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The camera opens on text that says, Hi. As the NARRATOR continues to speak, were shown a globe from Google Earth.
NARRATOR: Hi, youre on a rock floating in space. Pretty cool, huh? Some of its water. Fuck it, actually, most of its water. I cant even get from here to there without buying a boat.
A plane is shown flying from South America to Africa. The plane fades off the screen, and a lone, sad stick figure is shown standing on Africa.
NARRATOR: Its sad. Im sad. I miss you.
The camera pans left across the globe to show more sad stick figures also standing on South America, North America, and Europe.
CHORUS: How did this happen?
NARRATOR: A long time ago- Actually, never, and also now, nothing is nowhere. When? Never. Makes sense, right? Like I said, it didnt happen. Nothing was never anywhere. Thats why its been everywhere. Its been so everywhere, you dont need a where. You dont even need a when. Thats how every it gets.
A long pause happens.
NARRATOR: Forget this. I wanna be something. Go somewhere. Do something. I want things to change. I want to invent time and space, and I know its possible because everything is here, and it probably already happened. I just dont know when to start, and thats exactly where it started.
The sound of VCR fast forwarding plays.
NARRATOR: Ooh, I paused it. I think theres a universe now. Whats it made of?
CHORUS: Quarks and stuff!
NARRATOR: Ah, thats a thing, in a place. Dont like it? Try a new place, at a different time. Try to stick together because the world is gonna get bigger and emptier, but its not empty yet. Its still very full and about a kjghpillion degrees.
About no seconds pass.
NARRATOR: Great news! The quarks are now happily married and in groups of three, called a proton or a neutron, and theres something else flying around too that wants to join in but cant because its still too-
An explosion goes off while the screen says, HOT.
10 minutes pass.
NARRATOR: Great news! The protons and neutrons are now happily married to each other. Some of them even doubled up.
About 380,000 years pass.
NARRATOR: Great news! The electrons have now joined in. Congratulations! The world is now a bunch of gas in space, but its getting closer together...
10 million years pass.
NARRATOR: ...and its getting closer together...
500 million years pass.
NARRATOR: ...and its getting closer toget-
An explosion occurs.
CHORUS: Its a star!
NARRATOR: New shit just got made. Some stars burn out and die. Bigger stars burn out and die with passion, and make some brand new, way crazier shit...
CHORUS: Space dust!
NARRATOR: ...which allows newer, more interesting stars to be made, and then die, and explode into-
CHORUS: Even crazier space dust!
NARRATOR: ...so now stars have cool stuff around them, like rocks, ice, and funny clouds, which can make some very interesting things, like this ball of flaming rocks for example.
NARRATOR: Holy shit! We just got hit with another ball of flaming rocks, and it kind of made a mess, which is-
CHORUS: Now the Moon!
The year is now -4,000,000,000.
NARRATOR: Weather update, its raining rocks from outer space.
NARRATOR: Weather update, those rocks might have had water inside them, and now, theres hot steam in the sky.
NARRATOR: Weather update, cooler temperatures today, and the floor is no longer lava.
NARRATOR: Weather update, its raining.
NARRATOR: Severe flooding alert! The entire world is now an ocean.
NARRATOR: Volcano alert!
CHORUS: Thats land!
OCEAN: Theres life in the ocean.
CHORUS: Somethings alive in the ocean.
IMMATERIAL OBSERVER : Oh, cool. Like, a plant or an animal?
The camera zooms in on a single-cell organism.
NARRATOR: No, a microscopic speck. It lives at the bottom of the ocean and eats chemical soup which is being served hot and fresh, made from gnarly space ingredients leftover from when it was raining rocks or whatever.
The cell divides.
NARRATOR: Oh, yeah, and it can do that.
Those cells divide many more times.
NARRATOR: It has secret instructions written inside itself telling it how to build another one of itself. So thats pretty nifty, I would say.
NARRATOR: Tired of living at the bottom of the ocean?
CHORUS: Now you can eat sunlight!
The year is now -3,000,000,000.
NARRATOR: Using a revolutionary technique, you can convert sunlight into food.
CHORUS: Taste the sun!
The year is now -2,300,000,000.
NARRATOR: Side effect, now theres oxygen everywhere and the sky is blue. Then the Earth might have been a snowball for a while. Maybe even a couple of times.
The year is now -500,000,000.
NARRATOR: Its a sponge. Its a plant. Its a worm, and some other types of weird, strange water bugs and strange fish.
CHORUS: Its the Cambrian explosion!
IO: Wow, thats animals and stuff.
SEA LIFE: But were still in the ocean. Hey, can we go on land?
CHORUS, as LAND: The sun is a deadly lazer!
SEA LIFE: Oh, okay.
CHORUS: Not anymore, theres a blanket.
NARRATOR: Now the animals can go on land. Come on animals, lets go on land.
FISH: Nope, cant walk yet. And theres no food yet, so I dont care.
100 million years pass.
LAND: Okay, will you learn to walk if theres plants up here?
NARRATOR: ...said some bugs... and fish.
The year is now -380,000,000. FISH grunts because it is struggling to get on land, for it has no legs. 5 million years pass. The year is now -375,000,000. FISH now has legs, for it has evolved into an AMPHIBIAN.
AMPHIBIAN: Okay, so I can go on land, but I have to go back in the water to-
CHORUS: Have babies!
The word idea flashes on to the screen.
NARRATOR: Learn to use an egg.
AMPHIBIAN: I was already doing that.
NARRATOR: Use a stronger egg. Put water in it. Have a baby, on land, in an egg. Water is in the egg. Baby, in the egg, in the water, in the egg.
The year is -312,000,000.
CHORUS: Bye bye, ocean!
50 million years pass.
NARRATOR: And now everythings huge. Including bugs. Wanna see a map of the land?
IO: Sure.
The year is now -252,000,000. A globe is presented. The camera starts to pan around it when a large explosion happens, destroying a land mass on the globe the size of a continent. Text pops onto the screen reading PERMIAN EXTINCTION. The Permian Extinction has occurred.
NARRATOR: Oh fuck, now everythings dead. Just kidding, here are the survivors.
The thrinaxodon, lystrosaurus, and proterosuchus are shown.
NARRATOR: Keep your eye on this one...
The proterosuchus is circled. 75 million years pass.
NARRATOR: ...cause its about to become the dinosaurs. Heres another map of the land.
The globe is shown again. It does not yet look like the Earth we know today; many of the continents are in pieces or out of place.
NARRATOR: Yeah, it broke apart. Dont worry about that. It does that all the time.
The year is now -66,000,000.
NARRATOR: Here comes a meteor.
A meteor comes into frame and hits the globe near what is today called Central America.
CHORUS: And the dinosaurs are gone!
NARRATOR: Its mammal time! Here come the mammals; look at those breasts.
The year is now -15,000,000.
NARRATOR: Now, theyre gonna dominate the world, and one of them just learned how to grab stuff, and walk.
The year is now -4,000,000. A transition from one of humans older ancestors to one of humans younger ancestors is shown.
NARRATOR: No, like, walk like that, and grab stuff at the same time.
The year is now -3,000,000.
NARRATOR: And bang rocks together to make pointed rocks.
IO: Ouch.
The year is now -1,500,000.
NARRATOR: And set things on fire.
IO: Yeouch.
The year is now -200,000.
NARRATOR: And make crazy sounds with their voice.
CAVEMAN: Gneurshk.
NARRATOR: Which can mean different things.
Via the CAVEMANs thought bubble, Gnerushk, is shown to mean, Hi, Bye, and, Can you hand me that rock over there?
CHORUS: Thats a human person!
NARRATOR: And now theyre everywhere, almost.
Text pops on to the screen, above the landmass that is today called North America. It reads not here yet. Humans have not migrated there yet. The year is now -20,000. Text pops on to the screen, between what is today the American state of Alaska and the Russian autonomous okrug of Chukotka. The text reads ice age. The ice age is occurring, creating a land bridge between the two landmasses.
CHORUS: Ice age!
HUMANS: What? You can walk over here? Cool!
The year is now -10,000.
CHORUS: Not anymore.
HUMANS: Well, I guess were stuck here now.
NARRATOR: Lets review. Theres people on the planet, and theyre chasing their food.
HUMAN: Fuck it, time to plant some grass. Look at this. I control the food now. Now, everyone will want to be my friend and live near me. Lets all build houses, except mine is bigger because I own the food. This is great. I wonder if anyone else is doing this.
The year is now -5000.
NARRATOR: Tired of using rocks for everything? Use metal! Its underground.
NARRATOR: Better farming was just invented in a sweet dank valley right in between these two rivers, and the animals are helping.
A sheep baas in the background.
CHORUS: Guess what happens next!
NARRATOR: More food, and more people who came to buy the food, and you need people to help make the food and keep track of the sales, and now, you need houses for people to live in and people to make the houses, and now, theres more people, and they invent things which makes things better, and more people come, and theres more farming and more people to make more things for more people, and now, theres business, money, writing, laws, power.
CHORUS: Society!
NARRATOR: Coming soon to a dank river valley near you. Meanwhile, out in the middle of nowhere, the horse is probably being tamed.
DISTRAUGHT HUMAN: Why is all my metal so lame and lumpy?
NARRATOR: Tired of using lame, sad metal?
The year is now -3300.
NARRATOR: Introducing-
CHORUS: Bronze!
NARRATOR: Made from special ingredient tin from the far lands of Tin Land... I dont know, my dealer wont tell me where he gets it. Also, guess what?
CHORUS: Egypt!
The year is now -2000.
NARRATOR: Meanwhile, out in the middle of nowhere, they figured out how to put wheels on a horse. Now, were getting somewhere. Also-
CHORUS: China!
NARRATOR: And did I mention-
CHORUS: Indus River Valley Civilization!
A society count comes on screen. It lists the four civilizations just named , as the counter counts up from one to four. It pauses for a moment before ticking up to five. A fifth civilization appears on the list. The camera pans right across the globe to what is modern day Peru.
CHORUS: Norte Chico!
NARRATOR: The Middle East is getting more complicated. Maybe because its in the middle of the East.
The year is now -1600.
PEOPLE WITH HORSES: Knock, knock. Er... clop clop.
NARRATOR: Its the people with the horses, and they made an empire, and then everyone else copied their horses.
CHORUS: Greeks!
NARRATOR: Ah, look, it must be the Greeks. Or, a beta version of the Greeks.
Text pops up on screen, reading mycenaean greeks. These beta version... Greeks are the Mycenaean Greeks.
NARRATOR: Lets check in with the Indus River Valley Civilization - theyre gone. Guess whos not gone?
CHORUS: China!
The year is now -1200.
CHORUS: New arrivals in India! Maybe its those horse people I was talking about, or their cousins, or something... And they wrote some hymns and mantras and stuff!
NARRATOR: You could make a religion out of this.
The year is now -1150.
NARRATOR: Theres the Bronze Age collapse.
CHORUS: Now, the Phoenicians can get down to business!
HUMANS: Also, can we switch to a metal thats a little easier to find?
Bronze switches to iron.
HUMANS: Thanks.
NARRATOR: Look who came back to Israel - its the twelve tribes of Israel!
CHORUS: And they believe in God!
NARRATOR: Just one though; hes got like a ten step program.
NARRATOR: Heres some huge heads. Must be the Olmecs.
The year is now -800.
NARRATOR: The Phoenicians make some colonies. The Greeks copy their idea and make some colonies. The Phoenicians made a colony so big it makes colonies.
The year is now -671.
NARRATOR: Here comes the Assyrian Empire.
The year is now -600.
NARRATOR: Nevermind, its the Babyloni-
The year is now -580.
The year is now -500.
CHORUS: Its the Persian Empire!
IO: Wow, thats big.
NARRATOR: Ah, the Buddha was just enlightened!
IO: Whos the Buddha?
NARRATOR: This guy, who sat under a tree for so long that he figured out how to ignore the fact that were all dying. You could make a religion out of this.
The year is now -475.
NARRATOR: Oops, China just broke, but while it was breaking, Confucius was figuring out how to have good morals.
The year is now -400.
NARRATOR: Ah, the Greeks just had the idea of thinking about stuff...
The year is now -330.
NARRATOR: ...and right over here, Alexander just had the idea of conquering the entire Persian empire. Its a great idea. He was... Great, and now hes dead. Hopefully, the rest of the gang will be able to share the empire evenly between them.
The year is now -305.
CHANDRAGUPTA: Knock knock.
NARRATOR: Its Chandragupta. He says-
CHANDRAGUPTA: Get the hell out of here. Will you get the hell out of here if I give you five hundred elephants? Okay, thanks. Bye.
CHORUS: Time to conquer all of India!
CHORUS: Most of India!
IO: But what about this part?
NARRATOR: Thats the Tamil kings. No one conquers the Tamil kings.
IO: Who are the Tamil kings?
CHORUS: Merchants, probably... And theyve got spices!
TAMIL KINGS: Who would like to buy the spices?
NARRATOR: ...said the Arabians, swiftly buying it and selling it to the rest of the world.
The year is now -221.
NARRATOR: Hey, China put itself back together again, with good morals as their main philosophy! Actually, they have three main philosophies.
Confucianism, Taoism, and legalism appear with the corresponding messages under: having good morals, go with the flow, and fuck you obey the law. The land northwest of Qin China, which is roughly modern-day Mongolia, is circled.
NARRATOR: Out here, the horse nomads run wild and free, and they would like to ransack your city.
The horse nomads repeatedly bump into China with the coin sound effect from Super Mario playing each time they do so. The camera pans left on the globe back to the Ancient Greek Empire.
NARRATOR: Lets check the Greekification levels of the Greekified kingdoms. Greekification overload!
NARRATOR: ...said the Parthians.
JEWS: Bye.
NARRATOR: ...said the Jews.
NARRATOR: ...said the Parthians, taking over the entire place.
The year is now 1 CE.
ROMANS: Heyyyyyyyy...
NARRATOR: ...said the Romans, eating the entire Mediterranean for breakfast.
JEWS: Thanks for invading our homeland.
NARRATOR: ...said the Jews, who were starting to get tired of people invading their homeland.
The year is now 30 CE.
JESUS CHRIST: Hi, everythings great.
NARRATOR: ...said some guy, who seems to be getting very popular, and is then arrested and killed for being too popular, which only makes him more popular. You could make a religion out of this.
NARRATOR: Want silk? Now, you can buy it from China. They just made a-
CHORUS: Brand new road to the world!
China conquers Vietnam.
CHORUS: Or you can get there on water!
INDIA: Sick! New trade routes.
NARRATOR: ...said India, accidentally spreading their religion to the entire southeast.
Funan is highlighted.
NARRATOR: Hm, thats a good place for an epic trading kingdom.
The sound of a zooming car plays.
NARRATOR: There goes Buddhism, traveling up the silk road.
The year is now 220.
NARRATOR: I wonder if itll reach China before it collapses again.
The year is now 225.
NARRATOR: Remember the Persian Empire?
NARRATOR: ...said the Persians, making a new one. Axum is getting so powerful they would like to build a long stick. Has anyone populated Madagascar yet?
BANTU and MALAY: Lets do it together!
The year is now 280.
CHORUS: China is whole again!
The year is now 320.
CHORUS: Then it broke again.
NARRATOR: Still cant cross the Sahara Desert? Try camels!
CHORUS, as GHANA EMPIRE: Hell yeah! Now weve got business!
NARRATOR: ...said the Ghana Empire, selling lots of gold and slaves.
ROMAN CHRISTIAN: Hi, I live in the Roman Empire, and I was wondering-
CHORUS, as ROMAN CHRISTIAN: Is loving Jesus legal yet?
The year is now 330.
CONSTANTINE: Actually, okay, sure.
NARRATOR: ...said Constantine, moving the capital way over here to be closer to his-
CHORUS: Main rival!
CONSTANTINE: Dont worry about Rome; it wont fall.
The year is now 400.
CHORUS: Its the golden age of India!
NARRATOR: Theres the Gupta Empire, not Chandragupta, just Gupta... First name Chandra... The First. Guess whos in Rome.
CHORUS: Barbarians!
NARRATOR: Whats a barbarian?
ROMANS: Non-Romans.
NARRATOR: ...said the Romans, being invaded by non-Romans.
The year is now 476.
NARRATOR: R.I.P. Roman Empire. Er, actually just half of it; the other half is just fine, but its not in Rome anymore, so lets give it a new name.
CHORUS: The Mayans have figured out the stars!
NARRATOR: Oh, and heres a huge city, population: everyone.
The year is now 576.
NARRATOR: The Göktürks have taken over the entire Eurasian steppe. Great job, Göktürks. Hows India? Broken. Hows China?
CHORUS: Back together.
NARRATOR: Hows those trading kingdoms?
CHORUS: Bigger, and theres more of them.
NARRATOR: Korea has three kingdoms. Japan has a kingdom; its the sunrise kingdom.
An intermission occurs. The year is now 610.
NARRATOR: Deep in the Arabian desert, on the top of a mountain, the real god whispers in Muhammads ear, so he goes down to the cube where everyone worships gods, and he tells them their gods are all fake...
The year is now 622.
NARRATOR: ...and everyone got so mad at him that he had to leave town and go to a different town. You can make a religion out of this...
The year is now 650.
NARRATOR: ...and maybe conquer the world as well. The Roman Empire is long gone, but somehow, the Pope is still the Pope! Plus, theres-
CHORUS: New kingdoms all over Europe!
NARRATOR: I wonder if theres room for Moors.
The year is now 786.
NARRATOR: Heres all the wisdom, in a house: its the Baghdad House of Wisdom, just in time for the-
CHORUS: Islamic Golden Age!
SWAHILI: Lets bring stuff to the coast, and sell it, and become the Swahili on the Swahili Coast.
NARRATOR: ...said the Swahili on the Swahili Coast.
