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de | | Barbara König (Politikerin) | null | Barbara König (Politikerin) | Barbara König (2017) | Deutsch: Barbara König, SPD | null | image/jpeg | 4,480 | 6,720 | true | true | true | Barbara König ist eine deutsche Politikwissenschaftlerin und politische Beamtin. Seit 9. Dezember 2016 ist sie Staatssekretärin für Pflege und Gleichstellung in der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Gesundheit, Pflege und Gleichstellung des Senats Müller II. | Barbara König (* 30. August 1969 in Bonn) ist eine deutsche Politikwissenschaftlerin und politische Beamtin (SPD). Seit 9. Dezember 2016 ist sie Staatssekretärin für Pflege und Gleichstellung in der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Gesundheit, Pflege und Gleichstellung des Senats Müller II. |
hu | | | Striginae | null | Striginae | Szakállas bagoly (Strix nebulosa) | Strix nebulosa | null | image/jpeg | 2,560 | 1,920 | true | true | true | A Striginae a madarak osztályának bagolyalakúak rendjébe és bagolyfélék családjába tartozó alcsalád. | A Striginae a madarak osztályának bagolyalakúak (Strigiformes) rendjébe és bagolyfélék (Strigidae) családjába tartozó alcsalád. |
sv | | Honung | Typer av honung | Honung / Honungsutvinning / Typer av honung | Buckfast honungsbin | Español: Abejas Buckfast | null | image/jpeg | 507 | 700 | true | true | true | Honung är en trögflytande eller fast sockerlösning som honungsbin producerar av nektar, alternativt sekret från levande växtdelar eller utsöndringar från växtsugande insekter som bladlöss.
All honung är i färskt tillstånd rinnande och bärnstensfärgad. Honung är sur och en så kallad superkyld vätska, då smältpunkten för de två huvudbeståndsdelarna är högre än normal rumstemperatur. Honungen är också "torr" och absorberar fukt ur luften, varför den bör förvaras med tättslutande lock. Kristalliserad blir den mer eller mindre fast och färgen varierar från vitt via gula nyanser till brunt eller gråsvart.
Honung som produkt produceras av domesticerade honungsbin. De tillsätter bl.a. enzymer till nektarn som de samlar in för att bryta ner komplexa sockerarter till enkla samt upp till 13 olika sorters mjölksyrabakterier för att omvandla nektar till honung. Nektar innehåller normalt mellan 25-45% sockerarter, resterande andel mest vatten, färdig honung har torkats av bina och innehåller normalt bara 14-18% vatten, innan de "konserverar" den genom att försluta vaxcellen som den placerats i med ett täckvaxlock. Honung är pga lactobakterierna ett fermenterat, eller syrat, livsmedel. | Honungens sammansättning, färg, smak och arom varierar beroende på dragkällan, det vill säga var bina hämtat råmaterialet. Den honung som saluförs i affärer är oftast en blandad produkt som har samma standard, oavsett goda eller dåliga skördar för biodlingen.
Sorthonung är, till skillnad från den blandade fullsäsongshonungen, tagen under blomtiden för en enskild växt. Exempel på sådan honung som framställs i Sverige är rapshonung, ljunghonung och lindhonung. Den i Sverige vanligaste importerade sorthonungen är akaciahonung. I andra delar av världen produceras olika sorthonung. Förutom de redan nämnda är bland annat avokado, alfalfa, bovete, hallon, klöver, eukalyptus, mjölke, manukahonung, apelsin, gran och salvia vanligt förekommande, men teoretiskt sett är det möjligt att odla sorthonung från vilken nektarproducerande blomma som helst.
Även så kallad vildblomshonung med fler än en nektarkälla räknas ibland som sorthonung, men då måste all honung komma från samma plats och alltså inte vara blandad.
Bladhonung är en kategori sorthonung, där någon växtsugare och någon värdväxt, tillsammans med biet, har bidragit till slutresultatet. Alla kombinationer av värdväxt och växtsugare är inte bra för biet att skapa honung av. Granbladlöss som parasiterar på gran, ger upphov till ett drag från bina. Slutresultatet kallas cementhonung för att den bildar en seg massa som inte låter sig slungas ur vaxkakan och som inte lämpar sig som vinterfoder för bina då de behöver tillgång till vatten för att kunna tillgodogöra sig denna honung. Även ljunghonungen är på liknande vis mycket svår att utvinna då den är tixotropisk, geleartad, och därför först måste masseras i vaxkakorna via speciell utrustning för att göra den flytande och möjlig att slunga ut.
Smaksatt honung har en inblandning av till exempel kakao eller apelsinessens. Blandningen tillverkas ofta med en honung av neutral smak, till exempel en från klöver eller raps. Sådana produkter räknas enligt EU-regler inte till honung (inga ämnen får tillföras) och etikett ska klart ange att den är smaksatt (den får inte anges som "Honung med apelsin" eller "Apelsinhonung" etc., möjligen "Smaksatt honung, med apelsin" ?) |
en | | List of lighthouses in the Channel Islands | Lighthouses | List of lighthouses in the Channel Islands / Lighthouses | null | Lighthouse at Point Robert, Sark. Taken from the boat, shortly after leaving the Maseline Harbour | null | image/jpeg | 422 | 640 | true | true | true | This is a list of lighthouses in the Channel Islands. The archipelago lies to the west of the Cotentin Peninsula in the English Channel. There are lighthouses on all of the four main islands: Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey and Sark. | null |
de | | Cyrille Adoula | null | Cyrille Adoula | Cyrille Adoula (1964) | For documentary purposes the German Federal Archive often retained the original image captions, which may be erroneous, biased, obsolete or politically extreme. Staatssekretär Carstens empfängt den Ministerpräsidenten vom Kongo (Leopoldville) Adoula | null | image/jpeg | 800 | 512 | true | true | true | Cyrille Adoula war von 1961 bis 1964 Premierminister der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. | Cyrille Adoula (* 13. September 1921 oder 13. September 1923 in Léopoldville; † 24. Mai 1978 in Lausanne) war von 1961 bis 1964 Premierminister der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. |
en | | Dodge Shadow | Options | Dodge Shadow / Options | 1989 Plymouth Sundance RS | English: Plymouth Sundance Rallye Sport coupe, 1989 | null | image/png | 547 | 750 | true | true | true | The Dodge Shadow and Plymouth Sundance are economical 3-door and 5-door hatchbacks that were introduced for the 1987 model year by the Chrysler Corporation. For 1991, a 2-door convertible variant was added to the Shadow lineup; but not the Sundance lineup. The 3-door hatchback model replaced the Dodge Charger model, while the 5-door hatchback model replaced the Dodge Omni model; of their respective marque.
The first vehicle rolled out of Sterling Heights Assembly on August 25, 1986. In late 1988, production of the Mexican market version called the Chrysler Shadow began at Toluca Car Assembly. The Shadow/Sundance was also sold in Europe from 1988 to 1991 as the Chrysler ES. Production ended on March 9, 1994, with the Shadow/Sundance being replaced by the Chrysler Neon. | Features varied over the years, but some features included: power windows, power adjustable mirrors, power door locks, power adjustable driver seat, cruise control, tilt steering wheel, variable intermittent delay windshield wipers, overhead console with map lights and compass/temperature display, upgraded "highline" instrument cluster with tachometer, "light package" that added lighting in the trunk, glove box, under-hood mounted light and rear door dome light switches (4 door models), remote trunk release, rear window defroster, Fog lights, mag wheels, Four wheel disc brakes, Infinity sound system, a cassette player, a sunroof, anti-lock brake systems and on turbocharger equipped cars, there was also a vacuum/boost gauge and a message center that monitored four vehicle functions, door ajar, washer fluid level, etc.. |
ro | | Insula James | null | Insula James | Insula James de pe râul Gambia | English: River Gambia (James Islands) | null | image/jpeg | 425 | 567 | true | true | true | Insula James este o insula de pe râul Gambia, aflată la 30 km de gura râului, în apropiere de Juffureh, în Gambia. Pe insulă se află un fort cunoscut sub numele de Fort James, construit de coloniștii olandezi și preluat ulterior de cei britanici. Se găsește la mai puțin de două mile de Albreda, localitate aflată pe malul de nord al râului, localitate ce a servit unui scop similar pentru Franța.
Insula James este o insulă în răul Gambia, la 30 d km d gura d vărsare și aproape de Juffersh în Gambia.Are o fortăreață cunoscută drept fortăreața James.este la mai puțin de 2 mile de Albreda pe malul nordic al râului care a servit cu un scop similar pt francezi. | Insula James este o insula de pe râul Gambia, aflată la 30 km de gura râului, în apropiere de Juffureh, în Gambia. Pe insulă se află un fort cunoscut sub numele de Fort James, construit de coloniștii olandezi și preluat ulterior de cei britanici. Se găsește la mai puțin de două mile de Albreda, localitate aflată pe malul de nord al râului, localitate ce a servit unui scop similar pentru Franța.
Insula James este o insulă în răul Gambia ,la 30 d km d gura d vărsare și aproape de Juffersh în Gambia.Are o fortăreață cunoscută drept fortăreața James.este la mai puțin de 2 mile de Albreda pe malul nordic al râului care a servit cu un scop similar pt francezi. |
en | | List of players in the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame | Players | List of players in the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame / Players | Yao Ming, inducted in 2016 | Yao Ming playing against the Washington Wizards | null | image/jpeg | 1,858 | 1,236 | true | true | true | The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, located in Springfield, Massachusetts, honors players who have shown exceptional skill at basketball, all-time great coaches, referees, and other major contributors to the sport. It is named after Dr. James Naismith, who conceived the sport in 1891; he was inducted into the Hall as a contributor in 1959. The Player category has existed since the beginning of the Hall of Fame. For a person to be eligible on the ballot for Hall of Fame honors as a player, he or she must be fully retired for three years. If a player retired for a short period, then "his/her case and eligibility is reviewed on an individual basis".
As part of the inaugural class of 1959, four players were inducted; over 150 more individuals have been inducted as players since then. Four players have also been inducted as coaches: John Wooden in 1973, Lenny Wilkens in 1998, Bill Sharman in 2004, and Tom Heinsohn in 2015.
Of the inducted players, 25 were also members of teams that have been inducted into the Hall as units.
William "Pop" Gates and John Isaacs were members of the New York Renaissance. | null |
fr | | | Le Gua (Charente-Maritime) | Souhe | Le Gua (Charente-Maritime) / Géographie / Lieux-dits et hameaux / Souhe | null | Français : Venelles à Dercie (Le Gua) | null | image/jpeg | 1,536 | 2,048 | true | true | true | Le Gua est une commune du Sud-Ouest de la France, située dans le département de la Charente-Maritime. On écrit : « commune du Gua » et non « commune de Le Gua ». Ses habitants sont appelés les Guatais et les Guataises.
Commune la plus méridionale du canton de Marennes, cette petite ville appartient avant tout au bassin de vie de Saujon et à la sphère d'influence urbaine de Royan, principale agglomération et centre économique des environs. Important carrefour routier, Le Gua se trouve à la jonction de deux axes importants, cette situation particulière ayant facilité son développement récent. Le phénomène de rurbanisation, qui fait que de nombreux citadins, à la recherche d'une plus grande qualité de vie, partent s'installer en périphérie des villes, est également une des causes de la croissance d'une commune située aux portes du Pays Royannais, des stations balnéaires de la Côte de Beauté mais aussi du bassin ostréicole de Marennes-Oléron.
Le Gua est issu du regroupement de plusieurs communes, qui ont fusionné entre 1793 et 1800 : Saint-Laurent-du-Gua, Monsanson, Faveau et Dercie. | Situé sur une ancienne île au cœur des marais de la Seudre, ce village fut longtemps le siège d'une communauté protestante très active. Enclave réformée au milieu de terres reconquises par les catholiques dès le XVIIᵉ siècle, il doit son nom au peu de considération qu'avaient pour eux les catholiques d'alors. Ceux-ci voyaient dans les habitants du village des « porcs » que les éleveurs devaient mettre à l'abri dans une « soue » (porcherie). D'où le nom adopté par les habitants : Soue, puis Souhe.
Le village conserve plusieurs demeures traditionnelles saintongeaises, dont une ancienne école confessionnelle datant du milieu du XVIIᵉ siècle, surmontant une ancienne maison d'oraison utilisée à l'époque des persécutions. Son existence est attestée par une lettre du « pasteur du désert », Louis Gibert, datée de 1756 Subsiste également un vaste bâtiment daté de 1860 et qui fut la première école communale du Gua. Aujourd'hui transformée en maison d'habitation, elle conserve un préau couvert d'une charpente en bois et muni d'un banc en pierre. La cloche qui servait autrefois à annoncer le début des cours est toujours en place.
À proximité se trouve l'ancien temple, dont la construction débuta en 1830. Il demeura en activité jusque dans les années 1950, puis, délaissé par les fidèles, il tomba peu à peu en ruine. Sa toiture s'effondra en 1972. Il fut vendu le 8 août 1973 à des particuliers, qui le transformèrent en maison d'habitation, le préservant ainsi d'une disparition certaine. Deux tilleuls furent plantés en 1846 devant le temple. L'un d'eux demeura en place jusqu'en 1999. Le village conserve également de nombreuses saloches, curieux édifices de forme conique dont on ne sait pas grand-chose, et que la légende suppose avoir servi d'abris aux gabelous ; certaines théories en font d'anciens poulaillers répartis dans le marais.
Le Journal d'un instituteur alsacien de Philippe Husser (Hachette, 1989) nous donne des renseignements intéressants sur la vie à Souhe au début des années 1920. Venu voir à l'été 1923 les parents de ses deux gendres charentais, il observe et note les différences avec l'Alsace. « Les marais, écrit-il, constituent une véritable curiosité... », « Ici le vin est à discrétion », « Les habitants du petit pays ne sont pas des partisans de l'heure nouvelle », « La population comprend le français mais parle un patois incompréhensible aux gens comme nous », « Leur cuisine aussi est différente de la nôtre. Ils ne connaissent pas les mets à base de farine, telles les pâtes ». Protestant au milieu de protestants il se sent chez lui : « Il s'agit de paysans semblables à ceux de chez nous. Quelques-uns ressemblent même à des types de chez nous. » Et la conclusion est nette : « Nous avons trouvé des gens raisonnables, sérieux et laborieux. » |
en |,_Cambridge | | All Saints' Church, Cambridge | null | All Saints' Church, Cambridge | null | English: Map of Cambridge Geographic limits of the map: N: 52.21328° S:52.19711° W:0.10775° E: 0.13526° This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work to remix – to adapt the work Under the following conditions: attribution – You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). share alike – If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. | All Saints' Church, Cambridge is located in Central Cambridge | image/png | 749 | 781 | true | true | true | All Saints' is a church on Jesus Lane in central Cambridge, England, which was built by the architect George Frederick Bodley. The church was constructed in stages between 1863 and 1870 and is a notable example of English Gothic Revival style with fittings in the Arts and Crafts style. It was designated Grade I listed building status in 1950. It was vested in The Churches Conservation Trust in 1981. Opening times vary and it's recommended that visitors contact The Churches Conservation Trust to find the current arrangement. | All Saints' is a church on Jesus Lane in central Cambridge, England, which was built by the architect George Frederick Bodley. The church was constructed in stages between 1863 and 1870 and is a notable example of English Gothic Revival style with fittings in the Arts and Crafts style. It was designated Grade I listed building status in 1950. It was vested in The Churches Conservation Trust in 1981. Opening times vary and it's recommended that visitors contact The Churches Conservation Trust to find the current arrangement. |
zh | | 里斯本 | null | 里斯本 | null | Lisbon's flag | 里斯本 Lisboa旗帜 | image/png | 800 | 1,200 | true | true | true | 里斯本,亦称为葡京,是葡萄牙共和国的首都和最大都市。其位置位于葡萄牙中南部大西洋沿岸,城北为辛特拉山,城南为特茹河出海口,与伦敦、巴黎、罗马等同为西欧历史最悠久的城市。市区面积84.6平方公里、人口547,631人。包含卫星城的都会区人口超过300万,相当于葡萄牙人口的27%左右。公元前205年起为罗马人统治,当时的统治者凯撒把这个地区升格为市,并命名为拉丁语:Felicitas Julia。1256年起正式成为葡萄牙王国的首都,从此发展成为欧洲和地中海一带重要的港口与贸易城市。地理大发现时代很多航海家都是由里斯本出发到世界不同的地方探险的,此后成为葡萄牙殖民帝国富甲一方的政治与商业中心,现今与波尔图同为葡萄牙两大代表性城市。 | 里斯本(葡萄牙语:Lisboa[liʒˈboɐ] 聆听),亦称为葡京,是葡萄牙共和国的首都和最大都市。其位置位于葡萄牙中南部大西洋沿岸,城北为辛特拉山,城南为特茹河出海口,与伦敦、巴黎、罗马等同为西欧历史最悠久的城市。市区面积84.6平方公里、人口547,631人(2011年)。包含卫星城的都会区人口超过300万,相当于葡萄牙人口的27%左右。公元前205年起为罗马人统治,当时的统治者凯撒把这个地区升格为市,并命名为拉丁语:Felicitas Julia(意为“祝贺凯撒”)。1256年起正式成为葡萄牙王国的首都,从此发展成为欧洲和地中海一带重要的港口与贸易城市。地理大发现时代很多航海家都是由里斯本出发到世界不同的地方探险的,此后成为葡萄牙殖民帝国富甲一方的政治与商业中心,现今与波尔图同为葡萄牙两大代表性城市。 |
gl | | A revolta dos animais | Significado | A revolta dos animais / Argumento / Significado | Bandeira do pezuño e o corno. | null | null | image/svg+xml | 600 | 1,200 | true | true | true | A revolta dos animais. Unha historia fantástica é unha novela satírica de George Orwell publicada en 1945 co título orixinal en inglés de Animal Farm. Foi traducida ó galego en 1992 por Antón López Dobao, e en 2010 por Fernando Moreiras co título A granxa dos animais. | Orwell satiriza o réxime soviético de Stalin representado a través dos animais da granxa. Así, moitos dos personaxes da obra teñen a súa correspondencia en personaxes históricos:
Mayor representaría a Lenin por ser o ideólogo da revolución, pero polo carácter tranquilo e pola idea orixinal que este personaxe posúe, podería corresponder a Karl Marx, tendo en conta ademais que a revolución se produce despois da morte de Mayor.
O señor Jones sería Nicolao II de Rusia.
Napoleón, coas súas medidas para administrar a granxa (apropiadas de Snowball) que servirán para levar a esta á prosperidade, aínda que esta só mellorará a súa propia situación e a dos demais porcos; e a súa política de restrición de liberdades, representa a Stalin.
Snowball sería Trotski, líder militar que posteriormente se ve obrigado a exiliarse da granxa. Unha vez establecido o poder de Napoleón, todo animal considerado perigoso sería executado baixo a acusación de ser seguidor de Snowball.
Boxer, o cabalo, sempre convencido de traballar máis, e traizoado a pesar de todo, representaría ó proletariado ou ao mineiro Alekséi Stajánov.
As ovellas, analfabetas e acríticas co réxime, personifican ó campesiñado.
O corvo Moses representa á Igrexa Ortodoxa, fala do ceo dos animais e recibe trato de favor dos humanos, xa que cumpre unha labor de aborregamento.
O burro Benjamin representa á clase intelectual, que é consciente das manipulacións pero non toma partido, limitándose a observar sen intervir.
Os cans representan á policía secreta e a súa brutalidade.
O porco Mínimus, o poeta, representa a Vladimir Maiakovski.
A bandeira do pezuño e o corno é análoga á bandeira soviética da fouce e o martelo.
Tamén mostra dun modo moi cru a relación entre animais e seres humanos, dándolle ós últimos unha personalidade, e poñéndoos ó mesmo nivel intelectual e racional có home, para lograr representar a brutalidade sufrida por eles. |
en | | Lea Bridge | null | Lea Bridge | null | English: Middlesex Filter Beds Weir Use freely, please attribute. K B Thompson | null | image/jpeg | 2,000 | 3,008 | true | true | true | Lea Bridge is a district in the London Borough of Hackney and the London Borough of Waltham Forest in London, England. It lies 7 miles northeast of Charing Cross.
The area it takes its name from a bridge built over the River Lea in 1745, and the Lea Bridge Road which leads through the area and across the bridge. The bridge also gives its name to a ward in Waltham Forest on the eastern, Leyton, bank of the river.
Within Hackney, Lea Bridge Road forms the customary boundary between Upper and Lower Clapton. | Lea Bridge is a district in the London Borough of Hackney and the London Borough of Waltham Forest in London, England. It lies 7 miles (11.3 km) northeast of Charing Cross.
The area it takes its name from a bridge built over the River Lea in 1745, and the Lea Bridge Road which leads through the area and across the bridge. The bridge also gives its name to a ward in Waltham Forest (Lea Bridge) on the eastern, Leyton, bank of the river.
Within Hackney, Lea Bridge Road forms the customary boundary between Upper and Lower Clapton. |
en | | Bathing machine | Use | Bathing machine / Use | Sea bathing in mid Wales c.1800. Several bathing machines can be seen | null | null | image/jpeg | 681 | 900 | true | true | true | The bathing machine was a device, popular from the 18th century until the early 20th century, to allow people to change out of their usual clothes, change into swimwear, and wade in the ocean at beaches. Bathing machines were roofed and walled wooden carts rolled into the sea. Some had solid wooden walls, others canvas walls over a wooden frame, and commonly walls at the sides and curtained doors at each end.
