YouTube: Neo (Matrix) vs Robocop
Have you watch the fight between Terminator and Robocop yet? If not, you can watch ithere.And this is another video about Robocop fights with Neo (Matrix). I really enjoy this video. And guess who will win? He3.Direct Download[tags]neo, robocop, youtube, video, matrix[/tags]
Firefox 2 – 30 Downloads per Second
Is this a record? 2 million downloads in a day which means about 30 downloads per each second. That is really amazing.What an amazing week it’s been. In just the first 24 hours, there were more than 2 million people using the new Firefox 2 browser. We were seeing downloads as high as 30 per second. 30 per second!!! Wow. –Spread FirefoxHave you upgrade your Firefox yet? I have installed this new version and I don’t finish yet explore all the new functions but one thing I don’t like with this Firefox 2 is, some of my favourite extensions doesn’t work in this second version. Urgh… 🙁 Right now all incompatible extensions are disable and will enable back when the developers upgrade these extensions to compatible with Firefox 2. [tags]firefox, firefox 2, mozilla, upgrade[/tags][viaBetaNews]
Rainlendar 2 – A customizable desktop calendar
I have using Rainlendar since early 2005 and I really like it features. And now,Rainlendar 2has been released and ready to download.For those who doesn’t know what is Rainlendar, Rainlendar is a feature rich calendar application that you can use to manage and organise your daily life with it. There are manyskinsandlanguagesavailable for you to choose from and all of the skins are free.Rainlendar is not only just a calendar, it also included with To-Do Lists and Events. So you can save any important tasks directly on your desktop. It is really useful.For more info, you can visit Rainlendar sitehereor if you wish to download this useful software, you can get it from thedownload page.Cypher:Although there are many major updates in this new version, but you can’t edit as much as you can like in the previous version. In previous version, you are free to edit the skin and the calendar settings and you also can edit the icon used in the calendar events. But I can’t find it in this latest version. 🙁 But anyway, I still like this software. :d[tags]rainlendar, rainlendar 2, software[/tags]
YouTube: System Administrator’s Day song
To all System Administrators, this is a song for you. Hope you guys like it. Lol…Direct Download(change the extension to .flv or it will not work) [tags]youtube, youtubex, video, system administrator[/tags]
WordPress 2.0.5 released
Have you upgrade your WordPress to version 2.0.5 yet? Get the latest stable WordPress version 2.0.5 now at WordPressdownload page. There are about 50 bug fixes which you can check atdev trackerand thanks toMarkfor this latest WordPress version.If you want to upgrade from version WordPress 2.0.4, you don’t need to upload all the files included in the .zip file. You just need to download thisChanged Files Zip(fromWordPress 2.0.5 Upgrade: changed files ZIP, changes diff, changed files list) and upload it to your WordPress installation folder.Be warned! Always make a backup of your database(s) before you proceed to upgrade to the latest version.Cypher:Ehem…they are working on WordPress 2.1. I can’t wait for the next release. He3. [tags]wordpress, wordpress 2.0.5, wordpress upgrade[/tags]
Back from “On Vacation (21st Oct – 29th Oct 2006)”
Hello guys…I have back to UTM. Just arrived actually. So tired. Journey from KL to JB is so tiring. About 5 hours I sit in the bus. 🙁Well this is just a short post. I will start update this website begin tomorrow morning or maybe tonight. And don’t forget to subscribe to mysite feedto get the updates. Till then. See ya later… 🙂
On Vacation (21st Oct – 29th Oct 2006)
There will no updates from today, 21st October till the next Sunday, 29th October 2006. This is because today I will back to my hometown in KL at 4.00 pm by bus. And then tomorrow will “balik kampung” to Penang for Hari Raya. :dSo one week I will away from my comp. Incase you guys are busy or don’t have much time to visit my site, you can subscribe tomy site feedto get latest updates when I back from the vacation.Hope you guys take care and I apologize if I make mistakes or any wrong doing. So Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin… 😉A special wish card for you all (sorry it is in Malay)– Fauzi @ CypherHackz – [tags]malaysia, hari raya, raya, vacation[/tags]
Web 2.0 Logo Creator
Ever wanted to create your own Web 2.0 logo for your website? Try thisWeb 2.0 logo creatorby Alex P. Not only it will create you the Web 2.0 logo, it also will host it on their site.But to improve your site load-up, I recommended you to upload the logo in your website server because it will reduce the times needed to load the image. [tags]web 2.0, logo, web2.0 logo, logo creator[/tags]
Vulnerability found in IE7
Edit:This report is not accurate. For more info, read thisnews. [Thanks toaMer]After few days Microsoft releasedInternet Explorer 7, new vulnerability has been found in this software. This vulnerability can be exploited by malicious people to disclose potentially sensitive information.Secuniahad make a demonstrationtoolwhich is you can check whether your IE7 is vulnerable or not. The test will try to read content from Google News in the context of your browser. This vulnerability is caused by due to an error in handling of redirections for URLs with the “mhtml:” URI handler. And this weak spot can be exploited to access documents served from another web site.Right now, there is no patch for this vulnerability. But for the moment, you can disable active scripting to prevent from this exploit.Cypher:Wondering how much new vulnerabilities will be discovered by “techie” guys… 😕[tags]vulnerable, exploit, ie, ie7, microsoft[/tags]
Optimus Keyboard – End of 2006? But When?
I have wrote anarticleaboutOptimus Keyboardlast year (take note, it was last year – July 23rd 2005) but the article written in Malay. After a long wait, they still not yet announce when will they exact release date for the coolest keyboard. They only stated that it will out this end of 2006 but when?But well, maybe because of theysaid,Wehopeit will be released in 2006.So we also can only hope that it will be released in this 2006 but when the exact date, we don’t know. Anyway, I’m sure there are many peoples want to try and use this LED keyboard. How about you? Do you will buy this modern high-tech keyboard? :)[tags]optimus keyboard, led keyboard, keyboard, led[/tags]
PR 0 website with 2798, 0000 readers?
Note:In this post, I just too curious with what had happen. I didn’t mean to hate or make something bad to the site owner. So forgive me if I did something wrong. 🙂Ok here is the situation. I was shocked when I saw a PR 0 website have 2798K feed readers. The website that I’m talking about ishttp://www.webblogerz.com/It curious me when a website with only PR 0 can have 2798K readers. It is really amazing. Then I make my own investigation. :dFirst, I click on the feed counter and it bring me this page.Of course it will bring you to it’s site feed but I still not satisfy with what I get. Then I go back to the website and right click on the feed counter to check it’s image properties.Tada… I found something that is not correct here. As you can see in the image above, the image location is not from the site feed, but it is fromBoingBoingwebsite.Now I know that it just only a hoax. But how many exactly their feed readers? So with simple trick, I get this.Nah… It actually only have 21 feed readers… Nice trick! 😉 [tags]nice trick, feed readers, feed counter, boingboing[/tags]
Cute Tiny Web 2.0 Icons
Web 2.0 icons fromUtom. I must say that these icons are really cute. What do you think? You can download this icon packHERE. [tags]web 2.0, icons, web icons, icon pack[/tags]
BlogDesk – Your Desktop Blogging Client
What kind of software that you use to publish posts on your website? Login to admin panel and post from there or you use weblog client software? If you use weblog client, what client that you use?I personally useBlogDesk. BlogDesk is not only free but it have many extra features. Beside it is easy to use, BlogDesk also can edit the images that you want to upload to your server.The simple interface is suitable even for unexperienced users.Intuitive WYSIWYG Editor instead of complicated HTML Tags. Of course you can edit the tags if you prefer to.Easy image inserting and editing. The files are uploaded by BlogDesk, no extra work is needed.Automatic thumbnail handling.Everything can be done offline and saved for later editing. You only have to be online a few seconds to finally publish your new weblog entry.Integrated spell checker with dictionaries for 14 languages.Features like Notebook, Frequently-Used-Phrases and the Technorati-Tags-Generator relieve you from time wasting and recurring tasks.Publish to multiple weblogs on different servers with one click.Default settings can be saved as templates.Keep local copies of your posts.I really recommended it to all bloggers out there. Use this software if you want to publish posts on your site. You can download it for free here,Download. It is reall useful blogging tool… 🙂 [tags]blogdesk, blogging client, desktop client[/tags]
Sorry for no updates yesterday
Sorry because there are no updates yesterday. Actually I really want to update my site (I think I am ablogaholic:d ) but because of theproblemscaused by my university, I can’t get accees to the Internet.They had blocked all access including their network websites. I don’t know how this could be happen. But now, I think the problems have been solved and I already get back the access. And I’m ready to give the best news and infos to you all. Thanks for your supports and visits. 🙂Cheers… <:-p
Weekly Highlights (Week 41, 2006)
Some posts fromWeek 41, 2006 (8th – 14th Oct 2006)that you might want to read. 😉Plagiarized article deletedYouTube – Terminator vs RobocopHow-To: Automatically Backup WordPressStop Spams – Turn Off Vacation ResponseURL.Com – A Searching CommunityAdSense Buddy for Google AdSense PublishersTroubleshooting your hosting for your Hosting Provider
UTM server block FeedBurner access
Duh… Check out this screenshot below. My university,UTMhas block access to FeedBurner. But it doesn’t block the whole domain, it only block access to feed reader counter only.The script that blocking the page isWebMarshall. I think this is a new security script that UTM impliment to protect the network from malicious attacks. And I also noticed that they had tighten the security level on their server because last night I can’t access some of websites that I usually visits.By the way, I must say that this is a good action taken by UTM. Because if they don’t install these security scripts, students computers will be in more vulnerable and danger. Before this, many computers in UTM got attacked by Brontok virus. And recently, virus Ravmon attacks are on the rise. By implimenting this security protection, atleast it can reduce the risk to get infect.But anyway, please don’t block websites that are not harmful… Duh… 🙁 [tags]utm, webmarshall, brontok, ravmon, malaysia[/tags]Edit:Here is another screenshot from WebMarshall script.
