The kingdom of Hackadia has **N** cities that are connected by **M** |
bidirectional roads. Cities are enumerated from **0** to **N - 1**. To attract |
tourists, the government has decided to open up some restaurant chains |
throughout the kingdom. Each restaurant chain will serve some subset of |
cities, and will have exactly one restaurant in each city of the chosen |
subset. Thus, each city will have some restaurant chains, and it is possible |
to have all possible restaurant chains in some city or not to have any |
restaurant chains in some city. |
To ensure that tourists do not face a drastic change in the food scenario when |
traveling from one city to another, the government has decided that the |
following condition must be satisfied for each pair of cities (**u**, **v**) : |
_ "the number of restaurant chains open in city **u** but not in city **v**" |
plus "the number of restaurant chains open in city **v** but not in city |
**u**" should always be equal to the shortest distance between city **u** and |
city **v**. _ |
It is guaranteed that every two cities are connected by some sequence of |
bidirectional roads, and the shortest distance between city **u** and city |
**v** is the number of roads on the shortest path connecting **u** and **v**. |
Your job is to help the government determine the minimal number of restaurant |
chains, such that there exist some assignment of the restaurant chains among |
the cities that satisfy the above condition. If such assignment is not |
possible print **-1**. |
### Input |
The first line of the input will be the number of test cases **T**. |
Each of the test cases start with a line containing the numbers **N** and |
**M**, representing the number of cities and the number of roads respectively. |
The next **M** lines of each testcase contain a pairs of integers, |
representing the cities connected by a bidirectional road in Hackadia. |
Each testcase will be followed by an empty line. |
### Output |
For each test case **i** numbered from 1 to **T**, output "Case #**i**: ", |
followed by the minimal number of restaurant chains or **-1**. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T **≤ 20 |
1 ≤ **N** ≤ 10,000 |
1 ≤ **M** ≤ 50,000 |
### Explanation |
In the first example, we can have two restaurant chains (named X and Y) and |
have chain X serve cities 1 and 2, and have chain Y serve cities 2 and 3. |
In the second example, it is not possible to have such restaurant chain |
assignment. |