chair
Said, Tell me, whats your name?
I muttered somethin underneath my breath
She studied the lines of my face
I must admit I felt a little uneasy
When she bent down to tie the laces of my shoe
Tangled up in blue
She lit a burner on the stove
And offered me a pipe
Thought youd never say hello, she said
You look like the silent type
Then she opened up a book of poems
And handed it to me
Written by an Italian poet
From the thirteenth century
And every one of them words rang true
And flowed like burning coal
Pourin off of every page
Like it was written in my soul from me to you
Tangled up in blue
He was always in a hurry
Too busy or too stoned
And everything that she ever planned
Just had to be postponed
He thought they were successful
She thought they were blessed
With objects and material things
But I never was impressed
And when it all came crashin down
I became withdrawn
The only thing I knew how to do
Was keep on keepin on like a bird that flew
Tangled up in blue
So now Im goin back again
I got to get to her somehow
All the people we used to know
Theyre an illusion to me now
Some are mathematicians
Some are doctors wives
Dont know how it all got started
Dont know what theyre doin with their lives
But me, Im still on the road
Headin for another joint
We always did feel the same
We just saw it from a different point of view
Tangled up in blue |
You took a part of me that I really miss
I keep asking myself how long it can go on like this
You told yourself a lie, that’s all right mama I told myself one too
I’m trying to get closer but I’m still a million miles from you
You took the silver, you took the gold
You left me standing out in the cold
People ask about you, I didn’t tell them everything I knew
Well, I’m trying to get closer but I’m still a million miles from you
I’m drifting in and out of dreamless sleep
Throwing all my memories in a ditch so deep
Did so many things I never did intend to do
Well, I’m trying to get closer but I’m still a million miles from you
I need your love so bad, turn your lamp down low
I need every bit of it for the places that I go
Sometimes I wonder just what it’s all coming to
Well, I’m trying to get closer but I’m still a million miles from you
Well, I don’t dare close my eyes and I don’t dare wink
Maybe in the next life I’ll be able to hear myself think
Feel like talking to somebody but I just don’t know who
Well, I’m trying to get closer but I’m still a million miles from you
The last thing you said before you hit the street
“Gonna find me a janitor to sweep me off my feet”
I said, “That’s all right mama you you do what you gotta do”
Well, I’m trying to get closer. I’m still a million miles from you
Rock me, pretty baby; rock me ’till everything gets real
Rock me for a little while; rock me ’till there’s nothing left to feel
And I’ll rock you too
I’m trying to get closer but I’m still a million miles from you
Well, there’s voices in the night trying to be heard
I’m sitting here listening to every mind-polluting word
I know plenty of people who would put me up for a day or two
Yes, I’m trying to get closer but I’m still a million miles from you |
The pawnbroker roared
Also, so, so did the landlord
The scene was so crazy, wasn’t it?
Both were so glad
To watch me destroy what I had
Pain sure brings out the best in people, doesn’t it?
Why didn’t you just leave me if you didn’t want to stay?
Why’d you have to treat me so bad?
Did it have to be that way?
Now you stand here expectin’ me to remember something’ you forgot to say
Yes, and you, I see you’re still with her, well
That’s fine ’cause she’s comin’ on so strange, can’t you tell?
Somebody had better explain
She’s got her iron chain
I’d do it, but I, I just can’t remember how
You talk to her
She’s your lover now
I already assumed
That we’re in the felony room
But I ain’t a judge, you don’t have to be nice to me
But please tell that
To your friend in the cowboy hat
You know he keeps on saying’ everything’ twice to me
You know I was straight with you
You know I’ve never tried to change you in any way
You know if you didn’t want to be with me
That you could, didn’t have to stay
Now you stand here sayin’ you forgive and forget. Honey, what can I say?
Yes, you, you just sit around and ask for ashtrays, can’t you reach?
I see you kiss her on the cheek ev’rytime she gives a speech
With her picture books of the pyramid
And her postcards of Billy the Kid
You better talk to her ’bout it
You’re her lover now
Oh, everybody that cares
Is going up the castle stairs
But I’m not up in your castle, honey
It’s true, I just can’t recall
San Francisco at all
I can’t even remember El Paso, uh, honey
You never had to be faithful
I never wanted you to grieve
Oh, why was it so hard for you
If you didn’t want to be with me, just to leave?
Now you stand here while your finger’s going’ up my sleeve
An’ you, just what do you do anyway?
Ain’t there nothing’ you can say?
She’ll be standing’ on the bar soon
With a fish head and a harpoon
And a fake beard plastered on her brow
You’d better do something quick
She’s your lover now
Oh, why must I fall into this sadness?