The use of bathing machines as part of the etiquette for sea-bathing was more rigorously enforced upon women than men, but it was to be observed by both sexes among those who wished to behave respectably.
Especially in Britain, men and women were usually segregated, so that people of the opposite sex should not see them in their bathing suits, which were not considered proper clothing in which to be seen in public. | The bathing machines in use in Margate, Kent, were described by Walley Chamberlain Oulton in 1805 as:
[F]our-wheeled carriages, covered with canvas, and having at one end of them an umbrella of the same materials which is let down to the surface of the water, so that the bather descending from the machine by a few steps is concealed from the public view, whereby the most refined female is enabled to enjoy the advantages of the sea with the strictest delicacy.
People entered the small room of the machine while it was on the beach, wearing their street clothing. In the machine they changed into their bathing suit, although men were allowed to bathe nude until the 1860s, placing their street clothes into a raised compartment where they would remain dry.
Probably all bathing machines had small windows, but one writer in the Manchester Guardian of May 26, 1906 considered them "ill-lighted" and wondered why bathing machines were not improved with a skylight.
The machine would then be wheeled or slid into the water. The most common machines had large wide wheels and were propelled in and out of the surf by a horse or a pair of horses with a driver. Less common were machines pushed in and out of the water by human power. Some resorts had wooden rails into the water for the wheels to roll on; a few had bathing machines pulled in and out by cables propelled by a steam engine.
Once in the water, the occupants disembarked from the sea side down steps into the water. Many machines had doors front and back; those with only one door would be backed into the sea or need to be turned around. It was considered essential that the machine blocked any view of the bather from the shore. Some machines were equipped with a canvas tent lowered from the seaside door, sometimes capable of being lowered to the water, giving the bather greater privacy.
Some resorts employed a dipper, a strong person of the same sex who would assist the bather in and out of the sea. Some dippers were said to push bathers into the water, then yank them out, considered part of the experience.
Bathing machines would often be equipped with a small flag which could be raised by the bather as a signal to the driver that they were ready to return to shore. |
sk | | Legnava | null | Legnava | null | English: View of village Legnava in Slovakia | null | image/jpeg | 1,848 | 3,120 | true | true | true | Legnava je obec na Slovensku v okrese Stará Ľubovňa.
Erb obce z roku 2006 je inšpirovaný znakom na pečatidle z roku 1868. Jeho autorom je V. Labuda. V červenom štíte je tromi striebornými vlnovkami symbolizovaná rieka Jordán. Z nej vyrastá zlatým latinským krížom ukončená palica - atribút sv. Jána Krstiteľa. Nad palicou sa vznáša strieborná holubica so šiestimi zlatými lúčmi - symbol Ducha Svätého. | Legnava (historicky slov. Lehňava, rusín. Леґнава (Legnava), maď. Lagnó, nem. Legenau) je obec na Slovensku v okrese Stará Ľubovňa.
Erb obce z roku 2006 je inšpirovaný znakom na pečatidle z roku 1868. Jeho autorom je V. Labuda. V červenom štíte je tromi striebornými vlnovkami symbolizovaná rieka Jordán. Z nej vyrastá zlatým latinským krížom ukončená palica - atribút sv. Jána Krstiteľa. Nad palicou sa vznáša strieborná holubica so šiestimi zlatými lúčmi - symbol Ducha Svätého. |
pl | | Parafia św. Pio w Ustce | null | Parafia św. Pio w Ustce | null | Polski: Ustka, ul. Krokusowa- kaplica | Ilustracja | image/jpeg | 3,864 | 5,152 | true | true | true | Parafia św. Pio w Ustce została utworzona 2 lutego 2004. Należy do dekanatu Ustka diecezji koszalińsko-kołobrzeskiej. Kaplica parafialna została wybudowana w 2004. Mieści się na rogu ulic Darłowskiej i Kwiatowej. | Parafia św. Pio w Ustce została utworzona 2 lutego 2004. Należy do dekanatu Ustka diecezji koszalińsko-kołobrzeskiej. Kaplica parafialna została wybudowana w 2004. Mieści się na rogu ulic Darłowskiej i Kwiatowej. |
ca | | | Sender Marítim d'Anglesey | Punts de pas del sender | Sender Marítim d'Anglesey / Punts de pas del sender | null | The Elizabethan dovecot by St Seiriol's Church, Penmon, Anglesey | null | image/jpeg | 1,944 | 2,592 | true | true | true | El Sender Marítim d'Anglesey discorre per tota la longitud de l'Àrea de Destacada Bellesa Natural en Anglesey, Gal·les. És una xarxa senders amb drets de pas a Anglaterra i Gal·les públics i alguns estan designats com a senders permissius.
La ruta segueix la costa d'Anglesey, gairebé donant la volta completa. Hi ha dos punts en els quals el camí no travessa les finques: en Plas Newydd i en Llanfachraeth. Com és circular, oficialment comença i acaba en Holyhead.
El sender està ben senyalitzat per tot el recorregut.
Els fons de l'Objectiu Europeu han contribuït en aquest projecte, que pretén satisfer la creixent demanda de passejos costaners. El camí va ser creat per una associació dirigida per l'agència comunitària Menter Môn i el Consell Comtal de l'illa d'Anglesey. Es va inaugurar formalment pel primer ministre de Gal·les Rhodri Morgan el 9 de juny de 2006. | Començant en Holyhead i en sentit contrari a les agulles del rellotge, el sender travessa o passa a prop de: |
en | | Banksia coccinea | Ecology | Banksia coccinea / Ecology | Banksia coccinea at Gull Rock National Park | English: Banksia coccinea at Gull Rock National Park | null | image/jpeg | 1,936 | 2,592 | true | true | true | Banksia coccinea, commonly known as the scarlet banksia, waratah banksia or Albany banksia, is an erect shrub or small tree in the family Proteaceae. Its distribution in the wild is along the south west coast of Western Australia, from Denmark to the Stokes National Park, and north to the Stirling Range, growing on white or grey sand in shrubland, heath or open woodland. Reaching up to 8 m in height, it is a single-stemmed plant that has oblong leaves, which are 3–9 cm long and 2–7 cm wide. The prominent red and white flower spikes appear mainly in the spring. As they age they develop small follicles that store seeds until opened by fire. Though widely occurring, it is highly sensitive to dieback and large populations of plants have succumbed to the disease.
Collected and described by Robert Brown in the early 19th century, Banksia coccinea appears to be most closely related to Banksia speciosa and B. baxteri. Banksia coccinea plants are killed by bushfire, and regenerate from seed. The flowers attract nectar- and insect-feeding birds, particularly honeyeaters, and a variety of insects. | A field study conducted around Albany found the honey possum (Tarsipes rostratus) sometimes visit Banksia coccinea, as do the New Holland honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae), white-cheeked honeyeater (P. nigra), and western spinebill (Acanthorhynchus superciliosus). Banksia coccinea flowers are visited by colletid bees Hylaeus alcyoneus and H. sanguinipictus. The short-billed black cockatoo breaks off old cones with follicles to eat the seed, often doing so before the seed is ripe.
B. coccinea is killed by fire and regenerates afterwards from seed released from burnt follicles. It has is some degree of serotiny, that is, it has an aerial seed bank in its canopy in the form of the follicles of the old flower spikes. However, numbers of seed are less than other co-occurring species of banksia on the southern plains and peak several years after a fire. Unusually for banksias, B. coccinea can release seed with resulting seedlings growing in the absence of a bushfire trigger. Plants flower and fruit three years after germination and are shorter-lived than other banksias, appearing in poor health or dying before 20 years of age. They hence appear to be suited to fire intervals of less than 20 years.
Manipulating growing conditions on plants in cultivation showed that longer daylight (16 hours vs 8 hours) led to development of more flower spikes, indicating that flower initiation was related to day length.
Extremely sensitive to dieback caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi, Banksia coccinea is an indicator species for the presence of the disease. There is no known means of eradicating dieback. Much of the Stirling Range National Park is infested, though Fitzgerald River National Park has been largely spared. Applying phosphite to infested areas has been shown to reduce the mortality rates to around 50%. B. coccinea has shown some symptoms of toxicity to application of phosphite, with some patchy necrosis of leaves, but the plant's uptake of the compound is somewhat lower compared with uptake by other shrub species. Unusually, the symptoms do not appear to be proportional to exposure levels.
Dying stands of B. coccinea were observed in 1989, and the fungus Cryptodiaporthe melanocraspedia isolated as the cause in 1995. The disease, a form of aerial canker, manifested initially as dead dry brown leaves and the tips of new growth. Plants would die from the top downwards, with larger branches affected over time. Under the outer bark, orange and brown patches of necrosis spread out from leaf nodes until they encircle the stem, which then dies. Flower spikes may be affected during flowering season. In humid spells during warm weather, white or pink spore tendrils are produced on dead wood. One affected stand monitored over three years from October 1989 to June 1992 showed a 97% mortality of plants (compared with a baseline 40%). Investigators Bryan Shearer and colleagues isolated another virulent pathogen that they identified as a species of Zythiostroma, however it appeared to invoke an immune response in the plant. This immune response, coupled with the fact that it had not been observed in the wild, led them to believe it was not a major pathogen of the species. This species has since been reclassified and named as Luteocirrhus shearii.
B. coccinea is a host for the gall midge Dasineura banksiae, a species of fly that attacks and lays eggs on the leaves between late October and early December. The round white hairy galls are 5–7 mm in diameter and generally contain one larva, or up to five on severely infested plants. The larvae moult and feed until January to March, when they reduce activity until early October. Although these are not harmful to the plant, they disfigure the cut foliage and hence reduce its value. |
is | | Alain Poher | null | Alain Poher | Alain Poher árið 1969. | Français : Pas de lieu. Le 23 Avril 1969. Vue de messieurs Poher, Monnerville et Eeckhoutte donnant une conférence de presse. | null | image/jpeg | 564 | 524 | true | true | true | Alain Poher var franskur stjórnmálamaður sem gegndi tvisvar forsetaembætti Frakklands til bráðabirgða.
Poher var meðlimur í flokknum Mouvement républicain populaire eða MRP. Hann var kjörinn á franska þingið árið 1946 og síðan nefndur ríkisritari fjármála í ríkisstjórn Roberts Schuman og síðan ríkisútgjalda í stjórn Henris Queuille. Poher var návinur Roberts Schuman og gegndi ýmsum störfum á þingi áður en hann varð forseti Evrópuþingsins árið 1966 og forseti franska þingsins frá 1968 til 1992. Það var í krafti þess embættis sem Poher settist tvisvar til bráðabirgða á forsetastól Frakklands: Fyrst eftir afsögn Charles de Gaulle forseta og síðan eftir dauða Georges Pompidou forseta. Poher hafði boðið sig fram í forsetakosningunum gegn Pompidou árið 1969 en hafði beðið ósigur í annarri umferð kosninganna.
Poher var einn þekktasti þingmaður fimmta franska lýðveldisins og er enn í dag sá sem lengst hefur setið sem forseti franska þingsins. | Alain Poher (17. apríl 1909 – 9. desember 1996) var franskur stjórnmálamaður sem gegndi tvisvar forsetaembætti Frakklands til bráðabirgða.
Poher var meðlimur í flokknum Mouvement républicain populaire eða MRP. Hann var kjörinn á franska þingið árið 1946 og síðan nefndur ríkisritari fjármála í ríkisstjórn Roberts Schuman og síðan ríkisútgjalda í stjórn Henris Queuille. Poher var návinur Roberts Schuman og gegndi ýmsum störfum á þingi áður en hann varð forseti Evrópuþingsins árið 1966 og forseti franska þingsins frá 1968 til 1992. Það var í krafti þess embættis sem Poher settist tvisvar til bráðabirgða á forsetastól Frakklands: Fyrst eftir afsögn Charles de Gaulle forseta (1969) og síðan eftir dauða Georges Pompidou forseta (1974). Poher hafði boðið sig fram í forsetakosningunum gegn Pompidou árið 1969 en hafði beðið ósigur í annarri umferð kosninganna.
Poher var einn þekktasti þingmaður fimmta franska lýðveldisins og er enn í dag sá sem lengst hefur setið sem forseti franska þingsins. |
zh-TW | | 蝾螺属 | null | 蝾螺属 | null | English: Turbo marmoratus Linnaeus, 1758. light colour, 17 cm. | null | image/jpeg | 1,898 | 3,600 | true | true | true | 蠑螺屬是一種大型海螺的屬,其物種舊屬原始腹足目,是一類有著鰓和口蓋的海洋腹足綱軟體動物,系統分類學上是是蠑螺科的成員,也是這個科的模式屬。
主要分布於馬來西亞、印度尼西亞、中國大陸、台灣,常棲息在碎礫石海底水深4-20米、潮下帶。 | 蠑螺屬(學名:Turbo)是一種大型海螺的屬,其物種舊屬原始腹足目,是一類有著鰓和口蓋的海洋腹足綱軟體動物,系統分類學上是是蠑螺科的成員,也是這個科的模式屬。
主要分布於馬來西亞、印度尼西亞、中國大陸、台灣,常棲息在碎礫石海底水深4-20米、潮下帶。 |
ca | | Lebanon (Indiana) | null | Lebanon (Indiana) | null | English: Boone County Courthouse in Lebanon, Indiana, United States | null | image/jpeg | 2,811 | 3,876 | true | true | true | Lebanon és una població dels Estats Units a l'estat d'Indiana. Segons el cens del 2000 tenia una població de 14.222 habitants. | Lebanon és una població dels Estats Units a l'estat d'Indiana. Segons el cens del 2000 tenia una població de 14.222 habitants. |
zh | | 原行星盤 | null | 原行星盤 | 透过阿塔卡马大型毫米波/亚毫米波阵列首次观察到位于金牛座HL的原行星盘。 | English: ALMA image of the protoplanetary disc around HL Tauri - This is the sharpest image ever taken by ALMA — sharper than is routinely achieved in visible light with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. It shows the protoplanetary disc surrounding the young star HL Tauri. These new ALMA observations reveal substructures within the disc that have never been seen before and even show the possible positions of planets forming in the dark patches within the system. About the Object Name: HL Tauri Type: • Milky Way : Star : Circumstellar Material : Disk : Protoplanetary • X - Stars Distance: 450 light years Constellation: Taurus Coordinates Position (RA): 4 31 38.37 Position (Dec): 18° 14' 0.99" Field of view: 0.03 x 0.03 arcminutes Orientation: North is 0.0° left of vertical . | null | image/jpeg | 1,800 | 1,800 | true | true | true | 原行星盘是在新形成的年轻恒星外围绕的浓密气体,因为气体会从盘的内侧落入恒星的表面,所以可以视为是一个吸积盘。但是,不能将这个过程与恒星形成时的吸积混淆在一起。
包含织女和北落师门的北河二共同运动星团被分辨出来。利用希巴古卫星资料,估计北河二星团年龄约二亿年,这显示以红外线观察到的织女和北落师门周围的残余物质可能已成星子,而不仅仅是原行星盘了。哈勃空间望远镜已经成功的观测北落师门的原行星盘,并证实猜测。 | 原行星盘(英语:Proplyd or Protoplanetary Disc)是在新形成的年轻恒星(如金牛T星)外围绕的浓密气体,因为气体会从盘的内侧落入恒星的表面,所以可以视为是一个吸积盘。但是,不能将这个过程与恒星形成时的吸积混淆在一起。
包含织女和北落师门的北河二共同运动星团被分辨出来。利用希巴古卫星资料,估计北河二星团年龄约二亿年(误差约一亿年),这显示以红外线观察到的织女和北落师门周围的残余物质可能已成星子,而不仅仅是原行星盘了。哈勃空间望远镜已经成功的观测北落师门的原行星盘,并证实猜测。 |
fr | | | Daniel Rogelin | null | Daniel Rogelin | null | Brazilian road cyclist Daniel Rogelim after the 2008 Copa America. | null | image/jpeg | 546 | 413 | true | true | true | Daniel Walter Rogelin est un coureur cycliste brésilien né le 13 octobre 1972 à Concórdia. Il a notamment participé aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 1996 à Atlanta. | Daniel Walter Rogelin est un coureur cycliste brésilien né le 13 octobre 1972 à Concórdia. Il a notamment participé aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 1996 à Atlanta. |
en | | Darolutamide | null | Darolutamide | null | English: Ball-and-stick model of the darolutamide molecule, also known as Nubeqa, a nonsteroidal antiandrogen used to treat prostate cancer. Color code:        Carbon, C: black        Hydrogen, H: white        Oxygen, O: red        Nitrogen, N: blue        Fluorine, F: yellow-green | null | image/png | 956 | 3,308 | true | true | true | Darolutamide, sold under the brand name Nubeqa, is an antiandrogen medication which is used in the treatment of non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in men. It is specifically approved to treat non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in conjunction with surgical or medical castration. The medication is taken by mouth twice per day with food.
Side effects of darolutamide added to castration may include fatigue, asthenia, pain in the arms and legs, and rash. Darolutamide is a nonsteroidal antiandrogen, and acts as a selective antagonist of the androgen receptor. It has been referred to as a second- or third-generation NSAA.
Darolutamide was patented in 2011, and was approved for medical use in July 2019. | Darolutamide, sold under the brand name Nubeqa, is an antiandrogen medication which is used in the treatment of non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in men. It is specifically approved to treat non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC) in conjunction with surgical or medical castration. The medication is taken by mouth twice per day with food.
Side effects of darolutamide added to castration may include fatigue, asthenia, pain in the arms and legs, and rash. Darolutamide is a nonsteroidal antiandrogen (NSAA), and acts as a selective antagonist of the androgen receptor (AR). It has been referred to as a second- or third-generation NSAA.
Darolutamide was patented in 2011, and was approved for medical use in July 2019. |
en | | | Felix Agnus | Dates of rank | Felix Agnus / Dates of rank | null | English: United States Army Infantry First Sergeant insignia made with Photoshop. | null | image/png | 374 | 432 | true | true | true | Felix Agnus was a French-born sculptor, newspaper publisher and soldier who served in the Franco-Austrian War and American Civil War. Agnus studied as a sculptor, before enlisting to fight in the Franco-Austrian War. Upon conclusion of the war, he travelled to the United States, and briefly worked as a sculptor. In 1861, upon the outbreak of the American Civil War, Agnus enlisted in the 5th New York Volunteer Infantry, and served with merit, rising to brevet brigadier-general before being mustered out of service. Agnus was then inspector general of the Department of the South and supervised the dismantling of Confederate forts.
After the war, Agnus settled in Baltimore, and worked for the Baltimore American, eventually rising to publish the paper. Charles Fulton, the previous publisher, was his father-in-law, Agnus having married Fulton's daughter Annie on 13 December 1864. As the publisher, Agnus was an original member of the Associated Press, and a prominent citizen in Baltimore. He was offered political positions, including United States Senator and a United States Consul, which he declined. He served on several local and national commissions. Agnus died in 1925. | null |
en | | Wheeler's delayed-choice experiment | Simple interferometer | Wheeler's delayed-choice experiment / Simple interferometer | Open and closed | null | null | image/svg+xml | 540 | 360 | true | true | true | Wheeler's delayed-choice experiment is actually several thought experiments in quantum physics, proposed by John Archibald Wheeler, with the most prominent among them appearing in 1978 and 1984. These experiments are attempts to decide whether light somehow "senses" the experimental apparatus in the double-slit experiment it will travel through and adjusts its behavior to fit by assuming the appropriate determinate state for it, or whether light remains in an indeterminate state, neither wave nor particle until measured.
The common intention of these several types of experiments is to first do something that, some interpretations of theory say, would make each photon "decide" whether it was going to behave as a particle or behave as a wave, and then, before the photon had time to reach the detection device, create another change in the system that would make it seem that the photon had "chosen" to behave in the opposite way. Some interpreters of these experiments contend that a photon either is a wave or is a particle, and that it cannot be both at the same time. | One way to investigate the question of when a photon decides whether to act as a wave or a particle in an experiment is to use the interferometer method. Here is a simple schematic diagram of an interferometer in two configurations:
If a single photon is emitted into the entry port of the apparatus at the lower-left corner, it immediately encounters a beam-splitter. Because of the equal probabilities for transmission or reflection the photon will either continue straight ahead, be reflected by the mirror at the lower-right corner, and be detected by the detector at the top of the apparatus, or it will be reflected by the beam-splitter, strike the mirror in the upper-left corner, and emerge into the detector at the right edge of the apparatus. Observing that photons show up in equal numbers at the two detectors, experimenters generally say that each photon has behaved as a particle from the time of its emission to the time of its detection, has traveled by either one path or the other, and further affirm that its wave nature has not been exhibited.
If the apparatus is changed so that a second beam splitter is placed in the upper-right corner, then part of the beams from each path will travel to the right, where they will combine to exhibit interference on a detection screen. Experimenters must explain these phenomena as consequences of the wave nature of light. Each photon must have traveled by both paths as a wave, because if each photon traveled as a particle along just one path then the many photons sent during the experiment would not produce an interference pattern.
