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Are the 80 temperature proxies used in the paper sufficiently accurate to establish a solid global temperature chronology? | impossible expectations | 5.1.2 | CARDS |
Well, maybe the second greatest lie ever told, after the anthropogenic GW hoax. | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | CARDS |
Even if Canada met it's reduction it would make no god dam difference. | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | hamburg_test2 |
Well, not a debate because climate alarmists who were invited didn't show. | ad hominem | 5.2 | jintrain |
Considering that they constantly claim that global warming is going to cause dramatic rises in sea levels, why have they bought a house that will soon be underwater ??It's almost as if..... | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Given this reality, we would be wise to consider strategies that complement and may be more effective than mitigation namely, adaptation. | slothful induction | 4.2.5 | CARDS |
“global warming causes about as much damage as benefits.” | cherry picking | 3 | Alhindi_train |
THIS REPORT CLARIFIES BIASES IN STATISTICAL methods used in optimal fingerprinting for climate change attribution | ad hominem | 5.1 | hamburg_test3 |
As the CO2 content of the air continues to rise, it is likely that wheat plants will exhibit significant increases in photosynthesis and yield even under less than favorable growing conditions characterized by elevated atmospheric ozone concentrations and/or pathogenic infections by rust-causing organisms. Thus, it is likely that such detrimental environmental and biotic factors will not threaten world grain production in the years to come, as long as the air's CO2 content is allowed to increase unhindered by mankind's misguided legislative attempts to stabilize the atmospheric concentration of this vital life-supporting gas. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | CARDS |
Bombshell conclusion new peer reviewed analysis: worldwide-temperature increase has not produced acceleration of global sea level over the past 100years | slothful induction | 1.6 | CARDS |
Surface Mass Balance of Greenland ice sheet is way up. | cherry picking | 1.1.2 | hamburg_test3 |
One of the few benefits of global warming: on top of Ben Aigen in November without a coat on. Taken a few weeks ago. Was icy up there yesterday afternoon. | cherry picking | 3 | hamburg_test1 |
Too hot, climate change, not too hot climate change, rain falling, climate change, ducks flying in opposite direction, climate change, dog barks, caused by climate change. | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
The climate has always changed, so focus on milking female cows. Oops. Did I offend any liberals? I certainly hope so. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
At least he was SMART enough to provide the infrastructure for his vehicles. Unlike the demoncrates who have been stealing our money since the 90's just rambling out of control about climate change. Where is Gore anyhow??? | ad hominem | 5.2.3 | hamburg_test3 |
What about the dem climate change scam#CarbonTaxingAGhost | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | hamburg_test1 |
Even in warm summers , there's plenty of ice over much of the Arctic Ocean. | cherry picking | 1.1.3 | jintest |
I think I was pretty clear in accepting that there had been a small amount of warming overall between 1979 and about 7 years ago. There is nothing alarming or exceptional about it. There is no climate crisis or emergency. | slothful induction | 3.4 | hamburg_test3 |
Nobody denies climate change, the climate is always changing. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test1 |
Initially, Antarctic ice cores were proof of CO2 creating temperature increase and low pre-industrial levels. Then we learned temperature increase preceded CO2 increase and levels were similar to today. The former was widely accepted and contradicted the major assumption of the hypothesis, so recently Shakun et al tried, unsuccessfully , to reassert the claim. The latter claim was contradicted by Jaworowski but essentially ignored. | false choice | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
For global warming alarmists, however, a greener biosphere is terrible news and something to be opposed. | ad hominem | 5.2 | jindev |
Then climate change must have started thousand years ago or more .. It's not just recently. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
Are you tweeting this from your lakefront property or your private jet fueled airplane?! haha climate change hypocrisy at it's finest!! | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test2 |
Carbon dioxide is regulated by plant life. It's been that way forever. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | hamburg_test3 |
There is no Climate Crisis, it is apocalyptic nonsense. | slothful induction | 3 | hamburg_test1 |
One was the revelation by the European Space Agency that in 2013 and 2014, after years when the volume of Arctic ice had been diminishing, it increased again by as much as 33 per cent. | cherry picking | 1.1.3 | jintrain |
Climate Realism: Searching For Global Warming, Pittsburgh Freezes Under Record Cold | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test2 |
DSM proponents exaggerate the energy savings from such policies. Contrary to popular belief, energy efficiency improvements do not reduce society's overall energy consumption. In fact, greater efficiency leads to more energy use, because efficiency lowers the cost of consumption and frees up dollars for other energy-consuming activities. | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | CARDS |
