It's time to clean up your friends list after friending too many people on |
Facebook over the winter. The set of your friends' user ids is **F** = |
{**x0**, **x1**, ..., **xn-1**}. Each friend from **F** is on zero or more |
friend lists that you use to organize your friends. There are **M** friend |
lists, **c0**, **c1**, ..., **cm-1**. You can unfriend (remove from **F**) |
some of your friends, but because you want to stay in touch with people, you |
can only unfriend one person from each friend list. You may also choose not to |
unfriend anyone from friend list. Any friend that isn't on a friend list |
cannot be unfriended. |
Your goal is to find the maximum possible distance between the two friends |
whose user ids are the closest after you are done unfriending people. The |
distance between user id **x** and user id **y** is defined as |
abs(**x**-**y**). |
### Input |
The first line contains a positive integer **T**, the number of test cases. |
**T** test cases follow. |
The first line of each test case contains the number of friends **N**, and |
number of friend lists **M**, separated by a space. The second line contains |
**x0** and integer parameters **a**, **b**, and **p**, separated by spaces. |
You must use these to generate the remaining numbers **x1**, …, **xn-1** |
according to this formula: |
> **xi** = (**xi-1** * **a** \+ **b**) mod **p** |
The next M lines of each test case define the friend lists for that test case. |
Each line consists of the following integers, separated by spaces: **size**, |
**y0**, **a**, **b**. The **size** is the number of friends in the friend |
list. **y0** is the index in F of the first friend in the list. You must |
generate the remaining friends in the friend list **y1**, …, **yn-1** |
according to the following formula: |
> **yi** = (**yi-1** * **a** \+ **b**) mod **n** |
If a friend list contains more than one of a given index, consider it to only |
contain that index once. |
## Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 20 |
2 ≤ **n** ≤ 50 000 |
0 ≤ **m** ≤ 1 500 |
0 ≤ sum of sizes of all friend lists ≤ 1 000 000 |
**Numbers used in generators:** |
0 < **a**, **p** < 230 |
0 ≤ **b** < 230 |
### Output |
For each of the test cases numbered in order from **1** to **T**, output "Case |
#", followed by the case number, followed by ": ", followed by the maximum |
possible distance between the two closest user ids that you are still friends |
with for that case. |