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1 | Sarah Hanley Senior Consultant Recruiting experts in Accountancy & Finance HAYS Recruiting experts worldwide 1st Floor Manfield House , 1 Southampton Street , London WC2R 0LR T : 0207 520 5983 F : 0207 068 5385 [email protected] |
0 | Youch From : Nate Corrieri < EMAIL > To : Penny Lee Sent : Fri Jul NUM 13:51:48 NUM Subject : month end NUM net to you Thank You , Nate Corrieri eServ Group , LLC . AIM : nateeserv EMAIL Phone : NUM |
1 | Penny A. Lee | President 20980 Rogers Dr Ste 500 Rogers , MN 55374 O ( 763 ) 428.3017 | C ( 320 ) 894.1234 AIM : pjnext |
0 | Order for Wednesday 7/6/11 Please confirm . Our Focus : Your Success This message and any attachments contain privileged and confidential information and are intended only for the use of the intended recipients of this message . If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any dissemination or copying of this email is prohibited . If you have received this communication in error , notify the sender immediately by return email and delete the message and any attachments from your system . |
1 | Andy Feierstein Finishing Supervisor [email protected] 856-889-7560 cell A.F.L. Web Printing 70 Seaview Drive Secaucus , New Jersey 07094 856-566-1270 |
0 | That is fine . Malavika |
1 | Malavika Muralidharan Public Library Development Consultant Arizona State Library Archives and Public Records 1100 W Washington , Phoenix , AZ 85007 602-542-5841 |
0 | Nik The demo will be on a NUM ” pipe that is in their Flow Lab . This is the same lab where we did the NUM demo . What Tim has is what we used last time for the demo . From : Tommy Roberts Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 11:35 AM To : ' EMAIL Cc : Bill Laster Subject : WI application Nik We are searching our email history for the fast form . I know we had NUM before the NUM demo we did . Tommy Roberts Roberts & Spencer EMAIL Cell : NUM NUM NUM Off : NUM x111 Fax : NUM |
1 | Tommy Roberts Roberts & Spencer [email protected] Cell : 214 676 3050 Off : 972-406-0888 x111 Fax : 972-243-3455 |
0 | Thanks |
1 | Korty Church Map Food Service Account Manager ( 978 ) 808 3605 |
0 | Here are NUM memos I have prepared for the CB&S matter . NUM deals with the process for securing , perfecting , and gaining priority in investment property , and the other deals with a Ala. . Code NUM , which provides a possible defense to WFA . I have also attached the relevant code sections . _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | Ben Coulter Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5420 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5643 [email protected] 420 North 20th Street Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < > |
0 | See attached . · Can not provide a backlog report for June . Our backlog report is real time and I ca n’t back date it . Have provided as of now . · Shareholder ledger is attached – this does not include the options , which are about NUM . If you need that also , I can send . · Testing services will take me some time to pull together by customer so I will start working on . · Dan is helping on the pricing information and will provide . Thanks . CONFIDENTIAL : This email ( and any attachment ) is confidential and may be protected by legal privilege , confidentiality agreements , and common or statutory law . If you are not the intended recipient , be aware that any disclosure , copying , distribution or use of this email or any attachment is prohibited . If you have received this email in error , please notify us at once by returning it to the sender and then deleting this copy from your system . Thank you . From : Jordan Nelson [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 8:43 AM To : Tony Sansone Subject : FW : MSI Followup Tony , See the request list below from Wedbush . Can you please help me get the remaining items ? I have highlighted the ones I need help with . Thanks , |
1 | Tony Sansone Controller Machine Solutions Inc. . 2951 W. Shamrell Blvd. , Ste. 107 Flagstaff , AZ 86001 Phone – 928.556.3109 Fax – 928.556.3084 Email – [email protected] |
0 | Ken , Other cost in £ NUM They have not allowed for any builders works in their costs . Dave is already over this cost by say £ NUM He would have to drop his down to £ 8k for us to be in the ball park on this NUM , that ’s a lot for him to drop down . I ’ll go back to him and tell him tell him what we have available and see what response we get back . Kind Regards P Please consider the environment before printing this email From : Ken Davies - External [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : NUM July NUM 18:54 To : ' Terry Passant ' Subject : RE : Grovesnor House Croydon Terry , He either lowers his price to give us a margin or we let the job go , on this job we would need NUM % , what ’s Ian other suppliers cost . Many thanks ! Ken Davies NUM King Henry Drive New Addington Croydon CR0 0AE Tel : NUM NUM NUM Fax : NUM NUM NUM Mobile : NUM NUM NUM URL Email : EMAIL P Please consider the environment before printing this email From : Terry Passant [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : NUM July NUM 18:48 To : KenD Subject : FW : Grovesnor House Croydon Ken , Dave ’s cost is very close to the cost that Ian has already , and thats not even with our mark up added . We do have some fabric works to do as well , so could hide some of the mark up amongst that side of the works . Talk on Monday , have a good weekend . TICK TOCK TICK TOCK LOL Kind Regards Terry Passant National Services Manager NUM King Henrys Drive New Addington Croydon CR0 0AE Tel : NUM NUM NUM Fax : NUM NUM NUM Mobile : NUM NUM Email : EMAIL P Please consider the environment before printing this email From : David Farrar [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : NUM July NUM 17:54 To : Terry Passant Subject : Grovesnor House Croydon Hi Terry , quote as promised . Have a great weekend Regards Dave I am using the Free version of SPAMfighter . SPAMfighter has removed NUM of my spam emails to date . Do you have a slow PC ? Try free scan ! |
1 | Terry Passant National Services Manager 273 King Henrys Drive New Addington Croydon CR0 0AE Tel : 08458 121 120 Fax : 08458 121 130 Mobile : 07748 773304 Email : [email protected] |
0 | Jeremy , Attached is the information that you requested for the project specific slides . I put the information in an Excel spreadsheet rather than a PowerPoint slide since your folks are putting together the actual slides . Please let me know if you have any questions . Thanks , Michael From : Schlussel , Jeremy [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Monday , July NUM , NUM 12:04 PM To : Michael Szeliga Cc : James Bushman ; Dave Dawson ; Richard Grant ; Cundiff , Lee Subject : RE : RE : VDOT Presentation Slides Mike , I have reviewed and are incorporating your information into the master presentation . Can you please expand/enhance your bullet points on the following : What type of CP systems have you designed ? - à specific types of systems and the locations would be beneficial – in the slides presented to me , plenty of samples , but no “ hard ” evidence of what exactly was done – we will need to bring some sample plans/specifications with us to the presentation to talk to and leave behind ( this always helps as it shows past experience ) – we need to hit on specifications and the importance of this document – what is your experience in preparing the specification not only project specific but in general terms for all projects Evaluating existing systems à what are some samples of existing systems that you have evaluated and then determined what is needed to be done – here you can even pull in some pipe line work to show how CP is used in civil projects NDT testing à you list samples of tests but can you break out what type of tests you did for exact projects ie : rte . NUM over xyz river – half cell potential , petrographic testing , chloride testing . Please provide the additional information to me by tomorrow afternoon , I am out of the office on Wednesday . Thanks Jeremy Jeremy Schlussel , P.E. Associate Engineer Whi |
1 | Michael J. Szeliga , P.E. Russell Corrosion Consultants , Inc. . P.O. Box 197 Simpsonville , Maryland 21150 410-997-4481 office 410-740-2541 fax |
