There are **N** dots on a 2D grid, the _i_th of which is a point at |
coordinates (**Xi**, **Yi**). All coordinates are positive integers, and all |
**N** dots' positions are distinct. |
You'd like to draw **N** line segments, each of which is either horizontal or |
vertical, to "connect" each of the dots to one of the grid's axes. In |
particular, for each dot _i_, you'll draw either a horizontal line segment |
connecting it to the y-axis (with endpoints (0, **Yi**) and (**Xi**, **Yi**)), |
or a vertical line segment connecting it to the x-axis (with endpoints |
(**Xi**, 0) and (**Xi**, **Yi**)). Each line segment only counts as |
"connecting" the single dot located at its endpoint, even if it happens to |
pass through other dots along the way. |
No horizontal line segment is allowed to intersect with any vertical line |
segment. Line segments are **not** considered to intersect at either of their |
endpoints — for example, it's permitted for a horizontal line segment to pass |
through the endpoint of a vertical one, or vice versa. Horizontal line |
segments are allowed to overlap with other horizontal ones, as are vertical |
line segments with other vertical ones. |
The cost of drawing a non-empty set of horizontal line segments is equal to |
the length of the longest one (in dollars), while the cost of drawing no |
horizontal line segments is $0. The cost of drawing a set of vertical line |
segments is similarly equal to the length of the longest one (if any), and the |
total cost of drawing all **N** line segments is equal to the cost of drawing |
the set of horizontal ones plus the cost of drawing the set of vertical ones. |
You can choose to draw at most **H** horizontal line segments, and at most |
**V** vertical ones. What's the minimum total cost required to connect all |
**N** dots to the grid's axes, without using too many of either type of line |
segment or causing any horizontal line segments to intersect with vertical |
ones, if that can be done at all? |
In order to reduce the size of the input, the dots' coordinates will not all |
be provided explicitly. Instead, you'll be given **X1**, **X2**, **Y1**, |
**Y2**, as well as 8 constants **Ax**, **Bx**, **Cx**, **Dx**, **Ay**, **By**, |
**Cy**, and **Dy**, and you must then compute **X3..N** and **Y3..N** as |
follows (bearing in mind that intermediate values may not fit within 32-bit |
integers): |
**Xi** = ((**Ax** * **Xi-2** \+ **Bx** * **Xi-1** \+ **Cx**) modulo **Dx**) + 1, for _i_ = 3..**N** |
**Yi** = ((**Ay** * **Yi-2** \+ **By** * **Yi-1** \+ **Cy**) modulo **Dy**) + 1, for _i_ = 3..**N** |
### Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of grids. For each room, there |
are three lines. The first line contains the space-separated integers **N**, |
**H**, and **V**. The second line contains the space-separated integers |
**X1**, **X2**, **Ax**, **Bx**, **Cx**, and **Dx**. The third line contains |
the space-separated integers **Y1**, **Y2**, **Ay**, **By**, **Cy**, and |
**Dy**. |
### Output |
For the _i_th grid, print a line containing "Case #_i_: " followed by the |
minimum total cost (in dollars) required to validly connect all **N** dots to |
the grid's axes, or -1 if it's impossible to do so. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 160 |
2 ≤ **N** ≤ 800,000 |
0 ≤ **H**, **V** ≤ **N** |
0 ≤ **Ax**, **Bx**, **Cx** **Ay**, **By**, **Cy** ≤ 1,000,000,000 |
1 ≤ **Dx**, **Dy** ≤ 1,000,000,000 |
1 ≤ **Xi** ≤ **Dx** |
1 ≤ **Yi** ≤ **Dy** |
In the first case, the dots are at coordinates (6, 2) and (3, 4). The cheapest |
option is to connect both dots using vertical line segments, having lengths 2 |
and 4 and altogether costing $4 to draw. The lack of horizontal line segments |
costs an additional $0, bringing the total to $4 + $0 = $4. |
The second case is the same as the first, except that at most one vertical |
line may be drawn. The cheapest valid option is now to connect the second dot |
using a horizontal line segment (of length 3) while still connecting the first |
dot using a vertical one (of length 2). These two line segments do not |
intersect, and cost a total of $3 + $2 = $5 to draw. |
In the third case, not all of the dots can be connected. |
In the fourth case, the dots are at coordinates (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), and |
(2, 2). You can connect the first dot using a horizontal line segment (of |
length 1), and the other dots with vertical ones (of lengths at most 2), for a |
total cost of $1 + $2 = $3. Note that this causes two vertical line segments |
to overlap (the ones connecting the third and fourth points). |
In the fifth case, the dots are at coordinates (15, 34), (19, 3), (2, 38), |
(13, 17), (18, 14), (25, 15), (42, 18), (9, 11), (26, 34), and (41, 19). |