stringlengths 1
| label
stringlengths 4
| dataType
stringclasses 2
values | communityName
stringlengths 4
| datetime
stringlengths 10
| username_encoded
stringlengths 136
| url_encoded
stringlengths 188
This book is soooooo nice to use and I love to use it in our campaigns. Props to Pathfinder for putting out such a great book.
Check it out [here](http://paizo.com/store/downloads/pathfinder/pathfinderRPG/v5748btpy8auu&source=top). | r/pathfinderrpg | post | r/PathfinderRPG | 2010-01-18 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5dXdsUW9GUG03MHdnRUpJN2hfUnVEZzQ0aTVqUnpnbWdvbW5NWUJ5ejAzRzkyQTJ2WkctSnNDNGs0X1JWd0JZX1l0am5PV1RPVk50LXhrMUpOUGJlOVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyU1FiUnIxaVZkOTJSR2c2YWlaOHFKVWdOaDVjQ3ZPTzBCTURILU5DbjhlNE5mNDl6YTFZcDZFcTNUSGFPb3ViQTd2Qlk2dmFvNmpzOTdqSFZDd3ZzSUU0VFBhbnFxSURGVlZ6ZlVJeXVTLXRoRGJ1NG5lRW5OUnB4OHZ0SU51TDNKYi1FX2FIMTFxWm1lU2dtODJsZkoyXzdDYl81bEM5V0QtV2VURHFMOVRjb2lEOWZxaHBscWdVQ0MxdVJxcUZqZm85UVhyN2JCV3dmNWJlVFNYRTRkUT09 |
because everyone needs to be a moderator of somewhere. | r/harrogate | post | r/harrogate | 2010-04-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5cndqTllPc1FDZENTZlpYYldRVTZtR3hlSmhVYko4MG1hOTh4N0p6aUFRZmJjTjMyckFJMHhCZ3Y3dFVZMG5tdWhuVkZlRVZkb0pFR0Y4SUVMdGtjZU5iWkkwUWdkQXdEdHhVWng5a3ZfMmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyelMzeURYRVZMd2hFRUlnUk9PZ0FYRVZqalpJNnZsbmFPTXMzRU9hazA4TUFfLTR3aHdNUWJJNHQ2V1puLVdnUHVvOXMyWFRVeENLajFyNWFfTEJpVFdCV0ZNVVZOMEVBLVZaN01acVEybU96T3FMWG53ZXR4SXBRdW5PWWVET29lZzFnWnRjSXRoTUxheDdlSjhyNnZadC1qRXE4bkRXQW13azM2bzd4QmJLRnVxd0J2TFhjNllDZmQ4WHBHSWhmWjY1ekdWWm9DdmQ5aDVFY3JuT2VBdz09 |
Depending on how much intrest this gains, i'll set up a TA site so we can all get together and play. If anyone wants to help with that, it'd be good. Something i've never done before. | r/totalannihilation | post | r/TotalAnnihilation | 2010-08-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5MDBKOW5zamVPcFY2RkZUaDJHRUhicndocXA5ajBUajVyeUlKWnFDZDQ4Z29nd0xwMkhlbTdGMlVuWlRUSUo1Mmh3WExNUWhPd3dGbFVCWEdtXzVFQ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyZk5BeVg2cmc5cWwyZHl0ZWVMX25SaGlIUXNxS19EUV9wdWV4SzI3SGhDVXkxcU5rSkk3M2F2WVlzNlVFWHJTX1ZPTWNLYUJjQlBUcGxVWkJvQ0ZWM18xY200cTdoT0tfanFpbEk2YUNTNFJpNUc4RFhHT2NpNFJNQWpOWFdXeWZGQVJZWHd0cWIxSnpWcTlXZWhySmVZWWRyZ2dzdkVoa1ZJMmROQkY5UVIwUGtENXNxN2czZVNhV0FoRmpsRkE2d2dENXB4NTAyZjE2bURCTG9lR196UT09 |
Please post your suggested order for watching Stargate (SG-1, Atlantis, SGU, movies) here. Upvote good suggestions!
A link to this thread will be put in the sidebar, and hopefully we will get less people asking us this! | r/stargate | post | r/Stargate | 2010-10-01 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5S255SXVJN21rVjZ2eG8td21ob2lyYkJ4OG5JT2tDNXoxdHQzLWRXVjdEUURzeGRRYzBDZ0ItMWY3Yk9JNGZDRDhXZWdUeDBWNV9uWU1lQnI2SEtPV0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyeDdrb3RCX1JoT0Z6a3RzMEo1ZUx5dkdDZ1pfdmJsSkF5OGd5ZzhuQXlyY1BFQ0VjZEFlWXBSWkdpbHltZ0J0Z1dWNmNRSUpib1pOWFRzRHBvY1F4RVlwRU03VTgxcUdaTWd2YmhfaW1yWXNjdVJzMmpqUGxSX1JnSW5aa1ljRU0yUmdYVUxUTGVLTlMyeHlSWUZ6OS1OdkdCcnF0X29rUkJKNWFxb2dDRFZBd3N3WWV2MjRxekx1eS1tazQxMGZI |
I recently accepted a generous offer from a friend to travel on a buddy pass. It turned out to be a bit of a nightmare but you can learn from my experience.
If you do travelon one know the following;
* 1- you will in all likelihood get bumped off your flights not matter how open they look.
* 2- be prepared with back up plans of where to stay and money to eat.
* 3- many airlines employees are unsympathetic
* 4- if you do get on you may get upgraded
* 5- pack clothes in case your bag remains checked for a few days
* 6- try not to plan a trip to places with only one flight out a day
* 7- pack light
* 8- wear nice clothes so they are less likely to bump you and more likely to upgrade you
* 9- the savings are good but maybe not worth the trouble
* 10- don't have a schedule
* 11- know alternative routing possibilities
* 12- you will get bumped!!!
These are my lessons. I hope they help you.
* 13 Never Argue! You will get nowhere, quite literrally | r/travel | post | r/travel | 2011-02-24 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5cko2aDgzMll1NWMtRkM4V0ZCNGtaT2duU3lReVJ0YkFpR0YtTXpmMWw0RmNVRkNkeG9JY2g0eEVDdEJnWFExNWxSQUQtT3EtZzBxS0JsNFlZQTBDY0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyaVY3bWUxUHhEa0VNUWc0MGY5RkJLckliaDZNRlJuX3FENGxGR0pka0x6bmpaUDVCSlUyTkUzX0FPNzl0NkpMS3NlVjJvTWpLd2hRLWh2cEh2VVVkV2lnOXZycGZ3SEptemgzU0Q4b0wxendidjNRY0ZOWjNiOUFXVUJoY2xwbVJjQXBRTzhlT1dFMWQ0NVFCVHRsWERpTFBWVVh3UW9HMnB3a0JoQy1xUGRJPQ== |
What turned out to be the easiest win ever, Democrats and others alike across the nation are celebrating the large victory for Obama, not that it surprised anyone. What many experts thought would happen, did. Republicans are now regretting that they let Palin get the nomination, who won it barely against 2 other Republicans. Many still blame McCain for thrusting her into the national spotlight. Unfortunately for the Democrats, they were still unable to grasp control of the House away from the Republicans. Though they didn't gain or lose in the Senate, they may have a chance to gain an extra seat as words spread that McCain is contemplating retirement. | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-03-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5UDlDeFc5d05oSndPTzcxZmxCYmx0RzE1ek93TmQ5RjUwcjh4NUtWT0VfYjZJcjI4cGV5T0UyMzV5U0pqU19MdTVCdGVuZlRvWTNCcGhGbF92Y1FzT3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyU1pwbFBCRXpVLVJvd25tcVRfclVtUWF2OVdYRkRQa2x1eDh4UWpQVU00TUk0UmdSanUzRjRZRUtrMnFlNlZkbkNPTjVEd2M1VUpPTlBZTElsNmNZVFFHNDlCdjI5Y2NkVF9UaXd1ckZqeE9adEM0UkVvbnlPc0hnWmNMeU1ZdkJaWlFodWRZb1lwem9WUnZLVXN6UnVWV3pQcDI3ZThzcDdBMWQ3b2FKbmNGVkNuY2hCaW5iSUl4TTFOd2FKSWFGQ0JkekF6SGE1TG9jd3FpMTJuc3RvZz09 |
I realise i'm currently the only person in this subreddit, but my hope is more people will discover it and join. Even if you're reading this 2 years after I posted it, I will stick read it!
Personally, I was born in Shrewsbury in 89 and currently live in Telford, though as i'm sure anyone from Telford will understand i'm doing my best to get out of here. So, what about you, what's your Salopian story? | r/shropshire | post | r/Shropshire | 2011-03-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5eTY0VWJlalU3VnZBaXc5WGI4RVB6elZOdzAwN0ZNWHdOV2pwRENlc01NdnpsdlVvY1NxY1FoQU0yaXF0b0FqdXJaQ0M2S0libGl5RzVmU3pUcy1PZ3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyOFZlT3M1UW1FT2tTNzJXY3dYTlF4UHVDRDNYWEY0QTVyVF9YRjIzNndBaUxBRm1XcFBMeVFsZ2NCLUJBMkFKY0xVQ1dUVVBvRkxoRGZIOHFZcE01MUZ3b0ZzYlMtZzRYd055TGd3ZDdJVENpaDlwWWRhb0NZYzhvLXVTNDVCbFVUb1Etc083Qk93UDE4SjBLeXFCS21VZkdsVVctYmlPb0FtUGd0Rm1IdnpobngxRHp6Q0NCNFVoM28ySld3bWxW |
I plan on being there for a couple weeks. Is there anything I should bring with me?
Any good sites to visit?
I plan on staying at a bed and breakfast overlooking the Sea of Tranquility. | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-03-29 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5d2o0WE50UkliTGp4bVRLWmZtUDdFNDQ1cXoxUVRoZEF6SFRpeTBQbkhhSzRoLVY1SlFmVm9ua1I2OFJwcUVSblIyQUR3M2ZEV2dMR1BNTV9zWENhSlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyZnZUdU9aR3R4NkVhMGhQM2d4N25ienYxbnhjM0J2czFOU2tiN2JoYy01cUljRThjX3BCNkdUZTU2MnVWVjUtRTZkUi1wYTJwcXRkLW84ZjByYVFjaGpubFZkTEEwclFWY3Z5akI5NE1kbjBDRlBPa1NqVXFrZENhWmZDQVdhcWo5Z2puRjhKLVA4RzN0Q096cFNLakRRNUpOSkRMcEo3VnN6YTkwckt2WEVjVFM3bEFuaE5CNkItcG1uNVN1RGVzWlBEVy1uUXZYM1JDSVJiQkVVcDZ4Zz09 |
I dm'd the first three books of Curse of the Crimson Throne, and I found it to be pretty good, but not outstanding. I found the harrow deck to be more trouble than it's worth, and it seems like some of the maps had no information for some of the important rooms (although I don't remember which, exactly). Most of the speeches you're supposed to read were pretty hilarious, so I just began paraphrasing them instead so it sounded less retarded. All in all, I liked it. It had some interesting dungeons and plot hooks.. I think the very first dungeon was probably the most memorable, although some others had cool descriptions later on. Some of the NPCs were pretty interesting as well.
Right now, my friend is DM'ing Kingmaker for us, and I'm totally digging it. I love the whole random exploration thing they have going on. Also, it seems like a lot of the encounters can be handled in any number of ways, and the book accounts for just about every reasonable possibility, or at least, he makes it look like it does. We're almost to the end of the second book in that one. | r/pathfinderrpg | post | r/PathfinderRPG | 2011-03-31 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5bzRZZG8wVGYxbEl2VmVqLXZvQ1l1S2tqNGlsTGJxVDFreTF1V1NZbWlETkJCQzZ4QWJaYU5fdnBuNFd2cnNpLWJxcVIySUFobmx6RF80aW5DUFJfTWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyalVETmMzRERjVUI0aDhRSHVqQVhNV0NlZ1FHbjJZVXNkaTU1V0ExY2xkdzhJZGhPeXVhSGRHb0R0ZHRWMVV2T2pnaHNPNW9HQjF1a2dVYWtYczRxUUtsblVoYmt6UVVkb05XNGI2SUhBZk9PRkdrX0NCMDFSdGNsQk1MQWtOVDU3UDFTNFhwTm9UdEUxX0lzZUVIZDJUb2Jqd1ljZHJRRWFpcjRZYlA2ejNIQUoxMzZGNWpORlpxcXRDR0Q0ZzNBVm91SmNEZGxyQThZUFF5dGk2aDV2Zz09 |
So heres some details: There are no details, so yeah we kinda need to work together on this meet up, me and my friend were thinking of heading to revoloution tonight if anyones interested? we'll be there for 9 and you can find us by going to the bar, asking them to turn the music down, and shouting the callsign "Tinkyiwinky was the gayest Telitubbie" or alternatively heres a picuture of [me](http://i.imgur.com/ffG2W.jpg) (My classic cheeky grin the women love) and [my friend](http://i.imgur.com/oGS5n.jpg) (sorry this was the only available picture of my friend which was taken on his birthday - he also found out he was going to be a godparent, good for him!) So get back to me please, I'm hoping that this will be a massive turnout which shouldnt be hard considering we have 5 members! It should be fun! | r/harrogate | post | r/harrogate | 2011-04-13 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5ZkI1MWdmM1NUbW5Vbl8zRnh6bDhyQ3kzSW90TFZTazg1LVhhdGdKZTZQN055SmVLYUVMR3FVeGl0aWNkdW5oWVlUVVJSYms3UUU5MVEtYWxtV2xLUXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIybThyZmJYWWx3SHIxVFE5bU4xMFNxbTgwUlU2YnV3YkJXM05BMmdPLU5lVGYxX0ZPUV9FVmUyLTlsUFFFY1VCcnVWZW45amRmbUtqRmtlWHZaZDlQN25ET3F1Ull3ZGIwVmdBMDlDZnZjaWp5OVN3S25XTHA4UGJKWWJLMTNCWVhpVkM5ZDdoUGxTalRhUjh2UHZWQkp3VTJFdTFHaVNuX3BJbTZpZHR1bkJwaXg3ZnpxRHB6QzBrc05TR0VYVVZR |
I'm getting pretty hungry. I hope the next batch of those ineffectual aristocratic teenagers are plump and juicy. | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-04-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5RExBeV9HY0RxcnF2V2Z3NHpicDVMVFJlbkxnY21WeC1lbHdUazFyNlVqWm1KYlZTUFJRd1Byc3AzN2NORjFzazdFRkxaZTU5dWoxNXg1M0dLRzBKUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyZjlfZmROUDlmMGFvR2xDbFBaV0ZxSEN3emNjZGNHZjdNNHVoZDZUT2RuZ0k1YkJFT0RwaUdEeGJZdThoVkF0M1FpT0RqZUVGZGQyRzBCT3VwOGpFcThhUGVNSkNtVmRaVFlSM2I2dW1IT1ZGRWNhSGppNG10YUIwUGwwdzZtbjVnQjJwM1RRVjNwelQxWnB6aGVyZFhtdVR0VWNUX2M0c1dzcDRITjB5T3RpZk1WRUxKM3hTQzJuTjdaRXVXS1QzTE9mZm5ObG82UUF2UWtIc2EzSHE5Zz09 |
What will you do about that, Sean Hannity Jr. Jr., what will you do? Will you let our space corps down too? | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-04-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5bXh2N3Q4OG9nY0RLVWtYSzgtdGxDUXVoUEoxMUVvMXk2eG5vOWdNaUFPZ1BRVXVHREZ4SVI5RjlWVnh6bXMtc1l5UmJmRnlTNkh5WUtTUG80Nlk5RVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyVVdneU10LVNYUmJxSDJEQWlub1VVa21BSVJLZDhad0VMSHhGQ2ZIbGFsb253WVpzQXhqM0xOVkZyZjRzQ0Z6dTFCOFJyenEwWXdBeGhiYW9YNTVQLWl4RmZVd21ZZHZHekREZGpzVzNHSi1sMUJQNk94ZjFiX1hyLVNQZ3d6cjZ1UnBQUVBJLWRVNGNrR2xUZHBzQ2kwLVMyZnFlNHdyd2d6VDBLeks1MWU2czdla1VrUUFwdnUzcXBsRHA5aHJmYWduUkkxX3FmMU9lek9HUnZLZFZMUT09 |
It seems like the front page of the star every day is about school cuts and leaking roofs. Someone must have a story about something interesting/exciting that happened in Shropshire? | r/shropshire | post | r/Shropshire | 2011-04-28 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5OHA0WksxckQ0WjV5UVNPNVZ4eWl6dzlJemJPNmF4REtjRERhYXRoaFZJb3BMbTh4RTNQaDVtM2ZaM1RyRnBVb09jdnRWejFJNGxFa1FaLWEtZjRUYnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyMXNlRmpBX0hIT2pGejVpeS1kVjNLVG1kOENRY1ljX01Tb2hiVGs2UnhWcjc3UFBoWWFPT0t0d09GQzItakpOLUdOenRIWDVfeTFoaW8wSkhfaHlfYldibGJyVFBJQkVQUFlyRFo4OWJSdGFVMXgyLTZUMVh1UVMxaHh6LV9qLVU5NFQ5U2R5dTRBSktTVUdDUFhHYm9PS2dkc0g5aHREVDl3TGRMcS1HY2psUXFlSWJ1M0pBdmlqWkRMeTJPU2x6bHN2alVPVWh0cHFQZldfQmtaWnZxdz09 |
Hello everybody,
We need a snazzy logo that encompasses the ideal of this subreddit.
