Eliot/Graham This could be an option !! Graham , see below . Thanks Di NOTICE from Cranberry Print Marketing Partners : This message ( including any attachments ) contains confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose , and is protected by law . If you are not the intended recipient , you should delete this message . Any disclosure , copying , or distribution of this message , or the taking of any action based on it , is strictly prohibited . [ v.T. NUM ] P please consider the environment before printing this email From : Eliot Rush [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 2:04 PM To : ' EMAIL Subject : SPAM - > Re : Need Swatchbooks Should n't be a problem . If you would like I could go NUM step further and offer your sales team a lunch n learn with GPA . Basically , I would bring lunch in for the whole sales team and not only discuss the swatch book but more importantly discuss specific applications that will help grow the business as well as differentiate your organizations capabilities . Would there be any interest in setting up an hour or so for a working lunch with myself , yourself , the owner and your sales team ? Eliot Rush New England Sales Manager GPA , Specialty Substrate Solutions Main : NUM ext. . NUM Fax : NUM Cell : NUM Looking for applications to help grow your business ? Check out
Diane Ricardo Cranberry Print Marketing Partners 19 Richards Road Plymouth , MA 02360 w : 508.747.6400 f : 508.747.6550
Ernest , I wanted to let you know that I am getting to board a flight to New York City should you try reaching me this morning concerning the LOI . I 'm due to arrive in NYC between 10:30 and NUM AM ET . I have meetings scheduled for the afternoon but will have availability in between to chat about the LOI and/or wrap it up . Thank you . Best regards , Jim Grady This message is intended only for the use of the Addressee and may contain information that is PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL . If you are not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited . If you have received this communication in error , please erase all copies of the message and its attachments and notify us immediately . Thank you . This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System . From : Taylor , III , George M. [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Monday , October NUM , NUM 05:38 PM To : EMAIL < EMAIL > Cc : Grady , Jim ; Solomon , Marc < EMAIL > ; Lang , Janet < EMAIL > ; EMAIL < EMAIL > Subject : Perry Uniontown Ventures Mr. Kaufman : At the request of Jim Grady , I enclose what should be the final revised draft of the proposed Letter of Intent . NUM copies are enclosed , NUM of which has been marked to show changes since your last draft . We look forward to your approval and execution of the enclosed . George Taylor Counsel to the Indenture Trustee George M. Taylor III Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . ************************************************************************ ************** This message is intended only for the use of the addressee ( s ) and may contain information that is PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL . If you are not the intended recipient ( s ) , you are hereby notified that any dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited . If you have received this communication in error , please erase all copies of the message and its attachments and notify us immediately . This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System . ************************************************************************ **************
James M. Grady Senior Director Alvarez & Marsal North America , LLC Mobile : 312.952.8510 Fax : 504.324.0651
Hi Craig and Thabo : We have developed NUM new brochures ( attached ) . NUM gives a general overview of Miracle Service and it ’s features and is directed at any audience , the other NUM ( Complete Dealer Management Software version ) is aimed at the Office Equipment industry . If you would like to use the brochure ( s ) for your market , please let me know what kind of changes/contact information you would like me to make , and I can do that for you and send you a Printsol version . Kind regards ,
Andrea Goliger Nexent Innovations Inc. . Erinpark Commercial Centre 1100 Central Parkway West , Unit 3-L Mississauga , ON L5C 2W1 Phone : ( 905 ) 206-1828 x 5188 Toll Free : 1-877-742-4749 x 5188 E-mail : [email protected] Web :
Re : Prospective home buyer needs home security Kirk , Please call Mr. & Mrs. Mill after 7:30 PM today or tomorrow for home security service . Home : NUM Cell : NUM MILLS , GARRY & PHYLLIS NUM RICHELIEU RD INDIANAPOLIS IN NUM Best Regards , Young Chung , Agent
Joseph Chung , Agent Home.Auto.Business.Health.Life ASAP Insurance Agency LLC 8375 Pendleton Pike Suite 300C Indianapolis IN 46226-4057 317.898.8989 Office 800.897.4763 Toll Free 317.898.2999 Fax 317.281.6981 Young 's Cell317 .408.4832 Joe 's Cell [email protected] Email
Can you attend this for Kirkbride ? Arrival Thursday Aug NUM , meeting Fri the NUM From : Peurifoy , Stephanie [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 2:57 PM To : SM_PurdueHYD Cc : Wu , Ying ; Ondarza , Adrianne ; Denson , Michelle ; Barnes , Kevin ; Peurifoy , Stephanie Subject : Purdue HYD3003 Investigator Meeting Invite Dear HYD3003 Investigators : Please join us in Baltimore , MD on Aug NUM – Aug NUM , NUM for our Investigators ’ Meeting for the investigational trial of HYD3003 : An Open-label , Multicenter Study to Assess the Long - term Safety of Hydrocodone Bitartrate ( HYD ) Tablets NUM to NUM mg Once-daily in Subjects with Moderate to Severe Chronic Nonmalignant and Nonneuropathic Pain . We invite you , and your Study Coordinator to attend . At this event , we will discuss the HYD3003 protocol as well as all procedures required to conduct the study . This will be a very informative and interactive session with presentations by Purdue Pharma L.P. ( Sponsor ) , INC Research ( CRO ) and our designated service providers . We hope that you will join us for this event , as we kick-off this protocol . A draft agenda is attached for your reference . You should plan to arrive Thursday , August NUM for a dinner reception beginning at 6:30 PM . The meeting will begin at 8:00 AM on Friday August NUM . All travel and hotel reservations to the meeting must be made through Travel Exchange . To register and request reservations , go to : Registration site URL access code : Baltimore According to Purdue policy , Purdue Pharma L.P. and the PhRMA Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals , Purdue will cover your reasonable travel expenses as well as the Sub-Investigator ’s and Study Coordinator ’s , to attend the above-referenced meeting including round-trip airfare , surface transportation , all reasonable meal expenses , and hotel a
Erica Ridolfi , CCRC Site Director CRI Worldwide at The Kirkbride Center 111 N 49th St Phila , PA 19139 215-471-6859 ext. . 222 [email protected]
I do n't know when the bans were lifted unfortunately . The extension request looks good . We ' ll be running in the string tomorrow . John will email you the reports and schematic by Thursday . From : Brian Ohlinger < EMAIL > To : " EMAIL " < EMAIL > Date : 07/05/2011 03:43 PM Subject : Self Disclosure for Disposal Well NUM NUM NUM W5/0 Hi Blaine , The GPP application was submitted and I ’m now working on getting an extension to the NUM month period for Directive NUM submission for well NUM NUM NUM W5/0 . Do you know the date the road ban was put in place and/or lifted ? Please review the attached draft of the extension request I will be sending to Enforcement and Surveillance and let me know if there are any changes to be made . Thanks Brian Ohlinger Manager , Applications Fekete Associates Inc. . NUM [ attachment " VSD Extsn Request - App No NUM July5 . pdf " deleted by Blaine Balmer/EOGResources ]
Blaine Balmer Senior Production Technologist , Northern Operations EOG Resources Canada Inc. . (403)663-8452 Cell (403)813-5553 [email protected]
Megan , Here is the project in a nutshell … I know there is a lot of copy here . Let me know if you need help sifting through the pictures to know which ones best depict the project . Company Information : Energy NUM America , previously U.S. Home Protect of Charleston Website : URL Phone : NUM Location : Kiawah Residence Timeframe : NUM days – NUM day was the removal of insulation and mold , NUM was to apply the mold pretreatment and spray foam insulation in the crawlspace and attic . Project Scope : Crawlspace : Our team removed the existing fiberglass insulation that was wet and contained mold and mildew formed by our climates high humidity . After removing the fiberglass insulation , FortiCel was applied on the wood subfloor to prevent any future mold growth for NUM years and closed cell spray foam was installed to replace the problematic fiberglass insulation . Attic : Existing fiberglass insulation was removed and open cell foam was installed on the attic ’s ceiling . Creating an encapsulated attic system , the spray foam will prevent air and moisture infiltration into the home as well as drastically lower the temperature of the attic . A blower door pre and post test showed the improvement of the HVAC system ’s efficiency after the project was completed . Results As a result , this project will save the homeowner up to NUM % on their heating and cooling , extend the life of their HVAC system , reduce future rodent problems as well as prevent possible mold growth .