0 | Do n't forget to tweet new partner jim mccarten . Just retweet what my handle has or the Burr handle . Thanks !! ALABAMA â ? ¢ FLORIDA â ? ¢ GEORGIA â ? ¢ MISSISSIPPI â ? ¢ TENNESSEE _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | Erin Corbin Meszaros Chief Marketing Officer/Director of Practice Management Direct : ( 404 ) 685-4337 Cell : ( 404 ) 414-4047 Main : ( 404 ) 815-3000 Fax : ( 404 ) 817-3244 [email protected] 171 Seventeenth Street , NW Suite 1100 Atlanta , Georgia 30363 < > |
0 | THANKS ! _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | Turner B. Williams , Esq. . Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5205 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5739 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < > |
0 | ----- Original Message ----- From : Sent : Thursday , October NUM , NUM 12:55 PM To : ' Al Nebrig ' ; ' Barry Hartley ' ; ' Birch Bowdre ' ; ' Carl Reigart ' ; ' Charles Cowin ' ; ' Chris Bucher ' ; ' Danny Waters ' ; ' Darrell Bilbrey ' ; ' Dave Hackney ' ; ' David Glasgow ' ; ' David Whikehart ' ; ' Donald Sweeney ' ; ' Duane Pontius ' ; ' Ed Cassady ' ; Taylor , III , George M. ; ' Harry Reich ' ; ' James Dudley ' ; ' Jim Johnson ' ; ' Jim Proctor ' ; ' Jim Sisson ' ; ' Joe Baird ' ; ' Joe Power ' ; ' Joe Spransy ' ; ' Joe Sprigg ' ; ' John Cassimuss ' ; ' John McCary ' ; ' John McCary Jr. ' ; ' John Molen ' ; ' John Wood ' ; ' Lisa Burke ' ; ' Mike Graham ' ; ' Mike Graham - Cullman ' ; ' Paschal Redding ' ; ' Peter Reich ' ; ' Richard Healy ' ; ' Robert Walsh ' ; ' Rory Hartley ' ; ' Sally Morriss ' ; ' Sid Browning ' ; ' Tim Rogers ' ; ' Todd Buckingham ' ; ' Walker Haddock ' ; ' William Lalor ' Subject : Good News Good News ! We now have a Fleet Treasurer . Unless you couldnâ € ™ t wait and mailed me your dues today , send them to David Hackney instead . Make checks payable to Dave and send them to : Thanks for volunteering Dave . Tim |
1 | David Hackney 3728 Keswick Circle Birmingham , AL 35242 |
0 | From : Job Posting Leads [ EMAIL On Behalf Of Mark Desrosiers Sent : Wednesday , December NUM , NUM 4:54 PM To : EMAIL Subject : [ GPSEG-Job-Posting-Leads ] FW : Position below GPSEG level Fellow GPSEG-ers : Please pass on to those who qualify and may have an interest . They should contact “ Chip ” as noted below . Accredited Associate of the Institute for Independent Business ( URL ) Accredited Mentor of CMT ( Coaching-Mentoring-Training ) International ( URL ) Contributing Author of Business DISCoverY From : Chip Clothier [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Wednesday , December NUM , NUM 4:37 PM To : EMAIL Subject : I need you help Mark I am contacting you because I need help on a search . I am helping a client that I normally do higher level work for on a search for a Manager of Internet and Database Marketing . This position will primarily drive all activity on the website — which needs to be totally revamped . This means the person must be very close to the ground in the development of the website , be able to manage the databases that support the website and implement all of the Internet marketing programs to drive and qualify leads for this global company . This is an exciting opportunity for someone NUM years out of undergrad or grad work who has experience building websites under their belt and wants to play more of a role in designing the marketing programs under a very experienced digital marketer . You might be asking yourself , why am I reaching out to you . We see this person coming from the financial service industry including banking , insurance , and brokerage houses . Or they might come from IT consulting firms and are looking to get on the client side . I am figuring you might have come in contact with someone who might have this experience . The position is located outside Philadelphia . Any and all ideas would be appreciated . I have enclosed a job description for your review . All the best , Chip IH “ Chip ” Clothier | Managing Partner | HFC Executive Search LLC NUM Conestoga Rd ; Bdg III – Suite NUM | Rosemont , PA NUM Ph : NUM x222 | Fx : NUM | EMAIL |
1 | Mark Desrosiers , AInstIB President Summit Business Solutions , LLC " Helping business owners reach new heights . " SM 610-524-5700 ( office & fax ) [email protected]; |
0 | From : Job Posting Leads [ EMAIL On Behalf Of Adam Berman Sent : Friday , January NUM , NUM 10:00 AM To : EMAIL Subject : [ GPSEG-Job-Posting-Leads ] Healthcare CFO Opportunity/Burlington County Good Morning , We have been engaged by NUM of our Healthcare clients in Burlington County , New Jersey to help them identify their next CFO . Our client is looking to start someone as quickly as possible . They will only consider candidates on an interim to permanent basis . The selected candidate MUST have a successful track record as a CFO in a hospital , assisted living , long term care , etc. . type of setting . Candidates must also be well connected in the NJ Hospital community . Several exciting challenges lay ahead including the installation of a new accounting system , the addition recently of several new entities and the aggressive addition of new contracts with in state and out of state hospitals . The compensation both during the interim start and once " converted " to direct full time employee will be above the GPSEG minimum . Again , only CFO candidates coming from an appropriate healthcare background can be considered for this immediate opportunity . To express interest , please reach out to me . My Best , Adam This electronic mail message contains confidential information which is legally privileged and intended only for the use of the recipient named above . We request immediate notification by return email to < blocked::outbind://57/mail%20to:[email protected] > EMAIL of misrouted emails so that we can correct the error and request that you destroy all copies of this misrouted email . If you received this email in error , you are hereby notified that any copying , distribution , or the taking of any action in reliance of the contents of this electronic message is strictly prohibited . Disclaimer : IRS Treasury Regulations require us to inform you that any tax advice contained in the body of this communication ( including any attachments ) was not intended or written to be used , and can not be used , by the recipient for the purpose of ( i ) avoiding penalties that may be imposed under the Internal Revenue Code or ( ii ) promoting , marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein . |
1 | Adam Berman [email protected] Kreischer Miller 100 Witmer Road , Suite 350 Horsham , PA 19044-2369 ( t ) 215-441-4600 x239 ( f ) 215-672-8224 < > |
0 | I also have a 2:00 meeting but can join afterwards . _____ From : Bouchillon , Kathryn Sent : Wednesday , September NUM , NUM 12:39 PM To : Haney , Barbara ; Kent , Ashby ; Ward , Erin ; Garrison , Edwin ; Stieglitz , Graham ; Jones , Kwende ; Robinson , Billie Subject : RE : Bryan and Ailie Glover 's Baby Shower I have a meeting at 2:00 , so I may be late . Kathryn Yarbrough Bouchillon Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM NUM Street , NW Suite NUM Atlanta , Georgia NUM URL < URL > Burr & Forman - results matter < outbind : / / NUM : / / URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . _____ From : Haney , Barbara Sent : Wednesday , September NUM , NUM 11:37 AM To : Kent , Ashby ; Bouchillon , Kathryn ; Ward , Erin ; Garrison , Edwin ; Stieglitz , Graham ; Jones , Kwende ; Robinson , Billie Subject : Bryan and Ailie Glover 's Baby Shower Do each of you have time to have a short meeting to discuss Bryan 's baby shower around 2:30 this afternoon ? Let me know and I will reserve a conference room . Barb Haney Legal Secretary to Paul O'Hearn , Brad Baldwin and Ryan Thompson Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM NUM Street , NW Suite NUM Atlanta , Georgia NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | Erin Richardson Ward Direct : ( 404 ) 685-4255 Fax : ( 404 ) 214-7936 < mailto:[email protected] > [email protected] Burr & Forman LLP 171 Seventeenth Street , NW Suite 1100 Atlanta , Georgia 30363 |
0 | This message and any attachment are privileged and confidential . If you are not the intended recipient , please telephone or email the sender and delete the message and any attachment from your system . If you are not the intended recipient you may not copy this message or attachment or disclose the contents to any other person . |