I'd like a snazzy neat looking one. My graphical design work is decent if this subreddit was RedditToThe1990's but it being RedditToTheFuture, we need a neat looking, cool design that hopefully someone here can draw up.
I'd like it to come from this subreddit to be voted on in this subreddit.
Reward for this contest would include at least a credit link on our sidebar. Other rewards are up to discussion. | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-05-04 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5MTB4WkJGRE5NZ0NVU0gtU0VsN1A1RWxZUHVwdTNaT3RyeUdQcG1KQWxjc293ZnBWeGdkeUpXa1paNTdlS1djcUhIcElHVUw5Yk4xQXg0c1o5eWRpWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyVnVtNlFzaU54YVZ4S1l3d1RkUHRvU2NVZHJPdzZCbGxSRUZ2RWVfUkp0dTNzRnBSSC1lVFpOMjNJaV9nZ1hkTm11U1gzalk0QVkySnNoM3RmZHhHUUJBSTRYX1E5eXdJM2k4MFUyVFplVG5USFhPQjFfY1Q1M2dEY1FueXVaS3ZNRzRVaUlyNTJXNG1Ib3pLYkdXNjZteU5JeDB2MWdhenFjTmpqTmIxZTllbWt0a1Vqcm0xek1qNUtXbU4xcDBJTy03d1FBdVVnLVJzdjdCanJTVEEyZz09 |
Just back from a 3 day hike/walk with the other half.
Fuckin creepy it was.
All those machines and not a sound,
the knowledge that civilisation is over 50km away and the
acres upon acres of Energy Fields - not a place I will soon visit again in the future.
It gets so dark out there aswell (yes, the stars are as magnificent as described)
- I couldnt take it for more than 5 minutes though, had to pull out the old emergency
illumination spheres (much to my own disgust, I might add).
So. Anyone else been out to the Farms? What you think?
Edit: Forgot to add - It was the Mississippi Basin Municipality Consumables and Energy Farm North District I visited.
| r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-05-05 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5UTM5VGdKeXJrRjNCdzA1Y2JaMjJJNEFGRmV1YVNUZ3JnQzZwU0ZqNFd4ZXBkcHhTVjhnaGdFLVFHaFNsa0FVUVhhd2poM09WNl96cHlhLXJaWFc5X1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIySGR6RlJqRWpvOFNVVHpfcTZIYUtsbS01WG05a0dHWFRiX21yQlRrMEVnMGdkOUQtMlVQT21wZXRneDNhanFrekF3T0wtNEZHTGtlUGg3SVJWT3VtQWpnMUYwZ09fY2xwMTFPblFCU0JrVFVhQmVVeks4RUVtd2s2eVg1ZHcxY3VuMzc0WElQTEdhQ1JMUlU2Z0pHcFhWeHNwUjlPWG81VWhzUTZsRjhMcnNRQ1o2V1lLaERlX2tWZGh3UkpSc19aYTdjenA3SDJ5ZUpPVWRBdmRMWUVSdz09 |
*Starting May 2011
I'll take the Top 5 posts with the highest overall score(Upvotes - Downvotes) and then run them through the following formula.
Total Upvotes(no downvotes) + (Comments * 1.5)
Highest post gets the title.
*In case of tie, Moderator will pick the winner
Edit: Changed a multiplier into addition. | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-05-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5OXlzSVVQbVh4MTJKUE9kSmhTVkRiR1ZIRDJDT3VBakR0QVZfX3A1V1FtTHVTMWVCSE5WUUw5bkxMRXJ1X3ZkaU9aaTJWQjJ4WnlKNmFXY0tYcnhtMlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyRFoyX1Z3c0FXQXdBdnQ0OTdabTZVX3dEU2UwbDNCN1pIa29yTVphZ252ZGkzVWM4Tl9RSEJlWm01UW05Q1BXWkVJTHA0UkVmUW9EcEY1eWZ4dHB6bGd2VmJyaWM3b1hnN0lCcVR4dmVqZXhLSVQ0NnQzOUdha3V1VHRGelo2RDF4SFJxZDYxeW13aFhkTERRZWdHenhET3lRdDBRaUhTbDVyNU1MZ2YwTi1PcllhUkdXNTJvamZWeFgzbC1FMGNn |
When I have dry hands and try to flip through smooth pages of a book, or if I move my fingers along some dry/smooth surface I cringe and it sends chills through my whole body like someone just scratched a chalkboard. I looked on the internet and found a few places that people have a similar problem, just wondering if anyone on here has this "disorder." | r/doesanybodyelse | post | r/DoesAnybodyElse | 2011-05-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5N3JMMkRIbnJPZnlZbURDY29SMkthbUE1LTRFOXNFUVhjWlMwSFBsTklHZm9XUVpyMHEwQVpPenhsOFlhVEs0bGlyLWF0Um5nR0hrYk9FVzM5Zlh4S1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyak55cHNhOEt0MDFOWWhXZzNNZ0pYbmtDOGI3cjh2aDlKSTI1eGVpaVdoaVktN3FaNmZMSmNNeDN0b3JrSWkyejJ6eGI4TDQ1N1dvX3VCSlRLblE3VW5ZdnpEeHBpbE9QUGRiR0dpUWlzZ1QtWmJqTGFyWjVjRm5wZ0dXYmZ5cG9RNXZVamNiTWFBMjJuWnlmeER4YTgtWW9hV1hfcndOeHA0VmJoZHloT2R1S1dxTU93eFpkd2Jiem1IOHBrR05NTTNUYUJGTlVOd1hGNy1tU1AwWmwyQT09 |
Love Total Annihilation. | r/totalannihilation | post | r/TotalAnnihilation | 2011-05-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5Qks4c244bXg1Y1BDeklaX0x6X0tCR0poNDNIRlJIQUMxU1ZHUnNRV2RmSENZNzlxWGhHME1pbUpndDRFSGNTaE5CeDViWUxMNmJ0ZTBaLUw5YVRKV3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyejRZX1FQNmtRYzNHLTdERWtuc3ROZy1FZnlmcGJNUm95Vzg4SXNQd2NqdzM0MFN2RXgwOEI0Rl9OVk9hTjBuVllueHIwaDdOb3NjNHZyUGtqajNzV2V2aFpZekRsQ1V4OVltRkpfNXRTZGQxVGdrZEM3cEpiRTE3WmV0dlltVEtnNDlDamZWaW9Eak9xNUVJemUzMjdFTWc0WmhpYlNVaExLeG15VlFRazhtd2pvRlA0czhIdjgwQmg4TkYwdmRh |
I've got a player in my group for a game that I'm running and he's playing a summoner that he's tweaked to be hella powerful. He bought an 18 strength, enlarges his eidolon, rides it and charges with a lance. That means double damage from the lance then 3 attacks from the eidolon. Is anyone else having these types of problems? | r/pathfinderrpg | post | r/PathfinderRPG | 2011-05-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5LW9iSWZkWTcyellxLTIwQktvaDVEdEljMGZGVVdEQ3V2N3lsN0g5aWpRT0JwX3F1Vzltazh3U2U5NlExMlFfUUlpWmp1WUFweVlxdElkT3lVMHZNUUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyeXQ2VUpvTW9SeEJGbGJic2M1MmRLeG1TMmNqOUFBai1Sci14SUo2MkR5ZUY2U0ZxaGRRbDFHX1FjdU5fQzdiN3Jmd2VzbUZFTGcwNlRIb203YllzMzdqVlNuNXcxR0xkb2ZsTUdKNVU2Q0FTODJ1ZWgtWnloOEJWQVlUMXNOX1lZaHNVQ0tjTGNXYXlpYVpoUi1pMTd2OXN0TG1LMURPMTRLa3FVOGFCa3RhMGlRMEJKM2tiS2ttWUE1X0NUQ1hwRTZHdjQ2QnI3aUJiVC1KeHpubi1UZz09 |
So I have the pdf version of "Burnt Offerings," the first installment of the Rise of the Runelords path (since the hard copy sells for just under a freakin grand on amazon) and I noticed something. In the Sandpoint devil stat block it says that the trample ability does 2d6+126 damage. Wat? There's no way that can be right. Anyone seen any errata on this? | r/pathfinderrpg | post | r/PathfinderRPG | 2011-05-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5RjJKYWg2UVhUUWZOaE8yLUREd2tXVHljbmcyeVNsZTlqZWFacXZDeEF5V2RUamFVdmUxSGlpX3FQLTZ0ZG14LWpVTGNoN0t1OHh3SDdLU2JYaU9IOGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyakxDWm5oZFh3Zi0wa3Q5NHZJdk0tZGVqZkc2T3JzemdjR1luQTA0SV9jb1hIemlJSkN6VG1RZ25NMldBZEY3MmNCOW9fbXBBd1hGdjBoVXlManFKcC1sNjhjQjVhYUtVTjJUa01rTDdTWEgxVkhuS1U3VGJTNVQzYUhvYlZTbkkzVFhqc19oNHhoNGptVGxHbDJaZ3R2My03cGlQM29LMW41cFVyWGQ5cU1kdjFFaVlwM3MxUVJMUnlPckxYdTFT |
Scientists are in full panic mode as millions of Chinese citizens fall ill to an unidentified gastric virus that eats through the stomach and spreads to the small intestine in a 29 hour period, no known treatments seem to stop or even slow it's progression and it's origin has not been identified.
As panic continues to spread, the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China, has been deployed to the hardest hit areas of Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Zibo, but these efforts are proving to be ineffective as the virus is beginning to spread to the Army as well.
A full quarantine has been set by every nation on the planet and there are rumors that a group of Chinese travelers have been murdered in New York's JFK airport by the Transportation Security Agency.
More news to follow as it becomes available.
**UPDATE:** 10/13/12:
The New York National Guard has been activated by the Governor of New York and President of the United States and have been ordered to set a perimeter around John F. Kennedy International Airport, travelers and their families have been quarantined inside as symptoms have become apparent among an unidentified group of travelers rumored to come from Nepal.
Link: http://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/hfuw3/you_dont_like_4e_what_would_dnd_5e_need_to_have/
Text: I've sat through two sessions of 4e and read through a book or two, so I'm no expert, but I wasn't impressed or pleased with what I saw in 4e. There was very little room for creativity or roleplaying, etc... you've heard it all before. Here are two things I consider a good start, and I'd like to see what other ideas y'all have and whether you agree with me.
1 - Bigger emphasis on character and roleplaying. In 4e, these appear to be completely secondary considerations. Race and class aren't enough to roleplay from simply by themselves. I'd like to see more things on paper that make me feel like I've got a character in a story in front of me and not the analog version of an MMO sprite. Older versions of DnD aren't stellar for this either, but Pathfinder does a better job than most by adding archetypes. It could always be better, though.
2 - Less "important" material. There's simply too damn much. It's appalling how much crap they've thrown together. It makes me think they haven't really planned or balanced any of it. Dunno if that's true or not, but that's my impression. For comparison, to date every single class for Pathfinder is in one of only 3 books, and they're all thick and interesting.
| r/pathfinderrpg | post | r/PathfinderRPG | 2011-05-20 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5eDZFVThEZ1VNYTdMczE2TG82Rk1NS0xHRVVyOXVOM3ppVEVia25uNXp0dW9FazJzcXdWXzRDUGdvc2dsdmNVZHFFT3kyUkV6Wm9EWFBlcGR2bkxoOXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyWUxIdW9pYWpCYnFhd24xU2JVbmpJd3h2UHg5TEtwemUtaF9EcWQ1TFBnVnh4ZWo2eWVTRnc3MDlFYXlOS3RvT1gxWTNWa2JhVTFKX2ZmbkNULTJNVnIyOG1fYi1IR1JTZUF4dTlLSDBwYzJ0Wl93MDhreWJmWDdpZjZEOWxZWXczNWNPTjZ2NkxYaGZTa3pRek9iS2RpUHlCUzhjOHdtaXk2cHdpMnUxOTRLYm1VSGJTb05OTnVidkR5ZEhuSGxwU21VdjRMamVmc3hyaTVyamlaZjFRZz09 |
I've been hearing a lot of horror stories about people getting hacked and their deepest darkest secrets being revealed to the world. Is it that rampant out there and is there a why to prevent it?
I would really love to get it done and be connected through my mind, but I'm still a little worried about it.
| r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5U1pIdHVJWjFTMVU3LUhONEFIejVBRlFBbHVUQ1pYX3ZVQzNxRkVQR1JIWWxQUkVFamtReEthMGQxWGpuVURqc05IOGt5RzhoOHpRYjA4czhEX21VR1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyRW5FODlWaE4td1BjNHRXLWstOExCckFYVEdWcE9QcWtMQ3cwXzB0Mm1QU1hsak9RNFFROWVQVS1mLUM0emp0N05zdGxhS09LNXdqRmdfeUN0ZW5PNl84Z3o3TmhuX3BxOGZ1NkphZDR3NndVUlM0V1VTV0ZxSlluWm9qV3ZrLXY1TDBlU3ZjNlBUVU95WmI2bHYtdHJPSkRUVGVVRlJLdFI1Nm5BTHBXbmF0dF9wWF9WNHJYUzZCU1g3bWZQMXAyTWZLYVdnQ1Nkc0Jhc2FhV3Fxc29OZz09 |
So much for that prediction of the end of the world because of the end of the Mayan Calendar. | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-05-21 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5WUg4dV9zMjViWUxTeF9qSGtHVEFKN21TT1VJdHJEdnFnSXlzVEl5Vnowb21sNlVPVVplVnRBa19CUUpxQ2VHa2xqQ2pnSm9RcjFnbHdqUXBPV1c5NWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIybEFPR3M0TDdyUERIcGRoTWJrcHR2OEFEWFZLTU5tdDNIUEJfMTBDdGRvOXhnME1PcU1HUnBESnM4OGlrSFJJaHBodG9pc1FIZm5MRW15MTNEYUxUeDhmdUlQeE1iVDIxdzVRRlJRTDJGVTZRejA0bzJhUUhqVXMzME55SnRYR01kYVRuRHZnNWp1aDNOM05Td1lBaFVpbHA2TFMwYTJDZmdnVFZEa3RWMlV0UW0zbW1KRUNka2E3aG1VNXY1VVY2ZU5BMHFjdy1nbWMteHFOMGtHYVN6UT09 |
Backstory: we met in college at the Luna School of Mines, connected really hard at first, although platonic, because we were both women. Re-connected in grad school, while I was half way through counsel for F to M. She was down with that, but then got distant while pursuing her doctorate out in the Kuiper belt. I changed my mind and stayed F. Meanwhile, after grad, she came back fully M, so we totally connected, and right before I shipped off on an Aries Class Ship, I found out I was pregnant. Not totally against the rules, except that I have to surrender custody of my son to the Mars authority, so he'll be raised on-planet, while I'm out here in low gravity land, and his mother is, not to be nasty, but -- a total whore back on Earth...
Except that... bitch has managed to somehow manipulate the Sol System Court, so that I'm suddenly the bad guy, and I'm expected to pay for the kid, yet never see him. Now she throws this shit in my face -- thanks to shacking up with a Lunar Miner who was born a man, she's going to go all Old Earth on me, as well as exploiting Mars law...