NARRATOR: Remember this tiny space you have to go through to get from here to there? Someone owns that now.
NARRATOR: Wanna get enlightened in the middle of nowhere?
NARRATOR: The Franks have the biggest kingdom in Europe, and the Pope is so proud that he invites the king over for Christmas.
The year is now 800.
POPE: Surprise! Youre the new Roman Emperor!
NARRATOR: ...said the Pope, pretending to still be part of the Roman Empire. Then, the Franks broke their kingdom into what will later be called France and Not France. The Northerners are exploring. They go north, from the north, to the northern north, and they find some land, two types of land, and they name them accordingly.
Large text comes on screen reading, prankd.
NARRATOR: They also invade some other places and get called many names, such as Vikings.
The year is now 882.
NARRATOR: Theres the Rus, the Kievan Rus.
IO: Are they Vikings?
KIEVAN RUS: I dont think so.
NARRATOR: ...said the Kievan Rus.
IO: Okay, fair enough.
NARRATOR: The Pope is ready to make some more emperors of the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire. Its actually Germany, but dont worry about it! New kingdoms!
NARRATOR: Which brand would you like?
The year is now 1066.
WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR: Time to conquer England.
NARRATOR: ...said William.
The year is now 1071.
NARRATOR: Its a bird! Its a plane! Its the Seljuk Turks!
NARRATOR: ...said the Byzantine Empire, whos getting so small it almost doesnt exist anymore.
NARRATOR: They need help, so they call the Pope.
BYZANTINE EMPIRE: Hey, Pope, can you help us get rid of the Seljuks? Maybe take back the Holy Land on the way? Come on, I know you want to take back the Holy Land.
POPE: Yes, I do actually want to do that. Lets do a Crusade.
The year is now 1099.
CHORUS: Crusade!
NARRATOR: They did many crusades, some of which almost didnt fail, but at the least the Italians got some sweet trade deals.
The year is now 1100.
NARRATOR: Goodbye, Mayans.
CHORUS: Hello, Toltecs!
NARRATOR: Goodbye, Toltecs.
CHORUS: Hello, Mississippi!
NARRATOR: Look at those mounds! Theres the Pueblo. Ive always wondered how to build a town on a cliff.
The year is now 1150.
NARRATOR: Guess whos here? Khmer!
IO: Where?
NARRATOR: Here, and Pegan is there! Vietnam unconquered itself, Korea just became itself...
The year is now 1192.
NARRATOR: ...and Japan is so addicted to art that the military might have to take over the government. China just invented bombs and typing...
The year is now 1230. It rapidly starts to count upward as the Mongols spin and fly all over north Asia. The year ends on 1259.
NARRATOR: ...and the Mongols just invaded most of the universe. Nice going, Genghis! I bet that will last a long time.
The Mongol Empire that was just formed shatters.
NARRATOR: Some of the Islamic Turks were unaffected by the Mongol invasions because they were busy invading India.
Bright, happy text comes on the screen reading, tonga time.
NARRATOR: Is it Tonga time?
TONGAN: I think its Tonga time!
Text comes on screen reading, colonizing the pacific ocean... The Tui Tonga Empire forms.
NARRATOR: I just found out where the Swahili gets all their gold!
It is shown that the gold comes from the Great Zimbabwe, as the Great Zimbabwe is highlighted.
NARRATOR: Look at this chad . Theres an empire there, right in the middle of-
CHORUS: Africa!
The year is now 1324.
NARRATOR: The King of Mali is so rich, hes going on tour to let everyone know.
NORTH AFRICA and THE MIDDLE EAST: Wow, that guys rich.
NARRATOR: ...everyone said. The Christians are doing a great job reconquering Iberia, which will soon be called Spain and Not-Spain.
IBERIAN PENINSULA: Please remain Christian. We will check in later to see if youre still Christian when you least expect.
The year is now 1350.
NARRATOR: Whoops! Half of Europe just died!
NARRATOR: Chinas back, yay!
The year is now 1400.
Hey Khmer, time to share! New kingdoms here and there. Oh, look who controls all the islands. Its the Mahajapit-
The buzz of an incorrect buzzer buzzes.
NARRATOR: Majahapit-
NARRATOR: Mapajahit-
NARRATOR: Mahapajit-
NARRATOR: Mapajahit-
NARRATOR: Ma-ja-pa-hit?
The ring of a correct bell rings. The year is now 1450.
NARRATOR: Oh, Italys really rich. Time for them to care a lot about art and the ancient classics. Its kinda like a re-birth.
The text on the screen reads renaissance.
NARRATOR: Heres a printer, lets make books!
BYZANTINE EMPIRE: So you think you can conquer the Byzantine Empire?
NARRATOR: ...said the Ottoman Turks. Nice job, Ottoman Turks!
The year is now 1453.
NARRATOR: Oops, you missed a spot. Dont forget to ban Europe from the Indian spice trade.
PORTUGAL: What? Thats bullshit!
NARRATOR: ...said Portugal, spiceless.
CHORUS, as PORTUGAL: Well, I guess well have to find another way to India!
NARRATOR: ...said Christopher Columbus, probably smoking crack.
COLUMBUS: If the world is round, lets go this way to India!
PORTUGAL: Nah, dont worry, we already got this
NARRATOR: ...said Portugal. So Chris goes to Spain.
COLUMBUS: Hey, Spain, wanna hire me to find India by going around the back of the world?
SPAIN: Okay.
The year is now 1492.
NARRATOR: So he sails into the ocean and discovers... More ocean... And then discovers the Indies and Japan.
The year is now 1494.
SPAIN and PORTUGAL: Lets draw a line to decide who gets which half of the world.
NARRATOR: The Aztec and Inca Empires are off to a great start. I wonder if they know that Europe just discovered their continent?
NARRATOR: The Hapsburgs are marrying into so many royal families that they might have to start marrying each other.
The year is now 1500.
NARRATOR: Move over, Lithuania! Here comes Moscow. Ivan wants to make Russia great again. Move over, Timurids; maybe go invade India or something.
The year is now 1501.
NARRATOR: Persia just made Persia Persian again. Lets make it the other kind of Islam, the one where we thought the first guy should have been the other guy.
ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH: Hey, Christians! Do you sin? Now you can buy your way out of Hell.
MARTIN LUTHER: Thats bullshit, this whole thing is bullshit, thats a scam, fuck the church. Heres 95 reasons why.
NARRATOR: ...said Martin Luther, in his new book which might have accidentally started the Protestant Reformation.
SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT: You know what would be magnificent?
NARRATOR: ...said Suleiman, wearing an onion hat.
The year is now 1530.
SULEIMAN: What if the Ottoman Empire was really big, which it is now?
The year is now 1556.
IVAN THE TERRIBLE: What if Russia was big?
NARRATOR: ...said Ivan, trying not to be terrible.
NARRATOR: Portugal had a dream that they controlled the entire Indian Ocean, including the Spice Trade... and then that dream was real. And Spain realized that this is not India, but they pillaged it anyway!
NARRATOR: ...said England and France.
ENGLAND and FRANCE: We gotta start pillaging some stuff.
NARRATOR: Then, the Dutch revolt, and all the hipsters move to Amsterdam.
The year is now 1600.
NARRATOR: ...said Amsterdam.
AMSTERDAM: We gotta start pillaging some stuff.
ENGLAND, FRANCE, and THE DUTCH: Question 1: Can you get to India through North America? No, but at least theres beaver. Question 2: Steal the Spice Trade.
NARRATOR: Thats not a question, but the Dutch did it anyway.
CHORUS: Sugar!
The year is now 1640.
NARRATOR: Guess where all the sugar is made. In Brazil-
THE DUTCH: Stolen!
NARRATOR: -In the Caribbean, and its so goddamn profitable that you might forget to not do slavery. The next thing on Russias to-do-list is to get bigger.
The year is now 1754.
NARRATOR: Britain and France are having a friendly discussion about who should control the entire world, more specifically Ohio.
Then it escalates into a seven year discussion, giving Prussia a chance to show Austria whos boss.
IO: But what about Britain and France? Did they figure out whos boss?
NARRATOR: Yes, they did! Its Britain. Guess whos broke. Also Britain, so they start taxing the Hell out of America.
The year is now 1776.
AMERICA: Fuck you.
NARRATOR: ...says America, declaring their independence and fighting for it, and France helps them win. Now, France is broke...
The year is now 1788.
NARRATOR: ...and Britain will have to send their prisoners to a different continent.
IO: Wait, if France is broke, why do the king and queen still wear such fancy dresses?
The year is now 1794.
ROBESPIERRE: Lets overthrow the palace and cut all their heads off!
NARRATOR: ...says Robespierre, cutting everybodys head off until someone eventually got mad and cut his head off.
IO: You could make a religi-
NARRATOR: No, dont. Haiti is starting to like the idea of a revolution...
The year is now 1791.
NARRATOR: ...especially the slaves, who free themselves by killing their masters.
TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE: Why didnt we think of this before?
IO: Wait, whos in charge of France now?
The year is now 1804.
NARRATOR: ...said Napoleon, trying to take over Europe. Luckily, they banished him to an island-
CHORUS: But he came back!
NARRATOR: Luckily, they banished him to another island.
A burst of horns play.
NARRATOR: There goes Latin America, becoming independent in the Latin American Wars of Independence.
They last from the year 1812 to about 1830.
NARRATOR: Britain just figured out how to turn steam into power, so now, they can make-
CHORUS: Many different types of machines, and factories with machines in them, so they can make a lot of products real fast.
NARRATOR: Then, they invent some trains and conquer India and maybe put some trains there.
BRITAIN: Hey, China!
NARRATOR: ...said Britain.
BRITAIN: Buy stuff from us!
CHINA: Nah, dude, we already got everything.
NARRATOR: ...says China, so Britain tried to get them addicted to opium, which worked, actually, but then, China made it illegal...
The year is now 1839.
NARRATOR: ...and dumped it all into the sea, so Britain threw a hissy fit and made them open up five cities and give them an island. Britain and Russia are playing a game where they try and stop each other from conquering Afghanistan. Also, the-
CHORUS: Sultan of Oman lives in Zanzibar now.
NARRATOR: Thats just where he lives.
The year is now 1857.
NARRATOR: India just had a revolution, and they would like to govern themselves now.
NARRATOR: ...said Britain, governing them even harder than before.
The screen reads, HI I JUST SENT YOU A MESSAGE THRU A WIRE, while the Morse Code for SEXLOL plays in the background.
CHORUS: Technology is about to go crazy!
The year is now 1863.
NARRATOR: The United States finally figured out whether slavery is good or bad.
NARRATOR: ...they decided, and then, they continued manifesting their destiny, which is to kill the rest of the natives and take their land and maybe kick out the Mexicans too.
The year is now 1884.
EUROPE: I know! Lets rape Africa.
NARRATOR: ...said Europe, scrambling to see who could rape it the fastest. Britain and France are still hungry! The United States ran out of destiny to manifest, so theyre looking for more.
CHORUS: Hawaii and Cuba!
IO: Wait! Spain controls Cuba!
UNITED STATES: Well, blame something on them, and go to war.
AMERICANS: What should we blame on Spain?
The U.S.S. Maine explodes in the Gulf of Mexico.
UNITED STATES: Lets blame the Maine on Spain
NARRATOR: ...so they blame the Maine on Spain.
The year is now 1898.
AMERICANS: Now, were in business!
NARRATOR: To celebrate, they kick Panama out of Panama and make a canal, connecting the two oceans.
The year is now 1908.
NARRATOR: Britain just found oil in the Middle East.
The year is now 1911.
NARRATOR: China is so tired of being bossed around that they delete their old government and make a new, stronger government, which is accidentally weaker and controlled by a guy from the previous government. Europe hasnt had a war since the last war...
The year is now 1914.
NARRATOR: ...so they start World War I. Look at those guns! Its gonna be a Great War - so great we wont need a second one. After its over, they blame Germany.
The year is now 1917.
NARRATOR: Russia went on strike, and the workers overthrew the government. Now, everyones paycheck is the same.
The year is now 1922.
CHORUS: Communism, in the Soviet Union!
NARRATOR: The Arabs revolt...
The year is now 1917.
NARRATOR: ...and Britain helps.
BRITAIN: Now, the Ottoman Empire is gone,
The year is now 1922.
BRITAIN: So we can give the-
CHORUS: Jewish people a place to live!
NARRATOR: Hopefully, the Arabs wont mind.
SYKES and PICOT: Lets cut the cake!
NARRATOR: ...said Sykes and Picot, cutting up the remains of the Not-So-Ottoman-Anymore Empire.
The year is now 1923.
CHORUS: Except Turkey! Turkey makes a brand new Turkey!
NARRATOR: ...and then, the Saudis conquer Arabia. It just seemed like the right thing to do.
A phone rings.
IO: Hello?
THE 1920s: Yes, its the 1920s calling. Lets get in a car and drive to a party and listen to jazz on the radio and go to the movies. The economy is great, and it will probably be great forever- just kidding!
A slide whistle with decreasing pitch briefly plays. The year is now 1933.
NARRATOR: Germany is back, featuring Hitler, the angry mustache model, and hes mad at the Jews for existing. Japan is finally conquering the East, and theyre so excited...
The year is now 1937.
NARRATOR: ...they rape Nanking way too hard. They should probably just deny it.
The year is now 1945.
NARRATOR: Hitlers out of control, so the international community tackles him and tries to explain why killing all the Jews is a bad idea. But he kills himself before they could explain it to him.
CHORUS: Thats World War II!
NARRATOR: Bonus Round!
Air horns momentarily play in the background.
NARRATOR: Pacific Showdown: United States versus Japan! Fight!
A drop-down menu that reads weapon select pops up, and the U.S. cursor moves down from boat to plane to extinction ball. It is picked, dropped on Japan, and an explosion results. The year is now 1945.
NARRATOR: Finish him!
Another one is dropped, and another explosion follows.
NARRATOR: Lets unite all the nations and have some-
CHORUS: World peace!
NARRATOR: Seems legit.
GANDHI: Hi, Im Gandhi, and if Britain doesnt get the Hell out of India, Im gonna starve myself in public.
The year is now 1947. Britain leaves.
GANDHI: Wow, that worked?
NARRATOR: Bonus! Now, theres Pakistan. Actually, two Pakistans; one of them can be Bangladesh later. The Jews and the Arabs finally figured out which one of them should live in the Holy Land.
NARRATOR: ...they both said at the same time.
The year is now 1947.
UNITED NATIONS: Lets divide up the land so everyones happy.
CHORUS: Sike! They both get angrier.
NARRATOR: Look out, China!
The year is now 1949.
NARRATOR: Theres a new China in China! Whats on the menu?
REPUBLIC of CHINA: No, thanks.
NARRATOR: ...said the other China, escaping to an island. I wonder which one is the real China?
The year is now 1950.
NARRATOR: Theres the Korean War: Korea versus Korea. Nobody wins and then its on pause forever. Lets meet the sponsors! Oh, its the two global superpowers. Theyre having a friendly debate over which economic system is good and which one is an evil virus of Satan. And they both have atom bombs.
NARRATOR: Wait, no, that would be the end of the world. Lets just keep it cool and spy on each other instead, and make sure we have enough atom bombs.
The year is now 1957.
SOVIET UNION: Ill race you to space.
The year is now 1969. An American rocket ship is shown to land on the moon.
SOVIET UNION and UNITED STATES: Now, lets make some more countries fight themselves.
NARRATOR: Europe is tired of pillaging other continents, and the continents they were pillaging are tired of being pillaged. So heres a new map, with new countries! Now, you cant tell who theyre being pillaged by.
The year is now 1963.
NARRATOR: The United States finally decided whether racism is good or bad. They decided its bad, and the world agrees. South Africa might need another minute to think about it. Lets check the world population.
A graph is shown, displaying a spike upward in population that jumped from a billion at the beginning of the 1800s to way more around the beginning of the 2000s.
IO: Whoa... Okay.
NARRATOR: Technology is better too; that might keep happening. The Soviet Union decides to relax a little...
The year is now 1991.
NARRATOR: ...and accidentally falls apart. Europe makes a union...
The year is now 1999.
NARRATOR: ...so now, they can all use the same money, except Britain cause they dont feel like it. Lets check the mail! Surprise! Its on the computer.
The year is now 2001.
NARRATOR: Whoops, someone just attacked America. I bet theyll remember that. Phone call! Surprise! Its in your pocket. Wanna learn everything? Surprise! Its on the computer. Now, your phones a computer, which is in your pocket.
A chart of the 2008 economic recession is shown.
NARRATOR: Whoops, the economy just crashed. Dont worry, the big banks wont fail because theyre not supposed to. Surprise! Flying robots, with bombs. Wanna print a brain? Some people have no friends, some people have no food, the globe is warming-
CHORUS: And the ocean is full of plastic!
EVERYBODY: Lets save the planet!
NARRATOR: ...said everybody, not knowing how.
The year is now 2028.
THING INVENTOR INVENTOR: Lets invent a thing inventor.
NARRATOR: ...said the thing inventor inventor, after being invented by a thing inventor. Thats pretty cool. By the way, where the Hell are we?
Text comes on screen that reads, Thanks for watching history. I hope I mentioned everything. |
I just did a bad thing
I regret the thing I did
And youre wondering what it is
Ill tell you what I did
I did a bad thing
Im having a bad day
Its turning into a bad year
All the things Im supposed to do
And the places Im supposed to go
Are canceled
Hey, whats the name of this game?
And how do you play it?
And how long does it take?
And how many times is the game going to change?