1 | Henry M. Havener Direct : 336-478-1228 Mobile : 336-207-4029 Email : [email protected] Shamrock Environmental Corporation 6106 Corporate Park Road Browns Summit , NC 27214 Office :336 -375 -1989 Fax : 336-375-1801 Website : |
0 | Is it the cleaning cart that they have ? I believe they may want the zippered yellow vinyl bag . >> > Dan Weibel 7/15/2011 2:24 PM >> > Hi Tracy , Any ideas for a customer looking for the " yellow bag " that is on the end of a black Rubbermaid cart ? The customer is River Crossing in Indiana , NUM of Brock 's customers . Dan |
1 | Dan Weibel Inside Sales Representative Gordon Food Service 1-800-905-2088 |
0 | Hi Maddy , Thank You for the update . Hi Carole , As I understand , you would like to test the new Payment Method for Travelguru Connected properties on the CRT environment . I was hoping if we could go ahead & test all the scenarios , ARI updates from TG to HBSI & HBSI to GHE , reservation creation & cancellation , payment method etc. . We can go ahead & do a complete end to end testing & check if there are any loop holes prior to going live on production . Kindly , key in your thoughts Regards , ----- Original Message ----- From : Maddy Nair [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 1:24 PM To : Vinay Kajaria ( EMAIL ) Subject : RE : Travel Guru New Payment Method Testing Hi Vinay , Test property has been setup . Refer HBSi id – NUM Trident Agra in UAT . You may proceed with necessary mapping . This property has been setup to point at GHE cert . Let me know if you need anything else . Thanks . Maddy Madhavan CONSULTANT HBSi , an IBS Group Company Block A , NUM NUM , Brigade TechPark , Near ITPL , Whitefield Road , Bangalore Tel : NUM NUM | Mob : NUM NUM | Fax : NUM NUM | Email : EMAIL < mailto:[email protected] > | Web : URL < URL > | URL < URL > [ EMAIL From : Peck , Carole [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 3:30 AM To : Langan , Daniel ; Taneja , Sejal ; Middleton , Kristy Cc : Maddy Nair ; Tahiliani , Basantkumar ; Gopalnarayanan , Siva ; Goel , Mukesh ; Kajaria , Vinay Subject : RE : Travel Guru New Payment Method Testing Importance : High Hi All ! We would like to test the new Payment Method we have implemented in cert for Travel Guru . What needs to happen is that Travel Guru needs to receive a booking through HBSi … . which means that both HBSi and TG need to configure the test property in their cert environments . The property we have set up |
1 | Vinay Kajaria Asst Manager | International Affiliates D : +91 22 4275 4841 • M : +91 9967 35 8019 |
0 | There will be a different number for today 's call . More information to follow by 9:15 Edwin Garrison On Oct NUM , NUM , at 5:12 PM , " Sue Fessler " < EMAIL > wrote : Begin forwarded message : Resent-From : < EMAIL > From : " Christine O'Neill " < EMAIL > Date : October NUM , NUM 4:58:45 PM EDT Resent-To : < EMAIL > To : < mailto:[email protected] > EMAIL Cc : " Greg Williamson " < EMAIL > , " Ariane McClure " < EMAIL > Subject : Highlands North ..... Sue , Received some calls today from other realtors and the association security group .... NUM . NUM Caledonian - some additional windows have been broken . NUM . NUM Caledonian - there is a gas leak on the NUM floor . Thanks . |
1 | Christine O'Neill Real Estate Consultant Morris and Raper Real Estate Consultants ( 404 ) 857-7058 ( Dir ect ) ( 404 ) 228-2691 ( Office ) ( 404 ) 228-2695 ( Fax ) |
0 | Akamnonu O & Nnoka N ( all please ) , What a brilliant idea ! Multiple OBAs in North America - there is no problem with that . That will definitely pull in more old boys who will in turn help to turn the " misfortunes " of GSSA around . Some of us currently associated with GSAAA will definitely relate with sister OBAs ( we have a living example in Prof Eke N ( PM ) , please ) . But I still think that resolving whatever differences that might be existing and forging ahead as NUM is a very good option . While carrying on with these plans , pause to consider that whereas the new OBAs will do everything humanly possible to excel where GSSAAA has failed , there is no guarantee that they will be immune to all the ills that your current and previous communications have identified ( human beings and not angels will still be at the helm of affairs ) . Also , since these parallel OBAs will supposedly be all inclusive , there will still be some disgruntled members or affiliates who will cry foul somewhere along the line . My other concern is the means of achieving this laudable objective . Using this platform ( forum ) provided by GSSAAA to gather support for a parallel OBA in North America is not ideal in my own opinion . I am just imagining an old boy announcing his intent to form a parallel OBA in Port Harcourt , Nigeria in a gathering of the Port Harcourt branch of GSSAOBA ( widely circulated through any prefered communication channel ) because he is dissatisfied with the attitudes of the leaders . I wish you well in this noble venture and pray that it leads to a healthy competition ( OBA wise ) for the benefit of the old school GSSA . Akpa , O. B. , FOD Sch Hs , ' NUM - ' NUM CC : Berrien Springs , MI -- " NUM impression does n't matter , a lasting impression does ! " - elderBoa ® __ . _ , _ . ___ Reply to sender | Reply to group | Reply via web post | Start a New TopicMessages in this topic ( NUM |
1 | Ogbonnaya B. AKPA gvoice : +1 -269 -815 -8153 skype : elderboa yahoo : elderboa twitter : elderboa |
0 | Eric , I spoke with the guys at Cleveland Regional and I believe I have an idea of what is wrong with the doors . These NUM sets of doors are interfaced with Automatic Openers , well when the fire alarm goes off , they are tied in with the Fire Alarm system so they release . According to David , he is getting a granted access every time he reads his card , however the doors are only opening every now and then . I guess NUM things NUM would be to confirm the door relay is activating with each card read , then tracking it to the automatic opener and locks to ensure they are receiving the signal . I told David that it would be after 4:30 when we would be able to get there , that you were on a project and were going to try and come to a stopping point so that you could get out there . I have put the address of the facility in this email , call me when you get there and I will direct you to the office where Brad Oaks is , he will show you to the doors and is familiar with the situation that they are experiencing . NUM East Grover Street Shelby , NC Thanks , |
1 | Kevin Helms , ( CSPM ) Sales Engineer SAF Technologies , Inc. . 2032-B Independence Commerce Dr. Matthews , NC 28104 ( c ) 704-853-9495 ( f ) 704-844-0866 |
0 | I 'm sorry , we are mistaken - there is only NUM original fully executed original , which I would prefer to keep in our file . Burr & Forman - results matter < outbind : / / NUM : / / URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Waits , Kelly E. Sent : Wednesday , September NUM , NUM 2:46 PM To : David Tate ; ' Diana Rabun ' Cc : Stieglitz , Graham ; Phillips , Angela Subject : CSS Real Estate We have received execution pages from all obligors . Attached is a scanned copy of a fully executed Settlement Agreement for your files and I will keep NUM original , signed in counterparts , and will forward you the other original by overnight delivery . I will also send each of the obligors a scanned copy of the fully executed Agreement . Since we have deposited the check and have the fully executed Agreement , I will go ahead and file a dismissal with prejudice in the case . Kelly E. Waits Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM NUM Street , NW Suite NUM Atlanta , Georgia NUM URL < URL > _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication |
1 | Kelly E. Waits Attorney at Law Direct : ( 404 ) 685-4306 Main : ( 404 ) 815-3000 Fax : ( 404 ) 214-7381 [email protected] 171 Seventeenth Street , NW Suite 1100 Atlanta , Georgia 30363 < > |
0 | Just a quick reminder that Kaitlyn 's Best Friend 's Birthday Playdate is this coming Friday , July NUM from noon until 5:30 pm We are super excited !!! I will be serving lunch/snack type things and the girls will be inside at our place playing and doing whatever they want to do . I will be supervising and undoubtedly in servitude for the day . This is a drop-off and not a sleepover . See you then . Kim , Tim and Kaitlyn ps . do n't forget Kaitlyn 's Big Birthday Party is Sunday , July NUM at NUM pm |