Ashley Rife Marketing Director ( 843 ) 388-6260 p ( 843 ) 388-6520 f [email protected]
Hi Lee/Marnie , I was speaking with Jason today regarding the NUM , NUM and NUM floor release – he asked me to come up with a few ideas of how to launch these new suites while being as fair as possible to the back-up holds . Jordan and I looked through the NUM iPad winners ( which were the NUM NUM people in line who took a hold ) and of those , NUM of them have released from their suites . Of the remaining NUM , only NUM is unhappy with her purchase – Angela Malik . Angela was NUM in line and wanted a NUM bedroom suite , but none were available when she got to the front , so she settled for an E for an investment . Because she was NUM of the NUM in line , we were going to offer her the K or J on the NUM floor . Jordan and I thought that it might be a good idea to do an ‘ open house ’ for the suites on the NUM and NUM floors from NUM – NUM pm on Monday , July NUM for all of those who took a back-up hold but was n’t able to secure a suite . VIP pricing would still be honoured , as these clients took part in the VIP launch . Also , if we could get pre-signed agreements from the Vendor for that night , we could start purchaser ’s NUM period on the spot and by the time we have our public launch , we will know which suites are available . Jordan and I also think that the NUM floor should be released at the public launch at the higher ( non-VIP ) price , since that should be the easiest floor to sell since it ’s on the highest floor . If we are going to do this ‘ open house ’ , we will need to send out invites to the back-up holds ASAP with the time , date and procedures . Please let us know if you think this is a good idea to sell the NUM and NUM floors or if you would prefer another method . Thanks ,
Taylor Bennett Sales Representative SoHo Champagne & Lisgar Presentation Gallery 111 Champagne Ave. S. Ottawa , ON K1S 3L8 T 613.798.7646 ( SOHO ) F 613.798.7648 [email protected]
I think that 's good and the threat of having your " billing attorney " numbers reduced ( if only because you ' re not actually doing that job ) may provide a decent incentive for some of the recidivists . I would suggest , though , that we couple the announcement with some helpful suggestions and reminders of the resources and techniques that are available to help our partners discharge those responsibilities , e.g. : office billing coordinators ; having responsible upper-level associates " pre-edit " your proformas ; having paralegals or secretaries pre-screen them for compliance with counsel guidelines , etc. . I 'm sure there are others . My motivation for that suggestion is NUM : ( NUM ) It 's helpful , non-punitive , advice fostering a " let 's all work together to get it done " message ; and , ( NUM ) In a more Machiavellian way , it inoculates against excuses and further reveals people who ' re just too lazy to do it . Last , the announcement should make plain the monetary consequences ( e.g. X extra draws or Y % increase in YTD distributable PNI ) . TKPIII From : Thuston , Lee Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 3:56 PM To : EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE ; Letzer , Joe ; Atchison , Mike ; Stephenson , Jack ; Brown , Ed ; Gatlin , Cheri Turnage ; Potter , Tom ; Pratt , James ; Bowron , Ed Subject : Billing I am determined to get our partners billing their clients in a responsible manner each month . I have been meeting with Jack and , at my request , he is going to prepare a billing guideline which we are going to adopt in some form or fashion . Generally , all bills must be returned within a certain time each month with a proper designation as to whether it should be billed and if not , why . Drafts not returned will be turned into a bill and returned to the billing attorney with instructions to review before it is sent out . It is then either revised by the billing attorney and sent out or , if no response , it is sent out from us . If this happens on more than say NUM occasions , a new billing attorney is assigned to the client . Jack will do better than my description , but this is the general direction we need to go . We have got to get all this WIP out by September to get it in before the end of the year . Comments are welcome . W. Lee Thuston Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Thomas K. Potter , III Attorney at Law Direct : ( 615 ) 724-3231 Cell : ( 504 ) 914-7066 Main : ( 615 ) 724-3200 Fax : ( 615 ) 724-3331 [email protected] 700 Two American Center 3102 West End Avenue Nashville , Tennessee 37203 < >
While cleaning the men 's restroom on the NUM floor , this morning , Audrey found a pair of men 's sun glasses . Please see the receptionist . Thanks ! _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL .
Linda York General Office Clerk Direct : ( 404 ) 685-4256 Main : ( 404 ) 815-3000 Fax : ( 404 ) 817-3244 [email protected] 171 Seventeenth Street , NW Suite 1100 Atlanta , Georgia 30363 < >
No need to copy me on the individual emails . Thanks ! From : Laurie Shaffer [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , August NUM , NUM 11:10 AM To : Jim Ryan Subject : RE : Site License Thanks for this Jim . I have put the transaction through for $ NUM . You should receive a receipt directly from our billing system . Please let me know if for some reason you do not , and I can send it to you . I will get the licenses set up today , and will send them out to the individuals listed below . Would you like to be copied on each of the emails ? Thank you for your purchase ! If you need anything else , please feel free to contact me . Kind regards , Laurie Shaffer gwabbit , LLC w : NUM x5 EMAIL URL Follow gwabbit on Twitter and Facebook !
James F. Ryan Senior Vice President and General Manager – International PeerApp , Ltd. . Mobile : +1 ( 617 ) 642 8810
Afternoon James , I hope you are well and hope you had a great weekend . Firstly I wanted to take the time to thank you for accepting my invite on LinkedIn – your time is appreciated , as is any opportunity to work with you at some point in the future . I was hoping you might be able to assist me with an enquiry as I am very keen to develop the business that Walrus currently looks after , whether this is for the supply of stationery , consumables , pre-printed stationery or office furniture and seating and I would welcome the opportunity to work with you as a preferred supplier . I am confident like most companies that we speak to , that your business is experiencing pressures to reduce spend and overheads wherever possible , whilst maintaining excellent levels of service and I am confident given the opportunity to discuss things in more detail , that I Walrus can assist you in realising these savings . Walrus currently look after companies locally and nationally , including Bombardier and Bowmer & Kirkland , achieved after working with these companies on a cost reduction and highlighting significant reductions in their annual spend , as well as highlighting some of the pricing practices that some of the national suppliers ( Lyreco , Office Depot , Office Team ) are using ( over inflated RRP ’s etc. . ) that significant effect your annual spend . I can fully appreciate this is far from a priority but any opportunity to discuss things with yourself or any of your colleagues in the near future and to secure a working relationship with you , really would be appreciated . I would like to thank you for your time in advance and I hope there may be an opportunity for us to work together in the very near future . I look forward to your earliest reply and speaking to you soon Kindest Regards as always Walrus Office Group Ltd. .
James Cooper Head of National Accounts Walrus Office Group Ltd Units 9 & 10 Empire Works Parcel Terrace Derby DE1 1LY Telephone 01332 388883 Facsimile 01332 388882 Order On-Line
Gail , will you please send me a copy of the signed deed and signed closing statement . Thanks , Cheryl From : Mills , Gail [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , June NUM , NUM 8:51 AM To : Claude M. Moncus ; Susan Gannett ; Jordy Henson Cc : SPENCER RAGLAND ; Cindy BECKER ; Cheryl A. Robinson Subject : RE : NUM Commercial Bank Loan to Cotswold Houses , LLC Mac , let 's wait for Jordy to advise if he wants you to fund today or Monday . Gail Livingston Mills Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Claude M. Moncus [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , June NUM , NUM 8:10 AM To : Mills , Gail ; Susan Gannett Cc : SPENCER RAGLAND ; Cindy BECKER ; Cheryl A. Robinson Subject : NUM Commercial Bank Loan to Cotswold Houses , LLC Gail and Susan I am attaching the Escrow Closing Letter for your signatures . We have not funded the loan yet -- waiting on your instructions . Please give me/Cheryl Robinson notice when you are ready for funding -- need to allow a couple of hours . We will deliver Recordable Documents ( and Susanâ ?? s checks ) directly to Susan during the day today . I will need confirmation from the bank that Jordy has signed signature cards and funded his interest reserve account . I will need a marked title commitment , a copy of the signed deed and a copy of signed closing statement prior to funding . Thanks and please call with any questions . Mac Claude McCain Moncus CORLEY MONCUS , P.C. NUM Shades Creek Parkway Suite NUM Birmingham , AL NUM Telephone : NUM Direct : NUM Facsimile : NUM EMAIL
Cheryl Robinson CORLEY MONCUS , P.C. 728 Shades Creek Parkway Suite 100 Birmingham , AL 35209 Telephone : ( 205 ) 879-5959 Direct : ( 205 ) 868-0311 Fax : ( 205 ) 871-4411 Cell : ( 205 ) 835-0813 < mailto:[email protected] > [email protected]
Richard is available as well . Offices in Illinois , Florida , and Wisconsin _____ From : Noah Breakstone [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , October NUM , NUM 4:18 PM To : Jordan Socaransky ( EMAIL ) ; Marc Porosoff ; Stephen Woodard ( EMAIL ) ; Denberg , Michael B. ; Ivans , Richard B. ; Taylor , III , George M. ; EMAIL Subject : Conference Call with Lennar - Wentworth Agreement We are tentatively setting up a conference call with Lennar and their counsel for Tuesday at NUM to finalize pending issues . Please hold the time until further notice . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- Noah Breakstone | Principal | BTI | Main NUM | Direct NUM | NUM South Park Road | Suite NUM | Hollywood , FL NUM This communication contains privileged and confidential information . If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient , or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient , please contact the sender immediately . You are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution or copying of this communication or part of it is strictly prohibited ; delete this message and all copies and backups thereof This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential or privileged information . If you believe that you have received this message in error , please notify the sender by reply transmission and delete the message without copying or disclosing it . Pursuant to Internal Revenue Service guidance , be advised that any federal tax advice contained in this written or electronic communication , including any attachments or enclosures , is not intended or written to be used and it can not be used by any person or entity for the purpose of ( i ) avoiding any tax penalties that may be imposed by the Internal Revenue Service or any other U.S. Federal taxing authority or agency or ( ii ) promoting , marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein .
