stringlengths 1
⌀ | label
class label 1.18k
classes | domain_label
class label 21
classes | index
stringlengths 4
int main(){
int sum = 0, i, j;
int try_max = 0;
int count_list[3] = {1,0,0};
for(i=2; i <= 20000; i++){
try_max = i/2;
sum = 1;
for(j=2; j<try_max; j++){
if (i % j)
try_max = i/j;
sum += j;
if (j != try_max)
sum += try_max;
if (sum < i){
if (sum > i){
printf( ,count_list[de]);
printf( ,count_list[pe]);
printf( ,count_list[ab]);
return 0;
} | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 5c
| 08bst |
(ns rosettacode.align-columns
(:require [clojure.contrib.string:as str]))
(def data "Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$
(def table (map #(str/split #"\$" %) (str/split-lines data)))
(defn col-width [n table] (reduce max (map #(try (count (nth % n))
(catch Exception _ 0))
(defn spaces [n] (str/repeat n " "))
(defn add-padding
"if the string is too big turncate it, else return a string with padding"
[string width justification]
(if (>= (count string) width) (str/take width string)
(let [pad-len (int (- width (count string)))
half-pad-len (int (/ pad-len 2))]
(case justification
:right (str (spaces pad-len) string)
:left (str string (spaces pad-len))
:center (str (spaces half-pad-len) string (spaces (- pad-len half-pad-len)))))))
(defn aligned-table
"get the width of each column, then generate a new table with propper padding for eath item"
([table justification]
(let [col-widths (map #(+ 2 (col-width % table)) (range (count(first table))))]
(fn [row] (map #(add-padding %1 %2 justification) row col-widths))
(defn print-table
(do (println)
(print (str/join "" (flatten (interleave table (repeat "\n")))))))
(print-table (aligned-table table:center)) | 1,160Align columns
| 6clojure
| ymi6b |
use strict;
use 5.10.0;
package Integrator;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
sub new {
my $cls = shift;
my $obj = bless { t => 0,
sum => 0,
ref $cls ? %$cls : (),
stop => 0,
tid => 0,
func => shift,
}, ref $cls || $cls;
$obj->{tid} = async {
my $upd = 0.1;
while (!$obj->{stop}) {
my $f = $obj->{func};
my $t = $obj->{t};
$obj->{sum} += ($f->($t) + $f->($t + $upd))* $upd/ 2;
$obj->{t} += $upd;
select(undef, undef, undef, $upd);
sub output { shift->{sum} }
sub delete {
my $obj = shift;
$obj->{stop} = 1;
sub setinput {
my $obj = shift;
package main;
my $x = Integrator->new(sub { sin(atan2(1, 1) * 8 * .5 * shift) });
say "sin after 2 seconds: ", $x->output;
$x = $x->setinput(sub {0});
select(undef, undef, undef, .5);
say "0 after .5 seconds: ", $x->output;
$x->delete; | 1,157Active object
| 2perl
| cl39a |
from proper_divisors import proper_divs
from functools import lru_cache
def pdsum(n):
return sum(proper_divs(n))
def aliquot(n, maxlen=16, maxterm=2**47):
if n == 0:
return 'terminating', [0]
s, slen, new = [n], 1, n
while slen <= maxlen and new < maxterm:
new = pdsum(s[-1])
if new in s:
if s[0] == new:
if slen == 1:
return 'perfect', s
elif slen == 2:
return 'amicable', s
return 'sociable of length%i'% slen, s
elif s[-1] == new:
return 'aspiring', s
return 'cyclic back to%i'% new, s
elif new == 0:
return 'terminating', s + [0]
slen += 1
return 'non-terminating', s
if __name__ == '__main__':
for n in range(1, 11):
print('%s:%r'% aliquot(n))
for n in [11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 15355717786080]:
print('%s:%r'% aliquot(n)) | 1,151Aliquot sequence classifications
| 3python
| g774h |
null | 1,153AKS test for primes
| 11kotlin
| v5v21 |
from proper_divisors import proper_divs
def amicable(rangemax=20000):
n2divsum = {n: sum(proper_divs(n)) for n in range(1, rangemax + 1)}
for num, divsum in n2divsum.items():
if num < divsum and divsum <= rangemax and n2divsum[divsum] == num:
yield num, divsum
if __name__ == '__main__':
for num, divsum in amicable():
print('Amicable pair:%i and%i With proper divisors:\n %r\n %r'
% (num, divsum, sorted(proper_divs(num)), sorted(proper_divs(divsum)))) | 1,144Amicable pairs
| 3python
| c279q |
def accumulator = { Number n ->
def value = n;
{ it = 0 -> value += it}
} | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 7groovy
| 081sh |
null | 1,153AKS test for primes
| 1lua
| u4uvl |
additive_primes ={|prime| }
N = 500
res = additive_primes.take_while{|n| n < N}.to_a
puts res.join()
puts | 1,154Additive primes
| 14ruby
| gr54q |
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.STRef
accumulator :: (Num a) => a -> ST s (a -> ST s a)
accumulator sum0 = do
sum <- newSTRef sum0
return $ \n -> do
modifySTRef sum (+ n)
readSTRef sum
main :: IO ()
main = print foo
where foo = runST $ do
x <- accumulator 1
x 5
accumulator 3
x 2.3 | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 8haskell
| 54mug |
fn main() {
let limit = 500;
let column_w = limit.to_string().len() + 1;
let mut pms = Vec::with_capacity(limit / 2 - limit / 3 / 2 - limit / 5 / 3 / 2 + 1);
let mut count = 0;
for u in (2..3).chain((3..limit).step_by(2)) {
if pms.iter().take_while(|&&p| p * p <= u).all(|&p| u % p != 0) {
let dgs = std::iter::successors(Some(u), |&n| (n > 9).then(|| n / 10)).map(|n| n % 10);
if pms.binary_search(&dgs.sum()).is_ok() {
print!("{}{u:column_w$}", if count % 10 == 0 { "\n" } else { "" });
count += 1;
println!("\n---\nFound {count} additive primes less than {limit}");
} | 1,154Additive primes
| 15rust
| r74g5 |
divisors <- function (n) {
Filter( function (m) 0 == n%% m, 1:(n/2) )
table = sapply(1:19999, function (n) sum(divisors(n)) )
for (n in 1:19999) {
m = table[n]
if ((m > n) && (m < 20000) && (n == table[m]))
cat(n, " ", m, "\n")
} | 1,144Amicable pairs
| 13r
| 6m53e |