Since nothing else has changed from experimental configuration to experimental configuration, and since in the first case the photon is said to "decide" to travel as a particle and in the second case it is said to "decide" to travel as a wave, Wheeler wanted to know whether, experimentally, a time could be determined at which the photon made its "decision." Would it be possible to let a photon pass through the region of the first beam-splitter while there was no beam-splitter in the second position, thus causing it to "decide" to travel, and then quickly let the second beam-splitter pop up into its path? Having presumably traveled as a particle up to that moment, would the beam splitter let it pass through and manifest itself as would a particle were that second beam splitter not to be there? Or, would it behave as though the second beam-splitter had always been there? Would it manifest interference effects? And if it did manifest interference effects then to have done so it must have gone back in time and changed its decision about traveling as a particle to traveling as a wave. Note that Wheeler wanted to investigate several hypothetical statements by obtaining objective data.
Albert Einstein did not like these possible consequences of quantum mechanics. However, when experiments were finally devised that permitted both the double-slit version and the interferometer version of the experiment, it was conclusively shown that a photon could begin its life in an experimental configuration that would call for it to demonstrate its particle nature, end up in an experimental configuration that would call for it to demonstrate its wave nature, and that in these experiments it would always show its wave characteristics by interfering with itself. Furthermore, if the experiment was begun with the second beam-splitter in place but it was removed while the photon was in flight, then the photon would inevitably show up in a detector and not show any sign of interference effects. So the presence or absence of the second beam-splitter would always determine "wave or particle" manifestation. Many experimenters reached an interpretation of the experimental results that said that the change in final conditions would retroactively determine what the photon had "decided" to be as it was entering the first beam-splitter. As mentioned above, Wheeler rejected this interpretation. |
br | | | Gudula | Skeudennoù | Gudula / Skeudennoù | null | Sainte Gudule | null | image/jpeg | 837 | 512 | true | true | true | Gudula, Gudula Brusel, pe Gudula Moorsel, pe Santez Gudula, marvet d'an 8 a viz Genver, entre 680 ha 714, zo ur santez frank ha paeronez kêr Brusel, ha santez vroadel Belgia. | null |
de | | | Webleinen | null | Webleinen | Webleinen des Segelschulschiffs Mir: Befestigung mit Webleinsteks an allen Wanten | null | null | image/jpeg | 1,053 | 960 | true | true | true | Webleinen sind waagerecht angebrachte Leinen zwischen den Wanten eines Schiffes, die als Sprossen zum Besteigen der Masten dienen. Sie gehören zum stehenden Gut der Takelage.
Webeleinen werden oft über drei Wanten gespannt, wobei sie naturgemäß durch Knoten oder Festbändseln gegen ein Abrutschen gesichert werden müssen. Zur Befestigung der Webleinen an den mittigen Wanten wird dafür der Webleinstek oder Webeleinstek eingesetzt. An jedes Ende einer Webleine wurde traditionell ein Auge gespleißt, das dann an die äußeren Wanten gebändselt wurde. Alternativ kann auch an den äußeren Wanten ein Webleinstek eingesetzt werden, der dann noch zusätzlich festgebändselt wird, beispielsweise auf der Mir oder auf der Roald Amundsen.
Traditionell waren Webleinen, wie anderes Tauwerk, auf Schiffen aus Hanf. Auf heute noch fahrenden Traditionsschiffen werden aufgrund der besseren Haltbarkeit stattdessen in aller Regel synthetische Fasern eingesetzt. Optisch hat sich dadurch nur wenig geändert, da für die Webleinen ganz überwiegend Synthetiktauwerk benutzt wird, das farblich und in seiner Struktur dem traditionellen Hanftauwerk nahekommt. | Webleinen sind waagerecht angebrachte Leinen zwischen den Wanten eines Schiffes, die als Sprossen zum Besteigen der Masten dienen. Sie gehören zum stehenden Gut der Takelage.
Webeleinen werden oft über drei (oder mehr) Wanten gespannt, wobei sie naturgemäß durch Knoten oder Festbändseln gegen ein Abrutschen gesichert werden müssen. Zur Befestigung der Webleinen an den mittigen Wanten wird dafür der Webleinstek oder Webeleinstek eingesetzt. An jedes Ende einer Webleine wurde traditionell ein Auge gespleißt, das dann an die äußeren Wanten gebändselt wurde. Alternativ kann auch an den äußeren Wanten ein Webleinstek eingesetzt werden, der dann noch zusätzlich festgebändselt wird, beispielsweise auf der Mir (siehe Eingangsbild) oder auf der Roald Amundsen.
Traditionell waren Webleinen, wie anderes Tauwerk, auf Schiffen aus Hanf. Auf heute noch fahrenden Traditionsschiffen werden aufgrund der besseren Haltbarkeit stattdessen in aller Regel synthetische Fasern eingesetzt. Optisch hat sich dadurch nur wenig geändert, da für die Webleinen ganz überwiegend Synthetiktauwerk benutzt wird, das farblich und in seiner Struktur (geschlagenes Tauwerk) dem traditionellen Hanftauwerk nahekommt. |
de | | Tettnanger Hopfensauparade | Hopfensauen | Tettnanger Hopfensauparade / Hopfensauen | null | Deutsch: Deutschland - Baden-Württemberg - Bodenseekreis - Tettnang: Hopfensauparade (2006) - "Fachwerksau" Künstler/in: Stefanie und Brigitte Abler, Tettnang-Wiesertsweiler Besitzer/Sponsor: Zimmerei und Innenausbau Abler | null | image/jpeg | 1,944 | 2,592 | true | true | true | Die Tettnanger Hopfensauparade fand 2006 in der baden-württembergischen Stadt Tettnang im Bodenseekreis in Deutschland statt.
In Zusammenarbeit der Stadt Tettnang mit dem Hopfenpflanzerverband und dem Hopfenmuseum belebten zum fünften Tettnanger Hopfenwandertag über neunzig lebensgroße, individuell gestaltete Hopfensäue den Tettnanger Hopfenpfad, später auch Straßen und Plätze im Stadtgebiet. Erinnert wird damit an den Brauch zu Zeiten der Handernte bis vor etwa 50 Jahren, zu dem bei Ernteschluss beim Hopfenschmaus in jedem Betrieb die „Hopfensau“ gekürt und gefeiert wurde: Den Ehrentitel „Hopfensau“ wurde der Hopfenbrockerin verliehen, die den letzten Hopfenranken abpflückte, verbunden mit-Glückwünschen, Geschenken und zum Teil auch mit etwas derben Späßen auf ihre Kosten.
Diese Tierparade adaptiert eine Idee, die seit 1998 schon in anderen Städten erfolgreich war, ursprünglich initiiert durch die Zürcher Kuh-Kultur. | Aus den rund dreißig Kilogramm schweren, aus witterungsbeständigem glasfaserverstärktem Kunststoff hergestellten Rohlingen entstanden zum Teil von ortsansässigen Künstlern und Schülern buntbemalte Skulpturen. Sie brachten Farbe und Vergnügen ins Tettnanger Stadtbild, waren Werbung für die Geschäftswelt und brachten am Ende einen finanziellen Zuschuss für das karitative Projekt „Rosario Oeste“ in Brasilien. |
es | | Arte de Costa Rica | Nueva Sensibilidad | Arte de Costa Rica / Artes plásticas / Nueva Sensibilidad | La Nueva Sensibilidad buscó una identidad propia para el arte nacional, reflejada por la casa de adobe. | Español: Casa de adobes (1885), por Ezequiel Jiménez R. | null | image/jpeg | 1,815 | 2,239 | true | true | true | El arte de Costa Rica es una expresión de la cultura costarricense. El arte costarricense se ha establecido de acuerdo a los comportamientos sociales y demandas estéticas de determinadas épocas históricas por las que ha atravesado la sociedad costarricense. Cuenta con sus raíces más profundas en el arte precolombino, que se destacó principalmente en piezas de pequeño formato, plasmando en ellas la relación de las culturas indígenas con su entorno natural y sus creencias religiosas, temáticas que serían luego rescatadas por diversos artistas durante los siglos posteriores y que siguen vigentes en la actualidad, pero modificados por las nuevas vanguardias artísticas. | En 1928, por iniciativa del embajador de Argentina en Costa Rica, Enrique Loudet, el Diario de Costa Rica organizó una serie de exposiciones de artes plásticas en el Teatro Nacional, las cuales se extendieron hasta 1937. Estas exposiciones propiciaron el encuentro entre el arte académico de la Escuela de Bellas Artes y un grupo de nuevos artistas conocido como la Nueva Sensibilidad. Esta es una de las épocas de mayor apogeo del arte costarricense. Frente al arte académico de tradición europea, la Nueva Sensibilidad se dio a la tarea de recuperar el pasado autóctono, tomando como base las vanguardias artísticas que recorrían el continente americano en esa época. Se identificaban con la historia prehispánica, pero buscando nuevas formas estéticas.
La Nueva Sensibilidad estaba conformada por artistas plásticos como Teodorico Quirós (1897-1975), Fausto Pacheco (1899-1966), Luisa González de Sáenz (1899-1982), Carlos Salazar Herrera (1906-1980), Francisco Amighetti (1907-1988), Manuel de la Cruz González (1909-1986) y Francisco Zúñiga (1912-1988), entre otros. En la pintura, desarrollaron un estilo impresionista criollo, plasmando el paisaje rural de Costa Rica con el dominio de un tema central: la casa de adobes. Los paisajes se pintaron con colores puros donde la luminosidad juega un papel muy importante, reflejando el apacible ambiente rural del país con sus montañas, árboles y casas coloniales, pintado de forma idílica y bucólica, siempre verde, siempre soleado, y con el denominador común de que muy pocas veces se representaron a sus habitantes. Estos pintores desarrollaron interés por la mancha, el empaste y la pincelada más que por el detalle, en donde el tratamiento del color reflejaba los efectos de la luz en el paisaje. De este grupo surgirá, en la década de 1940, toda una escuela paisajística con fuerte énfasis en la acuarela, técnica que creará escuela en el país por su idoneidad para el trabajo al aire libre donde las obras se volverán técnicamente más simples y con reducción de la paleta a colores primarios y algunos tonos secundarios. En la acuarela, destacan las obras de Margarita Bertheau (1913-1975), Luis Daell (1927-1998) y Flora Luján (1915-1979). Más tarde, a partir de mediados de la década de 1940, aparece una pintura más de estilo personal, surgida de emociones propias, abriéndose a imágenes surrealistas, a una pintura de tipo intimista y expresionista. El retrato continúa estando presente aportando valiosas obras, estableciendo un puente entre el academicismo y la contemporaneidad.
Los escultores de la Nueva Sensibilidad, surgidos casi todos del taller de imaginería de Manuel María Zúñiga, usaron el legado precolombino e imaginero colonial como fuente de sus búsquedas estéticas e intelectuales. Prefirieron los materiales autóctonos, la talla directa en madera y en piedra volcánica, en lugar del modelado en barro, el mármol y el bronce, privilegiados de la escuela clásica. Se retoman algunos temas en conjunción con el pasado prehispánico, como el concepto esferoide representado en las esferas de piedra precolombinas, así como la animalística. La mujer, la maternidad, lo campesino, lo social, también fueron temas de importancia. Destacan entre estos escultores Juan Rafael Chacón (1894-1982), que firma la transición de lo académico a lo vanguardista, Néstor Zeledón Varela (1903-2000), Juan Manuel Sánchez (1907-1990) y Francisco Zúñiga (1912-1998), este último afincado luego en México, donde su obra escultórica alcanzará trascendencia histórica e internacional. A partir de la década de 1940, surge una temática centrada en el retrato, para el cual se funden dos tradiciones: la imaginería y la academia. Un tercer tema será la temática pagana vinculada lo hedonista y erótico.
Este grupo de artistas también incursionará en el grabado en madera casi de forma autodidacta. Se explorarán las vivencias personales, la niñez, lo vernáculo y campesino, la recuperación de la memoria, la vejez y la preocupación por la muerte. La mayoría de la obra xilográfica de artistas como Francisco Zúñiga, Francisco Amighetti, Teodor |
pl | | Pałac Wańkowiczów w Mińsku | null | Pałac Wańkowiczów w Mińsku | null | Русский: Усадьба Ваньковичей в Минске по улице Филимонова, 24 Беларуская: Сядзіба Ваньковічаў у Мінску (Вялікая Сляпянка) English: Manor of the Wankowic Family in Minsk, Filimonov-street, 24 | Ilustracja | image/jpeg | 3,264 | 4,928 | true | true | true | Pałac Wańkowiczów w Ślepiance Wielkiej – klasycystyczny pałac w Mińsku na Białorusi, pomnik architektury przy ul. Filimonowa 24, nad rzeczką Ślepnią. | Pałac Wańkowiczów w Ślepiance Wielkiej – klasycystyczny pałac w Mińsku na Białorusi, pomnik architektury przy ul. Filimonowa 24, nad rzeczką Ślepnią. |
lv | | Valahijas kņaziste | null | Valahijas kņaziste | Valahijas teritorija ap 1600. gadu | English: Moldavia, Transylvania and Wallachia under Michael the Brave's authority (May–September, 1600) | null | image/png | 413 | 587 | true | true | true | Valahijas kņaziste jeb Valahijas principāts bija valsts Eiropas dienvidaustrumos, mūsdienu Rumānijas teritorijas dienvidos. Sākotnēji Ungārijas karalistes, bet pēc tam Osmaņu impērijas vasaļvalsts, kaut atsevišķos savas pastāvēšanas posmos tās monarhi - kuru tituls bija vojevoda, gospodars vai domnitars - neatzina sevi ne par vienas kaimiņvalsts vasali.
Vēsturē zināmākais Valahijas gospodars ir Vlads III Drakuls no Drakuleštu dinastijas. | Valahijas kņaziste jeb Valahijas principāts (rumāņu: Principatul Țării Românești, Principatul Valahiei, arī Țara Românească) bija valsts (1310—1861) Eiropas dienvidaustrumos, mūsdienu Rumānijas teritorijas dienvidos. Sākotnēji Ungārijas karalistes, bet pēc tam Osmaņu impērijas vasaļvalsts, kaut atsevišķos savas pastāvēšanas posmos tās monarhi - kuru tituls bija vojevoda, gospodars vai domnitars - neatzina sevi ne par vienas kaimiņvalsts vasali.
Vēsturē zināmākais Valahijas gospodars ir Vlads III Drakuls (rumāņu: Vlad Țepeș) no Drakuleštu dinastijas. |
fr | | | McAlester | null | McAlester | null | Adapted from Wikipedia's OK county maps by Seth Ilys. | Localisation de McAlester | image/png | 153 | 300 | true | true | true | La ville américaine de McAlester est le siège du comté de Pittsburg, dans l'Oklahoma. Elle comptait 17 783 habitants en 2000.
Elle est la ville de naissance du poète John Berryman.
McAlester est la ville chargée des exécutions en Oklahoma. | La ville américaine de McAlester est le siège du comté de Pittsburg, dans l'Oklahoma. Elle comptait 17 783 habitants en 2000.
Elle est la ville de naissance du poète John Berryman.
McAlester est la ville chargée des exécutions en Oklahoma. |
tg | | Дарё | null | Дарё | Дарё | English: Kinta River, Ipoh, Kinta, Perak, Malaysia Bahasa Melayu: Sungai Kinta, Ipoh, Kinta, Perak, Malaysia | null | image/jpeg | 1,488 | 1,984 | true | true | true | Дарё — ин равиши табии об мебошад. Ду тарафи дарёро соҳил меноманд. Дарё одатан ба кӯл, уқёнус мерезад.
Одамон дар соҳили дарё моҳидорӣ, шиноварӣ ва истироҳат мекунанд. Дар Тоҷикистон ҳам бисёр дарёҳо мавҷуд аст, масалан дарёи Зарафшон, Сирдарё, Панҷ ва ғайраҳо. | Дарё — ин равиши табии об мебошад. Ду тарафи дарёро соҳил меноманд. Дарё одатан ба кӯл, уқёнус мерезад.
Одамон дар соҳили дарё моҳидорӣ, шиноварӣ ва истироҳат мекунанд. Дар Тоҷикистон ҳам бисёр дарёҳо мавҷуд аст, масалан дарёи Зарафшон, Сирдарё, Панҷ ва ғайраҳо. |
de | | | Liste der Baudenkmäler in Hattingen | Baudenkmäler | Liste der Baudenkmäler in Hattingen / Baudenkmäler | null | Deutsch: Hattingen, Burgstr. 8 | Fachwerkhaus | image/jpeg | 4,621 | 3,081 | true | true | true | Die Liste der Baudenkmäler in Hattingen enthält die denkmalgeschützten Bauwerke auf dem Gebiet der Stadt Hattingen im Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Diese Baudenkmäler sind in der Denkmalliste der Stadt Hattingen eingetragen; Grundlage für die Aufnahme ist das Denkmalschutzgesetz Nordrhein-Westfalen. | null |
fi | | Ruokonata | Kuvia | Ruokonata / Kuvia | null | This coarse robust bunchgrass has rebounded much more after late summer mowing compared to other grasses growing with it: Bromus inermis (smooth brome), Agropyron repens (quackgrass), and Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass). | null | image/jpeg | 3,240 | 4,320 | true | true | true | Ruokonata on tuulipölytteinen, monivuotinen heinäkasvi jota käytetään rehuseoksissa. Suomessa lajista kasvaa kaksi eri muunnosta, rehukasvina viljelty rehuruokonata Festuca arundinacea var. aspera ja Etelä-Suomessa merenranoilla niityillä ja kivikkorannoilla alkuperäisenä meriruokonata Festuca arundinacea var. arundinacea. | null |
en | | Tom Brook | null | Tom Brook | Tom Brook in 2013 | English: Headshot of BBC's Tom Brook | null | image/jpeg | 3,744 | 3,658 | true | true | true | Tom Brook is a New York-based journalist working primarily for BBC News. He is mainly seen on BBC World News, and also the BBC News Channel. He is the main presenter of its flagship cinema programme Talking Movies. He has presented every episode of the show since it was first broadcast in February 1999. | Tom Brook (born 16 June 1953) is a New York-based journalist working primarily for BBC News. He is mainly seen on BBC World News, and also the BBC News Channel. He is the main presenter of its flagship cinema programme Talking Movies. He has presented every episode of the show since it was first broadcast in February 1999. |
id | | Akademi Militer India | null | Akademi Militer India | null | English: Indian Military Academy | null | image/jpeg | 656 | 960 | true | true | true | Akademi Militer India, disingkat IMA adalah akademi pembentukan dan pelatihan perwira Angkatan Darat India. Akademi tersebut didirikan pada 1932. Akademi ini terletak di kaki pegunungan Himalaya, sekitar 8 km sebelah barat Dehradun di negara bagian Uttarakhand, India utara. Kampusnya ada di National Highway 72, yang memisahkan Kampus Utara dan Selatan. Kampus akademi tersebut awalnya membentang 206 hektar dan sekarang wilayah akademinya adalah 1.400 hektar.
Dibangun pada tahun 1930, Balai Chetwode di halaman depan lapangan utama menjadi markas administrasi Akmil India dan juga merupakan pusat pelatihan akademis. Memiliki ruang kuliah, lab komputer dan kafe perwira. Di seberang Lapangan utama adalah Auditorium "Khetarpal". Diresmikan pada tahun 1982, ia memiliki kapasitas tempat duduk lebih dari 2000.
Sayap baru dari Aula Chetwode, ditambahkan pada tahun 1938, menyimpan Perpustakaan Pusat. Perpustakaan ini memiliki lebih dari 100.000 jilid dan langganan ratusan sumber pustaka dari seluruh dunia, selain bagian multimedia. Selain itu, ada dua perpustakaan cabang yang dekat dengan barak kadet di seberang kampus.
Museum Akmil India di kampus menampilkan artefak penting sejarah. | Akademi Militer India (Bahasa Hindi: भारतीय सैन्य अकादमी - Bhaarateey Sainy Akaadamee), (Bahasa Inggris: Indian Military Academy) disingkat IMA adalah akademi pembentukan dan pelatihan perwira Angkatan Darat India. Akademi tersebut didirikan pada 1932. Akademi ini terletak di kaki pegunungan Himalaya, sekitar 8 km sebelah barat Dehradun di negara bagian Uttarakhand, India utara. Kampusnya ada di National Highway 72 (Jalan Raya Nasional 72), yang memisahkan Kampus Utara dan Selatan. Kampus akademi tersebut awalnya membentang 206 hektar dan sekarang wilayah akademinya adalah 1.400 hektar (5,7 km2).
Dibangun pada tahun 1930, Balai Chetwode di halaman depan lapangan utama menjadi markas administrasi Akmil India dan juga merupakan pusat pelatihan akademis. Memiliki ruang kuliah, lab komputer dan kafe perwira. Di seberang Lapangan utama adalah Auditorium "Khetarpal". Diresmikan pada tahun 1982, ia memiliki kapasitas tempat duduk lebih dari 2000.
Sayap baru dari Aula Chetwode, ditambahkan pada tahun 1938, menyimpan Perpustakaan Pusat. Perpustakaan ini memiliki lebih dari 100.000 jilid dan langganan ratusan sumber pustaka dari seluruh dunia, selain bagian multimedia. Selain itu, ada dua perpustakaan cabang yang dekat dengan barak kadet (Taruna) di seberang kampus.
