Jean-René SVP approuver cette demande de changement qui change la poudre à pastille de 20H-6 à 20H-7 ( avec NUM % de GUR NUM ) pour les pastilles centrales , pastilles à barbotins et pastille de roue sans caoutchouc . Karen , une fois la demande de changement NUM complétée ( modification de la recette 20H-7 ) , tu pourrais faire la demande de changement NUM . Je te tiens au courant car Marc n ' a pas encore approuvé la DC NUM .
Robert Turcotte Ingénieur de procédé Process Engineer Soucy Plastiques inc. . Téléphone : 819 474-5151 , poste 544 Télécopieur : 819 472-2999 [email protected]
Ruck/Logan , please bill all fees related to this lawsuit to the LLC so we can keep up with everything ! Thanks , Allan To ensure compliance with applicable Internal Revenue Service regulations , any tax advice contained in this email was not intended or written to be used , and can not be used , for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code . Please note that all trade orders are not accepted and are not acted upon by email , facsimile , voicemail , or with unlicensed personnel . All orders must be communicated personally to your representative . In accordance with industry regulations , all messages are retained and are subject to monitoring . Securities and advisory services offered through Financial Telesis Inc. . Member FINRA/SIPC . Chappelle Consulting Group and Financial Telesis Inc. . are not affiliated companies . This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressee ( s ) . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any reading , dissemination , distribution , copying , forwarding or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited . If you have received this message in error , please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all copies and backups thereof . _____ From : Allan Chappelle Sent : Tuesday , October NUM , NUM 9:46 AM To : ' Sara Boehme ' Cc : ' Hayslip , Victor ' Subject : Bank Statements Sara , in reviewing my file for a meeting with Vic this afternoon , I notived that I have the Bank Statements for Lyn chappelle Properties from December NUM , NUM through August NUM , NUM . If this helps the bank , we only need the bank statements and cancelled checks from the beginning up to December NUM , NUM then from September NUM , NUM through April NUM , NUM . This will give us everything that happened during Lyn 's ownership . Also , if you are billing for anything related to this lawsuit , please put on a separate billing matter so we can track all expense related to this suit . If there are bank charges related to this project , include those too . In other words , I want all expense from the CPA , you , the bank , the lawyer , etc. . shown as an expense entitled Law Suit on the P & L. Thanks , Allan Allan J. Chappelle President , Chappelle Consulting Group NUM Reese Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , AL NUM Office : ( NUM ) NUM ext 101I Fax : ( NUM ) NUM I Mobile : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL To ensure compliance with applicable Internal Revenue Service regulations , any tax advice contained in this email was not intended or written to be used , and can not be used , for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code . Please note that all trade orders are not accepted and are not acted upon by email , facsimile , voicemail , or with unlicensed personnel . All orders must be communicated personally to your representative . In accordance with industry regulations , all messages are retained and are subject to monitoring . Securities and advisory services offered through Financial Telesis Inc. . Member FINRA/SIPC . Chappelle Consulting Group and Financial Telesis Inc. . are not affiliated companies . This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressee ( s ) . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any reading , dissemination , distribution , copying , forwarding or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited . If you have received this message in error , please notify the sender immediately and delete this message and all copies and backups thereof .
Allan J. Chappelle President , Chappelle Consulting Group 1747 Reese Street , Suite 215 Birmingham , AL 35209 Office : ( 205 ) 871-5900 ext 101I Fax : ( 205 ) 871-5904 I Mobile : ( 205 ) 410-5533 [email protected]
Please see attached report . Thank you . Burr & Forman - results matter < outbind : / / NUM : / / URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Abbott , Cathy Sent : Tuesday , October NUM , NUM 8:49 AM To : FIRM-ATTORNEY Cc : RECORDS-BHM Subject : HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL CONFLICT CHECK !! Importance : High Vic Hayslip has been contacted by a Chicago firm to potentially represent a member in a securities fraud matter . As noted above , this is highly confidential . The parties are as follows . Please let me and/or Vic know as soon as possible if there are any conflicts . Potential client : David Stroud ( member ; potential defendant ) TS Capital Management TS Capital Fund TS Capital GP Adverse : Alabama Securities Commission ( potential plaintiff ) Securities Exchange Commission ( potential plaintiff ) Stuart Memory ( former employee ) Barron Lowe ( former employee ) Potential Adv : Tommy Tuberville ( co-member ) Again , please let us know if you have a conflict . Thanks . Cathy G. Abbott Legal Secretary for Vic Hayslip , Brent D. Hitson , William J. Long and Ben Coulter Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Shay Michael Lauderdale Records Management Clerk Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5453 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 458-5100 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
I ' ll let him know . Products and Services offered by SSI : are NOT FDIC insured may lose value no bank guarantee >> > " Hayslip , Victor " < EMAIL > 9/27/2011 3:49 PM >> > yes , Toby need not appear ... you want to send him an email ? Or , I can call him .... I will let you know when I receive the new subpoena Vic Hayslip Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Beth Burns [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , September NUM , NUM 2:47 PM To : Hayslip , Victor Subject : RE : Oct NUM visit & subpoena to Toby Banks NUM looks good . I will mark my calendar . We have a huge stack ( unfortunately not electronic ) of documents related to this matter including : NUM ) statements NUM ) branch file ( including acct opening paperwork ) NUM ) Home office file Are any other documents needed ? We will be able to produce very quickly once a valid subpoena is received . I assume Toby has been released from appearing ?? We have not recd anything from plantiff 's counsel . Thanks again for your help . Beth Burns SVP & Director of Compliance Financial Management Services Phone : NUM Fax : NUM EMAIL Products and Services offered by SSI : are NOT FDIC insured may lose value no bank guarantee >> > " Hayslip , Victor " < EMAIL > 9/27/2011 3:33 PM >> > Ok , just heard from FINRA .... can we plan on the NUM ? I look forward to seeing you then .... thanks , Beth ..... also , I talked with the lawyer who had issued the subpoena for Toby Banks . He understood and will reissue a new subpoena which I told him I would accept . It should be limited to the electronic file we discussed ( statements and account opening documnets and letters ) . He ( Greg Williams ) told me he also believed the plaintiffs ' lawyer had also issued a subpoena ( I have not seen it and you might want to check and see if you have it ) . If another has been issued , I will also call the plaintiffs ' lawyer and try and work the same arrangement . I told Greg Williams that I though I could get his documnets to him by end of next week . Please have someone start assembling them when you have a moment ... or tell me and I am glad to work with whomever you designate . Thanks , Vic Vic Hayslip Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Beth Burns [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Monday , September NUM , NUM 3:15 PM To : Hayslip , Victor Subject : Re : Visit Vic , Is Queen Bee a good thing ? Sure hope so ! The NUM or NUM works for me ..... thanks Beth Burns SVP & Director of Compliance Financial Management Services Phone : NUM Fax : NUM EMAIL Products and Services offered by SSI : are NOT FDIC insured may lose value no bank guarantee >> > " Hayslip , Victor " < EMAIL > 9/26/2011 2:56 PM >> > Beth , I am trying to plan a trip over to Columbus to see you and a couple of others at Synovus . Can you let me know which of Oct. NUM or NUM works best for your calendar ? I would like for us to plan on lunch and I will work the other meetings around you ( because you are the queen Bee ! ) . Hope you had a great weekend . Vic Vic Hayslip Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . _____ NOTICE : This communication is intended only for the person or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential , proprietary , and/or privileged material . Unless you are the intended addressee , any review , reliance , dissemination , distribution , copying or use whatsoever of this communication is strictly prohibited . If you received this in error , please reply immediately and delete the material from all computers . Email sent through the Internet is not secure . Do not use email to send us confidential information such as credit card numbers , PIN numbers , passwords , Social Security Numbers , Account numbers , or other important and confidential information . _____ NOTICE : This communication is intended only for the person or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential , proprietary , and/or privileged material . Unless you are the intended addressee , any review , reliance , dissemination , distribution , copying or use whatsoever of this communication is strictly prohibited . If you received this in error , please reply immediately and delete the material from all computers . Email sent through the Internet is not secure . Do not use email to send us confidential information such as credit card numbers , PIN numbers , passwords , Social Security Numbers , Account numbers , or other important and confidential information . _____ NOTICE : This communication is intended only for the person or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential , proprietary , and/or privileged material . Unless you are the intended addressee , any review , reliance , dissemination , distribution , copying or use whatsoever of this communication is strictly prohibited . If you received this in error , please reply immediately and delete the material from all computers . Email sent through the Internet is not secure . Do not use email to send us confidential information such as credit card numbers , PIN numbers , passwords , Social Security Numbers , Account numbers , or other important and confidential information .