Michael B. Denberg Attorney at Law ARNSTEIN & LEHR LLP < > 200 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 3600 Miami , Florida 33131-2395 Phone : 305.428.4522 Fax : 305.374.4744 < mailto:[email protected] > [email protected]
Bryan , Here is the Permit . ----- Original Message ----- From : Michael Newman [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 5:20 PM To : Bryan Smith Subject : Re : Walgreens @ Market Street Land Disturbing Permit Ok . I 'm on the road . I ' ll send you a copy later . ------ Original Message ------ From : Bryan Smith To : ' EMAIL Subject : RE : Walgreens @ Market Street Land Disturbing Permit Sent : Jul NUM , NUM 5:06 PM I did not see an attachment . Bryan Smith BS Project Manager WIMCO Corp PO Box NUM Washington , NC NUM URL NUM ( Office ) NUM ( Fax ) NUM ( Cell ) EMAIL CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE : This electronic mail transmission may contain information that is confidential , privileged , proprietary or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure . If you are not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that you are not authorized to read , print , retain , copy or disseminate this message , any part of it , or any attachments . If you have received this message in error , please immediately delete this message and any attachments from your system and , so that we can prevent this from happening again , notify WIMCO of the inadvertent transmission by calling NUM or by replying to this email . Thank you for your cooperation . ----- Original
Michael Newman MDV Engineering C/O Ayer Design Group 215 Johnston St. Rock Hill , SC 29730 704-400-1044 [email protected]
Hi I do not have a finalized date but do know that the material has been ordered and we let you know as soon as I hear anything From : Broussard , Grant J. EMAIL ] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 7:51 AM To : Karnas , Denise L ( Denise ) ; Batt , Mary F ; Smith , Janet S ; EMAIL Cc : Wainright , Henry G ; Kellam , Dennis H ; Albrecht , Darrin L Subject : RE : PRI 's missing Thank you Denise , I need to provide an update this morning to UTMB leadership . Any word from Engineering ? Grant J.Broussard Information Services Voice Operations Proj Mgr Off Campus Projects NUM office NUM mobile EMAIL From : Karnas , Denise L ( Denise ) [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 2:31 PM To : Broussard , Grant J. ; Batt , Mary F ; Smith , Janet S ; EMAIL Cc : Wainright , Henry G ; Kellam , Dennis H ; Albrecht , Darrin L ; Rexford , Barry A. Subject : RE : PRI 's missing Grant , I am working on finding out where this is at within engineering . I will provide updates as I receive them . Thank you , Denise L. Karnas Verizon - Supervisor Customer Care NUM Lawrence Dr. Newbury Park , CA NUM Office : ( NUM ) NUM ext. . NUM Cell Phone : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM Orders : EMAIL Billing : EMAIL From : Broussard , Grant J.
Mary Batt BSSS-Business Contact Center Verizon Partner Solutions 800-344-4831 ext 2055 Fax 805-375-9391 E-mail [email protected] E-mail mary . f. [email protected]
I picked up the NUM chrome die from the vendor this morning . Our NUM attempt was not successful . But from the information that Pierson gave us I am confident we will be good on the NUM try . There was a excessive build up on NUM of the edges , but the rest of the die was perfect !!!!! So we will leave extra material on for our chrome vendor and that should fix the problem . We will make this die again , get it chrome Tuesday morning and hopefully send it out to Diversified no later than next Friday . I will keep everyone informed with any details I come across . Thanks , TEC
Ted Curran Plant Manager Flexible Die Division Bunting ® Magnetics Co. . 316.284.2020 , ext. . 292
Hi Everybody , Needed asap a NUM bed townhouse or apart - MUST be gated . Usual areas - the west is preferred - PV , DM are good , not just Westmoorings . Budget is TT$ NUM . Regards
Maggie Abraham Managing Director Countrywide Real Estate Service ( c ) 678-6545 ( o ) 222-6886
Message From : EMAIL [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , May NUM , NUM 12:25 PM To : EMAIL Subject : [ GPSEG Members ] : New SHRM White Paper : Using Role-Based Assessment to Build Culture Dear GPSEG friends - Whether you ' re currently working or in transition , I hope you find this useful . As always , your comments are valued and appreciated . Most of all , I hope you ' re working , or will be soon , in a culture that trusts , respects and has faith in you ! Best , Janice See who we know in common Want a signature like this ?
Dr. Janice Presser CEO , The Gabriel Institute [email protected] IM : DrJanicePresser ( AIM ) Thought Leader in Qualitative Assessment 1520 Locust Street , Suite 804 Philadelphia , PA 19102 USA work : 215-825-2500 mobile : 267-241-0564 fax : 215-825-3500
All , Please see proper ICC transmittals & submittals as follows . Thank you Sincerely , From : Jonathan Franza [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 3:05 PM To : ' Matt Kayali ' Cc : ' Jonathan Franza ' ; ' Myint , Steven ' ; ' Scott Binder ' ; ' Eric Chou ' ; ' CORDERO , MOISES ' ; ' Wildermuth , Robert ' Subject : IS 285X DOVE TAIL SUBMITTAL NUM Matt / Steven , Please see enclosed for an advanced copy of the Dovetail Anchor Slot for IS NUM . Proper ICC Transmittal & Submittal will follow . Please advise if you would like for me to send additional ( hard ) copies , in case this email attachment is not sufficient . Please feel free to contact me perhaps you may have any questions and/or concerns . Have a great weekend Thanks Sincerely , Jonathan Franza Iannelli Construction Co. . Inc. . NUM West NUM Street Bronx , NY NUM Mobile : ( NUM ) NUM Field Office Line NUM : ( NUM ) NUM - NUM Field Office Line NUM : ( NUM ) NUM - NUM Field Office Fax : ( NUM ) NUM - NUM Email : EMAIL
Jonathan Franza Iannelli Construction Co. . Inc. . 180 West 167th Street Bronx , NY 10452 Mobile : ( 917 ) 682-4843 Field Office Line 1 : ( 646 ) 401 - 7011 Field Office Line 2 : ( 646 ) 401 - 7012 Field Office Fax : ( 646 ) 401 - 7013 Email : [email protected]
Hi John , I have a correction on the Doctor that did the surgery on my right shoulder . It was Doctor John Boyl that did my surgery . Doctor Buck did my moms shoulder surgery . I hope I did n’t mess things up . Thank You
Linda Wachholz Ph : 920-233-3794 Cell : 920-379-8058 fax : 920-233-3814 E-mail : [email protected]
Please confirm Thanks , ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... ----- Original Message ----- From : EMAIL [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 11:46 AM To : Azeneth Vargas Subject : PDF Scan from EQD Irving
Azeneth Vargas Rental Coordinator ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... Equipment Depot | Texas 1400 S. Loop 12 Irving , TX 75060 T : ( 972 ) 438-8000 x 1285 F : ( 972 ) 579-3509 D : ( 972 ) 579-3585 C : ( 214 ) 797-9209 E : [email protected] W :
Let 's all meet in the NUM person conference room at 2:45 for a quick planning session . _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Barb Haney Legal Secretary to Paul O'Hearn , Brad Baldwin and Ryan Thompson Direct : ( 404 ) 685-4315 Main : ( 404 ) 815-3000 Fax : ( 404 ) 817-3244 171 Seventeenth Street , NW Suite 1100 Atlanta , Georgia 30363 < >
From : Marco Ramirez < EMAIL > Date : Fri , NUM Jul NUM 10:27:52 NUM To : EMAIL < EMAIL > Cc : Leonardo Salazar GarcÃa < EMAIL > ; JosephJamri Alfassi < EMAIL > Subject : RE : Solicitud de soporte Se reinstalo toda la maquina Windows y ipclient , se uso el protocolo D NUM y funciono de manera adecuada , supongo que se pudo haber generado algún fallo con el driver del controlador en Windows . De : Andres Vargas [ mailto:[email protected]] Enviado el : Viernes , NUM de Julio de NUM 11:24 a.m. Para : Marco Ramirez CC : Leonardo Salazar García ; Joseph Jamri Alfassi Asunto : Re : Solicitud de soporte ? No te entendi , de que manera se soluciono ? Andres Vargas GVI Security NUM NUM From : Marco Ramirez < EMAIL > Date : Fri , NUM Jul NUM 10:21:53 NUM To : EMAIL < EMAIL > ; Guillermo Martel < EMAIL > Cc : Fernando Tomasiello < EMAIL > ; Manuel Pecino < EMAIL > ; Mig Paredes < EMAIL > ; Leonardo Salazar GarcÃa < EMAIL > Subject : RE : Solicitud de soporte Andres y Guillermo ya se soluciono el problema que se me había generado . Saludos De : Andres Vargas [ mailto:[email protected]] Enviado el : Viernes , NUM de Julio de NUM 10:38 a.m. Para : Marco Ramirez ; Guillermo Martel CC : Fernando Tomasiello ; Manuel Pecino ; Mig Paredes ; Leonardo Salazar García Asunto : Re : Solicitud de soporte Marco , im with Guillermo right now , we are no received any email or call phone from you . Pls check our emails . We are in a meeting now , after this , i will call you Andres Vargas GVI Security NUM NUM From : Marco Ramirez < EMAIL > Date : Fri , NUM Jul NUM 09:24:05 NUM To : ' Andres Vargas ' < EMAIL > ; Guillermo Martel < EMAIL > Cc : EMAIL < EMAIL > ; ' Manuel Pecino ' < EMAIL > ; ' Mig Paredes ' < EMAIL > ; Leonardo Salazar GarcÃa < EMAIL > Subject :
Andres Vargas GVI Security +19549900014 +573168349054