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant EXIT_FAILURE => 1;
use constant EXIT_SUCCESS => 0;
sub amb {
exit(EXIT_FAILURE) if !@_;
for my $word (@_) {
my $pid = fork;
die $! unless defined $pid;
return $word if !$pid;
my $wpid = waitpid $pid, 0;
die $! unless $wpid == $pid;
sub joined {
my ($join_a, $join_b) = @_;
substr($join_a, -1) eq substr($join_b, 0, 1);
my $w1 = amb(qw(the that a));
my $w2 = amb(qw(frog elephant thing));
my $w3 = amb(qw(walked treaded grows));
my $w4 = amb(qw(slowly quickly));
amb() unless joined $w1, $w2;
amb() unless joined $w2, $w3;
amb() unless joined $w3, $w4;
print "$w1 $w2 $w3 $w4\n";
exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); | 1,148Amb
| 2perl
| fzyd7 |
from time import time, sleep
from threading import Thread
class Integrator(Thread):
'continuously integrate a function `K`, at each `interval` seconds'
def __init__(self, K=lambda t:0, interval=1e-4):
self.interval = interval
self.K = K
self.S = 0.0
self.__run = True
def run(self):
interval = self.interval
start = time()
t0, k0 = 0, self.K(0)
while self.__run:
t1 = time() - start
k1 = self.K(t1)
self.S += (k1 + k0)*(t1 - t0)/2.0
t0, k0 = t1, k1
def join(self):
self.__run = False
if __name__ == :
from math import sin, pi
ai = Integrator(lambda t: sin(pi*t))
ai.K = lambda t: 0
print(ai.S) | 1,157Active object
| 3python
| l26cv |
package main
import (
func main() {
r, err := http.Get("http: | 1,152Anagrams
| 0go
| 6my3p |
def fib(n)
raise RangeError, if n < 0
(fib2 = proc { |m| m < 2? m: fib2[m - 1] + fib2[m - 2] })[n]
end | 1,138Anonymous recursion
| 14ruby
| jki7x |
public class Accumulator | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 9java
| 9cfmu |
(defn pad-class
(let [divs (filter #(zero? (mod n %)) (range 1 n))
divs-sum (reduce + divs)]
(< divs-sum n):deficient
(= divs-sum n):perfect
(> divs-sum n):abundant)))
(def pad-classes (map pad-class (map inc (range))))
(defn count-classes
(let [classes (take n pad-classes)]
{:perfect (count (filter #(= %:perfect) classes))
:abundant (count (filter #(= %:abundant) classes))
:deficient (count (filter #(= %:deficient) classes))})) | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 6clojure
| dfwnb |
import Foundation
func isPrime(_ n: Int) -> Bool {
if n < 2 {
return false
if n% 2 == 0 {
return n == 2
if n% 3 == 0 {
return n == 3
var p = 5
while p * p <= n {
if n% p == 0 {
return false
p += 2
if n% p == 0 {
return false
p += 4
return true
func digitSum(_ num: Int) -> Int {
var sum = 0
var n = num
while n > 0 {
sum += n% 10
n /= 10
return sum
let limit = 500
print("Additive primes less than \(limit):")
var count = 0
for n in 1..<limit {
if isPrime(digitSum(n)) && isPrime(n) {
count += 1
print(String(format: "%3d", n), terminator: count% 10 == 0? "\n": " ")
print("\n\(count) additive primes found.") | 1,154Additive primes
| 17swift
| 4gu5g |
from prime_decomposition import decompose
from itertools import islice, count
from functools import reduce
def almostprime(n, k=2):
d = decompose(n)
terms = [next(d) for i in range(k)]
return reduce(int.__mul__, terms, 1) == n
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
for k in range(1,6):
print('%i:%r'% (k, list(islice((n for n in count() if almostprime(n, k)), 10)))) | 1,147Almost prime
| 3python
| nf6iz |
def words = new URL('http: | 1,152Anagrams
| 7groovy
| dtfn3 |
fn fib(n: i64) -> Option<i64> { | 1,138Anonymous recursion
| 15rust
| hbnj2 |
function accumulator(sum) {
return function(n) {
return sum += n;
var x = accumulator(1);
console.log(accumulator(3).toString() + '<br>');
console.log(x(2.3)); | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 10javascript
| u5yvb |
extern crate num;
extern crate schedule_recv;
use num::traits::Zero;
use num::Float;
use schedule_recv::periodic_ms;
use std::f64::consts::PI;
use std::ops::Mul;
use std::sync::mpsc::{self, SendError, Sender};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
pub type Actor<S> = Sender<Box<Fn(u32) -> S + Send>>;
pub type ActorResult<S> = Result<(), SendError<Box<Fn(u32) -> S + Send>>>; | 1,157Active object
| 15rust
| u59vj |
object ActiveObject {
class Integrator {
import java.util._
import scala.actors.Actor._
case class Pulse(t: Double)
case class Input(k: Double => Double)
case object Output
case object Bye
val timer = new Timer(true)
var k: Double => Double = (_ => 0.0)
var s: Double = 0.0
var t0: Double = 0.0
val handler = actor {
loop {
react {
case Pulse(t1) => s += (k(t1) + k(t0)) * (t1 - t0) / 2.0; t0 = t1
case Input(k) => this.k = k
case Output => reply(s)
case Bye => timer.cancel; exit
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis
def run { handler ! Pulse((System.currentTimeMillis - start) / 1000.0) }
}, 0, 10) | 1,157Active object
| 16scala
| gr24i |
findfactors <- function(n) {
d <- c()
div <- 2; nxt <- 3; rest <- n
while( rest != 1 ) {
while( rest%%div == 0 ) {
d <- c(d, div)
rest <- floor(rest / div)
div <- nxt
nxt <- nxt + 2
almost_primes <- function(n = 10, k = 5) {
res <- matrix(NA, nrow = k, ncol = n)
rownames(res) <- paste("k = ", 1:k, sep = "")
colnames(res) <- rep("", n)
for (i in 1:k) {
tmp <- 1
while (any([i, ]))) {
if (length(findfactors(tmp)) == i) {
res[i, which.max([i, ]))] <- tmp
tmp <- tmp + 1
} | 1,147Almost prime
| 13r
| 0ofsg |
import Data.List
groupon f x y = f x == f y
main = do
f <- readFile "./../Puzzels/Rosetta/unixdict.txt"
let words = lines f
wix = groupBy (groupon fst) . sort $ zip (map sort words) words
mxl = maximum $ map length wix
mapM_ (print . map snd) . filter ((==mxl).length) $ wix | 1,152Anagrams
| 8haskell
| jkh7g |
def Y[A, B](f: (A B) (A B)): A B = f(Y(f))(_)