Beth Burns SVP & Director of Compliance Financial Management Services Phone : 706-649-2458 Fax : 706-649-7147 [email protected]
Maurine Evans just called me to accept our job offer for an Associate position in NUM . Maurine picked Burr over an offer from Balch . She is # NUM in her class at Cumberland , is the Copy Editor for the Law Review , and has booked NUM classes during her NUM semesters in law school . Maurine wants to work in our Litigation section . As always , thanks to everyone who helped recruit Maurine , including her assigned secretary for the summer , Suzanne Eady . Please contact Maurine to congratulate her . She ' ll be looking forward to your calls and emails ; Maurine was as excited as anyone I ' ve had accept a job offer . So let 's let her have this moment ; we can wait to tell her what being a lawyer is really like when she gets here . EMAIL ( NUM ) NUM _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
K. Bryance Metheny Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5178 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5680 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
Hi Dan : This AZ application has been submitted to the state . I will provide you confirmation of the approval once the state has processed the application . Thank you , This e-mail message may contain confidential and/or privileged information . If you are not the addressee or have authorization to receive this for the addressee , you may not view , use , copy , disclose , or take any actions based on this message or any information herein . If you have received this message in error , please advise the sender immediately by reply email and delete this message . From : Dan Wilkinson [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 4:07 PM To : EMAIL Cc : EMAIL John Richards Subject : New Location for Cash Time Support , We are adding a new location next month please assign us a Vintek Account number for store # NUM . Cash Time Title Loans , Inc. . NUM S. NUM St. Suite NUM Phoenix , Arizona NUM Phone : NUM Fax : NUM MVD EIN # : E00412013 Please assign this to Cash Time ’s account . ( Vintek Codes for other Locations NUM ) Once I get back a new Vintek Account I will submit the forms for Users and the email notifications . Thank You ! Dan Wilkinson Operations Manager Cash Time Title Loans , Inc. . NUM E Camelback Rd. . Suite NUM Scottsadale , AZ NUM Cell : NUM
Alicia Plummer Support and Contract Administrator Vintek Inc. . 215-599-1860 [email protected]
Introduction to Conair 's President John Mayorek From : Thierry Denis [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , April NUM , NUM 3:46 PM To : EMAIL Subject : [ GPSEG Members ] : Introduction to Conair 's President John Mayorek If any of you knows Johh Mayorek , President of Conair Corporation ( kitchen & electronics appliances ) in New Jersey , I would appreciate talking you to explore a potential introduction . Thank you , s
Thierry Denis Home ( 610 ) 630-5934 Cell ( 267 ) 303-6137 LinkedIn
Collateral in Alabama . I dint believe it is out of bankruptcy - just a STD purchase . Sent from my iPad On Oct NUM , NUM , at 2:53 PM , " Meek , Derek " < EMAIL > wrote : Do you mean a banking or corporate type or a CRAB type ( for a sale out of bkrcy ) ? Why out of BHM office ? Is it an Alabama deal ? Derek _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . _____ From : Stieglitz , Graham Sent : Wednesday , October NUM , NUM 1:50 PM To : Meek , Derek Subject : Bacon at NUM feet Derek I hope all is well . I need a recommendation out of the bham office for someone to assist in a purchase of real estate , operating plant and equipment . I do n't know any more as of now but want to have an idea of who would assist . I would anticipate that this person would be able to handle the deal soup to nuts . Thanks . Sent from my iPad
Derek F. Meek Attorney Burr & Forman LLP Email : < mailto:[email protected] > [email protected] Birmingham Contact Information Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5471 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5679 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 Montgomery Contact Information Direct : ( 334 ) 387-2087 Main : ( 334 ) 241-7000 Fax : ( 334 ) 460-9057 Suite 1950 , RSA Tower 201 Monroe Street Montgomery , Alabama 36104 < >
Tami , I approve DRAC invoice # NUM dated y/6/11 ( recv 'd 7/11/11 ) in the amount of $ NUM against project D4000 NUM , PO NUM . Thank you , Chris ----- Original Message ----- From : Tami Henderson [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Monday , July NUM , NUM 11:01 AM To : Linhardt , Chris R CTR USAF AFMC AFRL/RBCD Cc : Hoelscher , Ann M CTR USAF AFMC AFRL/RBCD ; Williamson , Janet E CTR USAF AFMC AFRL/RBCD ; Johnson , Allison A Ctr USAF AFMC AFRL/RBCD ; Lee Curto Subject : Invoice for approval , DRAC , $ NUM , D4000 NUM , PO NUM Hi Chris , Please provide your approval for the attached DRAC invoice # NUM dated y/6/11 ( recv 'd 7/11/11 ) in the amount of $ NUM against project D4000 NUM , PO NUM . This invoice is within the period of performance and funding limitations . The invoice summary is attached for your files . " I approve DRAC invoice # NUM dated y/6/11 ( recv 'd 7/11/11 ) in the amount of $ NUM against project D4000 NUM , PO NUM . " Thanks ! Tami Tami Henderson Subcontract Administrator Infoscitex Corporation NUM Colonel Glenn Highway Suite NUM Dayton , OH NUM NUM , ext NUM
Chris R. Linhardt Aerospace Technology Evaluation and Assessment ( ATEA ) Program Manager Infoscitex Corp [email protected] 937-255-8635 ( office ) 937-475-3476 ( cell )
Sir Sorry about the delay . I ca n't get into the citrix at this time to forward you a car report . My mileage is NUM for the monthly . NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM hrs total NUM NUM 7a-6p NUM NUM NUM hrs total Respectfully Submitted , ----- Original Message ----- From : Michael Winquist To : Sanzi , Timothy < EMAIL > Sent : 7/5/2011 5:06:19 PM Subject : Re : Hours/Vehicle assignment OK , send me your car report and hours for this time period until Captain Demers returns from vacation and we get some clarification . Lieutenant Michael Winquist RI State Police Fusion Center/Intelligence Unit NUM ( Office ) NUM ( Fax ) NUM ( Cell ) ----- Original Message ----- From : Timothy Sanzi To : Winquist , Michael < EMAIL > Cc : Hill , Wilfred < EMAIL > Sent : 7/5/2011 4:59:28 PM Subject : Re : Hours/Vehicle assignment Sir , I raised your concerns with Capt. Demers last week and was advised to remain using the vehicle and phone I have from Intel . However , it is still undetermined where I will be forwarding my hours . Respectfully Submitted , Sergeant Timothy G. Sanzi RI State Police Detective Bureau NUM Danielson Pike N. Scituate , RI NUM NUM EMAIL >> > Michael Winquist 07/05/11 1:24 PM >> > Tim , Can you send me your hours for the last NUM weeks unless you are reporting your hours somewhere else . Lt. Lemont will be checking with Captain Hill to find out if you will be provided a new vehicle and cell phone for your new assignment at the Sheriff 's . He will also find out where you should be reporting your hours . Thank You
Detective Tim Sanzi Rhode Island State Police Detective Bureau [email protected] 401.640.0534 Cell 401.444.1130 Office 401.728.3454 Fax
Were definitely in but need a NUM . Freddie ? Stack ? Who ? T
Trace Galloway Director , Sales Engineering Vindicia , Inc. . O : 650.264.4716 M : 508.423.0871 [email protected]
We should n't be reactivating a vba account ... we should check if his vb account is okand tell kim to tell him to use vb . ----- Original Message ----- From : EMAIL < EMAIL > To : hondadinsupport Cc : Kimberley Hum ( Honda ) Sent : Fri Jul NUM 16:20:13 NUM Subject : Reactivate Account < URL > < URL > User Name : vb016731 Full Name : Kimberley Hum Email : EMAIL Phone Number : NUM Message : Good Afternoon TSi , Can you please reactive Richard Birgeneau 's account ? vb004581a Thanks in advance !!
Stéphane Turgeon Product Specialist TSi Auto Solutions Inc. . 1-866-724-6200 ext : 225
I am available Offices in Illinois , Florida , and Wisconsin _____ From : Noah Breakstone [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , October NUM , NUM 4:18 PM To : Jordan Socaransky ( EMAIL ) ; Marc Porosoff ; Stephen Woodard ( EMAIL ) ; Denberg , Michael B. ; Ivans , Richard B. ; Taylor , III , George M. ; EMAIL Subject : Conference Call with Lennar - Wentworth Agreement We are tentatively setting up a conference call with Lennar and their counsel for Tuesday at NUM to finalize pending issues . Please hold the time until further notice . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- Noah Breakstone | Principal | BTI | Main NUM | Direct NUM | NUM South Park Road | Suite NUM | Hollywood , FL NUM This communication contains privileged and confidential information . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient , please contact the sender immediately . You are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution or copying of this communication or part of it is strictly prohibited ; delete this message and all copies and backups thereof This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential or privileged information . If you believe that you have received this message in error , please notify the sender by reply transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it . Pursuant to Internal Revenue Service guidance , be advised that any federal tax advice contained in this written or electronic communication , including any attachments or enclosures , is not intended or written to be used and it can not be used by any person or entity for the purpose of ( i ) avoiding any tax penalties that may be imposed by the Internal Revenue Service or any other U.S. Federal taxing authority or agency or ( ii ) promoting , marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein .
Michael B. Denberg Attorney at Law ARNSTEIN & LEHR LLP < > 200 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 3600 Miami , Florida 33131-2395 Phone : 305.428.4522 Fax : 305.374.4744 < mailto:[email protected] > [email protected]
< URL EMAIL f1f263bdfec0996c3c3efe53aa7 > < URL pg > Serving the Birmingham Metro Area < URL NUM . png > ________________________________________________________ Interact with W.H.I. NUM on these social media channels : < URL pg > < URL ID = NUM & NID = NUM & EmID = NUM & Link = aHR0cDovL2l0dW5lcy5hcHBsZS5jb20vYXBwL 3ctaC1pLTMtaG9tZS1pbnNwZWN0aW9uLXNlcnZpY2VzL2lkMzk2MzQ3MDYxP210PTg % 3D & to ken = 3599496ebfe95f1f263bdfec0996c3c3efe53aa7 > iPhone l < URL ID = NUM & NID = NUM & EmID = NUM & Link = aHR0cDovL3d3dy55b3V0dWJlLmNvbS91c2VyL 2hvbWVpbnNwZWN0aW9uYmhhbQ % 3D % 3D & token = 3599496ebfe95f1f263bdfec0996c3c3ef e53aa7 > YouTube l < URL ID = NUM & NID = NUM & EmID = NUM & Link = aHR0cDovL3d3dy5mYWNlYm9vay5jb20vcGFnZ XMvV0hJMy1Ib21lLUluc3BlY3Rpb24tU2VydmljZXMvMTE1NTU2OTY4NDc3OTQ0P3JlZj1zZ NUM % 3D & token = 3599496ebfe95f1f263bdfec0996c3c3efe53aa7 > Facebook l < URL ID = NUM & NID = NUM & EmID = NUM & Link = aHR0cDovL3d3dy5saW5rZWRpbi5jb20vaW4vd 2VzdGJyb29raG9tZXM % 3D & token = 3599496ebfe95f1f263bdfec0996c3c3efe53aa7 > LinkedIn l < URL ID = NUM & NID = NUM & EmID = NUM & Link = aHR0cDovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL1dISTNJbnNwZ WN0aW9u & token = 3599496ebfe95f1f263bdfec0996c3c3efe53aa7 > Twitter l < URL ID = NUM & NID = NUM & EmID = NUM & Link = aHR0cDovL3d3dy5iaXJtaW5naGFtaG9tZWluc 3BlY3Rpb24uaW5mby8 % 3D & token = 3599496ebfe95f1f263bdfec0996c3c3efe53aa7 > Wordpress < URL > powered by < URL > < URL = NUM > subscribe < URL > < URL EMAIL 99496ebfe95f1f263bdfec0996c3c3efe53aa7 > forward < URL > < URL EMAIL & hitid = NUM > unsubscribe < URL > < URL EMAIL & HitID = NUM > update profile < URL > < URL EMAIL e95f1f263bdfec0996c3c3efe53aa7 > < URL EMAIL f1f263bdfec0996c3c3efe53aa7 > This mailing system may only be used for sending permission based email . If you did not give permission to receive emails from this sender , please notify us < URL EMAIL e95f1f263bdfec0996c3c3efe53aa7 > . This email was sent to EMAIL by EMAIL | Read our Privacy Policy < URL EMAIL f263bdfec0996c3c3efe53aa7 > . W.H.I. NUM Home Inspection Services - NUM Oxmor Rd. . # NUM , Birmingham , AL , NUM , United States
Anthony M. Westbrook , President W.H.I. 3 Home Inspection Services 1919 Oxmoor Rd. . # 378 Email : < mailto:[email protected] > [email protected] Birmingham , AL 35209 Telephone : 205-378-9443 Visit us at < ID = 0 & NID = 623525 & EmID = 15630137 & Link = aHR0cDovL3d3dy53aGkzLmNvbS8 % 3D & token = 3599496ebfe95f1f263bdfec0996c3c3efe53aa7 >
Dear Jack , thank you for your email . We will search for a suitable property in Ibiza . I am copying Cristobal , my business partner who is the expert of the area . I am sure we can find the right property for you . Best regards Francesco ----- Original Message ----- From : " Jean-Jacques Tache " < EMAIL > Date : Fri , NUM Jul NUM 20:52:43 To : < EMAIL > Subject : RE : Black Book Villas yes the NUM NUM weeks is fine the villa in porto cervo i did not like that much btw our budget it up to NUM euro a week max I think you do n't get so much for that price in sardinia in august .... maybe i get better value for money in Ibiza thanks JJ ----- Original Message ----- From : BBV - Sales [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Fri 15/07/11 20:07 To : Jean-Jacques Tache Subject : Re : Black Book Villas Thanks for your email . Just to be sure . Would the NUM NUM weeks of august be the period also for Sardinia ( instead of the NUM central ) ? I suppose you did no like the villa in Pto Cervo I sent you yesterday ? Thanks Francesco Francesco Greco Black Book Villas Pza . del Marqués de Salamanca , NUM , 5º Izq . NUM Madrid España tel. : NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM fax : NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM mobile : NUM NUM NUM NUM skype : URL NUM URL ----- Original Message ----- From : " Jean-Jacques Tache " < EMAIL > Date : Fri , NUM Jul NUM 19:25:39 To : Sales Team < EMAIL > Subject : RE : Black Book Villas Yes why not Bu only the NUM NUM weeks of august jj From : Sales Team [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : vrijdag NUM juli NUM 19:08 To : Jean-Jacques Tache Subject : R : Black Book Villas Dear Jack , unfortunately I still have no news from the owner of Villa Adamo but i am still trying ! In the meantime , would Ibiza interest you ? Thanks for your kind feedback , Francesco Francesco Greco Black Book Villas Pza . del Marqués de Salamanca , NUM , 5º Izq . NUM Madrid España tel. : NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM fax : NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM mobile : NUM NUM NUM NUM skype : URL NUM URL Da : Sales Team [ mailto:[email protected]] Inviato : giovedì NUM luglio NUM 16:23 A : ' Jean-Jacques Tache ' Oggetto : R : Black Book Villas Dear Jack , would something like this in Pto Cervo interest you ? thanks Francesco Francesco Greco Black Book Villas Pza . del Marqués de Salamanca , NUM , 5º Izq . NUM Madrid España tel. : NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM fax : NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM mobile : NUM NUM NUM NUM skype : URL NUM URL Da : Sales Team [ mailto:[email protected]] Inviato : mercoledì NUM luglio NUM 17:35 A : ' Jean-Jacques Tache ' Oggetto : Black Book Villas Dear Jack , Please find attached some info ont he Sardinian villas : NUM ) Villa Mariane < URL > in Porto Cervo : this is available for the NUM weeks NUM august . The price for the whole period including daily cleaning , all utilities and linens , our concierge service and a professional chef at your disposal is NUM ? NUM ) Villa Mirto < URL > in Porto Rotondo : this property is really nice , very private and with character . There is no pool though . There is access to rocky private beach and private access to a sandy beach ( not private ) . The price for this is hogher as the owner only wants to rent for minimum NUM weeks : NUM ? NUM ) Villa Vista < URL -
Francesco Greco Black Book Villas Pza . del Marqués de Salamanca , 11 , 5º Izq . 28006 Madrid España tel. : +34 91 356 41 08 fax : +34 901 66 65 00 mobile : +39 392 800 5252 skype : francesco.greco 69
Good to go on this – work directly with Rob on which locations he has to work with ( he recommended more great hall – and less upper prime ) . I told him we would be bringing down the SB tickets too From : Agro , Andrew Sent : Thursday , July NUM , NUM 6:20 PM To : Fernandez , Jeff Subject : Naivel_Realty_Asset_Proposal . xlsx << File : Naivel_Realty_Asset_Proposal . xlsx >>
Marc R. Riccio , Esq. . Vice President , Corporate Sales and Marketing New York Jets Atlantic Health Jets Training Center 1 Jets Drive Florham Park , NJ 07932 Office : ( 973 ) 549-4640 Mobile : ( 516 ) 238-9525 Fax : ( 973 ) 549-4655 [email protected] _____________________________________________
Ola Felipe , Conforme falamos estou copiando o Ariel que cuida de nossa area de VoIP . Ariel , por favor atender o Felipe que é um grande parceiro da DATORA . abs
Tomas Fuchs | Datora Telecom Office : + 55 11 3164.8100 [email protected]
Thank you for your email . I will be out of the office from Friday July NUM through Tuesday July NUM . I will return your email when I am back in the office , however , please feel free to call my mobile if the matter is urgent : NUM . Thanks , ________________________________ CONFIDENTIALITY . This email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged . If received in error , please do not disclose the contents to anyone , but notify the sender by return email and delete this email and any attachments from your system .