Hey, let me out of this place
Out into the real world
Where maybe things can go my way
Oh, everything goes my way
Oh, everyone knows my name
Im having a bad dream
I wonder what this bad dream means
I wonder if Im sad
I wonder if Im glad
Or if Im just having a sad, glad dream
Its a sad, mad, and bad, glad dream
And I wont get mad about the dream
If you promise to believe in me
Its a sad, bad, and mad, glad scheme
Its the best scheme I have
And thats bad enough for me
And I wont get sad if you dont
See just how mad, glad my schemes can be
Just did a bad thing
Ive ruined everything
And Ive let the things Ive ruined ruin me
Hey, whats the name of this game?
And how do you play it?
And how long shall it take?
And how many times is the game supposed to change?
Hey, get me out of this place
Out into the real world
Where maybe things can go my way
Oh, everything goes my way
Oh, everything goes astray
Just did a strange thing
Now everythings pink |
I dont have enough time
To say the things I wanna say
To do the things I wanna do
Or to be like you
I just want some time
To express the things I feel
Just to express the things I feel
And believe them too
2 + 2 has been 4 for
So many darn years, oh Lord
I wanna write a song
Oh baby, is that so wrong?
And it goes
La de da de da de da de day oh
La de da de, where did all the good times go?
La de da de la da dee dum dom, la da de day
When will you come back home?
I went down to the mall
Then they closed down the mall
Guess they dont want me going to the mall
Cause Im just too small
Then I built some trains
And Im traveling somewhere new
Its a wonderful world, but still no you
Its a wonderful world for two
La de da de da de da de day oh
La de da de, where did all the bad times roll?
La de da de la da dee dum dom, la da de day
When can you come back home?
I just went online
To explain the things I feel
To express the things I mean
And it felt so real
Now Im doing alright
And Im downright feeling okay
Its the end of the world and I just cant wait
I know that you can relate
La de da de da de da de day oh
La de da de, where did all the good times go?
La de da d-de dum de da, d-d-dim
Dwaayah d-de dum dwee-ayy
Thats okay
De day way oh, be dot do
When did all the windmills start to turn so slow?
La de da de la d-de dum dom, la da de day
When will you come back home?
Just got home, got no home
La de da d-de where did it go?
Oh no
I cant go home |
NARRATOR: Japan is an island by the sea filled with volcanoes and its...
CHORUS: Beautiful!
NARRATOR: In the year -1,000,000,000... Japan might not have been here. In the year -40,000 it was here and you could walk to it. And some people walked to it.
The year is now -12,000
NARRATOR: Then it got warmer, some icebergs melted, it became an island, and now theres lots of trees because it’s warmer.
The year is now -10,000
NARRATOR: So, now theres people on the island and they’re basically sort of hanging out in between the mountains eating nuts off trees and using the latest technology. Like stones and bowls.
The sound of a doorbell chime. The year is now -500.
OUTSIDE WORLD : Ding dong.
NARRATOR: It’s the outside world, and they have technology from the future, like really good metal and crazy rice farms!
Now, you can make a lot of rice really, really quickly.
That means if you own the farm, you own a lot of food, which is something everybody needs to survive. So, that makes you king.
As Japan gets conquered, the year goes from -300 to 243
NARRATOR: Rice farming and rice kingdoms spread across the land all the way to here. The most important kingdoms were here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. But, this one was the most most important, ruled by a heavenly superperson,” or emperor for short. Knock knock, get the door, it’s religion.
The year is now 593.
NARRATOR: The new prince wants everyone to try this hot new religion from Baekje.
PRINCE SHŌTOKU: Please try this religion...
NARRATOR: ... he said.
NARRATOR: ...said everybody.
NARRATOR: ... he said.
NARRATOR: ... said everybody again, quieter this time.
The year is now 604.
NARRATOR: And so, the religion was put into place and all the rules that came with it.
The year is now 645.
NARRATOR: Then, the government was taken over by another clique and they made some reforms like: making the government govern more, and making the government more like China’s government, which is a government that governs more.
JAPAN: Hi, China.
NARRATOR: ... they said.
CHINA: Hi, dipshit.
NARRATOR: ...said China.
JAPAN: Can you call us something else other than dipshit?
NARRATOR: ... said Japan.
CHINA: Like what?
NARRATOR: ... said China.
JAPAN: How about sunrise land?
NARRATOR: ... said Japan.
NARRATOR: And they stole China’s alphabet and wrote a book...
The year is now 711.
NARRATOR: ... about themselves. And then they made lots of poetry and art and another book...
The year is now 720.
NARRATOR: ... about themselves.
As the capital of Japan gets moved, the year goes from 550 to 749.
NARRATOR: Then, they stopped moving the capital every time the emperor died, and kept it in one place for a while. Right here. And, they conquered the north, finally.
The year is now 802
NARRATOR: Get that squared away.
The year is now 804
NARRATOR: A rich hipster named Kukai is bored with modern Buddhism, visits China, and learns a better version which is more...
CHORUS: spiritual!
NARRATOR: ... comes back, reinvents the alphabet and causes art and literature to be
CHORUS: great!
NARRATOR: ... for a long time. And the royal palace turned into such a dream world of art that they really didn’t give a shit about running the country. So, if you live outside the palace, how are you supposed to protect your shit from criminals?
CHORUS: Hire a samurai.
As the samurai fill Japan, the year goes from 1007 to 1042
NARRATOR: Everyone started hiring samurai.
A correction box pops up
NARRATOR: Rich important people hired samurai. Poor people who could not afford to hire samurai did not hire samurai. The samurai became organized and powerful, more powerful than the government. So, they made their own military government here.
The year is now 1192
NARRATOR: They let the emperor still be emperor, but the shogun is actually in control.
The year is now 1266
NARRATOR: Breaking News: The Mongols have invaded China.
MONGOLS: Weve invaded China...
NARRATOR: ...said the Mongols.
MONGOLS: Please respect us or else we might invade you as well.
JAPAN: Okay...
The sound of unsheathing swords
NARRATOR: ... said Japan.
The year is now 1274
NARRATOR: So, the Mongols came over ready for war and died in a tornado.
The year is now 1281
NARRATOR: But, they tried again and had a nice time fighting with the Japanese but then died in a tornado.
The year is now 1333
NARRATOR: Then the emperor overthrows the shogunate.
The year is now 1336
NARRATOR: Then the shogunate overthrows him back and moves to Kyoto and makes a new shogunate. And the emperor can still dress like an emperor if he wants; thats fine.
CHORUS: Now theres more art!
NARRATOR: ... like painting with less colors, collaborative poetry, plays, monkey fun, tea parties, gardening, architecture, flowers.
A quick blast of a horn. The year is now 1464.
NARRATOR: It’s time for Who’s going to be the next shogun? Usually, it’s the shogun’s kid, but the shogun doesn’t have a kid, so he tries to get his brother to quit being a monk and be the next shogun. He says...
NARRATOR: But then the shogun has a kid. So, now who’s it gonna be? Vote now on your phones... And everyone voted so hard that the palace caught on fire and burned down.
Explosion sound
NARRATOR: The shogun actually didn’t care. He was off somewhere doing poetry. And the whole country broke to pieces.
As Japan breaks, the year goes from 1467 to 1503
NARRATOR: Everyone is fighting with each other for local power and its anybody’s game.
EUROPE: Knock knock.
The sound of someone knocking. As a ship arrives to Japan, the year goes from 1544 to 1561
NARRATOR: It’s Europe. No, they’re not here to take over, they just wanna sell some shit like clocks, and guns, and...
CHORUS: Jesus!
NARRATOR: So, that’s cool, but everyones still fighting each other for control, now with guns! And wouldn’t it be nice to control the capital, which, right now, is puppets with no one controlling them?
The year is now 1560.
NARRATOR: This clan is ready to make a run for it, but first they have to trample this smaller clan which is in the way. Surprise! The smaller clan wins. And the leader of that clan steals the idea of invading the capital and invades the capital.
The year is now 1568.
NARRATOR: And it goes very well. He’s about halfway through conquering Japan when someone who works for him kills him.
The year is now 1582.
NARRATOR: And then someone else who works for him kills them.
And that guy finishes conquering Japan.
The year is now 1590
NARRATOR: And then he confiscated everybody’s swords and made some rules.
NEW SHOGUN: “And now I’m going to invade Korea, and then hopefully China,” he said, and failed, and also died.
The year is now 1598.
NARRATOR: But before he died he told these five guys to take care of his five-year-old son until he’s old enough to be the next ruler of Japan. And the five guys said...
FIVE GUYS: Yeah, right. It’s not gonna be this kid. Its gonna be one of us. Cause were grownups.
NARRATOR: And, it’s probably gonna be this guy who happens to be way more rich and powerful than the others.
An image of Donald Trump is superimposed over the image of the soon-to-be new shogun.
NARRATOR: A lot of people support him. But a lot of people support not supporting him.
The year is now 1600.
NARRATOR: They have a fight and he wins and starts a new government right here:
The year is now 1603
NARRATOR: And he still lets the emperor dress like an emperor and have very nice things. But don’t get confused. This is the new government, and they are very strict. So strict, they closed the country.
The year is now 1639.
NARRATOR: No one can leave, and no one can come in, except for the Dutch, if they wanna buy some shit. But they have to do it right here.
The year is now 1664.
NARRATOR: Now that the entire country was not at war with itself, the population increased a lot. Business increased, schools were built, roads were built, everyone learned to read, books were published, there was poetry, plays, sexy times, puppet shows, and Dutch studies.
The year is now 1735.
NARRATOR: People started to study European science from books they bought from the Dutch. We’re talking geography, skeletons, physics, chemistry, astronomy, and maybe even electricity.
As the Economic & Cultural Prosperity decreases, the year goes from 1793 to 1852.
NARRATOR: Over time the economic and cultural prosperity began to gradually slow dow-
UNITED STATES: Knock knock! It’s the United States. With huge boats, with guns. Gunboats.
MATTHEW PERRY : Open the country. Stop having it be closed.
NARRATOR: ... said the United States. There’s really nothing they could do. So, they signed a contract that lets the United States, Britain, and Russia visit Japan anytime they want. Choshu and Satsuma hated this.
NARRATOR: ... they said.
The year is now 1868.
NARRATOR: And with almost very little outside help, they overthrew the shogunate, and somehow made the emperor the emperor again, and moved him to Edo, which they renamed Eastern capital. They made a new government which was a lot more Western. They made a new constitution that was pretty Western. And a military that was... pretty Western. Do you know what else is Western? That’s right. It’s conquering stuff.
JAPAN: So, what can we conquer? Korea!
The year is now 1894.
NARRATOR: They conquer Korea, taking it from its previous owner, China, and then go a little bit further. And Russia rushes in out of nowhere and says:
RUSSIA: Stop, no, you cant take that. We were gonna built a railroad through here to try to get some warm water.
The year is now 1899.
NARRATOR: And Russia builds their railroad, supervised by a shit-ton of soldiers. And then when the railroad was done, they downgraded to a fuck-ton. Did I say downgrade? I meant upgrade. And Japan says:
JAPAN: Can you maybe chill?
NARRATOR: And Russia says:
RUSSIA: How about maybe you chill?
NARRATOR: Japan is kinda scared of Russia. You’ll never guess who’s also kind of scared of Russia: Great Britain!
The year is now 1902.
NARRATOR: So, Japan and Great Britain make an alliance together so they can be a little less scared of Russia.”
The year is now 1904.
NARRATOR: Feeling confident, Japan goes to war against Russia, just for a moment. And then they both get tired and stop.
CHORUS: Its time for World War I!
The year is now 1914.
NARRATOR: The world is about to have a war because it’s the 1900s and weapons are getting crazy and all these empires are excited to try them out on each other. Meanwhile, Japan has been enjoying conquering stuff and wants...
JAPAN: ... More!
NARRATOR: And the next thing on their list is this part of China and lots of tiny islands. All that stuff belongs to Germany, which just had war declared on by Britain because Britain was friends with Belgium, which was being trespassed by Germany in order to get to France to kick France’s ass because France was friends with Russia, who was getting ready to kick Austria’s ass because Austria was getting ready to kick Serbia’s ass because someone from Serbia shot the leader of Austria’s ass. And Britain is currently friends with Japan. So, you know what that means. Duh!
CHORUS: Japan should take the islands!
NARRATOR: Which is what they wanted to do anyway. So, they called Britain on the tele to sort of let them know. And then they did it. And they also helped Britain a little here and there with some errands and stuff.
A schoolbell rings. The year is now 1919.
NARRATOR: Now the war is over. And, congratulations Japan! You technically fought in the war, which means you get to sit at the negotiating table with the big dudes, where they decided who owns what. And yes, Japan gets to keep all that shit they stole from Germany. You also get to join the post-war mega alliance:
CHORUS: the League of Nations!
NARRATOR: Whose mission statement is to try not to take over the world.
The year is now 1929.
NARRATOR: The Great Depression is bad, and Japan’s economy is now crappy. But the military is doing just fine, and it invades Manchuria.
The year is now 1931.
NARRATOR: And the League of Nations is like:
LEAGUE OF NATIONS: No, don’t do that. If you’re in the League of Nations, you’re not supposed to take over the world!
NARRATOR: And Japan said...
CHORUS AS JAPAN: ...How bout I do anyway?”
As Japans territory increases, the year goes from 1937 to 1939.
NARRATOR: And Japan invaded more and more and more and more and more of China and was planning to invade the entire east.
AOL COMPUTER VOICE: You’ve got mail.
NARRATOR: It’s from Germany. The new leader of Germany. He has a cool mustache and is trying to take over the world and needs friends. This also got forwarded to Italy. They all decided to be friends because they had so much in common.
CHORUS: It’s time for World War II!
The year is now 1939.
NARRATOR: Germany is invading the neighbors. Then they invade the neighbor’s neighbors. Then the neighbor’s neighbor’s neighbors, who happen to be Britain, said...
NARRATOR: And, the United States started helping Britain because they’re...
NARRATOR: ... and started not helping Japan because...
CHORUS AS UNITED STATES: Their friends and our friends are not friends. Plus, they’re planning on invading the entire ocean.
NARRATOR: The United States is also working on a large, very huge bomb. Bigger than any other bomb, ever™. Just in case. But they still haven’t joined the war. War looks bad on TV, and the United States is really starting to care about their image.
The year is now 1941
NARRATOR: But then Japan spits on them in Hawaii, and challenges them to war. And they say...
NARRATOR: And then Germany, as a symbol of friendship, declares war on the United States, also. So, the United States goes to war in Europe, and they help the gang chase Germany back into Germany, and they also start chasing Japan back into Japan, and they haven’t used the bomb yet and are curious to see if it works. So they drop it on Japan.
The year is now 1945
They actually drop two.
NARRATOR: The Unites States installed a new government inspired by the United States government with just the right ingredients for a...
CHORUS: post-war economic miracle!
The year goes from 1951 to 1980.
NARRATOR: And Japan starts making TVs, VCRs, automobiles, and camcorders as fast as they can. And, also better than everybody else.
Japans economy improves from 1960 to 1995.
NARRATOR: They get rich and the economy goes wild.
Japans economy decreases after 1995.
NARRATOR: And then, the miracle wears off. But everything’ still pretty cool, I guess.
CHORUS: Bye! |
Mount St. Helens is about to blow up
And its gonna be a fine, swell day
Everythings gonna fall down to the ground and turn grey
All of my friends, family, and animals are probably going to run away
But me, Im feeling curious, so I think I just might stay
The Dow Jones just fell down to zero and its gonna be a fine, swell day
And I wonder if its gonna be as good a day as yesterday
All of these business suits that Ive just purchased
Gonna have to throw them all away
And slip into something more reasonable and then dance the night away
Im riding a pony
Into the sunset
Everythings green and gold
So Im not in hell yet
And the people who work in my office went on vacation
Cause they say that I havent been paying them very much anymore
Mount St. Helens has a pretty cool gift shop
And I havent been there in a while
And Ive been wondering if its even still there?
And the climate has been changing
And soon its gonna change more
And well figure out all of the details in climate change court
Take a ride on my blimp
Oh, its a very strong blimp
You can watch movies and play games
While riding on it
When the sun goes down and the sky burns out
Well never slow down
Oh, were not going down
Mount St. Helens is feeling crazy and adventurous
Thats the reason that its so special
And it takes no answers
And it gives no questions
And it makes no excuses
And it really doesnt listen
And it seems so eccentric
And it looks so active
And it dreams of puppies
And its filled with music |
Woke up in the morning
Traveling straight into the sun
Told my friends and family I was gone
Looked back in the mirror
Thought about who I had become
And, I dont think that anythings gone wrong
Jumped out of my suitcase
And went traveling down the road
Went back to the place where I was born
Thinking about my future
Thinkin bout how far we have come
Oh, I dont think Im gonna be going home
And the day goes on, goes on, goes on, goes on
And the day goes on
And the day goes on, goes on, goes on, hold on
And the day goes on
Went down to Virginia
Thinkin bout how to change my name
Just in case I have to fly away
Jumped onto a spaceship
Then I went to outer space
And, now I think Im gonna be okay
And the day goes on, goes on, goes on, goes on
And the day goes on
And the day goes on, goes on
Hold on
Whenst the day goes
And Im long gone
And Im long gone
And Im right where I belong
I went to the future
Thinkin bout how to spend my day
Thinkin bout the things I cant explain
Its 1900 and the times are going to change
Oh, now I think were gonna be okay
And the day goes on, goes on, goes on, goes on
And it goes along
And the day goes on, hold on, hold on, stay strong
And the day goes on |
Its the first day of school
And I think I might quit
Cause the things Ive been seeing in here dont make sense
So I packed up my things
And I walked through the door
And Im going somewhere else instead
So, I chopped down some trees
And I built a small house
And I just might be small enough to live in it
Then the rain came pouring down
And it made some cool sounds
And theyll tell you what those sounds said
Said, Hello and Goodbye,
Do you feel alright with the days gone by?