def fib(n: Int): Option[Int] =
if (n < 0) None
else Some(Y[Int, Int](f i
if (i < 2) 1
else f(i - 1) + f(i - 2))(n))
-2 to 5 map (n (n, fib(n))) foreach println | 1,138Anonymous recursion
| 16scala
| patbj |
null | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 11kotlin
| z38ts |
def aliquot(n, maxlen=16, maxterm=2**47)
return , [0] if n == 0
s = []
while (s << n).size <= maxlen and n < maxterm
n = n.proper_divisors.inject(0,:+)
if s.include?(n)
case n
when s[0]
case s.size
when 1 then return , s
when 2 then return , s
else return , s
when s[-1] then return , s
else return , s
elsif n == 0 then return , s << 0
return , s
for n in 1..10
puts % aliquot(n)
for n in [11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 15355717786080]
puts % aliquot(n)
end | 1,151Aliquot sequence classifications
| 14ruby
| 7hhri |
null | 1,157Active object
| 17swift
| 2vylj |
enum AliquotType { Terminating, Perfect, Amicable, Sociable, Aspiring, Cyclic, NonTerminating }
fn classify_aliquot(num: i64) -> (AliquotType, Vec<i64>) {
let limit = 1i64 << 47; | 1,151Aliquot sequence classifications
| 15rust
| jkk72 |
function acc(init)
init = init or 0
return function(delta)
init = init + (delta or 0)
return init
end | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 1lua
| 36ozo |
def createAliquotSeq(n: Long, step: Int, list: List[Long]): (String, List[Long]) = {
val sum = properDivisors(n).sum
if (sum == 0) ("terminate", list ::: List(sum))
else if (step >= 16 || sum > 140737488355328L) ("non-term", list)
else {
list.indexOf(sum) match {
case -1 => createAliquotSeq(sum, step + 1, list ::: List(sum))
case 0 => if (step == 0) ("perfect", list ::: List(sum))
else if (step == 1) ("amicable", list ::: List(sum))
else ("sociable-" + (step + 1), list ::: List(sum))
case index => if (step == index) ("aspiring", list ::: List(sum))
else ("cyclic-" + (step - index + 1), list ::: List(sum))
val numbers = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184,
12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488, 15355717786080L)
val result = => createAliquotSeq(i, 0, List(i)))
result foreach { v => println(f"${v._2.head}%14d ${v._1}%10s [${v._2 mkString " "}]" ) } | 1,151Aliquot sequence classifications
| 16scala
| b11k6 |
require 'prime'
def almost_primes(k=2)
return to_enum(:almost_primes, k) unless block_given?
1.step {|n| yield n if n.prime_division.sum( &:last ) == k }
(1..5).each{|k| puts almost_primes(k).take(10).join()} | 1,147Almost prime
| 14ruby
| fzmdr |
import java.util.*;
public class WordsOfEqChars {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
URL url = new URL("http: | 1,152Anagrams
| 9java
| u45vv |
import itertools as _itertools
class Amb(object):
def __init__(self):
self._names2values = {}
self._func = None
self._valueiterator = None
self._funcargnames = None
def __call__(self, arg=None):
if hasattr(arg, '__code__'):
globls = arg.__globals__ if hasattr(arg, '__globals__') else arg.func_globals
argv = arg.__code__.co_varnames[:arg.__code__.co_argcount]
for name in argv:
if name not in self._names2values:
assert name in globls, \
% name
self._names2values[name] = globls[name]
valuesets = [self._names2values[name] for name in argv]
self._valueiterator = _itertools.product(*valuesets)
self._func = arg
self._funcargnames = argv
return self
elif arg is not None:
arg = frozenset(arg)
return arg
return self._nextinsearch()
def _nextinsearch(self):
arg = self._func
globls = arg.__globals__
argv = self._funcargnames
found = False
for values in self._valueiterator:
if arg(*values):
found = True
for n, v in zip(argv, values):
globls[n] = v
if not found: raise StopIteration
return values
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
return self()
next = __next__
if __name__ == '__main__':
if True:
amb = Amb()
x = amb(range(1,11))
y = amb(range(1,11))
z = amb(range(1,11))
for _dummy in amb( lambda x, y, z: x*x + y*y == z*z ):
print ('%s%s%s'% (x, y, z))
if True:
amb = Amb()
w1 = amb([, , ])
w2 = amb([, , ])
w3 = amb([, , ])
w4 = amb([, ])
for _dummy in amb( lambda w1, w2, w3, w4: \
w1[-1] == w2[0] and \
w2[-1] == w3[0] and \
w3[-1] == w4[0] ):
print ('%s%s%s%s'% (w1, w2, w3, w4))
if True:
amb = Amb()
x = amb([1, 2, 3])
y = amb([4, 5, 6])
for _dummy in amb( lambda x, y: x * y != 8 ):
print ('%s%s'% (x, y)) | 1,148Amb
| 3python
| t3mfw |
extension BinaryInteger {
public func factors(sorted: Bool = true) -> [Self] {
let maxN = Self(Double(self).squareRoot())
var res = Set<Self>()
for factor in stride(from: 1, through: maxN, by: 1) where self% factor == 0 {
res.insert(self / factor)
return sorted? res.sorted(): Array(res)
struct SeqClass: CustomStringConvertible {
var seq: [Int]
var desc: String
var description: String {
return "\(desc): \(seq)"
func classifySequence(k: Int, threshold: Int = 1 << 47) -> SeqClass {
var last = k
var seq = [k]
while true {
last = last.factors().dropLast().reduce(0, +)
let n = seq.count
if last == 0 {
return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Terminating")
} else if n == 2 && last == k {
return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Perfect")
} else if n == 3 && last == k {
return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Amicable")
} else if n >= 4 && last == k {
return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Sociable[\(n - 1)]")
} else if last == seq[n - 2] {
return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Aspiring")
} else if seq.dropFirst().dropLast(2).contains(last) {
return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Cyclic[\(n - 1 - seq.firstIndex(of: last)!)]")