Do I look like Charles Atlas?
Do you think I still got what you still got baby?
My voice is really warm
Its just there, it aint got no form
But its just like a dead mans last pistol shot, baby
Ah, your mouth used to be so naked
Your eyes used to be so blue
Your hurts used to be so nameless
And your tears used to be so few
Now your mouth cries wolf
While... |
Where she leads me I do not know
Well, she leads me where she goes
I cant find her nowhere
Well, she needs me here
All aware I cant hear her walk
I just cannot hear her talk
Though sometimes, you know you will
And when she comes my way
Ill just be left any night or day
I will hear her say
That I dont wanna try
I tried, also cried
But I cant leave her behind |
Well, I saw it advertised one day
That the Bear Mountain picnic was coming my way
Come along and take a trip
Well bring you up there on a ship
Bring the wife and family
Bring the whole kids
Well, I run right down and bought a ticket
To this thing called the Bear Mountain picnic
Little did I realize
I was in for a pleasant, funny surprise
Had nothing to do with picnic
Didnt come close to a mountain
And I hate bears
Took the wife and kids down to the pier
There was six thousand people there
Everybody had a ticket for the trip
Oh well, I said its a pretty big ship
Besides, anyhow, the more the merrier
Well, we all got on, and what do you think?
That big old boat started to sink
More people kept a-piling on
That old ship was a-going down
Funny way to start a picnic
Well, I soon lost track of my kids and wife
So many people, I never saw in my life
That old ship was sinking down in the water
There was six thousand people trying to kill each other
Dogs a-barking, cats a-screaming
Women a-yelling, men a-flying, fists a-flying
Paper flying, cops a-coming, me a-running
Maybe we just better call off the picnic
I got shoved down, got pushed around
All I remember was a moanin sound
Dont remember one thing more
All I remember is waking up on the shore
My arms and legs were broken
My feet were splintered
My head was cracked
I couldnt walk
I couldnt talk, smell, feel
Couldnt see
Didnt know where I was
I was bald
Quite lucky to be alive though
Well, feeling like I just climbed out of my casket
I grabbed back hold of my picnic basket
Took the wife and kids and started home
Wishing Id never got up that mornin
Now, I dont care just what you do
If you want a have a picnic, thats up to you
But dont tell me about it, I dont want to hear it
You see, I just lost all my picnic spirit
Stay in my kitchen, have my own picnic
Have a picnic in the bathroom
Well, it dont seem to me quite so funny
What some people are going to do for money
Theres a brand new gimmick every day
Just to take somebodys money away
I think we ought to take some of these people
And put them on a boat, send them up to Bear Mountain
For a picnic |
Ive wandered around with nothing more than time on my hands
I was lost in the night with no sight of you
And at times it was so blue and lonely
Heading for the light
Been close to the edge, hanging by my fingernails
Ive rolled and Ive tumbled through the roses and the thorns
And I couldnt see the sign that warned me
Im heading for the light
Ooh - I didnt see that big black cloud hanging over me
And when the rain came down I was nearly drowned
I didnt know the mess I was in
My shoes are wearing out from walking down this same highway
I dont see nothing new but I feel a lot of change
And I get the strangest feeling
As Im heading for the light
Ooh - my hands were tired
Jokers and fools on either side
But still I kept on till the worst had gone
Now I see the hole I was in
My shoes are wearing out from walking down this same highway
I dont see nothing new but I feel a lot of change
And I get the strangest feeling
As Im heading for the light
I see the sun ahead, I aint never looking back
All the dreams are coming true as I think of you
Now theres nothing in the way to stop me
Heading for the light
Now theres nothing in the way to stop me
Heading for the light
Woah oh oh
Woah oh oh
Woah oh oh
Heading for the light |
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any riding done? Hmm
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any riding done? Hmm
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any riding done? Hmm
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any riding done? Hmm
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any riding done? Hmm
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any riding done? Hmm
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any riding done? Hmm
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any riding done? Hmm
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any riding done? Hmm
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any riding done? Hmm
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any riding done? Hmm
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any riding done? Hmm
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any riding done? Hmm |
One more night, the stars are in sight
But tonight Im as lonesome as can be
Oh, the moon is shinin bright
Lighting everything in sight
But tonight no light will shine on me
Oh, its shameful and its sad I lost the only pal I had
I just could not be what she wanted me to be
I will turn my head up high
To that dark and rollin sky
For tonight no light will shine on me
I was so mistaken when I thought that shed be true
I had no idea what a woman in love would do
One more night, I will wait for the light
While the wind blows high above the tree
Oh, I miss my darlin so
I didnt mean to see her go
But tonight no light will shine on me
One more night, the moon is shinin bright
And the wind blows high above the tree
Oh, I miss that woman so
I didnt mean to see her go
But tonight no light will shine on me |
Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son?