Ill never waste my time, Ill never say goodbye
Yes, I will, but I wont say it tonight
So I picked a new character
And Ive just chose my shirt
And Im going to the Land of the Two Letter Words
On in up at or so, by if to of no it
Its a feeling we cant forget
Said, Hello and Goodnight, Do you feel alright?
Do you remember the days gone by?
Do you remember the way that we dreamed we could change our lives?
Do you feel like changing your mind?
Its the first day of school
And I think I might quit
Cause the things that Im feeling still dont make sense
And Ive tried to explain
And it hurts to describe
So Ill sing this song instead
Hello and goodbye
Do you think Im dying?
Do you think Im going somewhere else this time?
Do you remember the day we pretended to be every star in the sky?
Its the first day of school, but I think I might quit
Gonna learn some new lessons I wont forget
Gonna write them all down
In the language of love
And Ill teach them to everyone |
I remember the moment that my dreams were broken
I wrote them down on a postcard and then threw it away
I slipped into some trousers and rolled out my window
Then went out into the wilderness where Im going to stay
And it’s a long, long, long journey that weve been on
And its a long, long, long story that can be told
And it’s a long, long day and weve come a long, long way
And its a long, long, long way back
Im looking around this museum for paintings I relate to
Even though most of them were painted by somebody else
Then we went to the movies and watched lots of films there, yeah
Now Im going down to Hollywood to make them myself
And its a long, long, long journey that weve been on
And its a long, long, long story that will be told
And it’s a long, long day and we’ve come a long, long way
And its a long, long, long way back
And it’s a big, big vehicle that were driving in
And Ive been following this roadway since it began
And if I came here to lose then I still might win
When I go down that road again
And the road doesnt end
It’s a long, long road and we follow it again and again
And the road dont pretend
I went down to the Coast Guard to see what theyre guarding
See what the sign says, you idiot, were guarding the coast
Now Im going on a podcast to talk about my memories
Even though I cant remember anything from before the show
Ive made some long, long phone calls to my friends at home
And I told them where Ive been and the places Im going
And they said, Wow, thats incredible, but we already know
Because of that long, long song you wrote
About how its a long, long, long journey that weve been on
And its a long, long, long story that shall be told
And its a long, long day and weve come a long, long way
But theres still a long way to go
Its a long, long, long way, its a long, long strong way
Its a long, long, long way forward |
All day and all night
We lay about and wonder what were gonna do
We speak to ourselves
Havin a conversation and wonderin who were talking to
Then sadness takes over
And sadness wonders what were gonna do
And sadness comes closer
Then sadness comes to sing a song for you
Oh, what a wonderful world
Oh, how youve got to have more
When darkness covers the Earth
And I know its the end for sure
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
Bringing you love and shining on everyone
Here comes the sun
Here come the raging sun
And its raging on and so we rage as one
On until the day is done
High on the mountain
The postman comes and says theres still no news
Deep in the city, oh yeah
The buildings wonder if theyll ever be built
Oh, what an interesting day
Looks like theres nobody in my way
But the roads gonna end
And the storms comin in
Looks like nobody wins today
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
Bringing you love and shining on everyone
Here comes the sun
Here come the blazing amazing miracle sun
And its raging on and still, well blaze along
On until the day is done
Til the day is won and done
Gonna rage on into the sun
Call up your friends and neighbours
Tell em a new day has just begun
I hope you know that theres no stranger strange enough
Tell all your friends and neighbours
Youre no stranger to fallin in love
Im just fallin in love
Stop, times up
Is it really over?
Time waits for no one
And I cant explain the way that Im feelin
Put it into words and then
Send it all over the world!
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
Bringing you love and shining on everyone
Here comes the sun
Here comes the raging sun, yeah
And its raging on and so we rage as one
On until the day is done
Oh, until the day is done
If this song aint good enough Ill erase it |
STEVE: Hi, Im Steve. I drive a car. Its in a tree.
Just kidding, my names not Steve.
NOT STEVE: Im filing for an extension for my taxes because I didnt pay them and Im not going to.
CHORUS: Cause thats the way I like to live my life, and I feel like everythings gonna be fine!
NOT STEVE: Im skipping work again. Thats because I dont have a job.
The mailman was late today, and she was actually a woman, and she said,
MAILMAN: Thats the way I like to live my life, and I know that everythings gonna be just fine.
NOT STEVE: I dont remember why I first saw the mountains, but theyve always been here.
Now that Im seeing them, Im wondering why theyre there.
But theyre here.
I cant climb them. But I can.
CHORUS: Cause thats the-
PIGEON: Hey, heres the mail:
NOT STEVE: Dear Steve-
Thats not my name, but whatever.
Dear Steve,
How did you climb this mountain?
NOT STEVE: Well, Im glad you asked that! Its part of a two-step program.
Find the mountain, climb the thing.
CHORUS: Thats the way we can get things done and thats how I do it.
Its easy and simple cause you know what to do.
STEVE: Bye, Im Steve. |
I dont wanna go to school
Because Im stupid
I dont want nobody tellin me what to do
Or how to get through this
I dont want nobody tellin me how to think
Tellin me how to sing
Tellin me how to do everything
I dont wanna be afraid
Of criminals
I dont wanna be afraid
Of dangerous politicians
I dont wanna be afraid of you
Or of me
Or the truth
Said that girl made me feel blue
Cause she told me I should stay in school
Said that girl made me feel blue
Dont go to school |
At the airport terminal, the planes are landing
Traveling somewhere and it feels fantastic
Rolling across the terminal floor
And the skys so high and the grounds so low
And I think Im dying but Im just being born
At the airport terminal, the planes are landing
And through the terminal, we all shall go
At the airport terminal, I feel so unusual
And everybody here is having an unusual day
Its 10:24 in an unusual time zone
And Im feeling fine in an unusual way
And were going so high as Im flying so low
And Im saying goodbye to the world I know
At the airport terminal, the planes are landing
And through the terminal, we all can grow
And its time to let go
But Im lying down on the terminal floor
And Im running toward the terminal door
And Im eating porridge but Ive heated it for the wrong amount of time
At the airport terminal, I feel so imaginative
Imagining where all the planes are going
And when Im there Ill imagine where I came from
Then Ill imagine my way back home
But its 8:45 and Im on the next flight
Its going around the world
And well fly through the night til the day becomes bright
Until the night returns
When will the night return?
At the airport terminal, the planes are landing
One day soon well all be together
Until then the terminal carries me through |
Im going outside
I just picked up the newspaper
Said that the wind blows
Cant go back to where I come from
Cause Im not welcome
And its not fun there
You know that I wont be late
Oh, and I cant be saved
I wanna go outside
I wanna go outside
I wanna go outside
I wanna go outside
A spaceship came to take me away
Into the moonlight
And they touched me in an interesting way
And now Im pregnant
With aliens
Im gonna change my name
Oh, its a brand new day
I wanna go outside
I wanna go outside
I wanna go outside
Im going outside
Im going outside
Gonna go out and away from the lines
And Im outside
I just opened up a new hotel
On the tundra
Just checked in and I feel so swell
Cause Im wealthy
And Im a billionaire
Im gonna change my ways
Oh, and Im leaving, on a different plane
I wanna go outside
I wanna go outside
I wanna go outside
I wanna go outside
Gonna go out and adjust my mind
Gonna go downtown and arrest some crime
And I cant remember the reason why
But Im outside
And I cant go if it dont feel right
No, I wont go if its not my time
And I still dont know how to say goodbye
But its all right
Cause Im outside |
Oh hi, thanks for checking in, Im
Still a piece of garbage |
Look at the time up on the wall
The clock is tellin it all wrong
You got to slow down
You got to slow down
Slow it right off the wall
You got to slow down
My hat is bent
Oh, I got a bent hat
Maybe Ill slow down
And straighten it out
And then twist it all around
Then put it down
And Im bobblin down 124th Street
And I think Im bobblin to a brighter day
And the radios playing a different kind of music
And the universe is starting to shake
Look at the time, its 12:30
Im going to hell and Im late for it
But Ill slow down
And talk about it
And the world goes round
And then comes back down
Now Im swingin about
My every daily business
And Im pondering out about
How its daily been
And its easy to feel if youre useless
But its strange when you tell your friends
So I reloaded my fax machine
With some fresh clean paper
So I can slow down and have
A slow time printing it out
Then the roof blew off again
And it came back down
And the hurricanes and storms
Cover the landscape
And the picture frames are
Floating off the wall
And the hourglass is
Twisting a little bit sideways
And the neighborhood is all gone
Look at the time on the wall
Cause its going very very really slowly now
And its the only thing anybody ever talks about
And the scientists are always trying to figure out
And the physicists are always letting it bounce around
And the novelists are typically writing stories about it
And the journalists are usually breaking news about it
And the pharmacists are frequently making drugs about it
And the charities are always raising money for it
And the clients name is always there
And the clients name always cares |
The moon is made of cheese
But I cant taste it
But I like the way the texture feels
When I lick the surface
Then the rumors start to go ’round the world
That Im crazy cause I can’t even taste cheese
But I guess they dont know me
The grass is always green
But I just changed it
To remind me of the way it was when the world was younger
And the TVs on the radio
And the telephones on the stereo
And the leaves turn to a colorful shade of turquoise
And the birds are made of trees
Think Ive explained this
And they fly around on an airplane
In the business class section
And the ants crawl in the Earths surface
And the turtles roll through the street
And the orchestras playing symphonies for free
And the church holds the key
The moon is pretty cheap |
When I get older
Im gonna be stronger
So I can lift up the whole entire world
Im gonna hold it
And lift it higher
Higher than its been before
When I hear music
I get excited
Im gonna sing songs to the whole entire world
And when the whole world sings to the music
Thats when Ill know it worked
But my friends say Im still a baby
Then they threw away my baby shoes
Well, excuse me, Im going sailing
Into the ocean blue
When I get older
Im gonna be wilder
And write poetry in my spare time
And Ill use some very interesting metaphors
And then post my poems online
Heres a poem about rain
And the water droplets that it creates
And I wonder if you feel it this way
And I wonder if it seems okay
Heres a poem about fame
And the strange things famous people say
And the strange world that hears them say it
Almost every single day
When I get older
Im gonna drive slowly
Til I get to all the places Im going
And when I get there Im gonna drive backwards
Til we get home again
And Im faced with so many changes
That I just might change my face
But face paint seems a bit tenacious
So I just might paint my brain
When I get younger
Im gonna be a liar
Ill be lying about being so young
Then when Im older
Ill be more truthful
And then lie about singing this song
Then the song will sing me
And the song wont sing it for free
And I dont quite know what it means
And it feels like the song knows me
Then Im hearing it in my dreams
And each dream seems pretty sweet
And the music cured my disease
Then the songs complete
When I get older
Im gonna be stronger
So I can lift up the whole entire world
Im gonna hold it
And lift it higher
Then Ill lift it more |
Got some money, got some cash
Im rich and now Im sad
And I wonder if Im sad about the money that I have
Got some boats on my plane
At the hotel where Im staying
Just in case I ever have to swiftly get away
And the window is broken
And cold winds are blowing in at me
Thats when I knew that the fairytale was true
And tomorrow Im going out to sea
Got some money in my hand
And it makes me mad
Because I dont know what money means
Everyone knows that the world is cold
And you can warm it up with a little true love
And I wish to explain all the ways that
Friends and lovers can go all the way
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to me
One day well feel complete
Happy birthday to somebody in the streets
Whos been waiting patiently
Got money, some cash
I keep it in my head
And I think about it all day but I cant spend it
Hello its a Tuesday show
Cause Wednesday seems so long ago
I said it three or four songs ago
Its time for the show
Got some money in my hat
And it makes me seem tall
I can see where all the money in the world has gone
Its swimming!
Across the floor of the ocean
Peacefully floating there
Its 4.95, some call it 3.99
Some call it a billion
Money is bad
I dont understand what to do with it
Or how to deal with it, yeah
Or tell my friends
What it does
How it works
What its worth
And if it can change the world
Yeah |
Im a princess
And I think about the diamonds in the sky too often
Do you love me?
Or have things gone astray?
Mmm, buckets
Catch the dreams as they fall from my ceiling
And earthquakes come and go all afternoon
Im a princess
And I wonder about my neighbors
Even though I dont have them
But theyre listening to every word I say
Back on the road, back down the road downtown
I dont have courage but I have something else
And its more than words
Im ridiculous, Im feeling very particular
About my world
Chaka Khan
What an interesting song
Tell me where I belong
Tell me whats going on, where I went wrong
And whats the message in this song?
Where are the lessons in this song?
Tell it to me once before Im gone
Respect me, Im a princess
All the soldiers that surround me
And make sure Im lonely
Through the daydream, dreamed that its okay
Open the door, close the door
Got to get through the other side of the door
Open the door
Mm, theres got to be more
Theres got to be so much more
But I dont know what its there for
I dont know what were here for
Sometimes I think of it when I sleep
And Im dreaming about my friends in need
Step into the machine and feel the dreams
And all the ingredients in the dream
See what makes them seem so appealing
Oops, there goes the ceiling
Oh, Im a princess
Excuse me, I read that wrong, Im a dunce |
I wanna be a movie star
Do you ever feel bad?
Do you ever get sad?
Maybe thats just what youre supposed to do
Do you have a nice car?
Do you live in a cool house?
Nobody knows what youre going through
I wanna be a movie star
Do you ever make plans?
Do you ever have sex?
Maybe thats just what youre supposed to do
Maybe we can go out
Would you rather stay in?
Everyone wants more than just a friend
I wanna be a movie star
I wanna be a movie star
And I know youre probably wondering who you are
And I know it might seem lonely, but weve come so far
Do you like to wear pants?
Do you love to fly planes?
Maybe thats just what youre supposed to do
Maybe we should sell out
Maybe we can buy gold
Maybe we can just go back home
Im gonna be a movie star
Im gonna be a movie star
Im gonna be a movie star
Im gonna be a movie star |
Im best friends with my own front door
I just closed it, but its opening more
Then the cops came, and they sent me to jail
But tomorrow Im gonna open it again
Im the postman, and Ive got cool clothes
Im the neighbors, and Im wearing cool shoes
And Im dreaming of a brand new world
And Im hoping that it comes real soon
But I saw a sign
I saw the sign
Its a bad, bad sign
Said Its not gonna happen
And its not what it seems
Youre not gonna make it
And its not meant to be
But fuck them, I just climbed a huge mountain
But everyone told me I couldnt do it
And I feel real nice
Cause I got lots of money in my bank account
And I walk down the street
People throw things at me
Like breakfast and strength tests
How much can I bench press?
Time to win some awards
Im gonna do everything that youre not supposed to do
Im gonna open to page 1 and then skip ahead to page 2
Cause Im hungry and scared, and I cant find the truth
So Im leaving
Oh, theres my balloon
Over the trees, under the bridge and over the town
Im gonna tell you the things that Im feeling out loud
And they changed all the rules, then I wrote them all again
Thats how the game begins
Oh, thats how I get home again |
Q-R-S and T-U-V
Baby, W-X-Y-Z
I said W-X-Y-Z
Q-R-S and T-U-V
And then W-X-Y-Z
It go
Im alive
And Im alright
Its just fine
And Im going to make things right
Q-R-S and T-U-V
Baby, W-X-Y-Z
I sing W-X-Y-Z |
Youre free to do whatever you want to
Youre free to do whatever you need to
Youre free to do whatever you want to
Youre free to do whatever you need to
I just moved into a church
And I want to express myself to the world
Im too shy to do it
Im afraid to speak my mind
I wanna shout, I wanna shout
I wanna scream to the sky, and get everyone high
Cause I just found out the meaning of life
But I still hesitate
I wanna go back in time
Back to the year everyone was born
And show them how to understand
The possibilities that they own
Show you where faith comes from
Show you how to make things good
But I just cant get over my fear
Man, I wish I could
Youre free to do whatever you want to
Youre free to do whatever you need to
Youre free to do whatever you got to
All night long
And its Wednesday
And its Thursday
And I cant seem to find my way
Youre free to do whatever you wont do |
One, two, three, four
Fuck you
Im going to New Canaan, Pennsylvania
Im going to New Canaan for a late night snack
And by late night I mean middle of the afternoon
And Im never coming back
Let me stop in Harlem to explain what I mean
Im actually going to Connecticut
Oh, Im going to New Canaan, Pennsylvania
To have a good time
Im riding on a good old fashioned train
I hope that good old fashioned train dont get derailed
Im hungry and starving for food and women
But I aint gonna turn back yet
The season is winter
And the sky is so blue
And I am so blue for you
It feels just like summer
And my nose is blue
Cause I lie about details
When my dreams dont come true
And I always feel for you
Every word I say is true
Im going on a journey to the countryside
Goin on a trip to see what I can find
Looks like a 12-figure income town
But I love the shade of those license plates
Im gonna go to Starbucks and play my ukulele
Under the bright blue sky
Im goin to New Canaan and everything feels just right
Oh, its summer
And the sky has turned grey
My dreams are sailing away
Im goin crazy and Im feeling blue
Cause I know where Im going
But not what to do
And I always dream of you
Every word I say is true
Yep, its true
Even though I make up some kinda weird dumb shit
Its true
It stays true for you |
The Easter bunny told me that Christmas isnt real
But Santa Claus is still Jesus
The gift-giving season is an interesting reason
To make everyone fall in love
Ba da dee da da dee do
In a world full of snow
Ba da dee da da dee die
With the spirit held up high
Ba da dee ba bee yo bing bway
Everything feels so alive for the very first time
The Easter bunny gave me some coupons I can use
To buy some love for my valentine
Like dump trucks and diamonds and roses and walnuts
And gift cards to the diamond store
But those roses and diamonds are all over the floor
Theyve got pretty cool prices but I think we can lower it
And if you dont enjoy them well let you buy more
At the diamond store
The Easter bunny showed me that English isnt real
And the only language is feelings
Its the Christmas season and theres gifts on the trees
And the material world is not enough
Ba da dee da da dee do
In a world full of drones
Ba da dee da da dee die
And I think I can fly
Ba da di ba bee yo bing bway
Everything seems so inspired and I cant seem to fight it
Ba da do di dee dum wow
London Bridge is falling down
Ba da do du dun dee
Why is the West Coast on fire?
