###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_42 (drawn INTEGER, first_game VARCHAR, played VARCHAR) ###human: What is the total number of drawn matches from first game years before 2006 and fewer than 2 matches played? ###assistant: SELECT SUM(drawn) FROM table_name_42 WHERE first_game < 2006 AND played < 2
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (lost INTEGER, drawn VARCHAR, played VARCHAR, first_game VARCHAR) ###human: What is the highest number of losses associated with 2 matches played, a first game after 1997, and more than 0 draws? ###assistant: SELECT MAX(lost) FROM table_name_37 WHERE played = 2 AND first_game > 1997 AND drawn > 0
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_53 (result VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) ###human: What is the Result of the Test match at the Edgbaston Venue on 5,6,7,8 June 1997? ###assistant: SELECT result FROM table_name_53 WHERE date = "5,6,7,8 june 1997"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_12 (date VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR) ###human: What is the Date of the Test match of Australia in England at The Oval Venue? ###assistant: SELECT date FROM table_name_12 WHERE venue = "the oval"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_56 (away_captain VARCHAR, result VARCHAR) ###human: Who was the Away captain for the Test match of Australia in England where the Result was AUS by 264 runs? ###assistant: SELECT away_captain FROM table_name_56 WHERE result = "aus by 264 runs"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (home_captain VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR) ###human: Who was the Home captain for the Test match of Australia in England at the Edgbaston Venue? ###assistant: SELECT home_captain FROM table_name_99 WHERE venue = "edgbaston"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_8 (role VARCHAR, notes VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ###human: what is the name of the role that has co-protagonist in the notes field and the years of 2008-2009? ###assistant: SELECT role FROM table_name_8 WHERE notes = "co-protagonist" AND year = "2008-2009"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_41 (role VARCHAR, title VARCHAR) ###human: What is the name of the role that has a Title of Olvidarte Jamas? ###assistant: SELECT role FROM table_name_41 WHERE title = "olvidarte jamas"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (production_company VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ###human: Which production company has the year of 2005 listed? ###assistant: SELECT production_company FROM table_name_45 WHERE year = "2005"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_26 (role VARCHAR, notes VARCHAR, title VARCHAR) ###human: What is the name of the role that has a Title of Salud, Dinero y Amor and antagonist in the notes field? ###assistant: SELECT role FROM table_name_26 WHERE notes = "antagonist" AND title = "salud, dinero y amor"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_19 (production_company VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ###human: What is the name of the production company that has a year of 2008-2009? ###assistant: SELECT production_company FROM table_name_19 WHERE year = "2008-2009"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (authority VARCHAR, area VARCHAR, name VARCHAR) ###human: What is the Authority for Kuranui Primary School that is located in the Area of Tirau? ###assistant: SELECT authority FROM table_name_82 WHERE area = "tirau" AND name = "kuranui primary school"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (name VARCHAR, decile INTEGER) ###human: Which Names have Deciles larger than 7? ###assistant: SELECT name FROM table_name_38 WHERE decile > 7
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (gender VARCHAR, roll VARCHAR) ###human: What Gender are the schools that have a Roll of 135? ###assistant: SELECT gender FROM table_name_62 WHERE roll = "135"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (name VARCHAR, authority VARCHAR, roll VARCHAR) ###human: What is the Name of a state Authority that has a Roll of 72? ###assistant: SELECT name FROM table_name_13 WHERE authority = "state" AND roll = "72"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (score VARCHAR, competition VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) ###human: Which friendly competition took place on 19 April 1979? ###assistant: SELECT score FROM table_name_37 WHERE competition = "friendly" AND date = "19 april 1979"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_83 (team_1 VARCHAR, team_2 VARCHAR) ###human: Which Team 1 faced Dynamos FC? ###assistant: SELECT team_1 FROM table_name_83 WHERE team_2 = "dynamos fc"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_81 (agg VARCHAR, team_1 VARCHAR) ###human: What is Team 1 Al-Hilal's Agg.? ###assistant: SELECT agg FROM table_name_81 WHERE team_1 = "al-hilal"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (record VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) ###human: Which record happened on the date of May 7? ###assistant: SELECT record FROM table_name_34 WHERE date = "may 7"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_53 (tournament VARCHAR, opponent_in_the_final VARCHAR) ###human: Which tournament had Lubomira Bacheva as the opponent in the final? ###assistant: SELECT tournament FROM table_name_53 WHERE opponent_in_the_final = "lubomira bacheva"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_46 (opponent_in_the_final VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) ###human: Who was the opponent in the final on 5 July 1992? ###assistant: SELECT opponent_in_the_final FROM table_name_46 WHERE date = "5 july 1992"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (date VARCHAR, opponent_in_the_final VARCHAR) ###human: What is the date of the tournament where Kyoko Nagatsuka was the opponent in the final? ###assistant: SELECT date FROM table_name_89 WHERE opponent_in_the_final = "kyoko nagatsuka"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (surface VARCHAR, tournament VARCHAR) ###human: What is the surface at the tournament of Vaihingen? ###assistant: SELECT surface FROM table_name_24 WHERE tournament = "vaihingen"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_59 (surface VARCHAR, opponent_in_the_final VARCHAR) ###human: What was the surface of the tournament where Anna Benzon was the opponent in the final? ###assistant: SELECT surface FROM table_name_59 WHERE opponent_in_the_final = "anna benzon"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_54 (position INTEGER, points VARCHAR, goals_ VARCHAR, __ VARCHAR) ###human: What is the average position of Eesti Põlevkivi Jõhvi when they had less than 13 points and worse than a -12 goal differential? ###assistant: SELECT AVG(position) FROM table_name_54 WHERE points < 13 AND goals_ + __ > -12
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (to_par VARCHAR, score VARCHAR) ###human: What is the to par for the player who had a score of 70-72-70-69=281? ###assistant: SELECT to_par FROM table_name_18 WHERE score = 70 - 72 - 70 - 69 = 281
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (year VARCHAR, qual VARCHAR) ###human: What year had the qual of totals ###assistant: SELECT year FROM table_name_88 WHERE qual = "totals"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_64 (qual VARCHAR, finish VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ###human: What qual had a finish of 16 in 1968? ###assistant: SELECT qual FROM table_name_64 WHERE finish = "16" AND year = "1968"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (finish VARCHAR, start VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR) ###human: What was the finish with the start of 25 and a lap larger than 46? ###assistant: SELECT finish FROM table_name_21 WHERE start = "25" AND laps > 46
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_99 (laps INTEGER, start VARCHAR) ###human: What was the lowest lap with the ranking of 19? ###assistant: SELECT MIN(laps) FROM table_name_99 WHERE start = "19"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (ovrs INTEGER, wkts VARCHAR) ###human: Name the least ovrs for wkts of 0 ###assistant: SELECT MIN(ovrs) FROM table_name_89 WHERE wkts = 0
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_2 (econ INTEGER, ovrs VARCHAR, runs VARCHAR) ###human: Name the average econ for runs more than 703 and ovrs more than 25.5 ###assistant: SELECT AVG(econ) FROM table_name_2 WHERE ovrs > 25.5 AND runs > 703
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (year INTEGER, position VARCHAR, class VARCHAR, stages_won VARCHAR) ###human: What is the average year that has a car that won 0 stages with a position of DNF? ###assistant: SELECT AVG(year) FROM table_name_68 WHERE class = "car" AND stages_won = "0" AND position = "dnf"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (class VARCHAR, stages_won VARCHAR, position VARCHAR) ###human: What is the class that that won 2 stages and has a position of DNF? ###assistant: SELECT class FROM table_name_20 WHERE stages_won = "2" AND position = "dnf"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_89 (position VARCHAR, vehicle VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ###human: What position did the BMW vehicle made in 2006 hold? ###assistant: SELECT position FROM table_name_89 WHERE vehicle = "bmw" AND year = 2006