And where have you been, my darling young one?
I’ve stumbled down the side of twelve misty mountains
I’ve walked and I’ve crawled on six crooked highways
I’ve been ten thousand miles in the mouth of a graveyard
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall
Oh, what did you see, my blue-eyed son?
And what did you see, my darling young one?
I saw a newborn baby with wolves all around it
I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it
I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall
And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son?
And what did you hear, my darling young one?
I heard the sound of thunder that roared out a warning
I heard one person starve, I heard many people laughing
I heard one hundred drummers whose hands were a-blazing
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall
And what will you do, my blue-eyed son?
And what will you do, my darling young one?
I’ll walk to the depths of the deepest dark forest
Where the people are many and their hands are all empty
Where hunger is ugly, where the souls are forgotten
Where black is the colour and none is the number
Then I’ll stand on the ocean until I start sinking
But I’ll know my song well before I start singing
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall |
Once upon a time
A girl with moonlight in her eyes
Put her hand in mine
And said she loved me so
But that was once upon a time
Very long ago
Once upon a hill
We sat beneath a willow tree
Counting all the stars and waiting for the dawn
But that was once upon a time
Now the tree is gone
How the breeze ruffled through her hair
How we always laughed as though tomorrow wasnt there
We were young and didnt have a care
Where did it go
Once upon a time
The world was sweeter than we knew
Everything was ours
How happy we were then
But somehow once upon a time
Never comes again
Once upon a time
Never comes again |
High water risin
Risin night and day
All the gold and silver
Are being stolen away
Big Joe Turner lookin East and West
From the dark room of his mind
He made it to Kansas City
Twelfth Street and Vine
Nothing standing there
High water everywhere
High water risin
The shacks are slidin down
Folks lose their possessions
Folks are leaving town
Bertha Mason shook it, broke it
Then she hung it on a wall
Says, Youre dancin with whom they tell you to
Or you dont dance at all.
Its tough out there
High water everywhere
I got a cravin love for blazing speed
Got a hopped up Mustang Ford
Jump into the wagon, love
Throw your panties overboard
I can write you poems
Make a strong man lose his mind
Im no pig without a wig
I hope you treat me kind
Things are breakin up out there
High water everywhere
High water risin
Six inches bove my head
Coffins droppin in the street
Like balloons made out of lead
Water pourin into Vicksburg
Dont know what Im going to do
Dont reach out for me, she said
Cant you see Im drownin too?
Its rough out there
High water everywhere
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman
The Italian and the Jew
You cant open your mind, boys
To every conceivable point of view.
They got Charles Darwin trapped out there on Highway Five
Judge says to the High Sheriff
I want him dead or alive
Either one, I dont care.
High Water everywhere
The Cuckoo is a pretty bird
She warbles as she flies
Im preachin the Word of God
Im puttin out your eyes
I asked Fat Nancy for something to eat
She said, Take it off the shelf
As great as you are, man
Youll never be greater than yourself.
I told her I didnt really care
High water everywhere
Im getting up in the morning
I believe Ill dust my broom
Keeping away from the women
Im givin em lots of room
Thunder rolling over Clarksdale
Everything is looking blue
I just cant be happy, love
Unless youre happy too
Its bad out there
High water everywhere |
Blue moon, you saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own
Blue moon, you knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for someone I really could care for
And suddenly there appeared before me the only one my arms could ever hold
I heard someone whisper, Please, adore me
And when I looked my moon had turned to gold
Blue moon, now Im no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own
Without a love of my own |
Lost John sitting on a railroad track
Somethings out of whack
Blues this morning falling down like hail
Gonna leave a greasy trail
Gonna travel the world is what Im gonna do
Then come back and see you
All I ever do is struggle and strive
If I dont do anybody any harm, I might make it back home alive
Im the oldest son of a crazy man
Im in a cowboy band
Got a pile of sins to pay for and I aint got time to hide
Id walk through a blazing fire, baby, if I knew you was on the other side
Oh, I miss you Nettie Moore
And my happiness is oer
Winters gone, the rivers on the rise
I loved you then and ever shall
But theres no one here left to tell
The world has gone black before my eyes
The world of research has gone berserk
Too much paperwork
Alberts in the graveyard, Frankies raising hell
Im beginning to believe what the scriptures tell
Im going where the Southern crosses the Yellow Dog
Get away from these demagogues
And these bad luck women stick like glue
Its either one or the other or neither of the two
She says, look out daddy, dont want you to tear your pants
You can get wrecked in this dance.