I don't know what to do. All I want is to raise my son, but this whore is making it impossible. Short of offing myself after making him sole heir, what can I do? | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-05-22 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5NElDdnlMX2pfcE1hejNHZUZjQ1ZSZ1ZZUWluc3V0MU9TNC1pcEJrQWZpMUUwUGNzb3ZVVS1TQ3FMWmNuUEc1b3A1SXpScWEzVTVkNXVNQnA1N0dXakE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyRWxKdnpNb0FlZjBBZ2lqNlNtZnRNOTRQSFhwRGo0WmotTFhiZTd2dUlXU1BtTmhGME5FclprZks0Y1FvRkl3UGZfREdNejBxUWpLVjZQTER0dXdadjQ1cS1nUHNFZlJzc2xhZm5MMWdkYy1pZ2VLQk1jeEwwdjFzTG5WNmpHT1JoLU5WeHdxUU9Cb01pa0V0bm55YkwxU3ZtbzZ5eFJqZEZWbGc1NHhCWkJhT1pvanFJOGU1X2NYV0V0WFZZT3dYSWNLbV9fR1ppRmJsNmFLQTNSbFZaZz09 |
I just wanted to share my experience with traveling to Pluto and the discoveries we made. I feel that it was a turning point for many left on Earth under control by the Conglomerates.
Ask away! | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-05-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5M2REWUFPdzNXSzM5c09ENGNKM2Zub0E0NVlaTGp0UjlocVV3YlZ6WHZ4OHNibm5kaFhKdXluazR4aFFxUWR2blZhcEN0LVFWMlYtdTR2VVM2VWpzLWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyalFNUGVDNUdIWDFiSThEZmVyM0FpakNVdUNrNC1QVlF0SjhwcEphV3VFeUxwUGdJWlB3c3JyQXdlVUhsQnVCNnZLeXpsZmZ1RDdpeFFaY2VNNnM1VFBJZF96cTdNUTFBYXhYN1VsdDFiTnNNcUw2NENzWFljenhyU0RFU2tkaHM4bU9KQnNoM2wxU3lfR3AtMDZOT204S0xvbVotUm55eEhacGFkcXNNSzZ6TXM2Qm5MOU5Kd2VnbnV5b2o3eFB3X3lXV0haSWViWk9VQTlJZUR5VmRMZz09 |
Oh, wait...sorry. This happened a long time ago: [May 27, 2011](http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0511/55803.html) | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-05-27 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5U1AySnAtSVl0TFdhSFh1QjgtSnNZNnJIY2FZVFJLanJ1aEIxbXNDem54cHhqVXRQM0J1RFhxbEdOSEhMZmpwMDJnRVJORW9XQlcwNmhNQjNUNV9paVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyUEJnZ2Z3V2FWZTE4U3J3RFZ0NjIyUFN2c012ek44Z05YdFpXaWJtYVBEeHBXVkV3VnBpVEk4STdHMlhUSVhpbHJmNmhZbkxrUG52YkdodTBfczJhUWF4OXF6bm9vcGZGQnFxRk9HajVFY1pLSHdCS0Z3OFZGZDEyak56dm5DajhBQkRnYmtJdE15TDlWbmFUdk9ibmZhbFpZZGM5SnRmcDV4R3BWQjFsQUVsSWNrTTFERnBXNDhvbmRHNzFDeEMxS2czTVR4QXJjcHBYNUk3ZmFQTm5uQT09 |
I've just constructed a 4th Level Drunken Monk for a Pathfinder Campaign I'm joining. I previously had a 3.5 Drunken Master, and he was well equipped with a few Weeping Flasks as well as a homebrew Quarterstaff Capped with Bronze [Anymugs](http://www.goblinscomic.com/02162010/).
So I was just wondering if there are any sort of magical items similar to these in the Pathfinder system. My DM is insisting we only use items and material from actual Pathfinder sources, so importing from 3.5 is impossible, and I'm sad. | r/pathfinderrpg | post | r/PathfinderRPG | 2011-06-02 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5Tzk1RUlxeUlmZFU4NE9ESk9XVE5oT3VLTlhIZWlKMUJuaWF5bXNzbEd3ZHg5M19idDQ4WDhxLW1QbnZPeHVYSk5tUXJaZmtXQlJSd3ZrVmdiNFluU1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIycDFoYnl5ajVnMmh0R0h3dzdYdWZTRE52ZHY5MUp2NDVPcEU0Vkx6TmlSTzlGaUJvVVZLbDhNMkNGLWNISllFdFB1bExDeEZ5N2JKQXJINTlmQjVabnFob0Rwa0p5X3pxbHQ5VnNGUGNJbklwVU9RcWl3c2dXRUl1di1tSDBOb2VycXR6VWxhX2pWTG14WTZHMzRGUjFjd3otaXpnR2xDX1VQTjd6ekVFWGJIZW56dm1SQUtlVGpVY09jbnRMbDdHOWlpR0dXdmU5LXhQVEJ5SGNreVZtdz09 |
Being in the republic of great britain i didnt really notice anything.. a few people complained though.. | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-06-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5V0JxZjZFTExWMUNsWmlqbmJheHBjUlVkQVRTMlNrN0MtWVJJUENqV0lqc29TVVUydlByN09VWHQ3OVFTTjVjTjRlNlU3LWdpdW9ZZVdlaDZqZXVDZU5zdWQ1Z1Rvc0VLcVNubktaZ3I2NmM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyVEM2ZWNqb3FYY1ZtVG95X1M1VnM2aUVZRWxCU2FZNVZEVHI2X0NjdzVHb0h4cFExM1Bqa1J0a2VwczZPZVptcmNNU0VROWlsc2RUMVQ4MTU5SFZ0XzR0a2lPWS1vSkRJM1dHNlJLWEVHZER4RlBoNXR5ODlIQzVGZDFnbDhsYlpQR2k2TUprbXRyVy1TZWx1VkxQUDNvaFNXWWFsNjFIWVZ4VjNWU183TXJJcTlHdXNTYS1TTHhFM0pvUlk0Ym5JaC15SHFJd0ZEdGJDa1dOeEQwU2dNUT09 |
Incase your memory is a little bit off. it was where the eiffel tower and the arc de triomph was rigged with weapons grade plutonium and was detonated.. Later it was found to be a work of 'Lulzsec' demonstrating the security failures in Sprancinarian police force
So yeah.. Ama | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-06-09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5OFBCcUwyZUE3UGk5SVExZHJBeGpQZkFocG5kMG1aZm5CZ3JDcWRxX2tqMUR4QWNLakVITWN2M3ZKZGdIU29ROUpUOXVwY0dpbmtaUFFlZGxxdldZcXlOdjhPVTFLQ0Nub2VxRE96WkhGZGM9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyeEJ1aldOV1JQdHUzNVdKU1RfdFF3a2dfbVZ1M2hTb3N5bnZyQjFNZHFnSnVCZ0xEdzJYX3EzdFBBX2J1aldyU0sxRDNRbHJ1dnhDRFYwOUoxTDF4YW1EYWZWQXk1NzNQczBYSTIwVlBXRXRIYU1oV0xXVmlmNFBrcEhyMHlzUl9pQXR1SmFhR084Zzd5X0FiNkN2aEo0UVU1NmFDME1oWlA5ZkQ1b3kyRkRXcjZkUjJzN281ejZONkRNRDZDeXhuVDVuWU94QXhWV0VaVkNBcjlhVmpKQT09 |
It does exist. | r/amber | post | r/Amber | 2011-06-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5LXlJSk9XWUtNclUxTmUtcEhPdkg5emJLUHJZamYwU2NkTDBMUEQyQTZKYXhTeUZTdWFBcGphV0p3RWY5ZjBkeTZRQUV0UmdMc0Vka3EzX3h2WUdjZEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyblhJZlBPejNYWmhtbjJFa3JZWGZFdUpRbUJHUzJCWWFKbkk3WkVLdDdoNHdwU0pURHNsNnBwVG95RG5qblhhNHpkV05Pd2hpOTRBWTJLVldYLThsZUlEWm9Xa2pxZUVXcXBoc3NKT3NTRTgwZXBwSmcyZnlKYVFrQ1R6NG1fUUg4am85VkU5Ymk3Slc0cUdydFZPalJBPT0= |
They really need to make these deep space satalites capable of withstanding a simple attack.. *sigh* | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-06-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5SlIxMlMwVWdlSWh0NzdLMFA3cDE2WFVEN2xxSWJBZTNEM2RTNTNPakt4TDNidzcxZWRyWFdTdVhZamMwc2l1YlJfNnZMZXZjazhPb1ZyZlFfdV9KY2JKVkVXeEdmczFUOVlyNW5SN1Nmb3c9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIya29zSVp6dTdXUWExMFViek0ySUxma1BvendEX0diY2d5SGg1SDdDdDBoSkVjVUlWa1owbjd6My15bHgxRXUyUzcyUDJadDZQa2xDdFJYV2JTWUZNMVVPM2xsb1ZSMlpsZUxRQzJHMjk2dFJHQ01zbV85NFNPcVctOFlERXd0V3F5M1FlN0pLYlhHc0hLX1FZcEwtbjdCa1FzQkw3bFdueUg0bTl3N3V1Smd4VDV1YkdRNDdzaHpsSkpzRnpZeUFwU1ByRDY3SDZoVHlIcUdOcTdfb2tWdz09 |
Like the headline says, this is complicated, so bear with me...
About ten years ago, I met the woman of my dreams, and we were married. At that time, we both still had our birth genders, and we had two children together, who are now eight and six. However, not long after the birth of our youngest (a girl), my wife decided to go F to M. I fully supported her through the transition -- after all, we fall in love with the software, not the hardware, right? However... once s/he had made the transition s/he became... how to put it gently? A total manwhore.
This wouldn't be a problem except that s/he was accepted into the pilot program at the University of Honolulu -- you've heard of it by now, but it was new at the time -- in which doctors were able to use stem cells to convert a woman's ovaries into fully functional testes. I think you see where this is going... since the operation, my spouse has knocked up half a dozen women. S/he managed to talk me into entering into co-marriages with the first two, but after that I drew the line, and our sex life fell into the toilet for a while, until I finally let herm talk me into going M to F.
As it turns out, this was a big mistake. While doctors have perfected transitioning ovaries into testes and vice versa, they are much better still at creating penises than they are at creating uteruses. No big deal, right? Except that I found out today that I'm pregnant. Well, correction -- my spouse managed to fertilize an egg in me (funny how fast s/he got interested again once I had 48 EE tits -- was I really that shallow when *I* had a dick?)... however, here's the problem. While I have this sort of pseudo-vagina, there's nowhere for that egg to really go, and I mean nowhere. It can't implant in the uterus I don't have. On the other hand, it won't flush out either, because I can't have periods -- q.v. "no uterus." My doctor has explained that, left to its own, the egg would try to implant in the nearest venous mass it can find, but one little pill, that won't happen. Problem solved, right?
Wrong. My spouse is a very devout Plifer -- like, crazy scary, go shoot people to stop it devout. And, thanks to the medical disclosure laws and parental rights, there's no way I'd be able to keep this thing secret. S/he will find out if I have the doctor make my body reject this fertilized egg that I can't possibly bring to term without major medical risk to myself. Unfortunately, we can't transplant the egg to herm (obviously, since they've spackled that coochie shut), and our co-spouses have different blood types, so it would be incredibly risky to try to implant this thing in either of their uteri.
I'm at the end of my rope, reddit, and would appreciate any help you can give. I have seriously contemplated buying a tourist ticket to the observation deck of the Patriot Towers, then figuring out how to throw myself off of them when security isn't looking. If I die, then I haven't committed the sin of killing this fertilized egg that is going to basically canibalize my small intestine and cause me a painful death, right? Oh yeah, forgot to mention one other detail. We live in one of those effed-up states where divorce is only recognized "between one naturally born man and one naturally born woman", so I can't dump herm, or the co-spouses.
TL;DR: Married her. She became he. Me became she. She as he knocked me as she up. She/he won't allow abortion, I can't get divorced. Me/she getting pregnant will kill me. What to do, short of suicide? | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-06-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5eEJvMFZRQWtoY0Q2cG5mbGxBRWFHWm1jbzk3NHQ1VlZ2WFFUOWFsaGJLZG5IQzlhNG9oNzNBdjFCSmZjbTBiSnppRGFCOXpoZWFFQmV6MkxCcWtHWHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyMGswaUpxRzM1cFFlLTd3QldxZGZJSHdXem9jRlI2cjFrYWo2MU9xOHNiSUVKTERUd25SLXpIaFJkUTdsem9vQzV0VEw3RWFfQWxpc1NNdHZJRG55SW9rYXE4QWk3SEFrcVBMTW9WQU02Q0JTUTY2aTRDY3pPRl83UkEzbDdoMjIwNm5OV2Q3TnNrNUl4RVd4OFdoQm8zbDR0bDdBaDN5eThsWGtJOGZaNFVqREh6V2prb2hjcGgzWjJ4TEpNci1mZm9OMHBrdWRON0tuVG9vN21uYW53dz09 |
What happens is that when I try to connect (I'm on the moon orbit atm), my link either succeeds and proceeds to disconnect pretty much immediately (probably my signal-to-noise ratio sucks) or the signal just doesn't come back. Normally, I'd just connect through the Virgin satellites (which is what I'm currently on), but seeming as they have strict limits on bandwidth transfers and prohibit encrypted data from private people (as per the USA space law), I'm trying to link through some university satellites instead.
What gives?
I'd appreciate an answer, as I need to connect to my Earth bank account as soon as I can. Also, my wife would appreciate a call, heh. | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-06-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5SmtBU2tfaERibjRlMVhmZDB0TjhHNEJNOWJyZUxqRHR3WU1UOGxIZUQxNmNhaFJqRWVLRjl1RFdCWU1DelpPUXA4aXk3VGVZT294MGpaWkdBQjZ6VlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIycURuTVZ3QTR1X2hxWnEyekRGYzg1YnZ0X0FYdWVpVEpQMWxtSzZKT3hJY05aSldtelpldHdBN2V2WWo2c0N2c20wY0NhaHl6WF84WDhWdU9BOWhId0ZIVUFrZkZLSnU1UEhnZDdqMGR2UG1uZzhTTFhSbENoMFBfaUJhSVFyYnVCNG5qcXlidU9SZWhNcTZIYURDYVZMY2xBTnF6czVFNlFjYmJ4TFQxZHRTSkotSmNNZXBwcHZubEk1bkh2SVRpVHVPMGR1ZGlyX296X3RzMXdNU1hLdz09 |
What could make this tiny, teeny subreddit more interesting? I'm guessing this is just going to be for harrogate, UK from now on so Would town news be good? Things being built? Petitions for shit?
How about a meetup rota and signup system?
Also, knowing the demographic of this place, there aren't going to be many <20 y/o harrogate redditors, considering the white, middle class, middle aged society we have here doesn't have a tendency to spawn them. Unless specified I think it should be taken as a given that you are in education, be it at any of the secondary schools or the college, hoping to get away from this place to a uni somewhere as quick as possible, or to somewhere with more affordable housing. I see this as a very settle-down-bring-up-a-family type place, correct me if I'm wrong.
