Carlos has been working in technology so long that he's starting to feel a bit |
burnt out. Hoping to rejuvenate himself, Carlos has been seeking out more |
artistic opportunities. |
Yamaha, the well-known creator of musical apparatus, has approached Carlos |
with a request that might be right up his alley: they'd like him to design a |
brand new instrument. Immediately, Carlos knows what to do. |
_ "You may have seen Pat Metheny's 42-string guitar, but that's nothing |
compared to what we're going to make together." _ |
Carlos presents his plan for a 1,000-string guitar, complete with programmatic |
tuning so that you don't need to turn 1,000 knobs by hand. Yamaha's market |
research suggests that these sorts of guitars would be great for playing |
palindromic chords, chords where the first string plays the same note as the |
last string, the second string plays the same note as the second-to-last |
string, and so on. Carlos is quickly tasked with developing default tunings |
for the strings so that the guitars are ready to play right out of the box. |
For various integers **K**, Carlos wants to find a set of at most 1,000 |
strings on which exactly **K** distinct palindromic chords can be played. The |
guitar's strings are arranged in a line, and each one must be tuned to a note |
from the set {A, B, C, D, E, F, G}. A chord is then played by strumming a |
contiguous subset of 1 or more strings. Two chords are considered to be |
distinct if there is at least one string that is used in one chord but not the |
other; chords involving the same notes but different strings are considered |
different. |
For example, if **K** = 9, a set of 7 strings could be tuned to the notes C, |
A, B, B, A, G, E in order from left to right. You can play 7 different |
palindromic chords by strumming single strings, the chord BB by strumming the |
3rd and 4th strings, and the chord ABBA by strumming the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and |
5th strings. This is a total of 9 distinct palindromic chords. ** |
Output any non-empty string of valid musical notes, with length at most 1,000, |
representing the tunings of sequential strings. An aspiring musician must be |
able to play exactly **K** distinct palindromic chords on these strings. It's |
guaranteed that there is at least one valid output for each possible valid |
input. |
### Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of tunings that Carlos needs to |
figure out. |
For each tuning, there is a single line containing the integer **K**. |
### Output |
For the _i_th tuning, print a line containing "Case #_i_: " followed by a |
string of up to 1,000 characters representing a tuning of strings as described |
above on which exactly **K** distinct palindromic chords can be played. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 500 |
1 ≤ **K** ≤ 100,000 |
### Explanation of Sample |
In the first case, "ACE" is a valid output as it contains exactly 3 |
palindromes: "A", "C", and "E". On the other hand, "DAD" would not be valid as |
it contains 4 palindromes. |
In the second case, "GAGA" is a valid output as it contains exactly 6 |
palindromes: "G", "A", "G", "A", "GAG", and "AGA". |
**_Note that other outputs would also be accepted for each sample case._** |