Museum Akmil India di kampus menampilkan artefak penting sejarah. Di antara peninggalan perang lainnya, ini menampilkan pistol Letnan Jenderal Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi dari Angkatan Darat Pakistan yang diserahkannya kepada Letnan Jenderal Jagjit Singh Aurora setelah menandatangani Instrumen Penyerahan untuk mengakhiri Perang Pembebasan (Liberation War) tahun 1971.
Kediaman komandan kampus adalah struktur kolonial yang tampan dengan taman 6 hektar yang indah. Menawarkan panorama Sungai Tons yang dilatar-belakangi oleh pegunungan Himalaya.
Pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, kadet ditampung di Perempat GC, yang terdiri dari Kingsley dan Collins Blocks. Dengan pertumbuhan Akmil India menjadi lima batalyon taruna, beberapa batalyon ditampung di barak di Kampus Selatan dan Timur.
Helipad Akmil India terletak di Lembah Tons di barat laut kampus. |
tr | | Northrop Grumman E-2 Hawkeye | Gelişmiş E-2D Hawkeye | Northrop Grumman E-2 Hawkeye / Tasarım ve geliştirme / Gelişmiş E-2D Hawkeye | VAW-11 'e bağlı bir E-2A 1966 yılında USS Coral Sea (CV-43) uçak gemisine iniş yapıyor. | A Grumman E-2A Hawkeye aircraft of carrier airborne early-warning squadron VAW-11 Det. A Early Eleven is about to land on the aircraft carrier USS Coral Sea (CVA-43). The carrier and embarked Attack Carrier Air Wing Two (CVW-2) were deployed to Vietnam from 29 Jul 1966 to 23 Feb 1967. | null | image/jpeg | 580 | 750 | true | true | true | Grumman E-2 Hawkeye Amerika Birleşik Devletleri yapımı, tüm hava koşullarında kullanılabilen, kargo uçağı tabanlı bir Havadan Erken Uyarı ve Kontrol platformudur. Çift torboprop motorlu uçak 1950'lerde E-1 Tracer 'in yerine geçmek üzere Amerikan Deniz Kuvvetleri için geliştirilmiştir. İlk uçuşunu 2007 yılında yapan E-2D modeline kadar uçak kademeli olarak yenilenmiştir. Diğer ülkeler tarafından da küçük miktarlarda kullanılan uçağın en büyük yabancı kullanıcısı Japonya 'dır.
Uçağa "Willy Fudd" 'un yerine geçmesinden dolayı "Super Fudd" takma adı verilmiştir. Günümüzde çift turboprop motorlarının çıkardığı gürültüden dolayı en yaygın olarak bilinen takma adı "Hummer" 'dir. | E-2'nin en yeni versiyonu E-2D Advanced Hawkeye halen geliştirilme aşamasındadır ve ilk iki uçak "Delta Bir" ve "Delta İki" 'nin uçuş testleri devam etmektedir. E-2D yeni APY-9 radarı, radyo sistemi, görev bilgisayarı, tümleşik uydu iletişim kabiliyeti, uçuş idare sistemi, geliştirilmiş motorlar, yeni bir "cam" kokpit ve havada yakıt ikmali kabiliyetinden oluşan tamamen yeni bir aviyonik sisteme sahiptir. APY-9 radar kubbesinin içine bir "Aktif Elektronik Taramalı Dizi Radarı"((İngilizce: Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA))) yerleştirilmiştir. E-2D her iki pilotun da 4. operatör olarak Görev Ekibinin tüm verilerine erişebilmesine olanak sağlayacak provizyonlara sahip olacaktır. E-2D'nin ilk uçuşu 3 Ağustos 2007'de gerçekleştirilmiştir. The E-2D will undergo Initial Operational Test and Evaluation in 2011.
8 Mayıs 2009'da bir E-2D Advanced Hawkeye bir atış kontrol testi sırasında yeni datalink sistemini kullanarak yerden ateşlenen bir füzeye bir Standard Missile 6 üzerinden ilk olarak bağlantı gerçekleştirmiştir. |
en |*_listed_buildings_in_Brighton_and_Hove | Grade II* listed buildings in Brighton and Hove | Grade II* listed buildings | Grade II* listed buildings in Brighton and Hove / Grade II* listed buildings | null | Former Boiler House and Engine Room at the British Engineerium, The Droveway, West Blatchington, Hove, City of Brighton and Hove, England. The main part of the former Goldstone Pumping Station, a waterworks built in 1866. Now a museum; pictured here on a rare open day during a period of long-term renovation. Listed at Grade II* by English Heritage (IoE Code 365677) | null | image/jpeg | 1,944 | 2,592 | true | true | true | There are 72 Grade II* listed buildings in the city of Brighton and Hove, England. The city, on the English Channel coast approximately 52 miles south of London, was formed as a unitary authority in 1997 by the merger of the neighbouring towns of Brighton and Hove. Queen Elizabeth II granted city status in 2000.
In England, a building or structure is defined as "listed" when it is placed on a statutory register of buildings of "special architectural or historic interest" by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, a Government department, in accordance with the Planning Act 1990. English Heritage, a non-departmental public body, acts as an agency of this department to administer the process and advise the department on relevant issues. There are three grades of listing status. Grade I, the highest, is defined as being of "exceptional interest"; Grade II* is used for "particularly important buildings of more than special interest"; and Grade II, the lowest, is used for buildings of "special interest".
Brighton was founded on top of the sea-facing cliffs where the South Downs meet the English Channel. | null |
th | | มิสฟรานซ์ | รูปภาพผู้ชนะ | มิสฟรานซ์ / รูปภาพผู้ชนะ | null | Français : Chloé Mortaud au festival de Deauville. | null | image/jpeg | 470 | 317 | true | true | true | มิสฟรานซ์ เป็นการประกวดความงามในประเทศฝรั่งเศสซึ่งจัดขึ้นเป็นประจำทุกปีตั้งแต่ปี ค.ศ. 1920 แต่ละปีจัดขึ้นในเดือนธันวาคมและผู้ชนะจะถูกกำหนดโดยปีที่จะเริ่มขึ้นในเดือนมกราคมที่จะถึงนี้ โดยกิจการมิสฟรานซ์เป็นของ บริษัท Miss France SAS. โดยมีการประกวดในระดับท้องถิ่นและระดับแคว้น และผู้ชนะแต่ละแคว้นจะได้เข้าร่วมประกวดมิสฟรานซ์ จัดขึ้นโดย Comité Miss France ซึ่งบุคลากรหลักคือ Geneviève de Fontenay ในช่วง 20 ปีที่ผ่านมา
มิสฟรานซ์ 2019 ไวมาลามา ชาวิส ได้รับตำแหน่งเมื่อวันที่ 15 ธันวาคม ค.ศ. 2018 เธอได้รับรางวัลมีมูลค่ารวม 100,000 ยูโร และเธอจะได้อยู่ในอพาร์ทเมนต์ในปารีสเป็นระยะเวลา 1 ปีและเงินเดือนสุทธิเดือนละ 3,000 ยูโรต่อเดือน
มิสฟรานซ์ 2016 - อีริส มีเตอนาร์ ได้รับตำแหน่งนางงามจักรวาล 2016 ใน มะนิลา, ฟิลิปปินส์, เมือวันที่ 30 มกราคม ค.ศ. 2017 อีริสเป็นนางงามจักรวาลคนที่ 2 ในรอบ 63 ปี โดยนางงามจักรวาลคนแรกจากฝรั่งเศสคือ คริสตียาน มาร์แตล โดยคริสตียานไม่ได้เป็นผู้เข้าประกวดในมิสฟรานซ์ แต่เป็นผู้ชนะจากมิสซีเนมงด์ 1953
ผู้อำนวยการกองประกวดมิสฟรานซ์คนปัจจุบัน คือ ซิลวี เทลเลีย | null |
de | | Sudoku | Die Anzahl der Sudokus | Sudoku / Die Mathematik hinter Sudoku / Die Anzahl der Sudokus | null | English: Depiction of the Sudoku 'Sudoku-by-L2G-20050714modif.svg' (see figure to the right) using colors instead of digits and first two rows exchanged. | null | image/png | 292 | 297 | true | true | true | Sudoku ist eine Gattung von Logikrätseln, die aus den lateinischen Quadraten entstand.
In der üblichen Version ist es das Ziel, ein 9×9-Gitter mit den Ziffern 1 bis 9 so zu füllen, dass jede Ziffer in jeder Einheit genau einmal vorkommt – und in jedem der 81 Felder exakt eine Ziffer vorkommt. Ausgangspunkt ist ein Gitter, in dem bereits mehrere Ziffern vorgegeben sind. In Zeitungen und Zeitschriften werden heute regelmäßig Sudokurätsel veröffentlicht.
Die moderne Form des Sudoku wurde von Howard Garns erfunden. Erstmals im Jahr 1979 unter dem Namen Number Place in einer Rätselzeitschrift in den Vereinigten Staaten veröffentlicht, wurde es erst ab 1984 zunächst in Japan populär, wo es auch seinen heutigen Namen Sudoku erhielt. | Um alle denkbaren, vollständig ausgefüllten 9×9 Standard-Sudokus zu erzeugen, könnte man wie folgt vorgehen: man beginnt mit einem leeren 9×9-Gitter und setzt nun zeilenweise von links nach rechts die Ziffern ein. Für das erste Feld in der ersten Zeile hat man offenbar 9 Möglichkeiten, für das zweite 8, das dritte 7 usw. Insgesamt ergeben sich für die erste Zeile 9! (d. h. 9 Fakultät) Möglichkeiten. Wenn man in den verbleibenden 8 Zeilen ebenso vorgeht, erzeugt man mithin (9!)⁹ ≈ 1,1 ⋅ 10⁵⁰ verschiedene 9×9-Gitter. Da allerdings unberücksichtigt blieb, dass jede Ziffer auch in jeder Spalte und in jedem Block nur genau einmal auftreten darf, hat man bei einem solchen Vorgehen (sehr) viele 9×9-Gitter erzeugt, die keine vollständig ausgefüllten 9×9 Standard-Sudokus darstellen.
Bertram Felgenhauer und Frazer Jarvis konnten 2005 zeigen, dass es (nur) 6.670.903.752.021.072.936.960 (ca. 6,7 Trilliarden oder 6,7 ⋅ 10²¹) verschiedene (vollständig ausgefüllte) 9×9 Standard-Sudokus gibt.
Allerdings unterscheiden diese sich untereinander nicht unbedingt wesentlich: wenn man beispielsweise in einem vollständig ausgefüllten Sudoku die Einsen und Zweien vertauscht, so bleibt das Sudoku letztlich dasselbe.
Tatsächlich ist es unerheblich, ob man ein Sudoku-Feld mit Ziffern, Symbolen oder Farben ausfüllt. Abbildung 3a etwa gibt das Sudoku aus Abbildung 1 wieder – nur mit Farben anstatt Ziffern. Ein Sudoku lösen heißt in diesem Sinne, die 9×9 Felder des Spielfelds in 9 (Farb-)Mengen von jeweils 9 Feldern zu partitionieren, so dass für die 9 Felder in einer (Farb-)Menge gilt: keine zwei sind in ein und derselben Reihe, Spalte oder Block enthalten. Auch wenn man beispielsweise die erste und die zweite Zeile vertauscht, vergleiche Abbildung 3b, erhält man ein grundsätzlich identisches Sudoku: Um etwa das ursprüngliche zu lösen, könnte man genauso gut dasjenige mit den vertauschten Zeilen lösen und am Ende die beiden Zeilen wieder zurücktauschen. Entsprechend kann man bestimmte Spalten vertauschen oder die drei oberen Blöcke mit den drei unteren vertauschen oder das Spielfeld drehen oder spiegeln, vergleiche Abbildungen 3cde.
Zählt man nur die Sudokus ohne Vertauschung der Ziffern (also z. B. nur die mit der geordneten Zahlenreihe in der ersten Zeile), so ergeben sich 18.383.222.420.692.992 (ca. 18,4 Billiarden) Sudokus. Zählt man nur die Sudokus, die zusätzlich auch unter Drehungen oder Spiegelungen verschieden sind, so verbleiben nur noch 5.472.730.538 (5,5 Milliarden) verschiedene Sudokus (Ed Russell und Frazer Jarvis 2006). |
cs | | Carabao (skupina) | null | Carabao (skupina) | null | English: Carabao, June 6, Switzerland | null | image/jpeg | 1,360 | 2,048 | true | true | true | Carabao byla thajská rocková, phleng puea chiwitová skupina působící v letech 1981–2007, jejíž hlavní postavou byl zpěvák, kytarista a skladatel Yuenyong Ophakul, který od r. Carabao dosáhli hned prvním albem Made In Thailand. | Carabao (thajsky คาราบาว) byla thajská rocková, phleng puea chiwitová skupina působící v letech 1981–2007, jejíž hlavní postavou byl zpěvák, kytarista a skladatel Yuenyong Ophakul, který od r. Carabao dosáhli hned prvním albem Made In Thailand (1984). |
ca | | Control per senyals elèctrics | null | Control per senyals elèctrics | Controls d'un avió | Polski: Sterowanie samolotem. Na rysunku duża czerwona strzałka wskazuje, w którą stronę drążek jest aktualnie przechylany. Małe zielone strzałki pokazują sposób wychylenia odpowiednich powierzchni sterowych oraz wskazują kierunek sił działających na linkę. Zagięcia linek należy traktować tak, jakby znajdowały się tam bloczki, pozwalające odpowiednio prowadzić linki. Jest to ilustracja uniwersalna, oczywiście dokładnie taki sposób (za pomocą linek) stosowany jest w lekkich konstrukcjach, w większych ruchy drążka są monitorowane przez komputer i wysyłane są odpowiednie informacje do siłowników, jednak ilustruje to w pełni zasadę jak ruch drążka wpływa na powierzchnie sterowe dowolnego samolotu i dlaczego akurat tak wpływa. English: Aircraft controls. In the drawing, a red arrow shows the way the control stick is being tilted. Small green arrows show the swing of the respective control surfaces and indicate the direction of the forces acting on the cable. The bent wires show the generic routing of control cables in the aircraft, and connect the controls with the control surfaces. This is meant to be a universal figure. In smaller or older aircraft, the lines represent actual cables that link controls to control surfaces. In more modern aircraft, a computer monitors control movements and comments are electronically sent to control surface actuators. English: A): aileron, B): control stick, C): elevator, D): rudder. Deutsch: A): Querruder, B): Steuerknüppel, C): Höhenruder, D) Seitenruder. Nederlands: A): rolroer, B): stuurknuppel, C): hoogteroer, D): richtingsroer. Français : A): aileron, B): manche, C): gouvernail de profondeur, D) gouvernail de direction. Español: A): alerón, B): palanca de mando, C): timón de profundidad, D) timón de dirección. Italiano: A): alettone, B): barra di comando, C): equilibratore, D) timone di direzione. Português: A): aileron, B): manche, C): leme de profundidade, D): leme de direcção. Čeština: A): křidélka, B): knipl, C): výškovka, D): směrové kormidlo. Română: A): eleron, B): manșă, C): profundor, D): direcție. Русский: A): элероны, B): ручка управления самолётом, C): руль высоты, D): руль направления. Polski: A): lotka, B): wolant, C): ster wysokości, D): ster kierunku. Svenska: A): skevroder, B): styrspak, C): höjdroder, D) sidroder. Dansk: A): krængeror, B): styrepind, C): højderor, D) sideror. Norsk bokmål: A): balanseror, B): styrespak, C): høyderor, D) sideror. Українська: A): елерони, B): ручка керування літаком, C): руль висоти, D): руль напрямку. | null | image/gif | 204 | 400 | true | true | true | El control per senyals elèctrics, sovint conegut pel seu nom en anglès, fly-by-wire, és un sistema de control d'una aeronau que uneix, per una banda, les palanques i controls que maneja el comandant d'un avió, i per l'altra, els actuadors que mouen les superfícies aerodinàmiques de l'aparell, mitjançant sistemes elèctrics i/o electrònics. | El control per senyals elèctrics, sovint conegut pel seu nom en anglès, fly-by-wire, és un sistema de control d'una aeronau que uneix, per una banda, les palanques i controls que maneja el comandant d'un avió, i per l'altra, els actuadors que mouen les superfícies aerodinàmiques de l'aparell, mitjançant sistemes elèctrics i/o electrònics. |
cs | | Svébohov | null | Svébohov | null | Znak obce Svébohov. | Znak obce Svébohov | image/jpeg | 1,421 | 1,200 | true | true | true | Obec Svébohov se nachází v okrese Šumperk v Olomouckém kraji. Žije zde 418 obyvatel. | Obec Svébohov (německy Schwillbogen) se nachází v okrese Šumperk v Olomouckém kraji. Žije zde 418 obyvatel. |
fr | | | Stade Sabathé | null | Stade Sabathé | null | English: Map of Montpellier, France Français : Carte de Montpellier, France This map was created from OpenStreetMap project data, collected by the community. This map may be incomplete, and may contain errors. Don't rely solely on it for navigation. | voir sur la carte de Montpellier | image/jpeg | 1,844 | 2,106 | true | true | true | Le stade Sabathé est un stade de rugby situé à Montpellier en France.
Inauguré en 1930, il est actuellement utilisé par le Montpellier XIII après avoir accueilli pendant de nombreuses années les matchs du Montpellier RC. Sa capacité est de 6 500 places. C'est le plus vieux site sportif montpelliérain encore en activité.
Situé dans le quartier de la Croix d'Argent, il prend, en 1944, le nom de Jean Sabathé, capitaine-entraîneur du club de rugby de l'union sportive montpelliéraine, décédé en 1941. | Le stade Sabathé est un stade de rugby situé à Montpellier en France.
Inauguré en 1930, il est actuellement utilisé par le Montpellier XIII après avoir accueilli pendant de nombreuses années les matchs du Montpellier RC. Sa capacité est de 6 500 places. C'est le plus vieux site sportif montpelliérain encore en activité.
Situé dans le quartier de la Croix d'Argent, il prend, en 1944, le nom de Jean Sabathé, capitaine-entraîneur du club de rugby de l'union sportive montpelliéraine, décédé en 1941. |
nl | | Jim Leighton | null | Jim Leighton | null | English: Jim Leighton, Scottish football goalkeeper Svenska: Jim Leighton, skotsk fotbollsmålvakt. | Jim Leighton, 2009 | image/jpeg | 2,282 | 2,016 | true | true | true | James Leighton is een voormalig betaald voetbaldoelman uit Schotland. Hij speelde voor het Schotse Aberdeen en het Engelse Manchester United. Leighton speelde 91 interlands in het Schots voetbalelftal van 1982 tot 1998. Hij nam met Schotland deel aan het WK 1986, het WK 1990 en het WK 1998. Voorts was Leighton de eerste doelman van de Schotten op het EK 1992 en het EK 1996. | James ("Jim") Leighton (Johnstone, 24 juli 1958) is een voormalig betaald voetbaldoelman uit Schotland. Hij speelde voor het Schotse Aberdeen en het Engelse Manchester United. Leighton speelde 91 interlands in het Schots voetbalelftal van 1982 tot 1998. Hij nam met Schotland deel aan het WK 1986, het WK 1990 en het WK 1998. Voorts was Leighton de eerste doelman van de Schotten op het EK 1992 en het EK 1996. |
es | | | Fámjin | Política | Fámjin / Política | null | English: View from South to Fámjin. Dansk: Udsigt fra fjeldene i syd til Fámjin, Suðuroy, Faroe Islands | null | image/jpeg | 1,621 | 2,433 | true | true | true | Fámjin es una localidad de 108 habitantes en la costa occidental de Suðuroy, en las Islas Feroe. Es el único poblado del municipio de Fámjin.
Fámjin es un pequeño pueblo que se dedica a la pesca y a la crianza de ovejas. Anteriormente hubo también explotación de carbón a pequeña escala. | El municipio de Fámjin se constituyó en 1908, cuando se separó del municipio de la parroquia de Suðuroy. Fámjin es gobernado por un concejo municipal de 5 personas. Las últimas elecciones se llevaron a cabo en 2008 y el nuevo gobierno tomó posesión el 1 de enero de 2009. La alcaldesa es Eyðdis Ellendersen. |
ko | | | 쑹아차허 | null | 쑹아차허 | null | English: Map of Sungacha River (dark blue) Русский: Река Сунгача на карте (тёмно-синий) | null | image/png | 440 | 660 | true | true | true | 쑹아차허는 중화인민공화국과 러시아의 국경의 일부를 이루는 강이다. 우수리 강의 지류이자 한카 호에서 유일하게 밖으로 나오는 물줄기이다.
쑹아차허의 길이는 180~210km이고 유역 면적은 약 25,600km²이다. 강에서는 연꽃을 포함해 풍부한 동식물이 서식한다. | 쑹아차허(러시아어: Сунгача, 중국어: 松阿察河, 병음: Sōngàchá Hé)는 중화인민공화국과 러시아의 국경의 일부를 이루는 강이다. 우수리 강의 지류이자 한카 호에서 유일하게 밖으로 나오는 물줄기이다.