10 Ways &#8211; Are you a Blogaholic?
Blokehas listed down 10 ways to know if you are a blogaholic. Let see if you are the one.Note:This is just a summary from the list. For more details you can visit his post here,10 Ways of Knowing if You are a BlogaholicWithin a few minutes of publishing a postThe last thing that you do before going to bedThe first thing that you do when you get up in the morningIf you are away from your computer for more than a few minutesYour sense of reality becomes so distortedWhen your computer is sick and in the shopYou are so into your blogBefore leaving the houseYou complain the next dayYou neglect yourselfCypher:I think I am blogaholic because when I woke up in the morning, the first thing that I will do is check for any comments on my sites. Then before going to bed, I do the same thing. And almost of the time when I in my room, I will surf the Internet and blogging. [tags]blogaholic, addict, bloke, blog[/tags]
Google AdSense down again
I don’t know how many times does Google AdSensedown. Last night I can’t login to my account because it was down. And recently, it down again. I think Google is conducting more upgrades to enhance the usage to publishers.A few days ago, Googleannouncedthat publishers can use up to 5 channels on one AdSense code. With this new feature, publishers can track down their ads performance to improve their earnings. [tags]google, google adsense, adsense[/tags]
YouTube &#8211; How they paint the Airbus A320
Want to know how they paint the big giant Virgin America Airbus A320 aeroplane? Watch this video.Download this video:.flv fileCypher:Wondering how long does this camera has been switched on? Hurm… 😕[viaiRevenue][tags]youtube, video, airbus, airbus a320[/tags]
New Image Header &#8211; Towards Web 2.0
I just designed a new image header and favicon for my site. What do you think? Actually I want to make this site aWeb 2.0by making my own new theme but I don’t know how to create theme by using <div> tag. I only know using <tables>. So I just change what I can in this theme.Btw does your site is a Web2.0? [tags]web 2.0, image, design[/tags]
Recharge your batteries through USB
Life now get more easier. With this USB rechargeable batteries, you no need to bring along your charger or cables when travelling.If the power become low, all you need to do is just plug this USB batteries to any accessible powered USB to recharge the batteries.This NiMH AA can be used like other normal batteries and the unique about this product is it is USB recharge. Btw the price for 2 cell pack is £12.99. Is that too much?See other future products from USBCELL:AA Rechargeable Batteries[fromUSBCELL][tags]batteries, usbcell, rechargeable, charger, new stuff[/tags]
Troubleshooting your hosting for your Hosting Provider
Sometimes our site(s) down and we don’t know what to do. Instead of leave the problems settled by our hosting provider, we also can help them by troubleshooting the problems by ourselves.Josh Testonehas compiled a PDF format file about “How to Troubleshoot your Hosting Provider for them“. It is a simple PDF file with some instructions, information and a diagnostic flowchart. The instructions in the manual are easily to follow which make, even beginner users can troubleshoot it without have any problems.Follow thislinkif you want to download the PDF directly or clickhereto go to his website. 🙂 [tags]troubleshoot, hosting, provider, hosting provider[/tags]
AdSense Buddy for Google AdSense Publishers
Joel Comm fromAdSense Secretsemailed me saying that he had developed new software calledAdSense Buddy. AdSense Buddy is a Google AdSense statistics package designed to help Google AdSense publishers to make better sense of AdSense results.This software is designed to run on Windows-based computers and it is currently available to download. And the most important is, it is free.Direct DownloadCypher:Currently downloading the software. Will install it when the download is finished. 😉 [tags]adsense, google adsense, adsense buddy, joel comm[/tags]
Firefox the loser. IE the winner.
Is that true that IE is faster than firefox? Watch this YouTube video and give your comments.Direct DownloadCypher:Even IE is faster, I still want to use Firefox because Firefox have many extensions and themes. :dEven IE is faster than Firefox[viaJohnTP][tags]youtube, firefox, ie, benchmarks[/tags]
URL.Com &#8211; A Searching Community
URL.Comis a searching community website. Three top search engines are combine in one search which mean you will get the best results from these three giant engines.We use a “bionic search engine” that lets us collaborate and to improve upon a foundation of search results gathered from the best web search engines, including Yahoo!, MSN, and Google.This is how it works.You search. You vote. Better results.When you search, URL.Com search engine will search your keyword phrases at once across MSN, Yahoo and Google and display top 10 results from these three search engine. If you found out that the result is good, you can vote it. So next time when somebody search the same keywords, they will get the best voted results. Besides it saving our time, it also give accurate results.More Info:http://www.url.com/message/learn_more[tags]search engine, url, msn, yahoo, google[/tags]Cypher:I like its domain name, URL.Com 😉
Stop Spams &#8211; Turn Off Vacation Response
Everyone hatespamsand so do I. But if you don’t want more spams coming into your email,TURN OFFthe Vacation Response setting in your email. [tags]spams protection, stop spams, spams[/tags]Many email services include this options. By default it is turn off. But you can turn it on if you want to give auto-response to incoming emails while you are away or on a vacation.Beware that turn this settings on will give spammers chance to keep spamming on you. How? Ok let say spammers send an email to you. Usually spam emails will directly send to Bulk/Spam Folder. If you turn on the Vacation Response setting, your email will automatically send a reply back to the spammers saying that you are away or something else that you have set it before. So when the spammers receive the email, they will know that your email is active and they will keep spamming on you.So how to make sure your email has turn this setting off? Ok here how to do it in GMail and in Yahoo. Other email services I don’t know, but you can check their help page for more help. Anyway, I like GMail more because it include extra feature in Vacation Response setting. I’ll explain it below.GMailAfter login into your GMail account, click onSettings.In General tab, scroll down toVacation reponder.Make sure that Vacation responder is off.But if you still want to use Vacation responder, you can set it toOnly send a response to people in my Contacts. So your email is less “vulnerable” to spammers. This is the extra feature that I told you before.YahooIn Yahoo, after you login to your email account, go toOptions.Click onVacation ReponseunderManagement.If Auto Responder is set to off, you will seeTurn Auto-Response Onbutton at the below of the page.And if you want to use Vacation Response, just simply click the button on.Well I hope with this short post can help you to stop more spams coming to your inbox. If you like want to know more about how to setup Vacation Response, just follow these links:How do I set up an automatic vacation response?How do I create a vacation response?