Personally, I'm just starting my second year of A levels, take that how you will. - edit - I say that, it's the "enrichment period" currently. | r/harrogate | post | r/harrogate | 2011-06-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5a0dqVDRUaUNBdUNxWGctRm5IbERBbm9XWm5KeXBlY0NKMktwSzFacEdXOThjckRXdnhtVk5MaXFIbk1mUkFYdU9xelZsLVNmSnVPRkR5dC0tTnZFMHFuQWtxM2lPaFBOc1pYWnU1R3A4Wjg9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyeHd0NGZESWxFSDE3TnlSc29MTHQ2Qzh6VkpwV0hWaDdzRl9pZ1l2TXk3UlROa0Z3UDJ4MVVPamJVOUhCbGQ3WGZpLTE5bEZza0lOVmFENlpKUjhzcTJiYU92ZkpkeEE4WWluTVdHcXE0Vm9nMDAxUk1CYzJJSzhmZjdSOXd3TDMzeFN1ejJndE9tVmhRbkx3WjlzR2hYV0lxVEwyQ01pUjAzU1JURTc0RFRBa3luWHVCRWU2RHBkaEQ0aEVNZGlhNU5pa3A3WWpoVFhjTGJCREdkUElJdz09 |
I need to go get one of [these](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_5100) from 1975. However, I've been granted a short vacation to visit my younger self and family in 2000. Now, while I cannot really change anything (family will be mem-wiped of the alternate timeline before I go) there's nothing to say that I can't have fun with some ancient online message board, as long as they never figure out the truth. So -- what are some outrageous stories I can tell them about "their" future? | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-06-23 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5WkpGOUFxSjBhVTBscUt0VDZqRU1kUmpQbVk4VTBhRmNxeUI5OUE4NVNtazVtWE9xRFh5aG5TU1h2dm4wQ3ZWSFlaU19vcWpFYjZGd2F2TVBBLUJ3cXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyRzhjOU9kZkI1WWxuNDZwaW0xRThrWHFOY3BnR0F3cFZoemIzSURZNnN0RGNuX0tTdks5X1pHeFV5dEMwZUZVc1FHYmJGWHRmdG9TdVNJVzFrUllsVl8zVlpfMmN6djRKUzY0aVNBVGk3RDNyRGhRa1FabjBIYkJuWGhuNW4zQU1JSC1MS2FjQnV6eDFzZ1RCRVQ3UkhEQi1saGFTRFVnbmNiWXRRZkUxTy1vOS16cHhVMzZQdGV1SHF6WVNibTMxNnN0LUgyZGZvRVd6bHZBRVdfckxqQT09 |
I was thinking of The Battle Of Paris, 3271, or the founding of the Time Traveler's Society, 2011. What do you think? | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-06-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5em10a0pDUU9kay1mZTgtRlc0dDBUUllwaWREUDk5V1hXcWJrb0lPYmtLX2RQX1Y5eGpmNW4tM1Q2U0psSkFkYklWaG1QZGJQWHk2VUNZZ3NKaC11WXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyT1lqOXd6NU5sQ0lFeTJWWm5ZOWIxNEVGU3VUTzVlQmFNM1RJUjI1U0RReXZnYTNRZWg1LW1jSjhuR0pfQjQyUXd6QmNzOTk0N0RZckZRVVdjYkxyY0puNHRhejVvTEJlR1VJNTVtNXQ4aFMtZ24wckZVZ09JaElqTmlyZjNCTk43TGR6OThpMVNKTC1oZEVTX3BSSV9BX19uVFBlbHZ6a1g0YUY1VFlSVWtQSHUtQWl1bkhsSzg5Um1JMGw1cEJSRXppWXhNWVN6NkpuVmh6RnhjdmotZz09 |
I think there'd be a lot of argument over ownership of the deep space stations, but on the whole I think it would be completely in line with the principles of planets' rights, and it'd be a good way to settle the arguments between the inner and outer arms over the right to own sentient dolphins for labour purposes. | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-06-25 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5aGJ2NUNxRFJ2SXhIRkNScFcwVlg2bW52OHJHbkxseEdHQXkyWEFzNExyWWJqemR3UDdOWW9sTzFGc3BzaHpMRm8zdTdyV25oSU1GUEdWYlVBRTRMYkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyaVVrYjFiNlpJUGFhalJCeWZQb1E1WTY1VWh2MXZFeUFBNU9VTlNYQmhXaEV1Y1RxbEsxWThNVmNLWk5Zdl80cVNfS2hNaHJ5UGRHWnZ1SFNBM2hiX2cyclB4UTlwLXE1X19SaXdrMENSQ1o0NVhkeEU1dDhmQThLMEV2cWlwSGItZk9EVTVfY1h0OGI5UGd4VngzdDdaeUxldHdaTDNSWElXeS0waUZrSUJZOEtaU2dVeVRSQ0NuY3BXR0JwTFZhc2h6aEtWaWNPZE5vMTZTSHphWlRnQT09 |
[spoiler](/s"Everyone dies at the end") | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5M1FSU0ZieF9DZGM2NXJNaTMwTnFxbWRKbkN0bUhPMlh5Qmo3amVFUlhyNG5hRkVSYmZGanVZN1E4a3NLMFJqMWlzTGwyZUNhWS1DOHNRVWttYkJOV2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIySF9KQ3JpSUVMNzBSSjB4MEhKWUhrY2FiR0lyR1JOMk1NOGh6c21Hb05vWlF3OXFkX3FXcURRTTJSUGJOZGtjZDFoa3FjMkNTanJiNGVoMFEwRHZGc0xOSlJmSlpCVkdLd0xEbG96NGxLLXlTMFJ5NUNRZXFZeXdWV1NFYkJvR0VlYlR1WFBqa2owdjY3R25oSnFDc1NWdmQwaklBX214MUdDcjViSjBsRXQ5eTA0X1RCNktjNklPWlRBV2lLaEFiLVRRSVdYYm9nRXBIOHNyUUpaMEZNV1BhekNzX3FzVGcydDlRTDlJTW5udz0= |
We lose more time travelers that way | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-06 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5ZHRRMWtJMncxTU9tOGdPeGo0VUxiaGZ3UlRBZWxkZmMxYXRHNGxfemtiYm1jejFnVTBkc0MwZlpFZ3Z1NlNmVVQ3U0tpZ01YUlJocnZBQ1JadHFfT1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyMFd3alVRNlZ5bFphT2hBeHRMSUhZM2dGUy04ZU1Sbm10RVAyaXJzeE5NV29GNFBmUlZ0M3luU3p0dHFxaXdwTnJyb3BYUkJVZDhqNDNfcmVWTG1HbFdKTGJDUm8tYUVNaFhPVDZRblZxOERxaEd0WXJuM2dJakVrT21YUTdIMW9XcjRnMTktNG5UdXZHS05LUnE5dWJuWktRd0xLQnZ0R1FkUUM1ZXVBcmNpZHpueXF1ZktiU3lCYTVZMU5HQ2JDVnBFWDFmM1hSaXpDYzVTY3FWSkZ5WkdxNWhfZlF4cUxGclJoWnVub2NBQT0= |
Take out a full-page ad in the New York Times every day for a month that just says, in enormous letters, "HE'S IN PAKISTAN." People will go apeshit about 11 years later. | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5ejh1V0dfaTgxSjhfS0thWHZtcGJnX3VLMC1sZVFkYXFwZzk1cGxwTWFmSmtOWWUySTVoNnBScGt6dlVRbVk1OGFiYWgzOWtRaXBSdkw0dS1HZjdSSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyaHJ0b29ZSGEzWWhnVXB2U3Vvb201OGlMOUNSaktnRkM3eTN0SFd4b0xYRFpKcGxsbmpXMFBjUlBXeUdZMk5vYnVsdGhHT2VLbEgzS3pJZTh5aC1LT0RtclJSbzdjN001Zi0wb0RFMTFYWFlHT3ZnQzZRTFdjcnI1RUR5cGJHVDkzQlJuSnhkRzhXUlZGOTFpZlVWc3Q4aEdJYlRybl81bDVEZlVFc21TbVcwbU5Tem5jc2doRWZWcnNqU1JuZGlxTVZzZnduOVoyV1dBaEI3OVBCb2tZQT09 |
I thought using a title with 'breaking news' was banned in back in 2036? | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-07 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5QTJuejNTQ0FkYktrRlRDR25WdHBwQUJxQ3ZTVlhhbEc1ejFRYm9UNHJwV296SXlXbG4tdmE1MmtHcGNKVHE3Yms1QTBsRVVaV2M0NHBBcHRHc1RjYUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIySTNiV0d0cGJwaFRqSTdPOG1tSmhlZnFfZjl3SjhVUElObEpPdUpEOE02blJ2b3RRQ2hqdHVXX01meW5kckUyMmxkZ1JBYkdiTk1DOE85aDVoOXJqS2ZaV1dXODlxYkFEMEhxWUlvRDhVeDdHVlA1SkFDMEk1NTFkSDJxc3F5RkdnYXJDT2pOd2FQVFByZ3hESFBjQXF6RXQ4T05TNDdWbUpJaThmNGF3VWdpZVBYNldITTNIVm8ySU52ckZGRHV4XzkzaXQ2WXMyekltQlphbktSRlRXUT09 |
Then, impregnate your grandmother. All for the loooooles. | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5M1RxZFJiT1JBWjc4NnBfbl90WnJlV0M4bC1fVy1hZnl6Qkt5Sy1HS0Y4Q2NDQzNzdU1fVWJVLWV6Q0NNU3M5YjQ0OXc4Zjh3empnR1JhTlo4Z0F4Zmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyeW9FOEtDX3Y1a0FHMXFZVFFDMFZjYnJYMTd3WFVyQW82N3RHX2dUQlRpV3BvVmZKVnZnUUZMdDVuaVM4OS1uUzE2ZE1Ob0M4WE5lelpYQ1JlTEM3UE5OajRuSnRSLURhWnI2Y2lqcUZoajhFZElScDVRYkJUVHZETE81WWdMSlZZRld3LWlrSGl1ZDdlbXRGeWF0RnZOamNwRlB3ZXdQQjJoQVBVWk9fbnpqTVBlQTRnNXRSN2VZdXF4VXdXWjdpYnMtRGN0UXZNc2djUW1NSi0xalE3UE1fWl9ZdGJIYllaLVNRdjFUdVVnUT0= |
Why individual planetoids? Why not your entire star system? | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-10 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5cDI0SmJvQUNLTmdYNklqWDJyRVRQZ3VYd1hCdEYxcVJBSDhXVTZvQ09Dc2dQbnZUcVZ1ajB3V2JTZ0hvTmpwZFpVSWJxb2ZTekZmXy0xV29vVVg2clE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyMUVKd3kyQ2xLT3J3WDdSUDBhZGhxRVFkd3k0aVUtWGd0cm9YTVN4RXRxOEVzSUZmZnJieFUtTDJUMzBDdnVLWFFWNGwzMDhlTmZ0OEZMWjdRaV94UzcwRjNSRTRyS0U2U1NFNVFHeUp0NFdjNzJ4U24wUHMxYWpyQnN4bl8zWlE4ZEJ6NnlLRnZHTXBNeGtIVktwM1NWLTR1S2ZoMEY3bjNxV1FpNTlYamx6cW5Ed1NnV2xJYTdxWEJPVmhTaTBRS25ieGlqdjZGNkpGM1FydWxZMThSUjY3ZXJJeDJ3VEV4Xy0yZm0xM2N0az0= |
Find a web forum with libertarian leanings and claim that you got an inside tip that the US government is conspiring to do something big on their own soil. This will help explain a lot in the years to come. It's trolling AND timeline maintenance! No one can demerit you for that ;D | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5ODRhdnQ0X3NZR29NSURULUIwMDJVX1B1WFZ0RUV1Q2dIc1AyWWs4YnVwOVpyTmJCOXNRSnpsdEpkREh5ekV5MDNVbGpLREdoVGVFc2hXc3FMVHlzUFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyTERMN19DTEwzMzQ0ckNIWDYtYUJXMWJQR2swUEx1YTduWHFfVXpwXzh1SXNTM2xXajdGRUpWRzA0NXlmeFBCNEsxT09uUzdfODlUcndtM3hTblEzaDE4cE1IUVAwSXNSMDdCSXVPVy1iWk81UkZzdlBvazE5d1p5TlpGTnZJa2c4YUwtZTJ6bTV2cW85TTFxd281dlZ0ZEZLQjB5SFptTWhtLVBDcE9vcDVfNGw4dS1lOFdJQk5xRnN1cllRQVc4T1JfWjVJNElEQ0VkWms2S3JZWmJlQT09 |
>"Intelligent Design" -not Creationism
**Hahaha** | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-11 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5V2l4TzBwY2MybG0wa1kzcXdHVVRkeGRWQ3JkajUxdnA3VEZHZG8tX2hmaTVrajEtQ0lxYUZGbjVpdjM1NGQ5Z0l0ay0xSUtyS0NoQ0dlV1I5dW9mcnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyNFBCMzVyanU4SHZJQWlSaHJISTF1SFdJS1ZDdkVOdGdURTA2RUFJRUJLZ1BMaWVqUF9nd2R1LVhaRkxLcGRjRGs0aFpmRDlpbnlCbWVzSXd4eVFyWThtd0tScFE0bGNzZ2lWeGVqbkdXM2VnS3RsSDRvRjJWbjlHYmN1UEUzTWVETmhoZDB0aGlNbVJvY092eVBSNkJKd3ZScWI1ZTlpWk5lSERoaUhRS0NXamxBbFZmVmRTaVBPYUZvbGdWbktuNkNjMXBxdXl3b0VXYVZWR3Jpa2R5QT09 |
I remember last month when a black hole passed too close to one of the satellites and tv.sony.saturn was down for a whole week! Really, one would think that Sony was still stuck in the Information Age! | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-12 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5SXJUX3dJTS1IaW53cXZ4Mi1MYWhaNnNKa1JJb1ZEQnFybXByWDFkRFFVM3lSNndlTHlLa3p2VzZzQXhqdlRJanV4QzFNc2wwUWJ4ZmFUSWRnbTZLT2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIySXJJd0NKYXhhNHIwOXR5UUVxcE4tN3I2UGhwQWprdzJxLVVwcXlxLWdyeFlKVzc4LUcwTkZwY3ZSQm1LTm9MaUZyY1NadEpkZFZ0NHpfc2FwbVVUUHZuOXBfdWo5Z1YtVWhjWFZhRjByMEFFMmF5NnNDdTFOb0dLdnp0V2hkMmRkVTc0LVExTlVjbDRHZm5TREZtemtrTWRrR2dFa1NYTkNrSUJVV01NWXluZDlBR1p2VlBuQ2g2T2pzUTYtaHNNMVQxTXZ2ZEtvRjZmZ2p3SnFBSkZ1ZGhweVZHckJxbGgwSmpXS1RjNUg1UT0= |
What planet is this? | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5eV9WWmFsV05VWkkzb3VUbXEzQlYwOTZyTVRWSWNMOTdaVXlyaTVTbEZBM3FzYUs2TDZWY1JzWUFDNlpnZUFOZ0R4TWNVNWl6QWFMdEpXZkFpZjVGaUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyZE5NU2FLQjQyNkFyenlWX01RcmRvRGotcUlPUWhQazdvZW9zYTBwMzRzTzVWTGY2TlpqaG9uSlRNUWZpX1JUc21NOTJYMDdEUEdjU2ZSMjQ1VkpWYzExOHFJRGZmd2ZkRmNhbElkQXdRcVlTcFVHVjFrYUxwejZDc3FLd2ZnaTNsVDM3MlkwVlpvaDhIdmpCMkR3TFYtanpVcG8wSzRlbEJ2eXBSb3dMTzNHSjVianIzUFo5bXRHQV85WmdsZ05ja1BFQUR1elZDb0NZb05kN0dXcEF3b2pwT1dRdTg1WnpLOG53eWl4SDVLND0= |
Thousands of years, and yet people still don't get it. | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5VUJlMDNQZEhQNUNNQkZLRS1wd2FWY1JXWUVYTWlTNHdkUF9PWHBBcDZmMFg3a18zSk9QUUNJRDNoZFA2Zm5tQW1VVHRKQTgzeDlHM2d5ZzcydGxvNmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyMGZSUEtDekluOUZ2YWVIQ2JydVhQVldORnUzVnAzS0VKdGE5ODVGczdfcWUyTDAtMW5hLXdxRE5ySVhfUUp0aEVnM2pfX0tJdklpWExQSE1PRjZ5T0JaaDcyMlc3NDhuZlplckkzVHdhUFVncWFhOGoxd0g0RDVCRDk0c0NtZTNZRFN4dVJWTVRPckpHMFZ3WHBpQmRfSGUtWGFXdFhBdWlIM0ZCLUtldEZ3OEZZRGZzX0hKSkc0YlZBbEpaQWxxWDNOUXNaU2Y3VlUzTlN0ODdIcXV5Y29yNTd4UmlocDNFN1FkdTlFRUhYZz0= |
I thought you were talking about the whole .pluto getting closer to the sun than .neptune problem. Glad they fixed that, it was a PAIN for the first week or so before they realized they can't label that shit numerically by distance. | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5Ri1GQzVtVVNrYkZfaGhmdnBwT0xzOU5oSjFYTW9vWnFfbWEtQzM4bUdOVzBZN1FfU1VSWEVnRUN1SjR1TDBCQ3JLQ1hydEJFVkYxWFp4cUd1QmRHYWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyMFZ3cGttU2VnQWF0ZkluTFQ3ZXM1MklkSnVfQ2lnLTl3Vmk4Wll0aldGeERRbDlHc0xnVW5hZlM0djFGMzdzYnFNeThHSko4d0RacU5EaGNSSUNDQzBGTG8tRTRsYzJzcGRiVkl4WkpZOWZJYUJTQ3FWTW1rSlFIM3F4VmxLUXQtOVNvdEVsUUxEOE1yQ1h3YU1HVlpiYmhfYm9XWEYyUmRVRF9PYmNRYlhXTy1nWWgtTVdTY1IxOUZoTUt2LVNROTJnX1AtLXh4U21jT1VpYl9laFVYS2kwQjJ3NHYxN1FvN2NkUUVra0pKWT0= |
Damn. Imagine getting your hands on all that ice - you'd be sooo fucking rich! | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5azhsVVhOMS1sUnFucUhSY2M0ODRLcTVNdG9ZTGN4eFZnYUdpaFNDRkZTWnZrV3QtU0NCa0lrQnl6ZmVYSkhoeXRoSXZqanZ2THdvRFAxVzh5dTdLalE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyd0pmeFVPbEtFdUZLT3RqVlJ5X2gza19YOTNhUVpUZHRFM2d1WEI4SDFYSTBFcHN3YUVSOVhrVWs2aEVKTmxmZ0g5NnlISmJWZk9JaXgzeUlTTmtGRXkzOUhGNkVDMk5CMjdSNzM4Q0tJTk43U0tTTTdzRV8xRjR3b3E0M2VxYXRCcGY0cEFzUGlYUUlQeUZxYURfalpOR09EYW9WUlc2b05PbFhheDEtb1JyUnZNVmZ3SEdIUWI2WDFmUEhJWS1nS191bFZiU0ZEX3A0Szc0WHNsMzVHOG1qRmxWNFVvUGkwcVhmV3BGRjNVQT0= |
I think ub3rmenschen is referring to the mythical planet Urth. | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5ekN1eDVYOU9qZ2FWWjJudDc3VlNuOUpHWFF2YW51VmNIR1dwc0Zod1VYdlFsS0kzSl81YUp4OTZJRmpMbUY1QXBSZ2d5eU5SREFwX1o1alc5aWRjVnJJem5fYkUzRVRGcG9jQzY1enZCME09 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyeVR6N3FMRlpQMHdlMkJUNHZudWNjaExkaVlZaWJUWWJjbS0xc09iOVNuTDExQXV1d2VSYVFoQWVZWmJueDd3RHNlWVZvQ1hybmo2Uk5hbGNBX3hNMUM2U3pLc0pCZmxOVEpHd2xyYm1YRFpCdUpCa2tDUFpkYmE2cnQxUUhBTFJhbWdYZHhaME8wX3c1TjBFelRNbktoY081YjM5X2g0eG1zU1QzSVZvUm1ObVhpTTZkTEl6V1h0VlhLcnNOcExHRXZpcGtvSGJjUDZZNkFEanR3TWwwR01rVFlNWjJEWEpqUl96ODJJNXgzdz0= |
What the hell!? And people were living in the Equatorial Wastlelands!? How did I not learn this in school!? | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5ekJxdTlxVi1BVGNTWVpVVndfaS05QURKemFwN0ppVDNKZmZvQTRBT2JLQWJNaXhIMFh5akZWcUZqMGdHQUFUUVRLQWVSTG4xaU9ZQXpiSDY5czZIZ2c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyNVUtQWNwWHFKU2VnbF9pbXJrUUN5am9KTWJKMWt1c3VoNndwLVBOLU9nRXBIMnU3RDJyY2lvRW5qWDdiV1RobktMMjVPVk9vSHUyRElkS0cxbEFFLWN1ZDFWWGpYZXMwM2RYV010U2ExZEpxMjFrMHYzTFc4cVllTWtTcjlnY2tjZVJ6ZUV0ZXVjXzdHSTZGOUV5RGZXTmRrNUN1WDR2QThmR0F4NjItMkc2b1VMMGZ3OFdsclVtWm1iZUs0TEpsRkRmZ3NwTWVuYlhOVEdDUFZOTllsWE9xZHlKcjNlWEhPdU8tYl9sYzhsVT0= |
Everyone that thinks this guy is right is wrong. The Habitable Earth theory is just that: a theory.