They say whiskey will kill ya, but I dont think it will
Im riding with you to the top of the hill
Oh, I miss you Nettie Moore
And my happiness is oer
Winters gone, the rivers on the rise
I loved you then and ever shall
But theres no one here left to tell
The world has gone black before my eyes
Dont know why my baby never looked so good before
I dont have to wonder no more
She been cooking all day and its gonna take me all night
I cant eat all that stuff in a single bite
The Judge is coming in, everybody rise
Lift up your eyes
You can do what you please, you dont need my advice
Before you call me any dirty names you better think twice
Getting light outside, the temperature dropped
I think the rain has stopped
Im going to make you come to grips with fate
When Im through with you, youll learn to keep your business straight
Oh, I miss you Nettie Moore
And my happiness is oer
Winters gone, the rivers on the rise
I loved you then and ever shall
But theres no one here left to tell
The world has gone black before my eyes
The bright spark of the steady lights
Has dimmed my sights
When youre around all my grief gives way
A lifetime with you is like some heavenly day
Everything Ive ever known to be right has been proven wrong
Ill be drifting along
The woman Im a-loving, she rules my heart
No knife could ever cut our love apart
Today Ill stand in faith and raise
The voice of praise
The sun is strong, Im standing in the light
I wish to God that it were night
Oh, I miss you Nettie Moore
And my happiness is oer
Winters gone, the rivers on the rise
I loved you then and ever shall
But theres no one here left to tell
The world has gone black before my eyes |
Congratulations for breaking my heart
Congratulations for tearing it all apart
Congratulations, you finally did succeed
Congratulations for leaving me in need
This morning I looked out my window and found
A bluebird singing but there was no one around
At night I lay alone in my bed
With an image of you goin around in my head
Congratulations for bringing me down
Congratulations, now Im sorrow bound
Congratulations, you got a good deal
Congratulations, how good you must feel
I guess I must have loved you more than I ever knew
My world is empty now cause it dont have you
And if I had just one more chance to win your heart again
I would do things differently, but whats the use to pretend?
Congratulations for making me wait
Congratulations, now its too late
Congratulations, you came out on top
Congratulations, you never did know when to stop
Congratulations |
Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee
They’re throwing knives into the tree
Two big bags of dead man’s bones
Got their noses to the grindstones
Living in the Land of Nod
Trustin’ their fate to the Hands of God
They pass by so silently
Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee
Well, they’re going to the country, they’re gonna retire
They’re taking a streetcar named Desire
Looking in the window at the pecan pie
Lot of things they’d like they would never buy
Neither one gonna turn and run
They’re making a voyage to the sun
“His Master’s voice is calling me”
Says Tweedle-dee Dum to Tweedle-dee Dee
Tweedle-dee Dee and Tweedle-dee Dum
All that and more and then some
They walk among the stately trees
They know the secrets of the breeze
Tweedle-dee Dum said to Tweedle-dee Dee
“Your presence is obnoxious to me”
They’re like babies sittin’ on a woman’s knee
Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee
Well, the rain beating down on my window pane
I got love for you and it’s all in vain
Brains in the pot, they’re beginning to boil
They’re dripping with garlic and olive oil
Tweedle-dee Dee, he’s on his hands and his knees
Saying, “Throw me somethin’, Mister, please”
“What’s good for you is good for me”
Says Tweedle-dee Dum to Tweedle-dee Dee
Well, they’re living in a happy harmony
Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee
They’re one day older and a dollar short
They’ve got a parade permit and a police escort
They’re lying low and they’re makin’ hay
They seem determined to go all the way
They run a brick-and-tile company
Tweedle-dee Dum and Tweedle-dee Dee
Well, a childish dream is a deathless need
And a noble truth is a sacred dream
My pretty baby, she’s lookin’ around
She’s wearin’ a multi-thousand dollar gown
Tweedle-dee Dee is a lowdown, sorry old man
Tweedle-dee Dum, he’ll stab you where you stand
“I’ve had too much of your company,”
Says Tweedle-dee Dum to Tweedle-dee Dee |
What good am I if I’m like all the rest
If I just turn away, when I see how you’re dressed
If I shut myself off so I can’t hear you cry
What good am I?
What good am I if I know and don’t do
If I see and don’t say, if I look right through you
If I turn a deaf ear to the thundering sky
What good am I?
What good am I while you softly weep
And I hear in my head what you say in your sleep
And I freeze in the moment like the rest who don’t try
What good am I?
