Today, Mr. Fox is taking it easy by playing with some blocks in a 2D world. |
Each block is an inch-by-inch square, and there are **N** stacks of blocks in |
a row, with the **i**th stack having **Hi** blocks. For example, if **N**=6 |
and **H**={3, 1, 5, 4, 1, 6}, then the collection of blocks looks like this |
(where an "X" denotes a block): |
.....X |
..X..X |
..XX.X |
X.XX.X |
X.XX.X |
Ever curious, Mr. Fox would like to answer **Q** questions about his blocks |
(without actually modifying them), the **i**th one being as follows: |
"If I were to consider only the stacks from **Ai** to **Bi** inclusive, |
getting rid of all of the other blocks, how many square inches of water would |
my block structure be able to hold?" |
As one might imagine, a given square inch can hold water if it doesn't contain |
a block itself, but there is a block both somewhere to its left and somewhere |
to its right at the same height. For example, if you were to take **Ai**=2 and |
**Bi**=6, you would be left with the following block structure to consider |
(where an "*" denotes an inch-by-inch square which can hold water): |
....X |
.X**X |
.XX*X |
.XX*X |
.XX*X |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 20 |
1 ≤ **N** ≤ 300,000 |
1 ≤ **Q** ≤ 300,000 |
1 ≤ **Hi** ≤ 109 |
1 ≤ **Ai** ≤ **Bi** ≤ **N** |
### Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of block structures Mr. Fox |
has. For each structure, there is first a line containing the space-separated |
integers **N** and **Q**. The next line contains the space-separated integers |
**Hi**. Then follow **Q** lines, the **i**th of which contains the space- |
separated integers **Ai** and **Bi**. |
### Output |
For the **i**th structure, print a line containing "Case #**i**: " followed by |
the sum of the answers to the **Q** questions modulo 109+7. |
### Explanation of Sample |
In the first case, we consider prefixes of the block structure. The answers to |
the queries are 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 7, 7, 18, 18 for a total of 60. |