} else if n == 16 || last > threshold {
return SeqClass(seq: seq, desc: "Non-terminating")
for i in 1...10 {
print("\(i): \(classifySequence(k: i))")
for i in [11, 12, 28, 496, 220, 1184, 12496, 1264460, 790, 909, 562, 1064, 1488] {
print("\(i): \(classifySequence(k: i))")
print("\(15355717786080): \(classifySequence(k: 15355717786080))") | 1,151Aliquot sequence classifications
| 17swift
| rjjgg |
fn is_kprime(n: u32, k: u32) -> bool {
let mut primes = 0;
let mut f = 2;
let mut rem = n;
while primes < k && rem > 1{
while (rem% f) == 0 && rem > 1{
rem /= f;
primes += 1;
f += 1;
rem == 1 && primes == k
struct KPrimeGen {
k: u32,
n: u32,
impl Iterator for KPrimeGen {
type Item = u32;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u32> {
self.n += 1;
while!is_kprime(self.n, self.k) {
self.n += 1;
fn kprime_generator(k: u32) -> KPrimeGen {
KPrimeGen {k: k, n: 1}
fn main() {
for k in 1..6 {
println!("{}: {:?}", k, kprime_generator(k).take(10).collect::<Vec<_>>());
} | 1,147Almost prime
| 15rust
| t39fd |
def isKPrime(n: Int, k: Int, d: Int = 2): Boolean = (n, k, d) match {
case (n, k, _) if n == 1 => k == 0
case (n, _, d) if n % d == 0 => isKPrime(n / d, k - 1, d)
case (_, _, _) => isKPrime(n, k, d + 1)
def kPrimeStream(k: Int): Stream[Int] = {
def loop(n: Int): Stream[Int] =
if (isKPrime(n, k)) n #:: loop(n+ 1)
else loop(n + 1)
for (k <- 1 to 5) {
println( s"$k: [${ kPrimeStream(k).take(10) mkString " " }]" )
} | 1,147Almost prime
| 16scala
| 6m231 |
var fs = require('fs');
var words = fs.readFileSync('unixdict.txt', 'UTF-8').split('\n');
var i, item, max = 0,
anagrams = {};
for (i = 0; i < words.length; i += 1) {
var key = words[i].split('').sort().join('');
if (!anagrams.hasOwnProperty(key)) { | 1,152Anagrams
| 10javascript
| 7hjrd |
h = {}
(1..20_000).each{|n| h[n] = n.proper_divisors.sum }{|k,v| h[v] == k && k < v}.each do |key,val|
end | 1,144Amicable pairs
| 14ruby
| 2uhlw |
checkSentence <- function(sentence){
for (index in 1:(length(sentence)-1)){
first.word <- sentence[index]
second.word <- sentence[index+1]
last.letter <- substr(first.word, nchar(first.word), nchar(first.word))
first.letter <- substr(second.word, 1, 1)
if (last.letter!= first.letter){ return(FALSE) }
amb <- function(sets){
all.paths <- apply(expand.grid(sets), 2, as.character)
all.paths.list <- split(all.paths, 1:nrow(all.paths))
winners <- all.paths.list[sapply(all.paths.list, checkSentence)]
} | 1,148Amb
| 13r
| idzo5 |
fn sum_of_divisors(val: u32) -> u32 {
(1..val/2+1).filter(|n| val% n == 0)
.fold(0, |sum, n| sum + n)
fn main() {
let iter = (1..20_000).map(|i| (i, sum_of_divisors(i)))
.filter(|&(i, div_sum)| i > div_sum);
for (i, sum1) in iter {
if sum_of_divisors(sum1) == i {
println!("{} {}", i, sum1);
} | 1,144Amicable pairs
| 15rust
| v5k2t |
use strict;
use warnings;
use Math::BigInt; sub binomial { Math::BigInt->new(shift)->bnok(shift) }
sub binprime {
my $p = shift;
return 0 unless $p >= 2;
for (1 .. ($p>>1)) { return 0 if binomial($p,$_) % $p }
sub coef {
my($n,$e) = @_;
return $n unless $e;
$n = "" if $n==1;
$e==1 ? "${n}x" : "${n}x^$e";
sub binpoly {
my $p = shift;
join(" ", coef(1,$p),
map { join("",("+","-")[($p-$_)&1]," ",coef(binomial($p,$_),$_)) }
reverse 0..$p-1 );
print "expansions of (x-1)^p:\n";
print binpoly($_),"\n" for 0..9;
print "Primes to 80: [", join(",", grep { binprime($_) } 2..80), "]\n"; | 1,153AKS test for primes
| 2perl
| 0o0s4 |
struct KPrimeGen: Sequence, IteratorProtocol {
let k: Int
private(set) var n: Int
private func isKPrime() -> Bool {
var primes = 0
var f = 2
var rem = n
while primes < k && rem > 1 {
while rem% f == 0 && rem > 1 {
rem /= f
primes += 1
f += 1
return rem == 1 && primes == k
mutating func next() -> Int? {
n += 1
while!isKPrime() {
n += 1
return n
for k in 1..<6 {
print("\(k): \(Array(KPrimeGen(k: k, n: 1).lazy.prefix(10)))")
} | 1,147Almost prime
| 17swift
| dtynh |
def properDivisors(n: Int) = (1 to n/2).filter(i => n % i == 0)
val divisorsSum = (1 to 20000).map(i => i -> properDivisors(i).sum).toMap
val result = divisorsSum.filter(v => v._1 < v._2 && divisorsSum.get(v._2) == Some(v._1))
println( result mkString ", " ) | 1,144Amicable pairs
| 16scala
| 4r150 |
null | 1,147Almost prime
| 20typescript
| 5ghu4 |
let fib: Int -> Int = {
func f(n: Int) -> Int {
assert(n >= 0, "fib: no negative numbers")
return n < 2? 1: f(n-1) + f(n-2)
return f
print(fib(8)) | 1,138Anonymous recursion
| 17swift
| 7horq |
class Amb
class ExhaustedError < RuntimeError; end
def initialize
@fail = proc { fail ExhaustedError, }
def choose(*choices)
prev_fail = @fail
callcc { |sk|
choices.each { |choice|
callcc { |fk|
@fail = proc {
@fail = prev_fail
if choice.respond_to? :call
def failure
def assert(cond)
failure unless cond
A =
w1 = A.choose(, , )
w2 = A.choose(, , )
w3 = A.choose(, , )
w4 = A.choose(, )
A.choose() unless w1[-1] == w2[0]
A.choose() unless w2[-1] == w3[0]
A.choose() unless w3[-1] == w4[0]
puts w1, w2, w3, w4 | 1,148Amb
| 14ruby
| 3ycz7 |
import kotlin.math.max
fun main() {
val url = URL("http: | 1,152Anagrams