Ba da dum dey whey oh dee why hey
Everything looks so embrightened
The Easter Bunny told me that Christmas isnt real
But Santa Claus is still a Twitter meme |
CHORUS: Maybe I could eat blades of grass.
DAMIEN: Hi, Im Damien Maymdien.
I know what youre probably thinking, and Ive heard it a hundred times.
People come up to me and they say,
Damien, why is everything so dumb and stupid?
Well, thats a great question, and Ill answer it for you.
First, lets plant some trees.
Okay, what was your question? Oh yeah. The world is stupid.
Right. Okay.
Well, have you ever found love? Have you ever been in love?
CHORUS : I have, its pretty wonderful.
DAMIEN: Have you ever flown a bird or been flown by a bird?
Have you ever--
Wait, no. Lets skip that one.
Have you ever carried a dozen bricks down a brick road through a brick door and into a brick house?
CHORUS: Yes, Ive done that!
DAMIEN: Okay, good, good. Just taking some notes here.
Are you a lamb?
DAMIEN: Are you a lamp?
DAMIEN: Ah, check that one off. Have you ever been--
What does that say?
Have you ever been betrayed, abandoned, or otherwise made an incoherent fool out of?
CHORUS: Yep, sure, thats me. Thats me.
And I hope that you believe me.
Believability Bob beeps as he calculates his believability.
DAMIEN: Heres a rock, with a plaid shirt. Thats stupid. Everything is stupid. |
The video opens with a lightbulb flashing wfaoie, and then switches to the title of the video in alternating fonts.
NARRATOR: Got a map. I love these things.
Let’s look at Greenland. It’s made of ice, it could melt, that would be pretty interesting--
CHORUS: Im getting ahead of myself!
NARRATOR: If someone tells you they live in Greenland, they probably live in its capital city, Nuuk.
NARRATOR: Theres a school, a bus, a mall, a church, and a very wavy building to do concerts.
HANS EGEDE: Ill be up here on a pedestal holding my stick.
CHORUS : Im the founder! Hes the founder!
HANS EGEDE: Guess where I’m from! That’s right, I came here to make everyone Christian. Someone did that before but it wore off
so, I came here to do it again. It was a smashing success and now I’m a statue in three places.
NARRATOR: Wanna know more about Greenland? Too bad, I’m going to tell you about Mexico.
NARRATOR: Used to be bigger. Let’s go to Clipperton, never mind there’s nobody there. But there’s boobys if you’re interested!
The capital of Mexico is Mexico City. Seems plausible.
CHORUS: But wait, its Aztec!
NARRATOR: That’s true, before Europe invaded, the Aztec capital of the world was right there.
CHORUS: But then Cortés came and smashed it.
NARRATOR: Meanwhile, still unsmashed is the Inca empire. A very powerful and unique empire. No wheels in this empire, very powerful nonetheless. Until, Fransísco Pízarro--
CHORUS: Came and smashed it.
NARRATOR: Join me now as I sail over the Andes mountains and contemplate the vast spiritual emptiness of doing a video without a topic. Surely, I’ve frolicked too hard. I shall search for my
punishment. Here’s Antarctica, they must have lots of punishments there.
Narrator arrives at an embassy in Antarctica.
NARRATOR: Yes, hello I’d like to be punished.
SECRETARY: Do you have an appointment?
NARRATOR: No, I was just in the neighborhood and then--
Narrator gets punished.
NARRATOR: Hooray! Well, I guess that concludes this episode.
And I know I forgot to talk about Velcro, but we’ll mention that in another episode.
The outro music plays as the words on the screen read science, engineering, technology, coherent topics. |
In California, you can smoke marijuana
In California, you can smoke marijuana
In California
In California
In California
In California, you can do what you wanna do
In Alabama, you can smoke marijuana
In Alabama, you can do what you wanna
In Alabama
In Alabama
And, in Alabama
In Alabama, you can do what you wanna do
Its alright, its alright
Everybody makes the rules
Oh, its alright, its just fine
Cause America was made for you
In West Virginia, you can smoke marijuana
In Pennsylvania, you can smoke marijuana
In Arizona
Up in Colorado
Even in Indiana
In Minnesota, you can do what you wanna do
Its alright, its alright
Everybody plays the fool, oh
Its alright, its just fine
Cause America was made for two
In California, you can smoke marijuana
In California, you can love who you want to |
NARRATOR: Soap tips.
Things you can do with soap, or ways to use soap.
Buy soap.
Get it from the store, or just rent it.
Take it home, wash your house!
Invite some friends over, talk about soap. Theyre not interested in soap. Thats too bad!
Move to Canada. You can wash Canada! Nope, its already clean.
NARRATOR: I wonder if soap comes from the natural process of evolution, or if it was a gift from God?
NARRATOR: Knock knock, its the soap gods!
SOAP GODS: Quick survey about the soap:
How are you liking the soap so far?
NARRATOR: Its okay.
SOAP GODS: Thats good. Were gonna make more of it, except you will like it more because it will taste better and be more addictive.
CHORUS: Lets go to Africa and find love in the jungle!
NARRATOR: Found it! I also found some soap.
NARRATOR: Part 2. Advanced Techniques.
Teleport some soap. Teleport yourself and leave the soap where it is.
Try this one: You can walk 100 miles and the soap will be there when you get there because you sent it through the postal system.
NARRATOR: Oh no, its a natural disaster!
NARRATOR: I wonder what would happen if you took soap and combined it with soap and merged their properties and characteristics? Its something to think about.
NARRATOR: Anyway, I hope you like my video. |
Hello, hello, sexy pants
Hello, hello, hello, sexy pants
Whered you get those pants?
Whered you get those pants?
Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello
I wanna know why it hurts so bad
Hello, sexy pants
Dya know that I like your pants?
Id like to take a walk with you
Through the hills of France
And its easy as one, two
Its a one, two dance
You can make a wish come true
In your one, two pants
But down in Congress
All the boys get mad
Hello, lets be friends
Take a friendly chance
And go all around the world
In a friendly stance
Then go to Pyongyang
And shake some hands
Every day, its such a lovely day
To wake up in the morning
And everywhere, somebody lonely is still feeling blue
At the clothing store, nobody tells you
That the whole world is changing
At the grocery store, someone will tell you
That what changed is you
Hello, sexy lamp
Oh, thats a sexy lamp
You can light the whole darn sky
At 2 a.m
Way down in Congress
The lights go black
Simon says
I cant remember anything Ive been doing
Or anything I remember
I dont care as long as we find out
What were supposed to do
Hello, Simon Says
Let me sign your checks |
Go back to where you come from
Go back to where you belong
Im waiting
Seems like its over and done
Looks like youre here all alone
Seems like theres nobody home
Seems like theres nobody home
Im crazy
Im crazy
Im changing
And its raining
No time to talk on the phone
No time to say what you want
Cause thats already been done
Cause youre already in love
Im crazy
Im crazy
Im changing
And its raining
Its changing
Im famous
Im a baby
Im wasted |
Im finally on my way
Todays a brand new day
And the skys so blue
I dont know what to do
And the skys so grey
I dont know what to say
And we sing ay-oh ay-oh ay-oh ay-oh ay-oh ay
Love is here to stay
Praise the goddamn day
And I cant go on
If I dont know where Im going
And I cant go back
If I know where Im at
And we sing ay-oh ay-oh ay-oh ay-oh ay-oh ay
Im finally on my way
Gonna find a way
Todays a brand new day |
No one likes to be lonely
Its not easy
Sometimes lifes pretty borin
And cheesy
Thats okay with me
Maybe its the way its supposed to be
Maybe if you change your mind, we could just get high
I know you dont believe it
Its a new day
Im sure youll find a reason
To think that its too late
Thats okay baby
Cause you know you dont have to live that way
Maybe you could take some time, when the time feels right
And I know that youve been afraid
And I know that youve felt uncool
And I know that you feel ashamed
To do what you want to do
Dont try to tell your mama
That its gonna be alright
Youll never explain to your father
That the sun shines
Thats okay with me
Maybe its the way its supposed to be
Maybe if you change your mind, we could just get high
We could get high
We could get high
We could get high
We could get high
We could get high
We could get high
We could get high
We could get high
We could get high |
Whats going on
Everythings broken, but it feels so strong
Whats going wrong
I just wanna know, so I can sing my song
I know that you cant find a reason
But give me a chance to believe it
And weve got to know whats going on
Weve got to know so we can be strong
Its time to come home, but its been so long
And were broken
Walk through the door
Everythings changing, but I cant be sure
Im not scared anymore
Cause I got to know what we came here for
I know that you think that its over
But maybe were just getting closer
And weve got to know whats going on
Weve got to know so we can stay strong
Its time to go home, but its been so long
And were broken
And we cant go on
And you cant come home
Open the door
Cause I got to know if theres something more
Whatever it is Ill believe it
And weve got to know whats going on
Weve got to know so we can be strong
Cant go alone and we cant stay long
And you know this
And weve got to know whats going on
Got to know cause its been so long
Its time to go home but we cant go
Til its over |
Ive got a thing Ive gotta say
It has to do with you
Theres something that Im tryna tell you
Gimme just one minute so I can say it
I want to tell you my feelings
And Id like to explain to you my emotions
I dont really know how Im gon do it
But Ive got to find a way
Cause I love you
Cause I love you
Cause I love you
I do, its true
There I said it
Now Im gonna go down the hall and have breakfast
Cause thats the next thing on my checklist |
NARRATOR: Yes, I think you can see the significance of this.
Its gone. The ball is gone. Where did it go?
CHORUS: Its rolling down the lonely road. Wondering if theres any place to go.
NARRATOR: The castle. Go to the castle.
CHORUS: Go into the castle. Let all my troubles float away.
Gonna get hassled-
OWL: Hey! You cant go in this castle.
BALL: I already did.
OWL: You cant.
BALL: I already did.
OWL: You cannot go into this castle.
BALL: Where is the castle?
OWL: Here.
BALL: Am I already in it?
OWL: No. Yes. Go to jail.
CHORUS: Im in jail now. And Im mad at the jail.
BALL: Ha! That was a fake jail. Made out of cardboard. Im back. Dont bounce me off the wall again, that was mostly violent.
CHORUS: Violence. Dont do it. |
Its gonna be alright
Its gonna be just fine
Sad day in the neighborhood
Aint nobody feel no good
You feel no good
Your last lady friend tore you apart
She left you with a broken heart
She broke your heart
Its gonna be alright
Its gonna be just fine
If anybody wonderin
How I know
Its written in the sky
Anything you wanted to do, but
People told you you could not do
You can do
Anything you wanted to be, but
Hater tell you you could not be
You can be
Its gonna be alright
Its gonna be just fine
If anybody wonderin
How I know
Its written in the sky
Youre made to do the things you do
And I know you are ready to do it
I know that its crazy
But you just have to see it through
Its gonna be alright
Its gonna be just fine
And it feels like Ive told you a thousand times
Its gonna be just fine
Its gonna be alright
Its gonna be just fine
If anybody wants to ax me why
Its written in your eyes |
I got the rhythm
I got the blues
Ive got no reason
To answer to you
I got no reason to go home
I got no reason to go home
I got no reason to go home alone, when I
Know that its not that fun
I can play all-day
I can play all-day
I can play til the cows come home
I know they wont
And you can forget all of that dumb stupid information
And you can go back to one lovely drive and drive down the lane
And its winter time and Im high enough
And its summer time and Im high enough
And I came to fly once more
And I came to try once more
I can play, all-day
I can play all-day
I can play these games every day
And I came to know what this really means
So please dont hurt me
Oh, dont tell anyone Im crazy
Just believe in me
Just believe in me
I got them dollars
I got the blues
Ive got no reason
To share them with you
And its winter time and Im sad enough
And its summer time and Ive had my luck
Gonna spend it all on drugs
Gonna spend it all on drugs
And theres no more joy
Pleasure in anything
Pleasure in anything
Pleasure in anything
Theres no more pain
Pleasure in anything
Pleasure in anything
Pleasure in anything
Aww yeah
Gotta go back to the mall, I forgot a couple of things |
Boxes taste like mush
Boxes taste like mush
Boxes taste like mush
Boxes taste like mush
Im a diamond
Im a diamond
Im a die-twice right-minded diamond
In two
In blue
For you |
CHORUS: What is love?
NARRATOR: Fruit? No. Bread? No. Fruit and bread? Probably not.
CHORUS: Is it a conversation?
Shows a conversation between Jim and Pat :
Jim: hi
Pat: hi
Jim: hi
Pat: hi
Jim: do you like mice
Pat: no
Jim: bye
Pat: bye
, therefore identifying it is not love.
CHORUS: Is it a fruitful sales deal?
NARRATOR: Yes! Actually no .
CHORUS: Is it a hearty breakfast?
Shows a bowl of Pablao Rectangles!®
NARRATOR: Mmm, my favourite brand.
Scrolling through a list of items that are capable of love, including:
i LOVE moms
i LOVE the beach
i LOVE electronics
i LOVE the mexican nation
i LOVE inside / outside baseball
i LOVE crowd surfing
i LOVE a warm night by the fire
i LOVE early bollywood films
i LOVE social justice
i LOVE competitive vaping
i LOVE stairs
CHORUS: Is it a four-letter word that you can use in various ways that are mostly positive?
CHORUS: Hell yeah. |
I was rollin down the river
Tryna learn some English
Tryna get my groove on
Tryna leave my bedroom
Im confused
Im confused
Im confused
I love you
Im confused |
Ngiueh |
Rabbit snakes, rabbit snakes
Rabbit snakes, rabbit snakes
Rabbit snakes, I dont think
I dont think rabbits make mistakes
I can see these bars
I can see these bars
I can count to 12
And I can see these bars
Monkeys have no frame!
Monkeys have no frame!
Monkeys have no frame
Im frustrated
And I got to get myself out of this room really quick
Im so frustrated I think I might just throw a
Tantrum or hissy fit
Cause I got to get out of here quick
Cause I got to see the light of day
See the light of day
Got to see the light of day
Because I been stuck in here so long
That I think I just might be wastin away
Marshmallow, cranberry pie
I bet you think I buried Paul
But maybe someday I will
If he outlives Ringo Starr
But if I do
But if I do
But if I do
But if I do
Dont get confused
Ive got to get myself out of here
Before this whole thing disappears
Why do I feel so insecure
Theres got to be some mirror I can crawl into
Got to be somewhere I can go through
Give me the light of day
Give me the light of day
Cause I think I been
Cause I think I been
Cause I think I been
Cause I think Ive been wastin away
Think I cant take no much longer and Im, and Im
Gonna do it right now
Think Im gon break away, break away |
NARRATOR: Q&A, whats the-
CHORUS: History of the world?!
NARRATOR: Once upon a time, we were lost in space. We still are. |
Bye |
Hey Jodie Foster
Is that your new Chevrolet?
I see that its got a lot of miles on it
Hey Junior Murvin
Youve got no space to behave
Is that your new green hat on the side of the stage?
Baby, you can drive my car
Oh, youre gonna go so far
You can do anything
You can do anything
Hey Mr. Gibson
Is that your new feature film?
Is that your new long short film about how you need a new girlfriend?
Its too easy to fall in love
Its too easy to fall in love
Youre not gonna know when its too soon
Youre not gonna know when its past due
Youre not gonna know
And youre not gonna choose
To go it alone
Hey Redskin Jenkins
I hear youve been tryna steal first base
I hear youve been tryna steal the game
Right after stealin first base
Taking first place
Hey Cobweb Michaels
Get outta the way so I can get thru
Get outta the way so I can get thru
I said get outta the way so I can get thru |
HOST: Hey, so welcome to my unboxing, subscribe.
HOST: Hi. Its another unboxing video. Like and subscribe, thanks.
Here we go. opens first box Damn it, its another box.
I wonder whats... opens the second box
Oh, its a pair of cool sunglasses.
CHORUS: Yea, baby, got cool sun-glasses.
HOST: I think Im gonna like these sunglasses because it improves:
Self-esteem, hire-ability, interpersonal relationships- Next box.
Already unboxed. Theres something inside... What is it? Dust.
Thats a great product, I have that one at home.
Are there any more boxes? Yes.
Theres one more, it says FRAGILE do not open
Hmmm... I wonder if-
Well, thanks so much for doing the unboxing with us.
CHORUS: If you find something in a box, just wait patiently
And think carefully, and you just might figure out what the darn thing is. |
NARRATOR: Oh, nothing, I was just-
CHORUS: Shaving my piano!
