The far-off land of Tamriel is brimming with opportunity! Opportunity for |
adventure, politics, romance... and, perhaps most importantly of all, |
commerce. |
A group of Khajiit merchants, traditionally known for roaming the countryside |
selling their wares, have recently set up permanent bazaars in a number of |
towns. Having gotten their cat-like paws on a large supply of raw amber and |
bronze, they're prepared to strategically work together to maximize their |
profits selling it! |
One bazaar has been set up in each of **N*****M**+1 towns. The towns are |
numbered from 0 to **N*****M**, inclusive, and are connected by roads in a |
hub-and-spokes arrangement, with town 0 in the center and **N** lines of **M** |
towns each arranged around it. The _i_th such line consists of towns |
**M***(_i_-1)+1 to **M***_i_, inclusive, connected together in order by |
**M**-1 roads (with one between towns **M***(_i_-1)+1 and **M***(_i_-1)+2, |
another between towns **M***(_i_-1)+2 and **M***(_i_-1)+3, and so on). For |
each line _i_, there is furthermore a road connecting its first town |
(**M***(_i_-1)+1) to town 0. Note that each of the **N*****M** roads may be |
travelled in either direction, and that each town may be reached from each |
other town by following a sequence of roads. |
For example, if **N**=4 and **M**=2, the arrangement of towns and roads would |
look as follows: |
Initially, the bazaar in each town _i_ is stocked with either amber (if **Xi** |
= "A") or bronze (if **Xi** = "B"). However, in order to satisfy demand, it |
should end up stocked with a potentially different ware, either amber (if |
**Yi** = "A") or bronze (if **Yi** = "B"). It's guaranteed that the number of |
bazaars initially stocked with amber is equal to the number of bazaars which |
should end up stocked with amber (consequently, the same holds true for |
bronze). |
In order to accomplish their goal, the Khajiit merchants may repeatedly select |
a pair of towns which are directly connected by a road, and swap their |
bazaars' wares. Please help them determine the minimum number of such swaps |
required for all **N*****M**+1 bazaars to end up stocked with the required |
wares! This is guaranteed to be possible for every possible valid input. |
### Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of Khajiit groups. |
For each group, there is first a line containing the space-separated integers |
**N** and **M**. |
Then follows a line with the length-(**N** * **M** \+ 1) string **X**, the |
characters **X0** through **XN*M**. |
Then follows a line with the length-(**N** * **M** \+ 1) string **Y**, the |
characters **Y0** through **YN*M**. |
### Output |
For the _i_th group, print a line containing "Case #_i_: " followed by one |
integer, the minimum number of swaps required to stock all of the bazaars with |
the required wares. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 80 |
1 ≤ **N**, **M** ≤ 1,000,000 |
1 ≤ **N** * **M** ≤ 1,000,000 |
The sum of **N** * **M** across all **T** test cases is no greater than |
10,000,000. |
### Explanation of Sample |
In the first case, no swaps are required. |
In the second case, bazaars 1 and 2 should swap their goods. |
In the third case, the bazaars are initially set up as follows (with ones |
carrying amber marked in yellow, and ones carrying bronze marked in orange): |
The following sequence of 3 swaps could then be performed to arrive at the |
required configuration: |