1 | Kim Williams Fitness 212-712-0130 |
0 | Vic , This is my last question . I just want to confirm that you want the monthly savings that is going into the NUM plan to now go into Margaretâ ?? s account . Is that correct ? Thanks , MAC NUM From : Hayslip , Victor [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Wednesday , August NUM , NUM 3:57 PM To : Hudson , Terri Subject : RE : NUM Beneficiary Margaret Lorraine Hayslip dob 5/6/98 NUM Vic Hayslip Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM EMAIL NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : EMAIL [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Wednesday , August NUM , NUM 3:50 PM To : Hayslip , Victor Subject : NUM Beneficiary Importance : High Vic , I wanted to follow up with you on a few items . My understanding is you may be changing the beneficiary on the NUM plan currently set up with Lee as the beneficiary . To get this process going I will need some information to prepare the paperwork . Please provide the following : New Beneficiary 's Name SSN DOB Driver 's License with expiration date & state ( if applicable ) Will the entire NUM account be transferred to the new beneficiary Thanks , Terri Hudson Registered Client Associate Direct : NUM Toll Free : NUM Fax : NUM Mailing Address : PO Box NUM Birmingham , AL NUM Physical Address : NUM Office Park Drive Birmingham , AL NUM MAC NUM |
1 | Terri Hudson Registered Client Associate Direct : 205-877-5894 Toll Free : 1-800-847-6002 Fax : 205-877-5909 Mailing Address : PO Box 830714 Birmingham , AL 35282-8849 Physical Address : 100 Office Park Drive Birmingham , AL 35223 |
0 | Please be aware that all Daybreak facilities in your area will be receiving an email SURVEY for them to complete and send back to us over the next week . The survey will be asking the Administrator AND Director of Nursing about our services , client relations , reports , etc. . If you are called by a Daybreak customer , please be aware that we are doing this . Thanks ! |
1 | Kathy McFarland Director of Corporate Accounts Southwest Region 2700 Research Drive Suite 200 Plano , Texas 75074 800.843.9729 x3501 972.468.3501 Direct 972.468.3576 Fax |
0 | Where are they getting this NUM minutes for the hearing from ? _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | Brent D. Hitson Attorney at Law Direct : ( 205 ) 458-5391 Main : ( 205 ) 251-3000 Fax : ( 205 ) 244-5649 420 North 20th Street , Suite 3400 Birmingham , Alabama 35203 < > |
0 | Forefield Newsletter August NUM Talking to Your Child about College Expectations If you ' re the parent of a high school student , it 's never been more important to have a grown-up conversation with your child about college expectations . While every family is different , a frank discussion should help both parties get on the same page . Talking points can include costs , grades , and course of study . More Details Medicare and Medicaid : Do You Know the Difference ? Medicare and Medicaid are similar-sounding programs that are easily confused , but these government-run health-care programs are quite different . Here 's a look at the coverage each provides . More Details All about Indices Do you know how an index works , and why understanding the nuts and bolts of a specific index can make a difference to your portfolio ? More Details I 'm buying a laptop online -- will I have to pay sales tax ? Whether or not you owe sales tax on an online purchase depends on a number of factors , including whether the online company that you ' re purchasing your goods from has a substantial presence in your state . More Details Can I deduct state sales tax on my federal income tax return ? Individuals who itemize deductions on Schedule A of Form NUM in NUM can elect to deduct state and local general sales tax in lieu of deducting state and local income tax . More Details Refer a friend The information contained in this material is being provided for general education purposes and with the understanding that it is not intended to be used or interpreted as specific legal , tax or investment advice . It does not address or account for your individual investor circumstances . Investment decisions should always be made based on your specific financial needs and objectives , goals , time horizon and risk tolerance . The information contained in this communication , i |
1 | Ameriprise Financial Robert T. Watral , CFP ® , CMFC ® , CDFA ® Financial Advisor 3600 Glenwood Avenue Suite 130 Raleigh , NC 27612 919-227-3186 888-338-4559 [email protected] |
0 | From : Life Sciences [ EMAIL On Behalf Of EMAIL Sent : Thursday , October NUM , NUM 12:56 PM To : EMAIL Subject : [ GPSEG-Life-Sciences ] POLL : Need your NUM min . input : December Life Sciences subgroup planning meeting NUM Dear GPSEG Life Sciences subgroup members , I recently announced at our last subgroup meeting that we will be moving our NUM annual planning meeting from January to December in order to : NUM ) accomodate an exciting joint meeting with Supply Chain in January , NUM ) get further ahead of the planning curve , and NUM ) avoid the usually more nasty January weather . ( you may recall last year we were snowed out of having our meeting .... ) So , this year we will have the annual planning meeting in December . The planning meeting is YOUR opportunity to impact our direction , topics , speakers , and venues . We ALWAYS sell out this meeting , so I would like to make sure to pick a good time in December , so we sell it out again , and so we plan for enough capacity that anyone who wants to give input can join us . In order to maximize participation at this important planning meeting , I need your input on NUM short questions . This should only take NUM minute , maybe NUM . Please send me your replies to the following questions : NUM ) Which week in December would be best for you to attend : Week of Dec. . NUM , Week of Dec. . NUM , or Week of Dec. . NUM ? NUM ) Which day of the week would be best : Tues , Weds , Thurs , Fri ? NUM ) Would you prefer a morning planning session from 7:30 am - 9:30 am or an evening session from NUM to NUM ? Please send your replies by Sunday October NUM . I will compile the results and announce the planning meeting date and time , so you can save the date on your calendars . Thank you ! Look forward to a really great rest of the year and a great start to NUM !!! Kind Regards , Ellen |
1 | Ellen M. Derrico , MBA Chair , GPSEG Life Sciences Subgroup ( < > ) Marketing Executive - Life Sciences Committed to improving quality of life and saving lives 1316 Vale Drive West Chester , PA 19382 USA Work : 610-793-9749 Mobile : 610-203-9492 Fax : 509-277-8216 Email : [email protected] GPSEG Bio : Linked In Profile : Naymz Profile : |
0 | can we get something out today ? conf call to discuss ? _____ From : Walker Stewart [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Monday , August NUM , NUM 3:55 PM To : Harris Butler ; EMAIL Cc : EMAIL Paul Falabella ; Leigh Redford Subject : RE : NUM day ED Va objecton rule I was actually just working on these , but did n't know about the NUM day rule . We definitely have several objections . _____ From : Harris Butler [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Monday , August NUM , NUM 3:51 PM To : EMAIL Walker Stewart Cc : EMAIL EMAIL Paul Falabella ; Leigh Redford Subject : NUM day ED Va objecton rule Importance : High Vic , Walker , all - if we have discovery objections to Defs ' written discovery , we need to get those over to defense counsel TODAY as we have an ED Va local rule that requires objections w/in NUM days - not NUM on service of responses . With NUM day mail rule , we have that calendared as today . Meant to get this to you earlier but Leigh just reminded me . Also , talked Friday with Marshall about mediation . He wants me to run it by Chuck . I can give you an update . Let me know about objections ! thanks , Harris This email is protected by attorney-client privilege and as attorney work-product and is for the intended recipient only . Receipt of this electronic transmission by any person other than the intended recipient is inadvertent and not intended as a waiver of any applicable privilege . Unauthorized use or distribution is prohibited and may be unlawful . |