Hi Greg , This has been completed . From : Greg Artichuk Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 1:46 PM To : Registered Plans Subject : account # 4DB-676A-N / NUM Please transfer $ NUM of DYN9454 in kind from client ’s open account ( NUM ) to her TFSA ( NUM ) . Could you please notify me when this is complete . Thanks , Greg Greg Artichuk , CFP Investment Advisor Dundee Wealth Management NUM Antares Dr. Phase II Suite NUM Nepean , On , K2E 8A9 P - ( NUM ) NUM x-229 , F - NUM website : URL
Ettienne , Raymond Registered Plans Dept DWM Securities Email : [email protected] PH :416.350.3292
Whose doing private . ----- Original Message ----- From : Samant , Sanjiv To : Daviau , Daniel Sent : Fri Jul NUM 15:30:34 NUM Subject : Re : What 's your feeling on quick play these days I like it and went in to see him NUM weeks ago . He is in middle of $ NUM private round . He does n't see ipo for NUM - NUM yrs but would be happy to try ----- Original Message ----- From : Daviau , Daniel To : Samant , Sanjiv Sent : Fri Jul NUM 15:13:58 NUM Subject : What 's your feeling on quick play these days Out golfing with wayne . Everyone telling him to go public . Thoughts . Daniel Daviau EMAIL C : NUM NUM NUM O : NUM NUM NUM
Daniel Daviau [email protected] C : 416 417 8508 O : 416 867 6110
George , Will you please forward this to Honey for me ? Thanks , Lisa ----- Forwarded Message ---- From : JOHN H and LISA BURTON < EMAIL > To : Aly Butts < EMAIL > ; Amy McCain < EMAIL > ; BECKY MOORE < EMAIL > ; Caroline Darby < EMAIL > ; Cathy Delozier < EMAIL > ; EMAIL Cindy Shaw < EMAIL > ; Ginny Hutchinson < EMAIL > ; Honey Taylor < EMAIL > ; Jennifer Cope < EMAIL > ; EMAIL Karla Turner < EMAIL > ; Martha Grizzle < EMAIL > ; Mary Stewart Beasley < EMAIL > ; EMAIL Wendy Simmons < EMAIL > ; EMAIL EMAIL Cc : Nate Sell < EMAIL > ; Kay Grisham < EMAIL > ; Lisa Burton < EMAIL > Sent : Mon , October NUM , NUM 8:23:41 AM Subject : Re : Small Group Dinners Good morning , What a beautiful weekend ! Hopefully everyone enjoyed the weather and some good football . The Senior High Small group did not meet at the Grisham 's last night so that they could serve dinner to the women at NUM Light . Serving others is foundational to living our faith . The women at NUM Light are always so gracious and grateful that it truly is a pleasure to serve . This Sunday they will meet back at the Grishams and the McCains will provide food . There are NUM more Sundays in need of parents to sign up to bring dinner . They are October NUM and NUM and November NUM , NUM , and NUM . Here is information that may be helpful : The Grishams provide drinks , salad , and rolls/breadsticks . No need for paper products either . We need parents to bring an entree , vegetable ( if salad alone is not enough ) and dessert . There have been NUM present in the past weeks . Tell Kay what you spent and she will send money that is collected home with your youth that evening . Sign up is so easy . Go to URL < URL > and for the last name sign in " Senior High " and use the password " smallgroup " . If you have any questions , please call me at NUM . Thanks in advance for helping . Teenagers love to hang out and eat with each other . Truly , a good meal is very appreciated and it does n't require that much work on our part if we all share our opportunity to serve ! Peace , Lisa _____ From : Aly Butts < EMAIL > To : Amy McCain < EMAIL > ; BECKY MOORE < EMAIL > ; Caroline Darby < EMAIL > ; Cathy Delozier < EMAIL > ; EMAIL Cindy Shaw < EMAIL > ; Ginny Hutchinson < EMAIL > ; Honey Taylor < EMAIL > ; Jennifer Cope < EMAIL > ; EMAIL Karla Turner < EMAIL > ; Martha Grizzle < EMAIL > ; Mary Stewart Beasley < EMAIL > ; EMAIL Wendy Simmons < EMAIL > ; EMAIL EMAIL Cc : EMAIL Nate Sell < EMAIL > ; Kay Grisham < EMAIL > Sent : Tue , September NUM , NUM 4:05:40 PM Subject : Small Group Dinners Hello everyone , As you know we started small groups for the fall this past Sunday . Kay and Bo Grisham have once again opened their home for our NUM graders . Lisa Burton has graciously offered to organize the meals for this group . Kay has menu suggestions with food the kids enjoyed last year . The best part is they are all from local restaurants or casseroles that can be purchased . Of course if you love to cook , you may do that as well . Currently , we have NUM youth signed up . We realize that everyone may not attend each Sunday . We are asking NUM things . NUM , please respond to Lisa if and when you can bring dinner . Since the group is large , she may assign pairs to share an evening . Secondly , please have your children let us know if they will not be there , so our count is accurate for food . Lisa , you may decide to send out a schedule , so people know who to inform that they wo n't be coming . Lastly , please remind your teens to bring $ NUM for dinner and actually put it wherever the Grisham 's designate . I think they ended up " donating " hundreds of dollars in meals last year because people either forgot their money or forgot to put it in the basket ! We are all excited to get back to our small groups . The Leaders are great and the group is a good size and should result in meaningful discussions . Please let me know if you have any questions . Thank you for providing meals for this fun group ! Faithfully , Aly
Aly Butts Director , Youth Ministries Independent Presbyterian Church 3100 Highland Avenue South Birmingham , Alabama 35205 (205)933-3734 [email protected] < >
Hey Kellie ! We would like to see if we could get pricing on plastic Stadium Cups in NUM , NUM , and NUM oz . Quantity : NUM and NUM . We would like lime green color w/logo . Thanks so much ! Go from drab … to FAB ! Purchase & Refinance Rates as low as NUM % APR * on Your Next NUM or Newer Vehicle Loan at the Credit Union – Get Pre-ApprovedToday ! Tell Us How We ’re Doing & You Could Win a $ NUM Visa Gift Card – Just Complete Our Member Satisfaction Survey !
Lauren Howard Marketing Representative office : 678-322-2042 fax : 678-322-2142 [email protected] ______________________________________________________
For classification testing . Missed company name … . Hello , I had previously installed Gwabbit on my work computer but my company recently switched out my old computer for a new NUM and I ca n’t seem to find the license number . Can you please send me that info ? Thank you , Ben Please consider the environment before printing this email This email may contain information that is confidential or attorney-client privileged and may constitute inside information . The contents of this email are intended only for the recipient ( s ) listed above . If you are not the intended recipient , you are directed not to read , disclose , distribute or otherwise use this transmission . If you have received this email in error , please notify the sender immediately and delete the transmission . Delivery of this message is not intended to waive any applicable privileges . From : Gwabbit Sales [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , October NUM , NUM 4:51 PM To : Cherney , Benjamin @ Universal City Cc : EMAIL Subject : Your new gwabbit Trial ! Thank you for downloading your free trial of gwabbit ! The gwabbit wabbit will let you know each time a new contact is identified in your Microsoft Outlook ® inbox . It will quickly and easily gwab the contact information , let you see what was gwabbed and allow you to save the information to your Outlook contacts . Your download is a fully functional version of gwabbit . You will have NUM days ( or NUM contacts ) to see what you think . At the end of the trial gwabbit is available for purchase for $ NUM . We know you will save lots of valuable time as you quickly and easily build your business and personal contacts . Please visit our Website to view our FAQ ’s ( fwequently asked qwuestions ) about gwabbit at URL If that does n't help and you still have questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us at EMAIL Wespectfully , The gwabbit team GW OP # NUM No virus found in this message . Checked by AVG - URL Version : NUM / Virus Database : NUM - Release Date : 10/06/11
Ben Cherney | Associate Lic . 01737312 CBRE | Broker Lic .00409987 Capital Markets | Private Capital Group Los Angeles Retail Team 111 Universal Hollywood Drive Suite 2700 Los Angeles , CA 91608 T 818 907 4726 | F 818 907 4720 | C 323-639-0596 [email protected] |
Donna called to say that she will be late this morning . She had to go with her son to school to take care of some things , and she will be in as soon as possible . In her absence , I would like to ask Teresa Whitmore to assist Gail , and Suzanne Eady to assist Jay and David . Should any of you need any additional assistance , please let me know . Thank you . _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Nita Perry HR/Employment Coordinator Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5490 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5783 [email protected] 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
Hi Audrey , There was a showing the other night here at the condo and the feed back was as follows ; They said , " There was a nicer NUM there that needed no work for not so much more money . " May I ask how we are doing on a price reduction for this unit ? The other unit they mention is priced NUM dollars more . Please let me know , Have a nice weekend !