쑹아차허의 길이는 180~210km이고 유역 면적은 약 25,600km²이다. 강에서는 연꽃을 포함해 풍부한 동식물이 서식한다. |
zh | | 巴特勒圖書館 | 与中国相关 | 巴特勒圖書館 / 与中国相关 | 巴特勒图书馆夜景 | Butler Library at the Morningside Campus | null | image/jpeg | 1,039 | 1,500 | true | true | true | 巴特勒图书馆位于纽约市曼哈顿区,隶属于哥伦比亚大学晨边高地校区。因坐拥200万藏书而成为哥伦比亚大学最大的一座校属图书馆,同时也是哥伦比亚大学最大的一座校园建筑。建筑本身由詹姆士·甘博尔·罗杰斯设计,始建于1931年,历时3年建成,属于新古典主义风格。 | 哥伦比亚大学口述史研究中心收藏的众多中国近现代人物的口述史料尤为知名, 诸如胡适、李宗仁、顾维钧、张学良、张发奎等人的口述资料和档案均为学术界所熟知。
熊式辉档案现藏于哥伦比亚大学善本和手稿图书馆(Rare Book & Manuscript Library),该馆位于主校区晨边高地(Morningside Heights Campus)的巴特勒图书馆(Butler Library)六楼。熊式辉档案(Ms Coll\Hsiung)共计16盒,保存相当完好,可供读者在专门的阅览室内阅读。其内容分别如下: 第1盒:函电、文章、演讲稿、笔记和剪报。 第2盒:回忆录《海桑集》(全部为原打印稿的缩微胶卷)。 第3盒:《赣政十年》(复印本)、中华民国军事代表团就苏联军队从东北撤军与苏军将领谈判的报告。 第4盒:楷书对联轴。 第5-7盒:照片。 第8-11盒:历年演讲文稿。 第12盒:函电、笔记、文件、剪报、杂件、 地图(全部为缩微胶卷)。 第13-16盒:1930年至1947年间所写日记(其中1930-1932年日记残缺较多,1933年日记缺,1943-1949年日记为缩微胶卷)。 |
ja | | | XLRタイプコネクター | 電源コネクタとしての用例 | XLRタイプコネクター / 電源コネクタとしての用例 | 電源用3極コネクタ。
信号用と区別するため赤色を用いている。 | XLr-LNE Plug and Socket | null | image/jpeg | 557 | 1,050 | true | true | true | XLRタイプコネクターとは、米キャノン社が開発したXLR型オーディオコネクター及びその互換品を指す。一般にキャノンコネクターとも呼ばれる。米キャノン社は光学機器製造企業のキヤノンとは無関係である。本製品を得意とするリヒテンシュタインNEUTRIK社の社名をとってノイトリックコネクターとも呼ばれる。IEC規格になっている。 | 日本国内においては放送機器の電源接続用として機器の筐体とACケーブルとの接続部分に多用された。この場合は2極のコネクタを用い接地極は設けなかった。現在ではこれに替わってIECタイプの3極コネクタが標準的に使用されるようになっている。
ITTキャノンは自社のXLRシリーズコネクタについて、一次電源用としての使用を認めていない。 |
nl | | Hans von Aachen | Biografie | Hans von Aachen / Biografie | Triomf van de Waarheid onder bescherming van de Gerechtigheid (1598), München, Alte Pinakothek | null | null | image/jpeg | 1,004 | 842 | true | true | true | Hans von Aachen was een Duits maniëristisch schilder van portretten, genrestukken en mythologische en godsdienstige taferelen. | Zijn naam is afgeleid van de geboorteplaats van zijn vader, Aken in Duitsland. Andere variaties van de naam omvatten Johann von - en - von Achen.
Von Aachen begon in 1568 te schilderen in Duitsland als leerling van de Vlaamse meester E. Jerrigh. Hij verhuisde naar Italië in 1574 voor studie. Hij reisde naar Rome en Florence, maar kwam uiteindelijk in Venetië terecht, waar hij de invloed onderging van Tintoretto, Correggio, Michelangelo en andere Italiaanse maniëristen. Tijdens heel zijn leven werd hij beïnvloed door de stijl van Bartholomeus Spranger en Hendrick Goltzius die de kunstscène tegelijkertijd in Duitsland overheersten.
Hij keerde terug naar Duitsland in 1588 op uitnodiging van het hof in München en werd bekend als schilder van portretten voor edelen. Hij schilderde verscheidene werken voor hertog Willem V van Beieren. Hij huwde in München met Regina, de dochter van de componist Orlando di Lasso. Vanuit München kwam hij in contact met het Keizerhof in Praag. In 1592 werd hij benoemd tot officiële schilder van keizer Rudolf II. Von Aachen verbleef van 1592 tot 1601 in Wenen en ging vervolgens naar Praag, waar hij op commissie van keizer Rudolf II, en later voor keizer Matthias I, bleef schilderen.
In Praag werd hij naast kunstschilder ook een bekend kunsthandelaar en diplomaat. In deze functie maakte hij vele reizen naar het buitenland. Tevens werd hij, gelijktijdig met Bartholomeus Spranger, voor zijn diensten geridderd door Rudolf II.
Onder Von Aachens leerlingen waren Peter Isaak en Joseph Heintz. |
ru |,_%D0%A3%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0) | Зеленодольск (город, Украина) | null | Зеленодольск (город, Украина) | null | Українська: Прапор міста Зеленодольська (Україна). Прямокутне полотнище, розділене на три рівновеликі горизонтальні смуги — зелену, жовту і зелену; у центральній смузі біля древка — суцвіття каштана з жовтими квітами на коричневому тлі з половиною жовтого листа каштана. | Флаг | image/png | 154 | 229 | true | true | true | Зеленодо́льск — город Зеленодольского городского совета Апостоловского района Днепропетровской области Украины.
Является административным центром Зеленодольского городского совета, в который, кроме того, входит село
Малая Костромка. | Зеленодо́льск (укр. Зеленодольськ) — город Зеленодольского городского совета Апостоловского района Днепропетровской области Украины.
Является административным центром Зеленодольского городского совета, в который, кроме того, входит село
Малая Костромка. |
hr | | Sekundarna proteinska struktura | null | Sekundarna proteinska struktura | null | English: Summary of protein structure (primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary) using the example of PCNA. (PDB: 1AXC​) | null | image/png | 3,152 | 1,937 | true | true | true | Sekundarna proteinska struktura je oblik strukture u bjelančevina. To je struktura u koji se nabiru polipeptidni lanci. Struktura je pravilna kada dihedralni kutevi u tom dijelu polipeptida ostaju isti ili barem približno isti. Pod pojmom strukture misli se na prostorni raspored dijela bjelančevine, ne uzimajući u obzir konformaciju bočnih ogranaka aminokiselina. Raspored na koji se odnosi jest raspored glavnih atoma okosnice tog dijela polipeptidnog lanca.
Struktura se poremeti u procesu denaturacije. | Sekundarna proteinska struktura je oblik strukture u bjelančevina. To je struktura u koji se nabiru polipeptidni lanci. Struktura je pravilna kada dihedralni kutevi u tom dijelu polipeptida ostaju isti ili barem približno isti. Pod pojmom strukture misli se na prostorni raspored dijela bjelančevine, ne uzimajući u obzir konformaciju bočnih ogranaka aminokiselina. Raspored na koji se odnosi jest raspored glavnih atoma okosnice tog dijela polipeptidnog lanca.
Struktura se poremeti u procesu denaturacije. |
sr | | Hemitrygon fluviorum | null | Hemitrygon fluviorum | null | English: Estuary stingray (Dasyatis fluviorum) | null | image/jpeg | 273 | 425 | true | true | true | Hemitrygon fluviorum је врста раже из породице Dasyatidae. Ендемична је за воде источне Аустралије, а обично настањује плитке воде јужног Квинсленда и Новог Јужног Велса. Ова жуто-смеђа до маслинаста ража расте најмање до 93 цм. Њен диск је у облику дијаманта са прсним перајем и углавном глатким репом који има облик бича.
Ова врста има набор на леђном делу и вентрално пераје. Препознатиљиве су по дугим и уским носницама. Углавном се храни раковима и, а по рођењу хистотрофом односно материчним млеком. Врста је угрожена због деградације станишта, смртности од комерцијалног и рекреативног риболова и прогона из воде где се узгајају шкољке. Као резултат тога, Међународна унија за заштиту природе категорисала је ову врсту као „рањиву”. | Hemitrygon fluviorum је врста раже из породице Dasyatidae. Ендемична је за воде источне Аустралије, а обично настањује плитке воде јужног Квинсленда и Новог Јужног Велса. Ова жуто-смеђа до маслинаста ража расте најмање до 93 цм. Њен диск је у облику дијаманта са прсним перајем и углавном глатким репом који има облик бича.
Ова врста има набор на леђном делу и вентрално пераје. Препознатиљиве су по дугим и уским носницама. Углавном се храни раковима и, а по рођењу хистотрофом односно материчним млеком. Врста је угрожена због деградације станишта, смртности од комерцијалног и рекреативног риболова и прогона из воде где се узгајају шкољке. Као резултат тога, Међународна унија за заштиту природе категорисала је ову врсту као „рањиву”. |
en | | Vevo | 24-Hour Vevo Record | Vevo / 24-Hour Vevo Record | null | English: Logo for the 24-Hour Vevo Record | null | image/jpeg | 399 | 640 | true | true | true | Vevo is an American multinational video hosting service founded on June 16, 2009, as a joint venture among three major record companies: Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment and EMI. In August 2016, Warner Music Group, the world's third-largest record company, agreed to license premium videos from its artists to Vevo.
Initially, the service hosted only music videos from Universal Music Group and Sony Music Entertainment, syndicated on YouTube and its app, and the advertising revenue was shared by Google and Vevo. EMI also licensed its library of videos to Vevo shortly before its launch and its acquisition by UMG in 2012. Originally, Warner Music Group was reported to be considering hosting its content on the service after it launched, but formed an alliance with rival MTV Networks. In August 2015, Vevo expressed renewed interest in licensing music from WMG and a deal with WMG was completed on August 2, 2016, making the entirety of the "big three" record companies' music available on Vevo.
On May 24, 2018, Vevo announced that it was shutting down its consumer website and removing its app from mobile phone platforms. | The 24-Hour Vevo Record, commonly referred to as the Vevo Record, is the record for the most views a music video associated with Vevo has received within 24 hours of its release. The video that currently holds this record is Taylor Swift's "Me!" with 65.2 million views.
In 2012, Nicki Minaj's "Stupid Hoe" became one of the first Vevo music videos to receive a significant amount of media attention upon its release day, during which it accumulated 4.8 million views. The record has consistently been kept track of by Vevo ever since. Total views of a video are counted from across all of Vevo's platforms, including YouTube, Yahoo! and other syndication partners.
On April 14, 2013, Psy's "Gentleman" unofficially broke the record by reaching 38.4 million views in its first 24 hours. However, this record was not acknowledged by Vevo because it was not associated with them until four days after its release to YouTube. Both the YouTube and Vevo records were eventually eclipsed by Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do" on August 28, 2017, which gained 43.2 million views in 24 hours.
On December 1, 2018, Ariana Grande's "Thank U, Next" beat Swift's record in Vevo, accumulating 55.4 million views in 24 hours.
Swift then took the award again on April 27, 2019 when her video for "Me!" garnered 65.2 million views in 24 hours.
Taylor Swift is the only artist to break the record three times on her channel. One Direction, Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus, have all broken the record twice. |
de | | Dornburg (Hessen) | Bauwerke | Dornburg (Hessen) / Kultur und Sehenswürdigkeiten / Bauwerke | null | Katholisch Pfarrkirche Sankt Matthias in Langendernbach (erbaut 1895/97(, recht im Bild die „800 jährige Doppellinde“ | null | image/jpeg | 2,100 | 1,400 | true | true | true | Dornburg ist eine Gemeinde mittelhessischen Landkreis Limburg-Weilburg im Westerwald. | Die Blasiuskapelle, erstmals erwähnt um 803, in der Gemarkung Frickhofen war bis 1746 Mittelpunkt des Kirchspiels Frickhofen. Die Kapelle war dem Erzengel Michael geweiht.
Die „Pfarrkirche zu Frickhofen“ wurde 1732 erbaut. Von der ursprünglichen Kirche sind noch der Turm und der Chor erhalten. Diese Bauteile wurden durch einen Umbau 1955/56 ergänzt, um die Kirche zu vergrößern. Die Kirche verfügt über einen großen Barockaltar der Hadamarer Schule.
Die neoromanische „Pfarrkirche St. Matthias“ zu Langendernbach mit „800-jähriger Linde“.
Pfarrkirche „St. Margaretha“ Dorndorf auf den Grundmauern eines Burgturms aus dem 10. Jahrhundert
Das „Hofhaus“ in Langendernbach
Der „Judenfriedhof“ in der Gemarkung Frickhofen
Das Denkmal in Wilsenroth zum Gedenken an die Kriegsopfer beider Weltkriege
Die „Dornburg“ als Reste eines keltischen Oppidum mit Ringwall
Der Blasiussteig, eine Wanderstrecke durch ganz Dornburg, vorbei an den Sehenswürdigkeiten. |
fr | | Horologium d'Auguste | Description générale | Horologium d'Auguste / Description générale | null | Français : Horologium et ara pacis sur un plan de Paul Bigot (1870-1942) | null | image/jpeg | 226 | 300 | true | true | true | L'Horologium d’Auguste ou Solarium Augusti, construit en 10 av. J.-C., est le nom conventionnel d'un édifice construit dans l'Antiquité à Rome. Il aurait servi de gigantesque cadran solaire ou plus probablement de calendrier. Il était composé d'un ensemble d'obélisques érigé sous Auguste et d'une esplanade dallée de marbre de 160 x 75m, bâtie au cours de l'époque flavienne et comportant des tracés calendaires incrustés de métal sur le sol. Une partie de ce cadran fut retrouvé en fouilles en 1979.
Il était situé sur le Champ de Mars de Rome, près du mausolée d'Auguste et de l'Ara Pacis. L'actuel obélisque du Montecitorio provient du monument et fut déplacé à l'époque moderne. L'appellation « Horologium Augusti » a été attribuée à l'obélisque par Ed. Buchner dans un ouvrage de 1976. | Le monument prend place au nord du Champ de Mars, entre le Tibre et la Via Flaminia, au sud du Mausolée d'Auguste et à quelques mètres de l'Ara Pacis. Il se compose d'une vaste esplanade dallée de marbre en forme de « selle de cheval », parcourue par des lignes méridiennes, des inscriptions calendaires. Au centre de la concavité méridionale de l'esplanade se dressait l'obélisque.
Les éléments gravés dans le vaste pavement de marbre étaient enchâssés de bandes de bronze doré afin de refléter la lumière du soleil et d'être plus visible. Des traces de réfection de ces incrustations datant du règne d'Hadrien sont attestées. |
ja | | ユスリカ | 特徴 | ユスリカ / 特徴 | 幼虫(アカムシ)の拡大写真 | English: Chironomidae (or bloodworm) larva, in an artificial pound, in Lille (North of France) Français : Larve de chironome plumeux (dite "vers de vase" en France), et "bloodworms" par les anglophones, en raison de sa couleur rouge sang (hémoglobine) caractéristique, alors que l'adulte sera verdâtre. Noter les poils présents sur chaque segment de la larve. Rem:Bloodworm peut aussi en anglais désigner des vers polychètes vivant dans les sédiments marins (Glycera sp.). Normalement les chironomes vivent dans la vase. Ici la larve vit dans un cocon d'excréments et de mucus et n'en sort que la nuit pour manger les algues et les bactéries qui croissent sur le fond (= tache claire) | null | image/jpeg | 852 | 1,029 | true | true | true | ユスリカはハエ目・糸角亜目・ユスリカ科に属する昆虫の総称。和名は幼虫が体を揺するように動かすことに由来すると言われる。
非常に種類が多く、世界から約1万5000種、日本からは約2000種ほどが記載されている。水生昆虫の中では1科で擁する種数が最も多いものの一つである。 | カによく似ており、電灯の灯などにもよく集まるが、カとは科が異なる昆虫で、カのように動物や人を刺したり、その血液を吸うことはない。他の双翅目の昆虫同様、翅は2枚のみで、後翅は平均棍という微小な器官に変化している。成虫は微小-小型で、体長は0.5ミリメートルから1センチメートル程度。メスの触角は普通だが、オスのそれは全方位に生えた多数の横枝がありブラシ状を呈し、カのそれよりも短めでふさふさに見える。メスグロユスリカなど雌雄で体の色が異なるものもある。
幼虫はその体色からアカムシまたはアカボウフラと呼ばれるが、カの幼虫である本来のボウフラとは形状が大幅に異なる。通常細長い円筒形で、本来の付属肢はない。頭は楕円形で、眼、触角、左右に開く大腮や、そのほか多くの付属器官があり、これらの微細な形態が幼虫の分類に使われる。口のすぐ後ろには前擬脚と呼ぶ1つの突起があり、その先端には多くの細かい爪があって付属肢の様に利用する。腹部末端にも1対の脚があり、やはり先端に爪があり体を固定したりするのに役に立っている。また通常、体の後端には数対の肛門鰓をもっており、ユスリカChironomus など一部のグループには腹部にも血鰓(けっさい:血管鰓とも言う)を有するものもある。
羽化した成虫は川の近くで、たくさん柱状に集まって飛んでいることがよくある。いわゆる「蚊柱」をつくっている昆虫である。蚊柱は、1匹の雌と多数の雄で構成されている。これは群飛(swarming)と呼ばれる。蚊柱が形成される理由は交尾のためで、成虫は交尾を済ませ産卵を終えるとすぐに死ぬ。成虫の寿命は長くても1-数日ぐらいである。また、成虫は口器が無く消化器も退化して痕跡化しているので、一切餌を摂る事ができない。 |
ast | | Nikola Tesla | null | Nikola Tesla | null | Photograph of Nikola Tesla | null | image/jpeg | 4,986 | 3,702 | true | true | true | Nikola Tesla, foi un inventor, inxenieru mecánicu, inxenieru lletricista y físicu d'orixe serbiu y el promotor más importante de la nacencia de la lletricidá comercial. Ye conocíu, sobre manera, poles sos numberoses y revolucionaries invenciones nel campu del lletromagnetismu, desenrollaes na fin del sieglu XIX y nel entamu del XX. Les patentes de Tesla y el so trabayu teóricu afitaron los sistemas modernos de potencia llétrico por corriente alterno, incluyendo'l sistema polifásicu de distribución llétrica y el motor de corriente alterno, que acomuñaron por demás a la nacencia de la Segunda Revolución Industrial.
Magar yera ciudadanu del Imperiu Austriacu, féxose la nacionalidá d'Estaos Xuníos d'América. Tres la so demostración de la comunicación inalámbrica per aciu d'ondes de radio en 1894 y tres la so victoria na guerra de les corrientes, reconoció-ylu como ún de los inxenieros lletricistes de mayor valumbu d'Estaos Xuníos. Pola mor de la so xera foi pioneru na inxeniería llétrico moderno y bien de los sos descubrimientos foron de muncha importancia. | Nikola Tesla (en cirílicu: Никола Тесла), (Smiljan, Imperiu austrohúngaru, Croacia d'anguaño, 10 de xunetu de 1856 – Nueva York, 7 de xineru de 1943) foi un inventor, inxenieru mecánicu, inxenieru lletricista y físicu d'orixe serbiu y el promotor más importante de la nacencia de la lletricidá comercial. Ye conocíu, sobre manera, poles sos numberoses y revolucionaries invenciones nel campu del lletromagnetismu, desenrollaes na fin del sieglu XIX y nel entamu del XX. Les patentes de Tesla y el so trabayu teóricu afitaron los sistemas modernos de potencia llétrico por corriente alterno (CA), incluyendo'l sistema polifásicu de distribución llétrica y el motor de corriente alterno, que acomuñaron por demás a la nacencia de la Segunda Revolución Industrial.
Magar yera ciudadanu del Imperiu Austriacu, féxose la nacionalidá d'Estaos Xuníos d'América. Tres la so demostración de la comunicación inalámbrica per aciu d'ondes de radio en 1894 y tres la so victoria na guerra de les corrientes, reconoció-ylu como ún de los inxenieros lletricistes de mayor valumbu d'Estaos Xuníos. Pola mor de la so xera foi pioneru na inxeniería llétrico moderno y bien de los sos descubrimientos foron de muncha importancia. A lo llargo d'esta dómina n'Estaos Xuníos la fama de Tesla rivalizaba cola de cualesquier inventor o científicu na hestoria, pero per aciu de la so personalidá escéntrica y les sos afirmaciones aparentemente increyibles y dalgunes vegaes inverosímiles, sobre'l desenrollu d'innovaciones científiques teunolóxiques, Tesla quedó a la fin sometíu al escaezu y conocíu como un científicu llocu. Nunca nun tuvo procuru coles sos finances, y abulta que cuando morrió, a los 86 años, féxolo na probitú.
La unidá de midida del campu magnéticu B del Sistema Internacional d'Unidaes (tamién nomáu densidá de fluxu magnético y inducción magnético), el Tesla, llamóse asina nel so honor na Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (París, en 1960), d'igual miente que l'Efeutu Tesla de tresmisión inalámbrico d'enerxía a dispositivos lletrónicos (que Tesla demostró a pequeña escala cola llámpara incandescente en 1893), que quixo usar pa la tresmisión intercontinental d'enerxía a escala industrial, nun proyeutu que nunca nun remató, la Wardenclyffe Tower (Torre de Wardenclyffe).