1 | Harris D. Butler , III Butler Williams & Skilling , P.C. 100 Shockoe Slip , Fourth Floor Richmond , Virginia 23219 ( 804 ) 648-4848 Telephone ( 804 ) 648-6814 Facsimile < blocked::blocked::mailto:[email protected] > [email protected] < blocked : : blocked : : > |
0 | From : Job Posting Leads [ EMAIL On Behalf Of GigiJK Sent : Monday , March NUM , NUM 10:38 PM To : EMAIL Subject : [ GPSEG-Job-Posting-Leads ] Operations Manager position in Philadelphia . Total compensation up to $ NUM + Benefits Summary : Position Title : Operations manager Location : 1913x/Philadelpha Total Compensation : $ 75k - $ 100k including bonus + generous benefits Relocation Available : No Description Talentoid ( URL < URL > ) is retained by NUM of our clients in Philadelphia area for the following confidential Search . Our Client , a successful machine shop in operation nearly NUM years , is seeking a hands-on , take charge individual with the desire and ability to run the shop floor as though the company was his or her own company . The current owner started his career on the shop floor and grew to be running a major division of a corporate machine shop . NUM years ago he made the decision to purchase this machine shop and has not looked back . He is well financed , but forces the business to pay for its own growth . He has installed new equipment , processes including ISO NUM and has focused on a few select industries-most specifically aerospace and has been identified as a NUM tier supplier by multiple customers . The organization is now entering a major growth stage with more than a NUM month backlog that needs ' someone to cut it in half . If you ' ve always dreamed of a better way to do things , want to run the shop floor like it 's your own , have the training and ability inspire employees , beat deadlines , drive profitability and be a key player in a small , but growing organization , apply now . Responsibilities The Operations Manager will report to the company President and supervise all production employees to achieve the successful and profitable completion of our customer 's orders . The Operations Manager is responsible for our customer 's orders from the point that they are awarded , through production , up to and including shipping . Manage all aspects of shop operations as an owner would do . Experience * Minimum of NUM years of hands on management or supervisory experience in a CNC or Conventional machine shop environment . * Experience machining a wide variety of Alloys and non-metallic materials to Aerospace tolerances . * Strong leadership skills with successful history of setting goals and leading a diverse team . * strong interpersonal , communication ( written and verbal ) skills , and supervision skills including hiring , motivating , performance feedback , assessment , and discipline . * Able to manage multiple priorities , and adapt to stressful and/or changing situations . * Knowledge of production scheduling and shop procedures as well as knowledge of production/manufacturing methods , process . * Knowledge of CNC and Conventional manufacturing methods , techniques and related equipment . * Experience managing in an ISO NUM Quality Management System and/or Familiarity with AS NUM Quality Management Systems . Education : Degree in Manufacturing and or Mechanical Engineering How to Apply : Please visit URL Top of Form About Talentoid : Talentoid is a talent acquisition services firm head quartered in King Of Prussia , providing end-to-end enterprise level talent acquisition services comprised of tools , process , people and services at a phenomenally low price of $ NUM . For companies with multiple positions to fill , we also offer a cost effective monthly plan with unlimited requisitions . For more details , please visit URL < URL > Bottom of Form Stay Connected !! Best Regards Profile : < URL > URL < URL > URL --------------------------------------------------- < URL > URL . We help you to find your next employee at $ NUM . No other fees . Confidentiality Notice : The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments may be legally privileged and confidential . If you are not an intended recipient , you are hereby notified that any dissemination , distribution or copying of this e-mail is strictly prohibited . If you have received this e-mail in error , please notify the sender and permanently delete the e-mail and any attachments immediately . You should not retain , copy or use this e-mail or any attachment for any purpose , nor disclose all or any part of the contents to any other person . Thank you . |
1 | Gigi J Kizhakkechethipuzha CEO TALENTOID , A division of GAMI LLC < > Cell :484.994.9425 \ Google Voice :484.312.0455 < > twitter \ gtalk \ skype \ yahoo \ aim \ < > facebook \ orkut : gigijk |
0 | Dear Mandeep , Greetings for the day !! Enclosed ..... ... With Best Regards , |
1 | Devashish Vyas Brand Manager Porsche Centre Ahmedabad Bhaskar House Plot No . 280 S.G.Road . Ahmedabad - 380 015 Phone - +91 814 000 9911 Mobile - +91 971 410 6911 Email - [email protected] Website - |
0 | Need NUM for 8:50 tomorrow . Sent from my iPhone On Jun NUM , NUM , at 8:51 PM , EMAIL wrote : > sat-kaiser , ho , chip , kane , sherr , waks , wolf > sun-ho , dash , randy , kane > mon = chip , dash rj , kane , smith , hanman , wolf , tony > > ----- Original Message ----- > From : cdkurtzman < EMAIL > > To : cdkurtzman < EMAIL > ; MCK386 < EMAIL > ; mfreed < EMAIL > ; fmfeder < EMAIL > ; tkosloff < EMAIL > ; mt0323 < EMAIL > ; evidencehr < EMAIL > ; URL < EMAIL > ; wal < EMAIL > ; pplotnick < EMAIL > ; arthurstern < EMAIL > ; ajoffe < EMAIL > ; rgreen < EMAIL > ; stephen < EMAIL > ; tlevy < EMAIL > ; jjoseph < EMAIL > ; seraynes < EMAIL > ; pharmaster < EMAIL > ; drdanmd < EMAIL > ; rwaks < EMAIL > ; littmanmatt < EMAIL > ; ihantman < EMAIL > ; maxelrod < EMAIL > ; gveloric < EMAIL > ; ram < EMAIL > > Cc : KaiserRick < EMAIL > ; YPERS < EMAIL > ; tsherr < EMAIL > ; stuart < EMAIL > ; stewart < EMAIL > ; sselarnick < EMAIL > ; roncan < EMAIL > ; Rmtt23 < EMAIL > ; RDMINSURER < EMAIL > ; randy |
1 | Brian Snyder 610-659-8088 [email protected] |
0 | This email contains confidential information intended only for the use of the addressee identified above . If you are not the addressee , any copying , distribution or disclosure of the contents hereof is prohibited . If you have received this transmission in error , kindly notify us by telephone immediately so that we can make arrangements for the return or destruction of this transmission . |
1 | Christine Manga , Paralegal at Joseph T. Bambrick , Jr. , Esquire 529 Reading Avenue West Reading , PA 19611 610-372-6400 610-372-9483 ( fax ) |
0 | We are send your delivery . Can you please send over your cc authorization . Thanks . Rocco |
1 | Rocco Palumbo Crenshaw Lumber Company 1860 West 166th Street Gardena , California 90247 Cell 310-748-7521 Office 310-323-1337 Fax 310-715-8444 [email protected] |
0 | FYI : NN10018058 is with the log files for the SPT I created yesterday . Sorry , I do n't have the number handy . ----- Original Message ----- From : Jason Bessette Sent : 07/15/2011 12:05 PM EDT To : ATT_SEAC_LAI_SUPPORT Subject : Fw : Spot Errors All , See the note below from Martene . This appears to be bad content from Houston . Joe is flying back , so we do n't currently have a presence in Mission . Can we have support open up a ticket and follow-up with Martene ? Thanks , Jason ----- Forwarded by Jason Bessette/SeaChange International on 07/15/2011 12:00 PM ----- ----- Original Message ----- From : " MICHAEL , MARTINE E ( ATTIS ) " [ EMAIL Sent : 07/15/2011 01:11 PM GMT To : Joseph Robillard Cc : " Jeremy P. Williamson " < EMAIL > ; " FUENTES , CYNTHIA M ( ATTSI ) " < EMAIL > ; " NARAYANAN , PREMAN ( ATTSI ) " < EMAIL > Subject : Spot Errors Hey Joe - I 'm getting the " Session Playback Suspect " error on NUM spots in Houston . The last several times I got this error it was an incorrect resolution . I checked the resolution via MediaInfo and they are correct . What else can I do to identify the issue with these spots ? NN70011323 NN70013588 NN70015795 I also continue to get a Decode Error on NN10018058 which is playing hundreds of times today and impacting the run rate in Houston . Martine Michael AT&T Ad Insertion Operations Mission , Kansas NUM |