How-To: Automatically Backup WordPress
After the “disaster” happen to my site, now I backup my databases daily. But I do it manually. And recently I stumbled to thissiteon how to automatically backup your wordpress database. The only things that you need are thisWP-CronandWordPress Database Backup. BTW I assumed that you have already install WordPress Database Backup plugin. If not, you need to download the plugin and install it first before you can proceed.With WP-Cron plugin, you can schedule your wordpress to backup and send the backup file to your email. Here how to do it:You need to download thisWP-Cron pluginExtract the wp-cron.php file into /wp-content/pluginsActivate the plugin in Plugin panelThen go to Manage > BackupMake sure Daily in Schedule is checked and type in the email where you want the file will be sent to.Tick other tables that you want to include.Click Submit.Lastly, wait the attached email to your inbox.Cypher:I must say that this is really great plugin. I really recommend for you all to download and use this plugin. [tags]how to, backup, cron job, plugin[/tags]
Weekly Highlights (Week 40, 2006)
Some posts fromWeek 40, 2006(1st – 7th Oct 2006) that you might want to read. 🙂Always backup your Databases! Why?CypherHackz.Net is now PR61 step simple trick with Recycle BinReceived Text Link Ads chequesImageFly – Host images and earn moneyOnline YouTube Video DownloaderiFeedReaders – Feed that feed them all
The &#8220;Greatest&#8221; Magician in The World
I don’t know why there are so many interesting YouTube videos nowadays. Check this out. The “Greatest” Magician in The World.Direct downloadHERE.[viaBlogIsEverything][tags]youtube, magician, magic, youtube video[/tags]
YouTube &#8211; Terminator vs Robocop
Check this out. Terminator fight with Robocop. Who will win?Cypher:This is really good crossover vidoes between Terminator and Robocop. I really enjoy it. I hasdownloadedthis video to show it with my friends. Can’t wait the next episode. [tags]youtube, robocop, terminator, video[/tags]
Hypnotizing Website &#8211; Amazing!
In three minutes this hypnotizing dots will back to its initial state after go around the origin point. It is really amazing when sound is triggered each time the dots passing the line.Click on the image to go to the website or “save link as” thislinkto view it in full screen mode.Note:Make sure you turn on your speaker to hear the music. [tags]hypnotize, fun, cool stuff[/tags]
Plagiarized article deleted
Last month, Inoticedthat myarticlegot plagiarized and I emailed the website admin. After waiting for about a month, theplagiarizedarticle got deleted by the admin and here is the email that I got from them,HiThank you for bringing this to my attention. On behalf of Helium I’m sorry that this has taken place. We do not tolerate plagiarism and I will delete the article right away.RegardsKatie, HeliumThanks for their support! 🙂 [tags]plagiarize, article, helium knowledge[/tags]
LEGO Ice Cube Maker
Want to make LEGO Ice Lemonade? LEGO Ice Tea? Lol… :dServe the coolest drinks around with ice that looks like LEGO bricks, or build your own LEGO ice “sculpture!”With this ice maker, you can make your LEGO Ice drinks. 10 cubes make at a time and with durable silicone material, this ice cube maker is dishwasher safe.LEGO Ice Cube Tray[viaMAKE][tags]lego, ice maker, lego blocks[/tags]
iFeedReaders &#8211; Feed that feed them all
Site cluttered with icons like this?How about change all of them into once icon like this:iFeedReadersis a service that combine all those subscription services into one icon. It will make your site more neat and clean. It is really simple concept. But take note that it is currently in beta.Cypher:I personally usingFeedBurner. If you want to subcribe my site feeds, you can do so by copy thislinkand paste it in yourfeed readersoftware. 🙂 [tags]ifeedreaders, feed, feedburner, feeds[/tags]
Online YouTube Video Downloader
Before this I use YouTube Downloader to download YouTube videos. But If you don’t want to install that software, you can use this online YouTube videos downloader fromYouTubeX.YouTube.com is an excellent website that allows you to view saved videos on their servers. Unfortuneatly YouTube doesn’t allow you to download these videos. YouTubeX.com allows you to save YouTube videos and download YouTube videos easily using only your IE or firefox browser.To download videos from YouTubeX is easy. You just type in the address of the YouTube video that you want to download, and YouTubeX will download it for you. The downloaded videos are in .flv format so you need aFLV playerto watch it. [tags]youtube, youtubex, youtube downloader[/tags]
ImageFly &#8211; Host images and earn money
This is another way to earn money online. All you have to do is just host image to ImageFly and you will get money. It is simple and easy!ImageFlyis a website which give free image hosting. Not just that, you also can earn money when you hosted images on their server. But how?Here is the formula:[tags]imagefly, image, hosting, image hosting[/tags]Unique Page Views* = Points = MoneyTo earn money from ImageFly, it is depends on how many unique page views recieved. More page views, more points. More points, more money. For 4,500 unique page views, you will get 1USD.FeaturesUpload Files SimultaneouslyYou may upload multiple files simultaneously.File DescriptionAttach a meaningful description to your file in any language.Image Resize On-the-flyResize your image to any predefined size while it is being uploaded. (for JPEG and PNG files only)Image CompressionCompress images larger than 512KB on-the-fly. (for JPEG and PNG files only)Private FileSet your file to private and no one will be able to see it unless they are given the links.Display LanguageImagefly speaks your language! You may change Imagefly’s interface to a more suitable language. More languages are coming.Want to join? Just click thisLINKand follow the instructions. It is simple and it is FREE!!!*Unique Page Views only counts when someone view the image on ImageFly server. Hotlinked and thumbnail images are not count.
Play Pacman in Excel
Do you still remember aboutPacman? The old school game that you play while you are still young. I am no big fan of Pacman game but I enjoyed play the game.The game is fun and you must always caution which way that you choose or you will get caught by 4 ghosts known as Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde that always chasing you.Anyway did you know that you also can play Pacman in Excel?A Japanese man, Nobuya Chikada called himself as Japanese Excel Crazy Guy has created a Pacman game in Excel. But the game only works in Excel 97 and Excel 2000. Here are screenshots of the game:All actions are expressed by rewriting of a cell background color.Each one of cells as a dot, and move it by make cell’s background color high-speed rewriting.Although I did not think it’s possiblele, but now it’s possiblele by the favor of theimprovement in a performance of a personal computer.The window zoom is 10%, so the each cell can not be seen. But it is A CELL.Want to try this game? Click the download linkHERE. BTW Nobuya also created Space Invaders game in Excel. Check out the link below.Link:Pacman[tags]pacman, video game, excel, game[/tags]
Received Text Link Ads cheques
These are cheques that I got fromText Link Ads. I got them last month and has deposited all of them. He3. Hopefully I will get the money this upcoming before Raya. So I can go for shopping to buy new clothes and some new stuffs.Before this, I have deposited cheque for June earning and it took about a month for the cheque to be deposited into my account. For 25USD you will get aroung RM80 something. I’m not sure but around that number.Text Link Ads is an easy way for you to earn money from your website or blog and it is my primary site earning sources. Second source is from Google AdSense. Now, Text Link Ads not only seel text link ads but it also offerFeedVertising. I have make an entry about this but that post got washed away because of the database problem before. And I’m waiting for anyone who want to buy link ads in my RSS.Other interesting read:Earn more money from Text Link AdsText Links Ads: Alternative to Google’s AdSenseGet Money From Your SiteInterested to join Text Link Ads? Just follow thislinkand submit your site for FREE!!!Cypher:Can’t wait for the money. He3.[tags]text link ads, adsense, google, tla[/tags]
USB Hamster Wheel
Run cutie… Run… :))Plug this USB Hamster Wheel to your USB port and load the software included. When you start typing, this hamster will run and starts spinning the wheel. The more faster you type, the more faster it goes. Lol…Thought:I think I can’t type anything because this “little boy” will make me laugh when it starts running.[viaGizmodo][tags]usb, hamster, tech[/tags]
CypherHackz.Net is now PR6
Recently Google has updated the PR for all their datacenters. And this morning, I just noticed that my site’s PR increase to PR6. He3.Actually I have heard about Google will update the PR last month.Jimmytold me about this. He got some friends that closed to Google. I’m not sure but it is something like that.Anyway, does your site’s PR increase? [tags]pr, page rank, pagerank, google[/tags]
Beta Marker &#8211; Like it? Mark it!
Beta Markeris a website use the same concept as Digg. But the diffrence is, at Beta Marker you only mark software that you like. If you like or found out that the software is useful, you mark it. With this, you can promote the software to peoples.Beta Marker is about software you like. You’ll discover the newest software releases here, all submitted by Beta Marker members. If you like a software, mark it to promote it to the home page. Submit, comment, mark and share your activity with friends.Link:Beta Marker[tags]beta marker, freeware, shareware, downloads[/tags]
Wooden Memory Sticks
Unique design of USB Memory sticks. It use natural wooden sticks and handmade by professional people. They come with 3 sizes, 256Mb, 512Mb and 1Gb.USB memory sticks are always nice to have around when transferring files from computer to computer. These sticks are made to stand out against its natural environment of computers and offices.These sticks are picked from the wood and are manually selected on their natural beauty, professionally handmade into unique and personal USB memory sticks.[viaoooms][tags]usb, memory, flash drive[/tags]
1 step simple trick with Recycle Bin
I disable Show Desktop Icons on my computer. So all the icons on my dekstop will be hidden including the Recycle Bin icon. Sometimes I will empty the Recycle Bin but how I can do it without enabling Show Desktop Icons? Here is my one step simple trick.Before you disable Show Desktop Icons, hold and drag your Recycle Bin icon to Quick Launch toolbar.Done! Now even you enable or disable Show Desktop Icons, you still can empty your Recycle Bin by right clicking the icon and choose Empty Recycle Bin. Here is the screenshot when you right click the icon. [tags]how to, tricks, windows[/tags]
Always backup your Databases! Why?