What good am I then to others and me
If I’ve had every chance and yet still fail to see
If my hands are tied must I not wonder within
Who tied them and why and where must I have been?
What good am I if I say foolish things
And I laugh in the face of what sorrow brings
And I just turn my back while you silently die
What good am I? |
Spirit on the water
Darkness on the face of the deep
I keep thinking about you baby
I cant hardly sleep
Im traveling by land
Traveling through the dawn of day
Youre always on my mind
I cant stay away
Id forgotten about you
Then you turned up again
I always knew
That we were meant to be more than friends
When you are near
Its just as plain as it can be
Im wild about you, gal
You ought to be a fool about me
Cant explain
The sources of this hidden pain
You burned your way into my heart
You got the key to my brain
Ive been trampling through mud
Praying to the powers above
Im sweating blood
You got a face that begs for love
Life without you
Doesnt mean a thing to me
If I cant have you
Ill throw my love into the deep blue sea
Sometimes I wonder
Why you cant treat me right
You do good all day
Then you do wrong all night
When youre with me
Im a thousand times happier than I could ever say
What does it matter
What price I pay
They brag about your sugar
Brag about it all over town
Put some sugar in my bowl
I feel like laying down
Im pale as a ghost
Holding a blossom on a stem
You ever seen a ghost? No
But you have heard of them
I see you there
Im blinded by the colors I see
I take good care
Of what belongs to me
I hear your name
Ringing up and down the line
Im saying it plain
These ties are strong enough to bind
Your sweet voice
Calls out from some old familiar shrine
I got no choice
Cant believe these things would ever fade from your mind
I could live forever
With you perfectly
You dont ever
Have to make a fuss over me
From East to West
Ever since the world began
I only mean it for the best
I want to be with you any way I can
I been in a brawl
Now Im feeling the wall
Im going away baby
I wont be back ‘till fall
High on the hill
You can carry all my thoughts with you
Youve numbed my will
This love could tear me in two
I wanna be with you in paradise
And it seems so unfair
I cant go to paradise no more
I killed a man back there
You think Im over the hill
You think Im past my prime
Let me see what you got
We can have a whoppin good time |
Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you
Look away, you rolling river
Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear you
Look away. Were bound away
Across the wide Missouri
Now the Missouri is a mighty river
Look away, you rolling river
Indians camp along her border
Look away. Were bound away
Across the wide Missouri
Well a white man loved an Indian maiden
Look away, you rolling river
With notions his canoe was laden
Look away, were bound away
Across the wide Missouri
Oh Shenandoah, I love your daughter
Look away, you rolling river
It was for her Id cross the water
Look away, were bound away
Across the wide Missouri
For seven long years I courted Sally
Look away, you rolling river
Seven more years I longed to have her
Look away, were bound away
Across the wide Missouri
Well, its fare-thee-well, my dear
Im bound to leave you
Look away you rolling river
Shenandoah, I will not deceive you
Look away, were bound away
Across the wide Missouri |
They ask me how I feel
And if my love is real
And how I know Ill make it through
And they, they look at me and frown
Theyd like to drive me from this town
They dont want me around
Because I believe in you
They, they show me to the door
They say, Dont come back no more
Cause I dont be like theyd like me to
And I, I walk out on my own
A thousand miles from home
But I dont feel alone
Because I believe in you
I believe in you even through the tears and the laughter
L believe in you even though we be apart
I believe in you even on the morning after
Oh, when the dawn is nearing
Oh, when the night is disappearing
Oh, this feeling is still here in my heart
Dont let me drift too far
Keep me where you are
Where I will always be renewed
And that which youve given me today
Is worth more than I could pay
And no matter what they say
I believe in you
L believe in you when winter turns to summer
I believe in you when white turn to black
I believe in you even though I be outnumbered
Oh, though the earth may shake me
Oh, though my friends forsake me
Oh, even that couldnt make me go back
Dont let me change my heart
Keep me set apart
From all the plans they do pursue
And I, I dont mind the pain
Dont mind the driving rain
I know I will sustain
Because I believe in you |
Nooooo, no, no, noooo
Nobody feels any pain
Tonight as I stand inside the rain
Everybody knows
That babys got new clothes
But lately Ive seen her ribbons and her bows
Have fallen from her curls
As she takes just like a woman, yeah
And she makes love just like a woman, oh
And she aches just like a woman
But she breaks just like a little girl
Queen Mary, shes my friend
Yes I believe Ill go see her again
Nobody has to guess
Baby cant be blessed
Till she finally sees that
Shes like all the rest
With her fog, her amphetamines and her pearls
As she takes just like a woman
Yeah she does
And she makes love just like a woman
And she aches just like a woman
But she breaks just like a little girl
Well it was raining from the first
And I was dying there of thirst
So I came in here
And your long-time curse hurts
But whats worse
Is are this pain here
I cant stay here
Aint it clear that
I just cant fit
I believe its time for us to quit
When we meet again
Introduced as friends
Please dont you let on
That you knew me when
I was hungry and
It was your world
Oh, you fake just like a woman
Yes you do
And you make love just like a woman
And then you ache just like a woman
But you break just like a little girl
But you break just like a little girl |
Summer days, summer nights are gone
Summer days and the summer nights are gone
I know a place where there’s still something going on
I got a house on a hill, I got hogs out in the mud
I got a house on a hill, I got hogs all out in the mud
I got a long-haired woman, she got royal Indian blood
Everybody get ready to lift up your glasses and sing
Everybody get ready to lift up your glasses and sing
Well, I’m standing on the table, I’m proposing a toast to the king
Well I’m driving in the flats in a Cadillac car
The girls all say, “You’re a worn-out star”
My pockets are loaded and I’m spending every dime
How can you say you love someone else when you know it’s me all the time?