1 | Joseph Robillard Email : [email protected] Cell : ( 978 ) 808-0317 |
0 | Will do . Also , Brian Gaintner called me back this morning and we discussed Starwood developing a term sheet for the project based on the new Starwood fund criteria so we can have a discussion piece . Brian asked if you were willing to wait for the next round of funding and I said that we wanted to explore and discuss terms so we could be comfortable in making a decision to wait and not pursue other options . He agreed then that next steps would be for him and Mike Forsum to work on a term sheet and develop back early next week and we could schedule a conference call with all parties later next week to discuss thoroughly . I said that would be fair and I told them I would advise you of that . This was a positive step with Starwood . I believe Starwood Land was handcuffed by their overseer due to the capital allocation game being played over the last NUM days . It has been clear that Forsum likes the project from my discussions with him and I think getting NUM in line for the next allocation with allow him to consider an upsized investment which this is for them . J.W. From : Bill Paine [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 3:05 PM To : J.W. Clements ; ' Bill Rheinschild ' Subject : RE : $ NUM NUM Equity Investment Sought ; NUM Residential Lot Development in Portola Hills , CA JW – I discussed the proposed investment with Joe Fahey last month through an introduction from NUM of Lubert-Adler ’s partners . Joe stated that this was not a fit for the company but I encourage you to pursue this to obtain a response . Thanks ! Bill Paine Volant Realty Partners , Inc. . NUM Via Oporto Suite NUM Newport Beach , CA . NUM O NUM F NUM EMAIL NOTICE : The information contained in this electronic mail and any accompanying attachment ( s ) is intended only for the use of the intended recipient and may be confidential and/or privileged . If any reader of this communication is not the intended recipient , unauthorized use , disclosure or copying is strictly prohibited , and may be unlawful . If you have received this communication in error , please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail , and delete the original message and all copies from your system . Thank you . From : J.W. Clements [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 6:57 AM To : ' Bill Rheinschild ' ; Bill Paine Subject : FW : $ NUM NUM Equity Investment Sought ; NUM Residential Lot Development in Portola Hills , CA Good morning . Will follow-up with Starwood today re : my recent ask for a term sheet for September . Also suggested a direct call with you today/Monday to review where we are , they are . Note below to Lubert-Adler as I mentioned yesterday . They are based in Philly and primarily do commercial investments . I recently sent them a proposal on a resort development in the Caribbean . A Cornell buddy of mine in San Diego suggested that I connect with them for your project and had a West Coast name of Joe Fahey referred through Buchanan Street . Will let you know the response . Left a message and sent an e-mail to Diane Belcher at Stratford Land with cc to Kevin Watson ( President ) . They have n't told me this is too large , said they saw the deal earlier this year , but Diane now not responding to me . Jon Klein at Fortress returned my message on Thursday last week but was on vacation . We planned to speak on Monday and I have been following up since . Asked what his availability might be today . J.W. J.W. Clements Clements Capital , LLC NUM College Avenue Swarthmore , PA NUM Work # NUM Cell # NUM Fax # NUM E-Mail : EMAIL From : J.W. Clements [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 9:49 AM To : Joseph Fahey ( EMAIL ) Subject : $ NUM NUM Equity Investment Sought ; NUM Residential Lot Development in Portola Hills , CA Joseph , I have a client that is acquiring a land development tract for $ NUM NUM and is seeking an equity partner investment of $ NUM NUM . Very attractive location close to Irvine , CA . Developer , seller , and equity partner |
1 | J.W. Clements Clements Capital , LLC 8 College Avenue Swarthmore , PA 19081 Work # 484-461-5600 Cell # 267-255-1325 Fax # 866-702-8191 E-Mail : [email protected] |
0 | I had a request to move the call to 10:30 . Please accept that invitation . I must have done something wrong when pulling back the NUM NUM . From : Mike McGovern [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 2:27 PM To : Michael Gatley Cc : Sean Madison ; EMAIL Keith Hadley ; Jay Clark ; Scott Wisotzke Subject : Re : Norfolk Southern Rail Road Importance : High Hi Michael , I received NUM call-in times .... I assume we are set for the email received indicating 10:30 .... correct ? Mike McGovern McGovern & Associates , Inc. . P.O. Box NUM Atlanta , GA NUM Phone : NUM Fax NUM NUM NUM Cell : NUM EMAIL On Jul NUM , NUM , at 2:03 PM , Michael Gatley wrote : When : Monday , July NUM , NUM 10:30 AM-11 NUM AM ( GMT-05 NUM ) Eastern Time ( US & Canada ) . Where : Transcat Bridge : NUM Access Code : NUM Note : The GMT offset above does not reflect daylight saving time adjustments . * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * Team , The purpose of this call will be : |
1 | Michael Gatley Business Development Manager Transcat Calibration and Repair Services • Test and Measurement Instruments 35 Vantage Point Drive • Rochester , New York 14624 < > Ph : 800.828.1470 x : 3217 Fx : 800.395.0543 [email protected] < mailto:[email protected] > < > |
1 | MaryLee Terpstra , Tax Appeal Paralegal Schneck Law Group LLC 301 South Livingston Avenue | Suite 105 | Livingston , NJ 07039 P 973.533.9300 ext. . 224 | F 973.533.9301 | [email protected] < mailto:[email protected] > < > |
0 | Jeff/Andrew : Kristin is checking into number of tickets sold . This is something we might want to explore for home games - transportation to Jets Games w/tickets , wine , etc. . Although we would need to see restrictions for wine on the buses . A couple of key questions : Could we have a Jets Uncorked Tailgate area ? What type of ticket allocation is there for home games ? Begin forwarded message : From : " Girard Winery " < EMAIL > Date : July NUM , NUM 10:04:40 PM EDT To : Diane Karle < EMAIL > Subject : Giants Tickets : Going ... Going ... Reply-To : EMAIL Giants Tickets are Going ... Going ... | Buy Tickets Online < URL > If you are having trouble viewing this email , click here to view online . < URL > Girard Winery Napa Valley < URL > Giants < URL > Do n't miss your change to join us at AT&T Park to witness the SF Giants crush the |
1 | Diane Karle Wine by Design | Elevating the Wine Experience c : 707.364.5157 b : 707.251.3998 [email protected] |
0 | George , I am ready to review when you are , but would like to review from the Hyundai red line . Thanks . John 9/22/11 From : Taylor , III , George M. [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Wednesday , September NUM , NUM 7:01 PM To : John Lucas Cc : Baker , Judy ; Lang , Janet Subject : Schilleci Property Lease Here is a red-line against the existing Hyundai Lease . Have had trouble finding a document number for the existing Honda lease but will check the file in the morning . If you have ready access to the Honda Lease document number , please send it to me and that will speed my response . _____ From : John Lucas [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Wednesday , September NUM , NUM 5:50 PM To : Taylor , III , George M. Cc : Baker , Judy ; Lang , Janet Subject : RE : Schilleci Property Lease George , please also red line it against the Tameron Properties Hoover LLC lease agreement . Thanks . John 9/21/11 A. John Lucas Tameron Automotive Group EMAIL Office : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM From : Lang , Janet [ mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Taylor , III , George M. Sent : Wednesday , September NUM , NUM 5:24 PM To : John Lucas Cc : Baker , Judy ; Lang , Janet ; Taylor , III , George M. Subject : Schilleci Property Lease John , Enclosed is a draft of the proposed lease for the Schilleci property . This is based largely on the lease that is currently in effect for Acura of Memphis . ( In order to speed your review , I have enclosed a document comparison with the Memphis lease . ) Note that I have highlighted the definition of Cap Rate , where we need to make a