A number is called **n**-factorful if it has exactly **n** distinct prime |
factors. Given positive integers **a**, **b**, and **n**, your task is to find |
the number of integers between **a** and **b**, inclusive, that are |
**n**-factorful. We consider 1 to be 0-factorful. |
## Input |
Your input will consist of a single integer **T** followed by a newline and |
**T** test cases. Each test cases consists of a single line containing |
integers **a**, **b**, and **n** as described above. |
## Output |
Output for each test case one line containing the number of **n**-factorful |
integers in [**a**, **b**]. |
## Constraints |
**T** = 20 |
1 ≤ **a** ≤ **b** ≤ 107 |
0 ≤ **n** ≤ 10 |