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (builder VARCHAR, order_year VARCHAR, fuel_propulsion VARCHAR, model VARCHAR) ###human: Which builder has a Fuel Propulsion of diesel, a Model of d40lf, and an Order Year of 2005? ###assistant: SELECT builder FROM table_name_68 WHERE fuel_propulsion = "diesel" AND model = "d40lf" AND order_year = "2005"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_1 (model VARCHAR, fleet_series__quantity_ VARCHAR) ###human: Which model has a Fleet Series (Quantity) of 11081-11092 (12)? ###assistant: SELECT model FROM table_name_1 WHERE fleet_series__quantity_ = "11081-11092 (12)"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_73 (order_year VARCHAR, fleet_series__quantity_ VARCHAR) ###human: Which order year has a Fleet Series (Quantity) of 12081-12090 (10)? ###assistant: SELECT order_year FROM table_name_73 WHERE fleet_series__quantity_ = "12081-12090 (10)"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (fleet_series__quantity_ VARCHAR, builder VARCHAR, order_year VARCHAR) ###human: Which Fleet Series (Quantity) that has a Builder of mci, and an Order Year of 2002? ###assistant: SELECT fleet_series__quantity_ FROM table_name_23 WHERE builder = "mci" AND order_year = "2002"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_60 (fleet_series__quantity_ VARCHAR, order_year VARCHAR, model VARCHAR) ###human: Which Fleet Series (Quantity) has an Order Year of 2010, and a Model of de40lfr? ###assistant: SELECT fleet_series__quantity_ FROM table_name_60 WHERE order_year = "2010" AND model = "de40lfr"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_73 (fuel_propulsion VARCHAR, fleet_series__quantity_ VARCHAR) ###human: Which Fuel Propulsion has a Fleet Series (Quantity) of 04001-04125 (125)? ###assistant: SELECT fuel_propulsion FROM table_name_73 WHERE fleet_series__quantity_ = "04001-04125 (125)"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_65 (roll INTEGER, name VARCHAR) ###human: Name the sum of roll for morrinsville school ###assistant: SELECT SUM(roll) FROM table_name_65 WHERE name = "morrinsville school"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (authority VARCHAR, name VARCHAR) ###human: Name the authority for morrinsville college ###assistant: SELECT authority FROM table_name_88 WHERE name = "morrinsville college"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_67 (years VARCHAR, decile VARCHAR, name VARCHAR) ###human: Name the years when decile was less than 7 for waitoa school ###assistant: SELECT years FROM table_name_67 WHERE decile < 7 AND name = "waitoa school"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_31 (roll VARCHAR, decile VARCHAR, authority VARCHAR, name VARCHAR) ###human: Name the total number of roll for state authority and stanley avenue school with decile more than 5 ###assistant: SELECT COUNT(roll) FROM table_name_31 WHERE authority = "state" AND name = "stanley avenue school" AND decile > 5
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (grid VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR) ###human: What is the grid total associated with 18 laps? ###assistant: SELECT COUNT(grid) FROM table_name_35 WHERE laps = 18
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_14 (rider VARCHAR, grid VARCHAR, manufacturer VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR) ###human: What rider is on an aprilia that went under 18 laps with a grid total of 17? ###assistant: SELECT rider FROM table_name_14 WHERE manufacturer = "aprilia" AND laps < 18 AND grid = 17
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (manufacturer VARCHAR, rider VARCHAR) ###human: What is the Manufacturer for simone corsi? ###assistant: SELECT manufacturer FROM table_name_85 WHERE rider = "simone corsi"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (grid INTEGER, time_retired VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR) ###human: What is the grid total associated with a Time/Retired of +33.634, and a Laps smaller than 19? ###assistant: SELECT MIN(grid) FROM table_name_77 WHERE time_retired = "+33.634" AND laps < 19