Earth has never been habitable, and might be if we terraform it, but that'd take a thousand years or more. Since Clyde William Tombaugh found it, no human person survived in its atmosphere composed almost totally of cyanhydric acid. | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-14 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5ODAwdGZVcEtlWDk4QXdLYXFkRUpaT1FJUGoxZi0tbmQ1bG1QQVNSVXZ3N2g5NExBcWE4anlacmk3ZDIxYzVYcXJuS3IwbGREZzJWTl9yOEQwZXFpOUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyU3NEYkxCbVdtR0dyR2w0aFRMMXhsN1RKeU5zMnQ2MHVLN1h4ZV80NTFrdUlLUENpT293ZGhJSlZwNUZfZlFEVWpJUkpZdjJEZ2N3d2JtUzZCeTlCTHdqZnpKZ2x1R0djMzBfTFU5d1VfU1ZscV9FRHk3bnJJOU11dWVOWFprQlBIOG9yTFl0VnE3czE3WVJxaXNlMWJyTV9mY3pTOFBuNC1sSGVWc2txMmlPc3RiNHBXc2N6SzBvRW1VWUxSNk1xQkJwVkZaTU1RcllIVzE0dHVxdFhaNklobzVVV1kzLUl3TFZVcF8yTjFWQT0= |
What a laughable fantasy. | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5RmVLOHVPYnhlLTI1SmxZVW91Q28ydjFfa3dkSURZTkRhdWhpR2pZZk9TanJETEU2X19GaDF1dkZzZ1FjTnZFS2xEYXV6ZlRmYlNvekRMcGtNQXczYnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyVTFLSmdOMmkwQWM1R1NZY0VoQUoyQlpxNTY2Ry05SHJmazdGUmZYRnFOemQ3M0NOa3AzUGt5M3ZNMF8zVlJEV0lkSHB5bTNSS3Y2bHd4anBiQ0pwUmFid1RUY2tyZFE1T0x2dDV2M3M1cmZGM0NzbEVfN0lVLXNEZzBybm04SGxMYWFoV0VmLWF3Z3B6OEpQMzVVNzhZOHNPVTE5ZkctRlZEYkhpVlB2RUEzd3poNUNJOUd4ZnJYTDY2aXo4ZEY1RjdyM0VrVmE4MWpqVEF3TWc0ZVVPRVRUeGJJdThLTnB3a1Z1OEN2VFo4cz0= |
I've been looking everywhere but none of the tutorial holograms seem to help. | r/reddittothefuture | post | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5TktpYnhua0FLcGt3RU1KdTExLUtkdG8tNy12RkF3RkxlVHhieDFBUXFNMDJvdXJxeFVPVmdXUV8zUmRxenhYNWpkLVlzNmFHZXlZWkNYbzBzMzAwWDlDYzA3bVBhRGFsSFVQTVFRbDNkMFU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyZ09od1VuNzR2MFJJVjk3NFRqdkkzdlNYc0dJQUZCeHFGNXBVay13LVkzMmJza0ZhZkNQZHd6Sms1MDVJSWd5Wl81YkNhdm1xbmIzeUl2cDhRSlZIczhPeFEtbm9td2NmZUdqa0hOQnA5NmI5a2dseGM4MkRBdVQ4WlFOSHR6ajdDcURDUTVHLThOLUVqMnFKLWxMYTRpb2J6d0pUNTM3d0F5V0xxNVdtUTBwR3Q0S1d2a1h6ZkhQdXVrZmoybW1M |
What the hell are you jailbreaking a 28 for anyways? They've already got model 30 coming next week. Granted, 29 came out just today, but 30 fixes the electrocution problem! | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5WTVkUmpyY0FsU3dTTF9GT2lrblFUUWdLemZWaXJnd2tKVzJmUnFkMVFob2FsTmRNWDg2Wjllbm1WVk9GTlpqN3lkYWc2TWNjdUtPamhleTlGZlVsaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyMXpJMTFucllYcjM0ekNQOC1xcDc0VFcwU2RuRndtcnpfZUpfUnp3VFh4TDc1R25NV2FjdU44eG8xalBmTE9rYzR6d3JWRjlqT0JQNHZlZnJseTZHbHJUeDZSVjNRUEowQnA0OHYzel9iQkttTjJSUm5GbTZubVJVWVJYQmZMSlhBRnpQVER6WkVxVHVqc0xLYTlrZGtNcG45YUlsajdlZjZsVVFnWmswQlVuRzg1Z0Q4YW9yemhxNmttV2RURHZ3Ql9rbkcyZjJkUXBTYW1YcHlxNmlPZz09 |
How are you having trouble with this, it's easy.
Find a location with no scout bees for the Copyright Militia. Your local autocutomization adhoc will know a good place. Bring someone you trust. Have your helper make an incision at the back of your neck, right above your third cervical vertebra. Dig down to your spine. The cartilage between your second and third vertebra will have a slight silver sheen. Inject the jailbreaking nanites directly into it.
If you botched it already, I'm surprised the Militia hasn't found you yet, since your health nanites should've sent out a broadcast during your last sync. | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-15 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5dF9kVTI4cXkzR2dVVzE1ZVQtMUVfd05aTmpaTU9fWS1jSzdRMmtFdmhpcjlrc3Y3QkhPcV8zSmhoU1lpUW5kOG0tT1c2R2VwSHNvaW1sRlBvVk0xM1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyNndWQXJST2tab3UwWEh0YmhOVmQtSk1FNzZlbnRfamJIRllwcThGSkN6elpRX3ZLU1kzdzRJcElUX3k1RlA2WHZoUU10dThSSXp4R1VabV9XMWtPZlkyRmYwYnpaSF8xc0FtaXR4X1V6cmVGVnJBVm5qMXF0bTA2QWV2WG9qbkFlMl8wVkxPNDhuc29FaTR1ZXhOekRfY1JRVFBmbExFZ0Q0VkR1VURtSFJPQVowMlNQSWhqOGFhdC1jYTRCb2k4Y0xTcDMtcHBSVU5xZC1IR3pKMVB2dz09 |
How could that survived with such cold temperatures? | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5aUx0VjRONWNXSU54M3JWaExEZjB0ZWdRRjcwMWFHdGxjSkNPa0NIcG1OaXpXZklRbnZCLTk2Yi04Szh0S05lZkJoRTNpRml4a3BQeXBWNFIxUl9VNGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIySnh1TkRQSWIyU1Y5SHZpc3FYdGhpbVBQamp2Z2c1NWctRmVmWmFOVmplNkk3MDRHaHdfclo2R29pMnZ4Zk1UTUJ0b3RvTUlSNXBERzAxTmZnMmRpTHpaYVB0bVRYUWtvTi1NOXBPZzl3YldQY2trY2tXQlBIQ24wMmUzczdZYWg4cWd1cms1NnJvYWFVTHFLamVPYmJpSGkwS1lDTTlLM1VLbEJMRXhvdU50ZG5EVnRCelFxS2tTVlNMRzFTSHk4MW82bkRzZDVLM1ZXZmVMeFI5LTZhTkpDNnNXdjA2V19VVlZMSUxZUUwzYz0= |
Have you considered borging your non-affected organs? | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5WVd4Uy0xOF90R25Eamp1MFpLS3VuYXZTb3V5MEItUE5rTnBZRnhRanF1aUdDSFI5QU9IeEUzR1FXdjBnakpuVy1VR1hfa3ZCdjlzNmNuZFVIdDhELVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyeXN2bG94VUQwYkR2Z0c1TlJ4Z2V5dzJ4YWljLUFZbm80bng3YzB2X0ZxanhVdTU3enV3eUdxaDZEQ2NmckdDbTJ0SlNXckRTemRTQ2hSSm80ei1UUEo0WE5oNzZ1UzVLVUFCQnRIZVA0NXQybkxOZlpzZ25XZG9FVXh6N2dUZE14akVfcHlmVDl1YVNBTnF0eklXOVJkTzZEYWZTOGFNclRiZ0YtUjZ3Z0FlWXlLeUh1NmhRQ1gxV01mZEZPMlBCRjZ0QmZYZFlyOURqcENkMjJCQmVHUT09 |
Yeah, thank god for time distortion... 8 years of music in 30 seconds, awww yeee! | r/reddittothefuture | comment | r/RedditToTheFuture | 2011-07-16 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5NFhLS2N3Z1Q4RWFYRTg3TV9MNmJKaGRiTXhVbWgyczdoYS1MVVRMSm16SEszYkFtUmw0VzltLUg2V3lLVlRBam5DRDlGdU4tVlBGV3JCNVJSNDh3bUhvbWFZeHhMalZSTlhYWUtsQzZIWTA9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyeDZJb3hmZlN5SDUwX1ROVmg2QzRCMExkQklDM0NJSWZiQ21WNGNid3RyTkFwUGFXSFplR0Z4Y3ZJRnBVOGI3VkwxdXhkeXpWOFk1eDlrdGNBbHdZV3RPV05FX3FmaDRxbEE0QlFvakgwVUlYY0Z4d1FPc2VVRmN4R1ZzODNkbzhSWXNJMnZXSUh3N3kzUU16NDdsMXozTlNrNzdvWGVpZjBWOE9yd2I2YkhsN0xTMTZLdnlIVy1JM1B4V3BqWjVkTHNKZWdmN1hIMW44NDYxZ0plcUtrZz09 |
We had a massive turnout at the last meetup day. Surely we can make a big impact. Who else is interested? | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5dURvU3YyX3NHejE4U3ZKOTNNUExReWZIUlY2WkhJOEhiLUlPcDRGaXBDQTBNMHZFNTZoeldYa0pVOFNOVXRCcE5sY19aeUpwV1RxRVJ4RHNIQjJjSkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIydGZ0TnByQlNLSzZsQzFVQzFIcEw0VWtVYy1NNVRYSWNHSjJPUzNyMjJIZDljR1BmNW16TXlRQ0FpdVFrRG1RTGRuS3lZcE55Ry1lcHFUcXI1SG5wd1JmbFEyYzgxek41TmFqT3FYS0c1eDV4ZXB0OXRyRUNOdHRMRUxPT01pRTVYbGZTdjFPMXBTNGFONjZxVUdTTWZFZlN0aGZ4VmVFSTNlcXNob3B6M2NVPQ== |
I have no experience with organizing this type of thing, and no experience volunteering either (sorry, world!), but I figure I can open up a discussion..
I'm open to basically anything. Habitat for humanity, a massive food drive, an Earth Day - like thing...
So - how about this - if you have a suggestion to make, tell me and I will include it on the list; in addition, list what sounds most appealing to you and if you have any special skills that would help with a certain event.
1 - Habitat for Humanity
2 - Food Drive
3 - Earth Day
--*Additional Details*--
1 - No comment
2 - The way I see this working is that everyone is assigned a few blocks, they hand out flyers or something, asking people to leave on their porch whatever they could donate, and then come by a few days later to take it to the food bank.