This is a warning to all of internet bloggers. Please, please and please backup your database(s) each time you publish new posts to your website. I don’t want what had happen to me maybe someday will happen to you.Recently, my site has problem with 403 error in all subfolders under cypherhackz.net including subdomains. At first, I thought I did something wrong but I’m sure I didn’t edit any permissions that will give me the 403 Forbidden page. So I asked my hosting provider to check it out. After awhile, they reply my email and said that they have fixed the problem and my site is ready to go.So I open up my site then I got this page:My first impression when read this was shock, angry, frust, sad, everything negatives came into my mind. I don’t know what had happen to my database. Why it got disappeared? I don’t want to blame my hostee. I don’t want to blame anyone. Although I have some backup files but my last backup was 21st September. And it quite old. Hmm… Want or not, I have to use the backup file.So my advice to those who read this is, always backup your databases. Don’t let this happen to you. Thanks you for your time… [tags]backup, tips, secure[/tags]ps: Is my site load slower than before?
Mozilla Firefox released
Have you upgrade your Firefox toFirefox The new update has been released yesterday. Yesterday, while I surfed the Internet, suddenly there was a pop-up from my Firefox browser asking me to install the latest version. So I chose ok and it install the latest updates in a minute.Some of my friends (Internet Explorer users) asked me why I use Firefox. With calm and confidence I answered the question. :d I said that, with Firefox you can surf the net with tabbed browsing. Which means you no need to open new window if you want to visit other sites. Beside than that, there are many themes and extensions that you can use to enhance the usebility of your Firefox. And all of them are free to download.I’m using 6 extensions for my Firefox and useMostly Crystalas my Firefox theme. I really like Mostly Crystal. The theme uses colourful icons and there are really nice. You can see the screenshot below.Ok back to the topic. He3. This latest update have fixed known critical flaws. You can see the detailshere. And I wonder when will Firefox 100% free from vulnerabilities. Hmm… 😕 [tags]mozilla firefox, firefox, internet browser[/tags]
Leave to Langkawi
Hi guys…Just want to let you know that I will not update my site till this Monday because I have a trip to Langkawi for my co-curriculum activities. I will leave to Langkawi with other members tonight at 8.30pm from UTM and we will first stop at Pusat Serenti Tasik Gelugor, Pulau Pinang before we continue our journey at 2.30pm.I will back from Langkawi on this Sunday evening and will arrive in UTM this Monday morning. That’s all for now. I will update once I back from the trip. Till then… Bye! [tags]malaysia, langkawi, trip[/tags]
AdSense Earnings Reports for your WordPress
For those who have Google AdSense account, you can use this plugin to check your AdSense earning without need to visit Google AdSense website. It is very useful for those who frequently check their earning incomes like me. :dThe plugin,AdSense Earning Reportswill show your today earnings, past earnings from selected range in your WordPress dashboard or in the Options page.Here are two screenshots of the plugin on the run:Image 1: On your wordpress dashboardImage 2: In your WordPress Options page (click the image to enlarge)As you can see in Image 2, you can set how many past earnings that you want to display. By default it was set to 10 but I have changed it to 5. So it easier for me to check my past 5 days earnings without have to scrolldown so many times.Want to use this plugin? Get it here,AdSense Earnings WordPress Plugin. 🙂 [tags]wordpress plugin, plugin, adsense[/tags]
Have a flight with Google
Don’t think Google only have their best search engine in the world. They also have their “own” plane. Check out this picture. An aeroplane fly with Google word on it.viaGmail Tools[tags]google, flight, funny pic[/tags]
MyOrionet hacked and lessons learned
MyOrionetis conducting acompetitionwhich is, webmaster who can listed his website on the first rank in Google will win. Today,WTJcommented on one of my post about MyOrionet had been hacked. Thehackernamed himself as Hacker_Amca and s/he (I don’t know the gender :p ) put link to other website. I don’t know what language used there. I think the website is from Tukey. Here is the print screen of the hacked website:Lessons learnedLessons that we can learn from this situation are:Updateyour website scripts when there are new updates availableThis is a must because the latest updates have bugs fixed and some upgrades that can improve the security of your website.Alwaysbackupyour site and databasesMake a backup of your website everyday if you update your site contents everyday. If not, make backup at least once a week.I’m no security expert but I have little knowledge how to prevent sites from being hacked. Hope we can learn something from what had happen to MyOrionet. [tags]hacker, hack, website[/tags]
Old posts. Don&#8217;t throw them away. Why?
I would like to ask you bloggers, what happen with your olds posts? Old that I mean here are posts that have been leave down far at the bottom of your archives.I start thinking about this yesterday when I glance through my own posts in my archives and thought what will happen with all of my old posts. Do people read them? Do I need to delete all of these old posts to clear my spaces? (sure I will not delete them lol…) Should I republish these posts? Many questions came into my head yesterday.If so, what we can do?Just delete them and get rid them off. Just kidding. :d I’m sure there is no one want to delete their entries right? He3. Ok. There are many ways that we can do. For those who use WordPress, you should smile because there are many plugins that we can use to make these old posts reusable. There are two plugins that I use on my site:Related Posts PluginThis plugin will display posts that are related with your entry. As you can see below of this post, there are 5 related posts which are related with this post. It is not hard to setup this plugin. And to select related posts are all automatically done by this plugin.Random PostOk. Next plugin that useful is Random Post. Random post will display random post on your website. I have put this plugin below my site header. See above. This plugin is very useful for your old posts. Try it! 😉Manual Link backBeside than using WordPress plugins, you also can manually link to your old posts. If you think that your entry is related with your old posts, just link back the posts in your entry. When readers read your entries, they will attract to click the link and read your old posts.That’s all from me. Try them and don’t let your old posts crying because they are “old”. 😉
Land Walker, &#8220;Gundam Mech&#8221; in the real world
Technology in Japan has taken step more further. This “Gundam” robot is a person-carying robot vehicle with 3.4 metres high and 1000 kg weight and is the first mechanatron ever built by human being.The manufacturer,Sakakibara-Kikaireleased this mech to attract attention for the company. This heavy duty mech not only can walk but it also can shoot. Yea, shooting and fighting with mech is the best part in Gundam series. 🙂Anyway, the bullets used by this mech are not the real one. It just shoot with rubber balls. But wonder what will happen if Land Walker equiped with real bullets? 😕Take a look at this robot in actions:More videos:Land Walker movingLand Walker shootingSo, for Gundam fans out there, do you interested to have this “toy” in your collections? Prepare US$345,000 first and you can drive this machine at your nearest playground. :pviagizmag[tags]gundam_robot, gundam_fans, mech, robot[/tags]
How to send executable file in Gmail
Yesterday my friend SMS me to send an installer (executable) file via email. So I useGmailas my primary email account and attached the file. But when I want to send the email, Gmail warned me that it does not allow any executable file send from Gmail. I’m sure this is regarding of the security issues. So how I can send the executable file? Here is the trick. :dOk let say the file that you want to send name is Executable.Go toFolder Options(My Computer > Tools > Folder Options)InViewtab, uncheck “Hide extensions for known file types“.And the file will look like thisThenrename the extension.exe with other extension like .jpg. Windows will prompt a warning message, just click “Ok”. The file icon will be changed to .jpg icon and now your executable file is in .jpg format.Send the file to the receipent.After the receipent recieve the file, ask them to rename the extension file with .exe or it will not work.Note:I have try this many times in Gmail and it works and I’m sure this trick also works in other email services. Because you send an image file not executable file. :pFound this trick useful?Please Digg the story!😉
My article got plagiarized
Take a look at thisarticle. Is the article looks the same like the article that Iwrote?I don’t care ifhewant to copy and use my article but at least put the author name or where he got the article. Dude… I don’t know how you can earn money by submitting my article as yours on that site but anyway I hope you “happy” with what you did.ps: Guys…sorry if I’m little bit emo in this post. I just don’t feel like it when someone do like that. Plagiarize.