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (power_rpm VARCHAR, torque__nm__rpm VARCHAR) ###human: Tell me the power when the torque is n·m (lb·ft)/*n·m (lb·ft) @1750 ###assistant: SELECT power_rpm FROM table_name_37 WHERE torque__nm__rpm = "n·m (lb·ft)/*n·m (lb·ft) @1750"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (capacity VARCHAR, model_engine VARCHAR) ###human: Name the capacity for the engine of 2.0 duratorq ###assistant: SELECT capacity FROM table_name_84 WHERE model_engine = "2.0 duratorq"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_90 (capacity VARCHAR, torque__nm__rpm VARCHAR) ###human: Name the capacity for the torque of n·m (lb·ft) @4150 ###assistant: SELECT capacity FROM table_name_90 WHERE torque__nm__rpm = "n·m (lb·ft) @4150"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_91 (power_rpm VARCHAR, model_engine VARCHAR) ###human: Name the power for 1.8 duratorq ###assistant: SELECT power_rpm FROM table_name_91 WHERE model_engine = "1.8 duratorq"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (power_rpm VARCHAR, torque__nm__rpm VARCHAR) ###human: Name the power for when the torque is n·m (lb·ft)/*n·m (lb·ft) @1750 ###assistant: SELECT power_rpm FROM table_name_62 WHERE torque__nm__rpm = "n·m (lb·ft)/*n·m (lb·ft) @1750"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (goals INTEGER, goal_ratio VARCHAR, debut_in_europe VARCHAR) ###human: What are the smallest goals with a Goal Ratio of 0.14, and a Debut in Europe smaller than 1995? ###assistant: SELECT MIN(goals) FROM table_name_20 WHERE goal_ratio = 0.14 AND debut_in_europe < 1995
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (goal_ratio INTEGER, debut_in_europe VARCHAR, goals VARCHAR, games VARCHAR) ###human: What's the average goal ratio with Goals larger than 1, Games larger than 161, and a Debut in Europe smaller than 1985? ###assistant: SELECT AVG(goal_ratio) FROM table_name_71 WHERE goals > 1 AND games > 161 AND debut_in_europe < 1985
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_51 (games INTEGER, goals VARCHAR, goal_ratio VARCHAR) ###human: What lowest games have 20 goals and a Goal Ratio smaller than 0.14? ###assistant: SELECT MIN(games) FROM table_name_51 WHERE goals = 20 AND goal_ratio < 0.14
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_73 (goal_ratio INTEGER, goals INTEGER) ###human: What is the largest goal ratio with Goals smaller than 0? ###assistant: SELECT MAX(goal_ratio) FROM table_name_73 WHERE goals < 0
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_87 (games INTEGER, goal_ratio VARCHAR, goals VARCHAR) ###human: What lowest games have a Goal Ratio of 0, and Goals smaller than 0? ###assistant: SELECT MIN(games) FROM table_name_87 WHERE goal_ratio = 0 AND goals < 0
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_77 (debut_in_europe VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR, goals VARCHAR, games VARCHAR) ###human: How many debuts in Europe have less than 76 goals, more than 151 games, and a rank greater than 5? ###assistant: SELECT COUNT(debut_in_europe) FROM table_name_77 WHERE goals < 76 AND games > 151 AND rank > 5
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_18 (points INTEGER, chassis VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ###human: What is the average points of the Ferrari 1512 Chassis after 1965? ###assistant: SELECT AVG(points) FROM table_name_18 WHERE chassis = "ferrari 1512" AND year > 1965
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (chassis VARCHAR, engine VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, team VARCHAR) ###human: What is the Chassis of the Cooper Car Company after 1965 when the engine was a Maserati v12? ###assistant: SELECT chassis FROM table_name_33 WHERE year > 1965 AND team = "cooper car company" AND engine = "maserati v12"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_9 (location VARCHAR, round VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR) ###human: Which location had a round of 3, and an Opponent of matt horwich? ###assistant: SELECT location FROM table_name_9 WHERE round < 3 AND opponent = "matt horwich"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (time VARCHAR, event VARCHAR) ###human: What was the time of sportfight 10? ###assistant: SELECT time FROM table_name_45 WHERE event = "sportfight 10"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (opponent VARCHAR, time VARCHAR) ###human: Which opponent had a time of 0:29? ###assistant: SELECT opponent FROM table_name_71 WHERE time = "0:29"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_10 (number VARCHAR, name VARCHAR, builder VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) ###human: What number has the builder ruston hornsby, the date 1961, and the name Topsy? ###assistant: SELECT COUNT(number) FROM table_name_10 WHERE builder = "ruston hornsby" AND date = 1961 AND name = "topsy"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_62 (number VARCHAR, builder VARCHAR, works_number VARCHAR) ###human: What is the number with the builder hunslet and a works number greater than 822? ###assistant: SELECT COUNT(number) FROM table_name_62 WHERE builder = "hunslet" AND works_number > 822