decision on pricing . Also , note that the financial covenants are the same as for Memphis and Jackson and will probably need to be modified for the Hyundai dealership . Let me know what you think . George George M. Taylor III Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT The information contained in this email is intended for the individual or entity above . This email is protected by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act , NUM U.S.C. Sections NUM and is legally protected by the attorney/client privilege and/or work product doctrine . If you are not the intended recipient , please do not read , copy , use , forward or disclose this communication to others ; also , please notify the sender by replying to this message , and then delete this message from your system . Thank you . Circular NUM Notice - Regulations adopted by the Internal Revenue Service require us to inform you that any federal tax advice contained in this communication ( including attachments ) ( I ) is not intended or written by Burr & Forman LLP to be used , and can not be used , by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer , and ( II ) is not written to support the promotion or marketing of any transaction ( s ) or matter ( s ) addressed in this communication . |
1 | A. John Lucas Tameron Automotive Group [email protected] Office : ( 205 ) 443-7701 Fax : ( 205 ) 443-7798 |
0 | Hi Michelle Hope you are well I have not spoken to you for a while - i hope you are not to frantic . I am shooting a story for i-D with the photographer Amy Troost . It is a main fashion story and is a character story on new faces - basically a celebration of the new diverse girls who are hotly tipped to have a great season and everyone is talking about . I was wondering if this is something you would be interested in casting as would love to get you involved . We are planning on shooting around the NUM . Completely understand if you are too snowed under . Would be lovely to catch up soon Best Clare x |
1 | Clare Richardson uk - +447880565629 us - +16462709802 |
0 | From : " Guo Lihui " < EMAIL > Date : Tue , NUM Jul NUM 16:59:44 NUM To : < EMAIL > Subject : 答复 : LDK Quote for Q1 NUM Hi Chris , It ’s great ! Is it a firm commitment ? Can you also provide me the shipment schedule ? Regards ! Li 发件人 : Chris Darbyshire [ mailto:[email protected]] 发送时间 : 2011年7月5日 14:42 收件人 : Guo Lihui 主题 : LDK Quote for Q1 NUM Hi Li , As we discussed yesterday we are bidding on a 30Mw deal for Q1-Q2 next year . We need the pricing to be from LDK ( entire BoM including the cells ) to be about $ NUM , can LDK commit to that ? We need this to be a bankable product , your warranty extends to them and it will be labelled as an LDK product , built by Eclipsall . I ca n’t wait for InterSolar for an answer , in fact we need to move fast as in the next couple of days . Chris Darbyshire Vice President Global Procurement and Supply Chain Eclipsall Energy Corporation NUM |
1 | Chris Darbyshire VP Global Procurement and Supply Chain 416-230-4270 |
0 | Have informed Sasktel accordingly . Awaiting their response . From : Cheryl Brown [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 1:29 PM To : OM Access ; voice Cc : Len Crosbie ; Les Bagan Subject : RE : NUM Commercial Line Hunt Order : Mitchell Developments DD July NUM Hi Shirley , Our client has just spoken to their Sasktel Rep about this – these are old numbers for businesses that have already moved out and are no longer required and are no longer on their key system . The rep is supposed to be updating the information accordingly now so hopefully if you re-send this that info will be corrected on their side by now . Fingers crossed !! Thanks Cheryl From : OM Access [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Friday , July NUM , NUM 10:46 AM To : Cheryl Brown ; voice Cc : OM Access Subject : NUM Commercial Line Hunt Order : Mitchell Developments DD July NUM Hi Cheryl , Herewith the response from Sasktel The customer has multi - key sets and there are number terminating on the centrex trunk that are not request with your Pon . We would like to know if the customer wants to disc these tn 's or set them up as prime ? I show NUM different tn 's terminating on the key system ? If you can give me some direction on these numbers I will be able to confirm your request ” Awaiting your response Shirley Perera Order Manager Allstream EMAIL Tel. . ( NUM ) NUM NUM From : Cheryl Brown |
1 | Shirley Perera Order Manager Allstream [email protected] Tel. . ( 416 ) 644 9741 |
0 | Thanks , |
1 | Lacey L. Herron Receptionist Advance Products & Systems Office : ( 337 ) 233-6116 Fax : ( 337 ) 233-6996 Email : [email protected] ISO 9001 : 2008 Registered |
0 | Programming completed in the GSP-Cur . Best regards , From : James , Eleonora Andrea Sent : Tuesday , July NUM , NUM 5:41 PM To : Antersijn , Yvette R. ; Arrundell , Michanou ; Barbara , Marcia ; BCS Account Managers ; REVENUE ASSURANCE ; Cannegieter , Etienne G ; Chabinath , Ranvier ; Cocks , Leo ; de Wind , Erlyson ; Dorothal , Jacqueline ; Eliazer , Coraline ; Floranus , Maydrith ; Gaari , Michael ; Gregoria , Cassius ; Hato , Eithel ; Hodge-Rogers , Marcia ; IT BMP ; Juan Pedro , Leonardo ; Kramers , Andrew ; Kuwas , Rochelly ; Laurens , Clemens ; Leolina , Janice ; Linzey , Omalis ; Luijando , Exi ; Magdeleine , Kathia ; Marten , Raymond ; Martina , Lesley ; Metry , Faisal ; Montesant , Marc ; Montonjo , Valesca ; Montroos , Nydia ; Nahr , Ilienne ; Offerman , Shairon ; Osepa , Elfride ; Petrona , Frensel M ; Petrona , Norwin ; Pieter , Grensley ; Ramazan , Etsaida ; Wal , Raquel ; Rekwest , Jane ; BCS Sales & Support ; Scharbaai , Francis ; SPCS ; Switching ; TSA ; van den Berg , Andrew ; VAS ; Wireless ; Provence , Mary ; Henriquez , Carla ; NMC ; Sling , Gisella ; Liberia , Niels ; Millian , Amaryllis ; Hortencia , Daiveny ; Pricing Subject : Memo Order NUM Aero code in Canada All , Please find attached Memo Order NUM . Regards , Andrea James This electronic message contains information from UTS which may be privileged and confidential . The information is intended to be for the use of the individual ( s ) or entity named above . If you are not the intended recipient , |
1 | Marc A. Montesant United Telecommunication Services Engineer Switching O : +599 -9 -7771835 M : +599 -9 -5131937 |
0 | Gwabbit Sales , I would like to attain pricing quotation for NUM users for our existing Blackberry Server for Microsoft Exchange environment . Please contact me with any questions . Best , No virus found in this message . Checked by AVG - URL Version : NUM / Virus Database : NUM - Release Date : 10/18/11 This e-mail message is for the sole use of the intended recipient ( s ) and may contain confidential and privileged information . Any unauthorized review , use , disclosure or distribution is prohibited . If you are not the intended recipient , please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message . |
1 | Jason Shrack | Manager , IT Operations | Cell Therapeutics , Inc. . ( CTI ) 501 Elliott Ave W , Ste 400 , Seattle , WA 98119 USA | Phone ( ( 206 ) 282-7100 | Phone ( Direct ) ( ( 206 ) 272-4331 | Fax 4 ( 866 ) 660-8959 | E-mail : * [email protected] |
