The night sky can be modeled as an infinite 2D plane. There are **N** stars at |
distinct positions on this plane, the **i**th of which is at coordinates |
(**Xi**, **Yi**). |
A boomerang constellation is a pair of distinct equal-length line segments |
which share a single endpoint, such that both endpoints of each segment |
coincide with a star's location. |
Two boomerang constellations are distinct if they're not made up of the same |
unordered pair of line segments. How many distinct boomerang constellations |
can you spot? |
### Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of nights on which you look out |
at the sky. For each night, there is first a line containing the integer |
**N**. Then, **N** lines follow, the **i**th of which contains the space- |
separated integers **Xi** and **Yi**. |
### Output |
For the **i**th night, print a line containing "Case #**i**: " followed by the |
number of boomerang constellations in the night sky. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 50 |
1 ≤ **N** ≤ 2,000 |
-10,000 ≤ **Xi**, **Yi** ≤ 10,000 |
### Explanation of Sample |
On the first night, every pair of stars is a unique distance apart, so there |
are no boomerang constellations. On the second night, there are 4 boomerang |
constellations. One of them consists of the line segments (0,0)-(0,2) and |
(0,2)-(0,4). |