Shows a Gillette® logo at the bottom left of the screen. |
Im from the west coast
To eat French toast
And Im cool |
Its hard to know what you want to do today
Cause all the people who could tell you died yesterday
Even if you try to understand, you cant
Because theres no one in the world who understands
Open up your eyes and see the past, gone so fast
Everybody needs a second chance
Each day you can make somebody new feel great
And you can change
Each day I remember where Im trying to go
And it just aint anywhere that I can go
But now I know
Now I know
Now its all under control
Now I can find
The road
The road
I found the road, so |
Seventeen is the number for me
Seventeen is the number for me
Seventeen is the number for me
Cause I got to believe
Talkin bout rollin thunder
Put on your dancing shoes
And Im going to
Tell you what to do
Meet me in the middle of this
Shy, supple, blue little world
And well get on all our shoes
And well dance the night away
Cause you mean more than anything
Dance the night away |
Sometimes you cant say what you mean
Sometimes you cant do what you feel
But you know what love is
And what love does
And what love says
And what love means
And where love goes
And what love is
Sometimes you dont know what to do
Sometimes you dont know what to say
But you know that I know
And we know
And he knows
And she knows
And they know that its okay
Youve got to be real
I dont know why sometimes its so hard to do
You know the way it goes
So why dont you let the world know
Sometimes your friends are all confused
But they say the one confused is you
So do what you want to
And mean to
And plan to
And will do
And shall do cause you need to
You got to be free
Why, oh, why is it sometimes so hard to see
You know the way it goes
So why dont you tell the world so
Sometimes you cant say what you mean
Sometimes you cant do anything
But you know what love is
And what love does
And what love says
And what love means
And where love goes
And what love needs
And what love brings
And what love gives
And what love has
And what love holds
And what love sees
And what love shows
And what love knows
And what love is |
This record has verses
This record has verses
This record has verses
And Im so proud
Ive got a way to say things that makes everything make more sense now
And I think Im gonna tell it to the
Whole wide world
When freedom comes knockin
It gon take you by surprise
When freedom takes hold of you
There aint no turning back
Killing is the answer
And I dont know why
Murdering is the answer
And I just dont know why
Said you got to be blind
Got to be blind to no avail
Said you got to be
Said you got to be blind to no avail |
I wanna make a chemical reaction
Where I mix rubber and burnt rubber
I wanna do it in the name of scientific exploration
I got medium experience
Ive got medium credification
Ive got medium qualifadentials, and Ive got a medium attitude
Basketball |
Imma say something dumb
At the top of the song
And itll be approximately 4 bars long
Then Im gonna show you how to change the world
Then Im gonna show you how to make it cool
Go home
Write poems
And wear a nice coat
And before you know it
Itll be Tuesday
Itll be Tuesday and thats okay |
I like spending time with myself
I like spending time with myself
I like relaxing
I like doing things that cant be done
I like moving things that cant be moved
I like doing things that cant be done
I like moving things that cant be moved
I like saying things that cant be said
I like talking on the phone
I like drifting from place to place when the seasons change
Its so cold down in Alabama
Its so cold out in L.A
Its so easy to tell yourself the wrong thing
Its so hard to predict the future
Its so easy to get stoned
Its so hard to remember what youre doing until its done
I cant see you
I cant feel you
I dont know you
I dont need you
Can I get a oh damn yeah
Oh damn
Can I get a oh damn, get a oh damn yeah
Said oh d-d-d-d-d-damn yeah, s-s
I said d-d-oh-d-d-d-d-damn yeah |
Im gonna clean my room
After the sun burns out and the sky falls down
Im gonna clean my room
After the sun burns out and the sky falls down
Shows the text brb cleaning room |
Mother, mother can you help me?
Cant believe the things I see
Father, father can you tell me?
Why the children cant be free?
What can I do?
What can I do?
What should I do?
What is a boy to do?
I guess Ive got to listen to Bob Marley
See what Mister Wise Man have to say
I guess Ive got to listen to Bob Marley
Ill be a better man someday
The street beneath my feet is broken
Still I cant quite remember why
And all the sidewalks are so lonely
People who walk up on them crying
What can I do?
What should I do?
What is a man to do?
I guess Ive got to listen to Bob Marley
See what Mr. Wise Man have to say
I know Ive got to listen to Bob Marley
Hope to see a brighter day
I guess Ive got to listen to Bob Marley
See what Mr. Wise Man have to say
I guess Ive got to listen to Bob Marley
Got to find a better way
I got to know which road to take
I got to know which game to play
Everyone keep holdin on, floatin on
Youve got to keep goin strong
Aint nobody know whats goin on
Got to find a better way
Hope to see a brighter day
Til then Ive got to listen to my good friend
That I can still remember from way back when
Help me find a way, way |
Write a tune that really sucks
Write a tune that really sucks
I said write a tune that really sucks
And then duck |
Im a piece of garbage |
I just did a bad thing
I regret the thing I did
And youre wondering what it is
Tell you what I did
I did a bad thing
Im having a bad day
Its turning into a bad year
All the things Im supposed to do
And the places Im supposed to go
Are canceled
Hey, whats the name of this game?
How do you play it?
And how long does it take?
How many times is the game going to change?
Hey, help me out of this place
Out into the real world
Where maybe things can go my way
Oh, everything goes my way
Oh, everyone knows my name
Having a bad dream
I wondеr what this bad dream means
I wonder if Im sad
I wondеr if Im glad
If Im just having a sad, glad dream
Its a sad, bad, and bad, glad dream
And I wont get mad about the dream
If you promise to believe in me
Its a sad, bad and mad, glad scheme
Its the best scheme I have
And thats bad enough for me
And I wont get sad if you dont
Seize how mad, glad my schemes can be
Just did a bad thing
Ive ruined everything
And Ive let the things I ruined ruin me
Hey, whats the name of this game?
How do you play it?
And how long should it take?
How many times is the game supposed to change?
Hey, get me out of this place
Out into the real world
Where maybe things can go my way
Oh, everything goes my way
Oh, everything goes astray
Just did a strange thing
Now everythings pink |
This is a studio in Metropolitan Avenue, at Lorimer Street
Yeah, sunny day
Well, I got three months to write a song, to write a song for you
And Im gonna take my time and say exactly what I mean
Damn, seems like writing songs is a lot like being in prison
And I realize that the only one who put me there is me, yeah
Got to break free, I need to break free
But I only changed my mind again and then Im left behind
Oh, I wish that I could make up my mind again this time
But my brain is still in black and white
Oh, I think I used this melody one thousand times before
And the worst part is that Im not sure if Im the one who wrote it
Probably stole it from some song my mommy used to sing me
Maybe its just something off the radio or TV
I got to break free, I need to break free
Cause I cannot take the pain of being locked up this way
One day youll find me in paradise, Ill be saying what I need to say
One more time, alright
Say anything you want, to do anything you need
Say what you mean, do what you mean
Oh, please, please, please
Got to break free
Ive so got to breathe, but I always lose my mind
And then Im standing in line
I cant remember the last time I truly said what was on my mind
And I dont mean to waste your time
I wish that I could truly break free some time
But freedom is hard to find
Freedoms hard to find
Baby, Im trying
Baby, I think Im dying |
Im stuck in a rut |
I have a bike and I ride it around town
Seein all the beautiful things in my neighbourhood
Listenin to the breeze as it rolls out to sea
I wish that I could take you there with me
Time ticks by as I close my eyes and dream
Oh, the 70s are dead and gone
And the 80s were just the waste of new game shows
Then you and I was born and we wanted something more
And its time for us to shine
And its time to make things right
Oh, I sit in silence and watch the clouds go by
And try to make sense of each passing day
Though Im not all alone, I still feel all alone
As Im living in this lonely country
Oh, in 1989 things changed
And the world realized its okay to turn the page
But what does that mean, and does it involve me?
Cause its time for us to shine
And its time to make things right
I am a mime and I live inside a box
But you know that the walls isnt really there
One day Ill escape like the ghost of Kurt Cobain
And Ill sing about the way you still be
Life goes by as I look to the sky and scream
Oh, its been about a hundred years
Since we all began hurriedly doing our thing
And we were almost there in the 60s
But there was just one thing left to do
Just to give birth to me and you
Oh, the 70s are dead and gone
And the 80s was just the waste of terrible news
Then you and I was born and we wanted something more
And its time for us to shine
And its time to make things right
Hey, mhmm |
Hi, youre on a rock floating in space. Pretty cool, huh? Some of its water. Actually, most of its water. I cant even get from here to there without buying a boat
NARRATOR: Its sad. Im sad. I miss you
The camera pans left across the globe to show more sad stick figures also standing on South America, North America, and Europe
CHORUS: How did this happen?
NARRATOR: A long time ago- Actually, never, and also now, nothing is nowhere. When? Never. Makes sense, right? Like I said, it didnt happen. Nothing was never anywhere. Thats why its been everywhere. Its been so everywhere, you dont need a where. You dont even need a when. Thats how every it gets
A long pause happens
NARRATOR: Forget this. I wanna be something. Go somewhere. Do something. I want things to change. I want to invent time and space, and I know its possible because everything is here, and it probably already happened. I just dont know when to start, and thats exactly where it started
The sound of VCR fast forwarding plays
NARRATOR: Ooh, I paused it. I think theres a universe now. Whats it made of?
CHORUS: Quarks and stuff!
NARRATOR: Ah, thats a thing, in a place. Dont like it? Try a new place, at a different time. Try to stick together because the world is gonna get bigger and emptier, but its not empty yet. Its still very full and about a kjghpillion degrees
About no seconds pass
NARRATOR: Great news! The quarks are now happily married and in groups of three, called a proton or a neutron, and theres something else floating around too that wants to join in but cant because its still too-
An explosion goes off while the screen says, HOT.
10 minutes pass
NARRATOR: Great news! The protons and neutrons are now happily married to each other. Some of them even doubled up
About 380,000 years pass
NARRATOR: Great news! The electrons have now joined in. Congratulations! The world is now a bunch of gas in space, but its getting closer together...
10 million years pass
NARRATOR: ...and its getting closer together...
500 million years pass
NARRATOR: ...and its getting closer toget-
An explosion occurs
CHORUS: Its a star!
NARRATOR: New shit just got made. Some stars burn out and die. Bigger stars burn out and die with passion, and make some brand new, way crazier shit...
CHORUS: Space dust!
NARRATOR: ...which allows newer, more interesting stars to be made, and then die, and explode into-
CHORUS: Even crazier space dust!
NARRATOR: ...so now stars have cool stuff around them, like rocks, ice, and funny clouds, which can make some very interesting things, like this ball of flaming rocks for example
NARRATOR: Holy shit! We just got hit with another ball of flaming rocks, and it kind of made a mess, which is-
CHORUS: Now the Moon!
The year is now -4,000,000,000
NARRATOR: Weather update, its raining rocks from outer space
NARRATOR: Weather update, those rocks might have had water inside them, and now, theres hot steam in the sky
NARRATOR: Weather update, cooler temperatures today, and the floor is no longer lava
NARRATOR: Weather update, its raining
NARRATOR: Severe flooding alert! The entire world is now an ocean
NARRATOR: Volcano alert!
CHORUS: Thats land!
OCEAN: Theres life in the ocean
CHORUS: Somethings alive in the ocean
IMMATERIAL OBSERVER : Oh, cool. Like, a plant or an animal?
The camera zooms in on a single-cell organism
NARRATOR: No, a microscopic speck. It lives at the bottom of the ocean and eats chemical soup which is being served hot and fresh, made from gnarly space ingredients leftover from when it was raining rocks or whatever
The cell divides
NARRATOR: Oh, yeah, and it can do that
Those cells divide many more times
NARRATOR: It has secret instructions written inside itself telling it how to build another one of itself. So thats pretty nifty, I would say
NARRATOR: Tired of living at the bottom of the ocean?
CHORUS: Now you can eat sunlight!
The year is now -3,000,000,000
NARRATOR: Using a revolutionary technique, you can convert sunlight into food
CHORUS: Taste the sun!
The year is now -2,300,000,000
NARRATOR: Side effect, now theres oxygen everywhere and the sky is blue. Then the Earth might have been a snowball for a while. Maybe even a couple of times
The year is now -500,000,000
NARRATOR: Its a sponge. Its a plant. Its a worm, and some other types of weird, strange water bugs and strange fish
CHORUS: Its the Cambrian explosion!
IO: Wow, thats animals and stuff
SEA LIFE: But were still in the ocean. Hey, can we go on land?
CHORUS, as LAND: The sun is a deadly lazer!
SEA LIFE: Oh, okay
CHORUS: Not anymore, theres a blanket
NARRATOR: Now the animals can go on land. Come on animals, lets go on land
FISH: Nope, cant walk yet. And theres no food yet, so I dont care
100 million years pass
LAND: Okay, will you learn to walk if theres plants up here?
NARRATOR: ...said some bugs... and fish
The year is now -380,000,000. FISH grunts because it is struggling to get on land, for it has no legs. 5 million years pass. The year is now -375,000,000. FISH now has legs, for it has evolved into an AMPHIBIAN
AMPHIBIAN: Okay, so I can go on land, but I have to go back in the water to-
CHORUS: Have babies!
The word idea flashes on to the screen
NARRATOR: Learn to use an egg
AMPHIBIAN: I was already doing that
NARRATOR: Use a stronger egg. Put water in it. Have a baby, on land, in an egg. Water is in the egg. Baby, in the egg, in the water, in the egg
The year is -312,000,000
CHORUS: Bye bye, ocean!
50 million years pass
NARRATOR: And now everythings huge. Including bugs. Wanna see a map of the land?
IO: Sure
The year is now -252,000,000. A globe is presented. The camera starts to pan around it when a large explosion happens, destroying a land mass on the globe the size of a continent. Text pops onto the screen reading PERMIAN EXTINCTION. The Permian Extinction has occurred
NARRATOR: Oh fuck, now everythings dead. Just kidding, here are the survivors
The thrinaxodon, lystrosaurus, and proterosuchus are shown
NARRATOR: Keep your eye on this one...
The proterosuchus is circled. 75 million years pass
NARRATOR: ...cause its about to become the dinosaurs. Heres another map of the land
The globe is shown again. It does not yet look like the Earth we know today; many of the continents are in pieces or out of place
NARRATOR: Yeah, it broke apart. Dont worry about that. It does that all the time
The year is now -66,000,000
NARRATOR: Here comes a meteor
A meteor comes into frame and hits the globe near what is today called Central America
CHORUS: And the dinosaurs are gone!
NARRATOR: Its mammal time! Here come the mammals; look at those breasts
The year is now -15,000,000
NARRATOR: Now, theyre gonna dominate the world, and one of them just learned how to grab stuff, and walk
The year is now -4,000,000. A transition from one of humans older ancestors to one of humans younger ancestors is shown
NARRATOR: No, like, walk like that, and grab stuff at the same time
The year is now -3,000,000
NARRATOR: And bang rocks together to make pointed rocks
IO: Ouch
The year is now -1,500,000
NARRATOR: And set things on fire
IO: Yeouch
The year is now -200,000
NARRATOR: And make crazy sounds with their voice
CAVEMAN: Gneurshk
NARRATOR: Which can mean different things
Via the CAVEMANs thought bubble, Gnerushk, is shown to mean, Hi, Bye, and, Can you hand me that rock over there?
CHORUS: Thats a human person!
NARRATOR: And now theyre everywhere, almost
Text pops on to the screen, above the landmass that is today called North America. It reads not here yet. Humans have not migrated there yet. The year is now -20,000. Text pops on to the screen, between what is today the American state of Alaska and the Russian autonomous okrug of Chukotka. The text reads ice age. The ice age is occurring, creating a land bridge between the two landmasses
CHORUS: Ice age!
HUMANS: What? You can walk over here? Cool!
The year is now -10,000
CHORUS: Not anymore
HUMANS: Well, I guess were stuck here now
NARRATOR: Lets review. Theres people on the planet, and theyre chasing their food
HUMAN: Fuck it, time to plant some grass. Look at this. I control the food now. Now, everyone will want to be my friend and live near me. Lets all build houses, except mine is bigger because I own the food. This is great. I wonder if anyone else is doing this
The year is now -5000
NARRATOR: Tired of using rocks for everything? Use metal! Its underground
NARRATOR: Better farming was just invented in a sweet dank valley right in between these two rivers, and the animals are helping
A sheep baas in the background
CHORUS: Guess what happens next!
NARRATOR: More food, and more people who came to buy the food, and you need people to help make the food and keep track of the sales, and now, you need houses for people to live in and people to make the houses, and now, theres more people, and they invent things which makes things better, and more people come, and theres more farming and more people to make more things for more people, and now, theres business, money, writing, laws, power
CHORUS: Society!
NARRATOR: Coming soon to a dank river valley near you. Meanwhile, out in the middle of nowhere, the horse is probably being tamed
DISTRAUGHT HUMAN: Why is all my metal so lame and lumpy?
NARRATOR: Tired of using lame, sad metal?
The year is now -3300
NARRATOR: Introducing-
CHORUS: Bronze!
NARRATOR: Made from special ingredient tin from the far lands of Tin Land... I dont know, my dealer wont tell me where he gets it. Also, guess what?
CHORUS: Egypt!
The year is now -2000
NARRATOR: Meanwhile, out in the middle of nowhere, they figured out how to put wheels on a horse. Now, were getting somewhere. Also-
CHORUS: China!
NARRATOR: And did I mention-
CHORUS: Indus River Valley Civilization!
A society count comes on screen. It lists the four civilizations just named , as the counter counts up from one to four. It pauses for a moment before ticking up to five. A fifth civilization appears on the list. The camera pans right across the globe to what is modern day Peru
CHORUS: Norte Chico!
NARRATOR: The Middle East is getting more complicated. Maybe because its in the middle of the East
The year is now -1600
PEOPLE WITH HORSES: Knock, knock. Er... clop clop
NARRATOR: Its the people with the horses, and they made an empire, and then everyone else copied their horses
CHORUS: Greeks!
NARRATOR: Ah, look, it must be the Greeks. Or, a beta version of the Greeks
Text pops up on screen, reading mycenaean greeks. These beta version... Greeks are the Mycenaean Greeks
NARRATOR: Lets check in with the Indus River Valley Civilization - theyre gone. Guess whos not gone?
CHORUS: China!
The year is now -1200
CHORUS: New arrivals in India! Maybe its those horse people I was talking about, or their cousins, or something... And they wrote some hymns and mantras and stuff!
NARRATOR: You could make a religion out of this
The year is now -1150
NARRATOR: Theres the Bronze Age collapse
CHORUS: Now, the Phoenicians can get down to business!
HUMANS: Also, can we switch to a metal thats a little easier to find?
Bronze switches to iron
HUMANS: Thanks
NARRATOR: Look who came back to Israel - its the twelve tribes of Israel!