Well, the fog’s so thick you can’t spy the land
The fog is so thick that you can’t even spy the land
What good are you, anyway, if you can’t stand up to some old businessman?
Wedding bells are ringing, the choir is beginning to sing
Yes, the wedding bells are ringing and the choirs beginning to sing
What looked good in the day, at night is another thing
She’s looking into my eyes, she’s-a holding my hand
She looking into my eyes, she’s holding my hand
She said, “You can’t repeat the past.” I said, “You can’t? What do you mean
You can’t? Of course you can.”
Where do you come from? Where do you go?
Sorry, that’s nothing you would need to know
Well, my back has been to the wall for so long, it seems like it’s stuck
Why don’t you break my heart one more time just for good luck?
I got eight carburetors, boys, I’m using ’em all
Well, I got eight carburetors and, boys, I’m using ’em all
I’m short on gas, my motor’s starting to stall
My dogs are barking, there must be someone around
My dogs are barking, theres must be someone around
I got my hammer ringing, pretty baby, but the nails ain’t going down
You got something to say, speak or hold your peace
Well, you got something to say, speak now or hold your peace
If it’s information you want, you can get it from the police
Politicians got on his jogging shoes
He must be running for office, got no time to lose
Hes sucking the blood out of the genius of generosity
You been rolling your eyes—you been teasing me
Standing by God’s river, my soul is beginning to shake
Standing by God’s river, my souls beginning to shake
I’m counting on you, love, to give me a break
Well, I’m leaving in the morning as soon as the dark clouds lift
Yes, I’m leaving in the morning just as soon as the dark clouds lift
Gon break the roof in, set fire to the place as a parting gift
Summer days, summer nights are gone
Summer days, summer nights are gone
I know a place where there’s still something going on |
Your breath is sweet and weak
Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky
Your back is straight, your hair is smooth
On the pillow where you lie
But I dont sense affection
No gratitude, no love
Your loyalty is not to me
But to the stars above
One more cup of coffee for the road
One more cup of coffee before I go
To the valley below
Your daddy, hes an outlaw
And a wanderer by trade
Hell teach you how to pick and choose
And how to throw the blade
He oversees his kingdom
So no stranger does intrude
His voice it trembles as he calls out
For another plate of food
One more cup of coffee for the road
One more cup of coffee before I go
To the valley below
Your sister sees the future
Like your Mother and yourself
You dont know how to read or write
Theres no books upon your shelf
But your pleasure knows no limits
And your voice is like a meadowlark
Your heart is like the ocean
Mysterious and dark
One more cup of coffee for the road
One more cup of coffee before I go
To the valley below |
Oh, the benches were stained with tears and perspiration
The birdies were flying from tree to tree
There was little to say, there was no conversation
As I stepped to the stage to pick up my degree
And the locusts sang off in the distance
Yeah, the locusts sang such a sweet melody
Oh, the locusts sang off in the distance
Yeah, the locusts sang and they were singing for me
I glanced into the chamber where the judges were talking
Darkness was everywhere, it smelled like a tomb
I was ready to leave, I was already walking
But the next time I looked there was light in the room
And the locusts sang, yeah, it give me a chill
Oh, the locusts sang such a sweet melody
Oh, the locusts sang their high whining trill
Yeah, the locusts sang and they were singing for me
Outside of the gates the trucks were unloading
The weather was hot, a-nearly 90 degrees
The man standing next to me, his head was exploding
Well, I was praying the pieces wouldn’t fall on me
Yeah, the locusts sang off in the distance
Yeah, the locusts sang such a sweet melody
Oh, the locusts sang off in the distance
And the locusts sang and they were singing for me
I put down my robe, picked up my diploma
Took hold of my sweetheart and away we did drive
Straight for the hills, the black hills of Dakota
Sure was glad to get out of there alive
And the locusts sang, well, it give me a chill
Yeah, the locusts sang such a sweet melody
And the locusts sang with a high whining trill
Yeah, the locusts sang and they was singing for me
Singing for me, well, singing for me |
Can’t you hear that rooster crowing?