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) ###human: What was the score of the March 14 game? ###assistant: SELECT score FROM table_name_95 WHERE date = "march 14"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (score VARCHAR, visitor VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) ###human: What was the score for the December 11 game against the Ottawa Senators? ###assistant: SELECT score FROM table_name_52 WHERE visitor = "ottawa senators" AND date = "december 11"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_40 (project VARCHAR, length_overall_in_meters__without_bowsprit_ VARCHAR, name VARCHAR) ###human: Name the project with length overall being 25 and name of levante ###assistant: SELECT project FROM table_name_40 WHERE length_overall_in_meters__without_bowsprit_ = 25 AND name = "levante"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (hull_no INTEGER, destination VARCHAR) ###human: Name the sum of Hull number with portugal destination ###assistant: SELECT SUM(hull_no) FROM table_name_84 WHERE destination = "portugal"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (hull_no INTEGER, destination VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ###human: Name the sum of hull number for italy and year more than 1999 ###assistant: SELECT SUM(hull_no) FROM table_name_37 WHERE destination = "italy" AND year > 1999
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_91 (result_s_ VARCHAR, format_s_ VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ###human: Give me the result for a format saying album with 1994 as the year. ###assistant: SELECT result_s_ FROM table_name_91 WHERE format_s_ = "album" AND year = 1994
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_17 (award_description_s_ VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ###human: List the Award Descriptions for the year of 1989. ###assistant: SELECT award_description_s_ FROM table_name_17 WHERE year = 1989
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_66 (score VARCHAR, date VARCHAR) ###human: What was the score of the game played on August 5? ###assistant: SELECT score FROM table_name_66 WHERE date = "august 5"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_25 (date VARCHAR, record VARCHAR) ###human: On what date was the Blue Jays record 60-56? ###assistant: SELECT date FROM table_name_25 WHERE record = "60-56"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (name VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR, district VARCHAR) ###human: Tell me the name for first elected more than 1988 and district of mason ###assistant: SELECT name FROM table_name_4 WHERE first_elected > 1988 AND district = "mason"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_88 (party VARCHAR, name VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR, position VARCHAR) ###human: Name the party with first elected more than 1999 and position of supervisor for john foust ###assistant: SELECT party FROM table_name_88 WHERE first_elected > 1999 AND position = "supervisor" AND name = "john foust"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (first_elected VARCHAR, district VARCHAR) ###human: Name the total number of first elected for dranesville ###assistant: SELECT COUNT(first_elected) FROM table_name_20 WHERE district = "dranesville"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (year VARCHAR, venue VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR) ###human: What year was the venue at Sydney Cricket Ground, and the opponent was Parramatta Eels? ###assistant: SELECT COUNT(year) FROM table_name_71 WHERE venue = "sydney cricket ground" AND opponent = "parramatta eels"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (competition VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ###human: What was the competition in 1978? ###assistant: SELECT competition FROM table_name_71 WHERE year = 1978