| 11kotlin
| 9lcmh |
use std::ops::Add;
struct Amb<'a> {
list: Vec<Vec<&'a str>>,
fn main() {
let amb = Amb {
list: vec![
vec!["the", "that", "a"],
vec!["frog", "elephant", "thing"],
vec!["walked", "treaded", "grows"],
vec!["slowly", "quickly"],
match amb.do_amb(0, 0 as char) {
Some(text) => println!("{}", text),
None => println!("Nothing found"),
impl<'a> Amb<'a> {
fn do_amb(&self, level: usize, last_char: char) -> Option<String> {
if self.list.is_empty() {
panic!("No word list");
if self.list.len() <= level {
return Some(String::new());
let mut res = String::new();
let word_list = &self.list[level];
for word in word_list {
if word.chars().next().unwrap() == last_char || last_char == 0 as char {
res = res.add(word).add(" ");
let answ = self.do_amb(level + 1, word.chars().last().unwrap());
match answ {
Some(x) => {
res = res.add(&x);
return Some(res);
None => res.clear(),
} | 1,148Amb
| 15rust
| 6ml3l |
import func Darwin.sqrt
func sqrt(x:Int) -> Int { return Int(sqrt(Double(x))) }
func properDivs(n: Int) -> [Int] {
if n == 1 { return [] }
var result = [Int]()
for div in filter (1...sqrt(n), { n% $0 == 0 }) {
if n/div!= div && n/div!= n { result.append(n/div) }
return sorted(result)
func sumDivs(n:Int) -> Int {
struct Cache { static var sum = [Int:Int]() }
if let sum = Cache.sum[n] { return sum }
let sum = properDivs(n).reduce(0) { $0 + $1 }
Cache.sum[n] = sum
return sum
func amicable(n:Int, m:Int) -> Bool {
if n == m { return false }
if sumDivs(n)!= m || sumDivs(m)!= n { return false }
return true
var pairs = [(Int, Int)]()
for n in 1 ..< 20_000 {
for m in n+1 ... 20_000 {
if amicable(n, m) {
pairs.append(n, m)
println("\(n, m)")
} | 1,144Amicable pairs
| 17swift
| lvjc2 |
object Amb {
def amb(wss: List[List[String]]): Option[String] = {
def _amb(ws: List[String], wss: List[List[String]]): Option[String] = wss match {
case Nil => ((Some(ws.head): Option[String]) /: ws.tail)((a, w) => a match {
case Some(x) => if (x.last == w.head) Some(x + " " + w) else None
case None => None
case ws1 :: wss1 => ws1.flatMap(w => _amb(w :: ws, wss1)).headOption
_amb(Nil, wss.reverse)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println(amb(List(List("the", "that", "a"),
List("frog", "elephant", "thing"),
List("walked", "treaded", "grows"),
List("slowly", "quickly"))))
} | 1,148Amb
| 16scala
| 9lum5 |
sub accumulator {
my $sum = shift;
sub { $sum += shift }
my $x = accumulator(1);
print $x->(2.3), "\n"; | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 2perl
| bp4k4 |
package main
import (
const text = `Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$
type formatter struct {
text [][]string
width []int
func newFormatter(text string) *formatter {
var f formatter
for _, line := range strings.Split(text, "\n") {
words := strings.Split(line, "$")
for words[len(words)-1] == "" {
words = words[:len(words)-1]
f.text = append(f.text, words)
for i, word := range words {
if i == len(f.width) {
f.width = append(f.width, len(word))
} else if len(word) > f.width[i] {
f.width[i] = len(word)
return &f
const (
left = iota
func (f formatter) print(j int) {
for _, line := range f.text {
for i, word := range line {
fmt.Printf("%-*s ", f.width[i], fmt.Sprintf("%*s",
len(word)+(f.width[i]-len(word))*j/2, word))
func main() {
f := newFormatter(text)
} | 1,160Align columns
| 0go
| jh27d |
def expand_x_1(n):
c =1
for i in range(n
c = c*(n-i)
yield c
def aks(p):
if p==2:
return True
for i in expand_x_1(p):
if i% p:
return False
return True | 1,153AKS test for primes
| 3python
| 8i80o |
function sort(word)
local bytes = {word:byte(1, -1)}
return string.char(table.unpack(bytes))
end | 1,152Anagrams
| 1lua
| c2l92 |
function accumulator($start){
return create_function('$x','static $v='.$start.';return $v+=$x;');
$acc = accumulator(5);
echo $acc(5), ;
echo $acc(10), ;
?> | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 12php
| 6yi3g |
int ackermann(int m, int n)
if (!m) return n + 1;
if (!n) return ackermann(m - 1, 1);
return ackermann(m - 1, ackermann(m, n - 1));
int main()
int m, n;
for (m = 0; m <= 4; m++)
for (n = 0; n < 6 - m; n++)
printf(, m, n, ackermann(m, n));
return 0;
} | 1,162Ackermann function
| 5c
| dfenv |
def alignColumns = { align, rawText ->
def lines = rawText.tokenize('\n')
def words = lines.collect { it.tokenize(/\$/) }
def maxLineWords = words.collect {it.size()}.max()
words = words.collect { line -> line + [''] * (maxLineWords - line.size()) }
def columnWidths = words.transpose().collect{ column -> column.collect { it.size() }.max() }
def justify = [ Right : { width, string -> string.padLeft(width) },
Left : { width, string -> string.padRight(width) },
Center: { width, string -> } ]
def padAll = { pad, colWidths, lineWords -> [colWidths, lineWords].transpose().collect { pad(it) + ' ' } }
words.each { padAll(justify[align], columnWidths, it).each { print it }; println() }
} | 1,160Align columns
| 7groovy
| 54yuv |
l<-unique(factorial(p) / (factorial(p-i) * factorial(i)))
print(noquote("It is prime."))
print(noquote("It isn't prime."))
