Al is the proprietor of Al's Awesome and Amazing Amusement Arcade, called |
AAAAAA by some, AAaAAA by others, AAAAA by others still, and alternately A5 or |
A6 by math majors. |
The problem with operating such a spectacular business is managing the line of |
people waiting to get in. City by-laws prevent people from loitering on Al's |
property, so anybody who wants to experience the wonders Al has in store has |
to queue in the parking lot. Not wanting to turn people away, Al is interested |
in cramming as many hapless souls into the parking lot as he can. However, |
customers are a whiny bunch, and refuse to stand in any queue that makes too |
many detours before getting to the entrance. |
You can imagine that the parking lot is a grid, with the Arcade's entrance in |
the upper-left corner. All queues must begin here. There may be cars in the |
parking lot, denoted '#'. Customers refuse to queue on top of cars. All other |
cells will contain '.'. Due to customer complaints, all queues must generally |
extend only rightwards and downwards. However, Al's clientele is not entirely |
unreasonable, so a queue may have a single contiguous section that runs |
upwards, or a single contiguous section that runs leftwards, but not both. |
Queues only extend in these four directions (i.e., not diagonally). |
There is only room for one customer in each empty space. Each pair of |
consecutive customers in the queue must stand in adjacent spaces, i.e. there |
can't be any gaps in the queue. |
### Input |
The first line of the input consists of a single integer **T**, the number of |
test cases. |
Each test case begins with a line containing two integers, **N** and **M**, |
the number of rows and columns in the lot's grid. |
The next **N** lines each contain a string with exactly **M** characters, |
where the **i**th line correspond to the **i**th row in the grid. |
### Output |
For each test case **i** numbered from 1 to **T**, output "Case #**i**: ", |
followed by the size of the largest queue starting in the top left corner that |
Al can fit into his parking lot. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 20 |
1 ≤ **N**, **M** ≤ 500 |
Each character in the grid will be either '.' or '#'. |
The character in the upper left corner will always be '.' |