You know what a finshake is, right? It's just like a handshake. Except |
performed by fish rather than humans. |
There are **N** pools of water in a row, numbered from 1 to **N** in order. |
Pool _i_'s water level is at an elevation of **Hi** metres. There are **N** \- |
1 equally-tall walls, one between each pair of adjacent pools, with the top of |
each wall at an elevation of **W** metres. All of the water levels are lower |
than the tops of the walls (in other words, **Hi** < **W** for each _i_). |
There are also **M** fish throughout the pools. The _i_th fish initially lives |
in pool **Pi**, and has a jumping height of **Ji** metres. It can jump over a |
wall from any given pool **a** to an adjacent pool **b** (such that |**a** \- |
**b**| = 1) if and only if **Ji** > **W** \- **Ha**. Multiple fish may live in |
the same pool. |
Each of the **M** fish will spend some time jumping over walls amongst the |
pools, before each choosing a final pool to settle in. After all of the fish |
have settled down, for each unique unordered pair of fish who have ended up in |
the same pool as one another, they will give each other a finshake. Assuming |
the fish all work together, what's the maximum number of finshakes which can |
occur once they've all settled down in their chosen pools? |
### Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of rows of pools. For each row |
of pools, there is first a line containing the space-separated integers **N**, |
**M**, and **W**. Then follows a line containing the **N** space-separated |
integers **H1** through **HN**. Then **M** lines follow, the _i_th of which |
contains the space-separated integers **Pi** and **Ji**. |
### Output |
For the _i_th row of pools, output a line containing "Case #_i_: " followed by |
the maximum number of finshakes which can occur. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 50 |
1 ≤ **N** ≤ 500 |
1 ≤ **M** ≤ 50 |
2 ≤ **W** ≤ 1,000,000 |
1 ≤ **Hi** < **W** |
1 ≤ **Pi** ≤ **N** |
1 ≤ **Ji** ≤ 1,000,000 |
### Explanation of Sample |
In the first case, neither fish has a sufficient jumping height to jump over |
the wall from its own pool to the other pool. As such, each fish must remain |
isolated in its own pool, resulting in 0 finshakes being exchanged. |
In the second case, the second fish has sufficient jumping strength to go back |
and forth over the wall. It should choose to settle in the first pool. With |
both fish ending up in the same pool, they'll exchange 1 finshake. |
In the third case, the first fish is unable to leave the first pool. The |
fourth fish could decide to choose to stay in the first pool as well, and give |
the first fish a finshake. However, it's better for the last 3 fish to all |
congregate in the second pool instead, as this will result in a total of 3 |
finshakes being exchanged amongst them. |