Mary Sears William Raveis Real Estate ( 508 ) -735 -5409 [email protected]
Please confirm if you are available for Crystal Dickson ’s NUM evaluation on Tues. . August NUM , from 4:30 ~ 5:00 p , in Dr. De Long ’s office . Thanks , Lisa
Lisa M. Kovacs Administrative Assistant Department of Orthopaedic Surgery St. Luke 's Hospital & Health Network 801 Ostrum Street , PPHP2 Bethlehem , PA 18015 610-954-1784 610-954-2962 ( fax ) [email protected]
I like those numbers Burr & Forman - results matter < outbind : / / NUM : / / URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Price , Gene Sent : Wednesday , September NUM , NUM 2:59 PM To : Marsh , Katherine ; STRATEGIC GROWTH ; EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE ; Stephenson , Jack ; Dowd , David ; Taylor , III , George M. ; Christian , Ed ; Hall , Mike ; Brown , Ed Subject : RE : Peter Reinert Birmingham visit October 20th-21st I do want to point out that I have learned since I sent that last email about Peter 's practice that Peter 's practice outside the CNL REIT work has expanded pretty dramatically this year , and it appears that he will have billing attorney collections this year NOT INCLUDING the CNL REIT work in excess of $ NUM NUM . In addition , he expects to have collections this year as working attorney of near $ NUM NUM ( which includes some CNL REIT work ) . As the M&A practice in Florida strengthens a bit , Peter 's numbers should continue to improve . From what I can see , it appears that he is NUM of , or perhaps the , highest profile M&A / Securities attorney in the Orlando area . Gene _____ From : Marsh , Katherine Sent : Wednesday , September NUM , NUM 2:48 PM To : Price , Gene ; STRATEGIC GROWTH ; EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE ; Stephenson , Jack ; Dowd , David ; Taylor , III , George M. ; Christian , Ed ; Hall , Mike ; Brown , Ed Subject : RE : Peter Reinert Birmingham visit October 20th-21st All , please see the previous emails below regarding Peter Reinert . We are trying to schedule a good time for Peter to come to Birmingham and are looking at Thursday , Oct. . NUM for dinner and then have meetings Friday , Oct. . NUM . Please let me know as soon as possible if you are available those days . Thank you . Peter has not filled out a lateral partner questionnaire yet , and this trip is primarily an exploratory trip for him to get to know the firm better and for both him and us to see if he would be a good fit . That said , however , Peter is a very attractive candidate . He is a partner at Loundes Drosdick in Orlando . He is a general corporate and securities lawyer with a lot of experience in significant mergers and acquisitions . He also does all of the securities work for the CNL REIT . Jay , Denise and I met with Peter a couple of months ago , and Lee , Denise and I had dinner with Peter when we were in Orlando at the end of March . He is chair of the corporate practice group at Loundes and is a member of their Executive Committee . Before he was at Loundes , he practiced with Denise at Akerman . He left Akerman because he had started doing a substantial amount of work for the CNL REIT , and CNL promised more if he moved to Loundes , and may have threatened to take what he had away if he did not move . Since the move , his work for CNL has grown substantially . Unfortunately , Loundes has a very strong connection with the REIT side of CNL . We do some work for CNL Bank , but that is controlled by a different person . The in-house counsel for the CNL REIT is also a partner at Loundes . It is a very unusual relationship , but it makes it uncertain how much , if any , of the CNL work would come with Peter . With the CNL work , Peter manages and bills over $ NUM NUM a year , but if none of that came with him , he would probably bring only about $ NUM . Peter is a hard worker and regularly bills in the NUM hours per year range , in addition to being heavily involved in firm management and community activities . Katherine Marsh Director of Recruitment and Professional Development Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM < mailto:[email protected] > EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM URL < URL > ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Price , Gene Sent : Monday , May NUM , NUM 6:07 PM To : STRATEGIC GROWTH ; EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE ; Stephenson , Jack ; Dowd , David ; Taylor , III , George M. ; Christian , Ed ; Hall , Mike ; Brown , Ed Subject : RE : Peter Reinert Interview Friday , May NUM I wanted to follow up on Katherine 's email with some additional information about Peter . NUM , we are in the very early stages with Peter . He has not filled out a lateral partner questionnaire yet , and this trip is primarily an exploratory trip for him to get to know the firm better and for both him and us to see if he would be a good fit . That said , however , Peter is a very attractive candidate . He is a partner at Loundes Drosdick in Orlando . He is a general corporate and securities lawyer with a lot of experience in significant mergers and acquisitions . He also does all of the securities work for the CNL REIT . Jay , Denise and I met with Peter a couple of months ago , and Lee , Denise and I had dinner with Peter when we were in Orlando at the end of March . He is chair of the corporate practice group at Loundes and is a member of their Executive Committee . Before he was at Loundes , he practiced with Denise at Akerman . He left Akerman because he had started doing a substantial amount of work for the CNL REIT , and CNL promised more if he moved to Loundes , and may have threatened to take what he had away if he did not move . Since the move , his work for CNL has grown substantially . Unfortunately , Loundes has a very strong connection with the REIT side of CNL . We do some work for CNL Bank , but that is controlled by a different person . The in-house counsel for the CNL REIT is also a partner at Loundes . It is a very unusual relationship , but it makes it uncertain how much , if any , of the CNL work would come with Peter . With the CNL work , Peter manages and bills over $ NUM NUM a year , but if none of that came with him , he would probably bring only about $ NUM . Peter is a hard worker and regularly bills in the NUM hours per year range , in addition to being heavily involved in firm management and community activities . Peter is about NUM years old , is in Best Lawyers and other similar lists . He currently makes in the $ NUM range , but he has indicated a willingness to be flexible if the fit is right . We approached Peter . He was not looking around , and the CNL work makes for some difficulties . Without it , we can not easily justify paying him very close to what he is making . NUM of the reasons he wants to make a move is that he believes that Loundes is not doing the right things to provide a good platform for him to grow other parts of his practice , and he does not like being captive to CNL . He likes our regional foot print . Loundes has no offices outside the Orlando area . In addition , he likes the idea of having a sophisticated marketing department . In truth , he probably would not have talked to us except that he and Denise worked together extensively at Akerman , and he thinks a lot of Denise . Peter would bring an entirely new practice area to our Central Florida presence . Currently we do not have a true experienced corporate attorney in Central Florida , and his experience in securities law and M&A would especially compliment our BARE and CRAB practices and generally provide the same kind of cross selling opportunities that Ed Brown brought to Atlanta . In summary , Peter is an excellent prospect , but both we and he are going to have to be creative to get a deal done . I hope all of you will try to find a way to meet Peter when he is here . I promise that you will find him likeable . We need to work hard to make a good impression on Peter . At this point , we are trying to sell him . I have copied below Peter 's bio from the Loundes website . Thanks , Gene < URL nert_Evolve . jpg > Office NUM North Eola Drive Orlando , Florida NUM Direct : NUM Office : NUM Fax : NUM < URL > Peter E. Reinert Partner & Chair , Corporate Group EMAIL Peter Reinert leads the firm 's Corporate and Securities practices and is a member of the firm 's Executive Committee . Peter has broad experience in public and private securities transactions , mergers and acquisitions , joint ventures , roll-ups and private investments . Peter regularly advises executive officers , boards of directors and board committees on corporate governance matters . Peter also represents real estate investment trusts ( REITs ) and other real estate funds in their fund formation and ongoing securities law compliance . Peter is a frequent speaker on corporate law topics . Education * State University of New York at Buffalo , B.S. , NUM cum laude * University of Miami , LL.M in Taxation , NUM * University of Miami School of Law , J.D. , NUM Admitted * The Florida Bar - NUM * U.S. Tax Court * U.S. District Court , Southern District of Florida Recognition * Martindale-Hubbell Rating : AV * Listed in The Best Lawyers in America ( Corporate Law , Mergers & Acquisitions Law and Securities Law portion ) * Orlando 's Best Lawyers Professional Certifications , Memberships and Activities * Florida Venture Forum - Board Member , NUM * Orange County Bar Association , Chair , Business Law Committee , NUM , Outstanding Committee Chairman of the Year , Business Law Committee , NUM * American Bar Association , Vice Chair , Membership Committee , Antitrust Section , NUM , Member , Executive Council , Antitrust Section , NUM , Assembly Speaker , Young Lawyer Section , NUM , Assembly Clerk , Young Lawyer Section , NUM , * Director , Young Lawyers Section , NUM , Chair , Affiliate Outreach Project National Conferences , Young Lawyer Section , NUM , Chair , Tax Law Committee , Young Lawyers Section , NUM , Member , ABA Special Committee on Substance Abuse , NUM , * Member , Standing Committee on Bar Activities and Services , NUM * The Florida Bar , Co-Chair , Educational Programs , Tax Section , NUM * Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants * Association for Corporate Growth , Orlando Chapter * Financial Executives International , Central Florida Chapter * Dade County Bar Association , Young Lawyer Section , President , NUM , Outstanding Pro Bono Attorney Award Recipient , NUM , NUM , NUM * Legal Services Corporation of Miami , Inc. , Director , NUM * Professional Certification : CPA licensed in Florida and New York Community Activities * BioOrlando of the Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission , Founding Member , NUM * Enterprise Florida , Florida Life Science Council , Member , NUM * University of Central Florida Incubator , Executive Advisory Board , Member , NUM * Orlando Museum of Art , Board of Trustees , NUM * Sweetwater Episcopal Academy , Board of Trustees , Treasurer , NUM * Central Florida Innovation Corporation - Emerging Business Network , Executive Advisory Board Member , NUM * Historical Society of Central Florida , Inc. . Chairman of the Board NUM , President NUM , Director NUM * Christian Service Center of Central Florida , Inc. , President NUM , Director NUM , NUM , Treasurer NUM * Rebuilding Together of Central Florida , Inc. , President NUM , Director NUM Related Information Practices * Corporate < URL > * Mergers , Acquisitions < URL > & Divestitures * * Investment Management < URL > * Tax < URL > * Business Restructuring < URL > Industries * Securities < URL > Articles * Securities Exchange Commission prosecutes < URL es-pump-and-dump-stock-schemes-southern-district-flo > pump-and-dump stock schemes in Southern District of Florida Press Releases * Lowndes , Drosdick , Doster , Kantor < URL r-kantor-reed-attorneys-recognized-orlandos-best-law > & Reed Attorneys Recognized As Orlando 's Best Lawyers NUM * Reinert Spoke About Challenges of Nonprofit < URL allenges-nonprofit-corporate-governance > Corporate Governance Media Coverage * Arcapita sells senior housing < URL - housing-portfolio > portfolio Gene T. Price Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . _____ From : Marsh , Katherine Sent : Friday , May NUM , NUM 8:17 AM To : STRATEGIC GROWTH ; EXECUTIVECOMMITTEE ; Stephenson , Jack ; Dowd , David ; Taylor , III , George M. ; Christian , Ed ; Hall , Mike ; Brown , Ed Cc : Acton , Michele Subject : Peter Reinert Interview Friday , May NUM Peter Reinert is a Corporate/M & A attorney from Orlando we are bringing to Birmingham to interview . I have attached a copy of his bio . He will arrive next Thursday , May NUM at 5:45 . Someone will need to pick him up from the Tutwiler around 6:15 and take him back at the end of the night . We will need NUM people to join him and Lee Thuston for dinner at Hot & Hot Fish Club at 6:30 that evening . Peter will begin his interviews Friday , May NUM at 9:00 in NUM . Please let me know when you are available to meet with him . Thursday , May NUM 6:30 dinner at Hot & Hot Fish Club Lee Thuston ____________________ ____________________ Friday , May NUM - Interviews ( in NUM ) 9:00 - __________________ 9:30 - __________________ 10:00 - __________________ 10:30 - __________________ 11:00 - __________________ 11:30 - LUNCH ___________ Gene Price ______ & _________________ 1:30 - __________________ 2:00 - 2:30 - 3:00 - 3:30 - Lee Thuston and Gene Price 4:00 - Leave for the airport Katherine Marsh Director of Recruitment and Professional Development Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM URL < URL > ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