} | 1,153AKS test for primes
| 13r
| xsxw2 |
import Data.List (unfoldr, transpose)
import Control.Arrow (second)
dat =
"Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$\n" ++
"are$delineated$by$a$single$'dollar'$character,$write$a$program\n" ++
"that$aligns$each$column$of$fields$by$ensuring$that$words$in$each$\n" ++
"column$are$separated$by$at$least$one$space.\n" ++
"Further,$allow$for$each$word$in$a$column$to$be$either$left$\n" ++
brkdwn =
takeWhile (not . null) . unfoldr (Just . second (drop 1) . span ('$' /=))
format j ls = map (unwords . zipWith align colw) rows
rows = map brkdwn $ lines ls
colw = map (maximum . map length) . transpose $ rows
align cw w =
case j of
'c' -> replicate l ' ' ++ w ++ replicate r ' '
'r' -> replicate dl ' ' ++ w
'l' -> w ++ replicate dl ' '
dl = cw - length w
(l, r) = (dl `div` 2, dl - l) | 1,160Align columns
| 8haskell
| oia8p |
>>> def accumulator(sum):
def f(n):
f.sum += n
return f.sum
f.sum = sum
return f
>>> x = accumulator(1)
>>> x(5)
>>> x(2.3)
>>> x = accumulator(1)
>>> x(5)
>>> x(2.3)
>>> x2 = accumulator(3)
>>> x2(5)
>>> x2(3.3)
>>> x(0)
>>> x2(0)
11.300000000000001 | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 3python
| p1gbm |
require 'polynomial'
def x_minus_1_to_the(p)
def prime?(p)
return false if p < 2
(x_minus_1_to_the(p) - Polynomial.from_string()).coefs.all?{|n| n%p==0}
8.times do |n|
puts , {|n| prime? n}.join(',') | 1,153AKS test for primes
| 14ruby
| idioh |
accumulatorFactory <- function(init) {
currentSum <- init
function(add) {
currentSum <<- currentSum + add
} | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 13r
| jhv78 |
fn aks_coefficients(k: usize) -> Vec<i64> {
let mut coefficients = vec![0i64; k + 1];
coefficients[0] = 1;
for i in 1..(k + 1) {
coefficients[i] = -(1..i).fold(coefficients[0], |prev, j|{
let old = coefficients[j];
coefficients[j] = old - prev;
fn is_prime(p: usize) -> bool {
if p < 2 {
} else {
let c = aks_coefficients(p);
(1..p / 2 + 1).all(|i| c[i]% p as i64 == 0)
fn main() {
for i in 0..8 {
println!("{}: {:?}", i, aks_coefficients(i));
for i in (1..=50).filter(|&i| is_prime(i)) {
print!("{} ", i);
} | 1,153AKS test for primes
| 15rust
| nfni4 |
package main
import "fmt"
func pfacSum(i int) int {
sum := 0
for p := 1; p <= i/2; p++ {
if i%p == 0 {
sum += p
return sum
func main() {
var d, a, p = 0, 0, 0
for i := 1; i <= 20000; i++ {
j := pfacSum(i)
if j < i {
} else if j == i {
} else {
fmt.Printf("There are%d deficient numbers between 1 and 20000\n", d)
fmt.Printf("There are%d abundant numbers between 1 and 20000\n", a)
fmt.Printf("There are%d perfect numbers between 1 and 20000\n", p)
} | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 0go
| u53vt |
def powerMin1(n: BigInt) = if (n % 2 == 0) BigInt(1) else BigInt(-1)
val pascal = (( Vector(Vector(BigInt(1))) /: (1 to 50)) { (rows, i) =>
val v = rows.head
val newVector = ((1 until v.length) map (j =>
powerMin1(j+i) * (v(j-1).abs + v(j).abs))
(powerMin1(i) +: newVector :+ powerMin1(i+v.length)) +: rows
def poly2String(poly: Vector[BigInt]) = ((0 until poly.length) map { i =>
(i, poly(i)) match {
case (0, c) => c.toString
case (_, c) =>
(if (c >= 0) "+" else "-") +
(if (c == 1) "x" else c.abs + "x") +
(if (i == 1) "" else "^" + i)
}) mkString ""
def isPrime(n: Int) = {
val poly = pascal(n)
poly.slice(1, poly.length - 1).forall(i => i % n == 0)
for(i <- 0 to 7) { println( f"(x-1)^$i = ${poly2String( pascal(i) )}" ) }
val primes = (2 to 50).filter(isPrime)
println(primes mkString " ") | 1,153AKS test for primes
| 16scala
| t3tfb |
(defn ackermann [m n]
(cond (zero? m) (inc n)
(zero? n) (ackermann (dec m) 1)
:else (ackermann (dec m) (ackermann m (dec n))))) | 1,162Ackermann function
| 6clojure
| 6y03q |
def dpaCalc = { factors ->
def n = factors.pop()
def fSum = factors.sum()
fSum < n
? 'deficient'
: fSum > n
? 'abundant'
: 'perfect'
(1..20000).inject([deficient:0, perfect:0, abundant:0]) { map, n ->
.each { e -> println e } | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 7groovy
| 9cnm4 |
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
public class ColumnAligner {
private List<String[]> words = new ArrayList<>();
private int columns = 0;
private List<Integer> columnWidths = new ArrayList<>();
public ColumnAligner(String s) {
String[] lines = s.split("\\n");
for (String line : lines) {
public ColumnAligner(List<String> lines) {
for (String line : lines) {
private void processInputLine(String line) {
String[] lineWords = line.split("\\$");
columns = Math.max(columns, lineWords.length);
for (int i = 0; i < lineWords.length; i++) {
String word = lineWords[i];
if (i >= columnWidths.size()) {
} else {
columnWidths.set(i, Math.max(columnWidths.get(i), word.length()));
interface AlignFunction {
String align(String s, int length);
public String alignLeft() {
return align(new AlignFunction() {
public String align(String s, int length) {
return StringUtils.rightPad(s, length);
public String alignRight() {
return align(new AlignFunction() {
public String align(String s, int length) {
return StringUtils.leftPad(s, length);
public String alignCenter() {
return align(new AlignFunction() {
public String align(String s, int length) {
return, length);
private String align(AlignFunction a) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for (String[] lineWords : words) {
for (int i = 0; i < lineWords.length; i++) {
String word = lineWords[i];
if (i == 0) {
result.append(a.align(word, columnWidths.get(i)) + "|");
return result.toString();
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
if (args.length < 1) {
System.out.println("Usage: ColumnAligner file [left|right|center]");
String filePath = args[0];
String alignment = "left";
if (args.length >= 2) {
alignment = args[1];
ColumnAligner ca = new ColumnAligner(Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(filePath), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
