Oh boy, Sid's family has taken him to Pizza Planet today! Pizza Planet is a |
fun family restaurant with lots of arcade games, but the highlight for Sid is |
Space Crane, a crane game with cool toy prizes. He'd love to win some to add |
to his collection! |
Looking at Space Crane from the front, it can be represented as a 2D plane. At |
the top, there's a horizontal crane track, a line segment running from (0, |
**M**) to (1,000,000, **M**). There's a claw attached to this track by an |
extendible wire. The claw is initially located at coordinates (0, **M**) and |
may be moved anywhere within the inclusive range of x-coordinates [0, |
1,000,000] and the inclusive range of y-coordinates [0, **M**]. At all points |
in time, the connecting wire runs vertically upwards from the claw's position |
to the track. That is, when the claw is at some point (**x**, **y**), the wire |
forms a line segment from (**x**, **y**) to (**x**, **M**). |
Space Crane works differently than most crane games — rather than using the |
claw to directly pick up prizes, the player's objective is to navigate the |
claw to a series of targets. There are **N** targets, all with distinct |
x-coordinates, with the _i_th target at coordinates (**Xi**, **Yi**). If Sid |
manages to move the claw to touch the **N** targets in order from 1 to **N**, |
and then return the claw to its original position at (0, **M**), he'll win a |
prize! Targets are not collected along the way (they're only touched by the |
claw), meaning that all **N** targets will remain in place for the duration of |
the game. |
The claw may never be anywhere directly underneath a target (at the same |
x-coordinate but with a strictly smaller y-coordinate), as it would interfere |
with the crane's wire. However, the claw may occupy exactly the same position |
as a target, including passing directly through targets which Sid is not |
currently trying to touch. |
Before the game starts, Sid is given an opportunity to adjust each of the |
**N** targets. There are two possible choices for each target: it may either |
be left in its original position, or its y-coordinate may be increased by |
exactly 1 unit. These adjustments may only be performed in advance, and the |
targets must then all remain in their chosen positions for the duration of the |
game. |
Completing the game normally isn't much of a challenge for Sid, but he's heard |
a rumour that Space Crane awards double prizes if completed as efficiently as |
possible! The game measures efficiency based on how much the claw's wire |
expands and contracts. As such, Sid would like to adjust the targets and then |
move the claw around such that the total amount of vertical movement (changes |
in y-coordinate) performed by the claw is minimized. Note that the claw's |
horizontal movement (changes in x-coordinate) is ignored. Help Sid determine |
the minimum total amount of vertical claw movement which might be required! |
### Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of times Sid plays Space Crane. |
For each game, there is first a line containing the space-separated integers |
**N** and **M**. Then **N** lines follow, the _i_th of which contains the |
space-separated integers **Xi** and **Yi**. |
### Output |
For the _i_th game, output a line containing "Case #_i_: " followed by the the |
minimum total amount of vertical claw movement, in units. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 100 |
1 ≤ **N** ≤ 1,000,000 |
3 ≤ **M** ≤ 1,000,000 |
0 ≤ **Xi** ≤ 1,000,000 |
1 ≤ **Yi** ≤ **M** \- 2 |
### Explanation of Sample |
In the first case, the single target's height should be increased from 1 to 2. |
Then, aside from moving right and left by 1,000,000 units, the crane will need |
to move downwards by 8 units to reach the target and upwards by 8 units to |
return to its original position, for a total of 16 units of vertical movement. |
In the second case, if the targets are all left at their original heights, 10 |
units of vertical movement will be required. If their heights are all |
increased by 1, 8 units will be required. However, if just the first two |
targets are raised, then only 6 units will be required, which is the minimum |
achievable amount. |