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_24 (year INTEGER, attendance VARCHAR) ###human: What year was the average attendance 80,388? ###assistant: SELECT AVG(year) FROM table_name_24 WHERE attendance = "80,388"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_67 (score VARCHAR, opponent VARCHAR) ###human: What was the score with the opponent being New Zealand Warriors? ###assistant: SELECT score FROM table_name_67 WHERE opponent = "new zealand warriors"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (election VARCHAR) ###human: Which 1st Party has an election in 1847? ###assistant: SELECT 1 AS st_party FROM table_name_28 WHERE election = "1847"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_92 (election VARCHAR) ###human: Which 1st Party has an election in 1865? ###assistant: SELECT 1 AS st_party FROM table_name_92 WHERE election = "1865"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_29 (total_points INTEGER, rider VARCHAR, bonus_pts VARCHAR) ###human: What was the average number of points with bonus pts less than 31 with the rider dennis gavros? ###assistant: SELECT AVG(total_points) FROM table_name_29 WHERE rider = "dennis gavros" AND bonus_pts < 31
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_35 (matches VARCHAR, rider VARCHAR, total_points VARCHAR) ###human: How many total matches involving dennis gavros had total points less than 167? ###assistant: SELECT COUNT(matches) FROM table_name_35 WHERE rider = "dennis gavros" AND total_points < 167
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_36 (matches INTEGER, bonus_pts VARCHAR, total_points VARCHAR) ###human: What is the smallest number of matches with Bonus Pts of 19 and Total Points greater than 421? ###assistant: SELECT MIN(matches) FROM table_name_36 WHERE bonus_pts = 19 AND total_points > 421
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (category VARCHAR, date VARCHAR, rider_2 VARCHAR) ###human: Which category earlier than 2006 has Bart Brentjens as rider 2? ###assistant: SELECT category FROM table_name_33 WHERE date < 2006 AND rider_2 = "bart brentjens"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_37 (date VARCHAR, category VARCHAR, team VARCHAR) ###human: How many dates does the ladies category correspond to Rothaus-Cube? ###assistant: SELECT COUNT(date) FROM table_name_37 WHERE category = "ladies" AND team = "rothaus-cube"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_28 (category VARCHAR, team VARCHAR) ###human: Which category has a team of Cannondale Vredestein? ###assistant: SELECT category FROM table_name_28 WHERE team = "cannondale vredestein"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_9 (qual VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR) ###human: What is the qual with a rank 9? ###assistant: SELECT qual FROM table_name_9 WHERE rank = "9"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_17 (finish VARCHAR, year VARCHAR) ###human: What is the finish in 1956? ###assistant: SELECT finish FROM table_name_17 WHERE year = "1956"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_91 (finish VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR, start VARCHAR) ###human: What is the finish with 200 laps and a start of 3? ###assistant: SELECT finish FROM table_name_91 WHERE laps = 200 AND start = "3"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_86 (qual VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR, rank VARCHAR) ###human: What is the qual with 200 laps and a rank of 27? ###assistant: SELECT qual FROM table_name_86 WHERE laps = 200 AND rank = "27"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_13 (rank VARCHAR, finish VARCHAR) ###human: What is the rank with a 14 finish? ###assistant: SELECT rank FROM table_name_13 WHERE finish = "14"
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_72 (cuts_made INTEGER, tournament VARCHAR, top_25 VARCHAR) ###human: What is the lowest cuts made of the Masters tournament, which had a top-25 less than 0? ###assistant: SELECT MIN(cuts_made) FROM table_name_72 WHERE tournament = "masters tournament" AND top_25 < 0
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_82 (wins INTEGER, events VARCHAR, cuts_made VARCHAR, top_25 VARCHAR) ###human: What is the highest number of wins a tournament with 1 cuts made, a top-25 less than 1, and less than 2 events has? ###assistant: SELECT MAX(wins) FROM table_name_82 WHERE cuts_made = 1 AND top_25 < 1 AND events < 2
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (events INTEGER, tournament VARCHAR, top_25 VARCHAR) ###human: What is the average number of events the Masters tournament, which has more than 0 top-25, has? ###assistant: SELECT AVG(events) FROM table_name_84 WHERE tournament = "masters tournament" AND top_25 > 0
###context:CREATE TABLE table_name_93 (top_25 VARCHAR, events INTEGER) ###human: What is the total number of top-25 a tournament with less than 2 events has? ###assistant: SELECT COUNT(top_25) FROM table_name_93 WHERE events < 2