switch (alignment) {
case "left":
case "right":
case "center":
System.err.println(String.format("Error! Unknown alignment: '%s'", alignment));
} | 1,160Align columns
| 9java
| wxjej |
def accumulator(sum)
lambda {|n| sum += n}
x = accumulator(1)
puts | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 14ruby
| ae71s |
divisors :: (Integral a) => a -> [a]
divisors n = filter ((0 ==) . (n `mod`)) [1 .. (n `div` 2)]
classOf :: (Integral a) => a -> Ordering
classOf n = compare (sum $ divisors n) n
main :: IO ()
main = do
let classes = map classOf [1 .. 20000 :: Int]
printRes w c = putStrLn $ w ++ (show . length $ filter (== c) classes)
printRes "deficient: " LT
printRes "perfect: " EQ
printRes "abundant: " GT | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 8haskell
| wx7ed |
var justification="center",
String.prototype.repeat=function(n){return new Array(1 + parseInt(n)).join(this);}
for(x=0;x<input.length;x++) {
if(input[x].length>cols) cols=input[x].length;
for(x=0;x<cols;x++) {
for(y=0;y<input.length;y++) if(input[y][x]&&max<input[y][x].length) max=input[y][x].length;
if(input[y][x]) {
left=" ".repeat(Math.floor(diff));
right=" ".repeat(Math.ceil(diff));
if(justification=="left") {right+=left;left=""}
if(justification=="right") {left+=right;right=""}
for(x=0;x<input.length;x++) input[x]=input[x].join(" ");
document.write(input); | 1,160Align columns
| 10javascript
| 8o10l |
null | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 15rust
| ewjaj |
def AccumulatorFactory[N](n: N)(implicit num: Numeric[N]) = {
import num._
var acc = n
(inc: N) => {
acc = acc + inc
} | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 16scala
| qsbxw |
public class NumberClassifications {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int deficient = 0;
int perfect = 0;
int abundant = 0;
for (long i = 1; i <= 20_000; i++) {
long sum = properDivsSum(i);
if (sum < i)
else if (sum == i)
System.out.println("Deficient: " + deficient);
System.out.println("Perfect: " + perfect);
System.out.println("Abundant: " + abundant);
public static long properDivsSum(long n) {
return LongStream.rangeClosed(1, (n + 1) / 2).filter(i -> n != i && n % i == 0).sum();
} | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 9java
| kbvhm |
func polynomialCoeffs(n: Int) -> [Int] {
var result = [Int](count: n+1, repeatedValue: 0)
for i in 1 ..< n/2+1 { | 1,153AKS test for primes
| 17swift
| ono8k |
for (var dpa=[1,0,0], n=2; n<=20000; n+=1) {
for (var ds=0, d=1, e=n/2+1; d<e; d+=1) if (n%d==0) ds+=d
dpa[ds<n ? 0 : ds==n ? 1 : 2]+=1
document.write('Deficient:',dpa[0], ', Perfect:',dpa[1], ', Abundant:',dpa[2], '<br>' ) | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 10javascript
| ewrao |
func makeAccumulator(var sum: Double) -> Double -> Double {
return {
sum += $0
return sum
let x = makeAccumulator(1)
let _ = makeAccumulator(3)
println(x(2.3)) | 1,159Accumulator factory
| 17swift
| 1arpt |
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
enum class AlignFunction {
LEFT { override fun invoke(s: String, l: Int) = ("%-" + l + 's').format(("%" + s.length + 's').format(s)) },
RIGHT { override fun invoke(s: String, l: Int) = ("%-" + l + 's').format(("%" + l + 's').format(s)) },
CENTER { override fun invoke(s: String, l: Int) = ("%-" + l + 's').format(("%" + ((l + s.length) / 2) + 's').format(s)) };
abstract operator fun invoke(s: String, l: Int): String
class ColumnAligner(val lines: List<String>) {
operator fun invoke(a: AlignFunction) : String {
var result = ""
for (lineWords in words) {
for (i in lineWords.indices) {
if (i == 0)
result += '|'
result += a(lineWords[i], column_widths[i])
result += '|'
result += '\n'
return result
private val words = arrayListOf<Array<String>>()
private val column_widths = arrayListOf<Int>()
init {
lines.forEach {
val lineWords = java.lang.String(it).split("\\$")
words += lineWords
for (i in lineWords.indices) {
if (i >= column_widths.size) {
column_widths += lineWords[i].length
} else {
column_widths[i] = Math.max(column_widths[i], lineWords[i].length)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
if (args.isEmpty()) {
println("Usage: ColumnAligner file [L|R|C]")
val ca = ColumnAligner(Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(args[0]), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
val alignment = if (args.size >= 2) args[1] else "L"
when (alignment) {
"L" -> print(ca(AlignFunction.LEFT))
"R" -> print(ca(AlignFunction.RIGHT))
"C" -> print(ca(AlignFunction.CENTER))
else -> System.err.println("Error! Unknown alignment: " + alignment)
} | 1,160Align columns
| 11kotlin
| bp5kb |
null | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 11kotlin
| grm4d |
local tWord = {} | 1,160Align columns
| 1lua
| p14bw |
use List::Util 'max';
my @words = split "\n", do { local( @ARGV, $/ ) = ( 'unixdict.txt' ); <> };
my %anagram;
for my $word (@words) {
push @{ $anagram{join '', sort split '', $word} }, $word;
my $count = max(map {scalar @$_} values %anagram);
for my $ana (values %anagram) {
print "@$ana\n" if @$ana == $count;
} | 1,152Anagrams
| 2perl
| wqxe6 |
int A(int m, int n) => m==0? n+1: n==0? A(m-1,1): A(m-1,A(m,n-1));
main() {
} | 1,162Ackermann function
| 18dart
| s0hq6 |
function sumDivs (n)
if n < 2 then return 0 end
local sum, sr = 1, math.sqrt(n)
for d = 2, sr do
if n % d == 0 then
sum = sum + d
if d ~= sr then sum = sum + n / d end
return sum
local a, d, p, Pn = 0, 0, 0
for n = 1, 20000 do
Pn = sumDivs(n)
if Pn > n then a = a + 1 end
if Pn < n then d = d + 1 end
if Pn == n then p = p + 1 end
print("Abundant:", a)
print("Deficient:", d)
print("Perfect:", p) | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 1lua
| r79ga |
$words = explode(, file_get_contents('http:
foreach ($words as $word) {
$chars = str_split($word);
$anagram[implode($chars)][] = $word;
$best = max(array_map('count', $anagram));
foreach ($anagram as $ana)