Kate Guthrie Cell : 312.206.4183
India , i am not sure the best alternative for me . I believe I the app may be better but will need it for my iPhone , iPad and desktop computer at home . The email below is unclear if the app works on pcs . If not I guess I will need the key fob . Jim On Oct NUM , NUM , at 10:23 AM , " Vincent , India " < EMAIL > wrote : As David indicated in his email below , the firm is implementing a new and more secure remote access system in order to meet current requirements , such as HIPAA , for protecting information stored in our system . Once this system is implemented , you will need access to a random number generator in order to log-in to our system remotely . You will gain access to that random number generator either through a key-fob device or an app that is installed on your iPhone/Droid/Blackberry device . Please reply to this email and let me know whether you prefer to have either the KEY FOB or the APP for your smart phone . If you have questions as to whether the key fob or the smart phone is the better choice for you , please contact David Michel . Thanks , India _____ From : Michel , David Sent : Wednesday , September NUM , NUM 10:22 AM To : FIRM-ATTORNEY ; FIRM-PARALEGAL Cc : IT-Dept Subject : Important new information regarding remote access - PLEASE READ Within the next several weeks the firm will be moving to a new and more secure remote access system developed by Citrix and secured by RSA Security , NUM of the biggest software companies in that arena . This new system will require you to enter additional information in order to access the system . NUM of the key features is that the new system will utilize special software that generates a NUM , time sensitive , security code which you will need to enter along with your username and password whenever you log into the new remote access system and this code can be generated NUM of NUM ways : a key fob or an iPhone/Droid/Blackberry device app . - For those who donâ ?? t have an iPhone/Droid/Blackberry phone , you will be issued a keyfob similar to the NUM pictured below . - For those who do have an iPhone/Droid/Blackberry , you can either choose to carry the keyfob or you can load an app on your device that will perform the exact same function . The key here is that you only want to choose the software app if you always have your phone with you . If you regularly leave it behind or if you carry a personal device then you may want to get the keyfob instead of relying on your phone . More information will be coming soon as far as dates , functionality , etc. . . Please be on the look-out for an email from India Vincent ( for attorneys ) and Dawn Carre ( for paralegals ) which will request your preferences for a key fob or device app access , and will also request the additional information needed to set up your account in the new system . Please keep in mind that you will be unable to use the new system when it is ready unless you have provided the information that will be requested in the follow-up email you will receive . Let me know if you have any questions regarding the new system . Thank you . URL Burr & Forman - results matter < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
India Vincent Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5284 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5714 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
I found NUM to go to !! : o ) Thank you !! Have a super weekend !! Mia This electronic transmission contains information from HACAP which may be confidential or privileged . This information is intended to be for the use of the individual or entity named above . If you are not the intended recipient , be aware that any disclosure , copying , distribution or use of the contents if this information is prohibited . If you receive this electronic transmission in error , please notify me by telephone at NUM , extension NUM . Thank you ! From : Jesse [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 12:16 PM To : Mia Mosher Subject : RE : July NUM BTBR & FTM Facil . Trng . confirmation letter I have NUM on July NUM at 6:00 pm here at our office . Could you come at 5:15 to talk about the meeting and paperwork ? Jesse From : Mia Mosher [ EMAIL Sent : Wednesday , July NUM , NUM 4:20 PM To : Jesse Subject : FW : July NUM BTBR & FTM Facil . Trng . confirmation letter Hey ! Do you have any Hope meetings that I could help with before the training ?? Mia Mosher HACAP Inn-Circle Transitional Housing NUM fax : NUM This electronic transmission contains information from HACAP which may be confidential or privileged . This information is intended to be for the use of the individual or entity named above . If you are not the intended recipient , be aware that any disclosure , copying , distribution or use of the contents if this information is prohibited . If you receive this electronic transmission in error , please notify me by telephone at NUM , extension NUM . Thank you ! From : Ana Clymer [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 5:01 PM To : EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL Mia Mosher ; EMAIL EMAIL stewartstacy31@yahoo
Mia Mosher HACAP Inn-Circle Transitional Housing 319-739-0587 fax : 319-739-0102
_____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Beth A. Moncrief Receptionist Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5102 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 714-6809 [email protected] 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
Good afternoon Amy , I will attach the description of the position we are looking to fill . This is a sales professional role , essentially a traditional agent position . Your only requirement for investment right away would to pay for your licenses . If this is something you are interested in learning more about , please contact me so we can set up the initial interview . Thank you ! ( See attached file : AgencyPoint Agent Posting JAO_5 NUM . pdf ) ***** PLEASE NOTE ***** This E-Mail/telefax message and any documents accompanying this transmission may contain privileged and/or confidential information and is intended solely for the addressee ( s ) named above . If you are not the intended addressee/recipient , you are hereby notified that any use of , disclosure , copying , distribution , or reliance on the contents of this E-Mail/telefax information is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action against you . Please reply to the sender advising of the error in transmission and immediately delete/destroy the message and any accompanying documents . Thank you . *****
Jen Murphy Recruiter Farmers Insurance Milwaukee AgencyPoint 300 N Corporate Drive Suite 250 Brookfield , WI 53045 262.432.9725 Direct 262.432.9701 Fax [email protected]
A meeting to discuss an adverse occurrence is scheduled for Tuesday , July NUM , NUM at 8:00 AM in the QRM Conference Room at RMC . Terry
Theresa McCarron Administrative Assistant Quality & Risk Management Capital Health Regional Medical Center 750 Brunswick Ave. Trenton NJ 08638 Phone : 609-394-6081
I signed up last week ! Description : Description : BofI_Federal_logo_400 . png CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE : This e-mail message , including all attachments , is for the sole use of the intended recipient ( s ) and may contain confidential and privileged information . If you are not the intended recipient , you may NOT use , disclose , copy or disseminate this information . Please contact the sender by reply e-mail immediately and destroy all copies of the original message , including all attachments . Your cooperation is greatly appreciated . From : Gwabbit Sales [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Saturday , October NUM , NUM 11:44 AM To : David Boyles Cc : EMAIL Subject : time is up ! Image removed by sender . Time is up ! Thanks for trying gwabbit . Your free trial is expiring today ! You know how easy it is to gwab and save contacts in Outlook with gwabbit . Do n't cut and paste . Gwab what you can ! Purchase gwabbit for $ NUM Purchase now . < URL > Yours twuely , the gwabbit team GW OP # NUM CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE : This e-mail message , including all attachments , is for the sole use of the intended recipient ( s ) and may contain confidential and privileged information . If you are not the intended recipient , you may NOT use , disclose , copy or disseminate this information . Please contact the sender by reply e-mail immediately and destroy all copies of the original message , including all attachments . Your cooperation is greatly appreciated . _____ No virus found in this message . Checked by AVG - URL Version : NUM / Virus Database : NUM - Release Date : 10/07/11
David Boyles Senior Loan Officer , Income Property Lending Apartmentbank , A Division of BofI Federal Bank ------------------ 220 Newport Center Drive , Suite 11-268 Newport Beach , CA 92660 Direct : 949-244-8614 | Fax : 714-731-3336 | Cell : 949-244-7304 Email : [email protected] Website : < >