3 - No comment. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5bnNBTlIwVTlkLW5XajEzbDk1VGdlWVVTc1pQTVhNSDlEbzdjRm9NVDBlLTA1bl9PTjY4OWNpODN4d2NudUFqU2hhYUN4Y1ZJbnpIQ3F5MFcyNmpJMFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIydm5DZHdiSTZ6dzFZN3hMVTJISHFyZjdUZkF6OEc2TjFoTG52TUlMeDRJODdTZjVkNnlwRWNvcEtwYndZM29NWUJEU2gxbGdaSVFwMkVKSENsb1RnTXB2YmhOQU1RVXVuQXFpZVZPNHNJSGFQTVlCT1VVbTdOVDNlWUM0QTR0Q1RxZzJGR2hSd2gteUczbmR2blp4dWROSllQMzBQYmpjZFRxaGQ2X2htZm5feUlkTHJrR0NIeThMNTJMR1pjU0s2 |
We totally need more volunteers as well :)
http://srobo.org | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5UU5iTjk0dnBoNjdFdkJaaDdNLUZUQ3dPRHBTV25NRUZTWFVPN3NzRnZIcUNyMFZQcjJvT09rbkh1M1l4N0cySFFmTXVWU3puYlhwY01CVzZjcktuWnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyNS11VGtpUVExOGNyS3RhTDBoWW96clBLRzg5VzZuUVB5MFk0dWwwV3g2ZFRXcm1WSUstM3pXdGxXNGVPZDMzWWdzQXdpVjQ0VXE5bzNuMlNvdVBwRlR3a3dQMjdrbjZwSnR6NEZXRlJaQ0ViTkpGOVVoSFlsZnZIZ05DaUhQTENiOUFrbzlXUVpZSkFrNFQ2X3BYd2x6VGVMcTVHdDV6cy14MnVqWDFfZ0lQYV9RRXEwQXFRVWE0VVNvNm1tMHVN |
I volunteer at the Regional Food Bank every few months, it's really fun and only takes four hours. They love to have groups come in. Anyone else in? :) | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5dU5VeHFRZm13WXREeUN2eUdLcGxPVkVSd1d4c3RWZTUzYWliOTN1c1hORUFwdGRCTWNRdHdDX1o3a2VDNDBkRmtrM0pERHhMbjl3dXpKd2FqcGhBUlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyVDlwOEs0MWVQdk50LXF5MVpQZHdxU1I3T3lONnlaVW5YNUFfR253Ym9xb1V1cGJGWlVUb1lmb0JSOGREd3VqUmpHalNzUWZ2UU1FazZDYjNDRUgxX2ZVaVI4aTA4OUpsSm0xRnhmSWpDei1uTjRVQ1liejRxY25PakxoVm9wZlR1Qjl5SjdYYUFfcFg0UTBoZTg0eGxMUWlIN0hpbE9pMWI0NW1MWUpUNmpJbzk0Zk9yMHJHOGF4MC04a283MHRT |
Post a charity, along with its scope and location. Let's especially try to help out some existing local and regional charities that don't get enough attention or credit. Optionally, include a few words about why it should (or shouldn't) be supported.
Comment on charities so that we can discuss whether or not they are worth supporting.
Charity: UNICEF
Location: New York, USA
Scope: Global | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5bWhqZU5rSkVSSldoUXZiWk5XU1FoR3FsQ0ExLXotYy1CX3BnZ0lWX3AxMU1hd2t3U3lFcV9LWElGSTk0VWRMelB5QXVqYzkxeUdMMWdSQ0JZelBvY1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIybVBzRmVrQ2hreGdLX2NpOFpkb3MxRVFFVFJtVVVxT1M1cDZhSW5sWGRCcWFGLXpmYWo4SlJPVUtHenFwZ1R3eXJrbmNlYVNxZmxJdHh0djFXYmFfa3J5WEM2QVA4elhmNkcxcE1uM0I1VTN4VDM0WmNVd2xLcGhHVF9JdDVUdUExc0FLMXMzQXdCS1ZPLVctZmcwSXRTaHZIci1JUTlsbndTR2QxRHk4SHJKbEFJcUJ3OG83WU5XdWRnMGx1dFl6 |
So I was curious if anyone wanted to formulate some possible initiative(s) for the mid-Michigan area. This sounds like a great opportunity. Personally I am in the Lansing area, but if anyone has thoughts for other areas feel more than welcome to get the ball rolling.
Edit: Are there any potential organizations that people have in mind to work with? Or maybe even potential ideas that might be outside-the-box type thinking? | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5LXVnbzEtYVRCS2dWY2I2bVpoVXBuZkVUcTd5OEFPZXZEelhrYnVWYU8taVZFNjdFZ0F6b2Q2RktVdXFOaXRVSnhJNU95YUZ6eFhSYm56SmpZU3hYWXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyZkdsbUtnZEZiMVFSMXB5TkxQWjlpcnBhaHlmNTlSQk1aQ2xYRVpDUnB3dVB4aElvajMwdmhDZmxYTTRpQ090MkZCcmEwSU90RldZek4xUTZnUmtJTzBLSlB3RG01cWg4MHZEZTFvY3dFSzJHUUs5Q2pSSFExRkRaS3JJS0tKVko0M0hvVVhKWFU2anNRT1duZl9yUnpYYkJIMWhfeWxoLWxjSm15WE9QcGRnPQ== |
My first post so sorry if this is wrong/bad. The government has a website where people register if they need volunteers. Just type in your postcode.
There's a start. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5UUZ4UFRSS3RmenhTRHFlV1MxWXpoLU9la0dkRVBCVWZCcnJJMXZLc1BwdDd6WHV3QzdhcklmXzVXaENoT3prdU5aZUFXMTYyNkN5NFdZdl85YW5MTUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyckVyUzVFeTNRMVpBYy1ZeG9xQW8tVVRNTVBiY2RzSWRodDZNREo3VlctdkJ5TEtqdzVmQmk5X1pHdzEyVFVxMHQ3SmxUcWpMY3ZlS2Vod3NVMU5pVWQyaWNSNDlyZlNIQUJsWnhFTFhXeDBZUGRveDBpSXBlX21UNjdla1JiTXBOYWVVQmdoNVlVUW1nbUhrRWhyUktFb3VaUDNWNmY4dExNTVk5RzZFTnREd3NMSk9hTC1rbG55VmRtZVZzZi1U |
Here are some volunteer organizations I am aware of:
[One Brick](http://newyork.onebrick.org)
[NYC Service](http://www.nycservice.org/)
[New York Cares](http://www.newyorkcares.org/)
As far as I know, NY Cares requires a 45 minute orientation, but I'm not sure about the others. Feel free to post some more, as well as any further information, ideas, or personal experiences you have. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5aGhtMjVkSzlveW1pR01YQmJLM2ZzZTlqLVJrdGdlcUJLZWFQR3JsaGdxSFc2bzEzTWc5bzlkdjFYUFA0Q3N0WXBPWnNjV3cxVmhvVE9LSFpJN2FTc3FCamI5TE93RU5FOVlRWlpCTDJTQkU9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyYWlBcDIweGVBUTdlQk5VLXB0dkVOWG5lYThOOXVHY1RHQkJuT25feGJFdE5CWVV4MkRsbnZjMmpzRk14M0Q3VEp3YWRpdEpVM2Rkdy04U0duRXBhcWdHcFd5b0psMm9fMDdKSmt6SmpLenBxajZ6S2tXNXU3eUFFV1ZJSWRGeTBacWhabHZSeGZMSkRQcmw1TFY2b09rdF9WNjdlb3UtUG5HcFdnMTQ5dE9VPQ== |
Anyone from around here?
**Edit:** Post some volunteer ideas. I'll start:
They teach people how to grow food and put DIY vegetable gardens on peoples' lawns.
Some more ideas:
[Marine Mammal Conservancy](http://marinemammalconservancy.org/)
**Edit 2:** I think step two should be where we all decide on a day and a time. Anybody up for, say, Saturday, July 30?
**Edit 3:** Here's something very specific: [Sunday, August 7, 2011, 8:00 a.m., in Oleta Park in North Miami Beach, volunteer and free food and kayaking.](http://www.urban-paradise.org/080711) | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5MWNIcUhab3JudllkUEdNTUo4azJETnR3dmFsSUNjaFhCbXhDcmFELTZPUTZ1ODFVc2ZldWZoMGdfM2ExckFjT0N3enU1X1NjMGtfVmNCUjZRRzFycnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyVmdWQzN2c0dFQWV3b3BLN2c2Z2hzNHBUSEpYN1owelZ0b3ltT0x1LTBmWXVPT1BfMGRGaHYyUE5nZWJ5UE1HSEp2SGVZQzFMVFh2YktmeTNlY1FZaUkxRVZEcXg2em94RGZQU0dnUWwwS2Qwb0RsdGMzaVp3WnZTX2pjUlNKSlB0N25yaXF5NnFyY2hNVUlaazVJVGNLUld6XzNlbTJfREI2bGtoaWZzajhBPQ== |
I would be up for a day for this. Who is near here, and let's organize something! | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5WlR1OC1CV1U2dnNCS0tRQ0ViQTdpdXJSdG9JdDdLa1FmOFlvVkEydVAwZURfeklEcUcwc2JKVTRvU2ZFRUlvR0lReEkydXhSTENXZzdQWndibGJfZmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyMTUwLUFHLU50Vmczd3JJdDhEQy1lcVhSS3hOOEExTEpFbm5JM2JYem1sYXpkWXVrRWhCLXpPeUpPcnM2b1dILTJ3aFNmb3RkdGc0elFKa2xwbnFncUFPX1RadmpRTXdRcWUzaHdwMVVBTmtmaUlkU3dqLXN4SWo1Zjc1Nm1rRGtDX0MtbDBjdFhWbWt2MVBSZlJhX0R0d2VtZU5RcmN1Zm12LVVTMmM5QXBzPQ== |
Anyone know anything that we could do? My suggestion would be the North Texas Food Bank, there's a lot to do there in regards to donating and boxing food. Possibly cleaning up various lakes? Heres a couple links right off the bat: [NTFB](http://www.ntfb.org/), [For The Love Of The Lake](http://www.whiterocklake.org/). | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5aDdCeWFZMkxMbzI4aUdPazd4aUs5TVFCMjJ6SWN5eTVhYjRuTFdnbElyNDMxdG02aERPdHVVdm12RnI3NURJb1pqaTlZMERGNFgxN0JFbTQ0cEhNUnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIybjZmUWthQVp6djJmYWd6R3FxMmZyNTZVZmU2X0JBMllRQXd1eEhGSTBiaC1UelJwVy1mdjR4VlVtQkxybjczVUZTNWwzblhQcTV6VDdYSDcydU9rZnJaWmRoRWMwSVE0MGFmRS1IUVBOTjRBY0Z5ZTYtNlg2MFA4cE1RTFdfXzhZb21SdDVObTRocUtxemx1LWZXSFJObVVxYnEyN2E2SEY1MTBKZDNsY2NRPQ== |
Reddit has decided to effectively destroy the site in the process of monetizing it. Facebook, twitter, and many others have done this. So I used powerdelete suite https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite to destroy the value I added to the site. I hope anyone reading this follows suite. If we want companies to stop doing these things, we need to remove the financial benefits of doing so. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5OVk2dGtDVW5iU2JTSlV2MFhmbG1HTVVERFVjS0UteGRVZWFFYkQtT2M1Nnh4Z0FTWmRZcDdBV1VrblNhQWVDaS1lc2hVU0Q4QWRtaUNDU2R2UnNDY0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIydjRLQ3NDUk1pbDVHRDFtWHBmR2JQTi1TemZtRnZ4djFzdE0yck1veVk5UEdQcmt3Nkw0a2tEWjhFSUV2YVhtNy1EcmJjM3drS3FQWGJMVDlsRkV5MU9aZDFjY2ZzLU9QeWptRjQxZXI3cnRkd01LcEJOQjZFdDNETGFiWjdwZE5ZM0JFRE5nYU5oVWlvVGFpTW1ZZjdRPT0= |
I haven't lived here that long so I don't know the area very well in terms of places to volunteer, but I would love to get something going with people nearby. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5SXNCeVFDeTZWYnVuYnpNRGtGX3Fxc2l5ZERvSWozbWtwb2lnNUdBY1pVSFQwZTdpcjRjbmdaR05iR2haYzljQkNoTDJUY3ZNU0h5Nm14dmxIYXUxRFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyRlEyT2xiODh1QVl6NElvQ1prT0VoZV9ZU2gteHEyejhHYXJxLUxWN1E1RzdwRXdOZUVWaHJxMVd0WTVuSzF0bVRfMGp1cGszUnpwdTN6OEE2QUtBNVRaQTFQNlVNdXBSRy1odEtBWU9IWmVOMVZHWEtkN0pxZVFFNGttZnlwNjl0bHZLYllwYmFfVGM5dHpIcVZmWUpVNlg2dG9HNzR2enFQNVU4Mmc3R3ZNPQ== |
I'd be willing to drive a couple of hours for something good! | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5b3dGWDdBa1FjUzk1SHllT1Y0dmJiT00tYUg3ZDdPeWNJSTZTYVQxQmVPQUtyV0lzTkdKWFQ3Rko0S0IySDJoYXRrNXJoaV9VUEM1Q3ZvNGdVWGdOaEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyVHdpWk5GOXRPTVdNUkNkdlE0MXNtdmhxbXZOTHVIQWVPdXBaanFTYTd1X3U2RElab0FfQlIwRGplZ0t1Y3AyVVJnX08tODFkaDJoRVZ1ZjgxSUljMWxVMmFiMXo5WFN5bWp4X1N4blBhLXhtVnZqQ0drQk1LQUcyX2pkb01Ha3AwM0lkTU9GcmgtU3Ryak9SUE4xbHJYRjlqdER3ZFpJNC1MY09XOUR3MEwyaTlnVWktQ2UyYWN1R2RaeURGa044 |
Please understand that most organizations don't really want someone who volunteers for a day. If you want to help, stay committed and keep going back!
The thing is, organizations need to train their volunteers. They need to show you how they do things. But if you're only going there for the day, you are not going to be able to do everything perfectly. A long term volunteer is normally more useful than two new guys, simply by virtue of his or her experience and passion.
It's a little like those people who go to poor countries to try and teach people english. There's no doubt that they want nothing but the best for them, but if you're only going to show up ONCE, they aren't going to benefit. Even if a different group comes back the next week, it's not going to be as beneficial as it could have been - they'll be essentially starting from square one. They won't have the same connection and they'll have to spend time building that.
I realize that I'm probably going to come off as an extremely negative person who has lost his faith in humanity. But I've done a fair amount (not enough) of community work. In Singapore, students have to clock in a certain amount of hours of volunteer work and community service. But this has bred a large number of teenagers who think it's okay to go 'help' for the weekend and then vanish forever. It's incredibly frustrating for the organization: They want someone who keeps coming back, not just because it's more efficient, but because it shows that you're actually committed and not doing this to say 'Hey guys! I did something! Feels good!'. That's not the point of community service or volunteer work. But it's a mindset that's very easy to fall into.
I hope this doesn't put anyone off helping others. I just want to say that you should make the effort to go back. You don't need to be an amazing 100 hour a week volunteer. Just find the time. If it's once a month, then it's once a month - good enough. Commitment is an important thing and the lack of commitment among volunteers just prevents their work from doing even more good. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5eTNtcFhGbU1JZkFQUUdDMTRyM0xWZ0VpX3VPZEFJMXhkM3hSSFlvNG9MbkxDQUp4TXlCckY5LVM4WVg1Ulp1ZUNUcnZUNV90dVZ5UEwxekhGRmhrenc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyZDBjQjZ1VGNFbjNsNjVlS19tRGxxNFdkTE1FR1BMbU5hak84aTN2bEF4bi1BRXJBTXF1cUxuWmNraDN5akJ5M2xOeHNrV1V6N1RncVFzaV9nRjJubkxucEpyNUlEWFpwNjdtd0F2MVo0NEdEUFYxSWFERGZZVU1VRkg1bXZIeG9MejVvaFlmRWo5V0xNbVBEOThZRkJtcmJEa1FybGZ0ck50U0hTUjcwUGxNPQ== |
Didn't see one so I thought it should be started...I was not at either of the meetups but willing to help. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5QTAwMDl5OGJOU1NNLXdaZm9mLTJVTzVDN0paNmZzUXdnRDRFTkpxWEVLeVNEY1lFNFg0QXE1SXNQT21MX0xlOGtkSWtWRmEyR3MyMmgxbkJsek5UYWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyelhBSGFlRlFYLWJrSUU0Q2t1c1g1dXk1TVpjQ1dreEV0RExNUVM3YWc4cEpGSS02dnkzTEVWUUt2dlJQSnhQcUxsMENJX0QtWVdKcHIyM0tmb2ZiYUxhU0RxRU9IS3psWW5tZVMwQXdHRTZ1eHk4aEpCWUtveXhaSVEwc2lQT1VjcV8zcXZ6MDJod3ZIVFNwaDdGTHc3eFdhSTU1bTlPRnN2STU5Y1QtSTNJaGhTR1gweEoyQjNkNE4yOFFoNS02 |
As said there! Let's see if there's enough movement. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5bEh3UWhCaWdzamhUczhZR1FCaXpBWUpJN3JkdTA3allxcTBGbTJPUm1SQUNQZm9oYUdpQ3JvVWtHMjRwYTVmNTU1UFpPNUdtbG5XV3lreWpxY3c2SVE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyWnR5blN3SUlWQ2VKenBpVHFWM3hKZEpLYURGd0Y5TjVMVm9TQkdLZmRCanA4QVd5WFJQZ3ZDMWo2blB5S3cwOExEMVI0MmxOTWNMY25BbExzbl96d1k4V0ljalNoUldJemd6alI3U0VMMlpKdFo0eTMwdU9KN1ZvNWc0T0JxMlVHUWtXOXptX1R4NmZoT3lSYlhNcHVVYlBxd1RQVE1HMVhfa3pYQlZUMGwtSVFxXzIzanpHdWhEV2tSSlBZcDFZ |
Hey Montreal Redditors! Anyone want to volunteer for something together? | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5WGFLU3JHc3VYaE96Uk9tNzRaNnVIZ3RxUkN5ZEUtVFR4aDhoa08xQjluenBYbEREdmNJTnlFRFczTlJVUVNNUktsajJ0ZzB3dnZXYmNlbnE2V2NuQkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyanFjeFc3bWxnS0lBYk05M2w2QjVUMk5LX0djVVBYeEQtU2dmdldnN2w0N2NPVGJ6Sm94eEtlOUx3LXpQUnNoVDgwSE9uTUxscWNMNDllSDJnWURpcnE0VzJOcVdHMzU4Tm1vWVVxcUxVS1JoYUxrWUwtcEZjZF9CU1lMcG1Scnp3NU9IbXV3a1RKOFJicnRQSzZ6TnA4ZDY3eUVROHRSWHVwMm9Kd1BYd1dFPQ== |
You don't have to even physically be somewhere to help. Pick a cause :) If you already volunteer, you can help recruit redditors close to you to help YOUR cause! There are enough super cool people here to get this going. We can find some worthy causes to support regardless of your race, religion, or any other insanity.