CHORUS: And they believe in God!
NARRATOR: Just one though; hes got like a ten step program
NARRATOR: Heres some huge heads. Must be the Olmecs
The year is now -800
NARRATOR: The Phoenicians make some colonies. The Greeks copy their idea and make some colonies. The Phoenicians made a colony so big it makes colonies
The year is now -671
NARRATOR: Here comes the Assyrian Empire
The year is now -600
NARRATOR: Nevermind, its the Babyloni-
The year is now -580
The year is now -500
CHORUS: Its the Persian Empire!
IO: Wow, thats big
NARRATOR: Ah, the Buddha was just enlightened!
IO: Whos the Buddha?
NARRATOR: This guy, who sat under a tree for so long that he figured out how to ignore the fact that were all dying. You could make a religion out of this
The year is now -475
NARRATOR: Oops, China just broke, but while it was breaking, Confucius was figuring out how to have good morals
The year is now -400
NARRATOR: Ah, the Greeks just had the idea of thinking about stuff...
The year is now -330
NARRATOR: ...and right over here, Alexander just had the idea of conquering the entire Persian empire. Its a great idea. He was... Great, and now hes dead. Hopefully, the rest of the gang will be able to share the empire evenly between them
The year is now -305
NARRATOR: Its Chandragupta. He says-
CHANDRAGUPTA: Get the hell out of here. Will you get the hell out of here if I give you five hundred elephants? Okay, thanks. Bye
CHORUS: Time to conquer all of India!
CHORUS: Most of India!
IO: But what about this part?
NARRATOR: Thats the Tamil kings. No one conquers the Tamil kings
IO: Who are the Tamil kings?
CHORUS: Merchants, probably... And theyve got spices!
TAMIL KINGS: Who would like to buy the spices?
NARRATOR: ...said the Arabians, swiftly buying it and selling it to the rest of the world
The year is now -221
NARRATOR: Hey, China put itself back together again, with good morals as their main philosophy! Actually, they have three main philosophies
Confucianism, Taoism, and legalism appear with the corresponding messages under: having good morals, go with the flow, and fuck you obey the law. The land northwest of Qin China, which is roughly modern-day Mongolia, is circled
NARRATOR: Out here, the horse nomads run wild and free, and they would like to ransack your city
The horse nomads repeatedly bump into China with the coin sound effect from Super Mario playing each time they do so. The camera pans left on the globe back to the Ancient Greek Empire
NARRATOR: Lets check the Greekification levels of the Greekified kingdoms. Greekification overload!
NARRATOR: ...said the Parthians
NARRATOR: ...said the Jews
NARRATOR: ...said the Parthians, taking over the entire place
The year is now 1 CE
ROMANS: Heyyyyyyyy...
NARRATOR: ...said the Romans, eating the entire Mediterranean for breakfast
JEWS: Thanks for invading our homeland
NARRATOR: ...said the Jews, who were starting to get tired of people invading their homeland
The year is now 30 CE
JESUS CHRIST: Hi, everythings great
NARRATOR: ...said some guy, who seems to be getting very popular, and is then arrested and killed for being too popular, which only makes him more popular. You could make a religion out of this
NARRATOR: Want silk? Now, you can buy it from China. They just made a-
CHORUS: Brand new road to the world!
China conquers Vietnam
CHORUS: Or you can get there on water!
INDIA: Sick! New trade routes
NARRATOR: ...said India, accidentally spreading their religion to the entire southeast
Funan is highlighted
NARRATOR: Hm, thats a good place for an epic trading kingdom
The sound of a zooming car plays
NARRATOR: There goes Buddhism, traveling up the silk road
The year is now 220
NARRATOR: I wonder if itll reach China before it collapses again
The year is now 225
NARRATOR: Remember the Persian Empire?
NARRATOR: ...said the Persians, making a new one. Axum is getting so powerful they would like to build a long stick. Has anyone populated Madagascar yet?
BANTU and MALAY: Lets do it together!
The year is now 280
CHORUS: China is whole again!
The year is now 320
CHORUS: Then it broke again
NARRATOR: Still cant cross the Sahara Desert? Try camels!
CHORUS, as GHANA EMPIRE: Hell yeah! Now weve got business!
NARRATOR: ...said the Ghana Empire, selling lots of gold and slaves
ROMAN CHRISTIAN: Hi, I live in the Roman Empire, and I was wondering-
CHORUS, as ROMAN CHRISTIAN: Is loving Jesus legal yet?
The year is now 330
CONSTANTINE: Actually, okay, sure
NARRATOR: ...said Constantine, moving the capital way over here to be closer to his-
CHORUS: Main rival!
CONSTANTINE: Dont worry about Rome; it wont fall
The year is now 400
CHORUS: Its the golden age of India!
NARRATOR: Theres the Gupta Empire, not Chandragupta, just Gupta... First name Chandra... The First. Guess whos in Rome
CHORUS: Barbarians!
NARRATOR: Whats a barbarian?
ROMANS: Non-Romans
NARRATOR: ...said the Romans, being invaded by non-Romans
The year is now 476
NARRATOR: R.I.P. Roman Empire. Er, actually just half of it; the other half is just fine, but its not in Rome anymore, so lets give it a new name
CHORUS: The Mayans have figured out the stars!
NARRATOR: Oh, and heres a huge city, population: everyone
The year is now 576
NARRATOR: The Göktürks have taken over the entire Eurasian steppe. Great job, Göktürks. Hows India? Broken. Hows China?
CHORUS: Back together
NARRATOR: Hows those trading kingdoms?
CHORUS: Bigger, and theres more of them
NARRATOR: Korea has three kingdoms. Japan has a kingdom; its the sunrise kingdom
An intermission occurs. The year is now 610
NARRATOR: Deep in the Arabian desert, on the top of a mountain, the real god whispers in Muhammads ear, so he goes down to the cube where everyone worships gods, and he tells them their gods are all fake...
The year is now 622
NARRATOR: ...and everyone got so mad at him that he had to leave town and go to a different town. You can make a religion out of this...
The year is now 650
NARRATOR: ...and maybe conquer the world as well. The Roman Empire is long gone, but somehow, the Pope is still the Pope! Plus, theres-
CHORUS: New kingdoms all over Europe!
NARRATOR: I wonder if theres room for Moors
The year is now 786
NARRATOR: Heres all the wisdom, in a house: its the Baghdad House of Wisdom, just in time for the-
CHORUS: Islamic Golden Age!
SWAHILI: Lets bring stuff to the coast, and sell it, and become the Swahili on the Swahili Coast
NARRATOR: ...said the Swahili on the Swahili Coast
NARRATOR: Remember this tiny space you have to go through to get from here to there? Someone owns that now
NARRATOR: Wanna get enlightened in the middle of nowhere?
NARRATOR: The Franks have the biggest kingdom in Europe, and the Pope is so proud that he invites the king over for Christmas
The year is now 800
POPE: Surprise! Youre the new Roman Emperor!
NARRATOR: ...said the Pope, pretending to still be part of the Roman Empire. Then, the Franks broke their kingdom into what will later be called France and Not France. The Northerners are exploring. They go north, from the north, to the northern north, and they find some land, two types of land, and they name them accordingly
Large text comes on screen reading, prankd.
NARRATOR: They also invade some other places and get called many names, such as Vikings
The year is now 882
NARRATOR: Theres the Rus, the Kievan Rus
IO: Are they Vikings?
KIEVAN RUS: I dont think so
NARRATOR: ...said the Kievan Rus
IO: Okay, fair enough
NARRATOR: The Pope is ready to make some more emperors of the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire. Its actually Germany, but dont worry about it! New kingdoms!
NARRATOR: Which brand would you like?
The year is now 1066
WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR: Time to conquer England
NARRATOR: ...said William
The year is now 1071
NARRATOR: Its a bird! Its a plane! Its the Seljuk Turks!
NARRATOR: ...said the Byzantine Empire, whos getting so small it almost doesnt exist anymore
NARRATOR: They need help, so they call the Pope
BYZANTINE EMPIRE: Hey, Pope, can you help us get rid of the Seljuks? Maybe take back the Holy Land on the way? Come on, I know you want to take back the Holy Land
POPE: Yes, I do actually want to do that. Lets do a Crusade
The year is now 1099
CHORUS: Crusade!
NARRATOR: They did many crusades, some of which almost didnt fail, but at the least the Italians got some sweet trade deals
The year is now 1100
NARRATOR: Goodbye, Mayans
CHORUS: Hello, Toltecs!
NARRATOR: Goodbye, Toltecs
CHORUS: Hello, Mississippi!
NARRATOR: Look at those mounds! Theres the Pueblo. Ive always wondered how to build a town on a cliff
The year is now 1150
NARRATOR: Guess whos here? Khmer!
IO: Where?
NARRATOR: Here, and Pegan is there! Vietnam unconquered itself, Korea just became itself...
The year is now 1192
NARRATOR: ...and Japan is so addicted to art that the military might have to take over the government. China just invented bombs and typing...
The year is now 1230. It rapidly starts to count upward as the Mongols spin and fly all over north Asia. The year ends on 1259
NARRATOR: ...and the Mongols just invaded most of the universe. Nice going, Genghis! I bet that will last a long time
The Mongol Empire that was just formed shatters
NARRATOR: Some of the Islamic Turks were unaffected by the Mongol invasions because they were busy invading India
Bright, happy text comes on the screen reading, tonga time.
NARRATOR: Is it Tonga time?
TONGAN: I think its Tonga time!
Text comes on screen reading, colonizing the pacific ocean... The Tui Tonga Empire forms
NARRATOR: I just found out where the Swahili gets all their gold!
It is shown that the gold comes from the Great Zimbabwe, as the Great Zimbabwe is highlighted
NARRATOR: Look at this chad . Theres an empire there, right in the middle of-
CHORUS: Africa!
The year is now 1324
NARRATOR: The King of Mali is so rich, hes going on tour to let everyone know
NORTH AFRICA and THE MIDDLE EAST: Wow, that guys rich
NARRATOR: ...everyone said. The Christians are doing a great job reconquering Iberia, which will soon be called Spain and Not-Spain
IBERIAN PENINSULA: Please remain Christian. We will check in later to see if youre still Christian when you least expect
The year is now 1350
NARRATOR: Whoops! Half of Europe just died!
NARRATOR: Chinas back, yay!
The year is now 1400
Hey Khmer, time to share! New kingdoms here and there. Oh, look who controls all the islands. Its the Mahajapit-
The buzz of an incorrect buzzer buzzes
NARRATOR: Majahapit-
NARRATOR: Mapajahit-
NARRATOR: Mahapajit-
NARRATOR: Mapajahit-
NARRATOR: Ma-ja-pa-hit?
The ring of a correct bell rings. The year is now 1450
NARRATOR: Oh, Italys really rich. Time for them to care a lot about art and the ancient classics. Its kinda like a re-birth
The text on the screen reads renaissance
NARRATOR: Heres a printer, lets make books!
BYZANTINE EMPIRE: So you think you can conquer the Byzantine Empire?
NARRATOR: ...said the Ottoman Turks. Nice job, Ottoman Turks!
The year is now 1453
NARRATOR: Oops, you missed a spot. Dont forget to ban Europe from the Indian spice trade
PORTUGAL: What? Thats bullshit!
NARRATOR: ...said Portugal, spiceless
CHORUS, as PORTUGAL: Well, I guess well have to find another way to India!
NARRATOR: ...said Christopher Columbus, probably smoking crack
COLUMBUS: If the world is round, lets go this way to India!
PORTUGAL: Nah, dont worry, we already got this
NARRATOR: ...said Portugal. So Chris goes to Spain
COLUMBUS: Hey, Spain, wanna hire me to find India by going around the back of the world?
The year is now 1492
NARRATOR: So he sails into the ocean and discovers... More ocean... And then discovers the Indies and Japan
The year is now 1494
SPAIN and PORTUGAL: Lets draw a line to decide who gets which half of the world
NARRATOR: The Aztec and Inca Empires are off to a great start. I wonder if they know that Europe just discovered their continent?
NARRATOR: The Hapsburgs are marrying into so many royal families that they might have to start marrying each other
The year is now 1500
NARRATOR: Move over, Lithuania! Here comes Moscow. Ivan wants to make Russia great again. Move over, Timurids; maybe go invade India or something
The year is now 1501
NARRATOR: Persia just made Persia Persian again. Lets make it the other kind of Islam, the one where we thought the first guy should have been the other guy
ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH: Hey, Christians! Do you sin? Now you can buy your way out of Hell
MARTIN LUTHER: Thats bullshit, this whole thing is bullshit, thats a scam, fuck the church. Heres 95 reasons why
NARRATOR: ...said Martin Luther, in his new book which might have accidentally started the Protestant Reformation
SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT: You know what would be magnificent?
NARRATOR: ...said Suleiman, wearing an onion hat
The year is now 1530
SULEIMAN: What if the Ottoman Empire was really big, which it is now?
The year is now 1556
IVAN THE TERRIBLE: What if Russia was big?
NARRATOR: ...said Ivan, trying not to be terrible
NARRATOR: Portugal had a dream that they controlled the entire Indian Ocean, including the Spice Trade... and then that dream was real. And Spain realized that this is not India, but they pillaged it anyway!
NARRATOR: ...said England and France
ENGLAND and FRANCE: We gotta start pillaging some stuff
NARRATOR: Then, the Dutch revolt, and all the hipsters move to Amsterdam
The year is now 1600
NARRATOR: ...said Amsterdam
AMSTERDAM: We gotta start pillaging some stuff
ENGLAND, FRANCE, and THE DUTCH: Question 1: Can you get to India through North America? No, but at least theres beaver. Question 2: Steal the Spice Trade
NARRATOR: Thats not a question, but the Dutch did it anyway
CHORUS: Sugar!
The year is now 1640
NARRATOR: Guess where all the sugar is made. In Brazil-
THE DUTCH: Stolen!
NARRATOR: -In the Caribbean, and its so goddamn profitable that you might forget to not do slavery. The next thing on Russias to-do-list is to get bigger
The year is now 1754
NARRATOR: Britain and France are having a friendly discussion about who should control the entire world, more specifically Ohio
Then it escalates into a seven year discussion, giving Prussia a chance to show Austria whos boss
IO: But what about Britain and France? Did they figure out whos boss?
NARRATOR: Yes, they did! Its Britain. Guess whos broke. Also Britain, so they start taxing the Hell out of America
The year is now 1776
AMERICA: Fuck you
NARRATOR: ...says America, declaring their independence and fighting for it, and France helps them win. Now, France is broke...
The year is now 1788
NARRATOR: ...and Britain will have to send their prisoners to a different continent
IO: Wait, if France is broke, why do the king and queen still wear such fancy dresses?
The year is now 1794
ROBESPIERRE: Lets overthrow the palace and cut all their heads off!
NARRATOR: ...says Robespierre, cutting everybodys head off until someone eventually got mad and cut his head off
IO: You could make a religi-
NARRATOR: No, dont. Haiti is starting to like the idea of a revolution...
The year is now 1791
NARRATOR: ...especially the slaves, who free themselves by killing their masters
TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE: Why didnt we think of this before?
IO: Wait, whos in charge of France now?
The year is now 1804
NARRATOR: ...said Napoleon, trying to take over Europe. Luckily, they banished him to an island-
CHORUS: But he came back!
NARRATOR: Luckily, they banished him to another island
A burst of horns play
NARRATOR: There goes Latin America, becoming independent in the Latin American Wars of Independence
They last from the year 1812 to about 1830
NARRATOR: Britain just figured out how to turn steam into power, so now, they can make-
CHORUS: Many different types of machines, and factories with machines in them, so they can make a lot of products real fast
NARRATOR: Then, they invent some trains and conquer India and maybe put some trains there
BRITAIN: Hey, China!
NARRATOR: ...said Britain
BRITAIN: Buy stuff from us!
CHINA: Nah, dude, we already got everything
NARRATOR: ...says China, so Britain tried to get them addicted to opium, which worked, actually, but then, China made it illegal...
The year is now 1839
NARRATOR: ...and dumped it all into the sea, so Britain threw a hissy fit and made them open up five cities and give them an island. Britain and Russia are playing a game where they try and stop each other from conquering Afghanistan. Also, the-
CHORUS: Sultan of Oman lives in Zanzibar now
NARRATOR: Thats just where he lives
The year is now 1857
NARRATOR: India just had a revolution, and they would like to govern themselves now
NARRATOR: ...said Britain, governing them even harder than before
The screen reads, HI I JUST SENT YOU A MESSAGE THRU A WIRE, while the Morse Code for SEXLOL plays in the background
CHORUS: Technology is about to go crazy!
The year is now 1863
NARRATOR: The United States finally figured out whether slavery is good or bad
NARRATOR: ...they decided, and then, they continued manifesting their destiny, which is to kill the rest of the natives and take their land and maybe kick out the Mexicans too
The year is now 1884
EUROPE: I know! Lets rape Africa
NARRATOR: ...said Europe, scrambling to see who could rape it the fastest. Britain and France are still hungry! The United States ran out of destiny to manifest, so theyre looking for more
CHORUS: Hawaii and Cuba!
IO: Wait! Spain controls Cuba!
UNITED STATES: Well, blame something on them, and go to war
AMERICANS: What should we blame on Spain?
The U.S.S. Maine explodes in the Gulf of Mexico
UNITED STATES: Lets blame the Maine on Spain
NARRATOR: ...so they blame the Maine on Spain
The year is now 1898
AMERICANS: Now, were in business!
NARRATOR: To celebrate, they kick Panama out of Panama and make a canal, connecting the two oceans
The year is now 1908
NARRATOR: Britain just found oil in the Middle East.
The year is now 1911
NARRATOR: China is so tired of being bossed around that they delete their old government and make a new, stronger government, which is accidentally weaker and controlled by a guy from the previous government. Europe hasnt had a war since the last war...