Nate , I hate it that there was something that occurred that necessitated the email , but I am glad you wrote to tell me . This is not about getting someone in trouble . it is about these guys acting responsibly which includes following some very simple rules about going into rooms at IPC and general cleanliness . The rule , which was emphasized after the pizza incident , is that they are only supposed to go into rooms that an adult instructs them to for use for something like a Board of Review , Patrol meeting , or merit badge class . As you know , each of those involves adult supervision . The only thing we had going on Monday night outside of the Troop Meeting from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm was possibly a Personal Fitness Merit Badge class which I think started at 5:30 pm . I have emailed the adult leading that to see what knowledge he or any other adults may have . Something that contributes to foraging for food ( like NUM year olds need any extra reasons ) is that if they show up around 5:20 NUM they often have not eaten since lunch and are in a rush to get there . That may explain the wrappers for foods they brought , but not why they could not use a trash can . What we may need to do in addition to admonishment is to designate some specific rooms away from any refrigerators as the only rooms that can be used for the type of activities described above . We have NUM standing patrols . Thus , when we break out for Patrol meetings , we need NUM rooms . There is supposed to be an adult Patrol mentor for each Patrol . This way there would be no legitimate reason for anyone to be in rooms other than those rooms and it would be easier to police . I will also be talking to some of the parents for help . We have some boys who ride together and only NUM or NUM may be there early for a legitimate reason and the others are there for the convenience of the car-pooling . Sometimes boys get dropped off early before adults are there and that is not good either . It only takes a few minutes for guys to get into something . Would you please remind me of the Room numbers for the rooms that we should put in the " no fly zone " and we will take additional steps to use the space in an appropriate manner . Thank you . I will probably see you Sunday at Living Rivers . Allen >> > " Nate Sell " < EMAIL > 10/13/2011 4:36 PM >> > Hi Mr. Sydnor , Thanks for talking to the Scouts a few weeks ago about the whole pizza situation . Unfortunately , we have had a few other issues . We do n't want to point any fingers , but our housekeeping and facilities staff have brought it to our attention that they have been finding wrappers and whatnot in the youth room after Boy Scout nights . On Tuesday , for the NUM time , the cleaning ladies came in to find the freezer drawer still slightly open and the contents melted . They also found candy wrappers in the trash . There were no youth meetings Monday night and Aly personally left the kitchen fully clean and " closed up " Sunday evening after youth group . A few of our staff said the Scouts were in and out of those rooms . Once again , we want our space to be an open and inviting place for youth to come would love for them to play ping pong or the other games . But , unfortunately the food must be off limits as our budget does not allow for us to replenish for other groups . Most importantly the freezer just makes a big mess if left open . The NUM time , over a month ago , resulted in melted popsicles that we cleaned ourselves . Tuesday the staff began their day cleaning melted ice cream sandwiches . They also have to rearrange the furniture as the sofas are moved out of place that have been cleaned and adjusted the day before . I am sure I did my share of making messes , as a Scout , too ! I actually almost took off my scoutmaster 's head with a lacrosse ball once , as well . And if it was some other little hands who found their way in there , I apologize for the email . Once again , not trying to get anyone in trouble , but do n't want to put extra burdens on our cleaning staff if we can help it . Thank you for your time and willingness to work with us on this . Hope you have a great weekend ,
Nate Sell Assistant Youth Director Independent Presbyterian Church 3100 Highland Avenue Birmingham , Alabama 35205 Direct line : 205.933.3708 Church : 205.933.1830 Fax : 205.933.1836 email : < mailto:[email protected] > [email protected] website : < >
yea , yea ..... ----- Original Message ----- From : " John Morris " < EMAIL > To : " Sonya Walker " < EMAIL > Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 4:56 PM Subject : Re : Update WIP Atta girl ! Thx Sonya On 7/5/11 4:26 PM , " EMAIL " < EMAIL > wrote : > I just entered NUM new ASI orders . > > > Sonya Walker , Account Manager > Tribuzio-Hilliard Studio , Inc. . > NUM > NUM fax > ----- Original Message ----- > From : " John Morris " < EMAIL > > To : " Jim Farlow " < EMAIL > ; " Debbie McGowan " > < EMAIL > ; " David Ring " > < EMAIL > ; " Kristy Kimes Hickman " > < EMAIL > ; " Sonya Walker " > < EMAIL > ; " Jamie Schechter " > < EMAIL > > Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 2:15 PM > Subject : Update WIP > > > All , I have a copy of the WIP as of NUM and am not NUM % comfortable with > the > volume of work we have committed or semi-committed for the upcoming > months . > > Please update the WIP with upcoming jobs and lets try and be more > aggressive > on the sales side in securing new opportunities . Let me know how I can > help . > > Thanks > John > >
Sonya Walker , Account Manager Tribuzio-Hilliard Studio , Inc. . 336-855-8220 336-855-8967 fax
RPL NUM IS IN JANUARIE IN JHB UITGENEEM EK HET NIE N COPY VAN SY LISENSIE NIE , EK WEET NIE OF GERHARD DALK IETS HET NIE GROETE WERNER Winner of the NUM Mail & Guardian Greening the Future Awards Companies and Organisations with Innovative Environmental Strategies that Improve Business Performance . To read our Email Legal Notice , browse to DISCLAIMER . From : Werner Victor [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : NUM July NUM 11:16 AM To : Werner Victor Subject : Fwd : ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From : < EMAIL > Date : Fri , Jul NUM , NUM at 10:11 AM Subject : To : Werner < EMAIL > This E-mail was sent from " RNPFD7D31 " ( Aficio MP C4000 ) . Scan Date : NUM 11:11:39 ( NUM ) Queries to : EMAIL
Werner Victor Maintenance Manager t : +27 21 863 3169 | f : +27 21 863 2128 | m : +27 84 664 2570 e : [email protected] |
Hello Trevor , Request as submitted has been completed . Thank you , This e-mail and any attachment are confidential and may be privileged . Any unauthorized use , disclosure , dissemination or copying of this email is strictly prohibited . If you receive it in error , please advise immediately by return e-mail and delete it . Thank you . Ce courriel et tout annexe sont confidentiels et peut-être privilégiés . Toute utilisation , divulgation , diffusion ou copie non autorisée de ce courriel est strictement interdite . Si vous le recevez par erreur , veuillez nous en aviser immédiatement par retour de courriel et effacer le message . Merci . Original Message Follows : ------------------------ Sorry I mean usdatapass10 < URL > Trevor Khan Strongco Systems Support Strongco Corporation NUM Enterprise Rd. . Mississauga ON L4W 4L4 T NUM ( NUM ) NUM F NUM ( NUM ) NUM C NUM ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL URL THIS MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE ADDRESSEE , IT MAY CONTAIN PRIVILEGED OR CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION . ANY UNAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED . IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS MESSAGE IN ERROR , PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY SO THAT WE MAY CORRECT OUR INTERNAL RECORDS . PLEASE THEN DELETE THE ORIGINAL
Antonella Agard Wireless Dedicated Corporate Care [email protected] T.F :888 -256 -8315 Ext : 4371 TELUS Business Solutions TELUS | the future is friendly ®
Watch this space . M HSBC Merchant Services LLP is authorised by the Financial Services Authority under the Payment Services Regulations NUM ( NUM ) for the provision of payment services . HSBC Merchant Services LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England number OC337146 . Registered Office : NUM De Montfort Street , Leicester LE1 7BB The members are Global Payments U.K. Limited and Global Payments U.K. NUM Limited . Service of any documents relating to the business will be effective if served at the Registered Office . NOTICE : This email message is for the sole use of the addressee named above , and may contain confidential information . Any unauthorized review , use , disclosure , distribution or duplication of this message or any attachments is expressly prohibited . If you are not the intended recipient , please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies and backups of the original message . From : Charlotte Bogaert < EMAIL > To : Charlotte Bogaert < EMAIL > Sent : Fri Jul NUM 11:57:04 NUM Subject : CIPD People Management Awards - Congratulations ! Dear Entrant We are delighted to confirm that you have been selected as a finalist for this year ’s CIPD People Management Awards in the Performance & reward category .
