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**Note: This problem shares similarities with [Chapter 2]( The solution to either chapter may help with solving the other, so please consider reading both first.**
You just landed yourself a gig as a delivery driver for a nationwide supply chain. You've been assigned a series of long-haul jobs, so it's time to get to work.
For each job, you will be provided with a map of the relevant region, which includes \(N\) cities (numbered from 1 to \(N\)) and \(N-1\) two-way roads running amongst them. **The cities are connected by roads in a single line**, such that there's a road between each pair of consecutive cities. In other words, cities \(i\) and \(j\) are directly connected by a road if and only if \(|i - j| = 1\).
You will begin in city \(1\) with a shipment of supplies to be delivered to city \(N\), and with a full gas tank having a capacity of \(M\) gallons. You will then have two options at each point in time:
1. Drive along a road from your current city to an adjacent one, using up 1 gallon of gas. You may not do this if your tank is empty, but it's fine if your tank becomes empty as a result.
2. Fill your tank all the way back up to \(M\) gallons of gas at a cost of \(C_i\) dollars, where \(i\) is your current city. Note that the cost is independent of how much gas your tank had before refueling. You may not do this if city \(i\) has no gas station (indicated with \(C_i = 0\)).
Determine the minimum cost required to arrive at city \(N\), if it's possible at all.
# Input
Input begins with an integer \(T\), the number of long-haul jobs you've been assigned. For each job there is first a line containing the space-separated integers \(N\) and \(M\). Then, \(N\) lines follow, the \(i\)th of which contains the single integer \(C_i\).
# Output
For the \(i\)th job, output a line containing *"Case #i: "* followed by a single integer, the minimum cost in dollars to get from city 1 to city \(N\), or \(-1\) if it's impossible.
# Constraints
\(1 \le T \le 85\)
\(2 \le N \le 1,000,000\)
\(1 \le M \le N\)
\(0 \le C_i \le 1,000,000,000\)
The sum of \(N\) across all jobs is at most 4,000,000.
# Sample Explanation
In the first job, you will begin in city 1 with 3 gallons of gas. You cannot drive all the way to your destination (city 5) without refueling along the way, as that would require a total of 4 gallons of gas. The cheapest option is to drive to city 2, top up your tank for a cost of $20, and then drive through cities 3 and 4 before reaching city 5 with no more gas to spare.
In the second job, your gas tank only has a capacity of 2 gallons. In this case, the cheapest strategy involves depleting all of your gas to drive to city 3, refueling there for $30, and then depleting all of your gas to reach city 5.
In the third job, your gas tank only has a capacity of 1 gallon. No matter what you do, you will deplete all of your gas in the drive from city 3 to city 4, where there will be no way to refuel to reach city 5.