You, a perfect speller, have a vocabulary of (N) distinct words, (V_1, ..., V_N), each consisting of exactly (L) lowercase letters from the alphabet ({)'m'
, 'e'
, 't'
, 'a'
Your friend, a truely terrable speler, has attempted to write (Q) of these words as (W_1, ..., W_Q), each also consisting of (L) lowercase letters from the same alphabet.
Let (S_i) be the number of words in your vocabulary that differ from (W_i) at exactly two indices. Please determine the sum (S_1 + ... + S_Q).
(1 \le T \le 95)
(1 \le N, Q \le 750{,}000)
(1 \le L = |V_i| = |W_i| \le 20{,}000)
((N+Q)*L \le 15{,}000{,}000)
(V_{ij} \in {)'m'
, 'e'
, 't'
, 'a'
(W_{ij} \in {)'m'
, 'e'
, 't'
, 'a'
All (V_i) in a given test case are distinct.
The sum of lengths of all strings across all cases is at most (18{,}000{,}000).
Input Format
Input begins with a single integer (T), the number of test cases. For each test case, there is first a line containing a single integer (N). Then, (N) lines follow, the (i)th of which contains the string (V_i). Then, there is a line containing a single integer (Q). Then, (Q) lines follow, the (i)th of which contains the string (W_i).
Output Format
For the (i)th test case, output a single line containing "Case #i: "
followed by a single integer, the sum (S_1 + ... + S_Q).
Sample Explanation
The first case is depicted below:
The answer is (4), since:
- (W_1) = "
" differs from "metamate
" at three indices, so (S_1 = 0). - (W_2) = "
" differs from "metamate
" at exactly two indices, so (S_2 = 1). - (W_3) = "
" differs from "metamate
" at exactly two indices, so (S_3 = 1). - (W_4) = "
" differs from "metamate
" at exactly two indices, so (S_4 = 1). - (W_5) = "
" differs from "metamate
" at exactly two indices, so (S_5 = 1).
In the second case, the answer is (0), since:
- (W_1) = "
" differs from (V_1) = "meet
" at four indices, (V_2) = "emma
" at three indices, and (V_3) = "tate
" at only one index, so (S_1 = 0). - (W_2) = "
" differs from (V_1) = "meet
" at three indices, (V_2) = "emma
" at four indices, and (V_3) = "tate
" at three indices, so (S_2 = 0).
In the third case, the answer is (5), since:
- (W_1) = "
" differs from both (V_1) = "mem
" and (V_3) = "mat
" at exactly two indices, so (S_1 = 2). - (W_2) = "
" differs from (V_1) = "mem
" at exactly two indices, so (S_2 = 1). - (W_3) = "
" differs from both (V_1) = "mem
" and (V_2) = "met" at exactly two indices, so (S_3 = 2).