BusinessX &#8211; Submit, Get and Improve
BusinessX.Orgis a business exchange directory which you can submit your site links for free. Yea, it is free and no need to put reciprocal link on your site. All you have to do is just submit your site link and wait for the editors to approve your submission. Normally it won’t take too long to get your site link approved.As the feedback, when you submit link to website directories like BusinessX.Org, you will get more back links and this will improve your site’s PR. Not only just that, you also can get visitors for your sites.If you have read myarticle, I have mentioned that you can advertise your blog or website by submitting your site link to directories. So if you want to promote your site, this is your chance! 😉Link:BusinessX.Org
Create strong password with Password Chart
How strong your password is? Is it easy to guess? Using simple combinational characters? Or you don’t use any passwords at all in your life? Nah… I’m sure every each of you have their own password. Those who know how to surf the Internet should know how to use and how to create their password. But is your password really strong?Can you remember these passwords?Here are some examples of strong passwords:m8+bbNY46u?z7$u?46^X7HrJs867$s66P$s6867n7_!nr8hr8h98bCan you imagine how hard it is to remember these passwords? I admit that I also can’t remember these passwords. With all the special characters with multiple combinational used in the passwords, it is really hard to remember them. But with this tool (read below), you can create your own unguessable passwords without worrying to remember it.How did you do that?Password Chartis a password converter which will convert your password to more unbreakable password. Just type in the phrase that you can remember, Password Chart will create chart for your password and then type in the password that you want to convert. The password will automatically converted to more stronger password.How it works?Taken from thesite:An MD5 hash of the chart selection phrase is performed and the first 4 bytes of the hash is usedas a random number seed to a Mersenne Twister pseudo-random number generator.The password chart is then filled using sequences of 1 to 3 random upper and lower case letters andoptionally numbers and punctuation by grabbing successive numbers generated from the Twister.The reason for the random sequence length is to make reversing the substitution cipher a bit harder.The alphanumeric characters in the password is then converted using the chart.Basically it just convert your passwords based on the phrase you type in. :dLast NoteTo use this tool you must remember the phrase that you use for the password chart. If you forgot the phrase, you can’t retrieve the strong passwords. So, in life there is no easy way to get something. You have to sacrifice something if you want to get something. 😉Link:Password Chart
Get RM100 by joining pertandingan seomyorionet
Good news for those who have good knowledge aboutSEO.Myorionetlaunch a competition called “pertandingan seomyorionet“. This competition is based on how well your site ranked in Google when people looking for “pertandingan seomyorionet“.What is pertandingan seomyorionet?pertandingan seomyorionetis a competition where you must get atleast rank three in Google search engine when people searching forpertandingan seomyorionet(small letters only). The competition is held for two months start from 4th September till 4th November 2006.What are the prizes?The prizes forpertandingan seomyorionetare:First place – RM100Second place – RM50Third place – RM30Although it is not too much but atleast you will get some money when you win the competition. 😉For more infomation you can check at theirwebsite. 🙂
Site Poll: Do you have Friendster account?
For this timesite pollquestion is, do you haveFriendsteraccount?I do have myown Friendster account. With Friendster, not only you can keep in touch with your friends, you also can make new friends. Beside than that, you also can see their profile, what they like, who are their members, are they still available or not and many much more.With more than 30 million members, Friendster is the best way to stay in touch with your friends and it’s the fastest way to discover the people and things that matter to you most.You also can give them testimonial if you want to. See on my profile. I have about 500 testimonials (and still growing) that I got from my friends. You can write anything you want to your friends and they will reply back your testimonial. The concept used here same like blogging. You give comments and you will get comments. 😉Ok. Back to the topic. Do you have Friendster account? Take the vote now. :dps: If you don’t mind,add meas your friend. 😉
Support forums for Malaysia Bloggers
I have join three Malaysia bloggers support forums. And I want to share with you and would like to invite you to join our community.What I can get if I join these communities?Lol… Ok, when you join these parties, you can get new friends. Not only that, you also can promote your site. Which mean, you will get traffics and peoples will know about your site and will visit your site. Bloggers need visitors� right? 😉The forumsOk here are the forums that I join. Come and join us. Click on the link and register.Malaysia BloggersRun by Malaysia top blogger,LiewCF. He is the founder of this forum. There are some other famous bloggers likeLiewCF,Zeo,me. Ha3. Lol… I’m just kidding. But anyway, there are many Malaysia bloggers you can find there. 😉WP MalaysiaThis forum focus for Malaysia WordPress users and all of the posts are in Malay. It is not an official WordPress forum support but it will give great help for those who need helps with their WordPress.WeblogscenterSad… 🙁 Currently this forum site is down because of database errors. Don’t know when will it up.Other support forums suggested by commentatorsBloglah– suggested byAdibps: If you have any Malaysia bloggers support forum, leave the link in the comment and I will add up here. Thank you! 🙂
Google Analytics &#8211; another service from Google
How many of you usingGoogle Analytics? I have use Google Analytics since June 2006. Before this Google Analytics only can be sign up by invitation only but now you can sign up Google Analytics for free.What is Google Analytics?Google Analytics is another service from Google which will display eveything about your website. It is actually a site counter anyway but more advanced. With Google Analytics you not only know how many visitors visit your site but you also know how the visitors come to your site, what is their computer resolution, which link get more clicks, etc.Google Analytics tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. You’ll be able to focus your marketing resources on campaigns and initiatives that deliver ROI, and improve your site to convert more visitors.When the first time I use Google Analytics, the statistics page load too slow. Maybe because heavy traffics bump to Google Analytics server. Anyway, right now the statistics load faster than before. So you don’t need to wait long.Google Analytics in WordPressIf you have sign up for Google Analytics, I recommended you to download and install thisWordPress plugin. This plugin will give you report without you have to login to your Google Analytics account. You can view the reports directly in your WordPress admin dashboard. 🙂Google Analytics[viaTech-Scope]
Cheapest Domain name registration! RM26 per year!
For those who use subdomain or use free shorten url for your website, now you can get your own domain name for onlyRM26 per yearatMercumaya.Net. I think it is the cheapest price that you can get nowadays. The promotion will last this 15th September. So don’t wait or you’ll regret it. 😉RM26 per year.COM, .NET, .BIZ, .INFO, .ORG, .USRM66 per year.COM.MY, .NET.MY, .ORG.MYActually the offer start on 23rd August but I just found the info atAmanzsite. Anyway, I think it is not too late for you to buy your own domain name. Show your pride by having your own domain name. :dps: Am I a good promoter? Lol…😕
Get your Cyborg name
Ever imagine what will your cyborg name? You can heck your cyborg namehere. I have try it. At first I type in my nick, CypherHackz but that site not allow me to put name more than 10 letters. So I type in my name, Fauzi. And here what my cyborg name:Functional Artificial Ultimate Zoology Individual? Why Zoology? Lol… Anyway, what is yours? 😉The Cyborg Name Decoder[viaFaizulzone]
myCypherHackz.Net released!
This is thepersonal blog projectthat I’m talking about,myCypherHackz.Net. myCypherHackz.Net (myCHN) is my second blog that most of the posts will be in Malay. That’s why I said that the project will be conducted in Malay. 😉 myCHN is powered by WordPress withK2as it’s theme. Because it is difficult to edit K2, so I need times to edit the theme.If you noticed, there is “My Network” section on the sidebar. Below it I have put CypherHackz.Net and myCypherHackz.Net link. If you forgot the link to myCHN (I hope you will not), you can check the link overthere. Anyway, CypherHackz.Net still run as usual. So keep visiting my CypherHackz.Net because I will update it each time I got good infos or news to share with you all.Lastly, come and feel free to visit my second blog site,myCypherHackz.Net
My personal blog project
I have started this project (not really a project :p ) 2 days ago. And currently it is still under development. There are many things that I need to do. So I will not announce it before everything are finish.The project is conduct in Malay because I want to focus to Malaysian visitors only. But for those who know Malay, you can also participate in. I’m not sure when I can finish setup all of this things. I hope it can done as soon as possible. 🙂Lastly, I hope this project will get good response from the visitors. 😉 [tags]project, malaysia[/tags]
Can you see Google Ads here?
I stumbled tothis site. At first it looks like just a normal website with so many links on it. While I glance through the page, my eyes catched on a phrase that I familiar with, “Ads by Google”. Here take a look at the picture:Click image to enlargeCan you see howJoel Commembed Google Ads with his site contents? The contents look exactly the same with Google Ads.Below is the html code for the site contents:<div style="font: 8pt Arial; padding-bottom:8px;"><div style="color:#0000ff;font-weight: bold"><u>[[TITLE]]</u></div><div style="color: black">[[DESCRIPTION]]</div><div style="font-size: 7pt; color:#999999; text-decoration: none">[[url]]</div></div>Cypher says: Can you imagine how much Joel Comm will earn every months?[tags]google adsense, google, adsense[/tags]
Digg in Malaysia?