James W. Lowery , Jr. . Chief Operating Officer Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5266 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5780 [email protected] 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
Andrew R. Brown Post Sales Engineering Mgr Desk : 61-2022 Mobile : 876-997-9044 Fax : 876-920-8057 E-mail : [email protected] < >
NUM Robin , Sorry for the delay . There was a slight issue with the order and it got corrected and resubmitted . We are pushing for a due date . Thanks . check us out on the web at URL We ' ll be at Phone + Channel Partners Check out our Channel on TMCnet Get Social with TBI ! From : Robin Grote [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 12:46 PM To : Alicia Hope Cc : Peter Kim ; ' Fugazy , Shane ' ; ' Brenda Eisenschenk ' Subject : RE : MyFax Delivery from Peter , I was wondering if you had any type of an update on this installation ? Robin Grote InteleCONNECT , Inc. . Sales Manager Office NUM EMAIL From : Robin Grote [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 9:31 AM To : ' Robin Grote ' ; ' Alicia Hope ' Cc : ' Peter Kim ' ; ' Fugazy , Shane ' ; ' Brenda Eisenschenk ' Subject : RE : MyFax Delivery from Please let me know if there is a scheduled install date . This contract was turned in on July NUM it is the NUM today please let me know if there is an install date . Robin Grote InteleCONNECT , Inc. . Sales Manager Office NUM EMAIL From : Robin Grote [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Wednesday , July NUM , NUM 10:28 AM To : ' Alicia Hope ' Cc : ' Peter Kim ' ; ' Fugazy , Shane ' Subject : FW : MyFax Delivery from Good morning . Here is the signed contract for Blast Fitness ’ phones and internet . Please advise as to when these will be
Peter Kim Director of Partner Support Direct : 847-850-1835 Fax : 847-656-2366 Email : [email protected]
Hi Tom : I send an e-mail to Rick for confirmation . I will get back to you . In the meantime I wish you a quick recovery from the voice problems . Sincerely Metin --
M. Metin Esen Executive Director Kismet International , Inc. . [email protected] Kismet International , Inc 800 Cedar Lane Teaneck , NJ 07666 U.S.A Work : + 201 - 907 - 0044 Fax : + 201 - 907 - 0026 Mobile : + 201 - 281 - 0526
RE : CRDN/BluSky Atlanta Happy Hour Sorry thought it was for July From : Larissa Ouellette Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 01:53 PM To : Brandon Williams Subject : RE : CRDN/BluSky Atlanta Happy Hour This NUM is on August NUM so if you are back and available , we would love to have you ! Great to see you again this week and thank you for all of your help at the happy hour yesterday . Enjoy your weekend ! Thank you , Larissa Ouellette | National Business Development Director Blu SKY Restoration Contractors , Inc. . | URL NUM East Easter Avenue | Centennial , CO NUM T NUM | C NUM NUM % of Blu SKY ’s customers would hire us again . NUM , NUM & NUM Best Companies to Work For In Colorado Award NUM , NUM & NUM Fastest Growing Private Companies Award Award winning service coast to coast with NUM locations throughout the USA ! ----- Original Appointment ----- From : Brandon Williams Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 1:52 PM To : Larissa Ouellette Subject : Declined : CRDN/BluSky Atlanta Happy Hour When : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 2:00 PM-4 NUM PM ( UTC-07 NUM ) Mountain Time ( US & Canada ) . Where : Dixie Tavern Sorry but I will be in Joplin , MO until August NUM
Brandon Williams - Project Manager Blu SKY Restoration Contractors 3000 Shawnee Industrial Way Suwanee , GA. . 30024 770-598-3089 Cell 770-904-6494 Office 770-904-6495 Fax
Hi Sorry girla , maar ek moet jou vra vir 'n krediet asb !! W3441 1x12 ( NUM ) Dit lê nou al 'n rukkie hier . Het gehoop iemand gaan dit vat , maar hulle het nie . W3759 2X12 ( NUM ) Dr Geyser ( ek dink ) wou dit gehad het , maar het nou weer besluit om dit nie meer te gebruik nie . Terug na vorige suture wat hy gebruik het . Sal jy groot asb vir my 'n krediet reël . Baie dankie . ________________________________________ Life Healthcare Group ( Pty ) Ltd Registration number : 2003/024367/07 This message and any attachments are confidential and intended solely for the addressee . The following link will display the full disclaimer : URL The following link displays the list of Directors : URL ________________________________________
Ingrid Esterhuyse Pharmacist Assistant Peglerae Hospital Pharmacy 173 Beyers Naude Str Rustenburg 0299 Tel : + 27 14 597 7229 Fax : + 27 86 649 1658 Mobile : + 27 82 440 1613 Email : [email protected] Website :
Can you please send me the call-in number for this afternoon 's earnings conference call . We are institutional shareholders . Thanks , This email , its contents and attachments contain information from j2 Global Communications , Inc. . and/or its affiliates which may be privileged , confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure . The information is intended to be for the addressee ( s ) only . If you are not an addressee , any disclosure , copy , distribution , or use of the contents of this message is prohibited . If you have received this email in error please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete the original message and any copies . j2 Global Communications . NUM Hollywood Blvd. , Hollywood , CA NUM . _____ No virus found in this message . Checked by AVG - URL Version : NUM / Virus Database : NUM - Release Date : 10/17/11
Cary Kelly 415-994-9312 Ironworks Capital Management / CMK Advisors
We have been asked to represent GE Capital in a loan restructuring . Adverse parties would be : Farifield Shopping Center , LLC ( Borrower ) Yair Ben-Moshe ( Guarantor ) David Maimon ( Guarantor ) Any conflicts ? I need to get back to GE by tomorrow morning . Thanks , Gene _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Gene T. Price Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5328 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5698 [email protected] 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
I created a flow chart , an item template and a form that we can use to send opportunities to Fisher and AeroMed Please review these items and let me know if I left something out Cher Please think about resource conservation before you print this message
Cheryl L. Meloro Quest Diagnostics | Sourcing Manager - Distribution Channels - Strategic Sourcing | 1201 S Collegeville Road | Collegeville PA 19426 USA | phone +1.610 -454 -4163 | fax +1.610 -983 -2079 | mobile +1.610 -513 -8971 | [email protected] |
With me ? - COMPLAINT FREE WITH THE BBB SINCE NUM To ensure compliance with the requirements of IRS Circular NUM , please be advised that any Federal tax information or tax advice contained in this email , including any attachments is not intended and can not be used for the purpose of ( a ) avoiding any tax related penalties that may be imposed on you or any other person under the Internal Revenue Code , or ( b ) promoting , marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed in this communication . This email may contain highly confidential information and is meant solely for the intended recipient . If you are not the intended recipient and have received this email in error , contact the sender by reply email ; call M&M Financial Consulting , Inc. . immediately at NUM and delete this email . Please note that any disclosure , copying , distribution or use of the content of this email is strictly prohibited . From : Kathryn Mitchell [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 11:30 AM To : Mark Mitchell Subject : Re : Lunch just frustrated On Fri , Jul NUM , NUM at 11:17 AM , Mark Mitchell < EMAIL > wrote : OK … so you are not mad at me ? Mark Mitchell - President M&M Financial Consulting , Inc. . NUM N. Ashland Ave. Chicago , IL NUM Tel : NUM x5813 Direct : NUM Fax : NUM URL - COMPLAINT FREE WITH THE BBB SINCE NUM To ensure compliance with the requirements of IRS Circular NUM , please be advised that any Federal tax information or tax advice contained in this email , including any attachments is not intended and can not be used for the purpose of ( a ) avoiding any tax related penalties that may be imposed on you or any other person under the Internal Revenue Code , or ( b ) promoting , marketing or recommending to another party
Mark Mitchell - President M&M Financial Consulting , Inc. . 3947 N. Ashland Ave. Chicago , IL 60613 Tel : 800.856.5401 x5813 Direct : 773.969.5813 Fax : 773.969.5846
The Lexis Rep will be providing free research assistance and training in the Library from 9:30 to 10:30 am ( no appointment necessary ) and for individual office visits from 10:30 to 11:30 am ( by appointment ) . Please contact me if you would like to meet with the Lexis Rep. ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication .
Helen M. Walker Manager Library & Knowledge Services Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5217 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5785 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < >
I thought all customer issues were going to be directed to javad From : Ocasio , Lisa Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 1:45 PM To : DeAngelis , Michael ; Ocasio , Lisa ; Desimone , Ray Cc : Mootz , Richard Subject : RE : VBDC Email Alert - Customer Request Follow Up I am on the phone with him right now . We OWE it to him and he is fine now ! Lisa Ocasio General Sales Manager DCH Brunswick Toyota Cell NUM Direct - NUM IP - NUM Thousands-of-teen-stragically-die-each-year-in-car-crashes . DCH-Auto-Group-is-working-to-change-that . MINDLESS DRIVING . KEEP IT OUT OF CARS | Learn more at URL From : DeAngelis , Michael Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 1:43 PM To : Ocasio , Lisa ( EMAIL ) ; Desimone , Ray ( EMAIL ) Cc : Richard Mootz ( EMAIL ) Subject : FW : VBDC Email Alert - Customer Request Follow Up Lisa the salesperson of this customer gave the customer my phone number and told him to contact me for a dent removal at his NUM service . I do not have any paperwork stating he is owed a dent removal . Also the customer is making it sound like I am supposed to know all about it and I do not . Please have the sales person reach out to the customer and let me know who is fixing the dent and I can have Javad or Keith help her . Thanks From : Sal DiBetta [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 1:35 PM To : DeAngelis , Michael Subject : Re : VBDC Email Alert - Customer Request Follow Up I FORWARDED THIS TO LISA ----- Original Message ----- From : EMAIL To : EMAIL Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 1:32 PM Subject : VBDC Email Alert - Customer Request Follow Up CLICK HERE to view your alert for Dealer : DCH Brunswick Toyota FirstName : Bruce LastName : Braverman Customer Phone : NUM Comments : Urgent : Caller requested a call back with someone in the service department regarding the paintless stain remover on his NUM Toyota Rav4 . Employee Name : Mike-Manager . CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE : This e-mail is intended only for the addressee named above . It contains information that is privileged , confidential or otherwise protected from use and disclosure . If you are not the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any review , disclosure , copying , or dissemination of this transmission , or taking of any action in reliance on its contents , or other use is strictly prohibited . If you have received this transmission in error , please reply to the sender listed above immediately and permanently delete this message from your inbox . Thank you for your cooperation .