Martha B. Birtles Human Resource Director , Western Europe HSBC Merchant Services 51 De Montfort Street Leicester , LE1 7BB Tel : +44 ( 0 ) 116 252 4057 Mob : +44 ( 0 ) 7827 354 916 Email : [email protected]
Joe/Erica/Rich-see below in red and also in parenthesis . Good dialog and nicely worded Joe . Tony , Some things to think about that attribute to the size staff at Hershey : NUM . ) Medley pumps and modules versus a single device in the B Braun . ( That is correct ) NUM . ) Hershey has off site locations on top of the main hospital whereas RWJ really only has the cancer facility and Plum street which are in walking distance . ( Only OMH does the off sites ) NUM . ) The total amount of equipment we manage at Hershey is what ? ( NUM ) compared to what we are being asked to manage at RWJ ? Par level expectations to be considered also . ( the staff does stock PAR at many places in the hospital at PSH . Plus they manage code carts and a few other devices that we are not being asked at RWJ NB ) NUM . ) If you look at the EMA , we had only NUM people counting all of the devices we were expected to count ( IV pumps , SCD 's , Vents , PCA , Epidurals and feeding pumps ) . That being said , after we got the lay of the land on days NUM and NUM , it took approximately NUM hours to physically walk the entire hospital and count devices . ( correct , it is not THAT far to any NUM place but time will add up as they wait on numerous elevators with their stocking carts . With the amount of nursing stations , I would expect it to take NUM techs NUM hours each , maybe longer , to accomplish the full NUM sets of patient rounds ) So we need to look at these factors before we can say its a true apples to apples comparison . ( my apples-to-apples comment was based on having numbers at both facilities on the same days , not a comparison of the NUM programs because it is way too early to figure the similarities and differences between the NUM . I am simply concerned that NUM or NUM FTE outside the OMH/HQC will be able to do the work and schedule the program on a NUM timeframe accordingly ) Agreed ? Click to see the future in Wound Care - URL < http : /
Joseph Volponi Sr. . Account Executive NJ/Philadelphia Metro Area Direct : 609-332-7183 Fax : 856-810-7418
Will he be there , along with our other panel members ? Ã ¼ Please consider the environment before printing this email . From : Taylor , III , George M. [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , October NUM , NUM 9:36 AM To : Jarry Taylor Subject : RE : Panel Members -- October Vulcan District Eagle Boards of Review Thanks . He ended up calling me last night . _____ From : Jarry Taylor [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , October NUM , NUM 9:29 AM To : Taylor , III , George M. Subject : RE : Panel Members -- October Vulcan District Eagle Boards of Review Just got Wes ' cell number if you want to call him -- NUM Jarred O. Taylor II From : Taylor , III , George M. [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Wednesday , October NUM , NUM 9:18 PM To : Jarry Taylor Subject : RE : Panel Members -- October Vulcan District Eagle Boards of Review Good to know you ' ll be there . That helps . Wes has not responded to NUM e-mails and I apparently do n't have his cell number . Left him a message at work . We ' ll figure something out . _____ Confidentiality Notice - The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments to it may be legally privileged and include confidential information . If you are not the intended recipient , be aware that any disclosure , distribution or copying of this e-mail or its attachments is prohibited . If you have received this e-mail in error , please notify the sender immediately of that fact by return e-mail and permanently delete the e-mail and any attachments to it . Thank you . IRS Circular NUM Disclosure - To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS , we inform you that any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including any attachments ) is not intended or written to be used , and can not be used , for the purpose of ( i ) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or ( ii ) promoting , marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein . Confidentiality Notice - The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments to it may be legally privileged and include confidential information . If you are not the intended recipient , be aware that any disclosure , distribution or copying of this e-mail or its attachments is prohibited . If you have received this e-mail in error , please notify the sender immediately of that fact by return e-mail and permanently delete the e-mail and any attachments to it . Thank you . IRS Circular NUM Disclosure - To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS , we inform you that any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including any attachments ) is not intended or written to be used , and can not be used , for the purpose of ( i ) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or ( ii ) promoting , marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein .
Jarred O. Taylor II Jarred O. Taylor II < > 1901 Sixth Avenue North 2400 Regions/Harbert Plaza Birmingham , AL 35203 Direct : 205.254.1061 Cell : 205.613.3875 Fax : 205.254.1999 < >
From : Mariangela Ricco [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , April NUM , NUM 2:54 PM To : EMAIL Subject : My apology - and the job description I just wanted to apologize again for the interruption . I promise to not leave a message again this week . ( just kidding - I wo n't be bothering you again ) Here is the job description . I am sorry to take your time up for something you are overqualified for - but I thought in your position you have crossed paths with quite a few intranet programmer . OK - here is the description The Intranet Developer will be a member of the the Customer Systems Group , and will directly participate in activities specific to the design , development , deployment and support of the Intranet Portal environment . The position is a high visibility position within this large corporation - the candidate will be interfacing regularly with the CIO in identifying business challenges and recommending programming solutions to overcome the issues . Responsibilities : Planning , designing , configuring and deploying SharePoint NUM solutions Development of custom web parts Migrating legacy applications and content to SharePoint NUM SharePoint administration Qualifications : Proven ability to work independently and collaboratively , around a set of defined objectives and priorities , and achieve results required NUM + years of development experience with web development and Front End user interface design NUM + years of development experience with Microsoft SharePoint technology using . NET SharePoint NUM user interface , object model development , workflow foundation , deployment ( this item is preferred by not required ) In closing - my thanks again for your time . The employer is anxious to fill the spot and I can ensure a quick and responsive interview process .
Mariangela Ricco Search Consultant Global Recruiters of Cherry Hill 216 Haddon Ave. , Suite 606 Westmont , NJ 08108 ( 856 ) 869-2300 Office ( 856 ) 869-2303 Fax [email protected]
RE : Location Visit & Tour Request Terrance , Thanks , I will let Jeff know if I am in the area next week . Regards , Wes This e-mail , including any attachment , is intended solely for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential , proprietary and/non-public material , and may be protected by the attorney-client or other applicable privileges . Re-transmission , dissemination , reproduction , or other use of this infomration by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited . If you are not the intended recipient , please notify the sender , delete , from your system , and destrop any printed copies . From : Terrance Caldwell/NA@BOCGROUP To : Wes Perdue/US/LG/LindeGroup@LindeGroup Cc : Jeff Mason/NA@BOCGROUP Date : 07/15/2011 12:23 PM Subject : RE : Location Visit & Tour Request Wes , I ’m traveling to Medford , OR next week for meetings . Feel free to come by and visit the plant if you are in the area . Your contact will be Jeff Mason our Production Coordinator . He ’s already expecting visitors on Wednesday , so any other day next week should be ok . Best regards , Terrance Caldwell , Plant Manager Linde Electronics and Specialty Gases A Division of Linde Gas North America LLC NUM Triangle Dr. RTP , NC NUM NUM
Wes Perdue Product Manager Fumigants , North America Linde Electronics & Specialty Gases , A division of Linde Gas LLC 1 Greenwich Street , Suite 100 Stewartsville , NJ 08886 Direct : . 276-228-4188 Mobile : 276-223-8158 Fax : 276-228-7742 Email : [email protected]
TRAFFIC COUNT : NUM DEMOGRAPHICS OF GUESTS : Young couple 20s x2 , baby boomer couple COMMENTS : Looking for NUM bedroom south facing and larger NUM bedroom . Really impressed with amenities and finishes . Liked low condo fees and NUM % NUM time buyer promo . QUOTA FOR THE CALENDAR MONTH : NUM FIRM : NUM OFFERS : NUM RESERVATIONS : NUM TOTAL : NUM NUM P2 – Firm NUM be backs : NUM of my past purchasers ( both investors ) are thinking about purchasing a couple more units and I have been working with an agent who is bringing her clients back in on Saturday to write an offer . All leads have been followed up with as well as new registrants . Some promising NUM time buyers have been in this week ( promoted NUM % down payment ) and I will follow up with them as well . New and fresh MLS listings ( incl penthouse and terraces ) were submitted to Cara and Kelsey posted new Craigslist and Kijiji ads . I am working on a few new blog postings and we will work on some facebook posts as well . Kind Regards ,
Amanda Bruce Ashcroft Homes , Sales 114 Richmond Road Ottawa , ON K1Z 6V9 Tele : 613 -221 -5926 Email : [email protected] Website :
FW : Data Ray , as per my voice message please find below the data base . I know this will probably not shock you as much as it has me , BUT , from Jan NUM NUM NUM a NUM month period we had over NUM patients who visited CHER NUM or more times times . This was all ages . Do you want me to include all ages in our audit request through Standards committee ? Happy Friday . Regan _____________________________________________ From : Trevor Strome Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 12:01 PM To : Regan Spencer Cc : Ray Sanchez Subject : Data Hi Regan , as per your request for data on patients who presented to CHER NUM or more times over the last NUM months , please find the attached ( password protected ) spreadsheet . Please call me at NUM or NUM to obtain the password from me . Please let me know if you have any questions . Thanks ! Trevor = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Trevor Strome , MSc , PMP Informatics / Process Improvement Lead , Emergency Program , Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Assistant Professor , Department of Emergency Medicine , Faculty of Medicine , University of Manitoba << CHER Frequent Users - NUM . xls >> 3EM-01 , NUM Oaks General Hospital NUM ( v ) EMAIL ( email )
Regan Spencer BA , BSW , MSW Manager of Social Work Child and Women 's Health Programs MS118-820 Sherbrook Street Winnipeg , Manitoba R3A 1R9 Tel : 787-2748 Fax : 787-1538
Hi Mark , Are you available for a call with Gail and me at 1:00 or 2:00 pm today ? Thanks Melinda ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Melinda E. Sellers Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5411 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5754 [email protected] 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
Rich , we are filing the attached appeal in Lancaster PA and will need an appraisal report . Can you prepare ?