0 | Perfect ! Go ahead and have them do that tomorrow . Thanks , Josh From : Mills , Gail [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 5:24 PM To : Lynch , Josh ; Breland , David H. Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel Yes , we can send someone to the Courthouse -- we just happen to have an office in Mobile . Gail Livingston Mills Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Lynch , Josh [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 4:19 PM To : Breland , David H. ; Mills , Gail Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel David , The Mobile property had a Lis Pendens show up in title . The borrower provided the attached release evidencing that the case was dismissed , but the title company would like to record this . Can someone at your firm get us a certified copy from the Circuit Court so we can provide to the title company for recording ? Thanks , Josh Joshua A. Lynch | Alston & Bird LLP NUM West Peachtree | Atlanta , GA NUM NUM direct NUM fax EMAIL From : Breland , David H. [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 2:26 PM To : Mills , Gail ; Lynch , Josh Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel Attached are clean and redlined copies of the mortgage which was modified from the DSD form attached to the email to Gail . Please let me know if you need anything else . David H. Breland Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Mills , Gail Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 11:06 AM To : ' Lynch , Josh ' Cc : Breland , David H. Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel If it is ebilled , then Wells Fargo needs to get us a billing number . The Loan officer has an internal form that they will fill out and send it to their legal department . Their legal department will approve it and sends it back to the loan officer and we get it from him/her . We do a lot of work for WellsFargo , this should not be an issue . Gail Livingston Mills Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Lynch , Josh [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 10:52 AM To : Mills , Gail Cc : Breland , David H. Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel Let me confirm . Josh Joshua A. Lynch | Alston & Bird LLP NUM West Peachtree | Atlanta , GA NUM NUM direct NUM fax EMAIL From : Mills , Gail [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 11:52 AM To : Lynch , Josh Cc : Breland , David H. Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel Special Assets Dept. . in Atlanta ? Gail Livingston Mills Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Lynch , Josh [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 10:48 AM To : Mills , Gail Cc : Breland , David H. Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel Wells Fargo . Let me check on options NUM and NUM . Josh Joshua A. Lynch | Alston & Bird LLP NUM West Peachtree | Atlanta , GA NUM NUM direct NUM fax EMAIL From : Mills , Gail [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 11:37 AM To : Lynch , Josh Cc : Breland , David H. Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel David Breland is going to handle this and will send you a mortgage as soon as he can . Mortgage tax will be due , we just have to determine on what amount . There are NUM options : NUM . Pay it on the full $ NUM mm ( $ NUM ) and then the property secured the entire amount . NUM . Put on statement on the face of the Mortgage that says " Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary , the maximum principal indebtedness secured hereby will not exceed [ $ NUM ] [ or some higher number if you want a cushion ] . The probate office will accept a tax on the amount that it set forth in the legend ( $ NUM / $ NUM ) . NUM . Get a revenue ruling from the Department of Revenue that allocates the tax based upon the value that the Alabama property bears to all the collateral . The legal fees in getting this done and time delays may make this not very practical , but we can do it if you want . Options NUM or NUM are the best . I need to get a file set up for this , is it being billed directly to Wells under billing or is the Borrower 's paying at closing ? Gail Livingston Mills Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Lynch , Josh [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 10:23 AM To : Mills , Gail Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel Thank you ! Also â ?? have you figured out the intangible tax issue ? Josh Joshua A. Lynch | Alston & Bird LLP NUM West Peachtree | Atlanta , GA NUM NUM direct NUM fax EMAIL From : Mills , Gail [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 11:24 AM To : Lynch , Josh Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel I will find someone to do it . Gail Livingston Mills Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Lynch , Josh [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Thursday , August NUM , NUM 9:46 AM To : Mills , Gail Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel Gail â ?? How are your comments coming to the deed to secure debt ? We need to get your comments today . Apparently there is a tolling agreement that expires tomorrow and they want all documents signed by this evening/tomorrow morning . Is this going to create a problem for you ? I am sorry to put the pressure on , but this is the NUM I have heard of this deadline . Josh Joshua A. Lynch | Alston & Bird LLP NUM West Peachtree | Atlanta , GA NUM NUM direct NUM fax EMAIL From : Mills , Gail [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Monday , August NUM , NUM 2:50 PM To : Lynch , Josh Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel I can not do it today , but I could tomorrow morning after 19:30 CST , I am sorry , I am frantic to get a contract to a client . Gail Livingston Mills Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Lynch , Josh [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Monday , August NUM , NUM 12:52 PM To : Mills , Gail Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel Great . Are you free this afternoon to have a quick call to discuss ? I have a call at 4EST , but otherwise I am available . Joshua A. Lynch | Alston & Bird LLP NUM West Peachtree | Atlanta , GA NUM NUM direct NUM fax EMAIL From : Mills , Gail [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Monday , August NUM , NUM 12:17 PM To : Lynch , Josh Subject : RE : Alabama Local Counsel Yes , I am sure we can help . Be glad to . Gail Livingston Mills Attorney at Law Direct : ( NUM ) NUM Cell : ( NUM ) NUM Main : ( NUM ) NUM Fax : ( NUM ) NUM NUM North NUM Street , Suite NUM Birmingham , Alabama NUM < URL > URL _____ CONFIDENTIAL : ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGED ; ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT All previous disclaimers apply to this message as well . To see a full list of disclaimers that apply to email from URL visit : URL . _____ From : Lynch , Josh [ mailto:[email protected]] Sent : Monday , August NUM , NUM 11:10 AM To : Mills , Gail Subject : Alabama Local Counsel Gail , I got your contact info from Drew Allen and Sean Reynolds in my office . I am helping a few litigators in my office negotiate a settlement agreement on behalf of Wells Fargo related to a defaulted loan . The settlement agreement will be secured by NUM pieces of property located in Georgia and NUM piece of property located in Mobile , Alabama . I have drafted a form of deed to secure debt for the Georgia properties , but I need local counsel to conform that deed to secure debt into an Alabama mortgage and provide us with advice on Alabama intangibles tax . Are you available to assist ? Thanks , Josh Joshua A. Lynch | Alston & Bird LLP NUM West Peachtree | Atlanta , GA NUM NUM direct NUM fax EMAIL ******************************************************* IRS Circular NUM disclosure : To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS and other taxing authorities , we inform you that any tax advice contained in this communication ( including any attachments ) is not intended or written to be used , and can not be used , for the purpose of ( i ) avoiding penalties that may be imposed on any taxpayer or ( ii ) promoting , marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein . ______________________________________________________ NOTICE : This e-mail message and all attachments transmitted with it may contain legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for the use of the addressee . 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1 | Joshua A. Lynch | Alston & Bird LLP 1201 West Peachtree | Atlanta , GA 30309 404.881.4669 direct 404.253.8769 fax [email protected] |
0 | Keith , when we started talking about salesforce/Engage integration , there was a mention of a tab within salesforce . I just noticed that there is option to add this tab . Can we make this say Spark ( Our internal branding for salesforce/Engage integration ? Is this page customizable ? |
1 | John Chamberlain Market Research Project Manager Local Admin T 713.362.7475 C 832.264.5098 E [email protected] |
0 | Gentlemen , Attached please find the report of Jeff Woods and myself . Please let me know if you have any questions . Have a nice weekend . ** Reason for delay are final Intel APAC numbers sent in last night . Best Regards , |
1 | Ravi Dosanjh Director Global Sales NNR Global Logistics USA Inc. . Direct - ( 650 ) 588-8744 Mobile - ( 510 ) 967-7284 E-mail - [email protected] |
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