Ethan's doing his very first programming assignment: implementing a |
`contains()` function. This function takes two strings, **A** and **B**, and |
returns `true` if **A** is a substring of **B**, and `false` otherwise. |
Here's the algorithm that Ethan has come up with. Note that |**A**| denotes |
the length of **A**, and the individual characters of the strings are |
1-indexed. |
1. Set _i_ and _j_ to each be equal to 1. |
2. If _i_ > |**A**|, return `true`. |
3. If _j_ > |**B**|, return `false`. |
4. If **Ai** = **Bj**, increment _i_ and _j_ by 1 each, and return to Step 2. |
5. If _i_ = 1, increment _j_ by 1, and return to Step 2. |
6. Set _i_ to be equal to 1, and return to Step 2. |
As the TA in charge of grading Ethan's assignment, this doesn't look quite |
right to you. To make sure Ethan doesn't get any more credit than he deserves, |
you'd like to find some inputs for which his algorithm returns `false` even |
though it should return `true`. |
The professor teaching this class has provided you with a half-written list of |
test cases. In particular, it's a list of inputs for the **A** parameter, and |
you're free to come up with your own inputs for the **B** parameter. For each |
given string **A**, you want to find a string **B** that will cause Ethan's |
algorithm to return the wrong output (`false` instead of `true`), if possible. |
**A** will only contain uppercase alphabetic characters, and **B** must follow |
the same constraint. The test cases shouldn't be too large, so **B** must also |
contain at most 10,000 characters. |
### Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of given strings. Then, **T** |
lines follow. Each line contains a single string, **A**. |
### Output |
For the _i_th given string, print a line containing "Case #_i_: " followed by |
any valid string **B** that will cause Ethan's algorithm to return the wrong |
value, or "Impossible" if no such string exists. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 100 |
1 ≤ |**A**| ≤ 2,000 |
### Explanation of Sample |
In the first case, _i_ and _j_ will have these values in order the first 10 |
times the algorithm is at Step 2: |
i j |
--- |
1 1 |
2 2 |
1 2 |
1 3 |
1 4 |
1 5 |
2 6 |
3 7 |
4 8 |
1 8 |
Please note that other outputs for example cases 1 and 3 would also be |
accepted. |