Ray DeSimone General Manager DCH Brunswick Toyota Direct Line ( 732 ) 867-5111 Cell ( 732 ) 245-2929 Fax ( 732 ) 418-3467
Good Morning all , I hope everyone had a lovely weekend , it seems everyone had a nice relaxing NUM which is unusual for us J. Olga and Row , did you buy anything nice on your shopping trip ? There are so many sales on at the minute … . you guys must have had a fab time hunting for some new bits and pieces . And K a bit jealous you have probably topped up that tan of yours from sunning yourself . We managed to get the rest of the guys suits for the wedding … waistcoats and ties too … … so Olga I ’ll be popping by again in a few days to see dad all suited and booted . It was lovely to see you both on Friday … a very nice finish to my day ! I am glad dad had a lovely birthday with us all … . it was fun surprising him … . we were all so giggly standing outside the door waiting , tee hee , and he had no idea … . . great work Olga , it cant have been easy to keep dad away from the window all the afternoon . Also , having the holiday after must have been the icing on the cake for him … . lucky man indeed . Well I hope you all have a great week and I ’ll see you all very soon . Lots of Love to you all xxx From:[email protected] [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : NUM July NUM 08:52 To : olga ebsworth Cc : Ebsworth , Vicky ; Rowena Subject : Re : Rob 's birthday Hi Glad daddykins enjoyed himself - it was nice to see him so thrilled . Glad he also had a could fathers day even though we could not be with him . I am sure we will all have dinner again very soon Have a good week all xxx HSBC Private Bank Katherine EBSWORTH Associate | PB HNW ONSHORE HSBC Private Bank ( UK ) Limited , NUM St. James 's Street , London , SW1A 1JB T NUM NUM NUM NUM | M NUM NUM NUM NUM | F NUM NUM NUM NUM | EMAIL An Award winning service - find out more about our NUM accolades at : URL From : olga ebsworth < EMAIL > To : Katherine EBSWORTH/PBGB
Vicki Ebsworth Fit for Life Coordinator Sports Development Tel : 01908 253229 Mob : 07903 324182
FYI , placed on NUM . Thanks ! * Effective NUM Timothy Woodruff will be replacing me as the Miscellaneous Electrical buyer . Please direct all inquiries not related to ICs/Semiconductors to him . Feel free to copy me . ----- Original Message ----- From : Anthony Belt [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 5:19 PM To : Jeff Clower ; Clark , Sean D Cc : Brendi Miller Subject : EXTERNAL : RE : RMA Request : NUM # NUM Please reference RMA # NUM for the return of the part ... Please issue P.O. # for the return ... ----- Original Message ----- From : Jeff Clower Sent : Monday , July NUM , NUM 9:00 AM To : Clark , Sean D Cc : Anthony Belt ; Brendi Miller Subject : RE : RMA Request : NUM Hi Sean , We can get you the RMA today but I need to know the serial number you are returning and the PO we ship it back to you on . The cause of failure is unknown at this point so we will need to look it over to determine warranty status and repair time . Please reply all . Anthony is your support person for RMAs and Brendi , is you inside account manager . Thanks Sean , Jeff Clower Strategic Account Manager Martek Power , Inc. . NUM Knox Street Torrance , CA NUM NUM NUM cell NUM fax URL CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE : This e-mail transmission , and any documents , files or previous e-mail message attached to it may contain confidential information that is legally privileged . If you are not the intended recipient , or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any disclosure , copying , distribution or use of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED . If you have received this transmission in error , please immediately notify the sender . Please destroy the original transmission and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner . Thank you , Martek Power Inc. . This ( document/presentation ) may contain technical data as defined in the International Traffic In Arms Regulations ( ITAR ) NUM CFR NUM . Export of this material is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act ( NUM U.S.C. NUM et seq. . ) and may not be exported to foreign persons without prior written approval from the U.S. Department of State . ----- Original Message ----- From : Clark , Sean D [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Saturday , July NUM , NUM 7:38 AM To : Jeff Clower Subject : RE : RMA Request : NUM Jeff this NUM is pretty hot , so please provide the RMA as soon as you can . Thanks ! Sean D. Clark SEMAC Procurement Rep/Buyer Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control NUM * Effective NUM TJ Woodruff will be replacing me as the Miscellaneous Electrical buyer . Please direct all inquiries not related to ICs/Semiconductors to him . Feel free to copy me . ----- Original Message ----- From : Clark , Sean D Sent : Thursday , July NUM , NUM 9:01 AM To : ' Jeff Clower ' Subject : RE : RMA Request : NUM Jeff , For some reason they listed the " complaint " qty as NUM , but the actual defect quantity as NUM . This will be just for that NUM unit . Thanks ! Sean D. Clark SEMAC Procurement Rep/Buyer Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control NUM ----- Original Message ----- From : Jeff Clower [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Wednesday , July NUM , NUM 3:59 PM To : Clark , Sean D Subject : EXTERNAL : Re : RMA Request : NUM Hi Sean , We 'd need to see the unit that is suspect to examine before issueing RMA for the entire lot . Can that be arranged ? Jeff ------ Original Message ------ From : Sean D Clark To : Brendi Miller To : Jeff Clower Subject : RMA Request : NUM Sent : Jul NUM , NUM 12:42 PM Hello , Please provide an RMA for the following : PO : NUM Part : NUM Qty : NUM Issue : During the LMK integration test , in TASK P , Step NUM , after set ELES power ON , instead of "
Sean D. Clark SEMAC Procurement Rep/Buyer Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control 407-356-1402
Here are the models and quantities for phase NUM that will be on the Target Center po coming in early next week : Model : QTY Note : HFP1-1S NUM HFP2-1S NUM HRP2-1S NUM NUM NUM White signs UCR60A NUM S/S Back and Interior UCR27A NUM S/S Back and Interior UCR48A NUM S/S Back and Interior UCR67A NUM S/S Back and Interior UCR93A NUM S/S Back and Interior UCR46A NUM S/S Back and Interior NUM NUM Bun Tray Rack Total Units : NUM units – totals $ NUM Thanks Jen " There 's a place in the world for any business that takes care of its customers -- after the sale ! " Harvey MacKay From : Jennifer Ward Sent : Thursday , July NUM , NUM 5:57 PM To : Tom Hotard ; Ann Radick ; Filippo Berti ; Rob August ; Brad Willis Subject : Target Center Stadium Bid - Phase NUM - Awarded Good News ! Eric at Grand called and advised they were officially awarded the Target Center Stadium project today - NUM of Bev Air for phase NUM !!! ( needed in NUM weeks ) Thanks Jen From : Tom Hotard Sent : Thursday , July NUM , NUM 05:24 PM To : Ann Radick ; Filippo Berti ; Rob August ; Brad Willis ; Jennifer Ward Subject : RE : $ 1Million Dollar Order Day Today ( No Family Dollar , No Thermofisher , No Rest . Equippers ) We need a bigger boat ! From : Ann Radick Sent : Thursday , July NUM , NUM 5:13 PM To : Filippo Berti ; Rob August ; Tom Hotard ; Brad Willis ; Jennifer Ward Subject : $ 1Million Dollar Order Day Today ( No Family Dollar , No Thermofisher , No Rest . Equippers ) Ann
Jennifer Ward Vice President of Sales Beverage-Air Corporation Email : [email protected] Cell : 614-309-8233
Good Day Agents Please find attached beautiful apartment in Lady Chancellor for rent at TT$ NUM . Should you have any interests in viewing this property , please contact us . Regards ,
Lori Nicholas Decadent Properties Ltd Suite 020 , Bretton Hall 16 Victoria Avenue Port of Spain Trinidad , W.I. Tel/Fax : ( 868 ) 623-3731
From : Members - All GPSEG Members [ EMAIL On Behalf Of John McDonough Sent : Tuesday , April NUM , NUM 4:11 PM To : EMAIL Subject : [ GPSEG-Members ] John L. McDonough Introduction Dear GPSEG Members , I am honored to join this group of networking executives . I would like to thank my sponsor , Brian Clapp at Kelleher Associates and Bill Borton , at HeartSTONE Group for his review of my credentials and kind introduction to GPSEG . I am an accomplished real estate , planning and development executive with over NUM years of unique experience directing and delivering very complex projects , including world class health care and research facilities , from inception through occupancy and then managing and operating those assets . For the past NUM years , I had the privilege of running the real estate , planning and development operations for The Children 's Hospital of Philadelphia ( CHOP ) , where I successfully managed over $ 2B dollars in complex health care and research capital investments . My search is focused on finding a leadership position running an organization , which provides services related to the planning , development and operations of complex real estate holdings or in a related consulting organization serving health care , research or life sciences companies . Attached please find a copy of my resume and bio . I look forward to meeting you . Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be assistance to you . With best regards , John
John L. McDonough , P.E. ( 610 ) 451-8104 ( cell )