Arriendes del so trabayu en lletromagnetismu y inxeniería lletromagnético, Tesla acomuñó col desenrollu de la robótica, el control remotu, el radar, les ciencies de la computación, la balística, la física nuclear y la física teórica. En 1943 la Corte Suprema d'Estaos Xuníos acreditólu como l'inventor de la radio. Dalgunos de los sos fitos foron emplegaos, causando boréu, pa xustificar delles pseudociencies, teoríes sobre OENIs, anti-gravedá, ocultismu o teletresportación. |
cs | | Jan Horal | Druhá světová válka | Jan Horal / Druhá světová válka | Jan Horal v tanku | Čeština: Jan Horal | null | image/jpeg | 615 | 960 | true | true | true | Jan Horal, původním jménem Hoffmann byl český válečný veterán, manažer, podnikatel, hoteliér, iniciátor kulturního života a filantrop. | null |
en | | John Frederick McDougall | null | John Frederick McDougall | null | English: John Frederick McDougall - Queensland politician | null | image/png | 249 | 193 | true | true | true | John Frederick McDougall was a pastoralist and politician in Queensland, Australia. He was a Member of the Queensland Legislative Council. | John Frederick McDougall (1820—1896) was a pastoralist and politician in Queensland, Australia. He was a Member of the Queensland Legislative Council. |
en | | | Kelvin | Definition | Kelvin / Definition | Lord Kelvin | Lord_Kelvin | null | image/jpeg | 659 | 573 | true | true | true | The Kelvin scale is the SI unit of temperature. It is named in honour of the physicist William Thomson, the first Lord Kelvin. | The Kelvin scale is defined by a specific relationship between the pressure of a gas and the temperature. This says that "the pressure of the gas is directly proportional to the temperature in Kelvin". This means that Kelvin is an absolute temperature scale, and scientists use this scale more than any other.
The kelvin is a base SI unit of measurement, defined as the fraction 1/273.16 of the temperature of the triple point of water, which is the temperature at which water in solid, liquid, and gaseous state coexist in equilibrium.
The temperature of the triple point of water is a hundredth of a degree Celsius above the freezing point, or 0.01 °C. The coldest possible temperature is called absolute zero and is equal to -273.15 degrees Celsius, or zero kelvin (0 K). By writing temperatures in kelvins one does not need to use negative numbers.
The absolute temperature scale was designed so that a change in temperature of 1 kelvin is equal to a change of 1 degree Celsius. This means that it is easy to convert a temperature from degrees Celsius to kelvin.
To change a temperature in degrees Celsius into Kelvins you must add 273.15 units. For example, 0 degrees Celsius (0 °C), which is the temperature at which water freezes, is 273.15 kelvins (273.15 K).
To change a temperature in Kelvins into degrees Celsius you must subtract 273.15 units. For example, 310 kelvins is 36.85 degrees Celsius, which is roughly the normal temperature of a human body.
It is important to notice that the name of this unit is simply kelvin (with a lowercase initial), not "degree Kelvin". In English, it undergoes normal plural inflection as kelvins. For example, the boiling point of liquid nitrogen is 77 kelvins.
In everyday use, the kelvin is most commonly used to measure very low or very high temperatures, such as the temperature of liquid nitrogen or the temperature of a light bulb filament. |
ms | | | Anjing pemburu Slovakia | null | Anjing pemburu Slovakia | null | Polski: gończy słowacki na krajowej wystawie psów rasowych w Raciborzu English: Slovakian Hound during dog's show in Racibórz,Poland | null | image/jpeg | 2,092 | 2,756 | true | true | true | Anjing pemburu Slovakia ialah satu baka anjing pemburu bersaiz sederhana jenis anjing pemburu bau. Baka ini berasal dari Slovakia, di Eropah Timur, dan dibiakbakakan untuk pemburuan babi hutan. Nama "anjing pemburu Hutan Hitam" kelihatan dicipta di Amerika Utara untuk tujuan pemasaran, kerana baka ini tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan Hutan Hitam. | Anjing pemburu Slovakia (Slovak: slovenský kopov; Bahasa Inggeris: Slovakian hound, Slovak hound) ialah satu baka anjing pemburu bersaiz sederhana jenis anjing pemburu bau. Baka ini berasal dari Slovakia, di Eropah Timur, dan dibiakbakakan untuk pemburuan babi hutan. Nama "anjing pemburu Hutan Hitam" kelihatan dicipta di Amerika Utara untuk tujuan pemasaran, kerana baka ini tidak mempunyai hubungan dengan Hutan Hitam. |
de | | Echtes Tausendgüldenkraut | Beschreibung | Echtes Tausendgüldenkraut / Beschreibung | Teilblütenstand mit geschlossenen und offenen Blüten (hier sehr späte Blütezeit im Oktober) | English: Inflorescence of Common Centaury, Centaurium erythraea, with opened and still closed blossoms. Very late flowering time in mid October on a warm, sunny day (plant artificially shaded). Deutsch: Teilblütenstand von Echtem Tausendgüldenkraut (Centaurium erythraea) mit geöffneten und geschlossenen Blüten. Ungewöhnlich späte Blütezeit Mitte Oktober an einem sonnig-warmen (leider auch windigen) Tag bei >20°C (hier Pflanze künstlich abgeschattet). | null | image/jpeg | 2,000 | 1,333 | true | true | true | Das Echte Tausendgüldenkraut, auch Kopfiges Tausendgüldenkraut genannt, ist eine formenreiche Pflanzenart in der Gattung der Tausendgüldenkräuter.
Das Echte Tausendgüldenkraut wurde 2004 zur Heilpflanze des Jahres gekürt. | null |
nl | | Bioresmetrine | null | Bioresmetrine | null | English: Bioresmetrin | Structuurformule van bioresmetrine | image/png | 384 | 1,000 | true | true | true | Bioresmetrine, de triviale naam voor 5-benzyl-3-furylmethyl--2,2-dimethyl-3-cyclopropaancarboxylaat, is een organische verbinding met als brutoformule C₂₂H₂₆O₃. Het is een gele stroperige vloeistof of pasta met een kenmerkende geur. In uiterst zuivere toestand is de stof kleurloos. Bioresmetrine is onoplosbaar in water. Ze is zeer giftig voor waterorganismen.
Bioresmetrine heeft een isomerische cis-vorm, cismetrine. | Bioresmetrine, de triviale naam voor 5-benzyl-3-furylmethyl-(1R,3S)-2,2-dimethyl-3-(2-methylprop-1-enyl)cyclopropaancarboxylaat, is een organische verbinding met als brutoformule C₂₂H₂₆O₃. Het is een gele stroperige vloeistof of pasta met een kenmerkende geur. In uiterst zuivere toestand is de stof kleurloos. Bioresmetrine is onoplosbaar in water. Ze is zeer giftig voor waterorganismen.
Bioresmetrine heeft een isomerische cis-vorm, cismetrine. |
sr | | Палеокастрица | Галерија Палеокастрица | Палеокастрица / Галерија Палеокастрица | null | Крф, Палеокастрица | null | image/jpeg | 1,536 | 2,048 | true | true | true | Палеокастрица је место и одмаралиште на западу острва Крф, у Грчкој. Према попису од 2001. године насеље је имало 4395 становника.
Седиште је истоимене општине. | null |
en | | RVAH-12 | Operational history | RVAH-12 / Operational history | RVAH-12 RA-5C Vigilante offshore of Vietnam in 1967 | A U.S. Navy North American RA-5C Vigilante of heavy reconnaissance squadron RVAH-12 Speartips beginning its reconnaissace flight off North Vietnam in 1967. RVAH-12 was assigned to Attack Carrier Air Wing 14 (CVW-14) aboard the aircraft carrier USS Constellation (CVA-64) for a deployment to Vietnam from 29 April to 4 December 1967. | null | image/jpeg | 373 | 745 | true | true | true | RVAH-12 was a Reconnaissance Attack Squadron of the U.S. Navy. The squadron was established on 1 July 1965 and disestablished on 2 July 1979. | null |
ca | | Ploma d'aigua | Repartidors | Ploma d'aigua / Aparells de mesura / Repartidors | null | Català: Repartidor d'aigua de dues sortides, conservat al Museu de la Mina Vella de Vilassar de Mar. | null | image/jpeg | 3,088 | 2,536 | true | true | true | La ploma, o també anomenada ploma d’aigua, és una unitat de mesura antiga de cabal hidràulic.
Molt utilitzada des d’antic al Principat de Catalunya, té diverses capacitats segons la comarca. Les plomes apareixen en nombrosa documentació, especialment en les descripcions dels drets d’aigua procedents de mines o séquies i que podien donar servei a cases particulars, finques o molins.
Originalment, a Catalunya, era una mesura expressada en porrons per dia, de la qual, posteriorment, se'n ha fet l’equivalència a litres per dia. Aquesta equivalència, però, ha estat sovint dificultosa, ja que el càlcul del rendiment i capacitats, dels patrons que s’han conservat fins als nostres dies, no és gens senzill. | Els repartidors són uns aparells que serveixen per a dividir raigs d’aigua. El raig d’aigua que es vol dividir s’hi introdueix per la part superior i surt pels diversos forats calibrats que té en una de les seves cares. El calibre de cada forat es fa amb els daus que aforen una quantitat de plomes determinada. La seva aparença i funcionament és molt similar a la dels plomers però, mentre que els plomers són mòbils i transportables, els repartidors estan instal·lats permanentment, de manera fixa, en els pilars repartidors o torres d’aigua. Els petits, més habituals, són fets de llauna o planxa de plom mentre que els més grans poden ser fets d’obra. |
ru | | Волжск (станция) | Галерея | Волжск (станция) / Галерея | null | Русский: Тепловоз ЧМЭ3-2113 с вагонами на станции Волжск. | null | image/jpeg | 800 | 1,200 | true | true | true | Волжск — станция Казанского региона Горьковской железной дороги — филиала ОАО «РЖД», расположена в городе Волжск Республики Марий Эл, Россия. Конечная станция электрифицированной линии Зелёный Дол — Волжск. По станции осуществляются пригородные перевозки. Также к станции примыкают подъездные пути марийского целлюлозно-бумажного комбината. | null |
hu | | Japán kormányfőinek listája | Miniszterelnökök listája | Japán kormányfőinek listája / Miniszterelnökök listája | null | Yoshiro Mori | null | image/jpeg | 195 | 179 | true | true | true | Ez azoknak a személyeknek a történelmi listája, akik betöltötték Japán miniszterelnöke tisztségét. A kormányfők nevei a japán helyesírás szerint vannak írva; az ott szokásos névsorrenddel összhangban először a családnév, majd a utónév szerepel.
A jelenlegi miniszterelnök Abe Sinzó, aki 2012. december 26. óta van ebben a pozícióban. | null |
de | | | Geschichte der Stadt Burgkunstadt | 1650–1887 Von der Agrarstadt bis zu den Anfängen der Industrialisierung | Geschichte der Stadt Burgkunstadt / Stadtgeschichte / 1650–1887 Von der Agrarstadt bis zu den Anfängen der Industrialisierung | Zeichnung des Burgkunstadter Rathauses mit Burgtor (am linken Bildrand) und des Lendtores | Deutsch: Zeichnung des Burgkunstadter Rathauses mit Burgtor (am linken Bildrand) und des Lendtores | null | image/jpeg | 701 | 660 | true | true | true | Das oberfränkische Burgkunstadt wurde wahrscheinlich im 8. Jahrhundert von den Slawen gegründet. Erstmals urkundlich erwähnt wurde die „Urbs Chunstadt“ im Jahr 1059, das als Gründungsdatum der Stadt angenommen wurde. Ab spätestens 1323 erhielt Burgkunstadt das Markt- und Stadtrecht. Der Ort war lange Jahrhunderte ein mehr bäuerlich geprägtes Burg- und Landstädtchen und gehörte zum Hochstift Bamberg. Burgkunstadt kam mit dem Reichsdeputationshauptschluss von 1803 zu Bayern. Mit der Gründung der ersten Schuhfabrik im Jahr 1888 begann, abgesehen von der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, die rund 100 Jahre lange Blütezeit der Stadt, in der sie allmählich Zentrum der bayerischen Schuhindustrie wurde und den Beinamen „Fränkisches Pirmasens“ erhielt. Die Gründung des Versandhauses Friedrich Baur war ein weiterer Schritt zur modernen Industriestadt. Zwischen 1960 und 1990 wandelte sich die Stadt mit der Schließung aller Schuhfabriken und dem Aufbau eines umfangreichen Schul- und Bildungsangebots von der Schuh- zur Schulstadt. | Um für die Sicherheit der Bevölkerung nach dem Krieg zu sorgen, veranlasste Fürstbischof Melchior Otto 1650 die Gründung einer Bürgerwehr in Burgkunstadt.
1653 wurde erstmals einem Juden erlaubt, in die Oberstadt zu ziehen.
Die zerstörte Schule und die Kirche am Marktplatz wurden 1656 neu erbaut.
Hans-Ernst von Schaumberg ließ 1657 eine Judenschule in der Unterstadt bauen, die der jüdischen Bevölkerung Burgkunstadts auch als Synagoge diente.
Nachdem die Familie des Mainecker Amtmannes Christoph Burckhard während des Dreißigjährigen Krieges von der Pest verschont geblieben war, löste der Amtmann 1659 sein Gelübde ein, eine Kapelle zu errichten. Als Ort wählte er ein Grundstück im heutigen Friedhof, auf dem bis dahin die verfallene Tierkapelle stand, deren Steine größtenteils bereits zum Bau der Altenburg abtransportiert worden waren. Am 26. September 1666 feierte Dekan Dr. Elias Kraus aus Weismain in der Kapelle die erste Messe. Geweiht wurde sie aber erst 1706 auf den Namen Fünfwundenkapelle, der an eine Überlieferung von 1658 erinnert, wonach einer kranken Magd die fünf Wunden Jesu Christi erschienen sind und sie geheilt wurde. Etliche weitere Wunderheilungen trugen dazu bei, dass die Kirche bis in die 1930er Jahre eine vielbesuchte Wallfahrtskirche war.
1660 wurde der Löschwasserteich am Marktplatz vor der katholischen Kirche in Stein gefasst. Die Steinfassung blieb in dieser Form bis 1935 erhalten.
Die Bierkriege begannen 1666. Es handelte sich dabei um unzählige, meist bewaffnete Fehden bis etwa 1880, mit denen die Burgkunstadter das ihnen verliehene Braurecht in ihrem Amtsbezirk durchsetzen wollten. Für eine Michelauer Hochzeitsfeier waren aus dem Schwürbitzer Brauhaus vier Eimer (Hektoliter) Bier herangeschafft wurden. Als der Burgkunstadter Vogt dies erfuhr, läutete er am 18. Januar 1666 Sturm. 40 Bürger zogen bewaffnet in Richtung Michelau. In Marktzeuln kamen weitere 32 dazu, da die Marktzeulner eine Abneigung gegen die Schwürbitzer Brauer und Trinker hegten. In Michelau angekommen, tranken die Soldaten so viel wie möglich weg, der Rest wurde nach Burgkunstadt gefahren. Dem Brautpaar wurde mitgeteilt, sie könnten die Fässer gefüllt gegen Bezahlung wieder in Burgkunstadt abholen.
1668 wurde in einem Abkommen festgelegt, welche Ortschaften Burgkunstadt mit Bier beliefern durfte. Dieser Bierbann erstreckte sich im Westen bis Michelau, im Norden bis Hummendorf und im Osten bis Schmeilsdorf. Südlich von Burgkunstadt betraf der Bierbann die Ortschaften Burkheim, Obersdorf, Reuth, Thelitz, Anger und Wolfsloch (alle gehören heute zur Gemeinde Hochstadt am Main). Da ein Antrag der Altenkunstadter auf eigenes Braurecht bereits 1488 abgelehnt worden war, durften sie zwischen Weismainer und Burgkunstadter Bier wählen.
Aus nicht bekannten Gründen wurde 1669 das Marktrecht um drei Jahrmärkte reduziert, so dass nur noch neun abgehalten werden durften.
Neben der Synagoge und Judenschule wurde 1679 ein Gemeindehaus errichtet.
In Bürgermeisterrechnungen wurden 1685/1686 „Schuchpfände“ erwähnt, eine Standgebühr für den Schuhverkauf am Marktplatz.
Im Jahr 1689 beauftragte Bürgermeister Moritzen Stahl Hans Gebelin und den zur damaligen Zeit bedeutendsten Meister fränkischen Fachwerkbaus, den Zimmermann Jörg Hofmann aus Zeil am Main, den ehemaligen Bergfried der Burg in ein Rathaus umzubauen. Begonnen im Oktober 1689, konnte der Um- und Ausbau nach nur sieben Monaten fertiggestellt werden. Aus der Rechnung vom 25. Juni 1690 geht hervor, dass der Bau 571 Gulden, 27 Kreuzer und einen halben Pfennig kostete. In dieser Rechnung führte Moritzen Stahl sogar seine Arbeitszeit für das Erstellen der Rechnung, die währenddessen verzehrten Speisen und die Kosten für das verwendete Papier auf. Die Summe entspricht umgerechnet 35.000 bis 40.000 Euro.
13 Rechnungen zwischen 1631 und 1698 weisen nach, dass in der Unterstadt außergewöhnlich viele Gerber lebten.
1699 fanden, ausgehend von Thurnau, im Bamberger Fürstentum Judenverfolgungen statt, von denen auch Burgkunstadter Juden betroffen waren. Am 23. Mai wurden 14 Häuser jüdischer Bewohner in der |
en | | List of Asilidae species: P | Genus Prolatiforceps | List of Asilidae species: P / List of Species / Genus Prolatiforceps | Female adult of Prolepsis lucifer photographed in Reserva Natural Parque San Martin, Cordoba, Argentina | English: Female adult of the robber fly species Prolepsis lucifer photographed in Reserva Natural Parque San Martin, Cordoba, Argentina | null | image/jpeg | 1,005 | 1,500 | true | true | true | This page lists described species of the family Asilidae start with letter P.
• B
• C
• D
• E
• F
• G
• H
• I
• J
• K
• L
• M
• N
• O
• P
• Q
• R
• S
• T
• U
• V
• W
• Y
• Z | Prolatiforceps fenestella (Martin, 1975)
Prolatiforceps thulia (Martin, 1975) |
iw | | גשר הרכבת הטורקי על נחל ניצנה | null | גשר הרכבת הטורקי על נחל ניצנה | אומנות גשר הרכבת על נחל ניצנה. ברקע נראה חלקו הצפוני של הגשר הבריטי שקרס | עברית: גשר הרכבת הטורקי והבריטי בניצנה | null | image/jpeg | 1,232 | 2,048 | true | true | true | גשר הרכבת הטורקי על נחל ניצנה היה גשר אבן שנבנה מעל נחל ניצנה, בתקופת מלחמת העולם הראשונה כחלק מהתשתית שהקימו הטורקים עבור מסילת הרכבת מנחל שורק לקוסיימה. הגשר פוצץ על ידי הבריטים על מנת למנוע מהטורקים העברת כוחות וציוד לסיני. | גשר הרכבת הטורקי על נחל ניצנה היה גשר אבן שנבנה מעל נחל ניצנה (ואדי אל עוג'ה), בתקופת מלחמת העולם הראשונה כחלק מהתשתית שהקימו הטורקים עבור מסילת הרכבת מנחל שורק לקוסיימה. הגשר פוצץ על ידי הבריטים על מנת למנוע מהטורקים העברת כוחות וציוד לסיני. |
de | | New York State Route 18F | Streckenbeschreibung | New York State Route 18F / Streckenbeschreibung | Beschilderung für NY 18F bei Fort Niagara | Approaching New York State Route 18F on the Fort Niagara spur of the Robert Moses State Parkway westbound in Porter. | null | image/jpeg | 2,128 | 2,800 | true | true | true | New York State Route 18F ist eine 15,77 km lange State Route im nordwestlichen Niagara County, New York. Der südlichste Punkt der Strecke bildet die Kreuzung mit der New York State Route 104 und dem Robert Moses State Parkway östlich der Village of Lewiston. Der nördliche Endpunkt ist die Kreuzung mit der New York State Route 18 in der Nähe des Four Mile Creek State Parks in Porter. NY 18F verläuft weitgehend mit NY 18 parallel, nimmt aber einen westlicheren Verlauf. NY 18F ist die einzige noch existierende Zweigroute der NY 18 und war einst selbst Teil dieser State Route. | Offiziell beginnt NY 18F am östlichen Rand von Lewiston an der Anschlussstelle zwischen der NY 104 und dem Robert Moses State Parkway. Die Beschilderung für die NY 18F existiert jedoch schon weiter südlich an der Kreuzung zwischen NY 104 und NY 18 südlich der Ortschaft. Der Beschilderung zufolge verlaufen NY 18F und NY 104 von der NY 18 nordwärts bis zur Kreuzung mit dem Moses Parkway gemeinsam. Der Seaway Trail, der an der NY 104 entlang von Niagara Falls in Richtung Lewiston führt, folgt NY 18F westwärts nach Lewiston hinein, auf der Strecke der Ridge Road, die hier Center Street heißt. An der 4th Street, biegt NY 18F nach Norden ab und folgt der Straße bis zur Kreuzung mit der Oneida Street. NY 18F biegt dann links ab und verläuft zwei Straßenblöcke auf der Oneida Street, bevor sie wieder eine nördliche Richtung aus der Stadt heraus auf der 2nd Street einschlägt.