Now Malaysian internet surfers can digg interesting local news toDigg Malaysia. It is exactly really the same withDigg.comwhere you can submit articles and voted by the community. 🙂I appreciate what they did, but the poor is, when will Malaysia release something that are different than others. It is ok if use the idea but at least use something diffrent approches. Here what I get more the site:Please note that we’re not trying to compete with the official digg!Sure, we can compete them (hopefully) but by using the same way as Digg.com, I think we can’t go far. Anyway, congratulations to Digg Malaysia team for their afford to release Digg site for Malaysian. 😉Digg MalaysiaviaAmanz.Net[tags]digg, malaysia, digg malaysia[/tags]
A must have 10 WordPress plugins for your website
These are 10 WordPress plugins that are useful for your website. If you not yet have them, I really suggest you to download and activate these plugins. 😉Google SitemapsThis generator will create a Google compliant sitemap of your WordPress blog.website|downloadFeedburner Feed ReplacementForwards all feed traffic to Feedburner while creating a randomized feed for Feedburner to pull from.website|downloadUltimate Tag WarriorAdd tags to wordpress. Tags and tag/post associations are seperated out for great justice.website|downloadOptimal TitleMirrors the function of wp_title() exactly, but moves the position of the ’separator’ to after the title rather than before.website|downloadRelated PostsReturns a list of the related entries based on active/passive keyword matches.website|downloadChunk Urls for WordPressThis plugin shorten urls in comments so that they won’t break your site.website|downloadSubscribe to CommentsAllows readers to recieve notifications of new comments that are posted to an entry.website|downloadExtended Live ArchivesImplements a dynamic archive, inspired by Binary Bonsai and the original Super Archives by Jonas Rabbe. Visit the ELA option panel to initialize the plugin.website|downloadWP-ContactFormWP Contact Form is a drop in form for users to contact you. It can be implemented on a page or a post.website|downloadWordPress Database BackupOn-demand backup of your WordPress database.website|download[tags]plugins, enhance[/tags]
Malaysia &#8211; Happy Independence Day
Today 31st August, all Malaysians are celebrating Malaysia’s 49th Independence Day. And since I in UTM, I never miss to celebratemerdekabecause each year, the university will held ceremony for it.Actually I just back from celebrating merdeka at Padang Kawad UTM. After watched the fireworks, we sang patriotics songs. Then because I am too sleepy, I back to my room earlier. :pBefore I end this post I want to wish Happy Independence Day, MALAYSIA!!! [tags]malaysia, event, merdeka[/tags]
Yahoo! &#8211; Easter Egg
Ever wonder Yahoo! also has it’s owneaster egg?Go toYahoo!and click at the ! on the logo. But make sure you turn on your speaker and tell me what did you hear? :dYahoo! Easter Egg[LiewCF.com] [tags]yahoo, easter egg[/tags]
Earn more money from Text Link Ads
After about 3 months I sign up forText Link Ads, I have made about $76 from it. It is not much comparing to other sites but at least I have make some money from my site.I have sign up to 4 site revenues, Text Link Ads, Google AdSense, AdBrite and Chitika eMinimalls. From these 4 revenues, I earn more money from Text Link Ads. My site doesn’t get much from Google AdSense and none from Chitika. I get zero from Chitika because almost of my site visitors are from Malaysia and Asian countries. Thats mean even if they click on the ads, the clicks will not be recorded. Chitika only record clicks from supported countries like U.S, etc. Because of that I have removed Chitika ads from my site.And I also have removed AdBrite marketplace from my site. After 3 months I put the AdBrite marketplace on my site, there is no one want to buy them. So the marketplace, removed.Now I only run Google AdSense and Text Link Ads on my site. If you not yet sign up for Text Link Ads, you can sign up for freehere. I recommend you all to try Text Link Ads and wait the check come direct to your house. 😉Must Read:Text Links Ads: Alternative to Google’s AdSenseGet Money From Your Site[tags]google adsense, text link ads, chitika, adbrite[/tags]Site:Text Link Ads
Site Poll Result: What Internet browser you are using?
Here is the result from the poll: [tags]internet browser, site poll, web browser[/tags]From the graph we can see that many of my site visitors using Firefox as their primary Internet browser. As my self, I also use Firefox because it is much better than other browsers. Besides, I have familiar with it. 🙂I also use Opera. Opera is good in speed but it can’t support some of javascripts. And I also can’t login to my site if I use Opera. I don’t know why. The error that I get saying that the precondition is failed. 🙁
Convert your Site to DNA Art
Ever wonder your website also have it own DNA?WEB2DNA will take you website, analyze it, crunch it to little bits and spit it out as a graphic representation of a human DNA.Baekdalcreate a cool tool which you can use it to convert your site into DNA traits. The above picture is my site DNA traits. You can can convert your website to DNA art here,WEB2DNA Art Project.If you like the DNA art, you can get thepotrait ship to your house. Here are some pictures of the potraits.WEB2DNA Art Project[baekdal.com] [tags]baekdal, dna art, web2dna[/tags]
EditPlus &#8211; Source code editor for website programmers
Notepad is a software that comes with Windows. If you install Windows, Notepad will automatically install in your computer. With Notepad, you can write or open any files that you want. Some of the files are readable and some are not. Before this, I only use Notepad or sometimes Wordpad to write or edit my website source codes. But after I knew aboutEditPlus, I edit all of my .php and .htm files with it.EditPlus? What is it?EditPlus is another text editor that can do more than Notepad. You can write or modify your site files by using this powerful software. It offers many features for website authors and programmers.Colour my code pleaseThe best part that I love to use EditPlus is EditPlus support syntax highlighting. Not only for HTML or PHP files, EditPlus also can highlight syntax for CSS, ASP, PERL, C/C++, Java, Javascript and VBScript. And you also can create your own syntax to support other programming language. You can’t find this in Notepad though. :pHey, make me a backup copy firstEditPlus will make a backup copy of your files each time you save your work. It will save the backup files with extension .bak. So, if anything goes wrong, you can replace the problem files with the copies. Just remove the ending .bak extension and you are done. Your files are back to the state before they get modified.More featuresEditPlus give many features. I don’t want to list them all here because they have explained it wellhere. 😉Want to get a copy?If you want to try EditPlus, you can download it for free at EditPlusdownload page. The latest version is v2.21. But it is 30 days trial version only. If you want to own it, you need to pay. Well it is not cost to much compare to it features. [tags]editplus, software, text editor[/tags]EditPlus [EditPlus Text Editor, HTML Editor, Programmers Editor for Windows]
Check your sitescore at Silktide
Silktideoffer free service which you can use to check what is your sitescore. After you type in your site address, Silktide will check and give informations about your site. The score is divided into 5 parts, marketing, design, accessbility, experience and visitor rating. You can read the explanation for each parts at their site.Beside giving the summary of the score, Silktide also give details for every aspects about your website. From the language use, speed, features, your site link popularity, etc. All are well explain under Detailed Breakdown. And they also give recommendations to improve your sitescore. if you have time to edit your site theme, you can do so and get higher score for your site.Overall, my sitescore is 7.9. For marketing score, my site only get 8.7. Design is 9.2. Accessbility only get 6.2. I don’t know why this happen. It said “How accessible the website is, particularly to those with disabilities.” What does they mean about “to those with disabilities”? And for experience, I get 9.7. Not bad huh? :d For visitor rating, my site don’t get any rating yet. Maybe you guys can rate my site for. Of course I will not rate my own site. If you have time, feel free to rate my site. 😉If you want to check your sitescore, click on thisLINKand tell me what is your Silktide sitescore. 🙂Silktide [Sitescore]via Amanz [Ranking Blog Anda] [tags]sitescore, silktide, info[/tags]
My article is on Ezine Articles
Few days ago I submited my article about “How to Advertise Your Blog” to Ezine Articles. But today I received an email form Ezine Article saying this:Hello Fauzi,Your article, “How to Advertise Your Blog” – has been accepted and added to the EzineArticles.com directory:http://EzineArticles.com/?id=267685You’ve also earned Expert Author status:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Fauzi_Mohd_DarusYour article will be on our high-traffic home page later today:http://EzineArticles.com/Your article has also been sent to our exclusive EzineArticles RSSFeed and to our proprietary EzineArticles Email Alert Members.For quality control purposes, your article was reviewed by ourAssociate Editor #9To Your Article Marketing Success!http://EzineArticles.com/And now I can put this banner on my site:But I will not call myself as Expert Author yet because I am not actually a good author. I just only write when I have ideas or things that I want to share to my site visitors. Thanks to you all… :d [tags]ezine articles, articles[/tags]
