A family of four moles lives in an underground burrow. Each of them has an |
important role to play! Daddy Mole is in charge of renovating the burrow. |
Mommy Mole fixes up Daddy Mole's inevitable mistakes. And Brother Mole and |
Sister Mole mostly lie around playing video games. |
Their burrow consists of **N** little underground rooms, numbered from 1 to |
**N**. Room 1 is connected to the surface, and for each other room _i_ (such |
that 2 ≤ _i_ ≤ **N**), the room initially "above" room _i_ is room **Pi**, |
meaning that there's a tunnel leading downwards from room **Pi** to room _i_, |
which may be traversed in either direction. It's guaranteed that it's possible |
to reach each room from room 1 by travelling through a sequence of tunnels. |
Daddy Mole will renovate the burrow **K** times in a row. For each renovation |
in turn, he'll independently randomly select a room _i_ aside from room 1 |
(such that 2 ≤ _i_ ≤ **N**), with each such room having an equal 1 / (**N** \- |
1) probability of being chosen each time. He'll then "improve" the burrow's |
architectural design by simply caving in the tunnel connecting node _i_ and |
the room currently above it, causing that tunnel to no longer exist. Mommy |
Mole will then immediately salvage the situation by creating a new tunnel |
leading downwards from room 1 to room _i_ (such that the room above _i_ will |
now be room 1). This may result in Mommy Mole recreating exactly the same |
tunnel that Daddy Mole had just caved in. Note that, in the resulting burrow, |
each room will always once again be reachable from room 1. |
After these **K** random renovations have been completed, Brother Mole (who |
hangs out in room **A**) will go visit Sister Mole in her room (room **B**) to |
show off his latest video game high score. He'll travel along the unique |
sequence of tunnels which will get him there without passing through any rooms |
multiple times, at a speed of 1 tunnel per minute. What's the expected amount |
of time this will take him? |
Let this expected time (in minutes) be represented as a quotient of integers |
**p/q** in lowest terms. Output the value of this quotient modulo |
1,000,000,007 — in other words, output the unique integer **x** such that 0 ≤ |
**x** < 1,000,000,007 and **p** = **x*****q** (modulo 1,000,000,007). |
### Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of burrows. For each burrow, |
there is first a line containing the space-separated integers **N**, **K**, |
**A**, and **B**. Then, **N** \- 1 lines follow, the _i_th of which contains |
the integer **Pi+1** (starting with **P2**). |
### Output |
For the _i_th burrow, print a line containing "Case #_i_: " followed by a |
single integer, the expected number of minutes required for Brother Mole to |
travel from room **A** to room **B** after **K** renovations, expressed as a |
quotient of integers modulo 1,000,000,007. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 70 |
2 ≤ **N** ≤ 6,000 |
0 ≤ **K** ≤ 2,000,000 |
1 ≤ **A**, **B**, **Pi** ≤ **N** |
**A** ≠ **B** |
### Explanation of Sample |
In the first case, if Daddy Mole chooses room 2 for his single renovation |
(caving in the tunnel between rooms 2 and 3), then Mommy Mole will dig a |
tunnel between rooms 1 and 2, and Brother Mole will then need 2 minutes to |
travel from room 2 to room 3 (passing through room 1 along the way). |
Otherwise, if Daddy Mole chooses node 3, then Mommy Mole will restore the |
burrow to its original state, and Brother Mole will be able to reach room 3 |
directly in 1 minute. These two possibilities are equally likely, resulting in |
an expected time of (2+1)/2 = 3/2 = 500000005 (modulo 1,000,000,007) minutes. |
In the second case, no matter which room Daddy Mole chooses for each |
renovation, Mommy Mole will recreate the tunnel that he caves in, resulting in |
Brother Mole's trip taking 2 minutes after any number of renovations. |