You guys rock. I didn't expect such a huge outpouring so quickly! It gives me faith in humanity.
-The Space Bunny | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5aVlQS0ZwNXlzSGhfTjlCWnRDaTBETkxOVDB1aEpObkJKRm93bHNQdEs4Wm1GajBranVRRFNvTUF4TmdpcktmWjFEamxiTWF2alFQWExOLUFsVlR3Unc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyUXU3VXBSM3hucTZjanVTZHlHVzdzbXFqbmxKZWdPQWUwUW1lY0RReVFkcXhoX3pGWXpTSEF3YVItSU9fRlJJc0NDNXA1WkdMWFA4LU5XbFVmS0Vyamx4cmwxM1I1cGUyVHJ2aDJiUzU5WFJXclZUbThzWEZHUWdoMTFkYkpva0MzbGJnSlJJMTJ3UVp0dE1uNGtVRnJaSF8zU09JRV82Zjl3UGlMdnNqa1ZVPQ== |
Comon guys, show some initiative! | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5dTdTUlU1WFlIQjE2QUNWZm9DQThySk1qSWxOSjNNckxEMS1nRGtOYjJxNDl3YzNmUWdlUENjYU9VMU9MWGMzZ0I1VVRTaDNvYktDUUVtOTFIVDh1cnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyR0xxbHRHSlJOTFNBU1RPSGJkSmZESGE3ZEVEb2Z2VFdlRFpOcHU1d0lzczdVczllRVBVOWNaYU9mWkdlLXpqcURpc3hwbHc2RjlBalFlVU1uaG11VWM2RTFSb1phaGJ4UW9iTG0wdDB5WW5jMWdsVDVObGVXamdwUnE2N2R3U2Y3YmxKcW0tQUxxOW1FYldWOURkMGNfMWVoSjhNZmxKV2FFbV9qRjY4Q05nNUl6UFdpUV90REFmZ21adVBRSDB4Q1EzV1pzdlVJTUNYNk1pSEdBdUtGdz09 |
I mean, I know it's new but we don't want 600 people asking for help with something if they never help back.
I'm all for helping people and I don't even care if I get something back, but I don't like it when people take advantage of me.
So maybe we could make a deal with the person that wants help?
A sort of help-for-help system?
"You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" if you understand what I mean.
Otherwise it really does feel like we'll just end up helping ungrateful people.
EDIT: And what's the policy on dealing out advice? I don't want to log on and see 200 posts about "my boy/girlfriend left me" | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5YzVOSmQ4Y1NDbWlmSXdEbjNYeGxQdGdrWGVWSnl2VVNLazQ3cjdrQnU4aVU2R255WlpxaUdYWlVxVDdJc0FKM2gxbTNzcjZ4dERxVmNtTWJPVlVJNWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyc09JYXZvU0hodEpZX3RYMEluc0RYbURJcnd3WV9mSWlxVVVhWTVUdC1JemhYLURXanFvZ3E1ZFFiMURuS2poZHhKS1U4bTFxYnNyXzF2eDNzNUJJYWUxMkZfQ0pVLTBOM1NZSU9felREWmItWXAtMDBwMFc5UVpxbjlPN0xBSmVtY1VLMHZ4Z3ZxNEgxMmRRRGZwSkFhcWlkcUdSeFVJY2RaaFB6T0ZwT2x1UWZmYzJJdDMyckFSRk1BYkZ6bnBK |
Let's talk about how Baltimore can get involved. Anyone else want to help coordinate or be involved? | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5WDFNV3EwcTNMTWhKRUhtMGxCM0QtYl9UTzJlUl9Sb2E1Q1BxQTRBZWNBVTJsOTZUdjBiZ0xQal9LYnFpTnpJMXRhS0JjTkNMY1VzU2d6NzM5cWFMdHc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyNjE2X1dHNERab0dMQ1RWNDBWdU8wNC1GLW9tXzljQk52NDBNSlhxeTh0SXdVbmVDdlg5NTNINkUtX0gzYmFwd25ydEhqUTU1SnB0LVg3VzZKQ21GdG5KcUVrSF83SEdoT1A4c1BScUJqTFJ4cEpCLTNHQ2RLQjEwX3BHdzcxa0xwYzV4Q0hWVEF2YjRlUFp5NVk1OTB5UGd5VXZrMVJid3NnVm05aFUtQlJzPQ== |
During this upsurge of volunteer spirit let me be a voice for the local unsung heroes, volunteer firefighters and volunteer fire departments.
There are plenty of options to choose from that don't involve danger or blood and guts. Many fire departments seek skilled trades to just keep the organization running.
Good with vehicles? Volunteer to keep the fleet in tip top shape.
Good with finances? Become an auditor, follow every penny.
Good with computer science? Most fire departments lack a presence on the web which offers another avenue for donations. Offer to build and maintain a site. Help keep track of people that actively donate and those that might. Keep tabs on member participation.
Good with people? Outreach is a large part of volunteer fire; show up at community events and help spread the word.
Think the only thing you're good at is being loud and bitching? There's a seat waiting for you during budget hearings at city call.
Even if you don't have any skills you think would be of value just go talk to a recruiting officer. If you wish to get into firefighting or first response I am positive the department will either train you or assist in getting you trained. There are plenty of benefits from volunteering. From awesome firefighter tags on your car to help finding a job; we are a family that takes cares of our own. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5QjNfWVh2SldoOFFxUDBhSVZXVDhDN24zX184el8zeDNMek1YVnNULW9NdUlsa3VwcTF0Qk0zZnRkdGNsWm1weGx1SmtnQTRMc3NXTWdoaEhQYWxwMnc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyRkxBbVNrRE1KVXdhbHF2aV9HaWtjZkIzbE5PRmRiQ09VNGdyamdQSTZzc19wdzJtOW9TVmJNYzVaRERSNDE3X2tsb1hIem8tUU9nMXB5djFoaW1DODdGdVFPX2tmRF9IZkFYNi03d0J6VWt4d0ZmMklIaS05ZHZ4Tm5iSVNzaUllM0lsWDI0WlNwM2w0N2dsOWZtckJCdGFSX29LeVdqSTVlcFVRSjRVajRzbTdKeWFQOUtzS0VTQUtuYWZOYlpN |
I searched and no ones done it yet. Wheres MIT, Harvard, Berklee, UMASS and the rest of the world's most renowned educators? Let's get this started! I'll kick off.
I'm always in the back bay area cause I work there. I have plenty of places to maybe volunteer. I'm also apart of a fraternity and we have connections to the Greater Boston Food Bank as well as Rosie's Place. I also have connects at ABCD and the YMCA.
BTW It took me way too long to figure out how to post... it got to the point where i had to google it and the first hit was reddit with a post about how to post on reddit (amidoingitrite?) This is my first post! :D | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5NjZaME1mVjRoaFlnR21jNi1SZTB1Z19qLXRfTlZ1ZTVlUzlGNnlOT1hac1RCTkgyNG5RZTFwaXVOVWQzQVcxVXFrdHZLZUM3SE45YXRyMmRjWUkxZWc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyRXJoQURxQnVoWmEtMVJEek5XdlZHWWRJXzdBbGR4ZnJPa1B2M2owV3dZSzNBazZfU0xQZVZSdExnSmpnNnlvTHJuYVh5dVlRRElPS0tTT1g1bEN3VXZzSFM5VkpDZUg0NnlvWm5wanJHb0RGcDdTMkQ5TFZ1Y2s4cGIyWi03RDhCTTlyX0tzdDVTOUphRXVXaGVqSTNfMXI0RlEwbmJ3aGpMelNJQndPUV9Sak5ISVlfazBIcGRjQ0h0aHlKQnpw |
There are many, many things we could devote our time doing. The first and most obvious thing we need to do is to have an agenda. List your idea for causes here. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5NlJCWGlBVUI4ZzRLZ2w2VnpOMkpKWmV3UXBHTmo3ZnRSOFFUbnNpbWplTWQ0ZjZ0Tjktak1XaEJyNks2RE1GM2NYS2d1dlU4blFVZGg2Z2U0czlNb1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIybEJLQUt0Ujl4MFp5Ulg3QVBVd1ZEMDlfMnowZlB0dDlQcm9fV0I2akNIU3dEVzdHXzd6ZnE3UXowOERuYzlvU3ZHV2F2YWpTOG94dzluWVI2M1Z5TjhEd3RZREdDemZvSEdHUUtvN2NUNjJUenFjVVlQRVZpTktkOGV1WHplaXBKRzBXcVVjV3dFaGpCWl84dVhqTURpeHRpWG5yN0w1T3o0d2pwSXAxQ3dodzd1WTV1OEVhMVBhMFgxOTlOMDVr |
Let's make this subreddit look AWESOME. Professional, but reddity. I posted in r/design (they're pretty cool) as well. Post the best you've got, and I'll put together a post so we can vote on it! You guys ROCK! | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5YkRWOC1iNlFvd2ZIR2htd0owTVNJZ3FtRjVvQ3FTY2Z4Y2IwQ2xVaGliWUw2ZnZBWFQxODJ1N3VTVDJHbk8ycmloUkp4OFBkSV8zSnM0SjU2Szd1MkE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyVzcwX0tmamg4UENla3p0bkEzcUVmX0pxQXlRd3JZS0lvamhlQUlsR1lycy01eV9nTlhrcnVTMWlRc2dFQU51RF9NeTFhX2FlZm5QNmJUaGYtVmg0UXc2cG40akI3dHhRXzJtNTZGQzhnQnVjSWNnYTZGcHRjQU5peDJSbnV0emd3NHhJNWF1SW5VLTQ5Q2xGWGpQUVZlR1JsWkRDWFU5RUNyTXpBdEUzd3hNaTZJS1lCUEtoejg4VmpIQ08zRFp4 |
A comprehensive website that hooks up organizations in need of help with people(redditors) who want to give help and have specific talents.
You can sort by the type of work or the type of cause you would like to contribute to. Also you can search by organizations in your community.
A great resource to learn about not-for-profit organizations around the world and in your hometown. you can learn about an organizations mission, the type of work they do, and the populations they serve before volunteering. After finding one you prefer you can typically find a link to their website to learn more about volunteer opportunities.
Also if you're a redditor without gainful employment, idealist lists job opportunities for many organizations.
Lastly, she wanted me to pass on these words: "Organizations really need volunteers, but it is a real burden to the organizations if you expect to do a specific task are not flexible to help out in other ways. Often they are understaffed to handle the complete organization of all their volunteers so its very difficult to fulfill every volunteer's expectations. So please be patient and flexible and it can be a very rewarding experience." | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5S3Exd1N0QndQUC13MVF6NVlRMlJ1eGtTU1B3Z2RaZzZxUnVkbnZTeHZKeDNyMTRhbVB3RksxZlQ4c1JnZ182RHRWUWF2QVFuTi1vWmJoTlJkM055OGc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyaTlBWjNFM3FHXzBnRmk0V1p1XzdDYXVNa1NCdm9Ld21lTHhjNHpnQ18tVkNHN01kakY1dzAxbUVic21QVUVzeGNZeW41cEwybWsyekx3N0U3SW15OXFwckxiWm9sRjlQMUxCeldfYS1peGFnLWxKTUhBZDJLemE2WnNObnplMFhlOGZhSXRWbXFiMEo2RmxSU2dMekt2YUZBZUZhSldrSTd2WXIwS2VSOUsyQnc4cmRocHprblFZV2t0MUtzenlO |
If this already exists, please let me know some how.
I think there should be a thread specifically for web design/hosting. It seems to be pretty popular. If it isn't already in existence, I'd gladly head it up. I've had plenty of experience in this area (Comp. Sci. major plus 6 years working in an IT environment).
Basically, here is the jist of what I was thinking:
I'll volunteer or find a volunteer to make websites. I can't afford to host anything, but I know there are redditors out there who could (or have their own personal bandwidth to contribute). I'm volunteering to put a need together with a supply and/or design web pages. If you can provide hosting services, let me know. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5RkNKYzRJWGI2eGYxQXpNM1hpUnJ0TVhrWkI5MFBXZ2xrUUpRMjhNSk5uX3JSd2JvWExxZS04WFFieUhRb1JKMlVycW50OGZkbWQzTlhjOHMzaWVlZFE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyQ0d2SXJKd1R5UTRkVUFqZk1xTzVmdEk3VFNWdWwxWDVIYVh3bTdlLXZMS2ZYQjU1V09uZWpLaHZhYVpuMElkRjRnN2xTSGZGYXJUZlRSd0FoeGRvREhydUNFNnVUZ0tjRjNCb3B2ZXVHMng0bkY4VVM4OEdLVVkyWlZSSGhMSDJfODNKdWhXT1dGWnY4blhqVjJUVlBrRWIxTUpDcXVjZEJlRzVLQmRJd05RTGw1ajhFOWlCM3pkT0VQOENVaERG |
Ok guys, lets do this. I am a Team Leader for [New York Cares](http://www.newyorkcares.org/). We are the city's largest volunteer organization, averaging more than 53,000 volunteers a year.
The beauty is this: I can create my own projects, any day, any time, any activity. Basically, I say we pick a date and figure out a great way to use our time and energy. It can be anything. In the past I have helped adults learn english, worked soup kitchens, taken kids on field trips, helped out at a home for the blind, etc.
I figure we can all make suggestions in the comments, and I'll take the top one to the brass at NYCares and set something up.
To volunteer with NY Cares, you will need to go through a short orientation, about an hour. It is totally worth it because you will then have access to all of their projects through their website.
Ok New Yorkers, whaddya got? | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5bFZ1bWhGTk44VVVmUXc2WXpCVXltQmxSekR1c2pvVkNjZHZJNTNlUjQ2cS04T25UYVA0aVh0Q3VhWlJGWTNsVmN6a0hncFJaQkdNRkQycTZ3QS1CZ1E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyZG9FbXZOZ1dLTktHQVBrQngzT29IdGt6STdDZS12SWZrU3RyWF9ONVBQX2NCd0F3SUNKWXltYnFnOEVYODQ4SXhBZ250OS0tTlFxNXhoMjZNOXg4dE1XY3czVXdhYm1mcTZIcGRlcEZ6TGRiT2V3UHV2WDQ3TTVsaVViMkVJSnJ5OEdUcjlFWGNQMXdEQmJzdS1OMFh3PT0= |
I wouldn't mind help participating in a local effort. Anyone else? | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5TFNEVjZBYVdIR09HeXRaaGRCVnF0anI3Qmhmck04c0szWlBmSmpuTXhPWUVKREhURnAtUlRDRTlkTGEzTk1aOGR3Q1V5QUlkZXNPMFRodlJPanFJNlE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyNV93cUs0anBoVEZiRFFJMTh0a3p2cE5RZjNqdkQ2MjdCTEl3VGd3ckk2UDJ2Vmp6OWNja052ZzlncjZnTzUzMXR6Z1ZCOGdTSEVhTnZrWjFfYlRPV3NRMnplSTQ5NTdEN3JhM0NYM2JJdHhtOEtUR3R2aEZCajFqTWZ3MFpBazlsZG5XZmlEbk1sdkdKSnFsTWdPclFRPT0= |
On this day why don't we call all the numbers on the "How is my driving?" vehicles and dole out some good karma?