Conspiracy theorists are 21-0. Climate change predictions are 0-42. I'm going with the Conspiracy theorists for now on! | cherry picking | 5.1.4 | hamburg_test2 |
As Dick Lindzen alluded to back in 1990 , while everyone seems to understand that the greenhouse effect warms the Earths surface, few people are aware of the fact that weather processes greatly limit that warming. | slothful induction | 3.1 | CARDS |
So yes there is climate change happening.. The Worlds Climate always changes. | single cause | 2.1 | hamburg_test3 |
Pat Michaels, former president of the American Association of State Climatologists, says, "It 's warmed up around one degree Celsius since 1900, and life expectancy DOUBLED‚ yet [ if ] that temperature ticks up another half a degree‚ the entire system crashes? That 's the most absurd belief." | single cause | 3 | jintrain |
There is no longer any doubt that the purported tropical hot spot simply does not exist. Thus, EPA's theory as to how CO2 affects global average surface temperature - EPA's first line of evidence - has been falsified. | misrepresentation | 2.3.5 | CARDS |
Athumani Juma doesn't believe it. A guide who's been hiking the mountain for the past seven years, he laughed when he was asked about the likelihood that Kilimanjaro's snowcap would disappear soon. The glaciers, he claimed, no longer are shrinking, but growing. | cherry picking | 1.1.4 | CARDS |
We were told that the mild winters we experienced in Europe were due to global warming. Now, suddenly, we are getting hit with yet another nasty cold winter. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
The conventional wisdom is dead wrong and the Earth is cooling right on schedule, according to one of the leading scientists who is skeptical of the climate-change premise. | fake experts | 5.1.1 | CARDS |
No matter how much money you throw at it, you can't stop climate change. | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | hamburg_test3 |
I love how Global Warming has had a major 0% effect on the winters in my current home state of Minnesota. | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
The satanic democrats are turning earth into hell. | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
Colors show what drives fire activity. The greatest fire activity occurs during the duff-driven period typically occurring from mid-June to early July. Some years are stronger than others. Guess it's not climate change since it's been happening for 1000's of years | single cause | 1.7 | hamburg_test3 |
Biden's crises: Implemented IN ORDER TO advance phony green transition.Manmade climate change is a hoax.Don't let Biden seal the socialist deal for America.STAND against SOCIALISM. Rule yourself. | conspiracy theory | 5.3.1 | hamburg_test3 |
All time record cold January morning in Canberra | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
It hasn't been hotter. Maybe than last year. But it hasn't been hotter. If next year it's below normal cool. They will call it a climate crisis. There is no such thing as an average year | cherry picking | 1.4 | hamburg_test3 |
Either way, its plain to see that a savings of 27 parts per million over 87 years is trivial, particularly in comparison to its cost (shutting down the entire economy) and would make no meaningful climatic difference even if atmospheric carbon dioxide was the driver of global climate that the alarmists claim it is. | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | CARDS |
The atmosphere has only about 0.04% carbon dioxide, compared with about 1% to 4% water vapour. Each water vapour molecule absorbs and radiates in a far wider range of wavelengths than each carbon dioxide molecule and so, as some have estimated, the overall effect of all the carbon dioxide could be as little as 0.1% that of all the water vapour. | misrepresentation | 2.3.4 | CARDS |
Looking back in 1981, the world had just barely started warming, despite years of rising CO2 levels. | single cause | 2.3.3 | CARDS |
This is recognised by the major carbon dioxide emitters such as China, India and the US, which don't comply. No EU state has met its target. | impossible expectations | 4.2.6 | jintrain |
A second fact is that the climate is warmer than a century ago. How much warmer exactly is still a matter of debate. | slothful induction | 5.1.3 | CARDS |
Suddenly we are also seeing studies showing that warming won't be so bad after all, and that CO2 climate sensitivity is much lower than first thought. The policy-making pressure coming from the threat of climate change is disappearing rapidly. | cherry picking | 3.1 | CARDS |
The cold winters are likely to continue and so are the floods for the next 20-30 years as the 60 year planetary climate cycle goes into its cold phase. We are having the winters like the previous cold cycle 30 years ago. | single cause | 1.2 | CARDS |
As we now know from the Climategate Emails, this band saw the Medieval Warm Period as an enormous obstacle in their mission of spreading the word about global warming. If temperatures were warmer 1,000 years ago than today, the Climategate Emails explain in detail, their message that we now live in the warmest of all possible times would be undermined. As put by one band member, a Briton named Folland at the Hadley Centre, a Medieval Warm Period "dilutes the message rather significantly." | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | CARDS |
May 2007 and October 2007 share the silver and bronze medals with the anomaly of 0.091 Celsius degrees which is 0.81 Celsius degrees cooler than the warmest RSS month, April 1998. Using Al Gore's terminology, two of the three coldest months in this century have occurred in this year! ;-) | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
