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hackercup / 2019 /finals /
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2019 Problems
e329daf verified

Recently, Melody built a little boat, as cute as it could be. And she put a number of animals, two-by-two, on her little boat on the sea!

Melody's boat features N rooms, numbered from 1 to N. The contents of the _i_th room are described by the string Ai. If Ai = "-", then the room is empty, while otherwise the room contains an animal of species Ai (where Ai is a case-sensitive alphanumeric string made up of lowercase letters "a"..."z", uppercase letters "A"..."Z", and digits "0"..."9"). There are at most two animals of any given species on the boat.

There are N-1 corridors in the boat, the _i_th of which allows Melody and the animals to travel in either direction between rooms Xi and Yi. Each room is reachable from each other room by following a sequence of corridors.

It's time for Melody's daily walk through her boat! She'd like to choose one room to start in and a different room to end in, and walk from the former to the latter. She'll take the unique path which allows her to do so without visiting any room multiple times. Along the way, any time she finds herself in a room containing an animal (including the starting or ending room), that animal will join her for the remainder of her walk. Normally, both Melody and the animals will keep quiet, which is just how she likes it. However, if two animals of any given species ever end up joining her, they'll promptly make a racket talking to one another, which is no good! As such, she'll refuse to take a walk which would result in encountering two of any species of animal.

For how many of the N*(N-1) possible ordered pairs of starting/ending rooms would it be possible for Melody to enjoy a quiet walk from one to the other?


Input begins with an integer T, the number of boats.
For each boat, there is first a line containing the integer N.
Then, N lines follow, the _i_th of which contains the string Ai.
Then, N - 1 lines follow, the _i_th of which contains the space-separated integers Xi and Yi.


For the _i_th boat, print a line containing "Case #i: " followed by one integer, the number of valid ordered pairs of starting and ending rooms for Melody's walk.


1 ≤ T ≤ 95
2 ≤ N ≤ 800,000
1 ≤ Xi, YiN
1 ≤ |Ai| ≤ 10

The sum of N across all T test cases is no greater than 4,000,000.

Explanation of Sample

In the first case, the 4 starting/ending room pairs (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3), and (3, 2) are valid. On the other hand, the pairs (1, 3) and (3, 1) are not. For example, on the way from room 1 to room 3, a Fox would begin following Melody around in room 1, and upon being joined by another Fox in room 3, the two Foxen would begin making strange noises towards one another.

In the second case, both possible starting/ending room pairs ((1, 2) and (2, 1)) are no good, as they would involve encountering two talkative Turtles.

In the third case, both possible starting/ending room pairs will do, as no two animals of any given species can be encountered.