Rabbit running down across the road
Underneath the bridge where the water flowed through
So happy just to see you smile
Underneath the sky of blue
On this new morning, new morning
On this new morning with you
Can’t you hear that motor turning?
Automobile coming into style
Coming down the road for a country mile or two
So happy just to see you smile
Underneath the sky of blue
On this new morning, new morning
On this new morning with you
The night passed away so quickly
It always does when you’re with me
Can’t you feel that sun a-shining?
Groundhog running by the country stream
This must be the day that all of my dreams come true
So happy just to be alive
Underneath the sky of blue
On this new morning, new morning
On this new morning with you
So happy just to be alive
Underneath the sky of blue
On this new morning, new morning
On this new morning with you
New morning |
Well, God said to Abraham Kill me a son
Abe said Man, you must be putting me on
God said No
Abe said What?
God said You do what you want to, Abe but
The next time you see me coming, youd better run
Abe said Where do you want this killing done?
God said Out on that Highway 61
Well, Georgia Sam he had a bloody nose
Welfare department would give him no clothes
He asked poor Howard Where can I go?
Howard said Theres only one place I know
Sam said Quick man, tell me, I got to run
Howard just pointed with his gun
He said, that way down on 61
Well, Mack the finger, said Louie the King
I got 40 red white and blue shoe strings
And a thousand telephones that wont ring
You know where I can get rid of these things?
And he said, Now let me think for a minute son
Said Yes that can be easily done
Just take them down on that 61
That highway
Now the fifth daughter on the twelfth night
Told the first father that things werent right
My complexion, she said, is much too white
He said Come here and stare up into the light
And said Mmm youre right
Let me tell the second mother its been done
But the second mother with the seventh son
They were out on that highway 61
Now, the roving gambler was very bored
Trying to create the next world war
And he found a promoter, fell on the floor
And said Ive never engaged in this kind of thing before
But yep, I think it can be easily done
Well just put some bleachers there out in the sun
Have it out on that 61 |
You will search, babe
At any cost
But how long, babe
Can you search for what is not lost?
Everybody will help you
Some people are very kind
But if I can save you any time
Come on, give it to me
Ill keep it with mine
I cant help it
If you might think I am odd
If I say Im loving you not for what you are
But for what youre not
Everybody will help you
Discover what you set out to find
But if I can save you any time
Come on, give it to me
Ill keep it with mine
The train leaves
At half past ten
But it will be back
In the same old spot again
The conductor
Hes still stuck on the line
And if I can save you any time
Come on, give it to me
I’ll keep it with mine |
Just a minute fore you leave, girl
Just a minute fore you touch the door
What is it that you’re trying to achieve, girl?
Do you think we can talk about it some more?
You know, the streets are filled with vipers
Who’ve lost all ray of hope
You know, its not even safe no more
In the palace of the Pope
Don’t fall apart on me tonight
I just don’t think that I could handle it
Don’t fall apart on me tonight
Yesterday’s just a memory
Tomorrow is never what it’s supposed to be
And I need you, yeah
Come over here from over there, girl
Sit down here, you can have my chair
I can’t see us goin anywhere, girl
The only place open is a thousand miles away
And I can’t take you there
I wished I’d have been a doctor
Maybe I’d have saved some life thatve been lost
Maybe I’d have done some good in the world
Instead of burning every bridge I crossed
Don’t fall apart on me tonight
I just don’t think that I could handle it
Don’t fall apart on me tonight
Yesterday’s just a memory
Tomorrows never what it’s supposed to be
And I need you, ah, yeah
I aint too good at conversation, girl
So you might not know exactly how I feel
But if I could I’d bring you to the mountain top, girl
And build you a house made out of stainless steel
But it’s like I’m stuck inside a painting
That’s a-hanging in the Louvre
My throat starts to tickle and my nose itches
But I know that I can’t move
Don’t fall apart on me tonight
I just don’t think that I could handle it
Don’t fall apart on me tonight
Yesterday’s gone but the past live on
Tomorrows just one step beyond
And I need you, ah
Who are these people that are walking towards you?