Zach : You have permission to go up to $ NUM . Let me know what happens . Thank you , ___________________________ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE : The contents of this message may be a confidential attorney/client communication ; confidential attorney work product , or a confidential communication of proprietary information . If you are not the intended recipient , please destroy . From : Miller , Zachary [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Monday , September NUM , NUM 2:48 PM To : Miller , Zachary ; Callaghan , Susan E. Cc : Hayslip , Victor ; McCollum , Teresa ; EMAIL Hussain , Domingo R. Subject : RE : Hernan Afanador vs. Wells Fargo Home Mortage , Inc Sue , I have n't yet heard anything about this answer . We will plan to file it this afternoon if I do n't hear otherwise . I hope everything is going well . Thanks , Zachary Miller Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Miller , Zachary Sent : Thursday , September NUM , NUM 9:22 AM To : ' EMAIL Cc : Hayslip , Victor ; McCollum , Teresa ; ' EMAIL EMAIL Subject : RE : Hernan Afanador vs. Wells Fargo Home Mortage , Inc Sue , Attached is the Complaint and our draft Answer in the Afanador case . The deadline for filing our response is Monday , September NUM . The answer is fairly straightforward , and if you have any questions , please let me know . With regard to settlement , Plaintiff 's last official offer is $ 20k . Our last official offer is $ 4k . You gave me settlement authority to $ 8k . Plaintiff 's counsel has said that he is sure he could get his client to $ 15k , and thinks he can talk him down to $ 10k . I responded that I did not believe Wells was willing to go to $ 10k and that is where negotiations broke down . Looking through the client documents , there is no question that there was confusion and some messages from us that seemed to contradict each other . That being said , Plaintiff is now in a performing loan mod that he is happy with . If you have any questions , please let me know . Thanks , Zachary Miller Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : EMAIL [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Monday , August NUM , NUM 12:58 PM To : Miller , Zachary ; EMAIL Cc : Hayslip , Victor ; McCollum , Teresa Subject : RE : Hernan Afanador vs. Wells Fargo Home Mortage , Inc Zach : Go back with $ NUM and you have settlement authority up to $ NUM . Thank you , Susan E. Callaghan Counsel | Wells Fargo Law Department Phone : ( NUM ) NUM ___________________________ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE : The contents of this message may be a confidential attorney/client communication ; confidential attorney work product , or a confidential communication of proprietary information . If you are not the intended recipient , please destroy . From : Miller , Zachary [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Monday , August NUM , NUM 11:02 AM To : Callaghan , Susan E. ; Hussain , Domingo R. Cc : Hayslip , Victor ; McCollum , Teresa Subject : RE : Hernan Afanador vs. Wells Fargo Home Mortage , Inc Sue , After talking to his client , it appears that Plaintiff 's counsel 's offer was not as modest as he represented . He is offering to settle for $ NUM . Please let me know whether you would like us to counter-offer with a small amount , or if you would rather us file an answer and begin the discovery process . As I stated in my earlier email , we believe that exposure is moderate and that it is going to be difficult for Plaintiffs to prove any damages . This will require us serving written discovery , taking Plaintiffs ' depositions and filing a Motion for Summary Judgment . If you have any questions , please let me know . Thanks , Zachary Miller Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : EMAIL [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , August NUM , NUM 3:04 PM To : Miller , Zachary ; EMAIL Cc : Hayslip , Victor ; McCollum , Teresa Subject : RE : Hernan Afanador vs. Wells Fargo Home Mortage , Inc Thank you Zach . Letâ ?? s see what the settlement offer is . I am willing to settle this NUM for a nominal amount right out of the gate . Domingo will be providing the loan file , etc shortly . Thank you , Susan E. Callaghan Counsel | Wells Fargo Law Department Phone : ( NUM ) NUM ___________________________ CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE : The contents of this message may be a confidential attorney/client communication ; confidential attorney work product , or a confidential communication of proprietary information . If you are not the intended recipient , please destroy . From : Miller , Zachary [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , August NUM , NUM 3:43 PM To : Hussain , Domingo R. ; Callaghan , Susan E. Cc : Hayslip , Victor ; McCollum , Teresa Subject : RE : Hernan Afanador vs. Wells Fargo Home Mortage , Inc Sue and Domingo , Let this email serve as the requested " Intake Executive Summary " on the above referenced case . The Afanador case is currently pending in Blount County , Alabama . As it is , we currently do not see any way to remove this case to the Northern District of Alabama . We were served on August NUM , NUM , therefore , our answer/responsive pleading is due on or before September NUM , NUM . Basic Facts The Afanador 's had trouble making their mortgage payments and began negotiations with Wachovia for a loan modification . This resulted in them entering into a HAMP TPP in August NUM . During the process of paying on the TPP , Wells Fargo took over their mortgage loan . Plaintiffs asked Wells Fargo for info on the TPP , but did n't hear anything until March NUM , when they were told that they were past due . Between March NUM and October NUM , there were numerous discussions between Plaintiffs and Wells Fargo , and it looks like there were NUM different loan modification agreements . The NUM was sent to Plaintiffs , but they were out of the country and did not respond until it was too late . The NUM loan mod offered payments of $ NUM . The NUM NUM offered payments of $ NUM and the Plaintiffs rejected this NUM because the payments were too high . The NUM loan mod stuck , and was agreed to in October NUM . Plaintiffs are currently in this loan mod and are making payments of $ NUM per month . Unfortunately , before the loan mod was completed , Wells and its foreclosure counsel Sirote & Permutt sent Plaintiffs numerous foreclosure notices and Plaintiffs were not told that the foreclosure was off until NUM days before the scheduled November NUM , NUM foreclosure . However , as of right now , Plaintiffs are in the $ NUM per month loan mod , are paying , and are relatively happy with their mod ( according to their attorney ) . Causes of Action and Damages Plaintiffs seek an unspecified amount of damages based on NUM different causes of action : ( NUM ) Negligent servicing ' ( NUM ) Negligent training ( NUM ) Defamation , libel and slander ( NUM ) Slander of title ( NUM ) Trespass ( NUM ) False light ( NUM ) Invasion of privacy ( NUM ) Outrage ( IIED ) Plaintiffs claims all involve the hassle of getting their loan mod and the publication of our foreclosure notices in local newspapers . Answer/Removal We currently do not see any grounds for removal , and filing a motion to dismiss may be successful on some claims ( i.e. slander of title ) , but would ultimately not get us very far and would n't decrease any settlement demands . Summary judgment would be the appropriate time for attacking these claims . Next Steps I reached out to Plaintiff 's counsel this afternoon to see what he was looking for . I told him I was a bit confused , because it appears that the loan mod did work out and he said that Plaintiffs were happy with their current mortgage payments . He said that his clients were just looking for something due to the pain that the loan modification process caused them to endure . If his complaint is true and accurate , it does seem like there were quite a few contradictory statements sent to Plaintiffs throughout their loan modification negotiations . That being said , Plaintiffs obviously have a problem with damages . They are currently in their home with a lower monthly payment than they originally had . Unless they can recover for emotional distress and for the damage caused by the foreclosure notices , they do not really have many damages . I see this as a case that we either try to settle before filing an answer ( to save money ) , or as NUM that we fight to summary judgment based on Plaintiffs ' lack of damages . Plaintiffs ' counsel said that he will provide us with a " modest " settlement offer by the middle of next week . I informed him that I have not even addressed settlement yet , but I would forward on any offer as soon as it was received . At this point , I would suggest that we wait for Plaintiffs ' settlement offer , and depending on its size , we then either counter or prepare an answer to be filed by September NUM . In our monthly update I will provide a list of the documents that we need moving forward . Please let me know if you have any questions . I am available to discuss at your convenience . Sincerely , Zachary Miller Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Hayslip , Victor Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 4:56 PM To : ' EMAIL Cc : ' EMAIL Morrison , Kimberley ; Miller , Zachary Subject : RE : Hernan Afanador vs. Wells Fargo Home Mortage , Inc Great . Thanks , Domingo and Sue . Conflicts check is clear . We will verify the service date on Wells online and file a timely appearance . We will also add this matter to the monthly report to keep you updated . Thanks again for thinking of us and allowing us to handle this . We will also do an early evaluation and give you any recommendation that we may see to allow for early resolution . Vic Vic Hayslip Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : EMAIL [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 2:51 PM To : Hayslip , Victor Cc : EMAIL Subject : Hernan Afanador vs. Wells Fargo Home Mortage , Inc Vic , Can you assist with this matter ? Let me know if there will be any conflicts that may prevent you from doing so . If there are none , then Susan will be your legal contact and I will be her paralegal . I will get the loan file out to you shortly . Also , upon acceptance of this matter , please note that the following is required . An Intake Executive Summary * : à ? NUM days from the date of this referral An Executive Summary # : à ? NUM days prior to trial date à ? NUM days prior to trial date à ? NUM days prior to trial date Advance Notice for Corporate Rep Witness ADR/Deposition/Hearings : à ? NUM weeks Advance Notice of a Scheduled ADR Session : à ? NUM days Advance Notice to Review Discovery Request / Sign or Verify Interrogatories or Affidavits : à ? NUM days * Basic Facts , Causes of Action and Damages , Answer/Removal , Next Steps # Basic Facts , Exposure , Settlement History and Recommendations , Posture of Case/Upcoming Dates , Claims Asserted , Estimated Time to Resolve and Fees , Attorney Fees Billed to-date Thanks . Domingo R. Hussain Paralegal Consumer Lending Litigation Corporate Legal Division Wells Fargo Bank , | MAC : NUM | NUM Wells Fargo Place | NUM S. College Street | NUM Floor | Charlotte , NC NUM Direct : NUM | Fax : NUM < mailto:[email protected] > EMAIL This message may contain confidential and / or privileged information.If you are not the addressee or authorized to receive this for the addressee , you must not use , copy , disclose , or take any action based on this message or any information herein . If you have received this message in error , please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message . Thank you for your cooperation .
Susan E. Callaghan Counsel | Wells Fargo Law Department Phone : ( 704 ) 715-2337