Nördlich der Stadtgrenze ist NY 18F die nächste Straße zum Niagara River – dies spiegelt sich im Straßennamen wider, Lower River Road. Auf dem Weg nordwärts auf dem östlichen Ufer des Flusses verläuft NY 18F parallel zum Robert Moses State Parkway und zur NY 18. In Stella Niagara trifft NY 18F auf die Fletcher Road, der ersten Straße nördlich von Lewiston, die diese drei Fernstraßen alle miteinander verbindet. NY 18F führt dann durch den westlichen Rand des Joseph Davis State Parks südlich von Youngstown in der Town Porter. In Youngstown bildet NY 18F die Main Street und kreuzt im Zentrum der Ortschaft den westlichen Endpunkt der New York State Route 93. Am nördlichen Rand der Siedlung führt NY 18F an der Südeinfahrt zum Fort Niagara State Park vorbei, den die State Route abseits liegen lässt. NY 18F führt durch die Jackson Street und dann nordwärts auf die Lake Road am Park vorbei.
In der Nähe des Ufers des Ontariosees kreuzt NY 18F die zum Fort Niagara führende Zweigstrecke des Robert Moses State Parkways durch eine unvollständige Anschlussstelle, an dem nur die Auffahrt in Richtung Westen möglich ist; die Zufahrt auf die ostwärts gerichtete Fahrbahn erfolgt über die NY 93 in Youngstown oder über die NY 18 weiter östlich. Nach der Auffahrt schwenkt NY 18F nach Osten und führt am Seeufer entlang. Die State Route biegt dann wieder nach Süden, führt über den Parkway hinweg und endet dann an der NY 18 in der Umgebung des Four Mile Creek State Parks in Porter.
Der Abschnitt zwischen der Center Street in Lewiston und Youngstown wird vom Niagara County als County Road 907 unterhalten. |
ro |,_Borodeanka | Blîstavîțea, Borodeanka | null | Blîstavîțea, Borodeanka | null | Українська: Озеро в селі Блиставиця, Київська область. Вид з гребліEnglish: Lake in Blystavytsia, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine. View from the dam | Blîstavîțea | image/jpeg | 1,944 | 2,592 | true | true | true | Blîstavîțea este o comună în raionul Borodeanka, regiunea Kiev, Ucraina, formată numai din satul de reședință. | Blîstavîțea (în ucraineană Блиставиця) este o comună în raionul Borodeanka, regiunea Kiev, Ucraina, formată numai din satul de reședință. |
nl | | Saichania | Grootte, algemene bouw en onderscheidende kenmerken | Saichania / Beschrijving / Grootte, algemene bouw en onderscheidende kenmerken | De rechterzijkant van specimen PIN 3142/250 | This file was uploaded with Commonist. Čeština: Tarchia gigantea, výstava Dinosaurium v Praze English: Tarchia gigantea, Dinosaurium exhibition, Prague, Czech Republic | null | image/jpeg | 2,448 | 3,264 | true | true | true | Saichania is een uitgestorven geslacht van plantenetende ornithischische dinosauriërs, behorend tot de Ankylosauria, dat tijdens het Laat-Krijt leefde in het gebied van het huidige Mongolië.
De eerste fossielen van het geslacht werden in 1970 in de Gobiwoestijn gevonden. Het dier kreeg in 1977 zijn naam, die zoiets als "de schone" betekent, toen de typesoort Saichania chulsanensis benoemd werd. Het eerste fossiel bestond uit de voorkant van een skelet. Ook is er een schedel bekend waarvan men vroeger dacht dat die van Tarchia was, een nauwe verwant in de Ankylosaurinae. Daarnaast meende men twee volledige skeletten gevonden te hebben, maar de eerste daarvan is nog niet beschreven en de tweede bleek later van een andere soort te zijn. Onzeker is of de geslachten Tianzhenosaurus en Shanxia uit China in feite aan Saichania gelijk zijn. Alleen over de voorkant van het lichaam hebben de wetenschappers dus betrouwbare kennis.
Saichania werd minstens vijf meter lang en woog dan twee ton. De voorpoten waren kort maar zeer krachtig gebouwd en sterk gespierd. Ze ondersteunden een lage en brede romp. | Saichania is een vrij forse ankylosauriër. Maryańska schatte de lengte zelfs op zeven meter maar later onderzoek wijst op een wat minder aanzienlijke omvang. Bij ankylosauriërs neemt de staart minder dan de helft van de lichaamslengte voor zijn rekening. In 2010 schatte Gregory S. Paul de lichaamslengte op 5,2 meter, het gewicht op twee ton. Van een achterlijf met staart, specimen ZPAL MgD I/113, eerder aan Dyoplosaurus giganteus toegewezen, suggereerde Arbour in 2014 dat het weleens van een zeer groot exemplaar van Saichania zou kunnen zijn geweest, hoewel dit door een gebrek aan overlappend materiaal niet bewezen kon worden. In dit geval werd Saichania juist veel langer dan gedacht want het vertegenwoordigt een van de grootste ankylosauriërs die ooit zijn gevonden, zo'n negen meter lang.
Saichania heeft een extreem brede en afgeplatte romp die op zeer stevige maar erg korte ledematen staat. De nek is erg kort en breed. Ook de kop is breed met vergroeide beenderen. Het skelet is zeer zwaar gebouwd.
Maryańska gaf in 1977 een diagnose die meteen diende als korte beschrijving. De buitenste neusgaten, aan het uiterste einde van de kop geplaatst, zijn groot en ovaal, ieder doormidden gedeeld door een horizontaal beenschot. Dit schot scheidt de grote bovenste ovale doorgang naar de neusholte van een kleinere opening, meer naar het midden gelegen, die toegang biedt tot een luchtholte in de praemaxilla. De praemaxillae die de voorste snuit vormen, zijn relatief smal. De bovensnavel is zo ongeveer even breed als de horizontale afstand tussen de achterste maxillaire tanden. Ze zijn bedekt door welgevormde aangegroeide huidverbeningen. Aan het achtereind van de schedel is de knobbel die de verbinding vormt met de nek, de condylus occipitalis, matig bol en vrij sterk naar beneden gericht. Het schedeldak overhangt het achterhoofd. De exoccipitalia van het bovenste achterhoofd zijn laag en de bovenste delen ervan staan haaks op het schedeldak; onderaan zijn ze sterk naar voren gebogen. Het quadratum helt naar achteren, wat de bovenkant van het kaakgewricht onder het midden van de oogkas brengt. De oogkassen zijn vooraan en achteraan gesloten door verbeend kraakbeen. Er is één zenuwkanaal voor de negende tot en met twaalfde hersenzenuw. Op het pterygoïde van het verhemelte is een epipterygoïde aanwezig. De interne vleugels van de bovenkaaksbeenderen die het voorste verhemelte vormen, zijn goed ontwikkeld. Het hoofdlichaam van het bovenkaaksbeen raakt over een kleine lengte de opening tussen deze maxilla en het verhemeltebeen. In de voorste nek zijn de atlas en de draaier vergroeid. Aan de onderste zijkant van de romp liggen uitgebreide verbeende kraakbeenplaten tussen de ribben. De ledematen zijn massief gebouwd. De voorpoot is sterk naar achteren gebogen. De hand is vijfvingerig.
In 2014 stelde Arbour een herziene diagnose op. De osteodermen op de kop zijn sterk bol. Uniek voor de Ankylosaurinae zijn de eerste en tweede halswervel, de atlas en draaier, vergroeid tot één element, een syncervicale. De bovenkant van het opperarmbeen is zeer breed, gelijk aan 70% van de totale lengte van het bot. Tussen de ribben van de borstkas bevinden zich verbeningen van het intercostale kraakbeen. De halsbergen hebben niet alleen een onderliggende beenband maar de opliggende osteodermen worden aangevuld door platen die de zijdelingse ruimte tussen de osteodermen bedekken en van buiten bezien geheel aan het oog onttrekken.
Verder gaf Arbour een vergelijkende diagnose die de verschillen aanduidde met bepaalde relevante verwanten wat een unieke combinatie van op zich niet unieke kenmerken opleverde. De caputegulae, koptegeltjes, van de neusbeenderen hebben in het midden een enkelvoudige centrale plaat, anders dan Minotaurasaurus die er vier heeft. Ze steken ook minder naar bezijden uit en zijn ruwer. Anders dan bij Minotaurasaurus en Zaraapelta zijn de snuitwanden niet bedekt met kleine osteodermen maar met een grote flapvormige plaat vooraan en een plaat op het traanbeen achteraan. Een ander verschil met die taxa is dat de plaat van het prefrontale kl |
vi | | Brooklyn (lớp tàu tuần dương) | null | Brooklyn (lớp tàu tuần dương) | null | English: The U.S. Navy light cruiser USS Brooklyn (CL-40) in the Hudson River, off New York City, in 1939. The Palisade Amusement Park is in the center background. | null | image/jpeg | 576 | 740 | true | true | true | Lớp tàu tuần dương Brooklyn bao gồm bảy chiếc tàu tuần dương hạng nhẹ của Hải quân Hoa Kỳ đã phục vụ trong Chiến tranh Thế giới thứ hai. Được trang bị năm tháp pháo 6 inch ba nòng gồm ba phía trước và hai phía sau, chúng cùng với lớp tàu tuần dương St. Louis mang một hỏa lực pháo mạnh hơn mọi tàu tuần dương Hoa Kỳ nào khác. Những chiếc trong lớp Brooklyn được đưa ra hoạt động trong những năm 1937-1938, vào lúc mà cuộc Chiến tranh Trung-Nhật đang diễn ra nhưng chiến tranh tại Châu Âu vẫn chưa bắt đầu. Chúng đã được sử dụng rộng rãi tại cả Thái Bình Dương và Đại Tây Dương trong Chiến tranh Thế giới thứ hai. Mặc dù một số bị hư hại nặng, chúng đều sống sót qua cuộc chiến này. Tất cả đều được cho ngừng hoạt động sau khi chiến tranh kết thúc, và đến năm 1951, năm chiếc trong số chúng được chuyển cho hải quân các nước Nam Mỹ, nơi chúng phục vụ thêm nhiều năm nữa. Trong số chúng, General Belgrano của Argentina, nguyên là chiếc USS Phoenix, bị đánh chìm trong cuộc Chiến tranh Falklands vào những năm 1980.
Lớp Brooklyn đã có một ảnh hưởng lớn đối với việc thiết kế tàu tuần dương của Hoa Kỳ. | Lớp tàu tuần dương Brooklyn bao gồm bảy chiếc tàu tuần dương hạng nhẹ của Hải quân Hoa Kỳ đã phục vụ trong Chiến tranh Thế giới thứ hai. Được trang bị năm tháp pháo 6 inch ba nòng gồm ba phía trước và hai phía sau, chúng cùng với lớp tàu tuần dương St. Louis mang một hỏa lực pháo mạnh hơn mọi tàu tuần dương Hoa Kỳ nào khác. Những chiếc trong lớp Brooklyn được đưa ra hoạt động trong những năm 1937-1938, vào lúc mà cuộc Chiến tranh Trung-Nhật đang diễn ra nhưng chiến tranh tại Châu Âu vẫn chưa bắt đầu. Chúng đã được sử dụng rộng rãi tại cả Thái Bình Dương và Đại Tây Dương trong Chiến tranh Thế giới thứ hai. Mặc dù một số bị hư hại nặng, chúng đều sống sót qua cuộc chiến này. Tất cả đều được cho ngừng hoạt động sau khi chiến tranh kết thúc, và đến năm 1951, năm chiếc trong số chúng được chuyển cho hải quân các nước Nam Mỹ, nơi chúng phục vụ thêm nhiều năm nữa. Trong số chúng, General Belgrano của Argentina, nguyên là chiếc USS Phoenix, bị đánh chìm trong cuộc Chiến tranh Falklands vào những năm 1980.
Lớp Brooklyn đã có một ảnh hưởng lớn đối với việc thiết kế tàu tuần dương của Hoa Kỳ. Hầu như mọi tàu tuần dương hạng nặng và hạng nhẹ tiếp theo sau của Hải quân Hoa Kỳ đều trực tiếp hay gián tiếp dựa trên thiết kế của nó. |
ckb | | پێڕستی گەورەترین شارەکان | گەورەترین شارەکان | پێڕستی گەورەترین شارەکان / گەورەترین شارەکان | null | 中文: 杭州 钱塘江-钱江新城 | null | image/jpeg | 652 | 984 | true | true | true | ئەم پێڕستەی خوارەوە ٨١ شار دەگرێتەخۆ کە ژمارەی دانیشتووانیان سەروو ٥٬٠٠٠٬٠٠٠ کەسن بەپێی خەمڵاندنەکانی ٢٠١٨ی نەتەوە یەکگرتووەکان. | ئەم پێڕستەی خوارەوە ٨١ شار دەگرێتەخۆ کە ژمارەی دانیشتووانیان سەروو ٥٬٠٠٠٬٠٠٠ کەسن بەپێی خەمڵاندنەکانی ٢٠١٨ی نەتەوە یەکگرتووەکان. |
en | | Bangladesh–Ukraine relations | null | Bangladesh–Ukraine relations | null | English: Map showing the locations of both Bangladesh and Ukraine | Map indicating locations of Bangladesh and Ukraine | image/png | 542 | 988 | true | true | true | Bangladesh–Ukraine relations refer to the bilateral relations between Bangladesh and Ukraine. Ukraine recognized Bangladesh's independence on 24 January 1972. Ahmed Akbar Sobhan chairman of Bashundhara Group is the Honorary Consul General of Ukraine in Bangladesh. | Bangladesh–Ukraine relations refer to the bilateral relations between Bangladesh and Ukraine. Ukraine (then known as the Ukrainian SSR) recognized Bangladesh's independence on 24 January 1972. Ahmed Akbar Sobhan chairman of Bashundhara Group is the Honorary Consul General of Ukraine in Bangladesh. |
no | | Liste over Nord-Afrikas fugler | Erlefamilien | Liste over Nord-Afrikas fugler / Erlefamilien | null | Motacilla aguimp Dumont, 1821 English: African Pied Wagtail at Lake Malawi, Malawi | null | image/jpeg | 2,511 | 3,349 | true | true | true | Denne listen over Nord-Afrikas fugler inkluderer 664 arter. Inkludert er 6 introdusert art.
Regionen Nord-Afrika omfatter landene Algerie, Egypt, Libya, Marokko, Sudan, Tunisia og Vest-Sahara.
Rekkefølge er etter Clements-lista versjon v2015.
De norske navn følger Norske navn på verdens fugler.
Status på lista:
FA - Fremmed art. En art som forekommer utenfor sitt naturlige utbredelsesområde. Arten har blitt frakta dit av mennesker.
S - Nordafrikansk sjeldenhet eller tilfeldig.
X - Lokalt utryddet
EX - Utryddet etter IUCNs rødliste
NT - Nær truet etter IUCNs rødliste
VU - Sårbar etter IUCNs rødliste
EN - Sterkt truet etter IUCNs rødliste
CR - Kritisk truet etter IUCNs rødliste | Orden: Passeriformes. Familie: Motacillidae |
es | | Billy Elliot (musical) | null | Billy Elliot (musical) | Billy Elliot en el Victoria Palace Theatre de Londres | London, Victoria Palace Theatre, showing the musical "Billy Elliot" | null | image/jpeg | 3,121 | 2,470 | true | true | true | Billy Elliot es un musical basado en la película homónima de 2000, con música de Elton John y libreto y letras de Lee Hall. Su trama central se desarrolla en torno a Billy, un niño de once años de un pequeño pueblo inglés que descubre su pasión por la danza en contra de los deseos de su padre. La acción se sitúa en 1984, durante la huelga de mineros que paralizó la industria del carbón en Reino Unido para protestar contra los recortes del gobierno de Margaret Thatcher.
El espectáculo se estrenó en 2005 en el West End londinense y posteriormente también ha podido verse en Broadway y en numerosas ciudades a lo largo de todo el mundo. Entre los muchos premios que acumula se incluyen el Olivier y el Tony al mejor musical. | Billy Elliot es un musical basado en la película homónima de 2000, con música de Elton John y libreto y letras de Lee Hall. Su trama central se desarrolla en torno a Billy, un niño de once años de un pequeño pueblo inglés que descubre su pasión por la danza en contra de los deseos de su padre. La acción se sitúa en 1984, durante la huelga de mineros que paralizó la industria del carbón en Reino Unido para protestar contra los recortes del gobierno de Margaret Thatcher.
El espectáculo se estrenó en 2005 en el West End londinense y posteriormente también ha podido verse en Broadway y en numerosas ciudades a lo largo de todo el mundo. Entre los muchos premios que acumula se incluyen el Olivier y el Tony al mejor musical. |
ar | | بوابة عشتار | صور البوابة | بوابة عشتار / صور البوابة | null | Deutsch: Bauinschrift des Königs Nebukadnezar II. 604-562 v. Chr. English: Building Inscription of King Nebuchadnezzar II, 604-562 BC. During the excavations of Babylon, in the immediate vicinity of the Ishtar Gate, numerous fragments of bricks with remains of white-glazed cuneiform characters have been found. These fragments obviously belonged to a building inscription of Nebuchadnezzar II at the gate. Their exact location is unknown but there is no doubt that the text refers to the construction of the gate. The text was restored by comparison with another complete inscription on a lime stone block and gives three excerpts of this main inscription of the king. Abridged excerpt: "I (Nebuchadnezzar) laid the foundation of the gates down to the ground water level and had them built out of pure blue stone. Upon the walls in the inner room of the gate are bulls and dragons and thus I magnificently adorned them with luxurious splendour for all mankind to behold in awe." | null | image/jpeg | 2,816 | 2,112 | true | true | true | بوابة عشتار اللغة الآشورية:ܕܵܪܘܲܐܙܵܐ ܕܥܲܫܬܵܪ هي البوابة الثامنة لمدينة بابل الداخلية، والتي بناها نبوخذ نصر عام 575 ق.م. في شمالي المدينة اهداء لعشتار آلهة البابليين. ولقد كشف المنقب الألماني روبرت كولدواي في عام 1899م عن أول معالم هذه المدينة.
أن بوابة عشتار الأصلية عثر عليها الألمان في أيام الدولة العثمانية، ونقلت إلى ألمانيا ووضعت في متحف بيرغامون في برلين ولا تزال موجودة في المتحف إلى الوقت الحالي. والبوابة على اسم الهة الزهرة وهي تعني حسب أساطير بابل انها المتحكمة في أمور البشر لانها عشيقة كبار الآلهة، وقيل أن نبوخذ نصر الثاني بناها حبا لزوجته، والبوابة مكسوة بكاملها بالمرمر الأزرق والرخام الأبيض والقرميد الملون. وكانت مزينة بـ 575شكلا حيوانيا بارزا منها التنين المعروف بالسيروش والثيران. وعلى جدرانها تماثيل جدارية تمثل الأسد والثور والحيوان الخرافي المسمى وهو يمثل رمز الآلهة مردوك.
وكانت تعتبر البوابة التي هي جزء من أسوار مدينة بابل واحدة من إحدى عجائب الدنيا السبع في العالم حتى القرن 6 إذ تم استبدالها بمنارة الإسكندرية.
بني أصغر استنساخ للبوابة في العراق في عهد حكم الرئيس أحمد حسن البكر وكذلك مبنى مدخل المتحف الذي لم يكتمل، وقد وقعت الأضرار عليهِ منذ غزو العراق عام 2003. | null |
da | | Nationalpark Gargano | null | Nationalpark Gargano | Garganokysten nær Vieste. | English: Adriatic Sea coast in Gargano National Park — near Vieste, in Apulia, SE Italy. Italiano: Gargano coasto — Vieste, Apulia. Credits Picture taken by user:Idéfix, july 2005. | null | image/jpeg | 600 | 472 | true | true | true | Nationalpark Gargano is a nationalpark i provinsen Foggia i Apulien i det sydlige Italien. Ud over halvøen Gargano som den har navn efter, omfatter den også øgruppen Isole Tremiti og Foresta Umbra, et stort skovområde der blev fredet i 1977.
Garganos nationalpark er et af de få nationalt beskyttede områder, der bidrager til "un Bosco per Kyoto", et projekt der siden 2007 har involveret flere skoler i realiseringen af projekter om social og ansvarlig turisme. | Nationalpark Gargano (Italiensk: Parco nazionale del Gargano) is a nationalpark i provinsen Foggia i Apulien i det sydlige Italien. Ud over halvøen Gargano som den har navn efter, omfatter den også øgruppen Isole Tremiti og Foresta Umbra, et stort skovområde der blev fredet i 1977.