Imagine how many smiles we could create...
Your driver is driving so well... his lane changes are flawless and his hands are in the 10-2 position. He deserves a raise.
| r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5Smx0QVUtRDFHQ2loRlEwelliRmJ5SFBoMVhJT3ZabERFZ3lLbTdFV1JHQUd4VGJVWVFYUnQ1VGZFVm01VjlkU01nbklGbDN6UVctTTZJaHJMT0s3bXc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIycUlJS1JtQm02cnJlOUpWZ3pKQnVzY2dyZGRGU2h4eks5UHkyZ3Z3aGhvWEM1QjljamRPU3oyemxwaXpGQS01a0VHdDhiNkJtOXZ6bDY0MXBJbW1pWGxWRWYxWkZCTzY1bjBrUWFMOWJzZkl2d2UyZWFNUi1EdnZSalF3amZsNFk2eVZwRkVyZ2V3dVlmZGJDU0VXMWVMcWNXSTA2SGx4WnBkSHFGUTg3MnpTOU1hUEJwejRwM3NJMFlndDFZd0FR |
Basically it stems from random acts of pizza. I know there were a ton of promo codes for domino etc. We could send people who volunteer as a group some pizza etc. Its very minimal using the coupons, and hell we could create a fund to help with getting food this way to people and maybe even get supplies etc | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5Tm55Vk0wZk01bHZneW1lY1J2YURwcmF0cEJKQUZuYUNSQU9nTEVSSldYeUljbzAyZ3VnQnQxbGVsNWhOUks3MlViUlBnZnVoQk9vM2RKQ3cwUnU3Smc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyVWZZbGtianVTbEk1dmFhSkg2anZoYktteEEtWTFweTdyUmZibm5yN1Z3QlJ6SzdYczljWUtOYVdzc1JFVHlHUGhMbFhfOERSUldxbDlEekNmR2NlMDlubDI2czB5MU93U3dWTGM1YXEtbUxVS2tUWm9xZTBPSFZ0ZUc1RUtkR21aR2VJMUd0WUUxaEJ5ZEt0V2dvOGY1cmM3WTZORzc4MFNoZERETGhod3Jfa3V0WmxyVlp5ZlpzMEwwV2Y2MFM0 |
Tracking outcomes will be useful to tell the story to the media, and inspire people to join on future volunteer days. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5dDFnbkUwN09Ma2dwTzE1eHhGVFRQV3B4eUJINWJidlRnTmF6V2xYWndlalZ2MXhQbnJ4T2xpaU1RZ2g4XzlER3dvVDJURFVwOHRkMEI5SlkzUXJhOEE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIybmw3OEVlUktqbFN2M0F1bkRrQzJ6b1lNbnJoWjQzWmhCSnFqSE9tQjd4d3hGY3RGcy1DanNVRm9Jc28taTBoMjRmNGViWVdwMkNYRnBXR2FZdlBwNlJhbk1fWnNXRkJQM1ZZLU5kTFFERkpTTGxuNjd6MWZmTnozY0wtVUkybWxydnRnM3hQdVNoYWppdk52Z1YxTnh0S1pVekQwMl9WVzFOUkxTX3lFblN2SUxHSjFKa196NXUwS0JiQ0hRSEc3 |
There is a countless number of soup kitchens I've either seen or had the ability to work at in the past. Thats the first idea I had, but thats why this post is here. Let's see what we can do! | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5RF9mdkR0eWZGWFV3S1ZKSGhLa0JGTkNMWW1oV0pSWDVKby1GNnFJb0c3NWZZMW1Ga0hoNTFaQVQ4OHR3N0Y3YnBtaDZfQVNpaG1uNklUWmtfdUhPdmc9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIySnVSQTdYdEMwSnBOVDRpZkJPbnBNLS1pRXNONTdsRHNhUmRsRURUSVg3UkRiX1hXN2VLTl9MUWJubEVCb1Y1UFB3X1BRNUhZRWtUaEVoTG1RQXdkc2NrZ0lLWEp2TVg2VS1HNWNmeXJob3FQVWp6LWJMOHgzc1ZOc3NZY3J4SXgtdkFPX2pfU0FteWctRGIzVUVlYVVUM1dsbm9obndkSEdHMUtVWmhQcE1QN2M5YVdZNkNORUJCWkRPb2l1YkV3 |
Over at /rAlaska we are going to try and get an event together! Any help and ideas you can think of should be submitted over there or here! Let's do this thing! | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5SS03VHVTRHF2RTNPMDdIN2c3WWljVkNvQUdmZXB1bFIyMVV6bkNwSmIySU5TMndpZVRMM1VqWE1OODRBMHAzYjA4V1VyQ0xjWFQ5aTBwenFscm5WWUE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIybnJlc2RhZE52aXJLa3h5X0VYSUpJSzdkby1kSnQ2WnhlOFNNei05X2xsamVXUjhuRlFRQVhTOHZuNHN0aGRIeWhPLXBhWnhpTWoxbHpEb2NnMXFtXzFBTUo1V2x5VUxZZkZiaFlxSUZId1JseW5Ic2x0N3BLSEpjbDdJYXIyYlV6c2NObVY2WFFiR192QnVfNnliQVRjeV9pYzc2VVhxdXhuQWZ5Smc2N0xrPQ== |
I'll step up as the point person for now. It looks like 9/10/11 is the date we're looking at right now, which is a Saturday. Does anybody have any suggestions for a place to meet up? I'm thinking Loring Park because it's large and it's close to downtown Minneapolis, but if anybody has any other ideas let's get them on the table. The following is a list of organizations in the Twin Cities that I think might be beneficial to get in contact with:
[HandsOn Twin Cities](http://www.handsontwincities.org/) - An organization that aims to strengthen communities through volunteer action.
[Volunteers of America](http://www.voa.org/) - A youth volunteer organization with offices in Minneapolis.
[Hope Community Center](http://www.hope-community.org/) - This is an organization that I've worked with in the past, they've got a really strong network and a lot of opportunities for volunteers.
[Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity](http://www.tchabitat.org/) - The Twin Cities' chapter of Habitat is currently working on disaster relief on the Northside.
[Red Cross MN](http://www.redcrossmn.org/index.asp?IDCapitulo=7K58A866M7) - The Red Cross has a ton of volunteer opportunities ranging from blood services to disaster relief.
EDIT: I'm going to be adding to this list, in the mean time if you're interested in getting involved, please PM me, email me at [email protected], or leave a comment. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5VEtNWWRSWFZkQUVNZnRXSmdTb2dXbU5taC1LWjRRLXZ2ZFUzbERfOS1TUzMxZFBhSF9mUlo5VTA3WnJGNk9fdWNSYjAxTDBOTWdMY01wUTJGRUJwNHRIY3Q1YXFaQ1VPLVBXdnVtNHhqcWc9 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIybWwxLTE1QmZYSkdQQW0xenFlcGJoUzBLYjQ2Z2ZJZnlYRk0yR0dGOXZYakRFa0ZIdG5vcHJGRHkwVmR5MlNGbzdaaGpOaF85SmJIS25ubUNqa2laQjNIUTEySVdQOXhfa0NrcHBNM2dST05fR3dYM0ttWC1Ub0tjeWxLZzAwaUxpRTJreUpzZ1pOcjdObzZGRmhYV25nTUxlV3VaWmVkTFNCQmI3b0d6b21nRk9IcnZ6Q2FBVkFFamZNa2tQWVByQWxKV2JBdzJ1aWplN2Z6Y3phTTVTdz09 |
I used to write for suite101.com occasionally, which pays revenue for articles based on page view and advertisement clicks. I stopped due to the lack of significant payoff (mostly because I didn't write enough articles).
If I wrote an article about Reddit's /helpit, and everyone viewed the page, and even clicked an advertisement, though, I could raise some money, which could all go to the charity of reddit's choice. It may not be a lot (depending on how many participants), but it will be something and requires almost no work!
Any thoughts?
TL;DR: If I wrote an article, could Reddit give the web traffic and ad clicks to raise some money for charity? Simple clicks and pass-it-on. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5c0NtZVB3UzNqaVdRS2Q1TC1wcy00cDVEcVdseFhXYk1JMTc4ejY1V0tNM0VwQ1pBNFFEeWVDQTBSdzgwb3JiLVdGcU05OVlwSFBoaVR3WFd3aGxuX0E9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIySGV1S1ViZzJyM0s3aE54Y1g3S0VHMzFpZlJxYVdpcWpra2RDZDZEQUxRUEtSbEl3SFpRNFY5RkNpcV8zcEVBVTQ1aVlPV1phMjZYLXM1TnFoSlprMXRYY1NIYV9nWTctSFhUQngxZXZHbG1wMzJYWkk3dUFhME9hR1BoZTJZQnhPTllHbEVqMDlGNU83WHNGX3lsRHY4MlNPbUZRWkhCNFkzN2I0SzZNT3VJPQ== |
I signed up because I thought it was about joining fellow redditors in doing good deeds for our local communities, whenever we could; not because we were going to try and create a national holiday like Earth Hour.
Not that I don't think that that would be a good idea; but I don't see the point in only helping out one day a year.
So yeah. | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5WlVZSW5ZNlQ1ZlF0ZnpWX1YwN21ueDBSYXp0ay1DOWhRamNTVGdRRWdaX0dNM1dpSUd3Um9QMklYY0w3b0VPNk1kZmQtMmNqU3l2MkJyTnNQc05sR3c9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIyUHpibHhoX1BqWld4ZlFDQ1ZHTDJ0bWYwcVZCVFFvVUoxenpCa1RfQUtDVHA3cTRKem9BODA2Y1Vaa0wta05RMzlYdDF3dTZXeDNWdjZXTlh2eGdtTjlRY2RVY3gxODhoRGxjYVh0ajY0SkJWMVRrVVRCX1BKbW8tT2Y0SkZSRXNYVVdiM3hwWEdTTHlvbHB4T3pHOEZQUGRBRmV0Ty1OZmxVeVF5cWlodDQ4VlpSd0FzWHl5Y0UtZW5yWGpmb2NpcUpuTzhqWmNMOFJIY3NUSWM2MEpKdz09 |
I would love to do some volunteer work around the southeast Michigan area, but unfortunately I have a job (I bet you never heard someone say that before), so I can't really coordinate this. Is there anyone that can? | r/helpit | post | r/helpit | 2011-07-17 | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVJ5X0sxZWNiUE1fMURrZlpCQko0d0N0alZ0NHZmZ0xadzMtMUFCYUJteENDakhqa0NkLUFpVENxZURaUUVvS2JoZzlZSS0zRUozVEdWV0I4ZktjbDlpelE9PQ== | Z0FBQUFBQm5zQVIybFQ3N21OTWt4UkduXzdTVU5jRF9wUjJMeHRTYmtybUN0T0trTlYtWUNVNWQ0dS1pV2tfWjIycjZEZ2RoWXZfT2Vzb1BpLW5BYmM0UU9PUnh0ZVRQZ2RxNlFxN0p6cTRJTkliNHdlMm41bktRNWk1WVBpN1JOV0lLT3VNSWJxaTNnaENaTjh4cEVUamNFMEhTaUwzckMxYjl3TXBuXy0zSHJjemNBSkN3RjhOMTA3SVNjaVhZSDhxMlRfOWhBY2dH |
Bittensor Subnet 13 Reddit Dataset

Dataset Summary
This dataset is part of the Bittensor Subnet 13 decentralized network, containing preprocessed Reddit data. The data is continuously updated by network miners, providing a real-time stream of Reddit content for various analytical and machine learning tasks. For more information about the dataset, please visit the official repository.
Supported Tasks
The versatility of this dataset allows researchers and data scientists to explore various aspects of social media dynamics and develop innovative applications. Users are encouraged to leverage this data creatively for their specific research or business needs. For example:
- Sentiment Analysis
- Topic Modeling
- Community Analysis
- Content Categorization
Primary language: Datasets are mostly English, but can be multilingual due to decentralized ways of creation.
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
Each instance represents a single Reddit post or comment with the following fields:
Data Fields
(string): The main content of the Reddit post or comment.label
(string): Sentiment or topic category of the content.dataType
(string): Indicates whether the entry is a post or a comment.communityName
(string): The name of the subreddit where the content was posted.datetime
(string): The date when the content was posted or commented.username_encoded
(string): An encoded version of the username to maintain user privacy.url_encoded
(string): An encoded version of any URLs included in the content.
Data Splits
This dataset is continuously updated and does not have fixed splits. Users should create their own splits based on their requirements and the data's timestamp.
Dataset Creation
Source Data
Data is collected from public posts and comments on Reddit, adhering to the platform's terms of service and API usage guidelines.
Personal and Sensitive Information
All usernames and URLs are encoded to protect user privacy. The dataset does not intentionally include personal or sensitive information.
Considerations for Using the Data
Social Impact and Biases
Users should be aware of potential biases inherent in Reddit data, including demographic and content biases. This dataset reflects the content and opinions expressed on Reddit and should not be considered a representative sample of the general population.
- Data quality may vary due to the nature of media sources.
- The dataset may contain noise, spam, or irrelevant content typical of social media platforms.
- Temporal biases may exist due to real-time collection methods.
- The dataset is limited to public subreddits and does not include private or restricted communities.
Additional Information
Licensing Information
The dataset is released under the MIT license. The use of this dataset is also subject to Reddit Terms of Use.
Citation Information
If you use this dataset in your research, please cite it as follows:
title={The Data Universe Datasets: The finest collection of social media data the web has to offer},
To report issues or contribute to the dataset, please contact the miner or use the Bittensor Subnet 13 governance mechanisms.
Dataset Statistics
[This section is automatically updated]
- Total Instances: 382632435
- Date Range: 2010-01-18T00:00:00Z to 2025-03-17T00:00:00Z
- Last Updated: 2025-03-17T04:46:24Z
Data Distribution
- Posts: 5.50%
- Comments: 94.50%
Top 10 Subreddits
For full statistics, please refer to the stats.json
file in the repository.
Rank | Topic | Total Count | Percentage |
1 | r/moviecritic | 369067 | 0.10% |
2 | r/videogames | 312820 | 0.08% |
3 | r/GenX | 310666 | 0.08% |
4 | r/namenerds | 302254 | 0.08% |
5 | r/KinkTown | 291364 | 0.08% |
6 | r/teenagers | 285493 | 0.07% |
7 | r/AITAH | 284946 | 0.07% |
8 | r/Advice | 280627 | 0.07% |
9 | r/dirtyr4r | 276378 | 0.07% |
10 | r/PcBuild | 275535 | 0.07% |
Update History
Date | New Instances | Total Instances |
2025-02-15T09:20:32Z | 224627658 | 224627658 |
2025-02-19T06:05:22Z | 21288558 | 245916216 |
2025-02-19T09:05:50Z | 127983 | 246044199 |
2025-02-19T10:36:03Z | 34255 | 246078454 |
2025-02-19T12:06:15Z | 33760 | 246112214 |
2025-02-23T04:09:26Z | 20601216 | 266713430 |
2025-02-23T10:10:22Z | 457100 | 267170530 |
2025-02-23T11:40:33Z | 34294 | 267204824 |
2025-02-23T13:10:45Z | 42150 | 267246974 |
2025-02-23T20:42:28Z | 943125 | 268190099 |
2025-02-27T09:58:56Z | 19707299 | 287897398 |
2025-02-27T11:29:06Z | 32681 | 287930079 |
2025-03-03T00:37:56Z | 19108585 | 307038664 |
2025-03-03T02:08:08Z | 55850 | 307094514 |
2025-03-06T14:49:14Z | 18786755 | 325881269 |
2025-03-10T03:59:48Z | 19159040 | 345040309 |
2025-03-13T16:29:43Z | 18709163 | 363749472 |
2025-03-17T04:46:24Z | 18882963 | 382632435 |
- Downloads last month
- 1,619