You may be familiar with the works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson, the famous |
English poet. In this problem we will concern ourselves with Tennison, the |
less famous English tennis player. As you know, tennis is not so much a game |
of skill as a game of luck and weather patterns. The goal of tennis is to win |
**K** sets before the other player. However, the chance of winning a set is |
largely dependent on whether or not there is weather. |
Tennison plays best when it's sunny, but sometimes, of course, it rains. |
Tennison wins a set with probability **ps** when it's sunny, and with |
probability **pr** when it's raining. The chance that there will be sun for |
the first set is **pi**. Luckily for Tennison, whenever he wins a set, the |
probability that there will be sun increases by **pu** with probability |
**pw**. Unfortunately, when Tennison loses a set, the probability of sun |
decreases by **pd** with probability **pl**. What is the chance that Tennison |
will be successful in his match? |
Rain and sun are the only weather conditions, so P(rain) = 1 - P(sun) at all |
times. Also, probabilities always stay in the range [0, 1]. If P(sun) would |
ever be less than 0, it is instead 0. If it would ever be greater than 1, it |
is instead 1. |
## Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of tennis matches that Tennison |
plays. For each match, there is a line containing an integer **K**, followed |
by the probabilities **ps, pr, pi, pu, pw, pd, pl** in that order. All of |
these values are given with exactly three places after the decimal point. |
## Output |
For each match, output "Case #i: " followed by the probability that Tennison |
wins the match, rounded to 6 decimal places (quotes for clarity only). It is |
guaranteed that the output is unaffected by deviations as large as 10-8. |
## Constraints |
* 1 ≤ **T** ≤ 100 |
* 1 ≤ **K** ≤ 100 |
* 0 ≤ **ps, pr, pi, pu, pw, pd, pl** ≤ 1 |
* **ps** > **pr** |