Get FREE Windows Vista Beta 2 CD
Want to get free Windows Vista Beta 2 CD? Just take the quiz and answer all the questions, you will get free Windows Vista Beta 2 CD ship right to your house. [tags]windows, windows vista, free[/tags]*cough*cough Here are the answers *cough*coughVistaClarityNovember 2006TrueAeroAll the aboveAll the above512 MBTake the quiz now:Microsoft Windows Vista Quiz😉
Bully &#8211; A trailer from Rockstar Games
Rockstar Games release a trailer for their new game, Bully. Watch the trailer and give comment. What do you think?[tags]movie trailer, bully, rockstar games, youtube[/tags]As a mischievous schoolboy, you’ll stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, play pranks, win or lose the girl, and ultimately learn to navigate the obstacles of the worst school around, Bullworth Academy – a corrupt and crumbling prep school with an uptight facade.The story follows Jimmy Hopkins, a teenager who’s been expelled from every school he’s ever attended. Left to fend for himself after his mother abandons him at Bullworth to go on her fifth honeymoon, Jimmy has a whole year at Bullworth ahead of him, working his way up the social ladder of this demented institution of supposed learning, standing up for what he thinks is right and taking on the liars, cheats and snobs who are the most popular members of the student body and faculty. If Jimmy can survive the school year and outsmart his rivals, he could rule the school.Rockstar Games [Bully]
Beautify your Windows XP with Style XP
Do you feel bored with the default Windows XP theme? Ever wanted to change the theme with more interesting and colourful styles? TryStyle XP. With Style XP you can change your Windows theme, logon page, boot screen, icons and backgrounds. It is easy to install and use.Once the installation completed, Style XP will test by changing your Windows XP theme to Panther style. The test theme looks like MacOS theme. Beside the themes that come with the software, you can add new themes which you can download for free atThemeXP.OrgThis website is like the heaven for Style XP users because they have thousands of visual styles which you can choose from. Not only visual styles, you also can download icon packs, boot screens, logons and background that meet your needs.I have use Style XP since 2004 and I never encounters any problem with it. Thats mean Style XP is stable and working fine with Windows XP. So what are you waiting for. Try StyleXP today! [tags]windows xp, style xp, theme xp[/tags]
Weird Error Messages
Check this funny and weird error messages that happen in the world. I’m not sure whether they are true or not but it is really funny. :dWeird #1:This guy has online 136 years. Lol… Just wonder how old he is.Weird #2:Have you ever get this error message? :))Weird #3:Want to shop for a spyware? 😕ClickHERE, if you want to see more weird error messages like this.
Hacking Simulation: Where &#8220;hackers&#8221; test their skills
Have you ever play any hacking simulation game? I have play 2 games which areUplinkandStreet Hacker. I have finished play Uplink game but still playing the other one, Street Hacker. Uplink is more easier. Thats why I can finish it in less than 2 days. 😉Hacking simulation is a game where you as an underground or registered agent for a company break into your enemy systems and blow the systems off. It is depend on what objective of the missions. Some of the missions, you need to steal the money or maybe you need to plant viruses into the systems and take it down. There are many missions, so I’m sure you will keep busy punching the keyboard. :pIf the mission is successful, you will get money and can upgrade your computer systems to maximum. The more missions you completed, the more money you will get and you will rank up yourself in the underground scene.There are other simulation games like this. Like BS Hacker and Digital Hazard. I not yet play these game because I want to finish Street Hacker first. But Street Hacker is not easy to play. 🙁Anyway these are just simulations. Just a game for release tensions or just want to have fun in hacking. It is legal to play these games unless you really breakin into real life company or organsition, then you are in trouble. 😉 [tags]uplink, street hacker, digital hazard, bs hacker, hacking simulation[/tags]
Get Ubuntu Stickers for FREE!
For those who useUbuntu, you must get this four free Ubuntu stickers. Show your pride to others as Ubuntu users.System76give free Ubuntu stickers for those who want it. All you have to do is just send them a self addressed stamped envelope to:System76, Inc. (Free Sticker)875 S. Colorado Blvd. #765Denver, Colorado 80246Cypher says: I have got thefree Ubuntu CDs. If you want, you can get them for freeHERE.[tags]ubuntu, free stickers, ubuntu stickers[/tags]
Google’s Data Center picture
This is a picture taken by Jason Bettineski. This data center is located in Oregon. I never see any data center building and this is the first time I see it. Although it is just a picture but at least I know how data center looks like.via Sabahan [Picture of Google Data Center] [tags]google, data center, google data center, flickr[/tags]
3D Art Illusions by Julian Beever
Check this out! Pavement 3D art illusions by Julian Beever. He draw the arts on pavement and it looks like real things. Really fantastic. I don’t know how long it will takes to make one 3D art like this one.If you want to see more 3D art from him, you can visit his site athttp://users.skynet.be/J.Beever/index.htmlvia eRemaja [Virtual 3D Street Art] [tags]3d illusion, 3d art, pavement drawing[/tags]
Test your site incoming trackback
How to make sure that your site incoming trackback is working or not?Red Altgive a free service to check whether your site incoming trackback is working. The test trackback contain a message from Red Alt. If the trackback is succesfull, you can see the trackback message on your site. You can test the tracback here:Manual Trackback[tags]trackback, manual trackback[/tags]via LiewCF [Trackback Checker]
Site Poll: What internet brwoser you are using?
For this time site poll question is, what internet browser you are using? I have put 5 answers but you can add up your own if your browser does not list there.I personally use Firefox. But sometimes I use Opera for download because in Firefox, you can’t resume your downloads if there is a problem occur. Beside than that, Opera is the fastest web browser in the world [Opera still the fastest web browser]. Lol…So what’s yours? 😉 [tags]site poll, internet browser, web browser[/tags]
Wireless Connection with D-Link USB Wireless Adapter
Yay… I have bought wireless adapter. I bought it when I went to PC Fair in JB last week. It cost about RM105. At first, I just want to buy the cheapest adopter that I can get there, but the seller told me that D-Link have more qualities than the other brands.I put the adapter on my table as you can see at the image. The best thing with this USB wireless adapter is, it comes with craddle. So I can stand it up which mean I can get more signal strength. Below is the Network Connection Status pic that I catched yesterday.If you want to know more about this product, you can visitDWL-G122 > High Speed 2.4GHz (802.11g) Wireless USB Adapter. [tags]wireless adaptor, wireless, network, d-link[/tags]
Just only a short post
It is been a while since my last update. So how are you guys? I really busy with my works and don’t have time to update my site. But anyway I will subsribe wireless connection. So it is easier for me to update my site everyday without have to go to CICT.And just want to let you know that I’ve just recieved my first cheque fromText Link Ads. And that is the first oversea cheque that I ever get. :d But I not yet deposit the cheque. Hopefully next week I will deposit it. So what will I do with the money? For this first cheque I will give it to my parents. Although it is not much but atleast they happy with what I’ve earned. 😉 And seems like I get more money from TLA rather than Adsense and Adbrite. So I suggest for those who not yet register for TLA, you sign-up now because it’s really worth it. 🙂Btw my post aboutGet Rapidshare Free Premium Accountget many comments from my site readers. Thanks for those who sharing the download links although some of them are dead links. Lol… :p And forgive me if I not reply some of the comments. I will reply all the comments after I get the internet connection in my room.I think thats all for now. Till the next update. 😉
Sorry&#8230; Can&#8217;t update frequently
Just a short post to say that I’m sorry because I can’t update this site frequently because I am busy with my works and studies. There are many things that I need to do. And currently I less of money because I don’t get yet the scholarship money for this semester. I hope my sponsor will bank-in the money this week.Thats all for now. Till then…
Cute Hello Kitty MP3 Player
Girls… This is a cute toy for you! :p I’m just kidding. This is not a toy but it is a mp3 player from Sanrio. This cute Hello Kitty can play .mp3 and .wma files. With only 56mm x 35mm x 20mm in size and 26g weight, you can control the player by pushing the legs and arms. And this product only available in Korea.