Satellite data shows that glaciers in part of the Karakoram range on the China-Pakistan border are putting on mass, defying (supposedly) the general trend toward glacier shrinkage. | cherry picking | 1.1.4 | CARDS |
The most telling point is that after spending $30 billion on pure science research no one is able to point to a single piece of empirical evidence that man-made carbon dioxide has a significant effect on the global climate. | slothful induction | 2.3 | CARDS |
You should practise what you preach, flew in on a carbon belching plane etc. | ad hominem | 5.2.4 | hamburg_test2 |
The IPCC no longer includes the "Hockey stick" chart in its reports. | ad hominem | 5.1.2 | jintrain |
This is complete nonsense. If the absorption of relevant wavelengths is already saturated, there is no mechanism for the Earth to warm in response to increased levels of greenhouse gases | oversimplification | 2.3.2 | CARDS |
Canada's carbon tax is actually *not* "doing something about climate change". It has no measurable impact on climate change. None. | impossible expectations | 4.2.3 | hamburg_test3 |
As you can see from the graph below global sea ice extent is nearly on average since 1979 according to satellite measurement. Arctic sea ice is slightly below average and Antarctic sea ice is above average. The total sea ice extent shows no obvious influence from global warming. | cherry picking | 1.1.3 | CARDS |
We had an ice age and a global flood before a single fossil fuel was ever burned…. If you can’t see what’s happening, I feel bad for you…. | single cause | 2.1.4 | hamburg_test1 |
You thought $6-$10 a gallon of gas is bad? Wait until your electric car needs a battery, and you need to shell out over $10k | oversimplification | 4.1.1 | hamburg_test2 |
I was going to write that the bullying, obfuscation, data manipulation, public activism (and shoddy science journalism ) we've witnessed in the name of "climate" research is just the tip of the iceberg , but that's not quite accurate. It's more like a template. | ad hominem | 5.2.5 | CARDS |
Update Jan. 25 , 2016 : As I predicted in this article , global warming activists have indeed made a full-blown public relations effort to claim 2015 was the warmest year on record . | ad hominem | 5.2 | jintrain |
Postmodern science envisages a sort of political nirvana in which scientific theory and results can be consciously and legitimately manipulated to suit either the dictates of political correctness or the policies of the government of theday. | ad hominem | 5.2.5 | CARDS |
Fun fact! In 2012 the Obama administration flirted with the idea of federally prosecuting any scientist or citizen that did not believe in global warming. Dems said it wasn’t true fast forward 10 years california passed a law doctors cant disagree with politicians | ad hominem | 5.2.3 | hamburg_test1 |
Man-made climate change" has not been proven in the first place. Your claim. First tweet. Back it up. | slothful induction | 5.1.1 | hamburg_test3 |
To those of us who have been studying the global warming scare in some detail, the answer is depressingly obvious. It's because in the last decade or so, the climate change industry has become so vast and all encompassing, employing so many people, it simply can not be allowed to fail . | ad hominem | 5.2 | jintrain |
I can't not stand all the weather control chemtrails going on I'm so sick of it. Making storms and tornado hurricane to kill people is stupid you will burn in hell for what your doing. There's your climate change it's man-made | conspiracy theory | 5.3.1 | hamburg_test2 |
Obama made EPA change the naming of Global Warming to Climate Change to mask the 410 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere and it's static nature, thereby eliminating Global Warming argument. | misrepresentation | 1.8 | hamburg_test3 |
Central Europeans right now are scratching their heads, wondering how on Earth they are still shoveling snow past Easter. March in Germany, according to the German Weather Service DWD , was the 6th coldest since measurements began in 1881. Britain has just seen its coldest March in 100 years. In fact over the last few winters hundreds of cold and snowfall records have been shattered. | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
The Sun's radiation output waxes and wanes periodically in predictable cycles. | single cause | 2.1.1 | hamburg_test3 |
So far this month, the US is having its 10th coldest January on record, and the coldest since 1982 | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
Global warming, is and has always been, a propaganda campaign with a thin veneer of science. As the evidence against the scam built up year upon year as mother earth steadfastly refused to warm as instructed, it was inevitable the scam would fall apart. This year, when I heard Greenland was refreezing I finally realised that there was not a shred of evidence to support the scam and so it will inevitably die. | conspiracy theory | 5.3.2 | CARDS |
"We're in a historic drought?"What, in recent decades? Nothing compared to what nature (naturally occurring climate change) can bring to CA. Here's some real recent history about "historic droughts." Tighten your seat belt, folks:PS - current droughts here are simply regional | single cause | 1.7 | hamburg_test3 |
Whatever detrimental effects warming and higher carbon dioxide may have had on terrestrial species and ecosystems, they have been swamped by the contribution of fossil fuels to increased biological productivity. | oversimplification | 3.3.1 | jindev |
