**This problem statement differs from that of Leapfrog Ch. 2 in only one spot, highlighted in bold below.** |
A colony of frogs peacefully resides in a pond. The colony is led by a single |
Alpha Frog, and also includes 0 or more Beta Frogs. In order to be a good |
leader, the Alpha Frog diligently studies the high art of fractions every day. |
There are **N** lilypads in a row on the pond's surface, numbered 1 to **N** |
from left to right, each of which is large enough to fit at most one frog at a |
time. Today, the Alpha Frog finds itself on the leftmost lilypad, and must |
leap its way to the rightmost lilypad before it can begin its fractions |
practice. |
The initial state of each lilypad _i_ is described by a character **Li**, |
which is one of the following: |
* "`A`": Occupied by the Alpha Frog (it's guaranteed that **Li** = "`A`" if and only if _i_ = 1) |
* "`B`": Occupied by a Beta Frog |
* "`.`": Unoccupied |
At each point in time, one of the following things may occur: |
1) The Alpha Frog may leap over one or more lilypads immediately to its right |
which are occupied by Beta Frogs, and land on the next unoccupied lilypad past |
them, if such a lilypad exists. The Alpha Frog must leap over at least one |
Beta Frog; it may not just leap to an adjacent lilypad. **Note that, unlike in |
Leapfrog Ch. 2, the Alpha Frog may only leap to its right.** |
2) Any Beta Frog may leap to the next lilypad to either its left or right, if |
such a lilypad exists and is unoccupied. |
Assuming the frogs all cooperate, determine whether or not it's possible for |
the Alpha Frog to ever reach the rightmost lilypad and begin its daily |
fractions practice. |
### Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of days on which the Alpha Frog |
studies fractions. For each day, there is a single line containing the |
length-**N** string **L**. |
### Output |
For the _i_th day, print a line containing "Case #_i_: " followed by a single |
character: "`Y`" if the Alpha Frog can reach the rightmost lilypad, or "`N`" |
otherwise. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 500 |
2 ≤ **N** ≤ 5,000 |
### Explanation of Sample |
In the first case, the Alpha Frog can't leap anywhere. |
In the second case, the Alpha Frog can leap over the Beta Frog to reach the |
rightmost lilypad. |
In the third case, neither the Alpha Frog nor either of the Beta Frogs can |
leap anywhere. |
In the fourth case, if the first Beta Frog leaps one lilypad to the left, and |
then the second Beta Frog also leaps one lilypad to the left, then the Alpha |
Frog can leap over both of them to reach the rightmost lilypad. |