Get Rapidshare Free Premium Account
Sometime Rapidshare will give free premium account. With this premium account, you can download unlimited files. Which mean, you can download how many files that you want without have to wait like in free download. To check wether the free premium accounts are available, you must get this Rapidshare Free Premium Account Checker.Main features:Checks availability of free Premium RapidShare AccountsManual CheckProgrammable timerStarts with WindowsRuns in system trayPopups balloon/plays sound/opens RS page when there are free accountsProxy supportExtreme fast (uses GZIP)Download:http://rapidshare.de/files/24497496/RS_FAN_1.0.rarRapidShare Free Premium Accounts Checker[Blog Is Everything]
The Ultimate Keyboard from Microsoft
Microsoft has released their ultimate keyboard for computer users. You can use it for your works, play games or just to show your style. This wireless keyboard comes with mouse (also wireless) with a 30 foot range. This smart technology keyboard will automatically turn on backlit keys in dim room and will turn it self off when you leave the room.Microsoft Hardware is pushing the innovation envelope and introducing industry firsts to help you move from work to play with cutting-edge performance and total style.Can a keyboard create its own mood lighting? Respond to you? Enlighten you? Move with you? The ultimate desktop can with ambient backlighting, proximity sensing and 30-feet of range.If you want to know more about this ultimate keyboard, you can watch flash presentation by Microsoft here:The Ultimate Keyboard
WordPress 2.0.4 and Bug Hunt
To make sure their next version free of bugs,WordPress.Orgwill hold aBug Huntnext week. This is due to Bug Independence Day on this 4th July. If you interested to join, you can join their IRC channel at#wordpress-bugs.More Info:2.0.4 and 2.1 Bug Hunt[Wordpress.Org]
Tag: 4Meme
I’ve been tagged from 2 persons, Korokmu [I’ve Been Tagged – 4Meme] and Amanz [4meme]4 jobs I would stink at:Security guard (I’m not tough enough :d )Garbage CollectorCleanerBlogger 😕4 nicknames I’m making up for myself:FauziPojieCypherCypherHackz4 movies I can watch over & over:HackersBujang SenangAnak Mami KembaliThe Fast and The Furious – Tokyo Drift 😉4 alcoholic beverages I enjoy from time to time:I don’t drink4 fantastic destinations I would like to go to on vacation before I pass out:MeccaNorth or South PoleJapanGermany4 things I love to do on weekends:SleepingWash my clothesPlay bowlingWacthing movie4 celebrities I would go on a Big Date with:I don’t have any celebrities that I like4 objects I could not live without:T-shirtPantsFoodsDrinks :d4 gadgets I do not have which I would quite like to have:Digital Camera – with high resolutionLatest Samsung phone model (I prefer to use Samsung instead or Nokia or others)iPodWireless USB Pen Drive 😕4 wannabe bloggers tagged:JohnTPThilakTom ParkerKeith Dsouza
CypherHackz.Net rest for awhile
Actually I want to announce about this before I back to UTM but my site was down so I can’t publish this post before I leave.I am now in UTM and this post was published from CICT. I have to back to UTM cause I will going for 10 days camp in Muar, Johor. The camp will start on this 21st June and will end on 30th June. For 10 days I can’t update my site and thats mean CypherHackz.Net will have his rest for awhile.Anyway, CypherHackz.Net will continue his routine after I back from the camp.. So please come back after 30th June. Or you can get free updates bysubscribe to my site feedor byemail subscription. You can also use the subscription form at the top of the sidebar.Hope I will see you all on this 1st July 2006. Bye! 😉
New Firefox Mascot? A GIRL?
Click to view the picTiagosaid in one of his posts, Mozilla just finished the deal with a top model to promote their popular web browser product, Firefox. The model name is Alexandra Ansgar a blond Scandinavian girl. The hot chick pic as you see above. Wearing sexy Firefox shirt with her sexy style. What do you think? Hot like FIREfox? :dAt first when I read the first paragraph, I believed Alexandra Ansgar is the new Firefox mascot. But after I finished read his post, I saw a link to another post.After read the post, what I can say is the image above is just a HOAX. Again I said, it is a HOAX. :p…I made up a name for the girl and decided to call her Alexandra Ansgar, also had to give her a nationality and picked up Scandinavian. With this in mind, I wrote the good news and published them…Actually it is just a picture that he found on the internet and want to share with his site visitors.…I can�t be selfish, need to share this with someone� wouldn�t it be cool to write about this on Gadgetizer?You can read his post here:New Firefox Mascot – Alexandra Ansgar. And don’t forget to read this too:Firefox Mascot Hoax – Alexandra Ansgar:d [tags]firefox, firefox mascot, mascot[/tags]
DIY Dirty Mosquito Trap
Can I put this trick in Tips & Tricks? :d Just found this on the internet. A quick DIY to trap mosquitoes by a 2 litre bootle.Only 7 materials needed to make this simple but successful mosquito trap. You can see how much mosquitoes trapped in the bottle. It is all about science. They just use carbon dioxide to attract mosquitoes to the bottle. If you want to make this trap, you can read the instructions (in English of course :p ) here:Quick and Dirty Mosquito Trap[DIY Happy]Cypher says: I think, if all peoples in the world use this mosquito trap, there will be no more air pollution or ozone issues. 😉viaQuick and Dirty Mosquito Trap[Kahsoon] [tags]diy, do it yourself, mosquito trap, tricks[/tags]
WP Plugin: Site Statistics v1.2
Plugin Name: Site StatisticsPlugin URI:http://www.cypherhackz.net/archives/2006/06/16/wp-plugin-site-statistics-v12/Description: Show your site statistics. Posts, comments, categories, last post, last commentator and last modified.Version: 1.2Author: Fauzi Mohd DarusAuthor URI: http://www.cypherhackz.netNow Site Statistics v1.2 works with permalinks. No more ugly links like before. :d Watch the demo below:< ?php cypher_sitestats(); ?>Download:cypher_site-statistics-v12.zipLatest Here
FREE Online Signature User Bars
If you don’t know how to use Adobe Photoshop or any graphic tools, you can generate your own signature user bar for free. Do you want to put these colourful signature user bars in your signature? It can be use in forums, as your email signature or just put it on your site. Do what you want to do with it. Because it is totally FREE.GFXedithave make an easy coolonline signature generator. Beside you can use just like that or you can put your name on it. There are 7 fonts and many designs that you can choose from.And if you want free Gmail Signature like this:Get them atSr-Ultimate Gmail Signature. There all FREE… Get one today!Cypher says: I think I’m like a promoter. Lol… :dLinks:Online Siggy Maker,Gmail Signature[tags]user bars, signature, sig, online generator, gmail signature[/tags]
Get FREE MP3 Downloads from Google
Google is the best place where you can get anything that you want. Just named it. What kind of files that you want to download, you can get them from Google.In this article, I will show you how to get FREE MP3 files from Google.The trick is simple. You just use Google search expression to retrieve all indexed files in the search results page.For an example, you want to download MP3 songs of Ayumi Hamasaki. (She is my favourite singer when I was 19 years old) 😛You just type this line in Google search box:intitle:index.of? mp3 ayumiClick Search button and you will get hundreds or thousands of Ayumi Hamasaki MP3 files which you can download freely.Tip:You also can download free videos, movies, from Google. Just change ‘mp3’ to ‘mpg’ or ‘avi’ if you want to get the download links. 😉
World&#8217;s Smallest LED Projector by Sony
Just big size of a ball pen, this Sony (Light Emitting Diode)LED projector is the smallest LED Projector in the world. It only used 14 LEDs including 4 red, 4 blue and 6 green diodes. Two innovations have been made to this projector to make it smaller.…three transmissive LCDs serving as display devices and a prism for synthesizing light beams emitted from the three devices are directly coupled together to be a unitary component. Another innovation is that the distance between the LEDs and the display devices are reduced.And Sony not yet announce it availabilty and pricing. I wonder how much it will cost when it is available in the market. And who will buy this cute little projector? 😕Sony develops smallest LED projector[New Launches] [tags]projector, device, sony, led[/tags]
31 USB devices on 1 USB MegaHub
You have many USB devices that you want to plug on to your computer. But your computer only have 4 USB ports. And all of them been used by your keyboard, mouse, usb pendrive and your printer.But you want to transfer pictures from your digital camera, you need USB port. You want to use microphone to have a live chat with your Yahoo! Messenger buddies, you need USB port. You want to use webcam, you need USB port. All of them need extra USB ports.How about if you have 1 USB hub with 31 USB ports ready to use? I am sure you will not have any problems with your USB ports anymore. 😉But how much power does it need to supply this USB hub? :-wMore Info:31 ports USB Hub[tags]usb, usb port, usb hub, usb device[/tags]