if (count($ana) == $best)
?> | 1,152Anagrams
| 12php
| lv2cj |
use ntheory qw/divisor_sum/;
my @type = <Perfect Abundant Deficient>;
say join "\n", map { sprintf "%2d%s", $_, $type[divisor_sum($_)-$_ <=> $_] } 1..12;
my %h;
$h{divisor_sum($_)-$_ <=> $_}++ for 1..20000;
say "Perfect: $h{0} Deficient: $h{-1} Abundant: $h{1}"; | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 2perl
| ndeiw |
>>> import urllib.request
>>> from collections import defaultdict
>>> words = urllib.request.urlopen('http:
>>> anagram = defaultdict(list)
>>> for word in words:
anagram[tuple(sorted(word))].append( word )
>>> count = max(len(ana) for ana in anagram.values())
>>> for ana in anagram.values():
if len(ana) >= count:
print ([x.decode() for x in ana]) | 1,152Anagrams
| 3python
| xsqwr |
words <- readLines("")
word_group <- sapply(
strsplit(words, split=""),
function(x) paste(sort(x), collapse="")
counts <- tapply(words, word_group, length)
anagrams <- tapply(words, word_group, paste, collapse=", ")
1 2 3 4 5
22263 1111 155 31 6
anagrams[counts == max(counts)]
abel acert
"abel, able, bale, bela, elba" "caret, carte, cater, crate, trace"
aegln aeglr
"angel, angle, galen, glean, lange" "alger, glare, lager, large, regal"
aeln eilv
"elan, lane, lean, lena, neal" "evil, levi, live, veil, vile" | 1,152Anagrams
| 13r
| 1eapn |
use strict ;
die "Call: perl <inputfile> <printorientation>!\n" unless
@ARGV == 2 ;
die "last argument must be one of center, left or right!\n" unless
$ARGV[ 1 ] =~ /center|left|right/ ;
sub printLines( $$$ ) ;
open INFILE , "<" , "$ARGV[ 0 ]" or die "Can't open $ARGV[ 0 ]!\n" ;
my @lines = <INFILE> ;
close INFILE ;
chomp @lines ;
my @fieldwidths = map length, split /\$/ , $lines[ 0 ] ;
foreach my $i ( 1..$
my @words = split /\$/ , $lines[ $i ] ;
foreach my $j ( 0..$
if ( $j <= $
if ( length $words[ $j ] > $fieldwidths[ $j ] ) {
$fieldwidths[ $j ] = length $words[ $j ] ;
else {
push @fieldwidths, length $words[ $j ] ;
printLine( $_ , $ARGV[ 1 ] , \@fieldwidths ) foreach @lines ;
sub printLine {
my $line = shift ;
my $orientation = shift ;
my $widthref = shift ;
my @words = split /\$/, $line ;
foreach my $k ( 0..$
my $printwidth = $widthref->[ $k ] + 1 ;
if ( $orientation eq 'center' ) {
$printwidth++ ;
if ( $orientation eq 'left' ) {
print $words[ $k ] ;
print " " x ( $printwidth - length $words[ $k ] ) ;
elsif ( $orientation eq 'right' ) {
print " " x ( $printwidth - length $words[ $k ] ) ;
print $words[ $k ] ;
elsif ( $orientation eq 'center' ) {
my $left = int( ( $printwidth - length $words[ $k ] ) / 2 ) ;
my $right = $printwidth - length( $words[ $k ] ) - $left ;
print " " x $left ;
print $words[ $k ] ;
print " " x $right ;
print "\n" ;
} | 1,160Align columns
| 2perl
| 6yo36 |
>>> from proper_divisors import proper_divs
>>> from collections import Counter
>>> rangemax = 20000
>>> def pdsum(n):
... return sum(proper_divs(n))
>>> def classify(n, p):
... return 'perfect' if n == p else 'abundant' if p > n else 'deficient'
>>> classes = Counter(classify(n, pdsum(n)) for n in range(1, 1 + rangemax))
>>> classes.most_common()
[('deficient', 15043), ('abundant', 4953), ('perfect', 4)]
>>> | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 3python
| dfwn1 |
propdivcls <- function(n) {
V <- sapply(1:n, Sigma, proper = TRUE);
c1 <- c2 <- c3 <- 0;
for(i in 1:n){
if(V[i]<i){c1 = c1 +1} else if(V[i]==i){c2 = c2 +1} else{c3 = c3 +1}
cat(" *** Between 1 and ", n, ":\n");
cat(" * ", c1, "deficient numbers\n");
cat(" * ", c2, "perfect numbers\n");
cat(" * ", c3, "abundant numbers\n");
propdivcls(20000); | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 13r
| 8op0x |
$j2justtype = array('L' => STR_PAD_RIGHT,
function aligner($str, $justification = 'L') {
global $j2justtype;
assert(array_key_exists($justification, $j2justtype));
$justtype = $j2justtype[$justification];
$fieldsbyrow = array();
foreach (explode(, $str) as $line)
$fieldsbyrow[] = explode('$', $line);
$maxfields = max(array_map('count', $fieldsbyrow));
foreach (range(0, $maxfields - 1) as $col) {
$maxwidth = 0;
foreach ($fieldsbyrow as $fields)
$maxwidth = max($maxwidth, strlen(array_key_exists($col, $fields)? $fields[$col] : 0));
foreach ($fieldsbyrow as &$fields)
$fields[$col] = str_pad(array_key_exists($col, $fields)? $fields[$col] : , $maxwidth, ' ', $justtype);
$result = '';
foreach ($fieldsbyrow as $fields)
$result .= implode(' ', $fields) . ;
return $result;
$textinfile = 'Given$a$text$file$of$many$lines,$where$fields$within$a$line$
foreach (array('L', 'R', 'C') as $j)
echo aligner($textinfile, $j);
?> | 1,160Align columns
| 12php
| 1agpq |
require 'open-uri'
anagram = {|hash, key| hash[key] = []}'http:
words =
for word in words
anagram[word.split('').sort] << word
count = {|ana| ana.length}.max
anagram.each_value do |ana|
if ana.length >= count
p ana
end | 1,152Anagrams
| 14ruby
| s80qw |
res = (1 .. 20_000).map{|n| n.proper_divisors.sum <=> n }.tally
puts | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 14ruby
| tzqf2 |
fn main() { | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 15rust
| z3sto |
def properDivisors(n: Int) = (1 to n/2).filter(i => n % i == 0)
def classifier(i: Int) = properDivisors(i).sum compare i
val groups = (1 to 20000).groupBy( classifier )
println("Deficient: " + groups(-1).length)
println("Abundant: " + groups(1).length)
println("Perfect: " + groups(0).length + " (" + groups(0).mkString(",") + ")") | 1,161Abundant, deficient and perfect number classifications
| 16scala
| ymo63 |
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead,BufReader};
use std::borrow::ToOwned;
extern crate unicode_segmentation;
use unicode_segmentation::{UnicodeSegmentation};
fn main () {
let file = BufReader::new(File::open("unixdict.txt").unwrap());
let mut map = HashMap::new();
for line in file.lines() {
let s = line.unwrap(); | 1,152Anagrams
| 15rust
| 0o8sl |
Subsets and Splits