Garganos nationalpark er et af de få nationalt beskyttede områder, der bidrager til "un Bosco per Kyoto", et projekt der siden 2007 har involveret flere skoler i realiseringen af projekter om social og ansvarlig turisme. |
nl | | Hitopadesha | null | Hitopadesha | Nepalees manuscript van de Hitopadesha, ca. 1800 | English: From source: Object Number: 1984.431 Title: Illustrated Manuscript of Folklore (Hitopadesha) Date: c. 1800 CE Creation Place: South Asia, Nepal Culture: Nepalese | null | image/jpeg | 1,024 | 402 | true | true | true | Hitopadesha is een Indiase tekst in het Sanskriet bestaande uit een collectie fabels waarin mensen en antropomorfe dieren optreden. De titel valt te vertalen als Nuttige raadgevingen of Vriendelijk onderricht. De kortste versie telt 655 regels en de langste 749. | Hitopadesha (Sanskriet: हितोपदेशः, IAST: Hitopadeśa) is een Indiase tekst in het Sanskriet bestaande uit een collectie fabels waarin mensen en antropomorfe dieren optreden. De titel valt te vertalen als Nuttige raadgevingen of Vriendelijk onderricht. De kortste versie telt 655 regels en de langste 749. |
sco | | Soria | null | Soria | Main square of Soria | Plaza Mayor de Soria, Soria (Castilla León) (España). | Main square of Soria | image/jpeg | 1,536 | 2,048 | true | true | true | Soria is a ceety in north-central Spain, the caipital o the province o Soria in the autonomous commonty o Castile an León. | Soria ([ˈsoɾja]) is a ceety in north-central Spain, the caipital o the province o Soria in the autonomous commonty o Castile an León. |
pt | | Administração Metropolitana de Bangkok | null | Administração Metropolitana de Bangkok | Prédio do Bangkok City Hall, onde se localiza a Administração Metropolitana de Banguecoque. | English: Bangkok City Hall late 2008 | null | image/jpeg | 1,673 | 3,945 | true | true | true | A Administração Metropolitana de Banguecoque/Bangkok é o governo local de Bangkok ou Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, que administra a capital do Reino da Tailândia. O governo é composto por dois ramos: o executivo e o legislativo. As funções do governo são de formular e implementar políticas relativas à gestão de Bangkok, que incluem: serviços de transporte, planejamento urbano, gestão de resíduos, habitação, estradas e rodovias, serviços de segurança e meio ambiente. | A Administração Metropolitana de Banguecoque/Bangkok (em tailandês: กรุงเทพมหานคร) é o governo local de Bangkok ou Krung Thep Maha Nakhon, que administra a capital do Reino da Tailândia. O governo é composto por dois ramos: o executivo (o governador de Bangkok) e o legislativo (o Conselho Metropolitano de Bangkok). As funções do governo são de formular e implementar políticas relativas à gestão de Bangkok, que incluem: serviços de transporte, planejamento urbano, gestão de resíduos, habitação, estradas e rodovias, serviços de segurança e meio ambiente. |
fr | | Xenophora | Liste des espèces | Xenophora / Liste des espèces | null | Xenophora indica | null | image/jpeg | 773 | 1,146 | true | true | true | Xenophora est un genre de mollusques gastéropodes de la famille des Xenophoridae.
Ces coquillages se distinguent par leur habitude de souder des éléments durs à leur coquille, notamment d'autres coquilles de gastéropodes. | Selon World Register of Marine Species (19 octobre 2016) :
Xenophora cerea (Reeve, 1845)
Xenophora conchyliophora (Born, 1780)
Xenophora corrugata (Reeve, 1842)
Xenophora crispa (König, 1825)
Xenophora flemingi Beu, 1977 †
Xenophora flindersi (Cotton & Godfrey, 1938)
Xenophora granulosa Ponder, 1983
Xenophora japonica Kuroda & Habe, 1971
Xenophora mekranensis (Newton, 1905)
Xenophora minuta Qi & Ma, 1986
Xenophora neozelanica Suter, 1908
Xenophora pallidula (Reeve, 1842)
Xenophora peroniana (Iredale, 1929)
Xenophora prognata (Finlay, 1926) †
Xenophora senegalensis P. Fischer, 1873
Xenophora solarioides (Reeve, 1845)
Xenophora tenuis Fulton, 1938 |
en | | Namco | Origins (1955–1972) | Namco / History / Origins (1955–1972) | Two mechanical rocking horses installed by Nakamura Seisakusho in 1955. | English: A photograph of the rocking horses installed by Masaya Nakamura in the roof garden of a Japanese department store. | null | image/jpeg | 1,421 | 2,000 | true | true | true | Namco Ltd. was a Japanese developer and publisher of arcade and home console video games, originally headquartered in Ōta, Tokyo. Several international divisions were established, including Namco America in Santa Clara, California, Shanghai Namco in mainland China, and Namco Enterprises Asia in Hong Kong.
Namco was founded by Masaya Nakamura as Nakamura Seisakusho on June 1, 1955, beginning as a producer of coin-operated amusement rides for Japanese department store roof gardens, seeing success with making children's rides for the Mitsukoshi chain. Renamed Nakamura Manufacturing in 1959, the company purchased the struggling Japanese division of Atari from Nolan Bushnell in 1974 and began releasing their games in Japan, where they quickly became one of the leading game companies in Asia. The acquisition inspired Namco to produce their own video games in-house, beginning with Gee Bee in 1978. Namco released their first major hit Galaxian a year later, followed by Pac-Man in 1980 — the latter has since become the most successful arcade game of all time and one of the highest-grossing video games of all time. | On June 1, 1955, Japanese businessman Masaya Nakamura founded Nakamura Seisakusho in Tokyo. Nakamura used US$3,000 to purchase two mechanical rocking horse rides and install them in the roof garden of a Yokohama department store. Each day Nakamura cleaned up and repaired the rides if needed, and greeted the mothers of the children that visited. Nakamura also created a "goldfish scooping" game for the same store, however the fish were killed during a typhoon. Nakamura Seisakusho was renamed to Nakamura Manufacturing Company in 1959, and a few years later in the early 1960s Nakamura made a deal with the Mitsukoshi chain to install a children's ride atop their store in Nihonbashi, Tokyo. The ride, named the "Roadaway Race", was a moving mechanical train that proved to be very popular among children, leading Mitsukoshi to request that Nakamura and his company install similar rides for all their stores.
With business doing well, Nakamura Manufacturing began constructing different types of mechanical games. One such game was Periscope in 1965, which Nakamura claimed to be the first he designed himself. A new manufacturing plant was opened up in 1966 so that the company could construct their own mechanical rides; the same year, Nakamura struck a deal with Walt Disney Productions to produce children's rides using the likenesses of their characters. In 1971, Nakamura Manufacturing began releasing games under the name "Namco", an acronym of their name, and began production of several coin-operated electro-mechanical arcade games, such as Racer in 1970 and Formula-X in 1972. Nakamura Manufacturing also created a robotics division, led by Shigeki Toyama, that produced robots for use in entertainment centers and other locations. |
en | | Shooting at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Women's 50 metre rifle three positions | null | Shooting at the 2016 Summer Olympics – Women's 50 metre rifle three positions | Aerial view of the National Shooting Center in Deodoro, where the women's 50 metre rifle three positions event took place. | Português: Centro Nacional de Tiro Esportivo | null | image/jpeg | 2,000 | 3,000 | true | true | true | The Women's 50 metre rifle three positions event at the 2016 Olympic Games took place on 11 August 2016 at the National Shooting Center.
The event consisted of two rounds: a qualifier and a final. In the qualifier, each shooter fired 60 shots with a .22 Long Rifle at 50 metres distance. 20 shots were fired each from the standing, kneeling, and prone positions. Scores for each shot were in increments of 1, with a maximum score of 10.
The top 8 shooters in the qualifying round moved on to the final round. There, they fired an additional 20 shots, all from the standing position. These shots scored in increments of .1, with a maximum score of 10.9. | The Women's 50 metre rifle three positions event at the 2016 Olympic Games took place on 11 August 2016 at the National Shooting Center.
The event consisted of two rounds: a qualifier and a final. In the qualifier, each shooter fired 60 shots with a .22 Long Rifle at 50 metres distance. 20 shots were fired each from the standing, kneeling, and prone positions. Scores for each shot were in increments of 1, with a maximum score of 10.
The top 8 shooters in the qualifying round moved on to the final round. There, they fired an additional 20 shots, all from the standing position. These shots scored in increments of .1, with a maximum score of 10.9. |
en | | Stefan Milenkovich | null | Stefan Milenkovich | null | English: Stefan Milenkovich | null | image/jpeg | 750 | 1,000 | true | true | true | Stefan Milenkovich is a Serbian violinist. | Stefan Milenkovich (Serbian: Stefan Milenković, Стефан Миленковић; born January 25, 1977) is a Serbian violinist. |
hy | | Կաչոկավալո (պանիր) | null | Կաչոկավալո (պանիր) | null | English: Caciocavallo 日本語: 熟成中のカチョガヴァロ | null | image/jpeg | 675 | 976 | true | true | true | Կաչոկավալո, պանրի տեսակ։ Պատրաստված է ոչխարի կամ կովի կաթից։ Արտադրվում էր միայն Սիցիլիայում, բայց հետո դրա արտադրությունը տարածվել է ամբողջ Իտալիայում, ինչպես նաև Բալկաններում։ Պանրի մի տեսակը կոչվում է կաչոկավալո սիցիլիանո, որն արտադրվում է բացառապես կովի կաթից Իտալիայի որոշ հարավային շրջաններում, ինչպես օրինակ՝ Բազիլիկատայում, Կալաբրիայում, Կամպանիայում, Մոլիզեում և Պուգլիայում | Կաչոկավալո (իտալ.՝ Caciocavallo), պանրի տեսակ։ Պատրաստված է ոչխարի կամ կովի կաթից։ Արտադրվում էր միայն Սիցիլիայում, բայց հետո դրա արտադրությունը տարածվել է ամբողջ Իտալիայում, ինչպես նաև Բալկաններում։ Պանրի մի տեսակը կոչվում է կաչոկավալո սիցիլիանո (իտալ.՝ Caciocavallo Silano), որն արտադրվում է բացառապես կովի կաթից Իտալիայի որոշ հարավային շրջաններում, ինչպես օրինակ՝ Բազիլիկատայում, Կալաբրիայում, Կամպանիայում, Մոլիզեում և Պուգլիայում |
nl | | Saccostrea spathulata | null | Saccostrea spathulata | null | Saccostrea spathulata (Lamarck, 1819) | Saccostrea spathulata | image/jpeg | 1,275 | 1,920 | true | true | true | Saccostrea spathulata is een tweekleppigensoort uit de familie van de Ostreidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1819 door Lamarck. | Saccostrea spathulata is een tweekleppigensoort uit de familie van de Ostreidae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1819 door Lamarck.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
Huber, M. (2012). Saccostrea spathulata (Lamarck, 1819). Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op |
nl | | Holden VC | null | Holden VC | null | English: 1980 Holden VC Commodore L station wagon. Photographed in Miranda, New South Wales, Australia. | Holden VC Commodore L station wagon | image/jpeg | 1,740 | 3,816 | true | true | true | De Holden VC was een autoserie die in 1980 werd geïntroduceerd door het Australische merk Holden. Het was de tweede serie met de Holden Commodore en dit was opnieuw het enige model van de serie. | De Holden VC was een autoserie die in 1980 werd geïntroduceerd door het Australische merk Holden. Het was de tweede serie met de Holden Commodore en dit was opnieuw het enige model van de serie. |
zh-TW | | 帝国战争博物馆 | null | 帝国战争博物馆 | null | The Imperial War Museum North in Trafford, overlooking the Manchester Ship Canal, seen from Salford Quays. | null | image/jpeg | 605 | 806 | true | true | true | 帝國戰爭博物館是英國的一座國立博物館,分布於英格蘭的五個地點,其中三處位於倫敦。它成立於第一次世界大戰期間的1917年,記錄大英帝國戰爭努力和犧牲。今天博物館的使命為「使人們了解現代戰爭及其對個人與社會的影響」。
博物館的經費來自政府撥款,慈善捐款,以及商業活動的收入,如零售,授權和出版。倫敦總館和北部分館入場免費,其他分館收費入場。 | 帝國戰爭博物館(Imperial War Museum)是英國的一座國立博物館,分布於英格蘭的五個地點,其中三處位於倫敦。它成立於第一次世界大戰期間的1917年,記錄大英帝國戰爭努力和犧牲。今天博物館的使命為「使人們了解現代戰爭及其對個人與社會的影響」。
該館最初設在西德納姆山的水晶宮,1920年向公眾開放。1924年搬到南肯辛頓的皇家學院,1936年獲得薩瑟克區的原Bethlem皇家醫院作為永久館址。第二次世界大戰的爆發,使得該館的收藏和範圍又有擴展。但在戰後,該博物館進入了衰退期。20世紀60年代改建了薩瑟克大廈,現為帝國戰爭博物館的總館。在20世紀70年代,帝國戰爭博物館開始擴展到其他地點。1976年,劍橋郡的一個機場成為它的達克斯福德分館。1978年,皇家海軍的貝爾法斯特號輕巡洋艦成為帝國戰爭博物館的一個分館。1984年,內閣戰爭辦公室(Cabinet War Rooms),一處戰時地下指揮中心,向公眾開放。2002年,北部分館在大曼徹斯特的特拉福德成立,這是英格蘭北部的第一座分館。
博物館的經費來自政府撥款,慈善捐款,以及商業活動的收入,如零售,授權和出版。倫敦總館和北部分館入場免費,其他分館收費入場。 |
en | | University of Sydney | Satellite campuses | University of Sydney / Campus / Satellite campuses | null | English: University of Sydney's Mallett Street Campus | null | image/jpeg | 3,456 | 4,608 | true | true | true | The University of Sydney is an Australian public research university in Sydney, Australia. Founded in 1850, it is Australia's first university and is regarded as one of the world's leading universities. The university is known as one of Australia's six sandstone universities. Its campus is ranked in the top 10 of the world's most beautiful universities by the British Daily Telegraph and The Huffington Post, spreading across the inner-city suburbs of Camperdown and Darlington. The university comprises nine faculties and university schools, through which it offers bachelor, master and doctoral degrees.
In 2018–19, the QS World University Rankings ranked Sydney as one of the world's top 25 most reputable universities, and its graduates as the top 5 most employable in the world and first in Australia. It is one of the first universities in the world to admit students solely on academic merit, and opened their doors to women on the same basis as men.
Five Nobel and two Crafoord laureates have been affiliated with the university as graduates and faculty. | Mallett Street campus: The Mallett Street campus is home of the Sydney Nursing School.
Cumberland campus: Formerly an independent institution (the Cumberland College of Health Sciences), the Cumberland campus in the Sydney suburb of Lidcombe was incorporated into the university as part of the higher education reforms of the late 1980s. It is home to the Faculty of Health Sciences, which covers various allied health disciplines, including physiotherapy, speech pathology, radiation therapy, occupational therapy, as well as exercise science and behavioural and social sciences in health.
The Sydney Dental Hospital located in Surry Hills and the Westmead Centre for Oral Health which is attached to Westmead Hospital.
Rozelle Campus: The Sydney College of the Arts (SCA) is based in a former sanitorium in the Sydney suburb of Rozelle, overlooking Port Jackson. The college specialises in the fine (visual) arts.
Sydney Conservatorium of Music: Formerly the NSW State Conservatorium of Music, the Sydney Conservatorium of Music (SCM) is located in the Sydney CBD on the edge of Sydney's Royal Botanic Garden, a short distance from the Sydney Opera House. It became a faculty of the university in the 1990s and incorporates the main campus Department of Music, which was the subject of the documentary Facing the Music.
Camden campus: Located in one of the most rapidly growing peri-urban areas in the country, Sydney's southwest. The Camden campus houses lecture theatres, research institutes, veterinary clinics and research farms for bioscience, environmental science, agriculture and veterinary science.
Sydney CBD Campus: The University of Sydney Business School CBD Campus is located on Castlereagh Street in the heart of Sydney's CBD close to Town Hall station. The CBD Campus is a convenient, central-Sydney location primarily for participants in the business school's two highly reputed programs - Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Management (MMGT). The CBD Campus has been purpose-designed by award-winning design studio Geyer to facilitate transformative management education.
The university also uses a number of other facilities for its teaching activities.
Sydney Medical School has eight clinical schools at its affiliated hospitals, responsible for clinical education at the hospitals.
One Tree Island is an island situated within the World Heritage Site Great Barrier Reef Marine Park about 20 km east-southeast of Heron Island and about 90 km east-northeast of Gladstone on the Queensland coast, and hosts a tropical marine research station of the School of Geosciences.
The IA Watson Grains Research Centre located at Narrabri in north-central New South Wales is a research station of the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment.
The Molonglo Observatory is located in the Australian Capital Territory.
Maningrida is a base camp for scientific expeditions in the Northern Territory.
Arthursleigh is an agricultural estate located near Goulburn. An art studio is located in Paris, France, while the Australian Archaeology Centre is located in Athens, Greece.
Taylors College at Waterloo in Sydney is operated by the university for its Foundation Program, catering to international students wishing to enter the university. |
it | | Luigi Galimberti (liutaio) | Galleria d'immagini | Luigi Galimberti (liutaio) / Galleria d'immagini | null | Italiano: fotografia di chitarra classica liutaio Luigi Galimberti. Sul retro reca scritta olografa "modello spagnolo da concerto". | null | image/jpeg | 4,072 | 2,758 | true | true | true | Luigi Galimberti è stato un liutaio italiano. | null |
fr | | Periodinane | Utilisation | Periodinane / Utilisation | null | English: Hypervalent Iodine CN bond Formation | hypervalent iodine(III)-catalyzed C–N bond forming reaction | image/png | 768 | 1,013 | true | true | true | Un periodinane ou periodane est un composé chimique contenant au moins un atome d'iode hypervalent, c'est-à-dire ayant plus de huit électrons dans sa couche de valence, ce qui contrevient à la règle de l'octet. | Les periodanes sont principalement utilisés comme oxydants, remplaçant ainsi des composés beaucoup plus toxiques à base de métaux lourds.
Ainsi, un iodane λ³ a longtemps été utilisé comme oxydant, en association avec l'acétate d'ammonium et une source en azote, pour produire à partir d'une solution aqueuse d'acétonitrile le 2-furonitrile, un intermédiaire pharmaceutique et potentiellement un édulcorant. Cette réacton se déroule à 80 °C et a un rendement de 90%.
Les recherches actuelles se concentrent sur leur utilisation dans les réactions de formation de liaisons carbone-carbone et carbone-hétéroatome. On peut citer une étude sur un couplage C-N intramoléculaire d'une alkoxyhydroxylamine avec son groupe anisole, accompli avec une quantité catalytique d'un iodure d'aryle dans le trifluoroéthanol :
Dans cette réaction, le periodane (intermédiaire A, en bleu) est formé par oxydation de l'iodométhylebenzène par le catalyseur sacrificiel mCPBA, qui, à son tour convertit le groupe hydroxylamine en ion nitrénium (B). Cet ion est l'électrophile d'un addition ipso sur le cycle aromatique, formant un lactame avec le groupe énone. |
pt | | Kohtla | null | Kohtla | null | English: Coat of arms of Kohtla. Suomi: Kohtlan vaakuna. Eesti: Kohtla vapp. | Brasão oficial de Kohtla | image/png | 250 | 213 | true | true | true | Kohtla é um município rural estoniano localizado na região de Ida-Virumaa. | Kohtla (em estoniano: Kohtla vald) é um município rural estoniano localizado na região de Ida-Virumaa. |
sr-Latn | | Katedrala u Canterburyju | Odlike | Katedrala u Canterburyju / Odlike | null | Canterbury Cathedral Trinity Chapel Crypt | null | image/jpeg | 3,008 | 2,000 | true | true | true | Katedrala u Canterburyju, službenog imena Katedrala i metropolitska Kristova crkva u Canterburyju, je katedrala u Canterburyju, Kent; najslavnija i jedna od najstarijih kršćanskih građevina u Engleskoj. Danas je prijestolnica nadbiskupa Canterburyja koji je vjerski lider Engleske crkve i smatra se središtem Anglikanske zajednice širom svijeta. God. 1988., upisana je na UNESCO-v popis mjesta svjetske baštine u Europi kao iznimno arhitektonsko djelo velike ljepote ukrašeno najvećom kolekcijom vitraja u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu. | Katedrala je trobrodna gotička crkva s dvobrodnim transeptom i glavnim brodom iz 1378. god. u perpindikularnom stilu (engleska oštra gotika), na temeljima starije romaničke građevine. Simbol engleske crkve je mozaik-rozeta u obliku kompasa na podu glavnog broda.
U središnjem tornju (1494.-1504.) iznad glavnog broda, nalazi se veliko zvono prozvano "Harry". U južnom tornju na zapadnom ulazu nalazi se 14 zvona, a sjeverni, tzv. "Veliki Dunstan" ima jedno zvono teško 3,1 tonu.
Istočni dio katedrale iz 12. st. je najsačuvaniji. U petobrodnoj apsidi, nazvanoj "kruna", nalazi se toranj-kapela (nekada mauzolej sv. Thomasa) u kojoj je jedini vitraj koji je preživio ikonoklazam anglikanske reforme i bombardiranje u Drugom svjetskom ratu.
Ispod se nalaze zapadna (riznica katedrale) i istočna (kapela sv. Trojstva u kojoj je nekada bila grobnica sv. Thomasa) normanska kripta |
Subsets and Splits