The year is now 1914
NARRATOR: ...so they start World War I. Look at those guns! Its gonna be a Great War - so great we wont need a second one. After its over, they blame Germany
The year is now 1917
NARRATOR: Russia went on strike, and the workers overthrew the government. Now, everyones paycheck is the same
The year is now 1922
CHORUS: Communism, in the Soviet Union!
NARRATOR: The Arabs revolt...
The year is now 1917
NARRATOR: ...and Britain helps
BRITAIN: Now, the Ottoman Empire is gone
The year is now 1922
BRITAIN: So we can give the-
CHORUS: Jewish people a place to live!
NARRATOR: Hopefully, the Arabs wont mind
SYKES and PICOT: Lets cut the cake!
NARRATOR: ...said Sykes and Picot, cutting up the remains of the Not-So-Ottoman-Anymore Empire
The year is now 1923
CHORUS: Except Turkey! Turkey makes a brand new Turkey!
NARRATOR: ...and then, the Saudis conquer Arabia. It just seemed like the right thing to do
A phone rings
IO: Hello?
THE 1920s: Yes, its the 1920s calling. Lets get in a car and drive to a party and listen to jazz on the radio and go to the movies. The economy is great, and it will probably be great forever- just kidding!
A slide whistle with decreasing pitch briefly plays. The year is now 1933
NARRATOR: Germany is back, featuring Hitler, the angry mustache model, and hes mad at the Jews for existing. Japan is finally conquering the East, and theyre so excited...
The year is now 1937
NARRATOR: ...they rape Nanking way too hard. They should probably just deny it
The year is now 1945
NARRATOR: Hitlers out of control, so the international community tackles him and tries to explain why killing all the Jews is a bad idea. But he kills himself before they could explain it to him
CHORUS: Thats World War II!
NARRATOR: Bonus Round!
Air horns momentarily play in the background
NARRATOR: Pacific Showdown: United States versus Japan! Fight!
A drop-down menu that reads weapon select pops up, and the U.S. cursor moves down from boat to plane to extinction ball. It is picked, dropped on Japan, and an explosion results. The year is now 1945
NARRATOR: Finish him!
Another one is dropped, and another explosion follows
NARRATOR: Lets unite all the nations and have some-
CHORUS: World peace!
NARRATOR: Seems legit
GANDHI: Hi, Im Gandhi, and if Britain doesnt get the Hell out of India, Im gonna starve myself in public
The year is now 1947. Britain leaves
GANDHI: Wow, that worked?
NARRATOR: Bonus! Now, theres Pakistan. Actually, two Pakistans; one of them can be Bangladesh later. The Jews and the Arabs finally figured out which one of them should live in the Holy Land
NARRATOR: ...they both said at the same time
The year is now 1947
UNITED NATIONS: Lets divide up the land so everyones happy
CHORUS: Sike! They both get angrier
NARRATOR: Look out, China!
The year is now 1949
NARRATOR: Theres a new China in China! Whats on the menu?
REPUBLIC of CHINA: No, thanks
NARRATOR: ...said the other China, escaping to an island. I wonder which one is the real China?
The year is now 1950
NARRATOR: Theres the Korean War: Korea versus Korea. Nobody wins and then its on pause forever. Lets meet the sponsors! Oh, its the two global superpowers. Theyre having a friendly debate over which economic system is good and which one is an evil virus of Satan. And they both have atom bombs
NARRATOR: Wait, no, that would be the end of the world. Lets just keep it cool and spy on each other instead, and make sure we have enough atom bombs
The year is now 1957
SOVIET UNION: Ill race you to space
The year is now 1969. An American rocket ship is shown to land on the moon
SOVIET UNION and UNITED STATES: Now, lets make some more countries fight themselves
NARRATOR: Europe is tired of pillaging other continents, and the continents they were pillaging are tired of being pillaged. So heres a new map, with new countries! Now, you cant tell who theyre being pillaged by
The year is now 1963
NARRATOR: The United States finally decided whether racism is good or bad. They decided its bad, and the world agrees. South Africa might need another minute to think about it. Lets check the world population
A graph is shown, displaying a spike upward in population that jumped from a billion at the beginning of the 1800s to way more around the beginning of the 2000s
IO: Whoa... Okay
NARRATOR: Technology is better too; that might keep happening. The Soviet Union decides to relax a little...
The year is now 1991
NARRATOR: ...and accidentally falls apart. Europe makes a union...
The year is now 1999
NARRATOR: ...so now, they can all use the same money, except Britain cause they dont feel like it. Lets check the mail! Surprise! Its on the computer
The year is now 2001
NARRATOR: Whoops, someone just attacked America. I bet theyll remember that. Phone call! Surprise! Its in your pocket. Wanna learn everything? Surprise! Its on the computer. Now, your phones a computer, which is in your pocket
A chart of the 2008 economic recession is shown
NARRATOR: Whoops, the economy just crashed. Dont worry, the big banks wont fail because theyre not supposed to. Surprise! Flying robots, with bombs. Wanna print a brain? Some people have no friends, some people have no food, the globe is warming-
CHORUS: And the ocean is full of plastic!
EVERYBODY: Lets save the planet!
NARRATOR: ...said everybody, not knowing how
The year is now 2028
THING INVENTOR INVENTOR: Lets invent a thing inventor
NARRATOR: ...said the thing inventor inventor, after being invented by a thing inventor. Thats pretty cool. By the way, where the Hell are we?
Text comes on screen that reads, Thanks for watching history. I hope I mentioned everything. |
Apple juice, apple juice
David Spock I think I have apple juice in my trousers again |
Old MacDonald had a farm
Then it exploded |
I wanna be stupid
I dont wanna be smart
I wanna be really stupid
In my car
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I wanna hold on to what I got
Cause its all I got
I wanna hold on to what I want
Cause its all I want
And it may rain and it may snow
And it might all come tumbling down
So dont you know what its all about?
I wanna be stupid
I dont wanna be smart
I wanna be really stupid
In my car
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I wanna hold on to what I want
Cause its all I got
I wanna hold on to what I love
Cause its all I want
And it may rain and it may snow
And it might all come tumbling down
So dont you know what its all about?
I wanna be stupid
I dont wanna be smart
I wanna be really stupid
In my car
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
When I comb my hair, it looks stupid in the mirror
When I ride a bike downtown, I feel stupid on the way of doing it
When Im filled with classes with schoolroom teachers, that know how to talk to em, be stupid
Go, go stupid, when Im learning, I dont, I wanna learn stupid |
I dont know how to convince myself to feel okay
I tried to figure out how to do it yesterday
But I got nowhere
I tried to kiss a girl, but I got scared
I tried to read some books
But I didnt see them
Couldnt read them
Didnt need them
Had to pretend
Im so insecure
Cant do anything, cant do anything
I think Ill just shut up |
NARRATOR: How to win at spelling.
NARRATOR: Spell bad, spell good, spell fresh! Bribe the judges! Take a plane to space and do your spelling out there where theres more room to think and breathe.
DOG IN SPACE: Hooh-haah.
NARRATOR: Purchase a spelling kit, then rip out the pieces and rearrange them to your liking.
CHORUS : Thats how much fun spelling can be. Wont you spell the world with me? |
I can make the seasons change
I can make the seasons change
I can make the seasons change
And I bet I will next May
Barf on me
Barf on me
Barf on me
Spew throw-up
I didnt warn you that my doctor said
To write the creepiest song I can
I better warn you first so next time
I can go all out
Im gonna warn you fools to brace yourselves
So I can write my creepy song
Im gonna go totally crazy
And itll be insane |
This is a song for my next album
I think Ill write it down
Its a song about freedom and love
I like springtime, and I love summer
And I especially love you
This is a song for my next album
I hope you really like it
It took me all day to compose
Yeah, it took me all frickin day to compose |
No |
All you gotta do is say something outrageous
All you gotta do is say something crazy
All you gotta do is feel
All you gotta do is see
All you gotta do is be
All you gotta do is free
All you gotta do is say something
All you gotta do is say something
It doesnt have to be smart
All you gotta do is say something cool |
Get ready to eat dirt
Get ready to eat dirt
It tastes good and it cures AIDS and it makes people feel great |
Winter makes me smile
Winter makes me smile
No, it doesnt
No, it doesnt
Everything about this place is slimy and makes me wanna cry
Maybe I could write you a letter
Maybe I could write you some poetry
Look around your window
There might be a sign
There might be a sign that everythings fine
And thats my sign
Quit being lonely
Quit being scared
Quit being so confused
Quit being crazy
I dont like food
I dont like food
It makes me puke
I think they need a new recipe
Yeah, they need a new recipe
Oh, if I was in London
If I was in Rome
Id know how the story goes
If I had a picture phone
Id make posters of yall
If I was in Florida
If I was in pain
Id change my name again
But until now, Ill have to slow down
But until now, Ill have to slow down
Winter makes me smile
Winter makes me smile
Oh, it makes me go bye-bye |
Im textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Why though? I dont know
Im textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Why though? I dont know
Its like oh my God, I dont know
Its like oh my God, I dont know
Its like oh my God, what the fuck, LOL
So what the hell son, I dont know
Im textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Why though? I dont know
Oh my God, Im at work
They dont let me text at work
So Im gonna go to the bathroom
Im textin you in the bathroom
Oh my God, Im at school
They dont let me text in school
So Im gonna go to the bathroom
Plus I think I just took some bad shrooms
Im textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Why though? I dont know
Im textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Textin on my iPhone, textin on my iPhone
Why though? I dunno |
Lists out questions, for personal reflection, including:
How am i
Who am i
What am i
What if spain was in greece
CHORUS: What if Spain was in Greece? |
Yeah, check, okay, alright
Everyone likes
To feel okay
Everyone wants
To feel alright
Everyone makes
Different mistakes
And everyone plays
A different game
We all want to go home
We all want to go home
We all got to go home
I just want to go home
Everyone tries
To get all the pieces right
Then they realize
Its a waste of time
Everyone claims
Things could be better a different way
But everyone waits
For things to be better a different day
We all want to go home
We all want to go home
We all got to go home
I just wanna go home
Ooooh, ooooh
Its time to come home
Go home |
Im sad
I’m sad
Im sad
Im sad
I’m sad
Im sad
Im sad
Im sad
Im sad |
This is a period piece
It takes place in 2010
It takes place in 2010
The streets outside are filled with rodents
And everythings confusing and makes no sense
Shopping malls are filled with clothing
Flames are spreading through the roadways
People on their telephones are texting with madness to one another
Tasty things are here
Tasty things are here
Tasty things are here
Do you think theres enough food for you to eat?
Or do you think youre gonna get hungry?
Do you think theres a new message for you on the screen
Telling you why everything feels incomplete?
Things are not quite right
Oh, things are not quite cool
Oh‚ things are not quite good
Oh‚ things are not quite cool
Hide under the couch
Hide under the couch
Take your shoes off
And lie under the couch
I set my watch for 7:00 this morning but I didnt wake up
Cause I thought I was in garbage land
Maybe the place Im in is not the place I wanna be in
Well I hope that I can change it then
Why cant we be friends?
Why cant we be friends?
Why cant we be friends?
Why cant we be friends?
Why cant we be friends?
Why cant we be friends?
Why cant we be friends? |
Life is a game that nobodys playing
Cause nobody knows how to play
All of the joy and emotion is fading
Emotions are fading away
Dont fade away
Do what you want to do
Say what you want to say
Its your chance, its your life, its your time, so please make it right
Do what you want to do
Everyones waiting for you
All of the time that weve spent waiting
Waiting for something to change
Everything round been steadily changing
Steadily changing their ways
Every day
Do what you want to do
Say what you want to say
Its your chance, its your life, its your time, so please make it right
Do what you want to do
Dont believe in one thing anyone says
If they tell you youre not gonna make it
They dont know a thing
Dont you try to believe that
This shit aint gon be cool soon as you let it
You will find your way
Dont believe in one thing anyone says
If they tell you youre not gonna make it
They dont know a thing
Dont you try to believe that
This shit aint gon be cool soon as you let it
You will find your way
Do what you want to do
Say what you want to say
Its your chance, its your life, its your time, so please do it right
Do what you want to do |
Well its not so hard to do
Well its not so hard to do
Well its not so hard to do
Well its not so hard to do |
Do what you want to
Say what you need to
Even if you cant remember why
Sometimes its easy
Sometimes its crazy
Baby, you can do it if you try
And if you wanna go your own way
Baby, youve got to do it every day
And if you wanna take it all the way
All you need is love
Pick up a mountain
Hide in a suitcase
Open up your arms and you can fly
Glide on the evening
Fly on a memory
Even if it makes you want to cry
And if you wanna go your own way
Baby, youve got to do it every day
And if you wanna take it all the way
All you need is love
You could write a letter
You could make it beautiful
Or you could do it the easy way
You could make it incredible
And if you wanna go your own way
Baby, youve got to do it every day
And if you wanna take it all the way
All you need is love
And if you wanna go your own way
All you need is love
And if you wanna take it all the way
All you need is love
And if you wanna do it right away
All you need is love
Every night and day
All you need is love |
NARRATOR: Advantages to living in the future:
CHORUS: Now you can comb your hair by satellite |
Sing me a song |
Icy James
Icy James
Can you believe I just said
Icy James?
Icy James?
Icy James?
What does that mean?
I dont know what that means
I dont know what I mean
I guess Im a jelly string bean
Came out of the kitchen
Itchin to be
And I just wanna say silly things
And occasionally pick up the phone when it rings |
Im gonna write a song on the count of three
Im gonna do it right on the count of three
One, two, three
Oh, it looks like you believed me
One time I put too much change in the laundry machine
The laundry machine, oh, the laundry was clean
Well, I guess that makes me one clean son of a gun, ooh ah
Hey, hey, hey, look at me, Im a crazy machine
I say what I mean, whenever I please
Well, I guess thats just my little way of chasing my dreams
It helps me get free, to say what I mean
Well, I guess that makes me one lean mean machine, ooh eh
But I know thats just the way its gotta be
There are miracles in Kansas, you can see them on TV
But how much do those folks get paid to say, what theyre seeing is a mystery
Im gonna sing a tune on the count of three
You can sing it too, if you please
If it makes you feel okay, then Ive done my job today
And maybe get some sleep at night
Im camped out in the yard
And Im staring at the stars
Thinkin about green leaves, green stems, green trees
Green automobiles, green flying machines
Girls in green-blue jeans
Ive been waiting so long just to find the girl for me
One who thinks and talks of crazy things just like me
But I aint gonna find her in Florida
No, I aint gonna find her in Houston, oh
No, I aint gonna find her in America
Im gonna write a song on the count of three
One, two, three
I think its complete |
I got no brains
I got brains, oh woah
I got no brains
No brains to feel the pain
No brains to feel the pain
No brains to feel the pain
Of love
I got no brains for love
Got no brains for love
Got no brains to feel pain and fun
Im sorry this song is so dumb |
I dont know why
Its so hard
For people to get by
Every day
I try so hard
Barely we survive
The world has got a problem and it breaks my heart
Everybody knows it and everyone can feel it
Nobody knows what theyre gonna do
Everythings broken and everybody knows it
I dont know why
Its so hard
To get the things you need
Its all here
Its all there
But theres something in between
The world has got a problem and it breaks my heart
Everybody knows it and everyone can feel it
Nobody knows what theyre gonna do
Everythings broken and everybody knows it
Oooh, oooh, oooh
Nothings real
Nothings right
And I cant remember why
But I know somehow
I know some way
We can make it right
The world has got a problem and it breaks my heart
Everybody knows it and everyone can feel it
Nobody knows what theyre gonna do
Everythings broken and everybody knows it
Everybodys broken
Everything is frozen
Everybody knows it |
Skip to my loo
Skip to my loo
Skip to my loo cause its got poison in it |
Lima beans
Lima beans
Lima beans
Lima beans
Slimy beans |
I hate myself
Oh, I hate myself
I hate myself
Oh, I hate myself |
The word africa fades in and fades out over a picture of the African continent. |
Yes |
Shows the text News Flash:’.
CHORUS: Im a loser.
Shows a clock with time passing rapidly.
CHORUS: still a loser in love.
A question continue?’ is displayed with flashing choices of yes and no. |
Drink a glass of time
Make the time go by
Ill be with you in 15 minutes
Ill be ready to do this in 15 minutes
Just let me wait till all the trouble in the world has passed me by
Just let me wait until I can say what Im tryin
Ill call you back |
We are humans, we are humans
And weve come to take you away |
The Lyrics dataset parsed from Genius. This dataset is designed to generate lyrics with HuggingArtists. Model is available here.
How to load this dataset directly with the datasets library:
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("huggingartists/bill-wurtz")
An example of 'train' looks as follows.
This example was too long and was cropped:
"text": "Look, I was gonna go easy on you\nNot to hurt your feelings\nBut I'm only going to get this one chance\nSomething's wrong, I can feel it..."
The data fields are the same among all splits.
: a string
feature.train | validation | test |
495 | - | - |
'Train' can be easily divided into 'train' & 'validation' & 'test' with few lines of code:
from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset, DatasetDict
import numpy as np
datasets = load_dataset("huggingartists/bill-wurtz")
train_percentage = 0.9
validation_percentage = 0.07
test_percentage = 0.03
train, validation, test = np.split(datasets['train']['text'], [int(len(datasets['train']['text'])*train_percentage), int(len(datasets['train']['text'])*(train_percentage + validation_percentage))])
datasets = DatasetDict(
'train': Dataset.from_dict({'text': list(train)}),
'validation': Dataset.from_dict({'text': list(validation)}),
'test': Dataset.from_dict({'text': list(test)})
author={Aleksey Korshuk}
Built by Aleksey Korshuk
For more details, visit the project repository.