Do you know them or will there be a fight?
With their humorless smiles so easy to see through
Can they tell you what’s wrong from what’s right?
Oh, do you remember St. James Street
Where you blew Jackie P.’s mind?
You were so fine, Clark Gable would have fell at your feet
And laid his life on the line
Let’s try to get beneath the surface waste, girl
No more booby traps and bombs
No more decadence and charms
No more affection that’s misplaced, girl
No more mudcake creatures lying in your arms
What about that millionaire
With the drumsticks in his pants?
He looked so baffled and so bewildered
When he played and we didn’t dance
Don’t fall apart on me tonight
I just don’t think that I could handle it
Don’t fall apart on me tonight
Yesterday is just a memory
Tomorrows never what it’s supposed to be
And I need you
Yeah, you, ah
I need you |
Once upon a time you dressed so fine
Threw the bums a dime in your prime
Didnt you
Yeah, people would call, say, Beware doll, youre
Bound to fall
You thought they were just kidding you
You used to laugh about
Everybody that was hanging out
And now you dont walk so proud
Now you dont talk so loud
About having to be scrounging
Your next meal
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
A complete unknown
Just like a rolling stone
You went to the finest schools all right
Miss Lonely
But you know you only used to get
Juiced in it
Nobody taught you how to
Live out on the street
But now you are going to have to get
Used to it
You said youd never compromise
With the mystery tramp, but now you realize
That hes not selling any alibis
As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes
And say, Do you want to make a deal
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
A complete unknown
Just like a rolling stone
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
A complete unknown
Just like a rolling stone
Yeah, the princess on the steeple
All the pretty people
Drinking, thinking that they
Got it made
Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts
But you should better take that diamond ring
You should better pawn it babe
You used to be so amused
At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used
Now go to him now, he calls you, you cant refuse
When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose
Youre invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be on your own
With no direction home
A complete unknown
Just like a rolling stone |
In the still of the night, in the worlds ancient light
Where wisdom grows up in strife
My bewildering brain, toils in vain
Through the darkness on the pathways of life
Each invisible prayer is like a cloud in the air
Tomorrow keeps turning around
We live and we die, we know not why
But Ill be with you when the deal goes down
We eat and we drink, we feel and we think
Far down the street we stray
I laugh and I cry and Im haunted by
Things I never meant nor wished to say
The midnight rain follows the train
We all wear the same thorny crown
Soul to soul, our shadows roll
And Ill be with you when the deal goes down
The moon gives light and shines by night
I scarcely feel the glow
We learn to live and then we forgive
Oer the road were bound to go
More frailer than the flowers, these precious hours
That keep us so tightly bound
You come to my eyes like a vision from the skies
And Ill be with you when the deal goes down
I picked up a rose and it poked through my clothes
I followed the winding stream
I heard a deafening noise, I felt transient joys
I know theyre not what they seem
In this earthly domain, full of disappointment and pain
Youll never see me frown
I owe my heart to you, and thats saying it true
And Ill be with you when the deal goes down |
for françoise hardy
at the seine’s edge
a giant shadow
of notre dame
seeks t grab my foot
sorbonne students
whirl by on thin bicycles
swirlin’ lifelike colors of leather spin
the breese yawns food
far from the bellies
or erhard meetin johnson
piles of lovers
lay themselves on their books, boats.
old men
clothed in curly mustaches
float on the benches
blankets of tourist
in bright nylon shirts
with straw hats of ambassadors
(cannot hear nixon’s
dawg bark now)
will sail away
as the sun goes down
the doors of the river are open
i must remember that
i too play the guitar
it’s easy t stand here
more lovers pass
on motorcycles
roped together
from the walls of the water then
i look across t what they call
the right bank
an envy
player |
Wise men say, only fools rush in
But I cant help falling in love with you
Shall I stay, will it be a sin
If I cant help falling in love with you ?
Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes, some things were meant to be
Take my hand, take my whole life too
For I cant help falling in love with you |
There was a wicked messenger
From Eli he did come
With a mind that multiplied the smallest matter
When questioned who had sent for him
He answered with his thumb
For his tongue it could not speak, but only flatter
He stayed behind the assembly hall
It was there he made his bed
Oftentimes he could be seen returning
Until one day he just appeared
With a note in his hand which read
“The soles of my feet, I swear they’re burning”
Oh, the leaves began to falling
And the seas began to part
And the people that confronted him were many
And he was told but these few words
Which opened up his heart
“If ye cannot bring good news, then don’t bring any” |
Subsets and Splits