Tammy Probst-Smith Supervisor Schneck Law Group LLC 301 South Livingston Ave. , Suite 105 Livingston , NJ 07039 ph : 973.533.9300 ext. . 242 fx : 973.533.9301 email : [email protected] web : < blocked : : >
KATHY THANK YOU FOR CHECK NUM NUM NUM KINDLY ADVISE RE CHECK FOR NUM THANKS AGAIN From : Cathy Yachouh [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 11:40 AM To : ' Rebekah Bueno ' Cc : ' Kathy Cornwell ' ; EMAIL ' Roy Varghese ' ; ' Janet Boccardo ' ; EMAIL ' Barbara ' Subject : Order shipped NUM Rebekah - Please see attached BOL , CSS Invoices and my summary included . If you need anything do n’t hesitate to contact me . Thanks !!!
Barbara Peia [email protected] C.S.S. Inc. . 35 Love Lane Netcong , NJ 07857 Tel : 973-364-1118 Fax : 973-364-1166
Good day Im running the trial of Gwabbit , and so far am fairly pleased with the product . We have a SBS NUM , with exchange and about NUM users . Would you please let me know what the cost would be to implement Gwabbit on the system , also whether the cost is a once off or an annual fee . Kind Regards , Disclaimer : This email is considered a business record and is therefore property of Neucoat . This email , and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed . This communication represents the originator 's personal views and opinions , which do not necessarily reflect those of Neucoat . If you are not the original recipient or the person responsible for delivering the email to the intended recipient , be advised that you have this email in error , and that any use , dissemination , forwarding , printing , or copying of this email is strictly prohibited . If you received this email in error , please immediately notify the sender . Neucoat may monitor email traffic data and also the content of email .
Jason Donlon Tel : 011 8645008 Web :
Dear Bhagat , What is the status , the previous agreement is expired yesterday on NUM July . From : Jitesh Kataria Sent : Monday , July NUM , NUM 11:02 AM To : Bhagat Singh Subject : RE : Rent agreement renewal at Cochin That is ok but send me the word file of draft agreement so that we shall give you ok for executing the same . Jitesh Kataria Associate Manager Administration Mobile NUM NUM NUM Bajaj Finance Limited NUM Floor , Bajaj Finserv Corporate Office Off Pune-Ahmednagar Road , Viman Nagar Pune – NUM NUM , Maharashtra , INDIA Tel NUM NUM NUM Direct NUM NUM NUM Fax NUM NUM NUM URL From : Bhagat Singh Sent : Monday , July NUM , NUM 10:57 AM To : Jitesh Kataria Subject : RE : Rent agreement renewal at Cochin Dear Jithesh , The Landlord has asked to make new agreement as same as the old agreement . With warm regards Bhagat Singh Assistant Manager Credit / Location Coordinator Mobile NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM Error ! Filename not specified . Bajaj Finance Limited Bajaj Finserv Ltd , 4D , NUM Floor KG Oxford Business Center , Sreekandath Rd , Ravipuram Cochin – NUM NUM , Kerala. , INDIA Tel NUM NUM NUM NUM Direct NUM NUM NUM NUM Fax NUM NUM NUM NUM URL From : Jitesh Kataria Sent : NUM July NUM 14:57 To : Bhagat Singh Cc : M K Mohandas ; Nitin Bhide Subject : RE : Rent agreement renewal at Cochin Dear Bhagat , Before that you need to send the draft to me in word format for checking the correctness of the same . Jitesh Kataria Associate Manager Administration Mobile NUM NUM NUM Bajaj Finance Limited NUM Floor , Bajaj Finserv Corporate Office Off Pune-Ahmednagar Road , Viman Nagar Pune – NUM NUM , Maharashtra , INDIA Tel NUM NUM NUM Direct NUM NUM NUM Fax NUM NUM NUM URL From : Bhagat Singh Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 12:39 PM To : Jitesh Kataria Cc : M K Mohandas ; Nitin Bhide Subject : RE : Rent agreement renewal at Cochin Dear Jithesh . Waiting for Landlords confirmation as she is out of station and will be back today . . With warm regards Bhagat Singh Assistant Manager Credit / Location Coordinator Mobile NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM Error ! Filename not specified . Bajaj Finance Limited Bajaj Finserv Ltd , 4D , NUM Floor KG Oxford Business Center , Sreekandath Rd , Ravipuram Cochin – NUM NUM , Kerala. , INDIA Tel NUM NUM NUM NUM Direct NUM NUM NUM NUM Fax NUM NUM NUM NUM URL From : Jitesh Kataria Sent : NUM July NUM 15:51 To : Bhagat Singh Cc : M K Mohandas ; Nitin Bhide Subject : RE : Rent agreement renewal at Cochin Dear Bhagat , You need to send us the soft copy of agreement draft after filling the required details from your end and we shall confirm the same to you for execution . Regards , Jitesh Kataria From : Jitesh Kataria Sent : Monday , June NUM , NUM 2:13 PM To : Bhagat Singh Cc : M K Mohandas ; Nitin Bhide Subject : RE : Rent agreement renewal at Cochin Dear Bhagat , Find attached the word file containing standard format for executing Leave & License Agreement . Kindly fill the respective blanks . Jitesh Kataria Associate Manager Administration Mobile NUM NUM NUM Bajaj Finance Limited NUM Floor , Bajaj Finserv Corporate Office Off Pune-Ahmednagar Road , Viman Nagar Pune – NUM NUM , Maharashtra , INDIA Tel NUM NUM NUM Direct NUM NUM NUM Fax NUM NUM NUM URL From : Bhagat Singh Sent : Monday , June NUM , NUM 1:25 PM To : Jitesh Kataria Cc : M K Mohandas ; Nitin Bhide Subject : RE : Rent agreement renewal at Cochin Dear Jitesh , Pls send the new format of the rental agreement . The landlord is ok with the current rent . . With warm regards Bhagat Singh Assistant Manager Credit / Location Coordinator Mobile NUM NUM NUM NUM NUM Error ! Filename not specified . Bajaj Finance Limited Bajaj Finserv Ltd , 4D , NUM Floor KG Oxford Business Center , Sreekandath Rd , Ravipuram Cochin – NUM NUM , Kerala. , INDIA Tel NUM NUM NUM NUM Direct NUM NUM NUM NUM Fax NUM NUM NUM NUM URL
Jitesh Kataria Associate Manager Administration Mobile +91 96047 87087 Bajaj Finance Limited 4th Floor , Bajaj Finserv Corporate Office Off Pune-Ahmednagar Road , Viman Nagar Pune – 411 014 , Maharashtra , INDIA Tel 020 3040 5060 Direct 020 3040 5168 Fax 020 3040 5030
A non party witness in a purported class action against Home Depot . We would not be adverse to Home Depot . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL .
