Recently, Melody built a little boat, as cute as it could be. And she put a |
number of animals, two-by-two, on her little boat on the sea! |
Melody's boat features **N** rooms, numbered from 1 to **N**. The contents of |
the _i_th room are described by the string **Ai**. If **Ai** = "-", then the |
room is empty, while otherwise the room contains an animal of species **Ai** |
(where **Ai** is a case-sensitive alphanumeric string made up of lowercase |
letters "a"..."z", uppercase letters "A"..."Z", and digits "0"..."9"). There |
are **at most two animals of any given species** on the boat. |
There are **N**-1 corridors in the boat, the _i_th of which allows Melody and |
the animals to travel in either direction between rooms **Xi** and **Yi**. |
Each room is reachable from each other room by following a sequence of |
corridors. |
It's time for Melody's daily walk through her boat! She'd like to choose one |
room to start in and a different room to end in, and walk from the former to |
the latter. She'll take the unique path which allows her to do so without |
visiting any room multiple times. Along the way, any time she finds herself in |
a room containing an animal (including the starting or ending room), that |
animal will join her for the remainder of her walk. Normally, both Melody and |
the animals will keep quiet, which is just how she likes it. However, if two |
animals of any given species ever end up joining her, they'll promptly make a |
racket talking to one another, which is no good! As such, she'll refuse to |
take a walk which would result in encountering two of any species of animal. |
For how many of the **N***(**N**-1) possible ordered pairs of starting/ending |
rooms would it be possible for Melody to enjoy a quiet walk from one to the |
other? |
### Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of boats. |
For each boat, there is first a line containing the integer **N**. |
Then, **N** lines follow, the _i_th of which contains the string **Ai**. |
Then, **N** \- 1 lines follow, the _i_th of which contains the space-separated |
integers **Xi** and **Yi**. |
### Output |
For the _i_th boat, print a line containing "Case #_i_: " followed by one |
integer, the number of valid ordered pairs of starting and ending rooms for |
Melody's walk. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 95 |
2 ≤ **N** ≤ 800,000 |
1 ≤ **Xi**, **Yi** ≤ **N** |
1 ≤ |**Ai**| ≤ 10 |
The sum of **N** across all **T** test cases is no greater than 4,000,000. |
### Explanation of Sample |
In the first case, the 4 starting/ending room pairs (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 3), |
and (3, 2) are valid. On the other hand, the pairs (1, 3) and (3, 1) are not. |
For example, on the way from room 1 to room 3, a Fox would begin following |
Melody around in room 1, and upon being joined by another Fox in room 3, the |
two Foxen would begin making strange noises towards one another. |
In the second case, both possible starting/ending room pairs ((1, 2) and (2, |
1)) are no good, as they would involve encountering two talkative Turtles. |
In the third case, both possible starting/ending room pairs will do, as no two |
animals of any given species can be encountered. |