Carbon dioxide emissions from non-Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries such as China and India are projected to grow by 9 billion tons per year. The Partnership for a Better Energy Future reports: "for every ton of CO2 reduced in 2030 as a result of EPA's rule, the rest of the world will have increased emissions by more than 16 tons." Our reduction in 2030 would offset the equivalent of just 13.5 days of CO2 emissions from China. The CPP will become the definition of "all pain and no gain." Or, as economist Thomas Sowell calls it: "replacing what worked with what sounded good." | impossible expectations | 4.2.6 | CARDS |
According to the satellites, the late 2016 temperatures are returning to the levels they were at after the 1998 El Nino. | cherry picking | 1.4 | jintrain |
When it's significantly colder than average will you be flapping on twitter? Of course not, not a peep because it doesn't fit the global warming climate crisis con! | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
In fact , human wellbeing has never been higher. | oversimplification | 3.6 | jindev |
Global Warming/Climate Change are money laundering scams. | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | hamburg_test3 |
It's always the same, a couple of warmish days a year and that's our lot, whatever happened to global warming?! | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test3 |
Inflation around the world is now averaging 8%/yr and is accelerating. Caused by the idiotic fairy tale of global warming policies against fossil fuels, we are headed for destruction. | misrepresentation | 4.1.1 | hamburg_test2 |
In northeastern Germany, March is the coldest since at least 130 years ago. In Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg and Berlin, the DWD average temperatures measured up to almost minus two degrees, which lie very close to the previous March-cold record from 1883. In the last four days of the month will determine whether there is even a record. It would then be the coldest March since records began 1881st | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
Why is it that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming yet natural emissions do not? | oversimplification | 2.5 | jintrain |
I was skeptical and now I know why. Climate change is a natural cycle the earth go through and little to do with humans. | single cause | 2.1 | hamburg_test1 |
With the 19.5 inch two-day snowfall total measured at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall airport, the seasonal snowfall total in Baltimore stands at 79.9 inches. This would break the previous all-time seasonal snowfall record for | anecdote | 1.3 | CARDS |
Skeptics claim such anomalies prove that Earth can quickly warm and cool even in the absence of carbon dioxide, and any warming today may be caused by similar natural events. | single cause | 2.1.4 | Alhindi_train |
When Prince William lets slip "Digital Passports will help fight climate change" you know the plan. Rationing. Food ration. Energy ration. Travel ration. Total top down control of your real world. | conspiracy theory | 4.1.5 | hamburg_test3 |
Another powerful negative-feedback mechanism which acts to reduce the effects of global warming has been identified, as scientists say that rising temperatures cause plants to emit higher levels of planet-cooling aerosols. | oversimplification | 3.1 | CARDS |
My argument in recent days has not been against climate change but against this fiction of a national emergency. Where I live we have cloudy & 12 degrees. | anecdote | 1.3 | hamburg_test1 |
He will argue that the 2008 Climate Change Act, which ties Britain into stringent targets to reduce the use of fossil fuels, should be suspended until other countries agree to take similar measures. If they refuse, the legislation should be scrapped altogether, he will say. | impossible expectations | 4.2.6 | CARDS |
Have a look at the buildings in the valley when it rains and floods it's climate change, no they built in a area where the water flows. | single cause | 1.7 | hamburg_test3 |
To me this indicates that people who do not have the faculties to care for themselves as responsible adults are particularly attracted to Green promises. | ad hominem | 5.2 | CARDS |
By "global warming" these papers don't , of course, mean the mild warming of around 0.8 degrees Celsius that the planet has experienced since the middle of the 19th century as the world crawled out of the Little Ice Age. | single cause | 2.1.4 | jintrain |
I like your graph: despite all the rhetoric and worrying about carbon, there has been NO verifiable climate change. | impossible expectations | 5.1 | hamburg_test3 |
US is second. China has doubled cO2 output than US. Then India and Japan. The US is the only industrialized country that has dropped emissions on a mass scale. | impossible expectations | 4.2.6 | hamburg_test3 |
Man made climate change is bullshit being used to WEF our world. FIGHT AGAINST THIS TYRANNY!! | conspiracy theory | 5.3 | hamburg_test2 |
I'm going to give him two answers. A little later I will post taking Keating seriously part 2?? that recounts a few of the prima facie ways that the IPCC's radical attribution claims are highly unscientific, as pointed out by numerous people in recent years. | ad hominem | 5.2.5 | CARDS |
You mean the same whack jobs that push Global Warming? For over thirty years these climate cultists have been screaming the sky is falling. They've been wrong. Enough. | ad hominem | 5.2 | hamburg_test3 |
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