Oscar Persons Attorney at Law Direct : ( 404 ) 685-4246 Main : ( 404 ) 815-3000 Fax : ( 404 ) 214-7943 [email protected] 171 Seventeenth Street , NW Suite 1100 Atlanta , Georgia 30363
Sorry typo On Tue , Jul NUM , NUM at 5:17 PM , Brian Grey < EMAIL > wrote : Hello Mike , I hope all is well . We met a few months ago when I was an account manager at CDW . You came to visit my team , Massachusetts Med-Lar , at our Riverside office and then Lisa and I went across the street to South Branch with your team for a few beverages . It was fun watching the Celtics game but I think we talked hockey for the majority of the time and I sent you the picture of my buddies Erik Johnson , Kyle Okposo , and Jamie McBain as kids . Anyways , I recently decided to leave CDW due to a few circumstances ( family reasons , end of lease , and desire to move back to Minnesota ) and have recently become interested at positions at Lenovo . I tried to submit an application online for the position of Channel Account Manager in Minneapolis but do not see confirmation that it was received . Would you mind assisting in passing along the attached cover letter and resume ? Both Shea Hart and Vince Pistilli have expressed interest to be referrals and I am confident that I would do great in this role . Please do not hesitate to ask anything of me . All best , Brian Grey NUM ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From : Lisa Litherland < EMAIL > Date : Tue , Jul NUM , NUM at 4:20 PM Subject : Ronan To : " EMAIL " < EMAIL > Michael Ronan Field Account Executive US Enterprise Northeast EMAIL NUM office Lisa Litherland Account Manager CDW Phone : NUM Fax : NUM Email : EMAIL
Brian Grey 952-200-8562
I will add you to the list , Credit card payment will take place at the time of check in . We have NUM room options available NUM a night for the Regular room And NUM for a NUM bedroom suite From : A.Rama Krishna [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 3:01 PM To : Bobby Pynes Subject : Reservation Request Dear Bobby , Please book a room for me at Club Quarters for the night of Wednesday , October NUM . I will check out on October NUM . Please let me know if you need my credit card details . Thank you very much . Best regards , Rama A. Rama Krishna , CFA ARGA Investment Management , LP NUM Washington Blvd. , NUM Floor Stamford , CT NUM USA T. NUM F. NUM EMAIL URL
Bobby Pynes Bivium Capital Partners , LLC 44 Montgomery Street , Suite 4250 San Francisco , CA 94104 Tel : 415-825-0616 Fax : 415-398-0605
Hey Tessa , Sorry I missed your call I had a few doctor appointments this morning . So uploading is not that hard at all onto dropbox . NUM . Go to URL NUM . Login is EMAIL NUM . Password is Erica2009 ( w / a capital “ E ) NUM . Go to File “ current clients ” , “ NUE by Shani ” NUM . Press Upload and select all the picture files Let me know if you have any problems or questions . Thanks ! Dawn --
Dawn Delos Santos Publicity Coordinator 154 Grand St. New York , NY 10013 O : 646.478.7856 M : 732.593.9244 Twitter : @msdawnelise [email protected]
Dear Mr. Kale , Thank you for your valuable quote . Could you please provide me with the technical data sheet for the air slide ? Regards , From : KPPL-UMESH KALE [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : NUM July , NUM 2:48 PM To : Habeeb Azmath ; EMAIL Cc : EMAIL ' Amer Ziyada ' ; Sohil Subject : Quotation : JULY11/52/TF ( Airslide Fabric ) Dear Mr. Habeeb Thanks for the below enquiry . With reference to your specification , please note the following price for NUM mm thick Airslide fabric as follows : - Price : - USD NUM . m CIF Jabel Ali Port by SEA By Airfreight , the additional charges will be USD NUM / kg . Hope the above is in line with your requirement . Looking forward for your valued reply on above . Thanks & Best Regards Umesh Kale Senior Executive - Exports Marketing Khosla Profil Pvt Ltd NUM , Laxmi Towers NUM th Floor , B - wing , Bandra Kurla Complex , Bandra ( E ) Mumbai - NUM , India Tel : NUM Mob NUM NUM NUM ----- Original Message ----- From : Habeeb Azmath To : EMAIL Cc : EMAIL ; EMAIL ; EMAIL ; ' Amer Ziyada ' Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 3:06 PM Subject : RFQ : Air Slide Dear Sir , We require air slide fabric as per the below specifications . CANVAS ( TETRON ) : NUM mm WIDTH X NUM mm THICK . Material to be transported : Raw Meal . Residue at NUM Micron : NUM % Temp : Max NUM Degree C. Moisture : NUM % ( MAX ) Particle Size : NUM mm Air Slide Capacity : NUM TPH Quantity &
Habeeb Azmath Technical Sales Engineer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAMCO FILTRATION P.O. Box No : 215071 , Dubai – UAE . Off : +971 ( 04 ) 329 5935 | Fax : +971 ( 04 ) 329 5936 Mobile : +971 55 539 4753 | [email protected]
Not until I have a signed loan application , all loan documents to submit to underwriting . It may be another week before this is completed . I will keep you posted . Thanks . BettyAnn BettyAnn McCloud Click Here to Apply Online via my website The Best Compliment is the Referral of Friends and Family . Please do n't keep me a secret ! Please be aware that e-mail is NOT a secured communication vehicle , and that others may in certain circumstances be able to view its contents . As a result , while we are happy to provide this information by e-mail , we do NOT conduct actual business transactions by e-mail . All loans subject to credit approval and property appraisal . “ New American Mortgage is an Equal Housing Lender ” . New American Mortgage is licensed by the Virginia State Corporation Commission License # : MC-5112 and the “ State of North Carolina Commissioner of Banks ” L-142670 ” . Interest rates and products are subject to change without notice and may or may not be available at the time of loan commitment or lock-in . ----- Original Message ----- From : Nicholette Griffin [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 1:12 PM To : Betty Ann McCloud ; Sylvia Gause Subject : Deona williams Hey Ms. BettyAnn ! Is there anyway that I can get something in writing clarifying the credit worthiness and the buyers ability to close on her home in late September . My boss is ok with the lease-purchase but I do need something stating the conditions . Can you help me with that ? Thanks ! Nicholette Griffin Regent Homes NUM URL
BettyAnn McCloud Mortgage Advisor - Sales Leader NMLS # 82745 " The Mortgage Maven " @ New American Mortgage Office 704 439-5359 Cell 704.622-9878 E-Fax 980 322-0745
Saludos cordiales ,
Ana Velasco Matehus Ejecutiva de Ventas Corporativas Hotel Dann Carlton Av . República de El Salvador N34-377 e Irlanda San Francisco de Quito - Ecuador PBX : ( 593 ) - 2 - 397 2610 Fax : ( 593 ) - 2 - 224 0917 [email protected]
Good morning , Approximately NUM year ago I purchased a personal license of Gwabbit for Outlook under EMAIL . I have changed organizations and would like to transfer my license to EMAIL . Is there an easy way of doing this ? Check out our ProxyClient Mobile Wan Acceleration and Content Filtering video : URL NUM Jan ' NUM News Flash : Blue Coat named the leader in Wan Optimsation by leading analyst firm URL No virus found in this message . Checked by AVG - URL Version : NUM / Virus Database : NUM - Release Date : 10/18/11
Tom Mason Channel Sales Manager , ANZ Southern Region Blue Coat Systems +613 9863 7304 +61 4499 776 99 [email protected] Freecall support number : 1800 358 536
Once Ken gets back I will forward on the cube sheet . No need to apologize . From : Janice Carr [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 12:03 PM To : ' Patricia Lynch ' Cc : Mark Subject : RE : OA Service HI Patricia , Thank you and thanks to Ken as well . Will you be sending a cube sheet to make it official ? We appreciate you both dealing with this gentleman and apologize for his behavior . Thanks Janice From : Patricia Lynch [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 2:56 PM To : ' Janice Carr ' Subject : FW : OA Service Hi Janice . Here is the email from my moving consultant , Ken . It ’s rather raw , but I feel it ’s necessary for you and Mark L. to have all the details . Warm regards , Patricia Lynch Inside Sales Coordinator Ferguson Moving & Storage NUM Columbia Street North Vancouver , BC V7J 1A4 Tel : NUM ext : NUM Fax : NUM Toll Free : NUM Web : URL From : Ken Mercer [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 11:08 AM To : ' Patricia Lynch ' Subject : OA Service Here you go . Contents of a NUM x NUM x NUM locker – customer say pretty much full = NUM Lbs - NOT SEEN - Customer says that there are a lot of liquor store ctns . Apartment contents – not all going NUM lbs . Shuttle required at origin apartment Not sure where this person is coming from . He was asking about container storage from the website and after I explained what it was he then referred to a conversation with Mark from the McWilliams about paying for redelivery . NUM separate occasions during the survey , I said that I am not aware of the details of the moving agreement . I finally did say that I was not going to speak to the matter . He then said that “ we are not committed to using McWilliams and that we
Patricia Lynch Inside Sales Coordinator Ferguson Moving & Storage 1584 Columbia Street North Vancouver , BC V7J 1A4 Tel : 604-922-2212 ext : 502 Fax : 604-987-0269 Toll Free : 1-866-488-2212 Web :
Joan - Trying to nail NUM in search for mailroom Kristin Suggest you send Joan your spreadsheet and walk her through what we are doing Joan M. Hagstrom --- 07/15/2011 02:40:15 PM --- Hi Bob -- I am here today , just have been in lots of meetings . Please let me know if you need anyth From : Joan M. Hagstrom/US-Corporate/3M / US To : Bob Golden/CD-COSD/3M/US@3M-Corporate Date : 07/15/2011 02:40 PM Subject : Today Hi Bob -- I am here today , just have been in lots of meetings . Please let me know if you need anything . Thanks ! Joan B. Hagstrom | Channel Marketing Manager NUM Stationery Products Division NUM Center , Building NUM | St. Paul , MN NUM Office : NUM NUM NUM | Mobile : NUM NUM NUM EMAIL | URL
Bob Golden 3M Sales Operations Manager 561-865-1080